#when 'well...shit' happened in DAI I died laughing ok
jb-nonsense · 1 year
While I get why BG3 has a silent protag, I do miss the chance for the protag to just say
"Well...fuck" when a persuasion/deception roll doesn't work
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silenceismychoir · 2 years
theres something very wrong with me
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starrvlight · 5 months
HI!! I’m so happy there’s more people writing for sbg I was wondering if I could request a Tyler x fem reader who he has a crush on for like years but she’s Taylor’s best friend (sorry if this doesn’t make any sense)I hope you have a lovely day/night!!
Tyler Hernandez x (fem) Reader
SBGWARNINGS:some swearing!!
A/N- sorry this took long and sorry if it isn't what you were looking for exactly 😔😔
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Slight scenario(?): You and Taylor have been friends since about preschool, your two have been there for each other in all you ups and downs, for example- when her dad died you where there for her. And- her brother you didn't know him aswell but you were still there for him texting him and making sure him and his sister were doing well.. that when he had caught feeling for you, It was super confusing for him. He didn't care. he loved that warm feeling you gave him when you smiled at him whenever you were hanging out with Taylor. Or when you send thoes ":)" type smile over text when you send a photo of you and Taylor when Taylor made a funny face
Today you and Taylor had planed a sleep over it's been a long while since you've have one with her (prolly a month at max 😭) and you 2 were now on the top part of bunk bed, your hair up in a pony tail and Taylor had her makeup and was putting some on you, it started off pretty good with some simple eyeshadow ,mascara,lip gloss.. and nowww- you have eye liner all your face, flowers hearts the ">:D" faces with red/ pink powder all over you face for "blush" with a whole bunch of other stuff on your face where is doesn't belong you 2 were laughing your asses off, rolling around and covering you stomachs from laughing so hard, as soon as you stoped laughing, you checked the time form you phone and and glance at Taylor "uhh do u have anything to take this off with?" You asked with a chuckle, it was 11:00 pm already?? Taylor glanced over the hall "uhh it should just come off with water" she said and look back at Yu. And help back a laugh "PFFT- the bathroom is down the hall to your right" you nodded " 'ight," you climbed down from the top bunk and began walking to the bathroom,only to bump into Tyler. Your eyes widen and you looked down, embarrassed and hold back you laugh "holy shit-!" He whisper yelled "the fuck happened to you?" He whispers You trembled holding back you laughter since you were near Taylor's and Tyler's mom's room and u didn't wanna wake her "me and taylor- w-were -Pfft- massing around with makeup " your voice was all high pitched and wobbly since you were holding back you laughter then he look at the bathroom and Chuckled "Pfft- I can tell- the bathroom's right there- here" he whispered as he put his hand on you lower back leading you to the bathroom, then grabbing you a clean face towels from the drawer and gave it to you "uhh here used these-" he said, having an amused smile in his face as you tried hiding your face from him, only for him to take pictures of you it was so adorably funny he needed to photos, you took the towel and dampened it under some water, and rubbed your faces, Tyler stood there at the door frame, leaning against it as you kinda harshly rubbed your face with the wet towel, trying to makes sure the makeups doesn't stain you skin and Tyler chuckled, trying to hide the small blush on his face, after a bit You finished cleaning your face and drying it, they you and Tyler walked off, smiling and he tears you on his you looked like a tomato you laughed and nudged him playful "yea yea- whateverrr" you chuckled and saw Taylor- she was out cold- you took a picture at her face and smiled, chuckling gently and you glanced at Tyler who was already laying down on the bottom bunk, then he glanced up at you and said "buenas noches princesa" he said with a smile, then blushed slightly realizing what he said,and turned over and cover himself with blankets,.pretending to sleep.
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stealthetrees · 5 months
Please tell me all about Fletcher
So I explained a bit what happened here.
CC-1010/Fletcher is my squishy little guy. The oc I put all the trama on.
He had always struggled with depression, and it hit him like a truck when he got to Coruscant. The first marshal commander of the Coruscant Guard had it real rough.
Fletcher was a very good commander, don’t get me wrong. He just… can’t repress his trama like Fox can. Fox has this special little ability to lie. He’s the only clone that can lie well. He can lie so well in fact that he can convince himself he’s fine. Fox is Fletchers second in command.
After Fletcher died, everyone was very disturbed. So they coped the only way they could. Dark humor. It started with Fox tripping in the hallway. Someone asked if he was ok and he said “yes, I’m just looking for Fletcher”
So it became an inside joke. Someone trips, they’re told “I think I saw Fletcher in the store room” or something. Easier to laugh about something than cry about it, right?
When a GAR trooper asks about a friend or batch mate that had ‘dontated their CT number’ the Corries tell them they’re with Fletcher.
He becomes something of a myth to the shines. The ghost of a commander protecting them from horrors beyond their control. In the same line of thinking, Fox becomes an idol to them. They hear stories about CC-1010, the stone cold bastard running Coruscant, and expect a fearsome leader. What they get is a sleep deprived man in a hoodie that came out of a dumpster. “My name is Fox, but when we are on base you will refer to me as buir. I am your father now. This is nonnegotiable.”
Then he goes through a PowerPoint called Kamino 2: Electric Boogaloo filled with shit like “senator amidala married a Jedi and now we suffer for it” and “the rancor infestation MUST be kept below level 2178” and “the chancellor is a sith but it’s fine we have blackmail”.
Then they hear the stories from older troopers about how Fox puts on the armor of a dead man every day and lies to Palpatines face every damn day.
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base0h · 1 year
Smoker, Luffy and croco boy with a s/o who has the same devil fruit as them and uses it to annoy/prank them constantly.
Crack fic pls
Take care love<3
not me starting to laugh like doffy when I saw this💀💀 ew. anon thank you for allowing me to showcase my endless amount of crack in my mind 💜
warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, crack
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- the amount of times you’ve scared the shit out of this man is kind of sad. I’m assuming poor smoker gets spooked a lot because of your abilities, and sometimes you’re not even trying to scare him 💀
- you could be minding your own business, floating around and flying around the room during a break with a face mask on. Bro walks in and just dies bec the first thing he sees is a detached floating head with a white face
- “WHAT THE FU-?!”
- and when he gets scared he sets off a bunch of “traps” aka stubbing his toe on a chair that was clearly out of the way, and hitting his head on the doorway
- “IT’S ME!” -you
- I mean- what the fuck were you supposed to do? The man just kept falling backwards into things! He thought you were some kind of monster so he just kept running as he tripped over everything in his way 💀
- this is what he thought was happening:
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- Tashigi started chasing after him too because she was wondering something abt navy stuff so he kept getting more scared since he couldn’t see what was chasing him😭he just thought you were multiplying 💀
- I’d be scared too if some Smokey person is literally floating after me with a face mask 😂😂😂
- man smoked 56 cigarettes before finally calming down
- “I wish you didn’t have the same devilfruit as me y/n.”
- “IT WORKED!” -him
- “Do you still love me tho?” -you
- “..yeah.”
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- on your birthday he blew himself into a balloon and camouflaged into the numerous balloons you got from the crew before you woke up
- when you finally woke up (keep in mind, Luffy was so determined that he woke up early for this prank :0) you stared at the balloons with a smile, the crew was so nice!
- “Hey thanks guys!”
- you walked over to them and took the string of one of them in your hand. It’s amazing how you didn’t hear Luffy giggling like a maniac 😭
- he scooted behind you, making himself lose a bit of air so his blown up face was right behind your head, tapping your shoulder with his long arm
- “BOOO!”
- Nah you smacked the shit out of him, screaming as your fists were covered in haki, ready to punch the absolute soul out of him from fear
- “Luffy?! WHAT THE HELL?!”
- “Ow! Why did you punch me?!”
- Poor dude’s face was swollen for the whole day, and you apologized for hitting him after he said sorry for scaring you.
- can you imagine a Luffy balloon in your face? No I don’t mean just his stomach blowing up, I mean his fucking face blown up, and the rest of his body looking all skinny as the string 💀💀 pls I’d cry and shit my pants
- you really can’t beat him in pranks because he always seemed to get you better 😭 but you sure tried
- at night when he was snoring away, you attached yourself to the ceiling, your limbs stretching as your head stretched down to him. (You looked like my sleep demon) “Pssst, Luuuuuuffyyy!”
- “Hm???”
- ok when you’re half asleep you can’t really make out anything, so all the poor guy saw was a fucking demon
- the way he screamed and ran was hilarious, he did not sleep well for days, and clung onto you in bed or whenever he got a chance 🥲
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- 100% done with your shit :)
- One time you pretended you were a sandcastle on the beach and waited for him to get closer before making your face pop out at him
- he smacked you with his hook. And… broke your nose 💀
- “…Sorry.”
- “…It’s fine. I’m sorry for trying to scare you.”
- you’re literally struggling to hold in your tears with blood pouring from your nose (BRO WHEN YOUR NOSE GETS SMACKED IT HURTS)
- he felt bad because you’re trying not to cry while sobbing. Poor guy didn’t mean to slap you with haki 💀 nor did he mean to break your nose in half
- he gave you a hug, and let you wear his coat as long as you want since it’s super cozy and fluffy. Also made sandcastles with you while you recovered
- after you felt better, and your nose was finally healed, you both went to the beach again to relax.
- He didn’t like going near the water so he just sat on a chair and watched you find seashells, little sea snails, and other stuff. You brought one back for him, and I swear you’re going to kill the poor guy because of how sweet you are 😭
- he found a mound of sand next to his chair and sighed, you’re trying to prank him again? Didn’t you ever learn?
- “y/n I know that’s you.”
- when there was no response, he grumbled and stood up, poking at the mound with a sigh.
- “Y/n. Please stop.”
- “Huh? Crocodile? Why are you poking that mound of sand?” -you
- his eyes widened as he turned around to see you standing there with a couple sea shells. Wait a damn minute, then what the fuck was this mound of sand doing here?!
- The snakes poked their heads out and poor Crocodile picked you up bridal style and started running as they chased you two
- You gotta hand it to him, the first thing he did when he saw those snakes was pick you up and start running as fast as he could 😭 you were glad you had such a caring man :))) because doffy would’ve totally left you to die 💀
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a/n - I feel bad for smoker
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lunnybunny12 · 8 months
Husk X Daughter reader
Requests open
I've always been a gambling man
Husk was your dad when you two were still alive. He was at his bar in the Hazbin Hotel, when you suddenly fell from Heaven down, through the roof of the hotel right into the bar
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You died
Pretty simple right?
You died in a pretty normal way. No drink or drugs or pills just slipped away in your sleep.
At first, you felt weightless. like a balloon in the wind. Going up and up with no thoughts, just floating. The higher you went, the brighter it got. Brighter and brighter. It was all blurry.
You were so close. You felt warmth. You felt joy.
But then it stopped.
everything stopped when you felt something cold and heavy snap around your neck.
"OK, everyone. gather around were going to do another session" Charlie sang earning a groan from most of her guests.
It was an average day. Well ... as average as a hotel in hell could be. The Sky was red, the bar was full and Nifty was killing bugs.
"Seriously? What now?" Angel asked
"Yeah, do you need me to bring you some roaches to use as an example of what happens when they don't play nicely?" Nifty maniacally giggled with her knife.
"I appreciate the offer, Nifty, but maybe another time. No, today we will be doing 2 truths and a liiiiieeeee !!!! " Charlie cheered.
Another collective groan echoed through the lounge.
"Wiiiiithhhhhh alchoholllll !!!"
One by one everyone had their turn. some were relatively harmless and others not so much.
"And Alastor, It's your turn" Charlie smiled nervously
Across the room, a grumpy old cad was grumbled under his breath.
"As if you'll get that bastard to play this fucking game"
"Now now Husker don't be so quick to judge. that's what got YOU into trouble in the first place." Alastor chimed and walked to sit with the others in the lounge.
Husk growled.
"Now, let's see" Alastor grinned. " 1) I like dogs. 2) Jambalaya is my favourite food. 3) We will be expecting a new member of staff very soon."
Vaggie glared at the man " What?"
" A NEW PERSON!" Charlie beamed. "When are they gonna get here?"
Suddenly a loud crash was heard from the upper floors and came through the ceiling. Dust and rubble went flying everywhere leaving a thick cloud of muck in the air.
It smelled like fire and burning flesh. It made everyone caugh.
A claw crawled out of the mess. Large black eyes were darting around in panic. The creature stumbled to the bar, a mist of dust following close behind them.
"Ey! What the hell! My bar! Get away you fucker!"
"I just fell through your roof and you're giving me shit?" You hissed, trying to shake off as much dust as possible.
You erupted into a fit of coughs and wiped your eyes.
"Where the fuck am I?" you blinked. Your vision was hazy until a tall, red figure walked to meet you.
" Ah hello there my dear. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. My name is Alastor, and you are?" He asked extending his hand for you to shake.
"I'm (Y/N)?" you answered, looking around.
It was a bit of a dump. But you did just fall through the ceiling. A lot of circus imagery covered the walls and everything was dripping stem to stern in red and gold.
The more you looked around the clearer it got you began to see other faces. One was a young lady. Long blond hair and a huge amazed and excited grin on her face. she was practically jumping for joy.
Another was a shorter lady. She wasn't as excited to see you. More like suspicious.
And then there was... A cat? A very horrified-looking cat... and a spider-person? A snake?
You started to panic. "W-What the fuck is this place? Why are some of you guys animals?"
"Speak for yourself there toots. You look like poos in boots" The spider laughed.
You looked at yourself and almost screamed. You were covered head to toe in ash grey fur, with black paw-like hands and claws for fingers. A long tail wrapped around your leg making you jump almost 3 feet in the air.
Tears were welling up in your black eyes and your heart was going a million miles an hour.
"Ok, understandably you're a little freaked out. Come with me. Im Charlie by the way." She smiled, taking your hand and leading you to a chair.
The second you were sat down Husk practically flew over the bar and dragged Alastor into the hall.
"What. The. Fuck. Is SHE doing here?!"
"The Hotel needed a Receptionist. She has plenty of experience and-"
"Did you do this to her? Did YOU kill her?"
"Husker I can do a lot of things but killing the living, I can not. You know exactly why she is here."
Alastor walked over to the door and looked at you with an evil grin.
"I can't say I see much of a resemblance Husker. Must take after her mother."
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auspicioustidings · 8 months
Military Operation
Summary: Soap finds out Ghost has never celebrated Valentine's Day before and it all goes a little tits up. This is part of @bunnyreaper's Valentine's Day exchange and is for @juvenillia <3 (I signed up for this before I went into an absolute depressive fugue state so I can only apologise that it is not my best writing)
Words: 3k
“I’m naw fucking around, this needs tae be efficient and ruthless. Get in, get out, dinnae take any chances.”
“Yes sir.”
You try to hold in a laugh, eyes watering as Gaz catches your eye and is finding it equally as hilarious to have the Captain refer to Soap as sir. It’s ridiculous and Price knows it, but with how worked up Soap is he’s clearly feeling indulgent. Only all mirth dies and leaves your throat tight when Soap sets his eyes on you, looking wounded.
You had not realised until right this moment how much this meant to him. It seemed silly to you that he was treating Valentine’s Day as a military operation after Ghost let slip that he had never celebrated it, but it definitely wasn’t silly to Soap. Ah shit. Now you felt dreadful. 
“Ok Sergeant, what can we do?”
He softened a bit at your sincerity and as he went over all of his planning you couldn’t help but feel the dread bubble up. You had been on this team for long enough now to know when John MacTavish was spiralling, and right now he was spiralling. It had been a while since his last episode when Gaz had gotten shot on mission and he had spent the next month completely burning himself out in his desperation to look after him. It was how he was, once he cared about you, he would completely self-destruct if it meant he could be of some service to you. It had been Ghost who brought him back that time and honestly you had not a fucking clue how.
You were paired up with Price to get the pool ready as per Soap’s instructions while he handled the rec room decorations and Gaz was sent to deal with food. It was pretty overboard as far as a Valentine’s Day went. Soap’s plan was to give Ghost a card telling him to go to the rec room after a romantic breakfast where there would be a note to lead him to the next location. It would be sweet if poor Soap wasn’t liable to give himself a stress induced heart attack before the end of the day.
“I know kid” Price sighed with a press of his lips to your cheek. “If we can just get through today then we'll see what can be done. If we try stop him it’ll make him worse.”
You knew he was right even if you didn’t like it. Honestly the relationship the 5 of you had was tenuous at best. You were a unit, you worked well together in the field. You couldn’t really pinpoint when you had become something more than that. It happened slowly. It wasn’t some big confession or conversation, it was affectionate touches turning to something more between all of you. You thought that was perfect, but you wondered sometimes if for someone like Soap who was a romantic at heart and never could hide his feelings, the lack of definition as to what this all was stung.
“None of that corporal. If I have to be up sneaking around at 2am on Valentine’s Day putting bloody rose petals in a swimming pool then at the very least I’m going to take what enjoyment I can from it.”
“Is there any enjoyment you can get from this?”
“Hmm, battle plans are your specialisation.”
“That right?”
“Better come up with a plan for us to somehow take some enjoyment from being here all alone at this time.”
“That an order Captain?”
“Only because I know how much you like taking orders from me.”
You had to give it to Price, he had a way of taking your mind off things and then making you completely lose it. Slowly. Decadently. Several delicious times in a row. 
You sleepily speared one of your pancakes and plopped it on Gaz’s plate who just as sleepily nuzzled a thank you into your hair before tucking in. Soap was sharp eyed given that none of you had bloody slept trying to make everything absolutely perfect for his plans. His leg was bouncing under the table as Price and Ghost joined you all at the table. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” he blurted out.
Ghost only responded with a slight nod of acknowledgment before Soap put the envelope on the table causing a tilt of Ghost’s head in question.
“Open it LT!”
You would really like to be invested in this, but as with Gaz beside you the two of you were more concerned about how Soap would cope with today. Honestly this could all go completely off without a hitch and he’d probably still be a mess at the end of the day thinking he had fucked everything up. Only it did not go off without a hitch as Ghost started to speak whilst opening the card that would kick off a day of in your face Valentine’s Day fun.
“S’not that I don’t appreciate it Johnny. February 14th is an anniversary.”
Oh no. 
“Not really up for big celebrations the way you lot probably are. Seems wrong to on the day they were murdered.”
Oh no. It was too late. He was reading it. He was reading the card telling him to go to the rec room after he had eaten breakfast. The rec room that was smothered in fucking heart balloons and bunting and flowers. Gaz choked down his pancakes at breakneck speed.
“Totally understandable. Don’t worry about it, we really only had low key stuff planned but maybe it’d be nice to get off base instead” you said with what you hoped was a very believable smile.
“Oh! Aye! A wee off base trip would be good!”
“Hey” Ghost said, his big hand going to rest on top of Soap’s still bouncing leg to stop it. “Stop flapping Johnny. Low key is fine, just let me get breakfast and I’ll come to the rec room.”
Maybe God would be merciful and a nuclear war would start before he got the chance and save you all from being revealed as the most callous assholes in the world who were shoving love in Simon Riley’s face on the anniversary his family were fucking murdered. But since you couldn’t rely on that, you, Gaz and Soap were up and snatching your plates off the table in record time. 
“Sounds good! You and Cap take your time, it’s really nothing big so no rush!” Gaz said with forced brightness and a mega watt smile to Price that in no uncertain terms said ‘please keep him here for as long as possible while we try to do damage control’.
“Aye, dinnae rush! Enjoy yer pancakes!” Soap added, choking on the last word as his eyes bulged out of his head. 
Fuck. The pancakes. The fucking stupid heart pancakes that were sitting ready on the counter for Ghost to take. Only when he stood to go grab his plate, Gaz beat him to it and grabbed the full stack in his hand before shoving them into his mouth. Everyone froze in total shock as Soap sprung into action to help push the rest of the mess into Gaz’s face as he struggled to breathe while trying to swallow. 
“Ah ha, totally forgot Gaz is carb loading! For that marathon thing. Yeah he’s totally carb loading right now, just eating all the carbs in sight.”
Gaz tried to back you up on that around a mouthful of stupid fucking pancakes only resulting in him nearly choking on powdered sugar and syrup while Soap started to frantically steer him out of the room. None of you noticed Price sneaking a photo of the whole scene.
“Aye, carb loading! Cannae help himself! Bonnie can make ye pancakes, they’re the best at them since they always take their time cooking. And then ye can all meet us.”
“Yes! I can do that. Totally. I can make pancakes. Slow cooked pancakes since Gaz ate your portion. Because he is carb loading.”
Soap pressed a frantic parting kiss to your forehead, leaving one on Ghost’s mask and the last on Price’s lips before carting Gaz out of there still coughing and sputtering and covered with syrup. Yeah, totally chill and normal behaviour. If you were anything but in a blind panic maybe it would have been suspicious that Ghost didn’t ask questions, only taking your hips to pull your back against his chest and scrape his teeth against your throat. 
“Better get to making those pancakes before the Lieutenant skips right to dessert luv.”
“Jesus what are these made of fucking kevlar?” Gaz hissed, trying to pop one of the heart balloons with his teeth because his panicked fingers couldn’t get the bloody thing untied.
On an empty bloody base and neither of them had so much as a fucking pin for popping balloons after sprinting from the mess to try and get rid of the evidence of a very ill conceived attempt at romance. Eventually he took his teeth to the knot and got the stupid thing undone only to get a mouth full of helium while Soap frantically stuffed bunting behind the sofa.
“This is a pure shitemare.”
“I’m sorry, a shitemare?”
There was a pause before the two of them burst into wild laughter. Gaz from the word shitemare, Soap from Gaz saying the word shitemare with his voice high from the helium. Fuck it felt good. It felt like a release after the last 20 minutes of absolute blind fear driving them to try and sort this fuck up out. 
Honestly Gaz hadn’t seen Soap laugh since Ghost had said about never having celebrated Valentine’s Day a week ago and he missed it. He missed the way his boy’s eyes crinkled and how he carded his hands through his hair and messed it up while trying to catch his breath. He missed how everything felt alright when John MacTavish smiled at him.
He really couldn’t help going and kissing him when he collapsed in an exhausted heap on the sofa after they had both laughed themselves silly and finished brutally murdering the rest of the balloons and squirrelling away the bunting. Soap had been his first kiss in the team and even now he liked kissing him most. You always teased him about it, knowing it didn’t take away from what you two had. After all, you would readily agree that Soap was the best kisser. 
They still had to get rid of the flowers, but maybe staying here a little longer wouldn’t hurt.
“Leave them be sweetheart, they’re cute.”
You were at least relieved that the majority of the decorations seemed to have vanished even if there were still a few vases of flowers around the place, although the bigger relief was seeing your Sergeants tangled up snoozing on the sofa. When was the last time Soap had properly rested? It felt like he hadn’t at all this week. And Ghost was right, they certainly were cute like that. Price took a bunch of photos to prove it. 
You felt thoroughly exhausted as well as you fell onto the other sofa, Ghost following and tucking you into his side. 
“Did nobody sleep last night?”
You stuttered trying to come up with an excuse as to why you were all so tired.
“Could have at least invited me if there was an orgy happening.”
That turned you into a complete flustering mess which only made him and Price laugh.
“Come on sweetheart, get some rest in.”
Well since they had gotten rid of the note in this room about going to the pool next the whole crisis had been averted. And you always loved cuddling with Ghost. A nap couldn’t hurt.
“I like the flowers.”
Soap and Gaz shared a relieved look. They had meant to get rid of them but had passed out, only waking up a few hours later to find Ghost on the other sofa scrolling through his phone with you gently snoring tucked into his side. It was a really nice scene to wake up to actually. You weren’t tiny, but Ghost was huge enough to make you look that way. There was something that just made Soap’s chest warm seeing two people he knew went through hell out on the field both relaxed and gentle and happy. His quiet musing was interrupted by Gaz’s soft snort.
“You look broody as hell.”
“Want me to fuck a baby into you Gaz?”
“Not until you put a ring on it, no child of mine will be born in sin!”
Ghost’s laugh woke you but you were cosy right where you were and just listened to the three of them banter away.
“Having Johnny involved makes it a sin baby regardless of who he puts it in.”
“LT! I cannae believe ye’d say such a thing tae me! I’m a good Catholic boy!”
“Hmm, Catholicism does famously love a man sleeping with his entire unit” you quipped, earning a blown raspberry from Soap.
“Ye think my friend JC wasn’t balls deep in Judas and Mary at the very least?”
“Plus we bunk next to one another and they really make a whole big thing about loving thy neighbour so if anything we are simply following the good word.”
“See now Gaz gets it, that’s why he’s the one tae carry my child!”
“Congratulations on the pregnancy?” said Price in amusement as he came into the rec room, only catching the last line of the conversation.
“Thanks Cap” Gaz answered solemnly with a hand to his belly while you just rolled your eyes and smiled at how stupid these idiots were. 
“Can’t wait for the baby shower. Thanks for the flowers, think I’m going to go a swim before lunch.”
It was a miracle Ghost did not feel how you tensed next to him (he did). The pool was still positively smothered in rose petals. Gaz and Soap must have realised at the same time you did, both of them leaping to their feet. Fuck.
“I’ll join you, but let’s swing by my office first.”
You wanted to kiss the Captain for his fast thinking. You just had to get to the pool and fish out the petals while Price kept Ghost busy and it would be absolutely fine.
“Where the fuck is it?!” 
You could not believe this. The pool net was missing, the thing you needed to scoop out these stupid petals. The three of you had torn the place apart looking for it but it had yet to materialise. You felt like you were about to burst a blood vessel when Soap started laughing.
“I’m sorry, is something about this funny to you?” you hissed at him.
“Aye, ye look like a feisty wee cat when ye get all angry like that” he laughed.
God Soap loved seeing you angry. Not the angry you got on the battlefield, all blood and violence and vengeance. The angry you got just for them, when you were just normal people having a disaster of a Valentine’s Day and you went a shade darker with your eyes wild, arms crossed and foot tapping a grumpy little rhythm. 
Gaz loved it too, but for different reasons. He knew when you got like this that either Soap or Ghost would start winding you up and it was always entertaining to watch the carnage that came of it. It had only been a week and he had already forgotten how much he liked seeing the two of you like this, having fun.
“Come on, Captain can’t distract him forever.”
Soap’s eye slid to Gaz, hearing the undercurrent of mischief just a beat too late as he was tackled into the pool with a yelp. You really had not seen that coming at all and as Soap broke the surface and shook out his hair you winched at how he switched from the brat you knew and loved to looking genuinely upset. You held a hand out to help him like an idiot only for him to drop his little facade and pull you in with a laugh.
“You fucking dick! I’m going to kill you!”
“At least start gathering petals while you do!” Gaz laughed as you went for Soap.
Only all that did was have you and Soap looking at one another and then to Gaz. He was the one who had started it. And he was going to fucking get it. 
Price could not help but laugh at his team. Bunch of kids really. 
“Pretty diabolical stealing the pool net old man.”
“Pretty sick lying about the date your family was brutally murdered.”
Ghost grinned under his mask with a shrug. Tommy would absolutely have done the same, and he could almost hear Beth’s outraged laugh about it. It’s not like he didn’t know what was going on, he had been happy to watch you getting your back blown out that morning at the pool by Price, but he could also see Johnny was going to that place that made him hurt himself. He needed to get out of his head, and nothing got him out of his head like you and Gaz.
“You going to join them?”
Ghost pushed off his mask and Price ruffled his hair, stealing a kiss.
“Well it is Valentine’s Day, so I suppose we’d better spend it with our better fifths no?” Simon replied, going to dive into the pool and join the chaos with his Captain close behind after getting a few more photos.
He’d show them to everyone later that evening since he had been taking them all day. Gaz sleepily nuzzling you in thanks at breakfast. Soap shoving pancakes into Gaz’s mouth. Ghost trying to distract you from making him pancakes. His napping Sergeants and his snoring Corporal. And his brilliant team all crashing through petal filled water laughing and having fun. As far as Valentine’s Day went, he didn’t think it could have been anymore perfect.
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lesbojournals · 7 months
Please could you do a stucky x reader fic where reader gets back from a mission and Steve and Bucky missed her. This leads to them cuddling up in bed and lots of kisses and sweetness. I hope you are ok doing this. Also, your other fics are amazing xx
Missions (Stucky x Avenger!Reader)
A/N: thank you for submitting this request! i rlly like this idea >:) i hope i did it justice!
You, frankly, were exhausted. You’d been on a round the clock mission for days now, and using your powers was leaving you to feel quite tired (if you must admit). You had the time to send the occasional text to your boyfriends, but besides that, there wasn’t much time to focus on anything else but your mission. 
So when the time came and you finally got permission to go home, you were absolutely filled with glee. You had stripped down from your uniform at the Avenger’s compound, comfortable for your travel home in one of Bucky’s crewnecks and leggings. 
While you were being driven to your shared house you felt elated, jumping in your seat as the car pulled up. You could see Bucky and Steve sprinting out the door before you could even fully get out of the car, and by the time the door was shut behind you they had you in a huge group hug.
“Beautiful girl, we missed you.” Steve said, holding you close. 
Bucky wasted no time in taking you in for a kiss, letting Steve kiss up your neck as you moaned into the kiss. You jumped at the beep of the car, and so did your boyfriends.
“My stuff!” you exclaimed, and before you could get to the trunk, Steve was there, picking up your duffle bag with ease.
The car drove away as the three of you walked in the house.
“I need a shower,” You announced, “And sleep.”
Bucky winked at you with a smirk. “Want company?”
You rolled your eyes and laughed. “Not after what happened last time!”
The last time the three of you tried showering together you’d spent much more time than planned in the shower, simply because of the lack of space between two enormous men and yourself. You nearly died slipping from the amount of conditioner Bucky used, which led to an assortment of bottles and such raining on you (not your crazy tall boyfriends), leaving you bruised for a week. Those Costco sized shampoo bottles could do damage!
With that you hopped into the shower fast before Bucky (or Steve) could oppose, wincing at the new assortment of cuts and bruises left on you from your mission. 
“That’s rough, buddy.” You said to yourself as you cleaned the grime off your skin.
When you got out of the shower, in just a towel, both boyfriends stood waiting for you in the bathroom. 
“What the hell, guys?!”
Steve looked at you with worry, Bucky noticing your injury after the statement “What’s ‘rough, buddy?’”.
“What is this??” Steve approached, pointing at the long cut (with stitches) on your chest.
Bucky approached as well, noticing a large, discolored, bruise on your leg. “What did you do!”
“Hey!” You took a defensive step back. “Both of you out of the bathroom so I can get changed into my pajamas and then we’ll debrief. Otherwise I’m not saying shit dude, I’m not saying shit.”
Bucky and Steve knew better than to not take your threats seriously, so they reluctantly left the bathroom with angry looks on their faces.
“And you better both be in pajamas when I’m done!!” You added, yelling from the now shut door.
“Bossy.” You heard Bucky say as you slid on gym shorts.
You threw one of Steve’s shirts on. “I heard that, Barnes!”
You left the bathroom after putting your hair up for bed, entering the room that had both of your boyfriends lounging comfortably on the bed. They intentionally left a gap in between, you noticed, a perfectly you sized gap. You could also see steam coming from your favorite mug on the bedside table, smiling knowing one of them made you tea. 
“So,” Steve said, patting to the empty gap.
Bucky went straight to the point, also patting the gap. “Debrief.”
You crawled into the empty gap, telling them about your mission, your exhaustion, and the various ways you acquired your injuries. As you told your stories Steve tickled your arms, gently massaging them. Bucky went on his way to kiss each of your injuries, burying you in a fuzzy blanket and ducking underneath to continue his kisses while you talked. 
 When you finally finished, Steve pushed your head towards him for a gentle kiss. Steve was always so careful. You loved it.
A yelp escaped your mouth as Bucky nipped at part of your thigh, and you teasingly glared at him as he smirked up at you.
Bucky started to pull down your shorts. “Are you too tired for this?”
You giggled. Maybe you weren’t so exhausted after all.
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clownprincehoeshi · 2 months
Parallel Hearts - Chapter 9
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Synopsis: Never in your wildest dreams you imagined that you’ll meet your ult bias. Maybe you finally have your shot at love and happiness. Or not.
Pairing: fem reader x idol Jungkook fem reader x idol Mingyu fem reader x idol Hoshi
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Kissing-Nudity-Sex 18+-Harrassment-Stalking-Death mentions-Cheating
Word count: 5681
Previous chapter
Rebloging is important and much apreciated. Leave your comments, oppinions, ideas, whatever you like. My inbox in open. Kpop writers, let’s be moots?
If you didn’t know before what you were feeling for Soonyoung, now you kind of do. That hug told you a lot. You had feelings for him, and these stupid feelings started creeping up here and there, without you realising.
You don’t know when it started or why. Maybe because he had such a soft and kind personality? Maybe because he was cute and fluffy like a teddy bear? And every time he smiled at you it made your day better?
You managed to pick yourself up and got that salad done. You all sat around the table outside, food and drinks all out and ready. You thought to taste some wine. Afterall, you were in a village filled with winery.
Being not such a big fan of wine meant you were not used to drink it so just one glass turned you into a talking smiley human.
It’s fine, you were among friends. Hana and Jun knew you very well. Then there was Vernon that would never judge or laugh at you. Joshua was completely drunk by now and Soonyoung seemed tipsy too, cheeks all red.
Now, maybe Seungkwan was the type to crack up some jokes, but he was too busy having fun.
Seungkwan: Ok, I have a proporsi…proprosi…porpo…shit. Let me try again. Pro po sit ion. There! Tonight is a night for deep conversations. We are among friends and I don’t know about you, but I would love to hear some touching stories and ideal from each of you. And maybe someone even has questions.
Joshua: I love this, Kwanie.
Seungkwan: Since I came up with the idea, I’ll start. I want to know what was the hardest moment of your life and what did you do to make it better.
Hana: Wow, that’s some deep shit there. The hardest moment for me was when my grandmother died. She practically raised me and I will never forget her. And I think you never heal from something like that, but with time, things get a little better and you cry less.
You try to show her some support by rubbing her back. You know the feeling of loosing someone close like that. It happened when you were in your home country few years back. You still think about that friend every single day. So yeah, it’s something that will always hurt.
Seungkwan: Ok, my hardest moment it’s similar. Everyone knows about my best friend and what happened. So….yeah, that was…really hard. I still struggle with the pain sometimes, but I have really good friends around me and my family. I know I am loved and it makes me feel safe.
Joshua: Yaaaah, this conversation while drunk hits different. Me next!! I think for me it was when I moved from the States. I didn’t know the language, the people, the culture. I was just a church boy that found himself in a foreign place. What about you, Hosh?
Hoshi: Ummm, there have been a few times when I had a really hard time. I can say that it’s hard to put one in front of the other because the contexts were very different. But for me, there were two moments. First one was when we first got hate from the public and antis. We were just kids and we didn’t deserve that much hate. I mean why would people be so mean? There is room for everybody. To tell us that we will never succeed. It made my blood boil. But we showed them. Look where we are now, there is no higher than this.
Vernon: And the second one?
Some of the guys were already prepared for what he was going to say, they knew it will be about his ex.
Hoshi: I mean…you know. Do I have to say it?
Seungkwan: Some of us don’t know, so yes. Not me, though, I know EVERYTHING!
Hoshi: It was when my at the time girlfriend cheated on me with one of my favourite idols. Caught them in bed. Something like that traumatises you for life. Really. I still have nightmares about it and I’m afraid of starting a new relationship. I think I better stay single.
Jun: Hosh, we talked about this before. You can’t expect that every future partner will act like that. For example, did you ever cheat?
Hoshi: No.
Jun: Then, Y/N here that was cheated on by an ex should think all guys cheat and never get involved with a guy again?
Hoshi: Someone cheated on you?
Hana: Yeah, silly. Your friend Mingyu.
Hoshi: I am sure he didn’t.
Hana: How can you know?
Hoshi: He’s one of the most genuine guys I know and I trust him, he would not lie to us.
Y/N: It doesn’t matter now, and yes, I have been cheated on, but by a guy you don’t know. It’s all in the past.
Hoshi: I want to know.
Joshua: Tell us, Y/N, we won’t judge. It’s a safe space and it stays between us.
Y/N: Sooo, I was 21 and we were together since I was 18. He was my first love, we met in college. I thought he was such a kind person, until I started to pay attention to the things my friends were telling me. I was just so blinded by love that I couldn’t see the big red flags. Turned out in our last year together he started a new relationship with a girl who used to be his best friend’s girlfriend.
Vernon: Shiiiieeeet, that’s so fucked up.
Y/N: And the way I found out it made me sick. We used to live together and when I got back to our shared apartment from a weekend of taking care of my sister, because she got very sick. I found long black hairs everywhere. All over the bedroom floor, in the toilet, even inside of one of my fucking t shirts. He gave her my t shirt, guys! My favourite t shirt with the picture of my dog on it.
Hoshi: Where does this guy lives?
Jun: What’s his name?
Y/N: It obviously still hurts knowing I was so disrespected and humiliated. Of course it still plays with my head whenever I meet someone new. So you can understand why I just couldn’t believe Mingyu and get back together. Yeah, maybe he didn’t cheat, maybe it was a trap for us to brake up, but for me, having such low trust, it’s a deal braker. The moment the guy I’m with makes me cry and hurtlike that and feel unsecure about our relationship, it’s done.
Seungkwan: Oh, now things are starting to make sense. I think you two could share your experience, since it’s similar. I never knew how is to be cheated on.
He said, pointing to Hoshi while looking at you.
Y/N: Jun, tell us yours.
Jun: It’s like Shua hyung. Leaving home for a foreign country. Man, it was so hard to communicate with the guys. They were very good to me though and I really feel loved. So all hardship paid off in the end.
Everyone looking at Vernon, waiting.
Vernon: Oh. My turn. For me, it’s not a specific moment that happened and that’s that. It’s something that keeps on happening and I find myself having the hardest times when it does. It’s when I see members having a tough time, whether they are sick, or exhausted, or just sad and depressed. Their mood is affecting me a lot and it’s really hard to help when it happens. Because you never know what are the right words or the right actions, you know.
Everyone looking at Vernon with heart eyes and nodding, like he said something amazing. Which he did, Vernon is a pretty mature and knowledgeable guy. We love him, we admire him and we need to protect him, ok?
Y/N: Noni, I feel really bad about all those weird ass fan calls you are getting. I wish I would slap some sense into those fans, you don’t deserve that.
Seungkwan: Remember when Mingyu just hang up to a fan that told him to show her his abs? That’s what we should do every time someone is rude or out of line like that.
Y/N: Yeeesss!!!!! And you should hire me as your bodyguard and I’ll slap some bitches.
Joshua: Really? That’s how much you love us?
In your drunken state, you didn’t realise that the next second you looked right into Soonyoung’s eyes while replying “yes”to Joshua.
When he blushed red, you realised what you did and moved your eyes from him.
Shit shit shit!
Hana: Juniiii! Did you know that I had the biggest crush on you?
You were just having a sip from your glass and hearing her, you spit that all out. Luckily, in the air and on yourself, not on someone else. You rushed to the bathroom, took your shirt off and tried to wash it as quick as you could.
Stupid wine! I knew I shouldn’t drink it.
You think you did a pretty decent job with getting the stains out and now you have to get out of the downstairs bathroom to go up to your bedroom and find a new shirt to wear.
Hurrying out the bathroom door into the hallway, your drunk mind had no time to intercept the person in front of you and you crashed right into them.
The crash was so fast and silly and it threw both of you to the floor, whining.
Y/N: Ooooowww, my butt!!!
Hoshi: What about mine? Don’t you watch where you’re going?
Y/N: Me? What about you? Were you going to enter the bathroom while I was still inside?
Hoshi: I didn’t know you were in there.
Y/N: What if I was naked?
Hoshi: Why would you be naked?
Y/N: Taking a shower is supposed to happen naked.
Hoshi: Well you are half naked.
Y/N: Uh?
And you look down. You’re indeed half naked, only shorts and a bra on. You forgot all about the wet shirt you had in your hand that went flying somewhere on the floor.
Y/N: Like you’re not enjoying the view. Huh!
Hoshi: Am not!
Y/N: You are, look how you’re still starring.
Hoshi: Not my fault, I’m just a guy and you’re…
Y/N: I’m what?
He gets up faster than Flash and walks past you, right into the bathroom.
Y/N: I’m what? I’m what?
Hoshi: Shut uuuup!
He panicked because he was this close to tell you “you’re beautiful”
Because why would you tell a woman she’s beautiful, she doesn’t need to know. Keep your feelings to yourself, make her wait. Let her wonder. Wait a while, let her think, let her want you. Let her find another guy, get married. Maybe then it’s the right time to tell her. right?
You’re such an idiot! He tells himself. For almost blowing up his cover or for not telling you? He’s not sure. Just like he’s not sure what to do about what he feels towards you.
Now he’s sitting on the bathroom door, back leaned on the door, mouth open and eyes wide. He thinks he needs to stop drinking. How is he supposed to manage this week with you around? Why did he come here? He could have stayed back at the hotel with the other guys.
15 minutes later he gets out and walks outside. Nobody’s there. He hears music on the beach so he starts walking slowly, passing the trees and bushes in his way.
All of you were dancing in the sand, under the Moon. The sea was calm and the breeze nice. He felt happy, so in that moment he decided that what’s done is done and he will try to enjoy the next few days, even if it will become harder and harder for him.
He joined in into your little dancing circle.
Of course, you needed to tease him now.
Y/N: Now Kwon Soonyoung, we know we’re mere peasants compared to your dancing skills, please don’t make us feel bad.
Hoshi: Ha! I’m not a meanie like you, would never do that.
Y/N: Oh, I’m a meanie now?
In a fraction of a second you take his bottle of water he was holding in his hand and you run towards the water. He starts running after you.
Hoshi: Yaaaahh!! Give me that? I need to get sober!
Y/N: Why? You’re more easy drunk.
You stop few steps into the water and turn to him.
Hoshi: Easy? I’m not easy!
Y/N: Yeah you are. If DK was here you would be kissy kissy.
Hoshi: Well that’s because it’s our thing when we drink. My lips are not cheap, you know. I don’t just kiss anyone.
You start putting your lips, making kissing faces.
Y/N: Who will you kiss tonight? Seungkwan? I know you like to get him angry and he would hate that.
He starts pacing to your direction, his eyes mad and face serious. He grabs your chin with one hand and plants a kiss right on your lips. A small, quick kiss. Didn’t really feel like a peck, because it was wet, hard and longer than one.
With his other hand he grabs his bottle then he turns around and walks to the others.
Hoshi: Is this answering your question?
And he left you there. Pouty and upset. Shocked. He left you with your thought. There is nothing to say to that, he left you speechless for the first time. Well, it’s the first time that he knows of.
He stops somewhere a few meters in his way and turns to you, almost like waiting for an answer. He had no idea where this courage came from. He really kissed you.
Hoshi: Tiger got you tongue?
He crosses his arms before his chest and looks at you, still waiting. He thinks you’re so cute flustered like that.
Then you start moving and walk to him.
Y/N: Why did you do that?
Hoshi: What did I do?
Y/N: This is not a game, Soonyoung. After that conversation we just had one hour ago? You pull this? You can’t just kiss me then act like nothing happened.
Hoshi: I needed to shut you up somehow, you kept being mean to me.
Y/N: So what, now you’re going to kiss me anytime I tease you?
Hoshi: I don’t know.
Y/N: Do you like me, or something? Because it’s giving crush.
Hoshi: Pfff, as if. It was just a peck and I got the reaction I wanted. Look at you all flustered.
You shake your head and walk away. You hear his footsteps in the back, this time he’s quiet.
You don’t stop walking, telling goodnight to the group and heading to your room.
Seungkwan: Ya, Hoshi! What did you do?
Hoshi: Nothing, I was just messing with her a little.
You go straight into the shower, taking a cold one and all you can think about, all you can see and feel is that kiss. Stupid Soonyoung!!!
You get into bed and minutes later Hana comes and lays next to you, pulling one leg over yours.
Hana: Pooks, what happened?
Y/N: Stupid Soonyoung kissed me.
Hana: Wha..when? why?
Y/N: When we were in the water. I was teasing him about kissing the guys when he’s drunk so I guess he took it as a challenge? I don’t know.
Hana: Didn’t you hit his nut sack again?
Y/N: Nah, I was just speechless and I was standing there like a fool. Then I scolded him for doing that and left.
Hana: What did he say?
Y/N: He was acting like it was nothing. Really, I don’t get this guy.
Hana: You think he was trying to get back at you for that kiss in front of Mingyu and JK?
Y/N: You know…that didn’t even cross my mind. But you might be onto something. Still, after the conversation we had, he goes and kisses me?
Hana: Well, babe, you’re both single and adults. Nobody is cheating anybody. But I have the best idea ever.
Y/N: Oh no, here comes the worst idea ever.
Hana: No, I’m serious, it’s so good you will think I’m the smartest person. Here it goes. What if.
Y/N: Yeah?
Hana: What if? And bare with me here. What if you play his game, but better.
Y/N: What the hell does that mean?
Hana: I feel like he’s playing here, wanting to see your reactions. Beat him at his own game. Play it, do crazy shit to get a reaction out of him, flirt. Like, heavy flirting. You know what I mean.
Y/N: Hana, you know I kinda like him, right?
Hana: So what?
Y/N: Like, I don’t want to hurt my own feelings. You know, starting to like him more from all the flirting and he rejects me.
Hana: Pleaaaase, it will be so fun. I promise, boo! If you want, I can give you the ideas on what exactly to do. He won’t know what it hit him. Look at me! If he isn’t in love after I’m done with him, you can do whatever you want, I will be your personal servant for the whole year.
Y/N: I will do it only because I don’t lose at games. You’re on, Kwon Hoshi!
At least you could sleep now, knowing he’s been challenging you with that kiss and you’re going to get back at him.
Next morning the plan was in motion. Hana helped you pick the sexiest swim suit and you wore it for breakfast, with just a thin unbuttoned shirt over it. He hasn’t seen you like this ever.
And when he lays eyes on you  while you’re coming down the stairs it all feels in slowmotion. Your long golden hair shining when you walked in front of the window right into the sunshine. A light breeze was blowing your shirt away, revealing your spectacular tanned body.
He thought you looked like a goddess. Walking slowly and sensual towards the kitchen, his eyes went to your thighs. Magnificent, he thought. He wanted to be squeezed by them. They looked so soft.
Eyes going up to your perfect waist that he wanted to grip and never let go, to your breasts that were barely covered by the swim suit bra. If he was never a boob guy, now he was. Your neck sensual and long. If only he could put his hand around it while thrusting into you.
And don’t even get him started with your lips. He loved them. So plump, soft and sweet. Now that he felt them he wanted more.
You reached the kitchen table where he was sitting and his mouth almost drooling, opened wide, made you chuckle.
Y/N: Soonyoung, are you feeling ok? Too much Sun for you here? What can I do to make you feel better?
You put your hand on his thigh and look at him with a cute pout.
He snaps out of it like your hand burned his leg.
Hoshi: Sorry, I just had too much to drink last night and I’m not feelings super.
Y/N: Did you eat yet? Want me to make you something?
Hoshi: I ate what Shua hyung made earlier.
Then you pat his head and leaned in a little to push your breasts together right in his face.
Y/N: Ok Soonyoungie, just tell me if you need anything.
All the guys were looking at each other lost, was clear you were teasing Hoshi and honestly, it was funny to them.
After you had something to eat, you saw the group outside around the pool and you signaled Hana that you’re going for another attack.
Hana: Girl! Already, a second attack? You trying to finish the poor boy?
Y/N: He started it, I’m going to finish it.
And like that you walked outside, slowly, moving your hips from side to side like a tease. You knew you will leave collateral damage in your path but it was war. You’re not weak.
Walking to stand in front of him on the other side of the pool, you drop your shirt and slowly sitting on the edge, dipping your feet in the water. At some point you lean forward to get some in your hands and splash it over your chest.
Droplets of cold water dropping down your sunbathed body, running down down to your belly and further into your bikinis.
Hoshi gulps loud, he fears the whole planet heard it. His throat feels dry like he just chewed a cactus and swallowed it.
He starts coughing agresively.
Noticing this and knowing it’s because of you, you raise the stakes. You look at Hana and nod and she immediately brings over some oil for tanning.
Since he drank some water to calm himself down, you took advantage and started to pour oil all over your barely covered body, massaging slowly and sensualy.
The worst thing for Hoshi was not that, but the way you locked your eyes with his while massaging yourself with the oil.
Jun knew already what was coming, Josh was quietly waiting, looking between you two, feeling the tension. Vernon was somewhere on a daybed sleeping. Again. Seungkwan was waiting for the drama like hot bread and Hana was trying not to die laughing.
You knew your acting skills were at a high level, in a funny way. But now you were trying to be more or the sexy side of acting.
So after you put oil all over your front side, you were pretending you couldn’t reach your back side so you grabed your little oil bottle and came to Hoshi.
Hoshi: Soonyoungie, help please?
Looking up at you with the bambiest eyes that ever bambied, he stopped breathing.
Hoshi: What?
You grabbed his hand to pull him up and he was just like a rag in your hold. He was just so weak and complient. He stood up and you handed him your oil.
He took without questioning any further; you turned your back to him.
He was like a lost puppy waiting for instructions.
Y/N: Come on, Soonie, the Sun will burn my skin. Are you scared?
Hoshi: Scared? Of what?
Y/N: I don’t know, you tell me.
 As soon as he heard scared, his competitive side came to life and he started to rub the fuck out of that oil on your body. When he finished with your back, he went down on your butt, being not very gentle with it.
You got a soft moan out of your mouth, could not figure out if it just happened or it was planned. You’ll tell your friends later it was planned 100%.
When he heard your little moan, he rolled his eyes so hard he could feel them on the back of his head. He felt tormented and tortured.
He felt getting hard under his shorts. He had half a brain to keep his oversized t shirt on, hiding his shameful hardon. He felt like a perv.
Then he had to kneel behind you to rub your legs too.  Just some 30 minutes ago he was thinking how would those thighs feel.
Well I’m dead already. Stop being such a pussy, you know she’s doing this on purpose. Keep your head up! No! Bad idea! Not right now, dummy, there’s that unbelievable ass up there. Keep your eyes to the ground and finish this quick. Mingyu, you idiot.
Hoshi: I need to wash the oil off my hands.
And he sprints to the bathroom upstairs where he can be sure nobody will bother him for the new minutes. The guy was beyond turned on. He hadn’t had sex in a few good months, they were on tour, he hasn’t  even had a passing friend with benefits since he can’t even remember.
Then it was this..thing he felt for you. Was it just lust? Just a horny guy who needs it bad?
As soon as he entered his bathroom, he locked the door, threw his clothes off, got under the cold shower and took care of that impossibly hard cock he had in his hand.
Thinking about how that hand also just touched your ass, your legs. Oh, he felt like such a big perv again. But he admitted he was weak for you.
He wasn’t usually like this. He was always drawn to feelings then came the lust and sex. He always needed some sort of connection with his partners to feel the need for sex.
But this? Now? He couldn’t describe, it felt animalistic almost. His hand up and down his thick leaking cock started to become faster and faster. He really needed to cum and calm himself down.
He thought this was the best orgasm ever, even better than when he had sex. What is he doing with his life? That’s not right.
You splayed yourself over a towel next to the pool. Hana was next to you, whispering in your ear about Hoshi.
Hana: I could bet that he went to jerk himself off. I just know it.
Joshua: Y/N, that with Soonyoung was fucking hilarious. Please do it again, I love watching him flustered.
Soonyoung appeared after a short while. He needed a cold cold shower too. He gave you a look, shaking his head, almost like wanting to say “you’re not playing fair, but it’s on”
He maybe be weak sometimes but he’s a fighter. He never gives up.
That same day at night it was time for your third and final attack of the day.
You baked some cake with chocolate and brought it to everyone to taste. The chocolate easily melted on the fingers when you took the small piece of cake with your hand.
You didn’t bring any utensils, exactly for this reason. Damn, Hana is such a menace sometimes, she has such crazy good ideas.
You hoped everyone will take the cake with their hands and it is like you suspected. You offered one to Hoshi, with a cute innocent smile on your face. If only he knew.
As soon as you saw his fingers covered in chocolate, you made a worried face.
Y/N: Oh no, you’ve gotten a bit dirty. Let me help.
And when you took his thumb and put it in your mouth to suck all that chocolate off, his legs melted. He forgot his own name.
With a shocked face he asked: What are you doing?
Y/N: Helping you clean up.
Hoshi: Aish, this girl.
He started smirking and pretending to scold you.
Hoshi: I had no idea you wanted me this much.
Y/N: I don’t, though. And I am not trying to do anything.
He leans closer to your face, locks ayes with you and runs his thumb over your lower lip, then puts it in his mouth.
Hoshi: You left some chocolate here. You’re welcome!
So he’s hitting back. Good, I would feel bad for having a weak opponent. I might like him even more now.
It went out like this the whole week. You did something, he did something. Every time you both got flustered. Your friends were getting tired of it, seeing the obvious tension between you too. And it was more of a sexual tension.
You two looked at each other like you wanted nothing more than to spend the next 24 hours in bed.
The last night before you had to go back in Barcelona, you decided to have a serious talk to him, because you felt overwhelmed. You felt like your heart would explode.
You knew it, you were in love. You didn’t want to be, you wanted to erase every single little feeling.
You were all walking to your wooden cabin in the woods where you spend the last 3 days. It was a narrow street that took to your place. Planning to hold him back to talk, you grabbed his wrist and just gave him a look.
He understood what you wanted and he took your hand telling you to follow him. He took you to a little hill where there was a big swing where you two sat, under a big jacaranda tree.
You both sat there in silence for a while, just enjoying the moment, knowing it doesn’t come often.
Hoshi: What am I going to do with you, huh?
Y/N: What’s that supposed to mean? Am I insufferable? You hate me yet?
Hoshi: Is that what you were trying? To make me hate you?
Y/N: Of course not.
Hoshi: Be honest. What were you trying to do?
Y/N: Ummm, getting back at you for that kiss.
Hoshi: I see, I see. So if I gave you a real proper kiss, you would try to stab be whenever you see me?
You giggle and push your shoulder into his.
Y/N: Soonyoungie, come oon.
He starts acting cute, calling you Y/Nie and touching your nose with his finger.
You stare at each other one minute too much.
Hoshi: What are we doing?
Y/N: I don’t know. You just annoy me so much.
Hoshi: Am I?
You nod, smiling cutely.
Hoshi: I thought I was one of your favourite people.
Y/N: My God, Soonie, what made you think that?
Hoshi: Hmm, you calling me those cute nicknames, for example. We have been teasing each other for months. And I am pretty sure we have gotten close. You know, it’s like my friendship with Kwan. It’s a love-hate relationship.
Y/N: Friendship.
You repeat.
 You look up at the night sky. He puts his hand over your hand that is placed on the bench of the swing. He smiles. You get up, not looking at him.
Y/N: We should head to the cabin, we’re leaving early in the morning.
He gets up too and grabs your wrists, standing so close.
Hoshi: You wanted to talk but you are not saying anything. Why do you keep running away when we’re having a serious conversation?
Y/N: Serious about what?
Hoshi: Our feelings. Don’t act like a little brat now, you know what I’m talking about and I think you owe me some answers.
Y/N: It’s not like you had some answers for me.
Hoshi: Did I hear any questions and I refused to answer?
Y/N: I… guess not.
Hoshi: So then stop being a brat and ask me. I’ll answer.
Y/N: Don’t treat me like I’m a baby, I’m just one year younger than you!
He pouts and cups your face with both his hands.
Hoshi: I like it when you get feisty and angry. Now you say something you like about me.
Y/N: I like…your silly jokes nobody laughs at, but you. I secretly find them so funny but I keep my laughter inside.
Hoshi: Wow, that’s mean. I like how you lose yourself in thoughts, it feels like you’re thinking about 1000 things all at once.
Y/N: I like how you’re actually really soft on the inside, even when you scream like a loonatic to make people think you’re dangerous.
Hoshi: Hey, I am dangerous!
Y/N: Not in the way you think you are.
Hoshi: Oh? Then In what way?
He gets even closer this time, his hands now falling from your face.
Y/N: You know, I can’t seem to figure out if you’re trying to kiss me or kill me, since you had your hands cupping my face for the last 5 minutes.
Hoshi: First your answer, then mine.
Y/N: You’re dangerous in the way you make girls fall for you for being too cute. Should be illegal.
Hoshi: Oh?
Y/N: Your answer?
 But he doesn’t answer. His hands fall on your neck, his thumbs rubbing your cheeks lovingly. His nose touching yours, his plush lips hovering over yours. You can feel his warm body glued to yours. It’s like you can feel his heartbeat. Or is it yours?
You don’t want to close your eyes, you want to see him. Those eyes that tricked you into falling in love again. Why did it have to be him? Why not a complete stranger? A random guy you met at work, on tour, even a tourist, a friend of a friend.
You whisper over his lips: What are you doing?
Hoshi: I really really really want to kiss you right now.
He said it.
You won’t go for the kiss and it seems he’s delaying the moment. He might still be playing with you. He might not even like you like that.
So you pull away just when his lips slightly touched yours.
Y/N: I can’t.
He looked at you with sad eyes, trying to understand what he did wrong.
Hoshi: Did I mess it up?
Y/N: No, I just can’t and shouldn’t.
Hoshi: Will you tell me why? Apart from the reason I already know about the past and not trusting men anymore? I won’t be a jackass and say that I’m different. All I can tell you is that I like you. I can’t tell you what the future will bring, if we are good for each other or not. Shit, I am scared too. I’ve never felt like this and I have absolutely no idea how to manage everything I am feeling.
Y/N: Soonyoung. I am so scared about everything. I don’t want a failed relationship anymore. I just want to be THAT someone to somebody, you know, not someone who’s left aside just in case the grass is greener on the other side. I don’t wanna feel like a second choice. I want to be wanted, completely, loved.
Hoshi: I want to give all that to you if you’ll let me.
Y/N: I don’t think I can, I’m sorry. Please, just let me go to my room.
He lets go of you and watches you slowly get further and further away. He just stands there, eyes filling with tears ready to burn his cheeks. Should  just give up? Is this the Universe telling me we would not work together? Why do I feel such a strong pull towards her then? Man, this sucks. Now what?
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justmeinadaze · 10 months
Can I request a steddie fix basically it’s the end of season 4 where reader is saying Eddie and they’re really in love and he does in the upside down and Steve has to like drag her out. Then maybe something happens in the future where Steve comforts her and then end up sleeping together and dating and then maybe they figure out how to get back into the upside down and Kas Eddie/Eddie ( who survived ) see them together and gets jealous and yeah whatever from there :)
I hope I did you justice! :)
Mine (Vampire Eddie X Y/N)
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Warnings: Vampire Eddie X Human Fem Reader, SMUT, of the rougher variety between Eddie and Y/N, biting (of course), mentions of drinking blood on both sides, brief mentions of intimacy between Steve and reader, ANGST, Reader dreams of Eddie's death multiple times, Eddie is definitely jealous and possessive especially at first. mentions of events in the show, mentions on grief and the pain of losing a partner (feeling numb, lost).
Word Count: 3246
“No! No, Steve, please!”
“Y/N, we can’t stay here! We have to go back!”
“We can’t leave him here! Please! I love him!”
You bolt upright in your bed, screaming Eddie’s name as the upside down faded around you and your room fully came into view. 
It had only been a few months since your battle with Vecna but the nightmares were still consistent. It played out the same every time. Eddie riding away from you with one of the bikes that had been abandoned out front. You catching up to him just as the bats were swarming him. You trying to fight with him only to be pinned down as well. Hearing the sound of his screams as they bit into him while you waited for your turn.
Just as you were about to be their next meal, the storm dissipated and there was a loud crashing thud as the bats fell from the sky. You crawled over to him and tenderly turned his face to meet yours as you watched him struggle through the pain. 
“Baby…baby, please. I love you so much. Just hang on, ok?”
“Okay.” His eyes scanned over you as his shaky fingers caressed the reddening skin around your neck. “Idiot.”, he chuckled, coughing on his blood.
“Yeah, but I’m your idiot.”, you forced a smile.
“Mine.”, he whispered with a smile of his own.
The gang found you guys like that and you begged Steve to save him, to bring him back with you but he couldn’t. They didn’t have the strength to carry all of you through. The girls helped maneuver Dustin while Steve lifted you in his arms. 
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m so sorry.”, he cried. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
Rising to your feet, you shuffle into the bathroom and get ready to begin your day. 
Every day since your boyfriend Eddie Munson had died felt like it dragged on into eternity without him there to make you laugh or smile. You missed his corny jokes or his passion when he would tell you about a D&D campaign he was working on. You constantly felt like you were living in a trance, walking around on autopilot as you did your job at the local Hawkins market before heading home to curl up in bed where you would put on one of his shirts and cry yourself to sleep. You prayed you would dream about his arms wrapped around you or his soft kisses and whispers of adoration that warmed your heart but every night the dream remained the same. 
“Hey honey.”
“Shit.”, you jumped as you dropped the stock you were holding. “Steve, I’m so sorry. I didn’t…”
“No, no. It’s ok. I should have cleared my throat or something. You seemed kind of lost in thought.”
“Yeah…I always am these days. I just—”
“You miss him. I understand that.”, he sighs as he bends down to help pick up some of the boxes that had fallen from your grasp. “Dustin misses him to. Today I went over to his place and he tried to explain some of his nerdy game to me. It just, woooo, went right over my head.”, he chuckles before offering you a soft smile. “But I’m trying, ya know.”
“You’re a good man, Steve Harrington.”
“Y/N, I was thinking, how much do you know about Eddie’s game?”
“Dungeons & Dragons? Oof Not enough to actually play but he always explained it to make sense.”, you giggle at the memory. 
“Do you want to maybe come over or I can come to you and you can just give me a quick rundown? That way Dustin and I can play.”
“Um… yeah. I don’t see why not. I get off at about 7.”
The two of you giggled as Steve poured you another glass of whiskey while you tried going over the information you gave him again. 
“Ok so if Kas is a vampire then why did Max make fun of me when I thought Vecna was?!”
“Because at the time, goof, we didn’t know what he was. Plus, if he was a vampire we’d see more of the people we lost.” Your mood shifts as the realization of what you said sunk in. “Eddie always liked Kas… I think he used him in that last campaign he did with Hellfire. They thought Kas had killed Vecna but he was still alive. Well, till the team finished him off. I mean Lady Applejack.”, you smile as you take a sip of your beverage. 
“Lady Applejack?”
“Oh. I like that. That’s cute.”, Steve grins. “Did you have a name?”
“Eddie always said I was Y/N the Devine. My character would be an oracle who could see the future.”, you laughed. “He always thought it was funny I could remember all my dreams. He said if anything ever happened to him…he’d talk to me through them.”
Placing his drink on the table, the man beside you collects you into his strong arms as you sob. 
“It’s ok, Y/N. Everything’s ok.”
“I miss him so much, Steve.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry I couldn’t get him back to you.”
Wiping your eyes, you lean back as you sigh, scanning the man over as he reached for his glass and chugged back what was left inside. Drunk on the liquor and your grief, you didn’t think twice as your palm grasped Steve’s chin, turning him to face you, and crashing your lips to his. 
“Y/N…Y/N wait. W-What are you doing?”, he breathed as he hovered near your mouth, his hand petting your head as he moved your hair away from your face. 
“I’m sorry. I just…I just wanted to feel something other then my pain for once. I’m sorry, Steve.”
Lifting you in his arms, he carried you to his bedroom, and made love to you till you both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Your eyes shot open at the sound of thunder, red lightening briefly illuminating the sky before it disappeared behind the black clouds. You could still feel Steve’s arms around your hip but something wasn’t right. His room seemed darker and grungier than when you fell asleep. 
As your gaze shifted around taking everything in, you were startled by a figure at the end of the bed. 
His long hair was blocking most of his face but you could just barely make out his lips formed into a thin line. His outfit was torn and caked in blood where the bats had bit into him. A low growl left his throat before he turned around and slowly left the room. 
Quickly, you threw off the covers, grabbing one of Steve’s shirts and throwing it over your head as you followed him down the stairs. When you turned a corner into the kitchen, he was suddenly gone.
“Eddie? Baby, where are you?”
In the blink of an eye, a hand grabbed your arm, turning you around roughly and pinning you to the wall. You panicked for only a moment, reaching out to caress his face.
“I-It’s me, baby. Do you remember? Y/N?!” As you began to cry, his hand released you just long enough to dry you tears with his fingers. “I miss you so much. Sometimes…sometimes I wish I had died with you.”
Snaking his palm to the back of your head, his thumb was still long enough to run along your bottom lip.
Your eyes shot open as you began to scream, scaring Steve awake as he tried to calm you. 
“Y/N! It’s ok! Everything’s ok! You’re safe, honey…you’re safe.”, he cooed as he held you to his chest. 
“He…he…he was here, Steve. Eddie was here. I saw him. He was right here in your room.”
“Y/N, it was just a dream. You’re alright.”
“No! No…”, you cried as you jumped out of bed and flew down his stairs. Your eyes scanned his kitchen but everything was as it had been last night. When you turned back around you were met with concerned honey eyes. “I’m not crazy, Steve! I swear…I could feel him. He was so cold and he smelled metallic like blood. We have to go back.”
“What? Y/N, no.”, the man said sternly as he grabbed your arm. After glaring at his hand, he immediately let you go but hurriedly followed after you as you ran back up the stairs to get your clothes. “You can’t go there alone.”, he sighed as he began getting put together as well. 
“Steve, I’ll be fine—”
“This isn’t a debate, Y/N. If you insist on going back there then I’m going with you.”
The sound of Eddie’s old trailer door squeaked loudly as Steve cautiously pulled it open. Wayne had been moved to a new place a long time ago and the people at the lab had long abandoned this place, closing down the park as a whole so no one would come this way. Of course, that didn’t stop some of the high school kids from sneaking in and spray painting “FREAK” on the side under his window.
You glanced around the dark interior as memories flashed through your mind, his bedroom door still open as if waiting for its occupant to return home. You actually hadn’t been in his room since he was on the run. A strong urge coursed through you to go look but you pushed it down as you watched Steve grab a chair and hoist himself through the hole in the ceiling before falling on his feet on the other side. 
“Wait there ok? I’ll take a look and if I find anything I’ll come get you.”
You nodded silently praying as he disappeared.
Bat drawn, Steve slowly opened the trailer door and maneuvered down the steps. With just a quick glance everything looked the same as they had left it a few months ago. Breaking into a sprint, he ran to where he knew Eddie’s body would be. Hell, he had nightmares to of your screams when they pried your hand from the metalhead’s. He blamed himself constantly but he didn’t know how to make it up to you. 
Was there a way to make up for something like that?
He always saw you on his way to work as you stocked shelves in the front window of the market. Your eyes that were once so full of life seemed empty now. When you told him last night you just wanted to feel something, he desperately wanted to help. You clung to him so tightly after every orgasm he gave you, as if he too would be gone when the pleasant feeling ended. 
Steve couldn’t help but wonder if you would allow him to take you on a proper date. You were always so kind to everyone and extremely beautiful. It didn’t surprise him that Eddie was drawn to you. He didn’t want you to feel like he used you last night just because the opportunity arose. He genuinely wouldn’t mind getting to know you better and maybe the two of you could heal together. 
As his feet skidded to a stop, Steve’s eyes widened as he looked around. 
The makeshift shield and weapon he and Henderson had made were laying haphazardly on the ground next to where Eddie’s body should have been but was now vacant.
“Y/N.”, he whispered, running back towards the trailer. 
Steve said to stay put but it wouldn’t hurt for you to look around his room. You of all people knew it wasn’t very far from the living area. 
Memories hit you like a ton of a bricks; a montage of a life you no longer had or would have. 
“Eddie! Stop!”, you giggled as he pretended to nibble on your neck. “That feels weird.”
“You’re weird! It’s supposed to be sexy, sweetheart.”
You smile as he stands in the middle of his room playing his guitar while obnoxiously singing in your direction. 
“I can see what you're looking for I know what you want from me.”
Eddie bends down till his face is just inches from yours and your smile widens. 
“And I'm gonna give you more
I'm gonna slide it in, right to the top Slide it in, I ain't never gonna stop.”
“You’re a pervert you know that?!”
“I love you to!”
Your fingers gently trace his tattoos including the one he had just gotten fairly recently of your name near his heart while Eddie played with your hair. You wanted to do the same but you knew your mom would kill you if she ever found out you got a tattoo. 
“What are you thinking about, babe?”
The metalhead takes a long drag of his cigarette before squishing it in the nearby ashtray. 
“I’m going to graduate this year, princess. Once I get that fucking diploma, I’ll get a good job so we can move into our own place and I can take care of you.”
As you tilt your head to look up him, he does the same and leans down to kiss your lips. 
“Then we’ll get married and pop out a bunch of kids.”
“Oh?”, you laugh as he holds you tighter. “You’re just excited to make them but you won’t be pushing them out!”
The tears started to fall as you slowly took everything in, walking towards his closet, and allowing your fingers to graze his clothes. Everything still smelled so much like him and it killed you. 
You head turned at the sound of Steve shouting your name and you hastily ran to the hallway, freezing when you realized you saw a figure staring up into the gate, smirking. As his head fell back down, Eddie’s smile faded as his eyes met yours. 
“Am…Am I dreaming again?”
Moving in a blur, you were abruptly lifted off your feet and slammed down hard onto the mattress with him on top of you pinning your wrists. Almost like a feral animal, he pressed his nose to your neck before sniffing along your cheek up to your hair. 
“Mine.”, Eddie growled. 
“Always.”, you replied in fear at this new behavior. “I’ve always been yours.”
“LIAR!”, he shouts making you jump. 
“No! No, Eddie. Wh-what happened with Steve and I…I was the first time. I swear. I ju-just wanted to feel something. I’ve been so numb since I lost you. I thought about you every day!”
Your boyfriend continued glare at you with angry vacant eyes that broke your heart.
“Do you even remember me?” When he doesn’t respond, you push against his hold on one of your hands and to your surprise he lets it go. Pulling at the collar of his shirt, you point to your name along his skin. “Y/N. That’s me, baby.”
Lifting your shirt, you exposed the new tattoo of his name you had gotten on your heart a week after he died. He blinked a couple of times as if trying to gather his thoughts or even gather as many memories as he could. His cold fingers caressed the ink making you shudder as palm grazed your breast. 
Something that looked like recognition flashed through his eyes before they darkened once more and he pinned you back down against his bed. 
Aggressively, he rips your shirt causing you to groan as his tongue licks up your chest to your throat. Your legs clasp around his waist as he grinds against your center while your hips begin to roll to meet his movements.  
“Mine…”, Eddie murmurs one last time before you feel something sharp break the skin on your neck. 
“Ah! E-Eddie…what are you…fuck…”
The man’s large palm holds your head still as slurping sounds fill your ears. Your body suddenly feels like it’s on fire and the only thing that can ease the burn is him. Reaching between you two, you fumble with his belt and push down his pants before doing the same with your own. He grunts into your neck as you guide him into your entrance, his pace promptly setting at hard and rough. 
“Yes, baby, please. Fuck, you feel so fucking good. I missed you so much.”
Tears flooded your face at the sound of him saying your name and abruptly clung to your back as he flipped over placing you on top of him. After lifting off his shirt, he slashed his nail along your name on his flesh and forcefully yanked your lips to the wound. 
“Princess…mine. You…drink.”
Eddie mewled as your tongue collected some of the dark blood that had fallen down his chest and his grip on your head loosened as he ran his fingers through your hair. As you began to drink from him, your hips began to bounce allowing his cock to punch into the sensitive spot inside you driving you crazy. 
“Fuck…pretty girl. That’s…it.”
A loud crashing sound echoed from living room but it didn’t phase either of you as Eddie began thrusting upward to meet your movements. 
“Y/N.”, Steve winced as he hobbled into the room. 
Shakily, he reached for your arm but just as his fingers touched your bicep, you came off Eddie  with a pop and violently pushed the boy’s chest, hurtling him onto the floor near the closet. 
“Mine.”, you snarled, baring a new set of fangs that frightened Steve in his place.
The metalhead chuckled as he swiveled you back to face him, passionately kissing your lips as he pounded up into you. Your body trembled as you both climaxed together; just how you were meant to be…together. 
Panting, you fell to his side and began to whine as your body curled into a ball. Eddie sat up and swung his feet over the edge before reaching for the long abandoned pack of cigarettes on his nightstand and lighting the end. 
“What did you do to her?”, Steve murmured as he listened to you moan in what sounded like pain. 
The metalhead glanced in your direction before taking a drag of the smoke in his hand. 
“I made her mine forever.”
“You…you’re hurting her…”
“Hmm nah. Baby girl is just hungry. Would you like to ease her pain, Stevie? Seems like something you’re interested in now a days.”
“I don’t want to be whatever you are.”
“Trust me, you won’t be. We need you as is anyway for what’s about to happen.”
“Wh-What’s about to happen?”
Smirking, Eddie tapped your hip and you rolled over, sliding to the floor, and crawling slowly over to him. 
“Please…hungry.”, you begged with wide eyes. “Hurts.”
Clenching his jaw, Steve rolled up his sleeve and offered you his wrist which you gladly accepted as you brought it to your lips and curled up in lap. The boy grunt as you fed, leaning his head against the wall so he could glare at Eddie. 
“He’s alive, Steve. I can feel it.”
“Who is?”
Taking another drag of his cigarette, he sighs in slight annoyance that he even has to tell him. Sliding on to the floor as well, he places himself right in front of him, and pries your teeth from his arm. With a small, content smile, you lean your forehead into Steve’s neck and fall into the most peaceful sleep you had had in months. Eddie grins softly as he caresses your cheek before meeting the other man’s eyes with a stern look of his own. 
############### Eddie Asks
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tommy Shelby- Friends To Lovers
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Here's another request. I absolutely loved this one and writing this request. I'm tempted to actually turn this into a little series or an actual book what do you think?
YN and Tommy have been friends for years, since before the war. YN was there to greet him when he got off the train. She was there for him when he had PTSD episodes. She was there for him the birth of his first child. She was by his side when he got married. And most importantly she has been by his side as he held his wife Grace pass away in his arms. She's now helping him raise his son Charlie. Since Grace died YN has noticed how low her best friend has been. Burying himself into his work. For Tommy it was his way of getting over the loss of the love of his life. That is until recently.
YN knocks on Tommys office door with Charlie balanced on her hip
"Come in" Tommy's rough voice calls through the door. YN opens it up with a smile on her face, normally Tommy wouldn't look up, but today he does. For Tommy something suddenly changes. Seeing YN with his son on her hip makes him smile, a smile YN hasn't seen on his face since the death of his late wife
"Tom I'm just taking Charlie for a walk. We won't be to long, an hour maybe"
"Why don't I join you?" Tommy places his pen down and takes off his glasses
"Are you sure? Haven't you got work to do?"
"Yes but a break can't hurt"
"Ok well I'll key Charlie ready" YN smiles once again and walks out of her best friends office. She puts Charlie's shoes on and coat before getting herself ready. Tommy doesn't take long to meet them at his front door.
Since that day Tommy became happier. He started smiling more, buying YN chocolates, making her laugh when she is supposed to be working. He started falling for her and she him. Everyone noticed this, especially YN. This was the old Tommy, the Tommy before the war, before Grace.
YN is just getting ready for bed when there's a pounding at her door
"Ok ok. I'm coming!" YN yells getting the keys to her front door. Opening it up YN seeing Tommy standing in front of her, blood dripping down his face "what the hell" she gasps "come in" Tommy stumbles in, a little drunk. YN guides Tommy to her bathroom where she keeps her first aid kit "sit down" she nods to the toilet. Tommy does as she says while YN gets a cloth and runs some warm water on it. She starts cleaning up his face, something she's done many times before in the past "what happened?"
"Got in a fight"
"No shit. Come on what was it over?"
"You" Tommy says with no hesitation. YN frowns removing the blood soaked cloth from his face
"Fuck YN the things they were saying about you. Fucking disgusting"
"Tommy" YN sighs throwing the cloth in the sink
"Your beautiful YN everyone can see that, but they were being disrespectful"
"I appreciate you defending me but you don't have to do that"
"Of course I do YN. I have to because, fuck" Tommy groans running his hands through his hair "fuck YN I love you. I think I have for a while now"
"What?" YN can't believe what she's hearing. The man she had started falling for just admired that he loves her
"I love you YN. I love you so much" Tommy takes YN's face in his hands
"Tom, your drunk"
"Not drunk enough to tell you my feelings"
"You can stop here tonight, sleep on the sofa and in the morning if you still feel the same way we can talk" YN removes Tommys hands from her face and leaves him in the bathroom to get him a blanket.
The following morning YN wakes up to the smell of toast and eggs, albeit they smell burnt, but smiling YN gets out of bed and wraps herself up in a dressing gown and heads downstairs to see Tommy Shelby stood in the kitchen smith a smile on his face
"I love you YN. You said last night if I still feel the same way we can talk. Well I love you" hearing this makes YN smile wide
"Tom, I love you too"
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thecapricunt1616 · 7 months
The Bear & His Honey ; Chapter 8 -
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Lyrics - (TS) Slut! (1989TV!) ;  “You’re not sayin’ you’re in love with me, but you’re going to, half awake taking your chance it’s a big mistake, it might blow up in your pretty face I’m not saying do it anyway, but you’re going to”  ♡♡》》𝟙𝟠+ 𝕆ℕ𝕃𝕐 𝔽𝕀ℂ! ℕ𝕆 𝕄𝕀ℕ𝕆ℝ𝕊 𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕆𝕎𝔼𝔻《《♡♡ ♡ Summary: Carm + Winnie have an evening in together. They get wine drunk and have slightly spiritual talk over pizza. Winnie talks Carm through a nightmare. Carm gets some much needed rest, Some angsty sex ensues. ♡ W/C: 8,902 ♡ Posted Date: 02/20/24 ♡ A/N: (Kinda TL Don't have to read) Hayy besties!! I’ve been lookin' over the fic & judging what y'all like by the chapter likes- ok smut and Soft Dom Carm!! I’m leaning towards Soft Dom Carmy being the main trope for this fic & based on the likes y’all love it too!! He needs to build into it though for sure, Like- i'm not great at writing things close to canon- but what is canon is a pivotal part of what makes up Carmen - which is being severely emotionally underdeveloped in regards to relationships - also sexually. BUT don’t get me wrong- that man is a DOM he just needs a partner who will find that and pull it out of him. Like- y’all I am ALL for the fully anger management therapy version of Carmy tthat'swritten in to one shots here like I THIRST for it- I just want to try and flesh out the journey in between because I find it interesting. But it WILL happen in this fic- as you can tell this fic is a slow burn, its gonna be long, and I know its gonna end with Carmen being fully sexually comfortable (at least with Winnie) so expect some dirty dirty filth, carm is just growin rn okay!! I also find it fun to write kinda virgin! Carmy- I believe its canon he’s never had a gf- but I believe he’d had to have blown off steam some way in NY and hooking up on tinder since it was that time would be popular. Anyhow, enjoy this chapter!  ♡ Warnings for BTC: Minimally edited, talks of spiritualism, vomiting, talks of PTSD/Panic Attacks, Sad!Carm, Fluff, (Kinda asshole) But mostly insecure!Carm, Smut! (Talks of it- oral (m) , kissing, etc just slutty shit) 
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
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The pizza had gotten there pretty quickly but considering the time of night, that was to be expected. Carmen had been sure to order Pepperoni with extra cheese per my request, and by the time the delivery driver had knocked on the door, we had already finished off my entire bottle of wine and I was in the kitchen opening another. He returns to where we had set up in the living room, putting the steaming pizza box on the coffee table. “No way- you need to finish that story, you can't just answer ‘why do you believe in angels’ with ‘I met a guy when I worked at Dunkin’ Donuts and we had breakfast every day until he died’ and that’s just… the end of the story,” he said and I laughed, coming back with 2 very full glasses of Rose and setting them down. 
“That is the whole story, you mean you want the long detailed version?” I set down the 2 paper plates and paper towel roll I was holding under my arm. “Yes.. Please- how was this man an angel?” he snorted, his face flush from the alcohol as I could easily assume mine was. “Okay… his name was Harold, he came in every day, and one day, well” I took a bite of my pizza. “Like I said - my parents, they were never married. My Mom was a twin, but her sister died when they were babies- anyhow” I took another bite, realizing he was listening intently.
“Um.. yeah..” I swallow “So, my dad like- wanted nothing to do with us really, I mean- we met him a few times but… we were just like I dunno, puppies or something? Like, my dad didn’t want us, but my mom was all religious- anyway… wait- what was I saying?” I asked and he started laughing, “Fuckin, Dunkin Donuts man, Harold?” He said and I nodded, catching my breath from laughing at my own drunk rambles. “Yess! Okay, so that's why- we had no money! And with Chris and all his appointments and everything, my mom had even less money, so when I was 14 I got a job to be able to buy stuff, so anyway, I was working a shift.” I took another bite of my pizza before a large sip of my wine.
“And the angel… flew in to buy his coffee?” he teased and I nudged him with my foot. “Shut up! He’s actually the coolest person ever just listen!” I said and he nodded, going in for his second slice of pizza. “I was working a shift, and this man comes in… he looked really sick and he was like ‘ oh can I get something to eat I don’t have any money’ or whatever so I didn’t have any money to spare obviously and so I got my manager thinking this is a huge fuckin’ company - yanno being an idiot teen - and my manager was like ‘oh sorry dude can’t help you’ and so…” I took another sip of my wine before continuing.
“I took my 4.25 that I was gonna use for lunch, I figured whatever, cause this dude needs it- he looked really sick, and that he needed to eat. and I remembered, my mom always said you do things when you can cause when the lord sends his angels to test you they aren't in a suit” I shrug and his eyebrows raised. “You gave him your lunch money?” he said and I shrugged “Mmhmm, anyway- not the point this is the point, Carm, so he leaves, right? Harold comes in, he gets his regular black coffee. Goes and sits down at one of the tables by himself, he drinks it all like he usually does, just watching- waiting almost, and before he goes to leave, he comes up to the counter, and guess what he does?” I asked and he shrugs, waiting for me to continue.
“He hands me, four fucking dollars, and twenty-five cents” I exaggerate each number and his eyes widen, “what the fuck” he muttered. “And I’m like ‘ Harold, why are you given’ me this?’ And he’s like ‘Oh I don’t know honey, I just figured you can use a pick me up today’ “ I took another bite of my pizza and he stopped chewing. “That… is fucking nuts,” he said and chuckled a bit and shook his head.
“And then, every day, we’d sit on my first break and he’d tell me stories about his life, the wars he’d been in, his daughters, his wife before she died, and when he stopped comin’ his daughter came in - she told me that he told her to tell me that he wasn’t doing well and that’s why he hadn’t been by- so I went and visited him in the hospital, got to say goodbye, he was so awesome, and he would do that sort of thing all the time- whenever someone needed something Harold was just… there ya know? It’s like God..or something sent him in at a different time every morning to help someone out even in the smallest ways, He was an angel” I said and Carm nodded, putting his plate down and finishing off his own wine. 
“Well, now that you didn’t make it sufferingly short, I see why you think that. I’d probably believe in angels too if somethin’ like that happened” He said and I dusted my hands over my empty plate before setting it down on the table. “So you’ve never had an experience like that?” He shrugged looking up while he thinks before shaking his head. 
“Nope. Maybe you’re just magical” he pokes my nose causing me to giggle. “I think you” I poke his nose back “are drunk, and we both need to go to bed. Cmon those blankets I put in the dryer went off a few minutes ago. Let's brush our teeth before they get cold” I got up and grabbed our glasses and he took the trash “At least let me help you a little” he said and I smiled. “Such the gentleman.” I teased and he followed me into the kitchen. 
I pointed to show him where the ziplocks were and put the cups in the dishwasher, taking the  box to the entryway and leaving it to bring to the recycling in the morning. “Oh uhhh…I sleep…with the um-“ I started “rain sounds?” He chuckled a bit, stretching his back. “Mmhmm…” I nodded. “So uh…is that ok?” I asked and he nods “no problem for me”
I turn around and head in the bathroom turning on the light “I assume you didn’t bring a toothbrush, or are we that close already?” I teased and he snorts. “No…I did not. Got an extra?” He asks and I open my bathroom closet “you’re in luck, Sadie’s soon to be sister in law is a dental hygienist” I pull out 2 from my thick stack Sadie had put on me when she came over since she had so many laying around her house. 
“Are you a green or blue boy?” I asked and he pouted playfully “no Spider-Man?” He jokes and I giggle. “Blue it is” I put the green one back and popped open the blue one, handing it to him and turning on the sink, wetting my pink electric toothbrush. I put on my anti-cavity toothpaste and handed it over to him, he did the same putting some on his brush. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll time you” I said and he raised his eyebrow “what?” He asked and I turned on my toothbrush, giving him a smug smile before popping the brush in my mouth. Every 30 seconds I mumbled ‘next quadrant!’ With a small smile until the 2 minutes was up, spitting my toothpaste out and brushing my tongue as he did the same before rinsing my mouth and shutting off the water. 
By the time we got in bed and shut the light off, Persephone had well found her spot between my legs, purring softly as she groomed herself for the night and I opened my phone, going to tik tok. Carm spoons me from behind, nuzzling his face in my shoulder with his arm wrapped around my waist. “What’re we watchin’ babe?” He mumbled and I smile. 
“My nightly dose of giggles” I said and scrolled down my for you page, stopping on a video from ‘Secret Brittany’ and my eyes locking on the screen. 
Okay guys, lock in alright? This is the plan - the military planning for the next 2-4 months of my life 
Carm lets out a snort in to my neck, his hand traveling up and down my ribs as he watches with me. 
I’m not going to move to Ireland- yet. I’m going to purchase bumble premium in Ireland, and I’m going to march with Irish men who want me - caveat, they want me, then, I’m going to move, and live my faerie dream 
I giggled, “me” I said quietly to myself and he pinches my waist gently causing me to giggle more “you?! You’re not goin’ anywhere I dunno’ what you’re talkin’ about” he held me tighter, nuzzling his nose deeper in to the crook of my neck. “Is someone whiny and jealous? I’m sure with my red hair and thick hips I’d have guys lining up for me” I teased and laced my fingers with his. 
He let out a bratty huff “I know that’s why you aren’t allowed to go” he muttered into my skin, causing me to smirk as I scrolled on to the next nonsense video. I gasped as I realized I had forgotten about getting to the next part of my absurd series about some woman divorcing her lying husband and looked up her account and Carm leans in a little closer. 
“Wait…” he muttered softly as I scroll through, trying to find the last video I left on. “Who the fuck did I marry…52 parts Winnie?!” He snorts and I giggle “Carmen- shut up, shhh your brain. Get engrossed.” I said and went all the way back to the first part and I glance down at him. 
“You know I’ve watched 23 parts but I’ll rewatch- cause you have to see this, and know-“ I lean in so our foreheads were touching and giggle a bit. “I’m scared” he said playfully causing me to laugh more. “Know Carmen -whatever your middle name is- Berzatto, I will always sniff out a lie- I will do my diligence- hear me?” I huff a laugh and he kisses my lips tenderly. 
“I would never dream of lying to you” he said honestly before continuing. “I may not tell you everything at once, but I’ll never misguide you, yeah?” He said softly and gently cups the back of my head with his warm hand. I nodded softly against him. “Yeah…” I whisper and kiss his forehead. “My middle names Anthony” he said with a small smile. “Mines - basic. Ok, Now listen to this bullshit” I giggle a bit and turn back around, hitting play. 
It was about 3 parts (30 minutes) of Carmen softly gasping, playing with the hem of my shirt in anticipation, and humming in confusion before I heard the first snore come from his lips. I hit pause on the video, putting on my rain asmr sounds on Spotify and gently plugged my phone in, setting my alarms before drifting off into a peaceful, relaxed sleep. 
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I woke up to the sounds of violent retching in my bathroom, I rubbed my eyes, confused for a moment before remembering that Carmen had slept over. I padded out to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing my brita jug, before opening my cabinet and grabbing one of the many different glasses that fit a bamboo lid and glass straw, this certain one adorned with cherries. I gently pushed the cup under the ice dispenser, letting a few cubes drop in before filling the cup with chilled water. 
I pushed the lid and straw on, popping the Brita back in the fridge before padding back to the bathroom, where I heard dry heaving from outside the slightly cracked door. “Carmy?” I mutter softly, pushing the door further open to see him crouched over the toilet, elbows supporting him as he gagged over the bowl. 
“S-sorry.” He muttered, coughing a bit before sitting up and trying to catch his breath. “No- no. Carmen, don’t apologize” I knelt down next to him, gently rubbing his back. “I’m not feeling sick.. so was it a nightmare?” I asked softly, extending the water to him. He sat back on the floor, extending his legs in front of him and sighing deeply. 
“I really didn’t mean t’wake you, Winnie. It’s fine…really they happen like every night” he mumbled, taking the glass from my hands. “I have them too! It’s ok, it's ok. S’just a bad dream” I said softly and gently brushed his curls off his forehead that were damp with sweat. He takes a big few gulps of water from the straw, sighing relieved before leaning back and resting on the cold tub. 
“Did you…did you wanna talk about it?” I sat next to him, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my cheek on my knee, glancing at him through the moonlight coming through the window. It was hard to see him without my glasses or contacts, but his striking blue eyes were still impossible to miss. “It’s…” he looked at his hands, holding the glass. “Stupid” he said finally. “So..so stupid. I used to..” he sighs, his head dropping back and eyes squeezing back in thought. 
“Throw up?” He said like a question, shaking his head quickly. “Like” he looked at me “before I’d…see my boss” in the dim light I could still see his cheeks reddening. I bit my lip gently, leaning over and hugging him silently, my head resting on his chest. “I’m sorry” I said softly and he sighed, setting his water glass down and curling his arm around my frame, rubbing gently. “No.. no that’s not- don’t feel bad” he said softly, his thumb rubbing soothing strokes in to the middle of my back. 
I gently shook my head against his chest. “Carmen…” I said softly. “This… this monster…” I said softly and looked up at him, cupping his cheek honestly. “He makes you sick Carmen…what…what he did to you- whatever he did…he creates a panic response in you, baby.” I rub my thumb along the stubble of his jaw that was already peaking out before first light. 
He swallows thickly, drinking in every word I was saying. “He…he…” I look at the floor, trying to find my words. “He instilled that voice in you” I said, my lip quivering slightly and he put his thumb to my lips gently to stop the motion. “What? What voice, honey?” He asked softly. 
I giggled into his finger, still slightly wine-drunk. “Your inner-saboteur. Just like Ru-Paul says” I gently nibble his finger, causing him to really laugh. “My inner-saboteur” he repeated with a smile. “Yes” I said gently and kissed his forehead. “Let him go, Carm, fuck that guy! Fuck your inner-saboteur. I’m still a tad bit drunk, but c’mon- brush your nasty throw-up teeth” I said teasingly and giggle, resting my forehead on his and gazing into his icy blue eyes. 
“And come back to bed, I’ll introduce you to Drag Race tomorrow”  I said softly, pecking his lips tenderly. “Okay?” I gaze into his eyes, looking for agreement. “Okay…” he said softly, a smirk adorning his lips. 
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I wake up to the feeling of Persephone jetting off my right thigh like an Olympic-launching pad at the sound of my alarm going off, soothing chirping birds filling the bedroom from my hatch alarm clock Sadie’s Parents had gotten me as a housewarming gift. I groan softly at the reverberating pain in my thigh muscle from her sudden attack, reaching down and soothing the ache with a slow rub from my hand. 
Carmen was draped around me, his arm tucked protectively around my waist and his prominent nose nuzzled in my neck, the feeling of short, hot breaths hitting my shoulder at an even pace. I gently leaned over, tapping the top of the clock that was slowly getting brighter, so it stopped its cry of awakening, 
I rubbed my face tiredly before I gently pried Carmys sleeping fingers off of my waist, slowly getting up off of the mattress, so as to not wake him. My t-shirt brushed just below my lower cheeks, goosebumps crawling up my legs from the chilly apartment air. I nuzzled my feet into my pink bear-claw slippers, and quietly shuffled out to the kitchen, silently pulling the bedroom door shut behind me.
 I sighed tiredly, stretching my back and arms just at the end of the hall, moaning softly at the blood rushing to my muscles at the action. “Mmhmm” I mumbled at Sephy hungry cries, scratching my scalp in a sleepy haze. 
“Comin’ babygirl” I muttered softly, shuffling out to the kitchen and opening the cabinet, I pulled out a tin full of wet food and cracked it open with my forefinger, taking out a spoon from the drawer. She meowed impatiently, causing my tired eyes to roll up involuntarily.
“Persephone” I muttered, tired but stern. “Jesus Christ should I call ASPCA?” I joked, taking a spoon out of the draw and nudging it closed with my hip quickly before spooning half the can in the bowl and chopping it up half-hazardly, before setting it on the floor with a clink. She dove in, eating like she’d been starved. 
I put a pod in my Nespresso machine, and rested my chin in my hand as my latte brewed, scrolling through my ‘For You’ page, sending a few videos to Sadie that made me stifle a laugh so as to not wake Carm. I opened my fridge, pouring some half and half in to my cup that I’d already filled with ice before pouring my espresso over the top and mixing it up before sealing the lid. 
I shuffled over to the couch, sitting down and continuing to scroll through videos as I sipped my latte. By the time I’d finished it, Persephone was sitting on the cat tree grooming herself in the morning light and the clock read 8:32. I got up, going over to my record player and shuffled through my selection of records, settling on Ctrl by SZA that Syd had gotten me. I bit my lip gently, thinking of her. 
I really hope she wasn’t mad at me…for too long. Thinking back on the conversations she had with us about her ‘boss’ who I now knew was Carm, he could be a serious asshole and he…emotionally led her on in a way? And they never explicitly mentioned their feelings but it sounds like there definitely was feelings..My thoughts are broken by the static of the record as it switches to the next song and Love Galore starts playing. 
I did my usual routine of walking around, pulling open my blinds to let the light in before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. I washed Sephys bowl and set it on the small drying rack before setting a pan on the stove to heat. I opened the fridge, resting my hands on my hips, and realizing I have no idea what Carmen eats- if he eats breakfast. It’s a Saturday though…I settle on the safe options of eggs and toast. 
I popped 4 pieces of bread into the toaster, humming along to Doves in The Wind while I cracked 4 eggs into a glass measuring cup and whisking them with a fork. I added a little bit of garlic salt and pepper, mixing it again before dropping some butter in the pan and letting it melt. I got out 2 of my pink heart shaped plates and set them down in preparation, before pouring the eggs in the pan. It was quick to scramble so I put the toaster down, and I was shuffling over to the table just as the bedroom door opened. 
Carm genuinely looked refreshed. The bags under his eyes were mostly gone, and his eyes didn’t look red and exhausted. I look over at the clock, 9:22. “Good Morning, Chef. I hope scrambled eggs and butter toast is acceptable? With jelly of course” I went over, clicking off my record player that had stopped spinning a few minutes prior.  “You made breakfast?” He asked, looking over to the table. 
It took all of my strength to keep a casual face at his deep, husky morning voice. “Mmhmm!” I hum and come back to the table and he followed. “Coffee?” I ask and he nods “thank you- wow. I can’t remember the last time I.. actually ate in the morning. What time?-“ he looks over to the stove and his eyebrows raise. “Shit.” He snorts. “I guess your bed was comfortable” he sits. 
I smirk proudly “well I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your stay so far at Winnie’s bed and breakfast” I said and went to the kitchen, opening my cabinet and smiling wide at the perfect mug for him to use. I set it down on the counter, “cream?” I asked opening the fridge. “Yes, What are you cheesin’ about?” He teased and I giggle “somethin’ - just wait” I took out the cream and set it on the counter and popped in an americano pod. 
“Oh! Forks! Sorry. Forgot my meds this morning. Let me go do that” he chuckles as I quickly shuffled off. I go in to the bathroom and took my medications with a handful of sink water before coming back and seeing his coffee was done. “Perfect!” I took it out, putting cream in. “Sugar?” I asked and he shook his head “no” he said and I stirred the coffee, putting the spoon in the sink. 
I carefully come over, covering the art on the mug until I set it down in front of him with a giggle. “A Bear mug for Bear and it has a cute, true saying, ‘A hug a day keeps the lonelies away’ “ I giggled. “See that one’s me,” I point to the smaller one, “and that’s you,” I pointed to the bigger one “cause’ you give teddy-bear hugs” I smiled. He looks up at me, his blue eyes sparkling in the morning light, an adorable smirk on his face. 
“You…” he starts and shakes his head, pulling me into his lap and I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck loosely to steady myself. He kisses all over my face, causing giggles to involuntarily fall from my lips and my eyes to squeeze shut at the quick short pecks that tickled like butterflies, my heart fluttering the same way in my chest. “Are so fucking cute” he hugs me close and I giggled, wrapping my arms around him. 
“Thank you” he kissed my neck sweetly before releasing me and I got up. “Wow, an ambush, I do take payment in kisses but warn me so I can count!” I joked, sitting down in my seat and he rolled his eyes playfully, a pink blush adorning his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. “Forks!” I said and he laughed, shaking his head again. 
“Does that happen all the time?” He asked and I nod, heading over to the drawer and grabbing 2 forks. “Yup. It’s worse if I don’t have my meds” I put his fork in front of him. “Hope it’s ok” I said and sit down “no- this is…this is great Winnie, thank you really” he said taking a bite and nodding. “5 stars Chef” he said and I laughed before taking a bite of mine. 
“Mmhmm totally I’m coming for your spot! Better get worried these eggs’ll put you out of business” I joked and he snorted, taking a sip of his coffee. “Mm- I think Starbucks should be a little scared” he teased and I giggle a bit, nibbling on my toast. “That’s all Nespresso that thing is amazing” 
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When we finished breakfast, Carm takes our plates and his mug over to the sink and starts washing them, along with the pan I’d used. “Wow…he cooks and cleans? You sure you aren’t taken already?” I joked, wiping down the table with a Lysol wipe. He chuckled “nope, haven’t gotten any serious offers” he joked back with a smile. 
“Did you wanna see my little library craft room thing?” I asked, throwing the wipe away in the garbage. He puts the now clean dishes on the drying rack. “Course, what do you…craft?” He asked, following me to the second bedroom and I opened the door. “Oh..lots of things. I sew,crochet,read, make jewelry, I paint sometimes” I shrugged and he looked around at all the half finished projects. 
“This is cute” he hummed, picking up a half finished star and moon granny square blanket off the back of my pink desk chair. “Oh! That’s for Syd’s birthday!! She’s such an astrology girl, it's one of those things we can talk about forever.” I smiled and he nods a bit. “Why haven’t you ever come around more? The uh- the restaurant” He asked as he looked over the intricate stitches and I shrugged, picking up stray crochet needles scattered on my desk and putting them in the little drawer where they belonged. 
“Oh.. well Sadie and I - it’s kinda fancy for one thing, and umm..we don’t like people and it’s been busy for months “ I laugh a bit “fancy huh?” He teased, setting the blanket back down and walking over to the wall of pictures I had next to my overflowing bookshelf. “It has been pretty busy” he said as he gazed over the different memories of girls trips Sadie and I had taken as well as pictures of nights out with Syd. 
“Also as you can probably tell- Sadie and I do not belong in a cool fancy place like that” I giggled and he shook his head rolling his eyes playfully with a smile. “I don’t either but it’s what brings the business right?” He looked over the books. “Damn, you read a lot” he said and I giggled. “Mmhmm! Work at a bookstore” I said and he pulled one of my most well loved books out, “this one of your slutty books?” He teased and I roll my eyes. 
“Ha.ha. No- this is an amazing book, you’re saying you’ve never read this book?” I took it from his hands. “My brother gave it to me” I said and flipped to the second blank page where ‘From Chris To Twinnie’ was scribbled in his chicken scratch handwriting. His eyebrows raised. “Oh…no- no. Never heard of it.” He said and my jaw dropped. “Never heard of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” I scoff a big smile coming to my face. 
“Okay, so, now I see” I nod, holding the book to my chest with a teasing smirk on my face. “See what?” He asked “I see why you…I dunno” I shrug. “Don’t like to have fun “ I poke his chest and he scoffs. “I have fun I am totally fun!! Are you saying I’m boring?” He asks, slightly offended and I laugh. “No! I’m saying that… the whole point of this book is that life, our journey to self discovery is useless if you have no intention of loving or being loved.” He raised his eyebrows before starting to laugh. 
“A rabbit said that?” He questioned and I shook my head “no he learned it. C’mon let me do skincare on you and read it you’ll love it” I said and he blushed a bit. “Why do I have bad skin?” He joked with a teasing smile. “No you have nice skin but let me take care of it” I said and led him to the bathroom by his hand, getting out my face wash “wash your face with this” I said and turned the water on warm, and grabbed a clean face towel from the cabinet with embroidered strawberries on the hem. “dry your face with this” I instructed. 
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I gently put on the sparkly under eye patches under Carm’s eyes and he scrunched his nose adorably. “The fuckin’ hell why do you do this” he muttered “feels like a slug” he said causing me to giggle “oh my god such a boy. This will make your pretty blue eyes much more noticeable without all the darkness from never sleeping” I gently smoothed them out, booping his nose with the tip of my finger when I was done. 
“Mm whatever you say this is Winnie’s Salon after all” he says and I tut “no! This is Winnie’s beauty parlor. I'm not cutting your hair today” I said and his eyes fluttered open, looking up at me with a small smile. “They look pretty on you” he said, causing me to blush. “You’re a big flirt” I gently played with his hair and his eyes fluttered back shut, humming softly in satisfaction. “Did you want me to read to you?” I asked and his smile grew. 
“Please. It’s been a long time actually, I’m excited to hear about this rabbit” he said and I grab the book from next to us, opening to the first page and starting. 
“Chapter One” 
By the end of the first page, he was glancing up at me, watching me speak each word and smiling slightly when I did slightly different voices for each character. At the end of the first chapter, I close the book and he pouts a bit. “What? No keep going, that was getting cute…she loves that bunny” he said and I giggle. “Yes she does, if you want to hear the next chapter you have to come see me again. Plus, I’m getting hungry” 
I peeled his eye patches off, gently rubbing in the remnants with my ring fingers and he smiled softly. “Mm…you cook breakfast, pamper me, and read to me? I think this is my new hang-out spot for Saturdays” he jokes and I giggle a bit. “Good, so next Saturday you’ll get to see what happens in the next chapter.” I said and he sat up, sitting against the headboard next to me. 
“Sounds like a steal for me” he smiled adorably, his skin still glowing from the serum I’d applied. I looked at his lips, then back at his eyes before straddling his hips and kissing him deeply. He hesitantly moves his hands to my hips and rubs with his thumbs gently. I kiss down his jaw over his stubble to his neck, nipping gently and he groans softly “Winnie” he said, gripping my hip a bit tighter. I gently tug on his ear with my teeth. “I think it’s hot you’re such a talented chef and like when I cook for you” I said softly in his ear, gently tangling his curls in my fingers as I continue to kiss and nip his neck. 
I grind my hips on his and he moaned softly “Winnie.” He said softly, moving his hand to my back “I-i…” he swallowed thickly and I stopped, sitting up and looking at him. “What? Did I..did I do something wrong?” I asked. He shook his head, refusing to meet my eyes. “I-I don’t…we shouldn’t” he rubs over his chin, thinking. 
“Do you…regret last night?” I asked, getting off his lap and sitting crisscross beside him on the bed. He shook his head again “no- god no that was fuckin’ amazing Winnie I-“ he blushed, looking down at his lap. “I’ve uh never…” he cleared his throat, his eyes squeezing shut in embarrassment. “I- I’m surprised I lasted that long with you- a-and…I’ve never done that before..what we did in the shower and I’m still- I’m thinkin’ about it” he swallowed thickly, finally looking at me and I nodded slowly. 
“Okay…I think we should talk more about our sexual experiences” I said and bit my lip. His face goes pale, his mouth opening and closing a few times like he was trying to find the words. “Uh- I” he stuttered. “I’ll go first…what uh- what do you wanna know?” I asked casually and play with the hem of my shirt. “Uh- well..that’s- I don’t… I don’t know a lot” he said quietly, clearly embarrassed by the way his eyes darted away from mine again. 
“Okay so…how about this then. I’ve slept with 24 people, including you. But most of the bulk of those were back home, I’ve slept with you and one other person since I’ve been here, how many have you been with?” I asked and his eyes widen. “Twenty four?” He repeats, his mouth dropping slightly. I scoff “what so guys can sleep with 100 women by the time their 24 but I can’t sleep with 2 people a year over the course of nearly 10 years?!” I asked my tone laced with annoyance. 
He shook his head quickly “no-n-no Winnie no…I’ve….ive slept with less then 8 people…I’ve had sex like…maybe…” he took a deep breath, looking away and swallowing thickly “I don’t- I don’t like this game anymore or- or questions. Or whatever” he said his cheeks going red. I bite back a laugh at the irony of him being so insecure by holding my tongue between my teeth and I gently touch his bicep. “Look at me” I said softly and he shook his head inching away from my touch a bit. 
“Carmen. When I said no one has made me cum like that- I mean it. I was fully seeing stars bro I was shaking Carm.” I laughed and he looked over, eyebrows raising. “You really meant that?” He asked and I roll my eyes playfully. “I wasn’t even gonna fuck you a second ago I was gonna suck your dick because I’m sore. Literally yes you’re amazing Carmen you’re so fucking hot.” I said and he bit his lip, looking at his lap. 
“But I can’t…like- when…when we were in the shower” he muttered “that was-“ he swallowed thickly “I’ve never…I’ve never had sex in the shower before and-“ he sighs deeply. “I don’t want to get attached.” He looks at me finally, and I was silent for a moment, my brain filing through all the possible things he could mean. I settled on the safest response that would have the least possible chance of rejection. “Like- you don’t want tooo…” I questioned and he raised his eyebrows waiting for me to continue. 
“To get attatched to fucking me on your days off?” I question and he rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “Winnie” he muttered, slightly annoyed. “That’s not what I mean Y’know that” he said and I bit my lip. “Tell me what you mean then, Carmen” I said and he looked up at me. He stared at me for what felt like forever, studying me, my features, I tried my best to decipher what was going on behind his eyes but only a week of knowing each other I was rolling blanks. 
“I don’t want to get attached to this. Winnie, to you. I don’t want to do this, we can’t do this.” He shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest and the small change in body language felt like an ocean of distance was suddenly created between us emotionally. My mouth suddenly felt dry, and my throat was growing an enormous lump. “Why” I finally choke out and he looks back at me. “Because I told you, Winnie, I’m not boyfriend material. What this” he motions between the 2 of us “Is, can’t keep going like this. Fuckin’ cuddling and shit..” 
I felt like I wanted to burst out into tears, not more than 20 minutes ago he was dreamily looking up at me while I read to him and now he was telling me that he won’t allow himself to be around me, and relax. “Oh” I scoff, my eyes narrowing and crossing my arms over my own chest. 
“You are such a little baby,” I said and his eyebrows furrow, “what?” He asked. “A little fucking. Baby.” I repeat myself and he blinks a few times, “What the fuck do you mean?” He asked and I got up. “You are an angry baby, because you realize that I have more experience in the bedroom!” I laugh dryly. “Carmen. You knew what you were getting yourself into. You want this. Look at me, and tell me the last fucking time you relaxed on your day off? Hm?” I raise my eyebrows, shrugging and waiting for an answer. 
“You don’t fucking know me, Winnie” he scoffs. “I don’t- I don’t give a fuck that you have more experience than I do. Clearly, it wasn’t with anyone good! Per your fuckin statement 5 minutes ago.” I shook my head. “You’re right! You’re right Carmen. I was begging for your cock- and you wanna know something? You loved it. You were pussy drunk, Carmen, you- you are just so fucking obsessed with depriving yourself of joy, of pleasure that instead of allowing yourself to fuck me you’d rather be in your apartment all alone and cum in your hand? Fine. Have fun” I shrugged, motioning to the bedroom door. 
He sat there, jaw dropped. “You-“ he closed his eyes in shock, shaking his head as he digested what I just said to him. “You are so-“ he sighed, looking at me and his eyes flicker to my chest. I smirk, “fuck. Im gonna fucking hate myself this week. C’mere” he said and I knelt on the bed, straddling him once more and kissing him deeply. I pushed him back on the bed roughly. “Tell me you don’t want me” I said and peel off my shirt, exposing my breasts and already peaked nipples shining with their little black studs, already hardened due the adrenaline coursing through me. 
“Fuck off Winnie you know I fucking want you” he grabs my breast, playing with my nipple gently and I bit my lip. “I haven’t even showed you half of what I can do- and you’re gonna throw the towel so soon?” I rest my palms on his shoulders for leverage as I ground into his hips, the friction causing his eyes to flutter shut and his head to fall back onto the pillow in a low whimper. 
“N-no- no you’re right. You’re right Winnie fuck” he moaned, gently tugging at my jewelry causing me to gasp in pleasure. I kiss him hard, circling my hips into his at a torturously slow pace causing him to whimper and groan into my mouth which made a small smile come to my lips. I pulled away slightly, our lips barely an inch away. 
“Do you want me to suck your cock?” My eyes flutter to his, my hips completely still. His breath quivers “yes” he said barely above a whisper. “Tell me, say it, Carmy. What do you want?” I ask and kiss his neck tenderly. “I-I want you t-to” he swallows thickly when I nip at the tender spot below his ear. “I want you to suck my cock” he said, eyes fluttering shut and cheeks going red. I smirk, happy with the admission, but still unsatisfied with the way he was denying himself. 
“Okay baby, since you asked so nice, like such a good boy” I said, his lip tugging between his teeth and
I kissed down his chest, his abs tightening when I made my way over them, my tongue dragging slowly down the divot in the middle. He watches me with hooded eyes, hands gripping the sheets so tightly his knuckles were turning white, his chest raising up and down deeply at a quick rate as he watches me worship him. 
I straddle his calves, gently rubbing his fully hardened length through his sweatpants and he whines softly “please-please Winnie” he breathed impatiently. I smirked, my hands rubbing long teasing strokes up and down his thighs. “Do you really want me to suck your cock, Carmen?” I asked and he swallows thickly. “Winnie” he wined, looking away and his cheeks heating. 
I stopped touching him and my hands raised to my breasts, gently palming and squeezing them before playing with my hard nipples and my head dropping back as I moaned. “You don’t want me, baby?” I asked and his hand traveled to his pants and I stopped him, grabbing his wrist. “Do you want me Carmen?” I asked, taking his hand and putting his forefinger and ring finger in my mouth, my tongue swirling around them and hollowing my cheeks at the base of his hand. 
He bit his lip harshly as I did so. “So so fucking bad.” He said softly, I pulled off his fingers with a ‘pop’ and tugged him out of his boxers, leaning down and spitting the puddle of saliva I had collected in my mouth while sucking on his fingers and pump his length with the wetness, twisting and getting it all wet. “Holy fucking shit” he mumbled, a moan falling from his lips and his head falling back momentarily but he was quick to put his eyes back on me. 
“Does that feel good baby?” I ask sweetly, my thumb brushing over his tip. He nods “shit- yes s-so good baby” his abs clenched in pleasure as I slowly dragged my thumb over his slit teasingly. “Mmm the noises you make are so sexy baby I love it” my other hand dances around his stomach, my nails brushing the toned skin causing him to shiver slightly. 
“Oh you adorable thing” I said and leaned down, kissing his tip gently and his head drops back, a breathy moan falling from his lips, his knee jerking slightly under me. I stuck out my tongue, slowly licking his tip from the back of my throat all the way to the tip of my tongue, flicking it teasingly causing him to whimper beautifully. “You have such a nice cock baby” I praised, pumping him slowly, twisting my hand how I knew he liked based on the way his stomach would tense when I did it repeatedly. 
I look up at him, his cheeks, bright red, curls stuck to his forehead in sweat, “do you like it when I tug harder” I did so and he whines “or softer?” I went back to my original firmness and he breathed out, I could tell no one had really ever given him this kind of attention during a blow job before- so I was relishing in the fact that no matter if he did claim to hate himself this week, every time he came after a long day it would be at the thought of me. So I’m pulling out every stop, every theatric - I’m going to make this magical. 
I was already fucking him dumb and I had barely used my mouth yet. We had a lot of work to do, to mold him into the kind of partner I knew he yearned to be. And whether we continued to pretend to be ‘friends with benefits’ while he learned, or he decided he wanted more- I didn’t care. Because I knew this man wanted to dominate, and I was dedicated to getting it out of him. 
When I got no verbal response my hand stopped moving and I gently tap the head of his cock against my tongue getting his attention. “Words.” I said softly, smiling sweetly as I waited for a response. “Hard. H-hard. Please.” He said and I continued as he requested and he grunts “fuck yes…mmm twist baby like-“ he moans louder when I oblige. “Yes. Yes.” he breathed and I smirked, moving my hand faster. 
“Good boy, I love it when you tell me what feels good” I said and my hand that was on his stomach travels to his v-line, my forefinger soothingly stroking as I took his tip in my mouth, he lets out the hottest noise between a moan and a cry that I’d heard a man make, before I heard the sounds of the fabric beginning to give beneath his death grip. I pulled my lips off and stopped my hand from jacking him off, taking my hand off his stomach and pulling my hair out of the bun it was in. 
His eyes shot open as soon as I stopped, a small gasp tumbling from his lips as my tight curly bangs fell over my forehead, when they were blown out they were the 80s look I loved to achieve with my hair- but my bangs were extra curly naturally since they weren’t weighed down like the rest of my hair and I’d gotten it wet last night. I pushed it off my shoulders, taking his hand and putting it on my head. “Go as hard as you want. I’ll squeeze you twice if it’s too much.” I said and started again before he could reply. 
He whined hotly as I took him down inch by inch until he was lightly hitting the back of my throat, he was mostly just stroking the back of my head but when he felt me swallow around his tip it was like something in him flicked on. He grips the back of my hair “f-fuck- god do that again- fuck do it again Winnie” he said, pushing my head down gently. I closed my eyes, saying a silent and quick prayer to every god ever that I’d fully digested my breakfast, and that my gag reflex had gotten much better since trying to train it with my toothbrush before bed the past few years. 
I took a deep breath, before fully relaxing my throat and pushing his tip past my tastebuds and I gently stroke his thighs, more to soothe myself that I could do it, before pushing deeper. He cries out, moaning what sounded more like a pleasured growl, his fingers tugging my hair lightly. I knew I had to stop pushing before I either hurt myself or actually gag and embarrass myself. I swallowed around him slowly, my throat fluttering around him for a few moments. 
I feel his muscles all tense beneath me, his abs tightened, stomach clenched, fingers digging into my scalp, eyes screwed shut, veins protruding in his neck. He would be cumming in the next few seconds so - I stopped. I pull off, sitting up, a string of saliva pulling from his cock to my lips as I did so. My lips swollen, jaw sore, chin and neck slick with saliva. I smirked as he gasps, his orgasm flowing away like dandelion seeds in the breeze and he looked at me, his pupils blown with lust. 
“W-why. Why did you stop?” He asked, he almost sounded angry. I shrug, “do you deserve to cum, Carm? You you deserve to feel good?” My fingers dance around his stomach and v line causing goosebumps to appear on his skin and his cock twitches, aching to be touched. “Please Winnie, fucking- let me finish” he grumbled, looking at the ceiling. 
“Let you” I scoff. “Do you even think you deserve that. Carmen? Hm? Put enough hours in this week? Plan enough new catering orders?” I taunt, goading him into showing me any thread of dominance in him I could tug on. He looks at me, his eyes darkening “suck my fucking cock. Winnie.” he ordered and I smirk. “Ooo, making demands now, I only serve those who deserve it” I drag my forefinger from his balls to his tip, smiling at the reaction of his stomach clenching and cock jumping in a twitch. 
“I deserve it” he grumbled, not meeting my eyes. “Hm?” I hum, ghosting my hand around his cock but not gripping it. “I said I fucking deserve it” he looks into my eyes as he said it. I lean down taking him back in my mouth and he sighs in relief, I pump the bottom half of his length as I take him back into my throat. It was barely 2 minutes of him spilling profanity, muttering my name, whines and moans, and only swallowing around him 2 times before I felt him fully tense up again, and an enormous load shot down the back of my throat, so much that I had to swallow 2 times after pulling off of him to get it all down.  
“Holy shit” I laugh taking a deep breath and he was laid there, trying to catch his breath “sorry” he said between breaths, eyes blissfully shut and cheeks flushed as well as his chest from his release. “No its…it’s fine just. Holy shit. You just dumped a generation down my throat” I joked and he laughs lightly.  
I quickly fix his boxers and laid next to him after pulling my shirt back on. “How the fuck did you do that?” He asked and I shrug a bit, pushing my hair behind my shoulders. “Dunno. Just tried it. Glad you like it though. How’d it feel?” I asked and he blushed, averting my gaze shyly. “Uh…” he furrows his eyebrows thinking. “Kinda like…your pussy but … like way tighter, and harder if that makes sense.” He looked back at me and I giggle. 
“Hm…ok. It was kinda cool, also really hot, also pretty freaky- when I went to wipe my chin, my hand touched my throat and I felt your dick like…” I giggle, covering my mouth at his shocked expression. “Holy fuck that’s hot” he said and I nod. “Felt weird. I’ll have you feel it next time” I said and yawned a bit, sitting up. 
“I’m gonna brush my teeth then you wanna nap?” I asked and he nodded “I’m not sure why- we’ve done basically nothing but I’m exhausted.” He said and rubs his face. I shrugged, “just your body catching up while it can on rest. I’ll be back.” I said and padded off to the bathroom. 
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·
➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭����𝐫
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Oooo ok genshin females (mostly Lisa and beidou) with a flirty s/o who just DIES when someone flirts back like s/o is like “uh…I’m…um..well..”
you guys i havent played genshin during the whole 3.7 update lmfao 😍
its summerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I'll do Lisa, Beidou, and Yae Miko x reader
fyi i dont know how to flirt bc i personally dislike relationships irl so i searched this shit up. im aromantic but fictional characters are just so pretty
this also adds to the fact that im street stupid (but im academically smart tho trust me bro)
i lied im not going to use pickup lines i searched up online and theyre actually horrendous
"Lisaaaaa!" you smiled.
You were Lisa's library assistant, and the two of you were organizing new books while the library was closed.
"Yes cutie?" You laughed, "Me? cute? no way! If anything, I'd say youre the absolute cutest!"
It was quite hard to think straight after someone as pretty and perfect as Lisa complimented you.
"A-anyway," you stuttered, "could you help me sort out these books? I dont know where these go..."
You picked up some books from the delivered box full of books and started flipping through the pages trying to determine what genre the book was. It was hard determining if the book was fiction or non-fiction considering the bizarre events that happened in teyvat. You also didn't notice the quiet advancement of lisa's figure walking up to you.
"These go in the fiction section cutie." she whispered in your ear.
You shot up and dashed to the other side of the library where all the other fiction books were. It was quite hard flirting with lisa, she'd always beat you to it, flirting with you at every waking moment and possibility. Today however, things were going to change!-
"You didn't think a carved wooden duck could actually be the former dendro archon and sang as a duck did you?" lisa teased you to the brink of embarrassment.
Thank barbatos that there was no one in the library.
"Well, I didn't finish reading it! Yeah!" you shot back, face buried in your hands as you blushed.
You were always unable to flirt with lisa without getting flustered as you could always count on her flirting back but well, more flirtatiously. Hmm...Maybe you were doing this on purpose?...
As you walked around the city of liyue, you were spacing out as the day slowly became night. Your trail of thoughts stopped after you felt a hand tap your shoulder.
"[name]!" Ah, it was beidou. "Whatcha' thinkin' about?!" She laughed, bottle of alcohol in hand.
You assumed she got drunk from a dinner party or something, after all it was a bit odd seeing the captain on land.
"Ah, I was thinking about you darling~" You smiled at her, giving a smooth wink.
"Hahaha!" She laughed whole heartedly.
"Whaaat?" You playfully frowned. "Can I not think about someone as charming as you?" You gave her a grin.
"Nice to know you think I'm charming!" she laughed again, but then suddenly she snaked her arms around your waist, and slyly smiled.
"W-what are you doing?!" You blushed and used one of your hands to cover her eyes. "S-stop looking at me like that!!"
Beidou laughed as she peeled your hand off her face and held it while her other hand was busy holding you.
"You're all talk and no bite when it comes to flirting hmm?~" she started to slur her words. "Betcha' didn't think I would do this did you~"
She smiled and shrugged. "What can I say? You really thought flirting like that to me wouldn't make me fall for you? You have quite the charm, give yourself some credit!"
"Oh my, [name], I didn't expect seeing you here~" yae miko hummed as she sat down next to you in Uyuu Restraunt, eyeing the many empty bottles of sake around you as you slumped down on the table.
"Hmmm?" You drowsily turned your head (which was still lying on the table if I may add) to face her. eyes widening you struggled to sit straight. "Ah! its the suuuuuper pretty fox shrine lady! When we met for the first time, I just couldn't keep my eyes off you! Your name is um...its uh..." You paused, lost in thought.
"Silly [name], we're dating already. I can't believe you forgot me..." Her ears flopped down and you panicked.
"N-no! I didn't forget-your name is...its y-yae miko right? Please don't be sad!"
"Awe, so you did remember!" She smiled at you, seeing your eyes sparkled looking at her rather cute and fluffy ears. "Do you wanna pet me? Hmm?" As she leaned in closer, you started to blush as she picked up your hands and placed it on her ears.
"Ohmygosh-their so soft!!" you said excitedly.
This however, allowed yae miko to slowly close the distance between your faces, until your noses were practically touching. Unfortunately for you however, it was too late to realize as yae miko planted a kiss on your lips.
Like some cliché excited cartoon highschooler that got asked out on a date with their crush, you fell onto the ground and rolled around like a ball, kicking your feet. "Ah!~The super pretty shrine lady kissed me! Ahehehehe!!" you blushed
Yae miko could only smile at your antics while drunk. "How cute..." She muttered under her breath.
Later on, she bridal style carried you home.
some of you guys got hella concerning usernames (you know who you are)
are you guys even real or
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Ok please bear with as this is gonna be a long one 🤣
Firstly there’s no way Austin did not know he was being photographed in that club plus he didn’t try to hide his face with his hat. He was happy to be seen so I think an am pap walk was agreed and he could spend the rest of the day with his friends as he stated in an interview.
Ok that blind item was very clever and manipulative but not for the reasons you think - hear me out
Austin was seen talking on his own (or so it looks) with a blonde girl that were probably taken with a long zoom lens with how grainy they are but we never see her face.
1. DM says he was seen with a blonde girl however her dob was 2004 - this makes him out to be a predator but coincidentally the same age as Kaia was when they were 1st seen together. However real Austin fans know he would never let a girl buy her own drink and he sure as hell wouldn’t let her embarrass herself by not having ID when he knows the age limit. He would’ve have gone and ordered for her either way let’s be honest - in UK age limit is 18 so fair enough she might not have known but he definitely does. Good spot but this didn’t work as it didn’t get much attention as we all know it’s BS cause even the shippers don’t believe it 🤣
2. Then boom - blind item about them being in an ‘open relationship’ (I agree Camilla was a bit far fetched etc) but this was full damage control as Nepo controls the narrative yet again - why would she be bothered if he was seen with another girl if they’re in a OR. If he’s seen with another girl in future same again it’s an OR. We all know Austin isn’t like that and we don’t believe it but her PR team is on duty 24/7 don’t forget.
Notice how other ppl (non fans) commented on some media articles about how he was holding her hand like a friend/child on his bday - next pap walk their fingers are interlinked again. It’s the same narrative every time with them - pap walk, timeline or ‘still going strong article’ etc etc etc same old shit but a different day.
But Austin played her at her own game - why doesnt she do her usual suspected and planned pap walk this time.?? Well after the backlash she got from being seen laughing and joking in rain after LMP died does she risk it with Presley going to rehab and talking very openly and honestly on his IG acc. Does she quietly play the supporting loving sister role with her family or does she play the desperate (jealous) gf act with a pap walk - she has to control the narrative somehow.
If they are on the rocks like we all suspect then running to Austin is gonna have major repercussions with her family. let’s be honest Presley has made his feelings very clear with unfollowing him the day before his bday. Her family haven’t been seen with Austin for months so they’re making their feelings pretty clear. Choosing him over her brother was never gonna happen - I’m not calling her out if she is with her family by the way as family should always come 1st imo.
The end is close but whether Austin plays the ‘supportive boyfriend’ role or decides now is the time to make a break remains to be seen but this is not a loving relationship or even a great friendship imo. If the L&S article is correct then ‘Austin knows he’s gonna have to be seen as the bad guy’ and maybe he’s thinking now’s the time to be that guy 🤷‍♀️ 🤞
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This is very interesting!
To me Austin has nothing to lose being the “bad guy”. No matter what the Gerbers do, his reputation good and everyone loves Austin. Everyone also knows how calculated the Gerbers are too smh.
Also with the hand thing from the bday pap walk, I didn’t know people called them out. They really do be reading everything we say about that weird ass relationship lol
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strawberrylabs · 1 year
Whumptober day 13 with Tighnari!
(they/them) pronouns used!
Prompt: I don't feel so good
Whumptober Masterlist
she/her version, he/him version
Summary: You and Tighnari get used against the Traveller. Talk about a romantic tragedy...
Warnings: Death, poison
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You and Tighnari had somehow become part of a plan to hurt the traveller. 
The two of you had received word that there was a new withering zone- and as forest watchers, you both went to investigate.
The two of you were knocked out, and when you awoke, you were in one room, Tighnari was in a room across from you, separated by a pane of glass. In front of the two of your rooms was the Traveller, Paimon, and a masked man you didn’t know.
“Well traveller.. Which of your friends will you save?”
You’re beginning to understand.
“Traveller! Don’t worry about me! Save Tighnari!”
“What?! Don’t be stupid! Save them!”
You felt bad for the Traveller. They looked mortified, Paimon equally so.
“Tick Tock blondie.” The man grinned sinisterly. 
“Tighnari, you know you’re more needed in Gandharva Ville! You’re the best healer and forest watcher we have!”
“Stop being so foolish! How could I live with myself if the love of my life died because I lived?”
Despite the anger in his tone, you could see how his ears drooped and his tail fell between his legs.
You pressed your hands and forehead against the glass separating you, and he did the same. 
“Blegh, I hate lovers. You know what Traveller? I’m feeling nice. I’ll choose for you!”
The Traveller yelled in proteste as he pulled a lever. 
Before you had time to think about what might happen, a pink vapour began to fill the room you were in.
“Shit! No!” Tighnari was frantically trying to find a way to break the glass now. Punching it, kicking it, ramming himself into it. To no avail.
“Tighnari.. I don’t feel so good..”
Your eyes stung and your breathing grew heavy and laboured- it was as if every time you inhaled, you were inhaling sand instead of air. Your ears started ringing, and before you knew it, your legs had failed and you were sliding down the glass.
You can faintly make out someone laughing, and Paimon’s high pitched screaming. But that was in the distance.
In front of you was Tighnari.
He had knelt down as you fell, keeping his forehead against the glass where yours was. He was crying.
“No no no! Stay with me!! Please stay with me, you idiot!” 
You want to reply, to tell him it’s ok, but you can’t move. You can’t feel. You can’t…
You can’t.. Anything. 
Before you can register you’re dying, your head goes limp against the glass, lifeless eyes still peering into Tighnari’s.
His mouth is agape in horror, a soundless scream escaping him. 
You’re gone.
You’re gone and he’s still here.
“You.. You bastard! Bring them back! How dare you- Bring them back to me!!” Tighnari’s eyes were clouded by tears as he bared his teeth at the masked man.
“You know Traveller… I don’t very well like this one’s tone.” Before Traveller could protest, the lever was pulled again.
Tighnari’s vision went pink.
“Damn you… at least.. I can go see them now..”
Tighnari’s life faded, eyes still locked with your own. 
The man laughed sardonically
“What a tragedy.”
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short- but i enjoyed this one<3
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worldseer · 1 year
A list of random HCs about Jason Todd because I have brainrot~
THESE ARE MY PERSONAL HEADCANONS! IF YOU DISAGREE, THAT'S FINE BUT DON'T LEAVE HATE! Headcanons are separated by catagories: Random, fluffy, angsty, and NSFW. MDNI!!!! The different colors are just to break up the hcs a bit and not look like pure walls of text-
Has tapetum lucidum after being in the pit, causing his eyes to glow green in low/no light.
Has hazel eyes, which causes them to look brown or green at certain times.
Built sturdy and more like a boxer. I refuse to believe that this man isn't wide. Getting a better diet since being adopted + Robin training + Lazarus Pit = BIG. FRIDGE OF A MAN.
Has vitiligo, hence the white streak in his hair. It just so happened to show up after being resurrected.
Known to sleep walk and talk after resurrection. If he ever sleeps at the Manor, Bruce has cameras and sensors in place to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
Mostly talks shit to the houseplants while sleepwalking.
Canonically eats fast food alot. However, he always manages to burn off the calories. And the fat just makes him bulkier.
Bisexual but he doesn't tell anyone. Not that he's trying to hide it. He just doesn't label himself.
Wears eyeliner regularly, just because he wants to. Look I just love the concept, ok?
Considering getting his ears pierced, just debating on what exact kind of piercing
Has tattoos but not many, most notably small tattoo of a flower on his wrist to honor the death of Catherine, his step-mother.
Has prominent scars: Autopsy scar (died, obvi), scar stretching from the left edge of his left cheek and then up into his hairline (from crowbar), cut in his right eyebrow (from fighting as a child), lip scar that runs from slightly above the skin of his top lip and down over his lips to his chin on his left ( also from fighting as a child). Any other "scar" he receives since resurrection often fades away due to effects from the pit. The others do not fade.
Almost as tall as Bruce, maybe shorter by about an inch at most.
Has cried watching the Titanic movie. Was inconsolable for a week. Refuses to watch it ever again.
Laughs at horror films these days. Also will talk about how cuts and bullet wounds are anatomically incorrect like its casual conversation. It's one of the few activities he actively enjoys doing with Damian.
Calls Dick an old man just to spite him.
Never passes on an opportunity to tease Tim and call him a huge fucking nerd.
Loves all animals, but prefers cats. No real reason. He just always liked them more. Used to leave cans of food out for the cats to eat from as a kid.
Mostly likes Nu Metal, since it allowed him as a kid to get anger out and all the cool teens in his neighborhood blasted it a lot. But he's not picky about music. Secretly a snob for classical music though.
Strong relationship with Barbara, thinks of her as a sister he never had.
Always helps Alfred cook when he's at the Manor, and is good at it. Obviously works a knife well in cooking, but secretly prefers baking because the kitchen smells better afterwards.
As I've said before, I would not be surprised if he brings a stray home from either a shelter or the street. If he could, he'd help all the stray animals in Gotham and keep them.
Cares deeply about Tim. Tries to act like a big brother and be a good example to the best of his ability.
Not really a gamer, but he had some old consoles when he was a young kid under Bruce's care. Loved Wii Sports; boxing was his favorite. Nowadays, he doesn't play video games much. When he has time and feels like it though, he will play a game or two. Doom Eternal and Red Dead Redemption II are the top favorites after being resurrected.
Spends a good amount of time around Cass when at the Manor. They probably understand each other on almost a psychic level. They also train together a lot too to sharpen skills they both are weaker in.
Angst: (sorry for the pain)
Volunteers often at shelters and soup kitchens as a way to cope, makes him believe that he can offer comfort instead of just pain and being a burden.
Prefers to not talk out feelings after being resurrected; usually drives around to clear his head. Depending on how bad the situation is, it ranges from a few minutes to over an hour.
Loves classical literature because it was the first thing that allowed him to escape reality.
Has weird as fuck dreams, thanks to trauma and the pit. Never says anything about them to others however.
Never lets his stubble grow out too much because it makes him think he looks too much like Bruce, and he doesn't want to look like him.
Picked up smoking because what the hell are they gonna do? Kill him again? Always tries to avoid smoking around the others though, especially the members who are younger than him.
Rarely drinks. Reminds him too much of his birth father. Only does it for times when things are really bad.
Is so close to Barbara because she's one of the few who understands what it's like to be traumatized by the Joker. Often seeks her out for some comfort if his PTSD acts up again.
Hates crying, never cries in front of others unless he really trusts them. People who have seen him cry include Barbara, Dick, Alfred, and Bruce (on accident).
Grew up Catholic. Stopped believing the moment right before he died. Now has immense Catholic guilt and occasionally questions his morals a lot. (Might be self projecting but fuck it)
Zones out a lot. Happens the most during off time. If he's not doing anything, he's likely zoned out. Usually zones out when he thinks too hard about what the Lazarus Pit did to him, his death, and resurrections.
Copes in brash and self-depreciative humor. Also will make fun of others to draw attention away from his own problems.
Tried to help Catherine as much as he could, even if she wasn't the best mother to have.
NSFW: (Minors look no further!!!!)
A switch, dominant-leaning.
Softer dom, surprisingly. Sure, he can be a hard dom if he asked, but that's not what he wants. Coos sweet words while teasing.
Grunts and groans. Not vocal, but he'll talk through it sometimes. Grits his teeth if he's really into it.
"Oh, look at you on my cock. So tight and taking all of it, do you feel full? You look good when you're full of me."
He needs foreplay before subbing. Sometimes he's still wary about letting his guard down, so he needs lots of prepping and reassurance. Once he is into subbing, he's very obedient and eager to please.
Softer noises and gasps when subbing. He doesn't dare be loud, and often tries to cover up his noises. Doesn't beg often, takes what he gets without much complaint.
"Mmph- ah- hah- fuck- I'm close- I'm close baby. Can I finish?"
LOVES dirty talk, giving and receiving. He's already a bit of a cocky lil shit, so he'll tease you and talk you through it. Supportive about his dirty talk usually.
"That's it. Just like that. God- you're perfect. So fuckin' perfect- keep goin' baby, I gotcha."
Not experienced, sorry. With a combination of being bad at expressing emotions, trauma, and being busy as a vigilante, he does not get many bitches.
Has had hookups here and there, but that's all they were. He left the moment the other was all settled or asleep.
Experimental. Because he's low on experience, he's not entirely sure what he does or doesn't like.
Would not use a weapon in bed. That's a hard line. Weapons make him think of violence, and that's the last thing he wants to think about when in such a vulnerable moment.
Hates degradation, on both ends. Won't do it even if asked. The only time he'd ever get close to degrading is if you allow him to fuck while he's still working through some anger. Would apologize profusely afterwards though.
Not big on being tied up himself, but likes tying someone else up a bit. Nothing crazy besides handcuffs. Any further and he feels like he's taking advantage/being taken advantage of.
PRAISE!!! Loves to receive it, especially if he's being focused on or on the more submissive side.
A giver. He's not selfish, and feels bad if the other is not feeling good as well. Would most likely give more than he ever receives.
Not picky. As long as you are clean and consenting, he'll eat out if offered/allowed. Hair? Doesn't matter. Menstruating? Good thing he's low on iron. And you best believe that he is not stopping until you either push him away or are begging.
Thick, as expected. A little bit over 6" long. Prominent veins.
Trimmed, not shaved. Yes there is a difference.
Has a bit of a happy trail, and veins appear on v-line when hard.
Aftercare game ranges on how much he and his partner did, and their relationship. Hookups are usually left to take care of themselves and he leaves quickly. If Jason is serious about someone, he'll grab a washcloth, urge the other to use the bathroom (and maybe carry them if they're tired), and stay for cuddles.
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