#tom is such a king
Tom's reaction to Alex and Kyra DID ME IN because like. Man spent the whole season lowkey trying to get them to address their feelings, he knows 100% that they're both in love with each other. He doesn't skirt around it, and he doesn't for a second pretend that he doesn't know what's up. But all it takes for him to completely lose it is a subtle handhold and Kyra gently touching Alex's face and he's all "OOOOOOOO this is wild I can't believe this, who could have possibly foreseen this outcome? certainly not me. DID YOU SEE THAT?? WhEn DiD tHiS HaPpEn? DiD yOu KnOw AbOuT tHiS?? THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS SHE TOUCHED HIS FACE" as if Alex hasn't been publicly looking at her with the most indecently embarrassingly down bad I'm in love with you eyes for MONTHS and as if he didn't know that Alex is Kyra's whole world. As if he hasn't walked in on them with Kyra's shirt off (he actually seemed less surprised and more scandalized even before he figured out what was actually going on) He's acting like Jack is a traitor for not telling him when he's made it perfectly clear he's well aware of their feelings for each other the entire time. He's out here acting like he's not the captain of this ship.
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soranatus · 10 months
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The Spider Target By Dan Martins, a character designer and illustrator
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artnoonewants · 11 days
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Poor delusional Viserys 😔
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laurajameskinney · 3 months
too many of you are treating this + the various discussions of real sexual assault/abuse in the notes as fun drama or using this post as a vehicle to spread misinformation so im turning reblogs off until you can behave
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wwprice1 · 7 months
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Damian, Jon, and Lizzie from Wonder Woman #3.
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cantcatchmeee · 11 months
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fragileheartbeats · 2 months
"He's not good for yo-"
YES! but have you seen his eyes???
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theboleyngirlx · 3 months
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insane face cards people go to war for
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damianbugs · 5 months
it's kind of funny but mostly annoying when i'm like "yeah no i hate [comic writer] because they're a bad person and it shows in some of their stories" and there'll be one dickhead like "just because you don't like their stories doesn't mean they're a bad person" and the story in question is blatantly racist to brown specifically middle eastern characters and oh right HE HELPED PLAN THE 2003 INVASION OF IRAQ. TOM KING.
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lokiusly · 6 months
haters saying “what is Mobius going to do in the multiverse saga? Give out pie?” And it’s like yeah???? The avengers LITERALLY ate shawarma after the battle of NY.
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the-djarin-clan · 2 months
2022 / 2024
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Tom is aging like whiskey... delicious. 🥃😋
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pedro-pascal · 11 days
“The first draft I read…it was happening a lot earlier on and I felt that wasn’t great because they’ve made a deal,” he says. “Also it was, like, what are these people even feeling available to? Like, maybe they’re both a bit asexual at the beginning.”
Burke explains that he, Miller, and Taylor-Joy “wrestled the whole thing out,” talking through all the different possible permutations of the relationship. Miller was insistent that there was something of a romance between them. Taylor-Joy saw it as a kind of marriage, but in a “weird environment where one is having to be very careful.” Burke, meanwhile, fought for the notion that the two of them push romance to the side until they believe they are riding off to a safer place. “I thought it was the most romantic version,” - Tom Burke about Praetorian Jack and Furiosa's relationship
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EWAN MITCHELL saying "mm-hmm" for 7 seconds in interviews.
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artnoonewants · 15 days
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This is my prediction for how the dance of dragons is going to go
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The Ice King is so funny to me because they were just like "Oh hey a fun silly ineffectual villain!! How cute how drole! Let's get the Spongebob guy to play him" then a few years down the line it's like "Okay Tom time for your most emotionally gruelling performance ever"
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A GLIMPSE OF US. ( House of the Dragon x Reader )
AUTHOR NOTE! Thanks for all the love. <3 pairing: King Aegon ii Targaryen x Queen Consort! Wife! Reader prompt: After the Dance of the Dragon's, you and Aegon find fragments of your old self's. word count: 1, 298+ words
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After the Dance of the Dragon’s many things had changed, and it was not just who sat on the Iron Throne. Aegon had been burnt and broken, confined to a heavily cushioned wheelchair when he left his chambers or in his chambers. You truly tried to be supportive, hand feeding him the Milk of the Poppy when the pain grew worse, occasionally changing bandages with guidance of the Maester’s, offering kind words of encouragement. 
But, even at times you could not handle his temper. He was just..so cruel at times. He’d rant and rave, spouting out insults and picking apart pieces of you that he knew would purposefully hurt you. You always did your best to mask your hurt and tears at his cruel words. But, you could not deny that it hurt.
He was no longer the man you had married years ago. The man that you would drink wine and jest around with during Court, or the man that used to offer rides on Dragonback despite your fear for heights. Or would kiss you despite just how flustered it made you in front of others. 
He was just..He was cold, cruel, and at times more of a vengeful man with your husband’s face than your actual husband. You just hoped that in some way that you could possibly break through his shield of vengeance and see just a fragment of the man that you love once again. Even if it was just a lighthearted jest or a crack of a smile. Just a sign that he was still in there.
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Fiddling your wedding ring out of habit, you watch as the Maester’s phasened the thick metal braces, the cold metal straightening out his broken legs. After a particularly bad temper tantrum of him threatening everyone in Court to the Wall and back, you feared something else triggering him again. You were tired and just hoping for some peace. Cowering slightly behind a wooden chair, you watch as they hand him two metal crutches, instructing him how to use the crutches to stand.
“You look worried.” Aegn comments, his voice cold.
“I just do not wish for you to be upset tis’ all, iif those crutches do not work ” You weakly try to brush him off, “Do not fret over me.”
“Then do not look at me like that then. I am not some pathetic cripple that needs to be coddled.” He snaps back, making you cower.
It wasn’t that you were particularly scared of him, more so you were just trying to avoid another useless argument. Looking over to the Maester’s, the two older men looking a little unsure, only worsening the churning in your gut. You knew that if those leg braces and crutches did not sate his desire for normalcy, he’d mostly likely have the Maester’s killed and yell at you until his face was red.  Chewing on your bottom lip, you shift your gaze back onto him, watching him like a hawk. 
“It will take time until you can walk with ease once more, your grace.” The Maester explains, “You will need to practice.”
“I do not need to practice. I am fine.” Aegon snaps back, his voice coming out more of a growl.
“Aegon, just⎯” 
“Have you gone deaf? I said I am fine.” Aegon bellows, “I do not need you all to fret over me!”
Resisting the urge to strangle him right then and there, you as he shakily stands up, leaning heavily on the crutches. Raising a brow as he manages to stand upright for the first time in months. You had almost forgotten just how tall he was, having gotten used to him being bedridden or wheel around in a wheelchair. Leaning heavily on his crutch, he goes to take a step toward, when he collapses onto the floor in a heap. Like a toddler tripping over air. 
Instantly covering your mouth with your hand, it took everything to not let out a snicker at the sight of him. A tiny part of you worried for his well being, and another part of you happy the universe had gotten revenge on him for being such a cunt for months. Gathering enough of your bearings, he props himself up just enough to shoot you and the Maester’s an icy glare.
“Not a fucking word.” He sneers, “I swear to the Seven⎯”
“I did not say a thing.” You blurt out, attempting to defend yourself.
“Y/n!” He snaps back, his voice a little whiny.
Shooting you a mix of a scowl and a pout of displeasure, you accidentally let out a snicker at his face, the look resembling that of a grumpy cat.  Turning your head away as giggles managed to slip out, it had been a long time since you had laughed⎯truly laughed about something. 
“Tis’ not even that funny.” He scowls, “I fell. You should be tending to me.”
“You laughed when I fell down the stairs just a fortnight ago. Tis’ only fair I can crack a hint of a laugh at you falling.” You argue, standing up for yourself in months. 
“Tis’ different!” He argues, his scarred cheeks flushed a soft pink from anger and embarrassment.
“Not a chance! Tis’ the same thing. Do not pout, Aegon.” You counter back, a soft giggle escaping at the end.
Covering your mouth with your hand, you attempt to stop yourself from bursting into another fit of giggles, trying to regain your bearings. You did love him, but since the war had ended this had to be the most humorous thing to happen and a part of you wished for more of it. Even if it was at his dispense. Turning your head back to him, as smiling at you, not a fake one or forced but a genuine smile. Cracking a smile at the look on his face, you tilt your head to the side. 
He looked handsome, scars and all like this. Even that horrid little mustache that he had taken to growing out.
“Been a long time since you smiled. I forgot what it looked like.” He comments, his voice more soft.
“I could say the same of you.” You counter back, “I thought your face was stuck in a permanent scowl.”
 He goes quiet, just staring at you for the longest of times. 
What? Was there something on your face?
“Seeing you smile once again, it makes me feel as though the war never happened.” He whispers, “Keep smiling for me.”
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