#vampire leo valdez
fbfh · 4 months
is vampire leo coming back?? also I absolutely love your writing <3
you always wonder that. is Leo coming back? when's the next time I'll get to see his stupid smirk and his hypnotic dark red eyes? his eyes... they're really something else. they're not the bright synthetic red you had thought they'd be, like contacts worn by alongside clunky fangs by actors on tv. they're a deep, deep red, so deep they look nearly black in some light. the kind of red you see in the bottom of a glass of cabernet sauvignon at a dinner party, or the velvety, dew covered petals falling off a black baccara rose, or... blood. not in little capsules from spirit halloween, but deep dark pooling bloood in a vial or melting fresh snow. real blood. human blood. you're in the kitchen of your little apartment, pondering just this. your train of meandering thought is interrupted when you suddenly feel a cool breath blowing on your neck. you jump, startled, and spin around, nearly dropping the glass you'd been washing and there he is.
you clutch your heart, catching your breath while he chuckles at your adorable, very human reaction.
"Don't sneak up on me like that!" you protest, swatting him plafully with your dish towel and he smirks. he just looks at you and smirks and his fangs glint among his teeth in the dim lighting from your kitchen. he catches the towel in his hand eith no effort, using it to pull you closer. his skin is cool to the touch, everywhere except a small part of the center of his palms, and a little spot on the tip of each of his fingers. you've seen what those warm little spots among his icy, undead skin can do. you've watched him light candles with his fingertips and roast mini marshmallows for you in his hands. but now he just pulls you closer and closer, wrapping his arms around you and giving you that look that makes your stomach flip.
"c'mon," he teases, inching his face closer to yours until his curls tickle your forehead and make you giggle, "you know you love me. besides..."
his lips graze your ear, then your neck.
"where else am I gonna go when I'm thirsty?"
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poppitron360 · 2 months
A really morbid AU just came into my head where, instead of there being a physician’s cure, Jason- crazy with grief- collected most of Leo’s body parts from the explosion, sewed him back together, and re-animated him, Frankenstein-style, using his lightning powers.
But is it my sleep-deprived, overstimulated brain or would that be kinda perfect?
No but Nico and Haze having to stop him bc they know it’s wrong to mess with life and death like that and they hate what it’s doing to Jason and seeing him go down that path, but at the same time wanting Leo back. Zombie Leo actually wishing he never came back because he’s just living an undead half-life now, and Jason perhaps pulled his soul out of Elysium. Jason being too grief-stricken to care anymore.
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lavndvrr · 7 months
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A little Leo doodle I made at school. I’m still trying to finalize his design for my vampire au
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anime-villian-irl · 1 month
Dear friends
thanks to your donations and participation, we are approaching the halfway point of the goal, with only less than €950 left.
I hope to reach it today with your participation and donations.
Y'all if you have recently donated to a Palestinian family there is a chance that you've been refunded because of a glitch. Please please please check y'alls emails.
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bloodwrittenletters · 1 month
we are writers, my love. we don't cry. we bleed on paper . . . ✄ a.y.
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⚝ ᝰ english version!
✉ ᝰ fic!
𖦹 ᝰ spanish version!
⛓️ ᝰ headcanons!
🪩 ᝰ blurb!
🪐 ᝰ social media!
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never ever scared me.
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riordanverse ᯓ
i. percy jackson - you with the dark curls, you with the watercolor eyes . . .
✉ . . . ⚝ / 𖦹 stained hearts
ii. jason grace - nothin' happened in the way i wanted . . .
⛓️ . . . ⚝ love, love, love!
iii. leo valdez - not strong enough to be your man . . .
DC ᯓ
i. jason todd - and wonder what i did to deserve this . . .
ii. dick grayson - mom, i'm tired . . .
b.t.t.m ᯓ
i. wes bennett - i'd rather lose somebody than use somebody . . .
shatter me ᯓ
i. aaron warner - go ahead and cry, little boy . . .
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reddamselette · 3 months
They stood outside, staring up at the sky as thunder rolled and rumbled through the dark clouds accompanied by the stars. Their hands were intertwined, fingers and palms wrapped around one another, perfectly slotted like a puzzle piece.
“Just— Just give it a moment. It’ll clear up,” Leo said and as if the gods decided otherwise, rain began to pour. He snickered, then he laughed. His shoulders trembled and shook as his stomach aches and his cheeks became sore from the grin etched into his features.
Jason stared at him, his head tilted to the side as he watched Leo’s hair stick to his face, streams of water flowing through his skin and soaked his clothes, darkening the fabric of his shirt. It was the second time, Jason fell in love.
He tugged Leo into him, their bodies flushed close and he cradled Leo’s cheeks in the palms of his hands, feeling the familiar warmth and touch of his lover wrapping his arms around his waist. “Promise me this is forever.”
“I promise, Mi Cíelo.”
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readwithlivvy · 1 year
vampire by olivia rodrigo is SUCH a lukabeth song omg
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canarhys · 2 years
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quick meal on hallow’s eve <3
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frauleinfunf · 5 months
leo valdez is like how joss whedon probs thought he was writing xander harris, except that leo’s, y’know, actually likeable
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witchhazelevesque · 2 years
Leo: (tricks out all the kitchen appliances)
Frank: (trying to make tater tots)
Frank: My love, how do I preheat the oven?
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fbfh · 1 year
vampire!Leo. you enter your apartment and flick on the lights, only to be met with someone thrown casually on your couch. you let out a sharp noise that's somewhere between a gasp and a scream, jumping back on instinct as your adrenaline spikes. he chuckles softy, flashing his dangeorusly sharp teeth that hide behind pretty lips as your brain catches up.
"You know, I thought that was you coming up the stairs..." he says lightly. you refrain from rolling your eyes and throw your jacket at him. he catches it with no effort. you knew he would, but that didn't stop you from making such a... human gesture. such a natual show of annoyance at his attitude and constant presance that you're growing more and more fond of, even if you don't want to admit it.
"of course it's me," you retort, "I'm the only one with a key, smartass..." as much as you might try, you can't mask your excitement to see him with annoyance. he fidgets with the buttons on your jacket, glancing back up at you with piercing eyes such a deep shade of red it makes you think of wine, or pomegranites, or... blood, you suppose. he runs his tongue over his teeth, and it amazes you that he doesn't cut himself on his fangs.
"house keys aren't that hard to make." he shrugs, and you scoff. before you can reply, you notice his gaze lingers on you. he smirks even more, looking you up and down.
"what?" you ask. he looks at you like he knows something, like he just got told 'hey, my friend thinks you're really cute'. there's something in his eyes, a hunger that starts to make itself more known below his playful - dare you say, cocky - smirk.
"your heart's still pounding."
with a soft woosh, he stands in front of you in an instant, knocking the air from your lungs as he brings his face closer to you. his slender fingers guide your head softly to the side as he lowers his lips to your ear slowly. his skin is cool to the touch as it soaks up your warmth. now you can really feel it; your heart beats louder and harder in your chest as his lips brush your skin, the tips of his fangs almost grazing along your neck. he presses his nose against your pulse, inhaling deeply before letting his breath fan over your skin and drawing a shudder all the way up your spine. when he speaks, his voice is lower than before, but you still hear every word loud and clear.
"it smells good..."
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lesbiantrish · 1 year
u should shuffle some songs and do a fic vaguely based on the lyrics of one of em -s. (still copyin n.'s sign <3)
thank u so much!! (also djkdkdkd good keep copying nico 🙄)
i redid it a few times for a few reasons JDKDKKD
song: the red means i love you by madds buckley
Leo was mesmerized by the sight of him. he was beautiful, and leo was starved.
leo hadn’t fed in so long. he was so ready to do it. he wouldn’t kill the guy, he swore to the styx internally that he wouldn’t let that happen.
leo felt himself drawn to this guy. leo let himself sniff the air, and let out a sound of satisfaction. yes, this will do just nicely. he didn’t even realize at first that he had already started sneaking towards this blond haired boy. he had started to lose control of himself. he was so thirsty, he was so desperate.
he was about to do the deed when the sun-kissed boy turned around. he tilted his head in confusion, and leo silently cursed himself. he must have let his thirst get the better of him, and now he had nothing to feast on.
“…hello…” leo let himself draw out the word slowly.
the boy’s mouth fell open. leo needed to taste him more than anything.
“hi” he said in such a way that leo wished he could die for the second time. how could someone just speak like that? leo couldn’t take it. he needed to feed so bad right then. “i’m uh.. i’m jason.”
“leo” okay he would play nice, okay? draw this “jason” close and then he would get what he wanted. what he needed. “i’m leo”.
jason smiled. leo felt some kind of deep pain in his stomach. it was the thirst for blood, it must be. i mean, what else could it possibly be?
“leo, it’s nice to meet you” he held out a hand. leo obliged. jason’s skin was soft like fabric. leo couldn’t stop himself from closing his eyes. what was happening to him?
“mm” leo forced his eyed open. “yeah, you too jason.”
jason’s eyes widened at this. he stood back on the ball of his feet, seeming unable to stay still. “what brings you here? this is a pretty small town and i’ve never seen you around before.”
leo tried to subtly catch his breath. the truth was, he hadn’t tasted blood in so long he almost fainted. he stopped at the first sight of human civilization. and now he had gotten so close to getting caught.
“yeah, it just looked pretty to me i guess.” leo relaxed as jason kindly nodded at this response.
“would you like me to show you around?”
“oh uh..” leo had to admit, he was only mildly annoyed at this. sure, he needed to refuel himself, but there was something about this boy that seemed to fill leo with interest. “yeah. okay. sure, why not.”
jason smiled and was leo dead? i mean yeah, he was, but this was death in a whole different way. leo wanted to scream. leo wanted to hurt jason. leo wanted to touch him. … what?
leo clenched his palms into fists. he needed to get ahold of himself.
wait… was this attraction? leo had heard of it before, but never had experienced first hand. most ran away from him in fear, not many had ever treated him like… well like he was worth anything. it felt good, to be honest. leo realized he wanted to kiss jason. he hated himself for it, but knew this was the truth.
“so uh..” jason’s voice snapped him back to reality. “do u want to get a bite to eat?”
it took leo a moment to realize jason was talking about going to a restaurant. “yeah, yeah sure.”
jason led him to a wooded tavern. leo looked around as the heavy door slammed shut behind them. jason went to sit and leo followed.
someone came to take their order and both boys obliged. leo looked over at jason, who was smiling wide. leo wanted to smash their lips together in a moment of passion. he wanted to forget about everything else, he wanted to make jason forget about everything else.
what was it about this boy that made leo crave him carnally? if this was a fairy tale, leo would swear this would have been love at first sight.
and suddenly leo remembers this is not a fairy tale. he’s not a princess awaiting his prince, he’s a fucking vampire. vampires don’t get happy endings, they get loneliness.
suddenly his entire world is destroyed. he feels like he is dying for the second time. he wants to run. just like the first time. run away and never seen this beautiful boy again.
what made him think he ever deserved joy?
jason clears his throat, and leo realized jason has been looking at him. “sorry uh” leo begins.
“you okay, man” jason looks worried.
fuck, leo thinks. “man” he said. “man” is not what you call someone you want to kiss.
leo can’t help it. he lets out a laugh. he does this instead of crying. he doesn’t want jason to see him like this.
leo flinches when he sees jason’s face. he’s wearing a mask of concern. leo forces himself to smile, hoping jason will believe it. he won’t.
leo forces himself to look up at jason. jason’s lips are curled up in thought. leo is in hell. he curses whoever did this to him.
jason reaches his hand out. leo can’t help himself, he reaches his own out to touch the other boy’s.
he lets out a sigh of relief, lets himself close his eyes. “jason, there’s something i have to tell you” leo can’t go on with this boy without him knowing the truth.
jason’s head drops to the side in confusion. “what is it?” he squeezes leo’s hand. leo wants to sob. jason doesn’t deserve this.
“i’m…” leo tries. leo doesn’t know what to say. how do you confess your darkest secret to someone you barely just met? it seemed hopeless. leo was hopeless. leo was helpless.
“leo” jason interrupted him.
leo looked up at the other boy. he didn’t want jason to see him like this, but he had no choice. none of this made any sense. why did this boy mean so much to him? he just met him. he shouldn’t care. but he did. it made no sense.
jason looked down and it took leo a minute to realize jason was staring at his lips.
there was something uncanny about it. as if they had known each other for a thousand lifetimes. as if they had never said a single word to one another. what was it about jason that made leo want to destroy himself?
leo barely knew jason, but he wanted nothing more than to push him against a wall in a dark room and kiss him until he forgot his own name.
suddenly leo’s lungs were being crushed. jason had reached across the hard wooden table and smashed their faces together.
leo had sometimes wondered what a kiss would feel like. he figured it would be stupid, especially since he no longer had a beating heart. how can ur heart stop beating if you don’t have one?
leo never could have knew it feel like sunshine. like rain. like beauty. like death. like this.
he could feel himself relax in jason’s embrace. jason kissed him harder and he realized he was running his hands through jason’s hair. jason said leo’s name against the kiss and leo could swear he was human again. was this what hope was? suddenly leo never would need to taste blood again. he didn’t need to drink, he needed jason loving him.
jason let go of leo’s shirt and breathed heavily, immensely out of breath.
“wow” jason uttered. “sorry, i couldn’t help myself.”
that was probably the greatest thing leo had ever heard anyone say in all his life, and death. leo wanted to kiss him again, but he restrained himself.
suddenly all his hope vanished. he remembered what he was going to say.
part of him didn’t care though. what did it matter when jason’s lips felt like lightning against his own? he felt a fire ignite inside of him. he wanted to sacrifice himself for this boy he had just met earlier that day.
jason was fire and he was ice. he wanted to melt under jason’d touch. he wanted to sink, to let go of all his pain for this beautiful boy.
jason was smiling as if someone had just gifted him eternal joy. leo wanted to touch his pink lips. leo needed to be stopped before he gave all of himself to this fucker.
“jason” leo had to say it.
jason looked confused but at the same time leo knew he was listening fully.
“i need to tell you something” jason nodded his head, letting leo know he was paying attention.
“i’m not… alive..” jason looked horribly puzzled.
leo wanted to hide under the table. he forced himself to stay. he was done running. after all, would his mama have wanted him to be a coward for the rest of all time?
“i’m uh… i’m a vampire” leo physically cringed as he said this.
jason looked down. leo knew that look all too well. jason was going to leave. that’s what always was destined to happen, right? he wasn’t ever going to have someone who loved him, especially not someone as gracious as jason.
“that…” leo gulped. “makes a lot of sense actually.”
was jason… smiling at him? leo looked down at their hands, waiting for jason to take his own back. but jason only rubbed leo’s palm.
leo felt his eyebrows raise. “you aren’t scared?”
“no. not of you. you aren’t a monster leo, you’re just scarred.”
leo felt something wet fall down his face. oh. he was crying. he couldn’t even remember the last time he let himself cry. especially in a public space.
leo grabbed jason by the shirt and led him out the door.
“where are we going???” jason looked very, very lost in that moment.
“you’ll see” is all leo said in response.
leo was going to give himself to this boy. he wanted nothing more than to kiss jason until they both were nothing more than bones, but he needed to show jason this. he wanted to.
he led jason to an alley way and held out his hand. one of the perks of being a vampire was definitely his speed. jason looked reluctant but obliged. leo took jason’s hand in his and sped off.
they arrived at a cave entrance on the outskirts of a forest.
leo had only been here a few times before, but he needed jason to see it. leo smiled at jason, and motioned for him to follow him inside. jason nodded in agreement.
the cave was dark as night. leo knew jason couldn’t see like him, so he held onto jason’s grip tight.
suddenly lit up in the near distance. leo looked over and jason was looking at it.
“woah” jason said in astonishment. one by one, more crystals of all different colors started to shine light all around.
when the show was over and jason could see clearly again, he looked over at leo.
he walked closer to leo and held his face in his hands. this kiss was different, it was soft. leo had the feeling it wasn’t going to end anytime soon. good, leo thought. he didn’t want it to.
leo swayed, so jason started to hold him tighter. leo made a sound that sounded like “mmph”. jason seemed to enjoy it, so leo started to smile through jason’s lips.
they started to kiss like they had before. like nothing else mattered. and did it? did it when jason was there, with leo? was the world ending? was the world on fire? it felt like that. leo wouldn’t have cared if someone ended his immortality right then and there. he wouldn’t have cared because he had gotten to be loved. truly loved.
and suddenly his thirst died away. it was replaced with a much more satisfying one. one of wanting to be loved, loved by jason.
and leo started to experience a miracle. he felt his heart beat. that was supposed to be impossible, but this feeling was confirmed to be true when jason rested his hand on leo’s chest.
he knew jason could feel it too, and they kissed again.
in the end, leo didn’t need a lover. he needed someone who saw him. saw him as human.
jason was right, leo wasn’t a monster. no, leo was loved.
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lavndvrr · 6 months
uhm I just realized for my valgrace vampire au, Jason is like an immortal vampire-
and its kinda hypocritical of me to hate on caleo sm and then just have Leo fall in love with another immortal person so if anyone has any ideas for what I can do to fix that then please let me know :(((
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quismihiignem · 10 months
So y’all know the song free falling right. Ok so the lyrics for that song could just be like a scenario where Percy did something stupid and annabeth took it the wrong way and they broke up (I know sad but they eventually get back together after the help from probably clarisse I don’t know why her she just seems like the right fit) and they have the job of getting the vampires out of the valley but they can’t do that because they broke up. Finally the parts were they sing about falling is just Magnus and Jason singing the one parts and leo and Alex singing as back up or what ever it is called
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bloodwrittenletters · 1 month
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leonidas 'leo' valdez ⌇ heroes of olympus
if we fall, we fall together.
⋆ 'cause every time i get too close, i just go mess it up ― mess it up ; gracie abrams
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dontspillthefrijoles43 · 11 months
Random Hoo hc/ thoughts #4
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Leo dressing as a cowboy for Halloween— using a heavy southern accent with tejano slang.
It’s odd because no one really understands what he’s saying in English or Spanish, but the effort to the costumes is incredible.
Breisa is just flustered in the corner. Cause she digging the look how could she not? and his accent got her melting into putty.
Leo winks at her tips his red cowboy hat while saying stuff like “Ain’t you a pretty thing, cariño.” Or “Little lady. If you keep undressing me with your eyes, I’m gonna catch a cold.”
So yeah, who knew Breisa had a thing for cowboys. Especially flirty ones w/ cute curls
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