#werewolf attacked aro
archoniluthradanar · 1 year
On Meeting a Vampire - Chapter Two
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On meeting a Vampire : an Aro Volturi short story
So Aro has entrusted himself to a mute female who lives alone in the forest. He is alone and still too weak from a werewolf attack to take off on his own to hunt for the rest of the coven. Unfortunately his thirst forces him to break his own promise to himself not to harm his savior. He bites her, only to find her blood is not red and doesn't taste good. In fact, it makes him quite sick.
Chapter Two and Final Chapter
Aro had never felt so sick, not in over three thousand years. I cannot feed from this woman, he thought with annoyance. He looked up at Don'ea, his expression one of disgust. "What have you done to me?"
Don'ea stood next to the bed and leaned over Aro as he lay writhing on his side. She reached down to rest her hand on his shoulder.
The agony Aro felt in his body slowly eased up until it had completely ceased. His head snapped around to stare up at the woman. "The pain is gone. Explain yourself!"
Don'ea pulled the collar of her woolen dress away from the bite mark Aro had left on her neck. After wiping away the purple smudge with a small rag, she showed him the wound that was slowly healing, the torn flesh visibly mending as her skin sealed itself.
Aro watched in amazement, his wide eyes never wavering from her neck. "You healed me, then you healed yourself. The power to repair physical damage. Fascinating."
Aro had never heard of anyone being capable of healing vampire physiology. It just wasn't possible. They could mend torn off body parts using venom as an adhesive, and minor flesh cracks would heal naturally in time. This gift would be an invaluable asset to the coven, if he could convince her to return with him to Volterra. But how, when she could not be changed without some discomfort to the vampire changing her. And even then, Aro wasn't sure if the change would take. Don'ea was nothing more than a mystery to him at the moment. He had to gather more information.
If only she could speak, he thought.
"I have no power to heal, Aro. I have the ability to strengthen a body, any physical body, into healing itself." The woman sat at the foot of the bed and watched the man she had been caring for, now free to talk with her. "I am called Don'ea." She then glared at Aro. "Why did you attack me?"
"You can speak! Why did you wait until now to say something?" Aro sat up, leaning against the headboard of the bed. He might be shocked that all this time this woman had been able to speak and had hidden that fact, but he was far too interested in her to let the opportunity pass. He had to know more.
Don'ea gave Aro an enigmatic smile, his violent transgression already forgiven. How much was she willing to share with him. As of this moment, she hadn't decided. She pulled the blanket away from Aro's legs, showing him that they too had been healed of the werewolf scratches and bites. "With the aid from my ability, you did that yourself."
Aro reached down in amazement as his hands ran over the pale skin, now smooth and devoid of even the slightest scars from the attack. He twisted his hand around, seeing it now functioned perfectly, the re-joined pieces of his arm good as new.
"Now that I can ask questions of you, tell me about yourself, Aro." She knew a few things from her sorting through his thoughts, but with so many memories of himself and others mingling within the same mind, it was difficult for her to tell which were his and which were those he had accumulated. She wondered how such a thing had not driven him mad. Don'ea, when reading thoughts, kept what she needed and excised the rest. Aro, apparently, kept every memory he had ever read.
"I'm a vampire, Don'ea. We immortals drink the blood of humans to survive. I was getting weak and needed sustenance. I truly didn't want to attack you. Even now, I'm going to have to hunt soon. Because of you, I'll be fit enough to do that. I hope you will forgive me."
Aro wanted her to know his remorse was real. "My coven was here to destroy a pack of werewolves. I got separated from my people and was tracked by one werewolf who managed to attack me before I killed it. I had to find assistance, hence my finding myself on your doorstep, for which I am grateful."
She nodded in understanding. Her home-made soup was not palatable to him. Even water wasn't drinkable. And when he finally attempted to take her blood, it wasn't the kind he could survive on. "I had no idea, Aro."
"How is it you can understand Italian?" he questioned, suddenly realizing they had been conversing in his long-time adopted language.
"Is that the language I'm speaking now, Italian?" Don'ea asked Aro. She knew he spoke many languages, but she didn't know what they were.
"You don't know?" Aro asked, a laugh in his voice, finding all this amusing.
"No. I can speak any language. I merely have to touch you, which I have been doing a lot. It's an immediate transference of knowledge from one being to another. " She smiled at Aro, who was still finding himself more impressed. She sat on the floor near the bed, after fetching a wet rag. Aro's shoes were stained red, she assumed it being the blood of his attacker. She attempted to clean them so that they would at least be wearable.
Aro watched her as she did her chore. "Tell me, my dear, you're not a witch or fae, are you?" the ancient vampire asked, a look of revulsion on his face.
Don'ea laughed. hearing his query. "No, Aro, nothing like that." She placed his shoes next to the bed. "You have improved faster than I anticipated. Soon, you will be able to leave."
Her voice suddenly seemed almost melancholy. He had heard that tone often enough with Marcus to recognize it. Would she miss him when he was gone?
Getting out of bed, Aro tested his legs, satisfied he was not in pain nor limping any longer. He walked the length of the cabin and back.
Don'ea smiled, clapping her hands. "You see, you're so much better." She tried to suppress a yawn. She suddenly felt the drain of the day's events. She headed to the kitchen to soak the soiled rag in soapy water and cleaned her hands.
Aro, on seeing the woman yawn, knew she was fatigued. "Please, take back your bed, Don'ea. I have no need of it. Vampires don't need to sleep."
Don'ea went to the small, curtained-off corner of the room that was her makeshift bathroom to take care of her personal needs and wash up. She slipped into her nightgown and returned to the outer room to find Aro waiting for her. She lay down on the bed, stretching out. She looked up at the dark-haired vampire, who placed the blanket he had been using over her body. "Thank you, Aro."
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Aro asked Don'ea, feeling somewhat bold and assuming her feelings for him were ones of attraction, said, "If I grow bored and choose to rest, may I lie next to you? No more attacks, I promise. I will be ever the gentleman."
It was an assumption both knew to be true in any case.
"You may share the bed with me, of course. It's more comfortable than the chair. And Aro, I'm not afraid of you. I never was." Don'ea turned on her side, slipping her hands beneath her pillow. She tried to hide a smile, which Aro noticed and questioned the reason for her humorous expression.
"Your pants. Now that your legs are healed, it looks funny to see you wearing such torn clothing. Too torn for me to repair."
"Well, I can wear them without your critique, my dear, or I can remove them," he replied with a smirk, although Aro hated not being properly dressed.
Don'ea said, "No!", perhaps a little too loudly.
Aro merely smiled and blew out the candle sitting on the small table by her bed, then headed for the door. "I'm going to step outside, Don'ea. I won't be gone long. I just want to see..."
"I know, Aro. Trust they will come back for you." She smiled at him, then closed her eyes.
By morning, Don'ea turned onto her back and stretched, her arm hitting a body. She turned again and saw Aro lying on the bed, far enough away so as not to touch her. His eyes were seemingly a brighter red. She assumed he must have fed last night. She raised herself on one arm, and peered over at him. "No sign of your people?"
"No," he said, feeling uncertain as to where they might be and if they still lived. "I may be alone now, and I was never one suited to the nomadic existence."
"You're not alone, Aro. At least you don't have to be."
Aro turned his head to look at Don'ea, her expression one of kindness, more kindness than he had experienced from anyone in a long while. The emotion was all but completely foreign to him now, not having been kind to anyone in a very long time. He reached out to her and touched her face, the skin smooth and warm. He had thought to draw her into his world, and here she was doing that to him. Aro inched his body closer, close enough to feel her breath on his cool cheek. He leaned in to kiss her.
Don'ea had not kissed anyone in a very long time, her imposed solitude keeping her from such an opportunity. She felt her heart race at the feel of Aro's cold lips on hers. He had pulled back, but she protested with a sound, to which he responded with an even deeper kiss, pushing her onto her back.
Aro had not felt desire for anyone since Sulpicia had left him, declaring herself free of her long-term imprisonment. How had this happened? He had experienced delight in learning of Don'ea's gifts, his mind pondering the uses of such gifts. Now he found himself wanting not only Don'ea's gifts, but Don'ea herself.
Her arms reached up to entwine her hands within his silky hair. Then she froze, pulling herself from beneath Aro.
Rising off the bed, she left to wash up and dress. Silently, she prepared breakfast while Aro watched her in confusion from the bed, wondering if he had offended her in some way. He wondered why she had responded to him so passionately, then turned off her emotions to take care of a mere chore.
Don'ea ate quickly, then drank a cup of hot herbal tea. She contemplated a problem nagging at her thoughts. She could not love this creature in so short a time, could she? Had she and Aro heart-bonded in some way through their interactions? She had known it to happen, but not with a creature so different from herself.
After considering the issue while eating, Don'ea decided Aro had to know the truth. She felt he was entitled to know everything if they were going to integrate their lives together. She wasn't inclined to tell him herself. Instead, she sat beside him on the bed, and stretched her hand out to him. "Go ahead. Read me. Learn the truth, Aro di Volturi." He seemed to hesitate at first, but decided to do as she asked. She felt his hand take hers, then he was holding it between both of his.
Aro sighed as he opened his mind to her memories. His eyes suddenly opened as he sifted through her past. He became intrigued by the visions he saw of her childhood with whom he assumed to be her family. Images of her home flashed in his mind. Tall towers, glistening in the sunlight. People dressed in strange clothing walking the streets. He saw her conversations with others in a language he wasn't familiar with. He reached her youth and educational years.
Aro felt a certain jealousy when he envisioned further conversations, this time with men. Then he saw her work. She was in something that rose upward from the ground, and into the sky that changed from light to darkness. When he saw how she had come to be in this place through her eyes, her vessel crashing to the ground, his eyes went wide. It was all there. Who she was. What she was.
His mind reeling, he released her hand, and whispered, "No wonder your blood is inedible to me. You aren't human. You're not even from this planet."
Don'ea placed her hands in her lap and looked at Aro, her gaze on him intense. Slowly her hair began to change colour from reddish brown to purple. The eyes that bore into Aro's were now a blue so bright, they seemed to glow with pure energy. "This is my true appearance."
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Aro stared at Don'ea. She still appeared human, but with obvious and not so obvious variations "You never cease to amaze me, my dear. You're even more beautiful, if that's possible." He rose from the bed, and turned to reach out to touch her cheek. His fingers moved to her hair, gently pulling up a strand, then letting it fall. He looked deeply into her eyes, examining them with his vampire vision. They looked normal except for their intense colour. "How old are you? How long have you been on Earth?"
Don'ea thought a moment. "I've been here on your world slightly over one thousand years. My age is more difficult to say, since our accounting of years is probably different than your accounting. Suffice to say, I'm at least 1500 years old."
This news pleased Aro immensely. She was long-lived just as he was. If she agreed to return with him to Volterra, he would not lose her in fifty short years.
"If you joined us, your gifts would make our coven the most powerful on the planet."
"My abilities are not gifts, Aro. All my people possess these powers. And I will not allow you to use them for your own purposes." Her expression darkened when she gave Aro that warning.
The door suddenly flew open to reveal three of the Volturi guard. Don'ea saw a dark blonde man alongside a man with dark skin waiting by the door, while a taller man entered the cottage.
"Master Aro, are you all right?" Felix asked, scanning the room, only seeing Aro and a woman.
"Yes, Felix. I am well, due to the care I received from this woman. Is everyone else safe? Are they here?"
"No, Master Aro. Masters Marcus and Caius felt it best to keep everyone home. They sent us back to find you."
Demetri smiled, glad to see Master Aro in one piece. "By the way, we routed the pack, Master."
Felix glared at Don'ea. "So who is this human? Shall we kill her?"
Don'ea held up a hand, palm forward in a defensive stance, as if waiting to see what the tall man did.
Aro raised his hand to restrain the protective killer instinct of his guard. "No, Felix. She took care of me when I could barely walk. Killing her would not be a proper thank you to her for her assistance. And feeding off her would be useless. Her blood is indigestible to our kind."
Santiago, Felix, and Demetri glanced at one another. "How is that even possible, Master Aro?" Demetri asked.
"You all will know soon enough," Aro replied. "And a truly fascinating story it is."
He held out his hand to Don'ea, who took it, letting herself be pulled closer to Aro. "My dear, these are three of our guards. Felix, Demetri, and Santiago. Gentlemen, this is Don'ea, the woman who found me and provided me with care. She never stopped believing you would came back for me." He looked at her, and lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it.
"You'll be returning home to Italy now," Don'ea said in a whisper.
"Yes, that's true, Don'ea. And what about you. Do you still hope your people will return here to find you?"
"It's been far too long," she replied with a smile, but when she looked up at Aro, her eyes could not hide the utter misery she felt inside. Crashing on this planet, trying to stay away from humans, building a home for herself here, only to have this inhuman creature arrive and capture her heart. She didn't want him to leave. She didn't want to be alone anymore.
As if he knew this, he lifted her chin with his cold fingertips, then leaned in to kiss her with cold lips. He made to her the same offer she made to him. "You don't have to be alone anymore, Don'ea. Come back to Volterra with me. Join us. It's true, your abilities would be a great asset to our coven. But I don't ask just for that alone." His red eyes questioned her.
She smiled at Aro. "No one can change me into a vampire because my body can't be dosed with your venom. And I'm safe from your kind feeding off me, since my blood is not compatible with your dietary needs." She wondered if he really cared for her, or merely saw her as someone to make use of.
He held her hands in his, her thoughts non-existent to his mind's probing. "Stop blocking me, dear one. Open your heart to me."
She nodded as she stared into his crimson eyes. She found them intriguing, beautiful even. "I have never met a vampire, although I have heard of the lore. Humans can be quite superstitious."
Aro gazed at the female standing before him. She appeared human, but was not human. And he found himself wanting her more and more.
"If you decide to accept me, my dear, you may return to Volterra with us. We'll give you a home and companionship. You may use your gifts to defend the coven, if you're willing. I won't ask any more of you than you're willing to give." He took her hands in his, kissing the palm of one. "Perhaps some day, you will consent to be my mate."
The guards were surprised at what they saw unfold before them. Aro had met a human with whom he had formed some attachment, and was now going to bring her home with them to Volterra.
Her eyes went wide at his words. This was unexpected. "Aro, will I fit in?" Her eyes were fixed on his, something shining there he would later come to understand.
"We are alike, you and I, even if we are different. We both live long lives. Neither of us can be harmed. It seems a perfect match to me. " His hand brushed over her cheek while she felt his emotions flood her heart. The connection was so strong, she knew even time could not break it.
Don'ea looked around the cabin.
Aro asked her, "If there's anything you wish to bring with you, if you agree, Felix will gather them." He took his cloak off the hook by the door and put it on. He took her cloak that also hung by the door and placed it around her shoulders.
"No, there's nothing here worth keeping. All right, I'll join you, Aro. Your home will be my home, your people my people. And you..."
She wasn't able to finish before Aro gathered her in her arms and kissed her. He breathed in her unusual scent, so inhuman and unique. "You will be mine, my dear. Alien as you are and unable to be changed, I think we can make it work." Aro slipped an arm around her waist, leading her from the cabin.
"Wait." Don'ea went back inside and going to the small table that sat beside her bed, picked up a shiny metal box and slipped it into her cape pocket. Then she rejoined Aro and his guards outside.
Aro picked Don'ea up in his arms. "It's faster this way," he said, grinning.
The pair, along with Felix, Santiago, and Demetri, headed for Volterra...for home.
A/N : I was going to call this tale "Aro and the Alien", but felt it would give the reveal away.
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tsv episode 5- Charity's poem was so nice 🥺🥺🥺 i loved it!!! You go werewolf girl, eat your God.
This entire episode was literally just so fucking funny 😭😭😭😭😭.
You got Faulkner just casually attacking and torturing a guy and then turn him into saint while reminiscing about his goddamn father, like he did not need to do any of that what the hell is wrong with him??
And then it just cuts to Carpenter captured by the horrible trap of societal convention as Hayward just fucking!!! Rants to her (a complete stranger) about his shitty divorce while casually dropping a horrific case with padlocks and love or shit!!! And All of it just!!!!! Completely Unprompted!!!!! What a fucking miserable pathetic man he is becoming one of my favorites for this shit alone!!!!! And the fact that he chose Carpenter of all people!! Our local aro queen who fucking hates everyone and just wants to be alone!!! Funniest shit ever!!!
(I feel like he was only doing this to talk to Carpenter cause I feel like he suspects her and this was sorta rapport building/delaying her/investigating her tactic, but also I Want To Believe!!!!! I Want To Believe that Hayward is truly is that much of a pathetic man to trauma dump on a random fucking stranger! Intoxicated alcoholic guy ranting to the bartender ahhh type of guy)
And you just Know Carpenter's aro ass is so fucking tired!!! She's praying to the Trawler-man, her river to end her suffering, Get Her Out of there!!!!
AND THEN!!!!! The fucking ending hovuguchchvj Hayward just casually talking about birds to apparently his new bestie (which can also be a clear threat), Faulkner's incredibly clear "Oh Shit!" Moment, Carpenter just unaware of the absolute shitstorm her beloathed partner has caused
Funniest episode up til now!!! Loved every part of it
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Jamari Blackwood (Ya’s Oc) Masterlist
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The human embodiment of hard on the outside chewy on the inside Jamari-
Character description
Halloween celebration
Hunted Down
Coming back from the dead
Scary movies
Haunted House
S/o trying to escape their werewolf mate
Werewolf jamari with a s/o who always gets lost
Succubus S/o
Random HC
Werewolf HC
S/o whose hesitant to live with him due to taking care of their sibling 
S/o whose flustered by his voice
Gentle affectionate S/o
S/o collapsing due to the pressure put on them from their parents
Scared S/o whose constantly trying to escape
Friendly S/o who cant bring themselves to completely abandon their ex
Happy energetic S/os fun behavior suddenly stopping
Pastry Baker S/o
Trans FTM S/o
Taking care of Sick Male s/o
Pregnant S/o
Abused S/o whos afraid to get into another relationship
Darlings clingy and dependent 
S/o has a thing for his piercings 
Darling who bites as a love language
S/o who feels safe in his arms
Darling who likes to knit
Waking up to find S/o missing from bed
Waking up to find S/o having a break down on the floor
Goth darling
Distant S/o cuddles up to him in the middle of the night
Wearing his clothes
Playing with his hair
S/o feels second place to his ex
Cubby and innocent S/o
S/o who has never been in a relationship yet and is nervous
Cubby S/o
Yandere Alphabet: D,E,F
Arriving unbelievably late for Valentines date
Soft Spoken and shy S/o
Yandere Alphabet: H,I,U,W,Y
Deaf Darling
Waking up to find his S/o making a surprise breakfast
S/o who constantly goes to the hospital cause of a chronic illness
Darling with a Eating Disorder TW
Chubby S/o getting bullied but hesitant to tell
Darling who has a hard time expressing feelings
Finding a girl with amnesia in a alleyway
Celebrating your birthday 
S/o coming home drunk not recognizing who he is
How Jamaris low empathy manifests 
Falling asleep on his lap during a movie
S/os his yandere admirer 
Baby whose clingy
Narcoleptic S/o
Putting up a fight even after being kidnapped
S/o who talks, moves and walks in their sleep
S/o w/ a little sister trying to break up with him
Baby who reacts physically to intense emotions
Psychoanalyzing him
Yandere S/o not wanting a actual relationship, just wanting to admire from a distance
Childhood Headcannons
Finding Yandere S/os secret room full of photos of him
Breaking up due to figuring out theyre Aro/Ace
S/os the child of a mafia family
Kidnapped S/o breaking down, thankful that they dont have to stress anymore
Pressured into breaking up w/ Jamari
S/o w/ Temporary leg paralysis
Baby who becomes mute when stressed/scared
Yandere S/o kidnapping Jamari
Big male influencer S/o
Amputee S/o who hates their prosthetic arm
Find out Crush is being domestically abused
Baby loving how their attacker said “Knife, to meet you” before stabbing them
Blind S/o who doesnt want to be in a relationship and stay independent
S/o who died has a twin that looks just like them
S/o w/ PTSD
S/o w/ OCD
Walking in on S/o torturing someone TW
S/o who cant feel pain
Calling him “cuddle monster”
Possessive Headcannons
S/o w/ restless leg syndrome 
Helping darling sell their BL manga
Possessive S/o whos also been cheated on before
Being introduced to his family
Kidnapped S/o crying themselves to sleep every night
S/o sleeps on a giant teddy bear instead of a mattress
Darling liking to feel up his chest
S/o whose great at escape rooms
Darling whos not used to affection
How Jamari got his Scar TW
S/o whos allergic to the cold
Kidnapped S/o thinking hes going to kill them
Dead S/o coming back as a ghost 
S/o flinches due to their childhood 
Finding Yandere Male S/o covered in blood
S/o w/ Rejection sensitive dysphoria 
Traits Jamaris ex had that would set off his paranoia
S/o whos constantly stressed and control freak
Breaking his jaw in a escape attempt
Queer Platonic relationship with aromantic S/o
Autistic S/o worried to talk about their special interest 
S/o that squeezes his chest anytime they can
Begging for him to let you go
S/o got the flu
Fluff HC
S/o Calling jamari to save them from a horrible road trip w/ their mom
Kidnapped S/o attacking him whenever he gets close
What would make Jamaris mom disapprove of you
Clinging to Jamari, refusing to let go after hes been out on a job for awhile
Gamer S/o
Caregiver S/o
Comforting Baby whos having night terrors
Insomniac s/o
His family finding out about his captive s/o
Rejecting him out of fear of being apart of a pattern or being left for someone else
S/o has a coughing tic
Dealing with another flirting with him
Walking in to see s/o holding a knife to their throat TW
Kidnapping S/o whos on their period
Kidnapped s/o starts to dissociate a lot
Kidnapped S/o injuring him everytime he gets close
Jealousy HC
Daughter loves being w/ him
S/o whose a major sweet tooth with a bunch of filled cavities
Kidnapped S/o passing out due to fear the moment they woke up
Getting Jamaris mother to like you
Platonic HC
S/o saying “lol if you ever ask me again i’ll make sure you won’t be able to, tree trunk” when he asks them why their being so cuddly
Decora Kei/Kidcore S/O
Kidnapped S/o almost stabbing him in the chest
Jamari gets kissed by some random person and the S/O sees
S/o needs a video playing in the background to sleep
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts.”
“Sweetheart…what are you doing?”
“Shh, don’t cry. You’re safe with me.”
Touch starved S/o who constantly needs cuddles
How Jamari would pace your relationship together
S/o who has a ton of stuffed animals covering their bed
S/o whos basically the "what's this?" "affection" "disgusting- do it again" meme
Masochistic S/o
QPR with a aromantic S/o who wants to be roommates
Random HC about sweet boi jamari
How he would woo a closed off S/o whos like him
How jamari would react to the silent treatment
Baby whos terrified of storms
Talking his baby to sleep
Taking advantage of The Purge to get his baby
Haunted house
Weredog S/o
S/o got bit by a zombie
Zombie Jamari
Vampire Jamari
Dressing up in couples costumes 
Werewolf Jamari during The Purge
S/o thinking he loves them too much due to past trauma
Bumping into his childhood bestfriend darling
Baby w/ Glasses
Germaphobe S/o
Aro S/o being self conscious of their ‘non typical’ relationship
College student s/o
S/os friend acting as his wingman
Fast food worker S/o
Kidnapped Aro S/o
Artist S/o who constantly doodles him
Kidnapped S/o managing to constantly slip out the apartment
Kidnapped S/o doing what he says out of fear
Hero Prompt
Platonic Shape Shifter prompt
Platonic Hunted down
Kidnapped S/o wants to dress up in matching costumes
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Werewolf Heat 
NS FW bits of HC
Jerking it to a picture of you 
Finding Darling dry humping his pillow 
Getting hard while cuddling 
S/o who has only fans/sells panties 
Male S/o teasing him 
NS FW hc
Car Sex 
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mkay so my anxiety has been fucking with me today so as a distraction i have decided to annoy someone so uhm i'll attack your inbox.so uh i watched a season and a bit of doctor who so you will now receive a beautiful summary.
1.there is a guy called the doctor. why? who knows but he has a very nice smile.
2.he can feel the earth moving beneath his feet or something. i relate. very dizzying.
3.he has a human companion. she is called rose.
4.my homophobic mother maybe thinks i'm gay for her. i am not but i was very tempted to tell her that even if i did have a crush on her it would not be gay because i'm non-binary and uh i don't have crushes because i'm aro but uhm the walls of this closet are thick.
5.in the first episode they watch the earth go BOOM and there is a lady who is like uh a sheet of skin or something.
6. also btw rose has a boyfriend who i can't remember if i like or dislike.
7.they uh do shit. don't remember what.
8.there's uhm some aliens who are big and green and kill people and wear their skin or something.
9.in one episode, the skin-wearing alien turns into an egg?
10.uh and then he david tennants himself and is sad that he isn't ginger.
11. there are evil people dressed up as father christmases.
12.something about controlling blood idk i kept getting distracted by david tennant. he gives me lots of gender envy.
13.david is sleeping and gold shit is coming out of his mouth.
14.uhm he is now awake and they are in a hospital with weird cat nun doctor people
15.the skin lady is breathing into people and then dies.
16.there is now a werewolf and queen victoria.
17.people die.
18.the werewolf is defeated by a diamond and a telescope.
19.queen victoria knights them and then banishes them. she does not like them.
20.the doctor owes rose 10 quid. it is not shown onscreen but i hope he gives it to her.
so uhm there we go you no longer need to watch it.
Well, well, well...
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@queermarzipan Plaguey, I feel like you need to see this.
Also... drink water, Kit.
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Here's a little one-shot from that werewolf Peter au I was talking about yesterday.
Summary: Aro finds the strange creature that has been causing trouble, and quickly takes an interest in him
Warning: blood, mentioned death, Peter is not dressed due to werewolf reasons, Aro is an ass, but this is normal
On with the fic!
Aro had been expecting a newborn vampire as the one causing all these slayings in the city of Las Vegas, they had fit the usual style of bloodthirsty vampires with no proper guidance. It was a decent reason to travel to this city after a visit with the Cullens, just to check up on their little child, making sure she wasn't a threat still.
He had taken up the task to find the newborn himself, he needed the amusement.
However, what he had found was anything but a recently made vampire.
Instead, he found the shivering form of a naked human, covered in claw marks, and blood, both the human's own and another person's. The scent was strong, but the blood of the human before him was... not right.
It reminded Aro of the shapeshifters, of both this country, and of Europe. Though there are quite a variety of shifters around the world, you could tell the scent of their animal if you were well adapted as Aro.
And he smelled the scent of a feral wolf.
The human was a skinny thing, but clearly a tall one, with dark brown hair, and eyes that showed both fear and anger. There were still features of the wolf on him, the long, nasty claws still soaked in blood and chunks of meat, with sharp teeth bared. The body was a tight thing of muscles still trying to change back into a more human-like structure, and the feet were... not quite right, yet, but were slowly changing back.
It looked painful.
"My, my, my..." Aro stared, smiling as he stared at the human, hidden in the shadows of a disgusting alleyway. The scent of garbage, human, and blood was strong here, was a terrible place to be. "Was not expecting one of you to be the cause of all the attacks, how curious."
"Fuck off." The human snarled, practically growled out. The accent was clearly not a local one, he sounded British. How silly, a reverse of that old film, then?
"And why would I do that?"
"Got enough problems right now, fang face, don't need a fancy ass vampire to come cause me trouble!" The human stated before crying out as there were loud bone snaps, his feet becoming normal again.
So, it was painful. Fun.
Aro chuckled and approached, standing over the human laid on the filthy ground, panting hard and not seeming to care that he was naked as anything.
Hmm... not a bad looking human, probably wouldn't be much of a snack even if he wasn't a werewolf. He had the underlining scent of alcohol. Lots of it. It made blood taste terrible.
"How did you know I'm a vampire?" Aro asked, smiling down at him.
The man glared up at him, gritting his teeth as his claws started to revert back into fingernails. "I'm... clever like that. Expert hunter... fuck!"
He panted hard then dropped his head back with a grunt. "Plus, you stand out like one from a movie or somethin'. Or a dumb vampire novel."
Aro couldn't help but to laugh at this, he'd be insulted if he didn't find this creature oddly amusing. "Expert hunter, hm? Is that how you became a werewolf, little wolf?"
This earned him a very, very nasty look, which only served to amuse Aro more. "Fuck you. I am, one of the best experts in the world. And I got bit... in a way that's none of your business."
Aro just hummed, nodding, taking note of scars on the human's exposed skin. Scratches, lots of them, some old, some new, some healing right now. There were also bites, old ones, scattered about, but there was one that sat on the man's left shoulder, it looked red still, but the attacks had been happening for a few months now, was a werewolf bite slow to heal?
This creature made Aro very curious, it wasn't often he dealt with werewolves, it had been ages since he last encountered any, and all of them had been slaughtered by humans shortly afterwards. Or by other vampires.
It would be a shame to slaughter this one, when Aro could use him to study the beasts. He watched the human roll about in pain as the last of his body changes back to a normal appearance, and he ponders over this being.
He wonders... would a werewolf be good in his ranks? Those vampires up north have their shapeshifters, so why shouldn't he have one? It would make things more interesting for him, that was for sure.
He grinned, holding out a hand. "Here, let me help you."
The man stared at the hand. "Why?"
"You are lying in blood and who knows what, it is nearly fully sunrise, and I am sure you'd like to be home and not naked and coated in blood before anyone else sees."
"Hmm... and how do I know you're not just going to bite me and drink my blood when you help me up?"
"I do not like the taste of animal blood."
"Bite me!"
"I just said I don't like dog blood." Aro laughed at the sputtering the human made, and just yanked him up off the ground, much to his protest.
As much as it bothered Aro to let anyone use his clothing, he removed his cloak to cover the man, who mumbled a thanks, curling up in it.
"Now," Aro started, clasping his hands in front of himself, "how about we discuss things in a more secluded location."
The man looked confused. "Discuss what things?"
"Oh, you'll soon learn. Come now, show me where you live, dear wolf." He smiled, gently taking the man by the elbow and started to walk out of the alley.
Peter would fight back more, but he is utterly exhausted, in pain, and feeling like shit for a number of reasons. He'll be much more annoyed with Aro once he gets a shower, sobs over his self-hatred and guilt, and has at least three cups of coffee in his system.
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therealvinelle · 1 year
I just finished Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and I have to say: Holy shit! The werewolf fight, Carlisle getting investigated by the FBI, Aro's funny hat idea as a diplomatic tool, the Ziggy Stardisciples feat. bad face paint, Renata ❤️, the bickering twins, Jane (yes, she gets her own point, she deserves it), Carlisle's gift induced despair and then the fall of Volterra, the horror and grief of the group and the very loud broadcasted-live-to-the-usurpers revenge sex (I hope Edward combusted into a pile of ashes right then and there, lol). It was an amazing rollercoaster to read. And just so you know, I'm very interested in that potential sequel 👀
(Also, if Aro had decided to follow Caius' advice and attack the Cullens first, how would he have done it? Kill them all but spare Carlisle? Kill only Bella and leave it at that knowing that they don't pose a threat anymore even if they do decide to take revenge? Or something entirely different?)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, thank you!
To answer your question:
If Aro was to take out the Cullens, there are about a million ways he could have gone about killing the Cullens but the simplest one in my mind would have been if he used Nahuel and his sisters to hide from Alice, and then went and killed them outright. No fuzz, no convoluted schemes, even with Bella's gift the Cullens would be easily overwhelmed.
A more thought out plan, at least if Aro wants to be sure Alice doesn't catch on to him, would be sending Chelsea and Marcus around to weaken the bonds of friendship the Cullens have with their various allies, and strengthen their faith in the Volturi. And if some remain adamant, they die. Leave the Denali alive, however, and then make his move.
The factor that allowed the Cullens to gather as many allies as they did in Breaking Dawn was time. The Volturi deliberated two weeks, when a direct flight from Italy to Washington would take less than a day. Should Aro in my scenario then decide "Alright, we're doing this," the Cullens will have very little time and be at a complete disadvantage.
Their only option would be to run for it and not split up, so Bella can shield them all, but even so they'll be leaving scent trails, which means they would have to go by human transportation means. This in turn puts a constraint on their movements.
The Cullens would likely end up on a boat or an island, where nobody can track them, where they would be unable to step outside of Bella's immediate vicinity, meaning Jacob and Renesmee are both obscuring Alice.
This is where the Denali come in, because without them the Volturi would have no way of guessing where the Cullens might go. With five friendly vampires a short distance away, however, the Cullens have an obvious destination.
Where, of course, Jacob and Renesmee's constant presence means that Alice won't know the Volturi are waiting for them there.
Even if the Cullens figure out that the Denali are compromised, they have no allies and Bella needs only let down her guard for a moment for Demetri to know where they are, and given the pressure she's under she inevitably will. They won't have an easy time hunting, either, the stress of the situation will be constantly grating on them, they won't hold out for long.
As for what the Volturi do when they have them at their mercy, Aro would be sad about it but they all have to go. Regardless of the strategy he used, he wants to reinforce that the Volturi are a force you don't stand up to, you don't resist, and you don't embarrass them.
By all accounts, Aro's distinguishing feature is that there is nobody he isn't willing to kill.
People would be crying injustice for a while, but I imagine those voices would be silenced in death or through intimidation, and with vampires having such a high turnover rate it would only be a few centuries before they were forgotten by all but those who keep their mouths shut about it.
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strayhounds · 10 months
dogthing extraordinaire. crowcore (literal), hoarder of labels n trinkets. awakened august 2022. created the labels of “feragenus” + “quitherianthrope”
chronic pain haver so i like to joke about being a werewolf (i swear it gets worse around the full moon LMAOOOO /j), NOT a p-shifter. i have ocd n im currently gettin evaluated for autism n adhd.
no dni except the typical criteria, just don’t be an ass n we’re good. i’ll block u if i dislike you.
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labels and more etc under the cut
i am a dog (particularly in the Genre ™️ of gsds, huskies, and wolfdogs). i have always thought myself to be a psychological therian but i am also looking more into the fact it may have spiritual ties too. oh and i’m questioning otherkin n fictionkin (separate) but i have a shitload of mixed feelings about thag in relation to myself so ummm yeah.
i am genderdoe (not related to a kintype, just the usual label) and i use any pronouns. she, he, they, it, all fine by me! . bi n aro/ace spectrum
i feel heavy connections to being an attack dog,, a protector, loyal to a fault to one personnn anyway . i do have a lot of aggressive canine instincts and thoughts, such as a prey drive . please beware if that is triggering at all
ok thank u :3 byebye
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aintgonnatakethis · 6 months
for the WIP game:
Cupiosexual James Bond - June: Mermaids
What Big Teeth You Have
Thanks for the ask! 😄
Cupiosexual James Bond - June: Mermaids
Part of The Aspec Year challenge, which I'd encourage everyone to get involved in, as the world needs more aspec writing! I've written a decent amount of ace and aro characters, so was wondering about microlabels, as I myself identify as aegosexual. I found cupiosexual, which means someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction but still wants sexual relationship and my brain instantly matched it up with Bond.
There's definitely a discussion to be had around him having had sexual attraction at one point, but due to the frankly abusive job he has to endure on a daily basis, he no longer does. Bodies being a tool is something I've talked about a lot for other characters (specifically David Telford from SGU) and the damage it does to a person's psyche, where they begin to view themselves as a tool and not even a person… Yeah, that's the good shit!
I'm not sure if I'll be going the angst route with this fic - it's my aim but you know how The Characters can be! Anyway I've started it off with Bond bringing Q gifts from his deployments, as I can never get enough of that idea.
It had started roughly six months ago, gifts beginning to appear on Q's desk without anything attached that could give him a clue as to who his sudden benefactor was. There didn't appear to be a pattern in temperament or price. A stuffed elephant one time, a box of the finest Cuban cigars the next, followed by a Newton's cradle with tiny cats hanging off the outermost balls, followed by a puzzle box intricate enough to flummox Q for a record two days - a flattened Roman coin inside - followed by a gigantic cat tree, still contained in its four large boxes. Q had questioned his staff and actually believed them when they swore they hadn't seen who'd left them, even if it seemed nigh on impossible to smuggle so many metre-and-a-half square boxes through the bowels of MI6 without anyone noticing.
What Big Teeth You Have
I've already discussed this one a bit here, but the Telford werewolf idea is an idea completely owned by @judgeverse and I'm merely borrowing it! As I talked about how it ended up in the cracky side of things on the other ask, here I'll post what I was aiming for when I started: some homoerotic violence!
Young's eyes flashed dangerously, his voice very low when he next spoke. "You get one chance to leave under your own power." The back of Rush's neck prickled with warning, but he found himself incapable of backing away from the challenge laid in front of him. Young didn't respect him as it was, and he never would if Rush turned tail and ran now. He jutted his chin out. "You're not going to touch me." Without breaking eye contact, Young dropped his pile of blankets to the side with a thump. A moment later an answering thud came from behind Telford's door, which Rush had a scant few seconds to wonder about before Young planted both hands into his chest and shoved him roughly backwards, sending him crashing to the floor in a wild tangle of limbs. Rush gasped for breath, taken off guard and winded by the sudden attack. He couldn't believe one of the soldiers had actually laid hands on him! He'd been assured by Doctor Jackson that things were different within the programme as compared to the military industrial complex at large. He'd said sure, they can be brusque and stubborn when it comes to what they believe, but we're very strict on who we let into the program. Jack's never put a finger on me. They're good guys.
These two men brawling until they're both bloody and gasping for breath? 😍 They're made for it tbh.
WIP game
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felixschokehold · 2 years
I saw a theory that Sam killed Felix and I am at my breaking point over this frickin vision-
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Edit: I do want to say, this battle scene is the best scene imo in the entire series and I love it, my problem is just what lies below lol
Before going into this, I wanna say that I understand this vision was not real in the books. The thing that bothers me is that so many people believe the vision’s results  would be real if a fight broke out between the Volturi and the Cullen coven and co. 
My first problem I will knock off this list is just a theory, as stated above, but to believe that Sam, a barely seasoned werewolf, could take out and destroy a millenia old vampire whose special skill is combat/fighting, is ridiculous. Now, of course I may be biased. But even before I was a Felix stan, I did not believe this was possible in any capacity. Most of the wolves are young and untrained and there is no way that they would have been able to take Felix down. 
My second source of irritation I want to make is Santiago and Demetri also being taken out so easily. In the movies they are not as tall/foreboding as Felix, but in the books they’re also quite large and have thousands of years of experience of executing and committing mass murder. 
I cannot say it is unfair to assume Jane and Alec would have died as their powers lie solely in psychic/mind attacks and they very likely have no fighting experience. They are also children. The only way I see them surviving is staying within range of Renata, whose power is to confuse any incoming attackers and she’s bound to Aro by Chelsea, so tightly that she’d die before seeing him die. 
There is no canon or not if Bella’s power would cancel out Renata’s, but since Bella is so special and a little OP, I could see it happening. In which case, yes, the twins would be rendered useless and would die without knowing how to physically fight. 
Caius’ death may be satisfactory as well, but he goes on so many execution and punishing trips that I find it hard to believe he could also be taken down easily. He has no special power, except his unusually deep love for cruelty.
Marcus? Well, yeah. I can see it happening just how it did in the movies, to be quite honest. He may be bound to Aro by Chelsea, but I think his suffering would outweigh that during a fight. 
Aro I feel like would have his own self-preservation kick in and attempt to end the fight before he or any of his special guards would die, or at least take too many losses.
Speaking of which, the amount of Volturi that are present vs the amount of Cullen and co. is quite large. I cannot believe, still, that the Volturi would bring so many inexperienced fighters and lose so badly. 
Although, in the end of the vision as Aro’s body sets on fire, you can see a huge amount of Volturi guards descending upon Bella, so perhaps the Cullen coven and co. would get defeated. They just somehow would bring down all the big guns with them. 
ANYWAYS, sorry for the long-ish post. I just do not see unseasoned fighters winning in any capacity like in the vision. The wolves are too inexperienced and most of the Volturi guard are far too old and experienced to have eaten absolute shit like that. 
I’m always up for discussion in chat, reblogs, or asks!! 
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archoniluthradanar · 1 year
On meeting a Vampire - Chapter One
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On meeting a Vampire : an Aro Volturi short story
This fiction will be a short story of no more than 2 chapters about an unexpected meeting between a strange young woman and an ancient vampire. Aro del Volturi is lost in some unnamed forest, left behind by his coven during a battle. He manages to reach a small cottage inhabited by a young woman who lives alone there. She's finds the man is not quite normal. On the other hand. Aro finds his savior to be somewhat odd herself.
I was going to make this a one-shot but it got too long for that, yet too short to be considered a long fic.
Chapter One
Although his assailant was dead, Aro di Volturi's immortal body was filled with pain only because his attacker had been a werewolf. When it came to vampire versus werewolf, this fight ended in success for the vampire, but not without it's sacrifices. Aro was now alone in the forest, wherever this place was. His fellow coven members had left him behind, chased off by one of the few enemies that could defeat vampires. They would come back for him once they had lost the pack, but he needed immediate help.
Caius had insisted the werewolves must be hunted down to extinction. They were powerful, but disorganized. Still, he had nearly been destroyed by one some time ago, and his fear of them made them an enemy that had to be eradicated. The coven had destroyed many of the werewolves, but one had targeted Aro when he was alone. He fought against the hairy beast, who used bared teeth and sharp claws to take down Aro. His cries of pain echoed in the forest, but he didn't give up on his attack, until the beast fell to the ground, its blood flowing into the dirt.
Struggling to remain standing, Aro finally managed to limp his way through the trees and brush. The darkness did not impede him, having vampire vision, but his usual speed was not there for him. He continued this way for nearly an hour. His acute hearing picked up only the distant rumblings of thunder, nearby animal sounds, and the rippling of a creek not far away. Then he heard a heartbeat, human and most likely female by the rapidity of it. Aro headed in the direction of the heartbeat to find a small wooden cottage sitting in a clearing surrounded by trees.
He noticed smoke coming from a stone chimney, so obviously the occupant was there. Why would a woman be living alone in this desolate place. Perhaps her mate was out hunting. Perhaps she was a widow due to some obscure human war. Aro truly didn't care. He needed her aid whoever she was, and perhaps her blood as well if he were recover more quickly.
Aro made it to the door and knocked. He leaned against the door jamb, wanting nothing more than to lie down and mend himself. Cracks had appeared on his face and neck, and they seemed slow to heal. One hand had been torn off at the wrist. He managed to save it with a laving of venom over the breaks. He hid the damaged limb within his black cloak. There were deep bites on his legs that were causing him a great deal of pain. Aro knew they would take days to heal. He knew he would need to rest if that were to happen.
The door opened to reveal a young woman with long red-brown hair that was pulled up in a loose bun. Her blue eyes took in the appearance of the man at her door. She looked him over, seeing torn pants and bloodless wounds on his legs. He was holding onto his arm as if it was inured as well. She started to reach out her hands to help him, but quickly pulled back.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean you any harm, but I am injured. I need help..." Aro nearly fell to his knees, but he knew if he fell, she alone would not have the strength to pick him up. Unsure what language she spoke, Aro didn't know if she even understood him. He spoke many languages, so if she would just say something, he would be able to recognize her native tongue and communicate with her.
Don'ea watched the man before her, obviously having trouble standing. She didn't want to let him in, but she could not let him remain outside. The air smelled of ozone. She had heard the thunder getting closer, and it was likely a storm was approaching,
Giving the man a weak smile, she slipped her arm beneath his, trying to support him as he stumbled inside. She led him to the bed that sat in the far corner of the large room and helped him to sit down. She mimed for him to take off his cloak. Going back to the door, she hung the black cloak on a peg in the wall next to the entrance, which was now barred with a wooden arm that crossed the entire width of the door.
She threw another log into the fireplace, and went back to help the man. His coat had to be removed, Don'ea feeling it was too binding. She knelt down and removed his shoes, which were wet with something sticky and covered in dirt, so she slid them under the bed until she could clean them. She slid out a round metal bowl from under the bed, showing it to Aro. She tried to mime its use, but was sure he understood when he smiled and shook his head. She then stood to find another blanket in a small wardrobe that was next to the bed.
Aro lay back, groaning in pain. He closed his eyes, one hand flung over his forehead. Never had he felt so incapacitated in all his existence, at least not since his transformation. Where was the rest of the coven. Surely Demetri would be tracking him by now, unless... Aro dared not think of the possibility the werewolves had destroyed his people. If that were the case, no help would be arriving and he would be on his own.
Don'ea was finally able to observe the stranger's appearance. He was the most attractive man she had ever seen in this place. She inhaled some pleasant sort of scent exuding from his body. But what had intrigued her more was the colour of his eyes. They were a deep red. In her time here in this forest, she had never seen anyone with red eyes. Brown, green, blue, but never red.
She pointed to the the other corner of the room where a clay oven sat. Nearby was a table with crockery and knives. Eating utensils, cups and plates sat on a shelf that was secured into the wall above the table.
She filled a glass from a clay pitcher with cool water and offered it to Aro, who shook his head. He tried to smile his thanks, but pain forced his expression to change to one of discomfort. Every bite throbbed. His hand still was not secure enough to use. It would take time for the venom to bind the torn parts together.
Aro lay perfectly still as he now gazed at the woman assisting him with such diligence. He had lucked out in finding her here. But with what end.
Don'ea reached down to place her hand on his forehead. He had no fever. In fact, his skin was dry and cold as snow. She lay the blanket over Aro, covering him carefully. Then she returned to the oven where a pot of soup sat atop the fire-fed heat. She slowly stirred it, eager to sit and eat her supper. She had made plenty, so if her guest was hungry, she could feed him. The hot soup might help him warm up.
Aro was watching the woman surreptitiously. For a human, she was quite lovely. But he found it odd that she had not uttered a word since his arrival. And the scent he had breathed in while she was helping him get comfortable was unlike any he had ever smelled. Not unpleasant, just different.
"My name is Aro. I am from Volterra in Italy. I am here with my people, but we were separated and I was...attacked. To whom do I owe my thanks for offering me sanctuary?"
The woman turned at Aro's words, her blue eyes filled with expression, even if she said nothing.
Don'ea had gone to fill a bowl with some of the hot soup, again offering it to Aro. And again, he shook his head. Perhaps he was just not thirsty or hungry due to the pain he was suffering.
Aro lay back, unable to do anything else. He watched while the woman ate her meal, knowing she might end up becoming his meal if the coven did not find him soon. He hated to thank her for her aid by killing her, but there might be no help for it.
Lightning lit up the darkness outside through the few windows of the cottage. The thunder had grown so strong, it sometimes shook the small house as it sent sonic booms into the air.
Don'ea went to unlatch the door. Opening it, she peered out to observe the downpour that had finally arrived. She worried that this man's people would be stuck out in the deluge. What she didn't want was for his attackers to sniff after his scent and end up here.
She closed and latched the door, then went to wash her soup bowl. She kept the flame under the pot low, in case her guest grew hungry later. She might want more herself, but preferred to help her guest for now.
Don'ea went to the bed and pulling up the blanket away from Aro's legs, she wordlessly examined his wounds. She pulled at the torn pieces of cloth which were also damp with something sticky-wet, like his shoes. She carefully touched his legs. The wounds were oddly bloodless, the flesh not appearing torn like a bite, but broken like crockery that had been dropped in a way as to not shatter the piece, but leave it intact with smooth-edged cracks. Obviously bite marks confirmed his story. She still wanted to know why his flesh was so cold.
Laying the blanket back over his legs, she sat next to Aro, her hand resting on his. She watched him for any reactions or unspoken needs he might have. He seemed to be resting, his eyes closed once more. While he was in repose, she studied his thoughts. She smiled in amusement. It was a jumbled mess of centuries of history, his and that of others. This man, if he were a man, needed her help, and to learn from him, she would offer it freely.
Don'ea was about to rise to get another bowl of soup, when she felt a hand grab her wrist in its vise-like grip, pulling her down. She watched as Aro held onto her, his irises having darkened to black, with an expression that might have terrified her.
Aro, in his hunger, drew the silent woman to him. She never uttered a sound, not even in fear. A mute. She must be a mute and unable to speak. Aro bared his razor-sharp teeth and swiftly bit down on her neck. He felt the heated blood flow into his mouth. Instantly, he spat out the fluid. Wiping his hand over his mouth, he drew it back and saw a purple smear.
"What is this?" His stomach suddenly twisted as he retched. "What have you done to me?"
A/N : Aro has never found blood he didn't like. Until now. So who is this strange woman Aro has fallen in with?
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loonyrjlupin · 2 years
the art of not falling in love
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Words: 4k
WARNINGS: panic attack, questioning sexuality (aro/ace), sex
In which Remus realises he's never experienced romantic or sexual feelings like all of his friends have.
A/N: Pretend that there were books about being LGBTQIA+ in the 70s. Remus is clearly struggling and needs all the help he can get.
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Remus had been crying for a while, curled up on his side with his scarred hands tucked into his eyes. He had long ago casted a silencing charm over his bed, as to not wake the other boys in the dorm room. Godric knows what teasing he would suffer at the hands of the gallant Sirius for doing such a childish thing as crying. As taught by his orphanage instructors, it was always easier to suffer quietly and not to drag anyone else into the drama.
Sniffling, the lanky boy rubbed his sore eyes. Crying had felt good but didn’t help him solve his problems. He now had a throbbing headache to add to the mix of complicated feelings and stress of being a 17-year-old wizard who also happened to be a werewolf. That was completely normal, right?
“Fuck you’re stupid,” Remus whispered to himself, pulling his body up into a sitting position to try stretch out his limbs. “Get over it. I’m sure James and Sirius don’t act like this.” Remus had been questioning himself. A lot. Lately, it was starting to become clear that he was a little bit different to them.
When he was 13, it had started with him realising that he had never really developed a crush. He had been listening to Sirius talk about a girl from Hufflepuff with great adoration for 20 minutes and it occurred there was no one in Remus’s life that he felt like that about. Maybe Remus had just never met the one? What is the one? How do you know you’ve met them? Remus didn’t have answers for these questions, and it was beginning to bother him.
After a year he decided he would try to like one of his classmates Mary Macdonald to try to fit in with the other boys. He started to make suggestive comments and actions in the hallways between classes, study sessions in the library, and even in the common room around his friends. This is what the other boys would do, right? The boys cheered on his acts of bravado and Remus rolled with it. He liked the feeling of having Mary swoon over him which developed over the next couple of weeks.
Eventually though it got to the dreaded stage of physicality. Holding hands made him want to retch, let alone kiss anyone, even the gorgeous Mary. Remus had to make the decision to break off whatever they had, much to the distain of James, Sirius, and Peter. They enjoyed hooning him on. Mary was understanding, thankfully. Remus didn’t know what he would do with himself if he ruined his friendship with Mary.
From that “relationship” he hadn’t thought about getting into another. He got teased about it quite a bit by the others, but always managed to brush it off. That had been four years ago. Both Mary and Remus had forgotten about it and had a mutual agreement to never mention it. Mary had easily moved on, continuing her exploration without a worry. Remus, on the other hand, hadn’t done a single thing since then in that aspect.
Now, in their seventh year Remus had never even held someone’s hand romantically. He knew his friends had gone well past it, they loved to share the adventures they got up to in the locked classrooms after hours and in hidden corridors when no-one was looking. No one was a bigger storyteller than Sirius, of course. In fact, earlier that day while the four Marauders were huddled in the common room studying in their favourite corner for their upcoming NEWTS, James and Sirius had got into a very detailed conversation of how their current relationships were coming along.
James was head over heels for Lily, everyone in Gryffindor couldn’t escape the large acts of love James would perform for the redhead, much to her amusement. Lily had secretly confided in Remus one night in the library that it very much amused her once in her life, but now she was starting to fall for him too. Remus was taken aback by this, too used to Lily cursing James’s name for his stupidity.
Why was everyone falling in love?
“Lily and I had our first kiss last night,” James said, a grin coming across his face, “It was amazing, but so bloody awkward. Neither of us knew what to do.” He chuckled, clearly lost in the memory.
Remus perked his ears up but continued on with his work; it was always interesting listening to everyone’s experiences since he had none to share except for the brief exploration with Mary.
“Don’t worry mate. You’ll get to the good stuff soon enough,” Sirius gave James a pat on the arm and a wink, “Mary let me go all the way last night.”
“Really?” James asked, curiosity taking his interest, “What was it like? Oh. Wait. Should I ask that?” He immediately flushed a deep red, stuttering and trying to backtrack.
“James!” Peter made a retching noise, clearly disgusted by the direction the conversation was taking. He started to pack up his notes and books.
“C’mon Wormy! We’re just having boy talk. Mary told me girls talk about the same things!” Sirius threw up his arms in mock defence.
Oh great, Remus thought, I’m even less inexperienced than the girls too.
“I’m going to see Georgia,” Peter stated, picking up the last of his things and shoving them in his bookbag before turning on his heel and marching out the door. Georgia happened to be Peter’s first girlfriend. From what Remus knew they had been together for a couple of months and were quite private with their relationship. They certainly wouldn’t be talking about their experiences the way James and Sirius currently were.
Sirius turned back to James; they were sitting next to each other with Remus on the other side of the table. It made him feel like he was watching a TV show. There, but disconnected from the conversation. “But it was great. Better than you could ever imagine.”
“Hm. How long did it take you to warm her up to do it?” James barely whispered. Curious, but also scared to ask such risqué questions. Remus certainly would never ask it.
“Bit of kissing on the mouth, down the neck. Hands constantly moving if you know what I mean. She was the one to take her shirt off first, so I took that as the go ahead. From there it was as simple as talking off the rest of our clothes and letting our bodies do the rest. Magical stuff it is.” Sirius still had that intoxicating grin on his mouth, looking at James like he had told the world’s most valuable secret.
Even Remus had looked up during his description, Charms homework forgotten. Magical stuff? No wonder I’ve never done it. I’ll never deserve something like that. He shook his head slightly and looked back down at his work. Why can everyone else just do it, but I can’t?
James looked stricken as well. But not sullen like Remus, more like he was trying to take mental notes for his next late-night hook up. “Say, how far have you gone James?” Sirius asked, nudging James’s side.
“Oh. Uh. We’ve only kissed. Don’t know how she feels about going any further. Got to be the gentlemen, of course.” James snickered.
“What about you, Moony?” The attention suddenly turned to Remus. He looked back up from his homework, the self-deprecating thoughts still circling around his head. Remus was too embarrassed to say that he had never done anything, so he stayed silent, staring at the two boys like a deer in headlights. Heat flushed up his cheeks and never before had he felt like such a child. A 17-year-old and he’d never even kissed a girl, let alone held her hand.
James and Sirius were both taken aback by Remus’s visibly negative reaction to that question. James jumped in to save the day, “Nevermind mate. You don’t need to answer Padfoot’s intrusive question.” The boy then gave Sirius a pointed glance. The two of them had developed a secret language of looks from being friends for so long. This made Remus feel even more out of the loop. His heart was beating too fast, and his palms were beginning to sweat. The room was starting to sway, his body trembling.
Get out. His mind screamed at him.
Fumbling out a half-assed excuse about needing to use the bathroom, Remus gathered up his things as quickly as he could and nearly ran out of the common room, needing the fresh air of the grounds. Tears were blurring his vision as he took a short cut he found in his third year to the lake. It was a hidden little nook in a garden that was virtually impossible to find if you tried to get to it from the grounds.
Dropping his book bag on the ground, the boy collapsed to the ground, feeling his chest constrict with anxiety as he held his hands over his head.
His breathing was becoming far too shallow, his robes tangling around his body. Being a werewolf, his senses were heightened, particularly his smell. Out on the grounds he could smell the sweet pollen of the flowers in the greenhouses, the sickly stench of the animals in the Forbidden Forest, the nauseating whiff of the lake with the algae and giant squid deep down in it. Normally he could ignore the scents, but now in his state of panic they made him feel overwhelmingly ill. He was worried he would vomit right off the edge of this little nook.
Remus choked out a cry. He was becoming horridly overstimulated. Becoming painstakingly aware of his surroundings let him hear the buzzing of a fly, the cries from the forest, the mingling students from inside the castle. Everything was becoming too much.
The nausea was becoming too much. He could taste the dryness in his mouth, the bile rising up his throat, the tears on his lips. “Fuck,” He sobbed. It felt horrible, being all alone in a state of need like this. What he would give to have someone rubbing his back and telling him he’d be okay right now.
Remus took his arms off his head and wrapped them around his stomach trying to fend away the retching feeling. He tried to force himself to breathe deeply but his body seemed like it wasn’t listening to him. His lungs were hiccupping and couldn’t get a full breath in without pressure rising in his throat.
The nausea ended up winning. He moved quickly to the little edge and threw up his dinner. Even after he’d emptied his stomach his stomach continued to contract, forcing him to dry heave.
After some time, he eventually managed to bring himself to move from the edge to lean against the brick wall. Remus tucked his legs into his chin, wrapping his scarred arms around them. He leant his head back against the cool wall and gazed up at the sky. The twinkling stars were surprisingly calming to look at. He got his breathing under control after taking his mind off of himself.
Looking down at his watch he realised he had next to no time until he had to be in the common room for curfew. “Fuck,” He whispered to himself. Picking up his bookbag Remus ran back through the secret passage towards the common room praying Filch wasn’t roaming the corridors. Luckily, Remus arrived at Gryffindor tower without hassle. Now he just had to get into his bed without James and Sirius seeing him.
Fucks sake.
“Where have you been?” Sirius came running up to Remus, wrapping a shoulder around the smaller boy.
“Nowhere,” Remus shrugged Sirius off, still walking towards the dorm room, “I’m tired, I’m going to bed.”
Sirius said nothing in response, just let the other boy walk off. James joined Sirius’s side and they shared a confused glance.
In the dorm room Remus hastily changed in the bathroom, before climbing into his four poster bed and pulling the curtains in. He was tired and still shakey from the panic attack earlier. Now that he had calmed down significantly though he began to realise how stupid he was.
Why was he getting so worked up by being so inexperienced? What an idiot.
Thoughts like these began swimming in his head, doing circles. One thought would bring him back to the start and it would start all over again. Exhaustion and ruminating anxiety worked wonders in his fragile body, bringing tears back to his eyes. Footsteps began ascending the stairs, accompanied by James and Sirius's raucous laughter.
Remus hastily casted the silencing charm over his bed so they wouldn't hear him sniffling or wiping away his tears. "Alright Moony?" James called out, concern lacing his voice. Remus ignored him, hoping they'd think he'd just gone to sleep quickly. Luckily they did just that and began getting ready for bed all the while their friend lay on his bed five feet away crying silently.
What a great feeling.
Don't get shitty, you could've told them. They’re your friends for god’s sake, you’re meant to trust them not hide from them.
How was he meant to confide in his friends about his uncertainty when he knew almost for certain that they would have no idea how to comfort him? Clearly they didn’t have issues becoming intimate with anyone. They had confidence and he didn’t. Were there books about being an inexperienced, left-out teenager? Probably. He would have a look in the morning.
Scalding himself for crying, he sat up in the bed and tried to calm himself down. His emotions were welling up, the full moon was a week away and he could already feel the electricity bolting through his veins, his senses at their peak. Wiping away the stained tears on his face he quietly tiptoed to the bedroom to splash water on his face. He was just drying up the water when he heard soft footsteps approaching the bathroom.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Sirius was wearing a concerned look on his face, gazing at Remus through the mirror. After a pause, “Have you been crying?”
“No,” Remus scoffed, replacing the towel before looking at Sirius, daring him to finish the conversation. Sirius took the bait.
“Did James and I offend you when we were talking earlier?” Sirius really did sound sorry. Unfortunately, Remus was too used to dealing with everything on his own, so he refused to budge.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it Sirius.” Remus made his way back to his bed, pulling the curtains shut leaving the dark-haired boy standing in the dull light of the bathroom.
Remus fell into a fitful sleep that night, dreaming of trying to kiss girls but never quite getting there, while the marauders laughed at him for being unable to do such a simple task.
He woke up early the next morning before the sun had even fully risen. This was the norm in the lead up to the full moon, so he wasn’t surprised. His eyes were sore and swollen from crying, suddenly all the emotion from last night came crashing back on him. Remembering his brief consideration of checking the library for books about how he felt, he decided to set out early to do just that. The halls had just opened, so he got dressed quickly and made his way to the library.
Once there he was suddenly stumped on where to look. Were there potions designed to make his libido rise? Probably, but not what he wanted. Should he look in the history of magic to see when people suddenly became repulsed by physical touch and romantic gestures? Any historical books with those contents would probably have been burned by the homophobic witches and wizards of the 17th century. He wandered over to the Muggle books, knowing that they were beginning to advance in their acceptance of the members of the queer community. Did the library have any authors who openly talk about their sexuality?
Running his finger along the spines of the books, he finally landed on one titled “The Art of Not Falling in Love”. He picked it up and read the blurb. Stomach lurching, he ran for his favourite corner of the room with the best comfy chair and settled in, opening the page and began reading. Only a few pages in and he already felt so understood.
The author described how they always felt left out in the “teenage experience” of having a first love, first kiss, first heartbreak. How they had never really developed crushes on people, rather forced themselves to have crushes to fit in with their friends who were all crazily falling for people. How if they did have a crush it would be a fictional character or someone older or unattainable because their subconscious mind recognised that they wouldn’t be able to fall in love with them.
“So, what is this called?” The book read, “If you identify with these experiences there is a chance you might be on the aroace spectrum, also known as aromantic or asexual.”
Remus tried saying the words out loud to prove they were real.
“This spectrum is large, and you can identify with one or both of these and there are many different sub-labels beneath these if you feel you don’t quite identify with either.”
He continued to read on as the daylight continued filling the room, some other seventh years entering the library to start revising before breakfast. Remus finished the book quite quickly and by the end felt confident he could say he identified as aroace. His heart felt a little bit lighter, and left the library after returning the book to have an early breakfast, “Aroace.” He kept mumbling the word on his way to the great hall, feeling better than he had in months. He’d finally found someone – even if it was a person in a book – who could relate to him and even found a word to place on it.
This was what he wanted.
In the great hall he was piling on jam onto his toast, relishing in the calm atmosphere this early in the morning. The next biggest challenge was having to tell his friends. How would they take it? Would they tell him to leave the group because he wasn’t like them? Would they understand? Would they try to understand? Would they still try to force upon him the expectation of a girlfriend and sexual actions? Surely they would be okay about it. They’ve been friends with him since he was 12. They were even okay with him being a werewolf and illegally learnt how to be animagus at a young age to help him through his moons. How would this be any different?
He was on his fourth piece of toast when his worries entered the hall, talking obnoxiously about Godric knows what, “There you are Moony!” Sirius exclaimed, patting him on the back, “We couldn’t find you.”
“Yeah I went to the library,” Remus said quietly, stuffing the toast in his mouth.
This is your chance. Tell them.
“What were you studying this early in the morning?” James asked. 
They deserve to know. Tell them.
“Uh, ju-just reading up,” Remus started, stuttering. How would he explain this to them? “Reading about something.”
“Something sounds interesting,” Peter quipped, earning a slap on the back from Sirius.
“Yeah, um,” Remus forced out a chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck, hunched over his cold toast, “I have something to tell you guys.” His voice was getting quieter with every syllable and was becoming more unsure of himself with every sentence.
“What’s up?” James asked, concerned about Remus’s defeated posture and voice.
“Well,” He paused, his heart pumping so fast he thought he would vomit, “I guess, I’ve always felt out of the loop when it comes to you guys. Like I don’t quite fit in.”
Sirius immediately began to butt in with defiant claims of otherwise, but James quickly slapped him around the back of his head, making him shut up and allowing Remus to re-enter the spotlight again.
“Not in all ways, of course. Just like, in an experience way. You all have girlfriends and have kissed people and held hands and I’ve never done it.” Tears were beginning to well up in his eyes again and he pressed his hands against them trying to hide himself from the world.
Again, Sirius tried to tell Remus that he just hadn’t met the one until James kicked him under the table and telling him to shut it before he hexed his mouth shut.
“When I was ‘with Mary’,” he air-quoted, “I felt like I was forcing myself to do it. It didn’t feel magical like you all described it. It felt like another chore I had to keep up with, and it was exhausting. I never wanted to kiss Mary or hold her hand and I felt disgusted by the thought of it. Not kissing Mary specifically, just kissing in general.” He rushed that last part out quickly, worried they were going to misunderstand.
“So, I did some research this morning and found a word I want to use. Aroace,” He peeked over his fists at his friends to see if they registered the word at all. They stared back at him with curiosity, “Basically just means I’m not sexually or romantically attracted to anyone.”
Remus let this hang in the air, unsure how much more he needed to explain. A silence hung over them all, and Remus considered running back out of the hall, anxious about their response.
Sirius was the first to speak, “Do you feel this way because you’re a werewolf?”
James looked ready to launch over the table and tackle Remus, “Sirius! Remus trusted us with something clearly bothering him and you’re going to make stupid comments about it? Tosser.”
“No! I just meant, y-know, does he not want to be with anyone because he’s worried about his scars, and his little monthly problem!” Sirius sheepishly rushed it out, peering at Remus.
“That has nothing to do with it,” Remus said pointedly, heat flushing his cheeks and tears rushing back to his eyes, “I don’t want to do what you lot do, regardless of whether I’m a monster or not.”
“Mate that’s completely fine!” James rushed in before Sirius had time to say anything, Peter squeaking his agreement, “Obviously we can’t understand what it’s like but thank you for telling us.” He gave Remus a firm look of solidarity. It made him feel a little bit better; now it was just time for Sirius’s reaction. If he was being honest with himself, this was the most nerve-wracking part. Sirius had a tendency to not think before he spoke, especially around serious topics like this.
“Is that why you freaked out last night?” Sirius asked. James gave an exasperated sigh and defeated look. Clearly mothering Sirius was not going to work this morning, “I mean, we were talking about sex and you got all flustered and ran away.” The dark haired boy examined Remus. To Remus it seemed like he was trying to find his every secret.
“Yeah,” Remus said quietly, “I had a panic attack.”
“Oh,” Sirius was stunned into silence for a few more moments, “Sorry. Thanks for telling us. You know we love you right? Oh- Well, not in that way but we certainly love you-”
“Sirius! Stop!” James had a grin on his face now, “Moony gets it, don’t you?”
Remus nodded, turning to look at his friends. It felt good to have friends as close as the Marauders. Even if James had to mother Sirius, and Sirius was a bit oblivious but intended well. Peter was always happy to tag along and never tried to make anyone feel left out. Remus couldn’t help but let a smile cross his face as Sirius started asking more (well-worded) questions about his identity.
This is what acceptance felt like. And boy, did it feel good.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
A/N: Thank you for reading! This fic was inspired from my own experiences. I've recently come to terms with the fact I'm likely aroace and is the reason why I've never had the experiences my friends have. If you feel like this, don't feel pressured to find a label or an identity. Your life is your own and you don't need to rush that. Take your life one step at a time <3
If you feel like you are struggling and need help I'll link some support services based below. Please check them out.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
(Mainly will be Australian because that's where I'm based)
Support Services - Reach Out
Anonymous LGBTQIA+ Support - Qlife
Crisis Support - Lifeline
If you or a loved one are in immediate danger always call the local emergency number.
Remember you're loved.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Agapmari (Agapito x Y/N x Jamari) (YA’s Oc’s) Masterlist
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Two bastards sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g Agapimari-
Poly Agapito/Darling/Jamari
Cuddle Headcannons
Finding escaped S/o left pregnant, raised one of their kids when they were hiding
Narcoleptic S/o
Male S/o secretly selling weapons to gangs
S/o nervous to divide their time between them
S/o likes piggy back rides
Himbo Male S/o
S/o who can easily sneak up on them
Kidnapping S/o as a team
S/o who loves dangerous stuff and getting into all kinds of trouble
S/os kind and caring friend obviously having a crush on them
Werewolf HC
Constantly taking pictures of them as werewolves like their your puppies
Post apocalypse AU
S/o can’t decide how they could cuddle both of them
Comforting their darling during a panic attack
Caring for a stubborn Sick S/o
Aro s/o worried they dont get how much they care for them across
Yandere Alphabet A,Y
Aro s/o falling asleep on them
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Food kink w/ male s/o 
First time 
Dom energy S/o being Sub for them 
Male S/o w/ a high libido
Dom incubus S/o
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finmoryo · 2 years
I don't have any time to pull out textual evidence for this and I've seen it said before, but Finrod isn't just a happy, goofy character. On a surface level, Finrod appears to be the least likely person to ever bite and claw a werewolf to death, but he sure did so. He was vain (insisting his jewels be dragged across the Ice, but he is part Noldo that's a given with them really) and some of his actions are quite questionable. Again, I don't have time for this. I'd like to think there's a reason behind the snake imagery.
I've seen so many fics of Fingon forgiving Maedhros when he's reborn, and not enough addressing the fact that Maedhros and Maglor attacked the Havens of Sirion, which contained the remnants of his brother's people and his relatives, even if they didn't end up killing Elrond and Elros. I love soft russingon, but add some drama in there. Fingon has a right to be angry.
I see so little ace spectrum representation in the fandom. As an aspec person myself, it's a little disappointing. Yeah there's all the gen fics you could ever want (I'm fond of Elrond w/ the Feanorians), but not enough exploring the queerness behind the matter. I personally headcanon Aredhel as aro, and dislike it any ship with her, but I'm used to it. I love shipping as much as the next person, but I'd like to see some other takes for once.
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MC Relationship Tag
Thanks for the tag @menagerie-of-monsters Another fun one I haven't played before. Tagging @space-cadead @calicojackofficial
Rules: briefly (or not) describe what kinds of intimate relationships (platonic, romantic, sexual, or otherwise) your MCs have had PRIOR TO THE BOOK STARTING. Have they had their hearts ripped out before jumping into your fluffy romance? Are they aro/ace and have never been in a long-term relationship before?
From Dysthanasia
(Mentions of death of family members and bad breakups)
Isaac Soto:
Was close with his immediate family until they died in a werewolf attack when he was 19.
A master of turning crushes into solid friendships. His closest friend is Elfy, a Deaf woman he met in biology at university, and the one who recruited him into the Coven.
He had a couple of long-term monogamous partners before the story began: A girlfriend in college (ended on good terms by mutual agreement/drifting apart), and a boyfriend while a member of the Coven (painful but hilarious-in-hindsight breakup due to Jeremy thinking he was a secret criminal).
Could get a date fairly easily, but has thrown himself into work to avoid issues caused by lingering trauma. Was never big on casual hook ups.
Contrary to romance novel wisdom, he has not appreciated having his routine shaken up by meeting a sexy vampire assassin.
Renato Faria Dimas:
Grew up in a post-apocalyptic world with parents who ruled over a ship full of refugees. Might have affected his perspective just a little.
Befriended and eventually fell in love with another trans kid, Oleander Blume, when they were teens. Had an on-off romance with her for the next hundred years or so.
Transferred all his desire for parental approval and affection to Cassius Mergus, the man who would make him (and Ollie) a vampire and wetwork agent for the Coven as an adult.
After the Final Breakup with Ollie, adopted a goldfish won at a carnival out of spite. Did not expect to become a proud fish parent.
Uses his sex appeal and flirting to lure in prey, unbalance foes, and avoid emotional vulnerability.
Sorta made friends with the most powerful psychic vampire by turning on the Coven.
Dorian St-Ange:
The youngest child but has protective eldest sibling energy. Very loyal and loving when it comes to their family.
Always had large friend groups growing up, with a few closer friends at the core.
Gets dates easily, but can be picky when it comes to more serious commitment. Likes being pursued/romanced. Has been in poly relationships a couple of times, but left in search of people who share more of their values. Yearns for partners who are just as passionate and caring as they are.
Risked their life to help a vampire who's their friend and sort of like a relative to them.
Still spoken of fondly by their exes.
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acertainmoshke · 1 year
Character Intro: Harry Gwen
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Age: 48 in book 4
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: aro ace
Disabilities: allergic to silver I guess
Abilities: same as his brother, a werewolf 3 days a month and strong, fast, with heightened senses the rest of the time.
Physical appearance: light skin, large hooked nose, curly brown hair he keeps just a little shaggy, and brown eyes. Thick scars up his left leg and side that are usually covered by clothes. Has a single tattoo on his shoulder honoring his father.
Clothes: Generally wears plain jeans and t-shirts, or flannels if it’s cold, more interested in comfort than appearance. Likes heavy boots. No jewelery or makeup.
Basic backstory: Unlike his brother, he remembers when their life was going to be different. He was born in 1965 and grew up in New York with 2 strict but loving parents in an apartment building that most of his friends shared. He goofed around in parks and alleys and he was only half a year away from his bar mitzvah when, at 12, he went out with his dad and brother and they were attacked. He never got his bar mitzvah--his mother offered but he had no friends and was grieving his dad, so he said no. After they moved to Alaska, he had trouble fitting in. He was studious and not like the kids there. He wasn't feminine, but he was polite and book-focused and only wanted to go romping through the mud sometimes. So he spent the rest of his childhood taking care of his brother, who despite adoring him often refused to listen, and begging his mom to bring him more library books. His original plan was to leave the second he turned 18, regardless of the point of the compound being to protect the world from themselves, but when he was 18 Doug was still not quite 10 and he realized he was needed. In the end they left when Doug was 21 and Harry was 29. Their school hadn't been good and he couldn't get into college, so he taught himself computer stuff and started going around fixing old people's computers to support them, since Doug had trouble keeping jobs. Instead of the rage swirling through Doug, Harry responded to their situation with more of a background feeling of despair and a determination that some things should be good and kind. After they started working with Lynn and Tatiana, he found he not only hated fighting but was awful at it and preferred to be a medical assistant.
Personal inciting incident: Still working on it tbh
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st4rship · 3 years
Could I request Volturi Guard reaction to having a mate who is a female shapeshifter (member of the pack)? Thank you!
Hii, I hope you like it!
The volturi guards reaction to having a mate who is a female shapeshifter part of Sam pack.
So this applies to everyone, they probably met their mate when they were with aro checking up on Renesmee.
He probably wandered off before leaving and ended up finding you in the forest.
You went to attack mode instantly cause hello vampire.
But also you imprinted on him so it was like really confusing.
And he was confused too.
He probably got mad, not at you or himself but at destiny.
And ended up running off.
The next he probably said some excuse to stay one more day so he could talk to you and say sorry.
He probably tried to accept it faster than you.
But eventually you got around it too.
I mean you had to.
He would also be taken back by it.
But he wouldn't run off.
He would probably would try to calm you down.
And if you were mad cause he was in werewolf terretory he would walk back.
And try to talk this with you.
He knew you were probably taken back too.
But even tough he was kinda mad at destiny too he knew it was better to accept it fast.
It wasn't going anywhere any time soon.
Immediately thinks about what everyone else is gonna think about this.
Not because of him or his reputation or whatever.
What would happen to you, and him and his sister if the kings found out.
Were they going to kick him and Jane out of the guard and the coven?
They couldn't do that.
But he knew how they were, and he didn't really care that much about the coven but he cared about his sister and knew that she would go insane if she lost the one thing she knew since forever other than Alec.
Still, you were his mate and would be really painful for both of you to just pretend the other doesn't exist.
And it wasn't fair for you either.
So he tried to have a secret relationship with you.
Really hard yes but at least till he knew what to do with the kings, it kinda worked.
Very similar to Alec (what a surprise) would immediately think of the kings and his brother.
Would probably have a mental breakdown.
Demetri and Felix don't have that big strong connection with anyone in the coven, yes they're loyal but you're their mate and they know other things apart from the coven.
Jane doesn't, ever since her and Alec became vampires they both have been always in the guard.
She would be so mad that you're her mate.
But eventually with a lot of time and getting to know you better and also giving it a lot of thought.
She ended up figuring out that Alec cared more about her that the kings and if she left or was kicked out of the coven and guard, he would go with her and she would have you and she wouldn't be completely alone.
So eventually she told the kings about you and gave them an ultimatum, they accepted it or she would leave.
Volturi taglist: @shierastaroftheseas @venusdelaroix
Twilight taglist: @katerinaval
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