#tw mention of body horror
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What 24h in a carnival does to a man, ah?
What do you mean by fucking legs? AND BY BONED? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY BONED???
B O N E D ???
W H E R E ???!
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 44: Death of a Mutant
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Leo takes his three brothers down the hall to a more spacious area -- a mostly empty room filled with a few storage boxes and cabinets. Leo keeps them in the hall while he quickly surveys, making sure that there is no one nearby. They've had enough surprise attacks for today...
He gives the room a once-over before ushering them in.
"Here's as good as any," Leo breathes, his hands jittering ever so slightly as he grips his swords. "Let's get out of here."
"The sooner the better, if you ask me," Donnie grunts, still scratching at the tender sore on his arm.
"Are we sure that April and the gang will be okay?" Raph asks nervously, his hands wringing. "I don't feel good just leavin' em here."
"They'll be fine," Donnie reiterates flatly. "They have a government agent watching them and a robot to help. Plus, Cass is crazy, she won't let anything happen to them."
"But what if they find something crazier than Cass?"
"What on earth could be crazier than Cass?" Donnie scoffs.
Mikey giggles at the statement. Donnie smiles in response, though he's not completely sure why. He wasn't trying to make a joke.
"...However, if it makes you feel any better, I will call them and double-check to make sure that they are alright before we leave," Donatello offers.
Raph nods with a grunt, and Donnie quickly whips out his phone.
As Donnie speed-dials April, Leo goes to Mikey.
"You okay?" he whispers. "It's been a long day... are you holding up alright?"
"I think so," Mikey sighs. "Just... ready for everything to be over, I guess. I mean, it will be over today, right? Everything? All of it?"
"Maybe," Leo answers honestly. "I mean, I hope so. Once we get back, I doubt the TCRI will try to relocate you because of a definite lack of Chaplin. And with Fugitoid and Bishop working on their case against both the Earth Protection Force and the Techno Cosmo Whatever-It-Is, I'm sure that the whole organization will be dead and gone within the month."
Mikey gives a deep sigh of relief as he leans against Leo's arm.
"...But that doesn't mean that everything is over..." Leo mumbles.
Mikey looks up at him curiously.
"Whaddya mean?"
Leo reaches into his fanny pack and produces Mikey's cure.
"Do you know what you want to do with this?"
Mikey stares at it nervously.
"I...I thought I did," he mumbles. "Now I'm not so sure."
"That's okay," Leo nods, handing the syringe to him. "You don't have to know immediately. You don't even have to know by the end of the month, or the end of the year. Think about it for as long as you need, bro."
Mikey cradles the retro-mutagen gently.
"...I thought that if I had this, then it would be easy to take it," Mikey whispers. "I thought it was what you all wanted. But now..."
"It's totally your call, dude," Leo assures him. "We won't force you or make you feel like one option is better than the other. You're you, with or without your tail and super cool animal traits."
Leo ruffles the nonexistent hair on Mikey's head to make sure he knows that everything is okay. Mikey chuckles softly as he hides the syringe in a fold within his broken shell for safekeeping...
"Update, April has been notified of our departure," Donnie announces. "And everything is fine. She said that they not only found Cassandra, but also somebody called Dr. Finn."
"Finn?" Leo repeats. "That's the woman who shot the Professor!"
"She's a head scientist here," Mikey fills in. "She was mostly in charge of my surgeries and studies."
"I'm sure she'll be of great use to the Professor and Bishop," Donnie nods. "Now, let's get out of here."
"Alrighty, mi hermanos!" Leo says, huffing with effort as he pushes against his knees to stand. "¡Salgamos de aquí! Lo antes posible, ¡gracias!"
Leo swings the katanas and a shaky portal opens up. The bright flash of blue temporarily blinds them. Mikey squeezes his eyes shut and grumbles. His head is starting to hurt again... Must be the flashing light...
"Okay, this should take us to the lair..." Leo says, gesturing to the break.
"Should?" Raph questions. "You're not sure?"
"Hey, it's hard to focus on making a portal when you feel like you're about to fall over, dude," Leo mumbles exhaustedly.
Mikey's head continues to throb. He tries looking away from the portal. It never hurt like this before when Leo made a portal...
"Why the lair and not the Yokai resort where Dad and Draxum are?" Donnie questions.
Leo gives an exaggerated groan and rolls his eyes. Mikey grumbles a bit as well, stepping away from the portal and clutching his head tightly.
"It's my default safe location!" the irritated slider argues. "I always go there in an emergency! Besides, I don't exactly know exactly where we are right now, so..."
"We're on Staten Island!"
"Can we just hurry up and go through?" Raph interrupts, glancing back at the youngest sibling. "I don't think Mikey's doing so well..."
The three turn to see Mikey, still gripping his head tightly as they argue.
"...Michael?" Donnie asks, taking a cautious step. "What's wrong?"
Mikey groans in pain, barely managing to look up at his brother.
"I... I-I d-don't know.... m'head hurtss...."
He grunts and groans and growls, pressing his knuckles against his temples and squeezing his skull as the headache persists and grows.
Why does it hurt so much? Why is there a ringing in his ears that whirls around his brain? Why is the noise getting louder and louder??
Donnie takes a step closer to him, reaching out to touch his shoulder.
"Mikey, what's wrong--"
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Mikey screams, falling to his knees.
The portal fizzles to a close as the three run to his side.
"Mikey, what's happening?!" Leo shouts, terrified. "Just tell us what--"
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Mikey's screams turn up an octave as they transform to agonized sobs. He clutches his head so tightly, his knuckles turn white and the skin underneath his hands starts to bruise from the force.
"MIKEY!" Raph shouts, louder than his baby brother's cries. "Mikey, just tell us! What's wrong?! What's going on?!"
"H-he's --" Mikey gasps, writhing on the floor. "He's in my head!"
"Who?" Leo begs.
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"DON'T MAKE ME DO IT!!" Mikey shrieks, sobbing loudly.
"Make you do what?" Leo asks, holding Mikey still. "Mikey, what is happening?!"
Mikey's face becomes a scowling snarl as he takes Leo's hands off of him and pushes him away, practically throwing him across the room.
"Mikey?!" Raph gasps, turning to look at him.
Mikey's eyes continually dilate, the pupils going from round and terrified to thin and cutting in an instant before growing wide in shock and confusion again. His facial muscles spasm, unsure which expression to hold -- hate or horror.
"I-I'm sorry!" Mikey begs, scooting away in fear. "I-I don't--"
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Mikey screams again, skittering as far as he can before his back slams into the wall behind him. He sobs loudly, his head ringing.
Raph and Donnie jolt at hearing that.
Leo runs back in and slides right up to Mikey, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Mikey --" he says calmly, "-- you won't kill us. I know you won't."
"He's in my head!!" Mikey sobs, body jerking and jittering as he fights himself.
Leo takes in a deep breath and places a hand on Mikey's forehead.
His eyes glow white as he mind-melds with his baby brother...
Leonardo is almost psychically thrown back as his thoughts are blasted with death threats at full volume, orders flooding for Mikey to follow. The voice is garbled, indiscernible, yet part of it is strangely familiar.
Leo is certain he's heard these voices before...
'Wretched little pest...'
Leo steadies himself and grips Mikey by the shoulders.
"Mikey, you have to listen to me! I know you don't want to kill us, I know it's hard to fight these thoughts, but you have to!"
Mikey shrieks a shrill cry of pain as he stares at Leo blankly.
"I-I... I c-can't -- h-he's too strong, he's too loud!!"
"Who is?" Donnie begs? "Who is doing this to you?!"
The door creaks open slowly.
All eyes turn to see...
A monster.
Large and grotesque, a mangle of strawberry flesh and amalgamation of limbs, eyes, teeth, claws, tentacles, and thorny barbs. It lumbers slowly into the room, its eyes trained on the four boys.
"THERE YOU ARE..." he growls.
Half of the face is exposed, the skin of the wretch underneath and the tuft of hair frayed outward reveal the monster's identity.
"...Chaplin?" Leo says, his voice barely a breath. "It... n-no, you... I thought you were dead--"
The creature growls at him, snarling fangs bared.
"KILL THEM, MIKEY," he orders. "KILL THEM."
Raph stands up and guards Donnie instinctively. He reaches for Leo and Mikey as well.
"Don't listen to him," Raph states sternly, staring daggers at Chaplin. "He can't control you anymore, okay?"
Mikey can't answer. He grips his head so staunchly, he leaves bloody scratches where his fingers were. He presses his face against his knees, desperately hoping that the added pressure and self-made enclosure will help him ward off the demands and keep him protected like a fortress.
Mikey sobs loudly as he realizes it's not working.
"I WANT YOU TO KILL THEM, MIKEY," Chaplin repeats, becoming impatient. "DO IT. NOW."
Mikey's head lifts up softly, a blank expression on his face. His breath comes in shuddering gasps, his face drenched in sloppy tears. His eyes zero in on his brothers. He slowly stands up.
"...Mikey, no," Leo begs, standing along with him, holding his arms out to guard his brothers. "Mikey, please."
Mikey doesn't say anything. He just watches them.
"Mikey," Leo begs, eyes glazing over with tears. "Don't... I know you, you don't want this. I promised that... that nothing would change how much I love you. No matter what you do. But I know you can fight this, I know you can. I have so much faith in you, dude. I know you can do this."
Mikey's brow furrows. The corners of his mouth turn downwards.
"I know you can do it..."
Leo cautiously steps forwards and wraps his arms around Mikey in a hug. He squeezes him close to his chest, as tight as he can.
The markings on his arms, legs, face, and shell begin to light up.
Mikey blinks softly.
He raises one hand up to touch him.
Mikey doesn't move.
Raphael and Donatello walk over and join the hug.
Their markings begin to glow as well.
Mikey leans into their embrace, burying his face in Leo's shoulders.
His body begins to shimmer.
The monster snarls and hisses with fury.
Chaplin pounces.
A golden mystic chain tears through the air and crashes into him, completely severing at least three krang arms from his body in the process.
Chaplin roars an ungodly sound at them, and charges again.
Mikey bursts from his brothers' hold and soars at the monster, chains in hand and eyes the colour of a thousand suns.
It's as if a nuclear explosion goes off in the room, knocking Leo, Raph, and Donnie into the wall as Mikey and Chaplin battle it out.
Raphael creates a giant hologram over himself and shields his two brothers, watching over his shoulder as Michelangelo goes absolutely ape and obliterates the monster one blow at a time.
Mikey severs arm after arm after arm after tentacle after giant jaw that attempts to literally bite his head off.
Chaplin knocks Mikey back just enough to get the upper hand and pounces atop him, threatening to rip him apart. His claws shred at Mikey's chest, gashing his shoulders, and even causing several more deep potential future scars on his face as he does what he can to damage his ex-perfect-living-weapon.
Mikey kicks the monster off his chest, sending him flying into the room above them. Mikey gets an idea and flies after him, grabbing the fleshy beast where he can and soars upwards, crashing him through floor after floor after floor until they disappear from sight.
"...Uh... so yeah, we should go after them?" Leo asks.
One mystic portal later, the three remaining brothers find themselves on the rooftop, where Mikey and Chaplin are in the heat of the duel, away from causing more structural damage. Mikey is swinging mystic chain after mystic chain at Chaplin, cutting him down to a more manageable size as he removes the krang parasites from him one by one.
Leo drops to his knees, worn out from the portal. Donnie catches him before noticing that the krang parasites are still alive, and crawling around in an attempt to reunite with each other.
"Raphala," Donnie seethes. "Hold this for me, will you?"
Raph takes their leader into his arms as Donnie activates his ninpo and transforms his staff into a variation of the bug-slapper he'd once made for capturing Draxum's oozesquitos. Only this time, the device will capture a different kind of 'bug'...
Meanwhile, Mikey's fight is showing to be more difficult than he expected.
Chaplin dives at Mikey, talons elongated and ready to stab him straight through. Mikey manages to dodge the claws, but not the tentacles that follow. The slimy extremity coils around him and throws his across the rooftop. Another appendage creates projectile thorns, and as Mikey regains his bearings, the krang monster begins firing.
Left, right, left, right!
Mikey has to dance quite creatively to avoid the projectile barbs.
Mikey ignores him.
Mikey shoots his own projectile barbs and spines at Chaplin, making sure not to hit any vital organs, but only aiming at his feet and additional appendages.
One strikes right through and severes an arm from the body.
Chaplin howls profusely and retaliates, charging Mikey.
Donnie slides in behind the battle scene and scoops up the parasite, trying to keep them from getting out of hand. He doesn't notice that one -- which has managed to evade capture -- begins crawling up behind him.
"Dee, LOOK OUT!"
Donnie turns around just in time to see Raph's ninpo arm stretch out and slam down on the parasite, as though he were swatting a fly.
Donnie jumps away, pulling each limb he can as far from the squashed parasite as he can.
"Yikes! Thanks, Raph!"
"No 'probbles'," the eldest replies.
Leo slowly stands to his feet and wobbles over to Donnie.
"What can I do?" he asks. "How can I help?"
"I doubt you could keep up with Mikey and zombified Chaplin in your state," Donnie calculates. "But could you make a portal? Even just a small one?"
"We need the formula to eradicate these parasites as best we can."
"Got it," Leo nods, clutching his swords and creating a meager fist-sized portal. He sticks his hand through and pulls out three vials of glowing blue liquid.
"Perfect," Donnie sighs, pouring the formula into his ninpo weaponry filter. "Time for some extermination..."
As Donnie begins his obliteration spree, Leo glances back at Mikey, who is starting to slow down. Chaplin on the other hand, refuses to give up, his parasites forcing his body to move even through the injuries and exhaustion.
Mikey dodges the projectile barbs that Chaplin fires at him for the most part. One snags him in the side and creates a gashing mark. Mikey takes a quick knee, clutching his side. Chaplin seizes his oppurtunity.
Mikey stares up just in time to see Leo's sword get thrown between them, and suddenly Leo himself phases in its place. He kicks Chaplin square in the jaw before slicing his katanas at him, the blows deflected by the thorny spikes the creature wears.
Raph joins in as well, slamming his fists against the monster as it tries to run Leo through with his barbs. The duo continue to fight against it, Mikey joining a moment later despite his injury.
Krangified Chaplin throws a pretty powerful punch at Raph, sending him reeling and clutching his face tightly. Mikey pounces on his back and starts tearing the krang parasites off of him with his bare teeth. The creatures shriek and howl, and Chaplin roars at him as well.
He reaches back, grabbing in fury. He grips Mikey's shell with desperation and throws him across the rooftop. As Mikey reels head over heels, he throws a series of mystic chains at the monster, which wrap over his body and pull him along.
The two whirl around each other, pulling and spinning as they fight to knock each other off the roof in a ridiculous version of ring-around-the-rosie. They soon lose understanding of where they are --
"Mikey, the ledge! Watch out--!!"
Mikey and Chaplin slip to the farthest edge of the building, Chaplin losing his footing first and dragging Mikey along with him.
Mikey's claws cling to the edge, van der Waals forces coming into effect and helping him stay connected to the building as best they can. Chaplin's krang limbs extend and reach out for the building as well.
The two are practically suspended in midair, hanging off the side of the building.
Raphael shouts to them, his ninpo arm reaching out and wrapping around Mikey's waist, trying to pull him back as Chaplin attempts to take Mikey down with him. Chaplin's eyes burn through Mikey's skull as Mikey holds on to the man's exposed shirt collar, gripping him tightly and carefully.
"I got you!" Raph shouts. "I-I got you!!"
"Pull him up!" Leo yells.
"I'm trying," Raph grunts, straining as he pulls and pulls with effort. "Chaplin's fightin' me! He's trying to pull Mikey down or somethin'!!"
Chaplin snarls loudly at Mikey as he attempt to absorb him into the krang parasites; the pink flesh begins to spread over Mikey's hand, still clutching Chaplin's neck. Mikey growls in protest, trying to wrench his hand free.
"Spray Chaplin with the toxins, Dee!" Leo shouts.
"I can't, I'd hit Mikey!!"
"Well somebody do something!"
Mikey suddenly gets an idea.
He reaches into the fold between his shell scutes...
"YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A MONSTER," Chaplin hisses at him.
"Maybe," Mikey answers, taking the syringe of retro-mutagen from its hiding place. "But I'll never be a monster like you."
Mikey stabs through the putrid alien flesh and pierces Chaplin's neck, injecting the cure into his veins.
Almost instantaneously, the cure takes effect, destroying the krang fused to him.
The parasites shriek in agony as they shrivel up and burn away into nothingness. Chaplin shrieks in unison as his body goes through extreme detox.
He nearly slips from Mikey's grip, but the double-mutant keeps a firm hold on him.
Raphael pulls the two back, and Mikey sets the man down once they are secure.
"...W...w-why..." Chaplin gasps, choking softly as the last of the krang melts from his face. "Why would you....?"
"Because THAT'S who I am," Mikey states, enunciating every words as he speaks, to drive the fact home into Chaplin's thick skull. "Not a monster. Not an experiment. Not a weapon. I'm just... Mikey."
The double-mutant box turtle smiles at the man before turning away to go back to his brothers and portal home.
...It's just too bad Chaplin didn't like that answer...
The mad scientist growls, grabbing one of the discarded spines on the ground and lunges at mikey, swinging for his neck.
Mikey's hears him coming and immediately whirls around, foot extended on instinct to swipe at Chaplin's ankles.
Dr. Chaplin roars, and manages to pounce on Mikey before his tail knocks him back.
The man is thrown harder than he expected, and cries in shock as he stumbles over the side of the building, before screaming as he falls to his true and final death...
Mikey gasps, hyperventilating as he realizes... he just... did that just happen?
It... it's over?
It's over. Ha.
Hah... He... he won...
He won, he really won!
Haha! He did it, he really --
A week of torment, so many days of recovery, and a full 24 hours of trauma later, Mikey has finally won!
He turns around to face the cheers of his brothers at the final and very real defeat of Dr. Chaplin.
Mikey smiles brightly.
His neck twinges.
He... h-he won, M-M-Mikey.....
Something hot flows down onto his shoulder.
His brothers' cheers fall quiet. Their expressions shift to that of horror and fear.
Mikey won... right?
The pain in his neck worsens. He looks down, and sees a trail of red...
Mikey lifts up a claw and feels at his throat. Why is it getting hard to breathe?
His hand brushes against something thick, long, and rough embedded in the skin. One of the krang spines. The one Chaplin grabbed, the one he... h-hhhe......
...The trail of redd becomes a stream down his neck and chest...
Why..... is the world... ssssspinninggggg.......
One of his brothers shouts out his name.
He looks out to them.
He smiles at them.
"Mikey.... do... good?"
Mikey manages to take one step before he feels his weight overwhelm his center of gravity and tip him over, eyes rolling in the back of his head as everything goes dark. The last thing he registers is Leo running to him, just barely catching him before he can hit the ground.
Mikey doesn't hear their sobs.
He doesn't hear their pleas.
He doesn't feel their warm embrace as they beg him not to do this, stay with them, stay alive, stay, stay, stay...
Mikey feels nothing anymore. It's just...
But there's a light up ahead. One that is blue, and red, and purple...
...and orange.
He'll see them again. One day...
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jenderenvy985 · 1 year
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
My left eye started to decay at work because I didn’t eat enough strawberries. I screamed that I needed to get medical attention but everyone called me overdramatic.
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sirlanval · 7 months
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Swan Song: An illustrated poetry zine about Law and Doflamingo (by me!)
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skeletoninthemelonland · 11 months
[Trigger warning]: Mentions of death and body horror.
This post is about my understanding of William Afton's possession of the Springbonnie suit!
One of the very few headcanons that I have is that, after his death, William Afton possessed both the Yellow Suit and his own corpse. It was more of an obligation rather than a choice. If he wanted to move around as Springtrap, he needed to bear the excruciating pain. Possessing a corpse meant striving to become "alive" again.
That probably explains why his body didn't fully decompose, even after 30 years: because his soul continuously struck it with jolts of energy, forcing the severely damaged tissue to function under awful conditions (cell membranes rupture and spill their contents after death, but they were forced back together). Here's an illustration:
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To me, Springtrap didn't die once or twice, nor a third time. He died thousands and thousands of times and kept on coming back.
"I always come back."
The springlocks weren't the only cause of his suffering. It was the hunger, thirst, lack of oxygen, sleep deprivation, and subsequent infections, paired up with the psychological effects of it all.
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lilybug-02 · 5 months
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Weird Route...
Spoilers for CT Weird Route below.
Please check tags for anything triggering ❤️
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This is not cannon, as the weird route is finished and it will not be added upon. But.......I often find myself wanting to draw for it. So here you are...
The weird route ends abruptly and without art for a reason. I wanted to make it painfully obvious that as YOU continue the route/story YOU stop getting anything out of it. You're only hurting the characters, and by the end, there's nothing left to do except start over.
I had thought of Asriel discovering Chara...well, dead. But I think that would have been too much for the scene. I didn't want to get any more depressing than it already was.
tbh I only hope that I can make an ending even half as good as this one. I still think about it often and I'm proud of the amount of work I put into it.
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felis-rach · 7 months
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I just love M3 Porky being as nightmarish as possible :)
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minxinq · 7 months
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[ OC ] gaia
a demon adept in mimicry who escaped from hell and slaughtered a magical girl. she wears her skin and uses dark magic to preserve the image of her host in order to trick unsuspecting victims.
age: 70000
mimic form: 5’1
true form: 12’0 (including horns)
species: mimic demon
sexuality: aroace lesbian
in her mimic form, she uses a variety of weapons to dispose of innocents she doesn’t deem “worthy” to inhabit. her favourite is the chainsaw due to its messy tendencies. being stuck in hell for hundreds of centuries and only now escaping to the surface, she is fascinated with man-made weaponry, and finds it satisfying to kill humans with their own creations.
in her true form, she has sharp misshapen teeth, sunken eyes, long thin hair, sharp horns and claws. she is not made to be comprehended by humans, so to mortals, her body is a thin, constantly altering and pulsing mass of black vines. this is used to disorient victims.
gaia’s mimicry can be identified by the blurry/muddied, almost glassy eyes of her hosts. she has yet to find a way to disguise eyes properly. this detail is almost unnoticeable to mortals, however to other demons and hunters from hell like lynne, its very easy to spot.
as gaia is a runaway sinner, she is actively being hunted by lynne. however, despite lynne’s orders, she seems to have formed a strange bond with gaia. whether it is genuine or simply a form of deceit to lure in and dispose of the mimic is unknown.
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fxtalitygod · 5 months
X. ~Survival~
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Genre: Historical AU, angst, mature, suggestive, arranged-marriage
Warnings: Dark themes, gore, graphic imagery, theme/depictions of horror, body horror, swearing/language, suggestive, pregnancy, mentions and acts of suicide, arguments, mentions of adult murder, Pet name (Little Flower 6-10x) implied Stockholm Syndrome, grief imagery, images/depictions of dead bodies, child death/murder, character death(s), slight misogynistic themes (if you squint), dubcon/noncon (not any actual smut other than vague mentions of sex), implied postpartum, implied survivors guilt
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Today is a new day and after I got home from work and did some fine-tuning, I finally posted the FINAL CHAPTER (not including the epilogue) of Survival!!! I honestly find it funny that I had originally planned for this story to be a short series and it just spiraled into two years of writing! HAHAHAHAA!!!
JJK Mlist•Taglist Rules• • Pt.I • Pt. II • Pt. III • Pt. IV • Pt. V • Pt. VI • Pt.VII • Pt. VIII • Pt. IX • Pt. X • Epilogue
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It was a feeling that you bitterly greeted after having abandoned it six years ago. It was disappointing, but welcome nonetheless. You wished it was under different circumstances. You did not know which circumstances but knew it was anything other than this.
After the destruction of your life, everything went back to the beginning. You were rehomed in a new village and a different temple, though you could not tell much of the difference. Those blank walls still drove you to insanity. The marriage ceremonies had resumed and more children began crawling the halls in a matter of months.
Sukuna had seemingly lost interest in you after the incident. You had finally snapped, extinguishing the anticipation for the hopes that you would one day. Despite his seeming lack of interest, you were still watched over with diligence, still resided in his chambers, and still acquired a caretaker.
Your mental forces were deteriorating, and it was clear from the blank expression that graced your face. You assumed that Sukuna acknowledged that and decided to have a sitter stay on top of you if you were to do something unexpected– much like what you had done to your village.
The curse user knew the extent of your rage, but he did not quite expect you to leave your home in ruins, to burn your family into nothing but ash. Little to your knowledge, a part of him admired you for that; however, the words that left your mouth after the act had been done brought him a discomfort that neither himself could explain.
From the way he was rutting in you currently, you could not tell. Another attempt of impregnating you. Years ago, you would have had a mind to beg him to stop, and when you could not accomplish that, feign pleasure. You used to want to please Sukuna not for his benefit but your own. Now all you cared about was embracing the feeling of that emptiness as you merely felt the man fucking you: soundless, motionless, thoughtless.
It took a matter of months before you were with child again; however, unlike before, this pregnancy was worse. In the physical aspect, you were overall healthy, but your mental health was far from good. You were a husk of the woman you once were, having lost all ambition for your future. Even when spontaneous thoughts of what life would be like outside the temple, you could not help but feel nauseous.
There were times you wished you could have blamed it on your pregnancy and escape the reality of the issue, but your mind would not allow it. You were repulsed with yourself and could not help but feel like you were betraying your twins by just the simple notion that you were alive, and to think of a future for yourself without them revolted you beyond compare. Your pregnancy did not make it any better.
Most women in the temple thought of pregnancy as a fresh start after losing their previous offspring; a new chance to impress their husband– a sickening point of view; however, you could not be upset with them. Deep down, you believed they had been just as afraid as you were upon their arrival when their village elders proclaimed them the next tribute to Sukuna. They more than likely had a plan to make it out of this hell and made promises to return to their families, but somewhere down the line, all the manipulation, physical strain, and mental stress, caused them to accept their fates and try to make the best out of it, losing themselves in the process.
You were not so lucky.
If pregnancy was a punishment before, it was a curse now. Knowing you were to have another child brought you great remorse. Anytime you were to look or even feel your bump, you could not help but think of the past... to think of your twins. It felt like you were betraying them, trying to unconsciously replace them even though your pregnancy was out of your control.
The way you would eat at yourself could have been considered torture.
Besides the normal work around the temple, you would spend most of your evenings in a dark and unoccupied room, keeping to yourself. No one dared to disrupt you, mostly out of fear due to the knowledge of your power. Few left you space out of respect, knowing the pain you were going through; however, sometimes you wished they would walk through that door, hoping they would attempt to comfort you.
It would have been a good distraction from your running mind.
Those dark and quiet rooms gave you time to think and reflect. You realized there were many things you had undermined and denied for your own sanity. The list could go on, some minor, some major…and the major miscalculations stuck out like a sore thumb.
Trimester One.
Despite your efforts, your village nor your family would have ever accepted your children– Sukuna's blood coursed through their veins, and that was enough to consider them a monstrosity. Your hopes of escaping with them and living a happy life were an illusion you conjured up to keep a drive in you.
Trimester Two.
Whether you liked it or not, your twins would not stay innocent forever. The twins were under Sukuna's guidance, no thanks to your pact, and they absolutely adored him. The twins blindly trusted him with their entire beings and would have believed anything Sukuna had taught them was for good, and you knew for a fact that is how your partner would have spun it. Their acts would have been malicious and cruel and they would not have even known...and despite your want to tell them the truth, the constraints of your pact would have stopped you from doing so.
Trimester Three.
Even if you had successfully run away with your son and daughter in hand, the life the three of you would have lived would have been far from peaceful. You and the children were proven valuable assets to Sukuna; to think that your husband would give you all up so easily was foolish. The curse-user would have hunted you down to the ends of the world until you were back in his grasp.
And as you sat there holding your new baby girl, tears streaming down your face as you listened to her whimpers, you hoped she'd grow up to be a fool; a strong, but foolish girl. If your daughter grew up to be a fool, the world could not hurt her as it had hurt you. If she becomes a fool, she would not have to feel the burden you were feeling.
You hated that you hoped for her, hated the fact that you loved and cared for her after laying eyes on her small figure. The whole scene was pitiful. The arms of a mother holding her child close to her bosom as if shielding them from the world– the effort could be appreciated but was futile because the looming threat was already hovering over you as he inspected his creation. If his presence was not unsettling enough, his hum of satisfaction horrified you, causing you more tears.
"I should have killed myself that morning. It would have saved me a lot of heartache..." you whispered, repeating the words you had mentioned over a year ago.
Months back into motherhood you found yourself questioning yourself and your emotional availability every time you looked at your daughter. You were doing all the right things, but performing the tasks felt heavy on your shoulders, and the smiles you painted on your face felt like they were caked on. None of it felt real. There was no doubt you cared for your little girl, but you had to admit that the task was tiring– caring was tiring.
You thought the feeling would end, believed it was temporary, but days turned into months, and months turned into a year.
You had just finished your daughter's first inspection and were now in your sleeping chambers with your husband. You both stood there silent and unmoving, staring at each other with hardly any indication of who was willing to speak first. Fortunately, your daughter was the first to break the silence, whining as she clung to you. You sighed as you understood the child needed attention, moving the baby into a better position to lightly bounce her, attempting to calm her down.
"You know, I thought you would be overjoyed to be blessed with another child, Y/n," Sukuna sounded as he studied you.
"Whatever do you mean? I am nothing but pleased," you blankly responded, focusing entirely on the little girl bouncing in your arms.
Silence once again.
You could feel his stare burning into you; feel his agitation radiating off his skin as he looked for a real answer. Sukuna was not an idiot, you were aware of that, but his meaningless probing was getting on your nerves. You would much rather he got to the point than play his mind games. If he was going to be indirect, you would only do the same.
"Do you think of them when you look at her?"
There was a halt in your movements, breath hitching as you did so. You slowly moved your head to look at the man before you, your gaze piercing. You had every intention to avoid the question, but your mouth betrayed your mind.
“What do you think?” You snipped, a grimace forming onto your features.
“I could make you forget, simply remove them from your memory to rid you of this…ailment.”
For what felt like the thousandth time of your life, you could feel your eyes widen, however, this was the most appalling statement your husband had made. Had he really suggested ridding your memories with your twins? Had he no remorse? Of course not, why would he? The children were a means to an end, nothing more than a few pawns in his plan. Any love and affection the father had shown his son and daughter were shown with calculation and precision– there was no meaning behind those affections.
"You sick bastard."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"Y/n, I would advise that you watch your tone," a warning glare, "If I did not know any better, I would say that you were speaking out of turn when I am offering you such a gift– I do not offer such things lightly."
"Well it is good that you know better," the seething anger bubbling in your chest was choosing your words at this point, "How could you suggest such a thing?"
"I am doing you a mercy, Y/n, you are letting the past consume you from the inside out, and sooner or later you will become the image of your agony."
"You know nothing because if you did you would be in the same state as I am. You speak as if you know sympathy, but your words are honeyed to keep me in your grasp!"
Your breath was heavy as you confronted Sukuna, glaring daggers into his soul as you watched him step closer.
"Your perception can be quite bothersome at times, Little Flower; however, I believe it is what I admire most about you. I think it is why I chose you...why I love you."
Your laughter was hysterical. The tears welling up in your eyes from pure disbelief and humor. Sukuna Ryomen himself has admitted to loving you for the second time. This time claiming he chose you because he loves you.
What a joke.
"Love me?" you choked between giggles, "Sukuna, you would not know love if it hit you in the face. Like I said before, your words are coated with the sweetest sugars to keep me around, to bring me hope, and quite frankly, the sweetness has become dull and bitter," a pause as you caught your breath, "You do not love me Sukuna. As I have stated, you love what I can provide you."
Silence had greeted you both for what seemed like the millionth time, but you could have been wrong, you lost count at this point.
"I understand the concept of love, more than you think, Little Flower; however, love has little meaning. So you are right, I do not love you, I value you. Is that not greater than love?"
You scoffed.
"You are going to die alone and I am glad that you will."
A soft chuckle sounded from your husband before feeling a strange feeling at the back of your head. You could feel the kanzashi pin moving in your hair as Sukuna played with the accessory.
"I highly doubt that."
Those four words had caused your heart to sink, bringing you more fear than you had ever experienced in your entire life. Without thought, you backed away from the man towering over you. You shook your head as you held eye contact with Sukuna, almost stumbling on your feet as you felt for the door and clumsily exited the room. You had your daughter close to your chest as you entered the hallway.
What little you had of your life came crashing down instantly as the gravity of your reality unfolded to its full extent.
You would never be free and although that was a realization you had made long ago...this time you had no hope to convince you otherwise.
So what did you do?
You ran.
You flew through the corridors to the gardens, arriving with heavy breath. Scanning the grounds you searched for the only individual who could help you right now. The moment your eyes registered the woman, you quickly approached, hardly paying attention to anything along your path as you made your way over.
"I have something for you!" you interrupted, holding out a pin you had stored and concealed for years, never knowing the right moment to give it to the woman before you.
The woman who had lost her sick and poor son on your very first inspection day.
You watched as her eyes welled up immediately, taking the pin and inspecting it as if to make sure it was real. When she was able to confirm the little trinket was indeed not a figment of her imagination, she held it close to her chest, letting her silent sobs escape before looking at you.
"Thank you. Thank you so much. But why are you giving this to me?"
You looked around hesitantly before pitifully looking at her, letting your walls crumble to reveal all your pain and suffering.
"I need your help."
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"Yes, Sukuna-sama," the right hand responded.
"I would like you to gather the women and children from the inspection, I have an announcement."
"Yes, Sukuna-sama, I'll get right on it."
With that Uraume disappeared, leaving Sukuna in his quarters alone. The man paced in his chambers, reflecting on the prior conversation from earlier. The talk did not have the most satisfying ending, but much like the other unfortunate discussions that had been held between the two of you, this would be another problem that would resolve itself in due time.
The move would help move that process faster.
This village had quickly bored the tyrant, as they were quick to promise vengeance and destruction upon his empire. Same-old-same-old. So with that, it was time to move on to the next village after leaving this one behind in ashes.
"Sukuna-sama, the women and children do not appear to be in their chambers or the gardens, the workstations are abandoned too.
Without a thought, Sukuna stormed out of the room and into the halls, those blank walls making the temple look more abandoned knowing that everyone had seemingly disappeared. He looked through every room he managed to pass, even using his abilities to sense the faintest amount of cursed energy. For a while, he came up with nothing, but after catching a familiar aura, he briskly started to follow the direction it was coming from.
The curse-user found himself in the main hall, where he saw his wives and children gathered. The husband would be lying if he claimed he was not confused with the situation, but he would not show that. Instead, Sukuna decided to try and decipher the scenario.
Upon first glance, it had seemed that the women and children were gathered for a usual gathering, but upon closer observation, something was off. The looks of the individuals in the room seemed to differ. Some women seemed relieved, others looked almost proud, and others...well, the last of the women looked as if they were being held there against their will.
As the monster-of-a-man continued to scan the room, he finally managed to find you, standing in the center of the room, your head held high; however, you looked exhausted, broken. It brought that familiar discomforting feeling to Sukuna, the same feeling when you had spoken those words after you had burned down your village.
"What is this, Little Flower?" Sukuna questioned with some amusement behind his voice, masking his indifference.
"Do not call me that," you spoke, your voice barely above a whisper as it softly echoed in the room.
"Y/n-sama ple-"
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" you yelled, successfully silencing the crying woman who had shouted for you.
The atmosphere was tense, and he would tread carefully because Sukuna was no fool.
"What do you want, Little Flower? An apology? I can, obviously, give that to you, but we both know it would not solve much. So what is it you truly want?"
"To leave..." you weakly announced, watching as Sukuna gradually approached before stopping in his footsteps.
"Well then, Little Flower, you have gathered yourself and all your companions just in time, I was ready to announce our departure from this village. You get what you want, righ-"
"That's not what I want." you interrupted.
Sukuna was silent, his brow twitching in irritation as he stared at you, stopping mid-stride.
"Then what do you want?"
"I want the offer you gave me back on the table?" you quickly responded.
"And what offer would you be referring to, Little Flower?"
"On my very first inspection with my twins, you offered me to kill everyone in this room– I want to change my answer."
Your husband chuckled, "Do you not think the circumstances have changed a little, my dear? I gave you that option years ago, what makes you think that is something I am still willing to offer?"
"Because you love me..."
"Now you are willing to embrace that love?"
"Only if you do this one last thing for me. I will let you love me until my last mortal days, and me in return, just as long as everyone in this room dies."
A sly smirk, "As you wish, Little Flow-"
"By my hands!" you interjected.
Delight was an expression that Sukuna could not hold back at those words.
"It's a deal, Y/n."
With those words sealing the pact, you took no further wait in your next actions. You ignored all the shouts and screams of those who wished to live, ridding yourself of whatever empathy you once had– you had to admit, it made things a lot easier when setting the room ablaze. Hearing their screams of agony and pain was a lot easier when you managed to wash out the humanity within you.
You could only feel relief after hearing all the shrieks and wails die out into nothing but silence. The room was filled with nothing but fire, bone, and ashes, the smell of burning flesh was prominent; however, that did not stop him from approaching you.
"I love you, Little Flower." Sukuna proclaimed, bringing his forehead to yours before softly kissing you.
He pulled away to look into your eyes, admiring them momentarily before smiling softly. Some may have mistaken it for a look of endearment, but it was a look of satisfaction. He had successfully taken your pride, dignity, and hope– he had taken all of you.
"I love you too."
And because you had no pride, dignity, or hope, left to hold on to...
It made it so much easier to bring that poison-coated dagger to your flesh and slit your belly.
For Sukuna everything went in slow motion, immediately swatting the dagger from your hand to the ground before cupping your wound, blood covering his hand in seconds. The desperate individual tried using his reverse curse technique to revert the damage, but it was pointless as you were resisting. For the first time in a long time, Sukuna felt genuine fear as he watched you slowly slip away from reality. And as everything started to play back to speed, Sukuna had a realization.
"Where is our daughter?!" The four-armed monstrosity yelled upon notice of your empty arms, continuing at attempts to stop your bleeding with little success.
Your smile made his heart drop.
"Gone." you sputtered, blood slipping from your cooling lips before going completely limp.
"...Gone where? Little Flower..."
"Little Flower!"
You upheld your deal...you loved him for your last mortal days, it just so happened that day was seconds into a day, and as Sukuna sat there holding your motionless form, he could not have regretted anything more in his life. Making that deal was the best thing to happen in your life because in the end...
...You won the game of Survival.
And you hoped that your daughter could one day do the same.
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Until the epilogue yall... (`∀´)Ψ
@littlemochi @mistalli @youngbeansprout @bbylime @bangtan-forever1479 @idktbhloley @izayas-rings @o3o-aya @pyschopotatomeme @persephonehemingway @otomaniac @meforpr3sident @fourcefulcupid @nezuscribe @my-simp-land @zukuphilia @niya729 @spiritofstatic @bbittersw33t @kashasenpai @decaysan @honeybaegle @ygslvr @outrofenty @esposadomd @ali2426 @anmath @yazzzmints @lovingnahida @sincerest-one @rosemaydone321 @j0dios @k-ki3rd @maki-zenin1944 @shadowywizardarcade @ae-mius @xiangping-28 @loaves4me @aloraaaxcrystalzx
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najsigt · 8 months
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In "A Convoluted Game of Dice" you wake up to find yourself stuck in Limbo. To escape you have to prove yourself to the Dealer by beating him in an unfair game of dice.
This is a fake game I made mockups for during a game pre-production workshop in school. I wish it was real so I could play it myself, but alas I can't code!
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dr-awkkward · 4 months
Slay the Princess text posts, part 4
[part 3] [part 5]
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one-time-i-dreamt · 3 months
I tried on some bright green contact lenses that unfortunately slipped into the back of my eye socket.
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thingsaday · 2 years
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They’re brothers (who happen to share a body) your honor
(Loosely based in the Charged Battery AU) 
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mooniety · 2 months
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susie become egg. wonder what the yolk is made out of.
anyways, guys look it's mechanized susie "The Secretary"!!!!!!!!!!
CONTENT WARNING: Below the cut is a description of her which contains body horror & minor mentions of gore.
after kirby fails to defeat star dream, star dream decides to immediately mechanize susie before she can escape, recognizing that without her direction, it won't be able to successfully achieve its goal in creating what it deems the perfect universe
thus susie--or i should say, what remains of her--is now confined in a body that lacks any & all autonomy besides being able to still somewhat if barely move, the ability to see, hear, & speak (as seen by the lens & mic/speaker right below her head where her neck is), can call for mecha knight (who has been unfortunately remechanized) as her only form of protection, & can do...whatever the bottom right hand corner is.
this new body is designed to have her "eyes" appear permanently closed, showcasing her involuntary submission to star dream & in a way, loss of all mortal sight, trading it in for the possession of knowledge that she shouldn't have had in the first place as well as now see the entire universe...'s destruction first hand‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥
but most importantly of all, she has CAT EARS‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ (they were supposed to be alarm clock ears but the intrusive thoughts won 😭) don't worry though, as you can see on the bottom right, she can...remove them :)
despite being able to open her head to reveal her core (as shown in bottom right), the process is SLOW & EXTREMELY PAINFUL with no sense of relief until star dream puts her core into a new body or someone destroys it. while she's in this vulnerable state, her body is set to automatically cry to draw in sympathy as a last ditch effort from star dream if all else fails
her core was designed to look like a cartridge from made in abyss duct taped onto an iv drip stand, & if you know what a cartridge from made in abyss is then you already know what's inside: it's where all her main or i should say remaining organs are located.
furthermore, it's near impossible for someone else to crack her open due to her body being entirely being made out of haltonium--intentionally designed to be an indestructible cage for her
& if susie, star dream, or mk senses that someone's going to attempt to destroy her, mk is obligated to prevent that from happening via fighting & executing them, even if he doesn't want to (& clearly, susie doesn't want him to do so either)
the reason why she has no one (not even the haltworkers) besides mk & maybe star dream as a form of protection is because she's typically locked her away in a hidden area of the access ark, the idea was to make her a princess locked away in a tower with no one but her noble knight in shining armor to "protect" her --unfortunately it seems that this knight is technically also on the side of her captor lol
anyways this entire thing is about how susie isn't really vibing with existence now that her father's dead, she's been turned into a useless machine stripped of all autonomy whose only purpose is to peer edit & approve plans of destroying the world as well as unconsensually watch & partake in the entire destruction of the universe until something is able to confront this monster of a supercomputer YAHOOOOOOOO‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
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sskk-manifesto · 6 months
Btw friendly reminder that the anime cut the scene where after jumping off the sinking ship Mitchell and Hawthorne encountered James L. - the Guild's top-level's secretary that the pm killed at the end of season 1 -... Only to find out it was actually his corpse standing tall, eviscerated and filled with lemon bombs, complete with graphic depiction of his face splitting open and lemon bombs rolling off it
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