#tma ao3
crocwearingcryprid · 2 months
I have no Idea how to name this au guy's....
Summary: Elias Bouchard knew a lot about Jonah, that's kinda what happens when you're stuck in the guy's subconscious for more than twenty years unable to move or say anything while the bastard uses your body, he couldn't even see all that great since the silvery bratty eyes in his skull weren't actually his.
Needless to say he was not a fan of Jonah, so when Melanie throws coffee in the guy's eyes making him temporarily subdued while blinded Elias takes the chance and removes Jonah the way he came from.
By carving out his eyes obviously.
What next you ask? Elias didn't think that far, but hey! He's rich now with a hot lonely sailor around in the area, sky daddy supplying him with weed and two of his employees' who need help with coming to terms with their fat gay crushes on each other and a whole institute to run wild.
Oh, and Jonah watching from the jar, maybe he'll add glitter to it, bet it would sting.
Chapter one:
Elias smirked, stirring the coffee just finishing his remark about poisons. Children these days knew nothing on how to kill people it seemed. Suddenly the cup was snatched back from him, spilling some of it onto his lap and desk. He hissed looking up at the woman ready to speak but just as he opened his mouth Melanie threw the coffee straight at his eyes and it was such a fast movement without conscious thought even beholding didn't predict it. Slaughter was like that, instant and burning. His eyes were burning, his eyes- Something in the back of his skull pressed forward and Elias let out a whine world going black.
Elias took a breath, snapped his head towards Melanie and pushed her away, walking forward grabbing the door handle in order the flee the scene as fast as he could… but before that he looked in her direction which was a blurry mess right now and said as loudly as he could;
"You're fired." Melanie gasped and Elias was gone.
He still had the tiny spoon clutched in his hand.
His fingers brushed against the tiled wall of the bathroom squeezing his eyelids tightly, only one thing spinning round in his mind.
Don't wake up, don't wake up, fucking please-
His hands gripped the sink and he turned on the water rinsing out the spoon. He opened one of Johna's eyes with his thumb and pointer finger keeping the eyelid as wide as it was possible, then he aligned the spoon against it taking a long breath.
Time to carve him out. He smiled in panic, feeling the man pressing against his temple from inside, not yet conscious, their vision was too fucked up for the Eye to have enough power to keep Jonah awake in this state. The eyes would soon heal though, they always did no matter how hard Elias tried. Not this time though.
He pressed the small spoon underneath the eyeball, biting his lip bloody, with a whimper he split it as far as he could and pulled.
The eyeball fell into the sink with a loud splat making his stomach recoil. Jonah screamed, he could feel his trying to pull himself back up front but he was too slow. Elias already dug the spoon into their second eye.
The world went black, his face flushed and sticky from blood.
His face, his face, his own again, his, his, his…
Elias started laughing because there was nothing to cry from anymore.
The eyeballs were moving, he could hear them splashing inside the sink like two little shrimps. Elias didn't know how long he sat there on the floor but he hadn't heard anyone approach the door which was good.
"Shut up Jonah." He muttered through the pain briefly, wondering If he could just flush his down the toilet, no, no Elias didn't want to give the guy any chances, the last thing he needed was a Beholding crocodile with very human eyes and vendetta against him. He needed a jar but there was no way he could go to the kitchen like this, would Rosie help without asking any questions? Elias wasn't sure.
Garbage bag for now it is. He extended his foot looking for one of the small trash cans, he hit one and took out the bag leaving the interior on the floor.
It was weird moving his body, for years he just watched but the vision was like looking through a wavy glass, they weren't his eyes after all, the only thing he could do was listen and listen… Maybe that's why the blindness came easier to him. It was still fucking terrifying but manageble.
Jonah wiggled, grabbing Elia's hand with the eye's exposed nerves trying to bury underneath his skin. Gross.
"I can still squash you with my shoe!" He shoved the eyeballs into the trash bag and took a breath. Time to come back to their office and find some sunglasses.
"Wait, he really fired you?"
"You tried to poison him!?" Marin hissed in panic, his round eyes going even wider. He couldn't help but glance at the coffee staining Melanie's shirt.
"If all it takes is splashing Elias with a hot beverage- I can't believe I'm going to say this but Marin; make us some tea." Tim grinned. Jon winced not looking too convinced.
"Did you test it?" Jon asked as always the bringer of bad news. "Do you feel any… Different?"
"No, but- shit I just told you I got fired."
"Yes, but…"
"I'm fired!" Melanie screamed then smiled like a mad woman. "See? It worked I can fucking say it."
"I got fired." She continued. "And Elias can shove it up his twink tight ass!" She started gathering her things and putting them back inside her bag. "Sorry guys but I'm gonna go before he changes his mind or something… Would say see you later but I would rather not." She laughed again.
"Wait." Jon extended his hand looking Melanie up and down, his pupils did that twitchy thing they did when he was concentrating.
"Try to say the Q word." Jon continued. Martin let out a small sigh, getting tired of this conversation. Tim was far too close to Melanie looking at her like at a science experiment or Jesus reincarnate sent to save them all.
"My fucking God Jon."
"Just do it."
"I Qu-" She choked on the word. "I Qui-" Melanie's face went red and Marin decided to make tea before tables went flying. "This little fucking bitch-!"
"Way to get our hopes up." Tim looked like a kicked puppy, he muttered. Jon flinched a bit at her outburst which made Martin feel sad, it wasn't Jon's fault but everyone seemed to think It was for some reason.
"I'm going to kill him."
"Yeah, pick something better than drugged coffee next time." Tim waved a hand, then brightened. "Hey I'm sure If Martin brought him a poisoned tea bastard would actually fall for it.
"Tim…" Martin rolled his eyes. "No. Just no." He shook his head. "We can't kill our boss, have you all forgotten that? And even If we could, what the hell? Can't we do something like I don't know in ATLA take all his bad guy powers- Like, like they did with the fire lord!" Jon's face did something weird at the reference but Tim and Melanie seemed to get it even If they didn't approve.
"That's a kid's cartoon." Jon said after a while, everyone ignored him.
Elias didn't know how to go back home, there was no way he could work his phone, completely blinded and he couldn't get out and walk there in this condition either. He barely got to his office unnoticed.
Jonah was currently occupying a very fancy jar filled with water. Elias could hear the eyeballs clanking against the glass every now and then.
The adrenaline rush was starting to go down and it hurt so fucking much, still less then when Jonah inside Wright's body did it to him. A shiver ran down his spine.
Don't think about it.
He sat down on the floor next to his desk and started slowly undoing his shirt taking off all the layers. He pressed the soft material to his eyes to soak up the blood. How was he even going to clean it when he can't fucking see? Jesus that was going to be harder than Elias thought. He needed to go home and get high and maybe put Jonah's jar into the microwave.
His office door creaked. Fuck. Whoever it was didn't make a sound just stood there, he jerked his head up a little trying to think of something. If they weren't screaming or calling the ambulance it must be someone from the Archival crew, If it's Melanie again he's screwed. He could hear their breathing accessing the scene and… There was a faint smell of tea.
"... Yes, Martin?" Martin made a choked noise like he was swallowing down his own vomit. "Martin…" Elias got up on shaky legs clenching at the bloody spoon before pointing it at Martin.
"If you tell anyone about this i'm going to fuck your mom."
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paintedcrows · 22 days
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Some Fords! (and Martin K Blackwood is also there)
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lokorum · 3 months
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driedlillies · 17 days
TMA au but it’s just Gerry posting insane things like “here’s *another piece of his art which is super impressive* sorry it took so long I was in prison” and “hey I haven’t been active for two months I was tracking down a cult got into a fight with a member and we both landed in a hospital (he died but that was not because of the fight)” and his comments are just people spamming “WHO ARE YOU???”
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sarcasticscribbles · 7 months
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What if Sasha James became the Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London?
Sasha the Archivist (rewritten) Season 1 on Ao3!
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Reading a really good fic like
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Took me three hours to find a fanfic where the main character has any other emotion outside of bone-crushing fear for the other characters to sympathize over
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gr-book-worm-1818 · 1 year
local fic reader finds absolutely perfect sent-from-above goldmine of an ao3 fic and discovers the author has not written anything else since 2021. 3 wounded 4 dead
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muffinlance · 1 year
Hey while AO3 is down
Here is a GDrive link to all my downloaded fics (it's OVER 9,000 2,000)
Mostly Avatar, also The Magnus Archives, Danny Phantom, Teen Wolf, and a few others
Mostly unsorted, some not even intentionally downloaded because the auto-downloader I use is Like That, so consider this a glorified "give me a random fic" button
>>> Linkie link <<<
Edit: Note that when AO3 comes back up that link will go dead again... until it's needed, once more
...Until next they are needed
If you were going through these for fic recs, check out my AO3 Bookmarks for the more curated list.
To make your own fanfic backups, I recommend AO3 Downloader or FanFicFare. (I'm not tech support for either; please don't message me for help.)
Happy reading!
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the-voldsoy · 11 months
a collection of TMA AO3 tags ive been building that i thought were funny
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i dont have context for any of these ❤️
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crocwearingcryprid · 1 year
Magnus Archives fanfic ideas, I can't decide which one to write.
1. Somewhere else Martin wakes up from a nightmare, tape recorder laying next to him, knife in his hand and flesh eating worms behind the door. This time he's not afraid.
2. Tim thinks he's dead when after the explosion he finds himself in a place full of fog, there is ringing in his ears and someone else laying beside him. Great, If that's hell he really doesn't like the idea of being there with Jon.
Turns out Martin forgot to mention about his short employment on the Tundra back when he was a teenager.
3. They have a new coworker that Peter Lukas recommended Jon didn't even see the guy and they have been presumably working together for a few weeks now, still every morning there is a fresh tea on his desk and it pisses him off. Tim somehow manages to invite Martin to a bar with Sasha saying they should get to know each other better. Jon knows these two are too curious for their own good but when Tim asks him to come he just can't decline.
4. Martin found a statement, It was old and written with a blue shiny pen, the letters twirling around in pleasant waves. He knew this handwriting, there was a name that he knew one that he wanted to forget and he couldn't let Jon see it.
Tim can't find that one lost statement and Jon can't stop whining about disorganized archives. Martin should have burned it, really.
Tim and Jon record a statement regarding "What happened to the Blackwood familly." It's wierd to think his father was actually a good writer.
→⁠_⁠→ Here is what came out of this post
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wildgeese98 · 8 months
It's kind of unfortunate that the only bit of characterization for original! Elias that's widely talked about is him being a stoner. It's true that for a long time that's literally the only thing we got. One funny throwaway line. But we do learn a bit more in mag 193 (one of my favorite s5 episodes incidentally) and it makes him a much more interesting and tragic character.
Elias was an aimless rich kid trying and failing to live up to his father's high expectations for him. He was raised to believe that he deserved success and power simply because of the family he was born into. It's implied that this alienated him from his peers leaving him incredibly isolated. It probably also meant he didn't have a lot of control over his own life, following the path he was expected to rather than what he acctually wanted. Even before being marked by the Eye he probably felt like was constantly watched and judged, and found wanting.
The statement draw heavy parallels between original! Elias and Jon. In fact the line between them gets very blurred as Jon "plays" Elias in the statement and Elias's VA plays Jonah in the body of James Wright. Jon and Elias are both parallels and opposites. They were both marked and drawn to the Institute by that mark.
Elias had the conviction that he was destined to be important and he was right the most perverse, twisted way possible. He was only ever there to be used and used completely. To the point were he ceased to be, leaving only his body to puppeted by Jonah.
Jon had no such conviction, and yet he became literally the most import person in the world. But that was only after being moulded and completely reshaped by Jonah. He in a way lost almost as much autonomy and control of his body as Elias did. Though he at least got to keep his mind, for the most part.
This has gotten away from me a bit, but the point remains. Elias, like a lot of TMA characters, is a fascinating person who we only get to see brief snatches of. I think about him a lot. I especially think about how horrifying it must have been to realize, for the briefest moment, that his mind and body were being completely taken over, right before his consciousness was snuffed out.
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ao3-shenanigans · 1 year
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(Resigned, Though Not to Fate by inkfingersmcgee)
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und3ad-br3ath1n9 · 7 days
I read this in a jonathan sims voice btw
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occudo · 9 months
May I ask what Magus!Gerry looks like normally instead of his ballroom look? I love your art and all your AU's, but your Magus AU has recently got me in a choke hold! I'm actually considering writing a drabble of your Magus AU meeting your Gertrude Is Sill Alive AU! If I can find the time/motivation.
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Sure thing! This is his 'casual witch' look- I did change the snakebite piercings to tattoos later, I think that's fit better for the Magus au
also- do tag me if you write it, I'm really interested
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saym0-0 · 8 months
i love fanfiction because sometimes you'll stumble across gems such as: santa claus is an avatar of the eye
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