#traditional japanese sports
twosecondstreet · 2 years
Watching Sumo Live at Ryogoku Kokugikan
Big men slapping each other around? We're talking sumo! #twosecondstreet #sumowrestling
Japan has many traditional sports that have come and gone in popularity over the years, but one that seems to continue to capture the imagination is sumo. After a pandemic and a bit of procrastination, a friend of ours offered us the opportunity to go to the main sumo stadium in Japan, the Ryogoku Kokugikan, to watch sumo of every size, stature, and ranking slap, push, and throw each other out of…
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nickysfacts · 10 months
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The Mii are a unique interpretation of the “toys to life” concept!😄
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midnightshade · 10 months
GojoHime: Evidence and Discussion
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Jujutsu Kaisen isn't a romance series. It's a horror action series that focuses more on platonic bonds and camaraderie between its characters. That being said, just as any shounen series, it has its fair share of ships, each with its own assortment of crumbs and small details.
GojoHime is a particularly interesting ship to look at. Being a massive fan of it myself,  it's fun to pick through the evidence that supports it. I'd like to share the evidence that I and many other GojoHime fans have found. I'll be starting with the smaller, weaker evidence first and working my way up to the strongest evidence.
Before I start in earnest, I want to clarify that this isn't made to attack any other ship. People can ship whatever they want, and no ship in the series is canon (aside from exceptions like Hakari and Kirara). I like GojoHime so I want to talk about it. That's really it.
With that out of the way, let's begin.
First, let's start with the evidence outside of the manga itself. This one isn't very compelling, but it is cute. In Japan, there is a chip brand called Bakauke. Bakauke has two mascots known as Borin and Barin, who are girlfriend and boyfriend. When Bakauke collabed with Jujutsu Kaisen, Utahime and Gojo were chosen to represent the Borin and Barin respectively, thus being depicted as girlfriend and boyfriend.
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Moving on to evidence found within the actual manga, we see that on the splash page for Gojo and Utahime, the print behind them depicts arrows known as a Yagasuri pattern. In Japan, this is a symbol often used for weddings. It's meant for good luck because "a shot arrow does not return," and therefore, a married woman does not (or should not) return to her parents.
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We also see depictions of them under an umbrella often used at weddings. Sharing an umbrella is also a common romantic trope in Japan.
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Other smaller evidence exists in the form of their phone call. This consists a beeper code, where the number of their call spells out "I like you" in code, and another interesting detail is that Satoru calls Utahime from his recent contacts, implying that he calls her often.
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Gojo and Utahime were made to be opposites. Aside from the obvious "opposites attract" trope, it creates a compelling visual story between them. Man and woman, strong and weak, modern and traditional, blue and red. Satoru hates alcohol and loves sweets while Utahime loves alcohol but hates sweets.
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Gege said Gojo only puts down his Technique with people he trusts, which we see him do with Utahime. He trusts her enough to have to actively put his Technique back in place after she throws a teacup at him.
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Moving on to some of the strongest and most convincing evidence, we have Waka Inoue, Utahime's very own technique, and Gege's past works.
Gojo had a picture of Waka Inoue as his background as a teenager. He clearly finds her attractive, as is common, considering she's a popular model, but the reason why this is important is that Inoue shares a lot of similarities with Utahime.
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Both women have noticeable bangs, they're the same height (166cm), and they share a love for alcohol, karaoke, and sports, specifically baseball. Waka is described once as a "competitive crybaby who hates to lose," and as we see in the Anime, Gojo has a way of firing Utahime up and she is also prone to being a bit of a scaredy-cat and a crybaby. We also see her more competitive side come out during the baseball tournament between Kyoto and Tokyo.
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Moving on to Utahime's Cursed Technique, as some Japanese fans have pointed out, Utahime's Soro Soro Kinku (Solo Forbidden Area) is based on a real love song about forbidden love with lyrics about a masked lover. The records from the singer, Akina Nakamori, are called Utahime records, and the singer even does Gojo's unlimited void hand sign during her live performances of her song, "Fin."
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The most compelling bit of evidence for me is Gege's past works. Two of his three one-shot manga have characters who are very similar to Gojo and Utahime. The male protagonist is usually cocky and teases the female protagonist, while the female protagonist gets annoyed at his antics but is otherwise down to earth and kind.
In Nikai Bongai Barabarujura, the protagonist, Noroma, reminds me of teen Gojo in appearance and behavior. He is "the strongest" who teases Nodoka, the female protagonist, for being weak but has an obvious respect for her drive and inner strength.
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In Kamishiro Sosa, we have a similar set-up as before. The male protagonist, Ganji, is very energetic and careless with the female protagonist, Rekko's, feelings, and is seen to have a very similar type of banter as Gojo and Utahime have.
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Gege clearly likes that type of pairing, which isn't surprising given the bickering couple and rivals to lovers is a popular trope in romance. It's not unusual for Mangaka to reuse old ideas, and that seems to be what happened with Gojo and Utahime. Even their appearances share similarities.
As you can see, GojoHime has a lot of thought put into it, and it's very interesting to see the little details Gege has put into their dynamic. There's definitely a reason why so many adore this pairing, and I'm glad Gege has paid attention to that.
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pearlsinmyhair · 4 months
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i had to write something for her- i was itching. headcanons are always kinda scary for me so i hope you like them
anyways: very light on x reader, with general mentions of mizu having a partner. that being said, no nsfw (for this one).
real quick! : i use she/her pronouns for mizu in this. if this is triggering for you, which i completely understand if it is, then please don’t proceed.
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≈ she most definitely owns a cat. mizu is one of those pet owners whose animals reflect their personalities. her cat will tolerate some and scamper away from the rest of those who dare try to pet them. the feline avoids taigen, is chill with akemi, and pretends to hate ringo (she purrs as soon as he walks into her apartment, but she does so with a grumpy face).
≈ surprisingly, the fur baby let you scratch her under her chin when you first came over- which, believe me, mizu noted.
≈ has a butterfly knife.
≈ can do extremely elaborate tricks with it -are we surprised-
≈ one time taigen tried to copy her and it ended with him slicing a finger open and almost flinging the knife into his face.
≈ there’s a blood stain on the rug in mizu’s living room, and whenever taigen brags she’ll just silently point at it to humble his ass.
≈ also has a fish. specifically a beta fish. they’re solitary and will fight others if kept together, and i think mizu would find some kind of kinship with a little angry beta fish.
≈ no, her cat doesn’t try to eat her fish. everyone is convinced that the three beings in the mizu household can read each others minds.
≈ this idea isn’t squashed when you eventually move in, because three simply becomes four, and you all move around each other and communicate perfectly without so much as a look. it’s freaky, and taigen, akemi, and ringo will watch them in silence trying to figure it out.
≈ she wears those giant bermuda-cut jean shorts. akemi hates them, which just makes mizu love them more. she loves seeing her face scrunch up with disgust when they meet up.
≈ gym girlie gym girlie gym girly-
≈ girl’s got a snatched waist, it’s not faaaaiiiirrrr-
≈ definitely has tattoos, and everyone of them is meaningful. there’s a teeny tiny pheonix at the nape of her neck, a dagger on her ankle for swordfather, and a Hokusai wave trailing down her bicep that she gets extended every now and again.
≈ speaking of the wave tattoo, mizu has a deep seated love for the ocean. as in, she’ll never tell anyone outright, but if the group is anywhere near the beach for the day, mizu disappears. they find her via taigen (he has her location under the guise of knowing where to find her body if she gets killed), and she’s waist deep in the waves, just kinda meditating.
≈ she doesn’t get visually cold. like, cmon, sis was wandering around in the snow and sporting a little red nose. she doesn’t complain, doesn’t shiver, and her teeth don’t chatter.
≈ that is, unless you’re close to her.
≈ she’ll allow herself to be babied after putting up a fight (ahem ringo) but a bitch will melt if you fret over her.
≈ factory reset when you try to warm her hands up by cupping them in yours and breathing on them.
≈ taigen will gag if you both show pda, and mizu will threaten death.
≈ this woman has enviable fashion sense. off duty model vibes, even though she’s not trying.
≈ favors baggy clothes, and likes a more androgynous appearance.
≈ that being said, the eyeliner on her slays. just as sharp as her sword, and she’s got ariana grande skills when it comes to applying it.
≈ rbf all the way. most people think she hates them (she does, but she’ll never confirm it) because her default expression is stern.
≈ i think she’d wear rings. all kinds- she likes to twist them when she’s thinking.
≈ if she were to go to college, i feel like she’d pursue some kind of history degree or art history and specify in either japanese military history or traditional art (im projecting-)
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i’m actually fighting fear to post these-
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ravencincaide · 4 months
Men like flowers too 
Summary: When you get him flowers for valentines day, his reaction is far from what you expected OR sometimes taking a risk pays off. 
Pairing: fem! reader x Chuuya 
Requested by: @chuuyaswifeandhoe Thank you so much for your request, it was most certainly one of the more challenging ones for me. Still I hope this is at least a fraction of what you imagined 🩷
Warnings: cursing, reckless driving, very very light hint at possible sexual content
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You did not know whether this was a good idea or if it would somehow make the already disappointing Valentine's turn a bitter-sour awkward experience as you missed the mark entirely. Twisted precious Japanese traditions into something western-influenced- but not really. All the while making a hot mess of yourself in the process.
But you were about to find out. 
Without a second thought, you opened the passenger side of the bright red sports car and you flopped down into the leather seats quickly and in-elegantly. You made sure you were inside the vehicle and ready to go before your beloved valentine had a chance to finish his textmessage. The second a low tsk’ made it past his lips followed with a half-hearted curse as his thumb brushed over the turn-off button of the small device, you made your move.
“ Here you go” Your voice was a sing-song purr as you stretched more like dump in his lap a box of especially imported wine infused chocolates and the exceptionally large and ridiculous bouquet of red and orange flowers tied together with a matching obnoxious ribbon that ended in a rosette. You tried to sound casual- like this was the most natural thing in the world for you to do as you reached towards the seatbelt. 
Still you watched Chuuya’s reaction closely.
First, the way his eyes widened, a mildly surprised expression clouded the otherwise focused and slightly work-annoyed look. Then his lips set into a straight line: a thin, displeased thing. As if you had just critiqued him to his face about something Chuuya had done but had not had the chance to show it off to you.Yet. 
An unjustified disappointment.  
“ Did you buy these for yourself, Sweetheart?” Before you could answer he leaned towards the passenger side, the flowers you got almost squashed between you two. His fingers grasped your chin and forced you to look him straight in the eyes. No escape from those piercing orbs. 
“ Y/N what did we say? You never buy flowers for yourself, Baby-girl. Especially not on fucking Valentines of all days- that is my job” he kept his voice low and leveled, yet the red of his eyes gave you an indication of how annoyed he was. No how angry he got at the mere thought that you consider him so incompetent so as to not get you flowers on the one day a year dedicated to love in western traditions.
Japanese traditions could go screw themselves. He was not about to do nothing for you while you showered him in chocolates of all shapes, makes, qualities and sizes. 
“ They’re for you, silly” you replied with a small nervous smile tugged on the corners of your lips. However your nervous smile was quickly replaced with an amused one as you watched his eyes widen, returning back to stunning blue as he shifted them away from you and down towards the flowers between you. They widened as they landed on the petals, getting bent in between your bodies. Quickly he moved back and placed the flowers down onto his lap while he cleared his throat in silent apology. His mind obviously searched for something to say that was not the typical flat ‘thank you’ yet it came up empty. Much to his own frustration and your satisfaction. And the pink tint on his cheeks served as the cherry on top. 
This reaction was not one you would forget anytime soon. 
“ Uh-huh thanks– ahh what the heck” Chuuya started the car without warning before he pulled out of the mall parking lot, his speed double the legal limit. You rushed to get your seatbelt on in the meantime. 
The second you turned your eyes back to the road you realized something. 
“ C-chuu this isn’t the way to the Head Quarters” you gasped as he pulled out into the highway. Had your orders changed while you were collecting his gift? No, they hadn’t, you realized in horror as his lips pulled up into a smirk, while one of his hands let go of the steering wheel and dropped into your lap, giving your thigh a loving squeeze. It was a hint as to what was to come once he finally got you home. Before you could reason with him, said hand started moving upwards,drawing a startled “ Chuuya!” from your lips.
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Author note: Happy Valentines day! I hope this request fullfilled your expectations. I'm aware this is not as smooth as my usual ones but I still hope it drew a smile from your lips!
This was the last SFW fic for today. The remaining three will fall within the NSFW category. So for some of you, Raven's special is coming to an end with this fic. I hope you have enjoyed and thank you all who have participated and send requests 🩷
Like this work and want more? Check out Raven's Masterlist
©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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ryusuisloveinterest · 5 months
Omg hey girlypop, what is your best dr stone headcanon?
hi girlypop bestie! Imma be so honest I couldn’t come up with one on the top of my head so I wrote one for most of the characters. Probably gonna make a part two with the rest idk. I hope this’ll do!💝
Headcanon for most dr stone characters 🎀
Senku: he likes hanging around you the most so he picks up some of your habits (ex: if you like to dance when you work you’ll catch him swaying or dancing a bit too)
Taiju: since Yuzuriha is always making cute things for everyone he tried to make something for her
Yuzuriha: all the suits Senku and all the scientist wear for their meetings are made by her or from her brand
Kohaku: whether she’s dating a man/woman/nonbinary person she’ll insist she does the heavy lifting 
Chrome: searches for the best rocks or stones for your wedding ring to be
Kinro: lied to a security guard breaking a rule so you could meet one of your favorite musicians 
Ginro: ACTUALLY trains with Kohaku because he’s worried he won’t be able to protect you
Gen: refuses to use his mental tricks on you because he doesn’t want to manipulate you
Kaseki: whenever the dr stone couples have kids he makes toys for them
Tsukasa: always kissed you before a fight for good luck 
Magma: stops trying to be the village chief in order to make you fall for him
Nikki: writes down Lilian song lyrics she remembers and gives them to you because they remind her of you
Ukyo: wants a huge family I’m talking like 6 kids
Yo: tries to flirt but it often sounds like insults
Hyoga: if you’re not from Japan he’ll teach you Japanese traditions
Homura: knows all the kingdom of science drama and will tell you it like a bedtime story 
Minami: plans on making a scrapbook of all the pictures of you and her together
Ryusui: loves sports cars so before the petrification you and him would go speeding around Japan 
Francois: teaches you how to cook, clean, etc. in case they’re not there to help you 
Soyuz: as soon as he decided to become chief of treasure island he proposed saying he needed a priestess to be by this side
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hayatheauthor · 9 months
How to Pick The Perfect Weapon For Your Characters 
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When you’re writing a novel every small element has its own purpose. From the lush setting to the intricate plot, each detail is carefully chosen to convey a message, evoke emotions, and immerse readers in the narrative. One such crucial element is the character's weapon. 
A character’s weapon is their best friend, sometimes even literally in cases like Magnus Chase. This seemingly insignificant tool can be a symbol of their essence, values, and role in the story. This is why it’s so essential to pick the right weapon!
As an author of both thriller and SFF, I decided to create a quick guide to help you learn how to pick the perfect weapon for your characters. 
Swords: The Symbol of Honor and Valor
Swords have long held a special place in the realm of storytelling. They are the embodiment of honor, valor, and the chivalric code. Whether it be thriller, action, or even romance, stories have sported brave princes and knights bearing swords from decades. Characters who wield a sword are perceived as strong, determined people with a willingness to make sacrifices for their cause. 
Some writers often associate swords with the main male protagonist, however, this weapon would be a great fit for any character who is perceived as a force to be reckoned with. The cliche prince on a horse with a shiny sword might paint a clear image, but don’t limit yourself to literary stereotypes.  
Types of Swords
Contrary to popular belief swords come in various shapes and sizes, each with its unique attributes. 
Longswords: These versatile weapons are known for their balance, allowing for precise strikes and powerful swings. Longswords are often associated with knights and heroes. These are the type of swords a typical prince would wield. 
Katanas: Elegant and deadly, katanas are the traditional swords of Japanese samurai. They represent discipline, precision, and the way of the warrior. Katanas are also often used by antagonists. 
Rapiers: Slim and agile, rapiers are the choice of swashbucklers and duelists. They symbolize finesse, quick thinking, and style in combat.
Ideal Characters
If you’re finding it difficult to decide whether or not your character should wield a sword, here are some personality traits and physical qualities to go off of: 
Courage: Swordsmen and swordswomen are brave, unafraid to confront danger directly.
Honor: They uphold a strong sense of morality and adhere to a code of ethics. However, this also applies to antagonistic characters who often fail to see the flaws in their ways. 
Chivalry: Sword-bearing characters display manners, respect, and hold themselves to high regard.
Physical Prowess: Proficiency in swordplay demands agility, strength, and dexterity, this usually comes with a fit if not lean physique. If your character is more of a brute then swords might not be the best pick for them. 
Examples in Literature
Throughout literary history, swords have been embraced by iconic characters. You have chivalrous heroes like the legendary King Arthur wielded the mythical sword Excalibur, a symbol of his destiny and nobility. However, there are also notable villains such as Luke Castellan from Percy Jackson. 
Luke’s character starts off as a minor protagonist who is akin to a mentor figure but he slowly turns into a major antagonist. Many people often associate swords with protagonists, however, they can also be used by powerful antagonists with a strong mindset who are determined to have their way. 
When crafting a character who wields a sword, consider these attributes and the symbolic weight that comes with this choice. Swords are not just weapons; they are embodiments of valor and the unwavering spirit of your characters. 
Daggers: The Stealthy and Cunning Choice
In the world of weaponry, daggers hold a unique allure. These swift blades are the embodiment of stealth, cunning, and the art of silent confrontation. When a character wields a dagger, it signifies their mastery of subtlety, their ability to navigate the shadows, and their readiness to strike with precision when the moment is ripe. 
Unlike swords, daggers have been used more uniquely throughout literature and are wielded by various character types. However, they are often associated with the sarcastic quick-witted characters or quiet calculative ones.
Types of Daggers
Daggers come in various forms, each tailored for a specific purpose:
Stilettos: A stiletto's slim, needle-like design is tailor-made for covert operations. It's the weapon of choice when subtlety and concealment are paramount, often associated with assassins and spies.
Dirks: Dirks are the Swiss Army knives of the dagger world. Their broad blades enable both offense and defense, making them versatile companions for characters who value adaptability.
Throwing Knives: Characters who wield throwing knives are the sharpshooters of the dagger realm. Their skill lies not just in close combat but in launching these deadly projectiles with uncanny accuracy.
Twin Daggers: Twin daggers, a pair of symmetrical blades, represent a double-edged approach to combat. Characters who favor this style emphasize agility, dual-wielding techniques, and the element of surprise.
Ideal Characters for Dagger-Wielding
Characters who favor daggers share a distinct set of traits and characteristics:
Stealth and Evasion: Dagger-wielding characters excel in the art of remaining unseen and slipping through the tightest of spots.
Cunning and Strategy: They rely on their wits, strategy, and clever tactics to outmaneuver opponents who might possess greater physical strength.
Resourcefulness: Daggers are versatile tools that require characters to adapt to their environment. Whether in a dimly lit alley or a sun-drenched courtyard, they use what's at hand to gain an advantage.
Quick Reflexes: In close combat, precision and agility are essential. Dagger-wielders are known for their ability to react swiftly to changing circumstances.
Examples in Literature
In the realm of literature, characters who master the art of daggers often exude enigma and resourcefulness. Unlike sword-wielders who are seen as flashy and bold, those who use daggers are capable of slinking through the shadows and using their weapon to sneakily complete their tasks.  
Arya Stark from George R.R. Martin's "Game of Thrones" series is a great example of this. Arya's journey is intrinsically tied to her slender dagger, Needle. It becomes an extension of herself, embodying her resilience and resourcefulness.
Another example would be the assassins in the "Assassin's Creed" series. These stealthy characters employ an array of daggers for precise and silent takedowns, epitomizing the cunning and agility associated with this weapon.
Crafting a character who wields a dagger opens up possibilities for intrigue, stealth, and the art of subterfuge.
Axes: The Brute Force of the Battlefield
Axes, with their sheer power and imposing presence, are the weapons of characters who favor raw strength and ferocity on the battlefield. These formidable tools are more than mere instruments of destruction; they symbolize the unyielding force that some characters bring to their quests and conflicts.
Unlike the other weapons listed in this blog post, axes are possibly the only weapon where I would advise you to go with the stereotypical ‘big, strong person’ image associated with this weapon. This is because axes are impossible to wield on a regular basis by someone who isn’t physically capable of handling their weight. 
Types of Axes
It is common knowledge that axes come in various forms, each designed for specific purposes, but here are the most common types of axes used in literature:
Battle-Axes: These massive, double-bladed weapons are designed for cleaving through armor and enemies alike. They are the embodiment of relentless strength and often used by the antagonist’s henchmen or guards.
Hatchets: Hatchets are compact, one-handed axes known for their versatility and practicality. They are often associated with survivalists and woodsmen.
Tomahawks: Tomahawks are single-handed axes with a historical significance, representing both tools and weapons for Native American characters.
Ideal Characters
As I mentioned above, there are certain traits associated with characters who use axes that you would be better off following. However, that is not to say you have to go along with the stereotype to the T. Think of characters like Hagrid, who fits the physical and mental requirements for an axe-wielder yet is portrayed as a loveable character. 
Some traits you should keep in mind to use as a reference point for axe-wielders are: 
Bravery: Axe-wielding characters are unflinchingly brave, charging headlong into battles without hesitation.
Ferocity: They are known for their unrestrained aggression and determination in combat. However, they can also be quiet and keep to themselves in daily life. 
Physical Might: Proficiency with axes demands exceptional strength and endurance.
Resilience: Axe-bearers can endure heavy blows and keep pressing forward.
Examples in Literature
In literature, characters who wield axes are often forces to be reckoned with. They’re those powerful characters that leave a lasting impact on your readers. Think of characters like Thor, Brienne of Tarth and Gimli. 
While this weapon is generally associated with magical beings like dwarves and giants you could also have fun with it. Maybe a hot-headed female elf prefers using an axe rather than swords and bows like her peers, or a princess could have picked up on how to use a hatchet while watching the guards train. 
Remember, axes represent not only power but also the indomitable will to face adversity head-on.
Bows and Arrows: Precision and Patience
In the realm of weaponry, few choices demand as much finesse and discipline as the bow and arrow. These elegant yet deadly weapons are the preferred tools of characters who value precision, patience, and the ability to engage their enemies from afar. As the arrow leaves the bowstring, it represents not only a physical projectile but also a testament to the archer's skill and the unwavering focus required for this art.
Types of Bows 
Archery encompasses a range of styles, each offering unique advantages and reflecting the character of the archer:
Longbows: Known for their simplicity and sheer power, longbows have been used by legendary archers throughout history. Drawing a longbow requires considerable strength and skill, making it the choice of archers who value raw force and accuracy.
Compound Bows: Modern archers often favor compound bows, which employ a system of pulleys and cables to provide mechanical advantage. This design makes them easier to draw and hold at full draw, ideal for hunters and those who value both accuracy and ease of use.
Recurve Bows: Recognized by their gracefully curved limbs, recurve bows store and release energy efficiently. These bows are versatile, often used in competitive archery where precision and consistency are paramount.
Crossbows: Crossbows are handheld devices that offer unique advantages, particularly in terms of precise aiming and ease of use. Archers who value accuracy and a quick reload often choose these weapons.
The Ideal Archer
Characters who become proficient with bows and arrows exhibit a distinctive set of attributes and skills:
Patience: Archers are masters of patience, waiting for the perfect moment to release their arrow, whether in the heat of battle or during a hunt.
Precision: They possess an uncanny aim, able to consistently strike distant targets with pinpoint accuracy.
Stealth: Archers can engage their enemies from a concealed vantage point, using the environment to their advantage.
Stamina: Drawing a bow requires not only finesse but also physical strength and endurance, especially when handling longbows.
Examples in Literature
In the world of literature, characters who master the art of archery often personify these traits:
Katniss Everdeen from Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games" series is the perfect example of a typical archer. Katniss's skill with a bow becomes a symbol of her survival and resilience in a dystopian world, her weapon is something she can rely on and trust. It isn’t as flashy or bold as some of the other characters’ weapons, however, her weapon’s, often-overlooked, proficiency helps her overcome her opponents. 
Another good example would be Legolas from J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Legolas, an elf archer, is renowned for his exceptional accuracy and agility, traits that make him a formidable member of the Fellowship.
When crafting a character who wields a bow and arrows, delve into their temperament, motivations, and the patience required for their style of combat. Bows and arrows represent not only precision but also the ability to strike with calculated efficiency from a distance.
Magical Weaponary: Enchanted Tools
Magical implements, imbued with mystic energy, are the tools of wizards, witches, and characters who harness the arcane forces of magic. These enchanted objects represent not only power but also the mastery of spells, incantations, and the unseen forces that shape their world.
Types of Magical Weaponary
Magical implements can take various forms, each with its unique properties and associations:
Wands: Wands are slender instruments often associated with precision spellcasting. The type of wood and core material can influence their magical properties.
Staffs: Staffs are longer and more robust than wands, often associated with wizards and sorcerers. They provide greater control over magic and are sometimes used as a support in physical combat.
Orbs: Enchanted orbs or crystals are used for scrying, divination, and channeling magical energy. They are linked to foresight, vision, and mystical insight.
Runestones: Characters who use runestones possess knowledge of ancient symbols and magical scripts. These stones are often used for inscriptions and rituals.
Amulets and Talismans: These enchanted jewelry pieces provide protective or augmentative effects to the wearer. They can be worn as necklaces, rings, or bracelets.
Ideal Characters
Characters who wield magical implements typically possess specific traits and qualities:
Magical Aptitude: Wielders of magical implements have an innate or learned mastery of magic, allowing them to cast spells and manipulate mystical forces.
Intellect: Magic is a craft that requires knowledge and intelligence, and characters with magical implements often excel in both.
Discipline: Effective spellcasting demands discipline and concentration, traits exhibited by wielders of magical tools.
Morality: The ethical choices made by characters with magical implements can impact their magical abilities and alignment.
Examples in Literature
Picking the right magical instrument for your character can either be very easy or difficult depending on the extent of magic bearers in your book. If your book is akin to Harry Potter you can simply pick one magical weaponry and assign it to a group of characters. Maybe your wizards and witches use wands while your warlocks use staffs. 
However, in a book like J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" series, where you have one specific magic bearer like Gandalf, you would have to pay more attention to the type of weapon you assign to your character. Gandalf's staff is not only a tool for his magical abilities but also a symbol of his wisdom and power. If you were to assign a wand to a character like Gandalf it wouldn’t have the same air of sagacity as a staff. 
Modern Firearms: Technology and Precision
Modern firearms represent a significant departure from traditional weapons, harnessing technology and precision to deliver deadly force with incredible efficiency. These weapons are the choice of characters in contemporary settings, from gritty crime dramas to action-packed thrillers.
Firearm Types
Modern firearms encompass a range of types, each tailored to specific purposes. I’m sure you can find a more detailed list anywhere online but here’s a quick list of the basic types. 
Handguns: Pistols and revolvers are compact, concealable, and ideal for close-quarters combat or self-defense. They require steady aim and quick reflexes.
Rifles: Rifles are versatile long-range weapons known for their accuracy and power. They are favored by marksmen, snipers, and characters who need to engage distant targets.
Shotguns: Shotguns deliver a spread of pellets, making them devastating at close range. They are often used in home defense scenarios and for hunting.
Automatic and Semi-Automatic Firearms: These firearms offer rapid-fire capabilities, making them suitable for characters facing multiple adversaries or engaging in intense gunfights.
Ideal Characters
Characters who wield modern firearms possess specific attributes and training:
Firearm Proficiency: Proficient characters are well-trained in firearm use, understanding safety, reloading, and maintenance.
Mental Toughness: They must maintain composure under pressure, as firearms can be unforgiving in high-stress situations.
Training and Experience: Characters may have military or law enforcement backgrounds or undergo specialized firearm training.
Mindset: The choice to use firearms can reflect a character's willingness to employ lethal force when necessary.
Examples in Literature
In literature, characters who wield modern firearms are often found in genres like crime fiction, espionage thrillers, and action-adventure novels:
Jesper Fahey from Leigh Bardugo's "Six of Crows" is a sharpshooter with a passion for firearms. He brings a unique blend of humor, charm, and unerring accuracy to the crew of skilled criminals known as the Dregs. Armed with his trusty revolvers, Jesper showcases not only his prowess with firearms but also his quick thinking in high-stakes situations.
Jesper's character reflects the complexities of using firearms in a gritty, high-risk world. His marksmanship skills not only contribute to the crew's endeavors but also serve as a storytelling element, illustrating the fine line between life and death in their dangerous heists.
I think he’s a great example of the type of character readers would typically associate with loud flashy firearms. 
Unconventional Weapons: Creativity and Surprise
unconventional weapons are like hidden treasures waiting to be unearthed. They offer writers a canvas upon which to paint unique and memorable characters. These characters don't just march to the beat of their own drum; they make their own drumsticks, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Whips, Chains, and Musical Instruments
When you think of weapons, whips and chains might not be the first things that come to mind. Yet, in the hands of a skilled writer, they become symbols of precision, control, and the unexpected. A whip's crack can be as powerful as any gunshot, and the rattle of chains can send shivers down spines. And what about musical instruments? 
The sweet melody of a flute can lull enemies into a false sense of security before revealing its true potential as a weapon. Writers have the freedom to explore these unconventional choices, creating characters who surprise, enthrall, and captivate readers.
Creativity Knows No Bounds
Unconventional weapons are a playground for creativity. Writers can let their imaginations soar, crafting characters who wield items that defy convention. Whether it's a character fashioning a weapon from the environment or turning a seemingly mundane object into a deadly tool, the possibilities are endless. 
Want your hero to use a bouquet of roses as a weapon? Go for it. How about a character who wields a garden gnome like a hammer? Let your creativity run wild. Rachel Elizabeth Dare threw a hairbrush at a titan, Alice uses a flamingo as a croquet mallet. When it comes to unconventional weapons, you really don’t have any limits. 
I hope this blog on How to Pick The Perfect Weapon For Your Characters will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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pseudowho · 3 months
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He was your first boyfriend. You were his first real connection with someone outside the Jujutsu world. And it's not that he intended to catfish you...he really didn't.
SFW, fluff, a bit of angst.
You were fifteen, when you got your first boyfriend.
At least-- you saw him that way. He was your penpal, first. Your...oddity had left you lonely. Isolated. Friendships were hard, and functioning like you didn't see monsters on every street corner, every underpass, was even harder.
With numerous psychological assessments before the age of ten, seeing your mother and father in tears outside the Psychiatrist's office...no. It would not do. You told nobody else after that, simply living in your haunted little world, head down, desperate not to be noticed by them.
You soothed yourself to sleep every night, imagining lilac clouds and fields of wildflowers, instead of blackened fingers closing, bone-brittle, round the edges of your wardrobe.
He went by 'Panda'-- a cute pseudonym, and how he had signed off all of his letters, ever since you had matched with him on the Pen Pal Seeker website.
And how you loved him. Despite his dreadful handwriting, his thoughts were sincere, warm without being patronising, funny and abstract in the most oddly conversational way. He poured his heart out to you, and you to him. You yearned to know him better, but delighted in the mystery of a secret lover.
Panda had just a father, one older brother and one older sister. He went to a boarding school. He took hand-to-hand combat as a sport. His best friend was quiet, but tough and kind.
And he saw the monsters too. At first you were doubtful, your pen hesitating on the page. Do I tell him? He'll think I'm a freak. I probably won't even get a letter back...you told yourself all this, as you wrote yourself bare to him. As you posted the letter. As you waited, chewing your nails to stubs, certain you had royally screwed up.
The clatter of the letter box. Your frantic footsteps tumbling down the stairs, shoving your father aside-- "hey kiddo, where's the fire?"-- to reach the stack of post first, seeing your name in his hand--
...and his words. Oh, you loved him so.
You're not alone! I can see them too. Lots of us can at my school. Try not to let them notice you looking...
You kicked backwards onto your bed, the letter pressed to your chest, one arm over your eyes as you kicked your feet in glee, trying not to cry.
It was settled-- you had to know him. You had to meet him.
Skipping school the next day, you felt like everyone around you on the street knew it. You felt like a criminal, hitching your bag over one shoulder, keeping your gaze downwards as you spent your savings on a train ticket to Tokyo.
The train journey was full of blushing imagination, running through how you would greet him, again and again and again, each time stupider and more embarrassing than the last.
Hey, Panda, it's me. Hi Panda...how've you been? Boo! Ahaha just kidding...unless--
As your footsteps carried you along your phone map, glancing up and down to see yourself wander into the tree-shade hush of outer-Tokyo...your coming here became a worse and worse idea.
What were you thinking? Panda was going to think you were absolutely mad! You didn't even know his real name. He might have been some sixty year old creep just pretending to be a kid like you. What if he wrote to loads of girls? What if he gave you one look and was embarrassed by what he had been writing to? What--
You stood at huge wooden gates, encircling a beautiful stack of traditional Japanese buildings, winding away up the rolling hills. Your finger hovered over a buzzer. You tasted copper as your teeth bit into your lip, bubbling over with internal conflict, before stabbing down on the buzzer, greeted by a shrill ringing.
A voice-- "Name, please?"
You stuttered, announcing your name. Silence on the other line. You elaborated.
"Panda, uhm-- I'm here to see Panda. About...about the monsters. I'm...I'm a friend."
You stepped back, gripping your bag like a shield as the gates heaved slowly open. Hesitant footsteps crunched over gravel, carrying you in. You had not thought about the particulars of actually finding Panda, and you gazed around you, stumped.
You stood to attention, seeing two figures move down the twisting stepped path ahead of you. A girl, stern, bespectacled. A boy, tired-looking but friendly, with big dark eyes and a white funnel-neck collar. They saw you, and shared a glance, before stepping over. The gates swung closed behind you.
The girl didn't waste any time; "How do you know Panda?" she demanded, one hand on her hip, eyes narrow through her glasses. You gulped, feeling dizzy from the volume of strange power rolling off the boy beside her.
"I...we...he writes to me. To each other. We write to each other." The boy's eyebrows quirked up in surprise. He looked to the girl with a light smile. The girl scowled.
"I didn't know Panda could write," she grumbled. You blinked, once, confused and beginning to feel nauseous, the boy's presence alone crushing in on you--
"Hey..." the boy started gently, stepping closer to you, "...maybe-- maybe you should go? Panda's not really good to see anyone right now-- oh hey-- Maki--"
You had lurched sideways, retching on the gravel as the boy held you gently round the waist. Maki looked unaffected, continuing to frown down at you as you sniffled, hiccuping, mortified, of course he didn't want to see you--
"I'm sorry you're right, I should just-- I'll go I just--" you babbled, standing and stepping back, the boy letting go of you hesitantly, warm brown eyes cut with genuine concern, "--he just-- he said he could see the monsters like me and I--"
The boy and the girl both paused, mouths dropping open in...realisation? The girl, Maki, slapped the boy on the shoulder with the back of her hand, and he crumpled like wet tissue; "Dull it down Yuuta...you're making her sick."
"I think...you should come with us, and uhm....meet Panda," Yuuta offered, rubbing his shoulder and smiling softly at you. You sniffled, glancing between them both.
"...really?" Your heart clenched, hopeful, excited.
Walking between them, up the twisting path, you did not yet realise you had found your new home.
"How much do you...know about Panda?" Maki asked, seated opposite you in a dusty wood-panelled classroom.
"Oh, uhm...he goes to this school. He has an older brother, an older sister, he practices martial arts..." you continued to reel off your relationship with him, enclyclopedic. At each point, Maki seemed to be waiting for something that never came. Her face was set in a grim line.
"Panda's not like the rest of us," she stated, blunt, "And I don't know if you'll--"
The door slid open. Yuuta poked his head in, catching your eye with an uncertain smile.
"Panda's here. He can't wait to meet you." You stood up, smoothing your skirt, twisting your hands together, straightening your hair. Maki and Yuuta glanced apprehensively to each other.
"Just, uh...just don't scream, yeah?" You frowned at Yuuta, laughing;
"Why would I scre--"
As a full-grown Panda walked into the classroom, shrieks rang out of the windows across Jujutsu High.
Sat by the little brook, you sobbed your heart out, your face being gently dried by an enormous black and white paw, the other round your shoulder, holding you against--
"-- a literal Panda! You're a fucking Panda!"
Maki shook her head disapprovingly behind you both, glaring at Panda; "I can't believe you pretended to be human--"
Panda gaped, appalled, "I never told her I was human!" Yuuta laughed into his hand, struck by the bizarreness of the situation.
"Of course she'd assume you're human--"
"-- I don't like to assume what you humans think, but anyway, she's smart and kind and I knew she wouldn't judge-- stop laughing, Okkotsu-- can you guys just leave us alone? For a minute?"
You laughed despite yourself, patting Panda's enormous paw, engulfed in his behemoth furry embrace. Yuuta stood, gently dragging a still protesting Maki away. Silence fell. The river whispered down the stones. The sunlight softened in the rustling leaves.
"...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mislead you. I just...liked talking to you. I've never had someone who-- who didn't know what I-- ...I'm sorry," Panda finished, weakly. You blinked back tears, wiping your nose.
"...it's okay. I'm the same. And you're the best person I-- my favourite person-- you've helped me with so much and I love you--" Panda's ears perked, and he looked down at you with joy.
He continued, gruff with emotion; "It's the right thing that you're here, though. You need to learn more about these monsters. Maybe you can even stay."
It was your turn to look at Panda with joy.
You sat in companionable silence, delighting in the company of a new friend. You hesitated again, your cheeks scattered with pink.
"Can you uhm...can I still say you were my first boyfriend, though?"
Oh. If pandas could blush.
Many years later, tied to a chair in the dank Curse users' hideout you had infiltrated, you smirked to see the men around you step backwards from the door in horror.
Beyond the door, an incoherent din of bestial roars, men screaming, furniture smashing. One of the men beside you squeaked in terror, clapping a hand over his mouth before grabbing you roughly by the face.
"What is-- what is that thing? Out there?" He demanded, shaking with terror. You laughed, your face squished in his hand.
"That's my ex-boyfriend. He's called Panda, he's 6 foot 7, and he's here to fuck you up."
The door flew off its hinges with a metallic bang, and the men around you scrabbled to run for their lives. A hulking mass of black and white filled the doorway.
"What are you guys doin' to my girl, huh?"
I don't know where this came from, but I love Panda 🐼
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
I love your writings! Can I request the COD boys with a s/o who is covered in tattoos from the top of their neck to their ankles. Preferably where they usually where clothes that cover them fully, then for whatever reason they are wearing something like a tank top and shorts and they see their tattoos for the first time <3 thanks
I don’t see a lot of fics where the person is heavily tattooed, if any tattoos at all
My OC in Don’t fear the Reaper is heavily tattooed 😏 I’m poor so can’t afford any more tattoos at the moment, so im living vicariously through her. If you wanted Rudy and Alejandro let me know and I can add them in! Female reader!
You and Price had been seeing each other secretly for a few months, ever the gentleman he kept the pace slow. Allowing yourselves to get to know each other before any hanky panky.
You usually wore a long sleeved layer with long trousers and your boots around base. Never really showing any skin, which Price didn’t mind, it was essentially a tease. Leaving your body and skin to his imagination.
That was until one night when you were in the gym, you couldn’t sleep so decided to release some endorphins instead. You were on the resistance bike, sweat dripped from your brow onto the floor. Music was blasting from your headphones, you were in your own world.
Price had just finished his paperwork which had kept him up past midnight. As he trudged to his room he walked past the gym and noticed the light on. As he peered around the door he saw you figure on the bike.
He couldn’t quite believe his eyes. There you were, sat in all your sweaty glory. You wore shorts and a sports bra revealing a multitude of tattoos all over your body. From your neck to your ankles. An array of art decorated every part of skin he could see. Black and grey, colour, black out ink, all of it. He wanted to trace his fingers all over your body to feel how the ink felt on your skin, to feel the art beneath his finger tips.
Feeling someone watching you, you spun around to see your Captain staring at you. Your gaze softened and beckoned him to come to you.
Soap 🧼
It was a rare sunny day outside so you decided to swap your usual long sleeved attire to a tank top. The jeeps needed attending to so you decided to take advantage of the hot weather.
You were elbow deep in an engine trying to find out why the engine light kept coming on, when you heard a whistle behind you. Turning round to give one of the troops a piece of your mind your eyes met Johnny stood open mouthed. ‘Yes?’ You asked somewhat confused.
‘Just never seen your tats before, steamin Jesus … they’re incredible.’ He stood and took in your neo traditional tattoos, a mixture of Japanese and Art deco ink littered over your skin. ‘They’re just tattoos Johnny. Christ’ you laughed.
‘Yeah but I ain’t ever seen you this … uncovered. Fuckin incredible.’ You felt a blush creep up on your skin as you rubbed your arms.
Johnny came over and started to map out each of your tattoos, telling you which ones were his favourites. You pointed out which one was your first and which one was your most recent. Which one had a story, which one didn’t, he took in every word as he stroked your skin.
Ghost 💀
You were in the changing rooms after a sparring session and you were getting ready to get in the shower. As you pulled your top of you suddenly felt a set of eyes bore into you. Looking up you saw Ghost, his eyes raked up and down your body. ‘Fuckin hell love, didn’t realise you had tatts.’
You smirked showing off your body, ‘what these?’ You winked at him. Your body was covered in a mixture of realistic and black work geometric tattoos. Looking at his half forearm sleeve you smirked ‘puts yours to shame don’t it.’ He let out a breathy chuckle ‘cheeky minx.’
You spun around so he could have a look at the tattoos on your back, realistic skulls, flowers, portraits all adorned you. He pulled you in close, ‘I suggest you get in the shower, get cleaned up and come to my room. I wanna take a closer look at some of these’ he winked.
Gaz 🇬🇧
You were sat in the canteen with Gaz one morning when a load of new recruits came barging in. As they pushed their way past your table one spilt their drink all over you. ‘Fuck sake!’ You yelled throwing your hands in the air. Gaz grabbed some napkins for you as you removed your top, luckily it hadn’t gone through to your vest.
As Gaz turned to give you the napkins he was met with your tattooed body. He felt his breath hitch in his throat, he didn’t think he could fancy you anymore than he did. ‘Where you been hiding them?!’ He gestured to your body ‘we’ve been seeing each other a month and you kept these beauties to yourself!’
Giggling you took the napkins from him ‘you never asked!’ You were covered in traditional old school tattoos, a death moth covered your chest which was surrounded by roses and hearts. He couldn’t take his eyes off his new found treasure in front of him.
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bunnimatsu · 11 months
The Matsu brothers with a thicc mildly chubby S/O
thanks for the ask anon! as a mildly chubby, ‘thicc’ person myself, this was very nice to do
tag(s): mild nsfw, matsus bein pervy virgins, slight yandere tendencies on choro’s and ichi’s part, chubby!s/o (obviously)
to be fair (and as to not repeat myself), ALL of them would fucking love your chub. even more so, they would love you regardless of what you even look like. buuuuttt, if we’re getting into specifics, let’s see how they would ‘react’..
i think osomatsu would be the one who would prefer having a thicc n chubby s/o more, i just think that’s something he would like in a man/woman, especially your thighs, oh my god those fucking thighs. he could lay on those things all damn day if you let him/if he could. sometimes he likes to pinch your tummy or legs, not to make fun of you but, because 1. he can and 2. because he fucking adores you so much that he HAS to have a hand on you at ALL times. i think his favorite outfit of yours will always be the ones where you decide to wear thigh highs and those cute clothes that involve skirts or shorts. speaking of shorts, fucking man LOVES your ass. the plushiness of your booty and your thighs make this man absolutely feral and oh my god are those literal hearts in his eyes..? how..? you know what, you weren’t gonna question it..
i strongly believe kara doesn’t care what his partner looks like, like at all. if you’re skinny, you’re skinny. if you’re chubby, you’re chubby. looks really don’t matter at all to kara! i mean as long as you’re nice to him he’ll be all over you and smother you with his affections. he’s also the type of person to have his hand on you at all times but it’s more on your waist or the small of your back. i think the only time he’ll acknowledge your body is when you’re dressing up and you’re like “how does this look?” and he’s all like “aaahhh!~ you look as beautiful as ever!~” or somethin cheesy like that, you know how karamatsu is! 
(im gonna be self indulgent a little but i think its lowkey canon) 
so you know how in the show, choromatsu seems to like the ‘cutesy’ and maybe the traditional japanese girls (you know the ones), yeah, i honestly 100% believe that he’s putting up a front because 1. his brothers and 2. to hide and swallow the fact that he’s into partners like me and you. now, that’s not to say he’s embarrassed to admit it or he would be ashamed to be around you, its more so on the fact that he’s afraid that he won’t be able to control himself around you because of how absolutely gorgeous you are to him. when he first met you, he immediately thought you were so fucking beautiful, you were perfection at its finest, but since its his life and how shitty it is, he thought you were gonna reject him and then maybe spit on him, be upset at him, the usual when he got close to girls. but… you were so nice. you welcomed his virgin ass into your life and you were so….you were so…PERFECT! he was ECSTATIC when you accepted his confession and ever since then, he’s worshiped the ground you walked on and he just can’t get enough of you. your squishy cheeks, your tummy, your legs (oh god your LEGS), your chest, everything. 
he also kept you a secret for so long because he didn’t want the world to see his perfect little gem and he didn’t think the world deserved to see your beauty. he likes to keep you to himself and that’s that. 
ichimatsu is another one that doesn’t really give a fuck how you look, i think as long as you accept him and his cats, he’s good. and also as long as you can handle him, he’s good. simultaneously, i think he also worships the ground you walk on and would be so afraid to lose control of himself when it comes to you. i think his favorite things about you are your love handles and the pouch of fat on the side of your boobs when you wear sports bras and tank tops (you know what im talking about baby). his inner demons are always fighting for THEIR LIFE when you wear certain clothes that outline every curve of your body, they’re always clawing at him and telling him to just grab you and keep you to himself, but he holds back. but once you tell him to go all out on you, be prepared [name]
biggest hype man fr. he’d be all over you, i mean its jyushimatsu, he’s such a good person. the only thing that’s a ‘downside’, is that he’s horny easily but you know what, you love that too about him. i think he’s the kind of person that squishes your every body part because you’re just so fucking cute to him that he NEEDS to squish you constantly. another one who needs to have his hands on you at all times 
cmon, you wanna look me in the eye and tell me he ISN’T gonna fucking drool over pictures of you every chance he gets? 
that boy may seem like he wouldn't but totty doesn't fucking care who you are or what you look like. as long as he knows you're there for love and him, he's fine.
todomatsu would adore putting you in cute outfits. he may not have the best fashion taste, but he knows what'll outline your every curve and that boy will soak it up like a sponge.
don't even get him started on your legs and thighs.
and belly.
because FUCK [name]....what are you doing to me...
and that's thaaaattt! i kinda got through my inbox, thank you to everyone who were patient with me.
jarvis <3
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twosecondstreet · 1 year
Sasuke: Ninja Warrior
Start 2023 off right with ninjas. Well, Ninja Warriors, to be more precise! 🐱‍👤 #SasukeNinjaWarrior #TwoSecondStreet
I enjoy a good sport every now and again, but often it’s not the most popular sport (minus baseball). I prefer more traditional sporting affairs, especially wrestling, but sometimes, a modern take really captures the imagination in a way I couldn’t anticipate. Enter the niche world of Sasuke, or Ninja Warrior. Continue reading Untitled
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kathanglangit · 8 months
The Second Blade: Diplata - Extinct Bolo
Continuing the countdown to the launch of the Gubat Banwa Kickstarter coming up on the 10th of October- 6 days to go! Gubat Banwa is a tactical war-drama TTRPG set in the Sword Isles, a fantasy setting inspired by Southeast Asian cultures and folklore.
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To promote its launch, I'll be posting some of the weapons I've been drawing for the game every day until the campaign kicks off in earnest. These were meant to be Swordtember entries, pardon the lateness I suppose. 2/7 blades so far, let me introduce you to the DIPLATA.
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The diplata is a short-to-mid-length blade with a distinct handle, with most specimens sporting a horn-like protrusion facing the same side as the edge.
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The blade shape itself I feel is something common across most toolblades in the Philippines, not much longer than one's forearm with a more-or-less rounded out tip- though the diplata seems a bit wider than most. I would say the most unique features definitely lie in the shape of the hilt, and the circular guard. Most Philippine blades don't have anything in the form of hand protection, so a wide guard like this stands out.
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This one was a little difficult to find photo references for, as apparently they're quite rare. Some blade scholars call it an "extinct" blade, meaning those who traditionally forge authentic ones supposedly aren't around anymore.
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(Photo from Victor Balaguer's museum near Barcelona; Diplata on the blades hanging on the wall, the two next to the rightmost blade) "Traditional" blades refer to those made by the same people to whose culture a blade belongs. To illustrate in the simplest terms, a katana made by a traditional Japanese swordsmith would count as a traditional blade. A messer made by a traditional German blacksmith would count as a traditional blade. I'm sure there's more internal nuance there, but that's the quickest reference point I could come up with. Take note however that the Philippines is composed of many, many different cultures who all happen to exist in the same archipelago with varying levels of overlap- there is no singular, unifying blade culture, so categorizations like "Traditional" and "Modern" (often referring to modern reproductions) aren't always as exact as convenience may demand. In particular, material exchange between cultures makes a mess of this categorization, not just because the blades themselves could get traded (or stolen or lost) and physically make their way to other places beyond the imaginary borders of their "homelands", but because the smiths themselves (or their knowledge and techniques) may travel around. Smiths in different places may also see blades from different cultures that they might feel like imitating or emulating in some way- that's how certain Philippine blades obtained D-guards- but that's a story for another time. The diplata is oft-attributed to the Aeta peoples, specifically those who come from Mt. Pinatubo in Zambales. Not much confusion as to whose culture these blades belong.
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It is a little disheartening that most of the refs I could find were photos from foreign museums and loose images in books and blade forums. I will not speculate here as to how these blades ended up in these places, but it isn't hard to guess.
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(Image from a Spanish museum)
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(Image from Philippines, Early Collections, Museum of Ethnologie Vienna)
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(Image from The Philippine Journal of Science Volume 81) I'm not a hardcore blade scholar, but even I recognize how inseparable blades are from the myriad cultures of the Philippines. I'm forever thankful to the random communities of blade enthusiasts who dedicate a not-insignificant portion of their time (and wallets) to supporting local artisan blacksmiths to grow their collections, and keeping track and tracing which blades came from which places and peoples. Our blade cultures are alive and still developing, but they could still use a little help sometimes, just so we don't lose them.
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(Photo from the collection of Zel Umali) In any case- while it's not exactly a scholarly work in the academic sense- part of Gubat Banwa's violence is pushing a fantasy setting of our own making, as seen by our own eyes, as told on our own terms. This is no foreign museum; This time, SEAsian cultures take center stage.
The Gubat Banwa Kickstarter launches in 6 days! Check it out here:
It would be a huge help to this very small team from the global south if you could help us get the word out! We straight up can't afford to advertise on the same scale as bigger players in the field, so we're relying heavily on word of mouth. You can find out more about the game on its itch page.
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pikahlua · 1 year
Winner Stage-Left, or: Did you know any MHA character’s position in the frame is a spoiler?
(Subtitle: Who’s gonna stop me from converting other old Discord conversations into meta? You? YOU? Doubtful.)
Honestly it’s just embarrassing that I haven’t made this post yet.
I’ve talked before about horizontal and vertical design on the faces of MHA characters, but there’s another visual trick that’s ever-so-present in MHA--nay, in all of shounen manga and anime--that deserves at least a cursory discussion. Ever since I was a wee tyke, I noticed an odd tendency in anime to always place the winner of a fight (or...children’s card game) on the right of the screen. I never thought anything of it for a long time, but a few years ago a friend mentioned something about it to me in passing. This friend was very unfamiliar with anime but had somehow heard something about this phenomenon and its potential origins. Naturally, I had to look into it.
The research I did wasn’t as conclusive as I would have liked, but I did discover something about the topic. What I discovered was that in traditional forms of Japanese theater such as kabuki and noh, stage-left is considered a superior position to stage-right. Someone of a superior ranking to the other would stand stage-left. Sometimes this “superiority” would be as simple as social ranking or whatever.
But then you have various anime with confrontation via martial arts or sports or fights where "stage-left" can take on a different meaning.
As we explore this concept as presented in MHA, I would like to start with this back cover of tankoban #33.
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For clarity’s sake, note that Izuku is looking towards the right of the page while Katsuki is looking to the left side. Stage-left is determined by looking to the left of an actor when they stand on stage and face the audience (in other words, from the audience’s perspective, stage-left is to the right). Izuku and Katsuki in the above page are facing each other, and so on-screen Izuku would be standing stage-right and Katsuki would be standing stage-left.
But what does it all mean?
(It means Katsuki is the hero in this moment.)
I wrote above that in anime confrontations "stage-left" can take on a new meaning. Specifically, the concept of what "superior ranking" is can be played with. We end up with the story’s hero often being stage-left. Or sometimes this positioning is broadcasting who will be the winner of the match. Go watch an older anime like Dragonball Z or Yugioh and take note of each match-up: who is standing on the left and who is on the right? Then guess who wins the match. The statistics are pretty clear on this: stage-left is most often (if not always) the winner.
But in many of these older anime, the positioning of the characters remains the same for the entire match. That’s not the case with MHA; Horikoshi loves to change up who is standing where throughout a match (or dialogue, if you will), so it’s important to pay attention to what’s happening when positions get swapped around.
With regards to the above image and the events of Deku vs Class 1-A, consider who is positioned where and when. Just think about these images:
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Here in chapter 319, Izuku is stage-left. The depiction is supposed to prime us to believe he is stronger than Class 1-A, which technically he is--in a contest of each individual’s strength.
But then if you read chapter 320, you'll find that once the action starts, Class 1-A is almost always standing stage-left of Izuku, specifically when they're trying to talk him down.
The whole ice ramp chase sequence in chapter 321 shows Izuku fleeing towards stage-right while the others are stage-left and chase after him.
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And then you have this moment, where Iida passes Izuku just to get more stage-right of him. This is an interesting way to play with the “winner” side of the stage. In order to save Izuku, Iida is elevating him from the self-destructive “Symbol of Peace" back into Izuku Midoriya their classmate. Izuku, their friend and one piece of class 1-A, is meant to be the “hero” they wish to save, not the loner Deku whom Izuku tried to become.
And then we get to think about what this staging means in the apology.
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Katsuki stands stage-left, which we’d expect him to do as the forecast "winner." But this is such an interesting take on staging because Katsuki is essentially debasing himself by bowing to Izuku with his apology--but it’s in order to win, in order to get Izuku back, in order to achieve his goal of saving Izuku. It's almost paradoxical, but it's basically broadcasting to us the reading audience whom we should be cheering for: Katsuki.
This isn’t the first time MHA has played with positioning like this. The sports festival is one of my favorite examples. If you look at how the anime depicts the match-ups and who wins each match, the matches can be listed in stage-right vs stage-left format (bold names are the winners):
Midoriya vs Shinsou Todoroki vs Sero Kaminari vs Ibara Iida vs Hatsume Ashido vs Aoyama Yaoyorozu vs Tokoyami Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu (draw) Uraraka vs Bakugou
Tetsutetsu vs Kirishima (arm-wrestle tiebreaker)
Midoriya vs Todoroki Ibara vs Iida Ashido vs Tokoyami Kirishima vs Bakugou
Iida vs Todoroki Tokoyami vs Bakugou
Bakugou vs Todoroki
And if we take a closer look at the anomalous stage-right winners:
Midoriya vs Shinsou ends with Midoriya's victory, but Shinsou is portrayed as the hero we should sympathize with in the end. Thus, he wins the attention of Aizawa and the audience enough to give him a shot at the hero course, which fulfills his original goal in competing.
Todoroki vs Sero ends with Todoroki's victory, but the end is perceived by Midoriya as "sad," and the audience ends up cheering for Sero when it's all over. Todoroki is still a captive of his hatred for his father, and in that sense he is the loser.
Iida vs Hatsume ends with Iida's win on a technicality. Hatsume clearly has control over the entire match and only loses because she wants to, and even then only after she presents all the gadgets she wanted to, which achieves her goal in competing.
Ashido vs Aoyama can be considered an outlier with Ashido's win until we remember Aoyama as the unwitting traitor may have actually wanted to lose? Either that or this fight is meant as a joke to subvert our expectations because of Mineta's call to see Ashido's underwear at the start. Either way, even if Ashido starts on stage-right, she actually swings her way over to stage-left for her surprise victory at the end.
And then we have Bakugou vs Todoroki, which actually becomes Todoroki vs Bakugou as soon as the story makes it clear to us that Torodoki is wavering on whether or not he'll use his fire. Bakugou switches over to stage-left before the end, and the final non-clash keeps him there, even if that's not how he wants things to play out (he certainly would have a hard time considering himself the “winner.”)
Another one worth rewatching while keeping this positioning phenomenon in mind is absolutely “Deku vs Kacchan, Part 2.” Holy shit, they swap places so damn often, and it's always about what they're saying or doing in the moment.
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What’s wild is how in the manga, this sequence is played with Katsuki stage-right...
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...but in the anime he’s played as stage-left.
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And just think about how that affects the portrayal. In the manga version, is Katsuki being portrayed as a victim who needs saving by hero (stage-left) Izuku? Is Katsuki’s despair the trial for the hero to overcome? In the anime version, is Katsuki’s anxiety meant to be relatable and sympathetic for the audience? Is Izuku’s ignorance of Katsuki’s true feelings the obstacle for hero (stage-left) Katsuki to overcome?
Stage-left is even played with when the boys are airing their grievances! Whoever is speaking gets to occupy the hero spot:
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And of course there’s my favorite example from this face-off: the ending where stage-right Katsuki, refusing to lose, grabs Izuku's sleeve and forcefully switches them around to pin Izuku from stage-left.
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We have a winner!
These examples, of course, are not the entire list. Read the chapters or watch the episode and count how many times they swap places. It puts that whole sequence in the anime where the camera swoops around the boys as they clash in the sky into a whole new perspective (like the story-boarders just gave up on all the position swaps and pulled out the 3-D graphics in protest.)
So give it a shot next time you read/watch MHA and see if you notice these positions. I obviously pay the most attention to the ones with Izuku and Katsuki (their stage positions get played around with a lot). Consider the first anime opening when they're drawn in one positioning as kids but swap when they hit middle school. And the creek flashback scene? Izuku offers his hand to Katsuki from stage-left. And in the PLW arc? Izuku vs Tomura in the sky? Izuku starts out stage-left, but they swap when Izuku goes feral and Katsuki starts panicking. Katsuki saves Izuku by traveling from stage-left. In the final panel of chapter 285, we see Katsuki still positioned stage-left as he’s stabbed, which highlights his heroism.
Oh, and here’s the new part I’m adding that wasn’t in the Discord conversation that spawned this meta: Katsuki vs TomurAFO. I just find it so telling wherever Katsuki is positioned.
Chapter 359: Katsuki is portrayed as stage-left.
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Chapter 360: Katsuki is forced stage-right by TomurAFO...
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...but the heroes pluck Katsuki back into stage-left...
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...where he stays.
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Chapter 362: Katsuki attacks from stage-left and continues to circle around TomurAFO to stage-left.
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Katsuki is depicted as stage-left as he meets All Might’s vestige...
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...but as soon as he expresses his desire for an autograph, he unexpectedly moves to stage-right...
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...and takes a fatal blow.
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Talk about a visual plot twist!
(I also happen to think Tomura’s positioning throughout this arc is very curious, and I will continue to pay attention to it.)
Have fun with the new lens!
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aziraphales-library · 10 days
Hi there! Hope this finds you well! This may be an odd request, but I was wondering if anyone has any recs for fics where either (or both) of the Husbands is involved in combat sports (boxing, MMA, jiu jitsu, etc.)?
Hello! No odd requests here. We have a #sports tag you might be interested in, but I can only find a couple of fics involving combat sport specifically...
Lifting Eden by lalalalines (E)
Martial artist and planetarium tour guide Anthony J. Crowley stresses about everything like a true champion, has multiple anxious but lush plants, and probably needs someone to hug him. Professor Aziraphale Fell is fighting book banners at his faculty, and takes his frustrations out on lifting heavy weights with extreme prejudice. Both their hobbies share a building, but they've never met. Not until the showers at Crowley's club stop working, and he needs to climb upstairs to use the ones at the gym...
The Sincere Way by Tsyvia48 (E)
Aziraphale had only been attending karate class for a few months. Anathema had convinced him to try it. She was picking up an extra day a week of training in advance of her next promotion. She was already a second-degree black belt, going for her third stripe. Sensei Crowley was serious and sour. Lithe and lean and, Aziraphale had to admit, gorgeous. But not warm. Usually, he seemed vaguely irritated. Even when Aziraphale remembered the Japanese vocabulary, providing the names of the techniques when asked, Sensei Crowley’s approval felt grudgingly given.
Not really traditional sport, but they are in combat and it's a fun one...
Gladiators by AppleSeeds (T)
TV Gladiator Aziraphale becomes rather flustered when the extremely attractive contender he is competing against starts outrageously flirting with him in the arena.
Do our followers know of any others?
- Mod D
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f1ghtsoftly · 4 months
All The Feminist News You Missed This Week 2/23/24
From a US Perspective
Hey all, sorry for the lateness, I had a deluge of stuff to work on for some projects/events I’m putting on in the spring and summer!! Will be back to a Friday afternoon release next week!
US News:
NYT profile on suggestive instagram accounts for minors, and the parents that run them.
Alabama: Alabama Supreme Court Rules That Embryos Are People
Oklahoma: Trans Teen Dies After Bathroom Beating
Relevant Context: Nex Describes The Incident In Detail Shortly Before Death
Ohio: Adult Film Star Kagney Linn Karter Dies By Suicide at Just 36
Washington: Women Win Class Action Against Tech Company Oracle
Missouri: Kansas City Unveils First Women’s Sports Stadium
New Jersey: New Lawsuit Against Glouster County Prosecutor Alleging Anti-Woman/Anti-LGBT Discrimination
South Carolina: First Federal Trial For Hate Crime Killing of Trans Woman is Underway In Columbia
Nikki Haley backs Alabama Supreme Court, Asserts Embryos Are People
Australia: Woman Murdered by Husband in After Repeatedly Going to Police
Indonesia: Meet The All Female Firefighting Crew in Borneo
Tunisia: Oscar Nominated Film Depicts Women’s Radicalization By The Islamic State
France: French Film Awards Under Pressure Due To Sex Trafficking Scandal
England: British Woman Loses Appeal For Citizenship After Joining Islamic State
Japan: Women Participate in Traditional Japanese Festival For The First Time in 1,250 Year History
Want this sent to your email each Friday? Subscribe here
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virgobingo · 6 months
What's your take on the way Gojo dresses after being unsealed? Other than the fact the after he changed outfit he got killed, so maybe he shouldn't have done that...also, merry Christmas/have a happy Monday!
happy holidays! hope you're well :)
gojo's outfits can be tied to his emotional arc. i know you asked specifically of his outfits after being unsealed but i think context is needed to see where i'm coming from.
when we first meet gojo in jjk0, his outfit is oversized and his eyes are covered— it hardly gives away his body language, or any emotions he's feeling, really, unless he's being particularly boisterous.
which sort of makes him an enigma to his students who haven't been in jujutsu society as long as he has; who don't know him or his past. the scene where he goes from sunglasses and casual clothes (when he meets the higher-ups) to bandages and uniform (when he goes to meet his students) comes to mind.
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while the bandages within the world of jujutsu kaisen maybe simply serve the purpose of relieving the strain in gojo's eyes. on a meta level, they also hide a lot. the eyes are the window to the soul after all. a lot of cultures believe this— japanese included, though it seems that the idiom goes, "the eyes are the mirror of the heart" instead.
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which is ofc why they're completely uncovered when gojo meets geto at the end of jjk0. and also why, framing-wise gege distances the reader from the scene. we only see the back of gojo's head in the manga when he says the words that fluster geto. in the anime adaptation, we only see his lips. his eyes aren't shown to us (only geto sees them then), creating the sense that we're kind of intruding.
this all leads me to believe that gojo's eyes being covered is strongly tied to the masking or suppression of his emotions. his blindfold later in the series serves the same purpose.
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so when gege decided to depict gojo with his hand over his eyes instead of a blindfold (precisely after having him mention his "dream")— gege probably wanted gojo to be perceived as someone that is both honest and yet still omitting some information. specifically about where his "dream" stems from (his blue spring/geto). it's worth mentioning that his jacket is uncharacteristically zipped down a little too (chapter 11, p. 2).
as for his youth, gojo sported glasses most of the time. it seems to represent his haughty attitude? him speaking his mind brazenly. since he can easily tilt his head or remove his glasses to show his eyes. as an adult, he uses them when he spoke to the higher-ups as i meantioned before in jjk0, during the baseball game he proposed for the students' sake, and in megumi's flashback (and some other minor instances).
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so overwhelmingly, at this point, it seems like gojo doesn't sport eye coverings at all in (1) serious battle, or (2) when he's confronting geto emotionally (when he seeks him out) or being confronted by his feelings surrounding geto (when he hears about what he's done). gojo's clothing is also overwhelmingly loose. he doesn't ever show much skin, and he mostly wears long sleeves. especially as an adult.
i want to say everything shifts after shibuya, where he's confronted with himself (and his past); the feelings that he's repressed. (remember the eyes are the mirror of the heart?)
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so when he's eventually freed from the prison realm, his uniform jacket is torn to pieces and he's not wearing his blindfold over his eyes (that we know for a fact he had with him when he was sealed).
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something that stands out to me too, is how he doesn't ever cover his eyes again after this. also how the first thing he chooses to see is geto's body. as if he is no longer suppressing the truth. he is bearing his heart to the world; he goes on to be extremely sincere to many people. my favorite example being his conversation with ijichi.
later, in shinjuku, during what is essentially a ceremony of jujutsu to determine who is the challenger (him or sukuna), gojo dons traditional robes. i think this is purely because of the context. worth noting, gakuganji and utahime who represent kyoto, otherwise known as "jujutsu's sacred land" are also present.
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gojo quickly disposes of the robes once the pleasantries are out of the way,
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and basically goes on to shine as himself to the very end, until we're shown his face more intimately than we have ever seen it before—
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(right after we see him encounter his blue spring/geto again, and he tells geto everything about his fight as well as how he always wanted him by his side).
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