#to ruin that just seems even sadder
dizzydizney · 2 months
This is obviously a sensitive subject and not meant to cause hurt. Curious to hear what other people think, but I'm not looking to start discourse or upset people. Feel free to not answer if it's too much.
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banalthoughts · 2 years
weird how someone can go from being a repository for all your hopes for the future to a man who just does not like you
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Vivian x Alucare 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Drabble 1
Vivian and Alucare - Young
"Remember to be polite Alucare. Oh and be nice to Shanks Daughter" You call out. Heavily pregnant at this point and too round to move around easily. Red Haired Shanks was stopping by with his crew, it seemed Mihawk had some business to discuss with the fellow pirate so this was the better option in order to not leave you.
"Yes Mother" Alucare could already smell he would be babysitting again-
Not too long later The Red Hair Pirates arrive on the island, the small family out to greet the new guest. Shanks and Mihawk greeting each other in their typical fashion of mild insults while Vivian stepped forward next to Beckman who was shaking your hand.
You saw quickly the little girl had cut her hair and had a bright smile on her face. Alucare giving a lackluster greeting to Vivian and Ben..
"What a cute little Bob haircut you have" You say coking at the hair change, Vivian smiling brightly at this as she touched her hair.
"Thank you Ma'am" She says sweetly, making you gush at this and tear up- pregnancy hormones getting the best of you.
"Love-" Mihawk said softly and placing a hand on you as you clearly cried-
"Sorry she's just so cute" You mumbled, Shanks smiling at seeing the softer side of Mihawk trying to comfort you.
"Mother why don't you go lay down" Alucare said softly, you nodding of course in agreement.
"Okay sorry hormones- Why don't you show her around the island Alu?" You say softly, Mihawk having a hand on your lowerback to keep you steady in escorting you back to bedrest
Alucare mentally sighed at this and nodded, extending a hand to her which she all too excitedly took. Shanks seemingly to bristle at the sight and Mihawk amused-
Alucare began to tour her around the kingdom ruins, it had actually been fun for a while- Alucare showing some sword skills on some trees while Vivian even showed her accuracy with the small pistol she carried.
"Hey I have a question-" She asked suddently as they were heading back to the pier. He hummed at get question, intrigued enough to hear it out.
"What kind of girls do you like?" She asked and Alucare felt the hairs on the back of his head stand up.
"Why?" He said quickly but she brushed off the question, a twinkle in her eyes at the direction of the conversation.
"Most girls-" He finally said- unsure of how to answer.
"What about girls my age?" Vivian asked softly, A shiver of disgust going down his spine as he glanced down at the red head and saw the red on her cheeks and admiration in her eyes.
No no no no-
Oh fuck no- His saw were this was going... And he did not like it.
"Still a kid-" He blurted quickly, his skin crawling at having this conversation and he pulled his arm away like she was ill. Looking offended she stopped and glared up at him.
"It's a 4 year different, most adults have a 10 year age difference?"
"U-Uh that's different" He tried quickly. The red head now glaring harder at him.
"Besides the age what issues do you have with me hm?" Vivian said now offended by his clear refusal of liking her or accepting anything to do with her.
Alucare felt incredibly uncomfortable, yes he was naturally flirty but she still was a kid to him- The age difference between them at their current stages of life was just too noticable- 16 and 12 did NOT go together... however he didn't want to say anything mean either over besides her age what he didn't like- mainly that she looked her age and he didn't like kids!
"Well?" She said softly, hope in her eyes as he couldnt argue her logic.
He turned his eyes away at this- his mind scrambling for an excuse and could only thing of Perona-.
"I uh like girls with long hair.."
He blurted out, Vivian looking at him now sadder then before as Alucare kept a stone face but inside was freaking out st himself for such a lame excuse.
"Long hair?-" She said softly, touching the recently cut locks. Alucare kicking himself mentally, fact is he had long hair even if it had been recently cut and he knew this made no sense.
"Well yeah but not like short hair it's bad, it's like a boys hair and long hair-"
"You think my hair looks like a boys?" Vivian questioned, Alucare immediately regretting his choice of words- Opening his mouth to try and fix this but she had ran away from him.
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papyrus and delta are (adopted) twins and are attempting a twin switch! who notices?
I took the Undertale characters for this one! As a reminder for the newcomers, Delta is Disbelief Papyrus.
Undertale Sans - He knows immediately but plays along. He knows his brother(s) too well, and Delta always looks a little sadder than his Papyrus. But both of them are having fun right now so he won't ruin the fun. He pretends to be shocked when Papyrus "appears" at two places at once. How could that even happen O:
Undertale Toriel - She can tell something is not normal because Papyrus acts weird and is very insistent, but she doesn't notice the switch. Instead, she insists on checking on him to make sure he's not sick because you don't joke with these things. They wanted to have fun, they won a doctor's appointment instead... That happened.
Undertale Asgore - He doesn't know Papyrus enough to make the difference. Sure, he found that odd that Papyrus was in the kitchen when he saw him two seconds earlier in the living room, but he knows Sans better and Sans always does the weirdest thing so maybe all skeletons can? He's not judging.
Undertale Undyne - She almost falls for it, but eventually, she notices something is weird with Papyrus and suddenly gasps when she realizes it's not the good Papyrus. Now, that means she gets revenge twice as hard! Both Papyrus are now running for their life as Undyne is determined to kick both their asses.
Undertale Alphys - She notices immediately and ruins their little prank. Alphys had to make sure Delta was fine after he arrived, and she knows his bone structure by heart, and it's slightly different from Papyrus' one. That's quite awkward when she says that out loud in front of them, Undyne and Sans. She says nevermind and leaves the room to hide in the toilets.
Undertale Frisk - That's easy. Frisk flirts with them. Delta rolls his eyes, Papyrus plays along. Busted in ten seconds. Both Papyrus are impressed, but the kid won one battle, not the war. They will try again, and again until they succeed to prank them.
Undertale Chara - They're uncomfortable and wondering why Papyrus won't leave them alone when it's clear they don't want to hang out right now. They try to chase them away gently, but when a second Papyrus comes in the room saying he's bored, Chara is speechless. Uh???? What? They ask for explanations, but before they can, both Papyrus are gone. Did they imagine all of this? What was in their tea? Oh god, they didn't drink golden flower tea and poisoned themselves again, right?
Undertale Mettatton - He knows. Immediately. Delta thinks it's weird that Mettaton knows them so much when they're clearly not hanging out together that much. That's when he turned around and found a bright red Papyrus avoiding his stare at all costs. Oh. Welp. It seems Alphys is not the only bone structure connoisseur after all.
Undertale Gaster - He completely falls for it to the point Papyrus wonders if he should be offended by that or not lol. I mean, it's his father??? Uh. Maybe he should try this with two Sans to see if it's just him. That's awkward.
Undertale Grillby - He's going crazy. He just served Papyrus a milkshake. He went into the kitchen but when he went back, he found Papyrus... waiting for his milkshake? Maybe he just forgot, so he serves him another milkshake. But then he came back from the kitchen and he found Papyrus waiting for his milkshake again. When he finally understands what's wrong after like ten milkshakes, he's so disappointed with Papyrus lol. He's used to this with Sans, but him? He feels so betrayed.
Undertale Muffet - They tried to play the same trick they did at Grillby's in her bakery. Muffet notices and charges the donuts twice their prices as revenge. Ah... They tried...
Undertale Burgerpants - The two Papyrus are appearing and disappearing in random places while he's working. After an hour, Burgerpants has a mental breakdown and starts to break everything in the studio, just screaming in anger. Why can't he have one normal day of work in his life? Why everyone hates him?! Mettaton finds him later curling up in a cupboard, crying, hugging a broom.
Undertale Flowey - It's not that hard? They're clearly two different people and he knows that because he's their bestie. You can't fool him, even with a swap of clothes! He's too clever! ... Too bad they actually didn't swap their clothes. Flowey refuses to believe them and locks them both in his roots until they tell him they are the right Papyruses. But really, he got it wrong. Flowey is still so mad about it.
Undertale Gerson - Man, he's too old for this. He can't see that good already, why would you do this to him? He locks the door of his shop and forces them to mop the floor while he's lecturing them about pranking old people.
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metal-regets · 6 months
Genuine question. Anyone here like treasure planet. Because I’ve been hyperfixating on it for so long like it’s an actual work of art; like one of the first 3D and 2D animated movies made. One of the first for Disney too; and it was a work of art. It had such a deeper message with even a sadder backstory, a more realistic and sad backstory for Jim than any other Disney character. You might have characters like Mirabel who has a fight with their grandmother and stuff; feeling unloved but for some reason that’s still so out of reach. While some people might understand that feeling of being pushed out the family it’s still hard to really relate to while Jim just has the thing about his backstory. Loosing his father, seeing his mother cry, barely being out of reach from him, finding a father figure in someone else. I just don’t get it but even people who didn’t loose a dad or a parent can still somehow relate.
And character growth is amazing, like it’s so interesting and even with the aliens and monsters is the movie it seems more probable and humanly possible compared to most of the fantasy movies like *wish.*
And I love how it made me cry, most shows don’t but it really got me tearing; like I wish they made more movies like that. A treasure planet 2 would have been amazing but I’m glad they didn’t; shouldn’t risk ruining a work of art like TRP with a sequel as a lot of sequel just aren’t it.
Back to the 3D modeling, it was beautiful. It just fit in, it just worked, it blended in you didn’t even notice that the 3D modeling and the 2D aren’t on the same plain. They interact with eachother perfectly unlike a lot of movie *now* that still can’t master that, flicking through eachother and late movement doesn’t make it seem real but treasure planet it just, works
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m3lonpire · 4 months
Unmasking The Truth | Part One
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Summary: After hearing your boyfriend, Matt, was in a car accident, you vowed to never leave his side ever again. However, because of this, you discovered a distressing secret he held. Content: Some cursing, slight angst, slight fluff
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Dating Matt Murdock was always at least slightly stressful. Whether it be getting almost killed for digging too deep into things, or simple things like clumsiness due to blindness, you drew the line when his coworker and best friend Foggy told you he got into a car accident. Hearing that on the phone made you panic, and you swore to yourself to never leave your lover alone ever again; for his safety and your sanity. All of these thoughts filled your head as you sped off in your car to his loft. Matt's other coworker, Karen, called your phone while you were in the car. "Karen, I'm a little busy right now.", you said as you answered. "I-I know, but Matt's not answering his phone, a-and neither is Foggy! Is Matt okay?", Karen said, in her usual panicked tone of voice. "I don't bloody know! I'm driving to his place right now!", you responded, equally panicked and exasperated. "O-okay, call me back!". "I will, Karen.".
Minutes passed and eventually, you got to Matt's apartment, almost tripping multiple times as you dashed up the stairs to his loft. "Thank god I have a key.", you thought to yourself when you reached his door. Fumbling for your keys, you rattled the doorknob a bit before unlocking it to let him know you were there. You figured it would work since you always knew he had some strange ability to sense you and other people's presence. "Y/N.", your loopy lover said from the couch. "Matt!", you shrieked upon seeing him lying there. His face was covered in cuts, and he was shirtless. This would usually strike you as pleasing, but the abundance of cuts, bruises, gauze, and cotton pads ruined that. Even the room was messed up, with torn floorboards and broken drywall. "Jesus, Matt, what happened?!", you asked. "Car accident. Didn't Foggy tell you?", Matt said, sarcasm not dying down, even in a situation such as this.
"Matt. A car with fists and some sort of blade? Cuts and bruises like those don't come from cars.". "How would you know? Have you been hit by a car?", Matt asked with a chuckle, groaning in pain soon afterward. "First of all, karma.", you said. " Second of all, no, but unlike you, I'm not blind! I can see those are not car crash injuries.". "Well, I can promise you they are.", Matt said, seemingly increasingly frustrated. "Well, it seems like you're breaking that promise!", you said, grabbing at strings to get more from him than simply his "it was a car accident" thing. "Matt, please! Tell me what's happening. You and Foggy have gotten so distant, and you have been too. You've not been answering your phone, and I've been seeing more and more injuries on you, I just…", you said, getting choked up. Your breath hitched as you breathed more deeply to calm down, and you could see Matt get sadder, tears brimming in his eyes and his eyebrows furrowing. "…Just please tell me you're okay! I'm scared for you, what, with all this 'Devil Of Hell's Kitchen' bullcrap!".
"Honey, I…", Matt trailed off, turning his head to the window, then back to you. "…Can you stay here for a while? I… want to get some sleep.". You sighed, expecting a more in-depth response, but as you stood there, everything clicked. There was no doubt; he was keeping something from you. However, you simply nodded. "Of course. I'm just… concerned for you. We all are. Foggy, Karen, and I.". "I know. I'll sleep on the couch. You can take the bed.", Matt said with a smile. You nodded and headed to his room, which wasn't as messed up as his living room. It wasn't touched. This only fueled your assumption that he has been up to something. Something dangerous. You sat down on the bed, the cushiony mattress bringing you lots of memories. The thought of cuddling after a long day certainly helped to calm you down.
Your eyes landed on Matt's pillow, and you immediately pulled it towards you, burying your face into it. You could smell his cologne as you did, and if your thoughts of cuddling didn't calm you down, this certainly did. You sighed into the pillow, letting a few tears fall. Trying to fall asleep, you pulled the blankets over your curled-up body.
It took you a long time to fall asleep, and when you finally did, you woke up at the sound of something opening in the living room. Normally, if you were staying at Matt's apartment, you wouldn't care about this. But due to your suspicion that he was hiding something from you, you immediately got up, going out to the living room. You simply thought he might have been changing clothes, grabbing a snack, or simply going to the bathroom.
But, you couldn't have been any less prepared for what you saw before you. The shock and bewilderment of the moment were overwhelming, leaving you feeling completely unprepared to process or comprehend the situation.
There, in front of you, was your lover in the attire of The Devil Of Hell's Kitchen; the Daredevil's costume. You were left speechless, and Matt just sighed, calling your name. It sounded as sweet as any other time, yet it felt tainted with what you had realized. The secret he was keeping from you wasn't anything like he had a drinking problem, or that he was too deep into a case and got hurt, it wasn't anything like that.
The secret was that he was the Daredevil. He was the masked vigilante that everyone was talking about.
You didn't know what to do. You were frozen. Your heart was beating like a hammer, and before you could even say anything, you collapsed on the spot. Matt immediately rushed over to you, catching you in his arms before you could even hit the ground. The last thing you heard before you passed out was Matt calling your name.
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A/N: I realized there were a few things I wanted to change, but I posted this before making this side blog for my fics, so I had to delete the original post and repost it here. Sorry for the confusion!
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gilverrwrites · 1 month
Some people have all the luck
Two-Face/Reader, 1.2K words Idk, writing that match-up with good ol' Harv sparked something in my brain and I haven't stopped thinking about him since. I just had to write something. Using his Arkham design in the divider but this isn't specific to that portrayal. [1/2] Already at rock bottom, Two-Face offers you the chance to test your luck. Rating: 18+
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CWs: Drunk reader, smoking, implied threats of violence, sexually suggestible themes - nothing explicit, swearing, Reader is kind of a dick - but hey, we all have bad days.
Please: never apologise for being yourself.
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It had been a terrible, awful, shitty day, but somebody else’s was about to be worse. 
Perhaps because you were too drunk to even think of minding your own business, or perhaps because you wanted to see somebody else’s day ruined, you watch, lucid and transfixed as a strong, grotesque hand clutches the arm of another drunken bar patron.
You’d clocked him as soon as he’d entered; tall, dark, and intriguingly handsome in ways you didn’t care to decipher. His suit was crisp, hugging him in all the right places, a cigar situated cleanly between his teeth. 
The unlucky girl had been in a world of her own, dancing amongst friends. The poor thing hadn’t been looking where she was going, and hadn’t seen him coming despite his very noticeable presence. She’d spun around, colliding with his large frame, spilling her cocktail all over his two-tone suit. 
Their voices can barely be heard over the blaring music, but she looks to be begging, hunched over in a show of submission, trying desperately to reel back her trapped arm. 
When he drops his cigar to the floor, putting it out easily as he reaches into his suit jacket to pull out his signature coin, you sit up straighter. At least you try to, your intoxicated body only allows you to lean further onto your table, angling for a better view. 
The silver dollar glints under the spotlights as it flips through the air and lands back in his good hand. 
His lips move, either an omen of what’s to come, or a warning for the future and then… 
He releases his grip. She bows her head lower, and then she’s gone, disappearing amongst the crowd. Disappointing. 
That should have been it, you should have averted your gaze when it was over, nursed your drink, watched somebody else, someone less dangerous. In all honestly, you don’t even realise you’re still staring until he’s standing directly on the other side of your table, glaring back at you. Half glaring. The unmarred side of his face, the ‘handsome Harvey’ side as the paper used to bill him, with a sharp jawline and high cheekbone seems softer, sadder. It looks at you like you’re a lost puppy, begging your safety.
The other side not so much; It's still handsome, all the trademark features of his right side still there, under layers of sharp, twisted skin. It doesn’t seem so bad up close, strangely attractive even, if not for the veiny yellow eye that appears to be routing for your demise. 
You can’t help but wonder how much of your perception of his supposed conflicting expressions is real, and how much of it is fuelled by his portrayals in the media, by the uneven shapes of his face under the blinking lights, by your own dubious emotions. 
“What are you looking at?” His voice is low, gravelly, threatening. More of a growl that emanates from his puffed-out chest. 
Had you been sober, you likely would have let your panic show, would have stuttered over your words, would have uttered a thousand apologies, not unlike his previous target. Instead, you continue to peer up at him as you take a slow sip of your drink, struggling to find your coaster when you place it back on the table. 
“I just can’t believe she got away with that.” The words come out slurred, but more confident than you’d expected. “Some people have all the luck.” 
Maybe your statement, maybe your demeanour, but something about you seems to amuse him. The space where an eyebrow would sit on his left side raises, his head twists to the side, showing you more of his undamaged side. 
“Not you?” His voice is still gruff and husky, but his tone is lighter now, entertained. 
“Me? Nah. If I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.” You try to make some form of gesture with your arms, but all you manage to do is spill a tipple from your drink. Finally looking away from him, you grab way too many napkins whilst trying and clean up your spillage. 
Distracted, you don’t notice his rounding the table until you hear the sound of metal knocking on glass far too close for comfort. Your eyes dart to the noise. His hand is beside yours, tapping his coin against the table. You unabashedly track your eyes up his body, taking in his dexterous hand, muscular arms, broad shoulders, until you’re face to face again.
Even as you’re perched on the bar stool his standing frame still towers over you. Up close he smells like smoke and jasmine. He radiates authority and malice that should caution you, should send you running. But for some reason you find yourself intrigued, captivated by his formidable presence. 
Presumably satisfied to have your attention once again, he brings the coin up close to your face, turning it back and forth between his fingers, displaying its two sides. One clean and shiny, the other dented and scratched, a mirror image of himself. 
“Care to test that theory?” What a terrifying prospect, the answer is clearly no, but it’s obvious you don’t really have a choice in the matter. Your only hope is that it lands on his good side. 
“Not really, but by all means.” Your attempt to crack a joke seems to land. The left side of his face doesn’t have much of a mouth, but the muscles twitch upwards in a manner that implies a smile. 
You watch with bated breath, teeth digging into your lower lip as the coin jolts into the air. It lands in the palm of his hand, and he closes his fingers over it quickly, denying you a chance to glimpse the results. 
“This is the part where they usually try to run away.” He comments, and you really can’t tell if he’s trying to make his own joke or not. You tilt your body away from him, buzzed brain trying and failing to locate an escape path. Then you look at your feet, heavy and unbalanced due to the sheer amount of booze you’d been trying to drown yourself in. 
“I would but…” I wouldn’t get far, I don’t think I can, I’d probably just fall flat on my face. Warm, rough skin meets your chin, directing your slackened face back to his. When you look up at him, your heart races under his lurid gaze. “I don’t want to.” 
His fingers move deftly, opening just enough for him to glimpse the result before placing it back in his inner pocket. Still declining you a peek at your fate. 
The same rugged skin that had held your face now rakes down your body, dropping lower until it’s wrapped around your waist, easily hoisting you from your seat and onto unsteady feet. The crowd parts with every step, eager not to get in his way. You wonder how you look to the masses, like lovers heading home for the night? Like a father caring for his inebriated child? His vice-like, bruising grip around your body implies something far less tender. 
You spot the girl from earlier, pale and shaking amongst a group of girlfriends attempting to calm her. She offers you a solemn, pitying look. Perhaps this is your penance for routing for her downfall. 
“Wh- what are you- where are we…” You trip over your words, nerves finally getting the better of your vocal cords. His expression gives nothing away. “Never mind, I don’t wanna know.” 
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howlingday · 4 months
What if Nora got really mad at Ozpin for ruining her ships? Like his actions got Pyrrha involved and got her killed.(I know this subjective but I feel like he filled her with ideas only she could be hero which made her want to fight Cinder which she lost because obviously she was outclassed and died) Blake got dragged into this from white famg ruining black sun, Rosegarden can't work because Ozpin is in Oscar's head etc. Sidenotes wow i made seem a lot sadder than i wanted it to be.
Such is the fate of all shippers who face canon, I'm afraid.
Nora: FIRST, you got my best friend after Ren killed because you wanted her to be your Maiden, and that's gross even WITH the context!
Nora: For that, I'm breaking your legs.
Nora: NEXT, you tricked Blake into leaving Sun behind and now she's making goo-goo eyes at Yang! She and Sun were getting along so well!
Nora: For that, I'm breaking your arms!
Nora: LAST, and this is the worst part, you took over this cute boy's brain and now he's going to die soon because you had to drag more people into your ex's drama! Even worse, he can't hook up with Ruby, who needs more loving than all of us because YOU had to drag HER into this bullshit! BECAUSE OF HER SILVER EYES!
Nora: (Sighs) But I can't, because I'd be hurting Oscar. Do you have anything to say for yourself?
Ozpin: ...Did it not occur to you that these fantasies you create in your mind are distracting your from the reality that these are all people, their own people with their own lives and identities to live and their own decisions to make without you interfering with their love lives.
Ozpin: After all, you can't just shove two people into a room and expect them to suddenly fall in love, can you? Some relationships aren't meant to last forever. In fact, one argument stands that no relationship lasts forever.
Nora: No? Yours did. And we're still dealing with it because of you.
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
Rick losing his original family makes me even sadder when I think about the fact that Morty and Summer are basically his kids. He lives with them and takes a much more active role in their lives than most grandparents. He's also pretty much raising Morty (he's doing a terrible job lmao, but he is.) He lost all his children. He lost Jerry, too.
yeahhhhh, 100%.
he’s morty’s primary caregiver at this point, and it kind of feels like the first time in his life morty has ever actually had a primary care giver.
i mentioned this in one of my other posts, but for the longest time after the s5 finale/s6 premier i assumed that rick would pop into the s1 prime dimension on occasion to see if prime had come back, and ran into little morty then. that entire assumption relies on the the inference that morty was pretty heavily neglected and left to his own devices, even at such a young age.
i mean, who in their right mind would leave their baby completely alone in the front hallway while they’re learning to walk?
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we ofc don’t know if that’s how rick really knew a morty baby, but it really says something that that’s what someone would immediately deduce.
morty himself even confronts beth about the neglect in “a rickconvenient mort,” and we have plenty of scenes (like in “raising gazorpazorp”) that are open about the neglectful/horrible parents beth and jerry are. even though jerry is shown to be more affectionate towards the kids, he’s always been too busy orbiting beth to be a decent father. (you could also get into the state of morty’s room compared to the rest of the house, or even summer’s room. it’s full of childlike toys and posters because he’s really just a little boy, but there’s mold and mildewy spots- even though he keeps his room relatively tidy.)
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one scene that really stuck out to me is when rick takes morty to school in “juricksic mort.” it seems like rick has been one of the people making sure that morty gets there for a while now, considering how the whole scene goes down. (which, what a great contrast from his character in s1. he’s gone from making excuses to justify ruining morty’s education to making sure he gets there on time.)
“rick! mom’s working and dad’s still asleep! i’m gonna be late.” “… just get the keys.”
no pushback from rick at all, just casually taking morty to school. i also like the detail that rick is up that early in the morning, like he’s part of the smith family weekly morning rush routine. he’s just relaxed after summer’s off to school and beth’s at work, drinking some beer and watching the news.
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that really seems like rick’s been taking morty to school everyday, or at least often. it’s also a great example of a moment where rick steps up as the “dad” or “patriarch” of the house to fill in for jerry again.
rick doing household chores and shaking his head at the kids in disappointment in “final desmithation” is something that makes me feel like rick is more of a parental figure to the kids than the actual smith parents, too.
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(rick sanchez in his matriarch era lol)
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(i also just love this little scene of him drinking wine with beth while she plays “operation” and the kids sit around. it’s such a sweet little detail that makes me think about what a subtle act of affection it is to drink wine with her because that’s her drink of choice. it’s also reminiscent of rick “making up for lost time” with his little girl, because it’s horse operation. some things never change- like your daughter playing with horse toys while you watch and have a little drink- even if you’re an old man and she has kids of her own now.)
another episode that i think really embodies rick being the only one who goes out of his way to care about/look after the kids is “rickmancing the stone.” sure, he has that whole blurb about how summer is completely replaceable, but he never actually tries to replace them with versions of themselves from other realities. he just kind of tries to buy time and hopes that they’ll eventually want to come back.
i love the scene where he says, “we need to get you guys home so you can properly deal with your parents’ divorce!”
it seems so genuine to me. he’s a dick, but he’s a dick that’s worried about his grandkids.
being a nurturing father figure, especially with children, is something that seems to come naturally to rick. it’s like part of his nature that’s just been waiting to peek out, even though he’s a jaded old asshole now. “a different kind of rick,” exactly.
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man11c · 2 years
Xavier x Reader - Maybe a few more lessons. Pt 9.
Plot - During second term, you join Nevermore Academy. One of the first things you do is join the archery club, and from there you get to know Xavier Thorpe. At first he seems head over heels for Wednesday, but maybe at some point he'll see something in you? In school, you go through many dilemmas which you need to solve.
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Part 9
For days on end, Xavier didn't act the same. He was more agitated by people, and a gloomy aura clung to him - he was sadder than he played it off to be. Though, it was the same for you. You felt sadder, you'd lay in bed during the timed when you were supposed to be at Archery with Xavier. But he hasn't even looked at you since. He blocked you out of his life, and you tried to do the same... you worried however. Despite what Xavier said about you, you still worried for him.
Wednesday who noticed the change in Xaviers behaviour and yours aswell - she went straight to talk to you. Asking you what was wrong, it mainly sounded like she wanted Xavier dead. Wednesday wasn't the best at comforting and the least said about that the better. But she sat with you and gave you company when you had no one was around. Bianca was gone almost all of the time after that night. "I'll talk to him (y/n). Don't try stopping me." Wednesdays voice as monotone as her colour pallet. You dreaded to hear what she'd come back with. Wednesday barged into Xaviers studio and looked at him with a blunt look in your eye. "I have a slight idea who fed you those lies about (y/n) but Xavier I know for a fact, those lies are not true. You know what you felt for (y/n) was real. You couldn't synthesis such an emotion." Wednesday stood at the door, not budging in the slightest as she spoke. She stated at Xavier through her brows waiting for him to react. Xavier exchanged no words, he sat there staring at the painting that he had ruined of you. Now it was a muck of colour which hid all of the beautiful properties underneath. "Fine. If you won't talk, at least listen. You need to believe me. Think about it thoroughly, not with jumped conclusions. I know you like to do that." Yeah, Wednesday was harsh but you'd expact nothing less from her. She wanted her voice to be heard, and it was.
Once again, Xavier was left in the silence of his studio. Alone. He closed his eyes slowly as his head leaned forward into his hands. Letting the silence drown him, so that he could finally think. All his thoughts were rushed, but something about what Wednesday told him it made him slow down and think. Rationally at least. Wednesday days got to him, but Biancas voice still desperately echoing through the back of his mind. One part of him told him to reach out believe you but the other part screamed at him telling him the exact opposite. Xaviers mind ambivalent - not being able to make one choice.
You simply couldn't wrap your head around it, why would Xavier switch up so fast. What on earth made him think these ridiculous things. You asked yourself, holding a bow. Huge dark grey clouds covered the skies, the atmosphere looming as was your feelings. You shut your eyes and relaxed your shoulder as the arrow went through the air. It definitely hit the target. You look to see your arrow within the red bullseye - it was a shame really. Your first bullseye and Xavier wasn't there to see it. So you stared at it sadly, you didn't even feel good about it. "That was a good shot." A soft voice spoke out from behind you, it was the last person you'd think to see here.
Xavier stood there, arms limp at his sides. He stood hopeless. "Xavier, you might as well just leave if you are here to tell me about how I'm a manipulator." Giving your blunt statement straight away. "I don't need to hear anymore about it, so whatever you can believe, whatever." You didn't bother looking at Xavier; you looked away to the side at the empty archery court. You were still bitter at him, for ruining the dance and yelling at you. You had all the right to be. "No (y/n) I'm not here for that. Hear me out." Xavier stepped closer to you, his voice full of ache. Words spoken with a slight shake to them. "Hear you out?" You turned your head to face him, a deepened look on your face as your jaw clenched. "That's really funny Xavier, because you never heard me out so why the hell should I listen to you." Your scoffed in bitter words a miserable feelings within you. Xavier shook his head rapidly at you, his eyes glossy. "Because I'm sorry! That's why. I'm sorry." Xavier clenched his first together as his head dropped down low, you had never heard something so candid. "Just. Listen. For a few minutes listen to me." Xavier pleaded you, just for a small moment of your time. When he was able to pick his head back up, he faced you. Your own heart felt heavy seeing him like this, so your voice diminished into silence. Standing right opposite Xavier, he was stood so far from you.
"I was wrong to believe Bianca and what she said about you. It was stupid of me, and it was me being insecure and afraid. I am insecure and afraid. (Y/n) I regret it." Xavier began his speech, voice trailing on slowly. He looked you dead in the eyes. Within his eyes there were a glass coating that built up and captured the guilt within. For a moment all you could think... Binaca? Bianca did this to you? She caused this? Questions stormed through your head, it was just another hit to your heart. Xavier hadn't stopped talking yet. "I've been really hurt by what I done so I can't imagine how you must felt. So please forgive me." Xavier approached you, closing the space between you. You looked up at him with shock and sadness in your eyes. Too many things had just happened, so Bianca was really the one behind all this. It was never Xaviers fault was it.
It was sudden, but you pushed yourself into Xaviers arms. Your hands wrapping around him his heat radiating off you. Warming your body up. You had your head on his chest, you could hear how his heart raced and thudded in your ears. Xavier stood shocked as he felt your arms around him but quickly he wrapped his arms around you as he held you close to himself. For a while, you said nothing and just stayed in the safe hold. When it was time to speak, your voice muffled against his zip-up jumper. "I forgive you Xavier." You could feel in instant relief in his body as he was less stiff, his heart too slowed down. "Thank you. It was Wednesday who knocked sense into me." He hoarsely laughed, you feeling the vibrations coming from his chest.
Despite being so happy that you are Xavier finally made up like this, you were struck with sharp cuttings to your heart. Bianca really plotted against you, a friend you assumed was looking out for you to keep you safe. Your body was cold again when you pulled away from Xaviers hold, but he held you for a second longer as he proceeds to give you a comforting squeeze. The distance between you no longer as far and distant. "(Y/n) as a friend... you mean so much to me. Everything i said at the rave'n i meant. Apart from the...yknow." Xavier sincerely said to you. A smile began to tease at your lips, corner of your lips curving up as you showed off your pleased smile to Xavier. Your short laugh chimed through the air, floating around Xavier. It uplifted him. "You are really sincere and all Xavier... I'm cold so I think I should really head back to my dorm. I'll send you a text?" The air frosty with low winds that swept sharply against your cheeks.
"No, come to my dorm. Spend more time than me." Xavier wasn't asking you, he was telling you. His words serious as ever. "I want to draw you again. Be my muse." The seriousness broke as he began to mess about again with you. Smacking his arm as you walk past him. But you did head to his dorm room after all - how were you supposed to face Bianca after knowing what she had done at some point... you'd have to confront her. But in the meantime, you'll enjoy sitting with Xavier as he sketched out your face in his notepad and talked to you. The afternoon just you and him, talking. Xavier asked you a lot of things. One of them being: "that boy who was your date... are you a thing?" Xavier brought up from the blue as his pencil came to a halt on the paper. "I wouldn't say that no, I think we both like each other. It's only childish though." You say at your cheeks go slightly pink at the vampire boy who sat beside you. It really was childish. "Hm." Xavier replied with a small nod as he returned back to mapping out your face on the paper. Xavier had a strange feeling plotting at the bottom of your stomach as he watched you get giddy like that over some guy. It was a feeling, he had definitely felt before.
I hope you can all be happy now... and are we seeing jealous xavier...👀👀 we all love some jealous sprinkled in
Bro I can't reply to my own post...
Part 10 out now‼️
Word count : 1566
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mhahaikyuus · 2 years
sleeping on the floor after an argument
tags:; denki kaminari x reader, established relationship, you two live together, verbal fighting, angry reader, denki being apologetic, clingy denki, childish reader, fluff, suggestive at the end
wc:; 963
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“Come on Sunshine don’t be mad.” He said trailing after you into the bedroom.
“No leave me alone.” You huffed digging through your drawers to find pajamas.
“I’m sorry okay, I messed up.” He said trying to gain your attention to listen to him.
You scoffed in disbelief.
Dropping your pants and throwing off your top you put on one of your own shirts and began tying up your hair. A slight diss to him, you always slept in Denki’s big t shirts to sleep. Bending down to pick up your pants your eyes noticed something that made you even more mad. His boxers with his dick stiff and hanging
“Are you seriously hard right now?” Your eyes blazing with heat.
“I-I can’t help it baby. I’m listening to you I just can’t control it, you’re changing.” He stuttered trying to reason with you and failing.
Walking into your closet you grabbed pillows and blankets from the top shelf. There was no way you were going to be sleeping next to him tonight.
“What are you doing baby?” He squeaked not wanting you to explode considering how upset you already were, slowly realizing what was happening.
You began to walk out the bedroom when he completely blocked the door not allowing you through.
His taller figure pressed against the door.
“No! You can’t sleep on the couch I won’t let you.” He tried to say determined but his voice wavering. There weren’t a lot of things he was scared of but you being mad was one of them.
You couldn’t blame him for that, you were scary when you were mad. His yellow eyes containing a healthy amount of fear. If you were mad enough his body went immediately into flight mode not wanting to be in your path of victims.
Raising your eyebrows at him you gestured for him to move but he wasn’t budging.
“Denki. Move. Now.”
He wilted at your words but gripped the doorknob locking it from the inside.
“No…it resolves nothing and your back hurts for days after you sleep on the couch, I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend if I let you go.”
“Who said you were a good boyfriend?” You snapped at him.
His eyes seemed sadder each time you spoke but he wasn’t backing down.
“Fine whatever trap me into a room i don’t care.” grumbling as you began to lay your pillows and blankets at the foot of the bed to lay down ruining his plans.
Denki saw what you were doing and tried to pull you to the bed when you snapped at him again, “Touch me or try to make me sleep with you tonight and i swear to god I’m jumping out the window and you won’t see me for 2 days.”
“Okay i’m sorry.” He whimpered. He was like a kicked puppy at your tone but you didn’t care.
You continued putting blankets down and tucked yourself in as he stood over you.
“Denki if you don’t go lay down-
He got to his knees ready to sleep on the floor.
He stood up sagging to go to bed like a scolded child.
You fell asleep at the foot of the bed still angry as he laid on the mattress.
Denki was staring at the ceiling chewing his lip anxiously. He couldn’t sleep without you wrapped around his torso drooling on his chest and waking up with him crushing you.
He was way too clingy and both of you knew it. Denkii felt like crying knowing you didn’t even want to touch him.
How could you sleep just fine without him?
He could hear your soft breathing signaling you were deeply asleep.
He had enough of this.
Denki slowly got out of bed and tiptoed over to you standing over you.
You were so cute when you weren’t mad at him.
He crouched down wincing at the floorboards creaking under his weight.
Denki lifted the blanket and slid in next to you.
Wrapping his arms around you snuggling into your side he fell asleep in minutes at your body instinctually wrapping around his.
The next morning you woke up to a familiar weight pressed on you and snoring into your ear.
He didn’t.
He didn’t when you specifically told him not to.
You smacked the back of his head to get him off of you.
He groaned snuggling deeper into your neck.
“Denki what are you doing.”
“You can’t expect me to sleep in the bed without you baby. Don’t do this to me I love you.” He whined pressing kisses into the crook of your neck.
“Get off.”
“Not until you forgive me.”
“I’m not forgiving you, get off.”
“I’ll scream.”
You took a breath and he slapped his hand over your mouth.
He frowned looking down at you, “You were actually going to scream?”
Nodding your head under his hand he sighed kissing your temple
“You can’t hate me forever.”
Muffled you said, “Yes I can.”
“I bite ya know.” He smirked at you trying to make you unsuccessfully laugh.
You stuck your tongue out to lather his hand in spit.
“Hey!” He yelped pulling his hand off your face.
Gasping for air you were going in for round two. Denki mashed his lips into yours concealing your scream again.
Kissing you was the one thing he could hold over you. His soft lips making you melt and less mad. Tangling your hands in his hair you felt his smile in your kiss.
“Am i forgiven now?”
“Yea… but you’re whiny.” You added and Denki ignored with a smile on his face.
“What was that? Your boyfriend is the best kisser in the world and deserves head?”
“Don’t push it.” You said with a roll of your eyes
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areanoodles · 9 months
You Should Really Give It Up Already(Heathers Story)
Veronica:”you know..” she grabbed a few boxes “you should really break up with david”
Veronica:”you’ve been with him for awhile now, and he hasn’t even been an actual boyfriend to you”
Heather:”you think I don’t know that?” she was putting some boxes into the corner of the room. She sounded irritated.
Veronica:”I’m not saying you don’t know that, I’m aware you know that. But I very much do think you should break up with him”
Heather:”well, I think youre getting too involved in my life. it’s not your life, ok?”
Veronica:”ok, but as a friend, I’m just saying maybe it’s time to break up with him, y’know.”
Heather:”I don’t need a life coach, ok! I can take care of myself” she moved in more boxes
Veronica sighed “Heather” she sighs again “I do very much actually advise you to go through with this. You don’t need to be doing this for popularity!”
Heather:”and? You practically ruined my reputation after you PUKED on me at the party!”
Veronica:*sighs* “and.. doesn’t that tell you should give up on him already?”
Heather:*sighs* “just leave me be”
-later that day-
Heather chandler got back from a party, her hair a little roughed up and she seemed tired.
She went upstairs towards the bathroom and washed her hands. She gargled some salt water afterwards, spitting it out at her reflection.
Once she put the cup down on the bathroom sink, she sighed, letting her emotions out. She jumped a little once she noticed Veronica was near the door frame of the bathroom door.
Heather:”Veronica. What are you doing here?”
Veronica:”I heard the front door open and you left the bathroom door wide open too. I can just aura on your emotions. You ok?”
Heather:”yeah, im fine”
Veronica:”you sure?”
Heather:”yes, I’m fine!”
They stood in dead silence for awhile.
Veronica:”how was the party?”
Heather:”I don’t want to talk about it”
Veronica:”if David did something to you, I can handle him for you… I don’t mind taking his ass down!-“
Heather:”Veronica stop!- look, ok, I’m fine. Just, let me take a shower and get comfortable”
Veronica:*sighs* “alright”
-a few minutes later-
Heather walked into the room. She dried off her hair and got her clothes on
Veronica:”Hey, you look even sadder than before. Can you please tell me what’s going on? I care for you” she got up, putting her book down and walking up to Heather.
Heather put her head down onto Veronica’s shoulders as they stood there.
Heather:”maybe I should break up with him…”
Veronica:”well… whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here for you, ok?”
Heather:”ok” A tear fell from her face
Heather:”uhm… and thanks for being a great friend I guess”
Veronica:”you’re welcome, I’m just doing my job”
Heather smiles.
I honestly didn't know how to end or even do this story, felt like it was bit terrible. But I tried.
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avirael · 4 months
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A‘viloh sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair, probably to sooth the by now sour muscles in his back. How much longer would he be able to remain here without going mad, Rael wondered, standing in the doorframe.
It had been almost two weeks since Operation Archon and the defeat of the imperial forces led by Gaius van Baelsar and ever since everybody was in high spirits and busy planning a victory ceremony at Lake Silvertear.
A‘viloh however did feel nothing but misserable since that day they defeated Ultima and Lahabrea. More precisely since they had to haul Thancred‘s seemingly lifeless body out of the ruins of the Praetorium.
A‘vi had really thought him dead at first and even though Rael had quickly reassured him otherwise, "dead" was the only word to appropriately describe how Thancred looked.
Even now, safely back at the Waking Sands, A‘viloh couldn’t help but panic every once in a while when he startled up after dozing off for a moment, fearing that Thancred had stopped breathing before he noticed the almost missable heaving of his chest. The Hyur lay entirely silent and motionless like a corpse, his skin looked pale even in the warm candlelight and deep dark shadows were carved below his closed eyes. His breathing was steady but unnervingly slow and way too easy to miss for a person just sleeping.
"Just sleeping."
That’s what the healers had said. They claimed nothing except exhaustion seemed to be wrong with him medically and that he was physically fine. As far as Rael could tell, that even seemed to be true. However about what the possession by an Ascian may have done to his mind no one dared to utter any theories. At first Rael too had suggested that after what Thancred had been through he would probably just need a day or two to sleep everything off but a lot more days had passed since then and he was still fast asleep. By now the healers were completely clueless and even the Padjal, who Rael had asked for advice due to A‘viloh‘s growing despair, knew no way to help him. At least Kan-E-Senna had the sincerity to admit that the influence by an Ascian could have caused irreversible damage to his mind or his soul and that she was not sure if he would ever wake up again at all.
Considering how much A‘viloh seemed to blame himself for what had happened to Thancred, this revelation had made his whole world come crashing down around him. Blaming himself was nonsense of course, but no matter how often anybody told him that it wasn’t his fault and that he could have done nothing different to improve their friends fate, A‘vi kept on insisting that he should have noticed sooner and how it would have spared them so much pain and death and how just maybe Thancred would be in a better condition now.
It was clearly all the result of him almost continuously sitting in silence by Thancreds bedside since not quite two weeks now, barely sleeping or eating and most certainly thinking way to much about the happenings and his role in all of this.
"I‘m so sorry..."
"Please wake up."
"I can‘t loose you too."
"Forgive me…"
This and similar things A’viloh had muttered countless times already, his voice more and more quiet and his eyes growing sadder and sadder every day. But all he got in return was silence.
It was a heartbreaking sight for all of them but only Rael understood how deep the Miqo’te’s grief and self-doubt truly went. They tried their best to keep him company but he kept sending them away. They tried to comfort him with reassuring words or a blanket to keep him warm but he still looked like a homeless kitten lost in the rain. The best they could do was to keep him fed and on a minimum dose of sleep, but A‘viloh seemed adamant in his resolution to punish himself.
Rael saw that he couldn't do this much longer and that soon he would either just fall over or they would have to drag him away for his own sake. But for now he kept sitting there, by Thancred’s bedside, praying and pleading and crying with nothing for an answer but awful silence that seemed way to loud to bear.
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writing-whump · 9 months
Rain, ruin, respite
Follows the events of Isaiah's poisoning. The moving in together arc. Isaiah recovers from the poison, Seline ponders the possibilities and Matthew breathes himself into a panic attack.
Slight emeto, angst, fluff.
If Seline thought that spending the night taking care of sick Isaiah and saving him from dying would lead to some new closeness between them, she was wrong.
It took a few days for Isaiah’s fever to break and for him to become coherent. But she knew immediately when he did by the sudden distance that grew between them. Like the flame snuffed out from his eyes, and a blank canvas covered his face. 
He was all sorrys and thank yous, constantly looking for ways to curl up the farthest from both of them as possible and his voice was so cold and devoid of emotions or so fake…she guessed he didn’t have the strength to muster up a convincing disguise. Which made her even sadder, cause it seemed like he didn’t know how to interact with them without one. 
“Can I go home today?” Isaiah asked with a tentative voice, as if trying not to test her patience. He had been asking that a lot lately. But she was adamant about him staying under her care till he could at least walk without shaking.
Seline took over his recovery completely, from monitoring his temperature, amount of sleep and water intake to cooking the light kinds of food that would gradually introduce his sensitive stomach to eating again. Chicken soups, cooked carrots and potatoes, no salt. Healing herbal teas and saline solutions. 
Matthew was another surprise. He became their private errand boy. Picked up Isaiah’s fresh clothes, did the groceries and she actually caught him doing her laundry in the morning, which was embarrassing as hell. But he seemed to want to stay over as long as Isaiah would, so she didn’t complain about the help.
The three of them had been huddled up together for the last three days. Not really sure what to make of the new situation, without actually voicing it out loud.
Isaiah was poisoned.
They had all targets on their backs, even before helping him. So this was even worse. If they didn’t become a pack, they would be in danger they couldn’t likely handle on their own. And Seline knew that was not an easy realization for either of them to accept. And Isaiah felt so guilty about the whole thing - about letting them save his life for god’s sake - that she didn’t have the heart to start the topic herself.
She crossed her hands on her chest, leaning on the wall opposite the table.
Isaiah sat behind it, leaning over the freshly cooked and steaming soup, dark green eyes occasionally flickering to her.
Matthew was sprawled on the couch reading a newspaper he picked up in front of the post. He was reading it upside down, so she doubted his investment. 
“Seriously, Seline. I’m grateful beyond words for your help and care, but this is entirely unnecessary-”
Her patience likely didn’t have much room to be tested to begin with. 
“You will not,” she hissed at him, stepping closer, “spit on our effort to keep you alive, alright? You are in danger. We knew that and still took the risk. We already chose.”
“Yes! And by staying, I’m making it worse for you.”
“It can hardly be any worse.”
Isaiah winced at that and she regretted her words immediately. She heard the rustling of paper as Matthew put the news down. 
Isaiah glared at the soup sullenly and took a few spoons before grumbling. “Then maybe we should just move in together.” 
Seline shook her head and leaned back against the wall. She felt too antsy to actually sit down and relax, when the fight seemed far from over. “Yeah, like that was an option”
Isaiah looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
Seline scoffed at him. “You just came up with that! You can’t be serious.”
“It’s a spontaneous idea, yes,” Isaiah nodded solemnly. “But that doesn’t make it worthless. Think about it. You would have access to unlimited magic through contact with wolves. Me and Matthew would have an apartment with witch protections. We could all synch our schedules so that you wouldn’t have to go alone anywhere. And each one of us would have people at home that would be suspicious if someone doesn’t show up. That makes a lot of difference to random attackers. Or to organized ones.” 
The tension filled the room like a heavy smell of hyacinths. Full and intense it made her eyes water. She noted Matthew shifting uneasily on the couch from the corner of her eye.
There goes the hard part. 
Seline swallowed. “I have a life, you know? I can’t just-”
“You wouldn’t be giving up your life. This is a way to preserve it," Isaiah said.
“You are serious?” Seline checked.
“Yes. I realize it’s my fault, so we can move to mine. Or I’ll get us a new one. I will pay you back, you know? They are not scared of me for nothing. I have resources.”
Like perfect control, a powerful shadow, rich parents, a well-paying internship for a psychological research agency for the government, a well-respected diplomatic position among the packs and contacts all over the city? Seline had to admit that wasn’t little. 
Seline looked at Matthew. A long look in which she hoped to ask a lot of things. What do you think? Will you accept? Do you believe him? Do you like the idea?
Matthew shrugged and looked away. “Fine by me.” 
Seline pressed her lips into a tight line. “Give me some time to think this over,” she said quietly into the wall. 
“Of course,” Isaiah said, returning to his soup with a grievous expression. “Same for you, Matt. Take some time and think about it”
“What is there to think about?” Matthew said gruffly and stood up, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. “I’ll go take a walk.” 
Seline wondered if that meant it affected him too much or not at all. 
Isaiah did give her space. 
She spent the rest of the day on the balcony, huddled up in a blanket.
First, she went through the rational reasons - a steady source of magic, protection for her. Matthew had been hanging out a lot around her place anyway, so she was pretty used to his presence.
Isaiah was…evasive, mysterious, distant? But also reliable and she could tell he cared. He cared about her even though he didn’t have a pack to invite her to, which gave her comfort.
It felt like he talked for her and not for what she could do for him, like he was seeing her - Seline the cultural scientist, the passionate student, the writer behind the songs, the one studying writing theory, the one tutoring younger students and giving her own classes as university assistant - not just the witch. 
Then she examined it from an emotional perspective. 
She loved that the city offered her the asisstant job alongside her studies. That she could help with writing, the thing she loved. Plus commuting for 10 years prior had been enough, she liked the location, the independency, the feeling like she could make it on her own.
Seline was lonely.
That’s why she waited so long. To enjoy her parents, her family. Because of the close relationship with her mother and grandfather and dad and brother. Because despite being an introvert and writer in need of space and alone time, she loved the noises made in the living room. The smells coming from the kitchen, the sympathy when someone got sick, the reassurance someone would come for her if it rained. 
Honestly she didn’t expect the packs to be such a problem. But they were much more forceful in the city about having your place among them than when she lived at home. 
Isaiah was her only ally here. He was civil, respectful and impressive - not just for a wolf, but for a guy.
And she yearned for that freedom. From watching your mouth, from being subdued and nice and hiding your mood, because your little brother had a wolf temper to go with his teenage hormones.
She was tired of her dad raising his voice whenever he felt a bit emotional and it being okay, cause wolf stuff. The perfect excuse.
It felt like she couldn’t express her anger at all, like her dissatisfaction didn’t matter, cause her role was predefined. Witches compensate for the wolf temper. They are the light to the shadow, the water to their hellfire, the song to their growls. 
It’s all about them and the witches take it, cause they love their magic. How could you not love the magic, once you tasted it? Commanding air with your voice? The droplets of water twisting around your fingertips like a ribbon?
They would pay the price and be happy about it. Just like you didn’t mouth off a boss or tell the professor her sense of organization sucks or tell the group project people to just not do anything, cause you would do it better yourself. And the more she felt pressed down, the more things she noticed, the more sensitive she became. Injustice, ignorance, stupidity, laziness. Not changing your course for fear of losing the effort put in until then, even though it was wrong. 
It drove her crazy to see the mistakes and all the reasons why people wouldn’t correct them. 
So maybe Isaiah was right. Exactly right. She wanted what she felt like she couldn’t have.
And he handed it over, without asking, like it was natural, like he didn’t need a reason to forgive her. To have emotions, to protest, to stand up for herself. 
With Matthew, it was different. He had to get used to her anger, to her expressing herself and standing behind doing so. No apologies, no submission, not making it easier on your precious violent wolf temper. If he expected concessions for having a big shadow, he wouldn’t get them from her. 
So yes, maybe she was more provocative and straightforward than she needed to be. She liked it. She liked seeing the reactions of people, what they did when she challenged their expectations, when she cared about herself first. Let them call her selfish, she was happier. Comfortable.
But Matthew did come to accept how she was. Despite the anger and complaints and the banter, he did and she felt seen too. It wasn’t just cause of the guaranteed niceness he came for, when she wasn’t being nice. 
Could she imagine living with them both, though?
“Care for some tea?” Isaiah interrupted her thoughts, joining her on the balcony with a tray. Black tea with milk and sugar cubes, just like she liked it. He was so attentive about such details, she didn’t know how he did it.
Isaiah sat down beside her in the chair. He looked pale and gaunt, coat neatly buttoned up to the chin. When he didn’t comb his hair back, all slick and smooth, he had bangs hanging on the sides reaching under his eyes. There was a slight wave to them she found endearing. 
She watched him from the side as he drank his cup of tea - without milk or sugar, just as she instructed.
Not looking at her, not pressing her for answers, but offering an ear if she had any to discuss. 
“I would like to sleep on it,” she warned.
Isaiah’s green eyes immediately snapped to her. They were a pure sea green in the sunset light coming through the cloudy sky. 
“And I have conditions. If we do this and Matthew agrees, we would all rent a place together. I’m not letting you or anyone else pay for me. We will all put the same amount in that new place. I want my own room and bathroom if possible. Also, if you expect household services, I will disappoint you, cause I’m a pretty bad cook…”
Isaiah waved it away with a wide smile, eyebrows raising. “I wouldn’t expect something like that. Am I allowed to use my contacts at least to find us a place with a good location?” 
Seline scoffed at him. “You may.” 
He grinned at her. 
She bit her lip, wondering how to address the last thing that made her antsy about the situation. 
Isaiah studied her face. “Would you be open to the idea, even if it wasn’t for the safety reasons?” 
Yep, that one. 
Because she realized during her pondering that maybe she would be. Because they have somehow become the two closest people in this overwhelming big city of strangers. Because living alone wasn’t quite as cut out for her. 
Seline looked away with a slight lift of the corner of her mouth. 
Isaiah chuckled and looked ahead at the sunset with the happiest expression she had seen in the last few days. He looked so relaxed and unguarded like this, with wavy hair, sparkly eyes, showing genuine contentment over something. It was a new side of him. 
Made her wonder about all the other sides there were to Isaiah Wolfson.
Matthew wandered the streets through the rain. It was nice, cause no one interrupted him. No crowds in bad weather and every passerby was hurrying up, not paying him any attention.
He craved space. Open space of a field or the steepness of a high hill. Or healthy-looking thickness of trees in a forest. The buildings, the stoney streets smelling of gas and cars and sameness was opressing in moods like these.
Isaiah suggested living together so nonchalantly. Spur of the moment idea. Here is a solution: why not, take it.
As if he didn’t know how much he would change Matthew’s life.
He had been alone for the last 10 years, since he was 14. Before, he had a room alone, farthest from the center of the house. And then he lived in packs with big buildings, in sort of dorms.
Always alone.
Everyone keeping away from his temper, from his shadow, his anger with said shadow and those tempers. Frustration from training that didn’t help and unsympathetic looks as he struggled with it. 
You had to keep away from the walking ticking bomb, the fiery redhead with a crazy powerful shadow who couldn’t handle himself. No one would want to bunk with him, be a roommate. 
Affording his own place was a relief. Finally, he didn’t have to keep being rejected. 
There were hardly any regular people in his life. Provisory pack leaders. Professors at school. It got lost in the swarm of faces. 
And then Isaiah came, not deterred by his bad moods nor by his failings in training. Cheerful and carefree, always expecting the best, never complaining about the worst. With all his caring touches and encouraging back pats. They were a sign of dominance from a wolf or something reserved for close pack members. But Isaiah wasn’t afraid of him and he didn’t like rules and when he wasn’t currently pulling away, surprisingly affectionate. 
Introducing Seline, the temperamental witch. He liked her despite the irony of it. Never before was he worth a witch’s effort. They never wanted to waste any calming effects on a lost cause. He didn’t realize how much he missed it, how much he missed out on, until he couldn’t stop hanging out around her. Didn’t realize what it felt like to be welcome, when someone doesn’t expect you but won’t chase you away. 
He didn’t acknowledge the care, the favor they were doing him, cause if he did, there would be an ocean of feelings and loneliness to acknowledge in contrast. And he didn’t know how to deal with it. 
But now the dam was breaking. One flick of Isaiah’s hands, an innocent suggestion, one sentence, rocking his world. 
Seline needed to think it over. Ha. This was a gift, a gift that shouldn’t have been strange or mean so much. Except it did.
And now Matthew wandered the streets and couldn’t catch his breath. It came in rapid little gasps, with needly pain to his right side. Was breathing supposed to hurt? 
He pulled his shadow up, quick and carefully emotionless, to take away the injury. 
Nothing changed. 
Matthew leaned against the wall of a historical building of vanilla colour. Breathing felt like swallowing a bunch of metal splinters. 
Maybe he should go back. 
Matthew stumbled his way back, half by memory, half by scent. Forcing his body through the motions until he found the familiar entrance, the old elevator. 
When he dragged himself to the door, he couldn’t make himself open it. What was he going to do? Shout for help? Explain that for a mystical, not physically related reason, he couldn’t breathe by the mention of a dream he didn’t know he had forbidden himself to think about, getting fulfilled? 
Matthew slid down to the floor and pressed his back against the wall under the window in the hallway, legs stretched out in front of him. Tipping his head back, right hand pressing to his chest, he tried to force oxygen to the invisible obstruction. He felt panicky tears down his face. But it was going numb anyway.
By some miracle, though, Isaiah appeared in the doorway. Went to his knees by Matthew’s side immediately, hands gripping his shoulder. There was alarm and intensity on his pale face, still visibly thinner after the ordeal with the poison.
Matthew didn’t hear the words spoken, just that Isaiah’s mouth opened and closed. The frantic concern twisting his features somehow calmed him. 
Someone was worried. Isaiah was worried. Isaiah solved everything. It was okay. 
His throat eased up suddenly and he took a beautiful deep breath, before bursting into a coughing fit. His chest, throat and nose burned with exertion, but Isaiah’s hand on his arm felt steady and warm. He focused on the sensation, letting it ground him. 
The cough turned into gags, his stomach muscles painfully constricting. Isaiah leaned him forward as he heaved emptily over his side. That hurt, but when it was over, he could finally breathe easily. He was panting, enjoying the flow of air. Isaiah still held his shoulder in an iron grip and Matthew felt tired, like his head weighed a ton from all the oxygen. He leaned against Isaiah, who caught him against his side, arm circling around his back gingerly.
Matthew lost track of time, only focusing on his senses. The cold of the floor, the hardness of the wall against his back. Isaiah’s chest under his ear, rising and falling rhythmically. 
He didn’t remember when Seline found them. 
The world still felt numb and soundless, out of character. He only felt relief as she ushered them inside. 
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puhpandas · 7 months
as much as I find GGY/greg lore in general interesting, I really hope he gets his own lore completely disconnected from the mimic/glitchtrap too considering vanessa and cassie do. we only get glimpses of gregory’s entire character and nothing else. we don’t even know his family history because his parents are so unimportant that they died off screen.
while gregory’s character is interconnected throughout everyone else’s lore and serves so much purpose in that way, he ultimately has nothing of his own.
I could guess that’s why he’s so hated because there’s very little (that we know of) to latch onto or to sympathize with (not me though, I’m his #1 fan) the thing is, he’s been mischaracterized for so long that I kinda dread he’ll never get any proper development exploring what he could be in the future because of it. he’s only ever seen as the “problem” in other characters stories, completely discrediting anything he’s done up until this point.
I would love to hear more about Gregory's life before getting glitchtrapped if GGY is confirmed canon. he has so much mystery surrounding him rn which GGY can fix a lot of but like you said, I would love more development of just him as himself. with his past life and everything. it would help people like him more (except the violent haters I guess) because he'd actually have more of a person to him to like instead of the things hes done for the story.
it would make GGY in turn more upsetting too. if they develop his life he had ripped away from him it makes it a lot sadder and it helps both cases
I think ur statement about Gregory having nothing of his own is true. to be fair theres only been two games so far but I really do hope in a future game we get more Gregory backstory! I would love to just learn more about him in general and not exactly what he offers to the story as a whole. I dont mean a huge past like Michael afton or something, anything mundane would work better in my opinion. it works well with the idea that now hes stuck having to work against monsters because he got unlucky one day. that loss of his old normal life would be better than any crazy backstory for the 12 year old
sorry I can't say much bc my brain isnt working but you make really good points and I understand what ur saying!! it's not dislike towards GGY it's the hope that theres something more for Gregory alongside that. all we can do is hope at this point, but I do have hope since ruin seemed to be more of a setup than anything! we have HW2 to look forward to and probably many more games. surely at some point (especially with leaving the sb era and kinda getting a fresh slate with no tftp and freshly screwed up story) we'll get some more character for him
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rosietaeyongswife · 2 years
reflections | kim doyoung
GENRE: angst WC: 1.3k SUMMARY: we were too close to the stars. do you know when you’re going to come back?
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 another rainy day made doyoung even sadder than he already was. whenever weather isn’t sunny, he feels very unmotivated. seems like weather and nature are against him today. 
“guys, have you heard?” mark lee, co-worker of doyoung, was shouting. “y/n was in an interview for times. her book became a bestseller in south korea and united states.”
 group of guys gave each other known look, and taeyong could only slap his friend arm, which was surprising for mark because he didn’t catch what he just said. mark was about to ask when he saw doyoung’s face. his older friend was looking away, pale and seems to be lost in thoughts.
“i heard of new restaurant being opened today. i think we all should go out for dinner after work.” johnny rolled his eyes at mark. “what do you think doyoung?”
“uhm?” he raised his eyes at johnny. “uh, yes sure.”
“then we’ll see at 7.”
“don’t think too much about it.” taeyong hugged his best friend. “we’re going out today so try to think about it. not about her.”
“i’ll try my best.”
 and with that, whole mood of doyoung was ruined. doyoung hated it, no matter where he is there’s always something which reminds him of you. last night he was walking by nigh club and some girl looked exactly like you. week ago he visited his mother on her birthday, and when he was buying flowers he noticed your favorite ones. no matter where he is, he hears as someone talks about you or your succes. 
“my mother made me go on a blind date.” jaehyun took a sip of his bear. “i swear to god, as soon as i heard that i had my head spinning. it’s not a first time my mother left me in a weird sitution.” jungwoo chuckled. “but besides that, i told her i don’t want to go so she yelled at me.”
“your mother is one and only, jaehyun.” taeil laughed. “i’m still waiting for her number tho.”
“taeil, shut the fuck up.” jaehyun gave him dirty look. “don’t try to hit on my mother, your dumbass.”
“did you go out or not?” haechan rolled his eyes. “be quicker with your silly story.”
“yes, i did.” he smiled proudly. “she told me, she won’t talk to me unless i try her out. we met few days ago, and surprisingly it went pretty good. she’s very nice, brave and smart. besides, she looks like a real life queen.”
“you hit a jeckpot.”
“yes, we’re going on next friday again.”
“am i the only single one?” jungwoo raised his hand while others laughed.
“no, me too.” yuta and haechan raised their hands.
“and me.” doyoung gave them little smile. “it’s feels great to be single again.”
“of course, being single is so fun. i don’t have to worry about doing anything, i don’t have to save money or remember stupid things.” haechan said with a smirk on his face. “and i am not a damn simp like some of you.”
 taeyong looked at younger friend in disbelief.
“it’s atucally sucks, i wish i had a girlfriend.” yuta pouted. “i feel like i should settle down.”
“good for you?” jungwoo laughed. “i am glad to be single, right?”
 doyoung was laughing along with his friends but he couldn’t pay much attention to whatever they were talking about. again, his mind was all foggy of your image. almost like you’re here with him. just two of you, together and happy in your own, small world.
 life’s writing the crulest scenarios for some of people, and doyoung was now one of them. life with you was magical. both of you were meant for each other, and there was much of happines. maybe two of you were too close to the stars? maybe both of you were too good for each other, so that’s why you had to part your ways. 
 sun down at glade was the last time doyoung and you have spoke.
“i love you.” doyoung kissed you, while you were talking about your new idea for a book. “i’m sorry to interrupt you now, but it’s really important.”
“of course, go on.”
“i can’t be with you anymore. i just hold you back, look at me. i’m doing very bad in my life, and i wish to disapear.” your eyes were watering. “i’ve tried everything and my fatigue only made it worse for us. i don’t want you to spend your life besides someone who can never find peace.”
“doyoung, what are you talking about? i don’t care, you’re my happines. you’re my world and i don’t mind you at all.”
 you tried to hug your boyfriend but he backed off.
“i, i-i don’t know what else to say. i want you to be happy.”
“doyoung, if you-”
“i am honest. i want all the best for you, so please.” he stood up. “let’s stop talking to each other. let us be past.”
“doyoung, but i can’t. i love you too much.”
“i love you too, but you can’t waste time with me. you’‘re going to be big one day while i stay me. small kim doyoung.”
 since that day nothing was the same. your life turned upside down. few years of solid relationship with your love and it’s gone. like someone broke the balloon you were living in. 
 past two months you had hopes he’d call. doyoung would show up with his lovely smile, and you could talk for another nonsense for hours again. doyoung would hug you and review your stories. that;s all you wanted. he could reach out but he never did. 
 there wasn’t second person like kim doyoung. seems like a confident guy but deep down he has his own battles. he’s shy person who can talk about serious stuff only to his closest friends. someone you can count on whenever you needs to. he had never let you down. he had weird hobbies, and amazing voice. his singing made you feel like on a cloud nine. 
 he should, could but he never would do whatever you were dreaming about. for you it was his cruel behaviour but you didn’t get to chance to know other side of doyoung. 
he was hurt deep down. he believed and gaslighted himself into thinking he’s bringing you down. doyoung’s bad days were worse, and he thought only about you. about how he’s not good enough. how empty he can be. 
“i’d watch match. today’s barcelona versus real madrid.” jungwoo whines. “please, johnny can you turn tv on?”
“sure dude.”
 johnny turned tv on, and there was break between match. some ads come in, and no one paid attention until familiar voice was heard.
“i wrote it book in a month to be fair. i had much more content to create but events that have happened during my writing process, lead me to write new story. i was writing day, night for a whole month. i can tell you, that main character is pretty much mirror of my feelings and situations.”
“so, you’re admitting that story of anne and daniel happened in real life? based on a true feelings?”
“yes, that’s true. i wrote that book with though of some boy who is very close to my heart.”
“i’m so sorry.” interviewer gasped. “i had no idea that so sad story would happen in real life. wasn’t it tough? as we all know, there was no happy end for daniel and anne.”
“of course it was. i hope one day, ‘daniel’ read the book and think about all the good times we spent together. i miss him still and..” you stopped. “and that’s it.”
 interview ended due to match. doyoung’s heart was pounding while everyone was speechless. you were literally everywhere and now you were talking about how your book was inspired by yours realtionship.
“i wish she could come back. i want to fix things-”
“doyoung, she’s-”
“no. i don’t care. i miss her so much.”
 doyoung broke down which surprised majority of guys. they tried their best to stop their friend from crying which was pointless. kim doyoung is madly in love, and he’s waiting until you come back but there’s no much chance.
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