#twisted wonderland floyd leech matchup
dearestones · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Floyd Leech
Warnings: Fluff. 
@crayonaird Request: Hiya! Could I request a romantic matchup for Twisted Wonderland?
I go by Ophelia, use she/her pronouns.
I'm 5'4, particularly curvy, and I've got shoulder-length pinkish hair that desperately needs redyed.
I'm a big fan of doing anything crafty or creative whether it's drawing, writing, sewing, crochet, etc. I'm also a fan of alternative fashion and have a very goofy and distinct style!
Personality-wise, I'd describe myself as Laid-back, loyal (to a fault), adventurous, deadpan (especially with humor), with no problem being bold if I feel comfortable. I can also be viciously stubborn, anxious, and I'm perpetually late (super efficient once I get there though!). I'm the kind of person who can fall asleep anywhere if I'm comfy! I've had many naps curled up in a corner on campus lol.
Thank you so much! I've been really enjoying your writing!
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After going through the information given, I believe that you best pair well with Floyd Leech!
You’re so short! And squishy! And your hair makes you look like a shrimp! Floyd was already going to call you a shrimp because there’s an inherent shrimpiness to you, but it seems like fate made it all the more possible! Can he pick you up in his arms and swing you around? Can he squeeze you? Oohhh! Can he help you re-dye your hair? (Maybe not too red, or else you’ll end up looking like a certain Goldfishie, hehehe). 
After his initial observations of you (and threats to squeeze you as hard as possible because why not?) Floyd quickly loses interest. You’re a shrimp, so what? It’s not like he needs you hanging around him all the time and he doesn’t want to seek you out unless Azul or Jade ask him to. You’re just a shrimp and he has bigger fish to fry (hehehe). However, there is one thing that brings his eyes to you time and time again without fail.
It’s your fashion sense.
Under the sea, there isn’t a lot that you can do fashion-wise. Sure, there are merfolk who are wealthier than others and choose to adorn their fins and tails with jewelry, but actual clothing? Fabric gets caught in coral or rocks, it drags behind you in the current, and it’s not like fabric will last long in the briny depths. When Floyd breached the surface and saw humans for the first time, he was always so fascinated with how land walkers would express their personalities through what they wore! That was so cool and fascinating! Floyd wanted to do that too!
When he realizes that your sense of style isn’t just a one time thing, but something that you actively chose to wear because it suits your personality, Floyd is instantly hooked. You look so cool and interesting! Can you give Floyd some fashion tips? He could go into Pomefiore and ask around, but there’s that weird guy there with the hat thing and he’s kinda… He’s kinda weird and you’re not that weird so you’re gonna help him. Or else. 
Just kidding! But please, help Floyd. If it helps, he has lots of fun and flashy clothing and is drawn to bright colors and obnoxious patterns (basically, anything that can give Azul a heart attack). 
Whenever Floyd doesn’t want to go to class, he likes walking around campus and finding good places to hide or nap. If he ever sees you hanging out by yourself or napping, he’ll gladly join you! Prepare to be smooshed next to a gigantic eel merfolk because Floyd does not know the concept of personal space. If you ever feel uncomfortable, tell Floyd and he’ll back off. Eventually. It’ll take a few tries, but he’s a good boy at heart and really, he’s just in it to startle you and not to make you feel too threatened. 
When Floyd truly gets to know you and appreciates you for who you are, he’ll start calling you by your actual name. Not a nickname, not a pet name. Your true name. There’s a vulnerability and respect heavy in his voice when he calls you by your actual name. It’s like admitting to himself and to the rest of the world that you are worthy of his time and that you gained both his respect and the privilege to be granted your humanity. 
Don’t get too sappy or look heavily into it, okay? Poetry is more of Jade’s thing if he’s gonna be honest.
Please go on adventures with Floyd. He’s partial to parkour, but he’s up for anything that you might be into. 
Floyd is also loyal and laid back—but there are times when he can be very intense. For some odd reason, the both of you balance each other out! Is that a cause for concern for others? Absolutely!
However, once Floyd realizes that he likes you—I mean, really likes you to the point where his heart starts pumping faster and his face feels oddly flushed—he freezes and doesn’t know what to do. He will never admit it, but as a moray eel, he can be cowardly. While he may appear to be a menace with no boundaries or self-preservation, he does know what his limits are. When he learns just how bold you are around him, he becomes almost threatened by you. He can barely say what he really wants to say, choosing only to convey his emotions through actions, and you’re just being your true self without any inhibitions? If only he were like you!
Luckily for him, if you’re truly that bold, you can ask him out first. He’ll pout and tell you that it should have been his job, but on the inside, he’s grateful. 
It’s okay if you’re anxious! Floyd can relate to that sometimes. If you’re ever feeling like the world is getting too much, Floyd immediately takes notice. As much as other people would rather not admit it, Floyd can be quite perceptive at times. Because of this, he’ll be quick to give you a hug or whatever you need to help calm down. Sometimes, if you’re being quiet, but willing to have Floyd in your company, he will make you laugh and smile when he says the most outlandish of things. “Why do you land walkers use dinglehoppers to eat food? That doesn’t make sense!”
(When he figures that you’re finally feeling okay, he’ll take that as his cue to draw you up into a tight hug before launching you into the air so that you could land in his arms. It doesn’t matter if you complain, he will show his affection to his little Shrimpy!)
I hope you realize this, but being with Floyd is like going on a roller coaster ride. There are ups and downs, lulls and pauses in between, and drops that knock the breath out of you. Sometimes, the both of you will fight and other times you’ll make up, but at the end of the day, you can’t deny that the time you spent together was interesting and memorable. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hi!! I'm Ellie, and I'm looking for a romantic matchup for one of the Twisted Wonderland characters, please!
Some basic info is that I go by she/her pronouns, I'm 5'5, and I have a rather rounded figure (but that just means cuddle time is that much more comfy, i'd say!!) I have fair skin (by fair i mean vampire pale.) Blue eyes, and loooooong brown hair!
Personality wise, I'm the rather fun-loving sort, even if my severe social anxiety and depression keeps me from going outside, I do all I can to keep myself entertained and having as much fun as I can. If something sounds boring, then I have a hard time focusing on it (which gets me into a lot of trouble in school tbh.)
However, I tend to be extremely shy around other people, my social anxiety makes it very difficult to be open around others. However, when I become more comfortable with them, I'm much more lively, and willing to share my interests and hobbies and such.
Honestly, my entire life revolves around things that interest me, whether it be a new game to play, a story I like, characters I'm invested in, a new hobby, etc. It will always be something that I find easy to rant about for hours on end.
Aside from hyper-fixations and special interests, I'm rather reserved and don't say more than I need to at any given time. I tend to be overly considerate of others to the point where it drags me down, but I don't let it get in the way of my special interests.
In a relationship, I'm the type to be extremely clingy towards my partners, often hanging off their every word to shape how my mood will be for the entire day. When I'm in a relationship, my partner tends to be my hyperfixation or special interest, as I often want to spend all of my time with them due to just how happy their company makes me.
In all, I'm a girl who lets excitement control my life to the point where I don't have the capacity for a relationship that is just "chill". I'd need someone who can meet my needs while at the same time being someone who can get something fun for us to do together without me getting bored of them.
My love language is quality time and physical touch!! I'm a big fan of just having a blast with my partner, but cuddles and hugs are definitely the best. (pda in public is a big plus)
I am an extremely bashful and romantic sort of character, with lofty dreams of what life with a partner might be like. Even though I love the idea of romance, I am totally up for a chill relationship as well, anything goes as long as they're happy with me, and I'm happy with them.
Sorry for this being so long!! I'm looking forward to being matched!!
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request! I do hope that you enjoy it! Have a wondeful day/night!
Request: Twisted wonderland match-up
I match you with............
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Floyd Leech
Someone who lets excitement run their life? Well then, count Floyd in. He is all about having a good time and has been known to leave things that he seems to be boring in search for new adventure and excitement
He will 100% condone this certain behavior and if he happens to find something rather exciting but you aren't there with him, be prepared for a towering eel man to come bounding towards you to carry you off to said excitement
Floyd is clearly all about physical touch. Holding, squeezing, having a hand on your shoulder, your head..... yeah, he's a touchy guy
And all for quality time as well. Someone willing to spend time with him? Someone who he is completely in love with and knowing that said feelings are returned?
Congrats, he is all yours now
Chill time often takes place within his room... half the time he falls asleep, but he looks so adorable, you can't even begin to think of waking him up
He will absolutely cling onto the things that are of current interest to you. You guys are the same in that regard, having bursts of hyper-fixations at any given time
He loves your clingy nature
Because this man is the same
Y'all feed off of each other
..... please come see him at work in the lounge (Jade and Azul aren't begging..... maybe... Floyd just does so much better when you're there to see him)
More than once, he has fallen asleep to the sound of your voice. Not that your ramblings bored him, no, your voice is just so soothing to him that he couldn't help it
Expect to stay with this guy for r the rest of your life, he isn't letting go
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Thank you for your request!
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twstgarden · 9 months
✰ ❝ match-up trade for @immagirlfailure ❞
━ match-up trades are open. for more information, please visit the catalogue and the rules. ━ a florist sorting through the flowers to find your perfect match. according to the red tulip's petals, your match is...
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━ 𝙟𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙘𝙝 ━
➻ the mushroom-lover vice leader of octavinelle reveals to be your best match amongst the crowd.
➻ your love for carbonated drinks is one he would occasionally indulge in but would still remind you not to consume too much. if you were in the lounge, he'd immediately serve you a drink for free - he'll pay for it, don't worry.
➻ he likes listening to ramble on and on about zoology-related topics or penguins, it helps him learn more about such topics and, if you are willing to listen, he'd even ramble on and on about the different mushrooms he came across on his hike for the day.
➻ both of your interests are connected to one another. with him having an interest in making terrariums and you having a great interest in zoology, or the study of animals would label you as a nature-loving couple.
➻ he would gift you penguin plushies.
➻ overall, your relationship with jade is a match made in heaven with a long-lasting connection. he would gift you several things, which include food most of the time. your connection is one filled with understanding and respect for one another, making both of you feel fulfilled.
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━ possible matches: ➻ lilia vanrouge (similar views and vibes, will make for a great partner for both adventure and intellect) ➻ floyd leech (will get along with you just as well) ➻ epel felmier (makes for a great partner as he is a great listener, but may face a few problems)
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© twstgarden 2023 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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dotster001 · 2 years
I saw your event (two days before it ended, man am I lucky) and wanted to ask for a Twisted Wonderland matchup
To put ut plainly. Im an asshole
Low empathy and lack of need to give a shit about anything. I'm very cynical and view the world as this place where nothing good comes without a cost.
When something good happens I'm quick to find a fault with it and I'm a lazy person. I have goals but I couldn't give enough of a damn to try and accomplish them.
When I'm angry and will go for insecurities, I'll make it hurt which I admit is a very toxic trait that I'm working on fixing, it's slowly getting there but still quite which is why I added it.
And that's all i can think of right now...OH WAIT im a dark humor type of person, sexual humor as well, i tend to see innuendos in a lit offf things, and that's abt all I can think of...
Thank you and congrats on the milestone ♥️
Event Closed
(glad you were able to hit the event, cause I had fun with this one 😂 honorable mentions to Jamil and Ruggie, but...)
I match you with Floyd Leech.
Low empathy and lack of need to give a shit? Welcome to the Leech family, you'll fit right in. I thought about you with Jade, but realized you were too alike. Meanwhile, Floyd is used to his cynical brother, but brings some fun to life. If you're settled in a cynical point about something, Floyd can take that viewpoint, and smash it to smithereens as he does a chaotic break dance. Or he'll back you up on your viewpoint, with the most stoic expression on his face. Pick your poison.
Too tired to accomplish your goals? Fine with Floyd, he just wants to cuddle anyways. But if you want him to push you, he will. He goes with the flow. You don't even need to tell him what you want, cause when it comes to those he cares about he is incredibly insightful. (On a side note, if he is feeling lazy today, don't you fucking dare push him. I can't say for sure what he'll do, but it'll probably involve you being stuck somewhere with him for hours until someone can come save you.)
Go for his insecurities. It makes him laugh. Not in a, he looks down on you way, but in an, aw, look how well shrimpy knows me way. He won't do it back unless you want him to. But he sees it as a love language. Look at you! You see me! Not as half of a pair, but as me! (What a weird little freak)
Look, I'm super  ace so idk how to sexual joke, but I know for sure Floyd does. He might give you a run for your money. If you want to get him to laugh really loud, drop a good out of nowhere, and he'll be dying. Yes, he has gotten kicked out of class for laughing too loudly at a sexual joke you made. But he'll do it back to you, regardless of the consequences, so be on your guard. 
Again, he has perfected the art of the dark joke. Some people can't tell if he's kidding, or if he's really killed people. But if you can keep up with him, he's enamored. Head over heels. Bewitched. Hopefully, you don't have a "that's too far" joke, cause he has millions to drop on you. 
The time had come. The part of the relationship everyone fears had arrived. Meeting the parents.
Floyd, as usual, was no help in preparing you for the encounter.
"What are they like?"
"Sometimes they're boring, sometimes they're not."
"I've never even met land Mafia, how do you act around mafia from the ocean?"
"I dunno."
"What if they don't like me?"
"They don't like a lot of people."
Useless. All of the "information" he gave you was useless. But now that you were seconds away from the arranged get together, he seemed more readily available to help.
"How should I act around them?"
"Honestly, Shrimpy, just be yourself," Floyd said with a soft smile.
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," you scowled.
"Nah, for real. I'm gonna be running their empire one day, and they wanna make sure the person by my side is a bad ass and tough as stone. They're probably gonna be mean to you on purpose, at first, to see if you can handle it. But I know you can, cause my shrimpy bites, and bites hard."
"Only when you beg," you smirked, causing Floyd to giggle.
"See? Nothing to worry about. Plus, if everything goes wrong," he took both your hands in his, and gave a lovesick smile, "we can always just kill them."
"Aw, I love you so much baby."
"Love you too, shrimpy."
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fourtyfourcatss · 11 months
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-> for @kamesama !
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❰❰ someone who does not dwell on things so easily, someone who does not hurt so easily, someone who can persist on you, someone who can hold you high. someone who can love you. it’s floyd.
❰❰ floyd is not good with reading between the lines. that’s why he loves talking with you. you’re honest, you wouldn’t mince your words around him, there’s no need for jade to worry about him when it’s with you, who has a good head on your shoulders and a harsh yet good heart. the road starts off very bumpy, since you do not sugarcoat your thoughts and neither does he. this is an extremely slow sort of love that flows like a calm river, but is still walking forward. only when you’re made if far and looked back can you truly understand the progressed that had been made between the two of you.
❰❰ not only so, the two of each other open one another up. with how tall he is, he’s the perfect form for embracing you as you turn vulnerable or emotional. he’s surprisingly good at comforting in a very specific way, giving you another, optimistic but realistic angle to chew at anything you were pondering over. his emotional iq isnt so bad, and with years of being with such a man like jade, he can articulate his words with the proper weight of messages he wants to convey. that doesn’t mean he walks on eggshells around you, but he knows what to say so it doesn’t trigger any uncomfortable feelings around you while getting the message across.
❰❰ he finds himself giggly at your touch and attention — doing things for him is great, yes — but he’d rather wrap his arms around you and sink to the ocean floor with you slowly. he’ll catch a whiff of coffee around you occasionally, and starts to associate that scent with you. how he asks you out in the first place is with a coffee he paid for you in the lounge, winking at you from a distance. i get the vibe that you’re hard to impress, so it takes a while before you accept, but he’s going to pamper you to no end when you do get together! you need some pampering i think. to be honest, he pampers you even before getting together.
❰❰ his nickname for you is probably something in the lines of sealy.
❰❰ he can perfectly recall everything you like and said word for word (the latter is restricted to two days at most though). not only that, he’ll remember it for a long time too. in the future while the two of you are out, he’ll mention something you’ve said like 5 years in the past, and you’re looking at him like 🤨 “you remember that?”
❰❰ very partial to kisses from you, since its you. like, on the cheek, on the temple, on the lips. give him some as motivation in between classes, and he’s definitely going to melt. many times, azul and jade has to ask you to seek him for things since its only available if you’re the one asking. and people being put off by you? less competition 😼 all said and done, he’s definitely ready to squeeze the insecurities out of you. do you know how interesting you are? the fact that he of all people stayed with you is tantamount to how amazing you are as a person, though you seem to have a life tinted with a bit of melancholy.
❰❰ your drive and determination is especially attractive to him, compared to how easily he lazes around and gives up. its an inspiring sight to see, seeing you stand so firm, seeing how you choose a stance and properly stand next to it instead of being one of those wishy washy cowards people who change so easily. seeing them switching up so fast after just a few mere threats is too, too boring.
❰❰ introduce him to the things you love. he’s absolutely enthusiastic about that. especially horse-riding. of course, he’s rode some seahorses in the past, but the ones are land are so different… ride with him, won’t you? you’ll have to ride on the back since he’s new to this, but it’s definitely not an attempt for physical contact right floyd?… anyways! he loves nuzzling you too. he’ll definitely sneak over whenever you’re doing something and try to catch you off guard. maybe if you’re reading or drawing something you dont want to show him, he’ll tease you by hovering over your shoulder (the first few times open eyed, and afterwards with closed eyes so he doesnt see lol). while he does respect your boundaries, he’s also nosy. make sure to properly articulate everything you want and dont want him to do, since he’ll definitely listen, but he’s also very curious of everything you’re doing! if you tell him beforehand, he’ll be less likely to give into that impulse.
❰❰ the two if you joke around a lot, with a lot of inside jokes. its like whenever the two of you meet, a switch flips. i would say this is definitely a slightly reluctant acquaintances -> hella good friends -> lovers kind of situation. you guys make eye contact from across the cafeteria and you have to physically fight the urge to laugh type of relationship. it’s definitely a love with vibrant warmth and laughter, where it feels like its an endless summer day where the weather isnt too sweltering, at the perfect temperature, with a breeze running across.
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[a/n] hope you enjoyed this! i hope this is a pleasant surprise. i have amazing sense of compatibility so you can take this as 80% accurate at the very least, trust 😼
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obsoleteozymandias · 2 months
Hello! I think you are still making matches with Twts, otherwise feel free to ignore this. Plus I'm using the translator. I didn't see that you asked for specific information for this so I based it on what others said (?) I'm older than the first years so it would be strange if I were one of them…I see them as my children xd -Ahem, my pronouns are she / her, but I don't care if they give me male pronouns, I have many friends who give me male nicknames 😔
I'm Aroace, but fictional characters are so… God
As for personality, I am INFP 5w4, I am very strange and I say random phrases just because, even if the environment is very quiet I sing a random song on purpose. I am shy around older people but I have learned to speak fluently, although people still ask me to raise my voice. I am quite affectionate in general, but if they need space I will gladly give it to them.
I'm from Colombia, so if I was on Twts more than once I would say idioms where I come from just to bother.
I have very varied tastes, from rock to electro Swing in terms of music, from horror games to Roblox, I like everything from Gloria Trevi's flamenco to anime op. I think I have three favorite bands for each genre, not to mention vocaloid, but I will always like yanderes visual novel games.
Have you ever met those people who do everything and feel happy even though nothing is enough to satisfy them? That's me, from making bracelets, researching architecture to watercolors and fashion. I am currently studying systems engineering and some English courses, but this is just the beginning muahaha. I think that all my tastes have in common that they are all art in some way (typical of infp wanting to give artistic meaning to everything)
I am quite small, about 1.57 meters tall, with a pear-shaped body with curly hair without being an Afro, I wear glasses and I am very blind.
I don't like dogs… I have a phobia of them, I don't like sleeping less than 4 hours either, bad hair days, how harmful stereotypes are.
I think I'm able to adapt to everything, I don't judge anyone because some of my tastes will probably be related to that… Except that I won't stop being weird, I can follow the rules because I was raised by strict parents and so on, but Stopping being who I am just for the sake of others is a big no. Even though it's hard for me to raise my voice.
I think this will not contribute anything to the match, but I have a younger brother who is a small child, I love him very much even though he is hyperactive, although I do not have a preference between who I would like, I need him to get along with him, which is easy because he is quite sociable but capable of being annoying.
Thanks to my strict parents I don't leave the house anymore, I don't like it, I learned to act and listen when they are close to entering the house, plus they tried to put parental control on me when I was little but I was able to create several accounts and found an obsolete browser, so parental control was useless there.
I probably have some trauma from that plus the fact that when I was little I suffered bullying due to obesity, although currently I no longer have it and I couldn't even be considered someone chubby (outside of my MC Donald chicken thighs 🖐). I think that a few years ago I learned to cope with everything and be better. Sorry if it's too long, you can skip it if you want. Always remember to take care of yourself!
aroace gang member +1
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Floyd Leech
You remind Floyd of Riddle, on some level. He sees your obedience for rules and your fears and resistance, and he knows, he just knows, that he’s going to help you unleash yourself. 
It would be a rocky road to friendship at first - Floyd is a difficult personality to get along with. But I think part of his charm is his hedonism, and his desire to do whatever he pleases, regardless of what others say. And he sees that same desire and freedom in you. He sees a kindred spirit in you. 
You two spend a lot of time exploring your hobbies together. He shows you his passion for human clothes and shoes, and invites you to his basketball games. 
He misses several shots because he gets distracted when he hears you calling his name in the stands. He gets all giggly and waves to you, shouting your name, and completely forgetting the game. 
He encrouages you to break free from rules and expectations like he has, whether it’s arbitrary things like a dorm’s curfew, or your past of being bullied - Floyd will be there to pick you up when you fall and carry you across the finish line. 
Most importantly, you two can be weird together. He embraces your weirdness, as he’s often called so himself. He’s not afraid nor put off by you, and your ability to simply be yourself makes him fall that much more for you. 
Floyd knows he’s fallen for you right away, and doesn’t try to hide from it. He’ll bide his time as he plans to confess, teasing you and getting a lot more physcially affectionate than before, just to watch you blush. 
He actually gives up on his whole plan to confess, instead telling you how he feels in the heat of the moment - maybe after a basketball game or when you two are out late at night causing trouble. He refuses to hold himself back from reaching for what he wants - and what he wants is you.
Floyd and you are a couple about campus. Everyone knows who you are, and doesn’t dare to mess with either of you. 
He becomes attached to your hip, too. Even in classes that he isn’t in, he slips in and sits next to you, leaning his head on your shoulder and whispering to you about things he finds silly. 
If you ever make him something, like a bracelet, he’ll be absolutely delighted. He wears it everywhere, and makes sure everyone knows that you made it for him, and that you’re his, and that you’re endlessly talented. 
Expect many nights of you two sleeping over with eachother. Floyd doesn’t want to be away from you for any longer than he has to be, and so most nights he can be found with you, curled up together watching TV or making something, or asleep on eachother. 
It’s painfully cute, and you two were made for one another!
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A Christmas letter from Floyd
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Thanks for the gift! Enough about me, do you like the gift I handpicked for you. Tell me which parts you liked the best. Everyone’s faces were shocked when you opened it, but you grinned and hugged me so hard I knew I got the right one for you. Still, I like the eel plush you gave me that I might just sleep with it tonight. Nah~ nothing could stop me from sleeping with you beside me. I’ll sleep with you tonight instead.
Merry christmas from Floyd Leech
I’m also doing matchups you can find that here: 2 Lines & A Circle : Flavor of Love, Find Your Match~ (tumblr.com)
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flaringfoxsoul03 · 2 years
@kavehtham asked me this:
Ok, I’ll send mine through here if your ask box isn’t working still, but I could just transfer it over there if you prefer!
may i request a matchup for twisted wonderland?
i’d describe my personality as seeming very calm and unbothered. i’m usually very patient and tolerant of other people and don’t take offense easily, and i’m generally very accepting of others. i’m never judgmental about anything and try to be as understanding as i can. that’s how i appear on the outside at least, as there has always been a discrepancy between my real personality and the one i present to others. even if i am easygoing and agreeable on the outside, i can be internally critical. i go to great lengths to hide the side of myself that is more sharp-tongued and immature in fear of others rejecting me, however it does slip up sometimes when im provoked as embarrassing as it is.
i don’t really have many interests, but i really like stargazing at scenic spots, and i just have a bunch of other nerdy hobbies like researching on theories or watching documentaries.
my facade has always made me feel inauthentic, so i really want someone who would embrace my flaws. i like to be a tease, however i can be easily flustered when teased back. also i’m horrible at displaying affection and hide my embarrassment in the form of insults. i’m not the most romantic flirt either, i prefer saying things straight up instead of something flowery and verbose and i get embarrassed about saying or doing anything cheesy.
thanks so much! :)
This is cute, very cute. I must pair you with someone just as cute…
I match you with…
Floyd Leech!
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Now, running into Floyd isn’t all that hard. He’s just a bit more slippery than anyone would anticipate. But much like his brother, Jade, once you have his attention, you’d best be very entertaining. However, his fascination with you never seems to run dry, perhaps that running into him after the deal with Grim incident isn’t as random as Floyd is making it seem…
To him, you enrapture the eel through your lock box ways. To others who have had the pleasure of knowing you longer, you’re somehow described to be a joy to be around in your unique way without having any magic. Strangers on the other hand, including enemies, see a rather cutesy act put together. Nothing but a good ole mask for our trouble maker of the Octvinelle Dormitory to rip off. He’s so determined to find out how you really are that he inevitably ends up falling for you instead
Hope you don’t mind getting your boundaries violated every moment. And I really do mean every moment. The eel will literally wake you from climbing into your room from the window, even though you’re on the second level of Ramshackle. Don’t question how he even made it up there, Azul and Jade will come bursting into your room about a couple minutes later apologizing for their ruckus dealer. Seriously, be ready to be flustered quite often when Floyd realizes he wants something more intimate with you. He’s gonna tease the hell out of you first unless you beat him to popping the question first
When you first release the judgmental tongue from its confines, he truly stunned and quite impressed or hurt depending where the hurtful words go towards. If aimed at him, expect to be groveling for his forgiveness or Azul will have to be restrained physically by Jade permanently whenever you’re in the same area since you hurt his friend, his friend’s brother, and his business (expect to serve Azul one way or another). If it’s aimed at somebody else that he doesn’t really care for, he’ll be basically saying you roasted them, which would be putting it too lightly for the talk you made
He won’t be able to sit still unless you’ve got his mind occupied with something equally as entertaining as running around like a lunatic if you try to go anywhere with a scenic view. Just telling him some theory videos and documentaries from both in this world and yours, you could sit together chatting for hours. He really loves both concepts colliding, his world he understands better as he’s always lived in it. On the other hand however, he enjoys hearing about what made your world home to you, seeing you light up about what your everyday life was like makes him feel all bubbly inside. That way, you guys can still have the scenic views but still be actively engaging
You may suck at physical touch for a love language, but not for long. My eel Floyd is the king of invading your personal space. You’re going to wake up screaming some days because you are just not prepared to look into mismatched owlish eyes with a toothy grin paired with it. He does not care unless you directly state it as a boundary or you’ve managed to upset him, he’s gonna try and cling into you any opportunity he gets. Better yet, he doesn’t really sugarcoat anything and says it outright. Not often does he try to build up any romantic tensions, he’ll just tell you “I love you,” just out of the blue just because that’s how he feels and he never wants you to second guess his emotions
To others, it may seem like the aloof and the serious got together, which would be mind boggling if it were true. In reality, it’s as if you’re both navigating how to properly express your emotions again for the first time, trust me it’s painful for everybody watching you two. Did I not mention how Azul will probably need to be physically restrained by Jade every time you guys get so uncomfortable but pair of you just completely miss it entirely? Yeah, it’s that kind of a budding relationship, but would you have it any other way?
The follow ups are:
Cater Diamond
That’s it folks, until next time!
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petitelepus · 2 years
Hi! Could I get a TWST matchup if that's alright? (I'd prefer none of the freshman, but the staff are open game!)
I'm a girl, 4'11" and 90 lbs (am smol ;-;), and a Gemini. I have pale skin, hazel eyes and short black hair.
I'm in school for a degree in Marine Biology and hope to land a job working at an aquarium! (Catch me swimming with sharks in the future.)
Personality wise I'm EXTREMELY introverted and can easily spend all day in my room. I'm very shy initially, but once I'm in a comfortable environment I'm what could be called a 'class clown'. My sense of humor is inappropriate and I cuss a lot, and I tend to be bratty just because I think it's fun.
Despite being a huge introvert, I actually love to perform. I'm a trained singer and can act as well, so I love being in plays. (My favorite roles have been Alice in Alice in Wonderland, Vivian in Legally Blonde, and Snow White in Into the Woods). I also like to write songs as well, but it's been a while since I've written one and I'm DEFINITELY rusty.
I ADORE horror movies and games. I get all kinds of inspiration from creepy stuff and often incorporate it into my writing. I get scared pretty easily though for such an avid horror fan like,, you'd think I'd be immune.
I'm a picky eater and am insecure about it, so dates at restaurants tend to make me nervous. I have big food texture aversion and would rather starve than eat something with a nasty texture.
I'm really high maintenance skincare wise and have such a problem buying masks and lotions and such. But ya know what it could be drugs, so-
My love language is physical touch 1000%. I adore all physical touch and if I ever say I don't wanna cuddle YES I DO. I also just,, really enjoy being tickled it makes me feel so loved and soft inside so a boyfriend that would tickle me a lot would make me vvvv happy
That's all thank you in advance!
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I match you with Floyd Leech!
Aww, Sea Bunny, you're so tiny! You are also so small and shy when talked to, not that he had that chance yet, but you were far too cute to just simply ignore!
So you can try to run, but Floyd will ultimately catch you and when he does, he will throw you into the air and catch you as if you were a little child. This may or may not scare the living shit out of you, but Floyd finds your tears so irresistible. Want it or not, this is your life now.
No one can pinpoint when you and Floyd started seeing each other as an official couple. You were like fire and ice, small and big, beauty and the beast. You get my point. Apparently, opposites attract, and as you get to know each other you also get more comfortable with each other.
With enough time, Floyd learns about your little bratty clown act and he loves it almost as much as he loves seeing his little Sea Bunny, aka you, cursing up a storm and shooting inappropriate jokes left and right, but only at your friends.
It was Azul's idea to hire you as a singer for the Mostro Lounge, but it was Floyd who got you to take the gig, smiling and laughing at how you would make him jealous.
Write a song while thinking about him and he knows you wrote it while thinking about him, mainly because you described the lover in your song as "An asshole, all toothy grin, and no class, coming at me like an eel needing a meal!" Honestly, he is so happy, he will rush to the stage, pick you up and cover your face in huge showman kisses.
Once you are dating, you aren't getting just kisses, oh no! Floyd has absolutely no shame, he will come to your doorstep to whine for you to let him in so the two of you can do fun stuff together...!
Oh yes, the two of you will be playing horror games until late at night! Floyd finds horror as funny as a regular person would like comedy and the fact that you love horror also and fear it at the same time is just hilarious.
The young man will sneak his hand behind you and pinch your butt when you least expect it, making you shriek like a banshee and he laughs so hard he falls from your bed and rolls on the floor. Expect apology nibbles. Yes, nibbles, not kisses, but apology nibbles.
Floyd is a good cook once he gets in the mood to actually cook, but he will take notice of your pickiness and how you like your food to be served. It's the least he can do.
It's common knowledge that Mers have to protect their skin, even as humans, so they won't dry out. You and Floyd have a kind of symbiotic deal going on. You help him with skincare and he feeds you good food.
Floyd absolutely loves and adores you, and you are studying Marine Biology and he happens to be a Mer? This opportunity was too good for him to pass by so he gives you a potion so you can breathe underwater and takes you to see his homeland in the vast sea. It would be a great trip for you to also meet his parents! They are going to love you!
This Mer loves making you blush and he will turn extremely happy once he learns that you like being touched. Floyd's love language is 1 000% touching, hugging, tickling, biting, and kissing. Did I say biting? I meant nibbles.
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snailsrneat · 2 years
I am a 5'6" pasty and average sized woman- pretty curvy. I basically have a curly brown undercut. Hazel green eyes. I typically wear "dark cottage core" shirts and stuff. A lot of mushrooms-frogs-moths- and moons. Other than that I dress casually and occasionally a little alt.
-I enjoy listening to music and all things paranormal. I also enjoy "friendly" wrestling with my friends.
-I love digitally drawing horror art, and writing horror and romance
-I would describe myself as extremely creative and artistic. I have an overactive imagination and I can be very hyper and outgoing. Other than that I am very much an introvert and horrified of other people. I'll either be between hyper, crazy, and loud or silent, tired , and lazy. Though I'm usually fatigued.
-I love sushi, salmon, or really any fish. And I love bubble tea.
-My favorite television show is Supernatural or One piece. Movie would be The conjuring
-My favorite song is 'you are my sunshine' the cover by Charles McDonald.
-I love repeating random things or screaming random things at random times- so I suppose that counts. "Look what you done did"- when people do something wrong after I've warned them. I'm pretty known for saying ya'll and sometimes loudly making up lyrics to songs that got stuck in my head. Other than that... I don't know.
-I am a pisces
I should also let you know that I love your writing and your blog ^^. Thank you for being here.
You have been matched up with...
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Floyd Leech
"Are you almost done yet Shrimpy?" Floyd whined, cheeks puffing in frustration.
"Not yet babes, close though." You reply, eyes not once from the screen in front of you.
Grumbling, the eel-mer buried his head in the crook of your neck. Sighing, you decided that you'd made him wait long enough. You swiftly save your work, put down your pen, and power down the screen.
"Floyd, I'm-oof."
The moment he heard the screen power down he lifted you up, threw you on the bed and glomped right on top of you.
"Finally! I thought you were gonna spend forever on that stupid thing.", he says frowning,"Now you have to do whatever I say for the rest of the day." He finishes with a mischievous smirk.
You squint your eyes at the eel,"You wouldn't dare.."
"I would." And with those two words you knew that war had begun.
Floyd attacked you from the side first, his harsh tickles almost bruised your ribs. Your hand made a mad dash for the side of his neck when his left hand took your two and held them above you. Your next strategy was to kick, but was swiftly foiled by him sitting right on your hips; making you completely defenseless.
You look up at your captor, your hazel eyes meet his heterochromic ones. The mischievous glint they held sent shivers down your spine as you brace your self for the hoard of bruising tickles.
"Hehe, shrimpy looks so cute when their like this," Floyd says to himself," But I bet you'd look even cuter when I squeeze her."
Without getting a chance to fight back once again, you felt as your insides began to mush together painfully as the squeezing process began.
"Floyd-...why?", you managed to gasp out.
"Because I love my shrimpy, especially when I get to squeeze them."
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Round 1 Matchups!
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Side A
L Lawliet (Death Note) VS Muichirou Tokito (Demon Slayer)
Gohan (Dragon Ball Z) VS Kiibo/K1-B0 Idabashi (Danganronpa)
Haruka Sakurai (Milgram) VS Seishirou Nagi (Blue Lock)
Satoru Gojou (Jujutsu Kaisen) VS Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Umetarou Nozaki (Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun) VS Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Gin Gagamaru (Blue Lock) VS Taisei Yoshida (Assassination Classroom)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) VS Souichi Tanuma (Those Snow White Notes)
Light Yagami (Death Note) VS Tenma Matsukaze (Inazuma Eleven)
Shouto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) VS Sunny (Omori)
Broly (Dragon Ball Super) VS Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Yu Narukami/Souji Seta (Persona 4) VS Sechs (XBlaze)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa) VS Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Nate River/Near (Death Note) VS Kyouya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club)
Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles) VS Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto)
Lan Wangji (Mo Dao Zu Shi) VS Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
James (Pokémon) VS Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Yuusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5) VS Tsubasa Yuunagi (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure)
Hitoshi-san (Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls) VS Illumi Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Mikazuki Augus (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans) VS Wakatoshi Ushijima (Haikyuu!!)
Homare Arisugawa (A3!) VS Kamille Bidan (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam)
Subaru Mikazuki (My Roommate is a Cat) VS Atsushi Murasakibara (Kuroko no Basket)
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) VS Natural Harmonia Gropius (Pokémon)
Haru (Tsuritama) VS Giorno Giovanna (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Laios Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Touma Akechi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Trafalgar D. Water Law (One Piece)
Lotte “Roy” Carmine (BlazBlue) VS Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)
Nahoya “Smiley” Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Senkuu Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
Ash Ketchum (Pokémon) VS Mafuyu Satou (Given)
Alhaitham (Genshin Impact) VS Shichirou Balam (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Shintarou Kisaragi (Kagerou Project) VS Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Toshinari Seki (Tonari no Seki-kun) VS Takashi Natsume (Natsume’s Book of Friends)
Side B
Haruka Nanase (Free!) VS Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Takeo Gouda (My Love Story!!) VS Karna (Fate)
Shintarou Midorima (Kuroko no Basket) VS Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) VS Junpei Tenmyouji (Zero Escape)
Sig (Puyo Puyo) VS Kanata Shinkai (Ensemble Stars)
Kyoujurou Rengoku (Demon Slayer) VS Yugi Mutou (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Legoshi (Beastars) VS Gaien "Enkidu" Enkidou (Under Night In-birth)
Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Hiroshi Odokawa (Odd Taxi)
Kusuo Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Katsuya Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) VS Haruhito Yano (Odd Taxi)
Yotasuke Takahashi (Blue Period) VS Manjirou "Mikey" Sano (Tokyo Revengers)
Kyouya Onodera (Talentless Nana) VS Misumi Ikaruga (A3!)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS Shu Itsuki (Ensemble Stars)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock) VS Ren Mihashi (Big Windup!)
Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Kaito (Vocaloid)
Zero (Puyo Puyo) VS Masayoshi Hazama (Samurai Flamenco)
Genos (One Punch Man) VS Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Vivia Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Raincode) VS Sora Harukawa (Ensemble Stars)
Satori Tendou (Haikyuu!!) VS Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic X)
Houtarou Oreki (Hyouka) VS Kabane Kusaka (Kemono Jihen)
Ghiaccio (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Tenya Iida (My Hero Academia)
Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland) VS Tetsuya Kuroko (Kuroko no Basket)
Kensuke Aida (Neon Genesis Evangelion) VS Goku (Dragon Ball)
Shinichi Kudou/Conan Edogawa (Detective Conan) VS Toya Aoyagi (Project Sekai)
Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies) VS Gin Ibushi (Your Turn to Die)
Jade Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
Xiao (Genshin Impact) VS Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
Souya "Angry" Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Sabro Sabnock (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney) VS Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu!!)
Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter) VS Saitama (One Punch Man)
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear) VS Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity)
Subaru Natsuki (Re: Zero) VS Yusei Fudo (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds)
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dearestones · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Floyd Leech #2
Anonymous Request: Hello! Mind if I yeet over a romantic matchup request for Twisted Wonderland?
I'm gonna go by 🍊. I'm a she/they demigirl and bisexual.
Appearance: I am South Asian with straight black hair and tan skin. I usually tie into two low ponytails because I think it looks cute, and I don't like the feeling of hair on the back of my neck. I am 159 cm tall and pretty scrawny
Personality: I like to say I'm a pretty cheerful and upbeat person. I try my best to smile through tough situations, though it can be hard sometimes. I also like to say I'm a family person, and I will do anything to protect them, and my friends. I am perfectionistic, but sadly I am a bit scatterbrained, much to the dismay of my parents and older sister. I have been working on my organizational skills though. I can be quite petty too. If someone wrongs me, I tell them either bad puns or horrifying facts for a period of time. I'm also good at math. Also, in almost every friend group I'm in, I somehow become a therapist friend.
Likes: Anime, drawing comics, video games, unabridged fairytales (they have me in a chokehold), sweets (my favourite is caramel pudding), and spending time with my older sister
Dislikes: Cruelty, confrontation (I will kick butt if I need to), anyone who dares to threaten my friends or family, arrogance when it gets out of hand, black tea (I cannot drink it unless it is mixed with a LOT of milk)
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After going through the description given above, I believe that you best pair well with Floyd Leech!
Oh my goodness, you are so tiny! You know how much taller Floyd is? He’s at least a foot taller! You know what that makes you Lil’ Shrimpy? That’s right! Tiny!!! 
You’re so cute and adorable and those little cute pigtail things (is that what they’re really called?) really add to your charm! If you’re not careful and if you don’t tell him off, Floyd will definitely go around surprising you from behind by tugging on your hair. Or commenting on how adorable it makes you! (If you’re uncomfortable, put your foot down and tell him to stop. He’ll pout and groan about it, but he’ll ultimately acquiesce).
Cheerful and upbeat really match with Floyd! He’s moody and his temperament can change at the drop of a hat, but he finds that your ability to work through problems with a bright smile and seemingly endless amounts of optimism to be amusing. For him, he likes it when people are visibly struggling, especially when he’s the one who’s causing the struggle in the first place. However, continuous optimism like yours is hard to come by from his hometown, so it’s a commodity that he honestly thinks is pretty admirable. (He won’t tell you that, but he’ll actually lend his help if you’re faced with a problem that visibly pains you to try and solve). 
Hmmm… A family person, you say? Floyd can understand that. He may not act like it at times, but he’s willing to throw down for his brother if he ever senses that he’s in danger and he’s even more willing to squeeze Azul’s enemies if the cecealia calls for his help. As time passes, and if the both of you become really close, he’ll definitely include you in his close circle of family and friends and a part of him hopes that he’s slithered his way into your inner circle as well. 
Do things have to be perfect, Lil’ Shrimpy? Sea Witch, that’s so boring! You should just go with the flow like Floyd does! You don’t see him getting too stressed about things that ultimately won’t matter in a few months or years, right? So let loose and relax! Besides, if you truly need to remember something or to pick up the pieces of your scatterbrained self, Floyd will be there to help you as well!
No, not the bad puns! He has to live with Jade and that guy has a lot of puns of sleeves about mushrooms and other food related jokes. Please. Stop. Floyd understands the joke, but he doesn’t want to put up with the fallout (read: the fact that Jade will inevitably laugh himself to death because he thinks puns and dad jokes are the pinnacle of humor). 
The horrifying facts, though, Floyd is all ears for them. He’ll probably tell Azul to mess with him. Hey, do you also want to learn some cursed facts about merfolk biology and what it’s like to live in the Coral Sea? Too late! He’s gonna tell you anyway!
Video games! Play with him! He knows he’s supposed to be working at the Lounge or doing homework, but how can he do that when his Lil’ Shrimpy is playing video games? You’ll let him play with you right? He doesn’t have a preference—he just plays whatever looks the most interesting—but most of the time he’ll play horror video games with you because he finds it hilarious if you’re ducking into his side or screaming at jump scares. 
Floyd also loves sweets! He doesn’t like it when they’re too chewy or soft, though, so he’ll leave the caramel pudding to you. However, that won’t stop him from splurging on other sorts of sweets that he hopes to share with you. Eating is always a fun activity for him—watch how his sharp, serrated teeth cut through all sorts of textures!—but he loves it even more if he can share food with you! (Also, please ask him to cook for you! He’ll pretend not to like it, but he has hearts in his eyes if you ooh and ahh at his food before taking big bites!)
Please. Kick Floyd’s butt. If you let slip that you’re willing to throw down, Floyd can and will provoke you by whatever means necessary so you can grace him with a roundhouse kick or a falcon punch. Please. He’s begging for it. (This is flirtation for him and he will pursue you romantically if he hasn’t already).
With Floyd at your side, you’re in for a wild ride! While it may not appear as if Floyd will be an attentive boyfriend, he’s actually very observant and he’ll be sure to provide companionship that is sure to make you both safe and happy that you chose each other. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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shytastemakerthing · 7 months
Hi can I get a romantic twisted wonderland matchup? If there's any extra info you need just message me! Thank you! ♥️
Personality: very quiet around people I don't know, but once I get used to them/we become friends I can be loud at times (I don't do this on purpose and if it's pointed out I can get insecure about it around those people). I'm known as the therapy friend/the mom friend. I don't usually like talking about my own problems but will listen and comfort others even if I don't feel good at the moment. I have anxiety/depression and ADHD. If this helps get my personality I kin ruggie and azul. I'm a cancer and isfp-t.
Likes: reading, drawing/painting, gaming, swimming, the colors purple and green, the season autumn.
Dislikes: bugs, I also have the fear of driving, super hot weather (I get sunburned too easily).
Thank you again! Take all the time you need! And if you can't do this it's fine! ♥️♥️
Hello and thank you so much for your request! I hope that this match-up finds you well in life and that things are doing good! I hope that you enjoy!
Tw: None
I match you with..........
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Azul Ashengrotto
You know somewhere that you wouldn't have to worry about the heat, about your skin getting burned so easily? The Coral Sea.
No, seriously
Azul may not be the biggest fan and it certainly took a lot of time before he even thought about showing you his merform, but once we are past that massive hurdle, the Coral Sea is the perfect place
Besides, he isn't the biggest fan of such extreme heat either, and his skin possibly burns rather easily as well, given that he is, you know used to being in the depths of the ocean
He did not mind that you were rather quiet when both of you forts met. It was a welcomed change as opposed to what he usually dealt with, between Jade, Floyd, customers at the lounge, and quite a number of others
But he is also pleased to know that you are comfortable enough around him to start coming out of that shell of yours just a bit
In his mind, Autumn is the perfect season. It's not too hot, not too cold, the weather is just about right for anything..... and he gets loads of new customers at the lounge
He doesn't get breaks often, nor does he really take them, so by all means, let that mom friend in you come out
Yes, you will have a blushing octopus the moment you start showing him that tender care, but he is honestly too smitten to say anything against what you are trying to do
Jade and Floyd are a package deal with Azul. You have him? They will be seen around you a whole lot more. Congrats, you're in the mafia
One of his favorite moments, one that happens quite often, is when he is currently in the VIP lounge going over paperwork and contracts, and you're in there with him, either helping, or just reading peacefully on the couch
Yes, he has told his mother about you
Overall, Azul enjoys the little things, the small moments that he gets with you when you're able to get him away from his work long enough to remember that he needs to relax. He is yours for as long as you want him
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Thank you so much for your request!
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chimi-cheese-fries · 27 days
Hello~ I am here for our matchup exchange. Just in case, please tag me in a separate post instead of answering this ask.
You can call me Aurora and my pronouns are they/them.
I am 5'5, have brown eyes, pale skin with a yellow undertone and shoulder-length brown hair (dyed but it's not very noticeable unless under good lighting cause I didn't bleach my hair). Constant bedhead. I can't tell the difference between my brushed and unbrushed hair cause it's always messy. People have told me that I look unapproachable? It’s the rbf, ahem. I wear makeup sometimes. My fashion style tends to rotate between cutesy pastel clothes, alternative, and elegant/cool. Blue and black are my most worn colours. I would like to try bolder makeup looks and lolita fasion in the future.
I’m an INFP 4w5 cancer. I daydream a lot and tend to space out when I’m not talking to someone. I’m a true introvert, but I love to talk to certain people and about things I find interesting, like my fixations or a fun hypothetical situation. I'm also good at reading people (to the point where my brother thinks I can read people's minds). Purple represents me best as a colour.
I value my authenticity, creativity and emotional intelligence (I can’t say I’m really empathetic, but I listen to people when they need me to and I try to be there for them). But I am quite sensitive and emotional. I tend to remember events in which I was hurt easily. My friend would describe me as a jaded Disney princess because I daydream a lot and used to be idealistic as a kid but now I'm more of a realist/pessimist.
I was raised by parents who are both thinkers, so I find that I tend to think quite logically (when I'm not stressed) compared to my feeler friends. When interacting with my feeler friends, I can feel a stark difference in the way we think, haha. Not easily influenced by what's considered the norm (I don't like conformity much) and by extension social media.
Kins I relate to the most (75% and above of their character): Itoshi Sae, Michael Kaiser, Julien Loki, Shidou Ryusei (all from blue lock), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Rook Hunt, Floyd Leech, Jade Leech (all from Twisted Wonderland), Touya Todoroki/Dabi (My Hero Academia), Ivan (Alien Stage)
According to this personality classification system, I am a mint (I wholeheartedly agree). https://2-lines-and-a-circle.tumblr.com/post/692988945418633216/in-depth-description-on-flavors-mint
Hobbies: Reading, writing, and listening to music, psychoanalyzing people, looking for fanfiction with amazing writing styles (descriptions, vibes, the closer it reads like poetry, the better)
Likes: POETRY (I follow the web weave tag here and my favourite poet might just be Richard Siken), tofu (my favourite food), books (the genres I tend to read are thrillers, fantasy or sci-fi), no longer human (my favourite book), the travelling cat chronicles (my favourite comfort book), anime (mostly shounen, but I've watched some movies as well), personality typology (the closest thing I've had to a hyperfixation. my all time favourite is the enneagram, but I had astrology and MBTI phases), action or comedy movies, visiting cafes, looking at sunrises and sunsets. I have taken a liking to buying clothes and crochet items. Also sweet things. :D
Dislikes: Exercising, studying for subjects I'm not interested in, being forced to interact with people, having a sudden change in plans that I don't like, many foods (I am a very picky eater)
Love languages: Acts of service and quality time (giving), words of affirmation and acts of service (receiving)
I wouldn't be able to stand a SO that interrupts me when I'm talking (especially since I would never do the same to them) or is only interested in talking about themselves. I would like someone who's emotionally intelligent enough to deal with my moody self, haha.
I climbed a mountain and ran a small marathon when I was 10.
I am good at academics. I was top of my class in primary school for 3 years straight. In high school, I was tied with one other person in my batch for the top spot.
Many people have called me pretty. Also complimented my handwriting, they say it's so neat it looks like computer print.
I don't like when people touch me most of the time. I like to touch them on my own terms. Like a cat.
Tend to get lost in new places. :’)
P.S. I have been seeing your dancing bear gif the entire time while writing this ask. Quite a cute and fun experience.
Blue Lock Matchup !
After reading the info you gave me, I immediately thought of…
Romantic Matchup : Hiori Yo | 氷織 羊
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You two are not exactly similar, but more so complementary.
Like you two would be on the same wavelength most of the time. You know the thing where you simply talk with eyes? Yeah, you do that.
A lot of your time spent together would be filled with comfortable silence, especially when he asks you to be his player 2.
Of course, you two have plenty of conversations. I wouldn’t say one if more of a listener than the other and vice versa. It’s a balance between the two of you.
You’re either both very quiet or really talkative around each other. There is no in between.
I wouldn’t say he has volatile emotions, but I think you’d be able to handle each other just fine. Like any other relationship, there are instances wherein you truly don’t see eye-to-eye. But you make up pretty quick.
You also spend a lot of time together, but while doing different things since you have different hobbies. For instance, he could be playing his game while you’re reading a book.
He says the sweetest things ever!
I think you both have a realist/pessimist outlook though at varying levels. It helps you relate to each other somewhat.
I think Hiori would dig your kind of look. Just a gut feeling of mine.
I see Hiori as more of a cat person, so I think that works quite well with your personality! Sometimes he’s annoyed a bit by it, but at the same time, he finds it oddly endearing.
While both of you might seem indifferent on the surface, you’re both actually quite sensitive. It helps make the relationship easier because you can empathize with each other better. You understand and comfort one another the best.
Sibling Matchup : Bachira Meguru | 蜂楽 廻
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Bachira would probably the more cheerful older brother who tries to get you out of your comfort bubble.
He can be so pushy sometimes which leads you to fight a lot. And he simply laughs it off every time.
When you two are together, he's usually the one speaking for the both of you or he's the one first approached by people. Everyone is surprised at first to know that you two are siblings.
He's a bit of a daydreamer too, but it annoys you when he tries to relate to you.
He talks off your ear a lot, but there's not much you can do to stop him. But sometimes you do admit that what he's saying is interesting and you actually listen. To some extent, you do care about the stuff he likes to talk about even if you don't show it as much.
Bachira likes to play jokes on you and prank you a lot. There were times when he went overboard, but he apologized profusely afterwards.
He's impressed by your love and knowledge of poetry. He asks you to recite some for him which you do (reluctantly). It makes him so proud.
Since you're directionally challenged, Bachira takes it upon himself to guide both of you through places you visit together.
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dotster001 · 2 years
hello!! congrats on 500!!!🎉🎉
may i request a romance match up for twst?? my pronouns are the/he, my mbi is enfp, and my love language is physical touch. and if ya know astrology i’m a leo ! :) i also absolutely love cooking for my friends and family, i like to draw, read, play video games, watch anime and even cosplay! i have a bunch of stuffed animals all over my room and even a nest in the conner of my room. i’m very close to my younger siblings and would do anything for them.
i’m a huge nerd and collect figures i have a crap load of them!! i have a bunch of nerdy tattoos too (i just got beelzebub from obey me tattooed onto my shin!) i am most definitely cringe but i am free. i also have a habit of affectionately biting my loved ones <3 i am also very traumatized
(Okay, so for some people it's harder than others for me to match, and it was looking like that at first for you, but then I thought about the affectionate biting, and what people would adore being nommed on, and it all became clear. Also, a Beel tattoo sounds so cool 🥺 he's such a precious baby, I can't.)
I match you with Floyd Leech.
It came down to the nomming. When he finds out you're an affectionate biter, he gets so excited. Like giggling and jumping around excited. He too is an affectionate biter, so he loves that it's something you share. He's also just a cuddly guy, so it's a good thing physical affection is your love language. He's gonna squeeze you until you make him stop, so be prepared.
He wants to help you collect figures. Please let him help! It's such a cool thing land people do, and he has his...methods...of getting his hands on things. But he'll only let you have it if you can reach him to give him a kiss while he's on his tip toes. (I don't know how tall you are, but the tweels are giants so you're probably going to have to work for it) Or if you ask reeeeeeeaaaaalllllly nicely.
On his bored days, you can find him napping in your nest of stuffed animals. They smell like you, plus no one would look for him there. So be a good shrimpy, and share!
He may not be super into your hobbies yet, but he'd love to help! You two have a lot of soft moments in the kitchen, playing games, reading books (mostly you reading to him while he plays with something), cosplaying, he's ready to try it all. Just make sure you decide how structured you want things to be ahead of time.
He has always liked swimming so he could be in his true form, but he likes swimming with you even more, because it means he gets to see all the art on your skin. Depending on his mood, he's either asking you to explain and reexplain your tattoos, or he's tracing them with his finger, and tickling you. There's no in between.
You had been ambushed. Floyd was hiding in your stuffed animal nest, and had pulled you into when you didn't notice. Now his arms were wrapped tightly around you, and he was gently nomming on your shoulder . You were trapped in the squishy pile of goodness, but it wasn't a bad way to go.
You heard a knock on the door to your room.
"It's Azul, have you seen Floyd?"
Before you could respond, Floyd covered your mouth with his hand, and said not so quietly, "Shh Shrimpy, he'll hear us."
You heard a dramatic sigh from behind the door. "You're right, Floyd, I will hear you. Do you plan on coming to work today?"
"Nah, not feeling it."
Another sigh. "🐇, Can you please talk your boyfriend into coming to work?"
"I am but a poor little shrimp that fell into his trap. I don't think it can be done," you said, not feeling particularly interested in making your boyfriend work.
Floyd tangled his legs with yours and giggled. "Yup, I'm in charge here, so you should prolly go, Azul."
You heard Azul leave, and tried to shift positions, but Floyd made a pouty hmph and held you tighter.
"I'm in charge, weren't you listening?" Then he tickled your sides, until you were crying from laughter.
"Okay! You win!" You cried.
"Excellent!" He playfully nipped at your neck before flopping on top of you, giving you an angle to try and bite back, rather unsuccessfully, due to him being a wriggly little eel.
Eventually, you both gave in to the cuddle pile and just fell asleep. Whichever of you was up first could "torture" the other. May the odds be in your favor.
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Ok I’m just going to send this out. Instead of overthinking on the inclusion of some contestants. Thank you again to all who submitted in characters!
Anyways I decided matchups will be done pretty much at random. There is a total of 64 contestants though, and am releasing just the line up for now so you guys know who’s going to be in it. I don’t have matchups done yet so again, this is just the line up of characters.
Also feel free to drop suggestions in asks for any picture(s) you’d like me to use for visuals in polls when those get released! Looking for stuff in the characters official media source(s) as I don’t want to accidentally take fanart without permission (unless ofc, if anyone wants to submit in their own fanart for characters- I will credit you if I end up using it)
Fandom - Characters
1. Gravity Falls- Dipper and Mabel Pines
2. The Owl House- Edric and Emira Blight
3. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Leo and Donnie Hamato
4. The Adventure Zone- Lup and Taako
5. Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina- Vex and Vax
6. Sanders Sides- Roman and Remus Sanders
7. The Locked Tomb- Ianthe and Coronabeth Tridentarius
8. Genshin Impact- Lumine and Aether
9. Star Wars- Luke and Leia
10. The Parent Trap- Annie and Hallie
11. Greek Mythology- Apollo and Artemis
12. Black Butler- Ciel and “Ciel” Phantomhive
13. Bob’s Burgers- Andy and Ollie Pesto
14. Ouran High School Club- Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin
15. Steven Universe- The Rutile twins
16. Danganronpa- Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba
17. Masters of the Universe- Adam and Adora
18. How To Train Your Dragon- Ruffnut and Tuffnut
19. Dungeons and Daddies- Lark and Sparrow Oak
20. Pokémon- Emmet and Ingo
21. Avatar the Last Airbender- Lo and Li
22. Twisted Wonderland- Jade and Floyd Leech
23. Final Fantasy XIV- Alphinaud and Alisaie Leveilleur
24. The Suite Life of Zack & Cody- Zack and Cody
25. Highschool Musical- Sharpay and Ryan Evans
26. Liv and Maddie- Liv and Maddie
27. Disney Fairies- Tinkerbell and Periwinkle
28. Archie Comics- Cheryl and Jason Blossom
29. Sky Children of the Light- The Valley Elders (aka Sah and Mek)
30. Lego Ninjago- Krux and Acronix (The Time Twins)
31. MCU- Wanda and Pietro Maximoff
32. IDOLiSH7- Nanase Riku and Kujo Tenn
33. Super Mario Bros- Mario and Luigi
34. Mother 3 (aka Earthbound)- Lucas and Claus
35. Devil May Cry- Dante and Vergil
36. Animal Crossing- Timmy and Tommy
37. Evillious Chronicles- Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche and Allen Avadonia
38. A Song of Ice and Fire- Jaime and Cersie Lannister
39. Honkai Impact 3rd- Liliya and Rozaliya Olenyeva
40. Red VS Blue- Agent North Dakota and Agent South Dakota
41. The Twelfth Night- Viola and Sebastian
42. The Simarillion- Amrod and Amras
43. Percy Jackson- Castor and Pollux
44. The Penumbra Podcast- Juno and Benzaiten Steel
45. Ace Attorney- Dahlia Hawthorne and Sister Iris
46. Dimension 20: A Crown if Candy- Jet and Ruby Rocks
47. Haikyuu- Osamu and Atsumu Miya
48. All For the Game- Andrew and Aaron Minyard
49. Trigun- Vash and Knives
50. Roman Mythology- Romulus and Remus
51. Blue Exorcist- Rin and Yukio Okumura
52. Transformers- Sunstreaker and Sideswipe
53. Legend of Korra- Eska and Desna
54. Mystic Messenger- 707 and Unknown (aka Saeyoung and Saeran Choi)
55. Ensemble Stars- Hinata and Yuta Aoi
56. Obey Me- Beelzebub and Belphegor
57. Happy Tree Friends- Shifty and Lifty
58. Rugrats- Phil and Lillian
59. Don’t Starve- Wendy and Abigail
60. Identity V- Joseph and Claude Desaulniers
61. Dragonlance- Caramon and Raistlin
62. Re: Zero- Rem and Ram
63. Cursed Princess Club- Gwen and Jamie
64. Ducktales (2017)- Della and Donald Duck
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