#wash your bird feeders
oneeighth · 2 years
Reminder to clean your bird feeders this weekend with a 1:10 bleach solution or very hot soapy water
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octopiys · 19 days
Lost and Found
Maybe Simon doesn't have any kids. Not yet at least. Maybe he doesn't know anyone we'll enough, or maybe he's not sure if he wants them in the first place.
But I'll tell you what.
Every time he goes on leave, without fail, he has an army of critters showing up to his house in the country. He never turns anything out to the streets, or to the cold night. The bottom of his pantry is stock full of dog and cat food. He's got three bird feeders in his back yard. There's four refillable water bowls by his garage.
The raccoons show up first without fail. They're named One and Deux, and they just recently had a baby named Tres. Hes pretty sure they live on his roof. He checked his cameras one night, after a long mission, and found them holding up Tres to the camera.
He didn't cry about that, what are you talking about?
Then the dogs show up. They're all mutts of varying sizes. One looks like some sort of lab, named Dog. Another is about the size of a pomeranian, but looks like a shaggy chihuahua. That's Barrow. He found her in his garden shed. She's got a mean bite, but a sweet face. The third is a big dog, almost the size of a Dane, but... not. He's not very smart. He's named barkmulch. Get it, cus- cus he barks- the fourth has gone unnamed. It's a furry little white thing, and it yaps at him a lot, nipping at his ankles anytime he enters the room. Behave, and it'll get a name.
There are a few cats that show up too. None of them have names except for one: Scraggle.
Scraggle is the ugliest fucking thing you can imagine. Scraggle is that shade of grey that white cats get when they're dirty, except you can't wash it off. The poor cat is missing patches of fur, and it seems permanent. It only has one eye. It's nose is flat, and gives it's face the illusion of a squished tomato. There's a scar going from it's whiskers, across it's nose and up to it's missing eye. Simon doesn't actually know what gender this cat is. It is only Scraggle.
Scraggle is also... very stupid, as far as cats go. It gets squished between the couch cushions, and yowls when Simon accidentally sits on him. How could he have seen him anyways? Scraggle screams when his food bowl is empty. Scraggle screams when everyone else's food bowls are empty. Scraggle screams when it manages to find it's way on top of the kitchen cabinets, and needs Simon's help to get down. Scraggle is a full time job when he's off duty.
Scraggle is his favorite.
He finds you in the rain.
Not nearly as run down as the rest of his animals, but just as lost.
Covered in scratches, blood, and muck, he finds you on the edge of his property, being screamed at by Scraggle, because it doesn't do much else.
Your clothes are torn, and you look a bit more haggard than you should. Wet, and cold, and hungry. Like you had missed a turn off the trails, or you were running away from them. From something.
You look up at him with wide eyes, but decide to trust him, to follow him like a lost creature, because he could not be worse than what you escaped from.
He makes soup. He gives you soup.
He's not the best conversationalist. He's not used to things he finds actually talking back to him in a language he can understand.
You tell him your name. He calls you Honey. You'll earn your name. Behave, you'll get it.
Scraggle is on thin ice with you. Attention stealer. Food giver. You get the cat down from places it shouldn't be. But Simon pays more attention to you than he does Scraggle. You fool. Scraggle is all. Scraggle is life.
You don't leave, much like the other things he feeds. You make yourself useful, because you're afraid of being turned out. If you're useful, then nothing will happen. And you go to bed every night warm with a full belly.
You're just another lost thing he's taken in. You don't leave when he disappears. You know he'll come back. He always does.
And he watches the cameras, while he's on a mission. He watches you diligently fill the bowls, the bird feeders, the waters, the bath. You trot out to the fish pond, and throw handfuls of feed out in the early hours of the night. Then you make your way back through the tall grass, and into the house.
Scraggle screams. You feed it too, and then pick it up. And carry it around like it's a little baby.
Hm. Maybe....
You were a sweet like honey, a pretty little thing. You weren't lost anymore. He'd found you, you're his now.
He'll take care of you.
Scraggle agrees. Scraggle likes you too.
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birinboom · 3 months
Lazy Summer Morning
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Umemiya Hajime x Reader
Self-indulgent, domestic fluff, established relationship, pet names (sweet cheeks), aged up characters 🌸 870 words
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It’s early morning. The sun is only just peeking over the neighbor’s roof, casting its watery light into your kitchen. A mist hangs low over the garden, swirling lazily between the raised vegetable beds. The windows are open wide in the hopes of catching a cool breeze before the summer heat becomes unbearable. Birds are singing in the trees, their song mixing with Hajime’s off-key humming as he stands in front of the stove, hotcakes sizzling on the griddle.
You’ve got coffee brewing, and now you’re busying yourself with anything you can think of, cleaning up the few dishes forgotten the night before, straightening the blanket on the couch which your cat pulled down and turned into a rumpled nest, anything you can think of to pass the time. Your gaze passes the two small bowls of fresh fruit on the counter and your stomach growls impatiently.
Almost as if on cue, Hajime appears behind you.
“Here!” he grins, holding out a fork, a piece of one finished hotcake skewered on it. “Lemme know how they are.”
Judging from the crumbs around his lips, he knows exactly how they are. Still, if you can get to taste one early, you won’t complain.
You open your mouth, waiting. Hajime’s smile softens, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He brings the fork closer.
“Careful, it’s hot.”
You briefly blow on the hotcake before closing your lips around the fork. Pulling away, you start chewing, letting out a hum of pleasure as the taste washes over your tongue.
“It’s so fluffy! But not sweet enough.”
Hajime beams at you. “That’s what the syrup is for. Can’t have it be too sweet.” Leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth, he adds, “Not like you, sweet cheeks.”
His lips leave a sweet, sticky residue behind as he returns to the kitchen. What else has he been sampling, you wonder, licking at your lips.
“How much longer?” you ask, following him.
“Couple of minutes, why?”
You slip your feet into a pair of sandals. “I’m gonna refill the bird feeders real quick.”
Opening the hallway closet, you pick up the bag of seeds and dried fruit. It’s not really, truly necessary to feed the birds at this time of year. But a few still show up to the feeders, so you continue to feed them. And you like to think that feeding them in the summer makes them return in the winter, adding a few much needed pops of color to the garden.
Bag nestled in the crook of your arm, you slip out the kitchen door, past the grill you bought Hajime as an anniversary gift. He’s been using it every weekend since then, often inviting friends and family over for dinner. It’s been one of the busier summers you’ve had, but it’s been a blast so far.
You turn to look at him through the open kitchen window. His back is towards you, one hand on his hip as he flips a hotcake. He’s switched to whistling, you realize. A smile crosses your face. How did you ever get so lucky?
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You’re standing at the sink, rinsing the last few soap suds off the metal. Hajime, done drying the dishes, comes up behind you, strong arms encircling your waist. He’s slung the wet dish towel over his shoulder. You can feel the water seeping into your shirt as he presses against your back. 
“That’s wet!” you laugh.
He pulls the towel off his shoulder, flinging it onto the counter, before leaning against your back once more, chin coming down to rest on your shoulder.
“Better?” he asks.
“Still wet,” you reply, rinsing your hands. “But better, yeah.”
Hajime presses his nose into your neck, inhaling deeply. “I’ve missed these lazy mornings.”
“Me too,” you say, looking out at the serene garden. There’s always so much to do between jobs, commute, and chores. But not today. You deep cleaned and did laundry yesterday. The fridge is reasonably full. No pressing errands to run. Even the garden has been mostly dealt with, the weeds pulled recently. Watering has to wait until after sunset. You need to harvest some veggies for dinner, but that’s still hours away.
“What do you want to do today?” you ask. 
Hajime chuckles lightly. “Nap in the hammock, maybe? I’m fine with anything as long as I’m with you.” Then he hugs you closer to him. “I love you, y’know,” he mumbles into your ear.
You can’t help but smile as you turn. Hearing him say those three words still makes your heart skip a beat.
“Oh wow!” you laugh, turning to face him, your arms coming up to rest around his neck. “I had no idea you felt that way!”
Pale eyebrows briefly rise in mock surprise before Hajime’s face splits into that bright, boyish smile that made you fall for him all those years ago. He knows how weak it makes you a little too well. 
“No? I never told you? Not even on our wedding day? Shame on me!” Leaning in to rest his forehead against yours, his smile softening, he adds, “Guess I’d better make sure you’ll never forget.”
Then he kisses you.
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Thank you so much for reading! Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks (on and off anon) are always greatly appreciated! If you like, you can check out my other works here. Love, Em 💖
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Hi! I hope you're having a good day. I wanted to ask if you could please write a fluffy/angsty scenario where Alejandro Vargas comforts his wife whose having anxiety about being a first-time mom? Thank you!!
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Pairing: Alejandro Vargas x Pregnant!Wife!Reader Category: Fluff/Angst Warnings: Mentions of Morning Sickness, Pregnancy
Word Count: 987
A/N: Hello! Thank you for your lovely request! I’m a sucker for domestic scenarios. 🥰 I apologize, my Spanish is pretty rusty but I tried to be as accurate as possible. I hope you enjoy!
Warm sunlight poured over your face and cascaded down the soft fabric of your maternity dress. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath. You swayed back and forth in your rocking chair while rubbing your swollen belly. The deck creaked below you with each sway of the chair. Your eyes snapped open when you felt a small kick below your palm.
“Hello, little one,” you whispered with a smile. Another kick reverberated against your hand as if they were answering. You grinned as you continued to rub your abdomen, taking in the sound of the summer breeze rustling the nearby trees. Heavy footsteps thudded behind you. You turned your head to see Alejandro smiling warmly. He carried two glasses of horchata in his large hands. You returned his gentle expression as you took the beverage in your hands. He kissed your lips softly before sliding into the chair next to yours.
“¿Cómo te sientes hoy, cariño?” he asked sweetly. You sighed, taking a small sip of your drink. Notes of cinnamon and vanilla coated your tongue, blending pleasantly before you swallowed.
“Estoy muy cansada,” you replied with a weak laugh. “It felt like I didn’t get any sleep at all last night,” you continued, eyes watching the hummingbirds flick back and forth around the nectar-filled feeder that hung nearby. Alejandro nodded, recalling how he helped you wash your hair after you threw up several times throughout the night. He set his drink down on the side table and took your hand in his, stroking your knuckles with his thumb.
“Lo siento, mi amor,” he apologized. You smiled at him as he massaged the back of your hand.
“Thank you, Ale,” you sighed. He nodded. Your heart melted when he brought your hand up to his lips.
“I’m sorry it’s been so hard, mi corazón,” he whispered. You smiled, bringing his hand down to your tummy. He gasped when your baby kicked again, this time much harder. You winced at the harsh, internal impact. “Ay, te comportas,” Alejandro clicked his tongue playfully. You quietly laughed, shoulders bouncing before you took another slow sip of horchata. You smacked your lips, drawing out a heavy sigh as a hummingbird drew closer to you. You held your breath as its wings buzzed quietly, its small, emerald head tilting as it observed you. The bird’s ruby throat puffed out before it quickly zipped away into a nearby tree.
“Magnífico,” Alejandro murmured, his lips cracked into a wonder-struck grin. You nodded, watching as more of the tiny birds dipped and swerved around. He squeezed your hand, drawing your eyes to him. “(Y/N)…I want you to know that I’m so amazed by you,” he breathed. You tilted your head. He clasped his other hand above yours, his thumb still stroking your soft palm. “You’ve been so strong through all of this, mi vida. I know this is our very first child, and-” his words halted when he saw tears well in your eyes.
“¿Cariño?¿Qué te pasa?” he asked, his brows knitting together as he wiped a tear that rolled down your cheek. You released a shaky sigh as you sobbed, the waterfalls ceaselessly pouring from your eyes. Alejandro frowned, patiently waiting for your response.
“What if…What if I’m not ready, Ale?” you cried. Your husband reached over, taking your cup from you and placing it next to his.
“Not ready for what, (Y/N)? To be a mother?” he asked. You nodded and sniffed. He hummed, his hands coming up again to wipe the wet stains on your face. “Ven aquí, bebé,” he murmured softly while patting his thigh. You wiped your eyes before he helped you onto his lap. You sat on his sturdy thighs, his hand bracing the outside of your leg. Your face crashed into his shoulder. He stroked your back and whispered sweet words as you soaked his shirt with your tears.
“I’m so scared,” you confessed with a shaky breath. Alejandro pulled back to look at you, his eyes studying your worn features. “Th-There’s just so many unknowns. What if the baby doesn’t latch right away? What if something happens in the middle of the night? When I’m not around?” you rambled. You swallowed a lump in your throat, your husband’s eyes steady on you. “What if I…I just can’t do it,” you shook. Alejandro was silent, his hand pressing on the small of your back. Your bottom lip trembled, pain and exhaustion ricocheting through every bone in your body.
“Hey, look at me,” he commanded gently. You slowly tilted your head up, his hand on your thigh coming up to cup your chin. You blushed as he captured your lips in a deep kiss. You melted into the tender embrace, your hands coming up to stroke up his chest. Alejandro’s thumb caressed your chin before he pulled away. “Cariño, this will be a first for both of us. Will we make mistakes? Sí, all parents do,” he said firmly. You sighed, your body sinking into his hold. “I believe in you, (Y/N)-I believe in us. And we’re going to raise this baby the best we can,” Alejandro said with a sturdy resolution. Your frown slowly shifted into a small grin. You nodded.
“Te amo, mi corazón,” Alejandro whispered gently, his words falling over you like the calming breeze. You laughed quietly, his hand coming up to swipe at the small waterfalls cascading down your weary face.
“Te amo, Ale,” you said, nuzzling your cheek against his. You felt him smile at his nickname, his arms coming to squeeze you tightly as he planted small kisses over your face. Both of you remained seated on your porch, holding each other tenderly. You soon nodded off in his arms, head rolling into his chest. Alejandro smiled, brushing hair out of your face before he too slipped into an afternoon nap.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
¿Cómo te sientes hoy, cariño? - How are you doing today, honey?
Estoy muy cansada - I’m very tired.
Lo siento, mi amor - I’m sorry, my love.
Mi corazón - My heart
Ay, te comportas - Hey, behave yourself.
Mi vida - My life.
Magnífico - Magnificent
¿Cariño?¿Qué te pasa? - Honey? What’s wrong?
Ven aquí, bebé - Come here, baby.
Sí - Yes
Te amo - I love you.
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mythicamagic · 2 years
Death Comes Knocking
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AN: Not finishing projects seems to be the norm right now- so just take this lil 1,000 words of Lobo/Muerte x reader bc he gave me brain worms okay? Puss in Boots The Last Wish was so good you guys omg.
Pairing: Muerte x Female Reader
Rating: T
Summary: She's given a stern warning. 'No more of your kind are allowed' so she extends an offer to Death in return.
She’s seen him before, on the faces of those she’d loved. Their eyes would glaze over and become empty, void of all animation, becoming quiet and still as they took their last breaths. There- in the right hand corner of that glassy void in their pupils- the shadow of Death could be briefly seen, passing over and stealing all light.
The silk spinner has witnessed this countless times- from the luxury of these people’s bedsides as they peacefully passed, to freak accidents involving one too many drunken unicorns and a travelling puppet show. The world she inhabited was colourful, vibrant and endless- so it stood to reason that in this world, Death himself could be a real, breathing creature.
She just never expected to gain a personal audience with him.
“You’re becoming lonesome, inmortal.”
The woman jumped, startled so badly she lost grip on the white sheet she’d been taking down. A large hand snapped out to catch it mid-air, slowly lowering it back down to her in offering. It took a moment for her frozen hands to accept it, gazing up at the creature looming over her washing line. His shadow swallowed her whole. He gazed at her with a kind of unblinking- red eyed fixation- the kind that betrayed his identity before the suffocatingly still atmosphere did, as if time itself had frozen.
A wolf had entered her garden.
“Hate to be a bother…but when you get lonely it becomes a problem for me,” he continued in his perfectly polite tone. There was a faint, gravelly edge to his voice, but it hummed pleasantly in her ears rather than frightened her.
Recovering from her shock, the silk spinner folded her sheet and placed it atop a waiting pile.
“How so?” she found her voice.
“Well, you repeat the cycle, of course- the one that led you here,” he wandered around her humble garden, taking care to weave around bird feeders and windchimes without so much as a strand of fur brushing them. He moved on two legs like any human, not an odd sight. The graceful fluidity of his movements was alarming though. Deliberate and predatory. He was looping around her in a lazy circle that was slowly tightening. “It’s only natural…everyone’s predictable in a few certain ways: one of them is the universal truth that when you get lonely, you seek company,” he mused, finally stopping before her. “And the company of mortals just isn’t cutting it anymore, is it? Hm, my friend?”
He stood a good several feet taller than her. Not even attempting to crane her neck up, the woman tidied her basket and lifted it as if readying to walk back into her tiny cottage. “I’m fine. I don’t need anyone. They all die eventually, I’m not sure why you’re worried.”
With that said she took a step, only to find her wicker basket snagging on something- a sickle. The wolf practically used it as a fish-hook, turning her back to face him, and this time she had no choice but to gaze down the grey expanse of his muzzle straight into those vibrant red eyes.
“You’re not listeniiing~” he sing-songed in a gentle, cajoling tone full of too much teeth. He tilted his head with a patronising smile. “What cycle led you here?”
As if she could forget. “My creator was…lonely,” she murmured. “So, he made me, and eventually more of my kind.”
“Right you are! And I’m not such a big fan of that. Of your…kind,” a single deadly claw skimmed her cheek in a whisper of steel on flesh. The suggestion of it sent her heart racing. “You’re all so heavy. I can feel you.” All at once the playfulness vanished from his expression, leaving only a quiet sense of malice and frustration in his tight whisper. “The world won’t withstand the weight of too many of you.”
“So you’re here to stop me before I can even think about creating more immortals, is that it?”
“Bingo! My work here is done,” the wolf leaned back with satisfaction, and it felt like the garden could breathe again. Air entered her lungs, and the silk spinner shuddered quietly when his shadow drew away, allowing sunlight to kiss her skin anew.
With his silent warning given, the wolf swung his previously concealed sickle up onto his shoulder and happily strolled toward her humble gate, whistling an eerie tune.
“I’m not afraid of you,” she murmured, so quietly it was a surprise he heard her at all. But he halted immediately in his tracks. She could see his hackles rise a little just beneath the folds of his hood. “I’m not afraid, so there’s no reason for me to listen to you- Muerte.”
Death turned and met her even gaze. His silver fur fanned gently in the breeze, his tail flicking with agitation.
“Oho I really don’t think you want to go there,” light glinted off his sharp rows of teeth, the points glinting like treacherous mountain peaks. “True I can’t harvest your soul, but you’ve seen the life flashing before people’s eyes as I’ve taken them.”
He was suddenly there before her again, tilting her chin up with the flat of his blade. Her body automatically tensed, watching as the black specs of his pupils shined white, two moons hanging in a blood-soaked sky. “You were there, just as much as I was. You know- cordera- how painful it can be. How painful I can make it,” hot, panting breath fanned over her upturned face. Those rows of teeth were now inches from her ear as he leaned in close. “You won’t die, no- but are you really prepared to suffer me, over and over again, for breaking the rules?”
She swallowed. It was impossible not to picture the numerous grizzly ways she’d seen or heard people die.
Satisfaction leaked into his animalistic features. “Heh, thought so. Be seeing you.”
But I…I’m still alone.
Before he turned away, Death seemed to notice her expression. “If you’re really that hungry for company, then find the other heavy ones weighing this world down.”
“I don’t uh- get on well with the others,” she admitted weakly, knuckles relaxing from her death grip on the wicker basket. “We’d be living together if we enjoyed each other’s company.”
“Touché.“ He shrugged his large shoulders, resting a sickle on one with a bored look. “Well it’s not my problem, figure it out on your own time.”
Alarm flashed through her chest inexplicably as he finally turned away.
“Carajo!” he hissed, glaring at her like she’d overstayed her welcome despite him being the one to approach her home. “What is it now?”
“Since you’re the one who has a problem with me creating fellow immortals- but I’m still hungry for company- the solution is right under our noses, no?” She smiled and dropped her basket to spread her arms wide, gesturing to the humble space situated on the mountainside. “You will become my companion.”
It amused her to see his dark features become blank with genuine surprise. His triangular ears perched upon his head flicked and flattened to his skull as if he’d tasted something sour.
“Cómo fue?”
“You are Death incarnate,” she said, confidence filling her tone the more she spoke. Yes- why hadn’t she thought of it before? This was perfect. “You won’t die- and I can’t be killed and won’t age. It makes sense to keep each other company.”
“You want…my company? Mine?” He shot her a look like she was crazy.
“Is that a problem?”
He tilted his head, falling silent for a long, silent moment. His eyes narrowed, sweeping over her frame as he stalked closer. “…You must be starving very badly, if your need has driven you to beg for me to be in your midst. Only the souls of the suicidal and desperate call for me.”
“I’m not quite that far gone in my apathy for life. I’m 500 years young,” she smiled, offering her human hand out to his monstrously large, silver furred one to stop him from baring too harshly down on her, stopping him in his tracks. “But yes, I am…famished,” the admission slipped out oddly breathlessly, though she was uncertain why.
His mouth slowly upturned, sizing her up in an entirely different way from before. Intrigue, perhaps? He looked just as hungry as she felt.
“Well, well. What big eyes you have,” he purred, gazing at her intently with a wicked gleam in his own red hues.
She returned his smile with one full of teeth as her hand became engulfed in fur and warmth.
From that day on, Pygmalion’s immortal bride kept Death’s company whenever he had a moment to spare.
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strangerthingsstuff4 · 4 months
A Story of Another Us- Chapter Seven
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Warnings- Swearing, mentions of sick animals, masturbation and perving (kinda), LOOOOTTTTSSS of sexual tension
It was like be a child all over again, falling asleep somewhere and waking up in her own bed, although it was usually the security guard of the club her mother worked at that was carrying her up to the little fold out bed that was set up for her in the dressing rooms. Unless Dwayne now worked on Dragon Stone Ranch then Dahlia woke up with no idea how she had gotten into bed. It wasn’t until midday that she managed to find out.
Alicent had whisked Aegon off with her to some meeting with a media company to get the farm some more recognition and funding, leaving Dahlia and Aemond to tend to all of the animals on the farm. The mud was sloppy beneath her wellies as she trudged over the open field towards the metal ring feeder that Aemond was fighting to close as the cows herded around him eating greedily.
‘Just wait a second you fat prick’ she heard Aemond grumble as he was nudged and nipped.
‘Looks like you’re having fun’ Dahlia teased as she pushed her way through the large heifers and helped him close the metal frame around the bale of hay.
Aemond only offered her a stare of discontent before pushing his way through to continue with his jobs.
‘Do you know how I got to bed last night? I can’t remember if I woke up to go up or not’ Dahlia blushed lightly at the idea of having fallen asleep in front of everyone.
‘Yeah, I er… I took you up… you were out cold’ Aemond chuckled gently while scrubbing the cattle’s grooming brushed against each other.
Dahlia’s face now burnt hot! He had carried her up to bed! She could have been snoring! What if he thought she was heavy?! What if she had drooled on him?! Never having wanted the floor to swallow her up more, she offered him a nervous smile.
‘Oh thank you! You should have just woken me up!’
‘I tried but you couldn’t hear me over your snoring, you might wanna get that checked out’ Aemond teased, forcing himself to keep his face straight while he looked at her.
‘Oh god’ Dahlia cringed.
‘I’m joking! You were fast asleep and I didn’t wanna disturb you’ Aemond grinned, proud at the annoyed look that was painted across her face.
‘You’re such a dick’ she grumbled back at him with a growing grin on her face.
The light breeze that washed over them carried a few birds songs from the shrubbery that surrounded the farm, and the gently hum of traffic from the nearby carriageway. It also held the raw scent of Aemond, the rich leather aroma weaving it’s way through Dahlia’s senses and almost making her head swirl. Gods he smelt good, even standing in a field of cattle and their droppings all she could smell was him.
‘Is there anything I can do to help?’ she asked eagerly, before she started salivating.
‘You could brush that annoying fuck for me, she wouldn’t stop walking away from me’ Aemond grumbled pointing to one of the brown heifer twins that tenanted their farm and passing her the brushing paddle that he had shoved in one of the pockets of his cargo pants.
‘You’re ridiculous!’ she laughed as she began gently grooming the animal as it feasted.
Aemond stopped attempting to put an antiseptic cream of the piercing wound of the cow Dahlia had treated a few weeks back, to give her an expectant look.
‘These are some of the gentlest , most beautiful caring animals you will find in this kind of job! You act as though they were hideous evil beasts!’
‘They’re lazy, they do nothing but eat and shit and they stink!’ he states back to her in a very matter of fact tone.
‘They do not! they are amazing animals you’re just a grumpus’ Dahlia grumbled, ignoring the raised eyebrow he offered her at her curious choice of insult. 
‘I’ll agree that they taste great but that’s as far as it goes’
‘Aemond!’ Dahlia gasped, quickly grabbing the ears of the cow she was grooming.
‘Oh don’t cover its ears!’ he laughed at her.
‘They just don’t have the same personality that horses do, there’s no intellect in them they’re… blank’ he explains.
‘There’s actually been studies done proving them to be quite intelligent, there was an experiment done where a cow followed sound through a maze to find a food source showing they have the ability to make decisions and they can hold a grudge so I’d mind your tongue around these lovely ladies’ Dahlia grinned at him as he shook his head at her.
The pair finished their duties with the cattle and allowed Vhagar to herd them back into their open field where they pastured. Aemond and Dahlia tidied the barn back to an acceptable standard before heading back towards the road to head home.
‘How can they hold a grudge? What to they have to be… grudgy about?!’ Aemond asked Dahlia curiously as both of their wellies squelched through the wet soggy mud.
‘Lots of things, if another cow threatens them or their calf. If a bull were to take a liking to another cow over them. If a human was threatening or abusive to them they have extremely advanced social skills’ she grins up at him as she notices their steps fall into stride with each other.
It happened so quickly to quick for her to do anything about it. As Aemond opened his mouth to make yet another comment, the ground beneath his feet turned into a slip and slide. The wet mud did little to soften his fall as his long legs flew up almost as high as his stomach and he crumbled to the floor. Landing on his back with a discomforting wet slap he groaned from the sheer contact of his body meeting the floor. Dahlia couldn’t help the gasp that left her mouth as she looked at him wincing on the floor. It only took a second of his looking up at her from the floor, mud flecked over his face and in his platinum hair, before she burst out laughing.
Dahlia held her stomach as her eyes watered and she continued to howl out laughter. The look on his face as he hit the floor would be imprinted in her brain forever. Her laughter died off the second she felt the warmth of his big hand wrapping around her ankle through her wellie, she could barely let out a small plea before she followed his tracks through the air and landed almost right on top of him. The left side of her chest pressed flush against his while the other lay absorbing the moisture from the damp floor. They both groaned in pain as her body collided with his on the floor, her ginger hair now having been dunked on the mud looking similar to his own.
‘Oh you’re such a prick’ she grumbled at him as her body wracked with a dull ache.
‘That’s what you get for laughing at me you bitch’ Aemond chuckled gruffly, placing his hands against her hips to try and deter her from moving her knee any higher into his crotch.
Dahlia released a breathy laugh as she leant up enough to look down at him lay underneath her. His purple eyes glimmered as he looked up at her with shaded eyes, having given in to the strain in his neck and letting his head sit in the wet mud beneath him. Even with the dirt spattered across his face he was still by far the most beautiful man she had ever seen, His pale skin seemed to sparkle even on the dullest day, almost like he was a marble statue standing on a pedestal in the famous museum that contained precious artifacts of old Valyria.
The flick of his amethyst iris’ shooting down to her parted lips pulled Dahlia from her admiration of him. She watches his eyes scan over her lips, looking at them unphased by the shift in her breathing or the way her body had tense against him. Her hands curling into themselves gripping at his chest, Dahlia took a deep breath in feeling Aemond’s hands tighten their hold on her hips ever so slightly, his fingertips burns holes into her being that would be perfectly fit for him. Her mind hazed over and she didn’t allow herself to think about what she was doing, didn’t let herself think about how it was her best friends brother that lay beneath her, whose nose she brushed with her own, whose breath fanned over her face.
The popping of heavy tires rolling over the gravel drive tore the two of them out of their bubble and back into the world around them, their attention being driven to the vehicle approaching the turn in to the farm. Dahlia, having looked over her shoulder, turned back to look at Aemond, him having lifted his head off the mud to inspect the interruption. Not sure whether the air between them was now heavy with tension, Dahlia scanned over his features looking for any give. Relieved to see the gentle amused smile he offered her she chuckled back gently before climbing to her feet, offering him a hand to aid him in his ascent.
‘You have a bit of mud in your hair’ Dahlia teased as they continued their walk.
‘Dickhead’ Aemond grinned shaking his head as he watched his feet carefully move through the slippery earth.
Once reaching the stables Aemond offered a small wave and the promise of ‘seeing her later’ before he joined a tall figure of a man waiting for him at the entrance of the building. With a messy attempt of platting her hair to get the mud out of the way, Dahlia continued on with her chores. The sheep were fed and watered before she moved on to filling the chickens grandpa feeders, she stood pouring the grain from her bucket into the metal stand when she caught movement on the other side of the farm. Aemond appeared from the Stables with the exotic figure that had ripped them from their almost intimate moment. A distressed look graced Aemond’s face as he rubbed his hand over her filthy head of hair. Catching his attention as she walked to the mesh fence of the chickens enclosure Aemond trudged his way over, meeting her at the fence.
‘You okay?’ Dahlia asked concerned.
‘Erm Balerions… Cole found a lump on his stomach, could just be a cyst but… could be something worse’
‘Oh my god’
‘He’s gonna take him for a scan and take some bloods…mum’s gonna be crushed’ Aemond grumbled, leaning his elbows on the fence and burying his face into his hands.
‘Is he your mum’s horse?’ Dahlia questioned softly, watching Criston Cole drive his trailer down towards the stables.
‘No he was my dads, last thing she has of him not that she ever really bothers with him. There was a whole bunch of drama when dad passed over who was going to keep him us or my sister, mum fought tooth and nail to keep him here’ Aemond sighed, looking up at her where she stood straight in front of his hunched over form.
‘Well hopefully it won’t be anything too serious’ Dahlia offered him a comforting smile, squeezing his arm gently.
‘Do you need me to do anything?’
‘No I’m just gonna help get him in the trailer’
‘Well I’m gonna go take a shower and stuff but if you need me for anything just give me a shout okay?’ she smiled at him, exiting the chicken coop and beginning up the hill to the house.
Aemond agreed with a small nod and watched her stroll up the grass, her hips swinging gracefully, mesmerizing him even if she was covered in mud.
Dahlia had managed to dodge questions hurled at her by Haelena over why her fathers horse was being taken off the farm, feeling it best to leave that topic for Aemond to explain. Her hot shower worked wonders getting the dirt out of her hair and off her hands and face but it did little to wash away the memory of being lay on top of his hard toned body, his breath fanning over her face from being so close, still sweet from the candied oranges Haelena had offered everyone for breakfast.
Opting for her gym leggings and an oversized jumper Dahlia returned downstairs to assist in the making of dinner, Baela had suggested making a pasta bake as something easy to get the family through the heavy news that Aemond had just delivered to his mother. She watched through the kitchen door as Aemond sat comforting a weeping Alicent.
‘So what’s going on with you two?’ Baela questioned, pulling her gaze from the sorrowful family.
‘What?’ Dahlia asked confused with expecting looks she was receiving from Jace, Luke and Rhaena, who had been instructed to set the table.
‘You and Aemond?’ Baela pressed
‘What about us?’ she continued playing innocent.
‘Come on! It’s so obvious that there’s… heat between you guys, I saw the look last night!’ Baela grinned while continuing to dish up the pasta bake evenly onto plates.
Dahlia scoffed in disbelief, like the very idea of her having sexual tension with what she believed to be one of the most attractive men she had ever met was unthinkable.
‘Oh look she’s blushing’ Luke teased
‘There is nothing between me and Aemond! We’re just friends!’ Dahlia attempted to defend herself.
‘Oh right friends… didn’t you guys hate each other like two days ago?!’ Rhaena joined in.
‘Who hated who two days ago?’ Aegon questioned joining them in the kitchen, along with a teary Alicent and Haelena and an exhausted Aemond.
‘Dahlia and Aem-‘ Rhaena started blurting out before Jace clamped his hand over her mouth and Baela yelled over her.
Everyone seated themselves and tucked into their dinner, eating mainly in silence other than the short conversations that Aegon attempted to break the heavy silence. Alicent didn’t stay for post dinner conversation, vacating the kitchen as soon as she had eaten her fill. Aegon retreated to his room not long after to avoid having to help clean up.
Aemond retreated out to the bench that sat just outside of the sliding kitchen doors, slumping down onto the wooden seat and letting out the breath he felt he had been holding in all night. His head was pounding and his back was hurting from the tumble and he just wanted to sleep but the grey clouds looming over head made him aware that his jobs for the day were likely not finished.  
His eye focused on the stables just down the hill, the building that should be housing the big stallion, he sat just staring out over the land, feeling his chest get tight at the unpredictability of the test results. How was he supposed to wait two days to find out?! The rain began to patter against the ground lightly, granting him a soothing white noise while he sat out on his own.
The doors slid open after a half hour and interrupted his serenity with the chatter and radio music pouring out of the kitchen.
‘Hey, you okay?’ Dahlia asked gently, sliding the doors shut behind her.
‘Yeah, just getting a bit loud in there and my heads booming’ He smiled, trying to playoff the severity of the pain resonating behind his eye.
Dahlia didn’t say a thing before disappearing back inside, leaving the doors open behind her. Aemond sat watching the space that she had just vacated before she returned with a glass of water and a box on pain killers. She nudged his leg with her knee prompting to slide over and allow to sit next to him.
‘Here’ she mumbled handing him the glass and tablets.
‘Thank you’ Aemond grimaced after throwing them in his mouth and gulping the water down.
He leant back in his seat and huffed, nibbling on the dry skin on his lip and watching the rain that continued at a relenting pace.
‘Is there anything I can do?’ Dahlia asked, hoping to be able to relieve some of the pressure he was so obviously feeling.
‘Not really, just got to wait for the test results and go from there… I just have no idea what’s gonna happen if it comes back as something worse than a cyst’ he grumbled rolling his head back onto his shoulder, his long silver hair now clean and tied loosely in a messy bun at the base of his neck.
‘This isn’t your fault you know’ she said abruptly, meeting his eye when it shot to her.
‘You’re obviously blaming yourself but you couldn’t have known’
‘Bullshit, I was the one that was supposed to be looking after him, I was the one that mum trusted to take care of him and I’ve missed a lump the size of a golf ball!’
‘Anyone could have missed it! Besides if he was in pain or feeling off he would have let you know and you know he would have, there isn’t anything you could have done differently’
‘Cole found it!’ he argued, standing up and leaning forward against the small wooden fence opposite the bench.
‘I should have been checking him properly instead of just running over him with a brush, I should’ve paid more attention, I should’ve-‘
‘Aemond there is nothing you could have done, even if you had been the one to find it! He would still have to have the tests’ she retorted, sitting up straighter and examining all the curves of his back.
‘I just don’t think mum is gonna be able to deal with it if it’s bad news, she’s gonna be a wreck’ he mumbled.
‘Well then you’ve got Hel and Aegon to help you get her through it and you guys are stuck with me for another few weeks so’ Dahlia offered him a comforting smile as she stood to stand next to him.
‘That doesn’t make me feel better’ he chuckled lightly.
‘And here I was feeling bad for laughing at you falling before… look just don’t assume it’s going to be bad news, it could be nothing’.
Aemond inhaled deeply and straightened his back, making him tower over her small form. He dodged her eye contact for a moment, trying to let himself untense.
‘You’re right… it could be nothing I’m just… it’s been a shitty day’ he sighed.
‘Oh I don’t know, seeing you lying in the mud brightened my day up’ Dahlia smirked.
‘It’s a good thing you’re cute you know otherwise you’d be on your ass right now’ Aemond grinned, chuckling at her until he realised what had slipped out of his mouth.
Dahlia locked eyes with him and couldn’t help the blush that crept up her neck, her face growing hotter by the second, she didn’t miss the same colour peaking through his porcelain skin. The eye contact between them became too heavy for her to uphold and she averted her gaze to her right, watching the rain fall grow alarmingly heavy as black clouds loomed overhead, promising a stormy night.
‘We should probably make sure all of the bales are covered’ Dahlia muttered, her heart pounding in her ears as her blood rushed through her body, he thought she as cute!
‘Yeah, I should probably check in on the horses’ Aemond stuttered back, not waiting for her to grab her coat or even grab his own before wandering out into the heavy downpour, shirt becoming saturated and clinging to his form almost instantly.
Dahlia couldn’t help the grin that slipped onto her face as his obvious discomfort, she liked that she had that effect on him. Adorning her raincoat and wellies, she padded her way down and off the farm with Aegon, assisting him in ensuring all of the animals in his care were okay and sheltered, making sure that their stock of Hay was wrapped or in a dry place away from the downpour.  
‘Malary!’ Haelena yelled at the duck waddling away from her, after having just nipped at her finger causing the woman to drop the bird allowing it to wander back to the puddle in which she had just collected it from.
‘I’ll usher her from this way you just get ready to open the door!’ Aegon yelled over the clashing of rain as he joined his sister in the small, fenced pen.
Watching her best friend chasing small birds through the pouring rain with her brother filled Dahlia’s chest with something she couldn’t quite pinpoint. It could have been envy, seeing Haelena have the family dynamic that she had dreamed of having since she was a child. It could have been joy from seeing her best friend so happy, loved the way she deserved or it could have been that she was feeling accepted as one of the family, that she was part of something that wasn’t toxic and set to destroy her.
Her attention was pulled away from the siblings by a loud clatter and an indistinct yell from inside the barn. Upon entering she found Aemond struggling to lead SunFyre into the same pen as Meleys. She let out a small chuckle at the sight of him soaked to the core, arguing with a horse and fighting with a wooden gate, all while trying not to get trampled by the panicking horse already in the enclosure.
‘Once you’re done laughing, would you mind helping me out?’ Aemond grumbled, seeing her in the doorway just watching him.
The rain hammering on the roof of the stables only made Meleys all the more nervous, Aemond allowed Dahlia to take control of SunFyre while he entered the pen first and did his best to calm the animal down. Once they had both horses inside, they began fitting their reins and tying them off onto the hitching post.
‘SunFyre is his calming buddy right?’ Dahlia asked while threading the leather rein through the loop she had created.
‘Well, it’s usually Balerion but Meleys seems to get on with SunFyre so he should be good’ Aemond answered from behind her.
The pair of them were wedged between the two horses, backs almost flush against each other while they secured the Palfreys. The more the horses stomped and wiggled about the more the pair were pressed into each other. She couldn’t feel his warmth or toned back through her raincoat but she could smell him, the intense scent of his aftershave mixed with the dampness of the down pour that had soaked through his shirt. Dahlia could barely concentrate on her hands while her brain was swimming in him.
‘Shit’ she whispered when her knot came undone almost instantly, SunFyre managed to stomp away from the rear wall slightly.
‘Here’ His voice rumbled down her ear as he turned his body in the small space to face SunFyre, his body pressing against hers, his arms coming around her and guiding her hands to tie a secure knot.
Dahlia’s mind was drowning, his breath fanning over her ear and neck, her ass cheeks fitting into the curve of his crotch perfectly, she felt like she was going to scream. Her entire body was on fire, delicious shivers running through her body leaving her with goosebumps. Once his long fingers were done guiding hers through the process of securing the horse, he retracted his left arm while the right patted down the smooth coat. Dahlia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, preparing to move herself out of the heated situation. She only got as far as turning slightly to walk away but was blocked by his arm that was still petting SunFyre, she could feel his eyes burning into her. Dahlia caved almost instantly and turned to face him. Her back now brushing against the soothing horse, her chest grazed over his with each breath they took, reluctantly her eyes lifted and found his looking right back at her, searching her eyes for any sign of reluctance or regret. She wasn’t sure if she wanted him to be able to see how much she was burning for him, how badly she wanted him to just grab her and take her right there, or if she should just act as though he had no effect on her, like he was just another guy, the same guy that she almost loathed a few days ago.
Dahlia didn’t have much time to decide before she felt Aemond’s left hand on her side, his big fingers splaying out across hip, pressing into her flesh through her clothing. The heat from his breath spread a tingling warmth across her cheeks as his head moved closer to her, Aemond didn’t break eye contact with her, not when her breath hitched or when her hand moved and pressed against his chest softly, gripping his shirt tightly. It wasn’t until he felt his nose brush against hers and smelt her hot sweet breath floating over him, did he move his eyes to look down at her lips. Dahlia’s eye lashes fluttered as she closed her eyes, the faintest brush of their lips setting her on fire. She waited, waited to feel his mouth envelope hers, to see what he tasted like and to feel that rush of finally getting to kiss him. She waited… and waited but it never came. What came instead what the sound of boots slapping through the rain and wet mud outside and then a voice, that pulled them straight from the steamy situation they had happily found themselves in.
‘Hello?! Can someone come and help me cover the plant beds? They’re flooding!’ Jace’s voice boomed off the walls of the stables over the rain.
Aemond closed his eyes and released gentle sigh, his fingers digging into hips a little as Dahlia pulled her head back and inhaled deeply.
‘Yeah I’ll be out now!’ she managed to choke out, her heart still pounding in her ears but still able to hear Jace walk away.
Aemond’s iridescent purple eyes scanned through hers, both of them still a little breathless. Dahlia broke the eye contact and looked down at her boots, swallowing heavily before ducking under his arm that was blocking her exit, leaving him stood there. She followed Jace out of the barn back into rain, she almost slipped in the wet mud as she jogged over to where Jace was struggling to get the dustsheet evenly over the plant beds.
She could still smell his breathe, his aftershave in her. Hells she could practically taste him! Dahlia’s head was swimming with pictures of kissing him, touching him and being consumed by him! She imagined his tongue would taste like chamomile tea and spiced apples. His bare chest would be hard but his pale skin would be warm under her hands, his hair would float through her fingers like silk and it would smell like the guava shampoo she assumed he used.
Aemond watched her walk away from the stables from his position leaning against the door, he loathed his nephew for pulling her out of his arms, almost as much as he loathed her raincoat from covering her behind. Pulling all of his strength together Aemond pulled himself back to securing his horses and padding out their stalls with extra straw.
She hadn’t said anything she had just walked out like they weren’t seconds away from kissing! This was the second time today they had been on the brink of falling of the edge of that cliff, where there was no coming back from that heat. Was she just trying to get into his head? Using her body to make him vulnerable before crushing his ego and humiliating him?! Aemond knew that was farfetched, she wasn’t the type of girl to demean herself like that just to embarrass him. Maybe it was the fact that he was her best friend’s younger brother, that she didn’t want to jeopardize her friendship with Haelena over what could potentially turn out to be just a fling. Or perhaps she was feeling just as frustrated and confused as he was, with all the fleeting touches and heavy breathing.
Whatever the reason was, he had made his way from the stables, through the rain and up the stairs towards her room. Either he could talk to her about what was happening and settle the air between them… or he could fuck her senseless. As Aemond padded his way up the last few of the stairs onto the third-floor landing, he took a deep breath, he needed to prepare himself no matter what the outcome was. The closer he got to her door the more his palms seemed to sweat, Aemond wasn’t used to getting shot down, granted he didn’t tend to ask people out but when he did the answer was very rarely a no.
Aemond lifted his hand to knock on her bedroom door, knuckles gliding through the air but coming to a dead stop before that rapped against the heavy oak of her door. The faint whimpers were muffled by the blocking door between them, the soft hum of Dahlia’s voice floating through his ears like music, it was almost pained. He would have burst into the room to ensure she was not hurt but after taking a step closer and holding his ear to the door he knew; she was not in any form of pain.
The hairs on his arm stood on end with the delicious shiver that ran through his body listening to her, she was pleasuring herself, at least he hoped she was by herself and didn’t have Aegon or someone in there with her. She moaned and gasped, clearly enjoying whatever depraved action she was inflicting on herself. Aemond knew he should walk away, stop listening in on her personal moment and give her some privacy but his feet remained planted to the carpet outside of her room. He was glued to the sound of her, the image her moans were painting in his mind made his heart race and his pants grow tighter. He had no intention of grabbing himself through his jeans but he couldn’t help himself, they had grown incredibly uncomfortable.
Her moans were like sweet music to his ears, sweet taboo music. He knew he could just twist that handle, walk into her room and take over for her but he just stood there and listened. He was not the type of person that did this kind of thing, he couldn’t even watch porn without feeling disgusting and foolish. He knew he needed to leave and he tried. Turning on his heel with a heavy sigh he took one step away from Dahlia’s door, hand still rubbing his hard cock through his pants. That one step was all he managed to take however before the irritating sound of Aegon’s awful singing voice sounded from the bottom of the staircase to the third-floor landing. Aemond was screwed, his brother now being halfway up the stairs he knew he wasn’t going to make it to the other end of the hallway without him or his raging erection being seen. His only escape was to slide into the airing cupboard adjacent to Dahlia’s room, shutting the door softly behind him.
His plan was to just wait until Aegon had gone into his room and then he was going to slip out of the cupboard and head straight back to his room, whether he copied Dahia’s idea and dealt with himself was a decision he would make in the safety of his own abode. However once again his plan was thwarted as soon as he noticed the small beam of light coming into the otherwise pitch-black cupboard, Aemond had an inkling what sight was waiting for him on the other side of the wall that held the puncture, Dahlias moans had begun to pierce his ears a lot clearer. Despite all of his self-respect and honour screaming at him not too, he moved his face closer to the gap and peered through, and just as he had suspected there she was. He could see no more that her head and chest but he didn’t need to, her face alone sent his mind swirling into the dirtiest thoughts. Her eyes closed and mouth open with her lips pouted, eyebrows scrunched as she concentrated on whatever it was that he hands were doing.
‘Fuck’ Aemond mumbled to himself pulling his gaze away from the luxurious sight in front of him.
He shouldn’t be doing this, Aegon would surely be in his room by now, he could just slip out and go back to his room and forget that any of this happened. No matter how much he rubbed himself through his pant it would never feel as good as it would if he just went back and got himself comfy, he could just memorise what he had seen. But no one knew he was there or what was going on and he wasn’t going to say anything so who was he hurting really? Despite his best efforts to control himself Aemond still unbuttoned his jeans and released his hardness. Breathing deeply as the sudden contact of his cold hand he placed his face back against the wall, looking in on the girl he so desperately wanted.
Aemond palmed the head of his sensitive cock gently and slowly worked his hand down his shaft, all the while watching Dahlia’s face contort with pleasure, her chest rises and falling as she gasped and whimpered. He let out a soft groan, sliding his hand up and down his cock, listening to the sounds coming out of her. He bit his lip, working himself faster to relieve the pressure that growing in him the closer Dahlia evidently got to her climax. He could just envision what was going on behind the wall that was blocking his view from the rest of her perfect body, her legs spread, her hand moving over her wet pussy, rubbing over her tender clit or fucking herself with her own fingers, maybe even both. Gods he wanted to bury his face between her legs, he would never leave. He worked his hard on faster and faster, jerking his hips lightly into his hand.
It was the soft groan on his name that flowed from Dahlia’s lips that sent him over the edge, his available hand jolting up to grab hold of the door frame to steady himself as his eyes rolled back and hot strings of cum coated his hand and trousers. His heart pounded heavily in his ears that it almost blocked out the continuing noises that seeped from her mouth. It only took a few seconds for it to sink in what he had just done, that sickening feeling of guilt and disgust seeped into his bones.
He was stood in an airing cupboard, cock going soft in his cum covered hand after he had spied on his sister’s friend playing with herself, this was something his brother would do not him! He was a pervert! The fact that she had been playing with herself to the thought of him had made him cum and he would have loved to watch her finish herself and hope that he was the one that had gotten her there but he couldn’t stay to watch. He needed to leave and act like it had never happened, he felt like scum.
Calming his breathing down enough, he grabbed a hand towel off the shelf above him and cleaned his hand, shoving his cock back into his pants. Once he was sure the coast was clear he slipped out of the cupboard and padded back to his bedroom, shutting the door gently behind him. Aemond headed straight for the shower, to scrub himself clean.
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
So here's a question I have regarding avian flu: I currently live near a place that has backyard turkeys and chickens (approximately 10 meters from my house), and some of my windows are facing in their direction. I have no options of moving out and neither of my parents are concerned about avian flu (my mom has bird feeders, bird houses and lets her cats outside, and my dad also lives near chickens), so I can't go back to them. How dangerous is my situation? And would it be unsafe to open my windows if the birds near my house if the wind is blowing from their direction?
If you or anyone is looking for avian flu updates, I highly recommend checking in here:
They have bird flu updates, basic information, and "health care guidance," and so much more -I don't have a science/biology/medical background, so I would always recommend looking at sources from credible doctors/virologists/epidemiologists of course.
This is also their "prevention" page, in hopes of addressing some of your understood concerns:
This is some of what they addressed if you happen to be around birds and other animals:
"Avoid unprotected contact with domestic birds (poultry) or other animals that may be sick or have died or are suspected or known to have bird flu virus infection." "Do not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with saliva, mucous, animal feces, raw milk, animal litter (bedding material), or materials contaminated by wild or domestic birds or other animals with confirmed or suspected bird flu virus infection."
And for folks who have birds in their backyards:
"Use protective equipment like gloves, an N95 respirator if available or, if not available, a well-fitting facemask (e.g., a surgical mask), and eye protection (e.g., goggles), "Wash your hands with soap and water after touching birds, Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes after contact with birds or surfaces and materials that may be contaminated with saliva, mucous, or feces from wild or domestic birds." "Change your clothes before contact with healthy domestic poultry and handling wild birds, captive wild birds, farmed birds, and other pet birds. Then, throw away the gloves and facemask, and wash your hands with soap and water." "CDC has more information available on what to do after you have been exposed to infected poultry or other birds."
I think the emphasis here is if you see unusual behavior or notice something amiss (they have guidelines for what to look for), you can contact the numbers the CDC provides, otherwise practicing good hygiene and wearing PPE if you are in contact with birds/other animals.
I saw this picture as well, and it seems most transmissions happen when people are in direct contact with birds/other animals or are pretty close by (the images I attached below are from the link I attached underneath), and not because you crack open a window nearby birds/other animals, but maybe check in with someone smarter than me about this because I would think no -it would be direct contact like this in terms of having them in your backyard:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I hope this offers some clarity/direction.
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itsawhumpsideblog · 1 year
The Safehouse, pt. 2
CW: for institutionalized slavery, mentions of abuse, treatment of people as things
Advice from the Box Boy Liberation Movement:
"It can be difficult to know how to welcome rescuees into your home for the first time, so begin by considering the hierarchy of needs. Most rescuees will be undernourished, exhausted, and in need of a wash. Be gentle with them. As far as is possible, respect their autonomy and preferences, if they are able to express them."
Tim was the first one awake the next day and he was glad of it. Although he didn't know what time their new charges would arrive, it was unlikely to be before 9 o'clock and the early hour gave him the chance to make coffee and sit quietly in the recliner and gather his wits about him. He rocked back and forth, slowly, gently, and wondered how the next morning would be, with five of them present.
Very different, he was sure.
It was nearly an hour before the silence was broken and Angie came down the stairs to start her day. Tim blushed slightly as he realized that he was still in his bathrobe, while she had showered and dressed.
"I should-" he started, putting his coffee down and shifting to stand, but she shook her head and waved a hand in friendly dismissal.
"Don't worry about it. I mean, I don't care and we're supposed to do things normally- like in a normal home. As much as possible, anyway."
"That's true." Tim smiled nervously and sat back. He watched out the back window at the birds sitting around the bird feeder, feathers fluffy in the cold, and went over some of the things their contacts had told them during training.
You will have to give them explicit instructions. Ask them if they are able to speak and tell them they are allowed to do so. Monitor their meals to be sure they are eating. Watch them closely, because they won't tell you if something is wrong, but also don't hover or crowd them. Don't take it personally when they're afraid of you. Never speak angrily or raise your voice in front of them.
There had been so much. Tim hoped he would remember it all and that he would be able to do the right thing when the time came. Above all, he did not want to fail his charges.
You will get a lot of things wrong without meaning to, their trainer had said, because rescuees are traumatized and conditioned not to trust you. Don't give up.
When the coffee was gone, Tim went upstairs to get ready for the day and then back down to the couch. He and Angie had breakfast and put something on TV, but neither of them paid attention. They sat quietly, pretending to watch the show, until, shortly before lunch, the doorbell finally rang.
Tim met Angie at the door as she flew down the stairs and they exchanged a look that was apprehension and excitement all at once. Tim remembered to take a breath and Angie to smooth her hair down, as if they were what they appeared to be, an ordinary couple who had bought and paid for human beings. Just the perception of it made Tim want to be sick, or punch something, but the ends, he felt sure, justified the means and he could play the part just long enough for the delivery to be completed.
"Where do you want 'em?" asked the man who stood at the door with a large crate on some kind of hand trolley. A white van idled at the foot of the driveway and Angie wondered how many people were inside it.
"Here in the foyer is fine," she said, when she remembered that a question had been asked. The man tipped the first crate off the trolley before he returned to the van to retrieve what looked like another large dog crate.
"Gotta take these back with me," he said. "WRU can't afford to give them away, but we do sell them in our online store."
"Thank you for letting us know," Tim said, without making any promises.
"I thought there were supposed to be three?" Angie asked, peering out the door at the van.
"I only have two for this address," the man said. "You'll have to call the WRU, ask what happened to the rest of the order." Tim looked over at Angie, who shrugged and nodded. It would probably be best to look like they were no more concerned than any other "customer" would be.
"Alright, well," the man went on, "They're yours now. Remember, you asked for used so there's no returns and you get what you get." The man looked bored, like someone who wanted to finish his deliveries and go out for a drink.
Tim tried to keep his hands from shaking as he opened the first crate. Angie unhooked the other and they swung the doors open and stepped back, leaving enough room for the crates' occupants to exit.
"Well, I'll just go, then," the delivery driver was saying as he piled the crates back on to the trolley, but Angie and Tim barely heard him and did little more than wave as he left. He had been expecting a tip.
Inside the house, Tim found himself staring, a little more shyly than he would have liked, at the two young men kneeling in his front hall. They must be about his own age, he realized, and was unsure what to do with the thought.
Fortunately, Angie was there and didn't seem nervous at all. If anything, she was excited. "Welcome to our home," she said in a gentle voice, but Tim could hear the adrenaline behind it. "We're very glad to have you all here."
"Thank you, mistress," one of them murmured. Angie looked at Tim, who nodded reassuringly. This was what they had been told to expect.
"You can call me Angie," she said. "And this is Tim."
Tim smiled shyly and waved a hand in greeting. He studied their first rescuees as Angie continued talking.
"Do you have a name?" she asked the boy on the right, the one who had spoken.
"This pet was called Francis, previously," he said. "But you may name him anything you like."
"Would you like to go on being called Francis?" she asked.
"You may name this pet anything you like," he repeated and she nodded, although he couldn't see it. Francis' posture was graceful and tightly composed, which almost disguised the fact that he was shivering slightly; he was kneeling with his hands placed delicately on his thighs and his elbows tucked in. His head tilted just slightly downwards so that he was looking somewhere around Angie's feet. He had curly brown hair that would need a wash and Tim wondered what color his eyes were.
"How about you?" Angie had moved on to speak to the other boy, crouching down so that she wasn't looming over him.
He did not reply, but looked shyly up at her and glanced at Tim, too, nearly meeting their eyes. His expression held an anxious question, but he did not open his mouth.
"Can you speak?" Tim asked, as carefully as he could. "That is- are you able..."
The boy looked very nervous and dropped his eyes to the floor as he shook his head, a small movement that Tim nearly missed.
"That's all right," Tim assured him. "We don't mind. Angie, did we get any papers? Those might have a name on them."
She looked around the entryway as though papers might have fallen out and gone unnoticed, but there was nothing. "No matter, though," she said to the boy. "We'll come up with a good name for you."
He raised his head again and his eyes were shining, with something approaching a smile on his face. Angie returned the look, warmly. In truth, Tim found this boy a little difficult to look at. Francis was in need of a wash but had no outward signs of injury, whereas this boy had clearly been though something terrible. His hair would probably be some sort of blond when it was clean and his eyes were blue; his fair skin was marked with bruises and one eye was badly swollen. Worst, he held his hands folded across his body and Tim could see that they had been terribly injured. Still, he was watching Tim and Angie with a kind of expectant hopefulness that made Tim want to cry.
There was no time for that, however. Both boys were both too thin by far and Tim itched to start lunch and feed them adequately. Angie evidently had the same impulse, because she straightened up and said, "Who's hungry? I think it's time to go explore the kitchen and see what we can find."
Next time: The house has lunch together and the rescuees begin to form first impressions.
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imtwoburdsbitch · 7 months
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This is my setup so far!
Things might change in the future but so far, I’m pretty happy with it!
Before anyone says anything I know a lot of the items I got were a bit extra and that cheaper alternatives are available but, this is one “big” tax splurge/birthday present!
I'm going to do my best to keep this up to date as things develop!
C&C Outdoor Large Cat Cage Enclosure - 4/5
So far I love this cage! With the set up pictured above, I actually ended up with extra panels to expand further in the future.
This cage offers a lot of versatility and would be great for odd shaped spaces or tight spaces that might require a little bit more creativity!
As far as durability goes, I would say that is pretty average for a C&C cage. With that being said... USE THE ZIP TIES! Or invest in additional wire cage supports or else the first time you move it... it will fall apart!
Weight - Light weight, easy to move and and tare down!
Price Point - Affordable and way cheaper than traditional bird cages of the same size!
Versatility/Customization - This is a build your own cage set! You can go wild and pretty much do whatever you want!
Add-ons - Because this is a C&C cage there are a lot of options for expansions and a lot of add-ons (ramps, doors, patios, etc) that can be bough!
Durability - So long as your using extra supports the durability isn't an issues. Without the supports... this is going to fall apart the first time you move it!
Bar Spacing - The bar spacing on this is large! 1.65" (4.1 cm). Because of the bar spacing your going to need to get a 2" Fender Washer in order to attach most standard bird accessories. An easy fix but something to be aware of!
Cleaning - Because this cages relies on joints there are plastic pieces that jut into the cage and run the risk of being pooped on. If they are pooped on... You will have to take apart a large chunk of the cage and remove the joint to clean it... It's a pain in the ass.
Corrugated Plastic Cage Liner Base 3/5
This works just as intended! It keeps what it needs to in and what it needs to out! It can be laid flat, and folded for storage if need be.
It works! Keeps poop and seed inside!
Cleaning - Easy to wipe down and poop doesn't seem to stick to the surface! Water and weatherproof is also a plus!
Price Point - I, admittedly, did not do my research before purchasing this base! This could have easily been made for about half the price from a local hardware or craft store with a sheet of Corrugated Plastic and either some hot glue or, if I wanted to get fancy, some Plastic Chicago Screws.
Cleaning - While the outside is easy enough to clean, corrugated plastic is hallow-ish on the insides and is IMPOSSIBLE to clean! To avoid dust build up you can use a length Rubber Edge Trim along the top! Make sure you check the with of your Corrugated Plastic before buying any trim.
Perch 4/5
It's a perch, it do what it do. Nothing super exciting.
It works as intended!
The shorter perch was NOT pink, lol. Not important to most people but it is important to notes that its defiantly more orange.
Lining/Hammock - 5/5 (I'm bias because I made them, lol!
The lining is simply two pieces of Anti-Pill Plush Fleece sewn to size! Anit-pill fleece is stain resistant, easy to clean and soft to the touch!
Price Point - Much cheaper then pre-made linings!
Reusable - Simply wash and reuse! No reoccurring monthly expense for something like puppy pads!
Customizable - Make them any color or all the colors!
Easy to Make - For real! Sewing a full bottom lining takes me about 30 mins from start to finish! If sewing isn't your think you could do it tie blanket style or simply cut a piece of fabric to size and call it good!
3 in 1 Cat Bowl - 5/5
I love this this feeder! Not only is it super cute but, it allows you to lock the bowls in place, preventing them form moving. The angled sides of the bowl also really help to keep seed where it should be! This is super easy to clean and the fact that it has two bowls and a gravity feed water dispenser makes it perfect for pigeons!
One stop shop - because of the two bowls and the separate water dish this works great for offering see, grit and water all separate!
Bowl Position - This feeder has a star shaped grid in the bottom that allows you to change the position of the bowls. This allows you to turn the bowl so the raised edge is facing the water dish preventing water from getting into your grit and feed!
Seeds under bowl - Because the bottom of the bowl holder is open if there are seeds under it the bowl becomes difficult to lock into place. Not a big deal but it can be annoying to deal with!
Water riser - The water dish has a white, circle riser that is open in the center. It's not a huge deal, Mango got use to it after his second attempt, and it's totally removable!
I'll make this part short and sweet, lol!
Mango doesn't care at all about anything but his Brick. Bitches love bricks.
10 PC Cat Toy set
Doughnut Dog Toy
Cake Foraging Toy
Snuffle Mat
Nesting Pink Bed
Crinkle Paper
Paper Straws
Hay Feeder
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seiya-starsniper · 11 months
National Clean Your House Month Day 9, 10, and 11
I am, as always, terrible at keeping logs of things. But the cleaning continues!
Day 9 - Folded some laundry and put it away. It wasn't all the laundry but some laundry is better than no laundry. Also replaced the Halloween tablecloth with a random pink one since I don't have a Christmas themed one.
Day 10 - Bought some new plastic bins because the Halloween decorations no longer fit in just one. Rearranged some of the bins in the garage, and threw out old cleaners and junk that's just been sitting around in the garage. Also had the fireplace cleaned out for the start of the chilly season 🔥
Day 11 - refilled bird feeders, washed dishes, washed laundry. Also cleaned out my email inbox, a commonly daunting task for me lol
Goal for Day 12 is to fold all the goddamn laundry and change the bedsheets.
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aro-pancake · 1 year
Everything that Jurassic Park did wrong
I love the movies, but as someone who studied animal behaviour, let's do a little breakdown:
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[epic soundtrack by the master John Williams]
First things first, I won't be talking about Nedry from the first movie. I'm talking specifically about animal behaviour, treatment, enclosures and symbiosis.
Second, this is for fun.
Now, onto mistake number 1!
The raptor enclosure.
It's too small. They can't run there! They can't hunt properly, and will have to fight amongst themselves for space.
Not just the raptors tho. They all have very small and wrongly created enclosures.
Second: why don't they have a on site paleontologist and zoologist to analyse the animals behaviour and health? They have a guy that worked with Hammond on a reserve in Africa. What does that guy know about dinosaurs? Why don't we have someone who can analyse the dinos and compare them to modern animals?
Third, and this one was mentioned in the movies: they're putting millions of years of evolution and instincts in a small park. Rexy isn't happy in her enclosure, or she wouldn't want to get out in the first place. Yeah. Animals don't like leaving their territories. It usually means fighting other animals for territory or losing your own.
Fourth: they really expected the animals to only eat from their feeders? We're not talking about cows here. Actually, not even cows only eat from their feeders, so cross contamination from any dangerous plant is a risk that has to be taken into consideration.
Fifth, and this is the one that bugs me the most: animals live with other animals. They share their space with other animals for symbiotic relationships. Mostly commensalism or mutualism, but they need those relationships to survive.
There are fish, birds, monkeys, even insects that help bigger animals to stay healthy. Not only they help, but it's their main source of nourishment.
Most people have seen a crocodilian with their mouth open and a bird cleaning up their teeth. But there are fish that do that to sharks and whales. There are crabs that remove mollusks and seaweed from turtles backs...
Remember the "whale wash" scene from Shark Tale? Yeah. That's real.
I mean, not like that, but it's a real thing.
There are also smaller animals that take a hike on the bigger ones for easy food and safety.
If you get one of those little guys, and remove them from near their big guys, they'll both suffer from it.
And that's what I have for you guys today, as it's nearing the time for my yearly Jurassic Park marathon.
Have fun, and uh, life finds a way!
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year
"Of course, sir," the waiter replied. "It simply means that the dish with that symbol may contain bones."
As restaurants went, the Dionaea was not particularly upmarket - with its outdoor seating strewn across the same piazza as the dingy cantina and oyster bar to either side, and stray cats mewling their way between its customers' legs - but it had certain pretensions to pretentiousness. The tables might be cheap pinewood, but they were laid with fine linen cloths and silver cutlery, sleek wine flutes and serviettes contorted in the shape of folded cobra-lilies.
That balance suited Gabe just fine. He was happy to eat, not necessarily to dine, being of the view that Michelin stars were rather flavourless when sprinkled on a dish, but found a few concessions to luxury never went amiss. He liked cobra-lilies, and enjoyed a glass of decent wine. He also liked cats, although he felt guilty eating a full meal whilst they plaintively petitioned at his feet. He wondered if he could sneak them a few scraps beneath the cover of the tablecloth.
"I can see that, thank you," he replied. It was all clearly written on the menu, in a little box appended to one side. V stood for 'Vegetarian'. N for 'May Contain Nuts'. B for 'May Contain Bones'. "What I don't understand is why it's next to practically everything. The yellowfin tuna, sure. The swordfish, yes. But the caprese salad? Isn't that just tomatoes?"
"Largely, sir. With buffalo mozzarella. But the tomatoes are the culprit, as you correctly surmise. No buffalo bones would fit on the plate, sir."
"What do you mean, the tomatoes?" A second search of the menu yielded no more clarity than the first, and the waiter had clearly aligned himself with the parts that made no sense. It was like they were speaking different languages. "How come there's no V next to it, too? It's not vegan, sure, but how can this not be suitable for vegetarians?"
"Ah, but sir, you misunderstand. The dishes marked V are not suitable for vegetarians, but vegetarian themselves. Herbivorous, as you may prefer. Observe the grass fed rump steak, just to the left, for example."
"You mean to say that your tomatoes..."
"Are carnivorous, sir, yes. We find them preferable that way - plump and tart and bursting with flavour. They are grown on-site, in a modest garden we keep behind the kitchen. We try to remove all of the bones when we take them in for slaughter, but the mice and birds do have so many of them, and they are quite voracious feeders."
"You feed them animals?" Gabe was shocked, suddenly picturing fields of beef-fed corn. "That's barbaric."
"We are a restaurant, sir," the waiter chided him. "We feed meat to dozens of customers every day. But no, in this case, we merely water the tomatoes, and allow them to capture their own prey. Our gardens attract all manner of critters, you see. Most of their sustenance comes from slugs and insects, of course, with mice and birds landing on the plants less frequently. I only mention them because of the bones."
Gabe realised that his mouth was hanging open, and quickly closed it lest a mouse or bird find their way in. "I... in that case, I will steer clear of anything with whole tomatoes. Could I have the aubergine parmigiana? I know the parmesan stops it being vegetarian, but at least there seems to be no risk of bones?"
"An excellent choice, sir - and no, for your peace of mind, I can assure you that there is no danger of finding a bone in your dish."
"Our aubergines do not consume any of their prey whole," the waiter continued, his words somehow less soothing than the tone they were delivered in. "Are there any other allergens the kitchen should no about? Cat hair, perhaps?"
"No, I'm all good with cats," Gabe said, smiling as a scrawny tabby rubbed against his ankles. "As long as the cooks wash their hands after stroking them, I should be fine."
"Ah, but sir, I was not talking about the cooks. We do not allow the cats into the kitchen, as restaurant policy." He paused, as if that was a point worth applauding. "Alas, we cannot keep them from getting into the garden, or brushing up against everything they see, and the aubergines have rather taken a fancy to their flesh..."
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 years
woodelf68 59m @nostalgia-tblr yes of course tell your story about Covid and your building.
I probably need to provide some cultural context to start us off: I live in the UK in council housing, which other places may call social housing or possibly government housing. It's owned by the local authority and the bit I am in was built in the 1960s post-war "knock down all these slums and replace them with nicer housing" era. This particular development goes up and down a street and is a mix of maisonettes and flats. These homes don't have their own wee individual lawns but we have communal areas with a mix of paving and grass and the occasional tree. Since these aren't attached a particular tenancy/home there's no specific person that's responsible for them so the council do the big maintenance tasks of keeping the trees under control and - the basis of our story today - mowing the grass areas. Someone comes out in warmer months in a wee lawnmower-buggy thing and drives around and BEHOLD the grass is cut.
But then... THE RONA!!
The UK went into our first Covid lockdown near the end of March 2020 at which point the council by necessity paused routine maintenance on their properties. They'd come out for an emergency but anything that could wait was left to, well, wait. As you might suppose, this included the mowing of those communal lawns.
My building has grass on two sides and it grew as grass does and by the start of summer 2020 it was getting fairly long. Eventually someone - I don't know who - got hold of a lawnmower from somewhere and cut some of the grass. The whole area's too much for one person really but they did a good chunk of it. And over the next couple of weeks more and more bits of grass were cut. I saw at least two different people with two different mowers, so it wasn't all the one person. So now we had nice neat lawns, all done by the tenants of this building. Hurrah!
You're not supposed to plant anything on these lawns. (The one at the back is "a drying green" apparently, where we're meant to be able to hang out washing done in our laundrette. Which we don't.) A few years before someone planted a few flowers and then those swiftly and suddenly vanished and we all got a letter reminding us not to do that. But now the council weren't coming out to look at these things anyway, were they? And we had this nice neat lawn (or two, really) and it was summer and we were in and out of lockdowns with less to do than we usually would have. So someone planted some flowers anyway. Fuck the council! We can have flowers for now! And then someone else did. And so it spread. At time of writing in 2023 the edges of the lawns are mostly flowerbed with various pretty plants in them.
Other things started to appear. Garden lights. A couple of bird feeders. Plants in pots at people's doors. There's a barbeque grill round the back of the laundrette that gets used now and then. I don't know who owns it but it didn't used to be there and I'm fairly sure it isn't supposed to be there either. Soon the outdoor areas were like a big garden. People kept cutting the grass.
Normal building maintenance is back on and has been for some time now, so we've had the grass cut properly. Repair people and even Housing Officers (the people who are meant to tell us not to do these things) have been and gone and the gardenyness (that's a word, shh) remains. It's quite nice out there now and sometimes on the way back from the shops I go past the flowerbeds to see what's new. I don't know why this has been allowed to stay - it might be that nobody has complained and that it encourages the tenants to keep the whole area neat and tidy. Either way, it's nice.
And so that is the lovely wholesome story of how COVID made my building pretty.
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tinyshe · 1 year
Garden Report & Frugal Living 23.08.07
It is easy to forget how much I love working in the garden when I am feeling overwhelmed. I just love it so much and even more so when I have my kids help me! We harvested garlic, trimmed up the seaberry/ sea buckthorn and picked so many berries off those bushes; two beds and two paths were reclaimed. So much was done and I am so grateful for the help. Very happy time and so inspiring to do more now that the overwhelming parts are beat back.
While we were trimming up the thicket of buckthorn we discovered a nest!! It is like a Seal Of Approval or a major award: the birds love the garden and feel safe enough to have a nest to raise their young. We get many birds coming through but to have one that wants to set up housekeeping is just a blessed joy.
We moved an additional brush pile into the self feeder compost rack (from the last heavy pruning job -- months and months ago but the wood was still fresh and green as it has been wet and cold). Soon all the weeds will be layered in and then another brush pile. The self feeder compost “rack” is a long row area with pairs very tall metal fence stakes set every so often. The stakes guide/keep the organic matter in row while we stack and tamp it down for a fence like wall. No turning required, we just let nature do its thing and add to it as we need/have.
There are now two grow boxes that need to be repaired. The centre one I am thinking of spliting to create a ‘hi-lo’ with a barrow/walker wide path between. The ‘lo’ will be for the humongous rhubarb I can’t dig out/lift and the ‘hi’ will be walled up maybe three ‘levels’ (at least knee height) . I’m thinking for limited mobility access if necessary but it will also make an interest instead of three uniform low level beds. I will lose a bit of production ground by inserting another path but there is no saying that in several years it can be changed again (and again and again).
Sides notes on the harvest: We left the higher up seaberries for the birds but need to come back for a second harvest of the gooseberries. I like to leave part of the fruits for the birds especially if the little buggers don’t eat it all ahead of time >:) The red alpines are fruiting. One or two nibble-worths of early blackberries are coming off. Some of the kale is growing: enough for snacks for the hens or little bits for our salads and soup accents.
Still pondering the elderberries. I can see them out the bathroom window and they are so beautiful with those large white umbels waving against the sky. Daughter 1 and I discussed just leaving them for the bees (she is a great bee lover! we would have a hive if we could rest assured the spray-happy neighbor would just Stop). So I will watch and see if they will visit there -- its up very high on the north-side where the wind tunnel forms as it comes off the ocean and through the city’s buildings. If there is no bee action, I will take some flowers. The tree-shrub is just loaded with blossoms this unexpected second flush. The first blooming was slow but those bracts do have some fruit currently (but not ready for harvest -- still very green). There might be enough of those fruits to add into the firecider that needs to get started soon.
For the frugal living tip: we use to do a lot of hand washing outside so I kept a tightly crotched or knitted hand size bag/pouch tied to the outside water bib in the summer that all the bits and pieces of soap bars went. Now at this place, we don’t do that as much so what I want to do is recycle a small dish soap squirt bottle for the same purpose but leave it in the half bath to use up those tiny bits (instead of poking them down the drain!).
Hope you are enjoying your garden or even a friends garden be it in physical labour, visiting to enjoy the nature or dreaming of a future garden -- and that there are birds nesting there!
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doublearmbars · 1 year
minific: laundry day (mcmg)
i finally got laundry day out of my system. under the cut now, on the archive tomorrow
Chris wakes up because his feet are cold. Semi-conscious, he curls his legs up and yanks at the comforter. Or he tries. He can’t get any material to actually move, like someone is holding the other side. Finally he opens his eyes in an unhappy squint, yanks on the comforter again, and lets out a little frustrated noise. 
Alex is at his end of the bed, already dressed, the other end of the comforter in both hands. He has the hamper at his heels, full of their collective pile of monochromatic clothes and towels. When he spots that Chris is awake, he does his best stern face, which doesn't really work anymore. “I gotta wash the sheets. Which means you, mister, are getting out of bed.” 
The rest of the year Chris is the ‘morning person’ but come winter, he’s achy and his feet get cold easily. He scrunches up his face, but that just makes him yawn, which makes a noise that’s been described as “stupid cute.” 
“C’mon. You know the deal.”
A loosely piled outfit lands on the bed next to his head. The shirt is Alex’s with a design that’s worn almost all the way off, but is probably for a band. The pants are his, half of a tracksuit. 
He barely sits up to get dressed, stretching his sleep-stiff legs when he pulls his pants on. There’s a brief moment when he stands and helps Alex pull the fitted sheet off, lobbing pillowcases at him while still half awake. 
Sitting back down at the edge of the bed, he soaks in the morning sun for a minute while he massages out his legs. It’s quiet, the kind of quiet that shuts your brain up. If he wasn’t in charge of making breakfast he’d sit a little longer, see what's going on out back. There’s a fresh layer of snow. It’s caught in the trees and on the empty bird feeder. 
He sneezes and the moment ends.
Chris shuffles into the kitchen in his slippers. The floor is always cold there, even on the ergonomic mat in front of the stove. 
The cat is at his heels the whole time as he putters around, getting all the fixings ready for oatmeal. She’s not chatty, hardly ever is, but she is insistent, rubbing his leg and looking up with big green eyes. He reaches down to give her a scratch behind the ear and is met with a loud purr. 
“Are you trying to bribe me?” Chris murmurs affectionately, crouching to her level and massaging her forehead with both thumbs. She chirps.
“She knows you’re a soft touch.” 
Chris raises his head, and there’s Alex, leaning over the counter, stealing all the best blueberries.
“Yeah, and who taught her that?” He chuckles, giving the cat a kiss before standing up. 
They fix and eat breakfast quietly.
The washer chimes, lifting the comfortable blanket of silence.  The rest of the day is busy: finishing the laundry, getting bags packed, workouts on the rowing machine and the weights set. It’s nice to have things to do.
Later, when he’s tired from clearing the front walk, Chris will burrow himself under the covers and become a comfortable, worn out puddle, and wake only briefly when his other half settles in behind him.
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evelynjohn001 · 5 days
How to Clean Up Bird Seed on the Ground: A Step-by-Step Guide
Feeding birds in your backyard can be a delightful activity, but the mess that bird seeds leave behind can be less enjoyable. Spilled bird seed on the ground can attract unwanted pests, cause mold growth, and create an unsightly mess. Regular cleanup not only keeps your yard tidy but also ensures a healthier environment for your feathered friends.
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Here's how you can efficiently clean up bird seed on the ground and maintain a pristine bird-feeding area.
1. Prevent Spillage in the First Place
Before jumping into the cleanup process, it's important to minimize how much seed falls to the ground in the first place.
Tips to Reduce Bird Seed Spills:
Choose a Seed Tray: Attach a seed-catching tray beneath your bird feeder to catch falling seeds. This keeps the ground cleaner and prevents waste.
Use a No-Waste Seed Mix: Opt for hulled seeds or blends that birds fully consume, leaving fewer husks and leftovers.
Proper Feeder Placement: Place feeders over a patio or deck, which are easier to sweep and maintain compared to grass or soil.
2. Regularly Sweep or Rake the Ground
Consistency is key to keeping bird seed messes under control.
Tools You’ll Need:
Broom or Rake: Use a stiff broom for patios or a rake for grassy areas to gather seeds and debris.
Dustpan: Collect the swept seed easily for disposal or composting.
Leaf Blower (Optional): For larger areas, a leaf blower can quickly gather scattered seeds into one pile for easier cleanup.
Steps to Follow:
Sweep or rake daily: Regular sweeping prevents seed from mixing with dirt or getting buried in the soil.
Bag the seeds and debris: Collect the seeds and dispose of them in a compost bin or trash. Avoid leaving them out as they may attract rodents or insects.
3. Vacuum or Power Wash Hard Surfaces
For bird feeders placed on patios, decks, or other hard surfaces, vacuuming or power washing is an effective cleaning solution.
How to Clean Hard Surfaces:
Vacuuming: Use a shop vacuum to suck up scattered seeds and other fine debris. This method is particularly useful if the area is too large to sweep by hand.
Power Washing: Occasionally power wash your patio or deck to eliminate any seeds stuck in cracks and to remove mold or mildew that can result from decaying seed.
4. Use a Bird Seed Mat
For grass or garden areas, using a seed mat can significantly reduce cleanup efforts.
Benefits of a Bird Seed Mat:
Catches Falling Seeds: The mat traps spilled seeds, preventing them from mixing into the soil.
Easy to Clean: Just shake out or hose down the mat to remove accumulated seed. This reduces the time spent raking and picking up seeds by hand.
5. Remove Moldy or Spoiled Seeds
If bird seed is left on the ground for too long, especially in damp weather, it can become moldy. Moldy seeds pose a health risk to birds and can spread diseases.
How to Handle Moldy Seeds:
Inspect Regularly: Check the feeding area for signs of mold or spoilage.
Discard Safely: Carefully scoop up moldy seeds using gloves and dispose of them in a sealed trash bag to prevent further contamination.
6. Consider Using Ground Feeders
If you prefer not to suspend feeders, ground feeders are a great alternative.
How Ground Feeders Help:
Easier Cleanup: Ground feeders are usually portable and can be moved around, making it easier to control seed spillage.
Easy to Empty: Simply dump out the seed tray, rinse it off, and refill without worrying about seed scattering everywhere.
7. Keep Pests Away
Rodents, such as mice and squirrels, are attracted to bird seed on the ground. Cleaning up regularly helps discourage these pests.
Pest Prevention Tips:
Remove Food Sources: Clean up seeds immediately after feeding time to reduce the chance of attracting unwanted visitors.
Install a Baffle: Use baffles to prevent rodents from climbing to the bird feeder in the first place.
Natural Deterrents: Consider using natural deterrents like cayenne pepper in your bird seed mix—birds are unaffected, but rodents will avoid it.
Final Thoughts
Keeping bird seed off the ground is not only about aesthetics but also about creating a healthier, more enjoyable feeding environment. By following these simple steps and incorporating preventive measures, you can maintain a clean and pest-free backyard while still enjoying the sights and sounds of your favorite birds.
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