#tried to write this yesterday but headache got the best of me
gellavonhamster · 1 year
shadow and bone s2 (ugh)
In a few words: script bad, cast good, I have Opinions and you will hear them (but maybe don’t read this if you genuinely loved this season, I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade)
In more than few words:
the bad:
taking so many books and stuffing them all into eight episodes was decidedly not a good idea. It’s rushed. It also ruins all hopes for a more or less book-accurate Crows storyline that the Helnik part of s1 had me harbouring, because so much of Crooked Kingdom has already been used
it is not enough to reproduce a moment from the books on screen if the context which made that moment powerful in the books is lost. An example would be “Goodbye, Aleksander” - no one knows his name in the books, it’s the final moment of humanity allowed the man behind the villain, but there’s nothing surprising about this address in the show - but there were many such cases
I realize that some levity is needed and the books aren’t completely serious either, but some of the funny ha ha stuff felt so unnecessary... like when that one follower of the Darkling says something like “uh-oh” when she notices a grenade is about to explode next to her. MCU disease
there was something off about Kanej this season. I don’t think he pushed her away that much in the books. This is slipping into the more stereotypical “you’re better off without me!!” territory, which is not really what they were in the books
why the hell is Heleen dead? Inej should be the one to destroy her - it’s her nemesis, the Pekka Rollins to her Kaz, she deserves that
also, why the hell was Dunyasha replaced with some random creepy guy? I don’t even like Dunyasha, but I enjoy the dark twin thing she and Inej had. It felt important
speaking of the characters I don’t even like that still deserved better treatment, all of the Darkling’s scenes were so boring to me this season. Boring ass cliché villain lines... it’s like this was made for TV and they needed some parts when the audience can go to the bathroom
Jesper and Wylan = big cringe :( those slutty bisexuals can never remember who they sleep with, amirite
do NOT like Tolya apparently developing a crush on Inej, he’s as aroace in the books as it can get in a universe where such terms haven’t been invented yet. They better do NOT erase that
the good:
the cast continues to be perfect. They’re taking the mediocre script they’re saddled with and making it better with their skills, chemistry, and charm. I love everyone in this bar
Nikolai! I’m trying to remember why I was unsure about this casting at first and can’t, but in any case, I was wrong - he was very good. Properly charming and annoying, with a touch of the boy king and a touch of the Too-Clever Fox, just the way it should be
the small interactions between the Crows like Jesper hugging Inej or Nina and Kaz having to pretend to be a couple made me happy
Jesper’s poison-induced hallucination might’ve been predictable, but I loved seeing him and his mom together, loved Aditi in general
the BEE!!! Yeah, that was some good foreshadowing
Genya and David were one of the best things about this season, I love them so much
the mixed bag:
I was really glad I saw spoilers about David’s death in advance because otherwise I might’ve punched the screen, but then I watched the last two episodes and... no one warned me the body wasn’t found? Come on, it’s fantasy, if the body wasn’t found, it usually means something. A Twitter mutual of mine suggested the Darkling might come back in David’s body, which I would not like to happen, but otherwise I am pretty excited about the possibility of some kind of Came Back Wrong (or - dare I hope - even a happy ending?..). Of course, he dies at a later point in the books, but the showrunners have admitted that what they’re making is essentially fanfiction, and saving the character expected to die is a very fanfiction thing to do. The problem is, their fic hasn’t been particularly good so far. Still, I am very curious about how this is gonna turn out
I am one of the few people who think TGT had a good and appropriate ending, but show!Alina is different enough from book!Alina for me to believe the changed ending works well. Show!Alina has definitely suffered, but she’s still seen less death and pain than book!Alina (no execution of Ana Kuya; no death of Botkin either, as far as I recall; no Harshaw; no Fedyor dying; Marie’s death is less brutal and doesn’t happen in front of her eyes, etc.), she didn’t spend as much time underground, she wasn’t as manipulated by the Apparat in addition to the Darkling. She’s also much more ambitious and eager to be a leader. It makes sense for book!Alina to want a quiet life where no one would bother her anymore, but it also makes sense for show!Alina to take an active part in reforming Ravka. And it also makes sense for Mal to want to find out to what extent his feelings for Alina were real and what was just amplifier stuff, to find his own path now that there is no predestination for him. I do believe Malina will be endgame in the show as well, because the showrunners are planning to adapt the Nikolai duology too, which means Zoyalai and Zoya as the queen, but I have no idea how it all is going to happen
it looks like we’re going to see dark!Alina, which could be interesting! Alas, I don’t trust the writers of this show to make a good job of it
not gonna lie, the idea that Sturmhond is a title one can pass on like Dread Pirate Roberts in The Princess Bride is funny af
I saw a tweet pointing out that it makes sense for Inej to “train” on  Sturmhond’s ship before captaining her own ship later, and on the one hand, I agree, but on the other hand, how are they going to bring her back for the Ice Court Heist if she’s already at sea
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mistydeyes · 8 months
Hi,if you’re not busy can you write a fic of Cod characters with a cia agent gf ?
yes ofc! yk i love a good little government agent gf moment :)
a double life
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summary: From hidden occupations to a particular set of skill sets, the 141 learns to adapt to having a girlfriend who has all the right qualifications (and who could completely kick their ass).
pairing: Task Force 141 x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of weapons/violence
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"Sorry I can't be there to meet you, Price," Laswell spoke over the web camera feed, "got tied up in South America." Price nodded as he held the bridge of his nose, Laswell had promised her best field agent to act as a point person for their mission in New Zealand. However, just the thought of some middle-aged retired veteran or worse yet, hot-shot rookie, made his headache pound even further. "She's a good one, Price," Laswell reassured, "skilled in practically every major language and the best marks in her physical fitness examination." "Yes Kate, I read her file, but it seems like you failed to include a photo-" He was interrupted by a sturdy knock at the door. "Looks like she's here."
As you cracked the door open, you practically dropped the files that sat in your arms. "What are you doing here?" Price asked jovially and you could feel the breath release from your sternum, "didn't expect an on-base visit like this." As the pieces began to fit together, you realized he didn't know what you were actually there for. "John, Kate sent me here," you whispered as you shut the door gently, "heard you're going to New Zealand." As the realization hit him like an oncoming train, you braced for impact. "You-you work for the CIA?" he asked almost foolishly and you nodded in response. "I did say I worked in Virginia," you corrected, "and you had to know my surprise visit yesterday wasn't just a spur-of-the-moment thing." Price could feel his headache reach a fever pitch as he reviewed your file again. "Then what's with the name?" he asked, "you lie about that too." You let out a laugh as you explained, "People have nicknames and mother's maiden names, John." As you sat back in your chair and crossed your legs, Price wondered what he had done for the universe to gift him you.
Despite your initial reservations, Johnny was quite good at keeping your occupation vague and nonchalant in conversation. You were honest about your work in central intelligence and he took that secret to the grave. Your long-distance relationship was written off as you working in some company in DC and no one batted an eye at your occasional inference at military strategy or surveillance techniques. When you returned home, you would always be sure to show him extra appreciation for his covertness. "Tryna make me patriotic?" he would joke before you would kiss him and stifle his laughs.
However, he loved testing your skill set and seeing if you were as trained of an operative as your file read. "Let's see what they teach you over there, Bonnie," he joked as he lined up his sights at the air gun range. You refrained from kicking him as you stood back to watch him. You almost let out a laugh when you saw his small pellet ricochet just slightly off target. "Hmm and that's why Ghost is your long-range weapons specialist," you teased as he got up and switched positions. You breathed in as you looked down your sights and positioned your rifle towards the farthest target on the range. "You Americans, always so fucking cocky," he muttered under his breath before you quickly shut him up with a quick shot directly into the center of the target. The metal hen spun around widely at your expert marksmanship and you exhaled your held breath. You stood up and tried to size up your tall boyfriend. "Best 2/3?" you offered and you smiled as he kissed your forehead before ushering you out of the way to try again. "Fucking CIA training," he whispered as he got into position again. "You say something, you glorified sergeant?"
It was 4 am when you arose from the bed and leaned into Kyle, taking in his warmth and seeking refuge from the cold London air. You could always rely on your boyfriend to be your human-sized space heater. As you laid your head across his chest, you could feel him stir lightly. "Time to go already, love?" he asked with his eyes still closed and you muttered in confirmation. You always knew what challenges came with living so far away from the States but you had someone who made it all worth it. He kissed your forehead lightly as you rolled off the bed. You tried to quietly make your way to the bathroom to let him get some more hours of precious sleep but upon your return, it was clear Kyle was more awake than before.
"You sure you don't need me to drive you to the airport?" he offered yet again as you dressed quickly in dress slacks and a blouse. "MI6 is sending a car," you explained as you collected your overnight bag, "just try to get some sleep, my love. I'll text you when I land in Langley." Despite your soft kiss on the cheek, Kyle still pouted as you pulled away. "Don't understand why you can't be a liaison officer for us," he mumbled but you ruffled his hair slightly. "When the position becomes available, I'll be the first application on there," you smiled, doing a final check of your things, "just tell Price to write me a hell of a recommendation letter." With that, you shared another long kiss as you slightly cringed at his morning breath. "I'll be sure to say hi to the cybercrime analysis team for you, hopefully, they'll actually take my advice this time," you laughed before exiting out of your apartment and embracing the cold English air you had grown to love.
When the question arose of your occupation, you would always smile and defer to being just an "American government worker." However, you always knew Simon had more than just an inkling as to your occupation. When you spoke about military strategy, and combat techniques, or even had various conversations in different languages over the phone, it was clear to him that you were more than just a civilian. The shock didn't even resonate with him when you uttered the words, "Paramilitary Operations Officer," it all seemed to fall into place. He wouldn't bat an eye when it came to long stretches of days that you were in minimal contact with him. "I'll be back," you would reassure as you pulled on a dark hoodie and headed out the door with a bag. Simon would always be there to clean your wounds and ice your bruises.
It was a shock when Simon hadn't heard from you in a month. You had left in the middle of the day in a black Mercedes that disappeared off the English skyline. It was the unfortunate timing that he had been on leave when you left and there had been no word from Price regarding a new mission. Every morning, he would turn over in your king-sized bed expecting to see you smiling back at him. However, the days dragged on without any information meeting his ears. You could practically still picture his terrified face when you turned the key into the door and slammed your bag down. Simon paused upon seeing your blackened eye and wrapped knuckles. The eye bags on your delicate face further added worry to the situation. "Don't ask," you whispered as you fell into his chest, "intel was shit." That was all Simon needed to lift you gently and place you back on the couch. As he held you in his arms with an ice pack to your eye, you slightly pulled away from his touch. "I promised I would come back, didn't I?"
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artists-ally · 5 months
Hi! I love your writing and I just wanted to ask if you could make a fic about Azriel and a chronically ill reader? I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and it can be really difficult sometimes. I’m currently in a flare-up and I would love to see what Azriel would be like if he had a partner with a chronic illness 🩵 please and thank you!
{The Fixer} Azriel x Reader
Hi my love!!! While I myself do not know what it's like to live with a chronic illness, my mom has chronic migraines and I was always the one taking care of her. I hope you enjoy and are taking as best care of yourself as you can through this flare-up my love <3 Title and story inspired by this song.
Word Count: 2,193
Warnings: struggles of chronic illness, headaches, vomiting, fluff
Tagging: @cyrygher @thelov3lybookworm @librafairy @blessthepizzaman @needylilgal022 @bubybubsters @harrystylesfan2686 @justdreamstars
Summary: Azriel notices. Even when you try to hide it from him. There is nothing he hates more than seeing you in pain, and it's his mission to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
Whether it was the dots spreading across my vision or the ache set deep in every bone in my body, I knew I was off. Short of the normal dizziness and weakness I had, I felt like shit.
I rolled over in bed to find Az gone, and I sighed. Getting to the bathroom was going to be tough. Half an hour went by before I could fully open my eyes and not see the world spinning before. 
The snow was blinding across Velaris, burning my eyes and making me jerk my neck too hard in the opposite direction. Much like my hips and ankles, the joints in my neck screamed for relief. Just a few steps away was the bathroom. If I could get there, to the cabinet above the sink I could get my-
My sweater pocket caught the post on the bed and I got yanked to the floor. Landing shoulders first, pins and needles raced up and down my left arm. Fingers numb. With more than a groan, I rolled off of it and found a new ache in… well, everywhere. 
It took a long time to roll on my hands and knees, but I did it, and now I was on the cold tile. It did wonders for the radiating heat in my freshly injured palms, but it chilled it to the marrow of my bones. 
As much as I wanted to, I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand. The pounding of my head and the rolling of my stomach was enough to force me to sit against the wall opposite the toilet. 
I pulled my head back and tried to breathe. 
Those life changing blue pills that Madja gave me would be useless now. They could only prevent a flare-up if caught at the earliest signs. I’ve been able to catch the past few, but I wasn’t expecting this one. 
Azriel was right when he told me to take it easy during training yesterday. All I wanted to do was prove to him that I could keep up. I knew I couldn't, and so did he, but that wasn’t the point. He shouldn’t just assume I can’t because I’m sick. 
Yet here I am, paying for it on the bathroom floor. 
I could feel the circulatory pattern of my pulse. A never ending cycle of pain. Starting in my head, down my neck and in my teeth. To my shoulder, numbness down my arm and tingling in my finger. The surge of agony in my hip, through my leg and in my knee. Gods my ankle, what did I do to my ankle?
A quick check under my sock and I could see the culprit. A huge bruise accompanied by an abundance of swelling. I must’ve kicked the post in the night again. Or it could’ve been from sparring, or our sprint up the stairs.
I gave up trying to keep tabs on all my possible reasons and focused on the fact that I was all alone in the House of Wind. Azriel, Cassian, and Nesta were all away in Illyria for the day to train a group of new recruits. Nuala and Cerridwen were here, but I always feel weird asking them for help. 
I can make it to the evening. I’ll get up and I’ll take that pill, even if it will only decrease the length not the strength of this flare-up. Anything. I’ll do anything to get it over quicker so I’ll be back to normal. 
On the count of three, I’ll get up. I’ll push with the strength I’ve built up from training with Az. I’ll push myself up and grab the pill and go back to bed. 
My arms do nothing but scream in pain, and my legs lose feeling. I go nowhere but back on my ass. I try again, after another count of three. Nothing. Holding my breath while doing it only makes the dizziness worse. And the nausea. 
I drag myself over to the toilet and empty whatever is left in my stomach. It’s not much, and it burns on the way up. Tears fill my eyes and mucus fills my nose and throat. I know when pain and headaches get so bad you vomit, the episode is going to be particularly brutal. 
My skin is damp and I start to shake. Water. I need water. 
I flush and manage to make it on the toilet. I turn on the sink with some blind movement and I’m greeted with the lovely sound of water. I can’t lift my left arm any more and I think it might be out of socket. I can’t tell. Doesn’t matter. I scoop some water into my mouth, but most of it makes it down my shirt instead. 
I let it run and run and run, letting the cool liquid calm my swimming head. 
At some point I laid my head down and didn’t pick it back up. I stayed in this awful state of micro sleep, sometimes drifting off, sometimes thinking I’m dreaming but I’m just letting my mind wander. The bright morning sun turned into the dull brightness of the afternoon. I think. 
My heart beat loudly in my ears. Then it would stop, and then it would start again. My pulse was taunting me. It must be. It sounded like Azriel’s wings which only made me miss him more. The memory of his scent blasted through me and the tears started. 
I want him so bad. I need him.
“Shhh, it’s okay, just breathe, Yn.”
My eyes snapped open, and through a blurry mess of tears, Azriel kneeled in front of me. “W-What are you doing here?”
“The second you woke up I could feel your pain,” his thumb slid across my cheek. “I turned around when I realized why. You need help.”
I shook my head, or tried to. It just sorta rolled back and forth. 
“Squeeze my fingers, Yn.” Azriel placed two of his digits in my palms and I squeezed as hard as I could. Not even the tips of his fingers turned red from the pressure. “Are you going to let me help you or are you going to be difficult?”
“I don't want to be difficult. I’m in so much pain.”
“I know, my shadow. I know.”
As gently as he could, he sat me up and carried me to the bed. He took off his armor somewhere along the way, the bony ridges of the scales not digging into me like they normally do. I was eternally grateful for the small detail he remembered. 
Even our mattress hurt just as much as the floor. 
“I need to take a look at you. Where are you hurting the most? Did you fall?”
I nodded deliriously, “My ankle’s a mess. And so is my shoulder. M’arms numb.”
As carefully as he could, he propped me against him and peaked around. I didn’t hear him make any gasps, but I could feel that pull on the bond that meant he didn’t like what he saw.
“How bad?”
“Bad enough for me to call Madja. She’s on her way. I told you to take it easy-”
Azriel completely disregarded whatever he was going to say next. “I’m sorry.”
“Just get me the pill, please,” I faulty gestured to the bathroom. He didn’t even move, but then a pill and a cup of water was pressed into my lips. Those shadows of his are so helpful. 
“I didn’t mean anything by what I said. I just don’t like seeing you in pain. It makes me… it makes me wild.”
“I appreciate it, I do Az, but you can’t protect me from everything. And I don’t want you to. There's a reason why I wanted to train with you in the first place.”
“I know, but there's no need to exert yourself to this just to prove a point. I know how tough you are, Yn. You are the strongest, most resilient soul I’ve ever met. But making yourself like this in spite of me is something I never want you doing.”
I smiled, cheeks heating up as I leaned against his chest. His body radiated heat like a roaring fire, and I soaked up every morsel of it. 
With enough pillows and heat packs, I was propped up against the headboard. Soon after, Madja and Nuala came in. I could smell the fresh bread and juice from across the room and my stomach growled. 
“It’s cheese bread with a nice tomato and herb soup. Azriel requested the sweet tea just for you.”
I smiled up at him, my eyes suddenly heavy with love and adoration for my Shadowsinger. 
I ate as Madja poked and prodded. Az held my hand and kissed the tears away when she had to reset my shoulder. By this point, my body was in so much pain that I couldn’t think of anything else. The healer was kind enough to give a sedative and an injection that did something. 
“She’ll be asleep soon,” Madja said across the room to Azriel. “When she wakes, send for me again and I will bring one that doesn’t make her drowsy. Do not let her out of that bed unless she is in your arms, Shadowsinger.”
“Thank you, Madja.” And the door shut. Once again, the bed dipped and he trailed a gentle hand up my legs. “Just go to sleep, my shadow.”
“I hope you know that shot will do nothing, Az.”
“I thought they were working?” He asked, puzzled. 
I shook my head, “I thought so too, but they’re not. There isn't anything you can do to ease the pain, Az. No amount of pills or injections or stimulation therapy will do the trick. I just have to wait it out.”
“So you rest until it passes,” Az climbed in beside me. “I will be here when you wake up.”
“I don’t want to sleep,” I hissed, frustrated tears spilling down my face. “I want to train and go to dinner and drink red wine and dance like the rest of you.”
I couldn't bear to look at him. Couldn’t bear to see the sadness in his eyes. After a long silent moment, he took a deep breath. 
“It’s okay if you need rest. You’re not expected to work or thrive in the condition you’re in. I could tell last night you weren’t feeling good.”
That made me perk up. “How?”
“You get this hazy, far away look. That's how I know you’re in pain.” Azriel muttered, snuggling in close so I could latch on for warmth. “Let me take care of you. Don’t focus on anything other than healing and my warmth. I will be here when you wake up.”
I didn’t care to read into how much he read into me. My heart blazed with thoughts, all of him and those offhanded looks and questions he always asks. He is such an observer.
“I’m the spy for the Night Court, my shadow. Of course I’m observant. I notice everything about you. What makes you smile, what doesn’t. The foods and drinks that give you headaches and swelling. When your flare-ups are coming and when they’re finally withdrawing. I make it my mission to make sure you are as safe and comfortable as possible. I am sorry I wasn't there to help you this morning, love.”
“I felt fine last night, no need to say sorry.” I kissed his cheek, then he kissed my lips. “Thank you for turning around.”
“Cassian thought I had been shot with an arrow with how hard I dove down to the ground to turn around. I felt this rush of pain from you and I thought for a second it was my own. But don’t feel bad. I want to be here anyway. You’re much better than any of those awful camps.”
“I’m a lot better,” I smiled, nuzzling into his chest.
The glint in his voice was enough to make me swoon, “Yes, my shadow. Everything about you is better than those camps.”
Through the rest of the day, Az laid with me, running hands through my hair, massaging my legs when they cramped up. He got me water, food and snacks. Kept the entertainment up when I was in too much pain to nap. All through the night, Azriel held me steady so I wouldn’t accidentally roll around. 
Madja came in the morning with more useless injections, Nuala with a stack of chocolate chip pancakes and fresh bacon. 
I made Az eat some because I didn’t see him steal a crumb earlier. 
Later, he took me into the bath where he scrubbed my scalp, massaging my temples. I tried to do the same for his back and wings, but he refused to let me move. Just sat me in his lap, chest pressed against my back and let us soak for hours. 
As we got out, he sat me on the bed while he gathered clothes for us. Per my request, he kept his shirt off and just through on a set of lounging sweats.
One foot at a time, he put me in the comfiest pair of pants I had. The fleece lined inside keeping out the cold. He put thick socks on my feet and found something to wrap around my top half so I didn't have to move my arm.
We laid back down, me tucked in his arms. I absently stroked the back of his scarred hand.
I was calm. The ache is still present, but ignorable with a few of his stories. I drifted to sleep, in the safest place in Prythian.
"Thank you, Az," I murmured, sleep evident now
He kissed me softly, "Anything for you, my shadow."
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msnanu · 1 year
Life Twist 02 | JJK
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⏤banner by the talented and sweet: @archivedkookie ❣
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⏤summary ❧ After an enormous loss in your life and breaking a long relationship with your now ex boyfriend, you decided you needed a life twist. So you move into a new country to try restart your life and seek for your happiness. What you weren’t expecting was someone like Jungkook entering into your life as soon as you got to Seoul.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ jungkook x female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 ❧ fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, 4 years age gap (reader is JK’s noona)
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ❧ 7.9k+
⏤ author’s note❧ Please, enjoy the new chapter, guys! I hope you don't hate me after this one. Trust me, things are getting interesting from now on - the trip is coming too! 😏 Let me know your thoughts on the story so far! If there's any misspelling please forgive me, I tried to update as fast as possible since I'm not gonna be able to write the next chapter until next Monday so I wanted to give you this time a chapter that's a little more longer than the first one.
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��Oh, for fucks sake my head, make it stop!’ you hear your best friend groaning on the sofa while you’re in the kitchen preparing yourselves breakfast.
You placed in the kitchen counter a plate with strawberries, kiwi, and banana. You've also prepared some french toasts, scrambled eggs, and fresh orange juice. It’s not like you've worked a lot preparing everything but you know Chris likes that kind of breakfast, so knowing he would get up any time soon feeling like hell, you went for that.
‘There you have some Ibuprofen for you to take, it will help with the headache, at least I hope so’ you say when Chris approaches one of the chairs next to the counter.
‘Thanks, you’re an angel’ he says whilst he drinks the pill with help of the freshly orange juice that you’ve prepared him and then he adds: ‘I missed so much having these hangover breakfasts with you’.
Right before he started to talk, you were about to scold him for over drinking on the very first night you went out together again and leaving you with people that you just met. Thank God for Jungkook that helped you dragging his ass back to home, you don’t know how you would’ve done it without his help. But you bite your tongue because, to be totally honest there’s been a million times where the situation was the opposite, you being drunk as fuck and he being the one to drag you home so, you can only respond ‘I missed this too’ while placing your head for a few seconds on his shoulder and then start eating your breakfast next to him
‘So…the golden maknae has charmed his way out to you?’ says your friend out of the sudden
‘The golden what?’
‘Maknae means the youngest. JK is insanely good at every thing that human beings can possibly do, so Namjoon thought of that nickname and now most of the guys in the group call him ‘golden maknae’ because of that’ he explains while you just nod
You feel like you’re starting to blush remembering about yesterday’s events so you look away and then you think to yourself – how the fuck did your friend noticed? He was so freakin wasted but he still noticed the flirting? Well…at least that’s what you think you were both doing…you were both flirting each other, right?
Chris knows you like the back of his hand, he noticed how you looked away and he clearly saw you blushing while spacing out. ‘I was wasted but not to that extent to not remembering how you were both obviously flirting with each other’ he says suddenly making you return to Earth
‘I wasn’t flirting!’ You respond almost immediately knowing it’s a lie and that Chris can see right through it
‘Hey – It’s me who you’re talking to, since when do you get this shy over a guy that you flirted with? I’m actually happy that you’re putting yourself out on the market again. I mean, it’s been like ages’
‘It’s only been a year’
‘Only a year? Dear God if I didn’t get my dick wet for a week I would be bawling like a baby’
‘That’s because you constantly think with your dick, there’s more in life than sex’
‘Oh yeah? Like what? Watching Netflix on your couch while eating popcorn alone on a Friday night? – what’s wrong with that? you think to yourself while your friend keeps talking - Come on, you’re about to turn 30, you haven’t been single for almost a decade... you need to start having some fun again’
‘Honestly, I don’t know if it can be catalogued as flirting what happened last night, maybe he was just being friendly with me. I have been in a relationship for so long that I feel like I don’t even know how to act properly with a hot guy’ you say sincerely
‘From what I remember I’m convinced that my man JK was flirting with you too… but stop worrying so much, go with the flow…you’ll know what to do’ your friend tries to comfort you
‘He asked me for my cellphone number before leaving’ you confess
‘He did, huh?’ - says wiggling his eyebrows over to you while you roll your eyes - ‘Though, I have to say, I’m surprised you’re even attracted to him, he is an insanely handsome guy...but you were never too fond of younger guys’
‘That’s what I thought exactly when he told me how old he is. But I’ve never really tried with a younger guy anything so…maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing to give it a go at one point’
‘Now that’s my best friend! Go get that dick bestie!’
‘Eww, why do you always have to be so explicit? I’m not even sure something is gonna happen with him… we just talked a bit and he asked my cellphone. It doesn’t mean anything’
‘Maybe we’ll find out tonight’ says Chris while heading over to wash the dishes
‘Huh? Why tonight?’ you flip your head towards him and curiously ask
‘Didn’t you check your phone? The guys added you to our group chat. We’re going to a night club tonight; we’ll keep it going with Jackson’s birthday party… he really enjoys celebrating the whole weekend whenever he’s the birthday boy’ says your friend
And then he adds: ‘And I’m pretty sure that your lover boy JK confirmed he’s going tonight’ while he winks at you
‘Shut up, he’s not my lover. And who said I’m going too? I might be busy’
‘Are you, though?’, he looks suspiciously at you because he already knows you’re lying
‘No’ you almost whisper
‘Then that’s it, you’re coming. You need to get laid, it’s good for your health, you know’
‘Oh my god Christian, I just met the guy last night, I’m not gonna sleep with him immediately!’
‘Why not? You’re not hurting anyone by enjoying yourself’
You go near him and hand a few dirty dishes that were left in the counter while you sigh and say ‘I'm aware that I’m not hurting anyone, it’s just that I don’t usually go sleeping around, you know it. And we’re getting to much ahead of ourselves, I already told you I don’t know if he’s even attracted to me, I just saw him one time, I barely know the guy for crying out loud!’
He chuckles while saying ‘Trust me. I have the feeling that he wants to pound you until you don’t remember your own name’
‘Oh my f – You’re such a pig sometimes!’ you say while punching his arm with your small fists, though he doesn’t even budge
He smiles at you and says ‘So, that means you’re coming, right?’
‘Fine, I’ll go. But I don’t want to drag your drunken ass back home again tonight so please control yourself’
‘Don’t worry, after last night I think I’ll just drink water tonight. I’m not getting any younger and it takes a lot more time to recover now than when I was 18’ and you both chuckle at your friend’s sincerity while you take a rest scattered in your couch
‘Ugh, I don’t know, I’m not sure… maybe this is too revealing or maybe it’s too tight, why am I getting so stressed over a dress?!’ you say while you show your outfit through videocall to your best friend
‘Maybe because you know you have pretty good chances on hooking up with certain someone today’
‘Please, cut it out. You’re making me nervous, I just want to have a good night’
‘Okay, okay sorry… you know I’m just kidding. You look amazing, stop having doubts. You usually don’t give a shit about what people says so what’s with the insecurities now?’
‘It’s not insecurities, I know I’m gorgeous’ and you see him rolling your eyes at you ‘Hey – don’t you roll your eyes on me, mister. You know it’s true’
You both snicker at this point and he simply replies ‘Yeah, I honestly can’t disagree on that’
‘Maybe I’m nervous because he’s also kind of your friend and I don’t want to make things awkward. Imagine that we hook up... and then we start dating... and then for some reason we break up, it would be so weird giving that he’s in your friend’s group and now I’m also being included’
You see your friend laughing like crazy through the screen, till the point that he’s cleaning a few tears of his cheeks
‘What the hell are you laughing for?’ you say with greeted teeths
‘It’s just that you said to me earlier that we were getting ahead of ourselves because you don’t even know if JK feels the same way about you and now here you are imagining scenarios were you two are dating… gosh, you can be so funny sometimes’
‘Fuck off’
He snickers and says ‘Listen, just go with the flow. He is my friend too, yes, but don’t even think about that. Just do whatever your heart… or your pussy says’
You can’t help to laugh at your friend’s words, and you respond ‘Okay, we’ll see were the night goes. Let’s have fun tonight!’
‘I love that spirit! I’ll pick you up in an hour, bestie. See u’
You send him a flying kiss and you see him faking like he passed out after he received it ‘See u, clown’ you say while laughing at his bad acting skills
This club looks posh, you think to yourself. Although, it’s not that big as you imagined to be, it has only 2 dance floors, one of them is basically a huge ass balcony right next to the Han River with a beautiful view to Seoul city
Chris guides you to the usual spot where he and his friends use to hang out, he told you that Jin’s brother-in-law is the owner, so they come very often to this particular night club.
You spotted Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin and Taehyung with smiling faces waving at you from across a table that’s right next to the dance floor.
Once you greet everyone, they start telling you that Joey and Emma couldn’t make it, they were still recovering from last night. Aria had her best friend’s baby shower during the day and felt exhausted, so she couldn’t come either. Namjoon and Jackson were asking for some drinks at the bar… and JK and Jin where nowhere to be found.
Suddenly, you started to feel a little bit more nervous at JK’s mention and Chris noticed it so, he grabbed your hand and asked at the same time looking on the guys direction ‘Hey, we’re going to grab some drinks, do you want anything from the bar?’. Yoongi said a short 'No, thanks', Jimin and Taehyung were already drinking Soju so they raised their glasses and said ‘No, thank you hyung!’ while Hobi said ‘Um, could you order a whisky on the rocks for me, please? Thanks, hyung!’. Chris just winked at Hobi and said ‘You got it, buddy’ while dragging you with him holding your hand
When you got to the bar, Chris said while ordering the drinks ‘Okay, maybe a drink will help to make you loosen up a little bit. Remember, we are just having fun!’
‘Yeah, I know, you’re right. I need a drink ASAP’ you respond to your friend and then you redirect your attention towards the bartender who was waiting for you to order ‘A gin tonic for me, please. Thank you’
You take your drinks to the table with the guys and once your glasses are empty, Chris says ‘Come on, let’s go dancing bestie’. The gin tonic definitely helped you to loosen up a little bit more because you didn’t even hesitate and accepted your friend’s request while you grabbed his hand and went towards the dance floor
‘I’m good yeah I’m feeling alright, baby Imma have the best fucking night of my life and wherever it takes me, I’m down for the ride’ you were singing along while dancing with your best friend. You danced for about half an hour when you said to Chris ‘Hey I’m going to the bath, I’m about to pee myself’ which he only replied ‘Who’s the one being explicit now, huh? Go go! I’ll be here when you come back’
So, you started running off to the bath, on your way there you spotted Jin right on the other side of one of the bars grabbing a bottle of Soju as if he was the owner of the club, he smiled brightly and waved at you which you replied back and suddenly you saw his eyes widening… you curiously followed whatever his eyes were looking at and saw a blonde girl kissing… Jungkook.
Your smile dropped instantly. You didn’t want Jin to see your face, so you quickly continued your way to the bath not looking back.
After emptying your bladder and sanitizing your hands, you stayed for a few minutes in the bath against a wall spacing out. Did I really misread that bad his intentions? Fuck I’m really out of the game, how could I think that he was interested in me? He was just being friendly with you, y/n. You’re such an idiot. Is she his girlfriend? I mean, of course he has a girlfriend, he's so fucking gorgeous...stupid, stupid, stupid – You kept scolding yourself in your own mind. You somehow felt sad and stupid, how could you feel sad about a guy that you just saw one time in your whole life? Maybe it was the fact that he made you feel wanted after such a long time of not having that feeling – though, you now realize it wasn’t like that at all, you just felt that –
Suddenly you realize you have been inside the bathroom for almost 20 minutes and Chris might start worrying if he sees that you are not coming back. So, you arm yourself of bravery and get out of there, you’ll just walk quickly towards the dance floor, that way you won’t have to witness again that scene of Jungkook and that blondie kissing.
When you were already passing by the bar, you feel a hand pulling yours… you move your head to see who’s the person that grabbed you and it’s none other than Jungkook. ‘Hi, noona – you look beautiful’ he says while smiling with that sweet tone that you didn’t even know you missed hearing. You don’t know how to react, you just keep repeating in your head the scene of that girl kissing him, but you must be mature about it, he’s nothing to you… he’s just... a friend of your best friend that you’ve just met, and you were the one to misread the signs, it's not his fault. So, you just reply with a simple ‘Hi Jungkook, thanks… you look good too’
You feel like his hold on you is almost burning, so you take back your hand unconciously which Jungkook notices and looks at you strangely. ‘Is everything okay?’ he asks, and you just respond ‘Yeah, everything’s great’ though by the way he’s looking at you, you know he didn’t buy your fake smile. You start to feel insanely uncomfortable, so you immediately say ‘Um, I have to go, Chris must be looking for me… It was nice seeing you again’ and you don’t even wait for him to respond when you turn your heels and walk away as fast as you can.
Of course, Chris disappeared. You went looking for him on the same place where you left him before going to the bath and he wasn’t there. Knowing your friend, you know that he probably met some random girl and must be having his fun somewhere around.
You really need a drink, pronto. So, you head towards the bar and sit on one of the stalls while looking at the dance floor. From where you are situated, you could see Jimin and Taehyung dancing on top of a speakerbox, they seemed to be a little bit hammered, and it made you laugh for a minute. Those two share the same braincell, they remind you of Chris and you – soulmates -, you can’t help to think
You were waiting for the bartender to finish preparing another gin tonic for you when a guy sat on the next stall right next to you. You were already cursing inside your head; you had already sent off 3 guys that came up to you with cheesy lines trying to get your number or for you to accept them buying you a drink… you just weren’t in the mood to hear any more fuckboys coming to you with their stupid attempts.
‘Rough night?’ you hear from the guy that just sat next to you
Well, at least this one’s trying to make a conversation before coming up with a cheesy line – you think to yourself
‘I don’t know if rough is the right word… nothing that tragic happened, it’s just not what I had in mind’ you reply while you thank the bartender that has finished preparing your drink
‘You and me both, my friends dragged me here with the excuse that I should get out of my house more often and have fun… and they’re nowhere to be found’ he responds and then asks you ‘so…your boyfriend is an asshole or what’s been troubling you tonight?’
He got a good laugh out of you this time while you respond ‘wow, smooth way to find out if a girl has a boyfriend or not’
‘What can I say? I have my ways’ he responds giving you a cocky grin
You take a proper look at him now… he’s handsome - you think – while holding his gaze you respond ‘I don’t have a boyfriend’
He smiles at you and says ‘Nice to know that. So, what’s in your mind?’
You don’t know if it’s the gin tonic that once again is putting your filters down or what, but you start telling him ‘Well, I met this guy… I saw him only once, but I don’t know… I felt like we had kind of a connection and that we were both flirting back and forth and thought that maybe tonight was going somewhere with him but on my way to the bath I just saw a blondie sucking his face – so I clearly misread the signals and I’m feeling like an idiot’
‘Auch, that’s a bummer’ he responds while taking a sip of his drink
‘You don’t say’
‘You don’t have to feel like an idiot though, we all been there at some point of our lives’ he says while keeping his gaze on you
You noticed he never told you what’s his name was throughout all the conversation, so you offer your hand while smiling at him and say ‘I’m y/n, by the way’
He smiles and says ‘I’m Minho, Choi Minho. Nice to meet you, y/n’ while taking your hand on his
‘Nice to meet you too, Choi Minho’ you say while also smiling at him. You feel like you don't have any shame left in your body, alcohol does wonders indeed- you think to yourself for a second - and bravely ask Minho ‘What do you say? Wanna have a dance with me? Please don’t reject me, I already had too much embarassment for one night. Oh..wait.. do you have a girlfriend?’ -
‘Only an idiot could reject a beautiful girl like you and no, I don't have a girlfriend’ he says in the most flirticious way while you both smile at each other like two idiots and without further do, you both headed hand in hand towards the dance floor
What you weren’t aware of, was that there was a pair of burning eyes watching the whole scene unraveling between you and Minho.
Jungkook was about to head to the dance floor and drag you out of that guy’s hold when Jin putted a hand in his shoulder and told him ‘That wouldn’t be wise to do’
‘What the hell do you know, hyung?’
‘JK, she saw you kissing Lina and I saw y/n’s face… she seemed as shocked as I was. It’s only fair to say that right now she must be thinking that you either have a girlfriend that you didn’t tell her about or that you are not interested in her. Either way, if you go there and make a scene, she will probably tell you to fuck off and I wouldn’t blame her to be honest’
Jungkook’s eyes were big as a plate when he said ‘She saw me with Lina? Oh no.... no no no. Fuck. I didn’t even kiss her, she did. I stopped her as soon as I realize what we were doing. She just came out of nowhere and kissed me, I haven’t seen her in 3 months, hyung’
‘Well, my friend, bad luck. I think you lost your chance… at least for tonight. Just don’t do anything stupid. When you get the opportunity to talk to y/n, you can let her know what really happened tonight but barging in when she’s having a good time with someone else, it’s not a good choice’
‘It should be me the one dancing with her, not that guy’ he says with greeted teeth
‘She’s just dancing, it doesn’t mean it’s going to go fur- okay, forget what I said… he’s kissing her’ Jin said a little bit preoccupied
‘Fuck this, I can’t keep just staring while she’s kissing some random guy’ Jungkook responded with jealousy running down his veins while walking towards you and Minho
Jin got to him quickly and dragged him back to the bar saying ‘Jungkook don’t! Be mature about it. You’ll ruin any chance you have with her if you get in the middle. Let her be’
Jungkook sighed and said with a defeating tone while looking on your direction ‘I fucked up, hyung. I like her, I don’t even know how to explain it… I just saw her yesterday and every time she smiled at me, I felt like I was going to pass out. I should have kissed her last night’
Jin looked the maknae with a pitiful look and while hugging him responded ‘Hey – if it’s meant to be, it’ll be – Maybe in time you’ll get closer and you’ll be able to tell her all of this. But if I were you, I’d be careful not to hurt her in any way because Chris will sure beat you ass’
And that got a little chuckle from Jungkook that left Jin content, his job was done. He somehow avoided Jungkook doing something that he would have regretted for sure later.
‘Come on, let’s get something to drink and swallow our sorrows’ Jin said while taking JK with him
Alcohol was flowing freely in your body, everything felt numb. You loved how free you felt whenever a few glasses of alcohol were involved. It’s been such a fucking long time not feeling this good. You don’t overthink anymore, it’s the first time over the night that you don’t think about Jungkook and that blondie and you just let yourself enjoy every second of dancing with a handsome guy like Minho who’s been giving all his attention solely to you.
His hands are respectably on your waist while you turn around and have your back pressed against his chest, you don’t even care that your ass is brushing against his crotch. He doesn’t seem to mind, not at all because he doesn’t put any distance between you two. In fact, he grabs one of your hands and places it on the back of his head while one of his hands goes from your waist to your stomach, the palm of his hand holding you as close as possible to his body
Excitement overflows in your body, you’re trying so hard to act unaffected but once you share a look with Minho, you realized you’re failing to do so. His gaze is so intense, he’s driving you crazy and he’s not even doing anything… just sharing one dance with you, a very very close dance.
When you look away, you can feel his breath hitting the crook of your neck and God how you wish he would press those lips onto your neck. You don’t know when you got this bold, but there’s this sort of confidence boost that makes you shamelessly grind your ass against Minho’s crotch and that’s when his lips brush against your jaw… he knows what you’re doing… so, you take one more look at him, you realize his gaze goes straight to your lips and then to your eyes like he’s asking for permission.
And then your own eyes can’t help but do the same, your gaze going towards his lips and then look directly to his eyes while nodding. Without even sharing any words, he gives you the sweetest smile and then proceeds to kiss you.
You don’t know if it’s because you haven’t been kissed in a long time or the fact that you’re a little bit tipsy, you can’t even think straight… you just know that his lips feel so amazing against yours. So, you let yourself enjoy and start moving your lips against his own while you’re being turned around by his hands. Your hands go behind his neck and his hands stay by your hips, grabbing you tightly.
The first touch of his tongue entering your mouth makes you feel like you’ve been electrified, you feel 100x times horny than what you were already. You’re so close to him that you can feel his bulge starting to grow harder and you can’t help to moan once you feel him. You know he heard you, he stopped the kiss for a moment while looking at you in the eyes and smiling again. Then he kissed you once more, it was so passionately, you haven’t been kissed like this in ages.
That’s when you grabbed his hands and moved them from your hips to your ass and you could swear this time you heard him trying to restrain his groaning. You didn’t care you were in the middle of a night club surrounded by people, you just wanted to feel him
‘We should go somewhere else’ you say breathlessly – since when you sleep with guys that you just met? It came across for a split second in your mind, but you quickly shush all your thoughts away, right now you just want to enjoy the moment. Plus, just like Chris said, you’re not hurting anyone by enjoying yourself -
‘We can go my place’ you visibly see him gulping while he offers, you don’t know how but he looked so innocent for a second while he was telling you to go over his place
‘Sure’ you respond simply while giggling
By the time you’re walking hand in hand with Minho from the night club, you grab your phone quickly and text Chris that you’re leaving with a guy that you met in the club and that you’ll leave you’re location tracker activated – Chris always makes you do that in case you have any problem, so he can locate you easily -  you don’t even wait for your friend to respond and get on an Uber that Minho called.
The ride to Minho's apartment building felt long but it was maybe less than 10 minutes. The only moment when you weren’t kissing each other like maniacs was when the car slowed down because you’ve had arrived to your destiny. You almost jump out of the car while Minho was holding the door for you and helps you get out of it while also thanking the driver. As soon as he shut the door, he grabbed your hand and hurried guiding you through the building entrance.
You waited for 2 minutes until the elevator finally arrived, the longest 2 minutes of your life. While you were waiting for it, Minho cupped your face and gave you a sweet kiss on your nose and said ‘You’re so fucking gorgeous’ – gosh, you’ve a pool between your legs by now, it’s all you can think of – and as soon as the doors of the elevator opened, Minho clicked the button of his floor and as soon as he turned around you both threw yourselves at each other.
Minho opened his front door so quickly you didn’t even saw him taking his key out. He took you in and his hands were all over your body, fiddling with your tight dress, feeling every part of your body and all you can think of is: please just, take it off of me
He leads you to his bedroom while your mouths are attached to each other, oh my…this is really happening
Once you see his bed, you push him lightly and he lets himself fall and sit into his bed while he’s eye fucking you. You grab the end of your dress and while pulling it off from your neck you see him biting his lower lip, he seems hypnotized.
You sit on his lap in your black lacy underwear, feeling his bulge so hard and you almost salivate at the feeling. He goes for your neck with slow but intense kisses.
"Minho" you whisper, feeling his breath ghosting against your neck.
"Hm?" he hums, while he’s occupied sucking your skin, the tips of his fingers grazing over your exposed thighs.
"Please, fuck me" you keep whispering on his ear while grinding on him and he swears he could bust his nut right there just by hearing your sweet voice asking him to fuck you
‘Fuck, you’re so hot. Your wish is my command, gorgeous’ he says with a raspy tone
He then turns you around and your back touches the mattress, while he takes off his shirt and you swear your pussy just clenched by itself by taking one look at his toned body – Good, God, what do they eat in South Korea? Do they all look like they’ve just come straight out of a Calvin Klein’s publicity? – your hands start to work on his belt and pants while he’s smirking at your desperation.
Once he's only on his boxers, you palm his bulge giving him a few strokes through the fabric – and oh…he’s big that’s for sure - while he grunts at you and says ‘I swear you’re driving me insane’
His lips start trailing his tongue on your collarbone, a small moan slips out of your mouth and it’s just in a matter of seconds that your bra and panties are taken off you and thrown somewhere in the room.
You feel like you’re starting to blush and maybe he notices it because he stops for a moment while looking you straight to your eyes and says sweetly ‘If you want me to stop just tell me, it’s okay, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want’ and you respond ‘I do want it, I really do. It’s just that’s been a long time since I had sex and…I’m nervous’
‘You’re doing great if you didn’t notice’ – he says signaling his bulge while you both chuckle at the sight – ‘You’re so beautiful, baby’ he says and starts to kiss you all over again gaining some more moans from your mouth ‘Just tell me if you want me to stop’
‘Don’t. Please don’t stop’ you manage to mumble somehow. And that’s all he needs, your reassurance, because as soon as you gave him the green light, he connected his lips to your nipple while one of his hands is cupping your other breast, driving you insane, fogging your mind with nothing but pleasure
 “Fuck, your tits, so fucking perfect, you like the feeling of my tongue in your tits, huh? I can tell baby, your body is speaking to me, who knew you were such a dirty girl?” he whispers in your ear and proceeds to bite your earlobe earning another moan from you, fuck.. the dirty talk is about to kill your pussy
Suddenly, you feel his fingers slipping inside you, thrusting in while his thumb rubs circles on your clit. You can’t help but scream at the pleasure his giving you, grabbing the sheets with a fist while he tells you ‘That’s it baby, keep moaning for me, we have to stretch you out so you can take me’
You’re blinded by pleasure by now, you feel the knot about to unleash while he keeps thrusting his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace. ‘Shit, yes – don’t stop – keep doing that, please. I’m cumming… I’m cumming’ you inform him almost screaming though he was already feeling how you were clenching around his fingers uncontrollably, ‘Yeah? Cum for me baby, come on, make a mess on my fingers like the dirty girl that you are’ and that was the final point. You came so fucking hard. Finally, you get an amazing orgasm and he rode you through it thrusting in a few more times his fingers. And then, when he finally takes them off, he licks his fingers and says ‘You taste amazing’ making you go crazier from all the dirtiness.
You grab him by the neck and kiss him tasting yourself on him and start taking off his boxers, you can’t wait anymore. Your thirst is still there, even though he just gave you one hell of an orgasm… you need him inside you right now.
He smiles through the kisses and grabs a condom from his nightstand, you watch every move he takes while he’s putting on the condom and giving himself a few strokes to check everything’s okay.
“Are you ready, princess?” Minho asks, while his hand is trailing your thighs. You respond ‘Never been more ready’ while you smile at each other, and that’s when he positions himself to be on top of you, his eyes trailing every part of your naked body as if he’s taking a mental picture of it.
You gasp when he enters you in one go, followed by a long pornographic moan from the sudden stretch you feel from his cock. He grabs your cheek, forcing you to look into his big eyes.
‘I’m gonna fuck you so hard, princess’ You stare into his eyes while he squeezes your cheeks. You whimper and he adds: ‘I’ll start moving now, okay?’
You nod your head, and he starts thrusting in and out, biting his lips while he pushes his cock deeply into you and you’re just a mess, you keep moaning at the amazing feeling of him inside your pussy.
It’s been so long since you’ve felt this, you feel like you’ve almost forgotten how it felt to have sex— how the fuck did you go a year without this?
“You feel so fuckin’ tight, fuck princess.” Minho moans on the crook of your neck, and you close your eyes taking all the pleasure in while your legs automatically wrap themselves around his waist as he is still thrusting at a slow pace, so you can get used to him inside you.
In the meantime, his lips are occupied on yours, his tongue entering your mouth and meeting with yours in a passionate kiss. That’s when he starts to thrust faster into you, and you moan desperately on the kiss.
“M-MMinho!!” You moan his name, and you hear him cursing loudly making him go feral, while you’re scratching his back with your nails as he thrusts roughly into you, without giving mercy to your clenching pussy.
The room is filled with the sounds of your skins meeting each other, you feel how insanely wet is your cunt, your juices and his cock mixing and how close you’re from your second orgasm.
You are out of this world, so out of it that you didn’t even realize but in a split of a second he’s out of your cunt and turning you around, putting you in all fours with your ass perked up while your hands are pressed against the mattress.
He thrusts his cock inside you once again and you both curse at the amazing feeling that it brings. His hands grab your hips while pounding you as fast as possible, he feels his cock starting to twitch and he says ‘God, princess, you feel so good, so warm, so fucking tight’ while the only sounds that come out from you are moans and his name being screamed all over again and again as if it was a chant.
He feels you getting tighter every second that passes and says, ‘My dirty slut wants to cum, huh?’ and you’re going crazy, you’re so close, so fucking close. You respond breathlessly ‘Yes, please daddy I wanna cum so bad’
You feel his balls slapping against your cunt while he sets a ruthless pace and then you feel one of his hands going for your clit, rubbing it while he keeps pounding you from behind and opens that dirty mouth of his saying ‘Cum princess, cum all over my cock’ and that’s it, that’s when you hit your second orgasm of the night while being a moaning mess.
As soon as he feels you cumming, clenching like crazy around him, he feels his balls tightening ‘I’ll fill you up so good baby, I’m cumming fuck fuck fuck’ he keeps cursing as he shoots his cum into the condom with a few more sloppy thrusts until he slows down trying to come back from his own high while you both are out of breath
A few moments later, he pulls out slowly. You can’t help but to fall onto the mattress while he’s taking the condom off and throws it away to a trash can near the nightstand.
He falls right next to you, both of you sweating like hell and still recovering your breaths while you share a look and start chuckling, still none of you over the mind-blowing orgasms you just had
‘That was-’ you start saying but he interrupts you by saying ‘The best sex I ever had’ while panting and you can’t help but to laugh again. ‘Yes, it was indeed’ you say
When you both recover, he says ‘Um, you can take a shower if you want. I can give you some of my clothes to sleep with if you’d like’
Well, thank God he’s not the kind of asshole that sleeps with someone and throws them out immediately after the act – you think to yourself. You look at him and say ‘Yes, a shower sounds amazing right now. Thanks’ and then you give him a sweet peck on one of his cheeks that he returns with one of his beautiful, sweet smiles while caressing the side of your face.
You take a shower separately and by the time he’s finished with his, you’re all covered up on his bed wearing nothing but one of his long shirts and a pair of boxers that he gave you. He gets in the bed wearing only boxers and you just can’t help but to think – what a fine piece of art – he pecks you on your cheek and says ‘It was an amazing night with you, goodnight princess’ and you’re already dozing off when you say ‘It really was, goodnight to u too Minho’
Next morning, you got up with the sound of Minho preparing both of you breakfast. You had a nice talk with him where you both got to know each other a little bit better. He told you all about his job being a lawyer, he’s working in one of the most important law firms in Seoul now. He surely knows what he wants in life and that’s something you really like about him.
You told him about your job as a Manager in the Finance team in this big multinational tech company that you’ve been working for 2 years now and that thankfully when you decided to move to South Korea there was an opening at the Seoul Office so you didn’t even have to look for a new job, you just switched positions from your native country base to South Korea’s. Which honestly it was a big relief for you. Not having to look for a new job made everything so much easier to you.
Since the moment that you got up and went over to the kitchen to encounter him, the conversation with Minho was totally natural. It wasn’t awkward at all. It felt nice. It felt fresh.
Before you leave, he made sure that you have exchanged numbers and you both promised to see each other soon. You waved him goodbye before by his door frame and while you were waiting for the elevator his hands turned you around and he gave you the sweetest and most passionate kiss ‘Sorry, I couldn’t help it, you’re so addictive, princess’ he says - and that’s when the elevator comes, and you hit him slowly in the arm saying ‘Stop it – you’re making me blush’ while he chuckles he says ‘You’re so cute when you get shy’
You enter the elevator and tell him ‘I’ll see u soon, thanks for the breakfast…and last night’ and he gets to respond before the doors close ‘I’ll be eagerly waiting to see u again, thank u princess’
You realize when the elevator opens its doors again that you’re smiling like an idiot – what a good night that was –
Once you get home, you take out your cellphone from your purse and realize you have 5 messages from your best friend all from last night
Chris bestie: what? Who? what guy are you leaving with? When did that happened?
Chris bestie: what about JK?? Did he do something bad to you??? You better tell me because I’ll kick his ass if he did
Chris bestie: Honestly, I never felt so happy to say that my best friend is finally getting a dick again
Chris bestie: If anything happens and you need me to pick you up, I’ll be one call away
Chris bestie: Use protection, bestie! Have a nice fuck! ;)
You can help but to laugh at his messages while you start replying
‘God, I didn’t even realize how much I missed having sex until now’
‘I’m home by the way, safe and sound. And to respond your various questions, I met this amazing guy while having a drink at the bar. Remember when I went to the bath? Before you ditched me? Well, on my way there I saw a blondie sucking on JK’s face… so, I guess he has a girlfriend that I didn’t know of and clearly we were wrong about him having some kind of interest in me, I got it all wrong :/’
‘I’m not complaining tho – I did felt like an idiot for a while - but, because of that I met Minho and had the most mind blowing orgasms so, the night didn’t suck at all, not at all :)’
Clearly your friend was expecting your messages because as soon as you sent them, you saw that he read them and started to type
Chris bestie: ‘I told you it’s good for your health having sex!!!’
Chris bestie: ‘JK and a blondie? Wtf? JK doesn’t have a girlfriend, at least not that I know of, and I already told you, I saw the way he was looking at you… I’m sure he likes you; I don’t know about the girlfriend thing but I’m sure that he likes you’
Chris bestie: ‘Oh my god, I’m getting déjà vu of all the times that I sent you messages after a hook up but now the tables have turned! Well done my friend!!’
Chris bestie: ‘by the way, is this the same blondie you saw with JK yesterday?’
<Image received>
You download the photo that your best friend sent you and immediately recognize the blondie girl that was sucking JK’s face last night
‘Yep, that’s the blondie’
‘Honestly, I don’t know if he has a girlfriend or not. I only know what I saw. And they were kissing’
Chris bestie: ‘I knew it. The blondie’s name is Lina. JK hooked up with her for a few months, they didn’t get to be official because JK found out that Lina was hooking up pretty much with anything that moved on the Earth at the same time she was with him – so he stopped being with her a few months ago’
‘Well, it seems like he has forgiven her because she had her tongue down his throat yesterday. Anyways, it sounds messy and complicated and honestly, the last thing I need right now it’s something complicated. I guess JK and I will be friends from now on… or something like that’
Chris bestie: ‘As far as I know, he despises her. I really don’t understand why he would be kissing her again. It’s weird’
Chris bestie: ‘But anyways, I’m happy you had a nice and orgasmic night. Are you gonna see this Minho guy again?’
Are you? – you thought to yourself – and then all the sudden JK’s face with that Lina girl came right at you – God, why the fuck you keep thinking about JK when you had this amazing night with an amazing guy??
Whatever relationship that JK has with that girl is none of your business. It would be the best to maintain your relationship with JK as friends – just friends – and maybe you should give Minho a chance, I mean… if he’s also interested of course.
And you start reminiscing last night with Minho and all that wonderful sex. Yes, you should give it a try with Minho definitely
‘Yes, I think I’ll see Minho again’ you respond to your friend with a smile on your face
‘I’ll go take a warm bath, talk to u later bestie’
You leave your phone charging and head to have a nice bubbly bath to relax for a bit while listening to some music. After a good half and hour of being on the bathtub, you dry yourself and check on your phone where you had 2 message notifications.
You thought that Chris was the one that texted you, but you saw Minho’s name on your screen, for a moment your heart skipped a beat and you quickly read it:
Minho: ‘Hey princess, just wanted to make sure you got home safely. And I also wanted to ask you something’
Minho: ‘Do you wanna have dinner with me tomorrow night?’
Excitement overflows in your body. Did he just ask you on a date? Oh my god, oh my gooooodd!!!
‘Hiii :) I got home safely, thank u for asking’
‘Of course, dinner sounds great. It’s a date’ you responded immediately, and then you start regretting the message you just sent ‘It’s a date’ - maybe he wasn’t inviting you like a date date, oh my god what if you scare him away? Ughhhh why do I over think everything? Since when am I this idiotic when it comes to guys? – and while you were busy mentally scolding yourself your phone vibrates and you see a new notification
Minho: ‘Cool. It’s a date :) I’ll pick u at 8PM then, see u princess’
You have a date. With Minho. OH MY GOOOOOOOD!
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⋆ 𝓓𝓸𝓹𝓹𝓸 𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓷𝔃𝓪𝓴𝓪: 𝓢𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓓𝓪𝔂 ⋆
Please note: This is a repost from my old blog, @sugarcookiesheep!
Original description: Hello ♡ Welcome to my first Hypnosis Mic story! I’ve been sick the past few days and had a dream last night about Doppo wanting to take care of me but being unable to due to work (and proceeding to stress out over it) He asks Hifumi to watch over me in his place, calling him whenever he can throughout the day to check to see how I’m doing. At one point Jakurai stops by and gives me a check up (to check my condition and see if I’m sick with anything serious) but I’m not sure if Doppo asked him to or if he went out of his way to do it when he heard how worried Doppo was about me. The dream was so cute that I just had to write it! Please note that even though no pronouns are used for the Reader, it is mentioned that Hifumi has to wear his jacket when around them. Enjoy! ♡
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⋆ Your symptoms had started yesterday, finding yourself coughing and sniffling throughout the day. Doppo had left earlier that morning, sending him off with the lunch you made him and a quick kiss, wishing him good luck at work. At the time you had felt fine, going about your day as you usually did. As the day progressed though, you began sniffling, your nose starting to run. After that came a light cough, and by the time you were making dinner you had a headache to go with it. Once you packed up the leftovers and put a plate for Doppo in the microwave, you decided to head to bed early, finding yourself exhausted. As soon as your head hit the pillow you were out, immediately falling fast asleep.
⋆ When Doppo got home later that night he was surprised to find you already in bed, asleep with the blankets wrapped around you. Though he always insisted you didn’t have to, he had gotten used to you staying up and waiting for him, sitting on the couch reading a book or watching TV as you sleepily welcomed him home. As he warmed up and quietly ate the plate you left for him, he couldn’t help the slight disappoint he felt. After a long day at work, coming home to you was the bright point of his day. No matter how much work he had to do or how intolerable his boss was, just knowing you would be there waiting for him gave him the energy and strength he needed to get through the day. Getting into bed that night, he laid on his side, facing you. He shifted closer, your foreheads barely touching as he moved some hair out of your face. He stared at you, resting his hand over yours as he wished you a goodnight, falling asleep.
⋆ The sound of Doppo’s alarm going off woke you up, groggy and unwilling to get out of bed as you coughed. You felt worse than you did yesterday, your head killing you and your throat sore. You knew you would have to get up soon to prepare Doppo his lunch and send him off to work, but with how you felt you were reluctant to move, doing your best not to fall back asleep. You got up when you heard the shower turn off, your body heavy as you went to the kitchen. You had just managed to finish his lunch before he left, handing it to him before going into a coughing fit. He jumped at your coughing, rubbing your back as he asked if you were alright.
⋆ Looking at you closely, he noticed just how tired you were, shoulders slumped and nose red. You weren’t looking well at all, and with your coughing it was clear to him that you were sick. With this realization he began to panic, knowing how his boss would be if he tried to call off work. Considering how soon his shift was going to start, he knew it would be pointless to even try, apologizing to you over and over. Before he could spiral further you told him it was alright, understanding that he had to work. You had to practically push him out the door, insisting you’d be ok by yourself and not wanting him to be late for work. Once he was on his way you sighed, heading back to bed to get some rest.
⋆ Doppo, on the other hand, was still worried about you. As soon as he got on the train he called Hifumi, letting him know the situation and asking if he could check in on you. Hifumi agreed, doing his best to ease his worries. He knew how much you meant to Doppo, how happy you make him and how much he loved you. As soon as he got off the phone he grabbed his jacket, making sure he had the spare key you gave him for emergencies before heading out the door. He decided to stop by the store first, grabbing some ingredients to make you something to eat. He thought about getting you some medicine, thinking over the symptoms Doppo had told him. He decided against it though, wanting to ask you first before buying anything. With his shopping done, he made his way to your place, putting on his jacket first so he didn’t forget.
⋆ You woke up to sounds coming from the kitchen, the smell of something good cooking in the air. Your stomach growled as you realized how hungry you were, getting up slowly before making your way to the kitchen. You wondered what Doppo was doing home so early, surprised to find Hifumi there. He was wearing an apron over his suit, standing over the stove as he stirred a pot of soup. He greeted you, asking how you were feeling. He explained how Doppo asked him to check up on you, using the spare key you had given him for emergencies to get in. You felt your face go warm, smiling to yourself as you thought of Doppo. It was very sweet of him to ask Hifumi to check up on you, knowing how worried he was. It was one of the things you loved about him, how thoughtful he could be.
⋆ As you ate the soup Hifumi made Jakurai stopped by, wanting to check on your condition. You looked to Hifumi, wondering if he had called him but he shook his head, just as surprised as you were. He smiled, telling you that he heard from Doppo you were sick. With how worried he sounded, he decided to stop by to check your condition, wanting to make sure you weren’t sick with anything serious. You thanked him, letting him examine you once you were done eating. He told you that you had a cold, telling you to get some rest and recommending some medicines if needed them. He told you to come see him if your symptoms get worse, saying goodbye to Hifumi and wishing you well before leaving.
⋆ The rest of the day was uneventful, with you drifting in and out of sleep. One time when you woke up you overheard Hifumi on the phone, telling Doppo you were resting and that Jakurai had stopped by earlier. Due to Doppo’s worrying and stress over you, he tried to leave work as soon as possible, coming home earlier than he normally would. As soon as he walked through the door he headed straight for you, finding you fast asleep in bed. At one point you must have changed out of your pajamas, now wearing one of his work shirts. He thanked Hifumi for looking after you, Hifumi insisting it was no problem before leaving.
⋆ He stood there, watching you sleep as he breathed a sigh of relief. He was happy to be home, moving to rest his hand against your cheek. You leaned into his touch unconsciously, muttering his name with a small smile. His heart raced at the gesture, kicking off his shoes as he got into bed. The next time you wake up you find yourself wrapped in Doppo’s arms, your head resting against his chest. He’s still wearing the clothes he wore to work that day, his lanyard being the only thing removed. You smiled, looking up at his sleeping face as you welcomed him home. You shifted to press a quick kiss to his cheek, his arms tightening their hold on you as you snuggled back into his chest, falling back asleep ♡
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Originally posted: January 30th, 2024
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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starpirateee · 3 months
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Another guest, another request! I mean, this one was directly inspired by the last one I think, but I did deviate... Mainly because by the time I started writing it I was too far gone to realise I may be doing it wrong. Oh well! Hope I did alright anyway
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Early January. The week before school was about to be set everyone back into their routine, Pete had plans. He'd bought a whole new notebook, and he'd had the idea for a brilliant new start to a campaign, one that he just had to share with Richie and Trevor as soon as possible. It was going to be huge.
Or rather, it would've been.
The notebook sat open on the first page. His pen was at least out of the cup he'd been using to hold them, but not a word had been written. Mainly because Pete had woken up feeling worse for wear.
At first, it had been fine. Just a headache, and he thought that the cloud in his vision was because he hadn't put on his glasses. But when that didn't change, he realised exactly what was going on. This was beause of the day before, wasn't it?
He sighed, flopping back onto his bed. Of all the things to happen on winter break, it was just his luck that his already shitty immune system had decided to screw him over something chronic. On today of all days. The day he finally got a good idea.
He found the strength to grab his phone, knowing that he'd made plans in some capacity. At least he wasn't going to bail on them on purpose, or make them believe that he was...
Hey guys, we had plans today, right?
Uhh... Yeah? We were going skating?
Why, who are you leaving us for??? :0
I'm not! I can literally barely see!
You break your glasses?
they were fine yesterday...
No, I'm not doing so well
I think, when it snowed yesterday, it fucked everything...
Snowball fight probably didn't help tbh
that sucks! ugh it's always when we wanna do something fun!
You guys can still go! I'm not stopping you!
Have fun without me
dont die on us. or else.
Pete huffed a breath of laughter. His friends did always know how to bring the best out of a situation, didn't they?
The moment he put his phone down, he got another text. Typical really, that the action tended only to happen when he was ready to give it up for the time being. He picked it up again, adjusting his glasses like that would help the pain behind his eyes.
shit, wait
was that our fault?
By the time Pete opened his phone, Richie was typing again. He watched the three bubbles move across his screen, deciding not to say anything until Richie got out what needed to be said.
you said the snowball fight, yeah? did we get you sick?
Ruth and Richie had ganged up on him, which was really funny at first, because he was still winning over both of them even with the disadvantage. Richie couldn't aim worth his life, and while Ruth could, she always made it glaringly obvious whenever she was about to attack, which totally defeated the purpose.
He'd paid for that victory with this impressive fever, that was for sure.
Don't say it like that, it's fine!
Pete knew the reason why, of course. As soon as he was old enough to understand the word diabetic, he knew why. He had a terrible immune system because of that. So really, he'd brought it upon himself by initiating the fight in the first place...
Seriously! Don't worry!
He heard the sound of the buzzer for the front door. Part of him was willing to pretend that he didn't hear it at all, but the voice that followed made him force himself out of bed.
"Pete? You still there? You said you were going out today, right? ... Shit, I probably missed him-"
The walk to the buzzer felt way longer than usual, what with the hallway spinning every time he tried to take a step. When he finally got there, he leaned against the wall, supporting himself as he reached for the intercom button. "What's up, Ted?" Before he spoke, he hadn't realised how strained his voice would sound, but he didn't know what else he was expecting.
"Jesus, kid, what happened to you?"
"I dunno what you're talking about."
"You sound dead."
"Yeah, real nice... Anyway, what d'you want?"
"Left my wallet. Are you gonna let me in, or..?"
Pete sighed and buzzed him in. He hadn't taken his keys on purpose because he'd known that Pete was going to be in after he left and before he came back, so in his head, he didn't need them.
While he was up and active, Pete decided that now was as good a time as any to grab a snack, fix himself a drink, and do everything he was supposed to have done hours ago. He ambled into the kitchen, cursing himself for waking up at ten thirty, because now he was behind in the day, and he was lagged as hell.
Ted strolled in through the door as he was raiding the fridge. His wallet was on the countertop, and as soon as he figured that out, he also managed to grasp the situation at hand. Pete barely looked awake, and he was still in his pyjamas, which was unusual for him at this time of the day.
That, paired with the way he'd sounded when he answered the door led to a little concern. Ted's brow creased, and he looked his brother up and down. "Uh... You sure you're okay over there?" He looked well and truly washed out, paler than he'd looked since... A few years back, when he'd made the stupid decision to walk to Ted's apartment from their parents' in the freezing cold, and had been caught in a freak blizzard on the way.
Hadn't it snowed yesterday as well?
Pete frowned, his mind not able to run fast enough to come up with an excuse on the fly. And he could make a fair assumption of how bad he looked based on how he felt, so he pretty much knew that Ted had already drew his own conclusions as to what was going on. He wasn't stupid.
So, Pete sighed, drawing his gaze to a more comfortable position that didn't hurt to uphold. "I'm fine, it's just- we were caught in the snow yesterday, and the three of us had this snowball fight, and... Well, I think I got this fever from it. But it's fine, really, I-"
Ted's face softened, and he pressed his lips into a fine line. "Did you at least win the fight?"
"Did you win that snowball fight?"
Caught completely off guard, Pete laughed softly. "Uh, yeah, I think I did."
"Who against?"
"Ruth and Richie?"
Ted shook his head slowly. "It wasn't worth it. You look like shit." Still, all thoughts of his wallet discarded, he took a step closer and laid a hand on Pete's shoulder. "How about I pick up lunch?"
"What about the office?"
"Fuck the office, man. They don't need me. Besides, d'you just expect me to let you look after yourself all day?"
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Day 200,
Morning thought: I wonder how they reckon the turn of the new year in this place?  As I recall, in my past world we counted it in early winter.  Sometime around now actually, given that the solstice was a couple of weeks ago.  Come to think of it, I’m not sure they even do distinctly mark the passage of years here.  They’re strangely averse to calendars here.  Part of the reason reorganizing the archive took so long.
Wait, but they still celebrate birthdays and refer to their ages by year.  Is this another “outsider auto translation” paradox?  This is going to bug me now until I ask someone about it, isn't it?
No mists today, so no funeral.  In retrospect I probably should have gone outside to check on that before making my morning entry.
Anyway, back to yesterday’s exploration.
Once we’d confirmed that we could all hear the chanting I passed out the notebooks I’d taken from the archive.  The plan was for us all to try transcribing what we heard.  While the chanting did seem to be composed of multiple voices, as far as any of us could tell they all seemed to be speaking the same words in unison.  Thankfully the language of the Village uses a phonetic script, otherwise I’m not sure how we would have gone about writing down a bunch of unknown words.
First though, we took our time walking about the cathedral to see if we could identify a source for the chanting.  A task made confoundingly difficult by the apparent lack of direction to the sound, if indeed it truly even was a sound.  At any rate, covering our ears did nothing to make it quieter, yet talking loudly enough seemed to drown it out.  Almost like the ringing from a mild case of tinnitus; maddeningly loud when all else is quiet yet add in a little ambient noise and you practically forget it was ever there.
That all said the chanting did seem to get marginally louder the closer one got to the Reader statue.  Not that the statue was making the noise per say, for we could feel no vibration when pressing our hands to it and walking around it did nothing to the apparent directionality - or lack thereof - of the sound.  The best analogy I can think to give is one that I’m not sure if the Village’s language even has words for and I’m liable to give myself a headache if I try to think about or examine any of the individual words.  Said analogy being to compare the Reader statue to a wireless transmission antenna and our ears/brains/minds to receivers for the chanting.  The closer you get, the better the signal strength.
Got curious and tried to really go back and examine those last two sentences I wrote a letter at a time then a word at a time.  It was… unpleasant.  Even more than I expected.  Headache, dizziness, nausea, the works.  Probably the worst reaction I’ve had to trying to bypass the auto translation.  Even worse than the first time I tried doing it before spending the weeks leading up to the rainy season practicing.  I wound up needing to take a break and lie down for a bit.
On the bright side, it makes for a decent topic transition as the only other time that came close to that was when I tried doing the phonetic transcriptions yesterday.  That made for an unexpected complication in our plans.  Not to mention that Maiko wasn’t yet quite proficient enough in writing to be able to keep up with the transcription as the words of the chant were being said.
Amending the plan, we decided that Cass, Lin, and Vernon would sit around the Reader while Maiko and I would keep walking around to see if there were any other loud spots or places where the chant seemed to change.
Maiko initially suggested that we split up to make the searching go faster, but I wasn’t about to go anywhere by myself on (probably) haunted ground.  
As we’d already noted in our initial sweep that the volume of the chanting swiftly dropped off as soon as we started to go down the stairs to the catacombs, we started by heading back out the door to case the surrounding area with its ruined foundations of side buildings.  That proved to be a less than fruitful endeavor.  The chanting - already quiet at that distance from the reader - cut off abruptly along with the chill as soon as we crossed the threshold, and nowhere amongst the wider ruins did it return.  We were just discussing the prospect of Maiko climbing to the lower terrace of the roof and checking to see if the voices could be heard from any of the broken windows when the rain that had been going all morning finally ceased.
Rejoining the others back inside the now quiet cathedral we compared notes over a lunch of what food we’d brought with us while we waited to see if the rain would return.  We confirmed that we were all hearing the same words, whatever they were, although there were - as expected - discrepancies in interpretations of pronunciations and how to best transliterate them.  And while there were gaps where someone’s focus would waver or their hand would cramp up resulting in missed words, having three sets of notes mostly patched those up.  Some words or phrases did seem to come up more than others, but during their time of transcription nothing ever seemed to loop.  Additionally, everyone that was in the cathedral at the time agreed that when the rain stopped, the voices cut off mid-sentence.
After an hour or so, the rain came back, harder this time.  The chanting seemed louder as well.
This time around Cass, Lin, and Vernon split up to different spots in the cathedral just in case there might be any variance in position beyond volume.  Meanwhile, Maiko and I returned to the catacomb.
We weren’t quite halfway down that spiraling staircase when I had another episode, flashing for a second - if even that long - to the other, capital-C Catacombs.  Thank goodness Maiko was there to catch me, or else I might have broken my neck tumbling down the stairs when my vision and awareness shifted.  What I saw in that moment  (or rather, heard) was the second most exciting thing of the day.
As ever in those nightmares, I was alone but I could still hear the chanting.  What’s more, I could understand it.  Unfortunately, it was too brief to make out more than a few words, taken mid-sentence, useless without context.
“-and then we will a-”
And then we will what?  Ascend?  Ask?  Answer? Aspirate?  As much as I’d like to think it’s that first one, there’s really no way of knowing for now.  I’ve never known it to rain on a mist night, and even if it did, it would hardly be safe to sleep down there with shades about.
Then again, for reasons I’ll get to shortly, perhaps not so unsafe as one might expect at first glance.
Once we finished our descent tumble-free it was obvious that the chanting was utterly absent here.  Maybe the rain had stopped already, but if that were the case, one of the others likely would have come down to let us know.  And so we began walking that pillared space once more, stopping and listening at intervals to see if the chanting returned as our location shifted.
Nothing.  Not even when standing directly under the Reader.
And then Maiko put a hand on one of the sarcophagi.  Gasped.  Told me to come over and do the same.
When I did so I could hear the chanting once more.  After a fashion.  Where the chanting heard above was comprised of many voices in unison, this was a singular speaker.  As I took my hand on and off the carved stone lid the voice started and stopped.  Or at least my ability to hear it did.  A quick test of Maiko keeping her hand on the sarcophagus and repeating the words as she heard them confirmed that the chant kept going without me listening and when I returned my hand I’d be hearing the same as Maiko.  Testing a few others, we confirmed that with each we heard a voice unique to that particular sarcophagus.
Maiko suggested that we check other sarcophagi to see if any of them were saying anything different from one another before we went back up to retrieve the others and have them record what they could hear down here.  It seemed a reasonable enough plan and I went along with it, thinking no more of it.  Nor did I object beyond a request to stay in eye and ear contact when Maiko said we ought to split up to check more at once.
I made the connection some time later when I heard a shout from the other end of the catacombs and realized I’d let Maiko out of my sight.  It wasn’t a loud shout.  The sort of noise you make when you want to scream in anger or frustration but are trying to stay quiet at the same time so it comes out more like a grunt.  Not loud enough to be heard by anyone upstairs.
I ran toward the noise, catching up just in time to see Maiko straining to dislodge the lid from a sarcophagus.  She ignored my cry as she lifted and pushed.  It was a strain even for her, but with a grinding of stone on stone she managed enough to peak in through a corner.  At times like that, I wonder if there’s something supernatural to her strength on top of her size and musculature.
Not that there was much time for such musings.  The deed was done, and by then I was close enough to peer around Maiko and take a look myself, curious despite all my protestations mere moments before.
Inside was a shade.
It was hard to get a good look at it through that aperture and their forms are indistinct by nature, so there was no way to tell if it had horns like Maiko or other features like Iole’s Ascended illustrations, but there was no mistaking what it was.  And just like a shade at morning’s first light, it melted and disappeared before our eyes.
A shade.
Lying in a box.
During the daytime.
And it dissipated when we opened the box.
Lining the interior of the sarcophagus on every surface I could see were carvings.  Inset into these carvings, filling them, were pieces of metal that brought to mind Priscilla’s map box and the machines in Melaina’s workshop, each perfectly shaped to fill their slot and flush with the surface.  Whether they were more examples of that ancient script or abstract geometric shapes I was too busy fighting down the warring reactions of panic and adrenaline to say with any certainty.
Maiko returned the lid to its original place without another word.
We stared at each other for a time.
Back to the stairs, still not a word.
No chanting from the box when I put my hand on it just before leaving.
Upstairs the others greeted us and asked if we found anything interesting down there given how long we’d been gone.
I told them that it was quiet down there, but if you put your hand on a sarcophagus you could hear chanting.  Just one voice, and a different voice per sarcophagus.
Neither of us mentioned opening one.
Cass of course literally jumped at the chance to head right down and try it out for herself.  Lin volunteered to stay up top and keep transcribing while Cass and Vernon went down and recorded what they heard there.  Maiko volunteered to escort them down and show them while I stayed to keep Lin company.
No one ever mentioned any kind of change or disruption that might have been connected to the release(?) of that shade.
We stayed in those grouping assignments until the rain stopped.  A second round of note comparisons indicated that, as best we could tell, the downstairs chanting was in sync with the upstairs.
Afterwards, we called it a day and headed back out, Maiko to the house and the rest of us to the Village in case the mists came the next morning and we were required for the funeral.  I’ve got hold of all three notebooks now.  Or rather, I did, but I’ve hidden them until I’m ready to go through them with Cass.  I worry this is the sort of answer-seeking that Theo wouldn’t take well to if he caught wind of it.
Speaking of Cass, I suppose I should mention that I’ve had her doing various bits of busywork around the archive today while I come up with excuses not to start going through the notes in detail yet.  Mostly I’m still trying to decide whether to tell her about Maiko opening that sarcophagus (“umbraphagus”?).  I’d hoped that writing down what happened would help get my thoughts in order for making a decision, but I’m not much further on that than when I started.
I’m still not sure why I didn’t tell the others about that, and it makes me sick keeping them in the dark like that.  And yet every time I start to I find myself either stopping or changing the subject.  The best words I can think to put to it is it feels like that Maiko and I crossed a line with our transgression, breaking too strong a taboo to even speak of the deed afterward.
First chance I get I should talk it over with Maiko.
Putting off thinking about a little while longer though, two hundred days.  That feels like another milestone.  I ought to say something retrospective here but I’m not sure what.  Some poetic comparison about the happenstance bookending of anticipating tomorrow’s funerary mist night compared to one hundred’s looking forward to a sunny day at the beach (and weird, revelatory conversation with Pat)?  Maybe a comparison of my experience of the island’s seasons?  How about this: a disclaimer to readers, whether future archivists, the future outsiders, or even my future self taking a stroll down memory lane.
If you haven’t figured out by now, I’m not a reliable narrator.  No one truly is, but I worry I may be worse than most in these journals of mine.  I simplify.  I streamline.  I’m far from objective in my descriptions.  I guess at people’s emotions because I’m bad at reading them and I probably make their personalities come across as flatter than they are because I record only my limited perspective and their relations to me.  I fill in blanks in my memory for the sake of narrative.  
The purpose of these journals from the beginning has been to help me make sense of myself and my circumstances, and this is how I do that.  Does that make me a bad archivist?  Perhaps, but I like to think it makes me human, and this was never for the official record anyway.
All of this, what has come before and what is yet to come, is not a record of events as they happened but as I experienced them.  We would all do well to remember the difference.
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cinderedrose · 2 years
I've been writing more self-indulgent Revalek fics. Take a first draft I wrote at 2 in the morning :D
Commence the fluff
"Hey, is everything alright?" His voice was soft, always the right pitch to please Revan's ears. Their muscles relaxed, but Revan still paced about the secluded section of the camp.
"I'm fine; go away," they hissed through their mask's audio modulator. Alek disobeyed their orders and rubbed his fingers along their shoulders and neck when they stopped pacing instead. Revan refused to admit they loved it. 
"Are you sure? You're tense, and there's a minefield of knots in your neck." 
Revan sighed and reached for the edges of their beskar mask. They had to crane their neck to meet Alek's gaze once their face was bare. 
"No, I haven't slept for three days, I can hear my heartbeat in my skull, and I talked to Kae again, and she was livid," Revan cried. 
"Do you want to talk about it while I get those knots out?" Alek asked while he gently grabbed Revan's face. The action made their stomach flutter. The shadows cast on his face made Alek look menacing to anyone but Revan. His endless blue eyes were shrouded, but his smile remained. 
"Maybe," Revan shrugged off their outer robe, slunk down, and Alek followed behind them. They sat between his knees, leaning into his gentle hands working around their shoulders. Revan tried to make their desperation seem less evident than it was. 
"So, what's up?" 
Revan rubbed their eyes and groaned, "I talked with Arren Kae yesterday; I didn't even want to. I just asked if her battalion was doing okay to be polite, and it spiraled into the same thing she's lectured me about over and over again." Alek pressed his knuckle into a sore muscle, and Revan grimaced.
"The 'How you ruined your body' talk again?" He asked sarcastically.
"I don't even know why she was so mad about it! The council was livid we ran off, but it feels much more freeing. You and I know this!" Revan leaned their head forward and sank into the relieving pressure in the back of their skull.
"This will help your headache," Alek whispered in their ear.
"How did you know?" Revan's brow furrowed.
"You mentioned talking with Kae; you don't NOT have a headache after that," he chuckled.
Revan smirked back, "anyways, yeah, I got that talk again. She also mentioned something about being careful and 'sensing indignities off us.' "
"Why does she care?" Alek had gotten most of the knots out of Revan's neck and shoulders. He let his hands linger, noticing how the scrawny Jedi yearned for his touch. 
"Because she's annoying like that," Revan relaxed and leaned closer to Alek. "She thinks it's acceptable to comment on your body constantly and claim you want to fuck your best friend." 
Revan hadn't realized they were blushing. 
"Sounds like Kae," he huffed. 
"Yeah, and if I don't tell her anything, she reaches into my mind and drags it out herself. It's an invasion of privacy," Alek moved his hands to allow Revan to lean against his chest. He wrapped his arms around Revan's waist as they spoke. "Now she knows I've had a massive crush on you since I was 15, and she's rubbing it in my face, then somehow brings things back to my body!" 
"You, uh," Alek started fidgeting with his fingers. 
"Yes, she's all like, 'he probably looks at you in disgust because you ruined your figure,'" they mocked, "'maybe it's a good thing, I sense things off of him.'" Revan scrunched their face up while they imitated her old master, utterly oblivious to the bomb they dropped. "It hurts my self-esteem, even if you don't… see me like that," they admitted. 
"I was asking a cadet how to tell you the other day, actually," Alek tittered, "and Kae is wrong because you're, uh, like really pretty- or do you prefer handsome?" Revan felt his uncertainty.
"I don't mind, Squint," their face flushed, and their thin fingers entwined with Aleks' longer ones. 
"Heh, is this the teenage experience where we were way late on?"
Revan closed their eyes and listened to the mix of the constant song in their head and Alek's quick heartbeat. "Thanks for ignoring my first command," they smirked. "Look where that got me."
"I hope Arren Kae explodes."
Revan grins at that, a grin that shows genuine amusement. "I'll have her test weapon prototypes. I'm the commander; I can do that." 
They were silent for a long moment.
"Revan?" Alek nudged them. 
"I think I love you." 
Revan held the words in the air, probably by their throat, knowing Revan. 
They turned onto their side and curled closer to Alek. "I think I'll pass out," they hesitated, "but I know l love you."
Alek said nothing. He held Revan with one arm and used the other to stroke their cheek as they lulled off to sleep. Alek loved how they leaned into his small forms of affection. The Jedi forbid intimate actions, no matter how minor. He didn't regret turning in the council one bit. 
"You and your weird sleepy dust masseuse powers," they murmured.
Alek enjoyed watching Revan doze. He knew the confession sounded wrong, but the trust it took to allow Alek to hold them while they were helpless and exposed was not easy to earn. He felt special in a way, with their unmasked figure buried into his chest. Their sides rising and falling uninterrupted brought peace. After a while, he dozed off as well.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
And the sound device is driving Joe m nuts and it was ruining him because the monsters attacking him and Terry cheesman is attacking Trump due to it it doesn't hurt that much it's annoying I'll tell you that much but something has to be done about Trump and the guy turns it on and Terry it starts to attack him
And it's made to drive her out well him out and he sees it
Thor Freya this is Trump driving a truck no one wants to be on board a vehicle he's driving he's an ass there's a big fight brewing here over driving the bus hes going to get killed a lot. Is right about something we have to get this guy stop p**** for you around it's hot he said shut his clothing down just poison all of it hes a freaking idiot. Today we got a big program there's a lot of stuff going on and it's saying we want you to be overloaded so he's asking for it we are going to take all the automobile stuff it's kind of a good idea it's kind of like you don't want them roaming around so you want to take him to the central facility and have them trying to sit there and attack try to get the equipment back. And we'll have to fix it there and scan them there it's good idea. Draw it there. He wants me to attack the bugs here and get rid of the trumpsters using that too cuz it's run at the thing and we're going to do that like a real deal and we have to cuz there's too many bugs and we're starting to run his brush program and we noticed that there's bugs in there so doing that and we realize what you're saying it's too many bugs. Surround the attack spring it with poison 20 of these idiots came out the trumpsters said stop what you're doing and said no and start to try and get their guns out and get sprayed as he's dying he's saying too slow and died isn't that sweet the end of the last phrase was his he says as Stewie and he has added you are the constant Gardener as compost as Stewie. War of the worlds is gearing up and truthfully there's a war up there in the upper Midwest and it's going on it's between Trump the clones and the max and foreigners are making sure it's happening and it's a huge War it started yesterday morning a little and BG went up he tried for several of them you got a bunch of diamonds that he left the hard way oh.. he has a big group is the Battlestar Galactica group and really half as fleek I wiped out by Trump, and it was his starship troopers so he's going around hitting them his fuel depots. Trump has two refineries he gave all the others up. Tons of people see come on special warrant for doing it he's trying to attack Florida all the time there he is right now it's 30,000 troops trying to get into Charlotte county 3500 into Port Charlotte and 5,000 to punta Gorda and 10 million into Florida and behind them is a troop of about 1,000 octillion from the Northwest and the same number from the north and they're trying to get in it's a huge group is coming from.
We will sue Joe m now for his use of the machine and his threats and his attacks is constant verbal abuse we'll see you in court Joe Bitol and Goddess Wife say. Don't get a suit Camilla too that fat b**** won't shut up no matter what you say to her stupid f****** child molester you got it in writing got it out loud and take it to court and shut you the f****** nobody can control any of you f****** morons.
Now Hera I want to stand to get out of here it's give me a f****** headache I don't want it out... And I hear us no I do hear you I've done way too much for people to have that stupid f****** a****** here in the first place I want him out you know it's ridiculous I'm going to end up killing a piece of s*** cuz no one else wants to come on get rid of them so f****** homo.
Zues says
I'm going to try our best to get them out and I see what you're saying just put them in a body bag and he's out and keep putting in a body bag if it'll get the message honestly just keep it very simple if he's dead he's not here so I can go ahead and do that I can't stand it all those assholes have to die and he doesn't it works when you kill him you get rid of his people on purpose I'll turn to Dick's and have to get rid of them we can get approval now Savage oppress says
I'm approving it and he's right he's got to get a nice sleep in this a****** keeps waking him up in the first place and that was doubled up with a stupid freaking machine there's s*** out of you Joe m you freaking moron I want a captain that's lawsuit against him and it's approved by Hera Zeus and vital and got his wife to prove it.
I'm leaving a very large attack it's a strike on these people and they don't get it too but man I keep saying that it said please make them get it let's start doing this little kid s*** and the saying it doesn't do anything to me I mean... I'm going to strike you too back you're an idiot you're in the frontal lobe you should have cut that thing out of you the second unit was there I had enough of you people it's ridiculous s*** here and you're going to figure it out the hard way. Were taking you down Trump is just too stupid to know it. I saw the machine and they're getting eviction papers ready today you shouldn't even be there going to have you arrested
Thor Freya
I wanted to this a****** has to pay you're going to an army right under your nose and you don't know anything about it you're so damn dumb and you're attacking these people and they don't know enough what to do it's so stupid it's my stupid people who talking the stupid people all day these people are dumb as a rock and they're getting hard to live with
We are addressing these issues and they're no longer minor this whole place is a dump and it's in your box and there's a big fire yesterday this is nonsense too that is a backfire and Joe and Preston are mad cuz they do they're going to do it so they have the a****** take the machine they're going to sue them I'm going to put them in the dirt where they belong so they got entombed might as well in tune them it's time for them to shut up we need the Intel too, he says it'll do nothing but heat me up was just good I don't need an excellent engineers around either so we agree
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flightless-icarus · 2 years
saturday august 27, 2022
so yesterday i had apartment inspections and my landlord kept complimenting my apartment bc it was so empty LMAO and it made it easier to check outlets and stuff. i have such a headache right now, but im awake because i had a really late dinner and now i have indigestion bc of it. im sitting here feeling sick as HELL since i ate so late- and i know that happens, but i cant skip meals rn, i literally can’t afford to skip my meals right now, weight wise.
ive been popping nausea meds like its candy lately to keep my stomach frrm getting so upset lately. it was even fucking testing me tonight but i just tried to breathe through it. i didnt want to take another one, because they give me headaches lol, which is frustrating bc i have one
im super sleepy, but i cant go to bed until i get a shower, and i dont wanna get in the shower until this indigestion goes away. i need some water, but im procrastinating it.
i just got some water.
things have been tough lately. im all hung up on my ex friends messages to me. i know what she said was bullshit- she called me selfish and a liar. If putting myself first, and taking care of myself and setting boundaries is selfish, then i am absolutely selfish. and i dont recall ever lying to her about anything aside frorm my feelings towards her. (her and i lived together at one point and i was very fake-nice to her while we lived together to keep the peace because when she decided she hated me [typically for ableist reasons], she was really mean and verbally hostile and it made me stop eating and get sick, so i was fake with her for my own safety and health, and then i was convinced to give her another chance and regretted it shortly after because i realised she very much hadn’t changed, and was gaslighting me and telling me I had problems when she was the one causing issues.) but anyway, she kept telling me my “karma was getting me for being such a bad person” which has me… confused.. even after talking to it with some close friends.
i live alone, my bills are paid (things are just financially rough for 1 more month, then after this month, ill be pretty set money wise), my apartment is my own, im in an okay area, i have the best friends ive ever had in my life, i THINK i have a crush on someone who feels mutually- like this is the closest to having a partner ive been in several years, i have a therapist, i have health insurance and im getting answers to my health issues, i get to spend my days doing the things i love (art), and im separated from my parents. fully.
i am literally the best ive ever been (aside from trauma stuff coming up, but that comes with the territory of being alone with ur thoughts all day and night) and im in the most stable living situation ive ever been in, and shes gonna tell me MY karma is getting me rn while shes working at target and trying to solve all her health problems with essential oils???? (she is anti vax)
im just so deeply confused. she said “have fun with your lame ass life and 5 internet friends and being selfish and living in a terrible neighbourhood, karmas a bitch now bye”
i dont place my value in how many friends i have, or how many times i go out. ive tried to tell her SEVERAL times that im very content being a homebody. i enjoy spending time alone and have fun with playing video games or watching youtube, reading, writing, and creating art. i like being inside. ive explained that to her more times than i can count and the fact that she just never once listened to me and is calling my life lame lmao. 4 of my 5 friends live only about an hour away and could visit if I scheduled with them a time to hang out, and my neighbourhood isnt bad. Yes there’s gun violence around here, but its… florida… of course there is. she thinks its some big dangerous neighbourhood bc its a predominantly black neighbourhood and shes racist as hell. this neighbourhood isnt more, or less dangerous than any other neighbourhood in my city. plus…… she tries to use ‘karmas a bitch’ at me as if i haven’t told her many times that i dont believe in karma. i believe in consequences to your actions. good & bad is subjective (in non-extreme cases), this situation specifically- i think shes awful and she thinks im awful. Does that mean we both get bad karma? no. it doesnt make sense. karma would only make sense for r^pists and ped0s and m^rderers and ab*sers. People like that.
I hope she figures out how to treat people who are different than her. she gets in this “i can fix them” mindset and then gets mad when they dont accept her “help”. She would always tell me how she. only wanted to help me, but anytime i came to her with my issues, i got ridiculed, questioned, ignored, and made fun of. I told her about my deep, personal shit and i was met with her asking me the most vile, invasive questions ive ever gotten about that issue in my entire life. i told her about something as silly as my water heater breaking and the maintenance man freaking out about it because it was so aggressively dangerous and unsafe to even keep turned on and i had to get an emergency replacement because of it- i told her about that and she didnt even acknowledge it, she just said “damn, anyway did you listen to my voice memos”
also she wants to claim i dropped off and never checked in with her…. i just moved into a place oN MY OWN *one month ago*. ONE MONTH AGO. I ***JUST*** GOT SETTLED IN THIS PLACE THIS WEEK. Im finally getting used to handling cleaning and cooking for myself every day, and im getting used to being alone and finally getting over my nighttime paranoia and im dealing with a lot of trauma stuff that i clearly cant go to her with- and shes gonna accuse me of just dropping off because i didnt talk to her for a couple of weeks, when i have friends i can, and HAVE dropped off from for YEARS and we picked back up chatting like nothing ever happened.
Biggest example is this guy i was friends with in 2020, one day i just quit replying, and he did the same, and i just reached out to him literally 3 days ago and he still refers to me as his friend and we were chatting and talking shit with each other, and he told me about how he still plays music and hes been putting most of his energy into that. Same with a different guy, we didnt talk for a year and now we’re updating each other on our lives and chatting again, and he told me all about how hes visiting his girlfriend in a week and im really excited for him, especially bc theyre moving in together next year. and yet she couldnt handle 2 fucking weeks while i was adjusting to living alone and unpacking by myself and trying to take care of myself during this really big adjustment?
she also tried to tell me that my ex friends told her about how im such a liar and how im so selfish and i asked her to tell me what i have lied about, because she has a history of just calling me names (ableist, a liar, a manipulator, etc) just because she “Wants to piss me off” and she “doesnt actually believe that”, because ive called her out on calling me names before and i would say ‘show me how im being X’ and then later id call her out and say ‘idk why you said this, you never told me how i was being xyz’ and she’d say “oh well i dont actually think that, i was just mad” so i plan to tell those ex friends shes so close with that she either lied about them, or threw them under the bus :) either way, shes about to meet her “karma” aka: consequences to her own actions. once i get my laptop back from them and pay them back, im telling them about her either lying on their name or throwing them under the bus so they know shes a rat. idk why she would use their names tbh lmao, considering her and i were actively fighting.
call me petty, but id wanna know if my friends were throwing me under the bus.
i dont need her. i dont need anyone like that in my life. i dont want to be friends with people who will spin false narratives about me because im taking care of myself, or lying out of self preservation because you make me feel unsafe. i dont want to be friends with people who dont make me feel good. ive had enough of those. i didnt even let my family treat me poorly, what makes you think im gonna let random people treat me badly.
anyway, its 4am and i want to get in the shower, my stomachs feeling a little better, and maybe now that ive written about this, ill shut the fuck up about it. i keep talking to a friend of mine a bout it and im sure ive annoyed the absolute fuck out of them (though they agree with me and ive told them everything ive written here)
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manuchyy · 2 years
Hellow may I please make a urgent request, a scenario where gn!reader has relapsed into their eating disorder due to body dysmorphia. Where cheongsan notices reader denying food/not eating at all and soon later confronts reader abt it and reader just breaks down infront of him letting out all their emotions, and ends withh comfort and fluff? Thank you so so much in advance<33
Perfect || Cheong-San x GN!Reader
Genre: comfort, feelings, soft, romance, fluff
Warnings: mentions of body dysmorphia, lack of eating or appetite. Subject may trigger as it's sensitive, so please proceed at your own risk.
Synopsis: you hid your disorder from cheong-san for a while, and a while being ever since you met him. You never thought the day he found out would come. You were wrong.
Author's Note: I'm sorry for the short delay or your request my love, I ran into a few problems yesterday! I honestly almost cried myself while writing this :( I went through a similar episode once. I hope you're doing okay, just send me a message if you ever need someone to talk to <3
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''Cheong-San, shut up. This chicken is amazing, you know your mother is a good chef. You guys always complain but y'know I had nothing to eat so at least be grateful!''
''Okay, then why don't you stuff your mouth with three of these? It will spare us more braincells.''
''Why can't you two be like (y/n)? They are so polite. You two talk with your mouths full of chicken.''
You sat quietly at the table next to On-Jo, making company for your boyfriend Cheong-San and his best friend Gyeong-Su, who were arguing over food. You stared at the pile of fried chicken made by Cheong-San's mother that was placed in front of you, the strong of smell of chicken hit your nostrils and made you grimace, holding back a gag. You spared a glance towards your friends, attempting to hold it in and wondering how they ate so easily.
Now, you loved Cheong-San's mother fried chickens, and her food in general was amazing. She had great talent, but you came here at the wrong time. You had recently relapsed into your eating disorder due to body dysmorphia, the sight alone of any food made you extremely uncomfortable.
To be frank with yourself, you only agreed on joining your friends due to you loving their company and considering it would be rude to decline the invitation. That and Cheong-San was going.
Though, tonight you couldn't bring yourself to eat. No, not at all.
You played with your hands under the table, moving them around frantically trying to hold your tears back. Your eyes began to get more and more irritated from doing so which forced you to blink furiously. You avoided the worried looks sent your way from time to time and didn't say anything.
Sitting there watching them eat and talk with their mouths full wasn't helping your nauseating feeling, in fact, it was making it worse. The headache and embarrassment hitting you like a truck all at once.
''Cheong-San, look! This piece looks like you!''
''Not really, looks more like you to be honest''
Cheong-San and Gyeong-Su started to play with their piece of fried chickens, making a few crumbs fall near your plate. You gulped.
You couldn't do it.
''Excuse me.'' You got up from your seat exasperatedly, fast walking towards the bathroom and not bothering to look back. Every step you took echoed through the small hallway making it sound like quiet stomps. You opened the bathroom door with a swift move and quickly disappeared from your friends views. They stared to where you ran off and exchanged worried glances between each other, wondering what they just witnessed.
''Cheong-San...is (y/n) okay?'' Gyeong-Su questioned, the concerning tone muffled by pieces of chicken still in his mouth.
Cheong-San only stared at the hallway not bothering to answer. He had observed when you tried distracting yourself with anything you could find interesting in the restaurant. He noticed your empty plate, irritated eyes and frantic movements. He found it odd, but concerning nonetheless. This wasn't like you.
Not to mention that at school, you didn't eat at all. He offered you some of his lunch but you politely denied it several times. This was indeed concerning.
On-Jo and Gyeong-Su finished eating and gathered their stuff to leave, saying their goodbyes to Cheong-San and his mother. Now, Cheong-San stood in front of the bathroom waiting for you to come out.
There was silence, and he wasn't certain how to feel about that. He wanted you to come out but there was not a single sign of life coming from inside, which was alarming. He imagined what could've possibly happened, and the only thing that made sense to him was you passing out. Though, that single thought alone made him panic.
''(y/n)?! Are you there?'' Cheong-San shouted, knocking anxiously on the wooden door. He clenched and twisted the door handle, the tight grip making his knuckles turn white.
It was locked.
He leaned against the door, his ear touching the cold and hard wood that sent chills across his head. He listened attentively for any sound that would've come from the inside, feeling his heart beat faster in anticipation. Once he heard a low sniff he instantly let out an anxious puff of breath. At least you were awake.
He decided to wait for you to come out, and as much as he wanted to break down the door that separated the both of you, he knew he had to remain calm and understand the situation at hands before anything else. He had time enough to think and let himself chill out, as you took 10 minutes to finally open the door.
You avoided eye contact at the best of your ability, walking past him before he could even say anything. Though, Cheong-San wasn't having it, he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him to his bedroom. He wasn't planning on letting you go away without explaining yourself.
As you two were in, he closed the door and stood in front of it to block your only way out of the tiny room.
''(y/n), can you please talk to me? I understand you usually don't like to talk about your problems but you didn't even touch any type of food today. What happened?''
The determined tone on his voice made you flinch just slightly, knowing that it meant he wouldn't leave this subject alone. He would make you talk, no matter the method he'd have to use. It was no surprise to you that he noticed your behavior, he didn't leave your side. You found it quite unusual since you two sat at separate tables at school and hanged out with your own group of friends instead, but today he stood by your side, and it was almost as if he wanted to see something by himself.
You gulped, desperately attempting to build up enough courage to explain it to him. It wasn't an easy subject to talk about, and you for sure wouldn't be able to make it sound less concerning. But now it was too late to hide it. You kept this as a secret for far too long, too far for your own good. However, Cheong-San is your boyfriend. You should trust him with this, right?
Perhaps he would understand. You hoped he would.
''Cheongsan-ah'' You turned around to face him, your low and quiet tone reaching his ears as tears fell from your eyes. ''I'm sorry, I- I can't bring myself to eat and I- I just feel like I'm not good enough- I-''
You broke down, a waterfall of tears falling from your irritated eyes. You felt your legs give up on you, only to feel arms wrap around your frail form before hitting the cold hard ground. Cheong-San held you in his arms with the utmost of his strength, the tight grip making you feel safe almost instantly.
''I h-have body dysmorphia...I can't eat anymore-'' Your cries came out muffled as you burried your face in the crook of his neck.
You feel Cheong-San pat your head for comfort, the feeling of his fingers combing through your hair making you relax momentarily.
''(y/n)...no no no! You should've told me earlier, why didn't you say anything?''
''I-I thought you would hate me- I just couldn't...''
''(n/n), look at me.'' Cheong-San holds your face with his warm hands, making you look right into his eyes. ''How could I hate you? How could I ever hate something so perfect? I'm not with you because of your appearance, and you don't need to change anything to make it look better. I love you for who you are, okay? You have such a big heart, please I beg you to not let anything make you think otherwise. I love you.''
His words only made you cry harder, and your cries only made him hold you tighter. The both of you embraced the moment together, only enjoying each other's presence and hold. It felt like heaven to you, the safe feeling and understanding was all you ever wanted. You wanted to be heard. So many years of hiding from others and the undeniable judgement of society, you forgot how good it felt to put it all out, to have support.
Cheong-San was always there for you, always kept you company as best as he could and today wasn't any different. Though now you understood why he was by your side the whole day. He had noticed your unusual behavior a lot earlier than you thought he did, so he considered observing you from up close to be sure.
And surely, it was heartbreaking to see the love of his life suffering this much.
You felt so small and fragile sometimes, as if a single word or eye contact could crush your entire form. It was an horrible feeling. The fear of going out and talking to others, and you being afraid they would mention something about your appearance. This disorder had such a negative impact on your daily life, it was frustrating.
Cheong-San picked you up bridal style and laid you down on his bed with him, spooning you and patting your head. He didn't break eye contact and wiped your tears away with his thumb.
''Such a beautiful face...I love you so much.'' He whispered, the smile sent at your way made you melt into his touch and lean in more.
''I'm sorry- I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's hard to accept the way I am without trying to change my appearance, and I thought you would be mad...'' You sniffed, feeling the dry tears stick to your face.
Cheong-San kissed your forehead, and held you even closer. ''I understand (n/n). I'll still love you the same okay? You can tell me anything you want, and I'll be here to talk. Let's try to get some sleep now, we talk about this calmly tomorrow.''
You burried your face into his chest, the feeling of his heart beating made you fall asleep in moments. Cheong-San laid there holding you in his arms, making sure you were comfortable enough throughout the chilly night.
''Goodnight, love.''
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rendevousz · 3 years
avengers x gn!teen!reader
platonic!peter parker x reader
requested by @sunflowerbecca : "hey! a request with the whole teen avengers thing you got gotten on haha, anyways something where the reader gets hurt or faints etc etc and then the rest of the avengers are all worried and frantic as they care for them"
summary: there was a consequence of going on a mission while you were sick
warnings: mentions of throwing up and a tiny fight with bestfriend!peter, avengers babying you as usual
word count: roughly 5k words of utter bullshit me thinks but pls do give this a read LMAO
notes: i'm sorry this took longer to write i was unexpectedly busy on the weekends but here i am i hope you enjoy this <3
"stark, you sure about this?"
"of course i'm sure, capsicle. the kids have been bugging us to let them go on a mission together. i know it's because they just want to mess around without being scolded but this is the easiest mission we've ever gotten since the avengers. besides, they've been pretty good lately so i think they deserve it. don't you guys think so?"
his question was met with approving looks all over the room, except from steve. the whole team except the teens —you and peter— were having a meeting about a simple mission that was supposed to happen that night. you and peter weren't in the meeting because you two were still at school.
it had been months since you and peter started asking the team to let you guys go on missions alone without "adult supervision". it was true that you guys wanted that just so you could do missions without feeling like you were being babysat but it was also because you guys thought that you weren't kids anymore; you could handle simple missions.
"c'mon cap, don't you want to see their face light up when we tell them they can go on this mission together, without us?" clint urged. he knew steve loved the kids, especially you, and he especially loved seeing the way your eyes would light up first before you whole face did.
"okay, fine. but if anything happens to them, you guys are to blame for."
school had just finished and you were walking back to the tower with peter. you've been having a killer headache all day and you felt nauseous. you even went to the washroom to throw up twice today. of course you didn't tell peter because he was that type of overprotective best friend who would make you get home if you sneezed more than three times that day. all you wanted to do today was get home quick so you could sleep the sickness away.
yes, you knew you were sick. but you didn't want to tell anyone because like peter, the whole team was overprotective over you and they usually did too much when you were sick. so you avoided that by just acting like you were okay. that was going well so far since all you had to do when you get home was go to your room and tell them you stayed up late last night and needed to catch up on sleep.
of course that didn't go well.
"y/n!" you groaned when peter entered your room uninvited, immediately jumping onto your bed. "yes, pete?" you croaked. his joyful expression turned into a frown when he heard you. "what's wrong? are you okay?"
"yes, pete, i'm okay. just super sleep deprived." you lied, cringing when you felt your head throb once again. "oh.. did you..did you want to sleep? am i interrupting?" he asked, feeling bad. "no, no. it's fine, what did you want?"
"i just came to tell you that mr stark and the team are finally gonna let us go on a mission without them! there's one tonight and they're letting us go alone!" he announced excitedly. you couldn't help the small smile that appeared on your lips when he said that. his happiness was just so contagious.
"but if you wanna sleep then i'll just go with any one of them, i guess," he shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant face but you knew he was internally begging you to come with. after all, you guys have been asking for this for the longest time.
you look at his hopeful face —one that he thought he was concealing very well— and sighed, flashing him a small smile. "fine, it's friday anyways so there's no school tomorrow. but you're buying me food tomorrow for postponing my catchup on beauty sleep," that is, if you can stomach the food, considering how you've thrown up almost anything you had for the past two days.
the thought of this mission going awry because of you being sick was almost immediately forgotten when you saw the huge smile on peter's face. he pulled you into a tight hug before letting go to jump on your bed. "we're finally gonna go on a mission alone!"
you laugh at his excitement though you wished he could lower down his volume because it was making your head hurt.
later that evening, you were in your room, sitting on the bed after having just finished putting on your suit when a knock was heard. after telling the person to come in, you met eyes with a certain blond haired super-soldier.
"hey, y/n." he greets, sitting down beside you. "hey, steve," you responded with a weak voice. he turned to you with a frown and you knew what was coming. "i'm fine, steve. i already had this conversation with pete. i just need sleep but i can get that after this mission. i'm not gonna be fine though if you wake me up at the crack of dawn to train when you know i just had a late night mission." you sassed, causing him to chuckle.
"okay, fine. i'm just worried about you two. you sure you're gonna be fine? don't need me to come along?" he asked, concern written all over his face.
"yes, steve. pete's been wanting a mission without you old folks for the longest time and i'm not gonna disappoint him by making you come along. we'll be fine, stevie. we're not little kids, we're avengers. we can handle finding a random chip in an abandoned building," you reasoned with him.
"it's not a rando— you know what? just be back home safe, okay kiddo?" he ruffled your hair, earning him a playful glare from you.
the swing trip to the mission location had you even more nauseous than you were earlier today and earlier today was worse than yesterday when the symptoms of your fever all started. you almost let go of peter because your body felt weak and now you were getting an earful from the boy.
"y/n, what were you thinking?! you could've gotten hurt!" he scolded you. you only looked down in guilt, biting the inside of your cheeks. "can we not do this now? let's talk about this back at the tower tomorrow," you waved him off, already beginning to feel the pounding headache getting worse. you started to walk ahead but then he gripped your upper arm, effectively halting you in your steps.
"y/n, if i hadn't grabbed onto you tighter the last minute, you could've plummeted 100 feet down to your death! did you know how scared i was?" his voice cracked and you immediately felt bad.
"you know you need to hold on too when i'm swinging us both! why'd you do that?" he yelled at you and you had to press onto your temple because of the headache that was steadily getting worse.
"look, pete, i'm really sorry about that, okay? that was unintentional but if you're gonna berate me over that, can you do that back at the tower?" you sighed, trying to shrug his grip off your arm but he kept it.
"you don't know the true weight of your actions, do you? you could've died, y/n! how do you think i would feel? being the reason my best friend died? having to go on with life without you? i can't lose you, y/n!" at this point, you could tell he was crying under his mask.
you felt bad. you knew you shouldn't have agreed to go on this mission knowing that you had been sick for the past two days. but you couldn't have let the opportunity pass. you couldn't bear to see peter disappointed after waiting for this moment for the longest time ever. but standing here, looking down as peter yelled at you while crying, you were starting to think that it was better to just see his disappointment. anything was better than seeing your best friend cry.
"pete, i truly am sorry. i love you and i would never leave you. but can we please get this mission over and done with so we can get back to the tower as soon as possible? we'll talk about this later," you told him and you immediately felt him let go of your arm.
"okay, fine! since you wanna get the mission done so bad, let's do it! i'll take the east side of the building and you'll take west. we'll split up so can find the goddamn chip quicker. that's what you want right?" and before you could say anything, the boy was already out of your sight.
you tried to keep your tears at bay but when that was the first huge argument you had with your best friend, it was kind of an impossible task.
so with your weak muscles and a breakdown that caused your headache to get even worse, you slowly trudged the west side of the building, looking for that stupid chip that the team wanted you to find.
you were beginning to think that the only reason the team sent you both here was because to find a tiny little chip in a huge abandoned building was like finding a needle in a haystack; definitely not something adults like them could bear to do.
but it obviously wouldn't have mattered to you and peter since you guys could do it peacefully without being pestered every two minutes about your whereabouts during missions. it obviously wouldn't have mattered to you and peter because if that argument hadn't broken out, you two would be enjoying each others company as you looked for the chip together. you could've been singing and joking around like you two wanted to. but of course that couldn't happen because of you.
you stopped in your tracks when a particularly harsh wave of migraine hit you, causing you to lean against the wall. your vision blurred as you tried hard to clear it but it wouldn't. your throat was dry and it made you think; when was the last time you drank water? you barely had energy in you from skipping meals due to your inability to stomach them.
now you were actually regretting coming on this mission. the last thing you saw was the dirty walls decorated with spray painted graffiti.
"oh my god, is this it? KAREN, is this it?" peter asked his built in AI. "yes, peter, this chip matches the picture that mr stark sent you."
"yes!" he cheered, grabbing the chip and storing it safely. "this mission probably would've been a lot more fun if y/n and i weren't fighting. we would've had so much fun. these walls had countless of stuff we could've laughed and joked about." the boy sighed before pressing a finger to his comms.
"hey i uh, i found the chip. where are you? we can go now." he said, waiting for you to respond. but you didn't. "c'mon, y/n, it's been two hours. you can't still be giving me the silent treatment, are you?"
"look, i'm sorry for lashing out on you but like you said, let's settle this at the tower. tell me where you are. i'll come get you and we can swing back as soon as possible."
"goddamnit, y/n! answer me!" he huffed out in annoyance. and when he was met with silence once again, he decided to have KAREN do a scan.
"y/n is at the exact same spot you landed on two hours ago." KAREN showed him the scan of the building and highlighted where you guys landed on two hours ago. he felt his heart race when you seemed to be lying on the ground, motionless.
"what's wrong with them, KAREN? why is y/n lying on the floor?" he asked in concern as he sped up to where you were. "y/n seems to have lost consciousness. according to FRIDAY, they have been showing symptoms of a high fever since yesterday."
peter cursed as he ran towards you when he saw you from afar. how could he have not noticed that you were sick? and it wasn't a simple cold but a high fever. now he was the one who felt bad. he should've suspected it from how different you had been acting since yesterday. that must've also been the reason you couldn't hold on to him properly.
he immediately crouched down to you when he reached you, examining your body for any external injuries. he cringed when he saw dried blood on the side of your forehead. you must've scraped it upon impact on the rough concrete.
"how long have they been out?" he asked KAREN as he picked you up. he proceeded to web you onto his body as extra precaution in case he accidentally let go while he swung. "approximately 2 hours, peter. right after you stormed away angrily."
"okay, KAREN, there's no need to make me feel bad. can you call mr stark?" peter asks the AI as he frantically swings you both back to the tower.
"kid? what's up? did you find the chip?" peter could hear the background rock music being lowered down and from the metal on metal clanking, he could tell tony was in his lab.
"i did but can you, uh, please get medic ready?" he was breathless as he kept swinging from building to building all while holding onto your unconscious body. immediately the metal tinkering sounds as well as the music completely stopped.
"what happened, kid? are you alright?"
"i'm okay, mr stark. it's y/n. they fainted." he told the man. "fainted?" the man exclaimed. "what happened? how long were they out?" he urged the boy and peter could hear that he was walking quickly and he assumed it was to get the medic team ready and to inform them of the situation.
"2 hours," he admitted quietly as he landed on the tower's hangar. "i'm here. i'm bringing them down now." he ran down towards the hospital wing with you in his arms.
once he reached down, he was met with the team waiting, worry etched onto their faces. wanda was the first to notice him and peter saw that her eyes were teary. before he could say anything though, the medic team appeared and proceeded to cut off his webs wrapping you to him. they immediately put you onto the stretcher and they wheeled you into the room, peter's gaze lingering on your unconscious self once he took off his mask.
"what happened out there, kid?" sam asked softly when peter slid down against the wall, staring expressionlessly at the wall across of him. "peter."
"we had a fight, okay!" he let out, taking the team by surprise because he was always such a calm and patient boy. they had never seen him this angry or upset since they first met him.
"we were swinging and their grip on me loosened so i got mad at them. but they kept pushing the matter aside like it wasn't a big deal, like it wasn't a life or death situation so i lashed out and decided that we should split up to look for the stupid chip since they wanted to get back to the tower so bad." he explained, eyes red as he had been crying a lot that night.
"i tried apologising like ten minutes after but y/n didn't respond so i assumed they were giving me the silent treatment but i found them unconscious two hours later. i'm so sorry," he apologised, breaking down as he put his face in between his knees to avoid looking at the team. they were probably mad at him for letting this happen to you.
"kid, why are you apologising? it's not your fault,"
he slowly lifted his head up, to meet the kind smiles of the team. "because the only reason y/n probably went on this mission was because they knew how much i wanted this. they put their own well-being aside just to make me happy and all i did was lash out at them."
"how were you supposed to know y/n had a high fever? we all didn't know either. it's not like we spend every waking hour with th—" clint was immediately cut off when nat nudged him with her elbow. peter had an unamused expression on his face. everyone knew you and peter were practically attached at the hip, always having training, and not to mention, school together. you two even spent your free time together.
"what clint means," nat glared at the archer. "is that it doesn't matter how much time or how little time we spend with y/n. that kid is stubborn as a bull. they could literally have been shot and we wouldn't know until we actually see the wound. my point is, y/n's the type that doesn't want to worry us. and you're their best friend, they knew how much you wanted this mission so that's probably why they didn't tell you. you can't blame yourself for this, peter."
"i know but they did this for me and i got mad at them. they're a much better friend to me than i am to them." peter dropped his head back down between his knees.
before any of them could respond, doctor cho approached them. "as you all know, they have a high fever. i suggest you all come visit tomorrow because they most probably won't wake until then."
"okay, will do. thank you, doc." the doctor smiled before excusing herself. peter then got up to go back to his room to wash up after handing tony the chip.
tony could only sigh when he looked at the boy's back that was growing smaller as he walked farther away.
the next day, you woke up with a terrible headache but you had gotten used to it from the past two mornings.
"good, you're awake. how do you feel?"
you squinted to get used to the bright lighting and your gaze settled on the female doctor by your bed with a clipboard. "like shit." you croaked out. she chuckled. "that's expected. your fever has calmed down now, do you feel anything else?"
"this headache makes me want to rip my head out and i feel weak." she nodded, jotting down on her clipboard. "okay. that's all i needed to know. you should come to us if you're ever unwell, y/n." you gave her a guilty smile before nodding.
"there's a glass of water on the table if you want. the team wants to see you so i'll send them in?" you nodded and she left to bring them in. you looked at the bedside table, seeing the glass of water she mentioned and only now you realised how dry your throat had been. how you managed to verbally respond to doctor cho, you didn't know.
you slowly reached out for it, struggling because your whole body felt weak. "y/n! stay in bed, i'll get it for you." you heard a stern voice scold and you immediately fell limp on the bed.
before you knew it, steve was already by your side with the glass of water. he held your face in one hand while the other held the glass near your mouth. you smiled gratefully and took your time drinking the water, having been dehydrated before you passed out.
"you're still burning up," he noted, settling down on the chair beside you. the rest sat down too and you couldn't be bothered to ask how the heck were there so many chairs in the room. "how are you feeling, y/n/n?" bruce asked, sitting down across steve.
"like shit." you repeated your answer to doctor cho. before steve could open his mouth to tell you to watch your language, you turned to him with a bored look and a raised eyebrow, causing him to close his mouth immediately. boy, were you scary when you weren't about to take anyone's shit.
"why didn't you tell us you were sick, bubs?" wanda pouted, fixing your hair that you were sure looked like a bird's nest at the moment.
"i didn't want to worry you guys. you're adults who have much more important things to worry about. a kid throwing up and experiencing headaches shouldn't be your priority." you admitted, subconsciously playing with nat's fingers. she had gotten used to you doing that when you were nervous or overwhelmed so she let you.
"what are you talking about, y/n?" she held onto your hand, stoping your movements. "anything related to your safety and well-being is a priority to us. you had us worried sick last night, bub." she looked down at you with soft eyes, releasing her grip on your hands so you could continue playing with her fingers.
"yes, you worried us lots, y/n. wanda would not stop crying last night when she heard what happened." vision said, prompting a smack from said woman and a hushed 'vis!'.
"i'm sorry, guys. i initially was just going to stay in my room until i got better but when peter told me about the mission, i couldn't bear to say no to him. he was so happy about it and i didn't want to disappoint him. and i thought i could take it because it literally was the simplest mission ever. but the breakdown i had after our argument was physically draining and i guess i couldn't take it. i'm sorry. god, i only didn't want to disappoint peter but now i've disappointed you guys too." you bit the inside of your cheek to control your emotions, not wanting to seem even weaker in front of these adult superheroes.
"you didn't disappoint us, y/n/n," bucky started. "you've done so well, you've made us proud and you keep making us proud. we just wish you would tell us when you're sick or you just need someone. you don't have to keep everything to yourself. what are we here for? we love you and we're willing to do anything for you. you're our baby." he ruffled your hair and you give him a tired smile. "i'll keep that in mind."
"do you want anything to eat?" sam asked and you paused, trying to figure out whether you would be able to stomach some food or not. "you know what? i'm gonna go and make you some porridge right now. don't move." he told you, as if you could move with these overprotective heroes surrounding your bed.
almost immediately after, wanda got up too. "i'm going to make sure he doesn't burn the kitchen down." she said, leaving the room after a small peck to the side of your head. vision then left too after wishing you a speedy recovery. only bucky, steve, natasha and bruce were left.
"y/n, you know you can come to us if you're sick, right? i know you and you probably think you're troubling doctor cho if you go to her despite it being her job. but we're family, you can come to us anytime. you always help me when with 'the other guy' and you help everyone with basically anything they could possibly need so why wouldn't we do the same for you? you out of everyone in this tower deserves the most." your eyes watered at his speech. you pouted and looked at him with your doe eyes, making the rest of the team internally coo at how adorable you looked.
"bruce," you lower lip jutted out even more as you opened your arms for a hug which he happily accepted. "hey where's clint, tony and pete?" you asked them once you let go of bruce.
"clint went out to get your favourite smoothie from that place you always talk about even though i told him already that you probably don't want it since you're sick." natasha explained. "aw, i think i'm gonna drink it solely because clint made an effort to get it for me."
"you're too nice, bub. but expect it in an hour or so because i know for sure that idiot somehow got himself lost trying to find that shop." you chuckled at this, leaning back against your propped up pillow. "what about tony and pete?"
"peter feels really bad about this whole situation so tony is trying to cheer him up. wait," steve stopped mid-explanation, turning to the rest. "stark told us to get him when y/n's up..." he trailed off and bucky's eyes widened. "he's gonna kill us for him not being the first person y/n sees when they wake up."
"FRIDAY, inform stark that y/n is awake."
"oh yeah he has an AI why couldn't he just tell the AI to inform him instead of us forgetful humans?" bucky questioned rhetorically and before they knew it, they heard frantic screaming and thudding of footsteps before the door was open.
"my baby! you're awake!" was the first thing you heard when the door slammed open. tony rushed in, pushing bruce away as he immediately pulled you into a hug. "you're still burning up, cupcake. have you had anything to eat yet? drank any water yet? here have some water," he grabbed the glass of water steve helped you drink earlier and did exactly what steve did. you had no choice but to drink.
"sam's making them porridge," nat told tony and he turned to her with an incredulous look. "wanda's helping." she added and he sighed out in relief before turning back to you.
"cupcake, you had us all worried last night. please don't ever do that again, okay?" he said, gently caressing your cheek. you gave him an awkward smile. "where's peter?"
"he's taking a swing. he says it helps clear his mind," tony said. "how are you doing here? nice room? comfy bed?" he pointed to the bed you were on.
"i'd much rather be in my own room, on my own bed." and without a warning, steve already had you in his arms while tony went to go tell doctor cho that you were being moved. the blond super-soldier started walking while natasha walked closely behind, dragging your IV drip along so it doesn't get ripped out of your arm.
when you reached your room, you were gently put down on your bed and steve fixed your blanket so it was covering you. "comfy?" he asked and you nodded with a big smile.
"i have to finish some stuff up down the lab," bruce said and you nodded at him with a pout. "i'll come back sometime later, though. you better be resting up all day." he warned jokingly. he ruffled your hair, planting a kiss on your forehead before leaving your room.
"can you tell pete that i want to see him when he comes back?" you told tony and he immediately sent out a text to your best friend.
after about an hour of just steve, nat and tony entertaining you, sam came back with wanda with the porridge and tony insisted that he feed you or you he wasn't going to let you see peter.
"alright, bub, i think you should really get some rest now. you can barely keep your eyes open," nat says, already getting up with your empty bowl of porridge. "we'll tell spiderboy you're asleep."
"okay," you mumbled, eyes already fluttering shut. you felt every single one of them give you a forehead kiss and then you were out like light.
when you woke up later that day, you felt much better than you did the last time you woke up. you decided that you now had enough energy to take a quick shower so you did. once you were done, you dried your hair while humming to a random song before the door opening interrupted you.
your eyes met with peter's guilty ones. "h–hey, you're awake," he stated and you nodded with a small smile, sitting on your bed and peter doing the same.
"look, y/n/n, i'm really sorry about what happened. i shouldn't have lashed out on you witho—"
"pete," you cut him off. "don't apologise. i'd be mad too if you did something as stupid as that." you reasoned. "yeah but it's not like you did it on purpose! you had a valid reason and i got mad at you for it." he spoke in frustration.
"dude, stop. i'm the one who's supposed to be sorry. i should've just told you i was sick. but i didn't want to upset you because you've been waiting for this for the longest time. but i ruined it for you. i'm sorry, pete." you rested your head on his shoulder and he rested his on top of yours.
"i wanna say that i'm the one at fault but then this conversation won't end until like next week so let's just say we're both at fault, yeah? you need to start telling people what's happening with you and i need to be better at reading you." he said, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into a hug. you hugged him back. "okay."
the door then opened, revealing bucky with his stupid shit-eating grin and you knew what was coming. you let go of peter and immediately you were lifted off the bed and over bucky's shoulders as he excitedly chanted about team movie night.
the night was spent watching a movie with the team you considered your family and them pampering you even more than they usually did (which, frankly, was still too much) since you were sick.
and right when the movie ended and everyone was preparing to head in, the door to the common room slammed open and a disheveled clint entered, holding a single cup of smoothie.
"got your smoothie, y/n/n!"
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imaginativeamateur · 3 years
[Itachi Uchiha X Reader] First Snow {Part 4}
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Pairing: Itachi Uchiha x fem!Reader
Note: Phewwww, another angsty part coming :DD I don't know why I keep writing angsty stuff but believe me, it will be worth it in the end! You will see friend Izumi in this one again :D Enjoy!
~~/ /You tucked on the hem of your shirt and stood up unsteadily, gliding your motionless feet along the hard ground, “I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I should have stayed until my shift ended. I’ll go and apologize to her.”/ /~~
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You dragged yourself to the front gates of Konoha Hospital, the sun was rising—it was probably five in the morning when you came. Still dressed in the attire you wore for yesterday’s dinner with your hair messy and face more than pale, you made your way to the receptionist. It was the second time you came here, the first time was to do a check-up when you first arrived at Konoha and the second time was to visit your husband’s love.
The receptionist recognized you almost immediately but she was startled to see your body in such a frail state. The woman hastily pulled you aside, “Are you alright, Miss?”
You could feel your forehead burning but you replied an okay, asking for Izumi’s room number. She kindly showed you the direction and even offered to walk you there. However, you softly thanked her and went to Izumi’s yourself, fearing that whatever you were about to do would implicate her. After that night, you certainly knew what Izumi was capable of.
On your way there, you suddenly felt pain in your stomach. All you could guess was that it was because of your high fever, hence, you went back down to the ground floor’s pharmacy to purchase some medicaments to treat yourself. Then, you realized that you came empty-handed, making your way outside once more to buy some flowers at a nearby shop. The abrupt changes in temperature that you went through gave you a headache and severe hypothermia. Your hands were shaking when you placed your money on the counter at the flower shop. The middle-aged owner generously took you in and gave you a cup of warm tea to aid your shivering body.
Later on, you got to know that the shop belonged to the Yamanaka family. She told you that she had a daughter younger than you who often came to help around with the family’s business. She also shared that the girl was head over heels for Sasuke. Sasuke, your brother-in-law? You could not help but smile at the coincidence, Sasuke indeed took after his older brother a lot. He was a capable Ninja, even at a young age, and managed to appear cooler than his said sibling, which gained him a great amount of admiration. You gratefully thanked her and promised to visit her shop again soon, then left for the hospital.
You knocked on the door daintily and pushed it open once Izumi allowed you to come in. It was six in the morning and she was up, sitting with her back against a pillow. Her expression remained unchanged when she saw you at the door as if she had expected you to show up this morning. Izumi nonchalantly smiled, “You guys are truly kind! Itachi just left no longer than hours ago, and now his wife is here for a visit.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, feeling your ears ringing. You tried your best to remain calm and arranged the peonies into the white ceramic vase on the bedside table.
“What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.”
You moved closer to the bed with your head hanging low, “I’m sorry, I—”
Before you were finished your sentence, a slap landed on your right cheek, and you staggered backward. Then, the moment Izumi’s eyes settled on the fresh peonies, she hastily knocked them to the floor with a forceful swat. You gasped in shock, still not recovered from her attack, leaning away out of instinct to dodge the falling vase. The pink blossoms lied scattered on the white tiles, droplets of water once sat still on the petals now sprinkled on the floor, and the ceramic vase was in pieces.
You steadied yourself and bent down to pick up the fragments of the white vase, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you don’t like peonies.”
“You really know how to make me angry, Y/N!”
You felt the blood rushing upward, making you dizzy. Just then, the door was once again pushed open. This time, it was Itachi who came inside. You instantaneously pulled your scarf up to cover your swollen cheek and looked away.
Izumi immediately called out, “Itachi, look! Y/N came over and wanted to pour the water on me! If she didn’t trip on her feet, I would have been drenched by now. I’ve just recovered from my fever, yet she was planning to give me another one!”
"I didn't, I—,"
You stopped and glanced up at him, hope crossed your eyes, but dimmed the moment he spoke. “Clean up and get out of here. I don’t want you near Izumi in the future.”
You were too tired to argue with him, turning back to pick up the shattered vase. Your hasty touches and lack of concentration resulted in a splintered finger. For worse, it was right on the wound you got from falling onto the ground when Itachi shoved you earlier. Blood started to drip from the cut to the floor, crimson on top of pure white, stinging your vision. It was a deep cut, and sanguine fluid did not stop oozing out from the gaping wound.
Your movements slowed down drastically, and Izumi noticed it. She looked in your direction, causing Itachi, who was feeding her, to stare at you as well. He snapped, “What’s wrong with you? How useless can you be, Y/N?”
You bit down on your lip, tearing the fabric of your scarf to poorly wrap it around your finger, hoping the material would temporarily stop your blood from draining. Then you reached for the paper used to wrap the peonies on the bedside table on the bedside table to roll up the broken pieces of ceramic, carrying them outside. After that, you returned with a mop to clean up the excess water on the floor. Itachi never spared you a glance during the whole process, and Izumi was thoroughly enjoying your suffering. You could feel your face heating up again, the medicine you took earlier was no longer effective. You tried to waddle away from the scene as fast as you could, trudging along the wall to stop yourself from caving in.
You only stopped once you were out of Izumi’s ward and slumped down onto the marble floor lifelessly. Your mind was in a daze while your eyes fluttered, struggling to open. Shortly after you went out, you heard footsteps approaching, and Itachi's voice registered itself into your head. “We are hosting a dinner for other clans’ heirs, don’t disappoint the Uchiha clan.”
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @thenightfallingstar @animepickle7 @simping-master-69 @tirzamisu @rinnegankakashi @the-tiniest-one @greenshirtimagines @madaraswittleslut @saturn-falls @adeards @chloe-secret
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ashiristic · 2 years
Have you done the classic hero/villain ending up at the other's doorstep? Maybe that, but with a twist that sidekick absolutely despises the other and keeps on wanting to kick them out till caretaker has had enough? Maybe sidekick gets fired or scolded or something, up to you!
Your delivery has been moved to instead of yesterday. I delivered it today- I don't know what to write- sue my creative department. You can file a lawsuit but not to me!
“Coming!” the hero drops their chocolate down to the couch and laid the fluffy yellow blanket beside them. They dusted off their pajama and stood up, ran to the door, and peeked into the corner. Well, they never expected a small white fox with a red mark on the middle of its forehead, and dark black eyes weeping before their doorstep. The hero opened the door, not realizing the loud bang released after they did that as they crouched down to the floor. And carries the fox in their arms, shushes them gently while they grab the silver doorknob behind them, closing the door.
“What happened?” the hero asked, their eyebrows creases into worry as they stroke the fox’s fuzzy fur. The fox in their arms is the villain, and they're supposed to be number one enemy in the entire world. But the villain is in their arms, letting out a soft sob and hiccups every time they breathe. The hero waited and continued to comfort them while the long-awaited show airing was now ignored. Forgotten.
“They are mad at me again…” the villain said. Their tiny paw wiped their eyes or at least tried to wipe it. Whenever the villain is in this form, it is they are stressed or extremely miserable. Nobody would show their vulnerable side to anyone, but after the hero found out about this. The hero became their official therapist, according to the hero themself, but the villain never denied it, anyway.
“Your sidekick, again? I really despise that bastard…” The question was loud and clear, but the words after them were quiet. Their hands clenched tightly, their gentle touch hiding the sense of anger developing inside them. That sidekick or best friend of the villain is a headache. No, they are a disease that needs to be removed, especially in the villain’s life. The hero themself wants to shove the sidekick’s head to a hole and leave them be there, bonus point if water comes out in that hole.
“What did you do?”
“I tried helping them in getting the painting after a robbery yesterday, then… they yelled at me and did not accept it since it is now dirtied by my hands…” the hero could feel their power rampaging in their hands, but ignored it. Their thirst for the sidekick’s head was to be thrown into the sea. Ah no, they want their nails to be removed one by one. No, that is horrible- they are the hero, why are they thinking like that?
The hero has a reason they despise the sidekick to the core. Reasons that can’t be counted with only their fingers. Maybe the writers who can write thousands of words per day would be horrified at how many it is. The villain shifted closer to the hero. In exchange, the hero hugged them tighter. Tight enough to make sure the villain is safe within their arms as they purr strokes after strokes.
“You never reacted to those kinds of words, so tell me.” The hero paused, their voice calmed down after the villain quivered under their touch. They didn’t mean to sound like a devil demanding eagerly for a human soul to eat. Their self-control over their rage got over them, beating them into a tug of war once.
“Tell me, why did you come here?”
“They kicked me out.” The villain hiccuped. “They said that I am useless- They hate me so much. What should I do, hero? I don’t want them to hate me!” They cried, tears flowing down their eyes like an unstoppable river. And mixing with the sea as it poured more, creating a shallow hole to the hero’s heart. This is their first time seeing the villain like this.
And they want it to be the last time, as the small animal curled in their arms trembled. How much they want to give everything for the villain to stop them from crying and punch the hell out of the sidekick for doing this to their villain.
“I don’t want them to hate me… I tried my best to make sure nothing is going wrong with our relationship, and remained positive- but- they hate me.” The villain turned into their human form. Their sparkling blue eyes look like pure pools of the sea as their tears go down to their rosy cheeks. Lips trembling into a tight purse as their face digs deeper into the hero’s chest.
“What did I do wrong..?”
“You did nothing wrong, sweetie. It’s just that person doesn’t know how to appreciate things.” The hero pats the villain’s hair, fingers sliding in between each strand as they lean down to peck the villain’s forehead. It was long and soft, it was calming and not forced.
“Don’t worry, I am sure the supervillain would solve everything about that bastard- I mean, your friend’s behavior.” The hero reassured, and their phone rang aggressively that it almost floated in the air and threw itself into the wall. They checked the phone ID, and it was the superhero. Of course, the hero ignored it as they continue to cuddle with their rival peacefully. Oh, that peacefulness never lasts as the door banged open with a loud thud on the floor. The hero moved their body to the other side of the couch to avoid the flying door flying towards them, and it meets the wall with a deafening boom.
“Hey,” the hero called to the person behind the dust floating around in the air. A sound of something dropped on the floor, and someone groaning destroys the lasting peace they have left as the villain glances at the person. Eyes puffed up in red, and it let out a pained moan again after a person pressed their thick boots on their back.
“Supervillain?” the villain reluctantly asked, their eyebrows furrowing, and rubbed their eyes to confirm if they were hallucinating.
“Yo,” the supervillain raised their hand and dug their leather boots to the sidekick’s back. Face not showing any emotions so far, but their eyes twinkle every time the sidekick chokes or yells in pain. “So I brought this thing here to apologize to you. God, why do I have to hear from superhero about it who heard it from the hero?”
“Want me to shoot their body three times and feed them to the dogs or torture them with all the possible existing tortures in the world?”
“Please, both!”
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Right in front of you
A Halstead!sister
Jay held a strong grip on your upper arm as he led you out to the school hall. "What the hell was that Y/N? Are you happy now? God.... I can't believe you cheated!" he sneered, "EYES UP HERE Y/N!! "
"I'm sorry" you sighed, locking eyes with Jay, silently praying that he would let this go. It was only one time anyway. It wasn't a big deal.
But he let out a hollow laugh, "Thirty percent, Y/N, THIRTY PERCENT. You're going to have to do better than a half-ass apology. What exactly are you sorry for? Huh? For cheating? Or being caught?"
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Requested : Yes by @study-coffee-chicago : They found out she cheated on a test in high school...and Jay's the one who has to pick her up.
Warnings : angry!Jay (lots of it), alcohol, swearing, anxiety attacks
Note : I am so so so sorry this so longg 😭 I ended up so far away from the actual request kayela please don't block mee 😭 butt I've learned alot in writing abt active and passive voices and using more imagery Yayy!! I'm so glad that yall are ok with my grammar thank uu🥺
The piles of homework and flashcards you needed to memorize had no end in sight, and now that Will was taking nightshifts along with his usual double shifts, and intelligence was tracking down an underground drug cartel, you spent most days alone, allowing your mind to engulf you.
Every time you sat down to study, you felt a striking pain in your chest. In mere seconds the air was sucked out of your lungs and you found yourself panting, desperate to get oxygen back into your body.
You would be surrounded by books and worksheets and you could swear the walls of your room were closing in towards you, trapping you in a sea of incomplete work.
You failed to follow the schedules and to do lists you had made for yourself. Staring at them, hoping the essays would write themselves.
All you needed, was a break. A moment to relax from anything and everything.
So when your best friend mentioned that her brother used to drink a little before he appeared for an exam, your mind was quick to catch on.
Last night you had borrowed a little bit of beer from Jay's stash of alcohol and took a few sips of it as you studied.
The more you drank, the less bitter it became. It was a weird, new sensation, but it worked nonetheless.
Except now, you were sitting in the girls bathroom at school, ramaging through your notes, trying to recollect what you had learned yesterday.
You saw what you had underlined and highlighted— names in pink and important dates in yellow—but your mind came up blank.
Flipping the pages you saw people in wigs, and castles burning to the ground —None of which you recognized.
A wave of anxiety rippled through you unable to comprehend your next thought —you were going to fail.
Your head was throbbing as you ran a hand down face, massaging your temples trying to calm yourself down.
You took out your water bottle that you had filled with beer and swallowed a few gulps, hoping that it would help you think straight.
You groaned, feeling the sting of alcohol at the back of your throat, popping some mints into your mouth, you ran towards the exam hall.
Your foot bounced on the polished wood floors as sweat pooled on your forehead.
You thought you were careful —only taking a peek from your friends answer sheet when Mrs.Ling's back was facing you.
Everything would have worked out if it wasn't for that kid sitting behind you. In a split second your teacher turned around, when he dropped his pen, to see you peering over your partner's desk.
Now you were sitting in the principles office praying that Jay wouldn't be the one picking you up.
You could already imagine his anger at you for pulling him away from his case, only to find you cheated.
Unfortunately luck was not on your side today.
You dare not look at Jay as he entered the office, letting out a huff as he sat down. You could feel the rage emitting him, tension filling the room, as he burned holes looking at you.
"I'll get straight to the point" Your principal started.
"Please" Jay growled, struggling to contain himself. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, when he got the call saying that you had cheated on your midterms.
You and Will were alike,at least he thought so, both good at science and math but weak at geography and history. Nonetheless you continued to secure good grades for the most part.
"Y/n here, was caught cheating from a classmates answer sheet. Our teacher caught her red handed. I truly did not expect this from you. These midterms cost thirty percent of your grade..... "
Pretty soon his voice was muffled like he was getting farther and farther away from you. His figure swayed in front of you as you squinted your eyes to keep him in the center of your vision.
" You are suspended, Mrs halstead"
Your eyes widened , your body choosing the perfect time to bring out what little beer you had taken when you heard those words, letting the alcohol mix with the adrenaline.
"WHAT??!! " Damn, alcohol really bought out your courage as Jay stared at you in shock at your audacity.
"Y/n, your lucky I'm letting you retake the exam. That's only because you've had a clean record so far. I strongly suggest you start preparing early Ms. halstead" your principal said in a firm but monotone voice that left you speechless.
Jay held a strong grip on your upper arm as he led you out to the school hall. "What the hell was that Y/N? Are you happy now? God.... I can't believe you cheated!" he sneered, "EYES UP HERE Y/N!! "
Oh god. Every now and then, the ground would sway beneath you, tiles shifting in your vision. But you counted your steps, carefully putting one foot in front of the other, not wanting Jay to find out what else you had done........ until now.
You tilted your head, only to be met with your brother's piercing stare but little did he know, now it made it infinitely harder to concentrate on your walking.
"I'm sorry" you sighed, locking eyes with Jay, silently praying that he would let this go. It was only one time anyway. It wasn't a big deal.
But he let out a hollow laugh, "Thirty percent, Y/N, THIRTY PERCENT. You're going to have to do better than a half-ass apology. What exactly are you sorry for? Huh? For cheating? *Or being caught?*"
You rested your head on the seat as Jay entered the truck, flinching, when he slammed the door shut. Your pounding headache was getting worse by the minute, as your ears started to ring.
You blinked a few times squinting to focus on the road ahead of you but the fast-moving cars and the loud horns made you feel like your head was going to explode.
"Y/n," he addressed you, much calmer now.
You forced yourself to turn to your brother, who wore a confused expression.
But the moment he saw your deshelfed hair and your cracked lips, a wave of worry crashed over him. What the hell?
The truck came to a stop at a red light and Jay immediately scanned you over "Y/n?" he grabbed your chin, his jaw dropping, as he came face to face with reality.
"Are you drunk!!?" he barked , steam basically pouring out of his ears.
But your pleading eyes and empty silence gave him the answer he needed. "Are you kidding me??" he snarled as he slammed the steering wheel.
Oh God no. A blinding pain ripped through your head when Jay's palms made contact with the hard plastic. You winched turning your head away from your furious brother, letting out a whimper.
Jay's eyes widened at the sound, his heart breaking, realizing the pain you were in.
If he was going to be mad at you or at least punish you, you needed to be sober.
He stepped on the pedal as the light turned green taking a few breaths, trying to calm himself down.
With the vice lords reclaiming their territory and selling uncut fentanyl, bodies were dropping all over the city most of them being kids.
Kids..... your age.
Every kid at the morgue, just reminded him of you. He saw parents sobbing, begging for their kids to come back but Jay new better. They were never going to come home. Ever.
So he made it a priority to catch these ruthless creatures. He made it a priority over his sleep, over nine hours shifts and unknown to him, over spending time with you.
"Hey , hey" he whispered, not wanting to hurt you again, "We'll talk about this later ok? for now...... just..... it's ok..... I've got you" here reached out his hand, the other still on the steering wheel, to slowly rub your back as you tried to breath through the pain.
" I got you"
Jay wrapped a hand around you allowing you to hold onto him for support.
Silently, he deposited you on the couch, laying you down. He knew that he wasn't in any state to talk to you. He needed to clear his mind from his racing thoughts and rueful images of dying teenagers.
His phone rang, indicating that the district was awaiting him. "Here" he reluctantly shook your shoulders "Y/n, I need to go ok? Will will be here soon"
Almost half an hour had passed and you were waiting for Will to get out of the shower. You'd heard Jay explain everything to him over the phone.
You thought about how disappointed he would be.
Will —being the nerd he was— always helped you with your projects and gave you pop quizzes during breakfast, before your exams. He taught you how to organize flashcards just like he did in med school.
Even through your blurry thoughts, the image of Will's betrayed face and embarrassed eyes, knowing you cheated, lingered on your mind.
Your body was all over the place. Tiny noises echoing through your ear. Your muscles simultaneously aching and loose.
You were shivering as you tried to curl up into a ball. Your body trying to hold what little heat it had within itself.
But nothing stopped your tears.
You felt water drops make their way down your cheeks forming small splotches of water on the cushion you laid your head on.
And you didn't bother to wipe them away.
Will more or less was in the same state you were in. There was a multi-vehicle accident on the highway and victims were piling in the ED. He was running from one treatment room to the other, waiting to get back home and crash.
Will walked over to you with a huge glass of water and an advil, gently  nudging you to sit up.
Your head still pounded, your eyes zoning in and out of the figure in front of you "Y/n, here drink the whole glass and take this" Will soothed, placing the glass and the pill in your hand "I—I'm sorry" You whispered, distracting yourself from Will's eyes.
Will knew he should be angry. Just like Jay was but he couldn't bring himself to blaming you, not until he had the full story anyway.
You looked so petite on the enormous couch, your legs folded on top of each other, arms shaking as you drowned the glass of water along with the Advil.
Your red puffy eyes and tear strained cheeks,were a contrast from your usual self. or he thinks. He's been pretty busy lately, so he's not too sure. " We'll talk about it later. I'm not angry. I promise"
He assured and was about to head to bed himself when you grabbed his wrist.
If he wasn't angry at you then maybe— just maybe—he would help you.
"Stay" You pleaded , the word falling from your lips just as easily as it had, many, many times before.
And just like before, you were met with Will's soft brown eyes filled with sympathy, ready to help. Ready—to be by your side.
He's slowly nodded climbing onto the couch, next to you. He wrapped an arm around you and you nestled into him, laying your head on his chest.
You found some comfort as he embraced you, talking you under his arm and encompassing you in his warmth.
Holding on to him, you hoped that he would take your pain away, just like he did when you were little.
Will woke up to an uncomfortable feeling of something —or someone—   tugging at his shirt.
He slowly opened his eyes allowing them to adjust to the light as he felt another a tug at his side. He looked over to you, but your eyes were shut, brimming with tears, your arm laid across his chest.
You were holding on to Will , using him as a lifeline, grounding you from the pain.
You felt a hand squeezing your own, stopping you from gripping the fabric "Y/n?" You opened your eyes to look up at will who had tears of his own, staring at the state you were in "it's okay, I'm here, I'm right here"
He encircles you, tighter than before, whispering soothing assurances into your hair.
With Will's help, the pain slowly subsides, allowing you access to your thoughts again.
You step out of the shower, into the living room and your eyes widen seeing Jay and Will sitting at the kitchen counter.
You didn't even hear Jay come in, but right now taking in his hardened glare, you didn't dare ask.
You knew what was coming and you didn't fight. You couldn't.
"So apparently we're cheating on our midterms now, huh?" Jay's calm voice made shivers run down your spine, starting to take rapid breaths.
"And apparently, someone thinks it's ok to steal alcohol from my stash" He gritted, never breaking I contact with you. "Do you think that's how the world works Y/n? DO YOU? BECAUSE LAST TIME I CHECKED YOU'RE STILL A FUCKING TEENAGER!!" He spat, his thoughts fuming towards your trembling body.
It was every dieing body flashing before his eyes, as the past months' agony slipped off his tongue.
"Jay" Will's voice was stern, giving a knowing look towards his younger brother and didn't bother to give Jay time to argue with him.
"Y/n, we need to know what's going on"
"With school, with tests with....... everything" he stated giving you a solemn look meaning every word he said, promising himself that he would do whatever it takes to figure out what had been going on.
You sucked in a breath weighing all your options. You didn't want them to think that you needed a babysitter or  that you couldn't take care of yourself.
You knew that they had their own problems to worry about but you couldn't take it anymore.
You hated it.
The feeling of your lungs collapsing, struggling to find air for your body, your stress skyrocketing anytime you sat down to study, never getting any thing done.
All day long you would constantly tell yourself to do your work. Every spare second is spent in making a list of things you want to do but when it was time to actually do those things, your mind wandered and emptied.
You took another deep breath, looking up from your feet, your eyes meeting your brothers.
You spilled the past months events from how alone you were all the time and not being able to concentrate to how you ended up drunk at school and cheating on your midterms.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you your hands trembled. You stood crying in the middle of the room until you felt a pair of arms around you.
Will placed his hand at the nape of your neck as he stroked your back with the other "Breathe Y/n, just Breathe" He slowly pulled away leading you to the couch.
God, how he wished he could turn back time. Then he'd been more vigilant to notice the changes that had come over you.
You felt the couch dip on both sides but you intently studied your fingers, fumbling with the hem of your shirt and wiped the tears off your face. They were mad. No, they were furious. You knew it.
But for some reason, they weren't showing it. Maybe they were waiting-
"We're not mad"
You without your head around to look at Jay, furrowing your eyebrows in disbelief. Jay? Not mad? HA.
"but I am disappointed though, but that's only because you didn't tell us......
but stealing alcohol was bad too" he added, earning him a glare from Will.
"Y/n, what Jay means is— we could've helped with school . Homework . Tests . Anything, you name it. We will help" he assured, "But how do we know you need help, if you don't tell us?"
You sighed, taking in the weird turn of events that had happened before you. You had wasted all this time, trying to figure out all your problems out, when the answer was right in front of you.
A mountain of guilt now sat on Jay's shoulders, weighing down on him, pushing him deeper into a wormhole of 'if's'.
Maybe if he'd just been a little more careful, this wouldn't have happened.
Maybe if he'd stop and listen to you once in a while, this wouldn't have happened.
While trying to save kids out on the street, he forgot to care for the kid at home. You were his sister, and yet, here you are in front of him, barely keeping yourself together.
But that would change. Right here. *Right now.*
"Y/n," Jay started "If you would have told us how alone and stressed you were feeling.....I would've taken some time off... Maybe we'd watch a movie or something. All you had to do was ask...... And we'll get you the help you need, y/n. You good with that?" he questioned, his anger and frustration dissipating.
You saw your brother, the workaholic detective, wanting to put his job aside, for you .
You were more important to him, than his job—You realized.
" Yea... Yeah, I am"
Will stood up and got another advil with another glass of water. "and maybe you wouldn't end up drunk and cheating on your test" he smirked, crouching in front of you.
"God, I didn't think it would hurt this bad. I am never drinking again!" you smiled , as you drowned the pill.
"See now that's what I like to hear!!" Jay exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you, squeezing you into his chest. You squirmed, trying to get out of his grip, laughing, when you were joined by Will.
You know what? Maybe, things are going to be okay? Ya know?
Read more of my fics here!!
Tagging : @girlandthemoon @herecomesthewriterwitch @megaliciab @meyocoko @alkadri-layal
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F*cking up the friendship
Word count: 3501
Genre: Angst and fluff
Pairing: Wanda x Natasha x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol (let me know if I need to add any)
Summary: You sometimes forget Nat and Wanda are dating each other but when they go off on a date you feel sad and add alcohol to the mix, unable to fully control your words around them when they come back.
A/n: I’ve been in a huge wandanat x reader mood recently so you’re probably going to get spammed with a lot of these. Originally this was supposed to be a 1k words get together fluff fic that was suggested to me but then I added angst and other stuff so I decided to make the fluffy get together fic separately. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this, I spent hours yesterday writing so I could finish it in one day. 
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You sigh loudly as you flip through Netflix, finding nothing interesting to watch. Usually on a Friday night you would be doing something with Wanda and Nat but today they had told you they had a special date planned so you haven’t seen them at all. It was a completely horrible idea to fall in love with your two best friends who happened to be dating each other but your heart betrayed your brain and now you were stuck in this situation, finding it impossible to get over the two most amazing women you had ever met. Spending nearly all your time with them did not help and everyday you feel your heart break a little when they kiss each other in greeting but only give you a smile. You know you should be thankful for their friendship, and you are, but it also pains you to know that there can never be more. 
You imagine what it would be like to share kisses and wake up wrapped in their arms. One time when you had fallen asleep on the couch after staying up late watching movies with them Natasha had carried you to bed and tucked you in and Wanda had said goodnight with a kiss on your forehead. You never talked about that night because you had pretended to be asleep but you replay it over and over in your mine, wishing that it wasn’t a one time thing. They are so strong, so kind, so smart and just so amazing in every possible way. It’s fitting that they are together but it also sucks to have to watch the perfect people have a perfect relationship while you pine silently, always trying to be a supportive friend. 
You try to think positive thoughts but you can’t help but wonder what they could be doing now which ruins your mood. Nothing on Netflix looks good to watch by yourself with nobody to make fun of cringy rom-coms with or to hide your face in during horror movies. It’s almost scary how much time you’ve spent with them recently and how reliant you’ve come to be on it. Come to think of it you can’t remember the last time they went on a proper date and you start to wonder if by watching movies with them you were actually intruding upon their alone time. You hope they would have been honest and told you if you were but they have always been nothing but nice to you so it’s possible they just didn’t want to hurt your feelings. 
Giving up on watching altogether you throw the remote aside carelessly, wincing when it bounces off the couch and hits the floor with a bang, and stand up. Making your way out of the living room and over to the room where the mini bar is you push all the thoughts from your mind, focusing only on the fact that you really need a drink right now. You don’t bother to turn the lights on when you enter the room, heading straight for the bottles and pouring some whiskey into a glass, much more than a recommended size. 
Sitting down on the couch you take a gulp. It burns and tastes disgusting, you’ve never been one for drinking but tonight you enjoy the feeling, not drinking for pleasure but drinking to hopefully forget. It takes about an hour before your thoughts get all muddled and you feel more relaxed. You slowly start to close your eyes and drift off to sleep when you are woken suddenly by a thump and a stream of curse words. You startle and your hand jerks spilling the rest of your drink all over your lap. 
Natasha and Wanda are standing a few feet in front of you. Natasha is looking at you with an expression you can’t recognize in your inebriated state and Wanda is clutching her foot, looking darkly at the leg of the coffee table. 
“Shit.” You mumble loudly, both at spilling your drink and at seeing them while drunk. This wasn’t supposed to happen, they were supposed to still be gone and now you’ve just embarrassed yourself completely in front of them. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Natasha is at your side in an instant, cupping your face in her hands, “let’s get you cleaned up okay?”
Wanda is there a second later, hovering. “And then maybe you could tell us what’s wrong.”
“Nothhhing’s wrong.” You slur, standing up. “Goodnight.”
“No no no, you’re not going anywhere by yourself right now.” Natasha tells you firmly, grabbing your arm. You don’t protest, partly because you know they are both stubborn and will always win and partly because you secretly want to spend as much time with them as possible. 
“Listen to Nat,” Wanda advises, “can you walk?”
“I can walk.” You say, crossing your arms and trying to look serious
Natasha raises an eyebrow, doing a horrible job at stifling her laughter for a spy. “Show me then.”
You take a few steps forward, looking triumphantly at Natasha before you stumble, arms flailing out and grabbing Wanda to prevent yourself from falling. Wanda helps pull you back up straight and kisses you on the forehead.
“I think the correct answer to the question is no.” She tells you amused. “Let me help you.” 
She doesn’t wait for a response and hooks an arm underneath your shoulders to help support your weight. You lean into her and match her steps, frowning when Natasha hurries away in front instead of walking with you.
“She’s just going ahead to grab something.” Wanda whispers, noticing your expression. You feel your entire body shiver from the sound of her whisper in your ear. Luckily she doesn’t mention it and just tightens her grip around you and continues until you’ve reached their shared room.
You stare at the door in confusion. “What are we doing here?”
“Did you really think we would leave you alone when you’re drunk and obviously upset about something?” She asks rhetorically. “We want to take care of you.”
You’re glad she’s holding you up otherwise you’re afraid you would have melted to the floor from her words alone. She pushes the door open and leads you inside. Natasha is waiting and hands you a pile of clothes. You recognize the bottoms as Wanda’s favourites and the top as Natasha’s shirt. 
“For me?” You ask, confused. She had handed them to you but maybe she actually wanted to give them to Wanda seeing as it’s their stuff.
“Yes for you silly,” she says smiling, “are you able to change by yourself in the bathroom?” You nod, feeling slightly more sober now.
“Okay just be careful and call if you need us.” Wanda tells you before stepping away from your side. You already miss her warmth but you pretend to be unaffected and head into the bathroom to change. 
It takes longer than usual, in part because you accidentally tried to put both legs in the same hole at first, but you managed to undress and put the pajamas on. They’re soft and smell like a mixture of them and you will deny it if asked but you hold the shirt up to your nose and breathe it in before realizing how weird that is. Walking back out of the room you shift nervously, unsure of what to do with both Natasha and Wanda staring at you intently.
“Come here sweetheart.” Natasha says and you immediately comply, heart pounding at the endearment, sitting down beside her on the bed in between her and Wanda. “Do you want to tell us why you got drunk now?” You shake your head furiously, only stopping when it starts to make you nauseous. 
“No, I don’t really-” You get cut off by your own yawn, suddenly very tired. 
Wanda giggles. “Let’s get you to bed now.”
You start to pout, upset that you have to leave and go back to your room but before you can move she uses her powers to gently float up the bed to the pillows, pulling you with her. Natasha joins you and cuddles you from behind so you’re pinned between them. Your eyes feel so tired but you try to fight sleep, wanting to stay in the moment forever. 
“Goodnight Y/n.” Natasha says and you stop resisting and start to relax. 
“Night Tasha I love you.” You tell her sleepily. “I love you too Wanda.”
“Sleep well Y/n.” Wanda replies, giving you a short kiss on the top of your forehead. You feel so warm and safe between them and it only takes another minute before you’re fast asleep.
You try to move but something strong and warm is holding you down. Your eyes fly open and the first thing you see is Wanda’s face, inches from your own. Natasha must be behind you because you can feel her wrapped around you and her small breaths blowing the back of your head. It’s nice but you can’t remember how you got here so you wrack your brains, ignoring your headache. You were sad so instead of watching a movie you started drinking, then they found you and then they took you back here and after that-SHIT. Shit shit shit shit shit you had told them you loved them. 
You aren’t naive enough to believe they think you meant it in a platonic way, you never tell your friends you love them and Natasha and Wanda are both really smart and can easily tell what you’re thinking. You just hope that they don’t tease you about it because you don’t think you could handle anything but being let down gently. 
“What are you thinking about?” Natasha asks from behind you. You hadn’t realized she was awake already but somehow she noticed you are, she’s scary with how much she knows sometimes. As much as you know this conversation will be awkward and painful you know there’s no point in delaying it and it’s best if you have control over it. 
“That I’m sorry.” You tell her. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” She says gently, sitting up, understanding what you’re referencing. 
“No I do, I made things weird and I didn’t want to do that.” You say, hating yourself for the lump that forms in your throat. You start to untangle yourself from Wanda, trying hard not to wake her. This conversation is difficult enough with one person, if Wanda wakes up you’ll most definitely start to cry and the last thing you want is for them to feel bad or to pity you. 
“Y/n-” She starts but you interrupt her, not wanting to hear it. 
“I hope we can still be friends.” You say making your way to the door before pausing. “Please tell Wanda I’m sorry and that I need some time to myself for the day but after that I will pretend nothing happened.”
“Y/n, please-” 
This time you cut her off by closing the door. You run to your room. You don’t think she’ll try to follow and catch up with you but you don’t want to take any chances and you certainly don’t want the others to see where you’re coming from and your shame to get deeper. You are stupid, so stupid, you shouldn’t have gotten drunk and you should have kept your stupid mouth shut. Their friendship means everything to you and although Natasha didn’t seem like she would stop being friends with you over it things will definitely be awkward for a long time and you’ve seen friendships crumble because of it. 
Luckily you make it to your room without anybody noticing and you take a few breaths to calm yourself, closing your eyes. It helps for a second but when you open them again you’re looking straight into your mirror and you can see yourself wearing their clothes and immediately feel the tears start to come. You jump onto your bed and bury yourself fully under the covers, trying to stop crying because you don’t deserve to, it was your fault, and crying only makes everything worse, including your headache. 
Natasha shakes Wanda awake only to hear her groan and shift, attempting to fall back asleep. 
Rolling her eyes she tries again. “Wanda. Wanda. Wanda wake up.” Wanda moves slightly and lets out incoherent mumbles before waking up more and sitting straight up.
“Where’s Y/n?” She asks alarmed, remembering you were here when she fell asleep.
“That’s why I’m waking you up; she left.” Natasha tells her and Wanda frowns.
“Because we messed up and now she thinks we don’t love her.” Natasha explains. “She thinks that she ruined our friendship by telling us she loved us last night since we didn’t say it back and she left before I had time to correct her.”
“Oh crap.” Wanda says, thinking about how things seemed for you. From your point of view you had drunkenly confessed your feelings to people in a relationship before falling asleep with them not saying it back. 
“Yeah,” Natasha agrees, “I know we weren’t planning on doing the thing until this evening but I think we should do it now, we can’t let her be upset for any longer.” 
“You’re better at talking so you should get her while I set it up.” Wanda says and Natasha nods in agreement.
“Be as quick as possible, we will hopefully be there in ten minutes.” Natasha tells her before giving her a quick peck. Wanda sighs dreamily, imagining what it’s going to be like when she is dating both you and Natasha (provided you say yes of course but Natasha is certain you will and she trusts Natasha). 
Leaving her room Natasha quickly makes her way to yours and knocks on the door. 
“Go away.” You say and she can’t stand how sad and self loathing you sound just from those two small words.
“No,” she replies, “I need to talk to you.”
“Please.” You beg, your voice cracking in desperation. You can’t see her right now, not like this. She doesn’t listen, hating to ignore you but knowing that if she talks to you she can hopefully make it all better.
“Oh Y/n.” She sighs upon opening the door and seeing your lump under the covers. “Sweetheart it’s going to be okay.”
“No it’s not, I fucked up our friendship Nat!” You cry out, still refusing to show your face.
“No baby you didn’t.” She tells you, the endearment accidentally slipping off her tongue in her attempts to comfort you. “Please just give me a minute to explain some things.”
“Okay.” You sniffle, both confused and curious. You hate that you’re even a tiny bit hopeful at her words and you attempt to squash those thoughts down to spare as much of your heart that hasn’t already been hurt. 
“I would love to see your pretty face when I talk to you.” She prompts, gently lifting the edge of the covers. You slowly peek out of them like a turtle, well aware and slightly embarrassed of the fact that you look like you’ve been crying (which you have but it’s still embarrassing).
“There we go, that’s much better.” She tells you smiling. Even though you’re upset you can’t help but crack a wobbly smile back at her, her happiness really is infectious. She stares at your shirt as you pull more of yourself out from under the covers and you flush when you realize that you had never bothered to change and are still wearing her shirt. 
“It looks nice on you.” She says softly, reaching out to touch the hem before clearing her throat and switching into business mode. “I think you got the wrong impression.”
“I know I never should have-” You start to apologize, scared of her shift in mood. 
“That’s exactly what I mean.” She interrupts. “You seem to think that you’ve ruined our friendship by telling out how you feel but I can assure you that’s not the case at all and we are actually both extremely happy about your feelings.”
“Why isn’t Wanda here then.” You ask skeptically. 
“Because she’s in the living room where I’m supposed to bring you.” Natasha replies. “Will you come?”
“I don’t know,” you say nervously, “are you sure that…” you trail off, unsure of what else to say. 
“Y/n,” Natasha says and suddenly you’re all too aware of how close she is to you, “it will be good I promise.” 
As soon as she finishes speaking she leans in and her lips are on yours. It’s better than any of the times you’ve dreamed and it’s the perfect mix between hard and passionate but also soft and sweet.
“Wow.” You breathe when she pulls away after a few seconds, unable to think of anything else. 
She laughs. “Wanda’s going to be jealous that I got to do that before her and as much as I’d love to kiss you again we shouldn’t keep her waiting for too long.”
You nod silently and take Wanda’s hand when she offers it as she stands up and starts to walk out of the room.
“Wait,” you say just before you leave, “maybe I should change first.”
She looks over your (well technically their) clothes. “You are not changing, I like you wearing our stuff.”
You’re surprised to hear the slight possessive growl in her voice but it makes you incredibly happy. The start to this day had to be one of the worst in your life but it’s quickly becoming the best. Feeling as though you’re floating you allow her to pull you through the halls into one of the living rooms, the one you usually use for watching movies.
Wanda is sitting on the couch looking at the door when you come in but what catches your eye is the sheer amount of stuff around her. There are heaps of all your favourite candies and chips all around her and there’s a cute stuffed bear.
“Do you like it?” She asks and instead of answering you let go of Natasha’s hand and throw yourself at her, wrapping your arms around her waist tightly.
“I think that means yes.” Natasha says, laughing at your enthusiastic reaction.
“I love it,” you tell them, “I love-” You stop yourself before you tell them you love them again because even after all this you’re still not sure if that’s what they want to hear. 
“We love you too Y/n.” Wanda says and you sigh in both happiness and relief at her words. “Nat do you want to give her the thing now?”
You pull away from Wanda to look over at Natasha, curious as to what the thing is. Natasha picks up a small red jewelry box from the table that you hadn’t noticed earlier in your excitement and hands it to you. They both watch as you open it, suddenly nervous that you won’t like it.
You open it up to see a necklace with two charms on it and two charms that are identical lying beside it. Upon closer inspection you gasp, recognizing the the letter charms n and w as the same ones Natasha and Wanda wore on their necklaces, reminding them of each other. The charms lying beside it are the first letter of your name, presumably for them to add to their necklace. You feel yourself tear up at how sweet and thoughtful this gesture is. 
Wanda breaks the silence first. “This is what we were doing yesterday and it took all day because they were custom made so we wanted it done by the same person so it would look the same. We thought it would be nice for us to give you this when we officially asked you out so you don’t feel like an outsider or anything because we really like you and want things to go well.”
“What she’s trying to say is will you go out with us.” Natasha says, halting Wanda’s rambling. 
Wanda smiles sheepishly. “What she said.”
You slowly look up, careful not to let any tears fall and launch yourself into their arms, pulling whatever part of them you are holding towards you. 
“I think you already know the answer by now but I would love to.” You say, still trying to get as close to them as possible. They wrap their arms around you tightly and moving together they lift you a few steps to the couch and plop you down, sitting and cuddling on either side of you.
“Today’s movie day and we’ll take you on a proper date tomorrow.” Natasha promises and you hum happily in reply. You don’t care at all about what type of dates you go on or even if you go on them at all because you’re dating the two most amazing women in the world and that’s a high you’re going to be riding for a long time, possibly forever.
Taglist: @cherryblossomskye @aaron-despair @thewidowsghost @nyx-aira @stephanieromanoff @stop-drop-and-drumroll @peggycarter-steverogers @casperlikej @redswing​ @mxxnmocha​ @king-star​ 
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