#to the empty apartment
paganminiskirt · 6 months
I bet after Mike dies Trevor goes on a few extremely ill advised, more hardcore than usual, totally-not-suicidal-ideation drug binges because he keeps trying to slip back into the emotional state he was in after Ludendorff, when he thought Michael was dead the first time, but the reduced external pressure and increased proximity to the killing itself makes it so he can’t just think that way again without feeling like a fraud/pussy, and I bet after Trevor dies Mike ends up in some emotional spirals because whenever he starts to feel guilty for more than a minute his first impulse on how to deal with it is to go find Trevor to fight with/complain to him and he keeps having to suffer through that little oh moment whenever the urge arises and it makes him feel ten times worse. Every time.
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a kristen nat 20 on her parents to protect her brother… shit that’s poetic
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late-for-the-sky · 7 months
I hope my absence brings you the peace that my love couldn’t
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nekomim1 · 4 months
Nona the ninth is like,
Imagine you are a girl, and you woke up sixth months ago and thats your earliest memory. You dont know who you are. Your name was chosen for you seemingly at random, because nobody else knows who you are either. All you know about yourself is this: you cannot let anyone see you injured, or they will kill you. You are inhabiting a body that the others recognize, but you dont. You are probably one of two people, but nobody knows which one. You dont know these people. You dont know yourself. And deep down maybe you know you're not either one of them.
You are happy anyway.
You live with three people, who love you and who you love back fiercely. One of them is inhabiting a body that doesnt belong to her. She understands you, but she also doesnt. The other two are sharing a body, so intertwined that you can never be sure which one is standing right in front of you, unless you study them closely and know them well enough to guess. They understand you, but they also dont. They expect you to be one of two people, but you arent and you dont know why. You dont know who (what) you are.
You are happy anyway.
The world is crumbling around you. Your life is on a time limit and your soul is trying to claw its way out of your (her) body. The people you love are in danger but you dont know why or how to stop it. You are in danger, and the people you love know how to save you. You dont belong in this body, everyone knows that now. You are too big, too much, and the rest of your essence is trying to claw its way into your mind, becoming whole again, but you cant let it. You cant let it because if you are whole then you will be different, you wont be Nona anymore and you will not be that girl who loves and who is loved. But there is no choice, you must go back or risk killing yourself and the girl whose body you inhabit. You may remember your time as Nona, or you may not, but either way you will never be the same again. You might not be loved anymore. You might not love.
But you are happy anyway.
Because at least you know this. You cannot take loved away.
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intertexts · 28 days
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haven't been back here in a while
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hephaestuscrew · 7 months
Renée Minkowski loves Organised Fun, whereas Doug Eiffel thinks Organisation and Fun are inherently incompatible. Eiffel can get hours of enjoyment out of discussing 'What are your Top Five ____?' questions with Hera, but if you asked him the same questions and told him it was a team icebreaker activity, he'd jump out of a window. In contrast, the best way to get Minkowski to engage with pointless questions like those would be to include the discussion on a precisely timetabled schedule of activities. I don't think Eiffel would have voluntarily got involved with Funzo because he would have taken one look at the size of the instruction booklet and decided that maybe he did think they should follow Pryce and Carter Tip 792 after all. I think Minkowski sees a robust instruction booklet on a game as a sign that she's in for a good time. Minkowski believes any day of leisure is improved by an itinerary. Eiffel can't even contemplate following a schedule in his work hours, let alone his downtime.
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ef-1 · 3 months
Drivers leaving home at a young age to pursue karting then ultimately F1 and some of them (esp non-European drivers) don't get to travel with parents or guardians- it's an accepted fact of motorsport. But then I remember that interview where Daniel said he was 17 and a million miles away from home and all he had was a copy of The Castle, an Australian movie, and he'd watch it incessantly beacuse he was afraid of losing his accent and there was no one around to talk to... reminds me of that one James Agee quote about clinging to home because in the absence of home the vastness of the world might mean we don't exist at all
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yes-asil · 1 year
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New game with emphasis on guns, somebody's bound to get shot
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wistfullywaiting2 · 3 months
Odasaku, Sasaki, and the orphanage headmaster are all buried in the same cemetery.
So Kunikida, Atsushi, and Dazai all run into each other grave visiting regularly and politely pretend they don’t. They never acknowledge the meaning behind the bouquets brought, even if all of them know the others know flower language. They never acknowledge the tear streaks down Atsushi’s face, or the solemn look on Kunikida’s. Atsushi never points out how the scent of whiskey is always a bit stronger on Dazai’s coat. They never acknowledge the location of their accidental meetings.
Sometimes Kunikida might offer to take them to get food, or Atsushi will offer a random hard candy from his pocket, on colder days Dazai might lend his coat. None of them are really themselves when faced with grief, and none of them will to hold it against each other.
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azurityarts · 4 months
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stray cats
Self-indulgent post; OOPS the character ideas are Manifesting again
So meet Ion and Poppy! Designs are subject to change, but I think I like the names! They're not on a team together (yet); I've got some plans for them (and a plus one), and while I can't show them quite yet, I hope I'll be able to sooner than later!
But yeah! Here are the newest goobers to the whole gang; I have no clue how I'm going to feed all of them now—
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
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(有点晚的) 新年快乐!
happy (a little belated) lunar new year!! sorry i haven't been answering asks, been a busy week - i'll try to get to that tomorrow ^^
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mimicha-arts · 9 months
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Take my hand and don't you let it go now We'll find our way out
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r2y9s · 10 months
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[Sherlock Holmes]
what if that one scene from tplosh but i make it Actually Gay
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cringefailcabitha · 4 months
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Fakest Cabby fan,
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clarencewho1963 · 23 days
Can we all just take a minute to appreciate the fact that Ruby actually survived the whole goddamned plot of 73 Yards?
She's a 19-year-old girl. She got dumped in Wales. She got a creepy old woman following her all the time. She spent five fucking pounds for a glass of coke. She got bullied by an entire pub. She went home on her own. She got kicked out of her home by her own mother with nothing more than the clothes on her back. She got brushed away by Kate and UNIT just after she thought she's finally getting some help and understanding. She got her life being turned upside down. She spent the entirety of that life being alone.
She's not like Donna in Turn Left: At least Donna still had Sylvia and Wilf.
She's not like Martha in the end of Series 3: Sure, she was being hunted down but people would welcome and help her everywhere she went.
Ruby went through decades of being followed, neglected and mistreated all by herself. And I think that makes her one of the strongest companions in Doctor Who history.
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unladyboss · 18 days
You know why that is don't you?
ONE is starting over, moving forward (it seems)
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One is trying to do everything on his own and reverting to his past self
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Both of them forgot that that have to GET IT TOGETHER
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