#thor arrives in wakanda
autumnsoldier13 · 1 month
Of all the badass things Arondir has done on this show… that one is my favorite.
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marv93vv · 2 years
Thor arrives in wakanda! | Avengers: Infinity War
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eufezco · 2 months
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Set during Avengers: Endgame, you time travel to 1943 to see Bucky but you end up meeting a very different version of him.
bucky x fem!reader (angst) + no use of y/n. english isn't my first language (!)
You were leaning on the doorframe, watching as Hulk, Nebula and Rhodey fixed Scott Lang's time travel suit. Clint Barton was by your side, you both had shared some suspicious glances after seeing how Scott was behaving. He was restless, throwing deadly looks at anyone who dared to handle the Pym Particles, constantly moving and deconfiguring the suit over and over again.
—I'm not ready to do this —. Scott finally confessed with a sigh.
—I'll do it. I'm ready —. You said right after. You volunteered so quickly as if you had been waiting for Scott to quit to take his place.
Nebula, Rhodey and Hulk looked at each other and slowly nodded. Scott felt relieved that he didn't have to do it himself and you couldn't be more prepared. Since the idea of time travel had been around the team, only one thought had been in your head. Only one person was in your thoughts and you had to get back to him any way you could.
You put on the time travel suit and you walked towards the huge Quantum Tunnel that they had built. Natasha, Clint, Rocket and Thor decided to join Nebula, Rhodey and Hulk in monitoring the test. Steve arrived at the last moment when he knew you were going to be the one who was going to time travel.
You stepped onto the big platform and waited for directions. If any of them asked you at that moment if you were nervous, you would say no, but the truth was that your hands were shaking, there were drops of cold sweat sliding down your forehead and your heart was beating hard and fast against your chest. You just hoped this would work.
—It may make you nauseous but it is completely normal, you are going to travel across the Quantum Realm to the past. I'm going to send you back a week, let you walk around for ten minutes which for us will be ten seconds. So I'll count to ten and we'll bring you back.
You nodded to everything Hulk was explaining.
—Are you ready?
—Actually —You cleared your throat. Everyone looked at you thinking you were going to quit —. Could you send me back to 1943?
—That's quite a leap in time. It may be dangerous. Why don't we start by trying something a bit less—?
—I don't care. When we travel back in time, we will not travel back to a week ago. We can't waste time.
The big green man was surprised but quickly touched a few buttons and fixed it to send you to the date you told him. Everyone seemed confused except Steve who immediately understood why you had volunteered for the time travel test.
Natasha and Clint also knew your intentions when you mentioned that specific year, they didn't know what happened in 1943 but they knew how hard you had fought to have Bucky with you. From fighting Tony Stark, one of your closest friends, to travel to Wakanda to work with Shuri to remove the Winter Soldier program from him. All of that until he was blipped by Thanos.
But no one knew it as well as Steve. He had seen you mourn the loss of Bucky more than three times, that was why he was looking at you from his position with an approving expression on his face while he nodded to you. —Good luck. You got this —. Steve said and his words gave you the security you needed to make that travel calm.
—Are you sure it will be good for her to do that? —Natasha whispered to Steve.
He shook his head. It was a terrible idea, going back to the past to see him and then coming back to the present and not having him. It would only comfort you momentarily and would make his loss even more painful. If Steve had known why you wanted to travel to the past before, he would have tried to convince you not to do it but now it was too late and he could only support your decision as Hulk counted down to three and you were sent into the Quantum Realm.
As you traveled, you tried to stop spinning around because if you didn't you would have worse nausea but you found it impossible. You were thankful that it was short and went fast and when you realized, you were shot into 1943 as you came back to your normal size.
You fell to the ground in the crowd. You looked around, surprised by the fact that the time travel had worked. You caught the attention of everyone around you, the ladies gasped and the gentlemen bent down to help you get back on your feet, you felt the nausea that Hulk had told you about but you managed to control it. The people around you asked you if you were okay, if you had hurt yourself.
—You must be a big fan of Mr. Howard Stark, Miss. Your clothes are really futuristic, did you sew them?
You looked at your time travel suit and then looked at the clothes the people around you were wearing. The women wore long dresses, the men top hats and walking sticks. You couldn't believe it actually worked. You nodded, going along with them.
—I am looking for a man. I have lost him in the crowd —You smiled kindly even though you were scared to death. Your hands were shaking, you didn't know how the lump in your throat was letting you speak. The man you were talking to you nodded, understanding your situation. —He is a Sergeant, his name is James Barnes. Brown hair and blue eyes. People know him as Bucky.
The man shook his head and apologized for not being able to help.
The time-space GPS that Tony made beeped once. You had already used half of your time. You felt a pressure in your chest that made it hard for you to breathe and that urged your feet to move quickly through the crowd. Shoving people out of your way, pushing those who didn't want to move. The test was a success, you had traveled back to 1943 but you needed to find him before you ran out of time.
Your heart stopped every time you ran into a man dressed in a military uniform, crossing your fingers wishing that they were Bucky and cursing every time you found out they were not.
And then your feet stopped all of a sudden when you saw him in profile at the candy apple stand. You remembered that that day you also bought two candy apples and the way you and him laughed when you realized that you had had the same idea. Bucky was talking to the owner with a smile on his lips, he was young and in love, he was going to a war that would give him a lot of recognition, he had so many reasons to show that big smile of his.
You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't realize that he started walking away in search of your 1943 self. Your breath quickened as you saw that you were going to lose him in the crowd.
You called his name once, too quiet for him to hear you. Your feet started to follow him while you called his name again but he didn't hear you that time either. You started walking faster and calling his name louder, your heart beating so hard against your chest that you thought it was going to burst out of you. Bucky was walking fast and the noise of the people and the exhibition was too loud. You ran to reach him when your time-space GPS began to beep uncontrollably.
—No, no, no, no... —You complained.
And then you shouted his name and Bucky turned around but by then the helmet of your suit had already closed and you were quantum.
You were so angry as you traveled back to the present. You hit your suit hard, you hit your helmet hoping it would shatter and the tunnel would spit you out at some point in the timeline where you and Bucky were still together. And then you hit your time-space GPS and the tunnel instead of pushing you into the present sucked you back into the past.
You fell to your knees in a cold room. It didn't take you long to realize that it was a cell. Behind the bars, there were several armed men, but on the other side of them, there was only you and Bucky.
You were at his feet. You gasped when you looked up and saw him, sitting in that torture-like chair with the vibranium marked with the red star rebuilding his left arm. Bucky looked at you with a slight frown, he was disoriented, seeing Steve that day at the bridge, his friend calling that familiar name, and now your face that was so familiar to him appearing out of nowhere inside his cell... All that had managed to bring back some fuzzy memories that only made him more confused.
Bucky did not take his eyes off you, his fists were clenched in a defensive position but he did not seem to have any intention of attacking you. His frown confused you, you thought he was furious but he was actually terrified, he was gaining consciousness and he did not know how to handle it. Your eyes began to fill with tears when you saw the symbol of Hydra on the wall behind him.
—I know you. You are the girl from the bridge. You were there with him.
You nodded and wiped your tears with the back of your hand. There was no sign of the cheerful soldier you had seen a few seconds ago. —Yes, yes, yes. That was me, Bucky.
There was that name again,
At that moment your time-travel GPS beeped.
The guards keeping Bucky's cell turned in alarm when they heard the beeping sound. Once they saw you, they started yelling for the door of the cell to open while pointing their guns at you. You turned to look at them in fear, the bars began to open slowly, they were going to come in at any moment. You focused on Bucky again and crawled over to him. He was breathing heavily as he watched the guards about to go in.
—Buck, listen to me —You grabbed his hands. He laid his eyes on you. —This is not you. We're going to get you out of here. Steve, the man from the bridge, and I are doing everything we can. We will fight for you and someday you will be free. This isn't going to last forever I promise.
You heard the military boots coming into the cell and walking to you. You didn't have much time. You threw yourself at Bucky and hugged him. He stood still, his arms didn't hug you back while your hands encircled his neck and pressed your body against his hot, naked chest.
—Everything is gonna be all right I promise —.You sobbed in his ear.
The guards grabbed you by your arms and fought to take you away from Bucky but you fought even harder to stay with him. In the end they managed to get you away from him.
—Wipe him and execute her.
You kicked and cried as the guards dragged you out of the cell. The guards strapped Bucky to the chair, they put a gumshield in his mouth, his chest heaved as he gasped for air. Bucky kept looking at you as the guards tried to get you to your knees. The panels on either side of Bucky's head began to lower over his face, one of them covered his left eye, the other one covered his right cheek. You closed your eyes tightly and looked away as Bucky began to scream in pain.
As the guards were holding your arms you could not even cover your ears. His screams were unbearable. Your cheeks were wet from all the crying. You fought even harder against the hold of the guards but they hit the back of your knees and knocked you to your knees. Your GPS started beeping uncontrollably. You heard as they loaded the gun and put the barrel against the back of your head. Before they could pull the trigger, you became quantum.
While you traveled back to the present, you could still hear Bucky screaming, ripping his throat, and biting down hard on the gumshield, you could still see his terrified blue eyes looking directly at you. And you could do nothing for him, it would be years before you could help him. You covered your head with your arms and screamed, trying to silence Bucky's cries with your own.
Steve quickly went up to the platform when you came back. Natasha and Clint followed him. You were on your knees on the floor, curled up in a ball, with your arms still covering your head. Steve wrapped his arms around you even though you tried to push him.
As your tears soaked Steve's shirt, he turned to look at the rest of the team. —It worked.
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bl0rbohandbag · 10 months
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this has the same feel as thor arriving in wakanda
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After the events of Endgame”, we had:
1) Wanda trapping innocent people in her fanfiction
2) Sam and Bucky fighting left-wing terrorists while dealing with racism, political corruption, and therapy
3) Alternate Loki learning about the horrible truth of the multiverse
4) Clint trying to stay retired, but had to relive his various traumas during Christmas time
5) Thor losing the love of his life to cancer
6) Peter Parker losing his aunt and being forgotten by literally the entire universe
7) Strange watching his former love, Christine, get married, and then traveling through the multiverse to stop Wanda
8) Shuri and all of Wakanda dealing with the death of T’Challa and conflict with another nation
9) Bruce going back to space to get his son back
So everyone was having a tough time due to personal problems and reliving traumas. All this to say that it’s hilarious that Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne were the ones that came out of “Endgame” as the true winners. Based on the marketing, Scott and Hope have become beloved celebrities by selling their Avenger stories (which helps explain all the Ant-Man love in “Ms. Marvel” and “Hawkeye”).
Of course, Kang. But that’s a new issue. Before Kang arrived, it looks like Scott and Hope were absolutely living their best lives.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 25
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, oral sex, smut, pet names, King kink
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
It had been about two weeks since you had gotten back from the Bahamas. That place had seemed like a dream and a second life. Now, everyone was back in the tower- or traveling between the tower and their countries they governed.
T'Challa and you were privately planning a quiet Wakandan ceremony to officially make you the Queen of Wakanda. Every time you talked about the conversation, you wanted to throw up. The idea of becoming a Queen of a country you didn't belong to was uncomfortable to you. You weren't even sure the people there would appreciate you.
Meanwhile, Thor was working his 'God of Fertility' magic, so that though you were having sex with everyone you were soulmated to, hopefully only T'Challa would take root so that he had an heir to the throne. Which, naturally, sped up T'Challa's want for the ceremony.
Shuri, Okoye, and Nakia were also helping plan this ceremony and you mostly took a backseat, really only inputting what you wanted if it came to a certain colour of the plates or flowers.
You weren't allowed to choose the style of your dress either, but you could at least choose the colour. You just told them to match you to T'Challa because you really didn't want to show up in a colour that would clash with his.
In the meantime, you were also trying out a lot of your traits like the archery and using the flexibility to train. Now that you had mechanical knowledge, Tony was even more excited when you came down to the lab because then you could help him with his projects. Not to mention your photographic memory from Stephen- although now you understood why he couldn't be around the Avengers for more than a few hours at the most.
Y/S/N and you hadn't really had a chance to talk yet between everything about your father's death.
Tony had arranged it so that it was a week after you guys had gotten home from the Bahamas. He had everything planned and neither of you had to lift a finger or push over a penny (although apparently now all of Tony's money was yours so-).
But between recovering a week, the funeral, and now planning for a Wakandan marriage ceremony, you had barely been able to even see her, much less talk to her.
Elizabeth had been sending you update texts. Pietro, who had never lived in the tower anyways, had moved down to Ohio along with Hogun. The two of them shared an apartment that was near Elizabeth's house so that they could continue to court her as she finished up her last year of High School. Pietro however, did come back every weekend so that he could spend time with Jessie and Katherine too.
Vision and Wanda were preparing to go down and see her as well, but both of them were unsure of whether they would stay like the other two or not.
Oh! And Heimdall was down there as well- though only for a few weeks- as he was courting Katerina from gymnastics as well. Apparently they met at the wedding and they found out they were soulmates. Neither of them had any other soulmates so that was kind've cute.
After another week, everything was set. You and T'Challa were the first to arrive in Wakanda. You had gaped, looking out the window, seeing everything that they had built. Everything just looked so intricate, advanced, and beautiful.
"I think you'd like to see where Bucky lived after the Avengers disassembled for a little bit." T'Challa's voice was soft next to your ear.
You nodded and then said, "This place is beautiful T."
T'Challa kissed the back of your ear. "Are you nervous my Nkosazana?"
"A little bit. I don't think your people will like me very much." You admitted. "I mean, from what I know, you have very ancient customs and I. . . I'm not." You gave a laugh. "I mean, you're marrying an outsider."
"We can't help where our soulmates live." T'Challa said simply. "And I wouldn't trade you for any of 'em."
You blushed, turning away from the window so that you could snuggle into T'Challa's side until the quinjet landed.
Shuri, Okoye, and T'Challa's mother, Queen Ramonda, was waiting for us along with another set of the dora milaje were waiting on either side.
You quickly hooked your arm around T'Challa's around the two of you walked down the Quinjet ramp to meet them. Shuri was waiting there in a T-shirt, a pair of long pants, a belt wrapped around the both at the same time. Her hair was tied up in space buns, a choker around her neck.
"Y/N!" She squealed, darting forward to throw her arms around you. You could feel yourself relaxing and smiling as you hugged her back.
Queen Ramonda smiled. She was absolutely stunning, wearing some formal white dress and headdress that you wished you knew the name to.
It was also the first time you had seen Okoye in her full red and silver uniform, her spear in hand. She looked on stoically as though you didn't know each other. But she also looked at T'Challa like that, so it was probably just a thing.
"Welcome to Wakanda Princess Y/N." Queen Ramonda said, setting forward to take your hand.
"Thank you Queen Ramonda." You said awkwardly, hoping beyond hope that you were actually allowed to call her that.
T'Challa smiled, hugging his mother. "Come, let us go inside."
He took you inside, Shuri, and his mother following- which didn't feel right. Then you remembered that she wouldn't even be the Queen anymore since you were married to T'Challa. After the ceremony you would be the Queen of Wakanda.
You nearly threw up right then and there.
T'Challa sensed your nerves, moving his arm from yours, to hook it around your waist, pulling you close to his side, kissing the top of your head, "It's going to be fine, even fun, you'll see my Nkosazana."
You nodded. His voice was alluring and you were sure that everything was going to be alright. There was just a small nagging feeling that you couldn't shake. Although you weren't sure what that nagging thing was.
T'Challa showed you around the entire palace, including Shuri's lab. He showed you the specially designed cryo tank that Bucky had been in until Shuri had managed to fix him, getting rid of his trigger words.
After that, T'Challa led you up to the main wing where Dora Milaje lined the hallways and also where the royal bedrooms were.
He opened up the door, letting the both of you into his room.
You looked around in interest. On your left where you entered, there were several tribal decorations as the wall curved. When the wall flattened out to be straight, there were two bookcases in the wall on either side of the two doors, one of which led to the closet and one that led to the bathroom, before the wall curved again and there were more tribal decorations there as well.
The bed was directly across from the room, white sheets and two pillows propped up against the headboard. It was square shaped and lower to the floor than you would have expected.
In the middle of the room, there was some sort of funnel there where four seats sat underneath it.
"It's the hologram table." T'Challa said, noticing you peering at it curiously. He gave a little laugh, "Because even in sleep a King is never not working."
You nodded, looking at the doors that led out onto a large balcony that overlooked the all of Wakanda. They weren't glass or had any curtains to pull out over them. Instead, they seemed to be woven of metal, small slots between them so that when they were pulled closed, decorative patterns would break out on the floor.
Yellow lights hung everywhere, circular in shape, hanging by metal wire of the same colour.
"I like it." You said, turning to T'Challa with a grin. "It's different and it's very you."
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T'Challa checked the one and only clock in the room, "Hmm, we have time before dinner." He picked you up in his arms, bridal style, carrying you over the threshold. "You'll have to let Captain Rogers know about that one."
You giggled at T'Challa's playfulness as he brought you over to the bed, laying you down on it carefully before crawling over you. You kissed him excitedly. "Are we trying out the bed my King?"
He chuckled under his breath, making shivers go down your spine. "Indeed we are Nkosazana." He captured your lips in his again, as his hands slipped down to the hem of the dress you had decided to wear to meet his mother and sister in.
He pulled it upwards, letting you sit up a moment so that you could toss the dress over the side of the bed.
T'Challa pinned your hands lightly above your head with one hand, slowly and sensually kissing up your body. You could feel every spot that his lips lingered. You closed your eyes, lips parted slightly as you felt him press another low kiss right above your belly button.
You flickered your eyes open again as you felt his fingers undo the clasp of your bra, pulling it from your body to join the dress on the floor.
You let out a tiny mewl as his lips wrapped around your nipple. You rubbed your thighs together, wishing that you could get some sort of friction from him. But you also knew that T'Challa was not one to tease either.
"Patience Nkosazana," He murmured, teeth grazing over your now erect nipple, moving over to the other.
Your chest heaved as he finished with your breasts, before moving up to kiss you again. You smiled up at him as he pulled back. He grinned down at you before he pulled your knickers down your legs, tossing them behind him.
He hooked your legs over his shoulders, releasing the hold on your hands as he buried himself in your weeping pussy.
"T!" You gasped, moaning at the feeling of his cool tongue against your hot core, licking you, tasting you. "Oh fuck!"
You could feel his smile, his cheeks growing a little as his smile widened. His hands were firm around your thighs to hold you still. Your hands were gripping the pillow by your head as your orgasm started to build up inside of you. "T I'm gonna-"
"Go ahead my Nkosazana." T'Challa murmured against your lower lips, vibrations pushing you over the cliff, the waterfall dripping down, T'Challa licking up every drop you gave him.
He slowly lowered your legs from his shoulders as you came down from the slight high. He stroked himself a few times before he moved his tip through your wet folds, collecting your slick, before pushing in.
You both moaned at the lovely feeling. Your arms came up, sliding your hands behind the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss as he started to move through you. His hands came down, fingers sliding smoothly down your shoulders as he caressed you tenderly.
Your breaths came out in quick pants as he sped up a little, both of your foreheads together sweetly as he made love to you. "T. . ." You whimpered as the next orgasm came upon you. He sighed in content, "Y/N."
After you both collapsed on the bed, he pulled out of you before heading off to the bathroom to grab a wet washcloth, taking care of you.
"Now then." He said, once you both dressed in fresh, new clothes. "I think we should go downstairs and grace the citizens with our presence, shall we?"
You giggled. You were much more relaxed now that you had spent some time here, "We shall, my King."
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stvrdrops · 2 years
the american actress pt 1 | pt 2 ☆ shuri x fem!reader
an invitation to the most lavish and private wakandan ball suddenly makes its way into your lap, despite you being only a regular old actress compared to the world leaders who usually attend. could it be the princess invited you herself..? surely not.
warnings : some implicit actions , fluff & cute flirting between the two !
word count : 2,861
note : this is the first shuri fanfic i’ve written after coming back from my terrible writers block so i apologize if it’s not the best lol i’ve just been so obsessed with her lately that i had to write something for her :)
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wakanda is a kingdom of utter extravagance. ever since they opened up their walls they had begun throwing lavish balls and galas to keep the countries distracted from stealing vibranium. the world leaders saw it as an elite gala while wakanda saw it as a way to share their wealth without actually sharing. only the most classy and most important of people could even dream about attending the wakandan dances. the most famous of these balls being the wakandan international gala. something so simply named would have to be but a simple event, right? you would be incredibly mistaken. women dressed to the nines while men wore their most expensive designer suits. governors would discuss politics while tribe leaders ate and danced. princesses and daughters of government officials would gossip and flirt with the many men eyeing them down. most importantly, the avengers themselves would attend. they treated the night as one of their many vacation days from work. the black widow would forgo her iconic black suit, captain america would drop the shield for a glass of whiskey, tony stark would still bring his suit but only to show off, thor’s cape became a tuxedo, hawkeye managed to go without his bow, and bruce banner left the green man at home.
this was your first and what you thought to be your last time attending the infamous event. you were certain to be an outlier compared to the world’s most important people. you happened to be just a simple actress. you didn’t sign treaties or protect the universe. all you did was read off a script and perform some stunts for a living. it was safe to say you believed the invitation to be a mistake, but your agent assured you it was not. apparently you had been invited allegedly by someone with high wakandan authority. they had left their identity a mystery which drove you wild. it made you laugh to think the person who invited you was the princess of wakanda, shuri. you happened to form a crush on her some time ago after seeing her on tv discussing world politics. somehow she made the war over vibranium sound sexy and adorable at the same time. which was quite insane.
you often found yourself wondering if the princess had seen any of your movies. she was far too busy to sit down and watch some silly academy nominated films. after all, she was the princess of a whole nation and led only the best scientists all on her own.
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you currently stood in front of large doors made purely out of vibranium. it was carved with thousands of little people telling the story of how wakanda was formed. the attention to detail had been nothing short of incredible. it was so incredible, in fact, that your breathing even hitched a little. you had never seen anything quite like that with its craftsmanship. yet again, you hadn’t seen anything quite like wakanda.
the trip to wakanda had been fairly short despite the long distance needing to be traveled. a limo showed up at your quaint loft in nyc right when the invitation said transportation would arrive. after that you were taken to what seemed to be an army base. wakandan jets were lined along as you watched others enter. they went in groups, while you had a jet all of your own. the next thing you knew was arriving in wakanda and standing in front of these doors. everything had happened so quick!
your gaze shifts from the top of the door to the two women standing on both sides of it. you blushed out of embarrassment, the red on your checks too bright for your brown skin to hide. out of your astonishment you forgot the two women had even been standing there. they oozed poise and bravery. not to mention they were incredibly sexy.
somehow you felt underdressed when you stared at them. they were wearing their normal dora milaje gear, but still it matched the regality of the gala. you looked down at your thousand dollar gown and frowned a little. it had stuck to your body like a glove, showing off every curve. you felt a little self conscious due to the low back and high leg slit. it almost felt too grown for such an event, but your stylist assured you it would be the right choice for the occasion. so maybe you weren’t overdressed, but perhaps just feeling like you didn’t dress for the right kind of gala.
it made you feel so much older than nineteen. the black sparkles shined bright as the lights in the hall hit every single one of them. your dark stilettos positioned you higher than normal, but you were just of the same height as the dora milaje women. your hair had been done up in a bun style updo, showcasing your collarbones and soft neck. the makeup you wore was soft glam, and that was just how you liked it. you knew you were beautiful but the nerves of keeping up appearances was eating you alive.
you move closer to the door and smile to the two women. they do not reciprocate the smile, but you know they would if they could. their training probably prohibited them from doing such things at events like these.
spears hit the ground causing the large vibranium doors to open. it caught you by surprise seeing how easily the moved open despite how much they had to of weighed. once they opened it revealed to you just how many people were truly at this gala.
your eyes land on everyone below and grow wide at the realization that everyone is staring back at you. you even make eye contact with one of the avengers, natasha romanoff. you quickly turn your eyesight away out of embarrassment, however, it’s just your luck that your eyes land right on princess shuri right after. you could feel yourself freezing as a wide smile grew onto her face. she looked happy? like as if she was happy to see you attending.
“introducing y/n y/l/n, the american actress.” a thick accent shouts before the spears hit the ground again.
everyone’s eyes linger on you for a second while you make your way into the room. the doors close suddenly behind you. you can’t help but feel totally exposed. somehow being in front of a million people at a premiere is better than this, because at least you know those people love you.
music fills your ears as you see the band has begun playing again. people go back to normal as the music starts and you can’t help but let out a sigh of relief. you finally allow yourself to go down the stairs without the risk of tripping from your anxiety.
the room looked much smaller from above, but as you’re in the middle of it all you realize the room is quite large. you can’t help but allow your eyes to scan the room as you take in all the lavish decor and beautiful greenery. the walls were covered in flowers and vines native to wakanda. sculptures of panthers made purely out of vibranium lined the walls and the pillars reaching from out of them. dora milaje stood in little doorways towards the top of the walls, watching down on the guests.
the large glass roof allowed for the stars to shine so beautifully on your sparkly dress. it also helped to create the perfect atmosphere as people danced and laughed. it was just the perfect amount of light.
you hadn’t realized you made your way to the bar until someone tapped your shoulder with a sharp nail.
“are you lost?” a sultry voice spoke.
“oh,” you quickly turn yourself around to see the black widow standing in front of you. you find it hard to form the correct words, only saying, “i’m sorry.”
she laughs, “for what?”
“i- i just…” your mouth goes dry, “i guess i don’t know.”
“hm,” she raises a brow, “you’re just as pretty in person as you are in the movies.”
you gasp, “you watch my movies?”
“who doesn’t?” a thick wakandan accent speaks from behind you.
you feel your legs go weak when you recognize who’s voice it was. it couldn’t be, could it? you turn to the side and your eyes land on the princess of wakanda, shuri. she flashes you a charming smile and you can feel your face heat up once again. she’s not that much older than you, but she looked incredibly mature. she didn’t wear a typical dress, instead opting for a suit that had no under shirt. you could see the most modest part of her chest and how toned her collarbones were. it’s almost as if you could see her muscles underneath the suit. shuri could feel you undressing her with your eyes, but said nothing about it.
“you do not mind if i take my guest, do you romanoff?” shuri spoke to natasha while gripping your hand. the russian spy looked down at the hang gripping and then up again.
“not at all.” she said before going back to sipping on her incredibly dark red wine.
“come y/n, i must show you something.” shuri speaks while flashing another smile and dragging you away from the party. you’re far too starstruck to even say anything, only nodding as a response.
you’re lead through the many corridors of the wakandan palace before reaching the least guarded area in the whole place. the doors were white and looked futuristic. you watch as shuri begins to type some password into a keypad.
“you’re the princess”
ugh, you cant believe you’ve said that out loud.
“yes, i am.” she chuckles, “and you’re a famous american actress.”
“why does everyone refer to me as that? i have a name.” you cant help but frown.
“hmm, fine. i will refer to you as y/n, the princess of all american actresses.”
what a stupid nickname, but it sounded so cute coming from her that you couldn’t help but smile. she noticed this and beamed with pride. her little flirting had been working nicely.
“that works.” you joke with her. for the first time tonight you didn’t find yourself feeling anxiety.
“ah! here we are.” shuri speaks as the white door begins to open. it slides from both sides to reveal what seems to be the infamous lab. you don’t have time to register much of anything due to shuri dragging you inside and up some stairs to a ledge. she stops in front of a table covered in different little trinkets and inventions.
“forgive me princess, but what am i supposed to be looking at?”
“hm?” she looks up at you, tearing her gaze away from the table. “oh yes, hold on.”
you watch as she picks through the items.
“to be honest i didn’t know you knew of my existence.”
she laughs and you can feel butterflies forming inside you. your schoolgirl crush on shuri was truly getting worse and worse by every moment you spend with her. surely she could never see you that way though. hell, you didn’t even know if she was into girls.
“i watch every movie of yours. you are quite an incredible actress. which is why i wanted you to test these for me.” she says while handing you what seemed to be a pair of black glasses. they were the exact same frames as ones you wore in your last movie.
shuri sees you raising a brow at this realization and says, “i liked how well they complimented you.”
“i see.” you say as you hear the subtle cockiness in her voice begin to dwell. you couldn’t help but think about how much taller she was even in your heels. so to look up at her with the glasses on made you feel a bit silly. you enjoyed it though.
suddenly words appear in your eyesight. the glasses lenses turn into screens that display what seems to be a script. it tracks what you read and what you haven’t, highlights certain parts of the text for you, and seemingly more. your mouth can’t help but gape open at how cool it all is.
“did you make these?” a stupid question, but you had to ask.
“of course, with you in mind.”
“why me?”
“it gave me a good excuse to get you in my lab, and trust me, i needed to get you in here somehow.”
oh. my. god.
“why wait until this fancy gala?” you blushed as you spoke, still searching through the words on the lenses.
“i just wanted to see you in a pretty dress. i guessed you’d look amazing based off your premiere pics, but somehow it’s so much better in person. you’re so much better in person.”
suddenly you feel her hand resting on your hip. you don’t refuse her, and she can feel you’re enjoying the reaction. she took pleasure in knowing your hairs probably stood up under that tight dress from her finger tips. she lifts the glasses up, allowing for you to make eye contact with her. she was looking at you like you were the only person in the world. she was looking at you as if she wanted to devour you.
how suave.
“you are much shorter in person, but i prefer it this way. much easier to do this.”
“do what—“ you begin to ask, but unable to finish as a gasp escapes from your plump lips. shuri had lifted you up onto the glass table so easily that it caught you by surprise. you swore you could feel your heart beating out of your chest. your body aches for her and she could tell.
her fingers trail up the slit in your dress as you both hold eye contact. she smiles as they slip under the dress, finding your black panties. the space between you two becomes much less by every passing second.
“i should’ve flown you out to wakanda much sooner if i knew you would let me get this far. perhaps even request you film a movie here.”
“a movie? for the wakandans?”
she laughs, “no silly. our own personal movie. one that involves little clothing. i’m sure you’d be a natural at it since it involves no real acting.”
holy shit she’s good.
she leans in while keeping eye contact. you began growing impatient so you grab her face and push your lips into hers. suddenly the space between you is no longer existing. her hands are on your hips as you attempt to chase some kind of high.
shuri takes pleasure in knowing just how fast you crumbled beneath her. you two didn’t even know each other for two hours and here you were grinding yourself into her and the table trying to chase a high.
your hands dug into the curly hair on top of her head as she dove to your exposed neck. her nails dug into your skin when you pulled slightly on the hair. her teeth sank into your neck and you moaned from the contact. it was almost as if she was a vampire with the way she was sucking and biting on you. she just couldn’t get enough of how fruity you had tasted.
you couldn’t help but melt underneath her and turn into a mess as she pushed your legs up. she was incredibly charming and the best kisser you’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. this certainly isn’t what you had planned for the night, but it would do nicely.
“princess shuri—“
“not,” she came up from your neck and kissing you to speak, “now.”
shuri ignored the voice speaking from the walls. you were too busy taking everything in to notice the voice.
“princess shuri!”
a voice booms through the lab and suddenly shuri is pushing herself off of you. you quickly fix your position to keep from falling off of the glass table as you realize someone other than the both of you was in the room.
“okoye, how many times have i told you to not enter when the doors are shut?!”
the woman only raises a brow as she looks between you and the princess. you give a weak but embarrassed smile. her expression drops into a slight smile when she sees shuri’s hand still on your waist.
“i apologize to break up whatever this is, but the queen is requesting your presence.”
shuri sighs, “i better not keep mother waiting.” she looks back at you and attempts to hide a smile from seeing how flustered you look, “i will be back. do not move a muscle!”
you can only find it in yourself to nod your head, already missing how good it felt to have her lips on your neck.
she hurries after okoye and the doors to the lab open.
“must you have sex in the lab?”
“we were not going to have sex okoye!”
“lying is not good for the soul shuri.”
“hmph. you know how long i’ve been crushing on her.”
“oh yes, you never shut up about her last movie. such a lover girl aren’t you? at least take the girl out on a date first.”
“maybe i will.” shuri states in a matter of fact manner.
the doors shut cutting off the conversation to you. however, you heard all you needed to hear, a smile spreading across your lips.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Dating the Goddess of Thunder
Fem!Thor x Reader Headcanons
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You were part of a special task force working for Shield sent to investigate the appearance of an Einstein-Rosen bridge in New Mexico.
You stumbled on a woman, she spoke of Heimdall and Odin like they were family to her. You, not wanting Shield to get their hands on her, offered her shelter at your New Mexico apartment.
Thora, her name as she later told you, became indebted to you. It was through you that she learned lessons on humility and understanding. It gave her the strength to lift Mjolnir again.
Honestly, you didn't see that last part coming. Especially with how good she looked in her Asgardian suit of armor.
Now you're a part of the support team for the Avengers. Each of them give Thora a hard time for always wanting to be wrapped around you. Something about how you got her whipped.
She drowns you in kisses. Thora loves sitting in your lap while you type away at a mission debriefing.
"Baby I have to fill out your debriefing" you groan.
"This is not the debriefing I want" she purrs in your ear in her Asgardian accent.
She's like a golden retriever: friendly, loyal and always wanting to be close to you. She loves hugging you as tight as she can.
Loki, ever the jokester, can't help but smile when he sees his older sister go from fierce warrior to lovestruck lady in a blink of an eye. He'll give you the thumbs up.
Thora's favorite date is a coffee date. It was the first drink she had when she arrived on Earth...it was also the first coffee mug that she shattered after throwing it on the ground "Another!!!" she shouted.
You're the more domestic out of the two of you. She loves the thrill of the battle and then coming home to the smells of a pot roast stew and a cask of ale. The two of you will cuddle after dinner and watch a few episodes or movies together.
Thora loves it when you work the braids out of her hair, to feel your hands in her hair and then the soft comb that you'll use on her hair afterwards helps lull her to sleep.
Most often than not, Thora is the big spoon. She loves wrapping her arms around you and pulling you close like a teddy bear. But then there are times when she needs to feel your arms around her. She'll snuggle into your chest and stare at you with those eyes of hers.
When the Snap happened, Thora panicked that you were dusted. She couldn't stop kissing you when she found you after the Battle of Wakanda, safe and alive but a little bruised.
During the five year gap, you and Thora helped settle the people of Asgard into the New Asgard territory. It was during this time also that Thora gave birth to your little daughter, Frigga Thorasdottir. Of course, she was named after Thora and Loki's mother.
You swear sometimes you can hear Loki's faint laugh when you see Thora playing with little Frigga. Apparently even the god of mischief can't help but smile from wherever he is.
Tags @iamnicodemus @jacelion
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runawrites-blog · 11 months
Alone (Loki x Reader)
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Summary: After Loki's death at the hands of Thanos, you do your best to fight on and be strong but in the end, it doesn't matter. Without him, you realise how truly alone you are and wonder if loving him has made you weak. Word Count: 2,205 Warnings: Canonical Character Death (Loki), Mild Violence, Swearing, Passive Suicidal Thoughts/ Accepting Death (Reader), No Y/N A/N: The beginning is from the fanfiction "Lies", so don't wonder why it's the same. In this, however, the reader doesn't have clairvoyance powers but rather some that are similar to Wanda's. Crossposted on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22619269
“You will never be a god.“
Those were the last words you would ever hear of Loki, the man you loved more than anything and who had promised you to always be by your side.
The horrific crack that could be heard as his neck snapped in two made you fall to your knees. You tried your hardest not to break down as you watched your lover’s dead body fall limp onto the floor.
“No resurrections this time.”
You crawled over to Loki, not even caring whether Thanos was already gone or he would kill you, too. The only thing you had left was Loki. Thanos had destroyed your home, murdered everyone you held dear, and now he had taken the only person who you had left. Crying your heart out seemed like the reasonable thing to do as you let yourself fall halfway onto Loki’s chest.
Your body was wracked with sobs as you felt for a heartbeat at his wrist, his chest, or anywhere that you hadn’t checked before. Yet, you did detect no heartbeat. Loki was dead and you would never see him again.
Never again would you hear his voice. Never again would he tease you, trick you, or prank you. Never again would you feel his warmth or see his smile. Never again would he hold you. And funny enough the first thought that popped into your head was to talk to Loki about this and find comfort in him, but that could never happen again.
Another sob wracked your body as you came to terms with the fact that he was in fact dead. You didn’t know what to do or how to move on from this. In the background, you could hear Thor calling out to you but you didn’t listen.
When you didn’t listen, Thor tried to drag you away, his own eyes filled with tears. You didn’t listen; you just clung to Loki’s body harder. Thor eventually sat down next to you, apparently giving up on trying to move you, tears now running down his face.
You didn’t look at him, didn’t talk to him. All you did was cling to Loki and cry as you felt the warmth leaving his body.
Nothing mattered anymore. Loki was dead.
Slowly, Thor’s voice drang through your thoughts of despair. “We need to leave! Are you listening to me? Do you hear me?”
You turned to him, tears streaking your cheeks. “He took everything from me.”
“We need to get to Midgard. We need to stop him.”
“Why? He took everything from me. What do I have left to fight for?”
“Don’t say that.”
“But he did! He killed my family, destroyed my home planet and now he’s killed Loki, the only one who stuck around through all my despair, the only one that still loved me, the only one I had left!” You screeched, more tears falling from your cheeks.
“You have me.” Thor said in earnest. “I am just as devasted as you are but you are my friend and I will be there until the very end. We can still defeat him.”
“We will find a way.”
Stopping Thanos proved to be harder than expected. When he eventually arrived in Wakanda, large armies in his tail and destruction in his path, you felt yourself freeze all over. There he stood, mighty and powerful, the gauntlet on his hand -- the hand that took Loki from you, the one that choked the life out of him.
Your fear was quickly replaced with anger as you saw him stand there all high and mighty, after all he had done not only to you but the universe. Images of the telegram that informed you of your planet’s destruction, of your family’s death filled your mind, images of the way he had taunted you over your lost home when he finally met you again, images of Loki’s dead body lying on the ground.
Tendrils of your powers sparked at the tips of your fingers, blue magic engulfing your hands. Thanos stood before you, intend on taking more from you, intend on taking more from the universe than he already had. White-hot rage filled you. You were more than ready to fight him, even if it meant your own demise. You wouldn’t let him get away with taking Loki from you, too.
Loki was gone now, too. You had nothing more to lose. You would have your revenge.
As Thanos’ army charged you were glad that your teammates were at your side. Just the sight of all of Wakanda, along with other heroes fighting side by side, leaving differences and fights aside, gave you a sense of community that strengthened you.
You and your teammates fought for hours, being injured and injuring the opponents. The fight seemed pointless in the end as more and more of Thanos’ men kept appearing. At one point you ended up pinned to a three by Proxima Midnight, her ridiculing words about your weakness of loving Loki paining you more than anything. But you managed to blast her away, a hue of blue slamming her away from you against a nearby tree.
You were glad to be rid of her and her ridicule but when you turned you came face to face with Thanos. Before you could even react, he had you by the neck, pressing you to a tree.
“Tell me where the Mind Stone is.” He demanded. “Where are your people hiding it?”
Of course, you denied, struggling in his grip, and to your horror, your powers proved useless to him with the stones he already possessed. “I will never tell you!”
“Then I shall dispose of you, as well.”
You swallowed against your fear. Never would you tell him where the stone was, never would you betray the universe like that. Even if he killed you, at least he would be none the wiser to the location of the stone. A little voice in your head was telling you that at least in death you could be with Loki again.
“You took everything from me.” You spat at him, grabbing his fingers that were wrapped around your throat but not squeezing hard enough to restrict oxygen. “I will never turn over the stone to you.”
“Everything?” He then began to laugh, tauntingly as if he could ever understand the pain you were in. “Does Loki hold such a dear place in your heart?”
“You destroyed my planet, murdered my people and my family. Then you took the only one I had left.” You hissed, your voice like venom. “But he was right; he was so right about you. You will never be a god. Your tyrannical ways will never work.”
“Why is that?” He squeezed a bit tighter. “Tell me if you are oh so wise.”
“As long as there is injustice there will always be resistance.” You said in earnest though you were in tears. “As long as there is tyranny there will always be revolution. You will never find peace, you will never find glory or power and you will never be a god.”
“You are pathetic.” He shook his head. “The universe is on the brink of chaos and you mourn one being?”
“You would never understand, no matter how hard you try.”
“And why is that?”
“Because you don’t know what it is to love. You have never in your life felt selfless love for someone, the kind of love that makes you strong and weak at the same time, the kind of love that makes you fight, the kind of love that makes you choose their happiness over yours.”
“How touching. Is that what you felt for Loki? You are weak because you allowed yourself to love someone this much. Your love will be your undoing!”
“Then so be it.” You closed your eyes, tears falling down your cheeks. “I may have lost love. But the greatest tragedy of all is never to feel the warmth of love.”
You pressed your eyes shut but to your surprise, he dropped you and you fell to your knees. When you looked up he was gone. Tears were still rolling down your cheeks but as quickly as you could, you got to your feet and made your way to the rest of your team, your abilities lifting you in the air and carrying you. When you found Steve, you plopped down next to him.
“He knows the Mind Stone is here.” You stammered out. “He found me in the forest, and threatened me to tell him but I wouldn’t.”
“And he let you go?”
“Perhaps he knows its location by now. Maybe I was of no use.”
“Are you crying?”
“He kept taunting me.” You sobbed out. “I am so weak for having loved Loki so much that his death is my undoing.”
“No.” Steve said sternly. “You are terribly strong for fighting on even in the face of such horrible heartbreak. Loki would be proud of you.”
“You barely knew him.” You wiped your eyes.
“I knew him enough to know.”
Bucky cleared his throat. “Even though I agree with Steve, we need to concentrate now. Where is Thanos?”
You looked at Bucky, tears in your eyes. “He tried to get the location of Vision’s stone from me but- but I wouldn’t tell him. I think he knows anyway. He stopped talking to me and simply disappeared. Maybe someone told him.”
“Let’s not assume the worst.”
“It’s pretty obvious where the stone may be.” You looked at Steve.
Vision was destroyed, Wanda was crying next to his body, Thor didn't go for the head, the stone was in Thanos’ hands and the mad titan was gone. You looked around your teammates as everyone was clueless on what to do.
“I was alone with him.” You confessed. “I could have killed him but I was too weak. Ever since Loki’s death, I feel so-- so empty, and maybe I let my emotions get the best of me. I should have been stronger, like Wanda.”
“No one blames you.” The woman said softly. “We all failed. This is not on you. I’m sorry about Loki, I really am. You were so genuinely happy with him.”
You looked at her, nodding slowly. “I am also sorry about Vision, Wanda. I know how much he meant to you. If he were still with us he would be proud of you.”
“As would Loki be if he knew how hard you fought without him.”
“Still, we lost.” You tried your hardest not to break down crying again. All that kept you together was that your friends were still there.
“If anyone is to blame, it’s me.” Thor said softly.
“It was a mistake. You had no idea that a fucking axe to the chest wouldn’t kill him. Anyone else would have been dead.” You said and shook your head. “No one is to blame but Thanos. He is a tyrant and a murderer. He took so many innocent lives, not only on my home planet but also in the whole galaxy. I just pray that the others can defeat him.”
But as you waited, all of you knew that something wasn’t right. You heard nothing from either of the others that were still out there with Thanos. Something was not right and you knew it.
Your fears were proven right when suddenly you heard people start to exclaim nearby. When you turned they were turning to dust. You heard Wanda scream in fear next to you as you watched her slowly turn to dust. Unsure of what to do, you looked at Steve for help but he was busy trying to hold Sam and Bucky together as they as well turned to nothing but dust.
Then with horror, you realised that you felt strange and when you looked down you saw your hand slowly turning grey. You tried to move your finger but they immediately turned to dust. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked around, trying to find some help or at least solace in your friends. But all of them had someone else they were trying to help. Not even Thor was looking at you; he just seemed shocked by how many people were turning to dust. Without Loki, you were truly alone.
Slowly, however, your fear turned to hope. As you fell to your knees, your arms turning to dust and your legs disappearing, you had hope. Images of your past with Loki flashed before your eyes, memories of his laugh, his smile, the sparkle in his eyes when he had talked to you, the way he had held you or how safe you had felt. And you dared to hope that he would see you again.
Maybe in your final moments, you could allow yourself to be weak enough to hope that you would see him again. And maybe, just maybe there was a chance.
With that perspective, you felt calm. You accepted your fate. You were at peace.
Because finally, you were again hopeful.
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Imagine being a Guardian and returning to Wakanda after hearing of T'Challa's death
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After the battle of Thanos was over everyone had their own way of dealing with the grief of not only losing friends, but dealing with the loss of five years. You decided you needed to major change in scenery and asked to join the Guardians of the Galaxy in space. Your country wasn't happy with your decision. The Council even proposed that T'Challa order you to stay in Wakanda to prevent you from leaving. While you didn't wear the mantle of Black Panther your ability to manipulate solar energy made you one of the country's greatest protectors.
The elders always believed that Bast herself bestowed with your powers, so they weren’t too keen on the idea of you leaving and going somewhere. Where you would essentially be unreachable, but T'Challa refused to force you to stay. If you really wanted to go after all he was going through the motions as well. You promised to return if Wakanda ever truly needed you again. Shuri wouldn't have a problem reaching you in space, but she wasn't happy with your choice either.
You and her had been best friends since the day your powers surfaced. You were fifteen and had been feeling weird the whole day. Not knowing what was wrong and too afraid to go to a real doctor. You went to Shuri to get her to run a few tests to see what was wrong. Your body was running at a really high temperature which she found to be scary considering. A temperature that high would usually indicated a deadly disease of some kind. In her eyes you shouldn't even be able to stand right now, but trying to lower your temper was not only impossible. But it seemed to actually make you sick, and when she tested her theory of putting you back in the sunlight. That's when the truth was revealed as your body started to glow. She was the first person to know about your abilities and kept your secret in the beginning.
Losing five years of her life was a slap in the face, and made her realize just how fragile time was. When the dust on the battlefield cleared and Thanos was dead. After the funeral for Tony Stark was over. She wanted nothing more than sometime alone with you to confess her feelings. But when the chance finally presented itself you took both of her hands in yours, and pulled her in close. As usual she was the first one you gave the big news too, and it broke her heart. The fact that you were choosing to leave instead of figuring everything out in with her in Wakanda.
It didn't matter if your why actually made sense. It was simple really Thanos and his army opened your eyes on just how many threats. They were out there in the world that Wakanda knew absolutely nothing about. If someone this powerful was to ever show up again you wanted to prepared, and be able to warn your country. T'Challa used that argument to convince the elders to back his decision to let you leave telling them. It would be more beneficial to have a warrior in space looking out for potential threats.
Peter and the Guardians held off on departing a little longer to give you time to say goodbye. But that didn't make it any less heartbreaking when the day did come. You were waiting outside in the field behind the palace for one more familiar face to come. The team your new allies were waiting for you in the ship. Peter and Thor were arguing about what would be the first destination. For a second you didn't think she was going to come, but finally Shuri arrived.
"I thought you forgot about me for a second" You said holding out your arms for a hug. She threw herself into them with so much force, you stumbled back catching her. Her arms were wrapped your neck in a death grip. Your arms constricted around the waist as you buried your face into her shoulder. "I know I'm going to miss you too."
"Please don't go" she whispered into your ear.
Your heart clenched in your chest at the pain in her voice when she made the plea. You wanted to tell her exactly what she wanted to hear. That you had changed your mind and was going to stay for her, but then all of the images of your home being invaded. By a foreign enemy from space flashed through your mind. You shook your head pulling back to look her in the eyes. "I want to I really do Shuri" You whsipered back.
"Then stay" she repeated bringing her hands around to cup your face. "Stay with me"
You pressed your forehead to hers closing your eyes as a single tear escaped. "I can't I have to go."
Shuri let out a breathy gasp fighting the urge to breakdown into tears. There was an internal battle going on inside her head right now on rather or not. She should tell you how she really felt all it would take was three little words, but what if it didn't change anything. Plus was it really fair of her too try and keep you here like this. If you really wanted to go then she had to let you go. "I'm going to miss you" she told you instead.
"I know I'm going to miss you too Princess." You replied leaning forward just enough for your lips to graze her slightly. It was a glimpse of what could be if you choose to stay. Shuri felt it and almost closed the distance, but you pulled away.
You left.
Two Years Later
The message came through while you and the Guardians were in the middle of chasing some alien criminal. He was the ring leader of some pretty nasty space bandits. The Nova Corps asked the Guardians to take the mission about two days ago, and for the first time in months. Peter put the search for Gamora on hold for something else.
The alien was hiding out on a foreign planet with a high trading market. Someone must have tipped him off about your guy's arrival because the second he was already on the move. As the team descended on his hideout You spotted him making a run for it first and gave chase raising your head to shoot a blast of fire into the sky. Alerting the rest of the Guardians of your location, so they could catch up. Although it wasn't like you needed the help, by the time they caught up.
You had taken the criminal down and wrapped in a cocoon of solar energy. He was squirming as much as he could complaining about the heat. Drax reached down to pick him up but pulled his hands back screaming in pain from the intense heat of the energy. You let out a sigh shaking your head, and reshaped the energy. So it was only binding his hands behind his back. "Thank you sun warrior" He said as he threw the thing over his shoulder.
Peter caught you by the hand making you pause as the rest of team headed back to the ship. You turned to him with a smile that fell from your face at the grim look on his.
"Pete what's wrong?" You asked with a tone of confusion and worry mixed into one.
"Y/N I gotta take you home" he said with his eyes pointed at the ground.
Your stomach dropped at the dreadful tone in his voice. This was Peter Quill your goofball of a leader who was always playing music, and challenging you to dance battles. This was Peter Quill who was ecstatic to have someone else from Earth join him in space, and would understand all his references. This is a guy who jumped up and down in excitement like a little kid on Christmas, when you revealed the DVD copy of Footloose and the 2011 remake. You had brought onto the ship for him to watch. Whatever had him looking like this had to be bad. The only time his mood was down was when he reminisced about his past relationship with Gamora.
"What happened?"
"We've been out of range from Earth for a while now so it took the messages longer to come through-" He started
"What did the messages say" You demanded cutting him off.
"Your king T'Challa somehow he was sick and-"
Fear gripped you as you knew T'Challa didn't get sick. He couldn't get sick it was practically impossibe with the power of the heart-shaped herb. He was the Black Panther and the Black Panther didn't fall ill ever. You didn't even let him finish as you grasped his hand tugging him in the direction of the ship. "What are we waiting for Peter let's go" you said urgently.
Peter stood his ground tightening his grip on your hand when you looked back at him. He took the opportunity to wrap his other arm around your waist and pull you to his chest. With his lips to your ear Peter gave you the rest of the news. "That was the message from about two weeks ago. It came in at the same time as the new one from a couple of days ago."
Your knees started shaking as you anticipated what was going to be the next thing to leave his mouth. Still when the words left his mouth your brain truly couldn't comprehend it.
"T'Challa is gone y/n he passed away maybe a day ago. It's hard to know for sure when the message was sent out" Peter was saying. While you heard every single word none of it was really getting through to you. After he mentioned your king was gone your brain shutdown on you. Peter held you up when your legs gave away, and lifted you into his arms. You buried your face into his shoulder muffling the gut-wrenching sobs leaving your body.
Peter put everything else on hold to get you back home as soon as possible. He didn't even take the time to drop the prisoner off to the Corps stating. They could wait a little longer after taking one quick glance at you resting on the bench on your side. Thor sat at the bottom by your feet rubbing your leg. If there was anyone who knew what you were going through. It was him as he had been through almost the exact same thing. Left his home behind in order to protect from a massive threat only to return and discover not only was it in shambles, but his father was gone.
It took a day to reach Earth and when y'all landed in Wakanda it was nightfall. Peter sent on out a message prior letting Shuri know the Guardians were on their way. He assumed someone would be waiting for you, but there was no escort waiting for you in the field.
"Lady y/n allow me to walk you off" Thor said
"Its okay Thor I can take care of myself from here thank you for everything. That goes to all of you if you ev-"
Peter held up a hand to cut you off. "You don't have to say that y/n it was a honor having you on the Guardians of the Galaxy. Don't worry about us we'll be fine just take care of yourself right now."
You gave him a nod and with that set off for the palace your bag slung over your shoulder. The second you stepped off the ship and onto the ground of Wakanda. An overwhelming feeling of grief hit you worse than when Peter gave you the news. T'Challa wasn't waiting for you on the inside of the palace with his heartwarming smile. The Dora Milaje spotted the ship when it landed and had already notified the Queen, so when you climbed the steps. You saw Queen Ramonda and Shuri were at the entrance waiting flanked by Okoye and Ayo.
You managed to make it all the way to them before the emotions hit, and your knees dropped. You fell over onto your hands at the feet of your Queen with tears falling from your eyes. "I'm sorry your highness I should've been here. Please please please" you kept repeating your plea over and over. As you broke down all over again.
"My child on your feet" Queen Romanda ordered softly.
You shook your head as the crying intensified. It was Okoye who crouched down to your level placing a comforting hand on your cheek. You lifted your head to look at her but her face was blinded by your tears. "Your queen said on your feet solider" she repeated. You listened this time pushing yourself up.
Queen Romanda took a step forward and pulled you into her arms. Her embrace easing some of the pain in your chest, but only added onto the guilt you were feeling. "You are home now y/n that is all that matters. You can now truly mourn him."
The Queen held off on his funeral for as long as she could in order to give you time to return. But unfortunately you were just a day off and had missed the funeral. When morning came you still couldn't sleep and found yourself wandering around the palace. Every inch of this place brought a memory back of your time with T'Challa who the big brother. You never had when your powers became too much for Shuri too help you with. He was the first person she went to, and he took you under his wing training you in how to control them. Eventually the palace became home to you as well, and there would be times where you even dine with the royal family.
When you came upon the throne room and pushed the doors open. You were surprised to see Shuri on the other side standing in front of the windows staring off into the city. Her eyes barely glanced in your direction when you walked up and came to a stop beside her. She could your eyes boring into her.
"How long before you leave us again?" She finally asked.
"I don't know I think my place is here for the time being" You answered.
"Your place was always with us you should've never left." Shuri snapped turning her body around to face you.
"Shuri please you know why I had-" You tried to defend yourself.
"I don't care I loved you and needed you to be here with me, but you left me still" She cried. "Then I lost my brother and sent out dozens of messages begging for you to come home. I needed you y/n here when he got sick. I needed you here when he died, and you weren't here."
"I'm here now" You said bringing a hand to caress her cheek.
"What does it matter when I know you're just going to leave me again." Shuri demanded knocking your hand away.
"I won't I'll stay this time" You swore.
Shuri shook her head and backed away from you. She ran a hand through her curls with a hurt in her eyes. "Why didn't you stay before? Why wasn't my love enough to keep you here."
You didn't have an answer for that.
Shuri turned and walked away without another word.
You didn't follow.
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autumnsoldier13 · 2 months
Arondir fighting this wolf…
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Relationship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Rocket Raccoon, James "Rhodey" Rhodes Additional Tags: Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Avengers Compound, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Established Relationship, Established Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Loki Lives (Marvel), Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Angst and Feels, Feels, Avengers Family, Use of Endgame dialogue, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort Language: English Collections: StonyjAnUary Published: 2024-01-16 Words: 4,859 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: It's been three weeks since the battle with Thanos in Wakanda. Tony is still missing in space, Natasha has been trying to track down Clint, and Steve has just been trying to keep it together for everyone. How long can he keep it up, though? His soulmate is somewhere in the universe, but he knows Tony isn't dead. He can feel it. Still, they haven't spoken since Siberia, not once, though Tony has never been far from Steve's mind. He keeps seeing the ghosts of his team all over the Avengers Compound. Then Natasha tells him that a ship has arrived on the property - a ship that Rocket recognized as the Guardians' own.
For the @stonyauniverse January Event Prompt: Soulmates Bingo Card: Y4 Redemption
Happens after I love you regardless
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
like the dawn
part xvii- dust and blood
“if you must die, i’ll envy even the earth that wraps your body” - albert camus
summary: you can’t stop thanos. now you have to deal with the consequences.
wordcount: 4k
warnings: cussing, violence, death (oops), angst (oops), breakdowns, unhealthy coping mechanisms, more violence, fluff if you squint
taglist: @whelvedfeelingsstuff @sebsgirl71479 @rebloggingmyrecs @babyblublossom @local-mr-frog @thenyxsky @capsiclesdoll @moonlightreader649 @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @itsprashimusic
a/n: tfw you forget ur writing a series and write a new piece in one night 🤭 anyway, i really like this bit so i hope y’all enjoy 🤍 i love y’all and i’m sorry it’s emotionally devastating also i literally am posting this from class
previous part | series masterlist | next part
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As soon as the barrier around Wakanda opens, the entire army charges forward.
You take to the air in an instant, watching in disgust as the dog-like aliens pour from the gap. They’re concentrated right outside the border.
Charging up your powers, you slip through and cast down dozens of blasts on the horde. They shriek and wail in pain as you duck back inside the force field, shooting down the few that try to jump up at you.
They’re easy to kill. Hardly death fodder, if anything. But there’s thousands. And they keep coming.
One tackles Bucky to the ground before you swoop down, kicking it away and blowing it into bits.
“You need to be more careful,” you scold as you help him up. He spins a knife in the new vibranium arm, nodding.
“Yeah, yeah. Go tell Steve that.” He points to your partner, who’s standing in the middle of a river, fighting three aliens at once.
You start towards him, but a few quick punches from the blond kill them before you can even take a step.
“You know what? Never mind,” Bucky says. He stares a bit before smirking. “Violence looks good on him.”
“Hell yeah. Cathartic, even,” you respond. From the water, Steve feels your eyes on him.
He raises his arms. “Are you two gonna join us or just stare at me?” he shouts, before kicking another alien into the muddy banks.
Out of nowhere, a giant metal weapon flies through the air, smashing Rhodey to the ground. When the chain retracts, it returns to the hand of the larger, bulkier alien at the edge of the border.
More aliens swarm in, and you can barely keep them at bay. You don’t want to risk flying, not when that thing easily knocked a Stark-made suit from the sky.
It’s frantic dodging and firing, and the combination of Bucky’s machine gun, shouting from all sides, and the vicious growling of the creatures is overwhelming.
“There’s too many of them,” Bruce shouts over comms. You don’t even have room to breathe, let alone respond. Drawing back your bow, you fire an arrow down an alien’s throat.
“I know! But Shuri has to get the stone-“ You’re cut off by a light striking the ground. The resulting blast is as bright as your powers.
An ax flies from the stream, lighting trailing behind it. Thor.
When the glow fades, the god himself stands in the crater. Alongside… is that a tree and a raccoon? A raccoon with a gun?
“Oh, shit, I really am going crazy,” Bucky mumbles.
You blink a few times. “Then that makes two of us.”
A few yards away, the helmet of the Hulkbuster suit retracts. From the comically large suit, Bruce cackles. “You guys are so screwed now!”
Thor runs at the enemy lines, demanding Thanos as his newly forged weapon glows with power.
With the new arrival, the tide begins to turn. You fight your way to Steve as the aliens are distracted.
“Glad you could join me,” he snarks. You chuckle, shaking your head as you fire arrow after arrow.
“I only came over because you also need to be careful. I can’t kick alien ass and babysit you two.” He dodges an attack before sending the creature flying.
“I’m Captain America, (Y/N), I don’t need to be-“
The alien with the retractable hammer sends it flying towards the blond before you blast it away, searing with heat in the water.
You raise a brow at Steve. “Like I said. Careful.”
Bucky comes running towards the both of you. Right away, you go into alert mode.
“Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“I’m fine.” He promises you and Steve. “Uh, the raccoon with the gun tried to buy my arm, but other than that…”
You all look at the small creature. It’s shouting obscenities as it crawls around.
“I’ve seen weirder,” Steve decides after a moment.
You make a disbelieving sound as you ready another arrow. “Are you sure?”
A low rumbling shakes the ground before he can joke back. Something’s moving, and fast. The ground bulges, and some sort of technical monstrosity tears out.
They’re like giant razors, rolling across the field and ripping up everything in their path. T’Challa calls for everyone to fall back, but you take to the sky instead. Even though the machines are taller than the trees, 70 years of training helps you find the weak spot.
Nimbly dodging the sharp edges, you fire a powerful beam of light into the center of the wheel, along the side where the engine is stored. Thanks to the radiating heat, the whole thing shuts down, crumbling apart and running into the ground.
But there are nine more, and you don’t have the energy to keep this up.
“Sam, Rhodey.” You call out to the other fliers. “Focus on the sides near the center, there’s some sort of engine there.”
They respond in the affirmative, and after a while, drive it back toward the enemy. It’s progress, but it’s too slow. People are dying.
Then you spot a glowing red blur.
Wanda’s powers cover the wheels, tossing them into the air before bringing them down atop the oncoming aliens. She smiles up at you, nodding in unspoken understanding.
She’s unstoppable, really. Whatever her powers are, they pack quite the punch. And it looks like you could almost win with her influence alone.
“Guys, we got a Vision situation here,” Sam says. Shit. He’s tackled out of the air as he heads toward the forest.
From the center of the fighting, Steve shouts, “Somebody get to Vision.”
“I will,” you call to him. It’s not like any of the ugly space dogs are jumping up to where you hover 200 feet in the air, and the alien generals are preoccupied with Wanda, Thor, and the rest of the group. Well, mainly Wanda and Thor.
You hear them before you see them. Bruce trails you as you spot the giant alien and a skinnier male. He’s carrying a scythe.
The scientist lands first and almost immediately starts duking it out with the larger one. So much for teamwork. You practically crash-land between the android and alien, light swirling around your hands.
“Back up,” you warn the wrinkled creature. “Or I’ll blast you back into space.”
He sneers at you, before spinning the weapon in his hands. Okay, not one for conversation, you think to yourself as he charges.
You block the strike by grabbing the pole and slamming your elbow in between the plates of his armor. Even as he crumples to the ground, he clings to the scythe.
You should’ve melted it when you had it in your grasp, because before you can block he leaps up and slices it across your leg. Flinging yourself away from him as you groan in pain, you watch as Vision rushes forward.
“C’mon, c’mon,” you wince, watching the skin stitch together. The cut was deep, and you’re already exhausted. “Kind of in an important situation right now.”
While you’re still down, the alien manages to stab Vision through the gut. You didn’t even think it was possible. One of the robot’s many abilities was to change his density, so if something was thrown at him, it could simply pass through without harm. But as you watched, you saw his body flickering, almost glitching.
“I thought you were formidable, machine,” the thing hisses. “But you’re dying, like any man.” He yanks the weapon from your friend’s body, and only then do you find the energy to blast him back on his insectoid ass.
When your leg is still healing, you stand shakily.
Hissing from the pain, you limp to the alien. He swings the scythe again, but you grab the hilt, kicking it from his hands.
You yank a knife from your belt, allowing yourself to fall back on instinct as you slash and stab. Even if you only manage to nick him a few times, it’s better than letting him close to Vision.
A downward slash here, a stab as he dodges, toss the knife to your other hand and go for the face.
Eventually, you get tired of attacking and he gets tired of dodging. The alien kicks you square in the ribs, knocking the air from your lungs as you fly back. Shit.
He looms over you, scythe in hand. You groan. It probably won’t kill you, even if he stabs all the way through your body. But it’s gonna hurt like a bitch.
Your savior comes in the form of Steve, in all of his spangly glory, knocking the alien off his feet.
“Get out of here!” he yells to you and Vision. “Go! Get to Bucky!”
Rather than doing as he says, you fire off a beam of light at the man, tag-teaming him as Vision struggles to get on his feet.
“I’m not leaving you,” you sternly say. “And I’m definitely not losing either of you dumbasses.”
Steve has the gall to laugh before the alien throws him over a log and chokes him. From behind the two, the android gestures to the scythe. It’s still on the ground.
You grab it as the two fight, tossing it to Vision.
He stabs it through the alien just as Steve starts choking. Raising the shish-kebabed creature before tossing him away, Vision almost collapses before Steve helps him up.
“I told you to go,” the latter chastises. Despite the gaping, glowing wound in his chest, Vision chuckles.
He repeats Steve’s quote from earlier. “We don’t trade lives, Captain.”
A loud boom sounds from behind your group. As soon as you raise glowing hands, Thor bursts through the tree line.
“Hrafn.” He calls you by a language that even you don’t recognize. “I need your help.”
Steve presses a kiss to your hand as you take off, soaring into the air after the god.
“There, target the seams,” he shouts over the howling wind. You can feel his powers crackle. They’re more erratic than yours or Wanda’s, but they’re also destructive. Perfect for blowing up alien ships.
You cast blasts at the tech, your precise attacks followed shortly by Thor’s lightning.
Then something changes in the air. You feel it in your bones. A deep unrest that stills you mid-air.
Your boys. You have to get to them.
Thor’s already gone by the time you drop from the sky. You want to shout for them, but if this feeling means what you think, you don’t want to draw in any attention.
You practically jump a foot in the air when Steve and Bucky appear from the brush behind you.
“Doll,” the latter gasps, hurrying towards you. He grabs your face in gentle hands as Steve joins the both of you.
Swallowing hard, your voice almost breaks when you speak again.
“Do you feel that?” you whisper. It’s haunting, and sends a cold chill up your boys’ spines. “It’s in the air, it’s…”
Steve raises a hand to his earpiece. “Everyone, on my position. We have incoming.”
It’s silent for a moment, then something appears in the woods. It almost hurts, the wave of energy that washes over you.
He’s there.
Thanos is as ugly as you imagined. He’s absurdly tall and purple. But more than anything else, he wears a gauntlet. And there are five stones in it.
He’s come for the last.
Steve expands the shield on his arm, sighing slow and long.
“Eyes up. Stay sharp.”
You stay further back, waiting and watching. Bruce is first to charge, but phases through the titan and lands halfway in a cliff.
Steve is thrown by a purple surge, so is T’Challa. Sam’s wings are deactivated and he crashes to the forest floor.
You run over to Wanda as Thanos fights the others.
“I’ll hold him off.” It’s too late to save Vision. “I’m sorry,” you say, gently squeezing her hand.
Rhodey goes down, so do Bucky, Okoye, and Nat. Plus the tree alien. But you’re not too worried about him.
You draw your bow, aimed on the titan as you pour all of your energy into a single arrow. Light pours from it, searing and burning. You loose it.
Thanos tries to block it, but it soars to its mark in his chest. He goes to rip it out, but you raise a hand and force the light deeper.
He’s groaning in pain now, clawing at his chest where the light is embedded. If you can just get close enough, you can get the gauntlet, or maybe the stones from it.
You creep forward, hand twisting every time he seems to push through the pain.
‘I can do it,’ you think. ‘The gauntlet is right there.’
The second you lay a hand on the golden glove, Thanos’s eyes shoot open. Through the pain and the literal burning hole in his chest, he grabs you and throws you away.
The force with which you slam onto the ground causes your head to fling back, hitting the ground with enough force to knock the average human out.
You blink hazily, gasping for air and words and your boys. If Thanos is going to win and you’re going to die, you want to spend your last moments with them. They’ll move on without you, you think.
A part of you wants them to move on. To remember you fondly and smile as they learn to live without you. But you’re too selfish. You never want them to live without you.
Turning your head to the side, you see Bucky a few feet away. You crawl to him, dragging yourself across the leaves.
“(Y/N)?” he whispers. He’s as dazed as you are.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s me, Buck.” Slowly, he pulls you close, shielding both of your eyes from the titan. You don’t have enough energy to even stand, much less put up a fight.
And then the Mind Stone shatters. You feel it, and manage to raise your head to see. Vision’s body is gray, and Wanda is sobbing, but maybe it’ll keep Thanos from the last stone.
“He’s got the Time Stone,” Bucky mumbles. Your heart drops.
Just as he said, Vision is back in the blink of an eye. And Thanos crushes his skull as he pries the stone from his head.
If the energy upon his arrival was powerful, it grows stronger with all six stones. You tuck your head under Bucky’s chin, trying to fight off the headache.
From behind you, Thor strikes. You hear a blow connect, and a whisper of, “I told you… You’d die for that.”
The next words remove any hope you had.
“You should’ve gone for the head.”
Bucky barely manages to roll over to take the brunt of the explosion, holding you even closer. He doesn’t know where Steve is. He’s almost too scared to look up to find him, lest all he sees is his body.
Gentle hands give him a breath of relief.
Steve grabs the both of you, helping you sit up and Bucky to stand.
“Where’d he go?” the blond asks.
From beside you, Bucky feels something in his flesh hand. A tingle, like it’s asleep.
“Steve? (Y/N)?”
You want to scream. He’s dissolving, he’s fucking dissolving and you’ve healed bullet wounds and lacerations and bones completely out of their place but you can’t heal this.
All you can do is hug him as Steve does the same. You’re both crying now, pressing kisses to his lips before it’s too late.
“Please don’t go,” you whisper.
Bucky laughs, scared and quiet. “It’s all right, doll. You two take care of each other, and I’ll see you a long time from now. You’ll be okay.”
“Not without you,” Steve pleads. He can’t watch this. Not again.
Then there’s nothing. He’s gone.
No blood, no screams. Just… dust.
In the field, you see more soldiers turning to dust. They just vanish. Painlessly, at least.
Steve goes to reach you, comfort you and for you to comfort him. He needs to know you aren’t going to disappear too.
And you won’t. A part of him knows that.
But when his hand goes to pull you in it dissolves.
“No.” Your tone is final. You’re shaking and the tears are coming silently now. Grabbing his quickly disappearing arm, you push your powers to their limit. But there’s nothing to heal. There’s nothing to heal because there’s technically no injury. No illness.
You sob out in frustration, wishing for the first time that HYDRA had fucked you up even more if it would let you save at least one of the loves of your life.
“I’m so sorry,” Steve whispers, kissing your forehead. You’re going to be alone again. You’re going to watch both of them die and it breaks him knowing that it’ll break you. “I’m sorry sweetheart, you don’t deserve this.”
Your knees buckle under you and he’s not there to catch you.
Neither of them are.
You cradle your arms to your chest, and curl in on yourself. Your forehead rests on the dust, but you can't bring yourself to gather the remains.
The last time you lost Steve and Bucky, there was still a sliver of hope. But you just watched them both slip through your fingers.
They’re gone.
None of the surviving Avengers have it in them to pull you away from the dust-covered ground, not when you’re screaming and sobbing hours later.
After the crying, you go silent.
It’s late at night when Natasha comes to check on you.
Your eyes are bloodshot and puffy, your hair is messy from where you’ve grabbed at it, and there’s marks on your hands where you dug your nails in.
She sits next to you without saying anything. Instead, she puts an arm around your shoulder, and lets you lean on her. Your grief is palpable.
As smart as Natasha Romanoff is, she’s slightly lacking in the healthy coping mechanisms department. So she proposes the exact thing that will get you out of this goddamned field.
“Thanos is still out there.”
It’s all she has to say.
“I’m going to kill him. And it’s not going to be quick,” you respond. Your voice is hoarse and level but tired all the same.
She nods. “Once we find him, he’s all yours.”
You wish you could say that you were excited when Tony came home alive. However, the weeks were blurring together and everything was washed in an all-consuming grief and frustration.
When Tony came off the plane and saw you alone, he knew in an instant.
He knew better than to wish you well, or give you condolences. All of the thoughts and prayers in the world can’t bring back a loved one. Tony knows that more than most.
And the day later, the surviving heroes gather. There’s a new girl, Carol Danvers, another alien that knows the raccoon. You try to be polite, but you can’t. You’re too drained, too tired.
And honestly, you’re angry above everything else. You’re tired of being so fucking sad. You hate how much of your life you’ve spent grieving, and how every time you get something, it’s ripped away in the cruelest way possible.
You’ve lost the ability to distinguish anger and sadness. The ache hurts just the same. Burning.
“It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.” You look up at Rhodey’s voice, and immediately wish you hadn’t.
You’re met with a picture of Bucky. An ID.
James Barnes. When it flashes away, Steve Rogers takes his place.
You swipe the screen away.
Natasha doesn’t mention it. “World governments are in pieces.The parts that are still working… are trying to take a census and it looks like he did… He did exactly what he said he was gonna do.”
“Thanos wiped out… 50% of all living creatures,” she finishes.
“Where is he now?” Tony asks before you can.
Rhodey shrugs. “We don’t know. He just opened a portal and walked through.”
The genius rolls forward a bit in his wheelchair, pointing to Thor.
“What’s up with him?”
“Oh, he’s pissed,” the raccoon, who’s name you’ve come to know as Rocket, sighs. “He thinks he failed.”
“And he didn’t?” you spit. You know you’ll regret blaming him later. It’s not his fault any more than yours. But now, you just need a reason that you’re alone again.
“No, he definitely did. But there’s a lot of that going around, ain’t there?”
“Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.”
You listen to them argue back and forth, tensions rising, flinching as Tony rips out the IV and starts yelling.
“Listen!” you snap. “All I want, is to know where Thanos went.” Your voice starts shaking again, but shit, you aren’t going to start crying. Because if you start, you won’t stop.
“I- I just need to know where he went so I can do what I do best, and… And you’ll never have to deal with me again.”
No one wants to ask what you mean by that.
Nebula, a blue cybernetic alien, speaks up.
“I can tell you where Thanos is.”
Before loading onto the ship and heading to the planet the titan was on, you dug through an old bin.
Some more of yours and… Bucky’s equipment had been recovered from Siberia a while back. And in your box there was a weapon.
HYDRA had tried to train you with the scythe, with a blade far larger than the one carried by the alien a few weeks ago. It didn’t go well. A scythe really isn’t meant for constant combat. It’s a tool for execution. That’s why you were HYDRA’s scythe.
It’ll work perfectly.
The group climbs on the ship, and jets off. At any other time, you’d be in awe of the vastness of space. Now… you squeeze your eyes shut before you think too much.
Carol flies back up from where she went to scout. “There’s no ships, no armies, no recon. It’s just him.”
The planet is gorgeous. Even through all of your cynicism, you can’t deny that.
Even so, your eyes are set on the cabin in the distance. You split up and arrive last, scythe at your side and your eyes set on the titan.
He’s well restrained. Danvers had him in a chokehold, Bruce has one shoulder in the grasp of the Hulkbuster suit, Rhodey has the other arm, and Thor’s chopped off the hand with the gauntlet.
Rocket turns over the severed hand, and it’s empty.
“Where are they?” you ask Thanos.
Carol tightens her grip. “You heard her. Answer the question.”
“The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose… beyond temptation.”
“You murdered trillions!” Bruce yells, shoving him back.
“You should be grateful.”
Natasha speaks when you can’t. “Where are the stones?”
Thanos gasps from where he’s been punched to the floor. “Gone. Reduced to atoms.”
“You used them two days ago!”
“I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me.”
You laugh. “You’re gonna wish it had.” You tuck the scythe into the holder in your back and kick Thanos further into the hut.
There’s so many things you could do. You’ve inflicted horrific tortures on people, and this one is the most deserving. You could grow new bones, you could puncture his lungs or rip apart his organs. You could-
“(Y/N)?” Bruce asks. He moves the suit in front of you, but the look in your eyes will haunt him for years. He hasn’t known you long, but the violence you’re about to inflict scares him.
“Move.” When you go to step around, Rhodey and Nat pull you back. “Let me go!” you shout. Carol charges up her powers, but you shove them all away with a harmless wave of light.
“I am inevitable,” Thanos says. You smirk, cold and unfamiliar.
“So am I.”
You don’t even know what you’ve done until you sink the blade down the middle of his skull.
The body is covered in deep cuts and burns, boiling across the skin and melting the muscles and organs that are visible.
There’s blood. There’s so much blood.
As you step back, Thor takes the head off the corpse in one swing of his ax. The two of you start walking out, intent on leaving and never looking back. The god had promised to drop you off at an old safehouse before disappearing. He was as broken as you were now.
“What did you do?” Rocket whispers in horror. You pause, swallowing down the mix of guilt, regret, and so much grief.
“I avenged.”
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buckyssoldat · 4 months
Chapter 52: Echoes
Warnings: strong language, death, grief, mentions of blood
A/N: This is part of my series, Forsaken - The Fallen Soldier. If you wanna be tagged in this, just send me an ask or a message. Feedback is always appreciated, don’t be shy to share your thoughts on this :)
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It doesn't hurt me
Do you wanna feel how it feels?
Do you wanna know, know that it doesn't hurt me?
Do you wanna hear about the deal that I'm making?
Twenty-two days had passed since Thanos’s snap made half of Earth’s population disappear. Nothing was ever the same. Everything was lifeless and dull, and ghost of those who had been dusted haunted those who had been spared.
Governments around the globe were spinning in chaos, desperately trying to salvage what they could with the remained people. Chaos seemed to reign in this new world order.
After spending two days with Steve and Natasha in Wakanda, Alice reluctantly accepted to returning to the Avengers Compound. Though her mind was shattered, the reality was clear – there was no break from the pain, no refuge from the grief.
Upon their return to New York, Steve found himself trying to convince Alice to stay within the compound’s walls alongside the remaining members of their team. She yearned for the solitude of her apartment in Harlem, a sanctuary of isolation in her sea of sorrow. But Steve knew better than to leave her alone in a time like that.
For the next twenty-three days, Steve, Natasha, Rhodey, Thor, and Rocked tried tirelessly to aid those who needed, trying to keep the rest of the population afloat. Meanwhile, Alice stayed in the confines of her room, her only break being the occasional coaxing from Steve and Natasha to go outside for a breath of fresh air.
Everything changed with the sudden appearance of Carol Danvers, bringing a glimmer of hope as she ventured into space to retrieve those who had fought Thanos in his home planet – Tony, Peter Parker, Doctor Strange, and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy. For Alice, the mere prospect of seeing those she thought were dead ignited a spark of hope within her aching heart.
But when Carol returned bearing only Tony and Nebula, that flicker of hope was cruelly extinguished. Pepper and Steve rushed to Tony’s aid, the once formidable hero now a mere shadow of his former self, barely able to stand. Alice remained on the main entrance with a cup of black coffee between her hands.
“Alice…” Tony greeted her once he arrived at her side.
Alice gave her cup of coffee to Steve so she could hug Tony. “I’m glad you’re alive,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. Their last encounter was when Tony was trying to kill Bucky, but that didn’t matter anymore. She was glad Tony was okay.
The team gathered in the briefing room, a heavy atmosphere hanging in the air as they prepared to recount the events that had happened on Earth in the absence of Tony, Nebula, and Carol.
“It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth,” Rhodey began, his voice carrying the weight of the dark news. Images of those lost to the snap flickered before them, a painful reminder of what they had lost. Bucky’s image flashed in front of Alice, making her avert her gaze, her eyes tracing patterns of the floor in a desperate attempt to shield herself from the overwhelming emotions threatening to engulf her.
“World governments are in pieces,” Natasha added, her voice tinged with pain. “The parts that are still working… are trying to take a census and it looks like he did… He did exactly what he said he was gonna do.”
“He killed half of all living creatures,” Alice suddenly spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, her gaze still fixed on her lap. Steve’s concern for her deepened, his eyes silently pleading with her to find comfort amidst the chaos.
The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of their collective grief hanging in the air. Though Alice carried most of the pain, each member of the team grappled with their own emotions as they struggled to come to terms with their new reality.
“Where is he now?” Tony’s voice shattered the silence, his eyes burning with a fierce determination. “Where?”
“We don’t know,” Steve replied solemnly. “He just opened a portal and walked through.”
“What’s wrong with him?” Tony turned his gaze towards Thor, who had remained quiet throughout the briefing, something unusual for him.
“He’s pissed,” Rocked interjected. “He thinks he failed. Which, of course, he did, but there’s a lot of that going around, ain’t there?”
“Honestly, until this exact second I thought you were a Build-A-Bear,” Tony quipped, a hint of disbelief colouring his words as he stared at the talking raccoon in front of him.
“Maybe I am,” Rocket retorted.
“We’ve been hunting Thanos for three weeks now,” Steve explained, his voice heavy with the weight of their failed efforts. “Deep space scans… and satellites, and we got nothing. Tony, you fought him.”
“Who told you that?” Tony retorted, his tone laced with frustration and anger. “I didn’t fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet while the Bleecker Street magician gave away the store. That’s what happened. There was no fight because he’s not beatable.”
“Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?” Steve inquired.
“Pffftt…” Tony scoffed ironically. “I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn’t wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming.”
Steve rose from the table he had been leaning on, his demeanour firm. “Tony, I’m gonna need you to focus.”
“And I needed you. As in, past tense. That trumps what you need. It’s too late, buddy. Sorry.” Tony pushed himself up from his wheelchair, his frustration boiling over as he flipped the plate that sat before him. “You know what I need? I need a shave. And I believe I remember telling all of you…”
“Tony! Tony!” Rhodey intervened, attempting to calm his friend, who had just removed the IV from his own arm.
“Alive and otherwise, that what we needed was a suit of armour around the world,” Tony continued, his voice rising, unsettling Alice. “Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not. That’s what we needed.”
“Well, that didn’t work out, did it?” Steve’s voice cut through, his words heavy with the acknowledgement of their past failures.
As Steve and Tony engaged in their heated discussion, the tension in the room reached a boiling point. Amidst the chaos, Alice seized the moment of distraction to slip out through the backdoor of the briefing room. The weight of their losses, the painful reminders of Bucky’s absence, and Tony’s accusations against Steve were all too much for her to hear.
Retreating to the sanctuary of her room, Alice collapsed onto her bed, seeking comfort in the embrace of solitude.
Steve noticed that Alice was gone once Tony fainted. He swept the room, his eyes landing on the vacant space where Alice once sat. He knew her well enough to anticipate her retreat to her bedroom in moments of distress.
Knocking softly on her door, Steve waited for permission to enter. “Alice?” he called out gently. “Can I come in?”
Her response was soft. “Yeah, sure.”
Entering her room, Steve found Alice lying on her back, her gazed fixed on the ceiling. Sensing her turmoil, he approached with caution, his concern etched on his features. “Look, we…”
“Lie down next to me,” she interrupted, patting the empty space beside her.
Reluctantly, Steve complied, settling himself beside her on the bed. “Look, we know where Thanos is,” he began, his tone tinged with urgency. He turned to see any kind of reaction from her but found her still lost in her own thoughts. “I know how hard this has been for you, but… We need to try fix this. It’s alright if you don’t wanna come, but I just wanted you to know this.”
Silence lingered between them, heavy with unspoken emotions. As Steve moved to rise from the bed, Alice’s hand shot out, gripping his wrist with strength. “Steve?”
“Yeah?” His voice was gentle, brimming with concern.
“I don’t know how to live without him…” Her words were barely a whisper, choked with the weight of her grief, tears threatening to spill over at any moment.
Feeling the weight of Alice’s sorrow, Steve sighed softly, his heart heavy with empathy. Without a word, he drew her close, enfolding her in a gentle embrace. He could sense the tension in her body, the weight of grief pressing down upon her. As he held her, he felt her gradually relax against his chest, the rigid lines of her body softening with each passing moment. In the quiet intimacy of the embrace, words felt unnecessary, replaced instead by the silent language of shared understanding and comfort.
When Alice finally spoke, her voice still soft, yet filled with determination. “I’ll go with you. I need to. I need to get him back.”
Steve held her tighter, his embrace a silent vow to stand by her side through everything. “We’ll do everything we can to bring him back, Alice. You’re not alone in this,” he assured her, his voice a soothing balm to her wounded soul.
Alice nodded against his chest, feeling a tiny flicker of hope amidst her grief. “Thank you, Steve,” she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.
With a gentle sigh, Steve released her from the embrace and stood up, offering his hand to help her up from the bed. “Let’s go get everyone back,” he declared, a tough determination infusing his words. Parte superior do formulário
Together, Alice and Steve made their way back to the briefing room, their hands intertwined in a silent display of solidarity and strength. As they entered, sombre atmosphere hung heavy in the air.
Natasha, always observant, raised an eyebrow at the sight of Alice and Steve’s joined hands, a flicker of confusion crossing her features. They were close, but not that close. The subtle exchange didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the team, who shared knowing glances amongst themselves, but refrained from commenting.
Sensing the sudden scrutiny, Alice quickly withdrew her hand from Steve’s grasp, a blush staining her cheeks as she averted her gaze. Tony approached her, his expression tinged with concern as he took in her red-rimmed eyes. “You ready for this?” he asked, his tone surprisingly gentle.
Alice nodded, her voice steady as she replied, “As ready as I’ll ever be.” She drew in a deep breath, bracing herself for the challenges that lay ahead. Though uncertainty loomed in the air, one thing remained clear in her mind – she wouldn’t rest until Bucky was back by her side.
As the team finalized their plans, Alice knew it was time to prepare herself for the upcoming battle. Excusing herself from the briefing room, she made her way back to her quarters.
Inside her room once again, Alice wasted no time. Retrieving her suit from the wardrobe – a sleek, black ensemble with blue stripes down her body, the one she had wore to the battle of Wakanda. The one she was using when she kissed Bucky for the first time.
Next, she turned her attention to her weapons, carefully inspecting each one with precision. Her custom-made machine guns and double-edged sword gleamed in the dim light, their deadly potential ready to be unleashed upon Thanos.
With her suit secured and her weapons ready, Alice took a moment to collect her thoughts. The coming battle would be hard, but she was determined to face it head-on. With determination burning bright within her heart, she knew what she had to do – she would bring everyone back, no matter the cost. And above all else, she would bring Bucky back to her.
As the team settled into the ship, with Rocket taking command, the atmosphere buzzed with a mixture of tension and anticipation.
“Okay,” Rocket turned back to address the group, his gaze sweeping over them. “Who here hasn’t been to space?” Alice, Steve, Natasha, and Rhodey all raised their hands in unison.
“Why?” Rhodey questioned, a hint of confusion in his voice, while Carol let out a chuckle.
“You better not throw up on my ship,” Rocket warned, a note of mock seriousness in his tone.
“Approaching jump in three…” Nebula’s voice echoed through the ship, her countdown punctuated by the hum of the engines. “Two… One!”
With a sudden surge of acceleration, the ship rocketed forward, jolting Alice slightly against her seat as they breached the threshold of space. A kaleidoscope of vibrant colours appeared before her eyes, the beauty of the cosmos stretching out in all directions. For a fleeting moment, she allowed herself to forget what they were there for and to admire the mesmerizing view in front of her.
But the tranquillity of the moment was short-lived as they arrived next to the planet where Thanos was, a reminder of the dangerous mission that lay ahead.
Carol wasted no time, her voice crackling through the intercoms as she prepared to go to the planet’s surface for reconnaissance. “I’ll head down for recon,” she announced. With a swift motion, she disappeared into the vast expanse of space.
Natasha and Steve found themselves in a quiet corner of the ship. As Nat glanced at Steve, she noticed the faint smile that tugged at his lips as he gazed at a picture of Peggy inside a compass. It was a bittersweet reminder of the love that had shaped him, a love that still lingered in his heart. Natasha knew that, despite any feeling he may have developed over the years, Peggy would always be the one in Steve’s heart.
But as Steve abruptly closed the compass, the fleeting warmth in Natasha’s expression gave way to a sombre understanding.
“This is gonna work, Steve,” she tried to comfort him, her voice a gentle reassurance amidst the uncertainty that loomed over them.
“I know it will,” Steve replied, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of outer space. “’Cause I don’t know what I’m gonna do if it doesn’t. I don’t know what Alice is gonna do without Bucky.”
“She has us,” Nat interjected, her voice tinged with conviction. But Steve’s uncertainty lingered, his thoughts clouded with worry for his friend.
With a heavy sigh, Steve acknowledged, “I know she has us, and she knows she has us. But that might now be enough for her.”
As Alice rose from her seat and approached them, concerned etched on her face, Steve and Natasha quickly composed themselves. “Is everything alright?” she inquired, her voice laced with apprehension.
Nat offered her a small smile, while Steve gently patted her shoulder. “Everything’s good, don’t worry,” he reassured her, though his own doubts still gnawed at him.
Suddenly, Carol’s return from her recon mission disrupted their conversation. “No satellites, no ships, no armies. No ground defences of any kind,” she reported.
This left the team bewildered, their confusion mirrored in their expressions. “It’s just him,” Carol concluded, her words hanging heavy in the air.
“And that’s enough,” Nebula added.
With their plan set in motion, the team made their descent, landing the ship a few miles away from what appeared to be Thanos’s secluded hut. The planet he had chosen as his refuge bore a striking resemblance to Earth, with beautiful trees and towering mountains marking the landscape.
It was decided that Carol would go first and lead the charge, launching the initial strike to incapacitate Thanos. The rest of the team would follow suit, helping to strip the Mad Titan of the Infinity Gauntlet.
The attack unfolded with ruthless efficiency, each member of the team executing their part with precision. Thor’s axe cut Thanos’s arm off, severing his connection to the gauntlet. Yet amidst the chaos, Alice found herself paralyzed, her gaze locked on the person who had taken everything away from her.
As Rocket inspected the severed arm, his expression darkened. “Oh no…”
“Where are they?” Steve demanded, his voice laced with anger and urgency.
Carol tightened her grip around Thanos’s neck. “Answer the question.”
“The universe required correction,” Thanos replied between breaths. “After that, the stones served no purpose… beyond temptation.”
“You murdered trillions!” Bruce’s voice rang out, his anger boiling over as he pushed Thanos to the ground.
“You should be grateful,” the Titan replied callously, showing no remorse for the devastation he had caused. Bruce’s fist connected with Thanos’s jaw.
“Where are the stones?” Natasha demanded.
Alice had finally pierced everything together – Thanos had a mission, he completed that mission and then got rid of the stones. He had destroyed them. Anger started to build within her.
“Gone. Reduced to atoms,” Thanos replied, his words echoing hollowly in the tense silence that hung over them.
“You used them two days ago!” Bruce retorted, his frustration palpable.
Alice stepped forward, her eyes blazing with anger, “He used them to destroy them. They’re gone.”
“My child, you really would be the perfect daughter to me…” Thanos turned to her. “And you are right. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am inevitable.”
“We have to tear this place apart,” Rhodey interjected, his voice tinged with desperation. “He has to be lying!”
The grief that once consumed Alice’s mind now gave way to a seething rage. Every word that escaped Thanos’s lips fuelled her fury, pushing her closer to the brink of explosion.
“My father is many things,” Nebula finally spoke. “A liar is not one of them.”
“Ah, thank you, daughter,” Thanos acknowledged, his tone almost gentle. “Perhaps I treated you too harshly.”
But Alice had heard enough. In a swift motion, she activated her double-edged sword, the blade humming with lethal intent as she brought it down, severing Thanos’s head from his body. If Steve was worried about her before, he was even more worried now. It was as if Alice was slowly turning back into Forsaken, someone she had sworn to forget.
“What?” Rocket spoke in disbelief. “What did you do?”
“He took everything from me,” Alice declared, her voice cold and unwavering as she put away her sword. “So I took his head.”
With that, she turned and exited the hut, leaving the rest of the team behind in stunned silence. Thanos was dead, the stones were gone, and the harsh reality of their failure weighed heavily upon them all. There was nothing they could do to bring everyone back.
The trip back to the Avengers Compound was cloaked in an oppressive silence, a heavy sense of defeat hanging over them. Even Rocket, typically quick with a quip or retort, remained uncharacteristically silent in the face of their recent loss.
Upon their arrival at the compound, the team wordlessly made their way to the briefing room, each lost in their own thoughts. All except for Alice. Instead of joining the others, she retreated to her bedroom, a sense of purpose driving her movements.
Determined, Alice retrieved a duffle bag and a backpack from beneath her bed, swiftly gathering the documents, clothes, and weapons she deemed necessary. As she methodically packed her belongings, she was interrupted by Steve’s concerned voice.
“What are you doing?” he inquired, his worry evident in his tone as he observed her.
“Packing,” she quickly replied, her focus trained on checking her guns for ammunition.
Steve lingered by her bedside, a silent plea for her to pause and engage in conversation, but Alice remained resolute, ignoring his presence. With a heavy sigh, Steve reached out to gently grasp her left arm, a gesture of concern. In response, Alice’s reflexes kicked in, her instincts taking over as she swiftly grabbed Steve’s arms, locking him in place with surprising strength.
“Alice…” Steve’s voice was barely a whisper as she held his arms in a tense grip. “You’re not alright, and that’s perfectly fine, but-”
“You’re right, I’m not okay,” she cut him off, releasing his arms at last. “And that’s why I gotta leave. I’m going back to my apartment in Harlem. I can’t stay here. I just can’t.”
Steve took a deep breath, his concern evident in his gaze. “I’m going with you then.”
“No, you’re not,” Alice retorted, her tone firm. “I’m going alone. I need to be alone.”
“But you can’t be alone,” Steve countered, his voice tinged with authority. “You’re either staying here, or I’m going with you. Your choice.”
A spark of defiance ignited within Alice at his words, making her let out a sarcastic laugh. “You think you’re the boss of me? You think I’m just a soldier that you can command whatever you want? You think I’m Forsaken? Is that right, Steve? You think that I’m a soulless killing machine that is gonna do whatever you decide?”
“No, no,” Steve backtracked quickly, realizing the mistake he had made. “I don’t think that you’re back being Forsaken, I just-”
“Oh, you don’t think I’m Forsaken again?” Alice’s tone dripped with sarcasm, her words laced with bitterness and anger. “Is that what you thought when I ripped Corvus Glade’s head off? Or when I cut Thanos’ head off? You didn’t think I resembled Forsaken way too much?”
“That’s what I thought,” Alice interrupted, a sharp edge to her voice as she grabbed her bags. “I did all of that to protect my friends, not because I’m Forsaken again.”
“So, you’re just gonna run away?” Steve scoffed, frustration creeping into his tone. “You always do this. You get sad, or angry, or depressed, or all of it, and just run away, ignoring everyone who cares about you!”
“And who cares about me, Steve?” Alice shot back, her voice trembling with emotion. “The two people I have ever loved are dead. Gone. There’s nothing left for me here!”
“I’m here for you! I have always been here for you, and you just ignore me!”
Fuelled by a mix of anger and grief, Alice stormed out of the room, ignoring Steve’s attempts to explain himself. With determined strides, she made her way to the garage, where her bike awaited. Ignoring Natasha’s calls from behind, she revved the engine and sped off into the night, leaving behind a trail of unresolved tension and shattered emotions.
As Alice rode through the city streets, the familiar sights of New York blurred together in a haze of melancholy. With each mile that passed, the weight of her grief grew heavier, dragging her deeper into the abyss of despair. Memories of Bucky haunted her every thought, his laughter echoing in her mind like a cruel taunt.
Despite her best efforts to escape, she found herself trapped in a cycle of despair, unable to break free from the grip of her own sorrow. The world around her seemed to dim with each passing moment, as if mirroring the darkness that now consumed her from within.
After Alice’s departure, Steve sought solace in the quiet solitude of the compound’s garden. As he sat alone, grappling with the aftermath of his fight with Alice, he felt a familiar presence beside him.
Natasha approached him with a knowing look, her gaze filled with empathy. “Steve,” she began, taking a seat beside him, “what happened with Alice?”
Steve sighed heavily, the weight of his guilt bearing down on him. “We had a fight,” he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. “She… she wanted to leave, go back to her apartment in Harlem. But I couldn’t let her go alone. I couldn’t let her be alone at a time like this.”
Natasha listened intently, her expression thoughtful as she absorbed his words. “Why did she want to leave?” she inquired.
“It’s… it’s complicated,” Steve replied, his gaze drifting to the ground as he struggled to articulate his feelings. “She’s hurting, Nat. I can see it in her eyes, feel it in every word she says. But she’s also pushing everyone away, including me. You know how she is.”
Natasha nodded in understanding. “She’s grieving,” she observed quietly, her voice laced with compassion. “And sometimes, that means pushing people away, even the ones who care about her the most.”
“I know,” Steve admitted, his voice heavy with sorrow. “But I can’t just stand by and watch her self-destruct. I have to do something.”
Natasha reached out and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, offering him a silent gesture of support. “You’re doing the best you can, Steve,” she assured him. “Sometimes, that’s all we can do.”
Sensing Nat’s understanding gaze upon him, Steve took a deep breath, steeling himself to share the truth that had weighed heavily on his heart. “I told her… I told her that I’ve always been there for here,” Steve admitted quietly.
Natasha regarded him with a knowing look, her expression softening with empathy. “You’ve always cared about her, Steve,” she replied gently, her words a silent acknowledgement of the depth of Steve’s feelings for Alice.
Steve nodded, his gaze drifting to the ground as he struggled to articulate the complex emotions that coursed within him. “It’s more than that, Nat, and you know it,” he confessed. “Peggy was the one for me, but Alice… I’ve always… I’ve always loved her, in a way.”
Natasha listened in silence, her heart aching for Steve’s anguish. She reached out and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, offering him a silent gesture of support.
Despite the pain in his heart, Steve continued, “Part of me… part of me was happy for her, you know? To see her find some happiness, some comfort, even in the midst of all this chaos.” He paused, his expression pained as he recalled the kiss he had witnessed between Alice and Bucky in the battle of Wakanda. “But another part of me couldn’t help but wonder… how things might have been different if I had told her how I truly felt before she found Bucky. I wondered if I did that, I could finally have a happy ending.”
“You did what you thought was best, Steve,” she offered gently. “And that’s all anyone can ask of you. It’s natural to wonder about the ‘what ifs’, Steve. But dwelling on them won’t change the present.”
Steve sighed, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. “You’re right, Nat. I just hope she knows that I’ll always be here for her, no matter what.”
Natasha gave him a reassuring smile. “She knows, Steve. And she’ll come to you when she’s ready.”
With Natasha’s words echoing in his mind, Steve felt a new sense of determination. No matter what lay ahead, he would stand by Alice’s side, offering her the support and love she needed to find her way back from the darkness. All that was left to do was wait for Alice to reach him again.
tags: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​@capswife
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themculibrary · 1 month
What If...? (TV Show) Masterlist 2
part one
All For Rhodey (ao3) - lapsedpacifist T, 1k
Summary: Rhodey’s death tore Tony’s heart apart better than any explosion ever could. Erik’s betrayal and subsequent murder attempt was just the cherry on top.
Good thing Tony had been experimenting with a neat little virus called Extremis, something he got his hands on in a rather… unethical manner. Not anything worth mentioning to Erik at the time.
An Endless War (ao3) - Eustacia Vye (eustaciavye) loki/natasha T, 23k
Summary: The Watcher dropped Natasha Romanoff into a world where she had died. It is very similar to the world she lost, with very significant differences. She's not about to let this world go down the same path that hers did, and will do whatever it takes to save it. Including dealing with a war criminal.
Animals (ao3) - fruitlicense T, 3k
Summary: The zombie apocalypse has arrived. The Avengers have fallen. How is Bucky Barnes processing all of this?
When it first starts, Bucky is numb.
Between the Acres of the Rye (ao3) - doctorhelena steve/peggy T, 5k
Summary: “Hey, Barnes stole a jeep! Come on, Steve, let's go! You, too, Carter.”
don't leave me here (ao3) -buries wanda/vision M, 11k
Summary: "I want to stay with you," Wanda said, cupping the nape of his neck. "Please. Just for a moment."
"You can stay with me for as long as you like, darling," Vision smiled. "Anything you want, anything you desire—I will give it to you."
She smiled and lowered her head toward his. "Good," she murmured against his lips. "You’re not allowed to leave me."
"Then I suppose I shan't," he chuckled.
Wanda refuses to accept Vision is dead.
Earth's New Defenders (ao3) - kittyhazelnut T, 5k
Summary: The Earth just lost its mightiest heroes.
Worse than that, though; they lost Thor Odinson, and Loki can’t help but feel like it’s all his fault.
fault line (ao3) - BabaTunji T, 1k
Summary: Erik gets an idea and against all odds, it works.
Have I Told You Lately I'm Grateful You're Mine (ao3) - Spacecadet72 steve/peggy T, 1k
Summary: “Do you ever think about what it would have been like if you had gotten the serum instead of me?”
his crown lit up the way (ao3) - meidui steve/thor T, 1k
Summary: At the soft, bewildered age of eighteen, Steve's mouth is the first thing Thor feels a stirring desire to conquer.
The king-to-be was never meant to fall for a thief, but there, with only wildflowers and the beaming sun to bear witness, he became helplessly and forever enamoured.
Out of Luck and Losing Touch (ao3) - CuteAsAMuntin stephen/christine G, 1k
Summary: The Sorceror Supreme has responsibilities. Stephen Strange doesn’t care anymore.
Realignment (ao3) - terribletressym T, 2k
Summary: Natasha finds that acclimating to an entirely new reality takes some doing.
savage (ao3) - graveltotempo erik/tony T, 23k
Summary: What if... Killmonger rescued Tony Stark?
And what if... it did not go exactly as he expected it to go?
Survivor (ao3) - Melime T, 1k
Summary: The whole universe died, and Natasha remained. She couldn't save anyone, but she could avenge them. The only thing she didn't expect was that she would get to fight Ultron and survive.
taste of the sky (ao3) - brainyisalwayssexy nebula/t'challa T, 1k
Summary: T'Challa and Nebula have a quick catch-up on his first day back on Earth. Oneshot. Fluff.
That World, That Time (ao3) - includewomeninthesequel steve/peggy T, 9k
Summary: After discovering the Hydra Stomper on the Lumerian Star, Peggy searches for answers while trying to figure out who to trust.
The Bite and the Snap (ao3) - Marcus_S_Lazarus T, 8k
Summary: When the last living people on Earth arrive in Wakanda, everything seems lost… until the last of the original Avengers returns to vanquish another foe.
The Morning After (ao3) - Emerald_Seidr (emeraldseidr) darcy/loki, one-sided darcy/howard the duck T, 976
Summary: Darcy's been known to make some really stupid choices in her life. But this? This takes the cake.
Aka, what happened the morning after Darcy married a goddamn duck.
Weaker than Ever (ao3) - brodiew steve/peggy N/R, 1k
Summary: Steve Rogers is frustrated after losing the chance to be a hero. The fledgling romance with Peggy that was sure to flourish as a super soldier now seemed in ruins. Peggy was bigger, faster, and stronger. Steve felt smaller, more sickly, weaker, and damn jealous.
you know me (better than I know myself) (ao3) - svgurl410 T, 2k
Summary: Steve's not sure who he is. But he knows her. Peggy.
You Know They're Bragging About Your Sugar (ao3) - tinkertoysdamn gamora/peter T, 2k
Summary: After freeing Sakaar, Tony sticks around for one last mission to help Gamora then he almost wishes he hadn't.
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tinkertoysdamn · 1 year
Despite All Your Losing Addendum
Since there were questions about how the timeline might be altered
aka How Thor's "Happy Ending" led to a Happy Ending
slightly NSFW
The prayer stretched across the universe and performed a minor miracle. After Thanos used the Space Stone to send his fleet across the universe, the aftermath of Thano's battle with Thor and the Hulk caught up with him.
Thanos: There are more Stones to collect, I must be at my peak if others try to resist me. I shall rest.
So, he took a villain nap. That gave the Guardians time to get to Knowhere first.
Peter: Give us the Reality Stone now.
Collector: And why should I give it to you?
Gamora: Thanos is coming. He will kill you slowly while breaking your collection one by one in front of you until he gets what he wants.
Peter: We'll give it back once he's dead.
Collector: Paper or plastic?
Thor, Rocket and Groot forged the Stormbreaker and Thor got to be impressive and restart the forge and all that good stuff.
Thanos arrived at Knowhere, ignorant that he was too late.
Thanos: Where is the--
Collector: The Stone is gone, your daughter has it.
Thanos: That's....inconvenient. I don't know where she is so I can't use the Space Stone; I'll have to adjust my plans. If I obtain the Mind Stone then I can exert my will and force the other holders of the Infinity Stones to give them to me. Yes, this will do.
Collector: Plot outside of my museum or buy a ticket.
Meanwhile, Nebula tricked a guard and escaped to Titan.
Double meanwhile, on Titan Dr. Strange used the Time Stone to see into the future while Tony Stark and Peter Parker wait.
Tony: What did you see, Strange?
Dr. Strange: Hmmm, oh everything's fine. We just need to sit tight and wait for a ride.
PP: Really? Can it be that easy?
Dr. Strange: In this universe.
PP: Yes, the Parker luck has been defeated.
Triple Meanwhile, on Earth, Wakanda and Team Cap prepared for their last stand. Events played out like the movie, the Children of Thanos fell, and there were lots of "wow, my favorite hero has done a cool thing" moments. Then, Thanos himself arrived to claim his long awaited victory.
However, in this universe he possessed only two of the Infinity Stones. He still wiped the floor with the Avengers but Wanda, in an act of profound sacrifice and love, destroyed the Mind Stone and with it, Vision. Thanos, thwarted, reached out to crush the skull of the Witch who has destroyed his dream when the Mighty Thor, Stormbreaker in hand, attacked.
In this universe, he did not miss, and thus rendered the Mad Titan's head from his body. It was over.
Steve called Tony with the news: Thanos is dead, we've won.
Tony, having hooked up his communicator to the ship Nebula stole received the message.
Tony: Thank god.
Steve: We lost Vision.
Tony: Look, I can help fix him when I get back, we're currently in space but we're hitching a ride with Blue Meanie.
Nebula: Call me Blue Meanie again and I'm leaving you here.
Tony: Fair enough.
On Earth.
Thor: Captain, call me when we have a victory party, I've got some post battle energy to work off.
Steve: Okay....
Thor: Where's the Rabbit and Tree?
Thor grabbed Rocket and Groot and Bifrosted them all straight onto the Benatar.
Peter: AH! What the hell was that? You could have wrecked the ship, what is wrong with you?
Thor wasn't listening and he casually threw Peter over his shoulder.
Thor: Off to claim my prize, we'll be back in a few hours.
Gamora: Not without me you're not.
Thor: Wouldn't dream of it.
They all ran off to Peter's room, Peter cursing them out the entire time.
Rocket: What the flark was that?
Drax: A god like Thor must be full of hormones after a battle. He is off to have his way with Quill.
Rocket: I did not need to hear that!
Drax: Mantis, I know it must distress you that your brother and the Pirate Angel--
Rocket: Wait, brother?
Groot: I am Groot?
Mantis placed her hands on Rocket's and Groot's foreheads.
Mantis: Forget.
They forgot what they heard instantly. Then, for good measure, Mantis touched Drax's arm.
Mantis: Give me your Zarg nuts.
Drax handed her his package without a second thought.
Mantis sat by a window, looking out into the vast inky black of space while enjoying her Zarg nuts. The crunch helped block out the noise of her brother loudly enjoying himself.
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