#two: headcanon
boybreaded · 9 months
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I want to discuss a bit about Peeta's brothers and dad and how they aided in the abuse their mother aimed at Peeta.
First, Peeta's family is not a normal family in terms of how you typically see older siblings protect younger ones. It also isn't that Peeta is a difficult child, aside from his mother remarks alone Peeta's neglect is entirely because of her dislike of Peeta and not because Peeta is difficult. We have many reasons to see that Peeta is not difficult. So all typical things we see in abuse situations doesn't apply here. I am not saying they don't happen, because they absolutely do, all I am saying is that they are not what we typically see and hear about, if that makes sense.
Peeta's brothers in the books do not have names. I know the fandom has given at least one of his brother's the name Rye, and the other one changes. But Rye is always a name of one of Peeta's brothers. However canon does not give us their names. Katniss is our narrator and she purposefully doesn't name quite a few people for various reasons that I will leave Katniss RPers to interpret. However it is interesting that Peeta's brothers do not get named.
I bring this up because Peeta and Katniss talk. Katniss knows enough to know that Peeta's middle brother won the wrestling tournament, a time where I am sure the name was said. She knows enough to know that his oldest brother is too old for reaping and his middle brother was old enough to volunteer for Peeta and didn't. But also Peeta has likely at some point shared about his family to her. I don't want to think she just doesn't know their names, or that Peeta never says them. But I do want to think that at least part of the reason the names aren't mentioned is because like Peeta's mom, and his silent father (who also don't get names) they aided in hurting Peeta.
The thing is family is complicated, Peeta's family is complicated. They are at an odd place in terms of notoriety. Enough that Peeta's mom thinks they have to fight for this perceived perception of who they are. She is also just a horrid woman. Katniss was far too nice when referencing her as a witch.
Peeta's dad we are told is nice, and cordial. He trades with Katniss and Gale for squirrel. And its probably the only source of meat that the Mellarks really get unless they have a deal with another merchant. But even if they did that likely gets put into the bakery and those treats probably get sold the fastest thus not having any left over for the Mellarks. We are also told that Peeta's dad visits Katniss before the 74th. He comes with gifts. What this tells me as a way to keep Peeta more or less quiet about the goings on with him and his mom Peeta's dad would sneak him things from the bakery, allow him more control in the bakery as a trade off. Not really the best since Peeta's mom thinks he is useless but still. If a brother was going to take over the bakery Peeta is quite literally the only one for the job.
Peeta's oldest brother, Bri (Brioche), is the golden child. Can do no wrong, and probably through no fault of his own helps perpetuate the abuse Peeta gets. Its done through little comments among other things. He set a standard that Peeta more or less exceeds, except to his family's eyes, even his dad.
Peeta's middle brother, Griz (Grissini), is probably the meaner one because he has something to prove. Their is also likely resentment there because Peeta is more or less naturally better at things than he is. However, because Griz has to work for it that is acknowledged by their mother. When Peeta doesn't get things on the first try, which is quite often that is noted by their mother and then by Griz. Griz is good at wrestling, but not as good as Peeta. And Peeta expertly through the match, Griz likely doesn't know, but everyone else does, and knowing Griz and Peeta they wisely don't say anything to either of them about it.
Both brothers are not jumping in to save Peeta from abuse. They were both likely abused, but when Peeta came along that stopped happening so much to them. I will say the only child that Gin (Ginerva), Peeta's mom, physically abuses is Peeta. Neither of his brothers were hit. And when it starts happening they aren't really sure how to respond to the point they don't anymore, and they let it happen.
Peeta's abuse is an open secret. No one talks about it, but everyone knows about it. And Peeta does all he can to preserve whatever perceived reputation his mother thinks she has. Not that it does any good. Everyone refers to her as a witch. If Hansel and Gretel existed as a tale they would most likely make jokes about her stuffing Peeta, that's why he is so stocky, so she can eat him. She is waiting for the right time is all.
Peeta's mom is none to kind to him as we know she has no faith in him, attributing District 12's shot at the 74th Games to Katniss, not to him. Because while Mr. Mellark does the trades, she knows.
Peeta's love for his family does not waiver. When he learns of the bombing of District 12 in Mockingjay, he asks for his family, about his family. He is devastated that they are dead. He knows so well that they would not have cared if he died, but the fact that he cares about them dying says alot about Peeta's love and character, and just why Snow couldn't override that with his Hijacking.
Peeta loves his family business, he loves the bakery, he continues to bake bread even when they more or less kicked him out to live on his own in a big empty house in the Victor's Village, a place they could have also lived if it had been "practical." Peeta talks about the different types of bread from all the different districts based on the wheat that is grown there or is imported in. That love is mainly nurtured by Peeta's father. But as stated Peeta's father isn't innocent in the abuse and straight up neglect Peeta suffers from.
When abuse happens in a household all those involved are affected positively and negatively depending on the situation. So yes the main source of Peeta's abuse is his mother, but she is not the sole contributor to it, nor is she the sole reason it continues on even after Peeta is crowned a Victor.
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wallylake · 3 months
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*Markiplier voice* WAS THAT THE BITE OF 87!?!?!?
Dunno wanted to draw how Michael + his friends/the bullies reacted after the chomp.
what a day that must've been for those kids
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andodge · 6 months
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No one in Carp, or the county tried to look into the Sheriff's death. It was written off as an accident. All the town had an agreed upon story, that wasn't outright said but it was agreed upon. No one really missed the Sheriff either. His wife was sad for the appropriate amount of time, and played off the grieving widow well, and then played the acceptance of death well as well. She was also then able to get the help she needed about her son that her now dead husband wouldn't let her get.
But their is absolutely not a soul, even among the police department and sheriff's office who tried to bring anyone in as responsible for his death. His funeral was sparsely attended, and his grave was vandalized shortly after and no one cared. The town of Carp, and the county just are fine with it. They don't question it, and no one ever will. Only a complete newbie might find it weird that is if they even hear about it, because no one talks about it. Its just a "Yeah he died, the new Sheriff is cool and does a better job," and that's it.
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demigods-posts · 3 months
headcanon that percy and annabeth have a relationship contract they made after they got together once the war came to pass. they outlined it on paper in percy's bedroom. typed up a final draft using sally's laptop. and printed out and laminated it at the local library on their two month anniversary. and they abide by it like it's the law.
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mewniemoon · 3 months
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What if instead of being resurrected and staying their age in the afterlife, the twins instead went back to the age they were when they were last alive (aka, lil babees)?
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Nari was not emotionally prepared for this get him some soft blankets to build a nest with stat!!
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hmura-hmara · 1 month
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Something about Luke being the spitting image of his father
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tim and damian alone in the manor one day when tim is feeling ungrounded and needs to sleep.
“damian i need you to lay on me”
“i’m feeling so out of my body right now i just need pressure”
damian watches at tim barely manages to put a sentence together and feels a little scared (scared is not the word i’m looking for it’s probably mild concern.) so he listens and kinda just flops his body down onto tim’s.
(they both end up asleep and dick still has the photographic evidence)
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krysmcscience · 4 months
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Call this the Whoopsie AU (it's barely an AU)
I mean. Narinder never explicitly SAID the Lamb would stay dead... :3c He probably should have been more specific. >:3c
Part Two:
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Well. The Lamb tried, but...sorry, Nari, the crown hates you now. Shouldn't have been so quick to lend it out, I guess. :D
Aaaand Part Three:
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'Isn't he just adorable?' -The Lamb, probably, while their followers smile and nod and internally scream at the brand new hellcat they now have to share living space with...
Anyway, nothing says 'Dead To Me' like following a person around to loudly remind them of how dead they are to you. Right? Right. Narinder's got this all figured out. <:]
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mint-mango · 4 months
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narumitsu x that one scene in sk8 the infinity
matchablossom x unnecessary feelings
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thatsonehellofahabit · 4 months
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giving the people (two people) what they want
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boybreaded · 10 months
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After the main events of Mockingjay I like to think one of the last things Johanna does as part as a District 7 citizen is make Peeta a cane. Like I imagine she has a love hate relationship with her district and wood ya know. But girl can throw an axe. I am getting sidetracked.
Johanna and the rest of the crew saw Peeta struggle in the Quell because he had less than a year with his new leg. It takes years and ages to get used to prosthetics. Peeta had less than a year to not only get used to it, but get into fighting shape with his, and this is if he even had proper ones for the terrain and what he was doing. What you wear for a leisurely walk is not what you wear to run. It is part of why he is hindered during the actual Quell because he is getting used to his leg.
I like to think that after everything Johanna not only becomes possibly one of Peeta's closest confidants (Annie too but this is about Johanna), but also very good friend. And she probably saw alot more of the pain Peeta was in dealing with his leg and such. And thus she made him or had someone she knows make him a very nice cane. I'd argue its probably almost like a walking stick that you would use on a hike. But its probably more than that.
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confused-wanderer · 5 months
The villains are utterly confused.
They remember the first robin. They remember how bloodthirsty the little gremlin was, how he appeared out of the darkness with a “HIYA FOLKS” that gave people near heart attacks with PTSD so bad they flinched everytime they walked into a dark corner. They remember his grin, baring few too many teeth with a glint in his eyes whenever the bat wasn’t around to curb him. They remember the death stare, the brooding that made no one doubt this was the Bat’s son. They remember how a punch would land a lot harder than it was supposed to, or the screaming that followed. Oh they remembered him alright.
The second one thank the stars was better. The second robin was giggly. He would hop around town, offering his help to everyone who needed it. Sure he was rough with abusers but hell no one cared about them. Matter of fact, the villains were glad because those assholes deserved no sympathy. They remember his puns, his wonder, his innocence and his spark. They remembered his laughter, his concern - the kind that only comes from one who’s been on the streets. This one was better, and the villains thanked their lucky stars. They remembered him alright.
But now, as the years passed and new characters emerged, the crime city saw the rise of two characters - a sunshine happy nightwing and a ready to kill red hood. And naturally, from their experiences in the past, the villains ended up making an honest mistake that ruined the two vigilantes’ reputation:
The villains assumed the first robin was Red Hood and the other was Nightwing. And BY GOD Gotham has not seen unhinged chaos like this.
Red Hood *drawing his pistol* : Please, reach for your weapon. I’m itching for an excuse for my intrusive thoughts to become extrusive.
Two-Face: You dare mock me little bird?! Well.. I may not have my weapon.. but I have something I know you’d like..
Red Hood: Oh yeah?What’s that?
Two-Face: TAKE THIS! *slams button and coconuts start falling from the sky, all cracking and spilling as they hit the ground*
Red Hood:
Red Hood: .. the fuck was that supposed to do?
Red Hood: The fuck- .. wait did you call me robin?
Two-Face *grins* : Yea.. robin. The first one. Thought I didn’t notice?
Red Hood: The first one? Does this *gestures vaguely to himself and his weapons* seem like something the first robin would do?
Goon 1: I mean.. yeah
Red Hood: What! The first robin was nice!
Goon 2 *guffawing*: I beg your fucking pardon??
Two-Face: .. you took my coin and attached a magnet beneath it so everytime I flipped it it wouldn’t stop spinning. Do you know how long that took me to figure out?? Do you know how insane it drove me?? Joker had to help me out of pity. OUT. OF. PITY.
Red Hood:
Goon 1: ..Also you did steal some of our bones
Red Hood: hedidfuckingwhatnow-
Nightwing: Hey there buddy! You look frostyl!
Dr. Freeze: Aha! You are too late to stop me robin!
Nightwing: .. robin?
Dr. Freeze: why yes! Don’t act coy, I know it’s you there. Now that we’ve got that clear.. I was wondering if you remembered all those years ago when you gave me a source for electricity to power a hospital keeping my Nora?
Dr. Freeze: well you weren’t careful enough and never told me how much I could take from it.. so I used it to power so many of my inventions that came after
Nightwing *remembering when Jason was robin and every damn time he came to visit Wayne Manor his room would always run out power and the countless cold showers in freezing winters he had to take because of it*: .. oh? Well, sorry to break your bubble, but that wasn’t me Elsa.
Dr. Freeze: no? You joke around, make puns and I’m supposed to believe it’s NOT you?. The first one brooded like there was no tomorrow. He pissed me off so bad once I overheard him saying his favourite ice cream flavour and I made sure it wouldn’t be available in Gotham for YEARS. You’re not as bad as the first one. I’d remember if you were him.
Nightwing *firing up his escrima sticks to maximum voltage*: Oh let me jog your memory then :)
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
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Nico referring to his mom as "Mama" implies he most likely at least used to refer to Hades as "Papa" and i 100% headcanon he still does but mostly in the manner of him having the entire Underworld wrapped around his finger for being the baby of the family
#pjo#riordanverse#nico di angelo#headcanon#my art#nico flexing youngest child privilages by pulling out the most pitiful expression he can manage#anyways i find it fun to explore character word choices#cause yknow no two characters are going to select their words the same way#or even necessarily think about it to the same degree#i like to think Nico thinks about his word choice a lot#so of course every time he uses ''papa'' he fully knows he's pulling the Baby Of The Family card#Hades definitely knows this too but falls for it every time anyways#cause Nico hasnt called him ''papa'' regularly since getting his memory wiped - just detached ''father'' or at best ''dad''#so it just reminds Hades of How Much He Just Wants His Children To Be Happy Like The Old Days#and how much poor Nico has been through and he's just the baby of the family and-#cue Nico smugly staring at the camera cause he knows how much power he holds#also i say Nico is Hades' only son cause mythologically even when Zagreus *is* Hades' son (rarely) he's. dead.#a major part of Zagreus' mythology is that he died#and im p sure every other deity said to be Hades' children are all goddesses and also are like 50% of the time not his#theres also only like 3 of them. and as far as we know in riordanverse canon one of them is implied to not be his daughter#so Nico is Hades' only son and also youngest in the family (cause Hazel is older by a month chronologically or 1 year biologically)#(and everybody else is a deity if children of hades at all)
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demigods-posts · 5 months
the biggest thing thalia and percy have in common is not their being a child of the big three gods. but their unmatched adoration for annabeth chase. because listen. these two will fight each other any chance they get. but the second you speak ill on their girl. it's on sight.
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zephyrchama · 4 months
"Welcome back, it's been a while."
After a long time has passed, how might the Obey Me! demons welcome you home with a hug?
Lucifer tries to approach you in a calm and collected manner, but that facade easily crumbles as he gets closer. His pace quickens and his expression melts into an inscrutable blend of emotion. The man is fighting to stay composed.
He pulls you towards him, unwilling to wait a moment longer to have you in his arms. His gloved hands wrap around your back and waist with a secure grip. Your toes brush the ground as his hug lifts you to eye level, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Welcome back, I've missed you."
Mammon sprints up with the goofiest grin imaginable plastered on his face. He catches himself at the last moment though, grinding to a halt as a blush creeps over his ears. He wants to be cool. "You sure are a piece a work to keep The Great Mammon waiting."
His arrogant act is betrayed by the many glances in your direction. By the way he's clenching his fist so hard his knuckles are white, and by the way he immediately crumbles into your open arms the second you reach out. He throws his arms around your shoulders and digs his face into your neck. He grips the back of your top a little too hard, as if you might leave again any moment.
Leviathan sheds his insecurities and doubts, all negative emotions, just to be able to bask in your presence again. It's a moment he's looked forward to for weeks. He puts trust into the belief that you've also been looking forward to seeing him.
He wraps his arms and legs around you, unconsciously aiming to get as much skin contact as possible. "I've really missed you, you know!?" he half-shouts before burying his face in your shoulder. You fight to stay standing upright. Every little movement, every minor adjustment in posture you make causes Leviathan to snuggle closer until you can't tell where your limbs end and his begin.
Satan can't control all of the overwhelming emotions that hit him at once. He grabs hold of your hand, and with a palm on your back he pulls you close until your entire weight leans against him. At your touch, all he can do is smile.
"Glad to see you again." The two of you sway back and forth, turning your hug into a psuedo-Waltz. When you look into his eyes, Satan gives your hand a kiss and presses your intertwined fingers against his face.
Asmodeus laughs as he barrels into you. "Did you miss me? Of course you did!"
You stumble back several steps yet he catches you before you fall, latching onto your side like a matching puzzle piece. He rubs his cheek over your head, pausing every few seconds to give you a kiss as his free hand enthusiastically traces its way up your back.
Asmodeus is the most reluctant to let go. Making a mess of your hair and clothes only gives him a calculated opportunity to touch you more as he tidies up your appearance. His caress lingers over your collarbone and around your ear. His fingers brush against your mouth, which he then brings to his own lips.
Beelzebub falls to his knees, relieved to see you return safe and sound and glad to be by your side once more. His arms curl around your hips. He noses his face into your chest and looks up with a content smile as he greets you, "welcome back."
You lean over to return the hug, running your hands through his hair. You don't expect Beelzebub to stand, picking you up in the process. You steady yourself on his shoulders as he rises, his violet eyes not wavering from you for a second, tempting him to steal a kiss.
Belphegor wraps his arms around your shoulders and practically falls on you. He doesn't seem concerned that you're sinking to the ground. In fact, he's so preoccupied with cuddling up to you that there's no way to avoid sitting on the ground with this demon on top of you.
He curls his body around your legs. You feel his warm breath on your neck as he slowly exhales, "welcome back." He's awake, but nothing will stop him from pretending to be asleep as his grip strength loosens and his face trails down your body.
Diavolo laughs amicably as you approach. He wants you to come to him, and is so thrilled to have you back. He bends down to latch his arms under yours and swings you around, sweeping you off your feet as you twirl two, three times, then slow to a stop.
"How have you been?" In due time he wants to know everything, and hear all the stories of your time away in detail. For now, he's got you locked in a bear hug. You feel his lips brush over your hair as he lightly swings you back and forth.
Barbatos' hug is the most restrained. It's simple and polite. At first he was content to just greet you with a gentle handshake and loving gaze. Though, when you request a hug, there is no way he can say no.
He extends his arms around your back, gives you two soft pats, and hesitates for just a moment before letting you go.
At night that evening as you prepare for bed, you find a note in your pocket that Barbatos must have cunningly slipped in without anyone noticing. It's a detailed letter with everything he didn't get to tell you in person.
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eldritch-ace · 3 months
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The Leading Man
I love how after watching Nightmare Time, TGWDLM implies that all the powerhouses of Hatchetfield were infected before the CCRP crew (also that Pokey plays favorites)
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