#this is awesome
sticcmann · 3 months
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This was initially a meme drawing lmao
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t1redofyourbs · 1 month
making this purely bc
every 10 votes I will send them a photo of stonks
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Tag whoever you want. I'll start
@maryland-no-rabies @duothelingo
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violent138 · 2 months
Though I prefer the way it is now, I'm enamoured by Alfred's original introduction to Batman. He shows up unannounced to the house of a potential employer that has basically no idea who he is, gives himself a job despite their lacklustre reception of him, he's trying to find Batman and Robin somehow in a foreign city but throws himself into his new job, accidentally scooby doo's his way to a secret lair in the house, where Alfred finds out his boss and his kid dress up and fight crime, doesn't bat an eyelash and decides, "Well thank God they have me now to help."
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aropride · 10 months
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hkthatgffan · 2 months
From Alex Hirsch's Instagram stories! A new promo made by ellingson.tv and a new variation of the Gravity Falls theme song by @viamardot!
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robeca-black · 29 days
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Thanks for the commission my friend @barbozari , I love your work.
"My love, my Shadowheart"
Warrior and his princess✨👑
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facts-i-just-made-up · 3 months
Hello kidney stone sufferer. I bestow upon you the privilege to use the kidney stone pride flag.
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Screenshat my original post so that you may enjoy it in all of its pain-killer induced glory.
It arrives!!! Thank you!
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pwlanier · 11 months
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Large watchmaker assortment cabinet, pocket and wristwatch spare parts. 19th and early 20th centuries.
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smolldust · 3 months
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Who needs sex or romance when I can have FRIENDS
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moti-otp · 7 months
You asked for recap, I'll try to give you the shortest version I could come up with
First egg day
Not much, but gives signs of potential. 100% platonic, met literally yesterday
Tho can be the great example for how much their relationship has changed. Gay jokes, "come to the bed, partner", first pet names (still just jokes), but immediately clicked with each other and assured eachother in loyalty
Missa's first return (June~July)
Giving signs from Missa's side. Finding out that there's somebody that is after Phil and feeling jealous, tho understanding why ("ye, he's a kind of a man, you know?" - to Chayanne), admitting Phil as the only person who protecting and helping him from a heart. Probably this's the start of Missa's crush
The Four Months™
Phil used to be really patient person, he always been ready to wait for people as long as needed. But at one moment, he started missing Missa, he started yearning for Missa
Rambling about how everyone is okay with being a single parent and how Missa is never there, actually giving up on him and taking off the armour he made for Missa months ago, getting jealous over Guapoduo (only romantic, married and really affectionate couple on the server at the moment), whimpering over the random skull he found in the dungeon and even collecting every single skull he found in one of the dungeons for no reason
Missa's return
Everything is back to normal! But something definitely changed...
Phil and Missa were really affectionate from the start, Phil always was protective over Missa and tried to help him and Missa always was a bit shy around Phil and flustered by his help
But this time it's all stronger
For the whole journey to find new members (the frozen ones) they haven't left each other's side, even walked off from everyone else just to be alone together.
And this time Phil was even more protective of Missa. Usually the very paranoid man, who was scared of a single little light in the darkness started noticing only those mobs that were attacking Missa, who couldn't not to look at him or leave alone for even a moment, just to check if he was safe. And for a long time everyone saw Phil actually relaxed after so many months of paranoia and fear. Something started changing
And Missa, he was even more shy around Phil, tried not to say a wrong word or anything that could disappoint him, was apologising for everything he ever could do wrong. And something new started happening with him. Flirting. But not just jokes, more of an admiring thoughts that accidentally were slipping out of Missa's mouth without him wanting it. And first time when Missa started rambling™ so Phil couldn't understand him and first time when he actually confessed by saying "te amo"
And then matching backpacks, Missa being very normal with wanting to put Phil's head on his backpack and other members noticing something between them
Missa trying to run away from Chayanne, but confessing something important
Skipping the whole looney tunes episode with the deep trauma under it and getting to the most interesting part
Tallulah and Chayanne telling Missa that Phil was talking about him a lot and Roier, seeing Missa's reaction asking him if he likes Philza (in "te gusta" way) and Missa saying that he's very handsome, but he wouldn't tell him about that because he wants to respect him (plus being afraid of losing him and that they have now)
And then writing a sign with confession that he LOVES Philza (and Tallulah noticing it, but pretends that she hadn't seen anything)
The Mexican independence day
(Oh god, oh boy, i have a lot to say)
The Missa's return was Missa's simping day, well, now it's Phil's turn
Phil was trying not to leave Missa for the whole day, keep him around, but not to interrupt when he was talking with him friends or wanted to go somewhere with them, even if he wanted to spend time with Missa. Only with Missa.
Sneaking photos, [Missa yelling "te amo" in front of everyone to him], trying to drag out of the crowd by lassoing (same that did Roier with Cellbit and Fit with Pac), focusing in the dance only on him, gazing at him in the Order, proposing to leave if he felt overwhelmed, trying to keep next to him in the dungeon, [Missa calling Phil handsome], wanting to stay only with Missa when everyone was going to the Hot Girls' beach, [Missa wanting to go on a date with Phil], gazing at Missa when going to the said beach with a goofy smile, [Missa confessing that Phil makes him nervous], Phil noticing Missa's confession but not saying anything just giggling, [Missa wanting to hug Phil as his last thing he wants to do before he dies (he was okay)]
And then the "see you soon" without seeing eachother after that
Missa's capybara journey
Missa returning without knowing if his son and (not fully back then) daughter were okay, if Phil was okay and feeling guilty about everything he missed. Meeting with Luismi and going to the Capybara village with them
And then- calling himself a parasite, that he doesn't deserve his family, calling Phil "the person of a justice, the best islander on the whole island", capybaras getting Missa to return home and write a sign for Phil
[Few days after Phil finding that sign and trying to find if Missa left anything else for him and getting sad when he realises that he didn't]
The Aquarium(I'm getting really sleepy, help)
Bad meeting Missa at one of the days and starting to gaslight him that he has no home, that nobody cares about him
So he requests to live under Phil's basement in the aquarium that built without Phil's agreement
Missa, again, isolating himself and thinking that he's not enough for his family and that he doesn't deserve to be anywhere near Phil
The Purgatory
The good start with separating middle and awesome end
Everything starting with Phil, after noticing that Missa is on, immediately started to perch everywhere and trying to find Missa. Looking around everytime he heard the noise of waystone
And then, after finally finding him on the ground with everyone else. He first wanted to just glide down, but decided to do water drop (to show off in front of Missa). Then Missa started acting surprisingly clingy and bold- asking Phil to hug him, staring at his chest when he was shaking it for fun (actually was checking if he was alive, but from Phil's side it looked like he was looking at boobs)
And then they got separated
It wasn't much for Missa because he more was thinking about how he will help his team, but Phil was DEVASTATED. The little "noooooo" in despair when finding that Missa is in another team, sadly waving when Missa was standing with his back turned to him, and giving last little glances to Missa (maybe considering if he can go to Missa's team for him) before living
And then Missa, on his own, with only violence around him, realises that he needs Philza. He doesn't just loves how he looks and acts with him, he NEEDS him. He needs his comfort, his power, his protection. And he decides to leave Purgatory just so he wouldn't have a chance to hurt Phil even if his team will win
Meanwhile, somewhere on a dusty floor of a museum crying and sobbing Phil, crawling into a drawing of Soulfire with Missa on it, sadly cooing and totally not needing him as much as he needs him
The Prison
KISS. Missa realises that not only he needs Phil and his family, but that they also need him. KISS ON A LIPS. Phil, again, feeling fully relaxed after long time just with Missa, even sometimes forgetting that they should escape. PHIL ASKED MISSA TO KISS HIM ON A LIPS. And Tallulah finally officially becoming Missa's daughter. THE PISSA KISS HOLY FUCK EVEN CROWS DON'T THINK IT'S PLATONIC ANYMORE
The new start
Missa returning home once again. But everything is new, it's time to start with the white list. But this time he's sure in his feelings and wants to be with his family, wants to protect them and love Phil even if he won't get that back
Meanwhile Phil getting even more possesive over Missa with wanting to kill the villager just because he was sleeping on Missa's bed. He's very normal over his husband, yap
Missa made it canon that he's immortal just like Phil. Giving him even more pet names like "The immortal", "the man of my dreams"(heard that he called him a term that used by boyfriends about their girlfriends) and saying "I hope we'll see eachother soon, handsome" before logging out
Other notes (finally done for now
- Missa also called Phil "daddy" when saw an art of him on a Purgatory loading screen
- Phil, looking at the art of Fooligetta and Leo said: "the family, all together, yaaaay" in the most jealous tone ever
- Phil, looking at art of Guapoduo (again) with fucked up Cellbit said: "Cellbit is a little but fucked up, but Roier will help him, right? Roier will save him". And with what tone he was saying that he was hoping that somebody would come to him and save him too
- when Phil found Missa's "house" in aquarium he was saying "he doesn't- he thinks- he thinks I don't- he thinks he doesn't deserve me"
- in Prison Missa said that apapacho(hug) is that he does to Phil when he doesn't look
- there's like 7 times Phil was gazing at Missa from the side while he was talking with his friends or just was by himself, Phil really likes to look at him
- Fit actually thinks those two are romantic couple because he said "it's none if my business that other couples do" when found Missa's aquarium house (refering to him and Pac even before they got together)
- Cellbit told Missa that Phil is in love with him, but just scared if his feelings and can't accept them yet, but "he sees something really strong here" (quote)
- Chayanne had a backpack called "Phissa"
- Dapper called them lovebirds and promised to protect Missa from anyone if they want to get between him and Phil
- qPhil probably thinks that "platonic" just means "no sex" (he was answering to Cellbit's question about what platonic husbands mean ages ago and Phil couldn't answer normally, but Foolish yelled "no sex" and Phil said "ye, kinda like that")
It's finally finished yippee, hope it'll give you some recap and image on how insane we are here about these two
Words can´t express how I´m feeling rn, the happiness in my body is boiling and i'll explode in million pieces, thanks for this amazing food I'll always be grateful for this awesome work. It took you time to write everything here, Thank you. You're a legend. A great warrior o7
My respects for you comrade
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ssaraexposs · 4 months
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Lucy and Kyouka acting like Atsushi's Protection Squad and Ango is absolutely terrified of them. This is hilarious.
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In honor of being not shadowbanned, here’s that one issue but me and my friends’ ocs
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magicdashworkss · 26 days
digital Art…
the most beautiful art ever seen
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Luke Skywalker , just him
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only-frann · 9 months
My friend @anxnymouse and I were chatting a bit and we did a Smosh collab and IT'S SO COOL, love to work with them, it's fun!
We colored eachothers linearts and I feel like this is so interesting to watch! (Love their style so much)
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This is the first part, Xav is doing something cooler and amazing with this drawings, it's gonna be post soon! Go watch it.
And if you love drawing stuff, I'm totally down for anyone who wants to make a collab, this was so interesting and genuinely fun to make!
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