#uhhh anyways I do not believe I’m ever going to be in a loving relationship and it sucks
whimsyprinx · 1 year
I will quite literally probably never accept that anyone likes me romantically
#whimsy whispers#whims woes#I already don’t believe anyone likes me generally but like#the only times people have liked me I’ve ended up dumped#the only time someone has shown interest in me first it was as I mentioned in the tags of my prev psot: a mutual who kept sending anons#saying they had a crush on wnd was in love with me while pretending they didn’t send them#before finally admitting it was them and then being weird about it#or people flirting with me as a joke and then it’s like hahah my feelings are a joke to you (this hasn’t happened in a while so I never got#the chance to go ‘hey can you not flirt with me as a joke it kinda hurts a lot!’ which is good because I didn’t wanna have that convo#maybe they got from my reluctance to participate that I didn’t like them doing that idk#I have never brought it up with them and as long as they don’t flirt with me as a haha funny joke again I never will#actually in middle and high school a few ppl showed interest in me but I never like felt the same way towards them#just like#my attempts at romance do not end well as I said I get dumped a month and a few days is the longest both my actual relationships lasted#oh weird men who were my customers also use to flirt with me when I and a job which was uncomfy because i was working and was forced to be#polite and I couldn’t tell my managers because they didn’t care!#uhhh anyways I do not believe I’m ever going to be in a loving relationship and it sucks#but I also guess it’s for the better because I probably wouldn’t ever believe anyone who says they like me in such a way anyways whne I#hardly believe anyone platonically cares for me either#I think a relationship with me is destined to fail and would be toxic because I’m clingy and have trouble being loved#delete later#this is a dumb psot but most my woes posts are!#so I’ll bury it under posts and forget about it and then delete it when I remember it exists#sorry again remembering that one mutual and just noting everything else made me go ‘huh im going to die alone aren’t I?’
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wordstro · 2 years
do i,,, sense the beginnings of a love triangle 😃 or is it not even that because at this point y/n and san's relationship seems too broken beyond repair :(( i mean i truly feel for y/n, because imagine going through an apocalypse alone for so many years just to find out your ex has moved on and is surrounded by new people he loves and who love him, while you've stayed the exact same, with no one who you can say cares about you. everywhere you look it seems like at least everyone has that one person they're attached to or love, or care about, except for you. because the one person who you thought actually might've given a shit about you ends up becoming a complete stranger who doesn't want anything to do with you and (might?) be falling for someone else who can offer him so much more love and affection than you ever could.
and you can't even say anything because 1) you're just a part of his past now, a literal ghost like what you mentioned in one of the last few parts 2) because you feel like you've stayed the same and you're just a part of that person's past, you have no right nor reason to believe you matter to him or that he even cares about you beyond meeting basic human decency standards. all of this would be the last straw for me personally 😭 i just feel like y/n is headed down a dark direction, like a character foil for hongjoong (he's changed too much and y/n too little), who doesn't even plan to stick around for much longer. i just really hope y/n ends up finding someone who can actually treat her like their first choice instead of an after-thought, and whether or not that's in the shape of a newly reformed san, i don't know :((
anyways, i was a little curious as to how old everyone is in this story, have you given the characters ages or no? keep up the great work!!
that’s all i can say about that first question hahahahha
it’s like the whole idea of the world continuing to move forward and spin even during the literal end of the world. like humans are going to keep persevering and keep going and keep finding something/someone to love and care for. and because y/n was alone for so long they didn’t really get that. but now that they’re back around ppl i’m hoping it’s showing that they are starting get back in the hang of things (uhhh traumatic events aside)
but LISTEN SAME my last straw would have been many many parts ago and once again idk how ppl have THAT much of a will to survive 😭
it’s also interesting you mentioned hongjoong’s and y/n’s character foil bc 👀👀
y/n deserves happiness 😭
ohh yes so age-wise everyone’s in their mid-twenties. jongho is 23, seonghwa is 26, and everyone else is 25 (i think wooyoung would be 24 turning 25 soon while the rest of 99z already turned 25 and hongjoong is 25 going on 26 based on the fact that it’s august in the fic. pls don’t quote me on ages though i’m bad at basic math lmfaooo. so age range is 23 to 26 at the moment!
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
Do you think friend break ups are worse than relationship break ups? I wouldn’t say worse. It might hit different, but ultimately losing someone you love and we’re close with would be hard.
What's your current mood?: Exhausted, depressed, frustrated.
What's a recent song you've discovered?: It’s been awhile since I’ve listened to music, I don’t even know what’s new right now.
How many selfies do you take in a weeks time?: I very rarely take selfies anymore, especially not now.
Is there anyone you've lost respect for here recently?: No.
What does your last message say?: I don’t feel like checking.
How often do you tell little white lies?: I don’t know. I tend to downplay things and maybe leave things out.
What is the last article of clothing you bought?: Shirts.
What all has made you smile today?: Visiting with my mom.
Do you listen to any "problematic" artists or bands?: Uhhh.
Name a random inside joke you have with someone.: Nah.
Do you or anyone you know have a pet husky?: Not that I know of.
Are you over the age of 21?: I’m almost 33.
How many pets do you have? What are some of their quirks?: I have a doggo. She’s sweetie, a goofball, inquisitive, and stubborn. I miss her so much.
What's a topic you'd like to educate yourself more on?: A lot of things.
Do you like dad jokes?: Yeah. I like cheesy, punny jokes.
What's something you do a lot?: Overthink and dwell.
Have you ever or would you have a pet frog?: No.
Are you currently procrastinating?: No.
Are you good at memorizing important numbers? (social security #, phone numbers): Yeah, I think so. Well, I don’t really need to memorize phone numbers anymore, though.
Do you pay any attention to horoscopes?: Nope.
Have you ever had your face painted?: Yes, many times. Usually for Halloween costumes.
Would you go out in public looking like you do right now?: Noooo.
Does any part of your body hurt currently?: Always.
What's a childhood toy you miss or wish was still a thing?: I miss playing Barbies.
What's the last chaotic thing you've done or seen someone do?: Hmm.
Did you used to play hangman?: Yeah.
Is the sun shining where you are?: Yes. It’s going down soon, though.
Are you proud of yourself?: No. I’m really angry with myself.
you should be! life is hard..
What's your favorite and least favorite artificial flavors?: Favorite: banana, strawberry, lemon. Least favorite: grape and cherry.
Are you an angry person or more laid back?: I’ve become a moody, irritable, more serious person the past several years from my issues.
Do you struggle with certain health conditions that you wish people understood more? (mental health included): Yes.
When did you last make a decision?: I’ve had to make a lot of those lately.
Do you make to-do lists so you remember things easier?: Yes, I like making lists.
What color are your curtains?: Blue.
What's the last thing you ate?: If we’re taking actual food it was a cookie and some chips. Otherwise, it’s been feeding tube supplements.
How much television do you watch daily?: A lot these days.
What do you think is an underrated thing?: Hmm.
Does it seem like some surveys ask the most invasive questions or do you not mind them?: Nah, I share so much anyway.
What is your go to karaoke song? or just a song you enjoy singing along to?: Pfft, no karasoke but as for songs I enjoy singing along to… songs I like? Ha.
What's the longest you've went without electricity?: Just a couple hours. It always happens during the summer ever when it’s hot as hell so it feels much worse.
Do you believe in reincarnation? What would you like to come back as?: No.
Do you prefer sweet or unsweetened drinks?: Sweetened.
Do you have a preferred name other than your birth name?: No.
Are you a clumsy person? When did you last do something clumsy?: I can be. Like dropping stuff.
Would you raise a child the way your parents raised you? What would you do differently?: If I wanted children my parents were/are the best so yes I’d raise mine the same way.
What's the last compliment you received?: The nurses like to give compliments even though I know they’re lying cause I’m a major hot mess.
What is a topic you find yourself arguing with others about?: I avoid discussing things that could cause that and getting into debates with people. Not my thing.
What's a TV show you really disliked?: Most of today’s sitcoms.
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kingsuckjin · 3 years
Golden- JJK
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💛 Pairing: (almost entirely)Jungkook x reader, (basically none)Seokjin x reader
💛 Rating: 18+
💛 Genre: friends to lovers but like fluffy but also like very sad.
💛 Summary: After see your boyfriend Jin cheating on you at a bar and realizing your shared friends have been working together to hide it from you, you storm off into the parking lot to cry. Jungkook sees you out there and tells you the truth about everything, or what he wants you to believe is the truth.
💛 Words: almost 16k
💛 Warnings: CHEATING!!! “only one-bed” cliché but I love it, drinking, oral sex(m&f), protected sex and unprotected sex, dirty talk, overestimation, vaginal fingering, love kink?, too much smut, uhhh Jungkook is a bit of a stalker.
💛 Note: listen, I just wanted an excuse to write a gratuitous amount of Jungkook fluff and smut and I also love hurting. I thought I should throw in, these two characters are not actually in love, there are reasons it moves so fast, but it's not love.
❤ also a very big thank you to @btsaudge​ who beta read this whole thing for me, she’s not only a god tier beta reader but a god tier writer too ❤
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“Where are you?” Jin was supposed to be home an hour ago. He had been doing this off and on for the past few months. You’d be lying if you hadn't wondered if things were beginning to fall apart later. You knew Jin would never do anything he wasn’t supposed to, especially not with the other guys there. You knew he was probably just having fun and part of you felt awful for wanting to keep tabs on him, you didn’t want to ruin his time by pestering him the whole time.
You paced as you waited for a reply but none came.
“Is Jin okay?” You sent to Namjoon now and he replied pretty quickly.
“Yeah, I’ve got an eye on him. We’re just over here at Gold’s bar telling old stories.” 
“Thank you.” You replied. You knew Jin could be a handful after having too many drinks but entrusted them with him.
You tried to sit back down and open your laptop up only to just blankly gaze at the screen. You were bored. Writer's block had hit you hard and you just didn’t feel like writing right now. You missed Jin tonight. You thought about the trip you had saved up for with the money from your last book. Sleepless hours were poured into making that book special all because you and Jin had shared a dream of vacationing in Hawaii together. All of your money went to it, every cent besides the shared rent, you wanted to surprise him and you just couldn’t find the right time to do it. He was a lawyer, not the best yet, so he had many sleepless hours too. You both deserved this trip.
You wondered for a moment if you dressed up and showed up if it would make him happy, especially if you finally told him about the trip tonight. You figured if you waited until he got home he would just pass right out and you wouldn’t get the chance. Again, you didn’t want to bother him with his friends, but then again he had spent many nights with them drinking and you were sure there were more to come, one night of you showing up couldn’t hurt.
You closed your laptop and went to your closet to find the black dress he loved so much on you, you only got it out for special occasions, and one of these days you planned on wearing it when he proposed. You knew him proposing was coming, he had been talking about it here and there lately “After we’re married…” or “when I make you my wife…” this was how life was supposed to go and you thought you couldn’t have picked a more relaxed person to share life with and you did your best to match his laid back attitude.
You got an Uber to Gold’s bar, it wasn’t a long ride, just long enough to make you further worry about ruining his time tonight. 
The first person you saw was Taehyung sitting at the bar with a pretty lady, obviously flirting like the ladies man he was. 
You tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned he seemed surprised to see you for a moment.
“Where’s Jin?” You asked over the music that was playing slightly too loud and it just wasn’t your taste in music anyway.
“I saw him over there.” He pointed to a corner of the building, and you saw him alright. You saw past the people and even passed the girl pressed into him, both leaned on the wall. 
“What are you doing here?” Came another voice.
You looked away from the scene and at Yoongi. Your eyes felt wide and your mouth fluttered open and closed. You didn’t know what to say or to think, or what was happening. Were you tired? Were you seeing things? Had your sweet and kind boyfriend just been making out with another woman with all of his and your friends here to witness it? You were confused? Did they all know something you didn’t?
You turned back around, afraid you would see the scene again, but you didn’t. There was no one against the wall. The place was dim, maybe you had just thought it was Jin.
“Want a drink?” Yoongi offered.
All you could do was just nod. 
Your eyes kept scanning the faces of people to find Jin, you were so lost and set on finding him that you were surprised to see the shot in front of your face Yoongi had gotten for you. You took it, you had no idea what it was even as it burned your throat.
“Looking for Jin huh?” Yoongi asked and sat down at one of the stools at the bar before patting the seat next to him.
“Well he’ll find us, I think he’s around here with Namjoon somewhere, might’ve gone to throw up.” 
“Yeah.” You replied but still felt nervous. Another shot was brought to both you and Yoongi.
“Was-was he pretty drunk when you saw him last?” You asked.
“He always gets pretty plastered, you know that.” 
“Sweetie!!!!” It was his voice.
You turned in the stool to see a smiling Jin coming in your direction, arms stretched wide. “What are you doing here?” He seemed happy and pretty drunk and he leaned over, wrapped his arms around you, and placed his cheek on your head. 
You felt relieved he wasn’t upset you were there.
“I’ve missed you all night.” He kissed the top of your head.
“God, you’re loud when you’re drunk,” Yoongi muttered to him.
When he released your smile that had grown from his embrace and hug faltered.
There was red lipstick on his neck.
“Jin what happened?” You asked, your hands had become sweaty as the scene you had witnessed earlier flashed through your mind.
“What do you mean?” He still wore a big smile.
“Jin, you have lipstick-“ you couldn’t finish your sentence. You turned to Yoongi just to make sure you weren’t going crazy and he had turned back away to face the bar.
You could feel your pulse thud hard as your brain further tried to rationalize it but to no avail. He must’ve caught on because he wiped at the place on his neck where your gaze was fixed. Your eyes flickered back to his nervous-looking brown eyes that were always so full of joy and laughter, the ones that always felt like home to you. Everything about this situation felt so wrong like a nightmare, you felt sick. This couldn’t be your Jin, it wasn’t your Jin, it was some strange cold stranger pretending to be him, but the more you looked at him the more you realized you were wrong. You felt tears well in your eyes and knew your strong front was beginning to dissolve and break apart like paper in water. 
That was it.
You took off for the door, you looked back and saw Jin trying to stumble after you, but Taehyung had stopped him.
You were left in tears in the parking lot, you felt your phone go off in your hand but your brain was in too much of an anger and hurt haze to care. You were looking for a place to break down, anywhere, but you sure as hell weren’t planning on going back in there. Your whole relationship with Jin was flashing through your mind and it felt like your heart had been burned, burned with the image of him and someone else the way her lipstick has been burned onto his neck.
You began to sob as you walked around parked cars. You were caring less and less who saw you break down. You felt so alone and exposed especially when a man sitting on the hood of his car began to stare.
“Y/n?” The voice questioned. Through your tear-blurred vision, you could see the screen of his phone light up his shocked-looking face.
“How’d you get here so fast? I just-“ he stood from his seat on his car hood.
“Seokjin cheated on me.” You sobbed in the ugliest crying voice you had ever heard come from yourself.
Your fists grabbed the material of his jacket and you hurried your face in its collar.
His hands went to the middle of your back and hugged you silently for a moment. It just felt so good to have someone comfort you when everyone else seemed not to care or ignore you altogether. Even if it was awkward Jungkook.
You recalled the time where he once showed up at your University and just wanted to hang out for seemingly no reason. The whole two hours he was with you, he stayed silent. You thought he had wanted to visit you because you were friends but it left you wondering if he was ju9st trying to kill time or something. You also remember Jin not being too happy about it when you told him, maybe Jin wasn't too understanding back then.
“He was kissing someone else and I-I-“ you trailed off into a series of gaspy hiccups.
“I know.” He sighed.
“What?” You took a step back but still didn’t release him.
“Your phone. Check your phone.” He instructed.
You unlocked it to see a lengthy text from him. It was hard to read it and stay focused, you were shivering out of school or the chill in the air from this dress. You skimmed it but you shook worse the more you stood there. Attached were two pictures of Jin and the woman kissing in the same way and position that you had seen them.
You looked up at Jungkook with tears streaming down your cheeks, your lip quivered, your body shivered and he looked down at you with sorrow knitted into his furrowed brows.
“I’m sorry. They had always told me not to say anything, that it wasn’t my business, that I’d make you both unhappy if I-“ 
Your teeth were still chattering as you looked up at him.
He took his coat off silently before draping it around your shoulders. You fed your arms through the armholes that were way too big on you.
“Come on, let’s get you… let’s get you warm.” He went around to the passenger’s side and opened his car door. You didn’t resist, at least you could break down somewhere private.
You held your head in your hands as you sobbed over the sound of the engine and heat warming the car. He sat there quietly, not saying anything at all, but you didn’t blame him for it, he had always been awkward with people, especially you, but at least he seemed to care more than anyone else tonight.
You cried until only your hiccups remained. Your head rested against the headrest as you looked out the windshield at the night sky, it was starless.
“You- you uh wouldn’t want to go home would you.” It was a statement, he knew you wouldn’t. “Is there- somewhere I can take you? You could come with me… if you want.” 
“I don’t know, I don’t know if I want to be anywhere, but I can’t go home.” You stated knowing you weren’t making complete sense.
“We don’t have to go to my house just yet, we can do anything you want… but I do understand if you want to be somewhere where you can just be sad.”
“I don’t want to be sad.” You sniffled once more and wiped at your face “I don’t want to be anywhere sad. I wanted to have fun…”
“I know somewhere we can have fun.” 
Before you could answer he was pulling out of the parking lot.
It was quiet for a while as you just looked out the window.
“I know what it’s like you know.”
You turned to look at his face as he drove, lights every so often passing over his face.
“You’ve been cheated on too.” It wasn’t a question so much as a sad statement that came from your mouth. 
“That’s what made me want you to know so badly. It tore my heart out and sometimes I wish …I never would’ve found out, it hurt. I know it hurts.”
“I’m so sorry Jungkook.” You whispered. Sometimes he was weird, but you knew he had always had a good heart. 
“Sometimes things like that just happen, it doesn’t make it hurt less, but it does help to know you’re not alone… that and getting shit-faced.” He joked making you let out an amused puff of breath as you felt yourself smile just a little.
“Are we going somewhere with alcohol?” You asked.
“Of course. It’s on the house tonight.”
“You’re a good one Jungkook.” You replied.
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You looked up at the big neon bowling ball and pins at the top of the building as you sat in the parked car.
“Bowling?” You asked and looked down at your dress. He was such a weird person.
“Just trust me.” 
So you did trust him, after all, it was better than being at home alone or worse, at home with Jin.
When you walked into the bowling alley it was dark, but there were laser lights and strobes and glowing lights and music played loudly but not as near as deafening as it did at the bar. It seemed like you were the only two here, besides one older guy playing alone at the very end lane.
You took a seat at a table at the opposite end and simply just waited, but the more you were alone with your thoughts the more what happened played through your mind. 
How long had Jin been cheating on you? Had he knowingly been cheating on you while talking about you being his wife someday?
You felt tears sting your eyes again, it was harder to hold them back this time.
Jungkook came back with an entire pitcher of beer and a plastic cup he sat on the table before he looked at you.
You tried to shield your crying eyes. You felt stupid crying at a bowling alley you weren’t even bowling at.
You heard the sounds of him pouring beer into the cup and you heard the cup scoot across the table.
You put your hand down, picked up the cup, and downed it.
“I know it’s hard not to think about, and I know it hurts. You shouldn’t be so embarrassed about crying.” Somehow he was able to read you “we’re pretty much the only ones here.” 
“I know, it just feels so strange crying in such an open place. I’m glad I’m here though.” 
He looked to be thinking about your words for a moment before ducking down in the seat and disappearing under the table.
“Come here,” he asked from under the table as you poured more beer in the plastic cup.
You followed him down under the table miraculously without spilling your drink.
He gave you the biggest, sweetest toothy smile and you couldn’t help but return it. You felt like a child playing hide and seek. 
He began to sing along to September by Earth Wind and Fire that played throughout the bowling alley, even physically reenacting the words just to make you laugh. Behind him, past the table were the prettiest lights. You felt so comfortable, warm, and safe in his yellow jacket.
“Are you okay?” He asked with slight concern.
“Yeah.” You snapped out of it and took another drink of your drink before offering him some.
“No, I have to drive. I got it for you, it’s all yours.” He declined.
“Thank you, for all of this.” You told him “it has made me feel better, I owe you so much.” 
“Don’t mention it.” He shrugged and you couldn’t help but notice just how sturdy his shoulders looked, and his thick tattooed upper arms.
His eyes were just as big and sparkling as when you had met him in high school. You tried to think back on the exact point you met him but you couldn’t remember.
“Jungkook, when did we meet, do you remember?” You asked him curiously.
“Mhm. I remember.” He gave you a nod. “We were all at Seokjin’s and we were setting up monopoly but had to wait because he was waiting on someone else. When you walked in the door I…”
“You just stared at me the whole time, I felt so unwelcome.” You laughed as you remembered.
You looked over at him to see him looking down and playing with one of the chunky rings on his fingers with a shy smile, his shaggy dark waves threatening to obstruct your view of his sheepishness. He was no longer that quiet and shy bowl-cut boy, well, in a sense was, but not to you anymore. He had tattoos all over him and long hair, his ears had a few rings in each. You wondered how someone so sweet could look like that. He was a paradox all on his own and you simply just never understood it, maybe that’s why you had felt like he was a little weird.
“The funny thing was, I had never seen you at school before that, but I saw you everywhere after.”
“I remember the same thing happening.” You replied as your mind went to seeing him in the halls and recalling the little waves he would give you. It made you smile recalling him then and looking at him now.
“You’ve always been so good, Kook.”
His reply was a shy scoffing noise before thanking you.
You noticed the cup you held was empty and looked down at it.
“Want me to get you more up top?” He pointed up and you nodded. He took your cup and told you to stay put as if you might be planning on crawling away. You felt safe here under this table with him, it was like your feelings couldn’t find you as long as you hid under here with him.
He bumped his head on the way back down making you burst out into laughter.
“You think that’s funny you sadist?” He joked as he smiled big and you continued to laugh at him “is that what it takes to make you laugh?” He teased as he handed you your refilled drink. “You know what would be hilarious? Me walking out here and getting hit by a car. You would be in tears with laughter.”
You still laughed but shook your head.
“You know what I think?” He lifted a brow at you “I think you’re drunk.” He accused you.
“No, definitely not. No way.” You denied but both of you knew it was a joke. Everything seemed to lag just a bit and you felt so silly. Your confidence was through the roof and every time you looked at him your heart raced. 
“I think you’re drunk.” You accused him back.
“Me? How? I haven’t drank anything all night.” His warm smile never ended and you swore he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“I think you’re so drunk that you think I’m drunk.” 
“No no.” You continued with your play fight. “If I was drunk could I do this?” You simply just took another drink of beer.
“Yes?” He chuckled. His laugh alone was enough to make your stomach feel like it was jumping into your throat.
You don’t know what got into you, you don’t know why you did it, but you reached forward and placed your hand on his knee.
There was silence for a moment as he looked down at it. He picked it up and he didn’t quite hold it but took it in a weird handshake way and let your conjoined hands be somewhere in the space between you.
He looked at you and smiled.
“I’m cutting you off. No more drinks for you.” You couldn’t tell if he was joking, or he was hinting for you to stop, your drunk brain had no idea. Instead of trying to figure out if he was rejecting you, you turned his hand over in yours and looked at his hand tattoos and rings, running your hand over each one. You had once heard his tattoos were for his family, but you didn’t know. You let go of his hand and held his arm as you examined those too, some had words you’re drunk brain couldn’t comprehend the meaning of.
“What’s after this?” He asked as he let you look over his skin.
You thought about it.
“I don’t want to go home.” You knew that much. “And I have no friends except…” actually you didn’t have friends anymore.
“My house it is then.” 
“I don’t have to if- I wouldn’t want to…”
“It’s alright, I don’t mind. I just want to know you’re safe and not in pain… unless you’d feel too uncomfortable.”
“I trust you.” You locked eyes with him. It was the truth, Jungkook had never hurt anyone ever that you can recall. He hadn’t even been mad at any of the others, even when he should’ve been sometimes. If you were bothering him he never would’ve said it, and knowing that made you feel worse, it made you feel like you were.
“I don’t think you’ve ever been to my house, but I have to warn you, it isn’t the best, I’m just a currently jobless IT guy. Kinda lost my job last week.”
“I’m so sorry Kook. I don’t mind, at least it’s not with Jin.” You finished off what was in your cup, he hadn’t been too serious about cutting you off the drinks.
“I’ll be back.” He let you know before crawling out from under the table.
You went to get out from under the table and the moment you stood all the drinks hit you, you held onto the table for stability as you sat back down at your seat. The pitcher of beer was gone so you had either finished it or he had taken it. Your brain was no longer thinking about Jin thankfully, but unfortunately, it was stuck on Jungkook and the way he looked at you and how his hand had felt in yours. Your breath felt shaky about going home with him, not because you were unsure, but because to you that had to mean something. You tried to separate yourself from your drunk mind and realized you didn’t want to push his boundaries when he was being so kind. You were drunk and he wasn’t and you knew he had morals that you just didn’t right now. You shouldn’t hit on him again, but then again he let you hold his hand, didn’t he? Did he? Would you even call that hand-holding? He hadn’t pulled away but that didn’t mean he wasn’t trying to be nice and that didn’t mean he was uncomfortable. You felt bad about doing it, but the drunk and hurt part of you wanted something, some kind of closeness with anyone so the hurt could be replaced just for now. It was all wrong of you.
Your brain spun as you looked off into nothing at all of the dancing colorful lights of the bowling alley. Maybe Jungkook wanted to take advantage of you, maybe he saw this as an opportunity, and as wrong as that sounded you would’ve been okay with that. Your mind stuck to that idea like a fly stuck in honey.
“Ready?” He asked as he held out his hand for you to help you out of the seat.
You stumbled a bit as you took your first few steps but he grabbed you around the waist.
“Careful.” He said so gently and so patiently but it did nothing to ease your turbulent thoughts and feelings. As he held your body like this, it made you want to hold him back, but you fought the urge. He was just helping you get to the car so you didn’t fall flat on your ass.
He buckled you in murmuring a quiet apology for seemingly no reason.
His car smelled of him. It was funny how you never noticed before he had his own scent, it was a bit like cinnamon or some kind of spice and fresh laundry. It hung all around you, on his coat, the fabric of his car, and even on your hands from touching his. 
You looked at him as he drove, the whole time, and if he noticed he hadn’t said a word about it. You felt fully wrapped in him and yet you ached for more, more than just this casual friendliness.
“Do you promise to tell me if I bother you… in any way at all.” Your mouth blurted out.
“I promise.” You watched him smile at your odd request. “You never have bothered me yet.”
The reassurance was what you needed for your mind to feel content for now.
The silence was comforting after all the music and crying and drinking and all the things you had seen tonight. You almost fell asleep, almost.
The keys jingling and a car door closing woke you up. You looked around to see apartment buildings just as Jungkook opened your side car door. You unbuckled yourself.
“Do you need me to carry-“ 
You got to your feet on your own but grabbed for his arm.
“Wait.” He announced before getting to his knees in the parking lot.
He took your leg in his hand and took off one of your heels before taking the other off. He then put an arm under your leg and one on your back before you were horizontal in his arms.
“There are steps up here. I didn’t want you falling in those shoes.” He commented as he carried you and your shoes. You wrapped your arms around his neck so he might have an easier time.
“Would you laugh if I fell down the stairs?” 
“Only for a second.” He teased
“You sadist.” You snorted.
The way his body and muscles felt against you as he packed you up the stairs to his apartment door made you more lightheaded than all the alcohol you had tonight.
He put you down to unlock his door but his hands went back into you to help you walk through it.
He flipped on the lights to reveal his apartment.
His living room area consisted of a mattress on the floor with dark blue sheets and a blanket, it faced a big TV on a stand with game systems and even a computer tower.
The headboard of his bed was the bar that separated the tiny kitchen from the living area.
To the far side were two doors, you assumed one was a bathroom and another door that looked like it slid open could be a closet.
“Quaint, right?” He asked.
“It’s very you.” You said as you breathed the scent of him hanging all around you.
“I was thinking you could have the bed and I could sleep on the floor.” He commented.
“Haven’t you been sleeping on the floor anyway?” You joked. “It’s a big bed, but it also could be a couch. So I could have the couch and you could have the bed. I don’t see any other way around this.”
“You’re okay with us both sharing…?” He asked as if you hadn’t already been thinking about it before you found out the only place to sit or lay in here was his bed.
“Do you mind?” You asked.
“Uh uh.” He shook his head and took off across the room. You wobbled on over to his bed and had a seat. You watched as he slid the closet door open.
He threw a pair of pajama pants and a white t-shirt behind him onto the bed before pulling out more clothes he kept in his arms.
“The bathroom is-“ 
You cut him off by pointing to the only other room in the apartment. You picked up the clothes and he asked if you needed help getting in there but you shook your head.
You had to hold onto the sink as you dressed in the foreign fabric of his clothing, but even though it felt odd, you still felt comfortable. You did your best to drunkenly wash your face before coming back out. The room was dim, and the Netflix home page was the only light. He was in the tiny open kitchen half of the room in grey sweatpants and a black shirt setting a glass of water onto the island.
“Drink.” He pointed and you did as he asked but could only stomach half the glass. You were sure to thank him for his kind gift of water before you went over to his bed on the floor and got in.
“Here.” He placed a remote on your torso before crawling into the bed himself.
But you didn’t want to watch anything at all. Being next to him was enough entertainment for you.
You looked over at him, hands comfortably resting behind his head, waiting for you to pick something. 
You passed the remote back to him by placing it on his stomach and found his open side too inviting for you not to want with all of your heart.
You rolled onto your side and scooted closer and closer until you put your head on the place between his armpit and shoulder. He didn’t stop you from laying on his chest. He turned the tv off making the room go dark before he let his arm fall around you and cradle you.
You laid in silence a moment.
“Tomorrow is going to be better.” He whispered but you were already drifting from the closeness and peace you felt for now. You took a deep breath in and held his scent in your nose for a moment so it would permanently brand into your brain.
“You smell so good.” You muttered already half asleep.
You heard yet another amused scoff come from him and felt the little laugh on his chest under your head.
“Go to bed.” He joked.
And you did, as you listened to his rhythmic heartbeat, beat after steady beat, unfailing and never letting you down. There was always another right after the last.
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The quiet click of a door woke you. You could see sunlight flooding through your closed eyelids, you could feel the warmth in the bed and on your skin. As you laid there you could hear other little sounds, straining to be quiet but failing.
Your eyes opened and you were disoriented for a moment.
You sat up but realized the noises were coming from behind.
“Jungkook?” You sleepily let out as you winced at the bright light coming through the sheer curtains from behind the tv.
“I’m sorry if I woke you up.” You heard his apologetic voice. 
“No, it was just time to get up.” You grunted as you gave a stretch hard enough your bones cracked.
“Want some cereal?” 
You both casually sat in the bed eating. He had given you a massive bowl of cereal you felt obligated to finish. He was fully dressed while you sat there still in his pajamas.
“You want to stay again today?” He asked bluntly as his eyes focused on whatever anime he had turned on.
“I couldn’t Jungkook, you’ve been so kind and I just-“
“I don’t mind.” He shrugged and crunched up another bite.
“Why?” You decided to ask but he shrugged again.
“Having someone here is kind of fun. It’s like a sleepover I guess.” 
He was so childish in the oddest ways, it was kind of charming. You began to remember all of your thoughts from last night and thanked yourself for not trying too hard to make him uncomfortable. He pushed back his hair with his hands before taking another bite of the colorful cereal. He had the heart and empathy of an angel, even with the tattoos on his hands that he ate his kids’ cereal with.
“Then what are we doing today Kook?” You asked.
“You need clothes. Also, do you know how to skateboard?”
You felt those two things in the same breath were a bit odd but that was just him.
Before long, you found yourself in a cheap store grabbing whatever would fit you and you could wear in public and not feel too bad about it.
“Why’d you ask if I could skateboard?” You asked as he pulled out of the store parking lot. You had already gotten dressed in the bathroom and were ready for whatever weird thing he wanted to do.
“Do you?” 
“No.” You shook your head.
“Wanna learn?”
“I’m going to teach you how Yoongi taught me when I was sixteen.”
“How did he teach you?” 
“He taught me not to be scared.” Was his only reply, and you accepted it. You liked the element of surprise he added to everyday life, you liked how he didn’t take a lot too seriously. You admired that. Your life with Jin had always been work amongst jokes now and then but it hadn’t felt fun, even when you were both young. You felt like you could probably learn a lot from Jungkook.
“Let’s get some food first. It’s almost dinner time, are you hungry? You kept a while and all you’ve eaten today was cereal.” 
You paid for lunch. You got some fries you picked at between watching the wind blow through his hair as you ate outside at a little burger place. He stuffed his mouth full with every bite. A mess of tomatoes and condiments would drop from the burger and onto the wrapper in his lap.
“What’s something you’ve always wanted to do?” You asked him.
“Hmmm.” He thought with a mouthful. “Maybe live in a better house.” 
“That’s it?” You couldn’t help but laugh at the simplicity of what he desired.
“Yeah.” He smiled and wiped his mouth. “You?” 
“I wanted to live or at least visit somewhere warm. I was supposed to go on a trip to Hawaii with Jin, it was a surprise… I wanted to live there one day but he has to work here.” you felt yourself falling back into the heartbreak.
“You don’t need him to go to Hawaii. You could move there now if you wanted and no one could hold you back.” 
“Yeah.” You agreed but it sounded sad.
“You afraid of being alone?” He asked a question that hit you too hard. 
All of your adult life and even your teenage years all you knew was Seokjin, you had always had someone there, your parents or Jin, you had never really had to be alone or think of a future with only yourself until now.
“No.” You lied. There was a strange quiet.
“I’m sorry if that-“
“You should come with me to Hawaii.” You blurted out fully interrupting him.
“Do you want that?” He questioned as if you hadn’t thought it through, and you hadn’t but that didn’t mean you didn’t mean it.
“Yes. Do you?” You were so afraid of him saying no and you didn’t quite know why.
“It’s not like I don’t have anything I can just put on hold for… however long. It’ll be fun. I’d like that.” 
The conversation felt like something more to you somehow, like some secret agreement was just made.
“We should do this before it gets dark.” He commented “ready?” 
Your fries were cold and you had been just waiting on him to finish eating.
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You took at the top of the street on a hill with him after walking a block from where he had parked and dragged a skateboard out of the backseat.
“This is where Yoongi taught me to skateboard, he pushed me down here.” He pointed to the steep road that luckily wasn’t too busy.
“And you’re going to push me down it? I’d kill you.” You crossed your arms disapprovingly.
“No, see, you’re going to push yourself down it. If you sit on the skateboard it will be easier and you probably won’t fall, it will be fun.”
“Your idea of fun gets crazier and crazier.” You pointed out.
“Sit, I’ll stay behind you.” 
“No, because it’s going to pick up speed faster than you can run as I’m going down the hill.” Your brain had already torn the scenario apart and your chances of getting hurt were probably around one hundred percent. Even though you knew that you sat down on the skateboard.
“Okay, now just look down, get a feel for it, take it in.” He instructed as you looked down at the steeply sloping road below.
“Jungkook this is dangerous.” You commented.
He stood behind you and wrapped his arms around you in kind of a hug.
“You’re okay, nothing bad is going to happen to you, alright? I’m right here.” He whispered and you nodded. “Close your eyes, keep them closed.” 
You did as he asked you could feel him wheeling you closer and closer. Put your feet down to stop you from going just yet. I’m going to let go, you’re going to count to ten and without opening your eyes, you’re going to push yourself. Stay as still as you can even if you’re scared. Only open them when I have you.”
Your breath shook, but you gave him confirmation.
“Count.” He said as he released you.
You slowly counted, the nerves in your stomach growing the higher each number got. You gripped the bottom of the board with both hands and when you got to ten you used your legs to push off before tucking them back onto the board.
You let out a scream as you felt the speed at which you were falling, you could feel tears in your squeezed closed eyes.
He caught you by the arm. It was all over before it had even started.
You were breathing heavily and clung to his jacket.
“You’re safe, you’re okay.” He assured you and helped you to your feet.
You were at the bottom of the hill and your heart was racing with your eyes still watering. 
“Are you crying?” He grinned.
“JUNGKOOK I COULD’VE DIED!” You slapped at his arm but he dodged it only making him laugh more at your annoyance.
“Look! You did that by yourself!” He commented with proudness.
“I could’ve died.” You repeated.
“But you didn’t.” He still wore a grin.
The sunset filtering through his dark hair, his laughter, and him trying to escape you chasing him by walking backward felt oddly beautiful. His skin looked a shade of golden like this.
You pulled on his jacket to pull him in, you thought about kissing him, everything in you told you to preserve this moment. Would he let you? Would he let you at least hold his hand again?  but instead, you wrapped your arms around him.
“Today is better, thank you.” You squeezed him. Your arms stayed around him for as long as his stay on your back. It was a while that you both just stood there hugging in the street like dumbasses.
“What do you want to do now?” He asked as he released you “you’ve put up with me all day so it’s your turn to pick.”
“Honestly,” you both began the trek back to his car. “I just want another drink.”
“Understandable. Let’s stay home and drink tonight, it will be easier.” He suggested.
“I would rather.” You agreed you interlocked your arm in his as you walked, and again he let you. You wondered for a moment why he was letting you be this close to him and touch him so much, but he never initiated it. You decided thinking about any of that was not for the best and you let it go.
You stopped at a liquor store and got more vodka and snacks than either of you would ever need for one night.
Before you started drinking you both took a turn having a shower and he started some laundry. Everything was so casual with the both of you, eating chips on the bed while he beat your ass at a fighting game three times in a row, he did let you win three times after that to make up for it. The loser had to take a shot and now you each had three.
“Last one. You’re going to win and I’m going to switch games.” You announced as you picked your character. 
“You don’t know if I’m going to win.” You could hear the smile in his voice. You knew it was either he won or he let you win, and he let you win yet again.
“Don’t be such a hero.” You laughed as he had to gulp down the fourth drink of vodka. His nose wrinkled at the taste.
“Let’s just play something both of us have an equal shot at winning. Since you’re good at video games it can’t be that.” You decided. You thought about what you could do that didn’t require much skill if any. You scooted closer to him on the mattress on the floor so you could face him, knee to knee.
“Got it. Hold up five fingers.” You told him and did the same.
“I know this game.” He said holding up five tattooed fingers.
“Good, loser takes three shots.” You made up the rules and he nodded in agreement. You scooted in closer and he faced you. You were going into dangerous territory with this and you knew it, but let it go under the guise of: this is just for fun.
“Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten black out drunk.” You said and he put a finger down and you didn’t.
“Put a finger down if you’ve thrown up in public.” He said and neither of you put a finger down.
“Put a finger down if you’ve ever… eaten something off of someone’s body.” You watched as his finger stayed up but you put yours down.
“Are you trying to lose?” He laughed
“We’re even.” You pointed out.
“Not for long. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had public sex.”
You put a finger down.
“Put a finger down if… you’ve ever… let someone win in a game.” You laughed as you brought up earlier and he put a finger down.
“Put a finger down if… you’re y/n.” He grinned.
“You know what? Just give me the damn three shots, I forfeit.” You sighed knowing that it was time to play dirty in every sense of the word.
“I’ll take three with you.” He decided. Of course he would, he was the kindest man ever. You could’ve already guessed he would say that before he even did.
You took them together and only let yourself grimace after the last one.
“Again, I’ll start this time.” He announced, screwing the cap on the vodka. You could hear him slur his speech just a little.
You both held up five fingers once again.
“Put down a finger if you’ve ever had a pregnancy scare.”
Neither of you put down a finger, but the questions were beginning to get a bit more heavy. He seemed to have the same idea as you.
“You’ve ever had someone cum inside of you or came inside of someone without a condom.” You were stepping up your questions now but neither of you were putting fingers down.
“If anyone has ever gone down on you for more than thirty minutes.” He asked but again you both still had five fingers. “Wow, that really sucks for us.” He muttered.
“If you’ve ever had a thing for someone in your friends circle.” You announced. Slowly but surely you both put down a finger. Your drunk beau was ignoring the little voice in your head screaming at you to stop. Jungkook was your friend, a friend who might even have the same feelings as you did right now.
“If you’ve ever thought about kissing someone in your friend circle.” He asked and put a finger down and so did you. You felt like you were both edging towards the inevitable and dangerous with questions like this, but you couldn’t shut your mouth.
“If you’ve ever thought about fucking them.” Your own question made you swallow as you both put a third finger.
“If you’ve ever thought about what it would be like to be in a relationship with them.” He asked quietly. Your fourth fingers went down together.
There was only one left and it was your turn. You both knew now you were talking about each other, but it was hard to believe. You were scared it wasn’t you, maybe he was into guys too. You just had to ask, you had to.
Your eyes locked. You felt nervous. He looked nervous as he bit at his lip between those two front teeth you were becoming so fond of seeing when he smiled.
“Put a finger down if…” it was hard to speak, you had to swallow down the knot of nerves in your throat and take a deep breath before continuing “if the person we’re talking about is each other.”
His pointer finger curled down and so did yours.
 “For how long?” You asked.
“From the start.” He admitted. “But you’ve never felt that way.”
“I do now.” You leaned in. At least now you were sure how he felt, or at least you thought.
He stopped you by placing a hand on your arm.
“I don’t want it to be like this.” His voice was so quiet it was barely above a whisper.
You sat back and waited for him to explain.
“I don’t want it to be… I don’t want to be a rebound. I think friendship comes before feelings anyway and that’s why I did this. I don’t want to kiss you while we’re drunk, I don’t want you to regret anything.” 
“Oh.” You let out. 
“I can’t do this when you’re drunk and sad and trying to fill a void, that wouldn’t be okay of me to do. I want… I want more than that and you just got out of a relationship… or maybe you didn’t yet… but I can wait until it’s all over, I feel like that’s the right thing to do here.”
You sat there a moment as his drunk words registered in your brain. For just a second you wished you weren’t drunk so you could try to tell him how you were feeling but decided to give it your best shot anyway.
“I like you. I’m sorry I was so blinded by Jin all these years that I couldn’t see you liked me because if I hadn’t been maybe we both could’ve been better off. Maybe I could’ve had more days like this with you, hundreds more where we just do crazy things, where we could just sleep on a mattress on the floor and still feel happy and content with life. Jungkook if I would’ve known you felt this way and I would’ve known how life could be, at any point, then I’d probably be the one cheating. I want you. I want you and it’s not just because I’m afraid to be alone, you make me do things I never would’ve done. And your heart, your heart is made of pure gold. I want us both to just forget everything before now, everything we’ve been through, not because it hurts but because it just feels like it should’ve been us all along. And if you only knew how many times I’ve had to stop myself from kissing or touching you today when I was perfectly sober and perfectly happy…”
“I want that. I’ve wanted that.” He seemed like he was talking to himself more than you.
He was now the one leaning forward and your face got stuck in his pull.
Your lips met very gently and your eyes drifted closed so you could lose yourself in it.
His tongue wasn’t at all rough or demanding with yours, but it was needy.
You climbed into his lap and not a minute passed between that time and the time he was helping you fall backward, settling himself between your legs so effortlessly.
Your hands ran under his shirt slowly, creeping up until his shirt bunched prompting him to sit up and take it off.
You could feel him hard between your legs but there was so much fabric separating the both of you that it became frustrating to buck into him.
“I can’t fuck you.” He decided to your dismay. “But I just want to feel you.” 
You let him slide your shirt off so your bare chests were pressed together as mouths continued to move together in new ways every second, patternless unlike his heartbeat but exciting like the things he made you do.
He yanked the blankets up around you both and let himself grind into you slowly as you whimpered for more.
Your mouth went to his neck, sucking at his skin passionately and listening to the beautiful moans he made for you. You could’ve done this to him all night, just taste his skin and let his spit intermix with yours, but he decided to bite off even more.
His head sunk and he took a nipple in his mouth. The feeling went right to your throbbing and needy clit.
“Oh god fuck me.” You breathed “please just let me closer. I need more.” 
He pinched at your nipple softly between his teeth and you gripped his shoulder.
“I’m so wet, I don’t think one ever wanted anything mo-“
His mouth left your breast and yanked his pajama pants off of you and took off the ones he was wearing as you finished kicking off yours.
You were both down to your underwear now though you wished it was less.
While you weren’t going to force him to do anything he didn’t want to, it sure seemed like he wanted to do this.
You felt him reach into his underwear and adjust himself before rutting into you again with a groan.
Your hands freely moved across his skin, feeling goosebumps that had risen under your touch.
You knew that you were so wet at this point that it had to leak through the fabric of both yours and his underwear, you knew he felt it.
“Is there anything I’m allowed to do? Kook, you’re killing me.” You whined.
“I don’t have condoms.” He commented.
“I get a birth control shot but I understand if you don’t want to…” you trailed off.
“I don’t know what I want to do… I- but I think I have an idea. Let’s take the last of it off.” 
He seemed nervous as you both kicked off your remaining two pieces, and then you were bare for each other.
“You’re not a virgin right?” You asked from the way he was acting so nervously. 
“Oh. No, no. I- Uh I just feel like it’s wrong still... like I’m not supposed to. This can’t be happening.” He reached down between the both of you again.
“Nothing has to happen-“ 
“I’m so hard.” It was a whisper of a breathless whine that interrupted you. His knuckles brushed your folds and you realized he had his cock in his hand, pumping it slowly.
“Why the fuck are you so unbelievably hot?” Tumbled from your mind and fell from your mouth.
“You need to be seeing things from my view right now.” He looked over what parts of your body he could “dear god.” 
He finally released his cock and let it fall between your folds. He gave a thrust and felt the weight of his cock slide against your clit because of the wetness.
You didn’t expect him to shove his fingers into you, but that alone was enough to nearly make you cum from all the teasing he had put you through.
He pulled them out and held his sticky thoroughly coated fingers in the air.
“Oh my god.” He whispered quickly and shakily. 
You had never, ever been this wet in your life. You could hear the sound as he spread your juices and his pre-cum over his cock and brought it back to place it between your folds.
He came back down and every time he thrust how his slick cock rubbed your clit over and over.
Moans and whines escaped both of you but it just wasn’t enough for you to imagine him plowing into you, you needed to feel it.
“Oh god, I bet you would feel so fucking good inside of me. I’d cum for you so fast.”
You had earned a soft groan from him, he was losing it.
“I want to fuck you so badly. I want to cum all inside of you. Neither of us had ever done that before, can I?”
You felt him shift the head of his dick to your entrance.
“I will beg you, please do it.” you closed your eyes in a prayer that he actually would.
“Fuck.” he let out as he slipped into you, you took every last inch of him. 
He was already sweating and grunting before he had started thrusting, but after he started jackhammering into you, there was a new look and feel about him. His damp strands hung loosely, his nose crinkled as he hit his lip with the force he was putting into each thrust.
“I’m going to cum.” you announced not even a minute in.
He grabbed one of your legs, threw it over his shoulder, and was pushing hard. Your body bounced at the force, your head bumped the kitchen Island that was his headboard until he dragged your body animalistically lower on the bed.
“I wanna- I wanna hear you.” he panted. 
“Don’t stop- that- keep doing that,” you instructed. He was short on breath and a sweaty mess.
“Go on, I've got you. I've got you,” he assured you, keeping the pace of his hips the same.
Your orgasm crashed into you all at once like a semi-truck through a small building.
You felt like you had just gone down that hill again. Your heart was racing and you knew he was too.
You pulled him into your lips messily as your brain melted into a blissful spice and laundry scented puddle.
He mounded loudly against your lips as his body moved against yours.
“Coming.” He whispered his next few breaths were sharp, pumping into you a few more solid times, you could feel his cum spill into you as his sweaty forehead pressed into yours.
When his hips stilled, there was only the sound of rough breaths, he kept his eyes closed for a moment and swallowed hard.
“How-how was that?” He propped himself above you on shaky arms. In the dark you could see the beads of sweat that pulled on his face and neck, his chest rose and fell and still made no move to pull out of you.
“I-“ you tried to find even a single word for the experience you had just had. “I didn’t know it could be like that.”
He let out a strong huff of a laugh and grinned down at you with the biggest and sweetest eyes that looked to search your face.
“That was something.” He agreed but looked like he had something on his mind. 
He gave you a soft kiss on your lips before he finally pulled out and laid beside you, only to have the embarrassing feeling of his cum leaking from you and down your butt crack.
You jumped up, only making matters worse, cupping your crotch as you took off to the bathroom faster than he could ask any sort of questions.
As you cleaned yourself up you couldn’t believe everything that had happened between you two. you didn’t for a second regret it, the opposite.
As you walked out of the bathroom he was standing on the floor by the bed with only his pajama pants on, holding a bag of chips. He turned to you and laughed.
“We just had sex with the Mortal Kombat music.”
You stood there naked and you couldn’t help but laugh back.
That tender time you had just had together had just been spent jarring fight music and you didn’t even realize. That’s what he did to you. When you were with him the entire world and all of your problems fell away.
You put back on your pajamas, still laughing to yourself as you heard the music still play.
“Now every time I hear it I’ll think of you.” 
“Please don’t associate us having sex with that” you laid back down and he got into the bed with you. 
He fed you a chip and you thought that was pretty cute so you took him by the shirt and pulled him into your lips.
He pulled away for a moment.
“Round two, fight!” 
You laughed so hard at the stupid Mortal Kombat joke that you snorted and he found that pretty amusing. A tickle fight broke out and of course, he got you pinned and of course, you couldn’t help but kiss him again.
A knock at the door interrupted you both making him stiffen and both of your heads turn in the direction of the door.
“What do I do?” You mouthed to him he climbed off of you and sat up.
“Who is it?” He called out.
“Jimin.” The answer came from the other side of the door.
You grimaced at each other and decided to jump up and go hide in his closet. You tucked yourself in between his few shirts and hanging pants and closed the door.
You could hear Jungkook walk to the door and open it. There were now two sets of footprints inside the apartment.
“You weren’t answering any texts and I got worried about you.” You heard Jimin's voice clearly.
“Been busy.” You think Jungkook muttered.
“Looks like it,” Jimin replied with obvious sarcasm. You wondered if it was all the snacks and alcohol on the floor, the video games left on, or the marks that decorated Jungkook’s neck that made him say that.
“You hear about what happened with Jin and y/n the other night at the bar?” Jimin asked and waited a moment “I guess he cheated on her, you were right this whole time about it.”
“It sucks she had to go through all of that. How’s she holding up?” Jungkook was playing dumb.
“I don't know, I haven't talked to her. It's Jin’s business, not mine.” 
That hurt you. You had always thought of you and Jimin as pretty close friends.
“Plus I heard she disappeared anyway. Jin is speculating she took off to Hawaii on her own. Namjoon told me he told the police everything this morning wanting to file a missing person report. He thought it was suspicious she just left all of her stuff, but the police said she hadn’t been gone long enough and they had an argument and probably just wanted to be away from him.”
“Do you think she’s okay?” Jungkook seemed genuinely concerned even though you were right in his closet.
“I don’t know. Yoongi was a little worried she got kidnapped at the bar after she stormed out. I don’t think anyone is looking for her though, I think she just wanted to get away. Also, you kind of disappeared that night at the bar too, didn’t you?” 
Oh shit. Was Jimin putting it all together? 
“I took someone to my place and she stayed a few nights. I don’t think I was there when all of this went down.” Jungkook’s alibi seemed solid, you hadn’t even seen him in the bar when you had gotten there.
“Well, I just wanted to stop by and check in on you.” 
“Thank you.” Jungkook’s reply sounded sincere.
“You should probably clean up a little, maybe get a real bed, it just looks kind of… sad.”
Jimin didn’t sound concerned, he sounded almost mean about it to you.
“Noted. Will do. Thanks for stopping by man.” Jungkook continued to be kind to him until he left.
You stepped out of the closet dumbfounded as Jungkook said nothing about the way Jimin had treated him or nearly accused him. He just got back into bed seemingly unphased. You followed after and just laid there for a moment thinking about times when they had all been mean to him at least once.
“Please don’t let them do that to you.” You asked.
“Hm? Oh. Yeah. That’s just what it’s like being the youngest. I’m used to them looking down on me.” 
“it doesn’t have to be that way.” 
“Why not?” He seemed genuinely interested in what you were saying because he rolled onto his side to face you.
You rolled onto yours to face him in the dark. Hair was in his face but he was looking at you with those big brown eyes.
“It can be you and me against the world if you wanted. If one of our skateboards went flying down a hill, we would be there to catch the other before they got hurt. Do you want to do that with me?” You couldn’t believe you had the guts to ask that but what you couldn’t believe even more was his reply.
“I want to do that with you. Let’s do that. I haven’t let you fall and get hurt yet, have I?” He grinned.
Little did he know that you already had fallen.
You brought your hand up to his face before scooting closer and placing your forehead against his
“Promise me you won’t let me fall.” You whispered.
“I promise.” His answer was instantaneous.
“Then I won’t let you either. Well just protect each other.” 
“Deal.” He replied before connecting your lips. 
As you kissed him you wondered if he felt the same about you as you did him already. He had to know that you were so scared, so terrified of being hurt again and that’s why you wanted to make this deal.
His hand slid down your body and back up causing your shirt to bunch. His warm hand made its way back down your skin again and just as it snaked into the band of his pajama pants you were wearing, a loud hum startled you both.
You were confused for a moment as the room grew slightly brighter.
Your phone was ringing on the wood floor.
You sat up, squinting your eyes as you picked up the phone and looked at the screen that was far too bright.
“Jin.” Your voice wasn’t at all cheerful.
“Are you going to answ-“ Jungkook’s sentence was cut off by the sound of you turning off your phone and putting it back down. 
“I can’t, I just… I don’t want to talk to him right now, I don’t want to feel that right now again… if ever. I saw what I saw and there’s no way he can convince me that I didn't see it or that you didn't too, we have photos. I'm not sure that I really ever want to talk to him again. I feel so… differently about him now and I don’t think there's any repairing that.”
He sat up, picked up his phone from his side, and turned it off too before you both laid back down.
“Good night kook.” You announced with Jin’s call not leaving you feeling right but not wanting to think about it right now.
“Night.” He replied as he pulled you against his body.
Although you tried to refuse your brain the opportunity of letting the thought of Jin right now entirely wreck your time with Jungkook, it was hard. You thought of all the restless nights when you stayed up working as an excuse to wait for Jin to get home from going out or working late. There were rarely nights like this where you could curl up against him, looking back on it there were no nights that you felt as cared about as you did now. A thought stuck to you, one you decided to think more on the next day. Did this all happen for a reason? For both of you? Would all of the suffering you’ve both been through in your relationships be worth it now?.
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You felt something soft and warm on your head. A kiss.
“Morning.” you felt a delicate breath of his whisper on your face.
“Morning.” You muttered. Your eyes stayed closed as you reached out for him and pulled him into you. He let out a quiet laugh as he let you drag him onto you as if he were your teddy bear.
“I’ve been awake a while, I went to the store in my pajamas and I thought you’d be awake by the time I got back.”
“But I wasn’t so you woke me up instead?” 
You felt his hands run up your sides and lift your shirt until the hem and bunched fabric sat under your breasts.
“I missed you.” 
“You missed me?” you couldn't help but smile before it was quickly wiped away by him crawling back a little and kissing the skin above your belly button.
“Mmm.” he hummed an answer before kissing just a bit lower.
“Remember the thing that we both never had?” you looked down to see his big brown eyes look up at you through a mess of dark hair.
It took you a moment with your still sleep fogged brain to realize what he was talking about.
“Hey Siri, set a timer for thirty minutes,”
The robotic voice replied it’s confirmation on his phone, but he was already yanking down your pants and you were lifting your butt so he could get them off.
He gently pushed your legs apart and laid on his stomach between them, starting to run very agonizingly slow kisses up your thigh. With every small warm kiss that felt just too close or every warm breath you felt of his, a tingle of anticipation went through your body. 
“I just keep thinking,” he placed another kiss on your thigh so close you felt his cheek brush against where you needed his mouth the most before he teasingly moved into the other leg “about how I have you right here” another slow kiss “after wanting you for so, so long.” 
His words hit you hard and you knew they were making you wetter. You had never been dirty talked so sweetly before, hell, it wasn’t even dirty yet here you were soaking wet and more than ready for whatever he wanted to do to you just minutes after waking up.
“God only knows” his lips touched your slit now and it was almost too much to bear “how many times I've imagined this.” his tongue dipped into your folds and licked from bottom to top, you moaned a little too loudly and jerked slightly as his wet muscle touched your clit.
You were so ready but his lips went back to your thigh. You said nothing as he repeated this pattern once and then twice, you began to more than look forward to when his tongue would meet your clit again, after the third time you swore you could cum on the next one, he was driving you insane with his teasing pattern, you felt like he was never going to let you have what you wanted.
“Jungkook please!” you nearly yelled as he once again went back to your thigh to start over. He froze, looked up at you through all of that hair with raised eyebrows, and gave you a smile of amusement.
“If you don't stop and just get on with it already then you'll see what I do to you.” you threatened.
“Maybe I'd like to find out.” he retorted.
“Get on with it!” you wailed loudly as you gave him a half pleading glare.
“Make. Me.” he looked you dead in the eyes as he spoke. It was enough to send a feeling that felt like electricity trickling through you. You started to get up to take control but he pulled your hips flat back to the bed with a delighted smile.
“Seriously?” you laughed.
“What are you gonna do?” 
You were growing more sexually frustrated with him by the second.
“Just wait.” you threatened again.
He bent his head down and kissed the folds over your clit. You took the opportunity to place your hand on his head and not let him up.
You felt him give a little laugh before he finally went to work licking and sucking at your bundle of nerves as your fingers twisted in his hair. A few moments later you felt his fingers slip into your wet cunt and press upwards, giving you everything you wanted all at once.
It hit you all at once, your orgasm shot through you. You muttered his name as you gripped his hair tighter and felt him moan into you making the pleasure feel that much better. Even though you had already cum, it was clear he wasn’t about to stop, his fingers and mouth were working you so passionately and quickly. You were so sensitive your legs twitched every time his mouth did something too rough with you, but it just felt so good. 
You looked down at him between your legs as you felt yourself building up again and watched his eyes shut and his head moving between your legs. You don’t know how or why you found it as hot as you did, but it was enough to make you cum again just as the timer on his phone went off.
“Fuck fuck fuck” you breathed as a blissful feeling washed over you like an oven wave
He looked up at you and as soon as he was sure you were done, he stopped. He went to wipe his mouth on the back of his arm when you demanded he take his pants off.
He looked at you with raised eyebrows and a little surprise.
“Tell it to set a timer for thirty minutes.” 
“I-oh-okay. You don’t need to do that if you-“
“Do it.” You demanded once more as you took off your shirt.
“Hey Siri, set a timer for thirty minutes.” He said as he shed himself of his pajamas and sat up.
A thought had crossed your mind to tease him as he had you, but you couldn’t do that. You loved the look of it thick and veiny, the head of it already leaking from everything he had just done to you. You wanted the feeling of it filling your mouth and throat, you wanted to please him.
You watched as his already hard cock stood tall waiting for you to touch it, and you wasted no time doing so. You leaned down only playing with the head in your mouth with your tongue at first, getting a feel for the satisfaction of him inside of your mouth. He gasped when you took him all abruptly into the back of your throat. You decided immediately that you wanted to hear more of that sound so you let your head bob before your hand joined in at his shaft to help. You didn’t start slow whatsoever. You were set on making him cum faster and harder than he ever had before, throwing out the idea of time altogether. 
He sat back on his hands to hold himself up but those began to shake too the faster you went. Spit ran down onto his balls and you thought about playing with them but you felt like that might tip him over the edge. 
He was full of open-mouth moans, ones you wouldn’t mind hearing the rest of your life to the body and cock and personality of a man you wouldn’t mind having the rest of your life.
Just as you thought about it you shut the thought down and concentrated on making him feel better.
“God, you’re so beautiful.” You made out from his moans.
You kept going and felt his hips thrust up into your face in tandem with your movements. He was close, unbelievably, but for some reason, he was hanging on. Only a moment later you found out why.
“Fuck me. I bought condoms this morning, fuck me. Please I’m begging you.”
You pulled your mouth off of his cock with a lewd noise and looked at him but he was already standing up, dick as hard as a statue to crinkle a plastic bag on the island beside you both. 
“I’m deathly scared of having children when living in a place so small and with no job…”
“Thank you.” You didn't know what else to say as you watched him rip off a packet, come back to his knees, and roll the condom onto himself. 
“But then again if I did… wouldn’t that just fuck with Jin knowing I got you pregnant?” He lifted a brow.
Something about that turned you into a complete animal. You kept onto his lap and clung to him. Your lips smashed into his as you reached between the both of you and guided his dick into your hole. 
He felt just as good and filling inside of your pussy as he did your mouth. No one has ever filled you up this well, no one had ever wanted you so much.
He thrust upwards with you on his lap. You were practically a rag doll under the grip he had on your hips.
You began to rock your hips to the steady and slow way his hands commanded them.
“Ahh god.” He moaned as he let his head fall onto your shoulder and you wrapped your arms wrap around his shoulders so that your bodies pressed together.
“I love you.” He placed a kiss on your shoulder blade and whispered into your sweat sticky skin.
Your heart stopped but your hips didn’t.
He said it. It had taken him only three days. You recalled it had taken Seokjin six months and fifteen days exactly to say what Jungkook had in only three. The both of you had figured it out in only three days.
“I love you too.” You raced to say. 
His lips caught yours as he pressed you down onto his cock hard and rolled his hips under you with a grunt.
“These have been the best days of my life with you and I want to keep it that way. I want them all to be the best.” He was out of breath, his eyes were closed and his forehead rested against yours.
“Please.” You begged for the same. “Let’s move away and just be together.”
He let out a small laugh before he smiled.
“Is this gross? This is so weird, it’s only been three days.”
“I’ve never been happier.” You stated a fact. You had thought about it and thought about it non-stop. It wasn’t just attraction, lust, or infatuation you felt for him, this ran deep, deep into his personality, deep into the way he thought and did things. Far deeper than his cock that was buried inside of you right now.
“I bet I could make you happier.” He tried to hide a prideful smile.
“Oh yeah? How so?” You couldn’t help but smile back.
“I could make you cum again.”
Before you could answer he was giving you a quick kiss before practically tossing you off of him with a grin.
He grabbed your hips and flipped you over so that you were on all fours. The tingle that you got down your spine from this gesture was unbelievable.
“Hurry up and fuck me.” You demanded but he shushed you as you felt him press into your cunt.
He had only been not inside of you for a moment but your body had missed the feeling.
You gasped as you felt his grips tighten on your hips and pull your body backward onto him. He went full speed, full force slamming into you. His balls slapped against you. You were already so sensitive, so sore and tired, but you continued to want more.
“Has Jin ever fucked you like this?” 
You had never heard his voice so rough, so teasing, so devilish. You were about to lose it.
“No.” You whined.
“Who does this pussy belong to? Who’s the only person to ever cum inside of you?”
Your arms were shaking, struggling to hold yourself up. Your mouth was slightly open and your brain was so lost that you struggled for even the most simple reply.
“You.” Managed to move from your brain to your lips.
You felt his hand reach around to your clit and begin to rub fast and hard circles. It didn’t take long after that for your brain to shut down, to make way for the orgasm that blew through you like a car explosion. Your arms gave out and your face ended up on the mattress while your ass stayed in the air for him. You felt like you had melted as his dirty talk became mutters and moans. You felt his cock get harder inside of you and spill warm liquid into the condom. 
“I’ve-“ he panted from behind you with his hips now still “I’ve never had sex that good- besides- besides yesterday.”
You’d agree, but you were still a puddle with your cheek pressed into the sheets until you let yourself plop on your side after he pulled out. You felt so high. You laid there for a moment as he took off to the bathroom. He was in there a while, so you decided to get dressed in your clean clothes that he had washed last night that resided in his closet.
You were in disbelief, your hands were shaking as you pulled on the clothes.
Did he mean it?
It had only been three days since he held you in that parking lot as you cried. You remembered the hurt you felt when Jin had seen Jin cheat on you. It was the kind of hurt that left a scar on your soul. You were afraid.
Jungkook was so beautiful and so kind and you had fallen hard, too hard. You didn’t even know anything about his family or where he grew up or if he had ever had any pets or his favorite color.
Your mind was spinning, you were freaking out.
You slipped your shoes by the door on and began unlocking it.
“What are you doing?” 
His voice stopped you for a moment.
You thought about lying. You couldn’t lie, but you sure as hell couldn’t face him.
“I-I think I should go.” You stammered.
“Can we talk? Was it something I said?” 
You could hear his footsteps slowly come closer as if he was trying to approach a scared baby deer to keep it from darting away, and that’s exactly what you felt you were.
“What was it I said? The Jin stuff or the I love you?” 
You could tell his brain was doing whatever it could to piece together why you were leaving.
Just hearing him say the words again shredded you apart.
You felt your eyes welling up.
“Hey, hey look at me, please.” His voice was gentle and now coming from behind you. You couldn’t ignore him, not when he sounded so sweet. You faced him and his eyes scanned over the tears slipping down your cheeks.
“If you didn’t mean it that’s okay, you don’t have to right now. I won’t say it again if-“
“I did mean it.” Your lip quivered “I’m just so scared.”
You watched as his eyebrows furrowed at your words while waiting for you to explain.
“I was just hurt and…”
“If you don’t want to do this-I-I knew going into this that you were hurt, and trying to heal and a relationship might be too much for you while… it was selfish of me to-”
you cut him off by shaking your head.
“no.” you sniffled “I want you, I'm just afraid of being hurt. If I was hurt this badly by Jin, I can't even imagine how badly you could hurt me.” 
His big eyes stared with crinkled brows at you for a moment until he wrapped his arms around you.
“I swear I will never ever hurt you. I will never do what he did to you. Never.” 
Your teary cheek pressed into his neck as you breathed in his calming scent. “I'm so scared of being hurt too, I know how you're feeling. I thought you would end up going back to him and I would lose you. So many things that could make you not want me and so many ways this could go wrong keep running through my head. Please remember what you said, we're here now for each other, it's us against the world. Please please please don't leave me.”
You felt his cheek rest on the top of your head.
“I won't. I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, I'm so sorry.” you sniffled with guilt and let your arms snake around his torso.
His form was becoming so familiar to you now, his scent already smelled of home, perhaps it did from the moment you had first let him hold you. Perhaps you were all his from that very moment in the parking lot, perhaps you both belonged to each other all along and just didn't know.
“I love you,” you spoke the words first this time, you felt no fear about it.
“I love you too, so much.” his hands slowly rubbed your back as you felt him kiss the top of your head.
You closed your eyes and took it all in, just you and him. You wished at that moment that you could go back and do it over. You would've picked him over anything else, and you knew you'd be so happy if you would've.
“Thank you for not letting me go.” you pulled back and looked into his eyes. “I could've really messed up just now.” 
He gave you a heartfelt smile.
“I hope you would've come back, I’d miss you a lot until you did. We're supposed to be together, you know.” he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Oh yeah?” you couldn't help the smile that spread on your face.
“Mhmm. I have proof.” he lifted a hand and held it up fingers spread. “Give me your hand”
You thread your fingers through his and he let your held hands fall at your sides.
“Now close your eyes.”
You did just as he instructed and felt his forehead rest against his.
You had just had sex but any time you were this close to him made your heart pound so hard. It was as if he had unintentionally trained your body to do this for him.
“Do you feel it?” he whispered “Do you feel that feeling in the pit of your stomach telling you that you'll never love this hard again?”
You had. You had and that's what has scared you so much.
“I do,” you whispered back.
“And can you see it? I can. I can see us moving together to the place you've always dreamed of. You'll get mad at me for being so messy but I’ll just admire you even if you're yelling at me.” 
You felt another small smile on your face as you imagined his words.
“I'll still love you even if I'm upset at you for being messy.” you let out a small breath of laughter.
“I know you will. We'll love each other no matter what because we'll be good to each other, we'll always be there to catch each other. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Please believe me. I'm yours.”
You felt him kiss your cheek softly and you have him a nod.
Your soul felt so at ease. He had calmed your pain once again.
“If you're losing your mind in here we could just go for a walk you know.” he chuckled.
“Let's do that.” you agreed to it, knowing that he was about to take you out on another adventure.
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You laid in his lap and looked up at his jawline. He was playing a video game, but it was fine with you as long as you got this view. He would occasionally run his fingers through your hair or readjust the flower in it that he had picked and stuck in it during your walk earlier.
Sunset was pouring through the sheer curtains making his skin look so golden. You loved the way he looked at this hour, his appearance matched his heart. You felt so warm and loved even when he wasn’t directly giving you his attention. Jungkook’s cup was always overflowing for you when you were used to only a cup half full. You, yourself, had always offered a full cup, but you never got the love you had given back.
“Do you think we’ve earned each other?” you asked as you looked up feeling the urge to kiss every piece of his jaw.
He paused his game and looked down at you.
“I do. I think we're very deserving of one another… Well, I have thought you were always too good for me, but we're both deserving of the love for each other.”
“You thought I was too good for you?” you broke out into laughter. 
“Don't laugh, I still think that.” he was serious.
“Nooooo no no no.” you shook your head. “Why would you think that?”
He shrugged.
“Well don't think that.” you sat up.
“Sometimes it's hard not to, look at me, I'm jobless right now and you're self-made. I live in a gutter with a mattress on the floor and you-”
You shut him up by pressing your lips to his and bringing your hand up to his cheek.
“I don't care about any of that,” you told him.
“I'm going to make sure we live a good life.” 
“I'm pretty happy with you fucking me on this mattress on the floor and we can live the rest of our lives this way, I don't care.” you had to drive the point home for him. Having a good life for you wasn't about what he had to offer, but the beautiful way he lived it, you didn't want that to change.
He crashed his lips into yours now and sent you backward. Your tongues met and lashed together and suddenly your hands were all over each other.
“I love you,” he mumbled into your lips as you tried to peel his shirt off.
“I love you too,” you replied as his hands pushed up your t-shirt and bra.
His lips went right for your nipples and the feel of his tongue and teeth mixing on the nerves made you arch your back into his mouth. You were once again getting high on him.
“I want you to fuck me and cum inside of me.” your mouth spouted off.
He moaned against your breast and you swear you felt his body shiver.
His mouth popped off of your nipple leaving it cold and wet.
“Fucking marry me,” he demanded before his mouth went to the other one.
At that moment you would. You wanted that, it sounded beautiful to you.
“Please. Let's do it. You want kids?” 
“Mhmm,” he replied as his teeth tugged at your perfect bud. 
“Fuck let's have kids.” 
He sat up between your legs and began undoing his belt.
You knew there was no way right now, you were on birth control but something about saying it all and imagining the perfect life was really doing it for you right now.
He tugged his pants off only leaving him I'm his underwear before undoing yours and pulling everything down just enough to get his hand in.
His fingers ran over your already slick folds.
“I'm going to do this to you every damn day of my life.”
A knocking made you both freeze.
“Don’t answer it,” you whispered, pulling him into you so you can connect lips again. 
For a moment you both did ignore the knocking until it turned to banging.
“Open the fucking door Jungkook!”
It was Jin. You had never heard him so angry.
“Shit fuck no.” you whispered as you both jumped up and pulled at your clothes so they seemed normal “he knows. How does he fucking know?” you whisper yelled in panic.
“He might not. It's okay, it's going to be okay.” 
“Maybe you should call the police.” you tried to get Jungkook to hear you over the pounding at the door.
“I'll step outside and talk to him. It will be okay.” even looking as scared as he did he was still trying to make you feel okay.
You slipped back into the closet but this time you left the door slightly open and peered through the crack.
You watched as Jungkook answered the door, went to step outside but Jin pushed him back.
“Where the fuck is she?” it hadn't taken long for Jin’s eyes to examine the room.
“Who?” Jungkook was once again playing stupid.
“What the fuck is all of this?” Jin nearly yelled, pointing to the condom wrapper still on the floor and the places on Jungkook’s neck. “I know for a fact your girlfriend flew home just last week.” 
“I don't have a girlfriend anymore, Jin.” you could hear the agitation in Jungkook’s words through his clenched jaw.
“Then explain.”
“I don’t have to.” 
“No? Well, I talked to her and she said she hasn’t heard from you in three days, just like the rest of us have both with y/n and you.”
Your heart felt like it had dropped into your stomach as you now stood there frozen.
“I saw you taking photos, you didn't even try to help get the girl off of me, you just took photos. I know you sent them to her. I know what you've been telling all of the others. I know this was a setup. I know you've always been jealous of me.”
“Jin, do you know how insane you sound right now? You need to-”
“YOU KNOW I’D NEVER CHEAT ON HER, I NEVER HAVE!” Jin yelled, “So why were you taking photos?”
“Jin, I saw you kissing the other girl.” Jungkook’s voice stayed calm.
“I didn't want it, she had me pinned, Namjoon had to come to help me. Everyone has told me you've been telling them this isn't the first time I’ve supposedly done this either, explain that!”
“Look Jin, you're the cheater here! Don't come to my house and start accusing me of shit!” Jungkook finally snapped.
“YOU’RE AN INSANE MONSTER, JUNGKOOK! WHERE IS SHE?” Jin screamed as loudly as he could.
You noted how easily lying came to Jungkook.
“You know! You know because you set this up, you're a fucking stalker and I've always done my best to protect her from you. You gonna tell her how I caught you following her to her classes in college when you didn't even go there? Or how Hobi found a picture you somehow had of her in your room at your parent’s house? Where is she so I can tell her, I will tell her everything.” Jin was seething in anger with his fists tightly gripped into fists at his side.
You still didn't step out of the closet.
“Fine! Fucking fine! You want me to tell you that I fucked her? I fucked her multiple times! I came inside of her, she told me she loved me. Is that what you wanted to hear?” 
“You're sick.” Jin growled. 
“At least I'm not a cheater.” Jungkook struck right back with his words.
“You ARE! And you're a fucking obsessed freak. I swear if you ever talk to me or any of our friends again I'll kill you!” tears ran down his cheeks.
“You're the one that's fucking insane, Jin.”
Upon hearing Jungkook’s words, Jin dove at him but only managed to push him back a little.
Seokjin was sobbing, he gave up and took off out the door.
As Jungkook closed and locked the front door things were silent.
You still stood in the closet and now felt warm liquid blurring your vision and spilling from your eyes. Your body was shaking.
He opened the closet, taking you by the arm and gently pulling you out.
You covered your mouth to try to keep the break down in.
“I can explain.” 
He didn't deny it, not any of it.
“What's true? You said you wouldn't hurt me so just tell me.” you forced even your shaking voice out.
“Listen, I've never- I haven't felt the way I feel about you with anyone before, and I…”
“Oh my God.” you said as your knees now shook “It’s all true, isn't it? Oh my fucking God.” 
“I-” he went to speak but your body had gone into fight or flight and you walked past him. Your body was trying to protect you by gathering your things, but it felt too late for it to kick in.
“I love you, I always have. I can text her right now and dump her.” he was following you around.
His voice felt so distorted as you felt so out of your own body.
“You haven't yet?!” you snapped at him. “At the very least you could have already done that. If you actually did love me you wouldn't have done all of this! What the fuck is up with the talking anyway?!”
“Please don't leave me, please, I'm begging you. I meant everything I said.” he began to cry now too.
“I didn't!” you were hurting and you wanted him to hurt worse. “I was only fucking you to make myself feel better about Jin! You set this up! You ruined my relationship and hurt me! You're a fucking freak! I never want to see you again!” 
You marched to the door, very aware he had crumpled onto the floor in hard sobs behind you.
You walked, you simply just walked in the chilly night, still crying, your things under your arm. The worst part is that you did love him, you had meant everything you said to him too, but he had planned all of this. You no longer thought of him as golden, but fools gold.
You had no idea how long you had been walking, but you decided to sit down on the side of a curb.
Your hands shakily turned on your phone and texts and missed calls flooded through but you ignored them.
The first thing you did was block everyone's number. You were done, it was over, you never wanted to do any of this ever again.
The next thing you did was book a one-way plane ticket to Hawaii. 
You deserved to be happy, even if, for the first time, it was only you. Your cup had always been full of loving others, but never did you think until now that that cup could be full for only you. You wouldn't ever let anyone take from your cup ever again. What filled your cup was genuine, it was gold while all the rest held only water. 
“Tomorrow is going to be better.” you told yourself.
You weren't happy now, but you knew you would be. You could take yourself on adventures every day, you could put flowers in your own hair, and if you fell down a hill at full speed, you could catch yourself. You promised that you'd never let yourself fall ever again.
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
can you please do some eli sunday x GN reader? i don’t mind what it’s about :) i’m just happy to get some eli sunday 🤍 thank you!
Bittersweet, Isn't It? | Eli Sunday x Demon!GenderNeutral!Reader
Hey there! Thanks so much for the request. I love Eli sooo much; and every request for him makes me beyond happy! <3 Now, uhhh, this took a turn. I was just looking for romantic prompts to get me thinking of something for a short fic, and I ended up with demon x human prompts, falling down a wonderful rabbit hole. I'm absolutely obsessed with this. Because? Hello??? Eli, a man of God, falling in love with a demon?!? Good stuff. I think. I hope? Anyway, um, I hope you enjoy this! :')
summary; Eli and you are spending your evening together and he confesses some things to you that take your figurative breath away.
notes; Demon!Gender Neutral!Reader; Human x Demon; Fluff; Love Confessions; Reader Looks Like a Human; Reader's Thoughts Go Down a Rabbit-hole at the End; Short Fic.
For the evening, Eli and you had decided to stay inside.
The two of you lay in bed together, relaxing, and trying to not let any of the worries either of you had deter you from enjoying each other’s company.
You were looking at Eli and the way the evening sun streamed in through the window, illuminating him in its soft, orange glow. It highlighted his face in such a beautiful way that it very nearly made you believe he was an angel after all.
And wouldn’t that have been ironic? You were a demon. It was already quite unheard of for you to fall in love with a mere human. But if he had been an angel? All Hell would break loose. Quite literally.
You could feel Eli shift a little, already interrupting your train of thought, as your attention was directed back to him.
“Oh! Y/N, your black eyes are showing,” Eli told you in a hushed tone, pointing at his own eyes as if to show you what he meant.
“Huh? Oh, I’m sorry, my love!” you gasped, closed your eyes for a second to focus, so they would go back to looking like normal human eyes when you next opened them.
“Don’t be,” Eli said with a small smile, “I think it only shows that you’re comfortable enough around me to forget about these things. Am I wrong?”
Feeling your face grow hot, you shook your head, “You’re right, actually.” He didn’t need to know about the thoughts you’ve just had. “You really don’t mind, Eli?”
“You’re my partner and a demon. I think I've lost my right to mind it ever since I chose to be with you,” Eli stated, taking your hand into his and laying it on top of his chest. 
You could feel his heart beating, the warmth of his skin that seeped through the thin fabric of his shirt. It mesmerised you. The fact that he was all yours.
Sighing in relief, you beamed brightly at him, “You have no idea how much that means to me. I know you still struggle with that fact sometimes, considering you’re a man of God, so thank you for saying that.”
For a moment, Eli was quiet. He licked his lips and nodded. He looked nervous.
And then, he spoke, firmly and sincerely, “I’m in love with you.”
It would have taken your breath away if you actually had to breathe.
Eli hasn’t said anything in that direction before. You have. Multiple times. And you understood that he had a hard time coming to terms with being in a relationship with one of Hell’s very own. So you never minded that it was pretty much one-sided for the time being. You knew he liked you enough, and that was all you needed to know to stay with him.
This, though, really had such an instant effect on you. 
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you pulled him into a tight embrace, kissing him on the lips as you did.
“I’m in love with you, too,” you told him with a big, toothy grin, “I’ve been waiting for you to say that, my love!”
“I know,” Eli nodded, “And I’m sorry for taking so long, Y/N. The truth is that I’m afraid. I mean, what if people found out?”
Stroking Eli’s sides lovingly, you leaned your forehead against his. (And really, your human form had its perks, considering you’d have to have been careful about your horns with actions like this, otherwise.) 
“They won’t, I promise. You only know because I let you. Because I wanted and needed you to know. No one else matters and so they will never find out. Okay?” you spoke softly, gently holding onto his waist and stroking your thumbs over it.
“I trust you,” he then said, exhaling slowly and shakily. You could guess just how big this confession was for him. Maybe it was even more difficult to say for him than it was to admit his love to you.
Tilting your head slightly, you captured his lips in a chaste kiss. 
Moments like this were ones you cherished most. But those were also the ones that made you the saddest about having fallen in love with a human. 
This relationship could never end well; even if you did manage to see him grow old, undetected by the people around him. 
One day, he would be gone from earth and rise to Heaven like he was supposed to. And you would be in Hell, attempting to heal from this pain it would cause you to lose him.
It was all bound to end in tragedy, wasn’t it?
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neonlights92 · 3 years
Night Changes: PART TWO
Jeon Jungkook has spent the last twenty years alone.  Single.  Solo.
And that’s just the way he likes it.  That is, until he meets the supposed love of his life.  Suddenly he’s falling over himself at the chance of a real relationship with someone.
The only thing getting in his way? You.
genre: fuckboy!jungkookie, college!jungkookie, romcom, e2l (kinda)
AN: I am so fuckin soft for college Kook you wouldn’t even belieeeeeve
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Within days of their ‘truce’, Jungkook realises what a huge dickhead he truly is for not remembering Y/N’s name.
She shares his timetable almost entirely.
“I’m the worst.” He bemoans after a particularly stressful lecture on American poetry, “You weren’t kidding when you said you were in all my classes.”
“Almost all your classes.” She laughs a little at the look on his face and shrugs, “I did tell you.”
“It makes perfect sense now why you hate me.”
Y/N nudges him playfully and shakes her head, “I don’t hate you.” “Yes you do.”  He sniffles dramatically, “And you should.  I’m an asshole.”
She pulls a face, “Now what am I meant to do here?  Tell you that you’re not an asshole?  That would be lying.” Jungkook reaches for his heart theatrically and frowns.
“I deserve that.”
She scoffs playfully, “Shut up, Jungkook.”
It’s been exactly four days since Jungkook and Y/N began to hatch their plan to try and get their respective soulmates to fall in love with them.
And though Y/N’s original idea was to host some kind of movie night at her apartment Jungkook has been slowly persuading her into throwing a full blown party.  Park Jimin is an absolute animal, Jungkook promises her (that’s a huge stretch, but what college student doesn’t like alcohol and loud music?) and throwing a party is a surefire way to get him to agree to coming. 
But Y/N isn’t so easily swayed.
“I’m going to make it up to you,” Jungkook tells her confidently, “I’m going to make sure that you and Jimin get together, and then when you have beautiful babies together you’ll be thanking me.  And we’ll forget all about the incredibly unfortunate way we met each other.” Y/N’s smile is soft, but Jungkook sees it.
“I know you will,” She says, “I have faith in your matchmaking abilities, Jeon Jungkook.”
“Which reminds me….Did you think about what I said, Y/N?”  
Jungkook has to admit - he really likes having her around.  Try as he might at first to have seen the worst in her, he has to admit Y/N’s not half bad. 
“About the party?” 
He winks, “Bingo!” 
“It’s a bad idea.”
“Oh my god-” 
“No, because I’m such a wallflower,” She insists, shaking her head firmly, “Jimin will just think I’m boring.”
“I’ll help you come out of your shell.  I’ve told you that already.  It will be like a life lesson for you - a chance to shine in the spotlight.” 
“I don’t shine,” Y/N is whining now, “It’s stupid to even try.”
“No it’s not,” Jungkook insists, “Everybody shines.  In their  own way.  Everybody.” He feels kind of awful for her. 
How can she even think that way about herself?
“You don’t - it’s not.  C’mon Jungkook I can’t-”
“What about the night we met?”  Jungkook interrupts, as the two round the corner of Jungkook’s street, “You were partying then, weren’t you?  You were shining then?” She flushes, “That’s different.”
“How?” She shuts her eyes for a moment.  Jungkook worries he might have pushed her too far.  He slips his bottom lip between his teeth and just as he opens his mouth to apologise she sighs heavily.
“It’s stupid.”
He brushes a hand over her shoulder, “It’s not.”
Her eyes open and he’s taken aback by the softness there. 
He wants to reach out and maybe pat her cheek but he decides against it.  Fuckboy or not, Jungkook is not the kind of guy to do that.  Is he?  No.  He isn’t.
Besides.  Soomi.
“Okay.  Okay.  I’ll throw the damn party.  But you’re helping me with everything, okay?”
Jungkook feels something like electricity shoot up his ass.  (He won’t ever tell anyone else he thought that.) 
“Yes!  This is going to be perfect Y/N I swear.  Jimin will love it.  So will you,” He grins like he’s hit the jackpot, “It’s the last day of semester in three weeks time.  We’ll use that as a reason okay?  And we’ll plan everything together.  It will be amazing.” Y/N’s eyes dart across Jungkook’s face nervously. 
She seems to be looking for something - what he’s not sure - but after a moment she nods.
“Fine.  Okay.  End of semester,”  Her lips fall into a small smile, “Do you think this will work?”
They stop at the entrance of Jungkook’s building.
“It’s perfect Y/N.  I swear.  Just perfect.”
When her smile widens Jungkook thinks he’s never seen her look better.
“I’m trusting you Jungkook.”  She narrows her eyes playfully, “Don’t fuck it up.”
He crosses his index finger across his chest and nods determinedly.
“Trust me, Y/N.  We’ll have Park Jimin eating out of your hand before you know it.”
And he really believes it, too.
The next day Jungkook runs into Y/N at lunchtime.  He hasn’t seen her in any of his classes today and when he texts her to tell her this, she reminds him that Friday is the only day they don’t share a timetable.
He has to admit he’s kind of bummed.  
So when he finds himself wandering into the campus garden with Hoseok trailing less than enthusiastically behind him, his eyes zero in on her immediately.
She’s eating some kind of burrito - probably extra spicy as she’s told him that’s the only way to eat Mexican food - and reading a book.  Of course she’s reading a book.
“Hey Hobi let’s go sit over there.”  He points her out to his friend and Hoseok raises a brow.
“Who’s that?” “Y/N.”
“Y/N?”  His brow raises even higher if possible, “Y/N as in the girl you slept with who’s name you can’t remember and who’s roommate you are in love with?  And who you’ve promised to help set up with Park Jimin?  That Y/N.” Jungkook frowns, “Well when you say it like that…” He rolls his eyes, “Shut up.  Let’s just go.” Hoseok shrugs and follows his friend - what good will it do him to argue anyway? - and when Jungkook reaches his destination he clears his throat noisily.  Y/N looks up and Jungkook notices she’s wearing a pair of thick-framed glasses.  He has to admit… She looks kind of adorable in them.
The moment recognition dawns on her face, Y/N’s lips lift.
“Hi.” Jungkook’s smile widens when she grins up at him.
“Hi.”  She shifts slightly, “What are you uh - doing here?” “Stalking you obviously,” Jungkook takes a seat beside her on the blanket she’s set up to eat on, and gestures for Hoseok to do the same, “This is my friend Hoseok.  The one I said dances with your boyfriend.” She wrinkles her nose and flushes, “Jungkook!  He’s not my boyfriend.”  She turns to Hoseok and smiles softly, “Hi.” 
Hoseok - to his credit - doesn’t seem to mind the Jimin comment.  He smiles back at her.
“Hi Y/N.”
Jungkook unwraps the dismal lunch he’s made himself - a sweetcorn and tuna salad - and gestures to the book sitting in Y/N’s lap.
“What’s that?”
She looks down and then up, “Oh.  It’s uh - god.  It’s stupid.” Jungkook quirks a brow, “C’mon tell me.  What is it.” She hesitates for a second and then rolls her eyes, seemingly accepting her fate.
Jungkook almost wants to remind her that they’re friends - she shouldn’t be embarrassed in front of him - but he stays quiet. 
She lifts the book to show him the cover.
“It’s a book on gaining confidence.”  Her shoulders shrug, “I thought it might help.  Y’know…  With the whole…” Her eyes flit over to Hoseok briefly, “Jimin thing.”
Hoseok chuckles and it catches Jungkook off guard.
He’d almost forgotten his friend was there.
“That’s adorable,” Hoseok comments, “Man if a girl did that for me I’d be beyond flattered.” Y/N’s cheeks flush and she shakes her head, “No - I mean.  I don’t know.  It’s not just for him…”
“Still.” She bites her bottom lip and shrugs, “I mean I guess.  Yeah.  He should be flattered.” Hoseok laughs again and Jungkook has a sneaking suspicion his friend might be flirting.
He doesn’t like that.
Y/N is not for Hoseok.  Not at all.
“Well she’s not reading the book for you,” Jungkook tells him, trying to control his anger, “She’s reading it for Jimin.” Hoseok raises a brow.  He takes a moment and then smiles again.
“I gathered.”
Jungkook spends the rest of the lunch break trying to stop whatever weird energy Hoseok and Y/N have going on.
There is absolutely no way in hell that Jung Hoseok thinks he can just swoop in and ruin all his plans, right?  Y/N needs to fall in love with Jimin. Park Jimin needs to be the one laughing with her and smiling at her and flirting with her.
He’s absolutely livid by the time Y/N scurries off to class.
“What the fuck was that?” Hoseok pulls a face, “What?”
“That.  That… Flirting.  What was that?”  Jungkook has barely even touched his lunch (and it’s got nothing to do with the absolute miserable state of it, he swears.) 
Hoseok seems confused for only a moment later.  Then his face opens up.
“Oh, right.”  He shakes his head, “I wasn’t flirting, Jungkook.” Jungkook hates the look on his friend’s face.  Like he knows something Jungkook doesn’t.
“What’s that look for Hoseok?” Hobi chuckles and shakes his head, “Nothing Jungkook.  Absolutely nothing.” Jungkook spends the rest of the day thinking about that godforsaken look.
Jungkook wakes up the next morning (which thank god happens to be a Saturday,) to a text message from Y/N.  He’s been trying to convince her to use more emojis - but she refuses.
Secretly, he finds her texting kind of cute.
But he’ll never tell her that.
Y/N: Are you free today?
Jungkook: as a bird.  what did you have in mind?? :) 
Y/N: It’s my birthday.  Soomi is taking me out bowling.  Wanna come?
Jungkook feels his heart swim all the way up to his throat.
Soomi?  And wait what - it’s Y/N’s birthday? He’s sort of offended she only brought it up now.
Jungkook: uhhh… what?? happy fuckin birthday y/n!!! ur naughty!!! birthday ??? why didnt you tell me yesterday??? 
Y/N: You’re an English Lit student.  Use proper vocabulary and grammar please.  And I don’t know I didn’t think it was a big deal.
Jungkook: u cant change me boo… u just text like a granny.  its your birthday stupid ofc its a big deal.  mind if i invite some of my friends??
It’s a few minutes before Y/N finally replies. 
Y/N: Yeah.  Sure.  Meet us at Blue Pins in an hour?
Jungkook: c u there… birthday girl!!!!!
Y/N: Ugh.
Jungkook smiles at the way she still acts like she hates him even though he knows she doesn’t really.
It really is the start of a beautiful friendship.
An hour later Jungkook finds himself sat in a booth with Hoseok, Taehyung and Namjoon, nervously tapping his fingers against the surface of the table.
Hoseok clicks his tongue loudly and grabs his friend's hand from across the booth.  His eyes are narrowed a little.
“Will you calm down?” “Are you kidding?” Jungkook’s eyes are as wide as a pair of saucers, “I’m about to meet the woman I’m going to marry.”
Hoseok scoffs at that and Taehyung scrolls through his phone, bored as always.  
After a moment, Taehyung clears his throat, “He said yes.” 
Jungkook feels like his heart has just fallen out of his asshole.
“Jimin said yes,” Taehyung rolls his eyes, almost as if he’s annoyed at this spectacular outcome, “He’ll come to Y/N’s party at the end of the semester..”
“Oh fuck YES!” Jungkook fist pumps the air in joy as Hoseok chuckles in delight.
“You’re overreacting,” Namjoon tells his friend seriously, “Jimin coming does not equal Jimin falling in love with Y/N.”
“It gets me one step closer though,” Jungkook feels lighter already, “And one step closer to that means one step closer to Soomi falling in love with me.”
Namjoon snorts out a laugh, “Stop it.”
“What?” Jungkook takes a swig from the cappuccino he insisted on ordering as soon as they arrived, “It’s true.”
“You’re not seriously thinking you’re in love with this girl Jungkook?”  Hoseok’s eyes dance with mirth, “I know you man.”
“What do you mean?”
Hoseok raises a dubious brow, “You’re the ultimate fuckboy.”
“I am not.”
“Yes.  You are.”  Taehyung tacks on helpfully, “Notoriously so, actually.”
“Shut up.” 
Jungkook doesn’t want to admit it but he knows his friends are kind of right.  Sue him - he’s young and handsome and he’s in college.  Everybody fucks around in college.
“And anyway I don’t actively pursue girls unless I have the intention of taking it somewhere.”  Jungkook crosses his arms, “A fuckboy I may be, but a dickhead I am not.”
“Says the guy who forgot Y/N’s name after a vigorous night of lovemaking.”  Namjoon grins like the cat who got the cream and Jungkook wants to smack him.
“You can thank your dear friend Kim Taehyung for that.”  Jungkook replies sharply, narrowing his eyes at his so-called childhood best friend.
Taehyung gasps like he can’t believe what Jungkook’s just said.
“Seven tequilas on an empty stomach is never a good idea Tae,” Jungkook rolls his eyes, “You kept insisting.”
Taehyung answers with a flippant wave of his hand, eyes finally moving away from his phone, “Whatever.  You’re an adult, right?  You could’ve said no.”
“Not when free alcohol is involved.” “Anyway Kookie, the point is you can’t be in love.”  Hoseok leans back like he’s just discovered the meaning to life.  Always so smug.
Jungkook can’t help but find it a little annoying.
“And how, oh wise one, are you coming to this conclusion?” Jungkook’s tone is dripping with sarcasm.  He raises a brow at his friend and gives him the most pointed look he can manage.
It’s still Hoseok and Jungkook has to admit he respects his opinion the most.
“Because you’re you.  And you barely know this girl.”  Hoseok rolls his eyes, “That’s how.”
“I find that offensive,” Jungkook retorts, “People are allowed to change and grow.  Now I’ve met Soomi I’m different.”
Namjoon shakes his head, “There’s no point, Hobi.  We all tried, believe me.  But he’s decided that he’s in love with her.  Just get on board with it.”
Jungkook sends Hoseok a toothy grin once he swallows the last of the cappuccino and nods emphatically.
He knows what his friends think of him.
That he’s slutty and careless.  That commitment scares the shit out of him.  That he’s incapable of monogamy.  A combination of all of the above.
But Jungkook knows the truth.  He didn’t want a girlfriend before this because he hadn’t met someone that made sense to him.
And what’s the point of being with someone unless you’re all in?
“Anyway when you’re guests at our wedding it’ll all make sense,” Jungkook pushes his empty coffee cup to the side, “We’re meant to be.”
Taehyung laughs at this - despite himself - and Hoseok and Namjoon chuckle too.
“Jungkook?” The sound of someone calling his name causes him to turn quickly, eyes widening when he sees who it is.  Y/N.  She’s smiling at him of course - but that’s not what causes Jungkook to almost go into cardiac arrest.
No.  Of course not.
It’s the beautiful angel standing beside Y/N that causes him to almost forget how to breathe.
“Hi,” He squeezes out despite himself, eyes riveted to Soomi’s beautiful face, “Hi.”
Soomi smiles and Jungkook is immediately breathless.
“Jungkook right?  Y/N’s… Friend.”  The suggestive tone annoys Jungkook - he can’t have Soomi thinking he belongs to anyone else but her - and he nods.
“Yeah.” “But just a friend now,” Y/N pipes up helpfully, “We… Uh… Worked through our differences.  And now we’re friends.  Just friends.  Totally platonic.” Jungkook thinks she’s kind of overkilling the whole thing but he doesn’t say anything.  Instead he smiles at Soomi and watches as her face puts two and two together.
Yes.  Yes.
Jungkook wants her - no he needs her to know that he’s single.
Really single.
Totally single and available and hers.
Namjoon clears his throat somewhere from Jungkook’s left.  He turns to his friends and nods quickly.
“Right.  Yes of course.  My friends - these are my friends.  Taehyung and Namjoon, and Y/N you’ve already met Hoseok.” The two share a small wave.  Jungkook ignores the stab of annoyance that sends to his gut.
“Hi,” Soomi smiles in a way Jungkook is sure is almost too heavenly to be real, “I’m Soomi.” God.  He really is a goner.
Jungkook doesn’t want to brag, but he is pretty good at bowling.
Okay.  Who’s he kidding?
He totally wants to brag.
The moment Y/N splits them up into two teams - Soomi, Jungkook and her versus Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung - he’s determined to win.
He has to win. 
He has to show Soomi one of his many, many, many talents. 
“You’re pretty good at this,” Soomi remarks as he throws his first strike, “Or is that just beginner’s luck?”
Jungkook shakes his head and shrugs, “I’d say I’m pretty good.”
Her giggle is music to his ears.
“That’s impressive.  What kind of girl doesn’t want a man who can throw a strike?”
Jungkook smirks, “That’s what I always say.” Her eyes crinkle at the side when she smiles and though it's not quite as adorable as Y/N’s - he’ll never admit this out loud - she still looks so sweet his heart constricts almost painfully in his chest.  He forgets for a moment where he is, laying on the charm thick.
“Is that how you seduce poor unsuspecting women then?  With your bowling skills?”
He winks in that way that usually works and his smirk widens, “You know it!” 
Soomi giggles again and Jungkook is surprised at how smoothly this all seems to be going - when the sound of somebody throwing a gutter grabs his attention.
His eyes lift - thinking it has to be the other team - and he furrows his brow when he sees Y/N standing at the very top of the bowling lane, staring at the full set of pins in front of her.
Holy shit.
Jungkook momentarily forgets about Soomi - his competitive nature kicked into overdrive - as he shoots up from his seat and rushes towards Y/N.
“Oh my god,” He’s right beside her in an instant, “Was that you?”
Y/N looks up at him - cheeks flushed - and nods, “Yeah.  I’m terrible at bowling.”
“So why would you choose to come here?  On your birthday?” 
Jungkook is somewhere between disbelief and pure horror.  But he has to admit, the look on her face is sort of funny.  She’s mortified.
“Soomi suggested it.  She said it might be fun,” She looks away for a moment, “For her maybe.”
The sound of someone scoring a strike blares to Jungkook’s left and when he sees Taehyung performing some kind of ridiculous victory dance, he decides enough is enough.
“No.  No.”  Jungkook sets his jaw, “I’m going to help you.”
Y/N’s brow lifts, “What?” “I’m going to help you.  You’re going to score a strike.” 
She snorts out a laugh.
“I don’t think you realise how truly terrible I am at this.”
“And I don’t think you realise how truly competitive I am,” He gestures to the balls, “Grab the lime green.  That’s the lightest.”
Y/N watches him for a moment longer.  She looks behind him and moves her hand in the general direction of Soomi.
“What about Soomi?” He flares his nostrils, “She’ll still be there after I finish helping you.”
Y/N stares at him, and when Jungkook cocks his head towards the row of balls lining the back of the bowling alley, she shrugs and follows his command.  
Jungkook takes this as a moment to teach Y/N how to shine.  
After all, what better way to fell good about yourself than being good at something you always thought you sucked at?
When Y/N comes back with the lime green ball, he grabs her free arm and positions her to stand with her back to his chest, wordlessly.
“Woah.”  Y/N breathes, “What are you doing?”
Jungkook’s mouth is right beside her ear, “Just follow me okay?  I’m helping you, I swear.”
He slides his hand down to the ball and grips her fingers carefully.
“Don’t hold too much tension in your wrist,” He tells her sternly, “You’re too tense.  You’re always too tense.  Relax.” Something strange passes between them.  Y/N takes a long, deep breath, and Jungkook tries to concentrate on the task at hand.
“Now slowly, slowly, bring the ball back,” Y/N follows Jungkook’s movements, “And… Release.”
He helps her flick it onto the lane, and they watch in suspense as the ball spins towards the pins.  There is almost a moment where everything is suspended in time - before the ball crashes with the pins and nine of them fall down.
Y/N squeals in happiness and turns around sharply, throwing her arm around Jungkook’s neck and pressing herself against him in a hug.
“Thank you Jungkook!” She is smiling so widely, his heart turns, “You’re the best.”
“You’re welcome.”  Jungkook finds he’s grinning too, “You deserve it.  Happy birthday Y/N.” He pushes some hair out of her face - practical purposes of course, it was getting in her eyes - and she seems to catch her breath at the gesture. They stare at each other for a moment, before someone clears their throat from behind them and they break apart.  Soomi is standing between them, holding a bubble gum pink bowling ball.
Jungkook wonders almost flippantly if she only picked it up for it’s colour.
“It’s my turn, right?” She turns her smile on Jungkook and he melts.
She’s beautiful.
“Right.”  Jungkook smiles back, “Your turn.”
When he turns to move back to their booth he notices Y/N watching their interaction carefully.  Her eyes flit away the moment she’s caught, but Jungkook knows what he saw.
Very strange indeed.
Later on that evening, after they’ve all shared a pizza, and Jungkook has spent the rest of the night watching Soomi with hearts in his eyes, Hoseok clears his throat with purpose.
They’re sat in their living room - Hoseok has decided to crash over because, why not? - and playing a midnight mario kart match, when Jungkook’s friend seems to have something to say.
Jungkook pauses the game.  He turns to Hoseok.
“Yes?” There is a brief moment of silence.  Taehyung is forever scrolling through his phone, and Namjoon has long ago gone to bed.  Hoseok clicks his tongue.
“Are you sure you like Soomi?”
The question completely throws Jungkook off.
He raises a questioning brow, “What?”
“I’m just - asking.  I’m just…” Hoseok turns to Taehyung for support.  When his friend doesn’t notice, he smacks him across the shoulder, “Tae.”
Jungkook narrows his eyes, “Have you guys talked about this?” Taehyung seems to realise where the conversation has just come from.  He actually locks his phone and sets it to one side.
“Yeah.”  Taehyung answers honestly, “We have.” “I’ve told you guys a million times.  I know I barely know her but -” “That’s not it.”  Hoseok licks his bottom lip, “I mean it’s crazy you think you fell in love at first sight but… Stranger things have happened.” Jungkook scoffs, “So?  Why have you asked then?” Another beat.
Taehyung sighed heavily, “Because we think you like Y/N.”
“What the fuck?” Jungkook snorts out a laugh because really - what else can he do?, “Why the fuck would you think that?” His friends share another look and Jungkook hates that.
He hates that they think they know him better than he knows himself.
Hoseok shakes his head, “Just a feeling.” “A feeling that’s wrong.”  Jungkook states firmly, “Dead wrong.” Taehyung nods and picks up his phone, “Fine.  Alright.  We’re wrong then.” Hoseok seems like he wants to say more but he doesn’t opting instead for something that sounds sort of like a grunt.
Jungkook watches his friends for a moment longer.
“Yeah.  So wrong.”
That night, when Jungkook’s just about to go to bed he receives a text message.  He opens his phone, expecting Y/N and finding, instead, an unrecognised number staring back at him.
Soomi: hiiiii jungkook :) it's soomi… y/n gave me ur number. hope u dont mind.
Jungkook pushes his friends’s ridiculous theory to the back of his head, and focuses instead on the fact that Soomi has just texted him.  His thumbs move to answer her but he pauses, moving instead to open Y/N’s chat history.
Jungkook: hey. happy bday again champ. u da bomb!! also thanks for giving soomi my number. u a real one for that, chief!!! :) :) :)
Y/N’s reply comes only a few minutes later.
Y/N: Thank you Jungkook.  I appreciate it.  And no worries… She seemed to really be into you after tonight.  So well done, yeah? :) 
Jungkook smiles at the emoji that he imagines Y/N forced herself to add, and almost misses the part when she says Soomi was into him.
Right.  Yeah.  Perfect.
He opens up Soomi’s chat and starts to write out a reply.
This is exactly what he wanted.
TAGLIST:  @cuddleboo @veronawrites @minluvly @severetimetravelnerd @moonchild1 @bunnyjeonjk @multicolourunicorn  @somewhereinthestarss  @jwlmnbt  @jojo-suga @zera10 @ggukkieland @thesugatoyourtae @dxlbts​ @wxndi
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eaucian · 3 years
★ ushijima wakatoshi; hc’s
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impt. ushijima wakatoshi x m!reader
w. obviously going to be the mentions of sexy time, shush — size kink — mirror sex — bottom!reader — and i believe that is it, but pls tell me if anything should be added!!
n. there will never be enough toshi hc’s. ever. and that’s it, that’s the whole a/n
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★ the safe side 
◉ this boy!
◉ don’t even get me started cause i can go on for ages. meaning you will literally end up in the grave, and i won’t even be finished. but is that really so bad-
◉ anyways
◉ y’all are cute together and because ushijima is ushijima, he definitely did not tell anyone about the two of you being in a relationship. so when someone catches y’all together they’re just like “excuse me? when did this happen?” raised eyebrows and all
◉ he shrugs and you’re like “uhhh”
◉ you literally have no clue of how to answer but eventually you get it together and everything is solved and.... now your officially a part of the family
◉ welcome bitch
◉ goshiki?
◉ all over you
◉ basically becomes your child, and ushijima is just like “aight, that’s fine”
◉ did i hear cuddles? cause i’m pretty sure i did
◉ this maN. he gives the best cuddles, no cap-
◉ cuddles commence as follows, he grabs you, takes you to the bed/couch, anywhere comfy rlly, wraps his arms around you and then tucks you into his chest, and boom—he’s asleep in 0.2 seconds flat. he literally only holds you for warmth but like
◉ it’s still love :,)))
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★ the other side 
◉ size kink
◉ y’all see this everywhere but it’s true
◉ ushijima, even if he don’t know it himself, has a size kink
◉ it literally isn’t even confined to sex, it literally is just about size
◉ oh? you’re shorter than him?
◉ well you’re in luck!
◉ first time y’all actually had sex started like this: he just put his head on your shoulder, held you and was like “sex?”
◉ it leaves you stunned the first time he says that cause in your head you’re like, “he just asked to have sex and is hugging me at the same time wtfff?”
◉ but yes. accept it bby. it will be good, great, fantastic, and all of the above
◉ he’s fucking hung. y’all gotta know that, he’s naturally a large human being soo, dick? big?
◉ yes, big dick
◉ he literally doesn’t even know it until y’all get together and you’re like “that’s supposed to fit in mE?”
◉ and yes, yes it is. and yes, it will fit or you do not get your fucky time with him. so shut up and take it. it’ll feel good in the end honey :)))
◉ after a while, he starts to notice he actually gets more aroused if he watches his dick stretch you. he likes watching you tear up as you go down on it, and he likes the way your own dick is so eager to be touched. and no, he will not touch your dick until you deliberately ask him to
◉ mirror sex?
◉ the answer is yes btw
◉ once y’all figure out what you like, he will buy a mirror for one purpose
◉ which is to fuck you senseless
“toshi...” you whine, barely able to watch your own reflection in the mirror. if it was out of embarrassment or the tears welling up in your eyes was unknown. the tears themselves were a mix of pain and pleasure.
a perfect mix according to how euphoric you felt.
“it won’t go in toshi, please,” you begged. it felt like you were bursting at the seams, his dick was only half way in and you were already seeing stars.
ushijima grunts, “it has before baby. you know it’ll feel good, you can do it.” he praises, holding your hip with one hand, the other lifting your leg to put his dick and yours clearly on display. he slowly lowers you further onto his length as your head falls back onto his shoulder with a moan. he barely speaks, and during sex it’s even rarer. you would do anything to hear him speak into your ear, to hear him whisper praises and sweet-nothings.
unlike you, ushijima has no ounce of hesitation in looking at yourselves through the mirror. he can’t help but look at how nicely your sweet little hole is being stretched by his dick.
“only a little more baby boy,” he tells you, placing a kiss to the side of your neck.
the moment he’s fully in you, you barely get a chance to breath before he starts rolling his hips into yours, only successfully making you cry out more. he doesn’t pull out once but each time he manages to hit your prostate perfectly.
“come for me baby, come on only my cock for me, yeah?” ushijima says, this time lifting your hips slightly before slamming back down.
how could you ever disobey your toshi?
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lilacsandwhiskey · 3 years
I’m currently obsessed with tiktok and tom holland so I’m obsessed with imagines about both. i think it would be cute if you do a tiktok trend with the boys but like the world doesn’t know about reader and Tom so people are shipping her with one of the guys? like from the tiktok? Tom maybe gets jealous or something ? idk i’m rambling haha
Thanks for the request anon :) I hope this was okay!
Heartbreak Anniversary
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: mentions of pandemic and COVID, cussing, maybe suggestive at points???, angst, jealous Tom, uhhh sucky writing and no proofreading so bare w ya girl n kinda longer than I anticipated but here we are :)
Notes: italics = flashback
If someone asked you how you managed to get a life as crazy as your’s, you’d simply reply “just meet Harrison and become best friends.” You almost couldn’t fathom what your life looked like right now - you sat in the kitchen with your two friends, Harry and Tuwaine, who had fallen into the pits of TikTok with you, while Harrison, Sam, and your beloved, Tom, sat in the living room, screeching at the television as they watched a game. All of this, while in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.
You didn’t officially live with the boys, but you might as well have. Your apartment was only minutes away, but with how communal your living situation was, Tom simply talked it over with his brothers and best friends, who didn’t even hesitate to scream yes when he asked if you could stay there. It was “safest,” he explained when he begged you to come stay for a while. So you did.
How did we get here? It all started with a little project, Harrison Osterfield, and him playing cupid.
“Clumsy, are we?” Harrison managed to balance you as you tripped over your own two feet, walking into the studio. “What makes you think that?” You huffed back, a small laugh escaping your lips. “Just get that vibe.” He replied, shrugging with a smile.
It didn’t take long for you and Harrison to practically become the best of friends. He soon was inviting you out to drinks with his friends, who immediately accepted you. Though you and Harrison’s friendship was strictly platonic, you found him itching to find out about your relationship status. “Should I even wonder, Harri?” “I mean, no. I’m just curious.” “I thought I told you before I’m not interested in a relationship right now.” You said, glaring at him with a smile. “I didn’t ask that, I was just curious. So anyway, are you coming to the pub tonight? I’m dying for you to meet my friend, Tom.” The excitement in his voice was too much to understand, but instead of questioning, you just replied with a yes.
There you were, walking through the doors of the pub at 8pm sharp. Your eyes finally spotted familiar faces who were calling out to you. You followed suit, inching your way to the booth at the back. “Y/N!” They called, urging into hugs. “Hi everyone!” You replied, taking a seat. Tuwaine was already scooting over your favorite drink towards you. “Told you we’d always take care of you! Anyway, we’re celebrating tonight. Tom’s back home!”
Your eyes landed on the curly-haired boy who had a gentle smile playing on his lips. “No need for anything big, I’m just glad to be surrounded by my favorite people.” Tom said. “Nice to meet you finally, Y/N. Glad to finally put a face to the name.” Tom held a hand out, gripping tight to yours as he shook it. Little did you know, Tom was well-aware of what your face looked like. He hadn’t been able to stop scrolling through your social media pages after Harrison had posted a picture of you, him, and Tuwaine on his story during a night out.
“So who’s this girl you’ve been posting?” Tom said, trying to be as nonchalant as possible during this conversation with his bestfriend. “Y/N, I thought I’d mentioned her to you.” Harrison said through the phone. “I don’t believe you have, are you like…” “No, no, dude, you know I’ve been talking to Grace.” “I know, but I was just worried my best friend had moved on without telling me!” “You know I would. No, she’s just a friend, we met during a project. Grace actually loves her, and so does everyone else - including your brothers. Have they not told you about her?”
Tom tried to think back to his conversations, only briefly hearing mentions of your names when he’d ask what they’d been doing. He couldn’t help but scroll through your pictures, soaking up every aspect of your life, well, only what you displayed. You had a dog, bingo. You seemed to be funny by the way you captioned your pictures, good. You seemed to have fun, love your family, and live a life that perfectly reflected how Harrison had described to him after he had came to the realization that Tom had already began crushing on you just by what he’d started telling him and the way you portrayed yourself.
Tom begged Harrison to be his wingman. Harrison practically scolded him the first few times. “I don’t want you to mess up this friendship.” “She’s not just a fling, Tom.” “Can’t you just be friends first?” Tom would settle for the last comment. “Fine, introduce us.”
Your conversations with Tom seemed so effortless that night. With too much alcohol in your system, you found yourself completely flustered by how pretty he was with his glazed eyes, rosy cheeks, and the constant giggles escaping his lips.
Though nothing ever happened that night, you found yourself spending more and more time with Tom in the coming weeks. Harrison didn’t mind as his relationship was truly flourishing with Grace. Weeks later, Tom had finally kissed you out of the blue and it changed everything. He was leaving for a few more weeks for filming, and instead of gaining the guts to make it official that night, he waited until he came back. It was the first thing he asked you when you reunited.
But, it wasn’t as simple as that. The logistics, the orchestrating, there was so much planning involved with what felt like should just be simple. Tom had fans, and sometimes they weren’t so nice. Tom wanted to protect you in every way possible. Though it was obvious you’d been hanging with the guys, since some of them had posted you, you had just figured that if you went out in public, you’d all go together and you couldn’t spend too much time just next to Tom. Posts were limited, it was all planned to a T. But you didn’t mind, because Tom made you happy and you knew it was for the best.
For a while, you did long distance. Your relationship had been based off of late night or early morning FaceTime calls, quick calls in between breaks, and short text messages throughout the day. It was hard but worth it. But this last time didn’t last near as long as others.
When word of COVID swept through the news, the world became frantic in all aspects. When everything began going into lockdown, Tom was sent straight back home from filming.
Laughter erupted between Harry, Tuwaine, and you. Tuwaine had showed you a both a video on TikTok he came across of a girl dancing in the midst of her friends to the song Heartbreak Anniversary. Though her coordination was obviously great, it was the reactions and how aggressive she was doing the dance that made it so funny.
As if on cue, Tom, Harrison, and Sam walked into the kitchen, Harrison mentioning that they couldn’t hear their program over their laughing. That’s when they found themselves gathered around the phone, joining in the laugher.
“I think we should recreate it. I think Y/N should learn the dance and be in the middle. It’ll be too good.” Harry said. “Me?” A nervous laugh escaping your lips. “For sure, we learn dances so fast, you’ll have it down in no time.” Harry was right - over the last few months, you’d formed certain hobbies with each of the boys. You had became just as close with them as Tom was, and one thing you and Harry found yourselves doing often was learning dances in the backyard, most likely disrupting the neighbors from your obnoxious cussing and laughter.
After protesting the dance, the guys had won and you were now practicing the dance. You felt so dumb, you couldn’t help but laugh. You didn’t allow the boys to see it so that when you videod, it would be their fresh reactions. And that’s what it was -
The boys circled around you, ready to endure the dancing. Right before, Tom had pulled you aside and reiterated not focusing that much time on him, though he wanted you to. You agreed, understanding the circumstances considering the world still was unaware of your relationship. To everyone else, you were just some friend that came to hang out every now and then.
So when the music started, you kept that little rule in the back of your mind. You tried to spend enough time with each, trying to make them laugh which definitely worked. You added your own flair to the dance, leaning back towards each of them, causing them to spit out laughter. You still found a moment with Tom, because it’d be too obvious that you were not trying to be obvious if you didn’t (haha).
Afterwards, the guys laughed over your shoulder as they watched their own reactions. “You killed that!” Sam exclaimed.
Hours later, you all sat in the living room, engrossed in your own thing - television, telephone, reading, someone was doing something. That’s when Tuwaine busted out laughing. “Shit, these comments are ruthless!” “Hmm?” You said, not even thinking to go check on the video you’d posted. When you opened up the app, Tom was looking over your shoulder to look for himself.
“Yeah, Harrison and Y/N are def fucking”
“Y/N and Haz 👀👀👀”
“Look at the way Haz looks at her 😍 obvi in love”
The comments continued. You cocked your head, watching back at the video. There was nothing much different between your interactions other than he was laughing the most - but that was just Haz. You shook your head, laughing as everyone but Tom joined it.
“Dang, Y/N, didn’t know we cared so much about each other!” Harrison said, giggling. “Right, just so in love!” You jokingly fell back into the couch, but soon noticed that Tom was barely participating in the jokes. Instead, he was leaning back, barely cracking a smile, even when you tugged his arm. You tried to shake off his reaction, not expecting him to actually be upset.
“I think I’m going to shower, wanna join?” You pulled out some sweatpants from the drawer that you’d claimed. “Why don’t you go ask Harrison?” You stopped dead in your tracks. “Excuse me?” Tom stayed silent. A nervous laugh escaped your lips, in hopes that his words were only joking but the straight face he was giving, along with no eye contact, made it clear that he was not joking.
“Are you being serious right now?” You asked quietly. You felt yourself beginning to get upset, considering you had never given him a reason to believe that for one, you’d ever cheat, and for two, that you and Harrison had ever had sex. He was well aware of the friendship that you had before Tom came along, and not only was it strictly platonic, but Grace had been in the picture the whole time.
Tom finallt replied with a shrug, which elicited rolling eyes from you. “You’re unbelievable.” You slammed the door to the bedroom, slamming the bathroom door across the hall. It may have been absurd, but in that moment you honestly were shocked. You and Tom had never really argued about something like this before - it just never showed itself as a problem. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been rumored dating each one of the boys before anyway, you didn’t know what was different.
Harrison had obviously heard the slamming of the doors, including the other boys who surrounded him. Sam pushed the television, looking around at the group, who was already exchanging looks. “Nose goes.” Tuwaine said, instantly pinning his finger to his nose, the rest of the boys following. Harrison was the last to reach his nose. “Aw, come on. You know this is probably about me.” Harrison whispered. “Guess you gotta find out.” Harry replied, shrugging.
Harrison slowly made his way to Tom’s room, slowly knocking before opening the door. Tom was laying on the bed on his phone, seeming that he was not phased by the events that seemed to have just occurred. “Tom?” “Hmm?” “What’s going on?” Harrison asked, inching closer to the bed.
Tom laid his phone on his chest with a smirk. “Why don’t you go find out?” “Seriously, Tom? Are we twelve right now?” Harrison huffed back, crossing his arms. When Tom didn’t reply, Harrison felt like tugging his hair out. It wasn’t very often that the two lads argued, but Harrison honestly couldn’t believe that THIS is what the argument was about this time.
Harrison made it clear time and time again before Tom and you had started dating that you two had been platonic from the beginning. Harrison loved you like a sister, but never anything more. Tom was well aware of that - so he didn’t understand why he was lashing out?
“Look, mate. I don’t know why you’re acting like this, but I can guarantee you, that if you keep on, Y/N isn’t going to like it. You have no right to take it out on her. You know she wouldn’t do that to you in a million years, hell, you know I’d never do that to you in a million years. If you want to be mad, be mad at me, though you have no true reason to be. Fans make assumptions all the time. You can’t possibly be upset when you’re the one who continues to vow her as a secret to the world. You orchestrate every plan with her to make sure that it looks like you’re not dating, so yeah, people might get skeptical. I’m sorry that you’re feeling insecure right now, but you have no right to accuse her of anything.” Harrison had no intentions of giving a speech, but he knew that it had to be said. Tom just looked at him, and for the first time, Harrison couldn’t get a read on him.
Harrison made his way out of the room, almost colliding with you as you came out of the bathroom. Harrison gave you a sympathetic smile before going back to the living room. Confused as to what had just happened in Tom’s room, you took a deep breath before opening the door. There was no doubt that you were still upset, but you also were bothered about the fact that this came so suddenly. Or had it? Had he been so skeptical before and you’d just never caught on? How could he not trust you?
As you walked in, Tom laid on his side away from you. You let out a small sigh, placing your dirty clothes in the hamper and walking over to the bed. “Tom?” No answer. “Can we talk?” Though you couldn’t see around him, Tom squeezed his eyes shut at those words. He finally turned over. “Hey.” You said. “Hey.”
You assumed an apology would come after that, but it never did. You tried to be reasonable. “I get it.” “Hm?” “I get it. I’m sorry that you’re feeling like this. I can’t say there haven’t been times I’ve gotten a little jealous or scared or insecure when you’re miles and miles away. But I’m right here. You have nothing to worry about.” “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have acted that way towards you.” “It’s okay, but you have to trust me. We’ve been together over a year now and this conversation has never came up. Why now?”
Tom took a minute to gather his words. He let out a slow shaky breath. “I don’t know how to put it into words. When I’m away, I long to be back home with you. It seems so simple to know that I get to home and you’re here for me. So, now that I’m home for longer than a week, I recognize that you have developed these amazing friendships with people who can be here for you more than me, and sometimes it just feels unreal that I have you - like I don’t deserve you. I just love you so much that the thought of you being with someone else ever hurts me, and I think that’s why the comments got to me so much this time. Y/N, I think I’m ready to tell the world. I’m tired of keeping you a secret. I want to show the world you’re mine, I want to be the one they make those comments about. Ridiculous, huh?” Tom let out a small chuckle and shook his head.
You grabbed his hands, shaking your head. “Babe, if it weren’t for Harrison, we wouldn’t be here. The relationships I’ve grown with everyone is over our shared love of you. We are so grateful that we can be altogether in each other’s presence and enjoy it because we all have a shared love. You’re so important to all of us, and that’s just how it works. I’m ready to tell the world if you are. I’d love nothing more than to finally call you mine publicly… and maybe go on a date outside of our backyard when this pandemic ends.” You say with a grin. He pulls you on top of him, laying a slow kiss on your lips. “You’re so important to me. Let’s show the world how much.”
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
love stories with some genshin boys i thought of while listening to my playlists
includes: aether (210 words), xiao (261 words), scaramouche (277 words) and albedo (307)
warnings (?): spoilers of ‘we will be reunited’, english is not my native language and uhh idk what else, idk really know what these are, headcanons ?? snippets ?? also not beta read and not edited.
it’s long so uhhh i’ll add a cut somewhere
anyway enjoy!! ...whatever this is i guess
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Falling in love with Aether is like a fun adventure. He, being always the center of attention and the protagonist no matter where he goes, is a free spirited, kind and hardworking man. 
Throughout your time travelling and being in a relationship together, you’ll find that your relationship with the Honorary Knight is one of sweet kisses under the sunlight; innocent handholding while thinking up of what to make for dinner tonight; of easily talked out arguments and finding ways to compromise; of softly pushing each other to become a better version of themselves and, most of all, of supporting and having each other’s backs no matter what.
And when Aether confronts the Abyss Princess face to face for the first time and his world comes crashing down on him, this trait of your relationship shines like no other, as you hold him in your arms after everything was over during the night, Paimon sleeping soundly next to the both of you inside your improvised campsite.
“Even though I’m not sure what -or who- I should believe anymore, I... I know I want to see this journey to the end, and I want you to be there with me for it. Let’s be together until the last moment and beyond.”
Snow Fairy - Funkist
Snowing, be honest with yourself and smile When two people are getting closer, time overlaps Fairy, where are you going I will gather all the light and shine it on your tomorrow
Still Lonely - SEVENTEEN
This cursed popularity. Why won’t it leave me? But why am I getting lonelier The early morning chill makes me feel Even lonelier today I feel completely empty, as if I’m empty
Kanpeki Gu~ no ne - Watarirouka Hashiritai
I'm at a loss for words, with this and that, I'm totally in love with you Someday, I want do the same to you: Watch you flounder, At a loss for words right back to me!
Side by Side - The8 from SEVENTEEN
I want to hold hands with you but I don't know what to do what to do oh baby I want to give all my heart to you but You still don't know what's in my heart
Hope - Namie Amuro
At the end of this blue, wide world there's a place I want to aim at with you We chose this long ago for eternity
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Falling in love with Xiao is like living a bittersweet dream. The Vigilant Yaksha is far from human, or so he says, and thus is out of touch with the way we mortals experience feelings, both the negative and positive ones.
Your relationship with him is one of compassion, mutual understanding, appreciation and patience. So, so much patience. Of intertwined pinkies and soft stolen glances, of shy smiles and comfortable silence sometimes filled with your voice chatting time away and his short responses to your talks.
I mentioned patience. He knows you’re making an enormous effort to try and understand him and be patient with him and his slow learning process of how relationships work, so it’s only fair that he makes a true effort to understand you and your feelings.
Xiao is well aware that he could hurt you without wanting to, be it with his blunt phrasing of his thoughts or his Karmic Debt, as much as he is aware that you will eventually pass away and leave him behind to go somewhere he can’t follow, and that undeniable truth haunts him every second of every day he gets to spend with you. And still, he wishes and wants and does cherish each and every warm, kind feeling he gets every single second you’re together nonetheless.
“I might not know what to make of these new feelings you gave me. But I’ll learn. I promise I’ll learn, so please... don’t go, not yet. Let me treasure you and carve you into my memory for as long as I can.”
Euphoria - BTS
I don't know what this emotion is Perhaps this is also the inside of a dream A dream is the blue mirage of the desert Deep inside of me, a priori I become happy to the point of being unable to breathe The surroundings, bit by bit, become clearer
Fallin’ Flower - SEVENTEEN
While flower blooms and falls, scars cure and buds shoot We are living our first and last moment So I won’t take you for granted Because you loved me as I am
Get out my mind I can't handle it, I'm afraid of myself The truth has me tied up My heart is tainted I'm afraid it'll eventually change you too
The Truth Untold - BTS, Steve Aoki
It’s my fate Don’t smile to me Light on me Because I can’t get closer to you There’s no name you can call me
You know that I can’t Show you me Give you me I can’t show you a ruined part of myself Once again I put a mask on and go to see you But I still want you
Tiny Light - Akari Kitō
Because you colored my unchanging monochromatic days Even the blurred darkness gained meaning
Still, hidden in this heart, these feelings of preciousness so strong that they hurt I just want to convey these feelings to only you before they disappear someday
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Falling in love with Scaramouche is like constantly playing a game. He’s strict, demanding, disagreeable, and widely disliked by enemies and allies alike. Still, he has a heart too; and he holds desires and hopes deep inside of it, although most of them are fueled by the unchanging curiosity he has towards the world around him, curiosity to know what he can get out of whatever the world wants to throw at him.
You were no exception to that rule, at first.
When he met you he wanted to get something from you. And you knew it from the start, just as he knew that you knew. And that didn’t change anything, at first.
Your relationship with him is one of dangerously playful, yet still light-hearted games of seduction, teasing and deceit; of secret kisses exchanged in expensive private rooms in restaurants or the cozy warmth of your home, of an unspoken shared respect and, most of all, complete, mutual devotion.
You know Scaramouche is not a good man. He has done many, many unspeakable things in his life as one of the Eleven, and he knows he’s far from being the perfect charming prince you could aim for, but he will never let you go. Because behind those hardened walls of egocentrism and pride, you saw what no one else bothered to see. You saw him, not the role he was playing, you saw him and fell in love with him.
“To be honest, I don’t think I could find anyone else who understands me as much as you do. And no, I’m not saying this because I want something, give me some more credit, geez...”
soldier game -  µ’s
You'll come with me, yes? You've grown curious about my touch, yes? Then it's already love Since you're someone I must meet in battle someday, That might just be your reason It's soldier game Though we've met again, I'm soldier heart
Kowareyasuki - Guilty Kiss
Just stop it already and show your heart only to me I love your eyes that are about to cry And your defenseless, clumsy way of living too (...) The hesitation you convey makes my chest hurt Some people just don't know what such kindness is But then I discover the truth When we got together, you don't have to endure anymore Right now, show your grief only to me I like that you think too much The complete opposite of me
Don't think of all these as your mere illusion They're not lies that follow the moment No one can underestimate it, my feelings are an ignition 'Cause I'm always the same Me and you, we got hurt by the lies that we won't ever work But it's fate
So I can cover you from danger A consented dedication
It's as natural as breathing An everlasting dedication
Good to me - SEVENTEEN
Yeah, when you were making that sign in my heart It was a long time since my firewall broke down Pass with the password What in the world do you know about me? Are my deep feelings seen by you?
Hiraishin - Keyakizaka46
(To trust is to be betrayed, to open one’s heart is to get hurt So to avoid being struck by lightning-like sorrow…)
Which side am I picking? Ah, these values are hard to handle That’s why I won’t stop watching over you Positive positive positive You should just be yourself… I can forgive whatever absurdities you pull off I’ll support you without being noticed Even when you get nitpicked I’ll be your companion Let us now promise to live an unremarkable life hereafter What we have here is the lightning rod of love
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Falling in love with Albedo is a fairy tale-like experience for both of you. His attention had always been focused on his research, everything else fading into the background save for a few exceptions, until you came around. You, who stole all his attention by just existing. 
As an alchemist, he’s naturally the curious type. He wanted to know what about it had caught his attention, what was so special about you that had him clinging to your every word and movement every time you interacted with him. Still, human relationships are hard for him, and he figured you might go away the second he started to feel burnt out from your interactions. But you didn’t. Instead, you stayed. You stayed and took interest on what he did, asked questions, gave your insight, and dragged him to sleep when he needed a break. In exchange, he did the same for you.
Your relationship with Albedo is like one of those awkwardly sweet first time crushes. Of carefully calculated movements, dates and compliments, of soft kisses on lips, hands and cheeks, of mutual support, understanding and mature compromising and commitment.
The Kreideprinz, like everyone else, has his own fears and insecurities, especially regarding his... nature, but he does his best not to let them affect the relationship he has with you. Each moment spent by your side, even when he’s not actively doing any research, is considered perfectly spent, meaningful time.
“A long time ago, I was tasked with finding out the meaning of this world. Though I have directed my efforts and resources to looking for the answer through alchemy, ever since we met I... think, I’ve found an unexpected conclusion to said issue. While it’s likely that this is not the answer expected from me, I’m positive that, at least personally, I finally have the answer.”
Futari Saison - Keyakizaka46
In the wind blowing through the city’s streets, even though I caught whiff of something’s scent, I had no interest in looking back
In a 1m radius around me, I formed an invisible barrier to another world And yet, you took someone like me out of it
What made you do that?
What can I do? Without you I’m just an old robot, my heart stops and it’s always cold What can we do? Without me You’ll struggle just as much, so what can we do?
Baby, I want to cherish our warmth So no one can come between us
You taught me, you showed me You’re my only reason If you can forever remember me I can get hurt, I can get hurt
My heart that’s engraved with your light Makes me stronger Give me your sharp thorns Cause you’re my flower
Sorry for repeating the same thing But this is all I can try using hard words But my true feeling is this, every everything
How about you? Is it hard for you to sleep because of me too? If you keep making my heart flutter What do I do?
Naze koi wo shite konakattan darou? - Sakurazaka46
Why hadn't I fallen in love? I've been making fun of it all this time I mean everyone keeps saying 'I love you' just like cats in heat But after falling in love I realized what people live for To meet, to love, to the point of nothing but... I'm not myself, I want to find my true self.
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
sooo, can i request sfw C, D, F, G for my dream boy Armin please, i'd prefer a modern au too just like the last you did for him, thank you bae!!
guess what, its in modern au...
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes, he enjoys cuddling, especially because it's easy to multitask with. Reading a book but must shower the significant other in affection? "Lovely, come sit in my lap." Assignments to do but the partner is sad? "Lay your head on my thighs." Stressed but also tired? "Could you... play with my hair, please?"
I kinda brushed on this in this post but he puts effort into cuddling. He's not just throwing his limbs over you and calling it a day he's making sure everything is nice and neat and its warm but not hot and he gets to hold you really tight.
He's a perfect human body pillow if you just need something to hold.
That being said, sometimes he just wants to be held. He's very, very touch starved (I mean I feel like they all are--) but unlike his friends he's less prone to showing it. Like it takes a lot of pressure for Armin to crack and just ask you to pet him. So it's best to just scope it out.
Actually there is a scientifically proven method to asses the mental well being of your own personal Armin, it's called the "hand on cheek test" and is coveted by researchers of Arminology. Simply place your hand on your Armin's cheek.
If he lets out a surprised giggle and nuzzles into your touch, you're Armin is operating at average performance. Kiss his cheek and ask about his day to ensure smooth processing.
If he looks up at you with those big blue eyes and kisses your hands, your Armin is at peak performance. He probably has free time, ask him on a date.
If your Armin jolts out of his concentrated state, sighs loudly, and literally digs his face into your hand like his life depends on it, please make him a cup of coffee and play some calming music. Your Armin is at risk of mechanical failure.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Armin is an okay cook. He's no gourmet but he can throw something together if needed. Eating out is expensive so he opts to cook at home anyways.
I actually have a headcanon that the EMA household has a very distinct meal planning system. It fits into all of their lifestyles, Armin gets to make plans and lists, Eren gets to have a convenient meal, and Mikasa gets to rest easy knowing everyone is fed. Plus Eren and Mikasa are gym bros so they get to uhhh easily track their macros or whatever I don't speak fit.
As for cleaning he is just a neat person. Everything has a place and he puts it in it's place. I believe Armin is a fan of maximalism so his room can look kinda cluttered but its actually really pretty.
When you two move in together the chores are distributed based on who gets what done quickest. He doesn't move in with you until he knows you really well, so it's easy. It's the perk to Armin taking everything so slow, you're relationship transitions seamlessly.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I think Armin would want to get married, yeah. He takes a while to fall for someone, but when he does, he falls so hard he practically cracks his head open.
Most of his relationships (not just romantic ones, but friendships too) have lasted very long due to his good communication so he's not very worried about getting divorced or falling out of love or anything.
Also I think he believes in soulmates. Not in a "you're the person I'm supposed to be with forever and ever" but in a "everyone I have loved completes my humanity" type way. Everyone he has loved, friends, crushes, friendly strangers, they have all become a part of who Armin is, so he treasures all of them.
Other than marriage, he's a very loyal guy. If you've past his "person I go on dates with" stage and get into that "partner" stage he is not even looking at any one other than you. And once you two hit a certain stage, he's constantly thinking of you, and you become an integral part to his life he doesn't look over. This part takes a while, but it's so worth it when you notice how he highlights quotes in books that remind him of you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's so, so soft. He touches you like you're made of glass. It's not because he thinks you're weak or anything, that's just how he is with everything. Even washing the dishes or doing laundry, he treats every thing he touches really delicately. It's kind of just his nature.
He also sees his touches as a reflection of how he feels for you, so he makes an effort to be extra gentle with you. Even if he's squeezing you or applying pressure on a certain part of your body, it feels like feathers because Armin might just be an angel.
Despite this, Armin doesn't necessarily mince words. If he thinks you're in the wrong, he will tell you. He's not gonna just tell you you're dumb in a deadpan tone, but he won't sugar coat anything either. He also isn't the type to just take your side all the time because he's dating you.
The best way I can describe it is he is honest, not blunt. He'll say it in a kind way, but if he has a problem with you, he's going to tell you, because he loves you and wants to see you grow.
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ppersonna · 4 years
tempestuous - kth | m
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tem·pes·tu·ous - adjective - characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion
↳ summary- There’s no one who riles you up more than Kim Taehyung, your best friend’s brother.  He knows exactly how to make you fly off the handle.
↳ rating- explicit / 18+
↳ word count- 6.8k
↳ pairing- taehyung x reader
↳ genre- smut, minor angst i guess in the form of fighting, this is one big pile of smut, there’s some fluff too
↳ warnings- yikes where to begin.  angry sex, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (don’t be like dis), slapping, spanking, pain kink, dom/sub elements, facefucking, really rough sex, finger sucking, derogatory names, uhhh name calling, hate sex, tae is fuckin nasty yall im thriving
↳ a/n- I HAD TO REUPLOAD bc tumblr sucks lol well folks. here we are.  i was given a prompt by @ladyartemesia​ so i blame her.  as for tae, he really came for me this week and completely wrecked me, love that for me. i really popped off here and it’s only edited by me so i’m SORRY if there’s a lot of mistakes.  fun fact i actually wrote almost 10k of another version of this but it frustrated me so badly i scrapped it lmao  🤡 HERE WE GO! Enjoy!  feel free to send in your requests and i promise to try and get it done for you! 
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Kim Taehyung could only be described in a few words.
Infuriating, bothersome, vexing.
Gorgeous, breathtaking, suave.
Absolutely, inherently maddening.
And you hate how much you absolutely melt underneath his gaze, the way your heart leaps into your throat with a single word.  Your body, the ultimate betrayer, opens up to him as your brain screams to abort, reverse, go back to start and do not pass go.
Kim Taehyung is not just the bane of your existence, no.  He’s the little brother of your best friend, Kim Namjoon.   Joonie had been in your life since you were in first grade and he in second.  Taehyung was your age, but you hit it off with the older boy and haven’t separated since.  Your mothers joked that you would get married one day and continue on the Kim line.  Until they found out that Namjoon was 1) bisexual and 2) hopelessly in love with, ironically, a man named Kim Seokjin.   He reasoned to his parents that they would at least carry on the Kim name.  
Where Namjoon was sweet, caring, and deeply compassionate towards you, Taehyung was his alter.  Taehyung was brash, cocky and relished in watching you squirm, whether it be out of fury or the god forsaken sexual tension.  All growing up, he was the one to pull your pigtails, trip you into puddles of mud, and tease you in front of your friends. Namjoon, ever the faithful companion, was always there to pick up the pieces of what Taehyung broke.
It’s been that way with Taehyung ever since. A constant tug of war with each other, both unwilling to give a single inch to the opponent.  
Your relationship with Namjoon remained steadfast as ever.  Namjoon eventually moved in with his now-husband, Seokjin, who easily settled into your life as an additional partner in crime.  You spent most of your days and nights settled into the couch, snuggled somehow in between or next to one of the two men you cherished most.  You had the two best friends you could ask for and a happy life, blissfully Taehyung-free.
Until it wasn’t.
A loud knock wakes you from an unexpected nap on Namjoon’s couch.  Your eyes crack open against the glare of the sunlight streaming through the windows.  It takes a moment to gather your surroundings.  You recognize that you’re in Namjoon and Seokjin’s apartment, and judging by the silence, you’re definitely alone there.  As you reach for your phone, the screen lights up the time.  5:34 pm.  Well, shit. You remember eating brunch and drinking mimosas at noon with your best friends and then lying on the couch to watch Netflix.  How had you fallen asleep for five hours?  How did you not wake? What the fuck did Jin put in his mimosas?
The knock is insistent again, louder this time.
“Joon! Jin! it’s me! Open up!”
The voice sounds familiar in your sleep-addled mind, but not quite enough to pinpoint it.   You push your limp body off the couch and wince at the feeling of sore muscles.  Couch sleeping isn’t all it’s cracked up to be once you’re past the age of 25.
“Sorry, Namjoon isn’t here-,” You open the door to explain to the guest and you’re cut off.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
You rub at your sleepy eyes and allow your vision to focus, only to feel your blood stand still in your veins.
Kim Taehyung.  Of fucking course.
“What do you mean, why am I here? I’m always here,” you tut as you fold your arms to your chest.  “What are you doing here?”
He rolls his eyes and holds up his hands, two suitcases clutched in each.  Who the fuck carries 4 suitcases up three flights of stairs? Kim annoying ass Taehyung does, apparently.
“I’m moving in.”  He pushes past you and into the living room.  
Your mouth gapes open.  Namjoon certainly didn’t tell you this.  Taehyung looks back at chuckles at your reaction.
“I’m guessing your best friend didn’t tell you the happy news?”
You shut your mouth, quickly jumping back into composure.  “No, he failed to mention that,” you sniff.  “I thought you lived with your girlfriend in Gangnam?  What was her name? Rose or whatever?”
Tae stiffens, just slightly for a moment, before he plasters back on the bravado.  “Obviously not anymore.  We broke up, she kept the apartment.  Got tired of moping at my mom’s house and I told Namjoon I wanted to come back to the city.”
You feel a slight tug at your stomach, guilt, perhaps?  You clear your throat.  “Oh, I’m sorry.”
He laughs as he sits on the couch, instantly throwing his feet onto the coffee table, like a heathen.  “No, you’re not.”  
“What do you mean, no I’m not? God, sorry for being polite!”
This, you reason, is why you can’t sustain longer than 5 minutes of civilized conversation with your best friend’s younger brother.  He’s impossible.
He just smirks, and you know he loves the rise he gets out of you.
“Because I know you, and I know you don’t give a fuck about my love life.”
Au contraire. If only he knew just how much you gave a fuck.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t be nice to you!” you nearly stamp your foot in frustration but hold yourself back. That would be too good of ammo for him to use against you.
“Okay, fine,” he acquiesces. “Whatever helps you feel you’re a good person.”
You’re seeing red and you know you want to continue screaming at him but you will not stoop to his level.
“Christ, I haven’t seen you in months and you’re still an asshole,” you say as you grab your keys and shoes. “And also, Jin will kill you if he sees your feet on his coffee table.”
You whip yourself around and open the door to leave and hear him call over your shoulder.
“Good to see you too, doll! Love the hairstyle, by the way.”
You close the door with a growl leaving your throat.  The absolute audacity of that man.
You stomp towards the elevator to take yourself to the ground level, when you catch your reflection in the shiny metal. Your hair is in what you can only lovingly call a complete hornet’s nest. It’s ratted and sticking out in places and you feel your cheeks burn.  Your first reintroduction with Taehyung is with a fight AND with you looking like a fool.
This would not do. No, sir.
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“Kim Namjoon!” you shriek into your cell phone.  You’re awkwardly pressing it against your ear with your shoulder as you walk out of the convenience store under your apartment building with 3 bottles of soju and a six-pack of beer. You needed to drown your shame and sorrow, and fast.
“Hello, love of my life and moon of my stars,” your best friend replies and you can hear Seokjin chuckle in the background.
“No!” You chide, already cracking a beer open as you storm into your apartment building. “Don’t you Khal Drogo me, mister! Why the fuck didn’t you tell me your fucking asshole brother was moving in with you?!”
Namjoon is silent and you can tell he’s wincing on the other end of the phone. “Oops?” He offers.
“Yeah, big oops! A heads up would have been nice! Like, ‘hey best friend, your worst enemy of all time is moving in today. Maybe you shouldn’t fall asleep on my couch and wake up looking like Frankenstein’s ugly wife. Oh, and also my handsome boyfriend and I will just happen to not be there when he arrives’.”
By this time, you can tell Namjoon has put you on speakerphone because you can hear their rich laughter loud and clear. Rude bitches.
You stab your key code into your door and lock yourself in, chugging as much of the beer as you could handle.
“At least, even in her rants she thinks I’m handsome,” Jin gloats.
“I’m sorry babe,” Namjoon sighs as he finally calms down. “I didn’t know he would be there today. I just found out about it last night.”
You nibbled at your bottom lip, the annoying pit in your stomach feeling simultaneously guilty that he went through a breakup, unbridled joy that something brought him down a peg, and just a dash of excitement that he’s single now.
You let out a breath. “It’s okay, Joon.  It just surprised me to see him.”
Jin butts in, “And because you have a big, fat, unresolved crush on him.”
“Jin!” You admonish. The couple laughs again and you roll your eyes, asking yourself why you put up with the two. “I do not!”
They both hum a non-committal answer, implying they don’t believe you in the slightest.
“Whatever.  What are you guys doing, anyway?”
“We just got home from shopping.  God, Jin looked so good in these jeans he tried on.  I was actually just about to suck his coc-,”
“Kim Namjoon, do not finish that sentence! I do not wish to hear it!” You try to remain firm, but dissolve into giggles with the pair.
You could never stay mad at Namjoon long, even if his brother was the devil incarnate.
“Darling,” Jin calls through the phone.  “I still expect to see you at our place tonight for our sleepover.”
Christ, you had forgotten all about your scheduled sleepover night.  It was tradition and one of your favorite parts of your friendship with the couple.  Jin, a literal chef, prepared a five star meal along with dessert for you while you binge watched Netflix and talked incessantly.
But you also usually slept in their spare bedroom.  The exact one that Taehyung would be occupying.
“Fuck, while he’s there?”
“Oh suck it up,” Jin chides, like he’s your mother. “He’s probably not even going to leave his room.  You’re not getting out of this.  I’m making strawberry cheesecake.”
Your mouth waters at the idea of Jin’s famous cheesecake.  
“Fine, but I get to lick the bowl and not Namjoon.  Those are my terms.”
Namjoon squawked in defiance as Jin laughed.  “I agree to your terms.  Be at our place by 8.”
As you hung up the phone, you checked the time.  6:40.  God, he hadn’t left you with much time to get ready, did he?
And you definitely needed to get ready.  There was no way you were entering a room where Kim Taehyung exists looking like booboo the fool, not again.
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Your fingers press the 6 digit passcode to Namjoon and Seokjin’s apartment, arms heavy laden with your bag of toiletries and pajamas, and a bag full of wine.
“Honey, I’m home!” You announce as you toe off your shoes and slide into the combined kitchen and living room.
You receive no reply, but greeted with the amused face of none other than the object of your filthiest dreams, Taehyung.
“Pet names already?  We’re moving pretty fast, wouldn’t you say?” He asks you as he lounges at the kitchen table.  He watches you open the fridge to set the wine, as comfortable in their home as you are in yours.
“Fuck off,” you grumble. “Where’s your brother?”
Tae seemed absolutely tickled by your disgruntlement.  “I think they mentioned something about taking a shower.  That was 20 minutes ago, though.”
“Great,” you sigh. “Those fucking horn dogs act as if they’re still newlyweds.  We’ll be waiting awhile.”  
You tug off your sweater, leaving you to remain in a fitted tank top and yoga pants.  You tried to maintain a comfortable look as you dressed for the evening, while keeping in mind which leggings hugged your ass and showed off your toned thighs, and a tank top that dipped low to your cleavage.  Okay, so maybe you had ulterior motives. You wanted to make up for your dreadful appearance earlier and make him squirm, payback for the years of him doing it to you.
You watch him as he lets his eyes roam your body, eying you like he wants to ravage you completely. You feel victorious… and also turned on. Fuck, you played yourself.
You flop onto the couch in a huff and Tae snorts before joining you.
“What’s so funny?” You eye him suspiciously.
“Nothing,” his smile feigns innocence. “I’m not allowed to laugh?”
You sniff in annoyance, not eager to fall for his tricks. “You’re allowed to do whatever you want, your highness.”  Sarcasm drips from your voice and Tae finds it even more humorous.
“I see you’re still a sassy bitch.”
You gasp, audibly startled by his language and rise from the couch, fists clenched.
“I see you’re still a conceited dick!”
He rises to meet you where you stand, eyes boring into your own with his stupid sexy grin on his face.  “I see you’re still not one to back down from a fight.”
You step closer, close enough to feel his breath on your face.  Idly, you note it smells like peppermint and you move closer on reflex.
“Yeah? I see you’re still not one to avoid starting a fight in the first place!” you huff.
“Oh, I started it?”  
“Yeah, you started it! You called me a bitch!”
You can’t believe this is happening.  You feel as if you’re 6 again and fighting with him over a toy.
“A sassy bitch, actually,” he corrects, taking another step forward, bodies touching.
“Fuck you!”
“Only if you say please,” he quips before he closes the distance and presses his lips to yours in a scorching hot kiss.
There’s not even a moment of hesitation on your end, immediately pulling him even closer and wrapping your arms around his neck and allowing his tongue entrance to your mouth.  Your body reacts to his instantly, as if it’s wired to respond to him and him only. Your mind was blank of anything except Tae, only Tae please, and you acted purely on instinct alone.  And instinct was pulling him closer and begging, more, anything he could give.
The sound of laughter coming from the hallway pulls you apart, neither of you wanting to get caught by Namjoon or Jin.  You stare at him, his lips are cherry red and slightly swollen and the image burns into your retinas.  He has such pretty lips after you’ve kissed him.
“Oh hey! What’s going on here?” Namjoon asks as he notices the intense eye-battle you’re engaged in with his younger brother.
It shakes you out of the spell, eye contact broken and hypnosis halted.  
“Just, errrr,” you falter to find the right words to explain the situation.
“Just getting reacquainted.”  Tae sounds completely unaffected, as if the passionate kiss you shared with him seconds ago was but a distant memory.  Asshole.
“I’m surprised you two haven’t thrown anything at each other yet,” Jin laughs. “Or thrown yourselves at each other.”
Both you and Taehyung whip to look directly at Jin.
“Her!?” Tae is incredulous. “Gross.”
You’ll never admit out loud that his words wound you.
“You’re an asshole, Taehyung,” you punctuate your words by turning away from him and towards Namjoon, who appears amused as ever.
“Ah, I love when my best friend and my little brother are screaming at each other.  Feels like old times.  Can one of you cry now to complete the moment?”
Taehyung grumbles under his breath, something you can’t catch, and stalks off to his room.  The slam of his door reverberates in the apartment and Jin jumps and turns to yell down the hall at his brother-in-law.
“Yah! Don’t break my apartment! I still owe money on this!”
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Despite Taehyung’s appearance every so often in the kitchen or living room, the rest of the night goes on with no annoying disturbances.
Jin spoils you and his husband with expensive food, and the best cheesecake you’ve ever eaten in your life.  Plus, you’re given the bowl to lick clean despite a desperately adorable pout from Namjoon you were sure would persuade Jin.
You’re settled on the couch, snuggling in the middle of the couple as an action movie flickers across the big screen tv.  Truthfully, you haven’t paid attention to a single thing happening, your thoughts entirely too absorbed in Taehyung and that deliciously infuriating kiss.  
Why did he do it?  You couldn’t comprehend his reasoning.  Perhaps he was doing it to piss you off.  He’s never angered you with that level of intimacy before, but you didn’t put it past him.
You’re surprised when the credits of the movie start rolling and Jin and Namjoon fake loud yawns.
“Oh man, I’m beat,” Namjoon lies.
Jin is quick to join. “Me too, I think I’ll pass out the moment I hit the pillow.”
You roll your eyes at the men. “Will you two please go fuck already, I know that’s what you’re going to do.”
Namjoon blanches, but Jin laughs and kisses your cheek. “Ah, my smart, beautiful and chaotic child,” he coos. He leans in to your ear, voice low to keep his husband from listening. “I don’t think I’m the only one in this house who’s going to get pounded into a mattress.”  
He pulls back and winks at you, deftly ignores Namjoon’s confusion and sadness of being left out, and drags him to their bedroom with a loud ‘goodnight’.
You’re left to stew in your own emotions, which is never a good thing.  Was the tension that obvious? You always assumed it had been one-sided, but the kiss befuddled you more than you’d like to admit.
It finally snapped in your mind, all the dots connecting. That’s why he did it.  
He kissed you so you’d stew and simmer and eventually erupt, like you’re doing now.  Taehyung knows you too well for your comfort.
You grab your bag of clothes and storm towards the bathroom to change, promising yourself to forget about the kiss and not give Taehyung what he wants.
Except you’re not very good at promises, especially to yourself.
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You can’t say you’re excited to sleep on the couch again.  While it’s a nice couch, it’s definitely not a bed and your back will pay the price tomorrow.  You supposed it was better than the floor, but not by much.
After dressing in your pajamas, a purposefully picked out combination of tiny shorts and a sports bra in case Taehyung happens upon you, you return to your bed for the night in the living room.
Namjoon graciously left blankets and a pillow out for you, and you’re complaining internally about Taehyung the whole time you make yourself a spot to sleep.  If it wasn’t for stupid Taehyung and his stupid existence, you’d be sleeping like a baby on the guest bed that you loved.  But no, they relegated you to the couch like an animal.
Sleep was not in the cards tonight, it seems.  You toss and turn and try to press at the cushions to move a lump around and get comfortable, but it’s all for naught.  You’re wide awake and very, very uncomfortable.  You didn’t understand how you fell asleep on this very couch earlier in the day.  Maybe the mimosas you had at brunch with the couple had been helpful.
A thought crosses your mind. Alcohol.  Maybe a nice glass of wine would help tuck you into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.  A nightcap. Of course.  You were angry at yourself for not thinking of it hours ago.  
You slipped out of your disagreeable bed and into the kitchen, trying not to make a sound.  Jin’s beloved kitchen was also an echo chamber of noise, even the slightest sound bouncing off its walls and amplifying it through the whole house.  You still remember the way you jumped five feet in the air when Jin accidentally broke a plate.  It sounded like a bomb explosion.
You bite your lip as you carefully pry the cabinet of wine glasses open, careful to not even allow a squeak of a hinge.  You silently beg to stay silent and not wake anyone in the house.  You didn’t want to be caught drinking wine at 2 am in the dark, that’s difficult to explain without looking like an alcoholic.
With glass in hand, you tiptoe the fridge to pull out the bottle of merlot, thinking the heavy red wine would be the best to get you sleepy and quick.  
You tug the cork from the bottle and pour a healthy amount into the stemware with a smile.  Liquid sleep.  And you had done it without making a single sound. Perfection. The smell of the alcohol permeates through your nose as you lift the glass, placing it to your lips to take a sip.
“Wine at this hour?” the unexpected voice of Taehyung echos through the kitchen, making you yelp and jolting you hard enough that you drop the hard-earned glass of wine to the tile floor, red wine splashing as the sound of glass shattering is reverberating off the walls.
“Fuck!” You screech at the intruder.  Taehyung doubles over, laughing as if he’s seen nothing funnier than what just transpired.  “You asshole!”
You listen past Taehyung’s incessant laughter to ensure the owners of the apartment hadn’t awoken during the ruckus. You definitely did not want to face a tired and agitated Jin to tell him you shattered one of his Tiffany crystal goblets.
Beyond Tae, the house is silent and you’re thanking whatever god is listening for keeping your best friends asleep.
The wine is everywhere, spilling into the cracks of the tile and splattered on the walls.  The crystal stemware is too; it shattered with such force that you see flecks of the shrapnel in all four corners of the room.
Tae wipes a tear from his face and you square a tempestuous look at him.  
“Fucking help me!  You made me drop it!”
Through snorts, he replies. “I didn’t make you do anything.  You did that on your own.”  Although he is arguing with you, he’s gingerly stepping into the kitchen and kneeling to pick up shards of glass.
“I wouldn’t have dropped it if you had come into the room like a fucking normal person,” you grit.
He collects the glass, the delighted grin on his face now permanent.  He’s relishing in your annoyance, you know he is, and it burns you from the inside out.
“It’s not my fault you didn’t hear me.”
“You could have turned on the light! Why were you in the dark like a freak?”  You’re grasping at straws, anything to pin this all on him.  It would quell the fire in your belly to push it all onto him, make you feel as if you’ve won.
Taehyung levels a look at you.  “And you weren’t also in the dark? Pouring a gallon of wine for yourself?”
Your cheeks flare red. Fuck, he definitely caught you there.  You’re playing verbal poker with him and the hand you’re dealt falls flat compared to his royal flush.  He grins, knowing he has you.
“Fuck you,” you snark, you go to insult when you’re backed into a corner.
“Ah, doll,” he winks.  “We talked about that.  Be careful what you wish for.”
The fire inside you is roaring to an inferno now, flames licking to your core. It’s a complicated mixture of anger and sexual energy. It’s infuriating that he’s able to make you feel every single emotion to the extreme. You hate that arguing with him turns you on, like it’s some perverse foreplay.  
You moisten your lips with your tongue as you process his words, and Tae’s eyes hungrily track the appendage as it glides over your lips.
“Fuck. You.” You emphasize perfunctorily.
All thoughts of wiping up the mess are forgotten as Tae drags both you and himself off the floor and steers you to the living room, lips feverish against your own.  He pushes you into the couch and tugs his shirt off, before replacing his lips to yours.  
“Fuck, you’re so fucking hot when you’re a bitch,” he groans as he snaps the strap of your sports bra. “Seeing you get all worked up makes me so hard.”
He’s not wrong. You can see through his mesh basketball shorts that he’s sporting an impressive package, rock hard in its clothed prison.
“Yeah?” You bite at his lip.
“Hell yeah.”  His hands work to the elastic band under your bust and tugs the offending material off, tits springing free as he throws it to the floor.  
“Holy shit,” Taehyung breathes as he gets a good look at your chest.
You shake them gently, grinning as he watches them jiggle.  “You like what you see?”
He smirks and pinches a nipple, wiping the coy smile off your face and turning it into a moan.  “I like when you’re mouthy, but don’t push it.”  
He lowers his head to the nipple he’s still pinching in his fingers, licking at it and replacing his fingers with his mouth.  He’s moaning around the nipple, and you’re gasping for more.  His hot mouth sucks at you, teeth nibbling and pulling it until you’re whimpering in delicious pain.
“Fuck!” He cries as he pops away from your nipple.  “You’re so fucking hot.”
Your body warms at his words, arousal pooling between your legs.  You’re sure that your thighs are drenched in your essence.
He slurps your neglected breast into his mouth, ensuring your nipples are equally abused.  His tongue is skilled but his mouth is messy, saliva dripping all around your tit and it’s the hottest fucking sight you’ve ever seen.
He’s pulling away again and pinching both nipples with his hands simultaneously. “And you’re so fucking annoying.”
You’re pleading for more or to stop, you’re not sure.  He continues.
“Mm, I’m gonna fuck you until you’re a good little bitch for me. Listening to every fucking thing I say.”
He releases your nipples, and you finally find the ability to focus again, staring directly at him.
“Oh, you think you’re that good?” you sass as you attempt to catch your breath.  “Put your money where your mouth is.”
Tae grips your chin roughly, face inches away from yours with a sadistic grin. “You’re going to regret those words, baby.”
Instantly, he’s standing up and tugging his shorts down to let his cock spring free.  Your brain misfires as you visually measure his cock and your mouth goes dry. He’s thick and long. The bulbous head is dripping pre-cum, begging you to slurp it up.
“How about I put my money where your mouth is,” he suggests as he grabs a fistful of your hair.  
He teasingly rubs his cock on your lips and cheeks, makes you whimper with need. Your tongue is sticking out, desperate for him to lay it on you.
“Already so fucking greedy,” he grunts and in one motion, directs his dick into your open mouth. “I’ll fuck your throat, yeah? Greedy bitches love getting face fucked.”  He is still for a beat more, eyes searching yours for consent and you nod with his cock still in your mouth. He winks, then begins a rapid pace, his cock fucking into your mouth and throat.
You’re sure you look like a goddamn mess with saliva dripping from your mouth as Taehyung punishes your throat with his thrusts.  You gag and moan around him, and he tightens his grip in your hair as you see stars.
It’s indescribable. Never have you felt such pleasure from sucking cock, but Tae commands your entire body, willing you to drip with anticipation.
“My little fuck toy, god you feel so fucking good,” he hisses. “You’re gonna swallow my cum, baby.”  
His hips are stuttering, he’s close, and you’re sucking him harder, cheeks pulling in harder to vacuum him in. The pressure makes him groan out loud.
“So good, so fucking good. Get ready for your prize, baby,” his voice cuts off in a gasp, as his cock twitches violently. His legs shake and he doesn’t hold back the moans of his orgasm, gasping as he feels rope after rope spill down your hot throat.
Your big doll eyes are twinkling up at him, lips still wrapped around his cock. Taehyung is sure it’s the hottest thing he’ll ever see in his lifetime.  You on your knees, subservient to him and thriving for it.
“Mmm, I like it when your mouth is full like this,” he slowly pulls out of your mouth, albeit reluctantly. “Can’t talk back to me when you’re sucking my cock like a whore.”
You smile and stick out your tongue, pleased to show him you happily accepted his cum.
“Good fucking girl,” he coos as he grips your chin again. “Did you like my cum?”
You nod, brain fried from the heat of the room.
“Use your words,” he grits and grips your jaw harder. It’s enough to shock you into compliance.
“Y-yes! Fuck, I love your cum, Tae.”  Your words are breathy and raspy, throat raw from his barrage.
“I knew you would, filthy slut.  Sit on the couch.” He orders and you’re quick to scurry and sit on the makeshift bed you made.
His hands are tugging down your shorts quickly. No teasing or seduction here, not now. You lift your hips, and he throws them aside. Your legs close on reflex, making him growl.
“Do not hide yourself from me.” His tone is dark and you can’t help but shiver as you open yourself up to him. You want to talk back, want to fight and bite at him, but you’re quickly losing the ability to even speak, and you’re aching for him.
“Where’s my mouthy little bitch? You’re awfully quiet. Did I finally break you?” He teases, pressing your legs upward, knees to your ears. It’s pornographic how on display you are for him, soaking wet cunt front and center.
“The great Taehyung thinks he can break me with his cock,” you mewl, mustering all the false confidence you can. You’re lying through your fucking teeth and you both know it, but you continue. “You’ll have to do more than that.”
Your pussy is quaking with need now, desperate for a single touch. His hands maintain purchase on the backs of your thighs, holding them up.
“There she is,” he bites at the flesh of your leg closest to him which makes you jerk in his hold. “Gonna fuck the brat right out of you.”
He removes a hand from your thigh and you’re quick to pick up the slack, holding the thigh in place to maintain his open show of your pussy.
“Try me,” you murmur, and you’re instantly regretting your words as a harsh slap descends and lands square on your cunt.
You nearly scream, pain flooding your wanton pussy, before turning into delicious pleasure that stings and tingles right at your clit. It sizzles, and warmth blooms where his hand was.
“That’s for not believing me.”  His eyes are feral and you want to bottle this memory forever.  
Another slap has your legs trembling, eyes rolling back as the burn turns to a low heat.  You’re dripping your wetness down onto the couch and Jin will kill you, but you don’t care.
“That was for calling me a dick,” he smirks.
Tears spring in your eyes as the slap brings more pleasure than pain, desperately close to your edge.
“Look at you, you could cum just from this, couldn’t you?”
“F-fuck! Yes, please, I need more, please!” Your cunt is clenching around nothing, desperate for friction and leaking out of you like a faucet. Taehyung marvels at you, legs spread so far, with a cunt weeping with arousal for more. He can’t wait to dive in there, but he’s not finished with you yet.
“More? I don’t know if you deserve more, baby, you’ve been awfully mean to me,” he tsks, breathing hot air on your clit, making you whine.
“P-please! I’m sorry!” You’re sure you will black out with how desperately you need him. You need him more than you need oxygen.
You’re quick to submit. Thoughts of fighting back are long gone, you’re his wanton little slut now.
“Please, please! Pleaseeeee, make me cum! I’ll do anything.”
“Anything?” He asks with an arch of his eyebrow.
You’re nodding wildly, gazing at him with desperate, watery eyes.
“Anything, I need you so f-fucking bad it hurts!”
By the time the words leave your lips, he’s thrusting two fingers into your cunt viciously, fingering you ferociously. He arches them, rubbing against your spongy g-spot and making you scream. He knows you’re close, knows you only need one little push off the edge. He plays your body like a skilled practitioner.
“Cum on my fingers, baby. Let me see my greedy little bitch milk my fingers.”
Your body and mind react accordingly, deep down you know your body is owned completely by him, all his. ��Your orgasm explodes and you think you actually scream, your vision is black and your hearing goes silent for a moment as you cum harder than you have in your life.  You’re squeezing his fingers with your pussy so tight and Taehyung is gently licking all the juices from his hand with his fingers still inside you.
It takes time to descend from the separate plane of existence Taehyung sent you too, but you come back and watch as he laps at the liquid of your cunt and on his hand like it’s a vital necessity. His fingers remain in your walls, and he refuses to break eye contact with you. You’re positive you could cum again from the sight.
“My little cockslut tastes so good, just how I like,” he tells you tenderly. “Like cherries, so sweet.  My little cherry.”
Your cunt is aching and warming back to life as he pulls his fingers out of you. The loss is immense and you’re whimpering for more.
“Ah, ah,” he hushes you. “No whining. You’ll take what I give you.  Suck my fingers clean. Taste yourself.”
He presses his fingers into your mouth, earning him a sigh, the taste of you filling your mouth. You swirl your tongue around his fingers and suckle each one to ensure your tongue laves the entire surface.
“Fuck,” he whispers and it’s his first crack in his steel reserve. “Needy.”
He pulls his fingers from your mouth and presses against you to kiss. It’s gentle, sweet, and nothing compared to the man assailing your pussy with slaps moments ago. It thrills you just the same and you return in kind, threading your hands in his wavy hair.
He pulls away and presses his forehead against yours, a moment of gentleness you actively welcome.
“This little cunt ready for me?” He whispers and you’re whimpering your reply.
“Please, fuck me. I need you to fuck me until I can’t walk.”
He grins and presses a kiss to your lips again, sweet and chaste, before he pulls away and slides down to attach those same sinful lips to your pussy.
It’s so unexpected you flinch and manage a cry as his tongue slurps up more of your delicious essence and his mouth moves to suckle on your clit. You’re not sure where the fuck he learned these tricks, but you know now you will never let him go.
“Taehyung!” You cry at the sensation. “Fuck!”
After receiving the reaction he was desperate for, he slips his tongue into your walls deep and gathers as much of you as he can, before he’s pulling back and swallowing you down.
“I couldn’t resist. Your cunt was made for me to devour.”
He doesn’t allow for a response as he throws your legs over his shoulders and lines himself up at your core.
“Condom?” He asks you, and you level a quick look at him.
“I don’t live here! I don’t have any!”  You’re savage, terrified he’ll pull his cock away when all you want and can think about is the way he’ll feel pounding into you.
“Don’t be rude, baby,” he reminds you with a swat to your ass. “I’m clean, promise. You?”
You nod quickly, reveling in the spank’s tingle. “Same. I have an IUD too,” you sigh. Thank god for medical birth control implants.
“Good. You’re the only pussy I’m gonna fuck from now on,” he promises. You know you must talk about this later, when you’re thinking rationally and not with your aching pussy.  
Your heart stutters and leaps into your throat but all is forgotten as he plunges into your tight heat.
“Ohhhhh shit, ahhh,” he gasps. “Baby, you’re so fucking tight and wet.”  He’s on the verge of whining, becoming just as needy and greedy as you.  He wastes no time in setting a pace.
His cock fills you completely, his angle allowing him to go as deep as he can, pressing the beginning of your cervix.  This is surely what heaven feels like.  It feels like the completeness you feel with Taehyung fully sheathed inside you.
It comes alive with flames and explosions as he fucks you, hips pistoning to plunge in and out of you with tenacity.  He fucks you like he laces every single thrust with more, more than just sex. He fucks you with purpose.
You’re moaning like a pornstar now, high pitch wails and gasps and breathy moans are all you can manage. “Taehyung, yes! Feel so g-g-good!”
“That’s right baby, scream my fucking name. Make sure all the neighbors know who fucking ruined you,” he nearly spits, cock thrusting into your core at an impossible speed. “I want you to tell all of Korea who owns you. Who owns this tiny little cunt?”
The wind leaves you, and you’re gasping for air, gaping mouth open as you try to reply. It takes him fucking into you harder a few times before you feel it rush back into you.
“You, Taehyung!  You!  Fuck, I love your cock!”
His thumb rubs at your engorged clit, allowing it the friction it seeks.  He bends forward and wraps his other hand around your throat, squeezing.  
Losing air combined with the friction on your clit has you keening, so close to the edge. You try to babble his name but nothing comes out.
“Look at my pretty little slut taking my cock so well,” he praises.  “You have the greediest pussy, don’t you? You need my cock daily, baby. Need to put my mouthy bitch in her place, remind her who’s in charge.”
He slows his pace but his thrusts are punishing, fucking into you as hard as he can. Your orgasm is climbing so impossibly high.
“F-fuck!” You gasp as he releases his grip on your neck. “Gonna cum! Please let me cum!”  
“Yeah baby, cum for me.  Cream your greedy pussy all over my cock.”
The world stops spinning as you hit the height of your climax and plunge down.  Your vision goes black and your body is quivering and convulsing nearly as hard as your cunt is. Taehyung hisses at your walls sucking him in, as if you’re begging for his cum, begging for more.
“Fuck, good girl, baby, holy shit,” he’s breathless and so close.
You’re overstimulated, boneless, but he wrought two of the best orgasms you’ve ever felt in your life and you’ll be damned if you leave him high and dry.  You bite your lip as you move with him, hips pounding against each other. His face is scrunched up and you know he’s close when he’s stuttering on his words.  You take over for him.
“Please cum in me baby, please.  Fill me up. I’m yours, baby, mark my little cunt as yours.”  You don’t know where it’s coming from, but you keep it going. It feels as natural as fucking him does. “Please, Taehyung!”
At the sound of his name leaving you in a whine, he spirals down his own completion. He feels his cock pulse as he empties his load into you, your walls still reverently beckoning for him. He’s calling out your name, grasping at your tits as he finishes and you’re smiling from ear to ear. Your pussy is warm with his seed and you’re positive it’s the way you want to feel every single night.
“Holy fuck,” Taehyung rasps as he pulls his cock out of you. He thrills as he watches his cum follow, slipping out your folds and down your thigh. “I definitely marked you.”
You hum in reply, finally allowing yourself to soak in the haze of orgasmic bliss. Tae presses his head to yours again, kissing you sweetly.
“Come sleep in my bed?” He asks. He means more behind it. He wants to ask you to sleep in his bed every night, stay with him every day, be the one he grows old with. He knows there’s still more to talk about, wounds of the past to heal, but now you’re with him, and he knows he’ll work through anything.
You nod, and kiss him again, understanding his hidden meaning laced in his words.
A sly smile spreads across his face. “Last one to bed has to take the blame for the wineglass,” he teases. Your head spins as if you’ve got whiplash.  He can switch from dominating to sensitive to the little shit he is so quick.
“Hey! No fucking fair! You fucked my ability to run out of me!”
“Shouldn’t have been such a sassy bitch,” he winks before he tears away towards his room.
“Taehyung, you’re an asshole!” You call as you limp your way behind him.
From behind Joon and Jin’s door, a critical voice bellows, “YAH! I’ll kill you if you got your jizz on my couch! And what is this I heard about my glass!!? HEY!  Those are TIFFANY. CRYSTAL. THE DISRESPECT!”
You slip into Taehyung’s bed and wrap yourself around him, the two of you gasping with mischievous giggles.
Kim Taehyung will always be the one who knows how to drive you wild. He’ll always aggravate and infuriate you, send you reeling.
But now you didn’t think you minded it at all.
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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clavis-baby · 3 years
Songs that You would listen to After a Breakup with The Brothers
I’m so sorry I was listening to reckless and it made me feel something (also I’ve never dated anyone sooo shhh)
Also I tried to add at least 3/4 to every brother but I realized they all had a Olivia Rodrigo song so sorry about that also I tried not cross over the same songs 😅
Also Spotify Playlist!!!
enough for you - Olivia Rodrigo
Okay so first Olivia track honestly I know we all cried to her whole album don’t deny it but essentially I felt that with the lyrics I wore makeup when we dated“'Cause I thought you'd like me more If I looked like the other prom queens” and “Tried so hard to be everything that you liked” I feel like Lucifer would expect that his lover to be perfect honestly this song really would work well with both of Satan and Lucifer so deciding between them was pretty hard but the pushing point for me to put this with Lucifer was the lyric “But I don't think anything could ever be enough”
Without me - Halsey
(Ugh I love Halsey so much and her baby soon!!!) Anyway!! For Lucifer I really think that his pride would’ve gotten in the way of all of his relationships he’s ever had but “Feeling so high but too far away to hold me You know I'm the one who put you up there Name in the sky Does it ever get lonely?” Just screams Lucifer and how the chorus keeps on saying “I said I'd catch you if you fall” ahh perfect (could also work for Asmo)
I knew you were trouble - Taylor Swift
Won’t lie but embarrassed that I choose this song but it works for Lucifer sooo whatever but the chorus really is a fairly good start I feel like anyone who has a brain (even tho MC really doesn’t) dating Lucifer wouldn’t be particularly 100% safe but whatever he’s most people’s favorites again I used to love this song but don’t anymore so when I looked up songs about break ups (yes I did that) and Trouble came up I relistened and with these lyrics I had to include it No apologies “He'll never see you cry Pretends he doesn't know That he's the reason why”
Let Me down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
Now if this was a cheating thing and he did cheat this would be like the absolute BEST SONG!! But tbh this is a pretty good song for any breakup I feel like…OH WELL! :) the first lyric FIRST LYRIC “This night is cold in the kingdom” I felt represented his pride idk how to explain but idk T-T I can explain the rest tho >~< “I once was a man with dignity and grace Now I'm slippin' through the cracks of your cold embrace” once again pride but with “Could you find a way to let me down slowly? A little sympathy, I hope you can show me” I really hc that almost with all the boys but especially with Lucifer they just would not care about cheating after they maybe got a rush would leave you instantly once that “rush” is/was gone
(I’m a sucker for him im sorry I put all the most emotional songs with him)
Reckless - Madison Beer
This was the song that inspired this whole post!! (Sadly, it made me feel things) But this song really could be used for Belphie and maybe a hint of Asmo but Mammon was the first person I thought about when listening to this song so it’s mammon. Mammon I just feel like behind all the tunsdere act he really promises us so much like obviously the protection but Reckless just show us within the lyrics “I still have the letter you wrote When you told me that I was the only girl You'd ever want in your life” and even this lyric with his whole first man thing and even him asking us to come to him for protection “You might love her now, but you loved me first Said you'd never hurt me, but here we are” it just is so good 😭
Love me or leave me - little mix
So if you even skim through these Mammon songs and know about my posts I love him so much so even though what I said in Lucifers part about them not caring about cheating and stuff I feel like Mammon might care just because of how much he promises things also I read a lot of fanfics with what I just said “And you're turning away like you hate me Do you hate me? Do you hate me? Oh” tbh because of this lyric I did think for a moment to use this song for Satan but Uhhh this is really emotional song and I love my bby “Do you remember when you loved me once What happened? What happened? And you'd hold me here just because” LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME HERE!!!
Be Alright - Dean Lewis
This song I feel like was a bit more for me sooo yeah also remember what I said about how I hc that almost with all the boys that they just would not care about cheating after they maybe got a rush with you they would leave you instantly once that “rush” is/was gone wel I sort of want to believe mammon wouldn’t and his greed gets in the way (who am I kidding I’m just making excuses for my baby) but I’m going to continue on what I just said because Umm well I can do uh “You start to tremble and your voice begins to break You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friend's They were my mate's”
(I couldn’t find anymore songs that I felt that would fit him 😭)
Ex best friend - Machine gun Kelly
When I was writing this originally there was going to be like 4 parts of all the characters but then once I realized how many songs and I couldn’t think of any for others and how I wanted to add an explanation I gave up on that but originally it was going to also be cheating songs, fall outs, then just aftermaths of breakup songs which to be honest this song really could fit with the after math and cheating songs I feel like Asmo and his SO are more likely a not able to quit each other sort of thing “We're both drunk on the elevator When I kissed you for the first time in New York City, uh” and even near the end of the first season the only little part we sort of get from character development from Asmo when we was drunk explains what he was sort of saying “I swear to God, I never fall in love Then you showed up, and I can't get enough of it I swear to God, I never fall in love I never fall in love, but I can't get enough of it First off, I'm not sorry I won't apologize to nobody You play like I'm invisible Girl, don't act like you ain't saw me” personally I do think that inside Asmo might be insecure and a bit sensitive on the inside but I could be wrong
When the party’s over - Billie Eilish
Wow I have the lyrics up and I just realized this 3 minute song has barley lyrics but the song still fits Asmo so.
traitor - Olivia Rodrio
Even tho that all these songs were on cheating I tend to hc that Asmo isn’t a huge fan of solo partnership because of the title avatar of lust so I feel like in maybe the beginning of a relationship he would promise to you that he would be there for you but would maybe end up not staying true to his words I forgot who but someone else explained why they don’t believe that Asmo wouldn’t be able to go with out having a Polly relationship
I’ve had this in my drafts for so long and wanted to post this but at this point I’ve just can’t add anymore so this is my lazy part
Boys like you - Anna Clendening
Again I’m lazy rn but I wanted Satans part to show just pure madness and anger but also as time progress just sadness for Satans pure side also anything that had to do with books or a story I added for u know Satan loving books
I’m not mad - Halsey
Moral of the story - Ashe
Blue - Madison Beer
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fktonofwhatnow · 3 years
The Rhys/Tamlin 180 in ACOMAF makes me mad! Like there’s wasted potential there, even if Rhys is endgame. The concept of after the happily ever after is actually pretty cool. There’s real potential in looking at how Tamlin and Feyre deal with the trauma of Amarantha. Having two people realized they’re not right together while still respecting each other is a more adult take than “surprise, Tamlin sux now”, and allows for Feyre to actually make real choices and grow. What's your ACOMAF rewrite?
Damn YALL ARE SPOILING ME WITH THE TAMLIN ASKS ☺️☺️ thank youuu for the ask @havenfable
Ok my thoughts are not quite coherent rn so I’ll try to make sense. I’ve tried writing this like 4 times and every time it just doesn’t work so bear with me here thank you I love you ok here we go. 
Ok I’m gonna start by saying that there is something to be said about Feyre as the narrator and her being an “unreliable” narrator of sorts. The story is about her, told from her perspective. I don’t expect her to have objective views of what happens around her. one thing I found interesting was that she said in conversations with people that she knew Tamlin was struggling, but when we would be listening to her internal monologue, when she thought of him it was mostly to blame him for not knowing she was struggling. (or if he did know, he didn't do anything about it) So like, same thing with the whole thing with Rhysand's mom and sister, we don't know what Tamlin thinks or feels about the situation because he doesn't talk about it and Feyre never asks. (But oh DAMN Sarah should not have given me room to speculate.) Like, UTM broke Feyre right, she tells us that much. Why are we not allowed to believe that it destroyed Tamlin too.
Here we are again, just like with Rhysand's family. I don't blame Feyre for literally needing help, and I do blame Tamlin for not helping her, but to a degree. I hated how the whole situation was handled like Tamlin was shit for not trying to help Feyre (even tho he was, just not in the way she needed), but then Feyre literally not lifting a single finger to try to help Tamlin is ok because he's a man and he can just suck it up and take it. ???? No ? That's not how we handle trauma? Like, my homeboy is fighting a losing battle against this shit and he's the one who's gotta fix everything for Feyre?
But like you said, just a tiny little bit of helpful communication would have done wonders. How about a lil, "hey you ok?" ???? LETS TALK ABOUT IT! Let's talk about how we're falling out of love, let's talk about what Tamlin experienced under the mountain, let's talk about what Feyre experienced under the mountain, let's talk about how maybe we were never good for each other and how we move on with our lives from that! POTENTIAL !! LETS HAVE THEM GROW "Surprise! Tamlin sucks now!" bitch how. Literally how. How did this happen. How did we get here. Tell me. I want to know SJm. Stop being a coward and tell me. You know what, I'll do it for you.
Damn this is about to be super duper long I'm so sorry. 
Alrighty guys once again, I love Tamlin with my whole chest, but I do put a hefty chunk of this on him. From what SJm tells us about Tamlin, he is a fearful individual. His responses to fear are either to freeze or to explode. Both extremes hurt people around him. His actions hurt people, and his lack of action hurts people. Also, for as often as he says the word sorry, he doesn't really show any signs of change or improvement. While I understand that yes , changing your behavior is hard, especially if you're not getting help and don't know how, Tamlin still could have tried a little more, pushed just a little harder, and yes, he could have been better.
But Tamlin is scared. He's scared of things outside of his control, he's scared of change, he's scared of people he loves leaving him or getting hurt. I'm willing to bet he's scared of himself, and rightfully so. He lashes out and it only ever hurts people. I can't believe he's blind to it. When he destroys the study, he's clearly afraid he hurt Feyre.
(i think I’m gonna do my acomaf rewrite headcanons in a different post, every time I try to write them here it doesn’t flow oooof lemme know if thats something you want ahahah I could talk about this shit forever) 
And like, being subject to someone else's fear is stifling. I don't blame Feyre for getting the hell out of there.
BUT AT THE SAME TIME, I know I've said this before: in my opinion, Tamlin has the best depiction of trauma in the whole fucking series. PTSD is a bitch and Tamlin is losing to it. The thing I loathed about acomaf/the beginning of Acowar is how Tamlin isn't given help and then treated like an absolute asshole for it. SJm could have done so much if she had Tamlin learn to ask for help. We can't all just have a Rhysand who knows every thought we have. Sometimes we have to ask for help, as much as we don't want to. That would have done wonders for Tamlin's character arc. And I think that he should have leaned heavily on Lucien for that.
Now look, Lucien deserves a lifetime of free chiropractor visits to relieve the soreness from carrying the entire series solely by himself on his own back. If I'm the one to pay for that for him, so be it. I would do anything for this man.
Lucien deserved so much better than to be bulldozed by the narrative. I refuse to believe that he would let Tamlin use him as a doormat. Lucien deserved to tell Tamlin off on his behavior ok. Lucien deserved a fucking backbone that he had all of acotar and then SJm decided that he was the character who got to suffer for the decisions of every other characters so they didn't have to. Stupid. (At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Rhysand's cum from having sky sex with Feyre fell directly on Luciens face. That's how much SJm likes pummelling him)
Lucien deserves to be strong and tough and emotionally available, especially for Tamlin. I don't think he deserves to be abused by his best friend. I've read fics that make Tamlin like this jackass who's not sad at all that Amarantha forced him to whip his best friend. Are you fucking kidding me. I feel like if Tamlin was going to cling like hell to someone through all of the shit before, during and after UTM, it should be lucien. But no SJm needs us to know Tamlin is a bad guy now. He hurts everyone with no remorse!!! What a villain!!! That was a sin.
Acomaf deserved to be two people talking about how maybe this relationship wasn't going to work out. This book deserved to be Tamlin getting up the courage to as Lucien for help. This book deserved to be Lucien always telling Tamlin that he would be there for him and us getting to watch the two of them overcoming their hardships together. This book deserved to be Feyre choosing her own path, choosing her own family, choosing to live her life as she wanted.
But nah. Rhysand's got a fat cock and uhhh y'all need to like it more than y'all like Tamlin's dick. Also Rhysand is a feminsisist. So suck it.
(If this book was really about giving Feyre a choice, SJm would let her make actual decisions that actually impacted herself and the story instead of just having Rhysand give her two extremes with one of them being obviously the right choice and then tell her whatever she wanted to do was her choice. Feminism.)
Did any of that make any sense. Any at all. No? Yeah I didn't think so anyways I've spent like a week on this I'm tired and I wanted to get it out there. Acomaf was a mess but at least it wasn't Acowar hahahahaha
158 notes · View notes
atlafan · 4 years
Office Neighbors - Part Three
a/n: didn’t think I’d get the third part out so soon, but here we are! enjoy! (also reblogs/feedback is super helpful) not proofread
warnings: fluff and smut
words: 11K
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Harry couldn’t stop thinking about you and the night you just had. His heart was fluttering, and he had butterflies in his stomach. He liked you, and you liked him. This was reciprocated, and it felt great. He couldn’t wait for the chance to kiss you again. Your lips on his was something he didn’t realize he was so desperately craving. He had a taste, and now he wanted more. You wanted to go on a date with him, a real date. Not just a drunken night at the pub between friends.
He couldn’t shut his brain off. He was trying to think of something else he could do with you that would be fun. He didn’t want to just take you on another hike, you’ve done that with him already.
“The cabin!”
He could easily take you on a day trip up to his cabin. It was beautiful this time of year, and he also had lake property. He usually took Andy there for a good chunk of the summer anyways. You could get up early, drive there, and then have a nice relaxing day in the sun. Then he could take you to one of the nice seafood places in town. It would be perfect. Not to mention, he remembered you mentioning that you love the beach. Feeling at ease about a plan, he’s able to drift off.
“Wow, calling the next day, you’re not messing around.” You chuckle. Harry called you around noon.
“What can I say, I’m a stand up guy.” You could hear him smirking through the phone. “The weather’s supposed to be nice out Thursday, I was wondering if you had plans?”
“I don’t think so…”
“How would you like to come up to my cabin with me?”
“You’re, like, super into getting me stay overnight with you, huh?”
“No! It would just be for the day. It’s got its own private lake access…got our own bathroom, know how much you like that.”
“You’ve come to know me very well this last year.” You smile. “Sure, I think a day at the beach would be great.”
“And then I was thinking we could go out to dinner after. You’re welcome to use one of the showers and all that if you wanna change.”
“Okay, looks like I’ll be packing quite a bit. It sounds great, Harry.”
“Great! It’s about an hour north from here. I could pick you up around eight if that works for you.”
“That definitely works for me.”
“Cool.” He smiles. “I…I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too.”
Harry really was very sweet. You were excited that he wanted to spend an entire day and evening with you. You already had been out together so many times, so nothing would feel too awkward. The thought of him kissing you again also didn’t sound too bad.
The two of you text on and off in between then and Thursday. You both had work you needed to get done, after all. You couldn’t help but bite your lip every time his name popped up on your screen, and he couldn’t help the butterflies that soared through his stomach every time he saw yours.
Andy: you’re taking her to the cabin?!
Dad: just for a day at the beach and some good food, that’s all
Andy: so you’re dating???
Dad: I don’t know what we’re doing…we like each other, that’s about all I know
Andy: well figure it out!
Dad: I’m trying!
Andy: tell her I say hi
Dad: I will, love you!
Andy: love you too!
Harry chuckles as he texts with Andy. He didn’t want to give him too much detail about what exactly went down with the kiss, but he was keeping him up to date on other things.
When Thursday morning rolls around you’re an absolute mess. You can’t decide what bathing suit to wear. Two piece tankini? Two piece bikini? A one piece? You groan loudly to yourself. He had seen you in less, sort of, but you wanted to keep things modest, so you go with a cute one piece, and that’s that. It was black on the top, and had a flamingos and greenery on the bottom. You throw on your cover up, and put your hair up in a sleek ponytail. You pack the sundress you’re going to wear to dinner, and anything you may need for a shower. You hear your buzzer and head down.
“Hey Ha-mph!”
Before you could finish your sentence, you were backed up against the door of your building, with his lips slotted over yours.
“Morning.” He says against your lip before kissing your cheek. He grabs your bag and puts it in the trunk, then opens the door for you.
“Th…thank you.” You clear your throat as you buckle your seat. Is this how Harry was while in a relationship? Breathless, passionate kisses hello?
“It’s gonna be a beautiful day, and the lake water should be warm enough to swim in.” He says as he pulls onto the street.
“I’m surprised you don’t spend the whole summer there.”
“Andy and I will go for, like, three weeks usually in the summer. That’s where we stay when we go skiing too.”
“When did you buy it?”
“Ummmm.” He puckers his lips as thinks. “When I officially got offered the tenured position a few years ago. Started making more money, and I got it for a steal. Took some time to fix it up bit by bit. It’s great for when my family visits too. But, even before I got it, I used to rent a place in the winter for Andy so I could take him skiing.”
“God, you’re such a good dad, Harry.”
“I try to be…I…I mean, I didn’t get to be around as much as I wanted when he was really little because I was working so much. He doesn’t really remember it, but it sucked. I always felt guilty, Paige was overworked, I’m lucky she doesn’t hate me, honestly.”
“It’s hard to believe with how…close you two are.”
“It took us a long time to get like that, believe me. I know it doesn’t seem like it because we’re so nice to each other, but we used to fight all the time. We were trying to make things work for him, and then we ended it, but then we…I don’t know…we’d come back to each other every so often, but then we both realized we couldn’t do that because Andy was getting older. It would be too confusing for him.”
“And Noah was the first guy she dated after you?”
“The first serious guy, yeah. She had been on other dates. Noah was the first guy she felt comfortable introducing to Andy, and to me, for that matter.”
“And…I mean…did you ever date?”
“Little soon to be having that conversation, don’t you think?” He teases you.
“Harry, I literally told you the other night about hooking up with someone.”
“And I’d like to forget.” He rolls his eyes.
“Aww…” You poke his cheek. “Don’t be jealous, I wanted you, remember?”
“Yeah.” He smiles at you. “I dated here and there, but I was honestly too busy to give time to a relationship. I wanted to spend my free time with Andy. I mean, when I was a little younger I’d go out to the bars and I’d bring a girl home with me if it was a weekend he wasn’t with me…but I stopped.”
“How come?”
“Uhhh, I…may or may not have almost hooked up with a student.” He hears you gasp. “It’s not what you think, she was, like, twenty-two, I thought she was a grad-student, but she wasn’t, and I found out before anything serious happened. I stopped going to certain bars after that and sorted out my priorities.” He shrugs.
“I get it…I mean…I’ll admit, I hooked up with a professor before.”
“You what?!”
“Yeah.” You shrug. “I was in grad school…we were both working late…it just sort of happened.”
“I can’t believe someone would take advantage of you like that.”
“But he didn’t, I wanted to.”
“How much older was?”
“I don’t know, like fifteen years maybe?”
“See, that’s manipulation right there. No guy that much older should be pursuing someone so much younger, it’s not right. Imagine how many other people there were.”
“Gee, thanks.” You scoff.
“I’m not saying you’re not special…because you are, but-“
“You think I’m special?”
“I wouldn’t be taking you up to my cabin if I didn’t think you were.”
“Oh.” You smile and put your hand over his. You hold hands for the rest of the drive.
Harry gives you a tour of the house once you’re inside. He shows you what shower you’ll be able to use later, and you put your things down. You both head out and walk down to the small beach and set up your chairs and towels. You take your cover up off and start spraying your sunscreen.
“That’s, uh, you’re suit is really pretty, Y/N.”
“Oh!” You turn around. “Thanks.” You smile. You watch as he takes his shirt off. “Do you want me to spray you?”
“That would be great, thanks.”
You nod and get the sunscreen on him his chest and back. You both sit down and look out towards the water.
“It’s beautiful here.” You say.
“Yeah, not too much to complain about.”
“No waves though…”
“Sometimes there are when the boats go by.” He grabs a book out of his bag. “You don’t mind if I read do you?”
“Not at all! I brought some things to read too.”
He smiles at you and gets settled. He looks at you when he hears the click of a pen.
“Why are you working?”
“This is just what I felt like reading. I really like learning and doing research.”
“Don’t we all?” He smirks. “Wouldn’t be very good faculty members if we didn’t.”
“Very true.” You grin. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“How come you kissed me like that this morning?”
“Because I wanted to.” He looks at you. “You didn’t like it?”
“No, I did…I was just surprised. You’re such a mellow guy, I-“
“I can get a little excited sometimes. Just let me know if it ever bothers you.”
“I will.”
You both smile at each other and then get back to your reading. After an hour or so, you get up to stretch.
“Wanna test the water?” He asks.
He gets up and takes his glasses off, and then carefully takes your hand in his as you walk down to the water. You happily intertwine your fingers with his. You were shocked at how warm the water was, but you welcome it. You don’t realize that Harry’s let go of your hand until you hear the splash he makes as he dives in. You giggle when he comes back up, floating on his back.
“Feels amazing!”
You wade in deeper and swim towards him.
“Yeah, it does. This is perfect, Har, thanks.”
“We can do this whenever you want. I like coming here to work. It’s peaceful, gets me out of town for a bit.”
“Might have to take you up on that.”
You both swim for a while and get out when you start getting pruney. Harry grabs a fresh towel that isn’t laying on the sand to wrap around you, rubbing at your arms and shoulders.
“Are you getting hungry?” He asks. “I made cucumber sandwiches.”
“You’re always making food for me, it’s so sweet.” You press your forehead to his chest and he hugs you close.
“I like taking care of people, wouldn’t mind adding you to the list.” This makes you look up at him. His eyes never looked so beautiful, you think.
“Cucumber sandwiches sound great.”
He kisses your forehead before letting you go. He pops the cooler open and hands you a sandwich. You both sit on the large towel he had put out onto the sand. You guzzle some water down as well.
“Where are we going for dinner later?”
“There’s this nice, yet casual seafood place I thought you might like. Outdoor dining and all that.”
“Oh, that does sound nice.”
After a quick shower, you put on your simple blue sundress, and meet Harry in the kitchen. His smile grows when he sees you. He gets everything into the car, as you’ll be driving back after dinner. Your eyes light up when you see the restaurant. It was right on the water, and you’d get a beautiful view of the sunset.
You’re seated outside, and you both decide on some sparkling water with lemon for a drink. You order some broiled scallops, and harry goes for some baked haddock. You each snag a roll and butter them up.
“Mm! Is this maple butter?” You ask.
“Yeah! Isn’t it good? I never had anything like it before I came here.”
“It’s delicious. I love when restaurants have flavored butter, makes me think things are more homemade.”
“Same here!”
Your food gets brought out, and it’s absolutely amazing. You couldn’t remember the last time you had scallops so good.
“If you ever come with me to Boston I can take you to this great seafood place I know. It’s near the north end.”
“I’ve been to that area before, I went to an Italian place though.”
“There’s too many good places to eat, it’s a good problem to have.”
You both suck on mints and hold hands at the table as you watch the sun start to go down. He takes your rand and raises it to his lips a couple of times. Harry pays for the meal, even though you told him you could split it. He looked at you like you were crazy, and it made you laugh.
“This was a really great day, thanks again.”
“I really like spending time with you, Y/N.”
“I like spending time with you too.”
You hold hands the entire drive home, and everything about it just feels right. You chat here and there, but mostly you have a comfortable silence as music plays softly in the background. You both were a little tired from being in the sun for most of the day. Harry starts to feel a little nervous when he pulls up to your building. He wasn’t sure if the night was necessarily over or not. He unbuckles his seat when you do and you look at each other. He reaches forward and tucks some loose hair behind your ear. His gaze was burning into you. You felt a little like a teenager, sitting in a boy’s car, waiting for your kiss goodnight. It was cute.
He caresses your cheek, and slides it cautiously to the back of your neck to pull you forward. You lean in, as awkward as the positioning is with the console in the way, and his lips press to yours. Your eyes flutter closed at the contact, and you can slightly taste the mint that he had been sucking on earlier. His tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and you open up for him. At first he just gently bites down on your bottom lip, sucking on it with care. You moan softly, and you feel his smile grow as he kisses you. He licks into your mouth, and you mold your tongue to his. You reach a hand forward to cup his jaw, and his other hand goes to your back so he can pull you a little closer. The windows of the car were starting to fog up, and as you look up at him you noticed his glasses were too, and this makes you giggle.
“What is it?” He chuckles, knowing full well that his glasses fogged up.
“It’s a little steamy in here.” You pull them off his face and he takes them from you. He grabs the case he keeps in the console and puts them away.
He cups your jaw with both of his hands and he brings his lips back to yours. Your hands tug at his shirt. You wanted his body on yours, you wanted to feel his full weight on you. You were both adults, you’ve known him almost a year, just ask him the fuck inside!
“H-Harry?” You say against his lips.
“Do you…um…wanna come up?”
“I do…but…”
“But what?” You caress his cheek and rub your thumb over his cheekbone.
“I just, I don’t know, I don’t wanna rush anything…and I feel like if I go up there with you, we’re going to rush into something.”
He was right. Even though you just wanted to make out a little easier, something a little more serious could happen, and you wanted to take things slow with him to make sure this really was a good choice for the two of you.
“It’s really more me, I don’t trust myself.” He continues. “You’re so fucking beautiful and perfect, and you drive me crazy in the best possible way.” He presses his forehead to yours.
“Christ.” You breathe. “Okay.” You look at him. “Call it a night then, yeah?”
“Yeah…but I’ll walk you to your door.”
He turns the car off and jogs around the other side to open your door. He walks you up and you look at him. You throw your arms around his neck and kiss him again. Just like this morning, he back you up against the door, and this time he presses his body to yours. The warmth you had been craving you were finally getting a taste of. His hands on your grip you tightly. When you press your hips forward to his he backs away and kisses the corner of your mouth, a slight whine leaving your lips. The noise you make feeds right into his inner narcissist, and he can’t help but grin as he steps further away from you.
“So, when would you like to get together next?”
“Definitely before the conference.” You breathe. “Maybe we could get together for a movie?”
“I’d like that.” He smiles. “Saturday night?”
“Saturday night.” You nod. He steps forward just to give you a peck on the cheek, and he turns to go to his car.
You take a deep breath and head up to your apartment. He was a good kisser, like, a really good kisser. You could kick yourself for not opening your eyes up to this sooner, to him sooner.  
“Dad!” Andy sprints out of the front door of Paige’s home on Friday afternoon.
Noah had invited Harry over for a boat ride with him, Andy, and Rachel, and Harry was missing Andy terribly so he didn’t turn it down.
“Hey, buddy.” Harry and Andy share a nice hug before going back inside.
“Hey, H.” Noah says, shaking Harry’s hand. “Glad you could make it.”
“Yeah, hi, thanks for the invite. Definitely nice to get out of the house for a bit. I was a little lazy this morning.”
“Must be nice to have the summer off, yeah?”
“Well…I mean, I’m still working, writing and all that, getting my classes prepared. It’s nice not being in my stuffy office though.” He chuckles.
“Hi, Uncle Harry!” Rachel gives Harry a hug.
“Hi, sweetheart, enjoying summer so far?”
Everyone heads out to the boat, and Noah fires it up so they can get going. It was a beautiful day out. Harry thinks you’d love it, being out on the open water. Maybe sometime he’d be able to bring you along for something like this. Andy plops down next to Harry and he grins at him.
“What’s that look for?”
“How was the cabin with Y/N?”
“Oh geez.” Harry rolls his eyes. “We sat outside, caught some sun, and then we went to dinner. It was a lovely time.”
“She had fun?”
“A lot.”
“That’s good.” They look at each other for a moment. “Did you kiss her?”
“Just answer the question, Uncle Harry!”
“Yeah, Uncle Harry!” Noah chimes in and Harry groans.
“Yes, we’ve kissed, okay? A few times.”
“What?! When was the first time?!” Andy asks, almost offended his father didn’t give him the juicy details yet.
“When she came by with the pizza…we kissed, and then we kissed again yesterday. It was nice.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just didn’t want to get your hopes up…mine either I suppose. I don’t want to get too ahead of myself in case it doesn’t work out with her.”
“Why wouldn’t it work out?” Rachel asks. “You’re really funny, girls like boys that are funny.”
“Is that so?” Harry raises an eyebrow at her.
“Who taught you that?” Noah asks. “Better not be any boys in school making you laugh.”
“Go back to the original question, why wouldn’t it work out?” Andy asks.
“I don’t know.” Harry shrugs. “It’s all a part of the beginning stages of dating, I guess. You go out so you can see if you’re a good fit, and you keep going out to make sure it works, that’s all.”
“When do you see her again, H?” Noah asks, anchoring the boat out at the sandbar in the lake.
“Um, tomorrow evening. We’re going to watch a movie or something. I have to call her to see whose place we’re going to and all that.”
“That’ll be so much fun!” Rachel exclaims as Noah helps her with some sunscreen.
“Yeah, just don’t watch something that’ll make you cry.” Andy says, putting on some sunscreen of his own. “You don’t wanna freak her out.”
“I actually don’t mind crying in front of people. It’s important to show when you’re vulnerable.”
“Maybe so, but nothing’s cute about you blubbering like a baby at the end of Titanic.”
“Oi! I don’t understand how her dying, and seeing that everyone, including Jack, was waiting for her, mixed in with the music doesn’t get to you!”
“It does, but it’s not that sad!”
“It’s not that it’s sad, it’s beautiful! It’s true love!”
“Hey, um, guys…” Noah clears his throat. “Other boats around, you know?”
“Sorry, we must have this argument at least once a month.” Harry huffs. “Someday you’re going to watch it and it’s all going to hit you, and I’ll be there recording you absolutely losing it. Now come here, I need to put your hair up.”
Andy sits down in front of Harry so he can make a little sprout on the top of his head with a hair-tie before him and Rachel go jumping into the water.
“Dad! Do a backflip!” Andy calls to him.
“Don’t think I’m quite limber enough for that.” He laughs. “Think I’m gonna sit up here for bit, you have fun with your sis…with Rachel.” He had to stop himself, he knew Andy didn’t really want to think of Rachel as his sister just yet, even though every adult around them saw them as siblings.
“You can do a backflip?” Noah asks, shifting his gaze between Harry and the kids.
“I used to be able to, don’t know if I could do it now.”
“Paige will be thrilled to hear things are going well with you and Y/N.”
“I’m sure Andy’s gonna tell her everything the second she gets home. Sucks she had to work today.”
“I know, I feel bad she can’t work from home as often as I can, but they need her in the office. He’s been having a great time with us, by the way. He misses you, obviously, but he’s been doing great.”
“Oh, that’s so good to hear, thanks. I miss him a lot at night, the house is a little too quiet, but I won’t have to get used to it for long.”
“Right.” Noah smiles.
“We’re going to a conference together at the end of the month, Y/N and I…it’s in New York, and we’re driving there together.”
“That’s great!”
“Yeah, I’m excited. We’re still staying in separate rooms though, little too soon to be overnight in a hotel, right?”
“You two already spent the together camping, is there a big difference?”
“It’s not like we shared a sleeping bag, we were just in the same tent, sharing the same space, and we had separate bathrooms to get ready and everything like that. I’d rather her spend the night at my house before we go to a hotel. It would feel like we were going away together or something.”
“She seems pretty easy going, try not to get too into your head about it.”
You: hey you! Hope you had a nice Friday. Did you wanna come to my place tonight??
Harry: hey! Yeah, I did. I went on Noah’s boat with the kids. And yeah, we can do your place :)
You: Great! Do you like those vegan chicken wings? I thought I could pop those in the oven for us along with some French fries or something of that nature…
Harry: sounds amazing, can I bring anything??
You: just yourself and whatever you may want to drink, I only have wine here
Harry: okay, what time you thinking?
You: 7??
Harry: works for me, see you then!
Harry loved getting to wake up to a sweet text from you. hey you! He thought it was really cute, like you almost wanted to call him a pet name or something, but you knew it was too soon. He gets out of bed to do his morning routine, and heads to the liquor store to grab some blueberry beer, his favorite for the summer time. He also knows that your sweet tooth comes out in full force when you drink, so he picks up some chocolate chip cookies as well. He wonders what movie you’re going to watch. There were so many good ones to choose from, after all.
He throws on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and heads to your place when the time comes. You buzz him in, and you leave the door open for him. When he comes in your place smells like fries, which he doesn’t mind one bit.
“Hello!” He shouts as he closes the door.
“Hey!” You walk over to him wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top, and kiss his cheek.
“I brought cookies…”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that, you’re so sweet, thanks. I just put everything out on the coffee table. Feel free to take more, I’ve just seen you eat so many times I figured I put enough, and there’s some dipping sauces too.”
“You think of everything.” He smiles.
“Do you want me to put some of those in the fridge?” You ask, pointing to his beer.
“Yeah, that’d be great. Feel free to try one if you like, it’s my favorite flavor.”
“That’s alright, I ended up grabbing some hard seltzer’s for myself. Need a break from wine.”
He takes one of his beers out of the six pack, and you stick the rest in the fridge. He sits down on your couch and you come to sit next to him.
“This looks great, thanks for putting it all together.”
“Of course! I didn’t really do much. Just turned the oven on and made sure nothing burned.” You laugh.
“So, what do you feel like watching?”
“Have you ever seen Fifty First Dates or The Wedding Singer?”
“Aren’t those Adam Sandler movies…?”
“Yeah! Two of his best in my opinion. I thought it would be nice to watch a lighthearted romcom, but we don’t have to watch either of those.”
“I could be down for Fifty First Dates, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it all the way through.”
“Really?! It’s so good, Drew Barrymore is in it with him. It’s super unrealistic, but really fun and sweet.”
Call Harry a snob, but he didn’t watch movies like these often. Guess it couldn’t hurt to not sit there and have to really analyze things, he thinks. They both scarf down their food during the first ten minutes of the movie, and sip their drinks. They were sitting closely together, but you felt like you were in high school again. Watching a movie with the boy you like and him not making a move out of fear a parent was going to walk in. But a parent wasn’t going to walk in, so you take Harry’s arm and put it around you, leaning into him. He smiles down at you and gives your arm a squeeze as you both get more comfortable.
“That’s…that’s not how memory loss disorders work.” He says.
“I know…suspension of disbelief, Har.”
“I mean…I know, but what a-“
“If you call this movie stupid I’m gonna smack you.”
“I wasn’t going to say that, I just can’t…like…oh!”
“What?” You chuckle.
“That’s why they call it Fifty First Dates…because every date to her is a first date.”
“Yeah, no shit Sherlock.” You laugh.
“Oi! I’m still trying to figure out the plot, leave me alone.” He pulls you closer to him.
“Stop trying to figure things out, just watch it and go with the flow.”
“Just can’t seem to turn my brain off, I guess.”
“Have another beer then.” You stand up and grab your empty can, and his bottle. “I can grab it for you if you want.”
“That’d be great, thanks.”
You come back a few moments later and sit back down with two new drinks. Harry puts his arm back around you and you feel incredibly cozy. You weren’t sure what it was about him, but you loved how warm he always seemed to be. He mindlessly lets his fingers move up and down your arm as you watch the movie. Everything just felt so natural, no nerves at all.
Well, you didn’t have any nerves, Harry, on the other hand, was a ball of nerves. He wasn’t quite sure what to say or do, and he didn’t want to get too tipsy either. It was nice being over at your place, he just wondered what may end up happening on this couch of yours. Not that anything needed to happen…but he certainly wouldn’t mind kissing you again. He casually takes his packet of gum out of his pocket and takes a piece out for himself.
“Gum?” He asks you.
“Sure! Thanks.” You take a piece and pop it into your mouth. “I feel like you always have gum on you.”
“That’s because I do.” He chuckles. “I used to smoke, like, a lot…think I just like having something in my mouth, honestly. I quit when Andy was born, but I didn’t wanna gain a bunch of weight, so I started chewing gum.”
“You pick at your lips a lot too.” You say bluntly, and his eyebrows raise as he looks at you. “Just something I picked up on.”
“Well, look at you reading me like the communication master you are.”
“I’m sure we all do it to each other.” You chew your bottom lip.
“You do that a lot.”
“Gnaw at your bottom lip. You do it in meetings, or, like, when I come to see you in your office you’re doing it, when I observed you in class you did it while you were waiting for students to answer your questions. You’re a lip chewer.”
“And you’re a lip picker.” You chuckle, and he can’t help but laugh either. “I wish I knew why I did it…it’s like, I don’t know, it calms my nerves or something.”
“Is that why you like it when I do it while I’m kissing you?”
Everything feels slowed down now. Your eyes widen, and he does that thing he tends to do before he kisses you where he brushes some hair behind your ear, and cups your jaw.
“Yes.” You finally say.
He smiles and leans in, and your eyes flutter closed. He bites down on your bottom lip immediately, and you tug him closer to you.
“Can I please sit in your lap? I need to be closer to you.” You breathe.
He nods quickly and pulls you to sit on him. Your chests are now pressed together, and your arms around his neck, fingers tugging at the hair at the nape of his neck. His hands are squeezing at your hips as your tongues meet, deepening your kiss. His glasses get in the way a bit and you grunt.
“Do you own contacts?” You ask as you take them off his face, and set them on the coffee table.
“Yeah, but they’re uncomfortable.” He smirks. “What’s wrong, getting in the way?”
“Yeah.” You pout.
“Poor thing.” He pouts back at you.
He nips at your bottom lip again before moving to sponge kisses to your jaw and just below your ear. You gasp when you feel his teeth graze you. You tug at his hair and involuntarily roll your hips down on his.
“Like that?” He says against your skin.
“Yes…I…I really like being bitten, please…” You press his head back down into your neck, and he happily obliges. He mumbles something against you. “What?”
“Mm, I said, do you care if I leave a mark?”
“Nah, I can just cover it up with some makeup. It’s fine.” You smile. “Please, it feels so good, just keep going.”
You press your lips to his briefly before letting him continue. He moves your tank top and bra strap to the side so he can kiss and suck on the crook of your neck. You tug at his hair again and he grunts into you. You roll your hips onto him again as you start breathing heavier. His hands move up and down your back as he plants kisses back up your neck, jaw, and then to your mouth again. You lick into his mouth and start sucking on his tongue. His hips buck up to yours and you feel it. He’s hard, god is he hard. You both moan into each other, and you move to kiss on his neck. You know not to leave a mark on him, Andy would surely tease him, so you just mouth and lick over the areas you feel like. His hands slide up the front of your body and he starts kneading your breasts over your shirt.
“Is this okay?” He asks gruffly. “I can touch you?”
He kisses on the top of your chest while his hands work over your breasts. He bites down on the fleshier parts towards the tops of your breasts, and your head rolls back.
“Your skin’s turning red…” He looks up at you and drags his fingers over the new marks on your chest.
“M’sensitive.” You pout. “It’ll go down later.”
“Maybe we should cool it for a bit?”
“No!” You whine and grind yourself against him again. “Don’t you want me?”
“Of course I do! I just…you know, we were watching a movie, and-“
“You don’t wanna take it farther than this?” You ask softly.
“Not yet, love.” He caresses your cheek and you lean further into his palm. “I mean…I do, but it’s been a while since I’ve liked someone this much and I don’t wanna rush into anything.”
“I get it.” You smile. “Would you wanna just cuddle while we watch the rest?”
“Yeah.” He kisses your forehead.
You get off his lap and lay on the couch, and he lays behind you, putting a leg between yours and an arm around your waist. You sigh happily and adjust into him.
“This is so nice.” You turn to look at him. “I love being held, I don’t know what it is. I really did sleep well when we went camping because of you.”
“I didn’t even realize I had basically latched onto you.” He chuckles. “But I know what you mean, I like being little spoon sometimes too.”
“Aww, really? I like being big spoon sometimes. It’s nice to hold someone.”
“It’s nice to be held.” He leans in and pecks at your lips before you turn back to face the TV.
Harry mindlessly strokes your hip and side while watching the rest of the movie. As the movie comes to the end, where Lucy wakes up to watch her tape like she does every day, and sees she has a daughter, you hear sniffling from behind you. You turn and look up at Harry who had a few tears running down his cheeks.
“Are…are you crying?”
“I just wasn’t expecting, I mean, goddammit the same fucking thing happened to me with Click! I don’t trust him anymore. He’s sneaky with these moment. I’m just glad they were able to make it work.” He sits up to wipe his eyes. “Love finding a way, one of my favorite tropes.”
You grip your hand around the collar of his shirt and yank him down to you, getting a surprised “Oof!” from him. You slot your lips over his and wrap your arms and legs around him. He sinks into the kiss and grinds himself against you. His lips kiss across chest and to another part of your neck.
“Ngh, you’re so hard.”
“I know.” He murmurs into your neck.
“And you really don’t want me to do anything about it?” He pops his head up at that.
He’d love nothing more than to shove his dick down your throat, but he knew how he was. Harry liked being physical in his relationships, and he knew once all that started, it would be difficult to stop. Hell, even now, after one kiss he couldn’t wait for more.
“Another time, I promise. Let’s try to get to a third date, how does that sound?”
“Sounds responsible.” You giggle and kiss the tip of his nose. You both sit up and look at each other. “You know what’s really nice about all this?”
“What’s that?”
“We don’t have to go through the awkward getting to know each other phase because we’ve done that already. I mean, we’re still learning about each other, but I like that I already know how to talk to you and stuff.”
“Me too! I feel the exact same way. Like, I was nervous to take this step with you because I didn’t really know how you were feeling, but I’ve always liked talking to you. I hope you know how much I genuinely value your friendship.”
“That means a lot to me.”
“I’m really glad we’re doing this.”
“Me too, Har.”
“I think I’m gonna call it a night, but I had a great time. Thank you for hosting.”
“Of course! I’m glad we could have an easy night in.”
He helps you clean up the plates from dinner. You each eat one of the cookies he brought over, and share a crumble-filled kiss before he heads out. The second Harry get through his door he sighs, and then sprints to his room. He rips his clothes off and grabs some lotion, and sprawls out onto his bed. His dick was throbbing from rubbing it on your for most of the night.
He runs his thumb over his now leaking tip and pumps himself. His eyes pinch closed and he grits his teeth. The one good thing about Andy being gone was that Harry a) didn’t feel weird about rubbing one out, and b) he could moan out as loudly as he wanted without care, which made the final result so much better. He imagines your mouth around him, you looking up at him with bleary eyes, gagging on him trying to take as much of him as you can because just want to be so good for him.
“Fuck, oh my god!” He cries out as he thick, white ropes of his come spurt out onto his hand and lower belly. He takes a few moments to catch his breath before cleaning up.
Once he’s clean he gets settled into bed. He’s too tired to read so he turns his light off and just as he’s about to set his phone on do not disturb a text from you comes in, and he smiles ear to ear.
You: that was a lot of fun tonight, can’t wait to see you again :)
Harry: I had a great time too…when do you think you’d like to get together next?
You: not sure…might be going to Boston in a couple of days to house sit for my parents, they have a dog they can’t bring with them to a hotel…I could let you know when I get back though!
Harry: yeah! Just let me know when you’re free
You: I will…goodnight Har
Harry: goodnight Y/N
Harry sighs happily and sets his phone down. You both fall asleep with smiles on your faces.
You end up having to go to Boston to house sit. Your parents had a wedding to go to. You had no problem hanging out with their dog, he was a sweet little thing. Your brother, Phil, and his partner, Julian, come over one night for dinner, and Phil notices the fading marks on your neck and collar.
“Damn, who you been seeing?” He chuckles as you all sit outside to eat.
“Oh god.” You laugh and touch one of the marks. “Okay, so you know how I was telling you guys about my cute office neighbor and how we’ve become pretty good friends?”
“Shut the fuck up.” Julian gasps.
“Turns out we like each other, and we’ve sort of started dating.”
“That’s great!” Phil says. “What’s his name again?”
“Harry, Dr. Harry Styles. He’s really sweet and we have a lot of fun together.”
“You went camping with him, right?” Julian asks.
“Mhm, we slept in the same tent, and we woke up spooning. We’ve made out a few times, nothing really serious has happened yet.” You shrug. “He was so cute, he said he hasn’t liked someone this much in a while and he doesn’t wanna mess it up.”
“When was his last relationship?” Phil asks.
“He said he’s dated here and there, but he hasn’t had something serious in a while.”
“He…has a son…”
“Oh, wow, how old?” Julian asks.
“He just turned eleven in May.”
“And how old is Harry?” Phil asks.
“He’s thirty-two, and I’m about to be twenty-seven, it’s the same our age difference.”
“You’re okay with dating someone who has a kid in middle school? What’s the deal with the mom?”
“I mean…he’s a really sweet boy, and I’ve known him for almost a year. Her name is Paige, and she lives like thirty minutes away from us. Her and Harry have this really good co-parenting thing going. She has a boyfriend that lives with her and he has a daughter. I’ve never seen such a civil set up, honestly.”
“I just can’t believe you’re comfortable with jumping into all that. I hope he’s worth it.” Phil says.
“I think he will be.” You smile. “We’re just seeing how things go, I’m not saying I’m going to marry the guy.”
“Then why date him at all?”
“Phil.” Julian nudges him. “I think it’s great you’re testing the waters. See how it goes, and then if things get serious you can talk about all of that other stuff.”
“I just know you wanna have kids and stuff someday, and I don’t want you wasting your time with someone who has done it all already and doesn’t want to do it again, and I’m saying that now because you know mom and dad are going to say the same thing when you eventually tell them.”
“First of all, they better not find out until I tell them. I’m not saying a damn thing until we make things official, alright? Second of all, I don’t feel like he’s a waste of time. I…I think he’s exactly what I’ve been looking for.”
Harry was working away at the library. It was a dreary, muggy day out, and he needed to get out of the house. He was working on his presentation for the conference, making sure his data was in order. Typically, he wouldn’t check his phone while he was working, but he just happened to glance and see your name, so of course he had to check.
You: hey! I’m back from Boston…shitty day out, huh? It was a monsoon driving back up lol, anyways, weather is looking good for tomorrow, have you ever floated the river in town?
Harry: glad you made it back in one piece! Course I have, tons of times. You didn’t go last year?
You: had no one to go with! Would you wanna give that a try with me? I could pack a cooler for us if you get the tubes
Harry: cute of you to think we’d use tubes, air mattress is where it’s at to float the river
You: so that’s a yes?
Harry: it’s a hell yes ;)
You: yay! If you want you can park at the end spot, and I can come pick you up there, and I’ll park where it starts
Harry: brilliant, looking forward to it
Harry sets his phone back down, and can’t wipe the smile off his face while he gets back to work.
You: doing anything fun…
Harry: working at the library, actually…so a different kind of fun
You: no shit? I’m actually headed there now…can I join you?
Harry: I’d be offended if you didn’t ;p
You: lol see you soon
You show up about ten or so minutes later, and sit down across from him. You whisper a hello and he whispers one back. It was nice to be able to just together and get work done at the same time. He wasn’t proving to be a major distraction, which was good. He hears you suck your teeth a couple of times and he looks up.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, my head’s just blanking…I’m trying to think of this particular word, and it’s not coming to me…oh!” You type fast before you forget it. “Got it, all set now.” You chuckle and so does he.
Since it was still raining when you both left you couldn’t exactly kiss for long, but you both confirm your plans again before you leave. You both were looking forward to your day on the river.
You pick Harry up at the ending spot, and he throws the air mattress in your trunk.
“How long does it take to float the whole thing?” You ask.
“With how today’s current is looking, could be roughly three hours.”
“Perfect. I love lazy days like this. It’s really hot out, I packed plenty of water, and I grabbed some seltzers and that blueberry beer you like.”
“Oh…um, thanks.” He smiles as his cheeks grow red. It wasn’t a big deal, but it was something you remembered about him, and it made his heart flutter a little.
“No worries, you had left a few in my fridge that night you came over, so I just grabbed more.” You shrug. “Tasted one, it was actually pretty refreshing.”
“It just tastes like summer to me, I don’t know how to describe it. There’s a brewery, like, thirty minutes north from here if you’d ever wanna check it out.”
“I’d love to! I like trying new things.”
Once you’re parked, Harry gets the air mattress blow up, and you grab the cooler. He furrows his brows at you for a moment.
“Are you not wearing pants?”
“No, I just threw a big t-shirt on over my bathing suit. Do I need pants?”
“No.” He chuckles. “Was just slightly confused for a second.”
You both get settled on the water and start your float. You peel your shirt off and lay back on the air mattress. You have a different one piece on today. Floral on the top, black on the bottom. Harry lays next to you.
“This is perfect.” You say, turning your head towards him.
“Yeah…would you say this is our third date?”
“I’d say so.” You smile.
“Still having fun with me?”
“Loads.” You reach for his hand and give it a squeeze. “It was fun just working near each other yesterday.”
“I felt the same way.”
“How are you feeling about your presentation?”
“Pretty good, actually…I saw the itinerary came out the other day…do you think you’ll come to mine?”
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it. Besides, the other presentations happening at that time didn’t really seem interesting.” You tease him.
“Gee, thanks.” He rolls his eyes. “How was your parent’s house?”
“Good, my brother and his partner came by for dinner one night. Got some work done. Nothing too exciting.”
“How come your parents didn’t just ask them to house sit?”
“Because apparently I don’t work in the summer.” You sigh. “They don’t really understand how my job works, and I’m too exhausted to explain it to them again.” You sit up and grab a seltzer out of the cooler. “Drink?”
“Please.” He sits up as well and takes a beer from you.
“What about your family?”
“Oh, mum’s over the moon about my career. She wishes I was closer, obviously, but sister and her kids keep her busy.” He takes a sip of his drink.
You look around and love how peaceful everything is.
“I’m surprised there aren’t a bunch of college kids out here, or even locals.”
“August is when it’ll really pick up. People are out traveling now. I think we also just came at a good time. You know, I have a couple of kayaks at the cabin, we could head up there again sometime and do that.”
“I love kayaking! I used to go with my friends when I was younger. It’s so much fun.” You smile and sip your own drink. “When do you get Andy back?”
“Mid-August, just to get him ready for the school year, make sure he has everything he needs, get back into our routine.”
“That’ll be nice. He’s a really great kid.”
“Thanks.” He smiles. “Really glad I get to be his dad.”
“Did you, um, ever want to have more?” You try to say it as nonchalantly as you can.
“I did…always wanted a younger sibling for him.” He smirks. “I was so stupid, I even asked Paige, like, forever ago, if she wanted me to just get her pregnant again, but she pointed out bringing another kid into a ‘broken’ home probably wouldn’t be a great idea.” He shrugs. “She was right, but it bruised my ego.”
“Why’s that?”
“Not exactly a great feeling when someone tells you that they don’t want to have another one of your kids.” He sips his drink. “But that was nearly ten years ago. I don’t know how we would have handled another, honestly.”
“Must have been difficult being so young when he was born.”
“There was a learning curve, that’s for sure. If I had another now I feel like I’d be a pro.”
“Please, with how competitive you are, you’d make sure you were the world’s best father.”
“Are you saying I haven’t already gotten that title? Because the mug I use every morning would prove you wrong.”
You burst out laughing and nudge him, and he laughs. You lay on your stomach for a bit while he lays on his back. It’s a nice, smooth float down the river. You steal kisses from each other, but you don’t go too crazy because, after all, you were out in the open. Things do feel a little…intimate, though, when you take turns getting sun screen on each other. Harry’s fingers were slightly calloused, no doubt from whatever handy work he did from around his home and gardens. You wanted to feel them all over you.
“Do you wanna come over for dinner tonight?” He asks as he drives you back to your car. “I could throw something on the grill. I have stuff to make shrimp kabobs.”
“Oh, you just happened to have that stuff laying around?”
“Yeah, don’t you?”
You loved that the two of you teased each other. It was playful and fun, and always made you laugh.
“I’d love to come by for dinner. Seems like it’s going to be a nice night.”
“It definitely will be.”
Harry was getting everything ready, running around his house. He wasn’t sure what might happen tonight, but he sure as hell made sure to put fresh sheets on his bed, and double checked he had condoms. He was just turning the grill on when he heard the doorbell. He heads inside to open the door.
“Hey.” You smile.
“Hi, come on in.” He gestures, and you walk in. You follow him outside to his deck. He had set the table out there and it looked lovely.
“Aw, this looks great, Har.”
“Thanks, just getting the food on now, can I get you anything? I got a bottle of white to go with dinner.”
“That’s perfect, thanks.” You pour two glasses of wine and sit down while he grills. Once everything is done he sits with you at the table. “This smells so good.”
He smiles as you both dig in, and you moan softly from the taste.
“So good, Har. You’re such a good cook.”
“Thanks, I’m glad you like it.”
After you eat and clean up, you sit on the other chairs he has on the deck, and suck on some mints.
“It was a perfect day.” You say. “Took a power nap after I showered.”
“You got a lot of color, I don’t blame you.” He looks you up and down. “That’s a nice dress, by the way.”
You were wearing a green sundress, nothing you thought was terribly special.
“Oh, thanks. I’ve had it for years.”
“Your birthday’s coming up soon, right?”
“Yeah! Beginning of August. Think I’m gonna have dinner at my parent’s house or something.”
“Do they ever come up here? I feel like you’re always going down there.”
“They’ve been up a few times, but I honestly don’t mind it. Gives me an excuse to see friends and just be in the city.”
“So…you’re just going to do a family thing?”
“Yeah, probably.” You shrug. “Birthdays aren’t really a big deal to me. Besides, we’ll just be getting back from the conference. My gift to myself will just be sleeping and not working.”
“Right.” He nods.
“That’ll be fun, the conference.”
“Yeah, I haven’t been to New York in a while, I hope it won’t be too hot out.”
“I know some really great places to get dinner if you feel like exploring a bit.”
“You’re a bit of a foodie, aren’t you?”
“A wee bit.” You giggle. You look over at him, and bite your bottom lip. In a bold move you get up and sit in his lap, straddling him.
“Hello there.”
You run your hands along his shoulders and then up to his jaw. You lean down and kiss him. His hands squeeze at your hips as you take his bottom lip between your teeth. You press your chest to his and tug at his hair.
“Mm, you’re an eager thing tonight.” He tucks some hair behind your ear. You know he wants this too.
“Been wanting to do this all day.” You pout at him. “We’re nice and alone now.” You kiss his cheek and work your way to his jaw and then his neck.
Harry liked having your body on his. He liked the way it felt to have you all over him, showing him how much you wanted him.
“You smell so good.” You murmur against him. You move to kiss him again. “Can we go inside?”
“And what exactly would you like to do in there?” He smirks at you.
“Get even more comfortable.” You bite your bottom lip. His thumb comes up and pulls it away. He leans up and takes it between his own teeth to suck on. You moan softly as he lets it go. “Please.” He nods yes, and you get off him.
You both go through his sliding door into the living room. He wraps his arms around you from behind and kisses on your neck. You tilt your head to give him more access. He sinks his teeth in and you back up against him. He walks you forward towards the couch, and turns you around to lay you down on it. You tug him down with you, and wrap your arms around his neck. One of his hands kneads your breast and the other stays on your hip. You wrap your legs around his waist, and he looks down at you.
“What is it?”
“I don’t wanna be too forward, but can we move this to my room? I’d feel weird doing anything out here…this is a…family space.”
“Mhm, yeah, that’s fine.” You smile excitedly. It’s where you wanted to be anyways.
He has you keep your legs wrapped around him while he stands up. You crash your lips to his as he carries you to his room. He gets you onto the bed, and you’re both back into position, with him laying on top of you between your legs. He pulls away from your kiss and runs his thumb over your now swollen and bitten lips. Your chest was flushed and you were breathing heavily.
“Please, take your shirt off.” You tell him. He reaches behind himself to tug it off, tossing it to the floor.
Goosebumps raise on his skin as you run your hands up and down his chest and torso, tracing his tattoos. You let one hand scratch down his chest to his stomach. His hands rub circles into your upper thighs. He makes fists with the hem of your dress. You sit up slightly and lift your arms. He grins and lifts your dress off you.
Not that matching underwear was ever a big deal to you, but tonight you made sure to wear a special set. Green lace to match your green dress.
“God.” He breathes and brings his hands to your breasts.
“You can take it off if you want.” You use your upper arms to push your breasts closer together. “Or I could do it and you get rid of those shorts.”
“Deal.” He takes his shorts off and you get your bra off. His eyes grow wide when he sees you. “Christ.” He takes his glasses off and sets them on his side table before kissing down your chest.
He cups both of your breasts and licks over one of your nipples. He blows cool air on it, getting it nice and pebbled. You were fidgeting underneath him, your body writhing with anticipation. He rolls your nipple between his teeth before sucking on it. You rake your fingers through his hair and he groans against you. You could feel how hard he was and you grind your hips up towards him. He pops off your nipple and smirks at you.
“You really are eager tonight.”
“I want you, Harry.”
“I want you too…but…”
“You don’t wanna go all the way tonight?”
“I don’t know…is it too soon?”
“Why are you asking me?” You chuckle.
“Well, I mean, you really wanna just dive in?”
“I feel really comfortable with you, I wouldn’t mind if we fucked, but if you think it’s too soon we could…do other things.”
“If it were just me I’d say yeah, but…”
“I get it.” You smile. “So…can we do other stuff?”
“You mean like…” His fingers slowly drag down your stomach and over your clit before cupping you. “This?”
“Yes.” You gasp.
“You’re really wet, Y/N. Can feel it through these nice panties.”
“I-I know, I’m really turned on.”
“I did this to you?”
“Yes.” Your hips buck up when his thumb traces over your covered clit. You didn’t think Harry would be the type to tease, but you weren’t complaining.
“Yes, who?” He looks at you as he stops his motions.
“You’ve told me a couple of things that you like, so you should know I really like hearing my name.” There’s that inner narcissist that he’s always talking about.
He moves his thumb back around your clit. He was killing you. Why not just take your underwear away? No, he wanted to see you squirm. He also wanted to watch and see what felt good. You move your hips along with the way he was moving his thumb, and as you feel yourself coming to the brink he takes his hand away.
“Not cool.” You huff.
“Aw, don’t worry.” He dips his fingers inside your underwear. “Is this alright?”
“Yes.” He raises his eyebrows at you. “Harry.” He smiles and rubs his fingers along your slit. “Could you…could you just take them off. I hate when I can feel it back against me, it’s cold.”
“Oh, sure.” He says, and hooks his fingers into your underwear to drag them down your legs. “Better?”
“Mhm.” You smile. “Thanks.”
He pecks your lips before getting his fingers back on you. You gasp when you feel his middle finger slip inside you. He brings it out and drags your wetness up to your clit, rubbing circles into it. You grit your teeth as you watch him. He slips two fingers back into you, and your legs fall open. He twists his fingers as he pumps them in and out, and then he curls them.
“Oh, fuck.” Your head falls back.
“Right there?”
“Yes, oh my fucking god, don’t stop, Harry.”
His fingers keep brushing your g-spot, and his thumb on your clit was incredible. You were panting and your body was starting to feel hot all over.
“Oh my god, oh my fucking god.” He starts using his other hand to rub your clit to rub better circles on you. “H-Harry, I’m gonna!” You cry out at as you release around his fingers. “Oh!” His mouth is on you the second his fingers are gone. He sucks your sensitive clit into his mouth as your hands fly to his hair. “Shit, fuck!” Your legs were shaking around him, and he was moaning into you. His tongue was working magic, and you already felt yourself getting ready to come again. “Ah, ah! Oh my god, Harry!” Your head rolls back into his pillows and it feels like you can’t see or hear anything. You feel him lick you clean and then he sits back on his calves waiting for you to come back to him. “Oh, wow.” You breathe.
“So good.” You look up at him. “I just, um, need a second and then I can-“
“You don’t have to if you’re tired…”
“No! No, I want to, I really do, um, can I just use your bathroom quick?”
“Yeah! Just through that door.”
You smile and get up, and quickly walk into his bathroom. You just wanted to clean yourself up, you were dripping still. You gasp when you see your reflection. Your eye makeup had gotten all smudged. You grin, wondering how much more fucked up you could look if he really fucked you. He was laying on the bed waiting for you.
“Hey.” You smile. “I really liked that, what you did. Felt so good.” You crawl on the bed and get between his legs.
“Mhm, and now I’m gonna make you feel really good. This isn’t something I do often, only for guys I really like.” You tug his boxers down and he lifts his hips to help you. Your eyes grow wide and your mouth falls open. “Jesus.” You look at him. “How the hell do hide this all day?”
“Y/N.” He chuckles.
“You’re packing!” You spit into your hand and wrap it around him. You pump him slowly and run your palm over his tip to coat him in his precome.
“I’ve thought about this so many times.” He says.
“You have no idea. I may not have been fucking someone else while thinking of you, but I’ve definitely thought of you.”
“Not gonna let me live that down are you?” You smirk.
“Nope, fed my ego far too much to forget.”
“Mm, well, how does the real thing compare to your thoughts?” You lean your face down towards his tip.
“Way better than, ah!” You cut him off by wrapping your lips around his tip. Just like he had hoped, you look up at him while you suck on him. “God, you’re so fucking perfect, Y/N.” He reaches forward to hold your hair back for you. “Don’t feel like you need to be pretty about it, I like it sloppy.”
With that, you don’t hold back. You bob your head up and down on him, lick him up and down, squeeze his ball, get him down your throat a couple times, gagging and choking, and then popping off. You suckle on his tip and pump the rest.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna come.” He groans.
You keep sucking and breathe through your nose as you feel his come spurt into your mouth. Usually you didn’t like the taste, and not that you especially did now, but it was some of the better tasting come you’ve had. You wonder if he drank a lot of pineapple juice or something. You suck on him until there’s nothing left, and pop off. You look him in the eyes as you swallow and wipe the corners of your mouth. Before you can ask him how good it was he grabs you by the back of your neck to kiss you.
“So, you liked it?” You giggle.
“It was so good, thank you.” He kisses you again. “So fucking good. Let me, uh, get you a shirt or something, yeah?”
“Why?” You chuckle.
“So…you’ll feel comfortable to sleep.” He says as he pulls his boxers back on. “Unless you like sleeping naked, which I have no problem with.”
“Oh, I don’t have to stay.” You say, grabbing your bra and underwear off the floor.
“You…you don’t wanna spend the night?”
“I don’t have any of my stuff here, like, I need to wash all this makeup off, and I’d wanna brush my teeth.” You snatch your dress and throw it on. “I’d just feel better in my own bed I think.”
“Oh.” He wanted to cuddle, he needed to cuddle.
“Is that okay?” You stand up and walk towards him.
“I’m not gonna force you to stay here if you don’t want to…”
“It’s not that I don’t want to…I just…I just think I’m too old to stay at a guy’s house and be uncomfortable and wake up feeling gross because I didn’t get to go through my normal routine.”
“Did you…think this was going to happen tonight?”
“I was hoping.”
“Then why didn’t you bring some of your things with you?”
“Harry!” You laugh. “Do you know how psycho that would look?” You shake your head and start walking out of his room.
“Hey.” He grabs your wrist. “Next time, just bring your shit with you, yeah? We’re not kids, I wouldn’t have been put off.”
“Alright, good to know.” You smile at him. “Are you mad that I’m leaving?” You cup his cheek.
“No.” He pouts.
“I’ll be honest, I’m not usually the sleepover girl, but if that’s something you like…maybe next time we could do this at my place? Ease into it a little.”
“Okay.” He presses his forehead to yours. “When’s next time?”
“Probably when we leave for the conference…only a few days away.”
“Right.” He kisses your cheek and down to your neck. Your eyes flutter closed. “You sure you need to go?” He mumbles as he bites down into your skin.
“Fuck.” You breathe. “I…”
“Actually, you’re right to go. Leave you wanting more.” He smirks and steps back from you.
“Goodnight.” You roll your eyes.
You peck at his lips before heading out the door. Harry was beside himself. Anytime he hooked up with someone they either wanted to spend the night or wanted him to spend the night. He surely thought you were going to want to cuddle, or even stay after he alluded to it. But you held your own, and didn’t let him pressure you. He couldn’t help but respect that.
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straycat-writes · 4 years
I'm not sure if you write for AUs, but a reader in the same high school as the BSD characters would be fun! Maybe some S/O headcanons for Aku, Atsu, Dazai and Chuuya?
[This was so much fun to write :D]
Highschool AU
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke:
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Theatre kid, but also the dark and mysterious loner.
He acts like he doesn’t care much about anything, least of all academics, but he actually works quite hard.
Repeatedly gets into trouble with authority, but since he’s fairly gifted at nearly everything, they let it slide  
Refuses to believe that, though, because he holds himself to stupidly high standards. What’s the point of just being good at something? He has to be the best.
If you’re interested in him, you’re going to have to be the one to broach the subject, because there’s no way in hell he’d ever do it, even if he reciprocates.
When him and his s/o first start dating, people give them weird looks in the hallways. The resident mysterious loner? In a relationship? It’s the talk everywhere for quite a while.
You would have to walk him a little through the motions of being in a relationship. Suggest date ideas, drag him to a movie, stay up late texting him, and wouldn’t be long before he picks up and starts reciprocating these gestures.
He’s a little clueless, but he means well, please be patient with my dark floofy babey
He’s too intimidating for anyone else to approach him, anyway, but even so, he treats his s/o like they’re the only person that matters in the world.
Atsushi Nakajima:
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Probably the most normal of them all xD
Teachers adore him, classmates look up to him, and his friends love him beyond measure. He’s just so sweet that you can’t help but like him.
Very helpful. Will agree to crash tutor you the night before exam if you ask him to.
Probably on the track team too.
His friends mean a lot to him, and he’s very amicable to everyone in general. The kind of person to invite you to his cafeteria table if he sees you sitting alone.
Gifted at athletics as well as academics, but gets flustered and politely denies if somebody praises him for it.
It’s not effortless, though. He works very hard for everything he has achieved.
Will crush on you from afar for months on end before his friends finally get fed up and physically push him to you.
“E-eh? I’m sorry, I d-didn’t mean to bump into you like that. I just…I wanted…uhhh wouldyouliketoogooutwithmesometime!?”
Is over the moon when you say yes, and even more so when the two of you progress into a relationship.
The sweetest boyfriend ever. If you tell him you’ve had a bad day, he will turn up outside your door with chocolates and cozy up to watch some sappy feel-good movie to make you feel better.
He is nice, but that doesn’t mean he will ever tolerate anyone talking shit about you or your relationship with him. Do not test him.
Dazai Osamu:
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Resident popular bastard. You cannot convince me otherwise.
Also double-times as the class clown sometimes. Being constantly sleep-deprived and having no self-preservation instincts definitely proves helpful for that.
Verrry popular with the ladies, but doesn’t stick with one for too long.
Also gets into trouble with authority a lot, but manages to smooth-talk his way out of it.
Plus, he’s so effortlessly gifted at everything he tries that it makes him kind of indispensable. Academics, sports, art, music, extra-curriculars, you name it, this dude has got it nailed. The school cannot afford to put him in too much trouble.
However, just because he’s a prodigy doesn’t mean he actually cares much about any of it. The only things Dazai cares about is amusing himself enough so that he doesn’t kill himself for one more day.
Has a secret affinity for classic literature and poetry, but hates the teacher.
Doesn’t pay attention in class and never studies for any of the exams but still manages to ace every single one of them, somehow.
The kind of person to throw paper balls at the teacher during class because he’s bored.
Gets along with most people, but has a small, intimate circle of friends he really cares about.
When he first starts dating you, most people don’t even bat an eye, because this is Dazai Osamu. He has a new girl hanging off his arm every week, let’s see how long this one lasts. Which is why they’re so surprised when it has been months and he’s still so hopelessly, head over heels in love with you.
Being taken does not decrease the amount of female attention he gets, and although he still revels in it and has fun making you jealous sometimes, at the end of the day, he only really has eyes for you.
“I have a plan, belladonna. Let’s commit double-suicide in front of everyone on our graduation day!”
Nakahara Chuuya:
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Quite popular with everyone, and why wouldn’t he be? He’s beautiful, rich, and throws the best and wildest parties.
He is rich, but not arrogant. You might think he’s a jock, but that’s not actually true either. He is extremely good at sports and athletics, but refuses to actually join any of the teams.
Quite serious about his academics. He has got his eye on all of the ivy league colleges.
He’s actually very smart, but that gets overlooked in lieu of all his other qualities.
Scores fairly good in almost everything, but his best subject is physics. He is a literal genius at that.
Will reluctantly agree if you ask him to tutor you.
He doesn’t actively start fights, but he never backs down from one either. You have to be an absolute idiot to provoke him, because he is strong and will not hesitate to break your face and hand your ass back to you.
Is the crush of almost all the girls in his year, plus some more.
Who can blame them, though? Have you seen him??
Is ridiculously good at playing the guitar, but hardly anyone knows about that.
Not actually that much into dating, but the first time he lays eyes on you, he’s dumbstruck. You have him completely whipped, and you haven’t even talked to him yet.
He will muddle through his head for days on end, trying to come up with the best way to ask you out. He wants to be very suave and gentlemanly and completely sweep you off your feet.
Ends up a nervous mess when he actually tries.
“So, uhm, would you – uh – would you maybe go out with me sometime?”
Cue his sigh of relief when you reply with, “I’d love to.”
He’s gruff and intimidating with everyone else, but very sweet with you. Will even watch cheesy romance movies with you if you pester him enough.
Flowers bouquets and sneaking you out at midnight for bike rides
You are sure to incite the rage and animosity of many girls if you do start to date him. Not to worry, though. He would defend you against any and everyone, because you are the one he cares about, not any of them.
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bao3bei4 · 3 years
girlbosses, male wives, and other lesbian genders
a post about jing wei qing shang. but also mostly about another unrelated movie. spoiler-free.
for a lot of people, mulan 1998 is their definitive “ohhh i’m a chinese woman dressing as a man for contrived reasons and i get absolutely nooo erotic pleasure from this” movie. 
however, because i am very special and unique, for me it’s the love eterne 1963. it’s the shaw brothers adaptation of butterfly lovers, the classic chinese folktale. here’s how i’d summarize the movie: 
zhu yingtai, an aspiring scholar, convinces her parents to let her dress as a man to attend school. on the way there, she meets liang shanbo, another prospective student, and they become sworn brothers. they study together for three years, growing closer, until zhu yingtai returns home. liang shangbo accompanies her for the eighteen-li journey home while she hints she’s a woman, but he remains oblivious. by the time he learns her gender, her parents have engaged her to another man. he dies of grief, and while she mourns at his grave, it splits open, and she buries herself inside with him. two scraps of her torn outfit turn into butterflies and fly away.
it’s worth noting here that like. this movie is made in the huangmei opera style. so both zhu yingtai and liang shanbo are played by women (betty loh ti and ivy ling po respectively). because of this, basically every level of the film is preoccupied with gender: if we take zhu yingtai’s male performance as credible (as the characters in the movie do) the leads bond through male homoeroticism; the text is ultimately about a heterosexual romance; it is acted out by two women, in a performance that is difficult to mistake as heterosexual or even feminine; and the dialogue of the movie can’t help but remark on this.
basically it asks: what if lesbians could be gay both ways? wouldn’t that be based? 
like opera was traditionally made by single gender casts, so roles tended to be genderless, in that the gender of the actor doesn’t determine the gender of the role they play. roles are instead typed into four categories: dan (fem), sheng (masc), chou (clown), and jing (painted face). it’s a sick gender quadinary. each of these roles has further subtypes that are represented through stylized patterns of singing, makeup, costuming, movement etc.
so in butterfly lovers, betty loh ti plays a dan, and ivy ling po plays a sheng. but because of the textual cross-gender play, you end up with a woman playing a woman playing a man who falls in love with a woman playing a man.
i’m going to make a brief digression here into talking about like.. acting theory. in the european tradition, you see it evolving out of early concerns (from stanislavski, brecht) about the fourth wall, and its permeability or lack thereof. in chinese opera tradition, the fourth wall didn’t ever really exist. and mei lanfang, the legendary fanchuan performer, claimed that his success wasn’t just due to his appearance, but rather, his mastery of some nonliteral feminine subjectivity. 
If I kept my male feelings, even just a trace, it will betray my true self; then how can I compete for the audience’s affection for feminine beauty and guile?
i’m not going to argue that there’s like, an essence to being a woman because i’m not a fucking idiot. but there’s something to be said for the idea that the gendered interplay between the audience’s perception of the actor, the actor’s perception of themself, and the character they play is a massive part of the appeal of fanchuan performance.
this is echoed by david hwang’s m. butterfly, in which gallimard memorably says, “i’m a man who loved a woman created by a man. everything else—simply falls short.” btw sorry for having the type of brain disease where i constantly reference chinese crossdressing related media. you already know why i have it. 
anyway. parallel to that (but far less morally detestably), jin jiang argues “young male impersonators in yue opera embody women’s ideal men—elegant, graceful, capable, caring, gentle, and loyal.” so, trivially, 1) the eroticism embodied by fanchuan performers is distinctly different from their “straight” counterparts, and perhaps less trivially 2) it’s way better. 
back to the love eterne for a bit. one of the many reasons it’s lodged itself into my psyche is because there’s something more interesting at play than just all that. normally in opera, to compensate for any perceived residual femininity in the sheng, the dan camps it up even further. so this is how zhu yingtai first appears, this bratty femme pastiche of womanhood. yet within a couple minutes she’s dressed as a man, which she’ll stay as for the bulk of the movie. they do however make compromises with the makeup--more gently lifted eyebrows than the steep angles of the sheng opera beat, and an improbably masculine smoky eye. 
that’s right. they performed girlbossification on her. 
i don’t want to suggest that she’s straightforwardly feminine. i could write an entire other thing on her relationship to masculinity. instead i want to highlight the erotic interplay not just between the “girl” and the “boss” but also between her and her counterpart: the male wife. 
liang shanbo is ostensibly straightforwardly male, but his relationship with zhu yingtai isn’t gay in the ahaha what if i was into my bro way-- it’s a what if i was into my bro and i was his wife way.
that’s right. they performed force fem on a cis woman-man. like when zhu yingtai tells him he can’t watch over her as she recovers from an illness because “boys and girls can’t sleep together,” liang shanbo asks “are you implying that I’m a girl?”
there’s a lot of shit like this that builds up over the course of the movie. it all culminates in that final 18 mile journey. along the way, zhu yingtai compares them to a pair of mandarin ducks, one male & one female. liang shanbo sputters “i am a man inside out-- you shouldn’t--” before graciously conceding, “you may compare me to a woman.” 
this is like. a simple punchline. but it’s incredible. it’s true! liang shanbo isn’t a man inside out in that he’s a man and only a man, but rather that he’s a man seen inside first, built for desiring, by a woman & for a woman. as a perpetual object, he becomes a more believable woman than zhu yingtai. and at least in his view, it seems more likely that he could be a woman than her. but beyond that, his permissive tone reads as a kind of wanting in itself--recast, if she wants, “for you, i’ll be a woman.” 
obviously this is a classic lesbian mood. who among us has not seen “no gender only lesbian” posts. and speaking of classic lesbians, you might ask. did you just tiresomely reinvent butches and femmes but with a more annoying name? yes. no. okay. well. 
first, like butch/femme dynamics have both historical specificity and a classed character such that it’s not rlly that appropriate to impose them on the love eterne. and i guess more importantly, i wanna talk about stuff that isn’t real.
we fight all day about people who confuse performance with performativity, (i use we lightly here. for instance, i go outside every day so i don’t care about discourse) but what if we actually wanted to talk about the former for once? something specifically, whether we choose or are forced into it, that we pretend to be? 
anyway. what the hell does all that have to do with jing wei qing shang. i’m going to start by first making the argument that there’s no such thing as a naturally occurring girlboss. i think, honestly, she’s a product of capitalism (“boss” should be the tipoff here) but because both of these stories are set in ambiguously historical china, i’m going to say, instead that she’s a product of uhhh primitive accumulation.
semantics so that i can be canon compliant with marxism aside, if girlbosses are made not born, can you choose to be a girlboss? sheryl sandberg says yes. i don’t disagree, i guess, but i will say: stop glamorizing it! humans only become girlbosses when they’re greatly distressed. 
you become a girlboss when you have no other choice not to be one. when your wants are too great to be a woman, when the things you want are not things that women should want-- whether that’s something that really no one should want, like being a ceo, or whether that’s just something like loving a woman (or, as it is quite often, both) -- you have to become something else. 
another important part of being a girlboss is that other people are not. your excesses mean that not only do you lose something in the process, but your bosshood comes at the expense of others. the girlboss necessitates a girlworker, or so to speak. 
now we’re getting to jwqs. i’m assuming that you haven’t read jwqs, because most people haven’t. that was me until like four days ago. in broad strokes, the novel is about a woman, qiyan agula, who was raised as a prince, and her quest for revenge against the kingdom who slaughtered her people. of course, this involves marrying one of the princesses of that kingdom. it’s all very exciting (lesbian). 
what’s striking about jwqs is that both of them seem to fit the girlboss paradigm, in vaguely similar ways. qi yan (agula’s assumed name) seems to follow the lineage of zhu yingtai, who pretends to be a man to achieve her goals. she’s forced to give up much in the process, and also sacrifices a, uh, lot of innocent people. similarly, nangong jingnu, the princess, is inherently a girlboss because royalty sucks. but also, qi yan girlbossifies her over the course of their relationship. 
but i wouldn’t say jwqs is girlboss4girlboss. there’s something a little more complicated happening. qi yan isn’t zhu yingtai in that she’s a dan pretending to be a sheng. it seems more like that she was a sheng all along. it’s something that the women of the novel return to often: qi yan seems to be better than a man.
for instance, nangong sunu, jingnu’s older sister, reflects on this. 
Nangong Sunu had seen many foolishly loving women who sacrificed everything for the sake of their husbands, but there were rarely any men who would do the same for them. 
Thinking it through, Nangong Sunu felt that Qi Yan was truly becoming more interesting. She intended to observe discreetly for a while, to verify if such a man truly existed in this world. (ch 221) 
and i forgot to write down the citation for this, but nangong jingnu also seems to argue that not only is qi yan prettier than a man, but she also seems to be prettier than a woman. (it’s the bit where she’s watching qi yan sleep. help me out here.)
moreover, the way qi yan relates to nangong jingnu is suggestive. jingnu brings out the elements of wanting to be a woman in her. it’s jingnu’s body that makes her wonder what she would look like if she was more feminine. it’s jingnu’s happiness that she resents, wishing that her people could have that as well. it’s her desire for jingnu that makes her a woman. 
(another important distinction i suppose--while one person can’t be both a butch and a femme, because the girlboss and the male wife are things we pretend to be until we embody them / them us -- there’s greater slippage between the two.)
anyway, the girlboss/male wife dynamic is reversed wrt who’s actually dressing as a different gender. that suggests an inversion in the implications we see from the love eterne, if we are to take the love eterne as the paradigmatic girlboss text. which i do, for no reason in particular. 
so then, is qi yan pretending to be a man? under the opera framework, we’re forced to say no. she’s not pretending to be a man any more so than liang shanbo (as acted by ivy ling po) was. but that, of course, feels incorrect, just looking at the text. is she, then, pretending to be a sheng? i’d strongly say no. the things that others see in her, they authentically see; and she does authentically feel the same things as liang shanbo wrt femininity.
so it has to be the opera framework that jwqs is subverting then. if qi yan kept some trace of her once-womanhood, if qi yan reveals her true self, and yet she still can compete for the audience’s affection-- jwqs’s inversion of the opera framework seems to argue instead that it’s that true self that allows you to compete. it’s being masc that lets you be a desirable woman; it’s being feminine that lets you be a desirable man.
there’s an increased gender ambivalence to jwqs, which make sense, i guess, seeing as it’s not meant to be a het story the way that the love eterne was. for instance, nangong jingnu crossdresses to go out in public, and qi yan remarks that jingnu’s disguise fooled her on their first meeting. when qi yan and jingnu go out in public, both disguised as men, they’re repeatedly perceived as a gay male couple. there’s freedom in that: they could be gay women only privately, they could be straight officially, but they could be anonymously gay publicly. 
so it’s through the gay male pretense that they can be gay women; it’s through the qi yan pretense that agula can love women; it’s the qi yan caring husband persona that coaxes jingnu in caring for qi yan in return-- jwqs, more precisely, argues that you can’t be a woman if you’re going to love them, and even less so if you’re going to be loved by one. 
this is perhaps well-trodden ground for anyone who has read wittig & certainly many people who haven’t. but it’s the layer of pretense that for me complicates these two narratives. 
i think it’s a relatable feeling: wanting something anticipating getting something, or wanting something for yourself anticipating knowing that you already had it. that is, desire in itself being constitutive of that reality. 
or less abstractly, knowing that you’d want to be a lesbian if you could, knowing that you’d want not to be a woman if you could-- anticipating any realization of either. 
the dramatic excesses & wants of the girlboss, i think, are a decent literary stand in for being a lesbian. 
i wanna note here that this is rlly just based on my experience being a transmisogyny exempt nonbinary diaspora lesbian lol. it’s fun & cathartic to overread this history & place myself in the accidental implications.
i don’t think most of the things i say are literally true. and i don’t want to overstep & say any of this can be generalized. please lmk if something here doesn’t read right! ok kisses bye
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