#ugh why did I not take the entire day off of work?
tocourtdisaster · 1 year
I have a dentist appointment in two hours and my stomach has been tying itself in knots ever since I woke up this morning. It’s just a cleaning! But I had a lot of traumatic visits to the dentist when I was a kid that now my brain just equates dentist with evil.
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
#and my mother behaved in an immature way wow who fuckin knew that would happen#:|#low key pissed off at her for not cleaning funks cage a single time in two weeks like his entire cage was covered in shit and food and there#was literally a plant growing (that was like five inches long) at the bottom of his cage and my mother was laughing like thought it was#funny to not care at all about my birds cage like god it pissed me off so bad#I emptied the bottom tray and I’ll fully take it apart and wash it either tonight or tomorrow depending on how much energy I have but yeah.#completely unimpressed with my mother (and she’s been over feeding him this whole time which def adds to why his cage is a mess) god i am#just very pissy now cause she had one singular job to help me while I was gone and it was just to watch the bird and that’s it#everything else was shit I could handle from wherever I was I did all the planning and everything for my trip for me I packed the car I#drove all she had to do was watch the bird and she fucked that up#at least he’s still alive and he remembers me and he doesn’t seem to be doing too poorly with his molting so it’s fine#he also hasn’t been let out of his cage at all in two weeks and he’s supposed to spend two hours a day out and about#he’s doing a lot of stretching and pruning now I hope he feels okay#so mad at my mom. like I get it it’s a lot of work but like that is a living creature please take care of should mean take care of him well#not laugh when I’m upset bc you did a shit job following any instructions for him#ughhhhhhhh#angry#and she parked the small car in the normal spot so I couldn’t even pull into the driveway in a way that makes unpacking easier#ugh so so frustrated
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5sospenguinqueen · 9 days
Pocket Money | Lance Stroll x Reader
Summary: Since the start of the relationship, fans have been convinced you're only with Lance for his money. When he mentions your future in an interview, they accuse you of trying to baby trap him.
Warnings: Swearing. Angst but mostly just for sadness. Hateful fans.
Female reader with various facelaims. Pics found on Pinterest.
A bit different to the other three.
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YourUserName just posted
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YourUserName lovely london was kind enough to be sunny for me this weekend 🇬🇧
chloestroll i’m still so jealous that you didn’t take me
→ YourUserName yes but if i had, i’d have spent the entire time trying to stop you from running off with a brit. i doubt scotty would appreciate that
→ scottyjames31 do NOT let her run off with a british man
→ YourUserName make sure you behave yourself then
User1 oh, so she’s on yet another holiday funded by her sweet, naive boyfriend who can’t tell he’s with a gold digger
User2 that’s it sweetheart. post pics of your trip that your boyfriend undoubtedly paid for whilst he’s busy racing all weekend without your support
User3 she’s quite possibly the worst wag. give the role to someone who would enjoy being there
→ User4 it’s not a fucking role, sweetheart. being someone’s fiancée is not a role you play, and i think y/n happens to do an amazing “part”
danielricciardo bring me back some crunchies
→ YourUserName no, i got into trouble last time. your trainer told me that you’re not allowed them
→ danielricciardo boo, you whore
User5 so she’s on yet another weekend away in london the same weekend that lance is racing in jeddah? can she make it anymore obvious that she doesn’t support him?
→ User6 her job means she has to travel a lot - just like lance - so unfortunately she cannot follow him around the world
→ User7 you tell ‘em, honey. y/n is a successful businesswoman but everyone seems to forget that? she makes every race when she can but sometimes she can’t get out of work
→ User8 at the end of the day, their relationship is none of our business
astonmartinf1 missing your face in the paddock this weekend
→ YourUserName i miss you too! although i bet nando is enjoying the peace and quiet
→ astonmartinf1 can neither confirm nor deny but he did mention something about yapping
User9 the sunset behind big ben is beautiful
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User9 this is so cute. the way his whole face lights up when he’s asked about/talks about her
User10 not lance revealing that y/n would run away and marry him just to call him her husband
→ User11 yes! but he’s so dedicated to giving her the wedding she wanted since she was a child. these two have my whole entire heart 🥰
User12 ugh, where can i get a lance stroll? the way he loves his fiancee 😍 and not him being desperate to have babies with her
User13 so is this confirmation that y/n is pregnant? like, if he wants a baby in a year, then..?
→ User14 wouldn’t surprise me. if they get married, he can still make her sign a prenup and divorce her without a worry, but a baby would tie him to her for life so she can continue to spend his money
→ User15 okay but i’m with you on this. it’s the best way to ensure she can keep him around in some way because let’s be honest, their relationship doesn’t seem the best
→ User9 what the fuck is wrong with you two. where in that entire interview were you getting the impression their relationship is on the rocks? he’s literally planning an entire life with her???
→ User15 yeah and where is she? unbothered in london. she’s only with him for the money and that’s the only reason why they’re engaged.
→ User13 they’re engaged because they love each other! he’s also the one who said he wants her to have his children so he can keep her home????
→ User14 no they’re engaged because for some reason, he’s infatuated with her and she’s only using him, and she’s clearly tricked him into wanting children without realising that’s further entrapment
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YourBrother just posted
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YourBrother when sprout takes time out of her busy life to visit, Nonna cooks a whole feast (can you tell who the favourite is) tagged: YourUserName
YourCousin the only reason we look forward to y/n coming home is because nonna feeds us GOOD
→ YourCousin2 agreed, nothing to do with us missing y/n at all
→ YourUserName this is why i left 😂😭
User1 anyone else find it odd that she’s in a different country again on race weekend? i mean, i know her and lance were still a couple last month but i’m starting to wonder if that’s changed
→ User2 she’s also not been active on socials despite that being part of her job description?
→ User3 can you blame her when everyone constantly hates on her
→ User4 being on media isn’t part of her job, she just liked to share her adventures with us and some of you arseholes ruined that.
User5 oh my gosh, her parents are so cute together. i want to be like that when i’m older
→ User6 and her brother and SIL curled up in the chair together. this family really do produce the cutest couples
→ User7 looks like the only absent spouse is lance :(
→ User8 um because he’s currently in china? he has more important things to be doing??
User9 i love that her brother's first idea to cheer her up is to give her beer
→ User10 well, at least we know she’s not pregnant currently
→ User11 thank god. we know lance is free from her in that aspect
→ User9 seriously? making these comments on twitter wasn't bad enough, you people are actually commenting on her BROTHER’s instagram
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astonmartinf1 just posted
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astonmartinf1 our first race back in shanghai sees a p7 finish for fernando with the fastest lap. lance comes home in p15 after contact earlier in the race
User12 woohoo, go nando
User13 nando could get the wdc if you got him a better car and a better teammate
User14 literally give the seat to anyone other than lance stroll please
User15 can we all stop hating on lance, please? it was an accident, they happen
User16 not him blaming danny ric. sweetie, the car has brakes for a reason
User17 danny ric was fuming but also seemed like he was trying not to be
→ User18 no literally. it was like he was trying not to say something but in one interview slipped up and said that lance has been really distracted due to issues at home
→ User19 i saw that! and the way he ran away after like ‘oo the team is calling me’
→ User20 are we smelling a breakup?
User1 i personally think lance stroll shouldn’t be in f1 but can we take a moment to think that whilst it was really bad driving, he’s not been himself lately? he looks really sad in all the media things
→ User2 literally, like he’s constantly coming under hate for his fiancée, and then she hasn’t been to any races recently and he’s not talked about wedding planning once. this is the man who was telling everyone about his wedding even if they didn’t ask
→ User3 maybe he realised that his girlfriend was a gold digging bitch
→ User4 literally. he talked about having children with her and then realised that meant she’d never leave
→ User5 you people are actually crazy. how do you turn a man talking about wanting children into the woman he loves trying to baby trap him? y/n has never talked about wanting kids
→ User6 this. like i definitely think they’ve broken up but for all we know, it could be that lance was talking about children and y/n realised she wasn’t ready/didn’t want them.
User7 can’t believe people are still running the baby narrative. we know nothing about their relationship because they’re quite a private couple - and after this, we can see why - and yet people have somehow created a whole drama about babies from nothing
User8 i know lance is one of the more private f1 drivers but i really think he needs to comment on this? the amount of hate y/n is getting is insane and shouldn’t be ignored
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YourUserName just posted
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YourUserName the view from my office is better than yours. sorry, not sorry
BestFriend i’m looking for a woman in finance, trust fund
→ YourUserName you know you’re welcome to my trust fund anytime
→ BestFriend the best sugar mommy i’ve ever had
YourBrother congratulations on your promotion, shithead. one step away from ceo!
User1 wait why did no one tell me she was running a company?
→ User2 babe, we’ve been telling you bitches this from the start! but none of you listened
chloestroll congratulations, business barbie 💕
→ YourUserName thank you, music barbie 🤍
→ User3 so chloe is still here? does that mean we’re still getting a wedding
→ User4 idk. lance isn’t in the likes..?
→ User5 @ chloestroll please tell us what you know. Some of us are rooting for them to end up together
User6 so she goes radio silent for three months just to come back and pretend like she has a job? nothing about the man she supposedly loves?
→ User7 seems shady to me. you got caught out for being a gold digger so now you’re going to act like you actually go to work?
→ User8 i really hate people like you
→ User9 you know nothing about her and lance so how about we stop making shit up? lance isn’t going to see your comments and think i’m gonna shag this random person
→ User10 oh yeah like you know much more than we do. bitch
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Baby Fever Angst Series
Daniel's Version | Max's Version | Lando's Version
Charles’ Version
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@lav3nder-haze @minkyungseokie @callsignwidow @luvrrish @fall-bambi @evans-dejong @sadsierra2 @justdreamersdream @spookystitchery @dark-night-sky-99 @elijahslover @gaypoetsblog @luckyladycreator2 @bborra @mrosales16 @reguluscrystals @raizelchrysanderoctavius @tvdtw4ever @alwaysclassyeagle @gigicisneros @spanishcorndogs @dullypully @thecubanator2 @goldenharrysworld @awritingtree @jxnellat @sbrn0905 @leclercsluvs @hc-dutch @mxdi0 @buckybarnessweetheart @ironmaiden1313 @dreamercrowd @yourbane
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cosmosis · 1 year
MOVED TO @seratopia
miguel o’hara x reader (fluff) - can’t sleep
you just can’t sleep without your husband next to you (i hope my spanish was okay)
Maybe it’s your cycle, maybe its just the fact that you’ve been literally working all day for the past 3 weeks, but you’re tired as shit. The bags under your eyes are almost purple, your entire body hunches over like a zombie when you walk, you barely have time to think nor speak to anyone else besides your husband. The entire building is lowkey worried you’ll snap one day. 
Even Miguel is worried. Much how you like to do to him, Miguel’s been constantly ushering you to rest a little, borderline bribing you with nice takeout or some kisses to get you to sleep. But, to no avail. your sleep schedule is genuinely fucked. 
You’re cranky, hungry, and sleep deprived. 
At the moment, Miguel doesn’t really know where you are. Considering your current state, he thinks you’re out on a mission, or at least somewhere in the office. 
He’s already tried walking through the entire office just looking for you. He checked the cafeteria, gym, hallway, etc. muttering, “Where th’fuck are they?” But, you were nowhere to be found.
So, Miguel tries something different. He pulls up his watch, scrolling down to a button that he really only should be using for emergencies, but to Miguel, this is an emergency on its’ own. 
He presses the button, and suddenly his entire face is broadcasted to every single watch in the building. Dramatically, the emergency siren turns on, and all the spider-people are on their feet. 
“If anyone sees my wife, please report back to me asap. Tell her to come see me, I can’t find her anywhere.“
The whole office can see Miguel rub a hand over his face, visibly both annoyed and tired. Everyone starts looking back and forth, tilting heads and making sure that you didn’t just happen to be around somewhere. Once the camera turns off, though, nearly the entire building starts chuckling. 
It’s crazy how much Miguel’s face utterly lights up when he sees his watch ringing without your contact photo. Literally in a split second, he presses the button, opening up a microphone icon. 
Ugh, he just loves the sound of your voice. 
“¿Si querida?“
He hears you groan, possibly the sound of bedsheets shuffling, and it pulls at his heart. You’ve been so miserable lately, he just wants to see you back to your happy self again. 
“Come home, now.“
Just the tone of your voice alone put a worried frown on Miguel’s face. (He never likes to admit how much of an impact your emotions have on him.) An ugly, anxious swarm starts to build at the back of his head, making him impossibly nervous. 
Luckily, Miguel knows what to do. 
“Of course, hun. I’ll be there in 10.“
And he turns the watch off, sighing to himself after. He’s a little bit nervous now, fearing as though he did something to upset you, or that you had something serious to talk about when he came home. 
Every step Miguel takes to your shared home brought him closer and closer on edge, worry and theory swirling through his mind. His brain ping-ponged through every single possible reason why you’d want him to come home, especially in such a cranky matter. Maybe you were just tired? Maybe it was because he accidentally gave you a raisin bagel instead of a everything bagel?
By the time Miguel was at the door, his heart was beating erratically in his chest, hands the slightest bit shaky. Stepping inside, Miguel instantly beelined for your shared bedroom, gently opening the door. 
He sees you shuffle around in the covers, his heart secretly swooning. You’re just so cute when you’re half asleep; needy and cuddlier than usual. Already at the bedroom door, Miguel practically rips his shirt off, kicking off his pants and making his way over to where you lay. He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, gingerly swiping strands of hair off your face. 
“What is it, hun?“ He coos.
You toss and turn, barely mustering a frown onto your face. Your eyes are half-lidded, tank top almost falling off your shoulder until Miguel readjusts it for you. 
“Can’t sleep without you.“ You mumble, slowly scooting yourself over and draping your arms towards him. Miguel practically swoons, cooing and leaning into your touch. How could he resist such an offer?
“Awh, baby.“ 
He tangles himself into bed with you, breathing the biggest sigh of relief. It wasn’t what he thought it was. You just wanted snuggles. Miguel takes it upon himself to spoil you extra, ghosting his touch over your back and kissing the darling skin of your temple.
Like the thousands of times he has before, Miguel tangles his legs into yours, kneading his fingers into the skin of your raised leg.  
Within a few minutes or so, Miguel feels you knock out like a light, tiny puffs of air escaping your mouth while you fist the sheets like a baby. He sighs, staring at you for a few moments while you sleep. Affectionately, he rubs his knuckles against your cheek, smooching your forehead. 
Miguel pulls a blanket over the both of you, knowing very well that by the time you’re awake, it’ll be completely on the floor. Readjusting his position, Miguel doses off to sleep, allowing himself to completely let go of all the stresses he holds. 
After all, he can’t sleep without you either. 
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© 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒔.
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once-upon-an-imagine · 9 months
Dear Prudence - Remus Lupin
A/N: well, again this keeps on working so… I hope you guys like it!
Request - Anonymous asked: Could I request a one-shot with hufflepuff potter!reader x Remus where James is favored by their parents for being in Gryffindor and on the quidditch team and being a golden child, and the reader is very kind and close to James but used to being ignored. Remus woos her and James is protective when he first finds out but comes around. Also short!reader please, I love Remus being a gentle giant
Warnings: James is favored by his parents over the reader, but they are not mean or anything, and I think that's it :)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :) gif isn’t mine :D  
Dear Prudence
Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play? Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day The sun is up, the sky is blue It's beautiful and so are you
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The first thing Remus noticed, were the letters.
“Hey, sunshine” Remus smiled when he spotted you as he entered the Great Hall.
“Hi moonshine” you smiled back at him.
“You know that’s not what you think it is, right?”
“Yes, it is. I am the sun and you are the moon” you insisted as he rolled his eyes a little.
“Whatever you say, love” he chuckled as the two of you reached the other three Marauders sitting at the Gryffindor table.
“Hey Jamie, I think our envelopes got mixed up” you said, walking over to your brother.
“Hey, bug” he smiled at you. “How do you know?” he asked, grabbing the envelope in front of him. “This one says my name” he said, confused as Remus sat down next to your brother.
“Yeah, this one also says James. F. Potter” you said, showing it to him. “But it feels a lot more pages than mine and it has those golden star stickers mum always puts on yours, Goldie” you smirked, mocking him and switching the letters.
“Oh, Goldie! I love that, I am calling you that from now on!” Sirius laughed.
“Shut up, Padfoot!” James said, hitting his arm as you opened the letter James had and saw your name inside.
“Yep, this one’s mine” you told him, taking out the single page.
“Would you like to sit down with us?” Remus offered, smiling brightly at you. So, of course, you couldn’t refuse.
“Why thank you, Remus, that is very kind of you” you said sitting between him and James, hitting your brother’s arm in the process.
“Hey! What did I do?” he asked, with his mouth half-full.
“That’s where you got that from?” Sirius asked, glaring at you a little as James opened his envelope and Remus caught at least four pages coming out of it. He didn’t want to obviously point that out, so he asked something different instead.
“How come both envelopes were addressed to James?” he asked, making you look up at him and you answered before James could.
“Mum writes to him so much, she made the envelopes, especially for him” you smirked, pinching his cheek and your brother quickly snapped your hand away.
“That’s not true!” he argued, with a hint of blush on his cheeks.
“Isn’t it? She writes to you at least twice a week” you mocked him. “I bet nobody else in the entire school comes close to how many letters you get” you told him.
“She writes to you too!”
“Yeah, every other week” you said, rolling your eyes and going back to your letter. “And even then she always asks about you” you said, showing it to him.
“That’s not true!”
“Wanna bet?”
“Fine! Five Galleons” James smirked proudly. You quickly went back to your letter, quickly spotting James’ name.
“Ah-ha! Here we are” you smirked back at him. “‘Make sure to take care of Jamie and give him a big kiss and hug for me’” you said, pointing the sentence at the bottom of your letter as James blushed furiously. “Aw, c’mere, Jamie, gimmie a kiss” you said, throwing your arms around his shoulders and peppering his cheek with kisses while the other three Marauders laughed.
“Ugh, get off me, you annoying bug!” he said pushing you away and making you crash into Remus, who quickly wrapped his arms around your waist so you wouldn’t fall.
“S-sorry, Rem” you said, feeling your cheeks burn as he helped you up.
“No problem, love” he smiled. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah” you chuckled.
“Well, you two are simply the sweetest thing in the world” you heard Sirius from across the table.
“Shut up, Sirius!”
“Shut up, Padfoot!”
The second thing Remus noticed, were the family dinners.
During Christmas break, it was not surprising at all that the entire group of Marauders were residing at the Potters’ house. This year, Mrs. Potter had even got each of them a stocking, which he later found out had been your request, and Remus felt happier than he had in years. Since his mum passed away, he and his father never really liked celebrating Christmas anymore, so the feeling of this home made him warm inside and he loved it. And he especially loved spending more time with you, even if you were locked in your room most of the time.
“James, darling, where is your sister? Dinner is almost ready” he looked up from his book when Mrs. Potter came into the living room.
“Probably locked in her room” James shrugged.
“Well, could you go get her, please love?”
“Just a second, mum, I’m about to beat Padfoot” James smirked as they played Chess.
“I can go” Remus offered, marking the page on his book and getting up.
“Thank you so much, Remus. It is lovely to have actual help around here” she said, before messing James’ hair as he complained to his mother.
Remus chuckled and went upstairs to your room. He had realized this was probably the only room in your entire house he had never seen, aside from your parents’ room. He suddenly found himself feeling extremely curious to see how your room was. And why you insisted on spending so much time on it. He gently knocked on your door but he didn’t receive any response. It didn’t come as a surprise since he could hear the music blasting from the other side. He smiled when he recognized the song. It had become kind of your thing. He knew you loved muggle music and he loved introducing you to it.
Wouldn't it be nice if we were older? Then we wouldn't have to wait so long And wouldn't it be nice to live together? In the kind of world where we belong?
His smile grew wider when he heard your voice on top of the original song and he tried to knock harder but still, no response. So, he carefully opened the door. Whatever Remus had in mind about your room (which he may or may not think about more than he would like to admit) he never pictured this. Your room was as big as James’ if not a bit bigger, but you had a lot more windows and a lot more colors, by far. James’ room was decorated with Gryffindor colors and Quidditch teams he loved. But yours? Yours had paintings everywhere. Every wall. Top to bottom. Even some parts of your ceiling. How did you ever get to paint that high? He may never know. You were currently painting the side of your window with colorful flowers. Peonies. Your favorite.
You know it's gonna make it that much better When we can say goodnight and stay together
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up In the morning when the day is new? And after having spent the day together Hold each other close the whole night through
“Um, sunshine?”
“Remus° you turned to him, smiling brightly. Remus had never seen you so beautiful. You had possibly every single color in your pallet all over your face, your clothes, and your hands. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you” you said, walking over to your record player and making the song stop.
“Yeah, I figured as much” he chuckled. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, I get really bored of my walls every now and then, and I start all over again” you explained. “I was in a very flowery mood” you said, pointing at your latest painting.
“That’s beautiful” he told you. “Did you paint all of the rooms in your house?”
“Yes, except Jamie’s” you explained. “He said I’m just going to ruin his Quidditch posters” you said, rolling your eyes. “But I did the guest rooms” you said, smiling. “Yours was inspired by ‘The Little Prince’” you informed him.
“I could tell” he smiled. “My favorite book when I was a kid” he added.
“I remember you telling me that” you smiled back.
“Do you know that program on our last year for magical paintings? You should really apply for next year” he suggested.
“You really think so?” you smiled and he nodded. “I have… actually been thinking about it” you informed him.
“You should” he smiled.
“I might” you smirked.
“Um, your mum says dinner’s almost ready” he informed you.
“Oh, really? I must have lost track of time” you said, walking into your room to wash your hands.
“I’m glad you liked your Christmas present” he said, shyly, looking at the Beach Boys’ record that was playing not long ago.
“I love it” you said, coming back out. “Did you like yours?”
“I’m halfway done” he said, remembering the book he was just reading downstairs.
“I can’t put it down” he smiled as you got closer to him.
“I’m glad you liked it” you smiled, making him chuckle when he saw you still had paint on your face.
“Um, you still have some-” he said, pointing at his left cheek. “Here” he said, grabbing the towel from your hand and carefully cleaning it up.
“Thanks, moonshine” you smiled.
“Hey, Mrs. Potter said-” Sirius came bursting into your room, smirking at the scene in front of him. “Am I interrupting something?” he asked, as the two of you jumped apart. You saw Remus’ cheeks blushing and you felt yours burning a little.
“We were just- um- on our way” Remus quickly said, before he left the room. You nodded, grabbing one of your books, and were about to follow him, but Sirius blocked your way.
“You know, you should just tell him already, Bambi” he said. “We both know he’s too shy to make the first move, plus he thinks your brother is gonna kill him” he said.
“Mhm, or maybe, he just doesn’t feel the same way about me” you insisted. “And you promised you wouldn’t say anything!” you glared at him.
“I haven’t!” he said, offended. “And you have to be joking, right, have you really not seen the way he looks at you with his goofy smile, sunshine” he said, mocking Remus’ voice and making you punch him in his arm. “Ouch! Would you stop that?”
“It’s not my fault. You moved here and decided to become my other annoying brother, so you have to pay the consequences” you smirked before you left your room and Sirius rolled his eyes, following you.
“Why did you bring your book?” Remus asked, confused when you sat down next to him and placed your book on the table.
“Well, it kinda gets boring when the conversation turns to Quidditch” you informed him.
He frowned a little confused, but quickly understood what you meant. Throughout the entire dinner, your parents had revolved the entire conversation about James. They first asked how school was, to which all of you replied, he and the rest of the Marauders included. Followed by if you were dating someone. And then, Quidditch. Remus realized you hadn’t even spoken for about forty-five minutes. Your parents even asked Sirius, Peter, and him some questions, but not you. He turned to look at you and saw you immersed in your book. He slowly smiled and then felt a kick in his leg. He turned to glare at Sirius sitting in front of him who was smirking and nodded his head towards you.
“What’s your book about?” he asked. It took you a moment to register that someone was actually talking to you before you lifted your head and turned to look at Remus.
“Oh, um-” you smiled shyly. “It’s a romance novel, I wouldn’t want to bore you” you chuckled.
“You wouldn’t bore me, sunshine” he insisted. When you smiled brightly at him, it gave him the courage to hold your hand in his underneath the table as you started talking about the plot of the book you were reading. He absolutely loved the way your face brightened when you talked about something you liked and that you had his full attention. He could not deny it any longer, he was definitely in love with you.
The third thing Remus noticed, was the birthday presents.
“Hi Rem” you smiled, opening your dorm. “What are you doing here?”
“Me? What are you doing here? You left your own birthday party” he chuckled.
“Well, you know I don’t like parties” you chuckled. “James makes a whole fuss about our birthdays but it’s mostly for him” you insisted. “I bet nobody even noticed I left” you said.
“I did” he said, making your cheeks burn a little.
“Um… would you like to come in?” you asked, opening the door. “I’m watching an old movie that Alice lent me” you smiled. “I got pastries from the Kitchens” you said, making him smile.
“How could I say no to that?” he asked, following you inside. “I also wanted to give you your present” he said, making you look back at him.
“You got me a present? Remus, you didn’t have to get me anything” you smiled.
“Yes, I did. It’s your birthday” he said, as if it was obvious. “I’m sure you got so many presents already, but one more couldn’t hurt” he said, shyly.
“Not much” you shrugged. “Jamie gave me my badger slippers” you said, showing them to him. “And I gave him lion ones” you giggled. “Sirius gave me chocolate, oh, Alice gave me new paints” you said, pointing at them excitedly. “And Lily gave me a new perfume” you smiled.
“Oh” he frowned, confused. “What about your parents?”
“Oh, my dad sent me this book” you said, showing him a familiar book, he knew you had already talked with him about. “I mentioned to him it was my favorite so he got me one” you explained. “I don’t really have it in my heart to tell him I already have it” you chuckled.
“And your mom?” he asked, extremely confused. He counted at least twenty presents for James from your parents.
“My mum usually gives me some of her jewelry she knows I love, but she doesn’t like to send it through mail so she gives it to me when I come home for the summer” you explained.
“Oh… is… that it?” he asked, without really thinking.
“What do you mean?” you asked, confused.
“Nothing. Sorry, I didn’t mean anything I just- um- I don’t want to cross a line or anything it’s just-”
“Let me guess, Jamie got about thirty presents from my parents” you smiled sadly.
“Yeah” he said, awkwardly. “Look, you know I love your parents. They are some of the kindest people I’ve met, and I know I don’t have any siblings but… I just don’t think it’s fair that they favor James over you” he said, sadly.
“Look, it’s fine. I know my parents love me” you smiled. “Just… probably not as much as James” you chuckled. “I’ve actually learned it’s not the worst thing. I get zero pressure from them. Last year, I was really worried because I didn’t do well on one of my Herbology tests-”
“Because everything you touch dies?” Remus smirked, earning a glare from you.
“As I was saying… I was going to tell them when we came home for the Holidays, but they were so upset that James had lost the last Quidditch match, that they didn’t even say anything to me” you shrugged. “I can literally do anything I want whenever I want and they won’t really mind. I mean, I’m pretty sure I can even date whomever I want but the day James gets a serious girlfriend, my mum may actually die” you told Remus, making him laugh a little. “It used to bother me a lot, but… they do show me that they love me in different ways” you explained. “But I think it’s really sweet you care about that” you smiled at him.
“Well, of course I do. You’re my favorite person in the world” he blurted out.
“I am?” you asked, feeling your heart flutter.
“Of course you are” he smiled.
“I think… you’re the first person in my life that has liked me more than James” you said, feeling a few tears in your eyes. “Sorry, that’s stupid-”
“It’s not” he assured you, pulling you closer and wiping away your tears. “And I really mean it” he smiled. “Happy birthday, sunshine” he said, giving you his present.
“Moonshine” you smiled, opening it. “Remus” you said, feeling your eyes welling up. “Is this-?”
“Yes” he smiled, grabbing The Beatles’ record from you and putting it on your record player. “I know this is your favorite song and it’s also mine because it reminds me of you” he said as the guitar started playing. “Would you like to dance with me?”
“Really?” you asked, excitedly.
“Only because it’s your birthday” he said as you grabbed his hand and walked to the middle of your dorm.
Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play? Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day The sun is up, the sky is blueIt's beautiful, and so are you Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
“Why does this song remind you of me?” you asked curiously.
“Well, I read that the song was written about Prudence Farrow-”
“Who is Mia Farrow’s less famous little sister? Wow, Remus-”
“No, that’s not why” he glared a little at you. “I mean she is but, that’s not why” he insisted.
Dear Prudence, open up your eyes Dear Prudence, see the sunny skies The wind is low, the birds will sing That you are part of everything Dear Prudence, won't you open up your eyes?
“Did you apply to the art program” he asked, making you smile at him.
“You remembered that?”
“Of course, I do” he frowned. “I remember everything you tell me” he insisted.
“Well… I did” you told him. “I should be hearing about it during summer” you informed him.
“I’m sure you’ll get in, sunshine” he said, kissing your forehead.
Look around, around (round, round, round) Look around, around, around (round, round) Look around
“Well, it was written because she would rarely come out of her bungalow while she meditated. It’s kind of like you and your paintings” he smiled.
“I’m not that bad” you scoffed offended.
“Love, I had to come up three times a day every day on Christmas break so you wouldn’t forget to eat” he reminded you.
“Oh, and here I was thinking you came to get me because you missed me” you pouted.
“That too” he assured you.
Dear Prudence, let me see you smile Dear Prudence, like a little child The clouds will be a daisy chain So let me see you smile again Dear Prudence, won't you let me see you smile?
“I really love this song” you smiled. “And my birthday gift” you added. “And um-” you said, feeling your cheeks burn as you looked away. “C-can I tell you something?” you asked, nervously.
“You can tell me anything, love” he assured you.
“O-okay, you don’t have to say anything and… if it’s weird you can just leave and not talk to me ever again, and… it’s not just because you said you liked me more than James b-but it’s been something that I have felt for a while and I just-”
“Sunshine” he said, cupping your cheek and making you stop your ramble. “I love you too” he smiled, making your entire body feel like you were on cloud nine.
“Y-you do?” you asked, still not believing him.
“I really do” he said, leaning in to kiss you.
Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play? Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day The sun is up, the sky is blue It's beautiful, and so are you Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
“Yeah, go get settled, Moony! We’ll wait for you outside” James said as Remus walked upstairs to put his things away. After tossing everything in there really, he quickly found himself in front of your door again. James had invited him to stay over the summer and it had been two weeks without you. Two weeks too long. He smiled as the music blasted on the other side of the door, only this time, he opened it and walked in.
My, my, I tried to hold you back, But you were stronger Oh, yeah, and now it seems My only chance is giving up the fight
And how could I ever refuse? I feel like I win when I lose
Waterloo, I was defeated, you won the war Waterloo, promise to love you for ever more Waterloo, couldn't escape if I wanted to Waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you
Wa-Wa-Wa-Wa-Waterloo Finally facing my Waterloo
Remus smiled to himself before he walked over to you, pulling your paintbrush away from your hand and making you turn around frowning, but you quickly smiled when you saw it was him.
“Moonshine!” you smiled, throwing your arms around his shoulders and he quickly wrapped his around your waist, twirling you around and planting a big kiss on your lips.
“Hey, sunshine” he smiled when you pulled away. “I missed you” he said, giving you another peck on the lips.
“I missed you too” you smiled, pulling him closer. “How has your summer been?”
“Pretty boring, to be honest” he chuckled. “I see you kept yourself busy” he said, twirling your paintbrush in his hand. “Prongs and Padfoot said you played Quidditch with them yesterday” he chuckled.
“Yeah, they made me” you rolled your eyes.
“Have you… told your brother about us?”
“No” you pouted. “You said we would tell him together” you reminded him. “You know it’s gonna be fine, right?”
“Yeah, I know. Sirius just keeps insisting he will kill me” he laughed nervously.
“I won’t let that happen” you said, kissing his cheek. “I promise” you smiled sweetly.
“So, what are you painting?”
“Oh! I’ve been waiting to tell you” you said, excitedly. “I got into the art program!”
“You did? Love, that’s amazing! I knew you could do it!” he said, hugging you again and giving you a small kiss. “I’m so proud of you!”
“Thanks, Remmy” you smiled. “You’re the first person I’ve told” you smiled.
“I am? Why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“Oh, well, I actually told my parents when we got here, but James won the Quidditch Cup and there are… about ten Quidditch teams wanting to recruit him so… I don’t think they heard me or even knew what I was talking about” you said, smiling sadly. “Sirius said it sounded cool, though” you told him.
“I’m sorry, love” he said, pulling you closer.
“It’s okay. You’re the one I really wanted to tell” you smiled, leaning in to kiss him again. “And, I have to finish this painting” you said, trying to get the brush from him but he put it out of his reach. “Rem!”
“I just got here, love” he pouted. “Wouldn’t you rather spend the day with your boyfriend who missed you so much?”
“Well, yes, that’s why I wanted to finish it before you got here” you insisted. “But James and Sirius kept insisting that I played Quidditch with them yesterday and I didn’t get to paint” you told him but he still placed the brush out of your reach when you tried to grab it. “Remus!”
“Well, you can continue tomorrow” he said, pulling you to him. “I have been waiting for two whole weeks to kiss my beautiful girlfriend” he said between kisses, feeling your smile against his lips.
“Okay, I can continue tomorrow” you said, as he threw the brush on your table and deepened the kiss. “I missed you so much” you said, pulling him closer.
“I missed you too, love” he smiled.
"Hey bug, have you seen Moony-? BLOODY HELL! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" James yelled coming inside your room and covering his eyes at the scene in front of him. Remus instantly jumped off you so quickly he fell to the floor as Sirius came in running behind James when they heard the yelling.
"Why are you yell-? oh bloody hell!" he smirked when he saw Remus standing up and saw that both of seemed very nervous.
"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" James yelled to Remus and started running after him with his wand pointing at his neck but you stepped in between.
"Jamie, stop!"
"Get out of the way bug!" your brother’s voice was dangerously low.
"Prongs, calm down" Remus said trying not to show how nervous he really was.
"Calm down?!" James snapped. "That's MY sister!"
"Jamie, please, calm down!" you said also a little nervous.
"Don't yell at her!" Remus snapped.
"Mate, I would shut up if I were you" Sirius told him.
"ALL OF YOU, SHUT UP!" you yelled at all of them.
“I’m going to kill you!” James yelled at Remus before he started chasing him around your room. Remus quickly ran out with James following him.
“I told you, he would find out sooner or later” Sirius smirked.
“You are of no use to me right now, SIrius!” you said, punching his arm as you followed your brother and your boyfriend. Sirius quickly walking behind you.
“James, what is going on? What’s with all the yelling?” you saw your mother and father come inside the living room where James was still chasing Remus and throwing jinxes at him.
“Stop it!” you yelled running over to your brother and grabbing his arm.
“Get off me!” he complained as Remus ran over to Sirius, hiding behind him.
“You’re being ridiculous!” you said, trying to reach for his wand but he placed it out of your reach. However, you clung yourself to him, trying your best to get it.
“What in Merlin’s name are you two kids doing?” your father asked, confused. It was rare to see the two of you fight like this nowadays.
“Let go!” he said, as your hand reached for his wand.
“You let go!” you complained.
“It’s my wand!”
“Gimmie it!”
“Alright, stop it! Both of you!” your mother’s voice was heard through the room as she pointed her wand at the two of you, separating you, and making James’ wand fly into her hand.
“He started it!”
“She started it!”
“I don’t care who started it! I want to know what’s going on and I want to know now!” your mother said, with her hands on her waist.
“Why don’t you ask your daughter how she betrayed me!” James said, glaring at you.
“Oh, please! Grow up, James! You’re being ridiculous!”
“That’s enough!” your father intervened. “Your mother asked you a question. What is wrong with the two of you?”
“She stole my best friend!” James said, pointing at you accusingly.
“What? I did no such thing!”
“And I thought I was your best friend” Sirius added, offended while Remus rolled his eyes.
“James, sweetheart what are you talking about?” your mother asked, confused.
“Well, mum, I just found your daughter, my so-called sister” he said glaring at you as you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Kissing my best friend!”
“Excuse me?” your father said, a bit upset, throwing daggers at the two boys behind your mother.
“Fleamont, darling, calm down” she said, to her husband before turning to you. “Sweetheart, would you care to explain yourself?” your mother asked you, calmly.
“First of all, Jamie is making it a bigger deal than it is” you complained.
“No, I’m not!”
“Yes, you are!”
“Were you or were you not just kissing Moony upstairs?”
“What?” your father asked again, but your mother stopped him.
“Well?” James asked, arching his eyebrow at you.
“I… was… kissing… my… boyfriend” you said, feeling your cheeks burning.
“Excuse me?” your father asked, baffled.
“Boyfriend?” James asked.
“Remus is your boyfriend?” your mother asked, excitedly.
“You can’t have a boyfriend! You’re too young!” your dad complained.
“And it can’t be my best friend!” James added.
“Hurtful, Prongs. Really hurtful” Sirius glared at him.
“Oh, hush, all of you” your mother said, rolling her eyes. “Fleamont, you and I were their age when we started dating” she reminded your father. “And James, you should be happy that your sister is with one of your best friends. Remus is a wonderful guy” she smiled at Remus who felt just a little less nervous.
“Thanks, Mrs. Potter” he said, blushing a little.
“I’m so happy for you two. Sweetheart, why didn’t you tell us?” she asked you.
“Well, I didn’t really know how to because I knew James would throw a fit about it” you said, rolling your eyes.
“I did not throw a fit-”
“James, that’s enough” your mother told him. “Leave your sister alone” she scowled.
“But mum-”
“But nothing. She’s happy and so is Remus and we are all happy for them and that’s it” she insisted.
“I don’t even get a say in it?”
“No, why would you get a say in your sister’s love life?”
“At least she has a love life” Sirius laughed.
“Hey!” James complained.
“Good one, son” your dad laughed with Sirius.
“What is happening?” James asked, upset before he started going upstairs. “I do not like this one bit!” you heard before he slammed his door.
“Don’t listen to him, sweet pea” your dad said, smiling kindly at you. “We are happy for you” he admitted, kissing your head. “But Remus is not allowed in your room and you are not allowed in his, or the two of you alone in a room, understood?” he frowned.
“Yes, dad” you smiled.
“Yes, sir” Remus replied at the same time.
“Good” he smirked proudly.
“I’m so happy for you, sweetheart” your mother said, hugging you.
“Thanks, mum” you smiled.
“You too, Remus” she said, kissing his cheek.
“Thank you, Mrs. Potter” he smiled before she left with your dad.
“I’d like to say that went well” Sirius smirked as you sat with Remus on the sofa and he kissed your forehead while Sirius sat on the chair.
“To be honest, that’s the best I could have asked for” Remus chuckled.
“It felt weird to have so much attention on me” you admitted as Remus kissed your cheek.
“Alright” you heard James’ voice coming down the stairs again. “I have decided that I approve this” he said in a serious tone, sitting closer to Sirius.
“You do know we don’t need your approval, right?” you said, glaring a little at him.
“But there will be no kissing in front of me” he glared at the two of you. “That’s just gross!”
“Fair enough, Prongs” Remus chuckled, kissing the side of your head.
“I just want to say that I am still hurt about your comments made earlier” Sirius said, sounding offended.
“You knew about them the entire time, didn’t you?” James glared at him.
“And I forgive you because that’s what best friends do, Prongsie” he smiled innocently.
“Fine, I forgive you too” James said, rolling his eyes as Sirius hugged him, kissing his cheek. “Get off, you goof!”
“This is going to be a long summer, isn’t it?” Remus asked you.
“Yes, I am so happy you’re here” you smiled, giving him a peck on the lips.
“Hey! What did I just say!?”
“Shut up, Jamie!”
The End
Songs: Wouldn't It Be Nice - The Beach Boys Dear Prudence - The Beatles Waterloo - ABBA
A/N: I hope you loves like it! :)
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melminli · 5 months
Cold Coffee
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - you liked working, and someone else liked you working for them.
word count: 2k+
contains: young president coryo, crack, fluff, secretary reader, coryo being lovesick and shy
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You had a routine. A routine that you strictly followed every day and it started with your alarm clock waking you up at 5 o'clock in the morning. The first thing you did was get up and go to the bathroom to wash the sleep off your face, otherwise you couldn't get anything done. After you had finished everything else concerning your hygiene, you continued with your outfit of the day.
You liked to play around a bit when it came to your fashion choices. After all, you were living in the Capitol. Your job still demanded a certain formality and professionalism, which is why you were perhaps not as free in your choice as others, but that wasn't a problem for you. You always managed to find something elegant to wear since you had all kinds of clothing in different colors and fabrics that were perfect for combining with various other items. Whether vests, suit jackets, skirts, trousers or everything all together, it was entirely up to your mood. (Even though combining everything together was something you hadn't done since your school days at the academy.).
Then the last thing left missing was your hair and maybe some make-up, before you could step out of the house with your pre-packed bag. After a 15-minute drive in your car, you would arrive a few minutes early and were able to go about your duties as planned until it was time to leave at around 4 pm (if you were lucky).
You've been doing this every day for three years. Every day. That may sound exhausting (because it is), but you were also kind of happy about it since missing work would just mean that you had more to do on the following one. You rarely got sick, but when you did it was usually nothing serious so you came to work anyway. On the two rare occasions when you were really seriously ill, you were once off work and once you were lucky (or unlucky) that it was at the time of several public holidays. So yes, you haven't missed a single day of work - until today.
Your alarm clock died in the middle of the night.
"...huh - what's happening?" You asked, slightly drowsy, and it felt like you'd been asleep for far too long, a suspicious amount of long. Your eyes glanced at the clock on your wall, and you had to concentrate to keep the image from blurring. "...It's a quarter past seven." You finally realized, before widening your eyes and jumping out of bed. "It's a quarter past seven! I'm going to be late!"
In your stress to get ready quickly, you decided to get dressed first and quickly picked something out before scurrying to the bathroom to get ready. That was your mistake because while being a bit too hectic when brushing your teeth, you were clumsy enough to get toothpaste on your shirt. "No, no, no - ugh. I can't believe this." You whined and hurried so you could change again.
Hair? fine, make-up? Fuck it - okay, just go out and get in the car. At this point, you were already a whole hour late. When you arrived at the place where your car was supposed to be and couldn't see it, you started to panic and it didn't stop when you realized why. It's in the repair shop! Why, does this have to happen to me?!
"Okay, let's calm down for a minute." You said to yourself and took a deep breath of the cold morning air. It was quiet, only the chirping of the birds could be heard, it was still early in the morning. "That's just the way it is now. I'll just let someone know I'll be late and - " You said and took out your phone, only to realize that it was dead. This all was probably due to a power cut in the night, which also explained why your alarm clock wasn't working this morning. " - alright, I won't do that then. It's cool. Everything's cool."
Your day was off to a pretty bad start already. It would take you at least half an hour to get to work with the train, and you'd have to wait another half an hour since the last one left five minutes ago according to your watch. Yes, the morning commute wasn't exactly popular in the Capitol - the people here usually preferred to sleep in.
"You know what? I'm just going to treat myself to my favorite drink in my favorite café. I really can't do this right now." You finally decide and set off a little more relaxed. "I would argue that I don't get paid enough for this, but I actually get paid pretty well." You admitted but didn't care any more than to laugh about it.
Of course, no one would assume that the secretary to the president of Panem would get a bad wage.
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Hm. Coriolanus looked at his watch again. His eyes had been darting there strangely often since this morning. Well, he didn't see you at all today, and normally you would greet him on the way to his office, and he would greet you back. After a while, you would come through the door and ask if he wanted coffee while you were already carrying it to him in your hand. This was followed by a little summary from you about what appointments he had today, who he was meeting and so on - it's not that important, the point is that he hasn't seen you yet and he didn't know why.
He got up from his seat and opened the door of his office to look out, but like before, you weren't sitting in your seat at the reception desk.
He then decided to look for his nearest employee. "Excuse me, Mr. Pox. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. " He announced his presence as he knocked lightly on the open door with his knuckles.
The man immediately stood up slightly nervously in order to appear respectful. He was older than Coriolanus, but he also wasn't the president. "You're not interrupting anything, sir! How can I help you?" He asked, a little confused. Oh no, he never asks me anything personally, I hope it's nothing serious. I'm not in trouble, am I?
Coriolanus reassured him as he subtly asked his question. "Well, I was just wondering where my secretary was. You wouldn't happen to know anything about her whereabouts?" He said, thinking it was a little stupid of him for not wanting to appear conspicuous. She works for me. I have the right to know where she is. This is not in any way inappropriate.
Pox was relieved when it turned out that this wasn't about him, but immediately felt a little guilty because you seemed to be in trouble. You were his nicest colleague, he liked you a lot. But I can't just lie to the president either. He's literally the president! He'll certainly find out if I do. "No, sir. Unfortunately not, she didn't tell me anything." He replied and just watched as the man in front of him hummed absently, which is why he quickly added. "Maybe she's just late?"
If that were the case, you'd already be three hours late. That was not like you, and Coriolanus began to subconsciously worry a little. She would let me know if she was going to be late. He thought to himself until he realized that you had never been late before, so he couldn't be too sure of his theory. Because that was what it was - just a theory. "Hm. All right, thanks for your time, see you then." He said goodbye to Pox and decided to go back to his office.
There wasn't really anything else he could do - well, except maybe call you. He stopped his steps for a moment at the thought. That feels wrong. Usually, you were the one who called him regularly or barged into his office so he didn't really have to. Well, sometimes he wanted to, but he doubted you would appreciate it if he contacted you after your working hours. He sometimes wished that his thoughts of you would end with your departure, but he hadn't really been successful yet, and for god's sake, he didn't know why. Well, I do - but it's complicated. She's my secretary and this isn't a stupid rom com.
He saw you all day. That is enough. It should be enough. It wasn't like he was looking forward to monday or anything since you started working for him - well, he was, but that was because of other things, for sure. It could be because of other things, he could find joy in other things.
"Oh, Mr. Snow. There you are." Your voice surprised him as he opened the door to his own office and was greated with your face in front of his. "I wanted to talk to you, but then you weren't here. I'm sorry I got in without your permission." You apologized sincerely and took a step to the side so he could enter.
"It's all good. You don't need to apologize." Coriolanus said calmly and sat down in his seat, subtly watching you move in front of his desk. "What is it?" He asked, appearing unaffected - as if he hadn't been thinking about you and what you were doing since this morning.
You looked slightly confused. "Well, I'm three hours late for work." You announced, sure that he would have noticed. "I know this can't be excused, and I'll get straight to work to make up for it, I promise. It's just that my car has a few issues and, well..." You assured him and placed a paper cup on his table. "I know I usually bring you coffee, and this is not the expensive one from here, but from my favorite café around the corner, but well..." You started rambling a bit and were a little more talkative than usual, which didn't go unnoticed. "...It also got cold on the way, and I spilled half of it because someone ran into me on the train." You added when you noticed how his gaze shifted to the stain at your side.
"Sounds like you had a pretty exciting morning. It's all right, don't worry, I'll turn a blind eye since it's the first time." Coriolanus replied with his slightly charming smile. You usually told him so little about your personal life that he unconsciously began to appreciate the little things he got to hear from you.
Like no, he didn't want to hear another stupid story about Mr. Aliose and his fucking hamsters. He almost felt sorry for the guys patheticness, maybe he could live a happier life if he put more effort into finding a wife than getting his pet to do a roll. Or from his other employees who tried to entertain him with uninteresting personal stories he didn't care about - because he didn't care about them.
And the one person he did actually want to hear from, kept their personal and work life very separate. He hated that it wasn't the other way around.
You nodded. "You don't even know. I don't expect you to drink this, by the way. As a matter of fact, I'll make you another one right now. It's just that - I worked really hard to get this to you, and it felt wrong to just throw it in the trash in the end." You let that bit out before returning to your professional self. "I just wanted that at least one thing would go right today."
Stay cool, Coriolanus. Don't freak out, and also, stop romanticizing this. "It's all good. I'm honored that you thought of me." He said, hoping he sounded natural.
A smile graced your face. "Of course, Mr. Snow. I'll be right back." You promised him as you stepped out of his office and made your way to the coffee machine.
As soon as the door closed behind you, Coriolanus let out the breath he had been holding. His hand reached for the coffee cup and turned it in his hand only to discover a small note on it. "For my boss and the boss of Panem :)" He read out loud and smiled as his thumb ran over the drawing of the snowflake. He couldn't help but take the little gesture to heart. "That's so sweet."
I should send out a car to pick her up tomorrow - for business reasons, of course.
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tojisbbg · 1 year
𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲, 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆!
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❝but, you’re my baby, and i love you so much!❞  
♡ rin itoshi ♡
a/n: i kept getting tiktoks on my fyp of this trend and i couldn’t help but think of him. 
content: rin itoshi x reader, established relationship, gentlelover!rin, reader is a little mean, very fluffy, kinda short, not grammatically checked. 
it was almost nine and you were stressed. 
every little thing in this entire world was pissing you off because you couldn’t finish this stupid fucking project your professor decided to assign you this morning. to make things even better, it’s due before the beginning of class the next morning and it’s group work. 
surprise, surprise! your group mates are shit and the responsibility of the entire project was now shoved up your ass. 
how beautiful. 
you were barely finished with the other assignments that you received from your other classes, which meant that you’d have to pull another all-nighter. 
who the absolute fuck told you that it got better in college? ‘cause right now you want to kill yourself. 
you were trying to reach over to grab your binder when suddenly your hand knocked over the cup of coffee you had on your side. you gasped as your eyes widened.
it spilled all over your laptop. 
“no, no, no!! fuck.” you panicked, quickly ripping a bunch of tissue to wipe the liquid away without getting it further into your device. and just because god loves you so much, your phone began to buzz. 
you groaned in annoyance, leaning over to swipe the decline button. you upsettingly sighed, seeing that your laptop was already starting to malfunction, which meant that you were screwed. 
“ugh, what the fuck, man. i’m gonna end my life, i swear.” you grumbled to yourself. your phone began to ring again and your face had a scowl painted on it as you roughly grabbed the small device, swiping green. 
“y/n?” the familiar voice on the other end called out as you received the call. 
“yes, yes, what is it rin? i’m really busy right now and your constant calling is wasting my time. couldn’t you have just texted me instead?” you snapped at him, making him become silent for a few seconds and he was trying to process what the hell was going on.  
“are you okay? you seem upset.” rin responded in a worry tone, making you roll your eyes.
“no, rin. i’m actually so happy right now that i can die. whatever, why did you call?” you decided to cut to the chase, figuring that it was no use of getting too distracted right now. 
“it’s fine, i’ll see you at home.” he shortly said before hanging up, leaving you with your mouth open. 
“then what the fuck was the reason for calling me?!” you yelled at your screen, which was pointless because your lover wasn’t on the other line. you angrily slammed your phone on the table before going back to your mission of trying to revive your laptop. 
about thirty minutes has passed and you gave up on your laptop, deciding to finish your paper assignments first and then try again later. you furiously scribbled writing on your assignments, your handwriting progressively getting sloppier and uglier as you bullshitted them. 
you no longer cared if your work was absolute doodoo, you just wanted to get it done and over with. so invested in your work, you didn’t even notice when rin slipped inside your shared apartment. 
he usually had soccer practice which ended later on the day during the weekdays. the 6′1 striker entered the kitchen, rummaging through some things before his footsteps came towards where you sat.  
“this shitty ass laptop still won’t work!” you whined, banging your fists on the keyboard in frustration as you felt like ripping your hair out. 
rin pulled the chair next to you out so that he could sit down and watch his very stressed and mad girlfriend work. 
“wanna talk about it, baby?” rin finally got the courage to break the thick silence that was fogging up the entire room. 
“no.” you sharply answered back, your tone nearly slicing his heart. 
“you sure? taking a small break wouldn’t hurt.” he softly suggested, bringing a hand up to stroke your hair. for some odd reason, his persistence was getting on your nerves and you would then do something that you knew you’d instantly regret if not now then later. 
you angrily shoved off his hand, making rin look at you with a shocked and confused face at your unusual behavior. 
“for fucks sake, leave me alone! can’t you see that i’m trying to finish my work? you don’t have to worry about college like i do because you have your entire future set by kicking a stupid ball. i don’t! so just fucking go, rin!” you yelled at him, watching his face fall as he stood up from his chair. suddenly, the words on your tongue died down, your throat becoming dry. 
you knew you messed up real bad, but the damage has already been done. rin let out a heavy sigh before looking down at you with sad eyes. 
“okay, i’ll stop bugging you. also, your laptop most likely won’t turn back on, so stop wasting your time on bringing something back after destroying it. just use mine, it’s in my duffle bag.” rin dryly spoke before turning his heels, walking towards your shared bedroom before you heard the slam of the door shutting, making you flinch. 
“fuck you professor, i hope your wife leaves your for another man.” you swore under your breath, closing the lid of your dead laptop. you walked towards the sofa where rin’s duffle bag was, opening it to pull out his laptop for your use. 
you walked back to your spot, turning on his device to begin working. it was almost midnight, so, if god was on your side then you could hopefully finish the project by two in the morning. 
as soon as the laptop turned on, the first thing you were met with was his wallpaper which was set as a collage of your photos. you couldn’t help but take in a few minutes to stare at it, and as each minute passed, your heart began to ache even more. 
you knew that rin didn’t deserve to hear those words, but you couldn’t stop yourself from saying those awful things to him in the heat of the moment. shaking your head to shoo those distracting thoughts away, you retracted your focus back onto your project. 
you finished typing the last word on the report and you could almost shed happy tears. you were finally done with this shit, your hands shaking and your eyes begging to close. without hesitation, you submitted the work. who cares about checking for grammar issues when your soft bed was calling out for your ass. 
“not bad, it’s only one-thirty. hm, i guess i should eat before going to sleep since i’m kinda hungry.” you talked to yourself, shutting off rin’s laptop as you lazily made your way to the kitchen to fix yourself up some instant ramen. 
your eyes fell on the white plastic bag on the kitchen counter, an eyebrow cocking upwards as you curiously opened the bag. you gasped as you realized that it was your favorite takeout. 
“oh my god, i’m such a piece of shit.” you whispered, head hanging low as you thanked the heavens for blessing your with such a loving and kind boyfriend whom you didn’t deserve at all 
you eagerly reheated up the food in the microwave before speed walking back to the dining table. you settled your food down on the table, allowing it to cool while your pack your bag and put rin’s laptop on charge so that he could use it for his classes tomorrow. 
after eating and cleaning up, you decided to skip your usual night routine since you were pretty tired. you quickly brushed your teeth and went straight to the bedroom. 
you quietly opened the door, noticing how the lights were off and the only source that was providing some form of light inside your room was the small lamp on the side. 
tiptoeing to your side of the bed, you slipped under the covers as you sat up, leaning against the headboard. you could hear rin’s soft snores coming from the side, the cute man sleeping on his back as he faced the ceiling. 
your eyes scanned his features, which every nook and cranny of your brain had memorized. he looked so cute while he slept and an overwhelming wave of sadness hit you like a tsunami as you recalled the way you treated him earlier on the night. 
tears began to sting your eyes as guilt washed on your face, the warm liquid streaming down your face. without thinking twice, you climbed onto him as you straddled rin’s waist before hugging his sleeping form, burying your teary face in the crook of his neck while you sobbed. 
feeling the wet and warm tears stain the flesh of his neck, rin began to squirm in his sleep as he groaned. 
“what the hell?” rin groggily said, opening his sleep filled eyes as he saw a lump on top of him shaking and crying. he wrapped an arm around you before carefully sitting up, leaning against the headboard as he rubbed your back. 
you decided to face him, even though you knew you looked hideous. you face was probably wet and red like a tomato. 
“oh my god, you look even cuter now!” you cried even harder after taking one look at him, leaving rin nothing but confused as fuck. you peppered his face with kisses before wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as you pulled him into a hug. you squeezed him closer to you until it was humanly not possible. 
“i’m so sorry, rinnie! i was such a jerk to you all night because i was so upset about my stupid project. it’s just everything was getting me so mad ‘cause my group mates ditched me and my dumbass spilled coffee on my laptop, a-and the-then i-” you were choking on your tears and words from crying and talking to fast. 
“shh, it’s okay baby. i’m not upset because you reacted that way, i know you were stressed. we’re okay, y/n.” rin’s words were gentle as it helped you calm down from your crying frenzy. you raised your face up to look back at his face, seeing a soft and warm smile painted on his lips as his gorgeous teal eyes sparkled with love. 
“i know but you’re my baby! and i love you so much! god, i was so mean, how could i even say those things? i’m so, so, sorry, rinnie. i shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you i’mtheworstgirlfriendeverohmygodwhydon’tyouhateme.” you ugly sobbed, your words weren’t even coherent as rin couldn’t help but chuckle. 
he knew that you didn’t mean those words and he also knew that this would happen as well. once again, your gentle boyfriend knew you like the back of his hand. 
“ahh, what a crybaby. hm, you can make it up to me by giving me a smile. i want to see my girlfriend smile before i go to sleep, not in tears.” he playfully said, as you lifted your head to meet his eyes once more. the sight of such a domestic scene made your stomach fill with swarming butterflies. 
fuck, you just wanted to marry him. 
“i’m gonna eat you up if you don’t stop looking at me like that.” you poked his chest, making him laugh as wiped away your tears with his fingers. 
“and exactly how am i looking at you?” rin asked and you mumbled. 
“like you wanna grow old with me until i die.” you bluntly responded, making his smile widen. 
“and what if told you that it’s exactly what i want?” he gave you a cheeky grin, making you blush as a giggle left your lips. 
“then what’s stopping you, idiot? marry me! i do, i do, i do!!” you exclaimed before crashing your lips with his. you placed your hands on the sides of his face, pulling him closer to you as both of your lips molded into each other’s. rin’s arms securely wrapped around your waist, following the rhythm of your lips. 
the kiss wasn’t intense, it was sweet and lasting with a touch of innocence. it was a kiss in which you both enjoyed each other as lovers. and you loved this feeling, the feeling of breathing, tasting and touching him. 
your sweet, kind and gentle lover, itoshi rin. 
pulling away, you looked at him with adoring eyes, swiping away the strands of hair that covered his eyes. rin looked at you like you were the most beautiful and important thing in his life. 
to which you were. 
“i’ll make you my wife and keep you in my heart forever. i love you so much, y/n.” his heart swelled with his love for you. your eyes nearly shape shifted into hearts upon hearing his words. 
“i love you more, rinnie.” you smiled, placing a smooch on his lips, purposely making noise as he chuckled. 
“come on, let’s go to sleep. you have class early in the morning, i don’t want you to fall sick.” rin said and you nodded, the both of you getting comfortable on the bed. you scooched closer to your boyfriend, wrapping all your limbs around him as you placed your head on his chest. your ear was right on top of his heart, hearing the thumping noises of his heart beating. 
it brought you peace to know such a perfect man existed, alive and in your hold right now. his pulse lulled you to sleep and soon enough, you were knocked out. 
rin glanced down to his chest and saw you fast asleep, his lips curling upwards as he bent his head down to place kisses on your lips and forehead. 
“oh, before i forget.” he leaned over to grab your phone, unlocking the device as he went to the submission box of your project assignment. he unsubmitted the report, going to the title page as he erased the names of your group members. a satisfied smirk was plastered over his face as he resubmitted the finished project that had just your name on it. 
“tch, not giving those fuckers any credit for what was all you, my love. sleep tight.” he said before ending his words to himself with a yawn, his own eyes feeling heavy. you were very warm and soft, which meant that rin would be out like a light soon as well. 
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fandomgirlz01 · 9 months
You Matter Most  Pt. 1
Evan “Buck” Buckley X Reader
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Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: No  
Prompt or Request or Requested Prompt?: No
Style of Writing: Small Series
Edited: Yes
Word count: 5,677 
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.
Post Date & Time: August 24th 2023 at 10:41 PM
Summary: {Based off of S6 E18 Pay it Forward} When a series of freeway accidents lead to a big catastrophe, Buck must worry for his team as he rushes to help them all before it only leads to  an even bigger disaster. All while working on helping his team he worries mostly for his best friend who’s unconscious for most of it. 
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Third Person Pov:
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“May-day! May-day! Air ambulance two reporting a collapse at the 710 interchange. Firefighters down. Repeat, firefighters down!” A voice comes through Maddie’s coms, making her quickly answer the distress call. 
“Air ambulance two, this is dispatch. Can you reroute to assist?” Maddie asks before pausing, waiting to get an answer. 
“Negative. We have a priority spinal transfer,” the voice solemnly tells her. 
“Do you have a visual on how many firefighters are down?” Maddie asks and there’s a long pause as she waits for the information. 
“All of them— the entire 118. They were on the upper span when it collapsed. They all went down,” the voice tells her in a very worried tone and Maddie’s heart drops. 
Her mind immediately goes to thoughts of her fiancé, brother, and sister-like friend, worried for all three. Her heart beats wildly and suddenly she can hear it in her ears as she types up details on her computer. Tears cloud her eyes for a moment and she tries to will herself not to cry just yet. 
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Y/n’s Pov:
I groan as my alarm goes off and roll over onto my back to look at the ceiling. It takes me a few minutes, but soon I’m reaching over to my phone and turning it off. With one last sigh, I push myself up from my bed and start to get ready for the long shift I have to work. 
Once I’m ready, I grab my backpack as well as my morning hot cocoa and keys. I quickly make my way out into the hallway of the complex and lock my door. Just as I lock the bottom lock, I hear Buck’s door open and shut. 
I turn to him and let out a giggle when I see the pure exhaustion on his face. He locks up his door before turning when I giggle and he smiles. 
“You must have had a lousy night, E. You really look exhausted,” I say, using the nickname I’ve had for him forever with humor laced in my tone. 
“Ugh, not exhaustion. More annoyance at the two idiots that won’t make up,” he replies with a roll of his eyes before we both start walking out. 
“I’m sure they’ll make up soon, bubs. Just give it a little more time,” I try to reassure him and he hums, shaking his head at me. 
“Sure. Then maybe I won’t have to deal with Kamron needing me 24/7. Or the smell of pickles. She keeps needing me to open them. Never did I think I’d hate pickles,” he rants with a roll of his eyes and I giggle again. 
“You definitely won’t and I’m sure you’ll like pickles again soon,” I joke with him as I playfully hit my arm against his. 
“Anyway, wanna carpool to work today?” he questions me, now changing the subject. 
“Sure, why not. Anything to hang out with you a little more,” I joke as I bump my arm into his again and he shakes his head, chuckling. 
“As if we don’t already hang out everyday,” he playfully scoffs and I shrug. 
“No, we definitely don’t,” I playfully deny and he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Ok, dork. Let’s go. Bobby will kill us if we’re late. Again,” he remarks and I giggle. 
“You got that right,” I agree with him as I roll my eyes while we walk out to his car. 
“Breakfast on the way?” he asks and I smirk. 
“You buying?” I ask him with a raised eyebrow and he groans. 
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t,” he playfully growls out like he’s angry when I know he indeed isn’t. 
“Then hell yeah. I'm hungry,” I tell him and he groans. 
“Don’t be like Kameron now,” he says as he rolls his eyes and I laugh. 
“What, pregnant? E, I don’t know if you know how that works, but I kinda need to have some relations before that, and you know I’m not seeing anyone right now…” I playfully tell him and he shakes his head. 
“Of course I know how that works? You know I didn’t mean that. I mean, I was a sex addict, remember?” he asks and I giggle, letting my eyes go wide jokingly. 
“Oh I vividly remember, Mr. Do it on the rooftop of the firehouse. Dumbass,” I joke as I smack his arm and he rubs it. 
“Well, what would you have done?!” he fights back and I laugh. 
“Not on the rooftop, that’s for sure,” I joke back and he rolls his eyes. 
“Whatever. Let’s just get the food and get to work,” he tells me and I giggle. 
“Awe, E, I’m just messing with you!” I inform him and he shakes his head. 
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go, you Gremlin,” he tells me and I giggle, smiling softly at the use of my nickname Buck had given me when we were younger before we split up to get into his Jeep.
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“Okay, 118, let’s gather ‘round and settle in. We have some outstanding tasks from our last shift and I’ve got an important announcement about our upcoming weather conditions,” Bobby announces, making me and Buck, who's up on the truck, sit down with our legs hanging off the side. 
“So cute, huh? Oh, wait. I promised her I’d wear it all day. Take a picture so we can…” Chimney talks with one of the other firefighters as they walk out of the locker room. 
“Firefighter Han,” Bobby calls out, cutting Chim off and making him look up from the play ring on his finger. 
“I was gonna save this until the end, but why not make it the first order of business? Congratulations on popping the question,” Bobby announces as he uses his clipboard to point at Howard. 
“Yeah, Chim! Whoo, whoo!” I shout out as everyone else claps while I shake Buck. 
“Ok… ok… a little less shaking, there,” Buck comments as he pushes me lightly, making me giggle softly. 
“Didn’t she do the proposing?” I quietly whisper to Buck, who chortles and nods. 
“She finally made an honest man out of him!” Ravi shouts as he grabs Chimney by the shoulder and shakes him lightly. 
“All right, everybody. Let’s settle down. We still have to get to the weather update,” Bobby calls out and all the laughs die down. 
“All right, apparatus maintenance. Firefighter Diaz will be running point this morning on engine service. We’ll be doing an oil change and a brake fluid change,” Bobby explains as I yawn lightly and lay my head on Buck’s shoulder. 
“Tired?” Buck quietly questions me and I hum at him. 
“Didn’t sleep too well last night. Tossed and turned all night. Don’t know why, just had a weird feeling,” I whisper back to him and he smiles softly before wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 
“Hmm, comfy,” I mummer out as I cuddle in closer and he chuckles softly. 
“Eddie?” Bobby calls out, making us all listen in. “Yeah, cap?” Eddie asks nonchalantly as he looks at his phone. 
“Did Eddie finally find someone?” I quietly question Buck, who shrugs. 
“He didn’t say anything to me if he did,” Buck informs me and I sigh. 
“Then why’s he staring at his phone like a lovesick puppy?” I query and Buck gives a small ‘huh,’ before shrugging. 
“I guess maybe he did. He’ll tell us when he’s ready,” Buck comments to me and I cross my arms. 
“I wanna know now. We’re the three musketeers. Two musketeers can’t just be left in the dust by the other,” I whisper as I cross my arms, pouting and Buck chuckles. 
“You and that impatient ass of yours,” Buck comments and I give him a playful smirk. 
“And you like this ass of mine,” I joke with him, wiggling my eyebrows at him and he shakes his head. 
“Can’t say I don’t,” he plays right back and I giggle before we both turn back to listen in. 
“Apparatus maintenance,” Bobby pointedly comments as Eddie moves into a different sitting position while closing his phone. 
“I’m on it, Cap,” Eddie promises and Bobby nods as Buck’s phone vibrates. 
He quickly silences his phone, but it vibrates again and again. He groans quietly and presses the answer button. 
“Okay. All right, now for the weather update,” Bobby starts as Buck puts the phone up to his ear. 
“Uh, hey, listen, I-I can’t… I can’t talk right now. No, I can’t. Kameron, I don’t know why he’s calling you. Maybe if you answer the phone you’ll find…” Buck talks into the phone and I smirk as Bobby turns around. 
Booby walks over to us on the truck and looks up at us. He gives me an irritated questioning look and I just shrug, making him look at Buck, who trails off. 
“You're in trouble…” I jokingly mutter out as I try to hold in my giggles while poking his side lightly. 
“Umm, I got to go,” Buck tells her and I hold back a giggle at his ‘oops’ tone before hanging the phone up. 
“Uh- s-sor… sorry, Cap. Um…” Buck stutters out his apology, but Bobby just ignores him and turns back around. 
“Alright, folks, listen up,” Bobby again tries to get to the point. 
“Uh, Cap?” Ravi questions, holding his hand up and Bobby gives him an unamused look that tells him to go on. 
“Can I just say, if Buck needs to get the pregnant lady out of his apartment,” Ravi starts and Buck hops down off the truck before turning to me to help me down real quick. 
“I do have a two-bedroom that’s about to be on the market, so…” Ravi finishes as Buck and I walk towards him. 
“Thank you, Ravi! Maybe a discussion for another time,” Bobby humorously chides as everyone laughs a little bit. 
“118, it’s time to dial it in,” Bobby starts to try and corral us in again. 
“We have a Job to do, but in order to do that job, you have to be here. I need precision, I need focus, but most of all, I need you to be present,” Bobby pointedly announces as Hen cautiously walks in and around him to take a seat. 
“Sorry I’m late, Cap,” Hen quickly apologizes as she sighs. 
“Okay! Let’s get cracking,” Bobby finishes before starting to walk off. 
“Hey, wait. What’s the important weather update?” Chimney asks as Bobby walks past him. 
“There’s a moderate marine layer,” Bobby answers, unamused as he continues to walk away. 
“I’ll see you for lunch?” Buck questions and I nod in confirmation. 
“Yeah. That is, if we don’t get a call before then,” I promise him with a small smile. 
“Don’t jinx it,” Buck jokes, pointing at me with a chuckle. 
“Ok. I’ll see you in a-” I start, but the alarm sounds and Buck groans. 
“You jinxed it!” he shouts, throwing his hands up and I giggle. 
“My bad…” I reply with a shrug and he shakes his head. 
“Come on, dork. Let’s get into our gear,” Buck tells me with a grin. 
We both rush over to our lockers and start to put our gear on before running over to the truck. Buck hops in on the left side as I hop in on the right and we get into our seats as Bobby starts to pull out of the garage. Bobby drives throughout town before coming up to the scene on the bridge. Once the engine comes to a stop, we all quickly pile out and get to work. 
“Hen, Chem. Check the driver of this camper van,” Bobby orders as he points to the van. 
“Buck, y/n Eddie, Ravi, I want you guys to check these surrounding vehicles for injuries. Let’s go,” Bobby commands and we all give him a nod before rushing off. 
Buck, Ravi and I walk around, making sure there's no more injuries. Once we deem there are none, we walk back over to help. We stand back as Chimney and Hen communicate with the girl inside. 
“Cap, second victim in the back. She didn’t have her seatbelt on when the accident happened!” Chimney shouts as he looks around the side of the van. 
“Okay, these back doors are obliterated. I want you guys to pull that windshield,” Bobby commands, making Hen and Chimney nod.  
I quickly rush back to the engine and pull out the windshield suction cups as Ravi grabs the pry bars. Once I have them, I rush back to the van with Ravi in tow. I hand the suction cups to Hen as Ravi gives the pry bars to Buck and Eddie. Hen quickly places the suction cups on the windshield and pulls as Buck and Eddie use the pry bars. Once it comes off, Hen quickly passes the windshield to Buck, who takes it and sets it aside. 
“All right. What’s your name?” Hen asks the frightened girl softly. 
“Jo,” the girl cries out her reply. 
“Jo. Can-can you move?” Hen questions the girl and she looks down at her leg. 
“Um, I don’t know. It’s my leg. I think it’s broken. Um, please help her!” Jo cries out again as she looks up at Hen and Chimney with tears cascading down her face. 
“I'm on it, Jo, but I need to get back there, so we’re gonna pull you out. You might feel a little pain, okay?” Chimney calmly explains to her and he moves aside for Hen to get in a bit more. 
“Buck, can you carry her to the ambulance?” Chimney queries and Buck nods, moving behind Hen and getting ready to grab her. 
“Okay! Ahhh!” Jo agrees before screaming out in pain as they move her. She cries as they pull her out of the vehicle. 
Buck quickly lifts her up and carries her over to the back of the ambulance as Chimney moves into the van. Hen quickly stands up and pushes me along with Buck. 
“Go help him look her over. You have more medical training then he does. I’ll stay with Chim,” she commands me and I nod before rushing off behind Buck. 
I quickly help Buck get her down on the floor so I can look over her leg. In one fast fluid motion, I pull out a tourniquet-like brace and start putting it on her leg along with Bobby’s help as they wheel a gurney over. 
“Cap. We’re going to need an air ambulance. Patient is unresponsive, breathing is weak and she’s lost bladder control. Could be a spinal,” Chimney explains over the radio as we continue to work on Jo. 
“Copy that,” Bobby replies as we start to prepare Jo to get her on the gurney. 
“Spinal injury? Is she okay?” Jo asks me in fear and I look at her. 
“We won’t know until we get her to the hospital,” I inform her as they bring the gurney closer, now ready to get her up onto it. 
“Please, please don’t take me now because I need to see her,” she begs as she grips my hand and I pause as Hen walks up. 
“Hey, hey. You’ll be able to before they airlift her. I promise, okay?” Buck promises her before Hen or I can say anything. 
Eddie walks past us with the backboard, headed towards Chimney and we quickly move Jo onto the gurney. Jo keeps a grip on my hand and I squeeze hers before letting go. 
“Don’t worry. You know the firefighter that told you you’d see her?” I ask her and she nods in understanding. 
“That’s my best friend. I know when he promises something, he keeps it. You’ll see her just like he said,” I promise her softly and she gives me a small thankful smile as she seems only slightly less freaked out. 
“My name's y/n. I’ll stay here till your mom’s out, okay?” I tell her and she smiles a thankful smile at me again.
“She’s not my mom. She’s my mom’s best friend. My, uhh, mom passed away three years ago. Mallory was insistent we take this trip as an honor to my mother…” Jo explains to me and I smile softly at her. 
“I’m sorry to hear about your mom. You're very lucky to have Mallory. That sounds like a lovely plan. I’m sure you two can pick up when everyone is okay again,” I try to comfort her to the best of my ability and she shakes her head. 
“No. I think we’ll find a different way of traveling,” Jo informs me and I nod. 
“I would probably do that too. Nothing wrong with that,” I agree with her and she nods in agreement. 
We wait maybe a few more minutes until we see Chimney come out first. Then Eddie pushes Mallory out and together they lift her backboard onto another gurney that was taken over to them. They then start to roll her over and I move over next to Hen so they can roll her next to Jo. 
“She’s right up here,” I hear Chimney inform Mallory as they get closer. 
“Okay, she’s right up here,” he repeats himself as they get closer. 
“Mallory!” Jo shouts when they get closer before coming to a stop right next to her. 
“I’m so sorry,” Jo apologizes as they both reach out to hold hands. 
“I can’t lose you, too,” Jo continues on the verge of tears and I feel tears well up in my eyes. 
“I’m not going anywhere. We still have a lot of ground to cover, okay?” Mallory asks her as she squeezes her hand. 
“Next time, we’ll take the train,” Jo insists quickly as the others start to load her in the back of the ambulance as air support flies overhead. 
“Air support. You are clear to land,” Bobby gives the okay through his walkie and soon the helicopter is landing. 
Eddie and Chim start to walk her over to the helicopter and I let out a puff of air as my emotions take over. I take my jacket off in hopes a little air is all I need. I quickly try to sober up so I don’t start sobbing before I feel a hand on my back, making me turn to see Buck next to me. 
“Hey. You doing okay? You’re getting fidgety,” he queries with a raised eyebrow and I shake my head before nodding. 
“Yeah. No. I’m fine. Just had a flashback to my sister, that’s all,” I inform him and he nods solemnly at me. 
“I know. She’s watching over you. You know that,” he solemnly tells me, trying to comfort me as he rubs at my back and I nod, sniffling. 
“Thanks for checking on me,” I say in gratitude and I only hope Buck knows just how much I’m thankful for him. 
“Always, you know that we stick together, right?” he asks me and I smile. 
“Right. Stuck together like glue,” I reply to our life long promise we always tell each other and he smiles, nodding. 
“Okay. I’m gonna go help Chim. We’ll talk more about this later, okay?” he questions me and I nod. 
“Yeah. Go. Go. Do our job,” I agree with a soft smile and he nods before rushing off. 
“Possible spinal! She’s coming over now!” I hear him yell to the air tech that gets out of the helicopter.
“Can’t get rid of me, can you, Buckley?” I hear her voice and I immediately recognize Lucy. Red hot jealousy flares up in me, but I push it away. 
“Great to see you again, for real this time!” I hear Buck shout back as he stops to point at her and I huff, rolling my eyes. 
He turns and walks back towards me, but only frowns as I brush him off. I walk over to Bobby just as Eddie walks up. 
“Hey, Cap, think there’s a propane stove in the van. I’m gonna go check it out,” Eddie explains to him as he walks up to us. 
“Good thinking, Eddie. Y/n, go with him,” Bobby commands me and I nod. 
“Actually Bobby, can I have a quick moment with her?” Buck asks and Bobby shakes his head. 
“I guess. One minute, then back to work. Got it?” Bobby asks and Buck nods. 
“No, yeah, I promise,” Buck informs him and Bobby nods before walking off. 
“Hey, what’s up. Why are you giving the cold shoulder?” Buck asks as he looks at me. 
“It’s nothing, Buck, really. Go back to work,” I play it off and he sighs in frustration. 
“Y/n, I thought we talked about closing up? Talk to me, you know you can,” Buck begs me and I shake my head. 
“Buck. Nothing is wrong, it’s just a hard case. I told you I’d talk with you about it later,” I deflect away from what’s going on. 
“No. I know—” he starts, but gets cut off as the bridge suddenly starts to shake as it cracks down the middle, making both me and Buck fall to the ground with me on top of him. 
There’s more shaking and creaking as the bridge slowly starts to collapse. Buck looks up and suddenly he’s rushing to get up, pulling me with him. 
“Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey! Let’s move!” Buck yells out as the ambulance comes flying back at us and Buck quickly moves both of us out of the way just in time. 
“Hey!” he continues to shout as the ambulance rushes past us, quickly crashing at an angle. 
Buck quickly maneuvers, but somehow he gets pulled down with the ambulance, making me go with him. He smashes into the ambulance’s windshield and it cracks. 
“Buck!” I yell out as I fly past him, but he doesn’t reply. 
I let out another scream as I come to a landing on a slab of concrete, hitting my head in the process. Pain surges through my side, but I don’t notice it for long as suddenly everything goes black. 
Buck’s Pov: 
I groan as I come to, still laying on the windshield that’s now cracked from me smashing into it. There's a quiet, eerie, metallic creak and it takes me a moment to realize where I am. When I do, I take a moment to push myself up on all fours. I look around in fear for y/n, but there’s no sign of her, so I look into the ambulance next. 
“Hen!” I yell out as I see my friend still strapped into the driver's seat of the ambulance, now unconscious. 
“H-hen, can you hear—” I ask her as I bang on the window. 
“118, report in. I need a headcount,” I talk into my radio, hoping to get any answers. 
“I’m grabbing the ropes,” Ravi radios back first as I look around, trying to assess where everyone could be. 
“I’m in the van. Pretty sure I broke a couple ribs, but this van is about to get pancaked,” Eddie groans out as he radios in and I keep looking around with no sight of y/n. 
“Okay. Eddie, uh. We’re coming to you,” I inform him before taking a pause. 
“Han. What is your status?” I ask into my radio before letting go to get his status. 
“Han, come in,” I practically beg over the radios when he doesn’t answer. 
“Han…” I question again and wait a moment. 
“Han here,” Chimney finally radios in and I throw my head back in relief. 
“Captain Nash, firefighter Maysen, still haven’t heard from either of you. What is your status?” I ask into the radio again, only hoping to get something but nothing comes. 
“Bobby, y/n. Come in,” I repeat through the radio again, but still silence. 
“I see firefighter Maysen! She’s on a slab near you, maybe twenty feet away, just covered by some rubble,” Ravi explains to me through the radio and I sigh in relief. 
“Is she under it?” I question and wait for a moment. 
“No. She’s just close enough to be hidden. She’s out, though, and there’s one other thing…” he voices again though the radio before trailing off. 
“What? Is she okay?” I question him and he takes another pause, making me wait with bated breath. 
“She’s been impaled by a piece of rebar, Buck… right though the side of her stomach. I- if we don’t get to her soon, she might bleed out,” he breaks it to me easily and I sigh, putting my head down for a moment. 
“I’ll get to her as soon as I get Hen and the others out,” I inform him as I make the hard decision to wait, even though I want to rush over to her first and get her out. 
“Ok… only if you're sure. You're acting captain right now,” he informs and I let out a huff before pressing the button on my radio to reply. 
“Yeah, I know. So everyone’s safety is on me right now. Luckily if I can get Hen awake, she can take over. Let’s get to work,” I command before letting the button go, letting out a sigh, and looking down at Hen again. 
“Hen. I’m- I’m coming to you. Just stay right there,” I tell my unconscious friend before I move off the windshield and down the side of the ambulance. 
Very slowly, I make my way to the window and try to shove myself though it. The ambulance starts to tremble as I do, but I keep going. 
“Hen?” I call out to her as I pause for a moment. 
“Chim. Chim! Chim, you back there?” I shout out as I finally slide though the window of the ambulance. 
“I’m alive, but not great,” Chimney calls out in a winded tone. 
“Okay,” I pant out as I move over to Hen. 
“Come on. Hey,” I voice as I try to get Hen to wake up. 
“What happened?” Hen questions as she looks around, confused. 
“Bridge collapsed,” I inform her and her head starts to fall back. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Hen, you with me?” I question her and she squints at me. 
“I’m good. Thank you,” she conveys to me as she starts to reach towards me. 
“You okay?” she asks as she wipes at the side of my forehead. 
“Yeah. Oh. Uh… I mean, physically, yeah,” I tell her, my emotions betraying me ever so slightly as I feel a lump form in my throat. 
“Where is everybody?” she asks me as she continues to clean my face. 
“R-Ravi is up top. Eddie’s in the van. Chimney’s in the back. He needs our help. I’m gonna go up top. Get the ambulance secure. Then we get you out, okay?” I explain to her before asking if she understands. She slowly nods before letting her head fall back a bit. 
“Okay. Where’s Cap? Where’s Bobby? A-and y/n…” she suddenly asks as she quickly lifts her head straight. 
“He’s MIA, and y/n…” I pause and take a deep breath. 
“She’s currently bleeding out maybe twenty feet from us,” I inform her and she just stares at me. 
“You, uhh… y-you’re sure you’re good?” I ask her one last time just to make sure. 
“Yeah. I… I’m-I’m good,” she stumbles out in her shock and pain. 
“Just get some rope so we can get out of here,” she commands me and I nod before starting to try climbing out. 
“Okay, Ravi, I need a line,” I grunt as I call out while climbing out of the window. 
I get about halfway out the window when Ravi throws the rope down to me and I slowly finish pulling myself out. I hold onto the ambulance as I grab the rope before using it to climb back to the front. Once around the front, I continue to climb up the side until I can pull myself up to the top. Ravi hands me a part of the rope and I quickly slide under the engine, tying the rope to the underside of it. I quickly rush back to the side and let out a puff of air when I see what Ravi had seen before. 
The van is under the ambulance and both are close to falling. I let out another breath and close my eyes when I see y/n. She is indeed impaled and blood pools around her as she lays unconscious. 
“Buck, we’ll get to her,” Ravi promises as he puts a hand on my shoulder. 
“Yeah. I know. I’m not letting her go out like this. Not yet. It’s too early and there’s a lot that needs to be said,” I inform as I promise myself in my head that if we make it out, I’ll tell her how I really feel. 
“And it will be said,” he agrees with a head nod before going back over to the truck. 
“Please tell me you made it, Cap,” I whisper to myself as I look out over the scene again. 
“Okay, Ravi. Let’s go!” I shout to him as I turn around, ready to scale the concrete. 
“118, LAPD on scene at the lower level and here to assist,” Athena’s voice comes over the radio just as I hop over, ready to scale down to Hen. 
“118? Captain?” she asks in a scared tone when she gets no response from her husband. 
“Hen! That’s you!” I yell out to her, leaning back a bit. 
“LAPD, this is Wilson. Captain Nash is unaccounted for, we also have one impaled and unconscious. I’m in command. Anything you can do to help survivors on the ground level would be appreciated, ” Hen replies over the radio as I start to quickly scale down with a harness bag. 
“Copy that!” Athena quickly replies again over the radio. 
Once I get down to the ambulance, I set the bag on it and I get closer to the front of it. I quickly tie the rope to the car and pull on it ever so slightly. 
“Hey, Ravi, tension!” I call out to him and I wait a moment before leaning against the ambulance. 
I bounce on it a couple times to see how stable it is and smile when it comes out very stable. I quickly climb back to the top of the ambulance and pull the harness bag in front of me. 
“Okay. Hen, you got a harness and capture strap. Take Chimney and the patient, you send them down,” I explain to her as I throw the strap and harness in the window to her. 
“I’m headed to the van. Then I’ll get y/n. I’ll see you at the bottom,” I inform her of my plan before getting off the ambulance and heading to Eddie. 
It takes me a few minutes, but soon I make it to the van. I come to a stop next to it as Ravi looks over the side. 
“Sending down the saw!” he shouts to me before dropping me the saw bag. 
“Okay, Eddie, you in there?” I ask as I pause and listen in and he gives me a small ‘Yup’ through his groans of pain. 
“Let me get these doors open. Just shield your eyes,” I inform him before I pull the saw from the bag along with the protective glasses and start to saw at the door. 
I work for a few minutes at the door before soon I can start to pull at them. I pull one open and groan as I pause, taking the glasses off to look in at Eddie, who’s trapped under the fridge looking up at me. 
“Hey,” I pant out as I hold onto the door. 
“Any sign of Cap?” he huffs out as he struggles to breathe and I shake my head. 
“How’s y/n?” he asks and I sigh. 
“Currently, she’s bleeding out. I’m getting her next,” I inform him and he nods. 
“Sorry about this,” I apologize as I move closer to him and grab his arms. 
“Yeah. It’s gonna suck,” he comments before I pull on him. 
I pull him out and he yells out in pain as I do. Soon I’m pulling him out of the van all together and he grits his teeth. 
“Okay, I got you,” I comment as I pull him out and quickly we’re climbing down so he can get medical. 
Once he’s down standing on his own feet, some other paramedics come over to us. They get Jo first and Hen groans as she leans over before puking. 
“Hen!” Eddie yells out as we watch her double over. 
“Hey,” Eddie tells me before we both rush over to Hen, who lays flat on top of the truck she’s on. 
“I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay,” she groans, waving us off. 
“I’m okay. I’m pretty sure I’m just concussed,” she explains as she sits up and moves her helmet. 
“We got to get Chimney and y/n! We got to get Chimney and y/n!” she suddenly yells out as she looks back up. 
“No. Hey, hey, hey. We’ll get Chimney and y/n. Let’s get you down. Come on,” we both try to stop her as she groans. 
“Come on down. I promise I’ll get him and y/n,” I inform her as we all reach out for her. 
“We got you. We got you. Come on. No rush,” I rant as she finally starts to try and crawl down. 
“Okay. Come on. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go,” Eddie chants as he wraps her arm around his shoulder while she pants out of breath. 
“Eddie, you got her, yeah?” I ask and he nods, giving me a small ‘hmm’ as they continue to walk. 
“Okay. I’m going back for Chim and y/n. I’ll be back,” I promise and he nods. 
Just before I turn, there’s another loud, metallic creaking noise and we all turn around. My eyes widen as the ambulance starts to shake around and the van starts to look like it’ll fall any second. 
To Be Continued…
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abbyromanoff · 3 months
Hi again! For the Little!Wanda au can you make one where little Wanda throw a tantrum one day and instead of physical punishment (I feel so bad when they get hit and they're little even when it's ab sex 😭) Reader gives her the silent treatment the whole day like going about her day not giving Wanda attention at all and Wanda is desperate to nursing and her mommy cares back. You could end with them sharing a bath and a little smut too. Thank you
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PAIRINGS: Wanda Maximoff x reader
WARNINGS: little!wanda (plz keep in mind I have no experience with this personally and only base it off of other fics and research I’ve done), silent treatment, angst, fluff, happy ending, jealousy, just sad Wanda and reader, think that’s abt it :)
“No, Mommy! I don’t w’nna go!” You sighed at her puerile words that she expressed fervently. She huddled her bear close to her chest, forgoing her normally cheery and loquacious speech and replacing it with her pernicious gloom. You failed to understand why she was in such a state, given she had been joyous all throughout the day up until you announced you had to stop by auntie Natty’s and it would be best if she joined you. You knew she held a disliking towards your errands, but you always played her favorite music and allowed her your phone to play games on which resulted in her giggly tone.
“Wanda, if you keep talking back to me like that I’ll have no choice but to punish you.” You stared back at her through the mirror, a warning glare being sent her way which almost always led to her taciturn. However, this time she seemed irascible.
“Ugh, you the wors’ Mommy ever!” Your eyes shot wide, your grip on the wheel tightening as you waited for an instant and regretful apology; but none came.
“You better take that back, young lady.” She stuck her tongue out, mocking you as she aimed it in your direction. You bit your tongue, your jaw locking as you held back not only vexation, but a deep sadness that began spreading with her words.
“Alright then, if you want to misbehave, I have no choice but to punish you.” She did not know what to expect, but complete silence was the opposite. The rest of the car ride was full of a heavy gloom, both of you keeping to yourselves as your minds were only filled with petulant thoughts that haunted one another.
When you arrived at your destination, you allowed yourself to bring forth to the front step before knocking, causing Wanda’s eyebrows to crinkle together. You always helped her out of her high-seat and held her hand as you left the car, and she struggled to figure out how to unbuckle herself but eventually managed. By the time she was pushing herself out of the vehicle she spotted Nat greeting you with a warm hug that was well-returned, and she only groaned in response. She dragged her feet forward and met the woman’s gaze with a scowl, leaning closer to your body and instinctively reaching her arm out to interlace with yours; but you brushed this act off, holding steady a convivial smile as the redhead allowed you to enter.
It felt like hours had gone by before Wanda finally spoke up, waiting for Natasha to leave for the restroom before she welcomed her unsteady voice. You did not spare her a glance when she had been trying to brush against you the entire time, and you secretly hoped she would be too caught up in the TV show Nat had selected for her to try and appeal to you just so you weren’t so distracted.
“Mommy,” She started, poking your arm as you stared down at your phone. “Mommy!” She dragged out. You rolled your eyes without purpose which she saw and which caused her expression to instantly sadden.
“Don’ roll your eyes at me!” You began to bite the inner side of your cheek as she sat crisscrossed in front of you. “It r’ally hurts my feelings when- when you do that, Mommy.” She felt tears beginning to prickle her sore eyes, and if you had been able to see you would’ve stopped and apologized right away, but you were too focused on making it clear your attention was on the other returning from her quick departure.
“Thank gosh you’re back,”
“I was gone for like two minutes max, relax.” You shared a chuckle before diving further into a conversation, all while Wanda huddled her teddy close to wipe her tears in secrecy. She whimpered quietly, resting her forehead on your shoulder and wetting the cloth with her disconsolate.
“Baby? Hey, what’s wrong?” The two of you turned your attention towards the seemingly small girl behind you when you felt your skin dampening under her touch. You cupped her cheek softly, wiping the tears and easing her into your lap. She had begun to suckle on her thumb as a source of comfort, and while you usually would ask her not to do such a thing, you knew she needed it at this current time. Nat’s eyebrows furrowed as she examined you two, brushing Wanda’s hair out of her face to which she backed away.
“Can you talk to me, sweetheart? Hm?” She struggled to muster a few mumbled words so you gave her a few moments before asking a similar question.
“Mama h’rt my f-feelings,” She stuttered through her sentence, each word expressed with added letters but you pushed it aside. Your heart ached when she spoke, and you felt ashamed in yourself for what you decided to do.
“Oh, love,” You wrapped your arms around her tightly, hoping to provide the same warmth you did previously. “Mommy didn’t mean to hurt you! Baby, I am so, so sorry, I didn’t realize it would make you feel this upset.” She sobbed and sniffled quietly as you rocked her up and down with your knee. She leaned back suddenly, her heartbroken face sending a crestfallen ache deep within you.
“I didn’ wanna see auntie Natty because I jealous,” You both nodded slowly while confusion racked your brains, still easing her to continue.
“She way prettier tha’ me and you’re so happy to see her, and she have the prettiest braids eva’! I was scared you wou’d love her more than me.” She bowed her head low while you sucked in a breath, tears of your own beginning to form while Nat tried comforting your girlfriend.
“Oh, Wanda, baby, that’s not true at all! Me and your Mommy are very close friends, but nothing could come in between you two; it’s like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, you could say. But you know something else? You’re the prettiest little girl I’ve ever met - ever! You have these adorable little freckles and beautiful green eyes, and your hair is absolutely gorgeous. We all get a little self-conscious sometimes, sweetie, even I do; heck, even your Mommy does. But you need to remember that you’re perfect inside and out, and you always will be.” She paused, standing as she placed a soft kiss on the top of Wanda’s head before slowly stalking backwards.
“I’ll leave you two alone for now but I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything. After you can join me for dinner, and maybe if my little Wanda is up for it, some dessert, hm? I found a delicious red velvet cookie recipe and instantly thought of you. I was hoping we could make it together later.” She left with one last wave before leaving the two of you alone, Wanda sporting a softer smile now that her auntie had cheered her up.
“Wands, I am so sorry I upset you, I never meant to make you feel so insecure and alone. I…I just was so upset and worried by what you said in the car that I thought if I ignored you entirely then maybe you’d learn your lesson, but I was wrong and I’m so sorry, pretty girl.” She brought your lowered head closer to hers, causing you to lift it as you examined her features.
“You’re so beautiful, every single inch of you. And I cannot express how lucky I am to have you as mine.” You kissed her lips softly when you finished your speech, sighing warmly into the moment as you felt weight being lifted from your tired shoulders.
“‘M sorry too, Mommy. I lied earlier when I said you was the worst, you the best mommy I could ever ask fo’, I mean it!” You chuckled into her neck, leaning back to once again admire her beauty.
“I know you didn’t, baby. Mommy can just get a little scared and worried, I don’t want my girl wishing she had someone else to take care of her. But I promise to never, ever be mean to you again, okay?” You held a pinky in front of her face, your heart skipping a beat when she gracefully took it with hers.
“An’ I promise to never make my Mommy feel bad again, as long as she isn’t bein’ a meany-head.” You pecked the top of your interlaced fingers with a laugh, patting her thigh as a signal to stand before making a final announcement,
“So, do you believe red velvet cookies will help save the day? Because I sure do and I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.”
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crazyoffher · 11 months
jenna ortega x fem!reader
summary: the same late-night visitor meets with you once again, this time with a goal in mind.
warnings: unedited. somewhat long, which i'm very sorry for i just love attention-to-detail sometimes.
word count: 2600+
part one part three
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Scandal was playing on the TV, but you weren’t paying attention to what was happening — not that it mattered because you replayed the show so much you could name an episode's events off the top of your head. It was a rather chilly Thursday night for springtime, and you lay on the couch all sprawled around with a massive headache and a runny nose. 
You had allergies, and they acted up harsher than usual, causing you to take the entire week off of work. You wanted to stay around in case Jenna came in that week, but you felt like fainting the first Monday, and you had been told to go home by your manager, Derek.
You were mindlessly scrolling through your phone, looking through Jenna’s entire Instagram your feed, when you were interrupted by a caller screen. It was your regular closing buddy, Jack, calling. 
“I told you, the cleaning supplies are stocked under the boxes on the shelf next to the cooler.” You sighed, assuming that he was calling because he couldn’t remember the location of where you put the items. 
“No, bro, it’s not that.” He practically screamed into the phone, erupting a groan out of you. “Keep your voice low; I have a massive fucking headache.” 
“Well, I'm sorry that I can’t contain my emotions after just dealing with Jenna Ortega, who was looking for you.” That got you to sit upright. You have to be fucking kidding me.
You sighed heavily. “You can’t be serious! Ugh.”
“What? You were expecting her? God, I hate when you keep exciting secrets from me (Y/N), like when you literally served Zendaya and I had to sit and gawk at you when you were telling me you and her had a conversation!”
Rubbing your eyeballs, you put the phone on speaker as you pulled yourself up, turning to clean up the mess of tissues and plates that had accumulated over the past two days. “What did you say to her?”
“I told her that you work Monday, Thursday, and Saturday every week, but that you’d be gone the rest of the week because you were sick. When the fuck did you meet her?” You loaded the tissues (and empty ice-cream pint) into the trash and set the plates into the sink, saying, “Two weeks ago, when you decided to do the easiest job on Earth and leave me to do all of the cleanup work, you assface.”
“Man, you better be good by Monday because she looked pretty down when I told her you weren’t here.” You sighed at that; it only made your hatred for your pollen allergy worsen. “And she told me she’d be back on Monday if she wasn’t too busy that day.”
“I’ll take this as a sign to actually start taking my antibiotics.” You filled a cup with water, grabbing a Tylenol pill for your headache. “Why haven’t you been taking them in the first place?”
“So I’d have an excuse to take more than four days off. You just have to hate working at a Michelin star that celebrities love to raid sometimes.” You downed the pill, or more so, tried to, as it came back up, making you cough.
“Yeah, well, you tell that to Marissa, who’s been covering your days. She looks like she’s on the edge of a breakdown constantly.”
You attempted to swallow the pill again, this time successfully, as you downed the entire glass of water before placing it in the sink, joining the dirty plates. “Well, she’d be more accustomed to it if she didn’t decide to work only once a week and constantly coax me for a share of my tips. Now go back to cleaning up.”
Leaning against the counter of your kitchen, you hung up the phone, saying your goodbyes to Jack. Couldn't she have come around next week?
On Monday, you returned. In your nice suitwear, you made sure to groom yourself extra well in the morning in case Jenna did make her return to you that day, and she did…not.
To say you were disappointed was an understatement; you even stayed out five minutes past twelve to see if she’d walk in, but to no avail. Closing the doors to the restaurant with Jack, you took each step to your car with a form of anger.
“Are you alr-”
“You said she was going to come today!” You huffed. He shrugged, choosing the right words to reply to you; otherwise, you’d go insane.
“If she wasn’t too busy, she said. She probably just had an overwhelming day.” He assured you, but you weren’t necessarily in a positive mood. You mimicked him, putting your hands on your face and rubbing your eyes.
“Or she just didn’t want to see me. She probably saw that I wasn’t there and was like, “Oh, well, fuck that girl then.” Ugh, I hate sickness.” Sneezing right after your sentence, Jack shuffled away from you slightly before climbing into your passenger seat when you unlocked your car.
You had promised to give him a ride because his car’s engine sounded off and he didn’t want to take it to work. “I call the music!”
“It's my car, asshole.” You jumped into the driver's seat without fighting Jack for the Bluetooth, as he had already been connected. “All I’m saying is, you shouldn’t worry. Celebrities, especially rising ones like her, are always busier than we are. Plus, you’re not all that special; I know I wouldn’t willingly go to a restaurant to see you at midnight when I’m a second away from passing out from tiredness.”
You shoved him, one hand on the wheel, as you rolled out of the parking lot and onto the immediate freeway. “And you’re so amazing?”
“I’m perfect, thank you very much.” 
It took you about thirty minutes to drop off Jack at his apartment, seeing that it was in a different town, and he made you stop at a gas station for a bag of Munchies. As soon as you fell onto your bed, you were out like a light.
When Thursday came around, you weren’t so optimistic about Jenna showing up. Actually, you debated calling out just because you didn’t feel like working that day, but you knew that your request would probably get declined because it was last-minute and it wasn’t for an emergency, so you got ready.
To your surprise, the day was calm. There were only about two well-known celebrities, and they were enthusiastically nice to you and tipped generously, leaving Jack to complain about your tips for the day, considering that he had almost half less and had a drink thrown on him by a TikTok influencer.
“Why do you always get the nicer tables with big tips while I get stuck with cows who try using their “influence” to get out of paying for their seven-fifty ($750) dollar meal?” He huffed, pretending to be busy because he was currently dealing with — actually, not even a D-lister, just somebody who was in the background of a Marvel movie in 2015.
Meanwhile, you were on your thirty minute break, munching on a burrito you had bought before walking into work that morning. “Because I’m nice and charismatic, even to those that throw their food on my clothes. You, on the other hand, have no charisma at all, and you purposefully set a bitchy tone whenever someone’s mean to you. Nobody’s tipping a man who looks to be on the verge of throwing them onto the highway.”
“Carlile!” Derek called out Jack’s name — or technically, last name, “Back to work, there’s a girl that came in, I’m thinking B-list but on her way to the A-list.”
“I’m dealing with some background extra right now!” He called out, buttoning up his vest he had unbuttoned earlier to breathe, and Derek came into the back where you guys were. “They wanted to leave, so Harvey gave them their check and took your tip from them while he was at it, so go and serve the girl!”
Derek left, and Jack huffed. “God, I hate that fucker. I’m getting that tip back.” And with that, he disappeared as well, anger evident in his step. You just laughed at him, twenty minutes left on your break as you laid back on the chair, tearing up the bulky burrito.
Not even five minutes later, Jack came rushing in, sweat beads on his forehead as he had a large smile on his face. “Guess who’s here.”
“Mmm, by the way you’re smiling, I’d say Spencer Charnas.”
“No, dumbass! Jenna’s here.” You coughed, choking up the burrito chunk you tried to swallow. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Getting up, you viewed yourself in the mirror. Your hair was messed up, tie in disarray, and your shirt sleeves slightly wrinkled from having them rolled up. You were not looking sharp.
“Yes, I told her that I’d switch her table over to you after getting her the drinks she and her — might I say, massive bodyguards, ordered. So go!”
He ushered you out of the backroom, hands on your tie fixing it into place and undoing your sleeves, fixing them down to your wrist. “I thought she was gonna come after we closed, like how she did before.”
“I guess she couldn’t wait to see you, buddy. Now you go and get your first girlfriend, yeah?” He patted your back, and you slapped him on the arm before heading into the dining section. Luckily, she was sat at the edge of a window where there was an empty walkway to her table, avoiding you of any interruptions by surrounding customers.
“What would you like to get started with?” You adjusted your vest, not making eye contact with Jenna just yet. Any observant person could tell you were nervous. “Well, hello to you too.”
You looked up, meeting her eyes and smiling. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there last Thursday, got a little sick and thought it was best to not infect everyone, especially you.” 
“It’s fine. Oh, and here.” She reached into the bag sat next to her, pulling out the book before handing it over to you, urging you to take it due to the weight of it. “Thank you. I didn’t expect you to finish so early, you said you’re busy constantly, after all.”
“I read it on the days I wasn’t all too busy, mostly on the way to meetings and in my trailer on set.” Jenna shrugged it off, adding, “And you were right, it’s a really good book.”
“Well, if you ever need any more book suggestions, I’m here. You want to get something to eat, or do you want me to come back in a bit?”
“Mmm, give me like five minutes, yeah?” She flashed you a smile that you dumbly nodded at, turning on your heel and heading into the kitchen, meeting Jack halfway there and you practically jumped on him.
“Someone’s giddy.”
“Oh, shut up. She’s making me nervous, Jack, she keeps eye contact — do you know what it’s like to hold eye contact with a pretty girl?”
“I’m assuming it’s nervewracking.”
“Oh right, I forgot. You can’t talk to girls.” You put his hand on his shoulder, sending him a fake sympathetic smile that he glared at.
“So, when are you asking her out?” Jack grabbed a couple plates, presumably for the table he was serving and you just laughed, causing him to send you a look.
You stopped upon seeing his confused glare. “Oh, you’re not joking. She doesn’t like me, I think I’d know if a girl likes me.”
“But, you wouldn’t. You’ve never had a girlfriend in your life, despite your many talking stages, all of which were online. You’re not experienced in body language, bud. Go out there and take her order, and see how it goes from there.” Leaving you standing in the busy kitchen, you thought about it.
Taking advice from Jack wasn’t the best idea, though. He dated a catfish for five months, for fuck's sake. 
Walking back into the main room, you walked over to the shelf and put the bulky navy-colored book back in it’s former place, shifting some books to slot it in. Eyeing Jenna’s table, you saw how she sat there, hands clasped together, talking to her bodyguards.
“You ready now?” You walked up to the table, hands together behind your back, and gave her a small smile.
“Yeah, I’ll have,” Jenna re-opened the menu, pinpointing her option as “Lobster ravioli with Mascovy duck breast, whatever that is.” She laughed slightly, a smile still etched on your face, and said, “And…a date with you.” She spoke lowly, as if she were purposefully lowering her voice so you couldn’t hear her.
“And a what? Sorry.” You apologized, leaning in slightly closer to hear. “A…chance to hang out with you, if you’re up for that. Other people, like friends, can be there too, of course.”
Your mouth gaped open, and the longer you took to answer, the more anxious Jenna became.
"Definitely, yeah, sure.” You managed to get out, nodding your head extensively, and Jenna’s anxiousness faded. 
You got her bodyguard's order as well, practically running to the kitchen to give your paper to a chef before scanning for Jack and watching him eat a lobster that one of the cooks seemed to have prepared for his break time. “Did you ask her out?”
“No, but she asked me to hang out with her.” To your words, Jack shot one hand up and mumbled something that you couldn’t recognize, lobster in his mouth.
“She practically wants you.” He repeated, this time more recognizable. “Yeah, yeah.” You waved him off, pacing around with your hands glued together, thinking. 
“No, think about it.” Jack set his plate down, swallowing the last bits of his lobster. “She’s busy, right? She’s got like five thousand movies coming out this year and next year, which means that she’d be making time through her busy schedule to be with you! She likes you a lot.”
You stopped, your hands transferring over to your hips. You eyed him, skeptical at first, before sighing. “You think so?”
Jack nodded. “Definitely, go get her tiger.” He pushed you away, hearing the sound of your name being called along with four plates being set off to the side.
You took the plates, setting them on a tray before balancing it on your hand, suddenly a lot more paranoid about dropping them than you’ve ever been. “Here you go.”
Bringing the tray into both your hands, you set the plates aside one by one before tucking it under your arm. “If you guys need anything else, just call me over.”
“Well,” Jenna’s voice stopped you from walking away, “In order for me to see you again, I’d need your number.”
“Right!” You said rather enthusiastically, taking her phone that she held out and typing your number in, sending her one last smile before retreating back into the kitchen.
Sadly, that was the last time you saw her that day because Harvey decided to steal your table, as he did to Jack earlier, to try and capture your tip.
“(Y/N).” Derek called out for you, walking into the room to catch you wiping up tables. “That girl you served earlier, the one that Harvey stole, told me to give your tip to you. She definitely caught on to him.” He laughed, handing you a stack of money before waving goodbye.
You gawked at the amount, five-hundred dollars as a tip was probably the biggest you ever got, and it was from a girl who, besides you, took an interest in you that she was sure to soon act on.
☟ ☟ ☟
i feel like part one was written remotely better than this part, but regardless, i hope you enjoy this :)
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perrywinkleeeee · 5 months
chandler bing x reader (whose in the group)
The One with the Cookie Crumbs
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Author’s Note ❥ I know I took too long before I finished this, and I apologize. I’ve been busy for the past days from school works and all. But I really hope this is what you wanted and If I didn’t fulfill your request, I apologize, I would be willing to try again.
paring(s) 𖨆♡𖨆 ⁑ chandler bing x fem!reader
Monica Geller x reader (sister)
warning(s) ᕯ none
Word count ⚘ 2.439k
“Ugh! Living with you is like being seventeen and having to share the same damn room all over again!”
Yelling was heard in apartment 20. The Gellers got into the scariest dispute in the entire building when they started arguing.
“What's so hard about eating your cookie without leaving crumbs everywhere?” The other Geller yelled back, which infuriated the other one. “Monica, I've had enough of this crap! And if I had a place to stay, I would move out!”
“Then go ahead, Y/N!” Monica snapped her head at Y/N, as if she were already kicking her out of their apartment. Y/N was taken aback by Monica’s abrupt outburst and felt a a knot in her throat. She never liked arguing with her sister. Y/N lowered her arms from her chest, her eyes wide open. The entire gang was gathered outside their apartment door, listening in on the heated argument that had been going on for 10 minutes. Just as Ross have had enough of all the yelling, when the apartment fell silent, he went barging through the door, knowing his sisters so well that it was best for them to separate for the time being. Whenever they get into a huge fight, it would take days, weeks, or even months for them to come to terms and be able to talk to each other again. “Y/N, it's fine. Go to your room.” Ross accompanied her to her room before turning back to Monica, whose face was now flushed from anger. Y/N strained her eyes and replied, “Fine.” through gritting her teeth, before walking inside her room.
“Again, Mon. Really?” Ross had his hands on his hips before deciding to approach his sister, whom he believed was constantly overreacting to the smallest details and mistakes Y/N causes. “Why can’t you two get along?” The frustrated eldest couldn't stop his sisters from constantly squabbling. “Hello? I handle the majority of the cleaning here.” Monica scoffed, rolling her eyes at Ross.
“Does everything have to be clean for you?” Ross made it obvious that he doesn’t want them to argue all the time, let alone have them broken up because of the tiniest mistakes. “Do you not know me? I want everything to be neat and ordered, yet she screws everything up.”
Monica rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest as Ross said, “I think you two should stay away from each other for a while.” She doesn’t want to be separated from her sister, but the continual arguments is killing all of them. “Yeah, right. How are we supposed to do that?” Monica mockedly stuck her tongue out and turned away from Ross.
“I’ll go.” Y/N suddenly popped out of her room, a bag across her shoulder, and another in hand. With a concerned look on her face, Monica turned her body toward her just to see how serious she was. “I’m moving out.”
“What?” Monica, who genuinely doesn't want her sister to move out, kept a worried tone but tries her best not to break character. “You said I should go ahead, then I’m moving out.”
“But where will you go?” Ross intervened in the middle before Y/N began to walk towards the door. “Anywhere but here.” She looked at the two for a minute, but tears started to blur her eyes. “Y/N, I didn’t mean for you to move out. All I'm saying is that you two should know how to get along when it comes to— you could stay with me for a little while, it’s like you’re taking a cool off of each other. But you don’t want to go apartment hunting again, right?” Even if Ross did his best to come up with something that would entice Y/N to stay, it seems like she had enough of Monica acting in her typical manner.
The door swung open as a few footsteps approached, and without hesitation, Chandler Bing, the one and only sarcastic friend offered, “I’ll take her.” Looking inside the apartment like a lost puppy. “What?” Ross and Monica exclaimed in unison. “That settles it then.” Y/N exited the apartment without saying anything, walking past Chandler to open the door to the other apartment in front of theirs. She only ever did that to see how her sister was going to react. And she was pretty sure she saw how upset she was.
Chandler gazed at Ross and Monica before quietly closing the door. “Are you really gonna take her in?” Joey asked in confusion. “Well, if they’re really in bad terms right now… I think it’s best if she stays with us?” Chandler shrugged his shoulders, unsure now whether Joey approved or not. “It’s not okay with you, is it?”
“No, no. I’m entirely fine with it. But we only have two bedrooms in there. Where’s she gonna sleep?” Joey raised his eyebrows and asked. Chandler's thoughts told him he needed to talk to Y/N first before anything else.
Before Joey and Chandler entered apartment 19, there was a loud thump, that alerted them, and when they did, Joey and Chandler hurried in to find Y/N on the floor, bawling her eyes out.
Chandler came over to sit with her on the floor to try and comfort her in any ways he can. “I just can’t stand how she bosses me around. But she’s still my sister. And I don’t want to move out of the apartment.” Her bags were flung on the ground, having to consider what she would do now that she had fled Monica’s apartment. “Maybe I just need time from all of the screaming.”
Chandler enveloped her in his arms and looked at Joey, who was standing in front of them. “That’s okay. You can stay here for as long as you need to.” Chandler reassures her quietly before pointing for Joey to retrieve the box of tissues from the tabletop. “It’s just so stupid to fight over the simplest things!”
“You’re gonna be fine. Chandler chuckled. “I could just sleep in the barcalounger.” Y/N withdrew her grip from him and finally raised her puffy eyes to gaze at him. “What? No, no. I don’t want to kick you out of your own room. You know, I could just stay at Ross’ apartment.”
Ross entered the apartment at that very moment, searching for Y/N. When Ross noticed them lying on the ground, he glanced confusedly at Chandler. “Hey, I talked to Monica. She’s said that you should just come back.” Ross announced which caused Y/N to roll her eyes. “I’m staying here. That’s final.” Ignoring the reactions of the other three men, she gathered her belongings back and entered inside Chandler's room.
“Well, guess she’s staying in my room.”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° • ☆ .  .
“Come on, you gotta talk to her.”
Ross had been begging Monica and Y/N for weeks, but it was difficult to get them to communicate. When Y/N eventually gave up and said, "Okay," Ross's eyes lit up. "Next week." Y/N continued to sip her coffee while reclining comfortably on the couch. "C'mon, Y/N. How are you going to make up?"
“I don't know, ask her.”
Chandler sat down next to Y/N as soon as he entered Central Perk. “Besides, Chandler is taking good care of me.” She turned to face Chandler and placed her head on his shoulder. “What will it take for you to forgive her?” Ross was down on one knee, begging Y/N to forgive their sister. “If she was the one asking me right now maybe I would have forgiven her. So stop apologizing for her, Ross. Nothing’s gonna change.”
“What’s not gonna change?” The three of them looked over at Monica, who had just walked into the coffee shop. Y/N grinned as she glanced at Chandler and then at her watch. “Oh, would you look at that! It’s time to go to work.” Y/N gave a mocking smirk before getting up from the couch. “Y/N, you're unemployed.” Ross stated the obvious.
“Working doesn't require having a job.” She grabbed her purse and went out of the coffee shop, knowing Monica was there. Although she didn't want to ignore her sister, but she was too upset to even look at Monica.
“Hey.” Chandler suddenly wrapped an arm around her shoulder, following her outside. “Hey,” she responded as she peered out into the streets of New York. “Do you wanna go back and order pizza? Hang out or something.” Chandler suggested, fiddling with his sleeves. “That’s a great idea right there,” Y/N said, pointing at his head as she dashed away, Chandler by her side.
Back in the apartment, Y/N and Chandler relaxed on the barcalounger with the lights off and the television on while Joey was not around, because of how Joey doesn’t want to share his barcalounger with anyone. They were laughing and eating together, enjoying one other's company. Y/N never looked for Chandler's presence; she was content with being friends and knowing Chandler as her brother's college roommate and best friend. Although now she learned to miss his presence and appreciates how he’ll try to cheer her up the best he could. She thought of when she could just break the partition that was keeping them apart after developing unexpected feelings for him.
Y/N had been staying with Chandler and Joey for about a month because of how her and Monica were still mad at each other. But she thought that maybe she’ll stay in apartment 19 permanently. "Can I ask you a question that will hopefully not make you uncomfortable?" Chandler tossed a chip into his mouth as he turned to face Y/N in the barcalounger. "Yeah, okay." Y/N got the remote, turned down the television so she could hear Chandler. "Are you planning to move out if you and Monica were to make up?” Chandler gazed down at his palm, waiting for her response. "I'm not sure. Well, I do know, and my answer is, no. But if you want me to move out then, so be it.”
"No, no. That's the thing. I don't want you to leave." Y/N, surprised and confused, gave him an uncertain smile. "Really? Why?"
“You know, I love having you here. We've never really had the opportunity to spend time together like this. You’re fun, and we have similar interests." It was as if he could read her mind, assuming that she would be happy to stay. Chandler swallowed a lump in his throat and turned his entire body towards her. “I don’t know, if this is gonna mess up everything we have right now, I only have one shot at this but… I genuinely like you, Y/N. As in, above and above friends. Sometimes I just want to tell you that so bad, maybe not have to put a pillow barrier between us on the bed. I don’t know, I’m sorry. Maybe I should just stop.” Chandler's smile never faded; instead, he avoided eye contact and slumped into the barcalounger. He feared he had made Y/N uncomfortable, who had been unable to speak up until now, she stood up and walked in front of Chandler and smile down at him.
She climbed on top of the barcalounger he was sitting on only to grip his face and close the distance between them. For Chandler, it was a miracle. And this was the moment they had been waiting for. "I would love to stay here with you, Chandler Bing." She took a time to stare at his gorgeous face before closing the gap once again.
Chandler choked on his own saliva when he noticed a figure next to them. “What in the world?” Ross exclaimed, causing Y/N to scurry off of Chandler's lap. Monica appeared from behind Ross with a plate of cookies. "Someone's here to talk to you."
“Hi, can we talk?” Monica asked, extending the plate of cookies to Y/N. "Only if Chandler and I can step outside to talk." Ross shot him a death gaze as he led Chandler outside.
Monica set the meal on the table while Y/N settled down. "Okay, so…"
“I understand that you’re upset. And I don’t know if you’re willing to come back to our apartment. But I wanna say I’m sorry. I’m sorry that’s I’m such a pain in the butt whenever you make tiny mistakes and I hated the way I treated you when you make little mistakes. I really didn't like the way I handled it. I'm sorry I screamed at you or even threw you out of the apartment. And I realized that it’s not worth losing a sister because of my obsession with everything being spotless. So, I just want everything to go back as it was. Can you forgive me?” Monica brought Y/N a glass of milk that she magically snatched from thin air.
"Thanks for the freshly baked cookies, Mon." But I don't really need this to forgive you. I forgive you since you have apologized. And I'm sorry, too. I understand that I'm a little—no, really—messy, but I still love you. So I don't want to lose you over cookie crumbs." Y/N put the milkglass down and put her hands together. "You do want to go back, right?” Monica hesitantly asked.
“Yeah, well. If you want me to.”
“I kinda have a visitor.”
“Rachel, Rachel Green?”
“She took over your room.”
Y/N heaved a sigh and smiled. "Well, that's okay. "I'll stay here with Chandler." She stood up from the barcalounger and peered toward the door. "I'll be fine here." The door opened, revealing Ross and Chandler. "Alright, then, I'll see you." Monica and Ross proceeded to the door. "See you, Ross." Y/N waved to him. "Don't!" Ross gestured and shut the door, leaving Y/N and Chandler alone again. "You and Monica made up. But I guess Ross isn't too happy." Chandler wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. "He'll get used to it." Y/N moved to face him and kissed his lips. "So, are you going back?"
"No, I'll stay here with you. Without the pillows between." As she clutched onto his neck, the scent of his perfume drew her into his embrace. "Is Monica going to be okay now that the other room is empty?"
"Yeah, someone took over."
Chandler looked at her confused before recognizing who she was talking about.
"Rachel Green?!”
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priscillabunny · 6 days
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nate wanted to please bunny!reader. it was an undying urge. something he’d been deadset on getting right. he knew she’d been spoiled in the past, and it was something he had no trouble with rising to — but it was bigger than that. he wanted to know how to please her emotionally, physically, have her so fulfilled she’d never wanna look at anyone else in her lifetime.
you enjoyed whenever he took charge, and that was something he’d noticed about you from the start. it wasn’t something he’d expected from someone who’d been treated like a princess her entire life — the sweet doe eyes you’d give him when you’d ask for permission over something small, or the way you’d preen into his touch when he’d hold your hips and guide you through a crowd was something he took mental note of to keep you happy.
it was the small things at first. catching you swinging your legs sat on his kitchen counter eating one of the cupcakes he’d ordered you to taste test as a favour for an upcoming event at chucks hotel. you slide your manicured finger through the white icing and suck it off, a sight that made him smirk, slacks feeling just that little bit tighter.
“so i think it’s safe to say the cupcakes are a hit?” he greets you, fixing the collar on his shirt as he steps closer. your thoughtful glossy pout stretches into a grin as you watch him approach, nodding and stretching your leg out to wrap an ankle around him and pull him closer. his smile doesn’t budge when he dips his own finger into the icing and brings it to your lips, letting you suck it off. you hum, fluttery eyelashes batting as you savour more than just the sweet treat, licking his skin and taking his wrist in both hands to hold you there. “mm. you’re gonna make me late to work babe.” he tsks, shaking his head in faux disapproval as your gaze flutters up to him guilty.
“please nate, can you be a little late?” you mewl, hips wriggling on the counter. it never took much to rile you up and he loved that. finger sucking — also noted.
“unfortunately not. i wish, though.” he complains, shaking his head. he takes a moment to look at you, hands sliding down to your cheeks as he simply holds you in the moment. “be a good girl for me today.”
he’s not sure why he said it, and honestly he was half expecting you to giggle — but you got this look in your eye once the gentle demand had left his lips. hazy and dumb, yet eager to please. he doesn’t miss the way you clamp your thighs together, nodding, which encourages him to take the path he did. “okay?” this time he waits for an answer.
“okay, nate.” you yield, and he smiles proudly.
“thats what i like to hear.”
you’d waited for him all day, and without even a text between the two of you — you both seemed to feel the sexual tension that lasted his entire work day. its only later when it gets resolved, nate gets back to investigating your needs.
he’s hovering over you on the bed, licking and kissing at the corner of your parted mouth whilst you moan, his long fingers hitting all the spots inside you as your spread legs tremble.
“n—nate!” it feels like a strain to say, like you don’t truly want to same his name, searching for something more affectionate.
“i know. just wanna make you feel good, beautiful. sound so pretty when you cum.” he coo’s in that velvety, deep, warm voice. the voice that makes you clench around him harder.
“d—ugh, mmm—”
“i’m gonna go out on a limb here and say there’s something else you wanna call me. am i right?” he addresses the glittery pink elephant in the room and your sticky eyes open, blinking in a daze trying to concentrate on his words. squeaking, you nod— lip wobbling like you’re on the verge of tears. he tilts his head kissing below your ear as his thumb joins the mix down below to stroke your clit. “is it daddy? do you wanna call me daddy, sweetheart?”
you don’t wait for permission this time, choking out a devastated “yes, daddy.” as your hips jerk up against his hand.
“ohhhhh, there you go. that’s my good girl using her words. should be proud of yourself.” you can hear the smirk in his tone like he wants to laugh but you don’t care, his words are enough to get you off — and soon you’re crying out in ecstasy.
since the day it was addressed, all shyness about the topic was purged from your body. you didn’t care who heard you call your boyfriend daddy, too wide eyed and needy to address the surprise. he got used to it too, and honestly felt a little bit of sick pride about the whole thing. he liked the world to know he took care of his girl.
whether it was clinging to his arm as your heels totter along the sidewalk, pressing your cheek to him and groaning out a “can i please just borrow your credit card, daddy?” when you want something, only for him to roll his eyes and hand it over between his fingers saying something along the lines of “i shouldnt. but here.”
or padding into the room in the tiniest pyjamas when chuck and nate are in the living room, having a serious discussion over a whiskey. you’d pout, clasping your hands at the front. “daddy you need to come to bed, please…”
chuck loved it, atleast. huffing out his smirky chuckle and turning back to nate with a “and where on earth do you find a girl like that? dont leave her waiting, nathaniel.” before leaving him to handle you.
luckily, you were so sweet that it was hard to judge you. hell — even serena was inspired to write a blog post on her sex column detailing the ‘up and coming daddy kink — and how it’ll drive your man wild’ and blair could only slightly turn her nose up upon hearing the nickname. you didn’t care though. you loved nate, and you wanted the world to know.
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earphonejackx · 7 months
hey,can you write kafka x fem(if you dont write hem then gn) reader that is sleep deprived almost all the time and sleeps in late bc of research,studies stuff like that?have a nice day and take care!
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AN: tysm for requesting this!! Also I hope you have a nice day aswell <3
⊹ Kafka x sleep deprived f!reader
⊹ slightly suggestive, reader is a workaholic
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⊹ Kafka first noticed when you were sleep deprived when you were on a mission with her. She noticed your movements were more slower than usual and you wouldn’t talk as often because she saw you dozing off more often then usual aswell
⊹ She’d definitely call you out on it saying. “[name] did you happen to get any sleep before the mission?” Or “God, what time did you head to bed last night?” She’d play it off as a joke but realized that you actually needed sleep
⊹ When you told her that you were sleep deprived and couldn’t sleep she felt bad. She worry’s about you dearly so she decided to create a plan…
⊹ She saw that you were sleep deprived from staying up working on tasks with the team and you were barley taking care of yourself. She decided to force you to stop working for an entire week and she’d lay you down to bed every night
⊹ Finally when night arrives she had to practically drag you to bed with her. “come along [name] let’s head to bed now.” “Ugh but why? I swear I’m almost done work-“ “bed now.” Her tone was sharp. So she gladly carried you to bed and had you sleep by her side, If she couldn’t get you to sleep she has other ways she can bring you to sleep ;)
⊹ When you finally started seeing that you started to sleep more her worries were lifted, she wanted to make sure you were getting proper rest just like a princess should.
⊹ Kafka still keeps tabs on you to make sure you get to bed on time because she’s always not gonna be beside you in the bedroom, but even when she’s not she knows you’re okay<3
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shady-tavern · 2 months
Preview for "The Magic of Consequences" the April Patreon Short Story
(warnings ahead for temporary, implied child death and implied abuse. Please take care of yourselves)
See, the thing about being a witch was that people had misconceptions about your profession. They thought you were busy cooking soup made of eyes and frog feet, or bottling the souls of whoever pissed you off to sell them to monsters and demons.
And sure, sometimes you handled disgusting ingredients – some made you whisper 'ew ew ew ew' under your breath the entire time. And sure, sometimes you made deals with unsavory, strange creatures. And, yeah, alright sometimes you did bottle souls, but you had never cut off a poor frog's feet. Or plucked out someone's eyes.
The sad part was, despite your best attempts to polish your reputation, people rarely sought you out for good reasons. You had made so many health tonics at the beginning of your career, excited to go around and make things a little better, only to be semi-gently reminded by reality that you should have gone and become a herbalist instead.
But herbalists had little to no magic and wasting your talent for the arcane had seemed stupid at the time. You hadn't had the money for the mage schools growing up and when a hedge witch had found you spelling apples to turn your bully's hair a bright, ugly color, you had found yourself with an impromptu teacher instead.
By now you were used to being sought out for less than savory deals, people appearing in your shop with hooded cloaks and shifty eyes and overly-obvious glances around for any witnesses. The utterly unimpressed face you greeted them with tended to make them even more shifty.
More often than not you managed to talk them down from their really, really dumb ideas – like desiring to love-potion-trap a prince in marriage or robbing a barony – but the rest of the time people were too intent on their dumb decisions.
Everything had consequences. You had written that in big, big bold letters on everything you sold. You pointed it out verbally as well every time someone bought an ill-advised potion or spell from you.
"Why did I become I witch," you groused to yourself as you bottled a potion that made flowers smell like rotting corpses and beer-farts, because some asshole two towns over knew he wouldn't win the flower presentation competition next week with honest, hard work. What a loser.
"Oh, I'll help people, I said," you grumbled, stuffing a cork into the bottle and almost making it spill in the process. "Oh, I'll make people happy, I said."
You set the bottle aside and started to clean the cauldron when you heard the bell of the front door jingle. "I'll be with you in a moment!"
After cleaning up and making a face at something squishy that squelched beneath your foot – some things liked to bubble over and this potion had just been an all-around headache – you walked to the front of your shop.
A very young woman, clearly a noble considering the stupidly fancy clothes and jewelry, was waiting for you, peering at some of the bottles for sale.
See, nobles were trouble. Nothing but trouble. If the farmer wanted to take revenge on his cheating wife, fine. If a bandit wanted to conjure a storm for his robbery, whatever. If a miner wanted to steal jewels from his employer unnoticed, it was none of your business. 
You could deny those people whatever you wanted or grant them whatever you wanted. At the end of the day, they were just normal people who were more or less stab-happy.
But nobles? Ugh. 
They had mages in their employ to deal with many problems, Astrologers who could tell their fortunes, treasurers who ensured they could afford nearly anything they wanted and there were other nobles they were allied with. In short, they had power and if they showed up at your doorstep it meant they wanted things that their already impressive collection of options couldn't grant them.
Which was curses.
"I hear you're quite the competent witch," the young noble said and you eyed her warily. She looked like she was barely eighteen, it wouldn't surprise you if her wedding was in, like, a month or something. 
Nobles always got married to someone, last you heard, which made many lads and lasses, no matter their station, sigh and day-dream about one day being chosen as a spouse, no matter how impossible that dream was in some cases.
What, did she want to ensure her future spouse wouldn't cheat? Or had she been spurned and turned away in favor of someone else and now she wanted to get rid of the competition before she had to officially cancel the wedding? It happened sometimes and people really loved to gossip when nobles chose a different partner than their intended.
"I guess," you said, barely keeping a sour tone in check. This young woman probably wanted nothing good from you. Great.
You really should stop stocking healing tonics. For some reason, people always thought they would turn them ugly or give them illnesses or crooked dicks. 
The young woman frowned. "You don't sound very sure about that." She then pressed her lips together. "But no matter, you are my last resort." 
She turned to face you fully, her fancy dress sweeping dramatically with the movement and she raised her chin, proud and confident and it could almost hide the anxious shine in her eyes. "I need a curse."
Outwardly you nodded sagely. Inwardly you sighed so dramatically and theatrically that you had to bite down on the urge to whine like a spoiled child. You didn't want to do curses. Curses fucking sucked. But who were you to deny a customer? Especially one with both the money and the ability to make your life either better or a living hell.
Because, surprise surprise, plenty of the ingredients you needed for potions or spells did not come cheap. No one had ever bothered to tell you that being a witch in general was not cheap in the slightest. All the stories about witches in walking huts or in cottages in the woods had really set you up for disappointment.
"What kind of curse?" you asked and then pointed at the sign hung right behind and above you. 'Everything has Consequences' was written in big, big letters by a really fancy hand. 
You had even paid a fairy to make it glitter a bit. People liked glittery stuff, right? So far the glitter certainly had made sure everyone read the signs, but that was it. At least, the ones that could read did.
The young woman read it quickly too, then focused on you with more determination. "I need a curse that turns a princess into a monster."
Oh. Uh. That was...well, you could do it, but... "That's a very hefty curse, with equally hefty consequences," you said cautiously. "Maybe there are other ways to get you what you want? Maybe a temporary transformation spell? Perhaps something to pretty you up to catch a prince's eye, not that you need it, of course."
You were not in the business of selling love potions, because ew. Same with those annoying sleeping-beauty potions that required the asleep one to be kissed awake. Look, you were an asshole and you had cursed a couple of people already, but you did draw the line at all that non-consensual love stuff.
Even witches needed to draw lines somewhere.
"No, I need a curse," the young woman said, with a voice firm enough to give mithril a run for its money. 
You considered saying no, before you remembered all the reasons why you shouldn't. If you refused her you'd probably have to escape her wrath, uproot your life and settle down elsewhere.
You were lazy, though, and you didn't want to do that unless it became necessary. Besides, every curse could be broken and you'd just give this curse a really easy way to get out of it. You did that for every curse you sold, because you weren't asshole enough to leave people stuck in some horrible reality for years on end.
"Do you want the monster to be sentient or not?" you asked. In case she didn't, you'd make sure the curse could be broken by, like, drinking water or something. 
The young woman blinked, then seemed to perk up, looking suddenly eager. "I can decide what the monster is?"
"If you're willing to pay more," you said with a shrug. You were a good witch and curses, for as little as you liked to cast them most of the time, had always been your best subject.
You threw your health tonics a forlorn look, noting the faint dust that had started to gather on the shelves around them and a bit on the bottles themselves.
"I'll pay you anything you want," the noble lady said, her eyes suddenly filled with a hopeful gleam and a smile appeared on her face for the first time. It made her look even younger and you realized just how grim she had been previously. Huh.
You leaned against the counter to be more comfortable and reached for a piece of paper and a quill to write down what she wanted. The young woman was downright grinning by the time she had the curse tailored to her every whim.
"Wait here," you said, studying the list of demands as you ducked into the backroom. Thankfully, you had bought a couple of rare ingredients just a couple of days ago, so you managed to cobble together what you needed for the spell.
Fairy wings – not plucked, because again, you weren't that kind of asshole and a number of fairies had to molt their wings a number of times as they grew and some even every spring - wolf teeth and a griffin feather.
You carried everything out, the young woman watching curiously as you ground the teeth and wings to fine dust which you then rubbed thoroughly onto the feather. All that was left was the transformation spell that would complete the curse.
Dark magic flowed through you easily enough, the wood around you graying and the very air itself growing cold and hungry, like a drooling beast was gnashing its teeth, bright eyes focused on the tooth-and-fairy-wing-dusted feather. 
Once the spell was completed, your surroundings returning to normal, you put the feather into a silk bag and handed it over.
"Put it under the pillow of the one you want to curse, they must sleep on it for six hours straight," you told the young woman. "And remember, consequences."
The young woman clearly wasn't listening anymore, accepting the bag while she absentmindedly set down a pouch of coin. You started to count out the gold you'd need, since she had brought more than enough, when you heard the bell and the door closing.
Looking up, the young woman was gone.
Huh. Well, you weren't going to say no to all that extra money. You scooped everything up and dropped it off in a spelled chest to protect your most precious possessions from sticky fingers. That taken care of, you returned to cleaning up the backroom, especially the squishy smear on the ground.
A couple of days later you heard of the terrible curse that had befallen the kingdom's princess and how the wedding between her and some kind of far-away prince was off the table for the time being.
The thing with your curses was, the cursed one instinctively knew the cure the moment they got cursed. You ensured that, to give them the chance to go and fix the problem themselves. None of that 'someone must fall in love with you' nonsense. This particular curse could be fixed by seeking the nearest doorway, doing a little chicken-dance and clapping trice afterwards and et voilá, the curse was gone.
Easy-peasy. The princess should be back to her old self in no time.
You quickly got distracted by some asshole teenagers that wanted to buy itching-powder to prank someone and just as they left with a vial of the stuff in tow, a little boy hurried inside with tears on his face. He put down three copper, looking very, very scared and asked in a wavering voice if you could fix his dog, holding up a tiny and very weak puppy.
It was the first time someone had asked you for that kind of help. To heal. You grabbed harpy feather and reached out to rest your fingertips on the tiny puppy's tiny, feverishly hot head and the light magic spell you used felt like a warm embrace. As though someone powerful was wrapping their arms around you and the boy and the puppy with endless kindness and soft reassurance.
It was the most beautiful spell you had ever gotten to perform and the moment you were done, the feather turned to dust in your fingers, the puppy opened its eyes. It wagged its tiny little tail like mad and when the boy broke out into tears, it licked the tears away.
"Thank you," he sobbed and you gave the boy's head a few pats, resisting the urge to tear up yourself.
"Of course," you said, pretending like you weren't touched and glad and emotional. There was just so much dust in this stupid shop. That was all.
You gave him back the copper, telling him that he got the spell for free if he promised to take great care of the dog and to bring it to you if something bad happened to it again.
The little boy grinned, so relieved and happy you swore he was the reason sun shone through the window in that moment, before leaving with his puppy who looked perky and awake again.
You puttered around, restocking some things and you set the health tonics up by the counter, hoping that maybe now someone would buy them. 
When, a couple of days later, a merchant asked for a spell that turned all his copper to gold, you heavily considered getting 'consequences' embroidered on your clothes as well. But he really wanted the spell so you gave it to him and of course he didn't want to buy a health tonic.
You were sulking on your counter when the door opened and a very fancy young man entered. You resisted the urge to groan like a blacksmith's bellows. A noble, again. Nothing but trouble.
"Good witch," he said with a small bow, the fancy feathers on his fancy hat bouncing perkily. "May I trouble you for a curse?"
You waved grandly at the sign behind you. "You may. Please read the fine print." The very big, very bold fine print.
He did, nodding solemnly. "I hear you offer curses that turn people into monsters?"
He must be a friend of that young lady. Lovely. Now that you thought about it, you hadn't heard anything else about the princess. Was her wedding off the table for good? Surely not, she had to have broken her curse by now. 
Or had that noble lady pounced on the far-away prince instead and there would be a wedding announcement once a proper amount of time had passed to avoid rumors from spreading? Maybe the princess would go and marry another prince. Well, it was none of your business.
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Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day, lots of love to you all!
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caramel1mochi · 2 months
One Hazy Winter [Iso x F! Reader] [5]
[ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 ]
Genre: Angst, fluff ‎ 
TW: Heavy depression ‎ ‎ 
Words: 4k ‎ 
Synopsis: One winter before his disappearance, you told your boyfriend Yu about a question you’ve had for so long; one even he could hardly respond to. It took many more hopeless winters for you to finally have your answer.‎ 
Note: Please don't copy or steal my work and pass it off as your own! If you'd like to use one of my headcanons or something, I'd love it if you tagged or asked. SIDENOTE did anyone see how Clove speaks? Who would've thought vehemently studying Irish slang 8 months ago would come back to help me like this??? Writing them is gonna be such a breeze fr hint wink wink nudge nudge nudge
。+❤ฺ·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ· +❤·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ·
Winter, present day
‎ ‎
You wanted to call yourself stupid for not catching on. How wasn’t it obvious?
There was a gun in his bedroom and a medallion with a symbol that you've never seen before, even after relentlessly googling around. Purple eyes, mysterious disappearances, owning a house with undisclosed memories that he was just willing to abandon for your apartment, and… other than his grandma? Yeah, no family.
You sighed and pushed open the wooden doors to the café, allowing the bell above to announce your arrival on this boring and slow Monday. Yesterday was spent entirely at Yu’s house. Not only to tend to the trees you planted a winter ago, but to also keep searching for that gun. And, alas, there was nothing. Maybe he took it before he disappeared. Maybe he… 
‎ ‎
You stepped behind the counter and pocketed your headphones. Only now did you hear Ying’s muffled voice way behind you inside her room, drowned out by the music. You were sure that she was speaking to someone on the phone, considering your co-worker called out at the last minute. Who, however, would remain a mystery. Not that you cared.
Then, the door swung open, and you heard the clicks of her shoes as she walked down the corridor, phone in hand.
‎ ‎
“I made sure to check it before I left.” She explained. “Around March, last I heard. That’s the only day– Y/N!”
‎ ‎
Ying’s previously quiet voice shot up a few decibels upon noticing you. But before you even realised it, your mind had prepared itself for the sudden incoming hug it really didn’t want.
‎ ‎
“Oh my God, I was so worried!”
‎ ‎
Her arms found their place tightly wrapped around you, completely ignoring the seemingly important call, as she had tossed her phone on the counter behind her in favour of this embrace. You placed one hand on her back in a weak attempt to reciprocate it. However, all you could notice was how cold her silky black ponytail was as it fell on her back. ‎ ‎
“I missed one day, Ying.”
‎ ‎
“I thought something happened to you!” She pulled away, her hands still on your shoulders. “You should’ve told me– where were you?”
‎ ‎
“At Yu’s.��
‎ ‎
Her posture immediately relaxed with that answer, and a wide grin painted her features.
‎ ‎
“Ah, is that so? And how are the lemons? I trust they’re in excellent condition.”
‎ ‎
You would’ve groaned at how she referred to a bunch of seeds underground as if they were babies being taken care of. But after that tangent, maybe that comparison was… Well, apt wasn’t the word, but, you know. Something like that.
‎ ‎
“Still acclimating. They require less maintenance in the winter, but…” 
‎ ‎
Your words were lodged in your throat, and you were rendered unable to tell her exactly what you were thinking. But Ying somehow didn’t notice. Instead, she began taking a few steps back to close the call she’d abandoned, another idea popping up in her mind.
‎ ‎
“How large was his backyard again? Why don’t you plant more seeds there? Something that can withstand this weather?”
‎ ‎
“When’s the last time you’ve been to his house, Ying?”
‎ ‎
She placed one hand on her hip.
‎ ‎
“I visited Iso’s house a few times before, Y/N. I even recall mentioning the absurd size of his backyard. Ah, I think I used the word ridiculous, too… That might’ve offended him.”
‎ ‎
Ying explained thoughtfully with a finger on her chin. And from her dreamy tone, it was easy for you to infer that she was just about to go off on another tangent should you let her keep talking.
She promptly moved towards the register with this memory in mind. But before she could say anything, you interrupted her.
‎ ‎
“Who’s Iso?”
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
Ying stayed silent for a moment. 
Then, she tittered, 
‎ ‎
“I– I must’ve misspoken; I meant to say Yu.”
‎ ‎
You crossed your arms.
‎ ‎
“Who’s Iso, Ying?”
‎ ‎
“Ah, it– it’s just a character from a book I’m currently reading. It’s not anything important.” Ying fanned herself with her hand as she spoke, presumably from a bout of anxiety. “Anywho, as I was saying– would you like me to come along with you? We’ll find new spots for you to plant in!”
‎ ‎
You ran your fingers through your hair, leaning on the counter behind you.
Ying only had two Meyer lemons that day, and you managed to scoop out a combined amount of nine seeds. A lot, but compared to a normal lemon that had at least ten–fifteen seeds in one fruit, it was nothing. And what worried you was the prospect of you failing or only managing to get a few trees out of those.
It couldn’t hurt to have a few… backup fruits, right? If the lemons failed, you’d maybe have… something else. Besides, the cashier from that one shop seemed fond of you when you bought the garden ready passion fruit. You could purchase another orange and strike up a conversation with her. Besides, you needed to work on mentally desensitising yourself to being in his house.
‎ ‎
“I'll take care of it myself, I could use some alone time.”
‎ ‎
Even though every second of your life was composed of ‘alone time’ to the point that it was concerning. But Ying didn’t really want to mention that. Not when your mood seemed to be substantially improving with it.
She flashed you her familiar grin in response.
‎ ‎
“Well, if you’d like any help, I’m one–”
‎ ‎
“One text away, got it. Weren’t you talking to someone?”
‎ ‎
You gestured at the phone she set on the counter a while ago, referencing the call she’d abandoned in favour of this conversation. And you swore you could see buffering in her eyes before she caught on.
‎ ‎
“Oh! Right, thank you, I’d almost forgotten about her.”
‎ ‎
She quickly grabbed the phone and waved goodbye before disappearing into her office for the day. And by then, you had already known that customers made their way inside. You didn’t even need to look back to know. Not when that repetitive jingle gave it away, and the sounds of them snickering and gossiping to each other.
You sighed and ran your fingers through your hair, preparing to serve the group.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
You were still thinking about that gun even after it’d been a whole year since you visited his house. However, when you passed by his bedroom, the thoughts took over your mind like a virus. The urge to peer through his drawers once more grew unbearable, even after you’d done it a few dozen times. And each time, it wouldn’t change; there was simply no gun anymore. This weapon only raised more questions in your mind. None of them were new, except for one:
Was Yu dead? 
Was that the reason for his disappearance? Maybe the hourglass medallion was related to it. Maybe they were a… an organisation? A group, something like that. Maybe he’d gotten into a fight with these people, or maybe they sent someone out to kill him. But why?
You thought of at least a hundred possibilities as to how he would’ve died, but none of it made sense because of one thing, how did someone like Yu get involved with people like this? The only reason you entertained it was because of his eyes, his nonexistent parents, and the bloody house you were in. There’s no way a barista with the same salary as you would be able to buy all of this.
But you never doubted him; you trusted him. You trusted his decision to keep it all vague. You trusted that, one day, he would tell you.
Maybe that was a mistake.
‎ ‎
Oh, screw it, you thought as you pushed the doors to his backyard open. Ignoring the familiar cold sensation that wrapped itself around your exposed face and neck was an easy task, especially when you were finally taking in the sight before you.
Six trees. But you already saw that before. What grabbed your attention were the white flowers scattered around the deep green leaves, like fairies that had sprinkled dust during the night. Once you’d reached it, you meticulously cupped one flower in your gloved hands and observed the shape, but all of it was healthy. All it needed was one more year to finally bear fruit.
The pearly white tint of the flower beautifully stood out against your black gloves; its thin petals curving in a manner so purposeful, you swore it was sculpted by the gods. They also needed pruning, you mused before going back to grab a tool you left behind. But you’d get to it after you watered them.
Incidentally, it was February; Winter was finally coming to an end. And this meant that the snow that coated the ground was starting to melt off, patches of dull grass sneaking through any opening they could in an effort to get some air. This made the shovel you were about to use somewhat redundant when it came to shovelling the snow.
Nevertheless, once you’d picked an empty spot in his spacious backyard, you slid the blade of your shovel under the thin mound of melting snow. Then, once you scooped up most of it, you tossed it aside and cleared the area.
‎ ‎
‘Why do you plant things in the winter? Why not summer?’
‎ ‎
Yu suddenly questioned from behind as he rested on the staircase after he’d done shovelling all of the snow. Since he’d volunteered and successfully done most of the gruelling work for you, you had enough space to finally plant the germinated lemon seeds once you were done spacing them out.
And to him, his inquiry made sense. Winter was the season of death, and even his optimism wouldn’t stop him from admitting that. So why would you pursue a hobby that sprouted life at that time?
You continued shovelling the snow out of the way as you remembered what you told him that dreadful day. And this time, you didn’t block your brain from pulling these annoying conversations from the depths of your mind – not when you wanted to remember the answer.
‎ ‎
‘Planting things in the winter helps them bear fruit faster. Moreover, the seeds I'm planting are winter fruit.’
‎ ‎
Despite sitting behind you, you could easily tell that Yu immediately perked up at the foreign term.
‎ ‎
‘Winter fruit?’
‎ ‎
‘Yes. It's exactly what it sounds like.’
‎ ‎
Whenever he learned something new from you, he would just have the cutest look on his face. If only you could see it now, you mulled. But that privilege was revoked years ago, and you weren’t in the mood to mourn right now. Not after all of your impressive progress so far.
‎ ‎
‘Lemons are a winter fruit?’
‎ ‎
You nodded.
‎ ‎
‘...What about oranges?’
‎ ‎
He noted the abundance of oranges you had at the time, and your silent plans to have them planted, if only it didn’t take years for the blasted trees to bear fruit. This question, however, made you pause at the time.
‎ ‎
‘They... are.’
‎ ‎
‘I see. And why oranges specifically?’
‎ ‎
Seemingly oblivious to the pause in your answer, Yu continued pressing on, unaware of the consequences of asking such a question.
Once the snow was out of the way and you’d cleared the grass, you moved back towards the doors and grabbed the nearby rake, ready to make space for your orange trees.
‎ ‎
‘They were my dad's favourite.’
‎ ‎
The answer came solemnly; the shift in topic immediately souring both his and your mood. And Yu quickly caught on to his mistake since he immediately rushed to apologise,
‎ ‎
‘Oh, I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…’
‎ ‎
You pushed a plentiful amount of dirt out of the way with only a few repetitive movements. And though they were few, you still felt the sweat form. The thick jacket you wore started to weigh heavily on you. That, and just about everything else, but were you really going to work in a tank top out here?
‎ ‎
‘No, it's okay.’
‎ ‎
Yu watched you stand up once you were done, dusting off your hands. Yet he noted how weak your movements were. How much hesitance was involved in just getting the dirt off of your fingers, or even holding yourself up.
How easily upset you were at the mention of your deceased parents. 
At the time.
‎ ‎
‘Can we leave? I'll... I'll check on the trees afterwards.’
‎ ‎
He immediately stood up and took off his glove to pull you closer to him.
‎ ‎
‘Of course. You deserve a break, after all. Where would you like to go?’
‎ ‎
‘Do you remember the bridge I told you about? I heard it looks better in the spring; but we should go tomorrow.’
‎ ‎
Yu beamed at this, his fingers interlocking with yours, and his thumb had already begun outlining the lines on your palm. It sounded like an innocent suggestion.
‎ ‎
‘Tomorrow? Okay, but you'll have to send me the location in advance.’
‎ ‎
You remembered both of you leaving for the bridge that day and what came afterwards. You remembered the dread that followed you throughout the entire trip. Not to mention the gloom, all because you remembered your father. And it’s not like any of it was to be missed. You didn’t miss having your whole day ruined at the mention of one person.
You stood back and stared at the hole you’d dug with the shovel, measuring its width compared to the tree you were about to put in its place.
Perfect, you thought. It was all perfect.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
Summer passed by like a breeze, and Ying was beyond delighted at the harvest you brought back and immediately got to work with the others to turn them into delicious treats to sell. Luckily for you (or her), they sold like hotcakes, and today, once winter finally arrived, the moment you walked through the doors and heard the jingle from above, you already saw the results of your hard work.
Ying stood deep within the dining area in front of the wall that used to be empty for so long; now, however, it carried the large, expensive painting she had yearned for the past few years. And just like she predicted, it looked absolutely stunning. The colours perfectly complemented the warm colour palette of the general area, and the ladies and their surroundings bounced off of the previously dull flora she’d decorated the area with. That, and, you know, it was just a pretty painting to look at.
You approached and pocketed your headphones, but Ying needn’t look back to know you were there. The crunch of the ice under your boots was loud enough. All thanks to the strong snowfall outside.
‎ ‎
“Isn’t this amazing? It feels like I renovated the whole area, Y/N!”
‎ ‎
She said excitedly as she clasped her hands together, meeting your gaze. Did you even want to ask how long she spent staring at the painting? Not that it was a bad thing.
‎ ‎
“I admit. It does look impressive.”
‎ ‎
“And I couldn’t have done it without you! Speaking of which, you look happy today. Did something happen?”
‎ ‎
Ying asked with a tilt of her head, and your smile only widened at this despite your futile attempts to keep a straight face.
‎ ‎
“The lady at the nursery suggested I sell some of my plants there with her. I’m still considering it.”
‎ ‎
She didn’t know who she was, so you didn’t really bother telling Ying the name of this new friend you made. But her face still beamed at this.
‎ ‎
“Why not? You mentioned your apartment being cramped a while ago. Is that still the case?”
‎ ‎
“It is.”
‎ ‎
Of course she’d remember an off-handed comment from months ago. Besides, all anyone needed to know something like this was to simply glance at any of your windows, and they’d see the potted trees pressed up against them.
‎ ‎
“I’ll still have to wait until the weather clears up.”
‎ ‎
“I see. Good call.”
‎ ‎
She didn’t need to look out the windows to see the thick fog outside. The way to work was difficult enough for her since she had to avoid the black ice and check the weather for any potential storms. Nevertheless, despite how subtle it was, Ying immediately picked up on the wistfulness that bled into your previously content tone.
‎ ‎
“Is… something wrong?”
‎ ‎
Your smile slowly fell as you carefully leaned on the table behind you.
Don’t quote me on this comparison, I hate Chemistry. But despite solitude being bound to you like protons to a nucleus at this point, and vice versa, you’d been keeping this question to yourself, and it felt like it was driving you mad. For once, you needed to ask someone, and who better than Ying? And you weren’t in the mood to be subtle or to ease her into it. 
Might as well lay it all out.
‎ ‎
“Is Yu dead?”
‎ ‎
She seemed incredibly caught off guard by the question.
‎ ‎
“Dead? That– that’s a… ah, a bold assumption… Why would you ever say that?”
‎ ‎
Should you even tell her about the gun and the hourglass medallion? Even though you were still pissed at Yu for keeping so many things hidden from you, you still felt it disrespectful to air out his laundry behind his back. Well, if he was alive, that is.
Besides, it’s not like she was innocent either. She had a mysteriously large sum of money herself, despite being a humble café owner. Speaking of… why didn’t she just buy the painting with that instead of waiting for your harvest? Maybe you shouldn’t ask everything.
You sighed and ran your fingers through your hair.
‎ ‎
“Just a thought.”
‎ ‎
“No, don’t say that. You’re doing so well, Y/N; don’t let the pessimism get to you!”
‎ ‎
You smiled in amusement at her words. Was the change in your appearance and attitude that drastic? You could’ve sworn one of the positive things about your genes was the lack of dark circles under your eyes. Ying, however, only kept going.
‎ ‎
“How about we visit his grandmother? I know both of you used to do that a lot. Are those lemons done growing?”
‎ ‎
“They are. I should be able to harvest them on Sunday if the weather gets better.”
‎ ‎
It’s been a while since you visited her. And honestly, you may or may not have missed her delighted smile and hug whenever she’d see you come in with freshly baked goods for her to enjoy. Shame this all stopped when Yu disappeared. If you took it this horribly, you couldn’t even imagine what she was going through.
‎ ‎
“Sunday? That’s great! Would you like me to come with you? I’ll bring the baskets!”
‎ ‎
For once, the offer sounded enticing. Hauling baskets around in a bus also sounded like a terrible idea. So… 
You nodded.
‎ ‎
“I don’t mind.”
‎ ‎
“Wonderful! So, what do you always bring her? Was it lemon bars, or…”
‎ ‎
Ying started spitballing ideas as she walked you to the counter, attempting to come up with a list of lemon desserts for you both to bring. Sweets and baking weren’t her forte, but it was really fun to watch her ramble on about something she really enjoyed. It wasn’t that hard to tell that she never got to have a casual conversation with someone outside of work, anyway.
And so you let her talk, instead opting to listen to her in silence and only chiming in when she was out of words.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
Both of you settled on lemon pie. It was a nice change compared to the usual pound cakes you’d always bring her. And besides, you needed to bring something special after not visiting her for years, or however long it’s been. Not like you were one to keep track of time.
Nevertheless, a week had passed since that conversation, and things only continued to improve. Mentally, that is.
You were way too exhausted from tending to what felt like a few hundred trees all day. The work felt like it was never ending. It’s not like you were able to go outside anyway; the fog never let up since then. Even the buses were starting to reroute, and your path to work was getting more and more hazy.
Thankfully for you, it was Saturday; you’ve been up since the crack of dawn, and you’ve just finished your housework at two in the afternoon. Pruning, fertilising, watering and fending off fungal infections and diseases. Even though it was winter, an abundance of dormant plants still equaled a considerable amount of work. Sure, as Ying said, the air was fresher in here, but you needed to sell all of these plants. It was quite literally a forest at this point. That wasn’t to mention the ones at Yu’s house that you still haven’t tended to, the ones you were going to harvest tomorrow had the weather improved.
Once you set down your shears and gave your fingers the relief of rest after spending the past hour pruning your kiwi tree, it felt like they were just one wrong move away from falling off your body. And maybe that was the time for you to actually stop working.
‎ ‎
You walked back inside to your hotter bedroom and slammed the door to the balcony shut, taking a deep breath of the fresh air to isolate a specific scent. And it didn’t take long for you to spot it – the scent of hot chocolate. You’d just made it for breakfast and had completely forgotten about it whilst waiting for it to cool off.
Huh. Instead of drinking it in bed, maybe you should try something Ying would probably do.
You ran your stiff fingers through your hair and moved towards the kitchen, grabbed the lukewarm cup and headed for the living room. Once you sat down on the couch, the remote immediately made its way into your hand and the television was turned on. Yu’s blankets were still there. You washed and tossed them back there, since there was no reason for you to move them. Not like you felt ill when you looked at them. They were pretty warm. 
Besides, you were more concerned with the television and whether or not it would work after being unused for so long.
And… Yeah. It was kind of boring. Scratch that; it was very boring. Ying was probably just way too old-fashioned for you.
You surfed through the channels for a few more minutes. And with every channel you passed, you were only further reminded as to why this blasted thing was never used. You surfed and surfed and surfed, eventually landing on whatever channel it was once you’d gotten bored enough and instead picked up the phone to scroll through social media. Maybe you really should hit up your landlord and stop funding this useless thing mounted on your wall, you mused.
Your train of thought, however, was immediately derailed once your ringtone blasted in your ears. Ying had suddenly called you. And despite your annoyance, you accepted it without thought, holding the phone up to your ear.
‎ ‎
“Y/N! Good afternoon, how are you?”
‎ ‎
“Hi. Do you need something?” 
‎ ‎
She tittered, and you could feel her anxiously fan herself from the other side of the phone.
‎ ‎
“What if I just wanted to check in on my friend?”
‎ ‎
“So you… don’t need anything.”
‎ ‎
“No, I do. Are you free this March?”
‎ ‎
You sighed and instead looked out the window, your eyes locking on the rapid snowfall that only helped further coat the ground in tonnes of snow. Sidewalks, houses, dead trees, balconies… Well, the uncovered ones, of course. Your balcony was safe.
‎ ‎
“Possibly. Why?”
‎ ‎
This question was weird to ask, to say the least. Especially to someone who lived their life with no planning and went with the flow. But you did understand why she’d ask since she planned months and months ahead.
‎ ‎
“There’s something I must do, but it’s highly likely that I’d end up needing your assistance with it. Do you recall a few years ago, when you…”
‎ ‎
Then, the word ‘storm’ caught your attention, your eyes immediately darted back to the television as your brain tuned out Ying’s words. Turns out that the channel you’d stopped at was the weather forecast, and the woman was explaining an incoming catastrophic storm headed towards…
‎ ‎
“I– I have to go; I need to leave.”
‎ ‎
“Where? What’s happening?” 
‎ ‎
Without thought, you stood up and rushed towards the thick jacket you had hung up on the coat rack right next to the door.
‎ ‎
“Ying, there’s a blizzard. It’s headed right around the neighbourhood where Yu’s house is!”
‎ ‎
You slipped on your boots and grabbed your keys, stuffing whatever remaining essentials there were in your pocket.
‎ ‎
“What?! Y/N, wait, don’t tell me you’re–”
‎ ‎
“I’m going, Ying!”
‎ ‎
“Don’t! Don’t, just wait for me, I–”
‎ ‎
You slammed the door shut, haphazardly holding the scarf over your nose, and rushed down the flight of stairs.
‎ ‎
Ying failed to convince you not to go before you closed the phone and shifted all of your focus back on your path, and she especially failed to get you to understand what was truly happening through your skull. To her, you either didn’t notice the magnitude of the situation, or you just outright didn’t care. Rushing into a blizzard just to keep a few trees safe was something no sane person would do, even with how much those trees meant to you.
And despite the thick haze that blocked you from seeing only a few feet in front of you, the people rushing to get home as soon as possible, and the rapid snowfall, none of it mattered. You clutched the ice-cold pole inside the bus and leaned your head against it, its temperature seeping through your thick black gloves and stinging your skin.
Your eyes locked on the windows as you watched the driver struggle to make his way through the fog, and your heart raced fast enough that it nearly constituted a heart attack. People around you were scared. The children huddled with their parents like scared birds, and you swore you could hear a few of them reassure their kids that they were going to make it home just fine. But you tuned it all out in favour of what was important to you.
All you needed to do was get to his house. Get to his house at the very least, and it’ll all be okay. 
Those trees will be okay. You’ll make sure of it.
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vhstown · 10 months
— pavitr prabhakar x gn!reader
summary: It's the middle of summer, and Spider-Man caused a city-wide power outage; your friend Pavitr tries to make it up to you.
word count: 0.7k
warnings: fluff, mentions of food/drink
a/n: there's not enough pavitr in this world 💔 another 3am notes app to one-shot pipeline, somewhat edited
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It was probably the hundredth time you groaned that morning. Your uniform was sticking to you, your notebook was less than efficient as a fan and you still had to come into class for the rest of the day. The Mumbattan sun was practically bleeding through the walls, and though you and Pavitr had found a shaded spot outside, it did little to stop the constant wave of sweat that trickled down your back.
"Probably the worst day for the power to go out, right?" Pavitr gave you a crooked smile. His shoulders flexing uncomfortably as he leaned forward, tilting his head to meet your squinting eyes.
"Yeah. Spider-Man really did us a service, huh?" From what you knew, Mumbattan's one and only "hero" with stupidly good hair had managed to disconnect the entire city's power last night. Alchemax was "working hard" to restore it (probably in their own building), but you didn't know how much longer you could survive without the academy's stellar, now out-of-service air conditioning.
"He's not so bad. He's probably suffering from the heat too; think about the suit!" Thinking about the suit only made you sweat more.
You met Pavitr's defense with a frown, shaking your head. "It's his problem. Well, it's everyone's problem now."
Pavitr returned your frown with his own, his eyes narrowed and trailing off in silence. You two talked about Spider-Man often; his hair was pretty compelling, but today he was more of a menace than anything, even if he was boiling under that suit too. Your notebook was practically clinging to your clammy hands, but Pavitr seemed fine for the most part, just one button of his shirt undone. Maybe the heat was the reason why you were looking at his bare collar so much.
Your head fell back as another flash of sweat went through you, and you were ready to let out another groan before Pavitr spoke up.
"You know what? I'll be right back. One sec... a minute — two minutes!" He gave you a wave and half a smile before getting up, the way his hand pushed off of the hot concrete making you cringe. The sun was hurting your eyes, so you gave up on trying to look out for him, sinking into the heat as you waited.
Around the corner, other students of Mubattan Visions were suffering a similar sizzling reality to you, the same complaints and frustrations dampened by the heat. It was an oven inside and a slow-cooker outside; you didn't know which you preferred — probably neither now your best friend was gone.
Thwip! Thwip! You barely registered the sound before you felt a hand on your shoulder, looking behind you only to have something cold put in your hands — a drink.
"Two minutes," he grinned, sitting next to you as he cracked open the lid of his own bottle. 100% Natural... "Tender" Coconut Water?
Your brows furrowed, trying not to crack a smile while taking a sip of the drink. It was cool, easing the breathless feeling you had from the heat as it went down your throat. "How'd you even get this?"
"I uh, had it in my backpack." His casual and slightly unsure look did nothing to convince you.
"Is your backpack a fridge or something?"
"Maybe. Guess I should be an engineer, huh?" It was finally cool enough to laugh, and you hesitated to drink again as the thought of Pavitr's refrigerator backpack cracked you up a bit.
"Yeah. Maybe. Nadeesh's got competition."
"The kid had it coming," he shrugged, rolling his eyes and smiling.
The two of you finally had something to talk about other than the heat. You chatted through the school morning, and it was a little easier to endure the heat even if the power was still out. You had no idea how Pavitr had managed to get cold drinks when almost all of Mumbattan was simmering alive, but you were thankful enough.
Pavitr set the empty bottle down, letting out a contented sigh as he crossed his arms, leaning his shoulder against yours. It was a little uncomfortable given the drying sweat pressing into your skin, but you decided it wasn't worth moving away because of a bit of extra warmth.
In fact, though the power would be out for a couple more hours, and Alchemax might've had a broken vending machine, this sort of warmth was something you could get used to; it was almost tender.
Maybe you'd have to get that coconut water more often.
thank u for reading ! my boy pavitr is so real 🫶 also nadeesh = ned (silly headcanon for his universe...)
reblogs appreciated <3 catch my atsv masterlist here!
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