#was overthinking this one for a little bit which is very much not the point of these
napollya-inspiration · 6 months
@heytheredeann requested #17 for the Spotify Wrapped game (thanks for taking one for the team and giving me a bunch of numbers). This is another 998-word long ficlet, really stretching the definition of short here...
#17 on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped is The Archer by Taylor Swift (aka the most Napoleon Solo song to ever exist!)
(send me a number between 1-100, and I'll write a drabble about the corresponding song on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped)
Napoleon wakes in the middle of the night. The previous day comes back to him at once, in excruciating detail. It was the first time Sanders had demanded to meet him in person since he started to be on loan for UNCLE. It turned out to be nothing more than a warning call. A reminder whose leash his neck is really attached to.
In the dim light of dawn, he can’t help but recall the icy fear that had gripped him before and all throughout the meeting though. He’d been made aware that all it would take were a couple words from Sanders to yank him away from this little oasis of peace he’d found. The worst part was that Sanders could probably read it all on his face. He’s found something that matters. More than anything else in his sorry life.
He crawls out of bed as the heavy weight of panic descends on his chest. It wasn’t just that they were doing the job that they were doing. It wasn’t just that they came from opposing sides of a quasi war. At the end of this all, he thinks Illya and Gaby would look at him. The truth of him because they would learn to see right through him and then- who could stay with someone like him?
He fumbles for a glass of water in the dark kitchen of the safe house they’re staying in. His hand trembles like Illya’s when he lifts the glass to his lips. It’s been a long time since it’s been this bad, he thinks abstractly. The oxygen seems to be thin in the room as his mind replays, unbidden the moments in which he’d felt the desperation try to claw its way out of his throat.
He thinks of Gaby jumping into his arms at the beach in Istanbul. He thinks of Illya against his back during a shootout a few weeks ago. He thinks about Illya brushing his hair back to clean a wound on his forehead. He thinks about Illya’s triumphant grin when Napoleon has successfully walked him through picking a lock. He thinks about Illya, Illya, Illya.
He should leave before either of them can. He should run while he can. He should confess that the only thing in life he wants is to be with them.
Napoleon slams the glass down, dragging in a desperate breath. He works so hard to make everyone wonder who would leave him, while knowing quite well that no one would put in the effort to stay.
The next breath sounds more like a sob as he claws at the counter desperately. It’s been awhile since it’s been this bad, he thinks again.
The whole world seems to be closing in, becoming narrower and narrower until only the inevitability of his loss and his devastation about it are left.
“Cowboy?” A light turns on and Napoleon spins in place. He doesn’t notice he’s hit his glass until it shatters on the tiled floor.
“Illya.” He tries to think of something that would make him leave, not see the state Napoleon is in but it doesn’t take a spy to see it.
“What happened?” Illya asks, stepping forward quickly while Napoleon tries to remain upright as his panic spikes even further.
“Panic attack,” he mumbles because it’s impossible to deny and he’s sinking to the floor anyway, gasping for breath.
“Breathe, Cowboy.” It almost makes him laugh because of course, why hadn’t he thought of that? But also because Illya looks so scared. Like he’s terrified of losing him.
Who could ever leave me? He wants to scream. But who could stay?
Illya stays, murmuring soothing nothings until Napoleon can feel his lungs fill with air again. As the adrenaline subsides, tears follow unbidden. He’s too exhausted to care.
“Napoleon,” Illya says softly and Napoleon squeezes his eyes shut even as he feels hot tears spill down his cheeks. Illya hadn’t ever called him that. No one ever calls him that because no one ever gets close enough that they would feel the urge to.
“Not so pretty under the facade, am I?” He asks.
Illya reaches out and gently wipes away the tears. “You do not have to be pretty all the time.”
Napoleon manages to give him a little smile. “That’s a cute sentiment, Peril.”
“Is true,” Illya insists. “You are not going to scare me away.”
Oh, but I will. I always do.
Napoleon wonders if Illya can see. The emptiness that he tries to hide every day. The desperation that accompanies it. Some days he can forget about it himself. That doesn’t mean he can’t see right through himself.
Before Napoleon protests any further, Illya has pulled him against his chest. “Is ok. I got you.”
Napoleon is afraid he really does. Illya gets him, more than he should, considering their different backgrounds. Normally, he’d pull away, trying to collect his dignity after shattering like that in front of someone. Tonight, he’s run out of energy to do so, and giving in is too easy.
So he clings to the arm that’s holding him and tries to believe that it will be okay, just this once. Once is all he needs really.
I want to keep you.
“Help me hold on to you,” he says quietly. He doesn’t mean to say it, not really. It would mean he’s desperate enough to ask for help. Desperate enough to beg for Illya to stay.
The arms around him tighten, and it feels like being tied down during a bad storm for once, safe and secure rather than restricted. Illya hums, and there’s a quick press of his lips against Napoleon’s forehead - so quick that Napoleon almost thinks he’s imagined it. “Not letting you go, Cowboy.”
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drvscarlett · 3 months
Let Him Cook Pt 3
Charles Leclerc x MasterChef contestant!reader
Series Part: 1, 2, 3
Taglist: @bookstore-of-dreams @barcelonaloverf1life @ririyulife @minkyungseokie @mehrmonga @sltwins @charlesgirl16 @six-call @spideybv28 @casperlikej
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"I honestly can't believe that this is actually happening"you told Charles as you sit down on your couch with your laptop.
The past few days have been a lot of preparation for the three most important dish of your life. You have been replicating and timing yourself to make sure that you are a perfectly well-oiled machine during the competition proper.
Charles is currently in Abu Dhabi for the final race which is a complete bummer. He wanted to be there but work is work. So that's why he spends most of his available time doing a facetime with you. It was pretty helpful since his conversations with you helps soothe your nerve and helps avoid overthinking the whole process.
"You got this mon amour. You know I always believed in you since day 1" Charles grinned.
"I really hope that everything goes well tomorrow"
"It will and I will be watching all the way from Yas Marina to hear that my girlfriend is a MasterChef winner"Charles proudly states "I'm really getting so excited, is this how you feel when you watch me race?"
You laughed "Oh mon ami, you are much more stressful to watch with your high speed corners and those wet race misshaps"
"But doesn't this technically make me your WAG if you win? Don't they have WAG gossip accounts that I could be part in?"
It was moments like this that Charles made everything lighter by focusing on trivial things. It helps a lot with the building pressure that everyone has been placing on your shoulder.
Y/NCooks posted a photo.
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Y/NCooks the boyfriend is so supportive. I'm pretty excited for today!
Gordongram goodluck Y/N! Boyfriend reveal when you win?
User1 Gordon is so real for that Y/NCooks thanks Chef! Lets see???
User2 win or lose, you already made it Y/N!
User3 its just so wholesome to see how Y/N keeps the relationship private but never secret. I ship them so much
User4 i don't know if i want to be Y/N or I want to be her boyfriend
User5 goodluck Y/N! Get that trophy!
Final episode.
Former contestants lined up at the balcony with some of your friends and close relatives. It was a very surreal moment because you used to watch this sitting in the comforts of your own home and now you are actually the one being watched.
The moment that the clock starts ticking, you started to work. There was no room for any delays today as you were creating dishes after dishes. You have to use your time wisely so that you can finish the dishes you have in mind.
"Charles, were going out to drink, are you coming?"
"You guys go ahead, I'm going to watch something" The minute that the cars were back in the garage and the ceremony was over, Charles couldn't wait to go back to his hotel room. He was to turn on his TV to watch the live broadcast of the MasterChef Australia.
He was just on time with the last five minutes of the appetizer round, technically he haven't miss much. You were focused in tasting everything and ensuring that all the flavors are there. You plated really well and it shows how much you have grown. Charles is extremely proud of you.
"Aren't you a little worried to be working on the octopus so early on?" the judges wondered. The judges were currently tasting the soup that you have given them.
"I know that its a lot of risk but I have to push for it to show my talent"
The judges find the soup beautifully seasoned but their only slight flaw with the dish is that the octopus is a little bit tough due to the water not boiling hot enough. Its that flaw that sets a 2 point difference with your fellow contestant.
Charles could feel his eyes getting heavier from all the events earlier that day but he really wants to stay awake. He believes that Y/N could do it. The main course was a stronger dish for Y/N which is how she tied the score with her fellow contestant.
The dessert is the make and break for Y/N. Charles knew that its also her greatest opponent as you prefer savory over sweet. However, seeing the way that you are cooking right now that you have massively improved your skills in the sweets department.
It was tense as you run back and forth to the freezer to make sure that the pana cotta is chilled enough while you went back to your work station to mix the pot. Charles almost had a headache after seeing you trip over in the last 20 minutes of the session.
But all in all you pulled it off. The dessert was stunning and exquisite as the judges noticed. It was an elevated traditional pana cotta
"I believe we have made a decision and the scores are very very close with each other" one of the judges concluded.
The guests from the balcony went down to join the homecooks and Charles wishes that he could have been there for you. Instead, he records the moment through his phone. The announcement will be here in any seconds now.
"And the MasterChef Australia winner is....."
MasterChefAU just posted a photo.
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Liked by Gordongram, Charles_Leclerc, and 670,000 others
MasterChefAU congratulations to Y/NCooks you are the MasterChef Australia winner!
User1 That was worth the wait, Y/NCooks is now a masterchef winner!
User2 she was so brilliant! what a performance!!!
User3 tell me why is Charles Leclerc is in the likes, isn't it like 4am there in Abu Dhabi?? Didn't you just race sir???
User4 Seems like Charles is a fan of MC Australia User5 Answer the crowd Charles_Leclerc User6 Didn't Arthur and Lorenzo guest in MC Australia, they say they are good friends of Y/N User7 That is some interesting information User6
Y/NCooks posted a photo.
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liked by MasterChefAU, Charles_Leclerc, and 308,000 others
Y/NCooks I have a new plate!!!!
It was such a wonderful experience to be a part of this kitchen and to win this prestigious award. Thank you so much for all your support and love. This is such a dream come true!!
User1 im so proud of her
User2 Can't wait what's next for you!
Gordongram Well-deserve! You did amazing!
Y/NCooks this means a lot Chef! Thank you for watching
MasterChefAU Our winner!!!!
Charles_Leclerc 🏆❤️
User3 what even is that? you are putting sebastian vettel to shame with your rizz User4 Charles, she has a boyfriend!!!!!!! User5 Bro really thinks he can bag Y/N when he can't even cook Y/NCooks Thank you :')) Charles_Leclerc liked this comment. User6 SHUT UP, CHARLES IS COOKING SOMETHING User7 Silence for Y/N's bf, Charles is coming after your seat!
684 notes · View notes
bucksangel · 6 months
milk and sugar
pairing: alpha!steve x alpha!bucky, alpha!steve x artist!omega!reader x alpha!bucky (poly) - omegaverse!au part two
word count: 5.1k
summary: “Are you nervous?” Steve asks, voice soft and caring. His hand settles on your arm, and Bucky appears beside you to place his hand on your back, as well as take one of your hands in his metal one. And despite your earlier anxiety, you mean it wholeheartedly when you say, “no.” or - it’s your first date with your alphas.
warnings: fluff fluff and more fluff, reader has insecurities, steve and bucky are adorable and caring, steve is very nervous bc he’s a romantic, like it’s almost unbearable how much of a pure puppy he is, bucky is extremely fond and a little teasing (bc of course he is), omegaverse, kissing, there are bits where it’s just steve and bucky
a/n: this fic doesn’t contain smut, however, due to the nature of my blog this is strictly 18+
milk and honey masterlist | main masterlist | tip jar
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‘Good morning, darling.’
That’s the text you received from Bucky at nine that morning - in the group chat he’d made with Steve and you. And while you normally sleep in on Sundays since your studio is closed, you’d woken up early - seven to be exact -  due to the anxiety you’ve been feeling ever since your art class ended yesterday.
Truthfully, you didn’t really sleep well anyway. Going on a date with not just one, but two Alphas at the same time has you on edge - though, not in a bad way. No, not at all. These are the good kinds of nerves, the exciting kind.
Well, okay, not all of your nerves are positive. Being naturally shy and reserved has caused you to overthink every single interaction you’ve had with the Alphas, both together and separately. And now that you’re going on this date, you can’t help the way your insecurities come creeping in faster and faster as it gets closer.
Because what if they decide they don’t like you after they actually get the chance to know you? What if they don’t even pay much attention to you and treat this as a date with just them since that must be what they’re more used to? What if you say or do something wrong and they get scared away?
Now, logically, you know those first two outcomes are absurd. Over the past few weeks, they’ve each shown extreme interest in getting to know you, they show how much care they have for you, and oh boy does that knowledge make your heart flutter. It makes you feel good, really good about yourself.
But that last point? Well, that is a big insecurity of yours. As a child, you weren’t that open and didn’t have many friends. And it was hard to make new ones when you would always stutter and trip over yourself, causing many of the kids you’d gone to school with to laugh at you. You were so shy, always the shortest kid in your class which made you an easy target for bullying, especially since you couldn’t hold a conversation well and you’d constantly accidentally bump into someone. It’s honestly a surprise that Tori had stuck around this long.
And, to be completely honest, you think you could deal with them maybe not finding you as interesting as they probably thought, maybe even them telling you that it just wouldn’t work out. Yes, it would hurt for a while, but you would deal with it. However, you absolutely could not live with the Alphas finding you annoying. Because this whole thing already feels like a fever dream, and if you were to fuck it up by doing or saying something embarrassing it would only serve as proof that you aren’t fit for Alphas like them.
It’s nine-fifteen when you respond with ‘good morning :)’
And not even a minute later, Steve texts back. ‘how are you feeling about today?’
Well, isn’t that a good question? Because you want nothing more than to go on this date, you want this to work out so badly that you feel like your heart might burst out of your chest. But, again, those fucking insecurities are messing with your mind.
It’s maybe a few minutes later when you reply with ‘Feeling okay, you guys?’
A bubble pops up at the bottom of the text thread, Bucky typing for a good thirty seconds before it disappears. And it stays like that for another full minute, your heart hammering in your chest as your anxieties are jumping to the worst possible outcome. What if they cancel? What if they-
Your phone screen comes to life when Steve calls you. He’s calling you. And for a moment you want to let it go to voicemail, you don’t want them to hear how nervous you are. But you also don’t want them to think you’re ignoring them, so you answer with a timid, “Hello?”
“Hi, honey,” Steve says calmly, his smooth voice doing a good job of soothing some of your worries.
“Hi!” You hear Bucky yell in the background, causing you to giggle.
“Hi, guys.”
You hear a thud in the background before Bucky yells “Put her on speaker, punk!” And then you can hear both of them clearly, Steve laughing as Bucky huffs in what you assume is a fake annoyance.
“So, uh, I’m just wondering. Um, where are we going today?” Mentally, you curse yourself for being so awkward, for tripping over your words while talking to the two most handsome Alphas you’ve ever met.
“That’s a surprise, honey,” Steve says, the smile on his face is evident in his tone. “Just wear something comfortable.”
“And warm!” Bucky adds, coming closer to the phone. “We don’t need you getting cold, okay?”
The hint of authority in his voice makes your heartbeat pick up speed and the care that’s so evident in just the way he speaks kind of makes you want to cry a little. When was the last time any potential partner showed even these small acts of concern for your well-being? Too long.
“Yes, sir,” You joke, having to bite your lip to keep your smile from widening even further when both Alphas laugh. Butterflies are swirling in your stomach, forming a tornado of anticipation and nerves for the day’s festivities.
“Alright,” Steve says with a hint of laughter. “We’ll let you go get ready and we’ll pick you up in two hours, okay?”
Two hours? That seems like too long yet not long enough. You’ve already showered, all you really need to do is find something to wear and then fix your hair - maybe throw on some mascara. But, still. Two hours seems like the perfect amount of time to have a full-on breakdown over this date. But at least that should also give you some time to recover from said breakdown.
“Yeah, that works!” Internally, you cringe at how eager you sound. Because even though you’re nervous beyond belief, and a tiny part of you wants to cancel the date out of fear of anything embarrassing happening, you don’t think you’d be able to live with yourself if you let these two slip through your fingers without giving it a fighting chance. 
“Great,” Bucky says, clearly smiling. “Just send us your address and we’ll be there.”
Once you bid your goodbyes to each other you make sure to send them your address before deciding to freak out over what to wear. Luckily for you, and as though the universe knows you need the help, your doorbell rings soon after. Confused as to who would be at your door this early, you make your way to the door, and when you open it you see Tori standing on the other side with a wide smile.
“Alright, girl,” She says happily, ignoring the incredulous look on your face as she pushes past you to walk into your apartment. “We have to get you ready, where are they taking you?”
“Hello to you too, Tori,” you say with a slight roll of your eyes as you close the door.
“Hey, babe!” Tori grabs your wrist and all but yanks you towards your room, not really caring about the fact that you’re nearly tripping over yourself in an effort to keep up. When you both get to your room she lets go of your arm and heads for your closet.
“So, where are you guys going?”
“I don’t know, they just said to dress warm and comfortable.” Your shoulders shrug, fingers nervously fiddling with each other. You’re not too sure what exactly to wear based on those being the only two requests. Sure, you have plenty of sweaters and jackets and scarves - it’s New York after all - but you don’t know what will impress the Alphas.
You want to impress them so badly. You don’t want them to regret asking you out, and while clothing choices aren’t a ‘make or break’ type of thing it’s still important to you that you look the best you possibly can. After all, anyone who’s seen Steve and Bucky in person would agree that they’re most definitely the two most handsome men to ever exist.
Something soft hitting you in the face knocks you out of your thoughts.
“Hey!” You yelp, looking at the ground to see the thing that hit you - your light brown sweater with a cute graphic of a pumpkin patch on the front. Seconds later, a pair of leggings hit your chest. “Tori!”
Tori simply laughs, then heads to your shoe rack next to the closet door.
“How do you know this will be good for the date?” You ask as you pick up the sweater to inspect it as though you haven’t worn it hundreds of times. But, again, today needs to go perfectly so any stains you might’ve missed would not go down well with you.
“I don’t,” She admits with a shrug of her shoulders. “But that sweater accentuates your boobs and the leggings make your ass look great.”
Your whole body goes hot, the implication of them looking at those parts of your body doesn’t make you shrink away like it normally would, though you can barely stop your insecurities about your body from throwing the items to the side and picking something else to prevent that from happening.
“I-I don’t know, Tori…” You sigh, going over to your bed and sitting down on the edge. “What if they don’t like it? I mean, they’re-”
“Stop it,” Tori says forcefully, walking over to stand in front of you. “You’re beautiful and kind and wonderful and they’re going to love you. And if they don’t, then that’s not your fault. As long as you give it your all, everything will be fine.”
Coming closer, she places her hands on your shoulders so she can shake you a little bit. “I love you, girl. You’re my best friend and I want to see you happy. And it seems like they make you happy, but you make them happy too. I’ve seen it in the way they look at you, how they talk to you. It’s going to be fine, babe. I promise.”
After a long pause where you think over her words, you decide that she’s right - at least about your feelings. You like them so fucking much, so it wouldn’t be fair to them or yourself if you didn’t try your best.
“Okay… Okay, then. Let’s get me ready.”
And with that, Tori smiles brightly, leaning down to squeeze you in a tight hug before releasing you.
It’s a few minutes before eleven when Bucky and Steve park out front of your apartment building. Steve is practically vibrating out of his skin, Bucky even had to convince his mate that he should drive to pick you up since Steve could barely keep his knees from bouncing.
“Baby,” Bucky says, shutting off the engine and twisting in his seat to face Steve. “It’s going to be okay. We’re going to just be ourselves and treat her like she deserves, there’s no way she’s going to not like us.”
Steve nods, though he doesn’t look super convinced. It’s clear from how he spent fifteen minutes this morning in the flower shop picking out the perfect bouquet for you that he really, really wants this to work. And even though he doesn’t show it, Bucky knows Steve would be heartbroken if it didn’t. His mate’s always been a softie, and there’s something about you that makes him feel different - better than any other omega ever could.
Bucky knows exactly how he feels. Because, although he’s not as outwardly anxious, he just knows that you’re perfect for them, and he wants to do everything he can to make you see that they can take care of you, they can protect and love you. Your smile and sweet giggle haunt his dreams, his nightmares have long been replaced with his memories of him and Steve - and now you. He can’t help but imagine what it would be like to wake up next to you and his Alpha, to cuddle with you two in your nest as you all trade kisses and talk about anything and everything.
“You’re sure?” Steve asks with a timid voice, fiddling with the flowers in his lap. “I - we really like her.”
Bucky sighs, then reaches over the console to place his hand on the back of his mate's neck in a comforting manner. And even though it’s uncomfortable, Bucky leans over and presses a soft kiss to Steve’s lips.
“I’m sure, Stevie.”
Steve sighs too, leaning forward to kiss Bucky again before pulling back.
“Okay, Buck.”
With that, they both share a small smile and then get out of the car. It’s about a minute-long elevator ride up to your floor, Bucky holding his mate’s free hand the entire way and sending him feelings of calmness through their bond. It works until they get to your front door because now Steve is practically fumbling with the flowers as he figures out the best way to hold them while Bucky knocks.
It’s about a minute later when the door swings open, but it’s not you. It’s Tori with a wide, knowing smirk on her face.
“Hello, boys,” She says, crossing her arms over her chest. “Those for her?” She nods towards the sunflowers and daisies Steve is holding.
“They are,” Bucky says with a smile of his own. Glancing at Steve to see him nod. “Is she ready?”
“Yes!” You say, quickly running up behind Tori to gently push her to the side and give her a side glare. You’re fiddling with your clothes, tugging at the bottom of the sweater in order to smooth out the fabric.
However, in the Alphas’ eyes, there’s no need for you to do so. Through their bond both of them feel the other go kind of dumb - you always look pretty but today’s outfit just hits them differently. Your eyeliner makes the color of your eyes pop, and the shiny lipgloss makes your lips nearly impossible to not kiss.
They don’t, though. Not yet. The last thing either of them wants to do is make you uncomfortable, especially with Tori standing behind you. So, instead, Bucky smiles and elbows Steve to get him out of his trance.
“Hello, honey,” Bucky says, his smile turning into a smirk when you fail to suppress a squeak.
“H-hi, guys,” You say nervously with a small smile. “Are those for me?” You ask when you notice the flowers in Steve’s hand.
“Oh, um, yes,” Steve stutters ever so slightly, reaching out to hand you the bouquet. “You once said you love Sunflowers.”
“You once said you love Sunflowers.”
Something about this gesture makes you want to tear up. Flowers may not be a big deal to some people, but they mean everything to you. Receiving gifts from partners has been rare for you, so the beauty of the petals and knowing that they’re for you just makes you preen a little bit.
“I do,” You say softly, almost like you can’t believe he remembered. “They’re beautiful, thank you. Really.”
“Just like you,” Steve blurts out before a redness covers his cheeks.
And you absolutely cannot be blamed for the embarrassing squeak you let out. You try being called beautiful by Steve fucking Rogers and not want to bury your face in his neck to inhale his scent.
“Th-thank you,” You say with a giggle, handing the flowers to Tori and giving her a grateful smile as she gives you a quick kiss on your cheek.
“You guys have fun,” She teases, waving you off with a smile. “Treat her well or you’ll have hell to pay.”
“Of course,” Bucky says with an assuring nod. “Wouldn’t treat her with anything but care.” He says this while looking at you though, the twinkle in his eyes making you want to bare your neck to him.
When the door closes behind you, you step closer to the Alphas.
“Are you nervous?” Steve asks, voice soft and caring, though clearly a little anxious. His hand settles on your arm, and Bucky appears beside you to place his hand on your back, as well as take one of your hands in his metal one.
And despite your earlier anxiety, you mean it wholeheartedly when you say, “No.” How can you be nervous now when the feeling of the men’s warm hands on you and their clear concern for your wellbeing makes your heartbeat quicken in anticipation?
“Let’s go?” You ask, face growing warm in slight embarrassment for your enthusiasm.
“Let’s go,” Both Alphas say in unison. And then all of you are off to the truck - a very nicely kept, sleek black truck. Steve opens the back door for you before, to your surprise, sliding in next to you.
“We agreed he could sit in the back with you on the way there as long as I could sit next to you on our way back,” Bucky pipes up at your questioning glance.
Feelings of warmth fill your entire being, and you already know that today is going to be the most fun you’ve had in a while.
It’s about a thirty-five-minute drive before you finally arrive at a park - a beautiful stretch of the greenest grass you’ve ever seen with orange and red-leafed trees surrounding two sides of it. It’s big, but if you look close enough you can make out a trail off to the left. That half hour was, surprisingly to you, filled with pleasant conversation. Now, your previous interactions with the men proved that they were wonderful company, but you’re surprised that you’re not as nervous as you thought you’d be. Everything was moving smoothly, there wasn’t even a single moment of awkward silence.
“We’re here,” Bucky says, pulling into a free parking spot closest to the entrance of the trail. Steve opens the door as Bucky gets out as well and goes around to the back of the truck. And Steve, ever the gentleman, holds your hand as he helps you climb out of the backseat, only letting go when you begin smoothing out your clothes.
“Are we ready?” Bucky appears next to you holding a large blanket and a stereotypical wicker basket.
A small smile forms on your face, and your heartbeat increases ever so slightly. How are they so fucking sweet?
“Yes!” Immediately, your face goes hot, self-conscious of your enthusiasm. But the Alphas don’t seem to mind, in fact, Steve takes the blanket from under Bucky’s arm and tucks it under his own, then grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers together.
“Let’s go then,” Steve says, smiling softly down at you.
With that, the three of you head off to the trail, walking under colorful oak trees that flank both sides of the dirt path. A comfortable silence falls over all of you, only the sounds of birds chirping filling the air. You walk for a few minutes, the leaves crunching under your feet as you take in the beauty surrounding you, your eyes wide with wonder.
The environment is comforting, calm, puts you at ease in a way you don’t normally experience. It’s freeing to feel so content - so happy. It takes about five minutes before you come upon a set of wooden stairs leading down to the most beautiful lake you’ve ever seen. The water is nearly clear, the colorful trees reflecting over the surface, and even though it’s a clear day out, you can’t help but notice the golden hue filling the air. You don’t even notice you’ve stopped walking until Steve tugs on your hand.
“Do you like it?” He asks, almost nervous as he waits for your reaction.
“I…” You trail off, tears filling your eyes. This whole thing is just - just perfect. “I love it,” you say as you look at Steve, a wide smile spreading across your face. And you look at Bucky when you say, “It’s perfect.”
“It’s perfect.”
Bucky can’t help but let out a small sigh of relief. They’d both wracked their brains trying to figure out where to take you, what to do. They want to wow you, to show you that they can - and hopefully will get the chance to provide for you, they can make you happy. You’ll never go without, if you want something, they will figure out a way to get it.
“Good,” Steve says softly, smiling down at you before looking up at Bucky and nodding his head.
With that, the three of you make your way down the stairs, Steve holding on to your hand tightly to make sure you don’t fall, and Bucky places his free hand on your back. He can hear how your heartbeat speeds up when he does so and tries so hard not to puff out his chest when you glance up at him through your eyelashes coyly.
Once you’re down by the lake, the men lead you to a large oak tree merely ten or so feet from the edge. Steve is quick to unfold the blanket and spread it out under the tree - large enough to probably cover an entire California King bed. Bucky then places the basket down as his mate takes your hand and helps you sit near the edge of the blanket leaving enough space for the men to sit on either side of you.
The Alphas quickly open the basket and pull out containers of food, opening the lids and placing them in front of you. When they finally sit down - obviously with you in the middle - Bucky notices how wide your eyes are, how you seem transfixed on the array of fruits and sandwiches and cake. It’s when Bucky pulls out the jug of homemade lemonade that you choke back a cry.
“Honey?” Steve asks, turning his body to face you with a concerned look in his eyes.
“Are you alright? What’s wrong?” Bucky places a hand on your back, sweeping it around to hold your waist. And can you really blame him if his whole body goes hot when you lean into his side and turn your face so it’s halfway buried in his neck?
It takes a few seconds but you’re finally able to gather yourself and pull away.
“You guys are just… I can’t believe it.”
“What can’t you believe, sweetheart?” Steve scoots closer to you, placing his hand on your head to smooth out your hair, and unconsciously turns your head so he can look directly at you. “Tell us what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”
You want to scream. You want to yell until your voice gives out. It’s nothing, in the grand scheme of things. Them preparing food - by hand - and bringing you to this beautiful spot might just be a normal thing for most people, but considering you’ve hardly ever been shown this much affection and thoughtfulness. Shaking your head, you look away, unable to withstand the Alpha's intense gaze.
“It’s nothing,” You mumble, fiddling with your fingers. “It’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not, honey,” Bucky says, giving your waist an affectionate squeeze. “If you’re upset, we want you to tell us.”
“I’m not! I promise!” You assure them, hesitantly reaching both of your hands out to place them on the Alpha’s legs. “I guess I just… I’ve just never been shown this much… care?” It’s phrased as a question, because you’re unsure if that was the right word to use, but it’s all you can think of at the moment.
“I know it may not seem like a lot,” You continue, taking a deep breath before looking up at Steve, and then Bucky. “But this means the world to me. You guys are just so sweet and thoughtful and I’m not really sure what to do, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, let alone two people.”
Both of the men sigh, and you can almost taste the scent of disappointment wafting off of them. Suddenly your nerves spike, did you say something wrong?
You must have said that out loud because Bucky starts shaking his head. “No, no darling. You didn’t say anything wrong, I promise.”
“We’re just… I guess we’re disappointed that you consider this the height of romance because this is the bare minimum. You should be used to this, you should be loved and worshipped because that’s what you deserve, nothing less. And it’s not your fault, it’s every other person’s fault for not treating you like the perfect Omega you are.” Steve sounds upset, and your heartbeat increases to a degree that you’d think you were having a panic attack if it weren’t for how damn happy you are.
For a moment, you’re unsure as to what to say, it’s just baffling to you that one person, let alone two, can make you feel this way, this joyous and carefree. But luckily Bucky speaks up so you don’t have to.
“And we’d love to have the chance to do that for you,” He says softly, picking up your hand to cradle it in his own so he can place a delicate kiss on your knuckles. And when you stare up into his eyes, you can’t help but gasp at how loving his gaze is. “Will you give us that chance?”
“Yes.” And this time, you’re not embarrassed by how quickly your answer was to come. How can you be when both men sigh in relief and lean into your body so they can wrap you in their arms? It’s warm and comforting, filling you with happiness and care for these men.
When they lean back you really can’t be blamed for the way your gaze finds Steve’s, then drops down to his lips momentarily. At this, you’re a little flustered, suddenly overcome with the want to feel how soft they are.
Steve seems to read your mind because he places his hand on the back of your neck and forces you to hold his gaze.
“Can I kiss you, honey?”
“Please,” You whine, staying in place as the Alpha leans down slowly. Your eyes close when he gets close enough that you can feel his breaths against your mouth. And for a moment, neither of you moves, and your nerves climb higher and higher as the seconds tick by.
You’re about to speak when he finally, finally kisses you. At first, it’s just a simple peck, a chaste kiss on your lips, and then he pulls back by merely a millimeter. It’s you who leans forward to press your lips together again, and you let him lead as you lose yourself in the kiss. Though, it’s over far too soon for your liking by a soft groan.
Pulling away, both you and Steve turn to look at Bucky, who is now sporting a sheepish grin.
“Sorry,” He mumbles with a flushed face. “I just… I love seeing you two together. I love us all being together and having the two people I care about more than anything sharing your feelings. I know it’s-”
“Sweet,” You interrupt him, turning your body so you can face him better and slip your hand out of his. Placing it on his cheek, you smile when he nuzzles into your palm and gives it a little kiss. “I think it’s sweet, Bucky.”
“Can I kiss you too?” He whispers hopefully, smiling when you nod. Unlike his mate, Bucky doesn’t waste any time capturing your lips in a soft but passionate kiss. It’s clear he’s trying to hold back, and something in you just can’t help but feel wanted, desired. This kiss lasts a little longer, and although you can feel Steve’s gaze on you, you’re not in the least bit self-conscious. You know they wouldn’t lie to you, so you find comfort in knowing that you can show affection to both men without either getting upset or jealous.
When you do finally pull away, you can’t help but lean into Bucky’s chest, reaching behind you to grab Steve’s hand.
“I really like you guys,” You mumble into the Alpha’s chest.
“We really like you too,” They say in unison, causing you to smile.
With that, everything seems to fall into place, the men divvy up the food - giving you most of it - and you all eat in comfortable silence, occasionally stealing glances at each other. Once the food is eaten, Bucky wraps his arm around your waist, causing you to look up at him.
“Come here,” He says with a smile, guiding you to sit sideways on his lap, facing Steve. And there is absolutely no way in hell you could contain the squeak forcing its way out of your mouth. “Is this okay?” He asks as Steve scoots closer to sit right next to Bucky, picking up your legs and resing them in his lap.
You’ve never nodded faster in your life. You’re nervous, sure, but the utter happiness you’re feeling far outweighs it. That happiness only grows when Bucky nods to his mate, and you watch as the other man picks up the container with the cake. Your eyes widen when Steve picks up a fork and takes a small bit out of one of the slices, carefully leading it up to your mouth where you automatically open it.
Slowly, he slides the fork out, allowing you to chew the cake with a pleased smile on his face. It goes on like this until the slice is completely gone, with Bucky pressing kisses to your temple occasionally and bathing you in his warmth. It makes you preen having these Alphas take care of you like this, providing for you.
You’re content to stay here forever, wrapped up in their light, and by the time you’re done eating completely, you feel your eyelids grow heavy, a yawn forcing your mouth wide open.
“I’m sorry,” You say remorsefully, a little embarrassed by how tired you’ve become now that your stomach is full and you’re comfortably resting against Bucky’s chest.
“Don’t be, honey,” Steve says, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “You can nap if you want, we’ll be right here when you wake up.”
A smile spreads across your face, and you instinctively bury your head into Bucky’s chest and reach out so you can hold onto Steve’s hands. “Are you sure?” You ask, peeking an eye open so you can look up at the blonde Alpha.
He smiles as he nods, pressing another kiss on the top of your head. “Go to sleep, pretty girl.”
It doesn’t take long for you to float off into dreamland, and the last thing you hear is, “I told you she’s perfect for us.”
tagging: @the-ginger-fairy-artist / @supernovatardis / @perdidosbucky-yyo / @wckedheart / @kandis-mom / @meteorshowercoffee / @wandaneedstherapy / @buckysbarne / @bigcreatorwombatdreamer / @p1ut0smoon / @venusfly11 / @buckybarnesmetalarmswife775 / @the-photo-hoe / @clownsbf / @matsumama / @fandoms-writings / @thornsnvultures / @sadboiabby / @lily-excal / @alright-i-guesss / @blondie-bluue / @loveforreading / @marvel-wifey-86 / @wheezy-stucky / @exposition-belongs-somewhere / @sweater-bee / @stuckysbike / @lovelylittleleigh / @buckyshbic / @starkblackwolf / @caitlink26 / @dreaming-potato / @emeraldfairy23 / @lethargicluv / @kinsssss / @perfectlyboring / @glistenuplove / @monicachic13 / @bbellen1411 / @akmenia / @shawnftjacob / @ladyravenclaw / @sadsadbabygirlrob / @hc-kerr / @iamfandomwasted / @sweetmoonlove0214 / @yesprettypleasesir / @duckies16 / @wizardofstories / @emerald-writes / @xonickibaby / @matchat3a / @hereticdance / @animegirlgeeky / @rippedpiece
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen react to their s/o doubting themselves in their relationship
requested by anon: So this is a very specific request and you don't have to do it if you're uncomfortable or do not like it/are uninspired by it. But how would they handle it if you're in a relationship with them but start doubting whether you're good enough for them? It's a bit sad but I'm curious. Thank you <3
notes: the super soft fluff and the super sad angst are Both my strong points. i love them both so much.
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seungcheol, jeonghan, hansol 
he's noticed the way you've been hesitating around him lately, no longer throwing yourself on top of him for hugs and no longer responding as well to him nudging your heads together to ask for kisses. he's worried, and he's incredibly adamant that Communication is Key in relationships (and he's right) so he asks you during a lull in the evening one day why you're being so distant. it takes a while, but he's patient and he just wants to know you're okay, and eventually when you break and tell him everything he gets really sad and starts hugging you as you cry. begins to cry himself, bc he didn't realise you were thinking that way, and tells you over and over that he loves you and he's with you because you make him the happiest ever and there's no need to worry about something like that. he's going to be with you forever and ever, whether you like it or not. 
joshua, junhui, dokyeom
incredibly perceptive when it comes to these things. knew that you were upset and he's been constantly asking you if you're okay, but you just continue to brush it off until he walks into your room one day to find you silently sobbing to yourself in the middle of the room. immediately drops to his knees on the floor beside you, making those gentle shushing noises to try and calm you down, and when you push him away he makes that small wounded noise, worried that he's done something wrong. he's gentle with you, like you're a fragile creature, when you tell him that you've been worried that he's too good for you. tells you very sincerely that he doesn't think anyone will be able to put up with him as well as you have and that honestly, he's not sure if he'd like anyone else to. for him, there's only you. asks if he can touch you, scoops you up into a big and warm hug that lasts until one of you needs to pee (him) 
wonwoo, jihoon, minghao
the conversation was probably brought up through an almost-argument. you're tired and insecure, which makes you snappish, and he's tired too, leading to biting exchanges that gradually get worse until you finally grit out that you're afraid he's going to leave you because there are better people out there. that makes the anger leave his body instantly, eyes widening. he didn't know you felt like that in the slightest, and he slowly tries to go over and touch you, stepping back if you move away. he feels like it's partly his fault for maybe not being as affectionate in the relationship as you'd like, and promises to do better and make you feel more reassured in the relationship if that's what you need. even if you say it's okay, he'll promise it anyway, because he knows how awkwardness can make him distant sometimes, and he never wants you to think he's going to stop loving you someday
hoshi, mingyu, seungkwan, chan
i think he'll start overthinking your distant nature, taking it as a sign that you don't think he's good enough for you, and comes to you all wobbly-voiced to very genuinely ask if you're tired of him, because he knows that he's not the easiest person to handle at times and if there's something about him that's bothering you, he'll try to fix it for you. it takes you by surprise, because you were afraid that he was tired of you, and yet he's come to you and said this. you end up embarrassedly telling him the reason for your distance, and both of you are crying and laughing because it's a little ridiculous and you're both just in love with each other so much that it has managed to lead to complications like this. you end up pinky-promising each other that neither is undeserving of the other, and exchange sappy 'i love you's for about an hour straight
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request guidelines
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shawnxstyles · 1 year
needy girl
DATE: APRIL 27, 2023
summary: harry left you in subspace this morning, leaving you very needy. when you get the courage to walk into his home office and ask for a few things, harry makes sure to give them to you.
request: yesss
words: 4.4k
warnings: SMUT ([f- receiving deep-throating, fingering, finger-sucking], [m- receiving oral], cock-thumping, praise kink, dom/sub dynamics, daddy kink, unprotected sex, mentions of aftercare), fluff, and language? porn with little to no plot people
note: i LOVE dd/lg, so i’m so glad i got this request. i love daddy!harry, so don’t be afraid to request this more! also, sooo sorry i’ve been so busy!! life just gets like that sometimes. NOT EDITED.
(not famous) dom!harry x sub!reader
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harry was in his office all day.
you wanted to stay out of his way, like he asked you to while he worked, but it was getting harder as the hours passed. he left the bed this morning at eight a.m. sharp, which is early for him since he was staying home today. a couple times a week, he would go into the office and stay there for most of the day, leaving you lonely in his enormous house. but today, he stayed home and did his busy work on his computer.
when he left the bed this morning, he dragged a certain heat with him that left you colder than ever. the night before was luxurious and lovely, but the morning after was the complete opposite. you knew somewhere deep inside of you he didn’t mean for it to be that way, but your desires were overruling.
you needed him.
the needy place in between your thighs ached for the man on your mind, the one who was completely distracted and too engrossed into his work to notice. no matter how much you wanted to, you refused to touch yourself. you knew that was one of his biggest rules, and you only wanted to be a good girl for harry, so you didn’t. as your imagination and wanting for harry consumed you, your sleep shorts became soaked with your arousal because you hadn’t been wearing any underwear since last night.
by the early evening, you were too impatient. you had been a good girl all day, and you felt as though you deserved to talk to harry now. although at this point, he wasn’t harry; the only name on your mind was daddy daddy daddy.
you walked down the staircase in your sleep shorts and harry’s t-shirt with determination. however, when you reached his office door, nerves cascaded throughout your body, overthinking. but like all day, your wants and desires pushed you to pursue.
carefully, you pushed open the cracked door of his office, sneakily peeking inside. you gaze at harry: leaned back in his black leather chair, fingers pinching his bottom lip in deep thought as his eyebrows furrow at his computer screen.
you release a shuddered breath at the sight, thighs clenching unconsciously together to ease the pounding ache of your clit. harry’s head peers to the door at the noise, eyes instantly softening at the sight of his angel. with a wave of his hand, he beckons you to come in and you slowly pad across the wooden floors to get to him.
“waitin’ for you to come down here, darlin’,” he spoke with a soft smile. you blushed as you bit your lip. standing by his desk, your hands instinctively go towards your mouth to gnaw on your nails in anxiety. you wanted him—no needed him—so badly, it hurt. you needed his touch, but you specifically needed to be filled. in more ways than one. “don’t do that, love.”
you’ve always had a fascination with the mouth. when you were a baby, you sucked on your thumb. as you grew up, you began biting your nails because sucking your own thumb was too childish. harry knew that it was a nervous tick and he hated seeing you so anxious, so he always reminded you softly to stop. you appreciated it, even if you never broke the habit.
however, the habit turned into more. the more that your relationship grew with harry, the more you two explored. every time he touched your mouth, it sent a thrilling shock straight down to your clit. you loved the feeling of his cock stuffed down your throat while he fucked your face. you loved when he forced you to taste yourself on his fingers after he just made you come. just the thought of him in your mouth made your thoughts spiral and your desires grow even stronger within you.
“sorry, daddy,” you mumbled, hesitatingly ripping your nails from your mouth. your teeth pulled at the skin of your inner lip. raising an eyebrow, he licks his lips knowingly.
“daddy, huh?” he pushes out his chair, facing his body towards you. you slowly make your way over to him until he’s yanking you into his lap.
usually, he wore a full suit, even when he was home, but today, he was just wearing a white button up with some black slacks. he was delectable as ever, making it harder for you to stay so complacent when the heat radiating off of him was unbelievably close to you.
“what d’you need, babylove?” straddling his lap, harry caressed your head, smoothing gently over your hair. you melted into his touch, closing your eyes for a moment. “look at me.”
you didn’t hesitate to listen, eyes shooting open to stare at his, which were spotted with black in a swirl of green. your heart thumped wildly.
“need you, daddy,” you practically purred when one of his hands drifted down to your waist to keep you steady.
“i see that, baby,” his eyes wander up and down your figure, sending goosebumps up your spine. “but what d’you need from me, darlin’?”
“need to be full,” you whine as his hand cups your cheek, his thumb dangerously close to your mouth. you nearly drool from how close he is.
“ah,” he tsks.
“please, daddy. i’ve been such a good girl. waited all day for you,” pleading, you instinctively ride up on his lap to get closer to him, causing him to inhale sharply. “left me alone this morning.”
harry frowns slightly, recalling back to this morning when he left you for a meeting. no matter how much of his life was work, it didn’t stand a chance to you. yeah, work was his life, but you were his everything. you being in his bed this morning was the reason he was able to get out of it and get through the day. and the fact that he left you, especially when you were so vulnerable and he didn’t know, makes him feel awful.
“that’s right, isn’t it? you waited all day, so you didn’t disturb me. daddy’s been a bit of a twat, hasn’t he?” you can’t help the little giggle that escapes you, which causes a small smile to appear on harry’s face that he saves for you and only you.
his thumb trails down to your bottom lip, flipping it back and seeing the teeth marks along the inside. he rubs over the scars before tucking his thumb pass your teeth. you look at harry for permission before doing anything.
“go ahead, doll. suck,” your lips don’t hesitate to close around it, eyes fluttering closed as you suck. your tongue laps and licks around, and you even bob your head a bit in satisfaction. harry sighs from the receiving end, struggling to breathe with you sucking the life out of his thumb.
“what else d’you want, angel? know you didn’t come all the way down here for jus’ that.”
like you said, you truly just wanted to be filled. no matter how he was filling you; with his cock or his fingers, you just needed something of his to keep you…full. you feel so empty.
your teeth scrape across his knuckle as the tip of his finger hits your throat. you whimper, loving the feeling. he always knows when and how to move so you can feel the most pleasure as possible. your tummy tingles at the rough texture rubbing against your tongue.
but he pulls away all too fast.
before you can whine, he speaks, “answer me. you know i don’t like to repeat myself, baby.”
“i w-want you inside of me,” you stutter. you’ve always had trouble asking for what you want, but with harry, you’re getting better. with harry, you were a better person—the best version of yourself.
“want what? my fingers? my tongue? my cock?” another whine elicits from your throat at his explicitness. you clench your slick thighs that he can definitely feel through his slacks. “ah, so you want m’cock?”
“y-yes, daddy,” you’ll never not want his cock.
he smirks. “since you’re such a good girl, i think i’ll jus’ have to give it to you.”
gently, he pushes you to the edge of his lap and zips down his slacks. you watch him with stars in your eyes, biting your lip in anticipation. his boxers appear in view and your hands shoot to them. without asking, you pull them down and watch harry’s hard-on spring out. he sighs when your chilled thumb rubs along his drippy tip.
“where do you want me, darlin’?” his voice is raspy with lust, eyes pitch black. the depth of his tone never ceases to turn you on. you notice his fists clenching on the armrests of his chair, knuckles white.
your mouth aches for something, feeling nothing but empty since his finger left. “mouth, daddy.”
when he nods once, you slip down his lap and onto the wooden floor. your knees are going to hate you later tonight, but right now you don’t care. one of his thick hands laces within your hair and guides your head down to his cock.
“breathe,” he instructs as your mouth consumes his tip.
your tongue swirls along his veins, exploring every inch that you’ve memorized at this point. every vein and ridge is etched in your memory so well that you can see it with your eyes closed. you feel yourself grow impossibly damper as you lower yourself more.
his tip nudges the back of your throat and he groans deeply above you. your stomach flutters, knowing that you’re satisfying him. when he’s pleasured, you’re pleasured, and vice versa.
harry’s grip on your hair tightens, spurring your muscle movements to quicken. you try to bob your head, but his hold restricts you. he holds you still, completely at his mercy. his hips buck ever so slightly into your mouth to tease himself.
every time you say you want him in your mouth, harry’s dick springs upward and is instantly hard as a rock. the feeling of your tongue licking and tracing along his shaft makes him fucking crazy. and then, when he thinks he might have his body under control, he’ll peek down at you; on your knees with tear-stained cheeks and a face full of his cock. the sight alone is what makes him come undone. even if he’s the dominant one, you’re secretly the one with all the control. but he’ll never say that.
his low groans alert you that he’s getting close. and you want nothing more than his cum on your tongue.
your hands lift from his thighs and trail up the ridges of his abdomen under his shirt. you trace every pec, imagining the tattoos lining his skin beautifully. god, just the image of the etched art could send you into oblivion.
“fuck, angel. doing so good for daddy. gonna make me come down your throat. d’want that? hmm?” harry husks, head hitting the leather chair in ecstasy. you moan in response, causing vibrations to shoot through harry’s body. he grunts while his cock shakes in your mouth.
“please come for me, daddy,” you pop off of him to say gravely, teasing him a bit. you kiss his tip. “need it so bad.”
rolling his eyes irritatingly, he forces your head back onto his cock desperately. you whimper at his dominance, clit throbbing at his roughness. the tears that brimmed your eyes now slowly cascade down your cheeks in pleasure and fullness. your tongue rubs alongside his shaft as his slit tickles your throat again.
harry’s hips begin to thrust toward your mouth, using you for his pleasure. your nails clawed at his abdomen, silently urging him to come. finally, his orgasm spurts down your throat, leaving white remnants on your chin. he gives you a knowing look, so you widen your mouth, showing him all of his juices before swallowing every drop like a good girl.
he smiles smugly while you stare up at him with glossy eyes, proud of yourself. he tucks himself back into his pants while you watch in a daze.
“such a good angel, making her daddy come because she wants to. how’d i get so lucky?” he caresses your puffy cheek, pushing into his touch. you smile as you wobbly try to stand up, knees aching.
every time he touches you, you feel safe, comforted. god, you wanted to spend every waking (and sleeping) second in his arms.
“think daddy’s done with work for today. how ‘bout i carry you upstairs and take care of ya?” you simply nod as harry sweeps you away, bridal style. you giggle as your feet swing and harry’s grip on your waist gets stronger. you feel his fingers digging into your sides, and you can’t help but wish they were inside of you.
“can i have your fingers, daddy? please, i need something…anything…” harry pushes open the bedroom door and tosses you onto the mattress. giggles echo around the room as you rest on your elbows impatiently.
“‘course you can, baby. after you strip f’me.”
obeying him, you discard his t-shirt and throw it somewhere along the floor. your silk shorts slide down your legs, slick with your arousal. harry stares at your naked body like it’s a work of art. because it is. every curve and every inch of you is alluring and perfect. he could gaze at you all day in pure euphoria.
he swears you get more irresistible every damn day.
“daddy…” blushing, you hide your face with your hands. harry immediately comes over to you, hovering and removes your delicate hands.
“don’t hide yourself from me. c’mon now,” you nibble on your bottom lip, still feeling empty. noticing this, harry untucks your lip and sticks two fingers inside. “always need somethin’ in your mouth, huh?”
“mhm,” you moan around his digits, rolling your tongue against them. you feel your shyness and insecurity release from you, feeling immense comfort from his touch.
his free hand trails down and caresses your bare breast. his rough fingertips tweak your nipples until they’re peaked like mountains and you’re craving for more. every touch is teasing, but it’s always teasing when it comes to harry. he loves inching you to the finish line with constant edging and too delicate touching, but by the end, you love it too. every orgasm with harry just gets better and better. you both learn something new every day.
trailing his hand farther, he widens your legs before leaning down a bit to get situated. his fingers go straight to your clit, rubbing small circles over the bud. you try to remain focused on his fingers, but you moan needily around his thick digits, nearly biting into his skin. the sound of your arousal can be heard with each motion of his hand.
harry thrusts his fingers in and out of your mouth, making you work. your legs spread wider in desire while your hips roll against the mattress, begging for anything. your mind was swirling with yearn and lust. you were so down under that you couldn’t take the teasing anymore. no matter how much you like it.
your hand curls around harry’s wrist and you slowly pull him out of your mouth. out of concern, harry stops all of his movements immediately.
“what’s wrong, baby?”
“just need you…no more teasing, daddy. please,” your eyes were getting glossy from how much your cunt ached for him, leaking with your arousal until it soaked the sheets beneath you. harry’s worried expression morphed into a nonchalant smirk that had his hand resuming its torture on your clit. harry knows that if you were seriously uncomfortable, you would have used your safe word. so if or when that happens, you’ll both know it’s for real. but for now, harry knows that you’re just being a needy, little girl.
“oh, but you know how much i love teasing, darlin’,” harry says condescendingly, the pace of his fingers speeding up. a sigh wavers out of you and transforms into a moan, melting completely at his movements. “i thought you liked teasing, no?”
harry pinches your bud, which causes you to shriek and jump. the second your body relaxes again, harry slides two of his digits easily into your soaked cunt. you inhale strongly, finally being filled in the spot that aches the most.
his fingers curl dangerously while shifting and twisting. his movements are so cruelly good, it should be illegal to make someone this high purely off of euphoria. when your eyes screw closed and your neck tenses above the pillow, you almost miss harry’s words being whispered right below your ear.
“see? you like m’teasing,” his breath fans over your skin before he kisses it softly. his fingers continue to curl inside of you, causing you to whimper underneath him as he subtly bites your neck.
you felt yourself clench around him, desperate for the release you’ve been craving all morning. after a certain stroke of your clit and a harsh love bite on your neck, your muscles tense. spasming, your legs shut over harry’s skillful hand. but of course, he’s not having that.
“nuh uh, baby. open, now,” he demanded huskily. with an awfully loud whine, you obey slowly, widening your legs before his torture on your cunt becomes ruthless.
harry pumps in and out of you faster, digits twisting deliciously. your needy cries and slushy arousal are the only noises in the room. harry breathes deeply against your chest, praising you to come, but you’re too dazed to hear him. his teeth graze your painfully erect nipple, which causes your body to shake overbearingly.
“daddy, please!” you cried, and he grunted against your chest in response.
your core clenches so tightly, you thought you might explode. and in a way, you did. your orgasm floods over you incredibly hard, making your vision a bit spotty. you screw your eyes, letting your body tense and then eventually relax. while you were breathing heavy, harry lowered himself and licked you clean, causing you to squirm from overstimulation.
“did so good f’me, love,” harry praised, kissing you gently on the lips. you could taste yourself on him, which made your insides tingle all over again. “how are you? still feelin’ floaty?”
you nod. “still want you inside of me, daddy.”
“i did say i would take care of ya, didn’t i?” you hummed in response. “well, let daddy get undressed first.”
so, like earlier, you watched him get undressed like it was the most fascinating show in the world. each button he plucked undone made you squirm a little more, and as he noticed this, he took his sweet time. it was torture. sweet, loving torture. but you still wanted him to hurry up, so he can bury himself inside of you forever.
after watching him seduce you for what felt like hours, he’s hovering over your impatient body. your pussy got soaked and sore just looking at him, but are you surprised? not one bit. he’s the most attractive man you’ve ever set your eyes on, and the fact that he’s yours drives you a little more crazy every day.
speaking of attractive, his voice is breathy and rough right below your ear. as his body slots in between yours, you feel his cock rub up against your tensed thigh. you withhold a whimper, but you’re desperate for him. the painful throbbing of your clit gets more threatening every minute he’s not inside of you. your whole body shivers at what’s to come.
“tell me how bad ya want it,” he rasps, rough fingers kneading your sore nipples. you release the whimper, head filling up with overwhelming lust.
“daddy, please! i want you…need your cock inside of me, please,” you moaned as his length rubbed over your soaking folds. he massages himself back and forth, really torturing you now. your eyes roll back in impatience and neediness.
harry lifts his cock barely over your clit and thumps it down. you gasp as a shock shoots through your body. he repeats the action a few more times, loving the reaction he seems to pull from you.
“so responsive. you’re a needy, little girl tonight. guess you do need it bad,” harry condescends before thumping his tip over your clit again. your legs spasm from the stimulation, wetness constantly leaking from your neglected hole. “just makin’ sure you’re ready for me.”
“i’m more than ready, daddy,” you bite your lip, chewing on it in anticipation. he doesn’t hesitate to pull your lip away from your teeth and stuff his fingers inside to replace them. you hum joyfully as you such on his digits for the third time just tonight, cunt clutching from the feeling.
with your reassuring words, harry finally urges his tip through your hole and tucks his length inside of you. both of your groans intertwine before harry begins to move, causing your groans to transform into broken gasps.
for a few moments, his pace was slow and you thought it was going to be that type of night. the type of night where harry is slow, sensual, and loving because you were so deep in your headspace. but that wasn’t what you wanted right now. what you wanted was for harry to sink as far as he could inside of you until he reached places no man ever could, but him. although the torture was, well, torturous, it’s what you wanted. and harry knew that.
“harder, daddy. need more!” you cried at his lacking pace, when you knew he was just holding himself back.
he was well aware of the fact that you were in subspace, so he knew you were sensitive and vulnerable. he didn’t want to take advantage of you but take care of you. however, he also trusted that if you wanted it harder, you wanted it harder. if you wanted more, you wanted more. sometimes, it was hard for you to express how you feel and what you wanted, like you said, but being in subspace kind of helped with that.
your pleading words spurred harry’s movements to quicken. his thick cock stretches your walls out as if he’s never been inside before. your heavy arousal makes it easy for him to slide back and forth, increasing his pace even faster. harry ruts his hips and you scream out his title around his digits, begging him to let you come.
your teeth nearly bite off his fingers, but you have enough restraint (somehow) to not. your head feels like it’s flying off of your body and you’re seeing yourself from above. it was beyond euphoric; harry rocking barbarically into you while praising dirty things underneath your cries.
“i need to hear you scream f’me,” harry grunts before ripping his fingers from your mouth. you whine at the loss, but it’s quickly covered by a moan when his saliva-coated hand circles your clit.
harry’s having a hard time keeping it together. he almost came the second he entered you, so watching you practically wither underneath him and scream daddy until the entire neighborhood could hear was about to send him into shock. but at the same time, that’s exactly what he wanted; he wanted everyone to know that you were his and only his.
“who do you belong to? hmm?” harry asked, voice soaking in lust. as his thrusts become harder, your hips buck towards him, causing his cock to sink even deeper inside of you. groaning loudly, you both melt in the proximity of each other.
“you, daddy! only you, always you!” you respond with your head thrown back against the pillow, eyes screwed shut. your cunt squeezes his length, never wanting to let go of him. never wanting him to leave.
“that’s right, angel. i want the whole neighborhood to know,” his pink lips kiss your chest, cherishing it. his voice was hitting the lowest octaves, ones you didn’t even know existed. similarly, his cock was so deep within you, you didn’t know it could go that far.
your mind was beyond hazy, blurring what was real and what was in your head. he continues to kiss your chest, abuse your clit, and ram his length into your pussy. again, you didn’t know such things were possible. how can one man do so much at once? it was a mystery that you didn’t have too much time to dwell on because before you knew it, you were coming.
the blissful high always hits you unexpectedly. one second, you’re higher than the clouds and screaming until your voice is gone, and then the next, your body is as tight as an angered fist and you’re coming. your second orgasm spills out of you impatiently, just like you had been all night long. white liquid surrounds his cock and overflows out of your cunt, seeping your folds. watching and waiting for you to come undone was the only thing harry needed to join you. he shoots his load into your velvety cunt, painting your walls white. the feeling of harry coming inside of you was indescribably comforting. it made you feel full, and that’s all you’ve been wanting the whole night.
after tucking his seed inside to make sure none leaks out, he does his pre-aftercare ritual. harry kisses practically every inch of your body until you’re a mushy mess in the bed. while he does this, you feel yourself shift from one mental state to another. you may have been vulnerable all day, but now, you finally feel like yourself again. he waits until you’re squirming in overstimulation and pulling him by his hair to stop before finally kissing your lips.
your erratic heart softens at the kiss, lips molding passionately together. you wish you would stay forever in his bed, in his arms. but things needed to be done.
“how are you, love?” harry rests himself on his elbows, brushing some wild hair out of your face. with a dopey smile, you yawn before any words get out. “tired?”
“i’m good. thank you, harry,” you crane your neck upwards to peck his lips again. his wide smile is contagious, causing you to reflect it back at him.
“now, i know you’re tired, baby, but you gotta get in the bath.”
“ugh,” you dramatically groan. “but it’s so far away.”
“good thing i can carry you,” he winks, “just maybe not that attitude.”
tags: @crybabyddl @raajali3 @tiaamberxx @alwaysclassyeagle
crossed out= not able to tag
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stinkysam · 8 months
Vinsmoke Sanji - Oh boy.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "Sanji falling for an ftm „he / they“ reader and feeling conflicted not only because that’s the first time he ever realized he liked a guy but also because he never even FLIRTED with a guy (...) And all in all just being awkward and waaaaay overthinking this just because he’s very much a confused newly discovered bisexual as well as „first time trans ally“ and is trying his best. Extra points: Reader immediatly knows what’s up and is just like „lol. : )“ because he thinks Sanjis awkward fumbling is adorable, before he puts Sanji out of his misery and goes „I like you. Wanna go out on a date sometimes?“" - anon
Reader : male (he/they/you)
A/N : Part TWO
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Sanji likes women.
That's a fact everyone knows.
Or thought they knew.
So you can guess his surprises when he realizes his feelings for you ; a man. Not believing he could think such things with you !
Why is he caring who you're looking at ? Or why does he suddenly care about the way your eyes shine ? Or how you smile and how cute it is ? Why does his heart beat faster each time you compliment his cooking, your hand gently resting on his chest ? You could probably feel the way it was pounding under your palm.
He goes through a small stage of denial. And thinks he's being an asshole because he still sees you as a woman. Which he doesn't but his feelings make him think he's being transphobic and he absolutely hates it.
Because you're a man and he sees you as such. So when he finally realizes he's not transphobic but just bi he relaxes a bit.
And now he's scared. Because what if you don't feel the same ? Right ?
Or worse ? What if you think what he thought ? That he's being a transphobe and still seeing you as a woman ? What if he starts flirting and you see it disrespectful ?
Wait, how does he even flirt with a man ?
He doesn't know how to do it with any man, or with you, for that matter. You don't flirt with a man the same way you flirt with a lady. Right ?
Would you like to be called handsome ? Or perhaps pretty ? Or is pretty too feminine and you'd prefer handsome ? Or maybe you don't mind and like both ? Would you like flowers ? He wouldn't mind receiving them so maybe you wouldn't mind either ?
God, why is it so hard flirting with a man ?
He's really uncertain so he prefers to start with compliments. Your clothing, your hairstyle, your fighting…
He wants to start small in hope you see it as him being serious with you.
When he eventually starts flirting he's still really shy and unsure, fumbling on his words and stuttering.
The sentence he had prepared for you leaves his brain the second he opens his mouth.
But then !? You flirted back ?! You winked at him and invited him for dinner at a restaurant on the island you stopped at ?!
W h a t ! ?
He feels his heart burst in his chest. Just simply exploding. BOOM.
He's at a loss for words as he tries to smile. How does one smile by the way ? He's so happy he forgot. He's so sheepish he almost doesn't answer, giggling a little before finally accepting your offer.
Suddenly he's hoping he didn't read it wrong and you really flirted back.
"No, because, they could've invited me to be nice. Or maybe he also invited the others as well ? What if it's just not us two and I come with flowers like a fool ? I have to ask them. But will I look stupid if I do so ? …" He thought to himself.
"Um, just to make sure we're on the same page, [Name], it's a uh… d-"
"Date, yeah. Tomorrow night." You say with a small smile, slightly proud of yourself as you look into his eyes.
You swear you could see the way the air got stuck in his throat as he stopped breathing.
"Okay." He started, still sheepish. "Good." And with that he turns around and leaves. He doesn't know where he's going but he's definitely going somewhere. He needs a walk to calm down anyway.
Not that the food was bad the other times but you ate extra good this evening. You had plenty of choice and even Luffy didn't know where to start.
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anystalker707 · 9 months
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: Reader seems burnt out, so Sanji does his best to help his partner feel better Tags: Boyfriend material Sanji (the usual / lots of fluff a/n: i need him carnally
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          Sanji looked at the door of the galley the moment you walked in, blinking in curiosity as he observed you walk past him and right to the cabinets, all in feigned casualty. Once you closed the door to the cabinet, and he saw what you had in hand, Sanji rolled his eyes and grabbed you by the collar before you could walk away.
“Sanji…” You clicked your tongue, turning around with a sigh.
“No, no,” Sanji scoffed. “Go put it back, dear! I already told you not to eat those! I use them, and they’re hard to find!” He put his hands on his hips, brows low as he looked at you.
“But Sanji…” You recurred to pouting; it was not new that he would get soft way too easily when it came to you. “I need to munch on something! Anything!”
Sanji pointed to the cabinet, face unchanging. “Put it back, dear. Come on.”
A sigh escaped your lips as you put the jar back into the cabinet, then turned to him, still with a pout and also slumping a little now. “Why can’t I have it? No love for (y/n)? You don’t love me?” You pressed your lips together, shaking your head in disappointment.
“Quit being dramatic, you know I love you very much!” He cupped both of your cheeks and pressed a kiss to your forehead. He smiled softly, observing you for a solid minute. “What’s wrong, hm? I’ve seen you come in here a little too much today. That or the way you simply spent all day long in the quarters, like yesterday, with no in-between. What’s going on, sweetheart? I didn’t even see you work out or train for a while, and you seemed very hyped up about it.” His thumbs ran across both your cheeks, caressing them gently.
You frowned a little bit. Was it that noticeable? Maybe it wasn’t just something as pointless as you thought it’d be. The past few days had been a little too monotonous. Too long without any interesting island, summed up with the nonstop training after the last battle—which you lost terribly—, left you in that terrible state. It slowly crept in after you took the first proper break when Sanji asked you to help him in the kitchen one day.
“Don’t overthink,” Sanji said as if he could read your thoughts, playing lightly with your hair. “Just tell me, sweetheart.”
Those blue eyes looking into yours with so much worry and care… Your heart fluttered as you looked back at him for a second before averting your gaze away.
“I’m not sure,” you said with a soft sigh, wrapping your hands around his wrists and caressing them gently. “I’m kind of bored of everything. Tired, even if I’m barely doing anything. I mean, I did try to do something else, but…” You shrugged.
On the previous days, you’d helped Nami with organizing her maps and clothes and also hung out with Usopp to listen to his stories while watching him construct stuff. Luffy was showing you the beetles he’d found around the ship as well. Even with all the laughing and good time you’d spent with them, you still had the same feeling afterward. It all was so bland. You just felt the urge to do something different from the usual and to lie down all day long at the same time.
Sanji furrowed his eyebrows. “Sounds like you’re burnt out, dear. Do you think that’s it?”
Burnt out… It made sense, honestly. “Hm, maybe,” you mumbled in defeat.
“Okay, at least we already have an idea of what’s going on,” he said as he ran his fingers through your hair and kissed your cheek, pecking your lips after. “I’ll finish what I’m doing and be back in a second, okay?” He smiled before he walked away to finish the dishes he’d been preparing.
You took a seat at the dining table in the meantime, silently observing Sanji cook. Sanji was so pretty and also so caring… It made your heart flutter in your chest while your cheeks heated up. At the same time that you didn’t want to bother Sanji, you also liked it a lot when he took care of you, so you didn’t really argue. He put some platters in the fridge and others in the oven before he started cleaning everything. The only thing he neglected was drying the dishes to put them back into the cabinets, but it was for a good reason.
“I’m all yours now,” Sanji said as he took his apron off and hung it before walking over, offering you a hand. “Come on, let’s do something relaxing, my dear.”
For a moment, you observed his hand. Would his touch be overwhelming? It was a fact Sanji could be quite touchy, even more so if you already started by giving him the freedom to, hence you needed to take a moment to decide whether you wanted it. It’s not that Sanji didn’t know boundaries—he did, and he made sure to respect each one of them very so carefully—, but it was more about how hard it was to let Sanji know about them or push him away.
Holding back a sigh was difficult. You slowly slipped your hand in his and stood up, quietly following Sanji out of the galley. As much as holding his hand and being with him was nice, everything felt so bland.
The shadow cast over the back part of the upper deck, near the tangerine trees, so Sanji took you there. There was just an unending sea to be seen, so you weren’t exactly excited while leaning against the railing to observe it. Some clouds littered the sky, but not that many.
As you turned your head to the side to look for Sanji, he showed up right in front of you, pressing his lips to yours immediately. The kiss was sweet and very gentle; he was treating you as if you were made out of thin glass, placing a hand on your hip with a light touch and another on the railing as he held the kiss. Sanji pulled away only for a brief moment, kissing you once more right after. The position wasn’t the best, with your head to the side like that, but the kiss was so loving. It made you feel so loved.
Eventually, the kiss was over. Sanji’s arms wrapped around you in a hug from behind, settling themselves around your waist. He kissed your shoulder through your clothes, then rested his chin on it. His touch was so comforting.
“Beautiful day, isn’t it?” His voice was soft next to your ear. “But I don’t think it’s as beautiful as you. Well, I don’t think anything is as beautiful as you.” And there he went with his cheesiness again, but you wouldn’t complain about it. As pathetic as it could be, it never failed to make you all fuzzy inside.
You hummed softly in response, leaning back against him.
“Sorry for neglecting you,” Sanji whispered. “Maybe if I’d given you more attention, this wouldn’t have gotten to this point.”
“It’s my fault,” you mumbled. “Maybe I pushed myself too much.” The way you’d been so immersed in your goals only became clear now, unfortunately, but trying to get it off your head never made you feel any lighter as it should’ve.
“If I had noticed, I’m sure things would’ve been different.” He sighed softly, hugging you tighter and burying his face into the crook of your neck. It tickled a little, but it was also so nice; you could barely hold back the smile that tugged on your lips. “But I’m helping you feel better, that’s for sure.” He kissed your shoulder again, slowly loosening his grip.
Your hand reached back to Sanji’s hair, stroking it lightly. “Don’t blame yourself!”
“Sanji,” you groaned, making him click his tongue.
“Damn it,” he whispered with an air of playfulness in his sharp tone, making you chuckle.
“If you keep blaming yourself for every bad thing that happens to me, you’ll go crazy,” you said, turning your head to kiss the side of his face.
Only silence came from Sanji for a moment until he finally moved, kissing the side of your neck a couple of times. “Can’t help it,” he sighed and straightened his posture, but kept holding you. “Let’s talk about something else, though, pardon for bringing it up, my love.” He kissed your temple.
All the little touches were making you feel fuzzy. The worries you’d had about Sanji’s touches making you overwhelmed slowly faded away—you actually wanted to melt into his arms and spend the rest of the day there. He probably noticed how you felt, nuzzling your hair gently.
For a few minutes, Sanji let the silence hang between the two of you. He just held you there while the two of you observed the sea, getting lost in thoughts for a moment. Eventually, you snapped back to reality with a deep sigh, rolling your shoulders a little.
“Sanji,” you mumbled, “can we sit down or go somewhere else? My legs are kinda tired already.”
“Of course!” Sanji let go of you with a sigh. “Let me think about something else we can do, my dear.”
Sanji’s hand wrapped around yours, taking you with him as he walked down the stairs to the main deck again. He’d left you there for a moment before coming back with a blanket, which he extended over the ground, on a spot under the shadow, before he sat down. He set a pillow over his crossed legs.
You raised an eyebrow before lying down with your head on the pillow. “We could’ve done this inside,” you mumbled, looking up at him.
“Maybe.” Sanji shrugged. “But you’ve spent way too long in the quarters already. Breathe some fresh air. Do something different.” His fingers ran through your hair, sometimes gently massaging your scalp as he played with your strands. It was weirdly relaxing, even if you weren’t in the most comfortable place. Being with Sanji itself was comfortable.
You didn’t really know at what point it happened, but the next thing you knew was that you were waking up with Sanji gently tapping your shoulder. The afternoon sun seemed to be excusing itself already, giving place to the stars. The shade of blue that took over the sky was different from the one you remembered. For how long did you sleep?
“My love,” Sanji said softly, caressing your cheek. “I need to go get dinner ready. Do you want me to carry you back to the quarters?”
A soft groan escaped your lips as you stretched, your back aching a little from lying on the floor. “Can I help you with it?” You didn’t feel like leaving Sanji’s side just yet. Even if you couldn’t feel direct improvement in your burn-out state—at least yet—, being with Sanji felt so much better than anything else. You feared it’d all get even worse if you left him now.
Sanji smiled. “Of course. Get up so I can put these away.”
You felt a little light-headed when you stood up, groaning softly. Honestly, you could feel like you’d either have a headache or just be unable to sleep later on, but it wasn’t much different from what was going on the previous days. The fact Sanji was now helping you gave you some hope, though. Some comfort.
Sanji returned before you could notice, a hand on your lower back as he smiled softly and nodded to the galley, heading there with you.
At least, your mind was empty. There weren’t many thoughts bothering you now that you helped Sanji out with preparing the dinner—practically just assembling and heating up the stuff he’d started preparing earlier. All you focused on was getting everything done, making sure it was all perfect. You weren’t exactly inexperienced when it came to the kitchen; being around Sanji for so long did give you some practice that you could rely on.
A sense of pride and accomplishment took over you as you observed the table all set now. Sanji probably felt the same thing, but not only for the cooking. He wrapped an arm around your waist, enjoying the last few moments you had alone before dinner, and pressed his lips to yours softly.
“I’m here for you, okay?” He smiled.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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luimagines · 4 months
You Give Him A Massage Part 2
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Part 1
Part 2 will include Time, Warrior and Wind.
Content under the cut!
You hadn’t meant for it to this to happen- but in your defense, you were here first. 
Wild had somehow convinced the group to stop by the Eldin hot springs for a few hours so that they could properly unwind and heal for a moment despite the chaos of their journey. You happily agreed. Not because you thought that hot springs are a healing experience (you’re not entirely sure what he meant by that) but you’ve never been to a hot spring before. It sounded absolutely lovely.
You meandered a little ways away from the group behind a rock outcropping and made yourself comfortable in the little pool of water. It was deeper than you thought it would be and pleasantly hot. If you bent your knees a little bit you could have dunked your entire head in the water- but you weren’t aiming for that at the moment.
You closed your eyes and relaxed as much as you felt like you could have- which to say, completely.
Suddenly the water splashed a little ways away from you- but it’s not like the pool you had chosen was particularly big. You’re eyes widened in shock before you sunk a little further into the pool. “Uh- hello?”
 “Oh goodness, I’m sorry.” Time calls out. “I didn’t anyone was here.”
“Yeah... it’s a nice spot, isn’t it?” You kick yourself mentally. How awkward can you get? “It’s... a little far away from everyone else so-”
“Yeah... It’s why I came here.” He says quietly. “I didn’t mean to intrude on your time though- I apologize. I’ll go elsewhere.”
“You don’t-” You start and bite your tongue. You did want t be alone. But it almost feels like you’re kicking him out and it’s not like you own the spring. Are you overthinking this? You try a that again. “You don’t have to leave.”
That seems to Time food for thought. “Would you mind if I stayed then? For a little bit?”
Honestly? “No. I don’t.”
Time seems to sigh of relief and sinks further into the springs, keeping his distance away from you. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”
You settle for ignoring him for the time being. It’s easier this way. About an hour passes and you think you might have stayed in longer than you should have. Although you do feel a lot better than before.
You turn to Time who’s still relaxing with his eyes closed. Unless he’s fallen asleep. That wouldn’t be good. Not about to take the risk, you try to not pay attention to the fact that he’s shirtless and put a hand on his shoulder. 
It’s about as solid as rock.
“Yes?” He asks you.
“Time-” No, no one else is around. You can say it. “Link, what the hell did you to yourself?”
“Nothing.” He grumbles.
“Lies.” You spit and try to work the spot. Time grunts a little but doesn’t stop you.
“It’s not going to work.” He says quietly.
Well, you’re not about to leave him like that. “It’s just means we’ll be here for longer then.”
You keep kneading his shoulder for a while before turning him around so that you would have better access. It’s longer than either of you are willing to admit and you’re hand hurt by the end of it, but Time feels significantly better at the end.
He falls asleep almost instantly when they set up camp later in the day. You’ve never seen that happen before.
You all had finally settled down for the night at last. The battle today wasn’t anything strenuous by any means but that was purely from your point of view.
You looked around and saw that many of the boys had taken a bit of a beating. Nothing to take concern to, but you worried that some of the bruises would last a while. Or at least your group got more potions to pass around for the time being.
Warrior in particular looked as if he was paying for something that he may or may not have done during the fight. He took his armor and layer off with a groan and a sigh of marginal relief before he tried to stretch his back with very little success.
You could see when it went the wrong way for him, since his face contorted and flinch before he snapped back to his previous position. You hissed in his behalf.
“Ouch.” You make your way over to him. “Pull something, Captain?”
He winces and reaches behind him to rub the spot between his shoulder blades. “You could say that.”
You shook your head and sat down next to him. You lean back to get a look and poke the spot. Warrior instant sits a little straighter to alleviate the pressure you’ve put there. “Hey- don’t.”
“Hold on.” You cut him off instead and turn him around so you wouldn’t have to pull your own muscle in the process.
You press your thumbs into the spot and slowly begin to move in small circles, slowly loosening up the area before you start to move the muscles back into place. 
Warrior was tense at first but within seconds he relaxed to your touch and slumped enough to make it easier on you. “That.... feels a lot better thank you.”
“You’re not one to usually injure yourself, Captain.” You say under your breath. Unlike most of the guys here, you don’t intend to broadcast your scolding. “How did you manage this?”
Warrior stays silent but one small look forward tells you that he’s actually think about what to say. He genuinely has to think back to what he did that might have caused this. It feels like it should annoy you but you know better. Anyone else would have probably assumed that it meant that he had so many instances that he would have to go through each one to pin point the cause for this effect.
But in reality, Warrior took great pride in not getting so often on the battle field. He’s probably just trying to think about how he actually to hard on himself even if it was split second decision that he’s currently paying for.
“I threw my sword.”
You stop entirely. “I beg your pardon?”
“I threw my sword.” Warrior cups the back of his neck sheepishly. “Hyrule was going to be overtaken by the amount of monsters around him. I wouldn’t have been able to run that fast... but my sword could make it in time if I-”
“I can’t believe you.” You message the spot once more with a little less empathy than before. 
Right. He’s still a Link. How could you forget?”
“Don’t apologize to me.” You say a little louder. “You’re the one that took yourself out at the end of the day.”
“...I think I looked cool though.”
Hyrule laughs on the other side of the growing fire. “Yeah. He looked pretty cool when he came in to save my hide. He jumped in like a bat out of hell.”
You deadpan. “Good grief.”
It was a long day of walking. 
You were used to it at this point. You loved to go on walks and hikes up the mountains by your home, so this was nothing- but others... weren’t as well prepared for the travel as you thought they would be,
“Ah!” Wind cried out falling beside you.
You didn’t hesitate to fall down next to him, trying to catching him before he would have hit his face on the sharp rocks on the trail. “Wind? What happened?”
He whines and tries to push himself up but instead he just rolls over. “I have a cramp in my leg.”
You move to give him room as he props himself up his elbows. “It hurts.”
You sit softly on your knees and begin to poke around. “Where?”
He takes a deep breath. “Left leg, above my shoe.”
“Your calf then.” You hop over him and sit down on that side. You take your leg and start to move your hand down the length of the muscle. Wind grits his teeth, choking on the sound that threatened to leave his mouth.
“Hold on, this won’t take too long.” You pat his knee and continue putting the muscle back into place. “Remind me to yell at Time for pushing you this far. You’re not used to this much walking.”
“I can keep up just as well as the other guys.” He spits. There’s no small amount of venom to his voice, but you ignore it. You’ve had cramps before. You’re about to go off on him about his tone just because he’s hurting.
You keep at it, massaging the muscle. It fights you and poor Wind has to pay for it. Eventually, your “disappearance” garners the attention of the rest of the group. You can hear Sky and Wild calling for the both of you.
You sigh and call back to them. “We’re here! Give us a minute!”
They don’t seem to trust your words because they right next to you not even thirty seconds later. Sky’s jaw drops as he rushes next to Wind. “What happened?”
“Wind’s leg cramped up. He fell over.” You don’t look at the other hero, simply focusing on helping the boy feel better and get back on his own two feet.
Wind looks away from Sky in shame, blushing at being caught. Sky frowns and glares. “We’re done for today.”
Wind’s eyes widen, he goes to reach for him but Sky leaves his reach too quickly. “Sky-!”
“This isn’t ok.” He snaps back. “I’m telling the others to call it. We all need a break.”
“Here.” Wild hands Wind a small vial. “This’ll help.”
Wind takes it begrudgingly, pouting as he sips on it. “Thanks.”
You snort, running your hands down his leg one more time. “That should do it. Do you think you can stand?”
You stand up and hold out your hand. Wind takes it and with your help, gets back onto his feet. He wobbles for a second before he starts to walk again. It’s clear he doesn’t trust his own feet before be can limp back to the others. Wind drinks the rest of the potion.
You frown. He’s still not where you would like him to be. “Come on. Break time.”
Part 3
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acethegaycard · 1 year
Unfair Tears
In which self aware genshin characters hear their beloved creator... crying???? This simply won't do!
TW: A mention of stabbing himself in Xiao's part but nothing graphic, just exaggeration.
you can clearly tell which characters personality i know more lol
It was long past the time you usually played any games, but you had forgotten once again to do your commissions in Genshin. The characters themselves weren't that surprised of your late log in, you usually managed to complete your commissions, so they expected you to come and do them at some point.
And here your team was, running around place to place to finish the commissions you were given. But you were unusually silent. The characters were used to hearing at least a note or two from you every few minutes, whether it be about something in your day, their damage, or just a small detail you noticed about the game. But they were hearing nothing of the sort this night. They found it odd, but it wasn't too alarming. It was just a bit of silence, after all. But when the silence was broken? Not something they were expecting.
Sobs. Broken breathing, gasps, and the sound of muffled cries.
Your team malfunctioned. What? Are those.. sobs?? From you??? They weren't aware why you were crying, or how long you felt like this. They were in a mixture of concern and fear. What if you were crying out of pain? Were you hurt?! Why are you crying...?
For somebody known as calm and collected, that demeanor and mindset flew out of the window. What was going on? Tears were never good, at least in the way you were crying. You deserve nothing less of perfection! So why should you have to waste tears on anything?
He's turning all of his attention towards you, if it already wasn't. Listening to any muffled sentences, clues to what's happening. He feels terrible that he can't simply be there to assist you. That he's stuck in Teyvat, not your world. If you happen to be crying over somebody, then he's got his answer.
He hopes to himself that nobody had done anything to you. Maybe it was a good friend of your getting hurt? Why would you be sobbing over that..? Overthinks a little bit, but being him, manages to control the wild ideas he's getting. What if somebody did something to you? Broke your heart? The more he thinks of the possibility of someone hurting you, the less composed he gets. Snaps out of it not long after, but tries to do what he can. Saying a few lines that you swore weren't in the game. Maybe an odd story from his travels as an attempt to make you laugh? The only thing he doesn't want is to hear your cries.
You were in the middle of a commission that included clearing a hilichurl camp when the concerning sound of you crying came to his ear. He faltered for a moment. Instead of slipping up during the commission, his damage was getting... higher?
With every overthinking idea of what was happening to you, he was only getting more pent up. Angry that something had hurt you. I anybody on this earth deserved to feel pain, it certainly wasn't you. Taking his anger out on what was left of the hilichurls you were supposed to be fighting. If you were clear headed, you would've noticed that Genshin was seemingly on autopilot. Fighting with unusually higher numbers. Somewhat blaming himself. If he wasn't stuck in the game, he could've protected you from whatever what making you cry! He'd rather stab himself with the very spear you oh-so graciously gifted him then hear you cry once more.
Not one that's very sure how to cheer you up. But if you make it clear that you enjoy his company throughout the game, he might just appear in one or two Liyue commissions. If you listen closely, his voicelines sound much more aggressive during combat for a bit, but whenever talking to you he sounds more.. soft. Considerate even.
aaakoskwojojcowjdoj take this non proof read piece of crap :)
i got scara btw woop woop :DDD
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alwaysonthemend · 1 year
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Author’s Note: I have nothing to say for myself. The Jummy has been making me feral for the last few days and I had to cleanse myself somehow… so I figured writing smut was the best method for that. (It makes sense to me, don’t worry about it) It starts out a little angsty with Jake being insecure, but don’t worry bc it heats up VERY quickly. As always, sorry for any typos. Also this is probably my most favorite thing that I've ever written so I hope you guys enjoy.
Content Warnings: Fem!reader, body insecurity, body worship, a little bit of cockwarming if you squint, unprotected sex, p in v sex, 18+ MINORS DNI 
Word Count: 3593
“You’re fucking solid, Jake. Powerful. You fuck me so hard. You think someone built like him could fuck me the way you do?” You shake your head. “Wouldn’t even come close. No one can fuck me the way I need it besides you.” 
Admittedly, it had taken you a little while to realize that something was off with Jake – far longer than it should have, given how long the two of you have been together. But, in your defense, Jake Kiszka is a master at hiding when something is wrong. 
The first warning sign had been a few weeks ago when Jake had declined going out to his favorite steak restaurant, claiming that he was too tired and that he’d had a late lunch anyway so he wasn’t super hungry. You’d been doubtful, but the two of you stayed in for the night and Jake had distracted you beyond the point of awareness of anything other than his tongue and fingers. He'd fucked you slow and deep that night and needless to say, you’d quickly forgotten about it.
The second came during a dinner with him and his brothers. You, Jake, Sam, Josh, and Josh’s partner had gone out to a local Thai place that all of you loved. You all frequented it regularly and got the exact same dishes every time – which is why you had been confused when Jake ordered something else. You’d looked at him in shock, as did everyone else at the table, but he’d simply shrugged and said that he wanted to try something new. When the food had arrived, you couldn’t help but notice that the dish was much smaller than the one he usually got, but he seemed to enjoy it so you didn’t say anything. Again, you’d allowed yourself to forget about it. 
The third warning (and arguably the most obvious one) happened just two weeks later on an impromptu lake house trip that you all went on. Deciding to enjoy the last bit of time that they had until tours started again, Danny had suggested that you all spend the weekend swimming and hiking at the lake, just like you all used to do when you were younger. It had been a wonderful weekend, and you almost didn’t notice that anything was wrong… almost. 
The first day there had been spent hiking and goofing around inside, but your second day was always reserved for swimming. That morning, as you were changing into your swimsuit, you watched as Jake pulled on his swim trunks; nothing out of the ordinary. But what was strange was that he then put on a swim shirt, hiding his gorgeous torso from view. 
“Why are you putting that on?” You asked, grabbing your towel from where you’d hung it on the bedroom door. 
“I don’t want to get sunburned.” He said, perching his signature sunglasses on his nose. 
You opened your mouth to tell him that he’s never cared about getting burned before (much to your annoyance and worry) but he swiftly left the room. You trailed behind him, staring at his shoulders through the swim shirt and worrying your bottom lip between your teeth. You couldn’t tell if he was actually being weird or if you were just overthinking. 
The rest of the trip had gone completely normal, with the boys acting like literal children in the water while you relaxed and sunbathed – occasionally joining them in the lake to participate in their craziness. But no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself you were overthinking, you couldn’t help but worry as you watched Jake in that stupid swim shirt. 
The entire drive home you’d wanted so desperately to bring it up to him, but you weren’t even sure what you were bringing up. Distantly, all those other little warning signs tinkled like little bells in the back of your mind, but you didn’t pay them any mind. Jake was acting completely normal. So what he was too tired to go to dinner one night? And why was it such a big deal that he wanted to try a different dish at a Thai restaurant? And maybe he really did just want to avoid getting sunburnt. And sure, you and him hadn't been intimate since that night he declined going out... but a few weeks wasn't really all that long in the grand scheme of things. Besides, even though it was between tours, Jake was still almost constantly busy with something – photoshoots, interviews, spending time in the studio. He was tired from work (and so were you). Nothing to be worried about. You shook your head at yourself, willing the little ball of anxiety in your gut to go away. 
And it did. Until just two nights later, when Jake asked you to turn the light off before he fucked you. 
“What? Why?” He was looking down at you, palms planted on either side of you and his weight settled on the bed between your thighs. He had on nothing but a plain t-shirt and his boxers. 
“No reason.” He said, reaching over to turn the bedside lamp off, plunging the room into darkness. He sunk his weight back on his heels to pull his shirt over his head before diving back down to attach his mouth to your breasts, suckling and biting at the sensitive buds. His distraction almost worked. 
“Jake, no.” You said, sitting up to stare at him. “Why do you suddenly want to turn the light off while we fuck?” 
“More romantic?” His words came out as a question, but he didn’t give you time to respond as he leant back down, intent on carrying on without explanation. 
“More romantic for me to not be able to see you?” He didn’t answer, instead beginning to place hot kisses down your throat, teasing the spot that he knew you loved. But you weren’t backing down. Not this time. 
“Jake, stop. Just stop.” 
He sat back up and you stared at him, trying to read his face in the dark. 
“You and I both know you’ve been acting weird. I’m not doing anything with you tonight until you tell me what the fuck has been going on with you.” You told him, your tone leaving no space for debate. 
“How have I been weird?” He asked, his voice far too cool and smooth for it to be genuine. 
“For one, you didn’t want to go to the steakhouse the other night. You know, the one you never say no to?”
“Y/n, I was tired. And full from lunch. How is that weird?” 
“You got something different when we went and got Thai with the guys!” You said, voice raising in volume as he kept staring at you like you were crazy. 
“Okay…” He said slowly, like he was speaking to a child. “And is that a crime? Am I not allowed to order something different?” 
“No. But you love that Thai dish that you always get!” Your hands flew about madly as you spoke, all the worry that you had pushed down finally coming to the surface. “And the swim shirt, Jake. You’ve never cared about getting burnt. Like ever. Why did you start caring now? And now you want to turn the light off while we fuck!” You were yelling now but you didn’t care. You were tired of ignoring that something was wrong. You didn’t know what it was – the dots not connecting between all these events yet. But you knew in your heart that something was wrong. 
“Please, Jake. We haven't slept together in weeks... which isn't like us at all! Just tell me what’s wrong so I don’t have to start making assumptions!” You had the inkling of one already, and you were praying that it was wrong. 
He stayed silent for a long moment, and the tension in the room was so thick you could probably cut it with a knife. Finally, his shoulders fell and he dropped his head. His hair fell on either side of his cheeks, framing his pretty face. 
“I’ve just… put on a few extra pounds recently. That’s all. It’s no big deal.” 
You stared, mouth falling open as the horrible assumption that had been plaguing your mind since the lake was confirmed. 
“So?” You asked, genuinely at a loss over him making this such a big deal. 
“So, I need to lose them. And maybe a few more.” You hated how sure he sounded as he said the words, like he’d already given this so much thought –and he clearly has. “I should've done it years ago to be honest."
“Jake, I-” You stopped, overwhelmed and at a loss for what to say. You wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him; scream in his face how wrong he was for feeling so low about his body. 
“You don’t have to say anything. It’s the truth. I’ve let it get too far and I have to slim down before tour starts.”
“Why?” The question is all your brain can come up with. You want to slap yourself for that being what your brain decided to spew at him first. He sighed deeply and hung his head. 
“Because, y/n. The outfits they make for me are always open chested – and people have already made comments about my weight in the past. So I want to slim down before we start again.” 
“Jake, those people have no right to make comments about your appearance. You’ve said that yourself in the past. Why do you suddenly care now?”
“Because they’re right about this. I don’t understand why you don’t get it!” 
For a split second, his raised voice hurts you, slicing through you as he snaps at you. But you know that it’s coming from his own hurt – the hurt that he’s been keeping to himself. 
“Jake,” you say quietly, “I’m confused because I think you’re the sexiest person on the planet. I love the way you look. I don’t care if you feel like you’ve put on some weight. You’re still just as sexy as you were before.” You pause, sliding up in bed so you can see him more clearly in the dark. “If I’m being totally honest, I think you’re even hotter now.” 
His eyes widen at your confession and even in the dark you can see the blush that overtakes his face. 
“You do?”
“Fuck yeah, I do. C’mere.” You beckon him to come and lay against the headboard. He complies, crawling his way up next to you and laying back. You toss one leg over his waist and settle on top of him, straddling him as you place your palms on his chest. 
“Do you know what I mean when I say ‘I love you?’” You ask him quietly. 
He nods his head. 
“I don’t think you do.” You lean your head down to press your lips softly to his for a moment before pulling away. “It means that I love all of you. Ever fucking thing about you – on the inside and on the outside.”
“But it’s embarrassing.” He whispers, eyes pinned on yours. “I don’t like being the heavier twin.” 
The phrase sounds foreign on his tongue and you realize that it's because he's quoting something – no doubt a shitty comment from some asshole who claims to be a fan. You have half a mind to slap the shit out of him. His words fill you with so much anger you feel like you’re going to explode. 
“Jacob, do not EVER compare yourself to Josh. Ever.”
“But nothing.” You cut him off, pressing your pointer finger to his soft lips to silence him before cupping his cheek with your palm. 
“If I wanted to be with Josh or someone built like Josh, I would be. But I don’t. I want you, Jake. As you are." You shake your head at him. "You're not fat, Jake. Like at all. You literally have nothing to be embarrassed about.” 
He’s looking at you with shiny eyes and you wish your words would be enough to convince him. But he’s nothing if not hardheaded, so you know it’s going to take more than a few flowery words to get him to see the truth. 
“I’m going to turn the light back on.” You say gently. “And I’m going to show you how much I love you. Okay?” 
“Okay.” He whispers, and you can practically see it as his whole body tenses beneath you. 
You reach up and turn the lamp back on, washing the room in golden light. Jake is still looking at you, his eyes wide and nervous. You give him a little smile as you settle back down on him. Forgoing anymore words, you press a feverish kiss to his neck, licking and sucking down the hollow of his throat. His breath stutters in his chest as you slide your ass downwards. His cock is soft after your conversation but you know you can get him back to where he was at the start of the night.
“I love your body, Jake. These pretty nipples.” You swirl your tongue around them, drawing a breathy moan from him. 
You reach out your arms and find his hands, laying limply at his side. You lace your fingers with his and bring his left hand to your lips, kissing his calloused fingers. “I love your hands. I love how they look when you play guitar – fast and merciless and so fucking talented. And yet they’re still so gentle when they touch me.” You slide his index finger between your lips, swirling your tongue around the digit before releasing it. “And I love the way you make me cum on your fingers. You’re better at that than anyone I’ve ever been with before.”
“Really? Better than anyone?” He asks, the whispers of his usual cocky self shining through.
“Really.” You assure him, dropping his hands to focus your attention elsewhere. “Can I tell you a secret?” You ask him, looking up at his flushed face through your lashes. 
“Yeah. Tell me.” 
“Your stomach is probably my favorite part about you.” You say, delicately trailing your fingers down his sternum and over the curve of his belly. 
He scoffs. 
“You’re just saying that.” 
You shake your head. 
“I’m not. It’s the truth, Jake. I fucking love it. I love watching the sweat drip down it while you play on stage. It makes me so fucking wet, imagining licking it off you.” You bring your mouth downwards, biting at his soft sides as your hands knead into the flesh. You suck his skin between your teeth, creating a purple mark just to the left of his belly button. “Everything about you makes me wet, but your belly does it the most.” 
As if in answer, your pussy throbs at the sight of the hickey you left there. You can see on his face that he still isn’t convinced so you slide off your panties and kick them to the side – leaving you in nothing but your tank top. You rise slightly off the bed and swipe a finger through your folds, collecting the wetness that’s pooled there. 
“See?” You say, allowing him to see your juices drip from your fingers. Wordlessly, he grabs your wrist and pulls your hand to his mouth. He wraps his lips around your finger, swirling his tongue to lap up your wetness. He moans at the taste of you and you pull your hand free. 
“Believe me yet?” You ask him with a sly smile. 
“Getting there.” He gives you a cheeky grin and you can’t help the butterflies that erupt in your stomach at the sight. 
You give his belly one last lick before moving downwards, avoiding where his half-hard cock lies in his boxers. 
“And I fucking love your thighs.” You tell him, sliding your palms up and down them as you speak. “So thick and strong. Makes me so fucking horny.” 
You trail kisses up the sensitive skin of his inner thigh, and the muscles twitch as you get closer to where he wants you. 
“You’re fucking solid, Jake. Powerful. You fuck me so hard. You think someone built like Josh could fuck me the way you do?” You shake your head. “They couldn’t even come close. No one can fuck me the way I need it besides you.” 
“Y/n… fuck.” His pupils are blown wide and his breathing is heavy. Even his chest is flush with his arousal. His cock is rock hard in his boxers now, tenting the fabric – straining them so much it looks like they might burst at the seams.
“And this,” you say, finally pressing your palm to his dick. “I don’t even have the words.” He groans at the pressure and his hips shift upwards off the bed in search for more. You give it to him, sliding his underwear down and off him. His cock springs free, slapping his stomach. You spit into your hand and wrap it around him, stroking him slowly. “You have such a pretty cock, Jake. It makes me feel so fucking good. Reaches places inside me no one else can.”
He groans loudly as you pump him, and you watch in awe as his eyes screw shut in pleasure. Your mouth waters and your cunt throbs at the sight and sound of him. Deciding that neither of you should have to wait for it tonight, you rip your tank top off quickly before sinking down on him, taking in his thick cock inch by inch. You moan and whimper as he stretches you, the familiar burn feeling so good. 
“Oh fuck!” Jake groans, opening his eyes to look at you taking his cock. “You’re so fucking beautiful, y/n. Look at you.” 
You still as you sink all the way down on him. He’s watching you with dark eyes and sweat is beginning to bead on his temples. 
“Jake…” you whine, beginning to rock your hips into his. 
“Shit, you’re so fuckin’ tight.” He growls, gripping your hips with his strong hands, kneading his fingers roughly into your flesh. 
You rise off him almost completely, before plunging back down on him – causing the both of you to moan loudly. You set a brutal pace, slamming down on him as he thrusts his hips up to meet yours. You drop your gaze downward to stare as each thrust causes movement in his soft belly, and you wail in pleasure and shock as you cum so hard you see stars. It tears through you so quickly you aren’t expecting it at all, and your movements still as waves of pleasure wash over you. When you finally come back to the world of the living, you want to be embarrassed for falling apart like that – but you can’t with the way Jake is looking at you. 
His jaw is open and his eyes are so dilated they look black. He looks like he wants to eat you alive. You both sit there, neither of you moving, as he looks at you like you’re the most amazing thing he’s ever seen. 
“Fuckin' hell.” He says, voice husky and broken.
 “Haven’t cum that easy since I was a fucking teenager.” You say, still a little embarrassed, despite his reaction.
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Jake confesses, flipping you over quickly so that he’s on top. 
You know he saw where you were looking when you came – he’d been staring at your face the whole time. As embarrassing as that blatant display of lust had been, you can’t help but be thankful that he saw. There’s no way he can doubt your earlier words after seeing that. 
“Fuck me, Jake. Fuck me hard.” You plead, hooking your legs around his waist and pulling him in closer to you. “Fuck me the way only you can.” The last part comes out as a whisper and his cock twitches as you say them. He plants his forearms on either side of you, caging you in with his body. 
“I’ll fuck you every day until the day I die.” He says, before plunging into you again. 
There’s no delay now as he snaps his hips into yours – the force of each thrust causing your whole body to move upwards. His powerful thighs drive into you with fucking monster truck force and the sound of his skin hitting yours is loud and obscene. You rake your nails down his back, undoubtedly drawing blood as he hits that special spot inside of you that only he can. 
“Oh fuck, right fucking there. Jesus Christ!” You scream, digging your fingers into his sides and squeezing. 
“You’re so fucking tight, y/n. I’m gonna fucking cum.” Sweat drips down his neck and chest and you take the opportunity to lean upwards and lick it off him, moaning at the salty taste of him. 
“Dirty fucking girl. Jesus.” 
His thrusts are growing sloppy and erratic and you can feel his cock twitching inside you. You clench around him and the sound that falls from between his lips is practically a whine. 
“Do it, Jakey. Give it to me.” 
And that’s all it takes for him to spill inside you. 
“Fuck!” He growls, sinking his teeth into the skin of your shoulder as he cums. The sting brings you over the edge too, and you clench around him as you cum – milking him for all he’s got. 
When the two of you finally resurface, Jake pulls out of you and collapses on the bed next to you. You turn on your side to see his hilariously fucked out expression. You giggle. 
“What?” He asks, turning his head to face you, a sweet smile on his lips. 
“Do you know what I mean now when I say I love you?”
His smile widens – his beautiful white teeth on display as he scoots closer to you. 
“Yeah, I think so.” 
He kisses you – deliberate and passionate. 
"Jake," you say as he pulls away, "if you want to lose weight for you, then I don't care. But if you're only doing it because you feel like you have to..." You trail off, heart heavy at the thought that he had been feeling so down on himself without you realizing.
He smiles at you – the widest and most genuine one he's given you all night, and he slots his lips against yours in another kiss.
“Thank you.” He says as he pulls away from you. "But I think you've convinced me that I'm good with how I am right now." Seriousness overtakes his soft expression as he looks at you. "Thank you."
“It was literally my pleasure. I love getting to worship you.” You lean your head on his shoulder and he pulls the covers up over the two of you and turns off the lamp. “All of you.”
He chuckles, and the sound rumbles in his chest where you’re pressed against him. 
“I love you too, y/n. All of you.”
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MC Teaches the Brothers to Pole Dance
Inspired by me taking pole lessons. No real warnings - some of them are a bit suggestive, but that’s it.
Most likely to injure himself. Not out of lack of strength - he’s just way too eager to impress you, so he tries more showy moves without getting the technique down first.
He also tends to throw himself into the spins more, which works fine when the pole is static (fixed), but when the pole is on spin he ends up with way too much speed.
Can get frustrated easily, but is also pretty quick at picking it up.
Tends to prefer moves that look impressive, regardless of their actual difficulty.
To show off, he sometimes shifts into his demon form mid-performance to stretch his wings and show off more interesting shapes.
Most nervous to start out with.
Needs a lot of encouragement to even give it a go. Won’t practice in front of his brothers - luckily, private lessons with you are a pretty good selling point.
He actually practices mostly in his demon form because his tail makes him feel more stable.
It actually does add a pretty good grip point to the pole. His scales are naturally inclined to hold on.
The more revealing clothing that’s kind of necessary for pole is another thing that makes him uncomfortable at first, but again, seeing you in just as little or less is another good selling point.
Once he gets past his initial nerves, his tail actually gives him a lot of flexibility on what he can do.
He tends to do variations on moves that allow him to rely more on his tail, since it’s his strongest limb.
Beel’s a natural and dedicated athlete, so he takes to pole very well.
He does need a few reminders on his technique - he can brute force his way through most things with sheer strength, and is often more focused on completing the move rather than performing it.
He sees it as a great way to bond with you. Once he figures out what muscles are most important, he’s really eager to discuss other ways to strengthen them so you can both improve.
He’s a really good doubles partner, since he can take the extra weight of you half hanging off him.
Prefers arm-based moves - while he can grip with his legs, he never feels as comfortable.
His wings don’t help too much with anything, but they can look very nice in the right lighting for a performance.
Asmo is way ahead of you.
Well, sort of.
He has a good idea of the basics, but he’s generally only used it for fashion photoshoots and… private shows… neither of which really focused on a variety of moves.
That being said, he’s really enthusiastic to learn more with you!
He buys a lot of cute, very expensive pole outfits. He’s really eager to shop with you, too. Would love to match.
Asmo is a very fast learner. He’s stronger than he looks, so he’s able to physically do most of the moves right away. Mostly he just needs to refine his technique, and Asmo is a natural performer.
Anything that shows off his best angles is a good move in his book. He likes to have one arm free to blow kisses.
His wings are a wonderful accessory, and they’re also small enough not to get in his way.
Satan doesn’t really understand the point… But he’ll go along with it. It’s a good opportunity to learn more about you, and human world art forms.
It takes him a while to get the hang of it. His analytical mind is a blessing and a curse, helping him understanding the techniques and moves but often leading him to overthink in the moment.
Most likely to study up outside of your interactions - he’s the least thirsty guy following a bunch of pole dancers.
He tends to prefer slower routines that allow him to plan ahead and show off both technical skill and artistry. He’s also a surprisingly decent choreographer, probably only behind Asmo (with Levi being the other pretty good one).
He is banned from demon form on the pole. His tail is too hard and sharp, and could end up scratching it.
It’s too much effort. And if it’s something Asmo’s that into, it can’t be worth much…
But if it’s that important to you, sure, he’ll give it a go.
Belphie is almost annoyingly good at pole once he starts taking it semi-seriously. He’s a fast learner, and keeps a cool head even when in weird and uncomfortable positions.
The biggest risk is when he falls asleep while on the pole and just… drops.
For this reason it’s best to avoid moves that are too stable or horizontal. He ends up being really dynamic just because otherwise he risks dozing off.
While putting this much effort into anything isn’t his usual style, he’s glad he gets to show off for you.
His tail isn’t grippy enough to be all that helpful, but it can be useful as a little extra support for some of the weirder positions.
Lucifer will not go to a group class with his brothers.
He will scoff and roll his eyes at the suggestion of a private practice.
But every time you’re with his brothers, he’s taking a close look at the moves.
In the evening, he returns to his room and summons a pole from the human world.
He practices every evening, sometimes giving up sleep. He keeps watching you practice, picking up more ideas and refining his skills.
Then, one day, while you’re trying to teach one of his brothers a certain move, he’ll walk up.
“It’s simple. Like this.”
He will do it perfectly. First try. And somehow in gloves and a full suit.
He is going to be smug about it for weeks.
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Meeting and Dating Han Lue
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(Not my gif)(Requested by @youngcroissantturkeyworribler )
- A part of you feels very lucky that you weren't a member of the underground world that Han typically thrived in when the two of you first met: an insecure, overthinking little part of you which would've ruined a perfectly good thing before it could even begin.
- You'd like to think that you could have been cool about his usual lifestyle. That you could have seen the models who kissed up to him and the boatloads of money that surrounded him and been confident enough to brush off the feelings of envy and inadequacy. But you know, deep down, you probably wouldn't have been able to, and you would have twisted the facts of your relationship until you could; in great detail, reason why you couldn't be with "a guy like Han".
- Being forced to see him as nothing but a charming occasional customer was all for the best. Meeting him as a broke college student working a menial night shift job at a convenience store was all for the best. And allowing yourself to fall for him was all for the best as well.
- For a while, interactions with your future boyfriend was nothing to write home about. You hardly spoke a word to each other besides the usual pleasantries and the exchanging of change, and though you recognized that he was a bit of a regular; and fairly attractive, you didn't feel anything for him besides a mild appreciation; one that came from being able to regard someone with familiarity and the momentary reprieve that it typically provided.
- It wasn't until you suddenly switched shifts with your coworker for a week that your relationship actually began to take off.
- Han hadn't realized how much he looked forward to seeing you until it was taken away from him. He never thought of himself as someone who craved a form of monotony or the guarantee of someone/something being exactly where he left it, so the dejection that he feels upon seeing your coworker at the counter instead of you genuinely takes him by surprise. He'd almost been compelled to stop going to the store the longer your absence dragged on.
- Being there without you just felt …wrong? There's something about the way you usually interact with him that he just sort of craves. The passive yet warm nonchalance that you regard him with is apparently far more addictive than he realized and he finds himself missing the one girl who was just plain nice to him. Not kissing up or flirting; and definitely not judging, just …nice.
- So when he sees you standing behind the counter at the end of the week, he can't help but relax a little; it's like his worries just melt away. He can't help but comment on the fact that you were gone for a while; wanting to know if it's something he should expect in the future and praying that it isn't.
- You don't think much of it when he asks: the two of you are cordial so you blame it on regular customer curiosity. Besides, you're far too distracted with ringing him up to notice the subtle untensing of his shoulders and the way his eyes drag over your features a little too slowly to be deemed as impartial.
- When you hand him his bag, he asks if you'll be there "tomorrow" and you smile a little, assuring him that you will. He teasingly tells you that he's glad, “because your coworker makes the coffee like shit”, and he decides that he likes the little smile you crack at his joke a little too much.
- The two of you gradually grow more friendly after that, conversing about things other than how much he owes you and occasionally sharing some of the snacks he purchases. At some point, he comes in just as you're ending your shift so you ring him up quickly and he walks you out into the parking lot.
“Let me guess,” you’d said and teasingly nodded towards the crappiest car in the lot, purposely ignoring the extremely out of place expensive car sitting in one of the spaces a couple feet away. “That ones yours?”
- He'd grinned and led you over to the Mazda in question, watching you look it over with vague interest before offering to show you how fast it can go. You feel like you know him well enough to take him up on his offer; and you also don't want to miss out on the opportunity to ride in a sports car as someone with about four dollars in their bank account, so you agree and let him blaze down the highway so fast that it leaves you breathless.
- He comes to terms with the fact that he loves you while listening to your tiny noises of excitement, abruptly speeding up or drifting or turning just to hear the small surprised squeaks and laughs that you let out in response. And you come to terms with the fact that it's not just the speed of his car that leaves you feeling weightless when you're gearing up to say goodbye for the night.
"Why don't you give me your number? Driving fast's just the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot more you can see." He offers as you stand outside his car.
"Maybe the fast life isn't for me?" You joke in response.
"Oh I think it is," He teases back, gently reaching out for the phone in your hands, letting you pass it to him; or potentially deny him if it's what you prefer. There's a certain level of self assuredness in the way that he says it, like he just knows that you'll be back in a matter of time. "There, that's my number. Think about it. Decisions yours to make.”
- You do think about it, and you do call him: though admittedly, the first time you contact him, it's with a question about cars because yours is smoking and making weird noises and you’re about 65% sure that it might just blow up on the highway if you're not careful.
- He laughs when you tell him you're "scared" to pop the hood, asking where you are and giving you directions to his shop when he finds out that you're close, telling you that he'll take a look for you. He can't help but smile when he sees you pull in, car smoking just like you said and a sheepish look on your face. Adorable, he thinks to himself, and knows right then and there that he’s really in trouble.
- The car gets fixed and you offer to buy him dinner as a 'thank you', a gesture that earns you a teasing "I fix your car and now you're trying to get in my pants" but an agreement nonetheless. It isn't long after that that your situationship; for lack of a better term, begins.
- The two of you begin hanging out outside of the convenience store: he takes you out to all the places he usually goes and indulges you whenever you offhandedly mention that you'd always "wanted to do that". He buys you all the things you say that you want your future boyfriend/partner to buy you; not a coincidence, and when you're at parties you dance on each other far too intimately for anyone who claims to be "just friends".
- Not to mention the fact that you kiss each other: a trend that's started one night when you're both in his garage, sat on a couch and stealing glances at each other before you both begin to lean in and share a casual makeout session.
- After a while of this, he sort of just says "you know you're my girlfriend, right" while he's in the middle of driving you to a party, sparing you a quick yet casual glance before his eyes focus back on the road. If you had any doubts before you don't anymore and the butterflies in your stomach can attest to that. You tell him that you would "hope so" and mirror the smile that spreads across his face in response.  
- Life's simple, you make choices and you don't look back. He chose you and now he's decided to never look back.
- Being in a relationship with Han means taking it day by day. Somedays, he’ll want to stay by your side without touching you, other days, he’ll want to grind up against you on the dance floor and touch tongues with you in the booths by the wall: there’s really no method to his madness and that’s just something you’ll have to get used to. 
- That being said, he typically prefers simple gestures of affection whenever you’re out in public together: lingering kisses pressed to your lips or temple, a hug from behind while you’re leaned up against one of his cars, an arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist; things like like. He’s not particularly concerned with being polite, he just doesn’t usually feel the need to slobber all over you or overdramatically show you off; unless he’s getting something out of it. 
- Even so, he loves any and all affection that you give him in return. A nice thing about dating Han is that he simply doesn’t give a shit: sure, there’s times where you both need to be serious or he’ll want to put up a more intimidating front, but overall, he honestly couldn’t care less about people thinking that he’s “whipped”; or whatever else they’d like to call him. At the end of the day, you’re his ride or die and they’re insecure little boys who wish they were him. 
- Innocent little kisses are his kryptonite. He loves when you give him a peck for no reason; especially when the two of you are alone and the moment is terribly domestic: like when he’s lounging with his head on the back of the couch and you kiss his forehead from behind it in passing. He gets really used to them: so much so that he’ll occasionally lean towards you in anticipation of one; regardless of whether or not you showed any signs of giving him one in the first place. 
- Slow, passionate kisses. 
- He honestly has a bit of an oral fixation and I think he’d jokingly tell you that it’s “less calories” or that he’s “cutting carbs” whenever he chooses to kiss/makeout with you instead of snacking on something. But nevertheless, he always shares his snacks with you and alternates between putting food to your mouth like a pet and holding out the bag to you normally; depending on how well you take care of yourself and allow him to share. Sometimes he forcibly has to make you join him because he knows you haven’t eaten or drank any water for hours and he’d prefer it if you didn’t kill his girlfriend, thank you very much.
- Speaking of snacking: you keep some on you whenever you go anywhere with him because you know that he’ll be digging around for something in a matter of minutes, eyes still half focused on the road and hands gearing up to stop at a convenience store before you offer him a bag of something that you kept in your purse. Or he’ll be fiddling with something a little too hard and overall getting antsy and you’ll hand something over and watch as he relaxes, giving you a smile and a kiss in return.
- Sitting in his lap. He loves driving around with you lounged across him and will do everything in his power to convince you to try it with him at least once; safety regulations and laws be damned. 
- He’s not big on cuddling but he’s also an indecisive hypocrite. One minute he’ll jokingly sigh and act annoyed with you for being so clingy, and the next minute he’ll ask why you’re “so goddamn far away” and refuse to resume his activities until you’re tucked into his side. I think he just sort of forgets how much he likes it until you’re either in his arms or out of them; depending on the day.
- Honestly, it probably hits harder and makes you more flustered when he chooses to say your real name instead of a pet name since he’s kind of a recovering whore who used to have a bitch on each arm; both of which he would call baby or something of the sort. Either way, his go-to pet names are honey, baby, and angel; or a little nickname if that’s what you prefer. 
- He always has to hide his pleased little smile whenever you call him a pet name. And that’s how you know you’re special to him: because no other person in the world gets that reaction out of him; regardless of how pretty or perfect she may be.
- You’re definitely a weakness of his. From far away, he’ll seem like the coolest person in the world but the minute people look too closely, they’ll see him call you on the phone and apologize for being late, assuring you that he’ll make it up to you when you whine in response. It’s like he’s a cool criminal one minute and your doting boyfriend the next, and the change in demeanor is enough to give Sean whiplash.
- Feeling like you’re living a double life whenever he comes to pick you up in a sleek, expensive sports car: asking how your day was or what you want to get for lunch while the people around you just stop and stare.
- Sometimes, he’ll just randomly toss you his keys and tell you to drive, and the first few times he did it, it nearly gave you a heart attack. You were hypervigilant and on edge; scared to ruin his far too expensive car, and he watched you the entire time with a smile on his face, laughing and calling you cute whenever you whined out a distracted “what?”.
- Teasing praise. He might say it in an unserious way but the sentiment remains the same: the grin on his face tells you that he’s proud, even when he’s saying things like “that’s my girl” and “Look at you. When did you get so smart?”; instead of a normal “good job”. He also makes sure to notice whenever you change something about your appearance and uses it as an excuse to touch and get close to you”: complimenting you a little more seriously so you know that he really means it.
- Eye contact. Han has a tendency to pay really close attention to you; even if you’re not looking at or acknowledging him, and it gives you butterflies every time. It’s sort of like a love language of his.
- Late night talks chocked full of wisdom and enlightenment. The two of you have a lot of deep conversations about what you think of the world and the lessons you’ve learned from life. Oftentimes, he’ll tell you not to let fear control your decisions and you’ll say that's great and all but I’m still not gonna give you head while you drive down the highway.
- Getting to hear all of his crazy stories. He’s a twenty something year old man with dad lore™.
- Sitting with him while he works on his cars. It’s a good idea to learn what different mechanics tools look like because he’s bound to ask you to grab things for him.
- He’s wanted you posed naked on the hood of his car since yesterday. You worriedly say that you’d probably leave an ass imprint and he’d reply with “even better” and refuse to take no for an answer; if that was your only reservation. Either way, he keeps a photo of you with each of his cars in his wallet and insists on taking you out somewhere whenever he gets a new car; “to break it in” he says.
- Driving is basically foreplay for the two of you. He’ll do something he knows you find sexy and smirk to himself, denying it unconvincingly when you accuse him of doing exactly what he was very purposefully doing; as though you couldn't see the expectant way he glanced at you while carrying it out. He tells you he’s “in love” when you drift in front of him, and probably told you that he “creamed his pants” when you did it for the first time; after days of having him try to teach you. Overall …you should probably tease him about having a car kink.
- Taking trips to convenience stores or some random takeout place that he’s in the mood for. You guys have been to just about every restaurant in town at one point or another.
- The two of you play a lot of little games; things like chess and jenga, and a majority of the time he simply lets you win/makes it easy for you to win because he likes seeing you smile and definitely doesn’t need the money he places down for the prize. But if you were to bet a kiss or something of the sort, he would immediately flame you and you’d sit there in shock as you come to realize that he’s been lying to you about his skills the entire time.
- He does a lot of things just to see you smile. It’s his favorite sight and he loves how he can receive it just from a simple gesture or gift. A lot of your experiences are vastly different because you’ll be focused on the moment and he’ll be focused on you: shaking his head fondly and gazing at you with heart eyes as you jump around at a concert or excitedly tug him around a theme park.
- Nothing is lame to him if it has something to do with you. You can show him a picture of a cat you saw on the way home or explain your hyperfixations and he'll just sit there and let you; probably making other people wait to tell him things in the process. He especially loves whenever you tell him gossip: he finds how serious you get over it extremely entertaining.
- You’re the parents of your friend group: he gives rides, gives advice, gives money, etc. He’s very invested in your friends lives to be honest: he likes hearing the drama and putting in his two cents and he’s funded multiple dinner outings with you and your girlfriends just so he can hear the tea.
- He really doesn’t care about spending money so long as it goes to a good place, and he thinks that you’re the best place for it to go, so rest assured that you’ll be spoiled: and the more you hold back or refuse, the more he’ll want to give it to you. Much like his drivers, you’re also representing him now, so he’s not gonna let you run around in a crappy car, wearing cheap clothes and eating cheap food. Just be prepared to kiss him as payment whenever you want his card.  
- He always tells you that you should “just quit your job” whenever you call off plans with him because of work: and even though his tone is fairly teasing, he’s never completely joking.
- He jokes about you “calling your other boyfriends” whenever you don’t pick up your phone or text him back immediately. He likes casually keeping tabs on you and teasing you is just one way that he can do that without sounding all controlling or demanding. He definitely says “hot” and/or asks if you “were kissing her” when you tell him that you were “actually” with a female friend; and you threaten to hang up the phone whenever he does.
- He likes the fast life but he also likes taking things slow and lounging around with you. He enjoys the little things in life; particularly the little things that have to do with you: like arguing about what movie you’re gonna watch because he wants an action movie and you wanna watch sailor moon. You usually get your way, mainly because you make a deal with him or pull a flirty move that shocks him into letting you successfully steal the remote; though he’ll never admit to how much it flustered him.
- Han sort of treats the entire world like his living room: he just sits back and relaxes like he owns the place so regardless of where the two of you are, it’s usually a pretty chill experience. He also just likes watching you have fun so even if he isn’t interested in doing something himself, he’ll hang back and watch you entertain yourself with a smile on his face.
- Sitting out and gazing at the sea or the skyline with him in all of his favorite places and hideouts.
- Mini golfing, ax throwing, bowling, etc. He likes dates that have random activities for the two of you to do.
- Clubbing, partying, etc. A lot of your dates involve going out late at night and as a result, he’s gotten pretty used to taking care of you at the end of them: casually yet clumsily helping you take off your makeup and do your skincare routine and get you to bed, joking around with you and stealing kisses the entire time. You both annoy and amuse him when you’re drunk.
- You always have a warm bed and open arms to come back to whenever you’re with him; regardless of what issues you may or may not be having. He’s always ready to take care of you when it really matters and he enjoys babying you every now and again; guiding you around like a doting parent whenever you’re tired. He definitely purposefully keeps you with him until it’s late enough to insist that you crash with him instead of going home.
- He’s got a pretty fucked up sleeping schedule so don’t be surprised if most of your dates take place at three am or he texts you random shit late at night, telling you that you “better be asleep right now but look at this thing I saw in the morning”. The two of you finds yourselves knocked out together in random places pretty often and he likes to tease you that he keeps you around because you make a better pillow than his cars leather seats.
- You’re the only person who really has a grasp on how he thinks so the two of you usually hang back and shoot each other looks that tell you everything and your company nothing. He loves that little connection that he has with you: it makes him feel less lonely; especially since he’s someone who can sometimes feel alone in a room full of people.
- When the two of you first started dating, he’d hand you some money and urge you to go and have fun whenever he needed to handle something business related, but nowadays, he likes to involve you in everything he does: keeping you seated next to him and occasionally asking for your input. It gave you whiplash the first time he did it, putting a hand on your thigh when you moved to get up and give them privacy; it also probably shocked his business partner as well, but the symbolic trust made you melt and it’s been that way ever since.
- He’s the type of person who sees nothing wrong with committing crimes, so he wouldn’t think twice about inviting you or the people close to you to join him in his illegal endeavors. Just keep that in mind if you have younger siblings; it’s a matter you’ll probably disagree with him on.
- He lowkey just loves women who hate men: he likes the attitude, he likes the exclusivity, he likes knowing that you’re naturally loyal because you simply dislike everyone else. It makes him laugh when you get all argumentative and headstrong with the boys around you, and he’ll defend your decisions till the day he dies, a smitten smile on his face the entire time. He just loves you and your bitchiness so so much.  
- As nonchalant as Han may seem, he’s always paying attention and he has a tendency to know when shits about to hit the fan: whether that be in relation to what's going on in the “outside world” or your own emotions. He picks up on when you’re feeling anxious or angry or so on and he’ll intervene when he thinks it’s necessary in order to keep the peace and keep you happy.
- He had a lot of experiences with other women before the two of you met and though a majority of them weren’t that close to him; and he’d have no problem cutting them off for you when you start to get serious, I don’t think it would be crazy to assume that they’d reappear in his life every now and again. And every time they approach him, he’d just do his best to shrug them off and give you a sort of “what can you do?” glance, hoping that you’re not mad at him for his previous hoe phase. He’s usually extra touchy those nights: wanting to silently reassure you that he’ll always choose you; regardless of who comes near him or who came before you. 
- Han simply isn’t the jealous type and that’s evident in the way he reacts to people showing interest in you. He’s perfectly fine with you throwing your tits around if it benefits either of you and has, on multiple occasions, drank the free drinks that people have sent your way. He likes showing you off and doesn’t think of the people around him as competition; a fact that makes him extremely attractive in your eyes. He’s always confident in himself and even when he has his moments, all it takes is a “you like me most, right?” while you’re stood in his arms and that’ll be that. 
- He always has your back in dangerous situations and is prepared to do just about everything he can to keep you safe. I said before that you’re his partner in crime but rest assured that he’d pull you out of his business the minute he felt you couldn’t handle what was going on. 
- The two of you don’t have a lot of arguments; a result of being able to read each other like a book, but when you do manage to fight about something, he has a tendency to just be quiet and refuse to discuss things. He’s stubborn as all hell when he’s set his mind on something so there’s really no changing his decision/opinion; you’ll just have to accept that and/or wait until he can reevaluate things himself. 
- He doesn’t usually apologize verbally, he’ll just sort of move on from whatever it was that you were bickering about. If he was wrong than he’d take back what he said with a sheepish “I know” when you tell him that that’s exactly what you said when you were fighting: and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a small sorry alongside it. 
- He’s very monotone and simple with his “love you’s”; and they’re usually in response to you saying it first, but he kind of loves when you sing song at him and sweetly ambush him with a ton of them at a time; it makes him smile and always gets him a little shy. 
- He skips town a lot but he’d settle down with you if you asked. There just came a point in your relationship where he knew that you were the end of his line and decided right then and there that he would do whatever it took to stay by your side. You were bigger and better than anything else in his life, and he would have left everything behind with no regrets the minute you asked him to. 
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twinklelilstarkey · 1 year
Tutor: Aiden
Words: 5.1k+ Type: Smut (brief) & Angst Summary: When going to a party, you get to see someone you haven't seen in a while. Warnings: Fem!Reader. SMUT {very quick and brief; both of them are intoxicated; piv (no protection)} VIOLENCE (yes, the gif is a hint), MENTIONS OF BLOOD, DESCRIPTION OF FIGHTING, mentions of alcohol, mentions of exes and not-so-nice name-calling.
Tutor Masterlist (for context, you should REALLY read chapter "Sunbathing" <3)
I do NOT give you permission to repost my work. If you’d like to read my stories on other platforms, you can find them on my Wattpad and AO3.
And thank you so much for the 6.6k+ followers!!!
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Saying that you needed to come to this party is both a shock to your past self and the truest sentence you’ve ever said. Not that you’ve come to enjoy parties, far from it, but you do need to be in a place where everything is loud and chaotic enough to completely muffle your mind. You need noise and maybe a little alcohol.
You’ve been dealing with a ridiculous amount of work from school, Wheezie is beginning to fall back in her studies, and, the worst of all, the girls.
Whatever happened with them on Monday carried on for the whole rest of the week. The lack of conversation towards you whenever they’re all together and the looks you’ve noticed them give you while they talk between themselves during class. You have no idea what could be going on, and it is only leading you to overthink. 
You’ve been thinking on a daily basis of the possibility of the girls knowing about Rafe, but, each time, your thoughts were calmed down with Kristy herself. She has been the one that talked the most with you these days, even though it’s a lot less than she used to. And she acts natural. As if nothing ever annoyed the girls or hurt them to the point of… doing this. Therefore, it only leaves you to think that you might have done something before Monday.
Was it because of Alex? Maybe they liked him a bit too much, and Kristy is the only one that accepts that you don’t think you could be anything with him. Maybe you said something bad? But when? You didn’t spend any more time with them which could’ve led to an argument. If anything, they were happier prior to the date because you were going on the damned date.
Thinking it could be you and Rafe is something that goes through your mind at the worst times, even when you’re with him. You’ve talked to him about it, but Rafe can’t help but feel a little helpless in all of this. He has never met your friends. All he knows about them is what you’ve told him, and that is nowhere near enough to make conclusions, only assumptions.
There was something he said that eased your mind, “Isn’t Kristy who dislikes me the most? Then wouldn’t she be the one acting like a bitch?” And it makes sense, even when you felt like the insult was unnecessary. If it had been about you two, Kristy would’ve probably never looked you in the eyes. Let alone still talked, smiled, or hugged you like before.
And the cure for all your stress, said Rafe, is partying and alcohol. There was a time this week when all your worries regarding the number of people at the party completely evaporated, and all you wanted was to hang out with more people and forget all about these girls. Even when it still hurt. So, you decided to go by his advice.
Once you stepped inside the warm house where the party is taking place, you were pulled into a hug by Patty right as your foot touched the hardwood flooring. You laughed with her as she squeezed you into her arms, while, at the same time, making sure to curse Rafe out for never taking you to more parties so that the two of you could hang out.
And, whether you like it or not, Patty did separate you from Rafe almost instantly. She wanted to get you a drink. So, as soon as your bodies were disconnected from the hug, her hand wrapped around your wrist and pulled you into the direction of the sea of people who seemed to not have the courage to jump into the pool just yet.
It’s been maybe an hour since you got to this party, and you haven’t seen Rafe since you came in. It stays like that for, possibly, an hour, but, at some point, Patty decides to walk elsewhere which only leads you to go find Rafe.
When you find him, he’s by the sliding doors that lead to the outside, amongst other guys from his usual group, and when you stand near him, it only takes a slight look down at you for Rafe to welcome you by his side.
To no one’s surprise, the conversation you get to listen to is very much boring, so the music outside and watching the people jumping into the pool is much better for entertainment. People are more than drunk already, and they’re jumping from all sorts of places into the pool. Other people just dance by it, and others sit at the chairs, deep in conversation.
The breeze that hits you from the open door you’re looking out of is just chlorine and some miss of alcohol, not exactly the best of smells. 
By the time you and Rafe are left alone and happen to have a conversation on the most random of topics, your eyes are going from his face to the outside, finding people extremely interesting. His friends have begun to go outside as well.
Your hands are resting on his torso. Whereas for his, they go from holding your waist, so that you can stand still and close to him, to sometimes squeezing it to get your attention.
“No, that is dumb.” You tell him with a big smile on your face when you see him smile just as much. “How do they get home if he does that?”
“Soaking wet, probably.” He tells you, “It happens more times than you think.”
“But why? Where’s the fun in pushing people in the pool?” You continue to discuss Topper’s favorite activity whenever he’s very drunk at a pool party.
“Want to find out?”
Rafe is already pulling you off of him so that you can start making your way outside, but he can’t even hold back his smile when your eyes widen at his statement and even more at his actions.
There is absolutely no way that he’s offering to bring you into the fun of coming up behind a random person and just pushing them into the pool. In drunk-Topper’s philosophy, why would anyone come to this party and not expect to go in the pool? But, thankfully, you do not share the same philosophy.
You pull at Rafe’s wrist to hold him back from continuing to tease you about the whole thing, and he does. But, now that you two stand outside, you can tell his next step from a mile away. It's all from the way Rafe's smile changes from a playful one to a malicious one.
It’s by record time that you let go of his wrist and take a step back to escape him. Your heart has begun to beat faster as you look at your boyfriend, the same one that just stands handsomely in front of you as if he isn’t threatening to get you soaked to the bone in cold water.
“No.” You say to him as a warning, and he takes a step closer to you.
You dumbly hold out your hand as if that can ever stop him from getting to you, and every time he takes a step closer to you, you take one back. You, thankfully, notice that you’re getting backed up into a corner before you don’t have enough space to escape.
Once escaping from being backed up into the sliding door, you look around for some sort of backup. Specifically, one shaped like Patricia herself, even if that means sacrificing her. She is nowhere to be seen.
That slight distraction makes Rafe get closer to you, and you let out a sound that resembles a giggle and a scream, but not quite when you feel his hand just graze you. The two of you laugh together as you take another step back and find the sound that came out of you extremely interesting.
“Don’t, please.” You try to plead your way out of this, but Rafe only seems more entertained once you do it.
“I’m not trying to do anything, you’re just running away for no reason.” Rafe tries to tell you as his smile continues to stretch and tries to grab you yet again.
“Rafe,” You start, but you are very much interrupted when he gets yet too close again.
Over the sound of your voice, not too far from you, comes a cheer of someone’s name. A name that is familiar to you. As you look up to see for a few seconds, you are solely focused on him. He’s wearing normal clothes, ones typical for a warmer night. His hair could be a little longer, but he looks the same since the last time you’ve seen him. Aiden looks the same since the night you broke up with him.
Before you know it, your back hits the side railing of the porch, and your attention is brought back to Rafe, who happily gets a hold of you, having no idea who stands behind him. Rafe’s hands hold you and pick you up, and the sudden panic of being thrown into the pool comes back.
You try to get away from him by moving around and pushing him away from you, but as you now try the technique of holding him closer so that he can’t throw you anywhere, you notice how much he’s smiling at all of this. The bastard.
“Please, don’t do it.” You say to him.
Rafe’s response is to turn around to go in the direction of the pool, and you swear that you had no control of your body when you let out a certain shriek of panic. 
“What do I get in return?”
“A non-wet girlfriend.” You tell him, making him laugh in your face. “That’s not enough?”
His silence is enough of an answer.
You fake a shocked expression and a clear look of disbelief, and Rafe just takes a step closer to the crowd.
“I will pull you in with me.”
“I have your phone in my pocket.” He reminds you
“I don’t care.” You say seriously, but with a chuckle following your words right away, breaking your character.
As Rafe continues to walk towards the pool, you simply hold him tighter, and you’re not sure how many times you tell him ‘please’ and ‘don’t’ as he makes his way to it. You make purely fake promises of how you will do anything he wants if he just doesn’t do this, or how you will buy him whatever he needs, but those promises fall on deaf ears.
“I will hate you forever.” You try your last resource.
He doesn’t even flinch at the words. You have no idea how distant from the pool you are at this point, but you only hold onto him tighter. If he really wants to throw you in, he’ll have to jump in himself, you are not about to surrender.
Knowing exactly how you have no idea of your surroundings, Rafe simply pauses and pretends to let you fall. And that is probably the funniest thing he could’ve ever done, because you let out one of those screams again and, when noticing that you’re still in his arms, you begin to repeat your previous promises while kissing his cheek.
Rafe only lets this torture last for a few more seconds before he actually lets go, which only leads you to believe that you’re being dropped into the pool again. You granted him a great smack in the arm right as your feet touched perfectly solid ground.
As you scowled at him, obviously mad at what he did to you just now, Rafe only smiles, holding your face as you do a frown that he can’t take seriously ever. He kisses you a few times, and that is what makes Aiden stand up straighter. 
Aiden hasn’t seen you in a while, nor did he wish to. The heartache you gave him had been enough for him to want to stay away from you for the rest of eternity. All the missed calls or ignored texts after you two had broken up. It all hurts like the ache of a scar formed from a deep wound. A pain that never leaves, it just changes. 
It has been more than a year, and he hasn’t seen you. You’re still absolutely beautiful, and you haven’t changed much, except for the fact that you have started dating again, by the looks of it.
Aiden has tried to pull his eyes away from you more than once, but his curiosity happens to be his worst enemy. He wants to keep looking. He wants to see if you’ve changed in the slightest bit, and he might even want to see the face of the person you’ve begun dating. He has looked away everytime the guy turned around and showed his face. Aiden only wanted to see you.
“Who are you looking at?” His friend asks, noticing how he has spaced out for a minute or two.
Aiden watches as you pull away from the kiss and how the frown is gone from your face. Your eyes are glued to the guy you kissed. His hand is on your face, holding it in place, thumb on one cheek as the other fingers hold the other. Your boyfriend kisses your pouty lips before saying something, Aiden assumes, teasingly, which leads to you smacking his arm and making the guy laugh.
He can read your lips when you pull away from his hold on your face and say “I will throw you in” with a serious expression on your face. The guy says something, and Aiden watches while you pursue your lips and look away to not laugh.
When the guy turns around this time, Aiden doesn’t look away. Someone must have called your boyfriend to get his attention away from you because he had moved so quickly. But Aiden wasn’t exactly expecting to see Rafe. Nothing would've prepared Aiden to see him.
Rafe brings his attention back to you when answering whatever someone had just asked him, and you had just started taking steps away. You tell him something that Aiden doesn’t understand, and Rafe reacts instantly to your words. He moves over to you and throws you over his shoulder, making you almost squeal your words while laughing at the same time.
“Aiden!” Aiden’s other friend calls out, “Come get drinks with us.”
Didn’t even need to tell him twice.
You’ve had a lot more to drink than you first planned to. You haven’t become completely out of control, but you are very much tipsy. You will trip if you walk by yourself for too long, and you will laugh at everything someone will tell you. With that, Rafe decided not too long ago that it was a better idea to have you seated somewhere and not having you walk around a pool.
As the night grew colder, everyone began to slowly go into the house and continue to party inside as well. Rafe has been sitting next to you on the couch ever since then, in a conversation with his friends.
Your legs are over his lap, and his hand has been smoothing over your skin and playing with the ends of your dress. And because of that, his attention is faulty. He is nowhere near sober either. Whenever your friends got distracted, the two of you shared kisses, and that led to a lot more. Which doesn’t surprise you. 
You don’t blame yourself for what happened. Rafe had been laying distracting kisses over your shoulder and neck, and they were always so soft and slow. It got your attention. And it only took one more of your kisses for Rafe to pull himself up from the couch and take you with him.
You giggled your way through the empty hallways while the music continued to bounce off the walls. You found it funny to jump around, but also to have Rafe practically dragging you through the house, all while you can just hug his neck and rest your face on his chest.
One thing led to another, and you were in a bathroom on the other side of the house. The music was distant, but you could still feel its vibration on the door behind you. Your lips haven’t exactly disconnected from Rafe’s since you came in, and due to the presence of the music, your drunk mind found it more than okay for you to relax and not be as silent as always. Rafe was more than okay with that decision throughout the whole thing.
Rafe picked you up and trapped you between the door and him with your legs by his hips. His hands were lost underneath your dress, while yours eventually began to pull his shirt upwards so he could take it off. Once it hits the ground, the two of you were back to kissing like nothing had ever separated you.
You lose track of what Rafe does with all the stimulation of his hands on you and your foggy mind, and he holds you tighter to him when you moan against his lips, and he lets out a grunt against yours. You separate from the kiss as, for you, the pleasure has magically begun to burn at the bottom of your stomach. 
Rafe watches you lean your head on the door as try to adjust to the position and to him, who has just slid inside you. And in seconds you were back to it. Rafe chuckles when you kiss him and lays his hand on the cold wood beside you. His other hand grips your thigh, holding you in place, and your hand grips his forearm.
Your moans start with his movements, feeling more sensitive than ever before, and that only seems to motivate Rafe. He separates his lips from yours and begins a trail of kisses down your neck. You hold onto his shoulders tightly and seem to lose complete control of what you say or do. One of your hands holds onto the back of his head, pulling at the strands of his hair.
The sudden pull makes Rafe’s hand drag soundly through the door to detach you from the door and hold you in his arms. Your eyes are closed when he moves, and you hiss at the cold of the counter. The discomfort only lasts seconds since pleasure completely substitutes it.
As Rafe thrust into you, some of the things that were once neatly on top of the counter fall on themselves or onto the ground. You leaned back on the stone counter, finding the cold on your burning skin awfully satisfying. Rafe’s eyes left your face, eyeing down at the two of you, where you connect, letting the fact of what the two of you are doing at a party rest on his mind. Your underwear had been pushed to the side, and he hadn’t even pulled his shorts completely down. Your dress was simply held up by your waist, and your skin has begun to glisten as he keeps on going. Sliding his cock in and out of you as you moan at every movement.
Your sounds aren’t too loud, but Rafe knows that people could hear it if they ever walked close enough to the door. He isn’t even sure if he locked it when he came in with you. Your eyes stay on him half closed as you bite in your lips to be quieter, and Rafe brings his hand down to your clit, leaving you in a complete puddle, and lose all control of the noise you make.
Rafe knows he says things to you throughout the whole thing, but he isn’t sure what exactly. And the same goes for you. Whatever it was, both of you responded to it, to each other. Even when you aren’t quite sure how because you cannot even bring yourself to think.
When it ends, Rafe does pull you closer and puts his hand over your mouth, muffling your moans. And as you two are left with ringing ears, heavy breathing, and with eyes half-closed, you can only kiss again and again. Completely drunk out of each other. 
Your hands are lost in the strands of his hair, and Rafe’s holding you closer and closer to him. It takes you a good few minutes to walk out of the bathroom like nothing had happened, and, once you do it, you notice how no one noticed you were even gone.
Time went by and the alcohol eventually deemed its effects on you, which could only mean that it was time to go home. You weren’t alone on this. Patricia had very much fallen asleep on the couch in an awkward position, and you knew that taking her home would be better. Yet, for the minutes that you watched her asleep, you silently wished that were you. 
It took you yawning mid-sentence in a conversation with Rafe about 5 times before he decided that the two of you were done for the night. Topper did the waking up of Patricia and helped her with grabbing her things while some of the guys helped with other things.
You leaned on Rafe as if he was a wall as they did it. Patricia, half-asleep and drunk, eventually got to you and began to tell you with slurred words how tired she felt, which made you agree with her with a nod. 
“Are- are you going home?” Patricia asks you before hiccuping, “Like, really home? Or Rafe’s?”
Before you can answer, she continues with a gasp. “You could spend the night in mine.”
“I’m going home.” You tell her, blinking slowly.
She sassily side glances at you and then at Rafe as well, who isn’t even paying attention to her, but to Topper, who is drunkenly looking for one of his friend’s shoes under the couch. 
Patricia, forgetting her hate towards you, grabs your hands and holds them as she swings your arms to the beat of the loud music. You smile at her and swing them with hers. Patty dances a little, as many moves as her tired and drunk body could pull off.
The two of you giggle after a few of her dance moves, and then you stop abruptly. A girl has just collided her shoulder with yours, hard, and it catches you off guard more than anything.
Due to that, Patricia loses her smile and faces the person right away. As you go to look at them and say the usual ‘it’s okay’, you see a girl. But a girl you’re sure you know from somewhere, which only makes you pause and reflect on who it could be.
“I’m sorry.” She tells you with a big drunken smile.
“You better be,” Patricia says before you can say anything back. You send her a glare as a warning.
“It’s okay.” You tell the girl, looking away to look at Patty again.
The girl doesn’t seem to walk away right away, and you feel Rafe lay his hand on your, still a little sore, shoulder. He smooths the skin, and right when you go to hold Patricia’s hand again, Rafe’s chest vibrates as he speaks.
“Got a problem?”
You eye him confused, but he isn’t talking to you. You look in the opposite direction, and your hands stop playing with Patricia’s, much to her confusion. Aiden stands beside you, eyeing you both, and then Rafe. And it suddenly clicks, that same girl had been Aiden’s friend when the two of you dated, and seemingly still is.
He eyes Rafe weirdly and then looks back at you.
“No problem, bro. Just wanted to say hi to an old friend,” He says while looking you in the eyes. “Hope you still remember me.”
You open your mouth to answer, but it is not needed. Aiden stretches his hand toward Rafe to introduce himself, “I’m Aiden.”
It doesn’t take long for Rafe to remember the day you said that same name, and because of it, Aiden’s hand stays untouched. Rafe continues to look down at him and bites his own tongue.
Aiden lets his hand awkwardly fall and offers Rafe a fake grin, which only grants him one back.
“Doesn’t look like she remembers you.” Rafe says, reinforcing his fake grin, “Keep it moving.”
“Oh, come on.” Aiden looks back at you. “You remember me, right, Y/N?”
Patricia lets go of your hands and holds your wrist instead. You don’t really understand her actions, and continue to only stare at Aiden in shock. You have absolutely no words to say to him.
“No?” Aiden asks you while spontaneously leaning closer to you so you could hear him better over the music, which only made you take that space back by leaning closer to Rafe.
Aiden looks at the two of you and doesn’t appear to get the hint.
“Are you two dating?” He asks, a smile appearing on his face as if he found his own words humorous. 
“Yes.” You break your silence.
“That is so interesting.” He says to you, “I would never see someone like you with someone like him…” His eyes lift to Rafe, “No offense to you, bro. You just, you know, are very different from her type.”
His eyes do not leave you after he says that. His words make the air thicker. He fortifies the idea that he knows you and that he has known you for a while. He has a past with you.
“You must remember me. We used to have so much fun together.” You shake your head right away.
“Just leave, Aiden.” You tell him, growing tired of his pushing.
“Why?” He chuckles, “Because your big boyfriend is going to hit me?” 
That confuses you and only leads you to notice how Rafe has, indeed, gone silent and instantly tense. You don’t look at Rafe to not give Aiden any satisfaction, and simply repeat your words.
“I’m serious.” You tell him. “Leave.”
He stays quiet and then takes a step back. Your lungs fill with air as a sign of relief, even when you know it won’t last for too long. Aiden stands before you still, and his eyes move all over your face, examining you. And then his eyes go down, down and down, and suddenly up. Disgust is the first thing that hits you, but you don’t let it show.
“Hopefully she won’t get as tired of you as she got of me,” He looks at Rafe. “You know how they are. Girls like her…” And then back at you. “Always looking for other guys to satisfy them, no matter who they hurt in the process. When the reality is that they will never be satisfied... Not whores like her.”
As he says it, Patricia moves quicker than you. She pulls at your wrist and away from Rafe, who simply moves forward, grabs Aiden, and slams his fist onto his face. 
The music around you muffles, and everything slows down. Aiden loses balance after the impact and struggles to strike Rafe back. Some people get out of their way, and both of them move farther for you and Patricia, but continue to be entirely visible to your widened and panicked eyes.
It seems as quick as a blink when Aiden hits the ground with an awfully loud thud. From the distance, you can tell he already has a bloodied nose, twisted in an off-angle, as well as reddened teeth and knuckles. Making it awfully obvious that he has already hit Rafe too. Patricia pulls at your arm, making you look at her for a second, but even her eyes are glued to the fight. 
More seconds go by, and people are stupidly starting to circle the men. Whenever you’re able to get another glance between everyone, the damage is worse.
Aiden's face twisted in pain, blood dripping off his mouth, punch after punch as he continues to struggle on the floor. Blow after blow, he slowly weakens. It is gruesome, to say the very least, and not something you're used to ever see.
With your feet still glued as ice to the ground and with your body stuck on the spot, you watch as Aiden does try to open his mouth to say something, and his hand lifts to stop Rafe with a plea. His hand doesn't ever lift to hit, just to hold him back. The same exact gesture you had done when playing around with your boyfriend merely hours ago.
Your heart drops to your stomach at the sight, as his pleas go unanswered. Rafe's fist collides with Aiden's face yet again and Aiden's pleas falter.
Patricia forces herself and you to move out of the house, and you cannot hear anything but your quickening heart. Your vision is faulty, making you feel as if you were blinking and holding your eyes closed for more than time then opened.
You look behind your shoulder before taking the last step down the porch only to see Aiden spread out on the floor, unmoving as Rafe begins to stand before him and letting out a breath, with his back towards you.
“Get in the car.” Patricia practically screams at you, snapping you back to reality and making you face the front.
You get in, and she closes the car door. At the lack of sound, the gruesome images suddenly consume your mind, inducing nausea and more of your shaking and uneven breaths. You cover your face with your hands as Patricia climbs into her seat beside yours and does not mutter a word. 
Aiden's face, cut and broken. His silent screams inaudible over the music, and his pleas being cut short for another and another hit.
You knew it wasn’t a lie, that Rafe fought all the time. You had seen him just before a fight. But tonight had made it real. Too real. He fights until the other person can no longer handle it, until the other person cannot say any words that could make him stop. He doesn't stop until he sees enough blood to satisfy him. He doesn't stop until the person goes unresponsive.
No one had dared to push Rafe off of Aiden, not one of his friends. Even when Patty seemed moved, she didn't look at anything like it had been news to her. Rafe always does this. You know he does.
More than a month ago, you had cleaned his hands. Those that dripped with blood, and he hadn't wanted you to see them. You had giggled, found it arousing even. Such a filthy thing it had seemed. Never had it crossed your mind how real it all was. How he hurts someone so badly simply because they dare to cross him. He didn't hold back. He doesn't hold back.
You had never seen him like this, nor do you ever wish to again.
When your hearing clears slightly, you open your eyes and pull your hands away from your face. As you stare at them in the silent and dark car, you watch as they shake violently and listen to your heart not being able to slow down. You do not dare to look up, afraid of who you might see coming out of the house.
As you let out a shaky breath, you feel only one thing ripping through you. Fear.
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Didn't I say shit would hit the fan? I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER. I know this isn't my best work, but I tried my best. Love y'all <3
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akutasoda · 7 months
helloo, i hope you’re doing well!
may i request kunikida, akutagawa, and atsushi who are just… a bunch of lovesick mess? T_T down bad for their co-worker but too shy and / or stubborn to admit it. i imagine they would have pent up feelings for months, until one day these men could barely behave properly being in the same room with said co-worker, even having trouble getting their paperwork / workload done (heavy on kunikida, poor man). thank you in advance 🫶🏻 (and ty for feeding us bsd fans w/ ur writings)
nothing but my love for you
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synopsis - love makes people do crazy things and for some reason they can't function properly around you
includes - atsushi, kunikida, akutagawa
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst, denial, hinted confessions, down bad characters, wc - 921
a/n: hii!! im doing alright, hope you're doing well too? :D
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atsushi nakajima ★↷
it was a correct assumption that atsushi had never fallen in love nor really knew what it meant or how it worked. afterall he never really had time to learn something like that and he definitely just overall never had the best education.
so working in the agency and more specifically working alongside you gave him loads of new feelings that he didn't know whta to do with. and soon he developed his crush on you but he had absolutely no idea what to do ot how to get across to you that he liked you.
and even if he did, he was way to shy to admit himself. when he figured out that he was indeed crushing on you he panicked and started overthinking. further deterring him from confessing as he feared you would reject him. so he settled for bottling up his feelings and awkwardly stumbling on his words around you.
you weren't blind to the signs but you knew that confrontation would make him feel more awkward and worse than he clearly was feeling. but what you hadn't really anticipated was the fact that because you tried to let him figure out his feelings, he carried on for months.
he was so deeply in love with you but for months was too shy to properly address it. and he got worse by the day. if you even were stood in the same room he would constantly get distracted and often lead to him messing up his reports or jumbling his words up and stuttering like crazy.
and even though you wanted him to figure it out on his own, you feared he may only get worse. so eventually you had to take matters into your own hands and tell him your feelings. validating his feelings and giving him the confidence to also confess.
doppo kunikida ★↷
kunikida's love life was in simple terms complicated. of course he had his oh so famous 'ideals' which quite frankly was absurb and sometimes he would realise that himself. but he also never had much dating experience because of that fact.
so when he noticed how distracted he became when you were on the area he became very confused. he didn't understand at first why he always found himself staring at you or how his heart would always beat that little bit much faster whenever you were nearer.
he began denying any signs that he formed a crush on you and instead always chalked it upon stupid reasons that he was eventually sure he had run out of excuses. and so even when he knew he had to come to terms with the fact that he did indeed have a crush on you, he denied it.
he denied and ignored everything. he denied how his face would heat up and he had to look away so you wouldn't see the blush forming, how if you were in the room he would constantly stare at you.
and the worst one for him was the fact that he simply couldn't focus anymore. he seemed to not be able to properly finsih his paperwork as his mind constantly drifted to you. so much so that even dazai started teasing him about how he was on his downfall.
for months he pushed it to the back of his mind. but eventually he started longing for you even more and the amount of mistakes he was making was starting to annoy him. so he got over his denial and told you point blank that he liked you. admittedly rather stuttery and with a face full of blush but he had finally got it out there.
ryunosuke akutagawa ★↷
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it would be yet another correct assumption that akutagawa has never fallen in love or really been bothered to even know much about that. he saw it as unnecessary and especially growing up in the port mafia it wasn't really the biggest priority for him. if anything it was irrelevant.
and in honesty he barely knew what those types of feelings were or the signs of them. so when he finally started letting his wall down around you he started noticing these new feelings creep up on him.
he noticed how you made his heart beat slightly more and how he felt his face heat up. and yet he still kept that nareow faced mask so for a while you barely had a clue and it didn't really help that you always expected him to never gather feelings for you. but eventually you would notice because he didn't understand these feelings and therefore not be able to hide them well.
he hates how you made him so distracted. you didn't even have to be there and his mind would drag to you, why were you consuming his thoughts? he was so confused on why he was acting so uncharacteristically.
and this would continue for months until gin realised how much her brother was struggling all because of his feelings. she told him straight and he finally realised but immediately began being in denial as he never thought he would have such feelings for someone. gin quickly got rid of those ideas.
and then you started realising how weird he was acting around you. even weirder than before, like he had something to tell you but didn't want to. it became very awkward for you and you eventually just confronted him and that's when you managed to fully realise why. and while it may take him time to properly come to terms, you could wait.
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zivazivc · 1 month
Did Les ever dated in the past? Also is he with anyone recently?
Les quit school really early, like 10-years-old early, and he started working soon after, so he didn't really have friends his age. That kinda puts a buffer on a teenager's social and love life. Though there was something that happened at a house party once, that was, uh... a bad experience, and it left him with a lot of issues. Also, partially because of this, he's not really someone who acts on his crushes. So he never dated before.
But at one point the band spent a few months in the same location (dunno the reason yet, but maybe they weren't getting enough gigs and they had to take up some part time jobs for a while), and Les developed a crush on a bartender at a nearby club.
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She's the only OC of mine who's visually a bigger weirdo than Les, and he definitely saw a little bit of himself in her, and hoping for someone with some shared life experience, it's what initially attracted him toward her and vice versa.
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So they had a thing going on for a short time. It never developed into anything serious because sadly they are very alike, which means they are BOTH morons who are shy about making the first move. And after a while they came to the agreement that they were better as just friends.
Floyd with his persistent crush was not happy about the possible romance at first, but he ended up being happy for Les, and he finally decided to give his hopeless longing a rest, since the only good it was doing was growing a rift between his and Les's friendship.
Funny enough it was Floyd backing down which allowed the two to grow closer. Les lowered his guard since he no longer had to overthink if Floyd would interpret anything he did or said as some kind of flirting or act of love, and he no longer had to brace himself for any uncomfortable romancing coming from Floyd either.
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They were already good friends since the start but they became much more casual with each other and began to understand each other on a deeper level as years passed. As Floyd got older and more mature, and became an equal with the rest of the bandmates, it was actually Les who fell for him, hard. He didn't really do anything about it though, but Floyd eventually realized this and you know he did something about it. Though Floyd's crush had gone from looking at Les as this cool experienced older guy when he was younger to now seeing him as a shy innocent teddy bear compared to his lewd self ksjhdkjs.
So technically they became each other's first proper all-encompassing relationship. And by that I mean that besides the lovey-dovey obvious stuff, they were also best friends and helped each other grow a lot. Also Floyd by the time they got together, already started a habit of hooking up with strangers at parties, so being with Les forced him to slow down and progress through a relationship slowly and at a healthy pace for someone his age (since you can't really get anywhere with Les without a lot of patience). And Floyd got Les to become comfortable with opening up and talking about his deep-rooted feelings. They talked about issues they faced, many of which were related to Les's childhood trauma, instead of him just ignoring or suppressing it all. (Floyd also opened up about his own family trauma with Les obviously, but he talked about it even before they got together.)
The relationship, especially at the start, could still be considered questionable from an outsider's perspective, but so was the band's lifestyle in general. They were good for each other during that period while they were growing up and figuring themselves and each other out, which is what matters I think.
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It was honestly mainly Floyd's undiagnosed bipolar disorder that made the relationship suffer toward the end of Floyd's days in the band. It created a lot of trust issues between Floyd and Les, and also Floyd and everyone else, heck it even made Floyd distrust himself, since he and none else knew or understood what was happening with him. This led to a lot of misery and anger that he mostly ended up directing at Les, and it was what eventually made them break up and Floyd leave.
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Some Days Are Just Harder Than Others (Mapi Leon x Reader)
This contains some details of mental health issues and insecurities so if that might trigger you or cause you harm please don't read this fic. That being said I really did enjoy writing this and Mapi!
You woke up alone this morning which was unusual these days. Although you and Mapi hadn’t officially moved in together you spent most nights at her place, you had also almost taken over half her wardrobe by this point and the new sofas decorating the living space was a joint choice of the both of you together. But last night after training you had been feeling a little down and decided that you wanted to be alone so made up an excuse to Mapi about an early appointment and not wanting to wake her up that early.
You didn’t like the fact that you felt like you lied to the older woman but you knew that of you told her you weren’t feeling your best mentally she wouldn’t feel right leaving you on your own. She knows you incredibly well at this point and that meant that she knows that when you get into your head you aren’t very nice to yourself. And she isn’t wrong because that’s what is happening now.
Your first thought when you woke up was Mapi, it always is but this time the nice thought of your lover was tainted by the insecurities that your mind brought up. Your aren’t worthy of her, she’s too good for you and there’s someone better for her out there were swirling round your head before you could even make it out of bed.
You tried to ignore it as you hopped into the shower but it wasn’t going so well and when you got out you checked your phone to see a message from the one person you wanted to talk to but was the central point of your current insecurities. Good morning, I’ve gone to get coffee with Ingrid and Frida this morning so I will see you at training. This was a very normal text from Mapi but you couldn’t help but overthink it. Your normal nickname was missing and she hadn’t said anything about your not actually real meeting.
You really hated the way your mind worked on days like this, it was your worst enemy because it made you think such stupid and wrong things that weren’t fair on others. Mapi is wonderful she is kind and sweet and cares so much. So your current thought process about maybe she doesn’t love you wasn’t fair or right, it was winding you up and making your head worst because you were starting to hate yourself even more.
After sitting in your towel for way too long, you got up to get your training gear on. You pulled on your sports bra and made sure to keep your back to the mirror, that wasn’t something else you needed on your mind today. Next were your knickers and shorts before your top and that’s when you turned to face the full length mirror on your wall. It turned out it didn’t matter that you didn’t look before you pulled the top over your torso because as soon as you looked at yourself you felt uncomfortable. You hated the way you looked, your stomach wasn’t as flat as it could have been, your arms were small and weak and your legs were skinny. It didn’t matter that you were a professional athlete or that you were at peak physical fitness no, to you, your body was ugly and not right.
Deciding that you needed a little bit of extra padding today you pulled out an older larger ¼ zip and pulled that over your head, as well as putting joggers on instead of the shorts you first wore, so you could not think about your horrible legs. Deciding that today wasn’t the day for breakfast you grabbed a banana on your way out the door.
You arrived at training early, so early that you were the only one in the changing room. This was exactly what you wanted, this meant you could get your cleats on and be out of the changing room without the girls questioning your choice of clothing on this warm spring day. Avoiding the bathroom mirrors after going for your pretraining wee, you passed back through the training rooms and were shocked to see Alexia there getting ready.
Your captain was one of your closest friends and you knew that other than Mapi, she was the only person that would see through your current shield something you really weren’t ready to face yet. You said a quick hi and then made your way outside confusing the woman you left behind. Deciding that she knew you well enough and that if you didn’t stay and chat with her like you normally would that you needed some space, she mentally stored it to mention to your girlfriend when she arrived.
You had been kicking a ball around for the 30 minutes before training started, you could feel the slight sweat already starting to drip down your back. You had thought about taking your jumper off multiple times but the demons in your head just pop back up and stop you from carrying the task out. You drank a load of water as the rest of the team joined you for the warm up, as you were drinking you felt the pressure of a hand on your back which caused you to jump a little and move away.
You turned to see Mapi’s slightly hurt expression which made you feel even worse about yourself, you didn’t want to hurt her. Trying to make it up you stepped into her space and pressed a kiss you her cheek in greeting. “Hola hermosa, how was coffee?” You interlocked your fingers with hers and looked up at her waiting to hear about her morning.
“It was good bebe, but why have you got layers on. It’s really warm out you are going to give yourself heat stroke.” As she spoke she used her free hand to tug at the bottom of your jumper. You didn’t know what to say and open and closed your mouth a few times, luckily for you the trainers called you all for warm ups so you ran off after a squeeze to the dyed blondes hand.
Training was exhausting, you could feel the heat coursing through your body and you wanted nothing more than to take all your clothes off and jump in a cold shower. The only problem with that was taking your clothes off right now still wasn’t something you really wanted to do. You stayed out on the pitch as the rest of the girls headed for the changing rooms, you really didn’t know how you were going to explain not showering and changing out of your many layers.
You decided that free kick practice would give you enough time to allow for them all to get done in the shower and head out. What you didn’t think about in your mental planning of avoiding the team was your very loving girlfriend who noticed your missing presence immediately. She made eye contact with Alexia as the captain entered the room last giving her a questioning look about your missing whereabouts, and got a shake of her head in the direction of the field indicating your location.
Mapi was quick to make her way back to find you, she was starting to understand what was going on here. The layers, the stand offish behaviour, the avoidance of the changing room pre and post training, it all lead to the same thing. You were not feeling good about yourself and she’s kicking herself a little that she hasn’t been there to help even though she knows you would hate it if you stopped her everyday life.
Taking a moment to watch you score free kick after free kick and think about how she was going to approach you about this today. You had different ways of thinking in times like these and it was sometimes hard for her to know what to do. She took note of your incessant tugging at your sleeves and your neckline of your ¼ zip, you were uncomfortable and she needed to get you away from here.
With a plan in mind she headed back into the changing room quickly to grab both of your stuff and let Alexia know that she was going to get you out of there without coming in. Grabbing your bag, her own and the car keys she said goodbye to everyone and went to sweep you away.
She approached slowly and cautiously, she didn’t want to scare you being as you were now just sat on a ball at the halfway line. She placed a hand on your shoulder which broke you out of your current thought process and caused you to look up at her. She smiled down at you which you quickly returned before she held out her hand for you to take. Without hesitation you took it but when she pulled you up and started a route to the side exit of the training facilities you gave her a questioning look.
“Trust me cariño, let’s go home.” You just nodded and followed, you would always follow her.
By the time you got home you were incredibly uncomfortable, the heat in the car from the sun outside and your raised body temperature causing you to overheat even more. Mapi had been blasting the air conditioning but it wasn’t really helping you currently, but you did take notice and squeeze her leg in a silent thank you.
After pulling up Mapi was out quick enough to open your door for you after grabbing your bags from the back of the car. She took your hand once again providing you with that small comfort you really needed right now even though you hadn’t told her, she just knew. She dragged you through the door and straight to your room, putting your stuff down before pulling you through to the bathroom.
“I think I know what has happened today and so I know right now you aren’t feeling great about yourself. What I want to make sure you know is that you are amazing, im so proud of you for getting through the day in the way you needed for yourself. But I don’t want you to think poorly of yourself if we can stop that, you are so incredibly pretty, everything about you is right and good because it’s you. I love every part of you.” She had her hand under your chin to make sure you were looking at her and listening. You could see the sincerity in her gaze and it made the voices in your head quieten a little bit, enough to try and take in what she was telling you.
“You need to get out of these layers, you are overheating and I am a little worried about your physical health too right now. It’s up to you if you want me to stay or go but I would like you to have a cool shower.” You took a moment to think about what you wanted right now, although the voices had quietened they were still there and you could hear them telling you that if you let Mapi stay she would be disgusted.
The both of you stood there for a little bit as you decided what you wanted, Mapi kept your hands in her and rubbed soothing circles on the tops of them with her thumb, giving you the thinking time. As she watched you process, she decided to try slowly encouraging you, she did this by letting go of one of your hands and sliding your 1/4  zip down and see your reaction.
When you didn’t pull away she slid her hand down to your hip and settled it just under the jumper, she waited there for a moment while your eyes closed and you fought the bad thoughts that made themselves louder. When you opened your eyes again and made eye contact with her she could see the determination in your eyes so she slowly grasped the bottom of the pull over and brought it up. She took her time and studied your face to make sure that she could stop at the first sign of panic or discomfort, but that never came.
She placed a small delicate kiss on the end of your nose just before your head disappeared into the fabric. Once the jumper was off she was quick to discard it and grab your hands again to keep you grounded, something that made your heart swell and you provide another squeeze of her fingers.
Next she tugged the drawstrings of your joggers to loosen the waist and once again slid her hands between the fabric of your clothes and this time your skin. She paused when she heard your sharp intake of breath in the quiet of the room, taking a moment to just rub her thumb over your hip where it was resting. “Take your time pretty lady, I’m right here. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
You took a few steadying breaths as you held onto her arms and waited for the way of negative emotions to pass slightly, when they did you nodded at the woman holding you to continue. You closed your eyes again as Mapi pulled down the item of clothing and knelt in front of you to help your socked covered feet out before taking those off too. When she righted herself to your height she cupped your cheek and brushed her thumb under your eyes until you opened them once more.
“You ready cariño?” You knew this was the hardest step for you and she did too. Your top coming off exposed your torso, a torso that right now you hated with everything in you.
“Please don’t let me go or leave.” Your voice was quiet, barely above a whisper but in the quiet of the house you shared Mapi heard every heart breaking syllable. She made sure to not let her sadness over what you just said show just in case it could be read the wrong way by your mind and instead pulled you into her body. You head tucked itself straight into your favourite spot her neck and your arms hung round her waist as she held you together.
“I am never leaving, I promise you those thoughts right now are just that. I’m right here.” She held you close and continued to whisper those sweet words into your ear until you squeezed her hips and pulled back slightly.
“I’m ready.” The determination in your voice pleased not only Mapi but yourself, it made you feel stronger and more capable of getting through this. You knew that without Mapi you wouldn’t have gotten to this point so quickly but you were pretty sure you would have eventually. Life however is so much better when she’s in it and is there to make these bad days easier to handle.
Mapi made quick work of your top and held your hands when she noticed them going to cross over your front. She placed kiss after kiss along your arms, over your shoulder, down your collarbone and over the other side ending on the opposite hand. There was nothing intimate to these kisses, they were just there to show you how loved your body was by her. Without saying a word, she pressed a kiss to your head and then your chest right over your heart, her way of telling you she loved your mind, body and soul. When she looked back at your eyes she was happy to find some of the troubles and fears she saw swirling in them earlier had gone. Staring back at her was her girl, not that you ever weren’t but now the look you gave her was more content.
“Will you shower with me?” Mapi was a little taken back by this, you normally needed a bit of thinking space after an episode like this but she wasn’t going to turn down a shared shower with you any day.
“Of course, you know I can’t resist a joint shower session.” The wink she sent you as she stripped off her training gear wasn’t suggestive, now wasn’t the time for that and you both knew it. It was a wink that brought the desired reaction from you, a small cute giggle that expressed that you were in fact feeling better and Mapi couldn’t be happier about that.
“Thank you. You always know how to make me feel better.” As you said this you pulled the love of your life closer to you and Mapi melted into your touch. The first bit of contact you’d initiated since being home, and so she soaked up the softness of your skin against hers. You pulled back just enough to press a kiss to her lips that you hoped conveyed how grateful you were.
The two of you stood in your bathroom both in your sports bras and knickers, lips locked in a passionate exchange that could only be described as two people showing one another just how much they loved each other no matter what they faced in the day.
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