#vibrant dice
katledonia · 1 year
Roll for Doodle 3: Threads of Fate
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So, I'm a derp and forgot to upload this when I posted the videos, but here is the result of episode 3 of Roll for Doodle! Weirdly fitting to have rolled a merman design in the middle of May, huh? I seem to be slowly assembling a cast of characters and just might try writing a comic around them at some point, but we shall see... Regardless, for more details on this character and to see a short timelapse of his creation, check out the links below.
Youtube: https://youtube.com/shorts/UxDOjBlbj6c?feature=share4
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKvx45f/
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xboxissues · 18 days
New Xbox Games for September 9 to September 13 2024
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milkfroggo · 2 months
I got the ROOT rog tabletop game and I would love to play it with my irl friends, UNFORTUNATELY they are likely very tired of me introducing various board and card games that they have never heard about.
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branzycrafted · 2 years
Tried 2 not make the colors too bright on the theme
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rainerioun · 2 months
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— Hi! Apologies for being a bit inactive lately. Been tied up with stuff, but I'm back with a reading for you all! Today, we'll delve into what your future partner could look like. Remember, just take whatever resonates with you. This reading is more so about what sticks out to you when reading.
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Virgo.
Your future partner likely has an oval face shape with a more narrow jawline and chin, contrasted by prominent cheekbones. They're likely to have a slender physique, though proportionate in any case.
Tarot. — Six of Swords.
They give off a moody or unassuming vibe, seeming as though they don't express much. Yet, they're quite proactive in changing their appearance, whether it's their style, hair, or even their athleticism. However, they'll always maintain that aloof, 'leave me out of it' demeanor.
Additional. Hermit — Light : Seeks solitude to focus intently on inner life. Serves personal creativity. Shadow : Withdraws from society out of fear or negative judgements of others. Refusing to help those in need.  Pioneer — Light : Passion for doing and creating what has not been done before. Shadow : Compulsive need to keep moving on.
As I mentioned earlier, they are constantly undergoing physical changes in some way. They have an introverted and withdrawn aura. They could let their hair grow out and become a bit scruffy before impulsively cutting it off. They maintain a rather deadpan expression when simply existing in their own world. The image of Edward Cullen specifically came to mind when pulling the cards.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. High Cheekbones, Heart Shaped Face, Pale Skin, Brown Eyes, Curly Hair, Cat Beauty, Honey Eyes, Thin Eyebrows.
Yes, very vampire allure-esque indeed. Their eyes could appear normally brown but take on a honey-like glow under certain lighting. Their eyes are quite striking, considering they have feline type features. Although hair color didn't come up during the reading, I pictured them with dark hair that complements their skin tone.
Apocalypse : Cigarettes After Sex.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Leo.
Of course, they possesses striking hair like a lion's mane—thick, unruly, perhaps even a bit frizzy, something that immediately catches one's eye, possibly long in length. Their eyes are equally intense, matching their strong jawline. They exude a fierce appearance that naturally draws attention, whether they seek it or not.
Tarot. — Four of Wands [Reversed].
Your future spouse might have a more mature-looking face compared to yours or for their age. They appear quite stressed, with heavy eyes and noticeable wrinkles, particularly around their eyes, such as crow's feet and frown lines.
This aspect also reflects in their demeanor. They might carry an air of disappointment, even if they don't necessarily feel that way—it's just a testament to what they've been through. They tend to go for neutrals in their clothing choices, not leaning towards vibrant styles. Despite appearing restless, they naturally possess an attractive charm.
Additional. Mystic — Light : Revels in intimate union with the Divine. Shadow : Delusional rapport with the Divine. 
They have a divine look to their appearance, regardless of their modest and simple attire or styling. There's a hint of mystique about them, but I feel it leans more towards a deity-like appearance rather than a witchy vibe. I imagine your future partner resembling a god/goddess, genuinely embodying timeless beauty.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Below Average Height, Legs, Medium-Length Hair, Prominent Mouth, Broad Nose, Copper hair, Medium Skin.
Your future spouse has a complexion you'd deem as medium-toned. When it comes to their hair, I envision it falling somewhere between medium to long length. Though a single color came out, you could interpret it as having hints of orange or red tones instead. Their mouth is defined by sharp, pointed features, while their nose possesses a broad, perhaps even slightly downturned shape.
Bernadette : IAMX. | Lucky Drive : Sarah Kinsley. | Who Is She? : I Monster. [ I think these songs perfectly describe their vibe. ]
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Aries.
Your future spouse has distinct/sharp, broad features with thick eyebrows framing their face. Freckles, beauty marks, or subtle scars might adorn their face, too. Their shoulders are broad and sturdy. They could be tinged with red in some way. It could be in their complexion with rosy cheeks, hair, eyes, or they just wear a lot of red. Despite a muscular build, they still have curves, whether it's slim hips and wider thighs or a smaller waist and broader hips.
Tarot. — Three of Wands [Reversed].
It seems they may have a serious RBF, often appearing quite frustrated or impatient. There's a strong and confident demeanor about them. When envisioning their build or expression, I see Rhea Ripley 100%.
Additional. Hero/Heroine — Light : Passion for a journey of personal empowerment. Shadow : Escapism and a false sense of heroism. 
When we typically imagine heroes, we picture them as polished and composed. However, behind the curtain, they bear the marks of their struggles, with visible signs of stress etched into their body. Your future partner will be this way. Peel back their layers, and you'll uncover scars, calluses, and an overall roughness.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Gray Eyes, Hawk Nose, Thick Nose, Scars, Thighs, Neutral Tone, Square Shaped Face, Hands.
What did I say about scars? It popped up three times at this point. Their skin tone has a neutral undertone, not warm or cool. Their nose is large and hooked. And those gray eyes? Unwavering. You could simply like their thighs and hands specifically, or there's something significant about them.
Hey Sexy Lady : Shaggy. | Blood Sweat & Tears : BTS.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Pisces.
Your future spouse has round, soft lips, with dewy skin and eyes shining with tenderness. They have a dreamy aura, perhaps lost in thought at times. Their hair may tend towards the finer side. I envision them as 'dainty' and clumsy.
Tarot. — Four of Wands [Reversed]. | The Star.
The Star card suits them perfectly. They radiate both warmth and serenity, their presence quite calming. This reflects in their appearance, with a lively step and a clear sense of purpose in all they do. They have a whimsical charm, very cute!
Additional. Child : Orphan — Light : Independence based on learning to go at it alone. Conquering fear of surviving. Shadow : Feelings of abandonment that stifle maturation. Seeking inappropriate surrogate families.
In terms of aesthetic, your future spouse has a more colorful style. They appear youthful without seeming childish, dressing without fear and staying true to themselves, free from judgment.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Alternative, Sparse Eyebrows, Long Eyelashes, Waist, Slim, Small Eyes, Green Eyes, Bald, Masculine.
This aligns with what I was getting at. They definitely have an alternative style. Although the energy initially felt 'feminine,' masculine came out. So, I believe this person is deeply connected to both aspects. They might also identify as queer. And while they could actually be bald, I heard in it a joking tone, given their naturally thin hair.
The Shining : The Neighbourhood. | Confidence : Ocean Alley.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Capricorn.
Your future spouse is somewhat lanky but has hidden strength, almost described as lithe. They carry an almost stern and steady gaze, radiating seriousness and maturity. Their bone structure is striking, too. Unlike typical Capricorns, they move with a deliberate slowness, calculated in their actions. They are an alluring person. — I forgot to add that they have nice teeth!
Tarot. — Knight of Pentacles [Reversed].
I picture your future spouse as having a disheveled and unkempt appearance, but in a somehow intentional and controllable manner—it's a bit hard to put into words. Think of someone like Hozier in terms of what I mean. They might give off a slightly lazy energy, dressing in loose-fitting clothes. I don't think they enjoy changing their appearance much and prefer to stick to the same style. I imagine they lean towards neutral or dark colors, something easy on the eyes.
Additional. Messiah — Light : Serving humanity with humility. Shadow : Exaggerated belief that you are the only means through which a cause can succeed. 
This person is confident, fully aware of their own charm. I envision them with darker skin and dark hair. If you're attracted to men, I imagine them having some form of facial hair, perhaps a beard.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Eye Bags, Light Freckles, Prominent Nose, Full Lips, Short Hair, Dark Skin, Olive Skin, Monotone Voice, Puppy-Dog Eyes, Brown Hair.
I think your future spouse aims for that bad boy vibe but doesn't quite nail it. They naturally give off that vibe, but they try a bit too hard to make it obvious. Perhaps they have freckles that become more visible in the summer or are barely noticeable. They aren't very expressive with their voice, but their eyes more than compensate for it, being a bit pouty, too. As for their hair, while I initially pictured it as long, it likely varies based on personal preference since short hair came out. Generally, they have a darker appearance overall.
Beautiful Is Boring : BONES UK. | Judas : Lady Gaga. | Too Sweet : Hozier.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Sagittarius.
Your future spouse has a wider face and a welcoming, cheerful demeanor. I see them with a cute button nose, sparkling eyes, and a pretty smile. They are bubbly and curious, with chubby cheeks and a curvier frame. Their expression reminds me of Armin Arlert. AHHH, I LOVE ARMIN! I HAD TO BRING HIM UP. T-T
Tarot. — Ace of swords [Reversed].
This person tends to get easily distracted, often appearing spaced out. Their appearance mirrors their emotions, reflecting whatever they're feeling that day. They're not one to settle on a particular style, constantly changing their look.
Additional. Shape-Shifter — Light : Skill at navigating through different levels of consciousness. Ability to see the potential in everything. Shadow : Projecting any image that serves your personal agenda in the moment. 
Yeah, they seem like a real shape-shifter. Always evolving, whether it's their physical appearance or their mindset. One day they might be all about frills and pastels, and the next they're wearing dark, sleek attire.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Hazel Eyes, Button Nose, Tattoos, Neutral Tone, Fingers, Freckles, Hips, Round Shaped Face, Slim Nose.
It's kind of spooky how tarot readings can be so consistently on point with their messages. Hazel eyes were mentioned, but even if not, they have lighter eyes. They might have tattoos, but I'm not sure of what. You might find yourself drawn to their fingers or hips. I envision them as more heavy-set.
Primadonna : MARINA. | Paris, Texas : Lana Del Rey. | Black Friday : Tom Odell.
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anemptypuddingcup · 5 months
Beautiful inside & out.
Yamato x Female Reader Rewrite.
Yamato imagine original fic.
This goddamn fic needed a damn rewrite because I didn’t necessarily do the right research and ended up writing some sort of a cis-male Yamato fic. Might as well say it was a genderbent Yamato fic.
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Contains: Fluffy and smutty! Trans Man Yamato! We love our big boy. Yamato has surgery scars. Yamato also has big sharp bottom teeth (Oni headcanon for Yamato). Yamato has a bit of stubble on his chin too. Size difference kink. Grinding and/or frottage. Multiple rounds. Yamato’s stamina is fucking godly in this- Overstimulation towards Reader. A nice and fluffy fic. Writing’s a bit sloppy and repetitive in this one.
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The sun was shining its beautiful blood orange hue within the sky as it lingered to set on this hot yet beautiful fresh day. His hair was up high in a bun while his horns stuck out at the sides of his temple. His skin was tanned and super sun-kissed, mostly from staying out in the sun all day every day.
A heavy whine left him as he shuts his eyes and whimpered out loudly, desperate to just get out of this humid heat and go back inside the house where it would be just a tad bit cooler.
He was picking fresh vegetables from his garden, the pretty yet vibrant crisp colors making the vegetables look even more delicious than they already were. “I hope these are the best ones, didn’ she say she wanted sum fresher ones last time?” He quirks a brow and scratches his head as he stared at a bright and beautifully red tomato, trying to remember what you told him before he walked out of the house.
The heat was obviously making him a bit hazy if not dumber as he sat there in deep thought. His hand moves down from his temple and to his chin, scratching at the slight stubble he had running along it.
He shrugs and puts the vegetables he picked into the basket before slowly standing back up off his knees, a yawn leaving him as he stretched and smiled to himself. He stared down into the basket for a moment and nods happily, satisfied with the produce he’s picked out for you.
“Ahh, she’s gonna be so proud when she see’s these~”
♡ ♡ ♡
You hum out to yourself sweetly as you chopped at some potatoes, a little yawn leaving you as the summer’s heat made you all sticky yet tired. The hot heat had always drained your energy, especially around a time like this where you had to cook dinner. With the windows open and the scent of summer air, it was like a usual summer evening for both you and Yamato. One like any other would be.
And even though the sun was setting, the heat still stayed and lingered behind as if not wanting to leave and give your sweating body a break with cooling air.
Freshly washed rice was cooking in the rice steamer and diced vegetables were arranged along the counter alongside some seasonings. The aroma of freshly-brewed tea wafted throughout the kitchen which merged with the aroma of boiling curry cooking within a semi-small pot. You slowly slid the chopped vegetables into the pot and gave it a stir before putting the lid back on top.
You wiped at your sweating temple before standing onto your tip-toes to peer outside of the window.
“I hope Mato’s okay, he’s still hasn’t came inside yet…” You hummed to yourself, a slight worry spilling in your tone as you scratched at your head.
The sound of Yamato’s geta hitting the wooden floorboards of the steps had immediately alerted you, his heavy footsteps trailing up the steps and onto the back of the wooden porch. You hear him sigh out heavily while his hand slid open the screen door, a deep groan of exhaustion leaving him while he wiped the sweat from his brows.
He looks to you before smiling widely, his body stepping into the house and closing the door behind him before he ran over to you happily.
“Babes! I’ve got some fresh ones this time!” He beams, body slowly trailing over to yours as he watched you cook at the stove. You turn over to him and watched him crouch down to your height, your hand reaching out to touch his cheek while his face flushed all nervously at your touch. “They’re vibrant too! Thank you Yamato.” You praised and thanked him, a blush creeping across his face as he basked in your praise. He presses his hand softly against your head, feeling along the soft strands attached to your temple before he reaches down and presses a kiss to it.
You smile and giggle to him, mewling out as he began peppering smooches down to your cheek and then down along your neck. His sharp teeth pricked at your neck, tickling you yet at the same time giving a bit of a pleasurable feeling. “Mmgh~ M-Mato baby, I’m cooking!~” You giggles to him, shutting an eye at the arousing contact of his lips and teeth against your skin.
He whimpered before moving away from your neck, his body slowly standing up straight as he stared down at your smaller and cuter frame. He stared at you for a moment before noticing how slightly pale your face had looked. His brows furrowed in slight curiosity as he stared at your face for a moment before humming out.
“Are…Are you okay babes? You look a little…”
“I’m just a bit hot is all. I’m gonna be alright though Mato.”
“Hmmph…I guess if you say so…”
You giggled and froze as you heard the rice steamer go off, the sound catching you off guard and and making your eyes widen in slight surprise. “Mato love, can you get the rice out of the rice cooker for me? I’m almost done so I just need you to get that.” You asked him, stirring at the curry while he loomed over the stove and watched you. He slide his hand beneath his crop-top to scratch at his chest before nodding to you, a yawn leaving him before he hums out.
“Of course babes! I’ll get it f’ya.” He responded, his large footsteps trailing away from your smaller body and to the other side of the counter. You hum to yourself as Yamato opened the rice steamer and took the rice out, a hungry hum leaving his throat as he got that whiff of seasoned rice.
Yamato carefully opened the top cabinet to get some plates and pulls two out before he put even portions onto each plate. He peers over his shoulder to see you pulling the top off of the pot and tasting the curry before nodding to yourself, making sure it had tasted alright for both you and him. He pouts to himself and hesitated to ask but he mustered up the courage to turn around to you and ask his question. “Hey babes, is it alright if I get…more rice an’ curry?” He asked politely, not wanting to sound unfair but having a rather larger appetite. You hum out to him before you smiled and nodded in response.
“Of course Yamato! A big man needs a big meal right? Take as much as you’d like, I’m not going to eat much tonight anyways.” You accepted, allowing him to eat more than you while .
Yamato quirks a brow to you before throwing another big spoonful of rice onto his plate and picking up both his plate and yours from the counter. His hands held the platters steadily while he walked over to you with heavy yet balanced steps.
“Why not? Ain’t ya hungry after a long day burnin’ up in th’sun all day? It was pretty hot out there today.” He asked, giving you a bit of a worried look while he handed you the plates and watched you pour curry onto them.
“I’m just…not feeling as hungry I guess.” You responded, a sigh leaving you as you look up to him and handed his plate to him. Yamato pouts down to you and presses a smooch to your cheek to try and cheer you up. He takes your plate from your small hand and smiles as he walked off towards the doorway of the kitchen. “I’ll be waitin’ for ya in the front room, I’ll take ya plate in there f’ya too.” He says, quirking a bit of a worried smile before walks back to pepper another smooch to your temple. You chuckled and watched him walk away again and listened as his footsteps slowly vanish out of the kitchen and fade out into the hallway.
You could tell he was worried for you, as much as you’ve been doing all day he assumed that you would’ve worked up quite the appetite for it. However that wasn’t necessarily the case for you. Yes you were tired but…not very hungry unlike Yamato himself, but that’s what bothered him.
You take off the kettle off the stove and turned it off before you poured tea into the two teacups, your lips blowing air onto the tear to cool it off just a smidge. You slowly set them onto a little tray and taking them into the living room, your steps steady and slow as you walked down the hallway.
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Yamato had already blessed the food for you both, and he watched as you took small bites while he was practically scarfing his food down as if he was starved. While he was chewing, he started speaking to you, his hand covering his mouth as his lips had parted with his mouth still stuffed.
“Hey babes, I got a question f’ya.”
“Yes Yamato?”
“Will you ever get tired of me and…um…my size?”
“Like…D’ya ever worry ‘bout me ever hurtin’ ya? I mean…really. What if I hurt ya and don’ mean to?”
You paused for a moment and stopped chewing your food before looking up into his eyes, your eyes flickering to him before you sighed out. You swallowed your bite and giggled before you reach your hands out to cup his face, your thumbs running along the softness of his cheeks.
“Mato…I don’t ever worry about you hurting me because I know you won’t. Yes, you’re a big and strong man…but that’s exactly what I love about you~ You’re so big and so unique baby…”
You stare up into his beautiful amber eyes, watching them glisten and glimmer with love deep his heart. You wipe the small grain of rice from his cheek and he smiles so beautifully to you, his cheeks flushed as he processed your words deep within his mind.
He wraps his arms around your smaller frame and pulls you close before he press his lips against yours. His teeth bumped up against your temple and gave you that same sense of pleasure you’ve felt countless times before. You hum out to him lovingly and wrap your arms around his neck before pulling away. “Matooo, can’t we finish eating dinner first?~ Weren’t you so hungry earlier?” You teased, your fingers teasing at his ruby-red horns while he mewled out.
He huffs out and presses his hands to your shoulders, his eyes pouting to you while you blink to him. Admittedly, he was still a little negative and unsure with your words and he didn’t know whether he wanted to believe you or allow his stubborn mind to play at himself.
“Can…Can we make love tonight? I just wanna…I wanna stop thinkin’ this way! Reassure me! Make me think otherwise!” He pouts to you, a little whimper leaving him as he stared down at you with intensity. You stared up at him blankly before sighing out, your body shuddered at his tone while your heart began to pound out of your chest.
You blink softly to yourself before smiling to him, your hands cupping his face once again before you’d pepper a smooch to his temple and his horns. His eyes widens as he flinched from the sudden kiss to his horns, his hand nearly knocking his tea over as he stared down at you.
“You always know how to get me going, don’t you?~” You giggled, fluttering your lashes to him while he chuckles nervously in response. “If you want to we can, I’d love to make love with you any night~” You say all seductively, wrapping your arms around his neck while he held you closer to his body. His eyes softened up at your contact before he watched you pull away from him.
“I’m finished eating anyways, I’ll go freshen up for tonight. My body is so sticky from this heat we’ve been dealing with all day today..” You sighed out, staring up at him from below on his lap while he nods and grabs his plate which was nearly clean.
“O-Okay, I’ll take these for ya then.” He says, reaching out and grabbing your plate before he place it beneath his own. You smiled and hand him the teacups as well before climbing up off of his body, watching as his body slowly rose and stood up before he’d walk out of the living room. “Thank you, Mato..” You whispered, causing him to turn back around and smile to you before he walked far out into the hallway.
You huff out before standing up off of the floor, a groan leaving you as you stretched and walked out of the living room and down the hallway into your shared bedroom. The sound of your footsteps had him all giddy and ecstatic, he was already excited and couldn’t contain himself for very long.
“Man…I love ‘er s’much~ She’s s’perfect for me~” He sighed all lovingly, his cheeks reddening while his body grew hot yet full with love.
Regardless if he was a big man who had negative thoughts, you’d always wash ‘em away with your soft sweet voice filled with reassurance and acceptance. Though part of him couldn’t help but to be stubborn sometimes when it came to things like this. He was happy that you loved him for him, he felt like he could be free with his flaws freely without anyone complaining or picking at him for his imperfections or indifferences of his.
And yet, part of him still couldn’t help but to worry if he would really hurt you accidentally one day. His thoughts makes his walking come to a halt and he paused at the kitchen doorway before he stared down at the empty tea cups and dirty plates in his hand.
“Maybe…Maybe she’ll reassure my thoughts…with her love. I don’ need t’be worryin’ myself over somethin’ I know is just my own facade.”
He chuckles to himself at his pesky negative thoughts and walks over to the sink, getting down onto his knees before he’s softly set the dishes in the warm soapy water.
He hummed out to himself while shook his hips to the tune, cleaning and washing up the dishes while he looked out the window and stared up at the moon. He smirks to himself as he rinsed the soapy dishes out before setting them on the drying rack and washing his hands clean of any extra germs that lingered in his hands.
He closed the blinds to the window before he stood up on his own two feet and walked out of the kitchen, his hand flicking off the light switch as behind him as he walked out.
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“Baby? Everythin’ alright in there?” He called out, his hand reaching out to the doorknob before he slide the shoji door open. His eyes flicked up before they widened and blinked blankly, his amber eyes staring at your naked back while he watched you slowly look over your shoulder to look at him.
“Hm?~ You wanted to do something tonight didn’t you Yamato?”
“I-I didn’ think- U-Um-“
“Don’t tell me you’re nervous Yamato~”
His face burns a deep shade of red as he pouts and walks into the bedroom, his hand shutting the door behind himself. “M-Me? Nervous!? Ya must be jokin’!” He responded loudly, a laugh leaving him as he tried to hide his nervousness from you.
“Don’t be scared Yamato, you aren’t going to hurt me baby~ I promise you.” You say, turning over onto your tummy while you lifted and moved your forelegs back and forth. Yamato gulps before pulling off his crop top and slipping off his joggers, leaving him in nothing but his boxers while he began to grow sweaty from his own nervousness.
“F-Fine…Just lemme bathe first.” He sighed out, his hand pulling at his hair tie before he’d loosened his bun completely, allowing his stands to fall freely along his back.
You chuckled and nodded in response, teasing him with your body while he growled out nervously in response. “I’ll be waiting for you then, Yamato~” You hum out to him, your tone of voice teasing and making him blush deeply as he walked into the bathroom and slowly closed the door behind himself.
You sigh out and look away from the door before sitting there in silence, your hands teasing at your body while you waited for Yamato to finish showering.
♡ ♡ ♡
“Oi, m’finished showerin’~ Now what is it that ya wanted t’do?-“ Yamato slowly walks out of the bathroom, his hands still running the towel through his snow white strands as he stepped into your shared bedroom. You slowly sit up and turn over to him before smiling, watching as he continued to dry up his dampened hair well enough. He lands his amber eyes onto you and smiles, his hands throwing the towel onto the floor before he’d jump straight onto your shared bed.
You yelp out in response and bounce up a bit from Yamato’s larger stature hitting your shared bed. You giggle to him, his larger hands reaching out and picking you up before pulling you closer to him.
“Hi babes~”
“Hi Yamato~”
He chuckled before pressing his lips against yours, a mewl leaving him as his tongue slid past your lips so impatiently. You hum out all sweetly against his lips and wrap your arms around his neck, your hands rubbing against his soft pretty strands alongside his smooth yet roughed-up skin.
His hands ran up along your back, a groan leaving him as he pulls away from your lips and pressed them back against yours again. His hand slid down in between your legs and began playing at your slit, his fingertips running against your cunt making you gasp out shakily while you gripped his shoulders tighly.
“Already sticky down ‘ere I see~” He gasps out, pulling away from your lips while his fingers played with your slit. You mewl out at the feeling of his thick fingers running along your pussy. “Of course I am~ I’m excited to feel your body against mine after so long~ I’m surprised you wanted convincing on how much I really trust you…” You say nervously, your thighs squeezing together against his hand while you stared up at him with your nervous little eyes.
“I always need convincin’, how else will I ever know that ya genuinely love me for me? No one would want to be with someone as…big and grizzly as myself…”
“Come on baby…I would. I am with you! Why else would I be with you other than for yourself baby?” You asked him, your question causing his brows to raise in response while he grows quiet. He blushes and turns away from you before sighing out, now realizing that once again his mind was playing with him and just making him more worrisome.
“I already told you that I love your body Yamato. Not just your body, I love everything about you just like how you love everything about me.” You continued, your hand running down between your legs and running against the soft skin of his fingers. He squeaks out at your contact and he stared down into your eyes while you look back up into his.
“You love everything about me, right? That’s why you’re with me isn’t it?” You asked him nervously, tilting your head while you gave him an unsure look. His eyes widens in response and he immediately nodded without a second thought.
“H-Hell yeah I do! I wouldn’ be with ya otherwise if I wasn’ so sure…” He yells out in nervousness, not wanting to make it seem like he didn’t love you when he obviously did.
“Well that’s how I feel about you baby, you can always be confident that I’ll love you no matter what happens.” You say smiling to him, your words flattering him and making his heart flutter and skip a beat.
He hugs you tightly and gives you a loving smooch before pulling away, a lovable sigh spilling past his lips as he stared down into your eyes.
“God, lemme fuck ya~ All this sweet talkin’ got me soakin’ f’ya~”
“Please fuck me good Yamato~ Prove to me that you feel the same for me as I do for you.”
“I…I will baby. I will…”
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Yamato grabs your hips and presses his pussy up against yours, a soft sigh leaving him as his clit smooches up against yours. You let out a soft moan and trembled against him, staring down at his cunt while he stared into your pretty eyes. He adored how small you were beneath him, dominating your smaller body was so easy for him to accomplish. He loved how your body would squirm beneath him, the bigger he was the more pleasure he could feed your body.
“Ya ready?~” He asked teasingly, his lips curling up into a smirk while you look up into his eyes. You nodded softly and smiled, giving him the permission to start moving his hips against yours while you watched from below. You gasp out suddenly and watched as he began rocking his hips into yours, a groan leaving him as he felt your sticky slick running along his pussy.
“God ya s’fuckin’ wet baby~ Makin’ my pussy feel real good like this~” He groans outs, his hands pressing against either side of you while he stared down at your body already melting for him. You blushed deeply and bit your bottom lip, staring up at him while you sigh and gasp out shakily in response.
He chuckles and sits up a bit before grinding his hips a bit faster, his face wincing just a bit out of pleasure while he lets out a moan of ecstasy. He watched as you moan out for him, biting your bottom lip while he fucks your pussy all needily. “Ahhh~ Y-Yamato~ I-It feels s’good~” You moan out all sweetly to him, your brows furling as you watched him slide and grind his pussy all up against yours.
“Ahh~ I’m g-glad it does~ Ya better get ready cuz m’gonna make sure ya feel all of my love!~” He hums out, licking his lips while his hands began playing at your breasts. You huff out shakily to him as your body began to rock a bit hard, with Yamato’s hips going at an immaculate pace while his grinding was steady and rhythmic.
You arch your back and hiss out shakily, looking up to Yamato while he bends down and gives you a deepened kiss. “Mmh~ Ya gonna feel my love baby~ M’gonna make ya feel it, god m’gonna make ya feel s’good~” He gasps out shakily, throwing his head back while he propped himself up on his hands.
You let out angelic moans as he grinds up against you harder and faster against your cunt, your hands gripping the sheets tightly while you moan out and threw your head back. “Oh Yamato~ Y-Yamato I-I’m gonna cum soon~” You whined, your face scrunching up as you slowly lied back onto your fluffy pillows.
Yamato chuckles and grips one of your legs before going a bit faster, causing you to gasp and moan out beneath him while he fucked you so easily. “Cmon then babes~ I wanna feel ya squirtin’ on m’pussy~ Cmonnn~” He mewls out shakily, his breaths growing heavy while he played at his clit teasingly in front of you.
You whined out and press your head to your temple before moaning out loudly, your hands reaching out for his while he chuckled and reached out to you. “Fuck fuck- Y-Yamato!~ Oh god, Yamato!~” His hands waffled with yours and he watched as you unfurled beneath him, a heavy yet loud gasp erupting past your lips as you squirt out onto his pussy against yours. He hissed out and runs his thumb along your clit, trying to help ride your high out while he continued to grind against your cunt.
You whine out shakily as you yearned for him to stop and give you a second to breathe, but he didn’t and your body didn’t necessarily want him to. “Fuck ya so cute like that babes!~ S’fuckin’ adorable an’ needy~” He hums, his lips pressing a smooch to yours while his hips didn’t halt for a second. You whine out shakily, realizing that he wasn’t stopping regardless if you’d just came.
“Cmon baby, that was just th’first round! I haven’t even came yet!” He says playfully, giving you a little smile while you whined out to him in response. “P-Please Yamato~ I-I just c-came~” You whined out to him, a bit of years pricking at eyes as you pouted to him. Yamato chuckled mischievously and looks down at you with a glint in his eyes.
“No no baby…Ya just lay right there. I’m gonna fuck ya pussy and make ya cum even more!~” He says darkly, his tongue trailing across his lips as he finished his sentence. You breathe out shakily and stare up at him before whimpering in response, a bit excited yet nervous to see how rough he’ll go on you.
♡ ♡ ♡
“W-Wait!~ A-Ah!- S-Slow down Y-Yamato!~”
“Nah! I ain’ slowin’ down for nun’! I wanna show ya how much I love ya! How much I love this fuckin’ body of yours!”
You gasp out shakily and held on tight to your pillow, a heavy whine leaving you while tears rolled down your face and drool spilled past your lips. Yamato was breathing heavily above you, his hand gripping your thigh and keeping it up while he ran his pussy up against yours so vigorously and yet so hard.
Both of your pussies were all sticky with slick and cum, yet Yamato was still full of energy as if he hadn’t came three times already. Your mind was practically melting at this point and Yamato was absolutely loving how you looked crumbling beneath him.
Groans left his lips as he got a good look at your adorably sticky face, his smile growing wide as he stared down at you melting beneath his body. He watched your breasts bounce with every movement he took rocking his hips against yours, a handful of moans leaving your lips like a sweet angelic song.
“M-M’gonna cum a-again, Yamato~” You whimpered out loudly yet shakily to him, your eyes shutting softly as your lied your head back in sweet arousal. “Aww again? Ya so sensitive ain’cha?” He teased, a little snicker leaving him as he smiled down at your broken little state. You sigh out heavily yet weakly, begging him to give you a break with the press of your hand against his chest.
His brows raise in response and he smiles and bends over your, hovering over your body. His smirk grows into a wide smile as he smooched your lips, grinding his hips harder before he began to gasp out. “Fuck, m’close again~ I know ya wanna cum to so I’ll let ya~” He whispered to you, his hips beginning to go faster against yours while you let out a broken moan.
You groan out heavily and pull him close, your moans all soft and broken as your pussy fluttered against his. You let out a silent moan as you threw your head back, your pussy gushing all over his while he sighs out shakily. He chuckled before gasping out, his temple against yours as he breathed heavily against your lips.
His body shudders and he lets out a heavy growl, his body shuddering against yours as he squirts out into your pussy and lower abdomen. He humps you a few more time before he stopped completely, a hum leaving his lips as he looked down at you who was all fucked out and drooling.
He giggles and gives you another sticky smooch before slowly pulling himself off of you, a string of cum and slick disconnecting from both of your pussies. He sets himself down beside you and pulled you up into his arms, his arms cradling you as if you were a precious gem in his delicate hands.
“Did I….Did I do good ‘nough for ya babes…?”
You lied there unresponsive for a bit, causing him to move in closer to you before you looked into his eyes and smiled to him.
“Y-Yes baby~ Y-You did m-more than enough~” You responded a bit afterwards, huffing out as he sat there and stared down into your eyes. He slowly spreads out and lies down onto your shared bed, his arms resting you beside him while he lied down and spooned your smaller body inside of his.
“I-I t-told you~ I-I would l-love you no m-matter what~” You sigh out, your tone broken yet loving and caring for Yamato while he gave you the slightest look of worry.
“I-I know babes, but…are ya okay?”
“I’m f-fineeee~” You giggles to him, your fingers tickling at your chin while you felt his slight bit of scruff scratching at your fingers.
He sighs out and rests his head in his hand, his eyes watching as your slowly closed unconsciously out of exhaustion. He giggled a bit before pressing a smooth against your temple.
“I love you like how you love me babes…”
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olee · 7 months
La Familia De | Enzo Vogrincic
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Cuando descubres la infidelidad de tu novio, aceptas la invitación de tu amiga para pasar unas semanas en su país con su familia. Allí conoces al atractivo hermano de tu amiga, desencadenando una serie de emociones inesperadas.
Desde hace un año, la cafetería que posees en Ciudad de México ha sido tu refugio, un santuario de aromas de café y conversaciones animadas. Tu vida ha tomado un giro maravilloso desde que abriste las puertas de este lugar acogedor. No solo tienes un negocio próspero, sino que también tienes a tu lado a un novio increíble, cuyos talentos como tatuador le dan un toque de arte y rebeldía a tu vida cotidiana.
Entre el vapor de los expressos y los murmullos de los clientes habituales, siempre hay un momento especial cuando tu amiga uruguaya aparece por la puerta. Ella, con su encanto sudamericano y su energía contagiosa, es como un rayo de sol que ilumina tu día cada vez que la ves. Aunque vive en CDMX por trabajo, nunca pierde la oportunidad de visitarte en la cafetería, trayendo consigo los últimos chismes y anécdotas que hacen que la vida en la ciudad parezca aún más vibrante.
En medio de este bullicio reconfortante, te das cuenta de que no estás sola. Tu negocio florece, tu relación amorosa está en su mejor momento y tus amistades te brindan compañía y alegría. La paz y la belleza se entrelazan en tu día a día, recordándote que la vida puede ser realmente hermosa cuando tienes a las personas adecuadas a tu lado.
Sin embargo, un día decides cerrar temprano la cafetería porque no te sientes bien y tienes un fuerte dolor de cabeza. De camino a tu departamento, te sientes aún peor, como si algo estuviera terriblemente fuera de lugar. Al llegar a casa y subir las escaleras, el sonido de ruidos extraños te hace detener en seco. Escuchas un respiro profundo, quizás gemidos. Sin entender completamente lo que está sucediendo, decides apresurarte hacia tu habitación.
Al abrir la puerta, te encuentras con algo que nunca podrás borrar de tu mente: tu novio, en medio de un encuentro íntimo con otro hombre. Es una escena que nunca esperaste presenciar, y sin poder soportarlo, das media vuelta y sales corriendo, sintiendo cómo tu mundo se desmorona a tu alrededor.
Con lágrimas nublando tu vista y el corazón hecho pedazos, marcas frenéticamente el número de tu amiga en tu teléfono. "¿Dónde estás? ¡Necesito verte! Me siento horrible, mi novio… mi nov–", apenas logras articular entre sollozos.
La voz tranquila de tu amiga al otro lado de la línea te ofrece un atisbo de consuelo en medio de la devastación que te embarga. "Estoy en casa. Vení y me contás tranquila", te dice, y sus palabras se convierten en un faro de esperanza en medio de la oscuridad que te rodea. Con el corazón roto y el alma hecha trizas, te diriges hacia la casa de tu amiga, en busca de consuelo y apoyo en medio de la tormenta emocional que te consume.
Le cuentas a tu amiga todo lo que había sucedido y no puedes evitar llorar. Estás en el sofá junto a tu amiga, y te dice mientras te peina el cabello: "(Y/N), tenés que ser fuerte, yo sé que no es fácil. ¿Te acordás de Mateo? Que se fue con otra mina, pues te entiendo completamente".
Pero entre sollozos, respondes: "¡Pero en mi caso es distinto!", y lloras más fuerte, como un bebé. "Y... ahora... tú te vas para Montevideo, y... ¡yo voy a estar SOLA!", sigues elevando el tono de tu llanto. "Y no quiero verloooo, nooo, no sé cómo enfrentarloooo".
Tu amiga intenta calmar tus nervios: "Pero yo me voy solamente por tres semanas, si querés, venite conmigo, yo te pago los pasajes".
"No quiero ser un peso más", respondes entre lágrimas.
"¡Boluda! ¡Te vienes conmigo, que se joda!", te dice ella, tratando de sacarte de ese estado emocional.
"Okkkkaaaayyyy", aceptás entre sollozos, llorando como un bebé.
Llevas ya tres días encerrada en la habitación de tu mejor amiga en Montevideo, con un gatito real al que tratas como un peluche. La familia Vogrincic te han adoptado como una hija más, y su madre se ha convertido en tu proveedora oficial de café y consejos sobre el amor, lo cual agradece tu corazón roto.
En una tarde soleada, tu amiga irrumpe en la habitación como un torbellino, encontrándote en la cama con tu celular, absorta en las fotos de tu ahora ex. "¡Che, bo! Dame ese celular. No quiero verte así", ordena con un tono melodramático. "Tienes que salir de esta cueva. Mami me ha dicho que solo sales para tomar café y luego regresas aquí. ¡Ya basta! Esta noche viene mi hermano desde Nueva York, y vamos a recogerlo al aeropuerto. Tienes que venir conmigo, punto final", declara con autoridad.
Tú respondes: "Ay, déjame aquí con la gatita", y ella te corrige: "¡Esa gatita tiene nombre y es Uma!". Insistes: "Pues déjame con Uma, no quiero ir para allá".
Con un suspiro exasperado, tu amiga agarra tu brazo con determinación. "¡Sos una pelotuda! ¡Vas a venir ahora!", exclama, decidida a sacarte de tu caparazón de autocompasión y llevarte a vivir un poco la vida real, aunque sea a la fuerza.
En el auto, el padre de tu amiga está al volante, con la madre como copiloto, mientras tú y tu amiga ocupan los asientos traseros. La atmósfera está cargada de emoción, ya que toda la familia está ansiosa por recoger al tal Enzo. Por lo que has escuchado, es un actor sumamente famoso. Aunque no estás muy familiarizada con su trabajo, tu amiga siempre ha hablado con orgullo sobre él, y su entusiasmo es contagioso.
Antes de dirigirse al aeropuerto, hacen una parada en un mercado para comprar globos, flores y un cartel que dice "¡Llegó el actor de la casa!". A ti no te hacen mucha gracia las flores ni los globos, ya que te recuerdan a tu exnovio.
Al llegar al aeropuerto, tu amiga asigna tareas: "Bo, aguanta los globos; yo llevaré el cartel y mami, tú llevas las flores", dice con entusiasmo. La madre asiente y el padre, con su típico sentido del humor, pregunta: "Y yo, ¿qué llevo?". La madre, con una sonrisa, responde: "La presencia". Todos ríen un poco, preparándose para la llegada del famoso Enzo.
Justo cuando estás a punto de bostezar por el cansancio acumulado, de repente tu amiga y toda su familia irrumpen en gritos de emoción, corriendo hacia un hombre sorprendentemente guapo. Su piel canela y su cabello medio largo y desordenado lo hacen destacar en la multitud. Él también parece adormilado, llevando una maleta, hasta que se percata de su familia y se apresura hacia ellos.
La escena es conmovedora mientras se abraza profundamente con tu amiga, luego se dirige hacia su madre y ambos comienzan a llorar juntos. Por lo que tu amiga te había contado, no se habían visto durante años debido a la ocupada agenda del hermano.
Mientras esta emotiva reunión tiene lugar en el aeropuerto, tú te encuentras parada como un pingüino, sosteniendo los globos en tus manos, sin saber muy bien qué hacer en medio de tanta emoción familiar.
Ya cuendo van para el auto, tu amiga te introduce al hermano diciendo, “Enzo, esta es (Y/N) mi mejor amiga del alma, y va estar con nosotros por estas semanas” dice mientras ya se van sentando al auto, y Enzo, que al parecer se va a sentar al lado tuyo te dice, “Un placer (Y/N)”
Y así van todos contentos para la casa, para cenar, ya que la madre iba a prepara una pasta.
Al llegar a la casa, estás a punto de dirigirte directamente a la habitación para descansar un poco del viaje agotador, pero tu amiga te agarra del brazo con determinación y te dice: "¡Uh uh no! Te quedas con nosotros en la sala. Nada de cueva". Tú asientes, aceptando su decisión, y decides seguir su sugerencia.
Cuando te dispones a sentarte en el sofá de la sala, observas con curiosidad cómo las gatitas, Uma y Ada, salen de una habitación cercana. Enzo, al verlas, no puede contener su emoción y se tira al piso, hablándoles con ternura como si fueran bebés. La verdad es que Enzo se veía increíblemente adorable en ese momento, y no puedes evitar sonreír ante la escena.
Tu amiga te hace una mueca cómica, como si estuviera acostumbrada a este comportamiento de su hermano, y te dice en voz baja: "Es amante de los gatos, así que no te asustes si actúa así". Tú te ríes suavemente, encontrando la situación bastante divertida y encantadora.
Observas cómo Enzo interactúa con las gatitas, y te das cuenta de que tiene un lado dulce y tierno que no esperabas.
Después de un rato, Enzo se levanta del suelo con una sonrisa, dirigiéndose especialmente a su madre: "Ma, me voy a dar una ducha. Avísame cuando esté la cena", dice con tono amable. La madre asiente con un simple "ok", ocupada con los preparativos en la cocina.
Una vez que Enzo se retira para darse una ducha, te inclinas hacia tu amiga y le susurras en voz baja para que no te escuchen: "Oye, no me habías dicho lo guapo que es tu hermano". Ella te responde con una mueca divertida y te dice: "Te lo regalo si quieres". En un gesto juguetón, la empujas suavemente y respondes con un "ajá", aceptando el comentario con humor.
Ambas se miran y se ríen, compartiendo un momento cómplice antes de que Enzo regrese de su ducha y continúe con la cena en familia.
Después de un rato, mientras estás disfrutando de un vino con tu amiga y ayudando a preparar la mesa, Enzo hace su entrada. Viene con una cámara vintage en la mano, su cabello aún húmedo y desordenado, vistiendo una sudadera cómoda y descalzo. En general, se veía muy relajado y como en su casa; no parecía en absoluto un actor de Hollywood.
Mientras tú te sientas con tu vino en la mesa, Enzo comienza a moverse alrededor de la cocina, capturando momentos con su cámara: la madre preparando la comida, el padre cortando la carne asada, y la hermana charlando contigo. Luego, se dirige hacia las gatitas y llama a tu amiga, "Loca, ven acá, tírame una foto con Uma y Ada". Pero antes de que pueda tomar la foto, la madre interviene: "Enzo, después. Ya vamos a comer". Él asiente en respuesta.
Tú observas todo con asombro, pero al mismo tiempo, te sientes como si estuvieras presenciando algo muy familiar. Enzo se sienta nuevamente junto a ti, y de repente te toma una foto inesperadamente. Tu amiga lo regaña de inmediato, diciendo: "¡Enzo! A (Y/N) no le gusta que le tomen fotos". Con un tono suave, Enzo se disculpa: "Disculpa". Y tú respondes con amabilidad: "No te preocupes".
La atmósfera en la casa es cálida y acogedora, y te sientes cada vez más integrada en esta familia tan especial.
Después de unos 45 minutos en la mesa, todos parecían estar inmersos en sus propias conversaciones, dejándote a ti en un silencio momentáneo. Mientras tomas sorbos de tu vino, escuchas atentamente pero te sorprendes al darte cuenta de que nadie te ha dirigido la palabra en todo ese tiempo. Una sensación de soledad momentánea te envuelve, hasta que de repente, es Enzo quien rompe el silencio.
"Y tú, ¿qué haces?", pregunta Enzo, volviendo su atención hacia ti. Levantas la mirada, encontrando sus ojos, y respondes con sinceridad: "Soy dueña de una cafetería en Ciudad de México". Su expresión se ilumina con genuina admiración: "¡Guau, eso es impresionante!", responde con entusiasmo.
En ese momento, sientes una conexión especial con Enzo, como si sus palabras hubieran creado un puente entre ustedes. A pesar del bullicio de la mesa, te encuentras atrapada en su mirada, sintiendo una chispa de complicidad entre ustedes.
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Jiraiya x Reader. MDNI 18+ only. Ao3
You’re a waitress at a gambling club, and a fan of Jiraiya’s book, when he comes into your club you can’t help yourself from going home with him.
This was kind of inspired by the song Cherries by Annie Kemble, a good friend of mine. It’s a great song, give it a listen even if you don’t wanna read this fic. But I hope y’all do both. Love y’all as always <3 Doodle
Content notes: SMUT, smoking, drinking, pussy eating, uncut dick (b/c why would anyone in the Naruto universe be circumcised?), jiraiya is his own warning tbh.
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The sound of shouting players, and the smell of smoke was second nature to you now. You had been working in the parlor for two years, serving drinks, selling and lighting cigarettes, loading pipes and blowing on dice. You were frequently propositioned by customers for more salacious services, many offered money. Sometimes you would take it, if you were feeling comfortable enough, or the price was enough to tempt you, they never asked too much of you. Usually short encounters, over before the sun rose again. You had no problem making money this way, and why should you? You were working, you were talented in this regard, they had a good time and paid you well. As long as you kept yourself safe from harm, you rarely even got nervous anymore.
Tonight had been on the slower side, the middle of the week wasn’t often popular for gambling. You hadn’t been tipped that well, two different tables had stiffed you completely. You didn’t think you would be walking home pleased with your purse tonight. Breaking from the foggy main room, you slipped into the private bathroom reserved only for employees. Your makeup was immaculate still, but you applied another layer of ruby colored lipstick, patting it lightly with your finger before cleaning up the edges. You mussed your hair slightly in an attempt to give it more volume, before giving yourself one last look and smiling. You were beautiful, you were so grateful to know it and feel it.
While you were in the bathroom, Jiraya entered the parlor. His boisterous laugh gathered the attention of everyone, his hulking figure shook the table as he sat down at one of the games. The energy around him was light and fun, people of course recognized him and were excited to buy a man of such legend drinks, or play against him. Of course he wasn’t a great gambler, Jiraya was primarily here to get drunk and to flirt, shaking off another long day of training and mentorship. His eyes rose from the game table just in time to catch the most beautiful woman he had ever seen exiting from the back of the parlor. Well done up, makeup clean and vibrant, showing elegance with a clear personality that he would love to discover. Styled hair, pulled away from her working face, but falling perfectly where it could to give the appearance of casual effort. He was shaken by the man sitting next to him, and brought back to the game. Barely paying any attention, he offered a raised bet, and lost near instantly. He didn’t care, he took the last of his drink and shot it back, standing from the table and moving through the crowd over to where you were reloading your tray with drinks.
“Hello, gorgeous.” The alcohol had reddened his cheeks and lowered his already rock bottom inhibitions.
You gave him a practiced smile and began to lift the probably overloaded tray, “hello sir, is there something you might need from me?”
“I’ve got a couple ideas, but I’ll save them until you’ve dropped that tray off.” He took a seat on the available bar stool next to the drink well, “don’t worry about me, honey, I’ll still be here when you get back.”
You giggled flirtatiously, ever the professional, before passing him to deliver the bottles of sake and beer to your patrons. You swished your hips as you walked, knowing he was staring at you. You didn’t mind, he was a bit older than your usual type but you knew his reputation.
Master Jiraya of the legendary Sanin, you had even read one of his books. A girlfriend had recommended it to you, starting a scandalous book club you briefly belonged to. You were sure his writing was generous, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to find out for yourself. He was tall, and handsome, and fucking big. Everything about him was big: his body, his presence, his voice, his reputation. You wondered if everything else was just as big.
Clearing your tray, you turned back to the bar, he was still watching you. You assumed he had been the whole time. His dark brown eyes crinkled up at the sides following the line of a wide grin. The red markings down his cheeks bent and blending into his blushing alcohol fevered cheeks. You stood to his side, sliding in between stools and leaning your body against the counter. Flirting was part of your job, keeping the patrons entertained and engaged was just as much your work as serving drinks. Sure this may have had some selfish motives, but no one could say you weren’t working too.
“So….I have to confess something,” you flicked your eyes up at him, through your thick made up lashes.
“Oh sweetheart, I would love to hear a confession from you. Need me to offer you forgiveness?” He was becoming brazen, moving his large hand to your waist, which you leaned into.
“I’ve actually read a few of your books.” You moved your hand over the arm that he leaned on the bartop.
He watched you trail your finger over his forearm. He was flattered by your admission. His mouth was starting to water.
“Well, it’s always nice to meet a fan. Especially one as beautiful as you.” He watched you blush at his words, “do you have a copy? I’d love to sign it for you. Is it back in your bedroom?”
He started to stand up, but your hand was sturdy on his shoulder, pressing him back down onto the stool.
“Not so fast.” You smiled, your fingernails toying playfully with the hem of his sleeve, “I’m excited to meet you, Master Jiraya. And I’d be happy to continue spending time with you tonight. But you see, I’m still working. And I’m not finished here for another hour.”
You closed the distance between the two of you, fingers moving his long white hair over his shoulder and leaning in to brush your lips against his ear. He smelled like jasmine and pipe smoke, something else lingered as an undernote, something earthy and organic.
“I’d love for you to sign my book. I don’t live far, but you’ll have to wait until my shift is up. Think you can do that for me?” You pulled back, batting your eyelashes and pouting your lips, fingers still tangled in his hair and clothes.
His eyes were glassy but locked onto you, his heart pounding in his chest, if you looked hard enough you were sure you could see his pulse in his neck. He nodded and you nodded back, an agreement made and a promise to be kept.
“Can I top off your drink?” you offered, reaching across the bar top and not so subtly arching your back and grabbing a fresh sake bottle.
“Only if you share it with me,” his eyes licked over your body.
He couldn’t believe his luck. The most beautiful girl in the whole place not only was talking to him but knew his work, and seemed to be interested. You pulled an extra cup and filled both glasses, offering one to him. He accepted graciously, still struck by the ease of the whole situation.
“To your work.” You offered
“To your work.” He offered, tapping his glass against yours before drinking together.
You two shared the bottle over the next half hour. You would occasionally need to seperate yourself and assist your coworkers, who were also engaging in the night's entertainment and service. You didn’t have any more tables to yourself, so you were mostly running drinks and offering support. Everytime you left his side, Jiraya always waited patiently for you to come back to him.
“So what keeps you working here?” He asked upon one of your returns.
“I like it. The money's good, the hours are better,” you nudged his arm, “the people are interesting.”
“Are they?” He asked, catching your hand in his and running his thumb across the back of your knuckles.
His touch was hot against your skin, leaving little prickles of electricity in its wake. You weren’t sure when exactly it had happened, but you found yourself becoming more and more excited by the idea of spending the night with him. He was forward but had remained respectful, keeping his hands relegated to your arms and back, but never on your legs or hips. The conversation flowed naturally, he was actually very funny, giving plenty of chances for you to swoon at his wide smile. His good looks were filtered by age but he was still an incredibly handsome man, his strong nose leading up to his dark eyes, big lips growing wetter and looking softer at every passing shot.
“Yeah,” you answered, flipping his own hand over to run your index finger over the inside of his palm, tracing the lines, “although they aren’t usually so handsome. Or accomplished.you wouldn’t believe the amount of stories I’ve sat through about farming or markets.”
“You know, gorgeous, if I didn’t know any better. I’d start to worry you were playing me a bit. Are my stories boring you?” He watched your finger trace over his palm, and he watched when it stopped.
Your slender finger ceased its cartography of jiraiya's large palm, moving his hand over so it faced down. You slotted your fingers in between his. You let them linger for a moment, joined together, before bringing his knuckles up to your lips and kissing lightly. Your lipstick transferred lightly, leaving a red kiss mark across the ridge of two of his fingers. You met his gaze as you pulled away, his bottom lip was caught in between his teeth as he watched you.
“Not at all, Master Jiraiya. I feel quite fortunate to be talking to you tonight.” You set his hand back down on the table, but kept your hand tucked into his.
His voice shook slightly as he asked, “how much longer is your shift?”
Your eyes flicked over to the clock on one wall, “twelve more minutes. Think you can wait here while I wrap up?”
He nodded and breathed out, releasing himself from the previous moment of tension. He leaned back slightly as you stood up and walked to the back to settle your cash for the night and close out your final tabs. Besides Jiraya it had been a slow night for you, but despite the lower than expected take home pay, you felt giddy as you collected your final tabs and closed out with your bartender and manager. Before finishing up, you swung by the bar one last time. This time opting to not sit beside Jiraiya, but lean behind him, pressing your chest into his back and talking directly in his ear.
“You actually still have to settle your tab.” You reminded him, circling a lock of his hair around your finger.
“Ah, right.” He got the bartender's attention and closed his tab, leaving a hefty tip, “should I tip you as well? Or does that come later?”
He turned to face you, suddenly his ever confident aura had dimmed slightly, as though he had grown nervous.
“You're signing my book, that’s a great tip, especially after I sell it as a collector’s item for having a genuine signature!” You teased, laughing.
He laughed along with you before standing. You realized he towered over you, he was well above six feet, probably by another half. He looked down at you, your features enticing him in further and further. His mind raced, thinking of your eyes fluttering at him, how soft your lips felt against his hand, the smell of Cherry that followed you every time you walked past him.
“Why don’t you head outside, I’ll meet you out front after I grab my bag from the back.” You told him.
Just one more hurdle until you could finally have each other. The tension continued to build and build until you knew it would eventually compound in on itself. Hopefully in your bed, and hopefully again and again until the sun comes up.
“I’ll be waiting.” He said, and lifted your own hand to his lips this time. Offering a more dramatic, showman’s kiss before loudly smacking his lips off.
You hurried to the back to hang up your apron, grab your coat and bag, and say goodbye to your coworkers. You slipped out the back and walked around to the front of the building.
Jiraya waited patiently, but nervous. This wouldn’t be the first time he had been duped by a beautiful woman’s promise of a “good time”. When you finally emerged from the side of the building, his face lit up, shoulders relaxing as he took you in.
“I hope you didn’t think I was going to leave you out here.” You read his mind.
“Of course not, just enjoying the night air. It’s good to clear the mind.” He looked down at you, you had walked straight up to him, nearly chest to chest.
The two of you stood for a moment, then two. Breath syncing up, heart rate too. In the moonlight your features look softer, eyes sparkling up at him. Jiraya fought the urge to hold your cheeks and press your lips together, you were still outside of your place of work and he didn’t want to embarrass you.
“This way,” you finally took his hand and led him down the street.
Your conversations from inside the bar continued as you walked home with Jiraiya following you closely. Your walk home wasn’t far, only a few blocks, and he was right about the night air. You had only had a few glasses to drink, but the soft summer wind was already helping you feel more alert and awake. When you finally entered the grouping of apartments where you lived, you led him to your door.
“I wasn’t expecting company, so you’ll have to excuse the mess.” You said, you had actually just cleaned the previous day, but it couldn’t help to under promise and overdeliver.
Jiraiya couldn’t care less where you lived, or how, he was just so excited to be in the home of an incredible young woman who had invited him in. You opened the door, moonlight illuminating the dark living room. With him following closely, you moved to turn on a few lamps, brightening the space. Your place was nearly immaculate, not devoid of personality, but neat. You had drapery hung over your windows and around your light fixtures allowing the light to take on different hues. Purples, blues, and golds filled the space, casting patterned shadows over the walls.
“Wow, kid. Nice place. You do all this yourself?”, Jiraiya let out a low whistle, impressed with your home making skills already.
“Mhm,” you nodded, setting your bag down on your dining table.
You moved to undo the buttons of your coat, when you felt his hands slip around you from behind, his chest was right up against your back, his head stooped down to speak in your ear.
“Please, allow me.”, his fingers were quick to undo your buttons, moving smoothly up your lapels and sliding the jacket off of your shoulders, leaving them bare and chilled with excitement.
His smell of jasmine filled your space, you felt intoxicated with him already. His lips brushed the shell of your ear, then the juncture of your jaw and neck, then the side of your throat. You bit back a moan along with the urge to lean your head back against his chest.
“Are you trying to get out of signing my book?” You teased as his hand began to circle your waist.
He laughed, it shocked you a bit. The usually booming laugh, subdued and hot against your ear. He knew just how to play you. You turned to face him, stepping back slightly, not so subtly trying to regain your footing.
“Of course not,” Jiraiya smiled down at you, his large hands still in your waist, “you keep it next to your bed?”
You pushed his chest slightly, “you wish.”
You pulled out of his grasp and moved to a low bookshelf in your modest seating area, you had to bend over to retrieve it. You heard him suck in some air as you did so. Finally pulling the bound text from your shelf, you stood again and faced him. A blush crept up your face, you realized you had dogeared a few pages, which reminded you that you had actually made notes in a few margins. Maybe you liked this book a bit more than you let on. He noticed too, taking the book from you and opening to the first page.
“You have a pen?” He moved to sit cross legged on your floor over the coffee table.
You grabbed a writing utensil from your desk drawer and offered it to him, loving to sit next to him.
“Ah ah,” he tutted, hiding the book, “no peeking.”
You rolled your eyes and sat across from him instead. You watched him carefully as he thought of what to write, and with a devilish glint in his eye, started scribbling his autograph. He was taking longer than should be necessary for his name.
“You’re not writing something dirty in there, are you?” You tease, sliding your foot under the table to nudge his crossed leg..
“I already did, that’s why you like it so much.” He flirted back instantly, not even slightly shaken by your contact. He was clearly in his element.
Finally when he had finished his escription, he read over his own words. Giggling to himself, he brought the book up and mimed a kiss against the page, before blowing on it softly, to dry the ink.
“There you go, gorgeous. One of a kind.” He closed the book and set it on the table with his hand still over it, inviting you to try to take it from him.
You took the bait and reached over, he slid it just out of reach, “Almost.”
You got the game. Sliding around the table, you now were next to him, your hand fit next to his, fingers intertwining on the bound leather. You moved your body up his, with him seated and you on your knees, you were finally eye to eye with him. He watched you closely, pupils blown in excitement. You moved to sit on his lap, finally in a full embrace. He was so wide, it was hard to fully straddle him, but you managed. You could feel him getting hard underneath you, too many layers separated you from him. You could feel how wet you had gotten from the back and forth of tonight. You wanted him so bad. His large, delicious body, his experience, his charisma. It had all drawn you in. His hands moved from the table, abandoning the book and over slid your hips, then up your back and down again. The sensation was soothing and also titillating.
You felt yourself dampen further, and your breath increase. You moved your arms around his neck, leaning closer and closer, you could feel the tie that held his long hair back and you pulled until it came loose, allowing his white hair to fall freely. Your lips were so close to his, you could smell sake on his breath, you could feel his heart beating under you.
“Jiraiya?”, your lips were nearly against his as you spoke his name.
“Yes, gorgeous?”, His big hands squeezed your hips, keeping your firm against his clothed erection.
“Are you going to kiss me? Or are you going to make me beg you for it.” You looked at him under your lashes, catching his eye just in time to see him shudder a bit.
“All you had to do was ask.” He caught your lips in his, his hands on your hips pulling you closer to him.
His lips were so soft, but his kiss was so hard and passionate. His tongue immediately slipped between your lips, quickly mapping the inside of your mouth. He had the faintest taste of smoke, probably a pipe or cigarette from earlier in the night. His hands moved through his hair, tugging lightly, making him moan against your mouth.
“Such a pretty girl,” he mumbled between hot, wet kisses, “you don’t know what you’re doing to me.”
Feeling emboldened by his praise, you moved one hand between your joined hips to stroke his hardened dick, “I think I have a pretty good idea.”
His hips bucked at your touch, a half moan-half laugh sputtering from his lips. He cursed and pulled at the back of your shirt, removing it quickly. His hands were rough against your skin, decades of both training and writing causing his palms and fingers to callus. Your skin was so soft by juxtaposition, smooth and even, plump and vibrant. He removed your bra skillfully, your breasts spilling out for him to quickly latch his mouth onto.
You moaned, throwing your head back, “Master Jiraiya!”
He could barely hear you, he was completely immersed in how good it felt to have your bare chest in front of him, against his lips, against his tongue. He flicked his skilled tongue over your nipple, pulling back to watch it harden and peak.
“You’ve got such great tits, baby. Such a pretty thing for me.” He kissed up the side of your neck.
You were rocking your hips against his, trying desperately to pull more of those shocked moans from him in the process. Your hands moved under his tunic, unknotting the tie and pulling the sides apart. His chest was so broad, a large star shaped scar bloomed from the center outward. You had hooked up with shinobi before, you were familiar with the combat scars and various bruises to be found on their bodies. But this was unlike anything you had ever seen. It was expansive, and evidently distracting, as you had stopped your grinding to gawk at the large healed wound.
“Thought girls liked scars.” He joked.
You ran your hand down his chest, fingers exploring the topography of muscle and scar tissue.
“I do.” You leaned down to kiss the side of his neck, hand traveling further down to his hip bone and further to undo the tie of his pants.
“You work fast, honey.” He bit his lip trying to cover the moan your eager touch pulled from him.
You moved off his lap, now pulling his trousers along with you as you moved down his body, “worried you can’t keep up, old man?”
This struck something in him. Something competitive and cocky. Before you realized it he had you up on the couch, and he was kneeling between your legs.
“I hope you don’t mind if this old man takes a turn first?” He growled holding your hips in place as you tried to figure out just how he had moved you so quickly.
His hands pulled at the top of your skirt, undoing the zipper on the side and sliding it down your legs.
“It only feels fair after I so graciously gave you my autograph free of charge.” He removed your skirt completely, leaving you only in your red panties.
You were so wet already, the panties were sticking to you. You wanted them off so bad, you wanted him so bad. His hands ran up your thighs, Jiraiya delighting in the hot, smooth skin of a young woman writing under his touch. You were so gorgeous, a beautiful body, a beautiful face, charming and intelligent. He had no idea how he had gotten so lucky. You were looking at him so desperately, he could see how badly you wanted him. And if he wasn’t sure from your eyes and your words, you were practically dripping onto your own couch in front of him. He couldn’t wait any longer, he had to taste you for himself. Jiraiya leaned forward and took the front of your panties between his teeth, pulling them down, using his hands to roll the flimsy fabric off of your legs. A practiced move he had perfected over years, but never failed him.
Watching him remove your panties with his teeth had you moaning before he ever touched your aching pussy. He watched you gasp in awe and arch your back, body begging him to pleasure you. He knew exactly what he was doing to you. He slid your panties in his back pocket for later. He knew he was a pervert, but he couldn’t help himself.
Finally, with nothing separating him from your sex, Jiraiya moved your legs over his shoulder and pressed forward, giving you a long, languid lick all the way up your slit.
His tongue was devilish; skilled and wicked. Strong hands keeping your thighs in place as he devoured you. You couldn’t stop the wanton moans that spilled from you like a waterfall, he had barely started and you were already whimpering and pulling at his hair.
“Baby you taste so good, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop. How many do you think you can take?” You could barely hear him through the sound of him lapping at your dripping pussy.
He was talking about his fingers, thick and waiting to push inside of you. They were bigger than yours, bigger than anyone’s you had been with, and fuck you wanted them inside of you.
“Two. Two. Fuck, Jiraiya, please.” You begged him, needing more and more from him despite how good you already felt.
He pushed his first two fingers inside of you, tongue still slurping around your clit. Feeling him spread you open, you felt the white hot build up of orgasm approaching. Your voice was giving you away, panting moans, barely intelligible curses mixed with his name. You tugged at his hair, paying no kind to if it hurt him or not. He certainly wasn’t stopping, nor was he complaining. He was too drunk off of your taste. He hooked his fingers inside of you, deliciously hitting your g spot.
You nearly went blind with pleasure. You were cumming before you even realized how close it was. Not only cumming, but squirting. Gushing around his fingers and into his waiting mouth. He drank from you, everything you had. Leaving you a well pleasured, panting mess above him. The heels of your feet had dug into his shoulders so hard he may bruise. But tomorrow if he woke up with any mark of you left on him, he would be a happy man. Finally detaching his mouth from your puffy, spent pussy, Jiraiya sat back on his heels, watching you carefully, licking his fingers clean.
“Ever done that before?” He grinned cockily, your squirt still dripping down his chin onto his neck.
You watched him take great pride in cleaning his fingers of your cum, “once or twice.” You told him.
“Think I can make you do it again?” He leaned over you, his hands finding your waist again, pulling you forward, against the front of his barely done pants.
You shuddered at the thought. You had read his books, you were familiar with his proclivity toward having the heroines orgasm again and again, until they were begging for mercy. You had always assumed it was fiction, and that couldn’t, shouldn’t reflect on the desires and skills of the author. But the way he watched you as you came undone for him, the way he looked down at you now, you knew it was autobiographical.
He wiped a sweaty strand of hair from your forehead, tucking it behind your ear before leaning down to kiss you again. This kiss was softer than before, he cupped your face sweetly, not tugging and pulling you into him, but holding you firm and steady against his lips. You kissed him back, finally feeling grounded in your body again. He tasted like you, you were sure you tasted like him too. The experience of letting someone’s taste overpower your own was at times more sensual and pleasurable than the act of sex itself.
Your hands moved over his back, feeling the strong muscle, the divots and grooves of his body. Your eager hands moved to remove his pants, and he joined the effort, stripping himself completely before you. He joined you on the couch, kneeling between your legs, still kissing you. You felt his hardened length hot against you, sliding up and down your slit, he reveled in the fruits of his previous labor.
“Please Jiraiya, please.” You whimpered against his kisses, reaching down to stroke him.
He was diamond hard in your hand, long, and thick. Of course he was, of course this literary Casanova had the personal equipment to back it up. You could feel his heartbeat pulsing through his erection. You ran your thumb beneath his foreskin to pull the precum from him and coat your hand to lubricate his length. Jiraiya shuddered and lifted you back onto the couch again, joining you and slotting himself between your legs. Your lips were hot against his, spit and moans exchanged in between sloppy kisses. His thick, white hair shielded you from the light in the room, blocking out everything else but him. He reached down to join your hand on his length, his eyes meeting yours to confirm consent. You nodded again, rocking your hips against the head of his cock. You moved your hands to his shoulders. Jiraiya’s thumbs spread your folds apart for him to release a string of spit onto you. Spreading the lubrication of his spit and your previous release along his length and your slitc he started to inch himself into you.
You couldn’t help the arch that your back curved into. Nor could you stop the mewl that escaped you. Jiraiya groans above you, pushing deeper. Your vision went white as he packed his inches into you. You clawed at his muscles, whimpering as he filled you.
“I know, baby. Almost there.”, he cooed, smoothing your hair.
You squirmed at his depth, how he stretched you out, how he mashed against the wall of your cervix.
“Relax, baby. Let me in, it’s okay.” He kissed your cheeks where you had scrunched up your face.
You breathed deeply, trying desperately to relax your tensed muscles. Just as you would release slightly, he would push further and you would clench around him again. Finally after much stopping and starting, he bottomed out inside of you. His hips meeting the backs of your legs, your calves over his shoulders, and your fingers gripping his shoulders.
“Jiraiya…fuck…you’re so deep.” You trembled against him.
Jiraiya panted above you, running his hand up your leg soothingly. You were holding him so tight, he was struggling to keep from fucking into you further.
“Let me know when I can move, sweetness.” He pressed a sweet kiss to the ball of your ankle, petting your leg again.
After finally accommodating his size, you nodded. He pulled back carefully to the head of his cock before sliding into you again. He began an even thrusting pace, he rocked his hips against your sweet spot inside of you. You couldn’t help the broken, nasty sounds that fell from your lips. He was setting your body ablaze with pleasure. His head fell back as he maintained his rhythm, letting out a lazy, delicious moan. You felt electric, like all the energy in your body had illuminated and was glowing. His hands traveled from your thighs to your hips to your breasts and back again. You felt as though he was unstitching your every piece, taking you apart at the atomic level. And it was marvelous, his touch was practiced and methodical, he knew just how to touch and to please you. You couldn’t control the begging pleas that spilled from you.
“Raiya, please, yes, fuck, oh” in repetition again and again.
He was similarly babbling, “yes baby, so tight, so good, good girl.”
Your sweat transferred to his skin, and vice versa, when he finally leaned over you, closing you in against the couch, you couldn’t help but keen to kiss him again. His big, strong hand pulled your hip up to meet his thrusts, and you helped him, fucking yourself up into him. Your bodies worked in perfect sync, meeting his thrusts, him moving his fingers in between your bodies to circle your swollen clit. Your voice raised in pitch, eyes rolling back as he played you like a fiddle. You had no idea earlier in the night how incredible he would be.
You felt yourself inching so close to climaxing, and you made it clear.
“Please Jiraiya, please!” You begged
“You wanna cum, pretty girl?” He smiled, pushing deeper into you, making you arch further.
“Yes! Fuck yes please. Let me cum!”
“Cum all over this cock. Make a mess for me, baby.” He choked out, circling your clit and sucking into your neck.
He pushed harder into you, the combination of his cock and fingers finally bringing you to your desperate, whimpering, squirting climax. You coated his cock and abdomen in your cum, he shuddered against you trying to keep his pace as he reached his own orgasm.
“Fuck!” Jiraiya cried out slamming himself against your g spot, finally letting his release take him.
You could feel his cock pulse, shooting his long streams of cum inside of you, painting your walls white. Jiraiya collapsed his full weight onto you, which was not insignificant, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You stroked his fluffy, white hair as he caught his breath atop you. He pressed lazy, hot kisses to your neck, collarbone and chest as he caught his breath. Minutes passed with you two locked into this embrace. Finally the weight of his body was too much, and you tapped on his shoulder, urging him to sit up. He did, pulling you up with him, having you straddle his lap so he could stay sheathed inside of you. He stroked your back, still kissing your neck occasionally. You slumped against his broad chest, feeling spent, he let his head rest against the back of your couch. When he had finally caught his breath, he tipped his head back down, holding your face in his hands, and kissed you deeply. His tongue smoothed against yours, tasting your exhaustion. He moved your hair out of your face, and looked into your eyes.
You finally found your words, “I better not read about this.”
“If you think I’m not using this as research, I hate to disappoint you…” Jiraiya laughed heartily, holding you closer.
You kissed him again, laughing against his lips. You luxuriated in his touch, his warmth, and his kiss.
Sure enough, about nine months later when his most recent book was released you rushed to the local bookstore. You found there was a dedication at the beginning reading simply.
For Cherry, Page 73.
You quickly flipped to the listed page and found the beginning of a deliciously flowery sex scene, one where the protagonist picks up a waitress and spoils her the exact way Jiraiya had done to you.
You couldn’t hide the blushing smile. That bastard.
Okay y’all thanks so much for reading! I hope y’all enjoyed! I’m nasty feral for this big bad man.
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lev1hei1chou · 6 months
Gojo x reader ft. Nanami, Yuji and Megumi Genre: Fluff Words: 575 Synopsis: Gojo and the gang play monopoly Masterlist
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It was a cozy evening at your and Gojo's apartment, and you had invited Megumi Fushiguro, Yuji Itadori, and Kento Nanami for a casual game night. Little did you know that when Monopoly came out, chaos was about to unfold.
The game board was set up on the coffee table, money neatly stacked, and everyone promptly took their places around the board. Satoru, ever the enthusiastic one, couldn't contain his excitement.
"All right, you guys! Let the games begin!" Gojo announced with a dramatic flair, his vibrant eyes gleaming.
Nanami, as always, was calm and collected, his stern expression hinting at the seriousness he would bring to this seemingly innocent game. Megumi and Yuji were ready for the challenge, though it seemed that Yuji's eagerness might lead him into trouble.
The first rule was established by Gojo, of course. "Whoever rolls the highest gets to be my partner. And trust me, you want to be my partner."
Nanami raised an eyebrow but didn't comment. You rolled the dice first, and miraculously, you got a six. Gojo rolled next, and to everyone's disbelief, he also got a six.
"Looks like it's destiny, babe," Gojo winked, earning an eye-roll from Nanami.
As the game progressed, Gojo began introducing the most absurd rules. "If you land on my property, you owe me a massage. And if I land on yours, I get one. It's only fair, right?"
Nanami, having none of it, deadpanned, "We're here to play Monopoly, not engage in questionable transactions."
Meanwhile, Yuji was oblivious to Gojo's schemes, already planning how to spend his virtual millions. Gojo, seeing the opportunity, tried to convince Yuji to trade his prime properties for a mere railroad.
"Come on, Yuji, it's a special edition, super-fast, interdimensional railroad! Beats those boring streets any day!"
"Really?" the younger boy asked as if he believed Gojo's words.
Thankfully, Nanami and you intervened, saving Yuji from a potentially disastrous deal. Nanami sighed, "Stick to the rules, Itadori. Don't let him fool you."
But Gojo wasn't discouraged. He continued trying to implement new rules like "reverse rent," where the one landing on the property received money instead. His antics had everyone in splits, except for Nanami, who maintained his stoic demeanor.
As the game progressed, the tension rose. Gojo's fortune was fluctuating, and Nanami strategically acquired a Monopoly. Megumi silently amassed a small fortune, while Yuji struggled to understand the intricacies of trading.
At one point, Gojo suggested a rule that made everyone contribute money to a community chest for a group spa day. Nanami, unamused, said, "We're not here for spa days, Gojo. Let's focus on the game."
As the game neared its end, Megumi emerged as the silent powerhouse. He strategically bankrupted Gojo, acquired valuable properties, and built hotels with a poker face that rivaled Nanami's. Gojo, undeterred, proposed a last-minute rule change, but Nanami put his foot down.
"We're playing by the rules, Gojo. Accept your defeat gracefully."
In the end, it was Megumi who emerged victorious, much to everyone's surprise. Gojo, ever the sore loser, pouted for a moment before flashing a grin.
"Alright, alright, you win this time, Megumi. But next time, I'm bringing my own set of rules!"
Despite the absurdity and occasional frustration, the game night ended with laughter and camaraderie. As everyone bid their farewells, Gojo couldn't resist teasing one last time.
"Next time, we're playing strip Monopoly!"
Nanami sighed, "I think I'll pass on that one."
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soapycheeks · 4 months
— dinner
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he reached over to turn off the water, the sound of the running water ceasing immediately. the room fell into a brief silence, broken only by the sound of the final few droplets echoing against the tiles. he stood up to grab a large towel, its plush fibers promising to envelop your body in warmth and comfort. he returned to your side, offering the towel to you for a brief moment before gently beginning to dry your body with it.
light smile appearing your lips as you stood up in silence and letting him dry you off. "i want to eat after this." you spooked.
he nodded in response to your statement, a small smile playing on his lips. "of course, love. i'll cook something for you." the thought of preparing a meal for you brought a sense of contentment to him. taking care of you and ensuring your well-being was a source of fulfillment and satisfaction for him. as he gently ran the towel over your skin, his touch was as tender as ever, taking great care to ensure you were adequately dried.
"i want something spicy." you mention your preference, he nodded in understanding, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "spicy, you say?" he repeated softly.
he couldn't hide the hint of amusement in his voice as he added, "you truly have an unconventional appetite, love. but i'll see what i can do." his hands continued their gentle towel dry, the soft fabric caressing your skin with every motion.
"my sweet husband." you praise sincerely. the sight of you, smiling with contentment, had an immediate impact on him, filling his heart with a surge of warmth and affection. he continued to gently dry your body, his motions now infused with a newfound sense of contentment. as he finished drying your body, he leaned in to press a tender kiss on your forehead, a silent gesture of adoration.
with your body dry and wrapped in the softness of the towel, he reached for another towel nearby and began to dry your hair. his hands moved with practiced ease, the towel gently rubbing against your damp locks, absorbing the excess moisture and leaving your hair warm and fluffy. the towel absorbing the excess moisture, leaving your hair warm, fluffy, and enveloped in a cozy embrace. the simple gesture held a wealth of affection and care, a silent affirmation of his devotion.
as he finished drying your hair, he carefully hung the damp towel on a nearby rack, giving it a final shake to ensure it had sufficient airflow. "finished," he said softly, his voice a gentle whisper, tinged with contentment. he offered you the second towel, a silent invitation for you to use it to wrap yourself up in a cocoon of warmth.
“thank you so much, love. i’m gonna put a dress.” you stand on your tip toe to kiss his cheeks, makes his cheeks flushed slightly at your unexpected gesture, the warmth of your kiss lingering on his skin. the term of endearment you used, 'love,' added a special sweetness to the moment. he cleared his throat softly, trying to disguise the bashful reaction.
"you're welcome," he replied, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "take your time, love. i'll be waiting downstairs when you are ready." he took a moment to take in your presence one last time, appreciating your beauty and the bond you shared. with a final, tender smile, he turned and made his way out of the bathroom, leaving you to get dressed in privacy.
downstairs, he found himself in the kitchen, the space filled with the quiet serenity of a peaceful evening. his mind turned to the task at hand – creating a spicy dish for you. he knew of a few recipes that would accommodate your adventurous palate. he took a deep breath and began gathering ingredients, the sound of the kitchen cabinets opening filling the air.
with a bowl and chopping board in front of him, he set to work. his movements were precise and practiced, his fingers skillfully slicing and dicing the vegetables and spices. he added a pinch of chili flakes to the mix, the sight of the vibrant red flakes promising the spicy flavor you desired.
the scent of the spices filled the kitchen, creating a tantalizing aroma that mingled with the faint fragrance of the night air. john continued working, his focus solely on the dish he was crafting for you. every movement, every decision was made with the goal of creating something that would satisfy your unique taste and bring you pleasure.
the mixture came together, he added a generous amount of soy sauce and a touch of sesame oil, the flavors blending into a rich and savory concoction. he took a small taste, his tongue dancing with the explosion of flavors. satisfied with the heat level, he turned off the stove and let the dish cool slightly.
“john!” he turned his attention to the sound of your voice, his face immediately brightening when he saw you descending the stairs. the sight of you, dressed in a comfortable outfit, stirred a sense of warmth in his heart.
"you're just in time," he replied, a warm smile spreading across his lips. "i've just finished making our dinner. take a seat, love. i'll bring it over to you." he gestured towards the table where two places were already set, the spicy dish resting in the center, ready for you.
he moved with deliberate ease, carefully dishing out a portion of food onto your plate. the spicy aromas intensified as he spooned the sizzling ingredients onto the dish, the vibrant colors of the spices adding a touch of visual excitement. with practiced finesse, he placed the plate in front of you, the steam rising from the food creating a tantalizing display. the moment felt even more special, knowing that he'd taken the time and care to create a meal tailored to your tastes.
you both sat at the table, their proximity creating an intimate atmosphere as they savored the spicy flavors. the sound of cutlery against plates and the whispers of conversation filled the air, creating a domestic tranquility. "what are you doing after dinner?" your tone suggest that you want him to spend the night with you again. he lets out a subtle smile as he swallows the bite of food in his mouth. you both know exactly where this conversation is heading, it's a cycle.
"not much, i'm all yours tonight, darling. i'll take you to bed early." he says, leaning back in his seat.
you swallow a piece of chicken, then let out another small laugh before you take a sip of water. "i think we'll both be pleased with tonight's arrangement then." as you continue eat, you both exchanged glances across the table, occasionally making fleeting touches or stealing brief moments of eye contact.
you observed him across the table, your gaze traveled to the clean-shaven contours of his face. the absence of his usual stubble revealed the sharp lines of his jaw, giving him a youthful appearance that you found incredibly attractive. a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you appreciated his handsome features, the sight of his freshly shaven face a testament to his meticulous grooming routine.
you continued to eat in comfortable silence, the only sounds interrupting the peaceful atmosphere were the clinking of cutlery on plates and the occasional hum of satisfaction from you as you savored the flavors. john watched your reactions intently, a subtle smile gracing his features as he observed your enjoyment. the spicy meal seemed to awaken your senses, the warmth of the chili flakes igniting a slight flush on your cheeks.
you took your last bite, signaling the end of the meal, he pushed his empty plate aside. the contentment on your face and the satisfaction in your eyes filled him with a sense of fulfillment, knowing that he had managed to make you happy with the meal. he reached out to take your hand across the table, his fingers gently intertwining with yours in a tender gesture of affection.
softly, he brought your hand to his lips, planting a tender kiss on its back. a simple yet intimate gesture that spoke volumes. for a moment, he held your gaze, his eyes mirroring the depth of his feelings for you. "i'm glad you enjoyed the meal," he whispered, his thumb gently caressed the back of your hand.
you throw back the same smile at him. “thank you.”
“always.” he replied, stood up from his seat, collecting the plates from the table and placing them in the sink. you clearing the table, stacking the plates and utensils with efficient movements. you took a moment to collect the empty serving bowls and other kitchenware. carefully placed everything in the sink. you walk past him and gives him one last glance at him before saying, "i'll see you upstairs."
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oh-stars · 8 months
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Love is secretly studying up on the nerd shit he’s into.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 2249 words | CW: N/A | Rating: T
It’s not often that they all make their way to Indianapolis. It’s no Chicago and getting everyone together to make a big trip of it is getting harder and harder every month. But Will’s birthday falls in line with the grand opening of a new collectibles store that promises shiny new dice and rare items among their comics and board game memorabilia. How could anyone deny his pleading eyes to make it a part of his birthday celebration: to go see the store and find a place to eat, a day trip that’s on the simpler side. 
Eddie’s just as excited as the boys are, but he’s more surprised to find Steve is practically vibrating out of his skin with how eager he is to get to the store. He’s just not showing it in the same way the others are. It’s all vibrant eyes and small smiles, bouncing knees and one too many questions. 
Eddie’s still trying to figure out what he’s excited about. 
Over the last year, Eddie’s learned how to read Steve Harrington. The man may think he keeps an even, cool composure about everything, but Eddie’s an expert in the minor details to figure out how Steve really feels. When he talks to Hopper about some sports thing, his hands will have a small tremor and he stumbles over his words sometimes, always playing it off as some headache or not getting enough sleep if you point it out. Eddie knows better, he knows Steve gets so excited that he can’t contain it and is embarrassed at how eager he is to share it, about his interests all together. 
The kids don’t help, he knows. Outside of Lucas, the others just tease him for being a meathead jock or some other bullshit insult – pulling the same shit they get bullied with, the same shit Eddie encouraged. He’s trying to get them to see how fucked up it is, but it’s a work in progress. 
They’re driving separately so Eddie doesn’t get to watch Steve’s excitement build other than the glimpses he gets in his rearview mirror of Steve, Robin, and the girls singing along to whatever mundane Top 40 shit they’re blasting. He’d listen to the shitty music with Steve over Dustin and Mike arguing over D&D editions any day, though. At least he can control the volume of the music… 
“I’m this close,” Eddie holds up his pinched fingers, “to leaving you on the side of the road,” he tells them. 
Dustin rolls his eyes. “Steve wouldn’t let you.” 
“I think I can convince him,” Eddie says with a smirk. Only Robin knows about their relationship, even now after it’s been a year, but that doesn’t mean the kids don’t know they’re close. They know they’re inseparable and good friends. Just not… naked in bed, touchy-feely ‘friends,’ ya know?  “We’re nearly at the store. Can you at least pause the screaming match until you have the editions in front of you for proper comparison?” 
That buys Eddie a few minutes of just his music as the boys have a more reasonable discussion to figure out how to split their small funds to maximize their haul. They may be turning sixteen this year, but they’re not exactly loaded. It’s the same shit he and the guys used to pull, and sometimes… still do. It’s nice seeing them like actual kids for a little while longer. 
But he’s still happy to climb out of his van and meet back up with Steve and the gang. 
He slings an arm over Steve’s shoulders, feels how keyed up he is and how his muscles are tense despite the relaxed looking posture. “Are you mortals ready to blow your minds?” Eddie asks, voice rumbly as he leans in to stare at the girls. 
Max rolls her eyes as Erica levels him with a stare of her own. 
“Let’s go already!” Dustin calls back as the guys are already booking it toward the store. 
Nancy and Jonathan have only just pulled up as the group passes. Robin, Jane, and Max wait for them, happy to hang back from this particular stop on their day. Or maybe they’re scheming about Will’s surprise that the rest of them have been left in the dark about. 
Either way, Eddie doesn’t drop his arm from Steve’s shoulders until they reach the door. 
The store’s packed with nerds of all ages, shuffling here and there as they browse the small space. It’s like nerd paradise, with walls of collectibles and big crates of comics and books, and big displays of art and promotions everywhere. It even has that musty book smell he loves so much! 
Eddie squeezes Steve’s shoulder before he completely drops his arm. “Permission to go feral?”
Steve rolls his eyes, but shoves Eddie lightly. “Go. Have fun,” he says. 
“You could always follow me, you know. Don’t want you getting lost,” Eddie says, getting back into Steve’s space even as his eyes flickered around the space. 
“I’ll come find you, okay?” Steve says, then he walks away with his hands in his pockets like he’s just strolling through the store. But Eddie can see the sharp way his eyes are searching the space, hunting for something. It’s enough to have Eddie trailing behind him, eager to figure out this mystery. 
Okay so Eddie gets briefly distracted by a wall of dragon figurines, but he manages to pull himself away when he sees the price tags are dangerously close to having commas. He stumbles his way around, only getting swept into conversation with Will once about the variety of figures they have and able to dodge Dustin’s badgering about the new Justice League comic. 
He finds Steve hunched over a glass case that’s near the cash register, at the far end where people aren’t huddled around looking at trading cards or the pricer collectibles. Eddie tucks himself partially behind a bookshelf so he can see Steve from the side. He watches as Steve’s eyes squint and he squats lower to look at the case from a new perspective. It takes a lot of effort to not let his own eyes wander to how his ass puts his Levi’s to the test, but Eddie’s stronger than that (sort of).
And because of that strength, Eddie gets the rare experience of seeing Steve’s eyes light up as his jaw drops. He looks… in awe of whatever he’s found, like someone just showed him the Holy Grail. 
Eddie can’t help himself as he walks over. Steve’s so entranced, he doesn’t even notice. For a split second, Eddie feels that familiar panic creep up his throat before he hears a soft “holy shit,” from Steve. 
On this side of the case are… sports cards. Trading cards of different sports people in various conditions, some are in little wrappers, some in packs, and others loose in the glass display case. Huh. Go figure. 
He’s kind of surprised, if Eddie’s honest with himself, he never would have taken Steve for a collector of any kind, much less trading cards. But here he is, so amazed at whatever he’s found that he still hasn’t noticed Eddie’s presence. 
Eddie squats down beside him, knees popping with the movement, and rests his forehead on the glass. “Which one is it?” 
Steve curses under his breath as he jumps, snapping out of it. “Jesus, Eds,” he says, standing up. 
“Sorry,” Eddie says with a grin. “Seriously, though. Which is it?” 
His face is red and he looks almost ashamed to be caught staring at the cards. “Find anything cool yet?” Steve asks, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
Eddie frowns. “Steve…” 
Steve just shakes his head and turns his back on the glass. “Looks like Lucas found something,” he says with a forced laugh as he points to where Lucas is struggling to carry a few different boxes of figurines as he searches for the others in the busy store. 
“And so did you,” Eddie says softly as he stands beside him, shoulders touching. “Trading cards, huh?” 
He just shrugs. 
“I think it’s pretty cool,” Eddie says. “I don’t know anything about them but,” he glances back at the rows and rows of cards, some with tiny words and charts, “those stats have to mean something. And you know how I am about stats, Stevie.” 
Steve rolls his eyes. “They’re player stats, Eddie. It’s from their games and shit.” He sighs. “You don’t… don’t have to pretend it’s cool, man. Just sports shit, right?” 
“Hey,” Eddie says, a little more forceful, “I don’t mind sports shit, remember? We had fun watching that basketball game the other day.” 
“You were just being nice,” Steve says. 
“No,” Eddie counters, “I was a little confused on the language and how it works, but I love seeing you get passionate about something you love, Steve. Even if it means seeing how angry you get at whatever the refs are saying.” 
Steve’s face darkens as he grumbles out, “It was a shit call.” He hasn’t been able to let it go since they watched it. 
“C’mon,” Eddie says, turning back to the case, “will you just show me which one you like?” 
“It’s not necessarily about liking them,” Steve starts, turning as well, “but the players themselves.” 
Eddie hums. “So which player did you find?” 
“Nolan Ryan,” Steve breathes out, pointing at the card, “he’s a pitcher for the Astros and that,” he lets out a whistle, “is a rare 1985 Tiffany.” 
“What makes it rare?” Eddie asks. 
Steve waves him off. “Don’t worry about that–”
“No,” Eddie insists. “I told you, in detail, about my Lord of the Rings theories and you listened to every word. Let me hear about your Tiffany card.” 
“It’s not mine,” Steve reminds him. 
Eddie nudges his shoulder. “Steve.” 
Steve lets out a breath and runs a hand through his hair. “Okay, so the cards are printed here, right? Like it’s one of their things? But the Tiffany cards aren’t, they’re printed in Ireland. And you see how that one is a little brighter than the one next to it?” He doesn’t wait for Eddie’s response. “They printed the Tiffany sets on white cardboard instead of gray. And they only made a limited run of the sets, right? So to just… find one,” he says, voice soft and light, “and Nolan Ryan’s card at that?” He whistles. “Kind of a big deal.” 
“So you’re getting it, right?” 
Steve shrugs again. “Maybe I’ll drive up later for it. I don’t want to deal with the kids–” 
“We’ll put it in my bag. I haven’t even really started to look, but you know I’m emptying my wallet in here, right?” Eddie says, smiling. 
“Why haven’t you looked?” Steve asks, brow furrowing. “We’ve been here for twenty minutes, Eds, what have you been doing?” 
Eddie feels his face soften as he tilts his head and plays with a strand of his hair. “There’s this guy I’ve got a thing for,” he whispers, “and he was really excited to come to some nerd store, but wouldn’t tell me why. So I had to figure it out myself.” 
Steve’s blushing again as he looks away. “C’mon,” he says, grabbing Eddie by the elbow, “show me what you want to look at.” 
He allows Steve to change the subject and does look for himself, but he doesn’t forget the wistful look in Steve’s eyes when they end up by the case again for check-out. 
“Hey,” Eddie says, mostly to Nancy and Robin who have joined them in line, “should we send some of us down to the restaurant?” 
Nancy looks at her watch, then at the line. “Yes, that’s not a bad idea.” 
Steve nods and hands Eddie some cash. “Just in case the kids need help. Nance, Rob and I’ll go check in at the restaurant. See you there?” 
Eddie lets the three of them walk out the door before he steps out of the line. Sure, he’ll lose his place, but it’s worth it. 
“Excuse me,” Eddie says to an employee behind the counter, “I need to get this card.”
The guy knows his shit, so while the line dwindles, Eddie takes the opportunity to ask some questions. He even gets a few more card packs from the newest run, card holders and sleeves to put them in, and a booklet that explains the set. There’s even a book on the history of the game that the cashier suggests; Eddie doesn’t hesitate to buy it all. Sure, he had to put away a few figures and the new dice set he found, but it’s worth it. 
He hides all of his new goods in with his other nerdy shit and carefully puts his bag in the glove box so it doesn’t get mixed up with the kids’ bags. “You guys ready?” Eddie asks, arms draped over Mike and Will’s shoulders. 
As they walk to the restaurant for the next stop in their plans, Eddie listens to the kids share about their hauls and what they want to come back for. It all goes in one ear and out the other, too busy mulling over the information he learned from the cashier. He’s kind of surprised by how excited he is to read the materials he bought, but he really can’t wait to give Steve the card. 
Now if he can just get Steve to admit he’s a nerd, too, it’d be icing on the cake.  
Thanks to @lady-lostmind for betaing!
Ao3 Link
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catinthedicebag · 10 months
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Here he is! The majestic Bi-Dragon! He spans his wings in very vibrant colors. I wonder if he is on the hunt right now? On the tray you can see some "Bi Galaxy" dice, since they are absolute matching colors. I have a few of them with me for the @ccon_comic_con_stuttgart this weekend. All which I will not sell there, will be uploaded afterwards. If you want to be sure to get one, you can preorder it via DM. The design is by urbanthreads .com
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theresattrpgforthat · 12 days
THEME: Kaiju Games
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@ospreyonthemoon I see your need and I answer! There's a lot of really neat Kaiju games out there.
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Kaiju Klash, by NeonRot.
Kaiju Klash is a GM'less rules light game where 2-4 kaiju battle it out in a fight for might to become top dog of the city. In the centre of the city is the Capitol Building, a huge spire that the kaiju scramble up as they slash at each other with tooth and claw.
For Kaiju Klash all you need is a D20, a D6 and a falling block game like Jenga.
Make a Kaiju and battle it out in this Gm-less strategy game. Kaiju Klash includes various Kaiju types with respective skills, and incorporates the city as more than just scenery - it’s a vital battle strategy!
On any given turn, instead of choosing to attack, your Kaiju can grab onto nearby buildings for bonuses that help your next attack. However, you’re in the middle of a fight, so you have to roll randomly for the building that you grab, and the building type will have special details that inform what happens next.
I don't know what the Jenga Tower is used for exactly, but the fact that this game uses one definitely makes it more exciting for me.
Overall, the game gives me King of Tokyo vibes, so if you like smashing through a city in a big ol’ brawl, you might like Kaiju Klash.
Caltrop Kaiju, by Button Kin Games.
A gigantic, rampaging kaiju (giant monster) has shown up in your home town and is destroying everything! You must head out to observe the kaiju to find its weakness, then pass on what you know to the military at their secret base so they can defeat this monster  - all while trying not to get eaten!
This is a solo TTRPG which can be played in ten minutes as a tense, tactical puzzle, or in a couple of hours as a journaling/story game.
This one is for the solo gamers! Caltrop Kaiju is about your tiny little character trying to survive a Kaiju attack. The game comes with a grid for you to print off, with special icons to represent specific buildings in the city. You roll 2d5 to determine where the Kaiju moves on every turn, and you’ll try to move through the city before too much of it becomes damaged for you to move through. Special locations will trigger specific effects when they get destroyed, and if you get too close to the Kaiju, you might get injured - or worse, killed.
However, you need to get close to it in order to save the day, as you’re responsible for learning the Kaiju’s weakness and communicating that weakness to people who can stop the monster. Overall, the game can play pretty quickly if you just focus on dice rolls and moving through the map, but the game also comes with instructions on how to turn the game into a journaling experience, which can draw out the story as you reflect on who your character is, why they’re following the Kaiju, and what the city means to them.
Hyperweapon, by Rookie Jet Studio.
Hyperweapon is a rules-light tabletop RPG that combines the excitement of dart blasters with a vibrant and immersive gaming experience created by you and your friends. Set in a world threatened by colossal Kaiju, players take on the roles of skilled Hunters tasked with defending humanity. These Hunters utilize real world dart blasters as their primary weapons in epic battles against these gigantic foes.
Players will embark on a journey through ancient ruins, navigate diverse landscapes, interact with all kinds of people, and ultimately face off against towering Kaiju threats. The game places a strong emphasis on collaborative storytelling and worldbuilding, allowing both players and the Game Master to contribute to the creation of the game's setting, factions, cultures, and lore.
Hyperweapon is unique in how the core of the game revolves around the guns that your characters are using to bring down gigantic Kaiju. You still roll dice to determine damage, but to see whether you hit, you have to actually shoot a foam dart at a target. On top of combat mechanics there’s also locations that change the battlefield: towns have civilians and infrastructure that are endangered by Kaiju but carry shops that the players can purchase goods at. Ruins are more dangerous to visit, containing booby traps, collapsed areas, and Kaiju - but they also hold information that may be useful.
The linked page in the title also has a link to a free Quickstart, in case you want to try before you buy. If you want a high-energy game with a neat resolution system that gives you an excuse to pull out your Nerf gun collection during game night, then you want Hyperweapon.
Dawn of the Daikaiju, by Pinnacle Entertainment.
The world changed in 1953—a radioactive monster rose from Hudson Bay to terrorize New York. Now these “daikaiju” save the world!
In Dawn of the Daikaiju, players take on the roles of giant monsters called kaiju or daikaiju (the terms are used interchangeably and both mean “giant monster”). Though daikaiju range in origin from oversized insects and dinosaurs to bio-engineered alien weapons, they somehow recognize in each other a single species. Even daikaiju from different worlds work together in packs.
Savage Worlds uses different dice sizes to represent competence, and much of the character creation process uses a point-buy system, with guidance on how many points you can spend on certain things. Characters can take on flaws to give them extra points to spend on bonuses, so there’s a balance of embracing weakness in order to boost your strengths.
Savage Worlds also has both the boon and the flaw in that it’s a system meant to cover a lot of genres. You’ll need the SWADE core rulebook in order to use this supplement, but you can also use that rulebook for many other genres. If you already own the core rulebook or know how to play the game, this is a neat option to change the tone of your current game.
The Kaiju Love You, by InnocentGoblin
Walking through the ruined streets of a massive metropolitan city, each footstep crushing another building, the weight of brick and mortar collapsing underfoot. The military prepares for battle, tanks and helicopters opening fire at the behemoth.
The florists come out to see the commotion only to see a massive foot crash down in front of them, believing their end has come they cover their eyes only to find that they are safe. The Kaiju leans down, gently drops a coin that is tiny in its massive claws, in return it takes a large bouquet. It sniffs the flowers with delight and starts walking back. 
The Kaiju has a date tonight, and it has to be perfect.
A neat twist on the Kaiju genre, this is a game not just about being a Kaiju who is fighting other Kaiju, but also being a Kaiju who is falling in love with the city they are trying to protect. Your character will be balancing between big disastrous fights against other monsters, and finding ways to romance the people of their city. The more people who love you back, the stronger you are in combat; but the more that they adore you, the harder you have to work to maintain that relationship.
Thematically, I think this is a really neat concept. Character creation feels rather simple; you have only 2 stats, which are represented by numbers that are opposite from each-other on a d8. You want to typically roll at or over your personal number, so your Kaiju will probably be better at either fighting or falling in love. Altogether, it’s a really unique take on the genre, and I think that merits checking this game out more than anything else.
Giant of Light, by RudoJudo.
Giant action in the style of Ultraman! Investigate strange goings-on, uncover mysterious aliens and ancient powers, then do battle as either a Giant Hero or Kaiju!
Giant of Light is a TTRPG for 2-6 players that can be single sessions or long campaigns. This is the first edition of the game, which uses custom-built systems to allow play at both human and giant size.  
Giant of Light is designed to replicate Ultraman, so you can play a Kaiju, but you can also play a giant hero. Your characters are meant to be protectors of your city, fighting against other supers-sized threats. Your characters have both civilian and giant forms: as civilians, you’ll be investigating the newest threat as regular civilians, and then transform into Heroes or Kaiju in order to fight your foes on an even playing field.
What’s really interesting to me is that a giant Hero and a Kaiju character are somewhat different mechanically; Heroes have an energy pool that powers elemental abilities, while Kaiju have a health bar and special abilities instead. Heroes typically have more energy to spend and can bounce back, but they need to use their energy to fuel their powers. Kaiju don’t have to spend currency to use their abilities, but their health bar makes them more susceptible to falling in battle.
If you want some more info on how the game works, I reviewed Giant of Light a while back on this very blog.
Kaiju Incorporated, by Evil Hat.
Do you have what it takes to face the hazards of mayhem, destruction, biohazardous waste, human resources, minimal career prospects, and really really big footprints?
Jump into the lives of the workers for the world’s biggest multinational Kaiju-conglomerates! Rebuilding the world following giant monster attacks takes a Kaiju-sized work-force. Do you have what it takes to face the hazards of mayhem, destruction, biohazardous waste, human resources, minimal career prospects, and really really big footprints? Find out in Kaiju Incorporated: The Roleplaying Game!
Kaiju Incorporated is usable for both Fate Core and Fate Accelerated, both of which can be found for free on the Fate SRD website. It comes with suggestions for character options and stunts that are unique to the setting, and incorporates a crew structure that the group is balanced and equipped for taking on a giant monster. There’s also GM advice to help you build a Kaiju attack, and lore to help the GM if they don’t want to build the world from scratch.
Overall, Fate is very accessible since you can access the rules for free, and you can use regular d6’s if you don’t have any Fate dice. It’s a stellar system if you value maximum character flexibility, and enjoy coming up with witty turns of phrase rather regularly. If you want a bit of taste for Kaiju Incorporated specifically, there is a lovely episode of Literal Cat Pod that goes through character creation, in which they build Peter the Kaiju Reader!
Kaiju Generator, by The Bardic Inquiry.
What is a Kaiju? To put it simply, Kaiju refers to a genre of film that originated in Japan that featured giant monsters, but it can also refer to the giant monsters themselves.
The actions of these giant monsters are typically devastating to the planet and pose a global threat. This can range from the intentional destruction of infrastructure or the combat between two giant monsters.
This generator will help you to create a Kaiju that you can use in your roleplaying adventures by utilizing 4 1d66 random tables. Can your players survive an encounter with a gigantic monster?
This isn’t really a game; it’s mostly just a monster generator, but it’s very well designed and the quality of the zine makes me excited to play a Kaiju game. I think you could use this for many of the other games on this list, or use it to add a Kaiju to a game of your choice. There’s a number of roll tables for the type of Kaiju, its special ability, its origin, and its goals. As a bonus, there’s also some guidance on creating plot hooks to get your players interested in the Kaiju plot, and creates stakes that keep them invested.
Honorable Mentions
Liminal Colossus, a supplement for Liminal Horror by Mynar Lenahan.
Hey, So… We Accidentally Turned Steve Into a Kaiju and Now He’s Trying to Eat Cleveland, by lazersarus.
I Was Going To A Picnic, But Then A Kaiju Showed Up!, by BitwiseCoyote.
Twenty, by kumada1.
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ghaniblue · 26 days
Reading List: August
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Everything I finished and enjoyed in August that's not from HD Wireless fest see below. 99% Drarry, 1 Tom/Draco and 1 RWRB fic. ❤️ denotes favourites.
>> July recs <<
❤️🙈 Alley Cat by papermonkey / @dracomort (Tom/Draco, M, 72k, WIP 13/?)
In which Draco attends Hogwarts with Tom Riddle and inadvertently saves the world.
What if Tom became Draco's best friend? I feel like the monkey emoji represents Draco in this fic: if I ignore it, it won't be real and I don't have to acknowledge it ladida. He amuses me to no end.
🏥 Nightingale by michi_thekiller (Drarry, E, 67k)
God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages. -Jacques Deval
This is canon-divergent since it was written before the books were finished. I enjoyed the dual timeline. At school they are antagonistic and fight-happy with punching turning into shagging, while the present timeline is just a little disturbing. Harry is not well in this. Draco isn't either but [spoiler].
❤️🩸 Harry Potter and the Inconvenient Condition by Mirabella (Drarry, M, 20k)
Harry comes back from vacation with an inconvenient case of vampirism and must learn to cope with blood, Malfoy, and recalcitrant secretaries. And if that doesn't tell you everything about the plot you need to know, you haven't read enough badfic.
Another oldschool fic. Vampire!Harry has a hankering for Draco's blood. This is such a fun, tropey romp. I was kicking my feet with glee.
🔮 Cassandraco by @jtimu (Drarry, T, 5k)
Harry Potter was going to die in six hours. As far as Draco was concerned, that wasn’t nearly soon enough.
This is fun. Beleaguered rescuer Draco and unwilling recuee Harry.
❤️🤒 the sun between us by @eleadore (Drarry, E, 7,5k)
Draco Malfoy, an omega. It was laughable until he was right in front of you, smelling like he was one shaky step from tripping into a heat. 
This could be just any other omegaverse PWP, but it's so dense with characterisation and layered emotion.
🏊‍♂️ Freely Given by InnerLilith + art by @kk1smet (Drarry, E, 18k + digital art)
As a young child, Harry Potter had always wanted swim lessons. He never got them. As an adult, he runs into Draco—an excellent swimmer and disconcertingly fit to boot—at a muggle pool. Naturally, he calls in his life debt for swim lessons (a totally normal thing to do, thank you very much). He gets more than he bargained for.
What a lovely @drarry-mini-bang story: hot, funny and sweet; and the art is delightful (you get built swimmer Draco and adorable chibis).
❤️👮‍♂️Rookie Moves by peu-a-peu (Drarry, E, 75k) + podfic by @sweatersinthesummer (~7h)
Aurors Potter and Malfoy crack the case.
Finally managed to read this; all the recs are justified. They are such disasters. Their characterisation is so funny and vibrant. They are both so deranged and combative. The podfic was completed half-way through my reading so I switched to listening. Such a good interpretation of this mad fic.
❤️🥍 A Sporting Chance by clottedcreamfudge (Alex/Henry, E, 12,6k)
"Marry Henry - destination wedding. Combine all of our names so paperwork is a fucking nightmare." Henry stares at him and Pez rolls the dice, and-
"Congratulations to Alex and Henry Claremont-Diaz-Fox-Mountchristen," he says with a bright grin, and Alex punches the air and makes a 'whooping' noise. "Your wedding is attended by the Beckhams, the President, and several key members of congress. Henry is very gentle on your wedding night." Henry is going to fucking kill Pez.
"Fucking sweet," Alex says, because Henry is apparently the only one here trying not to have a coronary about all of this.
It had just been a party game, except now Henry is in way over his head.
Fuckbuddies/Idiots to lovers. This Alex is such a horny chaos demon, and Henry is so in love it's visible from space. Also, Pez is a gem. I often start scrolling through repeated sex scenes but not with this fic. This story made me happy.
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najia-cooks · 5 months
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[ID: First image is circular loaf of bread with multiple groups of lines circling in towards the center; second image is a cross-section of the same loaf, showing cranberries. End ID]
Braided loaf with candied orange peel, cranberries, and thyme
This is an unenriched bread with a well-developed crust and a tight crumb. Inclusions of candied orange peel and cranberry add sweetness and tartness, which thyme backs up with a hint of woodsy complexity. The loaf itself is a showstopper, with the sugar surrounding the translucent orange peel glistening at the surface, and the vibrant contrast of cranberry and thyme swirling throughout the braided wreath.
This recipe and technique can be combined with any other combination of dried fruit, nut, or woodsy herb you can imagine.
Recipe under the cut!
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Makes one large loaf.
3 1/2 cups (540g) bread flour
2 tsp active dry yeast
2 tsp table salt
About 1 1/4 cup (355mL) water
1/3 cup (65g) dried cranberries (sweetened or unsweetened, to taste)
1/3 cup (65) candied orange peel, diced (or mixed peel)
4 Tbsp non-dairy margarine, softened
2 Tbsp fresh thyme
1. Mix flour, yeast, and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add water until dough comes together into a soft, non-sticky dough.
2. Knead the dough for 5-10 minutes, until smooth and elastic.
3. Place dough in a clean, lightly oiled bowl and cover. Allow to rise until doubled in size, 1-2 hours.
4. Roll dough out into a rectangle of about 12 x 16" (30 x 40cm) and sprinkle orange peel and cranberries over the surface. Fold the dough in thirds like an envelope, pressing to seal around the inclusions.
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5. Roll dough out again into a rectangle about the same size as before. Spread the surface of the dough with softened margarine, then top with thyme.
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6. Roll dough up tightly, starting from the long side.
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7. Using a sharp knife, cut the dough log in half lengthwise, leaving a small piece together at one end.
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9. Twist the two halves of the dough together so that the pleats formed by rolling and cutting the dough face upwards.
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9. Form the twisted rope into a circle or knot, pressing the two ends ogether to seal.
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10. Transfer to a prepared baking sheet and cover. Allow to rise another 45 minutes, or until noticeably puffy.
11. Bake in the middle of the oven at 350 °F (175 °C) for 20-25 minutes, until the top is golden brown.
12. Cover the top of the dough with aluminum foil and continue cooking another 30-40 minutes, until the dough is fully cooked and the loaf sounds hollow when the bottom is tapped on.
13. Allow the loaf to cool in the open, turned-off oven, for the best crust.
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pedgito · 2 years
i think we need a blurb of eddie with a tounge piercing bc that scenario and your writing skills combined would make a great story i believe (if you want ofc)
author’s note: i wrote this while violently ill, but the whore in me never quits and the idea of Eddie with a tongue piercing has me foaming at the mouth, so thank you for this.
cw: 18+ (minors dni), both reader and eddie have a tongue piercing, harmless coercing, established friendship, oral (f&m receiving), eddie is such a cute best friend to reader, kinda friends with benefits if you squint.
word count: 4.3k
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Eddie’s fascinated when he sees it for the first time—a small peek at your mouth as your lips clasp over the straw of your drink. Eddie nearly chokes on the fry in his mouth, gathering strange looks from you and the rest of his friends. From the outside, he would’ve never expected it. It seemed like an odd first choice for a piercing, since you hadn’t a mere scratch on the outside, not even an ear piercing to suggest that you liked the idea of them, though even that was pretty tame. But a tongue piercing? Eddie couldn’t explain the visceral reaction is caused, it was something you picked up on secretly—stuffing that information for later.
He finds the courage a week later to say something, a momentary bathroom break from your weekly D&D game—everyone had left but you and Eddie. His hands are interlocked, settled close to his mouth, one foot propped up in the chair, forearm resting against his knee. He points, something you catch out of the corner of your eye, fiddling with the dice in your hands.
“When did you—“ Eddie motions to his mouth, almost scared to ask, like you were going to bite him if he did—which wasn’t off the table, but it was nice to watch him squirm, “—your tongue?”
“It’s been six months, Eddie,” You say flippantly, surprised he didn’t notice sooner, “—what—do you want to see it or something?”
Eddie shrugs nonchalantly, “I didn’t want to seem weird by asking—“
You drop the dice with a loud, jarring noise, turning fully for Eddie to see, parting your lips for your tongue to jut out, showing off the silver bar topped with a black jewel, a vibrant constant to the pale pink of your tongue. Eddie’s kind of mesmerized, if he’s being honest.
“Does it hurt?” Eddie asks curiously, hand tensing at his lap. You laugh slightly, tongue still hanging slightly out of your mouth.
“No,” You tell him honestly, “Do you—wanna feel it?”
There’s probably some underlying tension there, but neither of you address it. He doesn’t answer outright, but you can sense the curiosity.
Eddie reaches a tentative finger forward, shiny skull rink covering most of it, he curls it slightly, letting you guide his finger over the jewelry, pushing it around gently. It feels weird, ticklish, and you laugh, teeth grazing his finger.
“It doesn’t bother you?” Eddie asks, a small dismissive head shake from you in response.
“You get used to it,” You shrug and Eddie’s eyes narrow slightly, still mostly staring at your mouth instead of your eyes, like he usually does. “Just ask Eddie—I know you want to.”
Had the room been full of everyone else, he would’ve chickened out—but you’re expecting it, so he does ask.
“Does it—have you, like—“ It was an attempt, at least.”
“Gone down on someone?” You finish with a subtle pull at your lips, smiling at his embarrassment. Eddie’s seen you in plenty of questionable situations, and you him, so it really made no sense. “I didn’t take you for a perv—but yeah, I have.”
Eddie rolls his eyes at the comment, knowing you mean no harm in it, “I’ve just heard it feels—good, you know?”
“I wouldn’t know,” You laugh softly, “—I’ve never been on the receiving end, but from what I hear—it’s just a person to person basis.”
Eddie is the least subtle person you’ve ever met.
“You’re curious, aren’t you?” You ask teasingly, poking gently at his thigh.
Eddie doesn’t shift his leg away, practically leaning into the touch. “No—no, what the hell?” It’s all entirely unconvincing.
Your head tilts slightly, knees tucked up to your chest as you lean forward, “Eddie, do you want to find out?”
“Find out?”
“How good it feels—I can,” You motion toward his groin, his leg shifted strategically to angle away from you, “—if you’re really that intrigued.”
“That’s funny.” Eddie smiles impishly, nose scrunching at the movement. “Good one, sweetheart.”
Your face drops slightly, “I wasn’t joking, Eddie.”
You’ve never seen him pale so quickly, face stone cold and void of any emotion. But, there was a catch—one that would deem that certain experience he wanted impossible.
“But—I’m curious too,” You admit to him, “—so, I’ll do it under one condition.”
Eddie takes the bait, “Which is?”
“You have to get your tongue pierced too.”
Eddie’s life was made in haste decisions; this was no different.
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Eddie brings up his decision a week later, your eyes widened and mouth slack as it hung open. Eddie laughed at your initial reaction, tipping your chin slightly to close your mouth.
“I wasn’t being serious, Eddie.” You say, chasing after him as he led the way to his van, “Eddie—what are you—“
He was your only ride home, so you had no choice but to follow. Eddie’s fingers loop around your wrist lightly, dragging you alongside him, his arm slung over your shoulder when he pulls you close enough.
“I already made the appointment, can’t back out now.” He admits, shrugging his unoccupied shoulder.
“You know—I get that being impulsive can be a good thing, but Eddie, I mean—I was just joking with you.”
Impulsivity was Eddie’s strong suit—if you were ever unsure or scared to do something, Eddie was always the first one to reaffirm you; he’d never let you try something you felt weird about without trying it himself first. He also liked to show up at your house on a whim, always bringing you random things that reminded him of you—a key chain with stars plastered against a night sky because you enjoyed midnight talks on the roof of his van, a little elf that resembled your D&D character (it turned into your permanent figurine during games), and even being as sweet as to visit you with snacks during a late night of homework—just because; Eddie didn’t participate in the homework part, but the snacks were definitely devoured equally.
“I mean—I’m surprised you didn’t notice for as long as we’ve been friends, I didn’t really try to hide it,” You explain, “I just don’t want you feeling pressure or obligated to do this because of some stupid joke I made.”
“Well, I don’t make it a point to stare at your mouth all the time,” Eddie confesses, unlocking his van and opening the passenger side door to let you in, ever the gentleman he was, “—honestly thought we were closer than that, sweetheart—it kinda hurts.”
You give him an annoyed look, eyebrow raised in testing, waiting to see if he’d push the guilt further. He doesn’t, fortunate for him.
“Besides—I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.” He shrugs before disappearing, showing up at the driver's side only seconds later, “And I need my moral support buddy.”
“You’re scared.” You deduce, the engine roaring to life, music blasting from the speaker like usual.
“Absolutely.” Eddie agrees, falling into his usual head bop to the gritty beat of whatever song was playing on the radio—and you’re almost sure he’s fucking with you until you pull into shop, doubling as both a tattoo and piercing place. You’ve never seen it before.
“It’s the same place I’ve been getting my tats for the past two years,” Eddie explains, he sees the weary look on your face, adding, “it’s safe, I swear.”
“I hope so,” You reply softly, “unless you feel like losing a tongue.”
Eddie chuckles, a slight head shake at your sudden inability to trust him, but there is no turning back now, not with Eddie barreling into the shop before you can try to change his mind, scrambling out of the van to chase after him.
The shop is loud and crass and overwhelming, to be polite, but it’s the type of environment Eddie thrives in—you follow behind closely and he senses your discomfort, slipping his fingers into your own to soothe the anxiety—it helps, but not by much.
And Eddie was as physical as physical could be, it was how he showed affection, care—it was his love language and his friendship language, along with the showering of gifts—but you had a sense that was only reserved for you. Dustin didn’t even rank that high, which was a hard relationship to beat. Eddie and him were like siblings—it was important to distinguish that dynamic was not familiar between you and Eddie, not by a long shot. Eddie always lingered on the idea of whether touching you in certain situations would be too overwhelming, come off as crude and misguided, so he tried to follow your lead—but hand holding, that was never off limits.
The process is quick, seemingly painless aside from the small noise the leaves Eddie’s throat as the clamp tightens against his tongue, but that’s the worst part—he barely even remembers the needle going through before the jewelry is slid in, a much long bar than your own to accommodate the swelling that would follow.
“You’re insane.” You comment, helping Eddie through his sudden head rush, squeezing your hand to keep him steady. He moves his tongue back into his mouth carefully, offering you a flashy smile. “I mean—completely fucking insane.”
You return the smile anyways—Eddie appreciated the push, even if it wasn’t initially serious; the idea had always intrigued him, but sticking to tattoos was his thing.
This way, he could still hide it if he wanted to—not that it would work against you; but there was that lingering promise and as much as you kept telling yourself it was a joke, you could help but think about Eddie between your thighs, piercing or not.
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Eddie is nothing short of a whining baby the few days following, tongue swelling half its size and unable to snack on his usual food without the fear of accidentally biting his own tongue. It’s a lot of soothing on your end, assuring him that it would pass quicker than he would be able to notice.
“The mouth heals quickly,” You explain to him, throwing a stray M&M in his direction, “a few weeks and you’ll be fine.”
By the end of the initial healing, Eddie is already bugging you to help him switch the jewelry out; he picked out a fully blacked out pierce, bar and all—fitting, but now your fingers were rubbing against his tongue and you had forced yourself in his lap to keep him still—and oh, those were definitely his hands against your thighs, the heat of his breath hitting your fingertips as he tried to speak, not understanding a word he says.
“If you keep talking I’m gonna accidentally drop this down your throat,” You warn, untwisting the piercing to replace it with the new one, “—stop—stay still—here, just breathe through your nose.”
It was like trying to wrangle a toddler.
“Ha, there,” You say triumphantly, making sure the ball is safely screwed on before letting go, finger tapping the underside of his chin to close his mouth, “let’s see.”
Eddie sticks his tongue out, the flat expanse of it spilling over his chin—and if that wasn’t a sight to behold, you weren’t sure what was. If there was any inclination that you were turned on, Eddie didn’t sense it.
“We’re matching now,” You laugh softly, sticking your tongue out for him to take a glance at—Eddie pokes at the soft flesh of your tongue playfully before shoving you away from his lap, your legs falling lazily against the bed, laid out on your back as he turned to you, “so, what’s your consensus?”
Eddie makes a face, head pulling back slightly in confusion.
“Oh my god,” You mumble, forgetting that Eddie wasn’t the brightest person in the world and sometimes your vocabulary flew over his head, “what do you think of it? Was it worth it?”
Eddie nods thoughtfully, “Yeah—I do, it’s nice—why—why is that your only piercing?”
“It’s easy to hide.” You shrug, “I mostly just like the look of it—but you have to be careful about playing with it. It can chip your teeth.”
Almost by coincidence, Eddie had the bar pulled between his teeth, quickly letting go at the words, checking his teeth for damages—there weren’t any, but he’d never thought about that.
Eddie’s drumming his fingers against the blanket, pulling at the frayed threads of your cover that was much too old—he’s silent, contemplating. You reach over to calm his insistently moving fingers, hand wrapping around his own.
“What’s up?” You ask softly, his eyes pulling up slightly to look at you. There’s a small shake of his head, not bothering to answer you audibly. Your finger wraps gently around the chain of his necklace, pulling at the guitar key until he can’t ignore you.
“You never shut up around me,” You tease, his hand wrapping around your wrist to loosen your grip on his necklace, he’s leaned closer now, arms resting just by the side of your head as he hovers over, running the soft strands through his fingers, “what’s the problem?”
“We’ve been friends for a long time,” Eddie starts quietly, “and I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable—“
“Eddie,” You laugh softly, “I was joking about that—you don’t need to feel obligated now that you have one too.”
Eddie shakes his head, face scrunched up in frustration.
“No—I, uh—can I kiss you?”
It’s not the first thing you’re extracting to hear, but you’re definitely not opposed to it—you’ve only ever kissed him one other time, in a weed induced high, the first time you ever smoked weed with him. He still remembers it, the soft noises you make when he pressed harder and harder, letting him press you into the mattress until your body felt like mush and your nose burned with the stench of weed.
You leaned onto your arm, meeting him halfway—he pulled back slightly, apprehensive that you might reject him—and it’s not that he would mind, but he wasn’t sure he could suffer the embarrassment of being turned away by his best friend after being so vulnerable with them.
“Is it because you’re curious about how it feels?” You ask, titling your head slightly to peer up at him, “Or because you just want to kiss me?”
Eddie chuckles, button lip pulled between his teeth as he chews, a horrible bad habit of his. “Both—I guess, but more of the second one.”
You nod gently, thumb nudging his lip from his mouth gently, your own chin tilting up to meet him. “Then quit wasting time and do it.”
He’s on you in seconds—slow, despite his eagerness, a soft gentle press of his lips as you both inhale, eyes falling shut for a moment, savoring in the feeling.
Eddie’s timid in a way, scared that you might change your mind—but that wasn’t even in your realm of choices, you give him a soft encouragement, hoping they soothes his worry.
“More,” You sigh, mouth opening up along with his, tongues bumping against each other teasingly, Eddie makes a small noise, leaning forward to drop his arm over your side, guiding the smooth expanse of your thigh up and over his waist, “—hmm,” You chide disapprovingly, “—more, Eddie.”
He really needed to stop holding back.
So he did, startling you by shifting your weight with ease, settling your legs on either side of his hips, his hands disappearing into the hair at the nape of your neck, guiding your mouth back toward his.
“What about your homework?” Eddie says against your lips, tongue peeking out to tease your top lip, him pulling away just as you lean in. There was a forgotten pile of books in your bed and you couldn’t care less about this right now. “I don’t want to distract you.”
“You distract me every time you’re around me, Eddie.” You admit with a soft laugh, reaching forward to seal your mouth over his, putting an end to his teasing.
Eddie flicks his tongue out testingly, metal clanking against metal as you returned the action, a small moan slipping from your lips as Eddie’s hands move toward your ass, squeezing until you’re moving to your knees, front pressed directly against him—it gave you height advantage, hand winding into his curls to pull softly, angling his head the way you wanted it.
“That feels weird,” Eddie chuckles lightly, tongue slipping out to lick against your own, a messy kiss full of spit and haste, a tension building between you two that had been there far too long, “—kinda like it though.”
You laugh breathlessly, head thrown back in relief as he trailed open mouthed kisses down your neck, the familiar tingle of cold pressing against your skin.
“Do you—do you still want to—“ Eddie nips lightly at the underside of your chin, distracting you far too much, “Eddie—hey—“
“Hmm?” Eddie hums, eyes peeking open to look at you, dark and mesmerizing as you stare back at him.
“You with me?” You ask curiously, receiving a subtle nod of his head. “Okay, good.”
Eddie pulls back further, admiring your flushed face, cheeks hot from exertion. “We don’t have to.” He assures you, but you two were in far too deep to back out now.
“Eddie—I made a promise,” You laugh, albeit it has always been a joke—Eddie followed through and it only seemed fair, “so—are you gonna let me suck your dick or not?”
Eddie can’t contain himself at your crassness, eyebrows disappearing behind his bangs in surprise—he didn’t think you had it in you, to ask, but you were constantly surprising him.
“I don’t even think you need to ask,” Eddie laughs slightly, “—hell yeah.”
“Just wanted to make sure.” You shrug, sliding gently off of his lap and onto the soft carpet of your floor. Eddie leans back, hands stuck out behind him, watching you work with his belt, metal clanking as you yanked the leather from its hold, opening it just enough to unbutton his jeans. Eddie aids you slightly as he wiggles his hips, allowing you to pull his jeans and underwear down in one go.
And you’d never thought about Eddie’s dick, not really—at least not how it looked, but perhaps it being inside you, that was a different story. He’s fully hard at this point, clearly affected by all the kissing that he didn’t need any extra help in that department, his cock leaning up toward his belly, small bead of precum leaking from the tip. Eddie adjusts his shirt slightly, pulling it higher up his chest, watching you watch him. It was entirely too fascinating to see him like this, already fucked out and you haven’t even got your mouth around him.
You grab his cock in your hand, the soft, warm flesh molding into your palm, giving him a few soft tugs, just testing his response—he closes his eyes, head leaned back. If he looked at you, this would be over in ten seconds, and he couldn’t have that.
You lean forward tentatively, taking the tip into your mouth teasingly, tongue flat against the flesh as you sucked gently. Eddie’s hands squeeze at his sides, the muscles in his stomach tightening before your eyes, you lean down further, hitting your tongue out of your mouth in show, hoping he would look—he does, barely, as you lick a stripe from the base of his cock to the tip, earning a strangled groan from Eddie.
“Is it okay?” You ask softly, taking him fully into your mouth for a moment, bobbing your head at a slow rhythm.
“Never—never, uh—I’ve never—” Eddie says on shaky breath, wide eyes staring down at you, you pull back slowly, and Eddie would come right there, but he’s desperate trying to hold off.
“Is this the first time anyone’s ever given you a blowjob?” You ask in shock, “Eddie—you could’ve told me.”
“It’s embarrassing.” He laughs slightly, watching you lean back down to tease him, the flat of your tongue pressing against the underside of his cock, the cold sting of your piercing makes his cock twitch against your tongue—there’s no way he’s going to last as long as he hoped for.
“Not embarrassing,” You assure him, “would've been nice to know though—now I feel like I’m corrupting you.”
Eddie gives you an absurd look, knowing how ridiculous it sounds coming from you. You swallow him down quickly, earning a strained, “Fuck.” as his legs spread wider, giving you more room to move, your hand joining in alongside your mouth, and it’s all overwhelming—Eddie squeezing his eyes shut, panting through his quickly creeping high, moaning with every stroke of your mouth, the small tingle of the piercing against the underside of his cock was barely noticeable, but there—he wanted to spill himself over your tongue, your face, too ashamed to admit it out loud.
“Fuck—I’m close,” Eddie struggles to say, gently nudging your head away, a polite warning, but you can’t be bothered, “I’m gonna come—move, sweetheart.”
You shake your head fervently, guiding his own hand to his dick, letting your mouth fall open, tongue sliding against his tip gently—Eddie doesn’t need you to explain or assure him, tugging at himself in quick, hurried strokes. It doesn’t take long, a few more seconds and he’s spilling into your mouth, coming on a long, drawn out groan as you swallow—it really should feel as visceral as it does, but Eddie can’t help it. He’s never met anyone like you.
“Holy shit,” Eddie deduces when he finally gains his bearings, tucking himself back into his pants, “—that was—“
“Good, I hope.” You remark, wiping the side of your mouth. Eddie laughs softly, using his finger to wipe away the small bit of drill that had accumulated down your chin, and his touch lingers.
“As long as I can return the favor,” Eddie decides, thumb rubbing at your tender bottom lip, “or try to, at least.”
“You sure?” You ask hesitantly, still sitting on your knees below him. “We don’t have to.”
“There’s no fucking way you’re gonna give me head without allowing me to return the favor,” Eddie says with finality, a sudden urge to make himself clear, “that’s absurd.”
“Absurd?” You say teasingly, “I didn’t know you felt that way.”
“I should warn you though—I’ve only done it one other time, so if it does suck—“
“I’ll help you.” You assure him, letting him pull at your arms until you’re toppling over him, his large hands spreading over your back, the cold bite of his rings digging into your skin.
“I got an idea, actually.” Eddie smiles, fumbling around with the button of your jeans, “Take your pants off.”
You strip quickly, letting Eddie assist you in the struggle of getting out of your clothes, panties going with—Eddie wants to stop, admire your body, but he’s almost too eager, hauling you up and over his chest, until your cunt is nearly settled over his mouth.
“Are you sure?” You ask with a slight breathlessness, fingers finding their way into his hair, pushing his bangs away from his face.
“Positive.” He nods eagerly, his fingers digging into the tops of your thighs, spreading your legs wider, “—you can come closer, I’m not gonna bite.”
You scoot forward hesitantly, met with the eager mouth that belonged to Eddie, flat of his tongue swiping through your folds, earning a loud gasp as your hands hit your headboard, almost falling forward at the sudden movement.
“A warning would’ve been nice.” You chide, the faint chuckle from Eddie gave you the inclination that he didn’t care, licking broad stripes over you cunt, the tip of his piercing catch your clit, you whine soft, “Fuck—do that again.”
And Eddie’s a great listener, you’ve learned, repeating the motion over and over again until you can’t handle it, yanking harshly at his hair, using the control to rub your cunt against his face without restraint—you’re so caught up in the pleasure high that you forget that Eddie wanted to be the one to provide you with release—though, you sure he doesn’t mind. By the looks of his blissed out face, eyes barely able to stay open, he’s enjoying himself a little too much, the glide of his tongue against your cunt was nothing short of filthy.
“Tell me what to do,” Eddie says against you, mouth muffled by the quick movements of your cunt, “—fuck, just tell me and I’ll do it, whatever you say.”
“Up—“ Eddie moves his mouth up a minuscule amount, just over your clit, “right there—just use your tongue.”
The stark black of his jewelry peeks out, flicking his tongue in hurried movements against your clit, causing you to let out a high pitched moan, hips rocking involuntarily.
“Don’t stop,” You beg, “Gonna come—fuck, keep going, please.”
Eddie alternates between quick flicks and sucks, the familiar pulsating of your cunt, mumbling soft praises as you rode out your orgasm against his mouth, the obscene sound of his mouth as it dipped into your slick, sticky and wet as he pulled back, mouth covered in wetness.
“Only one other time my ass,” You call his bluff, unfortunately for Eddie, everything he said was true. “Jesus Christ, Eddie.”
“So, it wasn’t bad?” Eddie asks through soft pants, letting you wiggle back down his chest, palms planted firmly against his pecs, firm underneath your hand. You offer a loud laugh, almost in disbelief.
“I’ve never come from someone eating me out,” You admit, “if that’s any indication.”
“Oh, wow.” Eddie answers softly, a small surge of pride running through him. “So what’s your opinion then?”
“On the piercing?” You ask in amusement, “God—who the fuck cares—I need you to keep you around forever if you can make me come that easily.”
“I was gonna say it was actually kinda nice.” Eddie shrugs slightly, “That and it already looks good on you—so I don’t really have any complaints.”
“Worth it, then?” You ask curiously.
Eddie chuckles, leaning forward to bite gently at your hip, causing you to squeal out, curling over his body. He pulls back, peering up at you from where you’re positioned over him.
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