#tony stark headcannon
anyaharveyii · 4 months
the first time peter messes up badly enough that tony drops the full name ("peter benjamin parker!"), peter just freezes. he bluescreens for a solid thirty seconds, barely comprehending anything else that tony's saying.
and then he tackles tony in a hug.
and tony jumps 'cause he's obviously startled that they did a complete 180. and peter just starts shaking like a leaf, cause the only people who've ever called him by his full name using that particular tone were people like may, and people like ben, and people like his parents—
and peter knows that tony has no idea what he's just done, but it doesn't matter, because that's the moment when peter realizes that he wants tony to think of him as a son.
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Wanda: What the hell is wrong with your species?!
Demon!Nat:…Erm I don’t…I don’t what??
Wanda: Y/n has been ignoring me all day! Why?
Demon!Nat: Well Wanda when it gets to a certain time of the month a demon partner needs to spend a few days away from the other partner especially if they’re of female origin
Demon!Nat: Wanda you’re on that time of the month and there’s blood and when there’s blood around we either kill or protect our partners, maybe Y/n is on the kill side of things this month
Wanda: Oohh okay oh wow that’s very stressful
Demon!Nat: Yeah well, Y/n takes it bad, she’s gone off with Tony to see if she can calm down
Demon!Y/n: Another!
Tony: Y/n I can’t keep giving you prisoners to kill!
Demon!Y/n: You stop giving me prisoners and I’ll start on you!
Tony sighing, opening another cell door to release prisoners: I don’t know why I bought you for so much money
Demon!y/n: You bought a demon and expected me to behave? Stupid!
Tony: I at least wanted you to listen to me at all times and not sleep with any of the team, so what do you do?? Sleep with maximoff on a stakeout!
Demon!Y/n: She came on to me, she said her shoulders hurt so I needed to give her a massage
Tony: Naked massages aren’t a thing!
Demon!Y/n: Not to you! I see the way Pepper looks at me and I think a naked massage from me would do her good
Tony rolling his eyes: Just get this over with so we can go home and I can throw some water and soap over you
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fotibrit · 9 months
for christmas, tony changes the light in his arc reactor to green and decorates it to be a tiny wreath
it’s his favorite tradition
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kaethefangirl · 8 months
Tony Stark listens to Fall out boy. Convince me otherwise.
Stephen: *can't sleep, so he goes down to the lab to see what Tony's doing*
Tony: *casually screaming at the top of his lungs as he works* YOU WILL REMEMBER MEEE, REMEMBER ME FOR CENTURIESSS!
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idiotlosingsanity · 4 months
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nakurumok · 1 year
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Say hi to you new AI (yet-to-be boy)friend.
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winfreywrites · 1 year
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i bring marvel headcannons
obvs based on canon as well, specifically for loki but yes
peter has that t boy swag and tony is a gay man fuck canon because i said so /lh
and thor is like a homophobic gay person
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mf-headcannontap · 9 months
MARVEL Headcannon #7:
It was basically confirmed in the Loki series that what passes as candy on Asgard was fruits and nuts. It can be implied that before coming to Earth, dessert for these two would be fruit tarts and fruit cake.
That being said, this is why Thor took such a strong liking to Pop Tarts and why the day the Avengers showed Loki sugar is one that must never be spoken of ever. Let's just say, a kid in a candystore was a more than apt description of what transpired, and there was a reason why Loki had such restricted access to grapes and nuts (and why when pretending to be Odin they indulged on these), a Chaos God on sugar is stuff of nightmares.
Also, Tony will forever be blamed for showing Loki chocolate. The day Loki discovered Chocolate Fountains was a day that still brings chills to those who remember having to separate Loki from it and wrangle the slippery, sugar high god.
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 5 months
I'm making a tag list! Comment under this post to be added!
For marvel writings comment ❤️
For stranger things writings comment 🖤
If there is a specific character you want to be added to lmk!
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Nat: Yelena why is peter drunk?
Yelena: ok it was only half my fault.
Peter: if the sky is up and we say whats up but we live on the ground and people say are you down-
Nat: peter be quiet. yelena care to explain
yelena: so you know how you said i couldnt walk around the compound drinking vodka from the bottle all the time?
Nat: yes… oh god what did you do
yelena: i put it in a waterbottle but how was i supost to know it was peters school waterbottle
yelena: lets just say its a good thing we changed tonys info to mine so the school rang me instead
peter: yelenas the best-est-est ever. dad cant know i got drunk.
yelena: *snorts* thanks kid
Peter: *shoots a thumbs up before tripping over the couch and falling asleep*
Nat: Tonys gonna kill you when he finds out
yelena: it’ll be worth it for the blackmail photos *puts sunglasses and draws on peter’s face*
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quietlyimplode · 1 year
So I've always had this head cannon about nat and tony in a romantic substitute way.Tony is in a relationship with pepper who loves him but doesn't really understand what it means to be a warrior, and Nat has her best friend Clint who understands being a warrior but is married to someone else. In each other Nat and Tony find understanding if not romance
Not sure where that is going but if it helps pass the time feel free to play with it
@lastcallsailor Thank you <3 I enjoyed playing with this concept and it came at a time where I was watching a movie with a friend, and could just chill out and write.
Tony and Nat always make me think that they are perfect as friends but as lovers they would be volatile, no checks and balances - doesn’t make it any less fun though. Here’s my take - feel free to imagine on how it may end, either with a romantic interlude or perhaps just both of them passing out.
(Thank you <3 You are wonderful.)
(This week is something else - send in headcannons, fic ideas, wip questions, recs etc)
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“Vodka, Natasha?”
Tony laughs.
“You’re a walking cliché.”
The words have an edge to them.
Natasha scoffs, offers him the drink and he holds up his own.
“Byo. Wasn’t sure if you were one of those no drinking spates.”
She takes another swig and sinks further into the chair.
He lowers himself onto the floor and copies her, with his bottle of whisky.
“Thought you didn’t drink that stuff,” he comments.
She rolls her eyes.
“When I’m low, this feels right, feels like it’s what I should be drinking to get to entropy.”
She nods at his drink.
“What about you, your father’s drink of choice making you feel better?”
He laughs, the melancholic ring makes her smile they both drink more.
They sit in silence, lost in thoughts.
“What are you doing here, Tony?”
He shrugs.
“Misery loves company, right?”
Natasha nods.
“Your annoying presence, is welcome any time.”
“That’s the alcohol talking,” he laughs.
“What are we doing, shell head?”
Tony sinks further down.
“You mean besides sitting together, and drinking?”
“Clint doesn’t want anything to do with me, and Pepper…”
“Doesn’t want anything to do with me?”
“When did you find out he was married?”
Natasha rolls her eyes.
“Same thing, no?”
“I don’t think so,” she retorts, setting the bottle down.
“So you get to wallow because he went off with his Ex on a mission and they didn’t invite you? They have all the history and you have, what? Baggage?”
His words cut her, and she throws the nearest pillow at him.
“Pepper kick you out again? How much sleep have you had in the last week, Tony Stark?”
He throws the pillow back.
“Enough to be functional.”
She can’t help the derisive laugh.
“Not enough to stop the nightmares, huh? You attack her again?”
Tony picks up another pillow and throws it.
“It wasn’t me, it was the sentinels.”
“I knew I shouldn’t have told you last time,” he mumbles.
Natasha drinks.
“No wonder she left,” she replies, harshly.
Tony drinks, then clears his throat, rolling his eyes at her words like they didn’t hurt.
“They’re coming back you know? And all the heart ache, all the stories, and then all the pain you feel now can be dampened down.”
He adjusts his position back to sitting on the couch instead of next to it.
“You can keep pining for something that you’ll never have.”
She laughs.
“Is that what you want?”
He drinks the meager contents that are left and sits the bottle on the ground.
“I don’t think I’ll ever have that,” she says truthfully.
Natasha nods.
“Yeah, maybe that.”
He laughs easily.
“We won’t ever have that.”
She sets her bottle down, the contents still swishing.
There’s a pause and thoughtful look.
“Yeah, you’re right, I don’t think we ever will.”
It’s like she’s had an epiphany, and Tony grows uncomfortable at the way she stares at the now still bottle.
“It’s not a bad thing,” he clarifies.
“I’ve never been normal or stable, son of billionaire, tech genius. Never just been Tony. Never just been a boyfriend, or someone that can be… someone I guess. I’m always something.”
Natasha nods slow.
“Me too,” she finishes, almost inaudibly.
He stands to sit next to her, their combined weight depressing the couch.
“Why’d you come here, Tony?”
She rests her head on his shoulder and sighs.
“Why’d you have to make me feel sorry for you, when I just wanted to feel sorry for me?”
He rests his now pounding head on hers.
“I thought you’d understand, maybe, the uncomfortableness of feeling alone. That it’s more fun to be alone, together.”
He thinks on his words, wondering just why he’d come. Pepper had left, the tower seemed like the loneliest place.
He’d wondered what the others were doing and found Clint on a mission. Tony knew he’d find comfort in his friend.
For all the things that Clint knew about Natasha, he didn’t know about the complicated feelings.
“Turns out you do.”
She sighs heavily.
“I like being alone.”
“Yeah, me too.”
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anyaharveyii · 4 months
headcanon that peter kept jumping back and forth between wanting to open up to tony and wanting to keep him at arms length when they first started to get their mentor-mentee relationship off the ground.
so things like how when tony put a hand on his shoulder, he'd lean into the touch before sharply moving away.
or how he'd get really excited when tony invited him to help with a project before his face would suddenly freeze and shutter closed into this emotionless, blank slate.
and internally, peter was like, "shit, Mr. Stark must think I'm either bipolar or clinically insane."
but what peter forgot was that tony went through the same thing with people like pepper and rhodey after howard died, so he very quickly recognized what was going on.
and it was honestly kind of flattering to see the signs that peter held him to the same standard as his dad or his uncle ben. so rather than commenting on any of it, he just sent the kid a warm smile and reminded himself to be patient and wait for peter to come to him.
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xanderio1 · 10 months
1.🕊️ (Warning for @bus3)
Peter loved aunt may but aunt may blammed Peter for uncle Ben's death, leading her to become cold, and abusive towards Peter. Peter, without any remaining family members or friends that could help him, felt that all hope was lost. Until he became Spiderman.
After Peter and tony met, they started to form a close relationship, some would say (*cough cough* rohdey, pepper and happy *cough cough*) a fatherly son sort of bond. Peter thought of it like this and so did tony but they never let eachother know. One day, when the avengers bought Peter along on a mission, he got hurt. It was supposed to be an easy mission, punch some bad guys and save the day as always.
Peter had his ribs broken (classic Peter 😭)
As Hellen cho patched him up, making sure his excelertated healing didn't heal his ribs in the wrong place, she noticed the cuts and bruises all along his body. Informing the avengers as Hellen dearly loved Peter, they all knew who did it.
And that's how they figured out why Peter doesn't like going home
That's how they figured out why Peter didn't talk about may.
That's how Peter moved into the avengers tower.
Tony had a bracelet that he gave to Peter. He didn't expect him to ever wear it, assuming that Peter thought it would be too 'girly'.
Peter wore it EVERYWHERE.
Peter knew that it could track his location, vitals, emotions E.T.C, but he didnt mind, because he trusted mr. Stark with his life. Tony got an alert from F.R.I.D.A.Y, saying:
"mini boss is in distress sir, elevated heart beat showing, and distortion. He's showing signs of a panic attack. Location: midtown school."
Tony dropped everything, and was at the highschool in three minutes flat.
Ever since then, tony did his best to help Peter, and get him to co-operate. Now in his locker at school, aswell as ned's and MJ's, theres a spidey safe kit, and in the tower, everything Peter needs to calm down.
There's one problem, no one knows why he has them, and no one asks due to the order of iron dad (as Nat, rhodey, Steve and pepper now call him), because tony trusts that when the time comes, he will tell him.
And if Peter needs him at any time, click the little button on the bracelet.
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Marvel characters as customers at my coffeeshop:
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Basically been on my mind and so here are my thoughts. Obviously note these are my opinions. Typing this on my phone so excuse any mistakes.
Steve and Bucky: they both get drip coffee with cream and sugar. Since cream and sugar were rationed when they grew up its a treat that they get to have every morning. They tip and it took a while for them to figure out the whole credit card thing. They always say good morning and thank you. Overall a good customer and welcome regulars.
Sam: this man is the perfect customer. He likes to get the special or whatever the barista recommends. However if it's busy he will get a drip coffee since it takes less work. He always tips. Always calls you by your name. Asks how your day is going. Compliments your music or outfit. Best customer out there and favorite regular by far. Oh he also always offers to pay for his friends. He might even pay for the person behind him. Literally makes your day as soon as he enters the shop.
Natasha: never gets the same thing since she's a spy and is trained not to have a routine. Knew your name the first day without asking for it. It took you a moment to realize this. Cash only. Will tip and once stole the wallet of a man who refused to tip. A mysterious 100$ appeared in the tip jar.
Clint: like natasha he doesn't have a regular. Will use your name and asks how you are. The creepy guy who hit on you never showed up after you informed Clint it in passing once. Sometimes orders pastries to bring home.
Tony: a busy man who gets the largest cold brew. Doesn't really talk. It's more of a nod, you ring him up, he pays, and leaves. He's usually on his phone. Would be annoying but he tips well and if someone new is there he introduces himself and what he orders. He's a regular you can count on to be polite and simple.
Bruce: shows up Monday morning at opening for a cup of coffee and to order a bag of beans. He makes himself coffee at home for the rest of the week. Super polite and honestly a great first customer for the start of the shift. However if you're a minute late he will mention it.
Thor: so excited to try everything and also wants to learn about it. Asks the difference between espresso and drip. Has tried everything and keeps note of what he likes and doesn't like. Also likes to order for his friends. A lively customer who is a great tester for your new specials. Sometimes too much energy for when you are having a bad day. But he often noticedls this and buys you a pastry in hopes it makes you feel better.
Loki: the type to order a pourover and peer over the counter to make sure you get it right. Will have you remake a drink if it does not satisfy him. Great taste but terrible customer. Oh also offended at how little money baristas are paid and makes a point to tip really well. He mentions how even the servents of asgard get paid more and better benefits. Also has stolen from customers who don't tip. The only reason he's not banned from the shop is because the tip jar is filled each time he comes in. Sometimes even with random things like jewelry or magical objects.
Peter Parker: doesn't take too much caffeine. Gets a tea or lemonade. Sometimes food. Usually comes after school with friends to study. Apologizes about being too rowdy but honestly they aren't too bad. Aks you a bunch of questions and shares cool facts. Always cleans up and tucks in the chairs afterwards. Personally I would love him and would sneak him a bunch of treats and discounts.
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no-name-nacho-cheese · 11 months
So if Howard Stark was absent (or otherwise awful) during Tony's childhood, and Tony had Jarvis.... Does that mean that, since Tony is dead and will be absent from Morgan's life, that Happy Hogan is Morgan's Jarvis???
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idiotlosingsanity · 4 months
Tony Stark - Iron Man
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