#we'll see what happens with it
the-cookie-of-doom · 7 months
“Angel, will you bring me my phone?” Kim called from the balcony. He heard it chime in the living room, but was too comfortable with his guitar to get it himself. Chay was closer, anyway. 
“Sure,” Chay called back. He unburied himself from the piles of notes, books, and homework he’s been accumulating all afternoon, and located Kim’s phone amidst the mess he’s made of the coffee table. Kim had message previews disabled but Chay saw the sender’s ID. “It’s Kinn.” 
“Thanks.” Chay drifted back towards his homework, but not before Kim gave him a sweet kiss on his hip and an encouraging pat to his butt. Kim watched him go, full of so much fondness and love for the other boy, he somehow wondered how he could survive the weight of it. 
Then Kim opened his messages, and all the warmth left his body in the same rush that stole the breath from his lungs. 
From: Kinn It’s time to come home Pa is dying 
Kim called his brother. Kinn picked up before the end of the first ring. 
“What happened?” Kim asked, distantly proud of himself for keeping his voice even. 
“Pa has cancer. Stage four, according to the doctor. Started in his liver, spread to his lungs. They’re suspecting his brain, as well.” 
“What? How—since when?”
“Nearly two years now.” Kinn took a deep breath, He kept his voice steady, too, even though this had to be destroying him. “He was hiding it from us. Said he didn’t want us to worry.” 
“I believe him, Kim. He wouldn’t—he wouldn’t want to look weak. It’s why he retired to Chiang Mai. You know how he is.” 
Another wave of cold. “I didn’t know he retired,” Kim said flatly. 
“Oh.” A beat. “He did. Four years ago, now. Soon after…”
“After I left.” All this time, hating his father for never coming to see him. The entire time he was on the other side of the country, and no one bothered to tell Kim. Of course they hadn’t, he’d made it very clear when he stormed out that he didn’t want contact with any of them. “What… what do we do, now?”
“Tankhun has already moved up North to take care of Pa. I’m taking a sabbatical from the company to join him. I—we would appreciate it if you could come too.” 
Kim felt his throat close up around any words he might have said. 
“Not for long. Only a few days, at most. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t serious, Kim, but we don’t know how much time he has left. Please, I… Please.”
Kim hated the desperation in his brother’s voice. Would do anything to spare them both. 
“No, I—I’ll come.” Kinn breathed a deep sigh of relief. Before he could do anything like thank Kim, he rushed to add, “I can’t promise how long I’ll stay. I’ll need to see how much—”
“Just a few days. Anything you can spare.”
“Okay. Okay, I… I’ll be there.” 
“Thank you, Kim. I’ll let Tankhun know. Tell me when you have your travel details.” 
“I will.” Feeling eyes on his back, Kim looked over his shoulder to find Chay hovering in the doorway, watching him with concern. “I have to go. We’ll talk soon.” 
“Is everything alright, P’Kim?” Chay asked softly, after Kim hung up. He approached quietly, Kim turned back around, staring out at the cityscape beyond the balcony. He still had his phone in hand.
“My father’s dying,” Kim said numbly. 
“Oh, no.” Immediately Chay’s arms fell around him, pulling him into the safety of his boyfriend’s chest. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
“I… don’t know.” Kim didn’t know what he was feeling, if anything at all. “I shouldn’t be. He’s my father. And he’s—” 
“I don’t think there’s a right way to feel,” Chay soothed, working his fingers through Kim’s hair. “But I think it’s also probably still a shock? Why don’t we go sit down? I think we’ve both worked enough today, let’s just—yeah. Sit down. Let it, uh, sink in.”
Kim let Chay take his guitar and lay it aside. He let himself be led back into the living room, which had unofficially become Chay’s workspace during these shared days. He watched Chay clear away his school clutter into an unorganized pile—he would probably regret it later—and then let himself be pulled down onto the sofa, into Chay’s chest. 
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spinnysocks · 3 months
i feel like i'm alterhuman not in the way that i discovered a certain species and started to identify as it, but rather in the way that i've always felt like that species is an integral part of my being. i've always known, deep down, from childhood that i'm connected to wolves, foxes and horses but didn't have the words to describe it more than just i fundamentally love them. the revelation really happened when i developed a special interest in crocodiles, where they felt like part of me instead of just an intense interest. i didn't start identifying as them, they are me and i am them
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rythyme · 8 months
if you've been to more than one, pick the one that's further down on the list. stopovers don't count unless you actually left the airport.
feel free to say how many / which ones you've been to in the tags!
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theeretblr · 6 months
I am holding so much gender in my hand right now
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I'm not starting them just yet, there are some tests and fertility preservation things I've got to do first, but I now have Estrogen! I've been debating getting this for like 4-5 years, I may decide it's not for me after I start. I am still genderqueer/genderfluid and I still use any pronouns. I'm not taking T blockers yet either. We'll see how it goes! :)
If you are wanting to start HRT, I highly recommend Folx. I signed up with them, booked an appointment with a Doctor, and had a prescription for Estrogen within a week! Check them out: https://www.folxhealth.com/
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peanutseagle · 28 days
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bro will master art just for her
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sunnystrikerz · 18 days
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Mac and his scary titan privileges :]
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disgracefulthings · 4 days
Hungover Lan Wangji: ughhh, what happened...?
Wei Wuxian: Wow, drunk Lan Zhan is an entirely different person
Lan Wangji: ...what did I do?
Wei Wuxian: Well, after having a sip of alcohol and passing out, you woke up and tried to steal some chickens
Lan Wangji: Oh god
Wei Wuxian: Then you confessed your undying love for me and told me I am not allowed to kiss anyone but you
Lan Wangji covering his face: Oh no
Wei Wuxian: Then you got us married and adopted an orphan
Lan Wangji: That explains the child
Wei Wuxian: His name is A-Yuan. Then you brought us back to the Jinshi and passed out again
Lan Wangji: Why did you let me do those things?
Wei Wuxian: I was also very drunk
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I barely have any followers (I appreciate ya'll though) but here goes anyway
If this post gets 10 notes I'll make an effort to drink 60 ounces of water per day
If this post gets 15 notes I'll start writing more consistently (at least 15 minutes a day)
If this post gets 30 notes I'll start writing poetry again
If this post gets 50 notes I'll start drawing and painting more
If this post gets 100 notes I'll start getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night and having a consistent sleep schedule
If this post gets 500 notes by June I'll start my fantasy inspired etsy store that I've wanted to start for years but never have
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novelconcepts · 6 months
One of the most fundamentally interesting things to me about YJ and writing fic, specifically, is how the blame changes hands depending on the story. On whose perspective you're writing from. On whose story it is at a given moment. The very thing I dislike about viewers missing the point becomes so fascinating to me from within the narrative. Who are these characters when seen through the eyes of their peers?
Who does Jackie become? If you're Shauna, she's the love of your life, and your greatest rival, and the other half of your soul, and the person you blame for your dead dreams. If you're Van, she's the respected captain who earns none of your respect in the woods, the one who left you to die without blinking, the easiest target for teenage malice. If you're Natalie, she's competition for affection, the blabbermouth who can't leave well enough alone, the hands putting themselves to no good use. If you're Jackie? You're just a girl. You're so tired. You're so scared. You're losing face a little more every day, and you're made of despair, and you can't even trust your best friend. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.
Who does Lottie become? If you're Natalie, she's your direct foil, the splinter under the edge of your thumbnail, the smart mouth to match your own, the confusing amalgamation of normal friend and mad ritual. If you're Misty, she's the first shred of obvious power in months, a leader who might need to be nudged back into line, a fascinating exercise in hitching your wagon to the right star early on. If you're Taissa, she's flat-nuts and endlessly frustrating, she's got your girlfriend's full attention, she's incredibly dangerous. If you're Lottie? You're just a girl. You're so tired. You're so scared. You've built a pedestal you can't keep your balance on, and you're not sure if you're right or going crazy, and you didn't want this. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.
From outside the narrative, there is no bad guy. There is no blame. It is no one's fault. It is Man v. Nature, they are doing the best they can with an impossible situation. They're all trying to contribute what they can to the story, for better or worse.
From inside the narrative, you are a teenager trapped in a society constructed entirely of bare-bones-survival with the wildest assortment of girls. From inside the narrative, to stay human, you have to love and fight, respect and judge. Every story changes the game. Every story shifts the blame. A hero in one has the bloodiest hands in the next. And that, to me, is such a thrilling sandbox to play in.
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stormdragon23 · 1 year
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Hae-In has priorities
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oliviabear · 3 months
tbh i am not a fan of this weird narrative about osha that's being tossed around. saying she has no agency is such bullshit and saying that we fell for that by liking her dynamic with qimir is even more annoying.
osha's whole thing is agency. that is literally, in my opinion, the root of her character. in the coven, it is because of osha's own agency and need for independence that she hesitates saying 'yes i accept this life' to her own family. she's craving freedom she thinks the jedi can give her. her own curiosity and utter need to be her own person, to not be tied to her twin sister are so well portrayed in this desperate grasp onto what she thinks will offer her independence and some kind of understanding of her true self. and then she leaves the jedi order, because it's just another set of rules and ways she must abide to fit into it. just another prison for her because she can't be her own person; her true self. she literally left the one thing that caused the entire conflict with her family in the first place. if that's not agency, i don't know what is. when qimir asks her why she's not a jedi, osha doesn't blame the jedi for anything, she says "because i failed." once again, she's focusing on her own choices and actions, indicating she's very self-aware of her independency and how it may have harmed her. she failed because of her own emotions, also something she's aware of. these emotions she couldn't keep at bay because of her agency; they're a part of her and a part she could not ignore or suppress like the jedi needed her to. it can even be interpreted as the show almost portraying osha as selfish because of how much agency they've given her. i honestly want this to be the case, i need messy, flawed osha
not just that, but osha is constantly practising her agency in many ways; she's leading her life the way she herself has chosen. what she thinks of these choices is a different thing entirely and can be interpreted by however you see it but ultimately her own choices led her to where she is.
which is the same thing that happens with qimir. he literally gives her an option to leave and go after master sol and her sister or just do whatever she wants. she doesn't have to stay there. i know a lot of people think he was manipulating her because he would've trapped her if she had left anyway, but i think that's a wrong way to look at what's really going on here, especially considering osha's characterisation. osha makes the choice here again, implying she has a lot of agency, again, and it makes a lot of sense why she stayed. this is just another way for her to seek out the freedom to be herself. osha is curious about the dark side, whether she denies that or not, and she wants to learn about it in hopes of gaining a sense of who she truly is. it doesn't tie her down to anything and it doesn't take away her agency. seduction from qimir's side may be a part of it but that doesn't negate the fact osha makes her own choice to allow him to teach her. she literally puts on the mask herself, it's not like he forced her to do that. she does that because she is desperate to find her true self once again.
she has so much agency in all her actions i think it's rather frustrating to see people reduce her character to 'she's falling for qimir's seduction because she's such a weak, passive character' like do you hear yourselves... in my opinion the show has made a great point of showing that osha, even if repressed and hesitant/presented as passive, will act out on her choices. and i think that's exactly what she's doing right now. she could've killed qimir, but she chose not to. after he opened up to her, her own empathy and curiosity led her to make that choice. even if she knows he's on the dark side, she still chooses to hear him out. she puts on the mask because she wants to. a part of her can see it could potentially give her what she always wanted: to be herself.
you could say qimir might seduce her to want codependency as this is something he seems to seek, but to imply osha has no agency is to disregard everything that has led her to this point in the story lol.
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hollowtones · 11 days
they killed fucking Stray!!! my favourite game!!!!! they killed it!!!! and outer wilds!!!!! what am i going to fucking do man!!!!
that's not really what happened
like it's fucked that negotiations went the way they did & basically the entire staff walked out (good on them for sticking up for themselves, hoping everyone that left can land on their feet in some way or another because they were doing some good fuckin work) & it sounds like some of the devs working with the publisher were kind of left in the dark for better or for worse (reminds me of the recent Humble thing where their whole publishing branch was let go recently... right on the verge of one of their games coming out. man)
but like... they're not the developers. they're the publishers. the games & the devs are still there. & i have to imagine the billionaires behind Annapurna (they don't just do video games! they've been multimedia for a whiiiiile now) would like to continue making More Money. so unless there's some contract weirdness / the devs want to pull out of their publishing contract somehow / the owners of Annapurna are very stupid I have to imagine they're not going to just vanish all of a sudden
mind you I am an artist & entertainer and not an expert on american business law or video game publishing so it's entirely possible im getting something wrong here. but this is my understanding at least
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k9effect · 27 days
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Bradley "Boyfriend" Bradshaw
Messy hair, hickies and soft clothes <3
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anewp0tat0 · 5 months
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it doesn't feel real to me fellas. but I don't have time to sit by and chat and unload unfortunately so I'll just drop this and be on my way, cya kind folks very soon ✌️
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not professional but I liked how his eye looked goddang it. I knew I was screwing myself but I did it anyway
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chrliekclly · 3 months
omg just asked about the dept you work in on sunny and then processed ur about info after i sent the ask, what do you do in cam? so awesome you work on set i love film/tv and the making of and also sunny is my fav show
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in simpler terms:
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kheprriverse · 4 months
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I might be a little obsessed with this design...
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