#we have a quite big house so trying to get rid of our stuff in a month is scary
mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
ateez and their s/o move in together pls ❤️
ateez when they move in with their s/o
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genre: crack, fluff
word count: 1.1k
warnings: some are longer than others, apologies
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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hongjoong had the design of most of the rooms all figured out. and you trusted him with this because he just has a naturally good eye for these things. he has a unique but organised mind; he knows what looks good.
for this reason, everything seemed to be in place quite early on after moving in. the challenging tasks lay with putting together certain furniture.
"we shouldn't have to pay someone to do this for us when we can do it ourselves!" hongjoong said defiantly and optimistically. "how hard can it really be?"
he soon regretted asking that because it was 11:30 pm and you both sat together on the living room floor, still contemplating the instructions that made no sense and the unit you were trying to build still not complete.
you both looked over at each other and exchanged looks, not needing to say what you both thought about the situation.
"you wanna get a takeaway?" hongjoong shrugged at you.
"oh, absolutely." anything was better than this.
seonghwa was in a dream-like state the moment all the boxes were unboxed and everything was in its place.
you looked at him and shook your head, "oh yeah? you're happy now, but earlier you were a nervous wreck!"
seonghwa chuckled sheepishly and leaned against the kitchen counter, a slightly guilty look on his face.
"yeah, sorry about that," hecrossed his arms over his chest, "i just wanted everything to be... perfect?"
"yes, i can tell," you giggled at him gently, wrapping your arms around his waist in a hug. seonghwa grinned at your actions and hugged you back.
"now that i've stopped to take it in, i just can't believe we've moved in together," he dreamily, a thankful smile on his lips, "it feels so surreal. and so, so lovely."
"so what are we gonna do about that spare room?"
yunho whisked his head around excitedly at this question. of course, he had to play it smart in order to get his way. so he sat and raised his hand to his chin, stroking it as if he had a beard, and acting as if he were in incredibly deep thought.
"we could... i don't know..." yunho lead up to it, "turn it into a gaming room?"
you smiled and him knowingly and tutted, "why am i not surprised?"
"hey," yunho chuckled, "it's got multiple purposes. if we have a big tv in there and a couple of consoles, when people will come round we will all have something to do to break the ice."
yunho always made a good point.
"and when it's just us two, we can cuddle up and watch a movie," he fluttered his eyelashes and you shook your head, rolling your eyes at his forced cuteness.
"fine, whatever. have your game room! but only if you let me beat you when we play fifa."
"yeah, i don't see that happening."
you and yeosang both agreed that the fridge was the most important appliance in the house. the fridge was a priority.
and so here you both were, standing next to a fridge full of food. perfect. but what to do next? neither of you had a clue.
"maybe we should have thought this through," you hummed, suddenly becoming overwhelmed with the thought of everything else you had to get through.
"yeah, but hey, at least we got food," yeosang grinned and grabbed a chocolate bar. you shoo your head disapprovingly at him.
"onto the next thing now," you said, acting as the voice of reason in this situation (it tended to alternate) and on passing yeosang, you took a big bite out of his unwrapped chocolate. he was appalled at your actions but knew he had to oblige.
indulging in chocolate would have to wait.
"so now that we have settled in, we need to de-clutter all our stuff. you know, get rid of stuff."
the word 'de-clutter' never really appealed to san. he wasn't a hoarder by any means, but he did tend to keep a lot of stuff for the sake of keeping them.
"i know i need to get rid of some clothes," you said, going through your wardrobe. you came across something of san's and smiled, amused.
"i suppose we are keeping this?" you held up his shiber plushie that he has kept for all these years. he looked at it with a fond smile and practically snatched it from your hands.
"yes, i'll keep shiber," he hugged the plushie to his chest, "for old time's sake, of course"
you and mingi lay in an exhausted heap on the sofa. the unpacking was done. everything was in it's place. it took ages but finally, everything had come together.
"we did it," he mumbled, his tone tired but triumphant as he raised his hand lazily to offer a high-five. you high-fived him back, a half-hearted effort on your part too. your hands collided and fell into each other in the same movement. you were both tired, but that didn't mean you couldn't hold hands.
"what do we do now?" he asked, half-worried there would be more work to do.
but you shook your head as if you sensed his worry.
"nothing," you replied, "we do nothing."
"there is no way we're having yellow-coloured walls when we have to work with this green carpet."
wooyoung decided he was an interior designer when the two of you moved in together. it was hilarious to you because both organisation nor coordination was just not his thing. but hey, he sure had some style to live up to, apparently.
"i should have gotten another roommate," he sighed dramatically and shook his head.
"i'm not your roommate, i'm supposed to be your soulmate you idiot," you whacked him gently on the arm, before poking him playfully in his sides, making him chuckle and grin at you. "maybe i should find another soulmate then, hmm?"
"you wouldn't dare."
having a boyfriend like jongho had a lot of perks.
for instance, when moving in with him, he did all the heavy work. it made things much easier having him around that was for sure; lifting things you would never be able to lift yourself.
"can you lift that cabinet over here a sec, i wanna see something," you asked jongho, pointing to the place you wanted it to be put. you were seeing what layout of the lounge was better.
"am i your personal forklift now?" jongho asked, chuckling at his own little joke. he couldn't deny that he enjoyed helping you build the home for the both of you to share.
it was weirdly romantic for him. it felt like a new start to your journey together.
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bi-bard · 2 years
It's Been a Long, Long Time Since I've Seen my Face in Your Eyes - Dick Grayson Imagine [HBO's Titans]
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Title: It's Been a Long, Long Time Since I've Seen my Face in Your Eyes
Pairing: Dick Grayson X Sibling!Reader
Word Count: 1,887 words
Warning(s): experience in foster care, feelings of abandonment
Summary: [Inspired by "Brother" by Madds Buckley] An old face finds Dick after searching for a very long time. Once the initial shock wears off, he finds himself ready to do anything in order to make up for all of the lost time.
Author's Note: I don't know why I picked Dick for this imagine. It just felt like a natural choice.
I would love to say that my search for Dick Grayson began with a TV report.
But in all honesty, it started long before that.
I had been looking for him for as long as I could remember.
He had promised to find me after I had been taken away. I guess that I was trying to make it easier on him.
I remember being a little kid in one of my earlier foster homes.
I had been snooping around the guy's office. They had been talking about the papers that they had been given about me. I knew that they were somewhere in the house, so I was looking for them. I thought that one of them may have a record of where my brother was.
They caught me.
They yelled at me for a long time. Stuff about invading their privacy shifted into stuff about them being my family now, so I needed to drop the subject of my brother. I had them now.
They would get rid of me a few weeks later when the wife found out she was pregnant. They couldn't afford both kids and decided which one was more important to them.
That wasn't a completely unique story. I spent a while jumping from place to place.
My search stopped. No one wanted to help me anyways. I was wasting time.
Until this one woman. She was on her own. She had always wanted a kid. There was a combination of bad men and fertility problems that troubled her before she decided on adopting.
She was sweet.
It took me years to finally ask questions about my brother. She stunned me by answering them.
She told me about this billionaire who had adopted him. Not because she had it in some records. She actually only asked because of me. It was apparently a pretty big deal. The guy had lost his parents at a similar age to Dick.
He also had the chance to adopt both of us and keep us together. He just didn't.
Bruce Wayne.
She kept trying to meet with him. He would never accept.
I kept seeing the news. Batman had a new sidekick. Robin. There weren't many images of him, but the ones I saw were recognizable. No one knows someone's signature moves quite like their family. I knew everything that my parents taught Dick.
That was how I spotted him.
It took a long time for me to finally admit that I was too angry to deal with these calls. I had gotten my college degree at that point, I had moved out on my own, and I had yet to get a single call back.
The woman who raised me tried to comfort me. Keep me from losing my mind about the whole thing, but I was angry. Angry and tired. I wanted my brother back.
I found myself on the doorstep of Wayne Manor years later.
I had originally promised the woman that raised me that I wouldn't show up on his doorstep. Not unannounced.
But I did.
It was difficult to accept that I was in my early twenties and still searching for my big brother.
"Hello," the man of the hour greeted.
"Bruce Wayne," I asked. He nodded. "I'm (Y/n)... Grayson. You have my brother."
There was a pause before Bruce insisted that I come inside. I followed him in. We found our way to a living room. He sat on one chair while motioning toward the other one. I hesitantly sat down.
"Where is he?"
"Not here," he explained. My heart dropped. "He left quite suddenly. I didn't get much of an explanation beforehand. I wish that I could be more helpful."
"Oh," I mumbled.
"You can leave your number and I can call if I hear anything."
"You don't have a number for him?"
"Based on his avoidance of my calls, I would assume so."
Or maybe he just doesn't like you, I thought to myself. You did keep his sibling from him for years.
I just nodded.
Bruce handed me some paper and a pen. I scribbled down my number and handed it back.
I left soon after.
I continued searching independently.
And then, the fated news report.
I don't know what happened. Not completely. I just remember watching a story about some kind of natural disaster. In the middle of the reporter discussing some unknown heroes, someone jumped in front of the camera to yell about the Titans being back before he was promptly shoved away.
But I caught it.
The Robin suit.
The one that I now associated with Dick and his new life. However, I knew very well that the man on the news was not Dick. He wouldn't act like that.
It was a matter of days before I got a call.
"Hello," I said.
"(Y/n) Grayson?"
"This is Bruce Wayne," he explained. I froze where I was, placing the pencil I had been writing with on the desk. "I told you that I would call if I received any news on Dick and his whereabouts."
"I remember."
"I know where he is now. I can give you the address."
"What took so long?"
He paused. "It was for your protection. I wouldn't willingly give you his location if I thought that it would get either one of you killed."
"Oh," I muttered. And the other fifteen years or so?
"Are you ready?"
I grabbed my pencil again, quickly finding a fresh piece of paper. "Go."
I scribbled down the address and instructions that he rattled off to me. He made me repeat them back to him to ensure that I understood everything.
The trip to San Francisco was longer than I originally thought it would be.
I had kept sleep to a minimum, focusing on getting to the address that Bruce had given me. I was constantly questioning myself.
What if Dick didn't want to see me?
What if that was why he never found me?
Was it possible that he thought that I would be some kind of burden to him?
I tried to shake those thoughts off but there wasn't much else to do during the trip.
The address was a large tower. It made me pause. This was where Dick was staying?
I checked the paper and the building a few times. Anxious. What else would you expect?
I took a deep breath before walking over and ringing the doorbell.
It took a moment before there was any response on the inside, "Hello?"
"Um, Hi," I greeted. "Sorry, but... I- I'm looking for Dick Grayson. Bruce gave me this address."
Another pause. "What's your name?"
"(Y/n)," I replied. "He... He'll probably know who I am."
There wasn't another response after that.
I was left standing outside for a few minutes before I heard the door click open. I walked inside, making sure to pull the door shut behind me.
I followed all of Bruce's instructions to the letter.
The elevator ride felt like it was an eternity. I had to focus on not letting my breathing get out of control. I was scared. I didn't know what my brother was like after all these years. Or how he felt about what happened. If he was going to believe that I was who I said I was.
It all filled my heart with this strange mix of hope and dread.
Dick was waiting at the elevator when the doors opened. I slowly stepped out as he watched me. I adjusted my duffel bag strap on my shoulder.
It wasn't a question. It was an observation. Like he was confirming it in his mind. Reminding himself that this wasn't a dream or hallucination.
"Hi, Dick," I muttered, feeling tears building in my eyes.
"Oh my God..."
I dropped my duffel bag as Dick stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. My arms wrapped around him, and I tightly grabbed the fabric of his shirt. I closed my eyes and hid my face in his shoulder.
My muffled crying seemed to only make him hug me tighter.
"You promised to find me," I mumbled. "I waited for you."
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm so... so sorry."
We stayed in the hug for a little while longer.
I kept thinking about the younger version of me. The one that was trying to beg Dick to stay. The one that begged to go see their big brother. The one that started searching for him so long ago.
I let out a heavy breath. It was like I was letting go of some kind of weight. It was nice.
I stepped back, wiping my eyes as I looked at his face again.
He grinned at me.
He turned around when he heard his name. I stepped to the side, looking at the three people at the end of the hall. I wiped my eyes again, trying to ensure that I wasn't still crying in front of a group of strangers.
"Who's this," the girl asked, her arms crossed over her chest. She seemed nervous.
"This is (Y/n)."
"Oh my God," she mumbled.
I looked back at Dick. Had he talked about me? All these years... had he talked about me?
"I saw you," she said. My confusion must've been more obvious than I knew. "I... I had visions... about what happened to your parents."
I looked at the floor for a moment, fidgeting with my fingers a bit.
"We didn't," one of the guys spoke up, causing us all to look at him. "We're still a bit confused."
"(Y/n) is my younger sibling," Dick explained. "After our parents died, we got separated. I was 12. (Y/n) was 7."
"Bruce only took one of you in?"
We both nodded.
"Um, I'm Gar," the other boy stepped forward and held out a hand for me to shake. I shook it and grinned.
"Jason," the first guy that spoke up nodded at me. I nodded back.
I looked over at the girl.
She blinked a few times like she was still shocked to see me there. "Rachel."
"Nice to meet you, Rachel," I said.
There was a pause in the room.
"I... I'm sorry to be rude, but I am... very tired," I muttered.
Dick reached down and grabbed my duffel bag. "There are a few extra rooms. Come on."
I waved at the other three as I followed him.
I tried to stay close to him as we made it through the halls.
He placed my bag on a bed. I looked around the small room. It was nice. Really nice, actually.
"I'll let you get some rest-"
I stopped him by hugging him again. He hugged me back.
"I'll right down the hall, got it?"
I nodded, still not stepping back for a few more moments.
"I'm so sorry that I didn't find you."
I stepped back and grinned at him. "It's okay."
In all honesty, I didn't blame him. I don't think I ever did. He was a kid just like I was. Not to mention the added pressure that he was facing. In the end, I understood it all. Dick was just like me: doing the best with what we had been given.
I was just grateful to find him now.
Dick Grayson Tag List: @igotanidea
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karrolinnn · 4 months
The reality of being a loner
I really don't want to make this post too long, so I won't get in-depth about the experiences I will describe, but, if you'd like me to, I would be happy to do so. Just comment.
My whole life I have been quite the loner. Moreover, an outcast. An absolute ghost. See-through, like a glass figurine.
In elementary school, I used to have only one close friend, she was my best friend at that time. We used to sit together in class, have play dates, later on as we got our first phones we used to text and call each other too. I was fine with having only one friend, she was a great one too, I have always been a pretty introverted girl, so it really didn't bother me.
But I rememeber that for some reason, the rest of the class wasn't too friendly with me. I definitely wasn't bulied, they were just a little distant, maybe even secretive around me. We did play around together and talk about stuff, but not too much. When we used to talk or play some kind of game I always felt a little left out or unwanted. Not to mention feeling like they knew stuff that they didn't want me to know.
But let's say that I just wasn't a regular person in their friend group, so it must be fine for them to not be too open to me, right? But I will never forget this one time, the time I actually felt unwanted by my friends for the first time in my life. The time I heard it crystal clear.
I was at a playground near a friend's house. I saw one of my friends and her best friend at the time together in her front yard. I asked if I could come over and join them, and then they started whispering to each other. To this day, so many years later, I still rememeber one of them saying: "Alright, but you will have to get rid of her later". Maybe I was getting in the way of their playtime as best friends. Maybe not. Eighter way, this was just mean.
In middle school I switched to a different school, and so my class was full of different people too. My elementary school best friend moved to a different school than mine so we eventually lost touch. When it comes to my new class, despite me being nice, talkative and friendly, they would often try to shorten the conversations with me by replying in a dry and blunt manner, then turn around and walk away. Soon enough, they began treating me like a literal ghost. I would talk to them, looking in their eyes, and they would pretend they didn't see me. They looked behind and around me or turned to our other classmates and talked to them instead. So I totally gave up. I made only two friends throughout my middle scho days, but at the end of that period of my life, one sadly moved to a different school and the other - a different country. So we completely list touch.
Switching classes once again in highschool did not help much too. My class did talk to me but only when they had to - for homework or school-related topics. I did make a few great friends in high-school though, happily. But all that changed after graduation.
I graduated and began attending university. The reality of studying library science in my country is the following: I am one of the only 3 people who attend lectures in my whole course, which consists of 12 people. Most times I am all by myself throughout lectures. (This has its' many benefits but that's a different topic) I did not make any friends in university as most people in my faculty are many years older than me and our world views are very different. (There is a 20 year age gap between us for example) I do communicate with the other two people who attend lectures with me, but I do not feel very connected to them. And so, I am now a loner. My friends from highschool all go to work so we rarely meet up. I am usually by myself as I travel to university and attend lectures. I live in a village and have no friends around too. Not to mention how hard it is to make friends when you're an adult.
And here comes the big realisation I had a few weeks ago.
I used to miss being a part of a class. I didn't want to be friends with the rest of the class or even talk to them. Just to be around people. But that all changed when I went to a lecture with a different specialty and we were a total of around 20 people. (average class in my country) Then I suddenly felt very left out. I did have a few people who talked to me, but it was regarding studies. I looked at everyone around me and realised I am once again a ghost. Like I had entered school again. So did I really ever wish to be a part of a class or a fomal group of people? I realised I only liked the idea of it that I had made up in my head. The idea I had romanticized. That I would no longer feel lonely if I had a lot of people attend the lectures I attend. That I would not be lonely if I could attend high school again. But that is not true. I am a loner, and I have always been. I accept that, despite how hard it is sometimes.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Mar-a-Lago value: Donald Trump's winter home is at the core of his New York fraud trial | AP News
There are rumors that he is going to put it up for sale and our son says that'll make you look very weak. and inflating the price.
There are a lot of Rumors and several of them come directly from him and it's not from him play me it's worth a billion dollars although he did say stuff after and before that. It's coming from what he says in documents then a whole bunch of them he needs relief and tax money it's a historic home is doing the maintenance upkeep and he's a cheap **** that's a big part of it but the other part is that he is looking for an excuse to part with it and it shows a massive weakness. And Trump is looking for that and that's what he wants other people are not so afraid of him looking weak at all they don't care if he looks like a massive weakling or jerk and they don't care if he is pushed out of a building and our son and daughter don't care and they know what he responds like and the guy thinks it's heavenly does he's motivated by things that are negative because he is a destructive psychopath and that's what he is. His wife is too They're sick and they're brought up to be sick and they're doing sick things and she is quite ignorant about a lot of stuff. He's moving around town this morning and seeing he cares and stuff like that and when he says is it's the most dangerous thing you can be doing and she says what does this mean she's finding out that people are at her when she's blabbing to take her stuff and to take her down meaning to bring her in and she's going around yelling at people she figures out that her son has had it with her no she's **** and she's gonna get in trouble today and yeah she's a little **** but boy these people don't know their **** from their elbow they really don't get it. So they're gonna do the job then there's further exposed the caverns. but this is an important issue. It's coming up because it's time for our plan and the max for him to sell the House and for it to be missing and it is not helping him but he thinks it will. We're going to help our son and get him some days that are nice and transportation this is ridiculous this parasite had to go years ago and we're trying to get rid of it and it is not as easy as it looked he's a loser his wife is a loser it's his sister and we need to wipe them out and that's the trumps and we're going after them now. And sitting in their house listening or the apartment which is not theirs saying all sorts of things and we're gonna make them pay for each statement and each look and each reaction. It's a way of doing someone in it's a simple method and we have the manpower.
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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naughtystiel · 2 years
listening to hard rock on repeat means an ongoing breakdown 🤟
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dawnwriterimagines · 3 years
time, the inevitable: Fezco
Summary: the police come to raid the house just as you’re leaving for Lexi’s play, panic ensues and it’s time to go. it’s not the end yet.
Warning(s): angst, fluff, escape, police, etc.
Author Note: because I hated what they did to my baby boy ash and my man fezco, in the finale episode, I needed to write my own! I hope you guys like it! 
I’m in desperate need of a new laptop, and rent money actually, lol, please help me out guys! I’d really appreciate it. Buy me a Coffee? Ko-Fi, please! Love you guys!
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It was quiet in the house, save for the light thump of your heels when you made your way from the kitchen back to the bedroom, walking in to retouch your makeup, accidentally smudging it to the side. 
Your eyes met your boyfriend’s in the mirror, he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes to himself since you put your dress on, his favorite color on you, and one that fit you just right. You couldn’t help but laugh lightly, his eyes tearing away to fix the tie he’d been trying to put on for the last five minutes, staring hard into the bathroom mirror, you turn to him with a smile after fixing yourself up. 
Leaning yourself on the desk to look at him, he had a nicely fitted black tux on that was entirely flattering on him, it did make you want to take it off piece by piece and stay home for the night, but you’d been looking forwards to this play for a while. Especially since Lexi admitted she had put you in the play, the two having grown up together, meeting in elementary school, best friends ever since. You had to be there, especially for the piece she had added about Fezco and you into the production. What a sight that would be.
“Don’t you look handsome?” You sauntered over to him, sliding a teasing hand around his waist and laying your head against his shoulder.
He smirks lightly at your presence. “Don’t get nothing started now, ma, we ain’t goin’ no where if you do,” he did always say your touch drove him wild, the tone of his voice almost made you want to test his theory. But, as experience has shown, it was no theory.
You chuckle, kissing the side of his jaw, before rubbing his shoulder, “Don’t worry big boy, now, come on, let me help you with that,” you turn him to you and take his tie from him, he visibly relaxes at that, glad to give it over and you smile with amusement. “I love this tux on you, we should get you more,” you bump his chin lightly, correctly tightening the tie up, looking it over as he shrugged.
“And where else you think I’m goin’ like this?” Fezco questioned, a raised brow and a humored expression.
“Honestly, you don’t have to go anywhere, you can stay right here,” you pull him down by his tie, his grin widening a fraction, your noses brushing together from how close you were. 
“Right here?” he asked, lowly, a hand wrapping around your waist, his lips touching yours, pressing into you, pulling away as you smile, kissing him back.
“Oh yeah, here, and at our wedding, at Ash’s graduation,” you added in, breathing deeply into your next kiss, “All that good stuff,” you mutter out, your hands climbing up to his face, holding tight to his neck to steady yourself as he dared to pull you closer.
Fezco nodded, “for sure, ma, sounds like a plan,” he flipped the collar of his shirt, “I can get used to it.”
You smiled, widely, before hearing someone enter the room, from the footsteps you knew it was Ashtray, the two of you turn to the door as he steps inside, “Yo, ya’ll gon’ be late, so quit suckin’ face and get the fuck out,” he pointed to the door, rolling his eyes at the two.
“Come on, man, chill,” Fez said to his little brother, sighing.
You snickered. “Sounds like you’re trying to get rid of us, little man,” you pulled away from Fez, who sighed, taking the jacket of his tux piece off the rack to finish off his outfit.
Ash makes a face as you walk over to him. “I ain’t tryin’ to get rid’a nothin’, you was all over the place about gettin’ there early, remember?” 
“Relax, the play doesn’t start for another half hour, we’re good,” you said, putting a hand on the top of his head that runs down to his cheek, a loving gesture that you’ve down for years now. 
He calms down slightly, “Yeah, yeah, just don’t come to me when you’re whining about being late.”
“Gotcha,” you hummed, agreeing. “Now, I made you and Faye some dinner for later, in case you get hungry, and there are some sandwiches in the fridge,” you took your earrings from the dresser before heading out to the hall, following after fez as he heads to the front of the house. 
Ashtray follows after you, trailing behind, eagerly. “Cool, so, when ya’ll think you’re gonna be back?” he wondered, curiously. He didn’t exactly want to stay home alone without you both, but he didn’t want to go to Lexi’s dumb play either, he’d have rather order takeout, ‘reluctantly’ curl up to you on the couch with his brother and watch some old movie. But, he could wait until after he supposed.
“The play shouldn’t be more than two hours, really,” you started, thoughtfully, taping Fez on the back, mostly to confirm, to which he nodded. “then, we’re heading to Wayne’s for food with Lex and the others,” you then remembered, turning back to look at Ash, “feeling for the usual from there? Burger, fries?”
Ash held in his own little smile, one that he hoped came off as nonchalant. Although, you always did it, it still meant the world to Ashtray that you’d think of him, even with the little things, “You know my usual,” he shrugged, looking away and making his way to the living room, where he caught sight of Custer, who still sat still on the couch, hardly said much of anything.
Ash’s exterior hardens as he catches Custer saying something, whispering to Faye harshly, the girl frowning deeply before glancing at Ash and looking away quickly, rushing back to the Kitchen, avoiding him. The boy slips a knife off the counter as he passes, having a bad feeling about the man that. A worst feeling creeping up into him that he’d held onto since he entered. He had something to hide, and that was the last thing they needed, someone who was hiding shit while being in a house with drug dealers. Nothing ever went right when that happened.
 And Ash was gonna remind him. 
The boy makes his way over to the man, sitting on the one seater next to the long couch, staring at him, glaring, suspiciously.
The man having been tense since he stepped into the house, but the whole exchange between those two completely didn’t sit right with Ash. Custer gulps, visibly, looking at him, the boy that killed Mouse and broke his nose, he had reason to fear the kid, but he had to act cool for the time being. “What’s goin’ on, man?” 
Ash looked at him, stared. “Nothin’,” he answered simply.
Custer nods, not having it in him to ask something else as he breathes deeply, hands tapping his knees to calm himself. “Yeah, yeah, I get it.” He glances over at his phone, that was on, someone listening on the other side. 
Ash doesn’t say anything more. You notice the exchange a few feet away as Fez walks back to the room to get the flowers he had left there and put on his shoes. 
You glance over at Faye who takes a shaky breath and gulps down some water from her glass, your smile dissipates instantly, it gets eerily quiet in the house now and you know right then and there something’s up. You turn to Faye, fully, and her eyes immediately flicker up to yours, the moment she sees the look in your eyes, she begins to crack. Blinking rapidly, she holds tight to the glass, threatening to break it in her hand, she opens her mouth slightly but then glances to the side and deciding against it.
 She offers a tiny, forced smile, glancing over at Custer, just slightly shaking her head. “Y-You look beautiful,” she stutters out, but then points out the shoulder pin of your dress. “Let me fix that, for you, I got it.”
Faye comes over to you, turning you to face Custer and Ash, you just notice Custer turning away from you and facing the television once again, watching Faye in that moment. Your eyes go wide as you begin to realize what exactly is going on, “Mouse was found,” Faye whispers as she messily fidgets with the pin of your dress, your blood running cold. “Custer’s in with them,” knowing exactly what she means, you felt sick to your stomach, hardly able to breath as Faye pulled back from you, a sure look in her eyes that told you to RUN.
“Thanks,” you breathe, “I didn’t even...realize, it was loose,” you spoke to convince Custer, who’s shoulders visibly relaxed at your sentence, your heart raged with a fire in that moment, you wanted nothing more than to stampede over to that man and choke the life out of him, but apparently there was no time.
“Ash,” you spoke, quickly, trying not to sound too unlike yourself. The boy turned to you, a look in his eye aimed towards Custer that made you understand that he had definitely figured out something was wrong as well. “Help me with, um, Fez’s tux please, babe?”
Fez takes that moment to leave the room, shoes on and flowers in hand, lips turning up in confusion, looking down at his . “my tux? What’s the pr--,” he pauses, expression dropping upon seeing your face and a hand raising to him to stop him. “Ash,” he doesn’t tear his eyes away from you as he calls for his brother, a worried look in his eyes as he notices yours. “Come ‘ere man.”
Ashtray stands, glaring down at Custer before walking off, he goes up to his family, the three walking down the hallway back to the nearest bedroom, “That fucker has got some shi-,” Ash starts, hardly a whisper but adamant, you interrupt him.
“We need to get the fuck out of here,” you whisper, unable to stop yourself from shaking, nothing but fear coursing through you, for your boys, for their future, for what could happen if they don’t leave right now. “Right now.”
Both boys look at you, eyes going wide as your eyes redden, tears threatening to spill, you take a frantic breath, you rush over to the closet, tossing off your heels and grabbing Fez’s coat, “What’s going on, ma?” he questions you, worriedly, keeping his voice at a whisper. “What happened? Is it Custer? Faye? What?” he watches you put on some sneakers, taking out two big duffel bags that you’d usually use for the gym or a picnic.
“Yes, yes!” you answer, before shaking your head. “No, wait! No, they found him. they found mouse, Custer’s with them, and we need to leave, before they get here first,” you turned to your boyfriend with urgency, you can see his heart stop before he curses, fuming as he turned back to the door. “No, no, not now, don’t focus on him now,” you pull him back as he stomps towards the door, ready to rip Custer apart for betraying him, bringing this shit to his doorstep, putting his family in danger. “Look at me, look at me,” you take his face in your hands, you feel his heart beating like that thunder beneath his skin. “We’ve got this. We have to just focus on going, ok? Focus. We’re ok.”
Fezco nods, breathing deeply, taking your hand, pressing it to his lips hard before pulling away and turning to Ash who’s already stuffing a bag with cash and weapons, clothes being layered on top of it. “I got that, man. Look, I need you to do somethin’,” he spins Ashtray around when he doesn’t hear him, “Hey, hey, Ash,” the boy is shaking, hands balled up to keep himself still, but keeps a hard look on his face, breathing harshly. He’s scared, angry, “We’re good, ‘ight. We’re good. I need you to go to your room closet, there’s the attic door in there, you gotta climb up, open it, we’ll be right there,” Fez puts his forehead to his brothers, rubbing the back of Ash neck to calm him down, the two keeping eye contact. “Go, now. Go!” He hands him an empty bag from the closet for his own clothes in the room.
Ash rushes to his room, being careful of not making too much noise for Custer to get suspicious, turning on the room light, eyes widening when he sees the attic door. 
You and Fezco pack the bags as quickly and quietly as you can, you make your way to Ash’s room quietly, taking a handful of important things he’d need from his drawers. And peeking into the closet to see he’s already up there, peering down, relieved there really was an attic crawlspace here, and extending his hand for the bags. “Good boy, Ash, just stay there, ok? Please,” you pass him the bag, he puts it up in the attic, luckily finding a crawl space that could lead them to the roof and out the house. 
But, he frowns when he hears you say that, “What the fuck? No, I’m coming back down to help,” he curses, reluctant to stay here and helpless, he didn’t want to leave your alone. 
“Please,” you sniffle, taking a breath as you didn’t mean to let it slip, “Please, just stay there, Ash, please,” you beg him, before leaving the room before Ash can protest anymore.
You walk back over to the room, knowing that it’s been quiet for a little too long for Custer to not become suspicious, “Not too tight, Ash,” you said, aloud, Fez whipping around to look at you, you nod your head to him and he understands then. “Can you hand me that pin?” you asked, loud enough for Custer to hear.
“Gotchu, ma,” Fezco packs in some of your clothes and his, a few more bills, important documents you knew they’d need, their passports, “Hand me my watch from the bathroom, man?” he played along, making his way to Ash’s room and tossed the last bag up, nodding to his brother. 
You linger in the bedroom for a moment, Fezco coming back for a bookbag he had stuffed with random items, you’d need, he hated that he couldn’t grab anything else but they needed to leave. He shouldered the bag, taking your arm and kissing your forehead softly, “Come on, baby,” he whispered to you, the two of you sneaking out of the room, but Faye catches sight of you two, which makes you both freeze up.
Fezco looks to Faye, already pushing you behind him and towards the closet door, looking down to Faye, a look that begs her to stay quiet, and she listens, her eyes glancing down at the bags in hand.
Faye looks at you both, her lips parted, in surprise but she then looks back at her boyfriend, Custer, then back to you, handing Fez his wallet and she squeezes both of your hands tightly. A goodbye.
You nod to Faye, tears rushing down your face and you take one last look at her before rushing into Ash’s room, into the closet and climbing the attic stairs. Fezco follows behind you, pulling the rope to close it, quietly, it shuts with a light thud, you take out your phone for a flashlight in the dark and look around. 
You focus it on Ash for a second to make sure he’s okay, just something about this night, finding out about Custer ratting them out, you had suddenly had such a bad feeling. You wiped off a smudge on his face, using that moment to gently take the side of his face, he nods, knowing you’re asking him if he’s okay. You looked around the incredibly dusty attic, a forgotten room, clearly, but luckily for you all, Fezco knew every inch of this house. 
Ashtray looks to you, before pointing to a corner, a dusty crawlspace and a hint of light showing, from beyond it, “There.”
Fez puts his hand to the small of your back, “Let’s get outta here.”
You all make your way down to it, Ash going first, being the smallest, the duffel strapped to him, the ground creaks irritant below you all, and your freeze, wincing at the sound before continuing. You both follow Ash and it takes a while, with dusty cobwebs, spiders and dried leaves everywhere, but you force yourselves through a space that could’ve been a chimney. The tree of you rolling right onto the roof, coughing up the dust that rammed its way into your throats, you then look around, eyes widening as you spot the swat truck that had pulled up to the house not too far. No one had stepped out of it yet, luckily and it was too dark to see any of you popping out of the roof of the house but that didn’t mean any of you were out of the clear yet. 
The moment Fezco saw the SWAT truck, he could hardly believe it, of course he believed you the second you said something was up, but seeing it for himself was something else altogether. Who knows what would’ve happened if they stayed in the house. 
“Get your asses over here,” Ash whispers harshly from the side, you and Fezco look over at him and he’s making his way down the side of the house, luckily it was only one floor or this would be a lot harder.
All three of you make it to the ground behind the house, you can hear Custer start to shout, calling from somebody, probably Fez, noticing the quiet nature of the home now. Then you all begin to run, your bags in hand, Fezco’s hand in yours and making sure that Ashtray stays running in front of you both so you never lose sight of him. Running behind the neighbors yards and over the fences, Fezco helping you over the dividers and the both of you pulling Ash over together, quietly to not alert any security systems, sleeping neighbors and such.
You make it over to your apartment complex, running for what felt like hours, you were glad you hadn’t lost your car keys with all the running, you toss them to Fez who catches them and unlocks the car for all of you. You give him a hat that you had left in the compartment box and you tie yours up, taking off your coat as Fezco starts the car. He starts driving immediately, all of you panting, exhausted, shaking from the rush of it all, the image of the police SWAT car still imprinted in your heads.
You turn to Ashtray, reaching over and cupping the side of his face. “You good?” you look to your boyfriend as he drives. “Everyone alright?”
Ash releases a tired, humored breath. “That was fucking insane,” he says, with a laugh of disbelief, you slump against your seat, laughing with him, glad he was at least mentally intact.
Fez stops at a red light, and takes your hand, your turn to him, “Can’t believe we just got away from that shit,” he laughed, scoffing to himself, unable to believe what they just went through, what almost happened to them. “Shit, ma, we got outta there because’a you,” he leaned over, “fuck,” breathlessly, hugging you to him, you take him in and fist your hand into his jacket. “Fuckin’ love you girl,” he kissed you hard, the fear dissipating between all of you now. You were okay.
The light turns green.
“I love you too,” you breathe into him, you reach out behind him, taking Ash’s hand, he looks to you with a smile, his eyes red with relief. “Both of you.”
It was time to go now, go somewhere new. Somewhere better, to start over.
Fezco drives, stopping by the high school, you rush inside and leave the flowers by Lexi’s locker, the note that you and Fez had wrote for her with it, edited down with their goodbyes and see you laters. 
Running back to the car and driving off, Fezco and Ashtray look to you and grin, thinking of the life they can choose now with a fresh start. Leaving the small town they’d grown up in. They could go anywhere, maybe going off to the countryside, maybe to a farm, maybe to a high-rise city, the plan wasn’t clear but it was ok. 
They had the time.
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endivinity · 2 years
theres only so many times i can go for a high-powered walk to get rid of absolute incandescent anger!!! i’ve only been in this house for two and a half months and it’s just, destroyed me utterly.
my dad is 65, white, british. he is also terminally online. he spends most of his time looking at memes, hanging out in /b/ offshoots for all his news, and watching opinion piece videos (which, surprise surprise, if he doesn’t agree with the opinion, he’ll mock it or close it before finding something that aligns with his views more).
i dont even know what his views ARE because he’s got so little critical thinking beyond ‘if i don’t agree with it, it’s wrong' and all he spouts are things he read somewhere and my god he’s repetitive. he says the same jokes and repeats the same memes frequently. spouted the ‘avocado toast millennials’ argument thats YEARS out of date. has such a shallow inane understanding on complex societal Stuff.
today he was saying how the will smith chris rock thing was staged, bc a slap is far too minor, tupac wouldve shot him, smith would never have slapped alec baldwin if he’d said it, rock braced before the impact, etc etc
all this garbage, for every topic. he delights in dark humor memes and anti-government rhetoric.
he’s an antivaxxer. he supported the freedom convoy. he blames biden specifically, for what putin is doing. he hates democrats (we are in new zealand, democrats shouldn’t even be on his radar. this is how i know he spends all his time on /b/ boards which are predominately White Americans). instead of the covid tracer sign-in he fills out the forms with his name as ‘jacinda hitler’ or ‘adolf ardern’. he thinks everyone should be infected with omicron to give them full covid immunity (conveniently glossing over health risks and long covid. he isn’t vaccinated bc of the .5% chance it might cause issues with his fucked up kidney). he is for some reason pro-police, despite the anti-government stance. he thinks that jkrowling is entitled to her opinion (conveniently glossing over her financial and cultural icon status granting her a massive platform, and how he refuses to acknowledge different opinions bc theyre Wrong and Stupid). he thinks trans people are wrong unless theyre fully transitioned and surgeried (conveniently ignoring all the things in the way of transitioning. nz’s mastectomy surgeon retired in 2012. our waitlist is 40+ YEARS long), and shouldn’t compete in sports, and how a rapist claimed to be a woman and was put in a women’s prison, and look what happened!! trans people dangerous!! he likes to watch car crash videos and people trying to pull insurance scams. he loves the concept of the darwin awards. he believes that capital punishment should be a thing. he likes posts Owning The Mentally Ill Snowflakes On The Internet. his favorite saying is ‘sacred cows make the best hamburgers’ as justification for punching down on minorities, an absolute bastardization of what the phrase was originally meant to be. i am a mentally ill trans person living in his house. i have a permanent chronic sleep disorder, possible undiagnosed adhd/autism. my brother who lived here before moving out to study, definitely has undiagnosed autism. DAD HIMSELF had to quit his job. his job he had for almost 30 years, because of chronic anxiety and depression. the meds he has to treat it are not insubstantial - they started him in on the big guns right away. he IS the mentally ill snowflake on the internet. he doesn’t know how to interact with anything any more unless it’s mocking and belittling.
he is a horrible person. and i am so angry
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lem0nshark-writes · 3 years
‘’Warm Nights’’
Fili & Kili x Male (hobbit) Reader
Tumblr media
Word count: 2148
Warnings: polyamorous, no incest - issa fili x reader x kili, fluffff, cute stuff okay
It has been a few moons since the dwarves took their kingdom back and the rightful king under the mountain was crowned. You and your best friend Bilbo returned back to the Shire and resumed with patching up the house back after your neighbouring hobbits split all of your belongings between themselves thinking you two had died.
The thoughts of you two's adventures with the company occupied both Bilbo's and yours minds and the two of you often spent time talking about them.
To be quite honest you missed the company a lot, especially the two dorky princes. The three of you managed to bond quite strongly during your journey to Erebor. But you missed everyone else too. Though Bilbo gave you a lot of comfort and his company was very dear to you.
One night as you two were preparing the dinner you noticed Bilbo has made a lot more food than usual, almost too much. But you paid it no mind thinking the hobbit was feeling extra hungry that evening. After you finished up the many foods you helped set up the table.
Remembering you forgot to turn the light off in your bedroom you made you way towards it, and just as you passed by the entrance door to the house you heard a knock.
You looked over at the door in surprise, questioning, not expecting anyone that late. You turned towards the direction of the kitchen and called out for Bilbo, "Hey Bilbo, are you expecting anyone?" you waited for him to answer but he didn't make a sound, you figured he was busy finishing up one of the last few dishes he was working on and shrugged it off, walking over to the door and opening it.
"Who is it-," you didn't even manage to finish up your sentence before a swarm of dwarves fell right on top of you, making you fall backwards on your butt with all the dwarves landing on you.
"Y/nnnnn!~~" all the dwarves cheered your name when they saw you, hugging you tightly not bothering to get off you and almost squishing you to death. Bilbo watched the scene from the door frame with a warm smile plastered on his face. He knew they were coming but wouldn't tell you, wanting it to be a surprise, and oh what a surprise it was.
"G-Guys what are you doing here??-" you smiled in surprise at your friends, trying to hug all of them back when you realized who it is that attacked your small body by piling on top of you.
"We had to visit our favourite hobbits!~" Bofur cheered. "Bilbo didn't tell you?" Thorin added.
"N-No-," you looked over at Bilbo with squinty eyes and he rose his hands up in a defensive way, "I wanted it to be a surprise," he smiled, not regretting his decision one bit.
You wanted to be upset but for the love of it you couldn't, the fact that the company was back together once again was overjoying and you couldn't get the smile off your face.
You and Bilbo took your time to greet each dwarf separately, many tight hugs being exchanged and even some cheek smooches too. And after you all finally done your greetings you and Bilbo lead them all into the dining room which was swarmed with foods and drinks. Many dishes, pastries, all sorts of drinks and desserts graced the table in plenty and you all sat down at the table. The dwarves wasted no time digging right in and soon enough cheerful singing filled the air, all of you joining in, and celebration took over the whole room.
After the lengthy dinner and many songs sung you all took it onto yourselves to clean up and then moved to the living room to share tales of the time you all spent away from each other. Stories of your adventures on your journey to the mountain finding themselves there as well as you all reminisced over the moments shared together.
You spent the rest of the night like that, just hanging out and chatting and when the time came to go to bed Bilbo helped settle everyone into their respective rooms for the night. You so happening to end up, due to the lack of rooms with a one-person bed, sharing a big one with the two princes and him totally accidentally ending up in a big one with Thorin.
The three of you slowly made it to your assigned room, chatting along happily as you walked.
As you got in, the princes started to take off some of their, now unnecessary, layers of clothing to get comfy for the bed and you took that opportunity to claim your spot on the bed.
"I call dibs on the middle!" you chirped cheerfully and catapulted yourself onto the bed, claiming your spot in the middle of the big bed, hugging the extra pillow you brought along.
The two chuckled at you as they put their clothes on the chair next to the wall of the room.
"Works for me," Fili grinned as he took off his boots.
"Me too," Kili smirked as he jumped on the bed as well, landing half-way on top of you, almost knocking all the air out of your lungs, and hugging you tightly.
You chuckled through your coughs and hugged him back, "Dear Lord, Kili-"
He just grinned cutely and so you couldn't even scold him, and just as you recovered from Kili's landing on you you got struck by another one, Fili hugged you just as tightly, snuggling into your body after the jump.
You smirked happily and pulled them both into a tight hug, getting back at them for the jumps.
They both let out gasps from being squeezed but you were gentle on them soon enough.
Brothers chuckled and you did as well and you all fled under the covers, the two of them sandwiching you into big warm hugs, which you very gladly returned.
The three of you shared the comfort of the quiet moment just hugging and being happy to have each other around once again, your heart feeling like it will burst out of your chest. To be quite honest you shared more than just very strong feelings of friendship towards the two, but you never acted on it, both because you didn't want to ruin the friendship but also because you loved both of them equally and you just couldn't pick, you didn't want to anyways.
"I missed you guys so much," you snuggled into them, making sure to grasp them both in your embrace.
"We missed you too," they smiled, each planting a kiss on your cheek, Fili on your right and Kili on your left.
You blushed through a smile and smooched the tips of their noses softly, returning the kisses.
They grinned and rested their heads on your shoulders, their faces almost completely in your neck, so close you could feel their warm breaths against your skin. It made you blush lightly.
"How long will you be staying? I hope you are not leaving tomorrow already .. are you?"
"No, we're not. We'll be staying for a couple of days," Fili smiled at the worry of departure in your voice.
"You're not getting rid of us that easy," Kili added with a grin and moved himself more up and closer to you, his face now halfly touching yours, hugging you tighter.
You chuckled at his words, "I better not," you added with a grin on your face, though blush spread across your cheeks once again because of how close Kili's face was to yours.
Fili stayed on his spot, his head resting on the spot on your chest next to your shoulder, listening to your heartbeats.
He could hear them speed up every time one of them would move closer or even speak. He found it curious, he didn't understand why it would do that, after all there's no way you'd feel the same as him, same as them.
See, the brothers talked after they took their kingdom back over and after things settled down. They've noticed each other's longing gazes whenever the situation would calm down or the conversation died out. They've noticed both of them were missing something, or rather someone. But, seeing they've both been in love with you they decided they would, with your blessing of course, either share or have neither of them be with you. Though the subject came hard to open and discuss once the three of you finally met again.
Fili quietly took your hand in his and held it gently, playing with with your fingers.
Your heart immediately picked up as your eyes shot a gaze towards the blonde dwarf, you gave him a warm smile, hiding the blush that was slowly spreading across your cheeks though the darkness of the room hid it well enough already.
Kili looked up between the two of you, and took your other hand in his, holding it to his chest and kissing the back of it sweetly.
Your gaze now fell at the brunette who was smiling at you already and your blush darkened and you smiled even brighter, snuggling into the two of them.
"Hey, y/n.." after a few moments of silence Kili suddenly spoke.
"Hmm?" you smiled at him, turning your attention to him.
"There's something we'd like to tell you.." Kili continued and Fili's eyes shot at him quickly, not expecting him to open the topic on the first day but also understanding that he can't not be with you for another minute because he feels the same.
"What is it?" you asked with a smile, hoping it's nothing bad.
"So uhmm… I-I don't know how to start but uhmm…" Kili started, now not being sure how to spill their hearts to you.
"When we took back Erebor w-we realized something uhmm-" Fili tried to help, "We don't know how you would feel about it but we have to ask-." You looked between them as they spoke, waiting patiently for the princes to gather up their courage and get to the point.
"Would it be alright if we courted you?" Kili finally blurted out, all three of you now sitting up half-way.
"Both of us, together-" he added with a hopeful smile spread on his handsome face.
You looked at the two in shock, eyes wide and words not leaving your throat. You couldn't believe this was happening.
"W-We know it's weird but.. but we both like you-" Fili started.
"Very much," Kili added.
"And we couldn't come to a decision so, if it would be alright with you-" Fili looked up at you, hopeful smile resting on his lips as well  as the question hanged in the air.
It took you a while to break out of your shock, eyes darting from one prince to the other. But after a few long and torturous moments your brain finally started working again and a quiet "Y-Yes-" left your lips through a breath.
"D-Did you say 'yes'?" Kili couldn't believe his ears.
"Y-You accept our courtship?" Fili questioned, disbelief residing within him as well.
Big smile made it's way on your lips and you nodded your head vigorously before throwing yourself onto the brothers squeezing them into a big and tight hug.
They cheered happily and quickly returned, stuffing their faces into your neck and chest, hugging just as tightly.
After very extensive hugging session the three of you laid back down, now snuggling even closer to each other, the two of them each holding one of your hands in theirs.
"I love you guys," you exhaled happily, snuggling further into the two princes, "I have been in love with you two since the journey as well."
That made their hearts melt a little knowing you felt the same as them, and what a relief it was too.
"We love you too," they replied in unison with warmth both in their voices and in the smiles spread across their lips, snuggling right back.
Your heart could explode from all the happiness it felt at that moment.
The happiness grew even stronger when Fili propped himself up on one of his elbows and leaned in placing a gentle but passionate kiss on your lips, followed by Kili who did the same with a big grin on his face. You gladly returned both, blushing like crazy. The two chuckled at your red cheeks and proceeded to kiss them, each the one on their side, before laying back down and throwing their arms around you.
The three of you laid there like that, snuggled against each other in the warmth of the bed and each other's embraces, all three of you slowly drifting off to sleep.
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pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
Their Perfect Y/N
Wolfstar x Fem!reader
Warning : Smut, pretty chill though. Daddy kink. That kinda stuff.
 Word count : 2532
Your first order meeting. You were so young, you just got out of Hogwarts considered an adult in the muggle world. Only 18, and you had a war to fight, friends to defend, lives to protect. It’s funny how determined you were to obliterate every death eater, but your heart was caught in your throat at the prospect of entering headquarters. You tried to ignore it, this was the first step to saving the people you cared about. You watched the houses split apart and sucked in a big breath before knocking. 
Walking through the doorway was easy enough, being immediately overwhelmed by a high pitched, brutal shriek.
You were frozen in a state of terror, already you were messing up and you haven’t even said anything yet. 
“Y/N, right?”
Your wide eyes moved towards the figure with sleek ebony curls. The intense grey eyes were intimidating, but once you looked closer you saw the twinkle of humor in them. You shook his tattooed clad hands and tried not to let your knees buckle under his firm grasp. 
“Yes, and I’d ask you yours, but the daily prophet has done a great job of introducing me already.”
His smile was genuine, but you could read into that touch of sadness. But he was quick to shake it off.
“Don’t mind my mother, I promise she’s just as unpleasant as you get to know her.”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that-”
“Oh don’t worry about it love. No one told you. It’s amazing that you could come, Remus says you were one of his best students. Really exceptional at defense against the dark arts.”
Heat flushed to your face at the praise and the mention of your favorite professor.
“Professor Lupin is here too?”
Your question was quickly answered when those familiar arms you would stare at entranced in class were draped over Sirius’s shoulders.
“Nice to see you Y/N, but you’re not my student anymore so please, just call me Remus.”
“Feels illegal but sounds good Remus.”
You all found your way to the dining room table and tried your best not to be intimidated by the row of wizards you admired and respected so much. Before you got the chance to breathe though Molly had you trapped in a tight bear hug.
“Oh Y/N, so good to see you dear. Of course I’m not happy about the circumstance, but all the same, glad to know you’re here and safe.”
There was no oxygen left in your lungs to respond, so you just smiled and accepted her warm embrace.
“Molly, if you want her safe and healthy you might want to give her the chance to breathe.”
Grateful for Remus’s interjection you gave Molly a quick peck on the cheek, while she released you bashfully. 
“Thank you Molly.”
 The meeting itself was fine, it was the dinner afterwards that had you terrified, because right across from you was Sirius and Remus. Two of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen and their unrelenting questions and invested eye contact had the embarrassment coming up all at the same time. That didn’t deter them though. If anything it sprung even more questions and conversation starters. You didn’t even notice everyone else had left, leaving just you three at the table. You were cupping some tea between both hands, while Remus was leaning against Sirius’s shoulder. Sirius was replicating the affection by wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
It was peaceful, never had you felt so comfortable in the presence of other people before. So safe. 
“Y/N, I’m glad you came, like I said Remus speaks very highly of you and we need all the help we can get. So if you want to invite your boyfriend or something to join, you should.”
“Oh, I don’t have a boyfriend actually, but speaking of which I had no idea you guys were together. You’re a really beautiful couple.”
Remus only smiled a little, but Sirius’s grin was proud.
“Thanks Y/N, you’re really quite beautiful too. We’re actually not gay though though, we’re both bisexual. We’ve even been known to have thirds in relationships. Nothing permanent though, haven’t found that right person.”
“Does that mean that you’re still open to-?
“Oh absolutely, there’s this girl we actually have our eyes set on right now.”
Your face fell.
“Oh, well if you two like her then she must be lovely.”
Remus and Sirius shared a look, clearly amused by your cluelessness and we all know what teases they can be. Remus spoke up this time.
“OH yeah, she’s a darling. She just joined the order.” 
“She has Y/H/C and Y/E/C. Exactly our type wouldn’t you say Remus?”
“An absolute beauty, exactly our type that’s for sure.”
“Yeah, she looks particularly cute when she holds a cup of tea, with an adorable confused expression.”
“I don’t understand, well I think I do but-”
Remus was sitting up straight now, zoning in on your troubled expression.
“Y/N, we want you. If you’re uncomfortable we can drop it and give you space from here on out and we’re so sorry for making you-”
“Wait. You guys like me? Like that?”
Sirius snorted at your surprise.
“How could we not? You’re completely captivating. Do you feel the same love?”
“I do, it’s just that I’m not experienced, like, at all. And you guys are so it’s intimidating.”
“We would never want to do anything to make you uncomfortable or unsafe. How about we talk more about this more tomorrow.”
Remus’s words were sincere, and well thought out. Yours were less eloquent, much more desperate sounding than you would have liked.
“No please, I need you now.”
Sirius was a man who smiled a lot. Always quick to let out a genuine, hearty laugh. But this was different. It was a taunting smile, a dangerous smile. And you were completely captivated. 
“Yeah? What’s got you so needy love? No one’s done anything yet.”
The table between you felt like it was keeping you miles apart. So you pouted, but Remus tutted. 
“Answer his question Pup, good girls speak up when told to.”
“I-I don’t know, I can’t help it. I’ve never felt like this before and I just need you.”
Clothes were discarded slower than you deemed necessary. Their clothes at least, not yours. You were only left in your underwear. They really just wanted to take their time with you, not worried about them, but you. You just looked so pretty sprawled out on their bed, it was impossible not to stop and admire your trembling figure. Remus slid behind you, allowing you to rest against his now bare chest. While Sirius knelt in between your legs, hovering over you, thumb running over your bottom lip. 
“So pretty baby. Can I take these off now?”
He was referring to your panties and you were all too eager to be rid of them. Except Sirius was still fully clothed, which wasn’t exactly ideal.
“Sure, but could you take this off?” You tugged at the bottom of his shirt suggestively, but Remus was tugging your arms back.
“That’s not how we ask for what we want love, try again.”
You bore into Sirius’s grey eyes. The twinkle of humour was gone, there was love and respect there, but mostly they were filled with hunger. His blatant lust had you nervous, not ever experiencing such intensity before. It had you subconsciously closing your legs. So Sirius was pouting.
“Darling you don’t have to be shy, we like hearing what you have to say.”
You sighed and spread your legs again while Remus robbed your arms soothingly.
“S-siri, can you take off your shirt please. I wanna see you.”
“Good girl for asking so nice.”
He departed from the bed to remove all but his boxers, and it just reaffirmed that you’d be spending hours tracing his tattoos later. Emphasise on the later, cause at the moment you’d rather spend time with him doing something else. He seemed to be feeling much the same, but had to pause to chuckle at your dazed reaction.
“See something you like?”
“Me too.”
Remus pressed a kiss to the back of your head. 
“Alright love, you ready? Do you want this?”
“Yes, please. Do you want this?”
“Of course love.”
Once Sirius was nestled between your thighs again he gave one reassuring peck before making his journey downward. He started sucking right below your ear, and you were already whimpering. He could get drunk on that noise. All the sounds you released so willingly as he nipped your collar bone, kissed your hip, and sank his teeth into your inner thigh. Right next to where you needed him most. He didn’t give you much time to complain though, cause soon enough that last barrier of clothing was being discarded and your fingers found their way through his black tresses. The vibrations of his moan against your clit had you bucking into his face. He kept his palms planted firmly on your thighs.
“That feel good Puppy? No one’s ever made you feel like this huh? Gotta stay still though, can’t make you feel good of you can’t stay still.”
“F-feels so good.”
“I know baby, Moony how bout you help her practice for another time.”
Remus seemed to understand what he meant and you were confused until-
“Open up pretty girl.”
Until Remus’s fingers were brushing past your lips. You started sucking on them as if it was second nature. 
Sirius went back to suckling against your clit, but this time one of his fingers was teasing your entrance. Which once had you whining against Remus’s fingers, so he pulled them out to let you speak. 
“What is it baby.”
“P-Please Siri.”
“By that way, how does she taste?”
He answered by inserting his pointer finger briefly before bringing it to Remus’s lips. Remus released it with a dramatic pop. 
“Now I think I’m jealous, Hurry up Pads so I can get a turn.”
You never thought you had this type of response in you, but Sirius’s fingers thrusting in and out of you was sending shocks through your body. Every touch burned in the best way possible and it was only a short matter of time until the coil snapped. 
“Are you gonna be a good girl and cum for us Y/N?”
“Y-yeah. Please, feels so good.”
“Bet it does, let go for us darling, I know you can.”
He placed delicate kisses across your shoulders as you released all over Sirius’s face and fingers. Despite not being the one who came Sirius parted ruefully with a heaving chest. Remus beckoned him closer and as soon as he was within reach Remus was cleaning off his glistening face with his tongue. A sight you found all too arousing.
“Did so good Y/N, you too Pads. My turn now.”
“Please I need to be inside of her so bad.”
Remus pondered for a moment.
“Could you be gentle with her as she needed. You’d have to be.”
“She was clenching around my fingers… don’t know how I’d respond with her wrapped around my cock. You’re right Moony.”
And there you were, wishing they’d skip the whole talking like you weren’t even there, and just fuck you already. Luckily your desire looked as if it was going to be satiated shortly as Remus and Sirius switched places. When Remus removed his clothes you stared at his member with complete and utter desire. He mistook it for nervousness though.
“It’s alright love, if you want to stop we can. We can go at your pace and I promise if you’re in any pain at all that we can-”
Your voice sounded pained, raspy and desperate as if you were being deprived of oxygen.
“Remmy, I need you. Please I need it so bad.”
He sighed in relief and stroked his length as he settled over top of you.
“I got you. Such a good girl using her manners. Tell me if it hurts at all okay.”
Chest against chest was not close enough, even that could not satisfy the desire, the need, to be close to Remus. It seemed he was replicating your feelings as he drank up every moan that flew past your lips. If Sirius wasn’t rubbing your arms and soothing your hairline you never would have been grounded enough to tell that this was reality. 
“Fuck, you weren’t kidding Pads. She’s so tight I can barely move. You feel so good love.”
Your high pitched moans were gradually becoming more staccato as Remus thrust into you.
“I-it’s not my fault you’re so big.”
“S’ not a bad thing at all Pup. You like my cock, you like being stretched out like this?”
“Yes yes yes. So much, please please Da-”
Embarrassment creeped up from the back of your mind, all the way to your cheeks, but Sirius noticed.
“What were you gonna call him baby. C’mon now, don’t be shy.”
Remus halted his movements to stare at your face intently.
“I- I don’t wanna, M’embarrassed”
Remus gave one more thrust to emphasise his point.
“Say it.”
You knew by the stern look on his face it was better to obey, or else you wouldn’t get what you wanted.
“Daddy, please let me cum. You feel so good. You’re so big daddy I-fuck”
You were cut off by your own moaning as Remus proceeded to thrust at a rapid pace.
“Cum then.”
It was like you were being blindsided. If you were standing you would have been knocked off your feet. Sirius held your hand the whole way, and your grip only tightened as Remus chased his own high. 
“Where do you want me to cum baby?”
“Please cum inside me Daddy.”
“Yeah, you want Daddy to breed you? So pretty and innocent, didn’t know you were so dirty baby. I’m gonna stuff you full sweet girl- FUCK.”
He bit into your shoulder as he painted your insides with his release, and you found yourself whimpering as he pulled out. Remus was always a good caretaker though.
“It’s alright sweetheart. You did so good. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“No wait-”
“What is it pup?”
“Siri needs to feel good too.”
“If you’re sure then go ahead love.” Remus scootched out of the way so Sirius could situate you where he wanted. And that was face pressed into the mattress apparently. He sheathed himself fully inside of you, pressed his chest against your back so he could reach your ear and whisper.
“My turn, we’ll see who you’re calling Daddy at the end of this.”
The prospect of war was terrifying. You were so focused on protecting everyone around you. So it was a great comfort knowing, as you slept in between Sirius and Remus, that you had two people who would go to all ends to keep you safe.
Because besides each other they now had something even more undeniably precious. 
Their perfect Y/N. 
@sunny-bunnny @quindolyn @accioweaslcy @bluemoonyblurbs @weasleyposts
713 notes · View notes
the-firebird69 · 3 months
They're going to sit there and sail this crap that's the Mac proper probably until the end and we hate them for it but they're going to destroy themselves. Now here at the laundromat is quite a cast of idiots John remillard threatening our son threatening his bike when he has to get back to the stupid apartment where he is and he's a loser okay there is Jason with the 20 above no yeah it's a 20 and his Brian he's trying to move him thank God it all together it makes a big mess and it points to Tommy f and the pseudo empire we get by them and you see the max running their plan and they're running like a piece of s*** and the treating everybody bad and didn't want to change but really you look at it foreigners have everything to gain and they think it'll come right off because he's Young and what are you saying is you started a grudge match on top of letting the max get away with tons of s*** on purpose because they wanted you to allow them to get somewhere as opposed to nowhere and he says it's a shameful thing and I did figure it out and that was Shaquille O'Neal and the two big fellows are saying everybody fell for it it took a massive effort to change it a little and it's still taking an effort and there's too many idiots running around and they're going to be gone soon this stuff is rancid no matter what you do they start an argument in a fight with everybody and they can't find it all over the world they're deteriorating and getting pulled in by regular people everywhere there's too many life is very hard you can't work in peace and you can't rest ine in your house and the max are figured out that was a mistake and Tommy f is dug in in the pseudoemfer it's more like a huge idiots sitting here threatening with the vice grip on like one person who they shouldn't at all and they're a complete absolute abhoring mistake and we hear it on the radio these people are so far out of line there's no line and he's right it's going to be Lord of the flies all the time we see it happening so they're trying to get rid of them there are some results of this first thing is they're going into the tunnels and pulling dirt out and the max are striking them and there is a war in the west and they want him out there and a lot of people are going out there and will fight these morons and sat on everything then exposed everything to try and run some sort of cockamani half-assed b******* plan involves two or three people and they'd be ruining everybody like they are and there's a huge huge cry for them to come down if they're leaving and not doing anything. And I think they'll be the good guys by paying our son later. Now there's a huge number of people after these idiots globally but it's not that huge the attrition is 0.7% it's fairly healthy for my God it is annoying
-we have to use force on them we have to force them now I want them out. They're not going to do well today and they shrink and expand faster than I've ever seen in a complete wimps and they die all the time but it's just not good enough for anyone and I'm I'm telling you we need to do this everyday that it happens because the professional sitting around doing nothing people like primates. Now there's some studies and we've done this study before and we know how it goes and it is true. They will send it up they will sit around and send it out until the crack is doing you know what this guy Trump out now.
-Hera has some news
Thor Freya
Good I'm treated with respect I always am but okay. Now we have a couple of problems here firstly the wise ass is playing a little game where he wants to try and mess up the eBike and there's some of them doing it and he is supposedly making progress pushing people out screwing around with them and he wants to walk by like 10 times and do it all day long and he's like a little child and he's getting a s*** kicked out of him for doing it what we say is he is a complete absolute menace and doesn't know what he's doing I mean of course I agree with what I'm saying but wow what an invalid that guy is a complete jackass this stuff went out 30 years ago and he's this little baby walking back and forth getting his people hit his plan is absurd it starts me an end game plan when you still had 70% of his stuff for 60% now he's going to lose everything going after his own people I mean he's sick and so sick he needs out and I'm putting it up there again as a request
You need to do an independent study by Frank and Duke and their wives because we want to know if we have an actual handle and we need to check it because there are certain things are very very upsetting and they should not be have been through it all
You know what you're saying and they're going to do it we don't think you'll find anything that they didn't or they will that is and they haven't found anything but what you're saying is we don't have a group of steel in it and we need a group of steel and has to not look like it but I'm getting dinged and it is painful and it's daily he says and it's not good and it's a sign and we need to pick it up here so we're going to do that
Savage it's really a nightmare here and he's right it's way over the top there's people above him the ships and people over there with armor and it's not supposed to happen at all not even for our plan so we have to stop them it's way too close and it's too much of it.
We're going to do the study while that's happening but he's right there's some real odd things and we need to address them this guy is stuck doing my glue and we can't have it ever
Frank Castle hardcastle
These are alarms and they're being sounded all over the world too these people are nuts they're driving around with a heavy equipment and they don't know what they're doing they run into stuff they run over people and we're going to have to stop them so it's a source of hardware and everybody will start if we do we're going to go ahead and do it now
Thor Freya
We have to get our orders together in timely fashion if we have alarms and notice this stuff we have to send it out to do right away and we are not fast enough this stuff is horrendous there's too many tanks out there near our sun they appeared overnight but really and to force them outfit you know it's a little bit quick and it's a little bit heavy and it sets dangerous but then again we can go ahead and do it later so we have to move in protections everywhere and we have to hire more people and for his damn projects he's never going to rest until it's up his logic is good and it's shown a lot of stuff and it will help us and if we make the car they can't resist buying it because it's like it used to be but it would be fast and real and it would work I like the method too you take the original car and you put a wide body kit and you adjust some of the drawbacks of the way it was made and the way it looks but not the general design I want to be involved in it yeah and then it's me Freya and he wants me involved in so he's calling on me to help get it going and pick the job it's open we have a vice president and a whole bunch of things I will I'm going to sit down with them I'll be a chair person and we have several chairs so he's going to open it up it's going to be a division of the recycled motors company since we're going to be doing a bunch of that what are we recycling old or 1 year old chassis and I do agree it's not recycled parts no there will be that so we're getting ready now to do this
And we do say what you say and you both portion in the above portion and she said to below but we are going to form up that company and share persons are going to be brought in now and from each group we have a lot of subgroups but we love them there effort too because of the nature of what the company is it is the recycled motors company we are now accepting chair people experience as a chairperson is required
Olympus unless you are a direct participant in the plan and that means you are a player for your area in a big one or we want organization and we want it now
0 notes
applepi-1 · 3 years
He's afraid of hurting you
Tsukishima x Y/n
Terushima x y/n
Atsumu x y/n
Warnings: fluff
Mentions of rape on Atusma's part.... sorry :(
Also I do request…
-596 words-
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You and Tsuki have been friends for as long as you remember, it's always been you, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi. Always. But somehow you fell for the tall salty dino-loving jerk. You guys did everything together and you were the only other person he tolerated. When you met the team people asked Yamaguchi if you guys were dating, both laughing until you saw Tsukishima. You ran to him and began to bug him, much to everyone's shock (except Yama) when the tall boy smiled softly down at you.
Tsukishima also fell for you, but... he was scared, he covered his feelings with salty comments, but with you he could never, you were his soft spot. He always admired the way you smiled, laugh, or the face you make when you were concentrated or were nervous. He finds it adorable, but he won't tell you that. He'll tease you about how your face looks, but you'd laugh it off.
So, come to both of your surprises when you confess. It was a normal Tuesday, except it was just you two walking home, since Yamaguchi was sick. "Hey, Tsuki, can I be honest with you?" You asked once y'all reached your house.
"Would you rather lie?"
"No, god no... but uh, I like you..." You nervously messed with your fingers. You felt as if your heart was hitting your ribcage as hard as Oikawa serves a ball. Tsukishima felt as if he was dreaming, feeling his stomach twist and his heard dance. But... still fear ate at the boy.
"I like you too..." You smiled immediately. "But I can't be with you." And immediately faded.
"What...?" What kind of confession it that, he began to panic as he saw tears form.
"It's not that I don't want to be, Y/n, trust me, I do... but..." The words got stuck in his throat, he's not used to being this vulnerable. "I-I'm scared..." Your eyes grew at how soft his voice was, he was biting his lip so he didn't show his feelings.
"W-Why...?" You watch him tug on his jersey, the showers were down so none of the players thought of changing.
"I... I don't want to hurt you..."
"Is this about, E/n?" You asked, talking about the bitch who left Tsukishima for her best friend. He said something uncalled for, but that didn't give her the right to cheat and blame Tsukishima.
"Maybe... no, this is about how I'm not good in relationships, the last one I was in, she cheated on because of what I said to her... I.."
"I would never." You finished his sentence making him look at you. "Tsuki, you guys got into an argument, big deal. Couples argue you salty dino." Tsukishima surpassed a laugh as you continued, "It did not give her the right to cheat because you called her out for flirting with that idiot she cheated on you with. I know you loved her, but... I'm not her. If we fight, I'll sit in front of you despite your harsh words. Just like I always do. The only guy I want to flirt with or have my attention is you." He looked down at you and felt his shoulders drop.
"R-Really?" You grabbed his face and smiled.
"I'm willing to do this if you are..." He looked down at you before wrapping his arms around you, you sighed into him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"I don't deserve you... I love you so much, Y/n..." You smiled leaning into your best friend, your now boyfriend.
"I love you too, Tsuki."
-751 words-
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You sighed into your seat, watching your best friend flirt up a storm with someone else. Kazuma Bobata knew of your feelings, and of the feelings of #1, Yūji Terushima. He sighed and sat next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder making you jump and look away from your crush. "Oh, Kazuma. Hi." He just gave you a look, you furred your brows, what crawled up his ass? "Everything good, Kaz?"
"No, our friend is hurting you." You raised your brows. "Don't deny it, I'm not stupid." He said once he saw you about to open your mouth, you sighed and looked down.
"How long...?"
"Since we met." I sighed again resting my head in my hands.
"What do I do...?"
"Confess you, idiot." You looked up to him immediately, Terushima looked in your direction hearing Kazuma call you an idiot.
"What, no?!" You didn't mean to yell but you did, your best friend left the girl standing there confused as he walked over to you, seeing you laugh a little.
"Everything okay, Y/n?"
"Huh?" Your face reddens hoping he didn't hear Kazuma say something about confessing.
"I'm trying to get her to confess to her crush." You immediately whipped your head to Kazuma.
"Dude!" You slapped his arm, Terushima felt his heartbreak, wincing a little, but it went unnoticed to you both.
"How about you practice on Terushima?"
"What..... /////-/////" Both of you blushed and looked at Kazuma who knew exactly what he was doing.
"Yeah, it'll help you both, Terushima needs to confess to his crush as well." Terushima so badly wanted to hit his friend, but he was right.
"Oh... I..."
"Fine." You looked at your friend in shock, "I... I-I'll help." His heart tugged and winced at his words, as long as your happy, right...? You blinked a couple times...
"Uh... okay...? U-Um, w-when...?"
"After school..."
You sighed into your bed, looking at your best friend's eyes. Sighing this is difficult, think of him as someone else. "Okay. Okay. I like you, a lot, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do. I have since we were running on the playground laying at how stupid a kid looked, and... I like you despite you flirting with every girl you see..." As you continued to list why you liked him with your eyes closed, Terushima felt a smile form on his face, you like him? Once you finished and opened your eyes and saw he was smiling... it that a good sign, then you remembered. "Right... uh, your turn to... p-practice your c-confession..." It hurt you to say practice, you wish this was real.
"Oh... uh, right... Look, I like you so much, but... I don't think it'd work." What?
"Dude, horrible confession, what are you trying to do? Hurt her, make her happy, and confused?"
"Shut up and let me finish." You sighed and punched his shoulder, indicating your listening. "I like you a lot, but... I don't want to be the one hurting you in the end, Y/n... I can't do that. Not to you. I hate myself for letting my ex walk away because I chose to flirt with someone else. But with you... I... I can't do that... It pains me to flirt with other girls when the only girl I want to flirt with is you... But it won't last, I'll fuck up eventually." Congrats, Terushima, you made me happy, sad, and confused.
"I... I'm sorry... what the fuck gives you the right to have this all one-sided." His eyes widen a little, he should've known you had something to say. "So what your ex left, I'm not them, Teru. I like you, hell I fell in love with you and I trust you. If you fuck up and flirt with someone we'll talk it out, not just call it quits, or if you feel the need to flirt with someone, pretend not to know me, and flirt up a storm you dumbass." He laughed a little grabbing your face, but you weren't done. "I love you, you, I know you like me, Teru... but, I love you, and I love all your mistakes, I mean, I stuck around this far haven't I...? Doesn't that mean something... Hm." He cut your rambling off pressing his lips firmly to yours.
"You talk too much." He kissed you again, this time you shivered as the coldness of his tongue ring hit your lip. "I love you. God, I love you."
-959 words-
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Atsumu knew giving you a spare key to his house was foolish. But he wanted to make sure you knew you were welcome, when you reached his house it was 2 in the am, and you needed your best friend more than anything. You took out your spare key and opened his door, jumping when you see Osamu in the kitchen. "Ah, welcome home, Y/n." You laughed shutting the door quietly behind you.
"H-Hi... O-Osamu..." He looked over in your direction immediately noticing the way your voice went high and the way you choked on your words.
"Y-Y/n... did something happen?" You pulled your hand over your mouth, keeping your sobs quiet, Osamu immediately dashed to you, leaving what he was doing in the kitchen. "Oi... ya okay?" You shooked your head as he wrapped his arms around you, letting you sob into his chest. "Talk to me, Y/n..." Osamu was like your big brother, he knows of your feelings toward his twin.
"I... I went on a date..." He sat you down on the couch, giving you some room. "I... H-he... took me to a cafe... and after we ate and stuff... I felt... d-dizzy... and... I c-couldn't stop him..." Atsuma walked down feeling thirsty when he heard your voice, he stopped on the stairs looking at you. "H-How do I... tell A-Atsumu...?" He watched as his brother kissed your head and brought you into his chest.
"Do you want me to tell him...?" He watched as you shook your head. "Just... be honest with him." Atsumu sniffed the air and spoke.
"Is something burning...?" You turn your attention to the other twin. Osamu immediately got up and ran to the kitchen. Atsumu looked at you and noticed how you wouldn't meet his eyes. "Y/n...?" He couldn't help but think you were crying and asking for advice on how to tell him something, he thinks you're seeing his brother, and don't know how to tell him. But boy is he far off.
"I... I need to talk to you... Osamu k-knows a-already..." He looked down at you confused, taking his brother's spot next to you.
"Y/n..." He wants to tell you he knows, but something about your face is saying to wait.
"I... I... I c-can't..." You buried your face into his chest, he was taken back but immediately hugged you. "I... I don't know why I can't... tell you... the words just... won't come out..." He furred his brows, hoping his misreading things.
"It's just me, Y/n." You broke down more, that's the thing, you didn't even want to go on a date, but, you wanted to get rid of your feelings for the blonde twin. You know he'd never like you, but he does. He really does.
"T-That's the p-point..." Osamu came back in and tapped your shoulder.
"I-I don't know much, about ya s-situation, but, here..." You grabbed the water from him and smiled lightly, that confirmed it, he was misreading things.
"Y/n...?" You looked down at your cup.
"Hey, just tell him what you told me."
"Okay..." He furred his brows and sighed.
"I was raped." You blurted out cutting Atsumu off... out of all things. He never expected that, Osamu sat there rubbing your shoulder.
"You... what...?"
"She went on a date, got dizzy after..." Atsumu sat closer to you, pulling you into his chest, rubbing your back softly.
"I..." The words got stuck in his throat. "I... will y-you be able to... sleep...?" You laughed at how careful he's being.
"C-Can I stay, w-with you... tonight...?"
"Ya guys can take the guest room, so ya can talk privately, and not annoy me." You both laughed, Atsumu helped you stand before leading you to the bed.
"Ya can take the bed." You gave him a look.
"I, uh, please don't make me sleep alone." He looked at you and sighed.
"I won't," He rubbed your arms gently. He laid over the covers as you laid under, you laughed. "What?"
"I don't bite." He laughed getting under the covers. He watched as you closed your eyes, scooting a little closer. "You can close your eyes and try to sleep you know."
"Sorry, I might not be able to sleep. I usually sleep without a shirt."
"Oh. Then take your shirt off, ya goof." He froze for a second, but slowly sat up, slipping his shirt over his head. He laid back down resting on his back. "Better?"
"Yeah." You nuzzled closer sighing a little.
"Uh, Tsumu, can uh, can you hold me..." He looked at you and saw how you weren't meeting his eyes.
"Come here," you nuzzled your head into his chest letting his arm drape over your shoulder, rubbing it softly, you let out a shaky breath. "Better?"
"Hm, thank you... Tsumu." He squeezed you in response. Once he felt your body get heavier, he kissed your head.
"I'd do anything for ya, I love ya, ya idiot. But... I don't want to hurt ya..." You smiled slightly before looking up making Atsumu turn a deep red. "I thought ya were asleep."
"Eh, but for the record, I love you too... to be honest, I went on the date because... I thought you didn't like me so..."
"Hm, so it's my fault." You sat up immediately as he looked like he was about to cry.
"No, god no."
"If I would have grown a pair, and told you how I felt... none of this would have happened."
"And I wouldn't be here, laying next to you." You traced your fingers over his abs, "I wouldn't be touching you like this." You leaned down pecking his lips. "Kissing you."
"No, no, we'd still do that." You both laugh cuddling into each other. "I love ya."
"I love you too. And you could never hurt me."
60 notes · View notes
Letters — part II: abroad
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Summary: Rafe is struggling. With school. With Ward. His only solice is within the weekly letters he receives from y/n, envelopes littered in stamps from various European cities. As the holidays approach, spending winter break in Paris with y/n is a much more appealing offer than going back to Tanneyhill. Two weeks in the city of love shouldn't be a problem since y/n and Rafe agreed to be just friends...right?
Warnings: this chapter does get a lil spicy but nothing explicit
WC: 6k
A/N: aHa shit goes down in this one.
series masterlist
September 15
Dear Rafe,
I’m glad you decided to write. To be honest, I was afraid you wouldn’t, especially after the way I left.
I’ve been thinking about what you said in your letter after Midsummers. I didn’t mean it when I said you hadn’t changed. I was angry and hurt, so I said something I knew would hurt you too. But I know you’ve changed. I had a whole summer to see that.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel the same way about you. But maybe it’s better if we just stayed friends. I’m halfway across the world and I won’t be home for a year. If we started something now, think of how hard that would be—what it might do to us. You said it yourself, Rafe. A year away can make a hell of a difference. I can’t risk this us. I hope you understand.
Just promise you’ll keep writing.
Miss you,
• • •
September 23
Dear y/n,
I don’t want to lose this either, so just friends it is. And I promise to keep writing. I’ll be annoyingly consistent. You’re not getting rid of me that easily, y/l/n.
So how is London? Are the other people in the program nice? Are the lectures boring? Did you write the next great American novel yet?
School is in full swing here. It’s been a rough adjustment from sleeping in all summer to getting up for early morning swim practices. And for classes. Sarah’s officially here at UNC and my dad is ecstatic, as expected. He even threw her a going away party after you left. The most I got out of him when I told him I got into UNC was a “good.” At least I don’t have to go home until November.
I hope you’re having more fun there than I am here.
Miss you too,
• • •
September 29,
Dear Rafe,
London is amazing! I definitely have not written the next great American novel, though. Everyone here is so talented and intelligent. Sometimes I wonder how I even got in.
I’m housed with some of the other writers here—we’ve become quite the group. We go to seminars in the morning and then explore the city afterwards. It’s so different from home. The weather can be dreary but there’s so much to do. In the beginning of the month, when we all first got here, we got all the touristy stuff out of the way. Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, all the museums. And, since the drinking age here is 18, I don’t have to carry around that shitty fake ID anymore!
The beaches are definitely better at home, though. We drove down to Brighton for the weekend and it was freezing. I guess it is the middle of September, but that’s beside the point. I miss our beach.
Tell Sarah I miss her and that I’ll call soon. And try not to think about Ward so much. I know he’s your dad and everything, but you deserve to think about yourself for once. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes. I know that these letters are sort of “our thing” now, but I’m still just a call away, you know that, right?
• • •
Rafe leaned back in his chair and groaned, running his hands over his face and through his hair. He sat at the bulky wooden desk pushed into the corner of his dorm room and threw his pen on the stack of notes and textbooks in front of him, frustrated. He couldn’t concentrate, studying being the last thing on his mind.
He took his phone out of his pocket and opened Instagram, pulling up your profile (a habit he had developed ever since you left). Nearly three months had gone by, meaning you were in Berlin by now. He scrolled through your posts and saved stories, photos of you and your new friends flashing across his screen. He had sworn he’d looked through your profile thousands of times, just to see your face.
Rafe was having a hard time. He found that he spent his time either going to class and studying or going to swim meets and practices. He would have the occasional night out with friends, but his mind always wandered, never fully present. It was an added bonus that Ward was also breathing down his neck, asking about school and finding extra work for him to do. He dreaded having to go back home in a few days for Thanksgiving.
He felt like his only time to breathe was when he read your letters. He remembered when he got your first letter back. He had read it so many times, the folds in the paper were beginning to soften, worn down by his constant opening and closing. And then you had started signing off with “yours,” making the whole “just friends” thing even harder than it already was.
Rafe stood up from his desk and stretched his arms over his head, a yawn escaping his lips. He walked across the small room and nearly collapsed onto his bed, hoping to escape his crowded mind through sleep.
• • •
Rafe pulled into the large driveway at Tanneyhill. He had made sure to take the long way from Chapel Hill to the Outer Banks, wanting to extend his time on the road for as long as possible. Sarah sat in the passenger seat beside him, scrolling through her phone.
He parked his truck and they hopped out. He squinted up at the big white house as he lifted his sunglasses to rest atop his head. Grimacing, he lifted their bags out the back and headed towards the glass doors. Sarah rang the doorbell.
Rafe watched as his father excitedly walked to the doors, unlocking them quickly and swinging them open.
“Sarah!” His arms wrapped around her tightly and he gave her a kiss on the side of her head. “We’re so glad to have you home!” He released her from his arms as she made her way inside.
Ward looked at Rafe, who was patiently waiting behind. “Son,” he said with a nod, walking off after a short pat on his shoulder.
Rafe stepped forward into the house, lugging both his and his sister's bags. It was going to be a long week.
• • •
December 1
Dear y/n,
Thanksgiving was horrible. I honestly thought I was going crazy in that house. It was either Sarah this and Sarah that or development shit. Sarah at least tried to invite Wheezie and I into the conversation, but my father was oblivious as always.
But the backhanded comments were the worst. I’d tell him I did well in a meet or on a test and he’d say, “I’m sure you tried your best.” What the hell do I have to do for him to give me an actual compliment? Nothing I do will satisfy him, y/n. It’s like I’m only there to carry on his name.
Anyways, I’m sure you had a better holiday than me. How was your flight to Paris? I can picture it now: you’re sitting outside at some cafe wearing a beret, pen in hand, latte in the other.
I know it’s selfish (you did tell me to be selfish), but I wish you were home so I could see you.
Update me soon,
• • •
December 8
Dear Rafe,
I’m sorry your Thanksgiving was so bad. At least Wheezie got to see you for a bit. I know it meant a lot to her. She adores you.
Paris is beautiful. You weren’t too far off on that cafe vision. There are so many here that I just go after class and write (sans beret). My French is still horrendous. That hasn’t changed since high school.
Look, I was thinking… You wrote that you wanted to see me. So what if you could? What if you came to Paris for winter break? Avoid a repeat of Thanksgiving and spend it with me. I won’t have any classes, so I’ll introduce you to my friends, show you around, stuff your face with amazing food.
It’s a lot to ask, I know, but think about it? I want to see you too.
• • •
You were sitting on the couch in the living room, typing away on your computer. You had been chosen for a workshop with a well known poet throughout the city and you were trying to conjure up a good enough draft to show her. Your roommate, Tasha, was lying down beside you, scribbling in a notebook.
Your phone buzzed beside your leg, the noise making your focus shift from your computer. As you lifted it up, a smile creeped onto your face at the message that had popped up on your screen.
Rafe: Couldn’t wait to write a reply. I’m in.
“Is that the boy who keeps writing you all those love letters?” Tasha asked slyly, her British accent making your head turn.
“Wha-” you shook your head, stuttering, “T-they aren’t love letters.”
“What do you call them then?” She cocked her eyebrow.
“They’re just friendly letters,” you looked away, face beginning to flush, “sent between two friends…”
“Right…” Tasha nodded sarcastically, returning to her journal.
You looked back at your phone, trying to hide the giddiness rising in your chest as you typed out a response.
• • •
You stood aside the baggage claim, anxiously rocking back and forth on your heels. You raked your eyes through the busy crowd of travelers, trying to spot the boy you were waiting for.
Finally, he emerged from the crowd. He was carrying one bag in his hand and another on his shoulder. His hair was ungeled, just the way you liked it, and he wore a brown sherpa jacket atop a hoodie and black pants. His eyes met yours as you quickly held up the sign you were holding. ‘Monsieur Cameron’ was scribbled across the front.
He picked up his pace, mirroring the wide grin on your face. Once he was close enough, you ran forward and tossed your arms over him, Rafe having to drop his bags to the floor in order to catch you. His arms wrapped around your waist, slightly lifting you off the ground and squeezing tightly.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” you whispered into his neck.
“I can’t believe it either…” He placed you back down and you took one of his bags, heading towards the exit.
The cab ride back was filled with rapid conversation and laughter. You had missed how easy it was to be around Rafe, how his eyes never left you, always listening attentively.
You led him up the cramped staircase leading to your apartment and placed his bags down in front of the door. “I just wanna warn you,” you said, turning to face him, “They can be a lot sometimes…”
“It’s alright,” he chuckled, nodding assuringly.
You turned back around and unlocked the door. When you opened it, your roommates, who were gathered around the kitchen island, turned their heads.
In one fell swoop, they rushed toward you and Rafe, shouting ‘hellos’ and opening arms for hugs. They had all known about Rafe for some time, watching you smile to yourself as you got the mail or occasionally seeing you text each other. They were very excited to meet him, hence the warning you had given him outside the door.
“Rafe, it’s so good to meet you!” Tasha took Rafe’s face in her hands and kissed the air beside each of his cheeks, his eyes opening, shocked by the sudden movement. “Our little y/n has told us so much about you!”
“Rafe, this is Tasha.” You placed your hand on her back and then moved to gesture to your other friends. “This is Mei and Lily, my other roommates.” Rafe nodded hellos to them all as they gathered around him, hammering him with questions.
“Hey!” you interrupted. “Let me show him his room first, before you all tear into him,” you laughed, picking up his bag once again.
You led him down a hallway to the right, setting his bag down in the room at the very end of the hall.
“This is usually Philippe’s room but, since he’s from Paris, he’s with his family for the holidays. Hope it’s okay.”
“Yeah, it’s great, y/n.” He smiled softly at you.
Down the hallway, you heard a knock at the door and Tasha calling for you. Rafe followed as you went to the door, Tasha going back to join the rest of your roommates. Leaning against the doorframe was a tall brunette, dressed in a long grey coat and sunglasses pushing back his loose curls.
Rafe watched as he stood up and went over to you, placing his hand on your back and kissing your temple. The sight made his heart lurch.
“Um, this is Leo. He’s my uh-” you hesitated, not quite sure what to tell him. “We’ve been on a few dates…” you said sheepishly. Which was true. You had only been on three dates.
“Oh.” Your chest tightened as you watched Rafe’s face fall a little. “Nice to meet you, bro. I’m Rafe.” He put his hand out for Leo to shake. Although miniscule, you knew Rafe well enough to notice his jaw tense when Leo took his hand from the small of your back to shake his.
“What are you doing here?” you asked Leo.
“Thought we were going to my show?” he said through a thick French accent.
“Show?” Rafe asked, confused as to what was going on.
“Leo’s an artist. He’s got a show tonight.” You turned to face Leo. “I told you I couldn’t go since Rafe was coming in.”
“I thought you said you were coming?” he said in a low tone.
“No, I said I wouldn’t be able to.”
“y/n, I was expecting to have you there.”
“I’m sorry. I can’t just leave Rafe here.”
Leo humphed, but nodded begrudgingly, giving you a peck on the cheek and saying goodbye. You looked at him apologetically as he left.
“So y/l/n, what’s the plan for my first day in Paris?” Rafe asked, wrapping his arm around you. You were thankful to hear his voice light and playful again.
“In the mood for coffee?”
“Always,” he said, smiling down at you.
• • •
Days with Rafe were spent dragging him around the city, showing off what Paris had to offer. Some days, you were joined by Tasha, Mei, or Lily, others it was just the two of you. Still keeping to tradition, you would slide Rafe short letters under his door in the early morning, telling him what you had planned for the day. At nights, he would return the favor, often thanking you or writing about his favorite parts, a good joke always snuck in there somewhere.
You had taken him to tucked away lunch spots, your favorite places to just sit and write, and all the stereotypical tourist sites, savoring the time you had together. You dreaded the fact that he had to leave after just two weeks, not nearly enough time, but you were determined to make the best of it.
When you had gone to the Eiffel Tower, Rafe clung to your arm, queasiness threatening to take over his stomach. You had giggled at him, surprised that the tough boy you had grown up with was now holding onto you for dear life. Who would’ve thought Rafe Cameron was scared of heights?
Although you weren’t able to go to Leo’s opening night, you did end up going to his show a few days later, taking Rafe with you. He watched you and Leo with a clenched jaw, hands balling in the pockets of his coat. As Leo mingled with collectors and critics, you stood beside him, listening along. You had tried to peep out some words every once in a while, but Leo was too absorbed in his own little world to notice.
But Rafe did. He noticed everything. He saw through the polite smiles and handshakes. He knew that you had something to offer, Leo’s ego pushing you to the sidelines. He had given your hand a quick squeeze behind your back as the words you were trying to say died on your lips, ignored by the others. “You were saying something, y/n?” Rafe asked. You had given him a grateful smile.
After that night, Rafe had officially decided he didn’t like Leo (not that he would’ve told you that).
One day, you decided to take Rafe to the Louvre and invited Leo to come along. You always enjoyed listening to him talk about art and thought he might enjoy the day out, away from all the stress of his job. He had agreed to meet you and Rafe at a cafe nearby.
You had sat there for hours, long after you had agreed to meet him. Luckily, Rafe was good company, enjoying the espresso set in front of him as you talked. He always knew what to say to distract you, making you laugh uncontrollably. After a while, he got up to use the bathroom, leaving you alone in the wicker chair set up outside of the cafe.
You watched the people passing by in the midday sun, a phone held up to an ear or hands full with paper grocery bags. Your phone buzzed on the table, taking your attention away from the passerby. As you looked at the message from Leo, lips downturned, Rafe came back out.
“He’s not coming?” You shook your head.
“It’s fine,” you shrugged as you got up from your chair. “That just means I get you all to myself.” You walked over to him and slipped your arm around his, beginning your walk to the Louvre. Rafe smiled, the same thought running through his mind.
The two of you strolled through the museum halls, making your way up the large staircase where Winged Victory stood at the very top. You were in awe of the grandness of everything, gushing to Rafe about how beautiful it all was. He only grinned at you, happy to see you having fun.
You walked on into the Grand Galerie, the long hallway’s walls lined with paintings, their frames gilded in gold. The skylights that ran along the ceiling lit up the gallery as visitors paused to observe the art. As you stopped to do the same, craning your neck to look at each painting, Rafe couldn’t help but stare at you, your hair pulled up in a claw clip, wisps of it falling out and framing your face. He thought to himself that, out of all the pieces of art in this museum, he would much rather admire you.
Slowly carrying on through the galeries, Rafe took the time to glance over at you, his heart swelling at how a small crinkle would form between your brows, the rest of your features softening as you looked at a painting you particularly liked.
You had eventually found yourselves atop the Carrousel du Louvre, walking along the famous pyramid-shaped skylight.
“Thanks for today,” you said, bumping into Rafe lightly.
“Whaddya mean? I should be thanking you.”
“I know museums aren’t your favorite thing to do, but I thought it might’ve been a good opportunity for you and Leo to get to know each other. I want you to like him.”
“I like him just fine!” Rafe tried to defend himself.
You laughed and slapped him on the arm. “You’re a horrible liar!”
“What’s so wrong with just wanting to spend time with you?”
“I want you to know my friends! I like showing you off,” you teased. Rafe only shook his head, rolling his eyes, but the goofy grin on his face remained. “Come on, I want to show you something.”
You left the Louvre and walked along the Seine, soon turning a corner and leading him down another street. As you approached your destination, you could smell the freshly baked bread and pastries drifting out of the small bakery. Stopping in front of the shop window, all sorts of goodies on display, you pointed at a tray of muffins. “There they are,” you exclaimed.
“Not just any muffins…” Rafe raised his eyebrow. “Apple cinnamon muffins, like Rose used to make!”
“My favorite,” Rafe smiled, glancing down at you. “Thanks, y/l/n”
“Let’s go! There’s a muffin in there with your name on it,” you giggled, taking his hand and dragging him inside.
• • •
It was Christmas Eve and your roommates were up, the clanging of pots and pans echoing throughout the apartment. You walked out of your room, bed head and all, and stopped at the entrance to the kitchen, eyes squinting slightly at the morning sun.
“Ugh, it’s too early.”
“Hun, it’s eleven in the morning,” Tasha said, taking out the plates she intended to use that night.
You groaned, shuffling further into the room, until the blond haired boy caught your attention.
Rafe stood over a glass bowl, kitchen towel thrown over his shoulder, mixing something.
“I didn’t know you could cook,” you commented, hopping onto the counter.
“I’m a man of many talents.” He looked at you and chuckled, quickly returning to concentrating on what he was making. “Nice hair.”
Your hands shot up to your head, desperately smoothing down and detangling the messy nest. “What are you making?”
“A marinade.” He took some salt and whisked it in. “Now move and let the chef do his work.”
You laughed as you lifted yourself off the kitchen island, quickly dipping your pinky in the mixture to steal a taste, earning a quick swipe from Rafe’s towel.
You eventually got dressed, knowing that company would be arriving later in the day. The apartment had been flooded with delectable and savory smells, making your stomach grumble out of anticipation.
Walking out into the living room, you looked in awe at the makeshift dining room Tasha had managed to set up. A long table ran down the room, candles and ferns placed atop an pink table cloth. She had neatly set up a place setting in front of each chair. The Christmas tree was lit and decorated, sparkling in the corner.
“Wow, Tasha. This is amazing.”
“Thanks, dear,” she pecked you on the cheek.
Slowly, guests began pouring through the door and filling the living room. Leo had brought you flowers and sat with you at the table. Soon, Rafe brought out the food he had prepared before with your friends, the table oohing and ahhing at the sight of the feast.
Christmas crackers exploded across the table as food was passed around, everyone scraping large portions onto their plates. Laughter and chatter filled the air, paper crowns sat atop heads and cutlery scraping against plates. Lily had even brought out her record player, placing old Christmas records on the spintable. The staticy voice of Bing Crosby singing White Christmas rang out into the room.
“So, Rafe, what are you studying?” Leo looked across the table as he took a bite out of his salad.
“Uhm, business.”
“Ah, of course.”
Rafe’s eyes shot up at Leo. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, you know. Following in daddy’s footsteps, feeding the jaws of capitalism,” Leo responded in a blasé tone, taking another bite. “Not surprising.”
“Leo!” you chided, the air in the room growing awkward and silent. You had thought you saw the old, angry Rafe flash across his face, before he let out an easy laugh.
“Yes, I’ll be feeding the jaws of capitalism. With a monocle and top hat too!” he joked, everyone laughing around the table as Leo scowled silently. You let out the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding in, relief flooding your body. You could still see that Rafe was bothered, but he did well to hide it from the others, allowing the conversation to return back to normal.
The energy gradually dwindled as the night went on and dessert had been served. Either stuffed or drunk, one by one, your guests began to leave, yawning and giving hugs goodbye. Leo was the last to leave, staying after to help clear the dishes. Once finished, he shared a dirty glare with Rafe before heading out the door. You shook off the interaction, too tired to be angry at the two.
“Well, I’m off to bed,” you sighed, heading into the hallway to enter your bedroom.
“Hey, wait.” Rafe grabbed your elbow, stopping your movements. “I need to give you your gift.”
“Rafe,” you frowned. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I know. But I wanted to,” he said as he dug his hand in his pocket.
“But I didn’t get you anything.”
“Being here with you is gift enough.” Your heart ached, the phrase alone could’ve made you cry. Rafe finally pulled out a small black box and handed it to you.
Carefully, you opened the box to find a small folded piece of paper. Lifting the paper, a dainty gold necklace rested below it. Hanging from it was a pendant in the shape of a shield, a small raised heart in the center and intricate detailing engraved around it. Opening the note, it read: From your knight in shining armor, defender of your heart.
“Rafe…” you whispered, still staring at the piece of jewelry.
“Shit,” he swore. “You hate it. It was too cheesy, right? I knew i-”
“No, no. Rafe, it’s beautiful. I love it.” You wrapped your arms around Rafe and held on tightly, trying to hide the fact that your eyes were beginning to well. He reciprocated, placing his arms around you. “Thank you,” you mumbled into his chest.
You pulled back and took the necklace out, dropping the box on the floor. Unclasping it, you placed it around your neck and tried to fasten it behind you, but you couldn’t get the clasp to catch.
“Need help?” You nodded, handing the necklace to him and turning around, your back to his chest.
He brought it in front of you as you gathered your hair and moved it aside. His knuckles brushed against the back of your neck as he carefully hooked the clasp. You could feel his breath blowing on your skin, giving you goosebumps. He let his hands hover for a second, then slowly rested them on your shoulders, your hands finding their way to his and lying them on top.
The two of you stood there in the dark hallway, listening to each other’s shallow breaths. You finally gathered the will to let go and face him again, thankful for the lack of light hiding your flushed face.
“Well, goodnight,” you whispered.
Rafe stood there as you turned around to face your bedroom door, slowly twisting the knob and slipping inside.
• • •
“Come on, y/n. People will be here any second!” Mei prodded your side as she fixed the straps on the silver dress Tasha insisted you wear. “You look hot,” she had argued as you had eyed the backless garment in the mirror.
Your friends had organized a New Year’s Eve party at the apartment, everyone eager to get drunk and dance around. You could already hear people entering the front door as you made your way into the kitchen.
Rafe was leaning against the sink with his head down, absorbed in his phone. The striped, short-sleeved button down he wore was loosely buttoned, allowing his chest to peek out.
“Hey champ,” you said as you jumped up onto the counter, Rafe looking up from his screen. “Who’s got your attention?” You nodded towards his phone.
“Oh, no one.” He quickly shoved his phone in his back pocket and stood up in front of you.
“Ready to party?” you joked.
Rafe gave you a cheesy grin. “Only with you.”
Before you knew it, the whole apartment was flooded with people, some you didn’t even know. People danced in the living room while others were speaking in small circles, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes mixing in the air. Leo had come late, receiving a quick eye roll, but you soon forgot about it as you were too buzzed to even care.
You were gathered around a table littered with beer cans, tequila, and other various alcohols, preparing for a game of flip cup. Rafe and Lily were teamed up across from you and Leo, each readying into a stance.
“Ready to get your ass beat?” Rafe asked teasingly, cocking his eyebrow across from you.
“Oh it’s on, Cameron.” You lowered your gaze, preparing to chug the cup of beer in front of you.
Mei began to count you off until Leo told her to wait as he straightened and checked his phone. The group that had crowded around you all grumbled, irritated by the abrupt stop. You looked at him, confused. “What is it?”
Leo ducked his head so he could speak into your ear. “It’s my agent. I’ve gotta go.”
Rafe looked at you as you frowned, already suspecting what Leo had told you. He had seen that disappointed frown too many times during the past two weeks to not know what was happening.
Leo apologized to everyone around them and started to walk off towards the door, you following close behind. Rafe’s eyes never left you, observing as you grabbed Leo’s arm, as you argued for him to stay, and as he shook you off and left.
You stood there for a bit, staring at the door Leo had shut in your face. Your stomach churned, emotions twirling around inside of you. Annoyed and upset, you escaped into the hallway and entered your dark room.
Rafe watched from afar as you left, the group already acquiring new players at the table. He took one more swig of his beer before heading into the hallway after you.
“Hey.” Rafe knocked softly on the door as he opened it, letting in the noise outside before muffling it once again as he came in.
“Hey,” you sniffed, sitting on the edge of your bed with your hands folded in your lap.
“Everything alright?” He sat beside you and tilted his head, concern painted on his face.
You wiped at your cheeks, trying to compose yourself. “Yeah, yeah. Leo just had to leave, I guess.”
“He seems to do that a lot,” Rafe said, disdain laced within his words. He brought his arm around your shoulders and began rubbing the side of your arm. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” you said, leaning your head against him.
“Can I confess something?” His voice came out as a whisper. You nodded for him to continue. “Your boyfriend is kind of an asshole.”
You let out a laugh and gave him a little push. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Then why are you in here crying in the dark?” he laughed softly, nudging your shoulder.
You shook your head and sat back up, looking at Rafe. “I don’t know.”
But you had known. You didn’t really care that it was Leo who had taken off. You had cared that you would be alone again, that you would end the night with an empty bed and empty arms. You were desperate to fill the hole in your heart that Rafe had left there that night on Midsummers, the sharp claws of loneliness slowly tearing away at your chest.
The moon shined through the windows and onto Rafe’s face, washing him in a blue tint. You reached your hand out to fix the strand of hair that had fallen in front of his eyes, your slightly inebriated mind ignoring the nerves building up inside of you.
Your hand fell to his cheek, resting there for what felt like ages, before you moved in to kiss him. Rafe didn’t move, he just closed his eyes. When you pulled back, he was looking at you, brows furrowed.
“I don’t want you to kiss me if you don’t mean it,” he whispered.
You leaned in again, kissing him softly as both your hands moved to the nape of his neck. “I mean it.”
Rafe kissed you back this time, his hands trailing down to your waist to pull you closer. Your kisses became feverish and needy, deepening as your hands roamed his body. One of Rafe’s hands moved to your uncovered back, his fingertips burning into your skin, the other moving to cup your face. The cool metal of his ring sent shivers down your spine. Heat coiled at the pit of your stomach as Rafe moved down your neck, peppering it with hot, open-mouthed kisses. You felt him slowly slipping the straps of your dress off your shoulders and you moved to unbutton his shirt.
As Rafe returned to your lips, helping you take his shirt off, you let the words drunkenly slip out of your mouth.
“I love you.”
He paused to stare at you, brushing his thumb across your flushed cheek. Whether it was the liquid courage of the alcohol or the way you were staring back at him with longing eyes, he said it back.
“I love you too.”
Lips crashing into lips once again, he slowly leaned you back onto the bed as you heard the muffled shouts of ‘happy new year’ on the other side of the door.
• • •
You woke up the next morning to find Rafe behind you, arm draped over your body. You slowly got up, careful not to wake the boy in your bed, and reached for the sleep shirt you had left on the floor.
You watched Rafe, his chest slowly rising and falling as you bit your nails. You thought back to last night, cringing a little at your drunken confession. Maybe he wouldn’t remember? What would he do if he did? Would he decide he wanted to be with you? Would he tell you he’d wait for you? To come home? To come home to him?
Do I even want him to forget?
You sat there wondering, when you heard a phone buzz at your feet. Without checking to see whether it was yours or Rafe’s, you read the message.
Brooke: hey baby, how’s the work trip? Ward giving you a hard time?
The hope that had been building up in you shattered. Turning around, you shook Rafe awake, holding his phone out for him.
“Your girlfriend is texting you.” You trained your eyes at your door.
Rafe looked at you, panic settling over as he grabbed the phone and sat up. “y/n…”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Your voice was calm, steady. It scared Rafe.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Leo?” You remained quiet, knowing full well that you had kept Leo from Rafe for the same reasons he had kept Brooke from you: to avoid all the unnecessary pain.
“You lied about being here.”
“I didn’t know what to tell her.” There was a long pause.
“This was a bad idea,” you whispered. A part of you hoped he would deny it, tell you that it was always meant to be, but he didn’t say anything. You got up from the bed and grabbed a change of clothes, wanting to escape to the bathroom before he could see you cry.
The cab ride to the airport was silent, both of you staring out the window and avoiding eye contact. You had tried to hide the puffiness of your eyes by splashing cold water on your face before you left, but they were still red and irritated. When the car parked outside, you helped to gather Rafe’s bags from the trunk and stood before him. His hair was messy and his expression solemn.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said, eyes downcast.
“I know.” You moved in to hug him. It was a long embrace, the two of you soaking in each other’s scents, trying to memorize the feeling of having each other in your arms. He was the one to let go first. You stepped back as you watched him pick up his stuff. He turned to walk inside, but paused, swiveling back on his feet.
“You’ll write?” he asked.
You nodded, biting your lip in an effort to keep it from quivering. “Of course.”
Taglist: @questionmymentality, @jemimah-b99, @supernaturallydc-blog, @milkywqze, @parkershoco
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thescreamingraven · 4 years
A promise
Dabi x reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff and angst, domestic, slight mentions of injury.
Words:  2 203
Summary:  A promise is something to be kept then why do you insist on breaking it?
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“Mom! Daddy’s home” Your daughter screamed at the top of her lungs as she charged to the door. When it opened, Dabi couldn’t even get one foot in your house before she clung to him.
“I’m home.” Dabi smiled softly, picking up his little girl.
You appeared from the kitchen and approached the two of them. “Welcome home.” You cooed gently, reaching up and running your fingers through Dabi’s hair.
It’s been like that for a few years, peaceful and quiet.. It was a bit difficult at first, when you told Dabi you were pregnant and were planning to keep it; he started to avoid you, ignoring your calls and messages, but after some soul searching he came around. You both knew deep down that it was the right thing to do, even if it was going to be difficult.
After that, you both quickly bought a small house together in a safe area outside the city. You took a break from heroism and Dabi stopped going on missions for a while. The nine months were tough with your hormones taking a toll and Dabi being not the most patient person ever, it had an impact on your relationship. Also, the fear of bringing a new life into this corrupted world wasn’t the best either, but here you were… countless sleepless nights later.
Your little girl was almost eight now, which was exciting on its own. She was the perfect picture of her dad. You sometimes wondered if she got any genes from you or was it all her Dabi. Who knew that a hero and villain could create someone so pure, so sweet, so innocent and so loud…
You leaned against your kitchen counter and looked at the two most important people in your life. Your daughter was sitting in Dabi’s lap babbling about her day and showing the pictures you helped her draw. You instinctively touched your stomach. “We need to tell him” You whispered to yourself, rubbing small circles on your stomach.
You decided to try a new recipe you saw online, which proved to be quite a challenge. It was something you never cooked before and the steps were confusing. You massaged your temples and jumped a bit when you felt someone’s arms around you.
“Here, let me help, you must be tired…” Dabi Purred as he took the knife you’ve had in your hands and placed it on the counter after that he gently kissed your cheek
“Well, hello to you too.” You giggled, relaxing into his warmth.
“Your shoulders feel a bit stern.” He said placing a kiss on your shoulder and reaching to get another cutboard from the upper cabinet.
“I’m fine. I didn’t even do that much today.” You mumbled picking up the knife once again.
“Still….” He looked at his daughter who was scribbling something on a piece of paper, from this angle she looked like an angel, deep down he still couldn’t believe that it was his daughter, even if she did look a lot like him. “She can be a little… active sometimes.”
He looked at your phone. “New recipe, huh?”
“Yea thought I’d try cooking something new.”
“How do I… cut this?” You murmured to yourself, holding the knife horizontally.
“If you do that you’ll cut yourself, Hold on, give me your hands,” Dabi said as he once again stood behind you, intertwining his hands with yours and assisting you in cutting.
“Getting handsy, huh?” You teased.
“Don’t get any ideas miss, I’m taken,” He looked at you and nuzzled slightly into your neck “And happily so.”
You giggled, planting a small kiss on his cheek.
“Have you ever cooked this before?” You asked soothingly.
“I cooked something similar, I think… When I was little, I need to help out a lot because of my siblings, so I learned how to cook.” He explained. “I think my mom used to cook something similar.”
“Huh, maybe you should drop this whole villainy thing and become a chef.” You chuckled, turning around to face him.
“Oh yeah, I’ll conquer the world with my amazing cooking skills…” He remarked, pulling you closer.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and scratched his scalp gently. You both looked at your daughter, who was now distracted by the TV.
“You know she’s really excited about her birthday tomorrow.” You chirped.
“Did she ask for that dog again?” He smirked.
Tell him
“You okay?”
Now or never, just spit it out
“She asked for a puppy again.” You mumbled turning your back on him, once again focusing on your dish, Dabi cocked his eyebrow and sighed.
“No, seriously, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” You smiled faintly. “I’m just glad your back is all.”
You glanced at him and saw that he wasn’t going to let this go, so before he could continue pressing the matter, you mumbled. “I think it’s finished… think you can get her?”
He gave you a suspicious look but nodded nonetheless. He walked towards your daughter while you began to set the table.
He sat down near her, patting her head. “Dinners ready.” He cooed softly.
Before she could get up, he gently pulled her into a hug and whispered. “Mommy seems a bit off today, do you know why?”
“No, but,” She hesitated and looked at her father, he gave her a slight nod and she continued “Mommy cried today… I asked her why but she didn’t tell me…”
“I see,” he mumbled. “Well, get your butt to the kitchen.”
“But my drawing…”
“You can finish it later…” He chirped slightly patting her back.
She gave him her drawing “Do you like it?”
“Of course I do now, cmon” He picked her up while her loud giggles filled the room “time to eat.
The dinner went by quietly while your daughter’s favorite cartoons played in the background you and Dabi barely kept any conversation going. The guilt of keeping it from him grew bigger and bigger by the minute.
Dabi could see that you were nervous about something, but decided not to start that kind of discussion in front of your kid. The last thing she needs is to worry about her parents fighting, he thought.
When the dinner ended, you suggested washing the dishes while Dabi put your daughter to sleep. It didn’t take you that long to finish and the stars outside looked so gorgeous tonight, so you decided to go get some fresh air and do some soul searching, so you put on Dabi’s jacket and your shoes and stepped outside. The night was warm with no trail of wind anywhere; the crickets were loudly chirping. You looked up at the sky and got lost in it; it was difficult not to, There were so many stars, different sizes, ones brighter than the others. You were so overwhelmed by the night’s sky that you didn’t even notice Dabi coming up to you and leaning down on the porch next to you.
“Have room for one more?”
You jumped slightly.
“Sorry didn’t see you there…” You gasped.
“But Yes, I think there’s one more free spot right here.” You teased, tapping the railing, signaling him to get closer, and he did. He wrapped one of his hands around you and pulled you in.
“She’s something else huh..?” He quietly mumbled, “Hell, I still can’t believe that’s she’s ours… we made her…”
With a sigh, he gently turned your face so you would meet his gaze.
“Tell me what’s wrong”
Before you could say anything he quickly interrupted, “Don’t say nothing, I know you well enough to know when something is bothering you.”
You let your head fall, scared to meet his gaze.
“Were you going to tell me?” You asked with simple directness. “About the mission.”
“Oh…” He sighed. “You heard that…”
You gave him a sad smile “Yeah,” You finally lifted your head facing his piercing blue eyes.
“You never keep things for me….” You murmured. “So wh-?”
”Your doctor left you a voicemail.” he said with a casual tone. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He saw your expression change like lighting, and the look of guilt replaced any frustration you might have had.
He’s going to leave you.
You should’ve told him before it was too late.
“I…” You signed, “I was going to tell you…”
You hesitated. “Soon…?”
“Bullshit,” He snapped. “two months Y/n, that’s a long time. And you know what’s worse, I had to find out from your doctor… and on accident too.”
“I’m sorry.” You Sniffled. “I just…” Suddenly it became all too overwhelming, and you began to sob. “I thought… I thought maybe, you didn’t want it… and maybe you’d leave… like l-last time”
He saw you break down before his eyes. “Y/n…” He pulled you into his warm embrace, slowly messaging your back.
“Look at me.” He cupped your cheeks and made you face him. “I want this… alright?”
“R- really?”
“Yes, of course, I do…” He cooed softly, wiping away your tears with his thumb. “you’re not getting rid of me that easily. And besides, I’m happy that our little angel will get a sibling, maybe she’ll calm down a bit.” He smiled.
“I just wish you’ve told me…” He pressed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Let’s go inside, we wouldn’t want you to get sick now would we.”
You lay entangled in Dabi’s arms, feeling his slow and calm heartbeat, while he draws small circles on your back.
“So is it dangerous?” You finally broke the silence.
“No, just some basic stuff. Don’t worry, it won’t take that long… I’ll be home before morning. It will be like I never left.”
You lifted your head from Dabi’s chest.
“You know she’ll be crushed if you don’t come.” You murmured, nuzzling away a stray of hair from his face.
“I will, I promise, I’ll come back to you… and when I do…” we can both go pick up that mutt she keeps babbling on about.”
You repeated confusingly. “Mutt?” You giggled. “You got her a dog.”
“Quiet,” He shushed.
“You’re such a softie Toya… where did my big evil villain go?” You teased.
“Shut up you snot,” He pressed your head back on his chest “it’s your fault you know you did this,” he retorted.
Before sleep could overtake, you whispered something to him.
“I love you… please come back to me…”
“I love you too Y/n, and I will that’s a promise”
After that, you slowly drifted away to a deep slumber.
Half of the city laid in ashes, the street where Dabi was thrown during his little encounter only had one street light left. He slowly began to crawl to a nearby boulder thrown by none other than Endeavor himself. It was supposed to be a simple low-key mission; they needed to retrieve some supplies from one of their warehouses. How did something so insignificant attract the hero’s attention?
“I know you’re there, old man, you can come out. Noth-” He winced in pain, trying to at least slow down the bleeding. “I can’t really do anything now.”
He could see two figures approaching him, yet even in the dead of night, he knew who they were.
“You know I never thought that Shoto would-” he coughed.
“But you did it, you actually did it.” He chuckled.
Both figures quickly appeared before him, kneeling down next to him, talking about something Dabi could barely understand. He looked at Shoto, who was seemed to be panicking. “We need to get him help.” Endeavor stated while wrapping something around Dabi’s torso.
“I knew this day would come… eventually, I just didn’t expect you to-” Dabi began to cough drastically.
“Stop talking, son, and save your strength.” Endeavor advised.
“He’s bleeding out fast.” Shoto shuddered while trying to keep constant pressure on the wound. “Keep your eyes open, Toya. “Shoto pleaded.
“You’re such a softie Toya… where did my big evil villain go?”
Dabi tried to push himself up, mumbling something under his breath, but Shoto stopped him. “I can’t die here… I promised her… I-” Dabi started to tremble.
“I think he’s confused.” Shoto blurted.
“I love you… please come back to me…”
“Just hold on alright? We’ll get you some help.” Endeavor comforted.
Dabi could feel himself getting colder, he could feel himself slipping away. So he made a decision. He pulled Endeavor closer by his collar.
“Listen, you old bastard.” he coughed. “124th. Cherry street.”
Endeavor stared at him, confused and dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.
“Repeat it to me.” Dabi barked.
“124th. Cherry street.”
“Good. If I don’t make it Keep them safe for me…” Dabi winced in pain. “And tell…. tell, ” Dabi mumbled something under his breath, before slowly passing out.
The sound of the sirens was blocked by Shotos screaming and Endeavor murmuring something like a chant or prayer. Yet the only thing that Dabi could hear was the voices that sounded almost angelic. They pulled him deeper into the darkness like sirens luring him into a song he could never leave.
“I love you… please come back to me…”
“I love you too Y/n, and I will, that’s a promise”
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Tom and Jerry but its Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo- aka Mole AU
So fun story this is my first ever AU and I just forgot to post the story- I hope you all enjoy the antics that comes with this and send in some ask if you want!
Niki finished up her little bit of breakfast she'd made herself and grabbed her gardening hat and watering can. She’d been growing quite a big garden in her backyard for about 2 months and the garden had already taken up basically the entire backyard.
However, Niki left one area untouched by the garden; a small area with a few tables and a wooden chest that held blankets. So if anyone were to sit on the ground they didn't have to sit in the mud.
"Aw, I can't wait until all my flowers come in, then the others and I can have a picnic!"
Niki filled her watering can up at the outside faucet she had and started walking over to the tulips she grew in the garden. As she got closer she noticed a few holes in the two of the flowerbeds and a few of the tools even dug up 
"Huh? Oh, that’s not good" she quicken her pace a bit and sat down on the ground to inspect the holes and flowers, yep there is no doubt about it it looks like she had a mold problem, she now considers herself a bit lucky that Wilbur just opened up a service to get rid of rodents.
Niki headed back inside her house and grabbed her phone "Hello Will! Yay I'm good, I have a small rodent problem-No they're not in my house they're in my garden. I think it's moles? Yes they ripped up some of my tulips already- Ok see you in a little bit! I'll have some cookies ready for you"
Wilbur pulled into Niki's driveway parking his car and quickly got out running up to the front door, he started knocking are Niki door extremely excited "Niki! Let me in!"
As Niki open the door she was greeted with a big hug from her friend and started apologizing for getting him covered in flour "You actually made cookies??? In the time it took me to get here???" Wilbur looked at her amazed "Yup! It's your first time doing something like this, and since you're refusing to let me pay you I thought I could pay you in cookies!"
Wilbur went out to the garden and started setting his stuff up "Ok moles, time to meet your maker" "Um Wilbur could you maybe do this in a more humane way? I don't want them to rip up my flowers but I don't want them to die either..." Niki looked up at Wilbur with a pleading face her lip quivering a bit "....Niki how dare you use my greatest weakness against me-" "So you won't kill them?" "No but-" "Ok! I'll be inside making some lemonade! Have fun catching the moles!". And with that Niki headed back inside her house trusting Wilbur wouldn't hurt the moles
Tommy poked his little head out of the Tulip he was sleeping in once he heard the commotion of people "Tubbo! Wake up we got to go!", Tubbo poked his head out of the Tulip right next to Tommy's "Why? it's morning, we sleep during the morning!" Tubbo complained as he's Mouse ears wiggle to get some of the pollen off of them. "Yay we usually do, but look!" Tommy pointed over at Wilbur he was setting up a what look like metal boxes and a few sticks that have strings tied to them and we're hanging in trees
"Oooh right Dream said if we saw any humans besides the cotton candy one we had to go tell him!" Tubbo find out of the two of the pillows and slid down the stem down to the ground Tommy following close behind "Yup! C'mon! I don't want to give him another excuse to get mad at us".
The two field mouse scary away running to the closest Mole Hole and follow the tunnels leading to where all the moles were having a meeting, Tommy went straight over to Dream and tugged on his hoodie "Hey! We sew a new human-" "See!? You ripping up those damn tulips was a mistake!" Eret, the king of the mole colony, yelled as he started walking closer to Dream.
Dream grabbed Tommy by his ear so he can't try and run "But your majesty as far as we know it could just be the humans friend! Boys, did the human bring anything special into the backyard?" Eret crossed his arms waiting patiently for Tommy and Tubbo's response
Tubbo quickly piped-in grabbing Tommy's hand to reassure them that they would be okay "Um yay! He brought weird metal boxes and put some rope in a tree! It kind of looked like he was trying to make a swing with it!" Tubbo nervously chuckled as Dream and Eret's expressions with quite dark
"See Dream? you trying to play Hero and impress George got an exterminator called on us!" Eret freed Tommy's ear from dreams hold "You two go watch the human and make sure he doesn't find any of our holes, understood?". Tommy and Tubbo simply nodded their head and quickly ran off heading back to the surface, Eret looked over to Dream "I can't believe I'm saying this but we might have to go along with your idea..." Dream smiled putting an arm around Eret "Hey just remember there field mice, no one's going to miss them if they get killed", Eret ignored the bit of guilt he felt in his stomach as he watched the two boys run off
Tommy and Tubbo watch the strange human as he set out more metal boxes and strange rope swings "Tommy what's an exterminator?" Tubbo asked His companion finally breaking the silence. Tommy just stood there and thought for a moment "I actually have no idea...Eret is the only person I've ever heard use it" Tubbo started picking up a few of the small shiny rocks that littered the garden floor "Hmm well he doesn't like to see whatever exterminators are".
Tubbo and Tommy continue to discussing between each other trying to figure out what an exterminator was and why Eret didn't seem to like them, the two were so engrossed in their conversation they didn't notice the shadow that slowly crept behind them.
"Huh quite talkative for mice" the two boys froze as they slowly turn their heads to see the human looming over them, without much thinking Tubbo started throwing the shiny rocks he was carrying at the human which caused him to drop the metal boxes that he was carrying.
Tommy grabged Tubbo's hand and started running towards the tall willow tree that rest in the middle of the garden "Look! We can use the rope swing he made to get up to the top!" Tubbo let go of Tommy's hand and started running on all fours quickly climbing up the Rope.
Tommy stopped when he noticed the circle that was at the bottom of the rope and moved it over a bit, he quickly started running up the Rope behind his friend
Wilbur went into a a MadDash when he noticed the two were escaping up into the tree, but as he was about to grab the blond Mouse running of the broke his foot tripped somehow getting stuck in his own trap, he watched the two mice get flown into the air by the rope and safely land on a branch up in the tree "OH THATS BULLSHIT!" Wilbur yelled in frustration as he tried to get his foot free.
Niki poked her head out of the kitchen door when she heard Wilbur yell "You ok Wil? You didn't get your head stuck in one of the cages again did you?" Wilburs face turn to hot pink from embarrassment as he looked over at Niki "N-NO! I just tripped I'm fine!" 
"Ok! Don't overdo yourself Wilbur!" Niki returned her attention to the cake she was making "I hope Wilbur's not giving those moles too hard of a Time"
Wilbur violently shook the cage that had gotten stuck on his hand as he continued chasing the two mice through the garden "GET BACK HERE!!!!" Of course the mice did not follow this order and instead split apart from one another, Wilbur had already been duped by the blond Mouse so he followed the brown one
Tubbo continue running on all fours trying to get away from the angry human, he spotted one of the metal boxes up ahead and quickly do been to it, the human Wil-Bur fell to the ground and quickly closed the door behind Tubbo "AHAHA! I got you now!" 
Tubbo just stared up at the human a little confused as he very easily walk through the bars of the box and started running again, "HUH!?" Wilbur brought the caged up to his face opening the door to try and figure out how the mouse got out.
Tommy swing on one of the ropes kicking the cage so Wilbur dropped it causing it to land on his head and get stuck there "AH! NIKI! HELP!"
Niki ran out of the kitchen and stopped in her tracks when she saw Wilbur state "....Pff-" "Don't laugh at me! help me!!!" Wilbur said in a bit of a whiny tone
Tommy and Tubbo dove into the closest mole hole and started doing their best to catch their breath after all the running and climbing they had done, the two simply sat there in silence for sometime.
Until Tubbo started quietly chuckling and Tommy soon after joined him, "Did you see he's face!?" "Omg he was so mad!" "well that's what he gets for trying to grab us!", they continue to burst out laughing
"So that's what the Exterminator is?" Tubbo asked wiping some tears from his eyes "Haha yeah I think so, that was so much fun!" Tommy declared happily "Do you think we can do it again tomorrow?" Tubbo asked Tommy
Tommy thought for a moment "Maybe? If the human comes back sure! He seemed to be having fun in his own way to!", the two then had a brilliant moment
"Thats why Eret doesn't like exterminators! They're fun!" Both of the boys said at once "Omg Eret is such a stick-in-the-mud that he hates anything that's fun!" Tubbo slowly started piecing the puzzle together in his head "Well we're definitely not going to let him ruin our fun!"
Tommy stood up and helped Tubbo to his feet "let's go ask Dream give us the rest of the time the exterminators here off so we can play more games!".  the two mice ran down the tunnel and quickly a stream that question before they were sent off with a very confirmed yes
"Dream... we can't just let the Exterminator kill them" Eret said a part of him already knowing Dream's response "Hey I'm not the one who thought it'd be a good idea to steal two kids from an Owl, besides this makes it so they're finally useful for once" 
Eret look down at the ground ashamed "Look" Eret hesitantly looked up at Dream "You heard what those two did today and they're still alive! We'll just let them play their little game with the Exterminator so we can do whatever we want in the background, besides it's easier to steal food during the day when there are no Predators around"
Eret just stared at Dream for a few minutes before he slowly nodded his head "Fine...But if we're going through with this plan we need to give them extra rations so they can keep their salmon up", Dream Shrugged his shoulders "Sure, I'll go give them their dinner now".
Dream walked into the direction towards the boys room as Eric was left all alone "...they're just field mice, the safety of the colony comes first" Eret continues to repeat this sentence in his head as all the other moles came into the courtroom to enjoy dinner together
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
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Requested on wattpad
Warnings: mentions of cancer, death and shitty writing
Also excuse the sad imagines I’ll be posting. They are helping me with my grieving process
"Mommy I need you to record me" Phoebe says as soon as I walk off set.
"What's happening?" I ask going over to her and she smiles at my costume.
“I like your costume” she says and I smile at her.
"But I want you to record me doing something" she says and I nod pulling my phone out.
"Okay I'm recording. What are you going to do?" I ask recording her as we move to outside where the filming isn’t taking place.
"Tom taught me how to cartwheel and it was super cool because he was in his Spider-Man costume" she says grinning at the camera.
"Show me, I want to see it" I say and she nods and she runs back a little and she does it halfway and I cheer.
"That was amazing bee" I say cheering her on and she bows.
"Thank you, thank you" she says blowing kisses and she runs up to the camera smiling a big toothless smile and she makes a face before covering the camera.
"We got you something bee" I say and she looks up from her homework.
"What is it?" She asks.
"A gift" I say and Chris hands her the box.
"What is this?" She asks shaking it.
"It's a surprise for you" he says.
"But it's not my birthday, that was last month and Christmas isn't for another month" she says.
"We know but we wanted to surprise you" I say and she nods.
"Okay" she says unwrapping it and she takes the top off and she starts screaming as she climbs on her knees in the seat to get a better look inside the box and she pulls out the ultrasound.
"You have a baby?" She asks.
"Yeah we do" I say and she jumps up and down with excitement on her knees as she pulls the other stuff out the box.
"It's so tiny and cute" she says cuddling the onesie.
"Do you know what it is?" She asks.
"Not yet, we are going to figure that out soon. Uncle Scott and auntie Sn are throwing a reveal party" I say and she holds the ultrasound up squealing.
"I can't wait to give this baby all my love" she says.
"What about us?" Chris asks and she looks up from looking closely at the ultrasound.
"I don't have enough to love all three of you so I'll love you both until the baby gets here. It's not that hard to understand daddy" she says with a duh tone and he laughs.
"I guess it's the only logical thing to do, foolish me" he says and I laugh as she kisses the ultrasound.
"Last session" I say and she grins at my phone as I record her.
"I'm going to beat cancers booty" she says and I laugh.
"Yes you are, you're my little superhero" I say.
"I want to be the Hulk" she says.
"The Hulk?" I ask and she grins even wider nodding.
"Yes. He doesn't have to wear clothes and no one complains when he doesn't, nothing scares him and he can't die. Also uncle Mark is cute" she says giggling and I laugh.
"Totally agree with you there" I say.
"Plus who wouldn't want to be green?" She asks.
"I wouldn't want to be green" I say.
"Yeah because you're boring" she says and I gasp holding my chest.
"You wound me" I say.
"I'm just kidding mommy you're not boring. You just don't understand the Hulk" she says laughing and Chris walks in looking down at his phone.
"Daddy!" She yells and he jumps causing her to laugh even harder.
"What's up bug?" He asks turning to face her as he puts his phone away.
"If you had to be any other superhero that's not Captain America who would you be?" She asks.
"Ooh maybe Iron man" he says and she nods.
"Who did mommy pick?" He asks.
"She didn't. I did though" she says.
"You'd be the Hulk because he doesn't have to wear clothes, huh?" He asks and I laugh shaking my head.
"That was her exact answer" I say and he laughs unpacking her lunch.
"Let me in or else I'll beat down your door, then two strangers who had been two silhouettes on the shade said to my shock you're on the wrong block" she sings.
"Silhouette" I sing.
"Silhouette" she sings super high and she instantly starts cracking up.
"Silhouette" I sing and she doubles over from laughter.
"Silhouette" she sings through her giggles, gasping for air and I start laughing with her.
"I appreciate your dedication to this performance" I say and she leans on me trying to calm down.
"The show must go on" she says in giggles and I smile at her and she leans on my arm trying to completely calm down.
"Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, merry Christmas" she sings over and over as she dances through the house and she drops a gift in my lap and I look up and she drops one on Chris.
"What's this?" He asks.
"A gift for you" she says.
"Uncle Scotty helped me get them so open them" she says and I rip the paper off and it's a jewelry box and I open it and it's a heart necklace.
"It has all of our initials including the baby’s. Right there" she says and I smile at it.
"It's beautiful" I say and I hug her and she hugs me back kissing my head.
"I love it" I say.
"Okay it's my turn" Chris says and she pulls away from me and he opens his and it's a watch.
"It's us" she says tapping the watch.
"I'm going to wear this everywhere" he says.
"Good. Never take it off" she says.
"Never" he says and they pinkie promise.
"What is it? What is it?" She asks and I laugh as Chris and I stand beside her and he starts to hand her the string.
"As soon as you pull this string we'll fi-" she snatches the string from him and pulls it before he can finish telling her and everyone's laughs turn to cheers as pink confetti and powder falls over us and she starts squealing as she jumps around.
"It's a girl!" She screams running around us and he kisses me and I kiss him back.
"We're having another girl, you're officially outnumbered" I say and he laughs as Phoebe continues to scream.
"I think we both are" he says kissing me again and Phoebe jumps and he picks her up and she wraps her arms around my head pulling me close.
"I'm so excited" she says out of breath and I laugh.
"I couldn't tell" I say and she leans her cheek on Chris’ cheek.
"I'm getting a baby sister. I can't wait to meet her" she says trying to catch her breath.
"Hey bee how about we go get some of the powder on auntie Cobie and uncle Taran" I say and she quickly nods and Chris sets her down and she bends down picking some up off the ground and she runs off over to where they are standing.
"I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see, wanna see em dancing" Phoebe sings laid back as she's cuddled up with Chris and the baby as we watch the little mermaid after coming home from bringing the baby home from the hospital.
"Walking around on those what do you call 'em? Oh, feet" she sings.
"Flipping your fins you don't get too far, legs are required for jumping, dancing, strolling along down a- what's that word again?" Chris sings.
"Street" Phoebe sings loudly and I smile at them.
"Up where they walk, up where they run up where they stay all day in the sun, wondering free. Wish I could be part of that world" she sings quietly grabbing the baby's hand.
"What would I give if I could live out of these waters? What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?" She sings laying her cheek against Chris' as she watches the movie with tears in her eyes.
"You can try. Oh but I-I love you means you're never ever ever getting rid of me" she sings dancing in place.
"Ready for your check?" I ask.
"Not quite. Pie for everybody. I grew up an only child in the suburb of the city. I spent my days alone, my only friend was a stray kit-"
"Are we going to sing show tunes all day or are we going to get dressed so we can leave?" Chris asks cutting her off and she turns around.
"Daddy you're ruining the video so if you aren't going to sing get out the way" she says trying to push him out the shot and he plants his feet and she starts groaning.
"But I love you means you're never ever ever getting rid of me" he says and she starts giggling.
"Daddy stoppp" she says using her back to add pressure to his leg to move him and she starts to slip and he catches her by her arms and she laughs.
"Okay, I'll move. I wanted to see your mom anyway" he says walking over and kissing me.
"Where's my kiss?" She asks.
"You didn’t want one. All you wanted was for me to get out the way and leave you alone" he says.
"You don't have to leave" she says and he picks her up and she kisses him.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bee, happy birthday to you” everyone sings as Chris walks the cake into the living room where everyone is and she holds Ainsley at the table.
“Come on chunky monkey we have to make a wish and blow out the candles” she says keeping Ainsley from touching the flames as she quickly makes a wish and blows out the candles.
“What did you wish for?” I ask and she looks up at me.
“A million more birthdays like this” she says smiling and I rub her cheek with my thumb and her smile grows.
“Can I cut the cake?” She asks.
“Yeah, the first piece. Daddy will help” I say.
“Yay” she says and I grab Ainsley.
“Bye chunky monkey, I’ll cut you a slice first” she says rubbing her hands together excitedly causing everyone to laugh.
“Chunky monkey can’t have cake yet” Chris says.
“But daddy today is chunky monkeys sixth month birthday and my seventh birthday so she should be able to have cake” she says pulling on her best puppy dog eyes.
“She got you there. Try to say no to that little face” I say and he groans.
“Fine, a little piece” he says.
“Do you hear that chunky monkey, daddy is going to let us eat all the cake” she says playing with leg and he helps her cut the first slice.
Yn and Chris Evan share videos of their seven year old just days after she passes away from cancer letting everyone know that Phoebe’s or Bee’s (as everyone in her life called her) spirit will live on forever.
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Everything Undesired chapter 12
chapter 11
Warning: kidnapping
A/N: I hope y'all are ready for a very heavy chapter because toward the end our Greed boi is going to go to a very dark place with his real thoughts on Cyrus.
“Do you think he does?” Belphie asked as he watched his older brother feed the baby.
“It would make sense.” The second-born shrugs. “I think Lucifer realized it too ‘n that’s why he was in such a big hurry for Beel and him to leave.”
The seventh-born only nods in response. “Hey I heard you three are going up to the mortal world after the term... Is that true?”
“Yeah... ‘Rella says she wants to go back to her home in York. I like the idea- been there a couple times with her after Solomon taught her to summon us. It’s nice. Hardly anybody stops by so it should be relaxin’ ‘n maybe it’ll do the baby some good to get away from the house for a bit.”
“More power to you, since we don’t know a whole lot about what kind of nutrients cambions need to begin with, it’ll probably be good for him to get some sunlight, I guess. Hey, why’re you holding the bottle that way? Doesn't it make more sense to hold it higher so he finishes eating faster?”
“Nah, any higher and he could take too much and inhale it while he’s eating. Learned that out the hard way with Satan. Plus, lowers your chances of gettin' spat up on.”
“It’s crazy that you stepped up like that for him... How did you do it?” The Avatar of Sloth leans his head against Mammon’s shoulder.
“Lots of sleepless nights and lots of coffee- I swear, m’blood probly consisted of just coffee back then,” Mammon pulls the bottle away from Cyrus after he had finished eating and started to burp him, “at least for those first few months anyway.”
“I’m not surprised,” Belphie hums.
“S'why our rooms are right next to each other. That way I wasn’t having to risk poppin’ my stitches runnin’ through the halls just t’get to him before he could wake any of y’all up. Man, that thing took forever t’heal. Not t’mention it kept getting infected since between watchin’ out for the lil’ ball of wrath that was our brother ‘n school, ‘n plannin’ Lilith’s service, I only had the time t’really take care of it when I showered save for the rare moments I had to change my bandages...” Mammon is silent for a moment, “I don’t regret it though. Gettin' to see him grow up to become a strong demon and knowing I made that possible, makes it all the reward itself.”
The younger brother only nods as he notices the infant’s eyes were glued to him- more specifically at his face. “What’re you staring at, kid? Do I have something on my face?”
“Nah, it’s just a thing babies do around this age. Its more about learning faces and facial expressions right now,” The older brother explains.
“Considering what you went through, you seem awfully calm now when you deal with him.”
“It's parental instinct and nothing more right now. Think of it as your body moving on its own. If I’m being honest with you, it’s still kind of hard- especially when he gets clingy like this but I think I’m gettin' better with him- acceptin' reality for what it is and learning to bond with him. Believe me, Belphie this isn’t how I wanted to have my first kid, but,” Mammon lets out a depressed sigh, “I’m a father now... and that means I have to suck it up and get my shit together. It’s what he deserves at the very least.”
“Wow, I guess what they say is true, huh? You really do change your ways once you have a kid.”
“Whatcha mean by that? I feel like I should feel insulted...”
“Sorry, it wasn’t meant to come out that way, Mams... It’s just that it feels like you’ve changed. Before all this, there wasn’t a single day where you went without thinking of easy ways to make a quick grimm, not a day where we didn’t have to take inventory of our stuff in fear that you had stolen something valuable of ours, went on massive shopping sprees whenever you could, but now... now, you don’t do any of that. It’s like you grew up somehow... like you’re back to how you were when we were angels and how you were way back when we had just fallen and your sin hadn’t quite settled in yet, you know?”
“Let’s just say priorities have changed...”
“Well, whatever the reason, it’s a nice change. I’m going to head to bed now. See you around.” Belphie smiled as he got up and left.
“See ya, Belphie.”
He doesn’t remember how long he sat with Cyrus until the little one fell asleep against his chest, but once he placed the infant in the crib, he just stood there, lost in dark thoughts.
“It’s funny...” The white-haired demon’s voice was hardly above a whisper, “I should resent your presence in my life- wish you were never born, hate you. The worst part of me- the scummy part of me- does. You took everything that I was reserving for my child with Arella and you’re a representation of everything your birth mother did to me but... I can’t- and that’s what I hate most about you. Maybe my reason for keepin’ you comes from a fear that I won’t have the guts to risk my mate’s life that way so I just took the closest alternative I could ever get to that... I know... I know I’m being selfish by keeping her for myself as long as I can and not giving her that family with me she wants so badly and it makes me angry to watch her give a child that’s not even hers so much love when you shouldn’t have ever existed in the first place... Now it's far too late to get rid of you without hurting her.... I made the wrong choice for me even though I know ultimately it was the right one for you.”
He bit his tongue as a snarl formed on his face. Here, with no one to hear him, Mammon would let out his true feelings as wrong as it was. As if letting them out would somehow change his feelings for this child.
“For now, I’ll lie and pretend for your sake and everyone else’s. No one will ever know the way I wish Lucifer just would have done away with ya and part of me wonders... if a lower demon were to attack you and none of my brothers or Arella were there to spur me to action, would I even bother to protect you or would I dare to act selfishly and just let you die? Let the problem resolve itself? Ya better prove that you were ever worth what I’ve been putting myself through in the first pla-”
A sudden bout of clarity strikes the demon, the weight of what he had just said hit him like a stack of bricks and suddenly he can’t breathe. Oh devils, he can’t breathe under the weight of it all. Was he really that messed up in the head that he would do this to his own child? That he would force Cyrus to earn his love when he knows he should just give it to him unconditionally? What happened to all that progress he thought he’d been making? What kind of father would that make him? His eyes widened in horror at the thought as he broke down in silent tears.
How unfit of a father am I? He thought, He’s my son and I can’t even bring myself to love him? I really am the worst scum of the devildom. I’ve been holding some kind of grudge against a baby for crying out loud! Is this how I would act if Arella and I had a kid and they killed her?! The thought terrifies him. He wanted so badly to be a father and now that he was, this is the way he reacted to it? Unforgivable. Mammon remembered how it felt to fight for his father’s love and how he felt when Arella told him about her horrible mother and he felt so disgusted with it but wasn’t he just the same?
As he sank down to his knees, he felt a tiny hand grasp one of his fingers and his head snapped up. There was his son who had managed to wiggle his way closer to the edge of the crib, watching him with eyes full of what appeared to be fear. It froze his blood to see that look on anyone, let alone his own child. Without thinking, the Avatar of Greed rushes forward, scoops the child up and holds his son close to his chest.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers as fresh tears begin to fall. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” Apologies tumble from his mouth in between choked sobs. “I said all those terrible things to ya. I don’t mean them. I don’t.” He doesn’t know who he’s trying to convince more at this point. Was it himself or his son? “I love ya. I love ya. I love ya. I’ll change. I’ll do anything I can for you- give you everything ya deserve.”
The baby only cooed softly, trying so hard to lift his head up, but with the way his father was held his head to his chest left no other option but for Cyrus to pat his hands against his father’s chest.
Over the coming years, Mammon held true to his word on that dark night. He embraced his son fully and finally formed a deep bond with him. There were some good days, some bad, but never once had the demon let his mind wander back to that dark place of hate and malice. At some point, the Avatar of Greed was even able to move past the rape all together and he felt completely at peace with everything that had happened to bring his son into his life. He and Arella had even decided to take the chance to bring a new life into this world and were now expecting a set of twins. Everything felt right. But peace is never lasting for demons and Mammon has always been unlucky.
It was five minutes. Five. Damn. Minutes. Mammon should have known better. Cyrus had gone with his father to one of his photoshoots. Typically, he kept the boy in his sights at all times but this time he allowed his director to turn his attention elsewhere for a better shot from a different angle. When the demon turned back to check on his child, Cyrus was nowhere to be seen and the Avatar of Greed panicked. It was only five minutes but he was gone. He hoped the little one had just gone off to use the bathroom and would be back shortly, but after a few minutes of nervous waiting, Cyrus never reappeared.
The whole set went into a frenzy searching for the child but he was nowhere to be found in the building. Mammon wanted to scream. How could he have let this happen? His child was taken. The white-haired demon couldn’t even finish the photoshoot as he dashed out the door searching- looking for any possible trail that would lead him to Cyrus, but there was nothing. Not even a scent trail to follow. He feels his heart break as horrible thoughts ran rampant through his head. That crushing weight from five years earlier was back.
With shaking hands, he pulled out his D.D.D. from his pocket and called his older brother. Told him everything that happened. How he let his child be abducted because he got careless, how he’s searched every conceivable place he could think of. After that, the entire family mobilized. Levi ordered his Navy to search for the boy, other smaller search parties were formed as well but nothing ever came of them. They even asked Solomon to search the mortal world and there were some leads but that too led to dead ends.
Mammon, Arella and the rest of the Avatars were left heartbroken by the loss. Not even with the birth of their twins were the parents able to find peace. Six months went by, then a year, then three- after five, the searches were called off. His body was never found, which left everyone with hope. It was hope that Mammon would hold onto until he was left with no other choice.
There’s one more part left: an epilogue stay tuned folks.
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