#we were supposed to go and see my favourite movie and i left 3 minutes in because i got so wine drunk i p*ked
jaennie · 6 months
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cherryobx · 3 months
turn the radio up - I have so many songs I want to share with you sjsj. but they all seem difficult to write with bc ofc my music taste is basically really emotional songs jsjs. but a classic that i’ll always love is iris by the goo goo dolls !! maybe that could be a cute one with like comfort or something? but idk, you’re the writer hihi. so do with it whatever you want <3
summary: you go looking for JJ after a big fight with his dad and it ends with a confession of feelings
a/n: it was supposed to be based on that song but i got kinda carried away so this will have to do lol, also, i was too lazy to proofread so let me know if you spot any mistakes
wc: 1.8k
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of JJ's dad (deserves a warning), happy ending tho
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“Have you guys seen JJ?” You barge into the chateau where all of your friends are currently watching a movie on John B’s old and kind of broken TV. Well, everyone except one.
“Weren’t you two supposed to go ‘midnight surfing’ together?” Kiara asks from her spot on the floor. Even if she would’ve fit on the couch, she preferred to sit on the floor as she found it more comfortable.
“We were but he never showed up.” Your voice is full of worry. He never just stands you up like this. He’s late all the time but he always shows up eventually. He’d never do this to you intentionally which is why you’re so worried in the first place.
“He probably just fell asleep,” John B butts in, eyes glued to the TV screen in the corner of the room.
“Yeah, go check his place, see if he’s home,” Kie suggests. “Do you want me to come with you?”
You shake your head. “No, it’s fine. Stay and enjoy your movie. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
You rush out of there as fast as you arrived, grabbing your bicycle and biking towards JJ’s house. 
JJ doesn’t live very far away so you’re there in a couple of minutes. In fact you can reach everywhere in Kildare in a very short amount of time. It’s a small place. 
Leaving your bike in the driveway, you creep up to the window of his bedroom. You didn’t want to take the risk of knocking on the door and running into JJ’s dad. It’s a small risk since he’s away most of the time but it’s a risk you’re not willing to take.
The light in his room is not on but the light from the moon reveals enough, he’s not there. If JJ’s not in his room he’s not home. It’s as simple as that. 
Your worry increases. If he’s not at the chateau and if he’s not at home, where the hell is he? 
You walk back to where you left your bike and start walking away from there, pushing the bike beside you. You need a second to think. Where could he be?Why didn’t he call? Did something happen? With his dad maybe? It’s very possible. JJ’s dad is not known for his kind heart and sweet words. You suspect that might be the cause because nothing else could make JJ miss hanging out with you. Especially without saying anything.
Where would you go if you were JJ?
You walk and ponder for a while. There are not very many places JJ would go in a time like this. Usually he goes to the chateau or your place because they’re more his home than his actual home ever was.
Then it dawns on you. There’s this place that JJ showed you a couple of months ago. He made you swear not to tell anyone. Even made you pinky swear. He said it’s his secret spot, somewhere he goes when he needs a moment alone and space to think. 
It’s a really beautiful place and it became your favourite spot too. It’s not far from the chateau but it’s hidden enough to be private. There’s a big oak tree near a small creek. When it’s sunny, the sun shines through the leaves and makes the water sparkle and it’s magical. Beautiful, really.
You���re sure that’s where he must be. 
Hopping onto your bike you ride there in a record time. You leave your bike at the side of the road and push through the bushes and trees to reach this secret spot of JJ’s. Well, yours too now.
And there he is. JJ’s sitting on the ground, on the green soft moss, his back leaning against the oak tree. His knees are pulled up to his chest and his hands are resting on them. Even if he hears you approaching, he doesn’t turn his head to look. He just keeps looking ahead.
It’s even more magical in the middle of the night than it is during the day.
You sit down beside him carefully so as not to startle him. “Hey,” you say softly.
His face is covered in various cuts and bruises.
“What are you doing here?” His voice is raspy and devoid of all emotion. He still won’t look at you.
“I came looking for you. You didn’t show at the beach. I was worried.”
“You shouldn’t have.” He throws a rock into the creek and the splash of water sounds so loud in the quiet of the night. 
“What? Why?”
He stays quiet. His lips are pulled between his teeth as if to specifically stop himself from speaking.
“JJ, talk to me.” You place your hand on his.
“Got into it with my dad again. It’s nothing. Just go.” He shrugs your hand off, physically pulling away from you. It hurts because JJ never denies physical touch from you. In fact, he craves it. He initiates it most of the time. His hands are always on you no matter what. It’s one of the things you love about him so much. Among many other things.
“You shouldn’t be alone here.”
“I don’t want you here right now,” he bursts out, finally looking at you. His eyes are red and so full of hurt.
You're taken aback by his words, mouth agape at his outburst. “What?”
“You heard me. I don’t want you here. So just go home. I don’t care.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” Even though his words hurt, you stand your ground and don’t back down. He needs you there. At least, you’d need him in a situation like this, you think.
“Then I’m going.” He stands up and starts to leave. 
You shoot up from the ground and grab his hand to stop him.
“Let go of me.” He stops and stares at your hand gripping his wrist. It must be painful with the way you're digging your nails into his skin but you don’t let go.
“Y/N…” he warns, his tone low and angry.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“Let the fuck go of me.” He’s actually angry now but doesn’t make a move. You know he doesn’t actually want to go.
You’re desperate now. “Why won’t you talk to me? I’m right here JJ.”
“I want to be alone right now.”
“Do you really?”
“You’re a fucking liar.”
He seems genuinely taken aback by that. “Excuse me?”
“You fight with your dad all the time. And I get it, it’s hard and I’m sorry. But you never pull away from me like that. Never. I know you like the back of my hand, JJ. There’s something you’re not telling me.”
“It’s none of your fucking business,” he snarls.
“Your problems are my problems, right? Isn’t that what you said to me when I was sick last month and you wouldn’t leave my side? What happened to that, huh?”
There’s a beat of silence where the only things heard are the running water, rustling of leaves and your angry breathing.
He sighs and you feel him relax in your grip but you still won’t let go, scared that he’ll flee as soon as you do. 
“We fought.”
“I know.”
“About you.”
Now you’re genuinely aghast. “What?” You blink in confusion, your grip on his hand loosening.
“He said some stuff I can never say to you and I couldn’t see you after that. I couldn’t bear the thought of facing you after the things he said.”
“What did he say?”
“I won’t tell you.”
“Tell me.”
“No. And don’t fucking argue because I will take those words to grave with me. I’ll make sure of that.”
You nod. Maybe it’s for the best.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“Am I okay?” he chuckles dryly. “Never been better. I feel like a fucking loser, a failure with an asshole for a dad. And I’m so fucking alone that it physically hurts in here.” He places his hand right over his heart. 
“You’re none of those things, JJ. Not to anyone, not to me.”
“Who’s the fucking liar now?”
“I’m not fucking lying, JJ!” You force him to look into your eyes. “Your dad might be an asshole, a big one at that, but you’re not a failure or a loser. I don’t know how but didn’t turn out like him. You have a future. He threw it away. And you’re not alone. You have us,” you refer to your friends. “And you have me.”
You place your other hand on his hand that’s still on his chest. “You’ll always have me.”
“Not in the way I want. Not in the way I need.”
You furrow your brows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“You know, I’ve never taken anyone here before.” He looks around his secret little getaway. “You’re the first person I’ve shown it to. The only one I thought it was worth showing to.”
Your eyes remain on his face as he talks, taking in his features. 
“I’ve never wanted to take anyone here before. I didn't understand why I wanted to show you this place so badly. Why it mattered to me if you liked it or not? And then I realized I’m in love with you and I’m absolutely fucked.”
I blink slowly, mouth agape, as I try to process his words. “You’re in love with me?”
“Yeah. And I know it’s stupid and I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“Because it fucking ruins everything. You’re never gonna wanna speak to me again and things are gonna be so awkward and-”
I interrupt his rambling. “Have you even asked me what I feel?”
“You go on this tangent about how your feelings for me are horrible but you don’t even know how I feel. So ask me. Ask me what I feel for you, JJ.”
“What do you feel for me?”
“I feel like I want to hit you, JJ. I’ve been in love with you for like… ever and you didn’t even seem to notice. I’ve made it very clear. Hell, everyone else except you knows that I’m head over heels for your stupid ass.”
“Are you serious?” he asks.
“Of course I’m fucking serious, JJ. You think I’d tell you this for shits and giggles?”
“You-” he wants to say something but seems to think twice and before you know it his lips are on yours. His hands are on the sides of your face, pulling you close. You melt against his body, wrapping your arms around his torso.
“That was for shits and giggles.” He pulls away, completely out of breath.
“Totally,” you say and pull him back against your lips for another kiss.
“But I mean it, JJ,” you state when you finally separate again.
“I’ll always be here for you. Through the bad and through the good. Always. I promise.”
“So do I.”
“You better,” you jokingly threaten and he laughs at that. 
“Do you wanna go to the chateau? The others are watching a movie right now.”
He denies your offer. “No, I’d rather stay here with you for now. If that’s okay?”
“It can be arranged.” You smile up at him and his face lights up.
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join my picnic!
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worfs-glorious-hair · 6 months
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Pt. 2 Children of the kindly west (Kíli x Reader) — A tale of two dwarven hearts
Welcome back! <3 This is a translation, more of a re-write, of a fanfiction I wrote first in German during 2013 - 2015 when the Hobbit movies premiered and I was just as obsessed and enamored by that adorable prince like everyone else. And reading the Silmarillion for the first time this year in February brought me back to middle-earth and reminded me of my love of dwarves. And this brings me here today. Enjoy! If you feel like I've missed any warnings please don't hesitate to tell me! Cross-posted on AO3 here. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Warnings: Some thirst, mentions of a nice cleavage
Old Acquaintances (Ered Luin)
Your mother continued to yell your name, this time louder and even more impatiently than before.
You sighed and closed your book with a loud thump, louder than it was necessary.
Anger and irritation boiled up in you as you made your way down to the kitchen, it had just been the most comfortable and wonderfully cosy afternoon you had had in some time.
The soft falling snow on your window, your crackling fire and your favourite story…
A story of an enchanted princess who was turning into a green swamp monster after sundown and found true love and her true form when she was saved by another swamp monster from an awful arranged marriage…
But anyways, the adventures of the princess and her green true love had to wait for now, you had reached the kitchen and your mother already greeted you with a big straw basket, a pouch with money and a shopping list.
„Ah, here you are — could you please go to the market, I forgot a few things when I was out yesterday…“
Looking sullen out into the whirling snow you sighed once again heavily and glared at your mother.
„Do I have to?“
Your mother looked at you with a stern look, completely unimpressed by your glare and nodded.
„Oh yes, you have to!“
„Why? Why is it so urgent? We have plenty of food in the house, we will not starve until tomorrow…“
„Listen, Dís will come now any minute — she currently has a lot troubling her mind, troubles that are not supposed to get to your nosy ears, so I will kill two birds with one stone by sending you out of the house. We will get our needed foods and tools and you will be gone!“
Your mother smiled at you with her perfect smile that said that you are absolutely unable to find any mistake in her logic and you dropped your shoulders while breathing out.
„I see…“, huffing you took the basket from her and turned to put on your thick coat with the dark blue hood and your fur stuffed boots.
At the same time you were ushered out of the house by your mother was Kíli, Thorin Oakenshield’s nephews, storming out of his house, and he was fuming with anger.
The reason for his anger was a woman, a woman for ‚good times’ with whom his dear brother Fíli spent not only more time with than with him but who also mocked him, Kíli, for everything he does and is.
His spare beard, his lean body and the mere fact that he is not the first-born prince.
And whenever that woman was with Fíli she giggled like she was possessed by some old evil spirit, she pushed up her bosom into Fíli’s face and this was really something he did not want to see or hear. Because his dear brother was turning into a stammering, blushing caricature of himself when he was near this woman, which could have been hilarious if Kíli would not have been feeling so embarrassed and hurt.
So he had left in a hurry,  he had just wanted to flee from the house and the giggling woman and his brother or better the person his brother was, when she was with him.
He stamped through the roads, kicking the occasional stone or snow pile and he slowly calmed down, the frosty air cooling down his heated mind slowly and when he came back to his senses he found himself on the market and on a direct collision course towards another person.
There was no time to revert or turn, the other person was already too close and so they both walked right into each other.
„Oh I am so utterly sorry, I should have watched my steps…“, Kíli apologized immediately and also the other person mumbled her sincere apologies.
„I am so sorry, I was lost in my thoughts, are you alright?“
„Yes, yes“, Kíli patted down his coat, „I am alright. Are you hurt?“
„Me?“, the other person asked and looked up, for the first time and her answer subsided, when she saw his face.
„No, I am not… hurt…“, her eyes grew huge in surprise and she smiled happily.
He had not recognized her before, her face was partly hidden by her hood but now, as she pushed it back, was it clear as day!
He exclaimed your name just as excitedly as you had called him and you nodded and smiled even wider.
„Yes, it’s me. By Durin it is so good to see you again. How long has it been? Ten years? Twenty?“, you smoothed down your coat and dress and looked at him.
He smiled loosely and his eyes sparkled, even though there was no sunlight around, they shone bright from the inside out.
„Oh at least twenty“, he answered cheerily and grinned.
„That’s highly likely. What are you doing here? Also getting foods and supplies?“, you asked.
Kíli grimaced slightly.
„No, not really. I just had to get out of the house. Fíli has a lover“, he spat the word out as if it was something unpleasant, „and she mocks me and she annoys me and she is just overall very awful and I do not want to be near her!“
„That really does not sound like a pleasant person to be around. Do you want to come with me instead? I am sure that I am the more pleasurable company.
Mother sent me to get more food, she is probably afraid that we might starve to death within the next 24 hours with a nearly completely stocked pantry…“
You had grinned at him with your invitation and had then rolled your eyes when you told him about your mother’s foul attack on you.
„I would love to come with you, m’lady“, you both laughed at the fake poshness in his voice and he offered his arm to you, which you took.
And you laughed and talked about people you both knew, you remembered the games you played out of necessity while the adults talked when you were mere children and could not choose who to spend time with and most importantly you remembered the discussions on how to find a game that everyone wanted to play.
Your mother Ligunde and Kíli’s mother Dís were the best of friends and your family was generally close to Thorin’s family so as children you had to spent time with each other, when you were still too young to be on your own.
But as you all grew older you did not need to be with your parents all the time, so you saw the sons of Dís less and less. 
Only on special occasions. And there you had kept your distance, why should you spend time with the boys who had both became so tall and scrawny and oddly shaped in the face, rough edges on their chins and cheekbones and who started to grow out patchy beards as they grew older. And they also were not interested in playing fun games anymore, so no, spending time with either of the princes has not been on your list of preferred activities in the past years.
But catching up after all this time felt easy and natural and you could not remember the last time that you had laughed so much while buying food and supplies on the market.
Kíli was kind enough to carry the basket and while you would have carried it easily yourself, you were not denying his offer.
Especially not if it would mean that you could spend more time with him.
Why had you never realised how lovely his cheerful and lively laughter was?
Had his eyes always had this sparkle in them? Even without sunlight?
„Do you want to come in?“, you asked when you were back to your house.
„Certainly“, he grinned and you opened the door and let him inside.
You went to the kitchen and began putting away your freshly bought goods and wondered if you should make some mulled wine as you heard your mother’s cheerful voice in the kitchen behind you.
„Kíli! It is wonderful to see you again, when have we met the last time?“, she asked him.
„It was roughly 20 years ago, it was at Uncle Thorin’s big birthday party…“, Kíli answered with a toothy grin and your mother nodded.
„Seems about right“, she muttered to herself and turned then to you.
„Where have you two met today?“
„On the market. We got to talking and he was so nice to keep me company, while I was completing your shopping list.“
Later, the afternoon had turned into a frosty evening, you sat together with your mother, Dís, your younger sister Syniver and Kíli at the table, playing card games and drinking mulled wine and eating some fresh bread and cheese and some smoked meat.
It was currently Kíli’s turn to play and you took the chance of getting a close look at him.
Of course only to see if there were any tells on his next move in the game.
He furrowed his brows in concentration and took a long look at his cards in his hands and you noticed his fingers and hands, strong and thick with clean, short cut finger nails.
You also noticed how the fire painted golden highlights into his full auburn hair, that was splayed all over his back and on his forehead in shorter strands, how it also illuminated his creamy looking skin and his beautifully curved lips…
You saw the high arch of his eyebrow and a stray hair there that you wanted to smooth back into line.
But you kept your hands by yourself and fought your gaze back to your cards.
Has he always been that pretty?  Always been that beautiful?
Probably not.
You had been barely 41 and he had been 48 years old, when you had last seen each other,   an awful age to consider someone to be beautiful when you had known them for your whole life at this point. 
But now, as time has passed, and you both have grown, matured you could even say, you saw him with new eyes. 
He had sensed your burning eyes on his side, so he turned to you and grinned smugly at you and you shrugged, while batting your eyes as innocently at him as possible and then turning back to your cards as if nothing had happened.
You were surprised how easily you could flirt with him, despite your excitedly way too fast beating heart, it gave you confidence to see his reaction as he rolled his eyes slightly and played his cards in a way that would give you a problem later and his shit eating grin only grew wider as you huffed and declared war on him and his cards.
You did not know it but Kíli had watched you from the side as well, some time later in the evening, while you were dealing the cards for a new round. You were reaching over the table and he saw how your body moved in your dress and he may have lingered on your full cleavage a little longer than he should have and he thought to himself that your bosom was most definitely more beautiful than the one of that woman. And he would not mind to be near it.
The fire casted an intense golden hue over your beautiful full face and lips and long braided curls and neatly brushed and braided sideburns and beard and when you laughed with him or rolled your eyes playfully at him was he sure that you were Mahal’s masterpiece.
And the way you had offered him to come with you on the market, you were kind and funny and how could he had ever thought that girls are stupid? You were definitely not stupid, on the contrary. Your were clever and mindful and you shone like the sun, like the rarest gem ever unearthed.
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sam-glade · 1 year
15 OC Questions Tag
Got tagged by the lovely @iced-ginger-tea here. Thank you💜
And gently tagging: @awritingcaitlin @tisiphonewolfe @captain-kraken and also leaving open tag.
Let's go with Rilna. I'm slightly ill and in need of a comfort character. No, Sieran, I'm not glaring at you for being an angsty, nervous wreck...
Are you named after anyone?
She gives you a small, smug smile.
"I don't believe it was intentional, but there was a Rilna in the seventh century of the Second Realm, who was the Keeper of Keys of Gale's Rest. She started her political career as..."
You clear your throat ten minutes into the admittedly well-told, but lengthy story.
2. When was the last time you cried?
She looks away and clenches her hand nervously. The twitch catches your attention. She sees where you're looking, and hides the hand under the table.
"I honestly can't remember," she says softly. You can tell that the realisation surprised her.
3. Do you have kids?
"Divines, no." She relaxes somewhat, and looks up at you with smiling eyes. "Maybe, one day, when it all blows over... But even then, I don't think it would be easy for a single parent, so it probably won't happen."
4. Do you use sarcasm?
"Sometimes, with my friends, when the mood is right."
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
"Their smile, their eyes-" She breaks off rather abruptly and shakes her head. "No, that's not true. It's their attitude, if they noticed the bracelet, and how friendly or dismissive, or hostile they are to a... To someone like me." Her smile is apologetic.
6. What's your eye colour?
She looks up at you, and her eyes gleam.
You write it down and add 'like chestnuts'.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
"Happy ending." Her smile grows and little dimples appear on her cheeks.
8. Any special talents?
"Do you mean, other than this?" She waves her left hand, and you can just about see the rigid shape of the locking bracelet under the sleeve of her blazer. "I've got a pretty good memory for names and dates. It comes in handy for a historian," she rushed to add, as if to sweep away the bitter mood.
9. Where were you born?
"In the suburbs." You look at her with a silent request for clarification. "Of the City of Light, right here."
10. What are your hobbies?
Her smile returns, sweet, a little lopsided.
"Baking. I've got a sweet tooth, and it makes others happy."
11. Have you any pets?
"Not at the moment, but maybe, one day, I'd want a cat. One of these round ones, with chubby little cheeks."
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
She chuckles.
"Divines, I don't think I've touched a ball since school..."
13. How tall are you?
"Uh... not that tall, just under 170 cm."
14. Favourite subject in school?
"History. No, wait, all the way back in school? I think it was literature."
15. Dream job?
She looks away again, and her smile wanes.
"I've never considered it, to be honest. Knacked like me, once we get any job, we do our best to keep it. I was really lucky to get the postdoc position, and I suppose I like it a fair bit, but... Yeah, I think my dream job would be transcribing historical documents. So few people can read the ideographs nowadays, and even fewer are interested in preserving the historical sources. Hm. I suppose I should have mentioned that as a special skill, too."
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
I beg you with my life, PLEEAAAASE can we have a Natasha x female reader where Reader comes back from a one month mission and sneaks into the compound to surprise Natasha who’s sitting in the living room with Tony. He sees reader sneaking up on her and all he says is “Natasha, do me a favor and don’t move.” As she’s very confused, reader jumps from behind her and wraps her arms around her red head. JUST FLUFF FOR DAYS!! (I will forever be in debt with you if you do this request!)😭🙏🥺🥰
of course! I hope it's okay love. I also thought this request would be the perfect way to apologise for my angst earlier lmaoo<33
I’m back!
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
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Summary: Y/N returns from a month-long mission, eager to see her girlfriend. Though her girlfriend literally doesn’t see her coming.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Pureeee fluff
Message/ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
Requests are open <3
“God, I can’t wait to get back and shower. I feel disgusting.” Clint announced to the other team members in the quinjet. Everyone tiredly nodding their heads in agreement.
Steve, Sam, Wanda, and Clint, alongside you, had spent the last month trying to infiltrate one of the HYDRA bases in Siberia. The sole intent being to take back stolen records and information about some military weapons that they were planning on using to invade other countries. It was supposed to be a simple ‘in and out’ job, a week, max. However, when you all saw that the base was more heavily guarded than expected, you all knew immediately that it wouldn’t be the case.
“Well, I’m pretty sure Y/N here is gonna be making a beeline for her girlfriend.” Sam nudged you with his elbow, a smirk plastered on his face. A blush crept up to your cheeks, reddening in slight embarrassment.
As it turns out, a month away from Natasha hadn’t done wonders for you. She wasn’t able to come on this mission, having to stay and hunt through files with some of the SHIELD agents at headquarters. Of course you were fully capable of being away from each other, but it had been at least 4 weeks now, 3 more than expected. You had missed her. To be honest, hearing the news that you’d be heading home today filled you with more happiness than knowing you’d retrieved the stolen files.
“Uh huh, don’t make me cut off those wings, Falcon.” You narrowed your eyes playfully towards him as you gave him the completely empty threat, still, he raised his hands in surrender, making the rest of the team snigger at your antics.
With hearing the quiet hum of the quinjet and murmurs of small talk coming from your team, you sat with a content smile, feeling your eyelids beginning to flutter shut, finally able to relax knowing that in no time at all, you’d be back in Natasha’s arms.
“Hey, Y/N, wake up”
Groaning slightly, your eyes slowly opened once again, squinting as they adjusted back to the bright lights. Once they’d focused a bit more, you took in the fact that Wanda was standing in front of you, her hand resting on your shoulder as she held a relaxed smile.
“We’re back.” She tilted her head as she encouraged you to look to your left, seeing the familiar building only a small walk away. The sight instantly filled you with energy, nothing except excitement now running through your veins.
With a quick smile sent in Wanda’s direction, you jumped from your seat and started to rush off, leaving the team in the dust as they laughed among themselves.
“She’s like a puppy.”
“She’s in loveee” Clint responded to Steve’s comment
“Leave her be, at least she’s happy.” Wanda piped in after catching up with the others, watching you run up to the doors of the compound, with absolutely no care in the world.
They enjoyed seeing you so full of life. It was nice to witness, especially after missions like the one they’d just gone on, where everyone is left exhausted and burnt out. You were tired too, of course, but you’d always tried to keep spirits high and moods lifted. It was something the team admired about you, Nat especially. She always loved coming home after a mission or just a day out and knowing that you’d be there to welcome her back.
It was almost routine that after an intense mission, you’d both take the evening off to spend time together and let the stress of the day roll off your backs. The two of you would often take a long shower together, just to feel close to one another and take the time to wash each other’s hair, engaging in the occasional stolen kiss and wrap up in towels afterwards.
You’d both stand in front of your bathroom mirror, brushing your teeth and making silly faces at the other and the sink was always guaranteed to be covered in toothpaste afterwards. It was a treasured time together. Time that you and Natasha had missed dearly in your absence. Not for much longer though.
Walking up the last set of stairs, you peeked round each doorway, hoping to catch a glimpse of some short red hair belonging to your girlfriend, not a middle aged SHIELD agent who was getting himself coffee. Ooops.
It wasn’t long before you heard some muffled chatter coming from the main seating room in the building, where most people went to hang out when they had nothing else to do, or have their movie nights. You hadn’t paid much attention, until you heard a familiar voice, laced with a slight russian accent speak close by, causing your stomach to fill with the same butterflies you felt on the day you met her.
You stepped forward, careful to not make too much of a sound in the hopes to surprise her, not entirely certain about how it would go down considering she’s a trained spy. However, hope was ignited when you saw Tony Stark talking to her, knowing he’d go along with your plan.
It wasn’t long before he noticed you in the doorway, quick to see that you’d raised a finger to your lips, silently telling him to not reveal that you were there. He didn’t even need to say a word as he turned back to Natasha with an overly concerned look on his face, taking note of how close you were getting.
“And then Fury was saying that we’d been looking through the wrong-”
“Yeah, yeah, that sounds great.” You had to cover your mouth at his interruption so you wouldn’t burst into laughter and blow your cover, fully able to picture the look on Nat’s face right now. “I need you to do something for me.”
“Don’t move a muscle.” She listened, but you could see her back noticeably tense up at the request, instantly defensive at what was behind her. Oh boy.
Taking this as your que, you hurried the last few steps, coming up right behind her and threw your arms around her neck, burying your face into her neck in the process as you let out giggles you’d been holding for minutes previous.
It took her a minute to process, almost jumping out of her skin at the contact, but she soon relaxed when she realised who it was, her hand coming up to run through your hair that was all over the place.
“Hi baby.” She smiled.
“Hi. I’m back.”
“I see this. Gotta say, this is one of my favourite surprises.” You both leaned in for a kiss, only a breath away when you heard someone purposely clear their throat.
“Hi, hello, one, you’re welcome for the surprise Romanoff, I’d like some artistic credit, thank you.” Nat rolled her eyes. “Second, it’s great to have you back, but respectfully, please get a room.”
With one last exaggerated sigh, the pair of you walked out the room, Natasha tugging her hand into yours and holding on tightly, fully appreciating having you back home with her. She turned to face you, emerald eyes sparkling as they met yours, whispering a question that’s plagued her mind since you walked in.
“So, shower?”
Taglist: @natashas-favourite-knives @wandaromanova
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yourlocalshinguji · 3 years
Can I have some hcs of (non despair) Junko and/or Mukuro being clingy because their s/o is cuddling/hugging their Monokuma plushie instead of giving them affection?—
Clingy (non despair) Junko and Mukuro with a S/O cuddling with a Monokuma plushie
I have the headcanon that Mukuro calls her beloved one "puppy", that's it, I said it. Anyway this made me want to buy a Monokuma plushie, not gonna lie. I wrote this at 3 am so enjoy.
The reader is g/n.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—What the hell.
—Seriously, what the hell.
—When Junko proposed to spend that day at home so you two could take a break from your daily lifes, what she actually meant was 'let's spend the day watching my our favourite movies as we cuddle because that's what couples are supposed to do'.
—Not whatever you were doing with that Monokuma plushie.
—She had to admit that it was kind of cute, though. Both the plushie and the view of you hugging it.
—"Babe, uhm... I'm right here, you know."
—You just looked at her and said "I know" as you nodded.
—"Then why the hell are you holding that thing instead of me? Not fucking fair."
—You held your plushie closer, covering your mouth, or better said, your smile, with its soft head.
—"Junko. Are you getting jealous of a stuffed bear?"
—Her expression was filled with both surprise and embarrassment, and she immediately blushed after realizing what she had just said.
—"N-no fucking way! I should have done this from the start instead of trying to ask you nicely."
—In a matter of seconds, the Monokuma you were holding between your arms was no longer there. Before you knew it, Junko grabbed it and threw it away somewhere, and now she was the one holding you.
—"See? I bet this is much better."
—"But... my plushie..."
—At that point Junko couldn't tell if you were still teasing her or being serious about it.
—"I was about to kiss you, but fuck off Y/n."
—It was too much. You couldn't hold back your laughter for much longer.
—"Just kidding, honey. My Monokuma plushie isn't going to replace you... yet."
—With that, you left a quick kiss on her lips and then rested your head on her shoulder, hugging her closer with an amused smile on your face.
—The next day, you found her hugging your plushie. She refused to cuddle with you, as you already expected.
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—Mukuro didn't get it.
—She wasn't a clingy person, really. But that was a little bit... too far.
—You were holding that plushie of yours since you got home, which wasn't a problem by itself. She even smiled when she saw you doing it.
—But you didn't let it go. No matter how much time had passed, you refused to let it go. She had enough patience to deal with her sister on a daily basis, but not for that.
—"Puppy? It's getting late. Are you going to come to bed?"
—You nodded. Mukuro thought you'd finally let your stuffed animal go and spend at least your last minutes of the day with her.
—She didn't know how to feel when you took it with you.
—"Are you... really going to sleep... cuddled with that?"
—It was not exactly what she was expecting, nor what she wanted.
—After a few minutes of being in bed, she couldn't help it. She softly held you from behind, trying to make sure not to scare you, and started to play with your hair with one of her hands.
—"Could you cuddle with me instead?" that was the only thing she whispered.
—You couldn't simply say no to that request.
—When you had finally left your plushie aside and held her closer just as she wanted, Mukuro spoke again.
—"Thank you. You've been hugging that thing the whole day, so I thought..."
—"It's not a thing, it's a Monokuma plushie."
—"Well, I thought Monokuma was going to take my place as your partner."
—"How silly... Monokuma may be soft and cute, but that's basically everything he's got. You're soft, cute and strong when you want to."
—"Oh, is that so?" you both laughed at your stupid conversation, without taking it seriously. Soon enough, you had fallen asleep between Mukuro's arms, the only thing she wanted since you started to cuddle that plushie.
—She gave you a kiss on the forehead and slowly began to fall asleep as well, firmly holding you in your place whenever you tried to move. You weren't going to take that thing again, and Mukuro was going to make it sure.
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celestialevie · 3 years
Birthday surprise // Niall Horan x singer! Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: none
A/N: Since it's officially my birthday week and Niall's has just passed, I decided to write this very self-indulgent fic (even though I can't sing, but a girl can dream </3). I mostly wrote this for myself because I adore this human with my whole heart. Anyways hope someone will enjoy this fic just as much as I did writing it.
Finishing the first two songs, you chat a little with your fans. Noticing some of the signs they brought with them to get you to notice them, some of them making you laugh, while some of them made your heart clench with love. Sitting down at the piano, starting to play 'champagne problems'. While you were in the happiest relationship to date now, you still had some issues with your past relationships, where you were made the villain and them a victim when in reality it was the literal opposite. Niall was the blessing you were praying for. So what if you were fucked in the head? Niall loved you just the way you were.
Your birthday was coming up, and you were going to spend it while being in one of the cities you absolutely love touring in – Dublin. Although you were heartbroken because this will be the first birthday you were going to celebrate without your boyfriend, Niall. Ever since you've known him, you celebrated both of your birthdays with one another. His tour lead him to being in America during your birthday, which really sucked. You were both bummed out about it, he even offered to reschedule that concert, so he can be with you in Dublin, maybe even visit his family whilst already being in Ireland, you told him no. You didn't want to be selfish just because it's your birthday. Talking on the phone with him right from the moment he was awake (which was already in the afternoon for you). '' It feels weird to not be with you on your birthday, how will I survive without my birthday kisses and hugs from you? '' you ask while pouting. Niall chuckled and mimicked your put. '' I will give you your birthday kisses and hugs as soon as I see you. With extra ones for each day between your birthday and the day we see each other again. I promise. '' he gives you a smile. And you just pout harder. '' I really miss you. I can't wait to see you soon. '' checking the time, you realize it's almost time for you to start getting ready. '' Hey baby, I have to go start getting ready soon. I'll make sure Jenna calls you to FaceTime and shows you at least some concert if you're not busy. I love you and I miss you. '' as you say that, you hang up and quickly text your makeup artist, she can come over. Two minutes later, her and Jenna (your assistant and close friend) are in your dressing room, and you're getting ready. An hour later, you were done with your makeup and hair and all that was left was to put on your outfit. Ten minutes later, you were slowly making your way towards stage. Quickly texting Niall another I love you, and wishing him good luck on his own show later, you were off on the stage, the intro of your song' dress' starting to play as you were brought onto the stage. Let the fun begin.
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After champagne problems, one of your favourite songs you wrote was next.
''... Don Perignon you brought it, no crowd of friends applauded
your hometown sceptics called it, champagne problems.''
'' A lot of you might not know, but this next song was inspired after I was done watching the amazing spider-man 2 for the millionth time. My love for Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield is unmatchable. Just ask my boyfriend, who's been hanging out with Tom Holland, how both of them are feeling betrayed by my love for both Amazing Spider-man's movies. This is How you get the girl. '' The intro of the song started playing and so were the screams of people.
Singing two more songs, you go get changed into a different outfit. Going back onto the stage, you're surprised that your manager Anna is standing there with a grin on her face.
'' Stand there like a ghost
Shaking from the rain
She'll open up the door and say 'are you insane?'
Say it's been long six months
And you were too afraid to tell her what you want, want...''
'' Uh-oh, manager is grinning, prepare yourselves guys, it's not going to be good. '' The crowd laughs while Anna rolls her eyes and smiles at you. '' We have a small surprise for you. '' as she says that, she points on the big screen behind you, when you turn around you are surprised to see a familiar face of one of your closest friends, Lewis Capaldi, wishing you a happy birthday and saying you guys need to go clubbing again soon. Laughing as his face fades away and the next one shows up, your very close friend and sometimes co-writer Taylor Swift, again wishing you the happiest birthday and saying how much she adores working with you and that she loves you very much. It went on for a while, all your friends and even your parents were there. Tears were falling down, and you didn't care it ruined your makeup. And then at the end there he was. My favourite face to see. Niall. '' Happiest birthday to you angel. I wish I could be there with you, just like we are always for our birthdays, but unfortunately I am not there to give you all the birthday hugs and wishes. I love you so much angel, keep rocking the world, and I will see you as soon as we can. '' At the end you were full on sobbing happy tears, hugging your manager and your band. The best surprise ever. '' I am very sorry for being a mess so publicly '' wiping your tears and thanking to whoever invented waterproof mascara for being the reason your makeup is not that ruined. '' Anyway, the show must go on, so let's go. '' picking up your acoustic guitar, adjusting it, you announce the song. ''You are in love. Let's go.''
As the show is slowly coming to an end, and you're about to play a song that is about your boyfriend, that he inspired you to write. And Taylor helped you co-write it.
Morning, his place
Burnt toast, Sunday
You keep his shirt
He keeps his word
And for once, you let go
Of your fears and your ghosts
One step, not much
But it said enough
You kiss on side walks
You fight and you talk
One night he wakes
Strange look on his face
Pauses, then says
You're my best friend
And you knew what it was
He is in love. ''
'' Sadly, the show is slowly coming to an end. You guys were the absolute best and I adore spending my birthday with you all. This next song is literally one of the most accurate songs I've written about any of my relationship. When I got inspired by my loveliest boyfriend, I had to invite Taylor to help me write it, as we all know she is the lyrics master. Lover is one of my many nicknames I use for Niall, and I know that he's probably watching this or will watch it later, so hi Niall. '' you wave to one of the camera's while the crowd laughs. Gently, you start playing the guitar.
What you didn't know is that your boyfriend is a liar and is actually hiding with your assistant Jenna, waiting to come on the stage to surprise you. Of course, he wouldn't miss your birthday, even if he has to reschedule the concerts. You were absolutely worth it. As he waits for the part of the song he's gonna crash in, Jenna and Anna are making sure you don't accidentally notice Niall before time. The plan is for Anna to quickly distract you on one side while Niall comes out on the other side of the stage.
'' (...)
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Lover '' as you sing that part, you notice Anna waving at you like a maniac, distracting you and mouthing something to you. As you're trying to figure out what is she saying, the crowd starts screaming, and you freeze as the familiar voice starts to sing the next part of the song
''Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand...''
The song soon comes to an end, and you're bringing Niall into another hug. He just smiles and wraps his arms around your waist. '' Happy birthday, angel. I hope you don't mind me crashing. '' You just shake your head while holding him as close as you can. '' You are always welcome to crash my show. The next song is your song anyway, so you might as well stay and sing with me. '' he pulls away and looks at you. '' Let's go finish this show, so I can give you all the birthday kisses and hugs you want. ''
You turn around with your hand on your mouth, as the man himself makes his way towards you. You're in absolute shock because this man is supposed to be in America. He only laughs at your reaction as he pulls you towards him in a tight hug while still singing. Hugging him back, not wanting to let go of him. Slightly pulling away, looking him directly in his beautiful blue eyes while singing.
'' I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover ''
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timesholland · 3 years
‘tis the damn season  || preface
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A/N: I just had this idea while listening to evermore by taylor swift, my very favourite album. So this will be inspired by the songs on the album and the first one is ‘tis the damn season! also I’m sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language. If you like this idea let me know :)
Pairing: tom holland x actress!Reader
Moodboard one
Summary: On the first day of your new project you happen to just discover who you are going to be working with for the next months and it just so happen to be your ex. Or something like that. Even though you knew how much you liked Tom back then, it was never clear to you what actually happened between the both of you. He was never clear and the moment you knew you were going end up hurt, you left.
The holidays linger like bad perfume You can run, but only so far I escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave But if it's okay with you, it's okay with me
You had just finished getting your make up done when you took sometime to breathe and finally think about what was going on. So you would have to see Tom again, not only see but work with him everyday for the next three months. Here's the thing: you didn't deal well with unsolved things. Yes, you made the decision to forget him and you did it. But you wished things had been different, in some parallel universe, you wished he held you tighter, tried harder. Wish he decided to meet you halfway.
No one ever knew how much you were hurting when you stopped talking to him. "It wasn't anything serious anyways." you'd tell your bestfriend when she asked about how you were feeling after the news of him being in a new relationship had leaked.
You met Tom when you were younger, you knew him and you loved him. You met him through mutual friends who are also actors and you connected instantly. You couldn't tell when things started to get so confusing and complicated until you realize the guy that was your best friend was sleeping in your bed and then breaking your heart. Not even him, cause you never said a word about it. You acted like you didn't care.
You loved each other and you knew it. But you loved him like you could call him when you were high and talk about anything but you could never tell him why you were hurting. Like you could fall asleep in his lap when you had movie marathons on lazy Saturdays, but you couldn’t touch him when you kissed or look into his eyes for longer than a second. He'd drive to your house at 3 in the morning if it meant you'd be okay. He couldn't close his eyes without seeing you. You haunted his dreams. You could make him break his own knuckles on his bedroom wall and then pull him into your arms moments later with a smile on his face. 
Whenever you happened to meet at premieres, he’d act like he couldn’t look at her when he held her hand because you were laughing with someone else on the other side of the room. And you both knew it, just pretended you didn't.
And now here you are, ready to spend three whole months next to him. You heard a knock on the door that made you snap out of your thoughts as you saw someone opening the door slowly putting his head to the side. “Hey. Can I come in?” 
You couldn’t help but make a weird face at Tom, standing right at your door. What was he doing? What are you supposed to do? Act like nothing ever happened? 
“Sure. How are you? It’s been so long.” you said walking in his direction. 
“Yeah, I'm okay. Happy to be back at London?” he asked while he took a sit on the small sofa you had in your dressing room. You sit next to him, having a hard time to look him directly at the eyes.
“Always happy to be back. So what's up?” you reffered to him coming to your dressing room. He laughed a little, you could see he looked embarassed.
“Nothing really, just wanted to see you before we start this whole thing. Wanted to make sure we are hm...fine?”
“We are fine, yeah. I don’t think this is right place to talk about it anyways.” you stood up and sit on a chair in front of him. 
“I know Y/N but where is the right place? Or moment? I don’t mean to bring this up now but you are the one who’s been ignoring me for months, stopped answering to my texts and been acting weird, we were friends before everything so I don’t get it-” Tom was cut off by your assistant (and best friend) entering the room. 
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you were here...hi Tom. I can come back later.” Emily apologized. “No! It’s okay, he was just leaving.” 
Tom stood up and left the room leaving his very well known perfume in the air. 
“What was that about?” Emily asked, knowing well what was that. 
“Nothing, he came in to ask me if we were okay?” you answered ironically laughing. “Saying I stopped answering his texts like he wasn’t the one who was basically running so he wouldn’t have any commitment.” 
“Doesn’t he have a girlfriend now or something?” she whispered. 
“So I heard. But tell me, how can I help you?” you asked her who immediately hand you over a pile of paper and explained what you were supposed to do. You obviously knew well the role you applied for, you just didn’t know who was going to do your love interest in the cast. Until 10 minutes ago. But Tom however, looked like he was ready to come talk to you, actually, looked like he was waiting for it for so long. 
“Y/N! Are you even listening?” Emily called “Can’t stop thiking about finally being a couple in front of cameras?”
“Oh stop it, I’m glad no one ever knew the rumors about me and him were real.” You answered her laughing. “Sometimes I think the best thing I did was leaving, but I kinda miss him though.” 
“Well, I’m glad you do cause you’ll have a lot of time to spend together now.” 
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takenbyheartstrings · 3 years
Project Parker | peter parker.
part one: IN YOUR EYES || series masterlist
[ enemies! peter parker x fem!reader || warnings. fluff & swearing, sexual innuendo || wc.  ]
a/n. WELCOME TO MY NEW SERIES <3 i hope you enjoy reading this!!
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YOU WERE SAT AT YOUR desk in class as MJ wrote in her notebook. She looked over at you, as you looked over at Peter Parker to which she was having a staring contest with as he walked through the door, he flashed her a smirk, “Y/n! Looking great today, I just love it when people embrace their flaws.” He chuckles before going to sit down, you hold your foot out as the boy trips, looking at you with a slight fire to his gaze.
You chuckled, “Oops,” You pouted your lips giving him a sorry look, but it wasn’t true. You didn’t like Peter and he didn’t like you. You don’t know when you started hating Peter. Maybe it was when he started being better than you at certain things. When you got bumped down to second in the class?
Your teacher coughs trying to get the classes gaze away from you and Peter, “Okay, we’re doing a science project!” She smiles cheerily, “Now, this is going to be different this time, I’m partnering you up,” The whole class groans angrily.
“Don’t expect me to be lenient either, okay,” Miss Grundle claps her hands together, “Uh first up we have Flash Thompson and Ned Leeds.” Ned looks like he could just about shit himself.
“Michelle Jones and Harrison Osborn.” Harry smiles and winks as Michelle rolls her eyes even if she has the slightest of crushes.
The teacher reads through the rest of the names and then you notice that everyone has paired up except for you and one other person your eyes meet Peter’s like they did at the beginning of the class. “NO!” You practically scream, “No! No! NO!”
“Miss Grundle!” MJ speaks up, “It’s really not a good idea, she hates him and he hates her. I don’t know if you’ve picked up on that.”
Peter smirks, “Am I really that repulsive?” he asks nobody in-particular, “But if it’s any consultation, Miss Grundle, I say ‘No! No! NO!’ too.” He mocks your voice.
You roll your eyes, and open your mouth but Miss Grundle interrupts, “No, no’s.” She hisses, “You guys are partners, this is your problem now.”
The two of you had to discuss the project, but you sat there drawing and he sat there staring at the clock waiting for the godawful task to be over. But you couldn’t wait out the awkward silence anymore. The two of you had to discuss something otherwise the you would fail.
“What the fuck are we gonna do?” you asked Peter suddenly.
His eyes went wide at your choice of words, “Woah! Okay, uh…” You chuckled at the way he was flustered.
“What? Can’t handle the word fuck?” You questioned him getting in close, whispering the word in his ear, “Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.” You spoke as his cheeks went a deep crimson red.
“No, no! I just-” The poor boy cuts himself off, “Let’s just focus on the project. Did you have any ideas?”
You blew a raspberry and you rolled your eyes, “No.”
He grins, his smile full of that sarcasm that you just loved, “Keep rolling your eyes and maybe, just maybe you’ll find a brain back there. I can’t make any promises though,”
You go to roll your eyes once more, but you catch yourself in the act, “Whatever,” You mumbled, “Maybe we could take something simple and put a twist on it. I mean, it is science, we can mix whatever we want and make an explosion.”
Peter looks at you thoughtfully, “I don’t think that’s how it-”
The bell cuts him off and as he goes to continue what he was going to say, so does your voice, “Look, Parker, we’ll go to the library after school,”
The boy sighs, hating himself for what he’s about to offer, “Why don’t you come over?” He asks you, “My place is closer than the library. That’s like a forty minute walk, fifteen minute drive. Mine’s only a five minute walk away.”
You stand up and made your way toward the door, stopping before you could exit, “If I didn’t know any better, it sounds like you’re trying to get me in bed.” And with that you finally left the room, leaving Peter to blush once more.
At the end of the day you met Peter by his locker, you got stares but you waved them off, he opened his locker and you were met with the sight of a little lego man, a whiteboard and a whole load of notebooks and like three backpacks. You didn’t know what to say, so you didn’t say anything. You just observed. Peter finally shut his locker, and swung his backpack over his shoulder. He started walking and you took that as a signal to follow, your pink and white air max’s pressing onto the floor. The two of you didn’t speak on the way to his house, nor on the way up the stairs or as you walked into his room. It was odd seeing it. He had a bunk bed, you didn’t know what for since he was an only child.
Maybe for when Ned sleeps over? You thought to yourself.
He had multiple Star Wars posters on his walls and a desk covered in papers and notebooks and more backpacks were sat in next to it. How many backpacks does this kid have? What didn’t help you was the fact that they were all the same, same style, same colour. You didn’t speak on it though, if the kid collects backpacks, he collects backpacks.
Peter was sat on his desk chair and noticed you just standing there, doing nothing, but before he could say anything you took a seat on his plaid sheets. Looking around the room you made eye-contact with his things, his trinkets. His LEGO Star Wars figures. You had only ever talked to Peter in class so when you were in his room it made it seem all different and weird, you felt squirmy sitting in here. Like you couldn’t.
“So we should start on the project, right?” Peter questioned you.
“Uh,” Was the only thing that came out of your mouth. You looked over at the door and picked up your black and white backpack and stormed out of his apartment. You didn’t know what was happening you but you couldn’t sit in there anymore. You couldn’t deal with looking at Peters things, the things that make him more than someone you just made snarky and mean remarks to.
Peter followed you down the stairs, “Y/N WHERE ARE YOU GOING WE NEED TO DO THE PROJECT.” By the time he made it down the stairs he saw you sitting next to the stairs in front of his building. Your head in your knees.
“What’s wrong?” He questioned, you didn’t know what to say to him and he didn’t know what to do. So he sat down next to you and put his hand on your shoulder, and he expected you to shrug it off - but you didn’t.
“I’m sorry.” You speak, and he looks sort of surprised, he never expected you to ever say it. The girl who had picked on him for so long even when he started picking on her back, “Look, I’ve just- I- I never,” You didn’t know how to speak, “I was always jealous of you. You get good grades, you’re cute, you always know what to say, have the right answers. You’re just perfect.”
“Did you just call me, cute?” Peter laughed, and you whacked him softly.
“Shut up,” You smiled softly.
He returned the soft grin, “I could say the same thing,” Your grin got slightly wider, as you looked down at your hands. “Let’s truce.” Peter speaks up.
“Really?” You questioned him, “Don’t you hate me?”
“Look, Y/N, you’ve never been anything but rude, or mean, or snarky. But, I never actually hated you.” Peter talks, “Everything you said about me, I could say about you - I think the reason we always hated each other was because of everything that we have in common, so let’s think about what we don’t have in common and go from there, maybe we can actually be friends.”
“Okay,” You smiled, “Let’s be friends.” You stood up, “So let’s think of this as our project first and then we can do the actual project. We’ve got weeks.”
“That’s probably cause the project is supposed to take weeks.” Peter retorts.
“Shut up, Parker!” You laughed.
When the two of you got back up to Peter’s room, you took a seat on his bed once more, all of a sudden it wasn’t scary anymore. It didn’t seem like the world was closing in around you as you looked around.
“So let’s start, clearly, your favourite movie is Star Wars - mine is Now You See Me, there’s something about hot magicians that turns me on. Does Leia do the same to you or?” You comment with a smirk.
Peter’s eyes go wide at your comment, “I- uh- I’m-”
“Relax, Parker, I’m kidding.” You lay back on his plaid sheets, smiling up at the ceiling.
You and Peter start brainstorming ideas of what you could do, building off of what you had said earlier, something simple with a twist on it. It seemed like a good plan, but simplicity is often the hardest thing to do. You sighed as you looked up at the wood planks of the bunk bed, you don’t catch it but your eyes start to close, until they do and you doze off, falling asleep. You hadn’t noticed it but night had fallen over New York, and then you woke up, Peter nowhere to be found. You were still in your clothes from the school day, but your hair was fucked up and there was mascara and lipgloss smudged on your face, a blanket was over you though, a blanket that wasn’t there earlier. However, your breath tasted foul.
You stood up feeling slightly lightheaded as you saw the texts from your mother on your phone from not too long ago, 10mins it read next to her name, so you clicked on the contact and called her.
“Hey mum, sorry I’ll be home soon I just fell asleep at MJ’s is all.” You explained, you didn’t want to tell your mum you were at a boy’s place. Especially Peter’s, after you talk your mouth off about how much you hated him.
Your mum lets out a sigh of relief, “Okay good, I’ll see you soon, sweetheart.” You can hear her smile through the phone.
You picked up your black and white backpack for the second time that evening, walking out the door to be met with a lady with large frames on her eyes, “Who are you?” She asks, “I knew Peter told me he had someone over, now I know why he wouldn’t tell me who.”
“My names Y/N,” You told her almost regretting it when her jaw dropped.
“OH MY GOD, no way, you’re the last person I expected to see here, Peter never shuts up about how much he hates you, honestly, I think he has a crush on you. I’m also his aunt May by the way,”
You laugh at her rambling, “Well, I’m the last person I’d expect to see here too, but Miss Grundle put us together for a project.” May nodded, “Speaking of Peter where is he? I wanna say bye before I leave.”
She tenses a little, but then relax’s, “He’s at the store buying us a chicken, because I can’t cook to save my life.” She smiles, “You’re welcome to stay.” She offers but you shake your head.
“My mum is expecting me home, so I’ve gotta go, but thank you.” You smile kindly.
“Well, maybe next time then,” She returns a smile.
“Yeah, next time.” You walk out of the apartment, closing the door behind you, you didn’t know why you felt so happy but you did.
You and Peter Parker were friends and you were happy about it.
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juletheghoul · 3 years
Oblivius Chapter 4
Am I insane for posting another chapter? Yes. Am I doing it anyway? Yes. Should you message me about how you feel about Spills & Francis? YES!
(Got a song you want added to the playlist? send it to me!)
I've gotten so much love over this series and I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that you guys love these two idiots as much as I do. <3
(Feo means ugly in Spanish but it can be used as a term of endearment between [male] friends)
Likes & reblogs are appreciated
Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Pairing: Frankie x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: Angst, yearning, 18+ language, alcohol (Spills gets wasted)(Please let me know if I forget anything)
Masterlist Series Masterlist Part 3 Part 5 Playlist
Age: 17
“No Francis I don’t wanna watch this - I’m gonna get scared.” It was late, you were both sitting in his cozy living-room, a big shit-eating grin on his face.
“Why, are you chicken? It’s just The Shining, it's not even scary.” He put it on and despite your protests, he settled and let the movie play, You gave him a pout.
“Okay if you really don’t want to I’ll change it you big baby.” He rolled his eyes to grab the remote but you stopped him.
“Promise you’ll walk me home?” You knew it was one of his favourites. He smiled wide.
“Of course! If it’s too much I'll change it.” He gave you most of the blanket that was draped over his legs and you sat very close to him. He was taller than you remembered him being, having gone through a growth spurt over the summer and he towered over you now. All knees and elbows.
When the room scene came on you burrowed your face into his neck and he wrapped an arm around you, you were so pretty. Your hair smelled so good and he buried his nose into the messy bun you wore. You practically clawed at him, trying to get closer - he made you feel safe.
“Is it still scary?” You spoke into his neck.
“Yes - don’t look yet, just a little longer.”
**Present Day**
Pope was holding up a shot-glass full of something and there were shots lined up for the three of you when you walked in.
“Catfish, I never thought it would happen for you feo, but I’m glad it did. Claudia, he’s lucky to have you.” He raised his shot glass and a chorus of ‘To Frankie and Claudia’ rang out before everyone tipped the liquor back.
The burn in the back of your throat couldn’t just be from the tequila, you’d swallowed a lump. You’d forced back the tears stinging your eyes when he dipped her back to kiss her. With her laughing and grabbing his neck they were the picture of romance and the smile you had plastered to your face must have looked manic. Popes eyes caught yours then and his eyebrows raised, a question in his features that you couldn’t quite read but he looked away and left you with your thoughts.
You got very drunk. Fall-down drunk. Forget about everything drunk.
“Spills, I think you should stop - you’re going to feel like hell tomorrow.” He was softly taking the shot out of your hand and you tried to fight him but his grip was iron.
“St-op t-telling me wh-what to do Francisco.” You tried to take it back but it seemed like the floor was coming up to say hi. An iron grip around your middle stopped you from losing a couple of teeth.
“Jesus Spills, okay - that’s enough. I’m cutting you off.” He held onto you and you wanted nothing more than to turn around and kiss him but you also wanted to throw up. Decisions decisions.
“I-think-imgonnabesick…” you brought your hand up to your mouth and part of you expected him to let go but he didn’t.
“Take a deep breath, it’s okay, Pope can you get me some water?” He was holding onto you, rubbing soothing circles onto your back and you tried to focus on his hands on you as the whole room spun dangerously. A few minutes later he was holding a cold glass of water to your lips. “Drink the whole thing, I'm going to hold it because if you spill it I'll kill you.” You chugged it down and he put it on the table.
“When did you get so strong, Francis?” Your words were slurred and you felt his chest rumbling with laughter at your question. “You smell so good.” You said it lower- more to yourself, but he heard and the laughing stopped.
“Oh no! Are you okay Spills?” Claudia was there now, her hands pulling your hair away from your face and before you could succumb to the urge to tell her never to call you that Frankie spoke up.
“She’s okay, just need to get her home. You’re okay right, Spills?” His voice was lower, so soothing you could fall asleep to it.
“Hey Frankie, you and Claudia should stay, tell me where she lives and I’ll get her home.” It was Pope, Frankie must have trusted him immensely because before you knew it he was putting you into the front seat of Pope's rental and buckling you in. Claudia was tying your hair back and putting your purse into your lap.
“Be careful please - this is her address, just make sure she gets in and lays face down. There should be a bucket somewhere in her bathroom - water and some aspirin on her night table.” Frankie was talking as you closed your eyes. When you opened them you were parked in front of your place.
“Hey honey, come on let's get you inside. I’m just going to look for your keys, okay?” Pope was taking your purse out of your lap. You nodded vaguely.
He helped you in and guided you to your bed. You could feel him taking off your shoes and throwing the blanket over you.
Someone is driving an ice-pick into my skull.
The light was intense and you swore out loud when you cracked an eye open. You stretched and felt a piece of paper beside you on the bed.
“I locked your door - keys are in your mailbox. Drink the water - take the ibuprofen. Let Catfish know you’re okay when you wake up- he was worried. - Pope”
You groaned.
[Francis]: Spills, are you okay?
[Francis]: Can you answer me please?
[Francis]: Don’t tell me you’re still asleep? What, are you a teenager? Getting drunk and sleeping until 4pm????
[Francis]: Sorry Spills, just worried - can you please let me know you’re okay before I show up?
You could see the three little dots signalling that he was in the middle of typing another message and you quickly called him to stop him.
“Jesus, it’s about fucking time.” He sounded worried and relieved and it pulled on your heart strings in a way you both loved and hated.
“Stop yelling Francisco, I am begging you.” You threw your arm over your eyes to block out the light as you lay there, in yesterday's clothes. You didn’t even want to know what you looked like right now.
“Feeling all that tequila aren’t you? I haven’t seen you that drunk for a long time.” You could hear the faint smile in his voice.
“Yes yes I know - so fucking embarrasing. Did I do.. Or say anything..?” You were trying to ask him without asking him.
“You almost threw up, but if you’re asking me if you started table-dancing you’re good.” He laughed and you sighed with palpable relief. All you needed was for him to tell you that you’d confessed your love or told Claudia to fuck off.
“Thank god. That would have been all I needed. Can you tell Pope I said thanks? Okay, I'm going to go shower for a million years now.” You wanted to hang up, your head was pounding and you needed a few hours of silence and about a gallon of water.
“Okay - see you in a few hours.” You didn’t want to deal with both of them together, not with how you felt right now.
“No Francis I don’t want to entertain, I already embarrassed myself enough yesterday.”
“It’s just me coming and I’ve seen you much worse. I haven’t been home in a long time so, take a shower and do what you have to do and I'll be there at seven.” He hung up and you could have thrown your phone across the room.
The knock at the door at exactly seven didn’t surprise you.
What did surprise you was how nervous you were that he would be coming over.
You were literally attached at the hip at one point, he’s seen you at your worst.
“You’re looking much better than you did last night, Spills.” He laughed as he walked past you and into your home.
“Oh god.” You groaned as he laughed, why had you been nervous? You watched him as he set down the bags of what looked to be way too much food on your kitchen counter. Grabbing napkins and forks - completely at ease within your space. “What did you bring?” moved to peak into the bags.
“Chinese - “ He looked to see your eyes wide and the big toothy smile you were giving him and laughed. “Did you think I’d forget you always get Chinese when you’re hungover?” He laughed as he took out what looked to be all your favourites.
“You’re a lifesaver Francis, truly.” You were practically bouncing on the balls of your feet as you served yourself.
“I know, I’m practically a saint.” He walked over to your couch and plopped down, an egg-roll in his mouth as he turned on your TV and looked for something to watch. This was it - this was how it was supposed to be.
This was easy.
He had come over in comfy clothes and seeing him on your couch in sweats and a soft flannel was almost too much. His hair had gotten longer than he had worn it before he went away and it looked so soft; practically begged for your fingers.
“Are you still a baby about horror movies?” He asked without looking at you, you saw that he had put on some cheesy zombie movie. A big smile on his face.
“No, I’m okay, as long as you check every single corner of this place before you leave.”
“God I love horror movies, Claudia hates them so we never end up watching.” He sighed. Her name cut through the air like a knife. An ice cube casually dropped into your shirt.
“That’s too bad.” You quickly shoved food into your mouth, stopping yourself from saying anything you’d regret but he knew you too well. He looked at you then, eyes narrowing a fraction.
“Do you like her?” He asked, point blank and your eyes widened at him.
Fuck, don’t make me answer this right now.
“Yeah, she’s great.” To your credit, you tried. You really tried to sound genuine.
“Why don’t you like her Spills?” He sighed heavily, putting his plate down onto your coffee table to face you properly.
“What are you talking about? I said she was great!” You could feel the flush creeping up your neck and licking at your face at the lie. She was great, that wasn’t a lie - you just didn’t like her.
“Seriously? You’re going to act like I can’t tell you’re lying through your teeth? Just tell me! I’m going to marry this girl. I have to know why you don’t like her.” He had a little frown on his face and you could see that he was worried, but what would he have to be worried about? Worried you’d picked up on something he’d missed maybe?
“I just don’t know her, Francis, that’s all. There’s nothing wrong with her, you know I'm just weird. She seems really nice and I’m sure I’ll like her once I get to know her better.” You smiled at him sadly, you didn’t want to talk about her anymore.
He smiled back at you and picked up his plate, happy with your explanation.
It always seemed to happen this way, ever since you’d been teenagers. He’d put on something scary and you would end up with your face buried into his chest.
“Oh god - that is disgusting!” You shut your eyes as he laughed, his chest rumbling underneath you at a particularly gruesome scene. You felt his hand rubbing your arm, and it was such a comfort that you sighed lightly. The words bubbled up without your permission.
“I missed this.” You felt him rest his chin on the crown of your head.
“Me too Spills, I always missed this while I was away, missed you.” He spoke into your hair, you could feel his breath ghosting along your scalp and your heart raced, you wanted nothing more than to turn and kiss him. His hand stilled, and you felt his heart beating under your ear. You wanted to do it, your whole body seemed to tense with want and you turned slightly to look at him through your lashes. He was already staring at you, his mouth was so close.
His phone rang, snapping him out of his trance and you moved away from him reluctantly.
“Hey babe, what’s up?” He smiled apologetically. “Just take a deep breath, it’ll be okay. I’m on my way.” He hung up and gave you a look that said I’m sorry. “Gotta go, wedding emergency.” He sighed heavily as he got up, taking both your plates to the kitchen with him.
You wanted him to stay, you wanted to grab him and sit him back down on the couch and straddle him. Grab the soft material of the flannel while you kissed him but you didn’t. Instead you smiled and thanked him for coming and for the food.
He made his way through the apartment before he left, opening every door.
“Just checking every corner, so you can sleep.” He smiled.
I love you too.
Tag list: @frannyzooey @foli-vora @danniburgh @sambucky21 @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @mouthymandalorian @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @wheresarizona @sherala007 @freak-nasty-thick-dick-mando @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa @gaiuswrites @stevie75 @sweet-creature98 @readsalot73 @tobealostwanderer @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @goldielocks2004 @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @bellaorisa @hellovanessax
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not-using-this1 · 3 years
Sick day cuddles
So I came up with this idea last night but didn’t know whether to write it with Alcina or Donna, so I let let people on my twitter decide and Donna won which I wasn’t expecting but I love her :) 
Luciana is going to be the name of the character I write with for Donna as she is my Oc but I will use ‘you’ for you guys as readers :)
This is my first Donna Beneviento oneshot and I’m still developing ways to write her to stay true to her as a character so bare with me! 
I may even make a part 2 if any of you like this and want me to!
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(Gif isn’t mine)
Donna sends Angie to wake up Luciana as she got up earlier to finish making this doll. Luciana hadn't gotten out of bed yet and she thought that was weird for her. However she doesn't want to get out of bed and so Donna checks to see if she's okay, but it turns out shes sick.
Basically Donna takes care of her girlfriend and even cuddles with her not caring that she could get sick to.
Warning/s: None
Nothing but Donna being adorable, shy even and wanting to care for her girl.
Donna Beneviento x Fem!Oc 
Donna had been wondering all morning why her lover hadn't gotten out of bed yet. She usually gets up an hour after her due to the fact she has been getting up early everyday to work on this new doll project. Angie, her favourite doll from childhood by her side as she watches her finish off the hat she had been making for the doll.
"Angie, could you go check on Luciana for me? I'm rather worried she hasn't gotten up yet". Donna asked the wedding dress clad doll, worry on her face was barely visible due to her wearing the mourning veil over her.
Angie chuckled at how worried Donna was but still she stood up and jumped down from the wooden chair the doll had previously sat on. "Of course, but you worry too much. She is probably having one of those days".
Donna sighed at her very much living doll "yes but those happen rarely anymore, now please Angie." Donna asked her once more. In fact she wasn't even asking she was telling her.
The doll ran into the hall and managed to get up the stairs with ease to Donna and Luciana’s bedroom. Of course it's hers too but she has a room by herself sometimes or just stays down the stairs with other dolls aka 'friends'.
Opening the door slightly so she could squeeze passed the gap. Luciana was on her side like usual but snuggling up to Donna's pillow. Angie chuckled at the sight before tapping the young woman on the forehead a few times.
The woman let out a whine and then some more as Angie continued poking her "Wake up Luciana!" She shreaked.
"Go away Angie" You coughed as she turned to face the wall, Donna's pillow still in your grasp as you hugged it tighter. Kicking the bedsheet off yourself as it was way too warm. "Someones moody, come on you've gotta get up!" Angie had prompted to try and budge you out of bed but clearly that wasn't working whatsoever.
"Angie no, I really don't think I can get up today" that immedietely put Angie in 'go fetch Donna' mode. So without another thought Angie rushed out of the room, leaving you to curl up in a ball and complain, you were definitely sick there was no denying that.
A couple minutes of being in the bedroom, nothing but silence and sometimes coughs and sneezes. You had tried to get comfy but nothing seemed to be working. Suddenly the door opening startled you to the point you sat up straight away only to see it was just Donna, a very concerned girlfriend she was.
You smiled at her, she removed the mourning veil from over her face as of course she felt comfortable around you, you smiled again, god she was so beautiful (if only your girls beauty was the cure to your sickness) she brightend up your morning.
"L-Luci my love are you alright?" Donna asks quietly as she sits at the side of your shared bed, you nodded your head 'yes' trying not to worry her too much but you knew she wouldn't believe you for a second especially because she must of heard you whining, coughing and sneezing.
"No, you're not, lay back" Donna instructed you, of course you complied. The raven haired woman placed her hand gently upon your forehead. "Oh you're burning up. Let me go get you some medicine and something to cool you down" Donna gives you a shy smile, just as she was about to get up from the bed you grab her arm "I'm sorry" you manage to get out without coughing.
You were supposed to be going out of the village to the store to fetch a few things and groceries today and you felt the need to apologise just for being ill. This was always a habit of yours, apologising for something so silly but you couldn't help it.
Donna sighs at you "there's no need to apologise, you can't help being ill sometimes. I'll send Tom the gardener out to fetch the groceries." Donna replies, she leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead "I'll be back in a minute, okay?" She adds as she gets up and walks out the room.
Angie keeping you company "you humans are so fragile. Quit being ill so we can continue those horror movies!" Angie oh-so enthusiastically points out as she sits bored on a chair in the bedroom.
You let out a low chuckle as you layed back down and turned to face the doll "sometimes we can't help being ill Angie and who said we can't watch the horror movies while ill?"
That response made Angie jump up in joy and made you laugh slightly even though it hurt due to the stomach ache you had also gotten. "Um, I did. Wait until you get better, Luciana darling." Donna walks back in the room with some medicine and a glass of water with ice in it.
Angie huffed and left the room to go find something else to do like hang out with the other dolls for a bit while Donna sorted you out. You sat up as she handed you the tablets and also a glass of water "Here these should help and at least ease some of the pain and get your temperature back to normal".
You took the tablets and drank most of the water no problem but your stomach really wasn't agreeing with it, you groaned falling back down onto the bed "Why did I have to have the bad luck of being ill" you complained to your doll-making girlfriend. Still keeping your silly humour regardless.
"You don't have bad luck my dear, it just happens." Donna responded but thats honestly not what you wanted right now, you just wanted to cuddle her. So again before she could get up you stopped her by grabbing her blouse "W-what is it?" she asked you, the shyness still in her voice even though she had known you since childhood and has literally dated you for the passed 3 years.
Still you thought it was cute.
You coughed trying to clear your throat "could you stay? I know you're busy but I don't want to be alone right now" you asked her, pouting.
And who was she to refuse, Donna blushed slightly. She would drop everything just for you and besides you're more important to her. "Of course".
You smile at her as she gets into the bed with you, instantly pulling you in her arms, she presses a few kisses to your lips "you'll get sick too if you do that" you chuckle in her arms. "Worth it" she chuckles.
You return the kiss but on her forehead, you didn’t want her getting sick either. If it was possible to get Donna even more flustered well this was the way to do it. "Can me and Angie still watch those horror movies later tonight?" you asked quietly.
"No, just resting tonight." You pouted at her response "buuuuut-" you dragged on.
"No buts, you can watch them tomorrow if you're feeling better but right now I just want to stay like this with you. Tom has gone to get the groceries, Angie is probably-
"Lovebirdsssss" Angie cut off Donna as she waltzed into the room and climb up on the bed "Donna, Florence wanted me to ask you what you would like for dinner later?" She asks.
"What would you like, darling?" Donna asks you.
You shrug your shoulders at first, the raven haired womans arms still wrapped around you "I don't know if I can stomach anything solid so soup?" you questioned. Donna was more than happy to have that for today and even Angie was fine with that (yes she is a doll but she can eat a very small portion of food if she wanted to).
"Soup it is" Angie over-exagerated her voice as she cheered making both you and Donna laugh as she jumped off the bed to inform the cook what everyone wanted tonight.
"You don't have to stay if you want to finish working on that doll you know".
"No no shush, I'm staying now I'm more than happy." Your girlfriend mentions reassuring you that she is just fine with staying by your side the rest of the day. You wondered how you got so lucky to have such a soft but shy and beautiful childhood best friend and girlfriend in one.
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
Lockscreens and Pictures
Peter Parker x Girlfriend! Reader
Summary: You and Peter have been dating for a year, but for some reason, he never showed you his phone, and you are starting to get a little worried about it.
Warnings: A tiny bit of angst, but mostly fluff. Also, in no way do I want to romanticise the idea of always checking your partner’s phones because I think every healthy relationship should have trust, and if you ever think something is going wrong, talk it through and work things out :)
Word Count: 1.6k words
Posted June 2, 2021
Here is my Masterlist, in case you wanted to check it out :)
Requests are OPEN!
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“MJ, I’m really really worried!”
It was Friday night and you were at Peter’s house, where both of you were starting a Star Wars movie marathon. It was going really well, and since you two had alot of work to do, all the time, you both cherished each other when you were able to hang out.
So why were you calling MJ quietly in Peter’s bathroom? Well… because Peter was acting strange. Stranger than usual. He had come to pick you up, and when you saw that he had bought roses for you, you wanted to take a picture...so you asked Peter if you could use his phone.
You had never heard someone say no faster in their lives. And it wasn’t even a stuttery no that sounded like Peter. It was firm and cold no. He had not even realized it and hadn’t uttered a word regarding it, but it had been playing on your mind
“Just gotta go to the bathroom...don’t start without me!”, Peter said, winking at you as he made his way out of the room, leaving his phone on the table. You could feel your hands itching to see what he was hiding on his phone… it wasn’t like you didn’t have your secrets, but you and Peter shared everything, so what was so bad that he would snap at you like tha-
The phone starts blaring as someone called up Peter. Wanting so badly to turn it over and see who was calling, you resisted the urge to, instead calling out to Peter. “Hey, Pete! Someone is calling you”
Hearing footsteps, you saw Peter smile at you and then smile even larger at his phone. Picking it up, for him, you tried to give it to him, but he quickly snatched it out of your hands, nervously looking at you. Taking it, he quickly glanced at the caller ID, his eyes twinkling. He looked at you haphazardly, inclining his head towards his bedroom.
“Just gotta take this call, okay. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes”
You nodded, smiling. But the minute he left, you broke down, your fists clenching as you picked up your phone to call MJ. He didn’t know that you had seen the name of the caller...which was labelled as ‘My Favorite Girl’.
So that brought you to the hushed conversation happening in the bathroom.
“Who could it be MJ?”, you asked, your mind filling with horrible possibilities.
“Y/N, it’s probably Aunt May or something...Peter would ever do something bad to you!” MJ’s voice floated through the speaker, but as she was speaking, you heard Peter say something from the other side of the wall.
“MJ, shush, Peter’s saying something”
Craning your neck to hear him, your heart shattered as you heard him speak. “I love you too! See you tonight”
Your eyes filled quickly with tears, but you wiped them away, fury taking over your body. Who the hell was Peter Parker to break your heart?
“MJ, I’m coming over in 10 min, okay? Let me go talk to Peter first.” Cutting the line, you walked out, and made a beeline for Peter, breathing heavily to not start crying as you look at him.
“So, do we wanna start with the first movi-oh. What happened?”, Peter asked, concern showing on his face.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes, saying everything out quick. “What is such a big secret that you can’t tell me, Peter?!”
For a second, he looked gobsmacked, his eyes bulging out of his head. “What? You know I’m Spiderman already Y/N-”
“No, not that. What is so special about your phone Pete? Why can’t you show me?”
Opening and closing his mouth, he just stared at you, not making a move. So you made one instead. Reaching for the infamous phone on the couch, you picked it up swiftly. Peter gasped, fingers trying to reach for you.
“No, Y/N don’t!”, Peter yelled, running to you, but it was too late. You had seen his phone, and he was basically hyperventilating at what you would say when you saw what was on there….
“Am I your lock screen?”, you asked, an amused smile making its way onto your face.
Peter looked down, his face heating up in embarrassment. “You weren’t supposed to see that”, he muttered quietly. You walked closer to him, the phone still in your hand. You stared down at it, your face flushing as you remembered when you took the picture.
It had been the week after your first date, and Peter had clumsily asked if you wanted to go out again on Friday. Since you were still in shock with your crush liking you back, you said yes without hesitation. And it had been one of the best dates you had been on.
You two had gone to a carnival, and it was magical. With several rides and attractions, you had stayed out for a long time. When it was finally time to go home, Peter insisted on getting you something as a reminder of the night, so he spent about 50 dollars on a claw machine to win you a little bear, which you had to this day.
After he had won you that, and given it to a red-faced you, you had taken a picture. With Peter holding the bear and smiling dopily at the camera while you have kissed his cheek, a similar grin on your face.
Looking back on it now, you felt so relieved. “Oh, thank god it’s just this. I thought you were cheating on me-”
“What!?”, Peter asked, a shocked look on his face. “I wouldn’t ever cheat on you Y/N”
You nodded, falling into the couch with him, your mind still whirling. “Wait, then who is ‘My Favorite Girl’ on your phone? Cause it isn’t me”
Peter laughed, picking up his phone. Opening it, he went to his contact list and clicked the number. A picture popped up, and it definitely wasn’t one that you expected. He and Morgan.
“Whenever I and Morgan hang out, she always insists that she is my favourite little girl in the world, and she is definitely right”, Peter said cheekily, turning to look at you, “sorry Y/N, but you got some serious competition…”
Embarrassed, you hid your face in your hands, your cheeks red. “Shut up”, you muttered as Peter’s arms went around you, his laugh vibrating through your shoulder.
“Sorry sorry! But Morgan would be absolutely devastated when she heard that I loved her sister more than her!”
“Wait, why are you talking to Morgan?”
Peter blushed, staring at you. “She was gonna help me make you some type of promise ring… I just needed your ring size first, and she lives with you, so I thought she and I could help each other.”
Even though you were hiding your face, you could feel your face heat up at Peter’s sentence. “What did you give her in return”, you asked, knowing Morgan wouldn’t help someone for free.
“Um...back rides for eternity, BUT it’s fine!” You laughed softly but then became serious as you remember what you had stormed out here to do.
“Sorry Pete, I shouldn’t have thought you would cheat on me”, you said, a frown taking over your face at the thought.
Peter became stiff, and for a fraction of time, he didn’t say anything, but then he brought your face up to his, looking into your eyes. His chocolate brown eyes searched yours for something, and he apparently found it because he pulled you into a sweet soft kiss that left you breathless.
“You know I wouldn’t ever even think of cheating on you right?”, he asked, worried. You nodded, hugging him back. “Plus, how could I ever do better than you?”
You pulled back, giggling. “You sell yourself too short Mr Parker. There are tons of girls who would love to date you”, you said, but then whispered in his ear, taking pride in how he shivered, “too bad no one else is ever gonna have you.”
“I agree completely Ms Stark. Even though half of New York would like to be with you,” he whispered, “you are stuck with me!”
You groaned, acting annoyed. “Ugh, the puns are horrible…”
Peter smugly smiled, his eyes twinkling. “Oh, but you love them, don’t you?”
You brushed his hair out of his eyes, as you kissed him lightly. “Yes, I do love them”
Aww, I loved this one, and I hope you all did as well. Thanks so much for reading this! Also, my requests are closing by the end of the week, so if you wanna send anything in, then please do it soon, since I have a lot of work to do, and might not have enough time to do requests for the next few weeks.
Taglist: @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ladykxxx08 @allegras-sunflower @a–1–1–3
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scullysexual · 3 years
31 Days of Fictober (19/31)
autumn prompts | season 3 | second person scully pov | g | wc; 665 | ao3 | fictober day 19 |
@today-in-fic @xffictober2021
The Coming Together of Old Traditions to Make New Ones.
Prompt: "Let's paint pumpkins." (modified)
From the age you can remember you always had a Halloween tradition. This tradition would always include candy, would always include curling up in a bed or on a couch, would always include Melissa.
You told yourself you would honour the traditions but in the time since her death you chickened out, unable to do them without her, and each time it left a sour feeling in your stomach.
You told yourself Halloween would be different. You rented the movies, bought the candy, set up your shrine. Now the day has come, the hour crept up on you and you can’t bring yourself to go through with your promise, the space beside you never seeming emptier than now.
You think of giving up entirely, of calling it a night and catching up on some well needed sleep when a knock on your door makes you jump.
It’s Devil’s Night, usually you don’t get any day-early trick-or-treaters knocking.
Looking through the peep hole, as is accustomed, you’re surprised to see Mulder standing there, however you don’t hesitate to open the door.
“Hey,” you greet.
“Hi, I, um…wasn’t sure if you were busy,” he says.
You would’ve been, you think with a dark pit in your stomach, had things turned out differently.
“No, I was just on my way to bed, I think.”
Mulder’s eyes widen.
“I can go if you want,” he says. He gets as far as turning around before you’re calling him back.
“Stay. I could do with the company.”
He smiles and you smile back, allowing him entry.
“Wow, you thinking of performing a one-woman séance, Scully?” he asks, prompted by the candles that sit on your coffee table. You should’ve cleared them away before answering.
“Uh…no, I…” You shrivel up at his inquiring look. “It’s stupid, really,” you dismiss. Your attention is caught by the pumpkin he places down on the couch.
“Tell me,” Mulder encourages gently.
After a minute, you think to hell with it. What’s came out of Mulder’s mouth has sounded more bizarre than this.
“It’s a tradition, I suppose,” you begin. “On Devil’s Night, me and Melissa would stay up all night eating candy and watching horror movies. It carried on into adulthood and well…I wanted to honour her by doing it tonight but…”
“Couldn’t gather the courage?” Mulder suggests.
You shake your head, no.
“We had lots of traditions. I haven’t been able to bring myself to do even one,” you admit with a sting of regret.
Mulder nods, understanding. Your eyes flick to the pumpkin.
“Mulder, what’s with the pumpkin?”
Mulder grins, picking the fruit up from its place.
“You’re not the only one with sisterly traditions,” he informs. At the cock of your head he explains. “Before she was taken, Sam and I would paint pumpkins.”
You smile at the thought.
“I missed it the year after she was taken, couldn’t bring myself to do it and felt terrible for it. Then, the year after, I painted one for her, put it outside in case she ever saw it and I’ve done that ever since.” He smiles and shrugs.
“And you’ve come here now to…?”
“Ask if you’d like to join me,” he finishes. “So…wanna paint a pumpkin?”
“I don’t have a pumpkin,” you say.
Mulder looks around for a moment.
“How about this?” he says. “You eat your candy, watch your movie, and I’ll paint?”
“Mulder, you don’t even like horrors,” you say laughing.
“That’s why I have the pumpkin.”
You take him up on his offer, sitting side-by-side, Mulder with his paints and pumpkin, you with your kids candy and The Exorcist ready.
“What a strange tradition,” you say watching him change the pumpkins orange coat to pink (Sam’s favourite he informed you when you asked)
“Sam used to think it kept the Devil away.”
“Does it?”
“You tell me, Scully. The Devil is your area of expertise.”
“Shut up, Mulder, the movie is about to start.”
“Good. My cue to stop watching.”
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falcqns · 4 years
Over Again
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader, Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Part two to To Be So Lonely. You work with Tom again, and is forced to face Henry.
A/N: Here’s part two! Hope you enjoy!
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Said I'd never leave her
'Cause her hands fit like my t-shirt
Tongue-tied over three words, cursed
Running over thoughts that make my feet hurt
Bodies intertwined with her lips
The next few years with you and Sebastian went great. Both you and Sebastian had issued a statement discussing what had happened, as well as Henry. The media was all over it for a few weeks, but eventually, it died down. Henry was able to maintain his role on The Witcher, but you had heard that things between him and production were a little tense. He hadn’t made any more movies, and rarely appeared at public events, such as award shows. You felt bad for the way he was being treated, but Sebastian reassured you that its what he deserved.
You and Sebastian had gotten married, and had a 2 year old daughter named Lerae Georgeta Stan. You continued to work, doing big projects such as a few Marvel movies, and quite a few Tom Cruise movies. When Tom called you and asked if you wanted to be in the new Mission Impossible, you said yes. He had told you that Henry would be appearing well, but you insisted everything would be fine. Henry had seemed very remorseful the last few years, and you weren’t one to hold grudges. You’d have scenes with him, but Tom assured you there would always be another person in the scene with you at least.
Sebastian was happy for you, of course, but he was still nervous. You understood his nervousness, and when he asked if him and Lerae could come with you, you agreed. You hadn’t ever left your daughter, and you weren’t planning on it anytime soon. You didn’t want to be one of those ‘celebrity moms’ who never see their children.
You arrived in England a few weeks after getting the role, and you, Seb, and Lerae found an apartment which was close to the set, and planned to come to set whenever they could. Seb still wanted Lerae to experience a normal childhood, and explore London, so he planned on taking her out to do “Daddy - Daughter” activities in the city.
You had arrived on set the first day of shooting, without your husband and daughter. They were supposed to come, but Lerae threw a huge tantrum the night before out of pure exhaustion, so Sebastian decided it would be best to keep her home for the day, so you were on your own. You had worked with some of your co stars before, and the ones you hadn’t worked with, you had met previously. Working with Tom Cruise had its benefits. You didn’t see Henry, but everyone else was there.
Now she's feeling so low since she went solo
Hole in the middle of my heart like a polo
And it's no joke to me
So can we do it all over again?
Just as you were finishing up in Hair and Makeup, Henry walked through the door. Every one said hello to him, but you just gave him a nice smile, to which he didn’t return, his eyes averting to the ground. Everyone was finished a few minutes later, and then it was just you, Henry, and the hair and makeup artists. You were about to say hello to him, when your phone rang. You answered, and your heart dropped.
“I have to go back to the States today,” Sebastian said, and you heard him sniffle. Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
“What? Why?” You asked.
He sighed before talking. “Apparently a good 20 minutes of footage is unusable because the files on the camera card corrupted, so I have to go back to reshoot. I’m so sorry.” Sebastian said, and you heard him breaking down over the phone, and your daughter asking why her daddy was crying.
“Sweetheart,” You said gently, and noticed Henry’s face get even sadder. “It’s okay. Bring Lerae here, and you head back. I can manage her on my own for a few days, okay?” You said, and Sebastian calmed down.
“O-Okay. I’ll bring her in about an hour.” He said, and you nodded.
“Sounds good. How long will you be gone?”
“Only about a week. I’m just feeling bad because we just got here,a dan now I have to leave you alone to parent in a whole new country while shooting a movie.” He explained, and you chuckle. “We’ll survive. We’ve had weeks alone before, dont worry, okay?”
“Okay.” Sebastian said. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Okay. Te iubesc,” You said.
“Și eu te iubesc,” He responded, and he hung up.
Your hair and makeup was finished soon after, and you headed out of the trailer. Henry’s eyes followed you out, but didn’t say anything. You walked over to Tom and explained the situation, to which he was very understanding.
Not too much later, Sebastian sent you a text saying he was here, and you walked over to meet him at the entrance to set. His eyes were still red and puffy, and Lerae was clinging to him for dear life, obviously afraid of the big burly security guards.
“Hi sweetie,” You said, and your daughter reached out for you. “Hi, Mama,” She said, before she pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Hi other sweetie,” You said as you turned to Sebastian, who smiled as well. “Hi baby,” he said. He gave you a sweet kiss, and handed you Lerae’s diaper bag. She was mostly potty trained, but did tend to have accidents sometimes, just like a normal two year old. Seb then wrapped his arms around you, and pulled you into his chest. Lerae giggled, and rested her head on his chest too.
“We’ll be okay, my love,” You whispered, and he nodded.
“I know. I just worry sometimes.” He said and you nodded. “It’s okay.”
He sniffled again and pulled you two closer. “I should go, or I’m going to miss my flight, but I’ll call you when I land, okay?” He promised, and drew your lips in for a kiss, which made Lerae gag. “Ew, Dada!” She exclaimed, hiding her face behind her Winter Soldier bear. Sebastian chuckled, and lifted her out of your arms.
“be good for mama, okay? Dada will be back on Sunday,” He said, and she nodded. “I pwomise Dada. I be good.” Sebastian smiled, and hugged her to his chest. He pressed kisses on her cheek, which she returned, and then she was handed back to you. The three of you said your goodbyes, and you two watched as Sebastian walked away.
“Okay, honey. We’re going to go to my trailer and play there until Mama has to go film.” You explained as she wiggled out of your embrace to walk on her own. “Otay Mama. I see Uncle Tom?” She asked, as she gripped your hand and you two made your journey to the trailers. “Yes honey, we can go see Uncle Tom in a little bit.” She nodded, and you watched as she gazed around at the buildings on set. She had been on set’s before, but she was always so interested. You and Sebastian had a suspicion that she is a star in the making.
You two passed the makeup trailer just as Henry was coming out, and you smiled at him. He gave you a sad smile in return and retreated to his trailer to wait to be called to set. You two walked inside your own trailer, and Lerae climbed up on the couch to take her shoes off.
The two of you were able to stay in the trailer for a few more hours, her colouring, and you rehearsing lines, before a PA knocked on your door and told you they needed you on set in 20 minutes. You got changed into your costume, and Lerae gasped as she saw what you were wearing. You had a yellow sundress with white flowers on it, with matching yellow ballet flats.
She scrambled up, and gave you a hug. “You so pwetty, Mama.” Your heart melted and you lifted up your little girl. “Thank you, baby. Let’s get out shoes on and head to set, okay? We get to see Uncle Tom!” Lerae giggled, and slid out of your grasp. She got her shoes on and gripped her “Bucky Bear” in her hands, and followed you out.
You were reminding her that when the cameras are rolling, she has to be quiet, and sit in your chair nicely, when she squealed. You looked up, and saw Henry. “Mama! Supaman!” She exclaimed, and your stomach flipped. “Yeah, baby, that is Superman. Maybe if you’re nice enough, he’ll say hi to you,” And she nodded with a determined look on her face.
Henry noticed you, and then his eyes drifted down to Lerae. He smiled, and gave her a wave. She then decided to take off running to go say hello to one of her favourite superhero’s. You followed after her, and smiled when Henry finally talked to you.
“Hi, Y/N,” He said, giving you a tentative smile.
“Hey. Listen, you don’t have to walk on eggshells around me. It’s been 3 years since then, and we’ve all moved on. I’m sorry for what my friends did to your career. I never wanted that to happen.” You said, and he smiled warmly.
“Thanks. And, you don’t have to apologize. What I did was horrible, and I deserved what happened. I don’t blame you, or anyone. I was actually hoping to a police to Sebastian about what happened, but I guess he left,” He said, glancing down at your daughter who had her face smushed against his leg, and gazing around the room.
“He’ll be back Sunday. He feels really bad too, so I think you two talking it out is the best thing.” Henry nodded, just before Tom came up and scooped up his niece.
“Hey, you two. We’re about to start. I’ll watch her.” He mentioned, while tickling her belly, and you thanked him, before moving to start filming.
If you're pretending from the start
Like this with a tight grip
Then my kiss can mend your broken heart
I might miss everything you said to me
The rest of the week went well, with Lerae glued to Henry. You two hadn’t had a moment alone to actually talk, but Michelle and Rebecca came into your trailer and insisted that they could watch your daughter so you could go talk to him.
You knocked on his trailer door, and heard a faint ‘come in!’, so you entered. He smiled at you as he was petting Kal, who ran up to you.
“I was hoping to actually talk to you about what happened.” You said and Henry nodded. “Me too.”
You sat down on the couch, and pet Kal, while Henry sat next to you. You took a deep breath before speaking. “I’m really sorry. If I had known how you were feeling, I wouldn’t have mentioned it, or at least brought it up in a different way. And I definitely wouldn’t have talked about him as much as I did. I was just in love, and wanted to tell everyone about him,” You said and Henry nodded.’
“It’s okay. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I guess I built up how our first meeting would go in my head, and then I got angry when it went in a completely different way. Sebastian told me how excited you were to work with me, and on The Witcher, and I instantly felt bad. I wanted to come and apologize but you were gone, and the damage was already done.” He said, his eyes down cast.
You scrunched up your eyebrows. “How bad was it after?” You asked.
Henry looked up at you. “I got screamed at. By everyone. Anya, Freya, Joey, Lauren, and Director, everyone. Anya, Freya and Joey didn’t talk to me for a god two months afterwards, and everyone else was extremely harsh on me. My agent and manager said they had never seen someone act the way I did, and that they were considering dropping me. Thankfully, they didn’t, but it was very tense for a while. I’ve never seen my parents more angry at me. I honestly thought they were going to disown me. Once I had made my statement, I couldn’t find work. Until this movie, I was relying solely on The Witcher for income. Which, is okay while were filming, but the cheques aren’t as big after filming wraps. I thought for sure that I’d lose this role too when you found out, but I’m very thankful that I didn’t.”
You smiled sadly. “I don’t hold grudges. You’ve changed, I’ve changed, and everyone’s moved on. We’re all good. And don’t worry too much about talking to Sebastian. Knowing him, he’s going to try to apologize for getting me first,” You joked, and Henry laughed.
“You two seem happy. Sometimes I wonder if we could have been that happy,” he remarked sadly, and you nodded.
“Maybe in another life. But, we’ll never know.” You said, and Henry smiled.
“I’m just happy that we can be friends,” He said. “You’re daughter seems amazing. What’s her name?” He asked, as he gazed out the window where she was playing tag with Rebecca and Michelle.
“Her name’s Lerae. It means ‘strong and brave’, which she is. She was born two months premature, and she fought like hell the entire time.” You explained, your eyes drifting to her. She was running around, her blue eyes reflecting off the sun. You could see so much of Sebastian in her.
“She’s the real superhero. Not me,” Henry said and you chuckled.
“Sebastian says the same thing.”
You'll never know how to make it on your own
And you'll never show weakness for letting go
I guess it's still hard if the seed's sown
But, do you really want to be alone?
The film went smoothly after that. Sebastian arrived on Sunday, and him and Henry had a good talk, which resulted in them making plans to go to a Rugby game with some of Henry’s friends. After that game, they became really good friends. Chris and Anthony forgave him as well, and the four of them were great friends.
Lerae loved her Uncle Henry, and she loved Kal. Her daddy may be a Marvel hero, but she always had a soft spot for Superman. Henry remained involved in her life. He came to every birthday party, every dance recital, and eventually every movie premier when she grew up. He got her her first acting job at the age of 7, on The Witcher. After that, she was hooked.
You and Sebastian stayed together through everything. You gave him a son, named James Anthony Stan, when Lerae was 4. The two were inseparable, much like you and Sebastian.
Even though you and Henry remained friends, he always loved you. You’d notice it sometimes, wether it be in the way he looked at you when he thought you didn’t notice him looking, or the way he treated your children. Sometimes it wasn’t as noticeable, and you’d think it faded, but then you’d catch his eye in the right light and you saw it again.
The love.
If you're pretending from the start
Like this with a tight grip
Then my kiss can mend your broken heart
I might miss everything you said to me
And I can lend you broken parts
That might fit like this
And I will give you all my heart
So we can start it all over again
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Dick and Wally loved rom-coms. It was a public secret at the Mountain. At first if someone caught them watching, they would find an explaination as to why it was on or blame M'gann, but after a while (and too many "accidental" scenes of "Love,actually") they ran out of excuses and just gave in. Wally's all time favourite was "Four weddings and a funeral", while with Dick, it was a tie between "One day" and "When Harry met Sally" (because, friends to lovers). The first time they watched "Four weddings and a funeral" when the scene with the funeral passed,Wally turned to Dick:
"I want somebody to recite that at my funeral"he stated,mouth full of popcorn.
"Dude,why are you thinking about that??"Dick responded, still a bit shook from the emotional scene that just passed.
"Well, it could happen any day in our line of work, so I'm telling you, as my best friend, my requests"
"Pfft, any musical wishes?"Dick asked sarcastically, "Also,who do you think would read the poem anyway? I don't recall you having a husband last time I checked. And if you do, well, that funeral will be much sooner than expected, given that you didn't invite me to the wedding."
"Hmm" Wally furowed his brows, deep in thought, "I haven't figured out that one yet, but when it happens I bet it'll be my smoking hot, smart-ass girlfriend with whom I'll have at least two dogs".
Dick scoffed "Okay,sure Kid Mouth, lets lighten up a bit, we still have two weddings left"...
Every single time they watched the movie, the same conversation would come up and it would never get past the"Who will read the poem" part.
The night before Kid Flash officially retired, he and Dick watched their favourites in Wally's room one last time. After "Love,actually", "Notting Hill" and "Bridget Jones' diary" (it almost seemed like Wally had a thing for Hugh Grant,the blue-eyed,brown-haired heart throb) "Four Wedding and a funeral" got its turn. As the funeral scene was ending, Dick was ready to repeat the same sentences he always did during the years,but Wally's opening line surprised him:
"I've decided who's going to recite at my funeral" he said with a smirk(yet again, mouth full of popcorn).
"I hope you told Artemis cause she does not like surprises" Dick looked away, feeling a sting of jealously over a hipothetical situation. And even if it weren't, god forbid, Arty is his girlfriend, Dick snap out of it!
"Oh no, she doesn't, but she shouldn't be worried cause I chose you" Wally turned to Dick, who went through 17 different emotions in 3 seconds.
"Why me?" Dick asked after processing the newfound information for much longer than his mind usually did.
"Well, your my bestest friend in the whole wide world plus with how many times we've watched this masterpiece, I bet you know the poem by heart"
"Just because you love it doesn't mean it's a masterpiece" Dick tried averting from the conversation.
"I know, but it still is. You haven't responded"
"But its a love poem and most oftenly linked to these two guys!" Dick slightly raised his voice, panicking.
"If someone even tries to comment anything even slightly negative on that matter, they will be haunted by yours truly for the rest of eternity" Wally joked, punching Dick in the shoulder.
"So,will you do it?"he asked after few minutes of silence.
"Yeah, of course" Dick huffed "but don't you dare die any time soon!"
"Well, with Artemis' cooking, it might be sooner than you think" Wally grined,enjoying his best friend's company...
It was a rather gloomy day, although it wasn't raining. You'd think that rain was an essential part of every funeral, but people died throughout the whole year. Dick was sitting in the first row, next to Artemis and her mother, Barry and Iris, wearing dark sunglasses and a black suit. He felt a deja-vu, but unlike at his parents' funeral, he wasn't crying. Not that he didn't want to (he wanted to lie and weep and scream at the sky and curse into the ground all at the same time) it just wasn't his assigned role. Artemis was sobbing into her mother's shoulder, Barry's face was puffed, he definitely spent the night crying, same as Iris'. Dick couldn't cry in front of them, he was just Wally's friend. Who also got him killed. Wally was never supposed to get back into the superhero business and now he was gone. It was all Dick's fault. No one said that to him,but Dick knew it was the truth. And there was nothing more that Dick wanted than to dig up a hole and just die in it(that is actually a lie,more than that he wanted his best friend back) but unfortunately, that wasn't possible, so he got up to hold an eulogy for his (former)oldest,best friend.
Dick cleared his throat, checking if he actually had the strength in his voice to pull this of, and started: "Wally loved romantic comedies. He would cheer when it came to the happy ending and complained and cried when there wasn't. It was always easy to figure out Wally's emotions. When he was happy he smiled and when he was sad he ate 2 gallons of chocolate ice cream. When he asked me to read a poem from one of his favourite movies at his funeral I could see he was being serious. That was weird because: 1)he wasn't serious very often and 2)we were teenagers and you don't really think about these thing when you're a teenager. So here I am, today, respecting my best friend's,at the time,riddiculous wish."
Dick pulled out a piece of paper with the scribbled poem but then he stopped and put it away. Wally was right,he knew it by heart.
"Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West." Dick paused,trying to keep himself together.
" My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good. "
He whispered the last line,saying a final goodbye to the one that got away.
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clandestine (chapter 5)
PAIRING: Tom Holland x fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Y/N is an up and coming actress, married to a once hotshot actor, Harrison (Haz). What happens when her co-star, Tom, makes her realise that she is stuck in a loveless marriage. A marriage starts crumbling and a new romance stars brewing.
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chapter 5: the rumour has it
A/N: i do not encourage cheating. i hope you guys like this chapter!! feedback is always appreciated. thanks for reading <3
warnings: drinking, cursing
word count: 1.6k
important: bold and italic are character thoughts
series masterlist   main masterlist   chapter 4   chapter 6
The video of Y/N and Tom singing ‘SOS’ broke the internet. It was trending for at least four days. The whole internet, already on the witch hunt to find evidence of a relationship, was being fed. The paparazzi were circling around like vultures. The threat of being outed made them hide in their caves.
Haz was coming to London in two days. Y/N was trying to rid the house of anything and everything that hinted that Tom had been staying with her. Between the paps, shooting, and Haz, she couldn’t find time to meet Tom and give him his things.
There were Polaroids scattered all over the house. While she was packing a box to parcel to Tom, she found a Polaroid on her glass coffee table next to her ‘vanilla sage’ candle from Bath and Body Works. In the photo, Y/N was lying on her stomach on the hardwood floor in her living room, a gin and tonic next to her. Tom was sitting on the floor with his right arm extended to take the photo. They were both smiling.
She remembered when he took that photo. It was the same day she found a vintage vinyl of Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong’s ‘on verve’, during her exploration of Camden market. They decided to have a listening party of that album on the floor. Tom found his new favourite song that day, ‘let’s call the whole thing off’. She smiled at the memory. Instead of putting it in the box, she went into her room to put it in her wallet where only she could find it.
Y/N noticed her phone vibrating next to her purse. It was Harrison.
“Bonjour mon amour”,
“Hi Haz, did you board the flight?”
“Just did; listen you don’t have to pick me up from the airport, I know you are busy at work”
“Fine. Text me when you land”
“Su-“, she hung up the phone.
I can’t believe I have to live with this man for a whole week.
Haz came in late at night, even though his flight was supposed to land at 5pm. Y/N was already sleeping. When she woke up around 8 next morning, she found, much to her surprise, Haz snoring next to her. Last night she made sure that there was a pillow and a blanket on the couch for him, a subtle way of saying ‘I don’t want you sleeping in the same bed with me’. Also because she thought he knew about the affair and wouldn’t want to sleep next to her.
God, I wish I had another bedroom
Y/N was sitting on the bar stool with her laptop on the kitchen island, going through her mail while drinking coffee. Haz had just woken up from his deep slumber, and found his way to the kitchen to fetch him some coffee.
“Good morning!” she said enthusiastically, without looking up from her laptop screen. She had thought it was a sleepy Tom, coming out of the bedroom to make himself tea.
“Morning”, Haz said as a reflex, rubbing his eyes. Y/N’s smile disappeared upon hearing the sound of his voice.
“Did you make breakfast?” Haz asked while pouring himself coffee into a mug Tom had gifted Y/N.
“I made myself breakfast when I woke up, three hours ago. Was I supposed to make breakfast for you too?” It was a rhetorical question. Y/N noticed the mug, it made her uneasy watching a man she doesn’t love drinking from a gift given by the man she did love.
“There’s eggs and bread in the fridge, help yourself”, she pointed at the refrigerator.
As Haz cracked open an egg on the pan, Y/N received an email from Greta.
“Good news, Netflix bought the distribution rights to Greta’s movie, she just sent me a mail”
Oh? Seriously, oh?
“They are planning the premier for this Friday, do you want to go with me?”
“I don’t think so, I don’t really like the people you work with” he was putting butter on cold bread.
There is nothing more tragic than love turning into hate. Tragedy had struck their marriage. The rest of the week, they only spoke when they absolutely had to. It was like living with a roommate, you share a bed with but cannot share your day with.
It was Friday, the day of the movie premiere. Y/N was excited to see Tom after a week without him, which felt like an eternity to her. She was wearing a silver colored floor length gown with heavily studded earrings. Her hair was up in a bun with two strands out, to shape her face.
Since it was Netflix, the event could afford to take place at the Royal Albert Hall. Y/N had only been there once, for an Arctic Monkeys concert. When she stepped out of the car, she was met by blinding lights of the cameras. She walked over to the whole cast on the red carpet. The only thing she could hear was the deafening noise of photographers screaming to look towards them and in between, tabloid journalists asking her questions about her life and rumours.
Y/N was still pretty new to walking red carpets because she had mostly worked on indie films that couldn’t afford a grand premiere as most of the money would go towards entering different festivals. Y/N was wearing a mask of pure joy on her face but Tom could see right through it. He could see how uncomfortable Y/N was feeling.
He walked towards her, “you look gorgeous darling” he whispered in her ears and for a second that mask she was wearing became real. They both posed together, but regretted it immediately. The whole media went on overdrive, seeing them together.
“Are you guys seeing each other?” a person from the left screamed.
“Y/N, did you leave Harrison?” someone from the right asked
The voices were coming from everywhere. All they could do now was walk off the carpet. Tom had arranged for Y/N to sit next to her during the screening. His hand was linked with Y/N’s the whole time. He could feel her shivering.
“Are you cold?” he asked her.
“Not really”, she took a long pause. “I am just nervous about my performance in the movie and I guess the questions really got to my head, it’s all making me very anxious”
“Don’t worry babe, everyone is going to love you in the movie, and those hunters out there are shell of a person, all they care about are these bullshit rumours. They don’t deserve a house in your thoughts”
“Shhhhhh” someone whispered from the row above theirs.
Y/N’s phone was vibrating, it was Harrison’s fourth call in fifteen minutes.
Why is he not getting the hint that I don’t want to talk to him
She ignored it.
A few minutes later, her phone rang again.
What if it’s serious?
She got up and went outside of the theatre to take the call.
“What is it, Haz? You know I’m busy right now”
“Umm, are you Y/N?” A man with a heavy, older voice said.
“Yes?” She was confused. “Who is this and how do you have my husband’s phone?”
“Your husband is trashed, ma’am. He passed out on my bar counter about half an hour ago. Your number was on his emergency contact list so I'm calling you to pick him up”
“I’ll be right there, can you tell me the address?”
“Yeah sure it’s 141 Albert Street, Spread Eagle”
Tom came out of the theatre.
“Is everything okay, Y/N?”
“I have to go pick up Haz, he’s splashed out on a bottle somewhere, bloody fool can’t even walk”, she said whilst texting her driver to pick her up.
“Do you want me to go with you?”
“No, I need to deal with this alone”
She walked out the back gate and got in a black Audi.
The paparazzi had noticed her early departure, so they started following her recklessly.
It was a corner pub, the bar was at full capacity. Y/N saw Haz with his head down on the counter, an almost empty tequila bottle next to him.
“Haz wake up, come on, we need to go, get up darling” Y/N was trying to shake him awake.
“O-oh Y/N, y-you’re he-ear”, he was slurring his words.
“Yeah now let’s go”
He started to get up, Y/N had her one hand on his back and the other on his forearm, to support him.
“Honey I th-think I’m going to puke”, he looked sick.
“Is there a restroom here?” She asked the bartender. He pointed towards the corner of the room, a dimly lit area.
“Thank you”. She helped Harrison to walk to the restroom.
The washroom felt like their marriage. They were cramped up in it. The whole room was pure white but also yellow, caused by the lack of cleaning. There were no windows and had only one white florescent light. It was suffocating. The room made her realise that she could not hide from the inevitable, anymore.
Has was on his knees, holding on to the toilet seat with his dear life, puking all the poison out. Y/N was standing near the sink, taking off her statement earrings. She could see a vulnerable Harrison in the reflection of the mirror.
“I want a divorce”, she whispered, loud enough to be heard in this stifle room.
@mysticapples17  @storybookholland
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