#trini rants
suga-parade · 2 years
i caught up w buddy daddies yesterday, i'm rewatching today because i am obsessed, sorry
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sai4u · 25 days
my heart goes out to the victims and anyone that was truly affected by t*eil actions. I pray they get the justice they deserve, this is truly disgusting and I’m genuinely wishing nothing but the worst for him
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meara-eldestofthemall · 11 months
Gee, thanks DC! You Just Turned Bruce Into An Irredeemable Ass.
So, at the end of Gotham War Bruce has officially lost everything. Alfred is still dead, Selina is "presumed dead" and Bruce is both financially and morally broke. Why, you may ask, is Bruce so much worse off this time? Let me count the ways.
He preformed a psychic lobotomy on Jason
The "it's for your own good" excuse only makes the mental rape undertaken by Jason's own father that much more heinous.
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Just when you think Bruce can't sink any lower he does. When Dick recognizes that Bruce has lost it, he attempts to use a failsafe disconnect that Bruce himself built into the system. How does Nightwing get thanked for that? Well that brings us to number two on the list.
Batman attacks up his eldest son for doing what he's supposed to do when Batman has gone rouge.
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Bruce beats him up because nothing proves you are in control of your sanity like hitting your children. While Dick is holding back, Bruce does no such thing. He hits Nightwing hard enough to send him flying. It could have gotten even worse if Tim hadn't shown up.
Tim arrives and attempts to talk some sense into Batman.
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Tim tries to talk Bruce down. It doesn't go well. When Robin is trying to help, as he always does, Batman uses the attempt to reason with him to put the smack down on his son. Bruce could have killed Tim but apparently feels no remorse or guilt.
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If there was any teeny tiny little doubt that Bruce will not win the Father of The Year award in 2023 it died a horrible screaming death when Batman abandons his children to potential arrest. Yes, he left a batarang for Dick and Tim but any glimer of possible hope associated with that action was instantly extinguished by Damian's reaction to Batman's callous betrayal.
Bruce abandons Damian.
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Look at Dami; he's devastated. Since he came into Bruce's life, Damian has struggled with feelings that he can never earn his father's love and respect. Well, that negative self-image was reinforced in way that may never be repairable. Bruce just utterly destroyed a 13 year old child because of his inability to feel any kind of empathy.
And how does this all end? The best part is that Bruce takes all of his parental responsibilities and dumps them onto Dick.
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Thank you Chip Zdarsky and Trini Howard. You've taken Batman from being an edgy anti-hero and made him into a callous monster. Part of me hopes that Bruce never comes back because he doesn't deserve his family.
The only positive aspect in this convoluted mess is that Damian and Tim will be far better off with Dick than with Bruce. Yes, Tim is mostly independent but he still needs guidance (particularly since Tim's first instinct is to try and save Bruce). Damian is essentially Dick's son emotionally anyway so this might help to sustain the positive character growth we've seen in him as of late.
The point of this rant is to wonder what on earth DC thinks they're doing. This story arc has been pure character destruction as far as Bruce is concerned. It's bad storytelling too; rushed, frenetic and massively disappointing.
Hasn't the popularity of Good Dad Bruce in Wayne Family Adventures proved that fans are tired of Bruce being a dark depressed and brooding edge lord? We all accept that Batman is a character with deeeeep issues who is in desperate need of therapy. I, however, draw the line at Bruce being an abusive a**hole.
In years to come when fans wonder when Batman jumped the shark, this is the plot line they'll point to.
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cinnamonwhore · 3 months
⋆ ♡˚。⋆୨lolita is not a love story˚♡
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(this is a sloppy rant, sorry)
lolita is not a love story. it is about a crime. a cautionary tale about things that unfortunately happen in real life. the book itself recognizes it, humbert describes himself as a monster, dolores calls him a "dirty old man", the book begins with a fictional physcologist acknowledging it. dolores is a victim and humbert is a criminal; lolita is about the all to unfortunately too common scenario of a man in a position of power, a man who is respected and thus would never be suspected to secretly be this sick and twisted person, who is able to get away with a crime, he's smooth talking and can almost make you forget that he's a monster, and that's the point. and weather lo was attempting to seduce humbert is irreverent. lo is a child. it is humbert's job to not to "give in" (I don't know how to phrase it). so yes lolita is not a lovestory and never and never has been. if you read the book, truly read it and understand it, it is self evident. lolita is perhaps my favorite book and the most well written book i've ever read. it is not problematic(IMO) to enjoy the book, the aesthetic. but it is problematic to romanticize it, call it a lovestory, want to be dolores, think of all the real life dolores. i was merely sexualized as an underage girl, a child and that was horrible, so i can't imagine what lo had to go through.
i'm not the most qualified to speak on this and if your still not convinced there's many resources about it. i'd recommend shanspeare's video and lolita podcast and final girl studios's video for better, more well-researched analysis. i love you all, stay safe.
xoxo, trini
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beezonia · 9 months
So I’ve been watching power rangers again and wanted to share a few of my headcannons!
Reds definitely tend to stick together or relatively close to each other
It’s their thing (Wes kinda takes in some of the younger reds)
Pinks have a gc to chat shit and you can bet kim takes the younger pinks under her wings, kat is a mother hen for sure
Pinks are definitely more emotional along with blues even if they take a more logical approach to things
But literally younger rangers will just rant to the older rangers if they need too
Their going through a hell of a lot for teenagers
Yellow’s gc blowing up when the Taylor Earhardt tells them she’s getting hitched
Leaving the yellows to ask around the whole grid to figure out who she’s getting married too
Specifically Alyssa she’s going mad trying to find out who (best friend privileges were used)
No one knows because whoever it is has kept it really tight
So it ends up in a huge wild goose chase whenever a ranger announces their engagement
Speaking of wedding’s some of the rangers will appear randomly to join in the festivities
Some rangers have got very drunk and tried to dj or cause some sort of chaos (wes and jens wedding)
Like Tommy appears often, specially at baby showers when that happens to bless the babies along with some of the others
Blues sometimes have like a club for just nerding out or showing of their cool stuff
Reds have arm wrestling tournaments
Just rangers end up always meeting each other for birthdays or anniversary’s
Sometimes if one ranger knows a lot of rangers it can turn into huge family reunion esque parties going on
That happened for Christmas once, it was chaos really
Just rangers always stick together, their like a huge extended family
I feel like ranger teams specifically would live close or with each other
Like kat and tommy live together
I like to think trini, zack and billy live together as like a trio thing which would be cool
Trini would dote on them like an older sister for sure
Some of the younger rangers come to the older ones for love advice
The younger teaching the elder ones slang and cool stuff they learn
So the dino based rangers definitely bond over their zords
Ninja rangers compare skills all the time
Rangers just always sticking together fr
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kimberlyannharts · 10 months
actually I would love a rant about how JJ sucks as a character
Merry early Christmas to you then, Anon!
Like I think what makes everyone clutching their pearls over the sanctity of JJ’s character and place in the canon so ridiculous is he is barely a character in the first place.  He is a plot device in SotD, a narrative goal for Tommy, as the story wasn’t about JJ developing into someone worthy of the Dragon Shield or even an SPD cadet - he's already done all of that. The story was about Tommy realizing he should retire and hand over his stuff already.  And you have a son who’s pretty good at being a ranger, so……….he should take it!  Great!  That’s it. I genuinely don't know why they didn't do some kind of Goofy Movie-esque father/son journey together, especially if you really wanted to discuss this idea of him feeling like he's in his dad's shadow. His existence in the show amounts to namedrops and one voiceover line in the Ninja Steel special, and the only bits of characterization these amount to are he’s a kid who goes to karate camp.  To me it comes off like people are attached more to JJ’s POTENTIAL as a character rather than HIMSELF as a character, in like a “well, maybe one day they’ll give him his own book/show/whatever” sort of way, which….it’s been five years since SotD.  Hasbro is gearing up to do a reboot and even then, as we’ve talked about many times, they don’t want to put focus on cop characters.  Unless some stuff is getting retconned, I am not holding my breath.      
The reason I call Minh the superior legacy character by comparison is because there actually was time and space dedicated to showing how she stands out as a person and a character beyond her being Trini’s daughter; in fact, her being Trini’s daughter is the least interesting part about her (in no small part because Trini herself was handled very badly by that special.)  What makes her interesting is her personality, her relationship with Zack, how she’s suddenly thrown into the deep end of the PR world by way of great tragedy, and her arc from a vengeful kid to a true hero (the special’s shaky writing of this arc notwithstanding.  But at least I get what they were TRYING to do here.)  JJ did not have anything CLOSE to that.  
Something else about him that’s funny but also frustrating because it’s obviously not intended by the writers, but still happens WAY too often for my liking, is how his existence is honestly a detriment to a lot of women in this franchise kjkfdj he was the catalyst for the old SPD ranking drama, as him being green meant Syd and Z had to stay as pink and yellow (and no, them throwing in some random female OC no one remembers as blue does not make up for it.)  And then….Kat……well…..I think this belongs in a discussion that covers more than just JJ, as in a way how they handled Trini in OaA is a very similar situation, but the fact of the matter is that since JJ’s inclusion in the canon Kat’s existence has boiled down to being his mother rather than a veteran ranger with her own life and work, no matter how many times the show and books TRY to be like “No look!  See!  She’s a super cool badass wife who keeps everyone in line!  She’s off doing her own things, too, we swear!”  my brother in Christ the same 30th anniversary story that tries to show off how cool and independent she is ALSO has a scene where she’s like “it’s okay honey, you take care of the Ranger missions while I stay home with JJ, it’s fine :)”  They’ve made it very clear that JJ is Tommy’s son, Tommy’s legacy, while Kat is his stay-at-home caretaker, WHICH IS FINE FOR A WOMAN TO BE, but not in this narrative, where Kat’s time as a ranger is treated as irrelevant compared to Tommy’s. (A good example is how, in SotD, only Tommy was listed as JJ's emergency contact, with no mention of Kat. I'm almost certain there was an early draft of this book where Tommy did not have a wife.)  How do we have two (2) comic stories where we have married TomKat but Kat doesn’t morph.  And not as a plot point or character bit or something (I think it actually would be very interesting if Kat not having much attachment to her time as a Ranger was actually intentional) but just in a “we don’t feel like involving Kat in her husband’s adventures” situation.  Hello????????  I know that kind of feels off-topic to why JJ sucks but trust me, it’s partly his fault.  And it’s why I’m making such a big deal over the potential mother/daughter Ranger teamup for Kim and Olivia, because the alternate mother of Tommy's alternate kid has gotten such a raw deal.     
And the SPD/Dragon Shield combo is ugly.
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lotusarchon · 23 days
𐙚⭑ 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐬 .ᐟ.
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⋆ Ether
⋆ May 26th
⋆ Velum Caeleste
⋆ Suraya (Trinidadadian 🇹🇹)
⋆ usagiiribbons (prev. on Tumblr, now on AO3 only)
⋆ lotusarchon (prev on Tumblr)
⋆ @tomoeffect (Tumblr + rp account)
⋆ @dragonboyanon (Tumblr)
⋆ divider by @plutism
Special Dish
⋆ Stormbreaker Jalebi
Name Card:
⋆ Ali Celestial Radiance
⠀⠀ ⠀the akash archon of the nation of suraya ⠀ׂ 🏵️ ♡ ִ
welcome, welcome! the stars and I are pleased to have you. what can I do for you under the vast expanse of our skies?
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I'm Ali! Or Usagii, honestly, whichever is easier for you to remember and use. I'm just a dude tryna write in my free time to cope with my crappy life. Yeah, I know a lot of you like to stalk accounts and bring up the topic of "my life is better than yours", but I don't care. This is my safe haven...until I'm forced to delete it again because of assholes.
Uhhh...what do I say....ah.
I'm 18 years old (26.05.2006), I use masc pronouns (he/him)―(however, she/her and they/them are fine, but they're uncomfortable when strangers use them, because I'm used to be referred to as a AFAB in a disgusting way by people that dislike me), a proud Trini (a bit) and I like writing. I hope to one day further pursue this silly hobby into a career if my motivation stops killing me all the time. Currently, I have a few characters for an original story that I want to edit, but I also have OCs for the fandoms I'm in, depending. Currently, my biggest hyperfixation is Lego Monkie Kid, so that is what'll flood my account the most.
Warning; this account does reader inserts, discussions of self shipping and oc x canon. If you don't like that, leave. Also, it's not spoiler free!! NOT SPOILER FREE!! BE CAREFUL CAUSE I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU GETTING SPOILED!!
I don't believe in zodiac signs, but they're funny to listen too. I've been told I show traits of autism and bipolar disorder, and I do relate to a LOT of the symptoms however I am not diagnosed and I am not self diagnosing myself. Furthermore, I also will not use this as an excuse for any inappropriate or awful behavior. This is simply a warning for anyone that visits my account; I do have a weird set of moods that are...bad in one way.
Additionally, I rant. Sometimes I have a lot of peeves about character portrayals, fanon vs canon, and certain things. I am tone-deaf and I am also passionate and write as I think when rambling, so I've been told it "offends" certain bitches. However, that isn't my attention when rambling. I do understand people are comfortable writing (incorrect) character portrayals, and my rambling is not to hurt or make anyone feel insecure about their writing. Write what you want, I don't care. I'm not going out of my way to hate on you for what you're doing. I express an opinion and furthermore I always avoid content I hate.
If you're from my old server and go by a specific six letter name or four letter name, fuck off, why don't ya? And, for others; if you have a problem with me, I promise you can say if. No need to be like Six-bitch and Four-fuck and go hiding like highschool children. I'm an adult, and hopefully, you are an adult on my account. I do understand my behavior can be bad, and you can tell me. As a human being, I do want to change. Don't be like Six-bitch and Four-fuck and hide and lie, because surprise; that means I'm better than you, because I'm not hiding like a pussy.
Finally, yeah. I do tend to be blunt with my words. I also tend to overexplain, so my apologies if I ever come off as an annoying or offensive.
...do I have anything else to add?? No idea.....
Ah, okay.
I specifically write on three websites only; Wattpad, AO3 and Tumblr.
My Wattpad account is lotuseios. And I haven't posted there for a while, but majority of my oc fanfics were usually posted there.
Currently, I only have AO3 and Tumblr, of which is already mentioned. I only do reblogs on there though. Well, for one. The other is for roleplaying so hey, go hit me up there, I'd love to meet new roleplayers. My AO3 is usagiiribbons only. I have no alternate accounts for AO3, so if ANY of my fics from Tumblr, AO3 and Wattpad are posted on any account or other social that is NOT stated here, please let me know. Like, I'm honored you'll steal but bitch you have bad tastes and fucking get a life and a soul cleansing. (I stole that line from Four fuck heheh).
Ummmmmmmmm. Hmmm I don't think I have anything else....?
Ah, wait. TW.
I am a victim of grooming and sexual abuse/assault and child abuse. This isn't to explain any behavior, however, I'd rather not have people bring up any topics related to this on my blog. I also much prefer no one makes requests like these. As a writer, I do cope by writing with similar themes, but please understand that I'm not romanticizing or glorifying these topics. They're uncomfortable and gross, and when I see proshippers using their trauma as an excuse while being a victim myself, it sickens me. If you think it's okay to glorify this shit because you were a victim, seek better therapy, because your therapist is not working well for you. Aka, proshippers, fuck off my account.
additionally: my theme and current persona may contain elements of genshin impact but I'm clueless on anything new. I like spoilers though, so don't be afraid to share them. Additionally, the entire theme of my Genshin persona right now takes heavy inspiration from my own culture in the Caribbean and my East Indian descent, and also because I am still pissed at the lack of melanin in Genshin. Consider my fake land of Suraya to be filled with POC characters because fuck this.
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“oh, you’re leaving? well, safe travels! I’ll be here, watching over the skies and waiting for your return!”
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
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This week the GOTHAM WAR has begun. Is the basis for this "war" for Catwoman/Batman work? How does Cass fit into this? I'll give my thoughts on it...
So the basis of the event is Catwoman is training the "hired help" of Gotham. Instead of working for Scarface, the Riddler, or Two-Face. They're off doing their own things in robbing the rich. But already there's a problem with that...
So the basis of the event is Catwoman is training the "hired help" of Gotham. Instead of working for Scarface, the Riddler, or Two-Face. They're off doing their own things in robbing the rich. But already there's a problem with that...
Not just the easy answer. Court of Owls.
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Sure, maybe a few of them use mooks. This very issue brings up Professor Pyg as using "hired" help, but it feels kind of wrong for Pyg to do this sort of thing.
When Dollotrons have been his modus operandi. Why need thugs when breaking folks into nothing is far cheaper?
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What's to stop Pyg from doing that exactly again? Nothing really. So all Selina is replacing is Pyg from going to hired back to his old ways.
That's not good at all. That's kind of why Batman and the Bat-Family are needed.
That isn't bringing up the "biggest" bad himself, the Joker. There have been numerous stories of the Joker just by himself making Gotham a literal hell without any hired help.
The Joker at his scariest is when he's by himself. Even then he's causing all sorts of harm in Gotham.
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Those are the "easy" examples.
What about the other villains who already have an operating gang say Punchline and the Royal Flush Gang? It feels like writers Chip Zdarsky and Trini Howard make Selina's case paper thin.
That's not to say Batman's side is any better, "My parents were rich line." Was not the intended dramatic moment the book had. More made me chuckle as it could've easily been photoshopped with, "MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!" instead.
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Likewise, is Selina's retort. Literally, again there are so many examples of Bruce showing compassion to folks by using his fortune.
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Just alone in Batgirl (#63), we had this scene. That's just one moment that easily popped in my head.
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It just feels so wrong for the basis of this "war" to be so flimsy when there are better ways for it. Aka the bot that literally subjugated all of Gotham because Batman took "a life" (that turned out to be false).
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There's so much to see Selina's side of things when Failsafe had domain over the city. We have barely seen the city or ANYONE react to that.
Like that alone is more a cause for SOMETHING than what we're getting initially here.
I digress I could go on and on poking the holes into the fight itself, but how does it relate to Cass? Well, already she should be against Selina's plan.
A life is a life.
No matter what Selina's way will take lives. So…
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The fact this is all glossed over with her being silent. Just says it all for me that her part in this is already "planned".
I'll probably hate it.
I'll probably despise it.
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I thought long and hard about what the best course of action during this event would be for me. I really do love the artists attached to this event. I do love Cass. However, I do not like the context of the event AT ALL.
The answer is kind of right in front of me. Well, three answers. Birds of Prey (out next week), Spirit World, and Detective Comics. I adore two of these and by all things considered with the preview, I'm gonna probably LOVE BoP.
So instead of going into long rants and give myself stress I shouldn't need. I'm just gonna enjoy the good art.
If there are bad moments (which I'm sure there will be) in this event. I'm gonna call it like I see it.
But as for going into detailed thoughts like this? That's it. This is all this event is getting out of me. I have too much enjoyment else to give my focus too.
I just feel sorry for the fans of Duke, Tim, Stephanie, and Barbara. Those fans gotta suffer thru this as Damian, Cass, Kate, Luke, and Dick get to play outside this "sandbox" of woe.
This comic was garbage. This story is garbage. It's just best for me to look away for the most part and enjoy the stuff with Cass that I do have outside "the war".
That's my thoughts on it all. 😁
Now to enjoy a BETTER COMIC next week.
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oceangirl24 · 1 year
I am so interested in hearing more about 'Train of Fools, Apartment of Idiots'
Thanks so much for the ask!
This turned out to be a popular one as @mrsmungus and @lena-hills also asked about it.
So, this is a post-episode WIP that's in the early development stages. I always hated this episode (😆). For anyone unfamiliar with this episode "Train of Fools", the A plot with Shawn and friends was the typical trapped in a subway, missed a big event, learn a lesson by the time the subway was fixed trope that was in every 90s sitcom. The B plot (I will not rant about it, I promise) involved Jon and Eli staying in for New Years. Cue the uninvited ex-girlfriends of Jon's who show up with alcohol, take over HIS apartment, and start to roast him for no reason. Oh, and his best friend dumps him for them, and Jon ends up storming out of HIS apartment.
Jump to Autumn in Philadelphia: The Return, Jon mentions to Shawn what happened after he left the apartment but doesn't elaborate much.
This is the full story.
The story starts immediately after Jon's final scene of the episode. Although he has no keys, no money, no jacket, he's headed out to the Philadelphia streets on New Year's Eve to get away from his apartment full of idiots and drown his sorrows because Shawn's with Cory and therefore safe. Nothing could possibly go wrong with a group of teens out on the town late at night on a holiday with Eric in charge, right?
Audrey was in NYC with her father. She promised Jon she would try to be back to ring in the new year with him (which is why he and Eli were at the apartment instead of at a party).
He's barely down the hall when he sees Audrey coming to meet him. He has no idea what to do. He definitely can't take her back to the apartment, but he can't take her out either because he has no wallet or keys. He's too embarrassed to tell her what happened. Eventually he has to and...
Eli answers the door, informs the women inside that the "new one" is here, and Audrey is quickly taken hostage while Jon is locked out of his place again.
Meanwhile, Shawn and company's night is going from bad to worse. The stalled subway situation turned out just fine, but unfortunately, they got dropped off at the wrong stop and no one knows where they are. Trying to find someone sober enough to tell them turns out to be a problem.
Cory and Eric's parents are at a party, and neither thought to bring their number. Topanga's parents are out of town and she's staying with Trini whose parents are also at a party. Shawn tries to call Jon but can't get through. And Eric is, well, Eric.
A lot of shenanigans ensue as Jon tries to rescue Audrey and Shawn tries to survive the night with his friends.
By the end of it, the last thing Shawn wants to do is go out on New Years next year and the last thing Jon wants to do is stay in.
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suga-parade · 2 years
i just watched buddy daddies and it was so wholesome, can't wait for the next episodes
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sai4u · 2 months
is it bad to say walk really is album of the year for kpop ?
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theoversky · 1 year
So screen rant made something
Can we all disagree and put Tommy into Slytherin?
I would put Trini in Hufflepuff as well.
The rest: Can’t agree anymore
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5ivebyfive · 2 years
For the Spotify thing, Trimberly and 12!
This is my last spotify wrapped fic from last year. I thought about it a lot and it didn't come out how I had envisioned it, so I sat on it. I'm gonna go ahead and share it though, and may possibly write to this song again, because it's such a great song for them and what I still have in my head for it needs to be written. But for now, here's this.
12 - More Than Words - Little Mix
"Always been there for me, now I'll do the same. Oh, I need you more than words can say."
Kimberly sat on her bed, leaning back against her propped up pillows against the headboard. She watched as Trini paced in front of her bed in her dorm room, ranting about her parents. Kim barely heard a word. Trini was disheveled with frizzy hair, wet from walking from her dorm in the rain. It reminded Kim of the first day they spoke, when Kim pulled over on the way home from high school because she saw Trini walking home in the drizzling rain. Kim had been drawn to Trini at the time. The new girl was declared “a loser” by Kim’s friends, because she always walked through the halls with her head down and her headphones on. Kim didn’t think she was a loser. And she learned quickly that she was right. Trini was kind, funny, and pretty. Had Kim not had a boyfriend, annoying as he was, she might’ve had a crush on Trini. As it was, they became good friends, despite what Kim’s friends said. 
And here they were, three years later, after everything about Kim’s life had changed. Ty had dumped Kim for her best friend Amanda. Kim decided to get even by sending Ty a very unfortunately planned text message and picture. And Kim lost her friends and her social standing. Trini was all she had for the rest of high school, and while Kim made friends in college, no one was as close as Trini was. But Kim was okay with it, because Trini was…better than everything she’d had before. It took her some time to get to that point, but it’s where she was. She spent all of her time with Trini, and that thing about maybe having a crush on Trini? That was definitely a real thing. She couldn’t help it. Trini was amazing, and beautiful, and she had really been there for Kim after her breakup and social fall in high school. So it was Kim’s mission to always be there for Trini, and her hope that one day, soon preferably, she could kiss her.
Trini finished her rant and flopped onto the bed on her back. “They’re so unreasonable,” she muttered.
“Totally,” Kim nodded, realizing she didn’t even hear most of the rant because she was too busy thinking about Trini. She moved so that she was laying on her side next to Trini and ran her fingers through her hair. “They don’t get you,” she said. “That’s their fault and their loss.”
“But they don’t even try.”
“I know,” Kim said. “I wish they would. You’re great.” And I’m in love with you, she didn’t add. How could she not be? Trini was always so good to her. Trini comforted her after the disaster with Ty, and did it while hating Ty’s guts. She probably got so sick of hearing about it, but she didn’t let it show. She just held Kim’s hand and told her how none of those people deserved her. Told Kim that despite her doing a bad thing she wasn’t a bad person. And that all the bad thoughts running through Kim’s head would pass. Trini’s eyes had actually welled up in tears when Kim finally told her the most damning part; how the whole thing, what she had done, made her want to die. Trini had hugged her tightly and made her swear she wouldn’t act on those feelings, because she couldn’t bear the thought. And it had only made Kim cling tighter to Trini. Now, she snuggled up to Trini’s side and rested her head on Trini’s shoulder. “The best,” she added softly.
“I’m glad someone thinks so,” Trini said softly, wrapping an arm around Kim. Kim picked up Trini’s hand and threaded their fingers together and squeezed it.
“Whoever doesn’t think it doesn’t deserve you feeling upset about them.”
“Think so?” Trini asked.
“I know so,” Kim replied. “I’m very smart and perceptive.” 
“You? Perceptive?” Trini asked in a joking tone.
“Extremely,” Kim said with a nod. 
“That means you pick up on little things and have great insight into people’s feelings.”
“I do!” Kim claimed.
“Tell me what I’m feeling right now,” Trini challenged.
“You’re feeling…very grateful to have such an insightful best friend.”
“Insightful about…” Trini led, tickling Kim’s side.
Kim laughed and squirmed. “About the fact that you think I’m the best best friend anyone could ask for and you don’t know how you got so lucky.”
“Wellll,” Trini said. “That is true. You are and I don’t.” Trini held Kim tighter and Kim pressed her face into Trini’s neck.
“It’s because you’ve been such a good friend to me. You helped me at my worst, and…” Kim exhaled through her nose then breathed in Trini’s warm scent. “I just want to return it.” She wasn’t even sure if she could properly return what Trini had done for her. All Kim knew was that, curled up in Trini’s embrace, she could hardly breathe and her heart felt like it was a butterfly in a cage; flapping for release. All of that, and that Trini deserved the world. At that moment, Kim had never wanted Trini more. Emotionally, mentally, and physically. More than anything that she could possibly say.
“I did what any friend would do,” Trini protested.
“No. Not anyone would,” Kim said.
“Well…you were like my only friend at the time. I had to hold onto you.”
“Oh, is that all it was?” Kim laughed. 
“And…I guess, you were a good friend, too,” Trini said with a shrug. Kim started tickling Trini again.
“You guess? You guess??” Kim asked as she laughed. Trini squirmed and laughed and tried to push Kim’s hands away, but Kim was using her strength to keep Trini down. “How can you guess? I happen to be the best friend anyone could want.”
“By murdering me with tickles?” Trini asked, trying to sound outraged, but laughing all the same.
“Exactly,” Kim grinned. She stared down at Trini and got lost in it. Trini was so beautiful. Her hands slowed, as distracted as she was, and she barely noticed Trini staring back. “Trin…that was the worst time of my life so far…and you’re the only thing that kept me going.” Her hands stilled. One rubbed up and down Trini’s arm. Trini stilled, hair caught in the corner of her mouth, and stared. Kim noticed that time. Neither said a word for a bit. They just watched each other. Kim’s heart was pounding hard in her chest. “I’m serious,” she whispered.
“You deserved it,” Trini murmured, moving a hand through Kim’s hair. Kim did the same, pulling Trini’s hair from her lips. And then stared at her lips for a moment. When she looked back up she saw Trini staring at her with slightly widened eyes. Her lips were parted and she was breathing hard. Kim felt something between them. Like a gust of hot wind pushing them together. A magnet maybe. 
“You really think so?”
“Of course,” Trini replied, still stroking Kim’s hair. “You always have.”
“Trini…” Kim’s eyes closed, she couldn’t help it. Trini’s fingers in her hair felt so good. 
“Kim?” Trini’s hand moved to her cheek. “Are you okay?” Kim shook her head, eyes still closed. “What is it?”
“I…don’t know,” Kim lied.
“Kim…look at me.” Kim did. She opened her eyes and watched Trini closely. Trini’s eyes were narrowed in thought. “What are you thinking right now?” Kim, always reckless, decided in the spur of the moment to just say it. What was the worst that could happen? Getting turned down by the first (only) person she had ever loved?
“I’m thinking…that I want to kiss you,” Kim whispered. She watched for any reaction on Trini’s face, but there was no visible one. Time drained slowly, thick honey going down the drain. Kim could feel her heartbeat in her head as she waited. Then Trini spoke.
“Then do it.”
“Kiss me,” Trini said. Kim gulped and was still a moment before she leaned closer. She paused, lips inches from Trini’s.
“You sure?”
“Yes,” Trini almost hissed. So Kim did. And it was amazing. Their lips parted and moved together seamlessly. Their tongues touched and sent a shiver down Kim’s spine. She melted on top of Trini and deepend the kiss, not wanting it to ever end. Would it be the only one she’d get? She heard and felt Trini moan softly and it encouraged her to run her hands down Trini’s sides and grip onto her hips. They parted, just barely, and exchanged hot breaths. 
“Wow,” Kim whispered.
“Kiss me again.” Trini lifted her head for their lips to connect again, but Kim pulled back.
“Wait. Is this…is this happening?”
“Do you not want it to?” Trini asked, hurt in her tone.
“No,” Kim said. “I mean, I do want it to happen. But…do you?”
“Would I be asking you to kiss me if I didn’t want you to kiss me?” Trini asked. Kim looked at her, and Trini looked back, her eyes impossible to read.
“Is it just…is this an in the moment thing? Or-or…” Kim didn’t know what words to use. Trini sighed. She glanced away for a moment and seemed to think about it. That didn’t make Kim feel well about it. In fact, it made Kim start to panic and pull away from Trini. Trini grabbed onto her arms.
“Wait.” Trini took a deep breath. “Don’t make me regret saying this…but…no. I’ve been wanting this for a long time. I just didn’t think you did.”
“I did,” Kim answered hurriedly. 
“Oh. Okay,” Trini said, relaxing back a bit. “Then what’s wrong? Was it bad?”
“No!” Kim answered. “The opposite. Total opposite. I just didn’t want this to be a fluke in our friendship. I…I love you and I can’t bear it being a one time thing.”
“I love you, too, Kim,” Trini said in a small voice. “I’m with you.”
“Then…we’re okay?”
“Of course, Princess,” Trini said. “But lemme say it again. Kiss me.”
“Happy to,” Kim grinned, leaning in to do just that.
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markrothkono61 · 2 years
Tell me about your favorite film!
This ask made me realise how much I am Not a movie person. My instinctual response to "what's your favourite film" would be "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" which is sort of like being invited to a gastronomy conference and loudly announcing your favourite food is sausage pizza.
In any case, I will talk about a Selection of four movies I've liked, Monty Python included. (long-ish rant ahead)
1. Sense and Sensibility (1995):
Starting with Sense and Sensibility as it is my favourite Austen adaptation! It happens to star many of my favourite actors so I am biased in my judgement but I find it to be so marvelously entertaining. I like that it doesn't feel too sprawling and grand, it has this sort of restrained yet delicate feel to it. Like an old chest filled with handmade lace tablecloths. I enjoyed how the differences between Elinor and Marianne were accentuated yet both of them were treated with the outmost love by the narrative. I enjoyed their dynamic a lot!
2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975): I won’t offer any analysis on this but I will simply express how much I love it. I will also say that I am so glad (almost) everyone likes this movie because it deserves all the appreciation in the universe. It will Never be overrated. Even if every single person in the world watches it ten times a day and quotes it from morning to night, it won’t be over-appreciated. I think it’s such a classic silly movie, a comedy staple! The acting is, of course, excellent (especially my beloved Graham Chapman), the gags, the costumes, the music, the concept!! Everything is a colourful, hilarious bombastic Arthuriana parody and it’s simply perfection. It has influenced so many other movies and shows and it will always be one of my top comfort movies ever.
3. A Man with a Movie Camera (1928): OKAY SO, this one has been on my favourite film list ever since I had a constructivist phase like a year and a half ago. It technically doesn’t have a plot but I find it very interesting how it shows a progressive narrative, sort of like the “life cycle” of the cities it depicts. It portrays the city sort of like a living organism, being born and waking up, breathing, moving, dying etc. It doesn’t use any actors just actual footage from various cities and the director used so many cool and creative and very new techniques for his time (which I find very interesting). I also like seeing industrialism being explored in art in general (so it was definitely relevant to my interests).
4. Little Women (1994): I watched this rather recently and I was blown away! The actors did a marvelous job at portraying family relations so full of tenderness and love, especially Winona Ryder and Trini Alvarado. The performances had this incredible authentic feel to them and the atmosphere of the movie was that of a Christmas feast and a cozy living room. Having watched the 2019 little women movie, I believe that this one truly managed to explore in depth Jo and Meg as characters (Florence’s Amy will always be my favourite though). Winona’s performance encapsulated this, raucous and fearful pain of adolescence and the overwhelming chaos in the face of all the unknown possibilities, alongside intense determination fuelled by love and the desire to live as widely as possible. Loved this version of Jo March she was great!
Bonus - so-bad-it's-good movie: Bonnie Prince Charlie (1948)
Do you like hammy acting? Bad costumes? Drawn-out plots? Obviously fake scenery? Idealised portrayals of historical figures? If your answer to the above is “yes”, then Bonnie Prince Charlie is the movie for you! A dramatised depiction of the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion, it’s objectively Baaaaaad at being a serious historical drama. However, if you forget it’s meant to be serious and just watch it as a comedy it suddenly becomes so entertaining. It does have a lot of comedic elements, see: the washerwoman disguise, and ~zee obnoxiously fake German accents of George II und zee Duke of Cumberland~ but other than that it is a pretty entertaining movie in general. The lead actor absolutely despised filming it, and it’s rather obvious which makes it even funnier. It does have some pretty good scenes but trust me, if I ever recommend it, it’s not for its quality.
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kriosv · 2 years
Ranger Rankings for No Clowning Around:
Zack 5: okay, now im shipping him with Jason. Is 30 years too late for an 0t3? Also, great civilian fighting from him. Cleverr and skilled.
Trini 4: the sibling story i wanted! Although, this carnival is too brightly lit to be scared of Pineapple. Id end up with Sylvia if i was there.
Billy 3: the kidsbop version of the arrow chicken game from Game of Thrones. Also, his technobable is so terrible its hilarious. Its Jimmy Nuetrons Salt rant 10 years early.
Jason 2: step 1: get civilians out of area as fast as possible. No lies, no worrying about secret identities. People are in trouble, you let them know.
Kim 1: most of the civilian fights in this episode were great, with the exception of Kim. She was terrible in that fight.
Best stunt: obviously the stilt dance and first Zack/Jason kiss.
(Honorable mention to the best special effect in the show so far, Sylvia's wooden performance HAHA)
Tumblr media
Trini 34
Zack 33
Billy 30
Kim 28
Jason 25
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sunaether · 3 years
This is my first time taking part into a fest and I feel kinda dumb for being this excited. I keep asking myself if people will like it, if they'll comment, if they'll have thoughts they might want to develop... if they will read it even...
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