#villains with good publicity
lolotheparagon · 2 years
Another type of villain I love aside from cackling doofuses are villains with good publicity. It makes them much more threatening cos their seemingly perfect reputation (or even worse, their polite amiable attitude) creates more obstacles for the protagonists so they have to dig deeper into finding enough evidence to show the villain’s true colours.
My fave examples are Hugo Strange (Arkham City), Skye Larsen (Watchdogs Legion) and Simon Skinner (Hot Fuzz)
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I hate people.
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katyspersonal · 4 months
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Soooo yeah.. I am genuinely surprised by how hard Tumblr is trying to destroy itself. Tumblr THRIVES on random reblog chains getting progressively cursed, someone making a random post about their fandom, a lot of personal interactions, people osmos'ing unfamiliar fandoms and characters through mutuals-in-law and other stuff like this. Like.. there are 0 reasons to make it another Amino.
Not to mention how much it nurtures things that RUIN fandoms, like "fandom leaders", "cool kids" groups, fandom trends, gospel headcanons etc. So, imagine if like, a cunt that hates your ship or your headcanons on a character or anything like that 'claims' the fandom community first! So now everyone that dares to have different tastes and interpretations from them will be excluded from active discussions because many users, instead of checking fandom tag and 'wild' dashboard will hang out in community bubbles instead and not see the takes which that bitchy control freak admin dislikes! People that disagree with that community's admin will be left with no choice but to create their own space, and either 1) Tumblr will disapprove multiple spaces for the same theme 2) their community will be less active since most fans WILL naturally prefer the one that came first or 3) in general, fandoms will suck more because of large amount of "us vs them" moods.
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Nothing is worse for a fandom than giving someone power to decide who "belongs" in it and who doesn't. And there is NO way to prevent the situation where it is specifically a control freak that will exclude people with "wrong" ships or "wrong" headcanons that claims community. Like, yeah, different 'sides' of the discourse-torn fandom (so, ANY fandom lol) having to fight for audience because this audience can't be active in every community, even neutral ones that'd like to see any ships and any headcanons!
Did Tumblr staff not THINK about what this could mean? Like, do they want dens of scumbags proliferating behind the scenes? And don't even get me started on the morality of sanitising the posts into 'OnLy ReLeVanT cOnTeNt uwu' when so-called "meaningful connections" are formed EXACTLY when a blogger breaks the fandomry-posting routine to get personal or political, to show more of themselves! People don't need a new space where they can "escape" "uncomfortable" topics or news (cough cough), because they already have this space. This space is called 'their friends'! Once again, proves how corporations have NO idea now actual humans work.
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dayurno · 6 months
the amazing showstopping life-changing beautiful lovely and talented @alcego tagged me in the writing game where you post all your first sentences from already posted fics (and also the just as amazing showstopping life changing beautiful lovely AND talented roisin, thank you!) but i don't really care much for those lately so here's the first lines of several WIPs at the moment as a compromise :)
Kevin knows he’s being watched. (with @knickknacksandallthat <3)
“Riko? Are you awake?”
In the morning when Jean is supposed to be sent to his death, he takes five minutes out of his schedule to braid Kevin’s hair. (with @jaywalkers :)<3)
Not for the first time, they are in the infirmary. 
“Coach says you don’t talk anymore,” Aaron mumbles, looking out the window awkwardly. 
Christmas dinner with the Gordons is perfect.
Some people ride the crazy train. Jeremy drives it. 
Neil knows the gray does something to people.
what this tells me is that i am bad at writing first lines HAHA :3 i am tagging um everyone who wants to do this. thank you!
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
Why is mini figure Mac half shirtless when he was so flustered over Swk helping him with his clothes. What happened to turn him into that loud creature we see now.
death changes people, i guess
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discountsoysauce · 5 months
I talk about Victor and Eli a lot but like. I wanna take a minute to talk about Stell. Mostly bc I'm thinking of my fic rn and how helpless he is to his situation despite being the director of EON. He's supposed to be in charge of the entire operation and yet there are constantly things he either has no knowledge of or no control over. And that's So interesting to me
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om0000 · 13 days
2 things
Voice claims for your self ocs?
You mentioned in the past that sfef would force bad guys to be good. How would they do that? Brainwashing? Plain ol' threats?
hello anon !!!! thx for asking ( ^ )
1. stars voice claim is chris niosi (specifically his voice for reigen arataka from mp100 it fits suspiciously well w how he sounds in my head) n sugars is um. um sr pelo (far from the voice i wouldve expected to fit them but i was rewatching his videos n it suddenly hit me thats exactly how sugar would sound like). ultra doesnt have a voice claim yet 💔
2. thats a rlly good question actually ! ☝️ i have no idea. ive been rlly considering brainwashing as per one of my friends suggestion, considering ik sfef(the main big organization) exercise some levels of brainwashing on their employees, except if it was to convert villains it would definitely be done a lot less subtly and more aggressively if that's the right word. they could also capture villains n force them to do good deeds like it's community service, under constant supervision and limited freedom. idk im open for suggestions its up in the air 👍👍
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heloflor · 11 months
Ok so for about a good two-three months now I had a post in my drafts about how I realized I ship Powser, and long story short I started comparing Bowser to what I think to be how most villains in media interact with their damsel in distress if they express “love” for them. Issue is, I don’t have nearly enough knowledge/examples on this topic to know how truthful this comparison is, but said comparison is also the main thing tying this post together. So when thinking of ways to remove this element while still having all the same info in this post, I kind of came up short. Plus, I like the way the post is structured as is.
In other words, here’s the post as I originally wrote it, but be aware that the comparison is probably very flawed. Maybe there’s some truth to it, probably not. In any case, just focus on the Powser side of it, the villain comparison is just there for the structure. Enjoy! (long post ahead, a bit over 3k words)
So I recently realized that I really like Powser which I did NOT expect given I’m usually much more of a “friends to lovers” type of person, and trying to understand why I like it led me to think about how villains tend to be presented in their relationship with the “damsel in distress”, and it’s actually very interesting when you compare it to Bowser.
TL;DR: Unlike most villains who showcase sexual attraction (I think?), Bowser is shown to be romantically attracted to Peach. And while his actions are still very much shitty and should be seen as such, man is he adorable sometimes ! Plus, the way his feelings are shown to be genuine makes him look better than most villains, whose “love” for their victim is portrayed as """creepy lust""" by their medias.
(Obviously there is absolutely nothing inherently wrong with sexual attraction. I’m talking in the context of medias that sometimes tend to vilify it, especially when it comes to the antagonists, hence the language used in this post.)
So the first thing that came in mind while thinking of other villains was Dis//ney’s Alad//din (the 90s/animated one) and how Jaf/ar treats Jasm/ine at the end of the movie, more specifically when he wishes for her to fall in love with him and she ends up pretending to be as a distraction.
Thing is, Jasm/ine doesn’t act like she’s in love with Jaf/ar, she acts like she’s thirsting for him, and the way Jaf/ar reacts shows that this is pretty much what he had in mind when saying he wants her to love him. This isn’t love, it’s lust.
Now, I can’t say I’m someone who watches a lot of movies, especially not live-actions ones, so take what I’m about to say with a huge grain of salt. Basically, I kinda feel like what we see in Alad/din is the norm when it comes to villain/victim relationships? Like you have those antagonists who want the damsel in distress to be horny for them, who don’t see those women as people and don’t give a shit about them, only keeping them to get what they want out of them and having no issue discarding them afterwards if they get bored with those poor girls.
Btw that’s not to say that every single villain who kidnaps someone wants to sleep with them. But when it comes to villains who claim to love their victim, there does seem to be at least some sexual tension here, or at least some uncomfortable touches.
And then there’s Bowser. To give a few examples of what he does:
- In that one 1986 anime movie thing, he gets very soft around Peach, gushing about how he’s in love with her and wants to marry her, trying to cheer her up when she’s sad, and let’s not forget that “it’s more of a bracelet, shows that my love is bigger” line with the ring.
- In the mainline “platformers” games, you have “Mario Sunshine” in which Bowser wants his son to have a mother, and “Mario Odyssey” in which he tries to marry Peach, going around the world gathering all the absolute best things for the wedding. There’s also the New Bros U intro with Bowser gently moving Peach’s chair, making sure she doesn’t get hurt by his attack, showing he doesn’t want to hurt her.
- Not sure exactly if this counts as this could be a form of objectification, but you know that cliché of villains getting that all-powerful thing they wanted and immediately betraying/discarding all the people they worked with and/or claimed to love? Well, in the Galaxy games, Bowser gets the power to create a whole new universe, and yet still takes the time to capture Peach, claiming in the first game that he wants her to rule along with him. Again, this could be a form of objectification, especially when looking at his dialogue in the intro of the second game, but it’s still interesting how Bowser doesn’t really fall on that trope, still having his army and Junior on top of Peach (btw the intro of Galaxy 2 is very funny on that front because Bowser literally has enormous powers and yet still makes a detour for Peach, thus causing Mario to be on his tail. Like, let her go dude, she’s not that into you. You got all the powers of the universe, who cares about that one specific woman when you could have literally anybody else?).
- In the first Paper Mario game, Bowser tells Peach that he would fulfill her wishes if she wants (as long as he likes them) and gushes in his diary about how he hopes Peach likes him. And in Thousand Years Doors, he keeps trying to look for her upon hearing she got kidnapped.
- In Super Paper Mario, he gets overjoyed about the wedding but still immediately shows worry for Peach when Nastasia uses her mind control on her, and in general Bowser spends the game clearly loving being able to call Peach his wife, and joins the team again in 7-2 out of concern for her safety. Same with 8-1 where for all he knows he’s about to die and yet his main concern is her safety, to the point where he's willing to ask Mario to protect her for him. His priority is not being with Peach, instead it's Peach being safe.
- In Color Splash, the first thing he does when first getting back to himself during the fight is ask if Mario brought Peach with him.
- In Origami King, he doesn’t want her to see him as a wet floor sign and later asks Olly if Peach is safe and comfortable, which as I’ve seen pointed out implies that him capturing Peach is mostly a forced vacation/sleepover until Mario arrives and she’s put on the spot for show.
(- In general Paper Bowser is a huge hopeless romantic, at least from what I’ve seen of him.)
- In Superstar Saga he helps Mario and Luigi reach the Bean Kingdom for Peach’s sake. Then in Bowser’s Inside Story his most beloved and protected memories are his memories of Peach + he makes saving her his priority towards the end. And in Dream Team, he hears a rumor that Peach might have gotten kidnaped and immediately flies all the way to Pi’illo Island to find her.
- You cannot convince me that his car in Mario 3D World wasn’t an attempt to impress Peach, given this is one of the only two games (three with Wonder) where you play as her and face against him. /hj
- In that one old comic people kept bringing up after the movie came out, Bowser spends a lot of time gushing about marrying Peach. Also despite Peach being very temperamental in this comic, I don’t think Bowser once tries to hurt her? Obviously you have the Magikoopa brainwashing her at the end which is fucked up but outside of that does Bowser ever get angry or menacing when it comes to her?
- In general, outside of the games where Peach is playable and the intro of Inside Story (which comes off as OOC for Bowser tbh, I get him being pissed off but him trying to burn Peach is just really off), do we ever get to see Bowser raise a hand on her and/or try to physically hurt her? Same for his anger, how often do we get to see him raise his voice on her? And no the sports and party games don’t count since everyone is doing the same thing to everyone else in those, and in the party games it'd be unfair if playing that one character led to Bowser going easy on the player.
Now I might be missing some more moments, especially since I’m far from the most knowledgeable on the sport/party games and some RPGs (slowly making my way through them), but there’s one thing that is very obvious: while most villains express sexual attraction for the damsel in distress, Bowser expresses romantic attraction.
Bowser genuinely cares for Peach. She’s one of his most precious memories. In Super Paper, he snaps out of the joy of getting married when Peach is getting brainwashed, showing how much he values her safety. He absolutely adores her and isn’t afraid to express it, especially Paper Bowser.
Those two instances (Inside story and Super Paper) especially really seem to lean into how much Bowser loves Peach. In Inside Story, the fact that she’s his most well-preserved memory shows just how much he values the little time he spends with her and how important she is to him, not as some pretty face but as a person he genuinely wants to create more memories with. And in Super Paper, Bleck is giving him the one thing he’s always wanted, and yet he still shows some reticence when Nastasia uses her mind control, making it look like Peach being safe and sound is more important to him than them being a couple. Idk, those two moments just really get to me when you think about it this way.
(Btw in Super Paper I adore that Peach hesitates to leave him in 8-1 because, while we know Peach is incredibly kind so of course she’d be worried for a teammate, for once it feels like Bowser actually earned it. He spends the whole game being caring towards Peach, and wouldn’t you know, being nice and respectful to someone actually makes them care for you! I swear the Powser potential from this game is unmatched!)
When most villains say “I want this woman to love me”, they usually mean “I want this woman to obey and submit to my every want”. When Bowser says “I want Peach to love me”, he means “I want to be able to wake up everyday by her side, make her smile and laugh and be happy, see her be a mother to my kid(s), learn more about her and spend as much time with her as I can”. Bowser isn’t trying to marry Peach because he wants to “own” her, he wants to marry her because he quite literally wants to spend the rest of his life by her side.
Now that’s not to say that Bowser doesn’t feel any form of sexual attraction. But since Mario is such a kids-friendly franchise, the focus is much more on his romantic feelings. Also, I'll admit, whether Bowser is in love with Peach or with the idea of Peach is up for debate.
I think that’s the main reason why so many people are quick to call Bowser sweet/adorable when seeing the way he talks about Peach. Because the thing is, Bowser is still being a complete asshole here. He’s constantly kidnapping her, putting her in a cage on several occasions, forced her to marry him like 6 different times, very often disregards her body autonomy by grabbing her (+ the kidnappings), terrorizes and sometimes even tortures/kills her people, and his phone pic in the parental controls video + the picture frames in Nintendo World make him look like a creep. Despite his feelings for her, there’s definitely a level of objectification here that should not be ignored.
Hell, I didn’t mention the 2023 movie on the list because I’d argue he was more obsessed rather than in love. Plus the scene where he proposes to her low-key feels like the very first time they meet, making his previous actions creepier (or at the very least they barely know each other, heck Peach didn’t even know Bowser likes her!). And he’s quick to use blackmail and violence against her, especially in the end. The wedding cake toppers also show he cares more about himself than Peach and sees her as an object rather than a person.
(I actually take back what I said in my movie reaction post about Bowser being like the one from Super Paper. He might be goofy when showing his softer side, which was what I was focused on when comparing the two, but he’s also clearly not as genuine and sweet as Paper Bowser. The way he mistreats his army and especially Kamek in the movie is also different from most games, most notably the RPGs since that’s when we see him interact with his people and he’s a relatively good king to them.)
Compare 2023 Movie Bowser to the 1986 movie in which he tries to get Peach involved in the wedding preparations, tries to cheer her up, never gets angry at her despite how much she’s resisting him and never once raises his hand on her. Even when she outsmarts him by making him shapeshift, he’s amused by her attempt. Literally the worse he does in this movie is grab her against her will on many occasions (and obviously the kidnaping and forced marriage, that goes without saying).
Going back on topic, despite Bowser being very much horrible in the way he approaches Peach, since every other villain out there is lusting after the woman they capture, making them appear creepy/predatory, Bowser comes off as an angel in comparison. He’s one of those rare cases of a villain who is truly sincere about his feelings for the woman he captures, and since we see other occasions of him being a sweetheart (with Junior) and a dumbass (the RPG series), he becomes an incredibly endearing character. So his feelings for Peach come off as adorable despite the bad elements because we’re aware he has a soft side so we know he’s truly sincere. Him being sometimes more of an antihero in the RPGs + his inclusion in sports games and the like probably also help seeing him in that good light.
(Also yes I’m very much aware that there’s a huge issue when it comes to how fandoms perceive female characters, and I will absolutely believe you if you tell me this is one of the reasons why you have people who talk shit about Peach so much all while defending Bowser’s actions, especially since his feelings for Peach are so rooted into his character. Oh and obviously you have the people horny for Bowser who love his softer/romantic side and value the moments where he displays this part of himself, that goes without saying.)
I’m especially surprised by the 1986 movie showing such a characterization of him, considering it came out 1-2 years after the very first Super Mario game (aka Bowser’s first appearance, at least I think?). Like imagine making a movie about those characters and going “hey you know the giant turtle monster we fight in this game? What if he was a huge lovable dork who just wanted some love in his life?”. Tbh I adore that choice.
Overall, it’s just interesting to see how Bowser differs from other villains on that front. It’s very interesting to see a villain who does pretty terrible things to a girl all the while being genuine in his feelings for her, idk it’s a very cool contrast. I also like how “true love” tends to be a motivation for the heroes, seen as something good, so it’s fun to see stories where villains have that very same motivation without it being “““twisted””” with lust. And yes I know that last point applies to many more antagonists than just Bowser, and not just for feelings like love.
And a bit off-topic but I also really like how you can easily explain Bowser’s behavior here (not justifying it tho!!!). In the Yoshi Island games, we see he was raised as a spoiled brat who was always given what he wanted, made worse by him being a monarch. We even still see some of that behavior in his adult self, for example when he gets angry and starts stomping his foot like a kid throwing a tantrum.
As a result of his upbringing, Bowser likely just doesn’t know how to take a no. He’s used to always get what he wants, and take it by force if necessary. So when Peach refuses him, he does just that, incapable of understanding why she doesn’t want him.
The 86 movie is actually an excellent example of this. In two scenes (the one with Peach outsmarting him and the ring dialogue) we see Bowser getting worked up when Peach is upset, showing he genuinely wants her to be happy. But at the same time he’s incapable of realizing that he’s the reason why she’s so upset and the one thing he should do is let her go. The ring scene especially shows it very well. When Peach throws the ring and starts crying because she doesn’t want to get married, Bowser thinks she’s upset due to the ring being too big and immediately tries to soothe her by promising to get a better ring. Again, it’s kinda crazy how this movie was made when Bowser only existed for a single year and yet they already made him genuinely in love with Peach.
I’d also add that Bowser seems to have a pretty high opinion of himself, thinking he’s awesome and shit (or maybe he’s overcompensating, that seems like a possibility). As a result, it’s possible that his mentality on the situation is “Well I’m in love with her so surely she must love me! How could she not?”, making it even harder for him to comprehend why she doesn’t love him.
Again, it doesn’t justify his actions in the slightest but it’s still interesting how you can somewhat understand why he’s like this.
And as to why I ship Powser, honestly I still have no idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think it has to do with the storytelling potential of a unrequited love/it’s complicated/they have history situation in regards to their roles as monarchs, especially in the case of Peach whose character is brimming with untapped potential. I actually like to describe their relationship as “I hate the effect you have on my life but I couldn’t imagine a life without you in it” or “Our kingdoms are enemies for a good reason but if anything happened to you I’d rush in to save you without hesitation”. It's just that idea of them being ex-lovers who had a bad falling out and how Peach still cares about him to an extent and how their lives constantly intertwine with villains trying to take over their kingdoms + Bowser's kidnappings.
And since we’re talking Powser and since wondering whether they know each other or not in the movie got me to question how we can tell they know each other in the games: the best way I could describe their relationship in the games is familiar/”comfortable”, like you have the way Peach tries to convince Bowser to join the group in Super Paper, the way she talks about him in general in the Mario and Luigi games, or stuff like most cutscenes in Odyssey where she never seems afraid of Bowser.
I’ve also seen that Switch Tennis game with the evil racket and how Peach is the one who tries to get through to Bowser when he steals it, straight up saying “listen to me” which makes it seem like she knows she’s the one person who could get him to stop, or you have the first Rabbids game where she comments on how “Junior is sometimes even worse than his father”, plus the way she looks like a mother about to reprimand her child in the cutscene where Jr learns Bowser is coming home (which I find hilarious; lady that’s not your kid, I thought we’d been through this already in Sunshine!). Oh and CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE WAY SHE’S LOOKING AT HIM IN (spoilers in link) THAT CUTSCENE FROM THE NEW RABBIDS 2 DLC!!!
I don’t know how to fully explain but, looking at these kinds of interactions, you can tell that the two of them know each other, and to an extent Peach knows that Bowser won’t hurt her, hence why she’s not afraid to oppose him. It’s pretty funny actually how in the games Peach tends to be exasperated by Bowser more than anything else. Like he’s not a menace, just a weekly annoyance. And again, when you compare it to the movie where there’s only hostility and awkwardness between them, you do get the impression that they’re two complete strangers meeting for the first time. The fact Movie Peach had no idea about his feelings for her doesn’t help either. Then again, about the hostility, Peach in the games is much sweeter so maybe she shows a nicer side to Bowser because that’s just who she is.
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cdroloisms · 8 months
c!Sam should’ve been humiliated en masse by c!Dream. Like I mean he should’ve been publically executed by c!Dream as a stunt. It would have been very hot.
okay but the just the two of them of it tho
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
in better news. i’m now just thinking about how cool crumb’s main sonas are and the gimmick they embody/story they tell
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sing-me-under · 3 months
Fanon is so funny sometimes. Like, both unironically and ironically. Anyway, still an anti of Fanon!Tim but that’s just on his personality. When he’s like actually a person, I do still find fanon concepts interesting, like him being the Wayne’s neighbor or the whole photographer stalker thing.
And before I got really fed up with the generalized Tim characterizations, I did like to read the fanon “Tim becomes Robin to rescues Batman from himself” angst trope. I think it’s fun to think about Tim kinda just slowly inserting himself into their lives like trying to attract a stray cat. It’s a bit more emotionally involved than the actual events of A Lonely Place of Dying imo. Like, the storyline literally ends with Tim getting a pat on the back from Batman and just becoming Robin right after. Like, Tim is the quintessential 90s-early 00s YA protagonist (almost like the comics equivalent of HP). There’s a reason he’s so fucking popular.
Anyway, this whole post is just me realizing that so many fanon Batfam fans don’t actually know the events of A Lonely Place of Dying. Like 2F is usually constricted to “arms bearer mob boss” in fanon spaces but he’s got So Much history with Batman and the Robins. I haven’t read the Two Face storyline with Damian’s Robin run yet, but it looks super interesting. Two-Face doesn’t get as much attention as Joker does nowadays, and that’s such a fucking shame. He really should be more popular, but it’s Joker who gets the spotlight because he did actually succeed in murdering Jason and marking an irreparable change in tone in DC even though 2F did it first by beating Dick’s Robin to shit.
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anonymouspuzzler · 10 months
Few Villain Coded worldbuilding questions; Are there instances where a superhero or a group of superheroes is blamed for the rise of supervillains? Like how Batman is blamed making the criminals turn super by cleaning the streets of regular criminals so well? Also, are there places where superheroes are not welcome or having superpowers is deemed a sign of spiritual corruption or somesuch?
a very soft "yes" to all, but like... increasingly small scale for each, if that makes sense? like, one of the major Things in the villain coded world is superheroes operate with a Ton of legal & pr consultants behind 'em, so if there was at any point there was any kind of major public talk of superheroes being blamed for supervillain activity rising, there would be like. just a Flock of marketing and PR guys shutting that down as fast as possible. similarly, places where superheroes aren't welcome/superpowers themselves are viewed badly tend to be very small, localized types'a things without any actual authority behind it - ie. neighborhoods with a lot of villains congregated within it will be informally a no-heroes-allowed zone, but that's extremely not able to be enforced on a wider scale and there's nothing actually stopping heroes from just. going there. the closest thing to the latter is probably certain types of powers just coming off less appealing than others - ie. Minnie's mom, Betty, functionally has spider-powers but they're marketed as "acrobatic abilities" to avoid the eww gross scary reaction a lot of folks have to spiders, and one part of the reason Nemo struggles to get traction as a wannabe-superhero is her powers being functionally Dark Magics
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6vaguebook · 9 months
I absolutely love turning running gags in my story into an emotional tool of social commentary and character development at the very end of my story, and never giving any sign that I'm planning to do it until it's too late and I successfully have you either bawling or talking about all the flaws in our society, if not both
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mazzystar24 · 1 year
There is something oddly satisfying by queueing innocent and look what you made me do right after eachother
#taylor swift#ts#reputation#speak now#speak now (tv)#speak now (taylor’s version)#the girls that get it get it#the girls that don’t don’t#but I’m a girl that gets it so for context innocent is just full of forgiveness and sympathy (even if she basically called Kanye a man child#and she released it after the drama of the speech interruption as a sort of like hey let’s leave it in the past ‘you’re still an innocent’#then she thought everything was fine and they were cool now#then the drama with the phone call and shortly after the snake thing and shit happened#Taylor disappears for years#comes back and drops look what you made me do#which was the biggest f u ever#she reclaims every bit of slander against her and instead of forgiveness you got lyrics just filled with revenge#now I feel the need to emphasis what a total turn around this was because she prior just took all the sh*t to avoid making an enemy#out of Kanye who was a grown man established in the music business and she was like a teenager when it all started#so for years she had the perfect good girl girl next door image until Kanye tried to paint her as a ‘snake’ then she turns around#with a complete 360 of her prior public image and takes on this sort of ‘villain’ role#anyways I overexplained considering I think most of the internet knows the drama that happened but I will never shut up about how much of a#power move the rep album was like just from a business and pr view that sh!t earns respect
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ken-katayanagi · 5 months
Not that every album needs to be radically different in an artist discography but I don’t think it’s a good sign if your fans are saying your newest album is just like [album 1] and [wildly different album that sounds nothing like album 1 and has an completely separate idea from both new album and album 1]. I don’t think it means you’ve been stagnant your whole career but it does not seem so good for the new album.
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homuracoded · 5 months
I miss Makima
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