#waiter you vultures
dutchwinter · 5 months
i hope this makes me seem cooler than i actually am. love and light feel free to rb and share opinions and such x
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hollowsart · 2 years
catch-all replied to your post:
Kakdhajvrbd Mysterio holding a dirty dish tray is hilarious! Love your spidersona and the rogues gallery designs!!!
aw thank you so much!
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I’m really proud of those two panels LOL villains doing mundane everyday domestic things is something that can be so personal <3
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noassparetime · 1 year
RUN BABY RUN . ( leon kennedy x f﹗ reader )
LISTEN : this is extremely self indulgent﹐ i read haunting adeline and i ' ve pretty much been wanting to do this for a while .
also if you want to be on a taglist﹐ comment below . <3
word count : 1225
WARNINGS : male masturbation﹐ stalking﹐ talk about being ╱ feeling like you ' re being watched .
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my throat burns as i swallow the whisky . it ' s my fourth glass since i ' ve been here . i can ' t stand seeing her around other men . my perfect [ Y/N ] tainted by their energy . the way their hands grip her waist makes me sick .
i know what you ' re thinking﹐ " leon﹐ it ' s a funraiser﹐ she ' s being polite . " i know she is﹐ but while she ' s out there﹐ her innocence on display for every man in this room﹐ they ' re around her like vultures﹐ waiting for the second her guard is down .
but they don ' t know her like i do . they don ' t know the dirty things she says at night . they ' re drawn to her innocence﹐ but me﹐ i ' m drawn to her darkness .
the kind she only displays in her own space .
it ' s been four weeks since spain﹐ three and a half since ashley ' s party﹐ and three since i first saw [ Y/N ] . her father is in the secret service﹐ he was one of the men who helped ashley get back home﹐ she frequently visited him﹐ bringing him lunch﹐ a coffee﹐ whatever he needed .
god i still remember it like it was yesterday . her hair﹐ the way it shined in the sun﹐ the distinct scent i now know is gabrielle chanel radiating of her smooth skin . the way you could see her tummy pudge stick out of her dress ever so slightly . she was fucking perfect . and she will be mine .
what she doesn ' t know﹐ is that i ' ve successfully hacked into the camera system surrounding her very﹐ very gated neighbourhood . i know when she leaves﹐ when she comes home﹐ and if i angle it just right﹐ i can see right into her bedroom .
she ' s a little disorganised﹐ notebooks scattered all over her desk﹐ articles of clothing littering her bedroom floor . if she was mine﹐ she ' d never have to lift a fucking finger .
i ' m snapped out of my own head as a hand rests on my shoulder﹐ my neck cranking around to see the commissioner behind me .
" mr . kennedy . " he speaks﹐ his voice raspy﹐ his tone remaining stoic . " enjoying your day off﹖"
i watched as he sat next to me﹐ i offered him a nod﹐ it prompted a bellowing laugh﹐ his shoulders raising a little too much .
" always a man of few words﹐ huh . " he said﹐ gesturing at the waiter for another round .
it ' s not that i hated the commissioner﹐ i just knew what he did in the dark . he ' s been through three divorces﹐ his kids filed for emancipation  before they reached 16﹐ and all his ex wives have restraining orders . he was a drunk with itchy palms .
my eyes drift back to my little doll﹐ a bright smile never leaving her perfectly glossed lips as she kneels down﹐ studying a drawing one of the orphans shoved in her face . she volunteered at the children ' s home three times a week﹐ she was a fucking saint . her sundress clung to her body just right﹐ her curves on full display﹐ yet﹐ she was still dressed appropriately . her tits filled out the neckline just perfectly .
the commissioner spoke on next to me﹐ mumbling something about how i ' m just about the luckiest guy on earth for surviving that fucking village AND raccoon city . i ' ve heard it all before﹐ leon the wonder cop﹐ leon﹐ the raccoon city hero . i ' m sick of it . everyone notices me﹐ everyone but her .
she sits with the kid for a few more minutes﹐ helping them neaten up the drawing . my hands grow clammy as i see her stand up﹐ her eyes immediately meeting mine . her hips sway gently as she saunters over towards me .
" commissioner jordan﹐ mr kennedy . " she greets﹐ fuck my cock strains against my jeans at the sound of her voice . it ' s like angels are singing . " here to potentially adopt﹖" [ Y/N ] teases﹐ knowing full well the answer is a hard no .
" too many already . " the commissioner chimes in and i see something shift in [ Y/N ] ' s gaze . she doesn ' t like him either . she lets out a nervous laugh as she turns her attention to me . her eyes locked on mine . i shake my head﹐ a hand raising as i flash her a smile .
her mothers voice echoes from the back﹐ calling her name . she was the small town ' s golden girl﹐ she could do no wrong . she offered us a polite goodbye﹐ wishing us a good time as she turned around﹐ heading to her mom . i practically felt my pants grow tighter as i watched her walk away .
i left soon after﹐ heading back to my apartment . i undress﹐ now in just a pair of boxers as i settle in behind my setup . about five monitors take up the space on my wall . my eyes are glued to the screen﹐ waiting for her arrival . finally after what feels like a fucking eternity﹐ she comes home . i watch her make her way to her bathroom﹐ her bedroom giving me a front row seat to the show .
she steps in﹐ the water flowing over her perfect frame . i slowly ease my hand into my underwear﹐ stroking my length as the water makes its way between the valley of her perky tits﹐ down her stomach where it eventually disappears between her thighs .
a moan escapes my throat as my thumb runs over my sensitive tip﹐ the muscles in my legs tense from the sensation﹐ my eyes shut momentarily as i imagine the hand wrapped around my dick belongs to her . i open my eyes and my breath hitches in my throat at the sight .
my little doll hunched over ever so slightly as her head hangs﹐ one arm extended﹐ her hand planted against the wall for support as the other explores her cunt . this was a beautiful fucking moment . i follow her lead﹐ matching her pace as i jerk myself in unison . i can ' t hear her﹐ but i most certainly can imagine what she sounds like . moans like honey dripping from her tongue﹐ painting the room golden as she speeds up her movements .
a feel the familiar burn in my stomach﹐ my balls growing tighter as my chest heaves up and down﹐ she ' s close too﹐ her legs are shaking . i speed up﹐ chasing my high as she chases hers . such a good fucking girl .
i let out a breath as i reach my climax﹐ the muscles relaxing as ropes of cum shoot out of me﹐ coating my stomach just below my chest . my eyes are shut as i work on controlling my breathing . i open my eyes﹐ my vision blurry as i stare at her again . her knees buckle slightly﹐ her arms extending to catch herself before she falls . i chuckle .
if that ' s how she reacts to just her finger on her clit﹐ she has a lot waiting for her as soon as she ' s mine .
[ Y/N ] steps out of the shower﹐ drying her body off before getting dressed and into bed . i clean up my mess﹐ securing my underwear around my waist once again .
i can ' t take this anymore . she ' ll be mine by sunset tomorrow . i look at the screen one last time﹐ my finger grazing the pixels that make up her face .
" see you soon﹐ baby . "
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You Belong to Me
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*Not my GIF
This is the first thing I’ve written in years but Shadow and Bone (and particularly Nikolai Lantsov!) is my new hyperfixation and I had the urge to write something, so here we are. Based on the prompt: “Mine.” “Say it again.” which I got from tumblr forever ago.
Summary: Reader is in an established relationship with Nikolai and they get jealous seeing someone else flirting with him so they decide to remind him who he belongs to. Turns out the King finds jealous/possessive reader a turn on, who would have guessed?
Word count: 2K
Warnings: NSFW - 18+ only. A tiny hint of a plot but really it’s just smut, hand job, jealousy/possessiveness, slight praise kink if you squint, reader can be any gender you like, I’ve left it deliberately vague for your reading pleasure :)
The grand ballroom was so full that you could barely move an inch without bumping into a visiting noble, courtier or ambassador of some sort. Musicians were playing at one end of the room and waiters flitted about with trays of champagne.
You scanned the crowd in an effort to locate the King. Your eyes found him finally near of the centre of the room, surrounded by young ladies and you sighed, because of course he was. You had only left Nikolai’s side for a few minutes, but that was all it took for the vultures to descend. You supposed you couldn’t really blame them, he was gorgeous. Intelligent and charming too. Wherever he went, people were drawn to him like moths to the proverbial flame. Your relationship with the King had started many years before, when he was just a wayward second son with little hope of ever inheriting the throne and though his circumstances had now changed, your love for each other remained stronger than ever. Nikolai could be a bit of a flirt, but you trusted him implicitly. You knew without a doubt that anyone trying to tempt him would fail. He would be going home with you, still that didn’t stop the surge of jealousy that burned uncomfortably in your stomach as you made your way across the room to join the group. Nikolai’s eyes lit up as he saw you approach and he reached for you immediately, wrapping his arm around your waist without even the slightest hint of hesitation. You watched with a perverse sense of satisfaction as obvious disappointment flitted over the faces of his companions and several of the ladies politely excused themselves, quickly losing interest now they knew for certain that the King was taken. The last young lady however, was not so easily deterred. She looked you up and down with barely concealed distaste as Nikolai made the formal introductions and then finally she offered you a saccharine smile - entirely for his benefit you assumed, since it was obvious that it pained her to do so. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” you said, smiling brightly. You would be nice if it killed you. It would only cause problems for Nikolai if you went around being rude to his guests, regardless of wether they deserved it or not. The other woman made no response, already turning her attention back to the King as if you hadn’t even spoken. Apparently she didn’t share your concerns about rudeness. Nikolai cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence, “Miss Antonova was just telling me about her home in Kerch.” “Oh yes,” Miss Antonova exclaimed, twirling a lock of her dark hair around her finger, “As I was saying, you must come for a visit, your highness. I know my father would be honored to host you.” “What a generous offer,” Nikolai smiled, “perhaps we may take you up on it someday.” The young woman beamed at him, pleased with his response. “We could make it one of the stops on our honeymoon,” you suggested, just to watch her face fall. “Absolutely not. I should not consider our honeymoon a success if we are to be fit for company at any point,” Nikolai grinned impishly and you shook your head fondly, a blush spreading across your cheeks at the implication. You could feel Miss Antonova glaring daggers at you. “Well, perhaps you could make the trip to Kerch on your own instead, moi tsar,” she simpered, batting her eyelashes at him, “I would be happy to volunteer as your personal guide.” You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "I bet you would,” you muttered quietly under your breath, though not quietly enough if Nikolai’s sudden coughing fit was any indicator. Miss Antinova moved closer to him, her face creased in concern, “Goodness, are you alright?” She asked, laying a hand on his arm. You glared at her, touching the King was in no way appropriate. Nikolai gave you a look, shaking his head minutely - a gesture you knew to mean leave it alone. So you bit your tongue even though you wanted to tell her off. “Yes, I’m quite well,” Nikolai assured her once he had recovered, “My apologies.” Despite his reassurance, and the heat of your still disapproving glare, she did not move away or remove her hand. Instead, she moved further into his personal space, close enough to be considered indecent in your opinion. Her delicate hand curled around his clothed bicep. You struggled to fix a polite smile on your face when in your head you were fantasizing about breaking her fingers one by one. “Oh my, you have very strong arms,” she gushed and this time you did roll your eyes. For Saints sake. Nikolai met your gaze over the top of her head and you saw amusement dancing in his eyes. “I work out from time to time,” he told her with a wink, “It’s important to keep my army training up to date.” Miss Antonova giggled girlishly, as if he had said something ridiculously funny, and you decided that was quite enough. “I’m sorry but you’ll have to excuse us,” you stated bluntly, “the King has an urgent, private matter to attend to immediately.” Rather than wait for a response, you turned and firmly grasping Nikolai’s hand, pulled him away and across the crowded room towards the door. Although he could easily have escaped your hold if he had wanted to, Nikolai followed you without complaint, allowing you to lead him out of the ballroom and through the Palace hallways as though he were a boy rather than the King. Entering his chambers you made sure to lock the door behind you and then you stalked towards him, forcing him backwards until his back hit the wall behind him. “Something wrong, my love?” He asked, an amused little smirk tugging at one corner of his mouth. “The audacity of that woman,” you grumbled, “Mooning and flirting, and touching you! As if I wasn’t standing right there.” “Oh, I don’t know,” he mused, eyes sparkling with affectionate humor, “I thought she was just being friendly.” “Friendly? She was all over you!” you objected. “Maybe a little bit,” he conceded with a slight tilt of his head, his smirk widening. “But you know that I would never accept her advances, or anyone’s for that matter,” he insisted earnestly as he reached out to tuck a loose lock of hair behind your ear, “So what does it matter?” “I didn’t like it, Kolya,” you muttered irritably, yanking at the knot of his cravat in an effort to remove it and almost choking him in the process. “Really?” he chuckled, “I hadn’t noticed.” He batted your hands away so he could loosen the offending item himself, pulling it free of his collar and unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt as he went. You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s not funny.” He hummed in agreement as he dipped his head to kiss you, slow and sweet, just a soft brush of his lips over yours, but your were in no mood for romance. You nipped at his bottom lip impatiently, licking hot and demanding into his mouth when he opened up to you. His hands found your waist, pulling you closer as you threaded your fingers through his hair, kissing him hungrily and sucking on his tongue before you surfaced for air. You kissed an open-mouthed line across his jaw and down his throat, pausing to nip and suck at his pulse point. “Ah. Not above the collar,” he reminded you gently. You huffed, pressing yourself tighter against him and wedging a knee between both of his so that your thigh was pressed against his crotch. He was already hard and knowing it was because of you - not her - tempered your jealousy a little. Nosing down into the collar of his shirt to reach the juncture of his shoulder, you sucked a stinging bruise into his skin. His hips bucked in response. You couldn’t help but smile as you admired your handiwork, a surge of possessiveness rolling through you. “Mine,” you murmured as you laved your tongue over the offending mark. Nikolai groaned low in his throat, rutting against you more insistently. “Say it again,” he gasped. His voice was rough with arousal and you lifted your head to regard him, surprised by his reaction. You felt a heady rush of power as you looked him over. His eyes were dark, his pupils dilated with lust. His lips were shiny and kiss–swollen and his face was flushed, a deep blush spreading from the tips of his ears all the way down to his chest. You had barely started and he was already wrecked. “You belong to me,” you purred in his ear, nuzzling at his throat as you reached a hand between you to stroke him through his pants. He made an involuntary keening sound, his eyes slipping closed as he pushed himself into your palm. “No one else gets to touch you like this, do they?” He shook his head frantically, hips straining towards you, desperately seeking more friction. You sighed, feigning disappointment. “I can’t hear you,” you chastised, “Use your words Kolya." “No,” he breathed, “only you.” “That’s right,” you agreed, smiling against his skin.
You rewarded him by freeing him from his pants and he moaned as you used the precum that had gathered at the head of his cock to slick your palm. He laid his forehead against yours, opening his eyes so that he could follow the movement of your hand as you jerked him in a firm, fast rhythm until he was panting. When you knew he was near his peak, you lifted your head to meet his eyes. “Mine,” you whispered possessively, a seductive smile on your lips. He shuddered, his head dropping to your shoulder and his hands tightening on your waist as he came with a soft cry, thick stands of cum covering your hand and the front of his shirt. He slumped against the wall, boneless in the aftermath of his orgasm. “Well,” he said breathlessly, “that was..,” “Intense? Incredible? Life changing?” you suggested helpfully, and he snorted a laugh. “I was going to say unexpected, but those work too.”
You brought your clean hand up to his throat, running your thumb over the dark bruises you had left just below the line of his collar. "I'm afraid I've made quite a mess," you said, "I'm sorry." And you were, now that the bitter sting of jealousy had faded and you had returned to your senses.
"Don't be. I don't know if you could tell but I rather liked it," Nikolai grinned, "and besides, I've made a mess of you too, so I'd say we're even."
"I suppose that's true," you agreed, bringing your hand up to your mouth. Your tongue snaked out to gently lap the remains of his release from your fingers and he groaned, scrubbing a shaky hand across his face. “You’re trying to kill me,” he accused and you laughed as you leaned in to kiss him. Nikolai pulled you in closer, deepening the kiss but keeping it sweet and unhurried.
"Give me a moment to recover and I'll repay the favour," he promised.
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writing-with-my-teeth · 2 months
Capeless Crusaders Against Lex Luthor
Summary: Lex Luthor's Public Enemy #1 has always been Superman. He never thought that Bruce Wayne and his gaggle of misfit children could be worse.
This story features Bruce, Dick, Steph, Damian, and a bonus Red Hood. Let me know if anyone wants a part 2 with Tim, Duke, Babs, and Cass.
Word count: 3k
Potential TW: I tried to pick the most cartoonishly evil thing that Lex could support, so this fic does mention the activity of dwarf tossing.
Another day, another gala.
Lex's lip curled. He hid it behind the lip of the champagne glass in his hand.
You know, he was just thinking that he might actually enjoy the night. Galas were such tedious affairs, but half of the attendees tonight were Lex's business partners. The other half were old school friends.
Unfortunately, anyone that had gone to school with Lex and Oliver Queen—the host of tonight's party—had also gone to school with Bruce Wayne, and his unfortunate yacht accident two weeks ago hadn't stopped him from attending, though Lex had desperately hoped it would. Of course, the moment he waltzed into the room, a good hour and a half late and already heavily intoxicated, by the looks of him, Lex lost the spotlight.
Nevertheless, the night was salvageable. There were no media vultures in attendance. The only reporter on the list was that mild-mannered Daily Planet employee. Lex didn't remember his name (Connor O'Connell, maybe?) but he did remember the scathing cost-benefit analysis of Superman that he'd written three months ago.
Lex would be delighted to pick his brain more on his thoughts about Superman.
Unfortunately, as soon as he waved the man over, a tremendous splash sounded across the room. The reporter's head whipped around, nearly losing his thick-rimmed spectacles in the process.
Lex closed his eyes and counted to ten for patience.
Bruce Wayne was—yes, he was in the fountain.
It was hard to tell whether he was swimming or drowning.
Lex hoped it was the latter. Unfortunately, the sentiment wasn't a common one. Old Mrs. Crawer pretended to faint into her young bodyguard's arms (she did that at least once per gala) and Jack Drake went so far as to shout for someone to help. A couple people nodded their heads, looking sufficiently concerned, but nobody seemed invested in ruining their clothes by jumping in after Wayne.
It was the reporter that stepped up. He folded his notebook and pen in the jacket of his suit, handed it off to the nearest waiter, and stepped up to the lip of the fountain. Loudly, he said, "Mr. Wayne, are you okay?"
Wayne's head popped out of the water. He slicked his hair back to the admiring gasps of unsatisfied society ladies and whispered something to the reporter that made him shake his head. Then, louder, he announced, "Felt a little stuffy in here. Thought I'd shake things up." His voice was slurred and his eyes bright. He was so intoxicated. Lex could hardly wait for the reporter to flame him in the papers tomorrow.
"I'm surprised he's so eager to get into the water considering his recent yacht debacle," Lex sniffed, but nobody heard the cutting remark.
It was Oliver Queen that finally cajoled Wayne out of the fountain with the promise of more shrimp and cocktails. The man staggered sopping wet around the ballroom, laughing about his own stupidity and using the reporter as a support whenever he stumbled. If he wasn't the center of attention before, he certainly was now, with the soaking wet see-through white dress shirt clinging to every curve of muscle on his body. Why, exactly, did Bruce Wayne feel the need to bodybuild when he sat in an office all day? Lex would never understand the foolish rich.
"Brucie," Lex said when the pair stumbled within earshot. "Why don't you give Caden a break and sit down?"
Lex forced a laugh and the reporter joined in after a pause. Fine. If Wayne wouldn't let the reporter go, then he would conduct his business while ignoring the man. He did that enough during board meetings with Wayne Enterprises, after all.
The next morning, Lex stared at the newspaper in disbelief. Wayne's dip in the fountain was splashed—literally—all over the front page, and his stilted conversation with the reporter had barely made page 3, hardly bigger than a footnote.
Fucking Wayne.
"License and registration, please!" the disgustingly cheery cop all but sang. It was four in the morning, but he was practically beaming. And he was beaming his flashlight directly into Lex's eyes. He couldn't see anything around it.
"What seems to be the problem, officer?" Lex asked, handing the papers over.
"Suspicious behavior," replied the cop. "Mr. Luthor, what are you doing in Blüdhaven at four a.m.?"
"What suspicious behavior?" Lex questioned.
The officer lowered his flashlight, but its dark shadow was seared into Lex's vision right where the cop's face should be. "Mr. Lauren, are you avoiding the question?"
"It's Luthor, actually, and no, of course not," Lex sighed, rubbing his face. He was exhausted. "I was on a business trip. Our meeting ended late. Now, what suspicious behavior are you talking about? I used my turn signal before switching lanes, I've been within five miles of the speed limit the entire drive, and as far as I'm aware, there's no driving curfew in Blüdhaven."
"Yes," said the officer. From what Lex could see of his features, he was frowning. "All of that is extremely suspicious behavior in Blüdhaven. Besides, you're driving a Luthor Cybertruck, which suggests you suffer from lapses of temporary insanity. Do you consent to a quick search of your vehicle?"
"Not without a warrant," Lex sighed. "Look, officer, I'm from Central City. Us citizens follow the law there. I can assure you, I just want to go home."
The officer hesitated. Lex considered bribing him, but couldn't tell if the man had a bodycam on.
"Well, all right," said the officer finally. "I'll let you go with a warning."
"Thank you, officer," Lex said. "Thank you for keeping your city safe."
"All in a night's work!" the officer said cheerfully. "Have a good one, Mr. Lantern."
"Luthor," Lex grumbled, but the officer was already ambling away, whistling cheerfully. "Lapses of temporary insanity?" That officer was the one whistling at four a.m. Luthor Cybertrucks were pinnacles of human technological innovation!
Twenty minutes later, another cop pulled him over. Lex had his papers in hand by the time the officer said, "License and registration, please!"
It was the same idiot cop from before. Lex closed his eyes and said, "Really?"
"Excuse me?"
"You just pulled me over. Nothing about my driving has changed since then."
"Did I?" the officer mused. "I'm not sure if I recall."
"I can assure you that you did," Lex said through gritted teeth. "I can assure you, Officer—" He squinted at the man's name badge— "Grayson, I just want to return to my home in Central City."
"I'll let you off with a warning," said Officer Grayson. "Don't let it happen again, okay?"
Lex had the sinking feeling that it would happen again, and he was right. He figured it out by the next time the officer pulled him over: Grayson was the name of Bruce Wayne's first adoptee, the circus one. Apparently, idiocy was inheritable through adoption.
This time, Officer Grayson tripped on his way to Lex's window, and Lex stiffened at the sound of glass crunching. He closed his eyes and counted to ten, which maybe wasn't the best thing to do, because the first thing Officer Grayson did was poke his shoulder and ask, "Sir, have you fallen asleep behind the wheel?"
Lex stared at him.
Officer Grayson stared back, utterly serious.
"Did you just shatter my brake light?"
"No, I don't think so," Grayson said airily, then launched into the same spiel from the last two traffic stops.
Lex gripped the steering wheel because if he didn't, he might punch the man. When Grayson was done, he asked tightly, "What do normal Blüdhaven citizens drive like?"
"Excuse me?"
"What is unsuspicious behavior for driving in this wretched city?"
"I would never encourage someone to break the law," said Officer Grayson seriously. "You're driving perfectly, sir. It's just quite unusual for this area, so I wanted to make sure you're not hiding anything nefarious in your car. Do you consent to a search?"
"No, I do not," Lex said through gritted teeth, "I just want to get home. As I've told you two times before."
"Have you?"
"Yes," Lex snapped. "You have."
"Oh." Officer Grayson scratched his head. "Sorry about that. Carry on, then." He handed Lex's paperwork back.
Lex waited until Grayson pulled away and drove off before starting to drive himself. If it was so suspicious to drive close to the speed limit, then he would drive ten miles over. As long as he stayed behind the officer—
"Oh, come on!" Not ten minutes later, blue-and-red lights flashed in his rearview mirror. "How did he get behind me?" Lex had been so careful not to pass anyone!
"License and registration, please! It'll be a ticket today, unfortunately; I clocked you going seventy-seven in a sixty-five zone. Also, did you know that one of your brake lights is out?"
Lex would be having words with Wayne about allowing his children out of that ridiculous manor he called a home.
Lex wasn't the fondest of children, but he could appreciate them as the future of technological innovations. That was why he appeared as a guest at the end of the tour LexCorp hosted for students enrolled in Gotham University. Hopefully the poor children would realize how much better life was outside of that depressing city.
"And as a special treat for you all, LexCorp's CEO, Lex Luthor himself, has taken some time out of his very busy day to answer a few of your questions!" the perky guide announced.
Lex pasted on a smile for the crowd, who didn't look very impressed. Students looked more and more tired every year, he'd noticed. Lex tried not to take their lack of enthusiasm personally.
"It's a pleasure to meet the sharpest upcoming minds in the industry," he said. "As CEO of LexCorp, I personally oversee—"
A hand shot up. Lex blinked but quickly recovered. He would have time to finish his speech in a few minutes. "Yes?" He pointed to the hand's owner, a young woman with bright yellow hair. She was dressed in purple from head-to-toe, even her socks and the scrunchie holding her hair away from her face. Something about her seemed familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it...
"Hi, Mr. Luthor," she said. "I read online that you support dwarf tossing. Is that true? If so, why?"
Immediately the group's energy shifted. Eyes darted between the blonde and Lex, obviously hanging onto every word.
The tour guide shot a terrified glance at Lex, who couldn't have been more taken aback. Every attendee should have had their student IDs checked, so she couldn't be a reporter.
"Excuse me?" he finally managed to say.
"Dwarf tossing," the blonde repeated. "I saw in an article a couple years ago that you opposed actions against the sport, and I was just interested in why you did that."
"If we could stick to questions related to the tour," the guide said desperately.
The blonde's hand shot into the air.
"Anyone else?" the guide asked.
Everyone else in the tour seemed too interested in the blonde's next question to ask one of their own.
Lex suppressed a sigh and pointed to her.
"Yes, hi," she said. "Mr. Luthor, why is the password to your computer system your birthday? That seems like a security issue just waiting to happen."
"Excuse me?"
She pushed through the crowd of students to the keypad in front of a door that read 'KEEP OUT: EXPERIMENTATION IN PROGRESS' and typed in the code.
The door swooshed open.
"See?" the blonde propped a hand on her hip and flipped her hair over her shoulder, and all of a sudden Lex knew exactly why she was familiar. She'd been at Wayne's last foundation gala, dressed in the same shade of purple, on the arm of Janet Drake's lovechild with Bruce Wayne. Lex didn't remember the sickly-pale boy's name. Thomas, maybe?
"Please shut that door this instant," the guide spluttered.
The blonde shrugged and typed the code in backwards, prompting the doors to close. "I'm just saying, for a so-called tech genius, your password was pretty easy to figure out."
Lex's tongue unstuck from the roof of his mouth. "And how, may I ask, did you sleuth that out?"
"It was my second guess," she said. "I mean, come on. It's pretty egotistical. Better than if my first guess had been right, though."
"And what was your first guess?"
"The date of Superman's first save. You're pretty obsessed with him."
"Okay!" the tour guide said shrilly. "I think that concludes the tour for today. Thank you all for attending!" She ushered the group of university students out of the room. The blonde was the last to leave, holding eye contact with Lex all the way out the door.
What was wrong with the children that hung around Bruce Wayne? Lex made a mental note to check the man for any kind of radiation he might emit. There was no such thing as radiation that made people stupider, right?
Wayne's youngest was the only one in the entire family to possess any shred of sense, Lex had discovered.
It grated on him to appeal to a child for grant funding, but LexCorp needed Wayne Enterprise's cooperation to petition the FDA to pass LexCorp Brand kibble. Pet food was a criminally underutilized industry, in Lex's opinion. He could already see LexCorp monopolizing the industry in the future.
Instead of Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox, or even the seventeen year old Drake-Wayne lovechild that had served as CEO for a little under a year, they had sent Wayne's eleven year old son. He didn't fit into any of the HAZMAT suits they had in stock, so Lex had to entertain the boy while his assistant did a hasty tailoring job. All the while, the boy's brooding bodyguard stood over his shoulder, glaring so hard that his assistant's hands shook.
God knew what hell the child would raise if she poked him with a pin.
Judging by the frightened look on her face, she knew that her job was at stake. Wayne's lawyers were a nightmare to deal with. Lex would rather fight Superman without Kryptonite than face them in court over Wayne's darling prince suffering from a pinprick under Lex's supervision.
Unlike the rest of the Waynes, this boy did not speak much. He looked at everyone with a shrewd, suspicious glare, looking so much like his bodyguard that Lex almost wondered if they were related.
Lex didn't get the feeling that the child approved of him, but he wasn't particularly concerned with a child's opinion. As long as the child was smart enough to realize the financial benefits of Wayne Enterprises partnering with LexCorp—and wasn't that sad, relying on a child's judgment to make a business deal—then they could all go their separate ways as soon as the day was over.
"Are you sure that you don't want a suit of your own?" Lex asked. "Like I said, the technology used to infuse each piece of kibble with the proper nutrients for a growing dog can be—"
"I'll be fine," the bodyguard said in a gravelly voice.
"All the same, there is some radiation—"
"A little radiation never killed me," he said. His mouth twisted in a wry smile, like he'd just said an inside joke.
The child looked at him sharply.
"Well, be careful to stay far away from the machine, then," said Lex, too fed up to argue much. He was growing quite sick of dealing with Wayne and his children. "The slightest miscalibration could shut it down."
"I'll be careful."
Lex's assistant gasped. She'd pricked the Wayne brat with a pin, and she looked up with a trembling lip, but the child didn't even react. He just said, "Continue so we may get this over with."
Lex internally echoed the sentiment.
Once the HAZMAT suit had finally been tailored to roughly fit the boy, they were ready to enter the room. "Please stay back from the machine," he reminded the bodyguard. "Any miscalibration could be catastrophic. Even something as fine as a speck of dirt could interfere with the gears." He had already sunk two million dollars into this project.
Nearly as soon as he spoke the words, the beautifully running kibble machine ground to a halt. Lights blared red.
"What on Earth is going on?" Lex demanded.
It took a minute to diagnose the issue, but finally one of his scientists said, "A cat hair," and held the offending material up for everyone to see.
"Cat hair?" Lex repeated. "How on earth did a cat hair get in here?" Every employee was thoroughly decontaminated before entering the room.
The bodyguard.
Lex rounded on him, ready to take out his annoyance, but a small meow stopped him in his tracks.
Wayne's youngest held a cat in his arms, looking severely unamused.
He hadn't been holding a cat a second ago.
"Where did you get that?" Lex demanded.
The boy didn't blink. "Alfred has been recently suffering from separation anxiety. I could not leave her at home."
"If it makes you feel better," added the bodyguard, "we wouldn't have approved this anyway. We just came as a formality."
All Lex could do was seethe as the pair walked out of the testing room, leaving him with a team of panicked scientists and a two million dollar piece of technology ruined.
"What do you mean, you didn't pick up the shipment?" Lex growled into the phone. He'd been trying to replenish his stock of Kryptonite for months, but every source apart from Gotham had dried up. That, too, was increasingly impossible to organize shipments from.
"Sorry, boss," said the goon over the phone. "The Red Hood's been blocking us at every opportunity. I think he's stockpiling it or something."
"Who?" Lex demanded.
"One of Gotham's crime lords. But he kinda sorta works with the Bat now, so—"
Lex hung up the phone and rubbed his forehead. He was getting a headache.
Maybe Lex should ask Batman for a share of his Kryptonite supply. He knew the vigilante had some, and he couldn't be more of a headache to work with than Bruce fucking Wayne and his children.
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We’ve seen assistant verse reader being jealous, so (if you feel inspired) could we please see assistant verse Bruce being jealous that someone is flirting with reader before they’re public? :)
The problem with beautiful women, Bruce reflected, was that everyone thought beautiful women owed them their time.
But as he watched you talking to someone, watched you smile politely. Keeping your hand in. Not being public with your relationship meant that people still circled you like vultures.
Waiters flattered you hoping for a number. Society dick heads tried to tempt you into their bed just to add a notch to their bedpost. Journalists, delivery men, men who worked in the office... All over the place. People wanted your attention.
And as Bruce watched. He stewed. He was no different. He wanted your attention. All of it. And he was ready to charge over there and claim you. Sticking his tongue down your throat and having you melt into his arms. No more hiding.
It wasn't time yet though. He still had ground work to lay. He wouldn't have people calling you a gold digger or assuming you were being coerced. It was going to take time.
He just had to be patient.
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outlanderskin · 1 year
About 🍑, promotions and sexual harassment
It doesn't matter how long you've been in this fandom to realize that Sam is seen by some people as a piece of meat. Of course, this bothers normal fans, who treat him with respect and understand that respect is a two-way street. I've been to some events with him (and other artists) and I can say that he treats people with a lot of respect, regardless of gender, age,etc. I really don't understand why some people can't treat him the same way. Anyone who was here in 2015 knows about the fan in Prague who grabbed his ass during a photo and later posted on Twitter apologizing for being the "Black Jack" in his life. Sam's response dealt a heavy blow to people who were outraged condemning the fan's behavior: "I'm a grown man and I can take care of myself." I think that was his way of calming things down, stopping the tantrums and making it clear that he was old enough to complain when something was really bothering him.
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So more "recently", in January 2020 we had that fan at Con, who during a game made a gesture implying she was going to grab his ass. Another time the fandom was outraged and another time he clarified that it was all just a joke. I believe the intention was the same as in 2015: to calm things down.
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I saw many people in the fandom saying that the fan's behavior in the Whisky promo was Sam's fault. People who are criticizing how he promotes his products certainly haven't seen how other male artists like Jason M., Ian S., Paul W. (among many others) promote their products. There's nothing wrong with the way Sam promotes his products or treats his female fans.
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Note: Caitríona has spoken a few times about this type of behavior towards him. I think this interview was the first time she spoke about it. A interview for Vulture August/2014:
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He also asked ( very polite) one fan account for not to be objectified in her posts.
Perhaps some people expected him to be more vehement about this issue, but the way he reacts to this kind of fan behavior could just be his immediate way of trying to work things out.
It's good to remember that many male artists also go through the same kind of thing. I don't remember seeing anyone talking about it in that sense, saying how much it bothers them and asking fans not to do that. I also think it would be ideal for them to talk about it.
But, if you are thinking this kind of thing one happens in a fandom, look at this:
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Circa Survive interview from Equal Vision Records Warped Tour '06 Summer Sampler
Colin Frangicetto (guitar) Anthony Green (vocals) Who do you think are the best bands to ever play warped tour? I had never gone to a Warped Tour before we played but- I'm not sure. (Anthony) L7, Orange 9mm, Rnacid, CIV, Shelter, Thursday and My Chemical Romance. (Colin)
What is the best and worst food you've ever had on tour? Last year I ate a sausage sandwich from some stranger in a Transplants t-shirt, it ruled. (Anthony) I love Kate's Joint in NYC. Umm, I think I had the "worst" consistently for like 6 years in my old band - Taco Bell everyday. (Colin)
In your opinion, what are the best albums of 2006 so far? Saves the Day (Sound the Alarm). Flaming Lips (At War With The Mystics). Portugal the man. (Waiter: You Vultures) Don Caballero(World Class Listening Problem). Moneen ( The Red Tree). Phoenix (It's Never Been Like That) Gnarles Barkley (St. Elsewhere). Mogwai (Mr. Beast) Men Women and Children (Anthony) Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones | Moneen - The Red Tree | Saves the Day - Sound the Alarm Men, Women and Children- Self Titled | Thursday- City by the light divided | Mogwai- Mr. Beast (Colin)
What is the funniest thing you've seen on tour? I slept inside a horse one night to stay warm. That's not that funny (Anthony) Probably that long haired Ebayer dude outside of the MCR show in Seattle threatening to break an acoustic guitar over Schechter's head when he asked him what his favorite MCR song was. Haha! (Colin)
Who are your favorite sports teams? Philadelphia Eagles (Anthony) I don't watch sports anymore. (Colin)
What is the funnest website you've ever seen? Monstercocks.com and bigsasuagepizza.com (Anthony) That salad fingers shit is pretty funny. www.fatpie.com did I say funny? I meant disturbing. Other than that I'd say in the same vein there is www.truthout.org (Colin
What question do people ask you most frequently and what is your answer? People will ask were we get our inspiration. I tell them "its all around us" (Anthony) the question: "Where's Anthony?" my answer "I don't know." (Colin)
What is the best Myspace comment you ever received? A link to monster cocks. (Anthony) What the fuck is a myspace? (Colin)
What is your #1 Hollywood hottie?! Kathleen Turner (Anthony) Fiona Apple (Colin)
What other bands have you played in? Zolof the Rock and Roll Disaster, Audience of One, Saosin, Moshtradamus, Naked Frisbee- (Anthony) This Day Forward...... and Foghat. (Colin)
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cherrysoulth · 2 years
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💕Pairing: Jimin x Reader
✏️Genre/au: Non-Canon, Action, Smut, Mafia AU
✏️Rating: PG 18+, explicit
📝Wordcount: 5443
⚠️Warnings: Explicit smut
Hii! Did you stumble across this work? Glad you're here 😊 Please, let me know your thoughts once you are finished. Feedback keeps me motivated to write 😁
Decided to write a one-shot of a parallel universe of The waiter because this song inspired me XD
Note that English is not my first language, so please if you find grammar mistakes, let me know. :)
My gratitude goes to @moonleeai for beta reading 💜
Have it all
Rip our memories off the wall
All the special things I bought
They mean nothing to me anymore
But to you
They were everything we were
They meant more than every word
Now I know just what you love me for
~Sam Smith - Diamonds
Walking inside the party you made sure your posh, self-sufficient smile stayed up, never dropping the mask for the vultures of your mother’s so-called guests. Your break up with the magnate Jeon Jungkook, still fresh on everyone's mouth while your heart still bleeds inside the pitch black dress hugging your chest and puffing out all the way down to your knees. Your matching high heels are heard from your confident steps as you approach the hotel bar asking for a glass of champagne, looking perfectly modest at your parents eyes, while what you would like to chug down is a double of whiskey with ice.
The bastard was playing mafia king while you were a respectable lawyer with the law tattooed in your soul. Almost literally, since you had the date of the first big case you won permanently printed on the left side of your ribs. Your first case against drugs was nonetheless related to one of his associates and although you are thankful it was the case allowing you to uncover the whole web of lies he had been throwing over you, that truth hurt.
Your poor, stupid heart had fallen for the sweetness and gentleness he seemed to have in his; even the almost brutal passion he showed in the bedroom. But to you, love couldn’t get past the fundamental fact that he was part of a criminal organisation; that due to some of his decisions people died in the streets or dirty motels like rats. That those deaths were not only tragic on their own but that they also left  families broken. 
The only thing your love did for him, and having lived together up until that point, was to not call your friends at the DEA to put his ass in jail. Not that it would have been a smart move anyway without proof; you know you would have ended up dead and probably suffering before it. Very likely by one of his own men’s hands. However, you still had the audacity to tell him that it was the only reason you would step away and act like you had broken up for any other reason; like you hadn’t seen anything. Not that you had seen enough anyway.
Someone bumps into you as you walk away with your glass and you look at the gorgeous and ethereal creature that stands in front of you. He seems just as charmed by you because it feels like time has stopped since neither of you move, lost in each other’s eyes. It’s the reminder of Jungkook in freshman year at the university and how he had looked at you exactly like that, which sends you back to reality and you apologise to the man, asking for a cloth from the next waiter coming closer. 
It’s your father approaching to offer to get it cleaned at the hotel laundry what sorts the situation. Jimin, who introduces himself to both of you, excuses himself and walks out of the bar towards the elevators, presumably to change his suit. Your father scowls you as soon as the door closes and you look at him, with an arched brow. 
“It was an accident,” you mutter, not willing to take the blame. 
“You would do yourself, and your mother, a favour if you behaved like the lady we taught you to be,” he whispers in an annoyed tone. “The break of your compromise with Mr. Jeon doesn’t need to be the end of your chances to marry a good suiter. The party is full of them. Make sure you cause a good impression,” he states before approaching and kissing your forehead, hands rubbing your arms. “We want the best for you, Darling. Please.” he then mutters with a much softer tone and glare. 
You can only nod. No matter how hard you have worked to achieve your place in one of the most prestigious lawfirms in Seoul, it means nothing to your family if you don’t marry and secure the linage and continuity of the business as the only heir to your parents. The anger in you for the way they speak so tragically of your break up with Jungkook, as if he was the best of all men that you could have chosen to spend your life with, makes you want to go get screwed by the first pretty face that lingers around. Maybe even to be seen at a late hours club dancing your heart out for the paparazzi.
A man interrupts the sweet father-daughter moment and you are introduced to Seokjin, his prince-looking son. You soon recognise the man, who hasn’t introduced himself expecting you to know who he is. He is an associate of your father with his franchise in the city. You automatically see the game your father is playing and more than before, you just want to leave the party and unwind from the whole getting-you-a-husband experience. Unfortunately for you, your father has other plans and engages you into the conversation, making sure to brag about your achievements while making you look humble and modest. ‘When will this torture end’ you think, almost rolling your eyes.
Seokjin seems like someone you could get along with, but unfortunately doing so would make your parents sign up for a wedding and you are simply not up for it. He seems genuinely interested in you by the questions he makes and you try to entertain the conversation with caution not to let your sour humour -that practically exudes from you since your break up- make an act of presence. The sound of the elevator, however, seems to distract you from the conversation at the right moment. Jimin steps out of it and your heart skips a beat.
He walks your way in a black suit that clings to his body like a glove, unusually tight at the waist, differentiating him from the rigid-looking male suits present. As soon as he is in your reach he says, “I think this suits me better, I should thank you for that little accident, Darling.” with his eyes on you and a sweetness to them that doesn’t match the sharp eyeshadow that he’s used. You are speechless but can’t figure out if it’s because of his approach or his beauty. Maybe it’s both. “Do you need me to save you from this conversation?” he mutters, leaning closer and laughing as he stands straight again. 
“Jimin-ssi, let me present you, Kim Seokjin,” you say drifting away from the unpolitness that the CEO’s son doesn’t deserve. “I’ll be fine with him, I appreciate it,” you mutter once they have exchanged basic information to become acquaintances. They seem to like each other, genuinely, and somehow that makes you glad. 
“All right, I’ll let you two go back to the conversation you were having before I interrupted,” he says with a bright smile. “I’ll go sit at the bar. If you need me, just look my way,” he whispers before bowing to you and Seokjin. 
It’s that sudden thought that you don’t really know the man that makes you notice what you just allowed. Thing is, his charms draw you in to wanting to know more than what he has just let out to introduce himself to Seokjin. The prince looks at the angel as he walks away in what you would swear is awe and you can’t avoid to smile; you are not the only one who’s been tempted. 
“Have you known him for long?” wonders Seokjin, turning to you after he takes a sip of his flute. “You two seem close,” he points out and a shade of pink paints your cheeks, realising the way Jimin has put his hand between your shoulder blades and he hasn’t made you uncomfortable in the slightest. 
“Not long really,” you respond truthfully, then realise how bad that can make you look, “but Jimin has that thing that makes you feel safe around him,” you rush to correct, masking your apprehension good enough. At least for your parents sake, it’s best that you keep appearances. 
“I can tell, I feel like I knew him from somewhere,” he says, looking to the side with a slight frown before meeting your eyes again, “but it’s impossible. I would remember someone like him.” His tone lets you know the meaning behind his words, he’s being open about his attraction to Jimin.
“Seokjin…” you hesitate a second. “This might be improper of me to ask but… Are you by any means–”
“Gay?” he interrupts with a smile and you nod with doe eyes waiting for what he’s to say next.
“Between you and I… And this is me guessing that you are of another kind from these people… I’m bisexual.” he admits and you smile at him brightly. “My parents don’t know… Or at least they act like they have no clue about it.” 
“To keep the image,” you say before taking a sip. “Oh, sir, do I know things about that?” 
“I know,” he interjects, “that’s why I’m speaking freely. I can only guess what this party is truly about and I can only say that I pity you.”
“No interest in me then,” you tease before taking another sip, looking around the room. 
“Don’t take me wrong, that’s not what I meant at all,” he says, getting your attention. “I think you are attractive and from what I’ve heard you are smart. No matter how much your father tried to minimise the importance of your career, it hasn’t fooled me. I’ve read articles and you are really good at what you do. Marrying you instead of a frigid posh-princess would be it.” he looks at you above the glass of champagne, seductively. You swallow. 
“I didn’t expect that,” you say, clearing your throat. “I mean–”
“My apologies if I was too direct there,” he rushes to do damage control.
“No, no, on the contrary. I much rather someone who is genuine than to be playing the chase.” you rush to reassure. “I just didn’t expect that from any of my father’s colleagues son’s to be honest. Everyone…” 
“I know, I would like to–” he stops immediately when his father signals him from across the room pointing to his phone. “If you’ll excuse me?” 
“Sure! Don’t worry.” 
“It was a pleasure to speak. I hope we can repeat it,” he mentions with a bow. 
“I would be glad to,” you reply politely, unsure as to why you just don’t feel attracted to him.
As he walks away, you scan him through, noticing the formalwear wraps perfectly at his well built buttocks. A ‘not bad’ pout draws in your face before the awareness of someone picking on the gesture makes you panic. You scan the room. The only person with eyes on you is Jimin, and he looks away with a laugh, making all the blood in your body rush to your face. You bite your lower lip and chug the rest of your flute down your throat, before turning around, deciding to abandon the party.
The amount of flutes you’ve had during the tormentous situation, escapes your knowledge and although you are normally very careful with getting drunk, it becomes obvious that a slight dizziness is playing a part in your decision. But as you leave the glass object on the near table a voice stops you in your tracks. The room seems to have fallen silent too.
“Ares, may we speak?” the voice resounds in your mind and you feel like you are about to lose your balance and faint, in either order. 
You turn around and you must look as drained of blood as you feel because his face expresses surprise and somehow, worry. ‘Escape plan, now’ your mind buzzes and you search across the room, having become disoriented as to where the bar is. Jungkook feels way too close, although you are aware that he is keeping a way more than polite distance. He repeats the question, but you are preoccupied and Jimin is not in his seat. You feel the tears prickle in your eyes and look for your parents instead but all the room has gone back to their conversations and they seem more than pleased to have him talk to you, because they don’t give a second glance in your direction.
In that moment something takes over you, ‘You can do this. Refuse, block, move away.’ “No. We have nothing to say.” You tell him and begin to turn around again, dismissively, but he grabs your forearm whispering for you to listen to him. You turn with a death glare, “Let go of me, Jungkook, or I’ll scream this house down.”
“I doubt you will,” he talks under his breath, confidently. “Besides, it–”
“Dove, sorry for keeping you waiting.” Jimin says from your left flank and Jungkook lets you go at the instant. “Are you sure you left the jacket in your room? I haven’t been able to find it,” he says, keeping his eyes on you before turning slightly to Jungkook. “Oh, sorry, are we not leaving?” he says, returning his eyes to you, looking way more gentle and innocent than you know him for. 
“Yes we are, Chimmy. My jacket is at the entrance, sorry, I got distracted,” you let out and cringe internally to how improper it is to you to nickname him when you barely know him. “Excuse us,” you say to Jungkook and bow out of your own proper behaviour, seeing Jimin do the same. You see him astonished from the corner of your eye as Jimin puts his hand at your lower back and walks with you to the entrance. 
He asks for your jackets to the buttler and he goes inside the room behind the reception where they keep the larger jackets for those clients who pay an extra for it. Jimin eyes the furry white jacket you are handed and giggles for a reason you don’t understand before helping you in it. Then the soft blue uniformed man passed him another fluffy coat in black, like a raven's wings. You watch as he puts it on and you smile at the coincidence. “May we?” he says, offering his arm.
Outside, he is given the keys of a pretty dark purple Porsche Boxster and then accompanies you to your door and waits for you to sit comfortably before closing the door. Finally starting the car and leaving the premises he speaks, “Chimmy. I think I like it.” The giggle that follows makes you blush.
“So corny, I know. I just couldn’t think of anything better at the moment,” you explained, opening the jacket a little bit as the heater inside the car is working too well. He makes quick use of his hands without taking his eyes off the road; turning off the heater and opening the sunroof of the car while reducing its speed. He looks at you and nods in a muted question, you nod back and lean on the headrest while breathing in the cold air of the night. 
You don’t ask where he is taking you at first and just enjoy the fresh air of the autumn night, away from that senseless event, away from the strings of your parents. You are sure, once back, you will hear from them and it’s going to be an uncomfortable conversation, like it all is lately. You are fed up. “You will have to tell me where you want to go or what you want to do. I’m driving aimlessly,” he points out and you open your eyes to look at him. 
The wind seems to have a deal with him because it makes his hair go backwards beautifully, only accentuating how handsome he is. “I can’t believe I got in a car with a stranger,” you voice without a thought and he chuckles. “How did you know I needed to get out?” you finally inquire.
“I know who he is and by your face, you know what his business is. It wouldn’t have sat well in my conscience if I had let him charm you to his world,” he says while using the indicator to turn right. You are at a loss of words processing whatever that can mean. “May I suggest we stop here and talk until you decide what you want to do?” he questions.
“Sounds like a good plan, Jimin-ssi.”  
He stops at a viewpoint towards the city and you soak on the spectacle of little lights it displays. It never gets old. The feeling of being much more tinier than you think makes you smile. You can’t help but notice his eyes are on you and not the view for some time. The light pollution has the sky coated and you can’t see the stars but you know they are there. You let out a sigh.
“How do you know who he is?” you inquire moving in your seat to face him.
“I’m surprised you don’t.”
“I do. He’s my ex, but what about you? This is not something he goes around screaming,” you concede not up for a cat and mouse chase.
“Let’s say I’ve seen what his organisation is capable of and that I would very much like to see him between bars.” he lets out with what you can guess is a sort of grunt of resentment.  “What he does is so wrong… It should end. How did you date him?” he wonders, leaning at an angle between his seat and the door. “Didn’t your parents investigate him?”
“I’m not even sure they know… I obviously can’t say a word because these people are dangerous, but he wasn’t even in when we started dating,” you explain and he looks at you attentively. “God… I barely know you, what are we even doing talking about this. I don’t-” You panic a little, aware that this could be one of those tricks the organisation plays to prove loyalties. That talking too much could put everyone you know in danger. The most concerning part is how has he come across them and saw anything if he is not related to the criminal work himself or partnered with someone inside. He surely acts like he is single and these people don’t let you roam around with just anyone from the other gender that belongs in. 
“I understand,” he says with a gentle smile that makes his eyes turn into tiny moons. 
“Are you from the Intelligence Service?” you finally have the courage to ask.
“Oh, no, Darling. I just happen to have crossed paths with the wrong people. Just like you did,” he points out. “At least I got something nice out of it,” he says, extracting a white gold chain full of swarovski crystals. 
“No jokes,” you say, appreciating the piece. “I feel a little bit less pathetic now that you showed me this.” you point out and he raises an eyebrow questioning. Reaching inside the neck of your dress you extract a white gold necklace with a three carat, rose diamond in pearl cut, with a matching sapphire next to it. “Diamonds are forever, even if relationships are not.”
“Beautiful!” he says looking at it with interest. “May I?” he refers to touch it and you politely agree. “It’s magnificent. I wish I had a better light to view it,” he mutters letting it go. 
“It’s flawless. He made sure of it,” you say and the memory of the day he gifted it to you comes back rushing with all the emotions you felt. 
He was at the peak of his career, or so it seemed, because you would have never guessed where he got the money to buy the expensive piece. You were celebrating the numbers reached at the end of the year from the face business that kept all that was happening in the background hidden and he pulled you aside into his home office. 
“I have something for you,” he said, whispering in your ear. “Close your eyes.”
He put the piece gently on you, careful with the baby hairs sticking out of your formal bun. You opened your eyes at the feeling of the weight of it and looked at the piece astonished. Even if jewellery wasn’t your forte or something you paid too much attention to, aside from it being an accessory, you did understand what you were wearing. 
“Oh my god, Jungkook. You didn’t have to, this must have cost a fortune!” you said, feeling overwhelmed by wearing something of the calibre that wasn’t gifted by your parents. 
“It’s just a token for your constant support. It represents us together,” he said, kissing your cheek before embracing you and making your lips melt together. You could still feel the taste of his bourbon stained tongue and how warm he made you feel. He reached for your left hand and put it up in the air, to the side, making you tilt your head to look as he did too. “Soon I’ll put a matching ring on this finger. I just have to find the perfect diamond for it.” 
His words didn’t shock you as much as the casualty in which he said it, as if knowing it for certain. “I think my parents will be glad that we stop living in sin,” you said with a giggle. 
“Wouldn’t you?” his tone, although calm, couldn’t hide the slight hurt. 
“I would. We’ve talked about it,” you said, placing both hands at his chest, meeting his eyes in a plea. “I love you, gukkie.” The nickname made him smile immediately. Not the attractive smile he dedicated to everyone around, the one that had everyone wrapped around his little finger. No. The one that made him look like an innocent bunny, the one that reminded you of the first time he stole your breath. The one that reminded you of the time you fell in love with him. Four years ago. 
“I love you too, my rose.”
“I shouldn’t have brought up the subject,” he mutters and hands you his handkerchief before looking away, you realise a couple of tears are falling down your cheeks and rush to dry them with the item offered then you keep it between your fingers over your lap for a second.
“It’s not sadness, I don’t miss him. I just… I feel hurt because I was lied to,” you partially lie. 
“I wish I didn’t understand the feeling,” he says, touching his lips with his elbow over the downed window at his side. “But let’s not talk about that,” he suggests. “I know only a few overheard things from you at the party, I would like to know which ones are true,” he says, positioning himself to look at you again. 
“Damn, I hope it was all good.” The smile on your face is sincere. There’s something in him that simply seems to soothe you. 
“You are a lawyer and just won one of the most important cases in South Korea,” he points out and you feel flustered. 
“They exaggerate, I’m not the best. I also have a great team with me.”
“Don’t undermine your value, Diamond,” he says, raising your chin for you to look at him the same way you looked at the crowded room when you entered the party. “The world needs more people like you.” 
You don’t know what takes over you but your digits rest gently against his thumb and the next thing you know, you are both leaning for a kiss. His lips curve in a smirk the moment your lips touch and he presses them inviting you to part yours. The kiss goes slow as you both drink from the nectars of your mouths and you feel like you are tasting the clouds. 
Not in a million years  would you have guessed that you would sneak through the back door of the hotel when a worker finished smoking and went inside. Neither would you kiss at every stop of the stairs until reaching his room. For sure, never, that you would be making out with the stranger in his bed like a couple of horny teenagers. 
He chuckles against your throat in response to a giggle when he grabs your ass, just like it happened when you were reaching his room floor. He nibbles and bites softly with an open mouth, his front teeth making goosebumps flourish all over your skin while your hands entwine over the bed. He lets his slide down over your arms until reaching your sides, sliding down to grasp your ass in handfuls and you gasp. He raises his upper body before using his shaft against your covered core, eyes hooded with desire, parted lips exposing the shallowness of his breath. 
You take grasp of his black hair at the scalp, softly sliding your fingers as you move up to find his throat and imitate what he has so expertly done to you. He grunts and has to remove his hands from your flesh to take hold of his own weight as you work.
He stands on his knees and you raise up using the moment you start undoing his shirt. His hand slides behind your back to undo the zipper of your dress. His chiselled chest displays right in front of your face as you get rid of the last button and you press a kiss on his ribs, where a ‘nevermind’ tattoo displays. He takes his shirt off from his arms and pulls your straps down your shoulders, letting him see your bra. 
He traces the extra lace at the upper part of your breasts where the thicker fabric covering them comes to an end, but the translucent silver looking material continues an inch. Your skin reacts to it and it sends a shiver down your spine. 
He slides his fingers up your sternum, where the two gems rest and he pulls his hand away. Unclasping his own necklace, he puts it on the bedside table, "Let's forget about them."
You nod and reach to your nape to unclasp your necklace. Taking it off you see the shine of both stones against the dim light of the room and you leave it next to his chain. 
Immediately his lips find your throat and his arms surround your waist to lean you on the bed. Getting comfortable between your legs. The cold of the metallic buckle makes you gasp for a moment and instinctively reach to separate it from your skin. 
He makes a little space to see what's going on, concerned, then realises no harm has been done and sits on his legs, unbuckling it. He starts pulling off the trousers down his thighs but you put a hand on his and move to stand, gesturing for him to do the same. 
When he obeys, you pull them down to his ankles, lowering to your knees and he meets your eyes when you look up. His crotch, in grey boxers, is right in front of you but he doesn’t look proud or greedy for having you in that position. He only seems to wait and your eyes fall on his bulge. 
Your dominant hand follows and you outline the shape of him, making his breath hitch when you trace the tip. The fact that he's still a stranger becomes your safe place. No need to worry about being judged because even if he does, you don't need to see him tomorrow. Something, maybe that thought itself, gives you the strength to unleash. 
You approach your face to his area and nibble on the middle of the girth. This time he hisses letting his head fall backwards and you pull the fabric covering him to his knees, looking at the perfection of his member. Hard and straight it springs out touching your nose. His eyes lock on yours again when you grab him and press the tip of your tongue at the juncture of his head. 
He squints his eyes and hisses once again, opening them, when you take it in your mouth. You play around it with your tongue, circling it, sucking softly, and his hand meets your nape, holding your hair but not inducing anything. 
The moment you start bobbing your head he grunts and you feel his precum spill over your tongue. "Damn…" he says using his grip to get away from your mouth and holds his shaft with one hand. "Stand, Diamond." 
He lets go of himself when you obey and grabbing you by the waist he makes you sit at the edge of the tall bed and falls on his knees in front of you. He gently discards your silver laced panties and grabs your legs to put them on his shoulders as he leans forward kissing the insides of your thighs. 
It's the first time you do this with anyone who isn't Jungkook and it just feels oddly cool to feel this man's tongue gently rub your knob. He works slowly, exploring, trying, and teasing until you are gasping at the verge of an orgasm. Then, his rhythm changes and seems to undo and redo his traces. 
You almost cry his name, unravelling in his mouth as he doesn't let go of your legs and keeps it going while you are at your peak. The aggressiveness in which he keeps licking makes you try to pull away but his grip becomes almost bruising and he nibbles a bit hard on your left thigh. "Let me do it again…" he mutters, looking at the spot before looking at your pleading eyes. "You taste so good…" 
His words send a wave of pleasure through you that you let out in a moan as you nod. He returns to it with closed eyes, focused, and moans the moment you arch your back again for him. 
He lets you find a spot in the bed to rest when he stands wiping precum from his tip before reaching for a napkin to clean it from his thumb. He leans forward to kiss you; his lips meet yours lightly, playing with the intensity until he pulls away and you involuntarily try to follow him with your mouth. 
He opens the drawer of his nightstand and pulls out a condom, opening it with ease. "Wanna keep it going?" he questions right before he starts slipping it on. You nod, feeling your body radiate heat to the thought of feeling him inside of you. 
He makes sure you are comfortable over the bed and allows his lips to fall on your neck trailing little nibbles as he mumbles how much he wants you. He seems in a trance, just as much as you are and when he aligns with you, you use your heels to encourage him pushing further in. He grabs at the back of one of the thighs to stop you and spanks slightly the other while hissing for you to stop. To your complaint, he lets go and obeys making both of you gasp when he fills you to the hilt. 
His hips snap on yours almost immediately and the hard grip stays on your thigh, as your nails start digging on his back. "Stop that, damn it…" he says and you chuckle in response, before he pulls out. He then puts you on all fours and plunges in making you moan and whine the moment he starts fucking you relentless with a hand at your nape. You grip at the sheets as if you were going to shred them before he angles better, making you let your forehead over the bed as he keeps it going. At the moment you feel you are peaking you close the grip of your walls, comming undone with the friction and spills with a growl almost immediately. "F-fuuck…" 
Both spent, he whispers for you to sleep with him and make use of his room as much you need.
Soon the drowsiness of exhaustion drifts you to slumber and he, who seemed to be just as tired, opens his eyes when your breath turns even. You don't notice him standing slowly, pacing the room completely naked with the calm of owning it and reaching to the nightstand for your necklace. 
He walks to the bathroom and takes a bag from underneath the sink. He places the jewel over a scale and then over a paper, taking a picture of the piece with a smartphone also from the bag. He types the characteristics and sends it all to the receiver before putting everything away. He goes out of the bathroom and makes sure to place the piece like nothing happened. 
His phone buzzes on the nightstand; unknown number. 
"Folder created. Ready to receive," says a male voice at the other side of the phone. 
I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know your thoughts and reblog to let it spread 😊 See you soon! ~
© 2021-2022 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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voltrixz · 6 months
I was gonna ask who you think is gonna win electro or saitama, but I actually I want you to drop all of your sinister 6 headcanons (not all of them necessarily but yea) :]
(I don’t know much about saitama but I think electro would gets his ass kicked )
But eheheh s6 hc’s right at ya (wasn’t sure whether you meant like hc’s for each character or general dynamics/team hc’s (but Im Doing general dynamics/team hc’s because I’m blanking and I don’t have specific hc’s for every character in the s6 rn )
But here we go
- They have a bunch of team building exercises that are just going on trips somewhere (in which anyone in said place runs away screaming or just kinda sit there and pray nothing happens to them (like that one waiter in the dinner scene ). Places like the beach, some fancy restaurant, an amusement park, some karaoke place, Shocker’s bar etc. They pretty much always argue anytime they try to decide and Doc Ock constantly has to step in and calm everyone down.
- They also have movie or game nights. Half the time they can never decide on one movie and end up having a mini rock paper scissors tournament. Their taste in movies range so much that they can watch some car race movie (shocker’s choice ) to some science documentary (doc ock’s choice, (everyone argued it didn’t even count as movie but doc ock won the tournament that day so it is what it is.( everyone ended up falling asleep, only doc and vulture stayed up). Game nights almost always end in complete chaos and at least half the 6 cheats ( biggest offenders are Rhino, Electro and Mysterio), one game night even led for the whole living room section of the base to end up getting destroyed. (NEVER LET THEM PLAY UNO AGAIN.)
- Shocker usually cooks for the group (Quentin being the 2nd usual cook), but when he isn’t there Doc Ock cooks for them , significant drop in quality/favor of food as Doc Ock can in fact cook but it’s pretty simple stuff.
- Electro wanders around the base a lot at night (he doesn’t sleep much considering he’s pretty much a constant source of electricity) and anyone who wakes up to get something from the kitchen immediately gets jumpscared by glowing blue eyes staring at them in the dark
- Shocker, Electro, Mysterio, Sandman and Rhino friend group ‼️‼️‼️‼️ Most chaotic friend group ever I think and they hang out a lot at Shocker’s bar (The enforcers also hang out with them) (But Otto , Toomes and Phineas stay clear of them whenever they;re together, they are NOT dealing with all of them at once )
- Kraven doesn’t stay at the base often but will pretty much always drop by at night, either jumpscaring whoever’s awake at the moment or leads to the s6 to see some huge ass cat sleeping on their couch first thing in the morning )
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lazarish · 1 year
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Dune: It truly is such a shame about Summer. Not to mention that waiter that was involved in everything- I’ll be glad to be away from the vultures.
Cinder: It’s certainly… quiet, out here.
Dune: Quiet and peaceful. You may be too young to truly appreciate it, but this is what I’ve worked most of my life for.
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dutchwinter · 12 days
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198d · 10 months
what i would consider a 'voltalike'
album genre includes some combination/element of post-hardcore/emo/math rock/progressive rock
mid 2000s-2010s
some obvious area of volta influence: vocal inflection, odd lyrics, omar-esque noodling, atmospheric noise interludes, etc.
the one thing they always miss is the element that is very essential to the volta's identity, which is the latin influence in their music ofc. they're also way more ballsy and comparatively more seasoned as musicians. some bands made it work way better than others (fall of troy's Doppelganger fuckin slaps) while others are way more aimless (the aforementioned portugal. the man's Waiter: "You Vultures")
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adgaea · 2 years
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What will happen when Peter is poisoned with tetrodotoxin? 
TW: Poison, attempted murder, language, paralysis
Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
Tony greeted Peter warmly as he and Pepper picked the kid up after school. They had made plans to try out a new restaurant that was started by a close friend of Pepper’s as that night would be opening night, and Peter was excited.
“Hey, Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts. I’ve already texted May that you’ve picked me up. I can’t thank you enough for inviting me to try out the new restaurant on opening night.” Peter said as the two adults smiled.
Pepper said “It’s no problem, Peter. Tony and I just got out of a meeting, and we have a few hours before the grand opening and people are allowed to be seated. It’s a rather formal event so we’ll have to dress up a bit. You still have a dress suit in the guest suite right?”
Peter nodded and confirmed that he still had the dress suit.
They got to the tower and Peter flocked to the guest room which was pretty much his own room with how often he’d been staying there ever since Tony had bought the tower back after the Vulture fiasco.
Peter absolutely dreaded having to wear the suit, but otherwise, he had been very grateful to have been invited to join Pepper and Tony. It would only be a few more hours until they’d leave for the new restaurant.
Peter worked on some of his homework for a little bit before getting dressed. Eventually, the time to leave had arrived.
It didn’t take them very long to get to their destination. Peter was slightly surprised as it seemed that there was quite a bit of press covering the opening. He knew that it was going to be a busy event, but he hadn’t really expected it to be that busy.
The three left the vehicle and entered the building after briefly waving to the cameras. Peter was used to having to deal with the cameras due to the public announcement of the internship a few months ago. He just wished that he had remembered to bring his sunglasses.
He wasn’t really surprised when his spider sense tingled. It tended to do that when his senses were overloading, and he could tell that it was most definitely going to be a sensory overload night. They were eventually escorted to a table in a dimmer area of the restaurant.
Tony had noticed his slight discomfort and questioned “You okay, kid? Do we need to leave?”
Peter smiled briefly and said “I’m alright. The flashes just got to me again, so my senses are a little bit off. I’ll be okay.”
Pepper and Tony both frowned as Pepper questioned “Are you sure? If you’re not feeling good, we can leave through the back where the press doesn’t have access to.”
Peter smiled and said “I’m fine. I just forgot to bring my glasses.”
Tony and Pepper nodded in understanding and reassured him that he should tell them if his sensory issues get worse.
Once most of the guests were seated, the host of the grand opening, Pepper’s friend, gave their speech of thanks and hoped that everyone would enjoy their meals as the night went on. Soon, their orders were taken.
Peter was impressed as it only took about fifteen minutes for their orders to arrive at the table. He sipped his drink as another wave of irritation hit him as his spider sense spiked while their waiter grinned at them.
Peter just took a calming breath and started eating. He hoped that his senses would calm down soon. It had been a while since his senses had been overloaded by camera flashes like that. He had thought that being inside would have dissipated the sensory overload feeling, but it really hadn’t helped.
Over time as he ate, he started feeling more and more queasy. By the time he had gotten half way through his food assortment after about twenty minutes, he was feeling awful, and his spider senses were screaming. He had a feeling that something more than just a regular sensory overload was going on.
A wave of intense nausea hit him and he gripped his stomach as he did his best not to get sick at the table. He really regretted ordering the sushi assortment. He really should have heeded May’s suspicion that sushi wasn’t safe unless it was made with fully cooked meat, but he had wanted to try something new. He was regretting that decision.
He was also startled as it became harder for him to breathe. He was confused as the feeling continued to worsen. At this point, he was doing his best to stay upright in his chair. He could hear Tony and Pepper both asking him what was wrong, but his senses were screaming at him. He could barely focus on what they were asking as he fell out of his chair.
The feeling was becoming worse. His spider sense was screaming as he could no longer breathe, and he soon lost consciousness, unaware of the terror running through Tony and Pepper’s minds.
Tony and Pepper were terrified as they called Peter’s name when they noticed that he wasn’t looking too good and no longer responded to their questions.
Pepper noticed that Peter’s breathing was off and said “Tony, his breathing’s off. Is this an allergic reaction?”
Peter then collapsed off of his chair and the two knelt beside him as Tony quickly pushed some buttons on his watch to signal a distress call. They could hear people from tables around them expressing their concern and surprise, but they weren’t worried about that.
Pepper was terrified as she noticed that Peter was no longer breathing, and less than a minute later he started seizing. It most definitely was not just because of an unexpected allergic reaction.
Tony cursed as they stayed beside Peter. Neither of them were sure what to do or how to help the kid. They were both dreading the fact that they had stayed even after the kid had said that his senses were going off. They should have known that it wasn’t just going off because of the sensory issues with the camera flashes.
Pepper kept a hand on the kid’s shoulder while she listened to Tony trying to get some information from F.R.I.D.A.Y. on how to help with the situation. She checked Peter’s pulse. It was still present, and it was rapid. The kid just couldn’t breathe, and she had no idea how to help. She had no idea if rescue breaths would help at all.
She watched as Tony checked Peter’s airway for obstruction, but there was nothing. The kid’s lungs had just seemingly stopped working. They’d been paralyzed.
It felt as if it had taken hours for medical help to arrive. Tony and Pepper reluctantly stayed back as the emergency team tried to help Peter. They were both worried as they heard the word poison being discussed.
Pepper had opted to stay behind as Tony decided to go with Peter to whatever hospital was nearest. The police were already present and they were collecting possible evidence of poisoning.
Everything was a complete mess, but all Pepper could worry about was whether or not Peter would be alive by the time she would get to the hospital after notifying everyone.
Dan Tong smiled as he watched the commotion. He and his partner Rick had been ecstatic when they found out that Stark and friends would be coming for dinner. They were part of a much larger group who wished nothing other than to bring the wealthiest people in America to their knees. Dan was ecstatic when he first heard that he was assigned to find a way to eliminate Tony Stark or someone close to him and another wealthy man who was a secondary target to take out later in the month.
Now had been the perfect time to execute their first strike, and it was just glorious that one of them at the table had ordered the sushi platter that included pufferfish products. It had been the perfect opportunity since Rick was licensed to handle pufferfish among many other deadly chemicals.
They would have preferred that it had been Stark himself to get the improperly prepared pufferfish products, and it was kind of a bummer that they’d likely killed a kid, but at least Stark was going to feel the pain of losing someone. He was one of their many targets, and with luck, they'd soon be able to strike the other person that they'd been observing for the past month.
Dan watched with a small smile as Potts remained standing, almost unsure of how to proceed. He soon turned back and went into the kitchen to grab something for another guest and hopefully keep his cover.
Tony directed the ambulance to take them to the tower. He had the authorization to order them to go there. He knew that his medical bay would be Peter’s best chance at survival. He was incredibly worried. He was riding in the front of the ambulance, but he could still hear the people in the back scrambling to try and stabilize his kid.
It took longer than he would have liked to get to the tower. He knew that the emergency medical crew would be waiting. He had pressed his emergency alarm while still at the restaurant, and whenever that happened, his medical team went on high alert.
He stood to the side as Peter was eventually rolled into the MedBay and orders were being relayed by the doctors. He watched with worry as multiple blood samples were taken. It was times like this when he was glad that he had the best doctors in the world and iron clad NDAs.
Soon, Peter was rolled out of his sight, and he reluctantly had to stay away. He ordered F.R.I.D.A.Y. to give him updates as frequently as possible on the kid’s condition. He felt as if he’d aged twenty years already as he collapsed into one of the waiting room chairs.
Helen Cho analyzed the blood sample that she had been given. She was not pleased with the results. The kid had been poisoned with pufferfish tetrodotoxin. There was no known cure in existence. She was unsure of how to proceed since the toxin was already in the kid’s system.
She consulted other doctors, and they agreed that the kid’s stomach should be pumped since the toxin seemingly came from the ingestion of pufferfish. They had already started an IV to combat the hypotension and administer something to try and get the poison out of the kid’s system faster.
She and the other doctors were highly worried as nothing seemed to be helping the kid. They just couldn’t stabilize him, and the kid’s healing factor didn’t seem to be helping the situation at all. If anything, it seemed to be making the symptoms worse.
Helen bit her lip as an outrageously odd idea came to her. She quickly approached Tony, and hoped that he at least knew what was going on.
Tony looked up at her as she entered, and she did not wait to speak.
“Dr. Stark, I’m sure you already know, but nothing that we’re trying is helping his situation. I wanted to come to you before discussing a possible solution that may give us time to find something to help him. As you know, the poison in Peter’s system right now is a type of tetrodotoxin. I started thinking about possible connections between this tetrodotoxin and Dr. Banner’s derivative called Tetrodotoxin B. Bruce changed some of the tetrodotoxin’s chemical composition, and I was thinking that we could inoculate Peter with a larger dose of Tetrodotoxin B to put him in stasis and give us more time to save him. It will appear as if he’s dead, but he’ll simply be in a stasis-like state. I need yours and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s approval to get access to the drug.” Helen detailed as Tony stared at her in stunned silence.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. was the one to answer “I have already sent the request to Director Fury, Dr. Cho. You should hear from Director Fury soon.”
Tony wasn’t sure what to say. He pulled his phone out and started dialing Director Fury. He hoped that Fury would answer even though he was notorious for ghosting the man. Tony stood up and started pacing as the phone rang. Helen waited with him, as there wasn’t much that she could do until she received authorization to access Tetrodotoxin B.
An answer finally came, but before Tony could say anything, Fury spoke “Agent Hill will arrive in your MedBay with a parcel containing Tetrodotoxin B, Stark. I’ve already assigned agents to the case, and we’ve already apprehended those who poisoned the kid. We’ll debrief later. Keep me updated on the kid’s condition. We can’t lose that kid, Stark. He’s a major asset.”
Tony furrowed his brow as he replied “Thank you for the help, Fury, but why are you so interested in my kid, and why did you already know what was going on before the request for the drugs was sent?”
Fury huffed as he replied “We got intel that someone part of a larger criminal group that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been monitoring was going to make an attempt on your life tonight. We didn’t catch the perpetrators until it was too late, and the kid ended up getting poisoned. Oh, and you know why he’s on our radar, Stark. Just keep me updated on the little spider’s condition.”
Fury then hung up. Tony was concerned that S.H.I.E.L.D. was watching Peter and that they knew who he was, but that would be something to worry about for another time. For now, he just had to worry about whether or not his kid would survive through the night.
He then cursed as he realized that he hadn’t called May. He excused himself from the waiting room and dialed May’s number.
He grimaced as she answered with a worried tone on the first ring.
“How bad is it, and what exactly happened? I was on my break when I saw footage of Peter being rolled out of the restaurant.” May worriedly questioned.
Tony took in a deep breath to calm himself as he answered “It’s not good, May. He was poisoned with tetrodotoxin, but the doctors are doing their best to help him. He’s not getting better yet, but Dr. Cho’s found a temporary solution to give the team time to find a cure.”
He could hear May sniffle on the other side of the line.
May responded “I’ll be at the tower soon. My boss just saw the footage. I think that he’s waving at me to let me leave. I’m going to clock out now. I’ll be there in a bit.”
She hung up and Tony took another deep breath. He absolutely hated that their kid was so close to death, and he could only hope that Cho’s team would find a cure before the poison could kill the kid.
By the time May had arrived, Hill had dropped off the package. Cho had not wasted time when injecting the drug into Peter’s system. She knew that they’d have to watch closely to ensure that the kid was still breathing. They had intubated the kid when he’d first arrived, but with the Tetrodotoxin B, so many things could go wrong.
Tony was allowed in the room while the team monitored Peter’s vitals closely as the Tetrodotoxin B took effect. He was able to hold Peter’s hand. The kid’s heartbeat was already irregular because of the posion, but soon, his heartbeat became nearly undetectable.
Tony was soon ushered back out of the room. Cho and the team could tell that Tony was becoming more and more worried as Peter’s vital signs declined. He was aware of what Tetrodotoxin B does to people, but it was still distressing to hear and see the signs that your kid appeared dead.
May hadn’t been in the room at that point. Tony had only been allowed because he’d followed Cho, and she hadn’t stopped him. Now, Tony and May sat in the waiting room, eager for updates on their kid’s condition.
Helen Cho took another blood sample twenty minutes after the initial Tetrodotoxin B injection. The good news was that it was slowing down the deadly spread of the toxin in Peter’s system. She quickly took her blood sample back to the lab for analysis, and was thrilled with what she found.
It appeared as if the Tetrodotoxin B was binding with the tetrodotoxin that had been ingested. The only problem was that the quantity of poison in Peter’s system was in excess of what the Tetrodotoxin B could bind with. She’d either need to acquire more Tetrodotoxin B or find another way to get the poison out.
She hoped that they could find an alternate cure as opposed to using more of the Tetrodotoxin B. The more Tetrodotoxin B a person is injected with, the more chance it has to have deadly side effects. If too much Tetrodotoxin B is used, it could stop Peter’s heart before the poison could kill him.
Cho and her team would have to proceed with caution.
Dan Tong and Rick Wong did not have a fun time as they were forcefully escorted into an armored S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle for transport to prison. They knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. would question them relentlessly until they gave up their leaders and ratted out the rest of their group.
Fury observed the scene as the two attempted murderers were driven away. He knew that those two definitely weren't going to have fun when the interrogations would start.
Fury glanced around and sighed as he took in the amount of press that was covering what had happened to Stark’s kid. He casually walked back into the restaurant and approached Happy and Pepper. Happy was waiting with Pepper as she had to stay back and give a witness statement even though S.H.I.E.L.D. had shown up to handle things.
Fury made no indication that he noticed Happy Hogan’s scowl as he approached the two.
He spoke “Ms. Potts. I trust that you did not ingest anything poisonous, as you are not currently fighting to breathe.”
Happy’s scowl deepened.
Pepper questioned “What are you even doing here? Why did you come? This isn’t an Avengers level threat. Oh. Oh my gosh. Was it supposed to be an Avengers level threat?”
Pepper’s eyes were wide as Fury answered “It had the potential to be an Avengers level threat. We got lucky that the situation turned out as it did. Tonight's events have allowed S.H.I.E.L.D. to catch a couple of people from an upcoming criminal group.”
Happy practically growled as he said “What do you mean by it being lucky?”
Fury rolled his eyes as he said “Calm down, Hogan. I don’t mean that it was a good thing that the kid was poisoned. I just mean that it was a good thing that the perpetrators were caught before they could kill Tony or go after another target. Though, I must admit, losing the kid would be a major blow, especially where spiders are concerned.”
After that sentence, he was greeted with surprised looks from Hogan and Potts. Fury had tried to keep it on the down low that he knew Peter’s identity until Cho needed the Tetrodotoxin B. Fury hadn’t even needed to know the specifics of the kid’s enhancement to know that someone like Spider-Man would need an elevated dose of Tetrodotoxin B for it to work like Cho needed it to work.
Fury spoke again “My business here is finished. You and Stark are free to release whatever information you need to or want to release so long as it does not mention that a new criminal organization tried to make their first move tonight. This matter became public as soon as the first reporter caught sight of my S.H.I.E.L.D. team. I do have to say that it was nice working with your friend Ms. Potts. She’s a wonderful agent, and her idea for this was brilliant to weasel the stalkers out.”
Fury then turned around and left. Happy and Pepper watched as he left, surprised looks covering both of their faces.
After another hour, Pepper and Happy had made it to the tower. Pepper had regained most of her composure as she had begun to compose a press release to post on SI’s website. They were all still waiting in the MedBay. Only a couple at a time were allowed in Peter’s room at a time. It was quite distressing to see that the kid was paler than usual, and wasn’t moving at all.
They all hoped that Cho and her team would come up with something to help Peter quickly. The longer the kid was under the effects of Tetrodotoxin B, the more chance there was that the kid wouldn’t recover.
Earlier the next morning, Tony reluctantly had to debrief with Fury. He was enraged as Fury gave him the full details of the situation.
Fury calmly looked at Tony and replied “It would have jeopardized the mission. Had you known that the threat was there, you would have overreacted, and things could have gone worse. Had you known that the whole thing was an undercover operation to weed out who was actually trying to get to you, you would have gone in guns blazing and there would have been more casualties. You’re too reckless, Stark.”
Tony glared at Fury as he gritted his teeth.
He eventually replied “I don’t care what you think about me Fury, but if you ever allow my family to enter a potentially harmful situation again just so that you can attempt to subtly catch someone who’s targeting one of the team, I will not hesitate to knock you off of whatever pedestal you hold yourself on! My son is dying because of your stupid decisions! If he dies, I will have your head!”
Fury rolled his eyes as he listened to Tony’s rant continue. He knew that Stark had power, but he was pretty confident that Stark couldn’t get him fired. Even if he could, it’s not like he’s worried about it. Looking at the plan again though, it had been a bit oafish that they hadn't weaseled the criminals out quicker.
He soon started listening to Tony’s rant again once he did hear a pertinent question.
Tony questioned “Why didn’t I ever detect that someone was stalking me? Why wasn't I informed that another criminal organization had formed?”
Fury grimaced and answered “Your A.I. did have the information, but I’ve had my team monitoring your servers and I had them block that information from your access. This wasn’t just a random hit on you, Stark. They’d been tracking your moves. You may have thought that it was just some random cook who got a lucky break, and yes it was lucky that they just so happened to have the supplies needed to poison the food, but they had plans far worse than just poisoning you. They’re going to a maximum security prison because you are only one in a long line of people they had plans to execute. This was not simply just a plan for revenge, Stark. Many of these details will remain classified until we can reform the Accords and get the team back together again. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been going through hell while trying to keep track of every single threat that the Avengers used to may have handled.”
Tony stared at him with stunned silence until he growled in anger.
“How the FUCK did you ever get that much access to my servers?!” Tony emphatically questioned.
Fury leveled him with a look saying “You really have to ask.”
Tony then balled his fists up in anger as he cursed Natasha Romanoff. The traitorous woman had done more than simply betray him.
Tony knew that he’d have to rectify that later and see if he could undo any damage that the S.H.I.E.L.D. idiots may have done to any of the coding within his servers.
He leveled Fury with another angry look as he said “This meeting’s over. I’m done here.”
Tony left before he could pound Fury into the ground. His anger had reached a new level.
Ming Lee sighed as she tried to call Pepper again. She hated that she had lied to her friend when it came to the true reasons why she had opened a restaurant. It was just another assignment from Fury after she'd come up with the initial idea, and she had taken it without a second thought of how it could hurt her friendship with Pepper.
Now, Pepper was ghosting her. Ming couldn’t really blame her for that very much. Not to mention, they were going through a hard time right now because the kid that always hung around Stark was poisoned.
Pepper no doubt knew that she was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent now.
Ming was slightly surprised when Pepper answered after the fifth ring.
Pepper questioned “What do you want, Ming? Was our friendship ever real?”
Ming winced as she replied “It was real, Virginia. You’ve known me ever since you were in college. I just hid my S.H.I.E.L.D. agent status from you because I was supposed to, even after you got further involved with Stark and learned about S.H.I.E.L.D.. I’m sorry about the kid.”
Ming heard Pepper sigh over the line and then say “I’ll talk to you again eventually, Ming. At this point, I don’t even know if I ever knew you. Give me some time. I’m getting tired of things like this being hidden from me. First it was Natasha being undercover here, and now you were undercover when I thought that I was just coming out to celebrate a friend opening a new business. I’m sorry, Ming, but I need time to think about a few things.”
Ming bit her lip and responded “I understand. I hope to talk to you again later. Bye, Virginia.”
Ming turned her phone off and rubbed her hands over her tired face. Sometimes it was hard being a secret agent for S.H.I.E.L.D..
It was still a waiting game as Helen was trying new methods of treatment on the blood samples she had taken from Peter. The toxin was slowly clearing from Peter’s system, but not at a rate that would allow him to recover properly when coming out of being comatose due to the Tetrodotoxin B.
Helen wasn’t about to give up. She wasn’t going to let the kid die. That kid had been through so much in just the short amount of time that she’d known him, and she was never going to give up on trying to flush the poison out of the kid’s body.
She’d known him for about five months at this point, as she’d met him shortly after the incident with the Vulture, and they’d developed drugs that would actually help dull his pain when he got injured. She’d also helped him with calorie consumption problems.
She may be a geneticist, but she was also one of the few known people that had the expertise to work with enhanced persons. She once again observed the sample of Peter’s blood.
She knew that the Tetrodotoxin B was helping, but she was unsure if she could enhance those effects to fully flush the poison out of the kid’s system. Maybe she could try to modify the Tetrodotoxin B further so that it would attract and nullify more of the bad tetrodotoxin.
She had read the unpublished research papers written by Dr. Banner ages ago when she’d first started working with Tony Stark and Dr. Banner before the whole mess with the Accords. She knew the process of how to modify tetrodotoxin. She was confident that she could do it.
She quickly got to work on isolating samples that she could use.
Hours later, she smiled as she tested her new Tetrodotoxin derivative on a sample of Peter’s blood. She was happy as when she tested it, it was ten times more efficient at detecting and eliminating the bad tetrodotoxin.
After another few rounds of testing her new derivative, she was ready to attempt treating Peter. She had already received approval from Stark to do as she needed in an effort to save Peter’s life. She and her team were soon on their way back to Peter’s room.
Peter felt awful as he regained some awareness. He could smell that he was in the tower’s MedBay, but he was confused as he couldn’t even open his eyes. He couldn’t even breathe on his own.
His spider sense was elevated to a painful level. He was panicking inside his head as he took note that his body was not responding to anything he was trying to get it to do. It also felt kind of painful that he wasn’t consciously breathing on his own. He could also feel that he was connected to an IV line as cool fluid entered his veins.
He could also hear the beeping of some of the medical equipment. He had no clue why he couldn’t move. He wished that his body would at least react to his sense of panic, but his heart rate remained the same at one beat a minute.
He was eventually brought out of his spiral as he heard Dr. Cho coming into the room while directing the nurse to check his vitals again. Peter was only a little bit relieved when he could hear Tony and May’s heartbeats. He knew that they were likely watching whatever was happening from outside his room.
He then heard them talking about something called tetrodotoxin. He’d vaguely heard about that before in school. Something about it was toxic if ingested. It then dawned on him that that was likely what had happened to him. He was so confused.
Peter was zoned out from the words the doctors and nurses were saying until he felt something get injected directly into his arm instead of intravenously. It was distressing to still be able to feel things, but not be able to move.
He wished that he could lose consciousness again, but it just wouldn’t happen.
Helen smiled as she approached Tony and May in the hallway.
She spoke “I’m not sure how much of an update F.R.I.D.A.Y. has given you, but I can say that I have possibly found a cure. I formulated a modified version of Tetrodotoxin B that should be working to bind with the poisonous tetrodotoxin and get it out of his system. In a way, his body will still be absorbing the chemicals, but they will no longer harm him as the Tetrodotoxin B derivative is neutralizing the poison. I project that in a matter of a few hours, the poison will be completely gone from Peter’s system. It will likely be another couple of hours after that until he will wake up, as we did have to give multiple doses of Tetrodotoxin B and the derivative dose which will keep him in a comatose or death-like state.”
May and Tony let out a relieved breath. Their kid was going to be okay.
May happily said “Thank you Dr. Cho. I can’t express how much it means to both Tony and I that you figured out a way to save our kid’s life.”
Tony nodded along with May’s statement as he stared at Peter’s prone form through the glass while smiling. Helen smiled as she left the relieved parents. She’d continue monitoring Peter’s condition until he would wake up. She wanted to make sure that the poison would be out of his system completely before she celebrated.
Peter’s internal panic calmed minutely when he heard Tony and May come into the room. He could hear when they sat down in the chairs that had been brought for them. He could feel when Tony ran a hand through his hair and kissed him on the forehead while May gripped his hand and soothingly rubbed a finger over it. It was almost as if they could tell that he was conscious, but just couldn’t move.
They stayed with him for hours, and he listened to them converse. He knew that they were both extremely worried about him. At a few different moments he’d even been visited by Happy and Pepper.
Eventually, he was able to slip back into unconsciousness, hoping that what Tony and May said about him waking up soon would become a reality.
Dr. Cho was in the room when Peter finally began to stir. She had recently done another check of his blood, and was happy to report that the toxin was almost completely out of the kid’s system, and that the Tetrodotoxin B would be wearing off soon.
Peter happened to begin the process of waking up while Happy, May, Tony, and Pepper were all in the room. May held his hand while Tony kept a comforting hand on his shoulder. Pepper and Happy stood at the end of the bed while Dr. Cho monitored his waking process.
Peter groaned as he regained consciousness. Helen checked his IV once more and monitored Peter’s vitals. She was happy to see that they were mostly within normal range for a mutated spider-kid.
Eventually, Peter was fully awake, and tearful as his family members gently hugged him. Dr. Cho called her team into the room. She could tell that Peter was uncomfortable. They’d have to extubate soon.
She kindly requested the family members to back up for a little bit while she coached Peter through the extubation. It unfortunately had not been the first time that the kid had ever had to be extubated.
She advised against his speaking for a little while after extubation, as his throat would be sore for a little while, and luckily he heeded her recommendation, but she could easily see the longing in his eyes when he looked towards his family.
She and her team soon left the room after taking another blood sample for analysis.
Tony and May soon flocked to one side of his hospital bed while happy and Pepper flocked to the other. Peter smiled in relief as tears filled his eyes. It was a comfort when May gripped his hand and did the familiar motion of rubbing her thumb over it. It was even more calming when Tony gently passed a hand through his hair.
Once the tears had cleared a little bit, he motioned that he wanted hugs. His wishes were granted as a group hug occurred. He knew that F.R.I.D.A..Y. would have a photo of the hug on record for future uses.
Soon, Pepper passed him a Stark tablet which allowed him to communicate with them without straining his vocal cords much. He smiled and typed out a long message.
The message was dictated by F.R.I.D.A.Y. “Thank you for staying with me. I was so scared when I got sick in that restaurant and couldn’t breathe. I was so scared when I first woke up here and couldn’t open my eyes. You guys helped me get over the panic from that and relax. Thank you for not giving up on me.”
Tony then said “We’d never give up on you, kid. You’re a part of this family. I hate that you were scared and conscious during some of this mess.”
Peter smiled and Tony hugged him again.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. then announced “Dr. Cho has done analysis of the most recent blood sample and would like me to report that all of the tetrodotoxin has been removed from Peter’s system. He will make a full recovery.”
Once that announcement was made, more hugs were shared. Everyone was glad that the kid had made it through that horrific experience.
Peter yelped in surprise as he fell off his lab chair. It had been about a month since he’d been poisoned, and he and Tony were now fixated on working on strengthening Stark servers. They were going so far as to create entirely new servers and encrypt them much better than the previous ones.
Peter had fallen asleep at his bench while finishing up the last parts of the encryption on the Spider-Man files. Tony had told him about everything that had gone on that night with S.H.I.E.L.D. and how they’d basically been spying on all of them using old codes that Natasha Romanoff had given Director Fury.
Peter had been a little bit alarmed that Director Fury knew his identity, but Tony had assured him that nothing bad should come of it. Though, that didn’t stop Tony from adding more safety protocols to Peter’s suit for if Director Fury ever did try to mess with him.
Peter shook himself out of his thoughts and yawned.
He wasn’t startled when F.R.I.D.A.Y. called out “Peter, I must insist that you go to your room and sleep. Mr. Stark has asked me to warn you that he will come down if you do not agree to leave the lab. He will also tell Ms. Parker if you do not sleep.”
Peter groaned as he said “Yeah, I know. I’m going. I just came up with the last touches to finish my encryption and make it stronger.”
Peter soon made his way up to the penthouse and went to the guest room that was pretty much his own room, especially since it was basically stated after the poisoning incident that Peter was his kid in everything but blood. That had been a PR nightmare for Pepper to clean up after Tony had posted that without her reviewing it first. Luckily, since he was a minor, he was not being bothered very much.
He flopped on his bed and almost immediately fell asleep.
Tony woke up as his phone pinged. F.R.I.D.A.Y. had sent him a text alert that Peter had arrived back from patrolling and entered the lab. She did not want to wake Pepper.
Tony briefly pulled up the footage of his lab and watched with a smile as Peter worked on some of the encryption data for the Spider-Man files. The kid must have thought of something to add while he was out on patrol.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. texted “Should I warn him that it is late, and that he should wait for normal hours to work in the lab with you instead of by himself?”
Tony texted “No. Let him work. If he starts to fall asleep, issue a warning and tell him to go to his room and sleep. If he doesn’t do it, send me a notification, and I’ll try to convince the spider-kid to sleep. Oh, and tell him that I'll tattle to May if he doesn't sleep.”
Tony smiled warmly. The kid was a bit too much like him when it came to how much he liked to sleep, especially when he got an idea of something to do in the lab.
Tony sat his phone back down and yawned. He was happy that Peter was doing so well after everything that happened with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the poisoning. Soon, Tony fell back asleep.
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pitofviperss · 2 months
even standing in the middle of a crowded room, she can feel his eyes on her the second she walks in and a hint of blush creeps up her neck to flare at her cheeks. the brunette clears her throat, reaches out for a nearby waiter to grab a glass of champagne that she quickly downs.
by the gods, she wishes it was something stronger.
tucking a single strand of hair back behind her ear, she can see him interacting with another female, tall, slender thing with eyes that pop and yet, @mulholland can't look more bored. she doesn't know if this is his publisher or anything, hasn't kept up with which person manages him, save for the voice messages that pop up on her cellular begging her to make an appearance.
'it's for his sake.' they will say, but in reality, she knows that they're desperate to fulfill their meal ticket with another best seller, and know that she's the key behind it all.
with the low tones of music playing via a band in the corner, she saunters across the room and heads straight to him, feeling emboldened this night ( for reasons she does not know ) and simply interrupts the conversation at hand.
"his heart isn't for sale," she says, and there's a click of tongue against teeth, a finality to the statement that has a hint of acid splashing from her tongue. eyes cut to the other woman and she can see the facade begin to falter, taking pride in the situation at hand.
when she feels the fingers of his left hand find the small of her back, her heart flutters, and she'll be damned, her own mask starts to crack under the weight of his gentle touch.
"don't you tire of these events, vincent? these people are like vultures craving a fresh kill, and you're a carcass ripe for the taking."
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drifterjo · 3 months
Te o Toriatte
Chapters II, III & IV
Spiders from Mars, the interplanetary casino, hung on planet Mars low orbit. Its freakish name was an oldie - David Bowie’s band in his early days of Ziggy Stardust.
The exterior framework of the casino was spectacular, a colossal metallic round structure which intentionally resembled a roulette wheel. I had admired it from a distance on several occasions and my attraction held every time I saw it.
The interior didn’t disappoint either. There was a number of distinct areas, wherein gargantuan waterfalls and allotments of tropical jungle fused agreeably with post-modern design and connectionist architecture.  
Once inside, I pushed through row after row of slot-machines, ostensibly ignoring the hordes of dopamine addicts.
I headed straight for the table games lounge, my intention clear: to win a few thousand woolongs ASAP. I didn’t have any cash on me, but I needed some to get started.
I knew the place would be saturated with professional bookies. Right off the bat I counted half a dozen of them. They resembled vultures, patiently waiting to prey on the fallen.
These leeches in human form were nothing but scum and I would only recur to them as a last resort.
Not that I had much choice! My wallet was as empty as the dwarf moon of Dysnomia.
I wandered about for a while until I spotted this guy I knew from a previous monetary setback o mine. His name was Vex. He had the face of an ugly weasel and the eyes of a goat… a diseased one.
Adverse physiognomic considerations aside, Vex was willing to loan me enough credit to get me started on one of the poker tables. His interest rate was 100%, take it or leave it!
I took it!
Even though it was Christmas (or perhaps because of it), most of the casino lounges were brimming. A hodgepodge of players, a fair sample of the different strata of population inhabiting our heliocentric system in those days.
I tried to figure how many of the players were playing on credit. If they were plebeians, their pockets should be as empty as mine. It was hard to tell.
There was a wide variety of types scattered across the room, from the gutter riff-raff, surely living on indigence, to the filthy rich, whose money they simply were unable to spend in their lifetime.
What I could tell was that all tables were full - all but one, that is, standing out like a sore thumb.
Dead center in the great room there was this solitary figure just sitting there, aloof from the gambling frenzy around him. A heavyset individual with a tailored white suit on, dark shades concealing his eyes and no drink on the table. Something about the guy was vaguely familiar to me, yet I couldn’t place it right away.
The green felt of the gaming table was as void as the five seats around it, something I found peculiar. Even though the guy looked tough enough, my instinct told me he was making a show of it. There was a reason for him being alone, of course, yet my guess was that he wasn’t a shark.
He was only pretending to be one.
I draw near to him, feigning a nonchalant attitude I didn’t possess. I felt tense, dying for a drink to calm my nerves and sooth my aching body. Before addressing him, I noticed that his eyes were undiscernible, hidden behind the black lenses of his glasses.
“5-Card Draw, no limit?” I said.
I was okay with Texas Hold’em, which I knew to be the most popular game around. I didn’t mind playing that game at all. But my favorite had always been 5-Card Draw, though. As far as poker is concerned, it is called «the old time greatest» for a reason.
The guy bobbed his head slightly, seizing me with a look that I was unable to fathom. Then he nodded slowly.
I stood indecisive, as if I needed a formal invitation to sit down.
“Grab a seat,” he said, as if reading my mind. He spread his arms, “Any seat you want!”
I sat down and faced him dead on. For a silent moment we seized each other like the couple of alpha males we were.
As if by magic, a freckled waiter in a tight sweater and a skimpy skirt appeared at my side. Her voice was as sardonic as her looks. “What will you have, sugar?”
“A double whisky on the rocks! Keep the rocks to a minimum!”
The waiter nodded and left.
The guy reacted, “Have you come here to drink or to play?” There was annoyance in his tone.
“Both,” I said swiftly.
I watched him took a card deck from a coat pocket - apparently an unused one, though you could never really tell. He removed a thin sheet of cellophane covering the deck and started to shuffle the cards rather sloppily. I couldn’t tell if the guy was for real or not.
The waiter returned with my drink. A black dealer impeccably dressed in a dark tuxedo, gloves and all, accompanied her.
My opponent ignored him. “Let’s dispense with the dealer, shall we?”
“Fine with me!” I shrugged.
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