#also these kind of villains are lot common irl
lolotheparagon · 2 years
Another type of villain I love aside from cackling doofuses are villains with good publicity. It makes them much more threatening cos their seemingly perfect reputation (or even worse, their polite amiable attitude) creates more obstacles for the protagonists so they have to dig deeper into finding enough evidence to show the villain’s true colours.
My fave examples are Hugo Strange (Arkham City), Skye Larsen (Watchdogs Legion) and Simon Skinner (Hot Fuzz)
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funnywormz · 5 months
I think this shitshow with Toshiro stems from the trend of people INSISTING that interpersonal conflict must be a moral failing. Like I think there's something to be said about how people afford so much less patience to people who are autistic in the "wrong" ways, but also Laios and Toshiro just clash on a fundamental level that has nothing to do with that. Hell, you could read Toshiro as autistic as well. People related to Laios' side of the argument but instead of getting any nuance out of it they started projecting their experiences with ableist people onto Toshiro.
AGREE AGREE AGREE. i think that Fandom Brain gets people very used to thinking of conflicts in terms of "who is the bad guy and who is the good guy", so when they encounter a more nuanced conflict they don't really know what to do. i don't think toshiro is a bad person at all, in his conflict with laios he's just exhausted and starving and has been pushed to the limit and from his perspective, laios doesn't even seem that emotionally affected by the situation. i don't think what he said was right and it was pretty cruel, but i don't think he's a villain or deserves to be permanently hated as a character just bc he fucked up this time lol
also yeah you could definitely read him as autistic, and i think that highlights an issue in the autistic community in general bc like....... a lot of autistic people have conflicting needs which can lead to conflict between them/make them unable to stand being around each other. and it's not because either of them are neurotypical or bad people, they're just incompatible. like autistic people who loudly stim vocally and autistic people who meltdown when they have to be around loud noises, for example. it doesn't mean either of them is bad or not autistic, just that they have conflicting needs
i 100% agree with the last part too. i disliked toshiro at first myself bc i had been (and still do ngl) projecting onto laios hard and the conflict they had reminded me of times when people have been mean or angry at me irl for social blunders i've made unintentionally, or when someone i thought liked me/was my friend turned out to actually hate me. it's a common experience for autistic people and that scene resonates with that! but i think it also helps to take a step back from projecting our own traumatic experiences onto the scene and just look at it objectively. laios isn't perfect either and he's the one who actually starts the physical fight by slapping toshiro (i feel like i don't see many people mention this lol). i feel super bad for him in that scene but he's not a perfect victim and has done things wrong himself too
as an autistic person i've also been in situations where i can relate to toshiro too lol, like where someone is overly physically and emotionally familiar with me when we don't know each other well and i've wanted them to back off but haven't been sure how to say it without hurting their feelings. this kind of conflict is far from just being a "neurotypical vs neurodivergent" thing as a lot of people portray it in the fandom
idk i just wish people would think a little more deeply about the scene and put their own emotions and experiences aside to instead consider the conflict with the added context of the individual characters and their respective cultures + the situation they're in. people don't have to like toshiro but i wish they wouldn't paint him as a villain or make up awful shit about him just to justify their feelings when he isn't even that bad of a dude in canon yknow 😑. also we literally see him at rock bottom struggling and freaking out and i think that's important to remember. in a different context i doubt he would have ever said those things to laios
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I think an important thing to remember when discussing Lestat as a queer icon (since it's a topic on the blog lately) is the fact that he's a queer horror icon. That man was never going to be a good man lol. It's exactly how Dr. Frank-n-Furter is a queer icon despite also being a villain and problematic. It's important to see people that we could relate to or admire in some aspects also be completely terrible, to avoid conflating someone you like with someone you who is good/should be imitated. Especially in the context of domestic violence and abuse in queer relationships. I wish this nuance was more present in fandom, because I don't like how people either treat Lestat like he's just a regular queer icon (as in, they ignore the part that makes him a horror to deal with), or diminish his queerness.
I'm also looking forward to people claiming Louis as a queer icon, I have hopes that it will become a more widespread topic as the show simmers, because I also think that Lestat being heralded as a queer icon in the show comes from decades and decades of him being considered one outside of it. This is the firts time (to my knowledge) that Louis has been compelling to the general public, so I guess with time he'll gain more weight in that discussion. I know it might sound too optimistic, given how black queer characters are usually treated, but I'd rather feel like we can go somewhere with this than feeling dejected.
I would write so many things about Lestat's and Louis' queerness and how they differ and interact and affect their lives and the narrative if I had the time. I'd also like to read/hear more about how Louis' queerness interacts and overlaps with his identity as a black man, so if you (or anyone) have any recs I'll gladly take them.
I think the discussion and even the portrayal of DV in queer (and interracial) relationships is a *huge* one for ppl to sidestep and has been one of the most disappointing things here tbh. we *haven't* seen that explored much in queer stories and it's so fucking *common* irl. there's a *lot* to explore there in so many directions, but ppl skip over that all the time just bcuz they don't want anyone to be "mean" to lestat. u can like things and still discuss and criticize them. as u said, look at the rocky horror picture show and the impact that's had. a lot of queer existence in general is always being "other" somehow, and that's why horror is such a good genre for it. to strip that away bcuz u just wanna play rupaul's drag race with lestat is....I mean, ppl can do what they want on their own, but this collective bullshit of forcing others to conform to this too and thinking ur "right" for doing it is a majority of the reason this fandom sucks. most ppl don't even hate lestat tbh, it's these fans that are the problem. nobody lets anyone meet the story where it's at.
I def think, regardless of what the show ends up becoming as a whole, that amc louis has made a huge impact as a black, queer character in major media. I hope ppl continue to analyze him and be inspired by this character and keep it all rolling forward. nobody expected this to be as good as it was at portraying louis and we're blessed af to have jacob in the part too.
god, I don't remember all the good posts I've seen about louis anymore. I tried to even look but I think most were out of the tags and long ago too. I remember a rly good one talking about claudia's relationship to louis and how he prbly wasn't allowed to play with grace's dolls as a kid, so claudia was kind of his "permission" to do that. it also gives a slightly different perspective to claudia's "doll-like" existence, since this was not something explored in louis in the books or 1994 film.
I feel like, if u or anyone is unfamiliar with james baldwin, reading his stuff will give some irl perspective to amc louis too in various ways. equal in paris is a good S2 companion. I think rolin jones even said giovanni's room was an inspiration for S2 too.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
I was JUST debating sending an anon about alloaro stuff lol. i am writing a character who is alloaro, n i'm curious as to how i should go about portraying it respectfully? any pointers? <:} sorry if this a bit too vague of an ask
It is pretty vague but I can give you some pointers regardless! (If you have more specifics in mind, feel free to send another ask).
Alloaros can have a ton of different relationship desires; some people enjoy romantic relationships, some people are entirely non-partnering. But a lot of us really enjoy or want a sexual but non-romantic relationship, which tend to be really stigmatized! "Friends-with-benefits" tend to be seen as shallow, casual, and short-term, and/or will inevitably end up with romantic attraction. So if it would fit the character & story, I would be really cool to see a character who has a sexual non-romantic relationship! That could look a ton of different ways- anywhere from "literally married & living together" to "good friends who have sex and live independently."
Also going off ^, a lot of aros tend to be on the non-monogamous side; we tend to have a lot in common with polyam allos (like perspectives on jealousy & relationship anarchy). So you could have your character have multiple different partnerships! And some of those may be sexual while others aren't. I know for me, I consider my platonic relationships to be on the "same level" as sexual ones, so I would consider a very close friend to be equally as important as a very close sexual partner, and I might call both a "partnership" (especially if our lives are very intertwined). Looking into queerplatonic partnerships might give you some ideas here.
Some alloaros do enjoy sleeping around/casual sex. However, if your character engages in that, you should make sure they are a three-dimensional character who clearly has other interests and other personality traits, and is not defined by being hypersexual.
Personally, I would be very uncomfortable with an alloaro character whose presented as a heartbreaker, someone who leads people on. Same for a character who is presented as being afraid of commitment or unwilling to commit, especially if they end up "fixed" by a relationship (even a non-romantic one). There is a theme of alloro partners being depicted as poor victims of cold-hearted sluts who just wanted them for their body, led on by the promise of "real love," and IRL there is a trend of alloros getting angry with their alloaro sexual partners for not being romantic, even when they explicitly said they did not want romance. And there is also a stereotype that aromantics are just commitment-phobic and/or traumatized, and our aromanticism is a sign that we are broken and need fixing. Depictions of alloaros as cruel/mean or broken tend to be very arophobic. This doesn't mean alloaros always have to be perfectly sane and kind- I myself have a character whose essentially alloaro, is a slut and isn't the best person- but I'm not sure I would want to see that from an alloro author, and regardless it needs to be done very carefully. If your character does fall into these but you want to keep these elements, get a sensitivity reader to give you advice on how to keep them well-rounded. But in general don't make your villain/asshole character the only aro/alloaro.
Also: diverse alloaro characters would be awesome! There basically aren't any right now so anything you write will be nice, but alloaros come in all sizes, genders, orientations, ethnicities, bodies, etc!
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macgyvermedical · 6 months
Hi! I am working on a fic in which the main character (superhero in the MCU) gets hit by a villain's unknown gas that causes extreme and irritational fear/paranoia/anxiety (sort of similar to the DCU's fear toxin, I guess). I'm just wondering how this would work medically, as the character will obviously see a doctor after the fact. I'd like the conclusion to essentially be "you'll just have to let the toxin/drugs run their course," but what kind of tests would be run, and would they be able to determine what exactly is in the character's system? (Since it's a reality-flexible universe, there can be elements of the toxin that aren't actually real or familiar/recognizable to make it cause some of the reactions I'm wanting.) Is there any sort of meds they might give the character? Any insights you might have to make the conversation with the doctor at least a little realistic would be very helpful, thank you! :)
Sounds like a pretty standard day on my observation unit haha.
There are lots of drugs, particularly stimulants, club drugs, and THC, that can cause paranoia and anxiety. The thing is, none of them do it consistently enough that you could easily make them into a chemical weapon like you're describing.
The closest IRL chemical weapon to a fear toxin is called QNB (aka BZ). QNB is a deliriant/incapacitant, meaning that it causes incapacitating confusion, hallucinations, and probably paranoia and anxiety as well without causing death. There is no antidote that has been identified, and the drug really does just need to run it's course.
Let's say your character went to the emergency room. They'd probably draw some blood and take a urine sample. The blood would mostly be used to see how the person was doing physically (what their electrolyte levels were, how many red and white blood cells they have, what their blood glucose is, etc...) and maybe get an alcohol level. The urine would be used to do a urinalysis (basic test to determine whether someone has a UTI or has things in their urine that shouldn't be there, like blood or mucous) and a urine tox screen.
Unlike what most people think, a urine tox screen won't identify everything. It will just identify the top 10 commonly abused drugs. It's the same test that they run when people start a new job. If the fear toxin is a common problem in-universe, though, they might have a specific test for that that could also be run on the blood or urine. We don't have a specific test for QNB.
Once they got all the tests back and they were normal, they would know this was probably either a drug they couldn't identify or a psych problem. They might gets seen by a psychiatrist in the emergency department, but if intoxication was suspected (as in, the patient reported that their symptoms started when they were exposed to a drug), psych would probably want to wait until the person was sober.
For this they may be admitted to an observation unit to let the drug run its course. They might also be given an antipsychotic medication like olanzepine or haloperidol, or a benzodiazepine like lorazepam to decrease agitation/paranoia/anxiety.
If the person was a flight risk due to their paranoia and it was deemed that they couldn't make good decisions for themselves, they might also have a 1:1 sitter or a video sitter to stay with them and stop them from leaving (or in the case of a video sitter, alert nursing staff to them trying to leave).
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shaanks · 5 months
2-24 even for Shanks 💕
Oh my goodness, thank you bby!! Y'all are gonna hear about Shanks today lmfao. Most of this is gonna be under a readmore bc I've never been able to be succinct but here we goooooo!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I love how careful he is about when and how he flexes all that power he has. It was meant to be very on the nose when we were introduced to him via Luffy in the very beginning of the series, but like. His little episode on Whitebeard's ship seemed like he had conqueror's haki out of control, but it was a very purposeful flex, if for nothing else than to show that he took approaching another Yonko seriously. Or the way he chose to handle Greenbull at the end of Wano. Sure it was hard to the new folks on his crew to handle exposure so suddenly, but he sent that like 50 miles out from the ship and hit that jerk in the heart with it. And never even raised his voice about it. Idk I think his restraint and how it manifests is a really interesting part of his characterization.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
it's probably on my mind bc of Bernard Hill's recent passing, but I think Shanks would do so well and have a grand old time being elusive and mysterious in Lord of the Rings lmfao. He's got that Aragorn quality of could be in his 20s could be in his 40s who knows, he and Gandalf would probably get a kick out of each other, he'd fucking love the hobbits I am telling you this. (he also, I am very afraid, has that Aragorn quality of 'doomed by the narrative just not quite yet,' but we'll see.)
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
this is hard, I think he's a much more complex and interesting person than I am for the most part, but like. I think it's safe to say he'd mostly rather diffuse a situation than have it become serious when the latter is avoidable, and I am that way too. If the situation is already serious and requires a throw down response that's a different matter, but if we can avoid a serious fight in favor of a little tussle and some drinks, that'd be the way he'd go, and I agree.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
take this one with a grain of salt bc I mostly try not to yuck anyone's yum or argue about differing headcanons, but I really do not fucking like the like. scumbag/villain!Shanks thing that seems to have a semi-popular following. some of that is personal bias, as I think he is a warm, good person who is doing his best, but it also kind of feels like a betrayal of the narrative for him. which I realize is funny coming from the "everything is made up including the source material" guy but here we are. there was a period a few months ago where people were basically just writing him as OP Toji and it made me want to pull all my hair out.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
absolutely, I adore him, I think he's right about a lot of things, our ethics tend to line up where it matters, I think he's funny and would be fun to be around, he listens well and is a warm and compassionate person. I really like him and we'd get along really well I think. (mostly probably through the lens of my OC bc I'm not like. terribly convinced of my actual in person IRL likeability but in theory, absolutely yes.)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I've written about it a little before, but I think the reason he let Buggy go without telling him what Roger talked to him about after the execution wasn't because he didn't want Buggy with him anymore or didn't believe he had what it took to complete that mission, but so that Buggy would have a chance to forge his own way and have his own life. Doing what Roger asked necessitated Shanks--who was widely regarded as having the potential to be the next big legend--to drop out of the running almost entirely. He picked up his crew, he made a name for himself, he became the youngest person (at the time) to gain the title of Yonko, but he also spent a decent amount of time having to like. Lay low on beaches and dick around in the East Blue and play balance keeper and chess master until the man Roger was waiting for appeared. There are more spoilery additions to this that I'll leave out for now but yeah. I think he knew Buggy had all that same potential, and wanted to give him an opportunity to strike out on his own adventure without living in that shadow or carrying their mentor's ghost around.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
oh take this one with a grain of salt too idk that I know any of the terms correctly lmfao but he's very like. when I picture boho in my mind that seems very him. a lot of linens a lot of light flowy breathable clothes. It's pirate!Boho obviously but like. The man is out there wearing birkenstocks as we speak js.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
same standard issue disclaimer as the fandom stuff I don't like, this isn't to yuck anyone's yum, follow your bliss what people ship isn't my business, these are just the ones I personally do not like. shankslu is at the forefront, but I don't really do shanksbenn either?? a LOT of captains and first mates in this series read that way to me but those two don't for me.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I actually really enjoy his dynamic with Marco. There are some interesting pieces of shared history there but overall the like. Friendly ribbing, amiable hanging out and willingness to cooperate between two of my faves is always very nice to see. c:
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
oh please I think he'd think Sabo was a ton of fun. I know there's an age difference there that makes peership a little different than between the other mid-40s dudes he usually hangs out with, but think about it. Two very powerful people who are carrying the weight of part of this new era on their shoulders, who have a habit of just sort of fucking off out of the narrative and doing things as they please within their own personal parameters, who will just get up and obliterate a guy when that's what the situation calls for? Funny, weird, intelligent guys that love Luffy, believe in him, and want whats best for him? Even if they weren't besties, I think there's a lot of fun overlap for general friendship there.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
something I like: when people recognize that all that soft puppy silly goofy guy exterior, while sincerely part of him, is something that he makes the decision to externalize every day, and is sat atop a deep well of like. sadness and responsibility. there are a lot of people doing a very good job making him a romantic dopey nightmare man without sacrificing that silliness or his intelligence and sense of personal responsibility.
something I don't like: when people start a fic with the disclaimer "Shanks is in here but I hate him lol so he's a lil ooc 🤭🤪" and then he's like. not only ooc but just someone's ex boyfriend or doflamingo or just off-screen doing heinous shit for no reason. Writing a character you hate: can be fun and compelling! I fucking hate Doflamingo, for example, but as a narrative device, as a villain? bar none one of the best and most interesting. Writing a character you hate with the intention of doing a shit job because you hate them? dumb, annoying, and a waste of everyone's time. why include someone you don't want to write about lmfao just pick a different character and be done.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
i'm drawing a blank, I'm going to be real with you. Like, I can think of a ton of mentor characters, but they don't really remind me of him. I can think of a bunch of like. guardian of the new era characters, that still don't super remind me of him. I think again i've got LOTR on the brain rn but the like. Fellowship of the Ring Aragorn is the closest I'm coming up with and even that's mostly in terms of like. the gentle mentorship of the hobbits, the offbeat sense of humor, and that dedication to a responsibility that he might have been scared to face. IDK. Shanks is a pretty unique guy to me. I'm sure I'm gonna sit bolt upright at 3 AM with a list of 20 people that fit the bill but rn it simply isn't clicking lmfao.
And there we have it!!! My (mostly) comprehensive analysis of Shanks, for you my dear friend. Thank you so much for asking!!!
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98chao · 1 month
alright! i'll shoot a message to my friend that knows where to find shows for free, though from what i can grasp, there are some differences in the way they talk.
Shadow Milk talks dramatically, purposely playing himself up to look villainous while also painting himself as a hero.
Bill speaks plainly, either speaking normally with some echoy words of intimidation, with laughter being the most common to break up his speech, followed by excitement and fear.
Bill also doesn't use as many contractions, or pauses in speech in general, and speaks bluntly. He doesn't usually care about who he's talking to, and it shows. he also has a tendency to refer to people by their physical traits/symbols. Plus he lacks understanding of mortals, what they like, and what their sayings and mannerisms mean
Shadow Milk is the opposite in a lot of ways, knowing an extensive amount of mortal cookie culture, and using it to boost his annoyingness/intimidation. he knows the way he contorts and speaks is perfectly crafted to handle each situation the way he wants to, being silly and selfish all the while
he cares about few cookies in the first place, and i feel this makes him lacking a true personality. deep down he just strives for more and more knowledge but hes so deep in his act that his eccentric trickster self is who he is now. he cant remember exactly why or when it started but hes like this now.
he was once kind. he was once mortal. he can recognize the difference between his behavior and what is normal. he ignores it and chooses to be the way he is. Bill knows who he is and chooses not to even consider being anything else, being kinder
got a bit into hcs there but actually maybe i do have a good grasp on their characters
ooo anon i like this a lot!!! i think it might be useful for you to know that even tho earth isn't his home planet, bill actually spent a lot of time trying to subliminally implant himself into earth's culture via messing with ancient cultural figures like plato, pharaoh, etc. and even had a whole cult. it's implied in the book of bill that he even brainwashed/possessed alex hirsch (creator of gravity falls) to make the gravity falls tv show in the real world. he's also meant to be the illuminati symbol on the irl US one dollar bill (get it, bill) so i think he would actually be very well versed in human culture!
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astarionposting · 7 months
I thought a lot about it. And while I would always ascend Astarion in-game.... I would love a spawn Astarion "irl" at my side, but always prefer an ascended one in my dreams. Not because of how he behaves, how rough he is etc, but my heart aches when considering the fact he does not feel the same about me as spawn Astarion does.
how crazy am I?
You’re not crazy at all!
I’m similar, I would much rather have spawn Astarion at my side if I were to think about my preferences irl. However, I enjoy Ascended Astarion’s character in fiction, and the toxic aspects when it comes to fantasy! I also just really like evil, asshole characters in fiction but despite those kinds of people in real life.
Ascended Astarion’s arc is SAD. It is very very tragic. That is one of the great appeals of it. Someone who is so broken giving into their darkness because of fear, which is a common trope with villain origins tbh. I enjoy angst, and you seem to as well, so I don’t think it is crazy :) there are many of us Astarion fans like this! He is such a great character, it hard not to love every version of him, even if it is in different ways.
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hiii ummm as someone who hasn’t listened to any of vega’s stuff (and is a little scared to) i just wanted to ask what you like about him. ok thanks bye :3
(also tagging @clover-46 so she can be like "oh yeah this all makes sense. im a vega simp now.)
Don't be scared to listen to his playlist if you don't mind the gaslighting and such. He's not mean to Warden, but is actually kind of sweet to them. But if you dont like second guessing if youre being manipulated or not, then yeah... don't listen to his playlist. He's very sneaky.
I typically just go for villain/anti-heroes. Red flags are, unfortunately, what I find attractive. (in fiction and reality :') ) NOT ALL THE TIME THOUGH I SWEAR I HAVE COMMON SENSE
His annunciation. The way he speaks just scratches a very nice part of my brain. And if someone has a nice voice, it tends to capture my heart. It's more than just vocal fry, deepness, ect. It's the way he speaks.
He's multifaceted. At first we think he's evil because we see him from Freelancer's perspective. But when Carpe Deus comes around, it shows him in a different reality. He didn't just do what he did to Ivan because he wanted some yummy snacks. There was a genuine reason behind it.
I love the way he interacts with people. It's kind of patronizing but so subtle that you notice it, but you dont notice the extent of it.
He's poetic. He has such an extensive vocabulary, and he doesn't swear often. There's something to say about someone who is able to absolutely verbally obliterate someone, all without really swearing.
He's a sadism demon. (iykyk)
Vega doesn't actually touch Warden all that much. (from my understanding he just touches them when they need help) And irl I literally hate it when people touch me. So having a character that canonically doesn't have a lot of clear show of touching the listener took me out of the way I simp over fictional character and made it more how I simp over irl people. There's two sides.
His pet name for Warden (besides warden). Being called "Darling" makes me all flustered. Sam's is a bit different because he leaves off the "g", which leads back to the annunciation. There are a few words that sound better when you leave off letters, but for me Darling isn't one of them. (That doesn't mean I don't enjoy Sam's "Darlin", but just not as much as I enjoy Vega's "Darling")
I mentioned this before in a separate post, but Imp!Vega is very soft with Pet (that pet name omg im melting). I'm of the opinion that every canon character has the same qualities as their Imp! counterparts, so Canon Vega has the same possibilities to be soft with Warden. Soft Vega hits different.
Vega has a demon listener. None of the other's have that, and Erik's Demons and Daemons system is so fascinating to me, that I jump on any chance to be a part of that. Also I love designing demons, so having a reason to make a demon OC that I can show off to people and they wont just be like "okay?" is very nice. It doesn't really have anything to do with Vega, but it's one of the reasons I like him.
His one liners. He thinks of them on the spot (yes ik its from a script, but from an immersion level) and that kind fo wit is hella attractive.
How sneaky he is. That takes a level of thought and intelligence to hide it. And I fall very easily if someone is smart. Especially if they don't say it outright, but these little things they do express it.
Going back to my attraction to red flags, the power imbalance between Warden and him. And I'm talking legitimately about magic power. He said he's much older than Warden and therefore is more powerful. Feeling small and insignificant in that kind of way lessens my anxiety so much.
He offers excuses. Not for his behavior (well he does that too, but that's not what I'm talking about.) but rather excuses to his love to safeguard them. He did that with Pet in case he lost against the imperium. He does it with Warden in case they get caught going with Vega. He doesn't want their lives to be messed up. it's a small way to show he cares, but grand displays overwhelm me.
He's very fun to write. I'll write for nearly every character if I love the world/fandom. But he's so complicated to write and fun. I get to put this psych degree I'm working towards (we'll see if I change my major this year or next year. Idek) into my writing and it's fun. It helps renew my passion for psychology since it's getting burned out for the past several months. (I've been into it since I was in middle school) I have so many pages in my docs and notebooks where it's just a full analysis on him. (Going back to he's an interesting character.
Also I'm just a total degenerate.
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🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Imma colour-code some of this cos I have a lot to talk about. So buckle up, y'all are gonna get another novel of an answer from me 🤣.
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For themes, I would say a lot of the stories I've written up to this point, alongside Into the Dark Night of the Soul, always had coming of age themes, whether my protagonist is a young teenager struggles to learn the ways of the world and the people living in it or a young adult struggling to figure out how to navigate through said world on their own.
Also, I always love me a good ol' classic good versus evil story, and I guess learning from playing video games like the Soul Calibur series, Star Wars the Old Republic, Legacy of Kain, etc. made me want to write these kinds of stories from certain point of views and that's not an exception with Into the Dark Night of the Soul. It's told from the perspectives of my Conduit OC Kasta, my other OC Ezra Fontaine of the Qualifiers, and sometimes we even get mysterious POVs of Grøh and the Aval Organization.
I don't often write love stories cos I've learned that I'm more on the aro/ace spectrum (can't decide whether I'm asexual or demisexual) and love of the romantic kind always seems to escape me IRL. But when I do write it, there's always some form of love triangle involved of varying degrees (Platonically? Romantically? Lustfull- *slaps* No, cut it out, Ryn!). Sometimes even love...squares?...and sometimes even the villain gets involved. Call me cringe, but yeah, I'm a sucker for stories like that.
Probably another favourite theme to write about in my fics are of power and corruption, like how to wield such great power responsibility vs how it could destroy you in the end if you let it rule over you. Twilight Princess is my favourite Zelda game for this reason and several others.
For feels, I dunno. I write angst a lot. I was an angsty kid that grew up an angsty adult.
Sometimes it's awkward, sometimes I get too deep into it as a way to vent my frustrations (I'll admit that Into the Dark Night of the Soul is a bit of a hot mess because of this), but either way it's cathartic when I get things off my chest and alchemize said feelings into story material.
I guess it also helps when I set up music playlists for how each chapter plays out.
Either way, it's so worth it.
For scenes and imagery, I literally started my fic off with analogies of fire and how responsibly/irresponsibly people use it.
I'll admit I'm more of an artist than I am a writer, so I try to keep my stories as sensory as possible.
This is all I have to say for now. Thank you for the ask!
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penny-anna · 2 years
OK actual thoughts on Black Adam:
- overall had a blast watching it. the action scenes were for the most part rly cool, i especially liked Adam blasting all the soldiers w lightning to Paint it Black
- speaking of genuine highlight of the film was the gradual realisation that they were playing Paint it Black fdldkghfhkh that was so good
- also really enjoyed the JSA stuff!! the visuals on Doctor Fate & Hawkman & Cyclone were REALLY neat. character dynamics were great. cyclone & atom smasher should kiss.
- & the regular human characters! also great! enjoyed the family dynamic a lot
- i knew the twist w Adam and his son was coming from the comics but the execution was p nice i liked it. & as i said previously i do kind of like the way it fits w the flashback in Shazam. i like my morally dubious wizard gkhjhgkf.
- Adam seemingly losing the ability to speak English when he stopped using his powers was a nice bit of lore accuracy a++
- i also liked that he couldn’t use the magic word underwater that was a good bit of continuity w Shazam
- ‘generic middle eastern country’ isn’t a, great trope, but honestly they put so much focus on Kahndaq & the people who live there that honestly they kind of made it work
- didn’t love the execution but Sabbac was a good choice for a Black Adam movie villain i think given that he’s like, Even More Evil Shazam to Black Adam’s Evil Shazam
stuff i liked less:
- i appreciate what they were going for, in terms of political messaging, but the execution was just VERY clunky. idk i guess maybe they were going for a lowest common denominator approach but there were points where it was so unsubtle that it got kind of cringy to watch.
- also 1) very noticeable that none of the Intergang soldiers seemed to be American? like. IRL the people doing this kind of stuff is the US army but I guess that wouldn’t fly in a DCEU movie.
- & 2) having almost all the American characters be people of colour was like. a choice. idk if it was necessarily a bad choice? idk the interactions between Hawkman and the Kahndaqi characters had a weird energy to them.
- i mentioned this before but knowing that Dwayne Johnson dropped out of Shazam early in production to make this, it really felt like he took some material with him dfhlkgfdklghf. like straight up some lines of dialogue in common + the element of having a superhero-loving kid in there which felt kind of out of place.
- also as previously mentioned, the exposition, SO heavy-handed. i think my fav was when Adrianna got told by the JSA that the legends about the Champion weren’t true and she just 1) believed them without question? and 2) started monologuing about it to Adam dfhgfhgk
- i think it would have been a pretty solid movie if it had ended with him getting put in Jail, but then it just, kept going? and got increasingly weird? and Sabbac looked SO bad. the VFX for everyone else looked so good and he just sucked. what went wrong guys.
- please. please can Black Adam lose a fight. Dwayne i know you love Black Adam but he isn’t actually unstoppable, he gets beat by Captain Marvel all the time. Mr Therock please.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 8 months
Pericles and Purple Scarves (or: why the fuck is the parrot so horny, and why does it matter)
(or: did i think about this way too much, or exactly the right amount? yes.)
[cws: fantasy racism/ableism, dehumanization, mention of homophobia and canon-typical grooming, non-detailed discussion of canon-typical SA/sexual harassment and canon-typical bestiality. this show is a thing and a half]
something i think about a lot is that like.... i joke about how delightful it is for various reasons that they made pericles So Relentlessly Horny, and it's fucking hilarious to me to see in real-time the dawning horror of people watching the show for the first time and realizing he's sexy. (their reactions to the tentacle scene are comedy fucking gold every time.)
on a doylist level the creators are obviously paying homage to his voice actor, making him stand out from the other mascots, and trying to make him charismatic, memorable, and that much more uncomfortable to the audience. and it worked! pretty much everyone thinks he's one of the best scooby-doo villains out there, and they're right.
(i'm not biased, i swear.)
when you look at it in-character, though, it makes a lot of sense that he'd be that way, and that's important. he's doing it on purpose.
for one thing--again--he stands out among all the other talking animals we see, because he is the one who comes across most as a depiction (an intentional one, anyway 🙃) of an actual person who happens to be shaped like a bird. the others all are Some Kind of Uniquely Goofy in the way that they act, be it how they talk or their general mannerisms or the fact that none of them seem to really have an implied Age. pericles is the only one who doesn't have some kind of silly voice or speech impediment or catchphrase what-have-you, and he's also the only one who comes across as being in specific life stages you could map onto a human corresponding to how old he is. he's even the only time we ever hear mention of a talking animal being a child, or having been once. everyone but pericles is just Mascot-Aged.
(fwiw, my personal read is that scooby is about the same age as the gang or equivalent. also there is So Much to unpack here about all that re: the mascots in general but that's a post for another time)
and the one thing they all have in common except pericles is that they are NOT supposed to be sexy. if anything, the ones we actually see talking (in a fever dream, to be fair) except scooby and pericles are obviously meant to be borderline or outright really goddamn annoying. (reggie/dyno-mutt is adorable but he is also on thin ice with me on this one, sorry little guy.)
and like. all of this lines up with the fact that the talking animals very obviously represent disabled people. even moreso than they represent racial minorities, which they very much do! they're a lot further toward ableism on the sliding scale of xeno bigotry (which is a big reason i'm iffy about just calling it fantasy racism). the infantilization of disabled people is, you know, A Whole Ass Thing, and being aggressively desexualized is a major part of that. Disabled People and Disabled Mannerisms are a Bonerkill.
enter pericles, who does not truck with any of this shit.
i've already got a lot of posts planned going into this subject in general, because there is So Much. but in short, the thing to remember when you examine anything about pericles is that he lives in a world that draws zero distinction between people like him and animals.
practically everything he does is, on some level or another, him yelling FUCK YOU LOOK AT ME I AM A PERSON, LOOK. I'LL MAKE YOU IF I HAVE TO. and what's something animals don't do, whether actual animals or annunaki descendants (at least the latter ones he's probably been around most)? they don't flirt. they aren't sexy. they don't act like a brand of seductive, even skeevy, person you might feasibly meet irl, if maybe a theatrical larger-than-life one who runs in certain circles.
(gay ones, to be specific. super, super gay ones. more on that in a minute.)
and, what's more: they don't flirt with humans. we never see anyone really comment on the very obvious Thing he's always had going on with ricky; but that doesn't come across as them thinking it's normal or acceptable so much as not noticing that it's a thing at all. it is that aggressively unthinkable that it would be. and this is backed up even more by the fact that people hear scooby ask shaggy if he's cheating on him by having a girlfriend and think nothing of it, and it continues to be treated as Romance vs Platonic Friendship/Pet Ownership. Gal Pals, but Worse!
so yeah, we have no idea what society would think of anunnaki descendants having sexual/romantic relationships with humans that they couldn't ignore. presumably it would be Pretty Well Disapproved Of, but like. who the fuck knows.
what we DO know is that pericles is considered so utterly beneath personhood that no one would so much as blink at him fucking an honest right to god animal. if it were anyone other than, y'know, pericles, they might even think it was cute.
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(moving on.)
so all things considered, as you can imagine holy SHIT would he have a reason or two to broadcast as hard as he can that not only that he is A Sexual Being, but one intended to appeal to human standards. it brings to mind queer people presenting in ways meant to be attractive to other queers, not straight people, except, well. instead of trying to get the attention of supportive people like you on the downlow, because you don't want the majority to know what kind of sexuality you're announcing, he's blaring I AM ONE OF YOU at that majority out of desperation and spite.
which, speaking of signaling queerness: pericles is a hundred percent gay-coded, as in the actual definition of 'as close to explicit as they could get away with, done on purpose.' there's the obvious--his relationship with ricky--but his VA, who he is to some extent modeled after, is an openly gay indie horror film icon, and given that and the time period he grew up in i don't think it's a coincidence that the one piece of clothing he chooses to wear is a purple scarf. (they even made him a sexual predator! yippee!)
so like, if anything it's pretty feasible that he might have actually observed that kind of thing as a phenomenon, especially with the demographic he'd actually be interested in, and pick it up accordingly. who knows if he ever managed to actually, y'know, Involve Himself with any human men--my interpretation is that he did and it went poorly 🥲--but it makes sense to me that he'd wear something like that; that he'd use his one opportunity to express himself with clothing to go HI HELLO I AM A PERSON DID I MENTION I LIKE MEN. WHO ARE PEOPLE. BECAUSE I DO
......and he STILL gets ignored no matter how hard he tries. i feel like that's one of the reasons he ended up being such a creep, honestly: operating on similar logic to the tag rant in this post, the conclusion he comes to is that well fuck you, you can't ignore me having a sexuality if i make it a problem for you. even if you try to pretend sexual violence and harassment aren't sexual, or don't recognize that it's happening at all, you are not going to walk away unaffected by it. if the only lasting evidence he's able to leave in the world that he's a person is causing damage that can't be shrugged off or undone, so be it.
(a real irony, isn't it, given how things turn out in the end.)
and like. this is one of the things that really bothers me about people trying to act like you shouldn't ship pericles or think he's attractive because Ew Gross Cringe That's an Animal (or transparently pretending it's because Problematic, not because cringe). either way do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, to be clear, but like... that's the point, man. that's the whole point. the writers are assholes who wanted you to miss it, and you did.
basically: just about everything pericles does is acting out in some way or another, and that's why we know what this man would sound like busting a nut. you're welcome.
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druidposting · 7 months
On the Value of Using Real World Political Allegory to Analize Fictional/Fantasy Political Structures
Figured i should just make my own post on this subject instead of trying to explain it in the comments of other people's posts.
For starters, i completely understand the distaste for bringing "politics" into discussions on escapist media. It can be boring as hell and you can get bogged down with details REAL fast if you dont know hpw to articulate your points. But that doesnt mean its invaluable, or something that ought to be avoided in discussions or metas - i think rather that a solid ability to draw parallels between irl politics and the politics of media you enjoy can help make your media literacy more robust, as well as give you a better understanding of politics in general.
When you draw these parallels, you have to be able to recognize sociological and historical patterns in groups of people throughput the world in order to understand what political attributes youre likening to the ones you think are occuring in the media youre analyzing. Im gonna use CR campaign 3 as my example here because its discussion is what inspired me to make this post in the first place.
A while back, I made a handful of posts about how and why i believed Ludinus' Ruby Vanguard could be likened to modern right wing populism (for instance, the maga movement). This was around the time that the solstice had just occured, and we'd gotten to see a little bit more into the workings of the Vanguard as a political movement, as well as Ludinus' whole evil villain speach before flipping the bridge switch. Those few episodes in the Tishtan tite were the biggest sirens for me in concluding that the Vanguard was a right wing populist allegory, but you could see the first signs even before then, when the Hells interogated that member with Ryn's help.
At the time of making those posts, id seen some dissagreement with the comparison to phony populism, specifically because there wasnt yet any evidence that Ludinus was doing outreach, or trying to pull in the common man - thus, the Ruby Vanguard should be likened more to a cult than a big populist movement.
But what is a fake populist movement if not a cult at a broader scale?
Fundamentally, cults are built on the backbones of lies told by a strongman leader in order to hold power over their people. And while looking at them throughout history, it's kind of hard to know where to draw the line on what movement is or isnt a cult (as it turns out, almost all definitions that try to capture specifics about social processes are very nebulous and riddled with caveats), but you could absolutly describe the Ruby Vanguard as a cult! Just as I beleive you can describe the american MAGA movement as a cult - and you can also describe both as fake populism. I truly think the only difference between cults vs fake populists is the scale at which theyre able to bring in people.
In regards to the broader comparison between irl right wing populism vs Ludinus', the way i saw it at the time was is like this;
You have a large population of politically disseffected or politically unknowledgable people who are upset about the current state of the world.
For MAGA, literally 50% of americans fell into this. Its not uncommon - which is why theyre such a great group to prey on if you want to bolster support for a fake cause.
For Ludinus, it seems theres a large population of Exandrians upset that the gods wont answer their every prayer, or frustrated with their lot in life and are able tp find blame in the current world regime (ie. The gods). We saw this with the first Ruby Vanguard member the Hells ever encountered, when they interogated him with Ryn - the guy was miserable about his life and the state of the world. These kinds of people are PRIME targets for faux populist rhetoric, and this was the first big red flag to me that this was the kind of thing the Vanguard would be built on.
A charismatic strongman swoops in to appeal to the frustrations of the above people to pose as the leader of the movement.
MAGA had Trump. Say what you will about the man (and i will say a lot), but he had undeniable charisma. This is a HALLMARK of fake populism.
The Vanguard obviously have Ludinus. Again, say what you will, but he seems to be capturing the hearts and minds of the commonfolk.
The things this leader says to appeal to the common man are lies, often presented as surface-level truths. When you really analize their proposed solutions though, theyre either internally contradictory, dont solve anything, or imperically will cause more harm than whats been the status-quo.
Not even gonna substantiate this with the MAGA movement because if you think theres anything good in there you shpuld unfollow me now
Ludinus preaches that all exandrians will be free of the gods, while failing to mention that the method of freeing is an unknown god-eater. Will the whole world be swallowed? Will the god-eater become the new god? This information is conveniently unmentioned by Ludinus, and theres a lot more regarding the whole god situation he's lying about or painting over, too.
Finally, the main thing that typically propells a cult-like movement into being populist-like is a big catalyst event that propells their leader's message into the mainstream.
For MAGA, i think you can chock this up to Trump as a person. The media went CRAZY with him because of how unlike every other candidate on stage was - this bolstered his voice and his ability to preach to the masses, and him subsequently taking the presidency propelled him into the stratosphere.
For Ludinus, this was VERY obviously the Maleus Key being turned on. An event seen across continents, paired with Ludinus' message being beamed into the heads of every exandrian on earth. Before this event, you could predict that the Ruby Vanguard would become a faux populist movement. This was the event that basically confirmed the hypothesis for me.
And, now that we've been able to see hpw expansive the efforts pf the Vanguard have been to draw common folk into the cause, much like right-wing populist efforts, you can even more plainly see the allegory. But as mentioned before, even without seeing explicit scenes of hologram Ludinus popping up in city squares to preach his word, or learning of the countless common folk drawn in to the cause with the hopes of a better life than their own sad lonely ones, you could use examples of very similar political movements irl in order to pretty acuratly predict where the Vanguard's movement was headed.
I'd like to extrapolate this a little further. In those same posts a while ago, I'd also theorized that Ludinus is aiming to become god-emperor of Exandria, and this is for the simple reason that this is a fundamental desire of many real world leaders like him.
With regards to populist revolutionary movements (and a revolution is undeniably what Ludinus is gearing for), you'll see there are two kinds of ways in which the leaders lie to their followers.
This one you see quite often with specifically vanguardist revolutionary movements, in which the leader knowingly lies to their masses, but in service of a greater "truth" they believe in. They beleive that in order to acheive what they truly think will be a greater world, they must lie and do bad things in order to get there
The other kind of leader lies in service of acheiving greater power for themself. There is no real "greater good" theyre fighting for, no better world on the other side. At the root of their being, they simply want to become god-emperors by any means necessary. This kind of person is very megalomaniacal and narcissistic, and will do anything for applause from the people following them. This is the kind of leader Trump is, for instance.
Admittedly, we dont really have concrete proof that Ludinus is one way or the other in terms of how it is he lies to his followers, but i believe that he is more of the narcissistic megalomaniac style of leadership, and we'll be seeing more and more evidence of this as time goes on. It takes a true narcissist to believe they can kill god, let alone a whole PANTHEON. I also beleive that even if a leader starts out as the former, they will inevitably slip into the latter over time (take the USSR for example). When you hold such uncontested power over so many people, given enough time that power will go to your head.
Something you also see a in history, is when the leader of a vanguard populist movement aftually succeeds in their revolution, the leader then becomes a megalomaniacal dictator, again, seeking to be god-emperor of the universe. The obvious examples of this are the Soviet Union and Mao's China.
Furthermore, Ludinus is a smart guy. He absolutly has to know that killing all the gods is going to create a MASSIVE power vacuum over Exandria. He then also has to know that someone's gonna fill that vacuum, and he sure as hell hasnt posited any suggestions for how the Vanguard might go about making sure an even more oppressive system of power isnt instantly installed in the gods' place. And with as narcissistic as this man has to be, would he not think himself the most appropriate person to fill that position? Why work so hard for so long on this insane centuries long plan to rid the world of the gods?
One answer is that he truly believes its for the greater-good. This answer would be the one in which Ludinus quietly fades away into the background once the gods are dead, letting the world carry on unchained as he believes it was meant to.
The other answer is that he realized that when that power vacuum opens up, he will have put himself in the perfect position to take control over everything, thus becoming god-emperor of Exandria.
But yeah, as long-winded as this all was, you can kind of see how exercises like this can really help with media analysis and understanding the motivations of characters, or making predictions on where certain threads or story beats might be going. As humans, we are fundamentally social creatures - does it not make sense, then, that the stories we tell would be woven with the essences of social structure? And whats more fundamentally social than politics?
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
hello! hope you’re having an awesome day so far. hopefully requests for matchups are still open. if not, please disregard this LMAO 😂😭 also, i apologize if this is a bit too long—
i’d like a romantic matchup for the jjba fandom please! (i’ll take anyone from parts 1-6 except villains [but i’ll make an exception for la squadra tho, they’re the only villain squad in jjba i actually love LMAO])
i’m a filipino 18 year old (turning 19 next week as of writing this!), currently in my first year of college, studying pre-nursing. my pronouns are she/her, i identify as a female, and my sexuality is straight.
i have medium-length REALLY dark brown (it looks black but in light, you can see that it’s brown) hair with bangs, tan skin, and i wear glasses.
i’m pretty shy, quiet, and introverted around strangers. i usually prefer not to go up to someone and introduce myself; i’d rather have the person go up to me. but once we become friends and i slowly open myself up to you, i can be pretty talkative, outgoing, and a bit chaotic! (if you have at least on interest in common with me, i’m probably going to become friends with you almost immediately). i usually have no trouble meeting and sending messages to people on social media since no one can be able to sense how awkward and anxious i get (i’m like an introvert IRL, but an extrovert [?] online 😂)
within my close friend group and my cousins, they consider me to be the horniest one out of the bunch, simply because of my habit of frequently making dirty jokes and thirsty comments (altho this usually happens when i simp over my favorite anime characters HAHA). also, because of my habit of finding at least one new anime husband whenever i watch a new anime, my friends also call me the “double hushando worshipper” (weird, i know, but i like it 😂)
in my free time, i enjoy watching anime, reading manga, listening to music (my favorite genres are pop, j-pop, k-pop, dance-pop, and pop rock, but i’m down to listen to anything as long as it’s catchy!), eating, and collecting plushies (i definitely love cuddling them whenever i sleep). i’m in love anything considered cute and pastel. i’m also obsessed with the brand sanrio (the one who created hello kitty), and my favorite characters are cinnamoroll and gudetama. as suggested in my college major, i’d like to be a nurse in the future, but i’m also looking into other career options still pertaining in the medical field :D
when it comes to having a partner, i really want someone who’s kind, respectful, loyal, trustworthy, and understanding. i’m someone who prefers to stay in my comfort zone almost 90% of the time, so i’d like my partner to kinda push me out of that zone, while also not being over pushing. i can also get insecure and compare myself to others from time to time, so i’d appreciate it if my partner can make me feel good about myself. i love my family a whole lot, and i’d really want my partner to get along with them; i have a group of cousins who i’m extremely close with (i consider them like my siblings), so i’d especially love my partner to get along with them too! i’m lowkey touch-starved so i’d definitely like some affection from my partner (i don’t like an excessive amount of PDA tho, an arm around me or a small kiss is fine). i don’t mind if my partner buys me items, but i’d definitely be concerned if they spend way too much, like spare your wallet some mercy please 😭 (and i’d also feel kinda guilty if i don’t have the money/time to get my partner something in return).
hopefully this is enough! <333
omg hi!!!! first of all, happy late birthday!! <33333 second of all this took me a while. i was deciding between two men and FINALLY found the PERFECT MAN FOR YOU!! so without further ado...
the character I chose for you is...
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he is definitely more extroverted than you, so he definitely walked up to you first
he is definitely more extroverted than you, so he definitely walked up to you first
i know in my heart that this man can braid your hair
idk why i just feel it
so he does
a lot
i mean, he has gorgeous hair himself so he can really make your hair look stunning
when you and him text, it is pure chaos
you guys are so funny and cute and there are too many memes and way too many jokes
and lots of i love yous ofccc <333
it may seem like you are quiet around him sometimes to others, but josuke knows how loving and amazing of a partner you are <333
you're both horny fr
like both really dirty jokes and random joking smirks from across the table at each other
it's chaos and everyone thinks you guys are hilarious
this man buys you stuffies all the time and then cuddles you and watches anime
you get him into a BUNCH of new anime
it's already canon that he's a huge manga nerd, but what if he just kept it at manga? what if he's not a huge anime watcher, but knows everything about the new animes that come out?
you get to watch the new episodes with him and see his reaction to his favorite manga scenes being fully animated
you and this man can eat for DAYS
like most of the time when you're hanging out, there are snacks involved
please give him sanrio and hello kitty pins to put on his jacket because gurl you know he's gonna wear em
and pull them off too
he loves your vibe
like the whole cutesy and pastel vibe
it's just cute and kinda awesome to him
plus the more stuffed animals, the more cuddles tee hee
he thinks it is so cool that you want to be a nurse
he has a stand that does the work for him and can heal people, but to see that you can do it without an ability has him admiring you forever
plus, with how sweet and amazing you are, of course you would do something so sweet to others and you just amaze him everyday
but dont stress yourself out! and if you ever do, he's got your back
he's always proud of you and can help you through any situation that you encounter with a hug and a kiss on the forehead
he definitely will more than respect your comfort zone, but will definitely encourage you to go on adventures with him and be his forever partner, even through the rough patches
he is more than respectful, trustworthy, and loyal to you and seriously cannot take his eyes off of you
you found yourself the most loving boyfriend who will always care for you, even if you two fight every now and again
also regarding PDA, he is completely understanding of your space in public, but will definitely be holding your hand or having his arm around your shoulder <3
he will definitely smother you in lots of love at home though and make your touch starvedness disappear, but always have you craving his hugs <3
this man loves your family and they love him
he's just so respectful and funny that it's hard not to love him
and he wants to be super close to your family because it helps him get even closer to you <3
and about the whole money thing...
this man has a problem
help him lmaoooo
but you definitely encourage him to calm down on the spending habits lol
you found yourself the perfect man <333
matchup rules --- pinned post
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enneamage · 10 months
More corespondance from Poppy Lurker Anon under the cut.
hi sfw fic poppy anon again. re the tags yeah i really only cared about the bench trio (admittedly i did in fact center tommy). that’s actually one of the things i find interesting about my time on poppytwt. idk how common of a experience this was but the divide between the people who only really cared about bench trio (and co like purpled, bill, etc) vs the people who shipped them with the adults was a big thing at the time. idk i just remember it being a thing where people who like mained the members of bench and only shipped amongst them were against the people who shipped with the adults. i know that wasn’t like universal but i think that divide is one of the things that like really strikes me as strange like how both of those sides were labeled as equally problematic in the eyes of main. like the core of poppytwt was going against boundaries and i get why that’s problematic but i think it was treated as too black and white. switching gears i wanted to also touch on Tommy as like a character just because you mentioned c!Tommy. i think the thing that happened was Tommy as a character within sbi fic wasn’t c!Tommy from dsmp and also wasn’t irl streamer Tommy so people were more free to give characteristics as they wanted. (tho to an extent people also treated irl fic as free reign specifically with tommy because of how much his persona was clearly a persona and how people would say he was really different irl) and certain traits like making him soft or meek (or like depressed or bullied) was popular because people could use it as like self insert or vent. then if there’s a lot of those fics and/or they’re popular more people write him like that and eventually it just becomes popular as fanon and because there’s no real canon with this Tommy then fanon kind of becomes law. i think that’s also how crimeboys/tombur got to the point it got. if they’re not in dsmp and they’re not in irl then it’s kind of free reign to write them however you want and from there it’s a game of telephone until eventually you get wilbur telling tommy he’s going to keep him trapped in his bed because he ignored him for a bit (actual thing i read in a non poppy crimeboys fic. worth noting it was a hero villain au and it was literally like keeping him in bed for cuddles. again we are like half a step removed from just like a smut fic in this case like that scenario just screams this is a smut fic without the smut to me. dark sbi was a wild tag)
Lot of good observations anon, I'm pretty sure I agree.
Boy that fic mention hit me-- I've seen 'forced cuddling' (so much to unpack) around sometimes and it's just. It wraps me back around again to my initial concern of 'we need a more honest understanding of what could be sexual because too much is sneaking under the door in potentially harmful ways.' Things people dont know to dial back or think twice about if the weight of them are masked are dangerous.
Sometimes I think about the way that Tommy's Real Life Grief was kind of burned as fuel by the fandom in a way that's intense to really unpack. People were really, really invested in his sadness and grief and victimhood as a character, which is typical for a character but is a bit off-center when that character is so tied to a real guy and some of the lines were blurred. As you mentioned, SBI fic was half c! and half irl and eventually mostly headcanon in your example, and that boy just could not have living or non-abusive parents-- he came with pre-installed grief that always seemed a bit bigger than a plot device, the sadness was the point. Blonde Sad Self-Insert Woobie is well a loved inter-fandom pattern, but this wasn't Dave Strider or Hunter Owlhouse, this was a real guy who would go on to be a real man. Having him serve as an audeince proxy for sadness or being loved or 'sensuality' was a whole different, heavier moral question that got hand-waved by a big number of people.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
6, 7, 8, 10, 13?
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
Oh, God. Um. Most of the popular ones, if I'm being honest. There are a bunch of different ways I could answer this, from "it's everywhere" to "people misunderstand this canon dynamic" to "people make disgusting bigoted comments toward another, '''in the way''' character" to "most destructively moralistic" so I'll talk about the fanbase that historically has encompassed all of these, which is. The J*hnlockers.
I don't think I can EVER explain how utterly unhinged (derogatory) this fandom was when the show was airing. People straight-up labeling their analyses as a "conspiracy," convincing others that there was a Super Secret Actual Finale Episode that would "fix" their ship not being canon. They paired the main villain up with a character who didn't even exist in canon because doing anything involving the women was, presumably, too much to ask. The absolutely horrendous things they would say about the female characters, ESPECIALLY to fans of them who were minding their own business. (Also, they called one of the gay co-creators "actually a straight man" for not canonizing this ship which is completely and utterly WILD to me.) Genuinely there was NO space more unsafe fandom-wise that I have EVER been in. I cosplayed Irene for a con one time and, though luckily nothing happened, I was AFRAID FOR MY LIFE THE WHOLE TIME. Like. The level of vitriol and misogyny and biphobia (I'm not even going to get into that one) was UNREAL. To the point where genuinely I hope we never get new content of any kind so I don't have to think about people who act like this ever again.
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
...........at the risk of getting murdered. MCU Steve. He was just kind of. There. To me. I didn't particularly care about him because he read to me as "generic good guy" which isn't an archetype that particularly resonates with me, but...then the fandom just. My God. Saying that EVERYTHING he ever did was right, that NO ONE had any points when they questioned him, that he EPITOMIZED goodness in a way no other character did ever, that anyone who liked Tony (or anyone who was ever perceived as being in Steve's "way" about anything, don't get me started on how people treated Sharon) was A War Criminal Apologist Irl and was Singlehandedly Upholding Every Type of Oppression, like it was. SO annoying. I went from indifference to borderline-hatred out of spite.
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
(On a more, uh...eloquent note, Lady Macbeth is not a badass gender-binary-shattering Girlboss™ femme fatale, she is a complete mess struggling with layers and layers of psychological issues that she does not let herself process, as well as a HELL of a lot of internalized misogyny. I love her, too, but this creation of her into some sort of suave or cool monarch lady genuinely baffles me. But then again, this play was my Capstone Research Project my final year of college and I wrote a 50-page paper on it, so maybe I'm a little too invested in how people present her, lmao.)
10. Worst part of fanon
Tbh, everyone who insists that two characters [usually (cis, white, abled) men] MUST be in romantic love because they care about each other. Like...don't get me wrong, I love looking at a LOT of non-canon pairings through a romantic lens because It's Neat™, but showing physical affection or willing to throw down/break the law for someone or calling them things like "admirable" or "amazing" are not? Inherently romantic?? Like by so many people's standards I'd be in romantic love with all my platonic friends, I guess, and that's very annoying. Romance isn't the only kind of love that exists!!! Nor is it the only important or significant one!!!
(On a more specific note, there's a fairly pervasive idea that Aki/Himeno is...a grooming relationship? When according to the established timeline and personal events that would. Literally be impossible. People take the "I'm not old enough to smoke" line that happens not long after they meet as some sort of confirmation that Aki was, like, fifteen or sixteen at the time? Or something? Instead of like. Nineteen. Dude has to have time in the three years he's known her to change significantly in appearance, become old enough to smoke (the legal age for that is 20 over there btw), and develop a substance dependence. And given the visual markers of Himeno's appearance when the two of them meet and how drastically her appearance changes in the intervening years, she can't be more than a couple of years older than him? People also take a comment that's meant to convey that he's been at his job three years longer than another character as saying that he's only three years older age-wise than said character. Which, again, given the timeline. Would be impossible. And also. There is an example of grooming in this story! It's really important to the plot actually! It's meant to be seen as horrifying! You would assume that the fact that this relationship is not presented in the same way means something! Don't get me wrong, Himeno's done her fair share of shitty things, but grooming her fight partner was not one of them. There are plenty of reasons this ship isn't for everyone, you don't have to make shit up, lmao.)
13. Worst blorbo-ification
Genuinely I cannot choose between these two, so we're gonna make this post even longer.
Why do people like K*lo R*n. I don't understand. He was given the barest hint of sort-of, hazy tragic "backstory" and people...very much disagreed with me when I said I didn't think that was enough from a narrative standpoint to actually mean anything. And that's not taking into account that this blorbo-ification happened before we even knew that. When all we knew was that he felt kind of lost sometimes and killed his dad while helping head up a fascist empire, people went wild, and not in a "I like villains" kind of way. In a "he's MEANT to be read as mentally ill" kind of way (my God, please stop saying this about every character who is mean and exhibits one emotion) and "his parents MUST have been abusive to him" kind of way. Neither of those things. Has any basis in canon. Just. Just admit you like a character who's not a good person. And that you like a ship that's a dark romance. You won't explode, I promise.
The other one is Light. People want him to be a tragic anti-hero SO bad, I am incredibly tired. He went from zero to beyond 100 in the space of a couple of in-story hours. He's not some misguided utopian visionary, he's a hypocrite with a god complex. I have met too many people like this irl to get behind any positive or sympathetic interpretation of this character. (And don't get me wrong. I think in order to most effectively present the Themes™ of the work as a whole, he had to be written like this. I don't begrudge the creator (in this instance, anyway), I begrudge the fanbase. There's actually a lot I could say about this piece of media and general reaction to it, but my God this is already long enough.)
I choose violence asks
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