#transgender butters
empressofthesunwriter · 11 months
The Magician's Quest Index
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SoT AU: Her homeland invaded, her parents died, and all Magic was outlawed. Dark Magician N.K. is on the run from the Inquisition, who wants nothing more than to burn her at a stake. She finds herself in Zaron, the Human Kingdom, not knowing that she stepped into a war for the most powerful relict of them all. A legend, which is reality. The Stick of Truth.
Chapter 1
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blueberryramune · 22 days
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notsocheezy · 2 months
V-Day - The First Twenty-Four Hours
Guess who's got two thumbs and no penis? That's right, this girlish-shaped thing!
My "the surgery" went off without a hitch! And it couldn't have happened at a weirder time. The news has been absolutely wild this week, hasn't it? Mass Windows system outages, Biden dropping out of the presidential race... probably some other stuff... I'll be honest, I'm a little woozy from the Oxycodone, so a lot of the past week escapes me at the moment. But let me tell you all about the first day. I still remember most of that.
I arrived at the hospital at about 5AM yesterday, and they had me wipe down with CHG wipes even though I'd just taken a CHG shower. I guess they like to be safe. But it leaves a residue that isn't the most pleasant thing in the world. It's kind of like when you step out of the ocean and the salt dries onto your skin in a fine, well-seasoned flaky layer.
After that, they gave me a morphine injection into my spinal fluid, which according to the pain management guy, reduces the overall necessary intake of opiates/opioids (what is the difference between those anyway?). So far that seems to be very true. My new bits don't hurt in the slightest even now, after the injection has worn off.
On the other hand, though, there has been excruciating pain in my chest and shoulders. You see, this was a laparoscopic surgery performed with a fancy robot - the DaVinci XI - and they had to pump me full of CO2 so they'd have room to work. That's right folks - I'm carbonated. And they didn't just give me one new hole, but an additional five incisions on my abdomen, which also don't really hurt but damn are they itchy. It turns out though, being a human balloon is a really bad experience. If I'd had an inflation kink before, this would probably have killed it in its tracks.
When I woke up in Recovery, I was at 10/10 on the pain scale. It was truly miserable. They had to inject me with Fentanyl (Ooooooh, scary!) just so I could breathe. Once they did, though, I was fine. That is, until they moved me onto the bed in my room several hours later. Now the pain comes and goes, but I'm on pills for that.
Other than the chest pain, the most uncomfortable thing is the catheter. It constantly feels like I've just gotten back from a long road trip without pit stops, or the credits just rolled on an IMAX screening of Oppenheimer (I saw that twice, by the way). I have to pee so damn bad, but I'm just kinda... always peeing. Very weird. Nice not to have to get up, but I'm not even really allowed to get up. Which is a shame, because I'm told moving around will help the CO2, ahem, escape. Via the most obvious channel, of course.
On that note, I was on a liquid diet until about an hour ago, and now I've got an omelet and some oatmeal that they forgot to put sugar or salt in. They really want to get my guts up and running again - they gave me a laxative and a stool softener. But I'm nervous about getting up from the bed. I've got more wires attached to me than my PC at home, so I'll need to unhook everything to get to the bathroom.
Anyway, other than being misgendered a concerning amount of times by people who should be able to read the word "vaginoplasty" on my chart, everyone has been very kind. I thought I'd be more scared and depressed being left in the hospital by myself, with all my loved ones hours away, but I've been able to make friends with the nurses.
If you're on the fence about getting this done because you're scared of the recovery process, don't worry. I'm only a day in and I'm doing just fine. Electrolysis was significantly more painful down there than this is. Can't speak for more traditional methods, but the robot is damn good. I, for one, welcome our new robotic sex-change overlords.
Anyway, stay tuned for more. I'm here all week.
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ar1-sc3n3-b1tch · 2 months
Who wants to cosplay Stan x Kyle with me (I’m Stan) ?
I wanna recreate this!!
Doesn’t matter what state bc we can do collab videos and FaceTime calls. If you live where k live then that’s good!
I don’t have my cosplay yet so I’ll have to buy it but we can still do it
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rhyliethecaterfly · 2 months
I Headcanon South Park Boys With Sexuality
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lordcringe · 1 year
Edit I posted on instagram lol
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They are besties
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potatobugz · 2 years
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south park but they are like teen agers (warning: scarey warning: frightening)
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yasmen4 · 1 month
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A safe school in which there are many children and women has now been targeted. It is considered one of the safe schools in northern Gaza, and there are many injuries and deaths. Civilians have been directly targeted.💔💔
You can help me with any way you own and read my story through the link 🙏🏻❤️
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nyasha-parashaa · 7 months
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The Magician's Quest
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SoT AU: Her homeland invaded, her parents died, and all Magic was outlawed. Dark Magician N.K. is on the run from the Inquisition, who wants nothing more than to burn her at a stake. She finds herself in Zaron, the Human Kingdom, not knowing that she stepped into a war for the most powerful relict of them all. A legend, which is reality. The Stick of Truth.
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Chapter One
It was three days since Marianne, for all others Butters, appeared in the castle with a fainted magician from Winning Sun in her arms.
The whole court had lost its marble.
A survivor of practically a genocide?
Only the Wizard King seemed like Winterfest had come earlier for him this year.
The fairest in the land of Zaron, her Royal Highness, Princess Kenny McCormick hadn’t liked Cartman’s look one bit.
It was an open secret how the fatass greedily collected all Magical Wisdom he could get in his fat grabby hands.
All for a way to completely destroy the Elven Kingdom and mostly their King in one devastating hit.
One of the famed female magicians from Winning Sun was what missing from his "collection".   
It sicked Princess Kenny.
The poor girl surely searched for shelter from the Purist of the True Light and ended up here, where Cartman would squeeze her like a lemon for her magical wisdom, till he got tired and practically threw her out of the kingdom.
She couldn’t let this happen.
One because it was terrible and second…she needed the magician for her own plans.
She didn’t claim to be better than Cartman, but her reasons are better!
Kupa Keep belongs truly to her and her sister Karen.
The princess would be damned if she didn’t get the throne back from the fatass. 
Her heeled boots made a clink and clank sound as made her way to the castle infirmary.
Her sister, Princess Karen, was gifted with Healing Powers, the infirmary her realm. She took care of their magician guest.
Kenny visit any day in the hope that she could talk first with the stranger. She needed to have her on her side and not on Cartman’s.
Good thing that the fatass was so lazy to check up on the magician himself. He was so sure that the magician would work for him, share her wisdom in exchange for a safe place, that he didn’t see the danger coming from Kenny herself.
He was always understatement her.
This would be his downfall.
Princess Kenny open the door to the infirmary and stepped quietly in. Karen demanded absolute silence in her infirmary. Loud noises were not good for her healing patients.
“Here for you.”, she heard her sister talk. “I hope you like apples.”
“Can I not have some boar stew? I’m dying over her!”, answered an unknown female voice.
Ah, so their guest finally woke up. Good, this was good.
Karen laughed, while Kenny made her way over to them.
“You are out of danger. Also, boar stew is too much for your stomach right now. You need to eat light things.”
From the magician came grumbling, but Kenny heard how she bit into the crunchy apple.
Finally, she reached the bed where the magician lay. Well, the curtains before it.
“Karen.”, she called sweetly. “I’m hearing right and our guest woke up?”
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Three days.
She was three days out of it.
Even when she had learned the higher magic to become the future court magician N.K. never had lost concession for so long.
It really had been a hard trip for her.
When she finally woke up, sweet Princess Karen was there, to help her sit up and gave her a glass of water.
The young Princess was nice and welcoming to her.
As if she was doing this job for years she had checked on N.K. and used her own Healing Magic to help her recover faster.
It was a nice feeling meeting such a pure and good soul after all that had happened.
Also, it was a good sign that the Grand Wizard had taken her in, letting her get healed by Princess Karen.
Maybe she really had a chance to begin her anew.
Currently, she and the princess were discussing what she should eat, Karen won with her apples, as she heard this beautiful voice.
It was hard to tell if it was male or female. Only the silhouette showed a feminine form.
“That’s my sibling Princess Kenny.”, whisper Karen to her before she turned to the one before the curtain. “Kenny, always nice to see you. Did you want to check on N.K.?”
“N.K.? That’s our noble magician’s name?”
The talked-to magician sat upright as Karen open the curtain to let her sister in.
“Novella-Karin.”, she gave her full name. “N.K. was my nickname since I can remember.”
Princess Kenny was a vision! Golden hair in two braids, the most beautiful blue eyes in a pretty face with soft-looking lips. She wore a pretty dress that hugged her in all the right places. But N.K. noted the lack of breasts.
Most likely.
Karen had even called her, her sibling not her sister.
“A pretty name for a pretty woman.”, complimented Princess Kenny and N.K. felt a bit shy.
Normal she would have flirted back…but after all that happened in her homeland…N.K. was so unsure about a lot of things now.
Seemed like both the Princesses noted how she clambered up, since they gave her soft smiles.
“It’s all right N.K.”, told Karen, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You are here under friends. Kupa Keep welcomed you with open arms.”
Oh…this was good to hear.
Princess Kenny nodded in agreement.
“We want you to feel safe with us. You can rest and heal in peace here.”
N.K. had to fight her tears. She didn’t deserve such kindness. She was nothing but a coward.
However, she nodded and snuggled back up in her bed.
“Come, Kenny, let’s leave N.K. alone. She still has to require a lot of energy.”
The siblings stepped away from her bed to talk in hushed tones with each other at Karen’s desk.
Maybe she should have listened in, but N.K. was already tired again.
So she fell asleep.
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“Kenny what are you planning!”, hissed Karen at her sibling. She loved Kenny, yet she also know that they had their own agenda going on. “N.K. is still too fragile to be part of your plans!”
“I noted that. I will let her be for the moment. But Karen you know as well as I that fatass can not get his hands on her!”
“She is my patient, who survive a genocide and made her way all alone to Zaron. I don’t want her to be part of your plans!”
“Our plans!”
“I’m happy Kenny, when will you understand.”
Her sibling huffed and put their hands on their hips.
“Kupa Keep is ours, Karen. It’s our right to rule. And not Cartman, who only became king, because our parents were so high and stupid to trust the Wicked Witch Liane!”
“Keep it down!”, Karen whisper-shouted and looked worried around. “You know how these walls have ears.”
Kenny signed and nodded.
“Even more reason to end this.”
“You sound like Kevin and you know what happened to him! I can’t lose you too.”
“I promise you, it won’t happen to me.”, promised Kenny taking her hands and squeezing them. “Our brother was as courageous as he was dumb. I will not fight Cartman openly.”
Now it was Karen who signed, taking her hands away from her sibling and sat down on her desk.
“I know, I can’t stop you. But please be careful, for our all sakes.”
Again Kenny promised and made her way out of the infirmary. When Karen sat down at her desk it meant it was time to leave.
On the floor outside the infirmary, she meets Marianne.
“Butters.”, how Kenny hated to call their friend her deadname, but you couldn’t be careful enough in Kupa Keep. “How it’s going?”
“Oh I’m good, your highness. The Wizard King wants to talk to you.”
Shit, what did the fatass want from her?
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Marianne stands on the door before the throne room, guarding it alongside Knight Tolkien.
It was unlike someone would manage to bypass the wall, then all the Royal Guards, till finally reaching the throne room, but better be safe than sorry.
The paladin let her eyes wander and remembered again how she missed the old Kupa Keep.
Before Eric became king, the walls were decorated with beautiful portraits of the past rulers, now everyone showed him and only him.
It showed how narcissistic their king was.
Of course she never would it say out loud, but thinking it was safe.
Her thoughts lead her to her beloved Stan.
She wonder what he was doing now.
Stan had talked freely about his duties in the court of Larnion, so Marianne could image that he was currently with his king, maybe helping him decide in how to better the living of the elven kind.
Sometimes she wonder if she really should do it.
Leave all this behind and live with Stan in the Elven Kingdom.
Her love always assured her, that they would take her in with open arms and since he was best friends with the High Elf King no one would give her trouble.
But her parents needed her.
They weren’t the best. She often had cried because of them, yet they were still her parents.
Then Kenny and Karen needed her.
She know about Kenny secret plans to dethrone Eric. Marianne had sworve to help her friend achive this.
Kupa Keep was once the kingdom of Kenny’s and Karen’s family, but the late king and queen had a bad addiction for drugs.
It was so bad that they couldn’t even rule anymore.
Then one day the witch Liane with her young son Eric appaered and promised to help the couple.
Liane told that she was specialty in healing addictions of anykind and for a while all somehad to be gettig bettter.
Till the royal couple died and had appionted Liane as regent, till Kevin, Kenny’s and Karen’s older brother, was of age.
Sadly nothing had gone as it should have gone.
Marianne signs and then lets out a shriek as the door to the throne room opens. Princess Kenny is storming out of it.
Oh hamburgers.
Eric made her angry.
What did he told her?
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Not far away from Zaron in the kingdom of Larnion Stan Marshwalker can only look at his king and super best friend Kyle in disbelief.
“You didn’t agree.”, the ranger hoped. “Tell me you didn’t agree!”
The High Elf King just made a face.
So Stan had his answer.
“You are stupid, I hope you realiz that!”
“Hey, I’m doing this for the kingdom! For our people, Stan.”
“Our people will think you lost your marbles.”
Kyle waved this away, sitting down on his throne.
“They will understand.”
“Yeah, that you are been played. Fatass invatation is a trap. Don’t tell me you don’t see it.”
For that Kyle sends him an angry look.
“I know them well that Wizard Fatass will probably try to attack Larnion while we are in Zaron. But Stan if the tiny chance exists we can end this war between our two realms, then I must take it.”
“By going to their Midsummer Festival and being all buddy-buddy with Cartman? Kyle are you out of your mind?!”
“I will not go alone. Don’t worry.”, reassured his king. “I haven’t completely lost it, as you said. I will be taking you and Tammy with me.”
Stan could only deadpan at him.
“Us three, all around us enemy. Yeah, that’s for sure not a trap.”
“Queen Bebe of the Amazons and her second in command Wendy will be there too.”, told Kyle. “Also Queen Henrietta of the Dark Clearing and her three advisories. We will have friends there.”
Okay, this was surprising.
“What is fatass planning to invite all his enemies to his Midsummer Festival?”
“I don’t know, but see how we can’t back down.”
The ranger let out only a sign.
Well, at least he would be seeing his bunny sooner than normal.
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N.K. had woken up from her nap and Princess Karen had been so nice to give her a book to read to battle her boredom.
The princess still didn’t see her fit enough to walk around, so she had to stay in bed.
The book she read was interesting.
It talked about a legend as old as all the realms and kingdoms together.
The Stick of Truth.
The most powerful wand ever created.
As a magician, she had studied the mythos of the Stick of Truth, but that the first who wield it had been on Orc was new information to her.
That’s when the door to the infirmary swung open loudly, making her nearly jump out of her bed and Princess Karen sat upright on her desk.
“Excuse me?!”, the young Princess yelled. “This is an absolute silence zone. My patients don’t need to be disturbed by loud rumors.”
“This is how you talk to your king?”, answered her the male who stepped in.
He was a wizard and…well really fat. You couldn’t even call him chubby.
A shiver run down N.K.’s back as the wizard fixed her with his cold dead eyes.
The magic aura around him… was full of malice. This was someone who probably used forbidden magic.
That was not a good sign.
Princess Karen stepped away from her desk and curtsy before the wizard.
“My king I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you.”, she nearly whimpered.
All right, N.K. already didn’t like this fatass. Anyone who made shake sweet Princess Karen like this was an asshole in her eyes.
“Whatever, bitch.”
Yep, he was on her shit list now.
“I’m here for the other bitch.”
Where was her wand?!
“I’m the Grand Wizard Eric Cartman. I assume right you want to live here?”
He didn’t even let her answer.
“Well, bitch, if that is so, you better start getting well soon and put your magic to good use for the kingdom. Understand? Or I will kick you out. I’m sure the Inquisition is just waiting to get you in their hands.”
The brunette girl had a really strong feeling that it was probably the most stupid idea to come to Zaron!
God fucking dammit!
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03.07.2023: I should stop making deadlines for my FFs because it really stops my creative flow.
I’m sorry to say it but I won’t be updating this FF once per week and only write for it when I feel like it.
Kinda how I do with my other FFs.
I’m sorry guys, but now I learned that deadline and I really don’t work.
Have a nice day/night!
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bugmangaka · 1 year
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Some pride stuff!!! Craig and Tweek, Marjorine, and Wendyl!
(click for better quality!)
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mollyy71 · 11 months
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Credits to @xzitara💕
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salmonsandwich37 · 1 year
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donnieisaprettyboy · 1 month
I had like 5 overripe bananas and my mom sent me home with 4 more so now I have banana bread, banana cake, and banana bars I don’t know what to do with
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caughtonwebcam · 1 year
an overanalysis of “Marjorine” and why it means butters is trans
okay obviously take everything I’m about to point out with a huge grain of salt because none of this is canon and probs total bs, but I like having fun with it anyway.
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marjorine’s introduction can represent her coming out as trans. butters faking his death is his attempt at starting over, however is unsure about the publicity of it all. His nervousness as presenting as Marjorine after Butters’ death at school can be seen as Marj being afraid of public reception. The things she says too can also be her trying to fit in to be perceived as “more feminine.” However, the other kids don’t really notice or seem to care, not even noticing who she was before (one of the girls asked “who’s butters?”) While she is accepted as trans, that doesn’t make her immune to judgement.
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when Marjorine goes to Heidi’s sleepover, she is bullied because of her appearance. despite knowing that she is trans, the other girls have trouble accepting her differences and more masculine features. at one point, Bebe calls Marj flat. Notice her reaction in the screenshot above. She looks down at her chest and appears alarmed. She fears her physical differences, which can be interpreted as gender dysphoria.
While this can be seen as him being afraid of being caught as a boy being snuck in, let’s look at the next scene.
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Marj goes and cries in the bathroom. When the girls try to ask what’s wrong, she says that they called her “ugly and flat.” Flat was used earlier and triggered her dysphoria. And ugly is used because she may not have more traditionally feminine features. Also, she says this: “You don’t know how hard it is to be me!”
This shows the girls that they don’t understand the hardships of gender dysphoria and the struggles that come with coming out, making them realize their faults and learn to feel more sympathetic towards her.
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Marj then starts to get along with the other girls, finally feeling like one of them and accepted for who she is. She is even given a makeover by the girls.
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When the boys come and get her, Butters is fed up and takes off her wig and makeup. He wants to go home and show her parents that he’s “not dead.” Remember how Butters’ fake suicide could represent him trying to separate from his old identity. Going back on that to show that Butters is alive could imply that Butters’ parents are transphobic and he is scared of the consequences/doesn’t want to make them upset.
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When Butters returns home, his parents are terrified of who he’s become (although their fear is irrational.) Their grief over the “loss” of their son caused them to deny Marj’s transition from mtf, not even wanting to accept Butters even after he goes back to normal. On top of that, they call him an “it.” Earlier in the episode, Stephen tries to bring Butters back to life, which could represent him trying to persuade him to go back to presenting more masculine, yet to no avail.
Anyway, that’s all I got. Pls lemme know if u found more things in the episode that I missed <3
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