#traveler harry x reader
lizzieolseniskinda · 10 days
TOM RIDDLE - soulmates don’t exist PT. 1
SDE MASTERLIST - x FEM!reader (POC!friendly)
(requests open)
SUMMARY: everything changes for you when snape gives you a certain memory. will you be able to do the task that dumbledore has given you?
GENRE: angst-ish (but not really)
CONTENT WARNING: soulmate & time travel au, english is not my first language
PROOFREAD - (24 SEP. 2024)
IB: people who used to make this wattpad stories, i used to ate those upppp🫣 & i love the tom hughes, tom riddle smmm
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The air was thick; it smelled like blood and burning wood everywhere. The echoes of the battle were ringing faintly in the distance. Hidden away from the chaos, Severus Snape lay crumpled on the cold floor, his body slick with blood, life slipping away from him with each passing second.
Voldemort had left him to die, discarded like a broken tool. Nagini’s venom coursed through his veins, its poison cruelly efficient, and yet Snape’s eyes remained sharp. His gaze was fixated on Harry, standing just a few steps away, his face pale with shock and confusion. Snape’s focus wavered as he turned his eyes weakly, finding you—your form trembling as you knelt beside him, your heart shattering at the sight.
You might not have the best bond with a teacher like Snape, but never would you wish death upon someone.
“Take it… you both…” Snape rasped, his voice a whisper and urgent. Deep within his cloak, he pulled out one small vial and one small potion-like bottle. His hands shook as he reached for his own tear-streaked face. Slowly he collected the silvery drops that clung there, memories shimmering with an otherworldly glow.
Harry knelt down beside you now, watching in silence, his confusion giving way to a deeper understanding. Snape’s dark eyes locked into yours as he extended the vial towards you.
“You need to.. know the truth.”
Tears of your own spilled down your cheeks as you took the vial from his trembling hand. “You… were meant to change it all,” he whispered hoarsely.
“You can save him… save everyone. But only if you understand what must be done, the sacrifices you’ll have to make.”
The weight of the vial suddenly felt heavier than before, as you sat beside Snape’s lifeless body, his final words echoing in your mind.
Harry’s face was pale and grief-stricken. His eyes met yours and for a moment, neither of you spoke.
“We have to go,” Harry said, his voice hoarse, snapping you out of your daze. He looked down at the vial of silvery liquid in your hand. “The Pensieve. We need to see what he left for us.”
“Yeah,” was the only thing you could mutter out, your throat tight with a mixture of fear and urgency. Without another word, both of you scrambled to your feet.
Fires flickered in the distance, casting eerie shadows across the grounds and hallways as the final battle raged on.
Harry led the way, his steps quick, with you right behind him, clutching the vial so tightly in your hand that you thought it might shatter at any given moment.
“We have to hurry,” he urged over his shoulder. “Whatever’s in these memories, it’s important. Snape wouldn’t have—” his voice caught in his throat.
You only nodded, your mind spinning with Snape's last words. “You can save him… but only if you know what must be done.”
Save who? Harry? Voldemort? Was there a part of Tom Riddle still left inside the monster he had become? And how were you connected to him? Why you in the first place?
You reached the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance to Dumbledore's office. Harry barely paused to spit out the password.
“Sherbet lemon!”
The gargoyle sprang to life, and the two of you rushed up the spiral staircase, out of breath.
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Dumbledore's office had a heavy scent of old parchment and burning candle wax filling the air. You and Harry stood side by side, breathing heavily from the sprint through the castle. The weight of the vial, now emptied, felt almost meaningless in your hands. Your heart pounded in your chest.
Harry held your gaze briefly, his eyes filled with an emotion you couldn't quite place. "Let's do this," he said, his voice straining slightly. You nodded in return, your throat too tight to speak. Together, you leaned over the Pensieve, letting yourselves be pulled into the swirling memories.
The world around you started shifting, and suddenly, you were in the same office, just a few things placed differently.
Before you could take in your surroundings further, you noticed him—Severus Snape, somewhat younger, his dark hair still hanging around his face. You and Harry exchanged a look. Snape stood rigid before Dumbledore's desk, his expression (as always) unreadable.
"This is madness, Albus," Snape spat, his voice low and venomous. "You're going to send her back in time, knowing she will not be able to return? She will be trapped there—forever. A time-turner cannot help her.”
Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, a quill in his hand as he gazed at Snape with a somber, almost mournful expression. "I understand your anger, Severus, but there is no other way." You took note of how Snape looked younger but not that much younger. You saw the gash in his leg and guessed this would've taken place during first year.
"She doesn't know, does she?" Snape's voice cut off your train of thought. "No, she does not," Albus replied softly. "And it is better that way, for now.”
'She'—that was you. This memory was about you. You felt your heart skip a beat.
"You're asking her to do the impossible—to change him. Tom Riddle cannot be saved. He was already lost when you met him in the orphanage.”
"Perhaps," Dumbledore replied. "But she must try. If there is even the smallest chance to alter the course of his soul, it is through her.”
Snape gave a slight scoff. "If she is to succeed, she must know everything!" You never realized how much he cared for you and your friends. "But you told her nothing of this?”
Dumbledore's eyes flickered towards the parchment in front of him. "When the time is right, she shall know what to do." Dumbledore sighed, rising from his chair. "And do not worry, she will know, Severus, but not before the right time.”
Snape's face twisted in frustration. "And if she fails? What then?”
"Her connection to Tom Riddle is delicate, and should she go back into the past with full knowledge, it could endanger everything. The balance between them is fragile," Dumbledore explained.
Harry's hand clenched beside you, his breath quickening. "Go back in time?" he whispered, echoing the questions that were swirling in your own mind. Snape turned sharply, "You're asking too much of her," he said through gritted teeth. "Sending her back in time, to Tom Riddle's fifth year... If she doesn't succeed in making him—“
"—experience love," Dumbledore finished. "Love is the key, Severus." You felt as though the ground had dropped out from beneath you. Tom Riddle—love? That would be impossible. Is this what Dumbledore had planned for you all along? To go back into the past, to love a young Tom Riddle before he became Lord Voldemort?
"How... how could anyone make Riddle love someone?" you whispered to Harry.
"You are condemning her to live out her days in a time that's not her own! She won't even be able to return! You've bound her to the past," Snape stressed.
The headmaster's gaze grew sharper, though there was still that calm weight behind it. "She is connected to Tom Riddle in ways we cannot fully understand. If there is hope for him, it lies in her hands—her influence. But no, Severus, she cannot come back. The magic involved in sending her back is... irreversible.”
"You will send her to a monster! To a boy who will grow to become the Dark Lord," Snape sneered. "What happens if she doesn't succeed in her task?”
Dumbledore's eyes closed for a moment. "If she cannot reach him... if his heart remains as closed as it is now, then yes, Voldemort will rise like he did. And our fate is sealed.”
Snape looked up at him. "You truly believe she can save him?”
Dumbledore's eyes glinted, the faintest trace of hope dancing behind them. "I believe she is the only one who can." His voice dropped to a whisper, "She will remain in that time. She will live there, bound to the past..."
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After the sensation finally stopped, you and Harry found yourselves back in the present. The glow of the Pensieve slowly faded, leaving only the silence of the room.
You stood frozen for a moment, trying to process what you had just witnessed — the conversation between Snape and Dumbledore. The weight of it hung heavy in the air, pressing down on you both.
"If you go, you can't come back," Harry whispered, almost to himself, as though saying it out loud would make it reality. His face was pale. "Once you go back into Riddle's time... you're stuck there. Forever.”
"And if I fail..." your voice shook as the truth finally settled in. "If I can't change him, you'll have to battle him. Harry, you'll die."
His eyes snapped to yours, and for a moment, he seemed as lost as you were. He ran a hand through his hair, pacing in front of Dumbledore's desk. "I don't understand, Dumbledore... Snape... they planned all of this—" he stopped, turning to face you. "How are you supposed to change Tom Riddle?”
You shook your head. "I don't know, Harry. I don't know how I'm supposed to make him love or... stop him from becoming Voldemort. What if I can't even do it?”
Harry stepped toward you, his expression softening, though his own fear was palpable. "You've faced worse, right? You've fought Death Eaters. You survived this war with us. If anyone can do it, it's you," Harry finished saying. "But I hate that it has to be you.”
The weight of his words hung between the two of you.
"I don't—Dumbledore said we were connected somehow, that we're soul-bound, basically... but what if that's not enough?”
Harry's jaw tightened, frustration breaking through his calm. "It's unfair! It's always unfair with him!" Harry raised his arms. "He expects too much. First me, now you! He's always asking us to make these impossible choices.”
You nodded, and your heart ached at Harry's raw emotion. "I can't let you die, Harry," you stated softly. "I can't stand by and watch that happen.”
He shook his head fiercely, stepping closer so his hands gripped your shoulders. "And I can't let you go back in time, knowing you'll never come home.”
For a moment, the two of you stood like that, caught between the devastating choice laid before you. You could feel the pull of what needed to be done.
"If this is the only way, then we'll find a way to make it work. We'll figure out how to change him, how to make him love. We'll do it together," Harry nodded, sure of his plan.
You smiled through tears. "Harry, once I go, I'll be alone.”
His grip tightened on your shoulders. "You won't be alone. You've never been alone in this. You'll have everything we've ever fought for — the memories. And more than that... you'll have hope."
Tears were threatening to leave your eyes, but you swallowed them back. You nodded at Harry.
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Harry took the small potion out of his jacket pocket. The liquid inside was an ethereal, shimmering gold, glowing faintly in the dim of the room. The potion, the one that would send you back in time — and trap you there.
Your hands shook as you took the potion from Harry. The glass felt cold in your palm. The moment had come, and it was terrifying. Once you drank it, you knew there would be no turning back, no returning to the world and people you once knew. No more friends, no more future. Only the past, which would become your future.
Harry shifted beside you. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice low. There was a plea in his words, though he wasn't trying to stop you. He couldn’t. He knew as well as you did that this was the only way.
"I don't have a choice," you whispered back, your voice shaking. You gave him a small nod, though your heart still pounded in your chest. You uncorked the bottle. The faint scent of something sweet filled the air. The liquid seemed almost alive, swirling around.
You took one last look at Harry, locking in the image of his face — strong, determined, your best friend. This might be the last time you'd ever see him.
"I'll miss you," you whispered, barely able to say the words. Harry's eyes glistened, but he gave a small, resolute nod. "I'll miss you too.”
With a final breath, you raised the vial to your lips. The liquid was warm, surprisingly smooth as it slid down your throat. At first, it didn't feel like anything was happening, but then the warmth began to spread, starting in your chest and slowly moving through your body.
The world around you started to blur, and a dizzying sensation took over. Harry's voice was distant now, "It's happening.”
Your vision blurred, and you could feel time itself shifting, bending, pulling you away from the present and hurling you backward into the past.
It was overwhelming, as though your existence was being unraveled and re-made on a different planet. You feared you might lose yourself entirely.
And then, everything came to a hurtling stop. The warm feeling of the potion faded, replaced by a cool, crisp breeze against your skin. You opened your eyes, heart still pounding, and took in your surroundings.
It felt so familiar, yet completely different. Hogwarts stood tall, the grounds more pristine, untouched by the war, by the battles you had grown so accustomed to. The castle's windows shimmered, and the air smelled fresh.
At last, you were in the past.
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dearharriet · 6 months
About Time | Chapter 1
james potter x reader time travel au | 3k words | contents
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00:00 — 1 JANUARY
James waited until he’d fallen into his childhood home, half-plastered and sad and staring himself in the eyes through his bathroom mirror. His gaze seemed colder, lonelier than usual, and when he splashed his face with cool water it chilled him to the bone.
He’d never been unsettled by solitude, never minded much retreating to an empty bed at the end of a long day. Until then.
That’s when he knew he had to go back.
“Pardon me.”
The voice from behind you was so sudden and deep that you jumped, whipping around clumsily to meet it.
“God, you startled me!”
Laying eyes on the man responsible, you instantly released any ill-will you had.
“Hi, sorry,” he said, and you were already quite smitten.
He was young, though surely not any younger than you. Handsome too, in a dismantling way, like he might take you apart if you were an old clock, just to see what made you tick.
And if he wasn’t young and handsome, he’d still gain a little credit just in looking so guilty for spooking you.
This was January, and you were out on the veranda, so your breath escaped you visibly. You were aware of it trickling upward as the handsome man smiled shyly and introduced himself.
“I’m James.”
Leaning up against a white banister, you snuggled further into your shawl, watching him. He was a few steps above you, and taller by a lot anyways, so it posed a bit of a strain.
“Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Lovely name,” James commented, not missing a beat. It surprised you, but you rallied easily.
“And yours.” You sipped your drink, and when he hadn’t formed a response, decided to elaborate. “Classic.”
James ducked his head in a dashing sort of way, adding a little humility to the lethal mix of attractive traits he contained.
“Yeah, but don’t let it take any precedence. It's strangeness across the board for the rest of me.”
Your lips curled up at the corners.
“For some reason I think that’s true,” you teased, eyes shining with mirth.
There were lots of ways to be flirted with, several of which left a bad taste in your mouth and a loneliness that felt unquenchable in your chest, but this you liked.
James spoke like he was on his toes, constantly steeped in anticipation. If possible, he seemed to savor every moment while simultaneously rushing into better, deeper territory.
He came further down the steps then, and you appreciated the relief on your neck. The smell that drifted off of him was like honey and biscuits, perpetually warm on your senses, even in late winter.
“So how do you know Marlene,” James asked, and you felt the tightness of excitement in your chest realizing that he was going to stay and talk to you.
“Work,” you told him, “she’s a madwoman. Flirts with all the customers.”
James kept a polite distance from you, gravitating toward a patch of light from the windows. He wore a tailored suit that was primarily night blue, which somehow fit him with both strict lines and a charming rumpled messiness.
You wondered if he’d get any easier to look at.
“That sounds like Marly,” James agreed, looking fond. A tiny needle of jealousy pricked you, which was ridiculous, because if this were Marlene’s boyfriend she’d have been shouting it from the rooftops.
Clinging to that affirmation, you asked, “you two are familiar?”
Each of James’ hands held the opposite bicep in a half-hearted cross, aiding a small shrug.
“We went to school together.”
You nodded, growing envious for new reasons.
“That seems to be the theme around here. I’m sad I missed it.”
James smiled warmly, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Would it make you feel better if I told you it was boarding school? We had to share dorms all year.”
Fiddling with a ring on your finger, your gaze skipped to the square orange portal that led to the party inside. The window was one on the back wall of the parlor, and it became devastatingly easy to pick out the school club from the others inside. Marlene lounged beside other sharp girls and well-dressed guys, all of them laughing and bickering like siblings. You craved to be at the heart of it more than anything.
“Co-Ed?” you asked abruptly, tearing away from the vibrant crowd to see James’ face contort.
“No,” he laughed. “I roomed with Sirius, Remus and Frank.”
Your jaw dropped.
“Four to a room?”
James’ laugh thickened, his spectacles glinting white as his head tossed back. His amusement was acerbic, corrupting your bewilderment until it was lost to a goofy smile.
“I do feel much better, thank you,” you said. “Private school sounds awful.”
“Well, don’t rub it in, now,” he chided lightly.
An army of wind marched around the corner of the estate then, fighting through your thin shawl. James’ eyes traced your shivering frame as he stepped ever closer.
“Erm, hey, I was wondering—”
The patio door opened, delicate glass inlaid with iron, and yet your moment with James seemed the thing to shatter. A fair-skinned man stepped out, a hunt in his eyes, and you hoped whatever it was for wasn’t James.
Nyx-dark hair moved like shadows over the night sky, reflecting the party inside glossily. His head turned, and then he was laying eyes on your companion.
“James!” The man said, his poised effect splitting down the middle, revealing a collie’s energy. He motioned for James to meet him up on the landing. “C’mon mate, Remus has a plan.”
James shook his head simply.
“Do it without me, yeah?”
Something territorial swept over James’ friend’s face, and he suddenly looked you over. You were embarrassed to only warrant a millisecond of his attention.
“Bollucks,” he declared, challenging James to disagree. “Let’s go.”
Then he returned swiftly inside, leaving both French doors and your chest swung open. James sighed, the weight of a lost battle on his shoulders, and found your eyes again.
“Sorry, that’s Sirius,” he explained, and you supposed that would make sense.
“The roommate,” you provided. James nodded.
“I swear he’s nicer.”
You wouldn’t say you found him rude, just unfriendly. He certainly seemed warm, as did everyone at the party, but to a select few people. A select few that didn’t include you.
You said, “I’m sure.” If James thought someone was nice, they probably were. He seemed a good judge of character. Unless you had very poorly judged his character, which you wouldn’t put past yourself.
James winced. “I have to go. But, um—”
“James, mate, come on,” Sirius called from inside, and then he and another, taller man poked their heads out to check his progress in detaching himself from you.
“Alright, one second!”
You’re not sure why you said it, perhaps the people pleaser overriding your system, but you said, “it’s alright, James. You can go.”
It didn’t make him look any less torn. His head whipped back and forth between you and his friends, trying to find a solution.
Of course you wanted him to stay, but you didn’t want to hold him hostage, so you tried your best to look supportive of whatever he chose.
In the end, he stepped close to you, brows pinched with regret.
“I won’t be long. Will you—would you stay?”
You pressed your lips together in a tight smile, choking back the clawing barrage of disappointment.
“‘Course,” you said.
James blew out a breath, relaxing his tense posture.
“I really swear it. Back before you can say ‘private school,’ yeah?”
You laughed weakly, taking a long look at him for memory.
Reluctantly, James backed away from you, then turned to climb the steps toward his friends. They were sagged with impatience, hanging onto his every step the same way you were, except for different reasons. In a way, you were more jealous of these two than you were of Marlene, because they were like James’ brothers. They knew him better than probably anyone, you guessed.
James hopped up onto the landing and glanced back to you, frowning slightly. The light from inside caught his lenses just so, hiding his eyes from you, and that small detail alone felt like the end of all things.
Then, Sirius and his accomplice took each of James’ arms and hauled him inside, shutting the doors behind them.
Shivering again, you watched the three of them appear in the window, heads bowed together in conspiracy. James looked different there, like something out of a movie. He snapped right into place with the rest of them, glittering and masterfully made.
It was clear he had a world of his own—one that you would likely never penetrate, no matter how badly you wanted for it, no matter how long you waited in the cold.
Marlene would forgive you for running off, but you’d never forgive yourself if you got sick for a silly dream, so you left the party and made peace with the what-if that was James.
James fell headfirst out of the cramped coat closet, cursing as his legs tangoed and lost to a tall pair of rain boots. In his fall, he took down with him three raincoats and a hanging organizer (six hats, a bucket of gloves, and five and half pairs of sandals).
He was already tired and fuming when he entered the closet, and now he felt he’d completely lose it any second. Disengaging from his fight with evil clothing, he scooched on his bum to the scrunched up hall runner that paved the Mckinnon’s entry.
Near the end of it someone cleared their throat, and James looked up to see Fabian and Gideon Prewett, the nosiest blokes in the world. Fantastic.
“Look who we have here,” said one twin, the other smiling wickedly, ready to pick up the second half of their routine snooping.
“Off for a snog-sesh with someone, are we, James?”
Battling to his feet, James let out a long-suffering sigh, already moving their way.
“Yeah, your mum,” he snarked.
As they both laughed, James prepared to push between them, but they parted before he had to. He walked through their flank, relieved yet nervous—the typical reaction those two elicited.
Leaving them behind, the narrow hall forked off into several different rooms, offices and kitchens and a library. James played here even before he was in school with Marlene, so he knew every corner like it was his own home. He headed for the parlor.
Even for someone who had never been in the house, finding James’ destination would be easy. All they had to do was follow the music.
In the parlor, chaise lounges were hardly visible under old school friends and their families, the walls lined with business partners and gossiping aunts. Smaller children ran amok, like birds weaving between a forest of mingling adults. The hearthfire hissed and spat, bound to take down at least one fashionably dressed lady before the year was over.
James swept his gaze over the bobbing heads and flying hands, looking for someone in particular. Sirius’ thick black hair beat like a raven's wing near the back of the room, so that’s where the bespectacled boy went.
On his path, Remus stood glued to a wall, looking very antisocial. He pinged from one crutch to another, taking up new residence at James’ side.
“Where’d you run off to?”
“Had to take a piss,” James said casually. He’d grown accustomed to small lies like that, since no one knew about his little habit.
Remus didn’t question it, just picked through the crowd to where Sirius was.
“Padfoot,” James called, and he didn’t have to say anything else. Sirius excused himself and met the two of them without question, a silent understanding that forged the undercurrent of their friendship.
James led them all into another hall, one closer to the crystalline patio doors.
“I heard,” James started, “that Marlene has a pot stash somewhere ‘round here.”
Sirius and Remus glanced at each other, and James knew he had them. Even if they came up dry, the two of them would snoop just to snoop, and Remus obviously wanted away from the party anyways.
“Whereabouts do you think it is,” Sirius asked, looking at a mounted painting like it might be involved.
“Dunno,” James said, “but if we split up I bet we’d find it before the new year.”
Sirius grinned, and it spread onto Remus’ lips.
“I can take downstairs, and you and Pads can go up,” Remus said.
James shook his head.
“No, you two can go.” The two of them gave James skeptical looks, but he shrugged. “I have heavy footsteps, they’d hear me up there.”
Sirius’ expression cleared, and then he was nodding along. “Right.” He took Remus’ arm in his grasp and pulled him along. “Let’s go, Moony. I bet we can find some before Prongs.”
James heard Remus object that, “it’s only in one place,” before their conversation was lost by distance. Then, he turned around and pushed through the back doors, praying you were where he left you.
You were. Just like last time, your back was turned to him. You were staring at the clear sky, gripping your wrap close to your chest. James remembered that he’d startled you before, so he latched the doors as noisily as possible. You still didn’t come around.
He supposed that was for the best, actually, since he’d changed something already. He crept down the steps, feeling terrible for sneaking up on you, and wondering what you might’ve been thinking about that kept you so distracted.
“Pardon me,” James begged, and you spun around in shock.
“God, you startled me!”
James smiled, and your eyes trailed all over him. He couldn’t say he minded, since he was doing the same.
You reminded him of a mouse—shy but necessarily bold, holding yourself up outstandingly well as a stranger in a roomful of friends. That was, until you dipped outside and didn’t return.
“Sorry, hi,” he apologized, really meaning it this time. As expected, you smiled shyly, golden champagne tilting in the glass you held.
A swath of mist escaped your mouth with the exhaled greeting. James had to remind himself that you didn’t remember the first time this happened, so you wouldn’t know his name.
“I’m James.”
You leant back, neck craning to keep his eyes. James stepped down to accommodate you, and your brows smoothed.
“Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
“That’s a pretty name,” James said, getting bolder. It was hard to hold himself away from you.
You dropped your head then, smiling primly at the stone steps.
“Thank you,” you said, instead of complimenting James in return.
James blinked. What happened?
James paused as you both spoke at the same time, looking at you the way someone might look at a tricky puzzle.
“You can—oh.”
Fingers pressed to your mouth, you looked at James, a tentative smile in your eyes. James sighed, and then laughed strangely. He motioned for you to go ahead, only to find your hand unfolding into the same gesture. Both of you stared at each other for a beat before falling into a fit of giggles.
“You go,” James said finally, smiling. You just shook your head.
“I don’t even remember.”
James squinted at your rosy cheeks, his lips picking up at the corners. You could lead a horse to water, he supposed.
The temptation to learn more about you began to win him over, so he bent a few rules.
“So you work with Marlene, I hear,” he spoke, fibbing ever so slightly.
You smiled a bit, none the wiser. “I do, yeah.”
James looked inside, checking for dark hair or an itchy sweater, but Remus and Sirius were still missing. Good.
“What’s that like?”
Brows furrowing, you followed his gaze.
“It’s…interesting. She’s really nice, but she—”
“Flirts with all the customers?” James supplied, peeking at you out of the corner of his eye.
You stared at him for a tick. “Yeah. You must know her?”
“Childhood friends,” James decided, nodding. When he turned back to you, you were raking your eyes over his dressy outfit, lip caught between your teeth. Your eyes found his, and you looked away. James thought he saw a flush to your cheeks.
The wind whipped around the corner then, and James began shouldering his thick jacket off, finally doing what he’d wanted to do before.
“You must be crazy,” he said, coming closer. “It’s freezing out here.”
You braved a look at him, and alarm sunk into your features.
“No, James, you don’t have to do that. I’m fine.”
“Don’t be polite, lovely, you’re shivering. Here.”
James slowly held his coat over your shoulders, leaning back to watch you carefully. He saw the moment you accepted his offer, sinking back into the warmth the garment still held.
“Thank you,” you breathed as James pulled away. He shoved his cold hands into his pockets, now looking to conserve heat.
Though his hands weren’t on you anymore, James stayed just as close as he was moments ago. He could smell the champagne in your glass. He glanced around to the garden, to your feet on the step, just below his.
“D’you want to head inside?” he asked. “It’s almost midnight, I think.”
Your lips turned up, and James hoped to God he’d get to kiss them.
“That sounds lovely.”
James flipped his phone open, the small screen giving off just enough light in his dark room to make him squint. He was wondering what you’d put for your contact—a smiley face, maybe, or a heart? He hoped you put a heart. It took his brain far too long to catch up to reality.
With a shock of gut-twisting dread, James realized he’d been so wound up over kissing you that he forgot to ask for your phone number. Your phone number.
He groaned, glancing at his bed longingly, but he knew he wouldn’t fall into it very soon. He’d go back a hundred times before he slept that night if it got him one date with you.
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thecuriousbeauty · 2 months
Harry Styles Oneshot- Honeymoon
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Husband!Harry x reader
Word limit: 6,949
Warnings: Smut, teasing, edging, blowjob, gagging, light spanking, dirty talk. Oh and lots of fluff!
"Is it..beachy?"
"Will there be a lot of people?"
"Will there be animals?"
Groaning I sat back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest. "You won't tell me anything?", I asked Harry who was watching me with an amused look, clearly enjoying not telling me anything about our honeymoon.
"You'll like it babe.", he patted his hand on my thigh. I looked out the window of the airplane, light peeking out of the clouds. It was a beautiful view.
But the view of the man beside me was better. Harry was looking at me with a content smile, his dimples peeking out. His curly locks were stuffed under his hood, and his green eyes were twinkling.
"I love you." I kissed his cheek and he smiled and pecked my lips. "I love you too."
"Aren't you sleepy?", I ask. We've been on the plane for five hours now, talking and talking. "Yeah." He nodded and yawned on cue. "I'm sleepy too." I pulled on our cuddle blanket and tucked my legs over his lap, placing my head on his shoulder. He placed a kiss on my temple, then passed out. 
I peeked out the window and street as we got in a car, and the driver drove to I don't know where. We drove another fifteen minutes or so, unconcerned about speed limits. Soon we were forced to slow down as we approached like a dense rain forest. 
"Here we are.", the driver said stopping. There was lingering Italian accent to his English. 
Harry paid the cabbie and took our bags, trooping through the front door of a hotel. Harry walked across the cool tile to check us in and I slumped against the couch. 
"Ready to go?"
I looked up at Harry, it seemed like he had gone only for a second. Behind him was another man, holding a fruit basket.
"May I escort you to your cabin?", he asked, his accent also evident. I took Harry's hand and my suitcase as he led us up to a trail. 
Where the heck are we?
"What about the-AUUGH!", I swatted away a giant fly as it got close to my face. Harry and our guide Manuel, chuckled.
"I told you to use the spray I told you.", Harry said smirking.
"It smells funny.", I said bending down to take my suitcase again.
He shrugged. "Be fly food then."
"You are walking on thin ice, honey."
"Well then maybe you should do like I told you, sweetie."
"Maybe you should tell me where we are first, dear."
"It's a surprise, cinnamon."
"We are here!"
We snapped out of our 'argument' and saw Manuel watching us with a bright smile. He pointed to a trail and broke off to the right. Harry gave me an 'I told you so' look and skipped ahead with his things. I followed him after waving off any more flies.
"Whoa.", I said as we reached into a clearing.
"I knew you'd like it!", Harry grinned who heard me.
"Be careful crossing the bridge!", Manuel instructed. Harry waved for me to go first and he walked behind me. I gasped at the view from the last step. 
Harry poked my butt prodding me forward.
We continued walking and finally reached our cabin. 
"Like it?", Manuel asked hopefully, reading our expressions.
"It's beautiful.", I smiled re shouldering my backpack. He beamed and gave us a set of keys, plus some instructions before waving a goodbye and Harry gave him a tip. I knew we were close to somewhere I could enjoy the scenery. I heard bird calls every step and the noise of waterfalls nearby. 
Harry fumbled with the keys before letting us in.
I peeked inside the cabin before stepping in. "Pretty!", I said. 
"Yeah? I hope you like it.", Harry said cranking open a window. He pecked my cheek. "It's beautiful." I smiled and draped my arms around his neck pulling him closer for a kiss.
He smiled, his hands dropping to my waist. "Look how gorgeous it is.", he said looking outside the window. "Hey birdie." I said watching a small bird peek out. "It is gorgeous.", I agreed. He plucked a flower and tucked into my ponytail. "For you."
I blushed, appreciating the cool breeze blowing around us, making Harry's hair messier than it was. Harry winked and kissed my forehead. "y/n Styles, welcome to Venice."
Harry's eyes were on my body all through dinner. I knew my new dress would do things to him. It was a wine red dress, stopping just above my knees. A beautiful design on the top and a silky material.
Harry was distracted all through dinner, and I had my desert painfully slowly, enjoying what I'm putting him through. Harry leans over to whisper in my ear, "You'll pay for everything later, baby."
"I'm looking forward to it.", I grin, wrapping her lips around the spoon, keeping eye contact with him as I slowly lick off the chocolate.
Harry smirked, before giving my thigh a squeeze. I look down at his big hand laying on my thigh, his rings and tattoos adorning his hand. His lean fingers closed around her skin possessively.
Harry ushers us into a cab once we were done, and I sit close to him, leaning to his side. He had his arm wrapped around me.
"I think I like your dress a little too much.", he murmurs, stroking the skin of my thigh. "But I might like it better on the floor."
I bite my lip as his hand moves higher. "Will I find you all wet for me when we get back?"
"You find out.", I whisper, pressing a kiss to his jaw, and he hums, sneaking dangerously close to where I need him the most, before pulling out his hand, and intertwining with mine instead.
As soon as we got to our cabin, he had me up against the wall, his lips hungrily devouring mine. It was pure ecstasy. I could drown in his lips forever. His hands ran all over my body, and my legs wrapped around his waist, hands finding his hair. Harry looked amazing as well. He wore a black silk shirt and those skinny jeans that made his thighs look great.
I gasp as Harry cups my heat. "Teasing me all night, weren't you love?"
"I didn't mean to..", I try to spread her legs more as he slips his hand inside my panties, and his fingers stroke my folds. He groans, feeling all the wetness over his fingers. "Didn't you? You're dripping wet, seems like you had fun too."
"Uh huh..", I agree, moaning as he slips a finger deep inside me. "Please Harry.."
"Want me to make you cum?", Harry asks, his teeth nibbling at my neck, and I nod.
"No, not yet. You teased me all night, now it's my turn.", Harry whispers, his eyes darker with lust. He pulls his hand away, making me groan and he lifts me up, walking to their bedroom.
He throws me on the bed, sleek like a panther approaching his prey as he climbs on to the bed, hungry eyes watching me.
"As much as I love this dress on you, it's gotta go.", he says, and I turn my back so he can unzip it and pull it off my head. I wasn't wearing a bra, so Harry's hands went to them immediately, cupping them in his hands, and pressing his lips to my nipple. I moan as he rubs my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, before giving it a tug.
"Yes baby, keep saying my name, love to hear it from your pretty lips.", he grins, and moves one of his hands lower, and parts my legs. I gasp as his thumb finds my clit.
"You want me here, love?"
"Yes please.."
"Such a good girl.", he praises, and starts to rub my clit in slow circles as he takes my nipple back into his mouth, his teeth grazing it enough to leave a small sting of pleasure.
He quickens the pace, and adds a finger inside of me, and I bury my hands in his hair, playing with the curly locks. I was about to cum, when he pulls away.
"Harry! W-What'd you do that for?", I scowl at him, feeling all tingly and needing to release.
"Just teasing you, darling, what's the matter? Don't like it?", Harry smirks, looking up at me.
"You do like it, don't you?", he answers when I don't, and brings his fingers up to my lips. "Come on, taste yourself on my fingers."
I open my mouth and let his fingers slip past my lips. I hummed at the taste, his fingers splaying on my tongue, before it went a little deeper, and made me gag.
"Let's make you gag on something bigger, okay? Will you be a good girl and take care of me? Then I'll make you cum.", Harry says it like a question, but it was more like a statement. I nodded, and he pats my cheeks with his wet fingers, before it finds my hair, and tugs me to my knees.
"Take me out, baby." I helped him out of his jeans, before taking him out of his boxers. He laid down on the bed and I hovered over him, stroking his dick and licking his balls. He was so hard. His dick stuck up straight.
"Enough of that love, get to work.", Harry tugs on my hair, and I lean over, taking him in my mouth.
Harry groans. "That's it baby, take me deep in your throat. Such a good little wife for me."
Harry was big, and it was initially not easy to take all of him, but now I'm used to it. Harry pushed my head down making me gag, and I was tempted to reach my hand to rub my clit.
Then I felt him twitch, and went faster. "I'm gonna c-cum..", he warns me, and my mouth fills up with his cum as he pulls out a little. I swallow it all down before kissing him.
"That was amazing.", he breathes, hand on the back of my neck. "Let's take care of you now, shall we?", he asks, moving his hand to land it smack on my ass cheek, and I yelp.
"I might have to myself if you don't.", I wink, and he groans, pushing my back so I'm laying down over him and he lands another slap to my ass for that. "Guess you really don't want to cum today, too bad. I was going to make you cum about five times. With my tongue, my fingers..."
Next Day
Rolling over the next morning, I was disappointed to see I was alone. My legs, arms, back and everything ached, the cause of this made me blush furiously.
"Harry?" I poked my head out of the covers and looked around. "Harry?"
I got no answer but I saw a note next to my head. 
'I went to get breakfast for us, be right back babe.' x
I smiled and took out my phone checking my messages. I had a few from my friends Lexie and Kiara of couse.
Kiara: How was the first night in your cabin? Juicy?
Lexie: Bet she can't even walk.
Me: It was amazing. Period. Shut your holes.
I put my phone away hearing the rattling of the door knob.
"You're up! Morning gorgeous.", Harry grinned at me who was holding a big covered plate. "Morning." I blushed again pulling up the blankets over my naked body. 
Harry crawled onto the bed and kissed me. He smelt fresh, he had taken a shower, considering from his damp curls.
"I was really hungry and I'm sure you will be too when you wake up so I went to get it, they don't bring it over to the cabins." I nod kissing his nose. "And I didn't want to wake you up."
"I am very hungry."
He smiled and hopped out of the bed again. I put on my bra and underwear and got out of bed. 
Harry chuckled watching me paddle to the bathroom. "Don't you dare laugh curly!", I warned and he did just that. "I LOVE YOU!", he screamed. "I LOVE YOU TOO!", I screamed back. I took a wee, brushed my teeth, washed my face and put my hair into a messy bun as I went back to Harry in bed, who had breakfast there and I crawled in the covers.
"Mm this is really good.", Harry mumbled in between bites of food. "This is a huge breakfast.", I said taking a sip of the coffee. "Yeah, traditional breakfast here or something.", Harry said.
"What are we doing today?", I asked as we stuffed our faces with food.
"We could check out the local markets and stuff if you're not too sore." He winked and I slapped his arm. He laughed and kissed my shoulder. "Okay okay calm down wifey.", he said making me blush over again.
"You're all blushy today! I like it.", Harry said and I dug my head into his neck. "Not everything about me is like able babe."
"You're wrong. Everything about you is love able, you're perfect."
"Are you going to make me blush for the entire day?"
He cut up a piece of sausage and fed it to me. "I am going to make you blush for your entire lifetime honey." I pinched his cheek. "Stop unless you want a repeat of last night."
"Ooo I want a repeat of last night!"
I rolled my eyes and pecked his lips. "You're just gonna have to wait till tonight then."
"Things are so cheap here!", Harry said as we tiredly walked back to our cabin after spending the whole day outside, exploring the city.
"We could buy a house here for the price of a suit in London.", he said as we dropped our bags and collapsed on the bed together.
"That's cause your suit is Gucci.", I said and giggled at his glare. He pulled me closer by my hips and tickled me making me squeak. 
"S-Stop I should breathe!" He laughed and finally stopped, pecking my cheek. I rubbed my ribs catching my breath. "Wanna play?", I asked. He smirked. "What do you wanna play?", he dragged his hand up my thigh and I slapped it.
"I was talking about board games baby."
He rolled his eyes as I got up and went to take one out. "Board games it is then.", he scooted up to the bed. "Babe, did you know we haven't gone anywhere alone in all the three years of being boyfriend and girlfriend? This is the first time we're alone!"
I thought about it. He's right, we always went with the other boys and girls. We did go small trips, to Harry's home and LA and road trips. But not like this.
"You're right babe.", I said. "Doesn't seem like it though."
"I know." Harry nods. "But I love this, no other boys frisking you away from me." I chuckled. "Monopoly or scrabble?"
"Monopoly, so I can beat you."
"You can't beat me curly."
"We'll see clumsy."
I rolled my eyes and sat cross legged from him. "We're going somewhere else after two more days.", he said. 
He imitated a zip and I groaned. We played monopoly, messing around, he won sadly. Then we set up a camp fire outside our cabin and it was another amazing night of our honeymoon.
Next day
"Uggghhh, turn it off.", I waved my hands around the air. "Turn it off!"
"Sorry,", Harry was mumbling, reaching across my head to turn it off. "Sorry."
Harry placed a soft kiss on my temple. "Morning."
Morning? Groggily, I lifted to check the time. Nearly six. 
"You're out of your goddamned mind curly.", I said flopping back against my pillows, waiting to see if he'd do the same. 
Instead, he tucked the blankets under my chin. "I'll wake you up in an hour, angel. Sorry again."
Ignoring the tingling in my toes when he called me that, I turned to see him pulling on pants and slide a watch on his big hand. Outside it was still dark and the noises of the frogs were loud.
"Why so early?", I asked.
He disappeared into the kitchen and grinned. "You'll just have to see."
I sighed. I laid in bed for some time, listening to the noises outside nature is making. Harry would drop something every five minutes so naturally I didn't get sleep again. I got up, used the bathroom before walking up to Harry. 
"What are you doing?", I asked. He jumped at my presence, then smiled and brought my hands to wrap around his square waist.
"Making us lunch."
"For what?"
He huffed as if it was obvious as he spread peanut butter on the slice of bread.
"For my surprise of course."
He and his surprises. "You don't want to get more sleep? You've got twenty minutes more.", he said walking us to the fridge to take something.
"I'm good.", I say. Harry was cute. Everything about him was. When he concentrated, jut out his bottom lip, he would tap his hand against his thigh when he got frustrated. His dimples made an appearance every time something went right and he'd wiggle his hips in a victory dance, holding my arms making me giggle. 
I pressed my forehead against his shoulder blades. "Stop growing.", I mumbled. "You're tall enough."
He laughed. "I agree babe, but I don't have control over it."
He walked to the fridge again. "How much food are you taking?"
"Enough for a whole day."
"Are we going hiking?"
"Are we going on a hot air balloon?"
He gasped at his fear surfacing. "Never."
"Are we going to need protection?"
"..more or less."
I scanned my brain with everything I could come up with it, nothing. "Whatever, as long as we're together." He smiled and turned around to sloppily kiss my lips. "I.." He kissed me again, lingering for a few seconds. "..love." He gave me another kiss. "..you." This time with tongue. I beamed and kissed his forehead. "I love you more."
"Impossible, now go get ready."
"What should I wear?", I asked going to the bedroom again. 
"Bikini inside whatever you want."
"Are we going-"
"No more questions please, thank you very much."
Harry's POV:-
"A boat?"
"A yacht.", I correct, helping her onto the top deck. "A small one."
"It's pretty.", she said running her hand along the side of a bench. "Who's gonna drive though? I didn't see anyone."
I smiled and spread my arms. "You are looking at the driver of the yacht, ma'am."
"Uh huh."
"You don't have a license to drive a yacht."
"Oh but I do.", I ducked down under the cabin to check on our safety stuff and see if we had enough oil. "Remember, one week before the wedding, I disappeared one day?"
She nodded. "Yes, you left me to deal with the cake tasting."
I chuckled. "Well babe, I was learning to drive this thing and steer around the whole day."
She gasped. "Seriously?"
"Yep. I promise we'll be okay. If not, we're good swimmers." Her mouth fell open and I laughed kissing her. "That was a joke baby."
"Oh right." She blew away some hair from her face. She had shorts and a top on, her hair flying around until she grunted and put it up in a clip. She looked beautiful, as always. 
"Now go outside and enjoy the sunshine, go.", I said checking the ventilation blowers. "But you'll be alone down here."
I shook my head. "I'll come up when we get a bit farther out, then we'll swim." I opened the window so I would get a nice view of the sea too, turned on the GPS and location tracker. 
She took of her shorts and top and I became hard just looking at her. She's just so fit and hot and ughh. "I lost my sun screen.", she said rummaging through her tote bag. I snapped out of my trance. 
"I took it, you didn't lose it babe.", I chuckled and she fished it out my bag. "You um look good.", I muttered watching her rub the sunscreen onto her slightly tan skin, making it glow in the sunlight. "Really good."
She smiled. "Thanks babe." I start the yacht. She rubbed sun screen over me too and pecked my lips. Then walked towards the door barefoot with a towel. "Have fun."
I winked. "You too."
I returned to the wheel. I could see her lay the towel on the slanted floor and turn around on her stomach so she could see me. After getting comfortable, she looked up to give me a beautiful smile and blow me a kiss. I caught it.
I liked our relationship. We still acted like children, teasing each other and unafraid to be cheesy. Everything was out of love and that was enough for us.
"Babe let's go.", I said from the window in the top deck as I walked to the edge. Six hours had passed, we liked every second of it I would go down to the cabin every now and then to make sure we're okay, the rest I messed around with her. We did the dirty a couple times too he he.
"What are you doing?", she asked, watching me crank a handle. Then I jumped into the water making her gasp.
"Are you crazy!?", she peeked down at me. It was dark now. I popped my head back up. "Come down here!"
"You're insane!"
I shrugged and swam to the bright yellow canoe which had our picnic basket, two paddles and two life jackets. I settled on it and looked up.
"Are you leaving me alone?", I asked. She looked at me for a long time then with a groan came lower so it would be easy to jump off. I grinned and paddled closer.
"Is it cold?"
"Not a bit."
She took a breath before cleanly diving into the dark blue waters, showing off her athleticism which I love. Her head popped out after a few minutes and I smiled clapping, then held out my hand for helping her get on.
"That wasn't too hard was it?" I gave her a life jacket as she sat down. "I would say wear it, but since I'm not, it'd be hypocritical to ask. The water isn't choppy, I promise, but keep it close."
She nodded, flipping back her long black and rose gold hair back, which was now wet. "Okay, you know how to drive a boat. And now you've gotten me wet.", she said making me blush at the other meaning. "Now we're in a canoe miles away from where we started, what's going on?"
"Just wait babe." I stretched to place a kiss on her damp cheek. "You'll like it."
She exhaled but nodded, watching me pick up my paddles and drag them backwards. My hair fell in front of my eyes and she noticed, pushing them back gently and kissing my forehead. I smiled and nudged the food basket.
"Eat something."
She hesitantly pulled out a packet of grapes, popping a few in her mouth and mine. "Aren't we supposed to get less cheesy as we go more into our relationship?", she asked chuckling.
"Seems to be backwards for us love.", I agreed and pecked her temple. 
"Want me to help?", she asked noticing my light pants of breath as I continued to propel us in one direction. (pun intended.)
"It's alright, we're almost there.", I said.
She smiled, slowly getting to her knees, nudging my legs apart to sit in between them. My heart beat got a little faster as she leaned back against me and fed me another grape. I kissed her cheek. "You're a dork."
She shrugged. "Cut me some slack, I'm the wife of the biggest dork in the history of dorks.", she said and giggled. I rolled my eyes and licked her nose. "I like the sound of that though.", I said as her hands pushed mine down further on the paddle, hers on top acting as a helpful pivot against the calm water.
"What? Biggest dork in the history of dorks?" 
"No, silly. You, being my wife sounds really nice.", I corrected and she smiled and kissed my chin. "Is it better now?", she asked as I had to put lesser pressure on paddling now, because she was helping me.
It was quiet for a bit, the island I was aiming to, coming closer and closer.
"Did you see that?", she suddenly asked seeing a flash in the water. "Something's in the water."
I pretended not to notice, but I couldn't help my smirk. "Hmm.."
Looking up at the moon, she figured it must have been a reflection and rested back against me.
"I love you.", I blurted out kissing her shoulder. "A lot."
She paused the paddling to kiss my cheek and gently squeeze my knee. "I love you too."
"Not only for your body.", I added. Sure she has a hot body many people strive for and sometimes that's all the comments she gets, no one wants to know what kind of a person she is. "I mean yes for your body, but I love your personality too."
She chuckled. "Um, okay, I love your personality too." I laughed and rested my chin on her shoulder. "I just wanted you to know babe." She smiled and nodded. "That's very s-did you see that?"
We were really close to the island and I too had seen brightness in the water, but once again acted innocent.
"See what?"
She looked at the water and gasped. It was blue.
And glowing.
"Holy shit.", she whirled around. "Harry, we need to go back! There must have been toxic spills or something, look at the water. Let's go, let's go!" She tried to push the paddled forwards to paddle us backwards but I knocked her hands off.
"y/n", I murmured, squeezing her with my legs. "Look down."
She peered of the edge of the canoe and gasped. More blue water was surrounding our boat.
"What is...this?"
"Noctiluca scintillans. Also known as sea sparkle, these bio luminescent plankton float under the surface and flash brightly when disturbed, possibly to scare off or distract predators." I felt so smart.
She dipped a finger into the water, as if waiting for a shark to come bite her. "Huh?"
"Bio luminescence, love, the water here glows."
I slipped out of the canoe and into the water making her squeak. "Is it safe?"
I ducked back up smiling. "Yes it is babe, you don't even feel them.", I promised, watching her dunk her hand in again, marveling. The blue would spread every time I moved the water around.
"Come on in, before I make you.", I said ducking my head under the water again. When I popped back up, she hesitantly dropped one leg into the water, then jumped in. 
"Oh my god.", she giggled resurfacing as the water around her body glowed. "This is freaking dope!" I laughed, loving when she gets American.
"I was hoping you'd say that."
She stepped forward to slip her arms around my neck. "How did you find this place?"
For a second, I admired her eyes, which was the same color as the glow. God she's so beautiful. "Hm, H?", she kissed my cheek and I snapped back, my hands going to her waist.
"I just asked around baby, figured you'd want to see this." She smiled and leaned in, kissing me. "Thank you."
"Wait until you see the next place.", I whispered against her lips as we kissed again. I tipped her head back, her long hair causing blue to spread as I kissed her exposed neck. "I wanna know how you found this out.", she said, hands on my shoulders as she cupped some water on it, and watched it trail down making blue.
"I'll fill you in once we get there."
She didn't argue, but brought her lips to mine again. I tried not to get aroused as she latched her legs around my waist and slipped her tongue into my mouth. The air got thicker around us until we finally had to break away for breathing.
I pulled her closer, one on her hip and the other on the side of her neck as we leaned in again. My hands undoing her top without meaning too, I tied it back realizing what I had done, she didn't mind though. 
She gasped as we pulled away, breathless. "I-I love you.", she petted my cheek. "I l-love you too.", I whispered back and kissed her cheek. 
"Need to bring the canoe to the shore.", I mumbled not wanting to pull away but had to if I wanted to show her the other stuff. "I'll help.", she mumbled back and we pulled away after another peck. 
"Woah.", she repeated seeing the shore as we pushed our canoe to it. "It's so pretty."
Like you. "Yeah.", I said.
"How long are we staying here?"
"Just tonight.", I set it firmly into the sand, picking up our basket and offering my hand. "There's a village farther in and I spoke to a woman, we can sleep in her guest room."
She nodded, stroking the her thumb on the back of my hand. The sand was warm between our toes. I chose a spot where we had a good view of the water, plus lots of trees for privacy. We changed into dry clothes and she laid the towel on the sand, securing it with rocks as we both sat on it.
"Nice.", she teased, leaning on my shoulder as I got the food. "Wine and grilled cheese, how romantic."
I stuck my tongue out, pouring her a glass out. "It's actually quite delicious, so I've been told."
"I'm sure it is.", she smiled and we clinked our glassed together. "Cheers.", she said. "Cin-Cin.", I said, same thing in Italian.
"Woah impressive.", she said taking a sip and I giggled. "I learnt it to impress you."
"You've already impressed me in all the different ways.", she kissed my forehead. "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, thank you." I smiled and put my wine glass down to push her on her back on to the towel and kiss her hard.
"I love you.", she whispered breathless against my lips. I slid my hands down to her hips and squeezed. 
"I love you too."
Y/N'S Pov:
2 Days Later
"Harry this blindfold is itchy.", I grumbled. "As much as I like We the Kings, I don't like it blasting in my ear for two hours." 
Harry had one more surprise, our last stop. He tied a blindfold over my eyes, popped earbuds into my ear and shoved me into a car after checking us out of the cabin in Venice. After the super cool islands thing, the next day we spent exploring the city of Venice, it was fun. 
I would think I'm being kidnapped now, if not for the warm body next to me and familiar fingers linked with my own. 
Harry chuckled and removed my ear buds. "Sorry, we're far enough I guess."
"From where?"
"No where."
I groaned. "You're lucky I have a good tolerance level. Can I removed the blind fold? I feel silly."
"More like adorable." He kissed my nose. "Wait for some more time."
"Well I think we're still in Italy because two hours can't get us out right?"
"Why are you so smart?"
I grinned in achievement. "But, you don't know where in Italy, and stop guessing.", Harry said and I pouted. "Can I have a kiss then?"
I felt his soft lips press against mine in a soft kiss. "That's all you get for now." I chuckled and nestled back into his shoulder. 
"Welcome to Rome!", I heard somebody and I gasped. "We're in Rome?", I asked. It is weird walking with a blindfold on, Harry's hands were on my waist and the other holding my elbow as he lead me somewhere.
"He shouldn't have said that.", I heard Harry mutter. "And yes, we're in Rome. Won't it be a shame to come till Italy and then go back without visiting Rome?"
I smiled patting his hand. "It would. Can I take this off now?"
"No, few more minutes babe.", Harry continued nudging me to walk. "I can't believe we're in Rome. I've always wanted to come here."
"I know, I remember."
I squirmed under his hands. "Babe, I told you that like two years ago. I barely remember saying it."
"Yeah well, I wrote it down somewhere."
I blushed and held him tighter. "I love you."
"I love you too. We're here, do not remove it until I tell you too.", he said before letting his hands drop from my waist. I heard him swiping probably a card and his hands were on my shoulders again, steering me into a room.
Then I heard him opening a window and his hands finally undid my blindfold.
Jesus Christ.
The room was amazing. Harry was standing behind me with his arms tightly wrapped around my waist and chin on my shoulder looking at me as I stared outside at the view all around us, of Rome. Oh my god.
"I'm going to collapse.", I mumbled.
"Please don't.", Harry chuckled kissing my neck. 
"Happy?", he asked. Instead of replying, I turned around in his arms and grabbed the sides of his face, pressing my lips onto his. "Marvelous.", I whispered out and he beamed.
"Me too!", he said pulling away going to the bathroom. I continued gaping for a while, then collapsed on to the bed on my back, my hair splaying all over it. Harry collapsed beside me soon.
"So,", he said. "We've got five days. What do you want to do first?"
I reached out a hand to comb through his hair. "Hm.. dinner? Then maybe we can find some maps and plan out where we'll go tomorrow?"
"Reasonable. Anything else?"
Rolling over on my stomach, I rested my elbow on his chest. "Yes, I would like a very, very long and very relaxing shower with my husband."
Harry grinned, eyes twinkling as he pulled me in, resting my head on the crook of his neck.
"Now that, I agree with."
"Harry I swear-"
"Coloseum's boring! I say Trevi Fountain."
"What about St. Peter's Bastilica?"
He stole another bite of my cake. "Mine was better.", he said about the cake.
"Maybe you shouldn't have inhaled your piece then."
Pushing me onto my back, he nipped my nose. "Ah, who asked you?"
"You did, actually. Now move."
"You're not being very fun."
I sighed and pushed myself up to recline on the pillows. "You are not being very agreeable curly. If we map out our stops right, we can visit all these places and still have time for dinner. Now, most cab rides take about eight minutes so-"
"y/n. Listen to yourself, this is not a math problem!"
I pouted and placed the brochures down. "Well what do you want me to do babe? I'm trying to make the most of this while we're here."
"And we can.", he promised, scooting closer and draping his arm around me. "But you shouldn't be stressing over it. If we have time for certain shops, great. If not, it's okay. We've both been working our asses off before the wedding right? Planning it while we worked as well? Now when we go back, we both have to get back to work. So, I just want to relax and spend some time with you. That's what a honeymoon's for, isn't it?"
I nodded softly, slipping my hand into his. "I'm sorry, I guess it wouldn't kill me to mellow out a bit."
"That's my girl." He kissed my forehead then picked up another brochure. "In the spirit of compromise, I will go to the Colosseum with you."
"Thank you, and I will get us to the Trevi Fountain."
He beamed and pulled me over his lap. He took a red pen out, the two of us working together, placing it on my thigh to mark it up and take occasional breaks to cuddle or tease each other.
"We make a good couple.", I blurted out, unintentionally letting him know what I was thinking about. He chuckled and kissed my earlobe. "The best."
"That was wonderful."
"It was alright."
I thumped Harry's arm. "Are you serious? Michelangelo painted that!"
"S-So," I spluttered. "It's beautiful!"
"Not as beautiful as you.", he said slipping two fingers in the back pocket of my jeans, pulling me closer. "Not even close. You are art darling, this is nothing."
I blushed as he kissed my cheek, strolling down the cobblestone pathways through a fairly busy square. Music would get louder or softer as we passed different shops. Harry would turn to whisper to me something he saw in the crowd.
"That woman's got her suit on backwards.", he murmured, nodding his head in her direction. And it was true. She was wearing a red suite backwards, and spoke loudly in Italian. I giggled and held on tighter to his arm, careful to step around fellow tourists. 'That's Amore' started playing in the humble gelato shop, the powerful chords of Dean Martin's voice resonating through the pathway.
"Let's dance."
I barely had the time to react as Harry set my purse down on a table outside the shop and pulled me against his chest, moving my left hand to his shoulder and clasping my right in his.
"Curly what are you-"
"No talking.", he cut off, dramatically placing a finger on my lips. "Tonight, we only speak in the language of-" he stomped his foot, clapping once over his head. "zee tango!"
My eyebrows flew up, not only at his accent, but also at the strength of his arms as he promptly twirled us around the narrow isle. I blushed under the confused gaze of the gelato employees. For now, all I could do was try not to trip over his huge feet as another song began playing.
Eventually Harry looked down and slowed his pace.
"Sorry sweetheart.", he gave me a grin, shrugging and bringing us to a stop. "Just feeling the moment."
I stared at him for a few dead seconds, trying to figure what goes through in his head. He could go from posh to a lunatic in 0.2 seconds and still have the ability to ask how I was feeling. Digging around his sparkling green eyes, I realized that's just who he is. He always did what he pleased. He's not afraid to show the world who is. He is himself, all the time. That goofy, idiotic, clumsy, super sweet, kind, gorgeous man he is. 
I gave up and brought my hands around his neck. He smiled and pulled me closer, setting his big hands on my hips, our foreheads almost touching.
"There are many men in the world.", he murmured, twirling me under the afternoon sky. "Better looking, funnier, just way cooler men.."
"And..you're out of my league."
I rolled my eyes, annoyed with his crazy talk. We spun, shuffled and swayed through three more songs.
"What about the basilica?", he asked as I sung my purse of the shoulder and we linked hands again.
"A very wise man, once told me, that this is my honeymoon, and I should enjoy it. And so far, I really have."
"Hm, tell me about this man. He makes you happy?"
"The happiest on the planet."
I got a kiss on the cheek for that.
"He's a good person?"
Another kiss.
"Good in bed?"
"The best."
Chuckling he leaned to whisper in my ear. "Then maybe he is in your league." Then he kissed my earlobe.
"Hm, maybe.", I played along smiling and kissed his temple. 
"I love you so much y/n, I'm having the best time ever.", Harry sighed peacefully and kissed my hair.
"I love you more Harry I'm also having the best time ever. And it's not because of the places, I mean it of course is, but, it's because you are with me."
Harry smiled and squeezed my waist. "I agree, except for one thing."
"I love you most."
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mellifluousmalfoy · 3 months
cyclamen. // tom riddle x reader.
warnings; death, angst, a lot of it. sorry.
i listened to once more to see you by mitski quite a lot while writing this over the course of two years. i sincerely hope you enjoy this piece.
wc; 7.3k
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It felt as though the world had grown silent as this monster stood in front of my peers and I, announcing the death of our classmate who was our last hope.
I glanced around the courtyard that was now in ruins and watched as all hope and faith was drained from my peers. My ears rang as I watched as the monster's lips moved, but I couldn't seem to hear a thing. My sight blurred as I lost track of what was happening around me.
Harry Potter was dead.
I could barely comprehend what was happening around me, only feeling a cold hand take hold of mine, dragging me through the bustling crowd. I noticed it was McGonagall herself holding my hand, not even taking a glance back at me as she continued to drag me deeper into the castle.
We came to a stop at one of the few classrooms that were still intact and she dragged me in before shutting the door tightly behind her. I came to and realised that all of the few teachers were there along with a few parents.
A lot of hushed whispers filled the room as Professor McGonagall tried to calm them down. The room turned quiet after she muttered something that had their shoulders relaxing even if it was only a little bit, but now they all turned to me.
McGonagall cleared her throat before finally addressing me, “(L/N), I’m sure you’re confused as to why we have brought you here,” she paused, stepping toward me before continuing, “but with Harry’s death we have turned to a new plan, a plan given by Dumbledore.”
She touched at her pocket, hinting at the contents in it before she pulled out a piece of parchment that was neatly folded, sealed with bright red wax and the Hogwarts crest. She handed the parchment to me without much hesitation.
I felt confused. Out of all the students in my school, why me? I wasn’t the brightest, and I was definitely not important like a few of my classmates were. I was but a shadow to the rest of the school, yet this was assigned to me of all people.
I tore the red wax with shaky hands and slowly unfolded the paper. The letter left me in awe. Surely they hadn’t expected me to go through with this, right? I had never expected them to send me back in time, nevertheless to kill Voldemort himself. Of course, under the guise of enamouring him.
Again I asked, why me?
Before I could understand what was happening, a potion was handed to me, and I was given strict instructions on consumption by Slughorn. You will not be able to return until the mission is complete.
And before I knew it, I swallowed the potion per Slughorn’s instruction, a letter addressed to the past Dumbledore in hand.
I swallowed the lump in my throat before making my way to the DADA classroom, where McGonagall assured me Dumbledore would be at this hour, whatever hour it was in the past.
The door was ajar so I walked myself in, coming face to face with a slightly more youthful version of my past Headmaster. He glanced up from his work at the sound of someone entering, and he observed me with a curious eye.
I stood silently in the doorway, playing with the letter that was still held tightly in my hands.
“You’re not from here, are you?” His voice broke me out of my daze. He spoke up again after gazing over my confused expression, “This time, perhaps?”
Shock glazed over my face as he simply stared at me, amused.
“H-How did you-“
“You wear a Hogwarts uniform, but not of this era.” His reply was assertive and knowing, “And you seem rather shocked to see me.”
I couldn’t bring it in myself to say, Well, you see you were the headmaster of the school that everyone had idolised, you were loved by everyone, even your worst foes. Oh, and you were killed by one of the people who loved you most!
I simply sighed in defeat before picking up the courage and stepping closer to him until I reached his desk, handing the letter to his hand which was already held out to take it.
He read over the letter, expression barely changing, but it was all in his eyes. Bewilderment, shock, hurt.
Once he had finished reading, he refolded the letter before glancing up at me, “And you’re sure to achieve this? You’re ready to accept the consequences?”
I sighed shakily, pulling at my fingers before replying, “Yes, Professor.”
After having been privately sorted, Dumbledore escorted me to the Great Hall where everyone seemed to be eating dinner. Everything looked so, for lack of a better term, old. The Great Hall appeared exactly the same as it did when I first stepped into the large building in my first year.
But my first year is fifty years from now. Fifty years Voldemort would be a ruthless monster. Voldemort- Tom- was in this very room, and I could feel every hair on my body stand at that very thought.
Dumbledore nudged me towards my house table, and I quickly sat down so as not to grab any attention, but I could feel everyone staring, and they have every right to. Why would a seventh year be starting now? Why not start in their first year?
I laughed at the thought. Of course, I had discussed this with Dumbledore, and he had said I should stay under the guise of an exchange student from a school such as Durmstrang or Beauxbatons, and I quickly agreed.
I was to be a distant niece of his who had been living with his great aunt, and I moved with him after her death. He "thought" it to be convenient for the both of us if I attended Hogwarts for my last year.
I snapped to reality when my plate was somehow emptied, and a pair of polished neat black shoes showed up in my peripheral vision. I glanced up at the new face and was met with dark brown, almost black, eyes.
I studied every feature of his face and found that he was dashing, an incredibly pristine handsome face. His pale skin contrasted with his pitch-black hair and highlighted the gold specks that could barely be seen in his dark eyes. As my eyes raked down to his neck, there was a Slytherin tie tied to perfection that lay so elegantly on his freshly ironed white button-down which could be seen under his grey vest which had green accents that complimented the bright hue of his tie. And on his robe, the head boy badge shone a bright hue of gold.
His chest was puffed out and everything about him screamed as if he thought he was superior to everyone in this room.
Before I knew it, I was staring, and the stranger could tell. I turned red at the realisation that he had caught me staring. He cleared his throat before introducing himself, "You're the new seventh year that Dumbledore mentioned," his voice was monotone, sly and low, "he had instructed me to show you around and to your common room, as the head boy, I gladly took this duty."
He spoke with as much confidence as he walked with. He knew he had charm, and he knew how to use it. I simply nodded in reply, not wanting to tell him I knew these halls like the back of my hand.
"Well," he drew out impatiently, turning to leave the bustling hall, "come on then."
I stood up clumsily, "Oh, sorry," before scattering to follow him as he exited the hall.
Once I had caught up to him we mostly walked in silence, occasionally pointing out different parts of the school such as the library, and the various bathrooms. He had shared small histories about the building that I had learnt in my third year but had long forgotten. Once we came to a stop in front of my common room door I awkwardly turned to face him, "By the way," I shuffled on my feet as I tried my best to hold eye contact with the cold but devilishly handsome man, "I'm (L/n). (Y/n) (L/n)."
He stared at me, back straight as ever, not a stray hair in sight, "Pleasure," he paused, leaning down to reach my height, "Riddle. Tom Riddle."
My ears began to ring, my world began to turn; The handsome stranger was the man who killed Harry Potter.
I swallowed back a shaky breath, nodding softly at him, before turning towards the entrance, and stepping into the familiar room. I could feel his eyes bore holes into the back of my head; he obviously read my body language and saw my reaction to his name.
My world continued to spin even after the entrance closed on his dark brown eyes, and suddenly I felt sick and could no longer stomach my dinner.
"You must be really good at adapting to your surroundings," Augusta Crouch, my herbology seatmate and self-assigned tour guide, chirped brightly from beside me. She had somehow managed to find out that we had almost all our classes together, "it almost seems as though you know the place better than I-"
I turned confusedly at the sudden end to her normally long rants and turned to the direction that she stared at like a deer in headlights. I caught the gaze of those familiar dark eyes and fought the urge to turn pale at the sight of him. Just the thought of him repulsed me, and somehow, I was supposed to seduce the monster.
He leaned nonchalantly against the wall, directly across from the Transfiguration classroom. He raised an eyebrow as I held his gaze with shielded eyes before standing up properly, back as straight as a ruler, "We have Charms together. Shall I accompany you both?"
Augusta slowly released my arm and I begged Merlin for her to hold on before gesturing towards the opposite direction of Charms, "I am actually on my way to the library, Charms is a soft option in my opinion," I knew she had failed her Charms O.W.L because she had been complaining about it to me earlier, "I'll see you later, (L/n)."
I nodded silently before I met those dark eyes once again. He held out his arm and I forced myself to link mine to his, and so we set off to Charms.
"How exactly was it that you knew we had Charms together but Augusta didn't?" I asked before I could hold my tongue, all muscles in my body were tense whenever I was near him.
"As head boy, I ensure that all students are happy and comfortable." He stated with that charming blank smile that had all the professors swooning.
As soon as we arrived at Charms, I ran out of his arms and situated myself in a seat with a housemate that seemed familiar enough. I sighed to myself as I thought over how ridiculous I have been the past few days I've attended this olden Hogwarts; barely casting a glance to Vold- Tom- but being friendly enough so as not to raise any suspicions. To anyone on the outside, they would assume I was simply playing "hard to get", which was true since I did not want to be "gotten" by this man- boy at this stage- but that was beside the point. I had a mission, and I was sure to complete it.
I bit my lip and decided to suck it up with that determination in mind. I turned to where I assumed Tom would be sitting, found the seat next to him unoccupied, and rushed to sit next to him. He raised an eyebrow at my odd sudden change in behaviour but chose not to comment on it, for which I was grateful. I settled at the table and pulled out the equipment we needed for the class- which Dumbledore picked up for me thankfully- and acted as if I wasn't behaving strangely.
I muddled over what I had to do to grow close with this cold man slowly but surely. Putting on my best frown of confusion halfway through the class, I turned to him, "Tom," he perked up at his name, surprised we were already on a first-name basis but simply raised an eyebrow in my direction, "what exactly does this mean? We weren't taught this material at Beauxbatons."
"Weren't taught one of the most basics of basics in Charms?" He raised an eyebrow at me incredulously, and though I didn't appreciate the passive aggression behind his tone, I ignored it and continued to play dumb and shrugged. He sighed and although I could see he didn't exactly, believe me, he proceeded to explain it to me, and with that, he concluded that he needed much more time than what was left in Charms because he gave me a time and location before I could ask any more questions, claiming "A tutor session will do you some good, (L/n)."
Now the plan was in motion, all I had to do was go along with it.
Spending time with Tom hadn't proved to be as difficult as I had assumed. He was pleasant company if you didn't think hard about what he was sure to become- and it was just that. He wasn't Voldemort at this point in time, not yet at least. However, when the occasion came up, I'd see a glimpse of what a true monster Tom could be. Like the time he had ridiculed a third-year for bumping into my side, eyes growing black as if he was taken over by another soul. Or the time he had deducted points from a Hufflepuff second-year for spilling pumpkin juice on his lap; if looks could kill, that poor second-year would be good as dead. Now that I think about it, not a day has gone by in the past five weeks of my stay where Tom wasn't here, next to me.
It was strange, how quickly I had adapted to his presence. Though I would never want to admit it, he was definitely growing on-
"(L/n), aren't you listening to what I'm saying?" Augusta sneered, glancing over at me in irritation, muttering curses under her breath.
I simply sent her a smile of apology, I knew she was growing impatient with my constant daydreams and I was grateful for her short patience but continuing to deal with me, "Sorry, what was that Augusta?"
"Well, you see," Augusta started, getting comfortable in her seat and leaning forward like she was about to share the latest gossip of the moment, which was definitely true from the glint in her eye, "apparently, Golden Head Boy is going to Hogsmeade this weekend."
I raised an eyebrow at her, quite disappointed at the dull gossip, leaning back in my seat to continue eating my breakfast, "And why should that be important to me?"
"Oh come on," Augusta loudly scoffed, quieting down when a few heads snapped in her direction before mumbling under her breath, "you definitely fancy Riddle."
This was my goal, wasn't it? To deceive and convince everyone, including Tom, that I genuinely fancied him.
I simply shrugged at her statement, "What does that have to do with Hogsmeade?"
I continued to play dumb as Augusta rolled her eyes, "Well, he never goes out to Hogsmeade. I'm thinking our broody head boy is going to ask a little lady on a date."
I turned a bright red, something I hadn't realised could happen to me, Augusta grinned nudging my side, head nodding over discreetly toward where I knew Slytherin's table was situated. And now, I could feel it; his stare boring into the side of my cheek as my cheeks turned an unhealthy shade of red as I continued to stare at Augusta, not daring to look towards his burning gaze.
"Don't be stupid," I spat embarrassedly, cheeks slightly cooled down as I reached for my cold glass of pumpkin juice, "you don't know what you're talking about, Gussie. Besides, I'm sure he doesn't fancy me back."
I watched her deflate and grumble in irritation before we both turned back toward our forgotten breakfasts. This was all part of my goal, so why did my stomach churn in guilt at the thought of going on a date with him?
I huffed as I raised my bag on my shoulder, I was definitely late. I grumbled as I rounded a corner and bumped into a first-year, muttering an apology before walking as fast as I could in the crowded hall to the library. I thanked Merlin once the doors of the library came into sight and pushed through the sea of students, walking through the maze-like library before coming to a halt before a very irritated Tom who raised an eyebrow at the sight of me, "You're late."
I held back an eye roll, no shit Sherlock, "I'm sorry, Slughorn really knows how to talk doesn't he?"
I sighed in relief as he softened at that, the anger slowly flowing off his shoulders as he got situated in his seat, "He does tend to talk an ear off every once in a while."
It was strange, to have a bond with him. Though, barely a bond at that. I was slowly warming up to him and vice versa. If I didn't think so hard about how he would eventually become a child murderer, he was quite nice company.
Tom was the type of person who could sit in silence and not feel the urge to fill it, a quality I very much appreciated in him. Most of our tutoring sessions were like this, spent in silence with the occasional question every now and then.
We had been meeting for a few weeks now, and it was nearing the end of the first term. I was shocked at how quick the term had gone, it wasn't too different from my time in school, though the generation gap could definitely be felt, it didn't impact my everyday life in this timeline.
I snapped out of my daze, flushing a bright Fuschia, realising I had been staring at Tom a little too long, and he brightened at the obvious fact I was, smirking slightly at my flustered state. I scrambled to the seat across from him, pulling out the parchment containing my unfinished Potions essay prompting me to focus on the essay to distract myself. I heard him chuckle under his breath before seeing him turn back to his essay from the corner of my eye.
Just as I was finishing the introduction to my conclusion, I noticed from the corner of my vision Tom's head perking up as he, what I assumed to be, gained whatever ounce of courage he could grasp. I braced myself internally, already knowing what was coming as I solely focused on the sound of his knee bouncing nervously under the table. It was strange. In the weeks I have known Tom, he never got nervous. Never.
Knowing that he was nervous because of me, made the knot of guilt in my stomach tighter. My head snapped up as he cleared his throat, his way of gaining my attention in all of our study sessions, "Yes, Tom?"
His ears perked up at the sound of his first name, not having yet gotten used to the sound of it being uttered by another student, no matter how close they were. It was always Riddle, and from his reaction, albeit barely anything, he liked hearing it from my lips.
"Tom?" I inquired, growing nervous at his silence. Maybe I had been wrong, he would not be asking me to Hogsmeade. After all, when had Augusta's gossip ever been reliable-
"You know of Hogsmeade, yes?" I smiled at his question, internally giggling like a little girl at how cute he was being.
"Precisely, we shall visit the village this weekend," he paused briefly, "together."
"Are you ordering me around, Riddle?" I jokingly asked, watching as his nerves slowly kicked in and he rushed to his own defence, the walls he had built so high slowly becoming higher, and before he could utter another word I cut in, "Don't fret, Tom. I would love to attend Hogsmeade with you this weekend."
He grumbled at my teasing but softly smiled in victory at my agreeance.
I fidgeted with my hands nervously as I waited at the entrance of Hogwarts. I had never been so nervous in my life, not even when I went on a date with Dean Thomas and Merlin, I liked him a lot. I wasn't too sure why I was so nervous about this date. I knew the twist in my stomach wasn't guilt, but instead described by muggles as butterflies, and the thought made me sick. It was now the middle of October, the air was crisper, the leaves were starting to change to a beautiful shade of orange, and my breath could be seen because of how cold it was. Merlin, could Tom get here any faster?
"You came early?" The sudden entrance of Tom's soft voice had caused me to jump, he seemed amused by my reaction, barely squeezing out a grin, "I didn't mean to frighten you, (L/n)."
A major habit I had noticed of Tom was that he hardly ever said the words "I'm sorry" and "thank you". It left a bitter taste in my mouth knowing this, and suddenly the butterflies stopped fluttering in my stomach as reality struck me once again. He is and always will be a monster.
"It's okay, Tom," I said quietly, silently glancing down at my shoes and the fallen orange leaves that littered the ground, "Shall we go then?"
And off we went into the village of Hogsmeade.
After our date, if you could even call it that, Tom seemed much more relaxed to be around me. Though, I knew there was a side of him that he had yet to show me. The same side I was to extinguish within him, to remove the darkness and succeed in my mission of saving the very people I loved back in my own time. Tom still had many secrets he had yet confided in me, and I was growing impatient.
As weeks passed by, Tom gradually became more absent in my life, which was a change from spending every day together. He was acting strange and worried me. I sat in my dorm, away from the hustle and bustle of the common room, situated at my desk as I revised my potions essay. Sure, I do not actually have to do the work, but it felt nice to finally be a normal student again. Not having to live in fear of dark wizards, simply studying for the big exams that are to happen at the end of this school year, and not having to worry about my family at home or for my schoolmates. I was safe here.
I was snapped out of my daze of delusion by pecking at my window I glanced up to see a familiar owl, and I was quick to open my window and let the bird in. I hadn't heard from Tom since yesterday's lunch and I was growing worried about his absence. Had he grown suspicious? Did he not wish to pursue me anymore?
I pushed away my fears as I unravelled the scroll Tom had so neatly tied with a silver ribbon.
"Meet me at the astronomy tower, I wish to see you."
A simple sentence had never made me so nervous before. The twist of nerves in my stomach when I had been told of the war could barely compare to the fire that Tom Riddle had just let off in my head. It was past curfew, he knew this. I went over the chances of being caught by the warden and shivered. Maybe tonight he would confess his feelings for you, I shrugged off my thoughts of delusion and quickly moved to change my clothing; I could not let Tom see me in my pyjamas.
As I pulled on a warm jacket and some gloves, winter was heavily kicking in as November came to an end. I sighed as I slowly climbed down the steps that led to the common room and slowly made my way to the exit. I glanced both ways before setting off in the halls, I could not be caught. My pace picked up until I was essentially running to the astronomy tower, desperate to know just why Tom had summoned me so late in the night.
I came to a stop at the top of the stairs leading up to the astronomy tower and quickly found Tom leaning against the railing. I stopped to catch my breath quietly, hoping he hadn't heard my heavy breathing out of embarrassment.
He stood in glorious silence. To this point, I had never seen a beauty that could compare to him, a rose would shy away at the sight. His pale skin glowed under the moonlight of the full moon, cheeks softly kissed by the cold, the pink skin I so desperately wanted to caress, to keep it away from the bite of the winter frost. My mouth stood agape as I soaked in his presence, not wanting to tear my eyes away from the pink that blushed his cheeks. When my eyes dropped to his lips, I almost stumbled over my own feet. Never in the weeks I had been here had I wanted to kiss Tom as much as I had wanted at this moment.
"Tom?" I barely squeaked out as he finally acknowledged my presence. His raven hair bounced softly as his head turned in my direction.
He simply sat down, not yet saying anything as I took that as a cue to join his side. I kept a small distance between us, I knew he didn't really enjoy it when his space was invaded. I ignored the way he glanced at me at that and instead waited for him to speak.
He seemed conflicted, I knew he had to be if he were as absent as he was. He was lost in his head, though his expression had been set in stone, I had never seen eyes so vulnerable. I quietly reached for his hand that sat between us, surprised at how cold they were, resting my hand over his to comfort him in whatever mental battle he seems to be having at this moment.
"What do you wish for the future?" His question surprised me, that was the last thing I expected to leave those lovely red lips.
"I never expected you to dwell on such questions, Tom." And that was the truth. From the start, Tom seemed like a realist, not one to dwell on the what-ifs of the world.
"I don't," he paused, clearly now deep in thought as he slowly entwined our fingers, "as graduation approaches, I think of what my true ambitions are; what I want from this lifetime."
"Oh," and that was all I felt I could say. I didn't know what exactly when wanted my answer to be. Would it change anything? A question I so desperately wished to ask. Would my answer save the lives lost?
I closed my eyes, reminding myself this was Tom. My Tom.
My eyes opened and the darkness of Hogwarts momentarily consumed me as I zeroed in on those dark orbs. Tom consumed me as he held my gaze for what felt like an eternity. Swimming through pools of tar, drowning in the thick substance; suffocating, slow but deep and passionate. His eyes reflected his soul almost perfectly; dull, dark, naive.
To remember the humanity in Tom feels almost inhumane, yet here I was under the November moonlight, drowning in the deep passionate pools of Tom Riddle.
"I'm not too sure," my voice managed to conjure a sentence, my brain a mess yet my heart speaking, "but, this is nice."
Tom seemingly softened at that, not so much his body; his shoulders remained frigid, his knees tight and his knuckles white. But his eyes, his eyes spoke his deepest fears, his deepest desires. The hardness they once held melted slightly at that moment, and that feeling lingered in my stomach as I continued to drown in his gaze. He hummed, in what I think was agreement, as we sat in silence soaking in the moment, "This is nice."
Winter had completely settled across the horizon of the Highlands as the full force of the unsightliness of winter came across Hogwarts harshly. The land was painted white, almost as if a thick layer of wool had settled across the whole of the school grounds. Winter was my favourite season in the school year; shorter days called for longer nights of sleep, and colder days called for warm teas around the fireplace.
Winter also brought about a certain coldness, a darkness that consumed the lands, the songbird no longer being heard across the campus as you roamed, only the echo of your footsteps sounded. That was all I heard now, my footsteps echoing as if I was followed, but I knew the sound all too well, the scrape of my sole against the ground, the uneven tempo of my feet as they pattered across the halls. I hated the silence brought about the halls, especially at night.
Meeting with Dumbledore, especially under my circumstances, was not uncommon for me for the duration of this school year, but as winter break fast approached, a plan of sorts would need to be compiled. Where I'd be staying for the break, and further details according to Dumbledore.
As I came to a stop outside of the Professor's office, I braced myself before knocking thrice. The door swung open as Dumbledore stood at the opposite wall of the room, "Good evening, (L/n)."
"Professor," I acknowledged as I walked before his large desk, taking note of the door shutting on its own behind me. Well, I thought, not on its own.
"I assume you are curious as to why I called for you at this hour,"
"I can't say I'd be surprised Professor," he smiled softly at the jest, gesturing to a chair behind me as he sat in his own.
"I was not wrong," referring to his letter from the future laying upward on the desk, "your skills of Occlumency are prodigious, as you must see as is Tom with his Legilimency."
"The most talented I've encountered, sir." My reply sounded almost empty, dull. I understood now why Dumbledore of the future was so insistent on my participation, and I see why Dumbledore of the past too trusted within my ability. Not often you hear of a brain impenetrable by that of Lord Voldemort.
"I see your efforts with Tom seem to be fruitful," he said, almost carefully, "your efforts are not wasted, especially for Riddle. After all, it is okay to feel, you see."
I hardened at his words, my shoulders growing rigid as he spoke, "It is my mission after all, Sir."
"(Y/n), that is not-"
"Do not worry, sir. This mission will not be one I will fail for you; saving my friends, my family is of utmost importance."
He paused, watching me almost methodically as he pondered for a beat. He held my gaze, watching silently before letting out a hum, "I see, as you were, (L/n)."
My stomach turned as I returned to my bed for the night, most definitely from guilt, I just didn't know why I felt guilty. For Tom? My friends in the future? My family? Dumbledore?
I felt helpless, with everyone's future in my hands, the lines of rationality and irrationality blurred as my reality began to distort, and yet all I could think about was Tom. What is it I want from this lifetime?
His question rang in my head, from the moment I left the office, to the moment I laid to rest.
Entertaining the mere thought of liking Tom had slowly become an easier task. Growing comfortable with the idea, albeit not ideal, was a part of the process, of falling with Tom. Falling for someone is similar to that of a trust fall, the other would be there to catch you, and to trust the other you must catch them when they fall. To fall for someone is to trust them with your soul and wholeheartedly feel it is reciprocated. And so, even if just for a little, I'll let myself fall for Tom; ulterior motives or not.
Falling for Tom smells like pine trees, feels like a warm summer breeze, and the naivety that once glimmered in his eyes has saturated me. Falling for Tom sounds like rough waves slamming against a cliffside, the seaspray gently caressing my face as he washes over me.
Is this what I want from my lifetime? I'm unsure.
The Black Lake is vast and dark, as though it could swallow the sun whole, leaving us in the darkness. The surface is disturbed, one, two, three, "Bugger!"
My head snaps to Tom as he reaches for another flat stone. He catches my gaze and quickly raises an eyebrow as he readies his arm to skip a stone yet again, "Amazed?"
I bit my tongue and held a smile at his sarcasm, "Your talents never cease to baffle me, Tom."
His ears wiggled at the sound of his name, and I thought of a conversation I once had with Dumbledore, "Is it true no one calls you that?"
His brows furrowed and his head tilted softly to the side, not understanding my question. Seeing his confusion, I ask again, "Tom, I mean. Does no one call you that?"
As my eyes fell over him once again, I noticed he was not looking beyond the horizon, everywhere but me it seemed. In his lowest voice, "Well," he paused, clearing his throat so his voice came out clearly; assertive, "it's because I don't let anyone call me that. It's quite simple."
I paused for a beat as I pondered, "You let me."
Not so much a question, more so a comfortable statement. I watched as his shoulders shrugged softly in the corner of my eye. I knew why others hadn't called him Tom, he had no clue of my knowledge, but the fact hurt, knowing what he not only thought of his father, but himself.
"You never asked," my stomach turned at that. Had I not asked? I felt almost foolish, foolish at my comfortableness, at my relaxed state around him, I hadn't yet asked-
"You didn't-" he stopped, it was the first I had ever heard any type of fumble fall from his lips, "You didn't need to," he looked almost frantic, frantic for Tom that is, "ask, that is."
I smiled as his eyes met mine for the first time, and I was drowning again.
As I had returned to my dorm for the night, a neat scroll was waiting for me at my window, neatly tied with a silver bow, it was easy to guess who it was from, and even easier to guess the contents. I barely had time to open the note before I threw on my shoes and headed off into the dark comfort of the halls of Hogwarts.
The astronomy tower creaked louder than the Whomping Willow as I approached, and the harsh winds pinched at my cheeks and nose, I could barely imagine how cold Tom would have been. He had confided after a few visits here that he would often wait here for hours as he couldn't really predict what time I'd return to my dorm. With that thought in tow, I ran up the stairs to the best of my ability.
Tom stood beneath the moonlight in all his glory. Although, a dark cloud hung over him. Many would simply think of it as evil, the evil that is so inherently entrenched in him, it could be anything but. This darkness, was a darkness that consumed him, the vast darkness that would consume the light that shone from him.
As I reached the summit, Tom glanced over at the sound of my sole scuffing against the top step, my staggered breaths filling the room. He visibly relaxed at the sight of me, probably having thought I was danger.
"You're here," yet again, another statement. Most of our nights started similarly; simple. That was one of my favourite traits of Tom, his simplicity was a naivety that has been of great solace; a contrast from the life of constant fear and spontaneity I once lived. I hummed before taking my place next to him as I had many nights before.
We had come to talk, we always do. Tonight felt different, the burden he seemed to carry with himself every day seemed to feel like the world on his shoulders at this very moment. He looked fragile, vulnerable almost. His shoulders sunk in like a small puppy, abandoned with no care. After a long silence, Tom spoke out in a loud voice, as if to convince himself he was confident rather than me, "My name,"
"It belongs to my father," he paused for a while as if waiting for questions, but I already knew all the answers, I knew who he was.
"My father," his voice shook as he took a ragged breath, "was a muggleborn. That is why I despise my name. It was from his filthy bloodline of which I obtained that name."
"Tom.." My voice cracked softly as his eyes turned black, he looked as if he was almost in a frenzy, his hair out of place, his eyes frantic, saliva swinging from his red lips.
"My weak, pathetic mother named me after him." His eyes were now red as he refused to meet my gaze, "Not even he wanted me. Yet, here I am," his breaths accelerated, "a spitting image of him, of her stupidity. Her naivety."
"Strangely enough," now he met my eyes. Tom has the fiercest of eyes I've ever to lay eyes upon, and to see those very orbs shattered. It is a pain indescribable, "I've grown to like it. Used to hearing it. I would want to hear you say it as often as I could."
I was unsure of what he was asking, whether it was my hand, my friendship, my companionship. But none of that mattered to me, not anymore. I reached for his hand that settled between us, "Okay, Tom."
His demeanour changed in that of an instant, his hand moved from under mine as he turned to me now fully, "I wish to tell you something."
It was only now that he faced me that I saw how weak he looked. I instinctively reached for his cheek, his cheekbone protruding as I brushed my thumb across it. My mouth opened and closed as I searched for the words.
"I have been strongly thinking about that conversation we had," he paused, looking into my eyes for recognition and continuing once he had seen it, "about the future."
"I suppose, you have heard of the rumours," for a moment, I wish I didn't, I wish I could play stupid and be betrayed by Tom, be shocked by the revelation of his darkness. Darkness I know all too well, "I am here to say they are true."
It seemed as if the wind had stopped and the howling of the tower had been silenced, a pin could drop.
"All of them. Myrtle, Hagrid- All of it." Here Tom was confessing his sins before me, searching for relief, for atonement for the hurt he had caused. Sitting before me, kneeling before me with his big, dark, naive eyes.
"Even," he paused as he took a deep breath, "those of the horcrux. Horcruxes, there are two. Were two."
His eyes met mine again, and I was drowning all again, though this time felt real. The water was in my lungs suffocating me, and I was running out of time, "I would give it all up- I have given it all up. That is not what I want to do with my lifetime. I'm not really too sure what I want to do,"
He took my hand in his this time, clutching my right hand in both as if I were as gentle as a feather, as fragile as glass.
My left hand gripped tightly at my wand as I brushed my thumb along the back of his hand, unable to meet his gaze, tears obscuring my vision. This is all too much.
"It seems that I may have started to," my ears started to ring, "possess certain feelings for you, (L/n)." My heart was thumping in my ears at the announcement. It is too much, no.
“When we had first met," he paused, calculating his every word as I gripped my wand tightly in my hand, "why was it that you flinched at the mention of my name? You wouldn't a clue as to who I am, wouldn't you (Y/n)?"
His question caused me to tense up, my grip somehow getting tighter on my wand I felt as if it may break in my grasp, “You cannot do this to me!”
His booming voice caused me to flinch, jumping back at the sudden loud voice, “Tom-“
“No. You don’t understand, (Y/n). I gave up the dark path that was destined for me, to love you, to ensure that I could be the perfect man you wanted- no, needed. I haven’t the heart to believe that you cannot do the same for me.” His words tugged at the knot of guilt deep in my stomach, clawing at the knot in order to untie it, for me to succumb to his wishes and stay here, to not fulfil my mission, to love him to my fullest ability.
"I sacrificed everything for you.." Tom choked, his voice barely above a whisper, and his tone ate away at the guilt in my stomach. I swallowed the lump in my throat and pushed down the guilt that threatened to flood out, "I destroyed myself for you."
His shout made me flinch. The betrayal, the pain in his voice almost made me regret it all. He had trusted me. Trusted me enough to destroy the few Horcruxes he had which he made and destroyed with his own hands. He had let his walls down and let me into his heart, his bed, his arms.
I couldn't say a word, I knew if I opened my mouth I'd regret what I was going to do, "You're a monster. A cruel monster. I should've seen through your facade, under your skin. And, like a fool, I thought I was deserving of your love."
It was never a facade, I so badly wanted to yell at his red eyes. His weak state made this feel so easy. I never wanted to admit it to myself, but I loved Tom Riddle. I loved his smile, his wittiness, his charm. If so for a moment, I'd lay my guard down. I peeled back the tall wall I had built, brick by brick. If even for a moment, I wish for Tom to feel my love. To be loved to the fullest of my potential, the full force of the lifetime love I harboured for him. For Tom, my Tom.
But now, that love amounted to nothing.
And so I raised my wand and muttered that sickly unforgivable curse.
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k-nayee · 8 months
𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐑 ᵐᵘˡᵗⁱ-ᶠᵃⁿᵈᵒᵐˢ
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
✿✼::゚:༅⭑ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ⭑༅:゚::✼✿
❝You're nothing but scum…an excess waste of energy. So how the HELL are you still here?! I destroyed you-obliterated you into nothingness!❞
ੈ✩‧₊ ̗̀➛In which the same young over-imaginative and hopeless romantic discovered more lovable fandoms and decided to make a book containing her dreams and imagination.
⇢ ˗ˏˋBLURB ࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ and Author's Note
⇢ ˗ˏˋMessenger's Daughter࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ One shot | 300
⇢ ˗ˏˋWife to the Winds࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ Mini-Series | Epic: The Musical ╰┈➤ pt.2 | pt.3
⇢ ˗ˏˋDamn, Forreal?࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ One shot | JJK
⇢ ˗ˏˋPhantom Code࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ Mini-Series | Alien: Romulus ╰┈➤ pt.2
⇢ ˗ˏˋFallen࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ One shot | Hazbin Hotel [COMING SOON!]
── all rights reserved K-NAYEE 2020-2024. any and all fanfiction seen here belongs to me unless stated. please do not copy, plagiarize, translate, repost, or upload on any social media (tiktok, youtube, hell even facebook) without my permission.
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deadbythemorning · 1 year
Project EVE (Harry Potter x reader) part 1
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Synopsis: When accidentally sent back in time fifty years, Y/n turns to the most famous wizards for help
Y/n must attend her final years of school fighting for her life at Hogwarts while trying not to fall in love with one of the most famous wizards in the world
Y/n sat up with a throbbing head and looked around her surroundings where am I?
She knew everything was still temperamental but everything had been successful so far, so why did it mess up with her?
Once she finally stood, she dusted off her hands and tried to find any sort of guide. Everything seems to be outdated here
Y/n watched as the witches and wizards passed her on the busy street
Clearly no one in London knows what current fashion is
As if she were waiting for a browser to load, she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion
Somethings not right…
She quickly whipped around but bumped into a rather large figure
“Sorry bout that” she took a few steps back to get a good look at the figure and gawked
“Y-you’re Hagrid!”
“ ‘m sorry, I don’t recall ever meetin you”
Y/n then quickly shook her head “No, this has to be a polyjuice potion”
Now the giant was confused “You must’ve hit yer head pretty hard”
Her heart began to thump out of her chest “But you were in the Great War…”
“What Great War?”
Y/n looked at him as if he were stupid “The Great War against Voldemort”
Hagrid quickly hushed her while looking around “You shouldn’t say his name so carelessly, one of his followers might hear”
Followers? “I’m sorry” she takes another few steps back “What year is it?”
Hagrid slightly tilts his head to the side “Well it’s 1996”
“I don’t know Albus, she sounds genuine” Hagrid whispered
“She sounds confused” Snape objected in his usual monotonous voice
“She speaks of a war” Hagrid countered which silenced them all “As if it’s no big deal” they all looked at each other nervously
“Well if she is from the future, we must send her back immediately” Mcgonagall sternly tells them “In any event that what she’s saying is true, she could change the course of history”
“So get a time turner and get on with it!” Flitwick urged
“It’s never that simple” Dumbledore finally spoke up which silenced their bickering “Whether we like it or not, she’s here for a reason. We should at least speak with her before we deem her a threat to our future or our students”
They all looked to one another before filing out of his office to meet the girl. Y/n on the other hand was too busy admiring the trinkets to notice they were all staring at her, it wasn’t until Hagrid cleared his throat that she finally snapped out of it and spun around.
“Oh..wow” she gently placed the lamp down and gawked at the group of teachers in front of her “You’re…you’re Severus Snape” she quickly bowed her head “Sir it’s an absolute honor to meet you, you were like, my biggest inspiration when I was a kid” she then looked over at the rest of them “Holy…I never thought I’d be in a room filled with the most famous witches and wizards in history”
“How did you get here miss…”
“L/n. Y/n L/n” she then paused to think “The last thing I remember is trying project EVE myself…and then waking up on some random street in London”
“Project EVE?” Flitwick asked while Y/n nodded
“It’s this thing my friend and I started to help people find their soulmate” Snape was quick to roll his eyes
“And what does EVE stand for?” Mcgonagall questioned
“Eve was the name of the woman who originally started the program” she told them “After she passed, my friend Fiona and I decided we were gonna finish what she started”
“And how does it work?” Dumbledore asked while Y/n twiddled her thumbs
“It’s actually quite complicated” she started “You’re supposed to cast a charm and then drink a potion” Y/n waved her hand in dismissal “It’s supposed to bring you to the location of your soul mate but clearly it faulted when I did it myself” she gives a bashful smile while looking down “You see, I specialize in potions. Spell casting has never been easy for me. Fiona wanted me to try it out since it was successful for her and a bunch of others, but I fear my spell casting ability is the reason I’ve been sent almost fifty years into the past”
“Simple fix then!” Flitwick smiled “We just preform everything correctly and she should be sent to her time!”
Although they all agreed, Dumbledore knew it could never be that simple and Mcgonagall knew just from taking one look at his face.
“Wow, this really has been an experience” she tells them while Snape hands her the potion “I mean to spend HOURS with the worlds most famous wizards, to drink a potion made from thee Severus Snape” she then scoffs “You know what? I’m not even mad that this happened”
“The faster you drink it, the faster you go home” Snape tells her while trying to get her to take the bottle from his hand
“Right” she opened the vial and put it to her lips but paused “What if it doesn’t work?”
“What if it doesn’t work” she reiterated “I mean, you’re all brilliant but… if it doesn’t work, how will you know?”
They all looked between one another before Dumbledore spoke up “Do you know how to use the floo network?” Which earned another scoff
“Do I know how to use the floo network? That shit is ancient of course I-” she then quickly covered her mouth “I’m sorry”
Dumbledore lights the fireplace and everyone gets into positions “I can’t tell if she’s mad or an absolute genius” Hagrid muttered to himself while Flitwick nudged him
“Well, bottoms up” she chugged the disgusting liquid while Mcgonagall hit her with the charm, causing her to disappear.
“Well how do we know if it worked?” Flitwick asked and they all turned to Dumbledore
“Now we just wait”
They decided that an hour would be long enough for them to declare she was back home but it had only been ten minutes and the girl rolled out from the fire place “Well…” Y/n slowly stands up with a loud groan “I’m still here but now I’m covered in soot, so now what”
Disbelief was written all over their faces. They had enough problems at Hogwarts, they didn’t need to add to the pile.
“I suppose now we get you sorted” they all turned to Dumbledore and began arguing over his decision
“She can’t stay here at Hogwarts! She might disturb the course of history-”
“Sorted? We would have to make her a schedule and robes and-”
“Hogwarts doesn’t need to deal with more problems, we should simply hand her over to the ministry and let them-”
“This is a life changing event, I-I don’t think I should be attending class and studying. It’s bad for my mental-”
“SILENCE” everyone immediately stopped and turned to the older man “I will handle her finances along with her schedule but at the moment we’ve done all we can” they all turn to Y/n “We can’t let her wander around the halls without taking any classes, they might get suspicious. And as for sending her to the ministry, they might make her tell them what’s supposed to happen and they might alter history themselves”
Y/n then awkwardly raised her hand “History of magic was never my strongest subject, so I couldn’t tell them about the next fifty years even if I wanted to”
Snape scoffs “Was there a subject that you did specialize in?” He drawls and she gives him a cheeky smile
“I shall send everyone an owl explaining why miss L/n is here so everyone has the same story” Dumbledore tells them as he walks over to Y/n with the sorting hat “In the mean time”
“Twenty five points from Hufflepuff” seriously, what’s with this point system? “And where might your tie be miss L/n?” Professor Umbridge asked
“Beats me professor” she replied nonchalantly while the older woman gave her a forced smile
“As a woman, you ought to dress more ladylike, you should care about your appearance” a tie quickly fastens its way around her neck “Another twenty points for unkempt appearance” Y/n rolled her eyes and waited for the book to gently land on her desk. None of it mattered though. OWLS, the tests, the studying. All she had to do was figure out what she did wrong and she’d be back home before no time “Miss L/n?” Y/n’s eyes quickly snapped up towards the front
“Care to repeat what i just said? Verbatim?”
Y/n blew the hair out of her face while shaking her head “So sorry professor” she apologized while rubbing the stars into her left eye “I wasn’t listening to a word you said” the entire class laughed while Umbridge turned the same shade pink as her skirt
Umbridge’s shrilly voice echoed through Y/n’s head as she wandered through the busy halls of Hogwarts. I guarantee she isn’t the reason Hogwarts is considered the best wizarding school in the world
Clumsily enough, Y/n didn’t realize there was a slight step in one of the corridors and fell right into someone “Watch it you oaf”
Y/n not so gracefully caught herself from falling and looked up at the boy “I’d say the same thing to you” she then tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear “There’s plenty of space in this hallway, consider yourself honored that I bumped into you of all people”
That certainly caught a few looks from passerby’s “Oi, do you know who you’re talking to?” One of his bigger friends asked
Of course she knew that was Draco Malfoy, but if she were to keep up this act, she had to be believable “No, should I?”
The blonde scoffed “But let me guess, you know who Potter is?” The golden trio stopped and glared at the blonde
Y/n let out a loud sigh and shook her head “I honestly don’t know nor care for whoever Potter is” she swore she could hear a pen drop “I don’t care for popularity status’s, or wealth status, or blood status, I’m just here…until I’m not” she loosened the tie that strangled her “I’m glad you all enjoyed the show, but if you’ll all excuse me, I have to find my way to potions” it wasn’t until she took her dramatic bow that she noticed the golden trio
“Draco aren’t you going to do something?” Pansy questioned but the blonde stayed quiet. He was too stunned to speak, it wasn’t every day someone talked back to him
Great, now everyone thinks I’m crazy
Y/n let out a loud groan once she reached an empty staircase
I can’t leave soon enough
Just then, the staircase began moving, which made the girl quickly grip the railing
I can’t tell if this is brilliant or absolutely terrifying
She then took a sneak peak over the railing, immediately regretting it
“Professor I’m so sorry I’m late” Y/n huffed as she barged into the potions classroom. Everyone stared at the girl whose robe hung off her one shoulder and her tie barely hung around her neck “The staircase kept moving on me” she chuckled while yanking the potions book out of her tote bag “I can’t lie, that’s pretty fucking cool”
“Ten points from Hufflepuff for your tardiness and fifteen for your foul use of language”
Y/n then scanned the area for an empty seat “Apologies” she told him while sliding over to her spot “This school is just so much bigger than what I thought and I need a map! And-”
“Another five points for interrupting my class” Snape interrupted her rambling
“I’m sorry professor I-”
“Another five points for back talking”
“I-” Snape held up his hand and Y/n slumped in her seat in defeat
“Don’t worry” her seat mate whispered “Snape’s always like that”
She then blew the hair from out of her face “Don’t meet your hero’s they say” she mumbled while flipping her book open
“Hero?” She slowly sat up in her spot “You really must not be from here”
She then turned to the boy next to her “Y/n L/n”
Her heart quickly sunk “Harry Potter” just my luck huh “Where are you from?”
“America” the boy looked up at the board before turning his attention back to her “You’re a long way from there”
Y/n let out a scoff “Yeah, you have no idea” she then covered her face with her hands “I’m sorry…about earlier”
“Sorry for what?” He asked “You’ve got guts for standing up to Malfoy”
“Yeah, but I sounded like a complete asshole” she moved a few of her fingers to take a peak at the green eyed boy “Sorryyyy”
Harry shook his head with a smile “Don’t be, it’s nice to finally have someone not point and stare at me”
She then moved her hands and tilted her head “You’re really famous around here huh?”
The boy let out a soft sigh “Not for the right reasons”
Being put on a pedestal your entire life must be exhausting, especially when the whole fate of the wizarding world rested on your shoulders “I’m sorry to hear”
Harry shook his head once again “Don’t be sorry, it’s not your burden to carry”
“She’s only been here a day and she’s already costing us all our points!” A Hufflepuff whined
It had only been a day and nearly every fifth year began talking about her. Everyone (except the Hufflepuffs) admired her nonchalant attitude, they were impressed with how smart she was, and most importantly, she had a personality that drew you in.
Y/n was heavily under the impression that she was intimidating because no one dared speak with her at lunch, but they definitely talked about her.
“She’s arrogant” Ron tells Harry and Hermione “I mean causing a scene like that on your first day?”
“She’s probably stressed” Harry defends her “Moving to a new country, having everyone constantly stare at you”
“You should’ve heard the way she talked to Umbridge this morning” Neville added
“Why are you defending her?” Ron questioned “Do you fancy her or something?”
“I don’t see how” Hermione mindlessly added on “She speaks so highly of you” a loud gasp was heard and everyone turned to the Hufflepuff table
Pansy Parkinson had just dumped an entire pitcher of pumpkin juice on Y/n “Maybe now you’ll learn to respect Draco you dirty mutt”
Y/n slowly stood from her spot and calmly wiped the liquid off her face “Maybe I will when he doesn’t send his lap dog to fight his own battles” Pansy went to pounce on her but with the flick of her two fingers, Pansy quickly flew backwards “This day just gets better and better!” She mumbled sarcastically while grabbing her bag
“Why don’t we try again”
“Why don’t you try hiring teachers that don’t resort to torturing students as punishment?” Y/n snapped back
It hadn’t even been a full week and yet, she was done with the Hogwarts experience. The constant stares, three detentions back to back, and harassment from Slytherins. One more minute and she might blow someone to smithereens.
“Maybe if you weren’t such a delinquent, you wouldn’t be punished” Snape drawls and Y/n rolls her eyes
“We’re not getting anywhere!” She pulls her hair in frustration “I’m not even going to London anymore! I’m just ending up somewhere around the school”
“That doesn’t mean we should give up” Mcgonagall tells her “Again” Y/n let’s out a groan in frustration “Like it or not miss L/n, this isn’t your time. You being here compromises our future, your future. And if we stop now, life as you know it might never exist”
With one last pout, Y/n takes the potion out of Snapes hands and chugs it “Ready when you are” she muttered in disgust
Flitwick casts the spell without a moment’s hesitation, sending Y/n into another whirlwind of absolute hell.
Y/n fell into a chair, notes flying everywhere, many weird looks and whispers were shared amongst other students. The library, great
Well that’s another failed trial and a waste of time
She slowly collected her notes that were sprawled out on the table
“Didn’t think you knew how to read” Y/n moved the hair out of her face to reveal a cocky Draco
“Here to dump more liquid over my head?” She asked without looking up from her notes “I thought that was your girlfriends job?”
Draco sneered “She’s not my girlfriend”
“Oh, so she’s another one of your brainless goons” Draco rolled his eyes
“They’re not my goons”
“So they’re your friends” Y/n shook her head “You choosing to be friends with them is…a very bold decision”
Draco crossed his arms“You have a smart mouth, you know that right?”
She shrugs her shoulders “I’ve been told on occasion or two”
He gently picks up her hand “Maybe if you learned to shut it, you wouldn’t have this”
Y/n quickly snatched it back “Or maybe that old toad shouldn’t be torturing students”
Draco looked around before leaning down towards her ear “You know if you were friends with me, this would never happen”
Y/n rolls her eyes “Oh you’re just that popular huh?” She asked sarcastically and he shrugs his shoulders with a smirk
“I’ve got quite the influence around here”
With one last raise of the eyebrows, Y/n stands from her spot “Dully noted”
“Wow Malfoy in a library?” They both turned their heads to see the golden trio
“Is studying an uncommon thing here?” Y/n muttered, making Harry quirk an eyebrow
“I’m sorry if some of us learned how to read weaslebe” Ron quickly frowned
“You don’t have your sidekicks Malfoy” Ron sneered “Are you sure you can fend for yourself?”
“Look” Y/n started “I don’t know what you guys have going on, but leave me out of it” she then left the group to figure out what she would do now.
I would rather get hit with crucio than listen to her for another minute
Umbridge did absolutely everything in her power to make sure they didn’t actually learn spells, which seemed to irritate everyone. She could understand reading a few passages, but writing it three times afterwards to retain the information?
Suddenly a wad of paper hits the back of her head.
With an irritated sigh, she slowly turned around to see who looked guilty. There had only been one person looking at her, and she can’t say she was surprised.
“Open it” Draco mouthed and she slowly complied
Slytherin party tonight I’ll pick you up at eight
Y/n crinkled the paper back up and continued to stare out the window rather than do whatever assignment Umbridge assigned
Another note hit her head
Don’t ignore me
Being surrounded around a bunch of teenagers that didn’t like her honestly sounded like a blast, but getting home before she was stuck taking OWLS sounded like it was in her better interest
“Passing notes are we?” Y/n slowly looked up from her textbook to see Umbridge staring down at her “Fifty points from Hufflepuff for disrupting class”
Y/n quickly sat up with anger “But I didn’t do anything!”
“Another fifteen for raising your voice!” Y/n slowly deflated in her seat “You should know that you need to respect your elders” Y/n wished she could just slap that smug smile off her face. Y/n glared down at the note on her desk stupid parties, stupid Slytherins, stupid school, and stupid teachers. The note burst into flames, causing an uproar from the class “MISS L/N!”
“I didn’t do anything!” She lied
“To cause such disruption-”
“My wands not even out!”
Y/n rubbed her hand as she listened to Snape describe the newest potion they’d be learning. She was completely over it, she couldn’t get home soon enough.
“You’re doing that wrong” Y/n muttered once taking a glance at Harry’s potion
“How?” He questioned “I’m doing everything the book is telling me”
Y/n sat up to peer over into his cauldron “You can always tell if a potion is brewed correctly by its look and smell”
“Correct” Snape confirmed “Five points to Hufflepuff”
Harry looks down with a huff “So what did I do wrong?”
With a flick of her wand, Harry’s potion disappeared “Show me what you’re doing” Y/n lazily watched the boy brewed the potion until he goes to grab a handful of dragon scales “Wait” she grabs his wrist “It’s too early” she slowly lets go of his arm “Mix it until it turns green”
Harry eyes the potion before turning to her “Looks pretty green to me”
Y/n rolls her eyes “That’s a forest green, we’re looking for Granny Smith green” as Harry began to stir the potion, it grew lighter in color, making him smile with excitement “Adding the dragon scales before fully activating troll bogeys will cancel all effects of the potion” once it turned the desired shade of green, Y/n slid over the basket of dragon scales
“You’re really good at this” Y/n lazily shrugged her shoulders
“Potions is about the only thing I’m good at”
Harry let’s out a small yawn “I doubt that’s true” she watched as the boy rubbed his eyes and tilted her head in confusion
“Are you not getting any sleep?” She asked “This is probably the fifth time you’ve yawned in the past ten minutes”
The boy nods while meeting her eyes “I keep having these nightmares” he shakes his head in dismissal “I know, it’s pathetic-”
“Not at all” she tells him while laying her head down on the desk “I used to have frequent nightmares about my father” she admitted “He went mad when me mum left him, she moved to London to continue working on new spells she was creating. My father thought that if he could invent something better, it would win her over and she would come back home….but the more I wrote to her and the happier she sounded, the more it broke him. He was obsessed…and I was just a kid…jealous that he spent all his time on some spell. So I went to his study and burnt all of his work in hopes he’d realize that she wasn’t coming back, that he was the reason she didn’t want to come back. My father was outraged, so completely out of his mind that he tried using the killing curse on me. I mean I was lucky you know, the spell bounced off the mirror and hit him…but sometimes I dream about if it did hit me, or if he hit me with the cruciatis curse” Y/n slowly sat up “Since I clearly wasn’t getting any sleep, I just spent all my time brewing potions” she quickly jumped up “Harry don’t let the potion scorch! Keep stirring it!”
Harry did as he was told and nodded “Right, I’m sorry”
“Don’t be” she shrugged her shoulders “Snape already graded my potion”
“No I mean about your father”
Y/n sucks the back of her teeth “Don’t worry about it, I didn’t mean to spew my traumatic back story at you” she helps him bottle the potion and clean his mess “What I was trying to get at was I’m a master of crafting a dreamless potion and the draught of peace” the bell rung and everyone quickly filed out of the room “If you ever wanna give it a try for one night of peace, just let me know”
Once Y/n tossed her book in her bag, she shuffled out of the classroom along with the others, but it didn’t take Harry long to make up his mind “Y/n wait!” Right before Y/n was able to make it to the stairs out of the dungeon, Harry grabbed onto her hand “Do you think you could craft me a couple of those potions?”
Y/n looked around before taking a step down “These are powerful potions Harry” she warns him “Stripping away emotions for a good nights rest, it can be dangerous, trust me” Harry slowly lets go of her hand “That being said, I’ll make you one of each. One to soothe your anxiety and one to get you a full eight hours of rest”
“Anything is better than nothing” there was a lost look in Harry’s eyes that Y/n couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Sleepless nights, people telling you you’re crazy, isolating you, she’d probably go mad too
“Don’t tell me you’re hanging around Potter” an arm plops down around her shoulders “Trust me, that cry baby will hurt your social status” Harry gritted his teeth in annoyance while Draco and the others laughed
“Look Malfoy! He’s about to run off and cry in his pillow!” They continued to laugh while Harry stomped up the stairs
“Harry….” you go to chase after him but Draco stops you
“Leave him, I’d imagine he wouldn’t want a girl to see him cry” that’s when Y/n finally shoved his arm off of her
“You’re such a prick Draco” she pushed past the others and left the dungeons
Y/n spent the rest of the week crafting said potions for Harry, completely disregarding the more important task at hand. Surprisingly enough, Harry was almost impossible to find these days.
I could just give it to him next week
Y/n huffed as she readjusted her scarf. Someone mentioned seeing Harry at hogsmead but she searched everywhere for the boy for hours, it began to feel like a wild goose chase. Her gloves began to feel useless along with the three pair of socks she wore, the crunchy snow slowly seeped into her boots and the misery hit her like a truck.
He’ll be fine getting it next week
“Y/n?” The girl whipped around to see the boy she frantically searched for
“Harry” she huffed out “Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you?”
A smile spread across his rosy cheeks “You have?”
She nodded while reaching into her pocket “I wanted to give you these” she hands him the small vials “I didn’t want to make it look suspicious to lingering eyes”
Harry’s heart swelled with adornment “Thank you Y/n” he looks back up at her “I really appreciate it”
Y/n shrugs her shoulders “It’s no biggie” she sniffled a bit “I would want the same, yknow?”
Harry couldn’t keep his eyes off the girl. The way the snow clung to her hair, the way the snowy background made her big soft eyes look even warmer, the way the color pink slightly dusted across her face “Do you fancy Malfoy?” He blurted out
Y/n scrunched up her nose “No, why would you say that?”
Harry felt rather embarrassed by the sudden outburst “You just…you’re always around him and you avoid me like the plague” The girl stood there stunned, not knowing what to say. She’d been trying to figure out a way home, studying for pointless tests (especially the OWLS), not to mention the constant detentions Umbridge kept giving her, she didn’t realize she was isolating herself from her friends “I’m sorry, it’s just with Umbridge and Voldemort returning and Dumbledore ignoring me, I’ve been stressed”
“That Umbridge is definitely something else huh?” Harry looked down with a smile “If I’m being honest, my hands are just as full as yours, sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you” and with that, she shrugged her shoulders and left the boy standing there
“Y/n wait!” Harry called out while chasing after her
Y/n stopped in her tracks and turned around to face the boy “Oh, I uh needed to grab a few books from the library, but you’re welcome to join if you’d like”
Harry shakes his head “I think what we both need is a distraction” she quirked a brow and the green eyed boy grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the school.
“Harry” Y/n nervously watched as he grabbed his broom “Is now a bad time to mention I have a deathly fear of heights?”
Harry held his cheeky grin as he mounted the broom “I promise, you’ll love it” the very second Y/n climbed onto the broom, Harry took off which made the girl loudly scream in fear
“HARRY POTTER YOU PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!” The boy laughed and lifted them higher into the air “You’re MAD”
“Don’t you trust me?” He asked but frowned when she stayed silent. That’s when he got the brilliant idea to dive hundreds of feet out of the air
“HARRY!” She screamed while holding onto his waist for dear life
“You said to put you down” she could hear the cheeky grin in his voice
“I don’t want to die Harry!” She called out while squeezing her eyes shut and laying her head against his back
“Do you trust me?” He repeated and she nodded her head
“If putting my trust in you is the last thing I do, I’ll haunt you in the after life Potter”
Harry quickly pulled the broom back up “Sounds like Malfoy’s rubbing off on you” Harry sped off on the broom again, making Y/n squeal “Aw come on, you can’t tell me you aren’t having just a bit of fun”
Y/n shook her head “I’m sorry if my screams of terror made you think otherwise” she retorted, Harry couldn’t help but laugh.
Where have you been all my life?
“Alright alright” Harry finally lands onto the pier of the now icy black lake, smiling to himself as their legs finally touch ground.
“Oh my” Y/n peeled her eyes back open sighing with relief “Harry Potter, you’re absolutely mad” A bittersweet smile formed on Harry’s lips once her grasp on his torso loosened “You know, I think if we were supposed to be in the air, we’d be born as birds”
Harry shakes his head while turning around “I get it, you’re afraid of heights” he watched as she tries to straighten her hair out “But at least you were able to forget about everything for a few minutes”
“Yeah, because I was worried about falling to my death” but he’s right “Thanks Harry” she gave a sheepish smile while watching the snow fall even harder across the lake “We should probably head back though”
“Wait” Y/n gave a blank stare as Harry’s heart pounded out of his chest “I’m getting a bunch of students together and teaching them how to defend themselves since Umbridge won’t” Harry blurted out
“Oh that’s-”
“Would you like to join?” His heart thumped in his ears as he awaited her answer “We have a secret location that’s perfect for the spells we’d be practicing” Harry couldn’t explain it but he felt like he could tell her anything. The girl that didn’t care that he was the boy that lived and didn’t stare at him like he was some freak every year. The girl that wasn’t afraid to speak her mind or stand up for herself. The girl who he swore was just as smart as Hermione, if not smarter. The girl who always seemed to make him forget about the horrors of reality.
“Why not?” she replied while shrugging her shoulders “I prefer performing spells rather than reading about them” a giant smile formed on the boys face
It was a simple spell and it frustrated her to no end that she couldn’t preform it. As Y/n’s hands shook in anger, she decided to put her wand away and grab her book, the last thing she needed was to throw a tantrum in front of everyone.
Snap your wrist to preform incantation
She read over the same page about a hundred times and yet, she had no luck
Maybe I really am only good at potions
A frown made its way onto her face as she paced back and forth in her small corner. The other spells seemed rather easy, but of course the one defensive spell they teach gave her the most trouble.
Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll be gone before Harry drags me to war
“Alright, that’s enough for today” Harry announced “Great job everyone, you’re making excellent progress”
“Same time next week” Ron tells them as they all file out
Unfortunately for Y/n, she was stopped before she could make her escape “What happened?” Harry asked her with a head tilt “You separated yourself from the group”
She rubs her eyes “I know” she then shook her head “Im just a very slow learner and I was getting extremely frustrated”
A small smile played on his lips “I thought you liked preforming spells rather than reading about them?”
She playfully rolls her eyes “Whatever Harold, I’ll just learn it next week”
“I could teach you” Harry quickly spat out to stop her from leaving “Show me what you’re doing”
With a slight moment to think about it, she dropped her bag onto the ground and pulled her wand out. Once Harry took a few steps back, she took her stance and aimed at the dummy “Reducto!” Not that she was surprised, but nothing happened.
Harry nodded once she turned around to face him with disappointment “I think it’s your hand movement” he walks over to stand in front of her “You’re jabbing your wand”
“No” she pouts “I’m flicking my wrist like it’s telling me”
Without thinking, Harry gently took her hand in his own “You’re flicking your wrist downwards” he moved her hand up and down “Try rolling your wrist in a scooping motion ” after showing her what to do, his grip loosened but his touch definitely lingered.
“Reducto!” The dummy exploded upon impact causing a big smile to make its way to Y/n’s face, a smile that Harry slowly grew to love “I guess you are a good teacher” she tells him while turning to face him
“You guess?”
She shrugged her shoulders with a cheeky grin “I guess”
Y/n felt more confident now that she knew what she was doing, which was perfect since they were dueling this week.
Once everyone congratulated Hermione for absolutely humiliating Ron, a hand gently tapped Y/n’s shoulder “Why don’t you try?” Harry asked and she shook her head
“I just learned the spell” she turned to look at him “I don’t want to embarrass myself”
Their eyes locked onto each other’s, Harry’s green eyes were swimming with a devious glint “Hermione, Y/n would like to go next!” He called out, causing the girl to slap his shoulder
“Hermione?” She whisper shouted “Do you want people to laugh at me?”
Harry shook his head “I’m helping you prepare for the real deal” Y/n awkwardly walks over to the witch and everyone cleared way
“C’mon! You got this Hermione!”
Y/n anxiously readied her wand as everyone cheered the witch on. Sure she was good at studying, but actual spell casting was her downfall.
There was a determined look in Hermione’s eyes, like she had something to prove to Y/n.
“What are they waiting for?” A student whispered and Hermione used this distraction as her chance to attack
“Protego!” A light shield covered Y/n and blocks the attack
I didn’t think that would work
“When did we learn that?” Someone else asked upsetting the witch in front of her
“Protego!” Y/n’s heart thumped out of her chest from the last minute save. However, Hermione grew annoyed that every and any spell she threw at her, Y/n would block
“It’s not much of a duel if you don’t attack” she huffed while readying herself. Nothing life threatening, just throw something at her “Stupify!”
A stream of red shot out of Y/n’s wand while a yellow one came from Hermione’s, forming loud gasps and awes from the crowd as each color fought for dominance. Y/n had no idea how she did it but knew that she couldn’t let go now. Hermione knew she couldn’t stop now, she couldn’t let one surprise stop her victory.
But it was too much for both of them to handle, this was new ground and it was almost terrifying. Hermione’s wand jerked to the left, which made the spell hit her full on. Not only did her spell send Hermione and her wand flying, but the Stupify Hermione casted hit someone else.
“Harry!” Y/n quickly whipped around to see the boy laying on the ground. She quickly pushed through the crowd and kneeled at his side
“Harry are you alright?” She inspected the boy as he held his shoulder “Where does it hurt?”
“Harry” Hermione huffed with regret “I’m so sorry” she apologized
“It’s alright” he told her as he sat up “I’m fine” that wince said otherwise “That was brilliant you two”
“Harry we need to get you to the hospital wing” Hermione urged but he shook his head
“We would have to explain how I got hurt to miss Pomfrey” he then stood up “Besides, I’m fine, really”
“If you’re worried about Pomfrey telling Umbridge, I can heal you” everyone turned to Y/n “It’ll be easy” one shrug of the shoulders was enough to win Harry over “I can brew a quick potion and put some ointment for the pain and bruising, he’ll be perfectly fine tomorrow”
“You barely know how to cast spells” Ron tells her “Why would we trust you with him?”
What have I done to get on Ron and Hermione’s bad side?
Y/n then looked over to Harry “Do you trust me?”
Harry didn’t hesitate to nod his head “I’ll meet you guys back at the common room” he reassured them “Continue on without me, I’ll be fine” Hermione gave Harry one last apologetic look before he turned to Y/n “Shall we?”
From the way Harry described the pain, it might’ve just been a dislocated shoulder, but that didn’t stop him from acting extra whiny.
“We just have to get to my room okay?” She told him as she knocked on the large barrels in front of the Hufflepuff entrance
“What happens if you knock on the wrong barrel?”
She turned to him as the door unlocked “You get sprayed with vinegar” she jerked her head towards the door
“That’s so-”
“Awful” she finished for him “I was in for a pleasant surprise my first day” she led him around the cozy room, earning weird glances from lingering Hufflepuffs “I had to have a ghost tell me which barrels to knock on because I was drenched”
She finally came across a single room on the first floor and opened the door for him “How did you get an entire room to yourself?”
She shrugged her shoulders while closing the door behind him “I think it’s because I started so late” or probably because they thought I’d be gone after the first week and didn’t want me interacting with too many students “Please, sit” she conjures a cauldron and a bunch of random ingredients begin floating in the air “Can you take off your shirt?” Harry’s face flashed a bright red “I just want to make sure there’s no broken bones” the boy goes to lift up his shirt but immediately winced in pain “Here” she sat down on the edge of the bed “Let me” her fingers gently hook underneath his vest and she’s able to remove it without causing much pain to his shoulder. Once removed, she then unbuttons most of the buttons on his shirt so it would just fall off his shoulder, revealing a giant dark purple bruise on his very pale skin “Let me know when it hurts okay?” She gently pads her fingers around his chest, arm, collarbone, and shoulder of course. Harry on the other hand couldn’t breathe, as if he were in a trance that he never wanted to wake up from.
That was until Y/n shoved his shoulder back into place, causing the boy to erupt in a painful groan “Blimey Y/n!”
“Did that hurt?” Her eyes finally flicked up to meet up with his
Those beautiful orbs of hers, he could swim in them all day “You were brilliant today” he whispered, afraid that speaking too loud would scare her away
“That was absolutely terrifying” she admits “You got hurt”
His eyes flicker down to her lips “Good thing I have a great doctor”
Y/n shook her head with a smile “How convenient for you” she then stands up to make her potion “I figured since I was slow reflex wise, I’d be better off as a healer. So I spent most of my time learning how to make medicines”
“I never taught anyone how to use Protego”
A small smile played on her lips as she mixed the ingredients together “I used to want to be an auroa” she answered “You can read about these spells all you want, but it’s completely different actually preforming them and using them on other people” once the potion turned the right shade of orange, she scooped a cup out for Harry to drink “And if I can’t immediately do it, I think I’ve done something wrong and no longer want to do it” she sits down next to him and hands him the pumpkin shaped cup
“Y/n I don’t think you realize how brilliant of a witch you are” Harry tells her softly
“Yeah yeah” she urged him to take the cup from her “If I had a bit of patience, I could thrive in one subject” Harry winced at the bitter taste but drinks it nonetheless “How bad would you say the pain is?” She asked while leaning over to grab a small jar of ointment
“7.5” he answers quickly “Maybe even an eight” with a nod, she unscrews the top and uses three fingers to scoop some out “Maybe you could teach me a few spells one day” his voice gets caught in his throat as her fingers spread the cool gel over his skin
“The student becomes the teacher” she smiled but grew concerned at his silence “Are you alright Harry?” the boy couldn’t speak so he opted on nodding “You don’t have to lie to me” she tells him “I haven’t made the potion in so long, if you feel funny, you need to tell me”
Oh he definitely felt funny… “How often did you make the potion?” He finally speaks up
“My friends were troublemakers, both witches and muggles” she answered while grabbing more ointment “However, my muggle friends did absolutely anything they could to be in harms way. I couldn’t exactly tell them I was giving them a healing potion or rubbing magical ointment to get rid of the pain, but when I was younger, I used to kiss their injury and tell them I did it to make it better. And the next day, they’d be completely fine” she then puts the lid back on the jar “They would joke and say my kisses had magical healing abilities but I would just say it was the “organic smoothie” I made them”
Harry couldn’t breathe, he swore she could hear his heart beating out of his chest but all he could do was blurt out eight words “Will you kiss it to make it better?” Y/n slowly looked up at the boy who burned red
“Honestly Harry” she playfully shook her head while leaning over to put the ointment back on the night stand “You’re such a baby” she then leans down to gently kiss his collarbone “And now my lips are gonna go numb” she wipes the ointment off her lips and stands up to finish cleaning “Come on, let’s get you out of here before someone tells Umbridge I have a boy in my room”
It’s not that Harry purposefully hurt himself, but ever since he found out Y/n was good at healing, he’d been purposefully hurting himself.
It was all minor injuries, things that could easily be fixed at the hospital wing, or even a weeks worth of rest. However, why go to madam Pomfrey when he could get a kiss from Y/n?
It’s not that Harry wanted to be hit by the bludger, but it did work in his favor. He would go back to Y/n, where she would scold him while he marveled at how brilliant she was, and she would give him a kiss. Besides, he’d been “injured” almost every day for the past two weeks. If he came back with another small cut, she might catch on.
Harry was knocked off his broom and nearly fell to his death if it weren’t for Hermione’s quick thinking. A time out was called to address his injuries but Harry could only think of one thing.
“Are you alright mate?”
Harry nods while slowly sitting up “It was worth it” he strained
“What? Being hit straight with a bludger and falling hundreds of feet out the air?” Harry gave the girl a look before opening his hand to reveal the snitch
“HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFINDOR WINS!!” The stadium goes into an uproar while a determined Harry picked himself up
“We really need to get you to the hospital wing” Hermione tries to put his arm around her shoulder but he shrugs her off
“The hospital wing will be full” he tells her “I’ll just go to Y/n, her dorm is closer than the hospital wing. Besides, the pain is manageable” he was in excruciating pain
Hermione gave Ron a look and the ginger shrugged his shoulders knowing exactly why he preferred seeing her “Alright” Hermione finally agreed “Do you need any help with anything?”
Harry nodded “Could you take my broom back for me?”
Y/n would’ve attended the game but Mcgonagall had been on her arse to find a way back home…not that she knew anything about quidditch anyway. I’m sure he’ll win
Her concentrated thoughts came to an end once a knock came from her door “Come in” she called out which revealed a beat up and bruised Harry “Oh my-” she quickly jumped out of bed and ran to his side “Harry what happened?”
The books and notes flew off her bed so she could gently lay him down “Bludger came after me” he tells her “Knocked me straight off my broom” he hissed
Y/n sucks her teeth “I don’t understand how quidditch is safe for students to play” she tried removing his armor but immediately stopped when he let out a loud groan “Harry, I think you should go to the hospital wing”
Harry quickly shook his head “It’s full at the moment” her hand stopped on his jersey “It’ll be okay, I trust you”
She knew the boy was stubborn and lugging him across the castle wasn’t the best idea, so she let out a soft sigh “Did you guys at least win?” Her eyes flicker up to his and he nods
“I caught the snitch” her hand gently makes its way to his face, which he gladly leans into
“I’m sure you did” she tells him in a baby voice before standing up “I have no clue what that or a bludger is but I’ll put the ointment on you so you’re not as miserable”
“I could never be miserable around you” Y/n stops and looks down at him with a quirked brow
“I can tell you’re in a lot of pain Harry” she gently sits next to him and unscrews the jar “Extra pale skin, excessive sweat, quickened heart rate, dilated eyes” she lifts his Jersey up and was completely mortified to see the black bruises dance along his chest “It’s unbelievable how reckless you men are” she nagged while scooping ointment out
“The bludger hit me” he defended but she still held her scowl “I’m fine Y/n” she didn’t say a word but continued frown “Hey, look at me” his hand stops her from rubbing the gel on him which quickly makes her look up “I’m fine”
She was first to look away, obviously still mad that he would play a sport so dangerous but she could feel his lingering eyes “Once the pain subsides, I’ll check to make sure there’s no broken bones” she explained while putting the ointment away “But with the chest plate, your ribs might just be bruised” if this is how hard it hit him with gear on, I’d hate to see what it could do without it
“Do you want me to take my shirt off?” Y/n’s eyes darted to his “So it’ll be easier…to access my chest” Harry wanted to punch himself for sounding like an idiot
“I mean…” she shrugged her shoulders “It’ll help but I don’t want to put you through anymore pain” Harry then goes to rip his clothes off but Y/n stops him with a laugh “It’s fine Harold” she gently takes his hands in her “I appreciate the consideration though” she then let’s go of his hands to inspect his chest again “Hmmm…” her fingers drew circles around his bruises “I think I have just the potion for this” she then jumps from her spot and searched her cupboard “I think…this might help” she tosses a bottle at Harry which he easily catches “Bottoms up”
The vile liquid poured down his throat and she gives him a cheeky smile “What on earth was that?” She then sits next to the boy and lifts up his jersey
“Well would you look at that” she smiled while putting the jersey down “No broken bones, bruised ribs” she looks up to meet his eyes “Just like I told you” a frown covered Harry’s face as he knew what would happen now “I ought to make you some of this ointment since you wind up hurt every other day…you might be a wee bit sore but that should subside in like three days” she tilts her head in confusion “What’s wrong? Does something else hurt?”
Harry shook his but lifted up his jersey “Can you kiss it to make it feel better?” Y/n gave him a small smile
“You truly are pathetic Harold, I hope you know that” she leans down towards his chest, inhaling his deep musky scent before finally letting her soft plump lips kiss him. Her hair tickled his bare skin but Harry didn’t mind, he couldn’t breathe, he didn’t dare to. But this time she did notice his breath hitch “Did I hurt you?” She quickly asked while looking up at him but he shakes his head
“You could never hurt me” y/n rolls her eyes
“You’re too cheesy”
The happiest memory huh?
Y/n glumly watched as everyone conjured their patronus. Yes, it was a hard spell for some but she couldn’t even think of a happy memory to even try.
“Excellent work Ginny!” Harry congratulated with a smile
“That’s so cool!”
The blonde girl stopped to think for a moment “Expecto Patronum!” Everyone awed at the rabbit that hopped around the room
“Y/n” Harry walked over to her
“Pass” she lazily replied and he frowns
“Reading about the spell is nowhere as beneficial as trying, just try”
Y/n looked around at the others “Can’t think of any happy memories, just come back to me later”
“You don’t need to cast a full body patronus” he tells her while grabbing her hand “Just think of the last time you were happy” Harry slowly let go of her hand as she pondered
The first thing she could think of was Harry flying her around on his broom, his contagious laugh echoed in her ears while she screamed loud enough that people in Hogsmead could hear her. A small smile played on the corners of her lips “Expecto patronum!”
A hazy light blue shot out of her wand and a small body began to form “Brilliant” Y/n turned to meet his gaze “You’re absolutely brilliant” but the moment they shared was cut short due to the room shaking. Y/n’s patronus completely disappeared once the room shook again.
Harry protectively stepped in front of Y/n as everyone cautiously looked around. Without a moments notice, a couple of students went flying along with debris.
Umbridge proudly stood at the hole in the wall while Draco dragged Cho to the front as a trophy. Y/n knew something like this was bound to happen, Umbridge couldn’t have been that dumb.
Everyone filed out of the room of requirement and into Umbridge’s classroom to endure two hours of torture. It angered Y/n, being disciplined, tortured because they wanted to learn how to protect themselves. If she didn’t know any better, she’d assume Umbridge was working for Voldemort.
Y/n was used to the pain, she’d been in detention at least twice a week for the entire school year. What did bother her however was hearing the kids sniffle and muffle their cries from the pain. They didn’t deserve it, hell, none of them did, all it did was add fuel to the flame.
“It hurts” a young blonde boy cried to the Weasley twins
He’s just a kid
Y/n reached into her robes and pulled out a familiar tub of ointment “Hey” she gently called out to the boy “I’ve got something that’ll make the pain go away” she knew she wasn’t the most liked, especially from Ron or Hermione’s friends, but attempting to offer comfort was better than nothing “I use it on Harry all the time, look” she opened the jar and grabbed a glob of the medicine “It works almost instantly” after a small not of approval, Y/n rubbed the ointment all over his hand “See”
The boy looked up with much gratitude “You’re right” he sniffled “I don’t feel anything anymore!”
“Hey” Fred peered over the boys shoulder “Do you think we could borrow some of that?”
Y/n quickly nods “Of course” she rubs the gel over their hands and the twins smile
“Bloody brilliant!” George exclaimed “Ron, Hermione, Y/n here has something to help with the pain!”
Soon, a small group began to huddle around her, curious to see what the chatter was about “You crafted this?” Hermione asked once she tried it
Y/n nods and the witch furrows her eyebrows “Then you’re a bloody genius” Ron interrupted while marveling at his now pain free hand
“There isn’t anything about this in any medical books” there isn’t now, but there will be in approximately fifteen years
“I…made it myself” Y/n lied, she had to lie, it might hurt the future more if she didn’t
“Here, try this” they all passed the can around and for once, Y/n felt like she wasn’t the black sheep
“Hey” Harry whispered
“Hey” the boy gently grabbed her hand
“You’re always fixing me up, why don’t I help you for once?” Her big orbs softened once they met his green ones
“Yeah…okay sure” her voice as equally soft, terrified to alert the others. Harry smoothed the gel over the scar etched onto her hand
“Thank you for this” he tells her “For keeping their hope”
Y/n shrugged her shoulders “They don’t deserve it, frog face will get what’s coming to her”
The group cleared out, leaving just the two of them alone in the hallway, which made Y/n grateful because Harry lifted her hand to his lips and gently kissed it
“All better” he whispered so softly that a mouse could barely hear it
“Thanks Harry” she could feel her cheeks heat up “We’d better get going before we get caught breaking one of Umbridge’s ridiculous rules”
Luckily for Y/n, she was able to convince Mcgonagall and Snape to skip her OWLS, deeming it a use of her time that she could be using to figure out a way out of there. However, Mcgonagall wouldn’t let her get off that easy. Yes she got to sleep in while everyone took their exams, but she had to regroup with Snape to asses her progress later that evening.
“Harry!” Y/n whisper shouted “What are you doing here?”
Harry cautiously looked around the classroom “I’ve been looking all over for you”
“Snape agreed to help me with something” she tells him while frantically looking outside the potion’s classroom “He’ll be here any moment so you have to-”
“I broke my nose” Y/n stops and lets out an annoyed huff
She didn’t bother asking how he broke his nose or why he didn’t just go to the hospital wing, she just pulled out her wand and flicked it at his nose. Harry winced in pain but she just grabbed his arm to drag him out the room
“We can discuss how this happened later, but right now you need to leave” Harry frowned in disappointment, the only time he’s spoken with her was at their meeting, which Umbridge had to ruin “Oh” she held the sides of his face and placed a gentle kiss on his nose “There” she takes a step back “Will you leave now?” She eagerly asked with a smile but Harry just gave her a blank stare “Harold”
“Y-yes” as if all motor functions turned on all at once “Later” there was so much he wanted to tell her, so many things happening at once, but he didn’t want her to worry about him nor come with.
Harry stumbled out of the classroom to make his way to Umbridge’s office, bumping into Snape on the way
“Potter” he spat “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Harry quickly shook his head “I was just on my way- I’m sorry” Snape frowned when the stuttering boy sped away. He knew something was going on, and he was determined to figure it out.
Snape entered his classroom to see Y/n reading over notes, and it was almost like he finally placed the last piece of the puzzle together “Is there any reason in particular that Potters a blushing fool down the hall?” Snape asked but Y/n quickly shook her head
“No idea” she then rips her notebook open “Now you said you made different variations of the potion, as did I so we could compare our results”
Snape walks over to his shelf of potion ingredients and stops “Would you be okay being stuck here?”
She tilts her head in confusion “What do you mean professor? I think we’re close to figuring this out”
Snape let’s out a sigh “In the events that we can’t figure out a way to send you back to your time, would you be completely disappointed?”
The thought never occurred to her that she might not go home “I mean professor Mcgonagall might be upset, I don’t think she likes me” she shrugs her shoulders “I mean I have no purpose here, no one really likes me, and I can’t do much because I don’t want to interfere with future events”
“I didn’t ask if Mcgonagall would be disappointed” he snapped “I asked if you would”
It was a tough hypothetical question. Magic was far more advanced where she’s from, everything was so much easier “ I might be a little disappointed but… I don’t really have anything in the future” she answered honestly “Both of my parents are dead and I can’t be stuck third wheeling my only friend, that was the whole reason of me taking the potion” images of Harry then flashed in her mind “However, I think I could manage being stuck here if I were around the right people”
Satisfied with your answer, Snape finally turns around “You may be dismissed”
Y/n’s eyebrows scrunch in confusion “But we didn’t-”
“Every variation of the potion I’ve made of the potion results the same, failure” Y/n looks down at her notes but he cuts her off before she could speak “It was very…obvious that they wouldn’t work, none of them turned a lilac color once finished”
“But we haven’t tried it”
Snape hits the top of her head with the notes “Would you rather be stuck in the stone ages where you’ll have absolutely no one?” Y/n pouts and Snape walks over to his office “If anything was wrong, it would be the incantation like you’ve said. Now you are dismissed” Y/n gets up from her stool with a huff but Snape stops in his tracks “And L/n”
She quickly looked over to him “Yes sir?”
“Stay away from Potter”
Her shoulders slumped “I know I know, don’t mess with the future”
“No, he’ll drag you into more trouble than you could imagine”
She never thought Snape was lying, but she figured it was easier said than done. As she walked back to the Hufflepuff dormitory, she thought about how this one school year had been more adventurous than the past three years of her life.
“Harry’s in trouble!” Ron yelled and Y/n quickly turned around
“That was faster than we thought” Neville told the others as Y/n jogged over
“What do you mean Harry’s in trouble?” She cautiously looked around and Ron attempted to hide his annoyance, but failed miserably
“Harry wants to go to the ministry to save his godfather” Luna tells her “But he needs our help”
Neville nodded “It’ll be sending him to his death if he goes alone”
Ron rolls his eyes “It was their idea to ask you to come” he then stubbornly crossed his arms “You don’t have to c-”
“Of course I’ll come!” The words Snape uttered a mere hour ago completely slipped her mind as the group ran to find Harry and Hermione
“How’d you get away?” Hermione asked as they ran into the group
“Puking pastilles” Ginny smiled “It wasn’t pretty”
“I told them I was hungry, wanted some sweets. We found Y/n along the way”
But something wasn’t right…
Y/n couldn’t figure out what’s supposed to happen or not, not everything was written down in the books. This seemed like an obvious trap, but none of them seemed to care. They only knew three defensive spells, one of which only three of them could properly preform.
“Hey” Harry whispered as the rest of the group walked off “Thanks for coming”
Y/n nodded while following the others “I wouldn’t be able so sleep if I just let you go alone” a small smile tugs on her lips “And so I know what kind of potions to brew when you inevitably get hurt”
Harry let’s out a small laugh “Are you going to be okay with flying?” Y/n quickly stopped in her tracks
The green eyed boy nods “That’s how we decided we’d get to the ministry” Y/n’s eyes widened as she watched the others mount the beasts
She rips her eyes away to turn to Harry “I think I’ll take the floo network”
Harry let out a short laugh “How about you ride with me?” He asked while mounting his own thestrial “That way I can tell you all about how I broke my nose” she honestly couldn’t care less about his nose right now “Do you trust me?” He asks again while holding out his hand
“Oh come on” Ron calls out “We haven’t got all day, you’re either going or you’re not”
But Harry and Y/n couldn’t even hear how irritated Ron was, all they focus on was each other. How his green eyes swam with anticipation and hers flickered with worry.
Death eaters will probably kill me before I die from falling off
Y/n slowly grabbed his hand and jumped onto the creature. Once Y/n’s arms wrapped around his waist and her head leaned onto his shoulder, Harry nodded at the others with a determined nod and quickly took off into the air.
Y/n appreciated the small talk but was absolutely terrified and wanted nothing more than touch ground.
“How did you get out of taking your OWLS?” Harry asked the girl
“I told Snape I didn’t feel good so he told me I could take my exam after hours with him” she quickly spat out “But more importantly, how are you feeling? You passed out? Umbridge slapped you? She threatened to use the cruciatis curse on you?” Of course Harry told her all about it, making sure not to leave a single detail out
“This is it” Harry tells the group as they run down the isles “It has to be here somewhere”
But a single prophecy stuck out to her, causing her to stop in her tracks
Y/n L/n
Why would I have a prophecy?
The curiosity got the best of her as she slowly grabbed the orb off the shelf “Harry?” They all turned to Neville “It has your name on it”
The boy nervously grabbed the orb and let them all listen to the prophecy “Wait…” something isn’t right “Harry!” They all looked up to see a lone death eater approaching them
“Where’s Sirius?” Harry asked with much determination
“You should learn the difference between dreams” he held his wand up to his face “And reality” Lucius Malfoy? “You only saw what the dark lord wanted you to see”
This isn’t good Y/n’s heart anxiously thumped, we need to get out of here
That’s when a sickening laugh echoed throughout the room “Bellatrix Lestrange” Neville muttered
“Harry” Y/n whispered “We need to go”
“Neville Longbottom, is it? How’s mum and dad?”
They all turned to the boy “Better now that they’re about to be revenged!” Harry was quick to hold back the boy
Lucius held his hands out “Now, let’s everyone…calm down”
So stupid…what’s supposed to happen now?
Are we supposed to be here?
Did I change the events of history?
“YOU FILTHY HALFBLOOD” Y/n jumped at the sudden loudness and snapped back to reality of the situation. They were surrounded by death eaters, all with the intent to kill. Seven students against fifteen (that she counted) wanted murderers, but despite it walking into her inevitable death, Y/n trusted Harry with her life. And if Harry wanted to fight, she’d fight for him with her very last breath.
“I’ve waited fourteen years” Harry finally tells them and Y/n takes this as her cue to get into a fighting stance
Lucius sucks his teeth and gives a ‘sincere’ sigh “I know”
“I guess I can wait a little longer” Harry turns to the girl “NOW!”
They all began to let spells fly while scattering like rats “Protego!” The spell deflected and Harry was fast to grab Y/n’s hand
“We have to go” she nodded at his determination and ran hand in hand with the boy. Death eaters were everywhere, and if it weren’t for the fact that they wanted the prophecy, they’d probably throw killing curses left and right.
“Levicorpus!” Y/n then bounced the man off the ground and against a shelf “this way” Harry followed her lead and was soon met with the others
“What now?” Neville asked while death eaters closed in on them
“REDUCTO!” The sudden explosion blew a big gust of wind towards them and Y/n turned to the group “I didn’t think that one all the way through” shelves began collapsing whilst prophecies shattered
“Quick!” Harry yelled “Towards the door” the boy yanked Y/n along as they truly ran from death. Being crushed to death didn’t cross Y/n’s mind at all, but it would probably be less painful than being captured.
The group barged through the door and one by one fell to what they believed was their death. Harry pulled Y/n close and wrapped his arms around her, using himself as a safety net. Y/n buried her head into his chest to hide from the horrors of their inevitable death.
But they stopped.
There was no sudden thud, there was no sound of agonizing screaming, the only thing that reminded her that they were alive was the fact that she could feel Harry’s heart beat out of his chest.
Then they hit the ground with a small thud. Y/n rips her eyes open and looks up at the boy “I almost feel as if I should yell at you for telling me I wouldn’t fall to my death”
Harry let out a small chuckle “But you didn’t”
The thought of death eaters being near didn’t bother either of them as they stared into each others eyes “The boy who lived was willing to die to keep me alive” she tilted her head to the left and smiled “I promise the fate of the entire wizarding world is much more important than me”
Harry shook his head “I told you I’d never let you fall to your death and you put your trust in me”
If Y/n could lay on top of Harry all night and just talk to him, she would, but she finally snapped back to reality and climbed off of him
“Well it’s not called the department of mystery’s for no reason” Ron commented while Harry spun around
“Do you hear that?”
Hermione was quick to shake her head “Hear what?”
“It sounds like voices”
She gave the boy a weird look “There’s no voices Harry”
But she was wrong “I can hear them too Harry” Y/n reassured while Luna nodded
“Everyone get behind me!” But it was too late, everyone except Harry was swept up by a death eater and taken hostage
“No one has to die Potter” Lucius told the boy as he jabbed his wand into Y/n’s neck “Just hand over the prophecy and we’ll let everyone go”
So I don’t get crushed to death, fall to my death, I just die by the hands of a Malfoy… maybe I should’ve befriended Draco after all
If the fate of the future lies in my hands, we’re all so screwed, I can’t recall any of these events in any history book
Just then, she was whisked away by an auroa
“Thank Merlin you’re here” she told the woman with purple hair
“Don’t thank us yet” she then zapped the wizard that dared attack them “You need to get to safety”
Y/n nodded
I need to get Harry and I to safety
Y/n ran around the room, watching as aurors and death eaters fight across the room
“Protego” she had no business fighting someone who wanted her dead, so she figured as long as she was able to get to Harry unscathed she could just use offense spells
“Where do ya think you’re goin?”
Barty crouch Jr? Y/n shook her head as the manic man stood before her “Don’t know who you are nor care, Aguamenti!” She sprayed a jet of water at the man, causing him to wipe his face in confusion “Alarte Ascendare!” The man flew into the air and she took this chance to make a run for it
“Avada Kedavra!” Y/n stopped in her tracks and her eyes widened as Sirius was struck by the killing curse oh Harry…
Y/n quickly ran over to Harry and wrapped her arms around the grieving boy. “Harry” she held onto the boy as he screamed “Harry come on we have to-” the boy pushed away from her and chased after the manic woman “HARRY!” She goes to chase after him but someone else holds her back
“I HAVE TO GO” she yelled as she struggled to escape their grasp
“We have to get you to safety” Lupin informed her, Y/n whips around with worry covering her face
“What about Harry?” She asked with teary eyes “He’ll die by himself out there”
“He’s not by himself” he comforted “Now we must hurry”
Y/n knew from that moment forward, she’d be intertwined in this mess and that there was only one way out. She knew she wouldn’t be able to go home without ending this once and for all, she would have to fight in the wizard war to protect her future.
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jupiterpp · 3 months
CHAPTER THREE: CHARISMA | 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞. -𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
important note; This is the first time I'm posting my stories on Tumblr. My mother tongue is not English so expect grammatical errors ahead.
word count: 2.8k words
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"Slug club?" I remarked, my interest piqued at the peculiar name. I turned my gaze towards Slughorn, who calmly set down his mug on the polished desk, and then settled into his chair with an air of satisfaction. "You named the club after yourself? Quite classy."
"Don't even start, my dear," He sighed, shaking his head. "Your Father was a part of my club not so long ago.  And might I add, he was quite the charming fellow, if memory serves me right."
I couldn't help but smirk playfully at Slughorn's remark. "Oh, so if I join your club, you'll finally have a charming member again?"
Slughorn chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, yes," he admitted, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I suppose you could say that," Slughorn replied with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "But of course, it's not-"
"No thanks," I cut in, rising from my seat and snatching the new schedule from the table. I pointed it playfully at Slughorn, a smirk tugging at my lips. "If you'll excuse me, I need to get to my..." I glanced down at the schedule in my hand, then back up at him. "Defense Against the Dark Arts class." With a casual wave, I turned on my heel and headed for the door, leaving Slughorn chuckling behind me.
As I strolled down the bustling corridors, a mix of excitement and nerves bubbled inside me. It was only the second day of classes, but it already felt like I had been here for ages. I turned a corner and found myself in front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. The door was already open, and a few students were trickling in.
Scanning the room, I spotted a familiar face—Elara Hartwell, my newfound friend. She was already seated, her curly auburn hair framing her face as she scribbled diligently in her notebook. I made my way over and slid into the chair next to her.
"Merlin, where have you been?" she exclaimed in a hushed voice, glancing up from her notes to shoot me a playful yet concerned look. "Class is about to start in a few minutes!"
I flashed her a quick grin. "Got held up by Slughorn," I replied, my voice trailing off as I noticed the figure seated beside me.
Tom Riddle sat there, his dark, piercing eyes meeting mine with a cold, calculating look. His presence was unsettling, sending a shiver down my spine. I narrowed my eyes at him before averting my gaze when the professor walked in. Reinhard Lestrange was sitting right beside him and stayed silent once the professor walked in.
Professor Galatea Merrythought entered the room with her usual commanding presence, her eyes scanning the class as she set her things on the desk. The room fell silent.
"Good morning, everyone," she said in a voice that was cool but not unkind. "Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. I am Professor Merrythought, and my goal is to prepare you to face any dark force you might encounter, both inside and outside these walls."
She flicked her wand, and the blackboard behind her filled with intricate diagrams of defensive spells and counter-curses. "We'll start with the basics today, but don't get too comfortable. Things will get challenging quickly."
Merlin. Already?
I propped my right arm on the desk, leaning in with a small smile on my face as the class continued, Professor Merrythought moved on to a particularly serious topic: the three Unforgivable Curses. She paced the room, her eyes scanning each of us with a piercing intensity.
"Now, students," she began, her voice taking on a grave tone, "I trust you're all aware of the three Unforgivable Curses. Can anyone tell me what they are?"
I glanced around the class, observing their raised hands, and hesitantly raised mine as well. Beside me, Tom Riddle's hand shot up with swift confidence. Professor Merrythought's gaze swept over the sea of students, pausing momentarily on Tom before settling on me.
"Ah, you there," she said, pointing directly at me. "You're the new student, aren't you? What's your name?"
"Yes, Professor," I responded promptly, pushing my chair back and standing up. I straightened my posture, clasping my hands behind my back as I looked at her with a calm smile. "I'm [Name] Delacroix, Professor."
"Very well, Miss Delacroix," Professor Merrythought acknowledged before continuing. "Name one of the Unforgivable Curses."
"The Imperius Curse," I replied confidently, maintaining eye contact with her. She nodded slightly, urging me to elaborate. I cleared my throat softly, my voice steady as I continued. "The Imperius Curse is one of the three Unforgivable Curses. It allows the caster to control the actions of the victim, essentially enslaving them to their will," I explained, feeling the eyes of my classmates on me.
"Well done, Miss Delacroix. Five points to Slytherin," Professor Merrythought nodded approvingly, a serious expression on her face. "Next!"
A sense of pride swelled within me as I sank back into my seat with a small sigh, looking at Elara who gave me a smile and patted my shoulders for gaining a point at our house. 
"Mister Riddle," Professor pointed at Riddle who immediately stood up.
Tom's expression remained neutral as he elaborated. "The Cruciatus Curse is used to inflict excruciating pain on the victim. It is a form of torture and leaves no physical marks, making it a particularly cruel form of punishment."
"Excellent, Riddle. Ten points to Slytherin," Professor Merrythought announced, sounding all pleased. I couldn't help but raise a brow, nudging Elara beside me.
"How come he gets ten points and I got five?" I whispered low.
Professor Merrythought seemed satisfied with his answer and turned her attention to the rest of the class. "And the last one? Mister Avery?"
"Favoritism," Elara replied, leaning closer to me. I nodded in agreement, my gaze shifting to Riddle, who appeared focused on the class. "Almost all the professors have a soft spot for him. I don't know why, maybe because he's charming."
"Five points to Slytherin," Professor Merrythought announced before circling around her desk, her eyes scanning the class.
"See what I mean?" Elara nudged me again, her elbow gently poking my sides.
I glanced at her, rolling my eyes slightly. "Charming or not, it's still not fair," I murmured back, feeling a flicker of irritation. 
When the class finally ended, Elara and I made our way to the Great Hall for lunch. The grandeur of the hall never failed to awe me, with its enchanted ceiling reflecting the sky outside and the long tables adorned with delicious dishes.
I couldn't help but notice Riddle sitting with a group of friends, engaged in conversation. Among them were Lestrange and Avery, a name I had heard mentioned earlier in class. They seemed deep in discussion together.
We found an empty spot at the Slytherin table and sat down, filling our plates with a variety of food. Despite my earlier frustration, the lively chatter and delicious aroma of the food lifted my spirits.
"So, what do you think of Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Elara asked between bites of her meal.
"It's definitely interesting," I replied, taking a sip of pumpkin juice. "Though I could do without the blatant favoritism."
Elara chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yes, it does seem rather obvious, doesn't it?"
I glanced at Elara, who followed my gaze with a curious expression. "That's Lestrange, right?" she whispered, leaning in closer, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studied him.
"Mhm," She hummed as Silvius Tiberius, another Slytherin that I had met yesterday came to sit with us across the table followed by Augustus Montague and Marcellus Langley. "Wait, you know Lestrange?" Elara paused eating, her fork hovering in mid-air as she looked at me with raised brows, her curiosity piqued.
"Yes," I replied. "He was my partner at potions class yesterday."
"Seriously?" Elara's eyes widened in disbelief. She glanced at Silvius, who seemed to tense up under her scrutinizing gaze. She then turned back to me, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Haven't I told you about... Riddle's friends?"
Now it was my turn to raise a brow at her, my curiosity matching hers. "No? Why? Have they done something wrong?"
Elara sighed softly, her expression grave. "They're not exactly known for their good behavior," she explained quietly. "Riddle and his friends—Lestrange included—have a reputation for causing trouble and doing nasty things around Hogwarts. Rumors say they've got a knack for getting away with it, too."
"It's not just harmless pranks. Some of the stuff they do is really nasty. At least that's what the rumors said. Not sure about Riddle though. He seems to be more focused on class than doing stupid things." Said Marcellus, glancing at me with a smirk.
Marcellus leaned in, lowering his voice. "Another saying I heard is they have a way of making people's lives miserable if they want to. They've been known to... manipulate situations to their advantage."
"It's best to keep your head down and avoid crossing paths with them," Silvius said with a shrug. "They're always up to something." 
'✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ೃ⁀➷-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-˚. ೃ⁀➷'✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
Sitting in the library, I engrossed myself with a book related to Charms. The quiet atmosphere and the scent of aged parchment provided a welcome refuge from the complexities and intrigues of Slytherin House. Flipping through the pages, I found myself absorbed in a section on advanced wand movements, trying to commit each precise flick and swish to memory.
I paused when I heard heavy breathing not far from me. I side-glance to my left and caught a glimpse of a figure in the corner of my eye. Eventually, They ended up behind the bookshelf in front of me, causing me to narrow my eyes at the heavy breathing this person was making.
This person thinks I haven't noticed him watching me since I arrived at Hogwarts. This person, I see him everywhere. He's following me. With a flick of my fingers, the books covering the person's face shifted aside, revealing a young boy who gasped and trembled when our eyes met.
Realization hit me when I met his familiar gaze. "What the hell—Dennis—"
He stammered a few words before he ran out of the library, causing a few glares to follow his hasty exit.
"Bishop! Get back here!" the librarian yelled after him, her face reddening with irritation. I sank back into my chair, trying to ignore the curious looks from the other students. Great, now I was on the librarian's radar as well.
My eyes instinctively followed the doors of the library, tracking Dennis's hurried departure. What on earth was that about? Dennis at Hogwarts? The thought seemed inconceivable. He was from a world completely unaware of magic.
Elara, who had been quietly absorbed in her studies nearby, approached with a quizzical expression. She slid into the seat next to me, her curiosity evident. "What was all that commotion about?"
I sighed, shaking my head in bewilderment. "I wish I knew," I admitted, furrowing my brows.
Elara looked thoughtful for a moment, her gaze flicking towards the library entrance where Dennis had run away. "Why did he seem so startled?"
"I don't know," I replied with a hint of frustration, shrugging my shoulders. "You tell me. That guy's been acting strange since the moment I arrived."
Silvius and Augustus had now joined us, their curiosity piqued. Silvius, leaning casually against the table, raised an eyebrow. "Weird how?"
I glanced around to make sure no one else was listening. "He's been following me everywhere. Watching me. It seems like he's got something to say but can't find the nerve."
"Bishop's always been a bit of an odd duck," Mulciber joined the conversation, placing a stack of books on the table. Elara shot Mulciber a warning look, but he continued unabated. "What? It's true. No denying it. The bloke's a shadow, always lurking about. Gives me the creeps."
Elara frowned at Mulciber. "That's not helping, Mulciber."
He shrugged dismissively. "Just stating the obvious."
I shook my head and sighed, feeling a mixture of concern and confusion. My fingers idly traced the gilt lettering on the book's spine before I closed it, meeting my friends' eyes earnestly. "Let's change the subject," I suggested.
Elara and Silvius exchanged a knowing glance, silently agreeing to drop the matter for now. Augustus, ever perceptive, nodded in understanding. "Right," he said, picking up on my subtle cue. "Any plans for the weekend?"
'✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ೃ⁀➷-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-˚. ೃ⁀➷'✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
It has been over two weeks since I arrived at Hogwarts.
Day by day, I've noticed the closeness between Professor Slughorn and Riddle. Their familiarity makes me wonder how long they've known each other. I've seen them together in the corridors, engaged in what seems like deep conversation. Sometimes, when I pass by Slughorn's office, I hear Riddle's voice, always calm and measured.
 Riddle was not fond of communicating with me. If I ask a question related to potions, he would give me a short answer clearly showing me that he does not want to interact.
I felt like I was being replaced.
Slughorn was occupied with Riddle and his club, leaving little time to spare for me. As a result, I found solace in spending my days in Dumbledore's office, immersed in books and studying. Dumbledore was fond of me from the very beginning, openly expressing that I was his favorite student—a fact that filled me with pride and a sense of belonging.
Slughorn took notice of how little we've been spending time together so he brought me to the Black Lake with Mr. Tibbers.
I walked alongside Slughorn at the Black Lake with Mr. Tibbers following us behind. "Professor," I called, peering over my shoulder, motioning for my cat to follow me. "I wanted to discuss something with you."
Slughorn turned his attention towards me, his brow slightly raised in curiosity. "What is it, my dear?"
"Well, I've noticed that you and Riddle seem quite close," I ventured, clasping my hands behind my back. "I actually knew him briefly when we were eleven. We met at an orphanage where my mother used to work."
"Oh, yes, I'm aware," He replied in a calm tone, a smile etching his face. That caught me off guard. He knows? how? No one knows about this even Dumbledore.
I blinked, surprised. "You know?"
"If my memory suits me right, Tom told me like five days ago." Slughorn nodded, his smile still present. "He brought it up in one of our conversations." Slughorn's gaze turned thoughtful, his brows knitting together slightly. "I've noticed you haven't interacted much with Tom since you've been here. Is there a reason for that?"
Caught off guard, I struggled to articulate my thoughts. "I... Well, I mean, why would you expect me to interact with him?"
"Well," Slughorn shrugged casually, his demeanor relaxed as we approached the heavy oak door leading back into the castle hallway. The bustle of students passing by provided a comforting backdrop to our conversation. "He is your friend, isn't he?"
I let out a frustrated huff, feeling the weight of my words as I spoke. "I highly doubt he considers me as one of his friends," I replied, my voice carrying a hint of bitterness, before resuming my stride alongside Slughorn. "He doesn't even want to talk to me."
Slughorn merely shrugged, his expression placid. "Maybe you should be the one initiating the conversation."
That's literally what I meant.
"Speaking of talking to people," I began, my tone serious, "have you noticed anything peculiar about a student named Dennis Bishop? He's been acting rather oddly since I arrived."
Slughorn furrowed his brow, pausing for a moment as he considered my question. "Dennis Bishop? Can't say I've noticed anything out of the ordinary. But then again, I don't always catch everything. Why, what's going on?"
I paused, glancing around before leaning in closer to him with a serious tone. "He's been following me around."
Slughorn's expression shifted, his brow furrowing further as he processed my words. "Following you around, you say? Like-"
"Stalking," I nodded, feeling a sense of unease settling over me. "Exactly like that. It's starting to unsettle me, to be honest."
Before Slughorn could respond, the sound of approaching footsteps drew my attention. I turned slightly and saw Riddle and his companions nearing us. A chill swept through me as Riddle's intense gaze fixed momentarily on me before smoothly shifting to Slughorn.
"Professor," Riddle greeted with a polite nod, his voice smooth as silk. "Good evening."
"Oh right," Slughorn, seemingly distracted, shook his head lightly before turning to me and placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. His touch pulled my gaze away from Riddle's piercing stare. "I've invited them for dinner. Care to join us?"
Caught off guard by the invitation, I hesitated briefly. The idea of dining with Riddle and his companions didn't sit well with me. Despite Slughorn's friendly demeanor, I knew that this gathering was likely another one of his Slug Clubs or whatever they were talking about inside Slughorn's office.
"Thank you, Professor, but I think I'll pass," I replied, forcing a polite smile. "I have some studying to catch up on."
Slughorn's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of disappointment passing through his eyes before he swiftly recovered. "Of course, my dear. Another time, then," he said warmly. "Don't overexert yourself with your studies."
"Thank you, Professor. I'll see you later," I said, nodding in farewell.
With Mr. Tibbers in my arms, I made my way out of there, determined to put as much distance between myself and the awkward situation as possible. As I glanced back, I caught Riddle's gaze, his expression inscrutable as Slughorn ushered them into his office. Ignoring him, I turned my back and continued on my way, my mind buzzing with thoughts and questions.
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shitt4brainz · 6 months
When i turn 17 (october) should i make a youtube channel?
im thinking 17 cause then i can drive and i can make vids in the car but idk its kinda embarrassing if anyone i know finds it yk😭
idfk i'll probably end up not doing shit cause fucking anxiety but yea idk
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lovenonymously · 1 month
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The Girl Who Saw Tomorrow - Harry Potter
Wattpad fanfic, time travel fix-it ;)
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lotuslovers · 1 year
‘Running from love’ // t.r part 1
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Pairing: female!potter(james’ sister) x Tom Riddle
wc: 3.3 k
Summary: In the past, the reader hadn't hope to fall in love with him, their goal was to prevent the rise of the Dark Lord but nothing seemed to go as planned when they are sent back into the future. In the months following the return, Tom Riddle continues to haunt their nightmares and their new reality as he closes in on them. How can an old love cause so much harm? 
Trigger warnings: nightmares, trauma, brief mention of death, mentions of blood but not highly graphic 
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | tbc
Emerging from the shallow whispers of looming fears, the voice had appeared again. On the drawn out nights, a voyeur’s lingering gaze seemed to bleach the skin. Soft patches flare at the invisible force, leaving a rosy pink hue to taint the surface. Unease would stick when no amount of soap and water would wash the sinners' trace away…disturbing the sanctity of peace.
Minutes to hours could pass before one's own instinct would emerge, a dazed turning in the sheets as the traces of fear crept up. One always returned, the form of whispers called to her self conscious in a cruel taunt that prodded behind the resting eyelids. Jeering words, a familiar voice would chide again to convince her it was him. A constant presence, which never seemed to reside into the hours of the day. Rather, it lurked in the past months to chip away any possible hours of sleep in the hopes of never being met by his face. Consciously, she was awake. Lying surrounded, in the withering comfort of their dormitory room, by the likes of her housemates.
Against the soft linen, the thought of sleep seemed as distant as it was near. This week, the sunken lines drew down harshly as the hours of remaining wide awake began to become visible despite any makeup or magic efforts she had tried. Thoughts of closing her eyelids only to be met with the penetrating gaze of his own had compelled all efforts to stay awake despite the snores emanating from the surrounding bunks.
The comfort of such a familiar campus now lacked the glitz and glam that had appealed to her for the past five years, even the familiarity of the rooms walls began to feel like they were closing in on her in a semblance of sleep deprived paranoia turning into claustrophobia. A number of ragged breaths echoed in the silence that was the late hours of the night. Clammy hands reached about, grasping a loose thin sheet, giving them a tight tug before wrapping it around her shoulders, as she leaned back to stare out of the near window. The rolling hills of the school's estate eased her heart temporarily, an hour longer would bring her body to the brink of pure exhaustion and lull her into a dream state.
Hazily, a new silence away from the buzzing in her ears and the tears of frustration filled her with a calmness that she had only felt briefly in the last year. However, good things never lasted. At least not for them.
Murmurs began, soft words slowly met her ears as the once resting body began to give in to the convincing sweetness of their words despite the panic that filled her mind to do anything else. To scream, to run, to do anything but find solace in the arms of a maniac. Even after the months of torment as he filled her conscious full of paranoia, she had and would always fold to the will of this man despite everything that was done. Overcome by the darkness, falling in and out of consciousness until they came to, in a familiar room. Their eyes were sealed shut, but one's own senses could not override the gut feeling of where she was. The feeling of a warm room and the flickers of candle light brightly burned behind the eyelids in a darkened room. Beneath them bedding cushioned them, a four poster bed with a small desk lining the wall to the left of her. She had known, too afraid to acknowledge the growing pit in her stomach at the feeling of being in the voyeurs' den.
His own presence was not felt in the room, so in a leap of faith and pure hope she opened her eyes.
Unshockingly, it had been his dorm she was now in. Glancing down she was still in her pajamas, under her legs the fluffy sheets of a neatly made bed laid neatly next to the awaiting desk. On the piece, lay stationery, two class textbooks(one of which was open), a bundle of layed out papyrus, and a freshly used quill that dripped ink down onto one of the pages. Black letters jumbled onto the paper, leading off the page as if the owner was stopped midway through working and would have just left. Meaning they would arrive back anytime soon. In a daze her thoughts knew she had to move now, through a silent command her limbs startled awake. Steadily her strides turned, regardless of how she deployed herself to stop the agonizing steps. Easing her way off the bed, despite the fact she knew she was in the head boy’s room, the revelation always hit her hard when she glanced down at the ivory sheets, she for sure wasn’t in Gryffindor tower anymore. Stuck in the motions she attempted to lift her feet away from towards the door but they fell back to the floor, unconsciously rejecting her mind. Her legs spun around, flailing her onto the quilts as a drowsiness led them off to sleep once more.
By the time she began to stir, again a distant voice called out to her. Softly calling out her name, the voice speaking became clearer as if calling from within the room. A strong voice, airy but authoritative, spoke whispering closer and closer as her body turned to move away. In defense, her hands grasped the sheets between her palm and drew them up in an attempt to cover her ears. But it had only begun. A growing self awareness groggily came to, as fear fueled her body, thrashing through the blankets his voice suddenly stopped before she could wake up from the nightmare. Her body reacted before her thoughts could catch up, her chest began to dry heave, pumping fast shallow breaths out as a sheen of sweat stuck to her forehead. Trying to grasp any sense of calm but all the ease that was collected in those few moments was gone the second she felt someone next to her, watching her. She wasn’t awake,  she hadn’t escaped yet. Her mind so deeply wanted to believe she was safe awake in her room.
But the feeling of eyes made her aware, someone was next to her watching them and although she had not wanted to open her eyes, she mustered up the courage to do so. Her eyes first met the ceiling and the side of the poster bed, yet the colors immediately told her she was still in the Head Boy’s dorm. Moving to face her left, she came face to face with him once more as he sat at his desk. Within a second, she sprung up crawling as far back to hit against the headboard. Only as the wooden board hit the wall did the insecurity of being trapped before him stun her. He had an eerie smirk, one that implied his motivations were not to simply catch up. His hair was combed into perfectly loose waves, his own uniform robes hung onto his looming figure, and a mocking head boy pin shined in the small lighting in the room. He studied every muscle movement made, soaking in each other with a disturbing pride and possessiveness emanating off. 
Noting the silence, he began to resume speaking once taking a seat at the foot of the bed. We were so close in proximity as he leaned towards them. “I see good mornings are in order” he said with a smile. A real one, a safe smile that tempted me to indulge what I once wanted. Staring in response, he shifted up the bed until our foreheads met and his hands were on either side of my head. Glancing over, Tom indulged himself to catch every twitch or shift in her face. He watched them how a predator would do to a prey, before he lunged.
Soft, cold chapped lips met her own. On instinct she let herself get lost as her own molded to meet him despite the sinking fears. She truly was weak.
Hesitantly he pulled away snaking his arm up my abdomen, sending cold shivers through my bones. He licked his own lips, reaching over to jerk my own chin up, up to meet his dark eyes. “You know I care for you right?” he asked, tilting his head and rubbing his thumb over my lip. I was entranced, the thoughts in the back of my mind told me to wake up but I only could meekly nod to his words. “Good,” he said, glancing away towards the desk where smudged words rested on the papyrus scrolls. A half empty inkwell stared back, his eyes clung to the words as a pit of fear grew in her stomach. What was written on those papers? She could not be sure, but the ashen letters lacked any meaning as words. The only familiarity being the set of letters she had seen before, somewhere they had seen them.
“I wanted to make that clear before we’re out of time. Y/n, I will always care for you. Maybe even more than I can comprehend myself,” he concluded, catching how I squirmed under his penetrating gaze. “however, that’s the problem”.
“I don’t understand,” I stammered.
He paused attempting to start a sentence but stopping midway for a minute. “I can’t think, I can’t sleep anymore. All my thoughts are full of you, I always wonder where you are and whom you are with. And when I see you with anyone else it makes me want to strip all of my remaining humanity away. When you’re with someone, they look at you drinking in what should be mine. I glance over at you, at the men who think they can ever be good enough for you and it pains me to not rip their hands away. I feel things I shouldn’t and I can’t escape this insanity with my goals. I’ve found a way to take you along with me”. The admiration died down in my eyes, as a feeling of dread crept on the back of my mind, filling my veins.
His hands moved, reaching into his pockets digging to grasp an object. The hand with his wand dragged up to nudge against my neck. His other hand reached beneath the nearby pillow, pulling out a familiar necklace.
A silver locket, my own piece he had gifted to me our very first winter together. It was a silver plated rectangular piece with an ivory slytherin detailing on the front, with two sides connected at the hinge. He daggled it between our faces, the pendant's face gleamed in the candle light as it connected. “you will always be with me from now on” he said, as the tip of the yew dug into my nape.
“No- no, no, stop Tom. Please.” my voice staggered, the sound of blood rushing filled my ears. I tried to grab at anything in defense but before I could grab onto the nearest candle holders, my body froze. A non verbal binding charm washed over me, stopping me in place as the weight on my jugular heated.
He lunged, pinning me to the bed as his full body weight sat over mine “please, please don’t-'' I sobbed as the hand with the necklace smothered my words. “You know I love it when you beg, but you don’t have a choice in the matter”.
My body shook instinctively waiting for the inevitable, his hot breath hit her face as her eyes shut pleading for it to be over. Removing his palm he caressed her face, bringing his wand up to her face. Without hesitating he spoke, “Avada Kedavra''. A green light emitted as you yelled out his name desperately one last time as darkness consumed you once more.
As soon as it ended two arms shook your body with full force, more muffled words ringing in your ears. The fear instilled pumped through your body, alarming you of your assailant. Despite feeling frail as if still under the charm, you sprung up onto the person and fell onto the hardwood floor. Falling over the body beneath you, pinning them. “It’s me calm down Y/n'' a voice said in the dark alerting you of the position you had just put yourself in.
Collecting the embarrassment you had felt, rolling off the girl you attempted to pick both of you up from the floor. “Very smooth Lily, trying to kill me” I attempted to humor her, my own voice shaking with my ragged breaths that sounded through the room. The race of my heart thumped loudly in my ears as I reached around the covers of my bed feeling the familiar wand, to cast a lumos spell lighting up the small area around the bed.
A warm hand reached out to grab my own, “I’m worried,” the redhead spoke pacing around the lit dorm “these have been happening more frequently- You aren’t telling me what's happening. I’m going to tell James, I know you don’t want me to but this is serious” Evans said as I sighed, it had been months of her keeping my secret.
“I get it, good night lils”
When I rose the next morning the stream of light poured in through the windows, some fifteen minutes passed without my dorm mate. I was beginning to dread the walk to the common room, she was always so punctual and it seemed she already had gone to James before I could wake up and force her not to. Despite her own reservations and distaste towards him, her own growing worry about my nightmares triumphed over my lovely brother.
As if it was any other Tuesday, I dressed slowly putting my robes on carefully. Reaching under my pillow, almost repeating the same actions as Tom had done last night I momentarily froze as a feeling of deja vu settles over my bones. Hands gripped into fists as the small sound of approaching footsteps made me quickly proceed. I reached under to quickly grasp the silver chain tightly. I unclasped the chain to hook the necklace around my neck, opening the locket in my palms to reveal a black and white portrait that was in pristine condition. The image hadn’t been affected by time, it was as if it had just been made. Truthfully, it was over 35 years older than I was. On the parchment was a simple oil painting of me and Tom at Slughorn's Yuletide party made by my old friend Orpha Rosier, he had hated that such a well mannered witch would dabble in such juvenile means but I knew he had loved it secretly that I had a part of him always. A courting gift of his that hung possessively. I briefly reminisced until the creaking of the opening door rang out. Quickly I stuffed the necklace under my blouse, pretending to act as if I was smoothing down some wrinkles. Turning to meet the ginger's warm smile, she tried to comfort me but I knew what was coming. I was raised my entire life alongside James and he was the last person I would willingly confide in about Riddle. Not because I couldn't trust him, but I knew that him knowing would not be worth risking his safety. She said, “Your brother wanted to talk to you, he’s in the common room waiting with Remus, Peter and Sirius as well”.
Oh, of course they were. As time passes, you can only run for so long. My time then had shaped me to become a lot more polite than I would have been mere months ago. I simply responded by acknowledging her with a careful “thanks”. As she left the room, I stood there dragging out as much time as I could but there was only so much time before classes began so I left the safety of the dorms. Coming to the top of the stairs, down over the railing the common room buzzed with life as any other day in the term. Students came in and out talking drowsily, looking across the room I found my brother strung out on the arm of a couch with his own friends waiting for me as I began my descent down the steps.
“Morning” I spoke wearily, James gave me a glance over and a quick wink before he swung his arms up to over his two closest friend's shoulders to lift himself off the couch. As he startled up, Padfoot, who had been the nearest to me, reached out to grab onto my arms as my brother's other hand pick pocketed my wand. I attempted to protest and even with the last few months that I was pulled into the boy's schemes or the years I was coaxed by James to help him practice quidditch gruelingly, I knew there was no chance escaping the two bulky boys when they lifted me over their shoulders. I cursed and yelled out for the my dormmates who sat across the common room but they knew there was no getting in the way of my brother and  hsi friends. As I flailed I glanced behind me to try and win Peter or Remus over to help, but the first avoided eye contact and both rushed to follow. Lupin met my eyes as he joined the man handlers in yelling to the portrait “Dundrin Cesfian” as the four marauders dragged me through it and ran through the halls. From above, I could see the stares from the passing students that filled the hallways while heading down to breakfast. The boys hollered passing dozens of kids in robes from all houses as they ran up the moving staircases, almost dropping me twice when one turned unexpectantly, and up what I guessed was the seventh floor.
Down many turns in the hallways until they stumbled upon the gateway to the Room of Requirements that appeared before our eyes, Pettigrew jimmied the handle open. On this day, it appeared to us as a retro den with a lower living area steeped at the end of a walkway below the main floor, one I recognized from some ad that played frequently on the television sets the Pettigrews and Lupins had. Walking down the slowed floor, the hall opened to a set of curved couches around a fireplace and a muggle television set in the center of the room. I was lowered to be cradled between the handlers briefly for a second before I was harshly thrown on the end of the second brown couch. The one that was purposefully sat farthest away from door. In front of me, the four others lounged on the other sectional, looking over to me. Trying to hide my face, I shrugged my shoulders wishing for the pieces of my hair to fall in front of my face and to hide from the embarrassment burning in my mind. It was bad enough my roommate was treating me like a child, now it would be even worse with them hovering. 
“Lils," James sung annoyingly using my nickname for her, "told me you’ve been having these nightmares”. He had spoken with a unconcealed smirk, as if it was silly that I was still just like the little nine year old girl who ran to his room every time I a bad dream. I had grown out of it years ago, well before some recent events. The brunette eased back on the cushion, lazily crossing his arms behind his head as he leaned back. The three others shot glances between us, looking over to read the situation. “You could have told me y/n” he egged, but I knew he would hold this over my head. Like he always had, somethings truly don't change with time. But I really would have done the same if it were the other way around. My brother would predictably tease me saying he would tell everyone about my little nightmares if I didn’t do his charms homework, exactly what he had done to tease me for an embarrassing dirt he had on me since we started Hogwarts. He was quite predictable, but Godric was it unruly.
I merely responded with a small “uh huh” that was met with odd glances from the boys and one of his famous eye rolls from James. My truth was my own, not for their nosy selves to know. He continued unaffectedly, “She also you haven’t told her about any of it..” his curiosity was evident. He was right in his skepticism since I was never one to be good with keeping secrets or keeping anything from Lily. The redhead truly would have nosed her way into any of my secrets, had it not been about a certain slytherin. 
Unlike the nuisance, Sirius was growing antsy and had began fidgeting with his palms. Kicking his boot off of his knee to face me. He cut to the chase, “She said it's been going on for months” and his face was full of worry as he made eye contact with me. The look conveyed the small panic he felt, undoubtedly when Siri moved into our house in the summer, he assumed the role of a second annoying brother and even took on the responsibilities of supporting me. Although he showed a lot more concern for me on the outside then Prongs let on, we all knew it was a mutual amount of care they shared. I had grown up over the past few years with the four of them, I saw the glances Peter shot Remus as they had a silent conversation or the way my brother subconsciously shifted in their seats closer to my couch. And yet I knew not to let them in. 
My lack of response was clear as I felt my shoulders visibly tense, “and…” Remus spoke carefully fidgeting with his shirts collard, “It was about some guy” Peter finished the thought as I paused. If anything, Evans let on every detail about it. Of course the little she had known from the fits I had in the night, the weeks I screamed in my sleep. The promise to only conceal it from my family, if it it stopped. Worrying her to confide in them. I looked down to my lap, brushing off nonexistent crumbs from my skirt as I stood up.
“I don’t see how it's any of your concerns” I said, pointedly making eye contact with each of them. Not even a blink responded in acknowledgement, I  wasn’t going to let them try to get it out of me. Not if it was safer if they didn't know. Crossing my arms, I got up to begin to walk away “You should know better, my business is mine, stay out of it.” I spoke, stalking forward into the doors frame. James' voice stopped me, “You’re going to have to tell us eventually” only met by a scoff.
“Fat chance”
A/N: I might finish off this series soon but I truly don’t believe that will be anytime soon. I’m not the most motivated author but I will continue to write more in the future after my schoolwork dies down. This is a piece I’ve had in my drafts for over two years and it may be a little jumbled since I was very last minute motivated to get it done since I got done with most of my exams and just turned in my English 102 final:) i just wanted to finally publish again.
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legolastheleafyelf · 5 months
I'm trying to find a specific fanfic I read, but so far, no luck. it's a sirius black x potter!oc (I think it was an oc and I think her name was fran/frannie? and she had dyed hair), where she accidentally goes back in time to the marauders era after golden trio era!sirius sees her and blows up asking her why she left. it ends with her coming back to the golden trio era and she gets with sirius and everyone is like wtf???
I'm fairly certain it was on tumblr and I think it was in multiple parts, too.
if you know it, please send me the @/the name, it's driving me insane :)))
thanks <33
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lizzieolseniskinda · 4 days
TOM RIDDLE - soulmates don’t exist PT. 3
SDE MASTERLIST - x FEM!reader (POC!friendly)
(requests open)
SUMMARY: everything changes for you when snape gives you a certain memory. will you be able to do the task that dumbledore has given you?
GENRE: angst-ish (but not really)
CONTENT WARNING: soulmate (soulbound) & time travel au, english is not my first language, i took names of professor in harry's time (it's easier that way)
PROOFREAD - (24 SEP. 2024)
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You were walking through the Hogwarts courtyard, bundled up in your robes as the wind carried a hint of the colder months that were coming. The sun filtered through the canopy of orange and red; it was a cold day without the sun. As you approached the Gryffindor common room after breakfast, you spotted Lucas—tall, with his messy black curls and easygoing grin—leaning casually against the wall.
“There you are!” he called out, pushing off the wall and strolling over to you. “I’ve been looking for you. Fancy coming with me to Hogsmeade? I’ve got some things to pick up, and I thought you could use a break from all the studying.”
You raised an eyebrow, interested. “And by ‘things,’ you mean what exactly?”
“Important stuff!” Lucas replied with mock seriousness. “Like sweets from Honeydukes and a new quill, since I keep losing mine. And, of course, we have to stop at Zonko’s - can’t leave without some supplies for our next prank on Maeve.”
You let out a laugh, feeling the tension of the past few years slip away. You figured you could use a shopping day - it was a Saturday after all; you could just study after. “Sounds like a plan, though I’m not sure if Maeve would be happy with another one of your ‘masterpieces’.”
“She’ll survive. Besides, I’ve got a new idea that’ll totally blow her mind; just wait and see,” Lucas nudged you playfully.
As you made your way down the long, winding path to Hogsmeade, a sleek black cat caught your eye. It seemed to be lingering just out of reach; you’d seen the cat a few times today, always trailing a few paces behind, watching you with its bright, curious green eyes. It had followed you from the common room to the courtyard, through the grounds, and now it was walking behind you and Lucas as though it belonged with the two of you.
“Look at that,” you murmured, glancing over your shoulder at the cat. “It’s been following me this entire day.”
Lucas turned around, narrowing his eyes slightly at the feline. “Huh, that’s a little weird, don’t you think? Cats don’t usually follow people around for no reason.”
You crouched down and extended a hand toward the cat. To your surprise, it didn’t hesitate. The cat padded forward and nuzzled your palm; its fluffy and soft fur was warm, despite the chill in the air. You smiled, scratching it behind the ears.
“I think it likes me,” you said, looking up at Lucas. “Maybe it's a stray. What do you think?”
Lucas crossed his arms and looked at the cat with a suspicious expression. “It's a little too good to be true, don’t you think? A mysterious black cat following you around Hogwarts. You know there are loads of horror stories about witches using cats as spies, right?”
“You're paranoid,” you rolled your eyes at him, but smiled.
“I’m cautious,” Lucas corrected, though there was a small teasing glint in his eyes. “But if you’re set on keeping it, we should make sure it’s not... I don’t know, an Animagus or something. Better safe than sorry, right?”
“You think someone’s been using this little thing to spy on me?”
Lucas shrugged, but he was already pulling out his wand. “Could be, perhaps. There’s a simple charm to check for such things; it won’t hurt the cat - you have my promise.”
You stood up and took a step back, “Okay, but I’m telling you, it’s just a normal cat.”
Lucas raised his wand, pointing it at the cat as he muttered the incantation under his breath. A faint blue light shimmered from the tip of his wand. It surrounded the cat for a moment before fading away.
You both stared at the cat in silence, holding your breath, waiting for whatever was about to happen. But the cat just blinked up at you, then licked its paw nonchalantly.
Lucas let out a breath, “Phew... what do you know? It’s just a regular old cat.”
“Told you,” you smirked, “looks like you’re now stuck with me and my new pet.”
The cat - as if it sensed your affectionate words - let out a soft purr and wound itself around your legs once more. You knelt down and scratched behind its ears again. A bond was already beginning to form. The only problem was the lice and many more things that were scattered across its fur.
"Alright, alright," Lucas said, laughing. "I suppose it shouldn’t be a problem.”
With the cat in tow, you and Lucas continued down the path to Hogsmeade. The bustling village was already alive with students and locals; shops were gleaming with fresh stock and festive decorations for upcoming festivities. As you entered Honeydukes, the warmth of the shop’s interior enveloped you, along with the sweet scent of sugar and chocolate.
“So, what’s your go-to sweet?” Lucas asked as he grabbed a basket, eyeing the chocolate frogs with heart eyes.
“Maybe the peppermint toads?” you said with a grin, grabbing a small bag from the shelf. “They’re the perfect balance of sweet and refreshing.”
Lucas pulled a face, “You’re a maniac. It’s all about the fizzing whizzbees.”
Both of you wandered through the aisles, piling your basket high with various candies - sugar quills, licorice wands, jelly slugs. At one point, Lucas tried to sneak a handful of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans into your bag, but you caught him just in time.
“You’re not tricking me into eating vomit-flavored beans again!” you narrowed your eyes at him.
Lucas laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “Fine, fine. I'll save it for someone else.”
After stocking enough sweets to last almost a month, you and Lucas headed to Zonko’s. The shop was just as chaotic as expected, filled with exploding fireworks, laughing gas, and all manner of joke items. Lucas was in his element, darting from one display to the next with an excitement you hadn't seen since your first year at Hogwarts when you'd go shopping with the Weasleys.
It made you wonder if there was a Weasley in this timeline, or a Potter; surely there must—
“I’ve got it,” Lucas broke your trance, holding up a box of nose-biting teacups. “We’ll switch Maeve's regular tea with one of these. Can you imagine the look on her face?”
You shook your head, grinning, “You’re terrible.”
“Hey! You’re the one who agreed to come with me,” he replied, winking. “Makes you an accomplice.”
After spending almost an hour in Zonko’s, you finally dragged Lucas away before he bought the entire store. The two of you made your way back to Hogwarts, the pockets of your robes stuffed with sweets, joke items, and - in your case - also a black cat nestled happily in your arms.
“Already thought of a name?” Lucas asked as you strolled along the path.
You looked down at the cat, who had fallen asleep in your arms, still purring softly. “I’m not so sure yet; maybe something like ‘Shadow’?”
“Shadow,” Lucas mused, “hm, not bad; fits the whole ‘following you everywhere’ thing it’s got going on.”
You laughed, feeling the warmth of the cat’s fur against you. Despite the whirlwind of chaos that had brought you here, there was something so comforting about the small creature that had decided to be your companion.
And as you and Lucas made your way back to the castle, joking and teasing each other, you felt like things were normal, like you were just a regular student at Hogwarts, living in a time untouched by war and dark magic.
You went to sleep that day feeling better already, with the small feline curled up at the end of your bed, purring, its little collar having a little bell that you bought in a shop.
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The following morning, you made your way down the main aisle, the familiar hum of chatter and clicking of cutlery filling the air. It was officially your second week at Hogwarts, and though you were still getting used to the time period, you started to have a routine.
You reached the Gryffindor table and spotted your friends, already gathering around a platter of toast and eggs; some of them had pancakes. They waved you over and made space as you slipped onto the bench beside them.
“Morning, y/n!” Maeve greeted brightly, pushing a pitcher of pumpkin juice toward you. Her curly hair was a little wild this morning, as if she didn’t care. “Sleep well?”
You poured yourself a glass. “Pretty well, all things considered. I think I’m getting used to these weird ancient beds.”
Alicia snorted, her red hair falling into her eyes as she reached for a stack of pancakes. “Weird ancient beds? Try getting used to the weird ancient ghosts! I had Nearly Headless Nick hovering over my bed last night, telling some kind of story about jousting. I barely slept.”
“Better Nick than Peeves, though. That poltergeist kept chucking ink at me during Charms yesterday,” Maeve giggled, spreading jam on a piece of toast.
You laughed, feeling a warmth in your chest that you weren’t expecting. These girls had made everything feel… lighter. The constant worry in the back of your mind lessened. Here, in the morning sunlight with breakfast laid out before you, you almost forgot the real reason why you were here.
“Mm, speaking of Charms,” Maeve said, glancing at her timetable. “We’ve got it again this morning. Think Professor Flitwick will finally let us practice summoning spells?”
“I certainly hope so,” Lilith spoke as quietly as ever, but her eyes were sparkling with excitement. “Right? I’ve been dying to try action on something bigger. Imagine being able to summon an entire plate of pastries!” Lucas exclaimed.
“As if we need more reasons for you to get distracted during class, Luca,” Alicia rolled her eyes.
They continued to chatter about the day ahead while you found your gaze wandering around. The students were busy with their own conversations; some were studying, others were yawning over cups of tea, while some were also scribbling down last-minute notes for their morning classes. Everything felt so normal.
When your eyes landed on the Slytherin table, the illusion of normalcy shattered. You’d almost forgotten about him.
Tom Riddle. He was sitting at the center, surrounded by his usual group of admirers. He was composed, elegant even, as he buttered a piece of toast, speaking quietly to a blonde male next to him.
You looked away quickly before his group—or him—could notice you staring. “You’re awfully quiet this morning,” Maeve nudged you with her elbow.
“Everything alright?”
You gave a smile, hoping it didn’t look too strained. “Yeah, just thinking about today.”
“Don’t worry about it too much; it’s only the second week,” Lucas smiled. “Besides, you’re part of the group now. We’re in this together.”
“No backing out,” Lilith added, and for a second, you thought you’d melted.
You smiled, relaxing. You felt it reach your eyes; a sense of belonging wandered around in the back of your mind.
Breakfast continued, and so did the conversation to a more light-hearted topic: Alicia’s and Lilith’s excitement about the next Hogsmeade trip, Lucas’s plans for another elaborate prank on their dorm mate, and Maeve’s ongoing battle with Peeves. You listened, laughed, and chimed in the conversation whenever you could.
Maeve slung her bag over her shoulder and stood up. “Come on, y/n. Let’s see if we can make it to Flitwick’s class before Luca drags us to the kitchens for more pastries.”
“I resent that,” Lucas called over his shoulder, “but I do want more pastries.”
You smiled and grabbed your bag as you followed them out of the Great Hall, trying to savour the last few minutes of peace before the day truly began.
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⋆。⋆˙⟡charms class:
When you arrived at the Charms class, it was buzzing with quiet energy as tired students filed in, quills and textbooks clutched in their hands. You took a seat next to Maeve on your left side. Behind another desk with space in between you two sat another girl—Slytherin.
“Good morning, everyone! Today, we will be practicing summoning charms—Accio!” Professor Flitwick said loudly, standing on a stack of books at the front of the class as he clapped his hands to get the attention of all the students.
An exciting murmur passed through the room. You realized how, in their fifth year, they learn about summoning spells in this timeline, while in Harry’s timeline you learned more defensive spells or memory spells. The difference was huge.
Summoning charms were pretty basic, but growing up in times like you did, you almost had no time getting used to a simple spell like Accio while you could easily Obliviate someone or use the Patronus charm.
“Partner up!” Flitwick instructed. You turned to look at Maeve, who was already grinning at you.
“I’ve been practicing this all week,” Maeve said, wiggling her eyebrows. “Let’s see if I can summon a bigger thing than a quill this time.”
“Alright, but if you summon a desk by accident, you’re responsible,” you teased her, setting your wand on your desk.
Maeve pointed her wand at one of the cushions Flitwick had left for practice. “Accio cushion!” she shouted, her wand slicing through the air.
The cushion zoomed toward her, though it wobbled slightly before landing in her arms. “Not bad, right?”
You clapped lightly. “That was impressive!”
Maeve jokingly gave a little bow to you. “Your turn!”
You focused on a cushion that was lying a few feet away, envisioning it flying smoothly into your hands. After a flick of your wand, you called out,
“Accio cushion!”
The cushion shot toward you with more speed than you expected, hitting you on your chest slightly and knocking you back slightly. You laughed, catching it just in time. Maeve burst into giggles beside you.
“Well, at least it's working,” you said with a grin. Putting the cushion down, you glanced around the room and caught sight of Tom. He was practicing at the far end of the classroom. He performed the spell flawlessly, his cushion gliding into his hands with barely a flick of his wrist. His focus was intense, almost unnerving.
You quickly turned towards Maeve again, not wanting to dwell on him.
⋆。⋆˙⟡potions class:
The potion classroom in the dungeons was dark and cool; the only source of light was flickering. A mushy and earthy scent of ingredients filled the air as you sat down next to Alicia at one of the tables near the back.
“Right,” Alicia said, pulling out her ingredients. “I’ve got a good feeling about today’s potion. We’re supposed to make something simple, so there’s no way I can accidentally melt my cauldron like last week.”
You snickered. “Simple or not, I still think you have a way to make the easiest potions chaotic.”
Before Alicia could respond, Professor Slughorn’s jovial voice boomed across the room. “Today, my dear students, we will be brewing a calming draught. Quite useful for, uh, stressful situations.” He winked at the class. “-“I’m sure none of you feel stressed, though.”
You could feel the irony of the assignment, given how much stress you were actually under without anyone really knowing. You could probably use a calming draught or two just to get through the day.
Slughorn’s face was surrounded with enthusiasm as he demonstrated the first few steps, his eyes darting over the class with interest. You gathered the ingredients you needed and carefully measured out the valerian root, hellebore syrup, and the fluxweed oil.
“So, you think Slughorn’s going to invite you to one of his little parties?” Alicia asked as she ground some peppermint into powder.
You shrugged, keeping your focus on your cauldron as you stirred it clockwise. “Not very likely. I don’t really know what those parties are even about,” you lied. You went to one meeting with Hermione and decided to never go again. Simply a waste of time.
Alicia raised an eyebrow. “Well, Slughorn kinda ‘collects’ talented students. You’re smart, plus you’re new and kind. So, I’d say you're prime Slug Club material.”
You smiled at her. “We’ll see,” you said quietly. “Plus, I think Riddle is in Slug Club,” Alicia whispered.
You almost spilled the peppermint that you were trying to add into your potion. “Sorry, what?” you gaped at her. She scoffed at you and smiled. “Don’t act dumb; I always see you looking at him.”
Your potion turned to a soft blue—that was a good sign. “What??? No, I don’t…” you mumbled and glanced over at Alicia’s cauldron, which was bubbling a little too vigorously.
“Uh, Alicia... are you sure you didn’t add too much oil?” you asked her, eyeing the bubbles. “You’re not getting out of this conversation, Y/N,”Alicia said while she kept adding oil.
“No, no, I’m serious; look at those bubbles.”
“Oh, oops,” Alicia gasped and quickly turned down the heat under her cauldron. “Well, at least it’s not melting this time.”
You laughed softly, helping her adjust the potion before it boiled over. Potions was always a mix of stress and humor with Alicia. Seems like you're not as slick as you thought you were.
⋆。⋆˙⟡transfiguration class:
Dumbledore’s class, there was a different energy in the air. The room was spacious and bright; high arched windows were letting beams of sunlight in that illuminated against the desks. Dumbledore was standing at the front. “Today,” Dumbledore began, “we will attempt one of the more advanced transfigurations: turning inanimate objects into animals. Quite the leap from last week’s matchsticks to needles, wouldn’t you say?”
Maeve leaned over to you, whispering, “What if we give a four-legged animal six legs by mistake?”
You snickered quietly.
Dumbledore waved his wand, and a stack of stones appeared on each of the students’ desks. “Your task today is to transform this stone into small creatures of your choosing: a mouse, perhaps, or a bird. Be gentle and focus.”
You pointed your wand at the stone, visualising a small bird. With clear focus, you flicked your wand, saying the incantation softly.
To your surprise, the stone started shifting, wings sprouting from its sides as it transformed into a tiny sparrow. It fluttered its wings in confusion before hopping onto your desk.
“Well, aren’t you just the star pupil,” Maeve teased with a grin. She was still poking at her half-transformed stone, which looked more like a stone with some fur on it.
From the front of the class, Dumbledore’s eyes met yours briefly, and he gave a small approving nod. You continued helping Maeve when you caught a glimpse of Tom Riddle a few rows ahead. His magic was perfect—obviously. The stone in front of him had turned into a sleek, black raven that perched on his desk with eerie calm.
You sighed, forcing yourself to focus more on Maeve and her furry rock. There would be plenty of time to think about Tom later, but the time was ticking, and you knew it
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Shadow, the cat that you’d taken in, padded silently beside you as you made your way to the library. You smiled down at him; Shadow had proven to be nothing more than a sweet, lovely companion. The cat had followed you everywhere except for classes.
“You like books, don’t you?” you murmured to the cat as you entered the library, earning a few curious glances from other students. Shadow flicked his tail and trotted ahead of you, his sleek form disappearing between two towering bookshelves.
The library was quiet and warm, even after dinner. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and dust. You loved it in the library; it felt like a sanctuary, a place where time stood still.
Wandering through the shelves, you scanned the spines of the books you passed. Every so often, you’d glance behind you to make sure Shadow was still with you. Reaching a shelf tucked in a quiet corner of the library, you found a book you'd been looking for - The Founder’s Legacy: A History of Hogwarts. It was a book you needed for your Muggle Studies.
You pulled it down and tucked it under your arm, turning to leave the aisle; but when you did, you noticed Shadow was gone. “Shadow?” you called softly, careful not to disturb the other students. The silence of the library seemed to grow louder, your eyes searching for the black fur you had grown accustomed to.
Frowning, you stepped out of the aisle, looking around for any sign of the cat. Only a few students were scattered around the tables, their heads buried in their studies. Then, out of the corner of your eye, you spotted him.
At one of the far tables, seated in his usual spot near the back of the library, was Tom Riddle.
With Shadow.
Your breath caught in your throat. The sleek black cat had made himself comfortable on the edge of Tom’s open book, his paws kneading the pages as he purred contentedly. Tom didn’t seem bothered by the interruption. In fact, he was watching the cat with an odd expression - almost as if he was amused, though his features remained calm and composed as always.
For a second, you just stood there, contemplating all your life’s choices. Seeing Shadow so comfortable made your heart race. Tom Riddle, the person you were meant to change, was casually petting the cat you had taken in, and it made your situation feel even more surreal.
But only you couldn't keep standing there forever, staring at Tom Riddle.
So, you summoned up your courage and slowly walked over to the table, forcing yourself to remain calm even though you could feel your chest preparing for a panic attack.
“Looking for this?” His voice was soft but cold as he gestured to the cat with a slight raise of his hand. Shadow meowed happily and stretched out his paws, pushing against Tom's book as if he had claimed it for himself.
Hearing Tom’s voice changed something in you; a warm feeling spread through you.
“Yes,” you said, your voice steady, trying to ignore all the feelings you were feeling at once. “I didn’t realise he’d wandered off.”
Tom’s eyes lingered on you for a moment, studying you with the same unsettling intensity you’d noticed in class. Then he looked back at the cat, one hand absently touching behind Shadow’s ear. The cat purred louder, pressing into the touch as though he had always belonged there.
“He seems to like me,” Tom observed. You had to hold back a scoff, so you forced a smile. “He’s a friendly one.”
“I can see.”
You weren’t sure how to respond to that. You cleared your throat and stepped forward, reaching for Shadow. “Well, I should get him out of your way; he’s probably disturbing your reading. Or studying, or whatever…”
Tom didn’t move at first, and for a brief second, you thought he might not let you take back your cat. But then he pulled his hand back. Shadow, oblivious to the tension, stretched lazily before hopping off the table and rubbing against your leg.
You cradled Shadow in your arms as you tried to steady your nerves.
You felt Tom’s gaze linger on you for a moment longer before he turned his attention back to his book, his expression unreadable. “Be careful,” he said, his voice low. “Not everything that follows you is harmless.”
You blinked, taken aback by the sudden shift in his tone. Was that a warning? Or something more? Before you could reply, Tom had already turned the page of his book, his focus shifting away from you as though the conversation had never happened
A chill ran down your spine as you hugged Shadow closer. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you turned around.
Tom’s cryptic words echoed in your thoughts. You were halfway to the library’s entrance when you spotted Lucas striding toward you, hands tucked in his pockets, that ever-present grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. He seemed completely at ease, as though the world was just a big joke waiting to be told.
“There you are!” he called out in a low voice, somewhat mindful of the library’s strict silence policy. He walked right up to you, his sharp blue eyes scanning your face before flicking over to the spot where Tom was sitting. “I saw you over there, chatting with Riddle.”
“Yeah... Shadow wandered over to him,” you smiled slightly, still not fully calmed down, but Lucas’s presence helped a bit.
Lucas smiled. “Look, I’m just gonna say it: I’ve seen you stare at him at times, and you look like you’ve seen a ghost. Whatever he’s said to you—”
“He said something about not everything that follows you is harmless,” you interrupted him, needing to get it off your chest.
“Okay, stop. That’s freakishly creepy,” Lucas gaped, stealing a glance at Tom. “Just... try to ignore him. Riddle’s either got everyone thinking he’s the hottest thing to walk these halls, or they think he’s bloody weird.”
Your curiosity piqued. “And what do you think?”
Lucas paused, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered the question. His grin returned. “Both.”
You chuckled at his bluntness. “Both?”
You walked out of the library, your book long forgotten on the table you were supposed to be studying at. “Yeah, he’s good looking. I mean, objectively speaking,” Lucas said. “But there’s something about him that’s off. Like, he’s too good at... well, everything. It's unnatural; people are drawn to him, but they’re also... I don’t know, scared of him. You know? Even if they don't want to admit it.”
You nodded, thinking back to how Tom had looked at you - the way his eyes seemed to see right through you. There was definitely something unnerving about him. “He’s strange. Almost like he’s always one step ahead of everyone.”
“Exactly,” Lucas agreed. “It’s like he’s playing a game no one else knows the rules to. Trust me, best to keep your distance.”
“I wasn’t planning on making friends with him,” you said, shifting Shadow in your arms. The cat blinked lazily up at you.
“Good, I’ve got enough trouble without having to rescue you from the dark and mysterious Tom Riddle,” Lucas replied, giving you a reassuring smile.
You let out a laugh. “Thanks, Lucas. I’ll be sure to tell you first if I get in over my head.”
Lucas grinned. “I’ll be there, wand at the ready.”
The two of you started to head toward the common room together, the tension that had been knotted in your chest since your encounter with Tom slowly began to ease. Lucas had a way of making things feel lighter, like no matter how complicated the situation got, he’d find a way to make it less scary.
“Anyway,” Lucas said, slinging an arm around your shoulders as you walked, “enough about Riddle. Did you get what you came for? Or are we heading back in for round two of ‘Tom the Cat Whisperer’?”
You smirked, shaking your head. “No more rounds with him for today, thanks. I think I’ve had my fill of mysterious brooding for the time being. But I do think I might’ve left my book in there.”
Lucas laughed again, his voice carrying through the halls. “We’ll get it first thing tomorrow. And if you do like him, just don’t go falling for that whole dark-and-mysterious thing. I won’t judge you.”
You rolled your eyes, nudging him playfully. “Please. You know I prefer my friends a little less brooding and a little more… fun.”
“See? That’s the right attitude.” He gave you a wink, his smile warm and genuine. “Stick with me. I’m way more fun than some dark wizard-in-training.”
You couldn’t help but smile back. As strange and intense as things had become, Lucas was a constant source of light. Maybe, just maybe, he’d help keep you grounded as you navigated the dangerous path ahead.
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a/n: posted a bit earlier, but umm, i was thinking of naming the cat crookshanks first - so she has a reminder of hermione, harry and ron. but idk :( alsooooo, i'll probably update on sunday for this serie (loads of homework)
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365 notes · View notes
dearharriet · 6 months
About Time | Chapter 2
james potter x reader time travel au | 2.5K words | contents
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04:00 — 4 FEBRUARY
Rounding the corner down the back stairs, James came to the kitchen. It was all a deep, thick violet, blending with the world outside. That was a color that the sun wouldn’t touch for another four hours, if that.
He crept into the room, bare toes on cold terracotta tile, and got the electric kettle going. A tiny red dot rose against the dark expanse of cook-ware as the old thing jumped to life. James leaned back, slumping against the counter and retrieving his phone.
The kitchen gained new illumination as he pried it apart, jostling the center button to wake it. He’d done this song and dance every hour of every day since new years—even the ones he did twice—so it was second nature to press the handful of buttons that led to your contact.
The text exchange stared up at him the same way it always did, and he felt his frustration with himself bubble like the kicking kettle.
1 January
Me 14:14
| hello, this is james! (from new years) :)
Y/N! 15:17
| hi! :)
Me 15:20
| hiya. i was wondering if you wanted to get coffee sometime? this weekend, maybe?
Y/N! 15:35
| oh, that sounds so lovely, believe me!! but I actually live in london :/ i was only visiting for the holiday.
Of course she lives in London, he thought, she works with Marlene.
James never responded.
The thing about James was, he could go back and retry anything he failed at—which left a lot of room to do just that, and he was accidentally making the most of it.
The other thing about James was, he rarely knew when to quit. A month of no contact couldn’t be good, but a part of him wanted to see if he could make it work the first time. Every retry felt like a crawl through hell, having to do everything all over again, having to remember the way things were—the way things could’ve been forever.
No, he wanted to believe he could make something good without turning back. He’d done alright so far. It was just proving to be very hard because of you.
When the kettle was something around halfway done, James swung the phone closed, plunged back into darkness. He went to the press and took down a big mug with an odd decal over the front of it, and then looked to fish a tea bag out of the next cabinet. His hand felt around blindly, and he stubbornly persisted instead of seeking help from the house lights.
“What the bloody hell is goin’ on in here?”
In quick succession, James swung around and the overhead lights flashed on, and then his head whacked the cabinet door.
“Oh—fuck,” he swore, hand shooting up to cradle the throbbing area. The kettle was nearing the end of its duty, roaring as loud as the blood in James’ ears. Somehow too, the lights carried a sound of their own, one that you’d only ever hear when everything else is blissfully silent.
Something began thumping, and James peeked out of a watery eye to watch a middle aged man hobble over to the fridge. He was wearing a matching pajama set, blue and white striped and too soft looking for his very immediate brashness.
“Who the hell are you?”
The man ignored James’ very feeble inquiry and opened the freezer, coming up with a cold compress. When he turned James’ way, the boy had to school his initial reaction.
Layered over the strange man’s face were deep-cut scars, spider-webbing across his features indiscriminately. His right eye was a shocking blue, and the corresponding eyelid was healed wide open, giving it quite a mad look. James wondered how he slept.
With the same thump thump thump-ing from before, the man approached James, and James looked down to discover a rickety prosthetic leg on one side of his gait. Then, his eyes were back on the scars, his jaw held firmly between thick calloused fingers.
“That’s the last time you’ll ogle at my leg, boy,” the man said firmly, a measured type of coarseness entering his voice. “You’ve seen it now, no need to worry about it any longer. Understand?”
James blinked, still groggy and disoriented, sleep waiting at the edges of his eyes to be wiped away.
“Can I know who you are? Or, why you’re in my house, perhaps?”
A grating laugh escaped the man’s twisted lips, chased by a wide, toothy smile that didn’t match it. Then he forced the compress in his free hand over James’ tender forehead, and a maniacal gleam in his big eye finally caught the light.
“Oh, ow!”
“The name is Moody,” James’ torturer finally revealed, disregarding the pained whines the boy was making. “Alastor Moody. That’s M-O-O—”
“Oh my god, please shut up,” James groaned rudely, feeling a headache come on. Alastor seemed to take kindly by it anyways, or as kindly as he seemed capable of. He snatched one of James’ hands to replace his over the compress and stomped away. James wondered how he’d missed the sound before, when Moody was elsewhere in the house.
Stealing the big mug off the counter and a second one out of the press, Moody set about concocting some tea for the both of them.
“Why are you here,” James pushed again, falling from the wrap-around counter to the butcher’s block island and folding over it.
Moody, pouring a steaming cupful of tea, glanced over his shoulder with a grunt.
“Thought I’m s’posed to shut up,” he replied, a small jest barely recognizable in the grit of it. James almost laughed, thinking it was something one of his friends might say.
“Touché,” he allowed, too tired to justify his earlier words.
Moody slid the piping mug under his nose, holding onto the handle to say, “I’m yer father’s student. Or, I used to be, at least.”
James took the tea gratefully, dropping a big sugar cube into it as his body fell into a tall bar stool. He glanced at the scarred man, who was settling in beside him and sighing at the pressure coming off his legs.
“You’re a businessman?”
The sharp gritty chortle returned, far too loud for the early hour.
“Fuck no, I’m not,” Alastor laughed, “I’m a sad playwrite in London. I took his class on a requirement.”
At that, James perked up.
“In London, really?”
Moody slurped his tea noisily, grunted, and then grabbed two sugars and stirred them into his cup with one meaty finger. After confirming the taste again, he replied, “Yes, really. And don’t believe what those townie twits say about it. London is a miserable barrel of oil I’d like to set on fire.”
James would’ve liked to agree with that, actually, except that he was the victim of a one track mind, and his mind had eyes on you.
Coincidentally, you were in London.
“So why not move away?” James hunkered further over the counter, shrugging in question. “What’s there for you?”
Alastor sighed long-sufferingly, the way someone sighs when they’ve fallen into a pit that they dug.
“A goddamn pipe dream, that’s what.”
“Seems the right place for that,” James said agreeably, pushing up his glasses to appear smarter, somehow.
Moody shifted to look at him.
“What about you, eh?” Alastor sat forward, peering at James oblong with his gaping eye. “I suppose you’ll sit around this cushy place until your old man keels over, won’t ya? Marry some other high-society lass, play out the whole family runaround…maybe pop down to the city for a few years, but not for any big plan, really. Certainly not because you need to.”
He shook his head then, grumbling and taking to his tea. James jutted his head back, slightly affronted, but mostly confused by the jarring flip in Alastor’s mood.
“I’m sure I could, if I had nothing else in mind,” James agreed, his mind focused hard on the one future he was sure of. “Thing is though, I’ve got a pipe dream of my own, sir. A girl I met.”
Exhaling through flared hairy nostrils, Moody glanced at James again, dubious.
“A girl, you say?” James nods. “Yes, well, I suppose that’s what takes all the good ones. Some girl they met once.”
“Thrice,” James corrected. Alastor shuffled his thinning hair about on his head, grunting in question. “I met her three times.”
Moody just tipped back the rest of his tea and wiped the straggling drops from his chin.
Twisting his lips, James persisted.
“This girl y’see, she lives in the city. And I’ve asked to take her out, quite obtusely, without knowing, and now I think I’ll just have to move to her because—”
A big fat hand came down on the counter, rattling James out of his rant.
“Get t’yer point boy.”
Swallowing, James finally asked, “Can I live with you?”
Alastor gave him a long look and then stood, dumping his mug into the big basin by the window. On his slow march out, he turned, casting a sneer over his shoulder that prefaced his following answer.
“Unless that girl is willing to give you a million chances, you’ve already lost her. That’s just the way women are.”
04:00 — 17 MARCH
It took four trills for you to realize the song in your dream was a ringtone, and that it was a real pressing matter in the waking world.
One hazy glance at the clock on your night stand told you it was far too early for a phone call, and a quick check on your throat came up dry and unpleasant, not ideal for talking.
You sat up, blinking blearily at the name scrolling across the notification window on your phone, and convinced yourself you were still fast asleep.
‘James :)’ shimmered loud and proud in the pixelated slot of space, perplexing your delirious brain beyond measure. You played with the possibility of going back to sleep, but your curiosity got the better of you.
Opening your phone, you pressed the green answer button and held it to your ear.
“Hello,” you croaked out, more of a question than a greeting.
The other side of the line seemed to lag for a second, like maybe there was no one there, and then James spoke.
Even though he was only on the phone, hearing his voice made you sit up a little straighter, tamping your bedhead down with a flat palm.
He sucked in a breath, and the way it cracked through the line made it sound like a cigarette pull.
“Yeah, um. Yeah. I’m sorry, I really didn’t expect you to answer. You sound so tired, I feel awful.”
“No, don’t be, it’s—” You caught yourself before you could placate him, because no amount of insisting it wasn’t early would change the hands on the clock, “—it’s fine, honestly. My boss is Irish, so I’ve got the day off.”
There was a pause and some shuffling, and then James said, “oh hell, it’s the seventeenth, yeah. I forgot.”
“What?” you exclaimed. “How could you? Everything’s been green for weeks now.”
James laughed, the sound muffled like it was coming from another room.
“I know, I’m sure, I’ve just been too busy to notice. I’m uh, I’m actually moving tomorrow. Or today, I guess.”
“Oh yeah?” You bit your lip, smiling a touch and daring to ponder, “Where?”
Another long pause.
“The city,” James replied, and you thought you could hear him smiling, too. “London.”
Picking at your comforter, you felt your lips ebb and flow, uncertain whether to be happy or sad. You really liked James, perhaps even as more than a friend that you’d kissed once on New Years. He was sweet, and attentive, and he seemed to really like you; Texted you right away, unlike most guys you’d been with.
And here he was calling you, striking up a conversation in the early hours of the morning.
“That’s great,” you said, dredging up all of the joy in your chest to saturate your words with. “Where in?”
He seemed hesitant, thinking about it for a second. “Islington, I think? I’ve only ever been up two or three times, so I’m not really sure.”
You nodded, charmed to silence just by the way he spoke, by the number of things you’d rather have asked him—about his life, about that handful of trips to the big city. You were so involved in the thought that you forgot he couldn’t see you.
“Are you still there?”
“Yes! Yes, sorry, I was nodding.” You laughed a little to lighten the tension. “Um, Islington is great.”
“Really?” James asked. “You’ve been?”
“Well, no.” You laughed some more, and James joined you. “But I live in Shoreditch, actually, so we’ll be really close.”
You hoped that didn’t come off too flirty, and then you hoped that it did, which made you feel terribly guilty. If being on the phone with James was dangerous, you certainly couldn’t be around him in person again.
Eyes closing, you cleared your throat.
“Um, James?”
The boy on the other line hummed in response, and then said, “What?”
“Is there a reason you called?”
It felt rude to ask, but you thought the early hour might cover for you. If you wanted to crawl back under your covers and sleep Saint Patty’s Day away, could he really blame you?
“Oh!” said James, and again your heart thumped hard and cruel in your throat, damming any words inside. “Yes, I’m sorry. I meant to ask you if you were free at all next week? For that coffee I mentioned after New Years.”
Fuzz overtakes the line for the next few seconds as your head falls into your lap. In part, you blame yourself, for being so naive as to think he’d call for anything else. The other part falls on you for different reasons, namely, being on the phone at all with someone you had undeniable feelings for.
For not turning him away in the first place, even though you knew his feelings were just as secure.
“Um,” you started, fighting the frog in your throat, “I’m really sorry James, but I’m actually seeing someone right now. I don’t think…”
You stopped there, because anything that came after would veer immediately into a confession that would hurt you both, and then some.
James was eerily quiet, so much so that you checked your phone to ensure he hadn’t hung up. Then, finally, he breathed out an, “Oh.”
It felt more like a punch to the gut.
For some reason, your face burned with acute embarrassment. Something about admitting to James that you were with someone else felt shameful, like some odd betrayal. Thankfully, he didn’t encourage the feeling.
“Well I hope he’s an alright guy,” James said fairly, and you told him he was. After yet another bout of silence, James just said, “good.”
And then the line clicked.
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thank you for reading! xx | masterlist
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theaskywalker · 8 months
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Imagine you and Hermione using a Time Turner to visit the past and save Lily & James from Voldemort
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k-nayee · 8 months
BLURB and Author's Note
Traveler M.List
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
That's is the first thing you wake up to.
A void.
You awaken in it, feeling as if floating in an expanse of emptiness.
You see nothing.
Feel nothing.
As if answering an unspoken cue, the sensation of falling takes place.
The moment you touch what seems to be a flat surface, the void gives way to light-so blinding that it forces your eyes shut.
Blinking rapidly, you sit up as the world comes into focus bit by bit.
They are the first thing your attention latches onto. You flex them instinctively as if to confirm their existence.
And with each movement, a sense of familiarity returns like a distant memory resurfacing from the depths of your mind.
Once satisfied, your curious gaze starts to travel, taking notice of other parts of you.
Using your hands to glide over what you understand to be your body, each touch brings a rush of knowledge into your once naïve mind.
Moving down to your...legs-yes, those are definitely legs, you freeze at the sight of the...wiggly small-fingered, big flat hands (???) attached to them.
Eyes wide in fascination, you lean forward, ignoring the pulling strain it does to your unused muscles.
'What are they used for? Another set of hands?' Giving them a wiggle, you're almost hesitant to touch them.
Shakily reaching out, awe is immediately replaced with a deadpanned look the moment you give one a timid squeeze.
You continue to poke and prod at your feet in bemusement of initially finding them captivating.
❝Wow...who woulda thought you'd have such a thing for feet?❞
Your neck nearly snaps at how fast you whip towards the voice with a yelp. Standing a few feet away stood a young woman.
Her smile is the first thing that you notice, radiating a kind of warmth that makes you want to bask in forever. She seemed to emit a healthy glow from the light around, her brown skin smooth and vibrant.
The large, clear-framed glasses perched on her nose magnified the friendliness in her eyes, adding an intellectual charm to her youthful face. Deep black curls frame her face perfectly, bouncing with every subtle movement.
'She can't been no more than fifteen' you think, noting her youthfulness and the playful light in her eyes.
❝H-how long were you there?❞ The question tumbles out with a sputter, still shooketh from the surprise.
❝Long enough to see you playing footsies with yourself,❞ she quips, tone light with an edge of cheekiness.
You release a nervous chuckle, avoiding her teasing gaze in attempt to save face. ❝Ah...y-you saw that huh?❞
She says nothing, a head shake and light snort is her only response before any amusement left fades into seriousness.
The sudden shift in her demeanor sends a ripple of unease through you; making you get on your feet to confront better.
❝W-where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here?❞ you blurt, a flurry of questions that betray your apprehension.
Instead of answering, she simply tilts her head.
❝Really? You're not gonna say anything?❞
❝Like deadass, forreal?❞ You grow more irritated than anxious. ❝I'm not playing these games with you. Whe-❞
That's when a wave of vertigo hits.
You stagger, quickly looking at her in alarmed as your vision begins to blur and double.
❝You know...I've always dreamed of traveling to different universes. Being able to live along side my favorite characters, to laugh with them, to fight alongside them, to love them. To be free...❞ her voice echo in your head, filled with yearning and ache.
❝...but I can't.❞
As her words wash over you, everything becomes too much.
The room spins faster; you feel queasy, dizzy till the point your knees buckle causing you fall to the ground.
❝I truly thought all hope was lost...❞
Through the haze of dizziness, her feet come into focus. You shakily look up at her for help, a silent plea shinning in your gaze.
Shadows casted on her face making it difficult, her eyes are the only thing you can clearly see: they're tinged with sadness-and something else.
She does nothing but stare down at you, watching your suffering with a face of indifference before a warm grin slowly spread across her face. ❝Then I made you.❞
As your vision begins to fade her voice is the last thing you hear, a whisper as darkness takes you into its grasp one last time.
❝My little Traveler❞
Even though this book is mainly for my own entertainment and pleasure, I still want others to enjoy it too!
However, there are a few things I must speak up on before this ball gets rolling:
1) This book was written by me and how I believe the stories should go. If you don't like what you reading...ya ass out.
2) I live a life outside of Tumblr, so please don't be commenting "update update!" That shit is rude and disrespectful and I don't like pressure; takes the fun out of writing.
3) Plagiarism is a HELLA big no no. Takes a lot of time and energy to even to write out a whole completed chapter other than half-assed drafts. I'm all for being ya inspiration and all, but at least tell me you're doing it.
4) Please don't come on my most recent updated chapters and comment "can you update xyz?" If there's no [1/?] behind the title, its a stand-alone chapter unless I change it.
Okay! That's all I gotta say for this. See y'all later!
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Chapters: 13/13 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Gawain Robards Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Falling In Love, Time Travel, Time Loop, situational anxiety, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Ron Weasley, Curse Breaker Draco Malfoy, Unspeakable Hermione Granger, Redeemed Draco Malfoy, Draco's already made amends, Magilinguist Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley bakes, Harry is a Little Shit, Draco is Still Snarky, Smut, Humor and Angst and Fluff Series: Part 1 of Time and Again Summary:
Harry's absolutely sure it's Malfoy's fault that they are stuck reliving the same day over and over.
Harry is good at his job. He's professional, has an excellent closure rate, and is a well-respected Auror. Malfoy's the unprofessional one with his snark and his judgemental eyebrows and his far too-posh-for-work robes. If Malfoy could have managed to refrain from being a pain in the arse, everything would have been just fine. They wouldn’t have gotten in yet another argument, Harry wouldn’t have been distracted, and Harry certainly wouldn’t have accidentally set off a powerful artifact at their crime scene.
And if Malfoy would just get out of his way now, Harry's sure he can quickly fix this so they can get back to their comfortable professional dislike of one another.
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