#vld writing prompt
cryptidseeker · 5 months
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this post here by @ourdustytrails is EXTREMELY helpful for kinda visualising what ill be trying to suggest, although please let’s stick to the Heights In Comparison To Paladins part, specifically Red to Keef, and let’s assume Keef is smol, and let’s get the general idea of sizes based on “Red:other lions” proportion, because otherwise Black is the height of 16-storey building, and that’s. a lot
Voltron, even if lions themselves aren’t that huge, which they are, but 16-storey building for Black? just. what size must the Castle've been then,
but what im trying to say is — Voltron is big. it’s bigger than it’s animated, it’s really, really big. let that sink in. Voltron is a ginormous robotic beast feared by the bad guys throughout the universe, bringing hope to the good ones, defending countless people and keeping their worlds safe, just as it should be.
firstly, we all need to wrap our minds around the scales here. it’s an underestimated thing that is also crucial in understanding the paladins, their emotions, and the whole setting in general. can be useful for authors or idk
secondly, there must be a way to move between lions once Voltron is formed. because emergency situations, because pranks, because whatever — such safety measures simply have to exist even in safe&hi-tech altean world. also: Blue, Yellow, Green, and Red connect to Black with their hind legs — we know lions can swallow paladins for them to get in, but are there also exits from under their tails? sorry
thirdly, and lastly for this post, cockpits must be gyroscopically (or magically altean-y) stabilised. when lions are out of energy, stabilisation is off. minor injuries, bruises, fractured ribs, stuff like that is an everyday thing for paladins already, right? but when lions get blasted with something that shuts them down, well. space is full of matter, it’s full of gas and dust and gravity, and these things have different density. imagine the consequences
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stinky-ahh-gay · 5 months
Keith: I need someone to crack my spine
Lance: like- a chiropractor, in bed, or in a fight?
Keith: ...
Lance: ... keith-?
Keith: Shut up, i'm deciding which one would be more satisfying...
Don't know if someone made it before-
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k1ance-a-lot · 1 year
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Reblog to spread the word ❤️ If you use these, tag #2023Keithtober!
We're excited to see what everyone creates for Keith 😊
...and if you're feeling particularly ambitious, feel free to use this calendar that coincides with the weekly prompts✨️
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Organized by: @k1ance-a-lot & @callmelyc
Inspiration credit: fauxghosts
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ask and you shall receive, @rottenseaweed my dear!!! julance drawing prompts for all my artist friends:
1. baby lance based on this image:
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2. lance trying to do the cool wall lean and smirk to flirt with someone except he misses the wall and falls
3. lance and pidge furious and snarling at each other, fully ready to kill each other, so shiro separates them and starts giving them shit and they look at each other and start laughing bc they are asshole younger siblings who can’t take getting yelled at seriously
4. lance, leaning on hunk’s back as he rambles, and hunk completely focused on his work but reaching back to pat him on the head occasionally
5. coran fucking LAUNCHING lance into the pool
6. lance, visibly wearing something sparkly and pink that is Not His, terrorized expression on his face as he sprints away from allura who has murder written all over his face and is chasing him at top speeds
7. lance very carefully making charm bracelets for everyone
8. lance smiling softly as he pulls a blanket up over a couch-sleeping shiro
9. lance standing in front of like an easel or something with garbage memes on them, face very prim and instructional, holding a pointer and very clearly lecturing about meme culture to a wide-eyed, frantically note-taking allura
10. lance climbing kitchen cabinets to get something while hunk shouts at him in panic
11. lance absolutely kicking ass with a bow in this way from this video, if you’re into animation
12. lance standing with his hands on his hips, lecturing somebody about something, while hunk stands behind him with a photo of mrs mcclain whom he is imitating exactly without realising
13. lance braiding keith’s hair with like a million cutesy barrettes and charms and shit and just blabbing and keith is like fire truck red like truly glowing and lance is just completely overjoyed to be “fixing his mullet” and the rest of the team is losing their mind laughing at them
14. lance giving finger guns and winking at rebel matt who raises an eyebrow in amusement and pidge is mortified on his behalf
15. lance zooming around a moon, full armour and everything, picking up a thousand rocks and bringing them for shiro to hold bc they’re on a recon mission and shiro is watching this nerd boy in amusement (he is also geeking out about the rocks he’s just embarrassed about it)
16. veronica judo flipping lance upon their reunion on earth
17. lance, tongue out in concentration, knitting tiny little mouse sweaters
18. lance giving hunk a big ol’ cheek smooch bc he’s obnoxious (hunk pretends to be annoyed but is clearly holding back a smile)
18. coran and lance, faces both streaked with tears, hugging each other really tightly
19. keith really excitedly showing lance all the caves he explored when he was following blue’s trail and lance just staring at him, totally and completely whipped
20. pidge holding lance in a chokehold as he bites her. there are hearts around them bc they are both having literally so much fun even though they won’t admit it under pain of death
21. lance in daisy dukes and a cowboy hat, leaning against kaltenecker
22. lance, armour scuffed back from a rescue mission, teaching a bunch of scared alien children how to make friendship bracelets
23. lance and keith, on their honeymoon, faces half-obscured by the glare of the sun, grinning at the camera in front of the grand canyon (like this pic of my parents):
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24. lance wearing a “i flexed so hard the sleeves ripped off” but the sleeves are very clearly still on. in fact the shirt is long-sleeved
25. preteen lance, beaming so wide his eyes squeeze shut, pink braces on his teeth
26. young lance, like maybe six or seven, missing four front teeth, giant satisfied smile on his face, at the beach (wearing shark swim trunks obviously) and holding a sea shell bigger than his entire head
27. tiny lance sitting on his brother’s shoulders, laughing, rest of his smiling family around him
28. a mirror of the food fight scene except it’s cake that the whole team (including the alteans!) are covered in, with a cake that says “happy birthday dorkbrain” absolutely destroyed with like clear imprints of people scooping up handfuls to throw
29. lance, in the backdrop of space, limp and unconscious, with both red and blue rushing towards him with protective snarls
30. lance hugging an alien scorpion the size of like a fucking horse, tears streaming down his face as if he’s looking at a particularly adorable kitten
31. the entire team except lance (he’s on a mission or smth) gathered in the common room, lounging on the couches. someone says “man i miss lance” and everyone is immediately like “oh my god me too i was waiting for someone to say it” “RIGHT ME TOO” “castle just isn’t the same without him” “seriously i’m so bored where is he when you need to bother him” etc etc
honestly i might do more of these dm me if u can come up with alliteration for a day of the week and i’ll post drawing prompts weekly
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crioh-freeze · 4 months
Story idea (Lance centered, obviously): The team goes to a new planet to collect some samples for Coran. However, one of the aggressive plant species on the planet will attack you if you get too close to it. It'll wear off after a week or two, OR it can wear off sooner if you find/create the antidote.
Some way or another, Lance gets a little too close to the plant. The plant causes your body to enhance certain emotions (anger, sadness, hatred) and lowers other emotions (happiness, love). Lance's being is basically made up of love and happiness, so what happens when he doesn't get that? When all that's left is anger and bitterness?
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 11 months
Klance Time Loop Au
Lance dies. Sometimes it's the Galra's fault, sometimes it's his own teammates' fault. But even if there are slight differences in how, the blue paladin always dies. And Keith is the only one who remembers. But he only remembers later, when Lance is dying. Keith vows that next time will be different, but he continues to make mistakes, some more unforgivable than others.
On the twelfth loop, on the way back to Earth, Keith accidentally accesses some videos in the Black Lion. Videos made by him, in the previous loops, and a warning: if this time he doesn't save Lance, the paladin's death will be definitive.
@astralscrivener what do you think of it?
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kogakio · 7 months
anybody wanna beta a vld fanfic or two i wrote *batting eyelashes*
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stickersocks · 8 months
I just had the most insane klance idea ever. What if lance and Keith were rival scientists but lance gets some kinda incurable disease and keith has to save the day by trying to come up with some kind of cure and it could end with both keith and lance getting that same disease or keith saving the day in the end idk which ending I want though
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Could you write a little bit more on Endurance
Hey, thanks for your prompt! Endurance is getting to be quite the old DotU lotura one-shot, but it seemed like a good challenge for writing in past tense again. So, here we go!
Endurance Part 2
Princess Allura stood in the entryway of the large room, holding her sleeping baby tight in her arms, face tense, her golden hair straggling curls down her shoulder. “Are you sure the Garrison is…safe?” she asked quietly.
On the walk through the Galaxy Garrison, various officers eyed Allura with a mix of horror and pity as she carried the bastard child of Crown Prince Lotor of the Drule.
Keith turned back to her, waving his hand. “These are quarters for royalty and ambassadors,” he said. “Fortified against airstrikes, earthquakes, and especially evil Drule princes, alright?” His face softened. “We won’t let anything get to you here.”
Her heart sunk, even as she managed a weak smile. “Of course, but, um. But that’s not what I’m worried about.” She stepped in, daring to pull back the blanket around her sleeping baby, revealing his chubby lavender cheek. “I’m worried someone will take my son from me. Maybe from the Alliance, or—or maybe even King Zarkon will find us.”
Keith sat on a chair beside the large bed, tiredly leaning his jacketed elbows on his knees. “Princess,” he said gently. “No one’s gonna take the kid away. People here are just, you know, concerned about your health.”
“I’m fine,” she retorted shortly, breath hitching. Her wrist still crinkled with a bandage from her IV, her eyes bagged with exhaustion. “The hospital released me, didn’t they?”
“It’s not just your physical health we’re all worried about.”
Allura’s eyes burned with tears as she held his gaze before breaking away to ghost toward the well-built, white-painted crib by the bed. “You don’t think I can do it,” she said. She leaned over to settle the snoozing baby on the crib bed, tucking in his little arms with the blanket before pulling away. “You don’t think I can emotionally handle being a mother and coming back to Team Voltron, after…all that has happened.”
Keith bit his lip. “I don’t know, can you? I mean, this is a lot to work through for anybody.”
She ran a hand absentmindedly over her still-slightly swollen stomach, the empire waist of her dress wrinkling beneath her fingers.
She knew Lotor would want her to play weak. To play the innocent, helpless victim, to save herself instead of speaking the truth—that they had willingly loved, willingly created life together.
(But maybe there was a third way? One that would give her power to help Lotor escape from prison?)
And then her eyes hardened, her fingers clenching into her dress with determination. “Don’t worry, Keith,” Allura said. “My fever made it hard to think for a bit, but Lotor didn’t break me. I’m ready to prove to him and the rest of the Drule empire that Voltron still stands.”
Several days passed in the whirlwind of settling back onto Earth, with Princess Allura more confidently carrying around her sleepy, giggly baby son. He leaned his heavy cheek against her shoulder as she held him tightly to her.
“I don’t know if this is a good idea,” Hunk whispered to her as they walked down the darkened hallway, with a set of guards trailing behind them. “I mean, it’s Lotor, you know?”
“I know who it is, Hunk,” she said, eyes determined. On that day, she wore full royal regalia, the color returning to her pale skin as it flushed with health. Her long, pink skirts slid quietly against the stone floor. “But I need to do this. I need it for me, you understand?”
Hunk glanced over at Keith, who flanked Allura on the other side.
Keith raised his hands helplessly, waving to Allura, as if to say, She has a mind of her own, don’t look at me.
Allura’s heart skipped beats as they passed cells with various Drule warriors crouched in the corners of their cells, yellow eyes trained on her curiously and inspecting the baby in her arms—clearly of Drule heritage.
The closer they approached Lotor’s cell, the greater the security. Hunk called out, carrying a blaster, “Look alive, people. This here is Princess Allura, and ain’t no one allowed to even look at her the wrong way, you got that?”
Garrison soldiers flurried around them, raising additional weapons to circle Princess Allura protectively.
And then they stopped at the final prison cell, cloaked mostly in darkness save for a glimmer of light from a flickering, nearby fluorescent light.
“Okay, princess,” Keith said tensely. “This is his cell. Whatever you wanna say, you can say it, and then we’ll get you back upstairs for dinner, alright?”
“I’m okay, Keith,” she said distantly, readjusting the baby in her arms.
And then she stepped forward, peering into the cell, skin chilling in the damp cold.
Her heart stopped.
Lotor sat on the dirty floor, his powerful limbs heavily shackled and simple tunic streaked with dried mud. His matted white hair streaked against a sweaty, bruised cheek as he glanced up at her. His yellow eyes widened, the cat-like pupils dilating in relief at the sight of her before tightening in fear. “Allura,” he whispered.
Her voice wavered as she stood before him, skin chilling in the damp cold. “That would be Princess Allura of Arus to you,” she said, voice wavering as she raised her chin. “Kneel before the mother of your child.”
Lotor exhaled, a mild horror in him that she would visit his prison cell, and he slipped forward, his bound wrists crunching against the stone to drag himself toward the bars. His voice broke hard as he rasped to her, “I cannot bow to you properly in these chains, for my waist is anchored to the wall. Release me, and I will bow to you then.”
She pressed her lips together tightly before narrowing her eyes. “You are not to be released,” she retorted. She hid her trembling fingers in the thick blankets around their baby, who cooed in his sleep, his white curls ticking her chin. “You are to stand trial for your many crimes, against not only me but also against the Alliance. It is unlikely for you to receive anything less than the death penalty.”
Lotor tilted his head, searching her eyes to understand her ploy. An old mischief rose in him. “Would you mourn for me, princess?”
Yes, her heart cries.
“No,” she said shakily. 
“Then why do you appear to me now?” he demanded.
Allura licked her bottom lip before saying as if in royal decree, “It is so that you know what you do not have, for I remain the Princess of Arus, and this child of mine will be raised in Arusian ways of peace and diplomacy. He will never know that his father was a son of Zarkon, and the legacy of your bloodline will never corrupt his heart.”
As she spoke, her words growing with fervor, she enacted her plan. A key—a single key to a scout ship she’d filched from the flight deck of the Garrison—slipped down the inside band of her skirt, falling onto the floor. For his eyes alone, she darted her gaze to the stone, stepping forward to slide the key just under the bars, where no one but him would see.
In his chains in the corner of the cell, Lotor’s eyes brightened with tears. His fists clenched with anticipation. “So, you have come to deliver news of my impending death, then.”
She swallowed hard before backing away, eyes burning. “In twelve hours, your trial will begin. And I will not be there. Instead, I will sit upon the great balconies of the Garrison, dining on my favorite dishes and reveling in the peace and finery due my station—all the things you denied me while I was your captor. And I will not see your trial or your death. So this is a goodbye, once and for all, Prince Lotor of the Drule.”
Allura turned away, eyes burning in want to turn back around and wrench open the jail cell—unchain Lotor and hold him just as tightly as she held their son—
Lotor’s voice rose with a halted laugh, his chains clinking as he secretly grabbed for the key while wrapping a hand around one of the heavy cell bars. “Oh, you wicked woman!” he called to her in a ragged boom. “Whether in chains or circlets, you still order the very stars of my universe. I will die a happy man, knowing that I am reflected in our child. I will live on, through you.”
His scarred fingers tightened upon the additional key, clamping down as hard as his mind held to the additional information she had given about time and location.  
Keith gently grabbed onto Allura’s shoulders. “Come on, princess, let’s get you out of this terrible place.” He leveled a hard glare at Lotor. “And away from this trash.”
Allura managed a brief glance backward in worry as the guards guided her away, a slight hope rising in her as Lotor leaned his forehead against the bars, staring back with earnestness.
And his old, tell-tale calculation.
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jankwritten · 7 months
jasico bingo challenge: crossover
Nico tries extra hard to keep his ears still as the humans descend to the surface. 
His suspicion is reasonable, even if Leader keeps snapping at him to reel his emotions in. Nico might be young, but he isn’t naive. He’s heard whispers throughout the universe of what humans do to each other, do to their planet, for the sake of greed and power. 
In his not so humble opinion, humans and Galra are not different in the slightest. If humanity had even a sliver of the technology that exists this far out in the cosmos, Nico’s positive they’d have two empires to overthrow. 
Tucked near the back of the group (likely to hide his obvious opposition to this alliance), Nico can only kind of hear what the human donning black armor says to Leader on his approach. His handshake looks solid enough. 
“That’s the one who was captured,” Hazel whispers to him, always flanking his side. Her fingers curl around his forearm, digging in. “He’s dangerous. Titan Slayer.” 
Nico can’t stop his ears from swiveling flat. He wishes he had the facade of his mask to hide behind, so he could bare his teeth in displeasure. 
He knows of the Titan Slayer. One of the only survivors of Kronos’s coliseum. A being so wholly destructive, so eager for blood, he was rumored to feast on the remains of those he slayed. 
“I thought he’d be taller,” Nico mutters back. 
Hazel snorts, just loud enough that Leader’s right-hand woman turns on her heel and stakes them with an evil eye. 
The Paladins, so called defenders of the universe, are the sort of lively that Nico associates with space madness. A chaos created by a mind untethered. The one dressed in red sticks by the Titan Slayer and speaks to him so fast, Nico’s translators can hardly keep up. The one in green and the one in yellow monitor the edges of the room, observing from a distance, occasionally peeling apart some piece of technology that they then stitch back together before someone of importance catches them. The blue one is the friendliest to the Blades, though it doesn’t earn her much, in Nico’s books. She speaks as if they’re all equals here. It puts his teeth on edge. 
“Quit your brooding,” Melinoe says. She tugs once on Nico’s hood, then wraps her arm around him when he’s off balance, holding him hostage to her side. “You don’t have to like them, but you have to respect them.” 
“Do I?” Nico mutters, bitter. What have these Paladins done to earn his respect, aside from endangering some of their most vital members, threatening their whole network of undercover agents within the Empire? 
“If you ever want to be off base again you do,” Melinoe says. She flashes her teeth at him and nips not-so-playfully at his ear. “Your choice, kitling.” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
“I call you whatever I like.” 
Nico’s ears flatten down as he slumps, folding his arms across his chest, glaring daggers in the opposite direction. 
Melinoe’s laugh is more of a bark, hard and ringing. 
As the base lights begin to dim in preparation for the sleep-sequence, Nico escapes the still ongoing welcome celebration for the more secluded decks. He’s sure his disappearance will be noted, but Leader can’t hold it against him if his excuse is habit and schedule. Nico has hardly slept well a day in his life, but he always goes to bed on time. 
This cycle, he taps into one of the common areas and slouches onto the plush cushioning arranged by whomever used the room last. He doesn’t want to go to his own room yet, worn out as he is. He needs to keep an eye out. It seems everyone else is swept up in the revelry of their guests, but Nico isn’t fooled. 
In the common area, he’ll be able to hear unfamiliar, human footfalls coming or going. He can remain on his guard in an open area. His room would just feel claustrophobic. 
Arranging himself so the entrance remain within sight, Nico finally allows himself to relax just the slightest bit into the comfortable cradle of cushion. 
He snaps awake to the sound of the doors wooshing shut. 
The Titan Slayer blinks at him. “Oh,” he says, in that strange, human tone. “Sorry. I- didn’t know, uhm, someone was here.” 
Nico bristles, unable to keep himself from going on the offensive. His shoulder hike, and he bares his teeth. 
“I’ll just go,” The Titan Slayer says. He puts his hands up. “My bad.” 
“You are sneaking,” Nico hisses, rising to his feet. He’s still in his armor. If he needs to, he can yank his hood on and strike fast, strike hard. Strike first. 
“I was just trying to find some water.” The Titan Slayer keeps his hands up, perhaps a defense? “I’ll go back to my quarters.” 
“I will follow,” Nico says. The Titan Slayer’s eyes widen slightly, as if shocked. Nico wants so badly to bare his teeth. “To make sure you find your way.” 
The human lowers his hands, finally. He tips his head forward in a nod not dissimilar to those given in respect to commanders, generals. “I’d appreciate that,” The Titan Slayer says. 
Though he takes the long way, there are no deviations from the path the paladin leads back to the guest quarters - a sliver of space set up with cots, furnished just enough to feel better than nothing. 
Nico watches from the doorway as the Titan Slayer pads near-silently to the empty cot across the room, between two of the others. The yellow and blue, Nico thinks. They look smaller without armor. 
The Titan Slayer looks up at him. If he’s surprised to see Nico still there, he does not say. Instead, in the otherwise silent space, he murmurs, “I look forward to working with you. I don’t believe I caught your name?” 
The translator catches for a moment over the word name, though the translation suits Nico fine. A name is not a title. There is not much to giving it. 
“Nico,” he says, gruff and short. 
The Titan Slayer smiles, that strange, bare human expression. “I’m Jason,” he says. “It’s nice to meet you, Nico.” 
Nico narrows his eyes suspiciously, parsing apart the tone, the word choice. To meet under these circumstances is not nice. What games do the humans play with their words? To lie so blatantly? 
“We will see,” Nico says. He steps backward through the still-open doorway, refusing to look away from the Titan Slayer. Jason. Danger. 
The door hisses shut. 
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ditzydisaster13 · 6 months
Went on Google and found some angst boards!
I’ll be using these prompts myself in a special 1shots book. Not that I need more…..
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I just like all the prompts. I’ll probably write them all down in like a piece of paper and make some 1shots that are much smaller than my usual writing.
As my entire Ao3 account is for “Voltron/Langst!” Only (unless crossovers) I will be posting Voltron and Lance McClain related 1shots on Archive Of Our Own.
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Shiro wandered through the library, restless. Stroking unfeeling metal fingers over every spine, feet deliberately soft on the floor (more out of paranoid habit than any real need), every sense tuned to the very highest.
It was dark in the Castle's library; the night cycle was at its peak and only the dim floor lights were on. Shiro strained his ears for any noise, any sound of intrusion; the freshly-awakened shades from the past were still haunting him though he had woken from the nightmare almost an hour before.
The past...
Before, Shiro would have taken any book that he could get his hands on and sat down to read it, practically consuming literature. Racing through acres of words at breakneck, delicious speed. But now...
Now, it was impossible for him to be still and seated and vulnerable for any amount of time. He wandered the library, restless, stroking the fingers of the accursed prosthetic over books he no longer had the peace of mind to read.
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shatterinseconds · 2 years
New Year’s Eve
Klancemas ‘22 day 31
Lance glares at Keith all night. If Keith has taken notice, he has made no acknowledgement of how Lance tracks every movement he makes. Which isn’t difficult in a room with only six other people. Lance is just waiting for an opportunity to strike.
Ever since they had their makeshift holiday party a week ago, they also decided to have a New Year’s Eve celebration, which Coran and Allura were more than willing to participate in as well. They threw on a classic Altean movie with no subtitles for background noise, having no access to proper New Year’s Eve broadcasts—at one point, Lance did try to watch the movie and was immediately lost when the tentacle creature appeared out of nowhere. Eyes glazing over as he sat on the couch, the chatter around him indiscernible, he began to form his revenge plan.
Because Keith kissed him at that holiday party and Lance hasn’t been able to return the favor. All week he has caught Keith smirking at him when he knows Lance is looking, and it’s only fueled the fire more. Keith shouldn’t be able to get away scot free with kissing Lance under the mistletoe like that. And Lance will show him exactly what it felt like.
Now, as the timer Pidge set up starts to count down from sixty, Lance walks over to Keith, a purpose to every step. Keith converses with Shiro, none the wiser to his presence, but Shiro is. When he sees Lance approach, he sighs and subtly excuses himself much to Keith’s confusion.
That gets cleared up pretty quickly. “Hey, Mullet,” Lance growls when he is directly behind Keith. Keith spins around with wide eyes before he narrows them in skepticism. 
“What do you want?”
“I’ve come to return the favor.” 
“What fav—” Reaching for him, Lance doesn’t let Keith finish.
At the stroke of midnight, Lance drags Keith into his arms and kisses him. He feels Keith breathe out a soft ‘oh’ across his lips before his hands find their way under Lance’s shirt, warm hands pressed against his bare skin, to draw him closer. Suddenly, Lance dips Keith, continuing to kiss the living daylights out of him, while Keith laughs, moving to pull Lance even closer until they’re flush which only causes them to tumble onto the couch. Lance breaks off the kiss, chuckling as well, as he buries his face into the crook of Keith’s neck and long hair, which tickles his nose. He is only partially aware that he straddles Keith and has an audience.
“Listen, we’re all happy for you morons, but this is not how I wanted to start my New Year,” Pidge mutters in annoyance, which only causes them to laugh harder. Keith’s lips are kiss-bitten, red and a little swollen. Streamers and confetti rain around them; Keith looks beautiful, hair wild against the couch cushions and mouth stretched wide in happiness. 
“Happy New Year, Keith,” Lance says.
Keith reaches up to draw him back. “Yeah, Happy New Year,” he replies as he kisses Lance again.
Lance’s plan is truly a success.
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coleycarissa · 8 months
BBC Merlin klance au where Lance is a magic wielding servant of prince Keith. King Zarkon outlawed magic 20 years before. Lance later find out that Keith was adopted by Zarkon because he has magic too and Zarkon was been keeping the strongest magic wielders hostage as “adopted children” and killing the rest so no one will ever be able to stand against him. Spoiler is, klance stands against him and wins.
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fennekvos · 1 year
I've never really written a fanfic before and I doubt I will so if u wanna take this idea go ahead but anyways I was thinking:
Lance and Keith living in the same apartment building, right underneath each other but one floor apart and Lance trying to hit on Keith constantly when they meet in the halls etc but Keith being either too oblivious to get it, or having too much of an inner gay panic to respond properly (or both!) so wingperson Pidge, who happens to do delivery sets them up by delivering a package meant for Lance to Keith's place instead so that Keith has to go up to Lance's place to give it to its right owner and when Lance opens the door he's just finished a work out or smt like that and they both just stand there awkwardly and Keith being the gay lone wolf he is gets all awkward and maybe even a little flustered bc ok damn Lance is kind of hot and Lance just thanking the gods above (Pidge) for this godsent opportunity and i ksjdmajdgha
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lissa05 · 1 year
A little about me!
Hi welcome to my blog this is a safe space sooooo
I mostly write but I don't post much (edit: that is very much a lie now thx to my friends who r tagged below)
You can call me Lissa or Alyssa I'm 19
I go by she/her pronouns
and I love reading books and watching netflix
(honestly who doesn't)
(also if ur gonna watch a live @helpermaddi is the best)
I'd love recommendations for books/fics (movies and shows too)
And if there is something you want me to write my commissions are open but I will only write content I feel like writing shoot me a prompt in my dm’s or asks u wanna see :)
@alix-xx @helpermaddi @onfire4god @toolongtrysomethingelseplease @greeniry
(edit:thank u all so much for helping me feel more comfortable on this platform and I will always love y’all 💜💜💜)
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