#this was such a wholesome conversation
seawherethesunsets · 1 year
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I wanted to have her. My graceless desire to destroy something that I could not have definitely played a part in my decision to turn my back on Jang Uk. That is why whenever I think of her, I feel ashamed of myself and I feel painful remorse. 
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riggsink · 17 days
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@star-sparkler I humbly offer this comic of August, she is light itself and perfect in every way
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enii · 4 months
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How about we stop worrying today? 🦆💕🦆
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sylenth-l · 5 months
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[🚧 WIP] Gay people supporting each other 🍵
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Ooh, what if Price/Ghost/Gaz/Laswell came across their childhood best friend? Reuniting with reader who was there for them through thick and thin, until they joined the military and lost contact 🙏
I've been reading/re-reading some of your works!! They're so good! Also, I'm sorry those teenagers were pricks to you, hope you have some better days soon!
Hello! I have to say, I'm genuinely surprised anyone reads my rambles in the tags, I didn't think anyone would, but thank you! You don't know how much I appreciate it! Today was already a much better day, which is why I decided to write and post two requests today! This is a lovely request, very nice! Love me some platonic stuff as well! Sometimes all you need is a good friend by your side!
Price, Gaz, Ghost and Laswell Come Across their Childhood Best Friend
Price: He actually thinks about you from time to time, more often than he’d like to admit. You were a good person in his eyes, always there for him no matter what he went through, which is something he could appreciate. His childhood wasn’t particularly bad, but he had some days where he would have loved to simply throw in the towel, which is normal, though. Price was a rowdy guy when he was young, so you likely either went along with some of his ideas or were kind enough to talk him out of them. Either way, he appreciated having you around, so seeing you again would be quite the surprise, he didn’t think he ever would again. If he’s on a mission, then the talk will be kept short, but afterwards he’ll make sure to seek you out again, catch up a bit and ask you how you’ve been. Price didn’t expect to have missed you this much, but he only realized that once he saw you. You’ll either be going to one of the cafes you used to visit nearby, or maybe sit down on a park bench and maybe eat some sandwiches together, just like you used to during the good old times. Since you’d likely be around his age, so roughly 37-38, you’d have a lot to tell. Roughly 22 years you need to catch up on. He’s willing to talk to you, tell you about his career, how he's been doing, about the people he’s met and how he’s feeling. Considering this much time has passed, there’s a good chance you’ve both mellowed out quite a bit, but it isn’t unpleasant, you’re both mature people now. He likes hearing about everything you’ve accomplished, it’s like you became a new person during all those years. It’s so lovely to him, he sort of can’t believe it. Whether it’s a coincidence, or maybe you sought him out, it doesn’t matter, spending time with you again brings back all those memories he thought he had since forgotten about. He laughs, he smiles, he frowns. He’s a bit more expressive with you, but really wants to reminisce about the good old times. Even so, he hopes to be able to see you again more often, so you’ll likely exchange numbers. This time he tries to make sure to not lose contact with you and will text you every once in a while.
Gaz: When he was a child, Gaz was a lot calmer than he is today, a very quiet kid. He had always been a good boy, a gift in the eyes of many, but he wasn’t as active a child as one would imagine. Ergo he didn’t have very many friends until he became older either, but he was loyal to the few he did have. You were one of them. As you slowly started to grow apart, he started to miss you, but didn’t want to bother you either, as much as he would have loved to do so. So I’m sure you can imagine the surprise on his face when he found you at the mall the two of you would hang out in during rainy days. Gaz has become more confident, so he’d immediately walk up to you once he recognises you and start talking. Like Price, he’d be pleasantly surprised to just see you in such a mundane place, but won’t question it. Or complain about it either. In fact, if you’re not carrying anything heavy, he’d be the one to suggest going out to eat or drink something. Again, either a small and quiet cafe or a small restaurant. Maybe you’d go to a place you liked when you were kids, if it’s still open. Regardless, it’d be hard to get him to shut up with how excited he is to have you around. It’s a calm kind of excitement, but he’s happy, and that’s what’s important. It’s very likely that he’ll pay for your food, even if you insist he shouldn’t, but it’s not like he has any other use for his money. Chatting with him about the good old times is very sweet, he likes to bring up all the good things. But eventually, he’ll thank you for everything you’ve done for him and how happy he was to have you as a friend. Considering there were very few people who tried to get to know him, he was quite lonely, but you fixed that. You made everything better. From the pain on his knee when he fell as you gave him a band-aid, to the pain in his heart when the other children ridiculed him. Like Price, he’ll ask you if you want his number so you could continue to keep in contact with each other. He knows it’ll likely never be the same again, but he can pretend everything is as good as it used to be back when he was young. He’d love to spend time with you again.
Ghost: This man has had one of the worst childhoods imaginable. He was abused by his father, and the only friends he had aside from you were his mother and his brother. Barely anyone was kind towards him or accepted him considering he had always been the weird kid. No one but you wanted to spend time with him. Needless to say, Ghost had taken a liking to you when he was younger. You spent your time with him, you even defended him when some of the other kids ridiculed him. And now, 12 years later, he finds you running after a coin you accidentally dropped on the ground, bumping into him as you did so. He’d be wide eyed at first, a bit quiet as well. Once you left he never would have thought he’d ever find someone like you again, but here you were, just as quiet and surprised to see him. Ghost would pick up the coin for you and ask you how you’ve been. It had been a while. Although he’s not usually one to smile, especially not in public, you could see him faintly do so. He’s become a quiet man, so he won’t be talking too much about everything, especially not everything that happened after he joined the military, but he’s more than willing to talk to you about other matters. His life has become better over the past few years, but that doesn’t mean he isn't scarred still. He’ll offer you a walk to just about anywhere, really, even if the final destination will always end up being one of the places you used to hang out in as children. An abandoned house, a park, a mall. Manchester is a fairly large city, so there’s much to see. It would be a bit rough to catch up with him entirely, but he loves to hear about everything you’ve accomplished. You’ve become such a mature person, it warms his heart to see how far you’ve come in life. Back then, when everything was so bleak, when neither of you thought you’d see your 28th birthdays, everything was different. But now, you’re smiling at him as you’re drinking your milkshake. You seem to be better off, and so is he. It makes him nostalgic to see all of this, but he’s happy. Ghost will offer you to come to his home if you want. Even now, he still loves you dearly as a friend and couldn’t be happier about the fact he’s found you again by chance.
Laswell: When she was young she was a healthy mix of rowdy and good. While she never caused much trouble, she did stand up for herself when she needed to. However, this alone was enough to get the attention of some awful people. People either liked her or hated her, there usually was no inbetween for them. Some people did try to bully her, but it never ended well since she would fight for herself, plus she had some good friends who would do the same for her. However, none of them could compare to you, as you were her best friend. All her joys she would celebrate with you, and all of her sadness she would share with you. Back then, things were simpler, something small meant the end of the world, but you always had each other’s backs. Laswell tries to not think about you too much since you slowly drifting apart is quite painful to her. As she grew older, she learned to live with the pain and it didn’t bother her as much. Still, she was very happy when you were sending her a message after all this time. She may have been at work, but responded to you immediately, having missed you just as much as you missed her. Once you meet up it’s evident you’ve both grown a lot older. Laswell has been working for the CIA since her twenties, so it’s been almost thirty years. You have a lot to catch up on, but you take your time, eating at a fancy restaurant and spending hours there, laughing at everything that’s happened. Laswell would show you photos of all the places she’s visited during her downtime. She’s seen almost the entire world, some of it with her wife, some of it without her. Although she doesn’t usually tell people she’s married, to another woman too, she knows you’re a safe person, you’ve always accepted her as she was. Considering how happy you looked when you saw her wife, she continued to tell you about the world. But you get your chance to tell her about everything that’s happened to you as well. If the conversation goes especially well, Laswell might invite you to a few outings every once in a while, after you’ve met up a few more times. Plus you get to meet her wife eventually as well, which is a real privilege. Considering how much she loves her and wants to protect her, not many know about her. It’ll be fun either way since you get to make more memories together again.
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novaae · 6 months
im definitely guilty of this myself but its kinda tragic how little content there is of bumi being an uncle when one of the first lines we ever hear about him is "YAAAY UNCLE BUMI'S HERE" and is rather just shippy or angsty about his parents and airbending.
we forget that in canon he's just some retired dude who came to live with his brother (who he doesnt have a close relationship with), so it was probably for the kids
give me bumi using some wild trick and experience with aang to impress meelo without airbending, give me bumi being a good uncle when he realises rohan isnt an airbender, bumi bringing books and relics for jinora from his travels, bumi staying up till 2am to talk to ikki because she can't sleep after she almost lost her bending and needs an adult who isnt her parent
bumi not treating bolin like he's stupid and teaching him the basics of boxing, bumi also bringing mako books and slyly nudging mako to go on dates, bumi making sure asami knows he's proud of her and that she is much more than her father's legacy
hes so loved by his nieces and nephews and its a shame we rarely see it in canon or fanon
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tau1tvec · 3 months
What’s weird is I vividly remember sims 3 simblrs reblogging each other’s hot sims quite a bit and it’d just be line of these underneath it.
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We didn’t rlly put our thoughts in tags back then tho, and we were briefly allowed to add gifs in replies, so maybe seeing this now would be considered cringe, lol.
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puppyeared · 3 months
Its really freeing when “gender is just a construct” really sinks in and you dont see yourself identifying with any pre-existing gender that the answer is “wait I can just make my own gender lol.” So. Hello everyone. Im pupgender now
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Ep. Ten] A Night on the Town!
Congratulations to our third date winner, Fabian! 🍾 Daniel decided to take him to the beautiful and masterfully built (😉) Wakabamori Walk for some bowling and a bar crawl!
The two had a hell of a time drinking, nailing trick shots, and talking the night away! It was classic bowling hall date: pitchers of beer, snuggling between pin resets, and laughter abound!
They also get two extra pics because for whatever reason these two decided to get drunk off their asses and go for a swim! 🥹 @rebouks come get your boy!!! djdjhs
[ Part 1/2 ] 🌹
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mggsv · 1 year
Purple Converse
gn!reader x mgg (fluff)
summary: the first time you saw him was on a Tuesday- your first day. he came into the store smiling despite it being so early in the morning..
warnings: none !
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“Excuse me, do you guys have this in a size 11?” You knew that voice, it was Matthew (or so his rewards account said). He held a box up of a purple converse shoe with a small awaiting smile. You smiled back of course, it was your job after all, but one from Matthew was surely contagious.
“Let me check, yeah? I’m sure we do, though.” you chuckle. He nodded, pursing his lips as you took the box.
You leave him be to go to the back of your post. You’ve worked at this shoe store for nearly a year, and you haven’t seen anyone walk in there almost regularly as Matthew. When you first met it had been your first day when he strode in all tall. In fact, he was the first customer to arrive- early in the morning when the store opened. He seemed to be in a hurry as the converse on his feet were about to fall apart. They were red and tied in a way you’ve seen before. With every step you could see the outline of two completely different socks on his feet. What a weirdo, you had thought.
All you could see was his fluffy hair and glasses over the shelves as he went straight for the isle of converse shoes. More people started to walk in and it made you nervous. Before then, all the other jobs you’d have weren’t exactly working with people face to face. Normally you’d be editing or designing some work online as commissions. Only online work, never in person.
With your eyes trained on the man scanning the isle, your hands nervously fidgeted with the name tag on your shirt. Moments later he was in front of you, tapping on the box lightly. “I’d like to get these please” His voice was soft, professional-like. It made your heart flutter in a bit of a panic.
“Oh! yes of- of course. Will that be all sir?” you cleared your throat feeling it run dry. You avoided eye contact with him, and instead grabbed the box to scan it. They were a high top pair of red converses, size 11.
He hummed before grabbing a pack of shoe laces from a rack on the counter. “These too, thank you.”
“Of course” you whispered. After scanning his items and placing them into the store bag. “Do you have a number or an account with us?” You say the words slowly and carefully, the practice you’ve done the night before seemed to vanish. “You can earn points and discounts.” you smile. He nods and leans in very closely- shocking you.
“I’m sorry for the lack of space, i didn’t want anyone else hearing my number out loud.” he giggles before calling out the numbers to you. You nod and pull back slowly to type it into the computer. The name “Matthew Gubler” pops up.
“Well, Matthew, you have a discount for $20 off, do you want to use it today?” You watch him pull out his wallet while shaking his head. “Not today!” he hands you the money and does a little bow before taking off.
“Wait your change-“
“Keep it! See you next time.”
And you did see him next time. It was a week later when he was coming in to get another pair of converse- low top and green. They didn’t have them in stores so he got them ordered and sent to the store for pickup.
When he came in he was all smiles again, this time wearing sunglasses. The store was crowdy. By now you were used to work the register and such so it wasn’t much of a hassle. It was only when that head of hair was in your view and Matthew’s beautiful smile loomed over you that you felt a little nervous. “Hey there Matthew. You..have an order actually.” You click your tongue to pull up his account in the computer.
“That I do. How’s your day going…Y/N?” he reads your name tag.
“Busy much. You?”
“Same here. I’m actually on my way out of town in a few hours for work. Wanted to get my shoes first.” he laughs. You smile and nod, holding up a finger to go and grab the perfectly wrapped box of converse.
“You know, i’ve only ever seen you wear these- or pick them up. How many pairs of converse does one man need huh?” You attempted at joking. Matthew laughed however, taking the box from your hands. “You can’t never have too many. They’re also very comfortable.”
“And the socks?” you pressed, “You’re a bit strange you know?” You check off his order, watching the line pileup behind him.
“I’ll tell you another time, how about that?”
And he did, and your relationship with Matthew started. You anticipated his arrival to the store you worked at. It made you happier. He had told you many things from your small meetings at the counter- what he did job wise, acting (which got you hooked on the show he acted in), painting, directing, being an author too- and a model? You were shocked really, how someone so energetic did so much and still had the time to buy shoes in store whenever he wanted.
You told him about yourself as well, how you’re also somewhat of an artist, and your small hobbies of crafting. You told a lot- from your favorite foods to your favorite style of clothing (his style of course). When you didn’t work you found yourself sitting with Matthew as he tried on sweaters from a thrift store not far from your apartment. If you weren’t thrifting, it was painting pottery with Matthew when he wasn’t working and free, being sure to grab food afterwards and hanging out.
He become an amazing friend to have. You even sat and watched the show he was in together (him laughing while you tried to piece together who the unsub was). You grew closer by the months that passed by. And so did Matthew’s converse collection.
He had FINALLY showed you after a month of asking (and him being away because of work). It wasn’t what you expected however- they were all stacked on top of each up messily with the strings hanging out of them, but ready to be worn. You remember telling Matthew he needed to take care of his shoes and no wonder he came in so much. But in that moment he said something..well, crazy.
“I only came in because just sitting there talking to you would’ve made me look suspicious and kept you from work. I’ve donated lots of these shoes, i wear them, yes, but they don’t last forever.”
The thought made you chuckle to yourself as you reached up and grabbed the size 11 box of purple converse, Matthew’s name written on it from you personally just for the occasion. When you came back to the front he was tracing a picture framed at your station of you two hugging.
“Will this be all?” you held out the box. He straightened up and smiled,
“For now?” he leans in and pecks your lips, “Yeah.”
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giurochedadomani · 4 months
How about a disgustingly fluffy morning after?
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Shanks’ soft snores drag him back to the world of the living, and Mihawk is torn between smothering him with a pillow or eating him whole. 
Against the backdrop of the sea through the window Shanks’ shitty bed is propped against, the captain’s hair looks as if it’s on fire. Delicately, Mihawk brushes a couple of strands out of his hair, chest warm when the gesture makes him scrunch his nose in his sleep. 
He doesn’t pick up any obvious stream of sound except for the lull of the waves and the distant chant of a gull. It doesn’t occur to him that it’d be the perfect moment to slip out until he borrows himself closer to Shanks’ inviting warmth and the captain tightens his hold around his middle. 
Eyes up. He’s still asleep. 
The instinctive gesture touches something deep in himself, making the memories from the previous day come rushing back. Shanks’ bright grin at Luffy’s poster. The crew’s subtle mistrust. Walking on the Red force’s deck as if instead of ten years it hadn’t passed a day. 
He’s not sure about what he expected about the reunion. If he’s honest with himself, he hadn’t let himself think about it much, keeping tightly locked away the fear that Shanks might still shun him even after all these years given how badly their last encounter ended. 
Come search for him, Beckmann had said back in the day. Momentarily, he eyes with a pang of guilt the white piece of paper securely tucked in the inside of his hat, hazapardly thrown over the covers. Come search for him when you both cool down. 
Shanks mutters something incomprehensible, mouth half opened in an utterly charmless expression. As much as Mihawk thinks about it, he can’t make sense about why their last fight had felt so final. Years down the line, the possibility of facing Shanks is not so daunting. Nowadays, the only thing that he wants to do when he sees him is—
“...mmmm”, Shanks mutters, his tired grin tugging at the corners of Mihawk’s lips. The redhead snorts as if he could sense the slight reaction, a curious eye barely opening. 
After a couple of moments, Shanks concentrates the little part of his strength awake at such an unholy hour —a valiant effort— and moves his head enough to plant on him a big, resounding kiss. 
“Good morning”. 
Mihawk’s breath catches. 
His chest feels as if he’s split open, raw like an unprotected wound. 
“Your breath smells”, he ends up whispering back. 
Shanks lets out a little laugh, no more than a rumble making him break into goosebumps. 
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shitpostingkats · 11 months
Nagi Usui and Fret Tosai are The Character Dynamic Of All Time. Autism girlie introvert and adhd idiot extrovert, but the twist is the shy nerdy one takes one look at the happy bubbly guy and goes "What the fuck is wrong with you." And then tries to rehabilitate him with a gacha game.
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enii · 1 year
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Flowers of the sky🌻⭐️
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random-xpressions · 1 month
Introvert problems: after every human interaction in real life, I feel I could have done better...
Random Xpressions
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dothsexth · 7 months
It had been a week.
No. It had been almost a week.
No. It'd been 156 hours.
No. It'd-
"DRACO. STOP ZONING OUT WITH THAT PUPPY FACE. UGH. TALK TO HIM. I can't deal with you ignoring me today" He heard Pansy slam the door as she left.
He couldn't blame her. Not really. God forbid had she tried. Coming in every day getting him food because he was too depressed to move.
Oh. You want to know why he's depressed.
Let's do the whole sha bam of a flashback. Imagine a scary backtrack now thanks.
"No. I get that you're insecure. I understand that. I'm always here to give you reassurance should you need it. But to make me feel like I'm cheating on you the second I talk to another human is absurd. "
"I know. But it's hard considering you're also bisexu-"
"So YOU OF ALL PEOPLE are holding my sexuality against me? I am in love with you Draco but if you do not realize I spend every waking moment thinking of you and you do not realize I am not attracted to any one else be it man or woman. I cannot help it. "
"I'm leaving. I'm too furious and I want space. I will only come back if you're willing to change this about you. "
---------------end of flashback--------------
He knew he was wrong but how does someone win back the fucking saviour of the world.
Oh wait. He thought of harry every waking moment too.
He knew Harry was at Ron's. He knew there was a banner near Ron's house. He knew Harry secretly wanted to modeling and had a few pictures.
Well. You know what happened next. This author does not know how to write because as you all know I could never- and as you all know I definitely am not a little bitch.
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Minden: Wow, your family is terrible. You should get a new one.
Snotlout: Yeah, well, that's impossible.
Minden: Not really.
Minden: You could always start one with me.
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