#w: oh absolutely! i assume you would want to join in
vampirecatboy · 8 months
it's actually really apt that i add Kilian to the whole Aja/Weiss extended universe of lovers because i did decide that Kilian's family had a chalet in the swiss alps, and Kilian speaks german in addition to french, then Weiss is french on their mom's side so they speak french in addition to german
the two of them can have entire conversations in front of Aja without him understanding a word, so they can plot while he gets all huffy and pouty
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cc--2224 · 5 months
Working Parts
Pairing: Echo x F!Reader
Summary: There was always something about Echo that drew you to him, you had no idea that he'd feel the same way. But when he shares his past with you, you know you want to be there to comfort him in the future.
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, pregnancy mention, lots of angst, but it's also so soft
Notes: This was written for the @cloneficgiftexchange run by @ghostofskywalker and this fic was written for @jedipoodoo , I hope you enjoy!!
Prompts: "You're okay, I'm right here." ||"I won't leave you." - and you also included that you love stories about parenthood and pregnancy, so I did my best!
Word Count: 3.4k
Read on AO3 Here
Taglist: None, let me know if you'd like to be added!
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The first time you saw Echo, he had just disembarked from his ship, visiting his brothers and his sister. You happened to be near the landing port, and you looked over just as he descended the ramp, and from there you knew that you wanted to meet him, to get to know him. 
But you also knew that you weren't really the type to walk up to someone new, especially here. You were new enough to Pabu, the idea of putting yourself out there when you had just come here to hide from the Empire just seemed counter intuitive. It wasn't as if you were in any kind of trouble, after all, you were a mechanic and if anything would be an asset to them, but it seemed safer to stay out of sight, you could think of only a few things worse than being forced into the Empire.
“His name is Echo.” You heard a voice ring out from beside you, making you jump. You turned to your right, the voice had come from another one of the new arrivals, you had only learned that his name was Tech a few weeks prior when he walked into your shop looking for parts for his ship.
“W-What?” Your voice was still flustered from the sudden scare.
“I assumed you would want the name of the person you were so obviously staring at.”
“No, I–” You began to protest before sighing, knowing it was pointless to argue.
Tech waited for you to continue your sentence, but when you didn't, he adjusted his goggles and walked over to greet his brother.
“Like he'd want to meet me..” You muttered to yourself, but almost as soon as Tech made it over to Echo, the latter had turned his head to face you. That was your cue to turn and leave, not wanting to make him uncomfortable with your apparent staring.
~ ~ ~
The second time you saw Echo was a few months following the initial visit. He and his brothers had all come by your shop. Tech had placed another order for his seemingly never-ending tinkering, and the others - whose names you had finally learned - decided to accompany him.
You were surprised to see them all there in your little shop, but especially surprised to see Echo. It seemed that his visits to Pabu were few and far between. 
You did absolutely everything you could to avoid staring. 
When you were busying yourself with re-organizing drawers of miscellaneous parts, you heard your name being called out from behind you. It caused you to jump and knock over a pile of bolts onto the ground.
“Oh kriff, sorry about that.” 
You turned around slowly, trying not to let the embarrassment show in your face, only to be faced with the one you were internally trying to avoid.
“Don’t worry about it.” You said, a bit too shakily..
“That is your name though, right?” He asked, and when you nodded, he smiled. “Good to know, I’m Echo.”
“Nice to meet you.” You forced a smile back.
The tallest of them, Wrecker, wandered up to the front counter to join the two of you, and slapped a hand across Echo’s shoulder.
“Weird you two have never met!” He laughed, “I mean, Echo always just stares at you whenever he sees you, so it’s nice you finally have a chance to talk!” 
“...Thanks, Wreck.” Echo sighed, and looked at you with a slightly guilty expression.
You smiled and shook your head in reassurance to his unspoken apology, knowing you were guilty of the same thing. This almost gave you hope that your desire to get to know him was mutual. Almost.
Before long, the others approached the counter to collect their order and purchase the additional parts they had gathered in your shop. 
As they left, Echo took one last look toward you before ducking out of the building, and you got to work cleaning up the bolts you had knocked over.
Kriff. You sighed to yourself.
~ ~ ~
The time between Echo’s visits seemed longer and longer the more you eventually started getting to know him. You would never admit it out loud, but you even began to miss him when he wasn’t around.
He was kind, and he was quick-witted; he definitely matched his brothers' sarcasm and humour. And when the evening sun shone on him, his eyes almost appeared to glow gold.
It didn't take long for you to completely fall for him, he had a way of speaking that invited you in, he was charming and confident, certainly the type who could have any girl he wanted. 
For that reason, in addition to his frequent trips off-world, you decided not to say anything to him about your feelings. At least you wouldn't pine after him when you didn't have to see him every day, you had figured.
You had put the kettle on one evening and began sorting through your to-do list for the next day, getting lost in your thoughts when a loud knock on the door startled you out of them. 
Cautiously, you walked to the front window, peering out to see who could possibly be visiting, when you saw Echo standing on your front steps, looking around nervously, with his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
You unlocked the door and opened it. 
"Echo? What are you doing here?" You didn’t even realize he was on-world.
"I uh.. was just nearby and wanted to say hi." He was shuffling his feet a little, and his tone was hesitant.
Everything you had thought of his confidence seemed to fizzle away with his words, but still you smiled. 
"Hi," you repeated in greeting.
"Right well.. I should just.." He sighed, "I had a whole idea of what I was going to say but..."
You shook your head, still smiling. "I just put the kettle on, would you like to come in for some tea?" 
He breathed a sigh of relief, "I'd love to."
Echo entered your house slowly, as if he wasn't fully sure if he was actually welcome.
"Make yourself at home," you told him, reassuringly. "Tea should be ready soon."
"Thank you." He sat down on the sofa, taking in his surroundings. 
Your living room was warm and inviting, it certainly felt like you. He smiled, eying some of the photos on the wall.
He knew fairly early on how he felt about you, the fact that you seemed just as nervous as he was when you had first met gave him courage that you might even feel the same way. You were smart, you knew your way around all the working parts of any droid or ship on the planet. Something that he almost felt was humourous, given the fact that it made up most of him too. But more than that, his own darker thoughts figured that meant you’d want nothing to do with him. For that reason, he could never be open about his feelings toward you, but he had enough of hiding it. This revelation was what brought him to your door.
You returned to the living room holding two tea cups, and you set his down in front of him before sitting down on a nearby armchair.
"So what did you have to say?" You asked when you were settled.
"I'm sorry?" He asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"You said you had an idea of something you wanted to say."
"Oh, right I-..." 
He looked down at the teacup.
"I guess I just wanted to talk to you. We’ve been getting to know each other, but I feel like I still don’t know much about you."
You smiled, "Well there's not much to know. I came to Pabu after the Empire began occupying Lothal, opened up my shop, and have been here ever since."
"I see. Not the worst place to escape to," He noted. "Do you er... Anyone special?" 
You could feel blood rise to your cheeks at his question. 
"N-No, not really. Do.. you?" 
"Nah, me neither." His admission brought a feeling of relief to you. He had a sad look as he continued. “Not really sure it’s in my cards. Part of me always kinda wanted a family, especially after meeting Cut and Suu, knowing that some clones out there are living comfortably, but..” He trailed off.
You wanted so badly to comfort him in some way, but you didn’t know how. Anything you thought of saying would only reveal your feelings toward him, and you weren’t really ready to do that.
It grew silent with neither of you knowing what to say.
Eventually, you spoke up, figuring the best thing to do was to change the subject.
"What do you think of Pabu?" You asked him.
He thought about his answer, then he looked at you earnestly, with a spark in his eye that you couldn't quite place. 
"Honestly? I know I’m gone for long periods of time, but… It's getting harder and harder to leave." 
"You could stay." You blurted out without thinking, and you quickly tried to recover, "I mean, since the others live here and all.." 
You mentally facepalmed at your outburst.
But instead of poking fun at you, you heard a quiet chuckle.
"Maybe I will, after my job out there is done."
Your curiosity got the better of you. “What is it that you do when you’re away?”
“We help lost clones find places where they can be safe and comfortable, and above all, free.” 
You smiled, “That’s really noble.”
“It’s the least we can do. Rex and I both feel like we’re only alive today because of the blood our brothers spilled for us, so it’s only fair that we use that to help the ones still out there.”
“What was the war like for you?”
He paused and looked down at his cup. “It’s kind of hard to say.”
You waited to see if he would continue.
“It took me and my squad a long time to even pass the training drill to leave Kamino. They used to call us the Domino squad because we always seemed to fall one after the other. When we did finally get deployed, we were sent to an outpost on the Rishi moon and in our first real battle, we lost three of our men.”
“I see…”
“After that though, Fives and I were taken into the 501st under Captain Rex, where we eventually were made ARC Troopers, but after that was the Citadel.”
“What happened?”
“I got blown up.” He stated, his tone was laced with almost dry humour but he wasn’t laughing. “Seps got me and turned me into, well, this. And now I’m here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful that Rex and the boys found me on Skako Minor, but I still get nightmares about it sometimes.”
He looked over at you, and his expression turned sympathetic after he saw how upset you looked.
“I guess I unloaded there, sorry.”
“Don’t be, I’m glad you told me. I just wish I knew what to say.”
He smiled a half smile at you, “I appreciate you listening.”
Without really thinking, you moved closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck in a tight embrace. You stayed there for a moment, and soon you felt his arm reach around you, holding you there.
~ ~ ~
After that night, your relationship with Echo changed. He trusted you, you knew that just from the fact that he was willing to tell you everything about his past. 
When he’d arrive on Pabu, he always met you with an embrace, and more times than not, he’d show up at your house to discuss his missions and any news you had over a cup of tea.
And one of those nights, he had finally confessed his feelings for you. 
He didn’t work up to it in any sense. Instead, when you opened the door to let him inside, he stood on the doorstep, holding a bouquet of flowers out to you.
“What’s this?” You said smiling at the gift.
“I love you.” He announced, a faint blush growing across his cheeks, he was slightly shaking, but his eyes were serious.
“You- What?” Was all you could manage to say in reply. You heard him, but you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“I have for a while now. I knew from the start that I had feelings for you, but.. Ever since the night where I told you about, well, everything, I knew how deep those feelings were. If you don’t… Feel the same way, that’s okay, but I needed you to know.”
“Echo…” You managed to say, quietly. “I do feel the same.”
“What?” Echo was surprised, and he immediately believed he misheard you.
“Come in, please.” You said, and all but pulled him into your house. “I love you too.”
“But why? I.. Since when?”
“The same time as you.” You sighed and stood closer to him. “I’ve always had feelings for you, since we met. And when you opened up to me, when you trusted me with your past, I couldn’t ignore it anymore, but I always thought I was alone in it, so I couldn’t bring myself to tell you.”
He smiled softly and placed his hand on your cheek, drawing your face closer to his. 
“You’re not alone. I’m right here with you.” He told you before he closed the distance, pressing his lips to yours, and you wrapped your arms around him, smiling into the kiss.
Echo broke the kiss before you both ran out of air, but still he held you close to him, pressing his forehead against yours.
“I’m relieved that you feel the same way, but I would understand if you didn’t, with me being this.”
“Oh shush,” you told him. “You’ll need a mechanic to keep everything in order.”
He smiled at you before placing a kiss against your lips once again.
~ ~ ~
You felt him tossing in the bed next to you. Another nightmare, you thought to yourself. 
He was getting them more frequently, and it worried you. It had been some time since he was rescued from Skako Minor, but the memories he had of his life before that had never quite faded. Memories of a life he could never quite return to. And you knew that something else was causing him stress. His nightmares grew more frequent ever since you had told him that you were pregnant. 
He was happy to be on Pabu with you, to start a family with you. But you knew it was still a hard adjustment for him. Not just living on Pabu, but everything since waking up from the stasis chamber he was put in. Everything that he had told you about all those years ago still haunted him to this day, and you wished that there was some way that you could help, but he had always told you that just being there with him was enough.
All you could really do in these moments was to try and calm him down, gently ease him out of his nightmares, try to get him to talk to you about them when he woke up, but sometimes it was easier said than done. 
You lay next to him, rubbing his back gently guiding your hand up and down next to the cybernetics, attempting to soothe him from his nightmare without waking him. He stirred gently under your touch before his eyes fluttered open.
"Fives!" He yelled as he lifted himself up off the bed. 
He took a moment to look around, eyes adjusting to the dark room.
"Shh.. You're okay." You whispered to him. 
He fell back onto the bed, turning to look at the ceiling before turning to face you.
"You should be sleeping." He said quietly, "I didn't wake you, did I?"
You shook your head, "No, I was already awake." 
He sighed and pulled you close to him, you adjusted yourself so you could rest your back against his chest, and he held you there, with a hand rubbing your belly gently. 
"I dreamt about the Citadel." He began. "Only instead of me getting hurt, it was Fives." 
You could feel his breath get shakier, and you intertwined your fingers with his. 
"I couldn't protect him. I couldn't protect any of them. Fives, Cutup, Droidbait, Hevy... I'm the only one left." 
You could tell from his voice that this wasn't entirely about his nightmare, and you turned back around to face him.
"Echo.." You gently reached your hand up to rest it on the side of his face.
He wouldn't meet your gaze, his eyes became fixed on your belly.
"What if I can't protect our child?" He asked quietly. 
"You can't think like that, I know you'll do anything for them." 
"But what if I can't?" He sighed, "You deserve someone you can rely on, someone strong to stand beside you. A good father for your children."
"And I have him." You reassured him. "Echo, everything you've described is you. I know you're afraid, and it's okay to be. In a couple months, we'll have someone else to look out for, but I know we'll be able to do this together. I didn't know them, but I know that Fives, Hevy, everyone would be so proud of you, for everything you've made it through, and everything that is coming our way." 
He sighed in frustration, clearly not hearing your words. “I won’t even be able to hold them properly without hurting them. How am I supposed to take care of a child?”
“Because you’re not doing it alone. Echo, I’m still here. I’ll always be here, we’ll be in this together, just like we always have.”
You pressed your forehead against his. "I'm right here with you." 
Echo nudged his forehead into yours gently, and pressed a kiss against your lips. 
"Thank you, mesh'la. You always know what I need to hear. I'm.. sorry."
"You don't need to be sorry. Anytime you need to hear it, I'll be here. I won't leave you."
~ ~ ~
If there was one thing Echo didn’t need to worry about, it was whether or not he would be a good father. 
He was nervous about it, of course. His nerves couldn’t be calmed until the moment he looked into the big brown eyes, his eyes, on this tiny person. His insecurities and worries all melted away from that moment onward.
He had a bit of practice with Omega, but fatherhood really came naturally to him. You remembered hearing a joke once that it was the Mandalorian genes, but to you, it was just how Echo was. He was always kind, gentle, and caring, and these traits became even stronger once your child was born. 
He was a perfect father, perhaps a little overly cautious at times, but caring all the same. You remembered laughing at his idea to wrap a soft blanket around his scomp link so that it didn’t dig into your child’s skin, but he did it anyway.
And he was proud that his child had such a loving family, the other batchers became the best uncles overnight. Hunter and Wrecker immediately took to doting on and fawning over your child, Tech took to adding all kinds of child safety measures to the Marauder, and Omega was ecstatic to finally be an aunt. 
You knew that there was still a part of Echo that he tried his best to keep hidden that longed to see the other members of the Domino squad be part of your little loving family, to watch your child grow up, to play games with them, to teach them to fly, to tell them stories about their dad that even you haven’t heard, to just be there, to be alive, but all you could do was reassure him that, wherever they are, they were looking out for him, and the new addition. 
From there, everything seemed to fall into place. Everything made sense. 
Echo had told you once, all that time ago that he had wanted a family of his own, a dream of his and yours that became reality with you by his side. 
The two of you were working parts, you helped each other move and grow, and you would continue to do so for as long as you could.
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
and peter never shuts up about trouble to may
she teases him for it all the time and when they finally make it official may tells trouble.
“i just knew you were the one for him, he always talks about you. that boy is head over heels”
trouble and frat peter are total endgame
may, never one to complain about another friendly face, was smiling hard at you.
'oh, hello! peter didn't say you were joining this weekend.'
she was extremely happy, it was the first weekend she's seen you after your split. she assumes her nephew made right like he said he would, it had been a quiet few weeks on peter's side.
'he wanted it to be a surprise, did it work?' may answers with giving you a tight hug, 'very. i missed you,' she lowers her voice, it doesn't do much. 'and he did too.'
'may.' peter doesn't like his secrets being told.
'oh, i know he did. he cried.' your hip was pinched, 'hey. no more.' he really doesn't like those secrets being told.
may gives another gentle squeeze before stepping back, she's about to give peter his own hug until you elbow him.
'sorry, i thought embarrassing you was in my job description now.'
'i'd prefer if it wasn't.' you loop your arm around him and lean a cheek on his shoulder. 'deal. can i still do it in private though?' immediate agreeance, 'absolutely.'
may sees nothing but pure love, she really hopes peter does it right this time around. peter places a kiss on your hairline before gently loosening his arm. 'i'm gonna set our stuff down, two seconds.'
it's more affection he's ever been open to sharing with may, she's caught kisses and soft touches before, but she can't place a time he's willingly done it in her eyesight. peter knows she'd tease him too much.
'i see things are going good?'
you feel shy, peter said he wanted it to be a surprise.
'very. i'm really, really happy. he um, he told me about everything.' may knows exactly what you're hinting at, not that her nephew filled her in on his plans. 'and everyone?'
you laugh lightly, 'yeah. i'm still trying to wrap my head around that, i have this weird new sense of worry now. i don't know how you do it.'
it's comforting she has someone to relate the anxiety to, it's a new feeling and it's something she never thought she'd be able to share.
'it gets easier, but it never goes away.'
'hey, hey, hey,' peter's voice becomes gradually louder when he picks up on the conversation. one look at you and you know what he's about to say, you can't even try to stop the smile.
'i just got her, let's not scare off my girlfriend, may.'
a sharp gasp, hands cover her mouth. 'shut up! you're lying!'
peter plays cool, 'i told you i was going to fix it.' you nod approvingly, 'he really did. he even... peter, you wanna show her or should i?'
'oh, i got it.' your boyfriend clears his throat, 'i love you.' loud and proud. it doesn't matter if he's said it a hundred times in the past month, it'll never get old. 'i love you, too.'
peter looks at may, 'you were right. there's nothing compared to that feeling.' your bottom lip pokes out, 'aw, petey!'
'i knew it! i knew you were the one and i knew he'd figure out a way to get you back and ah! i just knew it!' you were held tighter than before, a squeak has peter crossing the linoleum to your side.
may releases you to tug her nephew in for his own hug, she holds him tighter than you think you ever have. it's warm to know she wanted this just as much as you did.
'i'm proud of you,' it was quiet, not really meant for your ears. you'll pretend you didn't hear it. 'thanks, i am too.' since everyone's caught up and you have no reason to feel like a slight stranger, you hum around their bodies on a mission to the kitchen for the cookies you've been smelling since the second you walked in.
mumbling around a snickerdoodle, 'is this an okay time to tell you that i'd much prefer a batch of peanut butter cookies?' may turns to you with an amused look, you may have led on that peter's favorites were your own.
'what? i didn't want to feel like i was changing the routine. it's peter's fault, he knew and kept letting me lie.' peter clicks his tongue, 'oh, no, no, no. don't blame me, i told you i'd ask and you said i couldn't be trusted.'
'yeah, but,' you look at may for support. 'have you ever been at a friends house and ask for something and instead of your friend covering for you they're just like 'mom, may wants a popsicle!' and you feel like punching yourself in the head cause like, why would you do that to me?'
peter gasps, 'i would never! i would conceal a murder for you in ten seconds, you think i'd sell you out on some cookies?' may holds a hand to her chest, 'i would love to make you a batch of peanut butter cookies, or we could make them together and talk about peter.'
he shuts it down in a second. 'no, no talking of me. thank you.'
'well, since you're my boyfriend now i think i should finally be able to hear your embarrassing stories.'
'no, not allowed, trouble.'
'but i already love you!'
'and i'd prefer if we keep it that way.'
'i've loved you longer.'
you always have to one up him.
'fine. you get three, and nothing from middle school. we're not there yet.'
your teeth sink into a snickerdoodle, happiness you've never felt before hasn't faded in a month, if anything it's gotten brighter. you could really get used to this.
may can't remember the last time her apartment was filled with this much love.
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dearly-somber · 9 months
Twister | j.jk
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-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader (f)
-> genre. slow burn, eventual romance, fluff, humor, f2l (friends-to-lovers), pining, found family, high school!au, eventual smut
-> w/c. 1180
-> rating. 13+
-> a/n. Devil All The Time is an actual book I read, and, to this day, it’s still one of my all-time favorites. The excerpt at the beginning is also real!
-> warnings. None!!
-> collection. mini-series
-> started. Aug. 16th, 2022 @ 15:00
-> fin. Sat., Sept. 16th, 2023 @ 16:59
-> edited. Mon., Oct. 30th, 2023 @ 23:03
-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn
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Unless he had whiskey running through his veins, Willard came to the clearing every morning and evening to talk to God. Arvin didn't know which was worse, the drinking or the praying. As far back as he could remember, it seemed that his father had fought the Devil all the time—
Someone knocks on Jungkook’s door. You look up from your book (The Devil All The Time by Donald Ray Pollock) and smile smugly at Yoongi as he stands in the doorway, a grumpy pout on his face. “Can I help you?” you ask saccharinely.
He grumbles something you don’t catch before saying, “We’re playing Twisters downstairs.”
You gasp dramatically. “Am I dreaming or are you actually being nice to me for once?”
He growls low in his throat. “Don’t push your luck, human.”
You set your book face-down and skip past him, bounding downstairs with a smug grin. “I’m not leaving anytime soon, Boongles, so you better get used to it!”
“What did you just—“
“Y/N!” Jungkook’s face breaks out into a blinding smile as you enter the living room a few paces in front of Yoongi, his metaphorical tail wagging excitedly.
“Hey, Kook. I heard you’re thinking about me,” you tease, gently patting his back when he rolls his eyes and pulls you in for a hug. As you pull away, you ask, “So! How are we doing this?”
“I was thinking teams, since it’s only four of us playing,” Hoseok says, looking up from where he’s slung an arm around a still-grumpy Yoongi’s shoulders. “We can have two players move during one spin, and the other two the next, that way we can take turns so it’s not too chaotic.”
“The others aren’t playing?” you ask, kind of disappointed. Oh, the amount of chaos there would’ve been if more of them had joined you.
Jungkook shakes his head no. “They’re not feeling it. We convinced Jisoo noona to spin for us, though.”
Jisoo walks in from the kitchen with a glass of red wine in hand. She smiles amicably at you as she takes a seat. “Hey, Y/N. How’s the book so far?”
“Good, thanks.” You turn back to the others. “I assume JK and I are gonna be in a team, then?”
Hoseok grins mischievously as he shares a strange look with Jungkook, saying, “Told you. It’s me and you, hyung.” Hoseok smiles down at Yoongi, who sighs his acceptance.
“Let’s get this over with,” he grumbles.
You turn to look at Jungkook, who quickly tries to hide a dopey smile. “Why? What did Hobi oppa tell you?”
“Shh.” He turns you back to the mat with his hands on your shoulders. “Focus on winning.”
“Alright!” Jisoo sets her glass down and picks up the wheel. “First spin!” She flicks the plastic arrow, waiting a few seconds for the outcome before calling out, “Right foot, yellow!”
“You go,” you tell Jungkook. He nods, dropping his hands from your shoulders and taking a confident step forward as Yoongi does the same.
“Next… Right leg, blue!”
In hindsight, Jungkook should’ve seen this coming. He should’ve known Hoseok was trying to set him up from the second he asked if “angel” would be joining them for Twister, even though Jungkook had been more than content to let her stay in his room a little longer. (His complacency with her absence had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that her scent was getting on his sheets.)
Now, with Y/N bending in front of him in a makeshift downward-dog and only one viable option for his next callout (right foot, blue), Jungkook wants to smack his head against a wall. He’d have to move his leg halfway across the mat, so he wouldn’t have any balance.
Unless, of course, he held onto Y/N’s hips.
Twister was a cursed game and he’d never play again.
“Jungkook, you gotta make your move in the next five seconds or else you’re out,” Jisoo warns.
He panics and shifts his foot farther out than he meant to, holding onto Y/N’s hips as his balance gives out and thanking whatever god is out there that Y/N can’t see the disgustingly bright pink hue dusting his cheeks with her ass so close to his crotch.
“You’re gonna make me fall!” Y/N complains, teetering forward. He tightens his grip on her hips and pulls her back ever so slightly. Hopefully he won’t get a boner. Gods, that would be embarrassing.
“Just—focus on your next move!” he half-yells, mouthing a curse at Hoseok, who was knocked out almost five minutes ago and is now standing smugly off to the side trying to contain his laughter. Asshole.
“Stupid game,” Y/N grumbles under her breath, her arms shaking.
“Left hand, red,” Jisoo announces.
Y/N grunts as she moves her hand closer to her body, unintentionally pressing into Jungkook. He bites down on his tongue and focuses on his breathing as blood rushes to his cheeks.
Yoongi huffs as he crouches and sets his hand on the red circle closest to him, grinning up at them with a dark look. “It’s over for you,” he taunts.
“Alright, Kook. Left hand, green,” Jisoo says.
Jungkook crouches down and sets his hand behind him, making eye contact with Y/N for the first time in almost ten minutes straight. “Next time—“
Y/N gets cut off with a yelp as, on their next turn, Yoongi bumps into her and sends her falling back into Jungkook’s lap. He groans, his hands shaking with the effort to keep himself up.
“Asshole! You pushed me!” Y/N yells, her ears turning red with rage as she pushes herself off Jungkook, about to angrily rush Yoongi when Hoseok picks her up around the waist and holds her off to the side with an arm around her shoulders.
“Now-now, kids, no fighting,” he teases.
“Beat his ass, Kook!” Y/N says in response, glaring at Yoongi.
Yoongi rolls his eyes as the game continues. The longer Jungkook has to play, the more tired he becomes—holding weird positions for long periods of time is surprisingly taxing. Just when he thinks he’s going to give out, Yoongi’s sweaty hands slide to the side and he ends up falling over, ass in the air.
Y/N squeals with excitement and rushes Jungkook as he stands up to his full height, massaging his lower back with a grimace. He oofs as she slams into him, her arms around his neck. He blushes and hides his face in her shoulder, trying to subtly breathe in her scent as she drops down before excitedly smacking him on his arm.
He smiles down at her and avoids looking at Hoseok (who he’s sure is having his own little mini-celebration) as Yoongi sighs as he stands up. “Well played,” he grumbles.
Y/N grins triumphantly, but holds her hand out for him to shake. “Good game.” Yoongi hesitates, but takes her hand. Y/N grins. “How does it feel losing to a human?”
“Gods have mercy…”
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thechaoticdruid · 7 months
Seriously, now!?
Astarion x Named!Tav
Plot: (Set in late act 1 early act 2) After causing a scene, embarrassing and being shouted at by their own resident wizard, Winnie storms off alone to sulk. Her monthly bleeding is upon her and is making everything seem so much worse! But perhaps her vampiric lover can make it all better?
Warnings/content: Period comfort fic (because I needed it), emotional MC, soft Astarion, Galeshaming (I'm sorry for constantly bullying Gale), Winnie is honestly being a bit petty, but Astarion doesn't care really, he's on her side anyway, angst, fluff, comfort, a wee bit of smut at the end, oral (female receiving), MDNI, possibly ooc moments, possible grammar/ spelling mistakes.
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After finding only disappointment and danger from their failure at the githyanki creché, Winnie and her merry band of weirdos were now turning towards the mountain path that would lead them onward to Moonrise. They'd run into a little confrontation on the way, had to fight some undead baddies and then met face to face with the famed 'Elminster.' Winnie had no idea who he was, nor did she really care. All she was concerned with was that this guy came into her camp ate all HER cheese and then told her friend his ex wanted him to go kill himself. Needless to say the young druid was not that impressed. Despite dreaming of being a wizard as a child, Winnie had never heard of this man before. The village she was born in had been pretty cut off from the rest of the world so all the stories of heroes from all over were never told to the children living there.
"I can't believe you! Picking a fight with an old man." Gale exclaimed looking over at Winnie with disapproval.
"Last I thought you said the old man was the strongest wizard in the world." Winnie tilted her head in confusion.
"That's no excuse to get into a fist fight with him! Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders?!" Gale shouted.
"My Gran taught me to kick ass if someone takes what is mine. Especially my food." Winnie huffed and crossed her arms. Granted Archdruid Winnifred the first was known for being a crazy old crone with a fiery temper and some outdated views. She also seemed much too calm when her husband apparently died in an owlbear attack.
Ah, but Winnie still missed her.
"Oh come on wizard, Winnie's little show was absolutely hilarious! Ahaha!" Astarion giggled. The elven vampire had been watching the chaotic scene unfold with a shit eating grin the entire time. The fact that the druid used none of her powers or weapons just made it all the better. Hells she even bit the old man.
"Hilarious!? She attacked one of the greatest wizards this world has ever known over cheese!!! A child has more restraint for gods' sake!"
"Oh, suck my dick!" Winnie snarled, quite literally making a wolfish growl at the bearded man before stomping off. Gale rubbed his temples before slumping off to his own tent.
"Winnie is rather eccentric at the best of times, but usually not this vicious." Shadowheart piped up, stepping over to join the vampire spawn.
"She has a temper, but I agree she's been acting more irritable than usual. You wouldn't know anything about this would you fangs?" Karlach asked looking over at Astarion.
"Must you assume whenever something goes wrong it's my fault?" Astarion crossed his arms.
"No one is accusing you of anything yet, but you have practically been glued to Winnie's backside as of late." Shadowheart raised an eyebrow.
"Just wanted to know if you knew if there was something going on." The tiefling female added. Astarion rolled his eyes before looking over in the direction of where Winnie had wandered off.
"Oh there is something going on, not that I'm the type to gossip about a woman's personal matters." Astarion ran a hand through his ivory curls.
"Fangs, we all know that's complete bullshit." Karlach looked at him with an unamused expression.
"Well, not about this! It's different. Even I have limits you know." Astarion murmured. He was well aware of Winnie's predicament, and if he had been completely honest he definitely would have gossiped about this sort of thing if it had been anyone else. "But perhaps I can go and calm our feisty little wolf down." The high elf suggested, hoping to keep the others from asking any more questions.
"Alright I'll go try to console Gale I think he's screaming into his pillow again...." Karlach mentioned before her and Shadowheart walked off.
Astarion looked over to where Winnie had wandered up, finding her curled up on her bed-roll under some trees. Winnie whimpered and groaned, clutching her lower stomach in pain.
"In a spot of bother are we?" Astarion looked down at her.
"Leave me alone Astarion!" Winnie snapped before covering herself in her blankets.
"Oh come on, don't be like that. I'm only here to help." Astarion sat down on the bed-roll next to her. "I know you're still mad that the mean wizard yelled at you, but if you want I can go and break his legs? Would that make you happy, dear?" Astarion practically cooed, a small smile formed on his lips as he ran a hand over her back.
"Maybe...." Winnie mumbled and glanced up at him. Astarion smirked, "I thought so." He gently caressed her head.
"I'm.....Sorry....I...I haven't been myself lately...." Winnie confessed before wincing again in pain.
"I know. I can smell the blood..." Astarion said calmly. Winnie turned bright red before hiding her face in her pillow.
"This is so embarrassing!" Winnie whimpered into her pillow. Astarion sighed before laying beside her.
"Well if it's any consolation...You smell absolutely delicious." He grinned looking over her before receiving a light smack on the chest.
"Don't be gross!" Winnie huffed, and then looked up at Astarion who was just staring at her. "I don't want to think about anything.... going on down there....right now... It's too uncomfortable..." She mumbled, before burying her head back into her pillow. Astarion frowned. Comfort was really not his thing. Whenever Winnie was feeling down, usually due to insecurities about her appearance he'd just bed her, compliment her and she'd be happy, but this was different. If she didn't want to be touched he was a little bit at a loss of what to do. Still, these gods damned feelings urged him to try something. Despite his best efforts to avoid it, he was growing attached to her.
"Come back to my tent darling." Astarion whispered as he pushed some of the druid's messy hair behind her ear.
"Astarion I just told you-"
"Not for that. I promise, just let me take care of you." Astarion sat up, looking down at the human female with a softening gaze. Winnie turned towards him and sighed.
Winnie followed Astarion back to his tent with her things, she waited a moment for him to go inside and to take care of a few things before entering and setting her stuff down. She placed her bedroll and blankets down before noticing him placing pillows down around her stuff. She stared at him, curiously. Was this all some kind of plot? She wasn't so sure why he seemed to care this much. Astarion would usually mock someone else's pain. Sure the two of them had been sleeping together, but Astarion was quick to return to his usual apathetic self once out of the bedroom so to speak. Mocking any acts of heroism she did.
"Wait here I'll be back." Astarion ruffled her hair with a soft smile. Winnie laid there on the bedding, nuzzled her face into one of the cushy pillows Astarion had set out for her.
He'll probably just want to feed on me later.... That's it.
Winnie reached into her pack and took out a small worn out green dragon plush holding it to her chest for comfort as she curled up.
The others probably made him go after me because I was acting like a lunatic.....They all probably hate me now....
Tears began form in the corners of her eyes as she slid there. Winnie laid her head on one of the pillows before taking in the nice earthy scent of bergamot and rosemary. Her heart ached as she thought about the elf. The druid knew in her heart that it was meaningless, that he was just using her for his own gain, but she just smiled and went along with it, wanting to stay lost in him for as long as she could. With Astarion she felt something no one had ever given her before. She felt wanted. Even if it was all just a beautiful lie.
Winnie huffed, squeezing her eyes shut as tears forced their way out and began to drip down her cheeks.
She could see it happening almost vividly how he'd approach her eventually after everything at Moonrise was settled and done with.
"What were you expecting, some fairytale prince?" He'd laugh at her naivety and shake his head when began to tear up. "This is what I do. I give you a moment of escape with a world endingly beautiful vampire and you satisfy my needs. Cheer up. There's really no one better you could have spent your first time with. Especially with how homely you are."
Winnie sobbed quietly into the pillow. Her mind running wild with self loathing thoughts, imagining several different ways Astarion would break it off with her. Eventually after a while the tent flap opened and she felt a breeze brush over her cheek though she refused to look over. Astarion slipped in, carrying a well stuffed sack over his shoulder. His crimson eyes gazed over Winnie's plump curvaceous form as he sat down beside her on the bed-roll. Astarion set down the sack near the entrance of the tent before looking over Winnie further.
"Darling, I'm back." He said softly before noticing the little stuffed dragon in her arms. "What's this? Really dear a stuffed animal? You're twenty three years-" Astarion stopped his snarky comment as he noticed Winnie's red puffy eyes, her nose sniffling.
"Winnie....Did Gale come by while I was gone? Did he say something to you?" Astarion clenched his fist, about ready to go and shove the wizard inside his own bag of holding.
"No.... Nothing happened..." Winnie muttered. Astarion sighed in relief before looking back at the sack he brought with him. He opened it, taking out some wine and setting it down near the bedding.
"Then why have you been crying, my sweet?" Astarion asked, a worried frown formed over his face. "Was it something I said?"
Winnie huffed and looked back at him.
"No...I'm.......I'm just overwhelmed... Everyone depends on me and now I've gone and made myself look like a fool." Winnie said, half lying and half telling the truth. "And my bleeding isn't making it any better."
Astarion then proceeded to hand the bottle of wine to her. "Perhaps this will help your mood." Winnie looked over the bottle before drinking some. The flavor was sweet with a faint hint of bitterness masked by blackberries. She set it down before noticing Astarion fiddling with the sack again.
"I may have found a rather generous merchant nearby." The pale elf added as he took out a wooden plate with a wedge of cheese and a chicken leg on it. Winnie practically drooled at the sight before shaking her head and thinking.
"Generous? Astarion, what did you do to him?" The druid crossed her arms.
"Nothing! I assure you, he is still very much alive. I didn't hurt him....Much..." Astarion said muttering out the last part with a smirk as he thought back to how he left the merchant tied to a tree after robbing him. Winnie sighed before suddenly grabbing hold of the cheese and taking a bite. Her face almost instantly relaxed into a smile as she savored the taste biting into the chicken next. Astarion watched her contently as he made himself comfortable on the bed-roll beside her. She finished the food before setting the plate to the side and relaxing.
"Thank you. I think I feel a bit better now." Winnie murmured before looking back at Astarion.
"Happy to help, although I do expect to be paid back in full for my trouble." Astarion smiled, lips forming an awkward looking grinch like grin.
"Oh....Um... Would this work?" She pulled down her shirt, exposing her neck and shoulder to him.
"A kiss will do for now." He said, moving her hand away from her neck. Winnie blushed darkly before nodding. The brunette haired female leaned in with her lips puckered before pressing them to his sweetly. Her kiss was chaste and innocent as in lingered upon his lips. He cupped her face, returning it before pulling back and pecking her forehead.
"Ahh!" Winnie grunted in pain as Astarion pulled away, hand moving down clutch her abdomen.
"Fucking hells, why does my body hate me!" She cursed.
"Probably getting back at you for not letting me inside." Astarion joked before moving closer to her. He moved a hand over her stomach. "May I? I won't do anything perverse. I promise."
Winnie bit her lip for a moment before nodding. Astarion slid his hand under her shirt and began to rub soothing gentle circles around her lower stomach. Winnie sighed in relief, before leaning against him. Astarion smiled and laid his head on her shoulder, continuing his motions.
The next day Gale looked around searching for one of his wizard tomes he'd forgotten he lent to Winnie just a few days prior. The wizard groaned at the prospect of possibly invoking the moody druid's wrath once more, but that was indeed a very important book! Quickly he made his way over to where he remembered Winnie had set up camp before eventually being met with an empty space.
He turned and retraced his steps before looking over to Astarion's crimson red tent with curiosity.
The wizard stepped over towards the shelter cautiously until the faint sound of soft feminine whimpers hit his ears. Inside the tent Winnie laid back against the bed-roll, pillow pulled over her bright red face as she moaned into it. All the while Astarion had his head buried between her legs, one of her thick thighs slung over his shoulder as he feasted on her.
"Uh....Winnie....D-Do you still have that tome I lent you?" The wizard stammered out, face turning bright red.
Astarion's brows knit together in annoyance before he pulled his tongue out of the druid's cunt.
"She's currently quite occupied, Gale. Now do piss off!" The vampire hissed out before returning to ravishing the human female. Winnie herself wasn't able to form any coherent sentences while the pale elf had her in his clutches, but eventually later on she returned Gale's book to him and eventually apologized for the scene she caused yesterday.
Note from TheChaoticDruid: Hope you enjoyed! I admit this is a completely self indulgent fic that was kinda a spur of the moment thing. I've seen a lot of period comfort fics that more so focus on the pain and mess than the emotional aspects of it so I wanted to put a bit of focus on that, cause honestly when it happens to me I have a tendency to be rather mean. Of course this is a little exaggerated for laughs in the beginning, but sometimes when it happens you feel like everyone is out to get ya and you wanna tear people's heads off over the littlest of things. I was a little afraid I might have made Astarion a little too soft, but given it's close to his act 2 confession I think it can maybe work.
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Pt. 2)
Masterpost, Part 1
Platonic Whitebeard Pirates & Reader-Insert (with glasses)
Warnings: Platonic Yandere behavior and yes, the kidnapping is still actively occurring. If yandere content disturbs or otherwise unsettles you, I deeply suggest you do not read this series and block the tag "oh sweet child of mine" as well as "one piece yandere". Though mostly framed in a humorous way, it is still very toxic and problematic behavior that you should, in no way, entertain in real life from anyone.
Stay safe and enjoy.
Word Count: 1,540 (would be longer, but I didn't want to have this transitionary chapter be squished in with meeting Whitebeard and settling in)
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When you became a marine, you had considered what you would do if you ran afoul of pirates. Assuming they didn’t kill you outright, that is.
In none of these imagined scenarios did you picture yourself awkwardly curled up in a med bay on one of the ‘junior’ Moby Dicks. As it turns out, Fire Fist and The Phoenix were running a small supply run simultaneously to another junior vessel since none of the surrounding islands could accommodate the Moby Dick herself—the Yonko ship being so absolutely massive for her crew and captain. A young man with a blue mask over his eyes ‘Masked Deuce’ was wiping your face and inspecting your nose for any damage that hadn’t been healed with a critical eye. Fire Fist was somewhere else—likely getting food for himself if his gluttonous behavior was any indication—while The Phoenix appeared to be starting your medical file.
That… was probably not good. The slim possibility that you were going to just be ransomed seemed to dissolve with every scratch of ink he added.
“Well, aside from some possible malnutrition and exhaustion, you seem in good shape. Not what I’d expect of a marine in these parts, though I guess they didn’t care too much about your physical condition.” Deuce placed a firm hand on your shoulder and smiled. “If you’re interested, we can get you into good shape in no time! Or maybe you’re interested in pursuing something else? Oyaji has plenty of resources we can use.” You couldn’t help but grimace and tug on your hat.
“I uh… I’m a marine?” You said, wincing at the questioning tone. “I didn’t enlist for the uniform, you know… I… I’m supposed to try and arrest pirates. Not… join them.” You explained awkwardly. Deuce just laughed while The Phoenix snorted softly.
“Everyone adjusts differently. You’ll love it here eventually.” Deuce winked before handing you a set of clothes to change into. The shirt was emblazoned with Whitebeard’s Jolly Roger.
You were rather at a loss for words. You… well, you couldn’t exactly fight them. You knew that. But you felt rather like the world had tilted dramatically the other way on it’s axis while you weren’t looking. The only way this could get more bizarre is if Fleet Admiral Sengoku called you and congratulated you for the successful adoption and your new, very criminal, pirate-Yonko family.
“Bring-ring. Bring-ring. Bring-ring.”
Oh god, you weren’t ready!? Please no?!
Horrified, you scrambled to pull the snail from your pocket, The Phoenix sliding up and leaning on the bed as you answered.
“Where the hell are you?! Ensign Williams was found, thoroughly beaten mind you, on the ground! You were assigned to be his partner!” You almost wept with relief that you were just getting torn a new one.
“A-Ah—W-Well, I-I attempted to flee with Ensign Williams when The Phoenix was spotted with Fire Fist but was… very unsuccessful.” You admitted lamely as one of the men responsible for your plight gave a placid smile, his eyes fixed on you with a horrifying intensity. Though you had no idea what for. If he was pissed you answered, he was more than welcome to take the call himself at this point.
“And why not, Ensign?! Your orders were quite clear!”
“Because I was captured instead?” The snail sputtered.
“Then escape and return to base!” The operator screamed. You were nearly in tears, your day successfully having gone from bad to absolutely the fucking worst.
“How?!” You whispered in horror, practically seeing the dry response in The Phoenix’s eyes.
Run and I will scoop you up with my talons and fly you all the way to Oyaji myself.
The receiver was plucked from your hands and you were torn between thanking your captor or trying to get it back. In the end, you did neither.
“I’m afraid that won’t be happening. Feel free to mail us their last paycheck because they won’t be returning. Consider this their resignation.” The snail blanched.
“On who’s authority, you filthy pirate!”
The Phoenix grinned, all teeth and eyes narrow, sapphire slits.
“Their new big brother.”
It would almost be inspiring how confident he sounded if he didn’t say it like he was declaring that your kidney would taste delightfully delicious.
Any response was cut off by him lifting up the transceiver shell and crushing it with his bare hands.
His smile turned much more friendly as he set the traumatized snail down, but the edges still seemed… feral. He ruffled your hair, knocking off your marine cap in the process.
“Get changed and wash up properly before dinner. It’ll be a few more hours before we meet up with Oyaji. Ace will make sure it’s burned.” Overwhelmed and horrified, you couldn’t help the slight whimper.
“…but I like my uniform.”
The Phoenix paused, giving you a slightly pitying smile as he gave you a side hug, blue fire flickering over the both of you. Any other circumstances, it would feel warm and reassuring.
“I know it’s a lot, kid. But you’ll be fine, I promise.” He paused looking down at you. “The hat’s gotta go, but, I tell you what, how about you keep this, yoi?” He tugged the blue neckerchief loose and placed it on top of your ‘new’ clothes.
Against your better judgment, you were a little touched at the suggestion.
What is your life now? You’ve been kidnapped, forcibly made to join a Yonko crew, and now you feel touched because one of the commanders is letting you keep a token of your job?!
You’d just get issued a new uniform later.
If you ever get away from this crazy ass band of pirates.
“I do like the color…” You added lamely, unwilling to push the argument considering how laughably easy it would be for him to force the issue. And then you’d have nothing left of your own.
“I like the color blue, too, yoi.” You looked at him with a frown. Glancing at his shirt.
“Not purple?” The Phoenix blinked, surprised at your dry response before chuckling.
“Alright, sassy pants. Get marching.” He smirked, shooing you to the bathroom to get changed. Flush and embarrassed, you escaped before he could say anything else.
Now… did your new pants even have pockets big enough for your animal treats?
Surprisingly, the new clothes fit well. Roomy enough that you didn’t get weirded out that they had your exact size but small enough that it wasn’t going to fall off of you anytime soon.
Your marine blue neckerchief was tied around your right wrist. The only part of your uniform you got to keep besides your shoes.
Any blood was gone from your hands or face but Fire Fist still felt the need to inspect them, playfully pinching your nose to see if it hurt still. Upon seeing that you were in perfectly fine shape, and freshly clean, he beamed.
“I can’t wait for you to meet Oyaji, he’s going to be happy to have a new kid running around. It’ll be a while before you get assigned to a division, but don’t worry, they’re all pretty great! Well, not as great as mine, but still!” Fire Fist laughed boisterously as The Phoenix rolled his eyes, lightly smacking Fire Fist’s head.
“They gotta get used to the crew first, Ace. Don’t jump the gun so quickly or you’ll hurt their feelings.”
Ah yes. Their biggest concern in this whole debacle.
Your feelings.
Cause fuck the law, that’s why. And everything else for good measure.
But also your feelings, because if that was actually a concern they would have left you with your asshat partner and a bloody nose.
… your previous circumstances does not, in fact, justify kidnapping and forced recruitment.
You are a marine damnit! Maybe not a strong one, or even a great one (yet), but there has to be a line somewhere!
“Ahah~! Right, sorry! Here, we’re having soup! It’s not as good as Thatch’s food, but we’re getting back too late for dinner so it’ll have to do. He’ll want a little more warning to pull out all the stops anyway.” Fire Fist laughed, handing you a bowl of hot soup. It smelled good, but despite your hunger, you were still a little thrown.
“…Does he often want to impress captives?” You whispered, more to yourself than anything. Fire Fist paused and actually flushed, laughing to himself.
“Sort of, yeah. He kept trying to feed me while I tried to kill Oyaji for over a hundred days, you know!” You blanched, horrified.
You had forgotten that little tidbit, although most of Fire Fist’s recruitment into the Yonko crew was a mystery, you had overheard that bit.
Suddenly, your prospects of getting out of this scot-free seemed… unlikely.
If being a marine isn’t a deterrent, and neither is many murder attempts, then what the hell could get you out of this? Fire Fist kept laughing as you caught The Phoenix’s eye.
He seemed darkly amused and very much aware of your predicament.
He clapped your shoulder reassuringly.
“Don’t worry about it so much. You’ll figure it out.”
Somehow, you don’t think he was talking about escaping.
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
8 days until JWCT
I'd like to apologize in advance if this is a little hectic. I'm so excited and my mind is absolutely reeling and my thoughts are running around so if things are a little unorganized please excuse me.
So first things first, YASAMMY IS STILL TOGETHER. I'm so happy to see that. The moment where Yaz was like "ohmygosh are you okay?" was everything to me I'm actually dying inside. And it's confirmed. Ben saying, "Get in between two girlfriends?" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Yaz's "Tadaa" in the opening was so on point and in character. These characters still feel very much the same just older and I absolutely love them. They captured her adorable awkwardness perfectly. The background is absolutely gorgeous, I love these new urban settings. Sammy just trying to be a supportive girlfriend <3 I LOVE YOU SAMMY AND YOU LOOK DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
Big Ben is still a big dork <3. Him screaming from the hologram has me dying. The way Sammy is just shocked but Ben is being all extra throwing his legs up and doing another extra little scream. Oh Ben you big doofus I love you.
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Ben is my reaction to all this Chaos Theory stuff and Sammy is everyone looking at me freak out w concern.
Along with this clip we have an interview with the showrunners.
"We really wanted to focus on Yaz’s emotional journey as she dealt with the PTSD she suffered from during Camp Cretaceous, and then on what her reaction would be once the dinosaurs made it to the mainland. We had always imagined after Camp C that she would go on to college and study psychology and use her empathy and experience to help those that suffer the way she did. We really liked the idea of her using cutting-edge “immersion therapy” technology to help herself and others like her in a controlled, safe manner."
This is what most stuck out to me about the whole thing. In the beginning I was worried that they'd neglect the trauma that these kids went through but I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised they're putting focus on it, especially with Yaz who we sort of first saw suffer from PTSD in CC. With kids shows, creators usually aren't willing to dive into deep subjects and they typically follow a "one-and-done" storyline as I like to call it. They have an episode that focuses on one thing and then the next episode is an entirely different thing. And while I understand that on an audience level--- kids have short attention spans and don't stay on topic---I'm glad to see that both CC and CT are paying attention towards (consistently) acknowledging the darker sides and the trauma. Also hearing about where her character went/is going is so incredible to see and it's crazy to say that I'm proud of a fictional character but I really am. It's concerning how much I love these characters but denying that would be denying an entire piece of myself. I need this show like I need air. Y'all better be ready for the longest ass posts I'm going to make next friday. Just 8 more days. Almost one more week.
One day if you're going to be watching the first episode tomorrow. After careful consideration I do think I will attempt to watch it tomorrow. I think deep down I knew this was going to happen however with the newly released clips it showed me that watching some of the show in advanced doesn't dim my excitedness and really it only amplifies it. Obviously, if you choose not to watch it, totally valid and I respect your decision. I will keep my account "spoiler free" in that if I talk about the first episode I'll use the keep reading feature and the spoiler tag out of respect for those who don't want to or can't see it yet.
So you will catch me on Roblox tmrw. If anything it'll probably be around 4:30/5:00 cst. I don't know if it's an all day thing but that's what I'm assuming it is. If you want to join me my acc is @/greekqueendemigod (don't judge I chose the name when I was like 12) and u can just send me a friend request and if you do lmk in the comments bc i'm not always checking.
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j-nope-not-today · 1 year
Ok sooo…I know it’s not the holiday season but I’m in the mood for Christmas lol. Could you write a Bernard x Reader where reader is Cupid’s daughter or something (Like C.A. Cupid if you know her) but she’s really shy? Reader decides to join a legendary figures meeting with her father and she meets Bernard for the first time. Since reader is shy..Reader tends to be quiet and awkward and it’s hard for Bernard to talk to her but he’s determined to break her she’ll. They start bonding (and eventually breaks out of her shell) and getting closer every time there is a meeting? Bernard grows feelings and accidentally confesses his feelings then total panics and apologizes but Reader quickly pecks his lips bashfully??? Sorry that was a lot. You can change some stuff if you want lol. I know I used her/she and daughter but if you want to use non-binary pronouns then that’s just as cool. So sorry for bothering you and of course you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. Have a good day/night ❤️
A/n: Thanks so much for requesting! Sorry for the wait, but I hope you like this!
Bernard the elf x reader
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Today was the day. The day I had been waiting for since forever. My dad was finally allowing me to attend a legendary figures meeting and I am absolutely ecstatic. My father is cupid and it’s honestly not as nice as it sounds. I was coddled and he was way overprotective of me. I wanted to be on the field. Helping people fall in love, because love is the most beautiful thing in the whole world.
 Something I yearned to help other people have since it would be a very long time until I could have something like that for myself. So for my dad to finally cave and let me attend a meeting I could finally prove that he could trust me and maybe I could even convince him to let me take his place so he could finally retire.
“Are you coming?” I jump at the sound of my father’s voice and finish rushing around my room. I grab my satchel of arrows and my bow and quickly make my way downstairs to where my father was.
“Okay. I’m ready!” I smile brightly up at him and he wraps an arm around my waist lifting me off of the ground. I sigh loudly
“When am I going to get wings of my own?” 
“When you're cupid. You can't have wings, until then you get to stay on the ground. Where you're safe.” I sigh again at his words. 
It was always the same thing. Always the same answer. Maybe today could be different? I spend the duration of the flight in my own thoughts. I was too busy trying to figure a way out to impress him that I was surprised to find when we landed at the north pole. 
“Oh wow..we’re here already? That was quick.” I follow behind my father and down a hall and into a room and I quickly survey the space. 
It was cozy. There were chairs and some of the legendary figures were already here..like oh my gosh was that mother nature!? I give her a small wave. I can’t believe it’s actually her! Though I quickly box up my excitement. There was time for that later there was no need to embarrass myself I needed to be professional. I stand next to my father or at least stay on the ground while he flies next to me. 
I watch the rest of the legendary figures enter the room and the last to enter was Santa. He looked exactly as I had pictured right down to the rosy cheeks. Behind him was who I assume must be an elf. His hair was curly and his outfit looked very..cheerful. Yes, cheerful is the word that fits and his bright smile helps add to it. Though his smile drops the instant we lock eyes and I shift uncomfortably under his stare. It’s hard to pay attention to what’s being discussed when I have eyes burning into my skull. I’m trying my best to tune him out but it’s hard. What in the world was happening? Did I have something on my face? 
“Hello.” I jump at the sound of a voice beside me and look to my side and my eyes are greeted with the sight of the same elf who had entered with Santa and spent half of the meeting staring at me.
“Uh..h-hi” I can barely get my words out. What is wrong with me? I’m so nervous. 
“I’m Bernard.” His words cut through my thoughts and I give a small smile.
“(y/n)” I respond quickly and turn back to the meeting. I pour all of my remaining attention into the meeting. Leaving no room for any conversation. Once the meeting is over I don’t want to. I convince my father to leave. No staying behind to chat. I don’t fully relax until I am in the comfort of my own room. Alone.
I throw myself onto my bed and sigh. Rubbing my hands down my face. What happened today? It was so weird! I’ve never felt so embarrassed and so nervous before. This was so unlike me. I sit up slowly and it’s then that I make a decision. There is no way I can go back. Not to any meeting ever. Not if he’s there. Though I don’t get much choice in the matter, because my father drags me with to the next one.
Yet again his eyes bore into me and I can just feel his stare. Why did he have to stare at me like that? I can feel the heat rising on my cheeks and yet again he comes to stand beside me. 
“Hello again (y/n).” I look over to see him smiling and I let out a small sigh.
“Hello..Bernard.” There was no reason to be so flustered or so nervous, but when he’s staring at me like that. It’s hard not to be. I need to focus on the meeting..
I turn to stare at the others and I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to look over at Bernard.
“Your cupid’s daughter right?” I nod at his words and his smile brightens.
“Is it a hard job?” I look at the others and they're all so busy it’s as if neither of us are even here. So I turn back to Bernard.
“I actually haven’t really been on the field, but from the stories I hear it can be.” His smile brightens at my answer and I can’t really place why.
“How come you haven’t been on the field?” wow..he seems genuinely interested. It would be rude not to answer, but also I don’t really want to talk with him. He made me feel weird. A weird I've never felt before. I chew my lip for a moment before I answer.
“My father hasn’t really allowed me to be on the field. I’ll get there someday.” 
“Wow..well I hope to be there when you do get there.”
“Uh..thanks…What do you do?” He never did tell me what his job was.
“Oh! I’m head elf.” His smile widens and he looks proud of his title. Though it sounds like a lot of responsibility.
“It sounds like you have a lot of responsibility.” He shrugs at my response and quickly speaks
“Yeah, but it has a lot of perks.”
“Like what?” I question.
“Well to start I never have to give bad news.” I smile at his words and it makes me laugh just a bit. I felt a little bad for the person he elected to give bad news. 
“That definitely sounds like a perk.” I laugh and before we can continue speaking the meeting is over. I watch him quickly leave with Santa. He was nicer than I thought..
That night I toss and turn. I keep thinking of him. I would like to talk more..he was kinda growing on me. To my delight I’m allowed to attend another meeting and it couldn’t come soon enough. I wasn't even excited that my father was trusting me more. I was excited that I could see Bernard again. So the moment he entered the room I made sure to give him a smile. He didn’t need to wait to talk to me.
“Hello Bernard!” I smile at him as he comes to stand next to me.
“Oh! Hello! You seem rather cheerful today..”
“I must be feeling a little bit of Christmas spirit.” He lets out a laugh at my words 
“Yes, I think that’s it.” 
We fall into a silence for a few minutes before he speaks
“Any cupid progress?”
“I’ve been allowed to attend a lot more meetings than usual.” He nods at this and plays with his hands before looking over at me again
“Is something wrong?” He looked..nervous?
“You have something in your hair, umm..do you want me to get it out?” 
“Uh..yes.” I watch as he brings his hand up to my hair and pulls out a small piece of tinsel from my hair and drops it to the ground before he brushes my hair out of my face.
“There you go.” He smiles at me and It’s like my heart skips a beat.
“T-thank you.” My cheeks heat up. I look at the ground before I notice that the room is empty.
“Where did everyone go?”
“Santa said something about showing them..I don’t really remember.” I turn to look at him and his cheeks have gone red and I give a small laugh.
“I didn’t even notice them leave.” He laughs at this before taking my hand.
“Would you like to see the workshop?” I nod ‘yes’ and he pulls me out of the small room. I can’t really focus on where we're going. Not with his hand in mine. His hand is warm and..my do our hands fit together perfectly. We stop and I look around at all the toys being made and all the elf’s busily moving around, working.
“This is beautiful! I didn’t think it took this much work to make the toys.” It really was a pretty sight to behold. I didn’t know the toy process was so complicated.
“Yeah. it really is something.” I was so in awe at the sight before me and Bernard let go of my hand from his and I quickly turned to look at him.
“Wait! Don’t let go..not yet.” I surprised myself at how quickly the words just poured out of me. I really didn’t want him to let go and I looked back at the working elf’s, embarrassed at my outburst. I felt him stand next to me and take my hand back into his and his voice was just barely audible, but he was so close I heard it.
“I like the way your hand fits in mine.” His words..they make my heart jump again. Why? They weren’t even that special..he was just being nice. 
As I hold his hand I take notice of the fact that he seems to be blushing. Though I can’t fathom why he would be. 
“What do you do for fun?” I look at him and he quickly smiles.
“I can show you..if you want?” I nod once more and he pulls me through the throng of working elf’s and straight out of the workshop. It’s cold and I quickly drop his hand and wrap my arms around myself, until he gives me a soft ‘sorry. Take this.’ and he places a coat onto my shoulder and I put it on. I look at the red of it and see that he had given me his sweater.
“Aren’t you cold?” 
“I’m an elf. I’m used to it. Now come on!” He waves me after him and I follow quickly. His sweater is warm..and it smells nice. It’s smells like peppermint, gingerbread, and pine needles. They go together. We come to a halt and he shows me some elf’s that are having a snowball fight.
“We have snowball fights, and drink hot cocoa and go caroling.” His smile is wide as he explains.
“Can you sing?” He laughs and grabs my hand and pulls me to a group of elves who are caroling and I sigh and he looks back at me
“But I want to hear you sing..” I give my best pout and he sighs once before letting go of my hand and turning to fully face me
“Oh alright..stop pouting.” He shuffles over to the rest of the group and they stop singing stands with them before he starts to sing loudly
“You better watch out! You better not cry!” The rest of the elves quickly join in and the sight is so cute. Seeing them all sing. Seeing him sing. Though our fun is interrupted once more by the fact that I need to leave. So I make my way to Bernard and give him his red sweater, but he pushes it back to me.
“Keep it.” 
“Okay..see you soon.”
“Yeah..see you soon” He gives me a sorta sad smile as if he wants me to stay and I quickly turn away and make my way to my father.
That night at dinner I decide to ask my father about the strange feeling I have. So during the lapse of quiet I stare at him from across the table and set down my fork and take a deep breath.
“I have a question..”
“Yes?” He looks up at me and I look down at my plate.
“I don’t know how to put it into words, but I have this feeling I can’t name..”
“Love perhaps?” I freeze up at his words..I never thought of that.
“I-well-it couldn’t-” I stutter out
“It’s love. I’m cupid, I can tell.” He gives a small laugh at my resistance to his statement. Though I know deep in my heart that that’s what it is. I don’t know how I would tell Bernard..What if he doesn’t feel the same?
I don’t get much planning time, because after a few days my father yet again drags me to another meeting. I’m nervous to see Bernard and yet I look for him eagerly. He comes to stand beside me like every other meeting and I catch my father give me a look. A ‘you need to say something’ look. I turn to look at Bernard and he smiles at me
“Hello again (y/n).”
“Hello Bernard” I take a deep breathe and I go to speak, but Bernard quickly fills the silence.
“I can’t take this anymore..I-I really have grown to like you (y/n) I would like to be with you..I want to hold your hand and go on cute dates and talk about everything together. I want to have your heart, because you have mine!” He rushes the words out as if if he doesn’t say them quick enough they won’t reach my ears. His face quickly grows red after he blurts out his confession and he grows panicked
“Oh gosh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-” I quickly cut him off as I lean up and place my lips onto his fleetingly.
My actions cut off his words and also his thought process. As he takes a moment to collect his thoughts and then he speaks, stunned
“You..kissed me?”
“Yes..” I watch as his stunned face slowly turns into a joyful one and an ear splitting smile overtakes his features.
“Wow..I-I don’t know what to say..”
“You don’t have to say anything..”
“You're right..” He smiles wider before stepping closer to me and placing his hands onto my face and he looks into my eyes..and finally..I know why my heart jumps in my chest and I know the question he has in his brown eyes and I nod ‘yes’ and as soon as I do he ever so gently connects his lips with mine. 
It’s a feeling unlike any other and a soft, warm, fuzzy feeling grows in my chest at the action. He slowly pulls away and my cheeks are obviously sporting a blush as well as his own. He drops his hands and looks around the room and I do too.
“Where has everyone gone?” I question as there is no one in the room and I look back at him.
“I don’t know..I didn’t see.” He replies sheepishly and I let out a small chuckle as our eyes meet once again.
“It’s okay. I didn’t see them leave either.” His smile matches my own.
“Any cupid progress?” He asks and I smile.
“In a way..yes.” I could wait to be cupid for a little while longer. For now I would enjoy this. This feeling. What I had for him was…what’s the word i’m looking for? Love..yes, that’s the word that fits.
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rebornologist · 8 months
Greetings ✨
I wanted to ask if u could make some headcanons about a reader that's Tsuna's (younger) twin sibling? And just kinda how that affects their relationship with the guardians (if that's too many, maybe just Tsuna and Gokudera)?
(btw I am the anon that asked for the gokudera + shy but affectionate s/o and I just wanted to say I absolutely adored those headcanons, thank you so much for writing them 🥺❣️)
I hope you have a wonderful day👋
omg hiii lovely, this is such a cute idea so I tried my best with it! It isn't super fleshed out, because I had to kind of fill in gaps of how his sibling's personality would be like, but here are some of my thoughts :')
♡ Tsuna w/ a twin ✧
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CW!! mention of death (in the original TYL timeline), maybe a biiit of a stretch/OOC
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Tsuna with a younger twin sounds so adorable, I think they would have a great relationship and his sibling would be his number one supporter, despite the pressure he feels from his parents. When he’s feeling down on his luck, he always turns to them for a willing ear and words of support. Coming from a similar cultural background, I think that Nana would have been harsher on Tsuna growing up because she had higher expectations for him being the older brother (“not by much!” he always argues when his younger sibling tries to leverage their being 20 minutes younger to get what they want), but at some point she kind of shifts to focusing more of her hopes in his sibling, especially if they were doing better academically.
Now, depending on if y’all are fraternal or identical twins, Gokudera would have had a field day learning that Tsuna has a twin sibling if it was the latter. I can imagine his “That.. that wasn’t Decimo?! Oh I’M SO SORRY, HOW COULD I EVER MIX UP THE TWO OF THEM, MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES DECIMOANSDKJANSD” (proceeds to sulk)
I really like this concept, because it changes what happens in the future as well. I can only assume that Tsuna’s sibling would have a sky flame as well, and they would technically be next in line for being the boss if Tsuna.. y’know. The guardian that would be most tense about this would be Gokudera. He would want to make a good image of himself for them, since they’re Tsuna’s family... but there’s also a seed of suspicion in him, especially early on, when he begins to overthink about how.. messy, mafia inheritance can be. I think as time went on, Tsuna’s sibling would fight alongside the family, and when things got really bad in the future, the sibling was actually the one that everyone had to turn to in the event of Tsuna’s passing. Technically, that timeline has been written over, but there’s probably a ton of mixed feelings about it from the guardians, because Tsunayoshi had really grown into the perfect boss for the family. His twin just knew him the best out of everyone, so they had to step up when Tsuna was gone. The guardians respect them greatly, but to have to face someone that looks exactly like Tsuna would really break their hearts, and some (Gokudera, Ryohei, and Lambo) would have a harder time hiding their mixed feelings.
When Tsuna first went missing in the present, his twin lost their appetite, and it truly felt like a part of them was gone. I really like the idea that they had to find each other again in the future, because they were transported at different times, and Tsuna definitely cried tears of joy to see the familiar face of his twin in the future.
In natural younger sibling fashion, I think his twin is actually the more aggressive one. They’re more extroverted, but their temper is worse, and they aren’t afraid to say it like it is. This is likely from standing up for their loser-Tsuna twin brother in their childhood years. I think Tsuna’s twin would get along very well with Ryohei, with them actually wanting to push Tsuna to join a club and put himself out there more, which Ryohei really agrees with. Lambo, in childhood, would probably start beef with Tsuna’s twin, just to run and hide with Tsuna because he knows that Tsuna’s the good cop of the duo, but when he’s grown up, he actually ends up being more respectful/afraid of Tsuna for how much he’s changed as he grew into being a mafia don.
Chrome… is amicable with his twin. They’re friendly and respect each other, since they also defended her when Gokudera was giving her shit when she first met him. If Tsuna’s twin hangs out with Kyoko and Haru often, then they’re likely to be one of the girls™.
Yamamoto likes pretending that he can’t tell them apart, even if they’re fraternal. However, he is one of the people that has actually never mixed them up.
Hibari took the longest time to notice that the twin existed, because his fascination with Tsuna grew very slowly, and by extension, his opinion on the people around him and the other Sawada.
Mukuro.. tried to possess the twin to either pretend to be Tsuna, or to leverage them for Tsuna. They kind of became his.. plan b in case possessing the future Decimo did not work out. He speaks to Tsuna in a weird and semi-threatening way, but somehow he's even weirder and more threatening to the sibling because their reactions amuse him.
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I was sketching earlier just for funsies and…. It made me think. How do you think satosugu would feel with an artist!reader who uses them as drawing references teehee… like maybe you ask satoru to go fetch you ur workbook and he goes into ur room & gets confused and ends up stumbling upon your sketchbook…. And he’s like oh a little peek couldn’t hurt!!! And then he finds various drawings of him and sugu, and gets such a sappy fuzzy feeling in his heart because you captured all of their features perfectly, even down to the little details about their appearance that the average person wouldn’t really take note of :((( this could also work in different au’s tho… merman sugu perhaps? Maybe he’s having a little sleep on the nice cold bedroom floor and wakes up n sees reader in a baggy hoodie + sketchbook and colouring pencils/pens in hand admiring his tail and making sure they get every pretty colour right <333 or royalty au where satoru and suguru are royalty of some kind… reader is the kid of someone unimportant and they both stumble across reader’s art room while causing mischief one day and satoru decides then and there that you’re THEIR honorary artist and you will paint their portraits from now on whenever it’s necessary <33 he’s bratty but we love him. Back to canon jjk universe…. I’m thinking abt how it would be so much cuter if they had no idea reader was an artist like. Satoru jokingly takes what he assumes is ur diary and waves it around in the air so u can’t reach it…. Threatening to read it unless u give him a kiss (he wouldn’t actually read it but he wants his kiss leave him alone) and he accidentally drops it and it falls open on a page that’s just full of drawings of him and sugu with a few hearts dotted around and just so many sketches of them smiling… maybe little notes reader added about how pretty stsg are…. Satoru is sooo giddy and so teasing like he’s so honoured u think he’s pretty enough to DRAW and sugu is just as flustered but he hides it a lil better…. :3 Sorry I’m actually going insane right now SEDATE MEEEEE EYGEHEHUJJEURHUHH 😭😭 I hope ur doing well tho !!!! I’m glad to see there are more anons joining the party hai hai hello fellow anons !!! TAKE CAREE MWAH MWAH🧁🍰🍨🍦🍩🍪🍫🍮🥞 <<< MANY SWEET TREATS JUST FOR U!!!! :3 — stsg anon <33
STSG ANONNNN MY LITTLE GUARDIAN ANGEL this concept has been rotting in my brain ever since i saw this…… u r very bad for my health…. 😥😥
ARTIST!READER IS ALWAYS SUCHHH A TASTY CONCEPT and ofc i agree w u….. stsg would absolutely eat it up. they would BOTH be so soft for it but in different ways i think…..
likeeee w satoru i think he’s super flattered and impressed and giddy bc!!! you drew him!!!! :33 you think he’s pretty enough to draw!!! you love him so much!!!!! and obv he would LOVE posing for you……. until he finds out he has to sit still for like an hour LMAO 😭😭 but i just know he’d get so excited once it’s finished….. he looks at it and you’re all nervous hoping he’ll like it and obviously he does. literally jumping up and down with joy + picking you up and spinning you around + kissing you silly bc you’re so talented and sweet and he’s soooo in love w you <333 def calls you his little picasso. that’s the only artist he knows . he’s a dork but we love him.
aaa but then!!! sugu!!!!! :(( i think he’d be the weakest for this tbh….. i picture him as an artist type more than toru so he’s just??? so touched???? and i think we all agree that he’s a big sap…. huge on homemade sentimental gifts……. so when he sees the drawings i think his heart just melts 🥺🥺 he would pose for you if you asked nicely (he’s just playing hard to get <33) and contrary to toru he would sit perfectly still the whole time. waits until you’re finished and praises you sooo much when he sees the result <333 he’s so impressed with you!! wowow!!!! just stunned!! awestruck!!!! would 100% try to return the favour too…. i picture him as a sketcher type. makes a very pretty little sketch of his beloved and is uncharacteristically shy when giving it to you… our sweetiepie :>
this could also work in different au’s tho… merman sugu perhaps? Maybe he’s having a little sleep on the nice cold bedroom floor and wakes up n sees reader in a baggy hoodie + sketchbook and colouring pencils/pens in hand admiring his tail and making sure they get every pretty colour right <333 or royalty au where satoru and suguru are royalty of some kind… reader is the kid of someone unimportant and they both stumble across reader’s art room while causing mischief one day and satoru decides then and there that you’re THEIR honorary artist and you will paint their portraits from now on whenever it’s necessary <33 he’s bratty but we love him.
AND THISSSSS STSG ANON MY LITTLE GENIUS artist!reader/mer!sugu 🥺🥺🥺……. oh he would be so flustered. so embarrassed. VERY impressed though... what if he leaves a couple pretty seashells by your pillow…. as ”payment”……………. mer!sugu the actual loml aaaaa stsg anon you’ve broken me T—T AND THE ROYALTY AUUU that’s such a cute idea too!!! bratty lil royal!toru…. reader being their honorary artist……. that’s soooo good <3 now i’m just thinking of what the portraits would look like HHHH they’d be so pretty!!! :(((
anyway this concept is just the CUTEST <33 tysm for the meal as always!!! i hope you’re doing so so well and taking care of yourself :3 ALSO I AM MUNCHING ON THE SWEET TREATS and sending a bunch of flowers and treats ur way immediately🌻🌸🌷🌹💐🍓🍒🍪🍰🍦🧁
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satanswrathussy · 1 year
mystic messenger playthrough day 5 i think??
this is literally just a thought dump there's no need to read this unless you want to read my ever spiraling confusion while playing this for the first time !!
TL;DR I DIDNT GET THE DAY 5 BAD END !! I'm on Jaehee's route and I'm terrified of messing up lmao
Word Dump
I already forgot how i've been formatting these- but i'm mobile so i doubt it matters anyways :,)
Anyways I discovered I have to start from Day 1 every time I get an ending, and I didn't want to do all of that just to see the Day 5 bad ending- so I looked up transcripts of the dialogue and ... I'm definitely getting ddlc'd because what the fuck bro
I think my favorite part is how Zen talks about his freaky dream, and SOMEHOW if you don't pick someone by Day 5- Yoosung gets woke then JUST DIPS????? WITH SOME RELIGIOUS CULT PPL?????? HUH?????
I'm assuming this isn't canon, like it was just thrown in to shame the player for not choosing lmao, bUT I'm also convinced the cult is involved in the story- and I'm absolutely blaming Rika for it even though i have like..... minimal evidence............. and that she's dead............ i still don't believe she's dead
Also I know this is a game so real world rules don't apply- but I didn't expect THAT to be the bad ending? I'd expect something like that to happen in a Yoosung exclusive bad end, not necessarily just a neutral "oopsie you're indecisive!" ending. I think it would make more sense if- because MC didn't get enough hearts for anyone -the RFA decides "actually let's NOT trust this random person to replace our dead friend."
So I'm on Jaehee's route- which may have been a bad choice, because the internet says the story makes the MOST sense if you play Zen/Yoosung/Jaehee ... but since I chose Jaehee when I started, I decided I'll just .... work backwards or something lmao.
Anywhooo I'm not sure how I feel about this route so far, because it kinda just feels like a Jaehee pity parade? Like the devs decided "yes. she shall be a punching bag.", because so far it just seems like I have to keep reassuring her? Which I don't mind- but like please just let her be hAPPY SOON???
Although I think the Day 5 bad end was meant to be a cop out, I think the cult ACTUALLY has something to do with the game.
is it bad i wanna invite the cult to the party
I think Rika faked her death and then started that weird Yoosung snatching cult. I don't care I REFUSE to trust her.
I'm also convinced Rika is Unknown and she's gonna make MC convince the RFA to join her weird Yoosung snatching cult.
I am very anti Rika despite never seeing her (outside of the cutscene before Day 5)
I bet Rika is just THE WORST. Like the way everyone talks ab her??? No one is just NATURALLY that nice unless they're covering shit up.
Would saying "Rika is the worst" count as a theory?
okay i forgot anything else i was wanting to say. it's only 5:30 so there's probably more day 5 chats coming up (i missed a lot bc i slept until 9am >:( )
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silvermuffins · 2 years
POkemon Scarlet Liveblog! Part 10ish
bc i am Getting Going even if I'm still scraming about Hades 2
first order of business: breed some ducks for friends. Gets Daya a nice date.
got a nice supply of duck eggs!
accidentally sent someone a gothita egg instead
Okay! I hav now filled in Dreepy, Sprigatito, and Gothita in my dex. Next to evolve is Crabrawler. And also Salandit. Wait how to evolv Crabrawler without Mt. Lanakila? Oh, ice stone. Okay we'll volve Monch and move right along. Phanpy nxt! xcellent, volution already. Nxt will b Cufant.
What's it man if a raid marker on the map is xtra sparkly? Oh ther's on right by a fly point, lt's find out. Shiny four stars??? I faild th raid bcaus th Tyranitar kpt spamming EQ....let's try it again. GOT IT! You'r Adgha.
stops in to say hi to mom rq. MOM TAUGHT ME RECIPES.
reexplores th inlet grotto....o this cave has multipl exits! whre am i!!!
ok i rachd th lighthouse
OKAY god we are Trying with this E key. i have been encouraged to be a curious little thing.
how DID i beat you here, Arven? I dilly dallied so much!
....knew it. He really was raised by the dog.
...The lab looks dusty. Doesn't look like anyone's done anything here in years. The computers come to life, and Sada asks for help. But is this a recording? Or a direct mssage? I stg if she's secretly dead or something....
"the great Professor Sada's glorious research" don't lik the sound of that one bit. Need the scarlet book, huh? We've already been using that. An experience worth treasuring. Tmpting, but lady I am afraid the Great Crater is absolutely off limits for the Treasure Hunt. You got legs, and if you don't you got wheels. Maybe expend half an iota of effort on COMING TO FIND YOUR SON.
cybernetic security systems???
Ohh....Mabostiff got hurt down there....Arven has ben there. Arven I know you treasure Mabostiff but w have more to find. More to see. More to do and feel and love. I'm nto doing this for Sada. I'm using her as an excuse to see it all.
HE CALLED ME HIS FRIEND. yah, that's the spirit! We're gonna go down there and punch your mom in the face! Yeah! Lt's duke it out, but also I need to rifle through your mom's shit for clues.
MOnitors covered in data. Mystrious machine. ...Bed with "Maschiff" written on by a kid. Whiteboard mess of scribbles.
Occulture. Roaring Moon, primeval Salamence. Oh shit it aparently looks similar to what I can only assume is Mega Salamence. Flutter Mane, ghost pterosaur...misdreavus....
A fram with no photo. Picture books for kids, including one about sandwich. Heavy fridge door. Cooktop was used recently! Microwave was not. Sasonings ar expired. Sink hasn't ben usd, mirror is foggy. FUCK went outside I hope I can go back in okay ys good...okay i think I found verything
The cooktop and the empty frame stick out to me as the most important things. Time for a battle! ....PUPPY WANTS TO FIGHT ME I LOVE PUPPY
oh you always lost to nemona yeah she's kind of so much all the time. not a bad person in the least. whatever tho im fight you! not her! no matter how sh acts it's not cheating on her to battle other people
i love Arven so much. Hy! First time I've battled an opponent with a full team! ...th fuck is toedscruel made of??? wham wham wham. Come to see it, Arven also looks like the tera orb is a little hard to control.
you did pretty good Arven. Not good enough to have really stood a chance, but pretty good. And now Linny is evolving! W can switch out.
ohhh we need to recruit Nmona and Penny (who I bet is Cassiopeia) huh
tumblr cool your jets. Honstly I think Nmona would help if w just askd but you're right we probably need to earn Pnny's aid. Also my guy i hav champion rank skills by now. ven if it's not official.
yanks another stak from th earth. yanks anothr. FOUND ANOTHR. ooh Bramblberry th applin will join us.
okay maybe let's gt on with things....like dealing with Cassiopeia. Hi, Clive. I know that's not really your name. But I'm not a snitch. And I am always one for indulging dramatic reveals. Impressive hiding long pants under your shorts.
wait wha??? You're Cassiopeia? I don't buy it. ...No you're angling for a battle bfore the real big boss. You could have just asked, you know. Oh I forgot to swap Linny out. This bgm is far too pleasant to b the finale. Hammer off! Abomasnow's Wood Hammr vs Pebbles's Gigaton Hammer!
Man even Clavell has some trouble controlling the orb. maybe it's just Hard. Anyway Chank is volving, so I'll swap in som new Pokmon after the cutscene. There's no way in hell Clavell is really Cassiopeia.
No shit you're not. Yah....yeah I thought you were trying to spare me some pain. Just. Let me learn the truth.
??? Tyme?
right, so, you'r gonna handle that, right professor? WHile I go battle? Okay it's Gibl and Wingull next. But I gotta wait for nightfall. So, friendship! I have nothing for Riafort and Saguaro right now but ooooh hi Miriam! I look forward to your classes next year~
discovers a whol chunk of msagoza I didn't explore before, somehow...ther's nobody in tsi Every Which Way? Not ven the recip guy?
am on roof!
am also sleepy
okay good morning
i think it's nighttime in game by now, so I have a constellation to fight
yeah that's penny alright. It's okay swetie you hid your identity fine, I'm just genre savvy.
Huh, so you didn't decid to do Operation Starfall until that day...? Mayb the two mmbers talking about quotas and trying so hard to convinc you....mayb the outliers in th tam were what told you it had to nd....strayd too far from what you wanted. Team Star lived long enough to see itself become the villain, that's what you thought, right?
yes penny listn to the part of you that wants Team Star to live on!!! They'v been waiting for you! You could guide them back to what you want to be!
oh hey clive, I se you escapd Ms. Tyme
Penny....is just so scard of being hurt.... Penny they're your friends. You never ven met them in person but they treasure you so much they've waitd for you for eighteen months.
i know from experience that even just a year is a long fucking time to wait. it hurts. physically, it hurts. it tears you up.
Thank god the bosses still had one another, and their squads, because I know how hard that is and I genuinely do not think I would have survived without my important people.
anyway protct Penny protect Team Star
sorry penny don't mind me taking care of this wingull while I dal with you
this music is sick. thanks Giacomo!
she has entirely eeveelutions....but she can't hav all of them, I wonder what will be left out? and what will be her tera?
Her Leafeon is causing me the most problems thus far just because I have no effective counter to grass.
Penny struggles to control the orb too so I guss it's just hard?
somehow I feel like we have arrived at the only outcome nobody wanted.
wll. Humphry is evolving, so we can swap out for somthing....mayb somthing that handles Grass....though most of my options aren't gonna b a viabl lvel by the E4 huh? still I gotta think about my championship team and I know what I need. I need a ground type, dark typ, and something to handle grass. Oh, Gorp is evolving too. Gorp is Ground....might b worthwhil to kep on my team....
anyway tim to hurt
the bosses had better turn up right the fuck now to talk som snse into you
Penny.....who hurt you that you feel like you need to hide and scheme and tie everything up in operations? Can't you even trust your friends...?
fuck it I'm sharing my mom with you too
penny why ar you throwing your treasure away
awww clavell got her, at least
clavell being a Good Adult and acknowldging how fucked up this whole situation is
i finally understand....Pnny's ben all twisted up with guilt, and has kpt hrself distant and alone all this time. Sh nver got to reallyse that Team Star was the best thing that ever happened to the others. There's a difference between hearing somthing said and knowing it with your heart.
All this time she was trying to carry everything herself whn the whole point was that she didn't need to be alone.
thy're all still in trouble.....community srvice huh. ...Star Training Cntrs!!! Oh my gosh....sir you're dressing a reward up as a punishment
Penny they love you and want you to be with them, why do you need my opinion.
does some tam planning before I continue. I will need to grind a bit.
kay Scoots is back on the team! And w also hav a Sandile.
awww the League is like "you know what Penny, you're a genius, so use your talents for good and we'll waive the problem"
also penny I am kidnapping you to go crater diving
god pnny is being praised that foreign to you...?
Starfall Street....complete!
now tim to grind....I wish autobattling didn't giv so much less exp
oh well grinding grinding grinding. yanks a stake.
huh, i found a cave with the elemental hyper beams. Holy shit, Wild Spiritomb! Nam you Jacks. Some Candy later, I hav a Krookodile and everyon's at least to endgame-ish levels.
Okay! To Msagoza!
We have a league to beat but first, time to see if this cav's any good. Is it a real victory road???
....litrally it's not even a cave, wow. th Pokemon up here are worth no exp. Child why are you attempting the League with just a level 14 Meowth. He has no badges. Literally what the fuck???
okay this cabbi is a bit better
this is probably th most underwhelming league leadup ever
I can probably at last take down on elit as I am and if it's too much of a struggle, I have rare candies and plenty of them
Geeta could honestly kill a man with that hair of hers.
oooh Rika is interviewing me!....this is a wirdass intrview. Oh, memory games.
"You passed the interview on your first try?" "What, like it's hard?" Nobody's done it since Nmona huh...
heeeeere goes. Oooh w're back to a specific order, eh? ha'ent done that with a real elite four since gen 4.
Other than Hassel, I'm not sure of anyn type specialties. Rika's gone with Whiscash, so we're probably looking at watr or ground. ...And it's ground! Gt out hre Daya. oooh water absorb, that's nasty....well all else being equal, I have a bird!
I do wonder if it's going to b actually back to back, or if i'll hav a chance to heal first. Oooh Poppy's nxt, and I think it might lgit be back to back to back?! OH NO i do get to heal up
also this arena is bland as fuck
oooh she deals in steel eh. easy peasy. Jupe sweeps. Oh my god the steel crown is just an axe.
well jupe will sweep again and Daya has whatever Jupe doesn't deal with-- oh he's not pulling a gen 7 on me actually. Oh he's using Flying, so Jupe still sweeps.
oh okay an altaria merits Pebbles. lol okay some swapping shnanigans at the end....
Larry down! I hope I get neat glovs if I win this. Okay, Pebbles is all dressed up and ready to go!
I bet he uses dragon and if not dragon then rock because th rest of the E4 have used the Titans' typs. Either way, Pebbles is the answer. k yah it's dragon.
oh so geeta strong armed you all huh....is Paldea's league some kind of mafia?!
....wait. there was no final rival fight, and it's been a while...am i going to be fighting Nemona??? SOmehow? Like that maks better plot sense but verything seems to be Geeta....
okay yah it's Geeta.
it's fin if you can't hold back I'm a protagonist.
Espathra...and THIS is why I specifically got a dark type! Gogoat? And THAT'S why I grabbed Scoots! Kingambit? King, king...leeeet's stay in for now? Fire's gooooo oh Scoots is down. Un, when in doubt, Jupe? Kingambit down and Scoots back up! Avalugg...I have several things to deal with ice but lt's try Sotero. ...bad moves. Okay, Pebbles! Veluza, that's gonna b Cabrande territory. I hav her backd into a corner and sh has Glimmora... That sounds like th Rock/Poison type I caught earlier? Uhhh what is this thing... Let's use Daya so Daya can appear in this fight, let's Do This! Terastallize, signature move, annnd...oh my god Glimmora's tera hat is just the fucking. Olympus Colisseum.
oh holy shit. Tera STAB crit type advantage, that's uh, that's...every fucking damage modifier basically. No wonder I OHKO'd
Geeta you were mildly troublesome.
THERE'S Nemona! Yeah sure we can be best rivals or whatever now come do a crime with me. We're going crater-diving. Ah, you haven't changed a bit.
awww I'm her treasure. Nemona you realize that's a marriage proposal, right?
oh fuck hr speech there was really cute...Nemona you're actually pretty cool aren't you~ Let's go!
Lycanroc? No biggie, I have a little pink menace with a great big hammer. Orthworm is steel, I think, so get out here Jupe! Dudunsparce is normal, so yeah, Jupe, keep it up! Hee, here comes her own Pawmot, and THIS is why I brought a Ground type onto the team! Goodra? Aighty, let's get Pebbles back in here! Wait, that's five already? Aw well, okay Daya! Just like we did to Geeta!
Nemona didn't change a bit, she just became more of herself.
Now. Nemona. Crimes. Crater. First a little friendship. Thn picking up some fly points I never hit. Now! To Medali! To the Zero Gate!
damn it looks kinda beat up. Oh! New plotline! The Way Home!
Powr saving mode.... eeee Arvn and the girlsquad are going on an adventure~ God I feel so bad for Arven, it must hurtto get treatd like this in front of pople he hasn't trustd with everything...
Nemona, no. We are not going to battle the professor excitingly. We're going to beat her face in.
Oh man...this is SO cool. Are we all gonna ride Koraidon together?
That cutscene. That was everything to me. That was it, that was the essence of everything I seek, everything I long for, everything I dream of. That was the essence of why I always com back to Pokemon.
Koraidon doesn't wanna be here....buddy what happened? ...Oh shit we lost Nmona! How'd she fall off?! She was in the middle!
oh no she's fine
....somthing's off. Arven's reaction here, and his "probably" on identifying his mom earlier...
disable four locks in research stations on the way down. can do!
OH MY GO THEY'RE JUST GONNNA FOLLOW ME AROUND we're really i this together
holy shit the music
holy shit this PLACE. Is this supposd to give me Nier Automata vibes?
lmao my friends trying to compet over who's my bestest frind
i wondr what the fuck even made the crater....like. It's a cratr. Something made it, right?
WOO fighting shit! And Pnny being the straight man to our shenanigans. To the extent that she is either straight or a man, that is.
man vrything here looks so weathred
oh yah rsearch stations man NOTES. Stuff about the origin of the tera phenomenon! Ooh and a telportr.
awww my frinds are bcoming friends!
holy shit so much to explore
okay here's the second station
oh that is SO not a jigglypuff. Scram Tail! Jigglypuff, but Screamo!
okay base 2. once again Sada just kind of dropping eaves. Gonna give som plot? oooh ancient pokemon! ...Sada just. Has a time machine. Sh just, has one.
Wait so the ancient pokemon don't liv here naturally, sh just. Brings thm here? Then what the fuck is the cratr?
squints at this convrsation. ...the cost was catastrophic...
It is theoretically possible to travel to the past, but a human can't return to the present. Somehow I get the pictur that's involved with the catastrophic price.
i guess that's reasonable enough. Some conversations are important to have face to face. MOre specifically, within punching range.
Arven....your dialogue here.....
"Paradise will be ours to create" because THAT always ends well....unstable crystals, nrvous financial backers....
i am getting sleepy and also lost
see you in a few line breaks
screams i would like some time to myself. and some focus.
literally like three days later
cheesus christ i have no memory of this place. thre's a big rock with an item on top i can't reach bcause i can't ride koraidon.
something isn't adding up. If the ancint Pokemon were only brought here via time machine, whcih Sada only got working sometime in the last several years....why's there a picture of Great Tusk in the Scarlt Book, and what made the Great Cratr so dangerous?
man the crater goes deep.
watches Nemona, Arven, and Penny slowly fall off a cliff and disappear into the abyss?!?!?!?!?!?
found a cave....i have noooo idea how thoroughly i have xplored this bit of the crater...nother research station! eyyyy it's tusky boy. Penny is right that IS kind of a hug problem. Thing is they've been on the prowl for months, if Occulture is to be believed.
oh nemona this is why you're the muscle. Sada just, taking over for Arven.... Koraidon was the first pokemon retrieved from the past, huh...and, yp, confirming that it's the past form of Cyclizar.
...two specimens? why are we assuming they're family. that seems likely to end poorly. i doubt it WILL but like....it COULD. and even if they are family, like??? so were Lusamine and Lillie, look how THAT ended.
'I was expecting one new life to treasure' THAT MEANS ARVEN IT HAS TO
okay that tunnel is clearly the way forward so imma keep exploring here for a bit
hm. Okay. Intrsting history with Koraidon Arven has there, and yeah I see why he felt that way. ...wait. goddammit I ned like, a timeline of Arven's personal history, because who lived where when with whom is not adding up.
Tons of Chansey down here, it'll be great for grinding levels for the dex latr. ...Okay yah I definitely need to explore again when I hav Koraidon. Let's carry on!
WILD SCREAM TAIL I wanna catch it! ...Oh this thing is beefy. Okay just get in the ball, GOT IT alright Pita.
Man...what on earth made this place? "feels like maybe you already died and went somewhere" huh...and yeah Penny im p sure this place is the source of the energy used to terastallize Pokemon.
we must go deeper
...i guess you could say we're gonna get t the bottom of this! ...nmona, no. ...nmona. Nemona, NO. Penny is correct, as ever.
Okay if Sada took Koraidon into th cratr and hasn't com out since, how'd Arven get Koraidon's ball?
Th crystals get biggr the farther down we go...oh what fresh hell is this? What happened in here?
Sada???? U good???
So, I know the game's a bit buggy, but it looks like Sada is too? uhhhh
"That man walked out not long after the boy was born" im sorry? sorry WHOMST? Turo????
....if only. thre were two of me. sada YOU HAVE A TIM MACHINE.
th scond koraidon was broguht later and was aggressive...
"You know what you need to do." All locks released. I feel like I did a bad thing. Like I got tricked into reviving Dracula or instigating the Fall or something.
man do clavll and th othrs even know we're here
WEIRD MISDREAVUS. Flutter Mane....you'r gonna b Yooki. STAY IN TH DAMN BALL. GOT IT, finally, that took like 20 ultra balls.
Metal plate with a wird symbol, and a map of Paldea, and...thre's an enormous crystal here... you know, it would scan if th crystal crashing from space made the crater, I think?
I wonder if I can breed paradox Pokmon or if I'm gonna need to catch som mor the slow way?
what the fuck, ar thos VENTS in th crystal. What the fuck did th crystal absorb the lab?!
This is a much bigger area than thy're gonna let m explore isn't it...oh no wait. WAIT oh my.
Man it's not a Lost Continent plot so much as a Journy to the Center of the Earth plot
where am i
i find it kind of intriguing that Geeta's ace is th pokemon found in abundance all the way down here. Sorry to Arven, Nemona, and Penny, but if thy're gonna let me be the leader they're gonna have to run around, them's the rules.
chews on thoughts and questions and nihilego. glimmora. hmmmm
I am here I hav explord it is time to enter the Zero Lab. I get cell service down here? Sada you're presumably right insid you could come to the door and greet us.
okay the lab really is getting eaten by tera crystals but what is this about them optimizing the performance of machinery? If the tera orbs are made of these crystals why can pokemon centers recharge them?
well. that IS why we brought Nemona.
you dipshits. listen to penny. penny is wise. Oh, you're letting me choose? ...I guess if no is the wrong choice, the game will But Thou Must me. yep it did. but aww, Nmona that's sweet.
guuuuys this is baaaaad....OH SHIT THE OTHER ONE. Oh god it's been lockd outside the lab. Sada said the Pokemon insid would probably make a break for it, but instead, othr Koraidon went in....
they made mine sooooo expressive though like BABY im sorry I brought you here :c
THANK YOU PENNY ugh Nemonaaaaa why.
oh here the other ones come. YES DO IT NEMONA. Oh Scoots is a reliable partner now! Oh no, are Nemona and Penny running off to stop a breach?
oh no is Arvenn staying behind too!?
okay this is a weirdass doorway. oooh dislike that the exit is a hole in the wall. Sciecne stuff....oooh there's sad....eactivating slep mode....
she keeps th aggro one in a mastrball. and sh is a robot. Not hard to see this coming after the trek down hre but....wow POkemon really making some bold moves here.
the real sada is dead...in the incident....ohhh boy. oh shit she sacrificed herself to protect MY koraidon.
Stop the time machin. Sure. That's a sane thing to ask a GODDAMN TWELVE YEAR OLD to do. We're going farther down but ma'am i have snooping to do.
i am going to sic my tinkaton on this mtal lady
Pokeball lock system to defend the lab. Rocklike thing in the tube. A picture of a young boy with a Maschiff...more rocks in tubes.
down w go.... Robosada can't lav because the crystals make her possible.
primal nergy? tera?
no SHIT they wreak havoc on the modern ecosystem!!! anyone with a basic understanding of ecology could have told you that! these things are invasive species of a magnitude ONLY surpassed by literal fucking aliens!
holy shit the robot copy of the profssor has BETTER thics than the professor maybe i don't need to sic my tinkaton on her
okay this place is gorgeous
oh this is why robosada needed th help of a formidible trainer. because i DO need to sic a tinkaton on hr.
To protect my treasure....to protect the whole of Paldea!
Why yes, AI Sada, I am familiar enough with a great many Pokmon to guess at patterns and detect weaknesses even in unfamiliar Pokemon. And yes, my human brain can overcom your wealth of data using two tools: innovation, and brute. fucking. force.
Had a lot of luck play out in defeating her third POkemon...next is Sandy Shocks so I think I want a ground type? aaaaaaaAAAAAAAA. Roaring Moon...I know that one! Oh, that was it? No terastallization?
okay AI down. Time for Feelings. god she really did love Arven, didn't she? She just loved her insane dream more.
oh damn that interface screw....oh shit. Our Pokeballs are locked, other than the ones rgistered to Sada's ID...which means this is designed to allow Sada and the protocol to brutally maul intruders who cannot fight back.
som intnse M.I.K.E. flashbacks ngl
But, thankfully....I have Koraidon. So does she. It? Koraidon, the guardian of paradise. Yeah...yeah, myKoraidon is!
oh DAMN transformation sequnce! We got this, Koraidon! Let's check out your summary bc this is SO cool. Uh, be great if I had the chance to fix this moveset. Hooboy that was close.
i knew I'd hav to trastallize....and I have a superffective tera type and all, plus this will be the first time I've ever used Tera Blast...
Victory is mine
oh...sh has to slfdestruct doesn't she....oh. No. She's going to disappear into the ancint world she loves so much. To unbind herself...and to stop the machin...
whre is the button to hug arven
arven this is your cheerup crew. FRIENDSHIP. holy fuck im almost taring up.
credits roll
0 notes
acey-wacey · 2 years
CONGRATS 4 THE 200+ FOLLOWERS EOFNSOSNSOSN ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) Can i join the event? IT LOOKS FUN OMG (つ✧ω✧)つ
Fluff scenario/hcs bout Leona x F!S/O or GN!S/O w/ soulmate au. When both of them reach 18 yo, they start 2 swap bodies for a day each year (IF THEY HAVE NOT MET YET) SPDNSOSNSIB ლ(◕ω◕ლ) Leona is a royalty, but S/O lives in a dark alley, is it 2 detailed? (・∀・)
It's ok if u can't do it ehe, once again CONGRATSSS ♡(ӦvӦ。)
Thank you! I did my best in a short drabble.
Pairing - Leona Kingscholar x Reader
Synopsis - On your 18th birthday, you switched bodies with your soulmate, who just happened to be the crown prince of your kingdom. Now you have to find him again but as a commoner, it won't exactly be easy.
Prompt - soulmate AU (body swap)
"Goodbye, you guys!"
You waved to the stray cats who had found refuge in the same damp alley as you had. As strange as it was, your entire life was about to turn upside down and all for one reason: the crown prince was your soulmate.
You had only found out yesterday, on your 18th birthday. You woke up in a bed that was way too soft to be made of old newspapers in a room that was way to warm to be outside. When you finally opened your eyes, your whole body felt... wrong, like it wasn't your own.
Well, that's because it wasn't your own. You rushed to find some mirror and were completely stunned when you saw an absolutely beautiful boy with long brown hair and lion ears staring back at you. It took you a moment to recall that your new body looked exactly like the crown prince. You seemed to remember his name being Leona.
You were forced to spend the entire day acting like him, though you had only heard about him in fleeting rumors and seen him in reluctant newspaper headlines. You were sure his family suspected you but that wasn't the greatest of your concerns.
While you were trying to escape scrutiny from the nobles, you overheard the servants gossiping about a commoner who had been arrested for attempting to get into the palace, claiming to be member of the royal family.
You knew immediately that Leona must have switched places with you. You made your way inconspicuously down to the dungeons where the servants said the commoner was being held.
It was quite a shock to look straight at your own face, especially when it wore a scowl that was definitively not an expression you ever made. You approached who you assumed to be the prince cautiously.
"Pardon me," his head, or rather yours, whipped around at the sound of his own voice. He was momentarily shocked before he narrowed his eyes at you. "Are you crown prince Leona?"
"I'm assuming this is your body I'm stuck in," Leona growled at you, glaring daggers through your skull. He assumed that this mix-up was somehow your fault. "Put me back."
"If I knew how, I would already be home," you stated, crossing your arms. You knew that becoming a commoner over night must have been a huge culture shock for him, but he didn't have to be so snappy about it. "You think I want to be stuck as some uppity prince?"
"I don't know who you are or why you're my soulmate but if you don't put me back right now, I'll..." you interrupted his threat.
"Oh please, you're me right now! If there's one thing I know about myself, it's that I am completely and utterly powerless compared to a prince," you rolled your eyes as he leaned back to the cell wall. You sighed and sat down on the floor in front of the bars. "Listen, I want to be back in my body as much as you do."
"Why?" you cocked your head in confusion as he mumbled the question.
"What do you mean why?"
"I mean why would you want to go back to that?" he raised his voice slightly as he leaned his head against the prison bars. You still looked at him, puzzled. "It really sucks. You sleep on the ground, people look down on you everywhere you go. For Scar's sake, you can't even afford bread. What about that is appealing to you?"
"To give it to you straight, it isn't," you admitted, leaning your head almost against his. "It does suck and I wish that not me nor anyone else had to live like that, but we do. Because we can't afford silk bed sheets or fancy breakfasts, because we don't have a servant at our beck and call when we ring a bell."
Leona looked down, seemingly ashamed of his earlier arrogance. You smiled slyly at him.
"But in all honesty, I'd rather go back to starving than go to another aristocratic meeting," you chuckled as he groaned in agreement.
"Honestly! Why does the speaker always have the most droning, boring voice ever?" he lamented, making you laugh as you recalled the old baron who recited all the kingdoms economic complaints. "I guess we both have our struggles."
"Yeah..." you trailed off as your hand inched mindlessly closer to his.
Your pinkies touched for just a moment and your eyes clouded over. You felt like your head was filled with fog and all your senses had been dulled. That world swirled around you and you felt the presence of another person. You sensed Prince Leona's consciousness but when you tried to focus on him, he slipped through your fingers like smoke.
The world went white and your vision slowly returned to you. Only now, you weren't looking at your own face. You could see Prince Leona through the cell bars. He blinked his eyes open and stared at you for a few seconds.
He held up his hand in front of his face and laughed, softly at first but then evolving into a full bark of joy. He turned to you, excitement on his face, only then noticing your disappointed expression.
"What do you look so sad for? We're back in our own bodies," he reached through the bars and tipped your chin up to look at him. "That's a good thing, isn't it?"
"You're going to have me thrown out again, aren't you?" you whispered, barely loud enough for Leona to hear. He was taken aback at your suggestion.
"Why would I throw you out? You're my soulmate."
"Exactly! You're the crown prince and I'm just some lowly commoner. We're not allowed to be soulmates."
Leona scoffed and grabbed your hand again.
"That is the stupidest bull I have ever heard," he said to you firmly. You flicked your gaze to him, a glimmer of hope sparking somewhere within you. "Love isn't negotiable, okay? Anyone who has anything to say about us being together can go to he//."
You smiled at him as he stroked his thumb on your hand.
"Well, you have to get me out of jail first."
"Oh! Right, sorry!"
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unknownzapy · 3 years
Type Of Blog: Head-canons/X Reader
Trigger Warnings: Dark Humor/Jokes, sensitive topics such as P3d0phila jokes, Mental Illness/Disability Jokes, and a “My Dad left me” joke all in Tord’s part, Z00phile and Inc3st (mention) joke in Edd’s part, Drowning Puns (mention) in Tom’s part. Viewer discretion is highly advised.
Author’s Note: If I made any of the characters out of character, even in the slightest, please tell me! I’m always up for some constructive criticism :). Also, sorry if any of them are too long/short-
Prompt: Eddsworld main boys w/ Reader who has a sense of Dark Humor (Up to the viewer to see this as romantic or platonic).
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Art by dekyun on DeviantArt
Tries not to worry too much about you, really. He assumes that you’re going through something and you use Dark Humor as a coping mechanism.
Or maybe not, so who knows.
ANYWAYS, Edd is the type of guy to occasionally join you in your morbid shenanigans; mostly joking about the army/military, war, and soldiers dying simply because he’s is the military, so he understands you completely if you’re coping with something going on in your life.
Doesn’t push you to talk about why you prefer dark humor, but doesn’t particularly care either; as long as you’re having fun, then he’s totally fine with it.
Though, Edd does visibly show concern for you the more dark your humor goes, He’ll probably force you to talk about whatever is going on in your life whether you like it or not.
That Incest joke you made last week? Yeah, Edd made a mental note of that.
That Zoophile pun you made just yesterday? Consider him your newfound therapist.
You get the idea, but he does let you go off when he’s adjusted, just know that he’ll drag you off somewhere private if you need to talk if you need something off your chest whenever you pull a darker joke than usual.
Also, Edd would use you as a defense mechanism when his Neighbors (Especially Edwardo) start to mock them for whatever reason, so he’ll probably edge you on to scare them away (and maybe even give them PTSD while at it).
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Art by HoshPosh on DeviantArt
Oh my god, someone this save poor man 😭.
He doesn’t understand as to they you’re joking about people dying, but he can never adjust to it.
Tom is both scared and confused for your well being, so he doesn’t push you to tell him what’s going on.
Sees you as a second Tord, but better.
Tom tries to make drowning puns, but like…he can never execute them well like you do.
It takes him months to get used to your dark comedic self and finally ease up to your sense of humor.
On some occasions, he’ll probably snicker at some of your jokes, especially if they correlate to drowning people/animals.
For the sake of everyone’s sanity (except for Tord’s), please don’t teach him any drowning jokes, it would be chaos.
Either Matt or Edd would mostly hide Ringo the cat somewhere safe if Tom made a morbid drowning joke if you’re not around, then realize his mistake by thinking about all the mistakes he did in his life.
All in all, you’re a terrible influence on Tom and he has a love-hate relationship with you.
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Trigger Warning starts now⛔️!
Oh my fucking god 💀.
The jokes you two make are BEYOND morbid and strange that not even Satan wants you.
When he first heard you crack a dark joke, he had to hold back a wheezed laugh.
“My girlfriend called me a Pedophile today”
“I told her that was a big word for a 9 Year Old.”
The shit that you guys pull that it’s terrifying.
When Tord heard the first jokes, puns, and so on, it was love at first sight.
He absolutely ADORES P3d0 jokes coming from you, which boosts his confidence to actually share his own. Though Tord does love to experiment with other dark jokes, especially centered around sexual intercourse or anything that has something to do with his no no square, he does touch on other things as well.
Dare I say, match made in Purgatory 👹✨.
You both enjoy annoying Tom and Matt (separately and both at the same time) with your twisted humor the most, earning a sharp glare from the eyeless male and a deeply disturbed reaction from the blonde.
All in all, you and Tord have the best relationship out of the four of them.
Honestly, your humor touches on practically all triggering topics known to man, especially if you two are alone and see who can one up the other (and try not to laugh too hard/loud since you guys go at it for HOURS, even if it is the middle of the night).
“What does my dad have in common with Nemo?
“They both can’t be found”
“Pfft. I got a better one: What do you call a group of depressed people?”
“Emo and Goths?”
“Hah, no! They’re called the Suicide Squad!”
Cue the two of you holding your sides and laughing like hyenas, waking up everyone in the house (and the reason why they suddenly have crappy sleep schedules). At the end of the day, you and Tord are chaotic crackheads who leach onto this kind of humor; not a single dull moment between you two.
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Matt is the most worried for your mental health. Like, whenever you pop a joke during breakfast, he’ll look at you like 😨.
Didn’t like you at first because of it, but he does warm up to you eventually. Most likely the longest one to do so out of the four guys, I can’t see him as a type of person to enjoy dark jokes.
He’ll probably question you about your sense of humor and ask if you want to talk about whatever you’re going through, but you’ll respond with something along the lines of “Coping Mechanism/Experimenting with my sense of humor.”
Tbh, Matt is non judgmental, he’s just…worried for your mental health of the things you joke about. After some time, though, he gets used to it and, like Tom, sometimes reveals a grin that he’s trying to hold back at some of your twisted jokes and immediately denies it after being called out for it.
Sometimes some of the jokes and puns fly over his head, so it’s better to explain it than let it go stale. Either way, Mat’ll ✨try✨ to laugh at all your jokes or is too stunned to speak. Keyword: Try. No In between.
Honestly, like Tom again, he sees you as a second Tord to a degree, so take this information however you wish, but he won’t admit that anytime soon.
At the end of the day, Matt is really supportive of you! If you’re into dark humor, whether it be on the tamer side or more intense, then keep at it, he’s not stopping you.
Just know that he’ll crack a joke or two to impress you that he found on the internet, but they’re really sappy and tame compared to you. But hey, at least he tries!
Also he’s mildly scared of you for this reason alone, so uh…do whatever with this information too.
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comfortbucky · 3 years
hey hey! can u do some fluffy bucky about having to share a hotel room w u and there’s only one bed!!!! and he’s trying to be respectful n stuff but man does he have the fattest crush on u! thank u <333
𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗱, 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗼𝘁𝘀 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 。˚
pairing: bucky x fem!avenger!reader
tags: enemies(?) to lovers BABYYYY, angst, fluff
A/N: i almost always write about tfatws!bucky in mind but let me try and branch out by writing about avenger!bucky hehe
i hope u enjoy🥺💗i absolutely loved this prompt and loved writing this!!!! (it is almost 4am for me as i am posting this :) i’m insane :))
this oneshot will not be following the canon timeline!
word count: 2k
my masterlist!
completed requests!
“Stick to the plan, Y/N.” Steve’s voice came through over the intercom. She rolled her eyes at his warning. He always seemed to be extra cautious with her, making her feel like an unimportant member of the team, and this mission was no different.
“I got this,” she said, completely ignoring his request and charging headfirst at the enemy. Her brash decision resulted in her receiving a heavy beat down, ending up with a split lip and fractured ribs.
Needless to say, Steve was pissed. He and Y/N developed a close friendship over the years, during his search for Bucky. She was oftentimes the one who would stay up all night with him, looking for any trace of Bucky’s existence online. She’d become one of the closest people in his life, which is exactly why he was upset with her, endangering her own life.
After the mission, he confronted her at the base camp.
“You could’ve gotten killed!”
“But I didn’t,” she snapped back. “And the mission was a success anyways, so I don’t get why you’re so mad right now.”
Steve closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing.
“It’s reckless behavior like this that’s eventually going to get you killed, Y/N.”
Bucky walked into the room and immediately regretted his decision as soon as he laid his eyes on Y/N. He’d come to foster an animosity towards her, after seeing her close friendship with Steve. After Bucky joined the Avengers, he noticed how much time they spent together, and jealousy started to fester within him. Steve was the only person he felt comfortable being around in the tower and she constantly took him away from Bucky. Everyone else seemed to have an aversion to him, or so he assumed. He never gave anyone the chance to get to know him, locking himself up in his room most hours of the day. Bucky didn’t think anyone would want to get to know an ex-assassin, especially one that killed the Tony Stark’s parents. She was the one thing that kept Steve away from him and he despised it. So Bucky did what he did best and avoided any sort of interaction with her.
Steve looked at Bucky and suddenly, an idea popped in his head. He had noticed how closed-off Bucky had been since joining the Avengers and refused to let Y/N be alone, worried that she might make another brazen decision. He hatched a plan to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
“Bucky,” Steve said, making his way over to him. “You and Y/N will be assigned to the same room tonight.”
Bucky choked on his own spit in response and Y/N began to protest.
“You’re not serious, right?” Steve turned to face her with a stern expression.
“You’re not giving me any reason to trust you to be alone.” She let out a defeated sigh and crossed her arms across her chest.
“Why me?” Bucky asked, trying to figure out how he ended up in this situation.
Steve placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder and looked into his eyes. “Because I trust you, Buck. I need you to do this for me.”
Bucky could see the desperation in Steve’s eyes and reluctantly nodded.
Steve was able to obtain another key card to the hotel room that Y/N was assigned to for the mission. He forgot to take into account the logistics of the sleeping arrangements, leaving Bucky to find a single bed as he entered Y/N’s room.
Bucky froze, his right hand on the door handle, keeping it open, his left hand by his side, holding his duffel bag. He racked his brain, trying to figure out what to do, when Y/N’s voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“Relax,” she started, motioning for him to come inside. “I’ll sleep on the floor, alright?”
Y/N knew that Bucky didn’t like her, despite Steve trying to convince her otherwise. It hurt her feelings a bit, especially after she’d learned so much about him through both Steve’s stories and the time she spent tracking him down. He was such an important person to Steve, her close friend, and Bucky hated her. At first, she figured he was shy and wasn’t ready to open up to anyone else, especially after all the trauma he endured. But she realized he actively disliked her over time, with Bucky always leaving the room when she entered or ignoring her offers to hang out with her and Steve. Eventually, she gave up on reaching out to Bucky, as she only seemed to upset him further, no matter what she did. She figured it was for the best.
Bucky stepped into the room and shook his head.
“Bed’s too soft for me anyways, I’ll take the floor,” he grumbled.
Y/N shrugged in response, knowing that Bucky would be too stubborn to try and argue against. She turned around and picked up the phone, calling the front desk to ask for extra blankets and pillows. When she hung up the phone, she turned back to Bucky to see him nod in thanks.
The rest of the night was silent, as they both prepared for bed, taking turns going into the bathroom to wash up and change. While Y/N was in the bathroom, Bucky arranged the extra blankets and pillows into a makeshift bed on the ground, something that he’d done countless times before. Y/N exited the bathroom in an oversized t-shirt that covered her shorts, and placed her toiletries bag in one of the hotel dresser drawers.
“Bathroom’s all yours.” Bucky grunted in response, grabbing some clothes and a bag headed for the bathroom.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” he stated, just before shutting the door behind him. Y/N scoffed at his comment, gently climbing into bed, in an attempt to not further injure her ribs. She winced as she tried to get into a comfortable position before settling to sleep on the side of her unaffected ribs.
Bucky emerged from the bathroom to see Y/N lying on her left side, her back towards him. He assumed that she had already fallen asleep and quietly crawled into his makeshift bed.
Approximately 10 minutes had passed, when he heard her sniffling. At first, he thought the noise was coming from outside the window, but he traced it back to her. He remained lying on his back for a moment, deciding whether or not to say something. Bucky sighed before speaking.
“You okay?” Y/N immediately stiffened upon hearing Bucky’s voice. She was hoping that he wouldn’t hear her crying, despite his super soldier hearing abilities.
“Yeah, ‘m fine,” she replied back, her voice wavering as she spoke. Y/N hated how weak and pathetic she sounded in that moment. Her fractured ribs made it hard for her to breathe and the adrenaline, that was previously shielding her from the pain, had faded, leaving her to lie there in agony. On top of that, she also felt that this mission solidified her belief that Steve had little faith in her ability to be an Avenger. The last thing she wanted to do right now, was to confess her insecurities to Bucky.
Bucky’s attitude softened, hearing Y/N’s voice crack when she spoke. He knew she’d gotten hurt due to her own, dumb, decision during the mission. Bucky quietly pulled his blankets off and stood up, leaving the room without saying another word. As soon as the door shut, Y/N burst into tears. Bucky did exactly as he’d done in the past many times before, leave. She wasn’t sure why this time upset her more than the rest. Probably because she knew that he was aware of her crying and he’d still chosen to abandon her completely.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, causing her to stop crying. Y/N listened to Bucky’s footsteps growing closer, and felt the bed dip under his weight as he sat on the edge she was facing towards. She peered over the blanket she was covering her face with, to see Bucky facing her, holding a bag of ice, wrapped in a towel. Bucky’s heart sank at the sight of her glossy eyes and tear stained cheeks in the moonlight.
“For your ribs,” he spoke softly, gesturing to the ice bag in his hands.
“Oh. Thank you.”
Y/N took the bag from him, attempting to slowly sit up. She closed her eyes as she grimaced, and suddenly felt a hand on her back, helping her up. Her eyes opened to reveal Bucky, with a soft smile on his lips. She silently thanked him again, placing the ice bag on the right side of her ribcage.
“Thought you hated me,” she mumbled, keeping her gaze down on her lap. He furrowed his brows, keeping his eyes on her.
“I don’t hate you.”
“Well, you definitely don’t like me.”
Bucky paused at her comment, thinking about his next words, before responding.
“I don’t like that you take up all of Steve’s free time,” he grumbled, causing Y/N to quickly look up at Bucky, his eyes averting her gaze. Her face fell, immediately realizing why Bucky had treated her so coldly all this time. He just missed his friend.
“I’m so sorry, Bucky.” She placed a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at her in response. “I didn’t realize, I’m sorry.”
Bucky didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t expecting her to be so kind and understanding, even coming up with multiple points to argue back at her. He realized then that he didn’t know her at all, but that he wanted to now. In an instant, she became an entirely different person. He studied her eyes and wondered if they had always sparkled like that, if her cheeks were naturally rosy, or if her lips had always been so pink and plump.
His expression softened and he cleared his throat. “It’s fine,” he muttered, tearing himself away from her gaze to look down at his lap. After a moment of silence, Bucky stood up to return back to the floor.
“Stay.” The words left Y/N’s mouth before she had time to process them. Bucky froze and turned to face her. “I mean, if you want to, of course. Just figured the floor must be super uncomfortable for you.” Y/N felt a blush creep up onto her cheeks and kicked herself mentally. She looked down at her hands, regretting the words she spoke, before feeling the bed dip again. She looked up to see Bucky. He smiled and she almost melted at the sight.
She shifted over, putting the ice bag on the nightstand, as Bucky crawled into bed next to her. The two rested on their backs, both staring at the ceiling in silence. Bucky remained at a respectful distance away, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. Y/N turned on her left side, her good side, to face him.
“I’m glad you don’t hate me.”
Bucky turned on his side to face her before responding.
“I don’t think I could ever hate you.”
A strand of her hair had fallen in front of her face and Bucky, instinctively, reached out a hand to tuck it behind her ear. Immediately, he regretted it, about to pull his hand back when Y/N took her hand and placed it on top of his, guiding it to rest on her cheek. He cupped her face in his hand and she leaned into his embrace. Bucky felt his heart rate increase as she moved her body closer to his, wrapping the arm she used to hold his hand on her face, across his side. He shifted towards her as well, wrapping his arm around her body, bringing her closer to him.
“Is this okay?” He whispered, nervous that he might have somehow misinterpreted the situation. He hadn’t been with a woman in such an intimate way in years and had no idea what he was doing. Y/N looked up at him and nodded, before snuggling her face into his chest and Bucky felt a wave of calm wash over him.
“Can you stay here tonight?” Y/N mumbled, her face pressed into his chest. He chuckled at the vibrations from her voice and kissed her temple, smoothing her hair back.
“I’ll stay as long as you want me to, honey.”
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maximons · 3 years
Can’t Stand You
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Summary: Wanda and Y/n cant stand each other, so much so that their constant fighting forces Steve to take measures to put an end to it. But what happens when things don’t go according to plan?
Word Count: 5,295
Genre: Angst w/ happy ending
Requested?: No
Warnings: Suggestive language, implied sex, stabbing, drowning, mentions of blood, implied death
A/N: Yo, I went offff on this one lmao I started this thinking it was gonna be a fun Enemies to lovers and then boom, this came out, soooo enjoy? Lol Also pleaseee send some requests, I’d love to make stories with your guys’ ideas
Never stick Wanda Maximoff and Y/n L/n in a room together for too long.
Unless you want to be in caught in one of their warpaths when they leave.
The Avengers learned very quickly that Y/n and Wanda hated each other. Nobody really comprehended why, in fact when you joined the team, everyone had assumed that you and her would be fast friends.
You were both young women, you had similar backgrounds, similar interests, a similar sense of humor. On paper, you should’ve been inseparable.
But reality was a different story.
Everything had started out well enough. While you two were never best friends per say, you got along. You worked well together and could at least tolerate the others existence.
That only lasted about a month though, and then the animosity started. 
No one could really pinpoint what the catalyst was. Sam had suggested it was when Wanda ran into a random woman you slept with when she was eating breakfast. Clint had thought it was when Wanda began dating Vision. Natasha disagreed with both of them and thought it started when Wanda was careless during that one mission and broke her arm.
No one knew for sure.
And they knew they couldn’t count on either one of you to tell them why. Hell, neither one of you probably could even if you wanted to.
While it was amusing to watch you two go back and forth at first, it started interfering with your work. Whenever the two of you were on missions, you two couldn’t help the snide remarks, distracting the rest of the team members who were on the mission with you. It was getting to a point where it’s a real hindrance.
And Steve wasn’t going to let that fly.
When Steve called you and Wanda into his office, you didn’t know what to expect. But it definitely wasn’t his bright idea to make you two get along.
“You want us to what!?” Wanda exclaimed, beating you by one second.
“You heard me. You two are becoming an issue, and we need to fix it.”
“You’re absolutely right, Cap. I’d be more than happy to help Wanda pack her bags.”
“Oh please, if anyone here should go, it’s you. My powers are way more useful than yours.”
“Yeah, useful for chaos and destruction. Last time I checked, one of us was a HYDRA lab rat and tried to help an evil robot take over the world. And it ain’t me, princess.”
“Well at least my powers aren’t stupid. Controlling water? What’s next, talking to fish?”
“Hey, controlling...wet things has helped me on more than one occasion.” You smirked, and Wanda scoffed.
“You’re fucking disgust-”
“ENOUGH!” Steve roared, causing the two of you to turn to him with wide eyes. Steve was always the level-headed leader, and it was very rare to see him snap like that, especially to his teammates.
Damn, you must have really pissed him off.
Steve took a deep breath, bringing his fingers to his temples in an effort to calm down. “Neither one of you are leaving the team, you are both way too important.” You knew he meant that in more ways than one, and it made you smile a little. You looked over and saw Wanda also give a small smile, which caused you to wipe yours off your face.
“So what do you want us to do?” You asked.
“You two need to get along. It’s becoming a major distraction on missions, and I won’t allow that. You don’t need to be best friends, you don’t even need to like each other, but what’s happening now needs to end.” Steve took a deep breath, knowing what he was going to say next would get a negative reaction. “I’m sending you two on a mission. Alone.”
“What!?” You both exclaimed.
“Again, you heard me. It just so happens that this mission requires both of your skillsets, you’ll need to rely on one another to get through it.”
“Sorry, do you want the mission to fail? She’s impossible to work with!” Wanda shouted.
“Sounds like someone’s projecting.” You muttered.
“I’ll project my foot up your-”
“Stop!” Steve interrupted again, this time less angry and more annoyed. “It’s either this, or you both are suspended until further notice.”
You rolled you’re eyes and threw your head back with a groan. You shifted your eyes over to Wanda and saw here cross her arms. You both knew being stuck in the compound with the other for who knows how long would be torture. Much worse than a mission would be. You both took a deep breath and agreed.
The next morning, you and Wanda would meet in the hanger, where an agent would fly a quinjet to take you two to the mission location. You were waiting outside the jet, impatiently checking your watch, waiting for the witch to show up.
This is so fucking stupid.
“Couldn’t agree more.” Wanda said, as she walked in. You rolled your eyes, realizing she read your mind.
“Stay out of my head.”
“Oh please, like I’d want to go in there. Your thoughts are too loud.”
“Mhm.” You muttered, not really believing her. “Corset’s looking a little tight there, Maximoff. I’m not complaining though, makes your boobs look great.” You gave an ‘ok’ sign with your hand. Wanda scoffed.
“Where’s your orange jumpsuit and trident? You need to go back and change? I can wait.”
You shot her a blank stare. “For the last time, I’m not Aquaman.”
“Yeah, you’re not as cute.”
“Funny. Hey, did you get to say goodbye to your walking talking vibrator? Or is that what took you so long?”
“Don’t talk about him like that, L/n. Let’s just get this over with.” 
“What’s the rush? Trying to hurry back for more?”
“Shut the hell up already.”
You both climbed in the jet, and took off. About two hours of annoying the hell out of the pilot later, you arrived.
“I’ll be on standby, good luck.” The pilot said, but you could tell he was just happy to get you two out of his sight.
“Alright, let’s just stick to the plan. No crazy rogue stunts again.” You said.
“That happened one time, and I remember it saving Steve’s life.”
“Don’t be dramatic, he would’ve been fine, and you ruined the mission.”
“Whatever, just stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours.”
“Roger.” You saluted sarcastically.
The mission was a simple one. Go in, get the data you need, extract the weapons, and get out. The area would be guarded so that’s where Wanda came in handy. Your job was to download the data. You and Wanda would reunite to grab the weapons before bailing.
“I still don’t get why you’re here. I could have done this on my own, easily.”
“It’s in a submarine. A mile under the surface.” You deadpanned as the two of you walked up to the edge of the dock. You smirked when you saw Wanda’s face fall in realization that you were right. She’d never admit it though, so this was satisfaction enough. “You’re more than welcome to try on your own though, go ahead.” You laughed, Wanda rolled her eyes yet again.
“Let’s just get this over with.” Wanda said, waiting for you to do your thing, but nothing happened. She looked over at you, and you had your arms open, staring at her. “What are you doing?”
“We need to be close so I can form an air bubble around us.”
“What, you can’t form two?” She quirked up an eyebrow.
“Yeah, but it’d drain my energy, and this is only the first part of the mission. I need it.”
Wanda wasn’t sure she believed you, but she wasn’t in the mood to argue anymore. “Fine.” She walked into your arms, and wrapped hers around you as you closed yours around her. She tried not to notice how perfectly she fit in your arms. You had only a few inches on her, but it worked. Hugging you felt...nice. And, oh wow, have you always smelled this good?-
“Uh, you good?” You interrupted Wanda’s thoughts. She pulled her head back from your chest and looked up at you, you already looking down at her. Oh wow, you have really nice eyes-
Focus Wanda.
“Yeah, c’mon what are you waiting for?” 
“Alright.” You tightened your grip on Wanda. “Ready?” Wanda only trusted herself to nod in this moment. She had to get out of your arms ASAP. “One. Two. Three.” You counted down, and you jumped in the water below. You quickly formed an air bubble around the two of you, and took control over it, pushing it as fast as you could downward.
You arrived outside of the submarine. You directed the bubble to the part of the sub that the plans said would be the least guarded. “Your turn.” You said. Wanda unwrapped one of her arms from you, and red tendrils began to poor from her hand. They wrapped themselves around the metal door, and Wanda yanked her hand back, pulling it open. Water started flooding the sub, and you quickly pushed yourselves inside. Once inside, you used the water outside to force the door back closed.
You and Wanda made your way down the hall, away from the flooded room, and towards the center of the ship, where you knew the main server would be. Wanda looked over to you and saw you smirking. “What?” She asked, annoyed.
Your smirk was still plastered on your face, and she realized. “You didn’t have to make only one air bubble did you?” She already knew the answer.
“Nah, I could’ve easily made two.” You felt a sharp elbow at your side, but you just laughed. 
“You’re such a jerk. Are you trying to make this thing as hard as possible?”
“Yeah, yeah, lecture me later. It was still funny though.” You laughed again, jogging slightly ahead of Wanda. You hid your body behind the wall and peeked your head around the corner. You saw the entrance to the server room, but there were several HYDRA goons surrounding it. “Do your thing, witchy.”
Wanda walked towards the guards and raised her hands. Red beams surrounded all the agents in the room. She rose her hands, raising all the guards up and slammed them against the ceiling. They all fell to the ground, unconscious.
You rose your eyebrows and let out a whistle, causing the witch to turn to you. “Impressive.” Wanda tried to suppress the small smile that formed, but she couldn’t.
What is going on with me? I hate this woman, what am I doing?
“Just go.”
“Roger.” You ran forward, around the unconscious guards, and entered the server room. You pulled the flash drive out of your duffel bag, and plugged it in, beginning the download.
Unbeknownst to either of you, one of the guards had enough energy in him to hit a button on his belt.
After several minutes, you had everything you needed. You pulled out the drive quickly, shoving it back in your bag and ran back out of the room, meeting Wanda. “Done. Let’s go for the weapons.”
The both of you started jogging down the halls, making your way to the weapons room. The lack of guards caught your attention. “This is a little too easy, something’s up.”
“What, not used to missions going so well, huh? See what happens when you let me actually do my job?”
“Wanda, I’m serious.”
Wanda turned her head to look at you, eyebrows furrowed. She wasn’t used to you sounding serious, so it caught her attention. Before she could say anything though, she noticed your eyes go wide. You turned your head to the opposite wall, before quickly turning back to her.
“LOOK OUT” You shouted, as you threw yourself over to Wanda. You wrapped yourself around her, protecting her from the small explosion that was set off a half a second later.
The blast was big enough to throw you both into the opposite door. You managed to flip yourselves so you went from taking the impact of the blast, to taking the impact of the door, and the impact of landing in the ground.
You and Wanda opened your eyes at the same time, and your breath hitched at how close your faces were. You vaguely notice your arms are tightly wrapped around her waist, and her hands gripping your shoulders, all you can focus on were her eyes. “You okay?”
Wanda took a deep breath to calm herself, the past few moments catching up with her. “Yeah...thanks.”
You normally would’ve cracked about your closeness or how she actually thanked you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to in this moment. So you settled for “No problem.”
After a few moments of staring at each other, Wanda hopped off of you as if she was burned. Well that was nice while it lasted. You slowly rose and stood up as well.
You both headed out into the hallway. “What the hell was that?” Wanda asked. You took in the scene the explosion left behind. A large crack was formed along the submarine wall, causing water to flow in at an alarming rate. Before you can comment, several goons ran from around the corner, heading towards you two.
“Fantastic.” You muttered. Wanda’s hands and eyes started to glow red as she started fighting. You attempted to use your powers to draw in some of the water that was spilling into the ship, but doing so only made the crack bigger, so you stopped. “You gotta be kidding.” You settled for hand to hand combat and started fighting alongside Wanda.
It seemed as if you guys were winning, you were both knocking down bad guys with ease, and working surprisingly well together as a team. But of course, nothing could be easy for long.
You heard Wanda let out a yelp, you turned to see her be thrown back. Anger filled your gaze, and you went over the asshole who hurt her. You threw a punch, but he saw it coming. He caught your fist, and twisted it. You yelled out in pain, but he didn’t stop there. He took out a dagger from his belt, and shoved it in your abdomen.
“Y/N!” You heard Wanda yell. You doubled over, and the guard pushed you down to the ground, right next to where Wanda was. She immediately went to check on you, but your attention remained on the guard. He reached down to his belt again, wrapping his and around what looked to be a button. A detonator. Your eyes widened.
“Hail Hydra.” He said before pressing the button. Another, bigger explosion sounded out down the hall, you recognized it was in the weapons room. A third explosion went off down the hall behind you, that must’ve been the server room. Water was now filling the ship from all sides. Fast. 
They weren’t fighting to defeat you. They were fighting to distract you.
Wanda applied pressure to your stomach, as she turned and sent a powerful blast towards the agents, sending all of them flying down the hall. She then formed a forcefield around you both, buying some time.
“Just hang on, okay? We’ll get you out of here.” You were on the brink of unconsciousness, so you could’ve been hallucinating, but you could’ve sworn you saw tears begin to form and run down the witch’s face. You gave her a small smile and shook your head.
“It’s okay.” You breathed out. Wanda began shaking her head as well.
“No, no, don’t start. Not now. We’ll get out of here.”
You knew that wasn’t going to happen. You were very low on energy, and severely injured. You couldn’t muster up enough energy to get you both back up to the surface.
But you had enough to get her out.
You reached into your bag and pulled the flash drive out, and grabbed Wanda’s hand, placing the drive in it. You closed her fist around it, and you looked into her eyes. “Get...get this back to Cap.” You said weakly. 
“You can give to him yourself.” Wanda seethed out. She was getting desperate. She knew the situation didn’t look good, but she wasn’t gonna give up on you.
“I’m...sorry...for making your...life hell...maximoff” You managed to wheeze out.
“Apologize to me later, we gotta go!” She cried out.
“Yeah....you do...” With that, you used your some of your dwindling stregnth to kick Wanda away from you, causing her to lose concentration on her force field. She landed by the wall with the crack in it, water surrounding her. She looked up at you, pleading in her eyes.
“Y/n, please!”
You didn’t answer as you raised your hand towards her. You summoned water through the crack, enlarging it enough so Wanda could fit through. When it was large enough, you surrounded Wanda’s entire body with water before quickly forming an air bubble around her.
You then pushed her out of the sub, sending her towards the surface as fast as you could. After a few moments, you saw the agents flowing back into the room, guns pointed at you. “Shit.” You whispered, you turned your attention towards where your hand was pointed and held it for a little while longer. When you knew Wanda got close enough to the surface where she can swim up, you let go, and turned your attention to the guards.
You laid down, looking at the ceiling, and spread your arms out. Hands wide. You lifted you head up to look at the guards as best as you could and smirked.
“Game over.”
With that you closed your fists, and drew your arms inward. The water from the the three openings flowed in very quickly, as well as new openings forming. You and the guards quickly became submerged but you didn’t stop, determined to end it all together.
You closed your eyes.
Wanda was desperately trying to break free from your bubble, but she couldn’t. As she was getting further and further from the ship, she began to sob. She couldn’t leave you down there. She couldn’t lose you. She needed you.
And when she came about a foot away from the water’s surface, the air bubble disappeared. 
She held her breath, and swam up to the surface to catch some air. Once she did, she started to swim down again. She knew it was in vain, she couldn’t get down there fast enough on her own, but dammit she was gonna try.
But then, she managed to see the ship implode.
She screamed in agony. Air bubbles flowing out of her mouth from the action. Tears began to flow out of her again, blending with the salty sea. She then gave up the fight, letting herself float back up to the surface.
You were gone.
One month later
It’s been hell for Wanda since your...disappearance. She refused to believe you were dead. She couldn’t. She had to hold on to some kind of hope.
Steve felt incredibly guilty, and it was eating him alive. You wouldn’t have been down there if it wasn’t for him. You would still be here. He became cold and distant from his team, only choosing to interact with them when it came to missions. Wanda also knew he cried himself to sleep at night, but she wouldn’t dare mention it.
Everyone dealt with their grief differently, but everyone was beyond saddened and missed you dearly.
Well, everyone except Vision.
He didn’t comment at first, choosing to comfort his girlfriend instead. He just assumed that she had survivors guilt, and not that she was actually sad about you.
And after several weeks of Wanda mourning, he made the mistake of saying that.
“Wanda, I truly do not understand your sadness anymore. The loss of a life is always upsetting, yes, but if I recall correctly you didn’t even like her. Do you not think that it’s time to move on?”
Wanda threw him against the walls of the training room. His vibranium body destroying it, but she didn’t care. Tony can dock her pay to fix it.
Needless to say, she was done with him after that.
Wanda’s new past time in the evening now was visiting your room. Tony had given her the key to it, and she’s been exploring it ever since. 
And she discovered things about you that she wished she got the chance to discover naturally.
Your favorite movies, music, books. You had several framed pictures of a little boy around the room. She vaguely remembered you mentioning the death of your little brother during a team dinner one night, but she was too damn stubborn at the time to listen to a word you said.
God, she hated herself. She pushed you away for so damn long, and she couldn’t figure out why.
All she knew, was that you were gone because of her.
If she hadn’t have hated you, if she hadn’t have fought with you all the time, Steve wouldn’t have felt the need to send you on that mission...and you would still be here.
And she was starting to realize, that maybe your presence wasn’t that bad after all.
She couldn’t stand you, but she can’t stand that you’re not here even more.
She let herself fall face first onto your bed and sobbed. Sobbed for you, the memory of you, and the time she wasted with you. Eventually she cried herself to sleep, just like she had many nights before.
She was awoken the next morning by the loud alarm of the compound. She cracked her eyes open and saw the flashing red lights accompanying it.
What the hell?
She shot up out of your bed, and opened the door. Spotting Sam running down the hall, clad in his boxers, she figured this wasn’t a false alarm.
“Sam!” She shouted, and the man stopped to turn to her. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know, Steve says a security breech. C’mon!” With that, he ran back down the hall towards the main room. Wanda rolled her eyes, not wanting to deal with this right now, but she made her way down as well.
When she entered the room, the rest of the team were standing in a line ready to face whatever was on the other end of the door. Everyone was clearly awoken from their slumber as well, since they were all in their sleepwear. In any other situation, Wanda would find this situation hilarious. 
A shirtless Steve Rogers, who of course wore American flag boxers, holding up his shield in prime Captain America mode, was a funny sight for sure.
But, she was all out of laughs, and just wanted to get this over with.
She faced the door along with the rest of the team, eyes and hands glowing red, ready for the threat.
The bang against the double doors resonated through the room. The next one was louder, the third the loudest.
Until finally, a huge blast of water knocked the doors down. The water stopped just short of the Avengers before being soaked into the carpet. The heroes cared more about the figure that was revealed behind the blast, however.
There you stood, with your head down as you lowered your arm. You took a shaky step forward, almost like a zombie, before you looked up. Your eyes widened at the sight of your friends pointing their weapons at you, ready to fight. You threw your hands up in surrender.
“Whoa, hey, I come in peace!” 
Everyone lowered their weapons and hands in shock. It was you. You were back.
Objectively, you looked terrible. Your hair was matted, you looked dirty as hell, your suit was still on you, but tattered. Your suit had a small hole in the stomach, where they assumed you were stabbed based off of what Wanda told them, but the skin under it looked completely healed.
But you were here. Alive.
“...Y/n?” Steve broke the silence.
“You guys look like you’ve seen a ghost.” You tried to joke, but no one was laughing.
“That’s because you are one...” Natasha said. “You’ve been dead for a month.”
You sighed. You remember what happened, but your journey back to the compound was treacherous, so you were beyond tired and didn’t want to deal with explaining everything right now. “Well, here I am...trust me if I was a ghost, I’d look way better.”
Wanda couldn’t believe her eyes. You were back. Not caught underwater, and not about to pass out from blood loss. You were okay. She marched up to you, catching your attention.
You looked at Wanda as she was approaching, and your eyes softened. You were glad to see that she made it back, but you knew having to see what happened to you must’ve been traumatic. And you knew it probably wasn’t because it happened to you, it’d be traumatic if she saw that happen to anyone.
But regardless, you opted to try to comfort her.
“Hey...are you okay?”
Wanda’s expression quickly shifted from awe and disbelief to anger. Was she okay? What kind of question was that? How dare you even think to ask that after what you did.
Wordlessly, she grabbed your wrist, and stormed off, dragging you with her. Leaving the rest of the Avengers behind, still in shock.
She dragged you down the hall and eventually arriving outside your room. Wanda whipped you around, and your back slammed against the door. The pain in your back didn’t compare at all to the fear you felt from Wanda’s glowing red death glare.
You’ve pissed her off more times than you can count, but she’s never looked this livid.
“Am I okay? AM I OKAY!?” She shouted.
“Um, hey...” You started, unsure of what to say.
“You. Fucking. Idiot.” She punctuated each word with a poke to you chest. “I can’t fucking believe you, you seriously managed to get yourself killed?”
“I’m not dead-”
“I’m not done!” She snapped, and you shut your mouth. So not the time to argue with her. You stood in silence, staring at her, waiting for her to keep yelling at you.
You really didn’t expect her to slap you across the face.
Your head whipped to the side, cheek stinging in pain. You groaned and brought your hand up to your face. “What the fuck!?”
Instead of answering, Wanda just slapped you across the other cheek.
“Jesus! Fuck you!” You let out, not even meaning the words that spilled from your mouth. What Wanda said next though, shocked you more than both slaps.
“Fuck me yourself. You owe me.” You looked at her, pretty sure you looked the most confused you ever had in your life.
“Huh!?” You got out, and instead of answering, the witch grabbed the front of your suit, pulling you down and smashed her lips to hers.
Your mind was running a mile a minute. You just made your way back home after a month according to Nat anyway, you had no idea how much time had passed of hell, and the woman you had just saved, the woman who couldn’t stand you since the moment you met, was yelling at you about it. And now she was making out with you against the door.
You weren’t complaining though. Subconsciously, you knew you wanted this for a long time.
And when Wanda managed to open the door, and push you inside with your lips still locked, you more than welcomed what was to come.
A few hours later, you and Wanda laid next to each other, staring at the ceiling. Sheet covering your bare chests, clothes strewn throughout the room, and sweat covering you bodies.
“Holy shit.” You breathed out. 
Wanda nodded and smiled. She turned her head to look at you. “I know.”
“We should’ve done that ages ago. Would’ve saved us a lot of fights.” You joked. Wanda’s smile dropped slightly, but you noticed. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just...we spent so much time hating each other, fighting over nothing, and then I thought I lost you, and I just...” She trailed off as her voice broke. You took a hold of her hand, silently encouraging her to continue. “I just feel like an idiot for not realizing that instead of pushing you away...I should’ve been pulling you closer.”
You looked at her with a small smile. Truth was, you never hated Wanda. You weren’t entirely sure when or how the fighting started, but you just went with it, and soon enough it was a daily routine. But if you can turn back time, you’d try to stop whatever it was that sparked the fire in the first place.
Instead of voicing all of that though, you simply grabbed Wanda’s chin, and turned her head to look at you. You placed a gentle kiss on her lips, trying to ignore the salty taste from her tears. 
Wanda clenched her eyes shut, and responded to the kiss by placing her hand behind your neck, pulling you closer. Afraid that if she let go this would all be a dream, and you’d be gone again.
But when she pulled away, she saw you staring at her with those beautiful eyes that she knew her dreams couldn’t perfectly recreate. You were here, this was real.
“Well, I’m here now. And I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. Not that I could anyway, because I’m pretty sure Steve’s not gonna wanna send me on missions for a very long time.” You joked trying to lighten the mood, and this time Wanda actually chuckled.
“Thank goodness for that.” She smiled. Her hand came from behind her neck and caressed your cheek. “I’m sorry I slapped you.”
“Hey, I get it. I probably would’ve done the same if the roles were reversed.”
Wanda chuckled again briefly, before her face twisted in confusion. She removed the sheet from your body, hand trailing down your taut stomach, until she landed on the area that she knew you were stabbed.
“How...did you survive?”
You sighed, your hand reaching for hers. “I’m not entirely sure. I just remember waking up underwater, and I was able to breath without a bubble which was definitely new. I remember swimming up to the surface, and dragging myself to the the shore of a beach. I removed the dagger from my stomach and I noticed the wound started to close, so I tested a theory. I summoned some water to pour over it, and boom, it closed up. Guess water has some healing properties for me.”
Wanda listened with rapt attention, impressed with the discovery of your new abilities and grateful that they surfaced when they did. She cracked a small smile though, as she realized something.
“I guess I wasn’t far off with the Aquaman comparison.”
“Oh, shut up.” You laughed and slapped her shoulder playfully. You pulled her into another kiss, the both of you smiling through it. After a few moments, you pulled back in confusion.
“Wait, what about Vision?”
“Ugh, don’t worry about him, that’s been done for a while now.”
You wanted to question her about that, but right now you cared more about being lost in her, so you kissed her again.
You knew you had a lot to explain, and a lot of conversations you had to have, and shower, but those were problems for later. Right now, you were wrapped around the woman you’ve always secretly held a torch for.
And Wanda? She realized the woman that she couldn’t stand, was actually the woman that she couldn’t live without.
A/N: Also, yes, I’m fully aware that the science behind the submarine scene makes no sense, and that an actual sub would implode the second outside water is introduced, but shh just enjoy the angst
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