#we're eternally grateful for the pain
iwantchurchthecat · 11 months
So . . . . . we've known each other a long time. We've been on this planet for a long time. I mean you and me. I could always rely on you. You could always rely on me. We're a team. A group. Group of the two of us. And we spent our existence pretending that we aren't . . . . . I mean, the last few years . . . . not really . . . . . and I would like to spend . . . . mmgghhrrmm . . . . .I mean if Gabriel and Beelzebub can do it, go off together, then we can. Just the two of us. We don't need heaven we don't need hell. They're toxic. We need to get away from them. Just be . . . . . an us. You and me. What do you say.
You can pry this declaration of love from my cold dead hands, I dare you.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were Roommates (Part 17)
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A/N: So here it is ... hum... yeah there you go
The way back home was long. It took 24h for the extraction to be ready. You had been feeling exhausted. Price and Simon had been checked up by the doctor on base. Soap had been keeping an eye on you and had also forced you to be checked by the doc, who had clearly told you you needed rest, food and water. Simon had kept you close to him at all times and you hadn't complained a single second. 
You were glad to be able to fly home with everyone. Absolutely everyone. You had fallen asleep on Simon's shoulder in the plane back. The boys were thrilled, the plane wasn't their usual military plane for once, the comfort was amazing to them after almost two months on the field. 
Hopkins had greeted everyone upon arrival. He had eyed you worriedly, and you quickly realized you'd have a lot of paperwork and meetings to attend to in the next few days. He nodded your way, telling you to rest. 
Finally heading home felt like a dream. Like a haze. For a second, you were scared it wasn't real. That you'd wake up and he'd be gone. You glanced at him, in the driver's seat, brows furrowed behind the mask as Soap gaz and Konig were chatting in the back. 
Once home, you had dropped your gear on the floor in the living room. The boys were jumping around, happy to be home. You sighed, closing your eyes. Arms wrapped around your stomach, a strong body behind you. 
"Come on. Let's go draw you a bath." He said. 
"Simon.. you're one who almost got killed. You… got tortured-" 
"Hey hey.." he hushed, turning you around. 
"I've gone through worse. Much worse. This is nothing. I'm worried about you. If you want to help me, please be a good girl and let me take care of you. That's all I want to do right now." He argued. 
You smiled a bit, tired eyes never leaving him. 
"Fine… but you're taking that bath with me…" you murmured. 
He chuckled, before nodding. 
"Sergeant. Go rest. We're going to as well. We'll order something to eat a bit later on." He ordered the boys.
Soap nodded, Konig and Gaz too as they all went their separate ways. 
You walked up, hand in hand with Simon, Riley's little paws tapping on the floor. He tried to make you walk into your room but you immediately pulled him to his. The bed was still a mess. He noticed. Riley jumped on the bed taking his usual place. 
"I see you've both made yourselves at home." He teased. 
You froze. For a second you wondered if he was angry. 
"I'm.. sorry.. I-" 
He frowned. He pulled on his mask, taking it off. God you had missed his face..that man was so handsome. He gazed at you with worry in his eyes. 
"Baby, are you alright?" He asked. 
You didn't know what to answer. Four days. Four days was all it took to completely shatter your world. You had gone through the full spectrum of emotions in four days. 
You opened your mouth unsure of what to say. You bit your lip. No. You shook your head no, feeling the wave of exhaustion, relief and so much more fall on you. You cried. And he held you. The sweet nothings falling to your ears like poems from ancient times. He wiped your tears, dropping kisses to your cheeks and nose, he sat down on the bed, pulling you to his lap, letting you cry out your pain. 
You held him, time freezing on the spot. This, was all you wanted. You had begged and hoped all possible strength out of this world that he was alive. You didn't know which god you had to kneel to, or which divine energy answered your prayers but you were eternally grateful. His hands caressed your hair, making sure to not pull on the tangled mess they had quickly became in a short span of time. 
He rose after long minutes, holding you as he walked to the bathroom. He sat you down on the counter, wiping away the remaining tears. He kissed you deeply before heading to the bathtub, letting the water run after checking the temperature. You watched him. His muscles, his movements, his hands. You wanted to die with the imprint of his form behind your eyelids. You wanted to tell him. To confess all the love and adoration you had for him. 
He walked to you, pulling on your shirt to start undressing you. Every touch on your skin made you want to pull him close and never let go. The little shivers, goosebumps. He lifted you up without a single effort to remove your pants and panties. You gasped when he put you back down, the cold stone surprising you. He chuckled, kissing you again. 
He was about to walk away when you wrapped your legs around his waist. His gaze darkened instantly. You reached for the hem of his tactical shirt. He let you remove it, eyes looking into your soul. 
"Let me take care of you too…" you whispered. 
He nodded slowly. You reached for his belt, unbuckling it slowly. You could see his skin ravished in goosebumps as your fingers, in featherlight touches, brushed over his navel. You removed the pants, he helped you, pulling them down and stepping out of them. He was starting to get hard and you smiled softly. 
"You have too much power over me little bunny…" he whispered. 
You grabbed his face softly, kissing the corner of his lips. 
"Let's get into the tub before it overflows…" you sighed. 
He picked you up as you wrapped your arms around his neck, legs around his waist. He stepped into the large tub slowly dropping to sit down. The warm water on your skin felt amazing. He reached for the faucet, turning off the water. Picking up one of the various products from the shelf, you took some Buble bath, but he stopped you. 
"Not yet." 
You frowned. He grabbed your hand, fingers intertwining with yours to make you let go of the bottle. He brought both of your hands to his lips, lips brushing each of your knuckles in little kisses. You closed your eyes, letting him kiss every inch of you if that's what he wanted. Lips caressed yours, kisses filled with promises and silent confessions. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting your hands get lost in his hair. 
His hands rubbed your back, up to the nape of your neck, down to your lower back. It felt hot. At this point you didn't know if it was the water or his skin that made you feel so warm. 
"Simon…" you whimpered. 
"You haunted my thoughts…" 
You closed your eyes, basking in his voice. 
"Every second. Your eyes… your lips… your voice. My mind was high on you…" 
You bucked your hips, rubbing him and yourself together in a slow dance. He pulled you closer, wet hand getting lost at the back of your head, meddling with your hair. 
"I didn't fucking care what they did. You were all I could think off. You kept me fighting. Alive. Just so I could come back to you." 
You wanted to cry. Your heart felt like it would burst from the emotions. 
He was hard. You could feel it against your clit. 
"You ready love?" He asked against your lips. 
"Yes…please Simon…" 
You craved it. It was like a mortal sin but a need. Like breathing. 
He lifted your hips as you positioned him at your entrance. You made sure to drop yourself very slowly into him, you had no problem, this man could get you wet so easily. You let every inch of him stretch you, burning the sensation of him filling you up slowly into your brain. He let his head fall back, his grips on your hips tightening. 
"Oh fuck baby…" he moaned. 
You closed your eyes, the heat wave the sound caused making you clench around him. 
When he finally bottomed deep inside you, you stopped. You were already pulsating around him and, even if you wouldn't last long, you wanted him to feel everything you couldn't say to him. 
You slowly grinded against him, earning a groan from him. He pulled himself up, letting his forehead touch yours.
Huffed breaths mixing, moans and groans filling the room. You rode him, kisses, tongues and lips, bites. 
The world? What world? What universe? Him. It was him. The galaxy, the nebula's, the morning sun and the crashing rain. It was him. 
The pace increased, he helped you, pulling you up to make you bounce on him. 
"Simon..si-" you moaned. 
The water splashed, the ground would be full of it, but who cared? Who cared about the time ticking? The water spilling? 
He angled you perfectly, watching your face to know where to hit. He could read you like a book he'd never stop rereading. The familiar build of pressure deep in you making you grind with him in harmony. He chased his own high, watching you unfold before him. And it was peeking. The breaking point. 
"Si..mon… fuck… please.." 
"That's it bunny… I'm right here… keep chasing it…" 
You looked into his eyes, he reached for your clit, soft circular motions ready to tip you off the edge. 
"You gonna cum baby? You're gonna cum my bunny?" He growled. 
"Y..yes.. please… cum with me…" you begged. 
He smirked. And it was there right there… almost there… 
"Bunny… eyes on me." He ordered. 
And you did. You never wanted to look away. 
"Good girl…my good girl… go on… cum with me.." 
One more thrust. Another one and the tension broke. He grabbed your throat making sure you looked at him as he spilled himself deep in you. 
"I love you bunny…so. fucking. much. " 
You weren't sure you heard it correctly. You weren't sure. You're mind was dizzy from the heat and your orgasm completely crushing you. You tried to catch your breath, face in his neck. His large hands caressed your back again. He slowly pulled you up, slipping out of you. He kept you on him. He let you rest on him as he reached for the bath salts and threw some in the water. He pulled you away from him make you spin around so you could lay on him, back again his chest. 
He slowly let your head back, wetting your hair slowly. He applied a bit of shampoo before starting to massage your scalp slowly. 
"Simon…" you tried. 
"Yes darling ?" 
"You said it…" you whispered. 
"... I did." 
"I love you Simon." 
"I love you Y/N." 
Simon's way of coping seemed to be taking care of you. And the way you coped was by being constantly near him. 
After the bath, once you were both clean, he had taken you out to his room, dried you up before dressing you in his clothes. He let you dry your hair while he got into some sweatpants and a t-shirt. You had slipped into bed with him while Riley had laid down near the bed. You had let yourself fall asleep in his arms, his own breathing evening. 
It was already late noon when you both woke up. The house was quiet. You had gotten up begrudgingly, hand in hand going downstairs. The boys were in the living room, sprawled on the couches, TV on. 
"You guys napped too?" Gaz asked. 
"Yeah…" you answered. 
"We all did… guess we all needed to rest." Soap added with a smile. 
"You guys hungry? We should order some food." You proposed. 
The boys agreed and jumped on the occasion to make the order. You had, very unwillingly, let go of Simon's hand to head to kitchen to feed Riley. The big boy seemed to be happier. He wasn't fully eating as much as he should, but you cheered and praised at every bite and it seemed to work. Simon had also praised him with a good boy and it made you smile. 
You had dined around an hour later, before finally heading to the couch, watching a movie. You had looked around. The boys laying around. Simon hugging you. Riley's head on your lap. You let yourself finally rest.  They were here. 
During the rest of the week, your team passed by and remained during the day. You were so happy to have everyone with you that the loud noise didn't bother you at all. Melissa and Amy also spent time with you and you just felt so glad to be so surrounded. 
You had noticed how Bishop and soap seemed to get closer and closer. Bishop's boy, Tyler, really liked Soap and you could see how it made her smile and melt. Konig and Grim had their own little conversations in German, and you didn't remember the last time you had seen each of them so comfortable with someone. 
Price on the other hand… well it was complicated. You had seen little touches, little smiles. But one was too scared and the other wouldn't let himself give in. 
You had sighed in contempt in Simon's arms. 
The nights were spent in his room. He wanted you near him and you didn't want to sleep without him. To be honest, you had been having nightmares. Horrible ones where he wasn't here. Where he did not come back. You would slightly jolt awake, not screaming or anything. But it was enough. Enough for him to wake up, enough to notice. Each time he'd make sure to cuddle you and reassure you. 
Kate had been trying her best to keep away the unavoidable meetings and paperwork, but it caught up with all of you. Once Monday hit, everyone had to at least attend to some urgent matters. Missions reports, meetings. Very annoying things. You had headed to base in his Jeep, Riley in the back, following the boy's cars. Once on base the looks were very much noticeable, but none of you cared. You parted ways as he dropped on kiss on top of your head through the mask. 
Riley remained with you as you headed to said meetings, video calls with higher ups. There was a mix of feelings in the ranks, you had gone through reckless behavior, but you had brought back the full squad. You had ordered a blow up on a facility but you also had brought extremely important Intel. Eventually, you had managed to reach a compromise on everything. They'd be more careful with your squads, you'd make sure to remain their safe little bird and keep getting important Intel. 
You had been furious of their mistake on the extraction point, and they had fully understood that.  
It took several days to get back a bit of freedom, even for the boys but eventually, here you were. The two squads mixed, walking around the mall. Amy in Simon's arms while Melissa talked with Bishop, Soap and Coyote. 
You had lunched together before now roaming around, alternating between little shops in little groups. Eventually, Amy had decided to walk hand in hand, in between price and Coyote. For a second you asked yourself if the little girl knew and if she was enjoying her little game. 
Tyler had grown on Soap, they were getting inseparable. They'd run around, getting to stores, playing, and it made you smile. 
Bishop and Melissa had walked into a clothing store, dragging you with them. They picked up some little summer dresses, dragging you to the dressing room to try them on. 
You were on your fourth dress, and a high level of 'this is starting to be annoying' when you heard Simon's voice behind the curtain. 
"Can I step in?" He asked. 
"Sure." You smiled. 
He walked in, taking a double take on the little dress you were wearing. 
"You look beautiful. You should get the dress." He said matter of factly. 
You chuckled. 
"What's wrong?" You questioned. 
"Need you to do something for me." 
You frowned. He lifted his t-shirt up, and you gasped. 
"Simon! Here?!" You whispered-yelled. 
He laughed. It made you smile. 
"Not what I had in mind but don't test me too much." He warned teasingly. 
He reached for his pocket, getting out a little tube. You frowned in confusion. 
"My lipstick?" 
"Go on. Put it on." 
"Simon… i don't understand…" 
"Go on bunny. To please me." 
He didn't need to say anything else. You rolled your eyes for the theatric move, but picked up the lipstick before turning to the mirror and applying it. You smeared the lipstick, pressing your lips together. You finally turned to him. 
"Alright. What now?" You asked. 
He had crossed his arms on his chest, muscles flexing. 
"Drop a kiss." He ordered. 
"Sorry… what?" You huffed a laugh. 
"Anywhere. Drop a kiss. Leave a pretty mark." He ordered again. 
You frowned, shaking your head a bit. 
"What's gotten into you?" 
"Bunny." He warned. 
You rolled your eyes again. He grabbed your ching making you look at him.
"Roll you eyes at me again. Go on bunny. Try it. I'll ruin you against that mirror and I'll make sure the whole fucking store hears you." 
You gasped, your cheeks now burning. 
"Now come here. And paint me." 
You closed your eyes, smirking. You tried to gain back composure. 
"Alright. Fine." 
You stepped closer to him, looking at his body. Just the thought of it made you squeeze your thighs together. 
"A kiss baby. One. Behave." 
You bit your lip, looking up at him through your lashes. 
"Bunny. Behave. I already got one punishment for you. You don't want to add another one." 
You faked a pout before turning to your task. A kiss. Where? Did it matter? You wanted to kiss every part of him. You finally settled for a spot. You dropped your head to his ribs, on the left side almost hidden by his arm. You dropped a kiss, making sure to leave a pretty print. You looked at your handy work, lifting your hand to slightly smudge the lower corner of the left side of the print, leaving a little smudge that made it almost like art. 
"Why did you do that?" He asked. 
"If you want the perfect thing you'll have to come back again… and again." You teased. 
He chuckled. He took back his t-shirt putting it back on him. 
"Simon… what are you doing?" You were truly confused now. 
He lifted his mask, kissing you deeply, making you melt in his arms. 
"Thank you, I got what I need." 
He smirked before pulling down his mask, grabbing the lipstick and stepping out. You remained there confused for a second before shaking your head and turning back to the mirror. You brushed the little flowery dress with your hands. It was pretty. Maybe you'd buy it. 
You changed back into your clothes, heading back out to the girls. 
"Heyyy. What happened in there?" Bishop teased. 
"I wouldn't be able to explain because I didn't get it either." You answered. 
"Damn. He's that good?" Melissa joked as well. 
"Oh you have, NO idea." You smirked, making the girls woo. 
You headed with them to the counter to pay for your things. You had decided to get only the little dress. 
"Will that be all?" The cashier asked with a smile. 
"Yes thank you!" You said returning her smile. 
"Well, it's been paid for already." 
You blinked the girls wooing again. 
"The lieutenant…" the cashier tried, now a bit confused. 
"Of course.. hum… thank you." You said with another smile. 
You walked out with them when bishop decided to tease more. 
"He loves to spoil you rotten doesn't he?" She joked, wiggling her eyebrows. 
You shook your head but couldn't stop yourself from smiling. If only they knew what you knew. The way he had eyed you in that dress. That man spoiled you anytime yes, but this dress.. he wanted to rip it up and fuck you in it. You wouldn't complain for a second though. 
You had joined the rest of the team. Amy was still happily settled in between Price and Liza. But someone was missing. 
"Where's Simon ?" 
"Oh he said he got something to do. He'd join us later." Price informed you. 
You frowned but nodded. 
"There's another shop that you NEED to see." Melissa almost yelled. 
"Guys… I'm tired…" you whined. 
"Come on. You need to." Melissa confirmed. 
You were curious. You had rarely seen her so adamant about something. So you accepted. It caught soap and Gaz's attention who decided they wanted to follow you too but we're quickly shut down by Melissa and Margo. Now you truly were curious. They slipped their arms through yours and walked away with you. 
The store was mysterious. There were no open windows to look inside. Nothing that could tip you on what the store was. You had stepped in to be in shock. Not only was it a lingerie store, but it was much more than that. Little costumes, some toys and accessories like handcuffs and collars. 
"How the hell was this permitted on base?" You asked in a laugh. 
"I think we should all secretly thank Kate." Melissa added. "You got to follow me. When I saw this, I immediately thought of you." 
You frowned but she grabbed your hand, dragging you and a very curious Margo behind her. When you finally stopped in front of some mannequins you finally understood. 
"Oh my god. YES." Margo squealed. 
You looked at the little pink dress. The velvety fabric mixed with fake fur and lace. It was a strapless dress, two pom poms acting as buttons on the corset. A flowy skirt with white lace at the bottom. Two separate sleeves, and white fishnets thigh highs. But the most noticeable feature. The bunny headband with pose-able white fluffy bunny ears. 
"Oh my god…" you said under your breath. 
"I will BUY it for you if you don't." Melissa warned. 
You smirked at her. 
"Oh don't worry. I'm going to buy it."
It had been a full hour and half and Simon hadn't come back yet. You wondered where he had run off to. 
"Y/N, Y/N!" Soap called. 
You turned to him. 
"Can I take Riley to training?" He asked full of hope. 
You weren't exactly against it… but you were a bit scared to leave Riley with anyone else for now. 
"We'll have to think about it." 
You spun around at the sound. 
"Hey, where have you been?" You asked. 
"I ran a little errand." He answered. 
You were confused. He winked at you. 
"Let's head home." Price called. 
Everyone agreed, and home you were headed.
Once home everyone went their way. The girls had gone back to the house in front of yours, Melissa with them. Price had gone to base. Riley walked upstairs with you to put your new purchases in your room. Riley jumped on your bed as you closed the door behind you. It made you so happy to see him so comfortable. He loved to cuddle Reaper and it made you melt.
You started putting away your new clothes when you spotted the pretty pink outfit. You bit your lip. You wanted to try it. You jumped up grabbing the bag and running to your bathroom. You very meticulously put in the outfit. You made sure the fishnet thigh fit, even though they squished a bit your thighs. You put the bunny ears, putting one of the ears down cutely. You spun around looking at yourself in the mirror. 
It was cute. Pretty. You wondered how Simon would react. You picked up the last little thing in the bag. Turns out the store did another very interesting thing. Leather collars, that you could personalize. Now these weren't pet ones… not that kind of pet at least. You chose a pink one, the little medallion engraved 'Bunny' and the back… you bit your lip. You were really curious about his reaction. 
You walked back into the bedroom, looking for your phone. You noticed Riley on the bed. His tail wagged when he saw you and you smiled. You sat on the new on your knees, petting the pup who turned around for belly rubs. He decided to give some love back by licking up your hands to your face. You giggled, trying not to be attacked by the amount of love he was sending your way. 
When the door opened, you jolted back, Riley taking back his usual protective stance. 
"Y/N, have you-" 
Simon stared at you. He looked shocked behind his mask. You bit your lip. Was it too much? Did you go overboard? Riley jumped from the bed, joining Simon. He wagged his tail, ready to get his attention.
"You've been a good boy. You've been keeping an eye on my bunny. " He said. Eyes never leaving yours as his hands ruffled the fur around Riley's neck. 
"How about that training buddy huh?" Riley growled, suddenly fully alert, he was perfectly aware of what it meant and he looked excited. 
"Sit right there baby. Just stay there and look pretty for me. I'm gonna take care of you in a little moment."
He headed to the door, swinging it open. Riley had followed up like a good pup. 
"MCTAVISH." He roared in the hallway, making you jump. 
You heard the rush of Soap's footsteps up the stairs. Simon grabbed the handle of the door, slightly closing it to hide the view of you, sitting on the bed, cute little pink bunny suit, no underwear. 
"Yes lieutenant?" Soap's almost shaky voice asked, probably slightly scared of the tone he was called. 
"You wanted to take Riley for a little training. today's your chance."
"Really?! fuck ye-" he roared happily. 
"Take Gaz and koning." 
"I have to repeat myself? you have two minutes to get out of the house." 
You could see him take his phone out, you quickly realized he was setting a timer. 
"TWO minutes. Starting. Now." 
Soap scurried off calling Riley's attention who followed him. Simon walked back into the room, closing the door behind him. 
You were wet already. The feeling of his hands on you was a craving that burned bright deep in you. You squirmed, earning a chuckle from him. 
"Look at you.. so needy." 
"Simon..." you whined. 
"Keep sitting pretty. Two minutes my love." 
He put the phone up on the chest of drawers making sure you could see the timer. You watched the seconds tick down with anticipation. 
"Be a good girl. Be patient. This is the first step from teaching you obedience." 
You bit your lip. The velvety fabric of the dress making you shiver, your skin almost crawling at every touch. 
"You'll be a good girl. And you're going to wait. If you do so. You'll get a reward. If you misbehave. You'll get punished. Am I clear?" He explained in a dark tone, leaning back against the door, arms crossed over his chest. 
You nodded. 
"Use your words." 
"yes who?" 
"yes lieutenant..." you whined. 
"Good girl." 
You grabbed the sheets underneath you. His eyes roamed your body, suddenly the temperature seemed to have risen way too much. You watched him take his mask off, putting it down next to his phone. Two minutes. You never felt two minutes pass by so slowly. 
"You look so pretty, baby. Where did you get that?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. 
"At.. the mall. There's a shop…" you tried to explain. 
"I'll have to pay them a visit. See what else they got for my princess." 
Princess? That was new… you blushed heavily. He laughed at that. 
"You like being called princess? I can see you blush from here. The way your skin gets rosy… all the way down to your beautiful breasts." 
The more he talked, the wetter you got. You could feel the warmth mixed with wetness in between your legs. 
"Look at you. Being a patient darling for me." He praised. 
He reached for his shirt, slipping it over his head, letting it fall to the floor. And you noticed it. The piece of plastic to his skin… where… you left a lipstick mark. 
"Simon?" You questioned. 
He followed your gaze. Smirking. 
"You… you tattooed it?!" You asked, ready to jump towards him. 
"Bunny. Stay on the bed." He warned. 
You froze. Now this was torture. He dropped a bomb on you and now… now you had to sit still? 
"Yeah I did. I wanted something on me. From you. Not a jewel. Not a piece of clothing… something no one could take from me.." 
"Simon.." you whined. 
Your fingers grabbed the sheets harder. Your heart felt like it'd fly out of your chest. 
"Go on..whine." 
There was something. With him. His behavior. Was it the near death experience? The way he saw you breakdown from the sheer fear of losing him. The way you clung to him since he arrived. What was it? The way he looked at you. The way he licked his lips looking at you. His gaze dark. 
"You've put yourself in danger. Do you understand?" He started, voice a few octaves lower than usual. 
You nodded shyly. 
"You were in a danger zone. You strayed away from the team when you were told not to." He continued. 
You remained silent. 
"I can't bear to see you hurt or in danger…" 
"I couldn't bear losing you Simon.." you argued. 
"I know baby. I'm right here now. I'm gonna take care of you." 
The ringing echoed through your mind and body. The timer. He grabbed the phone, angrily turning it off before putting down on your desk, stepping closer to the bed. God. The way he walked. How did this man could be so fucking hot by simply walking? 
He reached you, grabbing your chin softly, making you look at me. 
"Fuck you look adorable…" he cursed. 
He dived down, ceasing your lips. The slow, deep kiss made you moan against him. You straightened up, trying to get him closer to you. He stepped back, grinning. 
"You were patient. Like a good girl. Lay back baby." 
You happily obliged, laying on your back head on your pillows. He looked at you, almost like a predator. You wanted to say it felt like a wolf hunting a Bunny, just for the beautiful picture of it, but this wasn't a wolf. It was something darker. More powerful. He was a demon, some shadow like king and you were at his mercy. At his mercy, yet completely safe.
He raised his hand letting his finger caress your cheek before letting it travel down your neck. Slowly, achingly slowly, he passed over your chest, traveling down your stomach, straight towards… he didn't touch you. He simply hovered it before moving to the end of the bed. He kneeled down, positioning himself in between your legs. His big hands squeezed your thighs making you giggle, earning a grin from him. 
"You know… I'm not gonna take off your pretty outfit. I'm going to fuck you in it."
You felt your breath stop in your lungs. His hands traveled up and down your thighs, slowly raising the skirt of the dress. Of course you didn't put your panties on. 
"Fuck… look at that…" 
You blushed. He had seen you naked so many times. He still found the words to make you blush like a schoolgirl. 
"Such a pretty little pussy…" 
You felt his hand rise up towards your heat, his thumb hovering over your lips, not applying pressure. You tried to wiggle your hips but his other hand held you in place. 
"No. You'll get it, when I'll allow it. Understood?" 
"Yes… yes lieutenant…" 
"Good girl. See. You can be such a good bunny for me." 
His thumb rubbed up and down your slit, finger coating in your juices. You bit your lip, a little moan escaping your lips. You tried not to wiggle again. His eyes never left yours as finally rubbed your clit very softly. He watched with fascination your every moan, gasp, lip bite. 
"I need to taste you…" 
Your eyes flashed open wide. You wanted to say something but it was a bit late, he was already lowering himself to you. He pressed mouth open kisses on your thighs. The anticipation was killing you. He looked up at you before biting on your thigh. Harshly. You yelped, hand flying to his hair to grasp it. He sucked on the skin, breaking the little blood vessels underneath it, making sure a dark red bruise was visible. He looked at his handy work before kissing the little mark, making his way back to your aching little cunt. 
The little breath on your lips, made you sigh. He kissed it, making you blush again. His tongue licked through your folds in a long straight line. He groaned against you, the vibration only adding to your pleasure. 
"Fuck.. you taste divine." He groaned again. 
His tongue made sure to explore every sweet spot, it felt good. It felt, really good. You were glad that the house was empty because you kept moaning loudly. Your hand in his hair, tugging slightly every time he licked or sucked at that little bud of nerves. He was making you sensitive. You could feel goosebumps as the sight of an orgasm was getting closer. 
He played with it. He made sure to lick and press with his tongue until he felt your body getting more and more tense, moans getting louder and then he'd stop. Just to do it all over again. Tongue savoring you, he built up your orgasm again, this time he kept going, through the rise of your voice and the tremble of your legs. 
"Si..Simon… gon'cum.." 
He stopped. You whined loudly. He sat back up in between your legs. You looked up at him pleading. He lowered himself to your face. 
"Taste yourself on my tongue.." he whispered. 
He kissed you, tongue salty. You moaned, trying to wrap your legs around his waist but he stopped you. 
"This is the punishment, remember?" He said with a smirk. 
Getting back into position, he let his fingers run up and down your slit again, thumb teasing your clit again. You moaned the pleasure slightly more intense from the edging. His index teased your entrance before slowly pushing in. You gasped, wiggling your hips. Now he played with your clit while slowly pumping his finger in and out. 
"Let's add another finger… you've taken more than that… my cock fills you much better than this." 
A second finger at your entrance before you stretched out to welcome both. Now he played, curling his fingers inside to build you up again. But denying you. He'd stop, remove his finger, hands back on your thighs to caress them but nowhere near where you needed them. You were starting to feel overwhelmed, the tears prickling at your eyes. 
He started his torture again, thumb on your clit two fingers pumping in and out at a slow steady pase. He curled them again making your head fall back. You felt yourself tip over the edge… almost.. almost there. Until he removed his fingers again. 
"No!" You whimpered. 
He chuckled darkly. 
"Now bunny. Did you think I'd let you off that easily?" 
He stood up, looking at you as he slowly unbuckled his belt. The fucking sound always made you clench around nothing. He undressed himself, his already hard cock in his hand. He pumped himself a few times, the sight of you, legs wide open just for him making him groan. He kneeled down in between your legs, tip brushing against your clit, coating himself in your slick. 
He noticed the collar, fingers grabbing the medallion. 
"Bunny. Now that's cute. What's written in the back?" He questioned spinning the metal in his hand. 
He froze. You didn't think he'd react like that. Not for just this. 
"Say it. Out loud." He ordered. 
He was asking you to say out loud what you had asked engraved on it? You looked away but he quickly stopped you, grabbing your jaw, forcing you to keep your eyes on him. 
"Say it. You've been a good girl. If you want your reward. Say it." 
You wanted your reward. You needed it. 
"Property of Lieutenant Ghost Riley…" 
He pushed his tip through your folds, a familiar burn making you arch your back. He pushed himself until he bottomed out. He wasted no time to pound you at a steady pace. His hand remained around your neck, watching you as his name spilled from your lips. You were sensitive. Too sensitive. He had denied your orgasm too much. He let go of your neck, grabbing your thighs as he looked down. 
"Fuck… what a sight. Your.. shit… your pretty cunt… taking me… fuck… so well…" 
You whimpered at his words. The tears had long won their fight, tears running down your cheeks as you tried to remain at least focused on him, mind dizzy. 
"Si.. Simon.. please…" 
"Fuck.. look at you. Tears running down… fuck… your face.. I love ruining you." 
His pace quickened, hips smacking into yours. You were loud. Shit you were loud. He shifted again letting go of your legs to let you wrap them around his waist. He grabbed your wrists, putting your hands over your head. He intertwined his fingers with your, eyes planted into your as he fucked you passionately. 
"Are.. you, going to listen to me?" 
You nodded frantically, unable to speak. 
"Words..use your words." He ordered. 
"Y-Yes! I'll.. listen… please… please…" you tried. 
"That's it baby, keep your legs open for me
give me full access to you, keep your body open… you're taking me so well, fuck I'm addicted to this... you're a fucking drug." He praised you. 
You couldn't take it anymore, you wanted to cum so badly, it burned.
"Please.. lieutenant! Please!" 
He chuckled again. But you could feel in his own thrusts he was close.
"You're going to be… a good girl?" He growled. 
"Ye-s… yes! I.. be your good girl…" you whined. 
"I'm gonna fill you up baby, and you're going to take it.." 
"Please!" You whimpered again through a cry. 
He looked at you, slowly angling himself to hit the perfect spot. You were breaking apart, finally reaching your orgasm.. a thrust and you were gone. Little spots blurring your vision. You were sure you screamed his name as he pounded you through his own orgasm. It took a long minute to catch your breath. You were still crying. He had caught you in his arms, praises falling from his lips. He kissed your soaked cheeks, repeating how much of a good girl you were, how you did so good for him.  
"You alright bunny?" He asked softly. 
You nodded, biting your lip. 
"You were amazing darling. You've done so well, I'm proud of you." 
He kissed you, little kisses, sweet. 
"I think that bunny suit has awakened something in me…" he teased. 
You couldn't help but giggle. The bunny suit had been an amazing idea. You'd make sure to wear it more often. 
tags 1:
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heavenlyhischier · 7 months
Hi!!! My love I am so excited for your celebration!!
Could you do these prompts with Jack Hughes? ❛ we're going to fuck right here? what if someone sees us? ❜ ❛ let me come in you, please. i want to fill you up. ❜
warning: MINORS DNI 18+ CONTENT BELOW THE CUT— smut, unprotected sex
Summers had always been your favorite time of the year, and that feeling only grew when you started dating Jack two years ago. You now found yourself at their lake house a good majority of your summer, spending your time on the boat or just outside while you enjoyed the warm air as the sun beat down on your skin. It brought a whole new meaning to summer for you, and you were eternally grateful that it was Jack who had done that for you.
Everyone had decided to have a more relaxed day, branching off to do their own things until the evening. You, of course, ended up outside by the water, splayed out on the lounger as you let the sun hit your skin. Jack was sitting next to you, and you thought he was scrolling through your phone, but his eyes were dragging the length of your body. He was taking in every dip, every curve, every freckle as if it was the first time he’s seen you with a bikini on before, and it was causing all of the blood to rush to his cock.
“Baby,” He called out, voice rippling through the breeze and breaking you away from your thoughts, “C’mere.”
You propped yourself up on your elbows, sliding your sunglasses to the top of your head to narrow your eyes at him, “Why? We’re not gonna fit on the chair together.”
“Just want you,” He shrugged, a coy smile toying at his lips, “We’ll fit, just gotta sit on my lap.”
You let out a soft laugh, getting off of the chair to take the few steps needed over to him. He gently pat his thighs, gesturing you to straddle them as he gave you a playful wink. Grabbing onto his shoulders, you placed your knees on either side of him, careful to not slip off the chair, and relaxed against him. You immediately felt his bugle pressing to your inner thigh, and heat flooded everywhere in your body.
“Jack,” You mumbled, “Let’s go inside.”
He gripped your hips, pushing you down on his erection as he let out a small moan. Your eyes flutter closed when he adjusts your body so your center is pushing against him, the pressure moving from your thigh to your clit. With your finger nails digging crescent shaped marks in his skin, you repeat yourself in hopes that he would get the hint, but he shakes his head.
“What? We’re going to fuck right here? What if some sees us,” You whisper though no one’s around to hear you anyways.
“They won’t, baby, I promise. Need you right now,” He groaned, “Please.”
Despite the fear of getting caught, you couldn’t help but feel a little exhilarated by the thought too. Jack’s eyes are boring into yours, wide and pleading as he waits for your response. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth as you let out a small nod, and Jack is quick to lift the the both of you so he can tug his shorts down his legs enough to let his cock spring free.
“It’s okay,” He assured you as he watched your eyes dart around you, “No ones going to come out here, and no one can see us from the water.”
You swallowed thickly as let out a deep breath, letting yourself focus on the situation in front of you rather than the possibility of what could happen. Jack reached a hand up to brush your hair behind your ear, silently asking you if it was okay to keep going. In response, you pull your bottoms to the side and grab the base of his dick, dragging it through the wetness between your folds.
“Shit,” He hissed when your grip tightened as you lined him up with your entrance.
You let out a breathy, whiny moan as you sink onto him, his thick length filling you up entirely until you couldn’t take anymore. Your hands fly back up to his shoulders to steady yourself as you wait for the dull pain to subside. Jack is letting out a string of quiet moans as he feels your walls clench around him as you adjust to his size, his hips twitching with the desire to buck into you. He doesn’t mind the sharp sting from your nails in his shoulder, the only feeling he cares about is the way you feel wrapped around him.
After what feels like forever to Jack, he watches as you lift your hips up before slowly rocking back down against him. He pulls you into his chest, his lips capturing your own in a passionate kiss as you set the pace. The pads of his fingers are harshly pressing into your flesh as he tries to control himself, but the way you dragged your pussy against him was sure to ruin any self control he thought he had.
“You feel so good, baby,” He groaned against your lips, his hands slowly beginning to move you at his pace, “Being such a good girl. Taking my cock when anyone could see you.”
Your movements are slow and shallow, the way you’re sitting on him not providing you with enough room to do anymore than that, but Jack is quick to take over. He’s holding you tightly as he slams into you, your moans loud as they bounce off the trees and across the water. The desire to stay quiet long forgotten as the man beneath you hits into you deeper and harder with each thrust.
He didn’t want to let go of your hips due to the unstable nature of the chair, and since Jack knew your body better than his own soemtimes, he knew how to guide you to your release with just his cock. He could feel your walls flutter around him, and he knew that you were about to reach your breaking point, but so was he. He never lasted long when you were on top of him, the sight alone was enough to send him to orgasm.
“Let me cum in you, please. I want to fill you up,” He whines as he nearly sends himself over the edge.
“Okay,” You manage to force out through strangled moans.
His hips stutter underneath you as your orgasm is tearing through your body and you have to bite his shoulder to prevent yourself from screaming out. Jack is a mumbling mess of moans and curse words as he shoots his load into you, filling you up with his cum as his movements slow down. Your moans turn into whimpers as he carefully continues to rock himself into you, the feeling proving to be a bit too much for your arching core.
“Jack, how are we going to clean up before going inside? I don’t have a towel,” You ask, slight panic settling in your chest as you snap your head up to meet his gaze.
“We’re right by the water baby. We’ll be fine.”
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lightlycareless · 5 months
I’d love to know how Naoya would handle sleepless nights with a crying baby. I can imagine he’d naturally get frustrated if it’s been ongoing for a while and the frustration would most likely manifest in how he handles his feelings of helplessness in his ability to soothe his baby. Idk, Naoya trying really hard to take care of his baby but struggling is just so cute to me.
Hello anon! agjhajkhajkgaggaha aaaa thank you so much for sending in this ask!!! It was the perfect excuse to develop something I think Naoya would feel/develop when having a family with you :>
I won't say much, just let you read the whole thing hehe.
anyways, here are the warnings: none. a bit of fluff. naoya is a frustrated, insecure father. but he's a good man now so. (also we're back with baby Naomi ❤️❤️)
happy reading!
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Naoya is frustrated.
And not just with the baby crying or being woken up by it—but with everything.
He knew that having a child was not going to be an easy feat, no one told him it would be, even expecting this to become the most difficult endeavor of his life, even bigger than what his career as a sorcerer entailed.
Yet, no amount of research, advice, even classes could’ve prepared him for the real deal.
Naoya considered himself very lucky to have a wife and mother as loving and attentive as you to support him in this new stage of his life, but even when you were willing to stay home and take care of Naomi while he went out to work, he still wanted to be there, spend time with you, the baby, feed her, change her, take her out for walks, spoil her—be the father he never had.
But life wasn’t to be that giving to him, and he’d soon face the consequences of his extended absence, the main reason of his current frustration: starting from Naomi’s occasional unfamiliarity towards him, to his inexperience dealing with her sleepless night.
He could’ve let you handle it, let you get up from the futon as he continued sleeping, but he’d seen it in your eyes—the exhaustion, the continuous commitment you had to your daughter and what little it allowed you to rest or do anything for yourself, really.
Naoya was eternally grateful for all you’ve done for this newfound family, and for him, so and wanting to show his appreciation, he’s decided to get off futon the moment Naomi started crying, stop you on your tracks, in favor of him tending to her.
Only to find himself regretful, useless, and upset, that he didn’t know how to ease her cries.
“Naomi, pumpkin…” Naoya would coo, gently taking her into his arms and resting her small head against his shoulders. He never gets used to this sensation, how small and delicate she was against him. “Don’t cry, papa is here.”
The baby continues to cry, still irked by something he has yet to figure out—clearly unsettled by the man who proclaimed to be her father.
He didn’t want to admit it, didn’t want to say it out loud and make his shame even bigger, but he couldn’t cower in fear anymore.
To see Naomi openly deny him, highlighting his lacking presence as a father, alongside his ignorance in these affairs, was the greatest pain he’d ever experienced.
It wasn’t fair that his responsibilities often pulled him away from the two; even when he did his best to earn a small “leave” to be able to support you after childbirth, it was very limited, almost inexistent, and from what he overheard from your staff, very, very difficult for you too.
Naoya felt ashamed to be called your husband, preach how much he loves you, and now Naomi, yet rarely be there alongside you.
But even then, you never reproached him. Not as harshly as he thought deserving. Instead, you’d reassure him that though you missed him, understood how invasive his job could be—having been raised in a similar setting— and how you knew what you were getting into when marrying him.
And most importantly: that Naomi loved him as her father and would grow to appreciate his sacrifices in due time.
Yet… his doubts remain; unsure if your words could be taken as truth, or if he’ll be able to swallow his anguish until then, because seeing her like, putting up a fight when he was trying to put her back to sleep…
Makes him feel like a failure of a father, the last thing he wanted to be in his family.
“Naomi, please—don’t cry, mama is trying to sleep.” Naoya would insist, as if she’d understood his words, or perhaps hoped she would. Naomi, of course, didn’t. “What do you want? Do you want to eat?”
She cries.
“Maybe a change of diapers?”
He checks—no. Nothing. Naomi simply continues wailing.
“I don’t know what you want.” Naoya laments, dissatisfaction in his voice. “In fact, I don’t know anything about you—or what you like. I don’t know your favorite color, your favorite plushie, if you prefer to go on walks or stay home with your mom…
But I know you’d prefer her to me right now, don’t you? Because you don’t know me either. I may be your father, but given how much I’m away, I could be a total stranger and it would make no difference to you.”
“Yet, you’re not—you are her father.” You suddenly appear, Naoya’s eyes swiftly dart over to you, confused, and perhaps bit annoyed.
“Why are you here? I told you I’d take—”
“Because I just remembered this is your first time putting Naomi to sleep when she can’t” you respond, walking over to him. “And I thought I’d be nice to tell you what I do.”
“…I’m supposed to know what to do.”
“Maybe, but there’s nothing wrong in asking for help.”
“That’s all I’ve asking from you, Y/N. Help.” He frowns. “I ought to know how to do something about this.”
“While the help is always appreciated, I never expected you to know everything… Not even I know it, and this is all I’ve been focused on!” you say, trying to cheer him up, but his remorseful eyes let you know he isn’t, not even close. “You’re great father, Naoya. Doing your best—that’s all that matters.”
“What good of a father can I be if my own daughter is like because of me?”
“I’ve heard her cry when she doesn’t like something—this is not one of those times.” You respond.
“Then what is it?” he asks. “Why is Naomi crying?”
“There’s really a lot of reasons, but according to what Junko-san has told me, and the doctor, she could be hungry, have a leaky diaper, or… a nightmare.”
“A nightmare?” Naoya repeats. “She can have nightmares?”
“I don’t know, I suppose so, if it isn’t anything else.” You shrug, and a sudden wave of protectiveness washes over Naoya.
“How do I comfort her?”
You smile.
“I sometimes like to hum her a lullaby or tell her a story.” You begin. “Sway a bit too, Naomi really likes when you do that. She often falls asleep after that.”
“How do you do it?” Naoya asks quickly.
“Here, let me show you.”
Naoya is nothing but attentive to your explanations, the way you’d hold Naomi against your chest, how you’d softly hum her a nursery rhyme while gently patting her back—things that while didn’t seem to work, given the way she kept crying, didn’t sway you from continuing; in turn making him grow a bit nervous, doubt his own capabilities…
But he’d push through them either way, and once he thought himself well prepared (although very nervous) Naoya takes Naomi onto her arms, accommodating her against his chest, hand on her back, as he begins to hum a song he suddenly remembered from his childhood—one he thought long forgotten, but worked to soothe him eitherway.
Your husband didn’t think it would work, didn’t have faith that he’d be able to do as good as a job as you’d done until now, but he still tried, he kept moving forward even when Naomi’s cries echoed in the room and his insecurities prickled at the back of his mind…
Because at the end of the day, this isn’t about what he needs.
It’s about what Naomi deserves.
A present father, a trying father. Not one that would discard him onto the nannies or the mother, and only appear when it was suitable for him, perhaps even less…
He’s experienced that pain, that solitude, which clung to him well into his adulthood and barely managed to free himself of it thanks to your care—and it’s something he never wishes his daughter to live through.
No matter the obstacles, Naoya has long decided, from the moment you announced your pregnancy—no, when he realized he loved you, that he will do everything in his power to be there for the two. Even if his duties keep pushing him away for long periods of times, even if Naomi sometimes doesn’t like being with him… this is the least he could do.
“Look, Naoya!” you whisper excitedly. “She’s falling asleep already!”
He blinks, carefully looking down to her chubby face, quickly realizing she was indeed starting to feel drowsy, cries slowly quieting down as he lets out a squeaky yawn, a sound that makes both your and his heart clench with adoration, grinning at the sight. “Y/N, she is!”
“I told you you’d be able to do it.” You cheer silently. “Naomi loves her papa very much, after all.”
“She does…?” Naoya hesitantly asks, looking up to you. You nod.
“Of course, she does, you should see…” you suddenly yawn, perhaps inspired by your daughter. “You should see how happy she gets when you videocall us!”
“Really?” He beams, perhaps a bit too loud for the baby’s liking, Naomi whines. “Oh, sorry pumpkin.”
You chuckle.
“You should start putting her on the crib, so she doesn’t wake up when you move her.” You suggest, and Naoya nods before heading over to the crib, carefully peeling her away from him, laying her down on the soft mattress—thankful that she doesn’t begin to cry again while doing so—eventually covering her with the blankets, keeping her warm and safe from the harshness of the night.
At the sight of his adorable baby resting, chest slowly rising and falling, indications that she’s finally fallen asleep, Naoya can’t help but smile and gently caress her cheeks, before leaning down to kiss her on the top of her head.
“Goodnight, Naomi.” He whispers, Naomi gurgles. “Papa loves you very much.”
And the silence of the night, while lovingly admiring his daughter, a question crosses Naoya’s mind.
“… Does she really love me?” Your husband asks, going back to the previous subject.
“Yes, there’s no denying it.” you slowly say. “She… loves you…”
Naoya smiles.
“I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get her back to sleep.” He adds. “But… I guess she isn’t as afraid of me, or at all.”
“Thank you so much for everything, Y/N. You’ve done so much for our family; I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay you for it.” Naoya adds, cooing at the adorable way Naomi gently frowns, before turning back to you and heading back to the bedroom. “Anything you want, whatever you need, I’ll do it—just say the word and I’ll—"
Only to find you were already asleep, leaning back on the nearby rocking chair, exhaustion completely taking over your senses.
He chuckles.
You were exhausted too, that much he could see underneath the dim light of the moon, and while he feels a bit ashamed you still had to come to aid him, it is nothing compared to the love and appreciation he feels for you, as well as the reassuring words you gave him towards his doubts.
Naoya quickly heads over to you, carefully picking you up from the chair and carrying you all the way back to the bedroom, where he’d place you over the futon, underneath the blankets before cuddling up against you; taking in your warmth and scent that doesn’t take long to lull him into sleep, but not without sighing, giving your head one last kiss, before expressing the only sentiment he’s ever felt for you the moment his eyes laid on you.
“Goodnight, Y/N. I love you.”
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him feeling useless because he's somewhat of an absent (although not voluntarily) father and hating how sometimes naomi doesn't feel that familiar/comfortable with him is 😭😭😭 ugh I'm out here humanizing naoya.
anyways, I hope you liked my take on it 🥺 this was really sweet and a bit sad to write, but enjoyable nonetheless!!
Thank you so much for sending in this ask, ajhgagjkakajgagjjak keep feeding my domestic needs... i dare you....
take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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claymoresword · 1 year
I Choose Her | Chp: 6
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of two known death eaters from one of the oldest and richest families in the wizarding world. Are you truly prepared to give up everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 3.4k
Warnings: smut, nsfw, use of homophobic slur, angst, reader receiving, top!reader, draco malfoy sympathiser
Note: first and foremost, i'm starting a taglist for this fic so if i u wanna be added do leave a comment!
secondly, gonna just be honest with y'all and say this is probably gonna be the last happy hermione x reader chapter for awhile bc it gets dark from here on out so brace yourselves
(also sorry to play into the cliche jealousy trope but i had so much fun writing it so im not totally sorry )
anyway this is a hefty chapter i hope u enjoy!
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You felt a touch on your arm, opening your eyes you expected to be met with the sight of Hermione. She had refused to leave your side the past few days you had spent in the infirmary.
To your surprise, you're met with steely blue eyes instead. Draco is sat by your bedside, uncharacteristically soft gaze plastered across his face.
Your chest constricts at the sight, this was the Draco you remember.
"Hey" The platinum haired boy whispers, a sheepish smirk forming.
"Hi." You reply, mimicking his expression.
"How are you feeling?"
"I don't feel much of anything really, with all the numbing charms Hermione's put on me." You quip.
You joke but you're eternally grateful to your girlfriend for her unconditional care for you.
You swear sometimes she is too good to be true.
Draco breaks your gaze and lets out a chuckle.
"She seems to really care about you." He says earnestly.
"I'm lucky to have her."
You watch as Draco's face contorts, an undistinguishable expression, embarrassment perhaps, or guilt.
"Maybe I've been a bit too hard on her."
Amused, you let out a sharp breath through your nose.
"A bit?"
Your bestfriend merely smiles knowingly, allowing you the satisfaction to take that jab at him.
"Listen, I'm really sorry. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have gotten injured." Draco starts and you lift your hand up gesturing for him to stop speaking.
"Don't even start with that." You assert.
"I would give my life for you. You know this."
Draco diverts his eyes again, as if it pained him to look at you.
"I wish you wouldn't. I don't deserve that." His voice trembles, you fear that he's about to cry.
He shakes his head, almost pleading for you to stop talking.
"Harry was right."
Your eyebrows furrow, taken aback at the sudden confession.
"Right about what?"
"I gave Katie that cursed necklace." Draco admits, timidly fiddling with his fingers. He is afraid of your response.
"Why on earth-"
You are interrupted by Draco pulling up his sleeve, revealing the dark mark that's been etched into his arm.
You take a few moments to deliberate a response. A sudden rage overcoming you. Angry at the dark lord's cowardice. Forcing an unsuspecting boy. A boy eager to prove his worth, to do his bidding. You were not shocked at Draco's reasoning, ofcourse he threatened to harm his family. You expected nothing less from Voldermort.
"You dont have to explain yourself to me. Circumstances aren't granting you much of a choice right now, Draco."
"I can't convince you of what you deserve, but the truth of it is that you are my brother. I will always have your back."
He looks at you astounded, Draco really expected you to condemn him. You felt a sudden urge to wrap him into an embrace, you would've done so if only moving wasn't difficult for you.
He lets out a relieved sigh. Eventually letting his head fall, he rests it by your arm on the bed.
You sat with him in silence for a few moments before you decided to speak again.
"Well, since we're being honest. I should let you know, I've made my choice. I'll become a death eater. I'll join you."
Sick to your stomach, saying those words felt utterly wrong. Yet for Hermione's safety, you had to play the part. Whatever it takes.
Draco lifts his head and doesn't attempt to hide his surprise, before eventually nodding in understanding.
You had little choice in the matter, same as him.
He grabs your hand, almost a silent gesture of moral support.
"What are you going to tell her?"
You shrug, defeated.
"The truth, I suppose."
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You are awoken again this time by the nurse's hand hovering over your forehead.
You glance over to see the morning sun peaking in through the windows.
"Your fever has subsided. Any pain?"
You attempt to sit up and felt sore in your abdomen, but nothing you couldn't handle.
"No pain."
"Very well, do have your breakfast here first Miss Y/n and then you are free to go."
The nurse says and you allow a half smile. You were just excited to finally spend time with Hermione anywhere else but in the infirmary.
As if on cue, your girlfriend walks in greeting you with a grin.
"Ah Miss Granger, I have discharged her." The nurse says, gesturing to you.
"However, do make sure she doesn't take part in any strenuous activities for the next few days. Better to be safe." Your girlfriend nods and the nurse takes her leave.
"Hi gorgeous." You say as you watch a blush form on Hermione's face at your compliment.
Your girlfriend leans down and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
"Are you really feeling better? Or are you just saying that to get out of here quicker?" The brown haired girl remarks and you fight the urge to purse your lips, she knows you too well.
"No I really am feeling better, see?" You stand up quickly and stretched your body obnoxiously, before punching the air pretending to fight an invisible man.
Hermione laughs before grabbing your arms to still your movements.
"Okay very funny, be careful don't hurt yourself."
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It was a Saturday afternoon and Hermione naturally insisted on spending her time studying. She had also made quick work of putting you on bed rest. Ignoring your efforts of convincing her that you felt fine.
You are sat on her bed mindlessly flipping through a book, incapable of focusing on the words on the page. You look up and watch for several minutes as your girlfriend sits at her desk, reading through her history of magic textbook and taking notes.
It was the weekend, Hermione never allowed herself time to relax.
You let out a loud sigh, at an attempt to get your girlfriend's attention. She continues scribbling away at her book.
That's enough, you had to take matters into your own hands.
You get up from the bed and walk towards her, Hermione too busy to notice you were now stood behind her.
Leaning down you placed a quick kiss against her shoulder. Your girlfriend hums in response but makes no effort at acknowledging you otherwise.
You take it one step further, placing another kiss on her neck. This time you hear her breathe in sharply. Your mouth lingers over her neck and you place another open mouthed kiss against it. You quickly trail your tongue up settling over her ear. Hermione releases another trembling breath.
"Y/n." She warns and you merely smirk in response.
"I'm trying to study and you need to rest."
You groan, settling your arms on either side of her chair, you quickly swivel it turning Hermione around to face you.
She lets out a gasp before you leaned down, capturing her lips with yours. You kiss her deeply, she kisses you back the same not protesting.
For a few moments you are standing there, making out with your girlfriend. You pull away and watched as Hermione's chest heaved, trying to control her breathing.
You swiftly kneeled down infront of her and moved your hand to the hem of her jeans, attempting to unbutton them before Hermione grabbed your hand, stopping you.
You glance up meeting your girlfriend's stern gaze.
"No strenuous activities, remember?" The shorter girl scolds.
A sly smirk across your face, you move your face up to kiss your girlfriend again.
"This isn't strenuous." You say in between kisses.
"It's rather relaxing." You kiss her again, before moving to place a kiss on her ear.
"For both of us I'd say" You whisper as your mouth hovered over her ear.
You watch as Hermione takes her bottom lip in between her teeth. She's trying so hard to resist you.
"No." Your girlfriend finally breathes out. She places her hands on your shoulders shoving you away.
"No sex until you feel better."
A pout forming on your face.
"I am feeling better!" You almost shout.
Hermione says nothing in response, placing a quick kiss against your lips before moving her chair, she turns to face her desk again.
You let out another groan eventually giving up, you stand and make your way back to the bed.
"Although," Hermione voices, stopping you in your tracks.
"Slughorn's having his Christmas party tonight, I didn't plan on going but since you are clearly feeling better.."  Hermione pauses.
"Will you come with me?"
Your expectant expression turned to a dissapointed one.
"That really isn't the same as sex, is it?"
Hermione lets out laugh as she gets up from her chair, walking towards you she wraps both her arms around your neck.
"Not quite." "So will you accompany me please?" Your girlfriend asks you again.
"It would be my honour."
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Dull was an understatement. This was the worst party you had ever been to.
To make matters worse, Mclaggen had been making eyes at your girlfriend all night.
Hermione had perfected the art of ignoring the twat, she mostly focused her attention on you and engaged in conversation with Ginny.
You walk over to the buffet table to grab another drink. You took out your wand, secretly reciting a spell to add alcohol into your glass. You quickly downed the glass of the spiked fruitpunch before taking another glassful. You moved it up to your lips but was interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Get you hands off me you filthy squib!" Draco insults.
"I found this one lurking in the upstairs corridor, he claims to have been invited." Mr Filch announces and the room goes quiet.
"Okay, I was gatecrashing! Happy?" The platinum haired boy admits, annoyed. He shifts his gaze meeting yours for a moment before looking at Professor Snape, who was now stood before him.
"I'll escort him out." The professor merely states and Filch harshly lets go of Draco's arm.
You watched as they made their way out. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. What the hell is Draco up to?
"Okay carry on! carry on!" Slughorn exclaims in between awkward laughs attempting for everyone to resume the party.
If you didn't know any better you'd make a remark to him about Draco's interruption being the only interesting part of this night.
You glance over at Ginny and noticed Hermione was no longer with her.
Scanning the room for your girlfriend you spot her in the far corner. Cormac's hand on her waist, she looks visibly uncomfortable with her hand on his chest clearly trying to push him away.
Anger overcoming you. The Gryffindor boy just couldn't take no for an answer.
You stormed towards them, before Cormac could realise you had harshly grabbed his shirt, shoving him onto the ground.
"How many times does she have to say no to you for you to get the message?" You shouted.
A shit eating grin on his face, he stands up dusting himself off.
"We were just talking" Cormac lies, you wanted to smack the smirk right off his face.
"Just stay away from her. Or I swear I will kill you." It took everything in you not to lunge at him.
You turn towards Hermione, her hand grasping your arm.
"Are you alright?" Your girlfriend quickly nods.
"Come on let's just go." She tugs your arm but you were stopped by Cormac's voice behind you.
"You know you don't scare me, dyke."
Without a moment's thought you lunged towards him, your fist making contact with his face. He's thrown backwards and he falls to the ground again.
You hear Hermione gasp before feeling her hand on your arm again she is grasping you tightly this time.
"I dare you to say it again!" Fishing your wand out of your pocket, you're now shaking with anger as you point it at him.
"Please Y/n let's go, just leave him." Hermione pleads and you comply.
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"Episkey" Hermione waves her wand over your knuckles, the pain from it quickly subsiding.
You watch as Hermione walks toward her desk grabbing an empty ziplock bag. She waves her wand over it and you see ice slowly forming. She grabs it and hands it to you.
"Can't be too sure" she shrugs.
You place the ice pack on your knuckles and move backwards, resting your back against her cupboard.
Your girlfriend stares at you, unreadable expression. Your guess is she's upset with you.
"Hermione, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper like that. I just hate that he won't leave you alone-"
The shorter girl quickly silences you with a kiss. You kiss her back after the intial shock dissipates. Hermione deepens the kiss her hands against your chest, pushing you further back against the cupboard. Her tongue enters your mouth and you drop the ice pack, hand settling on her waist pulling her impossibly closer.
You move your head, ending the kiss. You watch as Hermione chases your lips but eventually opens her eyes to meet your gaze.
"Are you not upset with me?" Your voice low.
Your girlfriend smirks and shakes her head before leaning in to place a kiss on the corner of your mouth. Hermione tilts her head to now plant a kiss on your neck, you feel her nip at your skin slightly before placing a wet kiss on it making a gasp escape your lips.
The shorter girl pulls back and looks at you with a darkened gaze, she bites her lip. You feel her hands move to the hem of your pants and she starts to undo your belt.
You are paralysed for a moment, staring at her in awe. Your girlfriend was truly captivating, especially in moments like these.
Eye contact remains between the two of you as Hermione begins to pull down your pants, she gets down on her knees and your mouth falls open slightly in anticipation. Nothing has happened yet but you felt it was impossible to catch your breath.
Hermione tugs your underwear down and looks up at you expectantly as if asking for permission.
You nod, a little too enthusiastically watching as her mouth comes in contact with your center. You let out a moan, throwing your head back, days of pent up sexual frustration now being released as Hermione's mouth worked her way at you.
You pant, your girlfriend's skilled tongue moving against you making it impossible for you to think coherently.
"Fuck, baby you're so good at that."
You choke out, in between pants. This seemed to spur Hermione on as she moves her head, mouth pressing harder against your core. You can feel your climax approaching, embarrassingly fast.
Hermione moves her hand, grabbing your ass she pulls you even closer and you feel her tongue push into your entrance, this becomes your undoing.
You cum hard into her mouth, knees buckling instantaneously your girlfriend moves her hands to either side of your hips, preventing you from falling to the floor.
"Come here." You grab her arm pulling her up you kiss her hungrily, tasting yourself.
Your hand moves to unzip her dress and she lets you pull it over her head. Quickly you unclasp her bra, your hand coming in contact with her breasts you start kneading as Hermione's breathing gets louder and heavier. She grabs the back of your neck pulling your head down to her chest. You obey and take one her nipples into your mouth. You began sucking and the smaller girl lets out a desperate moan.
You lifted your head moving your mouth away, she whines at the lost of contact but you don't give her the chance to verbally protest as you quickly hoist her up, one hand under her thigh. Hermione's legs wrap around your waist reflexively as she grips the back of your neck. You move her backwards dropping her on the bed rather harshly.
You needed to have her now.
You capture her lips into a deep kiss and a moan spills out of her lips your hands finding her breasts, you knead them again.
Without warning you moved your hand to her waist, flipping her over Hermione is now on her stomach.
Your girlfriend lets out a gasp. You swiftly grabbed the hem of her panties, taking them off her. Hermione was now laying before you on her stomach completely naked.
You roughly pulled her up so she was now on her knees, her dripping core at full display.
You put two fingers into your mouth, lubricating them before moving it to your girlfriend's entrance. Hermione mewls at the feeling of your fingers against her bare pussy.
She moves her hips back at a desperate attempt to feel more of you.
"Please." Hermione chokes out.
"Hm?" You decided to tease.
"Tell me what you need baby, use your words."
"Please" She says again, her voice trembling with need.
"Y/n please. I need your fingers inside."
You push your fingers into her, met with no resistance as her core was dripping wet.
Hermione lets out a loud moan at the feeling of your fingers inside her. You slowly pulled out of her before pumping back into her until you were knuckle deep.
You kept the same momentum until you felt your girlfriend's walls tighten against your fingers, she was close.
Her moans growing more obscene, you lean forward gripping her hair, pulling her into a kiss, muting her sounds of pleasure.
You disconnected the kiss and Hermione moans loudly at the feeling of you harshly gripping her hair. You then moved your hand to clasp it over her mouth.
"Always so fucking loud." You growl into her ear as you continued to pump your fingers deeply in and out of her.
You watch as Hermione's eyes roll to the back of her head. Her walls constrict painfully against your fingers as she comes undone.
You pull your fingers out of her and Hermione falls forward. She lays limp on the bed panting heavily, trying to recover from the intense orgasm you just gave her.
You let out a chuckle.
"I'm not done with you yet."
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You're laying in bed, Hermione's head against your bare chest. She has her hand in yours as she occasionally moved her fingers to fidget with your Slytherin crest ring.
Suddenly you remembered the gift you had gotten for her.
"I got you something." You say and watched as Hermione's eyebrows furrow.
You chuckle at her adorable expression before grabbing your wand.
A small ring sized box floats quickly out of your blazer pocket and into your hand.
You hold it up to Hermione and she sits up abruptly.
"Are you about to propose because I'm more of a grand gesture type of person." Hermione quips and you roll your eyes.
"Just open it before I change my mind."
Hermione giggles before grabbing the box, she opens it to reveal a silver coated ring, in the center was a green stone.
"Y/n, it's beautiful." Your girlfriend says as tears well up in her eyes.
You grab the ring, carefully putting it on for her. You settled on putting it on her ring finger on her right hand, the same hand you wore yours.
The brown haired girl's confusion was understandable. Gift giving not your usual way of showing affection.
You grab her hand, holding it up and gesturing for her to keep it there. You then moved your own hand inches away from hers. A light trailing from your ring to hers, a bond.
"Protean charm?" Hermione asks and you nod.
"As long as we wear these rings we will be connected. Even when we are apart, I've enchanted your ring so it'll let you know where I am at all times. The closer we are in proximity the brighter this trail of light will be."
A fond smile forms on Hermione's face, she pulls you into a long kiss. Eventually, disconnecting your lips she rests her forehead against yours.
"Thank you. I love it."
Your heart swells but the feeling quickly dissipates as you prepared yourself to tell her the whole truth.
You leaned back, forcing her to look at you in the eyes.
"There is another reason I got you this. A more important reason."
Hermione merely watches you, waiting for you to continue.
"I have to join the Death Eaters." You admit quicker than you intended.
You watch as Hermione flinches, sitting up. She looked almost affronted.
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jackles010378 · 5 months
Happily Ever After.....
Oh Baby........
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A couple of days after you and Jensen came back from your honeymoon, you decided to tell your family and friends about the pregnancy. Everyone was happy for you both. Becca being the most excited at becoming an "auntie". The kids were a bit apprehensive to begin with but when Jensen sat then down and explained that he wouldn't love them any less they came round to the idea of having a new baby brother or sister. JJ and Arrow were hoping for another girl, but Zeppelin was adamant you were having a boy. He was kinda feeling outnumbered so said he was praying for a brother to play with.
You and Jensen sat nervously in the waiting room of the sonogram clinic, your hands intertwined tightly. You were about to find out whether you were having a baby boy or a baby girl. Your heart raced with excitement as you and Jensen anticipated this special moment.
When your names were called, you both entered the room and met the sonographer, a kind woman named Dr. Thompson. You lay down on the examination bed as Dr. Thompson prepared the sonogram machine. You couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Jensen held onto your hand, providing a steady support.
As the sonogram began, Dr. Thompson moved the wand over your belly, searching for the first glimpse of the baby. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw the flickering image on the screen. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Dr. Thompson's words.
"I see two heartbeats," Dr. Thompson finally announced, her voice filled with excitement.
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You and Jensen gazed at each other in disbelief. Twins? You were going to have twins! Your joy was quickly overshadowed by a surge of anxiety that washed over you quite quickly. Thoughts about how you would handle caring for two babies at once overwhelmed you causing an anxiety attack. Of course Jensen had already been through this with Danneel so he knew what to expect. Jensen immediately recognized the signs and gently placed his hands on your face, your eyes locking. "Hey, hey, look at me," he spoke softly, his voice soothing and full of love. "We can do this. We're in this together, and we'll figure it out together. Take deep breaths, just like we practiced."
You focused on Jensen's voice and tried to match your breathing with his. Slowly, your racing heart began to steady, and a sense of calm washed over you. Jensen's unwavering support was their anchor in this storm of anxiety. He always knew how to keep you grounded when he could see you were struggling. After what happened when he came home from filming, finding you gone, he vowed that you would never feel like that again.
After a few moments, your breathing steadied, and they managed to regain control. You gave Jensen a weak smile, grateful for his unwavering strength when you needed it the most. Together, you and Jensen turned your attention back to the sonogram screen, where the image of their twins continued to fill the room.
Dr. Thompson resumed the examination, capturing images of tiny hands, feet, and little faces. You and Jensen watched in awe as your babies moved and wriggled, as if sensing their parents' presence. It was a breathtaking sight, one that melted away any lingering doubts or fears.
When the sonogram was complete, Dr. Thompson printed a copy for you to take home. You and Jensen held the image close, marveling at the miracle growing within your womb. The twin babies were a blessing you both never expected but were beyond grateful for.
Months passed, and your belly grew round with life. The day finally arrived when you went into labor. Jensen never left your side, offering words of encouragement and love as you endured each painful contraction. You weren't going to lie to Jensen when you told him you were scared.
In a whirlwind of emotions, the day turned into night, and after what felt like an eternity, You and Jensen finally held your babies contently in your arms. You named them Eliza and Lucas, two perfect little beings who had captured yours and Jensen's hearts from the moment they saw them on that sonogram screen.
As you and Jensen gazed down at Eliza and Lucas, your hearts swelled with love and a newfound sense of purpose. The anxiety that once consumed you seemed like a distant memory as you marveled at the tiny hands and feet, knowing that they were embarking on the greatest adventure of their lives.
From that day forward, you and Jensen tackled parenthood as a team. Through sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and moments of chaos, you and Jensen stood together, providing love, support, and a stable foundation for your growing family.
Eliza and Lucas grew up surrounded by an abundance of love and joy. You and Jensen treasured every milestone, knowing that your journey towards parenthood wasn't always easy, but it was undoubtedly worth it.
And as the years passed, Yours and Jensen's love story continued to unfold, filled with laughter, tears, and countless memories that you both cherished. The twins, Eliza and Lucas, were a reminder of the strength they found within each other, and the power of love to overcome any obstacle.
Together, Yours and Jensen's love grew with every passing day, your bond forever solidified by the beautiful family you both had created. And you lived happily, knowing that you both were blessed beyond measure, grateful for the journey, good and bad, that had brought you both to this moment.
So I think this has finished the little series off nicely 😁 hope you guys enjoyed it 🥰
TAGLIST: @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @kaleldobrev @janineb86 @deans-daydream @alternativeprincess94 @nescavaneck
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fuckyeahizzyhands · 7 months
Rachel Leishman interview with Con O'Neill 22.11.2023
Rachel: Hi, Con. How are you?
Con: I'm very well, Rachel. How are you?
Rachel: I'm doing great. To start, so you've now joined the canon of I guess my favorite thing in TV is when people sing La Vie En Rose, because I loved when it happened in How I Met Your Mother and now it happened in Our Flag Means Death. And I was crying through both times. And so getting to kind of have those emotional moments that I didn't even care that the song didn't even exist, I was just happy it was happening. So getting to have those moments where you have those emotional kind of songs and journeys on a show that is outrageous and fun and quirky what for you as an actor is the joy of getting, you know, get to dive into something like that with a character like Izzy Hands that has had such a kind of arc, especially in Season Two.
Con: I knew he was going to go on a journey in Season Two because David had told me and I will be eternally grateful to him and his brilliant writers because they didn't make it sentimental. They didn't suddenly turn him overnight. They gave him a journey that I could work through emotionally and not feel like I was jumping ahead of myself or I was having to cheat. The song itself... had you asked me for a song for Izzy to sing, I would never, ever have picked La Vie En Rose. And now I can't think of any other song Izzy should sing. So again, that's down to David and also to all those people, my partner and Jenna, who's a friend of mine who just played PF in London, who helped me learn the French, which was excruciating for everyone involved.
Rachel: When I interviewed David, I said to him, I was like, you should be in jail for making me care so much about Izzy Hands throughout this whole season and then just put me in so much pain by the end because it was just such a beautiful arc from beginning to end this season. And I can only imagine as an actor the joy of kind of getting to dive into something that kind of rich, because...
Con: It is joyful, but it was incredibly lonely. I found myself spending a lot of time on my own, a) because a lot of the scenes are on my own, and b) if I wasn't filming, I was learning how to walk in that fucking leg, or I was sword training or I was working out or I was learning French or I was recording. It was a very solitary experience doing this season and I loved every minute of the work, but it was challenging on a whole other level that I didn't really think about until I found myself in the middle of it. And, yeah, I'm glad we did it and I'm glad we respected the character that we've created in Season One.
Rachel: And it is... I like, I really enjoyed because I think Taika's performance as Blackbeard especially. I love how kind of different it is because I'm a big fan of his work in general, but I do think it's very different from everything that I've seen from him. And I love the dynamic between Blackbeard and Izzy because that is something that I think as much as Steed and Blackbeard drive this show, without Izzy's love for Blackbeard, I don't necessarily think that relationship would be as strong as it is. And when you guys kind of have the arc you do in Season Two still cool to kind of have that final moment that we end up getting throughout in this show, for you two as actors to kind of in a comedy, get to have that emotional sobbing moment. You're comedians, but you're crying like having this kind of death scene on a beach. What is it for you two as actors and friends to kind of come to that moment where you're like, hey, we're still actors at the end of the day, but we're going to be sobbing on a beach over these two characters?
Con: You know what? I love working with Taika. I love acting with Taika. And Taika is a world renowned Oscar winning writer director actor, but he doesn't nearly get the plaudits he deserves as an actor. And the death scene in particular, I was dreading it because it's massive. And we were going to shoot it in the last week, at the start of the week, then the middle of the week, then the last day was going to be the morning of the last day. And then it ended up being the last thing we shot in the entire shop. And when you're filming something like that on the ship with hundreds of crew and the whole cast, and we're getting towards the end of the day and there's a lot of energy, and then suddenly it was just me and him. And if he hadn't given that to me, I was fucked. But he just held me in it and everything else disappeared. And we just trust the writing and we just do it. And he's a fucking awesome scene partner. There's a lot of good actors in that show, a lot of fucking great actors. But in that moment, I've never felt more collaborative and more trusted and more held than I have in probably my entire career.
Rachel: And you said collaborative. A show like this is kind of the joy of it, is that there are so many characters and it is such a collaborative show as a whole. And I think that's why fans love it as much as we do, because it's such a family unit. And for you as an actor, what is the kind of draw for you to a show like that that is so much a group of actors and comedians that are all kind of together, all on set, working as a unit?
Con: I'm a sporting actor. It's what I do. I like to work with an ensemble. It's how I do my best work. And the cast are sharp, witty, intelligent and also wonderful actors. So it's a no brainer for me. But also the show's... show is about love, and it's about queer love. And it's a show we should have been making a long time ago. It's a show that appreciates its audience and it's a show that is kind and none of our violence in our show is ever ever aimed at anyone for their gender or their sexuality. And we should be making queer of shows like this more. And that's what drew me to it. And when I saw... I was on set, when the boys in the first season, when they filmed the 'you wear fine things well' scene, and I watched it being shot and the beautiful performances and the beautiful dialogue and the way that it was being shot was exquisite. And I suddenly realized not only were we in this pirate show, but we were also in a romantic, queer love story that wasn't going to not be romantic. And I thought, there we are. That's it. That's what people are going to plug into.
Rachel: Yeah. Thank you so much for talking with me. This show means so much to me and people that I know and love. So thank you for talking with me.
Con: My pleasure.
Rachel: And I want more seasons of it. I love it so so so much.
Con: Thank you so much. Rachel.
Rachel: you have a great one.
Con: Take care. Bye bye.
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mbappeward · 9 months
you get into an accident while he is at a match - kylian mbappe imagine
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it was a sunny afternoon in paris, and the city's vibrant energy filled the air. kylian mbappe, your boyfriend of 2 years now, was playing a match at parc des princes. you decided in the meantime to go for a walk. 
the bustling sounds of the city surrounded you as you walked, lost in your own world. the pedestrian light signaled your turn to cross, and you stepped onto the road, but just as your foot touched the road, you saw a car at high speed racing towards you. 
you tried to jump out of the way, but it was too late. the car struck you with a powerful force. pain coursed through your body, and the world around you spun into chaos. the last thing you perceive is people surrounding you. 
[ during the match] 
luis enrique quickly signaled for a substitution after receiving the news from the assistant manager, and mbappe was taken off the field. confusion and concern was written on his face as he was rushed to the locker room. “y/n got into a car accident, she's in emergency surgery right n-”. “she is WHAT??” kylian's world came crashing down. without a second thought, he quickly grabbed his car keys and rushed to the hospital. his heart raced with every passing second, and his mind was filled with worry for you. the world outside seemed to blur as he focused on getting to you.
at the hospital, kylian waited anxiously in the hallway, right infront of the room where you have surgery. pacing back and forth as he repeatedly checked with the medical staff for updates on your condition. every minute felt like an eternity as he prayed for your well-being. all he wanted was for you to be okay now. “please lord, let her be okay” he whispered.
finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the operating room doors swung open. a surgeon, dressed in blue scrubs entered. kylian immediately stood up, his heart pounding in his chest.
without uttering a word, kylian locked eyes with the surgeon, silently pleading for information about your well-being. the surgeon offered a gentle, reassuring smile, realizing the deep concern etched on kylians face.
"she's stable," the surgeon said, his voice calm and soothing. "the surgery went well, she still has a leg fracture meaning she cant walk around too much for the coming weeks. however we're doing everything we can to ensure her recovery."
kylian let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing for the first time since he heard the news. he nodded his gratitude to the surgeon, his voice trembling with emotion "thank you, doctor. that means the world to me." wiith a nod of understanding, the surgeon walked away. 
after the surgery, you were transferred to the intensive care unit  for closer monitoring and post-operative care. kylian went to the room, he composed himself before opening the door, his breath catching in his throat once he saw you. he stared down at you laying on the bed, still sleeping from the anesthesia, an IV tube in your arm and the heart monitor beeping steadily. a tear rolled down his cheek. he sat down next to you and held your hand “mon amour… i’m so sorry. i’m sorry I couldn’t have been there for you. you don't deserve this” he said as tears continued to stream down his cheeks, blurring his vision. he placed his head down, letting his tears fall on your intertwined hands. 
“kylian…”you said in a weak voice. your eyes adjusting to the bright light. his heart skipped a beat at the sound of your voice. his head snapped up and he began to wipe the tears out of his eyes. “y/n??? thank you lord, how are you feeling???” 
"i'm feeling a bit sore, but I'll be okay. i'm just grateful you're here with me." he leaned in and gently kissed your forehead. "i was so terrified, y/n. you have no idea" he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "i thought i had lost you." you managed a weak smile, your hand trembling as you reached up to touch his face. "i'm here and i'm okay. i couldn't leave you that easily, you know that" you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. he gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face and leaned down to kiss your forehead. "i'm so thankful you're okay. i love you so much," he whispered, his eyes filled with tears of happiness now.
tears welled up in your eyes as well, and you gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "i love you too, kylian, more than words can express."
the two of you sat there for a moment, sharing a tender and emotional connection that transcended words
after a while, a nurse entered the room, breaking the intimate moment between you two. she smiled warmly and said, i'm glad to see you're awake. how are you feeling?"
you glanced at Kylian, and he nodded, giving you the reassurance you needed to answer. "i'm in pain, but I'm grateful to still be alive."
the nurse nodded and began to check your vitals and adjust your pain medication accordingly. she then turned to kylian and said, "you can take her home now. make sure she gets plenty of rest and follows the doctor's instructions for her recovery." she said as she removed the IV tube from your arm, then she left the room. 
kylian helped you carefully get up and put on your clothes, being gentle and attentive to your needs. he helped you into a wheelchair, making sure you were comfortable before wheeling you towards the hospital's exit. 
the cold night breeze greeted you as you stepped outside, and a black car was waiting nearby, with kylian's chauffeur behind the wheel. the chauffeur opened the car door with a respectful nod as kylian carefully helped you settle in the back of the car, making sure you were comfortable and secure. he stowed your belongings securely in the back of the car. he climbed carefully into the backseats beside you, putting an arm around you while letting your rest on his chest, his reassuring presence providing a sense of security. 
as the engine started, kylian glanced at you, stroking your hair, his expression filled with love and reassurance. "we're on our way home, my love" he said softly, reaching over to your hand, rubbing it with his thumb. "just relax and let me take care of everything."
as the car pulled away from the hospital, kylian kept a watchful eye on you, making sure you were comfortable.
together, you embarked on the path to recovery, knowing that you had each other to lean on and that, with kylian by your side, you could face any obstacle that lays ahead.
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todocutie · 11 months
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about. (Y/N)'s heart breaks when she catches her boyfriend cheating. Finding solace in her friend Shoto, they discover an unexpected and tender love that heals their wounds.
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In the quiet neighborhood, the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the familiar streets.
(Y/N) had decided to come home early that day, her heart fluttering with excitement as she had finished her work ahead of schedule. Little did she know that her return would shatter the tranquility of her world.
As she turned the key in the front door and stepped inside, a sinking feeling enveloped her. The air seemed heavy, charged with an energy she couldn't quite place.
Making her way down the hallway, she followed the faint sound of murmurs that led her to the bedroom. Her heart pounded in her chest, as if it knew something her mind wasn't ready to comprehend.
Pushing the door open, the sight before her tore at the fabric of her reality. There on the shared bed, her boyfriend, whom she trusted and loved, was entwined with another girl, their lips locked in a passionate embrace.
(Y/N)'s bag and keys slipped from her grip, clattering to the floor. The sound startled them, and her boyfriend's head jerked up, his eyes widening in sheer horror as he caught sight of her standing there, betrayed. "B-Babe, I can explain!" he stammered pathetically, trying to untangle himself from the girl's embrace and make his way towards her.
But the anger and disgust that surged within (Y/N) were too potent to ignore. How could he even think he could explain away what she had just witnessed?
Her voice was cold and composed as she gathered her bag and keys from the floor, her gaze steady as she approached the other girl. "Did you know he had a girlfriend?" she asked, her tone soft but sharp with hurt.
"I'm really sorry about what happened, but I genuinely didn't know he had a girlfriend," the girl responded, her eyes apologetic.
Of course, he had spun a web of lies to make her believe he was single, manipulating her emotions for his own selfish desires.
Turning around to face her now ex-boyfriend, (Y/N) glared at him, her once-loving eyes now ablaze with fury. "We're over, I'm leaving. I'll hire someone to get my stuff."
"W-What...?" he stammered, shock and panic etched across his face.
"Don't make me say it again," she replied, her voice steady and resolute. "You've broken my trust and betrayed our love. There's no going back from this."
"B-But (Y/N)-" he started to protest, his desperation evident. "Don't call me that! And you probably only want me here because I'm the one paying your bills," she interrupted, her voice cutting through his excuses like a knife.
As she walked past his shocked figure, she couldn't help but add one last dagger, "Happy 2nd-year anniversary," leaving him in stunned silence.
With tears threatening to spill, (Y/N) hurriedly made her way to her car. The pain in her heart was overwhelming, and the weight of the realization that she had nowhere to stay hit her hard.
She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself, and then reached for her phone, dialing a number she had memorized from calling it so often.
The phone rang for what seemed like an eternity, and with each passing second, her hope dwindled.
But then, finally, a familiar deep voice answered on the other end. "(Y/N)? Why are you calling? I thought you wanted to spend the day with your boyfriend because of the anniversary," he said warmly.
"Well, I did, but he had other plans... with someone else," her voice wavered, and Shoto, the person on the other end of the line, could sense the pain in her words. "(Y/N)..? Don't tell me he cheated," Shoto's voice grew increasingly frustrated.
"Yea, he did..." she mumbled, her heart heavy with sorrow. "Where are you right now?" he asked, his frustration now tinged with concern.
"I called you to ask if I could stay at your place for a bit until I find a place to stay," she admitted, feeling vulnerable and grateful for his support. "Of course you can. I'll get you some snacks ready so we can watch a movie and help you forget all about that bastard," he said, his voice seething with anger at the thought of someone hurting his friend. "Thank you, Shoto. I really appreciate you," she said, her voice cracking with emotion.
"I'm on my way." As she drove towards Shoto's place, tears streamed down her cheeks, but she also felt a glimmer of hope.
In her darkest hour, she had an amazing friend who was there to help her heal and find strength in her toughest times. And as she pulled into his driveway, she knew that with his unwavering support, she would eventually mend her broken heart and find the courage to move forward.
Over the next few days, Shoto did everything he could to support (Y/N) as she dealt with the pain of her breakup. They spent time together, watching movies, talking, and simply being there for each other. Shoto's presence and kindness helped (Y/N) gradually find solace in her heartache.
As they spent more time together, (Y/N) and Shoto grew closer. They discovered shared interests, laughed together, and leaned on each other for emotional support. Shoto admired (Y/N)'s resilience and strength, while (Y/N) appreciated Shoto's caring nature and how he always seemed to know how to make her smile, even during her darkest moments.
One evening, while sitting together under the stars in Shoto's backyard, (Y/N) found herself gazing into his mismatched eyes, feeling an overwhelming connection with him. The warmth of his hand in hers felt comforting, and she realized that he had become more than just a friend to her. But she hesitated to speak her heart, still wary of the pain from her previous relationship.
Shoto, however, had been grappling with his feelings as well. He cared deeply for (Y/N) and had grown fond of her over the past days. He understood her pain and wanted to be the one to help mend her heart. He wanted to be more than just a friend to her, but he didn't want to rush anything, knowing she needed time to heal.
As the night drew to a close, Shoto walked (Y/N) to the door of his house, preparing to bid her goodnight. But before she could say her thanks and head inside, Shoto gently took her hand in his, looking into her eyes with a mixture of concern and affection.
"(Y/N), I don't want to rush you into anything, but I can't help but feel something more for you," Shoto confessed, his voice soft but sincere. "I want to be there for you, not just as a friend, but as someone who cares deeply about you."
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she heard his words. She felt the same way, but she was scared of being vulnerable again. "Shoto, you're an amazing person, and I care about you too, but I'm scared of getting hurt again," she admitted, her voice trembling.
"I understand," Shoto replied, his thumb gently wiping away a tear from her cheek. "Let's take things slow then. I promise I'll be patient, and when you're ready, I'll be here."
Over the next few weeks, Shoto and (Y/N) continued to spend time together, allowing their bond to grow naturally. Their friendship blossomed into something deeper, filled with understanding, respect, and affection. Shoto never pressured (Y/N) into anything, and she began to see that he was different from her past experiences. He was someone she could truly trust and rely on.
One evening, as they were sitting together on the couch, sharing stories and laughter, (Y/N) finally mustered the courage to speak her heart. "Shoto, I think I'm ready to move forward," she said, looking into his eyes.
His face broke into a warm smile, and he reached for her hand, squeezing it gently. "I'm here for you, (Y/N). Whenever you're ready, I'll be right by your side."
And with that assurance, (Y/N) let herself be vulnerable once again. She leaned in, closing the distance between them, and Shoto met her halfway, their lips meeting in a gentle and tender kiss. In that moment, they both knew that they had found something special in each other.
From that day on, Shoto and (Y/N) officially became boyfriend and girlfriend. Their love story was built on a foundation of friendship, understanding, and patience. Together, they helped each other heal from past wounds and grow into better versions of themselves.
In the quiet neighborhood, where the sun would dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the familiar streets, Shoto and (Y/N) found happiness in each other's company. Their love bloomed like a beautiful flower, reminding them that sometimes, out of heartbreak, the most unexpected and wonderful things can happen. And together, they embraced the future, knowing that they had each other to lean on, no matter what challenges life might bring their way.
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TODOCUTIE © 2023. do not copy, rewrite, or translate my work. you do not have my permission to repost my work outside of tumblr.
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2n2n · 5 months
This updates is one of those moments I feel like, shuddering violently-- HOW CAN ANYONE NOT WANT THE YUGI TWINS TO KISS AND MAKE LOVE AFTER ALL OF THIS.... it's UNBEARABLE otherwise, isn't it!??!! This is such an intense amount of pain, for all the twins have been through, for all that they have struggled with their value to each other, for all the abandonment and insanity and forgiveness and misunderstandings, is it really ... 'enough' .... to only be 'normal brothers' after all of that???????????? do you really think so??????
this bond was already so agonizing as to result in the felony of homicide, IT CAN'T RESULT IN A LITTLE FELONY OF KISSING?????????? We already let it culminate in the worst possible thing!!! Maybe it should result in an equally powerful but pleasing thing! We're breaking apart the laws of the world that keep us trapped and limited!!! THIS IS ALREADY BEYOND ACCEPTABILITY!!! there's no way for it to become acceptable! There was n urge and an action broadly considered monstrous committed, for whatever motivation it had (love. the motivation was love!).
I look at Tsukasa, how much he thinks about romance, Valentine's, kissing . and I think. he doesn't even understand he likes or wants that with Amane, I really do not think he does. Furthermore, he doesn't understand he could have it, his little pea can't get that far. That is so sad. Do people imagine his story ends with just being grateful for being Amane's brother ....... ? HE DESERVES ROMANCE !! at the very least he deserves to share his brother's girlfriend ... otherwise what.. he is the 3rd wheel eternally ... ? I know Tsukasa would be grateful for anything, but it's our job to dream.
The Yugi twins, they're supposed to go through all of this, and then, the ultimate result is ... what ... watching Frankenstein together again? Eating mikan?????? they had a great many years of that for one thing, it's a little anticlimactic to just do it again, and for another, THAT'S NOT ENOUUUUUGH!!!! you can't go insane and murder your brother and make him your sacred object, and then all you have to say to him at best is "I like you pretty okay, in the usual brother way, let's go get some ice creams". YOU BETTER GIVE HIM MORE THAN HE THOUGHT POSSIBLE!!! Maybe your brother doesn't hate you, but maybe he also more than likes you! Maybe he's obsessed with you!
I can't imaaaagine!!!! not needing more... like, please!!!! I'VE ALREADY SEEN THEM PLATONICALLY ENJOYING A FESTIVAL ... I know they could, play katanuki or do a puzzle together or, something, I know they read books together ... and it was beautiful... but part 2!!!!! what nonsense it feels like to, eat some shrimps with your brother, go completely insane together and murder-suicide him and turn him into your sacred object to keep him with you, and then .... go eat some shrimps with your brother , again, but I don't know, maybe he, is slightly nicer sometimes this time (???) YOU UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL... !!!! Tsukasa-chan needs you to go a little insane on him in a new way, okay! You gotta lick up his calves and grab him with all your might!!!! and Tsukasa-chan.... you need to beg and plead for Amane until he feels like a God!!! like, but for real, beyond the acceptable amount of worship and adoration, okay!!!! because he's Amane, he's very insecure, and he's very needy, so you need to like, breathe it into his ear every 5 minutes and claw at him, you need to be very pathetic with it, because he needs to feel like your big brother. That might cure his mental illness . The cure has to be as powerful as the ailment. we can't be taking a little ibuprofen for this brain hemorrhage.
it was never enough to simply be together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's too deep, it's too vast!!!!!!
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truevvamp · 5 months
"my iron lung" by Radiohead is not only my favorite song by this band but also I associate it with Harry sofuckinmuchh and I'll try to elaborate about that.
okay so aside from the obvious lung symbolism there're some lyrics which are really interesting
I interpret the whole first verse as a Harry's mental breakdown not only because of the break up but because his faith and strong belief into the best possible life for everyone was ruined by the unjust economic and political reality. (also the lyric "my brain says im receiving pain a lack of oxygen from my life support my iron lung" kinda reminds me of his experience with chronic and mental illnesses)
then the second verse which I interpret as a collective Revacholian trauma (with whom harry grew up) "the scratch our eternal itch a twentieth century bitch and we are grateful for our iron lung" and also "we're too young to fall asleep too cynical to speak we are losing it can't you tell"
also I love how this song sounds it's pretty melancholic at the first half but then it quickly turns out to be really fast and energetic(?)
..so yeah
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mrsaguapapi · 1 year
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3
Chapter 4
Sexual Healing
It's 1:30 pm, 7:30 pm in London, I'm almost ready for my 'date' with my 3-in-1 special. Tonight I wanted to wear something breathtakingly sexy; something that screams fuck me in the car because you can't wait til we're home.
That dream earlier honestly got me so riled up I almost took care of it in the shower but thought I'd save up this pent-up energy for the boys later. I'm wearing a backless mini dress with long flowy sleeves and a low-cut front, as well as a pair of silver heels.
When I say mini, I mean it's well above the knee and the top barely conceals my breasts. This is also the kind of dress where you can't really wear a bra so underneath I'm only wearing a thong. The dress is a thin material covered in iridescent sequins that contrasted well with my dark skin and platinum braids. 
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Artwork By Me
While finishing the last touches of my make up I decided I should probably call Shuri to fill her in on the 'Sexy Fish Man' Situation.
"Hello, my witchy friend how are you?"
"Hey, sis! I'm great getting ready for a night out. I actually wanted to talk about something though."
"What's up?" She replies
"So long story short some voices told me to go to a beach in Yucatan and I met your pointy-eared fish friend and I may have invited him to your ceremony. Before you respond, it is only because he may know some info on my past plus as an academic, I would love to pick his brain."
That came out way too fast.
"What pointy-eared fish man, I have no idea who you're talking about" she laughs uncomfortably
"You are a TERRIBLE liar. His name is Namor, ring any bells?"
"How? How could you possibly know him? I just met him myself. You know he was a major pain in my ass I almost killed that man. "
"It's a very long story I will fill you in when I see you but I mostly wanted to give you a heads up. You also have to bring me up to speed on the attempted murder part."
"It'll probably be good for him to be there, gotta keep the peace and all now that I am the 'Queen Panther'" She laughs "Besides this makes me feel better about having to invite the 'White Wolf'"
"Oh god, Bucky is coming?"
"I know yall have a past but he's practically a Wakandan and he was close to my brother. I know it will be awkward but can you do it for me?"
Sighing I say, "Of course, Just don't expect me to do it sober for it"
Shuri laughs "I'm eternally grateful"
"Yea Yea Yea" I laugh. I look at the time, it's 7:50 pm. "Okay, hun I gotta go before I'm late."
"Alrighty have fun on your night out." we exchange goodbyes and hang up.
Okay, do I have everything?
I didn't bother packing a bag other than my purse full of essentials, specifically my birth control; Whatever else I need I'll just borrow from the boys. I did go ahead and pack a bag for Wakanda that I'll just grab it when I pick up Peter. I grab my sling ring and head to the kitchen to leave a note for Peter.
To my Spider Bro- 
I know you said you'll be good for dinner but I went ahead and prepped a lasagna for you in the fridge; all you have to do is pop it in the oven for 45 min. Be safe, Have a good night, and stay out of my weed stash. Love you!
I pin the note to our fridge and text the boys.
On my way, meet you at the ROXY in 5. *kissy face*
And with that, I open a portal and make my way to the Night Club.
Tonight is pretty packed. I managed to find 2 seats at the bar and saved one for the boys with my purse. They texted a few minutes ago saying they'd be here in a sec. So I go ahead and order them a Rum and Coke while I sipped on some Crown Apple and waited. The music was so loud I could barely think; everyone was talking and dancing, and I couldn't wait to join. It was dimly lit but the little light we had was shining on my dress; kinda made me feel like a disco ball.
Lost in thought I barely noticed the bartender approach me and hand me a drink.
"From the guy at the end of the bar," he says and walks away.
I look over and it's an older man holding up his drink. I politely wave back in thanks and look away praying that would be the end of it. Unfortunately, it was not, he begins to walk toward me.
He stands very close to me and says, "You look very beautiful tonight" he slyly smiles
"Thank you" I reply
He touches my shoulder and swipes some of my hair out of the way, "I've always found black women so sexy"
I shrug away from his touch in disgust, "Okay creep, don't fucking touch me. Just because you buy me a drink doesn't give you a pass to touch me. Also, stop fetishizing black women." I practically hiss.
"Another fucking cock tease I see. "
"Fuck you" I throw the rest of my drink in his face, "How's that for a cock tease?" I laugh
"Fucking bitch!" he raises his hand to hit me. I don't flinch, he will 100% break his hand once he makes contact. He didn't make it that far fortunately for him, my Mr. Knight catches his hand.
"You wanna try that again pal?" It was them and from the voice, it was Marc speaking. He begins to squeeze his hand, this close to breaking it.
The man screams out in pain, "Sorry lady! Won't happen again I swear" he replies half crying.
Marc looks at me for approval to let him go and I nod at him. Marc releases him and the man practically runs away from us.
I look at Marc "Thank you love, but I could have handled it"
"Oh that wasn't for you, I saved that poor man from breaking his hand. You monster." I laugh in pure amusement.
Marc looks so good tonight. He's wearing a simple long sleeve olive green sweater and a pair of black dress pants. His dark curly hair fell so nicely into place and his facial hair was shaved but you could see a little stubble coming out.
Holding my hand out I gesture for him to come closer, "Come here and give me a proper hello" I seductively say.
Marc makes his advance toward me and stands so close to me that I could feel the warmth coming from his body. He holds the side of my face and whispers a little hello before he closes in and kisses me. We started slow and modest; he eventually places his large hand on my lower back and begins to massage it up and down occasionally gripping my ass. 
He pulls away for a sec and begins to speak "You look stunning as ever. I don't know how long we will last before we take you home. Hell, I may bend you over this bar and take you here."
"Believe it or not I do have a good reputation that I'd like to keep, you menace" I hand him his drink "Chug this so we can dance" I smile.
He obliges rather quickly. Once done he slams the glass down on the bar and pulls me behind him. "I'm not much of a dancer. So Steven is going to swap in, okay?"
I shake my head in excitement. Steven may be a sweet awkward bean most of the time, but on the dancefloor, he is a savant. Quite literally a panty dropper.
"Heya Millie! My word you look unreal" It may be dark but I can't tell he's blushing.
He's the sweetest I swear
We make it to the dance floor; he wraps one arm around my waist, and with the other, he takes my hand and begins to lead our dance. He has his leg between mine as we begin to slowly sway our hips. The little friction from this is already driving me wild; I can feel my little heartbeat slowly grow from down below.
"Steven who taught you to slow wind like this?"
"No one, I just watched a lot of Magic Mike. You know, for research"
I laugh "HA Research; well your studies did you some good."
He suddenly dips me and places a hand on my ass. Slowly he moves his hand up to my waist, then to the side of my breast, and lightly squeezes. Steven abruptly pulls me back to him and whispers in my ear.
The Vibe: 
Make It Rain
"I can't wait to peel you out of this little dress of yours." He then pulls me so close to him that I can feel his hard-on through his pants. Just that little contact made me melt.
"We should go" I whisper in his ear.
Steven says nothing but smiles. He pays my tab and we hurriedly make our way outside and begin to walk to the nearest alleyway, so I can make a portal to his place. I take my sling ring out and open one, but before I could walk through, I was interrupted by Steven forcibly pushing me back to a wall. He began to roughly kiss me; it was so intense I could barely breathe but I definitely don't want to stop.
"Millaenyia you look so sexy tonight. I can't wait til we bury ourselves so deep inside you." Never mind, not Steven, this was definitely Jake, he's always been a little rough. The other 2 sometimes worry it's too much but I've always liked to be dominated like this. He takes my hand and puts it on his dick. They were hard as a rock, "See what you do to us?" He then practically tosses me through the portal and follows behind me; fortunately, I land on his bed. I stand and close the portal and toss my sling ring and purse to the floor.
We stand and look at each other for a minute, just taking in the scene. Eventually, I make the first move; This time it's my turn to shove him into the wall. I grab his face to savagely kiss him as I begin to successfully take his shirt off. Frustrated that he couldn't find the zipper on my dress he began to literally tear it off me. He wraps my legs around him and picks me up.
"I hope that wasn't expensive."
"It's served its purpose" I teasingly reply
He lays me on the bed and begins to slowly remove my thong exposing my soaked pussy. Without skipping a beat he drops to his knees, opens my legs, and pulls me to his face. While making eye contact Jake takes my clit to his mouth; slowly but firmly making circles with his tongue.
"Oh fuck, that feels so good." I cry out
Jakes eventually goes wild. My pussy was fueling him; he was licking and sucking every inch of me. It turned him on so much that he unbuckled his pants and began to pump his dick. Every so often he'd let out a soft moan, which drove me absolutely nuts. Jake started to tongue my entrance and suck on my juices, it was like he couldn't get enough of me.
His sheer passion brought me so close to an orgasm already. Jake could feel I was almost there, so he releases his cock and shoves his two fingers in me so abruptly, that I scream out in pain and pleasure. He slightly hooked his fingers and began to move fiercely hitting my g-spot with each pump. Thoroughly enjoying himself, Jake begins to growl into my pussy, and with that my orgasm hits me in waves. It was so overwhelmingly good I could barely breathe.
Jake kisses both my thighs and stands up to wink at me, "Your up Steven."
"Thanks, mate," Steven says. He looks at me "You look so beautiful like that, legs open and out of breath," He then without breaking eye contact licks the 2 fingers that were inside me. "You taste like honey Millie."
Stepping out of his pants he leans over me and gently places a kiss on my forehead," You ready darling?" he asks.
I smile and vigorously shake my head in excitement.
He swiftly flips me over to my stomach and begins to massage my butt. "You have a lovely tight ass" he positions himself over me and begins to slide his dick between my cheeks, slowly moving it up and down. My pussy begins to throb and I can't take it anymore, I want to feel him inside me.
"Please, fuck me, I need you" I plead
"As you wish" Steven shoves himself balls deep inside me. I can't help but moan out from the sudden filling of my pussy. Fiercely gripping my ass he begins a steady pace."Fuck you are so tight." After a while of taking it slow, he then grabs me by the shoulder and takes a handful of my hair, "I'm gonna be a little rough okay?"
I tried to respond with 'okay' but it came out unintelligible.
He chuckles lightly and begins to fuck me like an animal. He was hitting me so deeply that I swear I could feel it in my stomach. With every thrust, his balls would smack my pussy and even that feeling was so good.
"Oh god, oh fuck, don't stop" I felt another orgasm begin to build up.
"Yea you like that? You like being my whore?" He yells
"Oh god yes!" I reply
He roughly pulls my hair which jerks my head up, "Yes What?" he asks
"Yes daddy" I Scream.
Steven begins to smack my ass with every thrust: each time it grew harder and harder. The combination of pleasure and pain was too much and I couldn't hold it anymore. I moan and scream some words I couldn't even understand as my orgasm hit me.
"Fuck you're squeezing our dick so good," Steven says. After coming down from my high he slowly pulls out and helps me roll over. He kisses my chest, "Alright Marc your turn."
He gently moves a braid off of my face, "are you okay?" Marc asks.
I smile and shake my head, "Oh I'm peachy keen" I giggle.
He chuckles a bit and begins to kiss my neck and chest, "God this is what we needed" he begins to suck on my nipple.
I let out a soft moan, and pull his face to mine. "I need you"
He passionately kisses me, exploring my mouth with his tongue; I can still taste myself on him. He's done so much for me tonight It's only fair I return the favor. I flip him over and position myself on top, "Let me take care of you" I beg.
Marc smiles and nods. I grab his dick and slowly lower myself on him, as I watch how he unfolds under me. I began bouncing up and down on his hard cock and enjoying every inch of him. He grabs my ass to help to steady himself as he pumps and meets my thrusts with extra force.
"Fuck baby, you feel so good. I can't take this much longer" he says through his teeth.
"I'm close too; cum with me" I plead
I pick up my pace a bit, watching him enjoy himself was really doing it for me. I lean close to his face and begin to kiss him never slowing my pace. He pulled me closer and began to fuck me harder.
I moan out "Fuck, don't stop, I'm so close"
He began to grunt and growl under me; it was all I needed to reach my climax. My pussy tightened around him so hard that I felt him twitch inside me when he came.
"Fuck" He grunts out
We stay there for a while. Just breathing in each other's faces, coming down from our mutual high. Eventually, I roll off of him, "how was that for a pick me up?" I ask
"Eh needs improvement." He jokes
I smack him with a pillow "I can’t with you" I laugh
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lcstinfantasy · 8 months
Who would you consider the closest friends you've met through RPC?
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random anon
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jokes aside, i do really consider everyone i write with or speak to ooc as a friend. but yes, i am closer to some more than others but that does not diminish the relationship i have with any of you! these people i just tend to talk to on a daily basis and the conversations go deeper that writing or surface level information.
@frxgmcnts, this one is a given. i have been writing and friends with nini for 5 years now. i could not imagine my life without her in it. she listens to me rant and rave all the time about life, plots, issues. just everything. we talk about everything. we vibe and click and i just that's the loml right there. she's stuck with me for eternity and a billion of them after.
@nanlanmo, hil knows how much i love her and how grateful i am for our friendship. we are even planning some trips coming up together and i'm super excited. we joke that we're the same person just different fonts. time lines, issues, life -- it all adds up. my life would be very dull without my theater geek
@gcldenmemories, did y'all not see that coming? sunshine is my love. i find it very hard to instantly click and not feel awkward but man, sunshine came busting into my life like the koolaid man through a wall and it's been amazing ever since. from our ships, to the tiktoks we send. *chefs kiss* we're gonna get married (at this point i've got like 3 wives lol) and live in the mountains and read books when it rains.
@ner0tic, new to list but not any less important, is my witchy sister. you want to talk about an instant click? possession and i can go on RANTS about spiritual shit. i'm pretty sure we had like a 2 hour phone conversation the other night on just some spiritual and universal shit.
@talesfromthevoiid, grandpa may be a pain in the ass but we love him in this house. there have been plenty of times that i've been down in the dumps and jay knows how to just make me laugh or take my mind off it. from tiktok spams (on and off tiktok cause man will spam me on all ways if i don't answer) to advice, i am lucky to call him a friend.
honorable mentions; @fatalframez, @havvkinsqueen, @vionlet, @dozenzofrozez, @atrickrtreat, @anthrcpophagi, @redemptivexheroics
let me reiterate this though, i love every single one of you. i care about every single one of you. i am just TRASH at communication. you can ask any of the people listed and they'd probably tell you i am so bad at it. but i do not half ass friendships, that's just not who i am. so if i tell you i care about you, that we're friends, or that i want to met you, i mean it! you are all special in your own way ❤️ please never doubt your place in the world/rpc, my love for you or just yourself. you matter, you're loved, you're meant to be here.
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aimikokoro · 1 year
Dickkory's family 💜💙
Koriand'r had been in labor for hours, and she and Dick were in the delivery room, waiting anxiously for their baby to arrive. However, the delivery was proving to be more difficult than they had anticipated, and tensions were running high.
Koriand'r let out a moan of pain, and Dick looked at her, worried. "Kori, are you okay? Do you need anything?"
Koriand'r gritted her teeth, "I need this baby to be born already. I can't take it anymore."
Dick tried to comfort her, "I know, Kori. You're doing great. Just hang in there a little longer."
However, as time went on and the delivery didn't progress, Dick's concern turned into frustration. He paced back and forth, his hands clenched into fists.
"Why isn't this baby coming out already? What's taking so long?" he muttered under his breath.
Koriand'r looked at him with concern, "Dick, what's wrong?"
Dick turned to her, his frustration showing on his face, "I just...I can't stand seeing you in so much pain. I want this to be over so badly, but I don't know what to do to help."
Koriand'r reached out and took his hand, "Dick, I know it's hard. But you have to stay strong for me. We're in this together."
Dick looked at her, his eyes softening, "You're right, Kori. I'm sorry. I'll do whatever it takes to help you."
As the minutes ticked by, the tension in the room continued to mount. Koriand'r was exhausted and in a lot of pain, and Dick was on edge, fearing for her safety and the safety of their baby.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the baby arrived, crying loudly as she took her first breath. Koriand'r let out a sigh of relief, tears streaming down her face, while Dick's expression of worry turned into one of joy and amazement.
"It's a girl," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Koriand'r smiled through her tears, "Our baby girl. She's beautiful."
Dick leaned over and kissed her forehead, "Yes, she is. And she's worth every second of the wait."
As they held their new baby girl, all their worries and frustrations melted away. They were overjoyed to have her in their arms, and grateful for the experience of bringing her into the world, together as a team. As a family.
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ramonag-if · 1 year
Is there a reason you had to make me cry?? I was not expecting to get this emotional over a man thay I hated, disobeyed and treated like utter crap by being a brat. But come on !! I didnt think THAT would happen.
Superb writing so far, chefs kiss -
Perhaps I just like making people cry 👀😅
I'm assuming we're talking about Ahlf? I figured that I needed to show another part of his relationship with the MC since it was very one-sided in the prologue. There will be more added scenes when I go back to do edits, so expect more angst and pain 😂
Thank you so much for playing and I'm so happy that you were moved by my writing. It still surprises me how many people actually say they were moved to tears, so thank you! I'm eternally grateful for your support ❤️️
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maybe “sweet sunsets” for the fake fic title
Hi anon!!!! Thank you so much for the title ask!!! I have been having an absolute BLAST with these!!! 🥰
You sat on the cliff's edge, your legs swinging gently as they hung hundreds of feet above the rolling sea below. Watching as the sun began to dip ever further into the water, you closed your eyes as you soaked in the last of its rays. "Why do you always insist on meeting me here?" A voice from behind you called out. You smiled though you knew he couldn't see it with your back to him. "Because I like watching the sunset. Since I switched my schedule to match yours, I don't get to see the sun as much. Well... still more than you do." You finally looked over your shoulder at him. Though he was huddled in the darkest shadows at the edge of the forest, you could still see Javy shaking his head at you. You stood up and walked over to the treeline. Offering out your hand, you added, "Besides, I know you enjoy your brief glimpse of the sun as well."
Hesitantly, Javy inched his hand forward, pausing for a second before extending it out of the protection of the forest shade. However, the sun had dipped down until only the faintest red glow peeked out above the water and the sky had already begun to darken into purples and blues so nothing happened. He reached out further and took your hand. Raising it to his mouth, he pressed his lips against you, the sharp points of his teeth tracing the pulsing vein in your wrist. "One of these days, this plan of yours is going to backfire." "Maybe. But we're careful. And aren't a few singed fingers worth watching the sunset with me?" You led him back to the edge of the cliff and you both sat down. "I never would have thought so, but yeah. Yeah, they are." He looked out at the water and sighed. "Before I met you, I never thought I would see the sun again. I thought I was doomed to a life of darkness and shadows. But you... you changed all that. You showed me how to find joy in even the smallest glimmer of light. And for that, I am eternally grateful." You leaned your head on his shoulder and hummed, "You know, you are one of the only people in the world who can say that and actually mean it." "Literally," he chuckled softly. But then he became more serious. "If this ever gets to be too much for you, you'll tell me, right? I know what the legends say about my kind, but I would never force you into anything you don't want." You lifted your head and stared deeply into his face, confused. "Javy, where is this coming from? Did I do something wrong?" "No! Never!" he assured you. "It's just... you've had to change everything about your life to be with me. And soon, you'll have to make a choice that you can never come back from. I just want to make sure you know what you're doing." Taking his face between your hands, you say, "I love you. Now and for however long I walk this earth. I know what I will be giving up but it's worth it if I can stay with you. I told you six months ago when you explained all of this. If you let me choose today, tomorrow, or next year, my answer will always be the same. I want to spend forever by your side. No matter the cost." As Javy's eyes darted across your face for a second, you weren't sure what he was thinking. But then, he nodded. "Alright. I'll do it." You dropped your hands in surprise. "Really? Now?" "If that's what you want?" "Yes! Please, Javy! It's all that I want!" You scampered into his lap and tilted your head so your neck was exposed. Bending over, he ran his lips against your tender skin, then stopped just below your jaw and placed a kiss there. You felt his lips move against your throat as he whispered, "I love you." And then his teeth plunged into your neck. For a moment, it was the worst pain you had ever experienced. Your survival instincts kicked in and you began to thrash in his grasp, trying to escape. However, Javy had been expecting this and he held you firmly in place. And soon, the pain faded away leaving only a pleasant numbness that spread throughout your body. Everything grew heavier and you slumped limply into his arms. As he continued to drink, to turn you into a creature like him, you were just able to make out the last glow of the sun disappearing from the night sky. And your last thought before you blacked out was how much sweeter the sunset seemed when you realized it might be your last.
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it
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