#when my babe is off winning the bread
clownattack · 9 months
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crusty-chronicles · 7 months
HxH Men Throwing Down with their S/O's Plushies
Synopsis: How hxh men react to your plushie collection, and if they'd fight them when you're not there.
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An: I'm tired of all the fine men being ignored in the HxH fandom. Here's a Valentine's Day special of some of my favorites who are always overlooked for the most white bread, cardboard personality, toxic men.*cough cough* adult trio* cough cough*
Leorio 🩺
100% fights your plushies
Without a doubt he throws down with them when you're not there. Even when you're in the room he's throwing hands.
And it is personal 😤
You've caught him on several occasions saying- "Think you can sleep next to my girl/man and get away with it?!? You homewrecker!!!!”
It's honestly really funny to see him put one of your giant bears in a headlock.
But you have to stop him before he tears it because those things are expensive goddamit.
“Leave him alone. I've had him for about ten years and I doubt you could find me another one. So drop him,” you lecture.
And he begrudgingly drops your big teddy bear. But not before complaining that you love it more than him.
All pouty and upset until you kiss his cheek and reassure him.
“Babe, they're not alive. You have absolutely no competition for my heart.”
He knows that, but they're everywhere. Watching him with their beady little eyes from their place on your bed.
Which reminds me-
He piledrives your little plushies when you're not in the room.
If he had it his way, they'd all be locked away somewhere.
But because he loves you with his whole heart, he moves them away from your side of the bed to his.
What? Those little bastards thought they'd get to sleep next to you when he's home? Not a chance!
He hates them for the attention you give them, but he also contributes to your collection.
Whenever he's got funds to spare, he'll bring you home a new addition.
With the condition that you give him twice as many cuddles ☝️
Ging 🎣
He's a little less aggressive than Leorio, but he still fights your plushies.
And he fights with the intent to win.
Which more often than not leads them to getting ruined.
Tackles the absolute hell out of your big plushies. Then he'll jab it's stomach a few times.
“Getting a little too comfortable on my side, Jeremiah?”
If they're on the bed, they're on the floor when you get back.
Doesn't really do it for jealousy, but because he thinks your reaction is funny.
He'll throw one of the smaller ones off and you let out the most offended gasp.
“You stop that right now! You're gonna get him dirty! And I can't put him in the washer!”
He comes up with excuses too, just to see how much you'll let him get away with.
“That one was looking at me funny.” “You've got a place on your bed for each and every one of those little shittlings, but absolutely no room for me. It's not fair.” “I didn't get you that one, so it's under the bed where it belongs.”
The answer: you let him get away with a lot. You secretly think it's cute, but it's annoying how filthy he gets them.
He also steals them from time to time.
Totally not because he likes having something of you when he's away. What? You're crazy 🙄🙄🙄
He'll complain, but he'll always get you replacements for the ones he damages. He'll even get you the jumbo versions of the little ones.
Just because he loves you, despite his lackluster way of showing it.
Morel 🚬
He's pretty respectful about it
Does not fight them.
But, every man has his weakness.
So there are times when he'll pick one of the smaller ones up and inspect it. Right before he squeezes it completely in his hand.
Why does he do it? Just because.
They're like little stress balls
And it's during one of these moments of weakness that you catch him.
“You're choking out my poor frog! Let him go before his eye pops out!”
And he laughs. He thinks it's sweet how much you love these things.
Even if you've got them on shelves and they stare into his soul at night.
He makes it a habit not to smoke or use his ability in front of them.
They hold too much sentimental value to you. And the last thing he wants is for you to get upset.
But the squishing? It doesn't stop.
It's like they're begging to be smooshed.
And you never fail to get after him every time.
“Quit abusing my babies!” You scold before taking back your stuffed rabbit.
He lets you have another bed to put all your plushies on.
He's a big man 😤😤😤 He can't afford space to share with them. He also likes to sleep next to his partner undisturbed, thank you 😤.
Also contributes to your collection.
And we're not talking every once and a while.
He's got that hunter money, so if you see something you want, it's yours
Knov 👔
Arguably the most mature of the bunch
Your precious little babies are safe from him
It doesn't even cross his mind to fight them
That being said, your plushies aren't allowed on the bed at all ☹️
“I refuse to have my sleeping space occupied by that thing.” He said, gesturing to a very well loved seal plush. One of its eyes missing.
“What’s wrong with Samuel?”
“Look at it. The poor thing's traumatized. And you're gonna end up choking on its stuffing.”
They aren't even allowed in the bedroom on shelves.
However☝️, he does end up doing something special for you because of how much you adore your plushies.
He lets you dedicate one entire room to your collection. Buy a little bed for you to put them on. Even gets special shelves installed for you.
That's their room and theirs alone.
Also encourages you to get more now that you have ample space for them.
Every trip/mission he leaves for, he always makes sure to bring you something back.
Whether it be one of the huge bears or a little keychain plush, he gets it for you.
Definitely not a man afraid to spend on his S/O and their interest.
He also doesn't bat an eye at the attention you give them.
They mean a lot to you, but so does he judging by the way you're always ready to compromise
That and the way you cuddle closer to him at night and say-
“You're a whole lot better than even my softest of plushies.”
Knuckle 🐕
On a bad day, it's on sight.
Always the bigger ones too
“What're you looking at?” And then he'll wrestle whatever poor plush caught his eye first.
But he feels incredibly bad about it afterwards
Picking up your little dinosaur nugget plush with tears in his eyes.
“I'm so sorry. You're mother's/father's gonna kill me for this.”
Even goes as far as to stitch up any little holes if he damaged them.
What can I say? He's a total softie
Like many of the men on here, he does contribute to your collection.
But you also inadvertently make him start his own 💀
You'll buy one for yourself and because it needs a friend, you buy another.
Only to gift it to him because ‘They’re dating like us.’ 🥺
That's how it starts.
You start buying plushies in pairs.
One for you and one for him.
It never fails to make Knuckle cry.
“Babe really? You didn't have to.”
And he's cradling the little dog plush you got him with such care. Like it's the most delicate thing in the world.
He, of course, makes sure to get another set to pay you back.
Plushies in the bed?
No complaints here.
Even memorizes the names of all of them.
Kurapika ⛓️
He simply does not have the energy to fight your plushies
He comes home tired and drained, understandably. And the first thing he does is collapse on the bed, right on top of them.
Doesn't think twice about it. In fact, he likes the extra cushion they provide.
And you don't mind all that much either. Kurapika does a lot. He's been through a lot.
If he wants to rest right on top of your plushies, he's more than welcome.
However, when he's not completely exhausted, he's mean to them ☹️
He'll push off the ones on his side of the bed to make space for himself. And he will not pick them up
Or he'll hide the one you usually snuggle with at night so he can cuddle you himself.
He just wants your warmth after a long day. Is that so much to ask for?
“Kurapika, have you seen my octopus plush anywhere?”
And he'll look away guiltily before mumbling a ‘No. Can't say that I have.’
But he always puts it back when he knows he'll be gone for a while.
He knows it brings you comfort, and who is he to take that away from you.
He does get pouty when you give them extra attention.
“I've been gone for a month and you're too busy cleaning that thing to greet me.” He complains.
Only for you to get up and wrap your arms around him. Giving his cheek a smooch before saying-
“You know you're precious to me. But I wouldn't be so busy cleaning my baby if you'd stop leaving him on the floor.”
He makes it up to you everytime by getting you another one.
He always makes sure to pick you something up when he comes back from searching for his clan's eyes.
A little thank you for always waiting for him and giving endless patience.
Kite 🪁
Another man whom your plushies are safe from
He's supportive of your collection, but all he asks is that they don't take up the entire bed.
If they do, he's a little mean about it and organizes them all on your side.
That's about as far as he goes with messing with them.
He definitely builds you shelves to keep them in
Again, the less of them in the bed, the more space you two have.
He thinks it's cute how much you care about them, and likes to indulge you by asking how you got them.
He listens to each and every story you have and why each plush is special to you.
Safe to say, this man does not get jealous
A piece of fluff with stuffing is the last thing he's worried about
That being said, he contributes less frequently to your collection than the other men on this list
He limits them to special occasions like your birthday or an anniversary.
He wants to make sure each one is attached to a special moment so you hold them just as dear as your other ones.
An import memory that you're able to hold onto
He's also careful around your plushies.
He doesn't wanna get them dirty or accidentally tear them because of how much they mean to you.
Wing 👓
This man right here is a 10/10
The absolute sweetest man
The thought doesn't even cross his mind to throw down with your plushies
In fact, he prides himself on taking care of them while you're out
Dusting them off, reorganizing them, stitching up any little holes he sees
Also someone who goes out of his way to memorize all their names.
Knows each one by heart because he always listens intently when you talk about them
Your big dinosaur?
That's Chungus.
The little raccoon?
You want the plushies in bed?
Of course! Each one has their own special place. And he makes sure there's enough space for the both of you.
If he's got money to spare, he's definitely gonna get you something.
You don't even have to ask, he's already bringing you home a little duck plush that Zushi thought you'd like. What can he say? The kid adores you
This man doesn't get jealous whatsoever
In fact, you're the one who ends up getting pouty because he's taking fantastic care of your plushies.
“Honey, I want cuddles.” You whine.
And he's cleaning off one of your bears with a damp rag.
“In a minute, dearest. You got him dirty last night.”
But as soon as he's done, you've got his full attention
He just knows how much you love those things and wants you to be able to cherish them for as long as possible.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
Timeless (pro!bakugo x you)
summary: in another life, he still would have turned your head.
word count: 0.7k
cw/tags: swearing, just straight fluff, gn reader
note: i think my favorite line of dialogue i've written so far is now "kicking ass, looking hot." hope you enjoy this lil drabble!
likes/reblogs/feedback is always appreciated <3
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In your excitement, you pull out your phone and dial his number. He answers after two rings and you smile softly. You didn’t usually call him when he was on patrol unless you missed him, so hopefully he didn’t give you any shit about that. 
“Hi darling, whatcha doing?” You fiddle with the ring hanging around your neck, a habit you’d only picked up after you two started dating. 
“The usual– kicking ass, looking hot.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“You’re the one who called me, babe, so you must be missing me. What’s up?” 
“Just wanted to tell you about these funny little photos I found in an antique shop by the deli. I snagged that good French bread you like, by the way.” Your fingers continue to card through the pictures in the cardboard box, one shoulder pressing the phone up to your ear. 
He hums contentedly on the other side of the phone, completely ignoring the first part of what you said. “You’re the greatest part of my life.” 
“I better be. But, anyway, these photos, Kats.” You could practically see him rolling his eyes in boredom, but continue trying to explain them anyways. “They’re cute; it’s like little black and white photos of lovers from the 50s, and in one of them they’re in front of their first house in the 60s.” 
“Why are you telling me about random extras from ancient times?” 
You scoff at his warped sense of time. “First off, this was only a few decades ago. Second…I actually don’t really know.” He snorts from the other side of the phone, and you fight to keep your voice to a whisper as you backtrack, trying to verbalize the vague train of thought in your mind. “I’m serious, Kats. I don’t know what it is about these photos. They just remind me of us.” You pick up one of a young couple standing in front of a vintage car at the beach. The boy has a smug look on his face, and his girlfriend is shaking her head exasperatedly. He must have said something stupidly endearing, just like the boy on the phone with you. 
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. I just saw them and I like to think that, even if we were living in a different time, we’d still find our way to each other, somehow.” Another one caught your eye in the box, a family picture at a rest stop in the mountains. The parents tenderly hold a baby each in their arms, beaming at the camera and surrounded by towering trees. The image made your heart ache a little bit, so second-handedly happy for them that it was making you sad. You never would tell him, but you were really missing your boyfriend. 
“You bet your sexy ass I’d find you in another lifetime.” You roll your eyes. His crass language, however intelligent he was, really overpowered his intellect sometimes. 
“I don’t think you’d be using that kind of language if we were in like, the 1400s, Kats.” You find a funny one of a little boy triumphantly holding an ice cream cone in a bathtub and it reminds you of baby photos your boyfriend’s mom had showed you when you met her for the first time. 
“Then I’d kick the shit out of all the other suitors or whatever to win your delightful posterior.”
“Ew,” you laugh, covering your burning face with a hand. “Please don’t say that ever again.” 
“I know you’re blushing. Bet you look cute.” 
“Mhmm, blushing ‘cause of how fucking embarrassing you are sometimes,” you reply fondly, waving farewell to the older woman behind the antique counter. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love you too. You free for lunch or are you headed back to the agency?” 
Your heart stutters. He always seemed to know when you were thinking about him, or missing his company. “I’m free right now, but aren’t you on patrol–”
“Aight, see you in a sec.” 
“Wait, Kats–” You look at your phone in disbelief. He’d hung up on you. Shaking your head, you have a seat on a bench and wait for the telltale noise of explosive rumbling to reach you. 
He was insufferable, yes, but you wouldn’t trade him for anybody else, this century or otherwise. 
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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ragnarokhound · 11 days
Hi wife. Staring at the green dot on your profile like my boy Gatsby and sending increasingly ridiculous asks in the hope of winning your heart.
not to bring up chapell roan, but have we considered the lyric “You could kiss a hundred boys in bars” for recently broken up jaytim?
I’m thinking Tim freaks out about love and affection™️ and totally ghosts Jason after their first kiss/near death experience. Jason runs into him at a club a few weeks later and sees that Tim is potentially kissing boys that ARE NOT JASON — cue angsty drama, maybe another near death experience where they save each other, and jason figuring out Tim ghosted because he’s a big chicken. Then (important for plot and character development) they have dirty dirty sex
Hi wife. You're yearning for something you already hold. Now come inside off the dock, the only thing you'll catch is your death of cold out here 💖 (I swear one of these days I'll find you dramatically floating face down in the swimming pool and it's gonna give me a goddamn heart attack /affectionate)
I'm so glad you know exactly what I like because a) good luck babe plays in my head 24/7 it was absolutely in the rotation when I was writing Secretary fic so how dare you and b) this is so up my alley for jaytim like you don't even know skdjfjks
In fact it's so up my alley that I'm gonna have to slap my response to this one under a cut cause it spiralled out of control:
Idk if you've noticed but I am deeply obsessed with Tim figuring out his own feelings re: Jason first and having a mcfreaking meltdown about them lmao.
Between the two of them, imo, he is much more of an anxious overthinker who will think he's making the most tactically sound decision because he really has thought it through with all the information he has access to -- but he always fails to give full weight to considering the best case scenario when it's something he wants. When it's something he feels selfish about. And boy, does he consider Jason Todd a best case scenario.
And mmmm I am so very here for jealous! and possessive!Jason. Especially when Jason didn't realize what he was feeling until after he's already acted on it. It is the bread and butter. Bonus points if he's not even trying to show it to Tim. Tim isn't the problem.
For instance: Tim's in the club, looking to see if he's just horny and needs to get it out of his system, come on, I cannot muck up the good thing I have just because I want some fuck-- and his prospective dance partners just start to dry up.
Because the big guy who looks like he's done time and a half keeps glaring daggers, keeps shoving his old partners off the dancefloor or knocking into them when they've come back with drinks for the cute twink they were totally gonna score with. Not anymore.
Jason thinks he's doing it because he's looking out for Tim. Because anyone with eyes can tell they just want Tim for one thing, and he deserves so much better than that.
When Tim realizes what's going on, he's already been grinding on this hot buff guy who came up behind him for two songs in a row. Tall, dark and silent keeps stopping Tim from turning around, and he doesn't slip a hand any lower despite all of Tim's silent offerings. Weird, but the anonymous gentleman act is kinda hot, so--
And then he glances at the round, silvered mirror in the corner. He clocks the white streak in the head of black hair dipped low over his, the gun callouses running rough over his bare stomach. He stiffens up in Jason's arms just long enough that he knows Jason knows he's been made. He drags him off to the bathrooms ("come on, handsome") and the second the doors shut and they're alone, he whirls on him.
They argue. Tim is embarrassed and it's coming out as anger, Jason is annoyed (and still processing the revelation he'd been having on the dancefloor, the one where Tim was lithe and warm in his arms, his long fingers twining through what hair he could reach at Jason's nape, where he smelled like sweat and musk and Tim and Jason found himself wanting to know if the gleaming patch of skin in the bare crook of his neck would taste the same--)
Jason is annoyed and has no explanation that will satisfy Tim. He wants to know why Tim ghosted him when the last mission they worked ended in bloody, near-disaster, and the case it was tied to still hasn't fully wrapped. He gets taking a few days off to recover, but it's been longer than that. Way longer, with no contact, no explanation, no 'I got shot so I'm gonna need a week or maybe three'. Wasn't Tim going to finish the job? He told Jason he would help. Did he lie?
It yanks the rug out from under Tim. Makes him feel small, and selfish. He promises Jason he'll come back to the case, he just had some things to figure out. But that's done now.
Jason loses the thread on his irritation as Tim deflates, hates the hunched, defensive hug he's giving himself, looking vulnerable and tired in his scanty clubbing fit under the cold LEDs flickering above the bathroom sink. He catches sight of the fresh pink scar, the one he'd just felt out under his palms not ten minutes ago with something bordering on relief. (And hunger.)
He wants to reach out, "Tim--?"
But Tim brushes past him, fleeing out the door and disappearing through the crowd before Jason can stop him.
Everything is fine. Totally 100% fine and dandy--
--is what they both are telling themselves.
Tim is doing his best to stifle his feelings, stomps down on them ruthlessly every time he catches them flaring up, and is counting the seconds until this is finally over and he can get to work dousing the massive fucking torch he's been holding in peace.
Tim comes back to help Jason with the rest of the case, but he's palpably distant, brittle when they banter-- and Jason hates it. He still remembers how Tim felt against him, how he'd melted into Jason, silently begging to be touched. For Jason to touch him.
It's been quietly rearranging some things in Jason's head. He's replayed their argument in the bathroom over and over. He thinks about Tim, about the timing of his disappearance--
(About the bullet he'd dug out of Tim's body, silver and red, and the desperate flow of his blood over Jason's wrists. About the night spent monitoring Tim's condition in a rundown safehouse, feeding him ice chips and brushing the hair out of his eyes, brushing off every bullshit attempt he made to tell Jason he was fine.)
--about figuring things out and avoiding Jason's eyes. And Jason wonders.
They have one last big bust to make, after days of stewing in their own unresolved tension. It goes down textbook; easy. In and out.
Except, at the last minute, during extraction, Jason gets shot. And Tim freaks.
He puts their plane on autopilot the moment they're clear (maybe a few moments before they're clear, actually) and dashes to where Jason is groaning just inside the bay doors. He's tight-lipped and grim-faced; his hands are fast and efficient, but shaking.
"Tim," Jason tries to say, but he gets shushed with a glare.
"Don't talk," Tim clips out. He undoes straps and disarms panels Jason thought were secret, and then he pulls out a pair of medical scissors.
"Tim--" Jason tries again, more urgently, but Tim doesn't even glance at him, just cuts through Jason's undershirt to expose--
"Oh," he breathes.
"Yeah. I'm okay," Jason sighs.
The crunched up bullet is caught in Jason's last layer of kevlar. The round they'd fired on him had been dramatically big, but Jason gets in firefights basically 24/7. He's padded to hell and back, even more than your average Bat. He'll have a wicked bruise and his rib might be sore for a week, but that's about it.
That's it.
Tim is still for an achingly long ten seconds, breathing shallow as he stares at Jason's armor. The proof that it's effective. And then he collapses.
He sits back heavily, elbows on his bent knees as he rubs his pale face. Jason watches as he visibly tries to pull himself back together, but relief keeps shaking him apart. Jason sits up.
Tim startles, tries to stand; Jason doesn't let him.
"Come here," he entreats, tugging Tim closer, firmly by the knees, to sit between Jason's legs with his thighs around Jason's waist, trembling under Jason's hands. "Don't go."
Tim twists his fists in Jason's jacket collar, eyes squeezing shut as Jason tips their foreheads together. Like he can't stand it. Caught in fight or flight-- but flight has been denied him.
"I know," Jason murmurs. "But don't go this time. Don't."
Tim drags in gasping breaths, and Jason runs soothing palms over his thighs, his waist, his arm, his neck. He thinks he understands. This feeling is too big. And if Tim is feeling half of what Jason feels, he gets why he'd want to run from it.
"Don't," he begs against Tim's mouth anyway. He kisses Tim until he moans into Jason, until he's sunk his fingers into Jason's hair; until he's sure he'll stay.
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blackbat05 · 2 years
Surprise Visitor🐶
Jake Kim/Kim Gimyeong x Reader
A/N: In light of the angst arc aka <The Hunt for Big Deal> finished, here is therapy for myself! And whoever reads it I guess.
Plot: A surprise visitor makes the week of Big Deal.
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“Uh… babe?”
“Yeah?” You poke your head from the kitchen to see Jake staring at the moving loaf scrambling to climb his leg.
“What’s this?” He looks more amused than anything else. Fishcake, your friend’s corgi stares back at your mountain of a boyfriend.
“A friend of mine left the country for a week. She asked me if I could look after it.” You shrug, scooping the rice into two bowls before setting it on the table. At the sound of cutlery being placed on the table, the dog leaves him, skittering to a stop in front of you.
“I did not forget your dinner, Mister.” You chuckle, pouring a bowl of dog food for little Fishcake who was positively drooling.
This was going to be one hell of an interesting week, Jake thinks.
- Bonus headcanons! -
You had to work so you dropped off a wiggling Fishcake at Big Deal in the mornings.
Needless to say, the girls and Lua were ecstatic as they played with the troublesome corgi.
Jason and Brad were the quieter ones to welcome Fishcake among the group.
A few pats here and there from the duo. But Jason has a small smile when Fishcake cannot leave his red shoes.
“The little dude has taste.”
Brad notices that Fishcake’s paws were starting to get dirty. So he gets to work.
Lineman was carrying some boxes to return to Big Deal’s storage. He walks in on the No. 4 doing nail paw art for the pampered canine.
A win win situation for both. But Lineman secretly takes a photo for future blackmail.
Former big boss Han Sinu bursts through the doors of Big Deal almost every single day to see the floof.
His iron grip on the wiggling canine makes it impossible for any sort of escape. Jake had to step in once. Yeonhui isn’t getting a dog. She’s already taking care of a big puppy🤩
Once, Fishcake went missing and Jake almost lost his marbles. You were going to kill him.
The whole of Big Deal spent a good two hours searching for the toasted bread until Jason found Fishcake and Jerry Kwon sleeping beside each other in one of the makeshift beds.
Jerry is also the one in charge of taking Fishcake out for walks. The visual image is adorable.
Most importantly, Fishcake’s past time involves snoozing beside Jake whenever boss man takes a nap too.
Believe it or not, Fishcake helps to calm Jake down with its mere presence. With all the blood and fighting, Jake could really use a fur buddy.
A week went by quickly and the whole of Big Deal almost crashed your place as you waited for your friend to arrive from the airport to pick Fishcake up.
Fishcake could not stop licking Jake’s face, wagging its tail enthusiastically.
“Heh, I’ll miss you too buddy.”
Please feedback! This is my first piece after all. Thanks!
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Be my Baby chapter 5
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A/N: Sorry for the wait babes. The good news is chapter 6 is already mapped out.
Warnings: (18+, oral sex, implied penetrative sex, cursing)
Word Count: 2.7k
“You want red or white?” You and Frankie were getting ingredients for your dinner date, and you were looking for the perfect drink to pair it with. 
“I want beer.” Frankie was a man with simple taste he either went with beer or whiskey, neither of which you happen to like. 
“I agree with red too.” You place the white blend back before carrying on to the refrigerated dairy items. 
Today at work there were few walk-ins so both of you scoured the internet for cooking recipes. Benny and Will partook in the festivities pointing out you should add a salad. Benny showed you some excellent stuff that he makes to bulk up for his fights. Ultimately you chose a Caesar salad from scratch with broccoli cheddar soup.
After work, you two headed straight for the store to gather your ingredients. Since you would be focusing on the soup and Frankie on the salad you guys split up. You found him in the pastry section looking at apple turnovers before you hit the wine aisle. As he went to grab one from the top you intercepted and took the one under it. 
The heavy whipping cream and some creamer were the last two things you needed to get before checkout. Like always Frankie pulled out his wallet before you could blink. 
“Gotta be quicker than that.” He taunts you while waiting for the payment to go through. 
“You two are such a beautiful couple.” The older lady checking you two out has a fond smile looking at you. 
“Thank you,” Suddenly it’s like you’re back in middle school and someone told you how good you and your crush looked together. During your small exchange, Frankie had already grabbed the bags from the bagging area. 
“You ready baby?” Nodding, you smile once more at the cashier before following after the man responsible for your flustered state. 
Out in the parking lot you fish through his pockets for the truck keys. With the groceries safely packed away, you make your way to your home. The drive is silent but comfortable and you take the opportunity to drift off to sleep. When Frankie wakes you, you find he’s already put the bags in your apartment. He even set up his salad station. 
“May the best chef win.” You tilt your head with squinted eyes in an effort to intimidate him further. 
“I think we both know who’s coming out on top hm?” Before he skirts past you he kisses your forehead. 
It seems you need to get used to cooking with another person in the kitchen since you both constantly bump into each other while making your dishes. Instead of ire the kitchen is filled with laughter at the chaotic mess you’ve created. While your soup is simmering you decide to bother Frankie by wrapping your arms around his waist and becoming dead weight. 
As horrible as it may make him sound Frankie can’t help but revel in the peace you provide him. He feels comfortable taking up space around you whereas in his home he feels like he’s on eggshells. This whole open marriage was supposed to give him and Maria time to recoup but he finds himself thinking of what a future could look like with you. Considering the relationship he had now was merely co-parenting anyway. 
“I hope you know if you’re trying to annoy me it’s doing the exact opposite.” His words, like always, send a fluttering in your lower stomach. 
“You say that now,” You let your sentence hang in the air while he finishes chopping the lettuce for the salad. 
The way that Frankie carefully crafts his ingredients shows how much he likes cooking, and you’ve never been more attracted to him. His salad looks better than what they serve at Panera Bread. 
“All I have to do is add the croutons, how’s the soup coming?” He turns his head to the side to look down at you. 
“It’s done, I’ll go set everything up in the living room.” Reluctantly you release Frankie and make your way towards the living room with the wine in tow. After your TV loads, you queue up Love Island with two glasses of wine left on the table.
Back in the kitchen, Frankie turns off the stove and waits for you. When you make it back the both of you divvy up the food to take to the living room. The Caesar salad is probably the best you’ve ever tasted and you are sure to let Frankie know. Following your lead he tries your soup and groans in delight at the simple but filling dish. 
“What’s this?” His head nods in the direction of the paused TV. 
“Love Island, you’ll grow to love it I promise.” Although reluctant to agree with your words he sits back and enjoys his meal. 
By the time his spoon hits the bowl, he’s fully invested despite his doubt. He’s even picked his favorite couple and animatedly talks about how much he loves their colloquialisms. Even though he was adamant that he only drank beer or whiskey he sure was downing the wine like it was about to expire. 
“Who knew British people were so trashy?” Frankie’s eyes are glued to the screen in fascination.
With the both of you comfortable on the couch you turn and tuck your feet underneath you. His whole body was slumped against your couch. The TV was just background noise as you let your thoughts wander to this predicament. 
“So this open marriage thing, am I the only woman you’re seeing.” They say curiosity killed the cat but you would rather have your answer than wonder. 
“Yes, honestly I wasn't particularly looking but Benny had brought you up and I was interested.”  Somehow you aren’t the least bit offended by his words.
“So you wanted to work more on your marriage?” Frankie fully turns his body to face you after your question.
“Yeah like I said I fucked up and it was on me to do the work to fix it but I think it was too late.” You nod along understanding his position.
“What about now are you two working it out?” As you wait for his answer your heart thunders in your chest. 
“No, I wanted to try but respected her wish for space. And now I’m starting to think we’re nothing more than co-parents.” The drop in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed and you wrap your arms around him hoping it’ll bring some comfort. “I don’t mean to dump all this on you.” 
“I asked Fransisco and I’m glad you’re being honest with me.” He doesn’t answer you and instead dips his head in the crook of your neck. “Considering how long you two were together it makes sense that you feel so deeply about it. I’d be alarmed if you didn’t.”
“What about you? I’m sure you have no shortage of suitors.” Frankie pulls back enough to kiss around your neck, the wine has him feeling friskier. 
“I don’t but only one caught my eye.” Your voice is barely above a whisper.
“Lucky me then.” His gravelly voice gives your lower stomach that familiar feeling. But Frankie doesn’t stop there, he lets his hands roam over your sides before he comfortably plants them on your hips. After he gives them a squeeze he pulls you into his lap with ease and you can’t help the giggles that follow.
Frankie’s eyes are glazed over when he looks up to admire you. He had you sitting on his groin and you could feel him getting heavier by the second. The intense eye contact coupled with him not saying anything caused you to look away feeling warmth spread through your body. 
“Don’t do that.” He spreads his hands around your hips to squeeze your ass. 
“Don’t look at me like that.” You look at him as if he were the crazy one before placing your hands on his chest. 
“Why?” Frankie then closes the small distance between you two, slanting his lips on yours. 
His lips are soft and pilant compared to his scratchy mustache but that’s the least of your worries. The hands planted on his chest slide underneath his shirt, lightly scratching the expanse of his chest. Your hips lightly rock against his hardened member attempting to release the pressure you’ve built up. 
A low groan vibrates against your lips and you deepen the motion of your hips. Frankie’s hands squeeze you harder to keep you in place while his lips suck on your bottom lip. Your panties become uncomfortably wet when his tongue enters your mouth and you tilt your head to the side giving him greater access. 
Nothing prepared you for the dazed look in Frankie’s eyes when you pulled back, you almost forgot you wanted to take his shirt off. Since you were taking too long Frankie did it himself by grabbing the back of his shirt and lifting it. He then maneuvered you off his lap so he could lay you down on the couch.
Warmth spread through your cheeks and body at the way his eyes bore into yours. His hands hooked both your yoga pants and panties in one before pulling both down. The large wet spot on your panties stuck to your core before Frankie fully pulled them down. He laid down on his stomach and positioned himself right between your legs. 
A trail of soft kisses leads from your upper thigh to your clit and your back arches in anticipation. Frankie lays his arm across your stomach in preparation while his other grips your thigh. When he licks a stripe up your pussy you can’t help the sign of relief that leaves your lips. He slowly circles his tongue around your clit reveling in the way he can feel your stomach moving rapidly. 
“Frank,” The long draw of his name lets him know you’re tired of his teasing. 
For tonight he obliges your request and wraps his lips around you before suckling. He feels your hands cradle his head as your hips buck into his mouth. The small tugs at his curls have him diving further into your pussy. Heavy breathing and low moans from you drown out the TV in the background and Frankie makes it his job to ensure it stays that way.
Your head is thrown back against your sofa when he starts flicking his tongue while sucking. 
“Just like that,” The way the words tumble out of your mouth you’re unsure if he understands but there’s no change. His name is like a prayer on your lips, and you can’t stop calling out to him. 
Loud moans replaced the heavy breathing that was once filling the room. Frankie's eyes connect with yours when you steal a glance at him, and your hand tightens in his hair bringing him impossibly closer to your cunt. Flutters in your lower stomach let you know you’re close as you clench around nothing. 
Neither of you breaks eye contact as your hip movements become erratic. His chocolate eyes pull at the invisible string holding you together. The moment it snaps your vision is bathed in white and your head falls against the armrest while you ride your high out on Frankie’s face. All of the energy is seemingly sucked out of your body. 
Frankie gently coaxes you back into his lap and lets your body draped over his. His hands drag down your sides and find themselves in their rightful place on your hips. Given that you were barely mobile he pulled his member out before sitting you on top. 
“Let me do all the work baby.” The two of you are nowhere near done for the night, but you have no complaints.
Today it seemed like everyone needed work on cars Frankie was in the garage with Benny and Will. All hands on deck were needed, and when you thought about it this was the first time you had to do some strenuous work. Not to say the garage was empty. After filing the remaining paperwork for your latest customer you head to the refreshment area to make more coffee.
Although your break should be coming up in the next hour you don’t see yourself or the guys leaving. In the garage 50 Cent is blasting and you know it must’ve been Benny’s doing. His phone is easy to spot and you pause it only to hear him rapping underneath the car before popping his head out to complain. You simply ignore him before addressing the group. 
“Since none of us can leave what do y’all want from Papa John’s? My treat.” Benjamin’s body is the first to roll out from under his car wasting no time telling you his usual order, a meat lovers with spinach on half. William’s head comes out from under a hood three cars away stating he wanted pepperoni. Frankie came to you while wiping his hands and insisting he wanted pepperoni and jalapenos on one. 
When all their orders are stored in your notes app you turn to Frankie for the first conversation you’ve had all day.
“Any updates on the cars?” You don’t hide how you’re eyeing his veiny forearms.
“Is that really what you came back here for?” His eyes are already trained on you when you finally look in his eyes.
The smile that graces your face tells him all he needs to know. Unbeknownst to either of you William and Benny sneakily peep their heads out from their respective workplaces to watch the two of you. 
“Well I gotta get back anyway, they probably drank all the coffee by now.” Your hands find their way to your hair while Frankie stares unabashedly.
“I don’t get a kiss?” His low voice doesn’t stop you from checking to see if either Miller brother was paying attention to you. 
Since they looked deep into their work you quickly got on your tiptoes to peck his cheek, only for his arm to circle your waist before he turned his head slightly to meet your lips. When he pulls away you can’t even chastise him so you turn to walk out of the garage without another word. A chorus of thank you’s follow you out the door but you can’t return the sentiment. 
By the time the pizzas arrive, the lobby is halfway cleared out so you grab a few paper plates from the break room before heading into the garage again. Although you know they won’t be able to eat much they still need something to hold them over. 
Being the only one with clean hands they take turns coming over while you hold their respective slices. After 30 minutes of this spinning rotation, they assure you that they’ll be fine until they finish. You take all the food leave it in the break room and fill up the coffee machine one more time before sitting back down. 
Steadily the boys come out from the garage to converse with the customers about their remaining work or the final price. As the last person leaves you lock the front door and hot tail it to the breakroom where the guys have a plate already laid out for you. 
“Dammit, I should have gotten soda.” The realization hits you now that there are three large pizzas without a drink in sight. 
“We got beer in the fridge sweets don’t worry about it.” Will’s statement causes laughter to bubble out of Frankie’s mouth. 
“She hates beer.” Frankie takes the beer you were offered. 
“Why?” Based on Benny’s face he couldn't fathom why you wouldn’t. 
“Maybe it has to do with the fact that it tastes like carbonated cat piss.” Since you were given the platform you would rave about how much you didn’t like beer. The room roared with laughter from all the guys at your barely-contained hatred for their favorite drink. 
“This can’t be coming from the same lady who said Pete Davidson was hot.” Benny’s quip takes you by surprise.
“I told you that in confidence.” You whisper-yell at him in faux anger. 
“Respectfully, you should’ve taken that to the grave.” Will comes out of nowhere to share his opinion and you can’t help the laughter tumbling out of you. 
The night carries on with all of you tearing down each box of pizza until there’s nothing left. All the beer in the fridge lays on the table opened and empty. None of you had bothered to check the time or you would have realized it was nearing one o'clock in the morning. All that mattered was that none of you could catch your breath because someone else would chime in with a joke. 
@harriedandharassed, @emilianamason
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strandnreyes · 1 year
seven sentence sunday
thanks for tagging me @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses @reyesstrand @alrightbuckaroo @theghostofashton @freneticfloetry !!
fully planned on sharing something from a 5+1 fic that I’m working on, but then @welcometololaland and I started chatting about an as if you were a mythical thing sequel, and then this happened. putting this away now to focus back on my current wips lol
“Babe, they’ve got Halloween stuff.”
“Our lives are Halloween,” Carlos mutters as he wrinkles his nose. The fake blood and the gravestone yard decorations have a different feel to him this year than they have in years past.
TK rolls his eyes. “Well, we still need costumes for the party at the diner. Nancy still brags about how she beat us in the contest last year, we need to do better.”
“And you think the winning costume is going to come from Party City?”
“Inspiration, baby,” he corrects and starts browsing the aisles.
Carlos looks at the displays in front of him as TK wanders a little farther away. ‘Friendly clown’, ‘Tequila bottle and lime slice’, or ‘Gryffindor robe’ don’t really seem like their style and TK’s silence as he digs at something on the end cap is hopefully one of agreement.
“I mean I guess we could just go with the classic,” TK decides after a few minutes and when Carlos looks over to see what he means by that, TK flashes him a grin that shows off two pearly white fangs.
“TK,” Carlos hisses, stalking towards him. His eyes readily dart around to see if there’s anyone nearby and his heart would be pounding if it could. “Put those away.”
TK laughs, holding his hand in front of his mouth as he spits out the cheap, fake set of teeth, and Carlos shakes his head with a huff as a small smile sneaks onto his own face.
“These things couldn’t even pierce through a slice of bread,” TK says with a disappointed scoff as the pad of his finger pokes at one of the tips.
tagging @lightningboltreader @rmd-writes @beautifulhigh @basilsunrise @paperstorm if you have anything to share!
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Steddie Flower Shop / Tattoo Parlor AU
And that’s a wrap! I hope y’all enjoy this last installment! 
Part One I Part Two I Part Three I Part Four I Part Five I Part Six I Part Seven I Part Eight I Part Nine I Also on AO3!
Eddie was nervous. It didn’t help that his shop was closed and he had nothing to occupy him other than thinking about Steve coming over that night. Most years it was a welcome rest to shut down for the day after the hectic Valentine’s Day season but today he was pacing the apartment convinced he’d forgotten something. He’d pretty much spent all day freaking himself out about his first date with Steve. 
Eddie had decided he was going to cook for Steve. Mrs. De Lucas had taught Eddie some of her secret family recipes and he’d decided to pull out all the stops and make homemade pasta and tiramisu for dessert. He was just putting the finishing touches on the sauce when he heard a soft knock at the door.
“Steve! Welcome to my humble abode,” Eddie said as he held the door open for Steve.
“Thanks, Eddie.” Steve said as he walked in. Steve was holding a little ceramic pot. He must have noticed Eddie glancing down at it so Steve added, “Oh, I was going to bring you flowers but I felt like as a florist you’d probably be sick of them so this is aloe vera? I figured if you cook a lot you might also have to deal with cooking-related burns and aloe vera is really good for soothing them.” 
“Aw, babe. That’s so thoughtful!” Eddie praised. Steve flushed bright red and Eddie thought it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen. “Can I get you a glass of wine?”
“Sure, thanks, Eds.”
“Of course! Cheers to our first official date, Steve,” Eddie said as they clinked glasses.
“I dunno, I think spending eight hours together in a van probably counts.”
“I was working, it absolutely doesn’t count,” Eddie disagreed.
“We had romantic music, we ate food, you kissed me goodbye, sounds like a date to me, babe,” Steve argued.
“Absolutely not. You playing cheesy music and eating sandwiches over my workbench with Robin and Chrissy does not a date make,” Eddie laughed. “A homemade dinner, wine, dessert? This is a date, sweetheart.”
“I’m only letting you win because you feed me,” Steve answered.
“Using me for my kitchen. Shame on you, Harrington.”
“At least you’re going into this with open eyes, hun,” Steve said, “I have high expectations after that fucking grilled cheese.”
“Oh man, the pressure!” Eddie joked as he grabbed the pasta and garlic bread and herded Steve over to the small kitchen table.
“This smells so good, Eds.”
“A De Lucas’ family recipe. I hope you don’t mind Italian.”
Eddie and Steve ate and gossiped about Robin and Chrissy and some of the crazy bouquets they had delivered the day before. Eventually, Eddie grabbed the bottle of wine and led Steve over to his couch. They continued chatting and Steve moved to lean against Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie reached his arm around Steve and started rubbing small circles into Steve’s collarbone.
“Are you trying to seduce me, Munson?” Steve asked.
“It depends. Are you feeling seduce-able?” Eddie answered.
Steve looked up at Eddie with big brown eyes and nodded. Eddie leaned down and kissed Steve. It was even better than yesterday. Eddie suspected it might have something to do with the fact that they weren’t being interrupted by Robin and Chrissy whooping.
“Steve,” Eddie basically moaned and pulled at his sweater, “Can I take this off of you?”
“Yes,” Steve answered. Eddie would have been self conscious about how far gone he already was but Steve was right there with him.
“So pretty for me, baby,” Eddie said as he started to kiss down Steve’s torso. He positioned himself on the floor in between Steve’s legs and continued to kiss and tease and bite as he made his way to the waistband of Steve’s joggers.
“Oh, Eds.”
Eddie would have done just about anything to hear Steve make those sounds again. He started to run his hands over Steve’s hips, moving lower as Steve started to cant his hips off of the couch. As Eddie was about to ask if he could finish undressing Steve, he noticed something that was a little too dark to be a mole. It was sort of a weird shaped blobish thing on just above Steve’s hipbone.
“Stevie, you do have a tattoo!” Eddie exclaimed.
“Oh shit, Eddie,” Steve tried to pull Eddie back up but Eddie was persistent. He got very close but he still couldn’t figure out what on earth Steve’s tattoo was supposed to be. 
“Steve. Do you have a tattoo of a dick on your hip?” Eddie asked. Steve burst out laughing and grabbed the back of Eddie’s shirt to pull him back onto the couch.
“No, Eddie. God this is embarrassing.”
“You don’t have to tell me about it, if you don’t want to,” Eddie answered as Steve buried his head into Eddie’s neck.
“Oh gosh, no, it’s just so stupid. Robin and I decided to get a matching tattoo like ages ago when we were bored at one of our dead end summer jobs.”
“Why’d you land on a penis?”
“It’s not, shut up.” Steve whined.
“Are you sure?” Eddie looked back down trying to imagine what else it could possibly be.
“Just listen! Okay so the place we were working was across from some shitty tattoo parlor so we spent hours pouring over the internet for ideas. It’s also important that you know we had also learned how to do the handshake from the Parent Trap.”
“I cannot wait to see how that’s relevant.”
“You’re impossible,” Steve scoffed. “Anyways. We couldn’t come up with any decent ideas until Robin thinks we should each get half of something. She thought it would be so funny to get a tattoo that we could bump together when we did the hip portion of the handshake.”
“This is even better than I could have imagined. What on earth is it supposed to be half of?” Eddie asked.
“A butterfly?” Steve offered. He looked so nervous Eddie couldn’t stand it.
“Stevie,” Eddie laughed, “I promise I’m not laughing at you. It’s just so cute and also so unfortunate.”
“No, it’s truly awful,” Steve agreed. “It was so bad. We thought we were so cool and we didn’t even realize what it looked like until we left the tattoo shop. I could never bring myself to get rid of it but I also never got another tattoo. I was so worried it would come out accidentally raunchy again. Robin kept her’s too but she got a bunch of other small random tattoos in the same area so it’s not, like immediately, obvious.”
“I can’t believe I was worried you’d make fun of my tattoos. At least I never got an accidental dick friendship tattoo,” Eddie teased.
“You’re the worst,” Steve said. 
Steve ran his hands over Eddie’s tattoos and Eddie’s breath hitched a little whenever Steve’s fingers ghosted over a sensitive area.
“I’m just teasing, baby,” Eddie kissed the top of Steve’s head.
“What’s this one from?” Steve asked and pointed to a small coffin tattoo.
“That one, and these bats over my elbow were for my high school band, Corroded Coffin. We still play every once in a while but not as often as we did back then.”
“Do you have a favorite?”
“I dunno, they’re all pretty random honestly. I have a tiny delivery van I’m pretty fond of,” Eddie showed Steve the rendering of the De Lucas’ van on his left bicep. Steve dutifully pressed a kiss into his arm. “Oh, and this one was supposed to be a ravioli but it kind of just looks like a ruffle-ly square,” Eddie laughed as he found the little tattoo on his rib.
Eddie and Steve spent the rest of the evening laughing together about stupid tattoos and meaningful tattoos. Eddie looked down at Steve laying in his lap, recounting his least favorite tattoo he’s ever given and Eddie thanked his lucky stars that they found their way to each other. Eddie thought about Steve’s offer to tattoo him and knew one day he’d take him up on it but most of all he knew he was never letting Steve go.
Thanks so much for going on this journey with me! I hope y’all like the conclusion of this series. I’m going to take a break for a bit but I have plans for a hockey AU for Stanley Cup season once I recover, lol!
I’m on AO3 @ randomhank! 
Taglist: @a-little-unsteddie @maya-custodios-dionach @eboyawstenn @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sadcanadianwinter @thehumblefigtree @throwbackthrowaway @micheledawn1975 @blisschaoss @vecnuthy @grimmfitzz @spectrum-spectre @croatoan-like-its-hot @momotonescreaming @beckkthewreck @korixae @citrus-owl @baron-zemo-trash @sleepdeprivedflower @nuagedemots @lololol-1234 @books-and-current-obsessions @acrolius @mightbeasleep @vi-an-te @gregre369 @i-must-potato @vampireinthesun  @steveisabicon @child-of-cthulhu @whimsicalwitchm @aceflavouredyougurt @that-bi-gremlin99 @oxidantdreamboat @goodolefashionedloverboi @notaqueenakhaleesi @briceslayed @raisedbylibrarians @bejeweledbaby @avacrebs @magpiemuseum @majesticenbypancake  @r0semaryyy @nerdsconquerall @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @shiyshy2004 @zerokrox-blog @straight4joekeery
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resiliencewithin · 2 years
One day at a time
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How do I feel? foggy 😶‍🌫️ again, kind of out of it, unfocused, stressed.
Causes? second morning in a row for foggy 🤔 my new meds? report card stress increasing? not enough sleep?
How should I treat myself? the million dollar question today.
report cards continuing to hang over me is really fucking with me mentally— the will they ever end stress, the I’m not doing as good a job as I know they want me to stress, the it’s in the way of me healing the way I need to be healing stress, the why did I agree to do this at all when I’m on leave stress. 😮‍💨
So, I’m going to push. The cost of dragging them out may be starting to wear on me more than the cost of imploding from pushing too hard for a couple days. Both are going to set back my recovery but one will be over sooner.
What leave goal-work/to-dos would be reasonable?
Mental - can’t believe I’m reminding myself of this but… take breaks. Especially if I’m going to push. Nap/✔️meditate/tv/✔️food/✔️water. Don’t get caught up in the stress narrative. Work on acceptance and positive self talk around report cards. *
Career - push report cards. Can I crack ✔️3 hours of work? We shall see. **
Physical - ✔️cardio. Try. You need that energy. Stress makes you reach for the bad food babe. Please at least reach for something good first (✔️grapes, avocado, cheese, whole grain bread, mandarins)
* I chose to do RCs. So I must accept this work. Frustration, anger, fear, etc., will make it harder not easier. I am not being forced. I’m doing it because I need to keep these beasties off my team’s plate. I love them. I’m doing this for them. I can be angry and work through my rage at the teaching profession later. Also?? I killed it today. Fucking killed it. See below.
** did 4 hours of report card work which, let’s face it, is kind of a win. I couldn’t do more than 10-30min just over a week ago, and I’m closer to finished. But… I’m also exhausted. Can I repeat it tomorrow? Should I?
edited for progress update 9:46pm
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peri-helia · 2 years
Strategic value
For immortals, chess games can take a long time. 
When she first approaches the magnolia tree, Joe is propped up against it’s trunk, surrounded by fallen blossoms with his sketchbook in his lap. His eyes are closed, chest rising and falling steadily. She’s about a foot away, about to reach out and shake his shoulder when - “Hey Nile”
“Jesus! Joe!” she swats at him instead as his eyes open, and Joe’s smiling broadly, eyes crinkling, “One day, even if it’s a thousand years from now, one day I will sneak up on you” she vows, glaring at him.
“And I look forward to it” Joe chuckles, pleased at the way their newest member is beginning to mention her immortality more casually, flex a little. He reaches out a hand, hoping she’ll pull him upright but Nile’s hands merely fall to her hips instead, glare intensifying.
He leans forward, gazing imploringly up at her, pouting. “Nile! I’m the oldest man on the planet. Please, have a little compassion for my poor knees”
“This house has thin walls, judging by last night there is nothing wrong with your knees” Nile scowls, narrowing her eyes at him. He holds out. One, two, thre-
“Alright, my God” she complains, trying not to smile as she helps pull him to his feet. Joe dusts the stray petals from his hair and clothes, tucking his sketchbook in the crook of his arm, a cluster of blossoms in one hand. They knock shoulders as they wander back towards the house, the early evening sun warm on their retreating backs.
Ducking through the tiny doorway reveals Andy slicing the fresh bread on a chopping block, Nicky’s broad back rootling about in the depths of one of the cupboards. Nile starts pouring out wine and water for the dinner while Andy quietly starts doling out their meal but Nicky continues scrabbling about, occasionally turning to dump various knickknacks on the side; corroded brass candlesticks, crumbling books –
“Did you find what you were looking for?”
“No – better! Look, Joe! I knew I was winning, last time we were here!”
“Babe, I was the silver, you were the brass”
Nicky is the one to frown this time, the scar between his eyebrows deepening as he processes this information, before his expression smooths out. “No-o” its adorable to watch, his utter faith and trust in his husband, warring with his own recollection, “No because I took the last piece off the board before we had to go to Croatia.”
“Because you lost your last piece”
The crinkle is back. Joe has to laugh, because he knows precisely what his Nico is doing, trying to work out if Joe is fibbing or not. Of all their old habits, trying to finagle each other out of a win at chess for increasingly absurd reasons is one of the last things to die.
“Eat now, argue later” Andy instructs, banging the wooden spoon against the pan, with a fond smile. Nicky mutters something in Arabic and Joe shoots back a reply as they take their seats.
“Old argument, then?” Nile asks, voice teasing and eyes bright, nodding at the chessboard. Andy rolls her eyes, hiding her smile behind her glass. Between bites, they explain how after they’d mostly stopped killing each other -
“Nicky is terrible with money”
“Joe has no sense of time. He’d venture out for bread and I’d lose him to the scenery for seven hours”
The two smile at each other over it, like they had in Goussainville. They’d taken to playing chess. A way of working out their frustrations and trying their skills against the other through strategy rather than swordplay. Arguments that stayed on the board rather than soured their days. A way to tease, learn about one another, trust each other with more than their secret.
“No,” Joe laughs and then winces when Andy kicks them both under the table.
“This is why we never play Monopoly, Nile. Never” 
It takes them a few days to get back into the swing of playing chess properly. First, Joe goes out earlyish and returns with a bag of cleaning materials and cotton pads, and the two men sit out on the straggly grass in the warm sunshine, gently polishing away the decades of corrosion. Nile folds her legs underneath her and sits with them, watching intently before Joe passes over one of the Queens in her coned headdress – a hennin, apparently – and the tube of polish, asking if she wanted a go. It’s methodical and soothing, working over the pieces not to mention rewarding seeing the intricate details revealed under the damage, the delicate faces of the pieces brought to new life. Joe and Nicky chatter about medieval life as they tend to the figures in miniature, the courtly rituals they’d witnessed lending their swords to one cause or another, or food or old songs, they can still half-remember.
Then, and Nile has to laugh, they carefully put the pieces back exactly where they were when Nicky pulled it from the cupboard and resume the game they’d left off about 60 years previously.
Except, nothing much happens. They sit across from each other, eyes flicking from the other’s face to the board and back again, not moving a muscle. Sometimes they’d gently tease each other about how long its taking, that none of them are getting any younger until – eventually – Nicky moves his knight. Initially Nile thinks that’s it, and settles in to watch with renewed interest as Joe’s hand hovers over one of his rooks for a moment. Before he pulls his hand away and stands up, wending his way around the rickety table to press a kiss into Nicky’s hair.
“I’ll get you for this later”
‘Mmph, I look forward to it” Nicky hums in response as Joe flicks his King over by his crown, the piece toppling over on the board.  
“Shah Mat” Joe declares with a sigh, but there’s a contented smile threatening the corners of his lips.
Nicky’s outright grinning, the way he does when a tricky shot comes off perfectly, “This time, my heart”
“Sure, babe.”
“Wait – that’s it?!” Nile cries, looking between the board and the two men in disbelief.
“I’d forgotten why we never finished this round - Nicky was about to beat me hands down in a move or two anyway, Nile. This way I finished the game on my terms. Chess is as much about strategy as it is about winning. Live today, fight tomorrow, that sort of thing. Some moves have more strategic value than others.” He winks at Nicky.
“Ohhhh-kay. And what’s ‘shah mat’ mean?”
“It’s Persian for ‘checkmate’ or ‘the king is frozen’” Nicky explains, letting Joe pull him from his seat. Now where were they off to?
Nile’s question is immediately answered by the way Joe and Nicky’s retreating backs head off to the bedroom they’ve taken over for the duration the stay – a rare treat, not having to bunk up in one room. Then the door closes behind them.
Nile stares down at the chessboard, the pieces carelessly abandoned. Joe’s King lies on his side, sacrificed in some carefully orchestrated assassination.
“Wait a minute – was that -  foreplay?”
Andy and Booker’s laughter answers that one for her.
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vs-redemption · 1 year
*Pink rises to Hajime’s cheeks to match yours when you admit to wanting to kiss him too. He bites his lower lip in shyness and to keep himself from stealing one right now. ‘Patience’ he steels himself then quickly pops a piece of potato salad into his mouth to keep it occupied*
*His blush grows more though at your reaction to when he suggests going over to each other’s places to have a cooking and dinner date. He backtracks at what he said and wonders if he said anything weird then wonders if he’s being too forward with his suggestion. He wants to kick himself for not realizing it may come off as overly eager to get into your space and he promises to go slower. But he is relieved at your response*
“A perfect meal you say. I’m curious to know what it is but I’m fine if you want to keep it a secret for now. I promise I’ll do the best I can in the kitchen with you! Even down to setting the table then washing the dishes,”
*Hajime continues to enjoy the bento, pulling out two bottles of water from the cooler while enjoying another sausage so that you two can have a drink. He nods along but then perks up when you hope to come across a game stall. He puffs out his chest a little and holds his head high, a confident huff escaping when you mention rewarding him with a kiss for a prize*
“I will have you know that I am pretty good at those kinds of games. Don’t wanna stroke my own ego but I’m pretty sure I can get you any prize you’ve got your heart set on. Plus,”
*He leans into you like he’s gonna tell you the biggest secret; playful grin on his face and eyes sparkling with affection as he continues*
“I get to make the pretties girl in the park happy and smile. And yes, I’m talking about you darling”
Hajime Iwaizumi
Well, it just seems like a perfect date night meal. It's something I've made once before, but I think maybe I could impress you with it. *I try not to look to bashful when I admit that out loud. It was true though. I was finding myself wanting to impress him more and more; to put my best self forward so he could see all my selling points and to see that maybe I was worthy of his heart.* It's um... it's a breaded chicken breast with pesto. Do you like pesto?
*When he mentions setting the table and doing the dishes, an image of him doing so pops into my head and it makes my heart skip. Maybe I was strange, but gosh that sounded nice. Oikawa had found me someone who wasn't just handsome and kind, but also seemingly willing to be a true partner that shared in the work of a relationship. I was so very lucky or else this really was too good to be true.*
*I happily accept the cold water bottle he offers as we continue to enjoy our bentos. And I smile affectionately when he puffs up eagerly at the chance to win both me and himself a prize at a game stall. I wanted to tell him how cute he was... but I'd already done that and didn't want to be overbearing with compliments. I give him a playful smile though.* Is that true? Well then I should look for the biggest stuffed animal they've got, huh?
*My breath catches when he leans in closer and my heart leaps at the handsome grin on his face. Gosh, I had it bad for this man. My cheeks flush red when he calls me the prettiest girl, feeling like I could swoon even when he calls me darling.* You've already made me the happiest just by being here with me, Zumi babe.
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art-i-know-yes · 1 year
im in class
Tango's Pov
rip skizz pour one out
laaaaassstttt epissoooooddeee
rough session is...yeah
"im the lowest!" "that's why you're in charge"
hiding. the plan is hiding.
Martyn always plans names
already bombing
team merge
bread bridge 2 is the hellscape
learning your lesson
scott is NOT waiting
Nosey Neighbors, TIME, Scott, and The Clockers
rule #1 is to always look up
one death and Etho is GOONNEE
grian scream :D
grian death :(
wow he wanted his time back
right back at him
awww ur soulmate
that looks awful
oooo wasn't grian
surprise scar
they're hunting each other
when did cleo die
rip tango
Scott's POV
whatcha doing babe
silent huh
that's a lie
i just got Grian's notification
not for long
oh so martyn actually left the mean gills
im so excited to who's gonna win bc is not The Clockers
real time bomb set up
so...it went badly
one death
ok kinda figured it was planned
yes. very important to the deal.
gg babe
im so excited for Grian's pov bc wtf
like I know it's a game but like
scott dies in here
'sorry spilled my lava'
a lot is happening
some of them hours
he's really just handing them out
scott is terrifying is the lesson
my heart
rip babe cause like
scott loses this game so sorry Beyonce
knew it was a play
"impulse :["
grian babe you had 5 hours. to have lost a solid 3.
Scott's--UGHH. the music he put scared me and THEN he backed away off the ladder. my heart.
"underwater?" "underwater." *next clip not in the water*
"i just wanna talk"
oooo they do (another headcannon lmao pearl and grian are siblings. of course very popular)
forgive each other's sins
"you can't see it from the ground" -joel
it's just up and up
so under bread bridge
plz no
grian is a 'yes and' man
well there goes them
who died there
"round table of compliments" for skizz!
scott keeps looking up and it's so funny
"you scare me" "awww"
"and now we kill each other"
rip bigb
bigb hacks
byeeeee dan
betrayal arc from i e
"martyyynnnn they tried to kill me" "who what where" "impulse and ethoooo" "alright they're dead" it's so cute
side note: my favorite thing out of this season is people being like 'this is a kindergarten playground.' i love it so much bc it's keeps it fun and cutesy. still love my angst tho
MEAN GILLS love em
the idea of everyone being like 1 or 2 deaths kicking them out the game is like exhilarating
oh. martyn.
NOO GRIAN last 6
everybody's off
Scott's so good
bye bye PEARL
mean gills vs impulse
8 minutes
even playing field
I figured it be one of them
babe said put him down
"my own mean gill. and i wouldn't have it any other way."
ya know the entire sun, star, moon win thing we got going on. well we have the Listener/Watcher which kind of fits in.
this is the the second time I've learned who won by actually watching and not just looking it up
Grian's Pov
solidarity. huh.
"my stuff"
i did vaguely think about boogey
well i wonder if that happens
"it works!"
well. there's that trap.
where's your mother
"went out for milk with the neighbor" lmao
oh. well. good idea.
he really is bc he's been wandering like this entire ep
literally did not hear a word from Grian other than a scream in...there
they're bullying him/j
was that a grian kill? i thought that was a tie kill
bad boy till the end
fun fun fun for the boy
the silent fights are the best bc you know they're all stressed
oh you created that one the sky height
awww his cackle
it genuinely makes me very happy
he's just begging
ohhh that explains that one
oh that was pearl's
final kills should give an hour
this season nobody actually ran out of food
like piranhas
too bad neither was right
the bridge will provide
potato pier will also provide
ok so i was right
ya know each session is like 3 hours and so 8 episodes is basically 24 hours
oh so if you're in the same side you can't do anything but lmao
babe just drowned
from every angle
what kills you grian I'm so curious but i have 8 more minutes
it's the feeling of being a badboy
awww scar's little 'cUtEgUy"
even stevens
it's just loop and loop and loop
"pearl-friends PEARL.FRIENDS."
pearl is too feral
good luck
this music
rip my bad boy
"ooOOOOoOooO spooky"
you did well tho. very good.
sighhhh the bad boy way spreads. they all died on bread bridge.
Martyn's Pov
very excited to watch.
im listening on 2x speed bc he mostly with views I've watched
untrue and you know it
very funny fast speed voices
water people love it
oh he did that
oh so much happened
fast suspense music
for the /j
"Wow this map is huge" Yeah literally half of the map was just ignored
3 numbers that kill you from boat drop
you know the fact that Scott let them do that but i guess it makes sense bc he's pretty honest but
wow martyn
nope just Grian
he was instant with that jump
he killed etho WOO
mad maneuvers
almost pulled a tango
had to change it back to normal speed. headache :(
mean gills double team
you got him with his own bucket
scott was putting on work
'hard sweat hard sweat why you gaming so hard'
4 hr 8 min
like our fore fathers who watch on
lmao went insane
why we counting down
fair. ominous.
back here
is he free from being a Listener now that his soul is safe
im so spacey that i can't really understand
ok wait. there are watchers. they are Listeners. not free but still trying to run away from a choice. after each perma death(?) [for martyn] there's a soul fragment and woven together they make his soul.
that's the gist, right?
annnnddd im actually caught up on every pov bc the first 2 i only watched grian and in dl i got too behind and only watched grian's finale (as well as Jimmy's but...we all know how that ended)
anyway im happy. im scared to read angst. and i really want to see more of the kindergarten playground au type beat. but. yeah. that was fun.
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spacedadpicard · 2 years
Character bingo: Frodo, Riker, Dennis
first up: frodo. just a little guy? babes, he is the LITTLEST of little guys and i love him sm. i have written a whole fkn essay on frodo as a metaphor for Ye Olde Suffering Medieval Mystics, so i think it's fair to say i find him SUPER compelling while also being addicted to the lil guy's trauma. sorry, bub. being able to project on you makes life... not easier, per se, but. something. it does something. he makes me so emo it's crazy, and in reality has way more than just one thing that makes me insane but yk. i probably could not fix him but i'd try my best and i'd make him cakes and i think that counts for a lot.
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next up: will! my husband! and it's a BINGO BAYBEE WAHEY! first off, man's the biggest jester on the whole damn ship and i cannot be convinced otherwise. love q, but when he said will has no sense of humour i? huh?? daddy issues speaks for itself. i mean [gestures at his dad and the one episode where we see the two of them interact] awful. will may be a slice of white bread, but he's a slice of white bread with a cool beard, a winning smile, and a sick uniform, and therefore has a bomb ass design in my eyes. unlike.... a lot of the fandom, i think will is a pretty compelling and interesting character. this may not be a popular opinion, but everyone is wrong, actually, and only i am correct. it's through my specific lens or through no lens at all, baybee. the love he has for the people in his life, but esp deanna, makes me absolutely insane and also makes me so emo i want to cry for 20 days. and finally, i could fix him--and he could fix me. daddy issues crew assemble <3
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and finally denny boy!! and it's a TRIPLE BINGO BAYBEE WHOOWEE. alright. don't know if "being hot" qualifies as bomb ass design but to me it does. that same attribute gives him the right to bit and kill and maim <3 them's the rules. daddy and mommy issues.... need i elaborate? boy's got daddy and mommy issues for daaaays. rcg may have writte him to be a silly fellow (derogatory), and he is, but my brain has latched onto this man so hard (see: my take on them is so far from the original). perhaps it's the projection. but whatever the reason, this horrible little asshole (derogatory/affection) really just. compels me. in certain circles (looks at... anywhere that isn't tumblr ig) people would think my opinions are downright silly, but that's okay <3 i'm happy in my lil bubble of fellow den trauma enjoyers and crazy bitches who think we could fix him <3 honestly i think this is the best lens to see him through; reddit bros who like him for being a Cool, Suave "Serial Killer" (supposedly) like him for the wrong reason and that's that on that. for what he is, i definitely get way too emo about den, but it's not my fault if his specific cocktail of childhood trauma and parent issues makes me crazy
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missspringthyme · 6 months
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March 17th, 2024
Today was a fantastic day!
I woke up later than I wanted, but early enough to get the bread finished on time. I hung out in the living room while I went through cycles of letting the dough rest and kneading it, I love making bread and everyone loves focaccia. In the end, I made double the amount I planned on because we had to snag a baking tin from upstairs and the only one they had was huge. No one complained in the end though.
But that's how I spent most of the day, tending my bread, playing games on my tablet, listening to music and occasionally cleaning. Not a bad sunday. Eventually, the rest of the dinner was made (focaccia with rosemary and cherry tomatoes, vegetable quiche, chai spiced cookies, stracciatella ice cream, strawberries, and fresh whipped cream) and we all sat down to eat. Along with everyone in the apartment (minus turkish girl since she has been in Turkey for weeks because of a visa thing) Spanish girl joined us after coming back for a trip today. This is her first real time leaving Spain and she's using it to go to as many places as she can, this time it was Vienna and Prague. She asked me to go ice skating with her in Cologne so we'll have to figure that out eventually as well.
I don't know how to say this without sounding mean, but this is my journal so I'm allowed to be honest. I can tell she had a lot of years where she felt unattractive or undesirable, and now she's some male attention. She's doing the classic thing of pendulum swinging from one end of the self esteem spectrum to the other, which is a fantastic feeling, but it keeps taking me off guard. She does it in a way where she gives herself a huge compliment and then makes you affirm it. I don't know, it's not a bad thing but I just scramble for a second every time she does it.
My sister also called to ask when I would be going to the US this summer and for how long. I ended up giving her advice that she said was "actually helpful" so I'll count that as a win. I also realized that she would be able to store her things at my apartment if she wanted since my lease ends after her semester starts, I'll see if she goes for it though.
We had wine with our meal, and I had essentially a quarter of a cup to taste it. It was pretty nice, especially as I don't really like wine. Spanish girl did tease us for picking screw cap bottles though. We had really good conversations, especially because TCA went on a date in Cologne yesterday that went well. We grilled him for information, and then everyone wanted to see his hinge profile. I did a masterclass job on his profile, especially considering the only thing he could tell me he wanted was cars. First picture is a nice looking, but simple photo of him (that I took). Second is a photo of him where he looks really cool and you can tell he's tall (that I took). Third photo of him it's a candid action shot of him cooking (that I took). Fourth photo is a picture of him, me, and authentic Australian holding up art work we did at a workshop (I did not take this photo). Fifth photo (?) is a video of him ice skating and giving a thumbs up to the camera (which I took). Sixth photo is of him snuggling my blow up crocodile on the couch (which I took). This is supplemented by a voice recording of him telling a story, only one mention of his love of F1, and a 2 truths and a lie. All together, his profile shows that he has friends, hobbies, is tall, does fun things, cooks, is snuggly, and most importantly, is Australian. His profile has been raking in the babes. Spanish girl said his profile made him feel like he was written by a woman and told me I did an incredible job. Maybe I should start a side hustle.
After dinner, we played werewolf and that was the cherry on top. I was the narrator everytime except for 2 rounds which was fine by me. My favorite thing in the world is knowing everything and watching it all go down. German-american repeatedly accused authentic Australian despite him never being the werewolf. At one point she said "I know he's innocent, I just want him dead". Watching everyone's reactions to the different roles was the best thing in the world, and I hope we get to play again with just slightly more people. After we introduced the role of the doctor, games were a little more interesting and lasted just a little bit longer.
All of this, however, meant that by the time I got a chance to call T it was already pretty late. I could tell he was frustrated and it made the call a little tense. I tried to lighten things up, and it worked a bit. I also stayed on the call a lot longer than I really should have just so he could feel like the call was as long as he would want it to be. In the end though it wasn't terrible, and it was nice to see him all snuggled up.
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juicywritinghoard · 2 years
emoji prompts
🥺you sleep with the stuffed animal I won you??
🤏 truly I am this close to kissing you or biting you and I haven't decided which
🥖 I would do anything to get you to bake me more bread, was that straight up mind control oh my god
🥚babe we cannot raise a dragon egg babe please we live in an apartment 
🧨stop asking me to do crimes with you I am falling in love too hard 
🏆okay I know the two of us are crazy stupid competive and are very close to getting kicked out for our bs but trying to beat you makes my blood pump like it never has before
🌮I'm the celebrity guest on your cooking show trying not to show the whole world I can't make anything more complicated than grilled cheese but I'd do anything to make you keep laughing
🎟did not actually expect to win the lottery with you and now we have to split the cash, but at least I can afford time off work now to run from your insane family that's after the money? 
🎈you're a single parent at this birthday party at my work and I cannot believe I have to keep up the shtick when I'd much rather be wooing you 
🩰we are rivals and I hate your guts stop being so pretty and kind about me getting the lead or I'm gonna have a feeling about it
🔌androids aren't supposed to have souls but we sure are falling in love like you have one 
📚you are my favorite author and you haven't published anything for so long can I help you please please please
🔎my life long dream of inspecting a murder mystery super might get me killed but like, worth it
📬penpals to lovers I'm willing it into existence I know you live so far away but I can't help falling ass over teakettle in love with you, I mean. you seal your letters and doodle and add washi tape how could I Not
🔒I broke into your car to impress you when you locked your keys in and now I have to construct an elaborate lie to explain myself 
🛏this mattress store is gonna kick us out. yep
👑stop kissing me so right I have to assassinate you
🗡four minutes after you, my sworn rival, tilted my chin up with your sword
🎻you keep asking if your practicing is bothering me but honestly I'm so swept away. play something for me. haha I mean freebird not a like, romantic song, that would be, wild
🎩your costume is stupid but just you wait until you see mine
🔇you haven't been online in two days would it be insane for me to drive to your place and make sure you haven't like, died. because I am omw
💍good morning will you marry me
🛒every little moment with you is a sweet adventure, even going to the grocery store, which I hate to bastard death
🥧 I am so sad but this pie you brought me is helping a little. let me get two spoons 
🎂am I the first person to wish you happy birthday today? it's so late :( I'm dropping everything rn let's celebrate you
🦖and don't get me started on jurassic Park as a concept if they had just had some ENRICHMENT, sorry, sorry, you don't need to listen to me go on. I know it's annoy- why are you looking at me like that
🦄so like. Magic is real huh. and you're magic? cool cool cool. I'm gonna be sooo normal about this just. just give me a sec
👽no you crashlanded your spaceship in my backyard I think I'm owed an explanation actually 
😻I'm so sorry my cat keeps escaping to go to your place, Beans is just obsessed with you. haha and who could blame him, honestly
❤️‍🔥may or may not be burning my exes things in the park and sobbing be cool maybe
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raisin-shell · 2 years
Ohhhh mamacita, I NEED your headcanons for Raph’s masturbation habits! Please and thank you!! Give me that big brute’s dirtiest. 😈
Thanks babe 😘
Yeeeee!!! I was wondering when I’d get the big brute! Low and behold the request is from one of my bestest friends which makes it even spicier! Let’s get into it!
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Mister hothead is much like Leo in the sense that his favorite form of porn is through books
Okay well not actually books, more like magazines
Has a stash of old “girlie mags”
Has a separate collection of vintage Playboy magazines that he treats like a dragon hoarding gold
This big guy is definitely more into the visual aspect of his fantasies
Loves curvy, voluptuous women on the larger scale (he’s a large guy)
Also loves muscular males when his mood calls for it (it’s more about muscles than anything)
Fascinated by the naked human form
Being as he’s so visual, he has not only watched but saved various videos and also gifs to his phone
He and Mikey have a never ending scroll of texts filled with nothing but bouncing boobie gifs
For a quick and easy pop off he’s got all of his favorite porn spots saved in a zip file (thanks to Donnie for showing him the ways of technological secrecy)
Pornhub, redtube, hamsterx, youporn… you name it this man has seen it (also thanks to Donnie)
His go to for a quickie is literally his porno mags OR one of his filthy videos
His top searches are naughty strippers, daddy’s girl or daddy issues, BBW, titty fucking, doggy style, threesomes (two girls one guy OR the devils knot), deep throating or hard core fucking
He has literally jacked off in every room in the lair (he and Mikey have a competition going on)
Mikey is winning easily so far
That doesn’t stop the brute from using things to his advantage
Has stuck his cock into a doughnut, loaf of bread, a pie…. A rolled up pizza (again this is another Mikey challenge he’s accepted and he enjoys it)
Raph also has ordered or had Donnie make him his own toys to play with
LOVES flesh lights
Has used vibrators on his perineum, tail and back door like a pro
Has also stuck his tail inside a flesh light just to see what it feels like
This guy is extremely experimental but he’s extremely quick about his method being as he’s surrounded by his brothers and most importantly living with his father
When the big brute does have time to kick back and relax, only soft core porn will do for him
He likes watching a woman not only entertain him but pleasure herself in front of him
The big guy usually waits until his younger brother is fast asleep so he can have some quality alone time
Once Mikey is knocked out, he plugs his headphones into his phone for extra privacy
Raphael has a group of his favorite videos saved for rare moments like this and he will watch the same ones that he likes over and over
This particular video is of a curvaceous red head adorned in Lacey red lingerie
He prefers lace for these types of videos because of the simple fact that he could easily tear the garment from the woman
However he’s giving her the opportunity to take it off FOR HIM if you catch my drift
The burly brute buries himself beneath the covers as he hits play on the video
He tugs his shorts all the way down as he likes how it feels to be totally naked beneath his bed spread
The woman on the screen is dead center of her own bed, straddling a pillow in an upright seated position as her fingers begin to softly feather along her collar bone tracing slowly downward between the valley of her breasts where the clasp of her bra lays still attached
His breath hitches as his huge mitt grips and palms at his thickening cock, twitching upward towards the much needed attention
He suppresses his churr, swallowing hard as his grip wraps around the swell of his member and he begins to slowly stroke himself, biting his lip in silence
“That’s right baby girl, take it off fer daddy” his thoughts betray him as he mouths the words, careful not to speak and wake his younger brother whom he shares a room with
The woman on the screen obeys his command, unclasping her bra and letting her full breasts bounce freely
Her nipples harden instantly to the touch of the surrounding air as soft sultry moans escape her lungs and her hands rise to cup each bare orb neatly and presses them together with a sultry pout to her lips and a daring glare from beneath thick eyelashes
The brute’s grip intensifies, lapping his lips as his strokes increase in speed and his eyes are both fixed on her body in its entirety and her hands trailing down the center of her torso
“Don’t stop there tiger. Ya got more ta show me. C’mon please? Show me that pretty little pussy”
He’s both thinking and mouthing this, panting softly and hissing through his teeth as the woman on his screen begins slipping her hand beneath the thin fabric, teasing her swollen folds with her fingers before slipping one out and tugging the small strip to the side
The brutes mouth begins to water at the sight of her lush pink petals, swollen, wet and dangling between the apex of her thighs
He begins lapping his lips with fervor, his strokes now twisting and hurried as he pants silently
“Show me how you touch yerself. Spread that little pussy open fer me, I wanna watch ya play with her”
He actually says this breathlessly as his thumb strikes the sensitive head of his cock
He lifts his knees to prevent himself from making a mess of his comforter knowing he’s close to blowing his load
The woman on the scream lets out a sultry, throaty moan as her fingers glide easily between the soaked flesh of her juicy folds, spreading them apart just as he commanded and slipping to the edge of the bed
She spreads her legs further allowing him to see even more of her femininity as her manicured nails begin to circle around her clit and more blissful moans began to pour from her throat
“Yeah, that feels good huh? C’mon baby I wanna watch ya cum all over tha bed. Ya gonna cum fer me? Cum fer daddy”
He’s now whispering through clenched teeth, panting through his nostrils and drool is now dangling from the corner of his mouth as his fist begins to pound up and down his thick steeled rod
The woman on the screen begins to insert her fingers deep into her tight hole pulling more of her glossy wetness to her flesh, her smooth circles turning more into a flicking motion as her head lulled back, red hair cascading down her back and breasts rising and falling madly as she desperately gaspes for air in between her moans
The brutes brow furrows and for the first time during the entire encounter he let his eyes snap shut
He felt the band in his groin snap instantly as he repressed another churr and beads of sweat began to roll off his brow
His body tensed and muscles clenched as rope after rope of creamy thick seed pulsed from his cock still held tightly within his grip
Only his thumb trailed along the massive girth as if to help push the cum forward like squeezing the last of the toothpaste from the tube
“Mmm fuck yeah” he hums in satisfaction, sinking his head down into his pillow as he continues to pant
He untucks his head and leans over the side of his bunk to make sure Mikey is still asleep
Once he’s in the clear he grabs whatever article of clothing is closest to him and cleans himself off
He then tosses the garment to the floor landing only god knows where
The brute finishes watching the video with a sly grin on his face (yes, he will finish every video even if he’s already gotten off)
He then wishes his “lady” a soft goodnight and sets the alarm on his phone, places his headphones where they go and rolls over to fall asleep completely bare assed naked
He’s done this thousands of times without Mikey ever having one single clue
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