#twisted wonderland pirate captain Yuu
cindernovadoesart · 10 months
The Last Straw
Captain Yukina was fine, everything was fine… well not really, rumors were spreading around about them, and it was spread around that they are indeed a Pirate Captain. Rumors spread like wildfire, some talking about their glass eye, which is true that they had one, some weren’t so kind, like some people suspecting they are a heartbreaker due to going around and being a “heartthrob”, or suspecting that they harmed merfolk, which isn’t true. Yukina was fine with the rumors, they’ve noticed that the Octavinelle dorm members and leaders have been more distant, that made their heart sting with bitterness. Though having sat through the history class of how one of the great seven’s deaths was caused and the many pirates who hunted merfolk in the past. They understood how uncomfortable they were. What wasn’t fine was how their friends started to slip away, to start believing the people that are spreading rumors, the lies and the hurtful words people say to Yukina, in their face and behind their back as if they didn’t hear it. It didn’t really mattered when Crowley just shoved task after task onto them, they were used to brutal tasks before. What really hurt was when Malleus believed it after believing in Yukina the whole time. That’s what drove them to leave, the only ones that stuck by the Captain, was their Ramshackle crew. The Ghosts and Grim all left with Yukina, leaving the dorm unhoused for days.
Crowley was the one who noticed their absence, furious he brought the house wardens to their dorm and knocked furiously to only be greeted with silence. When Crowley tries the door he found it to be unlocked. This made an uneasy feeling wash over the group as they shouted and called for Yukina, Grim, hell even the ghosts. But ended with complete nothingness. They began to search the whole dorm to find that Yukina has packed everything they had in a rush. Everyone began to panic, Crowley especially when he mentioned something about finding the way to their world. Everybody that was close to Yukina was called and excused from classes for the next few weeks to go search for them. The thing about this everyone was under the impression of bias that since they were a captain they could’ve gone and went to the beach or near the ocean. But they still drew a blank, it was then when Adeuce remembered the dwarfs mine and called everyone to follow them. During the days the three stayed in the cottage Yukina told their woes to all the creatures that visited, from other ghosts, to woodland creatures, to Faeries, they explained their side of the story, Yukina had cleaned and fixed the cottage themselves, they took time and care to everything they were surrounded by, they mined gems and used them to make jewelry and gifts to all those who lived in the area, they were happy. Until the group found them in walking around carrying a basket of foraged goods, taking just enough for them and grim to live off of while saving the rest for nature. They froze in place as they stare at their so called “friends”. Grim growled at the sight as he stands on the defensive side of Yukina.
“Why are you all here?” Yukina asks
“we were told to find you, headmasters orders” Riddle scowls
“Oh? And tell me, why should I return to that Hellhole Riddle?” Yukina replies venom dripping from their words.
“Because we can finally get rid of you, Headmaster found that way back to your world.” Ace sneers as he glares
“Really now?” Yukina questions as they set the basket down in front of their cottage “Now I am really hurt Ace, I thought we were friends.”
The group didn’t even notice the surroundings slowly becoming crowded with the creatures that listened to the Captains woes, all angered at the boys.
“Why would I be friends with a monster?” Ace asks
Yukina goes silent as their face is now unreadable, the group feels the atmosphere change as they finally noticed the many creatures surrounding them “a monster huh?” Yukina says as the group notices tears of black drip down Yukina’s face.
“after all I’ve done for you all and this.” Yukina barks a laugh “THIS. Is how I’m repaid?”
The whole group is silent, as they watch Yukina’s harsh icy glare faces them. “You all believed such foolish lies that have been spread around due to a bias and grudge against pirates, I have shown you all nothing but kindness. I WAS THE ONE THAT BROUGHT MOST OF YOU BACK TO YOUR SENSES AFTER YOU OVERBLOTED, AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!?” Yukina screams out in agony as ink consumes them. Everyone was shocked, confused, and terrified of what was happening as they all ready their pens. The creatures that surrounded them all walked over to the side of their Captain. A low husky chuckle escapes Yukina’s mouth as their form changes and shifts into a siren-like pirate overblot. A terrifying form to those who witness it, as it shows that Yukina themselves is part Merfolk themselves. And everyone wasn’t expecting it at all.
As their eyes gaze over the group they stare into the eyes of the fellow merfolk, Yukina knew that they started it all, because of course they would.
“Are you happy with the outcome friends?” Yukina questions as many trembled in fear.
“Because that was the Last Straw.”
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twstfanblog · 1 year
*~Family Feud~*
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AN: This has been done for DAYS I just didn't get a chance to read it over because I dropped two outfit descriptions in this and I wanted to draw them out. Instead, I decided to get this out and stop hoarding it. XD
Also an introduction to one of my Twist OC's I'll do my best to get a proper bio of him and link it at a later date.
Word Count: 5.4K
Warnings: Toxic family dynamics, Disregard of adopted family, She/They Yuu OC. My own canon of Silver's backstory mixed with canon.
Pairings: Mallus x Yuu
Starter, Part 1(Pomefiore), Part 2 (Heartslabyul), Part 3 (Here)
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Diasomnia was strangely desolate, something that Louis wasn't really expecting. He would have thought the dorm would reflect Briar Valley. The times he'd seen the valley, it was full of lush vegetation, life seeming to spill out of every corner. The only place that looked vaguely like these densely packed dead woods was the royal castle of the Draconia’s. But, even then, the castle had a beautiful rose garden. At the thought of the Briar royalty he scowled, his resolve only growing as he stomped through the woods. Eyes roaming through the trees looking for someone.
Louis Durand was the eldest son and crown prince of Ulstead, one of the longest-standing royal families of Twisted Wonderland. Honey-blonde hair and aurora-colored eyes showing his heritage of the Knight of Dawn. His light-plated iron clinked, gold and iron mix giving off a pale sunshine hue, added protection from his basic princely attire. Long hair braided back and pinned with his family’s crest acting as a crown.
Soon he finds someone, his eyes widening before a smile breaks out on his face. He picks up his pace seeing the figure under the tree slowly open his eyes. Silver hair and dressed in a black and green military uniform, Louis couldn’t keep his voice quiet as he ran closer, " Beau!"
Matching aurora eyes snap open at the name. Silver sighs under his breath, not sure if staying asleep would be better or worse in this situation. Instead, he stood up, waiting for the prince to reach him and for the common argument to start.
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Malleus walked with Yuu, smiling at the pout on the human's face, "Why are you so upset, my dear? It's a lovely day and I have you all to myself. Why the long face?" In hand was his spinning wheel wand. He didn’t have his pen in such form normally, But while in his dorm uniform, the staff was perfect for the overall look. Plus, it felt good to wear such regal wear with his child of man in their own new dorm uniform of Ramshackle.
Lilia himself was delighted seeing the outfit, saying Yuu looked like a troublesome fairy he had a run-in with long ago. A light tealish green button-up shirt with bluebell-shaped sleeves. A darker grey-teal vest over the shirt, a series of leather belts wrapped around their waist to hold an assortment of things, one of which being a bag of marbles. (For purposes Yuu told the others.) The vest had multiple tail ends, layering into a rough jagged line like the edge of a leaf. Leggings patterned with asymmetrical lines to mirror shattered glass. The look was pulled together with a pair of leather pirate-style boots that folded over their knees and a worn-looking navy captain’s hat, refurbished lightly to match the color of their dorm better.
Malleus himself could see what Lilia meant when Yuu wore their new uniform. Though it was a collaborative design by Divus and Yuu, the final result came out very close to the common fashion of Briar Valley. And with their temper and short stature (Compared to him), Yuu truly reminded him of the trickster fairies of the woods. Oh, the times Malleus had to keep Silver from being led astray by little wings of glitter. At the very least, Yuu gave kisses instead of deceiving the innocent…Well, Yuu does the same but it was normally unlethal. Now looking down at his lover, he smiles, tilting his head at the pouting human. He wonders if he could get away with calling them a pixie. He chuckles, raising an arm to place around their shoulders, “Come, let me hold you.”
Yuu huffs, leaning away from Malleus' arm as he tries to bring them closer. They glare at the tall fae, crossing their arms across their chest, "You know very well I wanted to meet your grandma. And you have the gall to stand there, looking cute, and call me over here after you already sent her home!"
The laugh Malleus let out was loud like thunder, it would almost be threatening if not for the warmth in his smile. He leans down, forehead resting on Yuu's as he looked into their eyes, "Are you truly upset you couldn't meet my grandmother? Or are you upset you haven't been able to embarrass me in front of my maternal figure like you've done your other lovers?"
They scoff, turning around to walk away from Malleus, but didn't try to move when he wrapped his arm around them. Yuu rested against his chest, sighing forlornly as they placed their hand over their forehead, "All I ask is to look into your grandmother and have her look back at me…"
"..." Malleus laughs, standing up and moving Yuu to face him directly, "You know, I may consider introducing you to my grandmother more if you stopped insinuating she is the void."
"Have you ever seen your grandmother and the void in the same room? I haven't." They laugh at Malleus' smile, pulling him down and leaning in to kiss his cheek. Giving him another seeing how the fae beamed under the physical affection.
Their sweet moment was interrupted by shouting, the sound of it getting closer and closer. Sharing a look, Malleus stands back to full height, a hand placed on the middle of Yuu’s back, the two of them walking toward the sounds of arguing.
"-before someone sees us, we should go!"
"Louis, please just go. I'm not having this argument with you again…"
Yuu blinks at the unknown boy trying to pull Silver through the woods, the gray-haired boy digging his heels into the dirt. Silver looked more annoyed than distressed at the manhandling, but, Yuu still pulled her golf club from the back holster Crewel had designed for them, "Hey! The fuck’s going on here?"
Her shout was enough for the both of them to look over in surprise, giving Silver the chance to finally slip out of the mystery boy's hold. The 2nd year was quick to join them, standing just slightly behind Malleus on his side in his normal position as a retainer. For whatever reason it made the boy glare, frowning fiercely at Malleus.
"Still insulting the Ulstead crown with your display, I see. He should be in jewels and celebrated! Not set to the side to be forgotten and overlooked by your people!"
Malleus' mirthful attitude was gone, a bored look on his face as he looked down his nose at the armor-clad boy.
Seeing Malleus wasn’t going to grace the stranger with an answer, Yuu spoke up. Their golf club swinging lazily to tap against their calf, "While I agree Silver is a national treasure, you can't just be grabbing and dragging people around like they owe you money."
The stranger opens his mouth, poised to start yelling at them too before he freezes. Looking at them, his eyes widen in shock, "You're human?"
"Good eyes, now explain yourself-"
"Fair maiden you must come with me at once! This land of fae and fowl isn't safe nor suitable for humans!" He reached out, moving to grab onto Yuu's wrist only to be forced back by a crackle of green lightning. 
Yuu was just as surprised, blinking when Silver pulled them farther behind Malleus and missing the prominent anger in the fae's eyes as dark clouds began to gather above them.
Malleus’s eyes seemed to glow the darker the area became, his face a deadly edge of sober as he tilted his head slightly, "You dare try to abscond with my treasures? I would think your family knows a dragon does not give from their hoard so lightly…"
The stranger matched Malleus' expression, taking a step forward before he was interrupted by Silver sighing.
"Louis. Please. Just go home. I've long made my choice and I would like it if you and your family to respect it."
“They’re our family!” Louis' face crumbles, a hand reaching out in a pleading motion toward Silver, " Beau, please just come home with me. We can talk this out with the family and see if you've been cursed like father thinks. If all is well we can go from there."
Yuu casts a confused look toward Silver, raising an eyebrow, "Beau?"
Silver shakes his head, not wanting to explain, missing Malleus locking eyes with Louis. A smug smirk grew on the fae’s face before he spoke.
" I would like it if you left my brother be. He doesn't wish to speak to you."
"He is not your brother you accursed, bastard!"
"Now, now. There's no need for all of this yelling…"
Lilia dropped down from above a few paces away. Instead of his normal dorm uniform, he wore a tight thorn pattern long-sleeve top, the high neckline hidden by a false collar and a bright green tie with a complex-looking knot. Long pants tucked into knee-length lace-up boots. His oversized jacket was replaced with an open-back vest in the dorm colors, long coattails trailing behind him. The look pulled together with his normal dorm accessories, the vest showing off the spiked spine brace the Diasomnia students regularly wear.
His youthful face was strangely in a neutral expression. He looks to Louis, not even flinching at the glare. Turning to him fully, Lilia gives a polite smile, trying to calm the enraged boy, "Prince Louis. I understand the campus is open to all visitors. But, you are aware Silver doesn't wish to speak to you or the other Ulstead royals unless it is at the yearly treaty festival or you’ve called ahead of time."
Louis stomps forward, getting directly in Lilia's face to snarl, "His name is Beau, you thief!"
"Enough!" Silver steps forward, standing beside Lilia and only stopping at the hand gripping his arm, keeping him closer to Lilia, "I will not let you talk to my father like this."
"He isn't your father!" Louis looks to Silver, eyes pleading, "Beau, no matter what they've told you, they're lying to you. They aren't your true family and all we want is for you to come home to us…"
Silver’s face clenches, almost winning in the fight to not grimace. His fists ball up at his sides, turning his head away from Louis as he muttered, “Who I care for isn’t your choice to make…”
Lilia glances at Silver from the corner of his eye. Seeing Silver's anger, he opened his mouth to calm his son, only to have Louis speak before him.
"He won't love you like a real father would. You know that. You'll be dead and gone long before he even has time to care about you."
That was enough to make Silver crumble, the 2nd year hunching into himself hoping to hide away from the other's hurtful words.
The sound of thunder and lightning was deafening. The dark clouds overhead that had eclipsed the sun were almost meaningless as a single bolt of lightning illuminated the grounds, striking dangerously close to the group. Both of which were ignored by Lilia, scooping Silver into his arms. 
Placing the taller boy onto his hip and supporting his legs while glaring at the human prince, "If you'll excuse us, my son seems to be under the weather. I'm going to get him inside to rest."
Lilia doesn't look back, walking away like Silver weighed less than nothing in his hold. Even with his confused expression, Silver soon relaxed, properly latching onto his father and resting his head against the top of Lilia's hair.
Yuu looks over to Louis, frowning at the other human's intense glare at the retreating figures, "You know, as a fellow human? That was extremely fucked up, you know that, right? Like severely fucked."
"I quite agree with my child of man." Malleus' face was stone cold, his tinted lips curling over a fang as he snarled, "It was fucked."
“What’s fucked,” Louis somehow made the vitriol in his voice even harsher, eyes glaring into Malleus’ cold green iris, “Is stealing a prince and making him a guard to the enemy of his nation.”
Malleus leans in, a small smile showing his fangs as he spoke in a soft mocking tone, “He wasn’t stolen by fae hands. Nor are we enemies, the treaty was signed nearly 20 years ago Prince Durand.” His smile drops, voice almost a growl, “You’d do well to remember that.”
Louis’ hand reached toward his sword, managing to draw it out only a few inches before a force slammed into the hilt of the blade, forcing it back into the sheath. The head of a golf club resting on top of the rounded metal of the weapon, Yuu’s dark eyes glaring into his own morning dews, the silent promise clear in their actions. He huffed, his glare only barely softening as he addressed Yuu, “Stand down, maiden. I don’t know why you’ve allied yourself with this fae, but he is not to be trusted.”
“With all disrespect? What I do with the future father of my child is none of your business.”
Malleus’ magic forms around Yuu faster than she could swing and faster than Louis could grab her. The green aura glittered around her, lifting Yuu into the air and away from the human’s out-reaching hand. Louis glared at the prince, his hand clenching into the open air.
Louis closes his eyes, trying to calm his breathing before looking up at Yuu, “You…Miss, you can’t be serious! The Draconia family is founded on the wicked deeds of the Thorn Fairy herself! To be a human and want to continue that line-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there.” Yuu was now lounging in the air, golf club resting over their crossed legs, “I’m going to do my best to be…polite with my reasonings. I don’t care, I just don’t care. I like Malleus, so I find no issue in doing him this kindness as his close platonic-romantic friend-soulmate. The choices I made to carry the potential apocalypse baby are just that. My choices. Just like Silver apparently chose to be Silver instead of Beau. Learn to live with it. Cope, seethe even. But don’t make it our problem when clearly you’re the only one bothered.”
The expression on Louis’ face was odd. A strange mixture of anger yet heartbreak, the type of look that spoke of internal struggle. Yuu almost had enough time to feel bad, opening their mouth to give some kind of comfort, before the human royal’s face steels.
Louis stepped back, rolling his shoulders into the proper position and looking into Malleus’ eyes with a neutral expression, “Apologies for my outburst Prince Draconia. I will take what you said into consideration. Good day to you and your…” His face fights against the sneer he wants to pull, “Consort…Good day.” With that, he spins in his iron-plated heel, stomping his way back toward the dorm’s mirror.
“...” Yuu turns to Malleus, still floating in the air, “Put me down.” Malleus raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t take his eyes off of Louis until he was well in the distance, “Why…?” “I’m gonna beat his ass.”
A smile breaks across his face, looking out from the corner of his eye to see the glare on the prefect. Yuu never failed to entertain, always having a gesture or words that would pull him from sour moods and episodes of sorrow. Be it a physical reminder of their friendship or a verbal assurance of their shared devotions, Yuu always made him smile, even when he didn’t want to.
Malleus shakes his head,  “No. You have no need to engage in combat with the likes of him. You are my consort after all.” He starts to walk toward the dorm, keeping Yuu suspended in the air with his magic. In their current mood, they were more likely to ignore his words and chase the prince down than listen. His thoughts reminded him of Silver and Lilia’s emotional states, the urge to check on them growing once Louis’ presence was fully gone.
“Oh, is that gonna be your new favorite word? Because you’re gonna make Jamil and Azul jealous. They can only call me ‘girlfriend’ for now.”
“I suppose they can cope then. Seethe even.”
“Stop stealing my words! You make it sound so much fancier when you say it.”
Malleus chuckles, bringing Yuu closer to place another kiss against their cheek, “Cope.”
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Diasomnia’s dorm was massive, scary, and regal. It was also peacefully quiet when Malleus and Yuu walked inside. The families that were chatting away in the common area had all vacated, leaving the room bare except for Sebek, Lilia, and Silver. The pearly-haired human was sleeping, head resting on Lilia’s lap while the short fae caressed his hair.
Walking to the couch, Yuu sat beside Lilia, Malleus taking the armchair that Sebek instantly jumped up to stand beside.
"So I have to ask, why the outfit change?"
Giggling, Lilia turned to look at Yuu, a sneaky smile on his face, "While I normally, as you say 'serve cunt', I decided to change into something semi-respectable since I knew visitors of the valley were coming." He gestures mildly to his new outfit, "As such I picked something that echoes my old war armor."
“Well you failed, you’re still serving cunt, good sir. But next question…Who was his royal dick?” Yuu asks, their voice hushed even though they knew Silver wasn’t going to wake up with anything less than Sebek screaming in his face.
Lilia sighs, “Prince Louis Durand. Crown prince of Ulstead and…” He sighs again, the force of it almost fully deflating him, “And Silver’s twin.”
“He has one of those?”
Sebek scoffs, rolling his eyes but refusing to say anything. He grew up dealing with the human prince’s numerous visits. Louis would do everything he could to exclude Sebek, but Silver was just as vigilant in making sure he was involved. Once, Silver held onto Sebek’s hand and refused to let go for the whole visit. It took both Baul and Lilia to pull them apart once Louis had left, Silver claiming he couldn’t unclench his hand.
“Yes…It’s a long story, but by fae laws Silver is mine and his blood family isn’t too happy about it.”
Yuu tilted their head, “I wouldn’t be either, this is extremely suspicious. Lilia, you said you found Silver on the ground.”
“I-” Lilia realizes what Yuu was insinuating, snapping his face up to pout at the prefect, “I did.”
“Lilia, how do you find a baby prince on a random forest floor?”
The pink-haired fae huffs, arms wrapping tighter around Silver’s sleeping form, “Well, I did! Believe me or not, I found him fair and square. He even picked me over them so they have no right to complain…”
Yuu smiled, always loving to pick at Lilia when the older fae would get annoyed with her, “Your story is falling apart. Did the baby pick you or did you find him, Lilia? What is it you want me to believe?”
Lilia was fast, a hand reaching out and pinching Yuu’s ear to tug on it. He hisses out a shush while she squirms in his hold, “Hush, let me tell you what happened…”
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Silver was led to the palace throne room, his small hand gripping onto Sir Baul's as the old fae stared ahead. He was stern as usual when he came to collect him, but the look he had when he called Silver made his stomach twist. Sebek had gone quiet again, only waving goodbye as Baul led him from the room. He didn't know what was happening as the double doors of the throne room opened. On one side of the room stood his father and on the other side stood a group of strangers wearing the same colors as the people who stormed their home. 
Days ago, he and his father had to flee to the palace when a group of human knights broke down their door in the middle of the night. Silver had never felt such terror, watching his father fight off a squad of intruders before scooping him into his arms. He had jumped from the bedroom window, Silver only in his pajamas and Lilia still smelling of burning flesh from iron as he sprinted into the woods.
They reached the palace, a number of fae knights riding into the woods at his father's report. He wasn't proud of it, but he cried when he had to leave his father's arms. The short fae smiled and teased him, saying he was only getting bandaged and to not be so silly. He was sulking about later in his brother's  Malleus’ arms. He was six years old, he shouldn't be crying as such anymore.
Over the next few days, Silver was with Malleus for most of the day. Sebek joined them and was oddly soft-spoken, the younger boy looking at him pained and heartbroken but wouldn't tell him why. He would hear voices echoing in shouts in the halls, unknown knights staring at him. Their eyes made him nervous before Malleus whisked him away. But now, in the throne room, Malleus was standing beside the queen, looking upset and refusing to meet his eyes. Even father wouldn’t look at him, only the glamourously dressed family standing on the other side of the room would look toward him.
Her Majesty spoke, her voice an odd mix of cold yet cordial, “Silver-”
The unknown woman, who Silver now realized also had a crown in her braided warm brown hair, snapped. Her soft smile turned into a vicious frown as she rounded to the Queen, “His name is Beau.”
Her Majesty simply sighed, just barely keeping from rolling her eyes, a hand held up to calm the guards and Malleus, “Child. You are being offered a choice on this day. It is your choice alone if you return home with either Lilia Vanrouge or the royal family of Ulstead, the Durands. Make your decision judicially, you will not gain another.”
Silver looked over to the strangers. Whatever anger the woman had felt was gone, leaving behind a kind person who reached out to him before pulling her hand back to her chest. Looking at them closely, he fully saw just how lavish their clothing was, soft and bright colors unfound in the valley since so many made their living working with nature or potions (It’d get dirty so quickly). Delicate light fabrics with sewn-in gems and woven gold threads. They looked at him with such hope. Around them, guards of that knight stood showing chests of gold shiny board swords and armor. A boy who looked so similar yet different from him smiled, a stuffed bear held tightly in his arms.
He waved, bowing his head in a show of respect for the visiting royalty, but the beaming grins they gave back to him didn’t ease the discomfort he felt. He was sure the woman was one second away from rushing over to him and taking him in her arms, never to be seen again.
To the other side was his father. Standing silently and still, so unlike himself it made Silver more uncomfortable than the overly friendly strangers. Father stood in just the cloak he had on when they absconded to the palace, the black cloth hiding his body and long hair tied into a low ponytail. He wouldn’t look at him, he wasn’t even smiling. Silver had never seen his father so…impartial. It was frightening, but it only cemented the fact Lilia was his father.
Looking the fae over, Silver’s mind brought to light just how much he knew about his father. He knew the exact cloak he had managed to grab. A flash of yellowish-green peaking from the hood. The fruits of his and Sebek’s sewing lesson from weeks ago. Silver knew in that hood was a crudely stitched-in bat (From when he was in the war his father told him, to keep others from stealing his cloak), a simple bright green oval, a chartreuse blob to mimic a crocodile, and a simple ivory-colored smaller bat. Father always stated it was his lucky cloak. 
Though he tried to hide it, Silver knew his father’s hair was streaked with blocks of white strands. They were debating on which color he was going to dye it next. Silver was so close to convincing him to try orange, he knew it’d look ridiculous, but his father would do it if he could persuade him properly.
And the final secret Silver could easily see was how his father fidgeted with the bracelet he had gifted him. It was something of a nervous tick, the fae would at times look into the distance and simply tape his sharp nails against the seeds. Sometimes Silver worried he would break the charm one day, only to watch the same worry overtake his father would he seemingly tapped too hard.
He wasn’t sure of the severity of this decision, but he had his options and his choice was clear.
Silver squared his shoulders, keeping his eyes trained on his father as he walked towards him. His stride only stops when the woman gives a heartbroken cry of ‘Beau’. He looked over his shoulder, seeing the strange family crumbled, tears gathering in their eyes. The woman all but falls to the floor, being held up by her husband who looks at him in disapproval. The boy’s expression hurts, it’s pleading, heartbroken. Silver strangely felt for him the most, but he couldn’t leave his father to his lonesome.
Before long Silver was standing right in front of Lilia, bright aurora-colored eyes trying to catch glittering magenta ones. Lilia laughs, short and almost damp. He finally looks at Silver, expression pained as he fights back his tears, “You wish to go with me?”
Silver nods, not a moment of hesitation, “I’m ready to go home now father.”
Lilia doesn’t hesitate either. Scooping Silver into his arms, tucking his son’s face into his neck and walking from the chamber at a quick pace. Silver hears chaos engulf the room, the woman from before starting to scream in anger and Her Majesty raising her voice to demand she calms herself. Silver looks up from his father’s collar, catching hauntingly similar aurora eyes before the doors close behind them.
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“Of course the Durands never let it rest. Maleficia was honest with them…” Lilia sighed, looking down at a sleeping Silver, “Silver doesn’t count as ‘Stolen by Fae’. As such there was no trade, so no proper test could be given and Silver was left to pick where he went.”
“Did they not…think he would pick you? I mean you were his dad for his whole life…”
Malleus sighed from his chair, eyes gazing into the green fireplace, he hint of annoyance curling his lip, “My grandmother warned them of that likelihood. But they were insistent on Silver knowing he’d want to be with ‘his blood’...” Malleus wouldn’t speak of the shouting match that broke out when Lilia fled the room with Silver. But, he was just as smug when his grandmother smiled and explained to the wailing queen that Silver had made his choice.
“The silly boy really just walked up to me with no doubt in his heart. But, from there, the Durand family was calling at our home near weekly.” Lilia sighs, remembering the string of panic attacks he’d gain waking up to iron-clad knights banging on his cottage's front door. The number of letters he’d start to just burn in the fireplace, each one detailing and painting him as a wicked being for stealing a vulnerable infant from his loving home.
Yuu scoffed, leaning back into the couch, “What? So they just show up every few days to bother you guys and shout that you’re not a real family?”
“Not nearly as much as before. But basically.” Sebek sighed, shaking his head in mild irritation, “The king and queen have stopped coming so often, only at the yearly Peace Treaty celebration held at our borders.”
“They stopped visiting around Silver’s 10th birthday…Louis still spends his summers camped out in the woods with his posse.” Malleus pouts, the windows darkening as his mood briefly soured, muttering under his breath, “They keep sending him gifts heavy in iron though…”
Lilia caresses Silver’s head, smiling at his serene face, “Louis always tried so hard to be by Silver the first few visits. He was more docile when beside him, but when anyone tried to detach them, he’d throw such tantrums.”
Malleus looked to Lilia, eyes lidded in annoyance, “Tanturms. Lilia, he stabbed you when you tried to wipe Silver’s face.”
Lilia waves Malleus’s words off, ignoring Yuu’s surprised laughter, “It didn’t even draw blood. Barely counts as a stab.”
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Lilia would never lie, but he never told the whole truth either. He never told Maleficia the truth the night he brought a human baby for her blessing and he thinks he never will. He didn’t lie, he never stole Silver. But, he never told anyone the whole story.
He met the Knight of Dawn the night Maleaonor died, the knight had saved both his and Malleus’ lives. They barely spoke, eyes meeting before the knight turned around. He told him and Baul to run, that he’d deal with whoever entered the tunnel after them.
It’s embarrassing, Lilia thinks to himself sometimes. The fact that simple action was enough to make his heart flutter, in the moment he attributed it to his adrenaline. But he still blushed and whispered under his breath a basic blessing as a thank you.
Lilia thinks he’s cursed to take care of the children of those he loves. He cared about Maleficia for taking him in and then he became Maleanor’s keeper. He loved Maleanor and Revan, Malleus was more his mother’s son than his father’s he’s realizing. And only once his heart fluttered and now he’s staring down at a sobbing infant.
He wasn’t sure why he walked to this old place, taken over by the people who killed his friend and orphaned his charge. But a part of him was happy he did. Two children in a basic bassinet, one sleeping peacefully while the other wailed. How his sibling didn’t wake up worried Lilia, but he decided to tend to the screaming one first.
One blessing later, the baby’s golden hair turned Silver. At least whoever took care of them would be able to tell them apart now. Soon he pulled away from the bassinet, leaving the awake infant to start crying again. It pained him to leave the poor dears, but they were human and he was a fae. He couldn’t look after them properly. So he’d drop a hint to the Human kingdom, something about hearing the sounds of a crying baby in the abandoned ‘First Castle’.
It was easy to connect the dots when the neighboring kingdom spoke of the joyous event of the queen birthing two twin boys. Lilia was fine with that, those boys deserved a happy home full of love and care. One he could not give, not since his own efforts took so long to even hatch Malleus. A human child can’t live as long as it takes for him to muster enough love for a child to be raised on.
But only a week later, walking through the woods in his late-night musings, he hears a familiar cry. In the silver band of moonlight, he finds that same infant crying nestled in the roots of a dying tree. The basic nightgown was gone, the baby simply wrapped in a blanket, though surprisingly a thin gold chain with a familiar golden ring. Lilia so badly wanted to turn and walk away, maybe leave another tip to the humans they seemed to be missing a whole baby.
Instead, the infant cried, tiny pudgy hands reaching out to him for comfort. He really had gotten weak in his old age. Sweeping the baby into his arms he hummed the lullaby he’s been singing for centuries. And as the baby slept in his arms he smiled, walking back to his cottage, “Guess I will be taking care of you after all, aren’t I little one?”
Lilia didn’t take this child. He never even lifted him from that bassinet when he found both of them. This wasn’t kidnapping nor an act of theft. He was simply taking in a child he found in the woods and that’s all anyone had to know.
“Hmm…You need a name…Silver, Like a moonbeam in the dark…” He laughed, pressing a kiss to the soft strands, “And for your hair!”
Lilia wouldn’t tell the whole story, but he didn’t lie. He found Silver in the forest and he was his son.
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frie-ice · 5 months
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These are some of the Disney films and characters I would like to see in future Twisted Wonderland events. Like the ones that gave us Rollo Flamme (who character is modelled after Claude Frollo) and Stitch (who was a guest character).
1. With Captain Hook being one of Disney's classic villains, I thought it would be cool if we got a Peter Pan event. One that would have the selected Night Raven students attend a pirate themed event, that is dedicated to the Hooked Pirate Captain and is hosted by the TWST character who is modelled after Hook himself. Since the Savanaclaw Trio were dressed as pirates for Halloween events, I could see Leona Kingscholar or Ruggie Bucchi wanting to take point on the school trip by serving as the group's captain. Unless the three Beastmen don't go to the event, and Azul Ashengrotto decides to be the captain. With him based on Ursula, why not throw in a bit of Uma.
2. If there was to be a science fair event, who better than Yzma's TWST counterpart to host it. Along with having Divus Crewel join the school's science club to it, just as Mozus Trein was in the Glorious Masquerade event.
3. With Twisted Wonderland having a few Halloween events wouldn't it be cool if Oogie Boogie appears as a guest character or have a reference cameo of him. Like having his face appear on the moon or have the students come across his shadow.
4. Who wouldn't want to see a TWST character be modelled after Hans? Might be interesting for a Frozen based event.
5. With the game made by Walt Disney Japan and Big Hero 6 has a few Japanese references in the film and TV series, it kind of feels right that Yokai gets a reference in the phone game. Like having his mask make a cameo appearance, or have his TWST counterpart visit the school for a robotic event. One that the Shroud Brothers might like to attend.
6. For some reason I could see Yuu, Grim and two or three students recreating the scene of Mushu asking Mulan what the plan is, while they were in the middle of running away from danger. Until they decide to light some fireworks as they rush to get off the roof. It would also be cool to see Mushu be a guest character like Stitch was, and to see Grim bash heads with our favourite (small) Disney dragon. (With Dragon!Maleficent being the top Disney dragon among the villain side of the Disney fandom.)
7. Just thought it would be cool to see our brave Night Raven students battle Chernabog.
8. Who wouldn't want to see a TWST character be modelled after Gothel? I could see Vil Schoenheit butting heads with Gothel's TWST counterpart on which villain is the most beautiful one, the Evil Queen or Mother Gothel? They are both known to be vain when it comes to personal appearance.
9. With there being a White Rabbit event, why not have one that is based off of Robin Hood? Maybe we could get a TWST beastman counterpart of either the Sheriff, Prince John or Robin.
10. Although the first anniversary had Deuce Spade, Trey Clover and the Shroud Brothers make a wish under the stars, thought it would be cute if Star were to make a guest event appearance. Like Stitch did in the beach event, Lost in the Book with Stitch.
Here is the original Characters/Films that should be in TWST meme template, for those who want to give it a try.
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the-weirdos-mind · 2 years
Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me: A Twisted Wonderland Event
@adrianasunderworld it is done! (And if you wanna add WAI POV for this go on ahead 😄. I’d love to see them.) Please note that this is a fanmade event with my school Black Pearl College and its people.
An event like no other. Set sail with limited time twistunes and battles as you fight for first place.
It’s that time of year again for BPC. The Kraken strikes again! A three day event filled with physical activity and sea themed games. Only those who are suited for the sea can participate but this year, something else happens. Other schools are allowed to attend and NRC receive an invitation to participate! Only things aren’t quite what they seem and something dark is brewing beneath the waves…
The Kraken is a three day event in BPC where students shine at pirate skills. Each day is dedicated to a different skill.
Day One: Navigation; Sailing the seas is risky enough with natural dangers like storms and sea monsters, however getting lost in sea can pose the risk of death if your navigation skills are bad. A maze is magically constructed from rocks in a nearby area and a race is on for whoever can finish first. Each ship elects a captain and they get a map of the maze. You may encounter the other teams ships and have to battle each other to get by. If your boat sinks, or if you crash, you’re out. Whoever exits first wins.
Day Two: Swordsmanship; A pirate should never be far from a trusty blade. Anyone who knows their salt’s worth knows that going on without a weapon can end badly for you. The arena is deep within the jungle of the island and it’s participants are faced off against each other. The area within the arena can magically change within an instant. You could be standing on the jungle floor, then on top of a loose, runaway wheel to an exploding island. Four participants of each school stand in the center and square off against each other. If you knock your opponent out of the ring, they’re out. The last one standing wins. The event must end before sundown and everyone must be back at campus before the moon rises.
Day Three: Swimming; Another important skill that anyone should know. It could come in handy to escape cannon fire or a predator. The event is hold on the bay on the east side of the island. Participants stand on the planks and dive into the sea once the starting pistol is fired. However some obstacles are present. The tide may get stronger or the merpeople students may hide in the water and grab onto the swimmers ankles/tails. It may take time to pry them off and you may use anything around you to trick them into grabbing it and getting free. Whoever reaches the shore first wins.
It all starts when Crowley calls an assembly. Everyone there wonders what is going on until Crowley breaks the news; NRC has been invited to attend the Kraken! A collective gasp is heard throughout the room and everyone whispers about it. Yuu and Grim question on what the Kraken is and why they’re going to a famed sea monster. Its not until Crewel shuts everyone up with his whip and tells the student body to be quiet. Crowley hands the floor to Vargas to explain the Kraken.
Vargas explains that it’s a three day physical event held at Black Pearl Collage. Another wave of whispers and mutters starts hearing the name of the school. Grim asks what BPC is. Ace and Deuce then explain that BPC is pirate style mage school and that it’s hidden from every map. Yuu questions on why this school is hidden and Azul answers them. He explains that it once was on the map but the magical artifact, the Captain’s Organ, mysteriously vanished one night and its location was erased from the maps. Jade and Floyd pop into the conversation by adding that there’s a map the school has for them to locate the campus and that there’s something lurking in the jungle. Grim asks what could be lurking but is interrupted by Crewel’s whip sounding throughout the room again. He silences the noisy room of students and Vargas continues. He explains that he would be chaperoning the participants and reads off the list of people that are selected for the event.
Day One Participants: Riddle, Ruggie, Sebek, Jack, Cater, Rook, Malleus and Leona
Day Two Participants: Silver, Lilia, Jamil, and Vil
Day Three Participants: Jade, Yuu, Ace, Deuce and Epel
He also ask for any volunteers to help out behind the scenes. The school also accepts help from the other schools that participate to help keep everything going smoothly.
The Volunteers: Azul, Floyd, Kalim, Idia, Trey, and Ortho
He writes down the volunteer names and tells everyone to meet at the school’s gates bright and early the next morning. As everyone heads out, Yuu and Grim catch the Octotrio and ask them how they know about BPC. They explain that they heard of it from stories and never thought it was real. Grim then proceedes to ask what could be lurking in the jungle and Idia chimes into the conversation. He explains that there’s skeleton pirates said to be roaming the jungle at night and he only volunteered just so he could get a glimpse of them. Grim gulps in fear. He says he’s not going but Yuu tells him he is or else he would destroy the school (what he doesn’t know is Vargas wrote him on the volunteer list)
The next morning, everyone meets at the front gates with their bags packed. Vargas instructs everyone to load up onto the bus that the town had sent. Ace asks where they’re going and Vargas responds with the port. He explains that BPC has sent out a ship for them to sail on for them. He adds that some students of the host school will be there. Deuce asks how they’re able to get back to the school and Lilia explains that a special map was crafted exclusively for the school to use. He adds on that the school is afraid of word getting out about it or else they would lose it. They arrive to the port and unload. A few minutes later they see a dark dot in the distance. The dot gets larger and a black pirate ship pulls up to the port. Someone on board tosses a rope out and Vargas ties it up.
The gangplank is lowered and the BPC gang walks out. Natalie greets them and asks if they’re the NRC participants. Vargas confirms their identity and before anyone could step aboard, Silas speaks. He says he’s not letting anyone board the ship unless they prove themselves to be worthy of their vessel. Dylan asks if it’s necessary for them to do that but his answer comes in the form of two more students running down the gangplank. They stand behind Silas and Leona smirks, saying that it’s cute that these aquarium fish can challenge them. Floyd chimes in, glad to give a squeeze. Sebek says he won’t let anyone disrespect Malleus in his presence. (Battle here)
The fight ends with the NRC students being victorious. Sam asks if accepting fights is common at NRC to which Yuu replies that it is. Silas groans and says nothing else about them boarding. Once everyone boards Asher kindly tells them to place their items into the hold and get back to the deck. Once that’s done, Natalie starts giving out jobs for everyone. Ace gets upset and asks why they’re being assigned to work. Lo pops in with an answer that no one understands until Dylan translates it to the gist. Since there’s more people on board then everyone needs to pitch in. Lo walks away mumbling something about a garden party. The rope is untied and they set off. A few minutes out at sea and Grim is pretty much attached to the side, feeling seasick. Yuu does their best to comfort him while Lo pops in with unnecessary advice. Grim wonders how long the trip will take and then proceeds to vomit. (Twistune here)
At dusk is when the arrive to the island. Everyone looks at the desolate landscape in awe and fear. The BPC gang isn’t fazed by the sight of the abandoned town. They sail by the abandoned town and come across a massive ship. Asher lets out a call as the anchor drops and they stop next to the ship. A small gangplank is dropped from the other side and a student on their ship grabs it and steadies it. Natalie tells them to cross over and not to work about their stuff as they’re already getting on there. Sebek yells at them for tossing Malleus’s luggage without care and piling it up with the others. One by one they all cross and meet Doveenstien and Skye. The BPC headmage greets them and welcomes them on board. Vil asks why they couldn’t dock on the old port. Doveenstien explains that the wood may break from the weight of so many people and it was safer to be on board. He explains their school’s history and even shows them the statue of the Phantom Captain. He stresses the fact that they cannot step off board in the night as there’s something that could get them. He lets the assistant headmage lead them to their quarters while he stays behind and collects the map from his daughter. Natalie asks why he couldn’t say the truth but he claims it would be better if they didn’t know.
Skye takes them to a berth that’s big enough to hold them. She tells them to make themselves comfortable and dinner will be ready in half an hour before taking her leave. As they unpack they all talk and wonder if the skeleton pirates are true. Vil brushes off the claims of them being true and says that they don’t exist. Epel asks him if he’s even afraid to which the housewarden says that he only believes what he knows is true. At dinner they all get the surprise of an eyeball floating to the top of the stew. A majority of them freak out until they here laughter from the kitchen. Sam explains that the head cook pulls this prank all the time and not to worry. He tells them that they’re edible and cuts his open to show them the inside. Grim doesn’t hesitate to eat it and says that it’s delicious. When they get back to their berth, Vargas hands out their uniforms for the event. The outfits are pirate like, coming with a sword and pistol with the color scheme being their dorm colors. They even have a bandanna with their school’s logo on it.
That night after everyone goes to bed, the first years wake up hearing something move through the water. They quietly leave the bearth and head to the deck. They’re amazed by the fog surrounding the ship and hear faint whispers from the side. They peak around the corner seeing Natalie, Lo, Dylan, Sam and Asher whispering among each other. The group is debating on whether or not to tell their guests the truth. Jack speaks up, asking them what they’re hiding. The jump seeing the first years and play it off as nothing. Natalie tells them to get back to bed before her father sees them. Sebek, Ace, and Duece try to get them to reveal the truth but almost get caught hearing the assistant headmage’s voice. The first years quickly scatter while the BPC crew sighs in relief. Lo remarks how close that was while Dylan says it’s best for them not to know the truth.
The next morning the first event kicks off. The participants for the first event are gathered around as Doveenstien and Skye explain the rules. When it comes time to vote for their captain, Riddle gets the role. Skye hands him a map for the obstacle course and tells them to get to their ship. Ruggie asks if they’re able to handle everything about managing a ship when Doveenstien reveals that the chores they did on their way there, were in fact practice and there would be a short manual on board for them to look at if there’s something they need to do but don’t know how to do it. As they get on board, everyone else takes their seats and the volunteers are making sure everything is ready. Grim is complaining about being on volunteer duty while Kalim tries to charge his mind on it. Isla stands on a small stage and greets everyone, and gives the rundown for everyone else. Before anything gets underway, she has her students sing their alamanta. Once that’s done, she waves the handkerchief and the race is on. (Twistune here)
NRC encounters the ship from RSA. Before the other school can do anything, a cannonball is fired from NRC’s ship. Riddle decided to declare a fight because they’re not losing to RSA. (Battle here). They end up victorious and sail on. They encounter the ship from BPC and they fire, even swinging over to their ship. (Battle here). As they fight they hear scrapping from the side. Everyone looks to the side a skeletal hand grabbing the side. They all stare in shock and horror as a skeleton pirate pulls itself on deck. The BPC students yell out in horror and get back to their ship. The audience just stares in horror that the rumor is true. The pirate starts swinging its sword at the NRC students while letting out demonic screeches. They know that if they need to survive, then they must fight. (Battle here). It all ends when Leona grabs it by its arm and uses his signature spell. The pirate is nothing more than a pile of sand. They lost with BPC taking the trophy. Doveenstien gathers all the staff, both visiting and not, to discuss matters.
That night in their birth they all discuss what happened during the race. Vargas comes into the room and relays to them what happened. If another incident shows up then they’ll choice but to cancel it. An argument brews over what to do to prevent it from being cancelled. For NRC, it’s a chance to beat RSA. Malleus says that he felt a surge of magic when it appeared. Leona agrees with him, though he hates doing that. Rook suggests that he goes out and scouts the island, if whoever summoned it is here then they’ll be nearby. Idia comments on how suicidal it is to go alone. Against his better judgment, he says he’ll go along with him. Orthro, the Octotrio, and Yuu also agree to go.
That night they secretly left and ship and the Octotrio carry most of them, (Idia rode on his brother’s back) to shore. They venture into the jungle and found that some of the foliage is cut down and stomped on. Rook says it must’ve been someone living as no creature or skeleton pirate could make this mess. They venture further an a swarm of them appears out of no where and circles the group. They try to fight them off but aren’t strong enough. Before Yuu could get stabbed by one of them, Asher appears out of nowhere and uses his sword to block the blow. The rest of the BPC gang shows up. (Battle Here) They help them weaken them until they run away. Natalie tells them that they were stupid for coming out.
Azul points out that it was wrong of them to keep it secret and to almost let their schoolmates get killed. An argument brews until they hear a screech getting closer. They get running for the shore and use the rowboat they brought to get back. They gather in NRC’s bearth and explain the skeleton pirates history. 200 years ago, the night when the Captain’s Organ went missing was when they first showed up. The town was a lively community until the pirates wiped them clean off the face of the earth. Everytime settlers came and tried to make the town lively again, they were killed that very night. Sam says that they believe that returning the Captain’s Organ is the key to getting rid of them. Lo adds that the skeleton pirates are the Curse of the Organ. Take it away from its rightful place and you’ll be hunted for eternity. Natalie says its best for them to get to bed because they need to be up early.
An hour before sunrise is when Vargas woke them up. Everyone was gathered at the main deck and loaded onto the rowboats. They went to shore and started a trek through the jungle. (Twistune here). Along the way, Grim got sidetracked by something in the brush. Before he could go investigate it, Yuu tells him to move along. Soon they arrive at an old arena. The participants for the second event go through a side door while everyone else goes through the normal doors. Once they sit down Isla goes over the rules and gives the rundown. She blows a horn and the participants draw their swords. (Twistune here).
The area within the arena changes randomly as they all fight. During the event, Sebek, Jack, Rook, Jade and Floyd go with Lo and Sam to keep an eye out for trouble. They find nothing as the final round starts. The last two standing are Lilia and Dylan. The two throw taunts at each other before the human charges at fae. (Twistune Here). Lilia ends up winning the fight. Everyone is unaware that there was a dark figure lurking in the jungle. It mumbles something about it being pathetic that there were other schools around. It adds that it will get rid of everyone else before disappearing from view. Once the trophy is given to Lilia, Doveenstien orders for them to leave and get back to the campus.
The final day of the event is when everything comes to a hand. During the night the school sailed to the bay where the last event is held. Once again, Isla gives the rundown and rules of the event. Once she fires the starter pistol, everyone dives into the water. As Yuu swims through the crystal clear water, they feel something grab ahold of their ankle. They look down to see a skeleton pirate holding on tightly. A lot of people start screaming as some participants are pulled under water, even Yuu. Floyd comes barreling out of no where and remarks what a grave mistake it is to mess with Yuu. He doesn’t say Shrimpy. (Battle Here)
Floyd tells them to get to safety as he handles the anglerfish. The moment Yuu surfaces, they see a figure running into the jungle. They swim to shore and head off after the figure with the rest of the NRC participants and volunteers running off too. The BPC gang see this too and follow them. Deep in the jungle they find Silas with an angered look on his face. He yells at Natalie for not persuading her father to stop him from letting everyone else enter the event, a time honored tradition only for their school. He says he has no choice now but to rid of the intruders. He activates his signature spell, A Captain’s Noble Crew, that makes more skeleton pirates come from the jungle. He cackles at them being under his control and orders them to attack. (Battle Here)
As the rest of them fight the skeleton pirates, Lo sneaks around and takes Silas head on. He tells him that he’s the true disgrace to the school for harming their guests. To get him get him to stop he calls Parley but the other male laughs in his face. He tells Lo, he always knew he was insane. The two engage in a duel. (Battle Here)
Lo defeats Silas and ties his hands behind his back. He orders him to call off the crew and Silas knew he had no choice. Once he orders them to stop the skeleton pirates drop to bits on the jungle floor. They all take him back to the bay and tell Doveenstien and Skye everything that went on. Doveenstien thanks them for stopping Silas and tells the said male, he will discuss this later. Though they lost the event, they were all glad that the problem was dealt with for now.
The next day NRC leaves BPC and heads home, celebrating their own victory on board. (Twistune Here)
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subukunojess · 1 year
SNJ's Summer Fic Reading Masterlist
Hey there. It might be too late and literally putting this on the day that it is due, but I did a Summer Fic Reading Bingo a month ago provided by @ficreadingchallenge
Initially, I wanted to plan it out better by reading fanfic I don't usually go to, each prompt a different fandom, and having a complete blackout. Unfortunately, life got in the way and as I found out, Archive of Our Own is an interesting site to dig around, but it takes time. Some of the prompts were more difficult to find than others and then the ones I did find, it was with a fandom I had no knowledge about or it squicked me out before I could read it.
Perhaps later on my own, I could go back to this and add the ones I didn't get a bingo on. Or I'll do this again next year and get a blackout. But I made sure to at least get one line of bingo. I seemed to misinterpret the free space as a fic of my choice that doesn't fall into the other categories, so you get an extra fic recommendation. Without further ado, here is my masterlist of fics I read during the Summer on AO3:
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New Pairing: "Tweaking Your Writings" by gnarleez (Mario+Rabbids) - Explicit, M/M, and No Archive Warnings. A Phandrow smut fic that has me flustered! One of the few nsfw fics that I like.
New Author: "polished" by droppop (Disney Dreamlight Valley) - Gen and No Archive Warnings. A nice scene of Scrooge McDuck taking care of the MC that explores his character.
Space AU: "the captains" by Control_Room (Bendy and the Ink Machine) - Teen and No Archive Warnings. A cool space pirate au with Lacie in pursuit of Captain Bertrum.
Short Fic: "Baa Baa, White Sheep, Why Are You Afraid?" by Spooky_Month_Imbecile (Amanda the Adventurer) - Mature and No Archive Warnings. A great scene of Wooly interacting with the Monster Amanda from the game. Love monster characters interacting!
Sports AU: "Late" by Hawkguys_and_Coffee (Avatar the Last Airbender) - Gen and No Archive Warnings. Cute implied Aang/Katara fic of Aang rushing to be on time.
Mythical Creatures AU: "Shining a light on secrets between them" by aroseandapen (Pokemon Black and White) - Teen, F/F, and No Archive Warnings. A cute Elesa/Skyla fic with surprises!
Angst: "regrets" by numbika (My Friendly Neighborhood) - Teen, Gen, and No Archive Warnings. Read anything from numbika for My Friendly Neighborhood content. Writing is amazing. This fic in particular has great characterization and angst.
New Fandom: "Overwhelmed" by SlushieMachine (Welcome Home) - Gen and No Archive Warnings. A nice Welcome Home fic focusing on autistic experiences. Eddie/Frank. I just love this.
Fic With No Comments Yet: "Improbable Dreams" by Senseless_Scape (Nightmare Before Christmas) - Teen, Graphic Violence, Character Death. An ongoing fic that so far focuses on atmosphere and mystery. Maybe has Coraline elements? Can't wait to read for more updates.
High School/College AU: "Come home tomorrow." by GreenAssCat (The Owl House) - Gen, F/F, No Archive Warnings. A nice Lumity fluff fic in a college setting.
Free Space: "Thank you, Pugsley" by Emroy (Dead End: Paranormal Park) - Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply. A nice little fic about Temeluchus after Season 1, episode 10.
Body Swap: "Freaky (Fifth-Dimensional) Friday" by Mithen (DCU - Comicverse) - Gen, M/M, No Archive Warnings. A fic where Batman and Superman swap bodies by a magic bet and must go through life as the other person. Nice characterization and realization.
Podfic: "Don't feed the plants" written by Beth Harker and read by Static_Whisper (Little Shop of Horrors) - Teen, Gen, Character Death. Warning, this does allude to the current events a few years ago. Basically, it puts man-eating plants within our current world told in a news reporter format.
Long Fic: "A Phantomhive in Night Raven College" by Darkspellmaster (Black Butler/Twisted Wonderland) - Teen, F/M and Gen, No Archive Warnings. An ongoing crossover fic with Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler as Yuu in Twisted Wonderland. Very unique and blends both fandoms together.
Domestic/Curtain Fic: "Plagg's Cheese Tax" by gacenbgirl (Miraculous Ladybug) - Gen and No Archive Warnings. A short and sweet fic of Plagg telling a story to Marinette and Adrien's kids.
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sayuricorner · 4 years
HomestuckxTwisted wonderland: Trolls in Twisted Wonderland AU headcanons part 2: Cronus Ampora, Kurloz Makara, Horuss Zahhak and Aranea Serket
Headcanons part 1         Part 3
AU concept
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing!
You can use this AU if you want, just credite and tag me in return please I would love to read the result ! 😉
Here we go for the part 2 of the headcanons! This part will focus on our “highblood alpha trolls”’s character profiles and on some headcanons about them as well! ^^
Characters profiles:
Name: Cronus Ampora
Gender: Male
Age: 17 in human age
Birthday: 21 january
Starsign: Aquarius
Height: 191 cm
Eye color: Violet
Hair color: Black
Homeland: -Alternia(birthplace)
-Valley of Thorns(current)
Dorm: Octavinelle
School year: Second
Occupation: Night Raven College student
Club: Light music club
Best subject: Magic history
Dominant hand: Left
Favorite food: Fried calamari with fries
Least favorite food: Noodles
Dislike: Himself
Hobby: Music
Talents: Singing
“You know what? I think I can die happy now, 'cause I’ve just seen a piece of heaven!“
Name: Kurloz Makara
Gender: Male
Age: 17 in human age
Birthday: 22 december
Starsign: Capricorn
Height: 205 cm
Eye color: Purple
Hair color: Black
Homeland: -Alternia(birth place)
-Jubilee Port’s bayou(current)
Dorm: Savanaclaw
School year: Second
Occupation: Night Raven College student
Club: Magical shift
Best subject: Alchemy
Dominant hand: Left
Favorite food: Spicy food
Least favorite food: Catfish
Dislike: Too noisy people
Hobby: Making voodoo dolls
Talents: Cooking
Name: Horuss Zahhak
Gender: Male
Age: 17 in human age
Birthday: 23 november
Starsign: Sagittarius
Height: 186 cm
Eye color: Indigo
Hair color: Black
Homeland: -Alternia(birth place)
-Land of Pyroxene(current)
Dorm: Ignihyde
School year: Second
Occupation: Night Raven College student
Club: Horse ridding
Best subject: Defensive and strategic magic
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Ice cream
Least favorite food: Horse meat
Dislike: Being saw as an idiot
Hobby: Science and horses
Talents: Magic technology
“Absolutely fascinating! You my friend are a truly interesting individual!“
Name: Aranea Serket
Gender: Female
Age: 17 in human age
Birthday: 23 october
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 190 cm
Eye color: Cerulean
Hair color: Black
Homeland: - Alternia(birthplace)
- The Sea Heart crew(current)
Dorm: Unknow
School year: Second
Occupation: Unknow all-girls magical school student
Club: Literature
Best subject: History
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Quiche
Least favorite food: Fugu
Dislike: To be see just as “Captain Serket’s daughter”
Hobby: Reading
Talents: Writting
“Magic is an complex concept, it’s the everything and the nothing, life and death, light and darkness and is unpredicta8le! That your arrival in this world was fated or a pure coincidence... No on can tell!“
-Cronus was met by Yuu and their friends during the Octavinelle arc, at first he found Ace's, Deuce's, Grim's and the others Azul's victims situation funny 'cause he think those who are stupid enough to make deals with Azul just got what they deserve, but when Azul got things too far Cronus became an ally with Yuu to set the record straight with his dorm leader and help the group and the leech twins to fight Azul when he overbloted.
-Kurloz met Yuu and their friends during the Savanaclaw arc, was at first a bit hostile toward then 'cause he didn't like they suspected his dorm to try to sabotage the others dorm to win the school's magical shift tournament, but when it was revealed that Leona was indeed trying to cheat, Kurloz was not happy and helped Yuu and the others to fight overblot Leona.
-Horuss met Yuu and their friends during the Happy Bean day, he helped to design and create the beans guns and participate in the event on team monster.
-Aranea met Yuu and the others during the Halloween event, she was visiting NRC for halloween and to see Cronus, Horuss and Kurloz.
-Despite being a very good student Cronus is also quite a trouble maker who like to mess and flirt with the others students.
-Kurloz and Leona are childhood friends due to Leona's parents often asking for Jael's and Mama Makara's services in magic and potion in the past, Leona see Jael as one of his, even his most, trusted friend but due to his pride he don't like to show it.
-Horuss doesn't fall in the "Ignihyde student" archetype, he is in fact the most social and cheerfull student from the dorm.(Ortho don't count since he isn't a official student)
-Unlike her mother who was a troublemaker when she was a student at her school, Araena is more a model student who was more focus on her studies much to her teachers's relief.
-Cronus is a romantic and love flirting with anyone who's catch is interest boys and girls alike, he flirt often with the others students, he also like play flirting with Cater who is his best buddy from the light music club.
-With his strengh and his powerfull magic, people are surprised Kurloz isn't the dorm leader of Savanaclaw, that because while he can became the leader if he wanted, Kurloz is not interested by the posotion but also prefer letting it to Leona 'cause he think he deserve the position and that it would help him with his self esteem issues.
-Horuss absolutly love horses and by so his favorite period of the day is when he go to the horse ridding club, he is also an excelent horse rider.
-Araena is pasionated by litterature and history, she spend most of her time in the school's library when not in class and her favorite sudject is history.
-Cronus’s number one hobby is music, he love play with his guitar and sing and he is even creating his own music and songs.
-Kurloz is selective mute, he doesn’t feel confortable to speak he only does it when he must like when he is in class and prefer communicate with signs language, plus in situations in which someone really pissed him off he tend to speak in anger which is a sign for said person that he REALLY fucked up this time.
-Horuss is a genius in magic science, due to his level in the subject he is the one who’s called to help when there a science/magic science problem in the school.
-althrough she’s most of the time a nice and pleasant person, push Aranea’s buttons too and you will see she’s indeed her mother’s daughter.
-Cronus’s shenanigans are in reality a way for him to hide he hate himself, due to being from an unknow specie in TW, himself knowing nothingabout what he is and by so being very diferent give to Cronus a deep disgust of himself and give him a unhealty obsession to become more “fae like” to the point of having dangerous temptations like mutilating his ears fins to shape them like fae ears. This self hate will get bad to the point Cronus will end up overbloting.(Headcanons part about it in the future! ;) )
-Kurloz love spicy food, the more spicy the dish is, the more he love it.
-Horuss is super strong like his father.
-Unlike what many people believe Araena don’t plan on succeding to her mother as the next captain of the Sea Heart, in fact her dream is to become a writer and to ope her own library.
-Cronus’s relationship with his father is not bad, Oberon is very strict with him and is exasperated he don’t take his studies more seriously but that it.
-Kurloz had a very good relationship with his father, Jael is a good father who deeply love his two sons.
-Horuss and his dad have a good relationship, despite not showing his emotions very much, Pholos love and care about his sons.
-Aranea’s relationship with her mother is... complicated! She lover her mother and Topaz lover her daughter but being mostly see as “captain Topaz’s daughter” and being expected to become a pirate just like her mother make Aranea very uncomfortable, which bring some complications in her relationship with her mother.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
Behind the Fic: Canon and Beyond - Jonah Argentum, portrayed by TV Tropes
One of my favorite thing to spend my free times is browsing through TV Tropes about my favorite characters/animes/games/others. So, I've see some tropes and I know my favorite ones.
So, why don't make a trope list for Jonah? I'm bored, okay?
Will probably updates as the story goes.
WARNING: This might contains some spoilers from my fanfiction Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure.
Adaptation Deviation: Since Jonah is an original character to replace the protagonist/Yuu, there will be deviations. Most notably is Yuu came from ‘another world’, Jonah is a native from Twisted-Wonderland as it revealed in Wassailia’s Canon
Affectionate Nickname:
Ace gave Jonah the nickname 'Captain' after the Dwarfs' Mine adventure because of his eyepatch which makes him looks like a pirate and how he's able to command the other three in the fight. Soon, nearly everyone calls him 'Captain'.
It turns out the ‘captain’ nickname was used way before by Jonah’s childhood friends
Floyd calls him 'Baby Seal' because of his small posture.
When Malleus first appears, he calls Jonah 'Little Star'. Lilia also calls Jonah this in his recent appearance. This comes from Jonah and Malleus’ first meeting where they watched the meteor shower together and Jonah mentioned that he likes the stars
All-Loving Hero: Jonah, at his core, is a good boy. He's able to charm nearly everyone around him with his kind personality, even implied he has a remarkable capacity to forgive and willing to help his enemies.
After Riddle's overblot, Jonah suggested that the prefect needed a time-out, even willing to take care of him until Riddle was ready to go back to Heartslabyul. 
He was able to convince Trey to talk to Riddle after the overblot incident where Trey felt guilty for not being a good friend. 
He was willing to help Riddle in the accident-investigations because he genuinely believes that Riddle is growing to be a better person. 
During the confrontation with Savanaclaw during the Magishift, Jonah saved Ruggie, despite their last meeting was not in a good term (with Jonah chasing Ruggie when they found out he was the culprit behind the accidents), from Leona who was about to use his Unique Magic toward him.
After Azul overblot, Jonah said sorry for ‘betraying’ Azul in the first place
When Jonah confronts Jamil, he’s hoping that he can change Jamil’s mind of taking down Kalim because he known that Kalim loves Jamil and Jonah doesn’t want to see him heartbroken
Amnesiac Hero: The Dark Mirror is unable to bring Jonah home because he can't remember where he came from or his past. Though, Che'nya implies that Jonah was once a Royal Sword Academy student, which can explain his heroic tendencies. This adds to the fact during Wassailia’s Canon when Jonah unknowingly visit his hometown, he doesn’t remember anything, not even his father or his childhood friends.
Artificial Limb: During the confrontation with Savanaclaw during the Magishift, Jonah lost his hand because Leona used his Unique Magic on him to saved Ruggie. He now supports a prosthetic hand, made by Idia.
Batman Gambit: Similar to canon, Jonah pulled this in the night of the final day against Octavinelle by trying to convince Leona to join in.
Beware the Nice Ones: Jonah is a kind boy who is willing to befriend everyone, but if you threatened his crew, he won't hesitate to fight.
Big Damn Heroes: 
He swooped in when Leona was about to attack Riddle during the Savanaclaw ambush.
He pushed Ruggie out of the way before Leona unleashed his Unique Magic, which resulted in him losing his hand.
Jonah and Idia crashed into the Halloween Party to stop Maryanne from sucking everyone’s soul.
Jonah crashed into Mostro Lounge office to stop Riddle from signing a golden contract.
Book Dumb: Whatever scene that involved school and studies, Jonah seems to be struggling with it.
Chronic Hero Syndrome: His All-Loving Hero tendencies can be seen as this. The fact he goes out of his way to keep his crew and others out of danger, even recklessly putting himself first in the way which often resulted in him getting hurt.
Clueless Chick Magnet: Platonatically. Jonah has no idea how much power he has in attracting other people into his circle.
Crowley acts similar to a father-figure to Jonah, even scolding him when he got hurt. 
It seems like he has a good relationship with Epel despite only talking with him a few times during Flying Class. 
After getting hurt in a one-on-one Magishift Battle with Leona, everyone was worried about Jonah. This included the Octavinelle Trio who Jonah is working with. Azul refused to make a deal with Leona unless he was willing to work for Azul in Jonah's place. Also, Floyd was willing to 'squeeze' Leona for hurting 'baby seal'. 
Despite only knowing Jonah from Board Game Club, Idia was willing to make a very high-tech prosthetic hand for Jonah when he lost his.
During The Merchant of the Deep Sea, almost everyone is willing to help Jonah to fight against Octavinelle because he helped them first. Most notably is Riddle giving up his unique magic and Leona joining in the last day.
It’s implied that when they were little, Jonah managed to win the heart of Jacob, Bridgette, and Magdalene to form Shooting Star
Cool Sword: His dorm uniform comes with a silver cutlass that can repel magic. It broke during the battle with overblotted Jamil.
Dark-Skinned Redhead
Desperate Looking For A Purpose In Live: The biggest reason why he was acting like this is that he believes that this is the only thing he can do. The title “captain” is the only thing he’s holding on to in his actions as if it’s his job to fix the problems.
Distressed Dude: In The Tactician of the Scorching Sand, Jonah got hypnotized by Jamil and was taken hostage during the final battle.
Don't Fear the Reaper: Jonah, when he was a child, didn’t understand that giving a name to a fae would give them control over you. He gave his full name to Malleus when he was a child during their first meeting, meaning that there’s a possibility that Malleus can control Jonah.
Fatal Flaw: His Chronic Hero Syndrome with a dash of With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. Jonah knows a lot of his friend sees him as a leader, and thus, as the ‘captain’, it’s natural for him to think about others' safety more than his own. He feels responsible for the safety of his crew and has no hesitation when it comes to saving them. He even admits that he feels guilty if his crew ever gets hurt. He also has no idea how much this causes his friend to worry about him.
Fire-Forge Friends: How his friendship with Ace, Deuce, and Grim was formed.
The Hedonist: When Jonah was little, he pulled Jacob, Bridgette, and Magdalene into wacky shenanigans.
Heroes Want Redheads: More like villains, most notably is Riddle and Azul.
Hypno Fool: Jonah, knowing possibility that Jamil has hypnotize power, still trying to corner Jamil and ended up getting hypnotized.
Idiot Hair
It's All My Fault: He’s very scared of his friends getting hurt that he would blame himself for not doing anything to protect them.
Journey to the Center of the Mind: Jonah always has this every time after they defeated. He would be sent to the overblot character’s Mental World similar to the Disney movie they represented (like the Queen of Heart’s rose maze for Riddle and the burning Prideland for Leona).
The Leader: 
Jonah is the prefect of Ramshackle Dorm and can be count as the main leader of the first year gang.
It turns out he was also the leader and founder of Shooting Stars, which consists of him, Jacob, Bridgette, and Magdalene
Living MacGuffin: He’s possibly the only one who can open and see the ‘Disney Movies’ MacGuffin.
Magical Eye: His right eye can absorb the blot from the overbloted dorm leaders.
The Napoleon: Jonah's height is 157 cm. But, despite his height, he gets the title ‘captain’ even his own little crew.
Near-Death Experience: Jonah has many of them.
Nice Hat: His Dorm Uniform comes with a pirate hat to fit his theme.
Oblivious to Love: He was casually flirting at Riddle during the last chapters of The Crimson Tyrant, unaware how it made Riddle into a blushing mess afterward.
Supreme Chef: Jonah has a surprising talent in cooking, even getting a job as a chef at Mostro Lounge.
Tough Act to Follow: Jonah feels this when his childhood friends expect him to return to a cheerful leader that he once was before amnesia
Un-Sorcerer: The Dark Mirror did claim that Jonah has magical power, however, it's in dormant that even it couldn't detect it. Leona also said that Jonah smells like he has a bit of magic in him.
Virgin Power: During the Halloween mini-arc in Break & Gosh, it’s confirmed that Jonah is a 17-years old virgin. Which means he has the power to unseal a soul hungry ghost. And he did.
We Used to Be Friends: 
The summary of Jonah and Azul’s relationship during The Merchant of the Deep Sea until mid-The Tactician of the Scorching Sand
Jonah’s relationship with his childhood friends can count as this
What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: Jonah admits that he doesn't quite understand about romance and sex.
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cindernovadoesart · 1 year
yuu au designs
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Line up left to right Cartoon, Mary Poppins, Whispers of Amphibia, Pirate Captain, Beyond Button Eyes, and Magical au
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cindernovadoesart · 1 year
So Pirate Yuu has a name now
Yukina Saya A pirate captain with an obsession of oranges. They are the captain of the WonderStar, and was yoinked from their cabin into Twisted wonderland through a handheld silver mirror they stole from a lovely lady. Yukina hates wearing the uniform and ceremony robes and just wants to change into their old clothes. They would be besties with Ruggie and Jamil honestly (possibly the tweels too). Also even though Crowley places them to be responsible for everything they follow their own rules and don’t really care what he tells them to do. Also follows pirates code. Octavinelle definitely when finding out Yukina is a pirate either becomes afraid of or good friends with them. Being afraid because I’m sure the tale of Ariel’s mom dying due to a pirate ship is existent and unless they either know the story and are afraid of pirates or they don’t really care. Yukina has a lot of chaotic energy and probably has a long list of exes ranging from merfolk, sirens, humans, non-humans. Having been with a few sirens they have learned the siren’s voice to lure other towards them (only because they feed sirens to have a bit of a truce between them). Yukina is danger prone so danger does usually drift towards them easily either by accident or on purpose.
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cindernovadoesart · 2 years
I have Polls now
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cindernovadoesart · 3 years
So I brought up the Pirate Captain idea and y’all seem to really like it so now I raise you
A Villain MC/Yuu Au as Pirate Captains
Obey me would be following a replaced au specifically one where the new exchange student is actually none other than MC’s Right Hand woman. MC learns that she took over the SS SoulsWhisper and had been waiting for MC’s return. MC shows her everything and the brothers take interest in the right hand and slowly losses interest in MC. After being ignored for quite a while MC talks with their Right hand and they begin to scheme revenge on Devildom. And they run away and begin to cause chaos throughout RAD. Including explosives and MC with a gun.
Twisted Wonderland is a bit different. After Yuu finally comes clean and tells everyone they are a pirate. Azul and Tweels both become a little distant from Yuu. Soon everyone does as rumors are spread and Crowley makes it hard on Yuu cause like they ever will get a break from Crowley’s tasks. But soon Yuu becomes restless and emotionally drained from the lack of friends around them and the amount of unpaid work they are put through. At some point Yuu stops coming in the school altogether. Just when Crowley found the way home for them. Soon enough everyone goes searching for Yuu. The thing is they expect Yuu to be at the beach or somewhere where they know a pirate would be but in truth Yuu is in the Dwarfs Mine as they are talking with the ghosts there. Only Ace and Duece figure out to look there and when they do they will find a bunch of angry ghosts (Grim included) and a pirate captain that has them under their control. Yuu is mad and is getting a lot of ghosts and beasts to be on their side (being the great beast tamer and all)
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cindernovadoesart · 3 years
So been thinking about Obey Me and Twisted Wonderland MC/Yuu and thinking went into saying pirate captain MC/Yuu So in case of Obey Me MC is one of the well know Pirate Captain in the world. The Captain of the SS SoulsWhisper a very haunting name for the ship but it works. MC has a murder count and a high bounty on their head. But they were chosen to be the exchange student in devildom’s exchange program for RAD. I feel that MC is so used to being on ship like Captain Jack Sparrow and will walk all wobbly as if their on a ship, and like they have the most excitable personality, like they are the opposite of what people expect.
In Twisted wonderland Yuu is also a well known Pirate Captain Yuu is the Captain of the SS Neverland. They were fascinated with Disney movies and when they got their ship that they worked hard to get they were able to name it the SS Neverland. They are known to be a more comical Pirate, they aren’t like MC and are more kind to those who need help. Though it doesn’t mean they don’t have a murder count. They have it due to defense, and they have a minor bounty. Also Yuu is not related to Captain Hook.
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cindernovadoesart · 2 years
Pirate Captain Yuu
Welcome to the Twisted Wonderland version of Pirate Captain Yuu I have created two picrews that are for both gender versions of Pirate Captain Yuu. First will be male Second Female. I’m aware that Female is more over the top than the male, that’s kinda the point in my vision of both. Also, could possibly be siblings, but then again, I’ll just keep it open for both male and female. (I have not figured out an nonbinary version yet so it is still in planning)
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cindernovadoesart · 2 years
Fun facts about Twisted Wonderland Oc’s lets go
Ren Yū is capable to overblot, it’s not the whole self sacrifice thing they do in the STYX chapter but there is a chance.
Yuuko and Yuuki have been referred to a nickname in their home town surrounding around the Japanese urban legend. They’ve been compared to Hanako due to some seeing Yuuki cosplaying the character from toilet bound Hanako Kun a couple of times and one halloween Yuuki being the manga adaptation while Yuuko went more realistic to the actual legend.
Ophelia has a laugh similar to a witches cackle as she developed it from watching hocus pocus a lot in the human relam. She even dressed up as Winnie for halloween multiple times.
Jadiel is just a yandere like a more of yandere that is very charismatic and can charm people into getting what he wants and it usually works (except on Azul, Sia, Ami, Lilia, and Rook)
Sia and Ami love to watch rom com anime series, they tend to binge multiple shows and sometimes lets Ophelia join in. Vil is very disappointed but can’t stop them. Trust me once he’s tried to get in the way he almost got punched in his beautiful face.
Yui Poppins has lived a long time like Lilia and has met Lilia before. Being the mysterious teacher for the Princesses and Great Seven and just disappeared when they all learnt a good lesson that the teacher thought each needed to know.
Pirate Captain! Yuu has played multiple tabletop games and dice games, would definitely join the board game club.
Erza is not actually human,one day he was created out of frosting and gingerbread and a bit of fairy dust and fae magic and boom. Erza learns quite quickly and was just dropped off on the Clover family doorstep but keeps his last name of crumble.
Twst!Eret is definitely a decent of Belle/Beauty or Meg because our queen definitely deserves it.
Twst!Hannah she is the one that tends to the botanical garden and would join the Mountain lovers club because yes.
Twst!Puffy is obviously a decent from Captain hook, and no one can convince me otherwise and would just join a boating club.
Twst!Ranboo often is referred to as Mallus’s long lost sibling. just because they act similar and are intimidating at the same time. Ace and Deuce both screamed on the top of their lungs when Ranboo went into enderwalk for the first time being there in their full form just clinging onto their friends saying said word happily in ender. Cuddling up to the braincell duo acting similar to a cat with a slight purr coming from them. It definitely took the Heartslabyul dorm by surprise to see this odd creature before Puffy came in and claims it to be Ranboo.
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sayuricorner · 4 years
HomestuckxTwisted wonderland: Trolls in Twisted Wonderland AU: AU concept
Headcanons part 1
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing!
You can use this AU if you want, just credite and tag me in return please I would love to read the result ! 😉
So recently I go back in one of my favorite fandoms: Homestuck
I’m a fan of the comic’s characters especially the Ancestors and I’m a sucker for Homestuck AUs and with my recent obsession for Twisted Wonderland I came out with this AU idea “What if some of the trolls highblood mysteriously find themself in Twisted Wonderland as grubs and grow up there?”
Little precisions about this AU:
-The sburb/sgrub game don’t exist.
-The pre-scratch trolls in this AU are like the “older siblings” of the post-scratch trolls.
So here the concept of the “Trolls in Twisted Wonderland AU”:
-The AU begin with the highblood grubs’s, who would have become Dakleer, Orphaner Dualscar, Grand Highblood and Mindfang, birth.
-At one moment of their grubhood a mysterious energy teleport them one by one to Twisted Wonderland and are found by TW locals.
-Grub Dualscar was found by water faes from the Valey of Thorns, the faes felt the strange and powerful energy from him and when realizing the grub was a baby they decided to keep him.
-The water fae clan who’s adopted the grub was know as the Ampora clan, they named him “Oberon” in reference to one of the legendary kings of fairies and also because the night he was found was a night during which the planet Uranus and it’s moons, one of them being called “Oberon”, were very visible.
-Grub GHB was found by a voodoo witch know as “Mama Makara”, she was intrigued by the strange baby(?) and her voodoo spirits advised her the best thing to do was to keep him so she decided to listen to them and adopt him.
-She named him “Jael” as he was found a december 31, which is in the Capricorn star sign’s period, and his horns remind her of a mountain goat.
-Grub Mindfang was found by a crew of pirates who’s captain was know as “captain Serket”, the crew were finding a great treasure when they found the grub looking with fascination a blue topaz, at first they thought she was a wierd new kind of animal and decided to keep her to sell her later. But after a while they notice her having an anthropomorphic behavior and the captain end up getting attach to her and decided to keep her.
-Since she had be found near a blue topaz, which was the same blue as the grub, the captain named her “Topaz”.(It’s also the birthstone of the scorpio star sign).
-Grub Darkleer was found by a couple of magic scientists, at first they thought he was a new kind of insect and brough him back to their lab to study him but after a few analysses and observations of his behavior they realized he wasn’t an insect but in fact an unknow intelligent specie. They were curious about his specie to they keep to observe him in the end they get attach to him and officially adopt him as their son.
-They noticed the grub seemed to really like horses and since they found him the November 21, a date in the Sagittarius star sign period, they decided to named him “Pholos”, which was a reference to the centaur from greek mythology.
-Time pass and the four grubs gew up with their new families becoming young trolls who’s know nothing about where they came from.
-Thank to the magical influence of the Twisted Wonderland world the trolls developped magic.
-Oberon, Jael and Pholos were enrolled in Night Raven College while Topaz was enrolled in a all-girls magical school.
-Oberon Ampora was sorted in Octavinelle and even become dormleader at some point, he was know to be very good in magic strategy.
-After he graduated, Oberon became a teacher at Night Raven College, he’s teaching combat and magic strategy.
-Jael Makara was sorted in Savanaclaw, his big strengh, giant stature and capacities in voodoo magic made him feared and respected by his classmated.
-After he graduated he officially become a voodoo wizard and work with Mama Makara at her Voodoo shop in a bayou.
-Pholos Zahhak was sorted in the Ignihyde dorm, he became famous as the strongest student of the dorm and his magical robotic creations made him one of the top students of NRC.
-After he graduated, Pholos became an prominent magic engineer.
-Topaz Serket at her school showed amazing habilities in mind related magic.
-After her graduation, she become the new captain of her adopted father’s crew after the later decided to retire and become one of the most fearsome pirates in Twisted Wonderland.
-Topaz have met the three others trolls during her father’s trips and keep contact with them.
-Back on Alternia the mother grub had created new grubs and four of them are the descendants of our four missing higbloods.
-You see in this AU the mother grub don’t use all the genetic material when it give to her, she just use a part of it and keep the rest in reserve and when she don’t get a lot of new genetic material she use a part of the one she got in reserve.
-So descendants of the four missing highbloods are born, each is found by a lusus and is given a name but just like their ancestors a mysterious energy teleport them toTwisted Wonderland.
-Each grub is found by it ancestor the latters were shocked to find another being like them, each grub was found with a piece of paper with a name written on it.
-The grub found by Oberon was named “Cronus”, the one found by Jael “Kurloz”, the one found by Topaz “Aranea” and the one found by Pholos “Horuss”.
-The four adults trolls decided to keep and raise the grubs and some years later the same event happen once again with this time the newly adopted grubs being called “Eridan”, “Vriska”, “Equius” and “Gamzee”.
-Which then bring us to the present:
-Kurloz, Cronus and Horuss are 17 years old in human age, they’re second years students at NRC and they’re in the same dorms than their fathers when they were students and Araena as for her is a 17 years old student in a all-girl magic school.
-Vriska, Gamzee, Eridan and Equius are 12 in human age and by so aren’t students yet.
-Since his big brother is a student at NRC and his father work at the school as a teacher, Eridan live in the school with his dad and brother.
-The four youngest trolls keep contact on a chat and see each other when they can like during hollidays.
-The actual events of the AU take place after the main story of Twisted Wonderland.
-Yuu is still stuck in Twisted Wonderland and is still staying in NRC until Crowley find a way to send them back to their world.
-Everything seemed finally fine and at peace.
-But this peace is soon disturbed by a event which will turn upside down the lives of many especially the lives our 12 highblood trolls in the form of the mysterious apparition of a well know group of rebels lowblood trolls with their two generations of descendants and two fushia troll heiress.
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