#well basically putting human mc in game right?
wolfsetfree-if · 5 months
Honestly, that was my plan. I am considering letting MC shift early mainly only because I am afraid some readers will be left frustrated by being forced to stay in animal form even if they want to shift...
I think that is a valid concern... maybe allowing a small flashback to our old pack and our old human form before capture might satisfy the readers if you are worrying about them feeling frustrated
Oh, this is an interesting idea!
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astaroth1357 · 8 months
I have long wanted to write a headcanon where high demons have lesser forms, so take a walk with me on this:
Imagine that the brothers are fighting with each other and one of them takes a serious hit, like, somebody's left hook got them right in the jaw and it was brutal. They fall to the ground, stone cold, and... just. Poof into a tiny little critter. Like a verison of their familiar. And they can't retake human form until they've rested and healed their wounds.
I'm doing that.
Lucifer becomes this fat-ass, little peacock. He's like one of those rotund Chocobo from the Final Fantasy universe, you just want to pick him up and squeeze him but he's slightly too heavy for that. His feathers are black, save for the tail which have black, red, blue, and green markings. If something makes him "Poof!" then he'll hide away in the Castle because he refuses to let his brothers ever see him in that state. MC can visit him, though, and he'll coo and get all fluffy whenever they pet his tummy.
Mammon turns into a three-eyed raven, but not fat like Luci. He basically becomes a bigger verison of one of his familiars, he's about the size of an eagle. For being the second strongest he gets "Poof!-ed" rather often because he gets caught up in so many fights. Most of the time, he's just a bystander then some stray shot hits him and suddenly he's squawking everybody's ear off! Hilariously, he's arguably smarter in this form so when he's stuck as a bird, his grades actually improve (if anyone can read his actual chicken scratch penmanship).
Levi becomes a snake. Duh. He has similar markings along his back to the colorful scales on his neck in his demon form. He isn't even the length of your average scarf, so MC can drape him behind their neck easily and he doesn't get in the way. He's absolutely MISERABLE like this, though, because he has no hands to play games with. He can get extra clingy to people if he's feeling cold, but MC has to invite him to share their body heat because he's too shy to signal what he wants.
As much as Satan would love to be a cat, he becomes a little unicorn (Sorry, I didn't make the lore). He's about the size of one of those miniature horses, but don't be fooled. He will snap your kneecaps and he's at perfect height to rear-kick his brothers right in the crotch. His coat is black but his tail, mane, and the underside of his horn are all his signature green. If he every gets "Poof!-ed!" he's big mad, so he'll spend the entire time trying to kick and spear his brothers so they have to suffer along with him. He's the cause of a lot of chain "Poof!-ings."
Asmo becomes the smallest, cutest scorpion you ever did see. Well, as cute as scorpions can be. His whole body becomes hot pink and he has the biggest widdle eyes (think those jumping spiders who wear raindrops on their heads type energy). He's also venomous as all hell, so his brothers HAVE to make sure that they continously call him "small, cute, and adorable" lest they suffer a week's worth of paralytic toxin. He can fit the palm of a hand and makes MC tie a little bow around his tail so he doesn't feel too bad about being under-dressed.
Beel, unfortunately, becomes a fly. A big fly (by fly standards), but a fly nonetheless. You wouldn't even know that it's him if he weren't traffic cone orange. Literally everyone panics when he gets "Poof!-ed" because it would only take some bozo with a swatter to put an end to the sweetest brother... Belphie never lets Beel out of his sight and even has a tiny leash so he can keep track of him if they have to go out. He's a lot easier to feed like this, but everyone has to resist that automatic urge to smack him away from their dinner plates.
Belphie ironically has the largest lesser form out of his brothers. He's a cow, more specifically a bull, but there's nothing special about him aside from the navy fur. He is a full grown bull and he loves to lord it over the others if they all get "Poof-ed!" at once. Also, good luck getting him to do ANYTHING in this form. He is a bull. If he does not want to move, he will not be moving. Not even Beel can carry him like this. He's the only brother who doesn't mind getting "Poof-ed!" all that much because of it.
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smahell · 1 month
is there a villain in obey me?
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yes. according to this simple search, diavolo is the antagonist we should fear. and date. and collect cards of. for some reason.
this was sent in a discord server I was in as a very very obvious joke (hopefully) and this result is surely ai generated, or google's done a whoopsie-doodle and taken something off of reddit.
yes, diavolo can assert himself as an antagonistic force, but all of his actions are always within logical reason. though it may be against the wishes of the brothers and MC, he always does what is right for the devildom, whether that may be putting lucifer on house arrest, or locking belphegor away from his brothers.
diavolo is literally just trying his best, and he's been doing that since his father basically dumped the responsibility of a whole realm on his shoulders and abandoned him to sleep at the bottom of the devildom. his past is genuinely so sad.
so, who's the villain in obey me????
you could certainly say it's belphie.. but you can also date him. belphie changes through our the story, and as of right now, he holds nothing against humans and anyone in general. though it was a short span of time, he has gained the (somewhat undeserving) forgiveness of everyone around him after trying to kill MC.
like yes, michael, but it's very obvious with him disguising himself as raphael, going against god's will, and even his manipulation of the brothers that he wants the brothers back, and still sees them as family. even if that may not be reciprocated.
you could say father. but in a sense, lilith broke the rules, and so did the brothers. they all needed to be punished accordingly. and the brothers still refer to him as "father" and not by any other name. they don't hate him as of now.
they feel sympathy. an attachment. a connection.
in the og where michael was mentioned once or twice, the fandom was quick to assign him as The Bad Guy™, but getting to know him through nb, he really is just like all the other characters in terms of role. and throughout nb michael is doted on fondly by the brothers. it's that sort of difficult familial love estranged families can relate to.
are these good decisions? no
but he's not a villain.
if you lost the loving family and friends you knew, and you had the power to get them back through such unconventional means... michael is just using the powers he was given.
"so then.. maddie's the bad guy." okay grandpa, let's get you back to your wheelchair..
she's barely even mentioned for starters, and from what I've heard, she's not even been mentioned in nb. all she's done is made mammon cry at some point, and tried to marry diavolo. she might be a shitty person, yes, but she's never even involved enough to make out lives, or even all the brothers's lives a living nightmare. she's a very minor nuisance, at most.
all the characters do something antagonistic. every single one of them. if there was a villain it would discredit the fact that the game isn't about heroes and villains and morality, but about people. and that's what makes obey me so good. and if there was (a villain), the story would've ended by now, long before the franchise's fifth anniversary. ****
every character is morally grey, and the fact that it leaves it up to the player to annotate what is good and bad makes the whole experience more immersive and personal than ever. however, it speaks volumes concerning a lack of media comprehension that anyone would try to assign a villain to obey me.
obey me is about dating silly demon boys, and watching people live, whether that be in peace and harmony, or in tense, on-the-brink-of-destruction moments. the story has no need of a true antagonist, when we have well developed and wide range of characters gets that impact the story no matter what. enjoy the game, hate or love the characters.. whether they're antagonists or not, just have fun.
****(because the devs weren't very good at writing the first game.. so I doubt they could've had the support to have written a second one)
[edit: this was brainstormed between @prettylittlelambs and i on discord :3 thank you for sort of inspiring me and going me come up with more ideas]
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So one of my recent posts on Solomon ended up getting a lot more attention than expected. A lot of people chimed in and shared their own thoughts on his character and actions and made very good points both in his defense and against him.
I myself got to think more about his character and went to revisit some lessons in the og game to try and understand him further and I wanted to share some of those things here.
So let's get into it:
One of the main things I want to talk about here is one of the points brought up by other players in defense of Solomon and his "this is how demons are usually treated" line. Basically that we don't know how other humans treat demons they have a pact with and that MC might really be the odd one out here.
To discuss this point, I thought it was important to go back and remember what exactly a pact is and how it's most commonly formed. And this, this is something Levi explains in the very first lesson of the game when we ask him what a pact is.
And this is what he answers:
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So I think it's safe to assume that this is or was one of the most common ways of making a pact. A human wants power (the demons' strength, as Levi puts it), and they summon the demon to get it. But in exchange for that power, they have to give away their soul and be bound to that demon for the rest of their lives.
There's one thing missing though, right? Because that's not the only thing a human gets when entering a pact, as we know of course when pact is made a master x servant sort of dynamic is formed between the human and demon involved, and a power imbalance is put into place.
But...not quite? Because in this specific case, the human is giving away their SOUL, their very being, and very likely only ticket to get into heaven. And so on one side we have a human giving away their soul and simultaneously a life in paradise, and a demon giving away their freedom to serve said human for as long as they stay alive on the other.
And looking from this perspective, it doesn't seem that unfair of a deal or that much of a power imbalance. And if it does, it weighs more on the demon's power over the human, since their soul will belong to them for the rest of eternity to be used however said demon wishes (to eat, enslave, have as companion, or whatever). And of course the human has the ability all of that as well, for as long as they're alive that is.
And that? That on paper I think creates a very good dynamic. Because the human will know not to abuse their power being aware that at some point tables will turn and the position of "master" will be passed on to the demon. It's a promise: "I won't misuse my power, and in exchange, you'll do the same when I die".
But as I said, that only looks good on paper, because we don't know the consistency on which said promises are followed through. Since of course, the demon could simply ignore the human's actions and be a "cruel master" regardless.
And I'm thinking these promises were probably most often broken than not, considering how Solomon views demons and seems to bare a fair amount of resentment towards them, and how most demons still view humans as "food", "lesser beings" and "not worth connecting with".
And this here is where I bring the second method of making a pact into the table (that Levi also explains how it works once MC tells him they don't want to give away their soul):
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My theory is that this second way of making a pact became popular once humans started to realize the first one wasn't working on their favor.
"I won't give you my soul, but I will give you something you want in exchange for your power."
And so pacts as we know came about, a human wants a demon's power, and in exchange, they have to offer the demon something they find worthy enough to be willing to give away their freedom to get it.
And this is exactly how MC's pact with Mammon was made. They find something Mammon desperately wants (Goldie) and offer it to him in exchange for a pact. And I guess you could see this as manipulation, considering MC and Levi pretty much pressured him into doing it at the moment (something some of you brought up to defend Solomon, "the way MC made a pact with Mammon was also bad so you gotta question their morals too").
But anyway, my point is: pacts became an exchange of something, rather than a soul. And with this in mind, I can see how a human could manipulate a demon into getting a pact with them and maybe even abuse their power over a demon as a way to retaliate over the treatment humans were getting from them.
And going back to Solomon again... we have to acknowledge that he grew up in a time where the 1° method to make a pact was most common, a time where demons walked freely through the human world doing whatever they wanted. (it's not that way anymore because the passages to get to the human world have been shut down by Diavolo, as Lucifer explains in the next screenshots).
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Right after he says this Mammon brings up the fact that only Diavolo, Lucifer, and Barbatos can use that method freely nowadays and that he wishes HE could go to the human world whenever he wanted as well. To which Lucifer answers:
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And although Lucifer says this decision was made because Mammon kept causing trouble in the human world, the way I saw it this line was much more him trying to drag Mammon down than actually stating a fact.
"We had some problems up in the human world that necessitated a change in our policy."
Problems, problems... demons doing unspeakable things to humans, perhaps? Something that definitely didn't fit Diavolo's vision of peace between realms once he took over the kingdom? Very likely, yes. So they shut down the main passage between the Devildom and the human world to stop or at least decrease the number of atrocities caused by demons who went there seeking bloodshed all around (there are still other ways to travel there, though they're much more complicated).
But Solomon, yes, Solomon at this point had already seen it all. At this point he had already developed hatred and distrust towards demon kind, and a want to make humans be seen as more than prey in the eyes of demons and poor little creatures that need to be protected in the eyes of angels.
So we understand his reasons. He grew up in a time (and lived through thousands and thousands of years) where demons walked freely through earth. This man witnessed all kinds of horrible things being done to humans in the hands of the demon kind, and it was during those times (or a short time after) that he met Asmo - one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom, brother of Lucifer himself - drunk out of his mind on a tavern.
Solomon immediately went starry-eyed at the realization, what he had there was a one in a million chance. An opportunity to grow even more powerful, to get closer to Lucifer and get more recognition, to be the human who can represent humanity as neither prey nor weakling, to be the first human both worlds respect and see as a force to be reckoned with.
It's a chance to bring his dream closer to reality.
So he doesn't care about the moralities of it, he really doesn't. This in front of him is a demon, and demons have done terrible things to humans over the centuries!
And so he manipulates Asmo into making a pact with him. There it is, that's how we got here.
If you think all of this excuses his actions, it's up to you. And if you think all of this doesn't excuses his actions, it's up to you as well.
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666writingcafe · 6 months
The Final Boss
MC is too smart for their own good. And it's making them fail my test.
Have they demonstrated an understanding of Beel's powers? Yes. Have they used those powers to defeat their foes? Yes, and in an impressive fashion, I might add.
But the fire they normally have is missing.
"You've noticed it too, haven't you?" Asmo scooches closer to me and looks into the viewing ball I set up. "The passion's not there." I sigh.
"I suppose it's my fault for allowing your brothers to pick out the location of this test," I tell him. "I would have simply reserved an arena in the Devildom and have the battle there, but Satan insisted that this game of Levi's would be perfect."
"As if MC doesn't know the tropes of a RPG game."
"I mean, even if they had no knowledge whatsoever before the exchange program, Levi would have at least taught them the basics." Asmo runs a hand through his hair to get some of it off his face. "Do you remember the first time you made full and complete use of my powers?"
"All too well." It was during a threesome with a girl we both liked. To put it simply, we fed off each other's lust and inadvertently overstimulating her to the point of death.
Asmo likes to joke about it sometimes. I don't.
"So, how do we get MC to do what you're asking?" Right. The task at hand.
"To be honest, I don't know," I answer. "I suspect they'll put more energy into their battle with me, but I don't know if it'll be enough to bring out all of Beelzebub's power."
"Why now?"
"What do you mean?"
"You've never been this invested in your apprentices becoming sorcerers." Asmo pauses. "Does MC mean that much to you?"
"You already know the answer to that." He sighs.
"Yes, but I want to hear you say it! Do you know how tiring it is to constantly use my powers to get dirt on people? It's so exhausting!"
"Yes, what?" The patronizing look in his eyes makes me want to barf.
"I care about MC. A lot. They're the first human in a long time that I see myself having a future with." I pause. "Is that good enough for you, Asmodeus?" He playfully snarls like a cat, bending his fingers to look like claws.
"What an attitude!" he exclaims, smiling at me.
"You annoy me."
"Only because I care." Asmo glances back into the ball, appearing to think. "What if we upset MC?"
"No." Asmo huffs.
"I'm not saying we make them destroy the game or anything that extreme! I just think that if we tease them a little bit, we'd get them to feel something other than sheer boredom."
"Teasing might work. Just not on MC. They'll get too flustered to focus properly." I pause as an idea pops into my head. "Your brother, on the other hand..." Asmo's eyes widen before gleefully laughing.
"That's it! Oh, Solomon, you're such a genius!"
"How, exactly?" I'm asking because I want to know where his mind went, because he seldom complements me in a professional setting.
"You see, MC hates when we're reduced to our sins. That was why it took them so long to warm up to me; I wasn't being my true self, but merely a caricature. If I act like gluttony is Beel's only personality trait, then MC will feel the need to jump to his defense, thus triggering that connection you told me about." Interesting...
"You do realize that MC will be controlling your brother, right? The more angry they get, the stronger Beel will become, and I'm pretty sure you don't want him pummeling you." Asmo makes a dismissive noise.
"I'll be fine! Don't worry about me. Any injuries I sustain will be temporary." He smiles, nudging me with his elbow. "I want MC to become an official sorcerer as much as you do, you know."
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Platonic obey me brothers reaction to MC dating Solomon?
Absolutely! I also added that brothers have a little crush on MC while discovering they're dating Solomon since I LIVE for ANGST~ (hope you don't mind) but despite that, I hope you'll enjoy this <3
Brothers react to reader dating Solomon
TagList: @indi-has-fallen @vodka-glrl @miya-akane
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⊱ Lucifer really thought that you know your own value but... is Solomon really your best choice?
⊱ at first he really tried to find some rational reasons why you could fall for him but as much as he tried, it didn't work
"What is it that they see in him? Let me think... high status, good at magic, troublemaker, always interrupting, loud... no, I don't know what they see in him."
⊱ yeah, he don't understands it all...
⊱ also, he'll never admit it but he does feel like you could've done better, he's not feeling angry or jealous, he just thinks you could do better than dating troublemaker like him
⊱ sure, he'd much prefer if you dated him but someone else who's reliable and little serious would definitely be much better for role of your lover
⊱ whenever you tell him about your recent date, he'd always find something to complain about and it always has to do with your boyfriend
⊱ honestly, if you'd get 1 grimm for every time he "sercretly" suggested you break up with him, you'd be like a millionaire right now
"That doesn't sound like enjoyable date to me. Although everyone have their preferences, I assume..."
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⊱ you don't know how sad Mammon was when he discovered that you're dating sorcerer, of course if you told him yourself then you probably did since he's really bad at pretending he doesn't care
⊱ for first couple of days after discovering that, he probably avoided you and if you'd ask him about it, he'd say he simply has some business to do
"What ya mean I'm avoiding ya?! THE Mammon simply has business to do! Those sweet money don't come that easily, ya know?"
⊱ he probably won't admit it but the truth it, he'll give up every single grimm he has just to be at that sorcerer human place
⊱ I swear if you ever be all lovey dovey with Solomon while he's watching, he'll start making disgusting face or maybe even leave the room
⊱ suprisingly tho, he never insulted your boyfriend around you just because he's dating you, sure, he made some face of disgust but he usually is nice compared to some of his other brothers
⊱ I dare you to tell him about your date and he'll start complaining sooo much about it
"Alright, well I don't really care about that stupid date of yours! C'mon don't waste my time and let's do what we supposed to in the first place!"
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⊱ looking at fact that Levi is literally Avatar of Envy, you can only imagine how much jealousy he felt in that moment
⊱ boy literally can't sleep at night because he's thinking if he's really worse that Solomon
⊱ trust me when I say that he actually tried to find some points putting him in better light but he ended up understanding why you picked human sorcerer over him...
⊱ that doesn't change the fact that he can't sleep at night, he still can't but instead of thinking he just feels sad and maybe game all night to focus on something else
"Am I really that bad...? I mean I must be better than Solomon at least! He's talented, smart, handsome, successful... yeah, no, I am worse..."
⊱ this boo is on his phone basically all the time and when your partner is around, he's not even looking up from his phone, even if it's just staring on his wallpaper
⊱ of course he'd prefer if you'd just broke up with him but then again, you're always so nice to him so there's no way HE will bring his friend down
⊱ so if you ever try telling him about your date, he'll be silent and just add from time to time something like "oh yeah, that's nice"
"That's nice... have a nice date then, I assume... I will just... play in my room... alone..."
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⊱ again, someone who's sin affects his reaction, as an Avatar of Wrath, Satan will be furious when he discovered you're dating the sorcerer
⊱ although obviously he tried to control himself since he doesn't want to scare you away and that wouldn't be very polite of him, so as much as he hates it, he's trying it be calm
⊱ don't be surprised if he randomly leaves tho, better that then him yelling at you or your boyfriend
"That's one way to suffer in your life... No, I'm not complaining or anything. You're free to do anything you want."
⊱ he'll try to not say anything mean when your partner is around but he will send him some states filled with pure madness from time to time
⊱ unlike others, he doesn't even try to find some positives in Solomon but he still sees why you'd choose him
⊱ as much as he'd like to just beat up say mean stuff to your partner, he also wouldn't want to harm your opinion on him
⊱ alright but talking to him about your date is something he definitely won't be able to handle so he'll probably just straight up tell you that he's not interested
"Sorry to brak it up to you but I don't have slightest interest in your date."
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⊱ finally, one of the boys who's actually supportive of your relationship even tho it hurts him
⊱ Asmo definitely was you biggest supporter when you told him you're dating sorcerer, like he accepted it easily or even knew from beginning that you're going to be together
⊱ of course on every sleepover with him, he absolutely has to ask you everything about your boyfriend
⊱ part of him just likes the gossips and the other just wants to make sure he's treating you like you deserve
"Alright, hon, we're having sleepover at my room today! How's that, huh?"
⊱ his behavior doesn't really change much after you found a new boyfriend, sure, he is slightly less affectionate with you but that's really it
⊱ as you can imagine, he's all in for listening about how your date went and even will give you some nice recommendations on to where to have another one
"Let me think... Do you want date in formal or fun style? If formal, I'd mostly suggest you ask Beel for restaurants recommendations... If fun then I might just have couple of places in mind~"
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⊱ another one that's completely supportive despite being sad you didn't choose him
⊱ Beel won't ask for any details but he'll gladly listen to what you have to say about your new lover
"Congratulations! I'm happy that both of you are now happy together!"
⊱ it's a little different when telling him about your date, he'll ask for details just to make sure you had a great time there
⊱ I know he's sweet and all but let me tell you something: he WILL beat up Solomon if he hurts you, if not then he's safe!
⊱ he doesn't really act any different towards you or your partner, he's still his same and usual sweet self
⊱ although he is more hungry and always has to snack on something when you start talking about your boyfriend but he's telling you it's just his gluttony
⊱ while that's not fully a lie, it's also not complete truth, he also prefers to have something else to focus on, as much as he enjoys listening how happy you are in your relationship, it also makes him sad it's not him
"Ah? About your date? Yeah, of course you can tell me about it! I'd be glad to listen! Just let me grab some snacks first."
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⊱ I'm so sure Belphie would be last one to know about your relationship, like maybe he just slept through your monologue about you getting a boyfriend
⊱ but once he finally discovers that, he'll act like he completely don't care but looking at how much he naps, it's easy to say that it's a lie
⊱ whenever you even try to start the topic of your boyfriend, he'll simply reply that he's too lazy to listen and much rather to take a nap
"Are you gonna ramble? Alright, then you ramble and I'll take a nap. Goodnight."
⊱ it's even worse when you try to tell him about your date, if you start, he's ready to even leave the room
⊱ change in his behavior really will depend on how close you were before you started dating Solomon
⊱ if you were close then nothing will change except him randomly falling asleep when topic of your boyfriend starts, but if you weren't so close them he's slightly distancing himself from you
⊱ similar to Beel tho: your boyfriend hurts you and he hurts him but unlike his twin, he's not afraid to tell that to his face
"Tell me if he will ever do something to you. I'll make sure to have some chat with him if he does."
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Oh we are so BACK
When I tell you I saw this and died. HELLO?????
Anyway, I should probably try to make some attempt at describing the event since. If I don't I'll just be barking/crying/hiding my face for the next twelve hours.
Basically--and I'm not sure this is going to be across the board, but it held true for Napoleon and Sebastian at least--each suitor has a birthday event this year instead of a separate story. Comte's won't be released until tomorrow, but they have posted a preview.
From what I gather, he talks a little bit about himself and reveals parts of his past that haven't come to light in the game yet. There wasn't really enough to convey a coherent narrative beyond attending a party, but the line displayed here does get across the larger theme:
Comte: (I don't need momentary pleasure or ephemeral affection any longer. Now that I know love, there's nothing but you.)
He talks about how the aristocracy have thrown parties and extravagant celebrations for his birthday for most of his life. But none of it has ever really made him happy, largely because he knows that they are attempts to strengthen and broadcast power relations within high society. While I don't think he means it's entirely devoid of well wishes, I do think he sees it as a nexus of influence--and thus, by nature, impersonal. And honestly, I don't think he's wrong about that; the higher the echelon in social standing, the more it requires performance to maintain the position.
That being said, there is a fascinating flashback where he remembers a pureblood telling him about how falling in love with a human is an experience of another caliber entirely. My understanding is that Comte was still a fairly young vampire at the time, so he didn't really understand what the person was getting at. It seems like the other pureblood was trying to convey the difference in feeling, perhaps the fact that humans are more grounded in accordance with how they live--the reality and necessity of change.
After reading this--and the recent 5th bday story--I can absolutely see how change is something Comte has a complicated relationship with. He's known a certain way of life for so long, has constructed a sensibility of distant, rational maturity. After all the heartbreak of his youth, and two very acute traumatic events in his life, I can see why he'd be so afraid of broaching any kind of proximity with another person. Because on some level it's so much easier not to put your feelings on the line, to never have to fear devastating loss. And that's to say nothing of the worry of being unable to measure up on behalf of another person, of letting them down.
I'm so excited to see the rest of the contents, but something about the preview made me equal parts giddy and enamored (all I do is kick my feet with excitement LOL). I think what gets to me with Comte is that he truly does love companionship as a place to rest, a place where he can be honest about himself and his feelings without fear of ridicule (and the same goes for MC). In a world increasingly obsessed with surface level performances of power, status, and emotion, it's hard not to feel his exhaustion to the core.
Also, because these lines at the end more or less destroyed me in the best possible way:
MC: ...The you who had nowhere to belong no longer exists. In much the same way...Abel, I belong to you. Comte: ... Comte: I wish I could say to myself all those years ago, the me who kept indulging in such paltry things. Comte: Until you meet MC, you will never know love... The warmth of MC in my arms filled me with such joy I was near tears. (I don't need momentary pleasure or ephemeral affection any longer. Now that I know love, there's nothing but you.) The moment my lips found hers, the sweetness lit a fire deep in my body. Comte: These cute lips that melt against mine, the heat of your skin, the love that envelops me in your embrace--always leaves me so deeply in love with you.
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nomagicartz · 3 months
Pleaseeee tell us more about your TC lore :3c it's been a delight to see old mc art in this day and age and the middleschooler in me is having a blast
cracks my knuckles . chat ur in for a long one and this is just basics
TC lore okay basics . world works like if minecraft and real life were combined . game things yknow . think mcsm .
World is split up into three sections, the main lands (occupied by players), the oceans (occupied by various aquatic races), and the farlands (occupied by elves), as seen here,
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Elves are quite uncommon in the main lands ! Most fled to the farlands when notch ascended to godhood or whatnot
TC's story mainly takes place in the main lands !
got that cool okay now for actual tc things
TC is a sort of special group sent on various missions to keep the main lands safe. Sometimes they are in battles and sometimes theyre just off to go meet some king or smth
For a majority of the story, several aquatic nations are at war with many land kingdoms. The war started right after a major virus outbreak (zombie infection if you will, taken from Endstone and the older Truemu stories)
Okay time for the actual team in . Almost oldest to youngest order (Except for ssun and husky)
Ssun is the 'leader' of tc, being the second eldest and the one with the most combat knowledge. He's pretty against anyone else going on combat missions, this guy is a boydad . Unfortunately his eyes are sensitive to light, so hes rockin shades all the time to help
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Husky is the healer, being the eldest he prefers to be out of direct combat. They're the glue that keeps the team from falling apart, being the one that has the braincell .
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Mitch is the best up front fighter for the team! He's literally coded to be a fighter, and good lord does he get even better once he gets his fancy sword (as seen in the Warzone music video). He is the one token straight, and is very brutal with his words
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Jerome is the second best fighter ! He is a heavy hitter, switching between an axe and a mace for fights ! hes the family dog and weighted blanket /j
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Sky is the second team 'leader', despite his lack of braincells, hes pretty good at quick thinking! They keep the morale up and often is the "face man" ! this guy just fucking rocks shades for no reason . adhd central pt 1 over here
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Ty is. well . hes there. Hes there to look good and to chew gum and hes all out of gum /j (Ty and sky are a package deal)
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Jason ! He's the mechanic (and the dj)! Fuckin guy made his own spacesuit and weapons ! Everyone else out here using swords and bows this guy is using literal guns ! His suit doubles as mobility aids (Specifically his lower half, his boots / leg pads have support and compression sleeves built in :]) adhd central pt 2
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Seto ! this guy is the youngest of the team, often put outside of combat both because hes not built for it and Ssun will not let a kid fight. He uses his magic to help defend and distract the enemy! this fuckin guy is autistic as hell, but thats okay his spinterest in magic and elven history helps alot
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okay time for out of context fun facts that i may expand on more later someone remind me to do that
there are two types of players, born and spawned (Age is based on body age, not how long one has been conscious), all mobs and elves are born, but not all players are spawned (or human)
Jason, sky, ty and seto are all under the trans umbrella ! Trans rights and wrongs
Jason was trapped in space for 4 going on 5 years . its where he taught himself how to build suits (Even with many failure)
Ty is somehow the most mentally stable team member
no one here is fully human. the one closest to being fully human is like . Jason i think
They r one big happy family chat trust me
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alena209 · 6 months
Maya and The Three: a general analysis
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Today, I bingewatched Maya and The Three (will be shortened to Mat3 from now on), from episode 1 to 9, generally because of a good friend of mine, @rainbowcutie1789 . If not for her, than I'd probably would not even know anything about the show. And by the way, this was a part of a game of Truth or Dare that I played with her (I dared myself and her that we'd watch our favorite shows. She watches my favorite, I watch her favorite), She's watching Ren & Stimpy, by the way (she likes it quite a bit)
This post has (spoilers) for the show, but Let's start!
Mat3 is a linear show consisting of 9 episodes, and its plot is Maya going on an adventure with the three warriors (Rico - The Rooster, Chimi - The Skull and Picchu - The Puma) as a part of the true Prophesy (hence why the main group are at times called "The Prophecy Friends") to defeat Lord Mictlan (the main antagonist of the show). The show will probably take around ~4:30-5 hours for ya.
Maya - the poster girl of the series*
*a poster girl (out of "poster boy") is when a character (usually the main character, female in this case) becomes the character that the show is generally associated with and appears as the main focus in promotional material such as, well, posters.
Maya is one of the main characters of the show and (as I said) the poster girl of the series. She's half-human, half-god (so a demigod), being the biological daughter of Lady Micte, the goddess of death and King Teca (guess who he is). She's raised by King Teca and Queen Teca (her stepmother). It's basically confirmed in the show that she falls in love with Zatz, one of her former enemies, former emissiary of Lord Mictlan and the son of Camazotz.
In a nutshell, Maya's generally a brave, adventurous girl.
Great MC and poster girl, 9/10
Zatz - The Prince of Bats, poster boy of the series?
Zatz is the prince of bats, being sort of the poster boy of the series, but mostly because of his handsome design, with a generally glorious, but Gothic-like appearance, as he derives from The Underworld (hell?). As I said, he's Maya's romantic partner, that's why I put him right next to Maya in this post.
Can't say much about the guy, but he's a chill dude, 9/10
Rico - The Rooster (hehe he's like Rico from Brawl Stars)
Rico's generally my favorite character in this show because of his personality. He's just a silly talkative guy! He's a magician and he can use two types, one from his apparently sentient staff Estefan (hehe, get it?) and his more powerful and dangerous type, peasant magic. He's generally a really expressive character for me, that's why he's my favorite.
He was cowardly at first, as we learn from his backstory that
(SPOILER ALERT) when he was at his (likely first) magic talent show, he made fun at by other people when he tried to do magic and he used his Peasant magic, in turn destroying the Luna Auditorium as a whole.
He did start to embrace his magic and used his peasant magic and eventually Estefan.
I love him! Such a silly little guy! 10/10 character.
Chimi - The Skull
Chimi comes from the jungle and was raised there, as she was feared by her people for being albino (and thus, having a very pale look) (being called "Monstruo Blanco" (White Monster))
She's grown to be an excellent archer and somehow speaks perfect English, despite being raised in the jungle?
She paints her face like a skull, likely for her deceased mother, hence why Picchu calls her "Bones girl".
Cool ass character, 10/10
Picchu - The Puma (hehe, his name is like Pichu the Pokemon)
Picchu is the barbarian of the main group. Mercy is his motivation, as he thinks that it's something that he wouldn't give, but it's who he was. He also doesn't really have that much knowledge in English, so he messes up with the language quite a bit.
A Barbaric, but kind guy, 9/10
Lord Mictlan - The Main Antagonist of the show
Lord Mictlan has a badass design and I absolutely LOVE how he can just split his face in half at times. He is the main antagonist though.
10/10 design, 9/10 character.
Minor Characters
Here, I'll mention some side characters of the show
Grand Bruja - I'm only mentioning her because she has a goofy design, with her using her nose for battle once.
Grand Brujo (not to be confused with his daughter, Grand Bruja) - also has a goofy design
Ah Puch - there are three of Ah Puch, I love that.
Camazotz (Zatz' father), Vucub - They have badass designs.
Zyanya - Camazotz' wife and Zatz' mother. She has a funny name. (Not meaning to offend her)
Now, the qualities
The Qualities
The animation and visuals are absolutely amazing! There are moments in the show where the characters just pop out of the movie format and get to the borders of the 16:9 format, mostly in action scenes.
Speaking of the action scenes, they are SICK. I love them.
The animation in general is expressive and smooth, always what I like about something!
The character designs are great all around, from beautiful, to badass, to goofy. The visuals are basically movie-standard!
The voice acting is great! Not much to say more about it.
The show itself
The first 8 episodes are great, with episode 1 introducing us to the Teca and Maya herself, episodes ~2-6 introduces us to the Prophecy friends, as she's figured out, again, the true prophecy after (spoiler alert) she sees symbols on her brothers' graves, them being Rooster, Skull and Puma.
The ninth episode, The Sun and The Moon, however is the final one and is about the main group and their allies defeating Lord Mictlan. It's AMAZING, it's an episode that rivals with my favorite episode of Ren & Stimpy, "The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen". Both episodes hold special places in my heart, albeit, the Yaksmen episode has a more special place but Mat3's ninth episode is close.
General rating
It's a really great show that would take you only around ~4:30-5 hours long with amazing visuals and lovable characters!
10/10 series!
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
omg helloo!! heard your requests are open again so i couldn't resist! how would the brothers react to mc being a witch who worked with them back in the human world? ( i learned that some witches work with demons and have altars about them and leave them gifts and stuff in exchange for little favors or just cause they appreciate them)
i just think it would be funny for mc to pop out of the portal and learning their fav divinity was just standing there and the bro going OMG I KNOW U (bonus if they like their little worshipper)
thank u in advance if u write this 💓
have a nice day/night!!!
Hi! I'm sorry for the long wait, I hope you didn't mind too much. Anyways, I hope you like it and I wish you a good day too
the brothers with a witch mc
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned but is called a witch, not proof read
content warnings: spoilers up to lesson 14
he saw the exchange student forms, he wanted to pick somebody he knew
'welcome, mc, I'm sure you wouldn't mind catching up over dinner?'
if lucifer shared a bond with you, his brother knew you existed, there's 0 awkwardness at the beginning of your stay
he heard one of the exchange students was a witch and he just hoped it wasn't one he owed money
well, mammon does owe you but you're nice about it unlike other witches who change him into frogs
'mc! mc! look at the new wheels I put on my baby!' (his car)
he doesn't usually work with other people unless they are some sort of celebrity to otaku folks
but you were nice, levi may or may not have a crush on you
when he found out you were coming to the devildom, he put some games and anime aside for you
in the human world, right before the exchange program would start, you told him you were chosen as a candidate
maybe it was the fact you're at a cat cafe but satan looks really happy
in the devildom, satan shows you around all the important places (yes including cat cafes) so you won't get lost, also he wants to spend time together
asmo met you at a party because you knew solomon
you two hit it off, so he invited you to a bunch of other parties, including ones in the devildom, that's nice since you now kind of know the area there
he can't believe it's really you who emerges from the portal, your day will be filled by all sorts of fun activities now, like shopping
one time beel left a literal stick at your altar hoping to exchange it for food, to his surprise it worked and now you're best friends
sometimes belphie would get a little jealpus because beel spent too much time with his new witch friend
he basically emitted light when he saw you were chosen, immediately starts introducing you to his family
you knew something had happened when you arrived in the devildom and belphie was nowhere to be found, no he wasn't in the human world he'd have let you know
when you found him in the attic, and he explained what happened, you reminded him not every human is bad, you've talked about this (he listens to you)
with danger of your own life, you convinced lucifer to free his brother, there was a lot of chaos but it worked
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fateinthestars · 6 months
Hello! Gathered the courage to put in a prompt for fic - completely up to you if you'll take it :D Yesterday I had dream (sign I should take a break lol) about SCM: I woke up in Hue's room. Everything looked like I was transported from real world to anime/genshin like graphic world. I instantly recognized my surroundings and launched myself from the bed to the pool ont he floor. I needed to check out how I looked and sure enough, my features changed like under anime filter. So the prompt: Isekai'd reader, who played the game before and basically both Clotho and game MC are her avatars, extension of herself in the game world. How would Hue take this revelation that MC is gone, replaced by the puppeter, who is essentially the blend of the two women he loved and at the same time not quite so? Because whilist the reader's feelings towards Hue were and are real, the reader couldn't excatly regulate the actions and speech of the in game avatars (Clotho and MC) and therefore reader's personality is bit different. Really... I just wish to see his reaction to bookworm and quite sarcastic reader 😂
I think I've finally got something for this. Hopefully it's what you had in mind and you'll enjoy. 😅 To anyone else considering reading this: Yes, this fic is very meta. Hopefully it works though! (I'm torn over whether to put this one on AO3 😂 )
Title: Sarcastic Smiles
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Pairing: Huedhaut/Reader (isekai'd into MC's body from our universe)
Main Characters: Huedhaut, Reader
Minor Characters: Ichthys, Teorus, Karno, Scorpio, Leon, Zyglavis
Rating: T
Genre: Isekai, um I dunno how else to tag this... rediscovering relationship?
Word Count: 2,961
Summary: You wake up one morning to find you are in a bedroom you thought only existed in your favourite otome game, only to find you are now inhibiting the character you have been controlling in said game. How will Huedhaut react to his Main Character no longer being the human he fell in love with, but still with knowledge of their relationship?
A/N : Spoilers for Huedhaut's path.
Sarcastic Smiles
Turning over in the bed with a groan, you blinked a few times as you blearily opened your eyes. This wasn’t your bedroom. It didn’t even look like the real world. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes a little in an attempt to clear them. Whilst you had been playing your favourite otome game late the night before, this seemed far too real to just be a dream.
However, it was then that you realised whose bed you were in and you quickly stumbled to your feet, almost tripping over as you knelt down beside the pool in the middle of Huedhaut’s room. Looking into the water you froze. Swallowing hard, you tried to calm down as you reached up and brushed your hair back a little… or should that be the hair of the character you usually played in the game? Looking closer, you shook your head slightly. No, that wasn’t quite right - the features were shifting ever so slightly. This wasn’t just the main character of Star Crossed Myth’s features, it was also those of Clotho’s.
Well, you supposed that made a little sense considering which God’s bedroom you had woken up in. Wait… nothing about this makes any sense! You quickly snapped out of your investigation, instead pinching yourself hard. Nothing changed except now your arm hurt. You’d watched plenty of isekai anime so this phenomenon wasn’t entirely new to you, but if you ever imagined it was actually possible, let alone that it would happen to you of all people, well… “So this really isn’t a dream…”
“I should hope not. I rather hope if you were dreaming of my room, I would actually be here with you. Or do you find my room more interesting than myself?”
Your breath hitched. Even though the game only had a few voice acted stories, you immediately knew who was talking to you. Even if you had not recognised his voice or simply assumed that it was him due to this being his room, his wording laced with his usual sarcasm was more than enough. Speaking of which…
Smirking briefly to yourself, you turned round to face the God of Aquarius, before responding just as sarcastically, “Yes, I thought maybe I was dreaming of your room so I could look at all these books without you interrupting me.”
Huedhaut initially flinched, briefly making you wonder whether you’d pushed that too far, but then he knelt down beside you, looking into your eyes with a thoughtful look. “Trying to beat me at being sarcastic? You’re probably a million years too late for that,” he teased, smirking as he reached a hand out to brush your hair back.
As you were about to retort back to that, determined to get the upper hand on him for once now you could use your own words, you suddenly realised he had stopped short of touching your hair, his deep blue eyes wide with shock. “Hue?” You tried softly. Had the other noticed that you weren’t quite who he was used to?
“... Clotho? But… how…” he muttered, glancing down at the floor, clearly in distress. “Was that why you thought you were dreaming, do you remember what you did…” he muttered to himself.
You grimaced. Clearly it hadn’t just been the water showing you that you could be either of the game’s avatars because you were in Huedhaut’s route - it was because you hadn’t got full control over which you were outwardly showing. Now you had upset the other. You knew from the game that the other didn’t want Clotho back. He was in love with the Main Character and that was in the past. You frowned at that point, realising you didn’t know where exactly in the game’s timeline you had been deposited. However you then looked back at Huedhaut, swallowing hard as you watched a mixture of emotions actually go across his usually poker-faced expression for once. What had already happened didn’t matter right now, what you needed was to say something to reassure Huedhaut. “Hue, I’m not Clotho.”
Huedhaut looked sharply back up at that comment. He frowned as he looked at you once more. “... Well now you look more like yourself, but…” He sighed heavily. “Did Ichthys make you look like your previous self? If he did then he’s gone too far this time…”
It was almost tempting to pretend that that was what had happened, but you also knew that you probably still didn’t have a handle on who exactly you were presenting as to him. “No, it’s a bit more complicated than that…”
“If this is that Godforsaken’s King doing, I might -”
As a flash of anger flickered in the other’s eyes, you quickly leant forward and grabbed his hands in your own. “Hue. This is not related to the others. I…” where did you even start with explaining? “I’m not either of the women you think.”
Huedhaut let go of your hands and got to his feet. He looked at you with a frown. “If this is payback for all the teasing…”
Quickly, you stood up as well. “... This is not even my own world. From my point of view, you are just a character in a video game.”
The other looked at you, initially smirking as he went to retort to that, but then he seemed to realise that you were near tears. Quickly he moved back to your side. He sighed heavily. “You are being serious.”
“I’m sorry. I really don’t know how this happened… but know that I know you… please don’t tell me to leave…”
Huedhaut hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. “That is the last thing that I should do right now. You say that you are aware of this world, but the more people who see you like this, the more questions you will face. I need to find a way to fix this and get you home…”
“And get her back?” You muttered, your voice cracking a little.
“...” Huedhaut looked down.
“I do not think either will be possible… unless this is different to the shows I’ve watched in my world, being isekai’d is a one way process.” 
The other didn’t respond to that, instead starting to look through his books at a rapid pace, reminding you of a certain special story when the main character had briefly ended up with powers.
That, however, gave you an idea. If you were controlling both the Main Character and Clotho then did that mean you could use them? About to raise your hand and try, Huedhaut suddenly looked sharply back at you. You stepped back a little at the gaze he was giving you. 
“Maybe I should call one of the others after all,” he muttered, now regarding you suspiciously.
It was then that you noticed the book still in his hands appeared to be details of the under-realm. Well you could hardly blame him for being suspicious. “I’d never want to hurt you!” You snapped, your breathing a little strained. “Will you please hear me out some more?”
The other nodded and hesitantly sat down with you on the edge of the bed. It was at this point you felt overwhelming relief that it was Huedhaut’s main character you had changed into, with some of the others you’d either be in immediate severe trouble with or you’d never be able to explain this. 
“So… according to you I am a character in a game?”
“Uh huh,” you responded, before taking a deep breath. You then motioned to the body you were now inhibiting with your hands. “And I… I mean she… um… I mean the human you are in love with was controlled by me.”
Huedhaut glanced away for a moment, seemingly still trying to take this all in. “If you were controlling her as you believe in your world would you not be able to form her responses better than this? Perhaps I would never have noticed…”
You shook your head, impulsively grabbing his hands. “But you already did notice, Hue,” you reminded him. “Because parts of the game exist where the human was Clotho, I’m not appearing as just one of the two to you. Besides…”
“Besides?” Huedhaut asked, finally looking back up at you.
“In the game the input was limited to one of three replies.” This time you averted your own gaze. “There… there is so much I would like to say to you.”
A stifling silence fell over the room after that. Just when you were starting to worry that perhaps you had pushed your explanation too far, you felt strong arms wrapping tightly around you accompanied by a loud sigh from your companion.
“You are always causing me so much trouble,” he muttered.
He looked thoughtfully at you. “Do you remember everything about our time together?”
“I… that rather depends whether it was covered in the game or not,” you muttered awkwardly. “I haven’t actually pinpointed where exactly in the timeline we are right now.”
Huedhaut managed a tired and rather exasperated smile. “I suggest you look at your hand.”
Doing so, your breath hitched as you saw the ring from the fountain of love. “Oh. We’re already married…” you pulled a face.
“Is that a problem?”
“N-no,” you quickly reassured him. “At least, not from my end. It’s just… if we were before that…” you trailed off. “It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry, Hue, this must be hard for you…”
The other actually seemed calmer now then when you had first started to explain. “Hard for me? From the sound of things you thought that this was a fictional world. That sounds far more alarming.”
“But… what now?”
Huedhaut frowned. “Now that is a good question. I feel like we need to try to get to know one another again before that can have a coherent answer. Even if you were the one sometimes inputting her answers, you still are not quite the person I fell in love with. Just asking you to tell me everything you remember right now though I think would be embarrassing and awkward for the both of us…” his expression changed into a smirk. “Unless you want to talk about yourself at length?”
“Hue!” You snapped.
Chuckling briefly, Huedhaut then sighed softly. He got back to his feet. “Before we do anything else I should probably see whether there’s a way to make sure you appear exactly as before to the other Gods. This might be a little over some of their heads. There’s no need to make things more complicated unless we absolutely have to.”
Later that day you were in the mansion living room with Huedhaut, the other having stabilised your outward appearance for now. 
“Hey! Still here today, huh?” Ichthys asked happily, as he came into the living room.
“No, I have gone home,” You replied with a smirk.
Ichthys’ eyes widened momentarily, it initially not clicking, but then when he realised what you were doing he snapped out of it and instead frowned at Huedhaut. “Have you been giving her lessons in sarcasm? That was weird…”
“Yes, we have spent all day perfecting this just in case you turned up. That would be a great use of our time,” Huedhaut responded with a smirk of his own. He shared a glance with you.
“...” Ichthys grimaced and ran over to Teorus who had just returned from the Heavens. “Teo! Could we have a straight conversation please?”
Teorus looked over to you both. “Hue, are you winding Ikky up again?”
“When would I ever do that?” Huedhaut asked. 
“... You’re in a good mood,” Karno muttered as he joined the commotion, feeling a little perplexed at the current state of things.
Huedhaut faltered at that point. He glanced down. “... Not quite…” he muttered to himself. 
Reaching over, you squeezed his hand briefly, trying to remind him not to act in a way that the others might find suspicious but also trying to reassure him that things would somehow work out.
“What's all this damn commotion about?! Tch… I see, it's mostly you pain in the ass Wishes Gods here…”
“O ho? Do you have a problem, Scorpion?” Leon added as he headed into the living room just behind the Vice Minister of Punishments. “Judging by who is present, if there's any comotion I suspect that fish is to blame.”
Ichthys stepped back behind Teorus, his eyes wide. “I've not done anything! She and Hue are the ones acting strangely!”
“That's quite enough from all of you,” came a firm voice from the doorway.
Everything became eerily quiet and you tensed a little as you looked towards Zyglavis. 
Huedhaut seemed to recognise that you were on edge now. He shifted closer to you on the sofa so that your shoulders were touching but not in a noticeable way to the others.
The Minister of Punishments glanced at you briefly but did not say a word. Instead he looked over to Leon who was shooting a glare and a scowl in his direction. “Is there a problem?”
“I won't have you telling me what to do, Minister Ponytail,” Leon snapped back. “Instead of telling all of us to be quiet as though you own the place, perhaps you should talk to your Vice Minister and that Prankster Fish!”
You shared a glance with Huedhaut as Zyglavis stormed over to Leon and the other nodded. Standing up you both went to leave the living room before things got any more chaotic.
“Going somewhere a little quieter? Can't say I blame you,” Karno murmured softly so the others didn't hear, having noticed you trying to slip away. He glanced at Huedhaut thoughtfully. “If I was wrong about you being in a good mood earlier… is everything alright? Nothing I should know about?”
“We're fine,” Huedhaut responded firmly before you could do so yourself. 
“Well then, enjoy the rest of your evening. I suppose I best see whether I can placate Leo before we have a real problem on our hands.”
Huedhaut shared a sympathetic glance with the other before inclining his head in way of thanks. He led you away from the room a little, before snapping his fingers.
Appearing in the oddly familiar yet never seen in real life before apartment, you glanced around and took a deep breath before looking back at the other. “Why are we here?”
“I think that is more than enough of the other Gods for your first time here in person,” Huedhaut muttered. “We are much less likely to be disturbed here than if we stay anywhere in the mansion. Besides, I think that was enough data to tell that the spell I used is masking your appearance back to how it was for the others.”
You nodded and tried to relax. “Yes, if Zyglavis didn't notice I guess we won't have to worry about questions for a bit.”
Huedhaut pulled your sleeve gently and got you to sit down on the edge of the bed with him. He smiled softly at you. “Zyglavis turning up gave me more information than that.”
“What do you mean?”
“You became extremely tense when seeing him. I suspect some of that is because you suspected he would be the most likely to see through the mask, and I believe you are correct in that assumption. However, to know that you would have to be familiar with all of us, and… well…”
“Hue?” You asked softly, taking his hands once more as the other averted his gaze.
He hesitantly looked back up after a few moments. “Forgive me. I fear there was a part of me that was still uncertain whether what you claimed happened to you was entirely factual, of if not that at least concern that your memory might not be there at all or even incorrect…” he sighed softly, forcing a tender smile at you as he held your hands tightly. “However, when you saw Zyglavis I knew in an instant that you knew how he'd tried to destroy you in the past. I know now that even if our memories are not quite the same, we can probably get back on the same page.”
You forced an uneasy smile at him. “Don't apologise, I'm sure today has been a lot, even for you.”
“Yes, it has,” Huedhaut agreed with a taunting smirk, his deep blue eyes glinting from the sunset visible from the balcony window. “So, what are you going to do to make it up to me?”
Taking a deep breath, you hesitated for a moment, worried that you could push things too far. However, remembering his admission that he genuinely believed everything you had said, you wrapped your arms around him before pulling him into a brief kiss.
When you parted, Huedhaut reached a hand up to your face and brushed your hair back. “Well, if that is how a short kiss from you feels, I rather hope you do indeed have knowledge of our relationship, otherwise it may become rather too intense down the line…”
You rolled your eyes at his familiar smirk, and smirked back yourself. “Really? I thought I was restraining myself…”
“!!!” Huedhaut's eyes widened briefly, then he averted his gaze, flushing bright red. “Comments like that are against the rules,” he grumbled, but then looked back up at you with a genuine, caring, smile. “As by your own admission you aren't who I was expecting, I cannot say that I love you, yet, but rediscovering each other and reminiscing over old memories may not be such a bad thing.” Wrapping his arms around you he hugged you tightly to him. “I just hope you can be patient with me.”
“However long it takes, Hue. I'm not going anywhere.”
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Unnamed GN! MC × Mammon
Fake Fic Title Meme - In which I got sent titles and wrote an extremely detailed summary of the fic I would have written for said title:
Leave a comment?🥺 because they mean the world to me and feed a starving soul🐸
Remember in S3 when MC's undergoing tests to become a Sorcerer & Lucifer becomes Barbie doll sized? MC, with the help of Beel, and Solomon tagging along, has to look after Lucifer for a day to pass the test. The brothers find out, rig up a system that transports them all into a game and now MC has to keep Lucifer safe for 24hrs within a roleplaying game while the rest of the brothers act as adversaries. One such person they must defeat is "The Monster of Greed" so they can earn money to buy armour. In canon they do this by what is basically a pokemon battle with MC using Beel. In this version, well...;
They find Mammon inside a loud tavern, seated in a large round table, piled high with gold, surrounded by NPCs. They're all holding hands of cards, taking and tossing gold to the pile, loud and drunk and arguing. The atmostphere is just on the side of a little too warm, lively, voices meld together until the actual words are almost unrecognisable - Mammon's is the only voice that is clear, ringing above the others and commanding all the attention in the room.
The crowds of NPCs part for the four of them without a word of protest as they make their way towards Mammon's table, half shrouded in the shadows at the back of the room. They almost lose Beel along the way to a a barmaid carrying a portion of a roast.
When they make their way to the table, opposite Mammon, his open features widen in suprise before turning calculating for a second before he finally spies Lucifer and starts cackling so hard he's wheezing and they're worried he's going to drop dead on the spot.
Once he's finally calmed down, not at all helped by Lucifer's hissed threats that only made him laugh more, the human asks him to give them some of his money so they can buy armour.
"What," says Mammon sounding genuinely baffled and a little bit offended. "Ya think I'm actually gonna hand over my money? The money I won? Fat fuckin' luck huma- tch - Hero."
"How troublesome," Says Solomon, mildly like none of this is of any real consequence and in no way his doing in the first place. The human and Lucifer both give him Looks.
Beel is quiet as he is still grieving the barmaid and her roast, both of which disappeared once they crossed a certain radius focused around the four of them.
"Mammon!" Squeak-hisses Lucifer, not at all threatening because once again he's the size of a Barbie with only a fraction of her accomplishments. "Once I'm back to normal expect to be in a world of pain."
"What do we do now?" Asks Beel, who is just recovering from a great loss and is still a bit teary eyed.
"Right," says the human with a good idea, though most in the room would argue they've never had a good idea in their life. "Well, then how about - I challenge you to a card game! We have a little money of our own we'll put it on the line."
This of course leads to various shock and outrage. Mostly from the NPCs. Lucifer does cry out to them to remind them what's at stake and to please stop making stupid deals with demons. Solomon looks amused and intrigued, while Beel is just worried.
"Hah! You think you can beat me!? The Monster of Greed in a card game!? Are ya ballsy or just stupid?" Scoffs, y'know, said Monster of Greed.
"Not sure," says the human, lackadaisical as can be, "sounds like you're scared though."
"Why you little - ," snarls the monster, raising from his chair and leaning towards them, claws digging into the table "I'll show ya scared. Fine then," he falls back onto his seat and kicks out the chair across from him, that up until this point of time had not existed. "Take a seat," he says through sharp teeth.
The human nods, serious and pleased. "Beel, please take Lucifer for now."
" Are you sure you know what you're doing," asks Lucifer, not budging from his place on their shoulder. "This is Mammon. He may be an idiot but when it comes to gambling-"
"I can beat him," says the Hero, not taking their eyes off the Monster of Greed, who in reality is just their best friend playing a silly game that's going to get him skinned by his big brother when everything is back to normal.
"I suppose I'll just have to put my faith in you. Don't dissapoint me." And with this Lucifer, to his great continued indignity, steps off the human's shoulder and into his brother's hands.
"When have I ever," responds the human.
Mammon, who has never had any patience when ignored by his favourite people cuts in with a, "Oi, ya done talking or what?"
And so the games start. And the human wins and wins and keeps winning. The Monster of the tavern goes from having one leg folded up on the chair to sitting up straight to leaning forward with a frown, crowing sentences such as:
"Ha, beginner's luck!"
"I'm just going easy on ya!"
"Don't get cocky ya bastard."
with increasing degrees of worry colouring his tone. The human breaks their cocky smirk to respond to that last with an easy shrug and a "You forgot something important." Eyes still fixed on their cards.
He looks up from his own with a scowl. "The fuck are ya talkin' 'bout."
Finally they deign to look at him, or rather glance at him from under their lashes, lips twitching to pull into a self satisfied smile he's seen countless times before "We may be in a game right now but you're still Mammon, still a demon and still the Avatar of Greed. The real world rules still apply to you." Their eyes lower again to consider their cards.
"So? The hell does that have to do with anythin'." He hasn't looked down at his cards in a while, still focused on them even in spite of how disinterested they're acting. He wants to bite them.
"Well," they place a card on the table and flip it over, moving some money towards them, "it means that whoever you favour still has incredible luck with money." They look up then, catching his eye and smiling brightly.
And Mammon stares back at them, wide eyed and slightly flushed, fingers trembling.
"If this relied on skill or who could cheat better you'd have won it with minimal effort." They're leaning forward, elbows braced on the table, still holding up their cards but continuing to make eye contact with him. "But in the end it comes down to what will win out. Your greed or your love for me."
Devious. Their smile is devious and wicked and his throat is parched and Mammon wants to bite them.
His face fully flushed and gritting his teeth, Mammon places his hand upright on the table.
They place theirs in front of them as well never breaking eye contact with Mammon, they interlace their fingers and place their chin on the back of them, smiling they say, "I won." A statement. A fact. They don't even bother to look down to confirm it.
Red faced but impassive, without even looking at his cards, Mammon leans back in his chair with crossed arms. "Obviously," he looks to the side, pouting, "Dumbass."
And so three voices simultaneously chorus, "Whipped."
"SHUDDUP ASSHOLES," screeches Mammon leaping up from his chair while the human laughs under their breath.
"Whatever." Mammon tosses a pouch at them. "Here's the money," He points at the stack on the table, "that's just for show, ya can't actually use it in the game."
"Right. Thanks Mammon." Sincere. Shedding well earned smugness like a snake skin in favour of something more genuine.
"Whatever. C'mon I'll walk you out." Irritability also shed - now there's only tired acceptance, he's made peace with the fact this will be his lot throughout his eternal life.
Outside on the tavern's doorstep, not making eye contact and looking straight ahead, the Hero and the Monster stand. Now just two friends.
The others stand a bit further down the road yet close enough to be able to hear.
"Listen," starts Mammon with an odd yet not completely unfamiliar note of seriousness. "I have something really important to ask ya. Ya need ta listen carefully."
"Got it," replies the human, understanding the gravitas of this particular conversation.
"Did ya take pictures?" He points to Lucifer with the utmost seriousness.
They nod once with, also, the utmost seriousness. "Of course."
Growling from a distance as if through the throat of a wee kitten, "I can hear both of you, if you think I'll let you get away-"
"Huuuh!? What are ya gonna do pipsqueak? Stomp ya cute lil foot? If anything ya better start listening to me now cause I'm the big brother-"
"Mammonnnnnn you-" Shaking with rage while Mammon, who at this point had stomped over, pokes his cheek.
"Does Mammon even realise he's digging himself into a deeper hole," asks Solomon
"Probably not," replies Beel with a shrug.
"Oh well," Solomon sighs through his perpetual smile. "Come along my cute apprentice we should get going."
"OI! Who the fuck are ya callin' cute," yells Mammon, distracted from his current endeavour of annoying Lucifer and signing his future death wish.
"We better get going. See ya at home Mammon," cuts in the human, for everyone's sake.
"Hmm." He shifts back into a more relaxed stance and turns to look at them. "Listen for real, ya better pass this test of yours with flying colours got it! Ya probably the most stubborn, determined person I know so, if anyone's gonna get through this it'll be ya."
"Thank you, Mammon." Said softly with a large dose of tooth rotting love.
"Yeah yeah stop it with the soppy look." An eyeroll that didn't distract from the red of his cheeks. "Look after that old bastard will ya, don't let him get stepped on. ...He's the only one knows where Goldie's hidden, that's all!"
"You really care." Equal parts teasing and wonderous, equal parts smug and besotted. He was going to scream. He was going to eat them.
"I don't! Stop it with that look, I already told ya! Just get going!"
"Right okay. Thank you, Mammon." They bow their head, peaking at him, lips quirked in mischief.
He rolls his eyes so hard he gives himself a headache. "Get outta here, Dummy."
They turn to leave without another word and he watches them go till they're but a speck in the distance.
If you want more fake fics like this under a variety of AUs (human, different first meeting, mer, witch & familiar etc) check out the whole compilation on AO3 here
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creativeartgal · 4 months
I just thought of this while I was at was at work. heads up it isn't going to be very coherent but is still long. spoilers ahead for all of obey me and nb
ok so I was just thinking about what might happen in season 3 of nb. specifically on if they will introduce Michael or not (more likely not but whatever) I basically was thinking that if the were going to add him they would probably add in other characters as well. the reason I say this is cause they added 3 new characters at once last time. so I figured they would do multiple new characters at once instead of just adding 1. so I got to wondering on if that's true who would be added as well. at first I thought it would be cool if it was the other exchange students ( the ones that went to the celestial realm and human world. I know the game forgot about them but I haven't) Like Beel named one demon that went to the human world so could be possible. maybe someone brand new. then, I don't know why, I thought about Diavolo's dad. then my brain went off
ok I'm going to sound absolutely insane right now but.... what if Diavolos dad is the reason we went back to the past. wait!!! hear me out before you put the straight jacket on me. I have some things that make sense to me but are still dumb.
number 1 Diavolo's dad is still "alive"
if I am remembering correctly Diavolos dad (who I will be referring to as dd) is not dead but just asleep. granted its been thousands of years since he's been asleep but not dead. like if he was dead then dia would be king instead of just a prince right? so theoretically he could make some appearance in obey me at some point. but why would I think he would?
number 2 the trailer.
in the description for the video it says "You have reformed your pacts with the brothers and returned to the present where a new event at RAD is waiting for you. Things look to be as lively and comforting as ever, but something feels off and no one else seems to notice..." what if something feels off because dd has woken up. like to be the king of all demons dudes gotta be really powerful. so what if him awakening gives off weird vibes across the devildom. hell it could be some what similar to season 2 when mc powers got too strong.
ok so if we go with this theory that dd would show up what does that have to do with anything? a lot according to my mind. ok so what if dd is nightbringer? again hes would most likely be really powerful so what if he has the ability to send someone to the past. I mean asside from Barbatos, Michael has been show to at least be able to tell and communicate when someone has been sent back in time so whos to say that dd couldn't as well? also if I remember correctly in og's new years event Dia stopped time for a bit so if he could to that its not that much of a reach to think that daddy can do the same or more. "But Lisa what if by that they meant that Dia asked Barbatos to stopped time since he's the one with time powers" oh you think I haven't thought of that!? if he doesn't have some type of time powers then he could ask Barbatos to do it for him. maybe dd thinks that it would be some what beneficial for Diavolo in the future to send mc to the past. and since Barbs want to do what's best for Dia and if what dd says is true then he would oblige in sending mc. or maybe cause he's the king and barbs has to listen to him but whatever. anyway this is more of what I think could have happened. i think we can all agree that everything leads to barbatos being the one who sends us back in time. but this can still be true with dd being the mastermind behind this. also dd can kinda take the blame if people start not liking Barbs cause of this.
ok but why would dd want to do this? why have Mc go into the past to remake pacts that they already have? at this point I a grasping at straws (as if I wasn't already) what if some kind of danger is coming to the devildom. maybey its becuae I just want some bigger stakes but what if theres some conflict brewing between the devildom and the celestial realm.
reason 1 solomon bringing up sides
i feel like hes brought up mc picking sides a litttle too much in the first season for that to not mean something. hell he even has a conversation with nightbringer about who mc would side with if anything would happen. not to mention trying to make mc promise to always protect the human world if something should happen.
reason 2 Michael and the celectial realm
Honesly like whats his deal. and im not saying that cause i wanna smack him. like what was up when he cure mc of their coma. dude litterally was like don't make pacts with the brothers or face the consequences. not to menion raphael mentioned the same thing while trying to get the brothers back to the celestial realm only for it to reveals at the end of season 1 that it was actually michale discised as Raphiel. it was also mentioned at the end of season 2 that the only way Lucifer could have been convicted and sent to coctus that it had to be agreed apon by 2 representatives from each world. Now I'm not saying one of them was Michael.... But I wouldn't be surprised. Kidding honestly it could be any angel but that would be more interesting. "Lisa that was in the past things are chill now" is it!? Yes technically everything in nb is in the past but, like I said, Michael knows when mc fucks around in the past. Plus we totally didn't listen to his threat about not making pacts. Dude is probably pissed when mc comes back to the present having pacts² with the bros.
Idk to me it feels like there could be some kind of conflict brewing. Now this could be because of anything. Maybe just some animosity between angels and demons. I think it was mentioned before that the devildom and celestial realm have fought before but haven't in a long time. But it's not hard to believe that some angels don't think to kindly of demons or vice versa I mean look at Luke. He didn't like demons at all in the first season of og even tho there hasn't been any real conflict in ages. Or hell look at the house of lords that were constantly mentioned and caused issues in nb. They had problems with the brothers because they were angels as well as with diavolo cause he was helping them. Honestly it could just be a lot of small things adding up to some kind of breaking point. But where would the fun be in that?
Ok so from here on out this is mostly from personal head cannons I've had since I finished season 3 of og. I think mc magic is kinda overlooked since season 2. Sure mc has the ring of light to help manage their powers but there was some damage to all 3 worlds because of them. Hell they could have destroyed the 3 realms if it wasn't for Simeon. You can't tell me there wouldn't have been some animosity for them cause of that. Granted we don't know if anyone other than the main cast knows about this. Well except for 1. Michael. He knows about all of this. Hell he was already wary of mc because who they associate with so adding the unstable magic isn't far fetched. Granted in the few times he interacted with me he's been cordial but like I mentioned in nb he sounded frustrated with them. so how long is that good will going to last. Plus we don't definitively know that nobody else knows the cause for the harm caused in season 2. Other angles could see mc as a problem because of their magic. Sure Solomon is more powerful and has caused problems for at least the devildom before, but he can control his magic.
Ok so where did we leave season 2 of nb. Mc has made pacts with the brothers for a second time. Something that Michael did not want. The same pacts that was the catalyst for mc magic becoming too powerful in the original game. Yes some has to do with their angelic bloodline but mc wasn't able to use magic until creating the pacts and even then in lesson 10 Solomon had to lend some of his own magic to help mc summon Asmo for the first time despite have 3 pact already. Who's to say doubling pacts won't make mcs magic stronger. Now I'm not saying we're going to have this conflict for a second time. Most likely mc magic isn't going to be that effected or at the very least the ring of light will still work as a buffer. But that doesn't matter if others believe that they will be a threat. What if that's why Michael didn't want us forming the pacts again? What if he was scared of something like season 2 happening again only for there to be no easy solution this time cause they already have the ring? What else could calm their magic? I'm not saying he would hurt mc but he doesn't know what could prevent something that that happening again. What if he wants to take Lisa to the celestial realm to try and make sure they don't cause more damage unintentionally. Or kill them if you want to get really angsty. Either way I don't think the cast would let me be taken away even if it's the first option. Which could lead to some kind of conflict. Again I feel like it could be a mix of a bunch of things piling up and this would just be the last straw.
"Lisa what does this have to do with Dias Dad" hang on Im getting there. What if dd is somewhat aware of of things that already happened. Maybe he woke up for a time during season 2 hell he could still be awake but we don't know it and found out some info that could make him believe that some conflicts is coming. So he send mc to the past with help from barbatos. Why? Who knows. Maybe to find a way to prevent things dd needed to get mc out of the way for a bit. But why the pacts? Maybe if some kind of conflict is inevitable the pacts would be helpful for mc and the brothers. With pacts it can allow them to boost each other's powers so having double pacts could cause double the boost. Which could come in handy. So that could have been the plan.
And that's all that I could come up with for now at least. Again I'm most likely just a dumbass and and connecting dots where there are none but I really found this theory really interesting. I'm just typing this up cause I wanna know if this makes sense to anyone else even if I'm absolutely wrong on every level here.
Oh also I didn't know where to add this but in regards to the last part of the trailer with Simeon. I'm just throwing this out there. What if dd turns Simeon into a demon. I have no explanation for this just thought that would be cool. Ok have a nice day
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Me in my head when I'm at work
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alolanrain · 1 year
There are two major one-v-ones going on in TA!Ash’s life and it’s LanceVsDrake and OakVsRowan.
He gets the latter news by Gary bc he lives with Rowan and the old man has a very bad habit about not keeping the doors close, not like he doesn’t jam it open whenever he and Oak are in some kind of communication bc Rowan bitches so loud about even a simple email, and Gary is the biggest sluttiest whore for gossip so he’s basically eating popcorn IN THE DAMN DOORWAY while the two are on call. He then gets a call from Oak not even five minutes later who complains about Rowan and and other shit. Not knowing that Gary has put him on speakerphone and is trying not to lose his shit by watching Rowan trying to not lose his shit.
It takes all of Rowan’s Marine Corps training not to launch physically over his desk and grab the phone away from his assistant-pseudo-son/grandson and give the older coot a true piece of his kind. The kind he keeps specifically out of the lab and office and the one that drags Ash and Gary behind him like ducklings despite all his faux annoyance.
Ash gets the first through strongly worded emails and letters from Lance about Drake and vise versa, truly just spark notes, while getting the full version from literature everyone else that those two work with them. Gripping about this and that and some letters are over exaggerated (Lorelei, Will, and Karen) and are fucking novel length that Ash gets to read in class and trying his best not to lose his shit. Doing so far his own amusement since Alola doesn’t seem to have those cringy porn books that grandmas and old women read where the mc is named fucking Passion or something equal as that.
In others are very appreciative easily readable yet detailed recounts (Bruno and Koga) that Ash reads while replying back to Lance and Drake so he can accurately both dish shit in Proper Adult Shit Talking Through Legal Wording And Other Shit and his own insults. Absolutely somehow pouring more gasoline on this petty unnecessary bonfire without being figured out by both Champions.
Then there’s fucking Agatha who’s just talking shit about EVERYONE and Ash truly means everyone. She, Opal from Galar, Watson and Blaine from Hoenn, Ramos and Wulfric rom Kalos, Crasher Wake from Sinnoh, Drayden in Unova. She has the whole fucking squad of grandparents and old gossip mongers.
Ash has totally used this both in favor and as blackmail for certain people (cough cough Drayden cough cough) and it’s gained him both a lot of shit from the younger league members but also that sweet delicious Next Heir legality bullshit. Yeah, that’s right, Ash had enough shit with Iris. She is the only human friend that has reached the same level of attitude with any legendary in his life. Even Gary isn’t even on this level somehow. He doesn’t know what really is his problem, maybe it’s just from the kid thing and it’s Ash’s Achilles heel that he has to fight every time he’s around her in any moment, or it’s something much deeper in himself about himself. Regardless, Ash dared Drayden to a super drunk game of poker. “To make it even” Ash says and he’s been hyping the man up only to attack his ego out of nowhere.
He did this entire thing that he will never regret, it’s now Iris’s Achilles Heel but she doesn’t know it. Only Ash and Drayden will know and Drayden doesn’t give a shit enough about that because whatever he had wasn’t going to Iris anyways. It was going straight to the funds of the Dragon Town they both grown up it. Dragons donated to other well trained handlers picked by generations of high end expensive privileges right. It’s the least Drayden owes to the people who raised him and his Pokémon that caught by his side, it’s what he believes is right. Again, Iris doesn’t know this. She’s completely blind and the only other motherfucker that knows is ASH.
fucking Opal and Agatha adore him and their one of THE oldest and longest league members in current history. They have caught wars and diplomatically weave between these occultists and rich fucks with such a wave of awe and wisdom but also cuttingly mean and grouchy as an art, their teaching Ash through these letters and Ash gets to use it towards GLADION and also other people like Hala, who kinda fucking scares him and makes Ash’s fights senses go off then most and it’s a struggle, and he’s THRIVING!
Sometimes he uses it against Kukui and he also squirms away in such a older sibling act it’s hilarious and makes Ash do it more. He sometimes Chases Kukui down the halls if their like super late, almost into the damn night when everyone has gone. Kukui’s the Professor, by law he has every right to enter a classroom that he is teaching since he works such odd hours for the actual region of Alola too. The INL got his ass as well, y’all.
He uses it against Faba in such a cold rage and it’s absolutely murmurous. The class is genuinely scared while Lillie is either in the front to the back of the group or in the way back where no only is really look at her with eyes gleaming of awe and admiration a little sister would hold for a bigger brother. She has her moment of disgust, they just come a lot later down the line. Ash does it whenever the man is in sight.
Colress is… weird. He knows Ash, remembers him and the fear he had when he snapped the moment Pikachu became obsessed. Knocking out his friends with aura before going absolutely batshit insane for the first time. If he thought his anger towards Arceus’s was anything it was nothing compared for his friends safety. Iris and Cilan came too to the room not painted in red but in the Pokémon center. Ash had claimed what had happened and left them in the care of the Nurse Joy before watching his friend be healed by whatever the chosen Pokémon was in Unova.
Colress had survived, somehow. He’s now in Alola and Ash genuinely doesn’t feel about that. He’s about to start the forgiveness journey for Archie and Maxie who genuinely seem like better adults. In truth to put it plainly they were adults who just really really cared about what they love to the point it ruined them both emotionally and physically in ways, Ash hated it. It was the one thing keeping him from being able for a wound to at least freshly scab over. It likely wont last a while but it’ll give Ash some fond memories to look back on at least.
Lusamine is a mix. Sometimes it cold anger like Colress but less awkwardly when Colress genuinely doesn’t remember why he’s scared of Ash, it’s just another weakness towards his anger management issues, and others times it’s hot raging I’m going to fucking kill you verbally and actually make it possible anger. Mostly when it’s Lillie though the most violent moment was when the three tried to take Nebby away. He’s genuinely polite at first, since this is still Lusamine, Lillie’s mother and they never met and Lillie hasn’t said anything against her, until Lillie defends Ash and someone calls him a little kid despite being fucking 23 and a world wide known trainer due to your own popularity standing in the world. Like he doesn’t constantly rub shoulders with the big guys both in regional leagues and the INL. He could ruin her life but he waits for Lillie’s command.
It doesn’t come and Ash defaults to the cold. He’s used to cold. Rose was cold, Kanto and Johto chairmen are cold-a special little case for just the orange isles and good chunk of Unova gym leaders. Ingo adores Ash, even though Emmets only met him like thrice, and basically leans into the time with the kid.
This totally doesn’t give Ash the GREATEST thing to share with Gary so much that it’s still blowing his mind because it worked. Rowan was a cold lifeless bastard and, much like Captain Holt and his husband Kevin Cozner, he needed just the same style but softer. It was like the one true untainted good thing that came out of Unova. Ash and Gary love their step-dad and always referring to him behind their backs while still calling Rowan either Gunney or Rowan. He doesn’t get the Professor privilege because they’ve seen him in his boxers in his silver Fox glory, absolutely REVOLTING to them, and also sobered on by all kinds of Pokémon. He’s also Muks second favorite person.
But back to Lillie and she’s trying so hard to stand up for herself and she is genuinely letting her anger get to her for once. Ash is so fucking proud and he viciously backs her up. Proving Lillie right and watching the anger and a little bit of precious’s control over her little princess precious daughter. She has Eevee know, shiny little bugger with big blue golden eyes. He calls her Faker, like Shadow to Sonic, and also Things 2 other twin. He lovers her just as he’s equally as protective over Lillie.
It’s hard to find to love people now, that’s why he’s so close to Gary despite everything and Rowan and Ingo who fucking stepped up and helped in ways they could.
It’s easier to be protective, he’s gotten it down to a science that it looks like love but in such a brotherly way. It’s he he vibes with everyone and it’s just the small right side of annoyance. Of course unlike your Paul or Trip, Paul’s been redeemed slightly but Trips still a swing on sight yell later asshole.
Hala is a special case as religion is deeply imbedded and cherished amongst native Alolans and Ash must walk on egg shells somehow near the man. He’s one of the very few people who set off his flight side, the only other two were Cyrus and Lysander. The only two for world domination and got so damn close. Team rocket doesn’t count anymore since they’ve dwindled so much due to Ash, he’s a world hero for that alone dammit. Alola is just so far off from the main land that despite deep connection to the other professor’s despite the work force society rules Kukui still doesn’t know because he wasn’t there to help with the disaster relief the majority did.
Just because he gets special Grandchild Abilities regardless of who openly seethes at him in public without hesitation, also because Ash wouldn’t be able to get his monthly amusement in league and INL paperwork.
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flowersofevilvn · 2 years
what would it be like to live with wither in the forest? like, would he be able to meet the human mc’s basic needs for food, water, and warm shelter? i’m so interested in what life with him looks like once he has his darling right where he wants em!
Basic needs would be easier to accommodate than you might think! The game takes place in winter, and part of how Wither still feels comfortable taking the MC at the time he does is that he is pretty competent at securing material resources.
The moss on the ground and slight terracing of the meadow in combination with the trees and vines making a largely closed in environment does a lot to insulate the area, he can grow more sophisticated shelter whenever he wants with plenty of thick layers to keep it warm, and he can nab clothes/blankets/whatever from local stores.
For food, he can grow whatever he wants and he can shoplift, but you're probably gonna have to teach him how to make a fire and cook, because he doesn't really understand eating beyond "put substance in mouth". It would likely be pretty easy for him to get a few dairy animals/chickens/ etc for some fresh products for you, and with work you could probably build a brick/cob oven that functions pretty well. It wouldn't be a very modern, but it would be able to feed you.
For water, there's a river right by the meadow. Again, you'd probably have to let him know you need to boil it, but with a big pot and a cooking fire, that wouldn't be an issue.
The biggest issue you'd run into is likely boredom! His sense of time is way off and he doesn't get bored easily, so getting him to keep you occupied would be rough. He could recite poetry for you and get you books and crafting materials, sing for you in his native language, maybe hang out with the wildlife and try to amuse you with things he could grow, but beyond that he's kind of at a loss. He doesn't usually stick around humans long enough to get what boredom is, and he's so focused on poetry and romance and drama that he probably thinks just about every moment in a human life is incredibly profound and captivating for us.
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Overcoming Anxiety (Obey Me! fanfic)
summary: Retha is getting some pampering due to feeling under the weather. When she has a moment of anxiety for her friends to step in.
Characters: OC (who is NOT the MC just a 3rd exchange student), Luke, Asmodeus, Lucifer.
content: mention of trauma, mention of depression, anxiety attack, casual fluff support, friends being there for each other
The evening was peaceful in the House of Lamentation. With Retha having a makeover session with Asmodeus and Luke for company. The sweet angel sitting in Retha's lap to plan out some recipe ideas for a baking contest. While Asmodeus fussed with Retha's appearance to be pitching cute ideas to Luke. Retha stayed seated on Asmo's bed to hug Luke and savor the moment. A good time to share between good friends.
But soon Retha grew more quiet to all but zone out. Which Luke caught on after a few minutes to turn and hug Retha tight. Which had Asmodeus pause in his filing of Retha's nails. Looking to Luke as the little angel finally noticed something was wrong with Retha. His voice holding concern as Luke said, "Wait. Retha? You feel really hot right now. Plus, your heart is racing too fast for you to be okay. Asmodeus. I think Retha caught a cold."
Asmodeus set the nail file down right away to reach his hand out to place it on Retha's forehead. The Avatar of Lust wincing to note, "Yeow. Retha. You are burning up. And not in the sexy way. Why didn't you tell us you were sick? Honey, you know better than to not say anything." Retha finally came out of her stupor to give a squeak at how close Asmodeus was to her face. But she soon gave a few wheezed coughs to pat Luke on the back. But it was obvious that Retha was starting to tremble. Looking like she was about to fall over. "Don't turn a little fever into me being on my death bed, you two. I just haven't been sleeping that great. What with going from just an ordinary human to a hybrid of different things, was bound to mean I don't get comfy at night. Plus I figure adjusting to being a Demon, Angel, Vampire, Sorceress combo would mean my body has to do serious fine tuning. So chillax."
Asmodeus put his hands on his hips to glare at Retha. Which had her bring those dragon wings at her back closer to instinctually hide herself from the very fuming glare the Avatar of Lust was giving her. Which also meant Luke got more boxed in to that hug for the angel to meep in surprise. The dragon scales along Retha's entire body catching the light when she shifted to half turn away from Asmodeus and shiver from head to talon feet. While that long scaled tail soon curled around herself to twitch slightly. Asmodeus gave a huff to then frown at Retha with a pout. "What well reasoned out excuses. I bet you caught what our precious pact human got yesterday while outside at Beelzebub's sports game. That precious sheeple as you call them ended up getting a lecture from Barbatos and Lord Diavolo about pushing themselves. Just admit that you were too anxious to ask us for more help than we've already given."
Luke gave a sad sigh to reach up and give Retha face nuzzles. The little angel snuggling the shaking Retha to sound very understanding as Retha gave a sniffle of noise. "Oh Retha. Did you think you were being a burden on us? You aren't a burden at all. We love you and want to help you whenever you need it. I know it's super hard for you to have your life so drastically changed. But we're here to give you what you need. Because we're friends." Retha gave a hoarse sigh to nuzzle Luke back and let the tears fall. "Yes. We're the best of friends. Basically family at this point. You are a gem, Luke. Asmo. Love always."
Asmodeus got his smile back to then turn when someone knocked on the door. So Asmodeus walked over to open it. Looking quite happy to see that it was Lucifer pushing a food cart. Various stews and baked breads on offering as well as a variety of sandwiches to choose from. So Lucifer gave that smug smile to push the cart into the room. "I was informed by a raven that we were in need of something filling. So Satan and Simeon helped put this together. Barbatos will arrive shortly with Solomon to do a physical on our very stubborn dragon hybrid. While Levi and Beel are fetching your schoolwork for us to do later." Asmodeus gave Lucifer a hug and several kisses to the cheek as Luke beamed happily at the food cart. Asmodeus giving coos of delight. "Oh just look at how suave my brother is. My heart might just stop at any moment. I love you, Lucifer."
Lucifer gave a patient sigh to tolerate the affection as Retha gave a huff of air. With Luke asking, "Are Solomon and Barbatos qualified to be doctors? Or are they bringing a doctor with them?" Retha has a thought to cover Luke's ears and glare at Asmodeus before the perky demon can say anything. "You dare suggest we all play 'Doctor' right now and I will stomp on you..." With Lucifer looking to be of the same mind as he smirks at Asmo's open disappointment. While Luke looks around to ask, "What? Why'd you cover my ears? What gives?"
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