#trans james / cis regulus
v7lgar · 4 months
where you go, i go | snippet
hi guys, this is the third time i'm rewriting this fic and this is the final intro, ignore the mistakes because i'm gonna edit later, thank you for being patient! @godsofwoes @star4daisy @ecstarry @bellaxisworld
James was sixteen when he was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Ever since then, everything made so much sense.
He believed he had other disorders as well, but his psychiatrist refused to share that knowledge with him along the lines of “I don't want you to be obsessed over another thing, just trust the process.”
And he did, he dropped the subject and he promised himself to not self-diagnose himself. It worked perfectly, he was on meds on and off, sometimes it was longer and the other times it was a shorter period of time.
The first year was horrible. He couldn't get along with the meds he was taking and somewhere in the way he stopped taking them. He got worse, he had panic attacks and he couldn't help but overanalyse everything. After three months of suffering, his parents put him back on track, with different meds this time.
They weren't as bad as the meds he used first, so that was progress. He didn't feel sleepy all the time, he was actually more energetic. But he had days where he felt as if a truck ran him over and that lead to him rotting in bed, and suffering from depression. He needed his battery to be charged as he did nothing in bed. He spent his time sleeping mostly and if he wasn't sleeping he was daydreaming until he slept.
Depression and OCD went hand in hand, he didn't have any chance but to take the meds. It took some time, but they found the right medication for James by trial and error. But his parents didn't give up, they were always right beside him, doing everything they could to help him.
James sometimes hated how caring his parents were. It was like back to the first days of his coming out and them doing everything he wanted and respecting his wishes. They meant no harm, they were the best parents he could possibly have and he was a lucky child. He knew this. But he considered himself ungrateful from time to time, very often actually.
Because he was lucky, he felt like getting away with everything he wanted, doing everything he could and that felt wrong. Because he never had to fight for what he wanted, he never had the opportunity to show his power to get the thing he wanted despite everyone.
But no, that wasn't James’ life. James had the brightest star with him and that damned luck.
He was never going to be like the other people, even if he wanted to. He was never going to be fighting tooth and nail to get the thing that he wanted for so long. His accomplishments were always going to taste bitter. It was never a victory, it was earned right.
But soon, it was all going to change.
Because he found him, he found his prince. And there was no going back.
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jaylienpotter · 1 year
Jegulus microfic | 1.8k
TW: implied sex, trauma, discussion about sexual abuse/assault, discussion about r*pe, incest
"Hey Reggie!" James placed a sweet and eager kiss on his boyfriend's lips. "Sorry, the boys wanted to do something and when I said I was ditching to see you, well, your brother stalled me even more..."
"Ugh. Typical Sirius. He's such a drama queen. One of the few things he takes after the family." He rolled his eyes, the icy blue nearly on the back of his head. It was almost scary, the things he could do with his eyes. Like stare you down, even if you're way taller.
"Well, what do you feel like doing? Where shall our date be?" He grinned at the word 'date', always a lovestruck puppy. He was so obviously in love. After they told people about their relationship, he'd use every moment he could to tell the world who he was dating.
Regulus pretended to be annoyed but he found it quite cute. James was a summer child in a teenager's body. "My dorm...? It's empty. Will be for some hours."
"Lead the way, my star."
Jamie had never been to the Slytherin common room, immeadiately pointing out the "depressing" lack of light. He wasn't expecting, however, a big window to the inside of the lake. He talked about the differences from the Gryffindor's (which Regulus had already been to). He had to be quite literally dragged away from the water's view, into the dormitory. The door had barely closed before Black kissed his boyfriend against the wall.
"You talk too much."
"Oh. Uh- okay." Poor boy looked like a deer in the headlights, somewhat disoriented from the unexpected deep kiss.
"You're cute when you're flustered."
"Oh, really?" Tanned hands wrapped around a smaller, much paler body, plump lips against the downturned smirk. The kiss was teasing yet silly, some chuckles or giggles escaping in between pecks. They progressively got more intense and deeper, the sneaky marauder placed his leg in between Reg's, pressing up. He got pulled away.
"Shit, sorry! I thought- Don't worry, we don't have to do anything if you're not ready." The sincerity could be seen through the panic in his dark, warm eyes.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it."
"I'm sorry, the way you said for us to come here because we'd be by ourselves... and pushed me against the wall... I got the wrong idea, I'm sorry. But I won't do anything you don't want me to, alright? I promise."
The shortest sighed, looking down. "It's not that, I just-" Words got stuck "-It doesn't matter."
"Of course it does... Reg, you can talk to me. What were you going to say? I won't get hurt or mad or any of that."
His gaze was avoided for a few seconds. "Do you promise you won't tell anyone? Not even Sirius?"
"Is he involved...?"
"No. I just don't want him to know."
"I respect that. I solemnly swear I'll keep it a secret." The other boy took a deep breath and sat on the bed, followed by his boyfriend.
"When... when I was 7, the family gathered for my aunt Druella's birthday party-" He paused for a few seconds. "My cousin Bella called me up to her room to play. I was happy because Sirius was talking to Dromeda so I went." James was silent, listening attentively. Which Regulus appreciated. "She uhm... we played a game - rather, she told me to play a game - in which I was supposed to have my eyes closed and guess what I was touching. First it was things like a quill, a family heirloom... Then she placed my hand on her boob. To me it was just a game so I guessed. When I got it right she praised me-" An exhale left abruptly, one he didn't know he was holding back. "And... Lastly she put my hand- like... in her, you know...? Like... Inside her vulva."
Beetle eyes widened, but before he could get an answer, Reg kept talking. If he stopped, he might not have the guts to ever finish.
"She used my hand to make herself feel good and I opened my eyes. I didn't understand what it meant back then. It was a tad weird, given the purpose of the 'game'. But I didn't know better, I mean I was a child."
"How old was she?"
"17. She's 10 years older than me."
"Fuck... Reggie I-"
He extended his white palm, faced towards the listener. "I'm not finished." He hoped it didn't sound rude. He just couldn't stop now. "She tried to obliviate me after she was done. But she didn't do the spell right and I looked so confused already that it seemed like it worked. She doesn't know I remember." He sighed, allowing for comments or questions. He needed a little break.
"I'm so sorry... That's- that's fucked up. Really fucked up... Can I hug you?"
"No, at least not yet." He was offered a hand, which he took in his. Thankfully Potter wasn't judging him. Nor making him feel guilty for it. It was comforting. "Bellatrix- she wasn't the only one. In the summer before my second year, my uncle Cygnus pulled me to the side. Locked the door, did an impertupable charm and took his pants off. Told me to suck him. I didn't want to. Already understood what it meant. But he said he'd use Imperio and I didn't have my wand. Screaming was useless. Plus, there's Dark Magic in the family, I don't doubt he'd use it. So I did it. Felt horrible. He tried to penetrate me afterwards but it didn't fit. He didn't want the family to find out from my crying face and decided to just finish in my mouth. I guess like father, like daughter." His deep breath was jagged, as if he had said all of it in one breath. His snuffle made him realise he had started crying at some point. He hated crying. Fucking hated it. Taught it was weak.
"You never told anyone...?" Blue eyes met brown for the first time since they sat down.
"No. You're the first." Not even Pandora. Reg loved her. She was his bestest friend. But he was too ashamed to admit what happened and saw no reason to expose himself. "My uncle told me no one would believe me, that I'd be ridiculed and get taken out of Hogwarts. Thanks for not making me feel bad about it..."
"Of course, love... I'm so sorry that happened to you... I'm here whenever you need to talk about it. About your feelings." Soft fingers cleaned the wetness from pink cheeks.
"Thanks, Jamie. But I'm not ready for that yet. I'll accept that hug, however..." His amazingly supportive and kind boyfriend opened his arms wide, wrapping them around the small body lovingly. He caressed jet black hairs, kissing that head right after.
"I'll always be here for you. And you don't have to worry about sex, alright? If we never do anything it's okay. I don't mind. Just want to be by your side." More tears fell. Although these ones were out of happiness, relief.
"I think I love you."
"I know I love you."
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filledwithstarz · 9 days
regulus "long, deep groans" black
james "loud, shakey moaning" potter
remus "quiet shivering and grunting" lupin
sirius "all of the above" black
evan "no noise" rosier
barty "whimpering mess" crouch jr.
peter "doesnt get the chance to find out" pettigrew
check out the tags for mountains of more info
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goodxgraces · 2 years
i want a tv series based on the marauders including:
-mixed james (i always pictured effie as indian)
-half french black brothers because I WANT THEM CALLING JAMES AND REMUS FRENCH PET NAMES
-trans regulus (casting natalia dyer as him before transitioning and timothee chalamet as him after the transition)
-mother hen james and you can't tell me he doesn't always make sure everyone is happy and hydrated
-dorcas and mary our black queens
-remus swearing like a sailor and being the most sarcastic little shit
-marlene's mother being chilean
-pete not being treated as inferior and being loved by everyone
-plus size lily PLEASE I NEED IT
-sirius with eyeliner.
-wolfstar, jegulus, marylily, dorlene and rosekiller (pete and pandora being ace and aroace just vibing)
netflix feel free to hire me to cast the actors and direct this
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trohpi · 6 months
moonwater au where regulus is trans and his periods happen to occur around the full moon. when he befriends remus, remus immediately thinks that hes also a werewolf because of all the “signs” (ie being irritable and in pain around the full, refusing to change around others, knowing how to get blood stains out, etc)
and hes so excited to find someone else like him that he just sort of,,, tracks regulus down one day and is like “i know your secret” and regulus, thinking that remus figured out hes trans, freezes. he panics internally, his mind whirring with how much does he know? and who will he tell? but most of all, what lie can i tell that will be convincing enough for remus lupin to believe?
so when remus continues, saying “i know youre a werewolf too” regulus just sort of,,, goes with it. hes all “yup yup yup, totally a werewolf, thats my big secret, you caught me” and remus is just relieved that he finally has someone to talk about it with. because sure, he can complain to sirius and james and peter about the transformations, but its not the same as talking with someone who actually experiences it, who actually lives it.
and its when they start having these talks that regulus realizes that, funnily enough, being a trans man is not all that different from being a werewolf. when remus talks about looking in the mirror and seeing someone elses body, regulus gets it. and when regulus talks about the fear of losing your friends if they discover who you are, remus gets it too. its a weight off of both of their shoulders, having someone that relates so deeply to their experiences, and they start to become close. really close.
eventually remus starts acting different around him, small touches and lingering glances filling their time together, and regulus begins to feel guilty. immensely guilty. hes been deceiving remus, listening to him divulge his innermost secrets under false pretenses, and now remus has feelings for him. nevermind the fact that regulus returns said feelings, because thats irrelevant. after remus discovers hes been lying this whole time, about being a werewolf and about being a cis man, he wont want regulus anyways. and its not like he deserves his love, not with how cruel regulus is and how kind remus is.
then remus tries to kiss him, and regulus cant do it anymore. he starts crying and admits he was lying the entire time, that hes not a werewolf, that hes actually a trans man, and hell understand if remus doesnt want him anymore. remus is quiet for a moment out of pure shock before he just starts laughing. like folded over, belly-aching laughing. and regulus is internally panicking the entire time but remus just cant help it. he thinks back to every “sign” he ever noticed and cant believe that he missed this. finally he calms down just enough to collect himself and looks to regulus, who is still panicking, and says “i guess our times of the month arent quite so similar afterall”
regulus bursts into startled laughter and remus cant help but join him, but then tears of relief start clouding regulus’ eyes because he was so sure remus would hate him. so, so sure, but he doesnt and the relief is overwhelming. then remus pulls him into a tight hug, and he thinks maybe theyre alright.
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lexithwrites · 2 days
jegulus with trans James headcanons??
Oooo I love trans James too, v underrated headcanon
- if regulus was cis I feel like he’d still be extremely gay and he goes to queer events in his town with Sirius and that’s how he meets James
- he hasn’t had top yet but like the slut he is (affectionate) he walks around with his binder on and some sweats and regulus is just drooling
- testosterone did amazing things for his jawline and back definition too Oof regulus wants to climb him like a tree
- also trans James has the potential for them to be either the same height or taller regulus and hehehehehe I love it, James likes looking up at this hot, mysterious, grumpy nerd and flirting with him
- James tries to act like his sex drive hasn’t gone up because he doesn’t wanna scare regulus off but reg is all for it
- when they first start dating James is always trying to impress him with his clothing and like wants to be super masculine but reg just thinks he’s hot in whatever he wears (the suits are a plus)
- they go to so many drag shows together and bars and clubs and they’re just in their own little queer lovely bubble
- deciding who tops and who bottoms is a bit of a challenge bevause neither of them knows what they’d prefer
- they try both
- James bottoms first and reg is kinda nervous because he’s had one boyfriend and was the bottom but James assures him he’ll do so good and he’s wanted this since they met
- reg is,,,very good with his tongue (james’ voice does get a little higher and it makes reg rock hard)
- they’re both very open about their likes and dislikes, in and out of the bedroom, they’re great communicators
- James is also fiercely protective of regulus because a lot of gay/bisexual men will approach him and he’s like ‘nope he’s mine’ and will just kiss him
- regulus is very helpful when it comes to dysphoria, I feel like James hates his chest but can’t afford surgery rn and regulus is always telling him that he’s handsome no matter what, that he’s HIS man no matter what
- effie and Monty are always nervous when they meet james’ partners because they don’t want their son to be taken advantage of or used so they’re kinda tough on reg at first but they warm up to him almost immediately and realise he’s the most supportive partner James has had
- james’ parents have trans and pride flags outside their house too, they’re the best ally’s
- when James does get surgery regulus is there every step of the way, he stays in the hospital the entire time and when he wakes up he covers his face in kisses and brings him flowers and helps him home, he cleans him and makes sure he’s got enough pain killers, he’s very attentive
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I was looking through my wips and I found a bit of jegulus smut that I know I'm not gonna do anything with so you guys can have it as a little treat vjfnbjgnbg
It is,,, unfinished though but I'm sure you guys can imagine the rest
412 words || jegulus smut || trans Regulus/cis James
It was a common occurrence these days, James in Regulus’s bed. The sound of his bed creaking was sure to make the downstairs neighbours complain, but Regulus didn’t care as he bounced in James’s lap. 
His breathing was strained and curly black locks were sticking to his forehead. James was splayed out on the bed, and as if using him as a handle to better steady himself, Regulus was clutching onto James’s hair, his nails slightly digging into the other man’s scalp. 
Regulus lifted his hips, James’s hands moving along with them, helping him guide himself down. By then James knew Regulus’s body better than anybody else. Each curve of his body, the softness of his skin, each beauty mark. Sometimes it felt as though James knew his body better than Regulus did himself, especially with the way he guided his hips. 
The younger man was bent over James’s body to hold onto his hair. His hips were angled and a moan left him when James guided his hips in a way that allowed the length of James’s cock to rub against his clit. 
He was sensitive already, it being their second round and all, and he had to force his legs to stop shaking at the sensation.“James..” Regulus breathed out, looking down at the man under him. He pulled his head back by tucking his hair before crashing their lips together, not even giving James a chance to respond to him. He didn’t need to say anything, Regulus just needed James to know how good he was making him feel. 
He could tell James was smirking into the kiss. Smug asshole, Regulus thought. It was awful, now that James knew just how much of an effect he had on Regulus. 
James continued to guide the angled movement of Regulus’s hips, feeling his own pleasure rush through him when Regulus’s walls started clenching around him after he almost slipped out. He couldn’t bear to be without the full feeling of James’s cock.
Regulus could no longer control the shaking of his thighs when James started arching up against him to meet his movements. 
He pulled away from the kiss, breathless and weakly whimpering as he rested his head against James’ neck, his face buried in the other’s neck. “James.. Jamie..” he moaned, though for no real reason. The nickname had been a recent addition, one that had taken James by surprise at first. Now he welcomed it without a second thought. 
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mistress-violence · 21 days
Prompt: Salt from @into-the-jeggyverse (September 2)
Word count: 610 words
Pairing: Jegulus (modern AU - genderfluid Regulus)
⚠️ Warnings: none
James has been acting a little strange for about two days. He was tense around Regulus and had long moments of silence, totally uncharacteristic of him. Even now, when they were at the table eating a late dinner, James could barely look up from his plate. Regulus was confused and maybe even slightly panicked. They had only moved together for two months. If James regretted the decision and didn't know how to tell him? If they would move separately as they were before, would they still be a couple? Maybe that was the problem, maybe James actually wanted to break up with him. Regulus swallows, and his appetite died.
"James..." he said, but immediately gave up his intention to be so direct. "...Salt. Can you give me the salt, please?"
James raised his head towards Regulus and read the fear and confusion on his face. He puts down the fork he was eating with, taking the salt and holding it out in front of him. Regulus grabbed it, but James wouldn't let it go. Instead, he looked at him with his penetrating and calm eyes.
"Reg," James began. "I found the skirt in the closet".
The boy froze, and James let go of the salt. Regulus didn't know what to say. He didn't know what he should do, what excuse he should find. Was it better to lie or tell the truth? In the end, not even Regulus knew for sure what the truth was. Sometimes he hated his body, other times it seemed absolutely normal. Sometimes he wanted to let his hair grow, other times he wanted to put the scissors in it and make it as short as possible. Sometimes he would walk down the street and his eyes would run after girls in skirts and dresses, and he couldn't stop thinking how it would have been if he was the one wearing them. He has such confused feelings and he feels like a stranger, as if no one could fully understand him. Was it just an attraction to feminine things or was there something more, something that was hiding in him and wanted so viciously to surface? Was he going to be judged or made to choose between being cis or trans? He wanted to know just one person who could give him the answers.
James got up from the table and left the kitchen for a while, returning with a paper bag. Regulus followed him with his eyes, observing how he reached into his bag and took out a black skirt. Although it was similar, it was not the skirt that Regulus kept hidden in the closet, so the confusion was bigger.
"I bought this today" James said slightly restrained. "I was thinking of wearing it tomorrow when we go out downtown, and you could wear yours. If there are two of us, maybe it will be less awkward to go out like this."
Regulus was speechless. James bought a skirt and was willing to go out in public with it just to give Regulus more courage. Maybe James didn't understand exactly what his lover felt and wanted, but he had decided to support him without forcing him to reveal anything without being prepared to do so. James just wanted to make sure Regulus knows he was on his side no matter what. The boy let out a short laugh and smiled widely, sprinkling a little salt over his dinner.
"Sounds very good. I think it would show off your legs," Regulus said, continuing to eat.
James smiled in return and put the skirt aside to sit down at the table and finish their dinner together.
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moonfright · 15 days
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Marauders writing ᝰ.ᐟ
|| my name is Antares || he/her || ★⋆. ࿐࿔
REQUESTS OPEN (minimum a week waiting time)
masterlist ★⋆. ࿐࿔
𖥻 ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖
I will take requests for marauders characters, and write one shots for them. this includes romantic and platonic relationships.
𖥻 ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖
What I write:
false quotes
nsfw (vanilla & kinky)
multiple part series (mostly one shots)
𖥻 ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖
Relationships you can request for:
the black brothers
the marauders (as well as any duo/trio/etc in this group)
the emeralds (as well as any duo/trio/etc in this group)
the potter family
the potter family & the black brothers
regulus and remus
regulus and lily
remus and evan
james and barty
(perhaps others if requested)
peter x xeno
(perhaps others if requested)
𖥻 ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖
Additional notes:
I write trans characters, but only a canonically male character as ftm/non-binary and a canonically female character as mtf/non-binary due to personal preference
I will not write cis or top Regulus Black or top Sirius Black, also a personal preference
I will not update very frequently, because I have a life, but I will try my best to post as much as possible
... (perhaps more in the future)
𖥻 ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖
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rxsilabeth--er · 3 months
If your not accepting requests you can absolutely ignore this!!! I just found your content recently and got hooked
I absolutely adore trans!Reggie as a transman myself (literally starving for any content rn 😭) May I request trans!Reggie and Transman! Reader headcanons? Fluff and smut welcomed. Just imagine the bonding and inside jokes or comforting each other whenever they are dysphoric. T4T my beloved
:: Tit for Tat
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Now calling....Author: "Hello?? Yes! Sorry, this took a bit long, I was working a lot due to school!! I hope this is okay, I'm a cis girl so no idea how I should go with this request, but I'll try!!"
Now calling....Synopsis: "Regulus, a boy who was wrongly first put in a girl's body dates you. You both are transmen and are dating. HCs about Reggie dating a transman! Reader"
Now calling....Warnings: "Transman!Reader|| Established relationship|| NSFW headcanons|| underage sex: fingering, riding, kissing, face riding.|| Barty sleeping with elder girls for fun|| smoking|| drinking, usual shit in marauder's era|| homophobic allies|| mentions of suicide|| Triggering content to some trans people, putting this here incase it does..|| Tell me if I did anything wrong, but please be nice! Thank you all for reading, liking and reblogging is greatly appreciated|| Bye!!||
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▩ Now I suppose you both actually met in the Hogwarts express in first year as girls, you sat beside a gorgeous girl with black hair, pale skin, gorgeous eyes as a boy who matched her looks burst in, hugging her, "There you are, little bugger!! I'll be with James, Peter and Remus, don't cause troubles." he said as she nodded, before he smiled at you and walked away as you smiled and complimented her as she blushed softly, "Thanks." absolutely gorgeous.
▩ You and her sat in silence. But after a half-Korean boy, a boy with albinism, his twin sister and a girl with gorgeous dark skin and prettiest braids you've ever seen, one thing led to another and you all sat on the same table at the Great Hall with green decorating your table.
▩ And in second year, you both began liking each other, but the gorgeous girl with black hair and pale skin from Black family was nervous what her family will think or feel about her being a girl while dating a girl, but you promised to keep it a secret along with Sirius and you both began dating or more like like being in a kiddie relationship until it became sirius serious in 4th year.
▩ You both weren't just innocent girls no, with Barty, Evan, the marauders and so many dirty minded kids your age, you both also weren't innocent, making out in Myrtle's bathroom in the bathrooms, softly learning how to finger each other by Barty's instruction who was given to him when he slept with some elder Hogwarts girl.
▩ You eventually learned how to lock your doors, perform silencing charms earlier than most and more because your girlfriend couldn't keep her hands off of you and you got wet too quickly hearing her whines and her pushing her fingers over your stockings where your cunt would be.
▩ softly as you both grew until it was fifth year and your girlfriend began distancing herself from you, and things weren't going good, stress was building up for exams and stuff and on top of that, you started getting gender dysphoria and began questioning your identity as a girl.
▩ Barty and Evan began giving you cigarettes and drinks in forth years, pretty young, you knew that and it did help sometimes take off the stress and you saw SO many kids your age do it, Slytherins did not allow third years and below to drink or smoke, only allowed for forth years and fifth years, apparently it was a rule.
▩ One thing and it turned into half a bottle and you drunkenly stumbling to your girlfriend to whom you confessed everything and woke up the next day laying in bed against her. You and her both confessed your problems and agreed to be together during this journey. One was going to Madame Pomfrey secretly and having her give you testosterone shots or getting magical binders which literally vanish your boobs for as long as you wear it and it's so comfortable. Who knew wizards were so accepting? You definitely didn't. Well everyone other than purebloods.
▩ And by the end of fifth year, you and him cut your hair, Bellatrix tried cursing Regulus until Andromeda said she was acting like how a muggle would and suddenly, she was a homophobic ally, does that exist? Well, who knows, his parents, and Bellatrix sure were, though she did try to hex him, since he looked so manly and so muc like a guy, she forgot he was a girl after one point.
▩ His parents were thinking of disowning him, but that meant that the family house and fortune would go to Alphard and Aurelia, and she would rather be cruico'd than let that happen, so she named him as the heir, saying to people that since he was such a sick child, they didn't mention him, but his "sister" (aka his dead self) was a blood traitor, and people didn't really give a fuck.
▩ The most accepting of you both were Alphard and Aurelia, Regulus's uncle and aunt and Walrbuga's younger brother and ex-best friend because Alphard had a trans friend himself and he and Aurelia were bi before it had a name. They sent him so many letters, trying to bond with him and Sirius and it did work for a long time.
▩ Now speaking of you both being trans. He will take SUCH good care of you during your period or if you're feeling dysphoric or something, softly riding you pussy with his own, rubbing your clits together with his cold, ringed fingers as he praised you, telling you how handsome you are, stuff like that.
▩ Force you to sit on his face like it's a chair and eat you out for hours on end, tweaking your nipples, if you haven't had surgery or if you have, does not matter. But will be more gentle and only lick your nipples if you have had top surgery or something.
▩ Please please please! Comfort him when he gets dysphoric, he gets suicidal thoughts and you love him so much and he's so cute, and he needs all the comfort in the world. Loves it if you fuck the good thoughts into him~
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© This writing work belongs to me, rxsilabeth--er, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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thebibutterflyao3 · 9 months
Marauders/Emeralds Era Characterisation/Builds/Backgrounds in my fics
-I’ve seen a few newbies looking for head-canons to try out in their fics. Feel free to use any of these.
-there is some variation, of course, plus some of my fics are set at the younger Hogwarts ages, but usually in this order from tallest to shortest as adults:
Remus Lupin (6’ 1”-6’4”) - typically an inch or two taller than James, but rarely quite tall. Lanky, long-limbed with curly dirty blond/light brown hair. Sometimes, he’s stronger than he looks, other times he’s a wet noodle. Disabled (usually physically, but sometimes with Tourette’s or Epilepsy). Introvert. Classic literature/fantasy novel buff. Neutral Good. Welsh. Bisexual with a preference for men. Smokes occasionally, prefers weed.
James Potter (around 6’) - athletic with strong upper body, solid but rarely super muscular. Wears glasses, intelligent, and has ADHD. Chaotic Good. Messy curls. Wide open music taste, but always Queen and a sucker for a ballad. Deep voice. Extrovert. Deeply romantic. Usually Desi via Euphemia, but love the Latinx James hc. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for James). Non-smoker.
Barty Crouch Jr. (around 6’) - athletic, but slim. This man has no arse. Stronger than he looks. British, but love the hc that he’s Italian. Burnt out gifted kid, occasionally tech savvy. Heavy-metal and emo fan. Usually has ODD. Extrovert. Chaotic Evil. Omnisexual or Bi with a preference for mascs. Often with tattoos and/or piercings. Heavy smoker.
Dorcas Meadowes (5’9-5’11) - athletic, or slender with some curves. Black, British, and the most intelligent of the group. Long braids. Ambivert. Love her characterisation as a good Slytherin. True Neutral. Listens to R&B, but secretly loves pop music, mostly sapphic artists. Occasionally has Depression. Neither butch or femme exclusive, bit of both. Bisexual or Lesbian. Non-smoker.
Evan Rosier (5’9”-5’10”) - painfully average floppy-haired blond white boy with a tan. Neutral Evil. Solid build. Grunge music fan. Piercings rather than tattoos. French or British. Ambivert. Demisexual. Prefers edibles or shrooms to smoking.
Regulus Black (5’7”-5’10”) - usually a hair taller than Sirius, but he was shorter by a bit once or twice. Chin-length wavy hair. French. Writer (poetry) and/or musical prodigy. Introvert. Slim to average build. Lawful Evil. Anxiety, OCD, and/or Autistic. Classical music or jazz, nothing with lyrics. I have written him as intersex (or trans in a few WIPs), but usually a gay cis man. Non-smoker, mostly. Social drinker, but overestimates his tolerance.
Sirius Black (5’8”-5’10”) - most attractive amongst the guys. Usually slim, but strong and flexible. Highly intelligent, but easily bored and uninterested in academics. Artistic (painter) and/or musical (percussion instruments). Rock/grunge junkie. Shoulder-length hair and tattooed. Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes ADD, often emotionally stunted with abandonment issues. Heavy drinker, occasional smoker.
Mary McDonald (5’8”-5’10”) - depends on the fic, but always in heels so she seems taller. Curvy queen. Most attractive and socially aware of the entire group, extremely trendy, designs/sews a lot of her own clothes, high-femme. Prefers soulful music and light pop. Popular, but keeps her emotions buried. High expectations. Does not suffer fools. Lawful Neutral. Black, British, and extroverted. Natural hair. Social smoker and drinker. Neurotypical. Aromantic or lesbian.
Lily Evans (5’6”-5’8”) - very curvy to plus-size. Super long dark red hair, often braided with a fringe. Academic overachiever, Lawful Good, pretty, and fiery/defensive when confronted. Fantasy book nerd. Introvert. Neurotypical with anxiety. Pop music girlie. Artistic (usually sketching). Welsh/British. Non-smoker. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for Lily) or Femme Lesbian, but rarely wears make-up.
Marlene McKinnon (around 5’6”) - athletic/ stocky queen with thick thighs. Blonde, usually in a ponytail and shoulder-length with fringe. Scottish/British. Music-obsessed (mostly 70-80s rock) and lives in band tees and Docs. Tattooed. Extrovert. Chaotic Neutral. Social smoker, but rarely. ADHD. Butch lesbian who loves eye-liner. Occasional short skirt to break Dorcas’s brain.
Peter Pettigrew (5’5”-5’7”) - stocky/plus-size, straight blond hair. British. Logical and strategic, but struggles with abstract concepts. Chess player, comic book collector, video game/movie buff, and weed fiend, but non-smoker. People-pleaser and supportive of his friends, but ambivalent around strangers. Ambivert. Asexual, unlabeled, Questioning.
Pandora Lovegood (5’-5’3”) - always petite and slim. Long blonde hair, usually loose or in elaborate half-updos (like Phoebe Buffet in Friends). Hippie vibes and high-femme. Usually Autistic. Ambivert -depends on who she’s with. French. Animal lover, compassionate, high-strung, a gossip but rarely maliciously, collects crystals. Pansexual. Non-smoker, but open to experimentation. Rarely drinks.
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v7lgar · 6 months
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james f. potter - where you go, i go (stalker au)
villainy was nothing new to him, and even murder was understandable and clear-cut. but love was still a mystery.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hi I just have a question and I mean to ask it as respectfully as possible
When did people start head cannoning Regulus as trans? I just dont understand how people came to that conclusion?
I’m also just very uneducated on the trans community and I know that and just don’t really know where to get reliable information about the whole community and the people in it.
Idk in my opinion I just almost feel like people made Regulus trans to meet a diversity quota. I also feel like it kind of takes away from the fact that James could be genuinely attracted to biological males? Like maybe people are still so attached to Jily that they can’t truly let go of it even in his other ship?
Sorry I just really would like to see the point of view from someone who is part of the trans community (correct me if I’m wrong on that please) and also enjoys and writes trans Regulus. It really just makes me sad that I don’t read so many fanfics that I’m sure are absolutely beautiful just because I’m a little put off by Regulus (or even Remus) being trans.
Anyway I’d love to hear the reasoning you have and I’m so sorry if any of this came off as offensive or rude🫶
Okay, so to answer your first question, the first fic in ao3 tagged with trans! Regulus Black is dated in March 2016, so 8 years ago. (I see a Jegulus fic tagged in 2005, for comparison).
As far as people coming to the conclusion of reg being trans, I think it's just people seeing themselves in the character, or enjoying the headcanon. It's not like...deciding it IS canon. If that makes sense?
For information on the community, I'm not sure what you mean. Like information in being trans? If you have questions on that, I'm more than willing to answer them! I can point you to reliable websites or try to give you my own experience.
I don't think it's 'meeting a diversity quota.' I think it's that Harry Potter is genuinely super NOT diverse. Canonically, most characters are straight, cis, and white. And fanfiction writers like to write what they want and what they relate to. Many fanfic writers know trans people/are trans, so it's natural to include trans people in their works. It's not meeting a quota, it's just emulating their lives.
And as far as James's attraction..sure, he can be attracted to people with any genitals. But I think you're missing the point that trans Regulus IS a boy. Your body doesn't equal your gender. So when James is attracted to him, he is attracted to a boy. He is, therefore, gay (or at least queer) by being attracted to Regulus. Very gently, seeing trans Regulus as a substitution for Lily because they might have similar bodies is a bit transphobic. Though body parts can be important to some people, putting Regulus and Lily on the same plane is a bit off. (Also, many people headcanon James as pansexual, meaning he can be attracted to any gender, so he doesn't care what gender people are.) You ARE right in saying that some people probably do think this way though. But it's not okay.
As far as not liking the headcanon of trans!Regulus or trans!Remus or whoever...I don't think that's a bad thing IN THEORY. For example, I don't see Harry as trans. There are some Drarry fics which have trans!Harry and I don't read them, because that's not my headcanon. Fanfics are for your enjoyment, and you don't have to force yourself to read them if they don't share your specific headcanons. I would just think about WHY you're not reading these fics. If you just see these characters as cis, then that's fine! But if it's because you might need more education of transness and what it means to be trans, then maybe take the time to educate yourself and go from there, you know?
I hope that helps!
(Also if anyone wants to chime in in the comments, you're welcome to, but please be respectful, this was a genuine question)
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My Sexualities/Gender Identity HC's for Marauder Characters!
Sirius: Little gay boy fr (literally, he's so short). Also, he/him or gender-fluid
James: All the male Potter's are bi kings. Cis ally<3
Remus: Remus is bi or pan and he/him sorry but idc what mskingbean89 says he's not gay
Peter: Yesss we love our short he/him aroace king!!
Lily: She's a queen and a bi one (she/her)
Mary: Demisexual and lesbian Mary yessss (she/her)
Marlene: Marlene is the lesbian ICON istg. And she uses she/they like slay frrr
Dorcas: Just like her girl Cas is LESBIANNN (she/her)
Pandora: Demi, bi, and asexual:) we love our girl panda<3 (she/her)
Evan: Bi king with a preference to guys (he/they)
Barty: Bi king with a preference to SEX (he/him)
Regulus: The fruitiest gayest little trans guy you've ever seen (he/him)
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ecstarry · 4 months
Trans regulus is soo sweet omg
i won't lieee my reg wouldn't be described as sweet, not in ANY characterization cis or trans ASJHDBA but i'm here for trans reg <33
my reg can get soft with james because he feels safe being vulnerable and feels just sooo seen but overall he's not a sweet person hahahaha BUT I LOVE HIM LIKE THAT
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addsalwayssick · 14 days
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