#what happened to my perfect eyesight..... i miss that
this is probably in part affected by how dim it is in here and how tired my eyes are but uh. im now struggling to read text from an arm's length even with both eyes
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floralpromise · 7 months
Just floating around // Rafayel x f!reader
Summary: Since the beach would be too crowded, Rafayel has to find a creative solution to it.
Warnings: Probs some ooc Rafayel bc I'm not used to writing for him. Some lore so slightly spoilers? (like what he is etc and some aspects from "ebb and flow"). Some silly fic bc somehow I can see Rafayel do something like that? Let me know if I missed any more warnings.
Genre: fluff, sfw.
Word count: 705.
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Rafayel was lying on a floatie, floating around in the pool that was set up in the middle of his living room. A pair of black sunglasses rested on his nose as he was holding a glass in his hand with a colorful cocktail. A yellow straw and a red parasol in it as well.
Since it was a hot and sunny day in Linkon, Rafayel didn't feel like going to the beach, knowing it would be crowded with people who wanted to take a dive in the cold seawater. And so, Rafayel preferred to float around in his own pool in the safety of his own studio.
He rested his free hand behind his head, his tail slightly moving up and down as the edges dipped in the cold water. Blue scales adore his face and body. He felt beyond relaxed, forgetting about the unfinished painting that was hanging on the wall, waiting for him to finish it, but the Lemurian hadn't touched his pencils today and wasn't planning to do so. There was no rush in finishing it, not that he was able to do so since his inspiration wasn't really there and the hot weather wasn't helping either.
He peered up from under his sunglasses when he heard the door open and being closed again, watching your figure appear in his eyesight. A smile tugged at his lips as he watched your face, trying to read your emotions.
"Rafayel, what the-" You muttered as you placed your bag down and slowly started to approach the pool. "Couldn't go to the beach." He shrugged in response as you rolled your eyes at his words. "So you brought the beach here." You huffed as he simply shrugged. "It helps me spark my inspiration." He spoke, nodding his head towards the unfinished painting.
"That's what you said yesterday when we went out for food, and also the day before yesterday when we went to the beach to collect some stuff." You reminded him of how he had been procrastinating the past few things. "It's hot outside, a heat wave! Not my fault they didn't predict the weather right." He huffed, another excuse for his procrastinating. You stopped in front of the pool, staring at the artist all relaxed on his floatie.
He patted the floatie, on the tiny spot still free for you to take. "No, we both know you'll end up pushing me off." You refused as you crossed your arms. Rafayel furrowed his brows and a small pout formed on his lips. "How ridiculous of you to even say that!" He huffed, slightly dramatically raising his voice. "Denying my invitation for cuddles. So rude to deny a Lemurian" He grumbled, pushing the sunglasses back on his nose before taking an aggressive sip from his drink.
"And what if I drown? Would you rescue me or would you just walk away?" Rafayel went on. "You are a fish, Raf. You can't drown." You waved him off. "Fish can drown if they don't have enough oxygen in the water." Rafayel pointed out. "Please join me, it's getting all cold and lonely out here, alone in the ocean." He sighed, making dramatic movements with his arms.
You sighed and kicked your shoes out and took off your socks, dropping them near your feet before you stepped into the water. The temperature was nice, not too cold but cold enough to be refreshing. And not too hot, but hot enough to enjoy it. The water temperature was pretty much perfect.
A smug smile formed on Rafayel's lips as he watched you approach him, arms wide open as he made a bit more room for you on the floatie. The moment you reached him, he was fast enough to lean forward and pull you straight into his arms, only to make the floatie sway back and forth.
You yelped, afraid the two of you would fall over but nothing happened. You let out a relieved breath as you positioned yourself in a comfortable position on the floaties, his arms safely wrapped around you as he rested his head on your shoulder. "Happy?" You asked him as you playfully rolled your eyes. "Very." He nodded with a playful smile.
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Where Wormholes Come From
As much as I was enjoying my Engine Rings™ cheesy snacks — and that was a great deal, since I’d just discovered them on a human-run space station — it wasn’t so much of a distraction that I didn’t notice worried voices as I walked past the cockpit.
I paused in the doorway to see Wio in her chair, tentacles adjusting the controls with nervous speed while Kavlae stood and pointed at one of the displays. I had no idea what that screen showed. But the two pilots sure seemed to, and it didn’t look good.
“Are you sure it’s organic?” Wio was asking.
“It has to be!” Kavlae said, head frills flaring. “I’ve never seen this kind of reading on anything else. Not even new technology.”
Wio muttered something unintelligible, tapping buttons and turning dials. She didn’t react when I folded my bag of crunchy snacks and shoved it in a pocket.
I leaned into the room. “Is something wrong?”
Kavlae looked up at that, the picture of blue-skinned concern. “Possibly,” she admitted. “Dangerous, at any rate. I was making a final sweep for the end of my shift, and I think I’ve found a fresh wormhole.”
I waited for more information, but didn’t get any. “Why is that bad?”
“Because it clearly wasn’t made with any technology I’ve seen,” Kavlae said with a melodramatic sweep of a hand. “There are organic traces and rough edges. This is fresh.”
Before I could repeat my question, Wio chimed in. “And a fresh wormhole might mean the worm is still around, among other things.”
“Uh,” I said. Apparently my Earth-bound education about space travel had missed a key point. “I did not know wormholes are made by actual worms. I thought people built them? Or they just happen?”
“People do build them,” Wio said. She finished messing with the controls and twisted her tentacles around each other. “And the way they ‘just happen’ is because of the space worms. Which we don’t want to get anywhere near.”
Kavlae waved me forward. “You’ve got good color vision, right? See if anything long and wiggly shows up on these scans. It’ll be subtle; they’re probably in deep.”
I stepped up to the row of small screens under the main one, full of questions. “Deep in what, hyperspace? Why do we want to avoid them? Are they predatory? Or territorial, or easily startled?” The main screen just showed the usual stars, but the little ones were a riot of charts and diagrams. Kavlae pointed at the one that was an incomprehensible swirl of yellow and green.
“Yes, hyperspace,” Wio said.
“They’re not predatory,” Kavlae said with certainty.
“Well, how do we know?” Wio countered.
“There have been studies!” Kavlae said. “They eat the fabric of space-time itself, not spaceships.”
“What about the chewy center of those spaceships?” Wio retorted.
“There have been studies,” Kavlae insisted.
Part of the green image did look a little wormy. I wondered whether I should interrupt, not sure if I was imagining it, then I remembered Eggskin the medic’s offhand comment on how good human eyesight was in picking out shades of green — just like edible vs non-edible plants back home. Maybe the two pilots really couldn’t see something that I could.
“Is that—” I started.
“Anyways, it’s not the space worms you need to worry about,” Wio spoke over me. “It’s the space moles that follow.”
The universe has perfect timing, because that was the moment a clear green line appeared on the chart, straight as an arrow and moving fast.
Kavlae squeaked, pointing at the screen.
Wio made a popping noise that I recognized as a swear word, and pressed several buttons at once.
A snakelike shape the color of starlight erupted into sight on the main screen, glowing as it curled back down a brand new wormhole, right in front of our ship. Which stopped in its tracks, all three of us yelling in surprise.
But that was nothing compared to the enormous black shape that clawed its way out of the starfield in hot pursuit. It was a different shade of black from the void of space, but I couldn’t say which. All I made out in that adrenaline-filled moment was claws, teeth, and terrifyingly large.
We screamed in three different octaves as the ripples in space hit the ship, rocking it even with the artificial gravity. I heard something crash down the hall. Other people were yelling. They didn’t matter.
The space mole really was going after the worm, not us — it plowed back down into the surface of reality, digging in a way that shouldn’t have been possible. And it was so, so fast.
The mole disappeared with one last kick of a barely-seen foot or tail or something else. The starfield rippled and shook like the surface of a pond. I realized I was clutching the back of Wio’s chair. Alarms were going off on the console.
After a moment in which nothing else jumped out at us, I managed to convince my fingers to let go. Kavlae collapsed into her own chair. The little screen was calm yellow. Without a word, Wio changed our course to somewhere presumably safer.
Running footsteps sounded in the hall, leading to a traffic jam of concern in the doorway: all tentacles and frills and very wide eyes. A calm but stern voice cut through the chatter. The crowd parted to let Captain Sunlight through, every inch the levelheaded and unflappable role model who wasn’t about to let some turbulence and screaming rattle her. She was wiping what looked like orange soup off one yellow-scaled hand. But she did it with dignity.
“What happened?” she asked.
I answered first. “Space worm and a space mole.”
“Really,” the captain said while the hallway exploded into conversation.
“They almost hit us!” Kavlae exclaimed, waving arms and frills from where she sat slumped in her chair.
“Any damage?” Captain Sunlight asked.
“Nope,” Wio said, with surprising cheer. “And I have better news.” She manipulated the controls some more, then sat back as a framed image appeared in the middle of the main screen. “I got a recording.”
Everyone exclaimed about that while the captured footage played. I was torn between watching it again because it was amazing, and watching the little yellow screen for more hints of green. I tried to do both.
“Well done,” Captain Sunlight said. “I know just the scientists to give first shot at that recording. And knowing them, this may end up in a very lucrative bidding war. You just make sure you get us to our destination safely!”
“Absolutely, Captain!” Wio said with a twirl of a tentacle. “I will keep a close eye on all the readouts.”
“I’ll help,” I volunteered, eyeing a suspicious green tinge that was probably nothing.
“I will take a nap,” Kavlae declared. “Then come back early.”
Wio waved her toward the crowded doorway. “Take your time! You need some rest after that. Don’t worry; we’ll scream if there’s anything important.”
“I’ll remind you that we do have an intercom,” said the captain drily.
I replied, “Screaming’s faster.”
Wio said at the same time, “We’ll scream over the intercom if there’s anything important.”
Captain Sunlight huffed in amusement. “Of course you will. Right! Everyone else, go check the ship for damaged items. Mur, help Mimi in the engine room. Paint, go with Eggskin; medbay first, then kitchen.” She rattled off more assignments to make sure all the important rooms were looked into. Then she ushered everyone on their way, and headed back to whatever she’d been doing. Probably cleaning up spilled soup.
With a glance at Wio, I took Kavlae’s chair, hands folded carefully in my lap. The snacks in my pocket crinkled. I left them there — I wasn’t about to make a mess in the cockpit, nor would I touch a single thing.
But that yellow-and-green swirl, oh I would be watching that very carefully.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come!
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Fuck I got the thing wrong. Its called uhm.. I dont remember. Wait I need to do extensive research.
Okay, I found it, its called the Clarity meme, yknow, that one where they fall off a buidling or something. It's been too long.
Sincerely, 💜
No worries! I think Lucifer, Mammon and Diavolo are the only ones with wings but I might have missed some characters so feel free to tell me if I did ^^" but anyway, I hope you enjoy <3
Clarity meme with Lucifer, Mammon, Diavolo
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⊱ Lucifer is very strict as student, brother and even boyfriend! So you thought that you might as well make it all a little bit more fun
⊱ so one day, when you were hanging out with him on some roof, you decided to just jump off and yell after him to catch you
⊱ it could be just a silly little idea for you but he just had a panic attack over there, you're his lover and exchange student so he can't let you get hurt
⊱ he literally throws whatever he was doing away and just jumps after you in his demon form
⊱ don't expect that it all will end on him catching you and putting you back on roof, oh no, he casts a spell so you can go away from him for more than 3 meters
⊱ he also definitely scolds you for being reckless and not thinking what could happen if he wasn't fast enough
⊱ you might think that he's mad at you which is partially true but being honest he was extremely worried since he doesn't want to loose another one he loves
"What was going through your mind when you jumped off the roof? Do you know you could die there? You're not leaving my side for the next month."
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⊱ Mammon always liked a little bit of fun and risk so you thought that he won't mind that little idea of yours
⊱ when you were hanging out on school roof since you had a break and corridors were loud, you decided that it was perfect time to realize your plan
⊱ being honest, when you screamed after him to catch you, he felt like he's just having a bad nightmare but of course he jumped after you without thinking
⊱ he better not being counting his money right now tho because he'll get mad at you for interrupting it but of course he still throws it away for you
⊱ after he goes back at roof with you in his arms, he rejects to let you go so good luck because you're in his arms till the end of this break
⊱ he scolds you after it tho telling you that you could've died if The Mammon wouldn't save you and that you should be glad that he did so
"Are ya stupid?! Human, ya could die right there! You're lucky that The Mammon was there to save you. You're not leaving my side as show if gratitude, got it?"
⊱ he might say that you not leaving his side is just form of gratitude but he just wants you by his side for as long as he can
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⊱Asmo, similiar to his second eldest brother, also likes a little bit of fun but not necessarily that risky...
⊱ he was hanging out on roof with you since it was good place for selfies he wanted to do for his Devilgram
⊱ so when you screamed for him to catch you while he was taking photos, he literally panicked
⊱ but of course he threw his phone away and run after you, luckily already in his demon form since he was shooting photos in it
⊱ when he finally put you back on roof, he'll scold you that you could have hurt yourself and you better pray that he didn't broke any of his nails while saving you or else he'll make you pay your price
"Darling! Why did you do that?! Don't you know you could hurt that pretty face of yours?!"
⊱ yeah, he's not loosing you from his eyesight ever again
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⊱ you and Beel were hanging out at the school roof and eating your lunches, and you thought that it's perfect time try your little plan
⊱ you were a little scared of doing this because he might react differently... but you decided to try it either way out of curiosity
⊱ so when you thought you were ready, you finally jumped yelling after him to catch you
⊱ he really didn't had second thought of jumping after you to save you
⊱ after he put you back on the floor, he started asking you multiple questions to make sure that you're alright
⊱ he remembers what happened to his sister way too well, so he doesn't want something like this happening to you as well
"YN, are you alright? Why did you jumped just now? What if I wasn't fast enough...?"
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⊱ Diavolo had a lot of work recently and even he told you that he'd love to have some more fun with you after he finally has some time
⊱ today you were keeping him company in his castle and his office he was in right now just happened to be on the highest floor so you decided to try your little plan
⊱ you better pray he won't be too lost in his work and notice you or else... well... he may need to think of a way to revive you...
⊱ but if you do catch his attention by yelling after him to catch you, he literally he knocks over a chair while he runs after you
⊱ he's pretty fast so you can be sure he'll catch you, and after he goes back to office, he sits with you in his arms on his chair
⊱ he doesn't want to be mean to you but he does tell you what consequences could be
⊱ but he also tells you that if you ever would like to repeat it, he's up for it but you could tell him before doing so a bit earlier
"YN, please don't ever do it again without warning me earlier... I was really worried about you."
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crmsnmth · 4 months
Thank You
Instead of always pining about that time where I lost you And the whining And the complaining about how awful my life is with no real problems Life lost it's meaning the day the door shut behind you My always plentiful well I can dip my ink into So I bleed misery into a pompous vocabulary
Instead, ket me thank you for the things you gave to me All the small things you unknowingly taught me And it's take me years to suddenly wake up and realize Things were never perfect, I was just born with nostalgia eyesight
Thank you for the way you slipped your hand into mine for the way you made the most rainy day seem like sunshine For the way you make the bitter Wisconsin winter taste exactly like the Sahara heat
I need to thank you for the way your lips were pressure on my own And than you for reminding me that love is not just a handful of words But the change and the growth and enlightenment we get from caring eyes, taking the whole world by storm thank you for letting me see the deepest parts of you thank you for sharing your room for so many nights thank you for teaching me how to survive
Your influence is shown in what my personalities becone Listening to songs you once brought to me watching the things we watched I guess I just need proof I can do this on my own
I'll never stop wishing for you Or reliving the most important moments of my life Where you just always have such a starring role And I thank you for your contributions I swear, there will never be a sequel. Especially since the main character chooses rope at the end of the first one
I'll never stop writing about what happened Because it was the turning point I can point to the exact second my determination to self-destruct started And I thank yo for it I thank you for shattering my heart to pieces I missed most of them trying to rebuild it and I ended up gluing my fingers togethor Thank you
Just thank you.
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yourimagines · 1 year
I need to think part 2
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Gif is not mine
* Triggers: stalking
- Summary: part two was asked so here it is.
“No Sarah, I said I needed some time to think, I’m not going over.” I said through the phone.
“Oh come on, just to hang out with me, not my brother.”
“I’m sorry Sarah, not now.”
“Okay, I talk to you later then.” She said while signing.
“Alright, talk to you later.”
We both hang up, I was sitting in my garden when she called. I’m not ready to face him because I know if I see him I will run back to him. I just want to be alone and think about anything without him influencing everything.
Rafe POV
She was calling Sarah, while laying on a beach bed, tanning in the sun. She wants some time to think, that’s fine but I’m not leaving her alone, what if she needs me and I’m not there, or something bad happens and I need to protect her. I need her to be in my eyesight, can’t lose her again.
—— time skip, 2 weeks——
She was here with Sarah, relaxing in the backyard. Talking about John B, Sarah’s adventures and of course about me, but what they both don’t know is that I’m here, Sarah thinks I’m at Barry’s. I heard her this morning talking on the phone with Y/N, so I stayed hidden and texted her I was at Barry’s. Sarah is so dumb sometimes.
“ but are you ever going to talk to my brother?” Sarah asked
“Maybe why?” She took a sip from her drink
“ I don’t know, you guys where perfect for each other, I guess.” Sarah shrugged her shoulders
“Perfect? More like chaos.”
“I think you miss him, do you miss him?”
She said something quietly, which I didn’t hear correctly. ‘Rafe of course she misses you, don’t be a fool, she needs you’ a voice in my head said to me. I disappeared into the house, waiting for the perfect moment.
“Yes, I do miss him but I don’t know.” I whispered carefully at her
“I understand, he’s a difficult person but he cares about you, your his girl.” Sarah pointed out
“Maybe I should call him you know, just to hang out and see what happens.”
“You should, but not today, it’s a girls day today.” She said while taking a sip from her drink.
“I will not call him today, I promise.”
“You better be girl.” We both closed our eyes, relaxing in the heat of the sun.
—— Later that day——
Sarah and I went inside because it started to rain.
“He’s not home, you can get some clothes from his room, if you want.”
“That’s a good idea, I’ll be right back then.”
Sarah nods as I walked upstairs to Rafe bedroom. I carefully opened the door and walked in. I walked to his drawer and looked for a comfy hoodie, I finally found one and took it out of the drawer.
“Found the one you want?” I jumped at his presence. As he stood next to me looking at me.
“Rafe you scared me.” I held my hand against my chest.
“I’m sorry didn’t mean to do that.” He said while grinning at me.
“Creeping up to someone, is on purpose tho.” I said while smiling at him.
“It’s my room.” He pointed out.
“Sarah said you where not home.”
“Sarah doesn’t know anything.” He stepped a little bit closer but not to close.
“Rafe, I…. I actually wanted to call you tomorrow.”
“You do?” He said looking surprised
“Yes, for to talk about this.” Pointing between us.
“We can talk now if you want, I’m here now aren’t I.”
“No we can’t, it’s a girl day, we will talk tomorrow.” I shook my head.
“Okay, if you want to talk tomorrow then we talk tomorrow.” He says while stepping a bit away.
“Thank you Rafe, I really appreciate it.” I smiled at him while walking away from him.
“I wait for you, I always will.” He said while I walked out of his room. Sarah was waiting downstairs on the sofa, ready for a girls night.
“What took you so long?” She says while laughing.
“Sorry couldn’t choose.” As I pointed at the hoodie.
“You guys are so going to be back together, you better call him tomorrow.”
“Believe me I definitely will call him tomorrow .” I said while sitting down on the sofa, trying to enjoy the girls night while thinking about Rafe who’s upstairs waiting for me to call.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could you make a concept for Fluffy AU! Golden Freddy based on the ideas you made with some anons?
Sure! I'll see what I remember for this... my memory is so poor lol. If I forgot something I'm sorry cause I know it was SOMETHING.
There was a whole lot of rambling in this, Sorry if that ruined things but you have more Fluffy AU lore now-
Here's the fic that had some of the ideas in it.
Yandere-ish! Fluffy AU! Golden Freddy/Fredbear Concept
(Mostly just explains his role)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Experimentation, Death, Undead animals, Overprotective behavior, Occult themes, Murder, Split personality, Trauma, Implied sadism, Trust issues.
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The origin of Fluffy AU! Fredbear and Springbonnie are entwined together.
They were created together and were the first successful attempts in Afton's twisted experiments.
Like his compatriot, Fredbear is very friendly and loves to befriend his handlers.
You are most likely assigned as one of the bear's handlers and that's how you meet him.
Fredbear is very affectionate towards you once he thinks of you as a friend.
He's large and furry, often giving you "bear hugs" to show his affection.
Fredbear is always seen in a purple hat and tie, looking like a living anthropomorphic bear.
He has claws and sharp teeth although would never want to hurt anyone.
Towards his darling he's obsessive and protective.
You often feel the bear nuzzle into you and call you his friend.
You couldn't blame yourself for getting attached.
Fredbear really did begin to feel like your friend after awhile.
You nearly forgot he was meant to be an experiment until Afton announced the next stage of his plan.
Afton now knew how to complete his experiments correctly thanks to Fredbear and Springbonnie.
He already had a new bear, bunny, chicken, and fox planned.
But what was he to do with the prototypes?
Experiments of a different kind... what would happen if you tampered with the undead?
Afton is an ambitious man
When you had left work after hugging Fredbear goodbye for the day, you were alerted he had passed away.
You were never told why.
The whole situation felt strange to you as you thought Fredbear was in perfect health.
You have a feeling Afton is behind it... but it is not your place to ask.
It's after the death of Fredbear that Golden Freddy is "born".
Afton is a man who likes to tinker with the paranormal.
He likes to play god.
His experiments with the killed by undisclosed means deceased Fredbear and Springbonnie are paranormal in nature.
Which results in Golden Freddy gaining supernatural powers.
Powers such as... teleportation.
Golden Freddy used to be friends with the undead rabbit Springtrap.
After a gorey fight between the two due to Springtrap's sudden aggression, that stopped quickly.
Especially when it ended in the golden bear's eyes being gouged by the rabbit.
You're told to stay away from the two prototypes due to the experiments becoming unstable.
You were instead sent to keep an eye on the newer experiments and their growth.
Golden Freddy and Springtrap were locked away in a lab until they could be properly disposed of.
Unfortunately there was no proper way to contain the undead bear.
The isolation from all his supposed friends and his damaged eyesight made Golden Freddy go insane.
He remembers you and misses you... making it a goal to find you.
For the most part Golden Freddy would be overprotective of his darling, scared they'll be hurt too.
But there's another more sadistic persona in him that wants to cause revenge against all that's hurt him.
Which may or may not include you.
Golden Freddy is partially blind.
His eyes have rotted into a seemingly black void... but he can still see due to being enhanced.
When Golden Freddy breaches his containment area due to his newfound powers, he hunts down his darling.
He's not as violent or aggressive as Springtrap, but can retaliate if threatened.
He's missing an ear... making him a bit deaf too.
The reintroduction to Springtrap had damaged him... but he's determined to live.
However... Golden Freddy happens to have a good sense of smell.
When Golden Freddy finds you again he isn't really mad at you.
He blames Afton and his scientists for what's happened to him.
By the time he teleports to your location... he's already singlehandedly thrown the facility into chaos.
Experiments are released and infected... scientists die left and right...
... and the culprit of it all stands in front of you.
Like Springtrap, Golden Freddy reeks of death.
He is no feral animal, however...
Golden Freddy is intelligent and, when it comes to you, merciful.
Golden Freddy has already made his decision when he lets all the experiments out.
Afton will die with his creations and the facility shall fall.
It's like his own little rebellion... but he doesn't stay long.
Golden Freddy would teleport you away from the carnage with him alone.
He wants peace after what he's been subjected to....
Golden Freddy still sees you as his handler once he tastes freedom.
He does not resent you for it.
In fact he still adores you.
Fluffy AU! Golden Freddy as a whole is Overprotective, Manipulative, Caring, Slightly sadistic/Possessive.
His mind is a mess after what he went through and he's just happy he was given the power to get away from it.
He's happy to take you away from it.
The facility is left to rot after this event (Which is kinda where this fic takes place) and most of Golden Freddy's obsession peaks at this point.
He's overprotective and refuses to let you go anywhere that isn't with him.
He can't tell if he wants to love you or hurt you at times.
Golden Freddy acts like a protective guardian over you as he feels he has no other purpose.
Despite how much he cares for you... you know you can't keep him with you.
The smell makes you ill and there's nowhere for you to get home.
Golden Freddy's trust is breached once you decide you have to kill him.
He understands... but part of him doesn't want this.
You may think this'll solve his pain yet it probably won't.
He may just come back.
Golden Freddy can handle your betrayal of him in a few ways.
He could isolate you somewhere far away with no weapons...
He could kill you and make you like him...
Or he could accept his fate for the chance he may stop suffering.
Golden Freddy is a freak of nature who shouldn't even exist.
But the bear persists all due to one man who wished to play god...
You are the only thing that makes it... bear-able-
Golden Freddy himself isn't sure what he wants... yet he knows it involves you.
Whatever his fate may be doesn't matter to him anymore... as long as it has you.
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elisysd · 8 months
57. Lately she's been dressing for revenge
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Vigilante Shit - Taylor Swift
Out of all the three American races, Austin was the one Julia loved the most. She loved the atmosphere, the fun activities that were always happening around the track, and of course she loved the race. She always found it exciting. That’s why, sitting on her sofa, ready to watch the qualifying with her brother and her mom felt bittersweet. Bitter because she wanted nothing more but to be there with her friends, especially since it was Kyle’s first home race of the year, and sweet because, after all, she was still home with the people she loved the most.
“Is Ethan going to win again?” asked Louis, a glass of apple juice in his hand.
“I don’t think so, Ethan is not very confident for the weekend.” Julia replied.
And Ethan’s instincts were confirmed at the end of the Q1, seeing both Maserati out respectively P16 and P18, but Julia noticed Romy’s car in the ones not able to make it through the first session. P20, her worst result since the beginning of the season. Julia promised herself to call her as soon as the qualifying would be over, especially after seeing her defeated expression during her interviews.
After an hour, it was finally Elijah, followed by Kyle and Martin, who managed to get the pole. It was a nice opportunity for Ferrari to put some pressure on Lamborghini but Julia also knew that Kyle wasn’t a soon-to-be third times world champion for nothing and that he wouldn’t go down without a fight. It would be a disputable race the next day and she couldn’t wait for it.
When she was sure that her friends were done with the media and race strategy meeting, she isolated herself in the patio to call her best friend.
“I feel like shit, really, this won’t be my weekend. I have no sensations with the car and Kyle’s mom did a number on me and I don’t know how to react.”
“What is happening?”
“Kyle’s childhood best friend is here. His mom insisted that Kyle send an invite.”
“And it’s a problem because….”
“Because she is his ex-girlfriend! His first love! And believe me, his mom made sure that I understood really well how nice she was, how perfect she had always been for her son and how she had always pictured them married. I can’t wait to have you in Vegas, I need to feel like I have someone in my corner!” Romy whined.
“Have you talked to Kyle about his mom?”
“To tell him what? Baby, I feel like your mom hates me and wants us to break up as fast as possible? Please, Julia… I don’t want him to have to feel like he has to choose between me and his mom. Oh, and do you know what she had the audacity to tell me? Kyle's eyesight disease was getting worse because I was stressing him out. That if I wasn’t a racing driver, he would get better or at least it wouldn’t get worse. That he deserved someone who was making his life easier and not worse. That…”
She heard a gasp on the other side of the line, before Romy apologized for having to hang up so suddenly. Julia didn’t need to ask to know that Kyle might have overheard their conversation. She contemplated Bailey playing outside with a wood stick as her phone started to ring. Her dad’s name appeared on the screen and she wondered what he might want.
“Have you watched quali?” He first asked, voice filled with happiness and pride.
“I did. Congrats. Tomorrow will be tough, though.”
“Any opinion on how we should handle the situation?”
“Well… To try to keep the advantage in the first laps. It will be tough because Kyle never misses his start, it’s probably one of the thing is the best at. So, maybe Martin could just try to push him to his limits so he doesn’t have any other chance but to defend. It will kind of sacrifice Martin but we seem to bet better than Lambo with our tyres management recently. So, with a little chance, Kyle will be forced to pit earlier than us.”
“And in that case, we could create a gap between our cars and the rest of the grid. I have to talk to Martin about it, it’s his race that we will sacrifice, I want to make sure he is on board.”
“I mean, whether he likes it or not, we always privileged the driver who was on pole.” she said, shrugging.
Her dad couldn’t talk much with her, explaining that he had to talk to a few mechanics to make some adjustments on the cars and left her. She had still one phone call to make and she feared it wouldn’t be a pleasant one. As she expected, she was welcomed by a very moody Ethan.
“I mean, of course I can’t do my best when I have a fucking tractor with me! Have you seen how slow it was and how I couldn’t even drive it properly? I’ve been kicked out from Q1 by Skoda, Julia! Skoda! The team who barely scored any points this year and will finish last in the constructor’s standing! I know you worked for them and I know you’re still friends with Niels and Noah but come on, they shouldn’t have made it through Q1! Now I’m going to start from the back and I hate that.”
“Hey, breathe. Focus on trying to not get too caught up in traffic tomorrow. Have a clean start, with a clean race. You know the podium will most likely not happen and it’s fine. Just try to make it into points.”
“Yeah… easy with an undriveable car.” he mumbled.
“Have faith.”
“I don’t need faith, I need a good strategy and a good car.”
“You know you’re quicker than the guys in front, you have no real opponents there. It should be easy. And most of all, you’re a top driver in a mid-field car and usually this pairing can work wonders on tracks.”
“I skipped the meeting,” he confessed. “I didn’t want to go there angry and say things I would regret.”
“But and the strategy…”
“Tomorrow. And maybe in the meantime I’ll be able to come up with one that won’t be too shitty. Anyway… tell me about your day. Have you been able to work on your presentation?” he changed the subject as she could hear him shifting on what she guessed was his bed.
“Kind of. It’s hard to keep it concise, I want to talk about so many things…”
“You’ll find the way. Don’t worry too much, they will love the project.”
She spent her next morning in front of her computer, working on her presentation and taking notes on the side before trying to come up with a budget plan to see how much it would cost. She felt dizzy when she noticed that it would probably cost millions and wondered if the FIA would be really ready to spend that much on a project that she had no idea was really doable or even if it would be something teams would want to be part of and if kids would be interested.
She stopped right as the race was about to start. As usual, her mom was wearing an old Ferrari cap and she was surprised to see Louis in Ethan’s merchandising. She suddenly felt bad and ran to her room to put on the shirt a fan had once gifted her, the one where Ferrari and Maserati colors were mixed. She saw her mom smiling when she came back but didn’t dare to comment on it. They got ready and when the lights went out, Julia grabbed a pillow, pulling it against her, hoping nothing would happen in the first corner. Thankfully, nothing bad happened. Ethan had gained two positions which wasn’t bad but what was worrying Julia was that Romy was still last, despite a start from the pitlane. There was definitely something wrong with her driving as her teammate didn’t seem to struggle as much as her. So it wasn’t really surprising for Julia to see her friend retiring the car, halfway through the race.
In front, the strategy she had advised her dad to use had been effective until a badly executed pit stop cost Elijah his first place and with Martin still on used tyres, she knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold Kyle back who was on freshly new ones. The American finally managed to lead the race fifteen laps before the end of the race, under a roaring crowd who exalted when he finally drove in front of them. Elijah and Martin were still in the fight but it was almost sure that Kyle would win his home Grand Prix. She focused on Ethan to see him struggling behind Niels’ Skoda. He was P12, clearly not what he would like to be but she didn’t know how he could. When it was finally over, she was happy for her dad even if her advice had not worked as good as she had expected but disappointed for her friends. She saw Kyle rushing to his family before searching for Romy who was watching from afar. Even in front of a broadcast she could read the frustration written all over her face. When the celebrations were finally over, her mom decided to order pizza, to finally have a calm family night without unnecessary drama. Julia suspected that it was also to avoid her overthinking her meeting the next day. Meeting she wasn’t sure she was one hundred percent ready for, but she hoped that it would be enough.
She had borrowed her mom's clothes trying to feel a little more confident but as she was waiting for the meeting to start, she had never felt more out of place. She was so enthusiastic about her project, so sure it could bring something great to the sport that the idea of failing was terrorizing her.She didn’t know what she would do if the FIA was telling her that they wouldn’t go forward with her. But she didn’t have much time to think about it as Lewis’ face appeared on her screen, soon joined by the other representatives of the Federation and the vice-president himself. She gulped as she tried her best to memorize the names and functions of each one of them. Noticing she also was the only woman in the room, she quickly understood that it was going to be tough. When it was finally her time to talk after a very long introduction, she explained exactly what she had told Lewis, but this time adding graphs and percentages about the number of women in motorsport as well as the number of people of color and disabled ones. Numbers that were ridiculously low.
“And finally, I thought about creating a FIA scholarship for kids who were really talented and could actually go to big universities but might not be able to for financial reasons. The scholarship could be given by the FIA alongside team principals. It would give another reason for these kids to really give their all. And, that’s all for me… if you have questions, I would be happy to answer them.”
When Lewis was the only one clapping and thanking her she knew that her worst fear was about to happen. And when the very few questions she got were more about her and not about the projects, she already had the reason why they were about to tell her no. The final blow came from the Vice-President.
“You see, Miss, you got yourself quite the reputation here after the rumors coming from your implication in Ferrari’s cheating scandal. Even though we don’t have any proof, the allegations are still there and I’m not sure it’s a great idea to have you working in an environment where you could be tempted to find information you could give to your dad. I’m not saying you would… but it’s a possibility I’m not ready to explore. And you’re young, barely have any experience and the little you have didn’t end well. Wilhelm didn’t have a lot of nice things to say regarding your work and about your attitude. Giving you such a high responsibility with leading and organizing a project like that, as interesting as it is, might be too much pressure for you to handle. And we have no proof, for sure, that it’s a project that is worth investing our time and money into.”
“With all due respect, mister the Vice-President, I had a talk with Julia before this official meeting and I could see how much effort and research she put into it. I don’t think it’s a good idea to reject her proposal on the sole reason that she is too young and isn’t deemed trustworthy. Sometimes, you have to give someone a chance.” Lewis intervened.
“I know how inclusion and diversity are important for you Lewis and maybe you're biased too by the affection you have to Miss Leclerc and her father, but I’m not confident enough to give her such a big responsibility. At least not now, and to be honest, with the new regulations we are preparing for the next two years, I don’t have the time to think about the fate of kids.” he finished in a laugh.
It was a slap she hadn’t been ready to receive, no matter how she had prepared herself for the eventuality. But showing them how hurt she felt was out of the question. She quickly got back her composure before staring at the camera.
“Well… it’s sad but, I’m sure that if you don’t want that idea, someone else will be happy to help.”
“And who, exactly? It’s not like you had the abilities to do that all by yourself, you need support, Miss Leclerc.”
“I guess, it’s my problem now and not yours. Thank you for your time. Saying that it had been a delight to have this conversation would be lying, so I might as well not say anything. Goodbye sirs.” she said, hanging up, her chin high.
She closed her eyes and breathed deep. On the bright side, she would have something to talk to her therapist in the afternoon. When she exposed him to the situation, he didn’t seem very surprised.
“From what I gathered with everything you told me, it’s still a very sexist environment. It doesn’t come as a surprise that you’ve been rejected. The question now is, are you going to give up or are you going to prove them wrong?”
“Working on this project, thinking about it, doing research, talking about it and seeing how excited people felt and how interested they were… I don’t see myself giving up. I can’t. It’s something important to me, it became important. I’ll find another way. I don’t know how and I don’t know what I will do, but I’ll come up with something.”
When she got out of her therapist’s office she was surprised to see a new message from Lewis telling her how sorry he was about the meeting but that he believed in her project and was ready to help her. She just had to inform him on her next steps. She thanked him and Lewis told her that he was glad to see a real inclusive project emerging and if the FIA wasn’t ready to help her, it was their own choice but it didn’t mean that he had to follow.
Her mom wasn’t surprised either when Julia explained what had happened. She laconically said that she expected it but naively thought that the arrival of Romy and Chloe as F1 drivers had meant a change in mentality in the Federation. She was sad to see that the years might pass by, the same societal issues were remaining.
“Mom, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Was it hard to create your charity?”
“A lot of sleepless nights and a lot of tears. Ask your father. And it was even tougher that you were a toddler back then. Why?”
“Because, I don’t want to give up on my idea. I feel like it’s something good and I need to do it. It’s probably the first time that I feel like I could make a change somewhere, I want to make a difference out there. But I don’t know where to start, the FIA was the easy way in. I’m not sure I have enough knowledge to start something on my own.”
“I didn’t have any knowledge when I started mine, just the idea to provide mental health support and career advice to young women in the entertainment industry. The first thing you need to do, after defining your plans, is to find people who would be onboard to join you. You need support. People willing to help you, offering financing. It’s a lot of networking and it’s time consuming.”
“I don’t care, I just want to start somewhere. Networking doesn’t scare me, it’s everything else that feels so overwhelming.”
“Maybe I can help you…. Maybe for a while, your association could be under mine as a partner, another branch. Mental health and inclusivity can be linked together. I would give you full independence in whatever you want to do and you would have access to an already established financial, marketing, communication and law departments. Best of both worlds. But, just to be clear, you’re in charge of everything, I’m not helping you with anything, you have access to resources but that’s it, you’re responsible for all choices and decisions, I’m not intervening.”
“I have to think about it but, thanks.” Julia said, hugging her mom.
Talking to her mom and knowing she had the choice to get her help without feeling like she was using her for her connections reassured her a little bit. Exhausted by her day, she fell on her bed as soon as she crossed her bedroom’s door. She had a few texts from her dad, telling her that her strategy might have been the good one if the pitstop had been successful and she smiled. Ethan had also texted her, saying that he wasn’t feeling very proud of himself and that he was feeling his insecurities of not being enough coming back. Some media outlets were talking of his win in Spa as a stupid beginner's luck. She called him and he picked up almost immediately. It didn’t need much from her side to make him talk about his feelings. She silently listened to him, reacting to his words when she felt like it was needed and when he stopped, she could hear that he felt better.
“So, tell me how it went with the FIA.”
She told him and when it was over she heard him sigh on the other end of the line and didn’t exclude her mom’s offer, telling him how she was hesitating.
“Bastards. Always have been and always will. I think you should take up on your mom’s offer. I mean, it’s the quickest way to achieve what you want to do”
“I know. And it’s not as if she was doing everything for me. I would need to do all the work and I can come to her for advice but I know she will let me figure things out by myself. I wanted to ask, just to make sure, I have you onboard for this project, right?”
“Of course, you don’t even have to ask. I can also talk to Kyle about it. As the Grand Prix Driver Association’s director, he has a little bit of weight on decisions taken. Not sure how much but he could be able to give you names of people you can talk to. I can also talk to some team principals, if you want.”
“No. I mean, I appreciate that you want to help, really, but I also want to do this by myself.”
“Once stubborn, always stubborn…” he mumbled. “But fair enough, that’s your thing, you want to defend it.”
“Yeah and it gives me time to prepare a speech to each of them. I'll be there for Vegas, anyway so it will come fast enough. I’m not in a rush.”
“Suit yourself, just know that I stand by what I said, if you need me, I’ll be there.”
“And I know I will use it when it comes handy.”
“That’s what friends are for, Joolsie.”
Every time the word friend was coming out of his mouth, Julia was feeling like a stab in her heart. She knew she had to prove herself trustworthy, she knew all the history they shared and all their problems were yet to be totally overcome, but still, it hurt.
“But are we? Friends, I mean.” she asked.
“Julia… You know what I said. I still do, love you, I don’t think I will ever stop loving you. I’m just more cautious when it comes to you, now. I’m not saying that we will never happen, Joolsie, just that… yeah, I need you to grovel a little bit.” he laughed. “And I want to take it slow. We rushed everything and I think it’s part of why it didn’t and couldn’t work, we didn’t start the most conventional way.”
“I’m aware that I need to prove myself to you but I already told you that I intend to show you that I can fight for you.”
“I can’t wait to see that. What have you planned?”
“It wouldn’t be funny if you knew.”
“Are you saying that little miss control freak would actually consider doing big gestures? I’m shocked.”
“I love you.” she blurted out, a little unexpected but she was surprised how easy it was to tell him. And he was also caught off guard judging by the silence that fell. “Ethan?”
“You shouldn’t say things like that. It’s blurring the lines between friendship and whatever we’re supposed to be but are not ready.”
“So you can say it but not me?”
“I can say it because I’m ready and I’m sure of myself. However you are still…”
“Unreliable and not trustworthy. It’s fine. I understand.” she finished, bitter, but understanding where it was coming from.
“Pretty much.”
“Well, I meant it, brace yourself. I’m going to prove to you that I’m two hundred percent sure of what I want. At least when it comes to us. I’ve always known, deep down, but was too stupid to admit it. But if there is a slight chance that I can fix what I’ve broken, you can be sure that I will take it. I’m very serious.”
“I believe you. Maybe I should be careful in Vegas… Next thing I know you will drag me in the first Elvis you’ll find and we will be married.”
“Is that a challenge?”  she asked in a playful tone.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I guess you will just have to wait and see.”
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Author's note: Fucking FIA.
What do you think will happen next? Let me know your theories, I love to read them.
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@herondalism @aundercover @musingsbyshreya @karmabyfernando @reengard @mycenterfold @smoooothoperator
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miodinmio · 4 months
Mio your Mio is here!
I have been quite busy since March, a lot of things have happened but I haven't had the time to draw for my little diary blog here.
So hopefully you are fine with a text post, and I can draw for those mini stories with more detail later!
The haircut in March
I have cut my hair short a fair amount of times in my life, for the majority I have cut pixie cuts. During my time where I was in the most denial about feeling like a boy though, I grew my hair out long and klad it in so many big ribbons.
There have always however been a haircut I have wanted to try at least once, but I was too scared going to a hairdresser and showing her a boy-picture of what I wanted to look like after my one attempt when I was 14.
Due to circumstances, I couldn't cut my hair at my usual hairdresser, a story I will tell later. So I went to a new lady. Picture in hand and my courage shaking in hand. I had almost saved my hair out to a near perfect length for this particular cut; which had taken me a year. Maybe another half year of it growing out from this cut, I would have the ideal length to cut the hairstyle.
Moving onto the actual haircutting...
When she finished cutting, my hair went from Deku fluffy cute cloud waves to it belonging onto a 2010's meme site.
I cried when I got home.
I warned my two irl meetup friends that I refuse to allow them to see me with my haircut until it has grown out for at least 4 months, it was too darn embarrassing and shameful. I stopped covering my head with my hoodie two weeks ago when the summer heat was hitting too hard.
One year of length until I stop looking horrid. My hair is also going to take two years to grow out to the desired length of my dreamcut, to which I have decided that I will save up and travel to the big city to get it done right.
And if you think that story isn't so bad... That is ⅛ of what happened. The rest will come with drawings to explain the nightmare I went through that day with the hairdresser.
My very first binder
As much as I wanted the story of my first binder to be exciting and thrilling; I have to buy a new one with a different model. To put it short: I bought the very wrong model for someone with J-cups.
This too, will have a drawn example, so future me knows what I did wrong.
I am now saving up to buy another one, double as expensive. My eyesight has gotten worse, but I kind of need the binder more, my eyes waited a year so they can wait another three months.
You thought you were slick when coming out
You were not. Apparently two of your TTRPG players had missed the news and message you put on your general discord chat back in December.
One was left shocked when you mentioned something about it, as they had missed it.
The other was confused until they asked what everyone was talking about, and then apologized profusely.
Mio, you probably should've done a better job.
This was a rather long post from the little hiatus, but far more than that has happened and I will make updates on it after my birthday in two weeks ❤💕
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toodles021 · 1 year
Favorite and least favorite characters
Hehehhehe ok here we go
First off we have this man (of course), definitely one of my oldest favorite characters, I've been obsessed with him for forever lol😅
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One of my favorite things about his character is definitely his sarcasm, it cracks me up every time, and I absolutely love the development that he goes through as the story progresses. I personally love the misfit character finally finding a place in the world kinda trope, which is of course exactly what ends up happening with Hiccup after he befriends Toothless.
(Also, the music?????? I can't even describe how it makes me feel, there are no words, I very much literally cannot stay still when listening to it.)
Next we have these two
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LOOK AT THEM ‼️ ‼️ THEY'RE SO ‼️ ‼️ No words
I love me a good chihuahua man who loves his strong badass wife, I mean how can you not?? Also their backstory?? Tears, rolling down my face. (THE AMOUNT OF TIMES THEY LOST THEIR MEMORIES OF EACH OTHER HAD ME LIKE ‼️‼️😡) Childhood friends to lovers my beloved🙏🙏 I also just love how King tends to be more serious and solemn and meanwhile Diane is wicked cutesy and energetic!
(Me over here losing my mind since it's been confirmed that they have at least 7 kids😃)
Next we got THIS GUY!!
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He's just so cool you guys, I can't. Cool military man who can manipulate fire and helps overthrow an evil government??? Yes please!! HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HAWKEYE????? PERFECTION!!! THEY WAY THEY LITERALLY ARE SO CONNECTED WITH EACH OTHER THAT THEY CAN TALK WITHOUT WORDS IN THAT ONE SCENE??? THE WAY SHE HELPS HIM PERFECTLY AIM HIS SHOTS WHEN HE LOSES HIS EYESIGHT???? I'm so normal about them, I could go on for a very long time.
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I'm looking so respectfully... ANYWAYS
I know that a lot of people see him as a "rip off" or "wanna be" Darth Vader but like.. bestie that's the point. He's supposed to seem like a new Darth Vader, but the truth is they're incredibly different, Kylo has always been conflicted and known it, and been afraid of it, while Darth Vader didn't question himself until the end. Also I'm sorry to people who don't like the romance aspect, but the connection that he has with Rey??? I will literally never get over it. "Their kiss wasn't romantic" BESTIE DID WE WATCH THE SAME MOVIES???? DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE THEY ARE VERY MUCH LITERALLY TWO HALVES OF A WHOLE??? THAT THEY'RE A DYAD IN THE FORCE??
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LOOK AT HIM‼️‼️ I love him
Is he kinda insane? Yes. But y'know what?? It's ok. Because I said so. ALSO HIS LORE??? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE?? LIKE COME ON HOW CAN YOU NOT EVEN FIND HIM TO BE INTERESTING AT THE LEAST??? He is the ✨main character✨
Nah but in all seriousness like, I love the antagonists that aren't entirely bad or evil. Like the way he is with Teucer?? Tears. The fact that he writes letters to Tonia and refers to himself as her "loyal knight"??? ARE YOU SERIOUS??????? He's literally so precious, just a little messed up...
As for characters I don't like.... honestly it can be hard sometimes to get me to hate a character, because even if they're like "bad" or "evil" or something I can always respect the amazing writing and designing that makes the character the way they are.
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maddieautobot273 · 1 year
Silk & Cologne (5)
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A Miguel O’Hara x OC series - Link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 5: Research - Previous chapter (X)
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Female OC
Words: 2.1K+ words
Warnings: PG - for implied angst and family tension
Summary: After returning to her dimension, Lisa takes it upon herself to do some research. 
Gwen opened a portal for me back to my dimension, dropping me off at the coordinates Miguel and Peter B. used. She gave me back my purse that I thought I lost and I breathed a sigh of relief, thanking her for returning it. She said she’d be back to pick me up and I gave her the address of the hotel and what room I was staying in. 
After the portal closed, I carefully climbed down the fire escape of the building I was on, making my way to the street. I was back where it all started. The corner of the dance studio where I got bitten by that spider. I turned my gaze towards the alley, the mental image of those few seconds played back in my mind as I clutched onto my purse a little tighter. 
I thought back to Miguel’s words as I walked. An unplanned ‘Canon Event’ he had said. A moment in my dimension's history and story that wasn’t supposed to happen. Unless I want my dimension to completely disappear, I can’t use my spider powers here. 
At least until it decides it wants a Spider-Woman. That’s how he and Lyla had put it. But judging by the tone in Miguel’s voice, I doubted that outcome. Which was why I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t go back on my word to him. I’d train and work hard to keep these powers under control. 
I came to a stop light and looked around the block. It was later in the day now, so the streets were more lively compared to this morning. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something that triggered a lightbulb to go off in my head. 
A comic book shop. 
I couldn’t even remember the last time I picked up one. But if I wanted to learn everything I could about my new potential powers, I was desperate to try any and all means. 
As soon as the light turned green, I ran down the crosswalk, going straight for the store. I stepped inside, the bell chiming as it signaled my arrival. I walked over to the counter, greeting an old man with neatly cut white hair, a white dress shirt with a red handkerchief scarf around his neck, and yellow sunglasses. 
“Welcome! How can I help you, miss?” He greeted me warmly. 
I whipped out my wallet and brought out all the spare cash I had, roughly over $100 worth as I placed it on the counter. “I’d like as many Spider-Man comics as you can give me. I’m not picky on anything specific,” 
“My, my! An eager one, I see,” He smiled brightly as he took the cash and put it in the register. “Follow me, I think I know where to get you started,”
He walked over the counter, grabbing a bag as he handed it to me. “Trust me, you’ll need this,” 
After shopping around and asking questions for a good half hour, I walked out of that store with a fresh big pile of Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, Scarlet Spider, and any other Spider-esqe comics I could find to get my money's worth. I scampered back to the hotel and began my deep dive into researching all things Spider-Man and their powers. 
I took vigorous notes in my notebook, highlighting anything that seemed important. For the first little while everything seemed important. For example, the Spider-Sense could work in different ways, but most commonly it was used as a danger sense, allowing Spider-Man to sense incoming danger before he could get hurt. It doesn’t work on everything however, as I quickly learned in No Way Home when MJ threw multiple rolls of bread at Amazing Spider-Man to try to trigger it. 
Most Spider characters can stick to and climb walls and even crawl on the ceiling. Gwen did mention that my powers awakening could be unpredictable, so I had no way of telling when they’d start showing up, but the fact of me regaining perfect eyesight meant that I was on the right track. 
When it came to web shooting, most Spider-Men nowadays had developed their own web shooters. I had noticed both Peter B. and Miguel using their own during my rescue, and was curious on why Miguel’s glowed red when Peter’s appeared to be normal spider web fluid. I made a note to ask them how they built theirs, but considering my case was that the fluid was inside my body as I could literally shoot them from my wrist, I probably wouldn’t need one. 
“Wait, what about the mental block?” I muttered softly as I dropped one of the comics in my lap. “Is that gonna happen to me at some point?” 
I made another note to ask Peter. B. about a mental block. 
I ordered room service, having some food and coffee brought to my door so I could continue my research with little bodily distractions like hunger and sleep. The room service attendant that delivered my food must have thought I was crazy when they saw the pile of comic books on the floor. “I tried to play it cool,”
“I’m a. . . big fan?” I chuckled nervously. 
Although the blank stare as he immediately left told me he wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. Fine by me. 
I munched on some egg fried rice and sweet and sour chicken as I continued my work. I flipped through some of the older comics, revealing some of the classic enhanced abilities. They appeared to be listed as followed; Super strength, speed, agility, heightened reflexes, balance, coordination and stamina. 
This then led into a deep dive of who was the strongest Spider-Man or Woman? Or were they all equally strong? Was Spider-Man stronger than Captain America? The Hulk?
“No, that’s stupid, Hulk is supposed to be the strongest Avenger,” I rolled my eyes, tossing the comic aside. 
Then I filtered through some of the other comics for alternate powers. There were Spider-Heroes with stingers, night vision, camouflage, even fangs!
“Am I gonna grow fangs?” I thought to myself. “I think that would be one of the better ones to get,”
I made a quick list of abilities I wished I could get, one’s that I did not want, and made another list of power’s I found myself most likely getting depending on my personal strength. At that point I had eaten most of my food and completely gulped down my coffee. 
I was neck deep in the middle of reading the Dark Web saga when my phone suddenly started to ring. It snapped me out of my trance as I reached for it and answered, “Hello?”
“Lisa, honey! How are you?” An older woman’s voice spoke through the receiver.
My eyes widened as I recognized it, “Mom, hey,” I greeted her with love and exhaustion. 
“I heard you made it on the dance team in New York, that’s great news honey,” She praised me, her voice containing nothing but pride. 
“Wait, how did you know?” I asked her, my body tensing. 
“Oh, well my friend Suzie is a member of the committee for the team–” As my mother explained her elaborate story, I could feel the tension ease down to my wrist as I felt something boil up, white liquid threatening to break free.
Crap, the web fluid! 
I grabbed my napkin, wrapping it around my wrist as I took deep breathes in and out through my nose to calm myself. Slowly I calmed down and the tension in my wrist went down with it. Phew~ 
“-- and her eldest daughter is the dance coach!” My mother exclaimed happily. 
I sighed, rolling my eyes. “Of course she is,” 
“This is exciting news, honey, this is your first dance opportunity in 2 years, I know you’ll do great,” She was fairly happy as she sighed in content before an awkward silence fell between us. “Jin is happy for you, too,” 
I twitched slightly at the name as I leaned back into the headrest of my bed. My step-father.
“How is he?” I asked her, not wanting to be completely closed off about it. 
“He’s been doing a little better,” My mother sighed softly. “He’s been making great breakthroughs with his therapist. Did you. . . want to talk to him?”
I thought about it for a good long moment before I could feel my throat quench up. Maybe it was the burn of the acid from my sickness earlier or just old wounds resurfacing. I managed a breath before my lips trembled, “I’m sorry, mom. . .”
“Oh, honey, you’re not ready, yet?” She asked, yet there was no hint of hurt in her voice.
But there should be. Why wasn’t she yelling at me? It’s been 2 years for GOD’s sake. 
“No,” I shook my head. 
“It’s okay, honey,” she reassured me softly. “You’re both trying. That’s what matters,”
“Will I still see you for Mother’s Day?” I asked her, sounding hopeful.
“Of course, my love! Especially if you’re in New York! I’ve always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty,” She beamed with excitement. 
Hearing how happy she was cheered me up a little as I laughed along with her. “Tell you what; That is the first thing I’ll do to treat you when you get here,” 
“I’d love that,” She smiled. “Oh, do you think they’ll finally finish adding the Captain America fella’s shield to it when I get here?” 
“Mom, I’ve told you, it’s just CGI special effects,” I laughed, face palming my face. “It’s not actually happening,”
“Oh I knew that,” she scoffed, “But I thought they’d do that for the Marvel Day celebration in a few weeks. You’re still into that stuff aren’t you, sweetie?”
I glanced down at the pile of comics on my bed. “The movies, yeah? I haven’t picked up a comic in years. You were always put off by how they drew the female characters sometimes,” 
“Oh that was when you were younger, I didn’t want all that being a bad influence on you,” She sighed. “Anyways, it’s very late where you are, I was surprised you answered. Should I let you get some sleep now, honey?” 
I glanced over towards the clock on the nightstand and was surprised when I saw the incredibly late hour. Not to mention I failed to notice when the sun had come down and it became night time. Although with the lights out, it was pretty to look at. 
“Yeah, sorry mom, I was just. . . reviewing some old dance routines for practice,” I fibbed with a tired grunt as I sat up. 
“Well don’t overwork yourself,” She showered me with motherly love. “I love you, Lisa, get some rest,”
“Love you too, mom,” I smiled. “Goodnight,” 
I hung up my phone, tossing it aside as I rubbed my face with my hands. I really should clean this mess up and get some sleep. I crawled along my bed, starting to gather up the comics. As my fingers brushed along the covers, my gaze came upon one issue that was hiding underneath some other ones that I had read. A Spider-Man 2099 comic. 
When the old man was helping me pick some out, he had mentioned he didn’t have a lot of comics for him in stock, but he was a fairly popular character in recent years. 
My curiosity got the better of me as I picked up the comic and held the cover to my face. There were some slight differences, but there was no mistaking that it was Miguel O’Hara. 
“I guess one more wouldn’t hurt,” 
I leaned back on my pillow as I began to read it. I just have been more tired than I realized. I did not remember finishing it as I suddenly awoke early the next morning to a gentle tapping on a window. I slowly began to stir, looking over towards my balcony window. 
That’s right, Gwen said she’d be picking me up to take me back to Spider-Society HQ this morning. 
The tapping seized when I got up from the bed, tiredly stalking to the balcony as I pulled open the screening door, “Hey, Gwen, sorry I overslept–” 
A male voice scoffed almost in a playful manner. “I was not aware I was a 5’7” 16 year old girl,”
My entire body froze as I felt as if cold water was splashed on me. It might as well have been what happened as my eyes snapped open and met Miguel’s gaze as he stood before me on my balcony. 
“You’ve been busy, I see,” He spoke, eyeing the comics behind me. 
My cheeks flared up. The only thing I could think of in my mind was to ask him why he cheated on his fiancé with his best friend’s girlfriend in the comic. But I had a feeling he’d grab me and throw me over the balcony. Wait, were those stories even connected with his dimension in the first place?
So instead I stuttered horribly, “J-J-Just give me a few minutes to clean up and get ready!”
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countessofravenclaw · 1 month
Puede la ondulación cambiar una marea? part ten
Have you ever imagined what would happen if instead of of making Ambar Sol, Sharon would have aproached her problem with more level-headedness? What if, instead of throwing her daughter's life into a curve she just fires the Valentes, in hopes that they go back to Mexico and never find out the truth? Well, it was never going to be that easy, "everything you want you can achieve" being the family motto and all the for the Valentes after all. Monica and Miguel, could easily find another job, and so they do, with another family. A family that ends up being a bit of a surprise for Luna and all her friends.
Luna walked down the spiral staircase. She twirled the ring in her hand. The sun pattern was in the center, surrounded by smaller dots. It was pretty and looked old. 
Was it some sort of a family crest?
Luna stopped on the stairs and pulled her phone out. She snapped a few pictures of the ring. Just in case…
She looked at the ring again. The Sun. Her dreams had always been hinting at a sun, the sun charm that belonged in her necklace… Nina had said she was the moon, and the sun represented the missing piece of her—
Now, as soon as they had gotten back from Cancun, she was bombarded with suns from everywhere. Even the sunflowers…
She looked at the ring again, decided to be daring for a moment, and tried it on. It fit barely and barely on her index finger. 
Luna shook her head again while pulling it off. This all was too much. 
It couldn’t be… Surely, she would have noticed it sooner…
Luna had never been raised religious, she had only gone to church a few times with Simon and his family, but it was kind of hard to not believe that there was some bigger force in the world. Something that was giving her signs now. 
“Luna?” A voice shook her out of her thoughts. Luna looked up and saw Isla look at her from the foot of the stairs. Luna instinctively closed her hand around the ring. “Everything okay? You’ve been standing there like a statue.” 
“Oh, yeah, definitely.” Luna nodded and hopped the last of the stairs down. “Uh, didn’t you say you had a meeting?” 
“I did, but—” Isla spoke while walking into the kitchen and Luna decided to follow her. “—they are having technical issues over in Australia, so it got delayed.” She sighed as she flipped the coffee maker on, “I do not want to go meet the representatives in person, so they better get their act together. It is completely ridiculous…” 
“Aha.” Luna just nodded. 
“I’m sorry.” Isla shook her head as she grabbed a cup from a cupboard. “I shouldn’t be complaining about my job to you, that’s what I have a husband for, but he’s not here so I can’t complain to him. Although that's not really true, husbands are good for a lot of things, not just for complaining, at least mine is.” 
There was a really soft and affectionate look in her eyes as she placed the cup on the counter. Luna just nodded, while she tried to very inconspicuously look at the inner side of Isla's left wrist. 
There was no tattoo. 
Well, at least it made sense why Luna hadn’t noticed it before.
How was that possible? Luna was 100 % certain that she had seen it in the picture. Her eyesight wasn’t that bad—actually her eyesight was perfect. She knew what she had seen. 
Okay, the picture had probably been taken 20 years ago, but… Tattoos didn’t just disappear, did they? Or could you get them removed? Luna did not know. 
Why would you get a tattoo of a sun, and then get it removed? Luna looked at the ring again—
“What do you have there?” 
“Oh,” Luna looked up again and met Isla’s eyes. “Is this yours?”
Luna walked closer and opened her hand from around the ring. 
“Where did you get that?” Isla’s eyes widened and she hastily glanced at her right hand. 
“It was on the floor of the hall on the second floor.” Luna answered and handed her the ring. 
“I can’t believe it—How did I not notice?” Isla sighed while looking at the ring in her hand, before looking at Luna again. “Thank you. I should really stop wearing it on the ring finger. It’s old and passed down to me. It can’t be really resized either, so it’s apparently a little too big at the moment. But thank you, I don’t know what I would have done if it had gotten lost. The ring is really important to me.”
“Don’t mention it…” Luna responded. At that moment she noticed that in addition to the ring, Isla’s earrings also were in the shape of suns. 
“Have you unpacked yet?” Isla suddenly asked. 
“Oh, no, not yet.” Luna shook her head as the topic changed. 
“Would you make sure that you’ve unpacked and sorted out everything today?” Isla continued, “So you’ll have everything washed and ready to go when we leave on Sunday.”
“Okay,” Lun stared blankly for a moment. “Leave where?”
“Did—” Isla looked at her confused. “Did we not tell you?”
“I’m sure you probably did, but my memory is so bad I probably forgot. I mean I would forget my head if it wasn’t attached and I don’t even know how to tie my shoes sometimes…” Luna started blabbing, “So… Tell me again?” 
“Okay.” Isla nodded, “Marco has some affairs he needs to go take care of back at Cordoba, so we decided that it would be a good opportunity to all go and see family.”
“Oh, that…” Luna nodded slowly back, “...I think I remember now, maybe.”
“We’re staying just one night, not for long.” Isla continued while looking at Luna again. “We have told you about our family, right?” 
“Maybe…” Luna laughed awkwardly, “but I might need a recap on that as well.”
“That’s okay.” Isla laughed, “I guess our family is a little bit of a bad term, technically. Marco doesn’t have much of a family anymore. His younger brother, four years younger, lives here too. He’s an engineer and has his own company and everything. We are really proud of him. Their parents died when we were in our early 20s. The family that we are going to see is my family. I have two younger sisters; Mía is six years younger than me and Elise is nine. They have nine kids. My mother’s name is Jakinda, my father Joakim died when I was 14.” 
“So, you’re close?” Luna asked. They must have been right. Those pictures in the living room obviously were of Isla’s family. 
“We are as close as we are able.” Isla answered. “Obviously, we are here and Cordoba is a little far away and we haven’t been there in a while. We live very different lives, but I love them, of course I do, even if we don’t often see them.”
“You don’t go there a lot?”
“We don’t,” Isla shook her head. “We have our own life and it’s often very busy. There is no time usually and Cordoba…it’s part of our past life, not the one Marco and I made together.”
“So, you have not seen your friends in years either?” Luna kept asking.
“It is not like that. There aren’t that many people to see.” Isla shook her head. “Things change over time. I had a pretty close friend group in school but…we had a huge falling out right before our graduation. We haven’t talked since, barely, and that is absolutely for the best. College is a little bit of a different story. Marco and I, we both had close friends. The closer friends I had, they actually both work abroad now, Emale is in Tokyo and Cecilia in Australia. We are still in contact, but their lives are there now and mine is here. Then there is my roommate, Natalia. She’s still at Cordoba and one of the rare people who has made it there. She’s running an inn-business and it’s doing extremely well. We were never that close—I wouldn’t call us best friends—but we talk to this day and always got along well, we just didn’t spend enough time together, even when we were rooming together. Nat came and went a lot and had a lot of night work and I…”
Isla stopped for a moment, and it seemed almost like she was considering very carefully how to phrase her next sentence—not that Luna was able to decipher that from her expression, but it’s important information nonetheless.
“...I had an alternative option for accommodations. Marco didn’t have a roommate, but he and his best friend, Michael, work together to this day. He’s actually Gastón’s godfather and his oldest child is our goddaughter. Mimi is the sweetest girl. But yes, Michael is pretty much the only one we are still close with. You don’t always stay close with the circles from your childhood, especially given how drastically our lives have changed. We have an incredible circle of people, who we are all extremely grateful to have in our lives, around us now.”
“I guess…I understand that.” Luna started. “I had friends in Cancun that I haven’t really seen now, but I guess we were never that close, so it is okay. Simon’s here anyway and I have new friends now.”
“It is obviously different depending on the person.” Isla smiled. “Some people stay close their whole lives. Matteo for example, at least what we hope is that the boys stay close for a long time.” 
“Yeah.” Luna nodded once more. 
“Anyways, you need to go unpack.” Isla looked at her. Her phone started ringing at that moment. “It looks like they got their technical difficulties under control.” She picked up her earpiece that she had apparently left on the counter and put it back on her ear and started speaking English. “Hello! Yes, no, it was no inconvenience at all. I am more than happy to talk to you now. As I already detailed in our last communication, your cooperation…” 
Luna was left standing in the kitchen when Isla’s voice trailed off as she walked back into the office to continue her phone call. 
Did Isla just say that the sun ring had been passed down to her? Like down to her family? Like was it from her father, who apparently was dead and Isla had it because she was the oldest? Her family had an heirloom with a sun on it…
Could it actually be?
Luna shook her head again. How could she be sure? She couldn’t just ask.
“Maybe I should go unpack.” She muttered to herself. 
Luna walked back to the living room and grabbed her suitcase that she had left there and started dragging it toward the cellar. 
She could figure this out. 
Nina: I am still so jealous of you Luna: Why? Nina: Take a few guesses. You’re getting to meet his family. Luna: Oh, that
“Watch out!” 
Luna raised her head from her phone just in time to stop herself on her tracks before walking straight into a light post. 
“Thank god you at least have lightning quick reflexes.” Gastón, who had been walking beside her on the sidewalk in the middle of Unquillo, a more rural locality at Cordoba. It most certainly was a change of scenery from the modern and sleek sights of Buenos Aires centrum. “I think we have already maxed out on injuries for the next ten years. Those two—” He pointed toward Isla and Marco who were walking ahead of them. “—have just and just gotten over freaking out about the last hospitalization as it is, so let's not cause any more of those. I mean if they have to see the Quirónsalud Cordoba Hospital ever again, I don’t think they can ever get over all of that PTSD.”
“Okay.” Honestly, Luna did not understand half of what that meant, except that it was really good that she didn’t hit the pole, which she could agree with. 
“What was so important that you couldn’t look ahead of yourself?” Gastón asked and they started walking to catch up with the adults. “I’m sure Simon wouldn’t want you to become a road hazard.” 
“It was not Simon.” Luna shook his head, “It was Nina. She wanted to let me know that she’s jealous.”
“Oh yeah?” Gastón kind of grimaced, but in a kind of amused way. “She said that to me too. Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to her. She’ll get to meet my family sooner or later. If Mom has her way, they’ll all be moving to Buenos Aires at the same moment we return.”
“There you are.” They finally caught up with Isla and Marco, after a few blocks. They were standing in front of a small gray house in a row of many small gray houses. 
“No one walked into a light post.” Luna blurted out, which earned her some looks of confusion and concern. 
“This is the one right.” Thankfully Gastón changed the subject. “It’s been so long I don’t remember anymore.”
“It is.” Isla looked straight ahead. “Unión Ferroviaria 2 B 4.”
There was a small—more like really tiny—yard in front of the house, entrance to which was sealed with a wooden gate. On the gate there was a sign that read: Ruiz.
“I’m sorry.” Gastón’s phone had started ringing. “It’s Nina. Go ahead, don’t wait for me. Leave the door open or something.”
Isla and Marco nodded. Marco pushed the gate open, and Isla gestured for Luna to follow them so she did. 
“I could have gone over ten years without seeing this place again.” Luna heard Isla say to Marco as they were walking across the yard. She was saying it in such a tone that Luna got the sense that no one else was supposed to hear it. 
Honestly, with what Isla had told Luna before: everything about Cordoba being part of their past lives, and how they were kind of acting now…it just didn’t seem like to Luna that Isla and Marco were that jazzed to be here. Or at least not as jazzed as you should be when meeting family you haven't seen in a really long time. 
To Luna’s surprise, no one rang the doorbell. Instead, Isla pulled her keys out of her bag and picked the smallest out of the bunch and turned it in the lock on the door.
They walked into a small entry of a house. Luna noticed that there were bunch of shoes on the floor, which kind of reminded her of Simon’s house—
“I should have known that you would take into breaking and entering one of these days.” Luna jumped when she heard the voice of a woman. The thick Córdoban accent was unmistaken. “You ever heard of knocking instead of walking in like you own the place?” 
“Well,” Both Isla and Marco turned to look at a woman in her mid-thirties, who was looking at them dubiously. Isla had crossed her arms and looked at her with equally sharp eyes. “I lived here way before you did so…” 
“But this is still my house, so no matter how high and mighty you think you are, you don’t rule the world. At least you remembered that us little people even exist.”
“Maybe so…” Luna had been extremely confused and weirded out by all this tension and animosity—Isla suddenly cracked a smile. “Mía, how many times did you practice this monologue in front of a mirror?” 
“As many times as necessary, but I will never admit that.” Mía smiled as well. “My patients have been very thoroughly entertained.”
“You and your theatrics.” Isla shook her head and walked closer and hugged her sister. 
“I missed you.” Mía said as she squeezed her tightly. “And you’re the one to talk about theatrics, when you walk in here like you stepped straight out of the pages of Vogue. You sure you didn’t come here from the Paris Fashion Week?” 
“I've never even been to the Paris Fashion Week.” Isla scoffed humorously. 
“Really?” Another brown-haired woman, who was little bit younger, maybe in the early 30s, walked into the foyer and ran straight to hug Isla. “And we were hoping for presents from France. I was looking forward to the macarons.”
“We’ll come back to that.” Isla laughed. 
Luna kept looking on as the women hugged Marco next. If the first one had been Mía, the second one had to be Elise, right? 
Luna looked at them. The sisters did look alike. After Nina had mentioned the golden hue, Luna had been kind of able to pick it out from Isla’s eyes. Her sisters seemed to have it too. Their hair color was also the same brown, although while Isla’s hair was wavy and she kept it really long, somewhere between mid-back and waist length, Mía’s was straight and very much sharply cut to a shoulder length. Elise had her hair on a messy bun, so the length wasn’t really on display. Both Mía and Elise also had freckles and Elise was wearing glasses. 
“...but seriously good to see that you two haven’t actually become too high a mighty for us.”
“Why would you ever think that?” 
“I don’t know, maybe the fact that the “we are just looking into what opportunities are out there in Buenos Aires” turned into a little more money, if you maybe happen to remember.” Mía laughed. 
“You’re impossible.” Isla rolled her eyes. 
“We have to remind you what you’re missing while you’re so far away.” Elise smiled. 
“Where are Calvin and Luis?” Marco asked.
“Holding down the fort in the living room,” Elise continued, “so you don’t get attacked by nine vicious monsters.” 
“Monsters?” Isla raised an eyebrow, “We are calling them that now?”
“We most certainly are.” Mía shook her head, sighing. 
“It’s an understatement that everybody is a little excited.” Elise laughed. “This, you actually showing your faces over here, is a little bit of a white whale sighting. We won’t want to be liable for any property damages from the hands of our kids.” 
“Property damages?”
“We can never know with you.” Mía explained, awkwardly laughing, “Diamond necklaces are in danger in this house.” 
“Really now? The only diamond on me is this one.” Isla pointed to the one single 0,02 carat diamond on her engagement ring. “So, there is no danger. Don’t worry.” 
“Mía, I got the…” A third woman, maybe 70 or something, walked to the hall and froze in surprise as she saw Isla and Marco. “Isla? You’re already here?”
“Mom.” Isla smiled. 
“You’re early.” Jakinda continued while looking at her other daughters. “I didn’t hear a doorbell.”
“She broke in.” Mía chuckled. “As she does.”
“Call it whatever you want to.” Isla retorted back. “You know that I have the key.”
“Well, you always do what you want. No one can stop you.” Jakinda hugged her daughter, “You get more beautiful every time I see you.” 
“Mother, you can’t say that every time.” Isla shook her head. 
“I can, and I will.” Jakinda released Isla, before turning to her son-in-law. “Marco, you been looking after my girl?”
“Well, technically she’s been my girl for over twenty years, but of course I have. My life’s mission.”
“And you’re never losing that cheek, are you?” Jakinda hugged him. “Isla said you had some affairs here to do with the grave of Katherine and Dario.”
“We’ve ordered a new one now.” Marco responded. “Felt like it was the time they got a proper one.”
“You’re quite right.” Jakinda nodded, “I recently went to the cemetery and planted some gerbera daisies and penny whites there.”
“That’s very good of you.”
“Don’t mention it. I always do when I go look after the flowers on Joakim’s grave.” Jakinda smiled, “It is the least I can do for you, my boy. Tell me, how is Tomas? Still single?”
“Very much so. He is living life.” Marco responded, “Allergic to the words settling down, so I’ve stopped trying.” 
“He is young at 37.” Jakinda shook her head. “He has time. I have few friends with recently divorced daughters who would be more than interested in handsome successful engineer.” 
“You will have to suggest that to him yourself, Mother,” Isla inserted herself into the conversation. “We will not get involved with that and the matchmaking club that you have with your friends.” 
“Well, okay then.” Jakinda nodded and looked at Isla and Marco, “I am so happy that you’re here. And I hope this means that you have stopped keeping my grandson from me.”
“Mother.” Isla gave her mother a very annoyed look for a moment. “No one has been keeping anyone from anyone.” 
Almost on cue, Gastón walked in through the door. 
“There you are.” Jakinda ran to hug him. 
“Grandma!” He hugged her back.
“When have you become this tall?” Jakinda asked while running her hand on Gastón’s arm. “You’ve grown at least 50 centimeters from when I last saw you.”
“Great to see you too.”
“Honestly, for a second there I thought you’ve gotten your hands into some sort of cloning-time machine,” Mía and Elise went to hug Gastón as well. “Isla, it’s probably proven at this point that you don’t have DNA.” 
“Perhaps not,” Isla had wrapped her arms around Marco’s and leaned onto him, “I don’t mind one bit.”
“We’re really glad to see you doing fine.” Elise said to Gastón in a hushed tone. “Monoxide poisoning is no joke.”
Luna had been looking for the scene to unfold from the door. No one had noticed her, and she wasn’t sure if they were going to. 
“Well, why are we standing here?” Jakinda continued walking, “Come on further in.” 
“Wait.” Isla stopped her mother. “Remember what we talked about?” 
“Luna, come here.” Luna raised her head from her phone where she had been typing a message to Simon. Marco had walked up to her and was gesturing for her to come closer to everyone else. 
Now everyone was looking at her and Luna felt quite nervous. Was she supposed to introduce herself? What could she say? Hi, I am Luna, the daughter of servants who are in jail. Good introduction. 
“Mom, Mía, Elise, this is Luna.” Isla placed her hands on Luna's shoulders. “I hope you remember what we told you about her?”
“Luna, these are my mother Jakinda, and my sisters Mía and Elise.” Isla continued. 
“Hi.” Luna nodded. “Nice to meet you.”
Mía nodded and looked at Luna. “Nice to meet you too, and welcome.”
“Simon,” Simon had been wiping down the tables at Jam and Roller when Juliana walked up to him. “There is a maintenance team for the rink coming tomorrow. I need you to receive them and be on standby if they need anything.” 
“Sure.” Simon nodded. 
“Isn't it so relaxing when everyone is off galivanting elsewhere and it is quiet here?” Juliana leaned on the counter. “Summer holidays should come more often.”
Simon just nodded. 
“Oh and remind Pedro and Nico that we are having a two and a half week maintenance period in the end of January so we will be closed.” Juliana pulled some documents out, “I need all of you to sign your annual leave forms, because you can take it then.” 
“Okay.” Simon took the paper and wrote his name on the bottom of it. He didn’t get all of this official nonsense, but vacation was a vacation so who was gonna protest that? 
And if he had that much time off, he would have more opportunities to spend that time with Luna. She needed all the support, especially since it apparently was the most likely that her parents' case would not go forward at all until the summer was over. 
“...and next week we will have a staff meeting about the upcoming season.” Juliana finally finished. “Got that?”
“Yes.” Simon nodded. 
“Good.” Juliana nodded, “I’ll leave you to this.” 
“Hey Simon!” As soon as Juliana had left, Ambar walked in and greeted Simon. 
“Hey!” Simon put the rag away. 
“Are you staffing here alone today?” Ambar asked. “Where are the others?”
“Picking up some things for Juliana.” Simon answered. “As the crowds are gone, Juliana said that there isn’t that big a need for a full staff or something. 
“Hopefully she is giving you a vacation at least.” Ambar remarked. 
“We are, in a few weeks.” Simon nodded. “It's a good time for me to be there for Luna.”
“Where is Lunita by the way?” Ambar asked. “She wasn’t at the rink which is surprising now that the school is done.”
“Apprently, they took her with them to go meet some family or something.” Simon said absentmindedly. He hadn’t fully understood why it had been necessary for Luna to go with Gastón’s family, but she hadn’t really been given a choice.
“Luna’s been taken to Cordoba?” Ambar looked kind of astonished in a somewhat amused way. 
“Yeah,” Simon looked at her back, “Wait, how did you know where they went?” 
“That’s where Gastón’s family is from.” Ambar continued. “His aunts are nurses, they’re married to firefighters and have a bunch of kids. They’re not necessarily that poor, anymore, but working class.”
“How do you know that?” Simon kept staring at Ambar. He had learned the information because he had seen the photos at Gastón’s house. Ambar surely had never been there. 
“Do you have any idea how many “family tree” projects they make you do in elementary school?” Ambar kind of laughed. “Way too many if you ask me. I hate to say it, but Gastón probably knows things about me that no one else does… That being said, Lunita will fit right in, although I wouldn’t know how you could be working class while your sister is a millionaire.”
“Yeah…” Simon just nodded. He was still having kind of a hard time believing that Gastón had actually been born into poverty. 
“Don’t tell me you’re worried about Lunita?” Ambar asked suddenly. 
“Why do you think that?” Simon pondered for a moment had she read his thoughts or something. 
“You have that sort of face.” Ambar tilted her head. “Come on. You can’t live your whole life for Lunita. She’s fine.”
“It is hard to know that—”
“Trust me on this,” Ambar continued. “I may not always be the most empathic person on the planet, yes I can admit that, but I don’t like her situation either.”
“You don’t think her mom and dad are guilty?” Simon looked at Ambar a little surprised now. 
“I may find it hard to believe.” Ambar shook her head. “What servants know how to do such a betrayal?”
“There is nothing you can do?”
“You think Madrina listens to me on something like this?” Ambar shook her head again, while looking down. “I don’t understand her, I never have. We don’t understand each other… All that can be done is hope that the Peridas’ legal team handles it, and they often do. Actually, I’d say Luna lucked out. Out of all the millionaires in the city, she got pseudo adopted by the ones who come from a life where it’s a norm to love their kids.” She went silent for a moment. “Anyways, let’s stop talking about Luna, because you need it.”
“I do?” Simon asked again.”
“Yes!!” Ambar nodded, “Stop worrying about her, and… When do you get off?” 
“In few hours.” Simon looked at the clock. 
“Good.” Ambar was typing something on her phone. “You get to take me to the movies. You already showed me Cancun, so now I’ll show you Buenos Aires.” 
Luna followed along, as they started to move away from the cramped foyer. She tried to stay a little bit behind everyone, not because she felt uncomfortable, no, everyone had been so nice—and it was not like Luna was shy, but because she wanted to observe. 
Nina had told her a lot about how she was able to stay so covert during her Felicity Era. It had been easy, because no one had noticed her, she had been able to observe everything going on around her. 
“—well, if you insist.” Mía and Elise had been laughing at something that Isla had apparently said as they turned a corner to a space which looked like a living room. “Let the monsters loose!!” 
Luna noticed at that point that there was a myriad—actually the number we are all looking for is nine, but it is not like Luna counted—of kids. 
“Look who showed up.” 
Then there was a bunch of noise that would be very difficult to describe here, but if you can imagine, it was loud. 
“Mom said that she would believe it when you’d actually show up.” A girl who from the looks of it was maybe 13 hugged both Isla and Marco at the same time. “You’re actually here…right?”
“April, we most certainly are,” Isla squeezed the girl tightly, “It is also great to hear how much faith you have in me, Mía.” 
“I have said no such thing.” Mía shook her head. 
“Yes, you did.” April insisted.  
“Well, it doesn’t matter, they're here now,” A man in his late 30s, whose arms were covered in tattoos, remarked as he put a hand on April’s shoulder. “which is really great. I’m very happy to see you too.” 
“We are most certainly too, Luis.” Marco patted him on the back. “We were finally able to squeeze this in.” 
Luna was standing at the doorway. She was not very good at this, but she had maybe been able to piece together connections between the people. Luis was the husband of Mía, because Luna remembered Calvin, who had found them in the fire, was Elise’s husband. Luna had recognized him at once as they had come into the living room as he had been one of the first to greet Isla, Marco and Gastón. 
In general, it seemed like especially Marco had an extremely good rapport with the husbands of his wife’s sisters, which made sense. 
Luna moved her gaze to the wall next to her. It had a collage of pictures, which should have been expected at this point. Many of them were the same ones as the ones in the living room back home. The wedding pictures of all three daughters were there and so was the old timey-looking wedding picture that had to be Jakinda and her husband. Then there also was a bunch of christening pictures and…
…and another picture that Luna recognized, but at the same time it looked a little different. It was the picture of a woman holding a baby, Luna had always assumed that it was Isla’s mother, because it had been placed next to the wedding photo. What was interesting about the photo was that this one right here on the wall was bigger than the one in Buenos Aires. It basically had more “picture” in it, so to say, and the side of it was uneven. It looked like it had been ripped. 
“Who are you?” Luna jumped as a squeaky voice came from behind her. She turned around and saw a ten-year-old girl staring at her. Her eyes were very wide, so you could very easily see the golden shimmer in them. 
“Uh, I’m…” Luna staggered. She had thought everyone knew why she was here, but…maybe the kids didn’t, or they had forgotten, because that is what Luna would have done.
“She’s Luna, Camellia.” Thankfully Isla and Marco had noticed the situation.
“Is she your daughter?” Camellia continued while staring at Luna. “You don’t have a daughter. Or do you? Since when?” 
“Mel, come here.” Elise walked over and grabbed her daughter. “We talked about this. She’s not their daughter, but lives with them right now, so that’s why she’s here.” 
“But why does she live with them?” Camellia seemed very determined when asking the questions. “Where are her parents?”
“Luna’s parents are friends of ours.” Isla explained. “They’re…in a very tough spot right now, so that’s why she lives with us, but things will get better for them soon.” 
“Oh, okay.”
“Uuuu, uuu, uuu, we need to tell you something.” Two other girls, younger than April, but older than Camellia, were suddenly tugging Gastón by the arms. (Their names are Angelina and Liliana by the way, but Luna doesn’t know that)
“What?” He had been talking to the oldest of the kids, a boy who was probably about 15 or 16. 
“We started roller skating!!” The girls said in unison. 
“Oh, you have?” Gastón looked at them. 
“We watched all the videos of your team online,” Angelina continued while hopping on her feet, “but Mom didn’t let us call—”
“You’ve been to Fab and Chic?” Gastón asked more verily. “Great…” 
“We found them some skates on the thrift market,” Elise explained, “they have been trying to replicate your routines. And we did not stop them from calling, we just thought that it was best if you weren’t bombarded with a bunch of questions while you were busy with finals…and everything else.”
“But, but,” Liliana was now pulling on Gastón’s arm again, which he didn’t seem to be annoyed by. He seemed to be quite good with kids, which Luna made a mental note to tell Nina about. “Now you’re here, so can you teach us?” 
“Uh, I’m sorry girls,” He shook his head, “I didn’t bring the skates with me. I don’t carry them around everywhere…” Gastón turned to look at Luna for a second. “...but you might be in luck. I know a person who does. Luna, actually, is the captain of our team.”
“Wait, you’re that Luna?” Angelina and Liliana turned to look at her. “You, you were the one who did the huge trick where you swung around in the air? That was so awesome!”
“The Steelstrom,” Luna smiled while feeling more excited, “It took some convincing from our coach to let us do the step, but in the end we nailed it.”
“So, so, can you teach us!?!” The girls started begging her. 
“Well, why not?” Luna responded. “Is there someplace we can go…?”
“The parking lot!! Mom, Mom! Can we go?” Both Angelina and Liliana were now hounding their respective mothers. 
“We’re sorry girls. You can’t go there by yourselves. This is not the best time—”
“I can take them,” Jakinda interrupted. “Actually, it has started to be a little bit crowded here. I’ll take the kids out so you six can talk in peace.” 
“Thanks Mom.” Elise remarked as Jakinda had arranged all of her younger grandchildren in order and they were filing out of the door. 
“Well, that got sorted easily,” Mía nodded as the door closed and the six adults were left alone. 
“She’s going to be able to handle it?” Isla asked as she and Marco sat on the couch opposite of Mía, Luis, Elise and Calvin. 
“Don’t you know your own mother?” Mía remarked, “She most certainly can. She’s been dreaming about having all ten of them together, probably ever since you two took Gastón and left for the big city.” 
“Well, lets let her enjoy this then.” Marco nodded while moving his arm around Isla. 
“I do have to say that April was not…completely wrong,” Mía continued. “I just—I was really surprised when you told us that you were actually coming. We didn’t need to even ask and you’ve been deliberately avoiding returning. How many years has it been since you’ve actually set foot here?”
“Maybe it had been too many but—” Isla tightened her grip on Marco’s hand, “—but you know how we feel. There is nothing for us here anymore. There never was. Leaving was always the only option for us.” 
“And we understand and respect that.” Elise nodded, “I mean, look at you. Don’t misunderstand. It’s amazing that the two of you are actually here. We can talk in person and there are like thousands of things we have never got the chance to talk about, because you can’t get to everything over the phone… I don’t even know where to start.”
“Honestly, I don’t know either,” Mía shook her head laughing, “We should have made a list. Well, Isla, you can start.” 
“I guess we can.” Isla nodded. “We do have something we need to get out of the way first,” She and Marco turned toward Calvin. “We know we’ve said this so many times already, but again, we are in debt of gratitude for you forever.” 
“And all I can say is that I was just doing my job,” Calvin responded, “They would have been saved by anyone, from the company, who would have found them.” 
“But it still was you, and we are forever grateful for that.” Marco countered, “We don’t know what we would have done if something would have happened to Gastón.” 
“You just need to accept the title of a hero here.” Elise patted her husband on the arm, “It is not going to fade, nor should it really. He is going to get a commendation, not far off from the medal of valor.”
“That is absolutely earned.” 
“You’re not going to tell Mom about it? The fire happening?” Mía asked, looking at Isla and Marco “Because we have not, like you asked us to.”
“She would just use that as an opportunity to tell me told you so.” Isla shook her head. “That is she was right, and we are just taking unnecessary risks and never should have left. I am not putting ourselves into that position. Only way she’ll get to know is if Gastón wants to tell her, which is his right.”
“Of course,” Elise made a facial gesture that expressed that she understood, “but she is going to ask, especially when Calvin gets the award.”
“They won’t say anyone by name, right?”
“I don’t think so.”
“So, we won’t say anything.” Marco nodded, “Speaking off, does the commendations also mean…?”
“Yes, it does. The Fire Department of Buenos Aires basically had no choice but to offer me a permanent officer position at the firehouse 23.” Calvin looked at Elise briefly. 
“Can I just say something here?” Isla interjected quickly, “We know, I know, that we don’t have any weigh-in in this decision, but I just want to ask you to actually consider the benefits of giving yourselves a chance of a better life here.”
There was a brief silence as both Elise and Mía stared at Isla for a moment. “Who are you and what have you done with our sister?”
“What?” Isla asked. 
“I was convinced that you’d march in here with a ready written speech about why we need to move now, and basically drag us back to Buenos Aires with you.” Elise chuckled nervously. 
“Do you want a sermon?” Isla looked at her sister. “Okay. You have to see at this point that you can’t keep living like this. You are not living to your potential, when there are so many opportunities out there. Think about the kids. Is this what you want for them?”
“There she is.” Mía grinned slightly. 
“Isla, you know we do everything we can for our children, and we know that there is more out there,” Elise started speaking, “More opportunities and everything, we aren’t completely oblivious of what you achieved. We are not stupid, and we would be idiots to surpass this opportunity.” 
“You’ve accepted the offer?” Marco asked. 
“Yes, I have.” Calvin nodded, “The offer was something that you couldn’t pass up. The wage increase alone…”
“You should have told us this sooner.” Isla continued, “When are you starting?” 
“They want me to start midpoint of March and Elise already got a lead on an open position at Swiss Medical hospital, but the date can be pushed back if…”
“If what? What problem is there?” 
“You two if anyone should know that you don’t just move to Buenos Aires by a snap of two fingers.” Elise looked at Isla and Marco. “Or have you forgotten? We need to find a place to live that we can afford, even with the wage increase, it is gonna take work. We haven’t told the kids either, because it’s a lot and we don’t really know how we are gonna actually manage it all.”
“Of course we remember,” Isla nodded, “but there is a difference. We had no help and had to manage it all on our own, you don’t. One of our investment properties is in a prime location for you. It’s a four bed right now, but can be very easily converted into a five bed. You’ll stay there and we can transfer to deed to you down the line—”
“Hold on a second, are you my sister or realtor right now?”
“Both if necessary.” Isla continued, “It’s time you have a proper house you own. And don’t you even dare to mention a mortgage, because I am not allowing that. No one in my family will go on that sort of debt as long as we are alive.”
“You can’t stop her now.” Mía looked at Elise. 
“This applies to you too.” Isla looked at her, “How long are you planning on living here? Mom can stay here if she wants but you need more space.” 
“It’s not an option for us right now, and I highly doubt you will start buying properties over here just for that.”
“The hopes are quite high about not needing to do that here.”
“Is this discussion really what we are using the time for right now?” Mía sighed. 
“Okay, I can respect your wishes on that.” Isla nodded, “and because we don’t have time for all the mental gymnastics that are required for you to actually give us any real answers, we are not gonna ask.”
She pulled a checkbook out of her bag and wrote two checks, signed them and handed them to Marco who signed them as well. “They’re co-signed, so I highly recommend that you don’t start to claim that they bounced or were fraudulent. We don’t want to see these not cashed in.” 
“Since you’re forcing us…” Mía, Elise and their husbands stared at the number on the checks, “Did you put a one zero too much on these…?”
“No. You should sometimes have money left that won’t go on groceries, rent and the utilities. Iris and Matias would probably like some clothes that are not hand me downs, and if the girls are seriously into skating, that eats funds. Proper gear is really important, and if they are really into it, they’ll need that proper gear.” 
“Okay, we’ll take that into consideration.” Mía laughed slightly, “Now that we have been forced to buy houses and accept a bunch of money, all of which we should have expected, it is our turn. Are you okay?” 
“What do you mean?” Isla and Marco looked at each other. 
“You are entangled in a very complicated court case with some other millionaires in Buenos Aires. You think we wouldn’t be worried?” Elise clarified, “What is going on?”
“It is complicated.” Marco nodded, “Monica and Miguel Valente, Luna’s parents, are being accused of a heavy case of fraud by their former employer. They are being held without bail. They had been working for us for over six months when the police came and arrested them.”
“It just seems a little uncharacteristic for you to just let the police in and take them.” Mía noted. 
“There was nothing we could have done at the time,” Isla shook her head, “You’re right, we wouldn’t nor probably shouldn’t have let it happen, but we didn’t have a choice. Gastón was there, he was the one who spotted the police when they came… We couldn’t get ourselves in trouble while he was watching. He comes before anything else after all. It is still absolutely ridiculous.”
“You are sure that they are innocent?” Luis asked. 
“Yes.” Isla and Marco said unanimously. “We have no doubt about it. They are good and extremely professional people. It is just very unlikely that they would have jeopardized their place of employment—that they moved countries for—and their daughter’s future like that.”
“They also have nothing like that on their record. We have spoken to multiple of their former employers and they have been in absolute disbelief about the situation. We have no complaints either, or we would have been extremely vulnerable target.” Marco continued. “At this point, we honestly doubt that there even is a case.”
“How so?”
“The set of events don’t add up.” Isla shook her head. “Their former employer, Sharon Benson, brought them over from Mexico two years ago. We hired them last fall, after she fired them abruptly with no explanations. Then, after Sharon found out that we had done that, she came to us—or more of—she came at us, because we stole her employees. Now she is accusing them of serious felony charges. It doesn’t make any sense, and she is clearly just trying to hurt them. Reasons of which we can’t fathom.”
“Also, I don’t mean to sound condescending or rude here,” Marco looked at her, “but they are two service industry workers from Mexico. They are extremely intelligent and good at what they do, but they don't have the highest degrees. The fraud they are being accused of is so severe that if they had been able to pull it off, it would have required such high caliber sophisticated financial coding that I don’t think I would be able to do it. I’ve been in the industry for almost 20 years.” 
“Well, it is good to know that you’re not robbing banks in the process.” Everyone laughed.
“But what are the prospects of the case?”
“Hard to say.” Isla responded, “Courts drag on, especially right now. Alexei and his team are doing everything they can, but it is hard to prove innocence when the case doesn’t even exist, so Sharon can mold it the way she likes. It’s just…”
“It is a very real possibility that they will get convicted.” Marco finished her sentence. “It is the hard truth of the situation. Sharon has a lot of influence. We haven’t told Luna yet, because we don’t want to scare her, but it seems likely at the moment.” 
“How is she doing?” Elise asked. “She seems like a sweet girl. Didn’t even hesitate when being attacked by Angelina and Liliana for some impromptu skating lessons.” 
“Obviously this has been hard for her.” Isla sighed, “She’s 17 and has been uprooted from the places she’s been able to call home twice in a year, and now her parents have been taken away from her. She should not be going through that, especially at this age. But she’s also been extremely resilient and brave, in the same way she seems to have accepted the situation and is able to look to the future despite it.”
“Her name is Valente,” Marco noted, “So it does make sense.”
“Gotta say, we weren’t that surprised when you told us that you had taken up the guardianship of a child not yours. Even if this is a little more of an arbitrary situation, since you took in your employees’ kid.”
“We understand that it may look like that there is a power imbalance going on, but it is not that.” Isla laced her fingers with Marco’s and he squeezed her hand, “To your information, we only brought the possibility onto the table after the words: “we don’t have anybody” were spoken. No one was forced to give up their daughter.” 
“They left everything behind when they came here.” Marco continued from her, “So there is no family here, and from the sounds of it there isn’t any more of it in Mexico. We couldn’t let it be up to the CPS, especially since Luna’s adopted. Her ending up in the system again would just complicate things further. This we are certain about.”
“So you didn’t go to court?” 
“No,” Isla clarified, “Alexei, our lawyer, wrote the document so tightly that no one could question it. It still has gone through all the appropriate channels, but we just didn’t need to argue for it. Our guardianship is filed legally everywhere it needs to be.”
“And you finally got yourselves a girl—” 
“You aren’t seriously thinking that we are taking delight over the fact that a child has been separated from her parents?” Isla asked while looking at her sisters. “Absolutely not.”
“We’ve made our peace with only having one child a long time ago.” Marco tightened his arm around her.
“Yes, of course you have. Didn’t mean to imply anything. Sorry.”
“When this gets solved, we’ll sign the papers and they’ll get Luna’s custody back.” Marco continued, “If they get released, that is. Otherwise, Luna turns 18, and custody ceases to be in effect naturally. Hopefully that won’t be the case, since emotionally that probably would be quite hard for everyone involved, especially for Monica and Miguel, that they lost custody never to get it back.” 
“What will you do if they won’t get out and she does turn 18 under your guardianship?”
“What do you think we are gonna do?” Isla asked, “If her parents can’t be there for her when she turns of age… We are gonna help her and be in her life as much as she allows us to.”
“We tried to turn down those month payments that the government is giving us over looking after her, but there was no mechanism to do so,” Marco added, “Which generally is probably a good thing, so no one can use that as an abuse tactic. But we have no use for that money, so we’ve been putting those into a high interest savings account in Luna’s name. Whatever happens and whatever she chooses to do, she’ll have that when she turns 18.”
“You can’t start telling us that you are not fond of her.”
“Of course we are. We’ve been fond of her ever since they came to our house. She is such a ray of sunshine that it is hard not to love her.”
“Did I already tell you how handsome you’ve become?” Gastón felt his grandmother link an arm with him as they approached the parking lot. Angelina and Liliana had been leading the way, practically dragging Luna along with them. “You look exactly like Marco when he first appeared in Isla’s life. I’m so happy to see you.”
“Me too.” Gastón nodded. “I mean it is really great to see all of you. I don’t really even remember when I’ve been here last.”
“It’s been way too long. I’ve tried to tell your mother that, but she doesn’t listen to anybody. My dear daughter never has.” Jakinda continued, “I was worried you’d be all too grown up and I’d next see you in your wedding.”
“Yeah, that’s not happening quite yet.” Gastón laughed a little awkwardly. Not that he hadn’t thought about it, he did…quite frequently sometimes if he was being honest—
“Not to say you haven’t grown up.” He heard his grandmother continue. “I can’t believe that you’ve already graduated, with honors, nonetheless. Isla tells me that much at least. So, you decided against Oxford after all?”
“Yeah, no,” Gastón shook his head, “In the end it wasn’t for me. UCA is just fine.”
“I have to say I am glad. I barely get to see you as it is, so if you move to Europe, then I never would.”
“Phones work. It would not have been like that. It’s not like Mom and Dad would let me—”
“It was their idea, wasn’t it?” 
“Oh yeah, I mean, it was…” Gastón staggered. He had forgotten momentarily that Grandma did not know about the whole fire situation, and in general, Mom had told her a very delicately curated version about the legal battle for Luna’s parents. He was not going to be the one to accidentally spill the truth and deal with the fallout, even if he had a significantly better relationship with his grandmother than his mother did. He also knew why that was the case. “...but they changed their mind too and… In the end it was my decision. Plus, I wouldn’t want to be away right now anyway. I think I can do more good here.” 
They finally walked up to the parking lot where Luna was already teaching the girls some moves. 
“Uuuu, uuu,” Angelina turned to him, “Since you’re in the same team…can you show us few of those lifts you did in the competition?”
“I already told you that I don’t have the skates, it would be pretty difficult,” He countered, “And Luna and I don’t usually partner up, and our coach wouldn’t like us to do it with no supervision.”
“Yeah, that is true.” Luna nodded, “How about I teach you a few spins?”
“How are you feeling about this situation?” Jakinda asked Gastón. 
“Her.” She pointed to Luna, who was demonstrating the correct posture to Angelina and Liliana. 
“Well, I mean, it is complicated,” Gastón responded, “And obviously horrible for her.”
“They surely asked you before deciding to take up her guardianship?”
“Yeah, of course they did.” Gastón nodded, “But it was not like it was a major debate or anything like that. I have nothing against it. It wasn’t surprising. It’s Mom and Dad.”
“Isla sometimes has too big of a heart for her own good.” 
“Well, I didn’t want the staff when Mom and Dad brought it up, but now, who knows what would have happened to them if they hadn’t been in our employment.” Gastón continued, “Luna’s awesome. And I mean, we were friends before all of this. It was a huge coincidence. She’s literally Nina’s best friend.”
“Oh yes, Nina.” Jakinda looked at Gastón. “That is something I have heard, that you got yourself a girl. Maybe the wedding isn’t that far off after all.”
“I haven’t gotten a ring yet if that’s what you’re asking,” Gastón smiled smally, “But I, I love her. She’s amazing. I can’t imagine being without her.”
“That is always great to hear.” Jakinda nodded, “I don’t suppose you have a picture? I want to see the girl who has stolen my oldest grandbaby’s heart.” 
“Of course I do.” He pulled her phone out and scrolled through the gallery until picking up a photo of Nina he had taken at Cancun, against the sunset. She looked absolutely gorgeous in it and he was this close to getting it framed, that much he always liked to look at it.” 
“...y cinco, seis, siete, ocho.” Luna stopped the step-combination he had been teaching to the younger girls. 
“This was so awesome!!!” They jumped up and down after repeating the choreo.
“Girls!! Finish up! We need to get going!!” Someone yelled from the side. 
“But we just got started.” Liliana complained. “You’ll go back soon. Then there is no one to teach us.” 
“I’m sorry.” Luna made an apologetic face. She really liked these young girls. “But, you should probably listen to your grandmother.” 
“Why can’t you be a real daughter of Aunt Isla and Marco?” Angelina and Liliana went to hug Luna. “We could be family, and you could be our private teacher.” 
“Well, I’m sorry, but I am not…” Luna was taken off guard. 
“You should be…” 
Luna didn’t know how to respond to that. Instead, she just hugged the girls back. 
Heeyyyyy!! I think I once said that the parts happening during the summer would be all released during the summmer... Ah yeah, funny story, I have had a job where I have worked morning shifts (I have woken up at 4 AM!!) which has left me quite exhausted. Anyays, better late and never right? Also, this is actuyally only half of what this part was supposed top cover because it gort way too long, as usual, go figure. So we are gonna have one more part covering the summer between the seasons 2 and 3. I think what I can call these three parts (parts 9, 10 and eventual 11) is an interlude as we transition to the next act and a story arc of the story. So we took some time here to set up for some future plot points and explore some chracter develobment. Also, I have an announcement!! I know how this story will end...and I am kind of terrified of it. Good luck for all of up I guess.
0 notes
shizukahaiji · 4 months
Oh yeah let me actually post my full Blue Lock predictions right now. Most of them are based on nothing but pure vibes alone and sound insane but Trust me. My brain is massive
- Nagi’s getting cut out from the project after this arc, Reo leaving him behind. Ego has some harsh words to say to him before he’s gone since he never liked Nagi to begin with, and Nagi’s crushed because he finally, FINALLY found meaning in his own soccer and was so excited to get to play it with Reo, so he leaves full of spite and just fed up and tired
- ^ Addition to above Nagi leaving is like Reo’s own personal 9/11 but in the time that Nagi’s gone he gets to perfect his own soccer and actually knows what he wants from a dream without Nagi
- I think Hajime Nishioka also gets kicked off the project after the NEL arc too but he does show up later. Trust me on this
- Some characters accept offers and end up playing for different teams in the internationals arc (I want Raichi to play with Kaiser and Ness and Shidou to play for Sae’s team again)
- Three of the background characters from Third Selection make it to the internationals team because Blue Lock LOVES bringing characters from that arc for new arcs but as for who. I can beg for Shizuka Haiji but who knows
- I don’t think they go immediately into internationals next arc I think that’s saved for a different later arc. But I Do think it’s soon
- There’s an arc where Kira comes back and directly challenges Blue Lock by like. Bringing light into the more unethical aspects of the Blue Lock project. Kunigami has a character arc here where he fully comes to terms with what happened to him in Wild Card
- ^ Ray Dark starts having extreme doubts about keeping the Blue Lock project ongoing because of this but less because he’s concerned with morals and more because it’s HORRIBLE for business
- Scandal arc leads up to Kira’s team composed of a lot of former Blue Lock players (Kuon, Hajime and Nagi specifically) challenging Blue Lock for a new place in the U-20 team. They obviously lose but instead of being emotionally affected everybody’s just numb and that’s more painful to read
- Kira is a melodramatic little cunt the entire arc and he’s overexaggerating his experiences at Blue Lock for attention
- Probably teams up with the U-20 coach in a kind of similar way that the otaku character and the theorist in As The Gods Will do to figure out the truth behind the death game
- Everybody is a genuine threat in the Scandal arc match but Hajime is essentially carrying the team and then he gets ANOTHER injury mid match and everything starts falling apart for them
- Reo has a moment after this match that parallels the post-Second Selection match’s “you’re a hassle” Nagi breakup scene and it is heartbreaking and life ruining
- Related to above Imamura is an idol post-Blue Lock based solely on the fact a character does that in As The Gods Will after the death game and it would be funny and also I want to see it
- Kaiser and Sae meet in the internationals arc and fucking HATE each other
- ^ We also find out what finally happened to Sae overseas in the internationals arc
- Ray Dark is Blue Lock’s real villain based solely on how his name is fucking. Ray Dark. That has to be intentional and I’ll believe it until proven otherwise
- At some point in a match with both Chigiri and Yukimiya, Chigiri injures his leg again (it ends up being just a scare and he’s completely fine and it’s manageable) and Yukimiya’s eyesight gets worse (it is Not ok and it’s heartbreaking)
- I kind of want to say they don’t even make it to the final match and the project ends abruptly before they can and they’re fully disqualified
- Blue Lock ends with Anri going to jail and Ego just completely missing
- I do Not think Blue Lock will have a happy ending for most of these characters just based entirely on Kaneshiro’s past writing
- I think Isagi specifically is going to be kind of like Shun post-death game where he’s listless and obsessed with getting revenge, and honestly I think he’s already getting close to that in the present day manga and I want to see him get worse but I don’t think that should be the end of his character arc at all and I think he should find closure somehow
- Kaiser’s birthday is on Christmas and Ness’s birthday is in May
- Rin gets the worst ending out of any character and his life is ruined by the end of the manga
- Bachira gets the best ending out of any character and is probably the catalyst for Isagi coming out of his downward spiral
- Trust me on these guys. Trust me
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madam-wakefield · 10 months
Open when... Chapter 12
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 When a few years into their relationship Bernie is asked to go back to the army and deploy Serena isn’t sure how she’s going to get through the nine months without her girlfriend. What she doesn’t expect is for it to be her girlfriend who has the perfect set of surprises to get her through both the best and the worst days. Canon divergent - Elinor lives (well actually the accident never happens), Raf lives, and Cameron isn’t a total ass! The staff of AAU also probably didn’t all work on there at the same time in canon but do in this! The fic is already fully written with the first few chapters having already been Beta’d. 27 chapters including the epilogue. Hoping to post every Monday and Friday!
Open when you want to reminisce…
Serena has spent the day putting up Christmas decorations. She loves Christmas and always has, even as a little girl from which she has fond memories of a house decorated beautifully and the excitement she always used to feel as the big day drew closer.
Elinor had come round to join her and Jason to decorate the Christmas tree, a real one, of course. They’d shared lunch together after that, and she loves the way that Elinor’s and Jason’s relationship has developed since she took Jason in, originally worrying that it would never happen. 
She’d have thought Elinor would have wanted to go home then, but she’d asked if they could watch Elf, her favourite Christmas film and when Jason had said it was one he enjoyed too, Serena couldn’t say no. She couldn’t help but think as the three of them sat on the sofa that there was just one thing missing however:  Bernie. This is their third Christmas together but they are spending it physically apart. She had pushed the thought from her mind, had known Bernie would want her to enjoy this time and not spend it worrying about her.
It’s only now, that Elinor has gone home and Jason has gone up to bed that she’s had time to finish the last few bits of the decorating, adorning the photo frames with silver tinsel. She’s doing okay, until she gets to the one of her and Bernie, taken at the first Holby Christmas party they had attended as a couple, Bernie in a simple navy suit, with that shirt Serena loves on her so much, Serena herself in a deep red floor-length dress. The happiness in both their eyes is strong enough to have been captured in the picture.
And suddenly she misses Bernie more than she has in weeks, and she just needs to be able to remember more happy memories. She goes to her room and extracts the box of envelopes from her closet. She’d brought it home in case she wanted to open any during her week off. She hadn’t wanted to take the time off, but she’s got holiday time to use up and Hansen had insisted.
She finds the envelope she wants and goes back downstairs, of course, pouring herself a glass of wine. She considers turning the main living room light on but then decides she’ll read the letter using the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree, her sometimes dodgy eyesight be damned.  
“Serena, open when you need to reminisce…” and right now it’s exactly what she does need.
My Dearest Serena,
You feel like a little reminisce and this is my way to help you. We’ve had so many wonderful unforgettable moments together and I just want to remind you of some of them, to bring a little smile to your face. I wish I could write them all but if I did I’d be here forever.
I’ve picked a variety of special memories for us, a few of them are from before we even started dating. From the moment we first laid eyes on each other to our last date night before I deployed, I tried to pick memories that we both find special, that we both still talk about frequently.
The first has to be the day we met, you getting mad at your car and telling me I didn’t look like a mechanic. Laughing over my crazy love for cigarettes and your need for a nice glass of Shiraz, we should have known then how well we’d slot together.
I can’t write you a letter about reminiscing and forget to mention a certain ‘plumber by trade’ patient who caused us to have a fun little arm wrestle. I thought in the weeks just before that that I’d messed up with you for good, and well at that point the laughs I got to have with you that day were very much needed.
The next memory has grown to have so much more meaning now than either of us could have ever known when you first said the word: “Equals.” Called into Hansen’s office after lying to you again, even if it was to protect you, I thought I was a goner, and then you told Hansen we were equals. It was one of the first times I’d ever felt truly valued in the civilian world. And how that word has come to evolve, now as girlfriends, partners, lovers, equal in every sense of the word, except for nominal rank of course.
I guess the next memory would have to be the trauma bay, the way you believed in me despite everything. The surgeries we’ve performed together, the people we’ve saved because of it. And now here you are running it for me with Raf! Remember I want my spot back once I’m home.
The next memory comes with more mixed emotions. Our first kiss, there in the theatre of AAU, having just performed lifesaving surgery on our friend and colleague. Even to this day I couldn’t tell you what made me do it, other than that I wanted to. But despite what came for a time after, I wouldn’t change that decision for the world. I kissed you that day and it was like the world righted itself. I know it isn’t what you had planned for your life either, but I think I can speak for you when I say, I guess that kiss really did change our lives.
I’m not going to save your blushes during this little reminisce so I’m afraid I must bring up the girl from Stepney. Talking of Stepney we still never have made it there, I think we should put it in as a date, maybe for four years after the conversation happened?
What can I go on to from there to say other than  an Italian with an extensive wine list? Sitting in that restaurant with you for the first time never could I imagine what was going to unfold the next day or over the coming months. Me running off to Ukraine because I didn’t know how to face my own feelings. At times we were both idiots, but it turned out for the best in the end, and we’ve had many a pleasant date night there since, though not enough for you to have made it through that extensive wine list yet.
You have to know what the next memory is, your delightful nephew playing cupid, and where would we be without him? Neither of us were brave enough to say what we needed to do without him. And I will be forever grateful that he locked us in that office on the day we now call our anniversary. Even just thinking about that kiss, the way it felt to be back in your arms after so long makes me feel tingly all over. It might not have been the most delicate kiss or the average way to get together, but it is so perfectly us!
For one of our first proper dates, we decided to go ice skating seeing as it was December and the open-air ice rink had been erected for Christmas. I very ungracefully smashed into the back of you almost landing us both up in hospital. Instead, I brought you hot chocolate to apologise and vowed I’d never step foot on ice again.
Then it was our holiday together to Italy. I’ll never forget the way your eyes lit up when you first laid eyes on Venice, or that special kiss we shared in the gondola. The special time we had to just be us and learn all about each other. And the sex was pretty incredible too!
It wasn’t long after that you gave me the keys to your house, told me that you didn’t want to have to be without me most nights with the knowledge that I was in my tiny little flat when your house was more than big enough. The idea terrified me as much as it excited me. But for the first time, I managed to voice my worries to you instead of running, I’d gotten good at running by then. I’ll never forget how proud you were as you looked at me as I voiced my concerns to you. I guess that’s when things really changed for us, isn’t it? I learned I didn’t need to run, that you didn’t expect or need me to be perfect, you just needed me to be myself. Two weeks later I did my back in moving boxes, though I guess it was worth it for the amazing massage I got.
It wasn’t until we’d been together a year that Elinor finally agreed to meet me properly. I was so nervous, but you kissed me and reminded me that you loved me and that I didn’t need to be anything I wasn’t. That the fact you loved me should be good enough for Elinor. It was awkward but we made it through, and I hope over time my relationship with Elinor will keep improving, and maybe one day Charlotte will be willing to meet you too.
Then there was that day when we went to the beach together. We had a fabulous day, we played in the arcades, ate fish and chips and far too much ice cream. I even managed to convince you to have a paddle in the sea. Then you told me you couldn’t stand getting sand on your feet once they were wet, so I told you I’d piggyback you over to the bench. You didn’t believe I could manage it, as if you’d forgotten I was in the army for over twenty-five years. I managed it and we fell about on the bench laughing as if we were teenagers and not two middle-aged women.
And then a few months later my call to go back to the army came, and that intense fear to shut people out welled up inside me again, but then we talked it through and for the first time in my life I was with someone who understood that being part of a relationship meant being able to let the other person have what they need and you told me you’d support me if I needed my closure.
You treated me to a final date, a week before I deployed, and you wanted to make sure we could both thoroughly enjoy ourselves. A meal at that posh restaurant which you knew I’d both love and hate at the same time. It’s a good thing I’ve been in the officer’s mess enough times to know how to behave! I’m sure you just used it as an excuse to get me drunk though, and it worked! Though I can’t say I’m complaining, and it’s a good thing neither of us had work the next day, as even if we hadn’t had hangovers, neither of us could exactly walk properly! You really do know how to show a girl a good time!
And then just like that we knew it was time for me to get ready to leave and that’s what led to this letter, and I will never be able to put into enough words just how thankful I am that you’ve let me do this. I’m not sure how far into my deployment I am but what I do know is I can’t wait to make more memories with you.
I’m going to sign this letter off without saying anything else more except that I love you and miss you and that I really can’t wait to make more memories with you.
All My Love, Bernie,
Your Big Macho Army Medic x
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mish-tique · 2 years
Hello, it is I, rosiest of them all, Rose 🥺🌹
I thought you were gonna rest after your day yesterday but you wrote for us anyway and thank you so much, and you're still going to have to write fics, but please remember to rest miss missha!!
Also, you bake?? and your author's note is so relatable fr
SPOILERS below the rose line, people!!
fuck the pandemic really!! now i'm just living that uni life vicariously through fics
"He and Charles had already danced earlier tonight and now Max is happy to look from a distance." and "But as much as he might hate it, he does want Charles to have a good time, so he joins occasionally." <- maxy really is just there to be the pretty (and brooding) boyfriend, ain't he? When will I have that?! (so tru tho to your earlier statement miss missha, i don't have the time for relationships right now, i need to prepare and be a girlboss first)
"That’s another of those signs for him to actually get himself down there." <- also another reason i'm not having relationships, boys in books and fics, and f1 drivers are much more interesting and prettier and perfect (they've raised the bar too high)
"Max hates the feeling of being surrounded by that crowd, it feels like he’s tiny and nonexistent, about to be drowned in a sea of strangers, but it’s all worth it the moment Charles enters his eyesight." <- aww charlie's his safe harbor
"Pierre might make some annoying noises in the background, but they don’t register properly to Max." <- it's okay pierre, you can bring me with you next time, or yuki, or estie (OR ME, i'm not too old for you yet, and i'm definitely legal) (sorry for that, at least they weren't redacted thoughts this time)
"If he happens to make eye contact with the asshole who still hasn’t left when he looks up, it’s all purely coïncidental." <- when will it be my turn?!?! this ending was perfect
and don't be sorry miss missha!! 💖🍬😢 (read: i'm single and is living through lestappen vicariously)
no really, this was so soft and sweet and i'm aww-ing
roses for you and well wishes again to your family, i hope you don't visit the hospital again in a long long time. also please rest and eat delicious baked goods!!
-Rose 🥺🌹
me? rest? what when where? jkjk. I played some monopoly with my family Saturday night which was a lot of fun and im taking like walks three times a day. I'm making the most out of my free days before work starts!
and yeah I bake! I'm mainly making apple pies, pear pies, and carrot-walnutcake these days. My dad helps a bit which is sweet because it's like this father-daughter bonding time.
honestly. covid ruined the best years of my life. whelp. can i just blame that for still being single? LMAO
max is there to be armcandy and the knight in shining armor from time to time!!
also you are right. whomst the fuck has time for a relationship when you still have to girlboss.
my books have ruined me for any actual person
"when will it be my turn?!?" <- me every time i give a fic a happy ending
thank youu <33 Honestly, i hadn't been in the hospital in ages after my internship but suddenly i was there for like 14 visits in one month? but yeah that was a stressful time, I'm glad i got everyone together and safe now.
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todoshotoroki · 3 years
𝒩𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝒶 𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒹, 𝒯𝑜𝒹𝑜𝓇𝑜𝓀𝒾?
Warnings: smut, handjob, begging, praise, f bodied reader x needy Todoroki.〤 Minors DNI
Word count: 1.4k
   Shoto Todoroki wasn't sure how someone like him could end up in a situation like this. He tried so desperately to pinpoint the events that led up to this moment, but there was absolutely no way he'd ever be able to focus in this position. He could feel your breasts behind him, like soft pillows that gave him the perfect angle to get a peak at your beautiful face if he tilted his head up just enough. Your delicious thighs pressed onto his sides as he lied between them, and the soft, supple smell of your vanilla lotion mixed with your strawberry shampoo completely eradicated any of his remaining senses.
    “Are you ready, Sho?” Your voice was like a soft angelic whisper in his ear, and he could have sworn you were a siren at this point. Perhaps a succubus by the way your hand daintily dragged between the edges of his t-shirt and the line of his sweatpants. It made his cock throb even more in his pants, and he was afraid soon you'd be able to see his precum leak through his sweats. 
   “Shoto? Did you change your mind?” Although your voice was more than comforting and accepting, the way your hand slowly retreated from him made a small, panicked gasp leave him. “No! No- I mean, I still want to” His hand shook with nerves as it rested on top of yours to prevent you from pulling away, instead, your fingertips dancing across his lower stomach and under his shirt. “I want you to, it's just..” He tilted his head again, meeting your encouraging gaze.
   God you were so pretty, especially when you looked at him with such kind eyes. He knew he wanted this, he's only fantasized about being between your legs on multiple occasions, stroking his cock in his dorm late at night by himself after returning from watching movies with you all night long. “I don't want to disappoint you” He admitted quietly. Still being a newcomer to sexual activities himself, there was nobody he trusted more then you, his best friend.
     But he couldn't help feeling insanely a bit shy underneath your gaze.. 
   Your eyes widened in surprise, as you leaned down to place your chin onto his shoulder. You had to be certain he’d hear you, so you got in close to whisper in his ear. “You could never do that Shoto, especially not ever sexually. I've always admired you, you did know that, didn't you?”
   Todoroki’s eyes fluttered shut, and his breathing quickened as your fingers slipped into the waistline of his joggers, pushing past his briefs at the same time. So close. Your fingers were so close to his cock.. It was difficult to focus, but he managed a small shake of his head in response. Did you truly look up to him? Was he that special to you?
   “But I do, Shoto. You're so strong, and so intuitive. Nobody knows me like you do, you're my best friend” Your whispered praises were so angelic in his ear that it caused a shudder to run down his spine. At the same moment, your hands wrapped around his cock and he had to grip your knees, which were bent at each of his sides, for support. Instantly his eyes flew open, and he tilted his head to look over at you to gauge your reaction to touching him for the first time ever.
   You had a blush over your cheeks, and your eyes looked at him as if he held the answers to everything you wanted to know. “Y-Y/n” He muttered, his eyes fluttering back shut as he finally, finally, felt your hand wrap around his cock. He felt like he had run 4 miles by the time your fingers began to wrap around him under his sweatpants. Todoroki leaned his head back, his soft, silky hair tickling the underside of your jaw. You reached down with your free hand, and gently pushed his pants and briefs down just enough for his cock to be released from its confines. 
   He let out a choked moan, his eyes squeezing shut in embarrassment. As if his cheeks were not already flushed red and his cock wasn't already rock hard and oozing precum. “Y/n, Y/n, please, please” He wasn't sure what he was asking for, you were already touching him and he felt guilty for being so greedy, especially with how he had to resist thrusting his hips up into your hand. “Yes, Sho?” You answered, your hand movements gradually beginning to speed up.
   “Y/n- I cant- I don't know if I can-'' He wasn't sure where his sentence was going, so he opted out for realizing the built up groan in his throat instead. Your soft hands seemed like they were coaxing words he didn't even mean to say from his lips. But even he couldn't resist your name tumbling past his mouth once more. “Y/n, mmph” How could he hold back when your fingers worked the tip of his cock so expertly? 
   “You really like saying my name huh?” His eyes opened just enough so he could study your face as a small giggle fell past your lips. It made his own creased eyebrows lift in pleasure, not only from the tension quickly building in his stomach, but from the soft whisper of your tone. God, how was he ever supposed to go back to life as normal after this? “Do you want me to stop?” Your voice was slightly teasing, and as if you could push it even further, your fingers began to slow.
   “Wait! No- no please, keep going, please keep going” His hands reached up to tightly grip onto each of your thighs, his nails digging into your skin and leaving small crescent shaped marks on your skin. His hips barely lifted off the bed, thrusting into your hand as if to make up for the speed you had taken away. “Don't stop, i don't want you to stop” His moan echoed around his dorm walls, though he couldn't find himself to care as your hand movements sped up once more.
   “Okay I won't Shoto, I'll keep makin’ you feel good m’kay?”
   “I've wanted this for so long, I've thought about you so much” He began to ramble in a mumbled tone, his eyesight drifting from your hand around his cock to look up at you, and when he was met with the sight of your flushed cheeks and your bottom lip caught between your teeth, he dared not to blink and miss it. “Your all I think about, all of my thoughts about you are improper” His confession caused his thrusts to speed up into your hand, his fingertips squeezing even tighter around your thighs, which clenched at his sides for some form of relief for yourself.
   “Fuck, fuck, fuck” Shoto wasn't usually one to cuss unless something had truly angered him, but today seemed like a whole lot of firsts. “You're so pretty, Shoto. So pretty” God what were you trying to do to him? He was already melting in your hold, he thought for sure he would black out if he tried to stand up. But you couldn't help it, the way his head leaned back onto your shoulder gave you the perfect angle to kiss and nibble along his neck and shoulders. 
   “I'm going to cum, I'm gonna cum, Y/n I- cum” He repeated in a whispered mantra of moans. Your praises were too much for him, and his eyes never left your face. Your non-dominant hand reached up to pull his t-shirt along his stomach, your nails grazing along his abs in the process. That was pretty much all it took for his cock to begin throbbing uncontrollably in your hand, long spurts of creamy, hot cum shooting all across his half naked chest.
   “Too much. It's too much, feels too good” His whines were so adorable, his body flinching slightly at the sensitivity of your hand smearing his cum along the base of his cock. When your movements finally slowed to a stop, Todoroki’s eyes were closed and his lungs were panting for air to catch up with his lungs. He felt dizzy, he felt like he'd never return from the clouds that you had just so happened to toss him into. But yet the sweet feeling of your lips pressing feathery kisses on his jawline provided him enough support to be coaxed back to reality. 
   “Y/n” He whispered, tilting his head to press further into your lips against his cheek.  
   “Y/n, please let me kiss you right now”
𝐼𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒: “𝒮𝒶𝓎 𝒾𝓉, 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓈𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓎”  
𝑂𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ♡
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