#wanted to get this out before sdcc and SUCCESS
blutopaz15 · 1 year
rayllum week 2023: first kiss (again)
rated t
continued from part 1: flowers
He probably doesn’t want to kiss her, and honestly…it’s okay.
She doesn’t blame him.
Spending her birthday like this—giggling together over each of their silly little traditions, feeling Callum’s lips on her cheek and his breath on her neck, being here in his arms at all—is more than she should hope for anyway, Rayla thinks.
She swallows down the obnoxiously ungrateful prickling wetness stinging her eyes. She should be glad, she tells herself, that he’s holding her like this, long past the limits of any normal hug. She should be satisfied swaying in place with him, like they’d done at that party back at the castle such a long time ago.
She should be happy that he wants her here at all.
She’d left him, she’d hurt him, and he was still here, all wrapped up around her… and that should be enough, she thinks. She should be thankful, not standing here in the world’s longest hug, still wishing for more.
She is thankful…and he should know.
She scarcely more than whispers the words, reluctant to end the silence in case it ends his embrace too.
Callum just shrugs, though, with a nonchalant, hushed answer—like it’s two years ago and holding on to her so tightly is still the most normal, most natural thing in the world—and she can’t help how she sinks just a little further into him, shifting her weight into his shoulders…and, yeah.
This is enough.
Or…at least it ought to be.
She sighs happily anyway, though, breathing in deep against his collar, wanting to be sure he gets every last layer to her gratitude: “I wasn’t sure if you even remembered.”
“Wait, what?” he says, hands at her elbows, and her heart drops for just a second as he pushes her away…before she sees the mixed-up look on his face. He’s…confused, and maybe amused?, she thinks, and the furrow to his brow reads as pity, too. “You thought I’d forgotten your birthday?”
That’s definite and distinct disbelief, she’s sure, and Callum steps away completely then, finding his sketchbook on one of the tables behind them and immediately flipping through. Rayla follows him, and watches as he opens up to a page she hasn’t seen in a long while…that’s even more full-up than she recalls. It’d been just the one sketch of their knit-together hands that she remembers him drawing that night on the ambler…but the same page is covered in more of the same now. He points, though, to the words scrawled all over the spaces between the pictures, which is what she’s meant to see, she realizes, recognizing the answers to all those questions that’d barely kept their lips apart that night in the desert.
Moonberry Surprise (???)
Just me and Ez…
July 31st (16th birthday soon!!!)
“Even if I did forget—”
She follows his tapping fingertip to the end of the list he must have jotted down between the desert and the Spire, heart twisting and thumping in her chest.
“I wouldn’t, though,” he adds, keeping the same smile he’d had looking at these old pages when he blinks over to her. “I wouldn’t forget.”
Rayla bites her lip, hoping there’s not offense she hadn’t meant beneath his reassurances. Telling herself that—that he’d forgotten—had been a bandage, really, for doubts way deeper than any scatterbrained distraction could be, and knowing now that none of her worrying had been warranted anyway…
“Right,” she agrees, looking back down at all their interwoven fingers in his book before admitting the rest. “I guess…thinking you forgot—or that you were too busy to remember—was better than the alternative. I thought maybe…you might be too mad about your birthday to want anything to do with mine.”
Callum’s smile has fallen away when she looks back at him, the candlelight dancing in his eyes now a gentle, low glow instead…and he reaches for her elbow again.
“Oh, Rayla, no, I—” he starts, withdrawing as he amends his answer…but before she can shrink back to match, he’s found his way to her hands again. “I mean, yes, I’m upset still, but…I’m not mad, not like I was, I promise. That’d just make everything worse. I care about you, Rayla—”
His fingers slip lightly around hers, and then they’re face-to-face again, eye-to-eye, practically nose-to-nose, and it’d be so nice if they could just…
“—and I don’t want to hurt you.”
But this is enough, Rayla reminds herself.
She left him. She hurt him.
“I never wanted to hurt you either, Callum,” she starts, those annoying tears burning in her eyes again. “I—”
—but before she can go on, over the same things that she can’t seem to say enough, Callum’s hand squeezes tight around hers.
“I know,” he says, voice as strong as his grip, then slipping to a lower soothing sound. “I know. Look, Rayla…I want to fix—”
Callum pulls their linked hands up between them…and again, she has to stop wishing for more—his lips on her knuckles, his fingers on her face—
“—this. Our…thing. Whatever it is.”
Somehow his lips are closer when he lowers their hands again, and he’s smiling, and—
—and she wants that too.
So badly.
“It’s…whatever you want it to be, Callum,” she answers, speedily, certain of every word. “Whatever you want, I’ll be here, okay? If you need more time, even if you never get there again…I just missed you, Callum. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I couldn’t—”
There’s no time for her eyes to flutter shut or her tongue to wet her lips or her breath to fall against his cheek before he crashes into her just like before—his arms locked around her waist, his heartbeat against her chest—
…his lips soft and gentle and sweet.
“If you’re here…” Callum breathes between them, eyes asking as much as his mouth.
She nods, breathless, fingertips flexing in his scarf.
“I’m here.”
“Then, I’m there.”
…and that’s enough.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
So I have question and I thought maybe you would have insights. I'm not British or American, so maybe things work differently than I understand. Michael's new drama on BBC Best Interests had started this week. I was surprised there was no interview with Michael about it from what I've seen. Usually when a TV show go on air there are at least some articles or talk shows with the main actors, so why he is so silent? He also didn't post anything about it or good omens s2, which also made me a bit worried. I know he's directing a series now but I expected he would at least post something about them. I don't want to be pessimistic but I'm preparing myself for a letdown with GO s2 promoting. Neil already said something about the fact that second seasons don't get the same level of events if I remember correctly, and he wouldn't be able to promote it due to the strike, and I was really excited about all the new Michael and David content we will get but what if there will be nothing almost? Is it a possibility? If best interests isn't being promoted by him maybe GO will not be promoted too? That will break my heart a little.
(Also I saw one episode of BI and I thought it was interesting, moving and Michael and the actor who played his wife were incredible. It is such a different character for him, his range is truelly incredible).
Hello, Anon! Again, apologies for being a bit delayed in answering this, but I appreciate you writing in to me.
So yes, Michael's show Best Interests did air a few weeks ago (I've seen almost all of the episodes and am hoping to write a review of it as I make my way through all my Anons). I can tell you that he actually did do some interviews for it--this one here in the Guardian, and this one in the Telegraph, and there might have been others that I've missed, though @invisibleicewands would probably know for sure.
I think there are a couple of things that happened with these interviews, which is that any promotion to BI unfortunately got overshadowed by the clickbait headline on the Telegraph article that ultimately led to a few clashes on Twitter between Michael and Laurence Fox (Billie Piper's ex, of all people?) about Michael's comments related to non-Welsh actors playing Welsh roles. So that, along with Michael continuously working on The Way (the series he was directing) nonstop is what I think kept him off of social media up until now.
(I will say, though, that it is curiously worth noting that Michael didn't do any kind of promotion for Staged 3, and all of that seemed to fall to Georgia and AL to repeatedly post about on their socials instead...)
As for GO 2, yes, it is true that the Writers' strike and possible impending SAG strike have thrown multiple wrenches into the proceedings (for instance, the GO 2 panel that was to have taken place at SDCC has been cancelled, as has the signing that was scheduled there). But there have already been snippets from an interview with Michael and David in SFX magazine floating around (along with another article in Radio Times that has invoked the ire of much of the fandom). Also, with any luck, you've been on Twitter today, because our Michael seems to have returned to form with a vengeance. His header photo is now one of the GO 2 photos of Aziraphale and Crowley:
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And he's been tweeting up a gloriously chaotic storm this evening, after months and months of silence (and probably being locked up in Neil's basement):
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My guess is that whatever kept Michael from talking before now--probably an NDA, per the contract he signed for the second season--has expired, and now he's coming out swinging. I've previously talked about the kinds of things Michael tweeted when the first season came out, but if you weren't here for that, it was basically a level of feral that he seemed to strive to surpass with every successive tweet. Given how much has happened since then, I think we are in for fandom-breaking tweets the likes of which probably go far beyond what any of us have imagined.
And--perhaps best of all--we do have one confirmed talk show appearance with Michael and David, on the One Show on BBC 2 tomorrow! (I've gotten an intriguing Anon about that as well, which I will be answering shortly.) So take heart, Anon, for all is undoubtedly not lost. It's likely that these interviews were planned well in advance, which means there could also be more interviews still to come. This press tour may not have the breadth and scope of the first season, but if Michael and David together, it's more than guaranteed to be something special.
I hope this has lifted your spirits some, Anon. Thank you for writing in! xx
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britesparc · 2 months
Weekend Top Ten #648
Top Ten Actors Who Could Return to the MCU But as a Different Character
I wasn’t going to bother doing “stuff that happened at SDCC” because whilst Transformers winning an Eisner was cool, and Doctor Who and Star Trek sharing a panel was fun, really the only thing that I took away from the weekend was the frankly Earth-shattering news that Robert Downey Jr. was returning to the MCU, except playing Doctor Doom and not Iron Man. I mean, whaaaa, am I right?
This is one of those decisions that’s simultaneously incredibly exciting but also sort of worrying if you’re a fan of the franchise and want it to keep on being successful (and let’s face it, at the time of writing Deadpool & Wolverine has made about $700 million worldwide in just over a week, so that’s definitely successful). On the one hand, Downey is an excellent actor – who just won an Oscar, for crying out loud – and more than capable of presenting both the snarling villainy and complexity of Victor von Doom. On the other, bringing back the guy who was essentially the Face of Marvel for over decade could be seen as reaching for the “in case of emergency break glass” hammer; similarly, it opens up potentially knotty (and potentially boring) discussions over variants and parallel worlds and what have you. Also, presumably it indicates that this Doom isn’t going to stick around past 2027’s Secret Wars, meaning we’re either getting the best baddie Marvel has to offer for only two huge event movies, or else they’re going to do a mini-reboot and recast again.
So yeah, pros and cons, really.
But it got me thinking: if the biggest name the MCU ever had to offer is ready to come back to the fold after a definitive death scene (spoiler alert for one of the biggest movies of all time), who else could make a similar cinematic U-turn? Not the triumphalist return to a beloved character that Hugh Jackman has so adroitly pulled off; I’m talking about recasting someone who was notable as someone else. If Downey can be Doom, who else can be someone else?
So that’s what that list is about, then. And just before we get into it, I’m gonna say one more thing, but I’m gonna bury it below the line, as it were.
Still with me? Good.
I’m about to spoil something from Deadpool & Wolverine.
See, it’s funny this news breaking just as D&W is released, a film which (MASSIVE SPOILERS INCOMING!) features Chris Evans returning to the MCU not as Steve Rogers but as Johnny Storm, the character he played in the two Fantastic Four films about twenty years ago. So if the two biggest dudes in the whole cinematic universe are up for this, maybe the rest of these nutters will be as well…
Whatever it takes, right? “It” of course meaning in this case “$200m domestic opening weekend”.
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Scarlett Johansen: I would say that of the Avengers no longer on the board she’s the only one unaccounted for, and the biggest name to boot. I feel like Black Widow is definitively dead. So who could she be? I’m tempted to say an alternate Captain Marvel, but truth be told we’ve had a lot of sort-of Cap variants. So my suggestion is Jocasta, the android girlfriend of cool Kirby creation Machine Man. It could be an amusing hat-tip to her AI trubs, as well as letting her come back in a slightly different guise (she could be performance capture, like James Spader in Age of Ultron).
Edward Norton: come on, this would be hilarious wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t it? Thing is, I don’t know if he’d want to do it. Whilst I think Norton has more of a sense of humour than it sometimes appears (witness his turns in Birdman, Glass Onion, and – yes – Sausage Party), I wonder if too many bridges were burned when he played Bruce Banner. I think a cool role for him would be Maestro, the evil future Hulk; again, he’d be CG so it would obscure his face a bit, but it might be nice to see him act while hulked out rather than just smash.
Hugo Weaving: again we have another actor who I don’t think would come back; but maybe he could be persuaded. I think it would have to be a role devoid of prosthetics, and one that allowed him to cut loose either with genuine drama or at least Agent Smith-style theatrical delivery. I’m tempted to say he’d make a pretty cool Professor X, but I actually think he’d nail it as the Marvel version of Dracula (who really actually is a Marvel Comics character).
Cate Blanchett: she was amazing as Hela, both scary and funny and incredibly powerful. Whilst she left a big impression, Thor: Ragnarok was far more focused with the weird comedy of Thor, Banner, and Valkyrie. I’d like to see her as some higher-order being; perhaps the Living Tribunal? A role that allowed her to channel all that Galadriel energy and give us a more benign MCU presence.
Jeff Bridges: he was there at the beginning, gave us one of the most definitive, iconic lines in the entire sixteen-year, thirty-three-film franchise (“box of scraps”!)… and then, no more. I’d like to see him return on the side of the angels. He’d have made a good Uncle Ben, really, but he’s too old now I guess. I think he should lean into that True Grit side of himself and play a Western hero, such as the Phantom Rider. Perhaps with a twist, where he’s old and gone to seed a little bit, but redeems himself over the course of a movie.
Rene Russo: she was great as Frigga, although obviously very underused; she really just has her cool death scene and her awesome advice to Thor (“I see with more than eyes” is a badass line). If Madam Web hadn’t have happened she’d have been a good Madam Web… but right now I think she should, like Blanchett, be elevated to a higher order. I think she should play Death. Give her a skull face if you like; but the paramour of Thanos (in the comics, at least) would be a terrific role.
James Spader: he gave a tremendous performance as Ultron – and, of course, we didn’t see his face. Short of cameoing as a variant of Stark (which would be funny), I’d like to see him use that fantastic voice of his as a more comics-accurate version of William Stryker; rather than the military man played by Brian Cox (and, like, nine other people), this would be the reverend of God Loves, Man Kills, preaching mutant extermination as the will of God. I think maybe making him something of a quasi-Trumpy televangelist type would bring the character up to date.
Angela Bassett: I still don’t think she should have died! Maybe if she comes back to the MCU they’ll finally give her an Oscar? Anyway, everyone’s favourite Wakandan Queen should be given another bite of the super-cherry. And, like the other Queen on the list, Rene Russo, I want her to go a bit bad. How about if she’s Nightmare, the villain everyone keeps waiting to see in a Doctor Strange movie? Or if you just wanted her to pop up for one fan-pleasing cameo, fulfil the wish of every comic fan in the nineties and make her an alternate Storm.
Tony Leung: Leung was masterful in Shang-Chi, and although he got quite a bit to do, I’m still a bit disappointed at his final scene – and the fact we’ll never see him again. If he was coming back for good, then a really nice supporting role – maybe just a civilian or something, someone who’d pop up across films but basically just be a nice guy. If it’s just one cameo role, though, I’d go for a variant of Iron Fist; a much older version, obviously, maybe from a darker timeline that makes him even more badass.
Michael Keaton: at the bottom of the list basically because I don’t really know where he stands at the moment in the MCU; all the other characters these actors played are definitively dead. What happened to the Vulture? Did he randomly fall through a portal and land in the Morbius-verse? If so, poor sod; that’s a fate worse than death. Speaking of which: what we really want is Keaton cutting loose, Beetlejuice-style; we wanna get nuts, right? So let’s marry his charm and his patter to his ability to convey absolute menace. Keaton should play Mephisto; basically, the Devil.
There ya go. I thought this would be fun but it was actually quite hard work! Phew!
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kmze · 4 months
Julie was probably in talks with the network about a magic school spin-off since tvd s6 cos things like that take time.And maybe she wanted to give MD a show.That's why she was all for bringing the twins back.I mean she had Alaric crossover to the originals in s4 and mention the school and then hayley brought hope there in the last episode.They finished filming s4 months before tvd series finale.Neither did they know the outcome of tvd nor did they know if they were getting a s5.Once jp switched the death,she put the letter and cheque to bait people to watch s4 to get the ratings for s5 pick-up and then used s5 for Legacies to be greenlighted.And I THINK making caroline the surrogate was her fail-safe option just in case tvd didn't get picked up for s8 so she could show Caroline having a valid reason to crossover.Your thoughts?
So JP had a really good relationship with Mark Pedowitz who was president of the CW from 2011-2022 and I think spin-off ideas were something they always discussed due to the success of TVD. JP said in some article that Mark was the one who wanted to do the "Caroline in the City" spin-off before JP said she had a better idea and they created the Originals instead. I do think S6 is where she would have started thinking about a spin-off since she knew Nina was leaving and figured the rest of the cast might be ready to go within a few years as well. But JP said she wasn't sure when they filmed the end of S7 if they would be renewed or not so I'm not sure how much hope she had in the spin-off at that point but I do think S7 was where she realized the school could work since they had two sets of supernatural kids with Hope and Lizzie/Josie.
I remember that TO and TVD filmed simultaneously for S4/S8 but since TVD had three more episodes their filming ran longer, I think they sent Alaric to do the crossover because he was never going to be the surprise finale death. I do agree they probably found out the spin-off was greenlit late 2016 and I think she asked the cast who would be willing to do it and basically only MD said yes. However I don't think JP would have switched the death even with that until KW started pushing it, she was so bitter about it at SDCC in 2016 when she went with the TO cast to promote the last season. I just don't buy it was what she wanted to do regardless of her knowing she could bait KC with Stefan's death. I will say the letter and check seemed very thrown in last minute though because the letter had a typo and the check looked like they couldn't decide on the amount. TBH I think JP would have found a way to include Caroline in anything TVD related because she was her favorite so I don't think her being the surrogate was something she absolutely needed but it worked out for her in the end.
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duhragonball · 3 years
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
I guess I should provide my hottt takes on the new DBS movie.  A few days ago, they did this video for Comic Con announcing the title of the movie and teasing some details about the story.  
I gotta say, this is exactly why I’ve never had any interest in Comic Con.    They put this on YouTube, I guess because of the pandemic, but any other year they would have gathered an enormous crowd and made them stand in line for hours to watch all of this in person.   I live in the Midwest, and when I went to comic book conventions it was for the sole purpose of rummaging through back issue bins.   SDCC was always promoted like the biggest and most important convention in the U.S., but all I ever heard about it were trailers for movies and TV shows.   Or, like, you had to go to Comic Con because that was the only way to get an exclusive Orange Lantern Hal Jordan action figure or something.   They would always hype up all of this useless stuff and I just never heard of anything so important that I was willing to fly out to San Diego and stand in line for three hours for it.   So now SDCC peels back the curtain with this video, about something I’m fairly interested in, but it’s really not that big a deal.  I found out most of the information on Twitter before I even knew to watch this video.
But I’m just not that hyped about trailers or sneak peaks or sneak peaks at trailers.   Which is probably why I waited this long to talk about it.  
I’ll just go through the video.   The first four minutes are Hironobu Kageyama performing “Cha La HEAD Cha La” live on the stage.   That’s a pretty epic way to open this, but I feel like it oversells the importance of this event.  You finish watching him and you think you’re about to see the movie itself, instead of hearing from the people who made it.  
Next we have Sascha, the host of this panel.   He speaks better English than I do, but I’m not sure what the point was in having any of this in English since he has to talk to the guests in Japanese.   Pretty much all of the important information in this video is in Japanese, and I think everyone understood that going in.   I guess it does give an international feel.  If I spoke another language as fluently as Sascha, I’d want to show it off too.
4:56 is where Masako Nozawa comes out, and she’s just a joy to watch.   She looks like this sweet grandmotherly figure, all warm smiles and then she busts out “Ossu! Ora Goku!” and immediately sounds like a badass. 
Guest #2 is Akio Iyoku, Toriyama’s editor.   Not to be confused with the awesome editor who poo-pooed all the androids and Cell’s semiperfect form.    That was Yu Kondo.  Iyoku comes out dressed like Goku, but he can’t talk like him so he’s immediately second-tier. 
Guest #3 is Norohiro Hayashida, Producer from Toei Anaimation.   He is also rocking the Goku cosplay, which would be a faux pas in most fandoms, but he can just say that he’s cosplaying as Krillin or Yamcha, which gives him greater nerd credibility because those are more obscure references.
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Around 8:30 we really start getting into this, and they show us a model sheet of Piccolo.  Is Piccolo being in the new movie a big surprise?   He had a dry spell in the mid-90s, but he’s been in every Dragon Ball movie made in this century so far.   And it’s not like they changed his look, like when they put Goku and Vegeta in those adorable coats last time.   I’m not complaining about any of this.  It’s nice to see that a) Piccolo is confirmed for new movie and b) they didn’t tinker with his appearance.  
All I’m saying is that they only brought up this model sheet to show off how they’re using his color scheme from the manga as opposed to the anime.   Hence the red belt and the yellower arm sections.   In the anime, the belt was always blue, and his biceps were hot pink instead of off-yellow.   But it’s such a subtle thing that even Sascha didn’t pick up on it.   It’s like they were hyping up the fact that it’s such a minor change.    I like it, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a weird flex.   Also, he looks like he still has his five-fingered anime hands, so I’m not that impressed.   Give us four fingers, Toei!
Sascha asks Masako Nozawa what she thinks about Piccolo and she just starts off with “He was Gohan’s teacher,” and talks about how strong and cool he looks.    She speaks of him like he’s a family member, because she’s awesome.
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Next up, we have Pan, and now we’re talking.  The scuttlebutt is that this was the character Toriyama was referring to when he spoke of an “unexpected character”.  And I guess Pan fits the bill, since I don’t think anyone expected her to be this old in the movie.   I understand this is her kindergarten uniform, so she’d have to be about five or six years old.  I love Masako Nozawa’s reaction here.   Throughout this video, you can see that Goku and Gohan aren’t just roles to her.   
I’ll put on my fanboy hat here and point out that Pan’s age may imply that this movie takes place after the final episode of Dragon Ball Z.    She looks older here than she did when she fought Wild Tiger, at any rate.   So far, the entire Dragon Ball Super franchise has been set during the ten-year gap between the Buu crisis and the finale of Z.    So everyone has been wondering if DBS would move beyond End of Z, or whether Akira Toriyama even still recognizes the continuity of those final chapters.   They were supposed to be ten years of peace, but all the battles in DBS say otherwise.   Also, I’m pretty sure Pan and Bulla’s ages in the DBZ finale don’t line up well with their appearances in Super, but I’ve never studied it very closely.  
So this might be set post End of Z, or this might be Toriyama retconning End of Z altogether.  I’m interested to see which way this goes. 
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Here’s Krillin, still working for the police, although his uniform looks more like Bronze Age Lex Luthor than anything else. Like Piccolo, the “big” story here is that he’s been tweaked to resemble the coloring in the manga, so his sclera are now white instead of fleshtoned.  
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Never mind that, here’s Piccolo’s house.  This is probably the breakout star of this video, because I think everybody is excited to see Piccolo’s house.   Because it’s new lore!  No one even knew if he had one or not.   It was a running gag in DBZ Abridged that he was homeless.   I mean, congratulations to Krillin for getting his eyes colored in right, but that doesn’t tell me anything new about the character.  But Piccolo’s house is a big friggin’ deal.   What’s inside of there?  What’s on the second floor?   Check out his mailbox.   What kind of mail does he get?  It’s exciting.  
Nozawa even points out that she and her co-workers would talk about this sort of thing in the recording studio.    That’s a big deal to me, that the voice actors think about the same kind of stuff that I do as a fan.   
Around 15:30, they start talking about Toriyama’s commitment to the making of this movie, which seems like a weird thing to focus on, because he wrote the screenplay to the last two movies.   Did anyone think he was stepping back? I get the impression that there’s still some hard feelings about the failure of Dragon Ball Evolution, in the sense that they want to reassure everyone that we’re still in good hands.   I suppose one of these days, Toriyama won’t be as heavily involved in a project like this, so maybe it makes sense for Toei and Shueisha to make it clear that today is not that day.
On the other hand, Toriyama was just as involved with Broly as he was with Resurrection F, and Broly was a much better film.  The Dragon Ball Super manga seems to have revived the old argument over who’s to blame when the story is a letdown, and I think that misses the point.  Look, the Zamasu arc sucked, and I don’t care who wrote what parts, or whether Toriyama had a bad idea or whether he handed a good idea off that was badly executed.   They can hash that out behind the scenes if they want to.  
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About 19 minutes in, they show us this model sheet, and refuse to explain who these guys are or what they’re doing in the movie.   Are they villains?  Who knows?  I’d like to think they’re important characters to the story, but I have my doubts that Krillin will have a big part to play.  
At 20 minutes, they announce the title of the movie, and I’m not very thrilled with “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.” They can talk it up as much as they want, and maybe the title is relevant to the plot, but it’s just too many uses of the word “super”.   Especially when they’ve got another series called “Super Dragon Ball Heroes” on YouTube. 
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Then we get this teaser trailer, or whatever you want to call it, with a CG Goku hopping around and doing his classic fighting pose.  Now, for some reason, lots of people concluded that this means the entire movie will be done in this CG style, which has led to a debate over whether or not that’s a good thing.  If they can make the whole movie look this slick, then I’m fine with it.  Hell, I’m not picky.   They could animate the whole thing in Yukio Ebisawa style, and I’d be thrilled. 
But I’m not understanding where people got the idea that it’s definitely going to be a 100% CGI movie.   They never spell that out in this video, and they even go out of their way to admit that this shot of Goku isn’t actually from the movie.   So is there some other source people are referring to, or did everyone just jump to conclusions?  
And that’s pretty much it.   I don’t mean to sound negative on this panel, but I don’t feel like they revealed very much, unless this is actually going to turn out to be Piccolo and Pan having an adventure by themselves.    I think Toei could make a movie like that and it would be a success, but I have my doubts that they’d go in that direction.  If this is going to turn out to be another big slugfest with Vegeta, then I’m down for that too, but don’t show me Piccolo’s house if the movie’s going to be about Vegeta punching a guy. 
Bottom line: I’m still looking forward to this, but I don’t feel like I know much more about the movie than I did before.   Well, except for the part about Piccolo’s house.  I’m looking forward to seeing the inside of it.
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buddha-in-disguise · 4 years
So, I’m still ruminating over 5.17. I’m still equally grateful that Melissa directed in a truly wonderful way (although the Eve fight scene was great, I do get annoyed at an entire sink moving as a guys head hits it, as if it weighs nothing & isn’t attached to anything. I get it. It is for dramatic effect, & it’s the kind of thing that happens throughout TV & movies, but still..... However, I digress).
Melissa directed the episode fantastically well. The lighting, framing on shots, overall pace on scenes - brilliant.
Sadly though I’m coming away having watched it wanting to tear my hair out, as I have far too often this season.
‪It is more than the general thoughts I’ve already written about in my last post. It is details like Alex suddenly referring to her dad as Jeremiah. We know how angry, hurt & upset she was with the news of his death. Is this a manifestation of that? That she is so angry, she can’t bring herself to use such personal terms in calling him dad? We have no idea, because suddenly it occurred. This is the sort of detail Chyler herself usually picks up & asks to be changed, which makes me suspect it was addressed somehow in other dialogue, but was cut. Maybe that was the case, maybe it wasn’t. Who knows, but I’d love to ask Chyler about it.
I’ve said this before - season 4 ended on a high. Fans were really feeling positive in ways they hadn’t for a while. You just need to look back on SM at the time.
Listening to the premise of S5, & again people were energised. The SM energy from SDCC was the most positive I had seen since the series began!
I’m still trying to figure out how they are expecting to wrap up the convoluted mess this season has been in 2 more episodes. I am struggling to figure out how they could even do it in 3, if 5.20 was going ahead. Even if 5.19 is extended to let’s say 1.5 hours in the schedule, it still wouldn’t be enough in my opinion.
I said briefly in my last post, I get frustrated because so much filler has occurred this season. Seriously, why did we have those two Winn episodes? ‪Well, Lex got on his ship & grabbed the cube...... but nah. I got nothing! ‬
‪Oh a few references for Dreamer (but we barely see her, so ...) & reassuring Kara ref Lena (which also .... when?) ‬
‪So nope. Those could be mentioned in a hot minute elsewhere.
Oh & pushing Kara to date William (a whole other mess I hate, but that’s for a different time).
‪But hey. We got Winn back!‬ Now before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, I really am not against having Winn hop back in on occasion. However, for 2 episodes that right now offer nothing to the plot beyond those I’ve mentioned? On an already shortened season, to having two full episodes taken up with filler? Use Winn in episodes that fully pertain to the season. Not this.
I want the Danvers sister couch scenes back. I want Alex & Kelly having the discussions they did in S4 (we got more about them in S4 before they were together, than anything so far in S5 as a couple). I want J’onn to do more than flop around his Private Eye firm & use The Tower with Alex. I want Alex to be a kick ass agent, girlfriend & sister. I want Kara & Lena to make up! I want Brainy and Nia to get together again. I want Brainy & Lena to have their friendship back. I want Alex & Lena get together in a lab, or just work on cases - anything other than this stalemate we are getting. I want Kelly to be able to show her friendship with Nia & Kara & to actually get to know Lena. I want to know does she know Kara is Supergirl properly, not conjecture, (I think she does as I said in an earlier post - see photo).
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All these interpersonal relationships can still also have some conflict between them, if that’s the sort of thing they want. After all, no matter how great a relationship (I include friendship in this) is, it isn’t always perfect. I’m not saying it all has to be through rose tinted spectacles. But not to the level of destruction we have seen this season.
Give us meaningful villains (like Lex in S4, not rehashed Lex in S5 that give us episodes that mirror what we already know). It isn’t as if they don’t have, oh I don’t know, a load of comics they could reference for ideas if they need them. Stop with the constant push/pull on Lena as a character, & allow her to be accepted into the friends, flaws and all, just like everyone else - including Kara!
Now - now fans are feeling flat. The loss of viewers has been incredibly sad & worrying to watch. This weeks number was - pitiful, & yet my timeline was full of fans all saying to watch because of Melissa’s debut directing. Some argue it was because of yet another hiatus, yet Batwoman didn’t slide like that on its return. The Flash (which Supergirl used to regularly keep up with on viewers) was a solid 1.2 million viewers on Tuesday.
If it hurts me as a fan to see this decline. I can’t imagine how most of the cast & crew feel. They deserve so much better.
SuperCorp fans are either a delusional minority, or causing the loss of 300k viewers (& counting) according to some, which is causing a lot of hurt & upset. I’ve seen SC fans not wanting even post on their own timelines for fear of some fans coming in to attack them for it.
I’ve had it happen to me, if I mention I ship SuperCorp (while we are at it, I ship Dansen - which is my 1st ship, then SC) and Brainia, which is especially close to me as my husband is transgender & I want representation to show that being transgender doesn’t mean you can’t have a meaningful relationship with someone. I want a Black lesbian woman to be shown as successful in her private & professional live.
The thing is, these ratings drop aren’t because of a minority of fans (& truthfully, whether anyone likes it or not, SC fans are the biggest in terms of fandom size). But general fans are leaving the show. Now die hard fans are starting to leave. Media outlets are increasingly critical on aspects of the show.
With the hiatus due to Covid-19 & coupled with Melissa’s pregnancy, will Supergirl survive without further erosion on viewing figures before S6 resumes? I don’t see how it can on current viewing.
The CW (or WB, but since Robert Rovner’s wife is now one of two heading up WB, I’m afraid nepotism might well be playing a part here - but I add, I have no basis on this beyond just a worry it might be happening & I truly hope it isn’t. I don’t want to imply it is happening, just that I worry it ‘might be’), need to step in and do something to save this show, because it has crashed and is burning faster than Krypton.
Having minorities on the show achieves nothing if they’re not being used properly. If those who constantly berate others with racist, homophobic & misogynist posts, who feel emboldened and comfortable saying all those things, because of validation from someone on the show, then it is a problem.
This post could go on into reams of reasons why I feel so disappointed with the show as a whole at the moment.
I genuinely wish more for the actors and crew. I feel sad that Melissa’s debut as a director landed the worst ratings demo all season. I absolutely hate that occurred in fact. I genuinely don’t want to be writing posts like this. There have been good (occasional great episodes) this season, but simply not enough. Maybe 25% off the top of my head fall into that category for me, with the other 75% either entirely unforgettable or so frustrating as a viewer I want to scream; whereas it should be the other way around, & good enough that for the odd episodes you might not enjoy much or at all, you forgive them because the rest are good enough to compensate.
I’m hoping we get something exciting enough to keep interest for S6. Will we? We won’t have long to wait & find out.
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mcudarklibrary · 5 years
Author of the Month Q&A: February
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We are beyond thrilled to celebrate and showcase the work of our February Author of the Month @caffiend-queen​. Over the course of February we will be highlighting some of the works of this gorgeous lady that have made us laugh, cry and tremble with fear. 
We recently caught up with the fabulous writer for a chat about all things dark fics, fan fiction and Tumblr.  
Any Cute History Behind Your User Name?  
I hosted morning radio and TV shows for most of my career, so my alarm went off at 4am every day. I discovered the joys of caffeine in pill form within the first year - cut out the middleman and go straight to the source. After a while, our producer started calling me "Caffiend" because he could tell when I'd had my "hit."
How Long Have You Been Writing Fics of Any Kind?  
Um... Just four years, really. I've done a lot of social media blogging and contributed to websites and magazines for most of my career. But the "fun stuff" started on AO3.
What Was The First Fan Fic You Ever Wrote?   
My first story was "Dr. Laing's Loose End." I have no idea how something as depressing and dystopian as the High Rise became my Tom Hiddleston muse, but there you go.
What Was The First Fandom You Wrote For?  
My sweet, first true love, Tom Hiddleston - though his Loki and Jaguar Villains will always be first in my heart.
Your First Marvel Crush  
Loki, Loki, Loki. Though through the pernicious efforts of the women listed below, I've developed an unnatural fondness for Steve Rogers and Bucky, particularly their dark sides.
Your Favourite Fandom Writers  
Oooo... so many to choose from! @lokilickedme inspired me to write fanfiction in the first place, and the sheer genius of @nildespirandum - who is one of my dearest friends and yet I still secretly seethe with jealousy when I read her work. She's one of the best writers on any forum. I was drawn into Dark MCU thanks to @sherrybaby14​'s "Who Am I?" and "The Distraction." Ohhhh ... god. Then @imanuglywombat​ insisted on piling on with "I Brought a Lemon to a Knife Fight," "Concrete Jungle Rapunzel" and "Die Besessenheit" (with the lovely @Sophiria). Then to finally bury me under the lurid adoration of all things Dark!Steve and Dark!Bucky was @jtargaryen18​ with "All of Heaven in a Rage," "Waves that Beat on Heaven's Shore," and oh, so much more. I have a huge respect for popular writers who generously give out signal boosts and support to new writers. @sherrybaby14​ had to show me everything on Tumblr. I was such a moron. @devikafernando​ is a very popular, successful novelist who still supports everyone else. I adore @maidenofasgard​, @ohhhmyloki​, @pedeka, @icybluepenguin, @latentthoughts, @hurricanerin​, @emeraldrosequartz​, @cursedcursingviking​, @toozmanykids​, @myoxisbroken​, @threeminutesoflife​, @the-soulofdevil​, @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​, @devilish-doll, @villainousshakespeare​, @fanfictionaries​, @omgviolette12​ ... goddamnit. This could go on forever, but I'm grateful for so many talented writers and endless inspiration.
Favourite Kink   
Daddy kink and voice kink. I've loved listening to beautiful voices since working in radio - Sean Bean, the actor - almost reduced me to tears, his voice is that good. Tom's voice, of course, is sex. Pure sex. The Daddy kink I don't quite get, because if I were required to address my dear spouse as "Daddy," I would fall over laughing and never be able to have sex again. But writing it? Daaaaamn.
Favourite Trope  
The "I'm abducting/forcing/trapping you into doing what I want for your OWN GOOD." Loki's especially good for this because you know that vain bastard is quite certain he knows what's best for you.
Tell Us A Secret  
Maybe not such a secret because I've had to admit this before, but before I realized that Tom Hiddleston was my god, I actually interviewed him at San Diego Comic-Con during the press run for "Thor: Dark World." And I don't remember a goddamned thing. You have to understand, SDCC is hell, and all of your time is spent trying to figure out how to get you and your cameraman and your shit-ton of equipment to Hall H for your next interview within ten minutes without getting impaled on a cosplayer's horn. I remember how tall and beautiful he was, and that my camera guy was going to put me on a box to make the shot look better and Tom widened his legs (!) to get lower for me instead. The true horror of this is that I sell most of our celebrity footage to gossip sites, so I don't even have anything to look at.
Motivation For Writing 
It's our sacred "Bubble of Unreality." I've noticed that a surprising number of writers in our community have children with special needs - my twin boys have autism - and I think we create this place and thrive here because we can save lives and fix injuries that are impossible to control in the real world.
What Got You Into Dark Fics  
There's something wildly erotic about the dark side to such powerful men. They're commanding and hot as balls under any circumstances. But, twisting those characteristics in a way where their willingness to hold themselves back from what they want is gone, is so compelling. Especially if what they want is you.
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Like I’ve said before Misha knows he only gets attention when he can finagle his way close to Jensen or when he tweets about Jensen and he’s been exploiting that whenever possible lately. More so then usual. It’s clear that registrations for gish are way down with him extending the deadline for entry repeatedly (It closed first on the 16th, again on the 18th at 92% goal, then reopened under the spnfamilyvalues link and used that to reach 100% of the Laos goal) and (once again) telling people this is the last year. So I guess it’s good business sense to tweet something that includes Jensen and then immediately follow it with a tweet encouraging people to sign up for gish. Of course, that has led to even louder and more obnoxious cockles hatting as I’m sure he knew it would. He made sure to get as close to Jensen as possible in every single chance he got at sdcc for that very reason. Why not? This year is his last chance to feed his fans since the only time he’s relevant to most of them is when Jensen’s involved. 
Here’s the thing though. I think if you really want to know how much they like each other, you should look at things behind the scenes when they aren’t playing for the cameras. Like this SDCC footage from BTS at the TV Insider photoshoot. 
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You can see him at the beginning walking over like he’s going to once again try to get next to Jensen, who gives him a look. Then he moves back and gets completely left out by the other three. 
And then there’s this shot from outside one of the windows at comic con where Misha looks like he’s about to try and strike up a conversation and Jensen pulls his phone out. 
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Which of course reminds me of the stalker footage shot by a cockles hat at sdcc 2015 where she secretly filmed Jensen and Misha in a private moment. She truly believed she would catch some flirty sexy fun. What she got instead was this: 
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What makes this so deliciously ironic is that I just saw a cockles hat trying to tell people that the reason they don’t have any proof that the relationship is real is that cockles hats RESPECT BOUNDARIES and would never try to get secret info to prove they’re right. Nevermind that one of my friends (who ships destiel but not cockles) knows a cockles hat who lives in Bellingham (where Misha also lives) and drives by his house almost every day to see if there are any cars with Texas tags there. The truth is, cockles hats have been trying to prove their nonsense is real since day one. They just haven’t had any success so they pretend it’s because they’re so above such behavior. 
The one silver lining of the show ending is how fast those hats will lose interest and move on to new things once it’s over and Misha runs out of material to keep them hooked. 
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clarkgriffon · 5 years
"Oh to be neurotypical and free" lmao honey no, I have anxiety, panic attacks and ADHD. Have had them since I was a kid. That doesn't absolve me of being a dick to people, even though I tried to use it as an excuse all throughout my teenage years. Point is - all of this wouldn't be an issue if they had a normal timeline for their relationship (I'm not judging because I was a part of the Beliza group on tt) He gets fidgety because he know how it looks (being with A I'm feb) even if it's not true.
I’m sorry, neurotypical is not an assumption I’m allowed to make, you’re totally right there, I was reacting too hotly to your ask, but having some time to think, I’m here to give you the thought out, real tea to both of these anon asks:
The First One:
“I'm sorry but that interviewer was just doing her job. Literally every couple that married gets questions like this. Bob and Eliza need serious PR training, and not only for this. You can't keep putting your foot in your mouth AND be a successful celeb. The moment you choose this career path, you begin to give up your right to privacy. The more you succeed, the more you lose it. It's not the interviewer's fault they were with other people 2 months before their wedding. It was a normal question.”
Was the interviewer doing her job? Yes and no. I’m sure she was instructed by a higher up to get some deets on the Beliza wedding, it’s gossip, which is something they traffic in. But her job is also a majority to focus on the show, which she did not do. SDCC is fan convention, and the interview was about what people are a fan of, which is not Beliza, but the 100. Richard was there, too. It wasn’t even like last year with just Bob and Eliza. Richard was there, this was a the 100 interview, and much too much focus was placed on the Beliza relationship by the interviewer.
Furthermore, a skill every interviewer should have is knowing how to read the room. I agree that many celebrity couples would have been questioned after a marriage for details, but it is completely on the couple to decide whether they want to be open or whether they want privacy. Bob and Eliza have been clear not only in body language, but also in words, that they want to keep their private life private. The interviewer actively ignored that. A good interviewer would have steered the conversation in another direction after getting the responses she did, not kept prying. A good interviewer doesn’t make the people they’re interviewing uncomfortable.
And despite what you say about being a celebrity, everyone is entitled to privacy. I’d agree that it’s harder to maintain the more fame you achieve, but Bob and Eliza are no more famous than they were last year or the year before that. They are not A-list celebrities. They star in one (1) hit sci-fi show. And they’ve been able to maintain privacy for 5 whole years, so why not now? Why are they no longer entitled to that?
The Second One:
As a longtime sufferer from anxiety and depression, of course I know that it doesn’t excuse being a dick to people. Bob wasn’t a dick to that interviewer. He was anxious, and shortening his responses, and clearly trying to get out of that situation. The fact that he left the con after that interview was brave of him. It means he has a very firm and knowing grip on his own mental health and knows the steps he needs to take to keep himself grounded. I, myself, wish I could be more like Bob and seeing his ability to stand up and say, “No, this is a negative situation, and I’m removing myself from it,” that moves me. I often stay in situations I know I shouldn’t because my anxiety prevents me from leaving. It takes so much courage to conquer your own anxiety and depression like that, and not only conquer it, but also share with the world what you’re going through.
Finally, and this is the most telling point of all, in the second ask, you could’ve focused on any number of points you made in the first ask, like responding to interviews or privacy, but what you decide to go back is the fact of Bob and Eliza’s relationship timeline. That right there tells me something. It tells me you don’t really care about interview etiquette or privacy or anything else you claimed to, but the fact that you have already made a judgment about two individuals without the full facts.
And the likely thing? No one is ever going to have the full facts. What I know is that these two people are in love, and have been getting harassed for it and accused of things by people with no proof whatsoever. So, there’s the full thing. All the reasons that Bob was fully justified to act the way he did and why he was brave to leave to the con. Take it as you will. To the rest of my lovely followers, I’m taking a break from this topic and steering to more positive territories, just because I don’t want my blog clogged with All This.
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neighbours-kid · 5 years
Count Your Blessings
I had this moment of....realisation of how lucky I am, a while ago, and after watching Shazam! last night and talking about Zac with my friend, it really hit me again. 
You know, I don‘t really remember much of, well, I guess you could call it my personality, from when I was a child? I know that I liked certain things and disliked others, I know who my friends were and stuff I did on a more or less regular basis. But I don‘t really know what kind of person I was when I was younger.
As a kid, I liked reading, I liked the Harry Potter books. I know I liked playing board and card games with my family, I know I liked playing video games with my brother. I know I liked Pokémon and that I watched both anime and cartoons on TV. I know I liked playing outside with my friends, climbing on trees, playing football, just doing stuff in nature.
I remember liking some TV shows when I got older, liking going to the movies with family and friends. I remember going over to a friend‘s house to play video games.
I remember these things about my life but I don‘t remember who I was within those things. That sort of changes around and after sixth grade. I know that by the time I went to another school after my compulsory education, I quickly became known as the nerd. The kid who knows way too much about movies and tv shows and actors, who can recall dubbing voices and what the guy in the movie you‘re watching is best known for.
I‘ve always liked knowing things and knowing a lot about the actors that starred in my favourite movies and the shows just became part of that. It became so much part of it that one of my friends just had to turn around to look at me while we watched Wilde in class for me to immediately go “Jude Law. Watson to RDJ’s Holmes. The other guy at the beginning was Orlando Bloom. Lord of the Rings. Pirates of the Caribbean.” and she just turned back as if that had been the most normal interaction in the entire world. People became surprised when I didn’t know things.
To this day, I have people who met me during the start of that time, people who I barely see and barely know, come up to me whenever I meet them, and ask me if there’s anything worth watching right now. To so many people, both close friends and people I see maybe once a year, if at all, I have become a walking movie and tv show encyclopedia.
And to be honest, for a while I got really fed up with that, because I knew that this part of my personality was not all there is. I wanted to tell people, I am more than just that! And yeah, I am more than just that. But fuck yeah, I talk about movies a shit ton and I fucking love it.
So when, the other day, I was talking about seeing Shazam! this Friday with someone using the words “gotta see my dude being a superstar”, and upon them asking who the actor is, went through the spiel of “you know the show Chuck? You know Thor’s friend Fandral in the second two Thor movies?” and, when they started googling him, also, for some reason, mentioned his birthday and zodiac sign, I got a face I hadn’t seen in a long while. That of surprise, maybe a bit of confused shock, and wonder. I hadn’t heard the question “how on earth do you know that?” in so long, because it just became normal for people to assume I knew that.
And when I recalled that I had met Zac at SDCC, told a bit about that experience and then jokingly mentioned that I could also tell them about his fashion choices — a necklace in particular —, I felt that surge of gratitude again that had hit me weeks before when I saw Zac wearing the necklace while on the cover of a magazine.
So when I watched Shazam! last night, saw the big pop-up display for the movie, the posters, and his big ol’ face all over the place, it just really hit me again.
You know, I’m not oblivious to the fact that he is a celebrity, even if I hate that word. I know that he has a massive fanbase and that I am only one of many who admire him. I am not trying to put him on a pedestal, and I sure as hell don’t have delusions that I know who he is in private, that I can say I know him as a person. All I know is who he is publicly, in interviews, interaction with fans and stuff like that.
But…having met him twice? Having seen him interact with people in front of me, how he talks to people, listens to people? Having been able to sit down with him for a moment, tell him the story behind the necklace and the reason why I wanted him to have it, and knowing that he got it? Having interacted with him, I know that who he seems to be to the public, is to a very large degree, not just a facade. I am sure that he has some things he hides away from the public, but that’s entirely fair. I don’t believe there is any person in the public eye — may that be actors, politicians, musicians, or even the fucking weather person — who does not, to a certain degree, play a part while out and about. They are just people like you and me, they have lives, bad days and good days. Hell, even I play a part sometimes.
But what I have always felt with him, through watching interviews and experiencing him in actual, real life, seeing him around fans, friends, and even family, I have only ever gotten a feeling of a deep genuineness, a sincere honesty.
I have no illusions about meaning anything to him beyond the “fan” bit, but it sure means a hell lot to me that he wears that necklace, understands its meaning. And it feels kinda nice too, when you’re told that something you’ve written has been read, or when you can see recognition on his face a year after you met the first time. And I am incredibly grateful for that, and so humbled that I got to experience that, and that I get to keep experiencing that. I am incredibly blessed.
This year is a culmination of a lot of things, in a lot of ways. Not just with Shazam! and its incredible success and the fact that people all over the world are going to see what a star Zac is, what we have known to be true all along, but also in regards to Avengers: Endgame coming out. I started down this rabbit hole of a journey seven years ago, when the first Avengers movie came out. In 2012 I really, truly became that movie obsessed weirdo that I am today, and it all started with that movie, really. It was through Avengers that I discovered my love for Loki, and thus my admiration for Tom Hiddleston, and it was through Hiddleston that I became aware of San Diego Comic-Con. And it was through both these things that I found NerdHQ and ultimately yer man Zac Levi.
God works in mysterious ways, guys. And it’s funny, because I often get this question from my mom or people at my church— if I’m so obsessed and pre-occupied with movies and tv shows and actors, do I still have time for God? And it’s funny, because they don’t understand, that this is how I find God, how I see him and his work, every day. Movies is how I have, ultimately, found renewed belief and faith. God has used both Hiddleston and Zac in ways that they can’t see, it seems. I am a kinder, more loving person, a more generous and caring human being than I was seven years ago, because I found those movies, those stories, and those people.
Huh. I am honestly just sitting here, still only barely grasping how incredibly lucky I’ve been, how blessed I am. I have made so many incredible memories, found so many great friends through this world of movies and this nerdy environment, I have seen many places and wonderful things because of it. And sitting in that cinema seat yesterday watching my dude on screen being a fucking superhero and being fantastic at it, just hit that home for me.
I am so lucky.
I am so blessed.
And it’s not just the past, either. I’ve somehow managed to find out that Zac would be at CCXP in Cologne, Germany, on the very last day of early bird sales for that event, and I had the money to book that trip. And now, without any of my doing, the opportunity to work has come up, and with that money I’ll be able to balance these expenses right out again. How fucking lucky is that?
You know, sometimes I go full Freddie Mercury and ask myself, is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy? But it is in those moments that I see the post-cards on my wall with faces on them that prove that this is real life. It is in those moments that I open instagram and see a post of Zac’s and the gold chain of that necklace pokes out of the collar of his shirt. I open twitter and I see my friends from all over the globe interacting with each other, loving each other. And I get to be part of that. How fucking cool is that?
I am so lucky. I haven’t always had it easy, I’ve gone through some shit, am still going through some shit. Life is hard, you know. But I have been so incredibly blessed and I can see so much more of that on the horizon.
I said this to my friend yesterday, but, dude, life is short.
Do the cool shit. Spend your money on concert tickets, trips to foreign countries, opportunities to see your favourite actors, musicians, authors in actual real life. Meet your heroes! They could be dead the very next day. Life is weird and complicated and short. So make the best out of it.
Fuck what other people think! Go make yourself happy.
And with that, I only have one last thing to say, to ask. Go see Shazam! Do yourself that favour. Go see it. It doesn’t matter if you’re not into superhero movies or if you don’t like DC, or whatever. Go see it. You’ll thank yourself later.
I love you, people. Be good, be kind.
(Thank you, Zac. Thank you for this.)
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mf-despair-queen · 6 years
What Happens At Comic Con - Dylan O’Brien
Author: @mf-despair-queen
Characters: Dylan O’Brien/Reader
Word Count: 17,252
Summary: Comic Con turns steamy when Y/N finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time - under the table at the Teen Wolf panel in front of her biggest crush.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Unprotected Sex, Protected Sex, Oral (both receiving), Multiple Orgasms, Doggy, Spanking, Hair Pulling, Choking, Public Sex, Bondage (handcuffs and blindfolds), Wall Sex, Daddy Kink, Squirting, Boob Job, Mentions of Alcohol, Mentions of Practicing Safe Sex, Public Teasing, 69
Notes: Y’all wanted kinky daddy Dyl. Here you go. Takes place during 2015 SDCC. Thanks to @malia–stilinski and @roscoeknows for lurking and proofing. Ria also wrote the summary because I suck at them LOL. (PS Mobile is dumb but the read more IS THERE. Do not message me about it.)
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You trudged through the people on your way into the San Diego Convention Center, your badge flopping around on the lanyard against your stomach. You fanned yourself with a piece of paper you had clasped in your sweaty palm from the intense July heat, rushing through the crowd of people towards where you were supposed to report that morning. You muttered low apologies when you bumped into different people, glancing at your watch every few seconds to make sure you weren’t running too late.
Two minutes.
You finally broke through the final crowd, pushing into the door that read Authorized Personnel Only, flashing your badge at the security on the other side. Eric, the guard current on duty, shook his head, covering his mouth to shield his low snickers. “It’s only day one, Y/N, and you are already running late?”
“Not late yet!” you screamed back at him, practically slamming into the keycard scanner to start your shift. You rapidly typed in your information, the ding from the machine signalling your successful shift sign in. You checked your watch one last time, slumping against the machine. “Safe. Thirty seconds to spare.”
“Damn,” Eric hummed, turning in his seat to watch you. “I lost my ten bucks.”
“You and Tim bet on me again?” you asked with a slight scowl on your face.
“You know it. New year, new bets to make.”
“Well, good luck next time, tiger,” you told him sarcastically, dropping your purse into your locker. “Do you know where I am today?”
“Check with Let. She’s in charge of scheduling this year. She’ll probably have you working with Bel and Ria though getting panels set up,” he informed. His lips curled into a smirk, leaning over the back of his chair. “Maybe you will get to work the Teen Wolf panel this time and see that guy you like.”
Your face lit up like a firecracker, turning a bright shade of red. You turned away from him to clip up your hair, letting a few strands hang loose. “I don’t know what you are talking about,” you mumbled, knowing he heard your clearly.
In the few years you had worked for San Diego Comic Con, you had silently hoped and prayed to work the Teen wolf panel. You had watched the show since it first aired in 2011 and fell in love with it. And even more, you absolutely loved one of the lead actors - Dylan O’Brien. Since the moment he came on screen, you were smitten with the sarcastic man. He was a genuine personality from what you knew about him. He was a mixture of smart, funny, talented and an overall kind person.
When you got hired to work in the audio-visual department full-time every year, you hoped for the chance to meet the man you adored for so long. But no. You always seemed to miss him, getting assigned to other jobs and never getting time to even see him personally. Your friends were always the ones to interact, confirming the things you had heard about him. Their words would just set you into a fit of depression and every night, you would find yourself eating a tub of chocolate ice cream. It was a simple hope to meet him, but at this point, it seemed unrealistic, like the world was determined to keep you just from saying hello to him.
“Whatever you say, Y/N,” Eric mused, nodding when someone walked through the door, showing their badge. “Get to work, squirt.”
“Just because you are old enough to be my dad doesn’t give you the right to call me squirt,” you grumbled, smacking the back of his head as you passed him, darting down the hall. “Don’t work too hard, Er!”
You ran into the meeting room where you found Let waiting. “Bout time,” she cracked, tapping her clipboard.
“Com licença,” you mumbled to the Brazilian, her lips curling. “I clocked in on time. I swear.”
“I know. I saw you,” she laughed, making you stick your tongue out. “Hey, be nice or I will change my mind.”
“On what?” you questioned.
“Your tasks for today,” he hummed. She slid a paper over to you when you sat in the chair across from her, letting you glance over it. “I have you set up for ‘The Autobiography of James T. Kirk’ at ten-forty-five, ‘Call of Duty Black Ops III: Zombie World Reveal’ at one, you will take your lunch after that. When you come back, maybe touch up on some things here before you head to Ballroom 20.”
“What’s in Ballroom 20?” you asked, her grin deepening.
“Well, I figured you were the right person to help with the ‘MTV’s Teen Wolf’ panel at five.”
“Wait,” you started, blinking multiple times to process her words. “Really?”
“Seriously!” She laughed. “You will be working the Teen Wolf panel this year. Maybe you will get to say hi to the actors when they gather backstage.” She went a sly wink your way, your cheeks tingling pink.
“I don’t know what you are talking about. I-I’m not a fan of Teen Wolf,” you tried to say, voice cracking and squeaking with each word.
“Never said you were. So, thanks for clarifying,” she cackled, making your cheeks darken.
“You’re a horrible person.”
“I know,” she grinned. “Now, do I get anything for this amazing daily setup?”
You stood from your seat, rounding the table until you stood beside her. Without a beat, your arms wrapped around her in a tight hug, bouncing in your spot. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! Obrigado, Let!”
“You’re welcome. Now go get to work!” she joked, pushing you off. “Ria and Bel are waiting to head to the Kirk panel.”
“You won’t regret this!” you told her, backing out into the hallway to face two grinning females. You turned to them after the door shut, quirking an eyebrow. “What?”
“Well?” Ria asked.
“Do you have anything to say?” Bel inquired, both leaning in close to catch any response you might have.
You tried to keep a straight face, but couldn’t for very long. The sheer thought lingered in your mind, the words Teen Wolf racing through it like one of those scrolling signboards you see at sporting events. Finally you let out a scream, pulling them into a giant hug, the three of you bouncing in circles a couple times. When you broke away, your high-pitched squeals continued as you bounced down the hall, doing small dances to nonexistent music. You cheered yourself off, shaking your ass to the beat in your head, finally jumping to clap your heels together, though it only succeeded in making you fall to the ground in a pile of limbs.
Scrambling to your feet a few feet away, you dusted off your clothes, looking back at the girls. “I’m ok,” you tried to claim, narrowing your eyes on the snickering females. Ria had her phone out, camera pointed your way while Bel narrated what was happening with the jig you had produced. “Delete that.”
“Hell no,” she laughed. “This is going on Youtube.”
“Delete it or I erase you from life.”
“You wouldn’t,” her eyes narrowed.
“Wanna bet?”
“Guys, we have a job to do,” Bel broke in, yanking the phone from Ria. It was stuffed in her back pocket, Bel linking her arm with the Canadian’s before looping her other one with yours, dragging you both down the hall. “But, let’s be honest. That was a great video.”
“I hate you both,” you grumbled.
“No you don’t,” they replied simultaneously.
You glanced over the AV panel backstage of Ballroom 20, just short of five pm. The others were rushing around and getting the microphones set up, ensuring the cameras were prepped for the actors that were to arrive shortly. You fought against the rapid pounding of your heart, your eyes constantly darting to the time in anticipation. The actors would probably be arriving soon, someone getting them situated in proper order or walk onto the stage. That would mean feet away, Dylan O’Brien would be standing…
No, ignore that. Focus on your job, you scolded yourself, shaking our head and adjusting the way you sat in your chair. You turned a few knobs on the main panel, listening to Ria test each of the microphones.
“Everything sounds good on my end, Ria,” you told her, the girl cheering, though it was slightly muffled by the sound of the guests that had filled the hall completely.
“It’s a full house out here,” Bel mumbled through your ear piece. “Popular show, eh?”
“You have no idea,” you laughed slightly. “It’s a great show, guys. And the actors… They’re amazing, alright?”
“Soon,” Ria sung into your ear. “Very soon you will meet the love of your life!~”
“Shut up,” you grumbled. The line went silent, the feed cut until it was needed again, your eyes focusing once more on the screens in front of you. Your rapidly skimming eyes halted on one small blue screen a frown forming on your face. One of the microphones that had previously been working was no longer active, a big, fat error blinking on the screen. “Dammit, Ria must have accidently kicked the table or something when she was done and loosened the wires.”
You glanced around, everyone too busy with their work to worry about the minor issue. You almost felt like an inconvenience to grab someone to help with the issue, mostly because you knew it was a simple fix; it was something you could run out and fix in a matter of seconds. You were sure you knew exactly what the issue was, so why would you need someone’s assistance fixing it?
I just have to sneak out there, fix the connection under the table and get back before the panel starts. They won’t even notice I’m gone. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! You told yourself, taking out the earpiece. You ignored the commotion of people around you as you took cautious steps towards the stage, peeking out at the crowd. Bel hadn’t lied when she said it was a full house. Every seat was filled with eager fans, all excited to see their favorite actors on stage in a matter of minutes.
You looked back once to see if anyone was paying attention to you, seeing everyone with the backs turned. With a final deep breath, your ducked low, slithering forward onto the stage so the audience wouldn’t see you sneak by. You had to crawl between the chairs, shifting them subtly to slip by, lifting the table cloth to sneak under it. The cloth fell limp behind your, your small form safely under the table so you could look at the wired connections for the microphones.
“Let’s see,” you mumbled to yourself, following wires to check that each was properly plugged in to the main console. “Aha! You are the problem child, aren’t you?” you said to a loose microphone wire that had been knocked partially free from the port. With a single click, it was back in place, the table shifted so it wasn’t near the console again. “Now, we are all good in the neighborhood.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Kevin Smith, the moderator for the panel said, your heart officially stopping.
“Oh, God no.”
“How is everyone doing on this hot July day?” He said, the crowd cheering in response. “That’s good! Welcome to San Diego Comic Con to our favorite Teen Wolf panel! Let’s hear it!” The crowd roared louder, yet all you wanted to do was hit your head on the ground, cursing loudly at the situation you found yourself in. “So, y’all seen episode one of season five of course, yes?”
“Who hasn’t?” you grumbled lowly.
“I’m a man who loves a bromance. I’ve made a few movies where dudes are in love with each other and stuff. So naturally naturally, the Sciles relationship is very close to my heart. That being said, as you recall, the end of the episode, it’s not just those two but everybody going into the library, writing their initials on the shelf with the yearbooks and stuff. Which, right away, appealed to me on the sentimentality of like ‘oh, I’m forty-five. I think I remember going to high school’ and stuff like that, but I loved it. It’s a beautiful scene, like, there we are in Beacon Hills High School and watching all the friends together and that’s great. And then they took it one level up. And that’s what this show always does, and does so exceptionally well and why I will tune in and watch a show. Why y’all are here today to see the people behind it.”
“I wouldn’t know. I’m under a table,” you seethed. “I was supposed to see Dylan finally. Fuck my life.”
“They gave us something even better. All of a sudden, we see Scott take out the marker and he writes Allison’s initials. And I started bawling as I was watching the scene.”
“I would say grow a pair if I too hadn’t cried my eyes out at that scene,” you muttered.
“I start crying. Now, I was watching on my laptop and my wife is sitting over at her desk. She’s watching a totally different program. She sees me crying and she’s like ‘what’s the matter?’ and I was like ‘he just wrote Allison’s initials in the library!”
“Kevin, I love you, but I feel bad for your wife right now,” you snickered to yourself.
“And my looked at me like ‘I can’t believe I sleep with you’.”
“I knew I always liked her,” you grinned.
Kevin cleared his throat. “But, ladies and gentlemen, there’s a reason we’re gathering here today man. I, like you, love Teen Wolf. Give it up for Teen Wolf.” The crowd burst out into a round of applause, while you sat back, giving a fake clap with a deadpanned, unimpressed face, almost mocking the predicament you were in. “We’re gonna be lucky enough to sit here today and talk to the people behind it. The people that make it happen man. I’m gonna bring the out. Give it up for each one as they come out as if they’re, you know, Jesus coming into Nazareth or something like that. Without this guy, ladies and gentlemen, you got no show man. He created it, he runs it, he’s the man. Give it up for Jeff Davis!”
You heard footsteps through the loud cheering, the table cloth shifting slightly. A pair of legs appeared under them at the right end of the table - the left facing the audience. You face paled, slowly looking over the chairs that were in front of you. “Oh fuck me. They’re going to sit here and potentially kick me. Or worse, know I’ here.” You ran a hand through your hair. “Even better, my first Teen Wolf panel experience is under a table. Good job, Y/N. Real piece of work here. First, you miss Dylan then you get to listen to his sexy voice under the table. Ten out of ten would go again.”
“You know. It’s-it’s a boy’s world in Teen Wolf. Not so much. It’s girls as well man. Lots of ladies on this show who kick ass. Here’s one of them man. Give it up for Shelley Hennig!”
A pair of orange legs appeared next, black heels covering her feet. “To think, the first thing I see in person of my idols are their legs. What a memory.”
“I’ve watched this kid become such a great actor over the last five seasons. I stole him and put him into a movie called Yoga Hosers man. He is the teen wolf man. Give it up for Tyler Posey!”
You heard his thudding footsteps followed by a crash. You ended up having to bite your lip to remain quiet, a hysterical laugh bound to escape if you weren’t careful. He sat next to Shelley, the seats before where you were sat dwindling rapidly. Literally. There was one seat directly in front of you and whoever was next would be the one to kick you if they so pleased.
“We didn’t break anything this time, did you?” Jeff asked through the crowd, his voice echoing slightly because of the microphone. “No broken toe?”
“No broken toes this time,” Posey laughed. You shook your head, thinking how he didn’t need a microphone for people to hear his cheerful voice. “I don’t think so. I may have broken my butt though.”
“I don’t know how you follow an entrance like that but there’s one guy who’s gonna be able to do it man. He’s half of Sciles. Give it up for Dylan O’Brien!”
Part of you wanted to clap wildly like the inner fan you were, joining the crowd in the applause the man deserved.
Part of you wanted to crawl away and die in a hole because you wouldn’t even get to see his face.
The last part was already dead with the realization of where you sat. Dylan’s name was called and he would sit next to Tyler. The chair in front of you was next to Tyler. There was no where you could run without risking the cords getting knocked loose or making noise so someone could hear you. Now, sometimes, you were regrettably bad at math, but if things were adding up right in your mind, there was only one possible outcome.
You were essentially going to be sitting between Dylan’s legs for the next hour during this panel.
Though there was a second possibility with relatively high probability that he would kick you in the face.
There was a loud thump again, and you knew he had fallen the same way Tyler had when he entered the stage. That preciously awkward clumsy nugget. Dylan, you stole another piece of my heart without me seeing you. Tyler stood from his seat, his legs disappeared from your view. The table cloth was raised enough that you could see his shoes beside Dylan’s worn brown boots he occasionally wore since that boy only owns approximately six outfits in total.
Their feet neared the table and everything seemed to go in slow motion for you. Your heart stopped pumping and your hearing went silent. Your eyes widened to the size of golf balls while your sweaty palms clenched tightly. You shuffled in your kneeling position, the ache of your bent knees overshadowed by the fear and anxiety you felt. With each step closer, you saw a piece of your life flash before you eyes.
Ok, a bit dramatic, but it felt like that.
You were ready to pass out by the time he finally sat down. Your body grew exponentially hotter than it had been all day and it wasn’t from the July heat or being confined in the smallest space ever. It was from the fact that you were sitting between Dylan O’Brien’s legs. They were spread slightly, the man slouching slightly in his seat. The table cloth rests against his hips, giving you the ideal shot of his shirt riding up. The dark hairs of his happy trail were visible and you felt a bit like Pavlov’s dog, drooling because you were ready at the ring of the bell. Or, in this case, the melodic voice that hovered above you.
Holy god, he sounds a million times better in person.
His khakis hung love on his hips, your fingers itching to reach forward and trace the defined v-lines that were embedded into his skin. You marveled at the little bit you saw of him, afraid of what you would say or do if you were staring at his face. Letting your eyes slide shut, you could picture his face already. A thin layer of scruff along his jaw because he hadn’t bothered to shave all week. The stubble hid the moles you loved, the constellation of marks something that never failed to make your world twinkle and sparkle with happiness. He was probably wearing some kind of Mets hat much to your delight. His hands would rub and his knees, veins protruding from the skin and running up his arms, dancing between the dark hairs that laid against his skin.
In that moment, you tuned Kevin out, ignoring when Holland, Sprayberry and Cody sat down next at the table, completing the row of guests. You missed the questions he began to ask everyone or the commotion that was spurred when Posey gave Kevin a Beacon Hills lacrosse jersey of his own. The voices around you felt muffled besides his - the voice of the angelic man you admired for his personality, talent and wit. Yes, he was handsome but he was more than that.
He was perfection.
As the panel trudged on, you only listened to him, noting the tiny nuances of his actions when he spoke. He couldn’t sit still, sometimes straightening in his seat so he could lean forward into the microphone while other times his hands would be clasped in his lap, subtly adjusting himself in his jeans. His legs would kick out when he got excited, barely missing your scrunched up form. You heard his hands clap together whenever something happened. You knew he fidgeted with the Mets hat on his head occasionally by the way his body would shift against the chair. You would grin at the idea of his hand running through the silky dark locks, your body fidgeting with an unneeded - though not unwanted - desire. His joy brought you immense happiness, the butterflies rebelling inside you and trying to escape their cage.
You inched closer unconscious, watching as his hand rubbed over the crotch in his khakis against, adjusting himself as he sat. When his hand pulled away, you blink, leaning forward to get a better look. He had a bulge in his pants and it wasn’t small by any means. You could easily make out the shape of his length pressing into the tanned fabric, the fabric occasionally jumping when it twitched. H-he’s… he’s horny now? In the middle of the panel? You tried to sneak a glance up at him, the tablecloth in your way. Is this normal for him? Does he just get hard randomly? I know guys are always horny but now? What do I do? Stare at his erection the next thirty minutes?
You gnawed on your lip, slowly reaching forward. Your hand pulled back a few times, debating what to do the entire time. You were potentially risking your exposure under the table, between his legs, all because of your insatiable desire for him. Your body burned and the thought that he had a erection hiding in his pants made you wet in your jeans.Your core throbbed with want. The heat was becoming unbearable.
Was the fear worth it, knowing that he potentially wouldn’t want what you were willing to offer? Yes
Was the risk worth it, exposing yourself to him and willing providing sexual favors that you were more than ready to give without knowing who he truly was? You knew who he was but you didn’t know him, but the answer was still yes.
Just do it.
You hand brushed his crotch lightly, easily popping the button and sliding down the zipper. What you didn’t see above the table was the actor’s honey caramel orbs widen in shock, his lips tugged into a tight line. His eyebrows raised with his exasperated expression and he nearly choked on his water when he tried to cover the shock with a drink. Posey sent him a strange look, Dylan subtly shaking his head to rid his best friend’s worry. When Posey returned his ever watchful gaze to the audience and Dylan was sure that no one was looking really, he lifted the tablecloth that rested against his hips.
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He was shocked to meet your eye, you hand creeping into his pants and pulling out the erection he had. His heart thudded rapidly, his cheek twinging a light pink from your beauty that he pushed away immediately.
His mouth went to fall open when you placed a finger to your lips, signalling him to remain quiet. And instead of him blowing your cover and stopping you like you feared he would, he nodded slowly, dropping the tablecloth back over himself. He slid himself further down in his seat to give you better access, sliding one hand under the tablecloth to help reveal himself fully to you.
Holy shit. He’s ok with this? He wants this? You asked yourself on rapidfire. But why? Is it because of me, or is it because I’m offering to blow him? I hope it’s the former… Well, no time to question right now.
You slid forward on your knees so you were nestled between his legs better, using a hand to stroke him slowly. Dylan was struggling not to make a noise of pleasure, his attention split between the guests he was addressing and the events in his lap. His fingers curled against the black tablecloth, teeth gritting together so he could utter his answer through clenched teeth. His voice was strained and you could tell. You knew his voice like the back of your hand and the tone was off. And the more your hand moves, the more it grumbled together, dropping a few octaves between words. You could picture his Adam’s Apple bobbing with each dry swallow - and he was doing just that.
He slid forth slightly, giving you enough access to wrap your lips around the head of his cock. His voice jumped with surprise as he answered a question about what supernatural creature Stiles would be. His chin leaned on his conjoined hands, his body wiggling at the pleasurable sensation of your moist lips around him, hollowed cheeks sucking at the sensitive tip. Your tongue smoothed over the slit, tasting the precum that seeped out from your gentle strokes. He was a tad salty, but most sweet, just like his extraordinary and unique personality.
With the small amount of room you had, you began to bob your head along his length, careful not to bump the underside of the table whenever you pulled away from him. Your hand continued to stroke what couldn’t fit in your mouth, your mouth and digits in perfect sync. Your could feel yourself growing more aroused with each passing second, your panties growing slick in your jeans, the droplets beginning to coat your thighs. For a second, you were thankful you wore black jeans. The more you sucked at him, taking every inch of his gigantic cock in between your cheeks, the wetter your grew.
The throbbing was becoming unbearable, your heart racing in time with the pulses that weaseled their way from your groin through your veins. With your free hand, never letting your motions falter, you popped the button on your jeans, unzipping it slowly and quietly. Your hand slid between your legs as best it could, a shiver running up your spine when you made contact with the moist core. It was dripping down your fingers without remorse. You let out an inaudible whimper around him, letting two slim fingers sliding into yourself. Slow thrusts into your moist center matched the perfectly timed bobs of your head.
Dylan was struggling even more than before to keep calm and collected, his orgasm quickly approaching. When he wasn’t busy answering a fan, he thought back on his love life, trying to recall the last time he had a blowjob this incredible. The answer was never. The way you hand gripped him and the way your mouth formed around him. The way the tip would occasionally hit the back of your throat and you wouldn’t halt for a single second. The way your tongue would swirl about his entire length, tracing along the pulsing vein that wa protruding on the underside of him. He was impressed, aroused and pleased. He was ecstatic and, deep down, he was enjoying every second of it.
For you, you were on cloud nine. You pleasured yourself while pleasing him. You savored his salty sweet juices while letting your freshly manicured nails scrape at your tender walls, gracing over your g-spot occasionally. Your thumb pressed to your clit for extra bliss. Your hand that was wrapped about the base of his shaft moved to fondle his balls, pushing his boxer briefs out of the way as much as possible. Your mouth did the remainder of the work, sucking deep and long at his erect cock.
Dylan, who had his head buried in his hands to keep focused, snapped to attention when a fan asked him a question, the man stuttering out an answer. He was so close - he was nearly there. And in the middle of his answer, he resorted to one of the things that came naturally to him: comedy. He let out a disgruntled laugh to cover a moan that threatened to slip, his eyes squinting and his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth like a dog in heat as he gave the girl of hysterical answer to her question.
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It was all a facade though. His pulsing length twitched wildly, long strings of white spilled from the end down your throat, his burning hot seed dripping down your throat as he came. You quivered yourself, a mild orgasm hitting your system. It didn’t stop you from swallowing every last drop he ejaculated into you mouth. Dylan had to dig his nails into his palms to keep silent, his body shaking from the orgasm that was raining over him. His eyes fluttered shut briefly, opening quickly to make it seem like a few rapid blinks of his long, gorgeous eyelashes.
You pulled away as he began to go limp, your tongue running over your lips to gather any drops that may have escaped. Your hand pulled from your core, wiped on the bottom of your jeans to clean them of your arousal. You were left with a silent prayer that no one could tell what you had done and why your pants were damp with your core’s fluids. You fixed your pants first before fixing his, giving him a light pat on the crotch when you were done so he knew he could relax and sit up,
“And that wraps up our time for today. Everyone give it up for one more time for your Teen Wolf cast!” One by one, they stood up from the seats, presumably waving at the crowd as they were announced. “Jeff Davis! Shelley Hennig! Tyler Posey! Dylan O’Brien!” At that, Dylan stood up, leaving you alone under the table. “Holland Roden! Dylan Sprayberry And Cody Christian!” A round of applause filled the room, the low sound of footfalls disappearing from the stage. “Thank you everyone and enjoy the rest of your day!”
You slowly lifted the bottom of the tablecloth, peeking out to make sure the coast was clear. Kevin was gone and the stage was empty. Before you waited a second longer, risking getting caught, you crawled out, shuffling back behind the stage. You heart was pounding rapidly, having yet to cease from everything that had happened. Pushing your hair back, you sat at your sound panel, waiting for whoever was there to relieve you. They showed up quickly and you found yourself briskly walked towards the door.
On your way out, you passed the Teen Wolf cast. On a normal day, you would stop and talk to them, considering how much you adored them and their show. But considering what just happened, you weren’t in the mood. You missed Dylan’s eyes following you, his mouth falling open to call out to you. You didn’t hear his steps following after you hastily, leaving his friends behind.
“Hey! Wait. Please!” he tried calling, one hand reaching out to try and stop you from escaping.
You face lit up, too embarrassed to face him after what happened. Instead of stopping like you would have loved to do, to turn and face the man of your dreams, you pushed through the personnel doors, disappearing from his view.
His face fell, his hands hanging limp from his side. He watched the door shut behind you, taking his hat off to ruffle his hair. “I just wanted your name…”
“Get a move on guys! We have a panel that starts in ten!” Ria shouted to the bustling crew, Bel sitting at the audio panel. You strut over to her, glancing over her shoulder.
“Everything looks good,” she chimed happily, giving her thumbs up. “Everything is working perfectly. All mics are functioning, cameras are ready. I think we are all set for the panel!”
“Thank god something can go right today,” you laughed.
Friday had come faster than you could blink. After the Teen Wolf fiasco, you had rushed home, curled up in bed and hid under the covers until your alarm blared that morning. And so far, everything seemed to go wrong. Equipment malfunctions, late panel starts, employees and volunteers not showing up. You even spilled your morning coffee over your shirt, having to swap it for a spare you kept in your locker. And this was all before noon. You took a fast lunch, sadly dreading your next task.
Managing the Maze Runner panel.
The first movie was marvelous but the potential of running into Dylan again was racing through your mind endlessly. You could physically feel your blood pressure heighten, your body unable to stay still since you walked into the convention center. You were afraid of the man you admired. You couldn’t imagine looking him in the eye after everything that had happened between you both.
With a low sigh, you collapsed in a chair at a table, taking a sip of water before the action got started. You hadn’t seen the actors arrived and you hoped to keep it that way until you could slip away from the panel unnoticed. You knew it would be a long two hours while the panel ran. You glanced at your watch as you sipped the lukewarm bottle, setting it down to fan yourself with some random papers that were scattered on table.
You squeaked in surprise, the papers going flying while your head whipped to the source of the noise. Dylan sat with his perfectly round bum on the table, his head turned to you. His honey eyes flickered with amusement at your squeal, his lips upturned in a goofy grin. He took off his hat to run his hand through his silky locks, replacing the Mets cap backwards over his chocolate colored hair. His face was lined with scruff like you always loved, the moles scattered across his cheeks barely visible but looking extra delicious.
“D-Dylan,” you managed to get out, Dylan nodding partially in agreement.
“Yeah,” he laughed. His voice was melodic, the pitch perfect to match his looks. It wasn’t insanely deep and gruff, but it wasn’t like his balls hadn’t dropped either. It was literal music to your ears. His throat vibrated with his words, ringing like a perfect harmony as he watched you closely. “I’m Dylan.”
“I-I know,” you cracked, looking away from him. He continued to smile, shifting in his position to look at you better. His hands rested in his lap, watching you expectantly.
“And you are?” he finally asked. You flushed a bright red, realizing he didn’t know who you were like you knew him.
“O-Oh. Sorry. I-I’m Y/N,” you said, tucking some hair behind your ear.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he rasped, scratching at his stubbled chin. You looked down at the table, a small smile tugging at your lips. “You know, I think I’ve seen you somewhere before.”
“Oh really?” you asked, your heartrate picking up. You dared to glance up at him, a glint hidden behind his eyes.
“Yeah. I feel like I’ve seen your before today. And I just had to come talk to you because I kinda missed you after you took off after a panel,” he kept saying, his vague words causing your foot to tap anxiously.
“W-well, we definitely have never met. Trust me on that,” you confirmed.
“I don’t know,” he continued, licking his lips. “Are you sure you haven’t been under any tables lately?”
Your heart stopped. You slowly looked up at him, expecting him to be angry. “I’m so sorry about that,” you let out before even seeing the expression on his face. Your nails scratched at the wood on the table, leaving a line of indentations from the countless scratches. “I-it was a complete accident I swear-”
“Y/N, calm down,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “You don’t have to apologize. I… I really enjoyed it. I never thought I’d say that aloud, trust me. But what you did was phenomenal.”
You blinked at him, gaping like a fish. “Wait, really?”
Dylan gave a sheepish smile, winking before his name was called. His castmates were waving him over, the panel getting ready to start. “Well, hopefully we can get to know each other better. You can sneak under more tables if you want,” he whispered, giving a toothy grin. He leaned closer, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. “Or, next time, I can please you in return.”
You didn’t get a chance to respond. Dylan slid off the table, giving another wink while backing away. His eyes bore into you, darker than before. He strut away quickly, greeting his friends with hugs and laughs. Your eyes remained on his backside, licking your lips at his tight back muscles through his shirt and his plump ass through his black jeans. You felt your body heating up, stomach churning with an uneasy want. Your loins were burning in your jeans, replaying the words he said, picturing the flirting he was doing moments ago.
You squealed once more in surprise, turning to Ria. With a hand on your chest to calm your heart, you glanced at her quirked eyebrow and silly grin. “You people really need to not sneak up on me.”
“You people?” she inquired. “As in, me and Dylan O’Brien?” she hummed.
“Shut up.”
“Alright, alright,” she said, waving her hands in defeat. “We need you on the floor.”
“What?” You asked, forehead wrinkled in confusion. “Why?”
“Alex, the new guy for camera work, didn’t show up,” she hissed. “We need you to fill in.”
“Why me?” you whined.
“Because you are free and the best one we have,” she chimed.
“Fine,” you growled back, standing from the table. You grabbed a headset to head the others while working, Ria grinning at your side. “What now?”
“So, you and Dylan? What was that all about?”
“Oh my God, Ria. Not now,” you grumbled.
“Fine. I expect details later,” she said, skipping away to Bel’s side. You rushed out to the cameras just as Chris Hardwick, the facilitator for the panel walked out, greeting the fans. He gave an intro for the fans, getting them hyped for the trailer that was to premiere. You grabbed a camera to take a few photographs while the cast and crew walk out, getting it ready while the trailer played. You watched the trailer quietly, smiling at what was coming.
As it ended, the cast and crew walked out. You snapped photos while they entered the stage, pausing when Dylan was announced. His eyes found yours quickly, a confident smile on his face as he waved at the crowd, clapping for his fellow castmates. You shook off the butterflies that formed from his glance, trying to focus on the photos you were taking.
Though, he made your job hard for the two hours you were on the floor. You caught pictures of him staring at you, occasionally catching the winks and smiles he sent your way. He would purposefully run his hands through his hair, tugging at the collar of his shirt as if he were hot just to show his defined collarbone. He gave subtle gestures towards you such as running his tongue over his lips slowly and tauntingly or letting his hand disappear under the table like he were palming an erection that he was now sporting. He was playing with your head and your hormones, the delectable man seeming to want more of you.
But, two could play his game.
You tugged your shirt low after standing up, giving him a better shot of the cleavage you were displaying. You had worn a push up bra because of the shirt you had originally worn but after the whole coffee ordeal… yeah, now you were sporting a line of cleavage that would make any man wet themselves. Dylan let his eyes trail over it slowly, pressing his tongue to the roof of his mouth to keep in an undesired noise of approval. You wiggled your hips while you worked, sticking your ass out whenever you moved to take photos of the cast. Your jeans made your butt look incredible and you were willing to flaunt it to the actor of your dreams. You twirled strands of hair, fluttering your eyes at him, the man returning the gesture with his own winks and fluttering eyelashes.
The tension between you both was palpable but more than warranted and desired. You welcomed it and you only hoped he did as well - though, it felt like he did.
When the panel was over, the actors standing to wave at the crowd happily, you heading backstage to gather your stuff. As you were piling up your random papers, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, giving a sharper tug than they really meant. You looked up at a frazzled Dylan, his eyes brighten but dark.
“Hey. Sorry. Didn’t mean to do that as hard as I did,” he mumbled, keeping your body upright when you stumbled from his tug. “I-I just needed to talk to you. Like, right now please? Alone?”
“O-Oh. Um,” you tried to say, no words coming out. He took the silence as approval, glancing around to see if he was being watched before pulling you away quickly. You struggling to keep up with this long strides, Dylan almost running through the back stage to get to whatever destination he was planning. “Where are we going?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted, your face paling as he pushed through a set of double doors, looking left and right before continuing. “I just… I needed to get away.”
You looked him over as you walked, stopping to spy the tend in his jeans. He was horny again. He needed a release you presumed. He was struggling to keep in control, his face scrunching in anger when he couldn’t find a place to get the release he desired. He had an antsy bounce in his step, his hand squeezing at your wrist uncomfortably.
“Next right,” you told him, Dylan pausing to look back at you. “There is our staff bathroom. It’s a single person bathroom.”
“Perfect,” he uttered to himself, rushing off against. Following your direction, he found the room with ease, flicking on the light before tucking you in. The door was slammed shut behind you, your back pressed against it. His fingers fumbled with the lock, his body pressing against yours.
“God, you are a horrible tease,” he grumbled lowly, playing with the hem of your shirt. Your breath came out in uneven puffs, waiting for him to do something more. “Watching you throughout the panel was torture. All I could think about was yesterday and finding you under the table. I could only think about you sucking my cock. But actually seeing you this time made it ten times worse. You’re fucking gorgeous and I couldn’t stop thinking about the different things I’d do to you when I could get my arms around you.”
“Dylan,” you wheezed, meeting his eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, your head nodding swiftly in response. “If you ever want me to stop, you tell me. I don’t want to push you into anything you aren’t comfortable with.”
You groaned, Dylan turning from aroused to confused. “Why do you have to say that?”
“W-was that bad to say?” he panicked. “We can stop this completely.”
“No, it’s not that!” you said. “No guy has ever cared that much to say anything like that. Every other guy just cares that they get to fuck me and not if I want it or not. I knew you were amazing but fuck, you blew me away even more.”
“Oh,” he mumbled, a smile on his face from the compliment. “But you should want this too.”
“I know,” you hummed. Your arms wrapped around his neck, tugging him closer. “Now, I want you to kiss me. And if things get intense, I will tell you to stop.”
He nodded once, pressing his lips against yours in a heartbeat. You melted instantly, returning the kiss that he dominated. His lips were wrapped around yours completely, dragging them along yours to elicit the low smacking sounds the reverberated off the walls. Your fingers played with the hairs at the base of his neck, his tugging at your shirt and jeans. You let him have control, the residual pleasure from whatever he did making your stomach clench and your limbs shake.
His tongue tapped at your lips, asking for permission that you didn’t hesitate to oblige. Your lips parted, the wet article from his mouth sliding in without hesitation. It found yours, the two swirling together in quick circles. You moaned into him, the vibration drawing his own moan out. His tongue commanded yours, tracing the outlines of your cheeks amidst the kiss and memorizing the shape and taste they held. You only would pull apart for bursts of air, returning to the kiss more than before.
His hands slid down to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze before moving to your thighs. With a single tap as an indication, you jumped into his arms, Dylan supporting your weight without much difficulty. Your legs wrapped securely around his waist, the actor keeping a firm grip to your backside to keep you pressed taut against him. Once situation, he backed you away from the bathroom door, shuffling further into the small room. He didn’t pull away, but he was less focused on the kiss he was giving you, his attention split between you and finding a place to set you down.
He settled on the toilet, carefully lifting his foot to close the seat before placing you down. He leaned over you, his lips still attached to yours, sucking at your tongue and lips passionately. His hands worked on your jeans, the button popping and the zipper sliding without you knowing it. It was only when he linked his fingers through the belt loops and gave them a simple tug that you knew what was happening. You bottom lifted off the seat long enough for him to tug the dark denim down your legs, pulling off away from the kiss to pull off your flats before removing them completely. They were left in a pile beside the toilet, Dylan sitting back to admire the pale blue cheekster panties you had worn, pale pink flowers printed all over the pleek material. It hugged your ass perfectly, Dylan tracing his fingers along your smooth skin.
“Beautiful,” he uttered under his breath, his eyes swapping between your face and your groin. He gave them a light tug, silently asking if he could pulled them off, which you gladly allowed. The floral print cheeksters were left with your jeans, your core fully exposed to him. He swallowed drying, Adam’s Apple bobbing as he did, eyes narrowed on it. “Fucking gorgeous like I thought.”
“Please Dylan,” you whimpered out, two fingers dipping down to rub at your own clit, spreading yourself open to him. “You said you would return the favor. I’m waiting.”
His hand darted out before you got too comfortable, pulling yours away from yourself. “Don’t even think about it, sweetheart. You are all mine.”
Fuck, that’s hot.
You nodded, submitting yourself to his reign. He tugged you forward so you were slouched against the placing teasing kisses to your core. His tongue ran through your folds slowly, prodding at your core with the tip. You whimpered and whined for more, practically begging him to continue.
Finally, his tongue slip inside you, slurping noisily at your entrance. Your back arched off the  back of the toilet, your hand reaching out to knock his hat off and tug at his luscious hair. His licks and sucks didn’t stop, Dylan’s eyes closed as he lapped at your pussy restlessly. His tongue swirled and traced along your sensitive walls, trying to find the spots that made you louder than before. His hands kept your legs spread, circles drawn to yours skin that made you shiver with excitement.
“More,” you pleaded. “Please, I need more.”
He didn’t respond, only pushed himself between your legs more. He pulled away from your core, licking at the swollen nub of your clit a few times, drawing random shapes and letters that you could barely discern as his name before returning to your pussy, trying to make you moan loudly. Your mind was buzzing with a million thoughts, but only one stuck out and that was the impossibly amazing feeling he was giving you. You body was wracked with shivers, your stomach bubbly with bliss with each lick and swirl of his tongue.
His tongue finally found your g-spot, your moan rippling around the bathroom loudly. You tugged at his hair, your hand moving to your mouth so passerbys wouldn’t hear whatever noises you let out. Dylan seemed satisfied and had no intention on stopping, finding the same spot every time he dipped back inside you. Your walls spasmed occasionally, trying to clench around his tongue.
“Dylan,” you whimpered, giving his hair a firm tug. “More. Please.”
He pulled away, licking his lips as he stood from the kneel position he had settled into to eat you out. He leaned back over your somewhat weak form, the pleasure making it hard to concentrate. He gently tilted your head up, pressing his lips to yours in a fierce kiss, tongues dancing together instantly. You disregarded the taste of yours on his lips and tongue, pushing up to kiss him back. He pulled away after a second, a string of saliva connecting your lips.
He fumbled with his pants, letting them drop to his ankles before pulling you off the toilet seat. His large, veiny hand pressed against your back, kissing you when you colliding with his chest. “Why did you stop?” you asked through his countless kisses, moaning at the way his swollen red lips would dance over your cheeks. When he stopped to answer, yours repeated his process, kissing along the stubbled awline of the actor like you always wanted to. His cheeks were soft and plump and insanely kissable since he was a mere eighteen starting on Teen Wolf.
“Because I want to please you even better than this after what you did yesterday,” he hummed quietly, smiling into a short kiss you placed to his lips.
You could have sworn you were dreaming honestly. Here was this one of a kind man who not only gave you by far the best oral you ever had despite the lack of orgasm it resulted in, but now he was saying he wanted sex in the bathroom during Comic Con. This was something you never thought would happen. Could it be a ploy to have sex and he would never talk to you again? Absolutely. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
He backed you into a wall when you didn’t respond, kissing at your neck. “You want more, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice low and husky. You shivered in response, trying to nod. “You want me to please you?”
“Yes,” you struggled to get out, tilting your head to give him better access. The shirt blocked him from going lower, his hands tugging at the bottom. You pushed him away to strip it off, Dylan’s eyes widening at the pale blue push up bra, the floral print matching the panties he loved. “Please.”
His head dipped to kiss your collarbone, red marks lining the exposed tops of your breasts. “Please what?” he asked. “Do you want me to fuck you against this wall? You want my huge cock inside you? You want me to please you?” he continued. “God, I want to please you so bad. I want to hear you moan my name so loud, you can’t say anything else. I want to see you unravel like I did yesterday when I came in your mouth during that panel. I know I can make you feel good, sweetheart, so let me please you.”
Your legs felt weak. You loved how sure of himself and you felt like putty in his hands. You were willing to do whatever he wanted at this point if it meant he would please you. You pushed your chest against his, snapping the band on his boxer briefs. “Please, Dylan,” you whimpered. “Do whatever you want. I’m all yours.”
“Alright, if that wasn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever heard,” he rasped, pushing the Calvin Kleins down his legs to join the black jeans that were still bundles around his ankles. “I um… I don’t have…”
“It’s fine,” you said, kissing his stubbled chin. “You’re clean, right?”
“I-I think so,” he fumbles. “I just had a check up a few weeks and they didn’t say I had anything. B-but I-”
“It’s fine then,” you laughed. “If I come up with anything later, I’m suing though.” His face paled slightly until you shook your head with a laugh. “I’m kidding! I trust you, Dylan.”
“I don’t know if I trust me at this point,” he utters sarcastically. He proceeded to lift you from the floor however, his shaft sliding through your folds as few times when you wrapped your legs around his waist. “God, you’re so wet.”
“P-Please,” you stammered, clawing at his shoulders through his blue shirt.
His head buried in your shoulder as he slid inside, stretching your walls to accommodate his large size. Your face buried in his neck, wincing at the feeling considering he was probably twice as large as the last man you were with. He stilled once he was buried hilt deep, taking deep breaths to remain in control. He let you get used to him inside you, kissing your bare skin to try and relax you.”
“You are so fucking tight,” he mumbled. “Tight and warm and wet. God, you feel better than I thought you would. It’s ten times better than your mouth. I don’t know how I will even last inside you.”
“Please, just fuck me,” you whined. He pulled away to send you a worried glance, his puppy dogs eyes wide and bright despite the lust in his system. “I’ll be fine once you start moving. Just move, Dyl.”
“I like when you call me Dyl,” he whispered, pulling back to ease himself back in slowly. He repeated the process, slow thrusts into you gradually speeding up. The faster he went, the more the pain dissipated, turning into pleasure. You moaned into his neck, hugging him close. “You like this, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” you cried out, nipping at the skin of his neck. His skin covered your countless moans, his thrusts hitting your g-spot already. “So good.”
“You want more?” he asked, his voice on the edge of cocky as if he already knew what you would say. “You want me to please you more baby?”
“Yes please,” you whimpered. His thrusts got faster still, cock pistoning in and out of you rapidly. Your hips clapped together noisily, the sweat that covered your skin increasing the volume of your skin against his. His balls hit your folds every time he slid in, lingering sometimes while your walls hugged around him.
Slowing down, he uncurled one leg at a time from his waist, your leg strewn over his arms. The back of your knees rested in the crevice of his arms, dangling openly on either side of his body. Instead of supporting himself on the wall, his hands slid up your body and under your bra, giving each perky mound a firm squeeze in his palms. His fingers toyed with your hard peaks, tugging them until they were stiff and taut to his touch.
When he sped back up, your head fell back against the wall, loud moans of his name escaping your lips. Dylan smirked, biting at his lip so he could quietly watch your face as he pounded you into the wall. Your beautiful eyes that plagued his mind since the panel were closed, your nose flared in pace with your heaving chest, and your lips puckered in concentration, parting to moan his name every time he hit your sweet spot. Watching you kept him going, determined to please you just as you did him.
You were weak, shaking in his grasp. You continued to claw at his shoulders, trying to keep your head on straight with the things he was doing to you. You weren’t lying when you said he could do whatever he wanted because he made you feel amazing - out of this world. He could bend you over and spank you, taking you from behind, and you would take it gladly. Hell, you would thank him for anything because he made you feel that good.
The closer you grew to your orgasm, your moans turned from just his name to a chant of the words “Fuck me, Dylan” over and over again. Each thrust of his cock into your wet pussy made the words come out, Dylan speeding up more and more. The slapping skin grew louder and he held your harder, knowing he too was getting close. More red marks were left on your skin as he kissed all over it.
He grunted at how tight your walls became, feeling your body shake in his arms. Your nails dug through his shirt, a loud moan bouncing off the walls. Your juices splattered against your walls, coating the length of his cock. Your toes curled in the open air, letting your moist core aid his thrusts, a slick sound coming from his fast thrusts. Dylan was struggling to remain in control, your tight and wet center making his head spin. His lips pursed together, biting at his tongue and helping you ride through your high until it was too much.
He carefully let your down, his hands on your waist to make sure you were steady before pulling out. He kept one hand on your waist, the other furiously pumping his own cock to reach his end. He let out a low grunt and it wasn’t long until strings of his hot seed shot from the tip, coating your stomach in drops of sticky liquid. Your shaky hand met his, helping him jerk himself through his orgasm. Your lips met his in a tender kiss, a smile on your face.
He broke the kiss, giving you a lopsided smile before backing away. You watched him waddle to the sink, grabbing multiple paper towels and wetting them to clean you and himself. “I’m sorry I made a mess on you. I didn’t want to cum inside you because… you know.”
“You’re just being a gentleman,” you giggled, kissing him as he wiped the sperm from your stomach. “You’re being precautious, Dyl.”
“I still really like hearing you call me that,” he chuckled. He tossed the used paper towels in the trash, pulling up his pants and boxer briefs, placing his hat back on his head. You fumbled your way back to the the toilet, waddling like a penguin until you got to the seat and collapsed on it. You slowly pulled back on your undies and jeans, groaning when you spotted your shirt across the bathroom. Dylan chuckled, going to grab it for you, watching you pull it on over your head. “Better?”
“Just kind of sore now,” you laughed, Dylan smiling. He kissed your forehead tenderly, wrapping his arms around you.
“Sorry,” he said wholeheartedly. He dug into his pocket, his phone in hand. “Hey, I was wondering-”
His phone started ringing, Dylan frowning. He held up a finger, signalling to hold on a moment while he answered the phone. He talked quietly, signing into his phone. He hung up a minute later, shaking his head. “Sorry. That was Thomas. They’re looking for me because I bolted right after the panel and we have interviews and stuff.”
“Makes sense,” you laughed. “We kind of snuck off pretty fast. Do you want me to show you out? I work here so it works out.”
“That’d be great actually,” he laughed. “But first, I was going to ask if I could get your number.”
You blinked. “Wait, what?”
“Your number. So I can call you? Text you? We can hang out?” he said, somewhat confused. “I mean, I’d like to get to know you more.”
“Oh,” you mumbled. “Alright.” You took his phone, typing in your number, snapping a quick photo of yourself to set at the picture. You had to take a second to make sure you looked presentable post sex prior to snapping the photo. You sent yourself a text to get his number as well, handing him back the phone. He smiled, staring at the new contact before stuffing it back in his pocket.
“Awesome,” he said with a little pep. He held out his arm, allowing you to link yours with it. “Shall we?”
You both made sure the halls were clear before sneaking out of the bathroom, heading towards the Young Hollywood room for his interview. The entire time, your hands remained linked together subtly, unable to be seen by anyone. You only broke when you got the the room, both of you sadly looking at each other while parting ways. You frowned as the door shut, turning to head back to work.
He’ll call, right? This isn’t the end, right?
The sun had set and the EW annual bash was underway. Everyone that was present were talking vibrantly amongst themselves, enjoying the festivities. You were standing behind the sound panel, in control of the music that was playing through the large speakers. You picked at your nails, watching everyone interact. You almost wondered if Dylan was around with his friends, enjoying his night.
I mean, there is an open bar. He could at least come for a few drinks, right?
“Hey,” was whispered in your ear, making you jump. You turned to the course, Dylan smiling at you. He had a smile on his face, raising the bottle of Budweiser that was in his hand as greeting. You groaned, moving the mic on your headset away from your mouth so your coworkers wouldn’t hear you.
“You really need to stop sneaking up on me,” you told him flatly. “Especially while I’m working.”
“I just wanted to see if you would get a drink with me,” he laughed.
“Did you just miss the part where I said I was working?” you asked, trying to be serious. The adorable look on his face broke you though, a smile forming.
“Well, when do you get done?” he asked.
“Really, Dyl?” you chuckled, looking at him.
“Deadly,” he said with a wink.
“Oh, so I blow you once and we fuck in a bathroom once and you think I will get a drink with you?” you inquired.
“Well, I…” he paused, blinking. “I got nothing.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “You’re impossible.”
“So I’ve been told,” he grinned. “So, what do you say? I was being serious earlier when I said I wanted to get to know you. You seem like a cool girl outside of the whole sex thing that’s been going on. Is it bad that I want to talk to you and get to know you?”
“No, I guess not.”
“You are an amazing girl, Y/N. And I really hope you will consider it. I’d like it so much-”
“Alright,” you said, cutting him off. “I have an hour left before my replacement shows up. Meet me at the bar then.”
“Oh,” he let out, his face heating up. His grin filled his entire face, beaming at you. “Alright! Cool. This is awesome. Right. An hour. I will meet you there. Definitely will meet you there.”
“Dyl,” you said, patting his cheek. “I have to work. Go. I will see you soon.”
He smiled, giving you a wink before taking off, running into Posey. You watched him until he disappeared into the crowd, but not before he turned to look back at you, sipping from his bottle to hide the obvious smile. You blushed, fixing your headset to continue your work.
At the end of the hour you wandered towards the bar, sitting at it to wait for the chocolate-haired actor. You were about to take a sip of the beer you got when two arms wrapped around your waist, the person’s chin on your shoulder. “She’s here!” they hollered, Dylan’s angelic voice directed in your ear. He placed a wet kiss to your cheek, obviously more buzzed than before, releasing you to slide into the seat next to you.
“Well, hello handsome,” you smiled.
“Hi beautiful,” he returned. “So, tell me about yourself. I want to know everything about the most amazing girl in San Diego.”
“LA, actually.”
“Wait, really?” he asked, appalled.
“Yeah,” you giggled. “I lived in San Diego when I started but I only work when there are conventions. So I make the two hour commute to SDCC every year.”
“Damn,” he mumbled, staring at you intently. “Hottest girl in LA. Hello.”
You laughed, inching closer to him as you immersed in a long conversation with the man. For the next hour, you drank and laughed, chatting with the actor about anything and everything. You shared likes and dislikes, stories of your pasts, and even talked about current projects that you were doing. You just took turns asking each other about things leading to a lack of dull moments between you both. You loved hearing about the man just as he seemed to be thrilled about everything you told him, never letting his eyes stray from you as you talked. You didn’t pay attention to the diminishing crowd, only focusing on the Dylan.
“So, you claim you can’t sing but you go to karaoke all the time?” you asked through a laugh, Dylan rolling his eyes.
“Karaoke with my friends is fun!” he defends. “We’re just really drunk normally and sing horribly together.”
“You must have some great friends though,” you hummed. “You know, I’ve been wondering something. Why didn’t you stop me during that panel?”
“I don’t know,” he hummed. “I think part of me was interested in the idea of being blown publicly during a Comic Con panel but the other part of me was thinking ‘Damn, this beautiful girl is interested in blowing me.’ Then the bathroom.” He rubbed his cheek in thought. “I can’t say for sure.”
“I see,” you hummed. You stared at him, thinking about everything you knew about the man. “Oh my God. I just remember you were dating Britt Robertson, right? I didn’t even think about that. I didn’t like… make you cheat on her or anything right? Oh my god, I’m a horrible person.”
Dylan laughed. “No. We broke up when I started filming the Maze Runner actually. Just drifted apart because of working all the time. We still chat occasionally and she’s happily dating some guy she met on her most recent film. You didn’t ruin anything and you aren’t a horrible person. If I were dating, I would have stopped you, alright? I’m not going to cheat on my girlfriend because some wonderful female is willing to suck me off randomly.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” he reassured you. “No harm done, I promise. Plus, I enjoyed what we did way too much. I don’t think I could reasonably enjoy it knowing I had a girlfriend.” He leaned on the bartop, staring at you. “”And, if I’m being honest, Britt was great but you were better. I have never had better orgasms. I’ve never had a better blow job. I’ve never had that great of sex, and that was in a bathroom!”
“You know, I thought the same thing,” You told him. “It was better than anything. You were better than anyone. I always knew you were great because I told you how big a fan I am, but man, it’s insane how much better you are than what I imagined.”
“I’m flattered,” he said. “You know, maybe I’m just tired of being single. It’s been over a year and man, does it suck. I want an amazing girl to call my own again.”
“Oh God, do I get that. The last guy I was with ended up being a total prick and left me because I had to drive to Anaheim for Wondercon. It took a bit to get over it and now I just realize how lonely I am. Then I met you and I feel myself falling for you. I can’t get you out of my mind. It was a risk to do what I did, but I don’t regret it.” You laughed at yourself, shaking your head. “I’m probably talking too much. I think I’ve had too much to drink. And I’m probably just making you dislike me because I’m just super crazy and silly and not what you thought I would be. And I don’t blame you if you want to run away and not call-”
He silenced you with a kiss, your body melting into his touch. His hand caressed your cheek, the pads of his thumb running along your cheekbone slowly. He kept you close, his lips dragging down down with a subtle smack. He pulled away slowly, eyes barely open as he spoke. “You’re not turning me away at all. Quite the opposite really. You’re so silly, I just want to stay and listen to you ramble all day. You’re so amazing, Y/N.”
“Not really. I’m just me,” you told him. Your eyes cracked open, staring at his darken orbs.
“Well, I like you,” he said, kissing you again. It was a bit more heated this time, his tongue slipping through a crack in your mouth, tracing your cheeks before pulling away. You let out a small whine, wanting more. His hand ran through your hand, pulling you closer by the back of your head. “You’re so amazing. And it’s been a while since I’ve felt this way for a girl. And the more I get to know you the harder I fall.”
“Just shut up and kiss me you fool.”
Dylan did as you requested, kissing you harshly. The kiss was instantly steamy, Dylan sliding off the bar stool to stand between your legs. His head tilted to get a better angle, his nose hitting yours whenever he pushed harder into you. You returned to kiss, letting him move you as needed, letting him control the kiss completely. Your arms wound around his neck, playing with the hair on the back of his head. You were glad he had left the hat at his hotel because he looked incredibly sexy without it. One of his hands sat on your hip while the other pushed against the small of your back until your chest pressed flat to his. His tongue massaged yours, an intense game of tonsil hockey taking place between you.
He pulled away for air, resting his forehead on yours. “Maybe we can take this back to my hotel,” he whispered lowly, licking his lips. “It’s getting late after all.”
“I’d like that,” you told him back. “Whatever you want, Dylan.”
He tugged you off the chair, downing the remainder of his beer before stumbling towards the exit. His driver was waiting, not questioning when Dylan had you in his arms sliding in the back of the black car. Your lips met his once the door shut, both of you sharing heated kisses the entire drive to the hotel. You had to keep your moans quiet, not wanting to disturb the driver.
The ride was short, Dylan piling out of the car and pulling you into the fancy hotel he was staying in for the weekend. He jammed his finger on the elevator button, bouncing eagerly to get back to his room. You rubbed at his shoulders, his hands finding yours to link your fingers. Once the elevator dinged, you rushed inside, Dylan jabbing at the floor he was on. His lips found your neck before the door shut before your eye, a moan escaping your mouth. His arms circled your waist, playing with the bottom of your shirt.
The ride seemed short and before you knew it, you were shoved against the door of his hotel room, the lock clicking. His lips were back on yours after he pulled his shirt off, yours following immediately after. His veiny hands rested on your sides, tugging you until you were limb for limb, standing flat and pressed between his body and the door.
He backed from the door with your lips attached in a heated connected, messy kisses shared with each step into the room. You kicked off your flats, Dylan struggling to remove his boots as your inched closer to the bed. You were undoing his jeans while he worked on yours, the denim dropping low on your hips after the buttons were popped and the zipper dropped. Your fingers moved to trace his v-lines that became exposed. Dylan let his hands slid in the opening in the back of your jeans to grip your ass tightly.
The back of your knees hit the bed, Dylan tugging his hands out to let you fell back. You watched with dazed and half-lidded eyes as he kissed down your body, trailing between your breasts to your stomach and finally your waist. He kissed along the hem of your jeans before give them a swift tug, pulling the material down your legs. He left them in a pile without care, burying to face between to your legs to kiss your covered core.
He didn’t linger there long, sliding back up your body to kiss you fiercely. You were frantically trying to shove his pants down his legs, the actor kicking in an attempt to rid them from his body. The fell over the edge with a clink of his belt, your hands moving to fumble with his Calvin Kleins. He tugged you into a sitting position before you could get them off, the material ending up bunched around his thighs instead. His arms wrapped around your form, unhooking your bra with a single snap. His fingers dragged the straps down until he could remove the floral print and toss it behind him, far from your mind and body.
Your sloppy kisses kept on, your bodies resorting to rolling on the bed in ecstasy. Your forms rolled against one another perfectly, his hips rocking against yours and yours matching his form. In the middle of the rolls, he was able to kick the boxer briefs off, letting them join his jeans on the carpeted floor. Your tongues battled for dominance, though he was able to win with ease, stroking your tongue lucidly and teasingly.
You ended up on top, pressed flush against him while you kissed. Your breasts were smashed against his broad chest, the hairs that lined the space between his pecs tickling your skin. His hands had found home once more on your ass, pushing it up in the palms and fondling your skin playfully. He played with the edges of your cheeksters, tugging them so they inched down your body bit by bit.
Before he could have the pleasure of getting them off your body, you pulled from the kiss. Dylan let out a disgruntled whine, his voice deep with want. You placed a chaste kiss to his lips before wiggling out of them yourself, dangling the fabric from your fingers. You mumble a taunting ‘whoops’ when they fell to the floor, your body twisting on the bed so you were facing his erect cock that kept teasing your core whenever he rocked his body against yours. It was as brilliant as you recalled, maybe even better.
As they say, third time’s the charm.
His hot, uneven breath fanned at your wet pussy, his hands moving to caress your ass. You felt him part you folds with his thumbs, exposing your entire wet self to the man’s prying eyes. “Holy shit, you’re soaked,” he let out, panting harder than before. “You want me to eat you out, baby?”
“Yes, please,”  you whimpered, licking the head of his cock. It twitched happily, Dylan letting out a vibrating groan.
“You please me, sweetheart, and I will please you,” he offered. “I want to please you while you please me.”
You complied silently, wrapping your lips around him. He reciprocated your movement, flicking his tongue through your parted folds. Once he touched you, you moaned around him, trying to focus on bobbing along his shaft. Your nose hit his balls, instantly going for the deepthroating action he loved from the secret blow job you gave him. You fought against the gags, the taste worth it. Your tongue swirled around his shaft in time with his tongue flicking and dipping into your pussy.
You moaned around him, smoothing your tongue over the slit and along the pulsing veins that protruding from his length. He twitched wildly when you hit the sensitive one on the underside, grinning like the Cheshire Cat at the way he reacted. Yet, he returned the favor, playing with your clit, giving it harsh sucks, nipping the swollen nub with his teeth. His tongue proceeded to slide deep into your pussy, circling it quickly until he met your sweet spot, making shivers run up your spine.
You could hear his breathy moans from behind you, eliciting your own moans around him. You shook above him, feeling the knot unraveling. You bobbed harder, trying to urge him to his own and tell him that you were close. Without a second thought, though, not registering if he responded to your efforts, your walls attempted to clamp around his tongue, your fluids dripping onto his taste buds. It seemed as if the taste of you on his tongue made his cock twitch against your cheeks, his seed shooting down your throat in long stringing waves. Dylan lapped at your juices as you swallowed everything he shot into your mouth, relishing the taste the opposite party had to offer.
You pulled away with a pop, taking a sharp breath before licking his tip clean. You could feel Dylan’s chest heaving, his tongue slowly running through your still parted folds to clean you up. When he seemed to be done, you went to roll off of him back onto the bed; only, the bed wasn’t met. You had rolled the wrong direction, your mind buzzing with your orgasm so you didn’t realize you had, finding yourself on the floor instead. You let out a loud grunt of pain, laying sprawled naked against the carpet.
“Oh my God. Y/N, are you ok?” he asked, rushing off the bed to help you up. He wobbled slightly, the alcohol mixed with sexual arousal not having fully worn off from your intense activities. He steadied your body against his, running his hand along your back to ease the pain.
“That was fun,” you muttered sarcastically, Dylan chuckling. He kissed your forehead, hugging you to his chest.
“You’re alright though?”
“I’ll live,” you joked.
Dylan continued to smile, rocking you back and forth. But his cock was still hard, stuffed between your bodies and pulsing incessantly. You giggled, burying your head in his chest. “God, you’re so fucking good. I want to please you all night still. God, I want to make you scream my name until you can’t scream anymore.”
“What’s stopping you?” you bluntly said, looking up at him. You pushed up on your toes, kissing him softly. “Just tell me what you want. I’m all yours. I want you to please me however you want, daddy.”
“Wait,” he mumbled, blinking. “What did you just call me?”
You flushed. “Oh jeez, did I really just say that? I-I meant Dylan.”
“No, no. It’s fine. I…” he licked his lips. “I’ve never been called that before in bed and I would be lying if I said it wasn’t super sexy and that I’m not turned on by it.”
“Really?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he hummed, kissing you deeply. His voice dropped, huskier as he said, “You can call me daddy whenever you want, sweetheart.”
“Mmm,” you hummed playfully, your lips brushing his as you spoke. “Daddy Dyl.”
“Oh yeah,” he rasped. “What do you want Daddy Dyl to do to you, sweetheart?”
Your heart jumped at the sexy tone he held, your thighs becoming slick with your juices. Your shivered at his words, ready to submit yourself completely to whatever he wanted to do. You were comfortable with him and you trusted him completely but the thought of him slamming into you in different ways made you wet. You would do whatever he wanted and never complain because in the end, you knew you would enjoy every second with this wonderful man.
“I can make you feel so good,” he continued to whispered, running his hands along every curve of your body. “I can make you cum so many times. I can make you scream my name. You won’t be able to fuck anyone else after tonight, sweetheart. You’re all mine and I’m all yours. I only want to hear you scream my name - and not in the way a fan does. I want to hear you intimately say it so it haunts my dreams when we are apart.”
You shivered at his words, melting completely. Your legs wobbled uneasily, ready to collapse in happiness. “Anything,” you finally mustered, pushing harder into him. “Anything you want, daddy. Just please, fuck me.”
Goosebumps ran up his arms, joining the veins that stuck out. He licked his lips, amused at how his confidence made you weak. You sat in the palm of his hand and as gentle as he was with you, he wanted to mold you into whatever would make you both happy. You were literal putty to him, shaping up to be the most amazing girl he had ever encountered - both in normalcy and sexually.
“Alright, baby,” he said. “Stay right here.”
He moved to his suitcase, pulling out random things. A box of condoms was placed on the desk near him, your face flushing at the XXL that covered the front of it. Sounds about right. You heard a bag rustling, Dylan mumbling in success before hiding whatever he had behind his back. He motioned you over with the curl of a finger, your footsteps moving before you could tell your mind no; you know, if you wanted to say no.
“Do you trust me?” he asked seriously.
You pondered for a second, already knowing the answer. You had known him a day at most if you consider your first meeting during the Teen Wolf panel, but even then, you knew you could trust him with anything. He made you feel safe. Slowly, you nodded. “Absolutely.”
“Alright,” he hummed. “If at any point you want to stop because it’s too much, you say so. I want you comfortable with this and if you think we are going too fast, I will understand.”
With another nod, he revealed the fluffy blue handcuffs from behind his back. You stared at them for a moment, finally raising your wrists so he could put them on. He gave a small grin, locking the cuffs around your wrists, leaving the key on the desk.
“Can I ask why you have these though?” you joked, clinking the cuffs playfully.
“Tyler,” he said. “It’s a running joke actually since we started coming to Comic Con. We always buy each other a little gift while we are here to commemorate another year on the show. And this year, he bought me these.”
“Any reason why?” you asked. Dylan remained quiet, running his fingers over the tops of your hands.
“I may have mentioned I was crushing on a girl yesterday. So he took it as he was going to help me get laid.”
“I don’t know if I should question or think that’s the most adorable friendship ever,” you cooed. “So, you have a crush?”
“I do,” he breathed, tugging you against him, kissing you lightly. “Her name may be Y/N and she may have blown me secretly under a table and she may be the best girl in LA. And we may not be talking about this because I’m about to bend said crush over this desk to fuck her endlessly.”
You shivered with excitement, leaning your conjoined hands on the desk. Your ass stuck out to him, wiggling side to side with anticipation. “Well, what are you waiting for?” you asked seductively. “Fuck me, daddy.”
“Oh God, yes,” he breathed. He moved behind you with a few long strides, running his length through your folds a few times. He fumbled with the box of condoms, tearing the wrapper open with his teeth. The rubbed slid down his length with ease before he slammed into you from behind. You let out an odd squealing moan, head falling back.
Dylan didn’t wait for you to adjust like he did in the bathroom. The slapping of his strong, bony hips against your ass filled the room, mixing with your loud moans of his name. His hips bucked into your relentlessly, his cock sliding in and out of you rapidly. The feeling was less intense than the bareback sex you had already shared, but he still managed to fill you to the brim.
“You feel so good, daddy,” you whimpered at him, Dylan grunting in response. His hand shot out, tugging at your hair to pull your head back slightly. You were tugged back enough that he was able to lean against your back, turning your head to place his lips to yours. You mewled slightly when they met, your stomach burning from the pleasure on either side of your body. His lips molded with yours completely, his cock never slowing in its thrusts.
“You like me fucking you like this, baby?” he asked against your lips, his hand tightening in your hair. You nodded quickly, mumbling his name in unison. “Let me hear it then. I want to hear you scream for me.”
The hand in your hair moved to your neck, giving it a tight squeeze that made your eyes dot with blackness. You were suffocating but the restriction made your body smolder in the searing fire you sat in. The hand he had kept on your waist move to your leg, helping you lift it so your knee was on the wood top. The new angle made your pussy tighter and his angle deeper, the tip hitting your g-spot every time he pulled out and slid back in. You moaned louder than before, body shaking from the pleasure you were bestowed.
“Come on, baby,” he whispered in your ear, nipping at your earlobe. The subtle actionamde your body wrack with shakes, Dylan knowing he had successfully found one of your many erogenous zones. He continued to tease it, mumbling dirty things repeatedly that made your nails scratch at the desk happily.
His hand connected to your ass in a loud resounding slap, a small scream escaping from the pain and pleasure mix you were undergoing. He carefully caressed the red handprint that was beginning to form, placing a second slap in the same spot. You screamed again, louder this time. Your mind was gone after the second slap, only registering the slaps he gave you, the thrusts of his cock into you that made your walls clench with bliss, and the tight hold on your neck that amplified the overall experience.
“Cum for me, baby,” he grunted, eyes squinting through his own orgasm that was approaching. “Cum for only me. Cum for daddy.”
“Oh God, Daddy Dyl,” you mewled. Dylan shuttered, loving to hear those words. He never thought he would but he couldn’t unhear it after everything that had happened between you both. The name made him weak, his tightened gut ready to snap. Your walls made it hard for him to concentrate, the spasms they were having around him, intensifying the feeling of sex. He watched your toes curl in the open air, wishing he could see the face you made as he made you cum.
With a loud moan, you body collapsed into the desk, shaking with the orgasm that washed over you. Your juices coated the condom around his shaft, hugging him so tight that it was hard to move. Dylan would feel the moisture through the rubber, the heat of your core making his pulse and twitch. And before he could blink, he was grunting out his own orgasm, his seed filling the gap at the tip of the condom. His thrusts eased, riding out your highs and ensuring the condom didn’t break at all before he could pull out.
He pulled out, removing the condom. It was tied off and tossed before he turned your body around, moving your linked arms around his neck. You wobbled in his grasp, Dylan placing a light kiss to your nose. You smiled and giggled, running your fingers through his frazzled locks.
“How are you feeling?” he asked sincerely.
“A tiny bit sore but I feel like I’m in heaven right now.”
“So,” he started, dragging out the ‘o’. “Does that mean you’re up for more?”
“More of daddy Dyl?” you asked, Dylan giving a somewhat cocky smirk. “Depends what he has planned next. How is daddy going to please his sweetheart?”
“I have an idea,” he mumbled, kissing you softly. He moved your hands from his neck. Smacking your ass to usher you towards the bed. “Lay on your back, baby. And don’t you dare move a muscle.”
You did as he said, swaying your hips as you headed for the bed, laying back flat to the mattress. Your hands rested on your stomach, waiting for Dylan to make his move. He grabbed a black tie from his suitcase and the box of condoms, placing them beside you before stradling you. He leaned over you, his lips missing yours to place kisses down your jaw to your neck, finally trailing them to your chest. He moved your hands above your head, letting his lips wrap around your erect nipple.
Your back arched from the bed, your hands not above your head longer than a minute. Your fingers twisted in his hair, tugging at the roots as he ravished your chest, kissing at your nipples. He tugged them playfully, blowing cool air over them before flicking them with his tongue. They were rigid from his actions, standing taut for his dark honey eyes. He let his hand fondle the other breast, tweaking the nipple between two fingers, tugging it playfully.
He swapped breasts, repeating the process, succeeded in drawing out more moans from you. Your tugs got harder, yanking the roots from his scalp at your pleasure. Your legs bent on either side of him, wishing to ease the throbbing that was forming between them. Your were stopped by his hips, your legs digging into his sides and threatening to crush him where he laid.
He finally pulled away with a distinct pop, watching your chest heave with ragged pants. He grinned, kissing his way between your breasts up to you lips, kissing them swiftly. His body inched up, carefully perching himself against your ribs. His cock laid in the valley of your breasts, hard and oozing with precum. His hips oscillated back and forth between your breasts, grazing your skin as he did.
“I want to cum on your face,” he whispered deeply, your face flushing. Your hands reached up to him, Dylan taking your hands in his. The way you laid, your arms hugged your breasts around his shaft. “Fuck, just like that.”
His rocking against your torso sped up, his cock sliding between your pushed together breasts with surprising ease. There was a bit of friction but it felt phenomenal. His hands squeezed at yours, his eyes closing to focus on the feeling of your soft mounds around him. He grunted in appreciation, speeding up occasionally.
You struggled to lift your head, trying to lick at the tip, wanting to taste the precum he was secreting. Dylan grunted louder, hearing your mewl when the salty sweet liquid hit your tastebuds. Your back arched under him, squirming from your lack of attention. You needed more of him but you could only deal with the droplets you were able to muster from the tip.
Dylan’s nose flared with his increased breathing, his cock twitching involuntarily between your inner breasts. He was mumbling how he was close, his lips puckering in concentration. He was chasing his orgasm, the peaks getting harder to come by. But he was able to muster his orgasm, cracking his eyes open with his loud groan. Your mouth was open, tongue extended so the streams of hot cum that spewed from the tip sink straight down your throat. Drops of course coated your cheeks and chest, some even getting in your hair, but he was able to get most to land on your tongue. It was hard to milk him for every drop he had built back up considering the lack of firm grip around him, but he managed to have a fantastic release.
He grabbed a handful of tissues from the bedside table, cleaning what he could from your skin. The bits that stuck in your hair were harder to get out, both of you knowing you would have to shower later. He moved back between your legs, tugging you up by the chain of the handcuffs.
“Still ok?” he asked.
“I’m horny,” you admitted. Dylan cracked a large smile, sliding a hand between your bodies to touch your tender clit. You moaned loudly the second he hit it, his fingers coated in layers of arousal.
“Fuck, you are,” he grunted, feeling his cock harden post-orgasm. He grabbed the tie, licking his lips. “You still trust me?”
“Stop asking. You know I do,” you laughed. “Tho I am trying to figure out why you have a tie.”
“I always bring some kind of dressy wear for these events. You never know when you will be asked to dress fancy,” he chuckled.
“So, instead of being fancy, you’re going to…?”
Dylan smiled, tying the tie around your eyes, your world going black. Your ears twitched when he spoke up, knotting the tie behind your head. “I’ve heard that blindfolding your girl can heighten the feeling of sex. Because it’ll help stimulate your other senses. And I want to give you the most mind blowing orgasm you’ve ever had.”
“Been there, Dyl,” you laughed. “All my orgasms with you have been better than any I’ve had before.”
“Excuse me. What did you call me?” he hummed deeply. He spanked your ass, making you jump against his chest. The feeling of his slap was definitely heightened already, your body shaking in pleasure. “What’s my name, baby?”
“Daddy,” you said quietly, Dylan spanking you again.
“Daddy,” you tried to say firmly, though your voice cracked.
“What do you want, sweetheart?” he asked, spanking you a third time.
“Fuck me,” you pleaded. “I want daddy to fuck me. Fuck me hard and fast. I want daddy to rub my clit until I cum all over his large cock. I want daddy to please me in the way only he can.”
“Alright, that was hot,” he let out, pushing you back to the bed. You bounced slightly, unable to tell what he was doing between your legs. You squirmed uncomfortably, waiting for him to do something, the agony of your uncovered pussy becoming unbearable. It was hurting because of the lack of release you had watching him fuck your breasts and all you wanted right now was for him to be inside you.
Your eyes rolled back i your head when he slammed into you, pistoning into you vehemently from the get go. He was groaning loudly, holds your knees as he slid into you, the skin of your thighs sticking to him with sweat. Your head fell back into the pillows, back arching far off the bed because of his tip constantly tapping at your g-spot and cervix, the pleasure and bliss you felt from him being inside you ten times higher than normal. You screamed for him loudly, Dylan more than pleased with the sound.
His hands moved to the back of your knees, lifting your legs into the air. His delicate fingers slid up your legs until they were on your calves. Your legs were fully extended at this point, Dylan spreading them wide to form a V shape. His hips rolled against your core, hitting your clit and digging as deep as he could. You screamed as loud as you could, your throat beginning to hurt but you absolutely loved the feelings you were getting.
He kept his promise of going hard and fast, the ceaseless clapping of his hips against you echoing around the room. His speed was godly and he shoved himself deep inside you with every thrust he did. Your ass lifted from the bed when he was hilt deep, the strength of his thrusts pulling you off the bed.
“Oh god,” you panted. “Fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy,” you chanted, twisting anxiously on the bed. Dylan grit his teeth, his own head falling back at the noises you made.
He draped your legs over his shoulders, moving down to rub rapid circles to your clit. You squealed when the pads connected to the engorged nub, rubbing at it as fast as he could. He could hear your voice wavering in your chants, your body quaking under him. Your walls clenched involuntarily, hugging around him in sharp spasms. You had completely lost control of your body, your body aching with the orgasm you needed. You almost wanted him to stop, the pleasure becoming too much, but you were so close to your release. You craved it.
“Oh God,” you gasped. “Oh God. I love you Dylan. Oh God, yes! Fuck yes!”
Dylan watched through hazy eyes as you came, liquids squirting out against his fingers and abs. You shook violently, a elongated moan filling the small hotel room. Your walls clung to him, juices spilling out around him and coating your walls. Your toes curled and you arched off the bed, your arms falling above your head, still shackled by the blue fluff. Dylan stuck his tongue out at the way your perky breasts stood up happily, somewhat flopped to the side without a bra to keep them in place. He thought it was still beautiful the way your nipples stood upright when you arched off the mattress. He admired the way your face contorted with bliss, taking a mental picture to remember always.
He finally grunted, his messy thrusts easing as he came, his seed spilling out of the tip. It was the most powerful orgasm he could remember having in his lifetime, more sperm escaping even after three other orgasms. He used one hand to draw circles to your leg, his face burying into the opposite one to relax from his high. He placed soft kisses to your skin, finally coming to a stop.
Your legs were dropped and the tie was removed from your face after he pulled out. You blinked multiple times, trying to adjust to the low light, your orgasm having blinded you completely for a moment when you blacked out. You watched him stand from the bed, rolling off the condom you hadn’t realized he put on, tossing it with the other one. The wrapper still sat torn open on the bedside table.
Dylan grabbed the key from the desk, removing the handcuffs from your wrists. He placed light kisses to the red marks that had formed before kissing your lips. He crawled into bed next to you, pulling the duvet over your already hot bodies.
“I cranked up the AC because I’m fucking sweating like a pig,” he said, playing with your hair. “But I’m too lazy to shower.”
“Same,” you chuckled.
“So, you won’t leave me in the middle of the night, right? This wasn’t just a one night stand because of the effects of alcohol?” he asked, half serious and half joking.
“I’m pretty sure the alcohol wore off around when you fucked me over the desk,” you giggled. Dylan smiled, kissing the side of your face multiple times. You turned to look at him, staring at his bright honey eyes. “You know, I really like you. Is that silly?”
“No,” he said, kissing you sweetly. “I get it. Because I like you too. And you know you totally said you loved me before you came?”
You blushed, hiding in his shoulder. “Spur of the moment.”
“It’s fine. In time, you will love me,” he quipped. He hugged you close, running his fingers along your back. “So, when we get back to LA, you’ll let me take you out on a date, right?”
“I don’t know,” you mused. “Should I let you take me out?”
“I damn well hope so,” he laughed. “We did things a bit backwards, but it was definitely worth it.”
“Well, when you put it that way,” you mused again, kissing him softly. “Tell me a time and date and I will be there for an amazing date.”
“Good,” he laughed. He moved to grab his phone, holding it above your heads to snap a photo despite your nude forms. He placed another kiss to your lips, snapping the photo of you both embracing. He easily captioned it ‘My girl’ in the photo. He texted you the photo, dropping his phone back on the table, mumbling something about him saving that for later. Probably a wallpaper or to put on the secret Instagram he told you he had so only his friends, and you now that you had it, would know. “Thank you, Y/N.”
“What for?”
“For making this an unforgettable Comic Con.”
“I should be saying that to you,” you laughed. You curled into each other, hands clasped tightly between your bodies. “Thank you for the best Comic Con ever.”
“Just do me a favor,” he chimed, kissing your forehead. “Never risk blowing me under the table again. I won’t be able to stay quiet next time.”
You giggled, nodding. “Noted.”
“And remember, what happens at Comic Con stays at Comic Con,” he laughed, poking your nose. You smiled, nodding again.
“Double noted.”
Errthang Tag 2.0: @catcrown21; @parislight; @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone; @savage-stilinski; @honeymoonmuke; @rumoured-whispers; @youshiverwhenyouhearmyname; @caitsymichelle13; @addicttotw; @fox-lau; @addicttotw; @kaelyn-lobrutto24; @lobrien; @kal-pal; @espermirror@xmadwonderland; @nowthisiswaar; @belleknows; @ashpie97; @mixedupsammy; @dylobrienlover; @newtosaur250; @bandsweyhey; @offthewallspidey; @livinginadreamersparadise; @tommyswolves; @veronicarapp; @bilesbilinskix; @danathewitchywoman; @thisismexxo; @you-all-have-guns; @soulaura-canavel; @bojabee; @obrienswxlf; @feelingsareharddd; @xoitsjustmexo; @supernaturaltakeover; @suggsmate; @cassiee867; @malia--stilinski; @barryallenplease; @flirtstiles; @bottleoffirewhisky; @jadalecki-jackles; @evansesdust; @everythingthatisrandom; @puppiesarehappiness; @ixlovexpeterxparker; @onlyalittleteenwolfobsessed; @tenseoyong; @jadav5; @mischiefandi; @myrandomzshit; @disbestiles; @mxtchsbxtch; @dafine18; @avadakedabitch; @girlwiththerubyslippers; @xpinkyprincess; @ssweet-empowerment
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comingupforblair · 5 years
I’ve heard the news about Warner Bros possibly planning to split the DCEU in two with future films, with some being in the continuity as we know it now and others being in a separate continuity starting with The Batman and I’m skeptical about the whole thing.
I haven’t seen this reported on any of the major sites I frequent and this seems like the kind of rumor that would be a huge deal. I’ve seen Mark Hughes say it and I definitely trust him but I’ve also seen him get it wrong before and I’ve seen others writers I trust be wrong as well. Just recently, we’ve heard stories about Michael Rooker being in Suicide Squad 2, Idris Elba replacing Will Smith as Deadshot, Armie Hammer being the final choice for Batman and now that Matt Reeves’ Batman film will be separate with some treating it as true and others saying it’s in the DCEU as well as claims that James Gunn’s Suicide Squad film would be a total reboot when it isn’t.
Rumors about these films tend to follow a doomsday narrative and to speak in absolutes about things that are either undecided or unconfirmed. We saw the headlines saying Henry Cavill was absolutely out as Superman before clarifying it was just a rumor and others saying the franchise was being rebooted when all that was happening was that the films were going to be more independent. I have to wonder if that’s the situation here. We know the films going forward will be more independent and have a looser continuity and that there won’t be any crossovers for a while and some people have taken that to mean that each film is now independent or outside the DCEU, which isn’t true. They also took Matt Reeves’ statement about it being independent to mean it was outside continuity two years ago before he clarified what he meant so this kind of thing has happened before with this film.
To be honest, I simply can’t see why Warner Bros would make such a move which I admit doesn’t necessarily make it untrue. The films are finally coming into their own and both Aquaman and Shazam proved that they could have success not only with actors from those films but in a continuity that references and embraces them. It’s clear the bad blood that people say exists from audiences towards the franchise that would require nothing less than an absolute reboot and tearing down of everything that came before isn’t there or at least not nearly as strong as has been suggested and Warner Bros have definitely noticed that and the report saying this will happen is predicated around the idea of WB wanting to remove themselves from films that aren’t anywhere near as detrimental to the future as such a claim suggests.
I don’t imagine this continuity will go on forever. Actors want to move on and new directors and writers want their shot with them without being bound by previous films. I wouldn’t want it to either and I imagine WB are trying to make some preparation for that. But I feel like separating the two would just be too much, outside of the occasional film like The Joker and people have been saying how the franchise was going to rebooted or scrapped for a long time without such claims going anywhere.
I’m trying to focus on what we know for certain. We know the films going forward will be more stand alone. We know they won’t rely on previous films and will have a fairly loose continuity. We know the Joker film will be outside the DCEU. We also know that some films like the New Gods film are definitely happening and will likely play a big part in things going forward. 
It’s possible the rumor just means that some films will crossover and others won’t but that wouldn’t necessarily take the form of separate continuities just as the MCU films and shows were in the same continuity but never crossed over or referenced each other although I was critical of such a move. They may even want to give directors the option of keeping their films separate or integrating them.
So I’m a bit uncertain of what to believe right now and I hope we get an official slate for the next few years at SDCC and some clarification about the immediate direction.
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sammyhale · 6 years
J2M SPN UK 2018 Panel
At the start of the J2M panel, they made Misha introduce J2 and Jensen is laughing at him lol. 
They gave Misha a short chair like at SDCC next to Jared (they changed it back right after lol). Jensen: “Ah, it’s the little things.” 
Misha “What’s your normal routine up here... do you guys do acrobatics?”
Jared explains to Misha that they play strip question on stage. If you get the question wrong, you have to take off an article of clothing. 
Jared: “I guess my dream job has always been no job... but I would have liked to have been a teacher!” Jensen to Jared: “I learn from you daily, you are a teacher!” Jared put his head on Jensen’s shoulder :)
Jensen: “Sometimes I feel like the right answer would be a Chippendales dancer!”
Misha: “I thought I was gonna be a politician when I grew up!” 
Wrong answer: Misha strips off his jacket lol. 
Jared: “Jet lag has not been nice to Mr. Misha.” 
Jensen earlier about J2M trio op: “We’re doing a crossover. Jensen, Jared & Gollum.” Jared to Misha: “Had I known you looked like this, I wouldn’t have taken a shower.”
Jensen: “There’s another crossover photo later. Supernatural and The Walking Dead.”
J2M just got offered food and now they're totally fighting over those gummy bears.
Jared nudging Misha to grab gummy bears from a fan: “Misha, Scooby dooby doo!”
Mishalecki are fighting over Misha’s jacket
Jensen: “Jared keeps translating English to English, but he breaks it up and it’s actually worse!”
Jared got the question wrong so he strips and now Jared’s jacket is off!
Jensen would consider a Supernatural tattoo after the show ends because it’s a huge part of his life. 
Jensen and Jared both say they would consider getting an SPN tattoo after the show ends.
Jensen took a picture of Jared stripping. 
Misha: I wish I’d worn my good socks today. Jared: I’m surprised you have socks on! Jensen, cracking up: Things are looking up Mish, you left the house with socks on!
J2M trying to stump the fans to get the audience to strip.
Fan asks if when Dean and Cas do intense stares if it’s written in the script. Jensen says yes, that in the script it’ll be like a serious moment and then it will say “eye f-u-c-k.” They explain that in general all staring scenes between characters are written like that lol. They say that there’ll be a scene where everyone is eye-fucking. They mention another example in a recent episode between Rich and a female character (I’m assuming the Gabriel and Rowena scene from the last ep lol). 
If they could go back & further explore a storyline? Jensen: Demon Dean & purgatory. Jared: Soulless Sam and Sully. Misha: Human Cas & a new storyline with “cool Cas.”  
Misha’s sock is off. 
Misha: “I’m wearing one shoe and no sock... this is starting to feel like a walk of shame right now!”
Jensen on his cell phone contact that’s famous and is not from SPN is Corey Taylor. Jared’s is JJ from Kaleo, and Misha’s is the Queen lol.  
Misha is happy about his two degrees of separation to Neil Gaiman on Twitter through Kim.
Fan: If your character could swap character arcs who would you swap with? Jared: You know what, I’m gonna say it. I wouldn’t fuckin’ change it. “Sam’s my boy, I wouldn’t change anything.” 
Jensen would have swapped with the storyline with Gabriel when he went to Monaco. Jared whispers in Jensen’s ear. Jensen: or Monte Carlo. Jensen loses his overshirt lol.
Misha: I'm hard on Cas. Jared: Woah!!
Jensen Iced Misha (for those who don’t know, Icing someone means the person has to drink a little bottle of Smirnoff Ice - brand of vodka - while kneeling down on one knee lol).  
Misha refuses to drink it on stage so he goes backstage and Jared follows, giving a play by play of Misha drinking the Smirnoff with plenty of innuendos, cracking Jensen up who stayed on stage. 
Misha: “I'm not agreeing to a trio panel again!” 
Fan asks if after seeing Jack use his powers without being evil, do you think it’s changed Sam’s perception of his own powers? Jared says that Sam took Jack under his wing and so far, he thinks it’s been successful that Jack hasn’t turned evil and feels reassured about his own. 
Jared took his shoe off. “There, I lost my shoe.”
Jared: “When you sweat in the snow you get used to sweat proof socks!”
Asked about important changes SPN gave them. Jared: I met the mother of my children on the show and a couple of my best friends! Jensen *points to self* Jared nods and puts his head on Jensen’s shoulder and Jensen touches his head <3 
Jensen says he has a lot of relationships now and the show made it so he can live and raise a family where he wants. 
Misha: Having families. The only reason why my wife has sex with me is because I’m on the show lmao. 
Fan asks about the boys going on a hunt in Amsterdam. Jared says he wants to go to Anne Frank’s house and dig up some Nazi ghosts and kill them! Jensen: I killed Hitler. 
Jensen says that in Amsterdam Dean would get lost in the red light district, Cas would be stoned in a cafe somewhere, and Sam would be on an architectural tour.
Misha gets called out on his old answer last year & has to take off his belt.
Fan: I have ten princess dresses. Jared, pointing at Jensen: So does he!
Jared: Come on Misha get it right. I don’t want to see you naked. Again. Jensen: Today.   
Who would you meet and pay an autograph for? Jared: I paid for Richard Kiel’s autograph. Jensen: Robert Plant. Misha: Bob Garfield. Jared also mentions that he would have loved to meet Carrie Fisher. 
Fan: I’ve been watching you since I was two. I’m 16 now. J2M are devastated lol. 
Fan: So in your group, is there a mother hen figure who stops you from getting into trouble? J2M in unison: NOPE. Jensen: “The problem is, we don’t have one!”
Jared: "You know when they say the inmates are running the asylum? That's us." 
Jared: “I still find a freedom and a source of creativity in what I do.” Jared says you get to learn from the characters you play and the people you work with.  
Jared doesn’t care if he never wins an Oscar. He’s motivated by love in the craft of acting. “I know y’all love me and I love y’all back legitimately and I don’t care if I don’t get an Oscar or if I’m on a billboard or anything.” 
Jared: When they call “action” I’m free. I still find a freedom of expression in what I do, that’s why I keep doing it. Jared said he’s not an A-list actor. Jensen: I know you. 
Jensen says to learn as much about the technical aspect of filming as you can. He also viewed every audition as a final performance because it helped him deal with rejection. 
Fan: Sorry I’m really nervous. Jared: Don’t be nervous, you’re surrounded by family. 
Jared is removing Misha’s boot when Misha refuses to answer a question about his favorite trenchcoat lol. 
Misha talks about how Jensen gave him some hand-me-down shirts that Jensen wore a lot at cons. Jensen says it happened because he was mortified when a fan called him out on wearing the same shirt twice at a couple of different cons. So he asked Misha if he wanted any of his shirts. 
Misha said it apparently got fans talking and Jared yells in a high-pitched voice: They slept together! Jared says he wants to see “who wore it better memes” of Jensen and Misha wearing the same clothes. 
J2 talk about how Jensen shared underwear with Jared at a con before. Jensen: Where were we? Seattle. Jared: Yeah. Jensen: Did you just not have enough? Jared: Yeah... another time (to tell the story lol). Jensen to the audience: I’m sure you can figure it out! Jensen: Look, I care, I want to make sure my boys are covered! Jared: They say some people give you the shirt off their back, some people give you the *** off their ***. Jensen: The chocolate gonch. Jared whispers and laughs and Jensen falls over. 
Jared likes Sam’s red flannel. Maybe because his marker is red, or it makes up 60% of his name :P 
Jared: “I think Sam has a fondness for his red flannels!”
Jensen likes his grey flannel. 
Jensen removes his belt lol.  
Richard Ices J2. They both take a knee and drink on stage. 
Rich to Jared: “You know, you saying you’re gonna screw with us is like saying the sun rose!”
Richard apparently turned the lights off on Jensen in the bathroom earlier. When Rich left and Jensen wasn’t done lol. 
The guys are all surrounding the poor last question girl and teasing her with the mics. Boys are cracking up. 
Jared hopes s14 isn’t the last. Still feels they should go out in a blaze of glory. Jensen’s had several variations of how the show might end and none of them know how it’s going to end. Misha: Cas is gonna sacrifice himself somehow.
Jensen had a dream about the end of the show and when he shared it with Jared and Misha they both teared up. 
Jensen has told that dream many times where he’s lost his brother, he’s done with the hunting life and he doesn’t want Baby anymore because he doesn’t have Sam, so he drives off on a stranger’s motorcycle. Audience: NOOOO. Jensen: You can’t control my dreams!
J2M putting their random clothing items back on. Jared helps with Misha’s shoe lol. 
At some point earlier in the panel Misha leaned on Jared’s shoulder right in his face and Jared was just like “Hi!” :) 
Jared Iced Rob. Jensen tries to Ice Richard, but Richard jumps out of the way successfully.
Panel ends with the usual J2 fist bumps!  
Info via: Maisie, Jenn, Kelli, Bubbs, Natasha, Stevie, Sil’s livetweet list
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2018 post because I still want to and it’s on my to-do list
I'm sure at this point no one but me cares considering we're fully two months into 2019 but whatever, I want to record it for posterity, because there were a lot of things in 2018 that I did for the first time and that's kind of important. (”this will be brief!” I said, you know, like a liar.)
I finally got a tattoo. I've been talking about it for years but never figured out exactly what I wanted or where, and even once I figured out what I wanted ("all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us," which has been important to me in different ways for years) I didn't know exactly how I wanted it to look, because it can be tough to make text tattoos look good and I’m not an artist or a graphic designer. and then Scully was diagnosed with kidney disease and I realized, oh yeah, his paw print, there's an obvious one. my tiny little semi-colon (of which I apparently never took a decent picture) was also pretty obvious once I started looking for something small I could do as a test tattoo, although the way things worked out I got them both at the same time. the whole process was...kind of odd? but instead of just talking about it I finally actually made it happen, and it hurt but not, like, unbearably, and now I have a piece of my furry little boy that goes everywhere with me, which was especially important after he died.  
I did way more political volunteering than I ever have before. I always feel like I'm not doing enough and compared to people who volunteered with campaigns every single day, I guess I'm not, but I still did a lot in 2018 compared to any previous year: lots of donations to multiple Democrat candidates and progressive organizations, textbanking for several candidates across the US, sign-waving and even phonebanking for the Alaska Democrats, poll watching on election night for the Alaska Democrats, at least a few hundred handwritten postcards to voters for a few more candidates, data entry for the campaign against a local bathroom bill last spring (I keep forgetting that happened in 2018 too because, you know, 2018 was about a decade long), going to several local anti-Kavanaugh demonstrations and the like, leaving lots of voicemails for my legislators and bugging other people to do the same (with varying levels of success), and maybe other stuff I'm forgetting. which is all good, because actually doing shit is vastly preferable to just going "wow everything is terrible and we're all gonna die" both in terms of actual impact and my mental health. the unfortunate part is that after doing as much as I did for the 2018 midterms--whether or not I really actually did enough, whatever "enough" might be--I got pretty well burned out, especially because...all the candidates I did the most work for DID NOT WIN so that made it feel kinda pointless (even though we took back the House and I was so relieved about that I could’ve cried). especially locally where Alaskans did the stupid thing and 1) kept Don Young and 2) elected a Trump wannabe with almost no experience as our governor because he made promises that any idiot should've been able to see he wouldn't be able to keep. but...I still worked hard for causes and people I care about, and I devoted a pretty significant amount of time and money, and I got out of my comfort zone with last-weekend phonebanking, and none of that is nothing.
I joined a gym and started going there fairly regularly. as usual I want to qualify this, because "30 minutes on the elliptical once or twice a week" is not exactly an amazing workout, and I haven't been as good at going regularly since I finished TAZ: Balance, but like...it's still a new thing that I went out of my way to do, and it was a positive change toward taking care of myself physically.
related: I...finished a podcast? I'm bad at podcasts (see also: I'm two or three years behind on Welcome to Night Vale, the only other podcast where I've listened to more than one or two episodes), but the Balance arc of The Adventure Zone is amazing and it basically let me trick myself into wanting to work out so I could listen to more. (unfortunately, Amnesty and MBMBAM haven't been as effective this way, I think because MBMBAM is hilarious but there's no narrative and therefore no "oh shit what's gonna happen next" suspense, and Amnesty is great but it's just...less zany, I guess. constant zany goofs are great for distracting me from the fact that I'm doing generally unpleasant physical activity.) now maybe if I could find a site like GoodReads for podcasts, which apparently doesn’t exist yet, maybe I’d do better at remembering and then listening to all the podcasts I’ve heard of that interest me...although I still don’t know what would be useful for workouts to give me that all-important combo of zany goofs (made by people who are not horrible) and suspenseful narrative. 
I got back into conventions and cosplay for the first time in six years, which is kind of dumb because I was never that deep into cosplay in the first place and I'm still not, and the vast majority of cons I've attended have been tiny local ones...but I did do several attempts at varying levels of quality starting back in college, and I put together some complicated-by-my-standards outfits for SDCC 2012, and then I didn't do any cosplay at all until last year when I semi-spontaneously decided to go to ECCC. I only did two for that one (AoU Wanda, and Avengers Academy Loki) but they involved more actual work than any previous cosplays and I was pretty proud of how they turned out. and then I kind of went "oh hey, cons and cosplay are fun, I forgot", so I did a very simple cosplay for one tiny local con and two that were much more complicated (Stuttgart Loki and The Final Pam) for our larger local con, and it was a lot of work and I'm not 100% happy with how I looked as Pam but the handful of people thrilled to recognize me made it worthwhile. also my Loki staff is damned cool and I look great in suits.
I got contacts! for the very first time! LITERALLY JUST FOR COSPLAY! I've worn glasses since I was about two so I don't remember my adjustment period and I've never had much desire to try contacts, and with past cosplays I just kind of shrugged and wore my glasses anyway, but after ECCC I wanted to Do It Right so...I got contacts. it kind of sucked actually! after the week or so where I was supposed to wear them to get used to them, I literally have not worn them except for the local convention! it turns out contacts will never be a great idea for me because astigmatism is wacky! but now I have contacts I can use for future cosplays, and it's another new thing outside my comfort zone where I went "you know, actually, I could do this thing" and then I made it happen, which is...sort of a big deal for me.
I played Silent Hill 3 and 2, in that order, which is not that big of a deal but still feels like something of a milestone for me, because a) actually finishing a game is embarrassingly rare for me and b) I feel like...they're so well known and such a part of gaming canon, so to speak, that finally playing a couple classic games I previously only knew by osmosis is sort of significant actually. also I love them both in different ways, and discovering a new favorite game series is always fun.
I said goodbye to Scully. this was...not a fun one, obviously, and in fact those last few days were completely fucking awful. but, well, it was a big thing that happened, and it was new in my experience. like I said (a lot) at the time, I realize it's a sign of how lucky I've been that Scully was my hardest personal loss so far, but that doesn't change the fact that it was, and...of course it was hard and horrible. he was my furry little boy, he was unquestionably family, he was a huge part of my life every day for 9 years.  I took care of him as well as I could for as long as I could, and then I made the most compassionate decision I could, and for the most part I was able to focus on remembering the joy he brought me instead of just how much it hurt to lose him. (I've also said this before but I think dealing with Loki in Infinity War helped with Scully, because I'd already done some work on my unhealthy tendencies toward hopelessness in the face of, you know, things ending.) and then I found Hazy, and that's been hard in different ways but she's also worth it, and I think I can train her enough that other people will actually get to see how silly and adorable and sweet she is instead of just BARK BARK BARK.
I more or less kept up with my writing goals of posting at least one new thing a month? I guess this is an accomplishment rather than a first, since it's something I've been mostly successful in doing for the last few years, but it's still notable. also it does involve a first, because until I will kiss you till your breath is found I'd never written anything even semi-explicit (well, I very vaguely described a couple sex scenes in my Crimson Peak fic a few years ago but that was...VERY vague) and then I wrote several thousand words of fucked-up dubcon sort-of-p0rn and fairly shortly followed it up with another one. so that's a thing I've done now I guess. (is it actually explicit if you never really, directly reference anyone's genitals but it's still obvious what's happening and also it's fucked-up sex stuff? I don't know but at this point I'm definitely still too squeamish to use certain words in my fics. is that because I'm hella ace or because I grew up hella repressed in purity culture? BOTH PROBABLY)
and then there are my goals for 2019! or rather the rest of 2019 but it's cool because I got started on a couple of these pretty much right away!
cut my hair real short. already done! in fact this was basically the first thing I did in 2019, because I made the appointment Jan. 1 and got my hair cut Jan. 2! kind of like the tattoo, this is something I've been wanting to do, and talking about wanting to do, for ages and I've never actually gone for it; the shortest I've gotten my hair cut was basically chin-length, more than once, because I'd go in like "I kind of really want a pixie cut or something similar but idk if that would work on me without adding a bunch of time and Product to my morning routine so maybe I shouldn't?" and the stylists were always like "yeah you shouldn't, a good pixie for your face shape is not wash-and-wear hair" so I never did it even though I kept wanting to just...cut all my fucking hair off. and then this December I kind of went, wait, I got a TATTOO with less angst than this and that's permanent. I CAN CUT MY HAIR. IT GROWS BACK. so I got all my fucking hair cut off. it's not perfect because a short cut really does take more maintenance, from what I'm told (I got it cut the first week of January, so...probably I should have scheduled a trim by now), and I really would prefer to continue paying almost no attention to my hair while still looking generally okay, and the bits in front fall in my eyes and piss me off if I don't pin them back (I did buy the hair wax stuff the stylist suggested that was supposed to sort of lightly anchor it in place but it just never worked for very long, so...pins), BUT it is very nice not constantly catching my hair in my purse strap and stuff like that, and also I'm more visibly queer with short hair and that's definitely a plus.
train Hazy. this is a work in progress. it took a while to get signed up for an actual class and then I had to go with one for reactive dogs specifically, and so far I've only been to two sessions, just one of which involved Hazy, and then I've been trying to do other stuff at home, and...well, it's a work in progress. but she's a good dog who just needs to learn to chill a little bit, and I should've trained Scully and didn't so I'm trying to do things right this time.
specifically, I would like to get her trained enough that she can accompany me to Pride in June, wearing her adorable Wonder Woman harness and cape. given that she is not great with individual strange humans and strange dogs, taking her into a big crowd of both would definitely result in a screaming meltdown if I did it now and it may or may not be realistic to hope I'll be able to get enough improvement on that in time. but that's the goal. if it doesn't work, there's always next year, I guess.
also, I want to make myself a flying ace costume for Pride. this may or may not be much more complicated than I anticipate.
speaking of costumes, I'm planning to go back to both local conventions this year, and I imagine I'll reuse my Stuttgart Loki outfit at least once but it would be nice to do at least one other new cosplay. Heather/Cheryl from Silent Hill 3 seems like it should be straightforward but Value Village hasn't provided me with any of the pieces yet so who knows.
post more to @alaska-gothic​ because I have a bunch of cool photos I'd like to have a place to show off (and I've taken a lot of new pictures, some in VERY cold weather, for this exact purpose)
finish more games. in practice this might turn into "play more short games while continuing to neglect long games" but I want to make my list of completed games longer and I also want to PLAY MORE GAMES in general because it's a thing I really like, and it's possibly the only thing I do that's purely for my own enjoyment, and I want to make more time for that. also I want to finish SWTOR’s existing singleplayer content because, I mean, it’s an eight-year-old(!!!) MMO so its remaining time is probably limited by default and it’s fucking ridiculous I’ve been a subscriber for at least seven years without even finishing all the class storylines, what the actual fuck Past Me. (I also want to make more time for console games specifically, because those are almost definitely easier on my body and I can do them while cuddling with Hazy on the couch. unfortunately this also generally requires me having the place to myself, which is kind of a rare thing that is also necessary for comfortably working on customs or writing, so...opportunities are limited.)
speaking of games: finish buying the parts to upgrade my computer and then upgrade my fucking computer, and also back up my fucking files
finish a long fic? or honestly if I can even finish more short fics that would be great. really just...make progress on the WIP list. especially if I can finish some IW-specific fics before Endgame comes out. that would be super cool of me.
get another tattoo. I still want that LotR quote but I don't know how I want it to look so who knows when that might happen. HOWEVER, I've been wanting something queer, and I very much loved Foxflight Studios’ "we fight as one" design, and when I asked the designer if she was okay with me getting it as a tattoo she said yes. so at least with that I wouldn't have to figure out a design. I do of course have to figure out a) where I want it (ideally, somewhere normally covered by clothes but where I can see it if I want to, and where a person might conceivably keep a real dagger) and b) how much more it's going to hurt/cost than the paw print considering it would have to be bigger and it has a lot more colors and linework.
do some travel around Alaska. I've lived here for nearly my entire life and I really haven't seen that much of my own state. more importantly there are a few extremely cool places within theoretical driving distance, like Kennicott, Igloo City, and abandoned military installations near Seward, and I want to visit them. @erlkonigstochter and I had vague plans to do this last year and it never materialized (although I did visit Nike Site Summit on my own), so...this year I intend to try harder to make that happen, especially since I have no current plans of traveling out of state.
put more stuff on Etsy (and figure out how to advertise them?). in particular there are a bunch more things I want to repaint in various Pride colors, in part because those are way easier than custom Funko figures. of course, a lot of these things are kinda technically copyright infringement which means somehow I have to figure out how to make more sales of the easier things without drawing the attention of any corporations (and/or shift my focus to things that aren't under copyright of some kind but that's probably more complicated).
but also do more personal projects. I have so many partially finished custom figures, and so many other figures I bought specifically to customize but haven't touched since, and it would be cool to actually...do something with some of those. especially because several of my WIPs/plans are more Lokis, and I need all the Lokis, and there are not many more left that I can buy.
figure out how to motivate myself to work out more and keep up with PT exercises, see above re: needing a  better replacement for the magic of TAZ Balance whoops
get a therapist and work on ADHD issues, because I'm increasingly convinced that ADHD issues are at the root of the vast majority of my other issues (depression, anxiety, etc.), and that I would be immeasurably improving every aspect of my life if I could make some progress on that aspect. the difficulty, of course, is that finding a therapist is kind of complicated and difficult, and also I don't really want to add yet another regular appointment to my schedule when I already don't have enough time after work to do all the things I want and/or need to do, but...this one thing could go a long way toward helping me actually do all those other things, so obviously this is a time investment I really need to make. although probably not until I've made serious progress with Hazy's separation anxiety because that also makes it hard to go places after work. so uh, I guess we'll see. in the meantime it might be smart if I tried to figure out some kind of self-guided therapy thing I could do. I'm sure there's...something.
just, like, be more intentional about...things. in general. this is a bad goal because it's very nonspecific but it is slightly more specific than "generally do better FFS" so at least there's that.
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J2M SPN UK 2018 Panel
At the start of the J2M panel, they made Misha introduce J2 and Jensen is laughing at him lol.
They gave Misha a short chair like at SDCC next to Jared (they changed it back right after lol). Jensen: “Ah, it’s the little things.”
Misha “What’s your normal routine up here… do you guys do acrobatics?”
Jared explains to Misha that they play strip question on stage. If you get the question wrong, you have to take off an article of clothing.
Jared: “I guess my dream job has always been no job… but I would have liked to have been a teacher!” Jensen to Jared: “I learn from you daily, you are a teacher!” Jared put his head on Jensen’s shoulder :)
Jensen: “Sometimes I feel like the right answer would be a Chippendales dancer!”
Misha: “I thought I was gonna be a politician when I grew up!”
Wrong answer: Misha strips off his jacket lol.
Jared: “Jet lag has not been nice to Mr. Misha.”
Jensen earlier about J2M trio op: “We’re doing a crossover. Jensen, Jared & Gollum.” Jared to Misha: “Had I known you looked like this, I wouldn’t have taken a shower.”
Jensen: “There’s another crossover photo later. Supernatural and The Walking Dead.”
J2M just got offered food and now they’re totally fighting over those gummy bears.
Jared nudging Misha to grab gummy bears from a fan: “Misha, Scooby dooby doo!”
Mishalecki are fighting over Misha’s jacket
Jensen: “Jared keeps translating English to English, but he breaks it up and it’s actually worse!”
Jared got the question wrong so he strips and now Jared’s jacket is off!
Jensen would consider a Supernatural tattoo after the show ends because it’s a huge part of his life.
Jensen and Jared both say they would consider getting an SPN tattoo after the show ends.
Jensen took a picture of Jared stripping.
Misha: I wish I’d worn my good socks today. Jared: I’m surprised you have socks on! Jensen, cracking up: Things are looking up Mish, you left the house with socks on!
J2M trying to stump the fans to get the audience to strip.
Fan asks if when Dean and Cas do intense stares if it’s written in the script. Jensen says yes, that in the script it’ll be like a serious moment and then it will say “eye f-u-c-k.” They explain that in general all staring scenes between characters are written like that lol. They say that there’ll be a scene where everyone is eye-fucking. They mention another example in a recent episode between Rich and a female character (I’m assuming the Gabriel and Rowena scene from the last ep lol).
If they could go back & further explore a storyline? Jensen: Demon Dean & purgatory. Jared: Soulless Sam and Sully. Misha: Human Cas & a new storyline with “cool Cas.”  
Misha’s sock is off.
Misha: “I’m wearing one shoe and no sock… this is starting to feel like a walk of shame right now!”
Jensen on his cell phone contact that’s famous and is not from SPN is Corey Taylor. Jared’s is JJ from Kaleo, and Misha’s is the Queen lol.  
Misha is happy about his two degrees of separation to Neil Gaiman on Twitter through Kim.
Fan: If your character could swap character arcs who would you swap with? Jared: You know what, I’m gonna say it. I wouldn’t fuckin’ change it. “Sam’s my boy, I wouldn’t change anything.”
Jensen would have swapped with the storyline with Gabriel when he went to Monaco. Jared whispers in Jensen’s ear. Jensen: or Monte Carlo. Jensen loses his overshirt lol.
Misha: I’m hard on Cas. Jared: Woah!!
Jensen Iced Misha (for those who don’t know, Icing someone means the person has to drink a little bottle of Smirnoff Ice - a brand of vodka - while kneeling down on one knee lol).  
Misha refuses to drink it on stage so he goes backstage and Jared follows, giving a play by play of Misha drinking the Smirnoff with plenty of innuendos, cracking Jensen up who stayed on stage.
Misha: “I’m not agreeing to a trio panel again!”
Fan asks if after seeing Jack use his powers without being evil, do you think it’s changed Sam’s perception of his own powers? Jared says that Sam took Jack under his wing and so far, he thinks it’s been successful that Jack hasn’t turned evil and feels reassured about his own.
Jared took his shoe off. “There, I lost my shoe.”
Jared: “When you sweat in the snow you get used to sweat proof socks!”
Asked about important changes SPN gave them. Jared: I met the mother of my children on the show and a couple of my best friends! Jensen *points to self* Jared nods and puts his head on Jensen’s shoulder and Jensen touches his head <3
Jensen says he has a lot of relationships now and the show made it so he can live and raise a family where he wants.
Misha: Having families. The only reason why my wife has sex with me is that I’m on the show lmao.
Fan asks about the boys going on a hunt in Amsterdam. Jared says he wants to go to Anne Frank’s house and dig up some Nazi ghosts and kill them! Jensen: I killed Hitler.
Jensen says that in Amsterdam Dean would get lost in the red light district, Cas would be stoned in a cafe somewhere, and Sam would be on an architectural tour.
Misha gets called out on his old answer last year & has to take off his belt.
Fan: I have ten princess dresses. Jared, pointing at Jensen: So does he!
Jared: Come on Misha get it right. I don’t want to see you naked. Again. Jensen: Today.    
Who would you meet and pay an autograph for? Jared: I paid for Richard Kiel’s autograph. Jensen: Robert Plant. Misha: Bob Garfield. Jared also mentions that he would have loved to meet Carrie Fisher.
Fan: I’ve been watching you since I was two. I’m 16 now. J2M are devastated lol.
Fan: So in your group, is there a mother hen figure who stops you from getting into trouble? J2M in unison: NOPE. Jensen: “The problem is, we don’t have one!”
Jared: “You know when they say the inmates are running the asylum? That’s us."
Jared: “I still find a freedom and a source of creativity in what I do.” Jared says you get to learn from the characters you play and the people you work with.  
Jared doesn’t care if he never wins an Oscar. He’s motivated by love in the craft of acting. “I know y’all love me and I love y’all back legitimately and I don’t care if I don’t get an Oscar or if I’m on a billboard or anything.”
Jared: When they call “action” I’m free. I still find a freedom of expression in what I do, that’s why I keep doing it. Jared said he’s not an A-list actor. Jensen: I know you.
Jensen says to learn as much about the technical aspect of filming as you can. He also viewed every audition as a final performance because it helped him deal with rejection.
Fan: Sorry I’m really nervous. Jared: Don’t be nervous, you’re surrounded by family.
Jared is removing Misha’s boot when Misha refuses to answer a question about his favorite trenchcoat lol.
Misha talks about how Jensen gave him some hand-me-down shirts that Jensen wore a lot at cons. Jensen says it happened because he was mortified when a fan called him out on wearing the same shirt twice at a couple of different cons. So he asked Misha if he wanted any of his shirts.
Misha said it apparently got fans talking and Jared yells in a high-pitched voice: They slept together! Jared says he wants to see “who wore it better memes” of Jensen and Misha wearing the same clothes.
J2 talk about how Jensen shared underwear with Jared at a con before. Jensen: Where were we? Seattle. Jared: Yeah. Jensen: Did you just not have enough? Jared: Yeah… another time (to tell the story lol). Jensen to the audience: I’m sure you can figure it out! Jensen: Look, I care, I want to make sure my boys are covered! Jared: They say some people give you the shirt off their back, some people give you the *** off their ***. Jensen: The chocolate gonch. Jared whispers and laughs and Jensen falls over.
Jared likes Sam’s red flannel. Maybe because his marker is red, or it makes up 60% of his name :P
Jared: “I think Sam has a fondness for his red flannels!”
Jensen likes his grey flannel.
Jensen removes his belt lol.  
Richard Ices J2. They both take a knee and drink on stage.
Rich to Jared: “You know, you saying you’re gonna screw with us is like saying the sun rose!”
Richard apparently turned the lights off on Jensen in the bathroom earlier. When Rich left and Jensen wasn’t done lol.
The guys are all surrounding the poor last question girl and teasing her with the mics. Boys are cracking up.
Jared hopes s14 isn’t the last. Still feels they should go out in a blaze of glory. Jensen’s had several variations of how the show might end and none of them know how it’s going to end. Misha: Cas is gonna sacrifice himself somehow.
Jensen had a dream about the end of the show and when he shared it with Jared and Misha they both teared up.
Jensen has told that dream many times where he’s lost his brother, he’s done with the hunting life and he doesn’t want Baby anymore because he doesn’t have Sam, so he drives off on a stranger’s motorcycle. Audience: NOOOO. Jensen: You can’t control my dreams!
J2M putting their random clothing items back on. Jared helps with Misha’s shoe lol.
At some point earlier in the panel Misha leaned on Jared’s shoulder right in his face and Jared was just like “Hi!” :)
Jared Iced Rob. Jensen tries to Ice Richard, but Richard jumps out of the way successfully.
Panel ends with the usual J2 fist bumps!  
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singingwordwright · 6 years
Trying to break the cancellation issue down: Week 2
Okay, so tonight I posted an entirely-too-long tweet thread on this issue, in which I recapped a lot of what I laid out in my post last week, as well some things I mentioned in response to an ask yesterday, and also new questions, information, and supposition. I thought I would try to lay it out here in a slightly more coherent issue.
First, however, I’m going to put it behind a cut. Because then if I have to edit any of this information, all the reblogs will link to the edited version instead of reblogging the incorrect/out-of-date version. Then I won’t have to make any future new posts on this subject.
Please keep in mind that this is all educated guessing. None of us know what’s really going on.
To recap what I laid out last week:
@freeform doesn’t own Shadowhunters. Freeform merely “leases” the domestic distribution rights from Constantin Film, who holds the adaptation rights.
(ETA 6/16/18) Freeform, however, has exclusive rights to this show indefinitely and it goes no where unless Freeform chooses to give them up. (this is a correction as I was mistaken before in believing the distribution rights would revert to Constantin after Freeform turned down Season 4)
@netflix doesn’t own Shadowhunters either. Netflix “leases” the international distribution rights from Freeform.
The money Netflix and Freeform pay Constantin for those rights funds production of the show.
Itunes, Amazon Video and Hulu all have domestic streaming of the show as well as Freeform.
Hulu likely acquires its streaming arrangement from Freeform, as the show carries the Freeform logo on Hulu. This makes sense; Disney owns part Hulu and all of Freeform.
I don’t know if Amazon and Itunes carry SH internationally, and I don’t know if they have their domestic streaming agreement from Freeform or from Constantin. I DO know they have a different streaming format than Freeform; you buy the episodes individually or the season entirely, rather than paying for a subscription service (I don’t think the show is on Amazon Prime as part of their subscription package, but I could be wrong.)
Something to keep in mind going forward:
Freeform is a business, and it’s going to be more helpful to us to regard this stance on the issue in terms of cost/benefit analysis, rather than assuming pettiness or malice or vindictiveness. I know having a villain in this scenario fires us up and keeps us raring for the fight, and we need that energy, but ultimately it’s not helpful in drilling down to the core issues and finding solutions.
Stupidity and tone-deafness are definitely sins we could probably fairly lay at their door, however. They have clearly underestimate both the passion of their audience and the importance of this show on a societal level, and those are tragic, foolish mistakes.
Shadowhunters and Freeform: A History:
As anyone who has ever looked at leasing versus buying a car or apartment will tell you, there are certain benefits to both arrangements, but usually in the long run it costs less to own something rather than to lease it. Which means that Freeform isn’t making as much money off SH as it is off the shows that are actually Freeform originals.
Why did Freeform acquire the distribution rights, then?
Well, ABC Family was intending to rebrand as Freeform and go after the millennial crowd, and it needed some new, edgier, more adult, more diverse, less family-oriented shows than The Fosters or whatever.
They also wanted to break into the streaming market instead of going with a live-airing-only model.
A show like Shadowhunters, based off a series of books their target audience enjoyed growing up, was obviously a good bet. Especially since that audience is largely comprised of binge-watching cord-cutters.
The goal, then, was to use Shadowhunters to draw the new audience in and to have it “shepherd” less established, Freeform-original franchises by hoping the SH viewers would stick around to watch whatever was in the 9pm time slot. And that worked well for them.
But once Freeform had a number of other, original shows doing somewhat well, the “benefit” side of the cost/benefit ratio began to decrease. It’s an expensive show to produce that isn’t performing well in live ratings and whatever money they’re making off it, they have to give a hefty portion of that to Constantin Film.
The cost (at least in terms of lost potential revenue) was further compounded by the fact that Shadowhunters was occupying a very coveted time-slot, 8PM, for 20 weeks of the year. That is a massive piece of prime-time real estate to give to a show that is no longer really needed to perform the functions they once required from it.
Malec_Immortal over on Twitter posted a pretty astute (if somewhat vitriolic) series of tweets about how you can identify the timeframe when Freeform made the decision to stop investing so heavily in Shadowhunters. YouTuber Trini did a side-by-side comparison of the effort the Freeform Twitter put into promoting s2 and the effort they put into promoting s3 and it couldn’t really be more blatant.) Now, maybe they might have continued with the show had season 3 performed better in the live ratings, but it’s obvious they were all about reducing their cost while trying to glean what dwindling benefit they could from it.
I think it’s clear that Freeform was still promoting the show up through August, at least, because the cast’s appearance at SDCC was an obvious investment that doesn’t appear to have been used to promote any other Freeform properties (though perhaps a few Disney ones) but by NYCC in October, it’s obvious that they had slotted SH into the role of mentor/veteran show whose primary purpose was to pull in viewers for Freeform’s other, wholly owned properties.
Perhaps if SH had performed well enough in live-airing views to justify a continued investment, Freeform wouldn’t have wanted to reduce their episode order for season 4, but that didn’t happen. At that point, the cost of continuing with a full 20-episode season outweighed the benefit. They tried to negotiate for a reduced season order, Netflix wasn’t happy with that, and now here we are.
Where does that leave us?
Freeform got the drop on everyone in terms of setting the narrative for this whole thing. They blamed it on Netflix for yanking out of their distribution deal and leaving Freeform holding the bag. In truth, however, it appears the only reason Netflix pulled out is because Freeform violated an agreement by demanding a shorter season for s4.
Which makes sense. Of course Netflix would want more and Freeform would want less; this show has always performed better on streaming and internationally than it has on live television.
I think it’s clear that somewhere along the way, Freeform (while not abandoning its streaming emphasis) has reverted to considering live-viewing ratings in its considerations. An obvious example is Beyond. Beyond performed well enough in its first season (shepherded, as it were, by Shadowhunters) to get a second season, but a large part of its success was the fact that it was dropped all at once for streaming-on-demand. For whatever reason, Freeform decided that wasn’t profitable and went to a different model for season 2, and Beyond performed abysmally and got the axe.
Unfortunately for us, they’ve been applying the Beyond-season2 model all along, which means Shadowhunters hasn’t been performing as well either by their calculations (though a great deal of that is down to reduced marketing and just using the show as a vehicle to promote other, Freeform-original properties. 
For all that they claimed it wasn’t about the ratings and was “purely economical” you can’t divorce the economics of a show from the ratings if you’re using a live-air-viewing model. They needed that coveted 8pm timeslot for something that would be more profitable. They could have moved SH to a less valuable time slot, but then it wouldn’t make them enough money to earn back what they were spending on the distribution license (which funds production.)
Yeah yeah yeah, but what does this mean for the show getting picked up?
To put it frankly, our biggest obstacle here on multiple fronts is season 3b. Specifically, it’s the fact that Freeform has pushed 3b back to Spring of 2019. That is screwing our efforts over, big time.
These are episodes that are already in the can. The final cut of 3x20 has been produced, according to Todd Slavkin. And these are episodes that Freeform owns and still hasn’t aired.
No one is going to want to acquire this show until 3b has aired. (Assuming Freeform is willing to let anyone acquire it.) Which means no one is going to want to acquire it until Summer of 2019. And we probably wouldn’t get season 4 until spring of 2020 at the earliest.
I can’t think of a single other show that has been canceled with half the season still month away from being aired like this. And if it has happened, it probably wasn’t picked up by anyone else (if at all) until after the season was done.
Look at it this way. It’s obvious from their CEO’s tweets that Constantin would love to see the distribution rights pass to someone else (probably Netflix.) Netflix may even be willing to pick them up (if Freeform is willing to sell,) considering that who Constantin’s CEO tagged in his tweets.
But what happens to those 10 episodes that are in the can? Whoever picks the show up has to wait until Freeform is done airing those eps before they can begin marketing, and probably even filming.
Maybe someone would be willing to pay Freeform for those eps, but that’s highly unlikely. What new network wants to start a show mid-season like that? And would they even be willing to pay enough for Freeform to recoup their losses on production AND potential losses on advertising? A new network will want the story to be in a place where new viewers who have never seen it before will be able to tune in and quickly pick up on what is going on, and considering the cliffhanger S3a left off on, that’s...not something anyone EXCEPT Netflix (or maybe Hulu or Amazon, who already have the previous episodes in their libraries) would want to pick up. That pretty much rules out...every other network.
Furthermore, again, the show has always done best streaming. Odds are good that ONLY a streaming service is going to want the show.
Some questions we need to ask:
Will whoever acquires the show be paying Freeform to “adopt” their distribution license, or will Freeform’s distribution license lapse and a new license need to be negotiated with Constantin? (ETA 6/16/18: we appear to have an answer on that.)
Also, CAN Freeform even get out of the plan to film/air the 2-hour finale at this point? The contract has probably already been negotiated. Unless they somehow have an option to back out of it, they’re committed.
So, it may be that they HAVE to make that episode. Which probably won’t begin filming until season 4 would have begun filming, probably around August.  Which probably means the earliest they could air the season/episode is in January and we would HAVE to wait until spring/summer of 2019 before anyone else can pick up this show. IF they’re willing to pick up this show. If potential buyers see interest has waned because of the long wait and general frustration and disgust, they’re not going to want the show.
Will potential buyers even be interested if the show has run out of book-based material? The 2-hour finale is supposed to wrap up the final book of the series, and while our main concern is that 2 hours won’t be enough to do all that material justice (especially with any non-book-based plotlines also needing to be resolved.) Any future seasons would, in essence, be a spin-off using the same characters. Can Constantin even do that with the adaptation rights?
So what do we do?
I’m not saying we should stop fighting, not at all, but I’m saying we need to conserve our energy because this is going to be a very long haul. It’s a situation that is messy and complicated beyond any other show that I’ve ever heard of being cancelled and picked up by another network. We very likely won’t see any fruit from our labors until after 3b and the finale air, whenever that may happen. I think with the negative publicity we’re generating, Freeform may find it useful to get us out of their hair sooner rather than later, but the time required to produce the finale ep is an issue there. 
We really need more answers to know how to most effectively apply pressure to get the show renewed. Our best bet for getting those answers is the same place we’ve gotten the information we have so far; interviews and articles. Some media outlets are already latching onto this story (and largely supporting us, or reporting that we’re not going away) but we need to keep making this A STORY in order to get them to report on it (and hopefully use their access to get more answers than we have.)
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