#this screams 'i don't like what we're finding... but we must press on'
beevean · 2 years
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Investigation ~ Core 2001
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rowretro · 7 months
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✧warnings: illegal activities, robbing a back, guns, blood, bomb blasts.
♡synopsis: Y/n and Nishimura Riki, are quite like Bonnie and Clyde, partners in crime with morals. The 2 are the youngest in Heeseung's gang, and had been assigned to rob a rather rich, immoral man's bank. Robbing the black money that he had robbed the country of, exposing his true colours. (Clearly inspired by Thunivu.)
Y/n smirked as Riki's gun pointed the air, bullets shoot at absolutely nothing as the bank workers and those who visited, cowered, finding safety where they could, all laying low. "THIS FUCKING HIEST IS MINE." Riki simply screamed as He chucked a gun at y/n who caught it, the girl immediately got to work, threatening the people, as she took their phones, purses etc.
"If you don't want to be harmed during this heists I advise you all lay low, let me take what I need and then I'll let you free." Riki simply advised as he played some music. Y/n checked all the restrooms and other areas, making sure no one was hiding before sitting on one of the desks, preventing any bankers from pressing the emergency red button.
"You guys... so fucking selfish, you think you'll be free with all the money you take from us?! of course you will you're kids after all." a 40 year old man complained as Riki and y/n turned to each other, the 2 bursting out into laughter. "Ah of course, you'd believe we're going to take the money and blow it on something useless?" The male asked as he turned to y/n. "You see sir... you'll see where this money'll go." she simply said as she pressed the big red emergency button herself.
Within minutes, police cars surrounded the bank building, as they remain cautious. There were bombs on the doors, heck they could even see that some bank workers were tied by the window, with bomb vests. "I take back what I said sir... please take this vest off of me!" the 40 year old begged as Riki snickerred. He pat the man's back with his gun "If you behave, I'll consider freeing you ".
All the while, y/n sat by the phone waiting on a call. "Wow these cops are really slow huh... So entitled they want us to call them instead. alright fine- we'll let them have it their way." she shrugged, dialling the number. "Hello? is this the police station?! there seems to be a heist taking place in XXX bank." The girl said, waiting upon a reply "What you don't think a woman can rob a bank? it's no wonder so many crimes happen in this country." She added, sounding a little annoyed.
Riki took the phone from her hold as she frowned at him, the male simply placed a soft kiss on her lips as he placed the phone by his ear. The police on the other line were just not having it. "Us robbing a bank? You see sir we aren't robbing the bank. we're simply taking back the amount this bank robbed from us." Riki said as the police officer was in disbelief. "All your doubts will be cleared.... can you put officer Jungwon on the line?" Riki said with an innocent smile.
Officer Jungwon, the said, innocent, brand new cop on the team, he was just a PC, the fear in his eyes evident as the Inspector glared at him handing the phone to him. "Officer Yang, we invite you through the backdoor to the bank. but.... you must bring 4 people..." Riki added as y/n nodded, hacking into as many news channels as possible, smirking as her eyes land on a certain news reporter. "Reporter Park" She simply said as Riki nodded.
"4 people. The bank owner. His father. The Manager and of course Reporter Park. The charming reporter with multiple cameras, trying to get the juicy drama, while charming a bunch of girls? his name card says Park Sunghoon? yeah that one." he described hanging up. The police new they were messing with the wrong gang, anyone knew Riki's voice. No one dared to mess with the Nishimura Riki, the only known gang mate in the ENHYPEN gang.
When the 4 were allowed in, Sunghoon set up the cameras as y/n tied the 3 men to 3 chairs, handing Jungwon a bat. Riki stood behind the camera with y/n. His focus on the people within the bank. "See here fellow bank workers and visitors... you're going to find out the real truth behind where your money, and my money went." Riki simply said as y/n shrugged, handing a contract to the three.
"what is this?!" The bank owner, Yeonjun asked as y/n smiled "It's simply a contract, a contract you will sign in front of this camera to allow us to interview you live~" the girl said, as Yeonjun signed it, not bothering to read it, he passed it onto his father, Mr Choi, the the Manager, Choi Soobin. After signing the contract, y/n took a seat. "Reporter Park, this is live right?" she asked as Sunghoon nodded.
With Jungwon in the back holding a bat, and Y/n sat right opposite the three men. "First question. Choi Yeonjun, the owner of this beautiful bank. Mind telling me how much you stole from us all together?" y/n asked as the man smiled at the camera "See darling I don't see what you're talking about... Why would I steal money when I'm already rich." He asked as y/n tutted "Officer Yang... if someone stole 100 million from your hard earned money, how would you feel?..." y/n asked.
"I'd break his hands for touching my money..." he answerred as the girl nodded. "Okay... well lets tone it down just a little, you may use the bat to hit Yeonjun everytime he lies." "WHAT? HIT ME??? SINCE WHEN WAS THAT ALLOWED?!" he asked as Riki chuckled. "In the contract Owner Choi." "What the fuck- but- the writting is so small i could barely read it!" he complained as Riki shrugged "It's the same font you used in your contracts." he simply said.
Jungwon started beating the man with the bat, as Riki then told him to stop. "This is ridiculous. I will not let you abuse my son like this!" Mr Choi complained as y/n nodded. "Okay sir then why don't you answer us? where did you store all the money you stole???" She asked as the man glared at her "I'm telling you we didn't steal any money!" The man lied as Soobin, the manager interrupted them. "Sir just tell them where the 500 million is or they...." Soobin stopped mid sentence noticing the Chois glare at him.
"500 million?.... wow you hear that world? XXX bank stole 500, million fucking dollars. Only 100 million from the infamous gang you all know... then that 400 million?... why don't I answer that for you?..." Y/n said, glaring at Yeonjun. "You stole that hard-earned money from all those civillians who worked their blood, sweat and tears, for that money, to pay off bills, school fees, hospital fucking bills. The so-called black money is actually red money. you have way more fucking blood on your hands than any gang ever had." She seethed.
The news airing abruptly came to an end, when Yeonjun managed to break out and stab a few wires, he immediately kicked y/n in the stomach, grabbing her by her hair and smashing her face into a glass table. However, Riki was quick to act, pulling her away, and hitting Yeonjun around the head with a gun. The Choi now knocked out called. "You alright princess?" Riki asked, his eyes widening at the little trickles of blood on your face. "M good sweetheart... it was nothing" she reassured as the man kissed her.
"Cork it love birds. only a matter of time before Yeonjun wakes up. Let's just take our 100 million and leave, the heli's here, the police can sort out that lot." Sunghoon said, throwing off the lanyard and unbuttoning the top, revealing the undershirt he wore beneath. "Fucking reporter uniform making me sweat like fuck." he groaned as Jungwon scoffed, throwing the bat aside as he dragged Yeonjun back to his chair, tying him down. "I actually look kinda fire in a cop's uniform to be honest." the man smirked as he followed y/n and Riki.
Y/n smirked, as she bombed the vault open, taking only the amount that the bank owed the gang, placing the money inside the helicopter. Riki dragged her cautiously, as they started to run until they were out of sight, the boys following behind. As they reached a safe spot, Heeseung picked them up. "huh, the police are at the bank now, and they're looking into the case.... and you're making out-" Sunghoon rolled his eyes, as Heeseung honked the car horn, in an attempt to stop them from eating eachothers' faces.
"Fuck it. they won't listen...." Heeseung groaned "they handled that bank issue without a lot of smooching, pet names, hugs, romance and all that bull crap... they'll be out of breath soon-" Sunghoon pointed out as Jungwon covered his ears.
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mysteryshoptls · 5 months
SSR Vil Schoenheit - Luxe Couture Vignette
"My orders are absolute"
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[Fairest City – Queen's Palace]
Announcer: The curtain rises on this year's Fairest City's International Film Festival. And today... Please take a gander around me!
Announcer: Queen's Palace is completely flooded with the press and movie fans. Enthusiasm is in full force!
Announcer: With so many filmmakers and actors present, this is the event of the season. Let's chat with a few of them.
Announcer: Hello! Which production are you most excited to see during this film fest?
Movie Fan A: Ever since I was a kid, I've always loved the animated movie on the Fairest Queen and her spirit of tenacity.
Movie Fan A: I'm really looking forward to the live-action remake! Can't wait to see what other info they drop during the film fest.
Announcer: The anticipation is immense! Alright, next… Hey, you over there! And why have you come to Queen's Palace?
Movie Fan B: There's someone I really really need to see…! You know how there's going to be a screening for the Beautiful Queen?
Movie Fan B: I was hoping maybe, just maybe, my most beautiful bias would make a surprise appearance, so I came here!
Announcer: Oho, I see. And who is it you're such a fan of?
Movie Fan B: Yeah, my fave is Vil… HUH!?
Announcer: Everyone, please take a look! Vil Schoenheit has arrived here at Queen's Palace!!
Ace: Woah, this is crazy! There's so much screaming for Vil-senpai that I can feel it vibrating my whole body!!
Jamil: Don't lose focus. Our job here is to protect Vil-senpai from his enthused fans and the media.
Azul: Indeed. As recompense for these Luxe couture garments, we must put forth our labor as compensation.
Vil: That's right. [Yuu], Ace, Grim. I expect the three of you to properly carry out your roles as well.
[Yuu nods]
Ace: I mean, I've got on this Luxe couture fit on, so. I gotta make sure I keep lookin' cool, don't I?
Vil: Absolutely. I need you to look your best so you can be of the utmost use for me.
[click! snap!!]
Cameraman: It's Vil Schoenheit!! I gotta snap as many pictures as I can from all angles!
Vil: Hello, everyone, are you all enjoying this very special day?
[Vil waves hand with a sparkle]
Movie Fan B: Ooahh, he waved at me! Now I can… die without regrets…
[faints with a thud]
[Vil looks over with a sparkle]
[faints with a thud]
Azul: Amazing… Fans are dropping like flies just from meeting Vil-san's eyes…
Jamil: Even when we find erratic people in the crowd, they're instantly affected by Vil-senpai's beauty.
Ace: And this guy's just as stoic as ever even seeing the crowd act like this… Vil Schoenheit is way too incredible!
1. He's so enchanting… 2. I can't stop taking pictures…!
Vil: Don't be content just yet. We're just getting started.
Vil: We'll make sure that no one ever forgets my momentous walk down the tapis rouge.
Vil: Jamil, bring that to me.
Jamil: Of course, I have it right here.
Announcer: Vil Schoenheit has stopped on the tapis rouge and has been handed a box.
Announcer: What could possibly be in the box? …It's an apple! Vil Schoenheit is now holding an apple!
[green smoke starts to surround Vil]
Announcer: Oh? And now he's surrounded by smoke… I can't see Vil Schoenheit at all.
Announcer: What is happening…? Huh!?
Announcer: B-B-B-Beautiful!!! He's so beautiful… More beautiful than I could possibly imagine!!!
Grim: That guy with the mic can't say nothin' other than beautiful anymore.
Ace: Haha, he's even stolen the announcer's vocab away. I'd expect nothing less from Vil-senpai.
Cameraman: Look at his spectacular attire, and his flawless posing…! This is out best chance to snag all the photos!!
[click! snap, snap!!]
Vil: Heh. Just as I expected, the reception is fantastic.
Azul: Indeed. Your design was a grand success. This was a fantastically gorgeous idea fit for this stage.
Vil: It's much too early to be complacent. All of you, make sure you follow me closely.
Jamil/Azul/Grim/Ace: Yes, sir! / Got it!
[Yuu nods]
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[Fairest City – Queen's Palace]
[Vil talking to others]
Ace: Hey, hey, [Yuu]! That person Vil-senpai is talking to right now…
1. They're definitely that one recently popular singer. 2. I feel like I've seen them on TV…
Ace: Right? Celebrities are chatting him up left and right… You can really feel just how much of a super celeb Vil-senpai really is.
Ace: Maybe we can slip into the convo at the right time! Think we could get an autograph!?
Grim: Oh hey, they're passin' out drinks over there! I'm gonna go get… Myah!?
[Vil grabs Grim]
Grim: Hey, don't grab me by the scruff!
Vil: Silence! Just because we made it safely inside the Queen's Palace does not mean you can do as you please.
Vil: You are to stay calm and refined, and carry yourself beautifully during the film festival as well. Or do you intend on humiliating me?
Azul: Quite right. The energy of these first years can be quite troublesome.
Vil: If you think so, I would rather you watch those little spudlings instead of passing out your business cards.
Vil: Especially while you tell them you're my schoolmate… Really, I give you an inch and you take a mile.
Jamil: I've confirmed our seating arrangements for the screening. The theater is just past here.
Vil: Wonderful. We should make our way there before the aisles get too crowded.
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Grim: Movie's finally over. That was super long… Hey, why's everyone standin' up all a sudden?
Azul: Well, well… What a magnificent standing ovation.
Vil: The Fairest Queen's spirit of tenacity was fully explored throughout the whole Beautiful Queen movie.
Vil: She was never complacent with the status quo, and spent her entire life attempting to improve herself further…
Vil: It's only natural to be deeply moved by how she pursued her life goals, especially as a performer, myself.
Jamil: I agree. It was a fantastic film. We should join the rest of the audience in applause.
Vil: Ah… The entire venue has nothing but praise for this film. A spectacular sight to behold. I'm sure Dad is just as elated right now.
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Ace: The live-action Beautiful Queen movie rocked. Based on that showing, it'll definitely be a huge hit!
Azul: Well, the film fest has concluded… Vil-san, what are our plans afterward?
Vil: Our plans? Well, that would be…
Vil: We head home.
Ace/Grim/Azul: HUH!?
1. That sucks… 2. No way…
Jamil: It'll get dark soon. If we want to make tomorrow's classes, we should probably head back to campus soon.
Vil: That's right. The main role of a student is to learn. That's why even I have put my career on hold.
Vil: When I received my admissions letter from Night Raven College, I have to admit I did hesitate.
Vil: Was there even any reason to place my acting career on hold just to attend a school…? Or so I thought.
Vil: However, I'm sure that the knowledge, studying and experience that comes from school life will undoubtedly be a boon.
Vil: Once I decided that, I chose to reduce my work commitments and instead devote myself to my studies.
Vil: By spending my days simply being Vil Schoenheit and a member of the Pomefiore Dormitory...
Vil: My understanding of the Fairest Queen's spirit of tenacity deepened, which in turn led to this successful promotion.
Vil: My daily life as a student has absolutely been a boon for my career, just as I expected it would be back before I enrolled… No, I suppose it would be correct to say even more than I had expected.
Vil: This little venture has proved to me that my decision had been the correct one.
Vil: And thus, I am also determined to spend the rest of the time I have left as a student to my fullest, with no regrets.
Ace: Vil-senpai…
Ace: Okay, you can say all that, but you do realize that this is probably the only time the rest of us get the chance to go to a film festival, right!?
Azul: Ace-san is completely correct. It would be an absolute pity to squander this opportunity to network with all these celebrities!
Vil: Oh, is that so. Then do as you please. That is, if you are willing to violate your contract.
Ace: Violate what contract? We played your lackeys already.
Azul: Actually… The conditions set by Vil-san were to "walk the red carpet"…
Azul: If he intends on walking the same path we took to get here, we must escort him during his return, as well…!
Vil: Correct. I see you fully understand the terms of your agreement.
Ace: Ehhhh~!? I thought we were only here for the grand entrance…
Vil: So I'll ask you one more time. I will be returning to campus, what will you do?
Ace/Azul: Return alongside you…
Jamil: Considering the role we were undertaking today, it's only natural.
Vil: Excellent. Then we should make haste to leave the venue.
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[Fairest City – Queen's Palace]
[snap! snap snap snap!!]
Grim: Myah, the flashes are way too bright!!
Azul: I had anticipated the crowd would be more settled than when we had entered the venue...
Ace: Doesn't feel like they've petered out at all… And we even tried slipping out mid-fest.
Announcer: Vil Schoenheit-san! Please elaborate on your promotion work for this event!
Cameraman: Vil-SAN!! LOOK THIS WAY!!
Jamil: The press are coming at us in full force…! Ace, Azul, hold them back!!
Ace/Azul: RIGHT!!
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Vil: Now, now, how frantic everyone is. There's no need to worry, I won't run from you.
Vil: I will gladly answer your questions, at least until I finish walking the tapis rouge.
Newspaper Reporter: Whew, that draped train flutters so beautifully… …Ack! I shouldn't be standing around enraptured.
Newspaper Reporter: Ahem. Then, I'll start. How did it come to be that you would do this promotion?
Vil: Eric Venue personally requested me. Must mean no one was better suited for the promotion than I.
Magazine Reporter: Your whole outfit coordination today is so stunning! Can you tell us some highlights about this look?
Vil: I call this "Black of Night" ―
Vil: It came about by utilizing the iconic Luxe brand color that originates in the Fairest Queen legends.
Vil: Instead of accessorizing with magnificent jewelry, I simply used myself as the adornment…
Vil: Which allowed my beauty to be accentuated even further.
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Announcer: Speaking of which… Your companions here all look fabulous as well. Are you all models as well?
Ace: Ooh, is that how we look? I mean, we all look pretty rad, can't fault you for thinking so~
Azul: I'm grateful that you thought to cast your eyes on me as well. Thank you so much for you kind words.
Jamil: Guess it's not too terrible to be thought of as one of Vil-senpai's colleagues.
Grim: Myahaha! This guy knows what they're talkin' about!
1. Wow, I can't believe we were mistaken for models!
Vil: Calm down… Don't get all riled up. Obviously, it's because of the Luxe attire you're wearing.
2. I feel like I've never been noticed like this before…
Vil: Heh, you seem pretty composed. At least you can tell it's obviously because of the Luxe attire you're wearing.
Vil: Although, I suppose if you are basking in my glow, it wouldn't be surprising for others to notice you lot as well.
Vil: These fellows aren't models, but are merely my dutiful manservants. And they obey every order I give them.
Vil: Isn't that right?
Grim/Ace/Jamil/Azul: Yes, sir... Vil Schoenheit-sama.
Vil: …It seems the tapis rouge has come to an end. I'm sorry, but this is the end of the interview.
Vil: I do hope you all have a wonderful evening.
Announcer: Vil-san, please wait a moment!!
Newspaper Reporter: I still have another question for you…!
Vil: Here we go, boys. Get to work and secure a path!
Grim/Ace/Jamil/Azul: YESSIR!!
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Ace: Wheeew, we finally escaped. The press was pretty intense, but that was an ambush of fans!
Azul: Gasp, whew… Truly an ordeal…
Azul: With how Vil-san made such a grand appearance in front of the media like this despite recently taking a break from his acting work...
Azul: I can fully understand why anyone would want to take as many photos as possible in that scenario…
Vil: It's been sometime since I've had such an ardent reception. It's not something that I get to deal with while on Sage's Island.
Jamil: Good thing we were able to give them all the slip. It was a great plan to confirm possible back roads to escape to last night.
Ace: Is that what you were all doing!? I just thought you guys all snuck out of the hotel to have a bit of fun…
Vil: I don't think Azul or Jamil would let a single thing slip by them. You both have earned my praise just this once.
Vil: There were a few close calls, but… I would say you all just barely succeeded in the job I entrusted you with.
Azul: Your kind words fill me with joy. And once again… Thank you for allowing us to accompany you.
Vil: Of course. This was a fairly wonderful two days, was it not? Not only we were able to relax here in the Fairest City…
Vil: But we were also able to watch an early showing of the live-action Beautiful Queen.
Azul: Yes, indeed. The movie was utterly beautiful from start to finish… I could even feel the dedication in the tableware and cutlery chosen for the film.
Jamil: I understand the tenacious spirit of the Fairest Queen even better now. I feel like I need to put forth even more effort in my own life now.
Vil: Excellent thoughts.
Vil: Next. How about we hear the thoughts from the youngest spudlings here, who seem to be trying to avoid eye contact, hm?
Ace: It was super real-looking, and super fab, and the Fairest Queen was suuuper pretty… Basically, it was just super awesome all around!
1. I agree! 2. It was impressive!
Vil: Sigh, how appalling. How could you watch that masterpiece and only have such boring impressions?
Vil: It seems you still don't have a full understanding on the spirit of tenacity.
Vil: Once the movie is available to the public, you are to go watch it in theaters. Understand? My orders are absolute.
Vil: …And if the mood strikes, perhaps I'll join you.
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Requested by @amourteddyst and @ordinaryanon.
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vettelsvee · 2 months
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CLIFFORD AND EMILY | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | ao3 | ask me anything or let's talk!
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ferrari sebastian vettel x race engineer wife!reader
word count: 3195
summary: y/n tells seb that it would be a great present for his birthday to adopt a puppy, and they find the perfect one
warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff. dad ferrari!seb as i can't get rid of him. based on 2018 season and narrated on seb's pov
a/n: once again, this is part of history series (coming soon as is being heavily edited) and translated by cele! changed my layout to my comfort people so are you like it? also, as always, i'll be waiting for your feedback, as well as comments and chats on that anon button please! and also, don't forget reblogs are truly appreciated guys! tysm <3
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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Normally, I didn't have trouble getting up in the mornings, especially during Grand Prix weekends, but today it had been incredibly hard to leave Y/N and Emily sleeping.
Maybe the problem was that today was my birthday, and, in part, we couldn't spend it like a normal family. I didn't mind working on such a special day, but it did bother me when I thought it was my first birthday with Emily.
Very reluctantly, I decided to start my day, trying not to let my bad mood consume me. As soon as I set foot on the floor, I adjusted the sheets to cover my girlfriend, taking the utmost care not to wake her. Nights with our daughter were exasperating, and I didn't know how Y/N managed to be at one hundred percent during team meetings, press conferences, free practice sessions, qualifying and the race, and especially the briefings and all the data analysis her job entailed.
I trained with Eddie for just an hour and a half. According to him, my birthday present was a less strict training session; even so, we ran a lap around the block where the hotel was located, and then we went straight to the gym.
At half-past seven in the morning, to my good fortune, he told me I could go back to my room to get ready for that Friday.
I entered as quickly as I could, being very careful because it was still quite early, and I assumed my girls would be resting. Deep down, I knew that wasn't going to be the case, so I wasn't surprised to see Y/N, still in her pyjamas, walking back and forth while breastfeeding Emily and trying to eat a piece of toast.
“God!” She quickly swallowed the bite and pretended she hadn't been eating. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute the scene seemed to me. “I'm so sorry, Seb. I had ordered breakfast to be brought up and ready for when you came, but I was so hungry and wasn't sure when Eddie would let you go today…”
I shook my head and approached her. I left a short kiss on her lips and then placed another on my daughter's forehead.
“Happy birthday, sunshine,” she said, wrapping her free arm around me. “How many birthdays have we spent together now? Eight?”
“Seven,” I corrected her, remembering we didn’t get to spend the 2008 one together. “And I hope there will be more because I'm not going to let you get rid of me anytime soon.”
“Do you really think I'm going to get rid of you so soon? In case you don't remember, we not only work together: we also share a house, a cat, a daughter, and we're going to have a dog…”
After that last part, Y/N let out a small scream and covered her mouth with her hand.
If I was the one who could keep secrets perfectly, Y/N Y/L/N was the complete opposite.
“What do you mean by a dog, Y/N?”
“Oh, well, I don't know… I must have mixed up some conversation I had with Aristella about Cherry,” her nerves were quite noticeable. “I got confused, and…”
“Y/N, I know you perfectly, and I know when you're lying to me. What did you mean by we’re going to have a dog?”
Given my insistence and, why not say it, the poker face I probably had, my girlfriend sighed. She placed Emily in the crib next to our bed and, while asking me to sit down and start having breakfast, took her mobile phone and immersed herself in it.
“Well, you see…” she began, sitting in front of me and taking a strawberry in her hands. “Since you adopted Vanilla as a surprise for me, I've been thinking that I would like to do the same for you, but between the chaotic 2013 we had and Emily's birth, I found it a bit impossible. It's also true that it's something I would like to discuss before doing it because it's a matter that depends not only on me but also on you,” she clarified.
“And that means…?”
“Forget it, Seb. It doesn't matter. I haven't told you anything, okay? Forget it.”
It bothered me to see her so indecisive, though it didn’t stop me from finding her idea quite endearing deep down. I knew she was nervous; the constant fiddling with the napkin and her flushed cheeks were proof of that.
“Do you want to adopt a dog?” I asked her, loud and clear.
“It’s not that I want to adopt a dog. Well, I do, but…” she sighed, stopped eating breakfast, and looked at me directly. “The thing is, I know you’d like to have a dog, and you’ve had that idea in your head for quite some time, so I thought that, only if you want, we could adopt one,” she finally explained.
“Do you want to wait until we get back home? If you want, we can talk to Michael and have him recommend…”
“No, no, not at all! I’ve already talked to Lewis about it, and he’s informed me,” she hastened to clarify. “Since I wanted to do all this, if possible, today, I asked him where he adopted Roscoe and Coco. I thought today was the perfect day for the adoption because it’s your birthday,” she repeated.
I nodded as I got up and headed towards Emily’s crib, who had started crying once more.
“I mean, all this is only if you want, of course,” Y/N spoke again. Before I could respond, she interrupted me once more. “But if you want, we can do it when we get back home. I don’t mind, except I wouldn’t have another birthday present to give you…”
Still holding the baby in my arms, I approached her and silenced her with a long, slow kiss, one I took my time with but received no complaints about, quite the opposite.
Y/N always went out of her way with gifts, even during times when her finances weren't the best. I much preferred her giving me something symbolic over an expensive whim.
So, the fact that she wanted to adopt a dog today, as my birthday present, made this thing I had wanted for so long even more special. Plus, thinking that Emily would grow up with the new member of the family made it a thousand times better.
“If my girl says it’s happening today, then we should follow her lead,” I finished saying. “What time do you think we’ll be done with everything we have to do today?”
“I hope there aren’t too many people, because if Britta finds out we’re doing all this without telling her…”
“Y/N, relax. If there’s any problem or anything, I’ll handle the press. Besides, it’s not like they don’t know me: remember I adopted Roscoe and Coco there, so they know me quite well.”
Lewis had decided to come with us to, according to him, ensure his friends received proper treatment. Deep down, I knew it was because he didn’t want to see Aristella, Britta’s niece and Y/N's best friend, hanging around Rosberg even while they were in the middle of their divorce process.
Hamilton’s concern for the girl wasn’t just something a friend would have, and I knew he was fully aware of that.
“Do you have something in mind, Seb?”
Lewis’s voice snapped me out of my trance.
“Sorry, what?”
“If you’ve thought of a name for the dog,” the dark-haired man spoke again. “I hope it’s something different from the usual. You know, the world has too many Tobys and all those common dog name variants.”
“If we’re talking about giving common names to pets, Seb is your guy,” Y/N spoke now, almost shouting. “When he adopted Vanilla just to get me to move in with him, he told me Garfield was a better name. Garfield, like the cartoon cat! If that’s not common…”
“What do you want to call an orange cat, Y/N? Vanilla? I remind you that you wanted to name her Cheeto…”
“Because she looked like a Cheeto and I thought it was a male!” she retorted. “Later, when I realised she was female and not so orange, I named her Vanilla.”
“Vanilla, I like it. It’s an… interesting name,” Lewis intervened. “Can I ask why you named her like that?”
“Y/N's favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. That, and if you add the fact that cats are her favourite animal…” I answered in her place.
I saw Y/N's lips curve slightly in the rear-view mirror.
Then, she turned around and put a hand on my leg, stroking it.
“I hope you find the perfect name for the new family member, love. Even if it’s the same as every other dog in the world,” she said ironically.
After those words, I realised we had arrived at the shelter Lewis Hamilton seemed to admire so much.
The Brit, as he guided us towards what appeared to be the entrance, commented that we should be careful with Emily, not because the furry ones were aggressive, but because they got very excited when they had visitors, especially if they were children.
A dark-skinned woman with completely dark hair was at the door, as if she had been waiting for us for a while. Lewis gave her a hug and immediately introduced us.
“These are Sebastian Vettel, his girlfriend Y/N, and their daughter, Emily.”
She gave us a smile, and I saw she intended to shake our hands until she saw our little one. She approached to dote on her as soon as Y/N gave her permission with a glance. Emily’s laughter began to fill the room, and she started to move cheerfully in Y/N's arms.
“I’m so sorry for my lack of manners, but when I see such a beautiful baby like this little one…” the woman began to say, still playing with the child. Then, she cleared her throat and looked at both of us. “Nice to meet you, couple,” she finally shook our hands. “I’m Jade, and well, I’ve been a volunteer at this shelter since time immemorial, back in the prehistoric times.”
“Don’t say that, Jade! You look wonderful,” Lewis told her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t be so flattering, young man,” she chided him. “I appreciate all kinds of compliments for my age, but that’s not why we’re here. Well, tell me: if I’m not mistaken, and as your friend here has told me, you want to expand your family, right?”
Now she was looking intently at both of us. I nodded in response; at the same time, and by inertia, my right arm wrapped around my girlfriend’s waist, which made Emily start reaching out her little arms to come to me.
“Today is Seb’s birthday, and he’s been wanting to adopt a dog for quite some time,” my girlfriend explained.
“Oh, the adoption is a birthday gift!” Jade exclaimed, beginning to clap and approaching me quickly to give me a hug that I gladly accepted. “Happy birthday, dear! How old are you now?”
“Oh, dear. If I could be that age again…”
I smiled at her response as Y/N handed me Emily, who had started babbling to come to me.
“A daddy’s girl, I see, huh?” Jade chimed in. Y/N was about to answer, but before she could even do so, the woman was already speaking again. “Well, since it’s your birthday, I think I have the perfect gift for you.”
Without saying anything more, the woman gestured for us to follow her, and we did. We passed through several areas with dogs of different ages roaming freely, who approached us to sniff and perhaps convince us to adopt them.
Lewis mentioned that some of them were related to Coco. I laughed at the supposed joke, which stopped being a joke when Jade confirmed it. Y/N lagged behind a few times because she stopped to play with the dogs that approached her, which were quite a few. Emily and I, however, kept a brisk pace, possibly eager to find out what the woman was talking about and why she was being so mysterious.
Finally, we arrived at a kind of room with less light than I expected and, to my surprise, full of what seemed to be soft little beds. On top of them, not only was there a dog lying down that seemed quite tired, but there were also several puppies nursing from her.
Jade indicated before we entered that we should remain silent.
“One of our dogs gave birth last night,” she told us. “I don’t want to give all her puppies up for adoption since I’d like at least one to stay with her, but considering that the puppies and you share a birthday, I’d be delighted if you adopted one of them.”
I opened my eyes wide and couldn’t say anything. Next to me, Y/N seemed to have reacted the same way I did.
Saying we were surprised would be an understatement.
“But… are you serious?” my girlfriend commented, still in surprise.
“Of course, dears!” the woman responded cheerfully. “The only issue, so to speak, though it’s not really a problem, is that it’ll take about a month and a half before you can take him home. You know, the separation process from the mother is crucial.”
“No problem, really. We’ll wait as long as it takes,” I finally spoke. “Besides, I think we have a break around that time, right?”
“Yes, about a month,” Lewis replied.
“We’ve already got our vacation destination, sunshine,” Y/N said to me, apparently much more excited than I was.
“Now, I need you to tell me something important: which one of them do you want to be your little girl’s new brother?”
Still holding Emily, Y/N and I carefully approached the puppies.
To our eyes, they all looked exactly the same. We couldn’t see their eyes, but I was almost convinced they would be similar to the colour of their fur, a light brown skin similar to beach sand. They were huddled together and didn’t seem to be doing anything other than trying to nurse for as long as possible.
“Do you know what breed or mix they are?” Y/N asked the lady with that characteristic curiosity of hers.
“If I remember correctly, their mother is a golden retriever and their father, a big labrador.”
My girlfriend thanked her, turning towards her and leaving Emily by herself for a moment. At that point, seemingly unaware that her mother wasn't watching her every move, the little one began to crawl towards the puppies. Instinctively, I quickly scooped her up in my arms to prevent her from doing so. However, she didn't seem to give up: she started kicking until, just like that, I brought her a little closer to the furry animals.
While Y/N and Lewis chatted with Jade, I remained seated on the floor next to my daughter, who seemed to have settled on a particular puppy. I tried shifting her gaze from side to side, attempting to get her to notice the rest of them, but it seemed the one farthest from its mother had caught her attention the most.
“I think Emily has chosen who’s going to be her adopted sibling, hasn’t she?” I remarked.
As soon as I said that, the three of them turned towards me, crouching down to my level. Emily was still engrossed with that little one and seemed to continue being so until we left.
“Have you chosen for Daddy, Emi?” Y/N asked, almost lying on the floor to join the game that Emily was playing with the one who seemed to be our new child. “Do you want this to be your new little brother? Or sister, of course.”
“He's a boy, actually,” Jade intervened. “And, if I’m honest and don't recall incorrectly, he’s the oldest of the whole litter.”
“Do you want to adopt this little one then, sunshine? Honestly, if you’re not convinced we can wait a bit…” Y/N whispered as if wanting it to be a secret between us.
“Clifford,” I suddenly blurted out.
They looked at me as if they had seen a ghost. Of course, I would act the same if someone dropped a name out of nowhere in a situation like this.
“I want to name him Clifford,” I clarified. “Remember the series about that big red dog you told me you watched with your sisters when they were little?” I asked my girlfriend, who nodded. “Well, if I remember correctly, you told me that the main character of the series, who was also the owner of the dog, was named Emily.”
“What’s that got to do with it, love?” she asked, curious. Did she really not know why I had suggested that name?
“Well, it just so happens that your daughter is named Emily and she seems to have chosen for us.”
Y/N’s eyes lit up and widened exaggeratedly. I swear I saw them get a little misty when she finally seemed to understand what I meant. Immediately, she stood up, took the baby in her arms, and began to talk to her while they played as if they were the only ones in the room.
“I guess I already have a birthday present, right?” I asked the redhead, standing beside her and giving her a kiss on the forehead and another to our daughter.
“Emily and Clifford…” she murmured. “I like it. I love it, actually.”
“Well, I hope that when we have the next baby, I can nail it in the same way.”
Jade, after the last sentence that I had just said, was left dumbfounded. Lewis, for his part, tried to turn a deaf ear and, instead, told me that they would be waiting for us at the entrance to do all the necessary paperwork, not without whispering to me in the least blatant way possible that he hoped that this would be my other birthday present.
Obviously, he deserved a well-deserved punch from Y/N.
“Are you already thinking about the next baby, love? Emily hasn’t even turned one yet!”
“I always think about the second baby, to be honest,” I replied. I was convinced, and I knew as well as she did that we had barely laid the foundations of our family. “A puppy brother for Emily is fine, but a human one would be a thousand times better. Don’t you think so?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and turned away, heading towards the shelter entrance. I quickly caught up with her, and her laughter filled my ears.
“If you're already thinking about our second baby, then we'll have to listen to Lewis and start practising tonight before dinner with my parents,” she suggested.
Her mischievous look infected me, and I couldn’t help but return it.
“As the birthday boy, I vote for squeezing in a free practice session before dinner with my parents tonight. How does that sound?”
“Whatever you wish, birthday boy,” she replied. “But I hope you come up with a good enough excuse for them not to suspect anything when we arrive late, and also when you ask if they can keep Emily overnight.”
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sapphic-agent · 7 months
A question I'd ask MHA: Is killing people bad? Nezu and everyone at UA was on board with killing Tomura, deciding to turn the school into a "Coffin In The Sky" with people like Kaminari and Momo helping to keep it running. Hawks killed Twice. Endeavor tried to kill AFO and the entire fight after AFO rewound himself was to push him so he'd be rewound out of existence. The vestiges are constantly harping to Izuku about killing Tomura. Their society has a death penalty and their torture prison exists to punish people and be a fate worse than death. Gran Torino's last words to Izuku before he fell into a coma were telling him to kill Tomura. We had Hawks see Toga clones disguised as Twice and his first action was to scream to kill him now. Hawks gave a begrudging press conference after Twice's murder where he showed no upset for what happened, and no one cared. Previously, the government was assassinating people who were against its interests and Izuku's reaction to learning this was to decide he'd be a hero. This somehow convinces the ex-government assassin to put her faith in him. He does not reflect on how the peace of the past was built on a mountain of corpses. He and the heroes then don't have to deal with this at all because Redestro proceeds to kill them, and a new government gets formed off screen. Why's this series send so many mixed messages? If we're just going to kill people, how do they decide when and where? There was a group of guys sent to go free Gigantomachia and Kurogiri, but the heroes could have just killed them both. Thus making the rescue efforts totally worthless. The PLF would have arrived to find corpses. If we're at the point where we plot to assassinate our enemies and convert schools into elaborate death traps, why not do summary executions? Mic was about to kill Kurogiri himself, after he waited in his cell to ambush Spinner. They could have just shot Dabi and Toga. Well, Dabi's a lot harder to kill than Toga, especially with bullets, but he wouldn't exactly expect Shoto to pull a gun on him. Why not just fire guns into the crowds of people outside the hospital? Real talk: if they already created a trap to kill a high ranking PLF member, why not use the hospital as another? That's exactly what it was. They had intel that the location of Kurogiri was leaked, and they didn't move him to another location or evacuate the hospital. And the story acts like the villains are the bad guys for attacking a hospital which they're using as a prison for one of their allies? Why would they keep him here if not to round up all their foes and take them out in one go? Shoji is there to lecture the mutants, but he doesn't pay any attention to why this is even happening in the first place. If they put Kurogiri on a boat and only told the crew of said ship about the mission, the PLF would have never had a chance of finding him. Are they gonna search the entire ocean around Japan?
It's odd. The hero kids designated to save their villains don't reflect on or discuss anything related to killing nor are they pressured to do so. Izuku was going to be on a strike team designed to KILL TOMURA and he didn't have any issues with this. What was he going to do had Toga not dragged him away? Beat Tomura down and go "Actually guys, I want to take him alive." He would have sat through this briefing and had everything discussed with him...and at no point did he say anything. I'm not advocating FOR them to do this, I just think that they should be consistent. If you kill once, there's no reason not to keep doing it. The public has already shown they don't care. The heroes aren't troubled at the idea of taking lives, nor do they hesitate when they feel they must.
Right, so I'm glad you asked this.
The canon explanation is, it's frowned upon to kill but heroes are allowed to if they deem it necessary. This is why Hawks received so much backlash for killing Twice even though it was his legal right to do so. But that explanation is flimsy at best.
A lot of people harp on Batman, but he's right. Or at least, he has the right mindset. There is no singular force on Earth- or even the galaxy- that can stop the Justice League should they ever turn evil or take over. So the minute they stop abiding by their morals, it's up to them to "leash" themselves so to speak. But in some instances, they can't.
Everyone will talk about Injustice, but I always felt like "A Better World" from the Justice League animated series was a better example. Basically in a parallel universe Lex Luthor becomes president and kills Flash (Wally West in this show) which leads to Superman killing him. Him and the rest of the League (they call themselves the Justice Lords) then become authoritarian dictators, squeezing every ounce of freedom out of the world in the name of "justice" and killing whenever they deem it necessary.
What makes the DCAU so great- and what DC fans who've never watched it tend to miss- is that it isn't about whether certain villains deserve to die or not. It's about the League (especially Batman and Superman) holding themselves accountable and to a standard. They hold an insurmountable amount of power and all if they let themselves snap, they're at risk of abusing that power. Their no killing rule is about self-control.
(Wonder Woman (and a few others) is a little different as some versions of her have been shown to be able to kill and not lose herself in the process. But that's not important here)
Horikoshi's never taken any of this into account. His heroes are a bizarre, toxic mix between celebrities and cops who are given too much power and publicity. Giving all heroes the legal right to kill is a horrible decision. Not everyone is All Might or Izuku, mercy and empathy don't come naturally to the majority of heroes. Bakugou is one of the primary examples, he revels in violence and doesn't know how to hold back. He'd kill a petty thief and not even blink twice.
There has to be a measure of control and accountability enforced on the heroes. They can't make arrests, but they can kill whoever they decide needs to be killed? What sense does that make? That's just more incentive for them to kill if they're facing a villain that's difficult to contain.
Honestly, it's an aspect of MHA I have to ignore or it'll drive me insane
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melishade · 7 months
#35 megatron and the warriors cadets
This ask game
A day in the life of Megatron dealing with little shits.
"Matthew!" Megatron tried to pay attention to the book he was reading when he heard a knock on the door to his room. He thought that it would stop and he would be left alone, but the knocking persisted.
"Matthew, are you in there?" another voice asked. Megatron sighed in annoyance as the chatter on the other side of the door. Megatron's eye twitched as they made some really loud suggestions of kicking the door down. For Primus sake, they must have spotted him earlier today. What in the Allspark did those needy little pets want?
"Matthew!" Megatron ended up snapping the book shut when he heard one of them scream. It was the loud one. He shot up from the bed of his plain living quarters and opened the door, letting the door actually bang against the wall and scare the four children.
"What?!" Megatron hissed at them in his other vernacular.
"Um...," Udo trailed off, unable to find the words.
"Can you train us?!" Gabi asked with a raised hand.
"No," Megatron shut down automatically.
"But we're done with drills!" Gabi retorted.
"And I would like to rest from my duties," Megatron told her before waving them away, "Go ask Reiner to train you."
"He's busy," Falco informed him.
"Pieck?" Megatron pressed.
"Busy," Zofia informed.
"Anyone else?" Megatron demanded in annoyance.
"No," They all said in unison.
Megatron sighed. "It would not kill you to take a break for once."
"We did," Falco said, "But we got in trouble one time and...consequences were bad."
Megatron merely hummed in response. He couldn't help but think about how messed up this situation was, even if they were human. Megatron grabbed his book and stepped out of his room before shutting the door behind him. "Fine. But I'm putting you through something brutal for annoying me out of my break."
"Thank you, sir!" Falco exclaimed in surprise.
"Don't call me sir," Megatron ordered as he started walking down the hall, the children eagerly following his step.
"What are you going to teach us today?!" Gabi asked with excitement.
"Endurance," Megatron answered, earning a groan from Gabi.
"We've already done endurance training today!" she whined.
"Too bad," Megatron said.
"Oh! Can you tell us stories afterwards?!" Gabi pleaded.
"Gabi, don't press our luck," Udo whispered to her.
"If you're able to complete what I have planned then maybe I'll tell you something," Megatron answered.
"Yes!" Gabi cheered.
"Don't cheer so soon. You won't like what I have planned," Megatron warned.
"We can handle it!" Gabi exclaimed.
"Those words are going to haunt us," Zofia sighed in defeat.
Reiner and Pieck were stunned at the sight of the Warrior Cadets clinging for dear life on metal bars. They were hanging atop of mud with some equipment on their backs. They glanced over to see Matthew reading a book, not even bothering to look at their progress.
"Matthew, this seems cruel," Pieck remarked.
"I was on my break and they interrupted my break," Matthew explained as he flipped a page.
"How long do they have to hang there?" Reiner asked with concern.
Matthew merely glanced at Reiner before returning to his book.
"Matthew," Pieck warned, but he didn't respond.
"Guys, let's help you get down before you get dirty!" Reiner called to them.
"Never!" Gabi yelled at him. However, Falco ended up losing his grip and falling into the mud.
(Free game: 44-46,14, 19,26, 32,34, 36, 37. 23 and 39 have has been asked.)
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
[Because I'm going through stuff, time to make my blorbos too. A flash of a scene: the immediate aftermath of Minovae using the aeon the restore the bulk of her memories in Act 3...]
Her mind burned.
She couldn't feel the stone beneath her knees. Couldn't hear the concerned voices around her. Couldn't see through the white flash gradually turning red. Couldn't feel the wet heat of the blood soaking her clothing from the mysterious chest wound that'd reopened, of the crimson streaming down her face from her nose and eyes and ears as the Aeon had torn off whatever magic had been suppressing her memories without gentleness or care.
All that existed to her then was that burning, of which two versions of her screamed in unison. The barrier keeping them separated gone, both suddenly occupied the same cramped, burning, bleeding mind. Both were the truth. Both made up her whole.
They should've blended, congealing into a solid singular her. Water meeting more water. Blood into blood.
But only one had stayed conscious through the agony, for agony was the only thing she knew.
All she, this Minovae, knew, was demons.
Distantly, she heard screaming. Distantly, she felt she was clothed. Distantly, she felt no pressure about her wrists and ankles.
No gag. No humiliation. No bindings.
Consciously, none of that mattered with the pain.
Her hands clutched at her head, trying to swat at the agony protected by the bone of her skull. Break it. Shatter it. Get it OUT! Panic and terror choked her from within at the feeling, all so sudden and new and familiar all at once. What was this?! What had they done to her now? Hadn't the demons found every way to have their fun with her by now?! Except—No. No. This pain like a smoldering briar had been dragged through her mind time and time again, like a poker left to turn white-hot in the fire had been driven into every crevice—she knew this pain.
This was that pain. Memories flashed, each agonizing, of her chained in that dungeon in Egorian, of those false Hellknights, those pretenders calling themselves the Glyph...! Their clawed hands raked through her thoughts to find what she'd seen! To find her weaknesses, to find—! NO! They'd already found it: Him. And he was... was... The memories fractured and spiraled. Cold stone pressed against her brow as in reality she crumpled to her hands and knees but she wasn't in reality anymore. Two separate images overlapped in her mind's eye: skin warm as amber yet also grey as stone; molten gold irises turned pale as citrine in a single blink; all so much color and life bleeding out to lifeless grey and white.
"Arangeir! Can you hear me?"
She heard his voice then, too. She recognized it and didn't, because it was wrong. Too much gravel. Too much concern. He didn't feel for her like that to sound that way. She'd given up everything to keep him safe but he didn't know that. He'd never sound like that.
All of this was a trick, she realized. This was yet another cruelty from the demons in the only way they could know amusement and joy. It had to be.
"She's bleeding out! We need to—"
"Careful! Something is wrong. She's not... that's not her."
Different voices. Names welled in her subconscious like a plea to stay away as much as it is a plea for help. 'Seelah... Seelah don't let me hurt anyone... Keep Sosiel away... keep... everyone...'
But the half of her in control didn't know those voices. The half of her in control only heard around her the scheming of demons, watching eagerly to see how this new torment they've devised will play out.
"Minnow! It's okay! It must be so scary but you're not alone! We're here!"
Her heart squeezed in a vise at that high and bright voice. So encouraging. 'Ember, please, run—I can't—'. So clear through the pain, somehow, like...
"Focus, Arangeir! Pull yourself together. I know you can. You're better than this."
But then it was his again. The liar. The scheme. The trick. The torture—
She bolted upright in an instant. She needed to see what horrible creature awaited her in the direction of that voice, so wrong as much as something in her wept that it was the truth. The white flashing of agony had given way to smeared crimson—blood! Had they torn her eyes out and restored them yet again just before death claimed her? How they loved that one—and through them did she see the trick they'd planned for her.
How laughable. He didn't look like that: aged like decades had passed!? Bleached like he'd succumbed to despair?! Staring at her with that mote of concern in those wrongly pale eyes? Not him. Never. She realized the demons had found a way to read through her mind just like House Thrune had, but demons were clumsy and brutish beasts.
The illusion before her was not Regill Derenge. She knew it wasn't.
She knew it was.
Only then did the pain dull then, giving way to a rage she'd never thought herself capable of feeling ever again. All so much torture, everything she'd suffering from devil's hands to those of the Abyss had stolen from her such passion, she'd thought. But these horrid fiends had thought to wield against her the one being she'd never suffer dishonored in such a way. All that she'd given of herself to keep him safe, securing his safety with that infernal brand Thrune pressed upon her...
Her nails dragged across the stone so sharply she may have looked down to see they were still there had she been her other self. Blood filled her mouth from the clenching of her teeth into her snarl, and she realized the demons had also restored her fangs this time with her eyes. How long had she been without them? It didn't matter; time was meaningless in the dungeons beneath Drezen and she wasn't about to let their mistake go to waste.
She would remind them again why they'd torn them from her mouth in the first place.
Every muscle coiled as she pounced, far stronger than she should've been capable of. This body wasn't starved, wasn't weak from torture and despair and nothingness. But the rage kept her from seeing through that veil to the truth, so thin as to be nearly transparent. The rage only drove her forward, flaring even hotter as that face that was not his and yet so very much was briefly flashed in alarm before she made contact with him.
"Arange—!" His voice cut off with a grunt as she tackled him to the ground, as she knocked the wind out of him. He had yet barely breathed in more, barely shouted for her to "—what are you d—!"
Before it all choked into wet, gurgled, gasping.
And it struck her that the wet, crimson heat flowing around her fangs, now buried in his throat, didn't taste as it did the last time she'd wielded them against a demon. It tasted like the one and only other mortal they'd torn through before—of the Thrune whose throat she'd left a hollow ragged gape upon finding out what had become of her stolen Foundlings...
This wasn't demon blood. This wasn't demon flesh.
"Oh, gods! Get her off of him!" Someone yelled, coming to her in her haze as if through water.
She reared back. Everything was shaking. The blood filled her mouth. The blood was everywhere. Splattered across his face that was and wasn't—no, was. Something inside of her screamed, just screamed at her that it was. Arterial red gushed from the ragged gash she'd torn beneath him, covered now by his gauntleted hand applying pressure best he could. Even as blood spluttered from his lips, then streaming, his gaze never faltered. Pale, so wrongfully pale, those yellow irises glared up at her.
She could only shake, paralyzed by them.
"Y-you... fool..."
She wanted to scream. Wanted to disappear. Wanted to... to...
'Go to sleep, Minnow. It's okay. You're scared. You did something bad. But it's okay. Go to sleep and it will all be okay when you wake up.'
She wanted to sleep.
Ember's hex washed over her like a warm bath, taking his blood from her mouth along with it.
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hyunjinbiased-blog · 3 months
Whatever it takes
Jacob x Gender Neutral Reader
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This is a story for my good friend @brunos-wife360 I hope you enjoy and that you like it.
This was so fun to write.
Request for Dead Island are open I mainly write FtM readers, but I will write for male readers or gender neutral readers.
"Hold on tight and when I tell you to jump, jump" Jacob said to me as we held onto the wheel of the evacuation flight. As the plane got higher and higher in the sky I didn't take notice to the wind blowing against my exposed arms, all I was focused on was the feeling of Jacobs arms around my waist keeping my body pressed to his.
"Ok now jump and pull yourself up, I'll make sure you don't fall" Jacob said as he helped me get into the safety of the aircraft. Once we were both in the luggage storage we walked towards the ladder that led to the main seating area.
"Tickets please" said an Irish woman with green hair, "sorry, must have left our tickets in my other jacket" Jacob replied.
"This will do" the woman said as she took Jacobs cigar from his mouth,Jacob scoffed before grabbing my hand and leading me towards a couple of empty seats.
"Hey, breath love, we're safe now" Jacob whispered in my ear as he rubbed his hand on my shoulder.
'His behaviour isn't helping my crush on him' I thought.
Suddenly, we heard a girl scream as a zombie bit into her neck. Chaos erupted as our evacuation flight got shot down and I felt my body being slung from my seat.
●●Time skip●●
Jacob's POV
I woke up to feel a piece of metal stabbing my stomach. Pulling out the cause of my current frustration, I looked around for Y/N, but in my dazed state, I couldn't see them.
"Shit Jay get it together, find a med kit, then look for Y/N" I told myself.
After finding a med kit, I finally exit the crash. As I'm wondering around I can't find any trace of Y/N. It's like they disappeared completely.
Each body I come across I pray that it's not them. Why couldn't I have just told them before now, will I ever get the chance.
In the distance I see a flare go off and my hope of finding Y/N doubles. As I'm making my way towards the flare, I see a person but as I approach they disappear.
Reaching another part of the wrecked plane, I find out who was setting off the flares. It was some jackass who had blood coming from his ears and a destruate celebrity and her lap dog I mean PA.
The next hour goes by in a blur as I have to kill a bunch of zombies only to get bit by one of the people who I was risking my life to save.
●●Time skip●●
I finally make my way to Emma Jaunt's place when I pass out only to wake up hand cuffed to a treadmill. After fighting more zombies and shutting the gate I then decide to make my way to the Halberin Hotel to try and contact the authorities.
●●Time skip●●
I've been at the Sterling Hotel for awhile now after being found by a young woman named Tisha. She's alright but for some reason I don't trust her father Dr Reed, he seems like he's up to something, that he knows more than he's letting on.
My thoughts keep drifting to Jacob, is he still alive? Is he trying to find me?
Last time I ventured out to see if I could find him I was bit but somehow I'm immune. I haven't told anyone about it as I don't trust any of them. But Lola, she found me after I was bit and helped me through it. She explained what I am and how to bounce back from hitting rock bottom.
I suddenly hear commotion coming from the entrance, my curiosity gets the better of me and I make my way towards Denise.
What I saw made me gasp. It was Jacob, in all of his devil may cry attitude. Did he get taller or is he just carrying himself differently?
"No way, Y/N, is that you?" He asked as he approached me, I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head. I didn't expect him to come charging at me for a hug.
The hug was tight, both of us seemed to be trying to break the others bones. We didn't want to let the other go.
"Ah, you two know each other then?" Dr Reed asked as made his way over to us.
"Yeah, we've been friends since before I moved to LA to be a stuntman, they moved with me" Jacob responded all while still hugging me.
"Well then, Y/N, why don't you show Jacob here to the room you're staying in so he can rest" The doctor said "Sure" I replied, "come on Jay, this way" but before we could go any further Dr Reed whispered in Jacob's ear "Meet me in my office later and we'll talk about your specialness".
Once we made it to my room Jacob grabbed my hand and kissed me.
"Shit love, I probably messed up but I couldn't help myself, Y/N, I've been dying to tell you how I feel for years now but I was too scared to, I love you. I was going to tell you once we got on the evacuation flight but well it didn't wor.." before he could finish I kissed him.
"Jacob, I feel the same, I wanted to tell you before but I didn't think that you felt the same" I told him after we broke the kiss to breath.
●●Time skip●●
Jacob's POV
It was night time, and I had just returned to the room after my meeting with Dr Reed. All I wanted to do was crash onto the bed and fall asleep next to the love of my life. Y/N was sitting in bed, the covers over their legs while they read one of the books that was in the room.
"So, what did the Dr want?" They asked as I face planted onto the bed.
"It turns out I'm immune and he wants me to get a blood sample to prove it" I told them.
"I don't trust him Jay, there is just something about him that makes me nervous" they told me once I had gotten under the cover with them.
"Hey, no matter what happens, I'll protect you, I thought I lost you but now I'm never letting you go" I said before letting out a yawn.
As I watched Y/N sleep I thought about what they said, maybe Dr Reed is up to no good, but right now my immunity didn't matter. As long as I had Y/N then I'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Can I ask for a short where Frank (The Legion/Dead by Daylight) pretends to be a fellow survivor in order to mess the newcomer (Darling)? (Maybe use the prompt 26 from your list?)
This actually makes sense due to The Legion DLC! Sure! Another yandere fic of mine where I explore the beginnings of the obsession instead of jumping to the middle of it.
Here's where I got my idea from and probably where the requester got it from too.
Yandere! Frank Morrison Prompt 26
"Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Violence, Manipulation, Deception, Sadism, Blood mention.
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The realm can be so disorienting to newcomers. That's usually where the best prey come in. Survivors not yet used to their role in this realm....
Frank always found this the most enjoyable. He and his crew of misfits had mastered the art of deception in this game. Sure, they were killers...
But they played damn good survivors.
Frank never usually harbored feelings towards these survivors. Their whole purpose was to die at his hands. However, this first encounter was what hooked him for the remainder of his trials....
Keeping the disguise was easy. He simply had to pocket his mask and keep his face visible to you. You'd never know the difference, would you?
You were so gullible to his lies it was adorable. Once the trial started he had put off his hunt to find you. When in his sights he dashed to you, looking all frightened.
He had no knife or mask visible. With his clothing he looked very survivor-like, hood over his head. He looked like your typical delinquent who was dragged to this hell.
"You're new, yeah? Let's stay together. We have no idea where this killer is...."
You ate up his words.
You gave him a nervous smile and agreed. An expression he found cute... similar to unsuspecting prey. He grins back, excited to corner you.
Frank was not expecting to be so caught up with you. He feigned generators with you, just wanting to gain your trust. He just couldn't get enough of looking at you.
You looked attractive now... yet he wondered how atrractive you'd be covered in cuts. He wants to see you under him... begging for mercy. Frank wants you to know he's predator and you're prey.
Frank has always been good with hiding his intentions. When you expressed your fear of the pain you'd go through with being caught, he nearly laughed. Still, he pulled you closer and rubbed your back in a friendly gesture.
"Don't worry... you get used to it. Trust me. Stick with me and you'll live."
Frank's the embodiment of being a wolf in sheep's clothing. He gained your trust so easily. Even managing to make you laugh when "doing a generator".
"Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!"
He seems so light-hearted. You thought he'd make a great friend... looking so friendly and welcoming. Yet all games must come to an end.
Slipping away for just a moment when you weren't looking, Frank puts his mask on and unsheathes the knife from his pocket. By the time you turn around he's upon you. Your scream echoes through the trial like a reminder...
You're all prey in this game.
Frank breathes heavily from behind his mask. The knife hovers threateningly over your neck while he straddles your waist. You stare up at him like a cornered animal....
"You're way too trusting. Maybe that's why I like you apart from the cute expressions you make."
Frank leans forward, covering you with his stature. The way your heart pumped underneath him excited him. He then pulls down your shirt collar, knife not leaving your neck.
"Scared, aren't you? Feeling betrayed?" Frank teases, pressing the knife just below your neck. "Don't worry, I'll keep my promise to you."
"What promise...?"
"You said you were scared of the pain the killer would cause you, right?"
"Don't worry..." Frank murmurs, caressing your cheek and pulling away the knife. Blood drips down the sharp blade....
"I'll promise not to hurt you too much since you're so cute."
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It’s quite incredible how many people suddenly come out slamming Israel. They claim to want to support Palestine but it’s just the “woke” “socially acceptable way” of expressing the age old hatred of Jews. They claim that the Israelis are occupying and should leave but my question is where should they go? Nobody else wants them. Where do they find a home?
Remember when Antifa thugs were declaring people to be "Nazis" so they could punch them? The same people are either remarkably silent, or worse, actively defending or even encouraging, terrorist violence against Jews and Israel. Literally taking the side of the Nazis.
Don't forget, there are still people who think the 9/11 attacks were completely justified.
This Babylon Bee post is parody, of course, but the reason it works is that it's so realistic.
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[ Link: The Babylon Bee ]
What we've also seen is the mask really drop from the "right side of history." People who gave the anodyne Motte defence of "decolonization" have really come out swinging with the violent Bailey.
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They're actively saying "this is what we meant."
Meanwhile, the ersatz activists of Hollywood and Silicon Valley are eerily quiet. The people who turned the Ukrainian flag into their avatars, those who worry about misgendering and triggering and safe spaces, those who insist words are violence (those for whom violence is apparently not violence)—they’re busy ignoring all this. We should listen closely to these latter-day Bolsheviks and their many enablers. They are being honest. They are saying exactly what they believe and what they want to see happen.
As I've said time and time again: believe them when they tell you what they're up to. Stop moderating it because it sounds awful, and you assume they must really mean something less appalling. If you're genuinely unsure, press them to be specific.
There are two things you can take away from this horror.
It's never "just about" something benign. If it sounds awful, it is. The people saying this are either lying or ignorant. This is akin to apologetics over Islamic doctrine framed as "you're taking it out of context" or "translation problems"; if it sounds like it's advocating violence, it is. Once you talk to an Islamic scholar, they will unapologetically and unashamedly tell you that it's exactly what it means. Same thing.
The people who want to scold you for your lack of adherence to elite luxury beliefs - neo-pronouns, "privilege," accuse of you of being a "Nazi" for having completely mainstream, liberal values, say slogans like "words are violence," "wE'rE LiTeRaLLy dYiNg," call everything "harm" and "danger" - are hypocrites who endorse actual violence, actual antisemitism, actual genocide. You've been duped by manipulative language. You need never feel ashamed or guilty again.
Pay attention who screamed at you that you were a "racist" for thinking The Little Mermaid was pretty shit, overly long, didn't make any sense when they rewrote it with intersectional feminist themes, the actors expressionless, the CGI amateur... who are now studiously saying nothing about those calling for actual genocide. They've shown who they are, they're morally confused, and their righteousness card has been revoked.
If anyone hasn't already peaked by now, I legitimately don't know what else it will take.
As far as answers, I legit don't know. Both claim entitlement based on their ancient superstitions. Both claim to be justified by their gods. Islam is rampantly and inherently antisemitic, so I don't see much long-term ability to co-exist. It doesn't matter that Israel existed before Palestine, and Judaism before Islam, Palestine isn't going to give up, so I suspect Israel would have to. But then, Islam is never satisfied, as it's a supremacist ideology. You can't negotiate with it, you can't reason with it, and you can't capitulate to it or it will simply escalate its demands; if we've learned nothing else from the betrayal of Salman Rushdie, it's that. So Palestine conquering the area would just embolden other Islamic regimes, as well as terrorist organizations like ISIS and Boko Haram which claim the same entitlement.
EDIT: Or all-out war, I guess.
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I don't know if you requests are open but may I ask for lee muichiro, ler tanjiro and ler tiny kid with mask that muichiro abused (ah yes very creative nickname when I forgot it lol) (idek what happened to the color of the text)
You must be referring to Kotetsu! But yeah, these 3 had a little interaction, but they still look so cute together!
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Lee: Muichiro Tokito
Ler: Tanjiro Kamado and Kotetsu
'I wouldn't tell this to just anyone, but that brat didn't know what the difficulty level could be. My ancestors designed this to suit swordsman training... ' 'And why didn't you tell me before?', Kotetsu and Tanjiro looking at each other, Muichiro then came out of the trees, arms crossed and somewhat annoyed.
'Hey?! weren't you gone?' 'I have to train, I haven't done it' '...You just did it a few minutes ago, you even threw your broken sword at Tanjiro-san! You broke the doll!', Kotetsu was angry, Tanjiro picked him up and tried to calm him down, while he tried to know what he would do with the hashira, he had already knocked him out before for trying to help him, how sure was he that the same thing wouldn't happen?
'Give me the boy, I need him to explain to me how I can configure that doll and give me the key' 'I won't give you Kotetsu! Why is it not a thing in the first place! That belongs to Kotetsu and his family, you already destroyed it before and made him very sad, I will not allow that again', Tanjiro dodged another punch from Tokito by sheer luck, but he followed, trying to get him away from Kotetsu
Tanjiro pushed Kotetsu aside and tried to push the hashira away, facing him. Tokito was ready to throw another punch, but…
'Ha!', Tanjiro and Kotetsu's gaze went to the hashira, who was looking confused at his body and lips, what was that sound? And... what had caused it? Tanjiro only had a hard time lowering his gaze to find Kotetsu pressing Tokito's knee.
'What... what did you just do?' 'Kotetsu do it again!', again another squeeze on his knee and the same sound came out of his mouth. He had memories of it, with a boy with black hair and a matching haori, but even from long before him, of a boy in a black yukata and some patterns... Who was he...?
'Ohhh! Tokito-kun is ticklish! Kotetsu, don't stop doing that!' 'Aye, Tanjiro-San!', the little boy kept squeezing the sensitive joint of the hashira, who tried to launch a blow to knock him out, but was avoided by Tanjiro, who started digging his fingers into his sides.
'He-hey! I'm a hahahashira! Youhuhu cahahan't dohoho thahahat! Shohohow me rehehehespehehect!' 'We're not hurting you! Much less humiliating! Come on Tanjiro-San, let's show him how important it is to be nice!'
'Gehehet ohohoff! I'm seheheherious!' 'Hello serious! My name is Tanjiro and this little one is Kotetsu!', repeated joke, but for the hashira it was the worst of the day.
'Stohohohop! You cahahahan't-!' 'What can't we? Tickle you? There's no rule that tells us we can't do that!' Muichiro fell to the ground, unable to stand and was again caught between grips and claws.
'EEEEEE!! HAHAHHAHAHA!! NOHOHO! QUIHIHIT IT!!' 'Huh? Ohhh! Is your belly very sensitive?' 'Got it Tanjiro-San!', Kotetsu climbed up and sat on Muichiro's hips, helping Tanjiro, gently running his fingers around his belly, going up and down his sides or sometimes approaching his belly button and making him squirm again giving the idea that would make him scream with laughter
'COHOHOME OHOHON! THAHAHAT'S SO CHIHIHILDIHIHISH! *snorts* HUH?! WHAT?!' *snort* WHAHAHAT HAHAHAPENNED?!', Muichiro covered his face and some of his mouth with his hands, biting his uniform trying to stop the sounds from coming out, giving him only a few seconds like that, because Tanjiro moved his hands away.
'Don't hide your laugh Tokito-kun!!' 'NOHOHO! GAHAHAHA!! HEHEHEY!! NOHOHOT TWOHOHO IN ONE!!! IT'S NOT FAHAHAIR!!' 'Of course it's fair! Say sorry to Kotetsu for hitting him and destroying his robot and we'll let you go!'
Muichiro refused, kicking the floor and shaking his head. For him, it was humiliating to have to apologize, he wasn't going to do it. But his mind was changed, Kotetsu's little fingers dug into his navel and moved with a touch so soft it made him feel like hell.
'WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHO!! IT'S HUMILIATING!*snort* *squeals *I WOHOHON'T DOHOHO IT!! PLEHEHEHAHAHAHAHHAHSE!! *scream* LEHEHEAVE MY BELLY BUHUHUTTON!! *snorts* MEHEHEHERCY!! *snorts* NOHOHO!! SOHOHOHOHORRYY!! SORRY!!', Muichiro begged, unable to resist any longer, he wanted to be free, he felt weird in a part, he felt that this reminded him of someone and he felt confused
'Okay Kotetsu, that's enough!' 'Of course not! I want him to cry and suffer!', Kotetsu refused to get off or stop the tickling despite the hashira's pleas. Tanjiro simply got up and pulled Kotetsu away from Muichiro, who was still squirming less intensely, the sensations and giggles still not completely leaving him.
'Sohohorry agahahain...' 'Never mind Tokito-kun! I rather hope that you didn't feel uncomfortable', Muichiro looked at Tanjiro, again the boy in the black yukata seemed to reflect on him, he didn't understand who he was, but what made him happy
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novankenn · 1 year
"Jaune Gets a Gun AU - Day 3" Date-a-Live - Spirit (Angel)
Emerald rushed to catch up to the four that were carrying Jaune away from the Colonial Marines booth. She was worried that the others would try to make further inroads towards capturing Jaune's heart, and even if she wasn't truly attracted to Jaune's male form, she still didn't want to lose her chance at the possibility of happiness. When she finally caught up, Jinx was brushing off Jaune's outfit as the other three were discussing where to go next.
Emerald: How about lunch? That's where we were headed before, you know...
Tiny Tina: I could eat.
Ruby: I'm kind of hungry as well.
Pyrrha: If we're all thinking the same thing, then I guess we should. I'll cover everyone.
Jaune: You don't...
Pyrrha: I'm COVERING everyone. I barely touch all my sponsorship funds, so I want to splurge.
Jaune: I guess... if everyone else is...
Jinx: Jaune, what's wrong?
Jaune: (Pressing his hand against his chest.) I feel... strange.
????: I've finally found you.
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Tiny Tina: And who might you be?
Renie: My name is Renie, and I am very interested in you... Jaune Arc.
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Jaune: Who? (groans) How?
The girls slowly started to form a protective circle about the beloved blond knight. They stopped their slow advance when Jaune groaned, and as they turned they watched him fall to his knees gripping his chest, agony on his face.
Girls: JAUNE!
Whipping back around Pyrrha, Jinx and Tiny Tina prepared to get answers only to find the woman who identified herself as Renie, was gone, replaced by...
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Phantom: It is time, Jaune. Touch this, and all your suffering will cease...
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The cloaked figure vanished and reappeared next to Jaune`s kneeling form.
Phantom: ... unlock your potential. Unleash all that they bound inside you.
Jaune: *Groan
Ruby: (Rushing forward with her semblance) Get away...
The other girls were only seconds behind Ruby in their own charge, to end up bowled over as Ruby was sent flying backwards into them. The figure hadn't even moved.
Phantom: Just touch it, Jaune... touch it.
As the girls struggled to untangle themselves, the strange floating crystal drifted downward. Jaune tried to swat it aside, but as soon as he touched it.
Jaune`s scream caused them all to freeze. A pure and utter sense of dread filling their hearts. The light that had been centred where Jaune and the crystal had touched, faded...
Ruby: Okay, what the FUDGE is it with people turning Jaune into WAIFUs!
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Emerald: She's kinda cute.
Jinx: She is. Definitely cute, almost like how I'd picture and Angel.
Emerald: I can totally see it.
Tiny Tina: Seriously, you two, J-Baby has been transformed into a GIRL again!
Pyrrha: This is becoming a seriously troubling trend.
Phantom: Finally Angel...
Jinx: Called it!
Phantom: ... has arisen...
Jaune's eyes opened, and instantly zeroed onto Phantom. Pyrrha knew the look on Jaune's face, even if it wasn't his true face. He was pissed. Slowly he rose into the air...
Jaune: Metatron!
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Phantom: Sh...!
Jaune: What did you DO to ME?
Phantom: I... um... well... it's like... ah...
Jaune: WHAT. DID. YOU. DO. TO. ME?
Ozpin: She unlocked a power that has been buried with in your family line for generations.
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Girls: What the F...!
Ozpin: Swear Jar.
Jaune: She must... where'd she go?
Ozpin: (Taking a sip from his mug) It seems Phantom, or Ms Renie made a tactical retreat, as you are rather intimidating in this form Jaune.
Pyrrha: So what is going on?
Ozpin: Ms Renie used a special crystal, a sephira crystal to be exact, to unlock a power that has remained contained with in the Arc bloodline for generations, though it is rather interesting that it could manifest through you, considering you are male.
Tiny Tina: And I thought things were messed up in the Borderlands.
Jinx: I still think she's cute, almost adorable.
Emerald: I prefer his Tail-Yellow from, but I completely agree with that statement.
Pyrrha: So, let me get this straight? Jaune's entire family has powers like this hidden inside them? But, now correct me if I'm getting this wrong... only the girls should be able to access this... power?
Ozpin: Right in one, Ms Nikos.
Pyrrha: I need to sit down.
Ruby: So is he a WAIFU forever now? Or can he change back?
Jaune: Yeah, can I change back?
Ozpin: Yes, you can change back. Your spirit power just needs to be sealed, so it's not so overwhelming.
Jaune: And how do I do that?
Ozpin: (Leans in close to Ruby and whispers in her ear.) Kiss him Ms Rose, and you'll get your friend back... and maybe open the door to more?
Pyrrha: (Noticing Ruby's blush) What did you, just...?
Jinx/Tiny Tina/Emerald : Hey! No fair! We call hacks!
Pyrrha just stood there, completely shocked that in a burst of rose petals, Ruby raced up to Jaune's floating form and planted one on his lips. In a flash of light, Jaune was back to normal, and Ruby was weaving on her feet overcome with unadulterated joy.
Ozpin: My work is done, here. I bid you all a good day.
Jaune: I'm starting to feel like someone is playing with my life, just to see how ridiculous it can end up.
Pyrrha: (Taking a deep breath) Who would do that? Who could be capable of doing such a thing?
Jaune: (Rubbing the back of his neck) It's just a feeling I'm getting.
Ozpin rounded a corner and froze. His eyes growing concerned as a very intimidating figure stalked forward.
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Ozpin: Glynda?
Glynda: The others will hear about this... tampering...
Ozpin: I didn't...
Glynda: You only informed Ms Rose on how to revert Jaune. It will be up to the others IF you remain part of the shipping-pool.
Ozpin: You can't! Lancaster forever!
Glynda: Blasphemy! Arkos shall rule the day!
Renie: (Hiding a distance away.) That's one... seven more to go, and finally this world will be freed from them...
(Okay, another dumb idea that just jumped into my head. Any way, the NEXT post will be another weapon based one. Hope You enjoyed)
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taminoarticles · 2 years
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— Tamino for CRUSH Fanzine, Issue 14 / 2018 (x)
Tamino (Habibi)
Photographed by Nicolas Wagner Interview by Ariel Kenig Styled by Marie Revelut Tamino is wearing Ann Demeulemeester
I'm crazy about him. His music is like a shock to the system. His name is Tamino, and I met him via CRUSHfanzine’s co-editor, Nicolas Wagner, who decided to shoot my new crush while he was in Paris. But Tamino is not only a crush. We could call it love, admiration — the ultimate crush. I am reminded of those rare times when discovering an artist forces you to compare his immensity to others. To err is human, I guess. And yet, when faced with two figures, two faces, two pyramids, the brain needs to differentiate shapes and shades in order to better recognize them. I met Tamino, asked him a few questions. I had a serious look on my face. It didn't last long. Not long enough. Here is my transcript…
“My paternal grandfather died when I was 5 years old. He lived in Cairo. I was always familiar with his songs, primarily via cassettes that my mother would play me when I was little. She thought it was very important that I know where I come from. It's a little strange to see him on YouTube. My dad takes care of those types of things, but it's not easy. My grandfather never really thought about his legacy. There are other singers, like Abdel Halim Hafez, who are still alive and are better known today than my grandfather. His music is everywhere. It would probably be a good thing if my family took steps to showcase this heritage. My grandfather was the first Egyptian singer to play electric guitar on stage. He listened to Elvis Presley… he wrote part of his music himself. As for myself, I write alone. And I do almost everything all by myself. I've been working with a producer whom I met two years ago, on an EP at first. We had such good chemistry that we re-recorded my song “Cigar” together. I told him about my video concept, of that skeleton that stars in the clip, and he produced the song with that idea in mind. That's what I like about him and the guy he's in a two-man band with: they think not only in terms of sound, but of entity. They want to capture the essence of an artist and take it to such-or-such particular idea they have of him, portray him in this or that way, and in my case, take the project to quite majestic heights. You may find it funny, but I don’t write “sad” songs. I mean, I'm not telling the story of a guy sitting alone on his bed with his guitar... I like more epic, more “regal” things. I love Belgian surrealism, that I connect in my work to more Eastern or romantic references. For me, it's a logical juxtaposition... I've not been to Egypt for five or six years, but I'm going back next week. I can’t wait. I like to go closer to the Red Sea, in the less touristy places. I don't have a TV, I don't read the press, and I deleted my Facebook account. I stay abreast of what's happening in Egypt via YouTube. It's strange for me to see that these wars that are rocking the Arab world have existed for thousands of years…
Facebook has too many distractions. I need to stay focused in some sort of flow, to work every day for a long time, whether I end up writing only two sentences or an entire melody. All in all, if you include all the projects and bands in which I participated, I must have written over a hundred songs. For my album, we recorded 18, of which we'll keep 11 of 12. Right now, we're working on mixing it. I studied at the Conservatory, in the popular music department, which gave me a lot of freedom. I worked on my Voice and I continue to maintain it. I am careful not to scream in bars when the music is too loud. It’s easy to end up screaming without even realizing... Although these days, I don't go out much... I don’t have the time. And I have no personal life! [Laughs.] It’s true, it's crazy. I am 21 years old. My life is a little different. You're never around, and when you come out, your friends are surprised: “What? I thought you were in a relationship, I thought you moved.” I don’t feel the age difference with the people I work with. When I was younger, I was very shy, and at the same time, I needed to express myself. It was a weird combination. Nowadays, I'm lining up the tour dates. Our last concert in Paris, at La Maroquinerie, was very moving. My two musicians cried in the middle of the concert. I was getting dewy-eyed myself. It was so intense, to be so well-received in another country. I was reminded of one of our first concerts in Belgium... I think the album will be both an extension of the EP and a synthesis between two themes: romance that can both lift you up and make you vulnerable because you can fall at any time, and indifference to life, in the meaning we give to it, our investment in it. Everyone has a dark side but… I don't know... I do not only write somber music, but I know myself a little bit, so… It's sometimes cumbersome... When you spend too much time looking in the mirror, you end up doing nothing... Sometimes, it's better to just “do,” and the song may tell you something about yourself. A song written in twenty minutes, without too much thinking. This earring? I found it in an old cupboard. It's my mother’s. I'm not sure that she ever wore it.
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talonwolf2 · 1 year
I feel like so promoting my limited life Jimmy coping with being eliminated fic, wrote this in like two days lol (took inspo from Candyphone on tiktok)
Word count: 2,396
Jimmy was awfully confused the first time the game ended- well at least when it ended for him.
His legs wobbled as he took in the sight below him, Jimmy was sat on a viewing platform no more than a few hundreds blocks above the unknowing participants.
He pressed his face to the barrier of the void as he scanned his place of death in time to watch an arrow pierce Grian, finding his husband nowhere in sight.
He rushed to his feet as he traveled down the invisible barrier running to the place of his and Scott's home.
Gods what did the army do to his husband!
If anyone joined him up there, he hadn't noticed as he frantically ran, failing to track him down.
Oh how he wanted to break down as he mindlessly started wondering after what must have been the rest of the day with no Scott.
But he didn't yet, not until he found the grave he could just make out marked with his name and collapsed into tears.
The flowers on it were already wilting.
Everything in Joel's mind screamed, "kill! Kill! Kill them for Jimmy!"
It didn't hit him till an arrow physically did.
He was going to die right there, weapon in hand.
And like that, in a flash of light, he was gone.
Before he even caught his breath, he felt a presence of another person, slamming him out of his bloodlust.
Skizz grasped Joel's shoulder with his eyes blown wide, "I don't know what happened! I can't reach him!"
At first he was confused, then his eyes traveled past the man, and there was a pile of limbs and feathers that had to have been Jimmy.
He looked back at Skizz, "is he okay?"
"No!" He blurted, "I've tried everything, I can't even make out what he's saying to himself!"
Joel's brow knit together, "I'll talk to him," he pulled Skizz's hand off him, "i'm sure I can talk some sense back into him."
Skizz nodded, "I already tried, he kept saying 'them,' but I couldn't understand the rest."
"'Them?' As in me and Grian," he glanced back.
The both of them flinched as the sound of a sob wracked through the void that watched over the game as it continued without them.
Joel took that as his cue to break away, quickly squatting down next to the crying canary, "Jimmy what happened?"
Another cry exited the man's throat as he grabbed Joel's leather jacket pulling him close. His voice came out loud and broken, "I didn't trip!" He looked at Joel with his tear streamed face, "they- they pushed me!"
Before he could add anything, Jimmy dropped hold of him and moved away, burying his face in his knees.
"It'll be okay, Jimmy," he didn't let himself hold the man, as much as he wanted to, noticing Skizz was joining the two on the forbidden glass, "talk to us."
The canary's wings closed around himself, "you don't get it! They did it to me!"
Skizz gave the other a confused expression, "I'm sure the bad boys didn't mean to-"
"It wasn't them!" He yelled at what was possibly the top of his lungs, "they did!"
Quickly his scream was replaced by a hacking cough as he tried to continue.
"You're just going to hurt yourself," Joel tried to say softly, but his voice wavered, only repeating himself, "whatever we did, we're sorry."
Jimmy had a messy expression washed across his face, "they pushed me. They did! They killed me!" His voice gained more hysteric as he continued.
The men fell silent as they could only watch his hysteric screams turn into something sadder to watch
Neither dared to touch him.
Not like that.
"You're not gonna kill me," his voice was low and unserious as the sharp end of Grian's sword slashed his chest plate.
Wait- he was actually killing him!
The avian had an odd grin on his face, that could only be described as distant, "come here Tim! I've had enough of this!"
"I'm actually dying!" He screamed, as a push replaced the stinging pains across his skin.
And boom.
He hit the ground feeling the pain as he fell, landing harsh on his knees.
But due to the feature of the game, he once again found himself up high watching the game with no pain in sight.
Then only moments later, the familiar mustached man appeared by his side, dazed beyond belief.
"He actually killed us," he panted, trying to catch his breath, "Jimmy I-" in an instant, he froze.
He caught Mumbo's shocked expression, "what's that look for?"
His mouth gaped open as his eyes washed over every detail of the blonde.
"You're different, just- gods Jimmy," his voice shook as he pressed a hand over his mouth, "you have wings."
His expression mirrored Mumbo's, forcing a laugh, "I don't have wings."
Mumbo bit down on his lip, "but you do now."
He looked over his shoulder and sure enough gold wings glimmered on his back "gods! What the hell! Why- what- they did this to me! I- I- I think I'm gonna faint!"
Mumbo was quick to pull his arms around the man, "don't!" He panicked, "I don't know how this place works, I don't know if you can hurt yourself!"
And as he said that, he went out.
Tango grumbled a little as he joined the others.
Skizz ran up to his teammate, "I know you just got here, but we need your help."
"With what?" He smiled at the sight of his long gone teammate.
"It's Jimmy," he watched Tango intently, "he's having a hard time."
His eyes went wide, "he was out first!" Tango started walking, adding under his breath, "those monsters."
And sure enough, with those blazing sets of wings, it was easy to track down the avian.
Jimmy was sitting as a pathetic pile, Joel sitting beside him silently.
"Hey buddy," Tango forced a smile, as he sat down next to him, taking his hands in his, "I'm here."
The abnormal warmth of his ex-soulmates hands came as a comfort as more and more people were eliminated and circled the emotional avian.
Tango freed one of his hands to wipe away his tears, "look at me, as soon as the game ends, you'll be safe back in your Empires, okay?"
He nodded as his tears kept flowing, pulling him close, "I'm still sorry," he cried into Tango's pointed ear, letting his head fall into Tango's vest.
He rubbed Jimmy's back, "I am not upset, you can't control what they made you."
As he buried his face further into Tango's neck, he whimpered, "I hurt you, we barely spoke."
"This is just how these games work," he placed a kiss on the top of the avian's head, "I still love you."
Jimmy shook his head, "but you don't, I was never worth your love."
"No, don't say that, I would have spoiled you to the moon if they would let me!"
"Tango, I'm telling the truth, you just cared because they bound you to me."
With that the netherborn pulled the avian off him, "listen," he held Jimmy so they were making eye contact, "I don't care if that's how they put us together, I will forever love you."
"But-" he didn't get to finish his rebuttal before Tango kissed him, quick and sharp.
Jimmy looked at him with a new expression, "gods, I'm so sorry," he cried before he pulled Tango close to kiss him himself.
Tango was quick to pull Jimmy closer as he felt the avian's desperation, and-
"Get a room!" Cleo shouted, freshly joining them, awfully bitter.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" He shouted into the void for a long period of time before Tango finally managed to track him down in there.
"Jimmy, you're okay!" He exclaimed, hugging the man close.
He only cried more as Tango held him, "I killed us!" He mumbled as he pressed a hand over his own mouth.
"No Jim, it's okay," he said softly, "it's just the game, it's just too bad."
Jimmy cried out, "'just too bad,' Tango this is the third time I've died first! They cursed me!"
The netherborn gave a huff, "you know I don't believe in-"
"Tango, I'm serious! They cursed me," Jimmy spat, digging the heel of his hands into his eyes.
He was quick to move Jimmy's malicious hands, "that's not going to help, let me understand what's going on."
Jimmy only tensed.
"Come on, who cursed you?" Tango started pushing, holding his hands softly, "why are you convinced you're cursed?"
"You wouldn't understand," his words strained as he fought back more tears, "they don't want me to be happy." Jimmy caught Tango's expression, "you aren't supposed to love me," he shifted away from him, "it's beyond your understanding."
His soulmate tightened his hold on him, "I may not, but I want to try."
Everything in him threatened to break again, avoiding his eyes, knowing they could shatter his heart.
Why did this have to matter so much to Jimmy!
These are just stupid games!
But gods, they had to make the pain of it all sting.
"Hey," he felt a hand settle across his cheek, "you won't lose me," and the other wrapped around his waist, "if it's bothering you this much, tell me love."
Jimmy didn't realize he was still crying until Tango's thumb ran under his eye, "what do you know about the Watchers," he got out before he could stop himself.
Grian's heart sank, as he tripped(?) and landed in a scattered pile of cobblestone.
That shouldn't have happened!
He was about to make it- why had he felt pressure when he was only tens of blocks from the safe water!
Don't say they are doing something!
And like Joel and Tango, Skizz collected him, but he didn't process a single word.
They were playing dirty.
He should have made it, Jimmy shouldn't have fell.
He wouldn't let himself forget the elongated length of time he had been stuck watching the game go on without him before being eliminated.
That shouldn't have happened.
They took his Watcher nature and forced his hand as his friends took care of his physical form.
Like him, Pearl had something similar happen.
She had cried to him, but unlike him, she was shocked when a familiar player had taken her place, and Pearl could hear every single one of the player's thoughts.
They knew Pearl wasn't dealing with it all well, from Tilly, to everything to do with Scott, his suicide, and gods being thrown back into a game so soon.
So they destroyed her.
What about Scott and Martyn!
The Watchers despised Scott and-
Gods he should watch Martyn, if they are messing with them, they would mess with his closest ally.
Finally his surroundings caught up to him when Skizz gave him a harsh slap, "Grian! Are you with me?"
He blinked, touching his skin that had to be reddening, "I'm here, just-"
Skizz cut him off, "do you know why this is all bothering Jimmy so much?"
Grian nodded shyly, "sadly I do."
"I think he wants to talk to you, we all saw what happened to you," he started bouncing his leg, "your death really freaked him."
He huffed, hiding a sad smile, "I bet it did."
So, he was led to Jimmy, who admittedly, was doing better than he thought.
The canary was making understandable conversations with Joel and Tango.
He felt as if he took a sigh of relief seeing it.
"Tim," he held a firm expression, "are you alright?"
And like that, his eyes lit up, "Grian!" He shouted, rushing to his feet, pulling the other avian into an aggressive hug, "I didn't trip! They pushed me!"
He took a deep breath as he hugged Jimmy close, "I know, they pushed me too."
"Why are they doing this?" Jimmy asked in a whisper so the rest couldn't hear them.
Grian had to think, being he was still a Watcher, but he didn't know. "They're playing dirty this time, I'm sorry."
The canary let go, "no, I'm sorry, for so many of my actions," he kept his head down, fidgeting his hands together, "and for all this mess."
"None of us can control what happens here, they loop us here," Grian sniffled, "but you know that means you get to see me and all the others."
"But it includes so much hate," Jimmy shook his head, "I wouldn't care if I never saw any of you again if it meant we never went through this stupid process again!" He shouted the last words.
Silence surrounded the two, Grian knew they wouldn't stop until everyone was broken and exhausted.
"Timmy, acting like it doesn't bother you won't work," Grian made sure his eyes were on him, "it's in your nature to love."
With a big sigh, he laughed, "you know me too well."
He was going to keep acting whether or not he should.
Before even going back, his empire already felt so lonely
The problem came when Pearl joined them.
She was a mess.
They all knew the canary would be an issue, but the moth hybrid was a surprise.
Even Jimmy was surprised, but it was because it all made him feel so ignored all of a sudden.
She curled into BigB crying into the armor that matched her own, the reality of the games always hurt.
Whether they all wanted to admit it or not, it was true.
People like Etho and Scott were good at hiding its effect on them, but that doesn't mean it didn't.
BigB hugged her tighter as everyone was dead silent, the only sound ringing was the sound of Pearl's scream as Martyn sent his sword through Scott's body.
Even though she knew she wouldn't feel it anymore, it didn't mean seeing him hurt- especially die, wouldn't make everything in her panic and thrash.
The events unfolding confused most, but to Jimmy and Grian, it felt like it was all happening in slow motion.
His cackle, the tinge of color in his eyes, it was telling.
They really were playing dirty.
Worse than any with understanding of the Watchers would expect.
So many negative emotions.
They must be so proud of themselves.
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fixfoxnox · 2 years
I'm in LOVE with your Jackson and Gaz stories idk how to articulate how much I'm obsessed
I'm in love with writing Jackson/Gaz its my favorite thing ever. Please accept:
Shovel Talk - Jackson/Gaz, Price
Jackson peered at his phone again, looking at the number of the conference room he was supposed to be looking for. He thought it was a little odd that Gaz wanted to see him in a conference room of all places, but he wasn't going to question his boyfriend. Not when there was a tempting emoji of an eggplant and water droplets that had followed minutes after his first message.
He continued down the hallways of the unfamiliar base, stopping once he'd finally found the room number that he'd been sent. He tucked his phone into his pocket, taking a moment to straighten out his clothes and try to slick down his hair. He gave a puff of his breath in his hand, smelling it and giving a small satisfied nod at the knowledge that the mint he'd put in his mouth ten minutes earlier had done its job.
With that all checked out and a growing feeling of excitement in his veins, he reached forward, pressing into the conference room. "Sorry, I'm late Gaz, I had trouble finding the," he stopped in his tracks.
Sitting at the table, papers spread out in front of him, was one Captain John Price. Gaz's Captain. Roach's Captain. The man they both looked up to. The man who looked after them like they were his children.
He looked up at Jackson carefully, giving him a short, manufactured smile and motioning to the seat across from him, "Sergeant Jackson. Please take a seat."
"Captain Price," Jackson responded, trying to keep his voice steady, "Sorry, I must have the wrong room! I was looking for-"
"Gaz?" Price questioned with a tilt of his head. "No, you have the right room." He motioned to the chair again and, after a few moments, when Jackson didn't move he gave a stern, "Sit." The word was bitten out between clenched teeth that were pressed into a false smile. Jackson's body moved on instinct, his mind screaming danger.
He moved to the chair, sitting in it carefully, watching Price for a moment. Finally, he worked up the courage to say, "Uh, sir, I really should go, Gaz is expecting-"
"Gaz isn't expecting you." Price tilted his head down, "I had Laswell send that text to you from Gaz's number. He doesn't even know a text was sent."
Jackson felt himself freeze. This was not good. Not in the slightest. "Why," he cleared his throat, his words having gone high pitched, "why would you do that sir?"
"So that I could finally get a chance to speak with you," Price leaned forward slightly, "You've been avoiding me quite well."
Jackson winced, his heart ratcheting up in speed. It was true, he'd been avoiding Price like the plague. Why? Because the man was terrifying.
"Now," Price leaned back in his seat, picking up a file from the table and opening it, "Why don't we get started."
Jackson squinted at the man, his eyes barely able to make out the words written on that Manila folder, "Is that my file?"
"Yes," Price didn't look up, "I wanted to see exactly who you are. Your records seem good." Jackson shifted in his seat, growing more uncomfortable by the second, "The only issue I can see in your past is that it seems you've already held a relationship with one of my Sergeants." Price dropped the folder to the table, "Why did your relationship with Sergeant Sanderson end?"
Jackson leaned forward quickly, "Sir you should know that Roach and I-"
Price cut him off with a raised hand, "I don't care. What I care about, is that you're dating my Sergeant." Jackson swallowed hard, shrinking into his seat at the piercing glare that Price sent his way. "Sergeant Garrick is an adult, he can decide who he dates. However, this is my base and he is my Sergeant. So we're going to establish some ground rules, alright?"
"It isn't your turn to speak, Sergeant Jackson." Jackson snapped his mouth closed, nodding rapidly as he shrunk into his seat. "Good. Here are the rules. You can do whatever you want when you are off base with Gaz, but in this base there is to be no groping, grabbing, or extensive kissing. Pecks on the cheek or mouth and hand holding is the extent of what I want to see. Nod if you understand."
Jackson nodded rapidly, trying to keep his breathing steady as Price continued to give him a harsh glare. "Good, I'm glad you seem to follow instructions. Both on and off base I expect to see you treating my Sergeant how he deserves to be treated. I expect him to feel like the center of your universe. Nod." Jackson nodded. "If I see tears or hear cries, they should not be because of you. Nod." Jackson did as he was told.
Price tilted forward then, his hands slipping against the pile of papers in front of him as he stood from the table, "If I find out that any of these rules have been broken. If I find out that my Sergeant has been hurt in any way," in a flash he pulled a knife from the stack of papers, twirling it in his fingers, "It will not be pleasant for you. Nod." Jackson pushed himself as far back into his chair as he could, nodding his head rapidly as he watched Price twirl the knife in his hands. "Now then, it's your turn to speak." Jackson opened his mouth, but he was cut off, "You get three words and two of them should be "I agree." For your own sake."
"Thats one word. Two more Sergeant."
Jackson stared at him with wide eyes before giving a hesitant nod, "I agree."
"Very good," Price stabbed the knife into the table before plopping back down into his seat with a more genuine grin. "You're free to go now Sergeant. I look forward to getting to know you better over the course of your relationship with Gaz." Jackson blinked at him, watching frozen for several moments as the man picked up one of the several pieces of paper in front of him and started looking it over. After a moment, Price looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, "Leave."
The words sent Jackson scrambling from his seat and rushing out of the room, trying hard not to let his heat beat out of his chest as he collapsed against the wall outside of the conference room. He stood there for several moments, trying to work out in his mind if what just happened was real or not.
"Paul?" Jackson turned, his wide eyes meeting the adorably confused eyes of Gaz. "What are you doing here?"
Jackson took a deep breath before giving him a small smile, "I came to see you! Maybe take you to lunch? Got a little lost though."
"Oh!" A smile lit up Gaz's face. He came forward several steps to press a kiss to Jackson's cheek, "That sounds amazing. Let me just drop these papers off to Price, then we can go, yeah?"
Jackson nodded, trying not to show too much fear on his face as Gaz opened the door to the conference room and practically bounded over to Price, "Got those papers for you Captain. Gonna take a bit of a break, Jackson's here. He's taking me to lunch."
"Oh," Price turned to watch him in the doorway, a smile on his face, "How nice. You two have fun."
"We will!" Gaz responded with a grin. He started toward Jackson, his back turned from Price. This meant that he missed the way that Price lifted his finger and ran it across his neck, mimicking slashing a throat. Meant for Jackson's eyes only. "Babe?" Gaz asked curiously, "You're a little pale, everything okay?"
"Yup," Jackson responded, his voice high as he brought his attention from Price to Gaz, "perfectly fine. Just a little hungry."
"Well," Gaz wrapped his arm in his and started pulling him from the room, "lets go then, I'm starving!"
Jackson let himself be pulled along by his boyfriend, his mind flooded with continued fear as Price's threats rang in his mind. He let out a shakey breath as he and Gaz stepped from the building. He didn't know a lot, but there was one thing he did:
Captain John Price was one terrifying man.
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missorigamimk · 2 years
🫧 Chishiya Shuntaro 🫧
🧼 Bubbles & 🚿 Water
🛁 Shower : As a Doctor 🏥 he knows Best about hygiene and he takes care of this , you don't have idea how much ( Or you Do Have 🤣)
He gets up Every Day at 7:00 o'clock in the morning to have his Shower and freshen up his fit body
He untangles his hair with his hair brush ,spreading a good amount of macademia oil he let it stay for 15 ' and when it's about time to wash em, he takes off all his clothes making sure they're are FOLDED before place them into the laundry 🧺 basket
( O.C.D. Issues are Screaming 🤣)
🧴 Shampoo and Conditioner :
For A busy man like Chishiya, time is money ( obviously and taking care of his Patients)
So he makes sure he having his job done in the minimum time as possible. So, 2 in 1 hair products are the best choice for him , as a matter of fact if he finds some products to combine 3 uses in one ,like Shampoo & Conditioner & Body Wash he'd shoplifting every bottle in the market!
✂️ Trimming & Manscape :
Well, he likes to trimm his hair all by himself although I'm begging him to let me do it ,he won't let me ...and tbh,if it wasn't for his relationship he would let his beautiful areas complete bare of hair
But I , We like him With Some Fluff down there 🔥It is more Hot !
🧽 Washing Body : Sometimes he can't reach some areas all by himself to wash them properly,so he will usually call for...helping hands to take care of these strong arms and shoulders but also he KNOWS that it won't stop only to the scrub but every time the show must go on.....🔥 ending up making love underneath the shower...🫦
💿📻 Music : Chishiya and Me we have this in common : When we're talking our bath , the music it must be SO LOUD , that every neighbor can listen to it. I mean he doesn't even care if it's the right Spotify playlist or it's my Playlist,it doesn't matter; is ready for him 😂 « Kinky Water » it's the title of his Spotify Playlist ( Bro.....😂)
🪥 Toothbrush: His Tooth & 🦷 Mouth hygiene in general is something important for Shuntaro,no matter what,and goes even higher priority when he's in a relationship....... ( Mountain 🏔️ Breeze Like Peppermint) Kissing him is like being in the dentist's chair)
🛀 A Quick Shower is absolutely necessary before bed. And a face wash with lavender foam . And good brushing of his hair.
💞 Intimacy: Yes. Next thing after he's done with his Cleaning. Sometimes During his shower.
No problems he is ready like a press of a button 🔥
It's dangerous though, be aware of the slippery floor Blow him : Absolutely Yes 💞
🤷 Doggy Style: Too Risky but if he can't wait till he go to bed....
🗣️ Moans : As loud as it Gets ( Reason that The Music Volume is....Raised 🤷)
🛌 After : One Round is never Never Enough 💞
( Stamina Level 100)🔥
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