#when will he get to smell flowers again?? to look at the stars without thinking of the other empires out there who want to go to war??
dickytwister · 5 months
deep fried ben affleck smoking meme. please and thak you
TEEHEE wip that means sm to me,,,,, it's abt my boy carter post-dnd game when he becomes emperor from the pov of his bodyguard,,,, but carter is just. an littol guy,, and being an emperor away from all his friends is soooo hard for him,,,,, snippet under the cut be upon ye,,,
Daerhen is plucked from his position as General of the King’s armies a day before the new emperor’s coronation. It comes as a surprise; he’s been nothing but loyal to the empire, from the very moment he left his mother and sisters on Eter to become a soldier, when his hand first held a pistol, when he first took a life in the name of his lord. To be taken from his position in the army, one he’s worked tirelessly for many years to deserve, and be demoted to bodyguard, would have had any lesser man protesting vehemently.  But Daerhen is no lesser man, and he keeps his discontent well hidden under the thick cotton of his new uniform.  The coronation is grandiose, as one would expect. The King has been ruling for decades and has been desperately trying to reach his heir for half as long. This, the great hall crowded with nobility and what few people of lower standing managed to pay their way into the citadel, decorated from the marble floors to the painted ceilings, tables lined with appetizers and delicacies more delectable than the next, has been a very long time coming, and everyone is celebrating to their hearts’ content. King J'son stands next to the throne, one hand draped over the back, and looks at the crowd with a satisfied glint in his tired eyes. From where he’s leaning against a pillar, fingers loosely wrapped around the stem of a flute, Daerhen observes the new emperor. The young man is sitting on the throne with his back straight, his arms carefully placed on either side of his body, chin held high in a way that makes the ceremonial crown shine under the colourful lights of the plankton and the flickering ones of the candles that have been lit merely for aesthetic purposes. He is dressed in the finest silk, with hues of purple cascading along the seams of his outfit. Yet, for all that he wears the crown and the hues of purple and sits upon the same throne his grandfather sat upon before him, Carter Quill looks nothing like the ruler he’s meant to be.  If he didn’t abhor him for being the reason behind his demotion, Daerhen would pity him; while the band starts on another song and people gather round to dance, the emperor sits still under the weight that’s now resting heavy on his shoulders. 
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ma1dita · 5 months
Duddee, now you gotta write luke proposing to trouble, you simply cannot now IBHBHKK
the perfect weekend
a ‘partners in crime’ alternate universe installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
alternate universe masterpost
words: 1.2k (this was too cute the word count escaped me)
summary: alternate universe - the perfect weekend with your perfect boy, even if he thinks otherwise
a/n: happy luke happy luke happy luke FIANCE LUKE 
(posted 2/4/23 unbetad and written on caffeine)
This weekend felt like a dream.
Luke took you to your favorite spots that you’ve both carved memories out of in Westport, buying you and his mom gorgeous fresh flowers from the farmers’ market, and he let you drag him around his hometown, spending hours in tiny antique shops and the record store on Main Street. He couldn’t get over how you always found fun in the simple things— even going to the pharmacy to pick up his mom’s medication felt like going to Disney World with you. He couldn’t be more sure of his decision, it was almost inconceivable to spend another day without you being his fiancee.
But luck wasn’t known to be on his side, after all (yeah, thanks dad). Luke’s always had to work harder to get what he wants, and he’s spent the past few years trying to prove himself to your dad—though deep down, he thinks Mr. D doesn’t mind him as much as he makes it seem. (Asking him for his blessing last week over a bottle of wine and a bone-shaking hug scared the wits out of him. He pretended to not notice the god cry.)
Luke just wants to give you what you deserve. And if he needs to spend the rest of his life working on it to prove it, he ought to do it with you by his side.
But he couldn’t think of how.
He tried proposing over dinner last night, with the smell of burnt cookies in the air, but that wasn’t romantic at all, and his hands were shaking so hard he knocked a glass over, prompting you and his mom to fuss over the mess and giggle over his silliness. You both chatted deep into the night, Luke sitting quietly and nodding at two of his favorite women babbling about who knows what (Sometimes he’s still convinced you like his mom more than him, but the way you both take care of him makes him tear up if he thinks too hard about it).
When you went horseriding this afternoon, he set up a picnic for lunch, which was romantic. Chocolate-covered strawberries and sandwiches made by mom, sparkling cider twinkling in the sun. Luke was sure it was going to be great timing— until he realized the ring box fell out of his pocket again, and he slipped in manure trying to rush you back to the house (The sound of your laughter at clumsiness made his heart warm though, and it almost made up for the three hours he looked for the stupid box in the grass that night when you fell asleep with his tiny Star Wars-themed flashlight).
He woke you up early before the sun rose, carrying you out to the car still bundled up in his old Toy Story throw blanket that you wouldn’t let him toss out when he brought it to college (The faded pictures of Buzz and Woody kept a smile on your face, and the memories it brought make you feel connected to 9-year-old Luke). The drive to the beach was short, a sleepy smile on your face as you felt Luke grab onto your hand, sand getting between your toes before he laid out a blanket and the both of you sat down.
Cracking open a redbull for the both of you to sip on, you leaned against his muscled frame, legs hanging over his lap as he wiped the sand off your feet, holding you close as he smiled.
“Good morning, handsome,” you grinned, leaning up for a kiss. Luke obliged, savoring the taste of you mixed with sleep and artificial peach. Your noses nudge against each other before he mumbles a reply, “Good morning, pretty girl.”
“Y’know? I could die happy just like this. I can’t think of anything else that would make this weekend more perfect.”
Luke hummed in contemplation, “I could think of a few things,” he said, as a laugh bubbled from his lips. A noise of confusion rose from you as you reached up to dust lint off his shirt before your knee nudged something hard in his pocket, and your eyebrow raised in mischief.
“Dirty boy, you get me out of your mom’s house and you’re already excited?”
And he laughed the stress off until it freed itself from his bones, pure elation radiating off of him before Eos even had a chance to spread her first rays of light into the sky. 
He’s never needed perfect.
He just needs you.
His hands dug into his pocket, pulling out the ring box that’s caused him so much trouble this weekend. But a life with you should’ve already prepared him for that—and the shock on your face became funnier when you launched yourself on top of him, kicking up sand and taking the air out of his lungs.
You both hit the ground with a loud thud, your nose buried in his chest as he chuckles at your scream. Why was he even worried to begin with? 
“Wait, wait, I still have something to say trouble, don’t jump ahead of the script!”
His hand rubbed your back in gentle strokes as he popped the box open to reveal a delicate golden band with two diamonds juxtaposed against each other sitting pretty on top.
“It’s always been you and me. And I’ve spent hours thinking of what to say, days trying to figure out when the time would be right, months working for a pretty ring that’s perfect for you, years loving you… and well… I want more. I want this, you and me spending the rest of our lives together because I can’t comprehend a future without you. I’d do anything for you trouble, and I don’t believe in much, but I believe in you. Us.”
You’ve cried so hard by this point that you’re convinced it’s so goddamn ugly but Luke smiles at you like he’s been promised immortality. And perhaps he has, with the future you two will have scrolling through his mind like an old film, a house on a hill, kids, a dog, shit—whatever you want as long as he’s with you it’ll be the closest thing to forever he’d have.
“Are you sure?” you said sniffling, and your boyfriend wiped your tears away like he has countless times before, though happy tears are something he’ll have to get used to.
“I literally ruined your proposal, I just thought you were horny, oh my gods…” Whining loudly and laughing, you held your shaking hand out as he sat up to put the ring on your finger.
“Well, we can fix that later. I still have a question to ask, after all.”
Luke grinned when your head nodded rapidly, finally shutting up so you wouldn’t interrupt him again.
“Will you,” he says so surely now, saying your name before continuing, “let me have the honor of spending the rest of our lives together as your husband?”
“Gods, yes. Fucking hell angelface, did you really think I’d say no?”
The both of you laughed through tears and snot as he placed the ring on your left hand, and still, it couldn’t be more perfect.
“A life with trouble is the life for me,” he mused, laughing as you covered his face in kisses before the both of you fell back into the sand a tangle of lips and lust and love.
You jolted up from your fiance’s embrace just as he thought he was going to get lucky, almost emptying your entire wallet of drachmas into the sand-covered blanket to Iris message your friends.
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(pics are not representative of reader's appearance or gender just a lil visual for funsies)
ask to be added to general/luke taglists!
luke taglist (struck out won't let me tag, turn on my post notifs?): @kissingyourgrl @dorcas4meadowes @lorarri @andrewgarfldsgf @noodlesketchbook @10ava01 @poppysrin @ashisabitgay @timhalamet @liv1104 @leeknows-wife @mxtokko @bugcuti3 @luvvfromme @midmourn @2hiigh2cry @yuminako @niktwazny303 @lukecastellandefender @intergalactic-padawan @iliketopgun @annybah @dangelnleif @thegrinningghost @alyssajunelle @obxstiles @m00ng4z3r @visndcaitswhore @b0ok-lover @elegant-face-tree @this-barbie-is-having-breakdowns @amortencjja @idonevenknow1359 @maliaaaa @targaryenluvs @sakyira @dhdjdjjdhsjdiri @number-onekidqueen @nininehaaa @bradynoonswife @stevenknightmarc @hoodedhavok @happy-mushrooms @homebyeleven @anotherblackreader @too-deviant @liviessun
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Hi! If requests are still open, can I request for a Reader who like prince charming in manga or manhwa? Like the reader is such a gentleman(or gentlewoman), treat the TWST guy like a princess, and even when the TWST guys fall the reader just caught them and say "are you ok, princess?"or something similar? For self-aware!Au and Leona/Malleus/Vil if possible? Thank you! Please take time to rest and feel free to delete it if it broke the rule or you are not comfortable making it! 😊
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNING: Yandere themes, neglect, family problems, stalking, taking photos without consent, invasion of privacy, violence, unhealthy relationships
Leona Kingscholar/Vil Schoenheit/Malleus Draconia-Player is like prince charming
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Imagine this: Leona tripping over air, a most heinous thing hiding in plain sight, and then suddenly something catches him
If it weren't for your face being so famous he would have thought you were a student from RSA
“Are you alright?” Yeah, I think he is. Other than the fact that he stares at you like the red dot of a laser pointer is on your forehead, he is fine
What he didn't know though was how everyone else in the hallway was just staring at the two of you. Could be the stars and flowers surrounding you two but what do I know?
If Leona wasn't such a loner then he would have started a fan club or something like that
But since he can't he is more on the “silent screeching teenager on the inside” trip
Like, my man is hiding behind corners, snapping pics, trying to smell the slightest bit of your perfume
Ok, maybe he is a bit more intense than an entire fan club usually is but he is just trying to figure out more about his prince char- *ahem* you
And we wouldn't be talking about Leona if there wouldn't be the tiniest bit of that, you know, manipulating others
Ruggie once more gets a chance to make others have “accidents” but if it would be too obvious why he orders him to do that then he can also take care of it himself
You know, roughing up a few students who came too close to you. That kind of stuff
But oh, how much he wishes that you would pay most of your attention on him
Leoan might not seem like it but all the years of neglect back home had made him crave it
So he gifts you a lot of things
From simple things for everyday use to luxurious accessories
But why won't you accept them? Do you dislike him that much? What else does he need to do? Tell him. Tell him!
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Dramatic violin chorus, Vil falling backwards from the stairs, heels caught in the carpet, one last desperate look into the air before a chorus of opera singers screams in despair to add even more dramatic flair to the situation
And then, nothing. A soft cello plays a soft tune as arms close around his waist, stars sparkling in Vils eyes as his gaze falls upon his savior
Birds are singing and warm sunlight falls upon the duo... until the two Pomefiore students who carried a mirror start to move again making the reflecting light which fell on the two of you break away once more
Five meters away Epel just stares at you two with an expression that can only be described as “Ugh”
Rook stops the music which played in the background, the piece surprisingly supportive of the situation
As if the moment needed even the slightest bit more to seem like an abridged version of a Disney film you even asked Vil if he was alright
One second later and Epel asked himself what the heck Disney is
But congrats, you have now what Vil would call “a troublesome fan”
Oh no, Vil wouldn't buy merch of you or something like that. He has an even better collection
If you were to push his clothing in his closet to the side you would see its wooden back littered with photos of you
Some are a few selfies the two of you had snapped together (it was just a nice memory. He totally didn't mean to use it in any creepy means) and other photos you were not aware of
Some of them are taken disturbingly in private moments like when you were cooking and somewhere buried even deeper is even one when you were starting to change your clothing...
Vil also starts to hog all your time
No more eating lunch with a group of students you deemed your friends. Oh no, now it's Vil, Epel and ,if our local harassments of overgrown house cats has behaved well, even Rook
Although Vil doesn't trust Rook 100% when something is about you. The queen knows after all that the hunter has his own sights on you and is more than ready to snatch you up at any moment
Should you try to distance yourself though I recommend wearing long sleeves, otherwise the desperate clawing of nails that are way too sharp will rip your skin to shreds, a desperate fan of yours hanging just as desperate as the fairest Queen was on her beauty on your arm
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Do you hear that too? What you don't? Did I imagine the wedding bells just now?
When Malleus fell from his broom, most ungraceful, he was surprised when you suddenly caught him (although this tiny bit of hight wouldn't be able to harm him)
Even after he reassured you that he was more than just alright you still insisted to bring him to the school nurse just to be sure and even then you still treated him like he was something easily broken
Is... Is this how normal people feel when someone takes care of them?
The poor school nurse was almost screeching in fear when Malleus suddenly made a sound akin to purring
The situation is kinda as if the prince who fought against Maleficent suddenly apologized after striking her, making sure that she got better and then proposing to her
Ok, maybe he imagined the last part but he is just a lovesick fire spewing lizard in human form. Let him have his fantasies!
Malleus isn't your ordinary Fae though. Oh no. You are courted by royalty here but given his rather... unhealthy interest in you I am not sure if you could consider this a win or a loss
Gold, rubies, diamonds and much, much more is at your disposal. Don't tell anybody. Otherwise there will be break-ins
At this point it's a normal occurrence to see a scene from those clichè romance novels acted out in the hallways of NRC
But since Malleus has “Fae-prince-who-can-end-your-life-with-the-snap-of-a-finger” privileges no one dares to say anything
Malleus wouldn't be a good dragon if he weren't even the lighter bit hoarding
Only that it isn't just “a bit” but rather “hoards all the time” when something concerns you
And suddenly eh invites you to visit the Valley of Thorns
“Visit” haha, funny
Have you heard? There are rumors of Briar Valley soon having a second future ruler. Huh? Who? I don't know? But aren't you close to Malleus? Maybe he knows something
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what a pretty flower.
the single morning glory stands out, fresh spring sunlight accentuating its indigo hue, glimmering like a shooting star just behind the chain-link fence. in the peripheral of your vision, it almost seems to glow; solitary and ephemeral, as if coaxing you into stepping closer.
and you can’t resist its call.
suguru blinks, a little dazed, when he feels your hand slip from his. the warmth of your intertwined fingers follows closely behind, and the loss of contact leaves him feeling slightly vexed, replaced by the gentle chill of the air.
he doesn’t get an explanation, either. attention entirely fixed on that mesmerizing indigo blur, you don’t say a thing — and with an eager kind of giddiness, you skip over to the fence, ready to fish it out.
suguru just sighs, mildly amused.
it’s nothing out of the ordinary, really. if you see something that captures your attention, suguru has come to learn that you’ll drop just about anything to go get a closer look. does it exasperate him, ever so slightly? sure. the involuntary twitch of his fingers reveals as much, almost as if coaxing him into waltzing over and grabbing your hand again.
but suguru is a patient man. especially when it comes to you. and, above all else — any habit of yours is endearing to him, even ones that include you leaving his side for a moment or two.
so he simply watches over you from afar, knowing you’ll return on your own; with your jacket tucked between his arm and his torso, a can of cold, too-sweet coffee in hand. suguru hasn’t put his lips on the aluminium in about five minutes, saving whatever’s left for the inevitable moment you start whining for just one tiny sip, please?
(he’ll roll his eyes, and tell you not to drink yours so quickly next time, but still hand it to you with a smile he’ll make sure you don’t see.)
suguru’s gaze is unspeakably fond, as he idly admires how the sunshine wraps you in its embrace. you almost seem to sparkle, in his vision, like a butterfly dancing in the wind — fluttering just barely out of reach, too fragile to touch. too beautiful to sully with human hands. maybe it's a tad dramatic, but suguru couldn't care less.
the air is warm, full of life. cicadas chirp from afar. within his veins, his blood buzzes with joy and cheap caffeine, and everything smells like spring. like something new, something delightful. something that makes him think of you.
suguru watches as you crouch down, watches how your nimble fingers struggle to fit through the narrow gaps of the chain-link fence. he can’t see the little frown that tugs at your lips, and he can’t hear your little muttered grumbles — but he can somehow feel your frustration, all the same. something about the way you ducked your head just now, the way your fingers tap against your bended knee.
but then, finally, your valiant efforts bear fruit. with a number of failed attempts that you’d rather not mention, you manage to pluck the small flower, bringing it to your side of the fence without too much of a fuss. suguru doesn’t have to see your face to know that your eyes must be bright, lips curled up into a victorious smile. one that always makes him feel a little weak in the knees.
dusting pollen and tiny pieces of grass off your knees, you stand up straight, wasting no time in turning on your heel and making your way back to his side — with the precious morning glory in tow. 
suguru waits, patiently, for you to return to him. 
when you do, he doesn’t even get a chance to speak; you part your lips before he can give you the usual raise of his eyebrow, soft tilt of his head, teasing inquiry of did you see something nice, sweetheart? all he can do is lean a little closer, making sure he hears every word your lovely voice graces him with. seeking the feeling of your breath against his skin, the warmth of your body when it’s tucked into his side.
(but he can’t get too greedy. so suguru keeps his distance, eyes rich with affection, looking at you like you’re the first flower blooming out of spring.)
and you speak, nearly bouncing on the balls of your feet, eyes shining with something giddy and honeyed — all too eager to see your idea through, the idea that crossed your mind the moment you laid eyes on the little flower.
”suguru,” you smile, sweet and excited. ”lean down.”
a blink, and a questioning look sent your way. your boyfriend shoots you a lazy smile, paired with a raise of his eyebrow that you’ve come to associate with him and his love.
despite the vague confusion painted on his features, suguru obeys your command without hesitation. always so willing to indulge you. he bends forward, compliantly, until he’s at eye level with you — face just a little too close for comfort, dark hazel eyes staring into yours in a way he knows flusters you terribly.
the butterflies in your stomach erupt at the intimate proximity, wings tickling your ribcage like soft petals sputtering after being rooted up from the ground — but you don’t allow yourself to falter.
(it’s a little tough, though. he looks so pretty, with the spring breeze caressing his cheek, soft streaks of sunlight falling over the contours of his handsome face. so, so pretty.
but there’s something that would make him look even prettier.)
so, with a gentleness that never fails to have suguru’s heartbeat hitching in his throat, your palm goes to smooth along his jaw. his eyes never leave your face, gazing intently at the way you press your lips together in concentration, barely resisting the urge to lean forward and kiss you. patient, as he waits for you to be finished.
it’s a tender motion: the pads of your fingers against his sunkissed skin, tucking the little flower behind his ear, its stem resting between his soft, silky locks. the indigo colour blends together well with his black hair, like a shooting star blooming in the night sky.
you lean back to admire your work.
suguru bites back a chuckle, at the intense contemplation etched onto your features. seemingly very deep in thought, you furrow your brows and absentmindedly stroke your chin — studying him with a serious expression, a tilt of your head and narrowed eyes, as if you’re an art dealer examining a painting on display. 
(you’re so silly, he thinks. the thought is positively overflowing with fondness.)
finally, you seem to reach some kind of conclusion; and your eyes soften, crumbling a little at the corners, painted over with something suguru can’t quite place. whatever it is, he suddenly finds it a little harder to breathe — all that love crammed into the confines of his chest, clogging up his throat. your eyes crinkle when you smile, oh so sweetly, burrowing your way deeper into his heart.
(you’re already in so deep he doubts he could ever dig you out.)
”yeah,” you exhale, a little breathless. still admiring how pretty he looks, with the morning glory in his hair. like a princess, your princess. 
your pretty, pretty boy.
a smile rests on your lips, laced with adoration. suguru feels his heartbeat pick up with a jolt, and he somehow doubts it’s just the caffeine; the sensation only deepens when your smile shifts in the light, melting into a soft grin.
”purple suits you best.”
suguru blinks. giving him no time to respond, you turn on your heel and continue walking, expecting him to follow. thoroughly satisfied after seeing your sudden objective through to the end — he looks just as pretty as you knew he would.
but suguru has to take a moment to simply watch, as you skip on ahead. always excited and off in your own world. the sun personified, he often thinks, peeking out after a rainshower, shining as you please. bringing light and warmth wherever you go.
maybe he would feel embarrassed, if he was another person. someone more insecure in their masculinity, less in love with you.
fortunately, that is not the case. suguru lifts a hand to stroke the flower, delicately, careful so it doesn’t loosen and flutter away with the wind. his heart feels warm. cheap caffeine and sweet thoughts rushing through his veins.
”— suguru?”
his gaze flits up to meet yours, where you stand a little further ahead, confused eyes looking into his own. a little tilt of your head is all it takes for him to move; catching up to you in long strides, a smile on his face.
”sorry. got lost in thought.”
you take his hand in yours, fingers intertwining with his own, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. as if your hands belong together. his smile widens.
”don’t like it?” you ask, nodding vaguely in the direction of the morning glory. suguru squeezes your hand reassuringly.
”not at all. thank you, baby,” he soothes, a teasing tilt to his smile. eyes hopelessly softened. ”does it look good on me?”
a little chuckle flows from your lips. breathing out a silent response — don’t ask me questions you already know the answers to. but you opt to indulge him, all the same, turning towards him with an affectionate gaze. ”of course,” you coo. ”you’re the prettiest.”
suguru can’t bite back the soft grin that blooms on his lips, and he wonders if you notice the red hue crawling up his neck — faint, but awfully telling. to distract you from it, recognizing a glint of familiar mischief in your eyes, he reaches a hand out to pull your cheek. gently, not enough to hurt you.
the little wince that escapes you tugs at his heartstrings, though, even though he knows you’re just being dramatic to make him feel bad. he can only hope the teasing smile he sends your way will be enough to fluster you, his eyes smoothed over with a deep sincerity.
”you’re one to talk.”
it takes a second or two for his words to sink in. and he can pinpoint the exact instant that they do, from the way you avert your gaze, swiftly, face heating up adorably. suguru stifles a coo.
a little huff leaves your lips, vaguely embarrassed — muttering something unintelligible under your breath. you let go of his hand and take a couple long steps forward, to avoid his teasing gaze. 
suguru follows behind, dutifully, with a fond chuckle. it scatters away in the spring breeze, dancing up into the blue of the sky, caressing the morning glory in his hair.
he takes your hand in his, once more. 
you don’t let go.
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tpwkwriter · 6 months
Can we get y/n as a total book worm and Harry just finding it so adorable and loving that about her and teasing her and recreating cute scenes from romance books with her
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Head in a book
I wish I could say I was a bookworm but in fact the only things I read are on tumblr🥲
Warnings: slight cursing, mentions of book tok😭fluffy as!!☁️
Pairing: Harry x quiet!y/n
Y/n appreciated a quiet life, the small moments were a huge thing to her, the smell of freshly baked bread, picking flowers, watching the stars n all.
So when her boyfriend is the most biggest popstar, surrounded by loud music, screaming fans, and flashy cameras, everyone thought the couple wouldn’t work out, oh how they were so wrong.
After loud music, flashy lights, the screams and chants of millions of fans, Harry learnt that quiet and peaceful moments were better shared with y/n, he didn’t just love her, he adored her and everything she did.
She was the quiet rain in the darkest of nights.
It was a common occasion that Harry would come home to y/n absolutely nose deep in a book on the sofa, he loved watching the way she would get totally immersed in the story and endorsed on the character’s behaviour and thinking process.
Well tonight was no different, the time neared 6:45pm and Harry was out of the studio relatively early, he walked into there shared home, before he could look around he could sense something wasn’t right, the lights were all off, normally y/n would have various candle scents lingering in the atmosphere and the sound of her playlist would be faintly heard in the background.
He toed off his shoes and released his belongings by the door (making a mental note to clean it up later)
And walked through to there shared living room, y/n was bundled on the sofa with a grey faux blanket covering her, her hoodies hood was covering her hair and her eyes looked red and defeated.
Alarm bells are immediately going off in Harry’s mind, and he’s quick to act.
“Hey you, what’s happening?” He asked gently asked, swiftly sitting down next to her, leaning back and gently tapping her arm enough to signal ‘come here’
“Harry? Didn’t even hear you come home” she said voice a little wobbly, she joined his side, lounging her legs across his lap and resting her head on his chest.
“S’okay, what happened my love?” He asked softly into her hair, allowing his hand to slowly trace gentle circles on her back.
“Well” she started
“You know the book i was close to finishing?” She sniffs.
Harry begins to slightly relax at the fact it may not be as serious as he anticipated.
“I do m’love” he smiled
“Well because, it wasn’t a good ending at all” she begins to tear up again and snuggle her head further into his chest.
He mainly chuckles out of relief that it wasn’t anything ‘real’ and ‘serious’ he continues to hold her and press kisses to her hairline.
“I’m sorry to hear that m’love, wanna speak about it?” He’d gently ask.
As she begins to tell him the tragedy of the protagonists death and the failing love story between characters, even if truthfully Harry had no idea, he loved listening and taking in what she had to say.
“It sounds like such a beautiful story though my love” he said, trying to amp the spirits up.
“Mhmm” shes hum against him, the rest of the night was filled with cuddles and a lazy dinner together.
It was a few weeks later and now y/n had got on to some new books, she was never without one.
One evening when y/n was sitting up reading in bed, and Harry was in there shared en suite getting ready for bed, y/n had an idea, that would send not only her but many girls around the world into a frenzy.
Before he finished up she sent up her phone discreetly on her beside table and began to work her magic.
“Harry!” She called
Lucky for her, timing was great, he emerged from the bathroom and was about to head out to the bed.
“Stay right there mister” she smirked
A confused smile crossed his face, at her instructions but he did as she said.
“Babe-?” He chuckled lowly.
“I’ve just been reading here” she said holding up her book
“And it says here: “with arms holding him up he leant against the doorframe admiring the girl in-front of him” “ she recites from the paper.
Rolling his eyes already knowing what she was gonna request.
“So if you could please, show me your best doorframe lean, I’d be very happy” she smiled as she put the book in her lap and leaned back against the headboard.
His famous smirk flashes at the girl
“Y’want me, to lean against the doorframe?” He chuckles.
“Basically, but like- in a really romantic and heroic way, y’know” she giggles.
Y/n can practically see Harry think of how he’s gonna do this.
“M’kay, I need you to c’mere then” he calmly requests.
“Harry, just do it!!” She blushes, she’s also thinking of how thankful she is for the 5 minute feature on TikTok!
“Will, just come here” he laughs, he walks over and takes both of her hands and guides her to the place he wants which is right by the doorframe but far enough.
When satisfied with were the both at, harrys left arm lifts up and due to his height sits just above the top door frame, already y/n found her self flustered, and with his right hand he held her face and pulled her in for a sweet kiss on her lips, while still holding the “doorframe leaning position”
She pulls away flustered and blushed up,
“You did not just do that” she laughs as she stares at him.
“No Harry, I know the fuck you did not do that” she states, her eyes still wide and her mouth curling up into a big smile.
The smirk of satisfaction crawled up on his face as he managed to to fluster up his girl, despite nearly 5 years of being together.
Remembering the iPhone camera pointing in there direction, she quickly turned on her heels to stop it, at the realisation of she’s been filming them hits Harry and it’s now his time to go red.
“You cheeky thing” he says going up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, he kept his chin on her shoulder as they watched the video they just made together, sharing laughs and smiles.
“Fuck sake” he smiles, pressing a kiss to her temple and getting into his side of the bed.
She presses post and couldn’t wait to see what everyone had to say tomorrow, she joined in the bed next to him.
“Safe to say girls are gonna be having a field day with that one” she laughs.
“Where did you learn that stunt from anyway?” She giggled leaning in to his side.
“Well baby” he started.
“When your girlfriend is obsessed with books and romance novels you do learn a few tricks along the way, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t read a few of your stuff” he nonchalantly pointed out.
Her eyes light up again.
“Really? You have?” She excitedly asked
“Mmmhmm, I got say y’got good taste” he shrugs.
“If you want recommendations just say”
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kaeyas-beloved · 1 year
💐 with kaeya please? i love him so much sfjhkkhbdj
YASSSS ANON I LOVE HIM SM TOO I UNDERSTAND HES SO PRETTY AND SO CUTE AND SO SWEET AND JUST 🥺😭💞💞 (so much so that this fic takes a little bit of a sweet, tooth-rotting turn)
CW: gn!reader, petnames (my love)
[ 💐 ] - buying them flowers, just because
Acts of service prompts: open!
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“I have a surprise for you,” Kaeya had suddenly whispered in your ear, a familiar charming smile along his face.
There was a brief moment after, among the comforting warmth of his hand in yours and the closeness as you both walked home, where you feared your heart would detangle itself from you and fly away. It’s not like it’s metaphorically impossible, not when its none other than Kaeya Alberich, the cutest, kindest and most lovable man in Mondstadt who’s making it beat so fast. From the shy touches of his hand as he reaches for your own to the way he begins to fumble over his words when you compliment him back, it's hard not to smile and promise yourself that you'll give him the world and more.
But you digress, continuing to head home for the evening, a constant brushing and bumping of Kaeya's arm against yours, hands entangled and filling you with warmth. “Oh? Kaeya, you spoil me too much I swear,” you chuckle, giving his hand a squeeze.
“Not as much as I’d like to,” he responds, planting a kiss to your cheek. You open your mouth as if to tease him back, but the truth is you didn’t have anything more to say, so you shook your head and kept walking. By time you both got home the moon was high, stars dotting the indigo canvas that was the night sky.
Stepping through the door Kaeya grabs your hand, giving it a kiss before asking you to stay right there while he goes to grab your gift. Nodding, you watch as he leaves with a happy smile, giddy and obviously in love as he strides up the stairs. A myriad of possibilities circle your mind - perhaps he got you a new shirt? Or maybe it’s a book? Or or, maybe it’s something small like your favourite snack? - but all of them turn out to be wrong when the man reappears with a decent sized bouquet.
Your heart does a flip, breath getting caught in your throat. “For you, just because,” he says, handing you the flowers. Without even needing to smell them their fresh fragrance wafts towards you, relaxing you further than you already were.
“Really?” You raise a brow, smiling as you look from the flora to him and back (you can’t help but draw similarities between the two - things no one else would be able to conclude about the two), “are you sure you got them ‘just because’?”
Something between a shy and teasing smile comes over his face, “my, do you doubt me so? Truly, I was walking back from work today, on my way to fetch you so we could go on our date, when I saw them.” He steps forward then, reaching up to fix one of the flowers in the arrangement. His gaze visible softens as he looks at you, “they made me think of you,” beautiful, gentle, calming, “I just had to get them.” You look at them again, this time singling out the one your lover had been attending to.
A cecilia, one that’s mixed in among windwheel asters. A thought appears in your mind and you pluck it from the bunch, careful as you set the others aside. “I think it’s kinda funny Kae; that while you were telling me these reminded you of me, all I could think about was how they remind me of you.” Pretty, gentle, something to treasure.
You’re careful in your movements and gentle in your touch as you reach towards Kaeya, flower in hand. Brushing a stray strand of hair behind his ear, you tuck the white flower through his hair, taking your time in securing it. When you’re finished your hands fall from his hair and to his face, cupping both cheeks in your hands. “Beautiful, just like you.”
From under your hands you feel his skin warm, even more so after you speak your next words, “Thank you for the gift my love, but if it’s okay, I’d like to share it with you,” you place a kiss to his nose and then his lips, soft and delicate yet so full of love, much like the flowers he so lovingly gave - his sign of unwavering and never ending love for you.
Tomorrow you’ll be sure to spoil him in your love, as an extension of your thanks. You’ll be sure to display the flowers in your home as well, so you can be reminded of him every time you see them.
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Tag list: @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @mariposa666haruka // @quackquackmfs // @kaerui-kaisen // @ajaxstar // @genshin-impact-writings // @stage-lucida // @ventisweetheart // @lordbugs // @leena-shi // @lemontum // @akiria12167 // @ari-the-wr1ter // @dontmindmebeing // @xiaos-wif3 // @irethepotato // @milkwithspiceyicecubes // @stygianoir // @x-zho // @kaeyaloml
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moonlightisdancing · 11 months
Simplicity of Love/ s.f.k
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Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Female Reader
Word Count: 1078
Warnings: SFW, just super gushy tooth rot, bf sammy, there is a showering bit but its still SFW
A/N: i’m having a sam down and the more candids i see of him, the worse it gets, hence this
Birds chirping, a soft breeze blowing under the curtains and the soft sound of a gentle piano in the distance dancing through the air. The smell of fresh coffee pours into the bedroom shared between you and Sam. You roll out of bed wearing nothing but one of his shirts and your underwear, feet gently making their way to the sound of ‘Unchained Melody’ coming from the livingroom, the patter of puppy paws following.
“There she is! Good morning sunshine! And good morning my little Rosie.” Sam looked up from his piano excitedly at you, reaching down to give Rosie her ‘good morning’ pets.
“Good morning, my Sammy,” you reply, still coming to your senses.
You look around and see that Sam had made breakfast for the two of you. A bouquet of wild flowers picked from the yard sat in a tiny glass cup in the middle of the table, surrounded by his little breakfast set up. He made avocado toast and tried out a new recipe for tofu he found that was supposed to mimic eggs.
“I picked some tomatoes from our garden to cook into the ‘eggs’, I’m hoping it tastes as good as it looks…” He sounds unsure of his cooking ability, but it was no secret Sam was the chef in this relationship.
Sam walks up behind you and holds you in his arms. Intertwining his fingers with yours, he sways you side to side, peppering your cheek and neck with kisses. You lean your head back to rest on his chest, feeling the warmth from his body against yours.
“I could stay like this forever, but I don’t want all your hard work to get cold.” You ushered him to the table. Sam’s arms are your favorite place to be and knowing that, he would keep you like that all day given the chance.
Sam ignored your gesture and pulled out your chair before bringing over coffee for the two of you. He places your “Dog Mom'' mug in front of you and kisses your temple before returning to his seat across from you. His coffee is steaming in his “Girl Dad '' mug that you had custom made with a picture of him and Rosebud on it.
“I was thinking we hit the record store today,” He takes a sip of his coffee, “we can get lunch at that new cafe too if that sounds good to you.”
“That sounds great, Sammy.” You watched a big smile grow on his face, his brown eyes glistening at you from the other side of the table.
You considered these kinds of days dates, even if Sam didn’t feel they were special enough for you to call them such. Walking around the record store with your arm in his, looking for new music to share with each other, it’s simple but it’s love. After breakfast, you try to beat Sam to cleaning up the table. He suggests you play rock, paper, scissors and the loser cleans the table. He distracts you so he can change his move and purposely lose.
“Awh man, I lost again,” Sam sucks his teeth, “guess that means YOU get your butt out of my kitchen, and I’ll get this cleaned up!”
You go to the room to gather an outfit for Sam and yourself, and clean towels for a shower before you guys head out. You grab your matching lotion and shower gel in Sam’s favorite scent, “In The Stars.” You start the shower so it can warm up, the feeling of familiar hands grabs your waist. When you turn around, you’re met with Sam’s tall, slim figure. He’s so effortlessly gorgeous, beautiful tan skin, perfect teeth, his big brown eyes and long shiny hair. Sam is by far your favorite sight. You begin undressing each other for your shower, something you always did without it being sexual in nature. Sam kisses your neck before he opens the shower door for you to get in, him following swiftly behind.
Sam holds you close, arms wrapped around your shoulders, your body to his, as the water runs around and between you both. He rests his chin on your head and runs his hand up and down your shoulder, gently swaying while humming ‘Here Comes the Sun’. Feeling the rise and fall of his chest with your cheek pressed against him made the shower feel that much warmer. Sam reaches over to the shampoo bottle, he pumps a little into his palm and starts massaging your scalp, still pressed against his chest. Once he’s done he spins you around under the water and rinses your hair, running his fingers through to make sure all the soap is out. You begin washing Sam’s hair, although less graceful due to the height difference. He tips his head down for you so you can scrub the top. Sam rinses his own hair for the sake of your arms. As you begin soaping up his grey loofah, he gently pours soap into your pink one. Taking turns you begin washing each other, placing gentle kisses in secret spots. You bring the shower head down to rinse off Sam and he returns the favor.
He gets the shower door once more allowing you to exit before him. Covering yourself up first, you bring Sam’s towel over to him and wrap it around his waist. Sam stands behind you in the foggy mirror, hand around your hips as you guys brush your teeth together. Afterwards he sits on the closed toilet lid so you can apply skin care to both you and him. An intense skincare routine wasn’t usually Sam’s thing, but on days where you showered together he enjoyed the pampering. After teeth were brushed and skincare was applied, you two get dressed in preselected outfits, ready to take on your day out in Nashville together.
There’s simplicity in life with Sam. He’s always open about what he wants and how he feels. He shows you videos of cute baby animals, picks you flowers from outside, and is always eager to show you what new melody he’s been working on. He takes pride in the home the two of you have built together, the garden, the memories made, all of it. Sam’s qualities make him easy to love, and over time he’s shown you how to love and be loved. It’s painfully obvious to everyone how much loves his girls, and you couldn’t have asked for a better partner.
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neteyamsoare · 1 year
In Love With Her Touch.
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Lo’ak Sully x Tsireya.
༉‧₊˚. Request From [@redheadvalkyrie]. Can you write about Lo’ak x Tsireya! About how their love language is physical touch and maybe Lo’ak teasing her about her small height and small hand size compared to his. And the family catching on to how much they like each other!! Thank you!!
༉‧₊˚. Summary. While their original plan was to keep their relationship a secret, their love language made it pretty obvious.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Fluff.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Lo'ak & Tsireya.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 914.
༉‧₊˚. Index. Tsawksyul — [sun lilies].
༉‧₊˚. Notes. Decided to do headcanons for this. I love writing this, it was cute. I hope you like it.
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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𝜗𝜚 — Lo'ak woke up earlier than usual, it was still dark outside and his family was asleep. He tipped toed out of his Marui so no one would notice he was sneaking out.
𝜗𝜚 — He was meeting up with Tsireya for their usual sunrise date, being able to start his day with the Tsireya who he couldn’t even manage to think of living without.
𝜗𝜚 — Ever since the day she held his extra finger and told him that she saw him, his feelings for her grew tenfold. He would do anything for her and if that meant waking up early every day and watching the sunrise, he would do it for the rest of his life just as long as she was next to him.
𝜗𝜚 — Both had decided to keep their relationship on the low before letting others know.
𝜗𝜚 — He finally got to their spot and set up the blanket, he had gotten some tsawksyul on the way because those were Reya’s favorite.
𝜗𝜚 — Just as he finished setting the flowers up two hands covered his eyes and he smiled, “Hey boo,” she giggles as she removes her hands and Lo’ak turned around and puts his hands on her waist as she stands on her tippy toes, her arms wrap around his neck as their lips connect.
𝜗𝜚 — Their kiss was deep and slow as they enjoyed the sound of the waves clashing together.
𝜗𝜚 — As their lips disconnect, she smiles up at him and he chuckles, “I just find it so cute when you have to stand on your tippy toes just to kiss me,” She rolls her eyes as a grin appears on her face and she starts to walk over to the blanket but Lo’ak softly takes her hand in his.
𝜗𝜚 — A mischievous smile appears on his face. “Like look at how small your hand is in mine,” he chuckles as he brings her hand to his mouth and places a few kisses on it.
𝜗𝜚 — “Are you going to make fun of how I’m short all day or are we going to watch the sunrise?” She looks up at him grinning hard as she can’t get over the fact of how cute her boyfriend is.
𝜗𝜚 — Finally being able to look down at the blanket, her eyes light up as she sees the tsawksyul laid out on the blanket, “Oh my Eywa, you remembered tsawksyul are my favorite,” She picks up a few and smells them and smiles as she turns to him and hugs him.
𝜗𝜚 — “Of course, I remember, I always listen when you talk,” he smiles as a darker shade of green shows on her cheeks. “So cute, come on,” he takes her small wrist in his and leads her to the blanket and when she sits down, she straddles his lap, and one of his hands lands on her waist and the other on her thigh.
𝜗𝜚 — These were the moments that made his day when he could enjoy the feeling of her touch on him. His tail wraps around her waist and she smiles as she cups his cheeks.
𝜗𝜚 — The joy of feeling each other was their love language even if their relationship were secret, it didn’t stop them from sneaking little affections to each other, Lo’ak would touch her tail as he walked past her which made her blush, and course, she would touch his and a smirk would appear on his face.
𝜗𝜚 — He would find any excuse to touch her, whether it was just a pat on her head or touching her hair, or just even holding her wrist, he just loved being able to feel her against him.
𝜗𝜚 — She leaned down and once again their lips connected forming their own little dance, they totally forgot to watch the sunrise and they didn’t mind one bit, they got the rest of their lives together to watch it.
𝜗𝜚 — They laid down on the blanket, her leg on his, his arm on her waist as her hand was on his cheek rubbing it softly and they looked into each other’s eyes smiling.
𝜗𝜚 — They were so into each other that they didn’t know time had passed and they now had an audience.
𝜗𝜚 — Their families watching them from afar smiling except for Ao’nung who just rolls his eyes.
𝜗𝜚 — Neytiri put her head on Jake’s shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her, “Ma Jake, they remind me so much of us,” she smiles putting her hand to her mouth. All Jake could do was nod and smile. He was happy that his son was happy.
𝜗𝜚 — Ronal steps closer to Tonowari and puts her hand on his back while her other arm holds their baby.
“Look how happy our little girl is,” she smiles as she looks up at him as he looks down at her returning her smile. He kissed her forehead and once again looked at the young couple, sure he thought Lo’ak was a bit of a troublemaker but he had no doubt that he would keep his little safe with the look he was giving her, it was the same look he has when he looks at Ronal and it made him smile.
𝜗𝜚 — Neteyam was happy for his little brother, finally not causing trouble for once. 
𝜗𝜚 — Kiri thought they looked cute and matched each other very well. 
𝜗𝜚 — Of course, Tuk loved them, she loved Tsireya and loved seeing her older brother happy. 
𝜗𝜚 — Spider pretended to gag at the sight of them being “too lovey-dovey” but inside he was happy for Lo’ak. 
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🔖 @livelaughloak @blackheart-stuff @amart-e
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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come-down-that-tree · 2 months
Prologue Previous
Come Down That Tree! (An aftermare story)
Chapter 19: Mały prezent jako podziękowanie!  
Something poking his cheek was what tore Nightmare away from Morpheus’s arms. He blearily looked around while his senses came back to him one by one and then, only then, his sluggy mind figured out the offending object’s nature.
Dream’s foot.
His brother was asleep on a branch right above (which didn’t happen often but was not that unusual) and one of his legs was dandling right in front of his face.
“I would appreciate it if you put your toes elsewhere, dear brother…”, he whispered to the wind.
Dream grumbled in his sleep and, as if the words had somehow reached him, the leg was tucked away and he wiggled to get back comfy.
The guardian chuckled and looked at the sky.
Fiery red and purple were chasing the dark of the night already. Some light clouds were hanging out in a corner and very few stars were still in view.
The dawn was there.
He burrowed his fingers in the fresh grass and allowed his legs to stretch.
He slept well.
The day was quiet, the birds had yet to sing but a faint melody could be heard from the way the trees gently bent under the wind’s orders.
Nightmare stood up and gently ran his fingers over the wood, walking to the other side of the apple tree.
He glanced at the figure of the monster still sleeping, the face burrowed in his red scarf, for a second.
“I hope your dreams are nice.”
He didn’t dare raise his voice above a breath. 
Nightmare sat again on the ground, his eyes glued on one particular part of his mother’s tree.
They didn’t take the time to decorate it again.
After the accident, none of them were in the mood for the task.
His hands brushed against a satchel tucked between two roots.
The smell of slightly old and dry flowers tickled his nasal bone as he poured part of the content's bag on the dirt. 
He busied himself at the repetitive task that was removing the frayed petals from the bark’s hole to replace with fresher plants. 
They were a bit torn up, fragile.
He continued to fill the damaged wood until the wound disappeared fully behind the colorful shield.
Usually, that activity was shared with other’s hands.
But Nightmare enjoyed the unusual quietness of doing it alone.
Things had been slightly tense for a while between the three and he didn’t dare propose to do something that would remind them of why exactly.
Not when they were finally back to living comfortably along with each other.
Geno’s silent anger calmed down.
Dream never asked what happened exactly and took his distances for a few. 
Nightmare whistled to a bird that was jumping around nearby, nature was waking up now.
He didn't want to think about the fight. 
So he focused on the last few days.
Dream brought back strawberries from the woods and they had been tasty.
Geno showed him a neat magic trick where you distract the person to put something in their pockets (or really, anywhere) without them noticing. He had been very bad at it but it had led to a hilarious war of putting the strangest things in each over belongings.
Dream won by putting a sleeping frog in the monster’s left pocket, he was surprisingly good at it. Neither of them noticed a thing before the animal was accidentally grabbed and let out a shrill alarm that startled them.
The frog was released, unharmed.
So, the days were back to normal.
Nobody bothered them again.
Things were peaceful.
The rising sun flashed a ray in his eye socket and he squinted against the light, idly observing the warm paths of light slowly filling the field.
It was thursday. The village market was probably going to open soon.
He never thanked Geno for the save last time. What of the one before that..?
Groaning, he sat up and circled back to the other side of the tree, being mindful of not waking the sleepers.
Nightmare, then, quietly walked down the hill.
It was market day, he should be able to find something.
Some kind of thank you gift? 
Things had been so quiet.
Not many people came at the very beginning of the market, when people were still setting things up. He had at least half an hour before the usual crowd gathered. It should suffice for a quick outing.
And so, just like that, the guardian let go of his duty to find a surprise for their long-term guest.
As predicted, the place was still fairly quiet. Some merchants were doing small talks while they were setting up their wares. A lot of food and spices from faraway lands, rich unusual fabrics brought here by strangers and some other everyday knick-knacks were already decorating the tables.
Nightmare hummed quietly as he walked around, discreetly touching exposed clothes and taking in the nice smells.
Nobody really took notice of him, they had better do, and he relinquished the feeling.
He refocused on the task quickly, however, as he really wanted to avoid the big of the morning crowd. He observed the stalls, in search of some curiosities that would make an interesting present.
The search and the hushed sleepy conversations on his way drowned his thoughts in a comfy haze.
A child pointed at him and chuckled but he ignored that.
He felt great today, he won’t let anything bother him!
A shine made his eyes glanced in the direction of one street shop that was a little tucked out in a corner of the main street.
Dashing across the place without a thought for the glistening fountain he ran next to, he soon reached the table and lost no time examining the exposed objects.
There are jewels and accessories, hour-glasses and stone figurines, music boxes and delicate papers… 
An ornamented music box caught his attention, at first. It was wooden and decorated with precise paintings of nature and played a sad song once open. Dream would have loved it. But he was not shopping for him right now, so he put the box down and continued to examine the things. 
After a while, he looked up to the merchant.
The tall man, covered in various jewels and unknown trinkets, raised a brow but stayed silent.
He got some money out of his pocket and put it on the table.
“Can you tell me what I can buy with that amount?”
The man took the gold and started counting.
Hopefully, he had enough for something, Nightmare didn’t have or need much money and what he handed was almost all he had at the moment.
“You can have anything that’s from that side”, the guy gestured to a corner, “the middle you can’t and those there you don’t have half what you’d need for it.”
“Thank you.”
Now with a smaller area to look into, Nightmare went back to his musings.
And, eventually, his eyes settled on a small ring. It had a black band, polished and shiny, and in the middle of it ran a line of some reddish stone. He picked it up carefully, and turned it around to observe it.
“The ring is made of black onyx and the colored line is sunstone.”
Startled by the unexpected comment, Nightmare nearly let go of the ring.
“It’s a nice ring, onyx gemstone like that is considered a strong protector from where I’m from. It’s associated with the night too.”
“And the sunstone?”
“Happiness and camaraderie, good health and love. It’s said to be connected to the heart -or soul I guess- and is a passionate and happy gemstone.”
Nightmare ran his finger along the curve and felt small etchings along the ring. Almost invisible to the eyes but somehow easy to distinguish from touch. A moon and stars on a side on the sunstone line. A long vine -or a snake? - on the other side. 
“Are you sure it’s in my price range?”
The stranger grinned and nodded. He did not answer the query any other way but Nightmare was now sure of a thing: it was absolutely not in his price range.
But… if the merchant was truly ready to sell it for less than its worth, who was he to complain?
He scanned the other’s face for a moment, trying to spot any signs of ill-intention.
He didn’t find any. 
So he bought the ring, thanked the sir and ran back the way he came.
“I HOPE THEY’LL LIKE IT!” shouted the man as he got away.
Strange guy.
Nightmare’s grip on the small gift bag was strong as he dashed in the street, tripping once or twice while avoiding the people who were starting to gather for the market. He hurried himself forward, on his little cloud, and ignored the stares and curious glances thrown on his way.
Soon, he was back at the tree, where Geno was still asleep.
Dream was awake, however.
Sitting on the branch he slept on, he greeted him with a smile, a wave and gestured to him to come sit with him.
The guardian complied and climbed to the sitting spot with an ease only years of climbing trees could give someone. Once sat, they started chatting in a low voice.
“Where did you go this early?”
“To the market. Did you sleep well?”
“I did, did you find something cool?”
“I did! Look at that!”
He proudly brandished the ring, holding it close to the other’s face. Dream didn’t make a move to pick it up but he awed all the same.
“It’s pretty indeed. Not really your usual colors…?”
“Oh, it’s not for me. I wanted to find something for Geno to…”
“Well, to… thank him?”
Dream kicked his legs a few times in silence before adding anything.
“I wasn’t aware you’d have a need to thank him.”
“I do.”
“Do you think he’ll like it?”
His brother put his hand to his chin as if thinking hard.
“I’m sure he’ll do.”
“Dream, do you-”
“I’m going to leave now, see you later!”
Dream jumped down, perfectly rolling on the grass, before sprinting down the hill.
Once again, his twin left and Nightmare will wait for his return. Once again.
He hugged one of his knees up there as he watched the shrinking silhouette of the other, running away.
Geno didn’t wake up before the middle of the afternoon. And even then, he woke up slowly as if still half-trapped in sleepy-head-kingdom.
Nightmare didn’t mind much and let him take his time. He was nose-deep in a fascinating novel, waiting some more was something he could do.
Even fully there, the monster didn’t end up being very talkative. He still looked downward drowsy but not from tiredness sleep could fix. 
The guardian resigned himself that it must be a bad day.
Maybe his present could shake him up some? 
Glancing at Geno who was absent-mindely playing with blades of grass and studying insects, he wondered about the idea. 
Should he wait for Dream to come back? His brother might only come home late depending on what tasks fell upon his path this time…
The spirit closed his book and put it beside him. His hand lifted, ready to call for attention, when…
When a tiny shape appeared down the hill, climbing up with energy.
His hand fell back on his lap.
Dream returned.
He purposefully ignored the part of him that was disappointed and waved in his direction.
Soon he was up.
Soon they sat down.
Soon Dream talked about his day.
He had trouble focusing on how a donkey ran awok in the middle of the town as he idly fidgeted with the pouch in his pocket.
“...that’s why I have a homemade cake. I’m cutting the cake, meanwhile Nightmare don’t you have something to say to Geno?”
Two faces looked at him, one eager one slightly tilted to the side. Curious? Confused?
“OH uh ahh I mean uh-”
The words escaped him, bubbly light, as his eyes darted anywhere except in front of him, his arms closing himself to the world.
It was just so sudden!
“Agh uuuuuuuuuuh. You see? I! Uhowgh-”
He must have looked ridiculous, wiggling like that, spouting out gibberish like that…
Two hands gently reached for the sides of his head and he was forced to dive into a single white dot observing him.
“Shush, calm down for a second. You won’t get anything out like that.”
Nightmare felt his whole body temperature’s rise up for a second before he froze very still against the colder hands squishing his face.
“What’s apple isn’t an apple?”
It was so unexpected, Nightmare’s mind forgot it was anxious and he just laughed his confusion out, ignoring Dream’s small voice asking them what was a pineapple.
“It was- It was so bad, I hope you know that!”, he finally managed to utter to Geno after a last wheeze.
“I guess I should apple-logize then.”
“Stop that.”
“It was apple-solutely my bad, sorry.”
Geno winked at him and he didn’t bother hiding a groan at the puns.
“So, you had something you wanted to say, apple guy?”
At the remark, Nightmare reminded himself of why exactly he landed in this particular situation. Removing his face from the other’s grip, he threw a discreet glare in Dream’s direction -the traitor was giggling at the bad taste jokes.
“Well, I have something to give you,” he rummaged through his pocket and held the gift bag in his extended arm, “to thank you for helping a couple of times”.
The skeleton looked at him with a wide eye socket, staring at the small bag then at him then the bag again ect…
Once this behavior subsided, he reached for the pouch, handling it with the same cautiousness one bearer of a glass rose would.
Nightmare watched him open the bag and take out the ring.
He watched him quietly turn it in the air, observing it and making the sun shine on the embossing.
The ring was slipped onto a pinky finger, snuggly lodged against a phalange.
“Thank you, it’s a beautiful ring, Nightmare…”
Geno scratched his neck with a hand. Was he embarrassed?
“I’m glad you like it, that’s all.”
Before he could continue talking -if he found something else to say- Dream, which existence he occulted for a moment, abruptly piped in.
“All of this is very cute, truly, but I have a question and I can’t just wait more to have the answer.”
Nightmare and Geno both startled and looked at him quizzically, annoyed but curious.
Once the attention was gathered, Dream put his hands, palm against palm, in front of his mouth and sighed.
“Nightmare, why do you only have one boot on?”
End of chapter 19... Go to chapter 20?
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@dragon-tamer-1 @shinechermont
Geno!Sans belongs to @/loverofpiggies Nightmare, Dream and dreamtale belong to @/jokublog
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juanitasuniverse1144 · 3 months
Another Glow Week Submission since I was late 🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵
It was nearly Midnight. Summer breezes filled with the smells of dirt, animals, flowers and nature musk flowed through the night and rustled the grassy planes. Small creatures skittered about in the darkness and under logs and rocks to hide.
Out in the middle of the field were two star crossed lovers, gazing at the sky.
Connie could hardly believe Steven sometimes. He was so spontaneous and quick minded. While she herself was strategic and methodic. It left a sense of excitement in their relationship though, and she always looked forward to little moments like this.
Steven had woken up sometime in the night and stayed out of bed long enough for Connie to desire his warmth and seek him out.
He was standing on the porch just off the living room with his head tilted all the way back. She waited for him to move, but he did not. After about 5 minutes, she slid the door open quietly.
"That can't be comfortable." She crossed her arms and smirked at the hybrid.
"Actually, it's not as uncomfortable as you think." His head remained craned for a few extra seconds then he turned to look at her. His eyes flashed luminescent pink for a half a second and he walked close to her. "Let's go."
Connie was taken aback. "To bed?”
Steven shook his head. "No silly. Go out."
She snorted and poked the hybrids chest. "And go where, exactly? Everything is closed. It's past 11."
"We aren't going to a place of business, Connie," He said walking into the house past her. He looked back and motioned for her to follow him. A yawn broke through her curious grin and she did as directed.
Lion was sleeping on the living room couch when they came back in, but Steven stroked his mane until the mighty beast stretched and opened his eyes to give his owner a dirty look as if to say, "What?"
Steven leaned in and whispered into his ear for a bit and Lion stretched once again, yawned and stood by the back door with a huff of complaint at being woken.
"Connie, go grab your phone just in case Lion takes off."
He disappeared into the storage closet and Connie called out after him. "I never said I was going anywhere! I'm sleeeepyyy..." She whined.
"You'll live, Berry," Came the smug response.
Connie decided she was too tired to argue and went to grab her phone. She clicked it on and grimaced at the brightness. 11:11. "This had better be good, Universe," She mumbled, wrapping herself in her favorite robe.
By the time she was done, Steven was on Lion and ready to go. Connie crawled up and no sooner had she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend did Lion took off running through their open back door and across the sand. Connie could feel Lion getting ready to warp so she tightened her grip just before a loud roar ripped a hole in front of them that they charged through without hesitation. When the portal opened, it was to a field of grasses and flowers.
"Oh, Steven. It's gorgeous!”
"Wait there's a lot more where that came from! If you think that's cool, look at the blank area in the middle of the field. It's just big enough for two people, even if one of them is 6’11." He smirked and Connie rolled her eyes.
“My very big boy." She laughed and poked his side.
She stepped away as Steven reached into Lion and pulled out a massive blanket.
He spread it out over the flat area inside the plains and Connie sat in the middle of it all wondering what she was doing here.
"Steven, what-?"
"Just come lay on me," He implored, patting his chest.
Connie could never resist his sweetness. So she scooted a bit closer to listen to his heartbeat.
And now there they were, laying back on their blanket and staring up at the sky.
"There's Homeworld," Steven said, pointing towards a cluster of brightly colored stars.
"Hm. I see Ursa Major." Connie pointed in front of them. It was dominating the sky tonight it seemed.
"The Big Dipper!"
"Ooo, I wanna find the little dipper!" Connie scanned the sky and pointed at the tiny constellation.
"Aw, the little dipper is so small and cute." They said at the same time.
The Jam Buds burst out laughing and turned toward each other. They didn't need to tell each other they loved them, they could see it in their eyes. Connie laid her head on Steven's arm and nuzzled him sweetly.
"Thank you for bringing me out here," She whispered. 
"Just wait." Steven stood and brushed the grass, causing a cacophony of green lights to rise slowly into the night air.
"Firefly chasing?" Connie proposed.
Steven laughed and nodded. "You’re on!!!!"
They chased the fireflies over and over, through the grass and into the air. Steven would even jump to catch a wayward one to present to her.
They did that for hours and hours. It was nearly 3 by the time they decided to just enjoy nature for awhile. They laid down and cuddled; listening, smelling, seeing and soaking in everything there was to offer.
Connie felt her eyes growing heavy, so she cuddled in farther to Steven, taking in his faint cologne and natural musk. Her eyes fluttered shut and stayed. 
When she woke up she was back in her house, in their bed. There was a note on the mirror that said 'I love with our adventures, but I love you way more’.
Connie's cheeks turned burgundy and she shook her head. "He's so fricking cute, I swear I can't with him."
She laid back down and laughed as her eyes grew heavy again and she drifted off to sleep, wishing he was there again to take her on another adventure.
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enbysiriusblack · 3 months
since it's theatre day and james' bday, have this little theatre au snippet:
"O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die!" James yelled, plunging the retractable knife into his stomach and falling to the ground with a gasp.
"I thought you were playing romeo?"
James sat up, turning to see Peter in a front seat of the empty theatre.
"Evans found out Mulciber was cast as Tybalt and wanted to switch so she could kill him", James stroked the skirt of his dress, "I should probably warn Flitwick to check she isn't using a real sword during that scene but... nah."
Peter grinned with a shrug, "He probably has it coming."
"Exactly my thoughts, Pete", James nodded, jumping off the stage.
The doors opened wide followed by a familiar voice, "This is your first rehearsal, Prongs, there's no need for costumes yet."
James glanced down at his long red dress he had borrowed, without asking, from Mary, "Who says this is a costume?"
The corner of Remus' mouth lifted as he shoved a script into James' hands.
Sirius stood by Remus, in a full Mercutio costume, surveying James' dress, "You should probably go for a different colour. If we use blood when you die then nobody will be able to see it."
"We're not using any fake blood, Mister Black", Flitwick huffed, strolling through the rows of chairs.
Sirius grinned, "Who said fake?"
Flitwick ignored him, instead turning to James, "Now, Mister Potter, I was very surprised to see you audition, but hopefully it means you'll be bringing in a more diverse range of people to be our audience?"
"You mean my teammates? Yeah, they'll probably come."
"Excellent", Flitwick clapped his hands, "I'm sure with you and Miss Evans as our stars, our play will get sold out in seconds, Hm?"
Flitwick moved along, signalling for Remus to follow him over to the lighting booth.
James stared after him, "Did Flitwick just admit he gave me the role to sell more tickets? Am I not a good actor?"
"At least he thinks your hot and popular," Peter snorted.
James whined, turning to Sirius, "I'm not a good actor."
Sirius patted his head with a bark of laughter, "Prove him wrong then."
James grinned back, immediately jumping up onto the stage just as the other crew and cast members filtered into the theatre.
Remus spotted James on the middle of the stage and turned on a spotlight where he stood.
"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" James declared, hand to his forehead like looking out to sea.
"Deny thy father and refuse thy name", James sighed wistfully, "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I’ll no longer be a Capulet."
Someone whistled from the small gathering watching him.
"‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy: thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? It is nor hand nor foot nor any other part belonging to a man."
James gasped dramatically, "O be some other name", he yelled before falling to the floor.
He then lifted his head up slowly, as if pondering something, "What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
James hummed in deep thought, tapping his fingers against his chin before climbing back up into a standing position and grinning proudly to himself, "So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title."
Romeo", James nodded in pure elation at a discovery, "doff thy name, and for that name, which is no part of thee..."
James nodded twice more, firmly, reaching a big decision, "take all myself."
Someone whistled again and in place of flowers, people started throwing their jumpers and jackets. Sirius threw a boot, which James managed to catch before it would hit him.
He took a bow to even more cheers, until Remus dimmed the lights.
James jumped back off the stage to praise from the other actors.
He spotted Flitwick who nodded at him, pleased, "You'll be a very good Juliet, Mister Potter."
"I know."
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danceswithsporks · 5 months
Calm Part- 7
Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6
Part 2 of 6 in the Complete Series
Wrecker x Seamstress!Reader
Chapter Summary: as the two of you continue to work through your fears big steps are taken and precious words are shared.
Authors Note: woo! 3 days after my vacation ended and this part is already ready!! For those of you who read the preview for this story you’ll notice that the same section has made its appearance. It has been changed a little though so try not to skip straight through it! Also, after looking through my outline for this story it looks like we’re roughly three more updates away from the end!! I may try to squeeze a fourth update in but I’m not positive yet.
Now without further ramblings! Let’s jump into Part 7!
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Calm, life on Pabu had returned to its almost Calm existence once more. Over the past two months, your little family had begun to heal. The nightmares that had plagued the both of them had become more and more infrequent and you could see the happiness slowly returning to Omega. You knew it wasn’t solely because of you.
Chai had settled on a planet that the boys had visited multiple times, Ord Mantell. With that, a steady delivery of something called Mantell Mix had begun. It was apparently Omega's favorite snack, as well as Wreckers. Phee hypothesized that the return of the girl's favorite snack was helping to give a sense of normalcy to her once more. You were inclined to agree.
A month after she’d left, Chai had sent her first package which had been exciting for all three of you. It was like they could both smell the treat from inside the crate, having been informed by you that it was all they talked about. Within you’d found a few tins of tea, a flier for the new shop Chai had opened with Phee, and some beautiful black and red shimmered Naboo silk. There was even a letter detailing how she missed you and the cool ocean breeze. It reminded you of your final days in school when you’d pass notes to one another. Sure you saw each other all the time, just as you now holo-videoed once a week, but it had been nice to not rely solely on technology to communicate. You’d sent your letter back to her with a warm cloak for her to wrap up in. Chai had mentioned how cold Ord Mantell could get and Omega had agreed. That same week Wrecker had left on the supply run for the first time in three months.
It had been one of the hardest moments for you to date. The worry and stress that had coursed through your body as you watched the Marauder leave the planet had made you feel as though ice water had been dumped on you. You felt ridiculous thinking that he would never leave again, but you’d found yourself hoping that he never would. That he’d just stay planetside for the rest of his life with you. But that wasn’t him, that wasn’t Wrecker. That wasn’t the clone you’d fallen in love with. Wrecker was a soldier, a man who helped those in need and traveled through the stars. The only thing that had stopped you from completely breaking down as the ship vanished into the clouds, was Omega. After the events of Tantiss, it had been decided by all of you that Omega was not leaving the planet again for a long time. The girl, surprisingly, had agreed.
Where you had been her rock for the last two months, she was now your rock for the few days Wrecker was gone. Four days. That’s how long he’d been gone. It was ridiculous how stressed you found yourself during that time but after the sudden loss of Tech, you worried that you’d suddenly lose Wrecker. Omega, being the sweetheart she was, spent those four days telling you silly stories about all of the boys. Apparently Wrecker, on one of their many adventures, had gotten his arm stuck in a small opening that ended up being the den of some Ollopoms. Wrecker had seen the pretty white, yellow, and pink of the small rodent and thought it was a flower. It had taken Hunter and Omega an hour to dig his arm out and by the time it was free, three baby Ollopoms had nested in his large hand. The image made you giggle. A victory for Omega.
By the time Wrecker had returned, a bundle of gorgeous exotic flowers in his arms for you, you hadn’t felt as stressed out about him leaving. Of course, you did waylay him for an entire day in your bedroom the moment he stepped through the doorway. Omega thought you were sick and he was taking care of you. You technically had been sick, sick from a lack of Wrecker inside of you. That sweet man of yours had given you the medicine you needed to feel better many, many, many times. Sure you hadn’t been able to walk properly the next day, but it was so worth it.
Over the past two months, the two of you had continued to work on your fears together. You’d been able to handle being on the Marauder while her engines purred around you and he’d been brave enough to sit on the wall with his feet dangling over the edge. It wasn’t a lot and definitely not a breakthrough for either of you, but it was a start.
One night, two weeks ago, Wrecker had mentioned that Chai had sounded homesick during your last call and that maybe she’d enjoy some company from home. The idea of being on the Marauder off the ground had made your heart begin to race. He’d taken your hand in his and kissed the back of it sweetly. “It was just a thought.” Came as a gentle whisper from him while he stroked your arm carefully.
“It’s not that I don’t want to visit her. It’s just…” your words had been stopped as he placed a finger against your lips.
“I know.” He’d kissed the corner of your lip sweetly before falling into silence. After a few quiet moments, he’d cleared his throat. “How about…we make a deal?” You shifted against him before looking up at him and raising your eyebrow.
“What did you have in mind?” Wrecker had given you an interesting look before speaking.
“How about we go visit that waterfall you were telling me about a few weeks ago?” He’d watched as you tilted your head in surprise.
“That’s at least a three-hour boat ride from here, on a different island.” Where was he going with this?
“With the Marauder it’s only thirty minutes.” You’d noticeably swallowed at the mention of the ship. “Would give us more time to enjoy the area.”
Your throat had tightened as you realized what he was hinting at. “You w-want to fly there?”
Wrecker nodded carefully before continuing. “We fly there and then we can jump off the falls, like you used to when you were younger.”
Wait, he wanted to jump off the waterfall? “Wrecker, that’s almost sixty feet. Are you sure?” You’d watched as he chewed his lip at the new information before he nodded quickly. If he was willing to brave a sixty-foot jump for you then surely you could brave flying in the ship to the island. Right?
You were now asking yourself that question once more while you stared at the ramp of the ship. You’d been on the ship countless times now. Wrecker took every opportunity to bring you here for meals or late-night walks, as well as other activities. Trying to get you as comfortable as possible with the ship. You knew every part of the ship inside and out now, as well as how comfortable each bunk was. You preferred his bunk the most. Many times now he’d even had the engines running to get you used to the sound. But never had the ship flown with you in it. That thought was now stopping you in your tracks.
Wrecker walked by you with the picnic you’d packed in hand as well as some other supplies, his eyes taking in the way you hesitated. “We can go home if this is too much too soon.” He spoke sweetly from the doorway. Inside Gonky could be heard saying something and walking around. Apparently, he needed to come with you.
“No.” The word left you quicker than you expected. You
Could do this. This was what you’d been building up to these past two months. You facing your fear would help Wrecker face his. “I want to do this. With you.” You watched as Wrecker smirked and vanished into the ship for a moment before returning to you. He proudly walked down the ramp, wrapped his arm around your waist, and kissed you deeply. Your head spun as you felt his pride for how brave you were being course through him and into you.
He could feel the little shakes your body was doing as the fear tried to take hold. He deepened the kiss while gripping you tightly, sure enough, your legs went weak and you stumbled slightly. A hum of approval left the large clone as he felt the shakes slow. “That’s right, that’s my good girl.”
Stars, Wrecker knew exactly what to say to distract your mind. You whined against him as his words of praise danced through your head making you forget why you were even so scared. You were his good girl, his brave girl. He’d shower you with all the praise in the galaxy if you did this. Something he always made sure to do after each time you stepped onto the ship. “L-let’s go.” The sooner you did this the sooner he’d say it again and that magnificent feeling would be coursing through your body once more.
Wrecker playfully tapped the tip of your nose and motioned for you to lead the way. “That’s my girl.” Your perfect eyes fluttered for a moment before stumbling up the ramp and into the ship. Yeah, he’d figured you out quickly. He’d said it by accident the third time you’d visited the ship and the way your eyes had fluttered and you’d stuttered slightly let him know that you enjoyed it. He’d made sure not to overuse it either, only when it came to facing your fear did he use it and damn did it work every time. Your shared sex life had been flared to life by the work you two were doing for one another. Something about the race of your hearts as you faced your respective fears just seemed to fire you both up.
He watched the way your hips swayed in that short dress of yours. Something black and red caught his eye for a moment before you disappeared into the ship. By the time he’d finished all the checks on the ship and returned to pick you up for your date, you’d already gotten dressed and packed your meal. Now he wondered what exactly was beneath the cute green with tan lace sundress you wore. Wrecker followed quickly behind you and into the cockpit of the Marauder. You nervously sat in one of the passenger seats behind the pilot's chair with your knee bouncing nervously. He stopped next to you and kissed your cheek sweetly before sinking into the pilot's seat.
Every nerve in your body was alive at the moment. You felt every bump, thump, and shift as the ship creaked and began its take-off procedures. The door seemed to hiss closed even louder than it had a few days ago and you watched it carefully. The ship hummed beneath your feet and you swore you could feel it all. Was this how Hunter felt? Did he experience everything the ship did more intensely than the others? Stars, if that was the case then you really felt bad for him.
“You’re doing great, my good girl.”
Oh, there were those words again. You looked towards him instead of at the door and found his hand reaching back to you. Leaning forward, you gripped the warm strong hand tightly and in one swift pull you were on your feet and staggering towards him. Oh, he wanted you next to him, a large lump formed in your throat, near the front of the ship. Your body tingled as the ship hummed louder, no doubt moments from leaving the safety of the ground. Shaky legs carried you to the copilot seat next to him here you took a long breath while staring out the window. Even just being in the cockpit made you feel like you were incredibly high up. The ground just below the ship was impossible to see thanks to the nose of the Marauder. All you could see was the island far below you. He asked a gentle ‘Ready’ while squeezing your hand once more and you felt your heart jump at the realization that you were seconds away from takeoff. “R-ready.”
He nodded to you and then you felt it. A long-forgotten feeling of a ship hovering over the ground. More emotions than you could count hit you all at once. Delight, excitement, nervousness, fear, and most surprisingly…longing. A surprising part of you had missed this feeling. The way the ship hummed all around you and swayed side to side as it prepared to dash into space. As a child you’d adored this feeling, knowing it meant you were off on another adventure. This feeling and the jump to hyperspace had been the feelings you’d adored as a child. It's why you’d loved being on a ship in the first place.
Wrecker's eye flickered to you for a moment as the ship hovered over the cobblestone courtyard. He took in every little detail on your face at that moment. The way your eyes went wide with a mix of worry and wonder, how you chewed your lip nervously, and how your hand was blindly reaching out for him while your eyes stayed locked on the windshield. A small beep left the console as the ship indicated you were now high enough away from the ground to continue. A part of him wanted to take this slow and build up to speed slowly but there was something in your eyes, something in them was telling him to punch it. It would be a gamble to do so. He’d either terrify you to the point where you wanted to go home or…
The ship took off like a rocket making a loud squeal of delight leave your lips. This! This feeling! The last time you’d felt this feeling was the day your parents died. Oh, how you’d forgotten this feeling! The adrenaline coursed through your veins as you shot through the sky, buildings, and scenery rushing past you in a blur while the amazing power of the ship pushed you into your seat.
The squeal made Wrecker smile as he shot away from Pabu and towards the island, you’d told him about. He’d hoped that this would be your reaction. That you’d allow that delight you’d felt as a child to return to you and replace the fear that gnawed at you. He wouldn’t leave the atmosphere, no you weren’t ready for that much yet. But this was a big step and a good start. His thick fingers tapped the console a few times turning on the autopilot before swiveling his seat to face you. With a gentle tug, you were pulled from your seat and the daze you were in and into his lap. Your legs straddled his while your perfect eyes stared into his one good eye. “I’m proud of you, my brave girl.”
You’d been so lost in the magnificent feeling of the ship racing through the skies of your homeworld that you hadn’t realized you’d been pulled into his lap until he spoke and said those special words. ‘Brave girl’ now those were the words that completely undid you. He only ever said them after you’d completed whatever part of the fear you were facing. Just like every time before it sent a shiver down your spine and a heat to your core. “Y-yes. I did it.” His large hand held your cheek gently as a thumb stroked the delicate skin beneath your eye.
He watched your eyes flutter before he leaned forward and kissed you proudly. “How are you feeling?”
“G-good. Nervous still.” That feeling was being overridden by the desire for him growing within you. But it was still there, waiting for just the wrong thing to happen to allow it to shoot to the forefront of your mind. All it would take was some turbulence or strong headwinds to knock you off balance and out of whatever bliss-filled headspace you were in.
“That’s okay. Can’t expect it to go away the first time. Maybe I should bring my good girl on more trips around the planet? Would you like that, sarad?” He stroked the side of your face gently with the back of his forefinger while he spoke. Admiring the way you put so much faith and trust into him.
“Yes.” If only to hear him call you his ‘good girl’ and his ‘brave girl’. Maybe there was some kind of psychological reason as to why you enjoyed being called a good girl but you didn’t care to find out. “Will you…” you chewed your lip and thought about your next words. His mind-spinning pet names for you had done a number on you. Them plus the adrenaline coursing through your veins had worked you up. “Let me ride in your lap next time?”
His other hand dropped to your hip and squeezed gently. “Why not right now? Since you’re already here?” Shifting in his seat, his growing bulge rubbed against the heat between your legs making a little mewl leave your lips. The scent of your perfume wafted through his nose, jasmine, and vanilla, as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. An airy breath left your lips while his danced across your skin. Your thighs tightened against his making him squirm beneath you, drawing yet another mewl from you. “Ya like that idea, don’t ya?” His lips dragged across the lobe of your ear. “Maybe next time” he whispered in a deep gruff voice. “You can have my cock in ya.”
“Fuck” The word had left you before you could even think, a dark chuckle leaving him as he nipped at your ear. The way he seemed to become a different man when it came to being on the ship with you was just so incredible. He became so dominating and demanding. You’d made love on all of his siblings' bunks first before even being in his. All because he’d demanded to see you come undone on each one. He wanted your scent everywhere to torture Hunter while making sure Echo and Crosshair could see their beds in a tangled mess and know that the two of you had been there. Wrecker adored his brothers, his Vod as he called them, more than most could say about their siblings. But when it came to you being on the ship with him? Stars, he became insatiable. You couldn’t get enough of it.
Wrecker dipped his hand beneath your dress and pressed it against your needy core. Even through the material of your swimsuit, he could feel your growing dampness. Your hips ground against his lap making him groan followed by another chuckle. “Now now, gotta make sure we get there safe.” A cute little needy whine left you as he spoke. “Don’t worry. You’ll have my cock in ya soon enough, sarad.” He’d make sure you did by the end of the day. He felt you shift in his lap preparing to get off of him. With a smirk, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer. “For now, how about you let me taste what you had for breakfast?”
Your cheeks heated up at his request. Wrecker's tongue in your mouth was right up there with his tongue against your clit. “Want me to tell you first?” You licked your lips in anticipation of his against them.
“Nah, I like guessing.” He pressed his lips against yours and was instantly granted access. A smirk crossed his lips as he continued to kiss you. Chocolate and strawberries. His favorite.
You felt the excitement building as you cleared the final step of the mountain and spotted the diving point you’d climbed up to. Over that edge was a sixty-foot drop into crystal clear lavender water. The large pool of water in front of you that fed the falls glowed in a soft purple hue. The smell alone was enough to calm you in a way you adored. Turning behind you, you smiled at the large clone carrying the picnic basket and blanket.
“You brought the rope and that ascender thing, right?” A smile rested on your lips as you watched Wrecker place the basket down and pull out said items. “Perfect, there’s a good tree to tie it to over here.”
Wrecker watched as you walked towards the edge of the waterfall and looked over carefully. Something inside him tightened as he watched you kick a small rock over the edge followed by a whistle of surprise. “You should back up.” Left his lips before he could stop it. He’d agreed to this. He told you he could do this and he would. But seeing you like that, so close to falling over. It didn’t sit well with him. It was one thing being on the stone wall of your courtyard overlooking the island. But this? This was unpredictable, unsafe. The ground beneath your feet could easily give way and you could topple over.
A small laugh left you as you backed away from the edge. “Don’t worry. I was just making sure nothing changed.” Smiling, you turned and looked at the big teddy bear behind you. Your smile dropped as you took in the worried look on his face. You could see that his mind was beginning to get away from him. “Hey.” Moving quickly, you returned to his side and took the rope from him, dropping it to the ground. “We don’t have to do this. We can just enjoy a nice picnic up here and wade in the water. The pool was shallow enough at one end that you wouldn’t be swept away by the current.
He felt your warm hands in his but his mind couldn’t seem to focus on your words. It was as if his mind had switched to protection mode and all he wanted to do was keep you close. It took you saying his name three more times for him to refocus. “W-what?”
“I said we didn’t have to do this…and that you’re squeezing my wrists a little too tight.” Instantly his hand released you and he took a step back. You could tell he was fighting those thoughts again. “Wrecker, my bear. Everything is ok, I am ok. You are ok.” You took a careful step towards him and slowly slid your hands back into his.
He wasn’t sure how you managed to always find a way to recenter him, but you did. “I’m sorry, goddess.” Carefully he lifted your hands and placed gentle kisses on each of your wrists. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. We knew this wouldn’t be easy.” A hum came from you as you felt his gentle lips against your skin. “Now, let’s eat some lunch.” Stepping forward you placed your chest against him and tilted your head up. “Relax in the water and you can admire my new bikini.”
Wrecker shivered at the feeling of your fingers moving under the back of his shirt and slowly up his spine. “N-new bikini?” He remembered the flash of black and red that he’d seen earlier. Something told him already that he’d enjoy how it looked.
With a smirk, you nodded and took a step back. “My aunt on Coruscant sent it. She said it’s the latest fashion.” Reaching up to your neck, you undid the knot on the top of your dress and allowed the green and cream material to slide down to the ground with the help of a little wiggle. Wrecker's eyes widened as he took in the swimsuit and you knew his mind was officially on you. “Do you like it?”
The black fabric shimmered with red crystals as you turned slowly for him. The fabric crisscrossed on the front and wound tightly around your neck before moving under your breasts where the bottom part showed a daring amount of skin. Two more strips of black fabric crossed from the top of your ribs, across the front, and down to your hips connecting with the bottoms that accentuated your ass beautifully. A shaky breath left Wrecker as he watched you bend over and pick up your dress. “L-love it.”
Looking over your shoulder, you smirked. “Good. Now.” Turning you walked to the picnic basket and placed your dress down before looking for the blanket. “I packed sandwiches and dessert. Which would you like first?”
There was only one dessert Wrecker wanted to have and it wasn’t whatever you had in the basket. He moved faster than he intended and was soon behind you. Slowly his hands snaked around your waist and he pulled you close. Memories of your make-out session on the Marauder an hour ago resurfaced and spurred him on.
“Oh.” You giggled as you stood and placed your back against his broad chest. “Or we can have dessert now and dessert later.” Reaching a hand up, you placed it against his cheek and pulled his face into the crook of your neck. “What would my big bear like?”
Stars, he wanted to rip this bikini off of you and take you now instead of later. Bury himself in your warmth and enjoy the safety and grounding that only you could give him. “Whatever you prefer, my goddess.”
A shiver ran down your spine and you fought the urge to give in to him. “Well we did climb up here to enjoy the lavender water, so let’s relax in this lovely pool with some wine and maybe..” with a final wiggle of your ass, you stepped away. “I’ll let you enjoy some desert in the water.”
“I…” Wrecker had always wanted to fuck in a pool like this. He was a simple man with simple desires. He watched as you took your boots off and moved towards the shallow end of the water and away from the waterfall. The waterfall that you’d planned your entire trip around. That he’d made a deal with you about. “I want to enjoy the falls.. as we planned.”
“What?” You turned and looked at your clone in surprise. Yes, you’d made a deal that you’d ride in the Marauder and he’d jump from the falls. But you had zero intention of holding him to it. “You don’t have to do that, Wrecker. We can build up to it. There’s no rush.” You could easily come back another day, especially if that meant riding in the Marauder with him inside of you like he wanted.
Wrecker shook his head as he bent down and picked up the rope. “I want to enjoy what you enjoy. If that means jumping from super high up and into the water below.” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Then let’s do it.” A small smile crept on your face and that alone gave him the courage to go through with this. If you could ride in the Marauder for him then he could do this.
“Ok. I’ll go first and you follow me?” Quickly you packed everything back into the basket before grabbing the rope. “You can lower the basket to me once I’m down there?” Then you could enjoy your date at the base of the falls instead. Maybe screw under the falls themselves? It was a promising idea. You knew from experience that there was a small alcove behind the falls.
“No.” Wrecker helped you tie the rope to the large tree before tying the other end to the basket. “I-I’ll go first.” He removed his boots and pants quickly, trying to get the jump out of the way before he chickened out.
You cooed at him playfully before stepping over and placing your hand on his chest. “I know where to jump. Follow my lead.”
Wrecker grabbed your wrist and stopped you before you could head to the edge. “W-what if I chicken out?”
“You won’t.” With a smirk, you stepped back to him and stood on the tips of your toes. “Because I’ll be waiting for you at the bottom. Naked.” Placing a quick kiss on his stunned face, you turned and sprinted for the edge. With a happy squeal, you dove off the edge and into the waters below.
“Mesh’la!” Wrecker ran to the edge and looked down, terrified that he’d see your mangled corpse against the rocks.
A few moments went by before you finally broke through the surface, a large smile on your face. You adored the rush you got when cliff diving. Looking up, you waved to Wrecker who tentatively waved back. The worry and fear were easy to see on his face. Keeping your word you unclamped the top of your bathing suit and shimmied out of it. A happy smile rested on your lips as you held the piece of clothing up for him to see.
He didn’t need you to show him your bikini. The water was crystal clear and he could easily see your nude body wading in the deep water. The desire to have that against his skin overpowered the fear inside him. With a toss of the basket over the edge, Wrecker jumped as well.
A loud splash echoed around the waterfall as he made contact with the water, his large body causing the water to ripple and push you toward the edge. A giggle left you as you swam towards him. Even before his head broke through the surface, his arms were around your waist and pulling you into him. “Wrecker!” You gasped as he finally broke the surface and pulled you into a tight hug, his lips pressed firmly against yours. His kisses always made your head spin. With a hum of delight, you wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. “I’m so proud of you.” Came as a whisper as your forehead rested against his. Below the water, one of his hands held your thigh tightly while the other helped you two wade.
Wrecker moved his head and buried it into the crook of your neck as you spoke to him. While you may have been proud of him, he had been terrified. Your fingers ran gentle circles at the base of his neck as he quietly sobbed into your skin.
You knew this had been a big step for him. Stars, the day itself had been big for the both of you. The fear of falling, the fear of being hurt or worse had been something you’d had to convince him would be ok. “Shhh, it’s ok. We’re ok. You did it.” You felt him shake slightly as a few scared sobs left him and you simply hummed as you continued to hold him. “I got you, Wrecker. I’m here.” You remembered the way his praise always made you feel. “I’m so proud of you, my big bear.”
While your words didn’t affect him the same way his did to you, they helped. Proud of him, yes, you were proud of him. He’d done it. He’d faced his fear and jumped sixty feet. Tech would be so proud of him. “I…I did it.”
“You did!” You allowed your happiness that he’d faced his fear overflow from you and into him. “Wait until you tell Omega. She’s going to be so excited.”
Omega would, wouldn’t she? “Maybe we can bring her next time.” The walk from the ship to the peak alone would be thrilling for the curious girl. Though it would mean you wouldn’t be able to ride on his cock the whole flight.
“Oh, she would love this place. Might have to forcibly drag her back to the ship.” You chuckled before wiggling from his grasp and heading towards the roaring wall of water. “Come, I wanna show you something.” You’d both done it. Faced your fears for one another. Now it was time to have fun.
Wrecker watched your nude form swim away from him and towards the falls. Yes, it was nice having you in his arms naked. But damn was he enjoying watching you swim away like this. “Coming, Sarad.” He swam after you with a small smile on his lips. The fear of what he’d just done was now gone from his mind. All he could think about was you. As he got closer to you you vanished behind the wall of water before sticking your hand through for him. He didn’t hesitate to take your perfect hand and allow himself to be pulled through.
What he saw on the other side amazed him. There was an alcove big enough for the two of you to fit in unlike any he’d ever seen. Instead of just stone, it was a mix of sweet-smelling green and purple algae and vines with small white and yellow flowers. Looking past you and deeper into the alcove he could make out something glistening in the stone walls, but from the angle he was at he couldn’t seem to tell what they were. Movement next to him drew his attention and he watched as you pulled yourself onto the ledge of the alcove before turning and sitting with your legs hanging in the water, a perfect smile rested on your lips as you beckoned for him to join you. It took him a moment to find a good grip to hoist himself out of the water, but once he was out he turned and sat next to you. “Wow.” That was all he was able to say as he looked at the cascading water. Rays of sunlight shone through the lavender water and bathed the area around the both of you in a purple hue. Turning to look around the alcove he realized that the item he’d seen glistening in the light was a gemstone in the wall. Now that he could look around better, he realized that there were multiple purple and white gemstones in the walls and ceiling. “This place is amazing.”
You were pleased that he was enjoying the private alcove. “Isn't it? Chai, Doll, and I found it the last time we were here.” It felt like a lifetime ago now. Chai was now off planet and Doll was…well you weren’t too sure what Doll was up to. You could have sworn you'd seen her and Crosshair kissing the other night before dinner. But she hadn’t said anything to you. You put the thought out of your mind as Wrecker's hand gripped your thigh. Right, you were completely naked while he still had his shirt and boxers on. A devilish smirk played on your lips as you turned to face him, your hand tugging at the leg of his boxers. “You know, I think you’d be much more comfortable without these on.” It was time to enjoy your date now. “And inside me instead.”
A shiver ran down Wrecker's spine as you stood up and moved deeper into the alcove. His eye followed you with interest as you moved behind him. He took in the sway of your hips and the curve of your ass with an increasing appetite. Wrecker felt the air leave his lungs as you turned to smile at him. Between the lavender hue of the alcove, the growing foliage around it, and the glistening gemstones, you looked ethereal. He opened his mouth to say something but found the words unable to leave him. Instead, he took on the appearance of a fish with his mouth opening and closing.
“Wrecker?” Why was he staring at you like that? It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you naked before. You watched him stand up and stumble over to you, his mouth still opening and closing as he failed to speak. What was going on? His hands slid around your waist and pulled you close, the bulge in his boxers pressing between your legs.
“I’m sorry. You’re just…so beautiful.” Beautiful and breathtaking and amazing and wonderful and so many more words he wished he could find to describe how magnificent you looked in that moment. It took him a moment to find the word but he realized that for once, his pet name for you was entirely accurate. Right there, in that moment, you were a goddess to him. A goddess that was his. It seemed his words did something to you because you turned your face away from his with a slight blush on your cheeks. You whispered a cute ‘Wrecker’ as you did so making him realize that you didn’t truly understand how beautiful he found you. Wrecker raised his hand to your chin and tilted your head back to face his. “I mean it. I know I tell you all the time how beautiful you are. But it’s because of how true it is. I see you as the most beautiful woman, no, the most beautiful creature in existence. No gem or nebula could compare to how absolutely gorgeous you are to me, my goddess.”
Wrecker telling you how beautiful you were wasn’t a new thing. He told you nearly every day how stunning you looked and you loved it. You did. But something about the way he was saying it at this moment was making you feel tingly. Maybe it was because of the way he was saying it and looking at you. He continued to praise your beauty and pour out his heart to you while also rubbing your hip with his thumb. Something about this moment felt special. Why? Why did you feel so different this time compared to the others? You raised your arms from around his waist up to his shoulders where they draped over as he bent down to make it easier for you two to kiss. “Oh Wrecker.” You stroked his scarred cheek gently. “I think you're the most handsome man in existence. I feel… Stars I can’t describe how I feel when I’m with you. Or how you make me feel when you call me beautiful. But…oh Wrecker I love you so much.” It’s all that you could seem to say. It’s all that would come out. That must have been what that twinging, tickling, spinning feeling that was going on inside of you was. You were so madly and so undeniably in love with him. Yes, you’d already declared your love to him many times since he’d returned but something in this moment made you realize just how deeply in love with him you were.
“I’m so lucky to have you.” You, a woman who grew up countless light years away from him. Who experienced a completely different life than he had and who had never seen a day of battle. You’d gone through so much in your life and yet here you were, in his arms telling him how much you loved him. Never had he thought he’d experience this level of love. Never had he thought he’d have someone in his life who looked at him the way you did. With so much love and adoration it was making him feel tingly all over. He didn’t wait for you to say anything back, instead he tilted his head down and kissed your soft lips deeply.
This kiss felt so different from any other time you’d kissed before. This one felt deeper, and more important than any other kiss. His hand snaked around the back of your neck and into the base of your scalp, his fingers threading through your hair and holding you close. His tongue ran across your bottom lip asking sweetly for entrance into your mouth and you felt your head swim as the tip of it lapped at your tongue. Thick fingers pulled your head back slightly as his tongue delved deeper into your mouth suppressing the moan that left you. His hand that rested on your hip tightened slightly and you felt those rough digits dimple your skin. “W-wrecker.” You gasped his name quietly while breaking for air and taking in the way he was now staring at you. That adorable brown eye was wide and lust-filled. You took a moment to try and imagine what he’d look like with two good eyes and found that you didn’t like the image. Somehow that wasn’t your Wrecker. This was your Wrecker. One good eye, one bad, and a scar on the same side as the bad eye. Perfect in every way to you. You sighed softly as you stroked the scar with gentle fingers. “Make love to me?”
He savored the way you were staring at him, lost in whatever thoughts were going through your mind. His head tilted into the dull touch of your hand, the full feeling lost to that side of his face a few years prior. He’d tell you about it one day. How he lost his sight in that eye and got his scar. But for now, he just wanted to savor you. “Today, tomorrow, and for however much longer you’ll have me, Sarad.” He sighed as rough lips pressed against the soothing smoothness of yours, the hand in your hair loosened slightly before releasing it all together. “Here.” He pulled away from you while reaching down and grabbing the hem of his shirt. It came off in one swift movement before he balled it up and placed it on the ground near the wall with the most gemstones in it. The shirt was soaked but it would be somewhat comfortable for you to lay on while he rewarded you for your bravery that day. “Lay down for me?”
Your heart soared with the sweet words he was speaking to you. “You can have me until I draw my last breath, Wrecker. I’m forever yours.” The declaration of your eternal love for him came as a surprise to you. Never had you thought you’d be able to love someone as deeply as you loved him. He smiled that adorable crooked smile for you while scooping you into his arms. Carefully he spun you before kneeling and placing you on the ground, his hand cradling your head while positioning it over the wet shirt. You sighed softly watching him kneel next to you with nothing but his tented boxers on. You chewed your lip at the sight of the material, craving the feeling of the length beneath it inside of you. “Please, Wrecker.” You spoke with an airy needy breath. “I need to feel you.”
Who was he to deny you when you spoke that way to him? “Together forever.”
It was so silly but the way he said it made it sound like a marriage proposal. It wasn’t silly to think that you may marry him someday, but silly to think that you’d only known him for a little over half a standard year, and yet you were ready for that eventuality. You’d never believe in love at first sight or that feeling of looking at someone and knowing right away that they were the one you wanted to spend forever with. But when you thought about the first time you saw your beloved clone, you realized that your heart had skipped a beat when you made eye contact. Was that what that feeling had been? Love at first sight? You watched as Wrecker moved around between your legs and placed his hands on your knees. A year ago you wouldn’t have even thought of allowing a man to look at your most intimate places like this. Now, you shamelessly allowed your legs to fall open so he could see your glistening needy heat. He licked his lips at the sight making you let out a needy moan. “Please.” You gasped as his rough hand slid down your leg and across the delicate skin of your inner thigh.
“Of course, riduur.” Leaning forward, he ran his nose across your needy bud eliciting a little cry from your lips. Your hand was instantly on the back of his head, stroking it carefully as he continued to tease you. “So needy.”
His hot breath wafted across your core and soon you were keening his name loudly. The sound echoing around you and mixing with the roar of the falls. His tongue lapped and twirled around your bud making you see stars. “W-wrecker! Fuck!” He was too damn good at this. It was so unfair how he could make you see heaven itself with only a few strokes of his tongue. A deep chuckle left him before he pressed into your heat and you felt his teeth scrap very carefully against the sensitive bundle of nerves. Just that much was enough to push you close to your edge, his tongue dipped into you and soon you were screaming his name as your first, albeit small, orgasm washed over you. Little pants of pleasure left your lips as he continued to work you through your little orgasm. “M-more. Need you.” Wrecker chuckled while licking your release from his lips and sitting back on his heels. After a moment of admiring your soaking sex, he stood. You took it as your chance to return the pleasure.
Before he could pull his boxer off completely, you were on your knees and pulling his hard length into your mouth. “Kriff, Sarad.” He’d never openly tell you how much he loved your height difference. How when you were on your knees you came to the perfect height to take his cock easily into your mouth. The sight always turned him on even more than he already was. The two of you were truly designed to fit with one another. His hand threaded through your hair once more and he helped to set a slow pace on his cock, your tongue rubbing against the underside of him as your head lived back and forth. How you managed to fit his hefty size into that sexy little mouth of yours would always amaze him. But you did. “Such a good girl taking all of my cock like that.” You whined softly around his cock making him let out a long sigh. “Kriff, it feels good when you do that.”
You moaned around him once more and felt his cock twitch in your mouth. It was an odd sensation in your mouth and a struggle to take all of him but you did it. It had taken a few times to get as comfortable as you were with it between your lips but now you could say you were very comfortable with it. Your hand wrapped around the still visible base of his cock and you began to carefully pump it in time with your head bobs. Wrecker sighed and groaned against your touch making you grin. With a loud pop, you pulled yourself from him and stared up with your mouth hanging open.
Fuck, you looked unbelievably sexy in that moment. Your hair disheveled from his hand being in it, your mouth hanging open and your breasts on full display for him. A part of him wanted you to continue sucking him and using your hand so that he could cover that chest of yours in his seed. But the darker primal side of him just wanted to finally be inside you and screw you into the dirt. He’d coat your chest in cum later. Perhaps while you flew back to Pabu? Surely you could make it work. “Fuck that mouth of yours is amazing.” He finished pulling his boxers off from around his ankles before falling to his knees with a huff. “But there’s somewhere else I’d rather be.”
“Then what are you waiting for, my love?” You curled your forefinger beneath his chin as you slowly fell back, pulling him with you. His hand shot out and cradled the back of your head as the two of you fell into the dirt, his body caging you protectively. “Hello, handsome” you cooed softly before pressing your lips against his with a sigh. A low growl left the bear of a man kissing you before you felt his hand against your needy core. “Mmmm, fuck me, Wrecker.” His fingers danced playfully against your pearl, you needed him inside you already. Between the earlier teasing on the ship and then his lips just a few moments ago you were in desperate need of him inside of you.
“So demanding.” What would he do with you? Wrecker returned to kissing you as his hand caressed your wet core and gathered some of your release which was then rubbed against his cock. He slid the tip across your opening and with a simple grunt, he was burying himself into your warmth. Your shared pants mixed with the sound of the cascade water as Wrecker carefully worked you open, your pussy fluttering around his cock with each thrust he did. Pulling him deeper and deeper into you. Each thrust drew out a long pant of his name into his neck from you, your warm body holding him tightly. You were so wet and eager for him.
Your hand wrapped around his torso and held him close as he buried himself to the hilt within you, his balls resting against your ass. Rough lips peppered kisses against your jaw as he allowed you a moment to adjust to his superior size. It was only a moment but it felt like minutes as you waited for him to move but when he did you were instantly seeing stars. The curve of his length allowed him to perfectly hit your most sensitive spot and you knew from experience you wouldn’t last long, not in this position and not after so much buildup throughout the day. Your body arched off the ground and pressed against his as your nails gripped deeper and deeper into his back. A hiss came from him at the feeling but he didn’t relent as he continued to thrust into you. Once, twice, three times and you were howling his name like a sexed-out slave girl. “Kriff, yes. Right there! Fuck!”
You continued to cry out as Wrecker felt himself drawing close to his release. Your earlier work on his cock having gotten him close already. He buried his face into your neck while sliding his arm around your back and holding you close. Using his impressive strength, he pulled you into his lap as he fell back into a kneeling position. Now you were slightly above him and he savored the difference for now he could suck and lick your nipples with ease while also enjoying the way your face contorted in bliss. The new position allowed him a deeper reach into you and within four thrusts you were squeezing him. He knew that sign by now, you were close and all it would take is the right words to have you coming undone on his cock which would in turn have him spilling into you. Wrecker looked up at you with dark eyes as his tongue swirled your left nipple expertly. He sucked and swirled the pebbled bud for a few fleeting moments before nipping at the delicate skin around it. Your breasts were by far his favorite part of you to have in his mouth. There was something so mind-blowingly erotic about them that made him just want to have them in his mouth. He sucked a mark against your skin before pulling back and forcing you to look into his eye. With a deeper gruff than you’d ever heard from him, he spoke. “Be a good girl and cum on my dick.”
It was just what you needed to hear and after a single hard thrust, you were coming. Your orgasm raced across your eyes in a blinding light of ecstasy and euphoria as your clone gripped your sides and continued to impale you. His pacing was hard and fast as he chased his release within you. You were sore and tired but you allowed him to use you as his toy for a few more minutes until he was spilling over within you. The feeling of him filling you with his cum would never stop feeling wonderful for you. Nor would the grunting groaning sounds he’d make while leaning his head into the crook of your neck. You stormed the back of his head gently as he emptied himself within the warmth of your body, the fullness almost too much for you to bear. Almost. He’d come twice inside of you a week prior and that was a fullness that had incapacitated you. This, while still filling, was nothing compared to that day. “So good.” You whispered as you leaned down and kissed him. The high you’d been on was beginning to dissipate and exhaustion was beginning to pull at you.
Wreckers arms held you close to him as the two of you began to come down from your post-orgasm highs. It was always amazing when it came to screwing you. He could hear the exhaustion in your voice as you continued to praise him. Any other time he’d pull himself from you and lay you down. But not this time, for some primal reason he wanted to stay buried within you, his softening cock acting as a plug for his seed. Sure he couldn't actually breed you right now, not with the birth control you were on, plus the fact he was sure Nala Se had mentioned something about them being unable to reproduce. But the urge to keep it all within you was still powerful. Not to mention the intense closeness he felt with you when the two of you were like this. He felt your forehead press against his and the two of you shared a long sigh. This was bliss. His little piece of paradise was here with you.
The two of you sat that way for nearly ten minutes before he finally removed himself from your warmth. The moment he did so his sizable release was making its way out of your body and coating your thighs. The sight made him lick his lips. “Would you like to eat lunch first before you fuck me into the dirt?” You were surprisingly hungry.
The clone laughed brightly as he scooped you into his arms and began to walk towards the edge of the alcove. “I figured we’d eat quickly then I’d fuck you beneath these falls. Eat some more then have you ride my cock while we flew back home.” He placed you down near the edge and watched as droplets of water began to coat your skin.
A shiver ran down your spine at the thought of two more rounds with him before the day was out. Maybe even a fourth depending on how you were feeling when you got home. Would you be terribly sore for the next week? Stars, yes. But Kriff, would it be worth it. “Maybe we should start with dessert first then?” Who needed to eat when you had a man as muscular and sexy as Wrecker in front of you?” He chuckled with a deep bass and your thighs clenched. Oh yeah. There was no way you two were even close to being done with one another.
He pulled you into a deep kiss, swallowing the needy whine that came from you. “My poor insatiable riddur. What will I do with you?”
There was that new word again. He hadn’t called you that before. Looking up at him, a hand resting on his chest as his cum ran down your leg, you spoke. “What does that mean? Riduur?”
Oh, he’d called you that, hadn’t he? “It means…partner or girlfriend.” A lie, one of the only ones he’d ever tell you. But he hadn’t meant to slip up and call you that, not yet at least.
“Is it the same back to you? Can I call you my Riduur as well?” You’d been meaning to learn mando’a. Chai had found a droid on the island who spoke thousands of languages, Mando’a being one of them. You just hadn’t had the time to start learning. All you knew was from Wrecker and his siblings.
His cheeks flared as you spoke his language. “P-please.”
Oh, he was adorable when he got like this. If this would make him blush then you’d call him it all the time. With a happy smile, you brushed your lips against his. “You’re my riduur, Wrecker.” He smiled and kissed you once more.
Later that night, in the safety and warmth of your shared home, you tucked Omega into her bed. Her room had been fully decorated with her stuff from the Marauder as well as newer decorations. Fairy lights strung over her bed doused the area in a rainbow glow of colors while a slowly forming pile of stuffed animals and dolls took over a small section of her bed. You recounted a small amount of the day's activities to her and how brave her brother had been to jump off the falls while she recounted what happened at school.
“Omega? Do you know what ‘Riduur’ means?” You’d been running the brush through her growing blonde locs when the thought came to you to ask her. From what you knew, her understanding of the language wasn’t as advanced as the guys were, so you’d simply wanted to see what she knew.
Omega tapped at her datapad as she finished a homework assignment. “Oh, that one is a nice one. It means Husband or wife. Depends on who’s saying it to who.” She paused for a moment. “Why? Did Wrecker call you that?”
Husband or Wife? He’d called you his wife. That intense tingling feeling coursed through your body once more. Why had he lied about it? Was he embarrassed? Had he not meant to call you it? No, he’d said it twice and even asked that you call him whenever you wanted to. That meant he wanted to hear you call him ‘husband’.
‘ Together Forever’
It hadn’t been a marriage proposal, but a special promise between the two of you. A smile played on your lips as you silently spoke the word with a better understanding. You weren’t married yet and probably wouldn’t be for a while. But you were his forever. You’d tell him in a few days that you knew the real meaning. For now, though, you’d enjoy calling him your husband.
“Stitches?” Omega looked over her shoulder at you.
“S-sorry. Was thinking about something.” You shook your head and focused back on the girl. “What was your question?”
Omega raised an eyebrow at you. “I asked if Wrecker called you his riduur?”
“Oh goodness no.” A lie, but she was too young to understand the complicated relationship of an adult. “Just saw it in some research articles I was reading. Been thinking of learning mando’a.”
Oh. “I can help you! Wrecker said he really likes it when you speak a little bit you know!”
You smiled and accepted her offer. When she mentioned him enjoying you speaking the language you simply laughed while trying to hide your blush. “That he does, Omega. That he does.”
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becausesomething · 4 months
Chapter 12 - In love
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warning: nsfw, carnal sex, oral sex, squirt!ng, swearing
It was nice to wake up next to Eriss, she felt like a sleeping angel despite constantly moving, but you couldn't be upset against her cute, disheveled face. From the day we declared ourselves, I was forced to stay in bed for another three or four days, but she barely left my side and was constantly caressing me.
It was still early in the morning, but I needed to get out of that room and breathe some fresh air. I pick up the red coat from the side of the bed and drape it over my shoulders. Without a doubt, only having one arm made a lot of things difficult, but luckily for me, it was just a matter of creating a metal extension.
-Where are you going? Come back to bed. - fuck, I woke up Eriss.
-I can't go back to sleep, I need some fresh air.
-Stay, I no longer feel weak.
Before he could stop her, Eriss had already gotten up and went to put on a light blue robe with white flowers, leaving it open.
The night was pleasant, the sky was full of stars, and a cool breeze that smelled of heat made the candles swell. She leans on her chest, continuing to look out at the vast ocean.
-Why didn't you ever tell me that you also liked women?-Fear of judgment, of prejudice.
She turns around, hiding her face in my chest.
-I have a dark side Kid.
-We all have a princess. I would never judge you, you are free to be the woman you want to be
I lift his head and give him a kiss on the forehead. But she let out a mischievous smile and she couldn't wait any longer, she needed to feel those lips on mine.
She walked around the room, just in a long black t-shirt, her hair in a messy bun, and the choker she had given her.
-How long do you intend to stay in my room? I already told you that I feel much better, I don't need a babysitter.
-But what if for some reason one of the wounds opens and I'm not around? Or if you feel bad? Or are you fed up with me?
-Come here. I'm not fed up, I'm just reassuring you that I'm recovering well and you can stop constantly watching over me. Besides, it's getting difficult to resist you... - I take her by the hip and place her between my legs.
-I'm just worried and – I run my hand down your ass, passing over your thigh and getting closer to your intimacy – I'm not innocent, Kid.
She stops my hand and makes me lie down on the bed, placing herself on top of my lap. She looks me in the eyes and it was the first time I saw them shining with burning lust, she was becoming that excited tigress. Always careful with my injuries, she explores my torso and belly with her hands, seeming to memorize every detail. I give her a spank that makes her bite her lip and kiss me. Her small, delicate hands tangled in my hair, while our tongues battled to get to know each other better.
-Hit me, I want more. – she says that in a hoarse voice that makes my member start to throb just thinking about where that moment could come.
I increase the intensity of the spanking, while she unzips her pants and goes in search of my already hard member. Without wasting time, she begins a back and forth movement, sliding over me to get closer to him, while she doesn't look away from me. She runs her tongue over the head, while continuing with the same movement. When she felt me throb once again, she took me all in her mouth, making me let out a moan. Completely synchronized, her mouth wets me and her hands roam my length.
I grab her hair and pull her towards me, I had to save myself. She kisses me and helps me take off clothes that she was getting in the way of.
-I'll be on top, I don't want you to try too hard.
I still thought about stopping her, but the truth is that I wanted to appreciate that body, which was now mine. She runs down my member, damn how tight she was, but she was already so wet and warm. In less than a minute, she was quickly on top, almost jumping. I grab her breast and start playing with the nipple, making her moan and sigh. She pulls her head back, but I grab her hair and pull her towards me. I start to bite her neck and I see her body shrinking but then relaxing.
Damn, having only one arm hindered my plans, but I had to test my theory. I grab her breast and start to thrust deeper and faster, I let my hand slide down her body, digging my nails in, leaving marks.
-Crazy tigress, you're nothing innocent, right? – I pull her chin making her look at me. What I saw made me even more horny, that deep look bathed in pleasure and lust.
I bite her shoulder, leaving a mark. Still inside her, I turn her over and I'm on top. I run my nails over her body again and remove my member, making her snort. I approach her thighs and without mercy I begin to bite her, sinking my teeth in and finally giving her a light kiss. Her intimacy contracts and leaks even more. Without delay, I start licking every drop, she moans and grabs my hair. My tongue explores her, reading every twitch and movement, I find her hard clit and focus on it as I insert three fingers without fun.
-Fuck Kid, don't stop!
I quickly find the g-spot and begin a pulling movement while my tongue continues to play with the clitoris. I feel him getting even harder and I increase the intensity. She lets out a long moan and the bed starts to get completely wet.
That woman was going to be the death of me! How come I didn't realize sooner what was under my nose?I make her lick my fingers and I give her a kiss so she can taste it.-
On all fours, I want that ass stuck up for me.
With a naughty look and slowly she turns around. She was still able to tease me. I quickly thrust myself all the way inside her, thrusting harder and deeper. Her walls squeeze me tighter with each spank she receives. I scratch her back and pull her hair. I increase the pace until I am no longer able to contain myself. Our liquids mix, while she squeezes me even tighter.
She fits around my arm, avoiding my chest because of the injuries, and slides her fingers along the path that was free of bandages. I give him a kiss on the forehead.
-Eriss, were you ever some eccentric event in the underworld? – I feel her shrinking, avoiding looking at me. – You don't need to be afraid to answer.
-Yes, with Kimi. The truth is that my secret wasn't just her, but also my tendency to like reversing roles and the extreme nature of those parties
.I smile at her. I couldn't say I wasn't jealous of the woman who also belonged to her heart, but at that moment she was mine alone.
-I understand. Would you like to go with me next time? – Her eyes light up, once again, I feel her breathing stop for a few seconds while her heart beats even faster.
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invinciblerodent · 2 months
getting a little bit obsessed with my "cottagecore throuple" here, because the more I think about it, the more disgustingly perfect and idyllic the whole thing is to me.
like... post-game, I like to imagine Shadowheart absolutely thriving. She's a city girl with a deep love for animals, and spotty- to nil memories, most of which are of the worst things to have ever happened in a dank torture-basement: of course a sweet, picturesque forest cottage (so far I like to think that Petyr would call it "The Hovel", even though it's by all means a cozy, nice hunter's lodge) would have her downright giddy, and she deserves every ounce of that happiness ever.
As I imagine it, when not enthusiastically learning all there is to learn about the quasi-self-sustaining life (that she had dropped herself into by shacking up with a literal forest ranger), she spends as much time outside as possible: walks barefoot in the tall grass, stops to smell every flower (and even plants quite a few, just by the vegetables), and lays in the soft underbrush for hours at a time- enjoying the sunlight caressing her face, enjoying a nice novel (and/or a cuddle with Scratch, the cub, or her boyfriend once he sits down for a moment), or just gazing up at the moon and stars in silent worship. She makes friends with every animal that crosses her path, too: SO many potions of animal speaking are consumed, it's absurd. (She's best friends with the chickens. Petyr has to start farming acorn truffles in the basement for her, and that even proves actually very lucrative- in town, that shit sells for like 10-20 gold a pop.)
She'd of course bring home everything that'll let her. Little wildflower bouquets and stuff at first, but also every critter: from juvenile racoons just weaned from their mothers (they look almost like kittens! how cute!), to elderly foxes that just want to curl up in front of the fire and warm their bones somewhere safe for a moment. She's having the time of her goddamn life, she's learning a shitton of life skills she was never taught (finally learning things not meant to make her better at hurting people!), and generally enjoying a life that, while still plagued by remnants of the past (night terrors, perpetrator trauma, loss, grief, pains both suffered and inflicted, all that great stuff), has her feeling actually content with her lot in it.
And with all this, Petyr is... very business as usual, or at least he's trying to pretend that he is. Having someone in what was his space for like 20 years is strange initially, but if there's one thing he's used to, it's adapting. Making things work. (Plus, he's like, happy, or whatever. In love. You know, that sort of rot.)
Then again, he's also used to only having to feed himself with the very little he has, not another (especially another who is inexperienced at this type of thing, and a second another who just... drops by sometimes, always unannounced and unexpected, but never unwelcome), which deep down does have him a bit (a lot) more antsy about not just being the self-appointed guardian of her happiness, but also just... their general survival.
He's keenly aware that winters in the wild are never especially easy, not when you're so far removed from the safety of a community- especially not the way he's used to being alone, without even magic to keep you warm and safe. Usually, he spends most of the year primarily occupied by preparing for winter, and even like that, there have been lean years: years when he got snowed in for tendays, when he did something stupid and all the careful prep went down the shitter, years he had to go hungry and learn to make do with next to nothing.
So he compensates for- (and distracts himself from-) that anxiety by making extra sure that the pantry is stocked to bursting with all the goods there can be, and they often head out into the woods to hunt and forage together- although he's not a great (or even a good) teacher, Shadowheart (usually Shadow, often Heart, lately Jen or Jenny in affection) does make what he used to do out of sheer need, into something also done for fun.
Hunting and foraging are fun now, and soon, the cabinets are overflowing with jars and jars of dry mushrooms, so much homemade deer jerky, jams and jellies and pickles galore... there's mead fermenting, and homemade soap curing before it can be used, firewood stacked to the height of a person... herb bundles, garlic braids, grain corn, and drying peppers are strung up on the rafters like fragrant fairy lights.
Meanwhile, I imagine that Halsin comes and goes as he pleases- not entirely unlike a beloved stray cat. He just shows up one evening as if he had left not tendays, but only a few hours ago, kicks the duff or mud or snow off his boots, and leans his staff into its habitual nook by the door. He sets whatever it is that he brought this time in its appropriate place (be it otherwise unobtainable goods from town, or just a little gift, a treat to enjoy together), and he sinks into the worn-out armchair by the fireplace that was declared his the first time he stayed.
One of the others almost always then strolls by to settle wordlessly on his lap (if not both of them- that poor chair can barely take the combined weight), and just relax as his big, warm fingers slowly work through the knots and ties keeping their hair out of their faces, and, voice rumbling deep in his chest, he tells them all that has happened in Reithwin the past while.
The many smells of dinner and the comforting scent of pipe tobacco mingle with the fragrant herbs and the crackling fire then, and creates something that can only be described as the scent of home.
.............. and then all three just fuck absolute NASTY every day, in every configuration, and on every surface available for the next, oh, month or so.
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conretewings · 2 years
what about some random dude out in public sees viktor’s cane and limp and tells reader he could show her what it’s like to be with a ‘real man.’ back home, viktor shows her just what a real man can do (wink wink)
-Aaaah, intriguing. *runs hands together* I've never written for Viktor but! I do also love him, and I'll do my best here. :)
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Viktor x fem!reader (NSFW! 18+ only!!)
"Can you believe they mixed up the Acacia and Acaena genuses? I mean, I understand they're similarly spelled but honestly..."
"Well, not everyone is as passionate and sharp-eyed as you, dear."
Stars twinkle above in the blue-purple evening skies, the rain shower from earlier making the cobblestones shine under the light from streetlamps and windows as you walk arm-in-arm with Viktor down a shop-lined street. Having both been cooped up in your respective labs for the greater part of a week and not having time to see each other, you'd finally managed to find said time (and managed to pry him away from his desk) to head out on a much-needed date.
You'd heard about an upcoming exhibition on plants, flowers and their various adaptations to different environments at the largest and nicest museum in Piltover, and being an enthusiastic botanist you couldn't pass up the chance. When you'd suggested the idea Viktor had been...less enthused yet still intrigued; perhaps this would be a welcome distraction from his own intense schedule, a breath of fresh air to help him refocus. Not to mention, spending an evening with you was a delightful idea in itself.
"One would think that, being a scientific institution, they would make certain displays were correctly labeled before it opened. What if people learned the wrong plant names and made a fool of themselves? Or which would be pleasant in your home and which would release revolting smelling pollen?!" you continue with self-assured indignation.
A bemused, teasing smile tugs at Viktor's mouth, "What indeed. Goodness it would be a shame if someone walked into their kitchen to find it ruined by a houseplant. Truly a tragedy."
"Very funny, Viktor." you dryly reply, then pause suddenly, gently pulling your arm from his and gazing forlornly at your feet. He stops as well, eyebrow raised in question and you sigh, "I'm...sorry I get so...into my field. I know it's not your thing."
He hums, shifting his weight and giving his cane a few thoughtful taps on the ground, then points to a nearby planter overflowing with red and pink blooms, "What are those flowers called?"
"They're begonias...?" you reply, mildly confused.
"Ah, see, without you I might never have known that," he turns to look at you, "But now I do. The point is, though our passions and fields of study are different, it doesn't mean we can't appreciate and even learn from each other's," his lips quirk up in a small smile, slender fingers on your chin to tilt your face upward and you almost have to stop yourself from kissing him right then, "Sometimes looking at different things, or the same from a new angle, affords you a better understanding and love for them."
Touched, you break into a shy yet beaming grin, simultaneously hating and loving how easily he could make your face warm and heart flutter. You lean forward enough to bump your nose against his with a tiny huff of a laugh.
"How dare you make me blush like a smitten teenager...but thank you..."
He tilts his head ever so much, a silent signal and you do the same, your lips finally meeting with the softest touch and you swear you could melt to join the puddles in the cobblestones below. Pulling away, he moves to take your arm again and you both resume walking, chatting more about the exhibit and Viktor's newest discoveries with his own research.
A few minutes later, among the many small shops you pass a bakery and patisserie, it's windows bordered with tiny lights and displaying a neatly written sign declaring a '50% off sale on our famous macaroons!'
"I've actually never had a macaroon." you muse aloud, and Viktor shrugs, "Nor have I."
An idea grabs hold and you grin, telling him with a quick peck on the cheek you'll 'be right back!' and pull away to slip inside. Viktor shakes his head lightly with another crooked smile, then pulls a book from his coat pocket and steps off more out of the way to await.
Mere minutes later, you emerge cradling a neatly folded white paper bag containing four assorted flavors-in your enthusiasm you'd forgotten to ask Viktor what sort he may like-when you pass an all-too-familiar figure just entering the shop, who does a double-take and smirks, faking surprise.
"Ah, we meet again, miss." he says coolly, his voice like velvet and yet sandpaper.
Oh no. Your smile and stomach drop as you remember dealing with him a mere couple hours before at the very exhibit you and Viktor had recently left; he'd approached you when you'd wandered away from your date for a moment to more closely inspect a display, asking if you'd like to join him for drinks...and it had taken several increasingly curt refusals before he'd begrudgingly given up.
"That offer still stands, you know," he continues with a clumsy bow, "I would love to show such a lovely creature a lovely time..."
"As I've already stated, several times if I recall, I'm not interested, and happily spoken for thank you-" close to him as you are, you're able to catch the whiff of alcohol on his breath and clothes; apparently he'd already started without you and your nose wrinkles, "And it seems my company wasn't needed for your inebriation anyway. Good night."
Without waiting you turn on your heel and stalk back to Viktor, your heart instantly at ease when he looks up-then his expression shifts as his eyes dart behind you, and you glance to see you, unfortunately, had a tag along. Reaching Viktor you immediately link your arm with his and spin to face the absolute buffoon who it seemed was more determined than you thought.
"Erm, who...?" wonders Viktor aloud, catching your gaze as he slips the book back into his pocket.
That gaze then settles fiercely on the man, silently warning him to leave, "He asked if I wished to join him. I politely declined. Multiple times. Let's go, darling."
The man takes a quick step to the side, blocking your paths. His face has warped from a cool yet polite smile to one of irritable disgust as he suddenly scans Viktor up and down, noting his slender frame, cane and slightly unsteady gait. Viktor glowers back at him, as much for your sake as his own, knowing exactly what the man was thinking.
Unable or unwilling to suppress a sarcastic laugh the man scoffs, "Really now? You would choose him, this frail thing, over someone like myself? Goodness my sweet, you're beautiful and vibrant! Surely you can find a real man to attach yourself to! Luckily for you," he tugs on his lapels and tosses you a wink, "I'm more than happy to show you what it's like to be with a real man..."
You feel your rage bubble up so swiftly it steals your voice for a moment, but just as you open your mouth, Viktor lays his hand across your arm reassuringly before standing up tall, a cold fire in his eyes and voice steely, "In my experience, sir, I've always observed that those who feel it necessary to declare themselves 'real men' with the most conviction are often, ironically, farthest from it."
The silence that follows is deafening, as the man's face reddens from indignation and fury. It takes much of your self-control not to laugh at the sight, and without another word you and Viktor quickly step around him and vanish into the crowd.
-When you two finally reach your humble but cozy apartment, you were both chuckling about the whole situation, though you were still fuming as well. You toss your coat over a chair, kick off your high-heeled shoes and stalk to your kitchenette to prep some tea, having to move a tray of seedlings you'd placed on the stovetop earlier.
"The sheer audacity-!" you huff, grabbing two mugs from a cupboard, "Who does he think he is?! Pestering me and insulting you! What an oaf."
Viktor has, meanwhile, settled himself into a cushion covered dining chair and rests his chin on his knuckles as he watches you bustle about. Observing you work, whether in your greenhouse lab or here, is something he always enjoys; your quick, graceful movements almost like a dance, he realizes. He smiles, remembering what he'd said earlier about appreciating different ways of looking at things.
Bringing over both your steaming, fragrant mugs on a small tray with proper accompaniments and a plate containing the macaroons you set the lot on the table and flop into a high back wicker chair next to him, still mumbling about what the man had said to Viktor and move to prep your tea.
At last you register him watching you, a bemused smile tugging at his mouth and wonder, "What?"
"It seems you're more upset by this matter than myself."
"Well how could I not be upset after what he said to you? Insinuating you're somehow lesser than him just because you need a cane. If ever we see him again you should see how he would like it stuck in certain places."
Viktor snorts out a laugh, then gestures to your leg, and you gracefully lift it to rest your ankle across his knee as he begins to massage the muscles of your foot and calf with one slender hand, the other holding his mug, "No, no, that would be terrible, and besides I like this one..." a mischievous smirk tugs at his mouth, "Perhaps we'll find a more suitable item instead."
You both share a devious laugh, turning the conversation then to other topics, sipping your tea and enjoying this treasured, all-too-brief time together. Lazily, you stretch out the leg Viktor was still absently massaging with a contented sigh, "Thnak you again for this, love. It's so wonderfully soothing..."
As you stretch, your dress slips, sliding down your legs so far your upper thighs are fully exposed, a tantalizing glimpse of the garter straps that hold your stockings and lace-edged panties just visible. Viktor's sharp eyes do not fail to notice, and a jolt of heat courses through him to settle in his core, spreading to other areas and words are suddenly harder to grasp. The ever-constant analytical portion of his mind turns this over, pondering why his reaction is so strong and quickly finds the answer; your intellect and passion for knowledge has been on full display tonight, as well as your ferocity and unwillingness to roll over and let injustices toward things or people you care about stand. All of these are things he finds irresistibly magnetic about you, and though he dared not admit it aloud, quite arousing. Those coupled with the lack of any time for...intimate activity lately and now abrutply finding your negligee on display combine to temporarily muddle his senses.
You can't help but notice his silence, nor the way his cheeks and ears redden or the sudden flash in his golden eyes.
"What is it-oh, goodness-" you ask then stammer upon glancing down and seeing the state you're in. You reach to pull your dress back into place when his hand shoots forward and covers yours, holding it fast. His skin is so warm, and his thumb rubs small circles on your inner thigh; between his touch and the intensity of his gaze you feel a shiver dance up your spine. The mood in the air between the both of you shifts, and you barely resist biting your lip at the anticipation of what that gaze promised.
"What's all this about?" you smirk, full well recognizing the suggestive gleam in his eyes and welcoming what came with it but playing coyly innocent.
He huffs out a small laugh and answers in a low tone, "It just occurred to me what would have been, perhaps, an even better answer for that bastard..." just as slowly, he moves himself off his chair to kneel in front of you, gliding his hands up both your legs until they rest against your hips, enjoying your ever reddening face as you realize his intentions, "A real man is one who loves and appreciates his partner, one who helps and supports them..." his lips graze the inside of your thigh, thumb gliding under the edge of your panties as he moves your legs apart more and you let out a sound somewhere between a moan and a sigh. He can feel his cock twitch at the noise and knowing how much he's already turning you on but focuses.
"And also..." he hums, breath ghosting over your most sensitive spots, making you have to fight back a squirm, "One who loves to please and make them happy..."
Your heart is racing, heat pooling in your belly and hands gripping the chair, marveling at and welcoming this unexpected boldness, but you have little more time to admire the downright sinful look in his eyes before he moves your panties aside with deft fingers and plants a soft kiss upon your mound. That alone is enough to elicit a gasp, yet those gasps swiftly turn to soft moans as his tongue joins in, gently and lovingly lapping at your folds. One shaking hand goes to his hair, tangling itself in his deep chocolate tresses and you whisper his name.
His gaze, now positively burning with desire, meets yours and you can feel more than see his smile, free hand gripping the smooth skin of your thigh to keep you where he wanted. He moves his attentions upwards, dragging his tongue over your clit and gently sucking and you nearly come undone right then, head falling back against the wicker with a loud whine.
It's far too short a time, not that either of you are noting it's passage, before you can feel the burning, familiar coiling in your core, threatening to snap and your back involuntarily arches, your body seeming to move on it's own toward his, seeking more of the pleasure coursing through you.
"V-Viktor-!" you groan, "I-!"
His own groans, lustful and encouraging, rumble from deep in his chest and reverberate through you, aided by his tongue delving briefly inside you before sliding up again to circle that sensitive pearl, faster this time and finally, you fall over the edge.
Gasping, shaking, your body arcs, moaning his name repeatedly like a prayer while the waves of ecstasy wash over you and his strong grip holds you in place as much as possible as his mouth continues it's work until you're almost overstimulated and definitely spent.
Both your breaths ragged, he tenderly kisses the inside of your thighs again, one then the other before meeting your eyes with his golden ones, the smugness and desire burning there. You reach a shaking hand to run your fingers down his face and murmur your love for him, still half out of it from the intensity of your orgasm.
A tiny, falsely innocent grin graces his handsome face, "You seem a bit, eh, out of sorts darling. What happened?"
You chuckle, "Cheeky man...I wasn't expecting, well, that."
He helps you stand, pulling you into a hug and you shudder anew at feeling a familiar pressure against your lower belly. Smirking up at him you raise your eyebrow, "What do you think about continuing this in my room love...?"
"What about the tea? It'll get cold." he teases, pulling you a little closer.
"Oh sweet Viktor..." you smirk, running your hands from his shoulders to his waist, letting them drift to his ass and biting your lip, "I trust it's going to be hot enough in here it won't matter..."
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Hayden's Birthday Date
Paring: Hayden Young and Taylin (Tay) Park
Summary: It's Hayden's Birthday and Tay plans a surprise on the rooftop for Hayden
Taglist - @haydenyoungappreciationweek @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes @princess-geek @secretaryunpaid @peonierose
Taylin had called Hayden an hour ago and asked her out to dinner to celebrate Hayden's special day. She could feel the nervousness creeping up on her again. She had never been on a real date with Taylin even though they had been together for the past couple of months with the help of Sloane. She tried to ignore the butterflies that invaded her stomach whenever she thought about Taylin's strong arms holding her tight as his soft lips crashed down on hers that first fateful day they met. She knew Taylin wouldn't show her no mercy tonight when they got back after she kept on given him excuses until the day before. Not that she wasn't secretly looking forward to it. Hayden was startled out of her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door.
Hayden looked in the mirror one last time making sure she looked absolutely perfect for her big day tonight. She decided to wear a blue dress that she borrowed from Sloane that hugged the curves of her body and was short enough to show off her silky legs. Her hair was tied up the with a few strands hanging loose on the sides of her face. Hayden quickly put on her strapped high heel shoes and ran down stairs. Her good looks were created for a reason and she wanted him to have a chance to see it all.
She opened the door to see Taylin standing before her in a dashing black suit and a dozen white roses in his arms. He stepped in and gave her a scintillating kiss on the side of her lips while inhaling her sweet perfume. "You look beautiful.", he said in his usual husky voice as he gazed into her mesmerizing eyes. "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself.", Hayden said as she took the fragrant flowers from Tay's hand to smell them. "How did you know white roses were my favorite?" Hayden said with a sweet smile. "Sweetheart, I saw you looking at them in the store the other day when I went to get you some ice cream."
As Hayden turned around to carefully place the roses in a water filled vase she had set on the dining room table just in case if flowers were brought, revealing her partly naked back, she could have sworn she heard Taylin let out a small groan. Hayden turned around and gave Taylin a quick kiss on the cheek, "Thank you for the flowers and the beautiful diamond earrings." Tay had hidden these in the bouquet of flowers for Hayden to find. "A elegant gift for the Birthday Girl." Taylin said as he held his arms out. "So shall we leave for our date?" Hayden took his arm. "Lead the way Mr. Park."
Taylin led Hayden into the elevator. As the elevator moved, Hayden realized it was heading up instead of down to the garage. "Tay, I think you pressed the wrong button." Taylin gave Hayden a mischievous smile, "Don't worry, we're heading in the right direction." The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Hayden got a stunning surprise as they walked out. "You like?" Taylin said with a grin.
Taylin and Hayden were standing on the roof in front of a lovely setting. In the middle of the floor was a romantic dinner set for two, surrounded by candles and dozens of gardenias everywhere. And to top it off was the view. The night blue sky was lit with a full moon and twinkling stars overlooking a beautiful night view of the city. Tay & Hayden spent the rest of the night eating and opening the gifts Taylin had gotten her such a few dresses in box that was hidden under the table so she wouldn't see when he brought her up. It was the first time in months, these two had had a peaceful night of laughter without being on the run and confided in each other their deepest thoughts and secrets. As it approached midnight and they both finished feeding each other chocolate cake for desert, Taylin stood up and took Hayden's hand to stand up. He pressed play on the cd player sitting on the ledge.
He pulled Hayden into a tight embrace as their bodies swayed slowly to the melodious jazz music. They was so close to each other that Hayden could feel the heat of his breath on her bare shoulders. She rested her cheek against his baby face as a strong cool wind blew against them carrying the aroma of the scented candles and lightly hissing to the beats of the music. Taylin ran his fingers down her bare back as he held her.
The strap of Hayden dress fell down her shoulder and Taylin leaned in to place a kiss on it that sent shivers down her spine. Hayden looked up into Tay's eyes. Tay couldn't wait any longer, he had to have her. He kissed her forehead, then her nose, and placed a kiss on her luscious lips. She then wrapped her arms around Tay as the kiss became more passionate and intense. Taylin could still taste the champagne lingering on her lips. It was so inviting.
Hayden closed her eyes nudging her nose against his and whispered, "I need you, now." That's all it took for Taylin to devour Hayden's lips again with a hunger inside of him he never knew he could have for any woman. Taylin pulled away from Hayden leaving her with a surprised and disappointed look. He smiled back at her with those cute dimples as he grabbed her hand and led her back into the elevator back to the penthouse.
As the elevator doors closed taking them down, Taylin pushed Hayden against the wall and started kissing her neck as he ran his hand slowly up her dress just to feel her silky legs. He was about to take her when then the doors opened to their floor. Hayden quickly opened the penthouse door and dropped the keys on the couch as Taylin tossed his jacket right next to it. Hayden kicked off her heels and ran upstairs as Taylin playfully chased after her. As Taylin walked into the room he saw Hayden's dress fall into a puddle around her on the floor and she looked at him with such innocence. He came up closer and pulled the clip from her hair releasing the long wavy strands onto her shoulders and covering her voluptuous breasts. Taylin quickly unbuttoned his shirt and ripped it off so she could kiss his chest.
Taylin grabbed her face in his hands for another passionate kiss. He then placed her on the bed and took control of every part of her body in the most sensual way. Hayden had never given up her body and soul to any man the way she did to Taylin. She allowed him to see her at her most vulnerable and to take advantage of her however he pleased. Hayden placed her fingers through hair and cried out his name in pleasure. He could see the desire in her eyes as she kissed him and rode him into ecstasy.
Hayden then collapsed into Taylin's arms. They were both glowing after making love. She snuggled into him. "That was amazing.", Hayden said kissing him on the cheek. She placed her head on his chest to rest. "That was perfect.", Taylin said with a satisfied smile. "So when's our next date?" Hayden said teasingly. Taylin laughed and gave her a kiss on the check. "Let's finish this date first." he said kissing her once more.
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