#tma fanfic ideas
crocwearingcryprid · 1 year
Magnus Archives fanfic ideas, I can't decide which one to write.
1. Somewhere else Martin wakes up from a nightmare, tape recorder laying next to him, knife in his hand and flesh eating worms behind the door. This time he's not afraid.
2. Tim thinks he's dead when after the explosion he finds himself in a place full of fog, there is ringing in his ears and someone else laying beside him. Great, If that's hell he really doesn't like the idea of being there with Jon.
Turns out Martin forgot to mention about his short employment on the Tundra back when he was a teenager.
3. They have a new coworker that Peter Lukas recommended Jon didn't even see the guy and they have been presumably working together for a few weeks now, still every morning there is a fresh tea on his desk and it pisses him off. Tim somehow manages to invite Martin to a bar with Sasha saying they should get to know each other better. Jon knows these two are too curious for their own good but when Tim asks him to come he just can't decline.
4. Martin found a statement, It was old and written with a blue shiny pen, the letters twirling around in pleasant waves. He knew this handwriting, there was a name that he knew one that he wanted to forget and he couldn't let Jon see it.
Tim can't find that one lost statement and Jon can't stop whining about disorganized archives. Martin should have burned it, really.
Tim and Jon record a statement regarding "What happened to the Blackwood familly." It's wierd to think his father was actually a good writer.
→⁠_⁠→ Here is what came out of this post
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i-eat-bugs-and-dirt · 2 months
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ishipgenfics · 1 year
Outsider POV on Somewhere Else Jonathan Sims must be just. so much.
Like imagine. You're part of a support group, and a new guy decides to join. You ask him his name and he says, "Jonathan," and then after a long pause, "Blackwood. Jonathan Blackwood. But call me Jon."
He doesn't like tape recorders. You only know this because the person who hosts the support group is into retro things, and tries to keep a couple around. She turned one on once when someone asked about it, and you noticed Jon clutching his nails into his hands so tight he's nearly breaking the skin. You lean over and whisper, "Do you want me to ask her to stop?" He says, "It's fine," and you nod, but you still try and change the subject whenever people bring up tape recorders from that point on.
He full-body flinches one day when someone says Hello, Jon. Nearly slams into a wall and everything. He tries to play it off, but after that people say Hi Jon, or Nice to see you, or things like that. Anything but Hello.
He says he used to work at a 'non-profit for studying the supernatural'. Someone asks where it was and he says London. You tell your wife about it, and two days later she emails you an article. Magnus Institute Burns Down In 1999. It was in Manchester. You tell her not to bring it up again.
The guy is snarky and blunt and downright rude at times, but when a woman comes in and tells them about being trapped in a empty warehouse for a week, he comforts her in a way none of the rest of them know how. "I believe you," he says, repeats it like a mantra, like a prayer. "I believe you." He says 'I'm sorry' less like he's sorry this happened to her, and more like he's taking the blame onto himself.
He talks about Martin, sometimes. His reason, he calls him. Normally you'd point out that while it's of course good to love your partner, you should have other reasons to live, but you stay quiet. This guy needs all the happiness he can get.
You leave a little late that day, and when you do you hear him on the phone talking to someone. "She'd been touched by the Lonely, Martin!" he says. "Which is bad, of course, but--" he seems to choke up, "Martin, I didn't feel any compulsion for a Statement. A-at all. I think it's really gone."
You just walk by.
You don't know what's going on with Jon, but it really isn't any of your business. You're an anxious queer lesbian and he's a traumatized ace guy, and you aren't going to make his life any harder than you have to.
Just. Jonathan Sims in a support group.
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esamastation · 4 months
Some Magnus Archives fanfic ideas....
1, The Archivist was never a Beholding adjacent position - there's nothing about the Eye that demands it's servants to record their knowledge. Instead, the Archivist was an ancient, general purpose collector of fears, always meant to gather and immortalise them in stories. Jonah Magnus (like many avatars of many different Powers before him) just hijacked the concept for his own uses and now everyone assumes it's how things are supposed to be.
1.2, All Leitners are written by Archivists. After consuming enough stories about specific Fears, an Archivist has to get them out, expelling all the gathered fear and coagulating it into single point - traditionally, in books. Aka, unbeknownst to him, Jon's recordings work a little like Leitners.
1.3, Simon Fairchild is the only one old enough to remember a time when an Archivist had no special connecting to the Beholding.
1.4, A time travelling Jon resorts to drastic measures to make sure he can't be used for the Watcher's Crown again, and permanently mutes himself - and gains for his troubles an obsessive compulsion to write eldritch books.
2, Post ep. 200 Jon and Martin end up somewhere else - back in time, alternate reality, in another fandom, whatever. Jon is still the Archivist and he still has the urge to archive, to listen and to record. But knowing what they do now, both are of the opinion that using tape recorders is a Big No. Aka, Jon ends up using vinyl records instead (and thus courting the Spiral instead of the Web??)
3, Jon asks a very important question I really wished he had: why does Gerry, with all the experience and knowledge he has, get eye tattoos on all his joints? Do they do something? What do they do?? Which then leads Jon down a very different sort of path of Being Marked By Horrors. Aka, Jon starts getting magical tattoos to balance and counteract the various Dread Influences on his life. Aka, Tattooed Jon Being A Distraction To Everyone and Also Mucking Up Elias' Plans By Having A Closed Eye Tattooed On His Forehead Maybe???
3.2 Better yet, this becomes a Trend in the Archives and everyone outside the Archives comes to the conclusion that the place is ran by some sort of delinquent gang of tattooed hooligans. Tattooed Martin for the soul, anyone?
4, Jonah/Elias Sees everything there is to see and figures it all out long before Jon and Martin make it back to London. Total extinction of human race looms not in unfathomable distance but less than hundred years in the future, and it turns out that in absence of human free will, the Fears grow... quite boring and repetitive, really. Jonah wanted Immortality to See It All, and this... isn't it. So, time for a retry. Aka, Jonah time travel.
4.2, Jon, Martin and Jonah all end up back in time after episode 200, and immediately Jon and Martin scramble to stop Jonah - not realising that he's already changed his mind about the Watcher's Crown, and is, in his own way, on their side.
5, Mr. Spider's door is flung open and the Archivist stumbles out, right in front of traumatised little Jon Sims. Aka, Eldritch Eye Monster tries to raise his own younger self to make better decisions than he did and probably only makes things worse.
6. All the above.
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polyhexianbirb · 13 days
You know, as much as I believe that Elias and Peter would be toxic dicorcecore, codependency at its finest and yet also they don't need each other but only come together to feed their gods... I can't help but think that in a better world it'd work.
Sure, the Lonely means you can't be Seen, Known, because if someone knows you, you, if they truly know you for who your are and about you, then you're no longer lonely.
And the Beholding cant be isolated. If your isolated you can't learn of others, can't see and learn and Know everything about the people to the point that you know how their heart beats and their blood courses, if they don't exist.
But! You can be Known in isolation. If Peter and Elias had been a Canon, not toxic ship, then it'd be perfect. I think being Known would add to the isolation, the people around you knowing you to the point that your unsettled, and yet you're alone. They don't talk to you, don't hang out with you. They learn about you, Know you and See you like it's their religion, and yet they don't care about you. Not really. I think that's worse, just from personal experiences. Nothing is more lonely than being surrounded by people who Know every small detail about you, and yet they don't care about you. Your Alone in every way, but not alone.
And I think that if Peter and Elias actually stopped being toxic and feeding their gods off of each other (Peter feeding the Lonely with the loneliness that Elias wears as a cape, an isolating cloak of loneliness born from immortality, born from the death of his lovery and family and friends, all long dead and it's all his fault. Elias feeding the Beholding with Peter's social anxiety, the fear of being Known, that he is being watched, judged, Seen in a way that breaks his mind and causes breakdowns in the alley between the restaurants, and in the bathrooms of upper class parties) then they'd trult be a terrifying pair.
They'd be terrible, terrific, they'd prey on the socially anxious. They find solace with Peter, and then they're Known and everything has Eyes that stare and Peter is suddenly too cold and the person realises that their safe place is no longer safe.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 2 months
I should write a TMA fanfic where the statement giver is a portal fantasy protagonist having just returned home and needs to tell their story to SOMEBODY
and then when they're finished it could have different endings depending on which season
s1 Jon just goes "...what kind of drugs have you been smoking"
s2 Jon is like "yeah sounds like drugs" *click* "supplemental: the portal is very much real and I just escaped nearly getting eaten by it"
s3 Jon "that's great and all but has nothing to do with the Unknowing good day"
s4 Jon "hmmmm i wonder if going into this fantasy world will allow me to escape from the institute"
s5 Jon "yeah.... you should've stayed in the fantasy world"
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the-kingofdoritos · 3 months
I'm really bored, and i have nothing better to do with my time rn so i wanna write fanfic. but im so indecisive, so
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mishishiwritings · 4 months
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im never actually writing this but i wanted to say it anyways. lonelyeyes fic where elias encounters a spiral avatar that somehow makes it so that he can only communicate by making cat-like noises for the next 24 hours. ok thats it thats the concept
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Right we were replying to something a friend said and we found gold; on complete accident, by saying:
~Weed Boy and his evil doppelgänger.~
Is giving sounds like a joke au fic where for some inexplicable reason instead of Jonah just possessing Elias a clone of him is made too. It’s mostly about Elias trying to actually be the predecessor’s replacement (also yes he is of course still a stoner) and about the highjinks which ensues as he does so; all the while being stalked by his Johan-possessed clone, who is trying to kill him.
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moonisthedoor · 7 months
“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” Tim asks. His phone is on the table in front of him, screen still lit up and Gerry’s number on speed dial. He doesn’t know what number of unanswered calls he would see if he swiped to the right. Double digits, of course, but beyond that he can’t even recall the approximate number of times he pushed the dial button in the last five or so hours.
Or, a scene that technically could happen in canon around spring of 2014.
Reblogs appreciated!
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mangofdoom · 8 months
tma AU where all the Horrors are just streamers in a discord call playing minecraft- and the avatars are their mods
tts message: dude ur chicken farm is so unethical the slaughter: im just efficient ok
the buried, having been lost in giant caves for hours: can someone find me and give me another shulker spiral: I’ll help you (a lie, though they can navigate caves weirdly well), coords? the buried: uh….. negative 20,000, positive 25,500. oh and negative 130 deep. the spiral: … *goes back to building impossibly big maze* the buried: >:( fine
desolation: no the gunpowder is for fireworks. i swear. the vast, who has already stolen all the elytras: hmmmmmmmmmm
the lonely, who has been muted and deafened the whole stream, and only had 1 viewer (their mod), while building in the ocean: hey guys just wanted to let yall know im not dead k bye
the slaughter: hey wanna play manhunt? :3 the hunt: ..no-? the slaughter: TOO LATE START RUNNING BITCH
the end: *quietly turns keep inventory off* :)
the corruption: guys look I made a bee farm! its boring though. maybe i should try working with mycelium…… jane, the moderator: dude look at this mod, it makes bees terrifying an- the corruption: LINK IT N O W jane, linking to malware: :) *they all immediately get banned*
the web, who made the server (the end helps pay for it): guys remember, with the shaders holding a torch emits light, so if ur caving you can- the dark: im going to murder someone- GET THAT TORCH AWAY FROM ME WEB the web: IM NOT ANYWHERE NEAR YOU the stranger: ehehehehhehehe
the eye upon entering the server late: chat what the fuck am I looking at
bonus points the extinction, who somehow got world building tools (probably from the end): chat, whats the best way to destroy everything? no they wont see it coming. no one except end knows im here. no we are not dating. we just live together. SHUT UP!!! MODS GET THEM
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mxmooniper · 11 months
Martin gulped down a couple of deep, trembling breaths, fighting the urge to bury his face in the bedspread and groan loudly. The man on his guest bed—who had saved Martin’s life!—looked about to leave this mortal coil. He needed medical treatment, and a police investigation into who had attacked him; he needed to be save and fed and cared for. He needed to recover.
And good lord would Martin’s mother throw an absolute fit if she knew about any of it.
What in god’s name am I doing?
Martin held Jon’s cold, limp hand and stared at the bloodied signet ring and Jon’s ragged but otherwise normal, human fingers and the lovely, fragile jut of his bony wrist and felt distinctly faint.
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onieriataxia · 1 year
Would I have officially gone mad if I made a "Great British bakeoff"magnus archives season 1 au. Where all the archival staff plus Georgie were taking part in GBBO and Martin and Jon went from petty bickering to datting by the end of the show and each chapter would be a different baking chalange and I would post recipes to the authors notes??
Would I have gone mad? Hell ima do it anyway
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oliverwolfboy · 1 year
Bsd tma au fic idea. Ok so the eyepocalypse ended, Jon and Martin (and Oliver and annabelle) got sent to another universe, except the universe they are in is at the start of the bronze period, also when the entities went though the crack in reality a lot of weird shit happened, so now abilities are developing, and smol child Lovecraft exists. Jon and Martin now have a prolonged life span and have to adjust to living in the beginning of the goddamn bronze period, plus a struggle for food because humans are a lot harder to find, but lucky for Jon he has the eye which can tell him where there are some settlements, and where there might be big settlements in the future, because Jon and Martin might not have studied history but the eye saw it. While they are wandering they come across Lovecraft, who despit being a child is still pretty big, so they reasonably freak a little out, when they calm down from their little freak out Jon has the brilliant idea to ask the eye and I quote “what the fuck is that and is it here” to which the eye told Jon that it was created when the entities were going though the crack and that it was essentially a creature made of some small parts of the vast, and the flesh, along with some others, but mostly the vast and the flesh, it also told him that yes it does have a conscious quite similar to humans, and that right now it basically had the mind of a child, so they adopt it (you can decide who's idea that was), and name it after the Godfather of existential horror himself, lovecraft. This fic idea is basically a lot of family fluff, hurt/comfort, and an unholy amount of crack, because JonMartin basically saw a giant eldritch monster said, is anyone going to adopt that? And didn't wait for an answer. This fic idea would need a good amount of knowledge on the early bronze period and tools crafting research, but you can just look into that. Also this would most likely take place over the course of the early bronze period to maybe the medieval period? Or late bronze age, depends on how long you want to make JonMartin's lifespans. This fic idea could also lead into another bsd tma au fic idea.
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magnus-brain-rot · 26 days
Fic idea for tma
What if Gertrude had an official (and alive) assistant when she died? Possibly an avatar who doesn’t want the world to end.
Here’s what I’m picturing: a fully fledged avatar who has anchors that help them stay humane. Someone who, despite following a fear god, values human life. They butt heads with Gertrude because of her “for the greater good” mentality. However, they are young and good at combating other powers. When Jon takes over, they continue to do field work and they don’t trust him, thinking he will be another Gertrude.
Additional notes:
- When they find out the rituals wouldn’t have work anyways, they are ticked and stay away from the Institute for a while.
- They were keeping track of the dark ritual in case Gertrude’s theory was wrong.
- I’m thinking an avatar of the dark who became one at a young age
-They have a cheery demeanor but can switch it off when it gets serious (similar to Tim but with less anger issues)
-Friends with Gerry (LET GERRY LIVE)
As I’m finishing this I’m realizing this is more of an OC idea than a fic idea. Honestly, it could possibly work with either a crossover character or a character from tma, but we don’t meet a lot of avatars who value human lives. The closest we get are some hunt avatars.
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