#unless it's one of those nights where angst is on the mind. then i cry
void-thevoid · 2 months
thinking about comfy scenarios so hard that they actually start making me feel sleepy...
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dickgraysonsbitch · 7 months
prodigal son
in which you and bruce bond over the worst day of your life (gn!doctor!reader)
warnings: swearing, injured jay, angst, no use of y/n, allusion to a story in which the prodigal son comes home to the lights all on, symbolizing that he was never ousted from the family
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When you got the call, it was safe to say that you were scared. Shit. Fucking. Scared. Nothing in all your years of medical training could have prepared you for the sight of Jason Todd, the undisputed love of your life, (and his second, as he would often quip), bleeding out onto the dust-covered ground of the Bowery.
The phone call came in the dead of night. You’d just come off of a 36 hour shift, and while you were getting ready to relax and melt into your bed, your phone rung.
Jason’s burner phone. The phone he specifically stated would be used in emergencies. The phone that alerted Bruce of his location, something Jason despised, and wouldn’t use unless—no. You couldn’t let yourself swirl into despair. Not before picking up the phone.
“Jay?” Your voice quivered, and there was a pause on the other end of the call, a heartbeat that seemed to stretch into an eternity. Finally, a voice crackled through the line, a raspy, desperate voice on the other end, one you'd know anywhere, no matter how distorted it sounded through the speaker.
His voice sounded nothing like the confident, cool, and collected man that you knew. He sounded tired, wounded, and hanging on to every last breath, something you’d heard all too well at the hospital. “Baby,” he choked out. “Baby, I need you.”
Those four words were enough to send your heart into a frenzy. You had heard them countless times, whispered in intimate moments, but never like this. This was different. This was a cry for help.
“Where are you?” You whispered, attempting to cling onto your last strand of placidity. “Please, hold on, just for a minute.”
His breathing became more labored, his words slower. “The alley behind the Italian restaurant. San… San Maroni’s. It was an ambush, baby, I…”
“I’m coming, ok? Hold on for me, please.” You were begging, begging to not lose your person, not again.
Without hesitation, you grabbed your medical bag, your hands trembling as you rushed to the address he'd given you. The drive through Gotham's dark streets was a blur, the city's underbelly a place you'd only ever visited on Jason's arm. Now, it was a nightmare, and you were alone.
You turned the corner, terrified. The stench of blood and the dim glow of a flickering streetlight illuminated what you would come to call the most horrific scene that you’d laid eyes upon. The person that laid there, to you, wasn’t the Red Hood, the most fearsome man in Gotham.
It was your Jason. The man who woke up with you at three in the night when you got home from work to help you make Kraft Mac and cheese. The man who held you in his arms when you sobbed after having to admit a child, just five years old, into the ICU for a cancerous tumor.
Your voice came out a strangled gasp. This wasn’t him. It’s couldn’t be him. How could the strongest man you know lay there, his body stained crimson? Sprawled on the ground, his chest heaving, a pool of his own blood spreading around him? Multiple gunshot wounds riddling his body?
Tears welled in your eyes as you knelt beside him, carefully assessing the damage. Jason's voice was hoarse as he whispered your name, his face pale, but still, a faint grin tugged at the corners of his lips. He was conscious, thankfully, though his injuries looked serious.
Your mind immediately remembered your chapter on Trauma Care in medical school. Stabs, slashes… gunshots. Bleeding was solved by aortic clamping, and tourniquets.
"Hi, baby. You really know how to make an entrance," you said, your voice trembling as you began to work on stabilizing him. Your fingers moved with the precision of a seasoned surgeon, your training kicking in even as your mind was a whirlwind of fear and emotion.
Jason chuckled weakly, wincing in pain. "Couldn't let you forget that you're dating a walking disaster, could I?"
A few moments passed, each second passing all too slow, yet all too fast. It was minutes, hours, an eternity of trying to save the man you loved more than yourself, seeing him like this, but each second ticking with the speed of a bullet train.
“I received your distress signal, Jason.” A man, 6 feet tall, perhaps more, emerging out of the shadows, a long, dark cape billowing behind him. “What do you—” the man stopped short, but you forced your eyes back on Jason, trying to carefully mend a wound on his forearm.
The man, (who, though you were still in your haze, you had identified as Bruce), was still gaping, and slowly knelt down next to you. That’s funny, you thought, trying not to distract yourself from removing bullets from your lover, Jason always said that if he ever died, Bruce would walk away.
“Is he… conscious?” This voice, this voice wasn’t Batman. This voice was Bruce Wayne, discovering that his child, whom he failed to save once, was on the brink of death once again. “Was he responsive?”
You nodded. “He was conscious when I found him. I gave him a relaxant from my bag, just to… numb the pain, even if it was just a bit.”
The man nodded solemnly, his hands find their way around Jason’s injured forearm. You thought you could perhaps see his eyes watering, or even perhaps a tear beneath his cowl.
Jason’s breath stirred, and his heart rate picked up, (at least according to the portable heart rate monitor you hooked him up to). His eyes fluttered open, and for a tenth of a second, perhaps less, the glowed a bright, neon green. Then his heart rate dropped, and picked up again, like a morbid roller coaster. “Dad?”
He groaned, and you moved to stabilize his pulse, while simultaneously attempting to make sure the stitches you’d meticulously placed wouldn’t detach from his torso.
Bruce nodded, holding Jason’s hand tighter. “I’m here, son,” he seemingly choked out, before turning to you once again. “Is he stable yet?”
You nodded. “He’s speaking, which is a good thing, but I think he’s in the stage of pain where he’s experiencing hallucinations. It would be better to bring him to a secondary location, preferably one with more medical equipment. I don’t know if you own a hospital or something, but—”
“Bring him to the cave.” He said, abruptly.
“What?” This was shocking. Jason had told you how secure the Batcave was, and how vigilantes or other superheroes were the only ones even brought into its vicinity.
“It’ll save him. State of the art medical equipment, and my butler is a former combat medic. And you’ll be able to get some rest as well.” He nodded, solemnly. “Since he’s in a stable position right now, he and you can get in the Batmobile.”
“How did you—”
The Batman looked at the ground solemnly, all while picking up Jason in his arms. “I’m not a detective for nothing. You’re clearly a doctor, or a nurse of some sort, one with a connection to Jay, which is the only reason he was allowing himself to be treated. Your eye bags indicate that you haven’t slept in at least thirty hours. You also know my identity, so there’s no harm in bringing you to the cave as well. Jason is also more likely to cooperate with Alfred with you there.”
Wow, he’s good. You nodded and swallowed in awe, but more in admiration of his unexpected understanding. It wasn’t something you anticipated, after Jason’s tales of his father’s stoicism, but you couldn't help but admire the mysterious caped crusader, who had just invited you into his world, albeit indirectly.
Just before he got into the Batmobile, he turned to you, a single tear streaking his cheek. “Thank you,” he whispered. And in that moment, you knew that Bruce Wayne did not hate his second son.
The lights would always be on, for Jason Todd, prodigal son.
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void-wolfie · 1 year
We Had Matching Wounds. Mine's Still Black and Bruised.
summary: Jenna's still grieving after you walk out on her, but you've already moved on.
pairing: Jenna Ortega x gn!Reader
tw: angst, maybe depression(?)... not exactly sure, let me know if I need to add something
words: 960
a/n: thanks to the anon who suggested The Exit by Conan Gray... wrote this pretty late at night so it might be trash who knows lol
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Jenna's apartment was a mess; clothes splayed across every surface, dirty dishes stacked a mile high, and a pile of laundry that hadn't been done in weeks. All in all, it was safe to say she wasn't ok, not by a long shot.
She had barricaded herself in her room long ago. Refusing to move unless it was absolutely necessary, which wasn't often. She'd drowned herself in one of your oversized hoodies and a nest of blankets. If she wasn't asleep or crying, she was staring blankly at the ceiling or mindlessly scrolling through her phone.
A notification popped up across her phone. She stared at the headline, thinking about clicking on it. The dull numbness that’d consumed her days gave way to heartache the longer she stared.
Y/N and pop singer Olivia Rodrigo officially confirm their relationship!
She was finally at a place where she wasn't gnawed away by guilt and heartache every second of the day, a sort of depressive numbness settling in. But she knew seeing you with a new girlfriend would crush her, making the reality of your breakup all too real, all the more final. But at the same time, curiosity was eating away at her. The hope that maybe it was clickbait or fake news was naively tugging at the back of her mind.
Against her better judgment, she clicked on the article.
Everyone says a picture is worth a thousand words. A thousand words wouldn't begin to cover the extent of pain Jenna was feeling.
There at the front of the article was a screenshot from your Instagram. A post of you and Olivia kissing, with the caption; Happy three months, love <;3.
She felt sick to her stomach. She probably would've puked on the spot had she actually eaten anything in the past two days.
Three months. Those words shattered her already fragile heart.
Three months... The two of you broke up only four months ago.
She could still remember the night it all went wrong, like a broken record stuck on repeat.
"y/n?" She called out, setting her stuff down on the kitchen table.
It was a miserable day, it'd been raining all day and thunder could be heard in the distance. The run from her car to the front door left her soaked from the cold rain.
"y/n?" She called out again, only to get no response.
She padded into your shared bedroom, her hair leaving tiny water drops across the tile floor as she shivered in her wet clothes.
She stopped in her tracks. There was a suitcase on the bed full of your stuff, and you were packing more in.
"What's going on?"
"I'm leaving." You didn't spare her a glance, you knew if you did you'd only be inclined to stay. Those big brown eyes of hers would always be your weakness.
"Leaving?" You weren't leaving her, were you? Sure your relationship had been on the rocks as of late, countless arguments and nights spent yelling. But had it really gotten this bad?
"I can't do this anymore, Jenna."
"Do what?"
"This. Us." You closed the suitcase, zipping it up, still refusing to look at her, "The arguing, the late nights coming home, always feeling like your second choice. I just can't do it anymore."
You finally looked at her, seeing tears streaming down her freckled face. It broke your heart, but you had to protect yourself. Even if that meant breaking her.
"Do you even know what it feels like Jenna? To feel like your second choice? You come home late every other night, you're gone for months at a time, and you lie about who you're with and where you go. Do you even remember the last time you said ‘I love you’?"
"I..." She wanted to refute everything you'd said, but she couldn't. She couldn't remember the last time you had a movie night together or even ate dinner at the same table. She couldn't remember the last time she said those three words.
You had tears of your own streaming down your face, "3 months ago. You haven’t said it in three months."
Jenna was in a stupor. Her whole world was crumbling before her, and she was lost on how to fix it.
How had you moved on so quickly? It felt like only yesterday she was so deep in love, falling into a black hole of bliss with only you on her mind. She thought you felt the same, and maybe you did. But you'd already replaced her. With one of her friends, no less.
Jenna skipped reading the article. She didn't want some reporter's half-assed observations and opinions on your dating life. They didn't know you, and she could care less about their opinion.
She clicked over to Instagram, despite her shaking hands and teary eyes, and tortured herself with your latest post.
You looked happy. There were all kinds of pictures of you and Olivia together. Pictures of you two dancing in the rain, swimming at the lake, even one at that club she never had the time to take you to. Not to mention the abundance of candid photos fans had tagged the two of you in. Pictures of the two of you kissing, the two of you visiting that little ice cream shop by the beach, some at that little cafe by your house that had your favorite coffee.
To say it was agony was an understatement. There weren't words for her pain. She could never effectively describe the heartache that left her crying for hours on end, breathless and shaky from the exertion.
It hurt knowing she carved out her own heart for you and in the end, her downfall was her own doing.
You already found someone to miss, while I'm still standin' at the exit.
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thatgirlsza · 6 months
Mean Coworkers ♡
Suguru Getou x fem reader
Self indulgent, Fluff, comforting, angst I think
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Geto was your partner for a number of years now. He knew when you where down, when you where excited but didn't want to show it and knew when you better than you even knew yourself. Which is why he knew that you were on edge the whole day. Since the beginning of yesterday,
You had become slightly closed off, opting to kiss his cheeks rather than his lips. Cuddling him half-heartedly like your mind was absent, Making small blunders when cleaning or cooking and forgetting the smallest things, like when you were carrying the piece of paper you so desperately looked for. You hardly slept that night, constantly looking down at your phone to check the time, and when you did eventually fall asleep, you were a light, restless sleeper waking up even when he was shifting softly in the sheets. Your little odd behaviors would have been cute, if not endearing, if they weren't taking a toll on you, and Geto had grown worried.
So as you lay on the sofa, flicking through the shows, trying to pick one, he came up and lay on top of you. His soft hair tickled as he began to nuzzle into you for attention, but all you did was place your hand on his head. He pouted before nipping at your skin, making you jump. "Geto, I'm not in the mood." You whined, pushing his head away, and he knew you weren't by his last name in use. Instead of moving away, he just nuzzled closer like a cat, and his obsidian eyes looked at you in gentle worry with adornment. "I know, darling. What's wrong? Don't worry, I won't laugh unless it's funny." He said it with a smile, which made your own lips curve up a bit.
You sighed heavily, as if you had held in a breath secretly, as you placed the remote down and began to wave his inky strands between your fingers. "I don't want to go to work tomorrow." He furrowed his brows in confusion. You loved your job, and your best friends worked with you too. He's never heard you outwardly express that you dislike it, so he wondered if it was a new development. "Why, what happened?"
Again, you sighed and began to explain. You told him how your coworkers had been engaging in high school-level gossip, which didn't bother you until they spoke about a rather sensitive topic. You explained that when you tried to bring the point of discomfort across, they basically ganged up on you and told you you were wrong for having an opinion. They then followed it up with ostracizing you to the point where even the people you called 'friends' joined in to not get the same treatment. It was like the popular group in high school had taken the situation and balanced it on your head. It was even worse, as in the HR department, there were a lot of people who were friends with your coworkers.
By the time you were done, Geto was wiping a stray tear off your soft cheeks. Trying to gently stroke your arms, shushing your soft cries. "Hey, don't cry over some idiots who think their opinions are the greatest thing since sliced bread. I know it's hard, baby, but you'll just need to ignore them. Who knows, you'll get to be transferred to a new department." Geto kept rambling until you softly giggled at his words, but inside he was hot with anger. How dare they make you so sad and leave you out when you didn't even want to see them? How dare they make work into a popularity poll for their twisted minds? Disgusting. He would make sure that they'd never utter your name in that type of context again.
But right now, his darling was curled up in his arms and needed him. Geto would curse those who wronged you to the depths of hell but would never pass the opportunity to kiss you better.
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surftrips · 2 years
don't be a stranger
pairing: jj maybank x reader
summary: y/n begins dating her boyfriend, not knowing that she would lose her best friend in the process.
word count: 1427
warnings: none, just angst as usual (but a happy ending!)
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You began dating your boyfriend a few months ago. He was a great guy. Funny, handsome, and caring, he checked off all of the boxes of an ideal boyfriend. You were happy for once.
Unfortunately, you didn't know that having a boyfriend would mean losing your best friend in the process.
Ever since you began seeing your boyfriend, JJ started distancing himself from you. Not from the other Pogues either, just you.
It broke your heart to see him getting further away from you, but did you not deserve to be happy? You didn't understand why JJ was making you choose between your happiness and his.
But maybe it was because in another world, JJ would have been the one for you. You wanted to go back in time to August, your shirt stained with red wine from laughing too hard with him, sitting by the campfire nestled safely in his arms.
You were his best girl and he always made sure you knew that. "Just wanted to see my best girl," or "What are you up to, sunshine?"
You missed that the most. Your friendship with JJ often crossed the lines between platonic and romantic, but you didn't mind. It was like you and JJ existed in this grey area, both of you afraid to make a move but content with where you were.
You thought you had forever together to figure it out.
Then you met your boyfriend, and your conversations with JJ went from "I'm picking you up after work today," to "You don't pay attention to me anymore!"
"Because, JJ! Every time I try to get close to you now, you always pull away from me. We never hang out unless it's with the Pogues, you're always in a bad mood around me, god you won't even hug me anymore!" you had shouted at him.
Then, having regretted being so harsh, you said "I don't want things to be different between us just because I'm seeing someone."
"But how can they not be?" he responded. "Nothing ever feels right anymore."
You sighed. "I don't know what to tell you, JJ. You're my best friend, and you always will be. But I can't do this right now. You know it's not possible for us to be like the way we were before."
That was the last time you talked to him. Weeks ago. It was the longest you had ever gone without any contact from him. It was like you two were strangers again.
How did you get here?
You still loved your boyfriend, but you would be lying if you said the angst between you and JJ hadn't caused a rift in your relationship. Each time you laughed, you felt a part of yourself wish that JJ was here with you. That he was the one making you laugh.
When your boyfriend called you his girl, you almost frowned because JJ would call you his best girl until you realized that those days were long gone now.
You tried your best to hide your sadness around your boyfriend, it was something you were good at, hiding your emotions. The only person in your life that could clock you was JJ, of course.
He knew when you were mad you got passive aggressive, when you were frustrated you would cry, when you hated someone you would be extra nice to them. He could read you like a book.
Which is why you never picked up his phone calls. You knew that as soon as you tried to speak, he would know something was wrong. You wanted to believe that you were fine, that you and your boyfriend were fine, but the thought of JJ kept you up at night.
You told yourself you would never be the kind of girl that let their boyfriends take over their lives, let them drift apart from their friends. But JJ wasn't just a friend. You knew that. He knew that. You both were so caught up in whatever weird limbo you were in between friends and lovers that you almost didn't realize you had left JJ behind.
You didn't know how much longer you could be with your boyfriend. You adored him, but he just wasn't JJ. He wasn't your best friend. He wasn't the one that made you laugh the hardest or knew all your secrets. No, that was someone else.
How could you tell your boyfriend that you were starting to hate who you've become? How you wanted to go back to how life was before you ever met him?
You usually went to JJ for advice, but what were you going to say? Hey, how do I break up with my boyfriend because I realized that I am actually in love with you?
At the same time, it would be nice to hear his voice. The one that always managed to calm you down, but at the moment terrified you. You knew that he had been leaving phone calls here and there, so you decided to check your voicemail, not expecting very much.
You were surprised to see that you had not one or two, but several voicemails. All from him.
Some were just a few seconds, the longer ones were two minutes. You hit play on the most recent one, from a few days ago.
"Hey Y/N. It's JJ... I don't know if you're listening to these, but I just wanted to let you know that we're fine. I'm sorry, I was being selfish before but I decided that what I want isn't worth losing you for. I just want my best friend back. That's all."
Suddenly you couldn't hold it in anymore. You let out the sobs you've been holding in for the past few months, not caring if your boyfriend in the next room could hear or not.
It had been a week since you broke up with your boyfriend. Meaning that you had been sitting alone in your room trying to work up the courage to call JJ back for seven days.
All throughout this, your friends Kie and Sarah have been extremely supportive. They knew that what you and JJ had was special, and really, they just wanted the Pogues to be back together again. Ever since you left, JJ had become a shell of himself.
"I just feel awful about everything, what if he doesn't want to talk to me?" you were saying to the girls.
"Then he wouldn't have called you. All the voicemails on your phone are from him," Sarah said matter-of-factly.
"Yeah, why would he leave all those messages if he didn't want to talk?" Kie added.
You knew they were right. You picked up your phone and shooed your friends out of your room.
He picked up almost immediately, his voice on the other line startling you. "Y/N?" he said.
"Hey, J. It's nice to hear your voice."
"Yours too." A beat. Then, "Why are you calling? Did something happen?"
"We used to call all the time, not just when something happens," you tried to hide the hurt in your voice, "But yeah, me and him broke up."
"Oh. I'm sorry, Y/N, what happened? He didn't hurt you, did he?" The concern in his voice causing tears to sting your eyes.
"No, no, nothing like that. I actually broke up with him."
"Oh. Pretty boy wasn't good enough for you?" You almost smiled, relieved to see that you were on bantering terms again.
"No, he just wasn't you, JJ." There it was, the truth.
You heard him take a deep breath on the other side, and then there was silence. You had been waiting weeks to confess your feelings for him, and you couldn't take it any longer.
"Please say something, JJ."
"Where are you right now?"
"I'm at home."
"Stay there, I'm coming over."
You looked outside your window. "Wait- it's raining pretty bad. You could get sick. How are you going to get here?"
"Y/N, I have been lying in bed for the past month beating myself up for not running over there and telling you how I feel. If you think this rain is going to stop me, then you've severely underestimated my love for you."
"You- you love me?"
"I thought that was clear by now." It was, but it was something else to hear him say it aloud.
"I love you too, JJ."
"Great, I'm glad we've established that. Now do I have your permission to run into the rain so I can see my best girl?"
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thewritersofdeceased · 2 months
𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 ;; 3 hours(7:11 to 11:00) ;
𝗍𝗒𝗉𝖾 ;; hurt/angst + comfort/fluff
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌 ;; albert dasilva ; racetrack higgins
𝗍𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗀𝖾𝗋𝗌 ;; n/a ;
extra ;; little bit of angst, french!albert, italian!race
song lyrics ;; stay awake - mary poppins
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[ci]memories of the refuge flashed in the mind of a boy. antonio higgins, better yet known as racetrack to some of the other boys in the lodgehouse, was stirred awake. sitting up rather quickly, looking around back and forth, the boy covered his mouth when waking up. he didn’t want to wake anyone else up. no. he couldn’t. let alone waking up any of the other boys, like jack. though the only one he’d really wish albert desilva. that was his best friend. The one who had begged jack to do anything in his power to get his best friend out of that terrible place.
[ci]but everyone could see that albert had a deep feeling for race. Everyone knew. If you asked romeo, he’d say it was like the ginger was in love with the blonde loudmouthed boy. But everytime one of the boys, for example, romeo himself or even if specs or henry asked the ginger haired boy, the only answer they ever got was a quick witted sentence.
[bci]”i’s ain’ in love with race! i’s just care about ‘im alot.”
[ci]back to the moment at hand.
[ci]race took shaky breaths in and out at a fast pace, looking around the room full of sleeping boys. he had to get out of here. pushing the covers he wore off and just slipping on the boots he seemed to always wear, race began to sneak out. he couldn’t go to the rooftop. jack was up there alongside crutchie. so, where did race go? He went to the only place where he thought he couldn’t be bothered. sneaking about the lodgehouse and into the colder streets of new york city, race sat himself down on one of the steps just outside. just outside for a breath of fresh air.
[ci]he wasn’t in the refuge, he tried to tell himself. was he? he prayed not. the thoughts began to run wild in his head. his blue eyes were wide as his breathing went even for a couple seconds, then shaky right after. in his eyes, they had tears. tears the color of silver and pale blue fell down his cheeks. race wasn’t one to cry. no, this boy always had an upgoing personality. either he was a firecracker, loud, annoying, everything of the sort, or he was tired. tired because of the sirens that blared throughout the night.
[ci]it had felt strange with none of the sirens being heard while in the refuge. though when they were, of course he’d stay awake all night. someone had to stay awake and make sure those kids were okay. but when he was released, race wasn’t the same energetic boy. when race had returned, it was a whole different thing. race wasn’t off trying to steal cigars, he wasn’t as loud as he had been before. the refuge messed with his head. it messed with him physically and mentally.
[ci]now as race thought and thought, even as the tears fell, footsteps had made his head snap up almost instantly, looking around and back towards the inside of the lodge house. the voice that caught his attention was one who sounded like they just woke up. the voice was grogly, tired sounding.
[ci]the voice spoke, only then did race realize who’s voice it was. albert. The voice caught race’s attention as the boy quickly lowered his head. but the way his shoulders were slumped and his body was trembling. the sight made albert’s heart clench as he slowly went to sit beside the other. he had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, not placing his hands on race at all during it all.
[ci]”’ey. ‘Ey… you’s okay, race..”
[ci]the voice was soft. soft and comforting. race tried his best to listen to it. it took a couple seconds for albert to speak again, but his soft and comforting voice never faltered. “can i’s come closer? i won’t touch ya. not unless you’s need physical touch.” albert attempted to explain, all his attention being on the shaken up blonde right in front of him.
[ci]race remained quiet, his shoulders continuing to rise and fall as he slowly seemed to have nodded, making a small smile form on the redhead's face as he slowly and cautiously moved over to race. He was asking permission for these things, not wanting to bring back any terrible memories of the refuge to his best friend. to the boy he’d do anything for.
[ci]albert was the first one race actually told his name to. at first, nobody had known race’s true name was antonio. everyone only knew him as racetrack. racetrack or race. “ant, am i allowed to hold ya?” he then would ask, seeing how race would process the question in his head before earning a nod of response.
[ci]albert, at this response, would wrap his arms around race and pull him into his lap. he wished he could help. he let out a soft sigh, carefully beginning to run his hand through race’s hair, whilst the other held him close. race was hiding his face in the ginger’s shoulder and crook of his neck. they just sat there in pure silence for a little bit.
[ci]but after a while, the soft voice of albert, who seemed to be singing, rang through race’s ears. his sniffling had stopped, his tears no longer falling.
[ci]”Rester éveillé,” (stay awake)
[ci]”ne repose pas ta tête..”(don’t rest your head)
[ci]”Ne t'allonge pas…”(Don’t lie down)
[ci]”sur ton lit..”(upon your bed)
[ci]the boy was singing in french. race had heard albert speaking french before, mainly when albert thought nobody was listening. but race had. hell, when he was in the refuge, the blonde curled boy would speak italian, beyond terrified of everything there. speaking his native language, at least the language he had learnt from his mother before being abandoned and put in an orphanage at a young age. that was something race was proud to remember. his mother.
[ci]at the moment, albert was almost like that figure he needed. not a parental figure, but someone who cared. as race closed his eyes, albert continued to sing the soft tune, his eyes closed as his arms were wrapped around race in a loving embrace.
[ci]”Pendant que la lune dérive dans le ciel..”(While the moon drifts in the skies)
[ci]”Reste éveillé, ne ferme pas les yeux..”(Stay awake, don't close your eyes..)
[ci]”Même si le monde dort profondément..”(Though the world is fast asleep…)
[ci]”Bien que ton oreiller soit doux et profond..”(Though your pillow soft and deep)
[ci]as albert continued with the soft melody, he had noticed the soft breathing of the boy in his lap. race had fallen asleep, it appeared. the ginger had no issue with that. so long as race was asleep, albert wouldn’t move a single muscle. slowly, his own eyes closed, his song slowly coming to an end…
[ci]”Vous n'avez pas sommeil comme vous en avez l'air…”(You're not sleepy as you seem…)
[ci]”Reste éveillé, ne hoche pas la tête et ne rêve pas....”(Stay awake, don't nod and dream…)
[ci]”Reste éveillé, ne hoche pas la tête et ne rêve pas....”(Stay awake, don't nod and dream…)
[ci]and so, as the song came to an end, the stars above twinkled with that lovely shine. of course, race and albert got teased by the other boys as morning came, but what mattered is they had each other. even through thick and thin.
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hunahuna-un · 9 months
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Fic catalogue: ❤
Don't know quite where to start? Here is a short list hopefully helpful in picking what you'd like.
Couple things: ♥ All Explicit, unless otherwise stated (rest are Mature) ♥ All have old name for cowboy ♥ All yeehan (mchanzo), minus the separate list ♥ Mind the tags / warnings!
List mentions whether it's versatile, top or bottom, or just other. Tags mentioned are only a few key tags.
♥ All my works ♥ Series (most are loosely) ♥ Collections Listed: Longer fics, One shots, Not just yeehan, Other (not a fic per se)
This got long, so the 20 fics are below cut. ^^;
~~~ notes: btm Han = bottom Hanzo top Han = top Hanzo versatile = both (or neither?) other = no penetration (may have fingering)
(I debated whether to include this, but since it matters to many and not all my fics have it tagged, I thought this was a good way for those who give a damn about top/bottom to find something. Many also have lot of other forms including mouth, thighs, fingers etc. So this is very barebones.) Canon is more like based on canon. I have so many AUs so... Noodles = noodle dragons ~~~
Longer fics:
- Twisted Roads (73k/80+k fin.) ch: 25/28, first, canon, one night stand gone wrong, after recall, versatile - Secret of the Forest ch: 4/20+, Fantasy AU, Elfzo, Orcass, slow burn, size difference, btm Han - Frozen Doll (14k) [finished! Mature] Fantasy AU, Winter Fae Hanzo + Bear shapeshifter, hot spring, sauna, rituals, btm Han - Giving a Finger (10k) [finished!] canon, after recall, noodles, oral fixation, other - The Words Left Unsaid (7,1k/written 11,8k+) ch: 3/10?, canon, Scion trans Hanzo + bodyguard, sexual tension, fuckbuddies, everyone is a little shit, power btm Hanzo - Dragon’s Heart (3,3k/written 6,3k+) ch: 2/? (6-8), denial Hanzo, drunk sex, somno, noodles It's not gay if the balls don't touch - Take me back (5,7k) [finished! Mature] canon, kidnapping, pining, noodles what happened not tagged (hence chose no warnings) - Only Human (5,7k) [finished!] AU, dad dragon hanzo + hunter, enemies to lovers, fuck or die, size difference, oviposition (marked), rough sex, pwp one shot really, top Han - Time Is Eternity ch: 1/?, AU, currently has meeting as kids + teens very benign, will be on backburner for now
One shots:
[all finished!] mostly just pwp/smut, length 1-5k~ - Tonight (login) Scion Hanzo, Blackwatch cowboy, canon, semi-public, versatile - Those Gloves (login) Scion Hanzo, Blackwatch cowboy, canon, gloves, spanking, dirty talk, dom Hanzo, other - Old Love, New Care Omnic / Cyber Dragon Hanzo, canon/AU, rough sex, angst, nails, dirty talk, my dick is crying, top Han - The Forbidden Flower Elfzo + invisible cowboy (race not specified), Fantasy AU, biting, semi public, exhibitionism, degradation, dirty talk, btm Han - Cupid's Shot (login) Cupid Hanzo (trying to hook him up), am i gay?, ch1: top Han, ch2: btm Han (they have different smut) - Tide both mers, Fantasy AU, mating rituals, mer genitalia, versatile (simultaneously) - Little minx wants to ride the cowboy dick (login) masturbation, voice kink, dirty talk, rp side fic, btm Han (fantasy) / other - Dancing Dragon [Mature] erotic dancing, strip tease, lapdance, teasing - Today is a fine day for... Lifeguard, semi-public, sex toys, filming, teasing, btm Han
Not just yeehan:
- Three's a Crowd DragonLily (side dish) + Yeehan (endgame, Explicit)
-Love and Thrust Yeehanweaver (yeehan + Niran)
-Hanzo's poems (Each chapter is a separate poem) -The the the (don't ask)
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Memoriam: Part Four
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Summary: Spencer is investigating the death of his “imaginary friend” that’s not so imaginary. On the other hand, you’re finding out more about your family than you thought you knew. Why are you now getting the ick when you never had this before? What does it all mean?
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"Thank you for seeing us on such short notice."
"Well, I'm always happy to assist the FBI. Is there a witness you want me to look at?"
"Yeah. Me. I'm trying to recover memories from my childhood. There was a murder."
"How long ago are we talking about?"
"I was four."
"Memories from that age can be difficult to interpret," Jan sighs.
"I'm aware of the limitations of hypnotherapy."
"Then you're aware of suggestion issues. If you've looked into this case, you may have a bias."
"Are you saying what he remembers under hypnosis may not be real?" you ask.
"It's a possibility. Either way, it's a tough sell in court."
"We won't be using this for evidentiary purposes. It's really just for me. The suppressed memories are about my father."
"If it's okay with you, I'd like to be here to watch."
"You want to sit in? I don't normally allow that."
"I want her here, please."
"You won't even know I'm here."
Jan brings you and Spencer to a better room for this kind of thing. Spencer lies down on the couch, and you sit on the single sofa away from them to give them space.
"I want you to hold my wrist in your left hand, and if you should feel any fear, I want you to squeeze, do you understand?"
Spencer looks over at you to make sure you're still there, and you give him a small smile to let him know he is going to be okay. Spencer rests his head on the pillow and closes his eyes to focus on Jan's voice.
"Go back to the night you were just telling me about. You're at home, in your room. You can't sleep because your parents are arguing."
"He's coming in."
"My dad."
"What about him, Spencer? What is he doing?"
"I don't want to be here," he says fearfully.
Spencer's fear is enough to roll over to you, and you grip the edges of the armrests. Tears pool in your eyes, but you have to tell yourself this isn't your fear. Spencer is hurting, and you can't do anything but sit back and watch.
"It's okay, Spencer. Take us to where the light is, to the next morning. The sun is coming up. Where are you, Spencer?"
"Mom? My mom. She's at the window. She's thinking. She's been crying. She saw him."
"Who? Your father? Do you talk to her?"
"No. No, I wanna--I wanna see..."
Spencer squeezes her arm tightly, signaling that he doesn't want to do this anymore. He is full-on panicking right now, and you need this to end.
"What is it, Spencer? What are you seeing?"
"No, you need to stop this. Please," you beg and rush over to Spencer. "He doesn't want to do this anymore!"
"I need you to leave this location now, Spencer."
"Wake him up!"
"I'm going to count backward from five. Five, four, three, two, one, and wake."
Spencer jerks awake, and you put a hand on his forehead to let him know you're here. He is this close to crying, and it breaks your heart into two.
"Spencer, baby, it's okay. I'm here. You're okay. What happened? What did you see?"
"I need to talk to my mom," he pants.
"Okay, let's go. Thank you, Jan."
"My pleasure."
The only person who might be able to help is his mother. Diana knows something, but because of her illness, it's not going to be easy. Spencer saw his mother with bloody clothes on, and then he saw his dad in the backyard burning those same clothes. They know something, and they're not telling. Diana keeps saying the same thing whenever Spencer tries to ask her about it, and this is no different.
"Try to remember, Mom," Spencer begs.
"No, I can't."
"You were there. You watched Dad burn the bloody clothes."
"You had a dream."
"Mom, this was not a dream. This was a memory. It was a memory and I saw you."
"Your mind is such a treasure," she admires. "Even as a baby, you knew about things you weren't supposed to know."
"This is not about me. This is about Riley Jenkins."
"It was always about you."
"Please, mom. Please, just try to remember. Remember Riley."
"Riley? Riley was real. Oh, poor Riley," she gasps sadly.
"Yes, poor Riley. Did Dad do something to him?"
"Dad? No."
"Think, Mom," Spencer says, getting a bit frustrated with her.
"No, no. That's--no, no. Now you're confusing me, Spencer."
"You knew. You knew about Dad, and you didn't do anything."
Something snaps inside Diana's mind, and she starts freaking the fuck out. She starts slamming her hands to her head, and if someone doesn't stop her soon, she will hurt herself.
"No! You don't know! No! No!"
Doctors and nurses rush in as soon as they hear her, and one of the nurses has a sedative that will calm her down easily. Spencer hates seeing his mom this way, and he hates that you're seeing this.
"I'm just going to give you something to relax."
"No... it could have been you," she whispers painfully.
"What? What did you say?" Spencer asks.
"It could have been you."
You two leave to give her some time to calm down, and Derek and Rossi are waiting outside of the building for you two to return. Spencer is too distraught to speak, so you tell Rossi and Derek what happened.
"She's not stable, Reid. You can't put stock in what she says. I don't need to tell you that," Derek sighs. "I don't need to tell you this is textbook. Father reroutes compulsion to molest away from his own son to a surrogate. The woman thought Riley was an imaginary friend until you told her otherwise. That's the mind's way of suppressing memories she doesn't want to face. You're losing objectivity here, kid."
"I'm not trying to say I know what happened or how my dad's involved, Morgan, but my dad's involved."
"He didn't kill him, Spencer. I've looked many murderers in the eyes, even the ones who were trying to hide what they did. Your dad didn't murder or molest Riley."
Spencer looks at you with a look of betrayal, and you can't help but feel bad about this. He needs an answer, so he turns to the one person who makes the most sense, which is also the person who abandoned him. There are underlying issues between him and his dad that go beyond what's at stake here.
Spencer is still hell-bent that his dad has something to do with this, so he drags you, Rossi, and Derek to the same police station that Detective Hyde is in. If anyone is going to help Spencer, it's the detective who was on the case originally.
When you get to the police station, you see Lou Jenkins leave. He looks over at your group before continuing on his way away from it. Spencer is confused as to why he's here, but he goes inside nonetheless to speak to Detective Hyde about holding his dad until he has more evidence against him.
"I'd like to request that you hold Will Reid and detain him until further notice."
"You got no evidence against him."
"A suspect can be detained for questioning for forty-eight hours, regardless of evidence."
"I'm not in the habit of ruining people's reputations on a whim."
"Where's your captain? I want to talk to your captain."
"Spencer," you hiss, but he doesn't pay you much mind.
"Talk all you want. This is a local murder, and your authority ends at the state line. Why don't you just head back over to the Fountain View, have a couple of drinks by the pool, and think about this."
"I have thought about this."
"This guy's your father."
"What's your point, Detective?"
"Maybe you're here to work out some other issues?"
A wave of anger washes over you that's coming from Spencer, so you put your hand on his shoulder and take over.
"Detective Hyde, I understand the circumstances here. It's not every day this happens. We'd really appreciate it if you'd help us out here."
Detective Hyde looks between you and Spencer, and you look at him with sympathetic eyes.
"You've got twenty-four hours."
"I really appreciate that. Thank you."
Before Spencer says something that will upset the detective, you and Derek pull him off to the side to speak to him privately.
"Reid. You gotta keep your head, man."
"He just agreed to it. It happens all the time."
"Spencer, he's right. You're letting your emotions get the better of you."
"That's rich coming from you," he says angrily.
You know he's not really angry at you but angry at the entire situation. It's why you'll let this comment slide. Spencer leaves the police station to get some air, and this time, you let him have his space. Derek's phone rings, and he places Pen on speakerphone once he sees it's her calling.
"Talk to me, Garcia."
"So, this Gary Michaels you asked me to track down seems to have peeled himself right off the grid."
"What did he do? Skip town?"
"Apparently. Maybe he took a new name, too. Everything in his name lapsed from non-use in the year after Riley's murder."
"Maybe he didn't want to stick around for the investigation," you suggest.
"In addition to the indecent exposure wrap, he also had some lewd behavior for trespassing at a nursery school," JJ says. "It's hard to believe the cops never pegged this guy as a suspect."
"Any other avenues to find him?"
"You betcha. They swabbed him in '85 for the exposure thing, so I'm sending up balloons through ViCAP and CODIS."
"If he's offended again over the past twenty years under a different name, and we all agree he probably has, then he will pop up somewhere."
"Alright, keep us in the loop."
"Will do."
Thanks to Detective Hyde agreeing to bring Will in, it's not long before Spencer's dad is brought in for questioning. Spencer comes back in just in time to see his dad go into an interrogation room.
"You still think he did it, don't you?"
"Why shouldn't I?"
"Well, for one thing, Gary Michaels fits the profile. For another, he fled town after Riley's murder. He's a better suspect than your dad, Reid."
"He's a convenient one. Someone slipped the file under my door, Morgan. What am I supposed to think?"
"Maybe they're trying to help."
"Maybe they're trying to frame him."
"Spencer, think about what you're saying. I think Derek is right here. Your dad didn't murder Riley."
"I can't believe you, of all people, are taking Derek's side on this."
"I'm not. I'm just saying--"
"Well, don't just say," he cuts you off angrily.
Why is he acting like this? He's not even listening to your side of the story.
"Reid, you're talking about someone helping to cover up the murder of a child. Who would do that?" Rossi asks, breaking the tense silence.
"Do you remember how resistant Detective Hyde was when I asked him to bring in my father?"
"So, what, you're accusing a cop now?" Derek asks.
"It was a police file."
"It was a very old police file. Anybody could have accessed it."
"He told me to go back to the Fountain View, have a drink by the pool, and think about things. I never told him we were staying at the Fountain View."
Spencer leaves the group without so much as a look at you.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Scar Tissue | Eugene Roe x m!reader
@satan-incarnate-666 asked: “I'll keep you warm” and "You look like you've been crying" for sad lil gene angst, w m!reader pls? ty hehe
summary: when his favourite pilot gets shot down and badly injured, Roe does everything he can to try and see you.
tws: swearing, injury
Shivering, you pulled the scratchy and thin blanket tighter around your shoulders, sniffling as you stared at the little photograph that sat on your bedside table; the nurses walked past you, giving you a friendly smile as they tapped the calf of your left leg. Your gaze didn't leave the photograph. Eugene. Your sweetheart from Louisiana. You didn't know where he was anymore, his letters had mostly stopped, you wondered if he thought that you were dead, if you he had been killed himself; you hoped not, but you knew better than to hope. You sniffled again, clearing your throat as you grumbled and let out a soft cough; the doctors and nurses did their best to patch you up and treat the burns and the gashes that littered your body. You hardly remembered what had happened, but you did remember thinking of your parting words with Eugene when you were last together.
"No matter what, I'll find my way back to you. We'll meet again."
You didn't even realise that you had started to cry until you felt a wet patch on your pillow against your face; making you sigh as you shifted to get more comfortable, but you were so cold that you almost couldn't bring yourself to move in the slightest. You stared at the photograph, wondering if you really would meet Eugene again, wondering if you really would be together again and that he would find his way to you. But what hope did you have? An RAF pilot, you weren't exactly sure how he was meant to find you unless he spoke to your commanding officer, one Squadron Leader Mohinder, who had been checking in on you almost every other day.
Scar tissue. It was everywhere on your body, and there was no doubt it would be infecting your mind soon enough. Yet all you could do was stare at that fucking photograph; how happy you were back then, grinning as you stood in front of a Hawker Hurricane, shortly after you had gotten your wings. His arm around your shoulders, keeping you close and tight against him as he leaned into you, your hand on his chest as you kept your gaze on him; it had been a nice day, sunny and nearly perfect. One of the photographers had taken that picture, a young lad who had been given the responsibility of photographing all the pilots for their loved ones. You wanted to smile, to be fond of those nights and fond of those days, you wanted to smile and to be happy for all the good times that you and Eugene had had together; but all you could do was softly cry as you kept looking at that photograph.
There was a commotion at the end of the hospital, ripping you from your thoughts, and you could have sworn that you had heard his voice, but then you realised that it couldn't possibly be, and you frowned as you snuggled into the damp pillow; there were rushed footsteps, and the shouting grew louder.
"I told you! I'm a fucking medic, now let me see him!"
The footsteps came to your bedside, and you felt a hand on your shoulder as the cause of the commotion cleared his throat, and gently shook you. "Hey there, stranger."
You turned over, looking up at him, but when you met those beautiful almost black eyes, your jaw fell slack, and you shook your head. "No, no, you... you can't be here."
Eugene tilted his head to the side, crouching down so that he could look into your eyes, laying a hand on the side of your face. "Why not?"
"Because you're meant to be with the hundred and first," you told him weakly. "You're... you're not meant to be here."
"I had word you'd been shot down," Eugene admitted with a sigh. "Mohinder told Winters, and Winters told me... how are they treating you? They're not giving you too much morphine, are they?"
"Gene," you chuckled softly. "Doctor brain."
He smiled, nodding as he ran his other hand through his hair and sighed shakily. "Are you okay, though? You look like you've been crying."
"I'm cold," you started, "and it hurts... and all I can think about is you."
He licked his lips, taking a quick look around before he gestured for you to move over, only enough so that he could slip into the uncomfortable and half broken bed with you, pulling you close enough so that he could run his hand up and down your back as he let out a shaky breath. "You don't have to miss me anymore, (y/n), I'm here, I'll keep you warm."
You nodded against him, wriggling into the embrace as you shivered and sniffled; you wondered if you had a cold coming along to haunt you. Or maybe it was from where you had been crying for the past few hours. You couldn't say. "Hey, Doc?"
"Does it go against your whole patient-doctor thingie to snuggle up with me in the middle of fucking nowhere, France?" You could only let out a weak laugh, but when he laughed louder and laughed more strongly, you couldn't help but to smile. It had been too long since you had heard him laugh, had heard him really laugh the way that you did when he would visit the RAF training fields; you missed it, and although you didn't want to, you couldn't help but to sob quietly, grabbing the front of his shirt and burying your face against his neck as you squeezed your eyes tightly shut and let him hold you as your body shook with each cry.
"Hey, don't cry," he said quietly. "I've got you. Your sweetheart from Louisiana got you, (y/n), you're okay."
You shook your head, sniffling as you pulled away enough to try and catch your breath; you shuddered and shivered, clearing your throat before you could even think of answering. "I... I miss you."
"I know," he whispered. "But we'll meet again, don't worry."
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; spam likers WILL be blocked. as will blogs that refuse to reblog or to give feedback. if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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safic4-m · 2 years
💜 Hug me
Pairing: Wilhemina Venable x Fem Lector
Author’s note: I wanted some angst and softness
Number of words: 1694
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~Master list~
After the problem with your parents you never believed that you would finish your studies and now you are in your last year of university, it was very difficult to enter the university since the costs are very high, but luckily you got half a scholarship because of your excellent grades.
They kicked you out of the house at 16 because you like women and you went to ask for accommodation in Emma’s house, without much thought, I accepted you in her house; That was when your new life began. When you entered university your whole life had been planned, study during the day to work in the bar in the afternoons, be a babysitter on Fridays and whatever came up for the weekend.
Everything went to hell in the second semester, you had seen her before in the halls of the school, strong character, impeccable appearance and her purple dress. For Wilhemina you were just one more student, but compared to the others your grades were perfect; things changed when he had one of those days where he just wanted the world to go away.
Flash back
As she finished her whiskey, the sound of the door knocking the attention of the man who had been serving her.
-You’re late- release angrily to the people who just entered
-Sorry I had a problem with my motorcycle- the voice became familiar to the redhead
In her field of vision appears a girl completely different from the one she had seen before, her colorful clothes were changed for lifeless dark tones, your surprise does not go unnoticed for her to see her in your workplace.
-Y/N today you stay to close- the words of your boss took you out of your mind
-What?!- passing behind the bar -I can’t tomorrow I have classes- because of the university you couldn’t take the full shift
-You will stay unless you want to lose your job- her words came out like daggers from her mouth
-Well- approaching your teacher to refill her glass, you’d be lying if you said you’re not attracted to her
Wilhemina analyzes each of your movements, from how you move to the change in your breathing
-Whisky- she says dryly and you didn’t expect less from her
As soon as you’re done serving the door swings open revealing a 29-something blonde.
-Tequila- leaving a considerable space between her and the redhead -I just got out of a 7 hour session, I’m destroyed- Emma always takes part of her time to visit you at work
-Well I don’t hear you complain about the money- leaving her drink in front of her
-Haha, anyway you have to buy everything for movie night- a part of you hesitates if you should tell him
-It is not going to be possible- watching her take her drink before speaking again -I have to stay to close- waiting for her reaction
-But tomorrow you have school- I went from your friend of hers to becoming a kind of mother
-And I need the money- feeling a slight pressure in the chest
-Yes, how is it not him who is there when you have a collapse- looking at your boss with displeasure
Emma’s words were heard by Venable, without believing she just heard it, you always looking so happy and confident
Flashback ending
The next day the first hour class went with her and you felt a strange attention from her but you didn’t blame her, you looked terrible, an hour of dreams is not a big deal. It became normal to see her at the bar, at first there were small talks between the two, nothing personal; part of her was telling her it wasn’t right, but the other part just wanted to know who you are, just as you seek to understand the mysteries of this woman.
You go up the stairs quickly, panic grows when you hear some sobs coming from the bathroom, when you enter you find her on the floor and you approach her wetting your clothes with the water jet.
-Mina darling- closing the shower to get her attention, the image of her crying is something that breaks your heart -Mina please talk to me- placing a hand on her arm, she walks away as if it were fire, but seeing that It’s you. She throws herself into your arms -it’s okay- encircling her slim body, letting her settle on top of you.
After a while she pulls away from her, a few tears still running down her cheeks and she quickly wipes them away with her thumb.
-I’m sorry I wet your clothes…- her voice comes out so small and broken.
-Okay don’t worry, come let me help you
If you had been someone else of hers she would have screamed to leave her alone and she would refuse to receive help from her, but over time she understood that you only care about her
You leave her on the bed in her lap with her bathrobe on and look for her pills, returning to the room as she quickly wipes away her tears.
-Here- handing over her medicine and a glass of water, she hesitates a bit and forces a smile
-Thank you- looking down in shame
-You don’t have to thank- taking one of her hands in yours, a strong sigh comes out of her when she feels the warmth of your body next to her
So they last for a while in comfortable silence, comforting her with sweet words and gentle touches.
-You should change before we leave- you see how something of life returns to her eyes and you fill her face with kisses -okay…- she barely manages to say between a fit of laughter -please Y/N we are going to be late- you leave her reluctantly to change you
You help her get dressed whispering words of love and splashing kisses all over her body, normally after these little incidents she tends to be more insecure, but you will always be there to overcome them
-Wait- she says before she can open the front door
-What happened…- you interrupt her by kissing her and you feel how she relaxes before the gesture, it doesn’t take long for the sound of her cane hitting the ground to be heard, with her hands she attracts you to deepen the kiss, when separated by lack of air you can’t help but smile
-I love you- she comes out in a whisper very close to his lips
-I love you too- planting one last kiss
Outside of her home, any kind of display of affection was strictly prohibited, which is a valid thing since her relationship could get both of them in trouble.
-What happened to your girlfriend?-She ​​asks t / m / y in a very low tone so as not to attract the attention of the teacher
-What do you mean?- Seeing not to be heard by anyone
-I saw her leave a few minutes ago and she didn’t look good at all
It’s impossible not to worry besides the fact that she’s supposed to be in class, what happened this morning is not something to be taken lightly.
You send him a message asking if everything was okay, the rest of the classes you didn’t pay much attention. When you arrive you find her car badly parked, the lights off and without a single noise.
-Wilhemina !!- you shout her name from the first floor and when you don’t receive an answer you go up to the room.
-Mina- you let out a sigh when you find her lying under the sheets -What’s going on?-You ask kneeling next to her -what hurts?-You try again removing the sheet to see her, she’s still wearing her work clothes .
Upon discovering her face, you see that her eyes are red and dry tear stains, with one of your hands you rub her arm without wanting to touch somewhere where it hurts.
-Mina- this time she opens her eyes and you can see the pain in her eyes -ohh Mina- caressing her cheek to comfort her -stop and look for the compress- before you can leave you feel that she stops you
-I’m fine, I don’t need your help- she releases with venom in her voice and here are these moments in which she refuses to help her -I’m not weak- forcing herself to sit on the bed grimacing in pain
-I’m not saying you are, you are the strongest person I know- in a very soft tone -but even the strongest people sometimes need help- sitting next to her
-Please, let me take care of her-taking her hand -I go for the hot water bottle- giving her a squeeze before leaving
As you search for everything you notice that it is raining outside, as if the weather understands how it feels; Wilhemina in her room tries to get up from the bed, but the pain in her back travels to her hip and doesn’t let her move.
-You shouldn’t be standing- leaving the tray next to her to help her sit down
-I need to change my clothes- before you remove the clothes to leave her in her underwear
-Come- taking the bottle from her to place it on her hip, a moan escapes at the comforting heat
-When was the last time you had water?-Passing a glass of water, which she gladly accepts
-Can you prepare a bath for me?-She ​​asks, hesitating to say no, her voices in her head become stronger telling her that she does not deserve your attention
-Of course- kissing the tip of his nose to go to the bathroom.
The scent of lavender fills the bathroom along with a pleasant warmth
-Are you messing with me?- she asks, playing with the water, as she is already in the bathtub.
-Of course- before taking off her clothes to get comfortable behind her -how do you feel?- Surrounding her waist to attract her to you
-It still hurts- resting my head on your shoulder
-What can I do to make you feel better?- leaving a line of kisses from her shoulder to her neck.
-Hug me- something you don’t hesitate to do; It’s amazing how far they’ve come. At first she aggressively pushed him away fearing that when you saw her in a vulnerable state you would use it against her and although it still happens sometimes, she knows you won’t hurt her.
Who knew that the teacher that everyone fears is actually someone soft?
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thefloorisbalaclava · 2 years
the grand tour pt. 4
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Pairing: Javi Gutiérrez x F!Reader
Words: 3,321
Warnings: Angst, sad Javi, drinking. Then comes the SMUT - you catch Javi (almost) in the act, oral sex, make up sex, unprotected sex, it is very possible that Javi has a, uh, breeding kink, creampie, cum play.
Summary: You never thought leaving would be so hard.
A/N: I wasn’t expecting this but this is the end of The Grand Tour. I think this is a decent ending for these two. If y’all have any questions or requests for one shots for these two, I am always open to that! But the main story has ended for them.
[Javi G masterlist]
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Javi stared at the empty space beside him, blinking slowly before sitting up in the bed. The bed he had just shared with you last night. The bed he made love to you in for the last time.
He shook his head and stood, walking to the closet to check. Everything was gone. He stood in the middle of the room and laughed to keep from crying.
As he walked around the bed, he noticed the piece of folded paper on your pillow. He snatched it up and began to read, his hands shaking. It was getting harder to read as his eyes filled with tears.
“Remember that I love you.” That’s how you ended the letter. He read that line over and over again.
“Then why did you leave?” he asked the empty room. He sat heavily on the bed, his shoulders sagging. Grabbing your pillow, he brought it to his face and shoved his face into it. He was hiding his tears and breathing in your scent.
It couldn’t possibly end like this. He loved you and you loved him. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He sat there hoping that maybe you had forgotten something and would come back. Eventually, he put his clothes on and walked out of the apartment, your note still clutched in hand.
“Hello, have you seen her?” He held up his phone and showed the door attendant a picture of you. “She was probably with another woman.”
“They left very early in a taxi, sir. I believe they were heading to the airport since they had all their luggage.”
“Thank you,” Javi said sadly. He got into his car and just sat there. Should he rush to the airport? Should he try calling you? Should he fly to America first thing and try to find you? He had connections everywhere so it wouldn’t be hard to find you, but did you want to be found?
He drove without purpose, staring straight ahead at the road. His house. All those rooms, the balcony, the shower…they would remind him of you.
“Welcome home, sir,” one of the guards said as he held the door open.
“Hm,” he grunted. “I want no calls today, no visits,” he told his guard. “I want to be left alone.”
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Your eyes filled with tears the closer you got to the airport. You could hear your friend talking, but didn’t pick up a word she said. All that was on your mind was Javi and how he would feel once he woke up and realized you were gone.
You felt like some sort of villain. In a way, you were. But this was your story and you had to do what was best for you.
Did he really expect you to leave everything for him? Would he be willing to do the same for you?
Yes, you remembered. He had said as much. That only made you cry more. That sweet man, that man who had taken you into his heart as if he had known you for years, you had left him just like that.
Your feelings for him were confusing and scary. Life wasn’t a movie or a fairytale where everything would fall into place and you two could live happily ever after. There were consequences for everything that you did and everything he did.
As you stood outside the airport, the crushing sadness of leaving him was the only consequence you felt right now.
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Javi stared at the now empty bottle of wine lying on the floor. He sat beside it in the dark, thinking. He tried to think sensibly, he tried to make sense of things.
Of course you weren’t going to stay, you had your own life. But wasn’t he a part of that life now? Unless you still viewed him as a fling and nothing more.
“No,” he said aloud then struggled to his feet. He made his way to his office and turned on the light only to find the Paddington bear you gave him sitting in his desk chair. He sniffled once as he made his way over and picked it up carefully.
“Looks like we only have each other now, friend.” He sat down at his desk and pulled out his phone, unlocking it to find a picture of you on his screen. His hand shook before he threw the phone across the room.
He would forget about you. He had to. Letting you go would be the best thing for him. Maybe he should plan another party, something to take his mind off of all of this.
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Javi could hear the music playing downstairs, he could hear the laughter of others, but nothing sounded quite like you.
He made his way downstairs and his heart skipped a beat when he swore he saw you standing there but once the woman turned, he realized it wasn’t you.
What was he doing? He didn’t need a fucking party, he needed you.
But you weren’t here and probably never would be again.
He sneered and made his way to where the party was. It reminded him of the night he met you—a night he was wishing never happened now because he wouldn’t be standing here with a broken heart.
He looked at all the women around him, some of them vying for his attention, and realized maybe he didn’t need you after all.
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“I can’t do this,” you told you friend, stopping in the middle of the walkway, making people mutter angrily around you.
“What?” your friend asked, pulling you aside.
“I…I love him,” you cried. “I love Javi Gutiérrez.”
“Well, duh, anyone could see that,” your friend chimed in. “It’s about time you saw it.”
“What am I supposed to do?” you asked.
“Go,” she said. “You can worry about all that other shit later. Go girl!”
“Go? Okay. Go…go…” you said nervously. Then you were running back towards the doors of the airport, luggage in tow. As if the gods were working with you, a taxi sat idling. You shoved your luggage in quickly and gave him Javi’s address. You smiled the entire way there. You only hoped that he wouldn’t be too angry with you.
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Javi had found the woman who looked like you and flirted all night. She wasn’t you and she never would be but this was a way to get you off his mind.
He led the woman inside and took her into one of the rooms, keeping the light off so he could keep imagining that it was you. He didn’t care which room it was, he just wanted to get lost in someone instead of getting lost in his thoughts.
The woman kissed him but it was nothing like your kisses. He touched her body but it felt nothing like yours. She said his name but it didn’t make him feel the way he did when you said it.
This was why he couldn’t turn the lights on because seeing her would completely ruin his fantasy of it being you.
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You would surprise him by waiting in the library, you thought. One of his men told you not to worry about your bags and you thanked him. You ran through the house tempted to call out for him, but you wanted to surprise him.
From the sounds of it, he was throwing another party and you would be lying if you said it didn’t hurt a little that he was able to throw a party after finding you gone.
Never mind that. You were here now and you couldn’t wait to see the look on his face.
You took a deep breath outside the library then walked in and turned the light on. You heard the woman squeal before you saw her and you heard his voice before you noticed who it was.
“What the-” Javi stood there in shock, breathing heavily, curls messy and his buttons undone. The woman stood there with her dress pulled down to her waist, similar to how he had you on the first night you two got together. If you weren’t mistaken, she kind of looked like you too.
“Javi…” you breathed. “I…sorry.” You turned and walked out of the library, making your way back to the door.
“Wait!” Javi yelled behind you but you didn’t stop. He eventually caught up with you. “What are you…doing here?”
“Making a mistake,” you said tearfully.
“I thought you were gone. All your stuff was gone when I woke up and your note…”
“You don’t have to explain anything to me. I should have left…”
“Nothing happened,” he told you and you turned to him taking in his disheveled appearance—the messy hair, the lipstick smudged on his lips and neck, the hickeys forming there as well, the unbuttoned shirt.
“Doesn’t look like nothing to me, Javi.” You walked over to the men about to bring your bags inside. “You guys don’t have to do that. Thanks though.”
“What was I supposed to do?” he asked. “You were just gone. My heart was broken.”
“I shouldn’t have come back. I’m sorry. You should…get back to her. I’ll walk down to the road and get a taxi.” You grabbed your luggage and began walking away.
“Where are you going?” he asked, following you.
“Back to the airport. I’ll catch another flight. Please don’t follow me. Go back to your party.” You couldn’t even look at him. You couldn’t let him see how much it hurt to see him with someone else.
“I do not want you to go,” he said sadly. “I will lose my mind.” His voice cracked. He finally stopped following you. “Please don’t do this to me!”
You turned and looked back at him and you thought you saw tears in his eyes.
“I was talking to a teddy bear, for God’s sake,” he said, trying to smile.
“You looked like you were doing fine to me,” you said, looking at his house.
“Her? I just…I was angry, okay? My heart is broken and I have never dealt with something like it before. I probably could deal with being shot better than dealing with the kind of pain I felt when I woke up and saw that you were not there.” He walked to you and you wanted to back away but you couldn’t move.
“Javi…” you cried.
“You came back,” he said, looking into your eyes. “Why?”
“I was there…in the airport on my way to the gate and I realized something.” You paused and looked at him. “I realized that I couldn’t leave you. I realized that…I love you.”
“Is there a ‘but’ somewhere in there?” he asked.
You shook your head. “Not this time.”
He breathed a sigh of relief and moved towards you. “I’m so sorry,” he said. “I want to kiss you.”
“Your lips were all over someone else just a few minutes ago,” you reminded him.
“They were not all over her,” he corrected you, offended.
You looked at all the lipstick on him. “Well, her lips were definitely all over you.”
“I will shower,” he said. “Will you come back inside?”
“What about your party?” you asked.
“I will tell them it’s over. I just want you to stay. I just want to talk…please.”
You looked at him for a long time before nodding. “I’ll stay.” You followed him back into the house, leaving your luggage by the door. He went outside where you heard him say goodbye to his guest before you tucked yourself away in the comfy den with the fireplace. The fire was lit and you listened to the crackles and pops.
Staring into the fire was therapeutic somehow. You cried as you thought about everything—about home, about your friends, about Javi.
You’re not sure how long you had been staring but you heard the door open and close again then quiet footsteps before Javi settled beside you.
“If I hadn’t walked in when I did…would you have gone further with her?” you asked without looking at him and he sighed.
“I don’t know. Yes…probably.” At least he was truthful.
You squeezed your eyes shut and wiped the tears that were spilling down your cheeks. “That was the first thing you thought of doing after I left?”
“Do we have to talk about this?” he asked.
“You wanted to talk, didn’t you?” He opened and closed his mouth a few times. “You must get over people easily.”
“It is not like that. You don’t understand,” he snapped.
“Then explain it to me, Javi. Make me understand,” you cried.
He stood and you watched him pace as he spoke. “When I woke up and your spot was empty…I immediately stopped thinking straight…”
“So, you thought with your dick?” you asked.
“Maybe I did! But that does not change the fact that you were able to walk out so easily…”
“Easily? You think it was easy?” Now you were standing too.
“You left without even saying goodbye!” he shouted. “I thought I had lost you! What was I supposed to do? What would you have done in my situation?!” His hair fell into his face.
“I don’t know!” you screamed before collapsing to the carpeted floor. “I don’t know,” you sobbed. Javi was at your side immediately, pulling you into his arms. “I hated seeing you with her like that.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say but I am sorry.” He smelled of soap and shampoo so you knew he showered. You finally looked into his eyes. “I mean it. I’m sorry.”
“I’m easy to get over. I get it.” You lowered your head again.
“You are not. My entire world felt like it was crashing down around me. I was not myself but…you make me want to be a better man.” He lifted your head. “Do you hear me? I want to be better for you.”
“I don’t want you changing because of me.”
“Too late,” he said before claiming your lips, giving you a taste of mouthwash. “I want to be so good for you. I want to give you the life you deserve and more. I want to give you everything—love, money, jewels, sex—whatever you want. Let me give it to you.”
“Javi,” you whispered against him before licking his bottom lip. “Tell me you’re mine.”
“Oh, I’m yours, mi amor.”
“Say it again.” You ran your fingers through his hair and pulled.
“I am yours. All yours. Everything here is yours if you want it.” He kissed you again, moaning against your lips. “Since that day I fucked you in the library, I knew.” He sat up and took his shirt off as you removed yours.
“Knew what, Javi?”
“That I belonged to you, body and soul.” He hummed as you let your bra fall away from your body. He made you lie down then took a nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting until you cried out. Of course, he lavished the other the same way. He impatiently pulled on the button of your jeans and yanked them down your legs before hungrily diving between your legs, breathing you in as if he were addicted to your pheromones.
He pressed his face against your panties, moaning at the wetness soaking through already. He licked at the wet spot and growled in pleasure.
“This lovely pussy…” He licked your panties again. “One taste and I am addicted.”
You whined at the wet warmth of his tongue against you but with a layer in the way.
“May I have you? Taste you?” he asked.
“Yes, Javi, please.”
He pulled your panties aside and buried his face in your pussy with a loud groan. He grabbed your thighs and spread you wider, dipping his tongue inside you and opening his eyes to look at you. He moved his head side to side, sucking and slurping as if he were dying of thirst and you were a hidden oasis in the desert. When he added his fingers, you arched off the carpet and squealed his name.
You had that familiar feeling low in your belly and the feeling that you were going to…
You cried out and felt yourself push his fingers out of you followed by a rush of wetness. Javi gasped as you made a mess all over him. He sucked the mess off his fingers before diving back between your legs and drinking you in. You whined from overstimulation.
“It seems you wanted to give me your own shower along with the one I took already,” he teased. You looked at him and noticed how he was covered in your squirt. “I want to take you. I want to fuck you in front of the fire. Tell me…may I?”
You pulled him up to you and kissed him before giving him your answer. “Take me, Javi.”
He took no time in entering you, stretching you sweetly. He threw his head back and groaned loudly. “I want to stay inside you forever.”
You wrapped your legs around him, digging the heels of your feet into the flesh of his ass as he pumped into you with short, slow thrusts.
His body was pressed against yours, still slick from you squirting on him. The heat from the fire made you both warmer, the sweat adding to the slick between your bodies.
“Fill me, Javi.”
“Take it from me, my love.” He stopped thrusting then rolled over so you were on top. He laid flat on his back and watched you bounce on him. “My goddess. I will never leave you.” He was entranced. “I will fill you every day, every night. I will pump you full of my seed until it leaks out of you.”
“Yes! Oh yes!” You moved with each of his thrusts up into you.
“I want to see you round with my child,” he groaned. You looked at him, his eyes squeezed shut. “And even then, I will pump you full of me.”
“Do it now, Javi. Fill me now!”
“Ah!” He sat up and held onto you, whimpering as he laid his head against your breasts and filled you. He pumped into you, digging his fingers into your ass. “Fuck me. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he growled.
“You’re leaking out of me, Javi,” you gasped. He leaned back as you lifted yourself off of him and watched his cum drip out of you onto the floor and his cock. You sat on the carpet, legs spread, and let him watch as pushed more of his cum out of you. He tsked then used his fingers to catch the cum dripping down your slit and slip it back inside.
“You in front of the fire that way…I would like to remember it forever. Beautifully disheveled, the sweat on your skin giving an ethereal glow, and your little smile.” He sat up on his knees and moved between your legs. “I love you.”
Tears filled your eyes as you put a hand on his chest and found that his heart was beating just as hard as yours. “I love you, Javi.” You kissed him. “Ask me. Ask me to stay.”
“Will you stay?”
“I will.”
He smiled against your lips then kissed you again until you both started laughing excitedly. He laid you down and laid beside you, tangling his legs with yours. You watched the fire and he watched you, touching your cheek gently. You looked at him and kissed his fingers, spending extra time on his pinky ring. Then you moved his hand to your face and pressed your cheek into it.
He knew at once that he would never love another like you. Fate had brought you two together for a reason and would not let you part.
His dream had come true. You loved him and he loved you.
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milfgyuu · 3 years
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Getting Closer II [M]
Pairing: Wonwoo x Fem!reader x Mingyu Tags: 6.3k words, Roommate AU, friends to lovers, polyamory, angst, SMUT. [Part 2 of 3] Summary: After the dynamic in the house changes, feelings are a bit muddled between you and Wonwoo, but your boyfriend Mingyu has it all figured out. 
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A/N: I highly recommend reading part one first!! Reminder, there is NO infidelity here, this is a consensual arrangement between all three characters! Thanks to all those who’ve waited! :)
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Warnings: *explicit sexual content 18+* language, unprotected sex (mxf), bdsm practices, dom!wonwoo (sir), sub!fem!reader, collaring, shibari, restraint (arms), oral (m), fingering (f), pet names, praise, crying kink, subtle edging, teasing/chastising, manhandling, subspace, aftercare. 
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The room is dark when you enter, peeking your head through to find Wonwoo exactly where you expect him to be on a Thursday night. He’s in his gaming chair, headphones on, so you lean into his line of sight and he turns slightly, giving you a small smile to tell you he knows you’re there but keeps playing as usual. 
He figures you’ll just make yourself comfortable in his bed to watch him play like you usually do when you’re lonely. Mingyu was out of town for a few days, training staff at his company’s newest location and you, so used to having your boyfriend around 24/7, took to hovering around your other housemate whenever he was gone. Wonwoo didn’t mind, you were always good company in his book. 
Wonwoo is surprised though when he feels your hands on his shoulders, thumbs methodically rubbing into the muscle there and he looks up at you curiously, pulling one side of his headphones forward so he can hear you. “What’s up?” He asks softly. 
He catches your tongue darting out over your bottom lip and thinks you might ask him something but to his surprise and perhaps slight disappointment, you just shake your head with a soft smile. “Nothing. Keep playing your game.”
His eyes furrow but you reach up to situate his headphones properly and he returns to his game like you wanted him to though much more distracted. He can feel your fingers dance along his neck and shoulders, applying pressure to all the right places. You grin to yourself when he rolls his head after a while, a soft groan leaving his lips and hitting you straight in the gut. Your fingers falter in their movements and he smirks.
You suppose you could just admit you’re here for more than companionship but honestly, it’s somewhat of a special occasion and it’s much more fun to play with him than outright ask. You massage your thumbs into his shoulder blades, eyeing the slight protrusion of the vein in his neck, barely visible in the glow from his setup. 
When your lips touch the side of his throat for the first time in weeks he pauses the game, pulling his head phones off before speaking with a single, clear command. “Come here.”
Your victorious grin is hidden before you move in front of his chair, trying and failing to not stare at him. His simple black t-shirt and sweats combo makes your brain malfunction until he’s quirking a brow at you and you’re dropping to your knees, hands settling over your thighs quickly. “What is it that you want?”
“Play with me?” You ask, big doe eyes peering up at him hopefully. 
Wonwoo pokes his tongue into his cheek and then laughs. The deep timber ignites flames in your belly. He notices the way you shift and pins you with his gaze. “Sit still.”
You do as you're told and Wonwoo reaches out, tucking your hair behind your ear before trailing his finger along your jaw until he reaches your chin and he tips it up sharply. “Have you already asked your boyfriend?” He arches his brow, “We don’t normally do this unless he’s here.”
“Yes, sir,” You breathe, eyes flitting to his desk top, “Check your phone, sir.”
Wonwoo watches you for a moment longer, then he releases you, reaching for his phone and opening his messages. There it is, a text from Mingyu that simply reads, ‘Take care of our girl. She’s been eyeing that collar for months.’ with a wink emoji at the end. He looks down at you, then back to the text, and makes a decision he tells himself is strictly with his head and not his heart. 
“Show me what you’re wearing.”
You grin giddly, bubbling with excitement as you slowly get to your feet. It’s been a while since you’ve been in position and your legs tingle with loss of circulation. You tug at the ties of your robe, letting the silk material slide right down your body and fight the urge to pounce on the man in front of you when he exhales, scanning your body from the ground up with appreciation.  
Funnily enough, when Mingyu bought it, his exact words were, “Wonu would fucking love this.”
The baby pink lingerie set is positively scandalous and not even something you would usually bother with because Mingyu would never have the patience to get around all the straps and lace to get to you. Wonwoo however had a love for all things intricate. His eyes moved from one tiny detail to the next. The harness around your breasts, the garters with little bows connected to your panties, the cutouts over your hips. He nibbled on his bottom lip for a moment and smirked. 
“It’s pretty,” He hums, reaching out for your hips and pulling you to stand between his legs. He sits up and presses his lips to your stomach. Each kiss leaves you feeling weaker but your knees almost give out when he pulls back and says, “I think it’s missing one thing.”
He pushes his chair back and stands, walking over to his dresser where he opens the top drawer and grabs something before returning to the chair, “Kneel.”
You happily do as you're told and he shows you the pretty pink collar he’d bought months and months ago. You had always wondered if it ever belonged to someone else but he’d admitted that he’d purchased it on a whim one day, just holding onto it until he’d had someone he was comfortable enough offering it to. He’d briefly explained that collars meant different things to different people. Some were used to symbolize serious, committed relationships. Some were just for play, which had been his intention, and you’d clearly had your eye on it ever since. 
“Would you like to wear it?” He asks, fingers fiddling with the soft leather. 
Your eyes light up with excitement and he laughs, already knowing your answer but he waits for it anyway. “Yes, sir.”
He gestures for you to move your hair and he leans forward, fastenting the collar around your throat, tugging at the little heart shaped ring in the middle to test the fit. He leans back into his chair to take in the full picture. It looks perfect on you, too perfect. He’d pictured it a thousand times from the second he’d ordered it to this very moment when he finally got to put it on you.
He doesn’t realize he’s staring until you cock your head curiously and he clears his throat, reaching for his phone once more. “Let’s send Mingyu a pretty picture since he’s away, hm.”
There is no forcing the lust filled expression on your face and once he snaps the picture he smiles, sending it to your boyfriend to include him though he’s probably working and is about to be extremely fucking distracted. That was his own problem to deal with. He was the one who sent his girlfriend over to Wonwoo’s room with a greenlight to be collared and ‘taken care of’. 
He was absolutely going to oblige, no questions asked. 
He’s about to tell you how beautiful you look when you crawl a bit closer, boldly placing your hands atop his thighs instead of your own, where they should be. Wonwoo looks at your hands, then to your face and his own is not impressed. He flicks a brow up sternly. “If you want to fuck for fun you can wait until Mingyu gets home.”
Your hands slowly slide back down to your own lap and you straighten your spine. Right. There are rules. You love the rules. It’s what makes this whole thing work but sometimes you forget yourself in the rush of things. It’s been a while since you’ve gotten to partake in a ‘lesson’ with Wonwoo and you're perhaps a little more than excited. 
He hums thoughtfully, leaning back in his chair and spreading his thighs further apart. He’s taunting you. It’s a challenge, a test to make sure you remember how this all works. He notices the way you hold eye contact with him, not once scanning down his body like you did before and he smirks. “If you want to play, tell me what rule you just broke.”
Your eyes flicker down for a moment. “Obedience, sir.”
“And why is obedience important?” He asks. The question is not quite mocking, but you feel the undertones and can’t decide if you love it or hate it.
You certainly don’t remark on it though.
“To ensure that I’m safe, happy, and fulfilled during our playtime, sir.”
Wonwoo nods along with your words, seemingly pleased. “And you’re obedient to me because?”
Your eyes dilate to an uncomfortable degree as they always do when you say the words aloud. “Because you are my dominant and I trust you to make decisions in my best interest.”
“Good girl.” Wonwoo’s hand reaches in your direction and your eyes fall shut expecting something gentle like petting your hair or tracing your lips. Instead, he hooks his finger in the heart ring on your collar and tugs sharply, making you fall face first in his lap with a little ‘oof!’
Your hands are still in your lap, now trapped between you and the chair and Wonwoo chuckles at your predicament. “I have an idea you might enjoy, would you like to try it?”
His last ‘idea’ involved toys and edging which both you and Mingyu found rather...informative. Mingyu’s newfound appreciation for dragging out your orgasms was the purest form of pleasurable torture and you trusted Wonwoo to have a good idea of things you would like so a little muffled, “Yes, sir,” puffs out of your mouth and he grins. 
A gentle hand on your shoulder guides you upright and Wonwoo stands, walking over to the closet and pulling out a box you recognize. The pretty blue rope he pulls out of it however, is not, but it certainly peaks your interest. He can see you eyeing his hands when he returns and regards you with another stern look. “Did you drink plenty of water today?”
“Yes, sir.”
He smirks to himself, fiddling with the rope before looking at you again with a little mischief in his eyes. “You've been planning this all day, haven’t you?”
You grin back, a twinkle of your typical flare present. “Yes, sir.”
Wonwoo bites the inside of his cheek, stifling a laugh. He decides to move on and lifts his hand with the rope in it. “Do you know what this is for?”
“Restraint, sir.”
He tilts his head furtively, “Restraint, yes, but not always. That is how I’d like to use it today though. Is that okay with you?”
“Will it hurt?” There is a touch of concern in your voice and Wonwoo shakes his head right away, easing a bit of worry. 
“It will be tight enough to restrict movement, but no, it shouldn’t hurt. Give me your hands,” He says and you offer them both, palm up. He places the rope in your hands and you’re surprised by how light and soft it feels. “We’ll start simple, I only want to restrict your arms. If you like it, I’ll teach Mingyu, deal?”
You smile softly, nodding your head, “Yes, sir.”
Wonwoo genuinely smiles. It’s been a while since he’s had someone to practice shibari with and, being something he thoroughly enjoys though rarely gets to partake in, he’s thrilled you agreed. 
He grabs the rope in one hand and offers you the other, pulling you up off the ground with ease. He eyes your lingerie up and down before biting his lip, “I really love this, but I’m going to take the top off so nothing pinches when I tie you up.”
Freeing both hands, he reaches up and slips one finger beneath a strap and pulls it gently, sliding his fingertip along the underside of the material until he stretches it taut and releases. You jump as it slaps loudly against your skin and he smiles at your reaction. “Cute. Be a good girl and sit still while I take this off and I might let you kiss me.”
The larger more civilized part of your brain wants you to laugh and tell him to fuck off but he strips off his shirt, dropping it to the floor before his hands are on you, gliding along the material teasingly. He’s not even looking, fingers blindly trailing along, lazily searching for the one piece holding the whole thing together while his lips tease. He kisses your cheek, your jaw, the side of your throat, and your nails dig into your palms as you clench your hands into fists, fighting to remain as still as possible. 
Thankfully, the torture doesn’t last long. With one simple motion, you’re freed from the material and Wonwoo steps back, letting it fall to the floor. His eyes travel slowly, reverently, and he smirks. Your hands are still clenched tightly, your jaw just the same and he takes a little pity on you. Only a little. 
“Need something baby?” His voice is taunting and you don’t even care that you’re playing right into his games. You love these little power plays he sets up. 
“Can I kiss you, sir?”
Wonwoo hums thoughtfully, thinking about his answer for a full minute and you’re practically squirming out of your skin waiting when he finally speaks. “Well...what’s taking you so long?”
He grins when you leap into his arms to plant your lips on his, catching you with quick reflexes. It’s a very brief window of normalcy you’d usually get from Mingyu during these sessions and Wonwoo knows the intimacy your boyfriend provides is important to you before and after playtime but it’s his responsibility in this session and he is nothing if not a giving man.
He pretends it’s just for you and convinces himself you still believe it.
You take your time kissing him, grinning against his lips when he groans into your mouth like he just can’t get enough. He’s your dominant, always in control, but that doesn’t mean he’s immune to your charms.
Particularly in those moments he feels your nails scratch needily against his scalp, gripping onto his shoulders to keep him close to you when he slips his tongue past your lips. You’re greedy with him, taking as much of him as you can but somehow it makes him feel just as powerful as he does when he’s the one giving. 
As a sub who’s still learning, you often test him which is just as fun, if not more, as it is with a partner who's fully submissive and obedient. 
You know your time has run out when his hands slip from your thighs, allowing you to slowly slide down his body until your feet touch the floor. “Baby, put your hands together for me,” He instructs and you do as you're told, “Now, lace your fingers together. Good girl. Stay like that for me.”
Wonwoo grabs the rope and you watch as it’s length spills to the floor. He begins binding your wrists with focused precision and you watch the loops, wondering if this is something Mingyu could easily replicate once shown. “Lift your hands to your chest,” He instructs, guiding you into the right position before he begins binding your arms to your chest. The feeling of the rope is soft but firm and when he tests the binding, you’re unable to move but still comfortable. 
“How do you feel?” He asks, eyes flitting over every single twist and knot, testing the tension at various points. 
“It feels good,” You tell him honestly, “It feels secure.”
He grabs his phone and snaps another picture, sending it off to Mingyu and ignoring the barrage of texts reacting to the last photo he’d sent. He drops his phone again and instructs you to get on your knees. You struggle to maintain your balance but manage to get down on your knees without toppling over.
You’re so proud of yourself for not falling that you’re distracted and nearly eat the floor when Wonwoo drops his pants and sits down in his chair again. Fully nude and imposing by the way he spreads his legs and crooks one finger in your direction, beckoning your forward. 
The stupid little shuffle you have to do to get closer is somewhat embarrassing and Wonwoo smirks cockily at you when you do it anyway. You look up at him curiously when he grabs his controller and puts his headset back on, muting the mic. “Be a good girl and use that pretty mouth while I play another round. If I win the match, you keep going. If you manage to make me lose, I’ll fuck you. Deal?”
You peer over at the screen to see what he’s playing and know right away you’ve got your work cut out for you. He’s good at this game and you’ve got no hands to aid you in your distraction but the challenge is enticing and so you smile, placing a wet kiss on the inside of his knee that makes him scoff, a little smile painting his lips. “Deal, sir.”
After only a minute, it is abundantly clear how hard this was going to be. Even with Wonwoo positioned low in the seat it was difficult to angle yourself over him. He was big, his length causing you to stretch high on your knees to get him into your mouth and the strain on your body was immediate. Wonwoo’s laugh echoes through the room when he lowers the chair without warning and you take more of him down your throat than expected, pulling back with a surprised cough. 
The match ends in his victory and he tuts down at you, “Gonna have to work a little harder, princess.”
You’re more determined than ever when you lean back in, dragging your tongue over his shaft slowly, staring up into his face the whole time. You fight a smirk when his jaw drops a bit and his eyes shift away from the screen to look at you before flitting back up. Continuing on with teasing licks and kisses, he doesn’t seem fazed which frustrates you but you know one thing that always sends Mingyu into a frenzy and figure it’s worth a try. 
Distracted by the immense focus he’s pouring into playing, he’s taken off guard when your lips find the softest, most vulnerable spot at the base of his cock and you suck hard. One quick slip of the hand and he’s dead. Head shot. “You’re fucking kidding me.”
You laugh quietly, “Did you lose your game, sir?” 
The title comes off with much more sass than intended.
Wonwoo’s answering grin is positively devious when hauls you up off your knees with both hands and pushes you up against his closet door, the cool wood unforgiving under your cheek. You can feel him behind you, towering over you with his stiff cock pressed into your backside. You whimper in response trying to push back against him but he slaps your ass hard and you bite back a yelp. 
“Did someone suddenly forget their manners?” He hums, rubbing his hand over the already rising welt on your left cheek. “If you want to act like a brat, I’ll leave you tied up and get the toys out.” His words sear against your skin, stirring up desire and fear. “You wanna lay on the bed and let me edge you until you cry again? We could do that for hours.”
You shake your head hastily, you wanted him to fuck you, you wanted to be good and be rewarded, not punished. “Mmm, you’re not doing much to convince me baby. You know how much I love it when you cry and Mingyu’s not here to stop me when our precious baby sniffles.”
“I don’t- I’ll be good,” You pant out against the door. “I’ll be patient, sir.”
Wonwoo pulls you off the door and angles you toward the bed using the rope harness to roughly guide you onto the mattress. You’re helpless to catch yourself when he spins you around and pushes you backwards, sending you sprawling against the pillows like a ragdoll but the view is fucking spectacular. It’s just Wonwoo, illuminated by the neon blue lights from his gaming system, gloriously naked and stroking his cock in one hand as he looks down at you. 
“What’s the word, princess?” 
“Plushie,” You recite without hesitation. Your safe word you’re meant to use with both Wonwoo and Mingyu, whenever you’re in a scene with either of them. You haven’t had to actually use it so far, with either of them but you can recall it, even in subspace when they check in. 
“Good girl,” He coos although his sweet tone is almost patronizing. He climbs up on the bed and slides your panties off, tossing them on his desk like a trophy. “Are you comfortable? Ropes good?”
“Yes, da-” Your eyes grow wide and Wonwoo stifles a laugh.
“That’s not my name,” He smirks, mercilessly flicking one exposed nipple and earning a choked moan from you. 
“Yes, I’m c-comfortable, everything feels good, sir.”
“I should blindfold you,” He thinks aloud to himself as he presses two fingers against your lips and you take them in greedily, sucking until he’s abruptly pulling them from your mouth and pushing them straight into your soaked core. He ignores the loud, wanton moan and continues speaking as if he’s not two knuckles deep inside you. 
“I think you’ll be too overwhelmed without touch,” He hits your g-spot in an upward stroke and you’re already desperate for something to ground you but you can reach nothing. “Taking away your sight would be too much too soon, don’t you think?”
Your fingers clench hard, nails leaving little crescents when they dig into the soft skin on the backs of your hands. Normally you’d grab the sheets, the pillow, Mingyu or Wonwoo, even your own damn hair just to hold onto something and you can’t. Your binding leaves you completely powerless. “Easy,” Wonwoo warns, low and serious. 
He can see you start to realize what being restricted actually feels like and calms you down with one hand smoothing up and down your thigh. “Focus on my question,” He orders, “Would taking away your sight be too much tonight?”
Not being able to touch or see him...the thought is unpleasant. “Yes, sir. I need to see you. Make sure you’re still here when I can’t touch you.”
Wonwoo pulls his fingers from you with devastating speed and hauls you up into a sitting position. He kisses you hard, pushing his tongue past your own and overpowering you without any ounce of fight.
“I’m right here with you,” He pulls away, just far enough to look you in the eye, “I would never leave you alone like this. Do you understand?”
He is stern and sincere. Wonwoo may tease you. He may challenge you. He would never, ever do something to make you uncomfortable and you know in your heart you are always safe with him, especially during play. “I understand, sir.”
“Good,” he kisses your forehead and lays you back against the pillows. “I want you to use your safeword if your restraints hurt, if I am hurting you in any way, if you are too overwhelmed being restrained. Say it. If you can’t say it, I want you to shake your head back and forth, understand?”
“Yes, sir.” Wonwoo nods and he settles himself between your thighs that you instinctually spread for him. He picks up your legs and wraps them around his waist, “Squeezing with your thighs can help ground you when you can’t use your hands.”
You squeeze him and the relief you feel keeping him close to you is palpable. He smiles at your reaction and slips back into his teasing, domineering persona. “Pretty girl,” he reaches between you and rubs the head of his cock between your folds, only slipping in for a second before teasing you again, “I’m going to fuck you stupid and make your boyfriend wish he was here to pick up all the pieces.”
In his last words, Wonwoo pushes into you completely, giving you all of two seconds to adjust to his size before he’s plowing into you, hips crashing into the backs of your thighs with such force you’re momentarily worried the headboard will go straight through the wall. Wonwoo’s always in it for the long game. He could spend hours teasing you, pleasuring you in ways you couldn’t imagine and it took even longer when he was teaching Mingyu something new. 
When it came down to it though, when he finally got to be inside you after keeping himself calm and controlled for so long, he was like a live wire and right now was no exception. He didn’t have to share you right now. He didn’t have to consider taking it easy on you so you could take Mingyu as well. He didn’t have to share his time nor your attention. You belonged to him right now and he was taking full advantage of it. 
He hones in on your face, softening quickly, mouth falling open on unbridled cries and he watches you slip into subspace much faster than usual. He’s unsure if it’s because of the restraints or the subtle edging he’s inflicted all night but your body turns to jelly in his grip, a dazed laugh fluttering from your lips when your head lolls to the side. Wonwoo slows his pace for a moment, reaching forward and taking you by the throat. “What color, baby?”
It takes you a moment and he watches your smile fall open with a particularly deep thrust. Your brows furrow as you try to get your mouth to move, “Green, sir...p-please keep going.”
He’s so fucking proud of you he can’t stand it. 
The pace he picks up is brutal, unforgiving, and your eyes roll back when he uses one hand to pin the front of your thighs to your stomach and the other to rub dizzying circles over your clit. You can’t think, can hardly breathe. You can only mumble out incoherent whining noises when you’re close to coming undone. “Need to, t-to come please, sir, please.”
“If I say no, then what?” He taunts you, “Will you cry for me?”
“W-will cry even if y-you say yes,” You manage, words heavily slurred. 
Wonwoo laughs even though he’s right there with you and the second he gives you the go ahead you’re coming hard around him. Tears soak your cheeks and Wonwoo groans at the sight, burying himself to the hilt and emptying his load inside with a death grip on your thighs. It takes several minutes for him to recover, panting hard as his cock still twitches inside you and he eventually pulls out with a grunt, stretching your legs slowly before lowering them back to the bed. 
Your eyes are nearly closed when he moves up the bed, speaking softly in the quiet air. You grasp onto every few letters but not enough to make out what he’s saying. You’ve gotten a better handle on coming out of subspace with practice and very slowly over the next ten minutes, you wade through the fog, back to the man gently undoing your bindings and whispering quiet praises to you.
“Wonu,” Your voice is a bit hoarse and you’re still exhausted, allowing him to maneuver your body as he shrugs off the last of the rope, stretching your arms out and making sure you still have feeling in your fingers. He smiles at your voice and checks-in. 
“Hey, brat,” He grins, “How are you feeling?”
You stretch your limbs weakly, exhaustion heavy in your bones as always. “Good. Really good but tired. Can I sleep in here with you? Don’t wanna stay by myself.”
Wonwoo rolls his eyes and huffs out a laugh. “Mingyu’s made you so needy.”
“Between the two of you, I might be a little spoiled,” You grin, eyes still shut as you rest against the pillows. 
“Oh, no you don’t,” He chastises, smacking your thigh and making you pop one eye open, pout clearly etched upon your face. “You need to go to the bathroom at the very least.”
“Fucking UTI’s,” You mutter and he laughs, pulling you into a sitting position. 
“You also owe me something,” He holds out a hand and you look at it for a moment. 
You smack it like a high five and he huffs. You lean forward and kiss him but he puts a finger on your forehead and pushes you back after a moment, shaking his head. “Are you sure?” You whine petulantly. 
“Yes,” He wiggles his fingers impatiently, “It’s only for play-time. If you act like a brat, I won’t let you wear it again.”
With that, you hastily remove the collar with fumbling fingers and drop it into his hands and he sets it on his desk before helping you to the bathroom on shaky legs, waiting for you to shoo him away once he’s no longer needed. 
Once clean and relieved, Wonwoo helps you slip into a clean t-shirt and underwear before you crawl back into his bed under the covers. “Are you hungry?” 
You shake your head, making him purse his lips before he picks up a glass of water, placing it in your weak hands, “Drink.”
“You’re still being bossy,” You comment petulantly before tipping the glass and doing what you were told anyway. 
Wonwoo’s lips quirk into a little smile before he schools his face again. “Yeah, well...Mingyu isn’t here so you’re still my baby right now. I always let him do this because he’s your boyfriend and it feels like that’s what makes sense, I guess.”
He leans forward once you're finished, taking the glass from your hands and wiping a drop of water off your chin affectionately. You pull the blankets up a bit higher, settling against his pillows. “Does that bother you?” You ask quietly. 
His back is turned to you when the question leaves your mouth and he pauses, gripping the glass for a few seconds too long before setting it down. “No,” He starts, turning to sit on the edge of the bed, reaching out to pat your hip over the blanket, “I love you guys. Seeing you happy makes me happy.”
The small smile he offers is genuine but it almost feels tight. Slipping a hand from under the blanket, you reach for his, entwining your fingers and rubbing your thumb along his soft skin. You look up at him in the dim lighting, meeting his eyes and ask something you should have asked much sooner.
“Are you happy though?” Your eyes narrow on him when he moves to answer. “We’re best friends. You’re not allowed to lie to me.”
“That’s a loaded question,” He sighs into a short laugh. “I’m not unhappy, I don’t want you to think that. Mingyu and I have been like brothers forever and I always knew you two had potential, way before either of you did. From the moment we all met, I resigned myself to that and it’s been fine. Great. You and I make perfect friends. We get along, we have a lot in common, we’re comfortable with each other. You and Mingyu are seriously perfect for each other and I am happy you’re together.”
He stops and you raise your brow, knowing there is more. “But?”
“You guys include me a lot, did you realize that? Like in your relationship I mean.” 
The answer makes you pause your motion against his skin. When you and Mingyu began dating, it felt like everything and nothing had changed. If anything, it just made things more comfortable because there was no more questioning to your interactions. No more wondering if it was odd that he did in fact hug you more than ten times a day, that he doted on you, or cuddled with you every night on the couch. It was the same but now it was simpler, he was your boyfriend and you didn’t have to constantly read into the way he treated you. 
Your interactions with Wonwoo had changed though, Mingyu’s as well. They seemed closer than ever which at first had been a bit of a shock considering you’d all hooked up mere hours before Mingyu confessed and it was him that had approached Wonwoo about continuing to hook up together, much to your surprise. 
When you came home from work you kissed them both on the cheek, you all cooked and ate dinner together, you asked them both how their day was, and nights on the couch were spent tucked into Mingyu’s side with Wonwoo’s head in your lap. You did almost everything together.
Your voice comes out as a mere whisper. “I guess I hadn’t given it much thought until now but...you’re right.” You stopped questioning things with Mingyu because he was your boyfriend but with Wonwoo there was no other reason than because it all just felt right. 
You hang your head, feeling guilty for not being more considerate of Wonwoo’s feelings. “I’m really sorry if that’s made you uncomfortable.”
Wonwoo jumps at the sad little frown on your lips.
“No! No, it doesn’t!” He quickly assures you and you nod once, confused. “It’s just that sometimes it just feels almost too natural, the dynamic changed but in a way that I think made all of us happy. I just forget sometimes that it’s different for me and Gyu. You guys are the ones dating and I have to remind myself of that every once in a while.”
“Wonu,” You sigh softly, hurt coursing through every vein and making you feel cold all over. 
“Baby,” He leans close and kisses your forehead. “We can talk about it later but you’re tired, I’m tired...let’s go to bed. Okay?”
He crawls under the blankets next to you and you shuffle aside until you’re both in the middle of the bed, your face tucked into the crook of his neck and a thigh thrown over his. You’re usually in Mingyu’s bed every night and being in Wonwoo’s embrace instead for the first time...it’s foreign and familiar at the same time. 
You’d always come to the conclusion that you loved them both but differently, except more and more, those feelings are starting to look the same and that left you in a world of uncertainty and confusion. You knew a conversation needed to happen between the three of you as soon as Mingyu came home. 
“Shut your brain off. Go to sleep,” Wonwoo whispers in the dark, kissing your forehead softly. 
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“Good morning, lovers,” Mingyu grins from his position in the doorway the next morning. 
He had to physically restrain himself from jumping with joy when his boss called him back home and he’d driven the two hour distance like a bat out of hell to get back just so he could come home to this.
He didn’t bother going to your room, or his. After the photos he’d received last night, he knew that what he’d planned had in fact come to fruition, so he walked right into Wonwoo’s room to find you both still sound asleep. Wonwoo now on his side with you glued to his back, leg tossed over his hip with an arm tightly wrapped around his chest. 
The familiar voice makes you groan into the soft skin between Wonwoo’s shoulders, not quite ready to unfurl from your comfortable position and you feel his hand covering your own on his chest squeeze lightly. Mingyu huffs out a laugh, not truly expecting either of you to budge. You don’t even hear him tear out of his socks, pants, and shirt before he’s slipping under the covers behind you, pressing an endless amount of gentle kisses against your covered shoulders. 
“...missed you guys so much,” He whispers softly, his warm breath stirring your hair slightly. 
Wonwoo doesn’t move, nor does he open his eyes when he speaks, voice monotone and heavily laden with sleep. “It’s been two days, surely you can’t have missed us that much.”
Mingyu ignores him for a moment, choosing instead to meet your lips in a soft, unhurried kiss that Wonwoo can audibly make out. Your boyfriend pulls back, eyes alight with warmth and mischief. “It was lonely and I don’t like sleeping in an empty bed. This is much better.”
“Mhm,” Wonwoo hums, pulling your joined hands up to his lips to tenderly kiss your knuckles. “It’s something I think I could get used to.”
You unconsciously snuggle between them, enjoying the feeling of complete warmth, love, and security between your two lovers and Mingyu looks down at you fondly. It was odd, unconventional even, but it felt right and that was good enough for him. Wonwoo overthinks a bit too much, something you both have in common, so Mingyu did what any good friend would do by setting the two of you up for a night alone. 
As it seemed, things may have worked out just the way he wanted them to. His two favorite people in the world, happy. Perhaps a bit confused by their feelings, but happy in each other’s arms as they should be. He was elated. 
Mingyu closed his eyes, kissing the back of your head once more and soon enough, the three of you were all back to sleep in the safe little bubble of Wonwoo’s bedroom. All the questions and reassurances would come later and he was ready for whatever silly arguments either of you would come up with. 
Making sure you all felt loved and fulfilled was all any of you cared about in the long run and Mingyu was determined to make you both see that getting closer was more than worth it. 
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Part III coming soon 💗
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→ Do not copy, repost, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms WITHOUT PERMISSION! All stories are copyrighted, Bubblebeom, 2021. ©️
2K notes · View notes
spin-birdie · 2 years
ahaha what if i wrote a fic based on that one ending where the captain lives the rest of their days on an empty version of the ship debilitatingly lonely.....haha just kidding......unless
i feel a little weird writing this, i dont keep up to date with the Deep Markiplier Lore and i wrote this in chunks over three days without proofreading (which will surprise my followers less than the fact that i actually wrote something lol) so my interpretation of the situation and of the captain and mark and what not might be totally off-base and i’d have no way of knowing. L i guess
word count: 1.9k
pairings: n/a (i guess space mark/captain but only if you want to interpret it that way)
additional tags: angst mostly, captain is touch-starved after living like 50 years without human contact and thats Gotta take a toll on somebody
“Software update complete.”
The Captain takes a moment to process those words. Their mind and body are in freefall. It feels like they were swept under an ocean wave, somersaulting uncontrollably ‘til they can’t tell up from down. The last thing they remembered, they were sitting beside the window on the bridge, drawing their final breaths in sync with the feeble beeping of their distress beacon. Alone. Guilt-ridden. Worthless. They welcomed the light with open arms, but...
“Good morning, Captain. We are currently [ERROR] years into our journey. Coffee is en route.”
Confusion makes way to shock, shock makes way to rage. The Captain chuffs and slams their fist against the side of their cryopod, taken aback when the motion doesn’t hurt their aching bones. They realise with a start that they’re not in pain. They’re young again. As young as they were the day they stepped aboard the Invincible II.
“Current ship status is: Absolutely Catastrophic.”
No. No! They can’t do this again. They already failed to save their crew once - or however many times before. They’ve carried that guilt for a lifetime! Why won’t this nightmare end?!
“Initiating emergency Wakey-Wakey Protocol.”
The Captain is given just enough time to brace themself for the aggressive launch. They punch the ground, too full of tension and fear and bitterness. They’re going insane. They must be. This is all a dream, a delusion from their dying fevered brain wishing one last time for a second chance. (You can’t really have second chances.)
They curse as they get to their feet. They curse the flickering lights, the blaring alarms. They would have welcomed noise once upon a time, but that was years ago. Before they’d given up hope of seeing anyone ever again. This is too loud, too bright, too fucking late. The distress beacon is gone, like all the hope the colonists ever had.
Without even thinking, the Captain whips around and reaches for the fire extinguisher, screams, and hurls it through the window. As they feel glass slash through their suit and skin, their lungs struggling for air and their consciousness fading (again,) all they can think is ‘I should have done this years ago.’
But no sooner than they lose consciousness do they feel that somersaulting-under-the-waves confusion again. Back inside the cryopod.
They clench their fists and punch the side of the pod once again, with enough force this time to open it without a painful landing. They step out shaking, their mind reeling in turmoil. What will it take to end this fever dream? To slip gently away into the night? They punch their locker. They barely feel it, though whether it’s because their gloves absorb the impact or they’re this close to dying for good, they can’t tell.
They turn to face the noise, tense and coiled like a snake about to strike. Their gut drops at the face of their head engineer. Mark is here. Presented with more clarity than their mind’s eye has been able to conjure in decades. They tried to dream of their crew members so many times, but their faces were never clear, always distorted or in shadow. The Captain could almost cry.
“Does this feel--?”
In the blink of an eye, figures start phasing in and out of the place Mark is - or should be - standing. It provides the Captain some much-needed sobriety. It’s just in their head. It always is. The Captain is alone on this ship, and a vivid hallucination is still a hallucination. Grateful though they are to see another human’s face one last time, it’s not enough.
The Captain staggers out of the bridge, marching down the hall with energy and purpose they haven’t felt in a long time. ‘Mark’ calls out to them, but they tune it out as easily as the ship’s computer churning out warning after warning. No alarms, no imagined explosions, no desperate screaming for help can stop them now. They slam the scanner leading into the warp core, not even bothering to shield their eyes from the harsh glow of the wormhole. Just a hop, skip and a jump away from eternal peace. No more guilt, no more thinking, no more crippling loneliness--
“Captain, wait!”
There’s a hand on their shoulder. Everything in the Captain’s mind slows down to process that information. Not warm, per se; the uniforms are too thick for that to carry through, but it’s unmistakably organic and it feels heavier than a human hand should logically be.
Because never, in all their years of solitude, has the Captain had a tactile hallucination.
That information is enough to break through their stupor, and true clarity seizes them like a splash of water directly to the face. But then this single moment in time decompresses, and the Captain is spun by that hand until they’re face-to-face with a perturbed Mark.
“What the hell are you doing? What the hell is that? What the hell is happening?!”
The first thing the Captain wants to blurt out is, ‘Are you real?’ But a flash of light from the other end of the corridor interrupts them almost immediately.
It’s all one thing after another from that point. Never a moment to breathe, never an opportunity to get grounded or reacquaint themself with the presence of other lifeforms. Everything bleeds together into fear-gun-wormhole-crystal-death-jumping-emergency-beacon-monster-ally, and all the while, the Captain can do little more than try to act like the level-headed authority figure they’re meant to be.
The long-awaited break only comes when they and Mark sit down in the waiting room of an alien facility. The moment they sit down, the exhaustion and overstimulation settle over them like a pile of sandbags.
“This has been a weird day, Captain,” Mark sighs, as casually as one talks about unseasonal bad weather or a puzzling sight on the bus. As if they haven’t both died about three times in half the hours. As if the lives of their colonists aren’t dangling by a thread. As if the Captain hasn’t had more human interaction in the last few hours than they have in a literal lifetime which has, apparently, been undone. A slightly hysterical wheeze of a laugh punches out of their chest before they can stop it. Mark doesn’t seem to notice.
How much does he remember? Does he remember that first loop, when he was sucked into space before the Captain could so much as scream out to him? What happened to him when the ship was dark and empty? Is any of this even real?
‘Of course it is,’ they tell themself. This is all new, and it’s taken turns the Captain could’ve never imagined. But they spent so long in that desolate version of the Invincible II, the one where the computer didn’t speak even after they got it working, where the life support never failed and the food never ran out but the darkness stretched into the infinite and the loneliness ate away at their psyche.
Where the only sounds they ever heard beside their own breathing were the humming and creaking of the ship and the muffled, desperate beeping of the distress beacon, where the Captain eventually fell into a robotic cycle of eating, sleeping and doing maintenance.
Where they gave up on looking for intruders because they knew there was no one to find, where every glimpse of a crew member or distant scream of a colonist was unmistakably fabricated and merely turned into background noise.
How are they meant to reconcile a lifetime of isolation and regret with the concept of a second chance? (Seems too good to be true.)
“We’ve had a lot of weird days, but this is definitely very, very weird,” Mark says, looking around the waiting room. “And I thought that an alien government building might be just a bit nicer--”
He grunts and tenses in surprise as the Captain collapses against him. He’s warmer than he was on the ship. Probably because he hasn’t just come from Cryo, this time. They yank off their headgear to properly lie their head on his shoulder. They know it’s weird - unleaderlike, certainly out of character for them - but they can’t bring themself to care. It’s real, genuine human contact, more than a fleeting fistbump or hand on the shoulder. Their eyes water, and they’re unspeakably grateful that Mark can’t see their face at this angle.
“Uhhh...Captain?” Mark sounds understandably confused. The Captain is rather well-known for not being touchy-feely, for being dignified and unflappable at the best of times. Nevertheless, he slowly and cautiously wraps an arm around the Captain, patting them on the back awkwardly. “I’m flattered and all, but could you ease off a bit?”
“No,” the Captain grumbles. They worm an arm around his shoulder for emphasis, bringing them closer. “Captain’s orders,” they add before he can protest.
Mark sighs, turning his head away from the Captain. His hand rests between their shoulder blades, and they can hear his free hand tapping against his leg. The Captain closes their eyes, but they can still feel it when Mark turns his head as if to scan the room. They are waiting, after all; there’s not much to do besides enjoy the scenery.
The Captain fights between opening their eyes to stay alert and wrenching them closed to stave off unwanted tears. “Is this real?” they whisper hoarsely. “Are we alive? ...Are we insane?”
There’s no reply for a moment. They’re not sure if they expected one, until Mark replies in a hushed tone; “I don’t know.”
“I’m...” The Captain’s sentence lingers, unfinished. They want to confide so badly, but they can’t abide showing weakness to their crew more than they have already. With a shaky sigh, they finish: “I’m sorry. The lives of our colonists are in my hands. This is no time to break down.”
If Mark can hear the tears in their voice, he’s polite enough not to mention it. “Hey, it’ll be okay,” he says, rubbing the Captain’s back. “We’re immortal. If anything goes wrong, we get as many do-overs as we need. We’ll save the colonists before you can blink, believe you me.”
And the Captain wants to believe him. They want to believe so badly, but something tells them there’s more to it than simply pushing reset. Alone on that ship, they had all the time in the world to contemplate Ms. Whitacre’s cryptic taunt. It’s misremembered, worn out like a tape played too many times, but the broad strokes feel like a brand on their soul.
‘These dreams don’t go away when the day comes... Makes you feel like you’ve been through all this before... They may seem nice, but they’re not to be trusted, are they? You can’t really have second chances. Seems too good to be true, right, dearie?’
How many times must they make the same mistakes before the odds turn in their favor? And are there truly no consequences for their actions? Are they already an irrevocable failure without knowing it?
The term ‘doxastic anxiety’ crosses their mind. Maybe the only true escape from the guilt and doubt roiling their mind is to stop thinking about it. Remain willfully ignorant. And if that’s the only way through this nightmare, that’s the way it goes.
"Sure.” The Captain sits back upright, hand still on Mark’s shoulder, and gazes at the floor. “I’ll believe you.”
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natsfirecat · 3 years
summary: r gets hurt saving nat (who she’s in love with) and natasha wants nothing more than to get her back
based on these two requests:
1:  If you still need Hurt and Comfort prompts, would you accept a scenario where Reader fell in a coma after a mission gone wrong, and the whole time she’s unconscious, Natasha doesn’t want to leave her side. She doesn’t sleep, barely eats, and constantly talking to reader thinking she can hear. Reader then wakes up after 3 months, and Natasha confesses her feelings for Reader.❤️‍🩹🥺
2: How bout Natasha x fem!Reader where Reader takes a bullet after saving her crush, Natasha, on a mission. Reader survives and brushes it off as “it’s my job” but Natasha doesn’t take the whole situation well, especially since she has feelings for reader too!I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER! 😘😫❤️*have some tea 🍵 *
word count: 2.8k
genre: fluff and angst but fluff ending
warnings: swearing, gunshot, comatose, blood, medical knowledge that only comes from grey’s anatomy, catradora quote because i have no self control, lmk if i need to add any more!
A/N i combined these requests since they were kinda similar, i hope you don’t mind kind anons!
“She’s tachycardic! Push one of epi, STAT!”
“No, no,”
“Hang on, Y/N, I’m going to do everything in my power to help you. Just keep holding on, okay?”
“You’re gonna be okay, alright? You’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna pull through this,”
“Why would you do that? How could you be so stupid? Why did you do that?” She yelled.
“Just doing… my job…” You managed to get out.
Eventually the voices around you began to fade out as you succumbed to unconsciousness.
As you felt yourself slipping away, the only thing on your mind was the woman you loved; Natasha Romanoff.
~12 hours earlier~
“Are you ready to go home soon?” You asked.
“Kinda,” she replied honestly. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the team and all, but it is nice to get away sometimes,”
You shrugged,
“Yeah, I guess,”
She smiled, then walked closer to you, putting an arm around your shoulder.
“It is nice getting away with you, though,”
You grinned, feeling your cheeks heat up. 
“I like getting away with you too, Nat,”
She smirked, squeezing your shoulder,
“Then it’s a good thing we still have a day left,”
You could feel your heart-rate increasing as your cheeks got even redder. 
Her smirk turned into a soft smile before she pulled away and went to the bathroom to change.
You sighed, thinking about your hopeless crush on her. You had been an Avenger for three years, friends with Natasha for two, and in love with her for one. 
You never imagined that you would fall for the Black Widow, but now you couldn’t imagine your life without her.
“So… there’s a mission Fury assigned me to,” she said, leaning back against the couch. “It’s in France, and he said it could last anywhere from a year or two,”
“What?” You sat straight up. “No! That’s too long!”
“I know. It’s a no-contact mission too,”
“That’s such bullshit. You can’t accept that mission, Natty,”
“He assigned me, Y/N, there’s nothing I can do unless someone else volunteers to take the mission instead,”
You stared at her, suddenly feeling very defeated. 
“No…” you whispered as your eyes began to pool with tears. 
You looked at Natasha, who held her tongue at the roof of her mouth so she wouldn’t cry. You leaned in and wrapped your arms around her tightly, letting out quiet sobs into her neck.
As she held you in her arms, the only thing running through her mind was that she had no idea how the hell she would survive being away from you for that long.
After two days of crying, and resisting the urge to scream at Fury, you heard a knock on your door.
“Come in!” You called. The door opened to reveal none other than your favorite redhead, who had the biggest smile on her face.
“Hey,” she said, sitting on your bed.
“Guess what?”
You shrugged, not really in the mood for guessing games. You just wanted to cherish your last few moments with her before she left.
“So I got a call from Fury this morning…” she told you, her smile growing bigger. “And he said that someone else took the mission,”
You couldn’t believe it. Your best friend didn’t have to leave.
You opened your mouth to say something, but you couldn’t speak. So instead, you threw yourself into her arms.
As they had done several times in the past two days, your eyes began to fill with tears. But this time however, they were tears of joy.
She was holding onto you just as tight as you were holding onto her. 
When you finally backed away, she smiled, then reached her thumb up to your face to wipe away your tears.
“Hey,” she said softly. “You don’t need to cry, I’m staying,”
“They’re happy tears, Natty,”
She brought her other hand to your face to wipe away tears on the other cheek, then just held your face in her hands for a few moments.
Oh fuck you thought to yourself. Those tears weren’t platonic.
After that night, you had tried to deny your feelings for her for a bit. After all, you had gotten romantic and platonic attraction mixed up in the past, who’s to say that this wasn’t one of those times?
But as time went on, the butterflies would happen even more often around her. Your heartbeat began to race if her hand brushed up against yours. Your face would flush when your arms wrapped around her in a hug. You wanted nothing more than to be with her, to feel her lips against yours, and to be able to tell her you loved her and have her say it back.
The only person who knew about your crush on Natasha was Wanda. She had asked if anyone caught your eye, and you refused to tell her anything. However, she decided to read your mind to find out. 
You were a little frustrated that she did that, but you weren’t too mad, knowing you would’ve done the same thing to your best friend.
So since then, Wanda would always try to convince you to tell her, and you would always say no. 
As much as it hurt to have these feelings and not tell her, you knew it would be nothing compared to telling her and having the feelings not reciprocated and losing your friendship. You’d rather stay just her friend forever than to lose her.
So here you were now, in love with one of your best friends.
“Ready to go?” She asked as she finished putting her suit on.
She smiled, then gestured for you to follow her. Today was the last day of your mission, and you just needed to erase all files from some druglord’s computer.
For the past week, the two of you had done several stakeouts, gotten information, and identified people. The last step was destroying their information.
So, Natasha was currently driving the two of you to the location. She had the radio playing, and the two of you were softly singing the lyrics to the songs.
You turned to face her, feeling yourself smile at the sight of her being so carefree around you. 
Not that you knew this, but you were the only person she would ever allow to see her like this.
She kept her eyes on the road, but saw you looking at her through her peripheral vision. You were simply mouthing the lyrics now, not really paying attention to them. Instead, your attention was purely on Natasha.
She kept singing the words though, but she was also smiling at the sight of you. 
As she began to turn her head to fully face you, your cheeks grew red.
“Eyes on the road, Nat!” You told her, laughing.
“Okay, mom,” She retorted, earning a playful eye roll from you. 
“Oh don’t be like that,” she said, beginning to as well. “C’mon, we’re here anyway,”
You nodded, opening the door as soon as she stopped the car. 
Once she locked the car, the two of you made your way into the building. 
She had her gun ready, holding it out at every corner you turned. 
“We’ve been here like four times already, Nat,” you told her, scoffing. “We’re fine”
She grumbled in response, but kept her gun out.
You shook your head, letting out a sigh, then continued on.
Once you made your way to the necessary room, each of you sat down in front of a computer. 
“Delete, erase, goodbye,” you muttered as you typed.
Natasha didn’t say anything as she typed away, just wanting to get out of this building as soon as possible.
You glanced over at her every once in a while.
You smiled, watching her type with the clacking on the keyboard. The tip of her tongue was poking out the corner of her mouth. Her eyes began to squint as she focused on the screen. 
Unfortunately, while you were staring, you failed to notice someone else come in the room behind you.
“Avengers,” A voice from behind you said.
You whipped around, your eyes widening to see someone wearing a combat suit holding a gun out.
Natasha stood up, raising her gun immediately. 
Before you could even process what was happening, you heard the sound of a gunshot. 
Without even thinking about it, you threw yourself at Natasha, knocking her to the ground. 
Turns out, she was the one who shot first, considering that the other guy was currently laying in a pool of his own blood that was spilling out fast.
But as you jumped, he aimed his gun at Natasha, pulling the trigger.
You let out a groan of pain, feeling a pain growing in your shoulder. 
“Y/N no! What did you do?”
She cried your name a few more times, but you couldn’t respond. You only let out a few shaky breaths and sobs as the pain in your shoulder began to grow.
She pulled her phone out, calling for help as fast as she could.
Everything hurt, but you wouldn’t have changed a thing you did. All that mattered to you, was that the woman you loved was safe.
All that mattered was that Natasha Romanoff was safe.
~two days later~
“How’s she doing?”
“Same as before.”
Natasha sighed as she reached onto your bed, placing her hand over yours.
As soon as you were brought back, everyone began working on you right away. Dr. Cho saved your life, and managed to get the bullet out.
However, because of how long it had taken to get you into surgery, you had a lot of internal bleeding. 
So, here you were now, in a coma. No one knew when, or even if, you would ever wake up.
Natasha stayed by your side the entire time. 
“Nat, you can’t stay in here forever,” Wanda said, gently placing her hand on her shoulder.
“It was my fault, Wanda,” she replied, her voice hoarse from crying. “It should’ve been me,”
“Don’t say that. You’re both alive. She wouldn’t want you to say that, or to sulk in here all day,”
Natasha said something, but kept her gaze on your unconscious body as her red eyes began to fill with tears once again.
“I can’t lose her.”
After the first week, Natasha finally left your room at night. She would usually come in around 7:00 AM, and stay until midnight. 
Clint would come by, and bring her food. He was genuinely worried that she wouldn’t eat if he didn’t.
Wanda came by often too. 
“Do you think she can hear us?” Natasha asked her.
“I can try and find out, if you’d like,” Wanda offered.
Natasha nodded, removing her hand from you.
Wanda stood up, then placed one hand on your forehead, closing her eyes.
After a few moments of silence, she gave Natasha a soft smile.
“She’s dreaming,”
“Is she aware of things going on outside?”
“Not right now. I don’t think she’s constantly dreaming while unconscious. Hearing our voices right now, she’s either drowning them out or they’ll be in her dream. She might become more aware later,”
Natasha let out a shaky breath, then connected her hand to yours again.
“Hi, Y/N,” she breathed out. “We did it. We destroyed the files, and the building ended up being destroyed after we left. We did the mission, you can wake up now. You can come back now,”
She could feel herself about to cry, so she turned to Wanda.
“What’s she dreaming about?”
Wanda closed her eyes again, looking into your mind.
“She’s at this house, and there’s comforting energy coming from it. I think it might be her childhood home.” Wanda explained. “Something’s happening in slow motion. There’s like, cracks of electricity and… oh my god there’s a lightning strike right in front of her,”
“She’s dreaming about lightning?”
“I can hear her inner voice. Part of her is afraid, but the bigger part of her is thinking the lightning strike will give her superpowers… and she’s floating in the air right now,”
Natasha laughed for the first time since getting back. Of course superpowers would be on your mind while getting struck by lightning.
“Thank you, Wanda,” she told her, gently squeezing your hand.
“Of course,” she replied. “You should get some rest. I know Y/N would want you to,”
Natasha sighed, then nodded. She was feeling better for the first time since you took the bullet for her.
“Hey,” she said, getting a laptop out and setting it on the side of your bed. “It’s been three weeks now, and uh, I thought it might be a good idea to bring this down and watch your favorite movie. Y’know, maybe hearing it will help you,”
A lump began to form in her throat as she stared at you. However, she said nothing else as she pulled up your favorite movie, then placing it close enough so you could hear, and see it if you were to open your eyes. 
Once she pressed play, she sat on the edge of your bed. She wasn’t looking at the laptop screen, she was looking down at you. 
She brushed a strand of hair out of your face, and ran her thumb across your cheekbone. 
Natasha didn’t even realize she was crying until she had to wipe her own tears off your forehead. 
“Sorry,” she muttered, pulling away so she wouldn’t cry on you anymore. “I just… really miss you, Y/N.”
She opened her mouth to say something else, but stopped when she noticed your eyebrow twitch. 
It felt like everything in her body stopped working for a moment as she replayed it in her mind; you moved.
Before she knew it, she was sprinting out of your room at full speed to get Dr. Cho.
“She moved! I think she’s waking up! Her eyebrow moved!” She yelled as she barged into her office.
Dr. Cho tilted her head to the side, but followed her back to your room.
She walked over to you, then examined the monitors. She looked at you, then back at your vitals. 
“Miss Romanoff, I’m so sorry, but there’s nothing in her brain activity that indicates her moving or waking up. Sometimes, when we want to see something so bad, our mind tricks us into thinking we saw it. It’s a cruel thing, but it’s not uncommon for situations like this,”
Natasha’s heart dropped as the doctor left the room to give her space. She thought she had you back.
She wasn’t going to give up on you. She pulled the laptop away, then sat next to you again.
She then layed down, and wrapped her arms around you, sobbing into your neck.
“Wake up, please,” she begged between sobs. “Come back to me.”
Natasha pulled back, placing one hand on your cheek. She leaned down, pulling you close again.
“Don’t you get it?” She said at almost a whisper. “I love you. I always have. So please, just this once. Stay.” She pulled back again, then placed a gentle kiss to your cheek. “Stay.”
It was like everything in her froze again. 
Your eyebrows were definitely twitching now. A groan escaped your mouth, as you blinked your eyes open.
“Natty,” you said, wrapping your arms around her neck. “You love me?”
“Of course I do,”
You smiled at her, despite the pain running through your body.
“Good, ‘cause I’ve been in love with you for like the past year,”
She let out a mix between a laugh and a sob as she leaned close to you once again.
You leaned forward too, and before you knew it, the distance between the two of you was closed as you were kissing.
It was gentle, considering the fact that you were still hurt, but you both savored every second of it. 
“I love you so much,” you told her, keeping your arms around her.
At this point, you both had tears streaming down your cheeks. Neither of you cared as you leaned in for another kiss. 
“Never do that again, okay?” She told you.
“Do what? Kiss you? I plan on doing that a lot more, thank you very much,”
She rolled her eyes, letting out a small laugh.
“Don’t ever put yourself in danger like that for me again, alright? I don’t care if you say it’s your job. Don’t do it again,”
“I did it because I love you, Natty,”
She sighed, wiping away one of your tears. 
“I’m never leaving you though,”
“Good, I don’t want you to leave,”
Of course, the two of you would end up arguing about putting yourselves in danger to save each other, but it would all work out in the end.
You loved her, and she loved you. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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angelamajiki · 3 years
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PARINGS: Brother! Tamaki Amajiki x Female! Sister! Reader
CW: yandere, incest, stealthing, con to noncon, quirk play, riding, manipulation, possessiveness, slight angst, implied kidnapping
AN: thank you to @suzuki-violin-school for beta reading!! @sightoru @bonesoftheimpala come get y’all juice
You always had a strange relationship with your big brother, seeming to be just a touch close for your parent’s liking. But the pair of you never paid too much mind to it. Something about it just felt natural and right. You were thick as thieves, always confiding and comforting each other when no-one else seemed well enough to do the job.
When you ran to your brother’s house the second your first boyfriend broke up with you for a completely arbitrary reason, leaving you to cry on your nii-san’s shoulder to deal with your heartache.
“I told you he was no good for you, bunny. I knew from the start that something was wrong with him. There’s no one that’s good enough for my baby sister.”
Then it happened again. And again. And again, until it seemed like every partner you’ve ever had lost interest after the first few months of your relationship. It was devastating to feel unloved and unwanted, but at least you had your big brother to make everything better. Tamaki always reminded you how much he loved you, how smart and intelligent you were, how anyone would be lucky to have you, and the people who have dumped you were complete fools to not see what a gem you were.
And anyone would be lucky to have your big brother; you reminded him as well. The number seven pro hero who had finally blossomed into a confident, top-tier hero with a heart of gold. He was so strong, not to mention a heartthrob. Maybe it felt wrong to be jealous of the attention he gets from the media for his work along with his looks. Still, maybe it was because you knew better than anyone else that one day, the devotion he showed towards you would be the devotion he showed towards his own partner.
Not that you ever planned to tell him you didn’t want his undivided attention to be cast elsewhere, but just like everything else about your relationship, it flowed out naturally when you were crying about your recent first date that had ghosted you after dinner.
“Tama-nii, I’m never going to find someone! Why does no one want me?”
You sobbed into his chest, clinging to him like you did when you were a child, searching for the lost innocence of your youth in his arms. His strong hands embraced you without question, without judgment, as he kissed the top of your head tenderly while shushing you gently.
“Oh, bunny. That’s not true at all-”
What could he know about your struggle? The media treats him like the very man who hung the stars in the sky, and how could you blame them? He was the moon, the very embodiment of tenderness that waxes and wanes with a gentle, shimmering brilliance that you can’t help but hide in the shadows of.
“Yes, it is! What could you possibly know of not being wanted when you’re just going to end up leaving me like everyone else does?” His silence spoke louder than your own sobbing. “One day, you’ll find someone and leave me to be alone again because no one wants me!”
His hand, that touch you’ve become so familiar with, gently strokes your lower back.
“Who said I don't want you? You're making assumptions, little bunny.”
His words tickled your ear, got your heart racing as he quelled your cries of anguish. “Because I certainly do.”
Nimble fingers tilted your chin up to meet his soft gaze, lust clouding his eye like the calm before the storm.
“B-But not like that-”
“Exactly like that.”
His words lit a fire in your core, but forced ice to run through your veins. Your brother could never have you in the way you wanted him to, the way you needed him to.
“It's not that simple.” You choked out, straining to contain yourself from your fleeting desires. This fleeting feeling of weakness can't let you risk your relationship with your brother, or worse, let him be your everything for just a moment and watch him walk away when he's done. “We can't.”
“And why is that? Isn't it obvious that I'm not going anywhere unless I'm with you?”
His face inched closer to yours, a blush splattering his pale skin up to his ears.
“It’s wrong-”
Your eyes flicked to his lips for a brief moment as you found yourself frozen.
“Not if I love you.”
Plush lips sealed over yours, enveloping you in the tenderness you'd had always envied him for. The love, the obsession he had for you had come crashing down in waves over you as you kissed him back, eager to feed off his affection and attention.
Teeth and tongue clashed together in a messy display of the taboo; hips pushed flush against each other as you whined into his mouth, sobbing in the relief of finally feeling yearned for.
The question of whether or not it was right wasn't plaguing you anymore, not like it did you when you scorned yourself for the infectious desires that coiled in your core late at night. His love cleansed you, cured you of your ailment as his tongue and lips made their way to your neck.
Sweet nothings tickled your ear as he nibbled and kissed along your tender flesh, leaving bright pink spots in his loving wake. The tears from your eyes dripped onto his hair, but neither of you seemed to care.
“Don't cry, my love.”
His words were like a symphony, enthralling you with the melody that he carried in his voice and the song he sung to soothe your overwhelmed state. “Let your big brother take care of you, okay?”
Clothes were discarded in a flurry, tossed somewhere beyond the couch the two of you were grinding on. His hands were so strong, yet so gentle as you were carried like a princess, his princess, to his bed where he no doubt intended to indulge in every one of your desires.
Your knight in shining armor kissed you breathless under the moonlight that trickled through the window, casting his shadow over you. Even now, he stole the limelight but you couldn't find it in yourself to care this time, not when he touched you so lovingly.
Nimble fingers kneaded and pulled at your plump flesh, making their ways down to the wetness between your legs. Shame flushed your face as he throatily chuckled. “Wet for me already, imouto? You're flattering your nii-san.”
The pad of his thumb circled your clit gently, sharp eyes watching as your body jolted and twitched at the sensation. “You’re acting as though you've never been touched before.”
You hear the smile in his voice without even seeing it. It only served to flush your shame even further, avoiding the eyes that were fucking you with everything they had.
“Don’t take those pretty eyes off of me.”
His middle finger prodded gently at your hole, teasing the twitching thing with circles of his forefingers. Shyly, your eyes turned to him, begging, pleading for him to stop teasing already!
And how could he deny such an unspoken request from the love of his life? Tamaki already knew what you wanted before you even did, he always did. He’s been able to read you like a book, already knowing what would be on the next page before it was written.
Still, he liked to tease, or more so needed to. It would fuel him like no other to finally hear you beg for him, beg for the love only he knew how to give you. Not that he would be so selfish to deny you of all that you wanted, he was more than prepared to spoil his lovely princess.
But, the man couldn't deny the inklings of his insecurities coming back to bite him. There was a chance that you could regret this later, that you would run far from his reach the second the realization that you slept with your brother donned on you. Tamaki wouldn't have it, now or ever.
Your moans drew him back to the present as his finger pumped in and out of you, dragging along your spongy, wet walls that gripped him oh so nicely. He could hardly handle the anticipation of getting to feel you around his cock.
“N-Nii-san! I can't wait, want you inside!”
Your broken cry sent a shudder down his spine and a jump to his cock. Such a desperate little thing you were, but you were his desperate little thing.
Maneuvering the both of you, he sat you in his lap while holding your ass flush to his hips.
“You know what to do, pretty girl.”
Swallowing thickly, you pulled his cock out of his boxers and positioned yourself to sink down on it.
“Y-You’ll pull out, right?”
“Of course, imouto.”
That was all you needed. Determined to please him, you pushed just the tip in before sitting all the way down on it. A choked gasp filled the space as you felt the fullness of your brother’s cock inside of you.
“S-So full, nii-san!” He stretched you perfectly, letting any pain fade comfortably into pleasure.
It was then that Tamaki decided he would ruin you, not only for himself but for anyone else who dared to think they would be able to please you.
As you ground your hips down into his, you couldn't help but start to feel him grow inside you. Was this normal for sex?
“Ah! Hold on, it's really starting to hurt nii-san.”
Your hips lifted off of his, only to be slammed back down by those strong hands you've come to love.
“Just relax, princess. I'm doing this because I love you.”
Admittedly, this was his first time to try to manifest this part of his body, but he had to try for you, didn't he? Your future with him depended on it. The kiss he pressed to your temple was to soothe himself more than you, focusing on the horse meat he had eaten early that day just after you called him.
He shushed your struggles, hugging you close and stroking the ever-growing bulge in your stomach as he completed his manifestation.
“There we go.” He kissed your cries of the pain away. “It’s okay, you’re okay, princess.”
You had to understand that he was doing this for both of you. He’d ruin that cunt of yours, make it so no man other than Tamaki and his quirk could ever satisfy you.
“You were made to my cock, and mine alone, princess. I'll make you see that.”
The pain was nearly unbearable as he began to thrust up into you, hitting your cervix with the strange cock head he had produced. His hand stayed flush to the bulge on your stomach, stroking it gently as he pounded into you from below.
Your cries and moans meshed together in a perfect melody, one that was always destined to be sung by the both of you, together as one.
Neither of you were going to last long, not with his quirk in play.
“Oh God, I'm gonna cum, princess!” His thrusts became erratic, pounding into you with a new vigor.
“Y-You promised to pull out!” You cried in frustration, feeling his cum fill you up to the brim and dripping out of even with his cock still inside. Tamaki thumbed at your clit to help push you over the edge as he shrunk his cock back down, feeling you cum around him with a cry and shaky legs.
He pulled out, looking at the bulge his cum inside you left behind as he pushed on it gently, watching it gush out of you.
“Now no one else will ever want you.”
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dykewithafatpussy · 3 years
jill valentine my beloved
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Dating Jill Valentine would include
pt. 2
warnings: nsfw towards the end but nothing too descriptive, mentions of death, trauma, jill has ptsd
gn!reader <3
i love her so much and she is criminally underrated and underwritten for
dating jill valentine would include...
jill is protective of you
ofc she would be i mean look at everything she's been through
you were dating before the raccoon city incident
shes forever thankful you were out of town that day
teaches you how to fight just incase she fails in her job to keep you safe, you need to be able to defend yourself, she says
teaches you how to handle a fire arm in case you dont know how
watching movies together
jill doesnt like horror movies
likes action movies
i feel like shes not the best cook, and only knows how to make simple things, which is fine, unless she burns it, which she will, so either you're doing most of the cooking or you're ordering take out
she doesnt seem like the type but she is very much touch starved constantly, any moment your not in her arms is a tragedy to her.
loves pulling you in her lap, she doesn't care if your taller, bigger, whatever, you're sitting in her lap
she'll sit in yours if you want her to
she wasn't always this cuddly tho, the events of arkley and raccoon city made her scared
scared everything will be ripped away if she's not holding on tight enough
you're her everything
she does however have her moments where she doesn't want to be touched
will let you know
ands its easy to tell when they happen bc of her body language
and normally after a bad nightmare are when these moments occur
dragging her to bed some nights bc its 1am and she's still at her desk looking over files
jill wasnt the same after the events at arkley
she went from being playful to well traumatized
she watched her coworkers die
she almost died herself
and she became paranoid
while working on finding stuff to take umbrella down she became irrationally scared something would happen to you at the hands of those monsters.
she didnt know if they would kill you or turn you into one of those things
you watched as she worked herself sick
trying to to get her to bed and to eat. hell just to take a break, was an uphill battle
eventually it got to the point where jill snaps and yells at you
you yell back or cry
if you yell it turns into a screaming match
"you need to sleep jill" "you need to leave me the fuck alone" "well excuse me for giving a fuck about your wellbeing then"
if you cry, you run to the bathroom away from her seeing as you both just live in one big room
eventually she'll leave and go to the bar
once she calms down she feels bad about snapping at you
getting back to your shared apartment she finds you asleep on the bed, dried tears on your face
she felt like shit for making you cry
wraps her arms around you and falls into a fitful rest
she had a nightmare and it woke you up, you tried waking her but it was useless, so you opted to hold her until she woke up herself.
when she did she panicked, calming only slightly seeing you alive and well.
"you need to leave raccoon city" was the first thing she said
"what?" "you need to leave y/n, its not safe here"
with that she got out of bed and started shoving your clothes into a bag
you get up to stop her demanding she finally tell you what happened that night, why shes behaving the way she is, you only vaguely understood what happened but were largely in the dark about it.
jill sighs and finally tells you everything from what happened at that mansion, to what shes been researching, to her nightmares about you dying bc she couldn't protect you.
by the end of jill is crying into your shoulder as the stress of everything shes been holding crashes on her
you hold her and tell her youll be ok and that you dont want to leave but you will of it gives her peice of mind. that youll stay out of town.
~ansgt ends~
she misses you terribly but feels so much better knowing youre safe away from her and from the city
just in time to
after dealing with the city exploding and being hunted jill shows up to where youve been staying to check on you before leaving for europe to find chris
you're so relieved shes ok
you beg to come with her, but she refuses believing you'll be safer in hiding
you concede
but insist she gets better first
thus leading jill to be stuck to you the entire time
Jill is dominant in bed
a tease
loves hearing you beg
pretty vanilla tbh but thats ok
but does love restraining you with her hand cuffs
has a strap and uses it well (yes even if you're amab, shes pegging you, if you're ok with it ofc)
can get pretty rough especially if she's stressed
not into degrading
is pretty silent during except for the occasional groan or "fuck baby"
loves giving oral until your legs are shaking and you're pushing her away
loves receiving oral as well
when she sees you again dont expect to able to walk right for a bit, it was a long few months without hearing you scream for her
honestly i feel like she would like cuddle fucking
~nsfw ends~
sorry the angst part is so long and that its kinda disorganized, i had a lot of ideas. gonna do a pt.2 with the events of revelations and re5 bc i didnt want this to be too long
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