#tw transmisogny
stars-and-soda · 3 months
Seen a very select few people say Neil Gaiman is being accused because of his support of trans women. And do you people genuinely believe a man that harasses assumed cis women is going to treat trans women well?
You've lost the fucking plot if you're suggesting this cis man is a victim of transmisogyny and that's why this exists.
Also, maybe I'm speaking too loud for someone tme, but it feels so insidious to hear about this cishet white man being an abuser and ally trans women with him. It feels incredibly harmful to trans women for the reasons you just mentioned of them being unfairly associated with abusers, so you associate them with another abuser?
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house-of-musez · 7 months
I rarely share my thoughts online, for a variety of reasons, but i feel like in lieu of absolutely no recent events, I should share a writing rule I know of.
It's called the 'rule of imitation' (I don't know if that's what it's actually called, it's just what I know it as). It appears a lot in children's cartoons, and oftentimes we don't even notice it's there since it's sort of a behind the scenes thing.
The idea is simple: You can't show something bad if a small child could see it and reasonably imitate it. Thus, it's fine for a character to be hit by a falling anvil, but not by a friend swinging a baseball bat. It's fine for a character to be shot out of a canon, but not to be shot with a gun.
A child isn't going to have access to a canon or an anvil, but they *could* have access to a baseball bat from the shed, or a gun from dad's bedside table. Thus, the more 'mundane' and less dangerous actions are actually *more* harmful to display, as they could lead to children doing those things and actually hurting someone.
I think this rule of imitation applies to a lot of other things too, mainly: Internet threats.
If someone says they hope another person gets stung by a thousand bees after falling in a vat of radioactive honey, you have to consider that you can't imitate that. It's not a threat because it is very clearly not an event or action that would be able to be replicated in the real world.
If someone says they hope another person dies a painful death involving a car that's covered in hammers that explodes a few times, causing hammers to fly everywhere, you have to consider that you can't imitate that. It's not a threat because it is obvious that no one would be able to do that in the real world, and thus remains in the realm of fiction.
Neither of those are death threats since the action itself is so wild and improbable that it is clear it is not meant to be a serious call to action. What *would* be a serious call to action is someone saying that they hope all [insert slur here] get SAed and stabbed, since that is an entirely possible and probable action for someone to do. *That's* a death threat.
Reporting someone for that should be taken seriously, as it is a genuine call for someone's death. Pursuing legal action towards one of my own, entirely made up examples (radioactive bees, car covered in hammers) would be ridiculous, since anyone with common sense could tell that it's not really a threat.
Of course, i feel the need to make sure @photomatt knows that this is in no way related to predstrogen, because I worry that if they assume that this *is* a jab at them I may get suspended, as that is apparently a valid response in Matt Mullenweg's eyes. Again, just a random thought that popped into my head and i felt the need to share with the good people of Tumblr, and nothing more.
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phoneheadedtrans · 6 months
idk how terfs can misunderstand/oppose self-id for trans people while being very good at identifying themselves. it seems like every terfs blog I click on here is called 'worstfuckingpersonyouwillevermeetinyourlife' or 'tranmurder' and the first fucking post on their blog is about how they will "draw their weapon" if they ever see someone they suspect to be trans in a public bathroom. they just openly admit that they want to kill people. why are they still allowed to persist?
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lesbian-moon-gf · 2 years
the sexual harassment trans women face is horrific 
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punkpuppylove · 2 years
i’ve only seen this once but it was still so upsetting i had to make a post about it. but Hey, maybe Don’t tag posts where you are trying to honor a murdered trans women with “terfblr” or “terf safe” or “radfem” or anything else like that. do not invite and call in people who are going to hate, shame on, and degrade the death of a trans women who was the victim of anti trans violence. she couldn’t get safety and peace in life and now your calling on humiliation in death. your not being an ally. your not being respectful. your not making a good memorial. just...what the actual fuck.
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wolfertinger666 · 2 months
"controversial" take but I absolutely get angry and uncomfortable every time I see something HP related. it's not the series itself it's just the fact it's literally inseparable from jkr who herself is a massive fucking transphobe/transmisognist and made herself the head of that movement. I get wanting to "reclaim it" but is it worth hurting our trans sisters over a generic wizard series.
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communistkenobi · 2 months
can we like go back to basics for a second lol. every mainstream news outlet, public figure, elected official, social media influencer, religious leader, and civil society organisation pushing transphobic policy and rhetoric always focus on trans women. literally every single one of them. even when trans men are brought up it is primarily in relation to trans women “tricking girls” into transitioning.
& I am speaking specifically as a trans guy who has been harassed on the street + outted and intimidated by Nazis on campus + lost entire friend groups + kicked out by my parents because I’m trans. like this is literally not a competition about who is “oppressed more” it is a basic fact. I am reminded always that whenever transphobia is voiced in public (which is often and only becoming more frequent) I am either not the target of hatred or I am being used as a rhetorical tool to further advance transmisogyny. fundamentally if you don’t acknowledge this extremely basic point about institutional transphobia then you are actively attempting to obfuscate reality
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phosphorusab · 3 months
A grown ass man lured a 14 year old girl out to a park at night, abused her, killed her, dismembered her and scattered her remains in public parks and rivers. Now if that girl was a cisgender girl, the general public would rightfully put the blame on the perpetrator for taking advantage of and murdering a minor.
But because Pauly Likens Jr was a transgender girl, the general public is going full trans panic defense, even though the perpetrator said they met on Grindr, if that was even true. Grindr doesn’t verify the age of its users and legally doesn’t have to due to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which means half of sexually active queer adolescents will use this app and fall into the hands of predators.
Grindr has been known to have a sexual exploitation of minors issue, and I just know that people are going to see that Pauly Likens Jr and her killer may have used this app to blame Pauly for her own demise.
It’s just like they did with Gwen Araujo in 2002 (a 17 year old trans girl killed by 4 grown ass men), Mercedes Williamson in 2015 (a 17 year old trans girl killed by a grown ass man) and Nikki Kuhnhausen in 2019 (a 17 year old trans girl killed by a grown ass man). You stop being an innocent kid who is capable of being victimized when you’re trans. You’re a threat to other kids your age or younger, and you’re a precocious sexual provocateur towards adults. This applies especially to transgender girls - complete dehumanization and transmisogyny.
This pattern of transgender teenage girls being taken advantage of by adults and killed is completely unacceptable, and society should start acting like it.
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kalamity-jayne · 4 months
I think it's fairly safe to say at this point that the overwhelming majority of transfems on this website are feeling pretty fatalistic about their general lack of safety here and the high probability their blog will eventually get termed. This bleak sentiment doesn't occur in a vacuum and staff needs to recognize that their moderation systems, both on the automated side and their user generated reporting system, unfairly targets transfems. It's not enough to say, "we've got trans folks on staff!" Your entire method of moderating the terms of services needs an overhaul.
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earlgraytay · 3 days
God, there really is nothing like 20s detective fiction to remind you that prejudice is a social construct.
You'll have a story with a crossdressing thief which is mildly transmisogynistic but completely devoid of modern vitriol; it literally comes off as "here is a fun oddity that lets me be Clever about French grammar"
And in the very next story you will learn fifteen different slurs for Italians
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awesomewhateverdude · 2 months
I never feel more alienated from the trans community in general and other transfems in particular than when I see people going after "TMEs" and "transandrophobia truthers" and so on, ostensibly in the name of defending people like me. Or derailing their own perfectly decent points about transmisogyny by including some irrelevant, gratuitous dig at transmascs (or intersex people or "theyFABs" or whoever the target of the day is).
What the fuck are you doing? Do you get some kind of rush from deflecting TERFisms onto targets you've decided are more deserving or privileged than yourselves? What are you trying to achieve? If you want to do some weird 70s separatism tribute act then please just go your own way already and leave everyone else alone.
As a transfem who is not a woman and doesn't pass as one I don't trust "TMA/TME" proponents to have my back in any case. And I'm much more wary of engaging with trans spaces than I used to be because of this bullshit.
I'm so sorry to everyone who has been fucked over by this tendency. I hope we can get over it. Can we please collectively at least try to get a grip and maybe rethink how we're doing things a little bit? Because unless the goal really is self-cannibalization it's not working is it?
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yurintegration · 1 month
The friend groups of many transfemmes serve as a panopticon waiting until they stop out of line to label them every awful thing under the sun. I think people think of themselves as being immune to propagating this but I am sorry to tell you but you exist in a world that teaches you to be distrustful of trans women. The fact that you think you are immune makes you less immune to this social force. I have seen many people outright lie about trans women in their friend group and them believing wholeheartedly.
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gor3sigil · 1 month
Cis Queer Bitches be like "Yeah I'm an intersectional feminist, I want everyone to feel safe and want to create a space for radical love and acceptance !!" then basically put a bouncer at the entry of the LGBTQ+ center to make sure the people coming to the "women and enbies ONLY" event are, indeed, women and enbies.
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growing-past-me · 7 months
Tumblr media
I’ve said worse things to my parents as a sign of love. Get the fuck over yourself.
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hemipenal-system · 4 days
someone (idk who bc it was anon and i blocked them immediately lol) sent some goofy ass ask re: the transcoded werewolves thing like "ah yes the trans experience of turning into a beast at the slightest provocation" and buddy you're so fucking close
the trans experience of being treated like a monster the minute you get mad about something cis people humans would have been given endless grace for
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wolfertinger666 · 6 months
it's kinda disgusting how rumors/morality panics against (mainly) queer people are super prevalent and how easy it is for others to believe them without doing a quick check or literally using their brain. it's disgusting how queer/trans people (mainly transfem folk) are the prime victims of this, situations that were blown out of proportion to ostracize them and remove them from their support systems. kinks and personal info exposed for the public to gawk at, it's all so gross.
just stop we are going backwards.
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