#vick rants
thedigitalvalkerie · 1 year
Alrighty then...
If I'm going to make a comic, and keep to it, I cannot stress over the details and such. the main story line is fine for planning. go with my gut for layouts. it doesn't need to be perfect, it will still be liked by someone.
Lets go, Phoenix Rising!
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... I'm going to try my best, I'm sorry in advance.
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@transfemwerefox (about Vick) fun fact they actually conducted their own top surgery as a random impulsive 3am idea. They were just feeling Extra Super Trans and wanted to see if they could do it, just for funsies <3
He also actually did a pretty decent job at it, but like you said, he is quite accident-prone and an unsteady hand has led to many scars in the past while attempting various surgeries. He also has done a couple gender-affirming surgeries on friends, if they ask nicely!
And they can do the same to you! for a price, of course >:3 (your dignity and a few of your teeth. He needs it for a thing.)
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amalgamgooze · 4 months
feelin' sick
Of course I get sick today-ish. Come on.
This was supposed to be my weekend, where I finally did productive things like work on a game again and write some music!
But nope. The powers that be have decided my throat is gonna ache all day and my nose is gonna be stuffy and shit.
Oh well.
All I can do right now is rest up and hope it's not as bad when I wake up.
I got a kickass idea for the game I wanna work on.
Totally new idea that I workshopped today at school in under an hour.
I love it.
Not gonna share anything yet until I actually start working on the game, though.
That's not the point.
I'm just really proud of myself for writing the bulk of the game's setting/scenario in such a short amount of time.
...it's worth noting that this is a "lesser game" that I'll be making to get feedback on systems I want to implement into my "big game". I don't imagine that this game'll be super long--it'll probably be at 5-10 hours playtime max, if even that much.
Again though, it's a really nice scenario. A pretty fantastic skeleton that I can sculpt into a meaningful story as well!
I have to be successful with my games in the next four years or I'll be doomed to a life of engineering!
Or, at least, that's how it feels somewhat. I know it's not true, but I'm painfully aware of the fact that time's running out and I've made very few games yet.
As I prepare to graduate high school in just a few weeks, I'm making a mental inventory of everything that I've got going for and against me in my dream of making my "big game".
And it's an interesting list.
I've put a lot of time mastering the individual skills that can contribute to a good game--from coding and problem solving to writing and music composition (and character design!). The majority of my high school classes were selected with these in mind--I wouldn't have taken Music Theory, Art, or Imaginative Writing if I weren't trying to make games.
But in the realm of actual game development, I'm a little lacking. I've only released a handful of games (just three if I'm not forgetting any), with only one game that I'm really super proud of.
I also know next to nothing about marketing and distribution. But those are hurdles I'll clear once I've got a game worthy of marketing.
But I don't know how talking about how I feel like crap right now spiraled into a reflection of where I am game-dev-wise right now.
I still feel like shit.
So I'm going to wrap this up and head to sleep.
See all of you around.
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thespiritssaidso · 5 months
Psych incorrect quotes: a series (cont.🍝🦑🪥) (Warning: there will be Shassie)
Juliet: Make her pussy wet not her eyes.
Lassiter: Make his dick hard not his life.
Shawn: Break her bed not her heart.
Gus: Play with her boobs not her feelings.
Chief Vick: Get on his dick not his nerves.
Woody: Always salt your pasta while boiling it.
Gus, watching the news: Some idiot started a fight with a squid at the aquarium.
Shawn, covered in ink: Maybe the squid was being a dick.
*after Shassie first kiss*
Shawn: *ranting to Gus about how amazing the kiss was*
Lassiter: *when Juliet asked* Ehh. It was fine. He'd brushed his teeth, at least. Anyways-
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b99andsoc · 2 months
Shawn’s deadpan “Praise be!” When Selene says she’s the one who’s pregnant in Psych 2 is up there when in Lassie Did a Bad Bad Thing (I believe) he’s ranting about how the shrink who did Lassie’s psych profile is probably a fake and Vick says it’s done by his mother and Shawn just goes “Oh sweet baby J”
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arachnixe · 3 months
Dinner's On Me
(Part 3 of Night’s Longing - Previous: A Better Family)
(CW for the usual vampire blood and death stuff, but also sexual intimidation and cannibalism)
The man shouting at me imagines himself to be someone important. Though I barely pay attention to his ranting and raving, I gather that my error has not only inconvenienced him, it is but the first domino in a chain reaction that will end with his company collapsing, people losing their jobs, and the entire United States economy falling into ruin, all because I neglected the extra shot of espresso in his extra large caramel turtle mocha.
His words wash over me without impact while I fantasize about sinking my teeth into his neck and drinking every last drop of blood in his body.
“But you’re not even a vampire,” my boss Amber might say, “so why would you do that?”
“Because blood tastes fucking great, and he was getting on my nerves, just like you.” And then I’d drink her blood too.
Oops, I must have accidentally smiled at that thought, because this guy is turning even redder. I have found that the best way to infuriate an already angry asshole is to respond inappropriately—that is to say, without cowering in fear—to getting berated. Ah, well. I zone out for the remainder of his rant before offering an insincere apology and a promise to remake the drink. The dude gets his extra shot of espresso, and I make sure the whole thing is decaf.
Finally I get a break to check my messages.
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“I’m not paying you to text on the clock, Ms. Boltman.”
I look up and scan the store for customers, seeing absolutely nobody here but the two of us. It is almost closing time, after all. Glancing back at my boss, she seems even more annoyed, as if I had deliberately insulted her by daring to look around for something to do.
“Smart-ass, huh? Well, since you’re too blind to find the work I’m paying you to do, let me help you out.” She points to a bulging pile in the back room. “See those garbage bags? They need to be taken out to the dumpster. Think you can handle that?”
“Yes, ma’am. Can do.”
I haul several bags outside while my boss does whatever it is she does to start prepping the store for close. The night air is pleasantly cool, so this isn’t too bad a chore, honestly. Also… is that her car?
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Bending down, I unscrew the valve cap on one of the tires and use the tip of my pocket knife to press on the stem until enough air hisses out to leave the thing completely flat. I figure even if she has a spare with air in it, there’s no chance Amber knows how to change her own tire.
“Shit! Shit, shit, shit! When did I last…? Ugh!” My boss stomps her foot on the ground in a display of frustration that comes across as kind of goofy and immature for a manager of a coffee shop, a woman in her forties, almost twice my age.
Huh. Actually, that puts her at about the same age as Vicks and Liz, now that I think about it. Weird to consider that my besties are closer in age to my boss than to me.
“Something wrong, Amber?” I make my voice sound as innocent as possible.
“Yes. It is.” She bites the words off. “I’ll have to call a tow truck or something. Shit. I’m going to be here all night.”
I sigh heavily as though contemplating my options for a moment, trying not to appear too eager. Dragging my words in an imitation of reluctance, I say, “I’ve got friends picking me up soon.”
Amber casts a look of uncertainty my way but says nothing.
“If you’d like, we could give you a lift home, and then you won’t be stranded here at least.”
I watch her weighing her options. Still, it’s clear that the idea of getting a night’s sleep and calling for a tow or a friend in the morning sounds more appealing than the alternative, so she nods her agreement. “Alright. Look, I appreciate the favor a lot.”
“Of course, you’d do the same for me, right?”
It takes her a moment to respond. “Right.” A look of guilt crosses her face then, as if she just now realizes for the first time what an asshole she’s been to me every single shift. “I know I’ve been hard on you, but you know it’s nothing personal, right? It’s just a lot of hard work keeping this store in good shape, and I have to make sure everyone’s on the same page and working together as a team.”
“Oh yeah sure I get it,” I say absent-mindedly, watching a dented Honda pull into the parking lot.
Liz, in the driver’s seat, rolls down her window. “Hey, good looking. Who’s your friend?”
“This is my boss, our damsel in distress this evening.”
Amber gives an awkward wave. “Hi. Uh, thanks for this.”
“Happy to help,” Liz replies, giving my boss an appraising look that barely hides her hunger. “Hop in the back. I’ve got some junk up front in the passenger’s seat.”
Vicky’s in the back too, selflessly taking the center seat so that Amber, behind the driver, will be effectively pinned between the two when the time comes. We pile in, the doors lock, and the car takes off.
“So, what side of town are you?”
“You know the Greenwood neighborhood?”
Huh. Who knew we lived close to each other. Maybe if Amber weren’t so shitty, we could’ve shared a ride sometimes. It’d be a lot faster for me than waiting on the buses, which don’t even come that often at this time of the evening.
Vicky claps her on the shoulder in an overfamiliar way that inspires a flinch from my boss. “Hey, that’s where we’re headed anyway.”
“Oh! I’m glad you don’t have to go out of your way on my account.” Amber sounds a touch less embarrassed now, but she grimaces uncomfortably at how closely Vicky leans toward her, how her hand lingers near Amber’s neck. It’s astonishing how meek she becomes around people she has no formal authority over.
“On the contrary, I want to extend an extra invitation to you.” Vicky’s voice is breathy, and she grins in a particular way I’ve grown quite familiar with. Some vampiric urges really can’t be controlled. “I think I speak for all of us when I say we’d love to have you for dinner.”
Amber squirms in her seat. “Oh no, that really won’t be necessary, thank you, no.”
Liz presses. “I insist! I cannot allow you to turn us down for fear of being a pain in the neck. I promise, our necks will be just fine.”
My boss’s eyes dart back and forth before clinging to me with a pleading look that begs me to help her escape. The help I offer is not for her.
“Yeah, c’mon, Amber.” I smile at my boss. “I’ve joined them before and find all their meals to die for.”
Vicky turns and high-fives me for that one while Amber grows more uneasy, whether at the increasingly obnoxious vampire puns or at the feeling of being trapped with aggressive dykes who won’t take no for an answer. She shuts down completely, seeming to physically shrink away from the rest of us.
I’ve gotten so used to the two of them that I kind of forgot just how predatory both sisters are. They seem to be feeding off of Amber’s discomfort. I catch Liz licking her lips as if tasting the fear in the air. I lean on Vicky’s shoulder, twirling her hair around my finger in a performance of comfort with one of the women making Amber sweat, just so that she knows exactly how alone she is here.
The vampire’s excitement radiates from her. Vicky looks my way with mischief in her eyes and starts unbuttoning my jeans.
My boss notices, staring in our direction. Her eyes meet mine again, and I maintain eye contact, taking satisfaction in her rising discomfort bordering on alarm at the exhibitionism on display. Vicky’s hand slides toward my crotch, her cool fingers warming quickly once they’ve slipped inside me. Amber says nothing. All she can do is stare at me, watching my lips part, watching me gasp and shudder while a woman who knows just what I like works her hand rhythmically between my legs.
It’s not until after I climax that I notice the car has stopped moving. Amber shakes herself out of her daze, apparently noticing the same thing at the same time.
“We’re here, little morsel.”
“Wait. This isn’t my home. Where are we? This isn’t my home!” She tries the handle, but the door doesn’t open. Alarm turns to panic, and she starts frantically jerking the handle, clawing at the door to find a manual unlock. Oh, we really unnerved her, didn’t we? “Let me out. Please, let me out. Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out!“
With a click I hear Liz unlock the door. Ah, she wants to chase her prey, I see. On cue, our victim bolts from the car. The rest of us take our time exiting into the empty parking lot of the practically dead shopping mall near my apartment.
The woman is terribly out of shape. Even I could chase her down at a modest jog. For a pair of vampires, their speed supernaturally enhanced beyond human limits, she might as well be standing still. In the space of a single breath, Liz is already in front of her, grabbing her by the wrist.
To her credit, Amber decides to go down fighting. She takes a swing, landing a solid hit on Liz’s face. Unfortunately for her, both sisters are well-fed vampires, and the punch lands with all the impact of a gentle breeze. In a blink Vicky is right there to grab the woman’s other arm. Fuck, it’s satisfying to watch my shitty boss struggle in vain against these two beauties, the moon highlighting the perfect curves of their bodies. Their bared fangs gleam in the same light, a threat and a promise and symbol of the absolute perfection they represent.
Liz goes first, sinking her teeth into the soft flesh of Amber’s inner forearm. I catch up just in time to get a detailed look at how my beloved friend’s eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Come here, babe. I know what you want.” She grabs me by the back of my head and pulls me into a kiss, spitting a mouthful of blood for me to eagerly gulp down. The way she just ogles my swallowing makes my face flush with heat. “Before meeting you, I never knew how hot it would be to watch a human drink blood like we do, but it really never gets old.” She exhales a deep breath with naked lust. “You get nothing out of this. You’re just a filthy pervert who wants so desperately to join us.”
We all ignore our victim’s pitiful mewling while Vicky goes right for the neck. She drinks deeply before pulling me over to share with me in a sloppy, messy kiss while her sister takes her turn with dinner again. Even as she drinks, Liz never peels her eyes away from the way I desperately kiss blood from her sister’s mouth. My still-unbuttoned jeans fall away from my hips as I get passed back and forth and back and forth between my favorite pair of sisters. Amber dies, and her blood is on all our hands, and our hands are all over each other, making a sticky mess of our clothes and skin.
They pin me to the cold concrete, Vicky sitting on my face and putting my best skills to good use while Liz grinds on my thigh, using me like a toy to get herself off.
Yet even after they finish, we’re still not done.
“More.” Vicky licks her hands, savoring the last wet drops of Amber. “This is such a good start to the evening, but I’m really in a mood to gorge myself and get fucked senseless.”
“Agreed.” Liz helps me to my feet but doesn’t let me go, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me against her body to idly play with me while discussing what’s next on the agenda. I try to offer a suggestion—myself as dessert—but Liz silences me by pushing two fingers between my lips, pumping them in and out while I drool over her hand. “And I need to make Hanna do something really fucked up while I watch.”
“I’m thinking of what you said earlier. Why not tonight?”
I try to speak, but all that comes out is a muffled question mark.
“We’re going to your apartment, babe.” Liz answers me as though I spoke perfectly clearly, her other hand squeezing my waist possessively. “Your roommates will make an excellent meal to follow that little appetizer.”
Wait, no. I need them to pay their share of the rent! But like my question a moment ago, these words come out as nothing more than a muffled sound of objection.
“I know, babe. And you’re already out a job, at least for a while until they replace this bitch, right?” Liz’s grin is a razor blade pressed to my throat. Her voice is a barbed wire coil tightening around my heart. “What was it you wanted me to be? A ‘sugar momma?’ I wasn’t fond of the idea at first, but I thought about it, and the idea of you being completely dependent on my good graces was practically intoxicating. How could I resist?”
The fingers of her other hand close around my neck—gently, for now—and I am reminded that these two very well-fed vampires could absolutely snuff out my life in a heartbeat right now.
“Now, babe, I do love how eager you are, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a touch of desperation in there too. Now show me that you understand by sucking my fingers like a good girl, hmm?”
My heart pounds like crazy. I close my eyes and fellate her fingers like my life depends on it. I kiss and suck and work my tongue around every knuckle. I make sure to clean the dried blood from under her nails and swallow those slender fingers as far back as I can. I do my best to perform for her, and yet the noises I make are wholly involuntary.
“Those slutty little moans of yours are a good touch, babe. Keep going.”
“Whoa.” Vicky, watching the show, has an admiring lilt to her voice. “She is visibly wet from all that, Liz. You should threaten Hanna more often; she looks like she’s about to cum just from you fingering her mouth.” The vampire leans in close to me, baring her fangs in my face. “Go ahead, cum for us, pretty thing.”
Helplessly, I do. My knees shake, a whimper escapes my throat, and all that keeps me from collapsing is the support of the sister who fetishizes my dependence on her. And god help me, I already know I’ll do whatever she demands.
We track bloody footprints into my apartment complex with every step. My jeans are somewhere in a crumpled heap in the back seat of the car, I think. My shirt is stained with obvious, grasping handprints. Sticky, dark smears paint my face, my underwear, and the inside of my thighs. I look like a shameless mess as I fumble my key into the lock and open the door.
All three roommates are hanging out in the main room, watching one of them play a game on the TV. Madison glances toward the doorway for a moment and then shrieks.
“Holy shit what the hell happened are you okay???“
I feel lightheaded. Almost drunk, even. I feel like I’m slightly removed from myself as I introduce my roommates to my family. “Liz, Vicky, this is Madison, Alexis, and Hannah-With-An-H.” This is a bit awkward, isn’t it? How do you introduce people to their killers? “I dunno what else to say. Um, they’re vampires, and I sold you all out because their approval means more to me than your lives, to be honest.”
Confusion and doubt give way to screaming as the vampires descend on my roommates. My family feeds on two of them, while Hannah-With-An-H makes a break for the door. As a vampire hunter, I’m able to easily overpower her. With a grab and a twist, I have her pinned to the floor while she begs and pleads for me to let her go.
I don’t think about the conversations we’ve had. I don’t think about the things we discovered we have in common. I just ignore her tears and wait for my family to be ready for the last course of the evening.
“What are you waiting for? This one’s yours, Hanna.” Liz puts her hand on my shoulder from behind.
“Yeah,” Vicky chimes in. “Liz wants to get off watching you kill and eat her.”
“You can use that knife of yours if you want.” Liz’s voice is soothing, encouraging, a far cry from the hard edge she spoke with earlier. “But tonight you have to kill an innocent girl who’s done you no harm, who’s no threat to anyone, alright? You’ll do it for the same reason we do. Because you’re hungry, and that’s your dinner.” Her hand strokes my cheek, and I lean into her touch even as she smears more gore onto my face. “You want to be just like us vampires, don’t you? Well, you don’t get much from blood, but those nice juicy muscles would taste so good, don’t you think? Practically the same thing as a nice cut of steak served extra rare, just for you.”
That’s a lot to ask of me. It’s one thing to drink a mouthful of blood every now and then, but this is pure cannibalism. It’s…
“Do this for me. Show me how much you enjoy it, and I’ll call you sister. You’ll be a vampire in my heart, if not in your teeth.”
I tilt my head back to look at her, with an emotion I dare not name welling up inside my chest. It’s an ache for belonging, a spiritual hole that I’ve never had filled. Liz beams at me, and she’s so encouraging and loving that I cannot possibly say no.
I draw my knife. I smile at my prey. What use is guilt, anyway, compared to the approval of the women I love?
I’ll do everything for this family.
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lightning-writes · 9 months
good heart (faulty machine of a man) - 19/30
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fic summary: bucky meets someone at therapy
chapter summary: rue calls bucky (alt: nothing platonic happens after 12 am)
word count: 2150
tags: post endgame, pre tfatws, slow burn, canon divergent, canon compliant, au
warnings: none
a/n: we love a flirty bucky x rue moment! also some ruby lore!
The clatter of his phone vibrating on the wooden floor makes him groan. Who the hell is calling him after midnight? He rolls over and sees the bleary image of Rue’s face.
Panic rises in his chest as he stands. He answers the phone with an alarmed, “Hello?”
“It’s a video call, friend, get me away from your ear.”
Bucky holds the phone out to see Rue in a bathroom. She has the phone propped behind the sink, rubbing something onto her face, and she looks down at the phone.
(He first notices her exposed stomach from the cropped tank top, then her pierced nipples again. He can’t presume her intention, but he doesn’t know which Rue’s getting tonight. And it makes his ears hot.)
“Jesus Christ, James,” she startles him out of his thoughts. The phone is in her hands now, her face close to the screen. “Look at those pectorals.”
Bucky looks down at his shirtlessness. Automatically, his hand flies up to cover himself.
In a muffle tone that he can only believe is to herself, she mutters, “I mean, I knew you were jacked, but goddamn.”
(Bucky has no idea how he should feel about this statement, but it certainly does make him feel something.)
She sets the phone back down and begins to braid her hair. To him, she says, “Vick has Frank over, so I thought I’d call you. I’m just getting ready for bed.” She peeks down at the phone. “Were you sleeping?”
“Kinda.” He wasn’t, but his answer is more acceptable than saying he was trying to find a comfortable spot on the floor of his nearly empty living room. “But, it’s fine.”
“Great.” She applies something else to her face, taking her time rubbing it into the skin. “I just had half a bottle of wine, so be prepared for that.”
(He makes a non-committal noise, wondering what drove her to drink.)
“Anyway, what’s up, how was your day?”
“Uh, fine?” He walks into his dark bedroom and finds a shirt. He doesn’t even have a lamp; he has to turn on the bright overhead light and frowns. He sits on his bed with only one pillow left. “How was yours?” he asks, unsure.
He watches her walk from the bathroom to her bedroom. She sits on the bed with a huff, and he notices the shelves above her headboard. Dried orange slices and small twinkling light hang from the bottom shelf, and he sees a plant vine that nearly brushes her head. Under the shelves, there are photographs taped to her wall, some people, some landscapes. He sees the shine of a still wrapped condom when he averts his eyes.
 “Glad you asked.” She calls attention back down to her. “So, you know how I work at Waterway? Well, so did Maeve, until we broke up, so everyone working there knows our story and mostly everyone knows about the whole Dean situation. So, apparently, Maeve just posted her engagement to Instagram, and literally, Bucky, I kid you not, everyone on staff asked me about it. If I was sad about it, if I’d seen it. As if I didn’t block her on all my socials already! You’d think they’d have more decorum, but obviously not!”
“I’m sorry,” Bucky offers. He got lost in the rant for a moment, but he finds his way out by the end.
She plows through his sympathy. “So, I went– wait, are you… against hooking up or anything?”
“What?” He’s confused by the sharp turn of conversation.
“I mean, being from the 1940’s and all that,” she says impatiently, “I don’t want to offend you with my sexcapades.” 
“You won’t,” he nearly laughs. “Trust me.”
(She pauses for too long a moment, and he wishes he knew what she was thinking.) 
“Okay, so I went to this lesbian bar I’d gone to with Maeve once, and tried to hook up with someone, but I had no luck - I bet the loser vibes were just emanating off me - so I asked Vick if we could have a girls’ night. And she’d said yes, but then canceled at the last minute!” She brings the phone close to her face again, to whisper, “Frank asked her to dinner, and she thinks he’s going to propose soon, so I guess she’s jumping at every opportunity? I don’t know, I don’t believe in marriage.”
“Didn’t you prop–”
“Anyway,” she says dramatically, giving him a hard look through the screen. He suppresses a grin. “So, while they were out - which I’d like to point out, it was ten o’clock when this happened - Dean came over, like he fucking knew I was alone and rejected, and he dropped off my stuff I’d left at his apartment. And I told him I’m not returning shit because it’s not like I’m keeping fucking tabs on all the belongings in my house!”
Bucky notes how much she swears but doesn’t comment on it. Instead, he asks, “Is that a normal thing to do?”
“Have you ever watched a ‘90’s sitcom?” Rue scoffs. She’s now laying in her bed. She brushes the end of her braid over her face idly.
She doesn’t let him finish. “So, after he left, I had my wine, I did my skincare, and I called you – lucky you!”
“Lucky me.” He tucks his arm behind his head. She watches him with another expression he can’t place. “Aren’t you tired, after all that?”
She sighs, her mouth twisted in a rueful smile. “Honestly, my brain won’t shut up.”
“I can’t sleep, either,” he confesses after a beat.
(He’s tempted to tell her he can come over or they could go somewhere, but he doesn’t want to fluster her, like she’s been.)
“Give me a house tour,” she declares unprompted. She’s laying on her side, giving him a playfully stern face. “You’ve been to my place, but I’ve never seen yours.”
“You didn’t give me a tour.”
“You didn’t ask for one.”
He rolls his eyes, schooling his amused look. “There isn’t much to see,” he admits.
“I demand entertainment, Barnes,” she pounds a fist into her bed.
(His brain stalls when she calls him by his last name.)
Bucky gets up and turns the front facing camera to his bedroom. He has a dresser, a laundry hamper, and a nightstand. He doesn’t give commentary as he enters the living room, showing his TV, still on, his record player, its speakers, and his small couch. He discreetly kicks away his sleeping setup on the floor as he moves to the kitchen. Rue watches, quietly, drinking from a cup with a familiar bird logo.
“That’s it,” he suppresses a yawn as he sits on the couch. “I told you, not much to see.”
“Oh, but it definitely entertained me,” she says. She looks sleepy, too; her blinks are slower. “Were you watching something?”
“Whatever’s on at,” he checks the time, “at two in the morning.”
“Hmmm,” she hums. He passes a hand through his still shower-damp hair. She then sits up. “Wait, did you get a haircut?”
He’s startled, fingers still combing through his hair. “...uh, yes?”
“You know, if I knew calling you was just going to be a thirst trap, I would have prepared better.” She pauses. “A thirst trap is–”
“Yeah, I actually know what that one means,” he interrupts.
(He briefly wonders what she meant by prepared. He also wonders how long they’ll continue this dance. WIll it end in a grand finale or will the song scratch to a stop?)
She gives him a curious look. “So, you know what you’re doing.”
He shrugs, “I’m just existing.”
“Well, exist less hot when I’m too drunk.” She flops back, dramatically throwing a hand over her forehead. “You know, this is what got us into the Thanksgiving mess in the first place.”
“Is that right?”
“It looks nice, your hair,” she ignores his comment, “I mean, it looked nice before, but…”
She yawns. He yawns.
There’s a long stretch of silence between them, and Bucky wonders if he should be the responsible one to call it a night.
“Can I tell you a secret, Buck?”
“Are you sure you want to do that? In light of the Thanksgiving incident?” She gives him a flat look, and he gives her a soft smile. “Yeah, Rue, I want to hear your secret.”
“I’m… miserable.”
(Her whisper breaks him.)
“I’m miserable, and I deserve it.” She wipes a tear curling down her cheek with the end of her braid. “I’m miserable, and I deserve it, and there’s nothing you can say to make me think otherwise.”
“Okay,” he responds too casually. She gives him a sharp look. “You know, if you were calling to have a pity party, I would have prepared better.” She tries to mask her amusement blooming behind her mad features. “I would have put up a banner… or maybe, some balloons–”
She huffs. “Okay, I get it.”
“I think…” Bucky pauses, eyes avoiding the screen to fully form his thoughts. “You don’t deserve to feel miserable.” He looks at her then, and shrugs a shoulder. “If you did, you wouldn’t.”
“Go on.”
He chuckles. “If you did deserve it, if you really were a bad person, I don’t think you would feel so miserable. Your misery is… it’s your guilt. I mean… you know what you did wasn’t great, and you actually feel bad about it.”
“All right, big boy, we get it. You go to therapy.”
“You studied therapy,” he counters.
(He pointedly ignores her ‘big boy’ comment.)
“Yeah, okay, but it wasn’t like it was my first choice,” she retorts. “Listen, I didn’t want to tell you this before because I know you have paranoid tendencies, but it seems like I’m a sinking ship and, apparently, a glutton for punishment, so I’m gonna tell you–”
“That’s a big preamble for you telling me you almost worked for Shield.”
Rue props herself up with her elbow, again, staring at him so intensely, it almost looks like the video is frozen.
“How could you have possibly known that? That’s super confidential.”
(Bucky had left the gym immediately after receiving the call from The Toad. He met with him at Red Hook Pier, in the rainy night, because better safe than sorry.
“Soldier,” the Toad greeted him in Russian. 
Bucky hands him the envelope thick with cash. “That’s not me anymore.”
He hands Bucky the envelope of information with a knowing look. “You will always be a soldier, even if you aren’t the Winter Soldier.”
“Anything I need to know?”
“How do the Americans say it,” he says in English, accent thick and stumbling, “‘The call is coming from inside the house’?”)
He just says, “I’m a former spy.” 
“You don’t even know my last name,” she protests.
“Is that right, Ruby David?” he challenges.
He watches realization spread across her features. “Okay, fine, I should have guessed you’d do this. Re: paranoid.”
“So, what else did you find?” she asks abruptly.
He’s quick to answer, “What are you worried I’d find?”
“Not worried.” She fiddles with her braid. “Just… curious. I’ve been pretty much an open book, other than the Shield stuff.”
To be fair, she’s telling the truth there. Aside from standard information about her and her family, Bucky mostly found information about her rebellion throughout high school, skipping class, failing class, getting caught smoking all over campus. He saw she’d been arrested at the age of twenty for protesting and a string of bar fights. She also had a long list of lovers, ranging from her age to much older, in quick succession. She’d been paid for her relationships, something the Toad called a “sugar baby”.
Her history with Shield had been brief and mostly one-sided. She’d done a lot of research into finding out whether they actually existed and how she could join them. When she’d been accepted, she had started training… and had backed out a week before initiation. It aligns with what she’d said about taking in her brother.
By the time Mikey had moved out, Hydra would have been outed, and Shield had dissolved.
(Bucky had been there for that one.)
“Yeah, you’ve been pretty honest,” he finally says.
She hums, eyes blinking slowly. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Bucky is picking up the bedding from the ground and transferring it to his bed as her eyes are downcast. He settles into bed and sighs. “I get why you didn’t. I wouldn’t have told me either.”
Her lips quirk a soft smile. And she yawns again. And he follows. A hush falls between them, just the sound of them breathing. Bucky feels his eyelids grow heavier. The glow of the TV outside casts a dim glow into the bedroom,
“I should get going,” she finally sighs. “I have work at seven tomorrow morning.”
“In three hours,” he corrects.
“Fuck.” She turns on her side. She repeats, “I should sleep.”
Bucky mirrors her. “So, go to sleep.”
“You first.”
Bucky closes his eyes and pretends to snore. He hears her surprised giggle, and he catches her biting her lip as she gazes at him.
“Stay on the line.”
“Okay.” He switches his phone to his other hand. “Good night, Ruby.”
“Sweet dreams, James.”
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final-girl96 · 1 year
Firefly Chapter Forty-One
October 31, 2002
It's finally Halloween! Tonight would be filled with scary movies, pizza, and popcorn with Sarah after going trick or treating. "Are you sure you can't go to the party tonight?" My friend Vicky asked. I rolled my eyes at her. "I promised I would take Sarah trick or treating and then watch scary movies." She hummed and gave me a look. "What?" I asked. She shook her head, "nothing," she said, smirking.
"Just not nothing, so just say it," I said. Her smirk grew wider. "You just want to see her dad," she said. I scoffed and pulled the driver's side door to my car open. "I do not. I see him, like every day, he is my neighbor, you know." We got into the car, and she rolled her eyes. "Look, I don't blame, okay? The man is fucking hot. I mean, I want him to be my daddy too," she said, giving me a suggestive look. "Oh my God, Vick! You are such a whore!" I laughed, pushing her a little.
After dropping Vicky off, I headed home. "Nonna!" I called out. I walked into the kitchen to see her grabbing her purse off the table and was all dressed up in black with a witches hat on. "Going somewhere?" I asked. She looked at me with a smile. "Yes, me and the girls are going to have a little book club Halloween party at Pearl's house tonight. You know, have a few drinks and talk about our latest book. What are your plans tonight?"
"I'm taking Sarah trick or treating, then we're going to order pizza, make popcorn, and watch scary movies the rest of the night," I told her. "No going out with your friends? There aren't any parties where underage drinking will be taking place?" I looked at her with a little shock but laughed. "No, there are, but I don't want to go to any parties. I'd rather stay in with Sarah." She hummed and gave me a look. "Oh, my god, this has nothing to do with Mr. Miller! I babysit for him, and he's, like, way too old!"
There was a honk outside, and she sighed. "That's Ruth. Just be safe tonight," she said and kissed my forehead before walking out the front door. I looked at the clock to see it was two-fifteen. I ran upstairs and grabbed my Halloween costume, then got in the car to go pick up Sarah from school. I waited outside with the top down and the radio on.When she walked out and saw me, she ran up to the car and got in. "Hey, kid! How was school?" I asked.
"It's school, you know how it is. I'm more excited about tonight!" She said excitedly. "What do you want to do? Get pizza on our way home and eat before we go out or do you want to eat after trick or treating?" I asked, pulling out onto the road. "Let's get pizza first then you can help me with my costume. Who knows, maybe dad and Uncle Tommy will be home before we go out and we can drag them along." She laughed.
"Knowing Tommy he probably has a date or something tonight or plans on going to the bar to pick one up." She nodded her head in agreement. "Can we make cookies?" She asked, looking at me with puppy eyes. "You don't have to look at me with those puppy dog eyes. We can make cookies, but we'll need to go to the store first." She cheered and turned the radio up. I pulled into the grocery store parking lot and we got out of the car and walked into the store.
"Okay, what do you want to do? Get the stuff to make fresh cookies or get those Pillsbury cookie dough roll things?" I asked, grabbing a cart. "Can we make homemade cookies?" She asked. I nodded my head, "of course, we can make homemade cookies. Maybe grab some snakes while we're here." Sarah walked ahead, going straight to the snack aisle first.
She threw chips, pretzels, popcorn, and bags of candy into the cart. "You're going trick or treating, which you will be getting candy," I said. "Yeah, but these are better than what I'll get trick or treating. The Adler's hand out apples, and the Smiths hand out floss! Who hands out floss?" I chuckled at her rant. "Dentist's hand out floss and apples are healthy for you." She made a face that made me laugh harder. "Okay, okay, candy is way better."
After we got all the stuff we needed, I paid for everything, then we headed for the pizza shop and ordered two large pizzas before heading back home. We carried the bags and pizza inside and started on making the cookies. Sarah wanted to get them started before we sat down and ate. And just as we were getting ready to sit at the table Joel walked in the front door. I looked at the clock to see it was five.
"Smells good in here!" He called, walking into the kitchen. "We have cookies in the oven!" Sarah said, grabbing another plate. "And we got pizza for dinner." She set the plate on the table and sat down. "You're home early," I said, sitting across from Sarah. "Yeah, we finished the job early, shockingly enough. Tommy decided he wanted to go out to the bar, so I dropped him off at home."
I gave Sarah a look, and she rolled her eyes. "Well, after the cookies are done and we eat, we're going to get ready to go trick or treating. Did you want to join us?" I asked. He sat down at the table between me and Sarah. "I think I'm a little old for that, but you two have fun. Don't be out too late."
After dinner, Joel said he would make sure the cookies were taken out of the oven in time so that Sarah and I could get ready. After we got our costumes on, I took her around the neighbor, making sure to hit every house before we headed back. Now we were sitting on the couch eating popcorn and a bunch of other snacks while watching scary movies that Sarah swore up and down she wouldn't find scary.
Every time Jason popped on the screen though she would hide her face in Joel's shoulder. After the third movie, she was out like a light, and Joel carried her upstairs. "Clara, still out with her book club friends?" He asked, coming down the stairs and into the kitchen where I was putting everything away. "Yeah, knowing those four, they probably got drunk and passed out," I laughed. Nonna was not your normal grandmother.
"Well, you're more than welcome to stay in the guest room if you don't want to stay at home alone." I smiled at him, "Thank you, Mr. Miller. I'll be fine, though. I have to get up early for work tomorrow." After I helped finish cleaning things up, I went back to my house and went to bed.
Present Time
"You okay? Firefly!" I snapped back into reality and looked over at Joel. "What?" I asked. "Where'd ya go?" He asked. I shook my head and gave him a weak smile. "Halloween 2002. Seeing Ellie laughing and being a kid…I just wish that…" I didn't need to say anything because I knew that Joel understood. I didn't need to say out loud that I wish Sarah would have been able to grow up. She was Ellie's age when the outbreak happened. "Yeah, me too. We should get going though. Come on."
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nilolol30 · 1 year
Lmk Oc Vick's timeline
Time gaps are my interpretations/headcanons.
Episode 0 a hero is born:
Vick was living in metropolis for a year she was still getting used to the area the only people she had befriend was Yin and Jin they met when they tried to prank her and they just kept doing it while Vick just gave them tips because they were pretty bad at it then they slowly became close and bff's.
Vick was in her apartment during the destruction bull king was causing she got trapped in her apartment she didn't get too injured but her apartment was damaged she asked Yin and Jin if she could stay at their place and offered to pay but they shut that down and told her they're friends it's what they do and:
Yin:"We can't have our trickster partner on the street! Oi Jin help set up the mattress"
Vick: "I'm fine sleeping on the couch dude"
Jin: "Yeah nah mate you're getting the mattress you can't plan good schemes if you don't get a good night's sleep"
Episode 1 bad weather: (Time gap: a week (cannon btw) )
Vick was doing a food run for Yin and Jin her apartment is nearly completely fixed now this is where she bumps into Redson he insults her she ignores the insult and apologized for bumping into him and continued walking to her destination leaving him confused but he continued to the weather station.
During the rest of the episode she was at work.
Episode 2 duplication: (Time gap 3 or 4 weeks) this is also when I think Macaque started collecting info on Mk)
Vicks apartment is fixed by now and she moved back in Vick was out on a walk to clear her head and get some exercise but a group of three people jumped her looking to steal whatever valuables she had and just looking to beat someone up they pulled her in a nearby ally this was happening nearby Macaque as he was watching Mk he watched her debating on stepping in.
One of the guys had her in a chokehold arm wrapped around her neck as the others poked around in her backpack out of adrenaline she bit into his arm ripping his flesh off the guy let go and backs away screaming which caught the others attention she grabbed the first thing she saw as a weapon which was a decently thick slab of wood near a bin the guys whos arm she bit ran away the other two charges at her.
She uses the wood to hit one of the guys while out of reflex dodged the others punch using the sharp edge of the slab she jabed it to the side of the second guys head (it only caused him to bleed a bit but get dizzy) they both decided they got enough money and didn't want to get caught or make any risks so they run away.
Vick still in shock stayed ready to attack them again holding up the wooden slab even after they're gone catching her breath after a few minutes she snaps out of it and grabs her backpack and shakingly walks home she doesn't contact authoritys or Yin and Jin about it. (Macaque continued his intel gathering on mk)
Episode 3 coming home: (Time gap 2 days) this is probably when Macaque started his plan for Mk)
Vick now carries a switchblade with her now and she's hanging out with Yin and Jin while they were gossiping then there was a knock on the door and the twins go get it soon they come back in along with Redson (a headcanons of mine is Redson goes to them for some materials that are a bit rare or some parts/tools).
Redson recognizes Vick and questions the twins about her they tell him she's their best friend and prank partner Yin and Jin go to get the things for Redson leaving Vick and him alone together slowly they begin talking and Vick asks about his inventions to which Redson rants about and talks about his theory on an invention he's planning while Vick asks more questions they begin bonding a bit and Yin and Jin gives Redson the parts.
Vick gives Redson her number because she's curious about the invention and if it would work.
A few weeks later and her and Redson are pretty good friends him ranting about Mk and her also offering him ideas and plans (Redson always keeps them in mind)
Episode 4 Noodles or death: (time gap 4 days)
Now this is when Macaque had his plan but wanted to figure out how exactly he would go around training since he never taught anyone he thought back to Vick and thought she'd be the perfect practice test and once he's done he'll just ghost her so he waits for Vick to be alone again and waited for the streets to be empty and then made up some clones that looks exactly like the people who attacked her before.
Then he made them attack her of course since they had more strength they had her easily pinned and thrown away the knife she had when she reached for it Macaque then jumped down and beat up the clones and makes them run away (when out of view they just disappeared) then helped Vick up she immediately grabbed her knife and looked back at Macaque.
He then began talking about how he saw she can handle herself pretty well and that he can help train her Vick was immediately suspicious and asked what he wanted in return Macaque only laughs and said he hates seeing potential be waisted and told her the address to his dojo and if she's interested to show up.
After a few days of thinking Vick decided to go to the Dojo and accept the offer.
Episode 5 calabash: (Time gap one week)
Macaque is now training Vick at first he was being really harsh but eventually learned he has to tone it down if he didn't want Vick to turn away and ditch him and Vick at first only trained they didn't talk to eachother outside of that but very slowly they talked it started with Vick warning Macaque she'd be a bit late due to work and Macaque asking what she does.
After one training session she goes to visit Yin and Jin and sees there hangout spot destroyed (they didn't tell her about their plan) she lectures them but was curious about what happened later that afternoon she texts Redson about it having a laugh while Redson critics their plan.
Episode 6 The great wall race: (Time gap three weeks)
Redson showed Vick the poster and talked about his plan Vick did mention that it may be fake but Redson insisted a bit too excited and asked if she wanted to watch his 'victory' she agreed to come and cheer for him which made Redson excited and happy (a tiny bit flustered if you squint) during the race she is at the benches cheering him on and having a laugh as Yin and Jin being the commentators.
After the whole thing Redson comes to her apartment to rant about what happened while she comforts him and complemented his car and driving skills another bit of Redson being a little flustered but he covered it up and agrees and goes to another rant about his car.
Episode 7 impossible delivery: (time gap one day)
Vick and Macaque are starting to get closer she stays longer after training and they talk about many different topics and bond more Macaque offering Vick advice about things other than training be it for work or her day to day life.
Episode 8 skeleton key: (Time gap three days)
Macaque is now thinking about having Vick as a real student a successor too he had a little laugh to himself about it and thought he'd be a better mentor than Wukong he already had his plan thought out and now it's just going to take time for the kid to take the bait and he's going to need to wait for the perfect time but for now he figured might as well be honest with Vick if he's actually planning to take her training seriously (he already was)
After a training session he sat her down and explained everything how he was originally going to use her as a practice test and was going to ditch her but wanted her to really become his student and he hopes she takes his offer Vick tells Macaque she knew he was using her for something but wanted to learn to defend herself better and then agrees to become his student really.
He then dramatically states that if he's going to have a successor they're going to have to match himself Vick being confused asked what that meant and he said that he's going to grant her his same abilitys (obviously there's limits to what she could have and some things are different or she just doesn't develop) but he also gives her a choice to reject it but Vick quickly shut that down wanting to be stronger.
But she asks if it's going to weaken Macaque but he reassures her that after his plan he'll be fine and he's just duplicating it really.
Episode 9 Macaque: (Time gap a six days)
After Vick receives her new power/powers Macaque told her to not come to the dojo and to avoid it knowing Macaques plan she agrees and told him to text her when its over.
After she receives the text she immediately head's to the dojo Macaque wasn't to injured but was still roughed up and she asks what happened and if it worked after getting the details she expected Macaque to be pissed but he only laughs telling her he has another idea but to wait.
Episode 10 the end is here: (time gap a week and a half)
During the bull clones destruction Vick was given a sudden heads-up from Redson opting to head to Yin and Jins place they were relieved she was okay and agreed they where the best option Macaque also sends Vick a Text to check in she told him shes all good and with Yin and Jin.
After everything Redson calls Vick to ask if she's okay and explains the situation.
(I'll make season 2 soon I still gotta rewatch that but any questions or (nice)criticisms are welcome by the way I always look forward to answering questions and improving)
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dr-quinzpup · 4 months
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Ah yes telling my “daddy” that I vented about him just to get my phone taken away so I couldn’t leave you, the dad that is verbally abusive, and that’s not all! You also yelled at me everyday and made my mental health deteriorate^^
Having bpd doesn’t excuse treating someone like garbage everyday for little things such as not forcing alters to front or speaking to you every day and every second. Or just simply not wanting you romantically. Boundaries never existed with you. I have so many screenshots of what you did. Hold on!
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And the whole “you abandoned me 😣😣😣” every time any of us needed a mental heath break. We weren’t allowed to have boundaries or breaks around you without triggering a “split”
You’re ridiculous as FUCK thinking that you didn’t do anything to me
Your therapist shakes her head every time you talk about me? Well my entire family says you’re a toxic no good bitch. And of course I did bad things too but spreading lies is absolutely disgusting and immature, I apologize for some things but leaving and being upset is something I’ll never be sorry for. I repeat
NEVER will I be sorry for leaving and being upset.
take a step away from your phone and realize maybe “splitting” everyday even though I didn’t do anything and alter favouritism, telling my abusive dad what I said about him is shitty and stop using me as a scapegoat, take accountability for ONCE and maybe I wouldn’t have such a problem with you.
Getting into personal territory but let’s talk about your brother, Vick. Imagine if I sent him a text(which I could do. Just saying) and showed him screenies of the shit you told me about him. Now wouldn’t that turn the tables! Now I’d be the abusive one. Not so fun when it’s turned around is it🫤
Sorry to bring that up but your actions really are horrid and fucking disgusting and if I were to do the same I’d be the horrible one. Maybe stop getting high and think straight for once‼️
End of rant
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hearts-4-vicky · 5 months
hi! I have a question girl to girl (im pretty sure you are a girl…👀). I’m in a fwb situation with this fine ahh girl. And like — its obvious im not the only one shes talking to (we don’t do the deed, we only make out 😭).
She sends me pictures sometimes (like of her boobs, ass, etc etc) and sends me messages like “I’d love to have you on my face” , “cant wait to go down on you”, “need your thighs to suffocate me”, “loved your outfit, made your boobs shine” etc etc. And usually I’d just brush it off with “calm your horses 😭” or compliment her body —never reciprocating her sexual messages.
And lately, shes been asking me to send some pictures to her. I trust Karina (that’s her name, she also REALLY resembles karina, both face and especially body), but im not one hundred percent sure i wanna send her pictures. And whenever we link up, she takes it a step further by touching me in weird places, but it never goes further than that. Also when we’re hanging with friends, she’ll make me sit on her lap and stuff her face in my tits?
Overall, she wants to do the deed with me — but im not ready. I really like karina, shes funny, sexy, caring, sweet, hot and whatnot. I really don’t wanna lose her but i just dont know what to do.
sorry for the rant 😭 no one knows we’re fwb even tho all our friends ship us. so i literally have no one to tell:( you dont have to respond if you’re not comfortable doing so ❣️
love ur writing Vick !
yes anonie.. i am a girl😭🙏
okay so with what u js told me, she seems to be pushy with you.. n i think you both need to set boundaries with each other. cuz ive had some fwb situations too and its really REALLY important to know what both of you are comfortable with. if you dont wanna send her pictures, then youre not required to. in my opinion, i think you should ask yourself if youre okay with all of this. yeah, she may be a gorgeous girl but that shouldn’t make up for the fact she doing some of this stuff.. how you guys talked about anything regarding your relationship? please dont be afraid to let her know how you feel about things man.. itll really help both of you out if you’re honest🙏
mwah mwah wish you the best of luck anon❤️❤️
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skinnyravs · 9 months
This, is an old fan fic (yes they do exist and I do still sort write them) relating to rugby league. Not something I'd turn into a fan fic but hey sometimes that is where the idea leads!
Never finished it, never went far with it but I'm going to post the parts I did do. Maybe, someday (and I tend to say this alot) it will see an end. Maybe.
Oh, and if you are wondering about my little clan rant thing. I haven't forgotten about it absolutely not. But I'm giving it a little break in the mean time. Wouldn't really want to end the year on a sour note. It can start up again later. Plus I may have half forgotten shit lol.
Anyway! Back to showing you this fan fic.
By: Victoria Liu-Pearson
© All Rights Reserved
Chapter 1
            ‘…Oh yeah he is like totally fine!’
            ‘Fine doesn’t even cut it Ani he is total hotness!’
The loud voices soon broke into a fit giggles, causing Vickie to grow annoyed at them, she wanted to sleep in it was Sunday morning and she had no intensions of getting up early.
            ‘Oh what about Gareth? Now that he is heaps gorgeous!’
Vickie covered her face with the pillow and groaned this was not the sort of discussion she wanted to be hearing from her friends; however their constant giggling and chatter began to annoy her and she pulled the pillow off her head sat up and looked at the time. 9:43am.
            ‘Lovely.’ She muttered. Still hearing her friends’ voices coming from the lounge she reluctantly got out of bed and padded along the corridor towards the lounge their voices getting louder and louder still giggling over their talk of who was the hottest player they’ve met.
            ‘Would you guys shut the hell up!’ She yelled walking in on them.
            ‘Morning Vick.’ They called back.
            ‘Whatever.’ She said, her friends Sally, Andrew, Brook, Ani, Michelle, Chris and Natalie are massive NRL fans they enjoyed going to the games every weekend, post-match functions and training sessions whenever time would allow. Brook and Andrew lived up in Sydney and both supported the Tigers, although in Brook’s case whenever she was in Melbourne and attended a game she would support every team apart from the Storm. Natalie, Chris, Ani and Sally were all based in Melbourne and loved the Storm having been supporters of the club for several years.
            ‘Ok so how come all of you are here so early on a Sunday morning?’ Vickie asked as she sat down on the floor.
            ‘We’re just waiting to hear when the Sydney Roosters fly in so we can stalk them,’ Brook said this huge cheesy grin on her face Vickie frowned.
            ‘Ani so badly wants to meet Justin Carney she reckons he’s way hot,’ Chris added.
            ‘Shut up!’ Ani said laughing.
            ‘At least I don’t go chasing after a married man!’ she added in reference to Chris’s obsession with Storm’s captain Cameron Smith, at this Chris’s face immediately blushed from embarrassment she didn’t have a good enough come back her friends knew it seeing the guilty look on her face they burst out laughing.
            ‘Hey Vick don’t you know the Roosters guys?’ Sally asked Vickie stared at her friend a bit shocked while the laughter had quickly died down and the attention went on her and she fiddled with her hands.
            ‘Uh---yeah I do, well sort of but why?’ she asked just before Sally could say what she was going to suggest Brook immediately jumped in.
            ‘Oh my god, you know the Roosters!  That is amazing! How do you know them? Like did you used to go out with one or something?’ she said.
            ‘No.’ Vickie replied quickly she got up off the floor.
            ‘I was friends with a couple of them but that’s about it.’ She answered she could tell from the looks her friends gave her they didn’t look convinced although she was partly telling the truth.
            ‘I’ll try and see if I can ask them when they get in and if they are training and stuff if you guys want.’ She added.
            ‘Oh yes, yes please.’
Vickie left them alone to continue their discussion and as she headed back to her room she wondered how in the heck Sally found out she knew the Roosters. She let out a tired sigh and rubbed her forehead it didn’t matter who knew anyway it wasn’t as if she left those guys on good terms and that was evident after the Roosters last visit to Melbourne last season.
She discretely knocked on the hotel room door her eyes darting to both sides of the corridor hoping nobody would suddenly come out of the room and spot her.
            ‘Come on hurry up.’ She muttered giving another knock this time a bit louder. Seconds later she heard footsteps shuffling along the carpet floor and some mumbling before the latch un-hooked and the door opened she held her breath as he stood in front of her water dripping off his head down his chest before disappearing under the towel.
            ‘Vick!’ he exclaimed surprised yet very happy to see her, and before she could really digest anything he gave her a hug. She smiled softly and patted his back.
            ‘Hey its nice to see you too.’
            ‘Although I wasn’t quite expecting you to be standing in the doorway half naked.’ She remarked he laughed blushing slightly.
            ‘Yeah sorry I only just got out of the shower. I definitely wasn’t expecting visitors, Mini didn’t tell me you’d be coming by.’ He replied she rolled her eyes.
            ‘Why am I not surprised?’ she said.
            ‘Yeah well you know him. Ok come in seriously you don’t need to stand out here all night,’
He moved aside allowing her to walk inside of the room; it was quite a large hotel room with a plush carpet, two-twin single beds, a small bench for the microwave and mini fridge and a little sink, a small round table with a single chair and another bench for the TV. She heard the water running in the bathroom and guessed it was now Anthony’s turn to take a shower so she went and sat down on the lone chair in the room and stared out the window seeing the clear night sky pale against the bright lights of Melbourne city below. He stood and stared at her for a few minutes wondering why his teammate had asked her to come, things had been awkward for a while now especially for the three of them.
            ‘So.’ He said trying to break the silence Vickie turned away from looking out the window and back at her friend.
            ‘Yeah…. so.’ she replied.
            ‘How’ve you been?’ he asked she shrugged.
            ‘Ok I guess just get by I suppose where I can. It’s been kind of difficult you know; I really didn’t want to leave all of you but in the end I had to, just to get away from that whole environment,’ she remarked.
            ‘Did it have anything to do with us?’ he asked a slight frown crossing his face she quickly shook her head.
            ‘No, no had absolutely nothing to do with your or Mini.’ She said.
            ‘Then who?’
She looked down at the floor for a second everything was still pretty fresh in her mind but she never ever wanted to speak of it again if she could avoid it.
            ‘It’s not something I’d rather discuss.’ She said at last.
            ‘Ok that’s cool.’ He said he had a feeling he knew who it was he just wanted to hear it from her first.
            ‘Anyway don’t you think you should be getting changed?’ she asked he raised his eyebrows a crocked smirk on his face.
            ‘What? I am offended you don’t like!’ he said in mock protest.
            ‘Whatever!’ she laughed back.
            ‘Besides if you don’t I may just take a photo and splash it all over twitter and facebook.’ She said doing her best to look at him seriously but he still smiled.
            ‘I really doubt anyone would believe you anyway but I’m sure I could help with it.’ He added the smirk on his face getting wider as he stood up her eyes widen when she realized just what he was going to do.
            ‘Mitchell Pearce you keep that towel on thank you very much!’ she yelled half laughing he pretended to huff and folded his arms though to her relief he did keep the towel where it was still tightly wrapped over his waist.
            ‘Well fine than you are just not fun,’ he remarked sulking.
            ‘Aw sweetie don’t be all upset.’
She got up and walked over and hugged him and he kissed the top of her head.
            ‘We do miss you loads.’ He said she sighed.
            ‘Me too.’
            ‘I think I know who I can hear out there!’ Anthony yelled from the bathroom he poked his head around Vickie looked over at him and laughed.
            ‘Ok please tell me you aren’t half naked as well I think seeing one of you in this state is enough for me,’ she answered Mitchell just laughed seeing the confused look cross Anthony’s face.
            ‘Please I’m not that much of a show off!’ he said.
Soon the three friends got some food ordered, drinks and spent the time chatting and doing a lot of catching up over the past two years. Vickie hoped like hell they wouldn’t want to find out any more information on why exactly she had left her job at the Roosters then left Sydney altogether and moved down to Melbourne.
            ‘Are you expecting someone?’ she asked Anthony seeing him check his watch for the fifth time in the past ten minutes.
            ‘No, why?’ he asked.
            ‘Well you keep checking your watch.’ She answered
Knock! Knock!
She raised her eyebrows at him suspiciously he shrugged his shoulders she had a feeling he was definitely hiding something Mitchell got up and went to answer the door.
            ‘What are you doing here?’ he exclaimed they couldn’t hear what the other person said but Mitchell was soon shaking his head and his voice dropped to a whisper.
            ‘Look just get out of the way Mitch I said I want to talk to her and I mean it.’ The other person said a lot louder this time Vickie froze she’d recognize him from anywhere even in the time she’d been avoiding him since then she never forgot, she stared fearfully at the door hoping Mitchell wasn’t going to let him in she had no idea what she would do if she had to face him right now. She glanced sideways at Anthony he looked very stressed about the situation and she wondered if by the way he kept looking at his watch if he had known something like this could possibly happen. Suddenly Mitchell landed on the floor looking very surprised and the door swung further open hitting the wall making her flinch at this Anthony stood up.
            ‘Todd, seriously what the hell are you doing?’ he asked.
            ‘That is not any of your business.’ He answered back.
            ‘Well it is my business if you’re going to come around un-invited.’ Anthony replied Todd folded his arms and laughed.
            ‘Un-invited? You’re the one that told me you were going to get her to come by and you even suggested that I come.’ He said Vickie turned around and stared at Anthony.
            ‘You told him!’ she exclaimed.
            ‘I—well---yeah I did.’ He said slightly embarrassed she couldn’t believe it.
            ‘Why in the hell would you tell him? Him of all people you had to let him know I was coming!’ she cried.
            ‘Look I just thought maybe after all that other stuff you guys could talk about it.’ He remarked she laughed sarcastically at him.
            ‘Talk? Talk! When he’s involved.’ She pointed at Todd.
            ‘There is no such thing as talking! The way he ever communicates with anyone is by actions. Bad actions I will add.’
            ‘Hey you don’t need to damn well talk about me when I’m standing right here!’ Todd yelled back she turned on him.
            ‘Just shut it I don’t want to hear from you. Ever. Get that clear in your head.’ She snapped she picked up her bag and moved around getting past him without giving him a chance.
            ‘As for you two.’ She added looking at Anthony and Mitchell.
            ‘Some friends you are thanks a lot!’ She stormed out down the corridor and instead of waiting for the lift she took the stairs.
Vickie sat down on her bed holding her mobile in her hand that had been the last time she’d spoken to any of them properly, both Anthony and Mitchell did try to call her several times, left messages apologizing for it but she didn’t want to even speak to them. She’d eventually forgiven them over the incident though never told them and its been a year since it happened and now her friends wanted to go and stalk the Roosters. She looked at her phone she knew she wouldn’t have the right words to say if she called so instead she began to write a message something short she hoped it didn’t come across as her wanting just the information straight out. Before she put her phone down it started beeping indicating the arrival a text she went to open it up seeing it had come from Mitchell.
Vick! Miss ya heaps!
Wen am I goin 2 get 2
See u? :(
We got in 2hrs ago.
@d hotel chillin.
FYI Im not naked! Haha!!
Going 2 train @OP
Frm bout 11:30.
Def cum! Please? ;-)
She couldn’t help laughing at his message particularly about the naked bit he would have known that still got on her nerves. She also knew both the senior squad and the Toyota Cup juniors were in so it was likely both would train together at the same time. She got up and went to relay the message to her friends they got even more excited.
            ‘You are coming too right?’ Nat asked she hesitated a bit torn over the decision. She definitely wanted to see her friends she had missed talking to them but there was still the issue of Todd; she still didn’t want to see him or have anything to do with him, but looking down at the message she’d got she decided it didn’t matter he was a separate problem and she wasn’t about to let it get in her way.
            ‘Yeah I’ll come.’ She said at last.
            ‘Cool we’d better leave soon then want to try and arrive at the same time as the team.’ Sally replied Vickie went back to get ready and replied to the message.
Glad 2 knw u aren’t naked! :-P
Yes I will cum w/my crazy friends.
See u there!
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chishiyas-wig · 2 years
hear me out, okay?
and repeat after me
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fawad-khan · 4 years
@mango-pickle @aadya23 @strudel-and-creme @rock-n-roll-soniye @bilkul-sharam-nahi-aati @baznow @parker-hollandx @hollanderfangirl @spidey-reids-2003 @with1love1anu @justanothermarvelmaniac @parkerpeter24 @hollands-weasley @daughter-of-hades1218 @secrets-ill-take-to-my-grave @dil-na-jaaneya @more-like-reyna
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skullsontess07 · 3 years
What Latin mother taught my family about Vicks VapoRub? I just want to talk
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vaijayantheee · 3 years
sick ramblings
no one:...
me: *while applying vicks vapours on my nose bridge with my ring finger* I feel like an amazing makeup artist
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