#tried to access it on desktop
psqqa · 11 months
tumblr’s up to some fun new shenanigans i see
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eisthenameofme · 1 month
Managed to lock myself out of my phone to the point of needing to do a factory reset
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dandelyle · 1 year
listen. i like linux and i have it on my laptop and use it. but heres the thing, windows is USER FRIENDLY. linux's main audience is computer nerds who understand way more than the average person about how computers work.
i like to think of myself as a techy guy. i like hacking and modding and shit. but doing basic shit like installing graphics card drivers on linux is fucking confusing. now am i software engineer with 30 years of experience writing code from the top of my head? no. but on windows, it's just 2 steps: click download, click install. that's it! and if you want to play a game on your linux laptop that was made for windows (like 90% of games or more) good fucking luck! I can't even get Elder Scrolls Online to run on linux and it's a very popular game. there are some reports of people getting it to work on linux, but the steps to do so are so technical I don't understand, and I'm literally a technical writer.
"oh just switch to linux it's free and open source" yeah uh huh, and like 10% or less of things work on it. just to use exe files you have to install multiple packages and let's be fuckin real, no one is going to do that. they will simply destroy their computers because they have no idea what they're doing and linux lets you do literally anything. there is something to be said for locking vital files down. little timmy destroying their $900 family PC because they thought some vital system file was a virus so they deleted it.... yep, real smart.
you can argue that people should understand how computers work if they're going to use one, and yeah i agree for the most part. a person needs to know the difference between an executable file and a pdf and a jpg. but the terminal is confusing for most people, which is why guis exist. yeah, ubuntu has a gui, but it's poorly made and you can't do everything using the gui. there will be errors. things don't work as expected on linux. you will have to be comfortable doing "weird tech shit" to troubleshoot even simple programs. should the average person be comfortable enough to do that? I think so. but that's not realistic.
people have other stuff to do besides troubleshooting. they have to walk the dog, clean the house, get the kids to school, go to work, repeat ad nauseam. when you get home from a long day, you want to play your favorite video game because you finally have 30 minutes free, do you wanna spend that 30 minutes tinkering around with the system files and the terminal to try and make it run, only to not be able to enjoy it because the one comment in the thread you were following was deleted? or do you want to just click "play"?
we have to be realistic: the vast majority of the population will not be switching to linux because linux doesnt care about the vast majority of the population. not to sat that windows does, but windows cares about money so they have to make it as easy as possible to use and not fuck up.
windows is accessible. it's familiar. it's everywhere, and every program that exists can run on it easily. the same cannot be said for linux. if window's goes subscription, people will buy it because they will have no. other. choice.
i say "if" windows go to subscription, but what i really mean is "when." subscriptions are good for business. it's a reliable, continuous cash flow. people need computers. people need windows. it's only a matter of time.
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homiebromantic · 10 months
Hellooo everyone in the US im linking a petition to stop the dakota access pipeline here . please take a few minutes to sign it and share it! the comment period ends on the 13th of December [in two days as of me writing this!!] and is very nearly to their comment goal. it does look like you need a US address to do so so if you arent in the US please just share it [: thank youu
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songofwizardry · 2 years
i miss backwards compatibility so much.
a larger-than-you'd-expect part of my life is spent discovering that i can't access a website/product/feature/what have you because 1 it requires a smartphone app, 2 there won't always be an older version of the app you can download, and 3 my phone is old and can't be updated and can't get the newer OS
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abyssaldyke · 10 months
Happy Monday I'm being radicalized by not having a phone for 8 hours
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stinkrascal · 2 years
said this once i’ll say it again. i want to play baldurs gate 3 SO BAD
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poptartmochi · 1 year
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ghwosty · 2 years
hey tumblr staff!
if i put a link to a tumblr blog I want that link to open to the custom themed desktop blog when I'm on desktop.. why the fuck would i want it to open within the tumblr dashboard in mobile format if im on desktop?? stop that!
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medieval-canadian · 5 months
i'm gonna scream why does firefox keep separating tabs into new windows!!!!!
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copperbadge · 4 months
I have a lot of feelings about the use of AI in Everything These Days, but they're not particularly strong feelings, like I've got other shit going on. That said, when I use a desktop computer, every single file I use in Google Drive now has a constant irritating popup on the right-hand side asking me how Gemini AI Can Help Me. You can't, Gemini. You are in the way. I'm not even mad there's an AI there, I'm mad there's a constantly recurring popup taking up space and attention on my screen.
Here's the problem, however: even Gemini doesn't know how to disable Gemini. I did my own research and then finally, with a deep appreciation of the irony of this, I asked it how to turn it off. It said in any google drive file go to Help > Gemini and there will be an option to turn it off. Guess what isn't a menu item under Help?
I've had a look around at web tutorials for removing or blocking it, but they are either out of date or for the Gemini personal assistant, which I already don't have, and thus cannot turn off. Gemini for Drive is an integrated "service" within Google Drive, which I guess means I'm going to have to look into moving off Google Drive.
So, does anyone have references for a service as seamless and accessible as Google Drive? I need document, spreadsheet, slideshow, and storage, but I don't have any fancy widgets installed or anything. I do technically own Microsoft Office so I suppose I could use that but I've never found its cloud function to actually, uh, function. I could use OneNote for documents if things get desperate but OneNote is very limited overall. I want to be able to open and edit files, including on an Android phone, and I'd prefer if I didn't have to receive a security code in my text messages every time I log in. I also will likely need to be able to give non-users access, but I suppose I could kludge that in Drive as long as I only have to deal with it short-term.
Any thoughts, friends? If I find a good functional replacement I'm happy to post about it once I've tested it.
Also, saying this because I love you guys but if I don't spell it out I will get a bunch of comments about it: If you yourself have managed to banish Gemini from your Drive account including from popping up in individual files, I'm interested! Please share. If you have not actually implemented a solution yourself, rest assured, anything you find I have already tried and it does not work.
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twice-inamillion · 9 months
The Company
Asking for a favor
Smut and Story Building (Sex, Teasing, Anal sex, Deep Penetration, Creampie, use of anal plug) 
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Chapter 4
2630 Words
(Irene, like a good girl, is used by the Company CEO. He makes her wear a butt plug to get her accustomed to having something inside of her when she is to service her boss in anal sex. She uses this opportunity to get on the good side of her boss, even if it means being used like a sex toy.)
“Fuck, this is so embarrassing. Why is he making me wear this in public? I hate it him.” Irene walks through the main building, making her way to the CEO’s office. She greets the trainees who are coming from their biweekly evaluation meeting. “Good Morning, girls.” 
The trainees wave back and bow at Irene as she holds some paperwork through the busy hallway. She presses the button on the elevator, scans her access card, and selects the top floor. She faces the glass and sees the view of the campus, busy with trainees going to their classes. She starts to walk to the end of the hall when she drops some of the folders, “Damn, why is this happening to me?” She squats carefully so as not to reveal her panties and the plug she was forced to wear as punishment by the CEO. She quickly picked up the files and quickly felt the back of her skirt to make sure that the plug in her behind wasn’t showing. After checking, she makes her way to your office and knocks on the door. 
“Irene here. May I come in?” dreading to see your face this early morning.
“Yeah, come in.”
She opens the doors, walks in, and immediately closes the door behind her. She sees the smirk on your face, knowing that you’re laughing at her. “Good Morning, sir.”
“Good Morning, Irene. How are you doing today?”
“I’m okay. Thanks for asking.” With an annoyed face, she gives you the files you requested, “Here are the files you requested.” You take them, review the files, and set them on the table. You get back on your desktop but notice Irene standing before your desk. “Did you need something?”
“Sir, I want to ask you for something.”
“Well… I reviewed the evaluations from the trainees who were tested two weeks ago, and four stood out to me. Would you mind looking at them?” handling your files. 
“Ah, yes. You mentioned one of them before, right? A girl named Wendy.”
“Yes, sir. She’s from Canada. We sent someone to recruit her based on her viral YouTube video.”
“Okay, and what about the rest?”
“The rest went through the Korean auditions. Most of them are good singers and have been performing well in their evaluations.”
“I see that there is no that’s not of age yet.”
“Yeah, her name is Yeri. She recently joined that company a few weeks ago, but I think she has the basics down.”
“Okay, and why are you showing me this?”
“Well… I wanted to see if you would consider these girls for a girl group.”
“Irene, You know we already have a group in mind.”
“Sir, but I think these girls would do well.”
“I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”
She walks over to your side of the desk, “Please, sir, let me be responsible for the group. I promise you won’t regret it.”
“So you want to be in the group too?”
“Yes, I would like to debut with them.”
You see the desperation on her face, making you want to tease her more. You remember the punishment you gave her and say, “Seems like you’re serious. You must really want this.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Alright, show me how serious you are.”
“What do you mean?”
You place her hand on her behind, giving it a nice rub and smile. She reads your expression and knows what you are trying to do. She slowly spreads her legs and pulls her panties down to her knees, giving you access to her cheeks. With your right hand, you go up her skirt and grab onto one of her cheeks, feeling her pale and soft flesh, “A nice ass like always.” She tries to think of something else as you caress her ass cheeks by squeezing them, cupping, or slapping them until they’re slightly red.
Once you get your fill, you focus on what’s between Irene’s cheeks and slowly move your hand toward the bud sticking out of her. You grab the pink glass plug and gently give it a tug, causing Irene to twitch. You try to give it another pull, but her body tightens out of reflex. 
“Come on, you know the drill, relax.”
Without a word she spreads her legs a bit more and bends towards the desk. You give the butt plug another pull, and this time, you’re able to move it. Grabbing onto the nub, you give it a twist, which makes Irene moan. Seeing her reaction, you decide to pull on it, “Remember to relax.” With a firm grip, you begin to pull on the nub, which causes her pucker hole to stretch slightly. Irene gets firm to the table and feels you pull the plug out of her butt. She moans with every centimeter you pull until her hole is stretched to the size of a glass ball. 
“Ready for the last bit?”
“Shut up, just pull it.” 
All you hear is the popping noise of air escaping her now gaping hole, trying to clench onto the foreign object it held earlier before. “Fuck, lot at that gaping hole,” as you stare at the inside of Irene’s exposed hole. You stand and watch as her pucker hole constricts, turning you on. 
Not wanting to wait any longer, you undo your belt and drop your pants to the floor. You take out your cock and give it a full pump, getting it ready for some action. 
You open the bottom drawer and pull out some lube and squirt some on Irene’s ass and on your cock. Slowly and gently, you rub the lube all over your cock and between Irene’s slit. The cold lube causes Irene to shiver in anticipation of what’s to come. 
Now, the long-awaited meal that you have been craving is here. You press your cock against Irene’s ass and gently push it into her asshole. She groans as she feels the tip of your hardened cock spreads her puckerhole, “Uggh…fuck…” biting her lip. A cold sensation fills her spine as she takes in your massive cock. 
“Fuck, you’re still tight.” You press in even more, feeling the flesh of her walls wrapping around your cock. You take a better hold of her waist and warn her, “I’m going to go all the way!”
Irene tries to prepare herself and adjusts her position on the table but loses her balance when she feels a stab in her womb, “Wait! You’re going to mess me up!”
Her knees become weak from just one stroke, and it’s not the last one. You pick up the pace and mercilessly fuck her ass. You enjoy hearing her groan in pain as she takes you massive length. “Stop! Stop! Give me some time to adjust myself. You’re going to ruin me!”
You move your hand and insert two fingers into her wet cunt and collect as much fluid as you can. With those two fingers, you shove them into Irene’s mouth and say, “Shut up and suck like a good girl!”
Without a fight, she welcomes your fingers and begins to suckle. “Yeah, that’s right. Sucking on your own nectar like a slut you are.” She tries to respond, but you slam your cock back inside, reaching the deepest parts of her ass, causing her to gag on your fingers. 
After five minutes, Irene is a complete mess; she groans, “You’re turning me inside out. Please, pull out…”
“Alright, I’ll let you rest, but let me cum first.” 
You pull out your cock just enough to leave the tip and slam it once more, releasing a large wave of cum, “Hmph… fuck!!” She loses her balance, falls on the desk, and goes silent. “Fuck, your ass is so just tighter, it’s milking my cock.”
You turn to Irene and see her passed out, so you pull out your cock and see Irene’s motionless body. You grab your phone from your desk and take a picture of Irene’s gaping ass, “That’s so hot.” You walk in closer and see a large puddle of cum just at the edge of her puckerhole, just waiting to ruin Irene’s thigh. You grab her ass cheeks and spread them, causing your cum to spill out and drip onto her underwear. 
Not wanting to spill any cum on the floor you pull her panties back up and sit on your chair with Irene on your lap. You move her panties to the side and insert your semi-hard cock back inside, and continue to work on the computer. 
After a couple of minutes, Irene wakes up and feels the hot sensation of something buried deep inside her and lifts her head up. She slowly regains her vision, and the first thing she sees is your chest. She tilts her head up, “Wh…what are you doing?”
“You fell asleep, well more like passed out. I didn’t know I was that good.”
“Stop. Let me get off.” 
“Come on, I need to get back to my duties.”
“These are part of your duties, remember.”
“Fine… just get it over with.”
“That’s no fun, but whatever. Let’s see your reaction after I’m done with you.”
Irene feels your semi-limp cock throbbing and getting harder as you bounce her small body on your length. With a firm grip on her ass tries to turn her head away, but you stop her, “Don’t look away. Look at me.” She moves her gaze at you, making direct eye contact. “That’s right, just like that. Now, I’m going to let go, and I want you to ride me.” 
You could see that she was going to talk back, but instead, she holds the words in her mouth and does as she’s told. She continues the rhythm you previously had and, little by little, increases the pace. You place your hands on her back, and she places hers on your shoulders; you stare at her, teasing that she is doing all the work like the good little cum slut that she is. 
“How does my cock feel up your ass? Good, huh?”
“It’s not bad.”
“Remember when the first time?”
“Don’t… don’t bring it up.”
“Why not? It was cute seeing you struggle.”
“I couldn’t walk straight for two days because of you.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault your body is so small.”
“It’s not my body, it’s that your cock is too big.”
“But you like it” as you give her a smirk. She doesn’t respond, but the silence gives away her answer. Instead, she picks up the pace to get her duty over with. “Fuck, you’re getting tight again. You’re so good at tightening your walls. If only your future members knew how much of a slut you are.”
“I’m not doing it because I want to; I’m doing it because I have to.” 
“Oh, if that’s the case, why don’t you let me fuck that tight pussy you have right there” as you rub your hands on her nicely trimmed cunt.
“No, you can’t.”
“Come on, it’s been over a year since we met, and you still haven’t…”
“Don’t. Remember, you can only fuck me anal if you don’t do it from the front. I’m saving myself for someone special.”
“Alight, I guess… You’re lucky I’m nice. If it was anyone else, they wouldn’t think twice about having all of you, if you know what I mean.”
“Haha don’t think you’re so nice. You still got your with me, even if it’s through my ass.”
“Let’s change the subject. How about you make me cum in two minutes. If you can do it in less than that, I’ll let you start your little group.”
Without a second thought, she increased the pace of her straddling. She moans as your cock reaches the deepest parts of her rectum. “Ahh… ahh.. it feels so good!” She lifts herself up and slams herself back down, causing her to tighten her walls. “Cum already, please…” as she looks up at you. “Almost.” She repeats it a couple more times, making you cum only five seconds before the two-minute mark. She groans as you fill her ass once more, causing her to lose strength in her body and collapse on your chest with a heavy breath.
It takes her a couple of minutes for her to regain a part of her strength, and when she does, she pulls herself out of your cock but don’t before you go for a passionate kiss to, which she does not reject. After you kiss, she musters enough energy to pull away, gets off your lap, waddles to the sofa across the room, throws herself onto it, and slowly closes her eyes.
You get off the chair and walk towards her and whisper, “Congratulations on your new group. Make sure not to disappoint me,” as you smack her ass. You walk towards the desk and grab some tissues to clean yourself off. You see the plug on top of her skirt and grab it before walking back to Irene. “Don’t forget this. I want you to walk around with my cum inside your ass for the whole day, okay” as you insert the plug back into her butt.
Irene spends the whole day with the plug as you order her to. The first thing she does when she returns to her apartment is go straight to the shower. She turns on the shower, lets it run for a few minutes, and places her head against the shower wall. After a long day, she tries to clear her mind and pulls out the plug. She watches as a large amount of cum pours out of her tight butthole and into the drain, “He pumped so much in me. It’s better for it to be my ass than the other whole and ending up pregnant. I’ll never let that man impregnate me. That would be the end of me…” as she takes a hot shower. 
A few days passed, and Irene was heading to the meeting room to meet with her future group mates when she saw a group of women entering through the main entrance. She sees IU and Taeyeon coming out of the elevator and walking toward the women. “Hey, IU. Who’s that?”
“Oh the group?”
“They’re Taeyeon’s groupmates. They came for a tour since Taeyeon wouldn’t stop complimenting the place. She will show them around the campus and maybe meet with the CEO if he’s available.”
“Oh, okay. Good luck then.”
IU catches up with Taeyeon and the rest of the group and passes by Irene. They introduce themselves one at a time, but only one catches her attention. “You must be Irene.”
“Yeah, I am.”
“I’m Jessica, by the way. Taeyeon told me I should communicate with you and IU if I had any questions.”
“Yes, IU and I are the CEO’s assistants and are more than glad to answer any questions you have.”
“Okay, good. I’ll catch you later. Can’t miss the tour of the company,” as Jessica waves goodbye to Irene. 
Irene waves back better, heading to the meeting room. She opens the doors and sees a group of four girls sitting next to each other, waiting patiently.
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archaeren · 3 months
Hello!! I hope you're having a good day ^^ I came across your post about writing non-linearly on Notion and I'm excited to try it out because the advice resonated with me! Though, I'm really new to using the app and, if possible, need help with how to do this part: 'where every scene is a separate table entry and the scene is written in the page inside that entry.' ;v;
Hello! Thank you so much for messaging!!! Since that post about writing non-linearly (linked for context) blew up roughly ten thousand times as much as anything I've ever posted, I've been kind of meaning to make a followup post explaining more about how I use Notion for writing non-linearly, but, you know, ADHD, so I haven't done it yet. XD In the meantime, I'll post a couple screenshots of my current long fic with some explanations! I'd make this post shorter, but I'm unable to not be Chatty. XD (just ask my poor readers how long my author notes are...) (There is a phone app as well which syncs with the desktop/browser versions, but I work predominantly in the desktop app so that's what I'm gonna be showing)
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(the table keeps going off the right side of the image but it's a bunch of unimportant stuff tbh) So this is more complicated than what you'll probably start with because I'm Normal and add a bunch of details that you might not need depending on what you're doing. For example, my fic switches POVs so I have a column for tracking that, and my fic follows a canon timeline so I have a column for dates so I can keep track of them, and I also made columns for things like if a scene had spoilers or certain content readers may want to avoid, which they can access in my spoiler and content guide for the fic. (As I said, I'm Normal.) I also do some complicated stuff using Status and estimated wordcount stuff to get an idea of how long I predict the content to be, but again, not necessary. Anyway, you don't need any of that. For the purposes of this explanation, we're just gonna look at the columns I have called Name, Order, and Status. (And one called Part, but we'll get into that later) Columns in Notion have different types, such as Text, Numbers, Select, Date, etc, so make sure to use the type that works best for the purpose of each column! For example, here I'm using Select for Character POVs, Number for Order and WC (wordcount), and Text for the In-Game Date. Okay let's get into it! Name is a column that comes in a Notion table by default, and you can't get rid of it (which drives me up the wall for some purposes but works totally fine for what we're doing here). As you can see on the scene I've labeled 'roll call', if you hover over a Name entry, a little button called 'Open' appears, which you click on to open the document that's inside the table. That's all default, you don't have to set anything up for it. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like when I click the one titled 'I will be anything for you' (I've scrolled down in the screenshot so you can see the text, but all the data fields also appear at the top of the page)
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(This view is called 'side peek' meaning the document opens on one side and you can still see the table under it on the left, which is what mine defaults to. But you can set it to 'center peek' or 'full page' as well.) All my scenes have their own entry like this! Note that I've said scenes, not chapters. I decide the chapters later by combining the scenes in whatever combination feels right, which means I can often decide in advance where my chapter endings will be. This helps me consciously give most of my endings more impact than I was usually able to do when I tried to write linearly. So hopefully that gives you an idea of what I mean by writing inside the table and treating the table as a living outline. The 'Status' column is also pretty straightforward, and might require a little setup for whatever your needs are. This is another default column type Notion has which is similar to a Select but has a few more specialized features. This is how mine is set up:
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(I don't actually use 'Done', idk why I left it there. Probably I should replace it with 'Posted' and use that instead of the checkmark on the far left? whatever, don't let anyone tell you I'm organized. XDD)
Pretty straightforward, it just lets me see easily what's complete and what still needs work. (You'll notice there's no status for editing, because like I mentioned in my other post, I don't ever sit down to consciously edit, I just let it happen as I reread) Obviously tailor this to your own needs! The Order column is sneakily important, because this is what makes it easy for me to keep the scenes organized. I set the Sort on the table to use the Order to keep the scene ordered chronologically. When I make the initial list of scenes I know the fic will have, I give all of them a whole number to put them in order of events. Then as I write and come up with new scene ideas, the new scenes get a number with a decimal point to put them in the spot they fit in the timeline. (you can't see it here, but some of them have a decimal three or four digits deep, lol). Technically you can drag them to the correct spot manually, but if you ever create another View in your table (you can see I have eight Views in this one, they're right under the title) it won't keep your sorting in the new View and you'll hate yourself when it jumbles all your scenes. XD (And if you get more comfortable with Notion, you probably will at some point desire to make more Views) The Part column isn't necessary, but I found that as the fic grew longer, I was naturally separating the scenes into different points along the timeline by changes in status quo, etc. (ex. "this is before they go overseas" "this is after they speak for the first time", stuff like that) in my mind. To make it easier to decide where to place new scenes in the timeline, I formalized this into Parts, which initially I named with short summaries of the current status quo, and later changed to actual titles because I decided it would be cool to actually use them in the fic itself. Since it's not in the screenshots above, here's what the dropdown for it looks like:
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(I've blocked some of the titles out for spoiler reasons)
Basically I only mention the Parts thing because I found it was a useful organizational tool for me and I was naturally doing it in my head anyway. Anyway, I could keep talking about this for a really long time because I love Notion (don't get me started on how I use toggle blocks for hiding content I've edited out without deleting it) but that should be enough to get started and I should really, you know, not make this another insanely long post. XDD And if anybody is curious about how the final results look, the fic can be found here.
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khunyuki · 3 months
"I am not going to fall in love, Yuu. Not until we find a way home"
<Observing Idia>
Sypnosis: You made up your mind not to fall in love the moment you arrived at Twisted Wonderland with your bestfriend, Yuu. With plenty of responsibilities on your shoulders in both worlds, do you even have time for romance? At least that's what you thought... Until a certain someone's actions caught your gaze.
Oneshot Pairing/s: Idia Shroud x reader
Note/s: My no. 1 fav Idia <3 I love youuuu
Masterlist: TOC
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As a magicless student at an all-boy's school like Night Raven College, there are a lot of things you can't do nor can't relate to. The very fundamental thing in this world is magic and that's something you don't have. Being unable to use magic in a magic school has more cons than pros but can you complain? No cuz being in NRC is the only way to keep you, your bestfriend and monster cat safe. That's why it comes as a surprise to you when you found out that there are a lot of people who can't use magic themselves. It's part of the norm so you feel at ease and confident enough to face challenges you normally don't encounter. Magic isn't everything as humans can always adapt to whatever situation they face.
Be it in Twisted Wonderland or your world, there's something that will never change. The inventions created, interests shared, hobbies formed, and many more. It may deviate from your own world but it is essentially still the same. While you can't relate to using magic in your everyday lives, can't properly attend classes like flight, nor can you use it to protect yourself and your friends, there's still something you know you can relate to.
Your phone chimed repeatedly as someone seems to have barraged you with text messages. You turned it on to see the person you have plans with that day, your senpai, Idia Shroud.
Gloomurai: Y/N-ssi, raid starts in 10. wer r u?
Gloomurai: come over already
Gloomurai: hurry up
Gloomurai: gonna to start w/o u if ur 2 slow
You looked at the time on your phone, 4:51pm. One minute has already passed so you gotta run. You have plans to play that popular MMORPG at his room where you can use his spare computer.
Nickname: okiokii
Nickname: running as fast as I can
You typed as you literally ran as fast as you can from your initial location at the courtyard to the hall of mirrors so you could get access to Ignihyde. You take twists and turn without getting lost as you always go there to hang out. Once you arrived, you entered without knocking as you know you're the only one he's expecting aside from Ortho.
"Hey, Idia! I arrived in...7 minutes. Wow that's a record"
You cheered as you weren't late yet panted from the sprint. You greeted the owner of the room who was sitting in front of his own pc. There you could see his bright blue hair burning eternally so clearly in the darkness of his room. He turned to face you and pointed at the desktop beside him.
"I already booted the game in your pc"
"Really? Thank you~"
You sat beside him and true to his words, your game is indeed open. Your character can be seen standing besides his inside the screen.
"No prob"
He pulled the strings of his hood as he tried to hide his face from you. While he can hide the blush on his face, he cannot hide the pink tinting his hair. As you started the raid, you couldn't help but think.
Should you try to get to learn Idia more deeply?
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Introducing Idia Shroud
Idia Shroud is the introverted housewarden of Ignihyde. After arriving in Twisted Wonderland, you immediately searched for animes, mangas, and games unique to that world. Due to your immense love, you decided to approach him out of your own volition with the help of his little brother, Ortho. He thought you were one of the normies pretending to like anime but you soon became close friends when you expressed everything you know with the same excitement real otakus have.
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Your Relationship
Your first IRL interaction is at the board game club. It was awkward for him but you didn't care because he was entertaining you back. You soon became inseparable as you two are often in your own world. He even went as far as to set up an old spare pc so you could play together at the comfort of his room. When it comes to your interests, it was only you two who got along so it wasn't a question how fast you became the bestest of friends.
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It's probably a month after you arrived at NRC when you met. You just finished adjusting to your now life, hastening the process by encountering your very first overblot. You noticed him as soon as you found out about him that you didn't care about what he thinks of you.
Listed below are things you find interesting about him:
Idia has a unique personality
Idia has been frowned upon by people due to his interests in anime and have developed a sharp tongue in his own defense. You could definitely empathize with him regarding that as back in your world, you have also faced challenges due to your interests. You chose to keep it to yourself at the start but have learned that you shouldn't let other people's words bother you. That's why you could understand his defensiveness when you tried to get close to him at first.
He's always so confident behind the protection of his floating tablet or the screen. He would say sassy remarks, insults or whatever is on his mind but when you meet face to face he couldn't even speak a word. You knew he was suspicious of you for trying to get close to him but your relentless pursuit made him crack. He'd berate you for the wrong information you share and correct it. He'd either be rapping his words or muting it so low on he can hear it.
As time passes by, no longer would he say such mean words to you. He's always excited to hear the continuation of the animes you've watched from your world. He would even unleash his keyboard warrior when someone tries to berate you. To others, he may seem weird or creepy but he's actually really kind once you get to know him.
Most of the time, he's pessimistic about himself so you would always tell him otherwise. Even if what he says are true, you still like him and want to be his friend. You'd do your best to comfort him by being by his side and not judging him. Idia isn't a people person nor does he know how to comfort others but if you're not feeling well, he'd try his hardest to make you feel better in the way you can. Like when he offered you to play games with him to release all your stress or simply watch your favorite series together. He won't ask you what's wrong and you appreciate it as he gives you the space you need.
Idia gets flustered really easily
Idia doesn't believe in the compliments you throw his way but when he does, he'd be a blushing mess. As his friend, you didn't like to see him so pessimistic so you'd compliment him whenever you can. All of it are genuine though as you really does think he's a great person that deserves to hear good words.
The way he easily turns red makes you want to tease him. You won't tease him by lying or insulting him, you'd tease him by saying great things about him just to get a reaction. You'd praise him for the little things like when he wins a game he's been grinding for a while. You'd do anything just to see his face, ears and hair turn pink once more.
Idia seems to give you special treatment
You could see this in the way he treats you differently from the others. Mainly because you're close friends that secretly like each other (you admit this but won't act on it). The treatment becomes even better due to you and Ortho getting along really well. You know how harsh Idia's words can be to others and it's in great contrast to his gentle interactions with you. Most of the time, you'd be the only person he'll talk to in the room which others don't really like as he takes most of your attention away. He's definitely smug about it.
If your friends invite you to something you know he'll like, you'd invite him as well. If he doesn't agree, you'll tell him the contents of your trip once you get back. If he does agree to join, you'll keep your attention on him so he won't be left out. If he's feeling unwell, you'll take care of him and move him away from crowds. So he'd repay you by paying for all your expenses for that trip, even the souvenirs or merch that you want.
He knows of your inability enjoy the things you really want to do due to the financial constraints of Ramshackle. That's why he specifically built a pc setup in your dorm and his room just for you as a gift. In your dorm so Yuu and Grim can also use it, mainly for academic purposes, and in his room so you could play together since his internet connection is better. He'd even go as far as to lend you money so you could pull for your favorite gacha banner, or gift you those expensive armors in matching pairs for your characters. It's a bit too much for you as you felt like you're taking advantage of him and his feelings so you reject it but then you'll suddenly see the thing you have your eyes on and he'll make an excuse saying it's your advanced/belated birthday gift.
Idia's intelligence
This is definitely one of the your favorite things about him which leaves you in awe every single time. You remember how he got offered an internship by Olympus Company and how he's being offered by other sponsors for his genius. His talent and expertise in engineering and gaming makes you admire him. Also how he made Ortho when he was just 16, something so complex and hard that you thought many people needed to work on was something he did by himself. You are definitely mindblown by his talents. Add to that when he told you the reason he's allowed to stay in his room during classes as he's practically in charge of NRC's security.
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You knew that from the moment you heard about him and sought him out that you will like him. You can clearly see how he likes you too everytime his hair turns pink around you. The two of you have this sense of comradeship and understanding you cannot find with others. Your interests are aligned which brings you so much joy in this world.
If you weren't trying to go home, you would've made the first move already but unfortunately that wasn't an option just yet.
You decided to just keep these feelings to yourself as soon as you realized it. Even if it was unfair to him, all because you like him yet couldn't pursue him.
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It's been months since you became friends with Idia. Your blatant interest in him was something you try to keep to yourself yet still uncontrollably express. You like him so much that when you saw him just standing so defeated, like he just accepted that he cannot change anything. That he'll be stuck at Styx forever, his curse has no cure, his brother lost, his friends aware of what he's done, him being all alone in this world. You hated it.
Yuu, Grim and the other kidnapped overblotted boys were finally starting to leave the underworld after giving him words of encouragement, expecting him to come back to school soon. You stayed behind to talk to him, getting closer to his lonely figure.
"The rest are leaving. You should go with them"
His voice that resorted to muttering again hurts you, as you can feel the pain hiding behind it. You took his hand in yours and squeezed it, wanting to share your warmth even just a little bit.
"I will wait for you Idia"
You gave him the gentlest smile you could muster as you gazed tenderly at his eyes. His eyes moistening at something he feels like he doesn't deserve. Your affection was overwhelming and he craves it. It hurts but he loves it at the same time.
"So you have to come back to me"
You leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. It was just a peck that lasted for a few seconds yet felt like eternity. You pulled back and hugged him tightly to show that he wasn't alone. You could feel him trembling as he also clung to you, not wanting to let go but you have to.
"I'll see you at school"
You let go of him and started to leave, following the rest who went first, giving you two privacy. You could see it in his eyes how the gears have turned where he has something to look forward to. He touched his lips with his fingers, disbelieving that you just kissed and hugged him. You were there waving him goodbye excitedly at the premise of meeting him again.
He has to go back. Because you'll be waiting for him.
It's a promise
Note/s: I didn't seem to do well even though I love him so much😭 I'll do better next time. Anyways is this an observation or a drabble cuz it's mixed😂 Pls give me ideas🙏
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sexy-monster-fucker · 3 months
Fic request: Vice Principals' Lee getting head from reader under his desk during a meeting?
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Lee Russell x Reader
Firm knees pressed into the linoleum below his office chair. Chair lowered giving you better access under the small space of his desk. Hazel, lust blown eyes stared down at you. Savoring the moments he got to look at you, mouth completely full of his cock. Slack jawed, Lee admired your head bobbing up and down on his hard cock.
Eyes darted up at the clock. He knew his coworker would be walking in shortly. A meeting that "just so happened to" lineup with you pleasuring him under his desk.
That's what Lee claimed anyway. You knew him better than that.
You felt his cock jump in your mouth as Neal Gamby barged in right on time. Lee sat up awkwardly, straightening his back and shoving his dick deeper into your throat. You fought your reflex to gag.
"Jesus, Gamby! Ever heard of knocking?" Lee ran his hands over his wooden desktop.
"S'Not like you have anything to hide in here," Gamby mumbled a rebuttal.
You could not fight the smile that crawled over your face hearing him so clueless. You flattened your tongue on the underside of his cock, getting a sigh in response from Lee. Swallowing a large lump of arousal in his throat in an attempt to remain composed. You looked up at Lee through the small gap between his stomach and the desk. His Adam's apple jumped up and down his throat.
"Alright, Russell. Let's get this dumb fucking meeting over with. I don't know why you insisted we talked about this at this exact time," Gamby sat in the chair on the opposite side of Lee's desk. A thin layer of wood hid you from the other Vice Principal. Thrill seeped through every bit of you.
He had to fight himself from staring down at you, eyes darting down to yours piercing through the dimly lit under-desk.
"Well," Lee blew his breath out when you did something off rhythm, "Do you wanna take down Dr. Brown or not? We either talk about the plan for tonight right now or you back out, Gamby. Now grow the hell up." You watched as Lee's chest rose and fell with the deep breaths he took.
This was like a power trip for him. Knowing he was getting his rocks off while planning the downfall of his number one enemy. His newly found colleague sitting across from him. Every other faculty member only a glass door away. He loved the thrill. Loved the way you felt wrapped around him. While he would never tell anyone this happened, he would love to see their faces if he told them. Told them about how he got sucked off right under their noses. How you were buried under his desk, drool running down your chin as you took every inch he had to offer.
"Don't you think Y/N needs to be here? She is apart of this plan too," Neal huffed out. Lee chuckled at his question. Rolling his shoulders", "Don'tchu worry about her, now. I promise she will get the message."
You began bobbing up and down faster on him, hollowing out your cheeks to allow better access to you. Your nose pressed against the perfectly groomed pubic hair at the base of his cock as you took every bit of him in your mouth.
Lee attempted to nonchalantly place his hands in his lap, praying Gamby could not tell what he was doing. One of his hands caressed your face, running from your cheek to under your chin. A gentle dance of fingers telling you you were doing a good job. The other attempted to feel for your breast. He tried not to overextend his arm, barely short of reach. He huffed in frustration.
"Whatever, Russell. So, like we had talked about earlier..." Gamby began retelling everything that Lee, you, and him had discussed out behind the school a few hours prior.
You knew this meeting was a scheme to allow Lee to get sucked off in front of someone. A fantasy of his being fulfilled.
The salty taste of precum filled your mouth. Lee sat back slightly as he listened to Gamby over explain everything, taking the opportunity to look down at you. Your blown eyes causing him to rut up into your mouth. They made his stomach do a flip. He swore you had never looked so beautiful. He knew he was going to finish soon.
"... And then- BOOM, one of us gets to be Principal. Sound about right to you?" Gamby folded his arms over his chest.
You began doing everything you could to get him off. Sucking on him harder and faster. Lee's breaths became shaky as he attempted to respond to Neal. "Y-Yeah, Gamby. fuck," Lee squinted his eyes, loosing composure momentarily. This was it. He felt his body tingle all over as he shot into your mouth. Hot ropes of cum hitting the back of your throat, "Sounds p-perfect."
Although his high had subsided, you continued your motions on his softening cock. Lee's legs were shaking with each bob of your head. Cum mixed with drool pooling around the base of his cock.
"What was the fucking point of this then?!" Gamby stood up, throwing his hands up.
"Goddammit, can't I just check that we're on the same page, Gamby?! You ungrateful motherfucker!" Lee shouted at him, "Get the fuck out of my damn office!"
Neal Gamby huffed, stomping out of Lee's office. Slamming the door behind him. Lee's eyes trailed making sure he was gone before pushing his chair back to get a better look at you. Tears stained the corners of your eyes, cheeks swollen and red. A giant smile painted Lee's face as he crawled out of his chair to join you in the floor. His lips crashing into yours, tongue venturing in.
"You have one hell of a mouth, pretty girl," Lee praised, his breathing heavy.
"Just so happened you had to have that important meeting with Gamby right now?" You cocked an eyebrow at him, a smile painting your kiss swollen lips.
Lee's tongue went out to lick over his teeth that were painting a wicked grin on his face, "It was of the utmost importance that these two events overlapped, sweetheart." Lee chuckled, pressing his lips back to yours.
~ Thank you so much for the amazing request!! <3 ~
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azureinkwell · 5 months
Hello! ( ̄ω ̄)/ Do you play lots of Choice of Games IFs? Do you find yourself constantly frustrated with their lack of save system? Well allow me to give you a [Hopefully simple though probably redundant] guide on how to save your games! For the record there are other ways I just don’t know/use them this way works for me.
So I made a post of this before kinda, it was as a response to an ask for @barbwritesstuff [Fantastic creator btw I highly recommend giving them a follow.] BUT I didn’t like how messy it was since I tried to do it quickly, there was also a typo & honestly, it bugged me to no end. (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Now that that’s taken care of onward! For this guide I’m going to use @barbwritesstuff game Blood Moon again because well I’m already set up for that. Before we begin, we need two things the program and our games “Code” [Technically it’s called Game ID but Code is quicker].
I use a program called CoGSaver which can be found with a fairly easy guide on its use here. [Hence the redundant part but hey always nice to have multiple guides and I included pics (・ω<)☆]
[I find this program to be safe but please always use caution when downloading things from the internet.]
Next the Code, to find it we’ll need to go Right click our games desktop icon and select “Properties”. You should see it immediately.
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Now once you’re playing your game and come to a point you want to save open CoGsaver and click “Select Game”
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Next we’re going to navigate to our game data, remember that Code? Each steam game has one and they will be listed as their Codes so that’s how we’ll find it.
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Now just select the “storePS<gamename In this case Blood Moon>PSstate”
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Congratulations! ♪♪♪ ヽ(ˇ∀ˇ )ゞ You have now made your game accessible to be saved! From here just Click “Create Save” to save and “Load Game” to load simple right? Well just forewarning when you want to load your game, you’ll need to close out your game and reopen it to load up your save point. Is it a bit tedious? Yes, but there you go now you can save your game, Happy playing!
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