#tomie x reader
The Devil's name is Tomie (Romantic)
I fucking love Junji ito and specifically the ever changing character of Tomie. This is kinda more of a character study of her with my interpretation
Reader in this is female
There are dark topics in this like murder, Tomie’s origins which include her being in a relationship with her teacher and general creepy dudes so be warned. Also stuff in the relationship is definitely toxic (low key kinda yandere) but it’s Tomie so you probably already assumed that. She’s not a good person by any means and is a monster in every sense of the word
this is dark and not healthy. I repeat not a healthy relationship.
This is kinda me dabbling in some darker subject matter so please be warned when reading and keep that in mind
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From the vivid memories that Tomie can removed of her initial life of a normal teenage girl she knew she always had a rosy picture of romance
She’d see romances played on the screens of tv shows depicting charming men with roses and girls being gifted necklaces or letters written out of love
It was something she had craved and had become curious about
Love, what an odd thing. It must’ve been great by how all the women in those old movies would giggle like little girls and swoon
It’s perhaps why her former self had pursued a relationship with her teacher, one whom would eventually go on to dismember her along with her classmates
It was from that point she had realized that love was fake
Faker than the plastered smiles of those classmates who had killed and dismembered her as she walked back into that classroom
Watching with a smile the mental anguish her appearance had given them
Each time she then went on to be killed by pathetic men had gone to prove that to her
Love was only made up of two things, obsession and lust
But something changed suddenly
She had enrolled at a university with the goal to once again watch people’s psyche crumble for her entertainment
Looking for a victim to toy with in her endless cycle
But it was there that she ran into you, poor naive little you who had a seat beside her in class
Your…cute?. A bright young woman like herself who greets her with genuine enthusiasm
That in itself isn’t much to her, what does get her attention is when a pathetic boy tries to steal a glance beneath her skirt
She can’t say she’s surprised but before she can retaliate on her own you do it for her
Calling him out in front of everyone with raging fury of how disgusting he is
Now that…that for some reason sparks an interest in her
For almost all her previous lives from her different clones Tomie couldn’t really remember a time someone had acted in such a way
It intrigues her to pursue you
So after class is over she thanks you, asking if perhaps you’d be interested in a study session and you agree
She meets up with you at a small cafe she found herself enjoying, they made good pastries and no one had yet to screw up her caramel macchiato
It’s there that she engages with real conversation with you. There’s no fake facades like usual, she lets her guard down just enough as you ask about her interests and what she was pursuing
When she asks the same questions you light up, talking passionately
She can’t remember the time where she’d put so much effort into something
She did it before (she must’ve back when she was a normal school girl) but her mind goes blank
As hours tick on she doesn’t feel the passage of time until you suggest walking her back to the dorms
And she agrees
You hover by her side, giving security from male gazes sent both of your ways
You’d glare sending them scattering off which made her hold back giggles
She felt nice
So she concludes that perhaps she’d spend more time with you
Meeting up with you from this point onwards becomes a tradition for her
Along with spending her lunch with you talking and idly chatting about the latest fashion
She likes that you actually listen to her, treat her more than just something to claim or impress
You genuinely engage with her interests in the refined and even pick up the latest copy of vogue when you have the chance and money
You see her as Tomie, an individual that no one (not even her other incarnations) can replicate
Sure she is a bitch at times, one who’s words cut harsher than knives but you also know that she is honest in those words of criticism
You take her for what she is even though the bad overweighs the good (but you don’t know about that. She keeps her cool when with you)
She begins to realize she has formed some sort of attachment to you but she’s not sure what type
It feels more intimate and intense than friendship but for the longest time she’s in denial that it is love
Or at least her own slightly twisted version of it
And it stays that way for the longest while until you end up crying in her unblemished arms
Apparently one of your professors had been acting creepy towards you. Constantly sending odd glances your way and trying to get you to stay after class to talk to you privately
It was freaking you out, especially since he was a well regarded teacher and no one would possibly believe your words
Whatever is in her mind pauses at that, flashes of HIM and what had initially started her never ending cycle play in her head
It is then two questions are answered in her mind
1. Why was she so interested in you?
It now stares her in the face, you remind her of her former self
You exemplify what she remembers of that initial life so long ago. The innocence, the passion, the hope and Shortcomings of how girls are treated by society
The fear that comes with it from being taken advantage of by men whom await around corners like monsters
Back then she’d been to naive and cocky to see how her teacher had taken advantage of the opportunity. She thought at the time she was in control, that it was ok but it wasn’t
But your smart enough not to fall into their claws, you see the red eyes peering from the darkness and know to run
What you do not know though is that the beautiful blue of Tomie’s eyes are an entirely new monster that you had run willing into
With each incarnation each Tomie loses a bit of their humanity, becoming more and more removed from the original
They’d all accepted it at that point, hell she had reviled in it for awhile that she was removed from humanity
But due to you she now craves it, she craves to have you to help her feel alive again form how utterly human you are
And 2. That feeling was love…you what she assumed to be love
It’s such a removed concept to her now. Twisted by the past memories of dead Tomie’s of “Love” they’d revived from their followers
Obsession and lust being the key ingredients to that mysterious concept
But now as she whips away your tears with a certain gentleness she sees the love for so long ago
Love she saw in those black and white films of a childhood long past
Or something like it
At heart Tomie knows this love is likely twisted, dark at the centre of it all yet she does not care
All she cares is that she’s feeling something
So kisses you, stopping your tears as you reciprocate back surprised but happy
She smirks as she pressed deeper into your mouth, hearing your little sounds
Her hands pull you closer to her, she can now feel your racing heart beat pounding in your chest. It’s cute especially as hers is unbeating
That night when you fall asleep at her side, curled up in her luxury blankets, head on a silk pillow as your hair formed a halo around you, she stares
You look like an angel, you are one…one that’s now trapped in the hands of a devil masquerading as an angelic being
She makes your relationship with her public immediately after that, hanging off your arm as you both head to classes
You get jealous stares but her angry glares stop people as the stew in anger
Your teacher whom was bothering you soon ends up getting kicked out his job and you cry happy tears to her
Unknowing to the fact she pulled some strings to have it that way
That’s how she likes it though, you completely unknowing to her true actions
And she intends to keep it that way no matter what
For she is now your loving girlfriend, whom always kisses your cheek goodbye and makes sure that everyone knows your hers and she’s yours
As you can tell she’s extremely possessive in more ways than you’d expect
She hides it well from your view but to everyone else they get the message
Stay the fuck away
Her world revolves around you and so should yours
She almost always has a hand on you, whether that be the small of your back, your hand, an arm wrapped around your shoulder or your waist
It gives her security and she enjoys the warmth she feels from you
Who needs friends anyways when you have your loving girlfriend?, family isn’t needed much either but she lets a pass on that
Cause she can slither her way into that social bubble and make them love her
Make them encourage you to possible tie the knot if your open to marriage
It doesn’t matter much to her but she does admit a wedding would be fun and it would make it official that your both tied to each other to the eyes of everyone else
If your Family’s homophobic or generally awful she’s 100% using that to advantage and getting you to cut them out your life
That way it’s just you and her
Tomie absolutely loves coordinating outfits with you that compliment one another or are complete opposites
Cause on the one hand the matching outfits show that your a couple and your both super cute together
But on the other hand with opposite aesthetics it’s also really cool when your in something pastel while she’s draped in red and leather with an arm around your waist
Whatever your tastes are in style she accommodates it to these fun little ideas she has
Speaking of which, Tomie is actually quite happy to try out quite a bit of dating ideas she saw from online and tv
Stuff like theme parks, movies, museums, plays and travel are ones she really wants to experience with you
But She’s equally happy to try out your suggestions as well since your the only input she actually cares about
She’s also protective but you probably already expected that as well
The minute any aggression is aimed at you she’s sending death glares and planning to ruin that persons life
Sometimes she won’t do it depending on the day and the amount of effort she wants to put into that
But on days she’s feeling petty or they did something really bad their entire life is gonna be in the garbage bin
No ifs, and’s or buts about it
This sentiment also extends to Other Tomie’s she runs into
She kills the other versions of herself whom interrupt her routine with you because of the fear they’ll steal you away
While they are also Tomie each has their own sense of individuality compared to the others which leads them to butt heads constantly
They are the same person but also not simultaneously
And with that comes the threat of them as well
For if they are her they’ll also want you to themselves just as she does once they see what makes you special to her
And she refuses to share you with anyone else including herself
You don’t know of this of course, she brushes it under the rug as she links her hand with yours and drags you off to a new shop
Telling you to find a nice dress as she deals with something urgent with a smile
With her she baths you with the same luxuries she surrounds herself with
You get the best just as she does, it’s to be expected since you are her beloved, her love, her dearest
Unlike most incarnations of herself your Tomie actually puts some effort into stuff
She likes domestic life, whether that be helping you with a meal or engaging in small but fun activities
Their enjoyable because you make them enjoyable for her
Which is something that can’t be said for the other Tomie’s and herself before she met you
She lives, breaths and wakes up each morning to feel your love for her and her love for you
No matter how actually twisted it really is
Because of this Tomie won’t let you go even in death
When the time comes that you are aging she WILL make sure that your still at her side
She curses you to a fate similar to her own except there are no other versions of you
Your just put in an immortal cycle, die and then wake up rejuvenated and back to normal
No memory of said death or life except for the fact that Tomie is your loving girlfriend
And when this happens you awake at her side in bed, her smiling face staring back at you as she caresses your cheek softly
Then giving you a kiss to seal your fate once again
To love Tomie is to suffer but for Tomie to love you is a fake eden that the devil herself protects
There is no apple to bite as to realize the truth of her ever consuming love
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slasherpegger · 1 year
Tomie x Plus Size Reader Headcanons
Word Count: 0.4k
A/N: My grand return is catering to myself thanks to a request!!! As a plus size babe who loves Tomie, I adored writing these :))
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Tomie is known to be obsessed with herself and her appearance, only caring about herself and how to get what she wants in life— until she met you. It became her goal to pursue you and once you two became a couple, she’d do whatever it took to make you happy and feel secure. The only person she loved more than herself was you.
Tomie completely loves and adores how you look, she admires and worships you in a non-sexual way. While you two are together she always is caressing your body; your stomach, your arms, your hand, back, cheek, anywhere she can gently stroke her hand upon has become her affectionate victim.
You tell Tomie about your self conscious thoughts about your weight and she is your biggest support, comforting you and endlessly praising how beautiful your body is to her. She holds you and covers your body in gentle kisses, looking up into your eyes occasionally with a sweet softness and whispering sweet complimentary nothings in between each kiss.
Tomie loves to surprise you with clothes, she’ll go out of her way to make sure it fits you perfectly and even shops at plus size specialty stores for you! She’s even a sucker for matching clothes and will get you a cute set or two that you can wear out together.
Tomie loves doing your makeup! She loves to show your features off instead of hiding them, accentuating your round face with a specific contour. She doesn’t admit it but she has spent an unholy amount of time researching how to and watching many YouTube tutorials.
The two of you love going out— it’s a chance to flaunt each other off to the public and display your undying love for one another! Tomie is very affectionate and isn’t afraid to display some PDA; in fact she adores it. She’s proud of you and your love!
It’s always a risk to hear nasty comments while being out, especially every once in a while a fatphobic prick saying something nasty to you. Tomie never appreciates those comments and defends you with her life, standing up to those who dare to insult you. Anyone who tries to say something negative to you, especially about your weight, is getting a verbal berating from your defensive partner.
The morning news is always a blessing and a curse. At first you never understood the coincidence; mutilated corpses found in the same area you live in, all being those who have insulted you or ever made negative comments about your weight or appearance. It took a good while for it to click in your head but once it did, you didn’t know whether to feel flattered or concerned.
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kokofromwattpad · 1 year
Featuring: Tomie Kawakami
Plot: You are Tomie's first real relationship. You both absolutely adore the other to bits. But what happens when someone decides to try and take her attention away from you.
Cw: Tomie is aware of what she is able to do, established relationship, gn!reader, Tomie x reader, set in the model chapter
A/N: I love Tomie with my entire being. I even have her manga set.
Tomie is in complete adoration of you. She is still in total shock that you reciprocated her undying love to you.
The two of you live in a relatively large apartment together. You are basically the housewife. Tomie goes out and seduces the rich and famous to bring back money to you.
In public, she makes sure to wear a head scarf and sunglasses as to not attract any paparazzi's attention to her.
Even after spending day after day, manipulating people for her own personal and materialistic gain, she always makes sure to come back home to you, no matter if she has died or not.
It was actually quite surprising how deeply in love she was with you. Time after time, she has died, with all her memories in tact. And after her new self walks through the doorway of your shared apartment, she falls instantly in love again.
One day, she got a phone call from one of her acquaintances to meet up with one of his friends. When she told you this news, you were already prepared for the worst. You were already fully aware of what your girlfriend was and what she was able to do.
"Alright, but remember, please try and stay safe. I know how things go and I just want you to be alright." you softly whispered into her ear as she stood in the front door's hallway.
She smiled happily while she returned your warm hug right back. "Don't worry my love. You can trust me." she said affirmatively.
She met up with the supposed model that her friend told her about with her heart caged and stoned closed.
Over the span of over a month, the model spoiled her with jewelry that she just gave to you, dinners that she didn't even eat and clothes she would have you try on.
Day in and day out, she would bring you goodies from her days out and let you choose anything that you wanted to keep. Obviously, when ever she brought back presents for you, you would make her faviroute meal, caviar and foie gras.
But one day, Tomie went out to see the model again and she never returned home.
You were obviously out of your mind with worry.
You sat in the living room, just watching whatever caught your attention, when suddenly, you heard the door to your apartment open and close.
You quickly jumped up to your already sore feet from pacing and wrapped a fluffy blue blanket around your cold figure.
When you walked into the hallway that led to the door, you saw your girlfriend Tomie stark naked with her beautiful black hair down.
"Darling?! Are you okay? Are you cold?" you speedily said while rushing over to Tomie with the blue blanket open to wrap her up in a fluffy burrito.
Once you successfully trapped your girlfriend in the warm cocoon, you gently led her to your shared bedroom.
You left her to choose something to wear as you started cooking something up for her to eat.
Tomie emerged from the bedroom wearing one of your band shirts and gym shorts. She slowly walked towards you until she was met with your back. She gently wrapped her slender arms around your torso tightly.
"You alright darling?" you asked her.
"Yes, just a bit shaken up..." she softly replied.
You gently smiled to yourself while you finished up with dinner.
With Tomie still attached to your torso, you dragged her into the living and made her sit down.
You placed a pillow on her lap and then a white tray with her favorite food on. She smiled widely at her lap while you sat next to her and started scrolling through Netflix.
She was bursting with joy once she finished her meal and she set her tray on the coffee table in front of her.
She wrapped her arms around your body as you pulled a second blanket from your right and wrapped it around the two of you.
For the rest of the night, the two of you cuddled until you both fell asleep.
You were painfully unaware of what your girlfriend had done to that model.
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tojisun · 2 days
simon would make you thank him as he fingers you, i think. dark eyes narrowed in his own enjoyment, thick fingers stuffing you so good, so messily, and his grin just a shy of mean. he presses his other hand on your belly. he said it’s not just to stop you from squirming, but he swears he can feel his fingers reach so deep with how wet you are, so sloppy it’s become greedy.
“cunt so hungry, huh?” simon croons, his breath passing through his teeth in whispers. “come on, pup. say it. say ‘thank you’, yeah?”
he noses along your jaw and waits with a bated breath, thrumming with his own giddiness.
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vampykween · 5 months
remind me
because @tomiesdiet is the little angst devil on my shoulder hehe
simon ghost riley x reader
“how am i supposed to live without you? i- i don’t think i can do this…” your sobs cut your words short and you try to speak again but the lump in your throat is slowly suffocating you.
the smell of alcohol and harsh chemicals infiltrate your nose and nauseate you. you’ve always hated the smell of hospitals. always so sterile and lifeless, which you guess is fitting.
you stare out the small window to the room and ponder about the people steadily walking past. could they see in your eyes that very soon your life was going to end? your reason for living would soon cease to exist. or was this just another meaningless day? while your entire world has halted and been spun wildly, there are people experiencing the best days of their lives.
you desperately wish simon could respond to you, squeeze your hand back, smooth your hair and kiss your head like he always does - or how he always did. you were sure you’d never get used to speaking of him in past tense. there was no manual for how to live after simon.
suddenly the room begins to spin and you feel like you’re watching a scene from a tv show as the nurses tell you to say your last goodbye. your stomach clenches so painfully you’re sure you’re going to vomit everywhere. you want to scream at them to stop, to shake them and tell them to save him, but there wasn’t anything they could do that’s what they told you.
the drive home feels endless and with all the tears clouding your vision it’s a wonder you make it back safely. simon would get onto you if he knew you were driving so carelessly. except no he wouldn’t. he’s dead. you remind yourself of that. simon riley is dead, gone, no longer living. that was fact.
you’re not sure what to do with yourself as you wander aimlessly throughout the house. every room feels so lifeless now, there’s no sound of a football game on and even though everything looks the same way you left it, it feels emptier.
something bright pink catches the corner of your eye and it’s like there’s a lead weight crushing your lungs. you slowly walk over and pluck the note off the counter ‘don’t forget your lunch. love you xx’ you always had a bad habit of that and simon loved leaving you little reminder notes from time to time. you normally keep them in your nightstand drawer to read when he’s away but now you’re not sure if you’ll ever have the heart to look at them again.
the notes crumples in your hand as you fall to your knees and let out a visceral scream. the force of your cries wracking your body and leave you heaving and shaking. simon riley was gone and all those notes were all you had left of him.
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minced-mangoes · 4 months
I don't care what you think Lucifer is a bottom in my heart no I won't explain it just feels right. This is just a random headcanon to start this post.
Lucifer isn't super cuddly, but he does quite enjoy letting you snuggle up to his wings. Especially at night when you're asleep in bed, Lucifer will lay a wing over you, just so he knows you're still there. That you're safe and warm.
He takes pride in it, that he's protecting you, that no one would dare lay a hand on you with him there, shielding you, even at their most vulnerable point of sleep.
Also I personally think Lucifer sleeps on his stomach. It started as an angel, three wings makes it hard to lay on your back, and now that he's missing a pair of wings (and is probably severely scarred in that area) sleeping on his stomach is much more comfortable. The pain of the scars, plus waking up with his wings slept on weirdly, just isn't nice.
Of course if he isn't in his demon form, the wing thing is null, but I think the pain in his back just keeps him on his side or stomach. If he isn't in demon form when sleeping next to you, he will wrap an arm around you. Still taking comfort in knowing you're there with him. Of course this makes waking up in the night a bit difficult, as you don't want to wake this poor overworked man at 3 in the morning so you can go use the washroom, but he won't hold it against you if you do.
Now, if you get up to eat he'll be a bit upset. "Why didn't you eat enough at dinner? That isn't healthy. Living with Beel should have taught you to know not to skip meals." Of course all his nagging is from a warm part of his heart. He just wants the best for you. His idea of what's right with you, and what is actually right for you might be a bit different, however.
Tell him that. He feels proud when you stand up to him. Of course his human, the one he chose to make a pact with, out of the many who have begged him, would be bold, and tell him off when he's wrong.
~~~ Hee-hee hoo-hoo thanks for reading,,, as always I encourage interaction, especially asks. I will dump my headcanons on you. I also accept oneshot requests, though those take me a while to write, as I'm a slow writer. ( I started drafting this post on the 12th)
Funny note, at first I was scared of Lucifer, then I disliked him, then I realized he was actually pathetic and suddenly became a big fan.
Tomi Out!
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portgasdwrld · 6 months
Hello! For the event, I'd like to ask for Law with a female reader and the prompt "I'm the luckiest person". Just, it's reader saying that to Law and his reaction, probably saying the same thing back to her later?
↻ HELLO, I'm sorry for taking so long! Hopefully you will like it.
I’m finally starting my 500 followers event before I hit 1k LMAO
☆ Lucky w. Law
You watch your boyfriend whose focus is deep in his books. You admire his determination and dedication to his dreams and his self. Unconsciously, you find yourself smiling softly at him with eyes full of love. His fluffy dark hair who is now quite messy from him passing his fingers through it, his eyes reading the pages in front of him, his tattooed fingers playing with his pen; why was even the most effortless behaviour done by him, evoking this feeling of warmth in your heart?
Was it because he’s able to give you this tranquility you needed and this love which was never too demanding or complicated, for most times? You aren’t too sure, but you felt overly very satisfied and almost lucky to have met him. You felt lucky to have his love.
He must have felt you staring because you notice his eyes looking quickly at your direction. He focuses right back into his things, but you see the way his lips curve into a smirk.
“What so funny” , you ask with every intention to disturb his studying. You smile wildly as Law turns his body slightly toward you and drop his pen down.
“Why are you staring at me for so long ?” He asks with the same smirk you love so much.
“You are too handsomeeee, how can I not stare”
You teasingly say as you stand up and walk to him. To that he just rolls his eyes , but still, there is a light blush on his cheeks.
“But honestly…”, you start as you stop in front of him and sit down on his lap. He’s quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you more into him.
“I feel like I’m the luckiest person” Law cocks an eyebrow at your statement a little confused. He doesn’t say anything, his eyes tell you enough to get that he doesn’t understand.
You chuckle as you peck his cheek. “I don’t know, I just feel so lucky to have you in my life. To have you by my side and be able to share this comfortable love with you.”
Law furrows his eyebrows for a second and nods without saying anything. You are someone who brought a lot of good into his life. With everything he lived younger and in the past, life does get hard when he finds himself locked up in his thoughts. On the other side, ever since you came into his life, he has someone who to talk with and trust on more serious matters. He has someone with who he can be himself and be vulnerable which is very unlike him. But somewhat with you, that seems easier and it comes naturally. So wasn’t he the one lucky to have you in his life ?
You watch him think about your words and as the man he is with little words, he leaves a quick peck on your cheek.
“Thank you…for being in my life too” ♡
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actuallysaiyan · 16 days
Pictures Of You(Chapter One: The Mystery Begins)
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warnings: mentions of death, murder, gore, Tomie(she's a warning all herself), crossover, trauma pairings: Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader x Gojo Satoru summary: Years after you tried your best to push the murder of your classmate out of your mind, one photo brings the memories come rushing back. You, Nanami and Gojo are tasked with going out to investigate.
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Dividers by the lovely @benkeibear
Taglist: @beneathstarryskies @seireiteihellbutterfly @gloryhole93. @yeowangies. @an-ever-angry-bi
@namikyento. @benkeibear @darkstarlight82
@adharadotcom @sparklynightm4re @heyitsd1yaa @galactict3a @aomi04
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The nightmares never stopped. You would see that haunting face every night. It’s actually what triggered your cursed technique from emerging. Her face was always haunting you.
You remember how things escalated ever since you first met. She made you feel wary from the first time; butterflies in your stomach that fluttered endlessly. It soon turned sour when you realized you had become jealous of her. Tomie and her beauty. Tomie and her charm. Tomie and her wit.
You found yourself growing even angrier when she mocked you and said you weren’t worth being friends with. She would hang out with a string of boys from your school, and yet none of them were worthy of her affection either.
The thing that made your cursed technique emerge was the day that she was tormenting you and another boy from your class. He was so in love with her, and you were trying to convince him to stop pursuing her. Though he wouldn’t listen to you, something else happened right before your very eyes.
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Your classmate pulled a knife on Tomie, stabbing her multiple times and causing her blood to splash and splatter everywhere. It hit you in the face, making you shudder and drop to your knees. Then the boy turned to you, threatening you with the very same knife he used to murder Tomie.
The minute he came closer to you, you watched in horror as a giant rose grew and swallowed him whole. The rose exploded in a mess of petals and then everything went black.
The stress from the event caused you to black out. From that moment on, you were pulled from your high school. You were brought to see so many doctors, none of them able to explain what happened to you. Many of them had said you were hallucinating from sheer stress and fear and the boy had just run away.
They deemed you insane and unfit to return to school. Your parents worried you’d never get a good education. Then a man came to visit you in the hospital. Masamichi Yaga had come to you because he had heard about the incident. Days would go by without seeing him again, and when he finally returned, he had invited you to come to the school with him.
Despite no other sorcerers being in your lineage, you were a Jujutsu Sorcerer. Your cursed technique, Swallowing Rose, had just been suppressed for a long time. With no one to teach you about your powers, you never knew to use them. But the minute your life was on the line, that’s when it finally burst out. The rose had come out and done exactly as its name implied.
You weren’t well when you arrived at Jujutsu Tech, and in fact, you needed more extensive therapy. With the years gone by, you eventually found yourself able to comfortably forget about Tomie. It was so far in the recesses of your mind, you just found yourself never thinking about the girl or the incident ever again…
Until today.
In front of you on the desk was a manilla envelope. It was the details for your next mission. You knew it was something you’d be going out of town for. You had been told it was going to be a long mission, and it would take multiple sorcerers to deal with this curse.
A small town by the sea was being tormented by a special grade curse, and of course they had to send only the best of the best. You, Nanami and Gojo had been selected to investigate what was going on. You were just opening up the envelope when the two men in question entered your office. Gojo is, of course, talking Nanami’s ear off. Nanami looks at you, almost as if to beg for help from the man who’s annoying him.
“Are you both here to look over the details for this mission?” You ask, cutting off Gojo’s reply to Nanami’s grunts of annoyance.
“We are! I’m so excited to go on this mission with you and Nanamin!”Gojo coos playfully before he sits on your desk.
You pull the contents of the envelope out and place them on your desk. Your heart skips a beat when the image in front of you begins to pull awful memories from your mind. You blink a few times, unsure if you’re going to faint or if you’re going to vomit. Nanami steps closer, making sure you’re alright.
“What is it?” He asks you, but when he glances at the picture on your desk, he realizes what’s going on.
The reports said that she was a dangerous curse. A special grade curse. One look at her and it would drive the person into madness. Falling in love with her until you cannot take it anymore. Most people who have encountered Tomie have taken their own lives in a fit of rage after murdering the curse…proceed with caution.
“That’s her, isn’t it? The one from when you were a high school student?” Nanami inquires, but he knows the answer.
“Y-yeah it is.”
He notices the way your face has gone all pale. You look like you’re going to be sick. This mission wasn’t any ordinary mission; it was a mission that required two Grade One sorcerers and one Special Grade. You’ve never been on a mission quite like this one.
All three of you were going to have to track down this special grade curse. A curse so beautiful and so angelic, she turns people into murdering maniacs. Only a few have survived after seeing her face to face. 
“I don’t think she’s that pretty,” Gojo says with a smirk. He throws a picture of Tomie onto your desk.
Nanami studies it closely, “Maybe not in this photo, but I’ve been told she might be a shapeshifting curse.”
You look at the picture, seeing just how distorted it looks. You feel shivers run down your spine as you recognize the face. It’s Tomie, alright. You’ve seen her before. You, one of the only survivors of witnessing this curse, is about to pick up the pieces again. And it all starts with a distorted photograph of the two-faced girl who bullied you in high school.
“She is something else. Something incomprehensible. She’ll rip you to shreds without a second thought,” you explain, your hands shaking again.
Nanami gets up, heading over to the little coffee station you have in your office. He begins brewing some tea for all three of you. Gojo continues to look at the picture. Meanwhile you read over the details of the mission. Seems like she’s been appearing in all kinds of places all over Japan. It doesn’t surprise you at all. 
Despite watching your classmate kill her, you always thought something was odd with the way her corpse had looked. It almost seemed to be twitching with life, despite the fact that he had stabbed her so many times. And when he turned to face you and threatened you with that same knife, you swore you must have heard her voice whispering in your ear.
But it was a bit more of a faded memory now. You couldn’t quite recall all the details. You’re pulled from your thoughts when Nanami places a mug of hot tea in front of you. He gives one to Gojo as well, who smiles playfully.
“This must be hard for you to accept such a mission,” Nanami speaks. “She’s not going to be an easy curse to dispatch.”
You shake your head, “I’m more than ready to put all of this behind me. If we all work together, we can get rid of her for good. You have no idea what she has done to me…and what she might have done to others.”
Gojo looks at the details of the mission. Your first stop would be a small town by the sea. Stories of a woman emerging from the water and luring small children to her had been the words that filled the first page of the report. The other pages were filled with other stories: Tomie murdered and turned into seishu and sold on the black market, Tomie seen dating a top model only for him to disappear into the shadows, Tomie being adopted by a elderly couple only for her to have mysteriously disappeared.
“I think we’ve got a lot on our hands,” Nanami finally pipes up. He sips on his tea and looks at you, “Are you sure you’re going to be able to handle this?”
You nod your head as you finish off your tea. “I’m ready for this. I want to finally end this.”
Gojo smirks, “That’s my girl!” A tinge of jealousy strikes Nanami, but he dismisses it quickly.
You look down at the picture again. You knew this wasn’t going to be an easy task by any means. But if it meant you’d get to live your life normally and put this all behind you, you were ready to finish this once and for all.
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tomiexkawakami · 7 months
✧⋆ A relaxing Massage ⋆✧ (smut) (Modern Au)
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⚠️WARNING⚠️ This includes NSFW, content not appropriate for all.
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It was around nine thirty P.M while you were heading home from work, it was EXHAUSTING... some of your coworkers couldn't attend work due to 'reasons' which were obviously excuses not to come to work.
You had to do it for them, and your work was already more then enough on its own... you just wanted to go home and rest, cuddle and stay close to your husband.
Before you could even knock on the door, your husband opens it quickly and brings you to a warm embrace, it was very clear he was happy to see you..
"Welcome back home, my dear... you seem exhausted, come and rest" Yoriichi said in a worrisome tone, he really didn't like seeing you over work yourself
"Thank you dear... i really appreciate it..." You thanked him as he leads you to the warm sofa, you sat down and relaxed on the couch.
"I noticed that your body seems very tense my dear.. would it be alright if i gave you a massage to calm and relax you?" he asked with a soft smile, but very dirty intentions and thoughts going through his head.
"Oh yes please, i would love that.." you replied almost instantly, the opportunity was too good to pass up, you needed to just, relax... Yoriichi was good at giving massages.
Maybe too good. His hand seemed to have expert knowledge on the pressure points and stress points of the body. His massage was sure to make you feel better. Perhaps more than just relaxed…
And Yoriichi knew about the secret effect of these massages… Yoriichi started massaging you, slowly but it sure was relaxing...
He gave your shoulders a little squeeze as you relaxed on the couch.
His hands had a special talent with massaging pressure points…
"Don’t worry, my love… You don’t have to talk to me about anything that is troubling you… Just try to relax…"
Your stress melted away as Yoriichi kept on massaging your shoulders. You were in his control now. Everything would be ok. The moment was almost too perfect.
Yoriichi let his hand slowly creep downwards, you were too relaxed to notice the smirk he put on his face…
And then his hand began to creep downwards… A smirk crawled across his face as he realized what he was about to do.
The feeling of power was addicting…and Yoriichi couldn’t resist the urge. "just relax…"
A devilish grin crept across his face as he brought the massage down to your legs. He was about to do the very thing that he had been fantasizing about for so long.
And You? You wouldn’t be able to resist him.
With each moment, your limbs turned to jelly.
You felt as if they were melting under his hands as he kneaded out those tense muscles. It was the most relaxing feeling you had felt in a while…
Yoriichi’s eyes lit up at your reaction. He took his opportunity, beginning to massage your thighs while smiling deviously.
His massage was starting to get a little bit more suggestive…
After finally realising what he's planning, your eyes slightly widen, this wasnt going to be just some normal massage..
"Oh, (name)."
He continues his massage, bringing it even further down your legs. Yoriichi can’t help but chuckle. He really enjoyed teasing you like this.
"Relax, my love… You have nothing to worry about…"
He then starts moving his massage upwards, brushing just a little too close to the middle of your legs.
This made you flustered, his touch.. was.. very enjoyable... Yoriichi’s voice was soft, but his gaze said otherwise. He continued to massage you, brushing even closer between your legs.
"What... are you doing..?" You asked, slighly flushed at his behaviour.
"I’m just…giving you a nice massage…don’t worry…"
He smirked again as he continued, getting just a bit more forceful with the movement.
You could feel his fingers teasing you…just a bit more….until - OH! You felt it! One of Yoriichi’s fingers touched you in a more intimate way.. and he loved it.
Yoriichi had you just where he wanted you…You couldn’t help but let out a soft moan. Yoriichi smirked, enjoying every second of him teasing you even further.
"Just relax…let me take care of everything…"
Yoriichi grins widely as you blush deeply in embarrassment. He had won the game. You were now firmly in his grasp and he knew exactly what to do. He starts his work, slowly and carefully…Just the right amount… just the right pressure… fingering you perfectly.
Your entire body was shaking now as Yoriichi continued his massage, making sure not to over-stimulate you. He took his time, making sure to give you the best massage of your life...
Your body responded to his every touch… you were sensitive.
It was happening, your body giving in to the pleasures of his touch.
"Just relax…let me take care of everything…"
He said as he continued his massage, his fingers running over you.
Just when you thought it couldn't get more intimate, his fingers finally touched the sweet spot…
You couldn’t help but moan to the touch, Yoriichi’s eyes widened in excitement when you moaned.
He loved the way you looked so vulnerable at his touch. You were already so worked up by this point and he knew exactly what he had to do…
Every moan you made was like music to his ears. He wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. His gentle hands continued roaming over your body, bringing you to the edge.
Soon, you felt him shift his position to be on top of you. Yoriichi held onto your body tightly, his arms pulling you closer to him.
You felt his soft warmth press against your skin, your body slowly becoming more and more sensitive to his touch. Your heart started beating faster, your breathing becoming shorter and faster.
You began to moan softly… the pleasure of his touch was overwhelming. It felt so… good.
He started to give you a long, passionate kiss, his tongue meeting yours.. it was amazing. While keeping the kiss, he leds you both to the shared bedroom, he pinned you down while slowly undressing you... after doing so, he undressed aswell.
"Like what you see?" He asked before pulling you to another long kiss.
"Are you ready for the next part of my massage...?"
This was my first ever attempt on writing NSFW so please don't judge me too hard😭🙏
English is my second language, so i am not fluent, if there is any spelling mistakes please tell me! Thank you for reading!
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thesharktanksdriver · 11 months
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Girls like girls
Fandom: call of duty
Genre: platonic
Synopsis: a female teammate comes out as a lesbian to the others of 141. Unsurprisingly it goes very well much to their anxiety
Being Ghosts’s younger sibling
Fandom: Call of duty
Genre: Platonic
Synopsis: how Simon would be as a big brother raising his only remaining sibling after his family’s death
The devils name is Tomie
Fandom: Junji Ito
Genre: Romantic and borderline Yandere
Synopsis: the tale of how a Tomie falls in love and consequences of that deep and twisted love.
Being Jason Todd’s kid
Fandom: DC
Genre: Platonic
Synopsis: after being resurrected Jason as Red hood stumbles across an abandoned child. Despite the risk he takes them in, raising them as his own
Ragnarok with a Kobeni-like contestant
Fandom: record of Ragnarok
Genre: platonic
Plot: of the many contestants of Ragnarok that Brunhilde had chosen, perhaps the oddest of the cluster is a anxious teenager who can barely look anyone in the eye out of fear
People are strange
Fandom: lost boys
Genre: platonic
Synopsis: a single mother and her child move back to her home town despite it being known as the murder capital of the world. Said child runs into a group of rowdy bikers who are more than what meets the eye
Academic achievements
Fandom: Dc
Genre: romantic
Synopsis: being academic rivals with Damien Wayne turns out to be a bit more of an emotional rollercoaster than you initially expected. What’s even more unexpected is when you begin to actually like his presence
Salt water tears
Fandom: record of Ragnarok
Genre: romantic
Synopsis: Poseidon is well known for his hate for humans but the reason as to why is only known to Aphrodite and Hades
Anarchy in the spiderweb Part 2
Fandom: spider verse
Genre: romantic with some platonic
Synopsis: from the moment you’ve met Hobie Brown it felt as if fates had drawn you together
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theres-a-body-here · 9 months
Tomie!reader and Ghostface they moment they spot each other in a trial
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dearest-painter · 2 months
Hello, I was wondering if you could possibly do your take on the main cast of Hazbin hotel (and heaven if you want to) react to Tomie Kawakami or Nanno like-reader that is either always getting kidnapped or always getting princess treatment (I don't know, I randomly got this idea while watching Junji Ito's collection and eating a pizza lol)
Yeah! Since you didn’t specify that the cast are Yandere or not I did not yandere as it’s been a while since I’ve done these! Also is reader gender neutral. Also if I left anyone out tell me!
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Alastor: He finds it hilarious. You can wrap anyone around your fingers and get away with it! He definitely is one of the people Charlie asks to get you when you are kidnapped because he’s an overlord but that’s only when her and Vaggie are busy. When you start getting free things with no problem he is a bit iffy, he doesn’t really trust anyone but those he deems his friends yet free things are more iffy. He always makes Husk or Nifty do taste test because…he’s really not about to have such valuable ally be harmed
Nifty: Lets be honest, she doesn’t care but if you bring bad boys to her then she’ll be super happy. She’ll do taste test for your things but only because alastor asked her. She won’t care if you are kidnapped until it makes a huge scene
Husk: He also does not care. He does understand when you get bored of the other sinners so he thinks you are good company. Bar is free to everyone so you naturally get free stuff but when he sees someone else do it..he’s very iffy on it. When you’re kidnapped he is a bit worried but mostly because of how often it is
Angel Dust: He totally understands it. Let’s be honest, he’s a famous porn star so he understands where you’re at. He gives you tips on when to know when things are drugged or when you are about to be kidnapped as he wants you to be prepared. When you get free stuff he does make you do the tricks he’s taught you so you don’t get drugged and when you’re kidnapped he’s definitely worried as he knows it ain’t good in hell
Charlie: She’s so worried for you. You seem to be able to handle yourself and be so used to it all yet she can’t help but be worried. When you keep getting kidnapped so often she gets super worried that she’ll look for you with help of others as she doesn’t want you harmed. Free things from anyone who isn’t in the hotel is immediately suspicious because of how everyone treats you so she doesn’t want any bad things to happen
Vaggie: She’s very concerned. You are so calm and unbothered by it all that she’s so worried. She stays by your side so you don’t get kidnapped yet when you are she’s with Charlie looking for you. She’ll be iffy on anything you get for free as she sees how others look at you, so she’ll offer to test it to see if it’s drugged or not as she doesn’t want you to be drugged at all
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duffslut · 2 years
Faking tears
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Nikki Sixx x Reader
My Masterlist.
Word Count: 630
Warnings: Smut! Oral Sex, Daddy Kink, Degradation Kink, Dacryphilia Kink etc. Minors Dni.
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- Do you want it? - Nikki asked, moving his hips and making his hard cock dangle in front of your face.
- Yeah. - You said in a whimper.
- Then ask for it. - He said.
- Give me the dick, dada. - You said in a sly voice, leaning forward hoping to finally get what you wanted.
Nikki let out a laugh that made your body shiver and approached you, he held his dick in one of his hands and hit your face with it while laughing at you.
- What a dumb little whore. - He said in a low voice, watching as you kept your mouth open waiting for him to shove his dick down your throat. - You look so pretty for daddy like that.
- Here. - Nikki gently placed the tip of his cock on your lips. - Slow down baby, daddy doesn't want to hurt your little mouth. - He said, putting his dick in and out of your mouth repeatedly.
You kissed his hard, juicy cock, it felt like a dream to finally have his thick pink cock in your mouth, his orders for you to take it slow didn't work, because minutes later you already had his dick so deep in your throat you could barely breathe, you interspersed between his balls and his cock, smearing everything with your drool.
Nikki wrapped his veiny hands around your neck and squeezed your skin as he forced his cock deep into your throat, your eyes rolled back as your mouth was fucked hard.
- Come here. - Nikki commanded, groping your tits and squeezing your nipples while you walked still a bit bewildered to the bed.
He lay down on the bed and put his arms behind his head.
- Do your job doll. - He said, you already know what to do. - Just like daddy taught you.
You straddled Nikki, rubbing your luscious pussy on his cock without letting him penetrate you, your hips moving back and forth quickly, the tip of his dick oozed a clear, sticky liquid and you rubbed it across his abdomen, scratching his sweaty skin with your fingernails while riding on his lap.
You lost control of your body a few seconds later when the feel of your pussy rubbing from balls to tip of Nikki's cock was enough to make you delirious, you closed your eyes and leaned your spine back, moaning more and more uncontrollably, rubbing your body against his harder and harder, your blood was boiling, the pressure in your body was so much that you didn't even hear what Nikki was saying, your moans were too loud you couldn't even listen to him.
- Don't come yet... No... Don't you dare. - It was the few words you heard during your ecstasy, but it was too late, as your ride got slower, your cum spread throughout the length of Nikki's dick.
Your orgasm was so strong that you had tears coming out of your eyes, one of the things that only happened when you fucked with Nikki. You leaned your body forward for comfort, bringing your bare chest together with Nikki's.
Nikki stroked your hair for a few seconds while you had your face buried in his shoulder, but it didn't last long until he showed his dissatisfaction with you. Nikki's caress in your hair started to get more aggressive until he pulled your hair all the way, forcing you to lift your head.
- Shame on you Y/n. - He said seriously, still with his hand holding your hair. - I'll give a real reason for these fake tears.
As soon as Nikki finished talking, you felt his cock being fully penetrated inside you, the startle made you feel a twinge of pain, but Nikki couldn't care less, he thrust inside you mercilessly, making you sob and beg him to slow down.
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tojisun · 17 days
Twirling my hair kicking my feet and giggling 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦
goddd the way he sped up just enough to scold her and make her pull over bc she dont got her jacket zipped all the way up! AND THE WAY HES TOWERING OVER HER but not all up in her space too—
god this is so biker!simon coded fr :((
simon barks at you in such a thick, lilting manchester accent in his anger-turned-worry and he’s doing that thing where he’s reaching towards you, only to abort the action, and then re-start that again because god he just wants you safe but you tend to be such a fucking hardheaded brat.
“can we go now?” you grumble before scrunching your nose at him cheekily.
simon snarls at you, then pauses to give you a grin, before he snaps your visor down. as he marches to his bike, you turn and make eye-contact, or however it is with your helmet on, with johnny.
johnny brings his fists up and makes a twisting action. you throw up your middle fingers at him.
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neeneee · 6 months
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼ Haunted House ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
Gojo x Reader
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> reader gets ghosted every few months 😔
> Gojo uses light mode, because he’s a freak and let’s face it, only freaks use light mode
> Ren’s faceclaim is Rin Itoshi (real original ik), Kiyo is Junji Ito’s Tomie and Tsuna is a random ai generated black girl ✌️😜
> reader is not boy crazy, she just craves romantic love bc 🤷🏽‍♀️
>Kiyo and Ren dated right before she came out as Gay, but they stay friends anyway (but they still argue like a married couple, but there’s no romantic feelings there. He just like playing the victim)
> Tsuna is the mom friend
>in my world NO ONE DIES !! 😭
>they’re all between 21-23
>forgot to mention that reader is fem! 🥹
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| masterlist | next >
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lingeringmisery · 1 year
𝑦𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑒 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 (𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑒𝑢𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑙)
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Toxic relationship, toxic actions, manipulating, gaslighting.
(1.5k words or more?)
Tomie, the beauty that always 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴 what she wanted, what she desired in just one word.
May it be an object, money, or even someone, Anything.
She always gets it.
Every man, even woman, even anyone in general.
Men goes head over heels for her in just first sight.
Every woman stare at her with envy and admiration.
And she loved it.
She always got what her wanted and what she desired, anything that she just sees that piqued her intrest, she will get have it.
No matter what the cause.
But that all changed, everything came falling down. Nothing was going to way she expected.
Tomie met you in the museum, seeing your captivating eyes and gorgeous appearance.
She knew she wanted you over her grasp.
She wanted to see you fawn over her, she wanted your eyes to plead for her to even utter an word or to even 𝘣𝘦𝘨 for her attention.
Tomie approached you with her bewitching smile, and her alluring eyes.
As she was standing infront of you.
She expected you to stare at her.
She excepted you to even start singing her praises, to ask her number, to even drooling to her 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 presence.
But, she was shocked. No she was baffled that you didn't even bat an eye, you didn't even noticed her presence. You were too focus gazing at the painting.
She stared at your figure, with widen eyes..as she composed herself quickly, '𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦. 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘵, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘐 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬.'
tomie thought, she smirked to herself.
As she then smiled once again, she cleared her throat to speak cleary, she chuckled slightly.
"My, the painting is beautiful isn't it?"
She spoke, her voice was beautiful, alluring, bewitching voice, that people would even forget to breath once they hear her voice.
She awaited that you would finally stare and gaze at her with eyes full of desperation and yearning for her presence.
You finally glanced to tomie, as you were abit caught back from her voice.
She stared at you with smile.
'𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺. 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.'
She giggled to herself lightly, as she then looked at your face to see your reaction to her.
She was once again taken back from your expression.. something is clearly wrong here.
You only glanced at her with an small smile..she didn't see any desperate nor infatuated gaze to her..your eyes were only an neutral expression.
As you spoke to her.
"Mhm, indeed."
You even spoke so shortly to her? You did not want to continue the conversation? You didn't even stare at her? You didn't ask for her number? You did not even bat an eye to her, as you glanced back to the painting.
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳.
And she 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥 it.
How dare you? Why are you not reacting the way she excepted, were you not affected by her power? were you perhaps immune to it? 𝘩𝘢𝘩! 𝘰𝘧𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵, 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘵𝘩? It can't be, there's no way anyone could even be immune..perhaps you were just slow? you'll love her sooner or later too.
As the past few weeks you would always coincidentally bump or see her, everywhere.
At the mall, the library, a restaurant.
She was always there, awaiting for you to be hungry for her. For you to yearn for her.
"Oh my, we meet again!"
"What a coincidence..it's nice to see you."
"Here you are again, what a wonderful day isn't it?"
"It's nice to see you again."
She tried everything. Why couldn't you just be like the others? why couldn't you be obsessed with her? Why isn't her powers affecting you?
Even once when she tried to invite you to eat to a famous restaurant, you declined
With a neutral expression. Nothing could be seen in your face nor eyes. You treated her like an normal person, an actual human being. You didn't worship her, you didnt got obsessed with her, you did not show any envy to her, nothing.
"I apologize, but I'm already going to eat out with a friend."
You even payed more attention to that plain looking friend of yours more.
She despised you. Your whole existence drove her to such resentment and confusion.
Why must you be not affected by her powers? Why must you be so captivating to her? No, It can't be. She's only interested in you because of your immunity to her.
That's what she thought.
She vowed to herself that she'll make you head over heels for her, she promised herself that this little chase will come to an end, and she will make you be infatuated with her.
She became more passive and more aggressive with approaching you. She started to order her men to approach you for her, to lure you to coming with the men.
And surprisingly it worked, a man who was quite handsome came to you and swooned you over with his words and looks.
Tomie was slightly annoyed that you were even more interested to the man, do you perhaps have low standards that you were much more interested those 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴?
She scoffed when the men swooned you over.
She was annoyed for some reasons, but she couldn't find why. Is it because you payed more attention to such low thing? Is it because you were so hard to get? Is it because you never looked at her? oh how this tormented her mind. She had a conclusion that she was even shocked to think of, was she perhaps 𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴? No. Why would she even be jealous? What an insult to her, she could never feel such things, such ignoble feelings of jealously.
She tried to be ignorant to feelings she harbored for you. as she ordered to the men to break your heart.
She wanted to see you break down, to see you cry, to see you be vulnerable.
And she will come to be your Savior.
She will come to comfort you. She will lend an shoulder for you to cry on, for you to be vulnerable to her, for you to easily be on her grasp.
Tomie wanted the men to break your heart so she could arrive and put up an illusion to be seen as your savior.
The men had broke your heart. He torned it apart, he promised that he would always love you, he promised. And now he broke you so much, you were crying and sobbing at the park. Where he called you to tell you something 'important'
You were heart broken, you were at a state of vulnerability and hopelessness from your heart.
As you cried yourself at the bench, the very bench where he spoke to you as if you did not have any feelings, as if you didn't love eachother, as if you weren't human.
It broke your heart so much.
Tears wouldn't stop streaming down your cheeks, as you tried to wipe them off.
You cried your heart out.
After the men had left the park, you were still crying and weeping, tomie was absolutely delighted that her plan worked.
Oh how easy you are to trick, poor you.
The men informed her that you were crying at the bench.
Tomie was overjoyed, as she saw your crying figure.
She wanted to laugh out seeing you so vulnerable, seeing you so pitiful, but something also tugged her heart slightly.
She approached you slowly, she spoke, her voice was gentle and soft, as if it was a angel.
"Oh my..[Name?] What happened? You're crying.."
She spoke as if she was sympathizing with you, as if she was comforting you.
Her voice was soft and gentle.
You looked up to her, tear stained eyes, you complexion was so pale because of crying so much, your lips were so red from crying so much.
You looked up with her, an widen expression, an expression that was both surprised and shame.
Tomie smiled softly at you.
As she then sat next to you, she brought up an handkerchief near to your face.
"Why are you crying [Name?] And all alone in such a late time.."
Tomie spoke in an comforting and soft voice, she finally got you vulnerable. She can't mess this plan. This will surely work.
You glanced at her, with an solemn expression and your eyes was still tearing up, you spoke. Your voice was hoarse and weak.
"Tomie...my lover had left me."
After you spoke, tears spilled more as you remembered him, you stared down as tears was falling.
Tomie smiled gently at you, as she putted her hand to your back, Stroking your back gently and comfortingly, as she bought the handkerchief to your cheeks, she gently wiped your tears.
As you sniffed.
"He told me I was nothing without him, I was nothing but an accessory.."
She looked at you, her eyes full of worries, her gentle hand that was stroking your back comfortingly, as she listened to you, everything you wanted to let out in the moment, she listened. She didn't dare utter an word as she knew, that even just lending an ear to listen will be enough.
She listened to you, as she gazed at you with an gentle and warm smile.
After what seems to be even long hours of you weeping your heart out and expressing everything to tomie.
She was patient with you, she listened to every word you said, she smiled at every word you said, she lended an shoulder to cry on, and you were more than grateful for her, you felt as if you were indebted to her.
"I, I apologize for not even asking if you were comfortable with me expressing out my feelings, tomie.."
You apologized quickly as soon as you realized, you even pulled yourself away, you didn't realized that you were even leaning on her shoulder, you felt embrassed for only realizing it now.
But tomie just smiled at you, her smile as reassuring and gentle, she laughed slightly at you, you just looked so adorable for even shying it out now.
She slinged her arm around you as she pulled you closer, as she smiled warmly at youz her eyes squinting as she smiled at you.
"[Name..why are you apologizing? I wanted to listen to you, so please do not feel ashamed."
The smile that always captivated every man and woman she wanted.
But your eyes.. didn't even linger to her smile, as you glanced down out of embrassement.
She saw that you did not even stare long to her smile.. she bit the inside of her mouth as she noticed, this really was such a challenge.
But she still smiled to you, her smile not faltering even an inch, as she then gently started Patting your head.
You fliched slightly from her touch, you whipped your head quickly to tomies direction..as she only smiled at you, her smile was still the same..
You felt slightly flustered from her gesture..as your ears turned slightly red, your cheeks heating up, as you looked back down again from embrassement.
As soon as tomie saw your reaction.
Her smile turned into an smirk.. that smirk of awareness that she almost has you in her grasp.
She knew that she almost has you.
She almost has you, oh god the chase is almost over.
She'll soon finally lose interest.
'ah, she's finally coming to my grasp, l'll leave her broken and desperate after she's fully fallen for me.'
Tomie thought to herself, she'll finally lose interest to you, right?
Oh how 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 she was.
She did not expected this herself too.
After you finally came to her on your own, her touch finally become familiar to you.
Her eyes that always smiled oh so gently to you, her warm voice, her presence that you started to yearn more and becoming closer.
As you would even just stare at her with eyes full of admiration and warm to her.
She finally knew she won this cat and mouse chase, you finally started to desire her presence, you finally started to come to her by yourself.
Oh how was overjoyed she was.
Seeing you come to her like a puppy that seemed to lost it owner, how you even started to sing praises to her, how you lean into her touch so much more.
She finally caught you.
You're finally at her grasp, she can finally smirk ever so wide when she sees you leaning to her.
She can finally leave you. She can finally leave you broken and miserable. Just like what she did to the others, leaving them desperate and starved for her.
Just like what she had planned.
She can finally do that to you, right?
Oh how wrong tomie was.
She thought that her interest would finally come to an end when you came to her.
She finally thought that this so called heart of her would finally stop being tugged when you doing look at her, she thought the torment to her mind would finally end, she 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 that it was only an mere pique of her interest.
Oh, how she was so wrong.
The stinging on her heart never stopped, when you talk or look at others.
The thoughts that tormented her before, still continued.
The feeling of wanting to control you never stopped.
The feeling of wanting to own you never ever stopped.
The feeling of hunger for your presence, for your attention, for your love, for you to look at her, never stopped.
The 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 of wanting you all to herself.
She thought that everything would finally come to an end when you're in her grasp, but it never did.
Her touch became more hungry and clingy, her so called 'facade' of kindness and love to you became real.
Her mood was always bright whenever you were there, she would always smile to gently.. something that she never thought she would be even able to do.
Did you do something to her? Do you also have perhaps powers of your own? Did you bewitched her? Did you use something to her?? She was utterly confused.
Why is she acting like this?
Why is she being like this?
Why is she doing all of this?
Oh how this tormented her mind so much.
She gravely almost despised you once more..but the resentment would disappear whenever she sees you.
This feelings..that were so unfamiliar to her. The feeling of her heart almost coming out when she's with you.
The warm smile she would always have whenever she sees you, the feeling of completeness when she's with you.
Oh how confused tomie Is.
She couldn't comprehend this feeling.
But she did not disliked it, she even started to come to love the feeling.
But everything went hell lose.
When she saw a man who was trying to seduce you. A man who was trying to swoon you over once more but this time, she did not order anyone.
When a man was touching you.
That man saying such things to you.
That man even coming near to you in the first place.
She felt something snapped in her.
A feeling something even more intense than what she ever felt.
She wanted to snap that man's neck.
She wanted to take that man's throat and kill him on spot.
She wanted to gouge his eyes out to never see your presence ever again.
Why did even such thing.
Even be able to be allowed with you.
The feeling..she never thought she would once felt again.
She wanted to pull her hair out.
She wanted to scream when she saw that man near you.
She wanted that man gone.
She wanted him gone from her sight.
She wanted that 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 gone.
She wanted it to be away from you.
But. She did not wanted to look like a monster infront of you.
She did not want to reveal her true self.
Of course, how could she forget.
She'll let her men do the job for her.
After just days later, you have not seen the man. You even haven't heard from him.
Not even a call from him that you would frequently get from him, not even the text he would always send to you.
As you thought about it.
A group of men then approached you.
You were confused..they looked so strange..their eyes were empty, something was Cleary wrong..your instict told you to run.
Before you could even process anything, an piece of cloth that had an strange smell was suddenly forced to your nose and mouth, forcing you to smell the strange scent as you tried to trash around to escape..the men helded you tightly.
your vision was fading at you fell uncouncious.
You eyes flutter, as you woke up in an elegant room, it was filled with expensive interior and design's, even the bed that you woke up from..a king sized bed, it felt so soft, it felt as if you were sleeping on a feather.
Your eyes shifted around as you felt a hands stroking your hair Gently.
You shot up your eyes, as you met the familiar eyes.. that was staring back at you with an..love sick and proud expression?
You uttered out, tomie? Why would she be here? Were you not kidnapped? then, why is tomie here? Smiling and giggling as if nothing happened?
Your expression was just confusion, your eye brows were furrowed..
Tomie smiled at you, as she then caressed your cheeks softly...
Wait she's beside you too..
"Sweetheart..you seem confused? Is there something bothering you?"
Tomie spoke, as her eyes we're staring back at your confused ones.
You don't understand this...
Why is tomie acting as if nothing is wrong? Why is she just here.. shouldn't we both he panicking..
You pulled back quick from her hands that was caressing your cheeks, tomie stared at you her eye brows were raised, as her expression were slightly frowning from you pulling away from her touch.. she wanted to touch you more.
You stood up from the bed, you whipped your head to tomies.. she didn't even seemed scared nor anything at all.
"Tomie, aren't we kidnapped?? We should call the police! Quick do you have your phone?"
You asked with your eyes full of concern and distress for the both of you.
You wanted to get out of here..those strange men from ealier, they might come back and do something worse.
After you spoke...tomie just looked at you, as if she was holding back to laugh..wait why was she even gonna laugh? is this a prank or something?
You furrowed your brows, as you spoke once more.
"Tomie! You shouldn't be laughing! What if they do something to us, those strange men from ealier."
You spoke once again but your voice more stern. As you awaited for tomies respond.
She finally giggled out.
She giggled out so loudly, that it even made you froze in spot..why is she Laughing??
As her posture even started to slouch from her laughing..as if it was the funniest thing you ever have spoke.
Her eyes shut as she laughed more.
You were so confused...why is she Laughing?? You couldn't handle the confusion anymore as you yelled out slightly.
"Tomie! This isn't funny stop!"
You yelled out, tomie stopped laughing slightly, her expression was still seemed as if she was helding back from giggling once more.
Tomie smirked at you..?
Wait why is she... Why is tomie..
You couldn't understand..why is tomie laughing...why is she acting like this.
She then approached slowly walking up to you, as she helded both of your hands genlty.
She gazed at you with the same smirk..
Her eyes..they aren't the same kind and warm as you seen before..her eyes seemed like she was craving for something, her expression wasn't as kind as she would usually have..
She then spoke.
"My dear, Don't panic. Everything is all right, those men that came to you earlier saved you!" Tomie spoke in an overjoyed tone, as if she was so happy.
𝘚𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶? Didn't they abducted you..
Something is clearly wrong here.
You quickly pulled away from her touch, as you pulled your hands back, you stared back to tomie with an expression full of disbelief and shock.
Tomie slightly frowned once more at your sudden move..why did you pulled back? Did you not want to be with her? Did you not want to be near her? Didn't you want to he the only two of you?
Tomie attempted to walk close to you once more, forcing up an genlte smile. But this time you knew she was forcing that smile.
You knew she was hiding something.
You backed up more as you then slightly yelled.
"Don't come near me."
You spoke in an stern tone, you knew that there was something wrong. Something was clearly wrong here, as you gazed back up to her...you were taken back from her expression, it's something that you never saw from tomie.
She was scowling at you, her eye brow were furrowed, her lips were slightly parted open, her eyes seemed to be filled with annoyance and impatience.
You couldn't believe that tomie was acting like this..
She suddenly walked closer to you once more. But this time she grabbed your chin with her hand harshly, as she forced you to look at her. You winced at the sudden action from her.
"Tomie,what are you doing—"
You were abruptly cut out from your words as tomie silenced you with a kiss, she switfly kissed you. Her lips meeting yours.
You widen your eyes, you tried to pull back from her touch. But her hand was forcing your chin to not move an inch. Her eyes were shut and seemingly even with an pleased expression, as she were enjoying and melting into the kiss.
No matter how hard you tried to pull away though...her grip seemed to not even loosen from your chin. You even tried to use your arms to get her off you. But she quickly used her other arm to immobilized both of your wrists, her grip was tight and even strong..you didn't expect this from tomie.. especially from her figure..
You were completely helpless from her. Well that what's tomie thought, as she hummed pleasingly through the kiss, her lips still on yours.
As you then had enough, you bit her tongue that was forcing itself to you.
She pulled back slightly. Her grip on your chin loosening, as you managed to pull your face away from hers, but your wrists were still held tightly by her.
"What do you think are you doing tomie."
You yelled at her. Your expression was furious and confused, as your voice was loud and stern, she didn't hear the gentle and warm tone that she always heard from you.
And that made her upset.
She glared back at you after you spoke.
Her eyes narrowing at you, her eye brows were furrowed, as she glared at you, if looks could kill, she would have already killed you with it. With how cold and intimidating she glared at you.
Why are you being so difficult? she just wanted you to be alone together. Isn't that what you wanted? Did you not love her touch? Why must you be acting so difficult.
Tomie then pulled your hair roughly. As she pulled the roots harshly.
"Who do you think you are talking back to me?"
Tomie spoke in such a cold and harsh tone. One that you never heard from me, you were used to her loving and gentle tone. Her. facade that she made up to lure you In.
You grunted and winced at her. As you hissed slightly from the pain.
She then pulled your hair up harshly, forcing you to look up to her.
You could see her expression, her eyes full of annoyance and amusement from you even yelling at her.
"For you to even yell and look at me like that. You're feeling arrogant [Name]."
As she tugged at your hair harshly once more. Her other arm still holds your wrist ever so tightly.
You frowned from pain at her action, as your head was hurting so much.
"You think you can look at me like that? After I done so much for you? Why must you be so ignorant, [Name]?"
Tomie asked in a mocking, and disappointed tone. As if she was so baffled by the fact that you even dared to look at her like that after she did so much for you.
You felt as if she was using everything at you. You felt guilty and upset with her, did she not say that she did everything because she wanted to help you? Why is she now..
Before you could even think, she tugged harshly once more to your hair. Making you yell slightly.
"[Name]. Nothing is free In this world, I gave you so much and you gave me nothing back?"
Tomie spoke as if you were indebted to her, as if you took something from her.
You glared back at tomie as you hissed from the pain.
This angered tomie more.
She pulled your hair more harsh and rougher, she glared back at your eyes.
"it seems that we're gonna have to start from the very beginning again..well you'll learn to love me once more then."
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