#usagi you're the best
emeraldsage98 · 1 year
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Absolutely fantastic on the wings of change art (one of the many fantasty dabihawks aus I've got on Ao3) done by @alienescence, who was commissioned by the best friend in the world @usagi323!
I'm posting slightly delayed, as real life can be a bitch, but I'm so so amazed and grateful for this spectacular gift, and I'm so excited to share it with y'all!
on the wings of change is a four-part series I'm writing on Ao3, about God!Dabi and Former Assassin!Keigo! These are all inspired from the series itself - Keigo in his Hand Uniform, Dabi as himself, and a surprise peak into Keigo later on.
Love this so so sooooo much!!!
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silvermoon424 · 11 months
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rhinocio · 5 months
Hi!! I'm the person who sent you the ask a while ago with the promise of Tomoe fanart.....it took my foreverrrrr oops but here it is! Tomoe fanart! I hope it's accurate to what you had in mind <333
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Serviiiiiiiiiii she's so PRETTYYYYYYYYYYY this is BETTER than what I had in mind!!!! her big fluffy tail!!!!! you totally nailed down that shaggy cat fur look and she's like?? equal parts unkempt and elegant oh my GOSH the white highlights are so sharp!!! THE LITTLE MON PATTERN ON HER KIMONO and the PAW BEANS I'm running to the tallest hill I can find to show this off to everyone in the vicinity are y'all seEING THIS SHIT?!?!?! damn dude I didn't realize you were doing a wholeass render!! I feel like her expression in the front-facing drawing is SO conveying comic Tomoe she's PERFECT
bowingbowing grovelling at your feet could I embed / link to this drawing in the fic???? I want to like. blast it at as many eyeballs as possible oh my GOSH thank you so much!!!! ;;;;;;w;;;;;; crying sobbing inconsolable look at my DAUGHT E R
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angelkitty54 · 2 years
Shower thoughts, inspired a little bit by a discord conversation I had!
So, I like the idea of Raph having a mild phobia of rabbits thanks to Mrs Cuddles. Mikey decides to help Raph conquer his fear via exposure therapy. Or at least thats the excuse he and Leo use when they come home one day with a cute little pet bunny rabbit.
Everyone else is immediately suspicious of the fact they bought it from a pet shop in the Hidden City. Like there's no way this is a normal rabbit if its from the Hidden City, right?
Well, technically they'd be right, coz that particular shop sold animals with the souls of ancient warriors! And this little bunny contains the reincarnated soul of the great samurai warrior Miyamoto Usagi. Not that anyone knows it tho, given that he thinks, feels, and behaves like an ordinary, if not highly intelligent, rabbit. He may have been a samurai in his past life, but right now, he's a humble bunny rabbit.
Anywhizzle, Mikey and Leo were supposed to share the responsibility of caring for their bunny, but it very quickly becomes Leo's pet more than Mikey's. We all know Leo's into magic and that rabbits are magician's assistants right? Well, the first time he tried teaching their new bunny to do a magic trick, he instantly understood the assignment and performed magnificently, and Leo has been enamored ever since. He is now a proud and doting rabbit-dad.
Mikey is only a little upset that their bunny also seems to like Leo more than him. He thinks Leo cooing over this bunny is the cutest thing ever, so he can't really be too mad. Oh, and Raph has actually made some progress with his phobia, in that he can be in the room with Usagi bunny for an extended period of time without freaking out. Provided they are not alone that is.
Should also note that Usagi bunny always looks competently serious all the time. Just imagine this cute little bunny performing all these fun little tricks, or getting cuddles and kisses, while having this dead serious resting bitch face.
Now, am thinking about how there are probably still a bunch of Draxum's oozesquitoes still flying out there. And thinking about how in the 2012 series Raph's pet turtle accidentally got mutated. Welp, we can all probably see where this thought is going... ;)
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drawnaghht · 1 year
usagi chronicles fandom (fandom salt)
just a small thought i had today but - I notice there's always either a lot of misinfo surrounding this show or a lot of negativity - either the characters or the ship, either from new or old fans of Usagi or TMNT... can I just ask yall older fans to be NICER to the younger fans? like some of them might actually like the show but are too scared to say it out loud because of how wide the gamut runs for fan opinions. wish other fans were nicer in general about this show just for the sake of normalcy inside these online spaces :'D
like yea you're allowed 2 have your opinions and all but idk. be nice about it? there are way worse things to be mad about than a cartoon non-adaptation lol
i just feel bad for the younger fans bc i've been in their shoes. you like a show or character bc it really gives you something different or uplifts you during a difficult time.... only to see that a majority of "fans" actually hate it or only like it for the "idea" and like to change it more bc they think it's actually bad... lol i've been there and all I can say is. in that case it's good I guess, to just post on your own blog about it, or just post your art/fic online about it and live in your own bubble. maybe find friends who might like it or post things online and hope to find fans who like it just as much as you
(thank goodness I have friends and siblings to talk about this show to or I would go as insane as I did 15 years ago)
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yoyomomiko · 5 months
heyyy!! I was wondering if you could write a Muichiro x s/o similar to Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon?? If you don't know who she is she's a really clumsy girl that's quite emotional and lazy. She's really sweet and she can get jealous easily over her boyfriend. If you can't do this it's okay!
“She wasn't supposed to be talking to you.”
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Pairing: Muichiro x F!reader
Summary: Just Muichiro with an S/O that's clumsy, slightly emotional and easily gets jealous;
Warnings: Jealousy;
(A/N): Hiii! I'm not really sure how i should've written this, but i tried my best!! Sorry if this isn't what you wanted... (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
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The sun shined brightly, as you made your way through the dirt path. Each step you made left dust behind, as you quickened your pace.
Your heart skipped a beat when you caught sight of Muichiro, your boyfriend. The corners of your lips tugged upwards, forming a smile on your face, as you started to sprint towards him, wich made him turn around to the sound of your shoes tapping on the path.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans for you. You tripped over your other foot, and went flying forwards, falling face flat on the ground.
Muichiro's eyes widened in surprise, lips twitching with a hint of a chuckle. He made his way to you, crouching down as he took your hand in his, pulling you back to your feet.
Once you got up, you threw yourself into Muichiro. You gently wrap your arms around him, feeling the warmth of his embrace as you hold him close, cherishing the moment togheter.
“I missed you!” You exclaimed as your grip got tighter.
“It's only been about a week, i think...” Muichiro spoke in his usual quiet and calm tone, lowering his voice.
“It's still too long!” You claimed while pulling away from him, already missing the comforting warmth.
Muichiro nodded his head, a smile making its way on his face. It was rare to see him smile, and your heart instantly started beating faster, a faded blush slowly rising on your face.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
“Get up, it's starting to get dark.” Muichiro mentioned, watching your relaxed expression.
“No... Five more minutes!” You whined, head laying back, hitting the tree trunk, making you flinch slightly at the impact.
“No, i'm not waiting anymore. You've been sleeping for what feels like too long!” He replied, his voice slightly higher than usual.
“It's only been like... 3 hours...” You muttered while looking around with squinted eyes.
“Come on, we have to go back...”
“Fine then, i'm leaving without you.”
Muichiro began to walk away from the tree you were resting against, as you glanced towards his form.
“What? No! Don't leave!”
You crawled a little, forcing yourself to your feet as you ran towards him. All of the sudden, you tripped over a small stone, and fell hard on the path, making Muichiro turn towards you.
“Ow!” You winced as you made contact with the ground.
Muichiro quickly walked up to you, picking you up and examining you for any possible injuries.
The only thing he caught a glimpse of was a small bruise on your cheek.
“You're fine... But be more careful...” He stated while taking your hand in his, gently brushing his other hand on your bruised cheek.
You started pouting and you looked like you could cry any moment, but instantly smiled and quickly kissed Muichiro's lips, before pulling away and running as far as possible from him, tripping and falling down yet again.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
The small town was filled with noises, crowds everywhere, people eager to buy anything.
Mitsuri brought you and Muichiro to check out some stuff there, since you didn't usually go anywhere with your boyfriend.
But, something had been bothering you for some time ever since Mitsuri went to buy food for the three of you...
You glared at the girl who dared to set her gaze upon your boyfriend, heart beating faster.
You didn't know her, and you were sure he didn't know her either. Your face heated up, and you started getting a headache.
Her voice seemed so annoying, and yet Muichiro wasted his breath just talking to her.
Were you jealous?
You couldn't stand it anymore, and you wandered towards Muichiro, clinging onto his arm.
“Hello! Am i interrupting something? Do i know you?” You asked sweetly, trying not to seem too jealous.
“No, excuse me, i just wanted to know-”
“Ask someone else.” You replied with a kind smile, tilting your head at the girl.
The girl looked puzzled, but shrugged her shoulders and left. Muichiro raised his eyebrows, his eyes setting on you.
“What was that...?” He asked in a quiet voice.
“What was what? She wasn't supposed to be talking to you.”
“She wasn't... Flirting...”
“She... She wasn't?” You started to feel slightly embarassed, since you thought she was making sweet eyes at him earlier.
You felt sorry that you spoke to the poor girl in such a mean tone, and felt the need to go back to her and apologize, but you had other plans right now.
“It doesn't matter, let's go and find miss Kanroji!” You smiled brighter, taking his hand in yours, wandering through the loud crowd of people.
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riku-izanami · 8 days
Costume chaos intermissions pt. Whatever it is I don't keep track
Pyrrha, accompanied a mysterious woman, casually walked through the halls of Beacon Academy towards her dorm. Turning heads and making a certain heiress freak the fuck out.
Pyrrha: *turning to the mysterious woman, and smiling brightly* I'm so happy you've come to visit, Maki!
The woman, now called Maki, turned to her and a smile ever present on her face
Maki: of course, It's not often i get to spend time with my little sister.
She patted Pyrrha's head, nakig the spartan blush.
Pyrrha: Maki! I'm not five anymore
Maki: *still smiling* I know, but you're still my little sister. * Her face shifted(finally) to sort of questioning one* Could you tell me about your teammates again, I wanna be sure I have the whole picture?
Pyrrha nodded and started describing her teammates
Pyrrha: Well, there's Ren. He is fairly silent, often seen as the ninja of our merry band by others. But he's patient and an excellent cook.
Maki nodded wordless
Pyrrha: then there's Nora.......She very....energic to say the least....
Maki: I see..
Pyrrha: And finally, there's Jaune. And honestly, what can I say about him. He's sweet, caring, the first person to not see me as a champion buy rather a normal girl...
Maki: *her unsettling smile returned as she watched Pyrrha prattle on about Jaune*
Pyrrha: and he also wears this cute bunny onside at and its.....Oh sorry, I lost track of time
Maki: no worries dear sister *she stops in front of the team Jnpr dorm* Is this the place
Pyrrha nodded as a loud crash was heard from within
Maki: *puzzled face* what was that?
Pyrrha: *completely unphased* Oh it's nothing. Nora's probably just hyper off sugar or opened an inter-dimensionary portal again
Maki stared at Pyrrha when she heard the last part' an eyebrow raised.
Pyrrha: *shrugging with an uneasy smile* It....happens sometimes....
Opening the door, they find Ren & Jaune still wrestling on the floor with still Nora recording. Jaune still in his sailor moon costume, tho with slight cuts and tears here and there
Nora: *finally noticing her teammate and her guest* Oh hey Pyrrha
On que the boys stop their fighting and look at the spartan.
Ren: oh....hey pyrrha....*looking at Maki* and pyrrha's guest
Jaune: *completely ignore maki* Hey Pyrrha, can we get your opinion on who the best sailor scout is?
Jaune: *raising an eyebrow* umm are you ok?
Maki: * her unsettling smile return* I happen to fancy Sailor Mars myself.
Jaune: *nodded, slowly pulled himself up, & straightened out his skirt* I see, I see. A safe opinion, but still valid.
Ren: * stand up as well* and sailor Pluto isn't?
Jaune: *to ren* silence heretic! * Back to Maki, he extended a hand* hi, I'm Jaune. Jaune Arc, short sweet and ladies...
Maki didn't fully catch the last part as she stared at Jaune. His blonde hair, goofy smile, and attitude reminded her of a certain puppy she met long ago.
Jaune: So how do you know Pyrrha Ms....
Maki: *her unsettling smile grew wider* Makima.....just Makima will do~
The ending reveal, if you could call it that was based off of a few stories I read with the same idea.
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l0veu-somuch · 11 months
nct dream as boy/girl dads ... 👼🏻⭐️
mark who still maintains his insane working hours and practicing late into the night even when he has his two favorite girls waiting back home (and it makes him feel terrible). he comes home when it's way past your daughter's bedtime and you're always still waiting for him even when it's three am in the morning. when the day breaks his daughter thinks she's being very quiet but she's quite clumsy as she steps all over his legs while she climbs onto the bed to wake him up. he blows raspberries onto the baby's cheeks as he trudges into the kitchen, pressing a sweet kiss to your shoulder as a thank you for the pancakes.
renjun who simply cannot contain his excitement when his daughter's painting is selected for an award in the school art competition. he brags about her drawings all the time to his parents, his friends, the elderly woman who bags his groceries. he says she got it from him. it's quite right. he cheers the loudest when her name is called, even blinks some pesky tears away (something you make sure to make fun of when you're in the car later on) when his sweet girl comes up on stage to accept her certificate and take a picture, in the dress she picked out with his help because it's a very special day.
if you ever asked jeno what he kept in his bag then you would (or would not) be surprised at the endless amount of candy and sugary treats he pulls out of it that he keeps for both himself and your daughter. it's clear where she got her sweet tooth from. usagi transforms into sailor moon on the television screen, your daughter astrode on his lap, each of them holding a pink spoon and taking turns scooping bites of cookies 'n cream and macademia into their mouths. you collapse onto the sofa with an exaggerated sigh once you finish dishes duty, your head falling into the unoccupied crook of jeno's neck. your daughter swings a spoonful of ice cream towards your mouth, calling it a reward for working hard "because daddy always does it" and you accept with a giggle.
donghyuck drums his fingers on the steering wheel to the soundtrack of moana, occasionally peeking to the back to check on his sleeping girl tucked into the car seat. he keeps a hand nestled into her soft locks as he steers her towards where you said you'd be waiting at the department store, making a very important decision on whether you should get the white or sage green kitten heels for your cousin's wedding in jeju next month. your daughter then pops on a pair of oversized celine sunglasses, and it's too funny and adorable that the salesgirl was giving the three of you the stink eye for making such a ruckus in the store. he pays for it anyways, because he'll probably steal it for himself for when he has to be at the airport at early hours to leave for an overseas schedule or concert.
jaemin tries his best, really. he just can't help it when he sees luke sitting by his son as he draws on the coffee table. you can't expect him to bake the chocolate chip cookies, watch for stains on the oak from your son's oil pastels and feed all three cats at once. he doesn't know how you do it. luckily the cookies don't burn in the oven, he puts down parchment so the oak table is safe, and all cats are soothed by your son's magic touch and gentle pressing hand. when you notice a speck of oil pastel in their furs later on you only sigh and make a call to the salon to get them a bath, noticing their claws have been getting too long to the point they can mar your precious boys' skin.
you raise a hand to shield your eyes from the blaring sunlight, the piercing rays making chenle and your son look like mere sillhouettes as they zip around the court, the boinking sound of the basketball echoing in the park that's not too crowded for a friday morning. you can tell he's being much more gentle and a lot slower than he usually does for your son, fixing his stances and the grip of his fingers on the ball as he demonstrates a three pointer. your son joyfully claps everytime he shoots, and he ruffles his hair as a thank you. he calls out to you, demanding his congratulations kiss, but there is no way you're even going to come close to two very sweaty boys under the sweltering august heat.
your son actually prefers jisung to read him the bedtime stories he keeps in his shelf. he tucks him into the crook of his arm, whispering gently of the boy who discovers a treasure box in the forest and goes on an adventure with his pet hamster. his voice is too low to catch over the running of the sink as you remove your makeup, secretly wishing your son would fall asleep faster so that you can brush your teeth together. you watch from the doorway as he very carefully detaches himself from your son's side to slip the book back into its place on the bookshelf, tuck the sheets up to his chin, and place a gentle kiss to his forehead before he clicks the star shaped light off and his arm comes up to circle around your waist, pressing you against the wall to collect his kiss that tastes like peppermint toothpaste and your scent he can never get enough of.
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Gojo satoru x F!reader fic in which you and Megumi interact after his "adoption"
You guys I know Gojo's more like a mentor to Megumi in cannon, but pls pls pls just let me have this, I'll give you good vibes for a week if you do 😭 Also, Satoru is more like a side character in this one, sorry babes.
Warnings: Slight innuendo, some cursing, good feels
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The walk home with Gojo was...interesting. No, scratch that. Annoying. Megumi could do nothing but listen to him talk and talk and talk, to the point that he wished he was getting sold to the Zenin clan.
"Man, you're boring for a 1st grader, huh? What are you, like 8?"
"I'm 6."
"Rightttt....most serious 6-year old I've ever met."
coming from him? Megumi liked that. Whoever Gojo found entertaining had to be crazy.
"You know, my usagi-chan is gonna looove to meet you,"
"Usagi-chan?" He stretched out the pet name, a confused and judgmental tone in his voice. What kind of parent names their kid "little bunny"?
Gojo beamed, holding his hand out and counting on his fingers all the things he liked about you. "Oh yeah, She's great! She's smart, and funny, and she's a great cook, and a really strong sorcerer, and..."
Megumi tuned him out. It was bad enough, dealing with this guy, now there were going to be two of you? He dreaded what the rest of his life would look like.
Gojo was still talking as they walked up the final steps to Jujitsu tech, making their way to the dormitories, only shutting up for a moment when he opened the door to Megumi's new room.
You were there, setting a bouquet of carnations in a vase and angling it perfectly on Megumi's new night stand. The second you realized they arrived, you nervously turned around and smiled sweetly. "Hi! You must be Toj- uh, Megumi Fushiguro!"
"Toji's son" sounded a little demeaning to you.
Megumi nodded, seeming to be examining your face, trying to get a read on you. "I'm (y/n), It's great to meet you...I was going to make lunch, but then I realized I don't even know what you like...so how about when you're settled you can tell me what you like and I'll make it for dinner?" So Usagi-chan wasn't your real name...
"Can you even cook," Megumi asked, the first thing he's ever said to you, his little voice mature sounding for a kid his age.
You giggled, his bluntness making you relax a little at how amusing it was. "Well, he thinks I can," you laughed, pointing at Gojo, who has now made his way over to be next to you, "But he thinks I'm good at everything, so how about you try it and find out?"
Megumi hesitantly nodded, satisfied with your answer, and plops his backpack on the ground. He's decided he likes you.
You made pork gyoza for him that night, some of the best gyoza he's ever had, yet to be matched in his mind. As time went on, Megumi came to realize that you and Gojo filled entirely different roles. While Satoru lived in the dorm right next to Megumi's, Megumi saw a lot more of you than him, even though you worked at the Kyoto sister school.
You came over every day, eating dinner with him and shoveling big portions on his plate because he was "a growing boy", helping him with his homework, listening to his problems, attending his elementary and middle school graduations. At first, Gojo really only interacted with him to train every weekend, to bring him up to his level, but as you took a more parental role, so did he.
Of course, neither of you wanted to be called mom or dad, and Megumi didn't want that either, so he just called you by either your names or "sensei" when being educated. That said, you and Satoru always joked with each other about being teen parents, lamenting the fact that you "got the kid without any of the fun." The very implication of you two doing that always made Megumi gag.
Speaking of that, having the talk with him was surprisingly easy for you and Satoru, disgustingly easy in Megumi's 12 year old eyes, and although at the time he never intended on putting the information to use, it was still good to have.
You were always patient with him, staying gentle during his angsty middle school years, and eventually helping him train even more once he entered high school. You even insisted he danced with you at your wedding, stating that you needed "at least one dance with a gentleman."
All of this said, none of the other first years in the Tokyo school even knew of your existence until the good will event. You showed up with your students, The first person you greeted being Maki. Despite being Mai's teacher, Maki loved you. You were just so...bubbly.
"Maki! Ugh, it's been forever since I've seen you," you squeal, bringing her into a tight hug. You greet Toge and Panda respectively, Before rushing over to your now husband and dramatically swooning into his arms. "Oh, Satoru," You sigh, the back of your hand resting delicately on your forehead. "Ah, Usagi-chan, How I've missed you in the time we've been apart," he sighed, holding you by your waist and the nape of your neck. The sight was completely cringe-worthy, but it was funny to you two and that was all that mattered.
The two of you kissed, much to the confusion of Nobara and Yuji. You opened your eyes, peaking at their faces, and quickly sprung out of the arms of your beloved husband.
"You never told me how adorable your first years are," You giggled, taking Itadori's face in your hand and examining it. You didn't release him as you turned back to Gojo, calling out, "This is the vessel, right?" Satoru nodded, saying, "That's him," proudly. Yuji finally spoke up while Nobara laughed at the sight, asking, "Uhhhh...who are you?"
You pulled back, posing a little and responding with, "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), Satoru's wife!" You never took his last name, seeing as just being connected to the Gojo clan made you a bigger target than you already were. Nobara and Itadori's eyes lit up, both of them shouting, "Tell us everything!"
You would have been happy to, but you saw Megumi out of the corner of your eye. "Ah, Megumi!" You zoomed over, hugging him so tightly his bones might crack. "I've been meaning to ask, what do you want for dinners this week?"
Nobara and itadori got even more excited, you being the best source of information on their closed off friend and surprisingly mysterious teacher.
"I don't care..." Megumi sighed, blushing a little at how open you were about all this. "Maybe Gyoza," he muttered.
Ok, you could be a little annoying sometimes, but that's how all mothers caregivers were. He wasn't mad, even when you invited Itadori and Nobara over for dinner after the event, or spilled all of the details (except for the ones not even Megumi knows) about your life with Megumi and Satoru. He was ok with this, albeit a little peeved, because at the end of the day you cared for him in a way he never would have imagined being cared for.
Life didn't turn out to be so bad after all.
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I absolutely loved writing this, it's been on my mind for a while now! As always, let me know what you think :)
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hitokshellart · 4 months
>What would happen if V!Usagi (Villain) remembered everything? Can he remember things when he was a child?
>Does Leo still think he's cute or does he still remember the times he's had with Usagi? How does he feel seeing him again?(apart from being afraid or being alert)
>What does V!Usagi think about Doctor Delicate Touch?
>Does he like hugs and does he know other characters? (Draxum, Big Mama, Júpiter Jim, Hueso, Todd, etc)
>Why does he look so CUTE!?
Sorry for the questions, if you're busy don't worry 🫶
Sorry for answering late!!
1- First of all, I think Usagi would just want to go home with his dad if he remembered everything, after all he's just a child and no one wants to remember that.
I'm not gonna make him remember all of it, memory is a weird thing and sometimes they are just gone yk, he still remembers his childhood tho :]
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2- Leo only thinks Usagi is scary thanks to his actitud (and being like a little version of Jei), but he still thinks he's cute, in a way! He just wants to stop him from killing people at the moment lmao
Anyways, he does have a lot of memories with him, even when he first meets him, here's how it went :D
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This happened in season one of rise, when Leo didn't manage to control his portals that well.
Leo has a lot of complicated feelings about seeing him again, I'm not gonna go deep into that at the moment.
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He thinks he's funny
4- He likes hugs, ofc!! (He just like them more if he starts them)
Usagi knows Draxum (I'm pretty sure I've mentioned in another ask), in general they don't have the best relationship, with Usagi being a strong half-oni and all that.
He works with Big Mama, sort of, he just likes to go to the Battle Nexus sometimes to make the work of killing sinners easier, the only thing he doesn't like about the place is one of the guards.
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(Yeah, that's Chizu, the siblings ever)
He has no idea who Jupiter Jim is, and he doesn't really talk to yokais outside of the Nexus that much.
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Thank u for the compliment! design wise he is my favorite so it means a lot, he was based on Keiko, Jei's niece :]
And with that it should be all, have a great day/night!
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realisticjupiter · 6 months
Hi omg I’ve stumbled across your account and love it! Could you do a chishiya fic with reader that’s friends with arisu and Usagi. When chishiya betrays them reader also feels betrayed (he was just trying to protect them tho) so they don’t trust him then they somehow end up in Jack of hearts game and he has to convince reader to trust him. Maybe he does a lil confession. Sorry my English isn’t great.
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ꔫ ⸝⸝ summary: chishiya tries to get you to trust him, even after what he did at the beach.
ꔫ ⸝⸝ pairing: chishiya x gn!reader
ꔫ ⸝⸝ genre: fluff
ꔫ ⸝⸝ warnings: none
ꔫ ⸝⸝ word count: 660
A/N: Your English is great, thank you so much for the request! I kinda hate this but hopefully you guys have a better perspective then I do!
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Chishiya didn't care about anyone but himself, and you had to find out the hard way.
The way he stared at you across the room as Niragi kicked and yelled at Arisu, shaming him for being so stupid. It was infuriating. You could feel his smirk digging into your skin, his lips whispering words of betrayal.
You were lucky, Chishiya told you to stick with Kuina. You wouldn't get hurt, he knew that, but you didn't.
It was hard to listen to anything around you when you realized this entire game was about trust, the collar on your neck clicking when you entered the Jack of Hearts.
The Cheshire man in front of you tried to convince you that you could trust each other, claiming we've never done each other wrong.
You scoffed as Chishiya continued to speak. "What?" He asked, raising a brow as he ate the cookies in hand.
"We can trust each other? Seriously?" You stared at him, brows curled together as you spoke. "After what you pulled at the beach, I'm doubting that statement is even true." That's when he realized exactly what this was about, and he couldn't say he blamed you.
"You didn't get caught." He stated matter-a-factly, eyeing his snack in hand to see how many were left inside.
"I could've!" You snapped back, your words were harsh and it was clearly visible to Chishiya how angry you were.
"This isn't the best game to doubt each other's trustworthiness." Chishiya sighed, looking up to catch your eye. He tilted his head to the side as he did so.
"I don't care. It was pathetic, Chishiya. Arisu could've died." You rolled your eyes, standing from the table to walk away.
Chishiya stood up and followed closely behind you, watching the people pass with narrow eyes.
As you walked past one of the cells to walk anywhere but near him, a hand grabbed onto your arm and pulled you inside; gaining a shocked gasp from your lips.
"What the hell?" You groaned, standing in front of Chishiya with a far more annoyed expression than earlier.
"You didn't get caught because I didn't let you." He crossed his arms, waiting for you to interrupt him; but you didn't.
"Why do you think I told you to be on watch with Kuina? Because I knew she wouldn't be treated like a traitor." He spoke again, breathing sharp throughout his nose.
"Why?" You asked, your voice calming down as you spoke.
Chishiya sighed at the question, his eyes now avoiding yours as his brain moved faster than he could handle.
"Because--" He paused, unable to find the words; if there even was any.
You stood patient, waiting for him to finish his abandoned sentence.
"Because, I actually like you." He admitted, sliding his arms down into pockets. His eyes now on yours, studying your face with a fear of rejection.
"I thought you didn't like getting attached? What happened to that?" You asked with genuine curiosity, wondering what he saw in you that he couldn't see in anyone else.
He almost laughed at your words, shaking his head with a small smirk as he looked down at his feet. "You're smart. I'm sure you'll see why." He grinned, looking up at you.
You scoffed, but couldn't help the growing smile on your face. "Okay, genius. Just because you like me doesn't mean we're even." You laughed. "But--I don't really have a choice. And sure, I will trust you. Just for this game, until I figure out feelings of my own." You nodded, crossing your arms against your chest.
Chishiya nodded, taking in every word you had to offer. "Okay." He replied, sticking his hand out as if asking for a handshake.
Your smile widened at his open hand, completely ignoring it to pull him into the soft embrace of a kiss. A kiss he found himself melting into--a kiss he wished would never end.
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reposts and comments are appreciated<3
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scarredwoods · 6 months
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Y'know, Leo never did apologize. All Usagi tried to do was help his friend who was going through a rough time, and he ended up getting pushed away. Maybe at first he thought that was fine. He wasn't the help Leo needed. He tried his best, but in the end, he had to leave. And then 2 years later, he's suddenly invited to April and Casey's wedding but Leo doesn't go to say hello to him once during the wedding or the fight.
People write fics abouts Leo and Usagi's happy reunion and everything is all right. But I've always thought about how Usagi should be allowed to feel angry and upset. All he did was try to help but he ended up getting ignored. I mean, imagine you're helping a friend who's going through a tough time and they ended up blocking you. And then years later, they try to talk to you as if nothing happened.
But let's be honest here, I just wanted to imagine how the drama would play out.
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ilivelikeimtrying · 2 years
I've read fics where Leo's brothers are surprised he could land Usagi like, at all, but I have yet to read a fic where Usagi's friends are surprised Leo fell for... well... Mr. "I Once Had A Grape Stuck Up My Nose For A Whole Year".
Like, I love all the fics where Leo falls first, or where he's the goofy crushie one and all his brothers are teasing, or even when they're both idiots in love, but,
With the way Leo acts, I think maybe his brothers would have imagined him to aim for someone suave and cool, like someone badass who carries themselves like a champion (except for Raph, he doesn't wanna admit it and prove his brothers right with the whole "Mother Hen" thing, but he'd rather not see any of his brothers dating anyone till he's dead (and even after that)) and then he falls for Usagi Yuichi (or Miyamoto whichever floats your boat), the dude they once saw take two steps towards a table and ended up destroying half the restaurant. The guy who has tripped and fallen flat first on his face, IN FRONT OF THEIR TABLE, and spilled drinks on them more times than they can count.
And then proceeded to watch (well, Mikey did, the other two didn't know) as their slider brother quickly/slowly but surely fell head over heels- I'm talking heart eyes, a lot of sighing, and a lot of giggling accompanied by red faces and heart EVERYWHERE- for this clumsy (but sweet) rabbit.
And the only one who doesn't know, like genuinely knows at all, is Usagi, he's not even catching on to the flirting and comments he just laughs with them with the genuine happy "You're my best friend too dude!" attitude and Leo just thinks that maybe he doesn't like him at all like that and Usagi's friends (seeing their friend needs some serious help) are like "No please it's not that he's just dumb!" and do their best to get them together, while Leo's family (more specifically Splinter, Raph, Donnie, and Casey Sr. (Mikey a little at first for his own reasons until he realises they're being dumb)) try their hardest to make sure the two DON'T get together.
April, Mikey, and Casey Jr. are happy for Leo.
So now it's just a battle between both groups with their two favourite idiots caught in the center of it. Funny part? They're both oblivious to it.
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hinacu-arts · 1 year
I made this post almost exactly a year go. Have a sequel
R! Donnie: at least i didn't marry a boy i'd only known for two days
12! April: *snorts sprite out her nose in surprise*
12! Raph: LEO DID WHAT?
R! Donnie: in VEGAS
R! Leo: i dont know why you say it like that, you knew that was on my bucketlist
12! Mikey: you put "marry someone you've known for two days" on your bucketlist?
R! Leo: no! It was "get married in Vegas"
12! Mikey: ohhh
12! Splinter: *puts his head in his hands*
12! Raph, poking 12! Leo: really Leo! I didn't think you had that in you!
12! Leo: i don't! I mean that its not on my list, i could totally do it!
12! Raph: sure
12! Casey: oh thats on my list too!
R! Leo: nice
12! Casey and R! Leo: *fist bump*
R! Donnie: you didn't even get married in Vegas proper! They got married in the Yokai sector
R! Leo: because the Yokai age of adulthood is 16. Duh. We're too young to get married in human Vegas
R! Donnie: neither of you legally exist in either domain!
R! Leo: which is why Vegas was the clear choice for venue!
12! April: why'd you marry someone you'd only known two days?
R! Leo: when you spend 47 hours and 52 minutes straight with a stranger, you really get to know each other
12! April: okay? But still why MARRIAGE
R! Leo: uh, because he's pretty and amazing and likes me back?
12! Donnie: *nods in understanding*
R! Mikey, whispering: he's from a different dimension. He had to go back ASAP
2012: ohhhh
R! Raph: They decided to spend his last few hours in our dimension getting married. They're both sappy lovesick fools and that last hour would not come quick enough. The first half hour was cute but after that it-
R! Leo: ANYWAYS thats the story of how i married Usagi last year!
12! Turtles: USAGI?
12! Mikey, shaking 12! Leo: YOU HAVE A THING FOR USAGI?
12! Leo: NO!
12! Casey: what are we talking about?
12! April: i have no idea
12! Leo: WE DO!
12! Donnie: no no this actually kinda makes sense
12! Turtles: WHAT
R! Leo: its because we're soulmates! A fourtune teller verified it-
R! Donnie: she stole your money is what she did
R! Leo: you're just salty i had the wedding without you guys
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actuallysaiyan · 7 months
I Think You're Holding The Heart Of Mine(Part Eight)
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warnings: mentions of death, graveyard, crying, some swearing, kissing word count: 1.4k pairings: Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader summary: you and Gojo get to talk while on your mission, and you soon realize you've just run from your problems. a quick trip to Haibara's grave soon gives you the insight you need. taglist: @beneathstarryskies
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“You’re fighting like you want to kill someone!” Gojo comments, watching you use Aries the ram’s power over and over again.
“We’re here to exorcize this curse, aren’t we?”
Gojo can’t even argue with you, but he knows you could tire yourself out before you’d like to. He can tell you’re using this mission as an excuse to blow off some steam. Everything that’s been going on with Nanamin has you completely fed up.
Then you switch it up, and Gojo watches in awe as Aries dissipates, and from within the cursed energy that remains is Taurus that emerges. It charges towards the curse, one of the horns imbued with deep blue cursed energy. It penetrates the curse, causing it to let out an ungodly shriek. Gojo chuckles before he finishes the job. The curse melts away into a sort of liquid for a few moments before it turns into a million pieces of ash.
“Usagi-chan, you sure you’re alright?” Gojo asks you as he approaches you.
But you can’t even answer. You’re feeling so drained right now. How could you have not noticed the signs? He had pretended to be so good to you…and yet he played you for a fool. Without warning, you throw yourself into the stronger sorcerer’s arms and you begin to sob.
“I fucked up,” you cry. “I fucked up and now I’m heartbroken.”
Gojo hums softly, “No, you didn’t fuck up. If anyone fucked up, it’s Nanami.”
You shake your head, “I don’t know what to do, Satoru. I love him so much. It hurts.”
He pulls back a bit and holds you at arms length. Your beautiful eyes are wet with tears. Gojo takes a moment to pull a monogrammed handkerchief and wipes away your tears so gently. You laugh when you see his initials imprinted onto the soft fabric.
“You fancy ass,” you mock him, but you’re so quick to wrap your arms around him.
“Listen to me, you really didn’t fuck up. I’m sure this is all a big misunderstanding.”
Satoru begins to rub your back soothingly, and for a few minutes, you’re reminded of when Nanami had returned home with Haibara’s dead body and you had been plagued with nightmares for so long. Satoru had been the one to try and help you recover, despite having issues of his own at the time. He had often come to your room late at night, and held you close while you cried yourself back to sleep.
“I promise,” Satoru says with a kiss to your forehead. “Things will be okay.”
You frown, “How do you know? How can you be so sure?”
Gojo smirks, “Cause if Nanamin is being an asshole, I’ll beat him up for you.”
He flashes you such a shit-eating grin and throws his hand up for a big thumbs up. You laugh softly, feeling a little more soothed than before. Then you two exit the abandoned building you were fighting the curse in, Satoru’s arm wrapped around your shoulder to keep you close.
“Hey, you think we have enough time to get some ice cream?”
You smirk, “Of course we do. We’ve got all the time to get ice cream.”
Gojo laughs, “You know, if Nanamin doesn’t wanna date you, maybe I will!”
This causes you to pull away, your nose wrinkled. Satoru assures you he’s joking, but in reality, he wants the best for you. 
“Take a joke, will ya?!”
You cleanse your hands, approaching the grave with your bucket and ladle. Tears sting your eyes as you finally arrive in front of his stone. It feels like it’s been much too long since you’ve been here, but you know you need to talk to him. You need his guidance more than ever.
You begin cleaning the grave, thinking of his sweet smile and cheerful voice. Then you begin to pour water on the gravestone, cleaning it with vigor and with love. Lighting the incense, you place it down nearby. The smell of jasmine, frankincense and cherry blossom fill your senses. You bow your head, looking at your clasped hands.
“Yu, I just wanted to say…” you begin, but then you start to pray silently.
The wind begins to blow, rustling the branches in the trees. You’re slightly startled by a leaf landing on your shoulder. You smile softly, wiping away a few stray tears. Then you place a beautiful sunflower in the vase that’s neatly settled near his gravestone.
“I wish you were here. You were always so much easier to talk to than most people…” you continue to talk to him. “It’s about…well, it’s about him.”
You sigh as you rest your back against the tomb, feeling the weight of everything on you begin to dissipate. It was almost like those days when you were a teenager and you’d find Haibara to be able to chat with him. He’d listen to you, no judgment and always some kind advice or a smile.
“It’s always about him, yeah? You know me, always in love with him. My head is in the clouds so often, and I’m always such a fucking chicken. I can’t even fucking tell him how I feel!”
There’s a bit of an echo when you yell out. You look around to make sure you’re not bothering anyone, but it seems like you’re alone for some distance. Nobody is in the vicinity. Your eyes look up to the skies, noticing the small little clouds hanging around.
“Yu, I’m in love with him. I can’t hold it back anymore, but now I’ve gone and found out…I’ve found out that he may be hurting me. He might have lied.”
More wind blowing and gentle rustling pulls you away from the one-sided conversation. In a way, you were beginning to think that Yu was here with you. You smiled once more, enjoying the gentle embrace of this breeze.
“I have been in love with him since we were kids, ya know? And now that he’s almost out of my grasp, I just wonder if I waited too long.”
Your eyes close and you feel the gentle breeze caressing you all over. You are sure now that Yu is here with you and he is listening. Tears sting your eyes once more. You wish your beloved friend could truly be here instead of as a spirit. You want nothing more than to wrap your arms around the sunny boy and hug him tightly.
“You always used to tease us, calling us stubborn. You knew that we were into one another, yet we were two scared kids. We never had a relationship before…”
Your eyes scan the area, and you begin to think about your relationship with Kento. He’s always been your rock. Even when things got tough, you two could always lean on one another. And even when Haibara passed away, you and Kento found solace within one another.
“So when I found out that he might have a wife, you can obviously guess that I panicked. I panicked and pretty much ran away. I didn’t even tell him how I felt or even let him explain.”
“You can let me explain now.”
Your eyes widen when you hear that deep voice. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you look up at the man you’ve been in love with since you were fifteen. He looks worse for wear, which makes your heart clench. All of this misunderstanding has been hurting you both.
Kento kneels in front of the grave, lighting another incense before he clasps his hands together. He bows his head in prayer and you join him, asking Haibara to give you both courage to be able to hash this out. Then Kento turns to you and smiles shyly.
“I don’t have a wife.”
You feel a wave of relief wash over you. You had prayed for it all to be a misunderstanding, but you had been so scared. You were worried that you had been played for a fool.
“Oh Ken…” you whisper softly, pulling him closer so you could hug him. “I was so stupid. I got scared and I—”
Kento doesn’t let you finish. He cups your face, wiping away a few stray tears before placing his lips on yours. It’s the softest, most tender kiss you’ve ever felt in your life. Warm winds blow around you, embracing and caressing you both. When you pull away, you’re smiling shyly. 
You look at the grave, “Thanks a million, Yu.”
Kento laughs, “Thanks buddy. It means a lot to us.”
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iclarye · 2 years
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Alice in Borderland characters meeting you for the first time in a record store and both of you share the same taste (headcanons)
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# — ARISU!
⇢ You noticed him choosing up a record from one of your favorite bands.
⇢ Probably isnt a famous band that everyone knows
⇢ When you called his attention, he became extremely nervous and couldn't form a coherent sentence.
⇢ He was overjoyed to see someone who appreciates the music he likes.
⇢ You told him how you discovered about the band.
⇢ He'd say it was Karube who introduced him, and then be mixed up since you have no idea who he is.
⇢ Likely would overshare that he plays his games while listening to the band music.
⇢ He would listen to you with a shy smile on his face
⇢ After a few minutes, you would split up to better explore the store.
⇢ Would cross paths on the way to the cash register and smile at each other.
⇢ He would ask the seller to give you a note that was handwritten by him.
⇢ “Hi, my name is Arisu, and I really enjoyed talking to you. Please give me a call at (xx) xxxx-xxxx (sorry I didn't know how to ask for your number)”
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# — USAGI!
⇢ You caught her looking at one of your favorite albums, and she noticed.
⇢ She became concerned because she assumed you were familiar with her from her father's newspapers.
⇢ She relaxed and walked over to you as you smiled and pointed to the vinyl in her hand.
⇢ "This is her best album in my opinion! What’s yours?”
⇢ She confessed that she didn't have many friends with whom to discuss her musical tastes.
⇢ You two would walk throughout the store while conversing over the music.
⇢ When she realizes she may be talking too much, she blushes, but you can get her to talk again by asking what other artists she enjoys.
⇢ You’l probably lie and say you don't know who those artists are just to see her smile as she talks.
⇢ As you wait in line to pay, she lets you pass in front of her.
⇢ Together, you exit the store and follow one another down the sidewalk.
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⇢ He is so silent and unnoticeable that it is likely you were unaware of his presence.
⇢ He would have likely caught your attention while you were holding a record and searching for a particular album.
⇢ “You should probably buy the deluxe version of this record, I suggest.“
⇢ It'd get annoying because you'd know precisely why you're purchasing it, but you'd recognize that he doesn't.
⇢ You would answer in a passive aggressive tone that you are a collector, and he would be intrigued since you are one of the first people he has met who likes the unknown band.
⇢ You likely believe he didn't hear you and just doesn't have anything to do with you.
⇢ But he reacts by telling you his thoughts on the differences between the two editions of the albums and how satisfied he is that someone else gets to share having a good tastes.
⇢ Your conversation would be short and simple, and you would soon part ways.
⇢ You'd go to the register later and find out that he'd paid for your products (after all, he is a doctor and has a lot of money)
⇢ Plus, two weeks later, you'd cross paths on a busy street and look at each other.
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# — ANN!
⇢ As soon as you enter the store, you'd be aware of this woman's presence.
⇢ You want to avoid showing up at the same session as her since she is so reserved and confident, but it's impossible because the vinyl you want is already there.
⇢ You would pick it up to look at another record by a musician you like only then to quickly realize that the item you were looking for was not there.
⇢ "You should take this one, just so you know, the cover on this one is damaged and scratched."
⇢ You would grab the item out of her hands and then explain that you already owned it and were seeking for another record by the performer to add to your collection.
⇢ She'd probably just say she collects as well, and you'd try to ask what her favorite songs are.
⇢ She would be closed off with precise and brief responses, never looking into your eyes and always focused on something else.
⇢ But when you happen to stumble over words, she would listen to you carefully and smile.
⇢ You would part ways without swapping names or any other information.
⇢ However, you'd meet again the very next week at the same store, and she'd hand you the vinyl you're seeking for.
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# — KUINA!
⇢ Her familiarity with the location of the albums and others products comes from her regular visits to the business.
⇢ As a result, she helps you in searching for vinyl when you are having trouble finding a particular piece.
⇢ She became excited when she realized that it was the record of her favorite singer and she began talking to you.
⇢ She most likely talks a lot, and all you do is smile and nod in agreement.
⇢ However, if you spoke, she would listen attentively.
⇢ With your arms crossed, the two of you would circle the shop as she pointed out what was located where and which employees she personally prefer.
⇢ Because she asked, you likely would list the singer's top albums.
⇢ If you had a differing view, she would be horrified, but she would also laugh with you about it.
⇢ Surely, this girl will flirt to you.
⇢ She would most likely kindly ask your phone number in order to talk about the singer and your thoughts.
⇢ When you pick up the purchase and pay, she would request a special discount for you.
⇢ Message: Hello there, its Kuina from the store, are u free for a coffee tomorrow?
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⇢ He likely became aware of your presence as you approached a vinyl display of the singer he enjoys that was displayed on the wall.
⇢ As soon as you picked up the album, he would laugh sarcastically.
⇢ "I don't think you're bright enough to understand a singer like him"
⇢ His rude statements to someone he has never met in person and his tone of voice would undoubtedly annoy you.
⇢ He would approach you only to pick up another Vinyl record and declare that it was greater, but you could never hear any of it.
⇢ You would become angry and start yelling at him about which Disc was the best and how you had the same interest in music.
⇢ Most likely, you two would be the center of attention for all of the other customers in the shop.
⇢ Within a few minutes, there would already be a lot of noise, and employees would be debating whether it was best to disrupt or ignore.
⇢ He would pause his speech to look at you coldly before smiling sarcastically and walking away.
⇢ And you would become even furious.
⇢ Weeks later, you would most likely meet up at another business.
⇢ "Look if it's not the one who has no taste for anything"
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