#vigilantes 81
thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 81, Replies Part 2
1) “Anyway, I bet this would make a really cool animated scene, but we definitely will never get an anime out of this manga, and that makes me both sad and happy.”- I dunno, I think there’s defiantly potential for one- certainly a lot of free space in that timeskip for a filler arc or two to flesh out everybody’s character, you know? 2) “you fuckers are worried about analyzing the lyrics and rhythm of it when she`s about to be turned into a roast?”-They had to dumb it down for those of us who can’t hear the music playing in our heads as we read. 3) “RACHEL I STILL CAN`T BELIEVE ANY OF YOU REALLY THINK THAT POP JUST DISAPPEARED FOR A FEW DAYS AND THEN COME BACK AS A CRAZY VILLAIN AND THAT THERE ISN`T ANY SORT OF SUSPICIOUS THING INVOLVED
THERE`S ANOTHER THREE GUYS IN THIS VERY SAME ROOM WHICH GOT KIDNAPPED AND TURNED INTO RAMPAGING VILLAINS, WHY DON`T ANY OF YOU THINK THE SAME APPLIES TO HER?”- I mean, they probably suspect, but they don’t have any definite proof, you know? Phelps is probably erring on the side of caution here from his prior experiences with trigger, which is why he wants her brought in alive, but that’s not really an outcome discount-endeavour has in mind. For the support group, all they really know is what they’ve seen and experienced, and none of them can really provide evidence that Pop’s been Triggered to be like this without getting samples of her blood and such, which the parasite likely isn’t going to allow. 4) “Pop please, piss off, you literally didn`t go through anything that would justify this behavior, but the story is really set into pushing that the Parasite just let you act in the darkness in your heart”- It does somewhat undercut the transformation, that’s there’s no real inherent ‘darkness’ within Pop to manipulate and mould into a villain, unlike with Tenko and his childhood abuse steadily building up until the breaking point. But on the other hand, that emphasises the ‘tragedy’ aspect more, because whilst Tenko was steadily coaxed into accepting evil by what he thought was choice, Pop is being brute-forced into the role by Nomura and not being given any true say in the matter, yet brainwashed into believing that she wants this outcome. 5) “KOICHI WHAT IS THAT
ALTHOUGH I AM GLAD YOU`RE KEEPING YOUR DAD`S TRADITIONS ALIVE WITH YOUR OWN GRAPPLING HOOK”- At least one practical piece of training Knuckle imparted onto Koichi was how to properly use a grappling hock in action to web-swing, even by example, which is a pretty neat  comparison to be made between Izuku and Koichi now that they both have the powers the gravity defiance (or will do in Izuku’s case whenever he manages to unlock it) and the power of swing. 6) “Oh it is actually his old grappling hook, oh wow. Can`t disagree that is essential to have a backup plan when the first one goes down the hole but
KOICHI YOU HAVEN`T EVEN USED YOUR FUCKING QUIRK”- The grappling hook is actually an extremely fitting tool for Koichi should he master it enough to make it his own, letting him keep in the fray and moving around buildings when his ‘Quirk stamina’ runs out and recharging it, then allowing him to start using it against after the brief ‘rest’ period. 7) “Actually no, he was the most “normal” person there, when you stop to think about it.
Also Puto, you saw him doing that like once, twice at most, what the fuck do you even know?”- He knows that with even a little application of his Quirk applied to this tool, Koichi would be able to pull off parkour stunts that would make Knuckle’s usage of it seem amateur in comparison. 8) “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
HE`S FGOING FOR ITFUCKYEAH THE CRAWLER TOOK TO THE SKIES ONCE AGAIN!”-Maybe not the full-scale rocket blast he pulled off before, but the ‘double jump’ (or triple in this case) is a good in-between measure to catch up to Pop on her own playing field.
Again similar to Tomura, Pop is convinced at first that society will never forgive her for her crimes, or accept the circumstances behind them, so she may as well accept being a villain and let the parasite have its way, but seeing Koichi chasing relentlessly after her and still willing to forgive her despite it all is just enough to make her realise that if he alone will never turn his back on her, then maybe that’s enough reason to actually fight back…which is precisely why Nomura steps in at that moment. I can see something similar happening with Tomura down the line- maybe himself not being actually ‘redeemed’ in the eyes of the public, but getting to choose to stop being the villain and start accepting help from Izuku when he needs it.
10) “but again, I am happy. At least I got my hope in things actually getting better written being renovated. It was far from perfect- in fact it was so far that light would take around a week before it could reach perfect, but we can still make it, this story still can make good use of all its potential so at least the ending is good.”- “Crossing the finish line with a broken leg is still finishing the race” @thelreads
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everytsukauchi · 2 years
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
I literally can't take it anymore. I need to get this out of my system. This is a hate-rant about why almost every single thing Tom Taylor has written is wrong.
First and foremost is the bimbofication of Dick Grayson. Tom Taylor loves to write him like this idiot who doesn't think at all. Being cheerful does not mean being dumb.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #79
"You seem unusually contemplative"? All Dick does is contemplate!
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #3
His mind is always running!
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #13
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #38
I just picked a random issue from all of these comics and in every single one of these, Dick's planning, thinking, and strategising constantly.
Tom Taylor literally treats him like he's stupid or something.
Also the degradation of his abilities
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #79
A vigilante for 20 years. Who has faced assassins, hitmen, psychos, surprise attacks, metas, and you're telling me he didn't know that a untrained kid snuck up and stole from him?
He forgot who he was, he didn't forget where he lived! Even when he was Ric Grayson, Dick had procedural memory. His battle instincts stayed with him.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #52
"Then...I didn't even know what I was doing. I took him down--took him apart in seconds."
This man is a vigilante machine when he was amnesic. Why the heck would Dick ever let his guard down?
His robin reference
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #92
Even Bruce in Batman: Hush has said it-Dick was the best. His skills were the best of anyone he's witnessed which is one of the reasons why Bruce let him be Robin in the first place.
This scene is so wrong that there's a robin scene that came out before this in direct opposition of this Tom Taylor Shitshow.
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Robin & Batman Issue #1
This was actually pre-robin. Bruce had him do a solo-trial run to see his skill before he made him Robin and this was the result. Compare that to Tom Taylor's scene and the result is humiliating. For Taylor.
Tom Taylor's version of trying to show that Dick loves the people comes off as him hating crime-fighting. RIP the whole Robin firing drama and Nightwing birth i guess.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #79
"We could have avoided all of this if we'd just stayed in and eaten kibble."
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #3
Dick would rather die than stop crime-fighting. After Blockbuster's first attempt, his life was hanging on by a thread and he still continued crime fighting.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #91
After Blockbuster blew up his apartment, this is the single-minded determination Dick had to continue crime-fighting. This is him at one of the worst lows of his life but he refused to give up but now? He has everything and Dick wants to ignore the murder of a child to stay inside and eat kibble which - what the heck? I know he's seen as a happy character but him finding dog-food desirable is too far!
Also the idiocy of which Tom Taylor had Barbara calling the cops in Bludhaven for a stolen wallet. Newsflash! This isn't her first rodeo here.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #81
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #24
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #23
Given how Dick's easily defeated enhanced metas and "very good" fighters, him falling down the stairs is a little to absolutely impossible to believe.
Another thing I love about Dick that Tom Taylor deciminates is his grace. Dick is the most graceful person in DC. His balance easily matches Selina's enhanced cat powers.
But yet. You have.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #83
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #23
yeah. okay.
Taylor's motorbike scenes of Dick make me so mad. The boy is a pro at crazy. It's one of his best traits because he does the wildest stunts and he pulls it off.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #93
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #86
He lands on his feet. He grabbed a villain mid-air, crashed into a window, and was perfectly fine. Actually no, he's not fine because he's worried about his bike's paint job.
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #24
He just sailed over a whole crowd of people and started kicking butt like what he just did wasn't extraordinary - which for him is just another tuesday.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #95
yeah, tell 'er Dick.
He doesn't need someone to hold his bike.
One of the worst things in Taylor's run is how Blockbuster went down. It suddenly reminded me of Selina's stupid ideology which is why I think I got so ticked off.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #96
Blockbusters' thugs loyalty to him isn't a make it or break it deal. He's one of strongest criminal organisations and the knowledge that he owns one of the worst prisons that he could easily put his underlings into would've instilled fear into his thugs, not freedom. Furthermore Blockbuster takes good care of his people that don't piss him off. He teamed up with Nightwing in the scarecrow era in Nightwing (2016) because someone was messing with his people. He's extremely intelligent and superstrong, and he's not just going to be brought down by the knowledge that he owns a prison. It's Bludhaven. If he didn't, then there would be something suspicious given that he runs the city. It's the way Taylor dumbs down Bludhaven's villains that gets to me. Imagine him writing Batman (2016). It's like saying, "yeah the Joker was just a little misguided but he found the right way again after a stern talking to by Batman."
Nightwing is a big name.
When Dick first came to Bludhaven, one of the police officers was like we don't want your crazy here or something. Also Bludhaven loves Nightwing. They want him.
So why is everyone pretending like they don't know who he is?
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #90
The police, the citizens, the villains-all of them. Dick fought Brutale and beat the crap out of him way back in 1996 comic. He's a Bludhaven regular. Just because Dick forgot who he was doesn't mean anyone else forgot him. Amnesia doesn't work that way.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #54
A whole team of Nightwings were formed during Dick's amnesic period because of how badly he was needed and missed. It's almost like the Tom Taylor run is set in an alternate universe.
I ran out of image space but what the absolute fiddlesticks is up with Dick being scared to jump. It better be a manipulation tactic but at this point I think Tom Taylor doesn't even know that Dick is manipulative.
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A love letter to Haley Grayson
to honour her introduction into WFA canon, let me introduce you to my actual favourite DC character, the little three-legged pitbull (but i prefer her as a staffy) puppy...
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god i could go on about bitewing so much but we'll give you the run down of her as she is iconic
so, haley was first introduced in Nightwing (2016) Issue 78, the first of Tom Taylor's run. she is being chased and tormented by some thugs in Blüdhaven and Dick saves her
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he takes her home and tells babs he is taking her to the pound and babs is like "no you aren't" and she was right.
in issue 80, she makes her first journey to vigilante status by joining Tim as he goes to talk to the street kids
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she then gets blessed with her codename by Tim in issue 81, giving us her two names, Haley and Bitewing
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she mostly exists to be cute but hen in issue 87, she gets kidnapped!
who would be so cruel!
but dick and babs save her and we get a cute family photo
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she's mostly just for cuteness for a while but she makes an appearance in issue 90, when dick's apartment is blown up and he goes to stay with wally. nothing important happens with her but i have to point it out
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Then issue 98 happens
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Nite-mite gives haley a cute matching outfit and she can talk!!!
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so they go on an adventure and its super cute and haley saves the day of course
she makes a brief appearance in issue 100 but her next notable one is in issue 105, the wonderful first person issue
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he appears again in 106 with gar and it is very cute
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the other amazing haley moment is in the 2022 annual where we get this awesome dream sequence where haley is Bitewing again and she trashes the apartment. it's so good and so cute
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TL;DR Haley is the best DC character and you cannot tell me otherwise
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bon2bonn · 10 months
Bonnie's F1 Masterlist
Welcome to my secret Garden
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✨a work in progress ✨
Requests are : open ( ✓ )
The grid
22!-23! F1 grid X female!driver!reader
Max Verstappen #1
° Bang , Bang ft. Charles leclerc
Agent! Charles X vigilante!reader X agent! Max
° In Daydreams with me ft. Charles leclerc
CEO!max X female!reader X professor!charles
° IDK You Yet ft. Charles leclerc
Max Verstappen x female!reader X Charles leclerc
° Paper Hearts 🥊. (on hold)
MMA!max verstappen X female!reader au!
° Pt.2
Sebastian Vettel #5
° Almost
Sebastian Vettel X red bull!engineer!reader
Kimi Räikkönen #7
° light A Flame 🔥👨🏼‍🚒
Firefighter!Kimi X teacher!reader
Daniel Ricciardo #3
°To Be Yours
Office!coworker!Daniel Ricciardo X female!reader
° happier 🎸🎤
Singer!Daniel Ricciardo X female!reader au!
° I'll Carry Your Throne , My Moon child 🌑⚔️👑
King!Daniel X Moon goddess!reader
Fernando Alonso #14
° Adore You mafia au!
Mafia!Fernando Alonso X female!reader
Charles leclerc #16
°Bang , Bang ft. Max Verstappen
Agent! Charles X vigilante!reader X agent! Max
° In Daydreams with me ft. Max verstappen
CEO!max X female!reader X professor!charles
° IDK You Yet ft. Max Verstappen
Max Verstappen x female!reader X Charles leclerc
° My Kind of Perfect
Charles leclerc X female!reader
° Breakeven
Carlos Sainz #55
° Flowers 🌼
Carlos Sainz X leclerc!reader
• Flowers to You
° Once In A Morning Breathe
Carlos Sainz x female!reader
° 2 Steps Once In A Morning Breathe prequel
Carlos Sainz x female!reader
Lewis Hamilton #44
° home with you
Dad!Lewis Hamilton X female!reader
Lando Norris #4
° The Growing Pains Are Keeping Me Up at Night.
Big brother!Lando Norris X Norris!reader
° Hurt Tonight
Lando Norris X female!reader
° No Respect
Lando Norris X female!reader X oscar Piastri
Lando Norris X female!reader
Oscar Piastri #81
° No Respect
Lando Norris X female!reader X oscar Piastri
Dad!Oscar X female!reader
° dad!Oscar ft. little miss sunshine✨
° little miss sunshine goes on a road trip 🌻🦋
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goatsghost · 9 months
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so i see tim was the one to give the dog a vigilante name, not another one of dick’s wonderful bat-related nicknames, then
nightwing (2016) #81
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a-cat-in-toffee · 22 days
prime destroyers dashboard simulator because i got bored in class (part 2, part 3)
🔮 stolen-tech Follow
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@/purg1ngthew0rld this u?
💔 purg1ngthew0rld Follow
how the fuck did you find my tumblr ??
🔮 stolen-tech Follow
Answer the question
(63 notes)
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🦎 stopstealingmytech Follow
My house has an infestation.
#how do I get them out
(5 notes)
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(0 notes)
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♟️ candidcarpace Follow
I swear to god i just saw wavelength go into a fucking tonys pizza?????
🦎 stopstealingmytech Follow
can i not eat in peace
(43 notes)
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✍️brainrottingloser Follow
Rip to that one beautifully written tidalwave fic that hasn't updated in a year. demonicbookclub you will be missed
(7 notes)
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💿 lesbianposting Follow
oh my goddd theres this fine ass emo chick at the park ??? chat do i shoot my shot 5 notes and i shoot my shot
💿 lesbianposting 
Guys how the fuck
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#its been maybe an 30 minutes??? #ill update you guys on how it goes 
(81 notes)
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🎱 imgoingtoeatachaosdemon Follow
My girlfriend: oh hey ur back early
Me: pizza place’s hauntrd
My girlfriend: what?
Me: *loading a shotgun and leaving again* pizza place’s haunted
(3,884 notes)
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⭐ Bluestarsintheblacksky Follow
People who apologize for vigilantes make no fucking sense to me what theyre doing is illegal. They're hurting people trying to do a hero's job.
🦓 im-s0-tired Follow
you're just jealous of me and my beautiful wife Cantrip Kills People
⭐ Bluestarsintheblacksky
I cant fucking stand people like you oh my gooodddd
🦓 im-s0-tired
stay mad
(302 notes)
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☣️ Villain-apologist Follow
I want whatever is going on with the chaos demon guy and the redhead he hangs out with
🦎 stopstealingmytech Follow
you don’t 
☣️ Villain-apologist
(2,668 notes)
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cazzam · 2 years
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Cassandra Cain is the daughter of assassins David Cain and Sandra Wu-San (better known as Lady Shiva), and was raised by Cain. She is an expert hand-to-hand combatant, and able to read body language to the point of interpreting complex thoughts, but learning to communicate better through speech and text. She has operated as a vigilante under the names of Batgirl, Kasumi, Black Bat, and Orphan, and is currently sharing the title of Batgirl with Stephanie Brown and Barbara Gordon.
Basic Reading
Batgirl (2000)
Batman: Gates of Gotham (2011)
Detective Comics (2016) #934-987
Batman and the Outsiders (2019)
Batgirls (2021)
Spirit World (2023)
Birds of Prey (2023)
Cassandra's major appearances are listed in chronological order (mostly) under the cut. My favorites are bolded.
No Man's Land
All issues collected in Batman: No Man's Land (2011) vol. 2-4. I recommend reading the entire event.
Batman (1940) #567 [first appearance]
Detective Comics (1937) #734
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #120 [Cassandra takes up Batgirl mantle]
Azrael: Agent of the Bat #56-57
Batman (1940) #569
The Batman Chronicles #18
Azrael: Agent of the Bat #60-61
Robin (1993) #73
As Batgirl
Issues that are part of events may be confusing out of context.
Batman: Gotham Knights #2, 5
Batman: Gotham City Secret Files and Origins [first story]
Batgirl (2000) #1-2
Young Justice (1998) #21
Batgirl (2000) #3-11, 12 [Officer Down start]
Birds of Prey (1999) #27
Catwoman (1993) #90 [Officer Down end]
Batgirl (2000) Annual #1, #13-19
Harley Quinn (2000) #10
Robin (1993) #88 [first meeting with Stephanie Brown]
Batgirl (2000) #20, 21 [Joker: Last Laugh start]
Joker: Last Laugh #3
Supergirl (1996) #63 [transphobia cw, Joker: Last Laugh end]
DC First: Batgirl/Joker
Batgirl (2000) #22-23, 24 [Bruce Wayne: Murderer? / Fugitive start]
Robin (1993) #98
Batgirl (2000) #25-29
Batman (1940) #605 [Bruce Wayne: Murderer? / Fugitive end]
Batgirl: Secret Files and Origins
Batgirl (2000) #30-32
Batman: Gotham Knights #33, 35
Batgirl (2000) #33-38
Batman: Family #7
Detective Comics (1937) #782 [backup], 790
Nightwing (1996) #81
Superboy (1994) #85 [first meeting with Kon-El/Conner Kent]
Batgirl (2000) #39-44
Batman: Gotham Knights #42, 45-46, 48-49
Robin (1993) #119
Batgirl (2000) #45-47
Superman/Batman #5
Batgirl (2000) #48-50
Birds of Prey (1999) #61, 63
Batgirl (2000) #51-53
Solo #10 [third story]
Detective Comics (1937) #796 [backup]
Robin (1993) #127-128
Batgirl (2000) #54
War Games
All issues collected in Batman: War Games (2015). I don't recommend reading the entire event.
Detective Comics (1937) #797
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #182
Nightwing (1996) #96
Batgirl (2000) #55
Batman (1940) #631
Batgirl (2000) #56
Nightwing (1996) #98
Batgirl (2000) #57
Batgirl in Bludhaven
Robin (1993) #132 [Fresh Blood start]
Batgirl (2000) #58
Robin (1993) #133
Batgirl (2000) #59 [Fresh Blood end]
Batman Allies: Secret Files and Origins 2005 [third story]
Batgirl (2000) #60-73
With the League of Assassins and Deathstroke
I don't recommend reading anything in this section except Batgirl (2008) #6.
Robin (1993) #148-151, 161-162
Supergirl (2005) #14
World War III #2
Teen Titans (2003) #43-46
Batman and the Outsiders (2007)
Batgirl (2008) [recap of this era. Bruce adopts Cassandra]
As Black Bat
Battle for the Cowl: The Network
Batgirl (2009) #1 [Cassandra gives Batgirl mantle to Stephanie]
Red Robin #17
Batman Incorporated (2011) #6
Red Robin #25
Batman: Gates of Gotham
As Orphan
The New 52 reboot changed Cassandra’s origins, personality, and relationships with other characters. Rebirth was a soft reboot that kept New 52 canon but brought back elements from the previous continuity.
Batman and Robin Eternal #1-9, 11-14, 17-26 [New 52]
Detective Comics (2016) #934-940 [Rebirth]
Batman (2016) #7 [Night of the Monster Men start]
Nightwing (2016) #5
Detective Comics (2016) #941
Batman (2016) #8
Nightwing (2016) #6
Detective Comics (2016) #942 [Night of the Monster Men end], 943-962
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #15
Detective Comics (2016) #963-964
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #15-17
Detective Comics (2016) #965-981, 983-987
Batman and the Outsiders (2019)
DC: The Doomed and the Damned [seventh story]
Batman: The Joker War Zone [second story]
Batman (2016) #104
Return of Batgirl
The Infinite Frontier reboot considers all past continuities canon.
Infinite Frontier #0
Batman Secret Files: The Signal
Batman: Urban Legends #3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 14
The Joker (2021) #3-4, 7, 11-12, 15
Detective Comics (2016) #1038 [backup], 1049, 1052, 1057
Batman (2016) #112 [main], 115-116 [backups]
Nightwing (2016) #85-86
Batman (2016) #117 [backup]
Batgirls #1-6
Task Force Z #8
DC Pride: Tim Drake Special
Robin (2021) #15
Detective Comics (2016) #1061
Batgirls #7
Catwoman (2018) #45
Batgirls #8-12
Batman One Bad Day: Two-Face
Tim Drake: Robin #4
Batgirls Annual 2022, #13-19
Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate [fourth story]
Spirit World (2023)
Birds of Prey (2023) #1- [ongoing]
Detective Comics (2016) #1084 [backup]
Other Appearances
Ghost/Batgirl [Dark Horse Comics crossover]
Batman: Outlaws #2
Batman: City of Light [not recommended]
Justice League Elite [as Kasumi]
Wonder Woman (2006) #600 [second story]
Batgirl (2016) #50 [third story]
DC Festival of Heroes [first story]
Truth & Justice #6 [#16-18 digital first]
Alternate Universes
Tiny Titans #33, 39, 43, 45
Batgirl: Futures End
Convergence: Batgirl
Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey (2020)
DCeased: Unkillables / Dead Planet #5 / War of the Undead Gods
Shadow of the Batgirl [YA graphic novel]
Dark Knights: Death Metal Robin King [backup]
Future State: The Next Batman #2, 4 [second stories]
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures [webtoon]
DC vs. Vampires
Dark Knights of Steel #9
Last updated: April 23, 2024
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sasheneskywalker · 2 months
books and articles about about comics, superheroes, dc and batman
books Ahrens, J., & Meteling, A. (Eds.). (2010). Comics and the City: Urban Space in Print, Picture and Sequence. A&C Black.
Bongco, M. (2014). Reading comics: Language, culture, and the concept of the superhero in comic books. Routledge.
Brode, D. (Ed.). (2022). The DC Comics Universe: Critical Essays. McFarland.
Brooker, W. (2013). Batman unmasked: Analyzing a cultural icon. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
Burke, L., Gordon, I., & Ndalianis, A. (Eds.). (2020). The superhero symbol: media, culture, and politics. Rutgers University Press.
Dittmer, J., & Bos, D. (2019). Popular culture, geopolitics, and identity. Rowman & Littlefield.
DiPaolo, M. (2014). War, politics and superheroes: Ethics and propaganda in comics and film. McFarland.
Dyer, B. (Ed.). (2009). Supervillains and Philosophy: sometimes, evil is its own reward (Vol. 42). Open Court Publishing.
Geaman, K. L. (Ed.). (2015). Dick Grayson, boy wonder: Scholars and creators on 75 years of Robin, Nightwing and Batman. McFarland.
Giddens, T. (Ed.). (2015). Graphic justice: Intersections of comics and law. Routledge.
Heer, J., & Worcester, K. (Eds.). (2009). A comics studies reader. Univ. Press of Mississippi.
Irwin, W. (2009). Batman and philosophy: The dark knight of the soul. John Wiley & Sons.
Langley, T. (2022). Batman and psychology: A dark and stormy knight. Turner Publishing Company.
McKittrick, C. (2015). Fan phenomena: Batman, edited by Liam Burke.
Ndalianis, A. (Ed.). (2009). The contemporary comic book superhero (Vol. 19). Routledge.
O'Connor, L. R. (2021). Robin and the Making of American Adolescence. Rutgers University Press.
O'Neil, D., & Wilson, L. (Eds.). (2008). Batman Unauthorized: Vigilantes, Jokers, and Heroes in Gotham City. BenBella Books.
Packer, S., & Fredrick, D. R. (Eds.). (2020). Welcome to Arkham Asylum: Essays on Psychiatry and the Gotham City Institution. McFarland.
Pearson, R., & Uricchio, W. (Eds.). (2023). The many lives of the Batman: Critical approaches to a superhero and his media. Taylor & Francis.
Pearson, R., Uricchio, W., & Brooker, W. (Eds.). (2017). Many more lives of The Batman. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Picariello, D. K. (Ed.). (2019). Politics in Gotham: the Batman universe and political thought. Springer.
Pustz, M. (Ed.). (2012). Comic books and American cultural history: An anthology. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
Romagnoli, A. S., & Pagnucci, G. S. (2013). Enter the superheroes: American values, culture, and the canon of superhero literature. Scarecrow Press.
Smith, M. J., & Duncan, R. (Eds.). (2012). Critical approaches to comics: Theories and methods. Routledge.
Smith, M. J., Brown, M., & Duncan, R. (Eds.). (2019). More critical approaches to comics: theories and methods. Routledge.
Weiner, R. G. (Ed.). (2009). Captain America and the struggle of the superhero: Critical essays. McFarland.
Weldon, G. (2017). The caped crusade: Batman and the rise of nerd culture. Simon and Schuster.
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glitchy-npc · 2 months
81 and 97 for tegan/ortega? 👀
Did they have a meet cute? Or was it a train wreck?
Far more the latter, their first meeting was trying to stop the same armed robbery. Ortega assumed Tegan was with the culprit. While they figured it out, the baddie got away. It took a few more crossing paths to realize Tegan was a vigilante and not a criminal. Yet, anyway.
How do they wake their S/O up? Is it difficult to rouse them?
Both are light sleepers so it's not difficult but I think Ric likes being woken up with a kiss, on lips, shoulder, neck he's not picky and Tegan likes being woken up with a slow back rub, nothing startling.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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silverwhittlingknife · 9 months
Hi, hope I don't bother you but I wanted to ask if you're read World's Finest: Teen Titans? I've seen your Tim vs Dick's Nu52 characterization post, and I thought maybe you could he interested in the way Dick is characterized there
Hi anon <3 This is so funny because I actually was SO CLOSE to adding an addendum to that post that said "Waid's Teen Titans is good though" sdfdsfds #samehat
Yeah, I like World's Finest: Teen Titans! I have quibbles sometimes, because I have my own versions of every character that live in my heart and so I can quibble about anything, and although I know comics time is eternally the present there is something that is a little jarring to me personally about reimagining Dick and the Titans being teenagers in the modern world of extremely online social media, and there is a part of me that just refuses to accept it. But that's not Waid's fault! It makes logical sense to update them.
And fundamentally, I feel like Waid has the kind of sensibility that I like. I appreciate that he's letting the characters fight and have interpersonal conflict; I like the story structure - mostly the teens but also sometimes the adults and the byplay between them; and I do indeed love that his version of Dick feels like a team leader and argues with Roy a lot. <3 I actually find Dick's characterization - plus just the general willingness to let characters squabble a bit - so refreshing that it compensates for when there are things I'm less keen on. Like, look at this beautiful moment:
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And THEN!!! Roy and the others call him on the secret-keeping and Dick's all... you know what, you're right, and makes the executive decision to tell them who he is!! <333
Back in post-Crisis, Mark Waid also wrote Flash 81-83 and The Flash + Nightwing, both of which are Dick & Wally teamup issues that I love, and which also have the nice vibe where... like, the characters feel like friends who love each other and argue; I believe that they're vigilantes. I like his style.
WF:TT isn't quite catnip for me yet - maybe because I'm more attached to Dick-the-adult? - but I like the comic's throwback vibe and hope it keeps going. (And I hope it's successful enough to influence Dick's characterization elsewhere.)
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 81, Replies Part 1
1) “But today I`m full of energy and ready to dunk down Furuhashi once again! This arc is going spectacularly… polarizing, to say the least, but there`s still hope that things can get better for this story, I believe in the me that believes in Vigilantes.”- I do think, if nothing else, that getting Koichi out of his comfort zone and pushing him into the kind of similar situations Izuku’s ben exposed to on a regular basis has done wonders for his effectiveness as a hero on the field- far more than his direct lessons from Knuckle did anyway
2) “And there`s my little boy, looking at the horizon, and the bright flaming ball coming crashing down after the five minutes were up and Endeavor managed to hit Pop.”- He’s not to Izuku’s level, but with his trademark hoodie off, I do notice some muscle definition on his lithe frame there. That self-training really did improve him mentally and physically from the pushover he used to be.
3) “Huh- What?
Is this a flashback? When was this? No, flashbacks have black backgrounds, is this Pop imagining things or something?”- Losing herself in a ‘what-if’ whilst her body’s moving according to her worst impulses and the directions of the parasite inside her skull. 4) “Yeah, absolutely her imagination. It`s not even the fact she`out of school and looking for a job, it`s the fact that Koichi is being sweet to her without his usual accidental jerkniess “- Who knows, maybe he’d dial it back a bit after a few years to mature more and once he’d realised that he does think of Pop as somebody other than a close partner who sticks by his side.
6) “Now Pop certainly has some interesting dreams about them, not exactly together, but still close after all this time, fighting crime while adults. It`s just really hilarious, in a sad way, that she can`t even imagine them dating, even in her dreams she`s just chasing him while he`s oblivious.”- She’s thinking of them as using these vigilante activities as the closest thing to a date they can get, an enjoyable activity to spend time together with and grow closer together before eventually taking it to the next level- though pointedly, I couldn’t help noticing that the narrative skipped straight to the end result without going through the gradual process. Almost like Pop’s mind was too embarrassed to fully plan out all the necessary happenings that would be needed to get there. 7) “IT`S THEM FUCKING TRAINS AGAIN
FUCKING HELL I FORGOT ABOUT THEM”- Who could forget the pain trains and their current boom in business, both here and in MHA? 8) “BABY POPICHI
WHAT THE FUCK”- It’s interesting how her imagined scenario focuses more on how her theoretical daughter would be growing up rather than her son with Koichi- almost like Pop isn’t exactly certain of how to relate to a kid that had more in common with Koichi than herself. 9) “WHAT IS GOING ON
WHAT, IS THE NEXT ONE GONNA BE THEM OLD PLAYING WITH THEIR GRANDKIDS?”- Sadly, they don’t quite get that old – likely because Pop’s mentality can’t keep this ‘safe daydream’ going much longer, keeping the sweet and nice parts of herself intentionally blind to the damage she’s doing. Unlike Tomura, who embraces his villainy, I get the sense that part of Pop is deeply ashamed of what she’s done so far, but knows it’s too late to turn back, so she doesn’t truly fight the parasite’s commands and instead mentally averts her gaze and distracts herself with thoughts of what could have been. 10) “So, in her dreams, although Pop never got to achieve her dreams she still had a daughter that decided to follow down the same path, interesting. Also, you haven`t changed one bit Koichi, what`s your skincare? Tell me”- It’s almost like Pop can’t truly imagine an older Koichi being much different from who he is now, effectively still the same person, but just slightly older-looking. 11) “Now, for real, what is the actual situation? Because Tamao had memories of her past, but it was like another completely different person, I don`t actually remember if it was ever implied it was still her and the parasite just made her evil, the one moment where it seems like her real self was coming to surface was during the fight with knuckles, when more of her frustration with her dad in the past suddenly showed up, but that seemed like an extreme moment when a geyser erupted, Pop just seems to be herself but evil all the time.
Like, that phrase she gave would`ve been fucking amazing, if this all wasn`t just a brainwashing parasite and it was instead really her decision to do this.”- It seems to be all mixed-up and confused inside Pop’s head as it is the narrative, but the most I can make out is that she was fully controlled to bring out her worst side by the parasite during the prior outing, and now, with whatever different formula Nomura’s had injected into her for this show, she’s got more self-awareness and regrets about her situation, but likewise believes she’s too far gone anymore? It could be a means of getting her to ‘express her real feelings more’, as I sorta got the impression that in his own twisted mind, Nomura actually does think he’s doing Pop a favour by forcing her into this role, so she can stop holding herself back and let it all out.
12) “I hope you are eclectic Koichi, you`re about to get into a whole different genre of music, a rather painful one I`d say.”- He’s gotta match her rhythm to get closer to her, both physically and emotionally. Good thing he’s been training up his dance moves. @thelreads
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everytsukauchi · 2 years
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
Hi it’s me again, the anon who asked about the Joker hating Dick. Back with two more things, sorry. First is Dick being the hardest bat for Cass to read, is that canon or fanon? Another is Dick, Cass, and Bruce being the only bats (heroes?) able to beat Jason in a fight, where is that from?
Sorry for the lengthy ask and I hope you’re having a wonderful day 💕
Hey again (^▽^)!! Not at all and thanks <3
Dick is just a hard person in general to read for anyone.
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Titans (2016) Issue #11
And this is coming from a mind reader and empath.
But in terms of Cass, I think it may be because he's the only one whom she can't tell what he's thinking without him saying something. For example with Tim,
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Batgirl (2000) Issue #59
Even though they're just sitting there silently, Cass can identify every emotion that Tim's emoting without him saying a word. However with Dick, she only learns about him by watching his interactions with other people.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #81
She can still read his fighting movements but she doesn't have the same level of emotional understanding of him through body language that she has on everyone else. I guess it comes with him being a born performer. It's like her trying to read Alfred given that Alfred and Dick both understand and bond with each other over their acting abilities.
Another thing about Dick and Cass is that Dick is able to read Cass as easily as Cass is able to read other people.
In fighting, just like she can easily see his form
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #1
Dick can see hers too
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #1
He's able to identify her weakness and analyze her fighting technique just like she's able to do his. Although Cass wins because she's always quicker on the draw than everyone. It comes with her almost meta-like ability to identify weak points in someone's body language.
So that's canon for emotional understanding I think but unless I have the direct canon panel I can't say for sure.
Dick, Cass, and Bruce being the only ones of the bats to defeat Jason is canon.
Dick beat Jason even after being electrocuted, tranquilized, hit with fear toxin, and blown up in the Battle for the Cowl
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl Issue #3
Yet even after all this he still wins. He accidentally uses too much strength though and knocks Jason off the ledge
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl Issue #3
Dick is always controlling his power. He's careful in the way he fights and goes easy on everyone especially if they're his friends of allies (evidenced in Vigilante comic), but when he loses that carefully maintained control, he always wins. There are other instances where Dick wins too but to give one that evens the playing field (where neither holds back), Battle for the Cowl is the best example.
This idea of holding back ties into Bruce too. Bruce doesn't restrain himself nearly half as much as Dick does but he does it too. When he doesn't hold back against Jason, he wins
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Batman: Under the Red Hood Issue #13
Cass beats everyone, there's no question but here's the evidence anyway:
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #3
Even as he's saying this, Cass has already identified all of Jason's weak points
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #3
People sometimes use the following scene to say Jason can beat Cass but c'mon. It says right there he caught her by surprise and she wasn't seriously fighting.
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #3
But Jason can beat Tim, Duke, and Damian canonically.
Here he beats Tim when Tim decides to dress up as Batman.
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl Issue #2
It's kind of a one-sided fight. He also beats Tim when Tim is Robin but it's a little unfair to use that given than Jason is a trained adult and Tim is sort of just starting out. Also to be fair to Tim, Jason catches him by surprise and hiding but overall I'd say Jason still wins.
He also beats Damian in a fight rather easily
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Teen Titans (2016) Annual #1
He also beats him in Batman and Robin and in Batman (2016)
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #5
Although Damian has beaten Jason a few time in a no holds barred fight. I guess it just depends on how much they feel like fighting and who's writing. I can't tell with these two but I believe Jason would win eventually.
He can beat Duke too
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New Talent Showcase 2017
He does it so easily.
I can't remember him fighting Stephanie so I'll leave her out. In terms of fighting ability in the batfam, I'd say Jason's solidly in the middle. Still a strong fighter though.
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ao3feed-hawks · 23 days
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frogaroundandfindout · 2 months
I'd love to see a list of what you've read so far! I'm personally working my way through the entirety of NML, and that itself feels like an unending project, so I can only imagine how hard your reading list is.
* Robin: Year One
* Robin: Year One #1-4
* The New Teen Titans Vol. 1 (1980-1984)
* The New Teen Titans #1-20
* Tales of the New Teen Titans #1-4
* The New Teen Titans #21-25
* The New Teen Titans: Annual 1 (concludes Starfire’s origin)
* The New Teen Titans #26-34
* The New Teen Titans: Annual 2 (concludes Vigilante origin storyarc)
* The New Teen Titans #36-37
* Batman and Outsiders #5 (Part two of NTT #37 )
* The New Teen Titans #38-39
* Batman #368-(Dick gives Robin suit to Jason after announcing that he’s stepping back from Robin in NTT #39)
* Detective Comics #535-(Part two of Batman #368 )
* The New Teen Titans #40-/
* Tales of the Teen Titans (1984-1988)
* Tales of the Teen Titans #41-44 (brother blood in NT 40 and TOTTT 41; Judas contract in #42-44)
* Tales of Teen Titans: Annual 3 (end of Judas contract)
* Tales of the Teen Titans #45-74
* Omega Men #34-/
* Tales of the Teen Titans #75-83
* Titans Spotlight #1-2
* Tales of the Teen Titans #84-91
* Note: ignored annual 4: enter vanguard (boring as fuck)
* New Teen Titans Vol. 2 (1984-1996)
* New Teen Titans #32-35
* Teen Titans Spotlight #3 (Starfire in South Africa)
* New Teen Titans #36-39
* New Teen Titans Annual #3 (Godiva; Danny chase intro)
* New Teen Titans Annual #4 (private lives; Danny chase on team)
* New Teen Titans #40-/
* New Teen Titans Annual #2 (origin of Brother Blood)
* New Teen Titans #41-49
- Teen Titans Spotlight #3-6 (Joe Wilson)
* New Titans (1988-1996)
* Batman (1940) #416-(Dick meets Jason for the first time post-crisis and gives him Robin + his phone number. Brotherly bonding via drug bust and dick argues with Bruce about finding out about Jason via newspaper and taking on a new Robin)
* Teen Titans Spotlight #14 (dick is called to the manor by Alfred to help find Batman when he doesn’t show up for a meeting. Dick saves him from being killed by the highest bidder and says he’s proud to have been Robin)
* New Titans #50-56
* Secret Origins (1986): Annual #3 (dick is trapped in his own head, going through past events and his own failures)
* New Titans #57-59 (#57 has dick deciding to go confront Bruce at the manor but he is not there as told in Batman #436. Dick walks around manor and sees every sign of Jason is gone then goes to look for Bruce as Nightwing and is walked away from after asking Batman what’s wrong with him in #437. Nightwing looks for Bruce again at Wayne manor in #437 and New Titans #58 but Batman’s gone/ avoiding dick. Dick goes looking again in #438)
* Batman #436-439 (Batman Year Three; Flashbacks with a retelling of Dick's origin during Bruce's third year as Batman. In the "now", Dick tries to reach out to Bruce after Jason’s death while Dick's parents' murderer is about to be set free)
* Batman #440-442 and New Titans #69-61 ( A Lonely Place of Dying; Tim enters batfam)
* New Titans #62-70
* New Titans #71-79 (Titans Hunt [#71-84] Wildebeest arc with villian’s identity reveal as Joey and Deathstroke + Steve Dayton + arella team up)
* New Titans Annual #7 (team titans go back in time to stop chaos)
* New Titans #80-81
* War of the Gods #4
* New titans #82-89
* Death Stroke the Terminator #14 ( Total Chaos; dick hunts down slade and starfire frees herself from mirages capture)
* New Titans #90 (total chaos pt 2)
* Team Titans #1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1e (total chaos pts 3)
* Deathstroke the Terminator #15 (total chaos pt 4)
* New Titans #91 (total chaos pt 5)
* Team Titans #2 (total chaos pt 6)
* Deathstroke the Terminator #16 (total chaos pt 7)
* New Titans #92 (total chaos pt 8)
* Team titans #3 (total chaos pt 9)
* Titans Sell Out Special (pt 1)
* Deathstroke the Terminator #17 ( titans sell out pt 2)
* New Titans #93 (titans sell out pt 3)
* Team Titans #4-6
* New Titans #94-114
* Showcase ‘94 #11
* Damage #6
* New Titans #115-119
* New titans #119-130
* Prodigal (1994-1995)
* Summary: dick grayson takes over as Batman and works with Tim as his Robin
* Batman #512
* Shadow of the Bat #32
* Detective Comics #679
* Robin Vol. 4 #11
* Batman #513
* Shadow of the Bat #33
* Detective Comics #680
* Robin Vol. 4 #12
* Batman #514
* Shadow of the Bat #34
* Detective Comics #681
* Robin Vol. 4 #13
* Batman #515
* Alfred’s Return (1995)
* Alfred’s return #1
* Nightwing Vol. 1 (1995)
* Nightwing #1-4 (dick grayson gives up Nightwing to find what he wants in life and is then confronted with new evidence about Kravia’s potential part in his parents deaths. Nightwing investigates and develops new peace regarding his childhood and relationship with Batman)
* Like Riding a Bike (1996)
* Batman Chronicles #7
* Nightwing Vol. 2 (1996)
* Nightwing #1-18
* Nightwing Annual 1 (Dick gets married to supposed husband killer)
* Nightwing and Huntress #1-4 (Devin Grayson=weird shit)
* Nightwing #0.5 (Nightwing protects “lunchmeat” deever)
* Cataclysm (Earthquake in Gotham)
* Detective Comics #719 -- Prelude: Sound and Fury
* Batman: Shadow of the Bat #73 -- Part 1: Castles Built on Sand
* Nightwing (Volume 2) #19 -- Part 2: Shudder
* Batman #553 -- Part 3: Lifelines
* Azrael #40 -- Part 4: Hour of the Quake
* Detective Comics #720 -- Part 5: The First and the Last
* Catwoman (Volume 2) #56 -- Part 6: Claustrophobia
* Robin (Volume 2) #52 -- Part 7: Tribunal
* Batman: Blackgate - Isle of Men #1 -- Part 8: Isle of Men
* Batman: Shadow of the Bat #74 -- Part 9: The Naked City
* Batman Chronicles #12 -- Part 10: The Contract • House of Cards • Trapped • A Bird With a Hand • Love Me 2 Times • Little Orphan Andy
* Nightwing (Volume 2) #20 -- Part 11: The Day After Judgment
* Batman #554 -- Part 12: Master of Destruction
* Batman: Huntress & Spoiler #1 -- Part 13: Blunt Trauma
* Detective Comics #721 -- Part 14: Shifting Ground
* Catwoman (Volume 2) #57 -- Part 15: Reap What You Sow
* Batman: Arkham Asylum - Tales of Madness #1 -- Part 16: Tales of Madness
* Robin (Volume 2) #53 -- Conclusion: Flattened
* Aftershocks (after earthquake in Gotham)
* Batman: Shadow of the Bat #75 -- By Fire... or By Ice? • A Long Slow Death
* Batman #555 -- Trapped like Rats
* Detective Comics #722 -- Statistics
* Batman: Shadow of the Bat #76 -- The Gauntlet
* Robin (Volume 2) #54 -- Repercussions
* Batman #556 -- Help, Trapped, Money, Rescue, Ruins
* Batman: Shadow of the Bat #77 -- Arwin's Theory of Devolution
* Batman #557 -- Ballistic's Evidence
* Detective Comics #724 -- The Grieving City
* Batman: Shadow of the Bat #78 -- The Blank Generation Part 1
* Batman: Shadow of the Bat #79 -- The Blank Generation Part 2
* Batman Chronicles #14 -- Master of the House • The Lunatic Fringe • Random Encounters
* Batman #558 -- Dying City
* Batman #559 -- Dead City
* Detective Comics #725 -- At the End of the Day
* Detective Comics #726 -- Fool's Errand
* Nightwing #21-22
* Brotherhood of the Fist
* Green Arrow (Volume 2) #134
* Detective Comics #723
* Robin (Volume 2) #55
* Nightwing (Volume 2) #23
* Green Arrow (Volume 2) #135
* Nightwing #24-25
* Shadow of the bat 1,000,000
* Nightwing #1,000,000
* Detective Comics #1,000,000
* Nightwing #26-34
* Nightwing Secret files #1 (dick’s hallucination of Jason and summarized retcon origin of dick)
* Nightwing #35-37 (Escape to Blackgate; dick takes back blackgate prison for Batman and plans escape with villians)
* Hunt For Oracle
* Nightwing #38-45 (start of the hunt for oracle)
* Birds of prey #20
* Nightwing #46
* Birds of prey #21-24 (end of hunt for Oracle)
* Action Comics #771 (dick follows intergang into metropolis and works with Superman)
* Nightwing #47
* Transference
* Gotham Knights #8-11
* Nightwing #48-50
* Nightwing 80 page giant
* Nightwing #51
* This Issue: Batman Dies!
* Batman #586
* Detective Comics #753
* Batgirl #11
* Birds of Prey #26
* Nightwing (Volume 2) #52
* Robin (Volume 2) #85
* Officer Down
* Batman #587 (Part 1)
* Robin (Volume 2) #86 (Part 2)
* Birds of Prey #27 (Part 3)
* Catwoman (Volume 2) #90 (Part 4)
* Nightwing (Volume 2) #53 (Part 5) (Alfred quits)
* Detective Comics #754 (Part 6)
* Batman: Gotham Knights #13 (Part 7)
* Gotham Knights #14 (dick and Az foil the French acrobat sisters (Double Dare) together while the narration is a letter dick writes to Bruce about their relationship. References to transference.)
* Nightwing 54-59
* Gotham Knights #16-17 and #19-21 (dick is adopted by Bruce who dreams of the ghosts of his and dicks parents. Complications emerge as dicks unknown Romani grandfather contests the adoption)
* Nightwing: Our Worlds at war
* Nightwing: The target
* Nightwing #60-61
* Joker: The Last Laugh
* Joker: Last Laugh Secret Files & Origins #1
* Joker: Last Laugh #1
* Nightwing (1996) #62
* Joker: Last Laugh #2
* Birds of Prey (1998) #36
* Joker: Last Laugh #3-5
* Robin (1993) #95
* Joker: Last Laugh #6
* Robin (1993) #96
* Birds of Prey (1998) #37
* Nightwing (1996) #63
* Nightwing #64
* Bruce Wayne: Murderer?
* Gotham knights #24
* Batman: The 10-Cent Adventure #1(2002)
* Detective Comics #766
* Batgirl #24
* Nightwing Vol. 2 #65
* Batman: Gotham Knights #25
* Birds of Prey #39
* Robin Vol. 4 #98
Robin Vol. 4 #99
* Batman #599
* Detective Comics #767
* Nightwing Vol. 2 #66-67
* Batman: Gotham Knights #26
* Birds of Prey #40
* Bruce Wayne: Fugitive
* Batman #600 (dick and Bruce fight)
* Birds of Prey #41
* Batman: Gotham Knights #27
* Batman #601-602
* Detective Comics #768-769
* Batgirl #27
* Nightwing #68
* Batman: Gotham Knights #28-29
* Detective Comics #770
* Nightwing #69
* Birds of Prey #43
* Batman #603
* Detective Comics #771
* Batgirl #29
* Batman: Gotham Knights #30
* Azrael: Agent of the Bat #91-92
* Detective Comics #772
* Batman: Gotham Knights #31
* Batman #604-605
* Atonement
* Detective Comics #773-775
* Batman #606-607
* Batgirl #33
* Nightwing #70 (Deever is tracked down by hella who tries to kill him as revenge for her dead family. Nightwing stops them.)
* JLA/ Titans (1998-1999)
* #1-3 (dick and the titans fight the JLA to save Vic stone who is accidentally causing disasters on earth)
* Titans (1999-2003)
* Titans #1 (team re-forms)
* The Titans secret files and origins #1 (original Titans recruit members if their choice + extra stories and file entries by Cyborg)
* Titans #2-9
* The Immortal Coil (slade goes to titans for help with retrieving Addie from Vandal Savage. Addie is killed by gorilla grodd and incinerated by starfire)
* Titans #10-12
* Titans #13-14
* Survival (the titans fight among themselves and go to an island to work out their issues. They are trapped by gargoyles fantasy illusions and must make up with eachother to escape)
* Titans #15-16
* Titans #17-19 (titans head to Vega solar system to aid tamaraneans against gordanian invaders. However, Kory lied to them and it’s the tamaraneans trying to take over the gordanian home planet. Roy + Lian bonding with Grant in Arizona)
* Titans #20 (Vic gets his clone body and Wally leaves titans to make sure dick doesn’t feel obligated to stay. He makes sure jesse comes back)
* Beast Boy Vol.1
* #1-4 (gar is accused of murder and dick goes to investigate. He fights the shapeshifter imitating gar and bails him out of jail but leaves when gar says he can handle it. Tells bette she should quit being a hero and bette changes her costume)
* Titans Annual #1 (Gar is taken over by a demon in Japan and is “killed” to get rid of the demon. He’s okay though. Post bette Kane change)
* Titans Secret files and Orgins #2 (titans surprise dick in bludhaven and find him having dinner with Clancy. Chanda’s visits other people from Quarac about Jade )
* Titans #21-
* Batman Confidential (2008) #13-16 (wrath child; A recently debuted Nightwing helps Bruce fight a cop killing Batman impersonator called the Wrath)
* Transference (2000) (Gotham Knights #8-11 Dick comes to Gotham to visit Tim and Bruce but Hugo strange tries to connect Bruce Wayne to Batman. Batman hypnotizes himself to forget he’s bataman and dick brings him back.)
* Gotham Knights #18 (Bruce is lonely with the manor empty and calls Aquaman to come “help him” move the stuck giant penny. Author sees through it and tells Bruce to just ask him to bring over some beers next time.)
* Gotham knights #23 ( Bruce hit with fear toxin. Hears body guard tell him various loved ones are dead or hurt)
* Action Comics Weekly #613-618 (The Cheshire Contract; Dick helps Roy find his daughter) (1988)
* Deathstroke the Terminator #17-20 (The Nuclear Winter; slade goes undercover to prevent Cheshire from stealing nuclear weapons while wintergreen is in prison)
* Batman (1940) #357-368 and Detective Comics (1937) #524-535 (Jason’s intro to Batman comics as a flying todd and him becoming Robin)
* Batman (1940) #408-416 (Jason Todd’s appearance as a street kid, Bruce giving him Robin, and dick grayson getting fired after being shot by joker)
* Batman (1940) #426-429 (Jason looks for mother and gets killed by joker)
Dick & Co.
* Secret Origins (1986) #13 (dick is on tamaran and tells his story to Joey after korys wedding)
* The flash plus Nightwing (1997) (dick and Wally go on a vacation that dick planned for them at a murder mystery mansion)
* Then and Now (1997) (dick meets with Roy, Wally and Garth to find Mr. Jupiter. They fight younger versions of themselves and Roy gets a teen titan killed with his mistake )
* Gods of Gotham (2001) (Wonder Woman #164-167; the children of ares take over the bodies of Gotham criminals to shape the city in his image. Dick decapitates a gorgon for Donna, tells her he loves her, calls her sweetheart and helps her get over her fears of dark angel (?), and protects Tim Drake)
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