#what foods make your glutes bigger
prettieinpink · 5 months
Hi lanny! Could you provide a guide on how to get into working out? 💗💖
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hi lele 💝☀️ hope this guide helps you w your journey!!
The first step to working out is setting goals related to exercise, not physical appearance. Avoid things like fat loss, muscle gain, smaller waist, bigger glutes and so on. 
While you can make this a separate goal, the reason why I don’t want you to associate it with exercise is that we then allow the way our body looks to dictate whether we believe the exercise we’re doing is good enough. 
Exercise and body aesthetics are two different things. Exercise is a means of nourishing our body, soul and mind, while body aesthetics is how ‘good’ our body looks. 
On that topic, I want you to stop focusing on your physical appearance when starting to exercise and I want you to start implementing a new mindset shift about your body. Instead of seeing your body as something to look at, appreciate it for what it can do. 
For example, your hands create meals, hug your loved ones and help you with essential tasks. Your legs help you to get around, especially to your favourite places. Your stomach helps with digesting all the yummy food you eat. 
Some goal ideas:
Lift 15kg+ 
Be able to do a plank for more than 5 minutes
Learn how to do a push-up
Be able to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes 
Gain more stamina and exercise for longer 
Moving on, set a time each day in which you prioritise exercise. This can be for however long you want and the times can vary daily. 
So, during this period, you are not allowed to do anything else other than exercise. It doesn’t even have to be a specific exercise either, if you’re feeling lazy and laps walking around the house is what feels best, do it. 
However, avoid obsessing over working out and losing yourself to exercise. This kills motivation, in exercise starts to feel like another obligation in the day and not a privilege. 
Now, you have to choose what exercise is right for you. I don’t believe you’re limited to one exercise, if you want you can have more than 1. 
Gym – Perfect for a mix of strength and cardio, however not the best option if you want to exercise for free.
Yoga – Tones muscles while also being a mindful experience. Low low-impact, but recommend doing it after cardio. 
Cycling – Tones the legs and the glutes, but cycling may not be the best idea depending on where you live. 
running/jogging – Strengthens muscles and bones, however, if you don’t have flat areas, may not be the best idea. 
Pilates – Improves flexibility and tone, while still being low impact (still may be challenging).
Weightlifting – Makes you stronger and boosts your metabolism, best done at the gym. 
There are plenty of ways to exercise that I haven’t mentioned here, but these are just ideas so you can research the ones that suit you best.
I recommend talking to a doctor if you haven’t done exercise in a long time, as that can open up the possibility of injury. 
Then, once we have our goals, times and what we’re doing, we need to exercise. Implementing exercise in your life is best done slowly. 
Start with simple, and smaller versions of workouts, even if you think you can do more. Do this for about a week, then try to extend yourself with something harder. If it is too hard, don’t be afraid to go back a step. 
Make it fun, create a motivating exercise playlist or watch your favourite TV show while doing it. 
However, the main thing about exercising is that every day you are not always going to feel like it, but that is when we have to discipline ourselves, talk to the mirror and say; ‘Me exercising is a privilege, I get to nourish my body because I love and respect it so much’. 
This was the best way I disciplined myself into working out. Treating it like a privilege and something that is very benefical, rather than a painstakingly challenging activity.
Or, instead, you can visualise what you would look and feel like if you continue like this for the next 5 years.
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roller6262 · 5 months
A chubby guy here, wouldn’t mind a change!
A chubby guy? You're already a bit of my type, but I understand not everyone share my sentiment. Still, it would be a shame to get rid of all that fat when it can be put to better use. Let me take you to my favorite gym and use my guest pass. Yes, yes, I know it can be intimidating. All of these jocks like to sneer at the chubby guy working out, but you don't mind them. Just pump iron with me! That's it, you're already lifting so much! You don't notice a difference yet? Well of course you won't see anything sweating in those baggy clothes! Let's get you in a sweatband, mesh tank, and some shorts. Hell yeah, now you're showing off that pale bronze skin.
Now the jocks are laughing at seeing your fat stomach through your mesh, but you keep pumping and then BOOM, muscle is peeking under the fat. After a few reps your biceps swelled twice no- three times their size! Your inflated pecs pushing forward and shoulders widen to make room. Now let's waddle you over to the squat rack. As if your thighs weren't already big enough, your quads and hamstrings are thick man! Glutes are looking firmer and bigger too! You feel that testosterone running through you? Yeah look at that black hair growing on your chest and that beard growing in. You think your hair texture has changed? Well east asian hair tends to be like that. After all, that western fast food wasn't doing you any favors. Now your belly is full of beef, szechuan chicken, and broccoli to feed those muscles. Check out the mirror you Chinese beast!
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I didn't remove any fat, you need to keep bulking to keep growing right? But those white jocks aren't laughing anymore. No, I think they're in awe of the Asian beefcake that's putting them to shame. Pretty soon they'll be flocking to you asking for the secrets of your size, so I'll let you choose what to do from here. You could get revenge and give them fake diet tips, making them chubby guys like you used to be. Or you can be the "bigger" person and have them as genuine gym bros. Either way, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new life.
Anyone else need a change? Feel free to hit my asks 😉
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shesnotme · 10 months
my plans for summer ❦
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i dunno about you but i always, always spend my summers absolutely depressed. it's not a matter of whether or not you i friends, because i always have, but rather it's an issue of all that fucking time on your hands. two whole months of just.. nothing. so what do you even do? my plans for summer mainly revolve around helping my future self. because once september rolls around, what good will it be if i spent the past 2 months lazing around in bed? i won't be benefited by that, quite the opposite, really. so instead i've figured out what i need for the new school year and to really reach the goals i have for this upcoming year (post on that soon !). nothing revolutionary, sure, but it'll definitely help out at least a couple of you wondering what to do this summer <3
self care. this means caring of my body both inside and out. inside, i'm working on self improvement by becoming a kinder, more feminine person. i'm getting over my failed situationships and getting more comfortable being alone. i'm practicing detachment and, of course, protecting my peace. outside, i'm working on my hair and my body. i don't think it's any help to work on my wardrobe, because in summer you make really shit decisions. i've begun working out 3 times a week with my friend who's more experienced in the gym, mainly working on my glutes, cardio and abs. i'm planning on investing in heatless curlers, because my hair's volume hasn't been great. <3 ways you could practice self care: inside, you could work on your gut health, diet (eating healthy, not practicing any restrictive eating!), mental health, social life, self confidence. outside, you could work on your physical health (gym, running, biking), skincare, hair health, wardrobe (if you trust your decision making during this season), posture.
hobbies. you're not gonna want to go to the gym or journal every day, so finding some ways to spend your time alone and having fun can be really beneficial. i've started watching a couple tv shows, in july i'll be watching a movie every day (hopefully), scrapbooking more, making bracelets, and cooking. these aren't necessarily beneficial to future me, however they are fun and beneficial to present me, and balance is really important! summer is the time to take on projects and begin passions for things you can't do during the school year. hobbies that could help you: if you want something beneficial, try learning a new language, practicing an art (music, painting, writing), learning to cook, taking up a new sport, learning touch typing, or reading. if you want something fun, try watching a new tv show (skins, gossip girl, pretty little liars), watching a movie a day (you could do movies all with the same actor, by the same director, in a series, etc), scrapbooking, keeping a journal, growing a garden, crocheting, or decorating your room.
jobs. i have a late birthday so i can't volunteer yet, so instead i've taken on a few "jobs", mainly babysitting and doing things for my parents. it's not the most fun but if you want the money for the new school year (especially new clothes), you should do it. put the money into savings. of course, if you're under 15 you likely can't do much, but it's worth a shot. jobs you could take on: getting your volunteer hours (summer camps!), babysitting, working at fast food, designing carrds, mowing lawns.
planning. lastly, i'm planning out my next school year. it's good to have things figured out so that september doesn't hit you too hard. i'm working on things like schedules, study guides, phone decluttering, and, most fun, moodboards. i'll make a bigger post about my plans in specific <3 this is also a really great way you could practice manifesting. make your intentions clear and assume that these things will happen, and they will, but this isn't the place to be learning about that. things you could plan: your daily schedule (by the hour), outfit ideas, lunch ideas, goals, the mood for this school year, a desk system.
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fumpkins · 2 years
Glute muscles: What they are and how to make them stronger
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We use our glute muscles every day just by standing, sitting and walking. But what exactly are they? And how can you make them stronger?
The glute muscles, which are in your posterior chain, are having a bit of a moment. You only have to look at the latest exercise trends, scroll through Instagram or hop over to YouTube to see the numerous ways you can build bigger and stronger glutes. Some people swear by squats to build your rear muscles, others prefer deadlifts, while some studies – like this one published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy (opens in new tab) – recommend adding some of the best resistance bands (opens in new tab) to help level up your leg workouts and activate specific glutes.
To help decipher everything there is to know about our glute muscles, including what they are, why are they important, how you can get stronger glutes and the best exercises to help you do so, we spoke to Dr Edward Merritt, who is an associate professor in kinesiology at Southwestern University (opens in new tab) and a member of the American Physiological Society (opens in new tab).
Merritt graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. He earned both his Masters in Kinesiology and PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Texas, and did his postdoctoral fellowship at in the Department of Cellular, Molecular, and Developmental Biology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
What are the glutes?
The glutes are in your buttocks. The reason why we refer to our ‘glutes’ instead of our ‘glute’ is because they are made up of three different muscles. This includes the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. 
(Image credit: Getty)
Merritt says: “The gluteus maximus is the one most people think about when they think about the glutes. It’s the largest of the three and it is the largest muscle in the body. It originates on the back of the pelvis and sacrum and inserts on the back side of the top of the femur, but also connects to the iliotibial band which goes all the way down the lateral part of the thigh and past your knee.”
The gluteus medius is a large muscle too. “It originates from the back of the pelvis, where you might have your thumb if you’re standing with your hands on your hips”, says Merritt. “It inserts right on the top of your femur very close to where it connects to your pelvis.”
While the gluteus minimus is a smaller triangular shaped muscle just underneath the gluteus medius, Merritt adds that: “It also originates on the pelvis – below the spot where your thumb would be with your hands on your hips – and also inserts on the very top of the femur at the hip joint. It connects there just slightly in front of where the medius connects.”
Why are they important?
Our gluteal muscles help us do every function, such as sitting, standing, walking, running or jumping. Plus, research published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy (opens in new tab) shows that our glutes help to aid injury prevention and our ability to maintain an upright erect posture. They also help contribute to optimal movement and athletic performance.
(Image credit: Getty)
“Because of their size, shape and connections, the glutes are important in nearly every movement that moves your leg backwards, straightens your leg at the hip – as you are moving from sitting to standing – rotates it around the hip, or moving your leg out or back in,” says Merritt. “Because of the way they connect to the top of the femur, parts of the glutes will cause your leg/femur to internally rotate or they can cause your leg to externally rotate.
“Your glutes, especially the gluteus maximus and medius, are also extremely important in the big powerful movements you have to make to move your whole body weight. Like when you stand up from a chair, walk upstairs, or run or jump. But also, they’re important in stabilizing the hip joint during any movements because they essentially hold the head of the femur in the socket of the pelvis,” he says.
How can you get stronger glutes?
The best way to make any muscle stronger is by putting them under enough resistance.
“One thing many people do wrong, especially when they’re trying to work out their gluteus maximus, is to not use enough resistance,” says Merritt.
You can do this through weighted exercises or with the use of resistance bands that can support elevated gluteus maximus activation.
Merritt says: “Glutes need big forceful movements/lifts to actually get the stress on them that they need to adapt.” 
And research agrees. In a study published in the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (opens in new tab) journal, researchers found that muscle hypertrophy – which is an increase and growth of muscle cells – follows a “dose-response relationship, with increasingly greater gains achieved with higher training volumes”.
The best exercises to build stronger glutes
1. Squats
Along with your gluteus maximus, research from the Strength and Conditioning journal (opens in new tab) has shown that squats will target your quads, hamstrings, calves and abdominal muscles. 
Merrit says: “Even if you’re just using bodyweight with no barbells or dumbbells or kettlebells you can get a great glute workout with all the different variations of squats and lunges – but don’t neglect the side-to-side squats and lunges.”
(Image credit: Getty)
To perform a bodyweight squat:
Stand with your feet hip-width or shoulder-width apart and point your toes forwards.
Pull your shoulder blades back and down and engage your core. Push your hips back, and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Keep your chest upright and make sure your weight remains over your heels.  
Drive your body back up through your heels to stand. You can keep your arms out in front of you if you are struggling to balance.
2. Box jumps
According to Merritt, this exercise is especially key for people training for sports that might require quicker, explosive movements. He says: “Plyometric training using movements like box jumps can be important for glute adaptations.”
(Image credit: Getty)
To perform box jumps:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with a box one step away from you
Bend your knees slightly (in the same form as a squat but not as deep).
Jump upward onto the box allowing your arms to swing in front of you as a counter-weight.  
3. Deadlifts
According to research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning (opens in new tab), deadlifts will help train your hip extensors, which include the gluteus maximus. 
“Deadlifts are a more advanced movement I wouldn’t recommend for everyone, but for more experienced lifters can also be great for the glutes,” says Merritt. 
(Image credit: Getty)
To perform a deadlift:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while holding a barbell with an overhand grip.
Keeping a slight bend in your knees, engage your core and bend forwards at the hips.
As you do so, lower the bar down the front of your shins until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
Slowly come back up to the neutral standing position. That’s one rep.
4. Fire hydrants
Merritt says: “Don’t neglect the rotation exercises. Fire hydrants – especially with resistance bands – are good for the gluteus medius and adduction and internal rotation exercises for the minimus.”
(Image credit: Getty)
To perform fire hydrants:
Start on your hands and knees with your shoulders above your hands and your hips above your knees.
Engage your core and lift one leg away from your body at a 45-degree angle. 
Move your raised leg back down to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
Today’s best deals on resistance bands
New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2022/08/03/glute-muscles-what-they-are-and-how-to-make-them-stronger/
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Batsis & Green Lantern, Sittin’ In A Tree. K-I-S-S-I-N–Wait, Is That Our Sister? PT. 2
Kyle Rayner x Batsis One-Shot
Word Count: 3.3K Warnings: NSFW (Slightly), Explicit Language Tags: @starflyer-104
Author's Note: Hi I finished this! Enjoy! -Thorne
Oddly enough, she didn’t make Kyle do anything other than design the first month he was at Wayne Manor. And she was true to her word. He had an entire room to himself, and the room was as big as his whole apartment, bigger if he was honest; and that wasn’t all—he had every instrument an artist could ever want, even some of the newest drawing tablets and pens that hadn’t even come out yet. Limited edition first pick that only someone like her could get her hands on by merely flashing that pretty smile and her last name of “Wayne”. It was a graphic artists dream come alive, and Kyle was afraid that he was going to wake up from it that he never once tried to pinch himself to see if it was a dream or not.
Surprisingly enough though, (Y/N) was being awfully nice to him too. She’d taken him shopping a bunch of times, a whole new wardrobe and even thrown in a new phone and laptop. Of course, Kyle wasn’t a fool and immediately confronted her about using her purchases to hold it over him. That was the one instance in which she wasn’t awfully nice because she sucker-punched him and told him to never call her a manipulator ever again. That she had never once used a purchase to force someone into something—she was a bitch but she wasn’t that kind of bitch.
He even questioned Jason about it once they got back to the manor and his friend cackled at the nice shiner he’d received. (Y/N) doesn’t buy things for people to make them do what she wants. She buys things for people because that’s how she shows she’s fond of them. Honestly, if she buys you what you want, especially if you ask for it, that’s how you know she thinks you’re a friend of hers. Just let her spoil you for a while, Rayner. You’ll miss it when you have to go back to NYC.
Kyle relented then, instead of fighting her on paying for everything, he watched her. Watched her when he asked for something. Just for a split second she’d get a look of honest surprise in her eyes before that smirk crossed her lips and she’d toss it in the basket before picking up her own needs. He found it almost endearing, the way she acted, like she wasn’t expecting him to ask for anything. And Kyle especially liked that look in her eyes. It made his heart beat a little faster when she gazed at him with those big eyes.
And while he did love that look, it only lasted for one month. Hell had come to the manor, and Kyle was smack in the middle of it.
“Good morning family!” she greeted cheerfully, placing her hands on Kyle’s shoulders. She received various replies, some happy, some tired, and Kyle gave his own.
“Morning, (Y/N). You seem happy.” He cut into the buttery waffle and started bringing the fork to his mouth when she grabbed his hand and gently but firmly, took the utensil into her mouth. Kyle couldn’t help but go slack jawed as she chewed and swallowed, offering him a smirk.
“I’m sorry,” she purred. “Did you want that?” His mouth opened and closed, and she pushed the plate forward, replacing it with a tall smoothie shaker that was a bright, sickly green.
“Uh…” he started, looking between the shaker and her. “What’s that?”
(Y/N) nodded at it. “That’s your breakfast for this morning.” She flipped the cap open. “It’s got spinach, kale, bananas, vanilla flavored protein powder, pineapple, mint leaves and spirulina.” She grinned. “It’s got all the protein and greens you need for the start of this wonderful day.”
“I don’t even know what spirulina is.” Kyle remarked.
“Blue-green algae super-food.” (Y/N) nodded at it. “From now on you’re going to drink smoothies every morning and then we’re going to weight train and run every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”
Her family started snickering around the table and Kyle swallowed thickly daring to ask, “And Tuesdays and Thursdays?”
She grinned wickedly at him. “Combat, Rayner.” Handing him the shake, she quipped, “Drink up me hearties.”
“Yo ho.” Kyle whimpered when he sniffed it and gagged.
“C’mon weakling,” she nagged. “You’ve barely gotten through the second set. Don’t tell me you’re already tired.”
Kyle groaned as he pushed the weighted bar up, holding it for a second before letting it fall. “I told you I can bench press one-hundred. You put one-twenty on this bar,” he griped through gritted teeth.
(Y/N) smirked. “Feel that pain though? It’s weakness leaving your body.” She grabbed the bar with one hand, pulling it up and onto the hold; she grinned as Kyle panted, chest heaving up and down with every sharp intake of breath.
“I—don’t know—how you do this—everyday.” He gasped and she snorted.
“No pain, no gain, Rayner.” She walked around him, and Kyle was too weak to keep his eyes off her as she did. “Oh, I can’t wait for tomorrow,” she cooed, throwing a leg over his hips, lowering onto his thighs.
Kyle’s throat tightened and he gazed at her as she leaned forward, propping her elbows on his chest, staring into his eyes. “Pretty close there,” he panted and (Y/N) smiled.
“Closer the better in my opinion.” Her eyes narrowed bemusedly. “From here I can get a good view of your form.” She pulled away. “You’re using your lower back to push strength into your arms. This time, use your chest and shoulders. Deep breath when you push up, breathe out when you lower, okay?”
He nodded, grabbing the bar again. “What set now?”
“Three. Five reps.” (Y/N) pressed a hand to his abdomen. “Core muscles tight. Glutes tight. Keep the stability and use your upper body muscles alright?”
“Got it.” He said, pulling the bar off and she felt his pelvis start to push upwards and she splayed her fingers.
“Chest, Kyle. Not your hips.” He grunted, trying harder, and she put all her weight onto his hips, keeping them pressed down to the bench. It showed in his form as he improved almost instantaneously. “Nice job,” she murmured. “Keep going.”
He got to the fifth rep, starting to go up, when she purred, “Your arms are very strong, Kyle. I wonder just how strong.”
Something in her voice made his heart stutter and he forgot momentarily what he was doing. The bar shifted downwards, and he gasped as it came down at him; (Y/N) reached out, quick as lightning and grabbed it with both hands, standing from his legs to put the bar back.
She looked down at him, concern in her eyes. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” he breathed. “Sorry…lost my grip.” (Y/N) nodded and shimmied away, holding out a hand to him. “Thanks,” he said, letting her pull him up.
“Take five and go get some water, alright?”
He wanted to shake his head, tell her no, that he could keep going, but he thought against it and started for the water fountain in the corner. As he bent over, he happened to look back at her, seeing her bent over, stretching her legs. Heat pooled low in his gut, and he groaned, turning his eyes away.
“Jesus Christ,” he hissed. “Get a grip.”
“Let’s go, Rayner!” she called out behind him. “We’ve got two miles to run!”
Kyle let his head hand and he groaned again.
Compared to the day before, getting his ass kicked wasn’t as bad as it had seemed. That being said, (Y/N) wasn’t pulling her punches with him and he hadn’t managed to lay a single hit on her an hour in.
He gasped as she dropped him onto his back and he laid flat, gazing at the ceiling before him; she leaned over him, a cocky smirk on her face. “Need a break?”
“I’m not a novice in hand to hand. I trained with J’onn J’onnz for a while.” He countered with a glare and surprisingly, she nodded, rather impressed.
“I can tell in your form. You counter like he does.” (Y/N) bent down and gently swept away the sweaty hair from his forehead. “You’re learning pretty quick though, if I do say so myself.”
Kyle’s face lit up. “Really? You think—”
“But I can see that it takes you getting your ass handed to you over and over again before the lesson sinks in.”
His face pinched and he griped, “I should’ve seen that coming.”
(Y/N) snorted and patted his head, mocking, “You’re learning.” She smiled. “Now get up. You’ve rested long enough.”
“UGHHH!” he groaned, climbing to his feet.
On the third month and final month of the project, Kyle noticed a major improvement in himself. Not only had he lost a few of those extra pounds from snacking, toning all over his body, he’d also managed to expand his stamina a great deal. (Y/N) had congratulated him when he managed to run the various miles without even breaking a sweat.
The designs had come in well too, and Kyle honestly had more money than he knew what to do with. Well, rent and utilities were his most prominent factor, but even then, the money he’d have left over would last him a long time. He almost felt sad when they got to the final week of the project, no longer needing drawings, he was mostly there to make sure the designs were made correctly and with good materials.
(Y/N)’d even given him one of the first sets they produced and even if he was used to seeing his drawings published, it was another thing to see his name on the tag with it. It made him giddy, and he didn’t know how to rope that in with the continued nagging in the back of his brain. That it was all ending in a week. No more breakfast being made, no more laundry done, no more seeing his friends all the time and patrolling with them…and no more (Y/N) constantly.
When he thought about that, Kyle’s chest started to tighten, heart starting to hurt a lot more than he wanted to admit. And he knew why—somewhere along the lines of (Y/N)’s continual ass-kicking and training, he’d fallen in love with her. With her crude attitude and cocky smirks, her proud demeanor and skill, her beauty and the occasional kindness she showed to people, but most importantly, the love she showed for her family.
Most people saw an arrogant bitch who could school people six ways from Sunday both verbally and physically, but what they didn’t see, was the care she paid to those she loved most. To Dick’s anger issues, to Jason’s frequent regrets, to Tim’s consistent depression, to Cassandra’s ever-evolving education, to Damian’s rapid growth, to her father’s hurting soul—she cared so deeply for them, would give anything for them, even her life if it meant. And that made Kyle want to fall at her feet and worship her.
That this beautiful woman who allowed people to talk about her and never cared to correct, was the greatest woman alive, the most loving, the most caring. And she was hard, she was, but her love was tough and those that received it, her siblings and her closest friends, they knew she loved them completely. Kyle knew she cared for him. He only hoped that she wanted more.
The production party had been held in France and Kyle had never seen so many elites in one spot that he wasn’t sure how to even drink from his champagne chute correctly. Luckily, (Y/N) had stayed with him all night, tucking herself in his side and covering when he faltered in front of someone who didn’t speak English. And God, there was something very sexy about the way her lips moved when she spoke fluent French.
The party lasted well into the night and by the time they got back to the penthouse, he was dead on his feet. The siblings had dispersed to their rooms and (Y/N) stayed up a bit to speak with Alfred and Bruce over the phone. Kyle lingered around the kitchen with her and when she hung up, she sighed heavily, pulling out the dangling golden earrings and removing the chunky diamond necklace that probably costed more than Kyle did.
Her eyes met his and she smiled tiredly. “Did you have fun tonight?”
“I did,” he said happily. “It was…interesting to see what your life is like.” He chuckled. “Well, your day life that is.”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh and he wandered around the island, daring enough to reach up and grab her shoulders, digging his thumbs into her muscles. She groaned and hung her head a bit.
“Feel good?” he questioned, and she nodded.
“I don’t typically wear heels unless it’s for a party and I remember why.” Sighing, she pulled away from his arms and he just barely managed to keep the sadness from crossing his face as she turned. “What about you? Are you okay?”
Kyle shrugged. “Feel like I could sleep for a few days straight, but isn’t that how we all work?”
(Y/N) snorted, then sighed wistfully. “I almost don’t want this night to end.”
“How come?” he asked, and she met his gaze.
“I like seeing you flounder like a fish in front of socialites.” He rolled his eyes and she laughed, shoving him lightly. “I’m joking.” She rested her hand on his shoulder. “It’s been fun having around the manor. I know Dick and Jason have enjoyed hanging out with you.” She smiled and pulled away. “You should come back around after tomorrow.”
(Y/N) bypassed him and started towards her room when he spun and called her. “(Y/N).” she stopped and looked at him, waiting, expecting, and Kyle decided to lay his cards to her, letting her decide. “Spend the night with me.”
For a moment, she was surprised, honest to God surprised, then she smiled sweetly, something he wasn’t really used to, and she murmured, “Come with me.”
And Kyle barely managed to keep himself from tripping over his own feet as he hurried after her.
“Shut the door behind you,” she said, and he knew that just from the tone of her voice that she was the one who held the power—not that he cared, all he wanted was her. He felt his heart lurch as the door closed and she motioned him to come behind her. “Mind unzipping me?”
Kyle swallowed thickly as he reached up and grasped the gold zipper, gently tugging it down to where it stopped just above her rear. He also happened to notice that she wasn’t wearing any undergarments and he cursed under his breath. “Fuck, (Y/N).”
She grinned and with one hand undid the buttons behind her neck, then reached back, pulling his hands until his palms were pressed to her bare skin. “Be a dear and slip my dress off for me, hmm?” she leaned back into his hands. “Shouldn’t be too hard now.”
Before Kyle knew what he was doing, his hands were moving underneath the fabric of her dress, around her waist and up her chest, gently grabbing at the flesh of her breasts. (Y/N) gasped, a sound so saccharine in his ears, and leaned her head back on his shoulder.
“Kyle,” she whispered and with his pointer fingers, circled her nipples. Another gasp escaped her as she arched into his touch and she turned her head to the underside of his jaw, sucking the skin at his neck.
“(Y/N),” he groaned, rubbing up against her rear. “Baby...”
She was pushing away from him then, much to his dismay and she spun around, grasping at his suit. “Take your clothes off. All of them. Now.”
All that commanding she was doing was shooting straight to his cock and he obeyed immediately, not even caring about the dress shirt as he ripped it open, the buttons scattering across the carpet. He’d just gotten to his belt when he saw (Y/N) pull down her dress and he almost collapsed on his weak knees when her body came into full view.
For three whole months he’d been slowly driven insane by her tight clothes, guiltily imagining what she looked like underneath during the night, more often than not, relieving the urge.
She smirked and walked up to him, digging her fingers into the top of his pants and turned, pulling him along. They reached the beg and she yanked, sending him backwards onto the bed with a grunt, and then she was climbing atop him.
“I thought you wanted—” he gasped when she grabbed him through his pants. “I thought you wanted me to be naked.”
(Y/N) winked and squeezed him. “I changed my mind.” Leaning close, she let her lips hover above his. “I wanna see how needy I can get you.”
Kyle glared at her and surged forward, sealing her lips in a kiss before he wrapped an arm around her waist, tipping them over. She groaned into their kiss and wrapped her legs around waist. He let his free hand roam her body, caressing her side, squeezing her hip, slipping beneath her leg to grab at the flesh of her thigh. Each grasp, each pinch, each touch had her gasping and Kyle rocked against her, moaning under his breath.
Her fingers busied themselves with his belt and when she got it open, she unbuttoned his pants, and pushed them down a bit. Kyle pulled back to help but the second his hands left her body, he knew he made a mistake because she locked her ankles and placed her hands on his shoulders, shoving back. His back hit the bed and she was on top of him again, this time pinning his hands beside his head.
“Bad boy,” she admonished. “You weren’t supposed to move.”
“Sorry,” he retorted, but he wasn’t. Not in the slightest. “Couldn’t help myself.” He accentuated his point with a deep roll of his hips, and she grip briefly weakened as she ground herself down on him.
“You’re going to help yourself.” She warned, eyes devouring him where he lay. “Every movement is fifteen minutes added to how long I’m going to tease you.”
Kyle grinned. “Yes ma’am.”
(Y/N) matched his grin and before he could even see her move, she had a pillow from the top of the bed placed on his chest, long side up, enough to cover her from sight.
“What are you—” The door opened, and he tipped his head back on the mattress, seeing Dick and Jason gaping at them from the doorway.
For a solid moment, they all stared at one another, too shocked to say a word, then Dick and Jason were letting out the girliest screams Kyle had ever heard them make and they slammed the door shut.
(Y/N) sighed heavily and pressed her face into the pillow. “Lovely. Now we’re going to be all over the group chats.”
Kyle blinked, looking up at her. “You think so?”
“I know so.” She looked at him. “I knew I should’ve booked a penthouse across from this one.” (Y/N) started crawling off him when he reached out and grabbed her hips, keeping her in place; she cocked a brow. “Really? Your mood’s not killed?”
A flash of green appeared in her vision, then the door locked, and he smirked at her. “Nothing can kill my mood for you.” He squeezed her tightly. “Is yours?”
“Not in the slightest.” She reached down and traced the smirk on his lips. “Do me a favor though.”
“Anything,” Kyle agreed, and she grinned wickedly.
“Call me ma’am again.”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
If this is too much I'm sorry. But I was recently made aware of plugs that have panties attached to them. The wearer just has a little strip of elastic that goes up around her hips. Imagine if you will, Dom Henry is very strict, good girls wear the cute underthings he gets for them. Him and his sub go out for a romantic dinner and discovers that she's been plugged for the evening.
🥵🥵🥵 oh jesus! fuck yes! (this got long and a little out of hand but fuck it, its hot🥵🥵🥵)
You eyed the new ‘toy’  with a smile, it was two plugs that were attached to a painr of panties. simple but looked effective.
You’d got them when henry was away filming and had kept them in their neat little box, henry had a strict rule, when he was away you would not play with yourself unless he was instructing you over the phone or video call.
You were going out to dinner, a little ritual you both had once he was home, you’d kiss and cuddle maybe get a spanking if you’d been naughty while he was away,much to your annoyance he kept a note in his phone the amount of times you were naughty when he was away.
But he would not have sex with you untill he woo’d you again. he was a romantic heart deep down he’d take you out, run around the garden and  arrive at the front door pretend to be a teenage sweetheart your door with a boquet of posy’s and chocolates
the night would be just like when you were dateing, dinner, danceing cute kisses and sweet caresses.
He would reaquaint himself with you romantically then bring you home and tie you to his bed and unleash as much cum in and on you as humanly possible! or if he was feeling kinky his glute drive in the gym drenching the gym in the scent of your sex so he would have a reminder for days as he worked out each day~
Normally you can wait the extra two days, but this time you were just too horny, he was away filming the witcher season two and made a point to video call you in costume as much as he could knowing what it did to you.
It was as if he wanted you to break his rules and fuck yourself on one of the ‘mysterious’ gifts he had been sending you. one of which being a suspicious ‘henry like’ dildo which you were certain had been  hand made by your dom with a ‘clone a willy’ set.
But tonight you’d just given up, you hissed quietly shimmying the undies up and placed both plugs correctly, you didnt need lube henry had been going to town teasing you all day youd changed undies twice already!
You sighed visibly shivering as everything sloted into place and rocked back and forth moaning slightly as they both shifted inside of you. you tugged your sexy open back play suit up over your body and tentativly walking down the stairs.
Henry didnt seeme to notice your heaving breathing at first, he did however notice you falter when he handed you your flowers and chocolates in his bike leathers!?
“I though we could take the bike today, take both my girls out for a spin” he said referring to you and the bike grinning handing you your helmet. and biker jacket.
The ride was short but had fucked you up! you had almost cum twice as he opened her up on the dual carridge way, the vibrationed from the purring bike wreaking havoc on your insides as it turned both plugs into vibrators!
Henry had laughed as you got off the bike wobblying knees knocking, he knew what it did to you but for some reason this time you could barely fucking stand straight.
You brushed off his  comments on your red face and secretly regratted not bringing a bigger bag with spare panties becuase you still had the fucking ride home!
Once inside the classy restauraunt things didnt get better for you, this was backfiring incredibly! this was supposed to tease him later on when he realised youd been sitting here full and weeping all night!
You squirmed at the table, whining every so often crossign your legs you could help it the bike fucked you up.
Henry smirked and began a small game of footsie under the table his foot hidden by the table cloth.
You mewled softly squeezing your thighs as his foot pressed at your knees threatening to slip past.
‘Open your legs love’ he ordered casually as he ate his food staring at you eye twinkling with mirth finding it cute how you were trying to refuse him.
‘H-hen please not here- wait till we’re home?’ you pleaded slowly eating your own meal slowly even though you wasnt hungry.... Well not for food. 
He tilted his head, raising an eyebrow and prodded harder shoving past your knees meeting your center with the tip of his shoe and rubbed harshly.
‘Oh god sir!” you moaned thumping your cutlery on the table fists threatening to snap the silver. rutting against his foot making the plugs move rubbing against on another, his shoe hit the first plug fucking you lightly. 
Thats when he felt it, the hard thick base of something, he ripped his foot away shocked that you’d ever do something like this then smirked knowingly.
‘Is there something you want to tell me?’ he teased dropping his cutlery, you just flushed looking down slowly chewing another mouthfull. 
‘fFne i will find out for myself’ he mutteredwhen you ignored him he simply got up moving around beside you crouching down next to you kissing your cheek and cupped your pussy and gasped feeling the plugs
Instantly he sat back down calling the waitier for the bill, leavign as fast as he could.
‘You nuaghty girl, i thought there was somthing off with you tonight... their better by one up here too because you know my rules~ needy girl who cant wait get their asses fucked!” he growled dragging you back on the bike ‘get ready this will be one hell of a ride, think i might go the long way~’ he teased before revving the bike making you yelp as the vibration travled up both plugs. henry laughed.
But that wasnt the worst of it he did take the long way home, darting through back roads over revving her to get the most out of this unusual torment.
Once home he didnt stop, he was determined to make you cum on his bike atleast once before dragging your sorry ass back indoord.
He parked her up resting the red bike on her stand and tore off both his and your helmets fisting a hand in your hair keeping you straddling the powerhouse mechanical marvel and revved her making the bike drown out you wails as he used it to bring you to new hieghts.
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ushiwakaout · 3 years
Things I believe Ushijima Wakatoshi would say if you lived with him (from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep) game streamer! y/n
“y/n... y/n... tendo cancelled on running with me- would you like to join?” (5:30 am)
“I’m gonna run ahead and come back, take your time. “
“don’t drink so much water, you’ll get a stomach ache”
“You’re hands are cold... no that doesn’t mean i want you to let go, now give me your hand.”
“I will shower now, can you prepare me a cup of tea in the meantime?”
*forehead kiss before the shower*
*yelling in a very monotone voice* “Y/n it seems like i’ve forgotten my towel, do you mind bringing me one.”
“stop looking at me, it’s emberassing.”
“where did you.... never mind i found my tea, thank you.” (6:30)
*after you get out of the shower, he’s on the couch, drinking his tea and you sit on him like a koala bear* “you’re feet at freezing cold, please don’t touch my l- I said don’t!”
“I’ll be going off to practice now... Y/n please let go of me, you know i’d take you to practice if i could.”
“I’m home!” (5:00 pm)
*big confused bc you usually greet him with a hug*
*he creeps up into your gaming room and scared you on accident, but he actually laughs this time*
“Sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to. I’ll get out of your hair now... *you tell him you aren’t streaming* Oh, okay- help me clip my nails, o can’t make them as even as you.”
“You can paint my nails if i can choose the color.... No i wasn’t going to pick clear- okay maybe i was- what of it? You have no right to judge me... You only wear black missy.”
“Hey if you’re gonna be messy then i’ll rather get out nails done professionally before you stain my skin”
“Can you prepare a bath for me, like all pretty in how you make it in your pictures.... What? I follow your socials, don’t look at me that way.”
“i tidied coping you once, and i felt tingly down there... but not in a good way.”
“You should have told me that the bath salts aren’t edible... You can’t tell me that you weren’t curious...”
“Get in with me, please. Y/n i will pull you in here, clothes an all.”
*in the bath, naked, i between his legs, your back laying on his chest, talking about ordering food*
“i thought you said you wanted to go in a diet. Ouch! Why’d you hit me! We’ll get you food darling, i was just asking.”
“I should clip my toenails... i scratched my leg the other day... it hurt.”
“I read an advertisement for volleyballs the other day, they where on sale.”
“You’re fingers are getting wrinkly... Look so are mine.” *proceeds to massage your cheeks w his textured fingers* “does that feel weird?”
“Why are you so small, i could crush you right now if i just hugged you hard enough....”
“If you go to the store one of these days please pick me up new underwear, i think my glutes are getting bigger”
“the water is getting cold now, move you’re butt so i can get out.”
*he gets out and you’re checking out his ass* “it’s getting bigger isn’t it” *low key checks himself out in the mirror, slowly nodding*
“hurry up and get out before you’re more wrinkly than coach washijo.”
“don’t tell him i told you that.”
“get up before i make you go get the food by yourself.”
*you pout at him* “Oh no- love i’m kidding, i’m kidding... let’s go get your food.”
*now walking the streets to get food*
“Am i scary looking? I seem scary dont i?” (7:00 pm)
“Do you think i’m scary? No? Good... Now give me your hands, i know they’re cold.”
*in a grocery store finding drinks to go along w food*
“we need to leave now i accidentally scared a child and she ran to her mother.”
“Y/n it is not funny!”
“We’ll find my banana milk elsewhere, now please- i do not wanna be yelled at by a mother who is not my own.”
“Y/n i found the banana milk, now should i get the pack- never mind i’m getting the pack... What? Don’t laugh at me.”
“Wait... wait.... I need to sneeze.”
*at home*
*starts singing* “sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no?✨böKù🌸Wâ🧚ÿARiçHiñ🤴BįCChī😾ńO😩oSû🚣Dà🎉YO💦”
“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s catchy... y/n no i will not watch it with you.”
*forces him to watch yarichin bitch club*
“i did not enjoy that... the red head reminded me of hinata...”
“can we sleep now.”
“i have to sneeze again.”
*in bed*
“don’t touch me. i said don’t touch me! you’re feet are too cold.”
*you’re in his arms*
“you smell nice....”
“why don’t i smell like you? we use the same things....”
“oh you’re asleep...”
“small little thing you are....”
*forehead kiss*
A/N: Shoukd i continue these? If yes. Who should i do next, Iwaizumi or Sakusa?
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goodgirlgrow · 3 years
You said phase 2 are growing your ass . How do you make for only growing the ass without taking fat in all your body?? You are specific food??
Here is how asses and pushing your genetics works. The size of the parts of your hip bones determines if you’ll have hip dents. Just something you have to accept. Then there’s how much fat is naturally distributed to your ass/hips. You can get a BBL, if you want to spend $18k on having fat harvested through liposuction that at least 10% of will turn into hard necrotic fat in your ass (that feels like gravel).
Or.. you can see what your muscles do. Sort of like fat, muscle has genetic limitations, too. You might not have glutes that can grow very big ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or just not be the type of person to literally body build. In order to grow your gluteals, you have to work them out in a specific way and eat adequate nutrition. Progressive, heavy weight training is one of the best ways to make muscle bigger. This is typically a protein heavy diet and a calorie surplus. I am doing a 40/30/30 split for my macros; 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein. Fat and carbs grow your ass, too, but the old fashion way—with fat.
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hermajestyimher · 4 years
what fast did you do? i've been doing 18:6 imf but i wanna go longer. any tips?
It really depends on your metabolism, I have an extremely fast metabolism so before fasting I always make sure I eat a lot of food rich and protein and carbohydrates the days leading into the fast. I also do weight exercise to build muscle the week before, that way once I'm fasting I can keep my muscle growth while my body consumes any fat that might've gotten storaged in my abdomen during the calorie surplus I was in while building muscle. I drink a lot of water, do waist training and lower abs workouts to further enhance my abdominal area. The results have been great so far, my thighs and glutes are defined and bigger while my waist is smaller and toned. I'm loving the results.
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healthyilla-blog · 4 years
If you're reading this now, you're probably within  for a heart-thumping, blood-pumping, balls-to-the-wall workout. And, friend, we have got you covered. We're all about helping you get sweaty in pursuit of your goals, whether meaning getting stronger, hitting a replacement PR, or losing weight. But let's be real for a second here: The tricky thing about weight-loss workouts is that they are kinda, sorta... a myth. aren't getting me wrong—if you're trying to reduce , a solid exercise regimen should be a part of your plan.
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Here's the thing: Exercising isn't enough on its own for weight loss. There are different aspects that goes into weight loss and body fat loss; actually, exercise isn't even technically necessary in many cases. If you would like to lose weight—and it's very cool if you are doing and totally cool if you don't—adopting healthy eating habits possesses to be step numero uno. to urge technical, you would like to make a calorie deficit, which suggests using more calories during a day than you consume—and the consumption part plays a way bigger role therein than burning calories within the gym, or while carrying your groceries home, or any of the opposite myriad ways you set your muscles to figure every day . Other lifestyle habits, like sleep and stress management, and health conditions (think thyroid issues, to call only one of many) also affect your weight. Point is, weight loss may be a complicated and very personal journey that does not look or work the precise same way from one person to subsequent.
And before we get into it any longer, I'd be remiss to not means another really important detail here: Weight loss isn't for everybody . for a few people, it's actually much healthier to ignore your weight altogether, or never believe calories, or specialize in literally anything. That's very true if you've got a history of disordered eating; if that's you, you ought to ask your doctor before trying any weight-loss plan in the least. In fact, albeit you do not have a history of disordered eating you ought to ask a doctor about losing weight in a healthy way.
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And once you've done all that, there are some additional belongings you should realize workouts and weight loss.
First, here are some very basic items you ought to know before you start an exercise regimen for weight loss.
Your food choices—how you fuel your body—are even more important than your workout choices. I covered this above, but it's worth reiterating: Healthy eating habits are even more important than your exercise routine if your goal is to ascertain lasting changes in your body composition.
Exercise should become a part of your routine in a meaningful way. so as to ascertain results, hitting the elliptical for a half-hour while you catch up with the Kardashians once every week just isn't getting to cut it. Instead, aim for 3 workouts if you're just stepping into a routine again, or five to 6 sessions if you have been at it for a short time, says Holly Rilinger, a Nike master trainer, master Flywheel instructor, and star of Bravo's compute ny. "And confine mind that rest is vital to reset mentally, physically, and emotionally, so confirm to create in a minimum of one full day of rest ."
you will need to push yourself in every workout you are doing. It's quite an enormous deal that you simply bring your A-game to every workout. "I'd rather see you doing balls-to-the-wall workouts 3 times every week than see you give 50 percent for five days," says Rilinger. "Decide once you rehearse that door you're getting to provides it one hundred pc the whole time, and sign up throughout your workout with one simple question: am I able to give more?"
you will need to seek out a workout you genuinely enjoy if you've got any hope of sticking with it. "Finding a trainer or workout that creates you cheerful is really really important to weight loss," says Rilinger. once you enjoy doing it you will be more likely to stay with it. Below are 6 workouts that will assist you to reach your weight loss goal. If you've tried one among the classes here and there and didn't really like it, don't hand over on the game or practice altogether. you'll not have found a teacher you're keen on yet, which can make or break your goals.
Interval Training
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The number one training method the experts address again and again for weight loss: interval training. What's that? "Any sort of exercise where your pulse spikes then comes down repeatedly," says Rilinger. This generally means going hard for a group interval of your time (hence the name), followed by active rest, then going hard again. That active recovery portion is vital. you would like to require it down a notch—OK, several notches—before ramping copy to a better intensity interval.
High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is one among the various styles you'll do. Another popular one is indoor cycling, though this workout leans heavily toward cardio over strength training, Rilinger explains. She also notes that cycling requires you to use various muscles in your body—quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core, for starters—which once more translates to weight loss. "The more muscles you've got to include, the more calories you are going to burn because those muscles all require energy so as to figure," she says. "And the more energy you employ, the upper those calorie-burning numbers climb. It's all a cycle."
Try it: Here are 4 fat-burning stationary bike workouts that you simply might like. If you're more of a treadmill person, this 20-minute treadmill interval workout will kick your meddle the simplest way. And if you would like to skip the equipment altogether,
Weight Training
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Consider weight training "the mother of all weight-loss techniques, the very best within the workout organic phenomenon, the highest of the column," says Rilinger. Resistance training, whether it's together with your bodyweight alone or with added weights, is an efficient method to assist build muscle and burn fat. Lifting weights has been shown to extend your resting rate, which suggests your body burns more calories even when you are not exercising. The effect isn't enormous, but building muscle means more muscle mass to churn through calories as you set about your day. Plus, more muscle means you'll go harder next time, increasing your weight, and return more out of every workout. Plus, if you're lifting at a high intensity, you get the added bonus of the "afterburn effect," which is when you've put down the weights but your body remains consumption extra energy.
Rilinger suggests adding weight training to your routine a minimum of 3 times every week. And since your body adjusts to workouts after being exposed to equivalent moves at an equivalent intensity, becoming less effective over time, she says to combine it up about every three weeks to stay your body guessing.
Try it: First, if you've never done it before, make certain to read these strength training tips for beginners before you start. And inspect this primer on the way to choose the proper weights for your workout.
Boot Camp
For a workout that's getting to keep your metabolism elevated, boot camp, as these classes (think Barry's Bootcamp) combine two of the foremost effective sorts of training: interval and resistance. "You'll perform exercises, some more cardio-focused et al. strength-focused, full-out for brief bursts of your time, including short periods of rest," says Adam Rosante, certified personal trainer and author of The 30-Second Body. But if it is your first time getting to a camp class, speak up. He says an honest instructor will assist you to determine once you got to crank up the load or intensity (tip: if you'll cruise through 10 reps with none trouble, it's too easy), keep your form on par, and may always provide modification for any move which may be too tough or irritates an injury. If you cannot make it to a studio, though, you'll virtually sweat it out with Rosante in his 20-minute C9 Challenge, or do this bodyweight-only 16-minute routine.
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"At its essence, boxing is basically another sort of interval training," explains Rosante. But it also causes you to feel freaking badass. Here's the trick to remember: it is a common mistake for beginners to punch using only their arm strength, but the bulk of your power goes to return from your core and you will use muscles that are typically ignored in other workouts (hey there, obliques).
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All you would like maybe a pair of sneakers before you head out the door. But if weight loss is that the name of your game, the lackadaisical head-out-for-a-light-jog sort of running is not the thanks to go. Instead, find a hill you'll sprint up, or crank the incline thereon treadmill. "Running up hills forces you to figure your glutes and legs—two of your body's biggest muscle groups—even more, which needs smaller muscle recruitment and more energy expenditure," explains Rosante. As noted earlier, the more energy you're using, the brighter that calorie-burning fire burns. But proper form here is vital. "Lean into Capitol Hill, and drive your knees as high as you'll, striking the ball of every foot down directly under your body," he says. "Keep your hands open and arms bent at 90 degrees, and drive your arms simple up to face level, then backward to the highest of your back pocket." and check out to not let your arms cross over your body—that'll just waste the valuable energy your muscles need. If you're training indoors, here are a couple of fat-burning treadmill routines to urge you started.
Try it: While this Covid-19 pandemic you can try this portable treadmill by healthyilla.com so that you don't miss your routine cardio
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There's a reason CrossFit has become such a booming a part of the workout industry—it works,  as you do not overdo it. Workouts are varied—you could also be doing anything from kettlebell swings to rope climbs and box jumps to front squats—and the routines are designed to be short and intense. the foremost important thing to seek out when trying to find the box (CrossFit slang for "gym") that matches you best: a well-informed coach who can explain and modify the moves, and confirm that you simply don't push yourself to the purpose of injury. Here are a couple of things to stay in mind before every WOD,
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thesweatzone · 4 years
I have always struggled with my weight. I was never overweight to a point where I would have troubles with my health but it did limit some of my abilities and it lowered my self-esteem. I was really overweight as a child but then my rapid growth caused me to look slimmer than before and I was only round. Basically I was and still pretty much am skinny fat.
About two years ago I decided I wanted to become skinnier, so I started working out more. I realized now that being skinny is far from my goal and I truly want to be healthy and have a strong body but working out did give me solid foundation on which I explored my interests in sports, which I never liked before. I found the ones I actually enjoyed and the ones I did not enjoy quite that much. I started losing some fat. But then I became lazy and the fat came back.
This repeated itself many times throughout those two years. I slowly realized my biggest problem were my eating habits. I was really picky when it came to food and I always chose the wrong one. I also binged, then ate very little for a while and binged again. I even contributed to the weight gain with drinking smaller amounts of water than I should have and my sleeping schedule was all over the place. I realized only working out won't do that much. At least not for me.
I slowly started incorporating better foods into my diet and changing up my lifestyle but I never committed enough to see it through until the end and obtain obvious results. I was also very confused where and how to start, because there is so much information out there about what is right and wrong. The main problem was that I didn't give any program I created for myself time so that I could actually see results and see if it works.
Now I want to stick to my plan for longer than one or two months at a time. I want to achieve results that will last and work on my confidence too. I am currently 173 cm tall (which is roughly 5,8 feet) and I weigh 65 kg (roughly 143 pounds). Though I am tall I feel like I am quite heavy since I do not have that much muscle mass so the lbs are higher than I wish they would be, because of fat. I have stubborn belly fat while I'm not really visibly round in any other areas of my body as much. Of course you cannot spot reduce (I will write about that in one of my future posts too) so I will have to lower my body fat percentage and gain a lot of muscle mass in general to see the belly fat disappearing too, since I am striving for a stronger not skinnier body.
Right now I'm in a good place, though I still have many things to focus on to perfect my daily routine. I've been working since the start of the year (6th January, 2020) and lost 4,5kg (roughly 10 pounds) in five weeks. I constructed a workout and diet plan for me as well as I could, since I haven't got that much control over a lot of things going on in my life because I'm still in school and have work to focus on besides my fitness goals, though I am trying to make them a bigger priority in my life.
Some people said that this program seemed a bit challenging for a beginner when they took a first look at it. That's why I wrote a short paragraph in which I spoke about my work out habits above. They are not that bad and I tend to work out quite a lot so I’m not in such a bad shape - food will be a bigger issue for me. If the program seems though for you and you do your workouts completely differently, I encourage you to continue doing it your way. The same goes for if you think it is too easy. I designed this the way I did, because I know what I am capable of right now and what I would like to be capable of in the future.
Duration: 8 months (until the end of August)
Goal: Build strength and muscle mass, achieve a flatter belly and leaner physique, gain confidence, build better habits
I've tried many workouts on the internet already and I decided to follow some good fitness channels on Youtube and follow their work out videos, since I don’t have time to go to an actual gym. I will link them in some future posts. I made a weekly workout schedule too.
On Mondays I do half an hour to an hour of yoga targeting my core (abs), on Tuesdays I do body weight exercises targeting the legs and the glutes, on Wednesday I have another day of body weight exercises targeting the abs and on Fridays I have weightlifting to strengthen my arms and back.
I also have one active rest day every week when I am allowed to do nothing or just some light cardio. That is Thursday for me, because I arrive home late (around 7 p.m.) and it's the day that is the most tiring for me in the whole week.
On weekends I have one scheduled full body workout on Saturdays. I usually do pilates or some HIIT workouts. On Sundays I can take a day of if I feel like it, because I don't want to push myself over the edge but if I feel alright I do an hour of cardio.
Speaking of cardio, it is one of my favourite workout categories because I love to run, dance, hike, swim… and these are all workouts that fall into the category. I try to do cardio at least three times a week even if it isn’t scheduled (just because I actually enjoy doing it) but if the weather is nice I take a walk everyday anyway, since I like some peace to think and be alone.
Through the week I work out at around 6 p.m. and on the weekends in the morning or at least before noon.
For me it is really hard to meal prep since I am in high school and I have a lot of my meals prepared for me by other people. I evaluated my eating habits and realized I consume too much sugar and carbs and my diet lacks fiber. I can’t completely follow a low-carb diet but I will be aiming towards consuming less carbs and try to eat food which is low in sugar and high in protein and fiber.
I also challenged myself to eliminate all sugar I could from my diet for at least 40 days but I can happily say that I'm already on day 45 (I started on the 6th of January) – I decided to just continue with it and try to reach 70 days. I planned it for a long time and I can say I am quite satisfied with the outcome. I've tried including a lot of healthy foods, vegetables and high protein foods and minimize foods with a lot of carbs but there are days when I just don't have the option to eat anything but something high in carbs or not as healthy as I would wish it would be. 
If you want to, I will definitely write a post about what I eat in a week after I test it out, see how effective it is and perfect it completely. 
I have already tried intermittent fasting (will be explained in future posts) in the past once and it worked miracles for me. I felt more energized, way less bloated and I felt better in general. I will incorporate it into my diet again I decided to do a 16:8 ratio – I eat in a time frame of 8 hours. That equals 16 hours of fasting where I don't consume any food I just drink a cup of green tea in the morning.
I used to drink very small amounts of water throughout the day but I carry my water bottle with me everywhere I go now and I try to drink as much as possible. These are my main rules for drinking:
-drink 2 water bottles of water a day
-one cup of green tea in the morning (or lemonade)
-don't drink milk in the evening
I try to go to sleep before 11 pm and get up around 6 or 7 am. For me it is pretty hard, because I am a night owl, but I do try, since I see a big difference in my energy and ability to work efficiently throughout the day.
That is how I designed my workout and diet program. All details will be specified in further chapters since it is still a bit rough around the edges (especially the diet part), but I cannot meal prep since it is really hard for me to prepare my own food. 
I thought I should explain what and how I'm doing everything, since I will be writing about it. This is a basic overview and I didn't really go into detail. If you want me to be more precise, especially about my eating habits and how I'm trying to change them, I will make a post about it. This is just my story and my program. I can't guarantee any of these things would work for you or your body but maybe you will get any idea or find some useful information. You now know my story and my goals.
I always struggled with my self-esteem and body image but I am on the path to changing everything and I want to share the lessons I'm learning and my story with you. I hope it motivates you and you can see you are not alone. You should also remember that even though my measurements and fitness goals don't match yours and you maybe see different numbers than me, you aren't working any less hard or doing anything wrong nor should you be discouraged. We are all on our individual journeys and you have the exact same chance of reaching your goals as I do or anyone else reading this blog.
Whenever I start doubting myself I just avert my thoughts somewhere else because I am positive we all can do this. Remember to love yourself no matter your weight. We are all beautiful and what we are doing and the changes we're making are only to better ourselves physically and mentally but our weight or appearance doesn't define us nor does it define our worth.
Thank you for joining me on this journey!
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